rapport annuel - les annexes


rapport annuel - les annexes
• TLS Polymérases et Cancer
Responsable : Patricia Kannouche
CNRS UMR 8200 - Stabilité génétique et oncogenèse,
Patricia Kannouche
• Protéomique et épigénétique
Responsable : Vasily Ogryzko
CNRS UMR 8126 - Signalisation, Noyaux et Innovations en
oncologie, Joëlle Wiels / Marc Lipinski
• Les voies de signalisation FANC/BRCA
et Cancers
Responsable : Filippo ROSSELLI
CNRS UMR 8200 - Stabilité génétique et oncogenèse,
Patricia Kannouche
• Organisation nucléaire et modèles pathologiques
Responsables : Yegor Vassetzky / Marc Lipinski
CNRS UMR 8126 - Signalisation, Noyaux et Innovations en
oncologie, Joëlle Wiels / Marc Lipinski
• Recombination / Réparation et Cancer
Responsable : Bernard Lopez
CNRS UMR 8200 - Stabilité génétique et oncogenèse,
Patricia Kannouche
• Oncogenèses et résistance à l’apoptose
dans les lymphomes B
Responsable : Joëlle Wiels
CNRS UMR 8126 - Signalisation, Noyaux et Innovations en
oncologie, Joëlle Wiels / Marc Lipinski
• Réparation de l’ADN
Responsable : Murat Saparbaev
CNRS UMR 8200 - Stabilité génétique et oncogenèse,
Patricia Kannouche
• Intégrité du génome et microscopie moléculaire
Responsable : Éric Le Cam
CNRS UMR 8126 - Signalisation, Noyaux et Innovations en
oncologie, Joëlle Wiels / Marc Lipinski
• Division cellulaire et stabilité génomique
Responsable : Olivier Gavet
CNRS UMR 8200 - Stabilité génétique et oncogenèse,
Patricia Kannouche
• Microenvironnement tumoral, exosomes
et microARN dans les tumeurs solides
Responsable : Pierre Busson
CNRS UMR 8126 - Signalisation, Noyaux et Innovations en
oncologie, Joëlle Wiels / Marc Lipinski
• Vectorologie des Acides Nucléiques
et des Médicaments Anticancéreux
Responsables : Lluis Mir / K. Benihoud
CNRS UMR 8203 - Laboratoire de Vectorologie et
Thérapeutiques anticancéreuses, Lluis Mir et K. Benihoud
• Nouvelles Thérapies Anticancéreuses
Responsable : Liliane Massade
CNRS UMR 8203 - Laboratoire de Vectorologie et
Thérapeutiques anticancéreuses, Lluis Mir et K. Benihoud
• Physiologie et Pathologie Moléculaires
des Rétrovirus Endogènes et Infectieux
Responsable : Thierry Heidmann
• Trafic intracellulaire, complexes
macromoléculaires et cancer
Responsable : Svetlana Dokudovskaya
CNRS UMR 8126 - Signalisation, Noyaux et Innovations en
oncologie, Joëlle Wiels / Marc Lipinski
• Imagerie multimodale en cancérologie
Responsable : Nathalie Lassau
CNRS UMR 8081 - Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique Médicale
et Multi-Modalités (IR4M), Luc Darrasse et Nathalie Lassau
• Stades précoces de la transformation
Responsables : Olivier Bernard / Virginie Penardlacronique
Inserm UMR 1170 - Hématopoïèse normale et pathologique,
Olivier Bernard
• Des cellules souches hématopoïétiques
aux mégacoryocytes
Responsable : Hana Raslova
Inserm UMR 1170 - Hématopoïèse normale et pathologique,
Olivier Bernard
• Génétique et modélisation des tumeurs malignes
Responsable : Thomas Mercher
Inserm UMR 1170 - Hématopoïèse normale et pathologique,
Olivier Bernard
• Des cellules souches hématopoïétiques aux monocytes
Responsables : Eric Solary / Françoise Porteu
Inserm UMR 1170 - Hématopoïèse normale et
pathologique, Olivier Bernard
• Biomarqueurs prédictifs
et nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques en oncologie
Responsable : Fabrice André
Inserm UMR 981
• Stress réplicatif, instabilité génomique et mitose
Responsable : Valéria Naim
CNRS UMR 8200 - Stabilité génétique et oncogenèse,
Patricia Kannouche
• Immunologie des tumeurs et immunothérapie
Responsable : Laurence Zitvogel
Inserm UMR 1015
• Méthodologie et épidémiologie clinique pour l’oncologie
moléculaire (équipe 2)
Responsable : Stephan Michiels
Centre de recherche en épidémiologie et en santé des
populations, Jean Bouyet
• Radiothérapie moléculaire
Responsables : Eric Deutsch et Jean-Luc Perfettini
Inserm UMR 1030
• Immunologie intégrative des tumeurs
Responsable : Fathia Mami-Chouaib / Salem CHOUAIB
Inserm UMR 1186
• Réparation des cassures double brin
et intégrité du génome
Responsable : Gérard Mazon - Equipe ATIP-AVENIR
CNRS UMR 8200 - Stabilité génétique et oncogenèse,
Patricia Kannouche
• Invasion collective et morphogenèse épithéliale
Responsable : Fanny Jaulin - Equipe ATIP-AVENIR
CNRS UMR 8126 - Signalisation, Noyaux et Innovation en
oncologie, Joëlle Wiels
• Endocytose, cytosquelette et migration cellulaire
