Cruise North Atlantic Seminar 2013


Cruise North Atlantic Seminar 2013
Cruise North Atlantic Seminar 2013
Greenland Tourism and Business Council
Port of Torshavn
Port of St John’s
Port of Reykjavik
Ålesund Cruise Network
Bergen Kommune
Cruise North Atlantic Seminar 8-10 maj 2013, Reykjavik
Siden de oprindeligt fem partneres i CINA (Cruise Islands of the North Atlantic) tilbage i 2007
underskrev en hensigtserklæring om øget samarbejde, fælles branding og markedsføring af vores
transatlantiske region som én region med mange fællestræk, historie, kultur mv., har vi arbejdet
målrettet for at skabe et brand, som tiltaler ikke bare krydstogtspassagerer, men også -rederier.
Ideen har været at pulje ressourcer og stå sammen med hinanden, frem for hver for sig, som små
øer i et kæmpe ocean med mange andre konkurrenter på det globale marked.
Symposiet havde til formål at styrke vores positionering på det globale marked, og vise over for de
inviterede rederier, branche- og industrinøglepersoner inden for krydstogtsturismen, at vi formår at
arbejde godt sammen om at tiltrække flere passagerer til Nordatlanten, og at vi gør det nemt for
rederierne at besøge os i vores region, ikke mindst også at tilpasse deres marketing til det brand, og
de historier, vi gerne vil fortælle og markedsføre os selv med.
Derudover havde symposiet til hensigt at forsøge at løfte vores samarbejde til ”the next level” ved
bl.a. at inkludere udvalgte nøglebyer på den norske vestkyst, Bergen og Ålesund, bl.a. hvorved vi kan
tilbyde et forslag til en rute (el. en ”itinerary”) til rederierne, der udgår fra New York til Bergen og
hvor man kan lægge til i alle vores ø-nationer. Det var den ene ben.
Det andet var, at vi ønsker at styrke vores alliance ved at gå fra projekt-til-projekt-baseret
samarbejde til at forsøge at nå til enighed om hvorvidt vi i nær fremtid kan få faste
personaleressourcer dedikeret til at arbejde med vores alliance og styrke den position og
samarbejde i vores region og vores synlighed over for de relevante markeder. Spørgsmålet skulle
lægges åbent ud til de gæstende rederier om de kunne se en fordel i dette.
Afslutningsvist, ønsker vi at opsummere, at vi har formået at lave et symposium, som var vellykket
og som vi fik meget gode tilbagemeldinger på både fra vores egne aktører fra de seks
lande/øer/destinationer, og fra de gæstende rederier fra USA og Europa.
Vi har fået afklaret med hinanden i vores alliance, at vi er nødt til at rykke os til ”the next level”, hvis
vores samarbejde fremover skal bære frugt i en tilfredsstillende grad ift. de mandetimer og
ressourcer som vi lægger i samarbejdet i dag. Vi er udfordret af de lange afstande imellem os, dyre
rejseomkostninger, hvis vi skal mødes, og en mulig løsning på det, kunne være at etablere et fast
CINA-kontor i enten Nordamerika eller Europa eller at der dedikeres personale hos en af vores
organisationer til fast at arbejde bredt med CINA-emner (branding, markedsføring, B2B-pleje mv.),
hvilket selvsagt ikke vil være gratis at gøre, og derfor skal vi have afklaret hvordan dette vil kunne
finansieres fremover.
Og deltagerne til symposiet, rederier såvel som krydstogtsoperatører fra vores destinationer, er
blevet opdateret med ny viden, har fået mulighed for at netværke, og vi kunne præsentere vores
destinationer, herunder Island, direkte over for nøglerederier, som havde sendt ’staff’ til Island, der
for manges vedkommende ikke havde besøgt øen før. Det er afgørende for fremtidig
forretningssucces, at de rederier, som sender skibe til os, også har kvalificeret personale, som
kender vores destinationer fra egen hånd og egne oplevelser.
Med venlig hilsen partnerne i Cruise Islands of the North Atlantic
Resumé af symposiet
Cruise symposiet havde over 80 tilmeldte deltagere fra ø-destinationerne eller landene Island,
Grønland, Færøerne, Norge, Orkney (UK), Canada, England, USA, Tyskland, Danmark.
På programmet som talere under symposiet gav Robert Ashdown fra CLIA, Steven Young fra Carnival
UK og Peter Wild fra GP Wild Ltd. deltagerne et indblik i krydstogtsturismens tilstand anno 2013 og
hvilke forcer og bagdele vores region har ift. emner så som bl.a. bæredygtighed, miljø, nye skrappere
miljøregler, der er ved at blive indført og hvordan vi kan styrke regionen gennem samarbejde og
hvorledes vi sammen med industrien kan imødegå kommende trusler mod en fortsat vækstende
industri i vores del af verden.
