model the migration of Grevy`s zebras - endeleo
model the migration of Grevy`s zebras - endeleo
Faculteit Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen Academiejaar 2008-2009 MODELLING THE MIGRATION OF GREVY’S ZEBRA IN FUNCTION OF HABITAT TYPE USING REMOTE SENSING Eline HOSTENS Promotor: Prof. Dr. ir. Robert R. D E W ULF Masterproef voorgedragen tot het behalen van de graad van B IO - INGENIEUR IN HET BOS - EN NATUURBEHEER Faculteit Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen Academiejaar 2008-2009 MODELLING THE MIGRATION OF GREVY’S ZEBRA IN FUNCTION OF HABITAT TYPE USING REMOTE SENSING Eline HOSTENS Promotor: Prof. Dr. ir. Robert R. D E W ULF Masterproef voorgedragen tot het behalen van de graad van B IO - INGENIEUR IN HET BOS - EN NATUURBEHEER De auteur en de promotor geven de toelating deze masterproef voor consultatie beschikbaar te stellen en delen ervan te kopiëren voor persoonlijk gebruik. Elk ander gebruik valt onder de beperkingen van het auteursrecht, in het bijzonder met betrekking tot de verplichting uitdrukkelijk de bron te vermelden bij het aanhalen van resultaten uit deze scriptie. The author and promotor give the permission to use this thesis for consultation and to copy parts of it for personal use. Every other use is subjected to the copyright laws, more specifically the source must be exensively specified when using results from this thesis. The promotor: Prof. dr. ir. R. De Wulf The author: Eline Hostens Foreword The making of a thesis is quite a challenge. I would never have been able to do this without the help of a lot of people. Here I would like to take the opportunity to thank all the people who contributed to the success of this work. First let me express my sincere thanks to my supervisor prof. dr. ir. Robert R. de Wulf who gave me the opportunity to make this thesis about a passion of mine, i.e. animals. I would also like to thank Toon Westra for the support during the year. I could always go to him for advice about practical work or for any other questions. I am grateful to Northern Rangelands Trust for the collection of ground truth data and the delivery of GPS tracking data and especially to Juliet King fot the coordination. I’d also like to thank Else Swinnen of VITO for preparing the SPOT-Vegetation ten-day composites. I would like to show my appreciation to Kenny Devos and Els Verdonck who read and improved my thesis. I would like to thank my father Ivan Hostens, who has always helped me where possible during my studies, for reading this work and for a lot of other problems and jobs he has taken for his account. A word of gratitude goes to all the people who made my student days one of the best periods of my life so far. All the new friends I made in Gent, all the people of my year and especially my collegueroomers to whom I could always go to have a good chat and for support. I am really going to miss them. My parents as well deserve appreciation as they made a great effort to give me the opportunity to study and explore my possibilities. Therefore I will always be grateful to them. I would also like to thank them for supporting me during the more difficult times and for their trust in me. Handzame, mei 2009 Eline Hostens List of Abbreviations 2-D : 3-D : AVHRR : CITES : EVI : GPS : LAI : LCCS : LiDAR : MCP : MIR : NASA : NDVI : NIR : NN : NOAA : NRT : PAs : PC : PCA : PDOP : PTT : SA : SAR : SSC : TLU : UNEP : VHF : two-dimensional three-dimensional Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species Enhanced Vegetation Index Global Positioning System Leaf Area Index Land Cover Classification System airborne lasers Minimum Convex Polygon Mid Infra Red National Aeronautics and Space Administration Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Near Infra Red Artificial Neural Networks National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Northern Rangelands Trust Protected Areas Principal Component Principal Component Analysis Positional Dilution Of Precision Platform Transmitter Terminals Selective Availability Synthetic Aperture Radar Species Survival Commision Tropical Livestock Unit United Nations Environment Program Very High Frequency Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Grevy’s Zebra (Equus grevyi) 3 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Social structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Habitat and diet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 Breeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5 Predators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6 Threats and conservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3 Study area 11 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2 Climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3 Livestock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4 Vegetation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 5 Conservancies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 5.2 Conservation of Grevy’s zebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 II Contents 4 5 6 Wildlife telemetry 18 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2 Very-High-Frequency (VHF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3 Satellite tracking: Argos system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4 Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.1 Operation of the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.2 Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 4.3 Obstructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 4.4 Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 4.5 Examples of studies using GPS telemetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Wildlife tracking and remote sensing 29 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2 Habitat maps and habitat suitability mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.1 Habitat maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.2 Habitat suitability maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 3 Spatial heterogeneity assessment based on primary productivity . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4 Temporal heterogeneity assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 5 Heterogeneity assessment based on landscape structural properties . . . . . . . . . . 33 6 Heterogeneity assessment based on plant chemical constituents . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Data and methods 35 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2 Satellite images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.1 35 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III Contents 7 2.2 Landsat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2.3 MODIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2.4 SPOT-Vegetation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 3 Tracking data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4 Vector data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 5 Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 5.1 Ground truth data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 5.2 Artificial Neural Networks (NN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 5.3 Classification methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 5.4 Accuracy assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 6 Analysis of Grevy’s zebra tracking data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 7 Analysis of Grevy’s zebras’ migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 7.2 Correlation of the zebras’ migration with biomass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 7.2.1 Linking NDVI and tracking datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 7.2.2 Statistical analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 7.3 Correlation between zebra presence and water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 7.4 Correlation between zebra presence and livestock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 7.5 Correlation between zebra presence and towns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 7.6 Habitat preference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 7.7 Integration of all factors influencing the migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Results and discussion 54 1 Habitat classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 1.1 54 Landsat-based habitat classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV Contents 1.2 MODIS-based habitat classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 1.3 Analysis of the result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 1.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 2 Analysis of tracking data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 3 Correlation between tracking data and biomass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 4 Correlation between tracking data and water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 5 Correlation between tracking data and livestock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 6 Correlation between tracking data and towns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 7 Habitat preference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 7.2 Habitat preference tested on the MODIS classification . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 7.2.1 First level comparison: testing for non-random use . . . . . . . . . 80 7.2.2 First level comparison: ranking of the habitat types in order of preference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Second level comparison: testing for non-random use . . . . . . . 83 Habitat preference tested on Africover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 7.3.1 First level comparison: testing for non-random use . . . . . . . . . 85 7.3.2 First level comparison: ranking of the habitat types in order of preference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 7.3.3 First level comparison: integration over all sixteen zebras . . . . . 88 7.3.4 Second level comparison: testing for non-random use . . . . . . . 88 7.3.5 Second level comparison: integration over all sixteen zebras . . . . 88 Integration of all factors influencing the occurrence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 7.2.3 7.3 8 8 Conclusion 94 V Contents 9 Nederlandse samenvatting 97 1 Inleiding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 2 Literatuurstudie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 2.1 Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 2.2 Studiegebied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 2.3 Wildlife telemetrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 2.4 Tracking van wild en teledetectie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 3 4 Data en methoden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 3.1 Satellietbeelden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 3.2 Tracking data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 3.3 Classificatie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 3.4 Analyse van de Grevy’s zebra’s tracking data en migratie . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Resultaten en discussie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 4.1 Classificatie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 4.2 Analyse van de Grevy’s zebras tracking data en migratie . . . . . . . . . . . 105 4.2.1 Correlatie tussen tracking data en biomassa . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 4.2.2 Correlatie tussen tracking data en aanwezigheid van water, vee en dorpen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 4.2.3 Habitatpreferentie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 4.2.4 Integratie van alle factoren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Reference 108 A Ground truth collection form 115 B Classes of the Africover classification of the study area 117 VI Contents C Boxplots for the different seasons 119 D Habitatpreference based on made classification 121 E Habitatpreference based on the Africover reclass classification 123 F Histograms for the different seasons 125 VII Chapter 1 Introduction The Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi) is listed on the IUCN red list as an endangered species that can only be found in the eastern part of Ethiopia and the northern part of Kenya. There has been a fast decline of the remaining population in the past decades. The major threat for this species is introduced livestock that compete for grazing. As cattle is mostly kept nearby water, Grevy’s zebras are sometimes forced to drink at night, when they are more vulnerable to predation. As the zebras can travel large distances, much of their home range is located outside protected areas. They are mostly found in the arid and semi-arid rangelands. In this thesis migration of Grevy’s zebras is modelled in function of habitat type and plant biomass using remote sensing. As the Grevy’s zebra is a threatened species, it is very important to monitor their movement and to increase the knowledge about their behaviour. The more is known about the use of resources and migration, the more efforts can be made to preserve them. There are two major objectives in this thesis. The first is to perform a habitat classification of the study area with the aim of determining the habitat use of the Grevy’s zebras. The second objective is the modelling of the migration of the Grevy’s zebras. The habitat classification of the study area will be based on Landsat and MODIS satellite images. There will be searched for the best method of classifying the study area. Habitat classes will be derived from ground truth data and the classification will be conducted with the Maximum Likelihood classifier and with Neural Networks. An Africover map, a rough habitat map of Africa is already available for the study area, but there will be tried to make a more detailed map. Additionally, attempts will be made to make a ranking of the habitat preference of Grevy’s zebras based on the habitat classification and the Africover classification. The objective of the modelling of the Grevy’s zebras’ migration will be divided into some subobjectives: the correlation of the tracking data with biomass, with available water, with livestock presence and with the presence of towns. Data about the migration and location of the Grevy’s zebras 1 CHAPTER 1. Introduction is obtained by applying GPS-collars to sixteen zebras. There are several factors influencing the animals’ movement and these will be investigated separately. The most important influence is probably the availability of food sources. As Grevy’s zebras are herbivores, biomass can be used as an indicator for the available amount of food. This will be modelled using the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) as a proxy. SPOT-Vegetation NDVI images will be applied to derive time series of NDVI for the study area. To model the influence of water availability, a map of the distance to the nearest water source is being used. The impact of livestock will also be examined. The influence of towns will also be examined by calculating the distance to the nearest town and finding the relationship between this distance and zebra occurence. Finally all these factors will be merged together to make a prediction of the areas within the study area that are best suitable for the Grevy’s zebras. First, there is a brief overview of the literature. The species Grevy’s zebras will be discussed as well as the study area. To understand the tracking technique, GPS tracking is handled. To make a comparison with the other possibilities, VHF and satellite tracking will also be discussed. Last, a link will be made between animal movement and remote sensing. 