Responsable : Guillaume Montagnac - Equipe ATIPAVENIR
Inserm UMR 1170 - Hématopoïèse normale et
pathologique, Olivier Bernard
• Cellules souches hématopoïétiques normales et
cancéreuses : contrôles génétique et épigénétique
Responsable : Camille Lobry - Equipe ATIP-AVENIR
Inserm UMR 1170 - Hématopoïèse normale
pathologique, Olivier Bernard
• Rôle de la traduction d’ARNm dans la présentation
Responsable : Sébastien Apcher - Equipe ATIP-AVENIR
Inserm UMR 1015 - Immunologie des tumeurs et
immunothérapie, Laurence Zitvogel
• Oncogenèse et progression tumorale du mélanome
Responsable : Medhi Khaled - Equipe ATIP-AVENIR
Inserm UMR 1186 - Immunologie intégrative des tumeurs,
Fathia Mami-Chouaib
• Epidémiologie des radiations, épidémiologie clinique
des cancers et survie (équipe 3)
Responsable : Florent de Vathaire
Centre de recherche en épidémiologie et en santé des
populations, Jean Bouyet
• Mode de vie, génétique et santé : études intégratives
et trans-générationnelles (équipe 9)
Responsable Marie-Christine Boutron-Ruault
Centre de recherche en épidémiologie et en santé des
populations, Jean Bouyet
• Management des organisations de santé
Responsable : Etienne Minvielle
EHESP - EA 7348
• Apoptose, cancer et immunité
Responsable : Guido Kroemer
Inserm / CNRS UMRS1138 Université Paris-Descartes
- Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, Pascale Ferre /
Guido Kroemer
1. André F., Bachelot T., Commo F., Campone M., Arnedos
M., Dieras V., Lacroix-Triki M., Lacroix L., Cohen P.,
Gentien D., Adélaide J., Dalenc F., Goncalves A., Levy
C., Ferrero J.M., Bonneterre J., Lefeuvre C., Jimenez
M., Filleron T., and Bonnefoi H. Comparative genomic
hybridisation array and DNA sequencing to direct
treatment of metastatic breast cancer : A multicentre,
prospective trial (SAFIR01/UNICANCER). [2014]
Lancet Oncology (15) 3 : 267-274. Impact factor :
2. André F., O’Regan R., Ozguroglu M., Toi M., Xu B.,
Jerusalem G., Masuda N., Wilks S., Arena F., Isaacs
C., Yap Y.S., Papai Z., Lang I., Armstrong A., Lerzo G.,
White M., Shen K., Litton J., Chen D., Zhang Y., Ali S.,
Taran T., and Gianni L. Everolimus for women with
trastuzumab-resistant, HER2-positive, advanced
breast cancer (BOLERO-3) : a randomised, doubleblind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial. [2014]
Lancet Oncology (15) 6 : 580-591. Impact factor :
3. André F., Gianni L., and Investigators B.O.L.E.
BOLERO-3 results : pharmacological activity or
pharmacokinetic effect? Reply. [2014] Lancet
Oncology (15) 8 : E304-E305. Impact factor : 24.725
4. Assie G., Letouze E., Fassnacht M., Jouinot A., Luscap
W., Barreau O., Omeiri H., Rodriguez S., Perlemoine
K., Rene-Corail F., Elarouci N., Sbiera S., Kroiss M.,
Allolio B., Waldmann J., Quinkler M., Mannelli M.,
Mantero F., Papathomas T., De Krijger R., Tabarin A.,
Kerlan V., Baudin E., Tissier F., Dousset B., Groussin
L., Amar L., Clauser E., Bertagna X., Ragazzon
B., Beuschlein F., Libe R., de Reynies A., and
Bertherat J. Integrated genomic characterization of
adrenocortical carcinoma. [2014] Nature Genetics
(46) 6 : 607-612. Impact factor : 29.648
5. Beelen R., Raaschou-Nielsen O., Stafoggia M.,
Andersen Z.J., Weinmayr G., Hoffmann B., Wolf K.,
Samoli E., Fischer P., Nieuwenhuijsen M., Vineis P.,
Xun W.W., Katsouyanni K., Dimakopoulou K., Oudin
A., Forsberg B., Modig L., Havulinna A.-S., Lanki T.,
Turunen A., Oftedal B., Nystad W., Nafstad P., De
Faire U., Pedersen N.-L., Östenson C.-G., Fratiglioni
L., Penell J., Korek M., Pershagen G., Eriksen K.T.,
Overvad K., Ellermann T., Eeftens M., Peeters P.H.,
Meliefste K., Wang M., Bueno-de-Mesquita B., Sugiri
D., Krämer U., Heinrich J.a., De Hoogh K., Key T.a.,
Peters A., Hampel R., Concin H.a., Nagel G., Ineichen
A.a.a., Schaffner E.a.a., Probst-Hensch N.a.a.,
Künzli N.a.a., Schindler C.a.a., Schikowski T.a.a.,
Adam M.a.a., Phuleria H.a.a., Vilier A.a.a.a., ClavelChapelon F.a.a.a., Declercq C.a., Grioni S.a., Krogh
V.a., Tsai M.Y., Ricceri F.a., Sacerdote C.a., Galassi
C.a., Migliore E.a., Ranzi A.a., Cesaroni G., Badaloni
C., Forastiere F., Tamayo I., Amiano P., Dorronsoro
M., Katsoulis M.a., Trichopoulou A.a., Brunekreef B.,
and Hoek G. Effects of long-term exposure to air
pollution on natural-cause mortality : An analysis
of 22 European cohorts within the multicentre
ESCAPE project. [2014] Lancet (383) 9919 : 785-795.
