Target group - Axel Springer
Target group - Axel Springer
Ringier Axel Springer Hungary Portfolio Ringier Axel Springer Portfolio Ringier Axel Springer Reach of the NEW PORTFOLIO with 1 issue Reach of our measured titles with one issue in the main target groups Rch Rch% Aff Online reach in the main target groups GI Total population 15+ 2 386,131 28,1 % 100,0 % 13 658,688 18 + HW 1 765,498 31,2 % 110,8 % 10 315,961 30+ HW 1 599,126 31,8 % 113,0 % 9 396,348 18-59 1 580,605 25,8 % 91,7 % 8 460,614 30+ w HW 1 146,359 34,7 % 123,3 % 7 011,302 18-59 HW 1 133,435 29,2 % 103,9 % 6 176,446 18-49 1 103,667 25,0 % 88,7 % 5 777,600 18-59 w 929,342 31,8 % 113,1 % 5 270,881 18-59 w HW 793,706 32,7 % 116,2 % 4 531,190 18-49 HW 782,410 28,0 % 99,6 % 4 154,530 18-59 ABC city 667,560 27,1 % 96,4 % 3 713,898 30+ w ABC 622,578 38,8 % 137,7 % 3 667,424 18-49 w HW 539,161 31,3 % 111,1 % 3 003,858 Targer Group Unique Users Pageimpression Internet-users 1 155 330 44 020 890 18-49 1 155 330 44 020 890 18-59 784 838 29 479 883 18-49 HW 970 422 37 896 007 18-59 HW 459 657 20 140 748 Source: Gemius GIA – 2014/ 09 – monthly Calculating every published title with one issue More than 1 600 000 actively sold copies.** Blikk + Vasárnapi Blikk: more than 245 000 actively sold copies.** Magazines: more than 980 000 actively sold copies.** RCrosswords: more than 510 000 print copies.** CPI: contact per issue – how many times the reader takes the given issue in his/her hand GI: gross impression – number of total contacts – total reach, how many times the readers meet the title/issue Source: NOK 2014. Q3 / Millward Brown - TNS - Hoffmann; Kiskegyed Otthona, Blikk Nők Otthona, Glamour, Auto Bild, without Crossword magazines **Source: MATESZ quick report 2014/Q3, 13 Matesz audited publication, RAS own figures KISKEGYED The most widely read women’s magazine among18-49 year-old women. Entertaining, informative weekly women’s magazine. Unique character in the market: two in one, celebrity magazine + classical women advising title. Offers a wide content, presents the whole spectrum of women topics. Market information Readership: 675 643 Reach (%): 8,0% CPI: 2,96 GI: 1 998 944 Actively sold copies.: 190 785 Target group: 18-49 year-old women Reader’s profile: . active women open to actions and promotions, who decide about the consumption of the household. Market price: 195 HUF CPI: contact per issue – how many times the reader takes the given issue in his/her hand GI: gross impression – number of total contacts – total reach, how many times the readers meet the title/issue Source: NOK 2014. Q3 / Millward Brown - TNS – Hoffmann; MATESZ quick report 2014/Q3 appears in the first line of women sites with a content rich in photos and text concerning women. It provides continuously updated women topics in the fields of body and soul, mom and baby, fashion, love, celebrities, entertainment, esotery, gastronomy, home and interior for highscale and open-minded women. Target group: 18-49 year old women living mainly in cities and have at least medium qualification. Market information Unique users (RU/UV) Page Impression (PI) Source: DTL_OLA 2014/október Monthly Weekly Daily 600 225 274 359 96 021 8 099 930 1 834 079 261 288 BLIKK Hungary’s most widely read daily paper Besides its entertaining tabloid image it helps the daily orientation of many people with its strong political, sports and up-to-date content Its unique character: „infotainment” – informs and entertains at the same time It systemizes the events of the world and presents them in an easily understandable way. Its tone is pronounced and explicit, sometimes it openly wishes to appeal to the emotions and wants to form opinion. Where the content allows it, it entertains with humour and an easy style. Market information Readership: 771 759 Reach (%): 9,1% CPI: 2,02 GI: 1 311 891 Actively sold copies 132 661 . group: Target 18 + year-old Reader’s profile: 18-59 year-old, main shoppers with family Market price: 129 HUF – with supplement:149 HUF The tille is published under the care of Blikk Kft. CPI: contact per issue – how