2 Chapter 2 Grevy’s Zebra (Equus grevyi) 1 Introduction Zebras are still numerous and widespread in Africa. There are three species: The plains zebra (Equus burchelli Gray), the Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi Oustalet) and the mountain zebra (Equus zebra L.). The Grevy’s zebra is listed on the IUCN red list as an endangered species that can only be found in the eastern part of Ethiopia and the northern part of Kenya. The Grevy’s zebra is the biggest species of the wild equids. It can easily be distinguished from other zebra species by its larger size, big rounded ears, narrow, evenly divided stripes, a white unmarked belly, and a brown spot on the nose (Rubenstein, 2004). They are about 250–275 cm long and have a shoulder height of about 140–160 cm. Females weigh about 350–400 kg, males 380–450 kg (ARKive, Images of life on Earth, read 07/2008). Figure 2.1: A Grevy’s zebra (Gardner, read 08/2008) 3 CHAPTER 2. Grevy’s Zebra (Equus grevyi) Table 2.1: Taxonomic classification of the Grevy’s zebra. Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species 2 Animalia Chordata Mammalia Perissodactyla Equidae Equus Equus grevyi Social structure Social structures of all species, like group size, spatial dispersion, and mating systems, are shaped by the environment. The major force leading to sociality for zebras was probably the need to protect against predation. Of all predatory attacks on zebras by lions, 35% are successful when zebras are solitary, whereas only 22% when zebras live in moderate-sized groups. Social relationships may also be influenced by the fulfilling of other needs, such as acquiring food, water, and mates (Rubenstein, 1986). The social structure of the Grevy’s zebra is different from the other zebra species as it is a much opener society (ARKive, Images of life on Earth, read 07/2008). They are loosely social animals, which can be found in the most distinct groupings. There are groups of mostly young stallions without territory, who live in bachelor groups; there are groups of mares with or without foals; and there are also mixed groups of stallions and mares. The herd composition varies constantly as the members do not have an individual connection with each other. The formation of mixed big flocks is connected to the seasonal migration. The most stable relationships are those of a stallion to his territory and of a mare to her foal (Grzimek, 1972). The female’s movements and association choices are primarily thought to be dependent on water and forage distribution. There’s a difference in dietary needs, both quantitative and qualitative, and susceptibility to predation between lactating and non-lactating females (Sundaresan et al., 2007b). Having a good condition is important for survival, embryo development, and the raising of young to independence. Non-lactating females put efforts in acquiring large quantities of high-quality vegetation, while lactating females both want to acquire food and access to predator-free sources of water. If high quality food and safe water coincide, then the different reproductive classes can be found together. Otherwise, they are distributed in different areas (Rubenstein, 1986). Grevy’s zebras live in arid areas with scarce water. Only lactating females need to drink every day. When a foal is killed, the mothers go to sites more distant from water and with more plentiful vegetation (Rubenstein, 2004). These 4 CHAPTER 2. Grevy’s Zebra (Equus grevyi) different needs prevent them to form stable bonds among each other. Grevy’s zebra’s females range between 10 to 15 kilometres per day (Rubenstein, 1986). Competition for vegetation is rare among females. Regardless of abundance, they avoid interfering with each other as they try to consume as much food as quickly as possible by adjusting their spacing (Rubenstein, 2004). About 10% of a population’s mature stallions (ARKive, Images of life on Earth, read 07/2008) have a territory of 2.5–10.5 km2 , which is huge in comparison to other herbivores’ territories. The strongest males claim prime watering and grazing areas. These factors attract other zebras to the territory. The territory stallion tolerates other stallions if they don’t approach receptive mares; the resident male has the exclusivity to mate in his territory. If they do approach the mares, they will be attacked and chased away from the mare about 30–100m. They are rarely chased away from the territory. The attacked stallion admits to the dominance of the territory owner and will not defend himself. Stallions without a territory will fight each other to mate with a mare. The territories are located along recognition points in the landscape. The main marking of the territory is by the presence of the owner. The sound and smell signals, which indicate the borders, are presumably of subordinate role. These piles of manure seemingly help the animal orientate in its terrain. The piles are several square meters in size and about 40cm high (Grzimek, 1972). 3 Habitat and diet Today, Grevy’s zebra can only be found in the northern parts of Kenya and in the south of Ethiopia. This is due to a rapid decline in their population. They used to roam in semi arid shrublands and plains of Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Kenya (African Wildlife Foundation, read 07/2008). They are presumed extinct in Somalia since its last sighting in 1973 (figure2.2) (ARKive, Images of life on Earth, read 07/2008). Grevy’s zebras live in a more arid semi-desert habitat compared to the other zebra species (Youth, Howard, 2004). These habitats include arid grasslands and dusty acacia savannas. The bushed grassland habitats have woody vegetation that is dominated by Acacia species. The grasses are primarily of the genera Themeda, Cynodon and Pennisetum (Sundaresan et al., 2007a). 5 CHAPTER 2. Grevy’s Zebra (Equus grevyi) Figure 2.2: Historical and current range of Grevy’s zebras (Grevy’s zebra Trust, read 08/2008) Grevy’s zebras nearly always coexist with people. Therefore they have a trade-off between locations with good quality vegetation and proximity to human activities. According to Sundaresan et al. (2007a) forage quantity and quality, and habitat openness are vegetation features important to zebras. The ability to detect predators is affected by the visibility, which in turn is affected by the bush density. Grevy’s zebras may avoid areas close to humans and their livestock, due to direct disturbance or because of indirect competition with domestic ungulates for forage (Sundaresan et al., 2007a). Eating is a major occupancy for the Grevy’s zebras. They spend nearly two-thirds of their day on it (Saint Louis Zoo, read 07/2008). They are predominately grazers. Forbs, shrubs, and trees are alternative foods if grasses are scarce. Leaves can constitute up to 30% of their diet (Smithsonian National Zoological Park, read 07/2008). They can digest many types and parts of plants that cattle cannot (African Wildlife Foundation, read 07/2008). They are also beneficial to other wild grazers because they clear off the tops of coarse grasses that are difficult for other herbivores to digest. Zebras also eat coarse grasses that grow on marginal lands where cattle do not dwell (Seaworld Adventure Parks, read 07/2008). Zebras ferment vegetation after digestion in the stomach. Therefore food processing is not slowed down as in ruminant grazers (Rubenstein, 2004). The contact with the absorptive surfaces of the intestine is limited. To survive they must therefore consume large quantities of vegetation, which can be of low quality. Zebra foraging is consequently only limited by the time they can devote to feeding (Rubenstein, 1994). 6 CHAPTER 2. Grevy’s Zebra (Equus grevyi) Grevy’s zebras are mostly observed in areas of short, green grass. It can be expected that they seek out areas with high-quality forage. However, lactating females and bachelors use areas with greener but shorter grass, seeking higher-quality forage at the cost of reduced quantity. The specific nutrient demands of lactation may drive the choice for the females with foals. For the bachelors there can be several possible explanations. The presence of lactating females may attract them, as these females come into predictable oestrus. They may require particular micronutrients, more abundant in growing grass, because many are still growing. Or bachelors may be avoiding territorial males who can harass them. Lactating females are also more often seen in dense woody vegetation, which is strange as these areas are thought to be unsafe as they provide cover for lions and given the fact that foals are very vulnerable to predation. The use of denser bush by lactating females suggests a trade-off between the risk of predation and other benefits of these areas, such as proximity to water or high-quality forage. The bachelors’ greater use of medium bush area can be due to their avoidance of territorial males. Non-lactating females and territorial males may pursuit a strategy of gaining weight by using areas with lower-quality, higher bulk forage (Sundaresan et al., 2007a). Water is also indispensable and a key to Grevy’s zebras’ survival and reproductive success. The animals must always be within fairly easy reach of water holes or rivers. If water is available they will drink daily, but as an adaptation to living in semi-desert, they can go without water for 2–5 days. The rain is the primary source of these water sources, and it also transforms the land around them. After the rain, the dusty plains are transformed into fertile pastures, peaking the zebras access to water and their breeding. As lactating females are forced to drink every day, they stay close to permanent water sources and the groups of mothers and foals often travel together. Zebras prefer drinking during the day, when they can easier see danger coming. During the daytime, some of the water sources are shielded off because cattle is grazing. Then, the zebras are forced to drink at night, after herders and their livestock left. This implies a greater risk of being caught by predators (Youth, Howard, 2004). 4 Breeding The Grevy’s zebra females wander through the territories of up to four males in one day. They mate with several males with which they associate; they are polyandrous. The females with newborn foals, remain near permanent sources of water in one male’s territory and mate exclusively with this male; they are monandrous. The males copulate twice as frequently with polyandrous females then when consorting with relatively sedentary monandrous females (Ginsberg & Rubenstein, 1990). Grevy’s zebras mate year round, with a gestation period of 13 months. A mare gives birth to only one foal. The peak birth and mating periods are from July through August and October through November. The breeding starts at an age of three for the females and six for the males and usually follows a two year interval (African Wildlife Foundation, read 07/2008). When there’s a shortage of food or water, the interval can become once every three years. In longer dry periods, the breeding ceases because 7 CHAPTER 2. Grevy’s Zebra (Equus grevyi) the females go out of oestrus as their bodies adjust more to a state of survival than one of readiness to mate (Youth, Howard, 2004). The newborn foals have a long hair crest down the back and belly, and their stripes are more brownish (African Wildlife Foundation, read 07/2008). They are able to stand a mere six minutes after birth, and run after 45 minutes, (ARKive, Images of life on Earth, read 07/2008) which is necessary because the foals are specifically vulnerable to predators. They start with the learning of the mother’s individual stripe pattern and smell before the mother lets any other zebra get close. The foal follows the mother every step and they spend time together playing, nuzzling, and nursing (African Wildlife Foundation, read 07/2008). The foals remain dependent on their mother’s milk until six to eight months of age and the young zebra stays about 2–3 years with its mother (ARKive, Images of life on Earth, read 07/2008). 5 Predators The main predator of all zebra species is the lion (Panthera leo L.). The zebras are most attacked during the night at waterholes (Grzimek, 1972). Lion activity peaks at night. The darkness provides them adequate concealment to hunt in open field, thereby shifting their habitat use from woodland to grassland. It is therefore more dangerous to be in open areas for zebras at night time because then lions are more likely to be present. Zebras can minimize the risk of an attack by reducing the number of encounters with lions, for instance by looking up more bushy habitats. However, their digestion system of hindgut fermentation forces a zebra to graze frequently throughout the day and night. Grazing occupies about 60% of their time. They prefer grassland, so moving to a safe place and waiting out the lions is not always an option (Fischhoff et al., 2007). By associating with other ungulates, the Grevy’s zebras obtain an advantage to predators. Wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus Burchell), beisa oryx (Oryx gazelle beisa L.), eland (Taurotragus oryx Pallas), and plains zebras are some of the species with which they sometimes graze and travel (Youth, Howard, 2004). 6 Threats and conservation The Grevy’s zebra is classified as an endangered species on the IUCN Red List 2008 (IUCN/SSC, read 07/2008). They are also listed on Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), which effectively bans international trade in the species (ARKive, Images of life on Earth, read 07/2008). In the late 1970s, the remaining population was estimated at about 15000. Recent estimates are 2000 remaining wild individuals in Kenya and about 120–250 in three isolated 8 CHAPTER 2. Grevy’s Zebra (Equus grevyi) Ethiopian populations. The species is considered extinct in Somalia (Saint Louis Zoo, read 07/2008). The species occurs in several protected reserves throughout much of its current range (ARKive, Images of life on Earth, read 07/2008). The first major threat to the Grevy’s zebra is introduced livestock that compete for grazing. Cows chew the plants to the ground which results in a considerable environmental degradation due to the highly erosive soil and fragile vegetation (Youth, Howard, 2004). The large cattle are mostly kept in grasslands nearby water, thereby making the water unreachable for the zebras during daytime, and forcing them to drink during the night, when they are more vulnerable to predation. This is one of the reasons why the population in Kenya declined with about 70% between 1977 and 1988 (IUCN/SSC, read 07/2008). The traditional water sources are sometimes dried up due to the intensive irrigation in farm areas upstream. Some herders block the zebra’s access to water by fencing it with thorn covered acacia limbs. These are all reasons why there is a constant decline in the water reserves for the Grevy’s zebras (Saint Louis Zoo, read 07/2008). Non-lactating females avoid livestock more than any other age or sex class. As livestock exploit the best grazing sites and females, in need of replenishing their body reserves after giving birth, try to avoid these areas, this could lengthen the inter-birth interval, and slow down the population growth (Rubenstein, 2004). Another threat is the hunting by poachers for zebra skins. High prices were paid for the zebra fur. The hunt is the reason why the species is threatened in Ethiopia. The species is extinct in Somalia because of hunting and wars. Thanks to CITES, this trade is now banned (African Wildlife Foundation, read 07/2008). The species was declared protected by the Kenyan and Ethiopian governments about 20 years ago. Despite the laws, the animals are still hunted for food and are used in traditional medicine (Youth, Howard, 2004). In some Kenyan reserves, Grevy’s zebras can drink and feed in cattle and gun free refuges. Unfortunately, these protected areas can only meet their needs for part of the year. The zebras keep spending much of their time on unprotected lands. Less than 0.5% of Grevy’s zebras’ range falls within protected areas, according to the IUCN Species Survival Commision’s (SSC) action plan. Even in these areas the animals encounter stress, caused by tour vehicles ignoring the rules and driving off-road, disturbing the zebras and other wildlife, causing erosion, and destroying fragile vegetation. Zebras sometimes stay away from waterholes during the day because tourists use them for swimming pools (Youth, Howard, 2004). Another serious problem can be due to the plains zebras. Whenever they outnumber the Grevy’s zebras, they significantly lower the feeding rate of the Grevy’s zebras. The replenishment of previously poached wildlife populations within National Parks is one of the goals of the Kenyan government. This can be achieved by translocations from densely to sparsely populated areas. The removal of plains zebras from areas where Grevy’s zebras are abundant, but where their numbers are not increasing, may help reduce competition and increase Grevy’s zebra birth rates (Rubenstein, 2004). 