Impact factor : 39.207
6. Beer T.M., Armstrong A.J., Rathkopf D.E., Loriot Y.,
Sternberg C.N., Higano C.S., Iversen P., Bhattacharya
S., Carles J., Chowdhury S., Davis I.D., de Bono J.S.,
Evans C.P., Fizazi K., Joshua A.M., Kim C.S., Kimura
G., Mainwaring P., Mansbach H., Miller K., Noonberg
S.B., Perabo F., Phung D., Saad F., Scher H.I., Taplin
M.E., Venner P.M., and Tombal B. Enzalutamide in
Metastatic Prostate Cancer before Chemotherapy.
[2014] The New England journal of medicine (371)
5 : 424-433. Impact factor : 54.420
7. Bidard F.C., Peeters D.J., Fehm T., Nolé F., GisbertCriado R., Mavroudis D., Grisanti S., Generali D.,
Garcia-Saenz J.A., Stebbing J., Caldas C., Gazzaniga
P., Manso L., Zamarchi R., de Lascoiti A.F., De MattosArruda L., Ignatiadis M., Lebofsky R., van Laere
S.J., Meier-Stiegen F., Sandri M.T., Vidal-Martinez
J., Politaki E., Consoli F., Bottini A., Diaz-Rubio E.,
Krell J., Dawson S.J., Raimondi C., Rutten A., Janni
W., Munzone E., Caranana V., Agelaki S., Almici C.,
Dirix L., Solomayer E.F., Zorzino L., Johannes H.,
Reis-Filho J.S., Pantel K., Pierga J.Y., and Michiels
S. Clinical validity of circulating tumour cells in
patients with metastatic breast cancer : a pooled
analysis of individual patient data. [2014] Lancet
Oncology (15) 4 : 406-414. Impact factor : 24.725
8. Boussemart L., Malka-Mahieu H., Girault I., Allard
D., Hemmingsson O., Tomasic G., Thomas M.,
Basmadjian C., Ribeiro N., Thuaud F., Mateus C.,
Routier E., Kamsu-Kom N., Agoussi S., Eggermont
A.M., Désaubry L., Robert C., and Vagner S. eIF4F
is a nexus of resistance to anti-BRAF and anti-MEK
cancer therapies. [2014] Nature (513) 7516 : 105105. Impact factor : 42.351
9. Brose M.S., Nutting C.M., Jarzab B., Elisei R.,
Siena S., Bastholt L., De La Fouchardiere C., Pacini
F., Paschke R., Shong Y.K., Sherman S.I., Smit
J.W.A., Chung J., Kappeler C., Pena C., Molnar
I., Schlumberger M.J., and Investigators D.E.C.I.
Sorafenib in radioactive iodine-refractory, locally
advanced or metastatic differentiated thyroid
cancer : a randomised, double-blind, phase 3 trial.
[2014] Lancet (384) 9940 : 319-328. Impact factor :
10. Burdett S., Rydzewska L.H.M., Tierney J.F., Auperin
A., Pignon J.P., Le Pechoux C., Le Chevalier T., and
Van Meerbeeck J. Preoperative chemotherapy for
non-small-cell lung cancer - Authors’ reply. [2014]
Lancet (384) 9939 : 233-233. Impact factor : 39.207
11. Burdett S., Rydzewska L.H.M., Tierney J.F., Auperin
A., Le Pechoux C., Le Chevalier T., Pignon J.P., and
Grp N.M.-A.C. Preoperative chemotherapy for nonsmall-cell lung cancer : a systematic review and
meta-analysis of individual participant data. [2014]
Lancet (383) 9928 : 1561-1571. Impact factor :
12. Caplin M.E., Pavel M., Cwikla J.B., Phan A.T., Raderer
M., Sedlackova E., Cadiot G., Wolin E.M., Capdevila J.,
Wall L., Rindi G., Langley A., Martinez S., Blumberg
J., and Ruszniewski P. Lanreotide in metastatic
enteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. [2014]
New England journal of medicine (371) 3 : 224-233.
Impact factor : 54.420
13. Conroy T., Galais M.P., Raoul J.L., Bouche O.,
Gourgou-Bourgade S., Douillard J.Y., Étienne
P.L., Boige V., Martel-Lafay I., Michel P., LlacerMoscardo C., Francois E., Crehange G., Ben
Abdelghani M., Juzyna B., Bedenne L., and Adenis
A. Definitive chemoradiotherapy with FOLFOX
versus fluorouracil and cisplatin in patients with
oesophageal cancer (PRODIGE5/ACCORD17) : final
results of a randomised, phase 2/3 trial. [2014]
Lancet Oncology (15) 3 : 305-314. Impact factor :
14. De Meerleer G., Khoo V., Escudier B., Joniau S., Bossi
A., Ost P., Briganti A., Fonteyne V., Van Vulpen M.,
Lumen N., Spahn M., and Mareel M. Radiotherapy for
renal-cell carcinoma. [2014] Lancet Oncology (15) 4 :
E170-E177. Impact factor : 24.725
15. De Ruysscher D., Faivre-Finn C., Le Pechoux
C., Peeters S., and Belderbos J. High-dose reirradiation following radical radiotherapy for nonsmall-cell lung cancer. [2014] Lancet Oncology (15)