many times the reader takes the given issue in his/her hand GI: gross impression – number of total contacts – total reach, how many times the readers meet the title/issue Source: NOK 2014. Q3 / Millward Brown - TNS – Hoffmann; MATESZ quick report 2014/Q3 Thematic Supplements of BLIKK BLIKK TV BLIKK REJTVÉNY BLIKK EGÉSZSÉG TV supplement on every Thursday. Crosswords supplement on every Saturday. Health supplement – 9 times in a year Tv and Radio Programmes, other possibilities for leisure time. Various crosswords, lots of prizes, entertaining articles. Practical advice and tips regarding healthy lifestyle. The tilles are published under the care of Blikk Kft. VASÁRNAPI BLIKK Sunday paper with the most actively sold copies. Sunday edition of the daily paper Blikk with a more magazine-like form and content. Sunday Blikk unifies the advantages of daily and weekly papers. It reflects on the public life, cultural and sports events of the week-end and on the news of the world of celebrities, entertaining with magazine-like topics at the same time. Market information Readership: 237 930 Reach (%): 2,8% CPI: 2,28 GI: 543 185 Actively sold copies: 112 769 Target group: 18 + year-olds Reader’s profile: 18-59 years-old with falmily who live incities Market price: 149 HUF . The tille is published under the care of Blikk Kft. CPI: contact per issue – how many times the reader takes the given issue in his/her hand GI: gross impression – number of total contacts – total reach, how many times the readers meet the title/issue Source: NOK 2014. Q3 / Millward Brown - TNS – Hoffmann; MATESZ quick report 2014/Q3 The online version of Hungary’s most popular „infotainment” daily paper. Easily digestible content. Strong and outspoken tone. It appeals upon emotions. Celebrities, gossips, politics, sport, social events. Market information Monthly Unique users (RU/UV) 599 496 288 458 149 170 24 453 996 5 436 268 788 839 Page Impression (PI) Source: DTL_OLA 2014/octóber The tille is published under the care of Blikk Kft. Weekly Daily KISKEGYED KONYHÁJA Gastronomical monthly magazine The monthly gastronomical magazine appearing regularly It focuses on the seasonal dishes of the given month Market information Readership: 152 290 Reach (%): 1,8% CPI: 3,95 GI: 600 987 Actively sold copies: 29 101 Target group: 20-55 year-old women interested in gastronomy . Reader’s profile: Mainly family-women who like doing the cooking and are open to novelties and cuisine ideas or quick receipts Market price: 245 HUF CPI: contact per issue – how many times the reader takes the given issue in his/her hand GI: gross impression – number of total contacts – total reach, how many times the readers meet the title/issue Source: NOK 2014. Q3 / Millward Brown - TNS – Hoffmann; MATESZ quick report 2014/Q3 BLIKK NŐK KONYHA Monthly gastronomical magazine with a content appropriate for Hungarian taste. Practical advise for everyday use. It addresses people interested in gastronomy in an easily understandable way with spectacular photos and creative solutions. The language of the magazine is friendly and simple thus even beginner housewives don’t feel lost when preparing the dishes. Market information Readership: 83 084 Reach (%): 1,0% CPI: 4,09 GI: 340 115 Actively sold copies: 13 616 Target group: Young and middle-age women with family who are interested in novelties Reader’s profile: 25-59 year-old women who lives in cities and likes to cook with daily regularity Market price: 255 HUF The tille is published under the care of Blikk Kft. CPI: contact per issue – how many times the reader takes the given issue in his/her hand GI: gross impression – number of total contacts – total reach, how many times the readers meet the title/issue Source: NOK 2014. Q3 / Millward Brown - TNS – Hoffmann; MATESZ quick report 2014/Q3 KISKEGYED RECEPTTÁR Monthly magazine with recipes easy to prepare for everyone. The favourite and tried recipes of our readers make the core of the magazine. Market information Print copies.: 45 000 Target group: Women with family Market price: 99 HUF Source: RAS own data BLIKK