9 CHAPTER 2. Grevy’s Zebra (Equus grevyi) The fact of habitat loss is the most serious threat today in the already restricted area where the Grevy’s zebra lives. Grasslands are still cleared to make way for agriculture (African Wildlife Foundation, read 07/2008). However, there are also positive initiatives. The Grevy’s zebra is kept in zoos and breeding programmes have been started to preserve the species. Scientist and local communities in Africa are also working together to stop the decline and try to multiply the number of Grevy’s left (Saint Louis Zoo, read 07/2008). Zoos play vital roles as they educate people about the Grevy’s zebra’s situation and provide opportunities to observe the animals (Youth, Howard, 2004). 10 Chapter 3 Study area 1 Introduction The Republic of Kenya is situated on the east coast of Africa, on the equator. Kenya has several physical features, from low lying arid and semi-arid lands to a coastal belt, plateaus, highlands and the lake basin around Lake Victoria. The Great Rift Valley, which extends for 8700km from the Dead Sea in Jordan to Beira in Mozambique, bisects the country. Mount Kenya, rising to a height of 5199m, is the second highest snow capped mountain in Africa after Mount Kilimanjaro. Kenya has a diverse population of an estimated 34 million people of 42 ethnic groups. The capital city is Nairobi (Government of Kenya, read 11/2008). Kenya contains 8 provinces (figure 3.1(a)), namely Central, Coast, Eastern, Nairobi, North Eastern, Nyanza, Rift Valley and Western (Kenya-space, read 11/2008). The study area is the area where all tracking data of the zebras was collected. It is located in the centre of Kenya (figure 3.1), between latitudes 0.3◦ and 2◦ North and longitudes 36.99◦ and 38.1◦ East. It is located in parts of 6 districts: Laikipia District, Isiolo District, Samburu District, Marsabit District, Meru District and Nyambene District. Kenya mainly consists of savanna and grassland ecosystems (39%), as well as bushland and woodland ecosystems (36%). Agroecosystems cover 19% of the country, forests make up 1.7% and urban land takes only 0.2%. There is a small percentage of areas that are naturally devoid of vegetation, bare grounds (World Resources Institute et al., 2007). 11 CHAPTER 3. Study area (a) Provinces of Kenya (b) Districts within the study area Figure 3.1: Location of the study area (International Livestock Research Instistute, read 2009) Kenya has a very rich biodiversity. The country is home to 6500 plant species, more than 260 of which are found nowhere else in the world. Kenya has second place among African countries in species richness for birds (1000 species) and mammals (350 species). As Kenya is on the boundary between Africa’s northern and southern savannas, more species of large mammals are concentrated in its rangelands than in almost any other African country (World Resources Institute et al., 2007). Rangelands are all the habitats suitable for grazing livestock or wildlife (Dictionary, read 04/2009). The rangelands sustain livestock and wildlife. The wildlife species are an important income for the country through tourism. The wildlife and livestock census of 1994-96 showed that rangelands were dominated by livestock, with about 84% of all grazing animals in that area consisting of cattle, sheep or goat. There was a decline of 61% of all large grazing wildlife species in the rangelands between 1977-78 and 1994-96. The main reasons for this decline were the competition for land and water with humans and their livestock, as well as illegal hunting. It has been shown that livestock near water points push wildlife away from water. In almost all the rangeland districts, water demand is greater by livestock than by wildlife. Only in a few areas near or within protected areas, the water consumption by wildlife is larger than the water consumption by livestock. It has been shown that the density of human settlements has an impact on wildlife densities as well. The lower the human densities are, the higher the wildlife densities (World Resources Institute et al., 2007). 12 CHAPTER 3. Study area 2 Climate In Kenya there is a tropical climate with moderate temperatures averaging about 22°C throughout the year. The coast is hot and humid, the inland is temperate and the north and northeast parts of the country are dry (Government of Kenya, read 11/2008). The mean annual temperatures in Laikipia District range between 16°C and 26°C. The mean temperature in Samburu District is 29°C, the one in Isiolo District is about 27°C. So the study area is on average in the hotter parts of the country (Ministry of state for the Development of Northern Kenya and other arid lands, read 11/2008). For a country on the equator, the annual rainfall in Kenya is low with an annual average of about 630mm per year. This is very unevenly distributed over the land and varies greatly between the years. In each decade over the past 30 years, there have been regularly major droughts and floods. Distinct seasonal patterns can also be discriminated. There are two rainy seasons: the short rains are from October to December and the long rains from March to June, with the hottest period being January to March. This high variability of rainfall throughout the seasons, between years, and across space has influenced the distribution of plants, animals and humans within the country (World Resources Institute et al., 2007). The northern and eastern parts of the country get about 200–400mm, while the western part bordering lake Victoria, and central Kenya close to the high mountain ranges receive more than 1600mm. In Laikipia District, there is an annual rainfall between 400–750mm, in Samburu District between 250 and 1250mm in the higher parts, Isiolo district has an average annual rainfall of about 580mm, and Marsabit District between 200–1000mm. So the study area is located in the drier parts of the country with only higher rainfall averages on the more elevated parts (Ministry of state for the Development of Northern Kenya and other arid lands, read 11/2008). Kenya consists of more than 80% arid and semi-arid land. Only about 15% of the country receives enough rain to grow non-drought resistant crops, 13% has marginal rainfall sufficient to grow selected drought resistant crops, while the other 72% has no agronomic useful growing season. On these latter grounds, no agriculture is possible without irrigation. When no irrigation is applied, the land consists of a mixture of grasses, shrubs and trees, with water availability and soil type determining the exact spatial patterns of the plant communities (World Resources Institute et al., 2007). 3 Livestock There has been an increased grazing pressure on the semi-arid rangelands of northern Kenya during the last decades (Cornelius & Schultka, 1997). The semi-arid savannas in the Isiolo and Samburu Districts used to be pastures for cattle during the rainy season. In the dry season, the herds moved to wetter grazing refugia on the Laikipia plateau and on the Wamba mountains. During the past decades, a successive change of the grazing schemes was observed to a year round grazing of cattle. Grasses are 13 CHAPTER 3. Study area the main component of cattle’s diet, even during the dry season. The rangelands of northern Kenya, have very limited biomass of valuable standing hay, and there is a quick deterioration of the forage quality of the herb layer after the rains. As the rainfall is extremely unreliable, the forage supply varies greatly between the years. As this region has so much limitations and uncertainties, year round cattle grazing is not a suitable land use here (Schultka & Cornelius, 1997). The consequence of this yearround grazing is a deterioration of the natural pastures. The overgrazing is often accompanied by an decrease of perennials in favour of annuals. The vegetational degradation also causes a replacement of indigenous flora by invaders (Cornelius & Schultka, 1997). However, the rangelands possess a huge potential for food production. Besides grasses and forbs, there is the available biomass of dwarf shrubs, shrubs and trees. These plant forms can provide forage for smaller livestock (sheep, goats, . . . ), donkeys and camels. When a mixture of grazers, browsers and intermediate types of feeders is used, the rangelands are best utilized and risks of climatic uncertainties and prolonged droughts are less severe. Livestock can have an influence on vegetation patterns. One example is the encroachment of Acacia species which results in thickets. This encroachment into thickets is a widespread problem in African savanna that is mainly attributed to overstocking. There are different origins for thickets, some occur on soils eroded by heavy trampling like Acacia reficiens and Acacia horrida thickets, others are limited to eutrophicated sites like juveniles of Acacia tortilis. As soil erosion is irreversible, the first thickets are very hard to restore (Schultka & Cornelius, 1997). Grasses and herbs are suppressed by these impenetrable thickets. Overgrazing is believed to be the cause for woody plant encroachment due to changed grass-tree competitive interactions. Another reason can be the loss of fuel leading to a disrupted fire regime (Wiegand et al., 2006). This increase in woody plant abundance over the past century in rangeland results in a decline in the suitability of rangeland for cattle production. Native ungulates, especially elephants, can play an important role in reducing and even reversing shrub encroachment (Augustine & McNaughton, 2004). 4 Vegetation In northern Kenya the savannas receive low and erratic rainfall that is coupled with a high evaporative demand. Between the rainy seasons long dry spells occur, with plant opportunities limited by a short rainy season, normally lasting about 60 days. Plants that establish and quickly mature have a good chance of surviving to the next generation (Keya, 1997). The study site mostly consists of savannas, communities composed of more or less continuous herbaceous layers and of a discontinuous shrubarborescent layer. Water is collected from different pedological horizons by grasses and trees. Grasses use the shallow water rather than the deeper water and this allows the coexistence between the trees and grasses (Akpo, 1997). Savanna grasses’ growth is largely confined to the wet season. They have a rapid growth response to the first rains as that is the moment where nutrients become available through decomposition of litter accumulated during the dry season. Woody plant species grow throughout the 14 CHAPTER 3. Study area year with a top growth during the wet season. Woody trees and shrubs, contrary to herbs, produce new leaves before the first rains, possibly triggered by photoperiodicity, temperature and moisture (de Bie et al., 1998). A lot of trees within the study area have a multi-stem growth form. Some contrasting growth forms of trees that occur regularly are the dense umbrella-shaped canopy of Acacia tortilis and the open, irregular canopy of Commiphora Africana. There is also a common occurrence of the evergreen tree Boscia coriacea. Some nearly closed woody vegetation along rivers and channels contain trees as the most conspicuous life form, but are dominated by shrub life forms. The most characteristic species of these gallery woods are Grewia bicolor and Cordia crenata. Acacia xanthophloea is a tall growing tree confined to the banks of some permanent rivers. This tree overgrows A. tortilis by about 4m. Some characteristic shrub species are Acacia mellifera, Grewia villosa, Caucanthus albidus, Cadaba farinosa, Grewia tenax and Cordia sinensis. Some patches are more composed of thickets, which can be formed by the shrubs Acacia horrida or Acacia reficiens. Some locations contain a well developed understorey of dwarf shrubs with some dominating species being Lippia carviodora, Vernonia cinerascens and Sericocomopsis pallida. All these (dwarf) shrub species are indigenous to the semi-arid lowlands of northern Kenya. A much occurring dwarf shrub is Indigofera spinosa, a species of the semi-desert grassland and drier Acacia-Commiphora bushland. Some others are Hibiscus micranthus, Indigofera volkensii and Pavonia patens which are characteristic of dry savannas (Schultka & Cornelius, 1997). Sometimes there are vegetation patches around shrubs. These originate from a positive response of plants to an increased infiltration, a reduced soil moisture evaporation and the protection from herbivores created by these shrubs. So within these patches, there is a concentration of cycling resources, with a limited movement of water, nutrients and propagules outward into the inter-shrub areas (King, 2008). The herbaceous layer consists of grasses and forbs. Some species that occur with high frequencies as widespread weeds on arable fields are Ipomoea plebeia, Oxygonum sinuatum, Ocimum americanum and Pupalia lappacea. Some annual grasses that are species typical of disturbed habitats like heavy grazed pastures, arable fields and roadsides are Tragus berteronianus and Setaria verticillata. There are also some forbs typical of disturbed habitats, they are occurring in arable fields or in the vicinity of settlements like Digera muricata, Cyathula orthacantha, Tribulus cistoides, Achyranthes aspera, Leucas urticifolia, Commelina benghalensis and Erucastrum arabicum. Sporobolus nervosus is a savanna grass species, Chrysophogon plumulosus and Oropetium minimum are perennials with the latter also being adapted to more arid conditions. Some annual grasses are Cyperus blysmoides, Tetrapogon cenchriformis, a typical plant of semi-deserts and the pioneer Setaria acromelaena. Some indigenous savanna pioneer forbs are Blepharis linnarifolia, Ipomoea cordofana and Farsetia stenoptera. Some species live in the bed of dried channels and rivers like the annual forb Mollugo cervinia, the annual grass Eragrostis aspera and the perennal grass Cynodon plectostachyus that experiences seasonal 15 CHAPTER 3. Study area flooding (Cornelius & Schultka, 1997). 