13 : e620-e624. Impact factor : 24.725
16. Eggermont A.M.M., Spatz A., and Robert C.
Cutaneous melanoma. [2014] Lancet (383) 9919 :
816-827. Impact factor : 39.207
17. Fizazi K., Scher H.I., Miller K., Basch E., Sternberg
C.N., Cella D., Forer D., Hirmand M., and de Bono
J.S. Effect of enzalutamide on time to first skeletalrelated event, pain, and quality of life in men with
castration-resistant prostate cancer : results from
the randomised, phase 3 AFFIRM trial. [2014] Lancet
Oncology (15) 10 : 1147-1156. Impact factor : 24.725
18. Fizazi K., Pagliaro L., Laplanche A., Fléchon A.,
Mardiak J., Geoffrois L., Kerbrat P., Chevreau C.,
Delva R., Rolland F., Theodore C., Roubaud G., Gravis
G., Eymard J.C., Malhaire J.P., Linassier C., Habibian
M., Martin A.L., Journeau F., Reckova M., Logothetis
C., and Culine S. Personalised chemotherapy based
on tumour marker decline in poor prognosis germcell tumours (GETUG 13) : a phase 3, multicentre,
randomised trial. [2014] Lancet Oncology (15) 13 :
1442-1450. Impact factor : 24.725
19. Fizazi K., Massard C., Bono P., Jones R., Kataja
V., James N., Garcia J.A., Protheroe A., Tammela
T.L., Elliott T., Mattila L., Aspegren J., Vuorela A.,
Langmuir P., Mustonen M., and Grp A.S. Activity
and safety of ODM-201 in patients with progressive
metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
(ARADES) : an open-label phase 1 dose-escalation
and randomised phase 2 dose expansion trial.
[2014] Lancet Oncology (15) 9 : 975-985. Impact
factor : 24.725
20. Flaherty K.T., Hennig M., Lee S.J., Ascierto P.A.,
Dummer R., Eggermont A.M.M., Hauschild A.,
Kefford R., Kirkwood J.M., Long G.V., Lorigan P.,
Mackensen A., McArthur G., O’Day S., Patel P.M.,
Robert C., and Schadendorf D. Surrogate endpoints
for overall survival in metastatic melanoma : a
meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.
[2014] Lancet Oncology (15) 3 : 297-304. Impact
factor : 24.725
21. Galluzzi L., Pietrocola F., Levine B., and Kroemer G.
Metabolic Control of Autophagy. [2014] Cell (159) 6 :
1263-1276. Impact factor : 33.116
22. Galluzzi L., Pedro J.M.B.-S., and Kroemer G.
Organelle-specific initiation of cell death. [2014]
Nature CELL BIOLOGY (16) 8 : 728-736. Impact
factor : 20.058
23. Green D.R., Galluzzi L., and Kroemer G. Metabolic
control of cell death. [2014] Science (345) 6203 :
1250256-1250256. Impact factor : 31.477
24. Herbst R.S., Soria J.C., Kowanetz M., Fine G.D.,
Hamid O., Gordon M.S., Sosman J.A., McDermott D.F.,
Powderly J.D., Gettinger S.N., Kohrt H.E.K., Horn L.,
Lawrence D.P., Rost S., Leabman M., Xiao Y., Mokatrin
A., Koeppen H., Hegde P.S., Mellman I., Chen D.S.,
and Hodi F.S. Predictive correlates of response to the
anti-PD-L1 antibody MPDL3280A in cancer patients.
[2014] Nature (515) 7528 : 563-567. Impact factor :
25. Hescot S., Vignaux O., and Goldwasser F. Pancreatic
atrophy from sorafenib. [2014] New England journal
of medicine (370) 2 : 186-186. Impact factor : 54.420
26. Kool M., Jones D.T.W., Jaeger N., Northcott P.A., Pugh
T.J., Hovestadt V., Piro R.M., Esparza L.A., Markant S.L.,
Remke M., Milde T., Bourdeaut F., Ryzhova M., Sturm
D., Pfaff E., Stark S., Hutter S., Seker-Cin H., Johann P.,
Bender S., Schmidt C., Rausch T., Shih D., Reimand J.,
Sieber L., Wittmann A., Linke L., Witt H., Weber U.D.,
Zapatka M., Koenig R., Beroukhim R., Bergthold G., van
Sluis P., Volckmann R., Koster J., Versteeg R., Schmidt
S., Wolf S., Lawerenz C., Bartholomae C.C., von Kalle
C., Unterberg A., Herold-Mende C., Hofer S., Kulozik
A.E., von Deimling A., Scheurlen W., Felsberg J.,
Reifenberger G., Hasselblatt M., Crawford J.R., Grant
G.A., Jabado N., Perry A., Cowdrey C., Croul S., Zadeh
G., Korbel J.O., Doz F., Delattre O., Bader G.D., McCabe
M.G., Collins V.P., Kieran M.W., Cho Y.J., Pomeroy S.L.,
Witt O., Brors B., Taylor M.D., Schueller U., Korshunov
A., Eils R., Wechsler-Reya R.J., Lichter P., and Pfister
S.M. Genome Sequencing of SHH Medulloblastoma
Predicts Genotype-Related Response to Smoothened
Inhibition. [2014] Cancer Cell (25) 3 : 393-405. Impact
factor : 23.893
27. Kwon E.D., Drake C.G., Scher H.I., Fizazi K., Bossi A.,
den Eertwegh A.J.M., Krainer M., Houede N., Santos
R., Mahammedi H., Ng S., Maio M., Franke F.A.,
Sundar S., Agarwal N., Bergman A.M., Ciuleanu T.E.,
Korbenfeld E., Sengeløv L., Hansen S., Logothetis
C., Beer T.M., McHenry M.B., Gagnier P., Liu D., and
Gerritsen W.R. Ipilimumab versus placebo after
radiotherapy in patients with metastatic castrationresistant prostate cancer that had progressed
after docetaxel chemotherapy (CA184-043) : A
multicentre, randomised, double-blind, phase
3 trial. [2014] Lancet Oncology (15) 7 : 700-712.
