Aerospace and Technology Honors Camp (ATHC) - JROTC


Aerospace and Technology Honors Camp (ATHC) - JROTC
10Nov 09
FROM: Holm Center/JR
551 East Maxwell Boulevard
Maxwell AFB AL 36112-6106
SUBJECT: Aerospace and Technology Honors Camp (ATHC) Guidance Letter AY2009-201O
1. If you are planning to submit a cadet(s) for Aerospace & Technology Honors Camp (ATHC),
please carefully read the guidance set forth in this memorandum. HQ Holm Center will fund eight
(8) ATHC and three (3) Joint Service camps in 2010. The first and second University of
Oklahoma camps will be Medical Honors Camps (5-10 Jun and 19-24 Jun) for cadets who plan to
study medicine. The second New Mexico camp (19-24 Jun) will be a joint service camp including
ten JROTC cadets each from the Army, Navy and Marines, and 10 cadets from the Civil Air
Patrol. We will also select 30 AFJROTC cadets to attend camps hosted by the Army (10 cadets),
Navy (10 cadets), and Marines (10 cadets) joint service summer camps. As in the past, the
ATHCs will introduce selected cadets to medical, scientific, technology, and rated career
opportunities in the Air Force. Each ATHC will include hands-on curriculum activities, visits to
operational Air Force units, research labs, historical sites, aerospace industries, and a light aircraft:
incentive ride for each cadet. The following information will address cost and transportation,
ATHC locations and dates, application process, SASI nomination criteria, board selection criteria,
and ATHC staffing.
Holm Center/JR will fund transportation and
roomlboard costs for all camps. Cadet transportation to and from the camp can be by privately
owned vehicle (POV) or commercial airline. If commercial air is desired (available if camp is
located more than 150 miles from cadet's home), Holm Center/JRO will issue an electronic
airline ticket (e-ticket). Those cadets who fly will be responsible to get to and from the airport at
their own expense. All those who travel more than 150 miles (one way) by POV to the camp
location will file travel vouchers for mileage reimbursement.
Camp locations and dates are listed below. 432 AFJROTC cadets
will be selected to attend ATHC or a joint service camp. 402 cadets will attend an ATHC and 30
will attend an Army, Navy or Marine hosted summer camp. There is a "yes" or "no" question on
the application asking if a cadet is interested in attending a joint camp. Only cadets who answer
"yes" will be considered for a joint camp. Cadets will only be considered for the dates they are
available to attend Honors Camp as listed on the application. The more dates the cadet lists, the
better chance they will have for selection.
University of New Mexico / Kirtland AFB NM
(186 AFJROTC cadets + 30 JROTC cadets from
other services + 10 CAP cadets) = 226
University of Oklahoma / Tinker AFB OK
(216 AFJROTC cadets)
Navy Sail Academy / Location TBA
(10 AFJROTC cadets)
Marine Camp / Camp Outdoor Odyssey, Boswell
PA (10 AFJROTC Cadets)
Joint Army Camp / Location TBA
(10 AF JROTC cadets)
5-10 Jun, 19-24 Jun (Joint
Camp), 10-15 Jul & 24-29 Jul
5-10 Jun (Medical Camp),
19-24 Jun (Medical Camp), 1015 Jul & 24-29 Jul2010
Dates TBA
Dates TBA
Dates TBA
a. The application must be completed online and may be accessed via two locations.
I AFJROTC tab I AT Honors Camp: The
application is made available at this location so the cadets may complete it without your
supervision. If the cadet accesses the application via the web (other than cyber campus) they
will need to disable pop ups. In addition, they will have to complete the application in one
sitting ... the system will not do partial saves.
(2) Cyber Campus I Unit to HQ I Yearly Reports I AT Honors Camp I New Application:
If a cadet uses Cyber Campus to complete the application, they must be under the supervision of
the AFJROTC instructor at all times. The system will accept partial saves in draft form.
b. The online application will open on 16 Nov 09 and close on 31 Jan 10. There will be
NO extensions for any reason. If your school is subject to closure for snow days, ice storms, or
power outages, get the application done early
c. After the cadet completes the online application, it will be available to the instructor on
Cyber Campus I Unit to HQ I Yearly Reports I ATHonors Camp I Review Applications. The
instructor will review the application for accuracy, verify the cadet's academic information, add
their endorsement, and then submit the application electronically to headquarters. The instructor
must submit the application by 31 January 2010. There will be no extensions.
d. If the cadet is selected to attend Honors Camp, an email will be sent to the unit and any
personal email address entered on the application. This email will include general information
on Honors Camp and instructions on how to access permission slips/forms that the cadet,
parents, and instructor will need to fill out on Cyber Campus. After the cadet, parent / guardian,
and SASI (or ASI if SASI not available) fill out all forms on Cyber Campus, print out and sign
the signature page only, scan as a .pdffile, and email back to headquarters to
permissionslips20 [email protected].