5 5.1 Conservancies Introduction A large part of the study area consists of conservancies, community-led conservation initiatives. Conservancies contribute to the protection of specific biodiversity, they provide green corridors for the movement of game, or they can be protected habitats where rare and endangered species occur. The registration of a conservancy does not involve a change in land use, there are for instance many farms that are part of conservancies. The only requirement is that the land is managed by good environmental practices (, read 11/2008). The conservancy areas in the study area are managed by the local communities with the support of a local institution, the Northern Rangelands Trust. The membership of community conservancies is expanding, the area is already about 600000 hectares, and home to approximately 60000 pastoralists of different ethnic origin. The goal of the Northern Rangelands Trust is to solve the local problems by creating long-lasting local solutions, and by this, leading the community to development and preserving the resident wildlife. The growing recognition of the value of wildlife as an alternative income strategy and contributor to development for the community at large, is one of the main reasons for conservancy establishment. The wildlife value is clear in the demarcation of core conservation areas within conservancies, which are livestock free and focused on the development of wildlife and tourism (NRT, read 11/2008). The conservancies are: Il Ngwesi, Kalama, Lekurruki, Meibae, Melako, Namunyak, Sera, West Gate, Ruko, Naibunga, Ltungai, and Newlew. Figure 3.2: Conservancies (NRT, read 11/2008) 16 CHAPTER 3. Study area 5.2 Conservation of Grevy’s zebras The community-owned rangelands of northern Kenya are one of the few places left in Africa where wildlife can move freely across a vast area without fences, that is protected by communities (NRT, read 11/2008). Large areas of land are secured, allowing a continued migration of wildlife through their natural range, with complementary protection, monitoring and management of wildlife and its rangeland. The communities have already undertaken several actions to protect the endangered Grevy’s zebras. An anthrax outbreak in Wamba area in December 2005, disproportionately affected Grevy’s zebras. After a test period on a small group of animals, a broader vaccination was successfully conducted on approximately 620 Grevy’s zebras. This vaccination was led by the Kenya Wildlife Service in association with the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy and Northern Rangelands Trust. They also had the assistance from County Councils and communities. The main targets were the populations most at risk from the disease. To reduce the level of environmental contamination, a mass vaccination of over 50000 head of livestock was performed. Since May 2003, there is a Grevy’s Zebra Scout Programme, which employs women and men of the communities to collect data on the distribution and abundance of Grevy’s zebras. The Northern Rangelands Trust coordinate the programme. It receives funding support from Saint Louis Zoo and technical support from Dr. D. Rubenstein of Princeton University. The collected information provides a better understanding of the ecological pressure on this species in areas of high livestock density and guides the community conservation programs so that community members themselves have the opportunity to make recommendations on ways to reduce competition between Grevy’s zebra and livestock. Wildlife and telemetry experts have been able to develop advanced tracking systems for Grevy’s zebras. Collars for Grevy’s zebra were developed and deployed by the Northern Rangelands Trust, Lewa Wildlife Conservancy and Save The Elephants in June 2006. The collars measure GPS position every hour. This information is critical in helping the communities manage their conservation areas to benefit Grevy’s zebra (NRT, read 11/2008). In this work, the data collected by these collars will be used. 17 Chapter 4 Wildlife telemetry 1 Introduction According to the dictionary, the definition of telemetry is: ”The science and technology of automatic measurement and transmission of data from remote sources by wire, radio, or other means to receiving stations for recording and analysis” (Dictionary, read 04/2009). Telemetry will be discussed here as it is used to monitor the migration of the Grevy’s zebras. The term wildlife telemetry is generally associated with the study of animal movements with the use of radio tags. Radio-tracking is like wildlife telemetry but without the transmittance of data on the status of the animal. When using wildlife telemetry, the disturbance of the normal behaviour of the animal being studied should be avoided. The basic idea of wildlife telemetry is to study living animals in their natural environment. There are several ways to collect measurements by remote means. There is always the need for interception of energy radiated by the animal or reflected from the animal. Wildlife telemetry has to use a transmission mode not detectable by the animal, to avoid the disturbance of their communication with one another or their sensing of the environment (Priede & Swift, 1992). In the past, data were often obtained from field surveys using direct observation of the animals. Transect surveys were conducted where animals in the vicinity of a set of sampling lines or points were recorded. The problem with these methods was that it yielded relatively few sightings, particularly for rare species living in inaccessible environments. By using the advances in communication and information technology, radio- and satellite-telemetry became available and increased the amount of data on animal movement, with a focus on the individual animal (Aerts et al., 2008). Nowadays, there is also the possibility of GPS tracking. Other basic information like survival, mortality, migration periods, home range, and territoriality can also be achieved using telemetry methods. In addition, this information can be related to other individuals: which animals share their home range, which ones 18 CHAPTER 4. Wildlife telemetry avoid each other, which are the likely partners,. . . Telemetry can also be helpful to locate the animals for direct observation. The data obtained from telemetry studies are usually coupled with remote sensing data and GIS technology. More about the link between tracking data and remote sensing will be handled in chapter 5. In the following sections all three of the telemetry technologies, VHF-tracking, satellite tracking and GPS tracking, will be discussed (Priede & Swift, 1992). GPS-tracking was the method used in this thesis to collect data about the migration of Grevy’s zebras. 2 Very-High-Frequency (VHF) Ground based very-high-frequency (VHF) radio tracking became possible in the 1960s, and it allows the scientist to monitor species movements and home ranges over 50 to 300 km2 . VHF tracking can record species location to within a couple of meters and can be undertaken in areas with dense canopy cover, which is an advantage over satellite tracking (Gillespie, 2001). This classical radio tracking technique uses very-high-frequencies; this is the wavelengths between 1m and 10m. The animals have a radio transmitter in a collar or a tag attached, and with the use of a hand-held directional antenna, a receiver and headphones, a field researcher is able to track them. An animal’s location is determined from a series of bearings, which is determined by listening for peaks or nulls in the signal level, and it is usually confirmed by visual sighting (Priede & Swift, 1992). The choice for VHF band has several reasons. VHF is the highest frequency at which simple crystal oscillators can be used to generate the carrier frequency directly. The transmitters can therefore be made with less than ten components and can weigh less than 1g. There are several transmitters varying in size, complexity and performance. The antenna dimensions are also advantageous. As the antenna size is directly proportional to wavelength, the VHF frequencies give a reasonable practical portable directional antenna. To achieve optimal performance, it is important that the transmitter is carefully matched to the application. The transmitters typically emit a 20 ms long pulse every 0.5–1 seconds to minimize power consumption. To distinguish between different individuals, different pulse rates and frequencies are used, but the combinations are limited in the narrow bands allocated in most countries for biotelemetry. There is one major problem with VHF tracking, which is unfortunately often ignored, and that is the poor location precision of the technique. A visual confirmation of the animal wipes out this problem. The simple, relatively cheap equipment and the own manufacture of transmitters are the major advantages. However it is still a very labour intensive method and the use of it in routine investigations can not always be justified as it has a huge demand for resources. Another disadvantage is that the information is only gained when researchers are actively receiving signals, although the radio is constantly transmitting. The result is small sample sizes with only a few locations per day. With this conventional system it is difficult for a person to collect more than three locations for 20 animals per day. To collect more locations, more people are needed or fewer animals can be tracked. 19 CHAPTER 4. Wildlife telemetry More people will increase the errors due to different operators. Instead, it is common to take bearings intensively over a short period of time. The loss of dispersing individuals during non-telemetry times can obstruct further data collection. Typically only one person takes all bearings which results in a lower accuracy as animals move between the bearings. If the operator is too close, he can cause a disturbance of the animals (Priede & Swift, 1992). VHF telemetry is not as commonly used anymore as there are easier and more efficient methods available. Four recent studies that use VHF telemetry are given as an example. In Belgium, a study was conducted on red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) to investigate their habitat use. The location of the tagged animals was recorded once a week (Licoppe, 2006). In Norway, a study was conducted on ringed seals (Pusa hispida Schreber) to examine their haul-out behaviour. In addition to visual counts, some seals were VHF-tagged and their haul-out behaviour was monitored via an automatic recording station (Carlens et al., 2006). In Utah and Idaho (USA), pumas (Puma concolor L.) were VHF tracked to estimate their preying behaviour (Laundré, 2008). In Northern Chile, Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti Meyen) were VHF tracked to determine their at-sea behaviour (Culik et al., 1998). The use of radio telemetry is generally restricted to a limited area or to species with a limited range of movement. Unless observers are able to stay within several kilometres of the animals, it is rather difficult to apply it to study long-distance migrants. The receiving of signals and following of animals often becomes constraining in hilly terrains or dense vegetation, challenging the use of this technology (Javed et al., 2003). 3 Satellite tracking: Argos system A major challenge in satellite tracking is the requirement of a radio signal, coming from a small transmitter package on the animal, which is powerful enough to be received on board a spacecraft. The use of high altitude geostationary orbits was therefore excluded and receivers were located on polar-orbiting remote-sensing satellites. There is currently only one operational system namely the US/French Argos system which began service in 1978. The program is the result of a far-reaching cooperation between the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES, France), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, USA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA, USA). The receivers are carried on board the NOAA series of satellites, which are spacecrafts in circular, polar orbits at 850km altitude. These satellites are scheduled to provide a complete global coverage to the Argos system, so that it can collect locations of fixed and moving platforms worldwide. The transmittance at 401.650 MHz by the Argos platform transmitter terminals (PTTs), makes conveniently small antennas and very high transmission rates possible (Priede & Swift, 1992). Service Argos estimates the PTT’s location from Doppler shifts in frequency. The Doppler effect is the change in frequency of the electromagnetic wave caused by the motion of the transmitter and the receiver relative to each other. The frequency of the signal measured by the satellite receiver is higher 20 CHAPTER 4. Wildlife telemetry than the actual transmitted frequency when the satellite approaches the transmitter, and lower when the satellite moves away. These location measurements are then relayed to ground stations in USA and France from where users can directly retrieve data from Service Argos’ website or via electronic mail. Argos provides a range of location accuracies. The most accurate location, class 3 (LC3), has an estimated range of radius of 150m. LC2 has a radius range of 350m, LC1 of 1000m, and LC0 of more than 1000m. Argos also provides a signal quality index with each location. After PTT purchase, the PTTs need to be registered with Service Argos and an agreement has to be signed (Javed et al., 2003). On this agreement form there is information about the programme, the objectives, the requirements of the system, the duration of the program, . . . A spacecraft’s pass over a given position lasts 10–12 minutes on average and the Argos PTTs transmit messages every 90 seconds. Data collection is possible from a single message, but the location of an animal is determined using two messages. For tracking very mobile species, there is the possibility to request a shorter repetition period of 60 seconds between messages. Several thousand PTTs are in operation in the world today. Researchers and manufacturers in satellitebased tracking face major problems with the development of PTT technology, including environmental capability, matching the PTT to the animal, the PTT power supply and sensor data. The production of hardware that is suitable for the animal and withstands its natural environment is a significant part of the effort. PTTs must be resistant to corrosion and sea water, total leak-tight, resistant to impact and resistant to pressure. The suitability of a PTT for an animal is dependent on several aspects like weight, shape and size, and attachment method (Priede & Swift, 1992). Currently the PTTs manufactured can weigh less than 50g (Telonics, read 10/2008). The PTTs include solar panels or lithium batteries. A PTT must not disturb an animal’s aerodynamics or hydrodynamics and must not modify its temperature regulation. There are several attachment methods available including subdermal anchoring, boding inside fur, and PTTs inside collars, harnesses, and harpoons attached to float. The chance that the animal can be freed at the end of the programme should be maximized as a result of the design of the attachment method. As long-term animal tracking programmes are now possible with the use of satellite telemetry, the production of reliable equipment and the use of long-life power supplies is encouraged. PTTs can also be used for other purposes besides animal tracking. They can provide data on a range of behavioural and physiological characteristics, for example the monitoring of animal activity over short and long periods, number, duration and depth of dives in marine animals, water temperature, air temperature and barometric pressure . . . There are two ways to collect location data namely continuous monitoring, where each movement of an animal is noted, or interval sampling. To collect behavioural data, or to track animals in terrains that are difficult to reach is only practical by using continuous monitoring. To analyse the data, a software package is used which is able to calculate some summary statistics for each monitoring session with a particular animal and some proportions of fixes in particular categories (Priede & Swift, 1992). The locations recorded by the receivers in the NOAA satellites are in the form of latitude and lon21 CHAPTER 4. Wildlife telemetry gitude. With the use of habitat information gathered via remote sensing and the tracking data, it is possible to develop a more complete picture of the animal’s long-distance movements, an aspect of its ecology especially important for conservation of species and their habitats (Javed et al., 2003). The satellite tracking method has its own advantages. Once a transmitter is attached, the researcher does not need to undertake extensive field triangulation. It is also easier to study wide-ranging species that regularly cross international boundaries (Gillespie, 2001). In relation to VHF radio- tracking, the Argos system is highly affordable and competitive if full programme costs are taken into account. These costs include satellite-based wildlife tracking and Argos data distribution, journey and staff costs and other travel expenses, the capital equipment needed for fieldwork and the associated logistics burden, and the purchase of hardware such as receivers (Priede & Swift, 1992). There are a lot of studies where satellite tracking is used. Only a small number of them will be given as an example. In Mexico, humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae Borowski) were satellite tagged to follow their migratory movements and surfacing rates (Lagerquist et al., 2008). In Mongolia, Mongolian gazelles (Procapra gutturosa Pallas) were satellite tracked to compare their migration to seasonal ranges with biomass via NDVI (Ito et al., 2006). In West Greenland, satellite tracking of caribou (Rangifer tarandus L.) was a valuable tool to identify critical caribou areas in summer. That makes it possible to change tourism and mineral exploitation to have a minimal impact on caribou population (Tamstorf et al., 2005). A study using satellite tracking of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea Vandelli) across the North Atlantic ocean, showed that some turtles are not foraging at particular hotspots but have a pattern of near continuous travelling (Hays et al., 2006). In Sweden, satellite tracking of common buzzard (Buteo buteo L.) revealed their short-distance migration pattern (Strandberg et al., 2009). 