Impact factor : 24.725
28. Lane A.A., Chapuy B., Lin C.Y., Tivey T., Li H.,
Townsend E.C., van Bodegom D., Day T.A., Wu S.C.,
Liu H., Yoda A., Alexe G., Schinzel A.C., Sullivan
T.J., Malinge S.Ã., Taylor J.E., Stegmaier K., Jaffe
J.D., Bustin M., te Kronnie G., Izraeli S., Harris
M.H., Stevenson K.E., Neuberg D., Silverman L.B.,
Sallan S.E., Bradner J.E., Hahn W.C., Crispino J.D.,
Pellman D., and Weinstock D.M. Triplication of a
21q22 region contributes to B cell transformation
through HMGN1 overexpression and loss of histone
H3 Lys27 trimethylation. [2014] Nature Genetics
(46) 6 : 618-623. Impact factor : 29.648
29. Lawler M., Le Chevalier T., Banks I., Conte P., De
Lorenzo F., Meunier F., Pinedo H.M., Selby P., Murphy
M.J., and Johnston P.G. A Bill of Rights for patients
with cancer in Europe. [2014] Lancet Oncology (15)
3 : 258-260. Impact factor : 24.725
30. Long G.V., Stroyakovskiy D., Gogas H.H., Levchenko
E.E., De Braud F.F., Larkin J., Garbe C.C., Jouary
T., Hauschild A., Grob J.J., Chiarion Sileni V.V.,
Lebbe C.C., Mandala M., Millward M., Arance A.A.,
Bondarenko I., Haanen J.B.A.G., Hansson J.J.,
Utikal J.J., Ferraresi V., Kovalenko N.N., Mohr P.,
Probachai V., Schadendorf D.D., Nathan P.P., Robert
C.C., Ribas A., DeMarini D.J., Irani J.G., Casey M.,
Ouellet D., Martin A.M., Le N., Patel K., and Flaherty
K. Combined BRAF and MEK inhibition versus BRAF
inhibition alone in melanoma. [2014] New England
journal of medicine (371) 20 : 1877-1888. Impact
factor : 54.420
31. Madeo F., Pietrocola F., Eisenberg T., and Kroemer G.
Caloric restriction mimetics : towards a molecular
definition. [2014] Nature reviews Drug discovery
(13) 10 : 727-740. Impact factor : 37.231
32. Malka D., Cervera P., Foulon S., Trarbach T., De
La Fouchardière C., Boucher E., Fartoux L., Faivre
S., Blanc J.F., Viret F., Assenat E., Seufferlein T.,
Herrmann T., Grenier J., Hammel P., Dollinger
M., Andre T., Hahn P., Heinemann V., Rousseau V.,
Ducreux M., Pignon J.P., Wendum D., Rosmorduc
O., and Greten T.F. Gemcitabine and oxaliplatin
with or without cetuximab in advanced biliary-tract
cancer (BINGO) : a randomised, open-label, noncomparative phase 2 trial. [2014] Lancet Oncology
(15) 8 : 819-828. Impact factor : 24.725
33. Marino G., Niso-Santano M., Baehrecke E.H., Kroemer
G.G., and Marino G. Self-consumption : the interplay
of autophagy and apoptosis. [2014] Nature Reviews
Molecular Cell Biology (15) 2 : 81-94. Impact factor :
34. McArthur G.A., Chapman P.B., Robert C., Larkin J.,
Haanen J.B., Dummer R., Ribas A., Hogg D., Hamid
O., Ascierto P.A., Garbe C., Testori A., Maio M., Lorigan
P., Lebbé C., Jouary T., Schadendorf D., O’Day S.J.,
Kirkwood J.M., Eggermont A.M., Dréno B., Sosman
J.A., Flaherty K.T., Yin M., Caro I., Cheng S., Trunzer K.,
and Hauschild A.a. Safety and efficacy of vemurafenib
in BRAFV600E and BRAFV600K mutation-positive
melanoma (BRIM-3) : Extended follow-up of a phase
3, randomised, open-label study. [2014] Lancet
Oncology (15) 3 : 323-332. Impact factor : 24.725
35. McGale P., Taylor C., Correa C., Cutter D., Duane F.,
Ewertz M., Gray R., Mannu G., Peto R., Whelan T.,
Wang Y., Wang Z., and Darby S. Effect of radiotherapy
after mastectomy and axillary surgery on 10-year
recurrence and 20-year breast cancer mortality :
meta-analysis of individual patient data for 8135
women in 22 randomised trials. [2014] Lancet (383)
9935 : 2127-2135. Impact factor : 39.207
36. Monk B.J., Poveda A., Vergote I., Raspagliesi F.,
Fujiwara K., Bae D.S., Oaknin A., Ray-Coquard
I., Provencher D.M., Karlan B.Y., Lhomme C.,
Richardson G., Rincon D.G., Coleman R.L., Herzog
T.J., Marth C., Brize A., Fabbro M., Redondo A.,
Bamias A., Tassoudji M., Navale L., Warner D.J., and
Oza A.M. Anti-angiopoietin therapy with trebananib
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McHenry B., Liu D., and Gerritsen W.R. Results of
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26. Escudier B.J., Porta C., Squires M., Szczylik C.,
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E., Bjarnason G.A., Vogelzang N.J., Sternberg C.N.,
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30. Ferté C., Koscielny S., Albiges L., Rocher L., Soria
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31. Fizazi K., Delva R., Caty A., Chevreau C., Kerbrat P.,
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35. Garcia J.A., Kataja V.V., James N.D., Jones R.H.,
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37. Gartrell B.A., Coleman R.E., Fizazi K., Miller K.,
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46. Iacovelli R., Massari F., Albiges L., and Escudier
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49. Kroemer G. and Perfettini J.L. Entosis, a key player
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64. Marino G., Pietrocola F., Kong Y., Eisenberg T., Hill
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70. Mulders P.F.A., Molina A., Marberger M., Saad F.,
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71. Nassif M., Valenzuela V., Rojas-Rivera D., Vidal R.,