Note: It is important for the SASI to review the AFJROTC Aerospace and Technology Honors
Camp Application with the parents / guardians of the cadets they intend to nominate.
Remember, applications must be submitted to HQ electronically on or before 31 Jan 10. We
anticipate release of board results by early Mar 2010.
a. We rely heavily on your expertise and knowledge of your cadets when nominating them to
the selection board. In addition to the desired minimum criteria, please focus on nominating not
only those cadets who are academic achievers, but those with the potential and desire to pursue
aerospace, medical and rated careers in the Air Force. With the selection board using academic
composite score averaging (same process used by the Sr ROTC scholarship board), SASIs
should consider nominating cadets with lower academic track records who have
demonstrated outstanding extra-curricular
activities and leadership potential. Academic
performance should not be the only criteria used in making your nominations. Also, consider the
diverse needs of the Air Force when making your nomination. SASls will be required to rank
order each nominee.
b. The source document that will determine how many cadets each unit may nominate for
ATHC will be the October 2009 Program Status Report (PSR) (Unduplicated number of cadets in
program) submitted to Holm Center/JRO. Nominations per unit will be IA W the following table:
Unit enrollment
(unduplicated) as reported
the October 08 PSR
Number of cadets allowed to be
nominated per unit
Holm Center/JRO will convene a central board to
select 432 cadets from approximately 103,000 potential nominees -- a selection rate of less than
one-half of one percent. We will assign 54 cadets to attend each camp based on the cadet's
availability and proximity of their unit to an ATHC location.
a. Minimum criteria to apply:
(1) Current sophomore or junior (Do not nominate current seniors)
(2) GP A (no minimum required; however, academic achievement and potential will be
evaluated). A strong SASI endorsement is critical especially if the applicant's GPA
is below 3.0
(3) Enrolled / completed college-prep math and science courses
(4) Demonstrated leadership potential inside and outside of AFJROTC
(5) Available to attend during camp dates
(6) Physically fit and presents a good image in uniform
(7) U.S. Citizen or has applied for U.S. Citizenship
(8) Be 15 years of age by 1 June 2010
Note: The selection board will score records by considering the following: SASI
recommendation, class ranking, demonstrated leadership potential, extra curricular activities,
awards, academic performance, and interest in pursuing aerospace / medical/rated careers.
7. ATHC STAFFING: We are soliciting instructors (SASI / ASI) who are interested in being
part of our camp cadre. The following information outlines the instructor eligibility criteria,
timeline commitment and responsibilities for this year's camps:
a. Instructor eligibility criteria:
(1) 3 years AFJROTC instructor experience preferred
(2) Instructors who have not had the opportunity to work a camp in the past will get
priority over those instructors who have worked two or more previous camps
(3) Instructors on contract during camp dates will not receive additional compensation.
Instructors on contract will have priority over those not on a contract. Contract
dates are based entirely on the instructor's DD Form 2767 without exception.
(4) The only exception to (1) through (3) above is to meet gender and demographic
(5) Must not be on instructor probation or the weight management program.
b. Timeline commitment: All camps start on Saturday at 1600 and end Thursday at 1400.
Instructors must plan to arrive by noon on Friday before camp. This will allow adequate time to
get settled in, get oriented to the campus and attend an evening dinner meeting. Camp
commandants will be expected to arrive by noon on Thursday before camp. The instructors and
camp commandants will depart NET the Friday morning after camp, or when all cadets have
safely departed. In addition, you must be willing to do the following:
c. Instructor responsibilities:
Mentor and chaperone the cadets 24/7
Stay in private rooms in the same housing facility with the cadets
Be willing to teach and / or facilitate a class (not normally required)
Perform additional duties as assigned by the camp coordinator or commandant
d. Compensation:
Based on AF guidance, each instructor will be compensated as follows:
(1) Instructors NOT on school contract during the camp dates will receive $165 per day
for 8 days. Camp commandants will receive the same amount for 9 days.
(2) Instructors / commandants on a school contract during the camp dates are NOT
eligible for additional compensation. Since you are on contract, participation
requires approval from the school principal.
(3) Transportation to and from the camp, housing and food will be provided free of
charge at the camp. If an instructor desires to drive to camp, they will be placed on
Air Force travel orders.
e. Instructor volunteers: Each camp will have a camp commandant and four instructors - at
least two instructors of each gender. You may volunteer for more than one camp. If you are
interested in serving on an ATHC staff, complete the on-line application via Cyber Campus. The
instructor application will be available on Cyber Campus after 16 November 2009. We will send
you an e-mail confirming receipt. If you do not receive an e-mail from us within two weeks after
submitting your volunteer statement, give us a call at (334) 953-9488. The instructor application
window will be open on Cyber Campus until 8 January 2010
8. Your thoughtful participation greatly contributes to the intent and continued success of the
ATHC program. If you have any questions, please call 334-953-9488 or email our Honors Camp
staff at HQ-A [email protected].