I den følgende session havde de arrangerende værter taget sig taletid til at introducere hver deres
region, og således repræsenterede borgmesteren fra Newfoundland og Labrador sin region gennem
en forberedt video, der blev fremført som en dialog med den islandske vært Felix Bergsson, der var
med i Harpa som moderator til den session.
Edda Lyberth repræsentere hele Grønland, og fortalte især om Sydgrønland, som også er den region
der modtager flest af de større skibe, som i den grad er relevant for vores krydstogtsalliance. Agust
Agustsson var på hjemmebane og fortalte om Island som krydstogtsdestination gennem to
århundreder op til i dag. Og Theresa T. Kreutzmann var Færøernes repræsentant og fik på fin vis
fortalt om de 18 øers herligheder. Fra Norge var Inge Tangerås (Port of Bergen), og nordmændene
fortalte især om mulighederne for at lave såkaldt turn-around i deres del af Vestnorge, mens David
Sawkins fra Orkney fremviste både øens kulturelle og historiske steder i sin præsentation og de
fremragende infrastrukturfaciliteter som den relativt lille ø kan byde på.
Efter frokost på den første dag var emnet indledningsvist bæredygtig udvikling til glæde for
fremtidige generationer, og efterfølgende blev der sat fokus på den kommende ECA-zone som har til
hensigt at begrænse udledning af miljøskadelige stoffer fra krydstogtsskibene. Som paneldeltagere
kom Ilja Lang fra AECO, Anders Vahl fra Visit Greenland, Helge Grammerstorf fra SeaConsult, og
Wayne Broomfield fra Ninatsiavut Solutions med løsningsforslag, modeller og nyeste indsigt ang. de
her emner.
Dagens sidste session før cocktail og middag senere om aftenen omhandlede vores
krydstogtsalliance og hvad vi i regionen kan byde på som helhed fra øst til vest, nord til syd, og set
også fra rederiernes synsvinkel. Som oplægsholdere var Bob McCarthy Port of St. John's, Hans Rood,
Hurtigruten og Rögnvaldur Gudmundsson fra Saga Trail Ass.
Den anden og sidste dag med oplæg fokuserede indledningsvist på vores region, udfordringer og
muligheder set udelukkende med rederiernes briller på, og her lavede Timothy Littley fra Seabourn,
Marc Miller fra Royal Caribbean, Michael Pawlus fra Silversea nogle helt igennem fantastiske
præsentationer, som var skræddersyet og målrettet vores region, hvilket selvsagt ikke er tilfældet
når vi mødes med repræsentanter som dem i fx Miami i anledning af globale events som Cruise
Shipping Miami der finder sted hvert år i marts. Ulf Sonntag fra Institute for Tourism Research in
Northern Europe and Bader afsluttede vel nok en af de mest givtige sessioner med fakta omkring de
passagerer som besøger vores destinationer og region.
Aflslutningsvist havde Ole Andersen fra Wonderful Copenhagen og i sin egenskab af
bestyrelsesmedlem for Visit Greenland fornøjelsen af at fortælle CINA-partnerne og de øvrige
deltagere omkring hvordan man i Cruise Copenhagen og Cruise Baltic har haft stor succes med at
indfri sin mangeårige strategi om at blive en af de mest succesfulde krydstogtsdestinationer i verden
gennem samarbejde, samarbejde og samarbejde.
Per Kristian Flybak fra Bergen Maritime Museum og Arsæll Hardarson fra Icelandair lukkede for
sessionen ved at fortælle hhv. om de historiske begivenheder fra fortiden og op til i dag, som binder
den ene side af Atlanten (v. New York) sammen med den anden (v. Bergen), og Arsæll fik lejlighed til
at indskyde at man også kan starte et krydstogt med udgangspunkt fra Reykjavik ude i 'MidtAtlanten' ved at flyve med dem fra USA eller Europa til den islandske hovedstad og gå om bord i sit
skib i Reykjavik.
Dagen blev runder af med en let frokost og en tur til den Blå Lagune for dem, der havde tilmeldt sig
på forhånd.
Feedbacken arrangørerne modtog fra både rederier, følgeindustrirepræsentanter, NGO'er,
landbaserede operatører mv. var meget positiv og der blev ikke opsamlet negative kommentarer
eller ytringer ang. hverken indhold eller udbytte af symposiet.