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73. Nguyen T.V., Riou L., Aoufouchi S., and Rosselli
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76. Oudard S., Kheoh T.S., Yu M.K., Smith M.R., Small
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80. Rao S., Tortola L., Perlot T., Wirnsberger G.,
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85. Rini B.I., Bellmunt J., Clancy J., Wang K.,
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86. Rosmarin D., Palles C., Church D., Domingo E.,
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A., Martin M., Sargent D., Green E., McLeod H.,
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S., Enghusen H., Jensen S.A., Etienne-Grimaldi
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87. Saad F., de Bono J., Shore N., Fizazi K., Loriot Y.,
Hirmand M., Franks B., Haas G.P., and Scher H.I.
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88. Schroeder S., Pendl T., Zimmermann A., Eisenberg
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and Madeo F. Acetyl-coenzyme A: A metabolic
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89. Shore N.D., Bono P., Massard C., Snapir A.,
Sarapohja T., and Fizazi K. ODM-201 and the CNS:
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90. Sieri S., Chiodini P., Agnoli C., Pala V., Berrino
F., Trichopoulou A., Benetou V., Vasilopoulou E.,
Sanchez M.J., Chirlaque M.D., Amiano P., Ramon
Quiros J., Ardanaz E., Buckland G., Masala
G., Panico S., Grioni S., Sacerdote C., Tumino
R., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Clavel-Chapelon F.,
Fagherazzi G., Peeters P.H.M., van Gils C.H.,
Bueno-de-Mesquita H.B., van Kranen H.J., Key
T.J., Travis R.C., Khaw K.T., Wareham N.J., Kaaks
R., Lukanova A., Boeing H., Schuetze M., Sonestedt
E., Wirfaelt E., Sund M., Andersson A., Chajes V.,
Rinaldi S., Romieu I., Weiderpass E., Skeie G.,
Dagrun E., Tjonneland A., Halkjaer J., Overvard
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91. Smith M.R., Coleman R.E., Klotz L., Pittman K.B.,
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92. Smith M.R., Matheny S., Saad F., Rathkopf D.E.,
Mulders P.F.A., De Bono J.S., Small E.J., Shore
N.D., Fizazi K., Kheoh T.S., Li J., Todd M.B., Griffin
T.W., Yu M.K., and Ryan C.J. Response to androgen
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93. Sonpavde G., Sudarshan S., and Escudier B.
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94. Veccia A., Ortega C., Di Lorenzo G., La Russa F.,
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Spizzo G., Aieta M., Lodde M., Mansueto G., Zucali
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95. Viprey V.F., Gregory W.M., Corrias M.V., Tchirkov A.,
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R., Valteau-Couanet D., Papadakis V., Laureys
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S.A. Neuroblastoma mRNAs predict outcome in
children with stage 4 neuroblastoma: A European
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96. Viry E., Baginska J., Berchem G., Noman M.Z.,
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degradation of GZMB/granzyme B : a new
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97. Wislez M., Barlesi F., Besse B., Mazieres J., Merle
P., Cadranel J., Audigier-Valette C., Moro-Sibilot
D., Gautier-Felizot L., Goupil F., Renault A., Quoix
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adjuvant phase II trial in patients with nonsmall-cell lung cancer: IFCT-0801 TASTE. [2014]
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Impact factor : 17.879
98. Wu C., Kraft P., Stolzenberg-Solomon R., Steplowski
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5., Arslan A.A., Bueno-de-Mesquita H.B., Gross
M., Helzlsouer K., Jacobs E.J., Kooperberg C.,
Petersen G.M., Zheng W., Albanes D., BoutronRuault M.C., Buring J.E., Canzian F., Cao G., Duell
E.J., Elena J.W., Gaziano J.M., Giovannucci E.L.,
Hallmans G., Hutchinson A., Hunter D.J., Jenab M.,
Jiang G., Khaw K.T., LaCroix A., Li Z., Mendelsohn
J.B., Panico S., Patel A.V., Qian Z.R., Riboli E.,
Sesso H., Shen H., Shu Z.O., Tjonneland A., Tobias
G.S., Trichopoulos D., Virtamo J., Visvanathan K.,
Wactawski-Wende J., Wang C., Yu K., ZeleniuchJacquotte A., Chanock S., Hoover R., Hartge P.,
Fuchs C.S., Lin D., and Wolpin B.M. Genome-wide
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99. Yamada O., Mahfoudhi E., Plo I., Ozaki K.,
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factor : 17.879
100. Yu E.Y., Saad F., Londhe A., Shore N.D., Van
Poppel H., Rathkopf D.E., Smith M.R., Logothetis
C., De Souza P.L., Fizazi K., Mulders P.F.A.,
Mainwaring P.N., Hainsworth J.D., Beer T.M., North
S.A., Small E.J., Scher H.I., Griffin T.W., Yu M.K.,
and Ryan C.J. Association of alkaline phosphatase
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101. Zitvogel L. and Kroemer G. Cytokines reinstate
NK cell-mediated cancer immunosurveillance.