EXTRA RECEPTEK Bi-monthly gastronomy magazine with enjoyable, fresh and practical recipes. Practical advice and tips to help the readers in every day cooking. Piaci információk Print copies.: 61 000 Target group: Women with family Market price: 99 HUF Forrás: RAS saját adat The tille is published under the care of Blikk Kft. HÖLGYVILÁG Classical monthly women’s magazine. Strong advising encourages. With a moderate, elegant and deep content : fashion, beauty, body and soul, partnership, culture, lifestyle, career and social topics. function: it helps, warns, inspires and Market information Readership: 79 094 Reach (%): 0,9% CPI: 3,25 GI: 256 678 Print copies: 28 000 Target group: 20-45 year-old city women with ABC status and middle or high qualification . Reader’s profile: quality-oriented consumers with a classic scale of values, for whom family is important and who have high requirements to themselves and their environment. Market price: 220 HUF CPI: contact per issue – how many times the reader takes the given issue in his/her hand GI: gross impression – number of total contacts – total reach, how many times the readers meet the title/issue Source: NOK 2014. Q3 / Millward Brown - TNS – Hoffmann; MATESZ quick report 2014/Q3 BLIKK NŐK Practical and entertaining weekly women’s magazine Fresh and dynamic. Entertaining, informative and colourful magazine, providing every week up to date advice, tips and countless services and ideas. Like a reliable friend, it offers advice and informs with an easy, entertaining and friendly style, so the readers can relax while reading it. Market Information Readership: 151 654 Reach (%): 1,8% CPI: 2,78 GI: 421 884 Actively sold copies: 65 331 Target group: 18-59 year-old women with family, living mainly in cities . Reader’s profile: Women interested in fashion and beauty-culture, who take an interest also in the topics of gastronomy, diet, wellness and everyday psychology. Market price: 149 HUF The tille is published under the care of Blikk Kft. CPI: contact per issue – how many times the reader takes the given issue in his/her hand GI: gross impression – number of total contacts – total reach, how many times the readers meet the title/issue Source: NOK 2014. Q3 / Millward Brown - TNS – Hoffmann; MATESZ quick report 2014/Q3 GLAMOUR The leading international fashion magazine. Glamour is a monthly published fashion magazine with one of the world’s largest circulation. Fashion guide, handbook, consumer catalogue with an individual advising attitude. Market Information Source: MATESZ gyorsjelentés 2014/Q3 Actively sold copies.: 34 039 Target group: 18-39 year-old city-women with ABC1 status, for whom fashion is important and who follow current trends. Reader’s profile: Fashion-oriented women who try to make a neat and pretty appearance according to their abilities. They are ready to spend on clothes and beauty products. Market price: 495 HUF Glamour Online is a website with high-standard and manifold content. The latest fashion news, celebrity news, novelties and shopping tips belong to its basic pillars. Content appearance is enriched with blogs, practices, social surfaces, advice and experts’ comments. Market information Monthly Unique users (RU/UV) 131 246 46 550 13 835 2 199 724 486 333 70 959 Page Impression (PI) Source: DTL_OLA 2014/október Weekly Daily CSÓK ÉS KÖNNY Bi-monthly magazine – offers romantic stories, practical advice and crosswords for romantic women. Market Information Print copies.: 20 000 Target group 18-49 year-old women with family Market price: 390 HUF Source: RAS own data TVR-HÉT Weekly premium programme guide Entertaining and service providing: detailed program description and magazine at the same time Customers’ motivation: tradition / habit, magazine character Market Information Readership: 233 060 Reach (%): 2,7% CPI: 6,01 GI: 1 401 330 Actively sold copies: 105 005 Target group: City-dwellers with family Reader’s profile: 18-59 year-old quality-oriented consumers, who are ready to spend money on things important to them Market price: 190 HUF CPI: contact per issue – how