4 4.1 Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking Operation of the system The relatively new tool, Global Positioning System (GPS) collars, can solve a lot of problems associated with traditional radio-telemetric techniques (Johnson et al., 2002). This tool became widely available to wildlife biologists in the mid 1990s (Blake et al., 2001). The determination of the location by GPS is based on a measurement of the distance between satellite and receiver. As the position of the satellites is known, the location can be derived from the time the radio waves take to get from the satellite to the receiver. GPS has the advantage of monitoring the most precise locations with the fewest biases and has the possibility of relocating animals frequently, up to once per second. GPS also works 24 hours, so data is even collected during the night, and during any weather condition (Johnson et al., 2002). Like traditional radio-collars, GPS collars require the capture of the animal and the fitting of the collar. The collars are normally pre-programmed to collect data according to 22 CHAPTER 4. Wildlife telemetry specified schedules (Coelho et al., 2007). The collar can be located due to a traditional VHF receiver and with a UHF modem link it is possible to communicate between the collar and a remote laptop computer. This link allows data download, RAM memory clearing, and reprogramming of the collar (Blake et al., 2001). The collected data consists of the wearer’s identity, time of day, date and coordinates, de PDOP value (Positional Dilution Of Precision) and if the acquired signal is two-dimensional (2-D) or threedimensional (3-D) (Coelho et al., 2007). 2-D fixes are recorded when the GPS unit simultaneously contacts three satellites, and 3-D fixes are those recorded when the GPS contacts four or more satellites (Lewis et al., 2007). So, researchers obtain substantially larger spatial location datasets with greater precision and significant cost savings per location. This brings also the challenge of managing and analyzing huge volumes of data constantly updated. A standard, complete and cost-effective software system to fully support management, modelling and analysis of GPS collar data is not yet available to the scientific community (Cagnacci & Urbano, 2008). This technology should if possible be combined with field research. The cost of GPS collars is more the price of conventional VHF radio-collars, but GPS tracking makes it possible to simultaneously collect spatial data on many individuals (Coelho et al., 2007). Using GPS data, several attributes of free-ranging animals can be calculated. Location can be estimated from a single GPS fix, speed can be calculated from a minimum of two points and by using three points, turning angle calculations become possible. These estimates are based on straight line distances between location points. In the intervening period between a long fix interval, there is uncertainty about an animal’s activity. These long fix intervals underestimate the actual distance travelled by the animal. Only the minimum speed and minimum distance travelled can be calculated between two consecutive pairs of location fixes. In reality, animals take less direct routes to the second point and therefore could travel faster and this higher speed enables them to access a wider variety of resources. With increasing time between GPS fixes, there is an increasing prediction error (Swain et al., 2008). GPS gives the possibility of obtaining worldwide locations at 1-second intervals throughout the 24 hour cycle, regardless of weather and roughness of terrain. The major advantages of GPS for wildlife biologists is its simple use, cheapness, lightweight and it can give instantaneous locational information in real time. 4.2 Accuracy Until May 2000, the accuracy of GPS locations was downgraded by the process called Selective Availability (SA) intentionally imposed by the US department of Defence. Before this date, only uncorrected or post-processed differential GPS data could be used. In the future it will still be possible 23 CHAPTER 4. Wildlife telemetry that SA is reactivated. Uncorrected GPS data had a location error between 20m and 80m and postprocessed differential GPS data had an error between 4m and 8m (Hulbert & French, 2001). In the differential method, post-treatment corrects distances to individual satellites in the GPS collar with data obtained simultaneously by a GPS reference base station (Adrados et al., 2002). Both the receiver and the reference station record errors in time and hence distance between the GPS receiver and from all visible satellites. After the post-treatment, locations are accurately determined. With the disablement of SA, the accuracy of GPS locations is considered to be less than 1m. This accuracy was previously not possible without the use of complex or expensive equipment. Data accuracy can also be improved using more satellites to calculate the location. A fourfold improvement in accuracy can be achieved between locations obtained from four satellites and those calculated using data from five or more satellites. Some errors can also be caused by the receiver itself, topographically induced errors or errors due to ionospheric and tropospheric delays. The objectives of the study and data requirements of the hypothesis being tested will determine whether further complex tasks should be performed on the data to remove these errors and obtain an even better accuracy. It is important that the accuracy of the GPS-derived locations is better than the resolution of the map used for tracking. Before each study, it is important to test the GPS device for instrument errors and to test for errors specific to each site before deploying this technique on animal collars or for mapping. As a consequence of suboptimal satellite geometry, the accuracy of many locations can degrade beyond that quoted by the manufacturer. Purchasers of GPS collars have the option to employ differential correction, which can increase precision (Hulbert & French, 2001). Differential correction can remove other sources of error besides SA, namely satellite clock errors, ionospheric and tropospheric obstruction (Adrados et al., 2002). However, differential correction can have many unforeseen drawbacks that can add to project costs, or reduce immediate usefulness of the data. With the disablement of SA, the use of it is substantially reduced. So, differential correction is not necessary for all projects as it requires a large amount of computing time, more memory per location, more frequent retrieval of data, greater power demands, and therefore results in a reduction of the collar’s field life (Johnson et al., 2002). The choice to use differential correction will be determined by the scale needed in the study. It opens new approaches to wildlife research as it allows the study of animal-habitat relationships at a very fine spatio-temporal scale, never achieved before with other techniques (Adrados et al., 2002). 4.3 Obstructions The GPS collars have to be small enough for an animal not to be hindered (Sprague et al., 2004). The recommended weight of a collar has to be lower or equal to a limit of 5% of the body weight (Coelho et al., 2007). In using GPS collars, there is always the trade-off between the weight and functions 24 CHAPTER 4. Wildlife telemetry of the collar. Functions that require electricity and large battery must be reduced to acquire a lighter GPS collar. These collars may limit the satellite search time, record fewer positions, and need to be recovered for data download after detaching automatically. As batteries, antennas, and electrical efficiency keep improving, it will be possible to get better acquisition rates and increasing number of positions recorded. It may even become available to have data download and detachment on radio command for smaller GPS collars. Satellite signals can be blocked by canopy enabling the GPS device to calculate a location. Although even in forests, sufficient opportunities exist for the GPS device to receive satellite signals to calculate the position. Animals sometimes are in clearings or under deciduous trees without leaves, where there is a very good reception of the satellites. Some animals are able to climb in trees, where at that height they have a good reception (Sprague et al., 2004). If the receiver is not capable of obtaining signals from a minimum of three satellites, it cannot calculate a location. Before using this technology, researchers should perform an assessment of the GPS device’s performance across the habitat types animals are expected to use. Generally, the reception of satellite signals will be degraded by large diameter, dense and tall vegetation, and steep topography. Consequently there can be a large variation in location acquisition rates within and among study areas (Johnson et al., 2002). GPS receivers can be confused by multi-path effects, where multiple signals are bounced off of tree trunks or moving canopy in windy conditions. The topography plays an important role in acquiring contact with satellites as well, hills for instance can block the sky (Sprague et al., 2004). The orientation of a hill on which an animal is present can also play a role in location determination. It is however safe for the researcher to assume that large biases into GPS radio-telemetry data will not be imposed by orientation alone (D’Eon & Delparte, 2005). Animal behaviour can also play a significant role. In contrast to stationary collars, movement of the collars on free-ranging animals may result in much lower GPS location performance. The position of the GPS antenna attached to the collar has also an effect on the collar performance. In an open flat terrain, there is no difference in performance between a vertical or horizontal antenna position, possibly because there are more than enough satellites available to calculate the location in the open area. However, in under closed canopy, horizontal positions, for instance on laying animals, exhibit increased location time and location error, decreased fix rate, number of satellites available, and 3-D proportion. So there is a negative effect of the horizontal antenna position in forests on the location performance, which suggests that the vegetation makes it difficult to collect information from satellites with a horizontal antenna. If the number of satellites available reduces, it becomes impossible for the GPS to choose an ideal constellation distribution in order to calculate a more accurate location or even impossible to acquire a location at all. An antenna on a collar worn by an animal can easily shift to horizontal position when the animal is feeding, sleeping or resting resulting in a decrease in fix rate (Jiang et al., 2007). Attention has to be paid for biases introduced by this effect of antenna 25 CHAPTER 4. Wildlife telemetry position. For example, the activity of an animal digging while foraging may potentially translate into significantly lower fix rates than at other times, and would result in proportionally fewer recorded locations for this habitat type. The researcher could therefore draw the conclusion that these locations are used infrequently or even be avoided, when in fact the opposite is true (D’Eon & Delparte, 2005). The location time is affected by all habitat features except for available sky. This suggests that battery longevity will be shortened by all of the obstacles that limit the number of satellites available or that interfere with the connection between the satellite and the GPS collar. Poor dispersion of satellites will result in a poor triangulation and thus in low-quality location data (Jiang et al., 2007). In some studies, the collars can be subjected to extreme variations in temperature over short periods of time, rapid changes in humidity, and complete immersion in water. Some collars, operating under extreme conditions, can face premature failure. This failure can cause extra costs by other factors. First, the malfunction is sometimes not immediately diagnosed due to the infrequent animal relocations. If a collar failure is detected, there is some additional time needed to arrange a recapture operation, which then can be delayed due to poor weather or unsuitable terrain. Once recovered, collars have to be diagnosed, repaired and returned by the manufacturer. So collar malfunctions, together with organisation, logistics and weather delays, contribute to a significant loss of potential data. To ensure the collection of enough data, there should always be a minimum number of collars in the field. This can be assured by keeping a pre-determined number of collars in reserve to replace the ones who fail. Three manufacturers of GPS collars (Lotek Engineering, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada; Televilt International AB, Lindesber, Sweden; Telonics, Inc., Mesa, Arizona, USA) make the remote retrieval of data and diagnostics capable. The remotely programming with new location and communication schedules, for instance where sampling strategies need to be adjusted in accordance with unpredictable animal behaviour, is possible with the GPS collars from Lotek Engineering. Depending on the species and study duration, these features can be very useful. The user-collar communication is not necessary when animal capture can be performed year-round and is inexpensive, or when information about animal movement is required only for short periods. If study lengths exceed collar memory and animals are difficult to capture or where animals periodically move large distances and are difficult to relocate, remote data retrieval is recommended (Johnson et al., 2002). The ability to record fixes at a high frequency, even though GPS data is extremely accurate, results in increased noise/signal ratios when there is little movement or when speeds are low. It is best to analyse GPS data where movements are at least twice the minimum resolution per sampling interval to obtain a respectable signal/noise ratio (Ryan et al., 2004). 