[2014] Journal of Clinical Investigation (124) 11 :
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102. Zitvogel L. and Kroemer G. Targeting foxp1
for reinstating anticancer immunosurveillance.
[2014] Immunity (41) 3 : 345-347. Impact factor :
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7. A
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10. A
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F.J.B., Jansen E., Rinaldi S., Romieu I., Ferrari P.,
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A., Bamia C., Orfanos P., Agnoli C., Palli D., Panico
S., Tumino R., Vineis P., Peeters P.H., Duell E.J.,
Molina-Montes E., Ramon Quiros J., Dorronsoro M.,
Chirlaque M.D., Barricarte A., Ljuslinder I., Palmqvist
R., Travis R.C., Khaw K.T., Wareham N., Pischon T.,
and Boeing H. Biomarker patterns of inflammatory
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11. A
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F.J.B., Rinaldi S., Fedirko V., Romieu I., Kaaks R., Riboli
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Clavel-Chapelon F., Lukanova A., Trichopoulou A.,
Trichopoulos D., Vidalis P., Panico S., Agnoli C., Palli
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12. A
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D., Knuppel S., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Dossus L.,
Dartois L., Kaaks R., Li K., Tjonneland A., Overvad K.,
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Chirlaque M.D., Barricarte A., Khaw K.T., Wareham
N.J., Bradbury K.E., Trichopoulou A., Lagiou P.,
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Naccarati A., Panico S., Siersema P.D., Peeters P.,
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23. A
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25. A
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26. A
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L. Trial Watch: Toll-like receptor agonists in
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27. A
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28. A
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30. A
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Hunter D.J., Buring J.E., Lee I.M., Zhang S., Dossus
L., Cox D.G., Khaw K.T., Lund E., Naccarati A., Peeters
P.H., Ramon Quiros J., Riboli E., Sund M., Trichopoulos
D., Prentice R.L., Kraft P., Kaaks R., and Campa D.
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35. B
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S., Pretet J.L., Rouquette I., De Cremoux P., Solassol
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90. D
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95. D
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96. D
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Bakker M.F., Peeters P.H.M., Weiderpass E., Bjerkaas
E., Braaten T., Menendez V., Agudo A., Sanchez M.J.,
Amiano P., Tormo M.J., Barricarte A., Butt S., Khaw
K.T., Wareham N., Key T.J., Travis R.C., Rinaldi S.,
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97. D
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98. D
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100. D
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101. D
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H., Lindkvist B., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Buenode-Mesquita H.B., Rizzato C., Trichopoulou A.,
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A., Gurrea A.B., Johansson M., Riboli E., Figueiredo
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104. E
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105. E
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106. E
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107. E
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108. E
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Romieu I., Rinaldi S., Chajes V., Gunter M.J., ClavelChapelon F., Fagherazzi G., Mesrine S., Chang-Claude
J., Kaaks R., Boeing H., Aleksandrova K., Trichopoulou
A., Naska A., Orfanos P., Palli D., Agnoli C., Tumino R.,
Vineis P., Mattiello A., Braaten T., Borch K.B., Lund
E., Menendez V., Sanchez M.J., Navarro C., Barricarte
A., Amiano P., Sund M., Andersson A., Borgquist S.,
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112. E
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Weiderpass E., Lund E., Clavel-Chapelon F., BoutronRuault M.C., Racine A., Numans M.E., Tumino R.,
Canzian F., Campa D., Sund M., Johansson M.,
Ohlsson B., Lindkvist B., Overvad K., Tjonneland A.,
Palli D., Travis R.C., Khaw K.T., Wareham N., Boeing
H., Nesi G., Riboli E., Gonzalez C.A., and Sala N.