many times the reader takes the given issue in his/her hand GI: gross impression – number of total contacts – total reach, how many times the readers meet the title/issue Source: NOK 2014. Q3 / Millward Brown - TNS – Hoffmann; MATESZ quick report 2014/Q3 SZÍNES KÉTHETES Bi-weekly premium program guide Unique on the market: bi-weekly program and magazine! Practical: lasts for two weeks Optimal price-value ratio Extra content Market information Readership: 203 683 Reach (%): 2,4% CPI: 7,34 GI: 1 495 424 Actively sold copies: 58 219 Target group: 18-59 year-old people with family who live incities Reader’s profile: Exigent, quality-oiented readers Market price: 240 HUF CPI: contact per issue – egy lapszámot ennyiszer vesz kézbe egy olvasó GI: gross impression – össz kontaktusszám – összes elérés, az olvasók ennyiszer találkoznak a lappal/megjelenéssel Forrás: NOK 2014. Q3 / Millward Brown - TNS - Hoffmann; MATESZ gyorsjelentés 2014/Q3. TVR ÚJSÁG Weekly functional program guide Chronological program description, minimal magazine part Market information Readership: 158 937 Reach (%): 1,9% CPI: 5,86 GI: 930 747 Print copies: 98 000 Target group: family people who live in cities Reader’s profile: price–conscious consumers open for promotions Market price: 110 HUF CPI: contact per issue – egy lapszámot ennyiszer vesz kézbe egy olvasó GI: gross impression – össz kontaktusszám – összes elérés, az olvasók ennyiszer találkoznak a lappal/megjelenéssel Forrás: NOK 2014. Q3 / Millward Brown - TNS – Hoffmann; RAS own data SÁRGA RTV Weekly functional program guide Chronological program description, minimal magazine part Market information Readership: 215 992 Reach (%): 2,5% CPI: 6,11 GI: 1 319 716 Print copies: 60 000 Target group: family people who live in cities Reader’s profile: price–conscious consumers open for promotions Market price: 110 HUF CPI: contact per issue – egy lapszámot ennyiszer vesz kézbe egy olvasó GI: gross impression – össz kontaktusszám – összes elérés, az olvasók ennyiszer találkoznak a lappal/megjelenéssel Forrás: NOK 2014. Q3 / Millward Brown - TNS – Hoffmann; RAS own data TV KÉTHETES Bi-weekly functional program guide Only program description, little magazine part Economical and practical Market information Readership: 172 173 Reach (%): 2,0% CPI: 7,97 GI: 1 372 524 Print copies: 102 000 Target group: family people who live in cities Reader’s profile: price–conscious consumers open for promotions Market price: 149 HUF CPI: contact per issue – egy lapszámot ennyiszer vesz kézbe egy olvasó GI: gross impression – össz kontaktusszám – összes elérés, az olvasók ennyiszer találkoznak a lappal/megjelenéssel Forrás: NOK 2014. Q3 / Millward Brown - TNS – Hoffmann; RAS own data KÉPES TV Functional weekly program magazine Chronological program description, minimal magazine part Market information Print copies: 21 000 Target group: family people who live in cities Reader’s profile: price–conscious consumers open for promotions Market price: 85 HUF Source: RAS own data TV REVÜ Functional bi-weekly program magazine Only program description, little magazine part Economical and practical Market information Print copies: 52 000 Target group: C2DE status city-dwellers with family. Reader’s profile: price–conscious consumers open for promotions Market price: 110 HUF Source: RAS own data KISKEGYED OTTHONA Monthly home and interior magazine. Practical advice and ideas about the whole house. Market information Actively sold copies: 28 506 Target group: 18-59 year-old, active women Reader’s profile: active customers interested in interior decoration, who need practical advice and look for realizable at an affordable price Market price: 265 HUF Source: MATESZ gyorsjelentés 2014/Q3. BLIKK NŐK OTTHON ÉS KERT Home and interior magazine – with monthly periodicity • The magazine provides practical advice regarding homedecoration for readers who are looking for new and accessible possibilities ranging from simple and easily realizable ideas to renovation. • Besides tips, ideas and large photo materials, it also offers interesting reading-matters