26 CHAPTER 4. Wildlife telemetry 4.4 Errors The detailed information acquired with GPS can be used to evaluate wildlife movement, space use and resource selection with a high degree of precision and accuracy. Nevertheless, there are two types of errors that can bias analysed data on GPS locations, namely missed location fixes and location error, the difference between an objects actual or true position and that estimated by a GPS fix. First there is the unsuccessful fix acquisition, which leads to missing location data. Stationary GPS collars have fix rates ranging from 68–100%, with most collars above 85%, but sometimes rates as low as 13% (Lewis et al., 2007). Missing locations equate to a loss of information, which implicates a reduced efficiency and potential biases. As failed location attempts do not occur randomly but systematically, bias is likely to occur in GPS telemetry studies. The conditions that can affect GPS location acquisition are canopy type, percentage canopy cover, tree density, tree height, and tree basal area, which all can be strengthened by the interaction with a mountainous study area (Frair et al., 2004). GPS collar data may therefore be biased towards acquiring satellite fixes in more open habitats with favourable topography. Another major factor affecting GPS collar fix rates is animal behaviour. Collars that attempt location fixes at shorter trials have also higher fix rates, so collar location acquisition schedules also influences fix rates. Development and application of correction factors can be applied to GPS location data sets to counter biases associated with missed locations. The second error type is inherent in all telemetry systems: location error. Dependent on the magnitude of location error and the degree of landscape heterogeneity, this can lead to misclassification of habitats used by the animal. Habitat components, like canopy cover and terrain obstructions, largely influence location error. Atmospheric conditions can also contribute to this. The 3-D fixes are generally more accurate. With increasing canopy cover, 2-D fixes increase as a result of satellite signal obstruction. For each location, there is a PDOP value recorded. This is a measurement of satellite geometry. Lower PDOP values indicate a wider satellite spacing able to minimize triangulation error and thus a more accurate location estimate. Screening of location data is sometimes used to reduce location error. There are several screening mechanisms, for instance, screening out of 2-D fixes, removing data with high PDOP values. . . However, this screening can also lead to significant reduction of location data and introduce additional biases into analyses of animal locations. The seemingly most effective data approach could be the screening out of 2-D fixes at a specific PDOP cut-off; this can be a suitable compromise between reducing large location errors and minimizing data reduction. By evaluating the proportion of locations with relatively large errors, an appropriate PDOP threshold value for data screening can be chosen. Screening should be used with precaution not to potentially introduce biases that affect estimates of habitat and space use. These extra biases can be caused by eliminating locations associated with habitats that induce greater errors. Sites with high terrain obstruction, high canopy cover or a combination of both have most missing fixes. In addition, these sites could have greater location error because collars receive location signals from fewer satellites that exhibit poorer 27 CHAPTER 4. Wildlife telemetry satellite configuration. The PDOP values and number of 2-D fixes will therefore increase (Lewis et al., 2007). 4.5 Examples of studies using GPS telemetry There is an increasing amount of studies using the GPS technique to follow animal movement. In Brazil, wild maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus Illiger) were GPS tracked during full and new moon nights to discover the effect of the full moon on the activity of the predator (Sàbato et al., 2006). In Kenya, African elephants (Loxodonta Africana Blumenbach) were GPS collared to investigate their movements and use of corridors in relation to protected areas (Douglas-Hamilton et al., 2005). In Greece, loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta L.) were GPS tracked to examine their use of microhabitat as the reason of their reproductive success at a margin of their range (Schofield et al., 2009). In Wales (UK), Manx shearwaters (Puffinus puffinus Brünnich) were GPS tracked to monitor their foraging movements with a GPS device weighing 17g (Guilford et al., 2008). On Europa Island, in the Mozambique Channel, red-footed boobies’ (Sula sula L.) flight pattern and the way they forage over tropical waters was examined using GPS packages (Weimerskirch et al., 2005). In Sweden, moose (Alces alces L.) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) were GPS tracked to examine the effectiveness of a highway overpass (Olsson et al., 2008). 28 Chapter 5 Wildlife tracking and remote sensing 1 Introduction The most important methodology for plant diversity assessment is the direct mapping of species and associations, based on characteristic spectral reflectance features of plant species or plant communities. Faunal species, which are mobile, complicate the assessment of species occurrence and richness. This is especially the case for migrants, which can move long distances occupying a wide range of habitats. For these non-sessile animals approaches are based upon proxies and surrogates (Leyequien et al., 2007). Animals’ basic needs, forage, water, and shelter, mostly vary spatially and temporally, which makes their movements not randomly, but distributed in relation to the variation of their needs. Remote sensing techniques can provide the opportunity to map these basic needs. The physiognomic landscape features, shelter and shade, can be derived directly from spectral information on various imagery bands. For forage distribution, several indices can be applied, like the widely used Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) (van Bommel et al., 2006). In the following sections some methodologies are discussed to map the distribution of animals. 2 2.1 Habitat maps and habitat suitability mapping Habitat maps Land cover is the observed physical description of the earth’s surface, and is the attribute most commonly mapped with remote sensing methods. This first data layer is then combined with additional information to derive more useful spatial products. These land cover maps are usually not enough to reveal underlying mechanisms and the dynamics of complex natural landscapes or to improve predictions of species distributions. The more useful habitat maps can be derived indirectly from land cover maps or they can be modelled through integration with other environmental factors. 29 CHAPTER 5. Wildlife tracking and remote sensing Habitat mapping can be conducted on various spatial scales. The labour-intensive manual interpretation of aerial photographs is limited in range, and frequently used as a complement to field surveys. It is used in studies of species with limited ranges and in the analysis of relatively small areas. The skilled interpreters, who perform these analyses, generate detailed, high-quality information. Digital processing of high spatial resolution imagery, like Landsat-7 (30m), medium spatial resolution imagery, like MODIS (250m), and low spatial resolution imagery, like SPOT-Vegetation (1km) is possible for larger study areas (McDermid et al., 2005). The use of time series of satellite data can even improve this habitat mapping. The changes over time of vegetation structure, productivity, and phenology are as important for some species perception of habitat quality as temperature and precipitation (Bradley & Fleishman, 2008). A habitat classification of a larger area is based on training data collected during field surveys. This training data are being digitized and the spectral properties of the different habitat classes are determined. The result is a classification of the area of interest into discrete habitat types. A major drawback of this technique is the assumption that the conditions at the training locations may be extrapolated over a larger area. To make sure that no biased result is obtained, these assumptions need to be tested carefully. 2.2 Habitat suitability maps Habitat suitability is a widely used remotely sensed proxy for species distribution and richness. It relies on the fact that each animal has its own environment in which it lives and grows. A habitat map is created with the use of airborne or satellite data, biophysical, geophysical, and meteorological data in combination with the knowledge of habitat preferences and requirements of the species of interest. Data on species distribution, habitat use or characteristics, can be collected by field surveys or by analysing the movements of collared individuals. These findings can be extrapolated to cover a large region of interest and to estimate habitat suitability. This discrete classification approach is not always sufficient for ecological purposes. A lot of species require the micro-heterogeneity of areas, and many herbivore species use more than one distinct vegetation type (Leyequien et al., 2007). The quality of the habitat is also very important, for instance, the structural complexity of vegetation and the relative proportion of cover in the understory, shrub layer, and canopy (Bradley & Fleishman, 2008). Some non-herbivore species on the other hand show little direct association with a habitat or vegetation type, and many species, regardless of the degree of habitat specificity, do not occupy the full extent of their preferred habitat type. To make a successful correlation of animal occurrence and remotely sensed habitat data, the animals need to be well studied and their habitat preference well documented. Other species have a changing habitat preference with geographical position, which restricts the predictive value of the animal-habitat relationship. Some predicted distributions are wrong due to the socio-biology of the species, for example an interspecific competition or anthropogenic influences can force them to use other less suitable vegetation classes. 30 CHAPTER 5. Wildlife tracking and remote sensing The limited accuracy in some studies using this approach can be caused by applying proxies at inappropriate spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions. So this technique should always be applied with precaution. 3 Spatial heterogeneity assessment based on primary productivity Spatial heterogeneity is a key component in the explanation of species richness. Environmental heterogene ecosystems have more different niches in comparison to simple ecosystems and can thus support more species. It is determined by factors like temporal and spatial variation in the biological, physical, and chemical features of the environment. The species distribution and local abundance of individuals is thought to be influenced by the spatial and temporal varying plant productivity and biomass of ecosystems (Leyequien et al., 2007). There are several vegetation indices used in remote sensing to represent the presence and condition of green vegetation. These vegetation indices are mathematical combinations of the red (R) and Near-Infrared (NIR) bands of several sensors. The most commonly used vegetation index is the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI): NDVI=(NIR-R)/(NIR+R) (Lillesand et al., 2004). It is a proxy for photosynthetic activity as it is based on the strong absorption of the incident radiation by chlorophyll in the red, and the contrasting high reflectance by plant cells in the NIR spectral region (Mutanga & Skidmore, 2004b). As NDVI seems to be a suitable indicator for vegetation parameters like biomass and aboveground primary productivity, it is often correlated to faunal species occurrence and diversity (Leyequien et al., 2007). High NDVI values indicate vegetated areas, as these have a relatively high NIR reflectance and low red reflectance. Clouds, water, and snow have negative values as these areas have larger red reflectance than NIR reflectance. Rock and bare soil areas show similar reflectances in both NIR and red and thus have NDVI values near zero. An advantage of NDVI is that it helps compensate for extraneous factors like changing illumination conditions, surface slope, aspect, . . . (Lillesand et al., 2004). Caution has to be taken with the use of NDVI in semi-arid areas, because of soil interference and darkening effects. If the study area consists of a single soil type with only some sparse parts of other material, the NDVI can be used without big negative effects (Verlinden & Masogo, 1997). There are also some factors influencing NDVI observations that are unrelated to vegetation conditions, these are for instance the variability in incident solar radiation, radiometric response characteristics of the sensor, atmospheric effects and off-nadir viewing effects (Lillesand et al., 2004). NDVI is correlated to vegetation biomass and dynamics in various ecosystems worldwide. It has been used to monitor vegetation, estimate primary production and detect environmental change. It is determined by the composition of species within the plant community, the vegetation form, growth and structure, the vertical and horizontal vegetation density, and by the reflection, absorption and 31 CHAPTER 5. Wildlife tracking and remote sensing transmission within and on the surface of the vegetation or ground, and by the atmosphere, clouds and atmospheric contaminants (Pettorelli et al., 2006). In this approach, animal occurrence and diversity is related to terrestrial features by means of an ecological, trophic link. This means that herbivore animals can be related to the vegetation that they consume. If additional environmental variables, like landscape diversity, evapotranspiration, land surface temperature, rainfall, altitude,. . . are included, together with primary productivity, considerable variation in species richness can be explained. However, scale or resolution is the main factor influencing the accuracy of predictions of species richness using primary productivity indicators (NDVI). It is more difficult to correlate NDVI with the distribution of less abundant species as these might not occupy all suitable habitats. This biomass-based approach is only successful for herbivorous species that are sensitive to differences in vegetation characteristics across an area (Leyequien et al., 2007). The use of NDVI always has to be used with elaborate ground thruthing. For instance, high NDVI values in heavily grazed areas probably indicate high bush cover rather than green grass (Verlinden & Masogo, 1997). The main weakness of NDVI is its asymptotical approach to a saturation level above a certain biomass density and leaf area index (LAI) (Gao et al., 2000). The technique has therefore a limited value in assessing biomass during, for example, the peak of seasons. This problem can be overcome by using narrow band vegetation indices in areas with dense vegetation. These indices are calculated using narrow bands in the whole electromagnetic spectrum (350-2500nm) (Mutanga & Skidmore, 2004b). More recent remote sensing products and techniques, like the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) from the MODIS product suite, can overcome this saturation problem. The goal of the EVI is to optimize the vegetation signal with improved sensitivity in high biomass regions and improved vegetation monitoring through a decoupling of the canopy background signal and a reduction in atmosphere influences. The EVI has a higher range in values in high biomass regions, making it possible to detect more variation in these areas. However, the NDVI has a higher range in values over semi-arid regions, making it possible to detect more variation in biomass in these areas. For intermediate regions, both indices show an identical range in values (Huete et al., 2002). 