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113. E
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114. E
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115. F
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117. F
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118. F
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Bueno-de-Mesquita H.B., Dahm C.C., Overvad K.,
Chirlaque M.D., Johansen C., Bidstrup P.E., Dalton S.O.,
Gunter M.J., Wark P.A., Norat T., Halkjaer J., Tjonneland
A., Dik V.K., Siersema P.D., Boutron-Ruault M.C., Dossus
L., Bastide N., Kuhn T., Kaaks R., Boeing H., Trichopoulou
A., Klinaki E., Katsoulis M., Pala V., Panico S., Tumino
R., Palli D., Vineis P., Weiderpass E., Skeie G., Gonzalez
C.A., Sanchez M.J., Barricarte A., Amiano P., Quiros
J.R., Manjer J.a., Jirström K., Ljuslinder I., Palmqvist
R., Khaw K.T., Wareham N., Bradbury K.E., Stepien M.,
Duarte-Salles T., Riboli E., and Jenab M. Pre-diagnostic
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119. F
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121. F
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123. F
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Benhamou S., Prescott J., Porru S., Bas Bueno-deMesquita H., Trichopoulos D., Ljungberg B., ClavelChapelon F., Weiderpass E., Krogh V.a., Dorronsoro
M., Travis R., Tjonneland A., Brenan P., ChangClaude J., Riboli E., Conti D., Gago-Dominguez
M., Stern M.C., Pike M.C., van den Berg D., Yuan
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124. F
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Conti D., Gago-Dominguez M., Stern M.C., Pike M.C.,
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125. F
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Kuhn T., Mattiello A., Nilsson P.M., Overvad K., Pala
V., Palli D., Quiros J.R., Rolandsson O., Roswall N.,
Sacerdote C., Sanchez M.J., Slimani N., Spijkerman
A.M.W., Tjonneland A., Tormo M.J., Tumino R.,
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130. F
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factor : 5.230
131. F
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132. G
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133. G
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134. G
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Castoldi F., Abastado J.P., Agostinis P., Apte R.N.,
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242. N
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Panico S., Tumino R., Vineis P., Bueno-de-Mesquita
H.B., van Kranen H., Peeters P.H., Weiderpass E.,
Dorronsoro M., Jakszyn P., Sanchez M., Arguelles M.,
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I., Khaw K., Wareham N., Freisling H., Duarte-Salles
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244. O
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245. P
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246. P
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247. P
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Ivy P., Olmos D., Massard C., Lacombe D., Kaye
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248. P
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249. P
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Punt C.J.A., Strickland A.H., Wilson G., Ciuleanu
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250. P
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251. P
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252. P
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253. P
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and Galluzzi L. Trial Watch DNA vaccines for cancer
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254. P
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factor : 6.266
255. P
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256. P
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Lacombe D., Ivy P., Seymour L., Le Tourneau C., Siu
L.L., Kaye S.B., Verweij J., and Soria J.C. Towards
new methods for the determination of dose limiting
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257. P
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258. Q
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factor : 5.282
259. R
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260. R
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261. R
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263. R
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264. R
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A., Amiano P., Wareham N., Khaw K.T., Bradbury
K.E., Trichopoulou A., Papatesta H.M., Trichopoulos
D., Palli D., Pala V., Tumino R., Sacerdote C.,
Mattiello A., Peeters P.H., Ehrnstrom R., Brennan P.,
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factor : 5.085
267. R
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268. R
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269. R
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Fagherazzi G., Kaaks R., Lukanova A., Steffen A.,
Trichopoulou A., Trichopoulos D., Klinaki E., Tumino
R., Sacerdote C., Panico S., Bueno-de-Mesquita
H.B., Peeters P.H., Lund E., Weiderpass E., Luisa
Redondo M., Sanchez M.J., Tormo M.J., Barricarte
A., Larranaga N., Ekstrom J., Hortlund M., Lindquist
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273. S
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274. S
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Zacharoulis S. Impact Of High Dose Chemotherapy
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276. S
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277. S
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278. S
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279. S
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281. S
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282. S
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E., Dorronsoro M., Bonet C., Khaw K.T., Key T.,
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Lukanova A., Pischon T., Ljuslinder I., Jirström K.,
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Braaten T., Siersema P.D., Freisling H., Ferrari P.,
Peeters P.H.M., May A.M., Bisschop C.N.S., Vicente
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284. S
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285. S
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and Kroemer G. Immune-related gene signatures
predict the outcome of neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
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286. S
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E., Gidrol X., Zitvogel L., Madeo F., Galluzzi L., Kepp
O., and Kroemer G. Immunogenic calreticulin
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287. S
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288. T
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289. T
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290. T
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F., Baglietto L., Boeing H., Trichopoulou A., Lagiou P.,
Trichopoulos D., Palli D., Pala V., Tumino R., Rosso
S., Panico S., Agudo A., Menendez V., Sanchez M.-J.,
Amiano P., Huerta Castano J.M., Ardanaz E., Buenode-Mesquita H.B., Monninkhof E., Onland-Moret C.,
Andersson A., Sund M., Weiderpass E., Khaw K.-T.,
Key T.J., Travis R.C., Gunter M.J., Riboli E., Dossus
L., and Kaaks R. Circulating prolactin and breast
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291. T
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Delcambre-Lair C., Saada E., Lecesne A., Le Péchoux
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Bay J.O., Brouste V., Terrier P., Ranchère-Vince
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292. T
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Brouste V., Terrier P., Ranchère-Vince D., Neuville A.,
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294. T
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295. T
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Thirot-Bidault A., Lobry C., Asnacios A., ManetLacombe S., Fein F., Dubreuil O., Landi B., Zaanan
A., Bonnetain F., and Taïeb J. Fixed-dose rate
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