Arrangørerne vil nu arbejde for at kunne lave et lignende arrangement i Island igen om et par år igen
ideelt set.
Robert Ashdown
CLIA Europe
Rob Ashdown is the Secretary General of CLIA Europe having
been appointed in March 2013 after serving as the Director for
Technical, Environment & Operations since 2010. Rob joined
CLIA Europe after a number of years at the UK Chamber of Shipping where he held a variety of roles with the last being ‘Head of
Technical’. He is also immediate past Chairman of the European
Community Shipowners Association (ECSA) Safety and Environment Committee. Prior to joining the shipping industry, and after
graduating from Cambridge University, Rob spent 5 years with
Fujitsu in logistics. He is married with two children and shares
his time between Brussels and the UK.
Steven Young
Steven Young is the Head of Port Operations and Services for
Carnival UK. In this position he is also responsible for Port and
Agency relationships worldwide for both the P&O and Cunard
Lines. Steven assists with Itinerary planning and is a member of
the CLIA Europe Ports and Infrastructure Sub-Committee.
Steven has had a career spanning 35 years in the Ports and
Marine industry having also worked as Harbour Master and Port
Manager in a number of international ports, including Deputy
Port Director at the Port of Southampton in the UK and Executive General Manager for Sydney Ports Corporation in Australia.
A Master Mariner, Steven started his career with P&O Princess
before coming ashore in 1990 to further a career in port management.
Hans Rood
Director, Hurtigruten ASA
Hans Rood has more than 20 years of experience in the international travel trade, is president of Hurtigruten Inc., and EVP of
the Hurtigruten corporation. He has experience from KLM Royal
Dutch Airlines, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Cunard/Seaborn,
Holland American, and Windstar Cruises. Rood has been an active participant in the development of new markets, sales strategies, brand building and international sales methods, and has
gained broad recognition in the tourist industry.
He has a master’s degree in international relations from the University of Amsterdam and an MBA in marketing from New York
University. Rood is a Dutch citizen and resident in Oslo, Norway .
Michael Pawlus
Michael Pawlus is a 25-year cruise industry veteran. He is currently Director, Strategic Itinerary Planning & Scheduling for Silversea Cruises
Ltd. based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He has the responsibility of researching, developing and implementing the deployments and itineraries
for Silversea’s fleet of six luxury ships which will visit over 450 destinations in over 90 countries around the world which is the most by any
individual cruise brand.
Prior to Silversea, Pawlus has held a wide range of executive and management positions at a variety of cruise lines including Seabourn Cruise
Line, Regent Seven Seas Cruises, Uniworld River Cruises, Norwegian
Cruise Line and Royal Viking Line. During his career, he has been responsible for a number of innovations in the area of itinerary planning.
He has also traveled to nearly 400 ports of call around the world.
Pawlus holds an MBA degree from Texas A&M University and did his
undergraduate studies at the University of Michigan.
Timothy Littley
Director, Deployment & Itinerary Planning
Seabourn Cruise Line
Timothy Littley is the Director of Deployment and Itinerary Planning for
Seabourn Cruise Line, a subsidiary of the Carnival Corporation & plc.
He has the responsibility of researching, developing and implementing
the deployments and itineraries forthe Seabourn fleet of luxury vessels.
Born in the Netherlands and of British and U.S. nationalities, Timothgraduated from the Nautical Academy of Amsterdam with two Bachelor
degrees in science and engineering.
Timothy began his career serving both as a navigational and engineering officer with various shipping companies before joining Holland
America Line as a navigational officer in 1999. As such, he served on
many of Holland America Line’s vessels as he rose through the ranks. In
2005, Timothy returned to terra firma and joined Holland America Line’s
corporate team as Manager, Deployment and Itinerary.
In 2010 he accepted his current position and joined the Seabourn
team in Miami. More recently Timothy has moved back to Seattle as part
of the relocation of the Seabourn brand.
When not at work or traveling the world, Timothy enjoys catamaran
sailing, hiking and fishing.
Marc Miller
Marc Miller is the Manager of Deployment and Itinerary Planning at Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. He joined the company in
2003 as an analyst in revenue management, but the last seven
years he has spent as part of the itinerary planning team. He
now leads a small team focused on planning all itineraries for
Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises. Marc was also part of
the original launch team for Azamara Cruises developing the
new products and itineraries, and continues to support them in
his current role. Marc is originally from Michigan and graduated
from Michigan State University with Bachelors degree in Marketing. He later attended University of Miami where he completed a
MBA with a concentration in International Business.