4 Temporal heterogeneity assessment Seasonal climatic variations cause differences in plant species growth and establishment, leading to changes in species composition and distributions. As a result there are changes in the spatial distribution of plant phenology and growth. When looking at the land cover data of multiple years, a vision can be made of the influence of climate variability on ecosystems. Ecosystems are the most important feature in biodiversity assessment and multitemporal satellite data can have the potential to describe interactions among seasonal, annual and long-term climate variability to understand species diversity. As many animal species are very mobile over time, multi-temporal data can also provide a more 32 CHAPTER 5. Wildlife tracking and remote sensing complete view of their occurrence and distribution unlike single-date studies that do not cover their complete range of habitats. With the establishment of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) meteorological satellite series in 1980, continuous data to study ecoclimatic dynamics became available (Leyequien et al., 2007). 5 Heterogeneity assessment based on landscape structural properties Many species select their habitat based on structural properties of the habitat instead of species assemblage. It is stated that, in general, the more vertically diverse a forest is, the more diverse its biota is. It is possible to estimate the structural properties and assess their heterogeneity with the use of remote sensing (Nelson et al., 2005). Most common remote sensing techniques for relating landscape structural properties to animal diversity, are Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and the height measuring technologie of airborne lasers (i.e. airborne LiDAR). Both are active remote sensing systems (Lillesand et al., 2004). These tools are used to map vegetation height and its variability, percent canopy cover, field boundary height, fractional vegetation cover, and aboveground biomass (Nelson et al., 2005; Hinsley et al., 2002). Radar uses microwave energy while LiDAR sensors use pulses of laser light. Radar measures the strength and origin of echoes or reflections received from objects within the system’s field of view. LiDAR measures the time of pulse return, which is then processed to calculate the variable distances between the sensor and the surfaces present on the ground. LiDAR has not only the possibility to discriminate features as forest canopy and bare ground but also surfaces in between. An advantage of LiDAR is that the data is georeferenced which makes it compatible with GIS applications (Lillesand et al., 2004). There is extreme potential for high resolution mapping of wildlife habitats by combining these techniques, that measure vegetation structural types, and information obtained from other remote sensing techniques, like multispectral satellite images (Hinsley et al., 2002; Imhoff et al., 1997). These techniques are mostly used in forest ecosystems. Several examples illustrate the use of these techniques. In Delaware, LiDAR was used to identify and locate forested sites potentially supportive of populations of the Delmarva fox squirrel (Sciurus niger cinereus L.) (Nelson et al., 2005). In Australia, vegetation heterogeneity mapped with the use of SAR and aerial photography were related to field studies of bird abundances (Imhoff et al., 1997). In England, the quality of woodland for Great Tits (Parus major L.) and Blue Tits (Parus caeruleus L.) was estimated with the use of airborne LiDAR (Hinsley et al., 2002). 33 CHAPTER 5. Wildlife tracking and remote sensing 6 Heterogeneity assessment based on plant chemical constituents This last approach uses plant chemical constituents to define habitat heterogeneity and eventually assess and predict species richness. Animal species are attracted to a habitat by the spatial and structural composition, but also by the forage quality that an animal perceives in that habitat. For example, the spatial distribution of many wildlife species in the African savannas is influenced by the variation in grass quality (Leyequien et al., 2007). High productivity areas can sometimes be limited for herbivores in plant chemical composition. There is a decrease in forage quality as grass matures by the accumulation of structural tissues and their fibre content decreases as well, reducing their digestibility. It may therefore be important for broad-scale satellite-based habitat models for wild ungulates to consider the forage quality-quantity trade-offs (Mueller et al., 2008). A canopy quality estimation on a large scale appears thus relevant to understand wildlife diversity. Broadband satellites such as Landsat TM or SPOT are not spectrally detailed enough to detect or estimate the concentration of chemical constituents. Imaging spectrometers, on the contrary, can detect and quantify canopy biochemical components by measuring canopy reflectance in narrow and contiguous spectral bands in a wide wavelength range. The many subtle absorption features of the spectrometer data allows the identification of a wide range of plant compounds and their concentration. The relationship between spectral properties and foliar chemicals have been examined from dried and fresh leaves, to entire canopies. The estimation of biochemicals of entire canopies brings along complicating factors, like the masking effect of leaf water absorption, the complexity of the canopy architecture, variation in leaf internal structure and directional, atmospheric and background effects. Several methods, including band ratios and difference indices, have been developed to maximize sensitivity to the vegetation characteristics, while minimizing confounding factors. A number of studies have shown the potential of this technique in understanding the movement and distribution of wildlife, particularly in areas where herbivorous wildlife is known to be limited by nutrients. In Australia, chemical constituents of leaves of four Eucalyptus species were investigated to predict herbivory by greater gliders (Petauroides volans Kerr) and common ringtail possums (Pseudocheirus peregrinus Boddaert) (McIlwee et al., 2001). In South-Africa, the different levels of nitrogen concentration in grass was mapped with the use of imaging spectroscopy and neural networks (Mutanga & Skidmore, 2004a). In the future, monitoring of seasonal changes in foliar nutrient concentration as well as extending the method to predict other macro nutrients and secondary compounds in both grass and tree canopies may be possible. The major constraint is the little contribution of foliar chemicals to the canopy optical properties. Currently, It is a prerequisite to further investigate the spectral features of attractants and repellents of forage and their influence on faunal species distributions to successfully upscale these findings to large areas for monitoring and conserving faunal species (Leyequien et al., 2007). 34 Chapter 6 Data and methods 1 Introduction First the different satellite images will be discussed, followed by the tracking data and ground truth data. Later in this chapter, the classification methods and statistical analysis are mentioned. Most of the tasks conducted on satellite images were performed using the program Idrisi Andes and in some cases Arview 3.1. The statistical analysis is conducted with the help of S-Plus 8. 2 2.1 Satellite images Introduction As different satellites have different properties, three types of satellite images will be used. Landsat7 and MODIS images are used to create a classification of the study area. The Landsat-7 images were chosen for their high spatial resolution to select the training data. As the MODIS images have a coarser spatial resolution, they contain more mixed pixels, which makes it more difficult to select appropriate training data. However, MODIS images were chosen for their high temporal resolution (every 2 days a global coverage), which makes it possible to obtain time series. These time series make it possible to monitor the vegetation phenology over the year, so that the different vegetation classes can easier be distinguished. Landsat and MODIS data are distributed by the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC), located at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center ( SPOT-Vegetation images were used to find a relationship between zebras and biomass, with the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) as the biomass indicator. 35 CHAPTER 6. Data and methods 2.2 Landsat Two landsat-7 images were downloaded from USGS Global Visualisation Viewer (GloVis) (USGS, read 12/2008). These images were acquired on February 21th, 2000, with the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensor on board Landsat-7. The first image corresponds with path 168 and row 59 in World Reference System (WRS), the second image with path 168 and row 60. The WRS is a notation system for Landsat data, which divides the world in a global grid of 233 paths by 248 rows. It enables a user to choose a scene by specifying the path and row number (figure6.1). Figure 6.1: WRS path/row numbering scheme (NASA, read 2009) The reference system of the Landsat images is UTM-37N in meters. The reference datum and reference ellipsoid are WGS84. The ETM+ collects 15m resolution panchromatic data and six bands of data in the visible, near-Infrared (NIR) and mid-Infrared (MIR) spectral regions at a resolution of 30m. The seventh, thermal band has a resolution of 60m (table 6.1). In the first image, bands 1–5 have 8713 columns and 7573 rows, in the second image 8741 columns and 7599 rows. For all the different bands, the two images were mosaicked together and an area was extracted on which the classification was performed. This extracted area is smaller than the study area as first different classification methods are tested. The image of the extracted area has 3266 columns and 4330 rows.(figure 6.2) 36 CHAPTER 6. Data and methods Table 6.1: Bandwidth and resolution of the different ETM+ bands Bandwidth Name Resolution (1) 0.45 to 0.52 (2) 0.52 to 0.60 (3) 0.63 to 0.69 (4) 0.76 to 0.90 (5) 1.55 to 1.75 (6) 10.4 to 12.5 (7) 2.08 to 2.35 PAN 0.50 to 0.90 Blue-Green Green red NIR MIR Thermal-IR MIR Panchromatic 30 30 30 30 30 60 30 15 Figure 6.2: Two Landsat images and the extracted area with the coordinates in UTM-37N at each corner. 37 CHAPTER 6. Data and methods 2.3 MODIS The MODIS images were downloaded from the NASA Warehouse Inventory Search Tool (WIST) (NASA, read 01/2009). In the WIST tool MODIS Terra, Vegetation Indices 16-Day L3 Global 250m SIN grid (short name: MOD13Q1) was selected. These are 16 day composites. Eighteen images were downloaded from the year 2008, with the images from half March until the end of May missing (table 6.2). Table 6.2: Start and end date of the 16 day periods of the different images Image 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Start date End date 19 Dec 2007 17 Jan 2008 02 Feb 2008 18 Feb 2008 24 May 2008 09 Jun 2008 25 Jun 2008 11 Jul 2008 27 Jul 2008 03 Jan 2008 01 Feb 2008 17 Feb 2008 04 Mar 2008 08 Jun 2008 24 Jun 2008 10 Jul 2008 26 Jul 2008 11 Aug 2008 Image 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Start date End date 12 Aug 2008 28 Aug 2008 13 Sep 2008 29 Sep 2008 15 Oct 2008 31 Oct 2008 16 Nov 2008 02 Dec 2008 18 Dec 2008 27 Aug 2008 12 Sep 2008 28 Sep 2008 14 Oct 2008 30 Oct 2008 15 Nov 2008 01 Dec 2008 17 Dec 2008 02 Jan 2009 Each MOD13Q product contains 6 bands. There are four composited surface reflectance bands: red (band 1) , NIR (band 2), blue (band 3), and MIR (band 7) (table 6.3). The other two bands are vegetation indices: the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI). These vegetation indices give an indication of the biomass present on the ground. The EVI minimizes canopy background variations and optimizes sensitivity in dense vegetation conditions. It also includes the blue band to reduce atmosphere influences caused by smoke and sub-pixel thin clouds (Huete et al., 2002). Table 6.3: Bandwidth and spatial resolution of the different surface reflectance bands downloaded Band Bandwidth Resolution (1) red (2) NIR (3) blue (7) MIR 620-670 nm 841-876 nm 459-479 nm 2105-2155 nm 250 250 500 500 The images were downloaded in HDF-EOS format with a sinusoidal projection. The coordinate system was converted to UTM-37N with reference datum WGS84, and the study area was extracted. The 38 CHAPTER 6. Data and methods images of the study area were 527x821 pixels. (figure6.3) Figure 6.3: MODIS image of the study area with the coordinates in UTM-37N of the corners 2.4 SPOT-Vegetation The SPOT-Vegetation NDVI images were delivered by VITO (Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek, Flemish institution for technological research). There are 36 images for the years 2006 and 2007, and 34 images for the year 2008. There are 3 images per month, this is for days 1–10, days 11–20, and day 21 till the end of the month. It consists of synthesis products over 10 day periods. These images are obtained from the compilation of daily atmospherically corrected images of ten consecutive days taken by the SPOT-Vegetation sensor on board SPOT-5. The resulting value for each pixel corresponds to the value of the date with maximum NDVI for that pixel, so the synthesis is thus composed of pixels with values from different dates (SPOT-Vegetation, read 03/2009). The NDVI values of these SPOT-Vegetation images are rescaled between 0 and 250 using a linear model with intersect -0.08 and slope 0.004. Some additional values are assigned to the missing pixels, namely 251 to a missing pixel, 252 to a cloud pixel, 253 to a snow pixel, 254 to a sea pixel, and 255 to a back pixel. The reference system is UTM-37S with Arc1960 the reference datum. These images were converted to the latitude/longitude reference system and the WGS84 reference datum. The spatial resolution is 1km and each image has 205 x 232 pixels. (figure 6.4) 39 CHAPTER 6. Data and methods Figure 6.4: SPOT-Vegetation image with the coordinates in Latitude/Longitude (Degrees) of the corners 3 Tracking data The tracking data of the Grevy’s zebras were collected using GPS collars. This was part of the ’Save the Elephants Animal Tracking Project’. The data were delivered by the Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT). Data are available from the period June 2006 till August 2008, but the period of data collection and the amount of data are different for each animal (figure 6.5). The reason why a collar stops measuring locations is mostly due to an equipment failure or sometimes due to the dead of the animal. In total, sixteen Grevy’s zebras have been collared. 