in connection with the topics are presented in the magazine. The magazine’s service providing character is supported by the strong photo material and the large quantity of information and tips Market information The tille is published under the care of Blikk Kft. Source: MATESZ gyorsjelentés 2014/Q3. Actively sold copies: 20 338 Target group: BC status, 25-59 year-old city-dweller women with medium or higher qualification, who are open to novelties and like to try new ideas and tips Reader’s profile: Women interested in interior decoration who are open to novelties and to easily realizable, practical but high-scale ideas. Market price: 335 HUF AUTO BILD Car magazine with the largest sold circulation in Hungary. Premium monthly car magazine Comparative and special tests, market trends, new models and exclusive cars. Europe’s market leading car magazine High level professional competence – international background, 70% of the materials have been taken over. Market information Actively sold copies: 31 615 Target group: ABC1 status, 18-49 year-old, citydweller men Reader’s profile: quality-oriented, brand-loyal, high-scale consumers, who are interested in comparative tests and prefer the presence of premium car brands. Market price: 399 HUF Source: MATESZ gyorsjelentés 2014/Q3. GEO Popular scientific monthly magazine presenting the world in which we live and all of its fields in an easily understandable, enjoyable way in full detail. Market information Readership: 59 299 Reach (%): 0,7% CPI: 3,77 GI: 223 367 Actively sold copies.: 7 719 Target group: 18-49 year-old, city-dwellers Reader’s profile: ABC Esomar status, city-dwellers with medium and high qualification, who are open to nature, technology, culture and sciences. Market price: 775 HUF CPI: contact per issue – how many times the reader takes the given issue in his/her hand GI: gross impression – number of total contacts – total reach, how many times the readers meet the title/issue Source: NOK 2014. Q3 / Millward Brown - TNS – Hoffmann; MATESZ quick report 2014/Q3 CROSSWORDS Ügyes - Market information Readership: 179 449 Reach (%): 2,1 % CPI: 6,67 GI: 1 196 467 Print copies: Market price:: 52 927 170 HUF Crossword titles Periodicity Market price (HUF) 1. Eszes biweekly 2. Eszes Skandi monthly 99 9 378 3. Kiskegyed Rejtvény monthly 149 10 579 4. Kiskegyed Rejtvény Extra quarterly 360 20 920 5. Kiskegyed Relax monthly 145 8 178 6. Kiskegyed Skandi monthly 145 7 991 7. Rejtvény Terefere monthly 195 43 761 8. Rejtvény Terefere Évkönyv yearly 480 31 000 9. Rejtvény Terefere Extra quarterly 360 26 998 10. Rejtvény Terefere Mozaikrejtvény monthly 99 7 421 11. Rejtvény Terefere Skandi monthly 99 10 558 12. Ügyes biweekly 170 52 927 13. Ügyes 5 Perc monthly 99 12 965 14. Ügyes Évkönyv yearly 15. Ügyes évszakok quarterly 445 52 138 16. Ügyes Extra Szudoku quarterly 495 14 538 17. Ügyes Jó vicc! monthly 170 12 508 18. Ügyes Kápé biweekly 99 24 694 19. Ügyes Kópé biweekly 99 29 043 20. Ügyes Kópé Évszakok quarterly 195 29 908 21. Ügyes Különszám/Vakáció halfyearly 499 30 500 22. Ügyes Mozaikrejtvény monthly 180 7 405 23. Ügyes Rejtvénytár halfyearly 499 23 260 24. Ügyes Skandi biweekly 135 18 461 CPI: contact per issue – how many times the reader takes the given issue in his/her hand GI: gross impression – number of total contacts – total reach, how many times the readers meet the title/issue Source: NOK 2014. Q3 / Millward Brown - TNS – Hoffmann; RAS own data 170 Print copies 23 803 HARLEQUIN PUBLICATIONS 13 titles, various periodicity Market information Print copies: 71 000 copies / months Target group: romantic, emotional, day-dreaming women with family Source: RAS own data This presentation contains confidential information constituting the exclusive intellectual property of the Ringier Axel Springer group, thus they are protected and their disclosure is prohibited. The copying, reproduction, distribution and/or disclosure of parts or the whole of this intellectual property to third parties is prohibited. The violation of these prohibitions results in every case in legal proceedings.