General Manager Asia & East Europe at Icelandair
Associations and Boards of Directors
Chairman, Iceland China Trade Council, 2011-present
Chairman, Iceland India Trade Council, 2010-present
Board member, IBF Iceland Business Forum China, 2009-present
Ulf Sonntag
Associate Director and Head of Market Research,
the NIT, the Institute of Tourism Research in Northern Europe
Ulf Sonntag is Associate Director and Head of Market Research
at the NIT, the Institute of Tourism Research in Northern Europe.
In this position he is project manager of the German Reiseanalyse and author of a recent study on the market potentials of
Iceland, Greenland and Faroe Islands on the German tourism
market. He is also analysing the demand side of the German
cruise market on a regular basis.
Peter Wild
Managing Director
G P Wild (International) Limited
Peter Wild is Managing Director of G P Wild (International) Limited, a management, marketing and economic consultancy practice founded in 1985 to provide independent consultancy advice
to clients in both the national and international market place.
G P Wild specialises in marketing, management, business planning and strategic business development. Such work frequently
assists with structural change or focuses on and moves forward
new concepts and innovative ideas often in a fast moving and
dynamic environment. It typically deals with marketing, management, economic, financial, infra-structural, operational and
policy issues.
Peter is a specialist in cruising and has written many papers and
reports on the industry.
Manager of the Torngat Mountains Base Camp and Research
Wayne Broomfield was born and raised in Makkovik, a small Inuit fishing community in Northern Labrador, population of 370.
He grew up hunting, fishing and trapping the land as his Inuit
forefathers had done before him.
At the age of 17 Wayne left Makkovik to pursue a life outside
the small community and to gain valuable life experiences which
have provided him with many exciting career paths during his
life. Today, Wayne is the Manager of the Torngat Mountains Base
Camp and Research Station which is the stepping stone to one
of the most sought after destinations in the world, the Torngat
Mountains National Park. He currently resides in Happy Valley
– Goose Bay, Labrador, which is not far from his hometown of
Makkovik. Wayne still enjoys many aspects of his Inuit culture
such as hunting, fishing and spending time out on the land.
Ole Andersen
Ole Andersen has been working in Wonderful Copenhagen since
1999 as Vice President responsible for International Sales and
Marketing focused on cruises and leisure. Ole is also responsible for branding, route development, welcome services, on-line
and the city card Copenhagen Card.
Ole is chairman for the board of the cruise network Cruise Copenhagen Network and founder and chairman for Cruise Baltic
(a network for 27 destinations around the Baltic Sea). And Ole is
also board member in VisitGreenland (the official tourist organization for Greenland).
Ole is educated from Copenhagen Business School and has
a master degree in marketing. Ole has also an Executive Management education from INSEAD. Before coming to Wonderful
Copenhagen Ole worked with Commercial Television and in the
advertising business responsible for clients like Danish Telecom,
The Royal Danish Post and Microsoft.
Ilja Leo Lang
Project Manager, AECO
Ilja has a Master Degree in Social Science from the University of
Copenhagen. In 2007 he wrote his master thesis about Greenland – which has also been published as a book. For the last 6
years he has been working with expedition cruise operations in
Greenland for different companies. He has been living in a number of different places in Greenland and (among other things)
has been working as a lecturer at the University of Greenland in
Nuuk. Since 2012 he has been employed as a Project Manager
at AECO.
Inge Tangerås
Business economist from Norwegian School of Economics
Extensive experiences from management and consulting. Joined
Port of Bergen as Port Director November 2011
Per Kristian Sebak
Dr. Per Kristian Sebak is Associate Professor at the Bergen Maritime Museum in Norway. He has specialized in the transatlantic
passenger business and transatlantic and European migration
prior to World War II.
Chris Ashcroft
Managing Director
Ashcroft & Associates Ltd
Chris Ashcroft has been involved in the cruise industry since
1993. He formed Ashcroft & Associates in 2007 to publish trade
magazines and supplements for the industry – and to manage
and organise the ECC (now CLIA Europe) Conference and Ports
Forum which is held in Brussels each year. The company is a
partner organisation in an Asia Cruise Event scheduled to be
launched this autumn.
Cruise Insight is the trade magazine published for executives
who don’t just want to know what is happening in the cruise industry – but also why and what it means to them. The company
also publishes a trade magazine on behalf of the ECC (now CLIA
The CLIA Europe Conference event brings together member
lines and all sectors of the cruise industry to exchange views
with EU Institutions - in particular the European Commission.
The Ports Forum element of the event provides port management with an exclusive opportunity to debate and interact with
cruise line executives – including members of the CLIA Europe
Ports Sub-Committee – on issues that the ports and ports associations have chosen because they require a greater understanding of each other’s positions and views.
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