40 CHAPTER 6. Data and methods Figure 6.5: Period of data collection for each zebra For each zebra there is a database file containing the information collected with the GPS collar (table 6.4). From these database files, point vector files were created with the use of ArcView 3.1, and then imported into Idrisi Andes. In figure 6.6, the vector files of four zebras are shown, with a colour palette indicating the movement: Change in colour over time. For the background image, a SPOT-Vegetation NDVI image was used with a greenscale as colour palette. Table 6.4: The information contained in the database file for each fixed location Information Description objectID collarID Fix time Download time Location coordinates Height above sea level Temperature Number of the location fix Number of the collar Date when the location measurement was obtained Date when the location measurement was downloaded from the collar in latitude and longitude in metres in degrees Celsius 41 CHAPTER 6. Data and methods Figure 6.6: Tracking data shapefiles for 4 zebras, with a change in colour indicative of the change in location over time 4 Vector data Vector data on the district boundaries, major rivers, roads and towns, protected areas, water bodies and waterpoints in Kenya were downloaded from the World Resources Institute (International Livestock Research Instistute, read 2009). Vector data indicating the livestock density from 1990 was collected as well. NRT provided vector files containing the conservancies. An Africover land cover map of Kenya was used for comparison with the land cover classification map produced in this study. Africover is an initiative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). This land cover map has classes based on the FAO/UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) international standard Land Cover Classification System (LCCS). 42 CHAPTER 6. Data and methods 5 5.1 Classification Ground truth data Classification of satellite images requires ground truth data to assist in the interpretation of the different land cover classes in the image and for the selection of training data. Ground truth data was provided by NRT. For each sampled vegetation point, the GPS location was measured, a vegetation description was performed by filling in a form, and a photograph was acquired. The form is shown in Appendix A. In figure 6.7 some examples of photographs taken by NRT are shown. Vegetation description consisted of estimating the percent cover in the herbaceous, shrub and tree layer. In the form, the percent of trees, shrubs and herbaceous was indicated as closed (C: 70%–100% cover, crowns overlapping, touching, or very slightly separated), open (O: 20%–70% cover, crowns not touching, distance between crowns up to twice the average crown diameter), sparse (S: 2%–20% cover, distance between crowns more than twice the average crown diameter), or absent (A). For shrubs, it was indicated whether the average height was more or less then half a meter. For herbaceous, the composition was indicated as forbs (F: >75% cover of forbs), grasses (G: >75% cover of grasses), or mixed (M: forbs cover less then 75% and grasses cover less then 75%). In total, 65 GPS locations were measured. (a) Shrubland class (b) Woodland more than 70% trees class (c) Herbaceous class Figure 6.7: Examples of photographs taken from different vegetation classes 43 CHAPTER 6. Data and methods 5.2 Artificial Neural Networks (NN) Artificial Neural Networks (NN) will be discussed in this section as it will be used to perform classifications. NN are based on biological nervous systems’ information processing. They are composed of a large number of interconnected artificial neurons with several inputs and a single output. The network consists of one input layer, some hidden layers and an output layer. It is able to process information and analyze patterns in data that are too difficult to distinguish for humans and other computer techniques. Figure 6.8: Artificial neural network with the three layers: input, hidden and output When the neuron is in training mode, it is trained to associate outputs with input patterns. In the using mode, the neuron fires, this means is activated, when it recognizes the input pattern. If not, a firing rule is used to determine whether it should fire or not. These rules account for the high flexibility of NN. So the network tries to identify the input pattern and match the associated output pattern with it. When an input is not known, it is given an output of an input pattern that is least different from it. In more sophisticated neurons, the connections between the neurons have weights so that every input has a different effect on the output. The network is trained for a specific application by a learning process which involves adjustments to the connections between the neurons, to the weights. The weights are adjusted so that the error between the desired and actual output is reduced. To control this process, the network calculates how the error changes as each weight is increased or decreased. 44 CHAPTER 6. Data and methods Figure 6.9: Neuron with several weighted inputs and a single output (Stergiou & Siganos, read 04/2009) There are two learning methods. There is supervised learning where the network is given the input and matched output, the network learns to infer the relationship between the two. If the network is then properly trained, it has learned to model the function that relates the input variables to the output variables. It can then be used to make predictions for inputs with unknown outputs. Unsupervised learning is based on local information. The network organizes the data presented by itself and detects emergent collective properties. When the network is given an input of which there is no matching output, the network assigns the output of the input that is most closely related. There are three categories of transfer functions. In linear units, the output activity is proportional to the total weighted output. In threshold units, the input is multiplied with the weight, this gives the weighted input, and if the sum of these exceeds a pre-set threshold value, the neuron is activated. In sigmoid units, the output varies continuously but not linearly as the input changes. When the neuron fires, the activation signal is passed through an activation function to produce the output of the neuron. In a feed-forward NN, signals can only travel one way, from input to output. In feedback networks, signals can travel both ways by introducing feedback loops in the network. These are very powerful networks but they can get extremely complicated. A great advantage of NN is that users don’t need to understand the internal mechanism of the task and they are very well suited for real time systems because of their fast response and computational times which are due to their parallel architecture. There are several parameters in a NN. The learning rate determines by how much the weights are changed at each step. In the used algorithm, the learning rate is 0.01. The momentum is 0.1 and allows the change to the weights to persist for a number of adjustment cycles. The number of cells in the hidden layer is 10 and the maximum number of cycles the network is run is 1000. After every 5 cycles, the error on the test set is calculated. The activation function of the used network is the tangent hyperbolic (tanh). The training fraction is 0.5, meaning that half of the data is used as training set and half is used as test set (Statsoft, read 04/2009; Stergiou & Siganos, read 04/2009). 45 CHAPTER 6. Data and methods 5.3 Classification methods Several methods (Maximum Likelihood and NN with different inputs) were used to perform a classification of the study area. First training data were digitized on the Landsat images using the ground truth data. On the ground truth form the direction in which the photographs were taken is mentioned, so the training pixels were also selected on that side of the GPS location point. Initially, water was also included in the trainingdata, but as the Landsat image is from the dry season, hardly no water is visible, so water was excluded from the classification. In total more than 2000 pixels per class were selected. On these pixels several classification methods were tested. A supervised Maximum Likelihood classification, was performed using the signatures of the training pixels. The signature statistics are extracted over all available bands (bands 1–5) for each informational class. This classification method is based on the probability density function associated with a particular training site signature. Each pixel is assigned to the most likely class based on a comparison of the probabilities that the pixel belongs to each class (Idrisi Andes Help). As no knowledge exists about the prior probabilities with which each class can occur, equal prior probabilities are used. As it is better to use independent validation or testpixels for the calculation of the accuracy of the classification, classifications using half of the training pixels were performed. Half of the training pixels were selected to calculate the signatures, the other half is being used as test pixels. The training pixels were split using the program randompixelselection (Frieke Van Coillie). Secondly, NN was used to make a classification. The NN program used is called pixelclass (Toon Westra). The program needs some network parameters contained in a parameter file, the trainingpixels and a file containing all information that can be used to base the classification on. The output is a classification in raster file. The program selects a trainingset of pixels and a testset of pixels. The trainingset is used to train the network and to make the classification while the testset is used to test the classification’s accuracy. As input, all the available bands from the Landsat image were used. The temporal information contained in the MODIS time series can contribute to a better differentiation between the different classes. The trainingpixels from the Landsat images were reused on the MODIS images, but as the spatial resolution of the two satellites is different, the trainingpixels from the Landsat images needed to be enlarged on the MODIS images. In total about 100 pixels per class were selected. The maximum likelihood classification was used again, in the same manner as above mentioned. In the NN method, several combinations of input images were evaluated. The following combinations of input images were evaluated: • Spectral bands from all images: to make a classification based on the difference in spectral reflectances over the year between the vegetation classes. 46 CHAPTER 6. Data and methods • All NDVI images: to make a classification based on the differences in biomass over the year between the different habitat classes. • First three components from the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the NDVI images with first three components form the PCA of the EVI images: When there are a lot of data, part of the information is surplus as it is correlated with other variables. PCA is used to transform data in such a way that new variables are created that are not correlated. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the original covariance matrix are being calculated. Every eigenvalue and associated eigenvector describes a principal component, with the eigenvector being the direction of the new component and the eigenvalue a measure of the amount of information contained in that principle component (Lillesand et al., 2004). Here, only the first three components are used, as these already contain most of the variation in the information. By using PCA, the variation between different pixels is maximized in the components and this may make it easier to distinguish between the different habitat classes. • All spectral bands from all images, together with the first three components from the PCA of the NDVI images and the first three components from the PCA of the EVI images: combination between the differences in spectral reflectances over the year and the maximized variations in biomass created by PCA of NDVI and EVI. • All spectral bands from all images, together with all NDVI images and all EVI images: all the spectral reflectances over the year and all the biomass changes over the year described by the vegetation indices NDVI and EVI. 5.4 Accuracy assessment An error matrix can be calculated based on the training data, from which several accuracies can be derived. The Kappa values already give a first indication of the accuracy of the classification result. They indicate the amount of ’true’ agreement of the percentage of correct values in the error matrix by taken out the percentage of correct values due to a ’chance’ agreement. It can be calculated as follows: kappa = N Pr P − ri=1 (xi+ ∗ x+i ) i=1 xii P N 2 − ri=1 (xi+ ∗ x+i ) where r=number of rows in the error xii =number of observations in row i and column i (on the main diagonal) xi+ =total of observations in row i x+i =total of observations in column i N=total number of observations included in matrix 47 CHAPTER 6. Data and methods The nondiagonal elements in the columns represent errors of omission, those in the rows errors of commission. The overall accuracy is determined by the quotient of the total number of correctly classified pixels and the total number of reference pixels. The producer’s accuracies are those resulting from the quotient of the number of correctly classified pixels for each category and the number of pixels of that category in the ground truth data. This measurement indicates how well the training pixels of the given habitat type are classified. The user’s accuracies are those resulting from the quotient of the number of correctly classified pixels in each category and the total number of pixels that were classified in that category. This indicates the probability that a pixel classified into a given category actually represents that category on the ground (Lillesand et al., 2004). The classification with the highest accuracy was also compared with Africover, by means of a comparison matrix. 6 Analysis of Grevy’s zebra tracking data First some general information was extracted from the tracking data to get a view of the animals followed. For each animal, the home range, distance moved and number of fixes within protected areas (PAs) was calculated. The home range was calculated using the Minimum Convex Polygon (MCP) method. This simply draws a polygon around all the fixes and thus tends to exaggerate the total home range area. However, MCP is still widely in use. As the variation in number of fixes and time period of data collection between the different animals is great, this will affect the home range size and therefore the MCPs cannot strictly be compared. As the Grevy’s zebra is a threatened species, it is important to know how much time a zebra spends within PAs, where they are better protected. The percentage of fixes for each zebra falling within PAs was determined. PAs include community conservancies, National Reserves and National Parks. In Arcview the total distance moved by each animal and the mean distance moved per day can be calculated. As the period of data collection plays an important role in the total distance moved, this is only calculated for interest. Contrarely, the mean distance moved per day is comparable between animals and is indicative of how mobile each animal was. 7 7.1 Analysis of Grevy’s zebras’ migration Introduction The main objective of this thesis is to model the migration of Grevy’s zebras. There are many factors influencing the movement of the animals. First vegetation biomass will be investigated. Grevy’s zebras are herbivores so the vegetation distribution and biomass will probably play an important role in their migration. As animals cannot survive without water, this source will also be investigated as an influence on their behaviour. The presence of livestock will be taken into account, as livestock is an 48 CHAPTER 6. Data and methods important competitor for resources. Based on the obtained land cover classification map and on the Africover map, the habitat preference of the Grevy’s zebras will be investigated. 7.2 Correlation of the zebras’ migration with biomass The aim of this part is to seek for a relationship between the migration and the available biomass, using NDVI as the indicator. 7.2.1 Linking NDVI and tracking datasets The objective was to obtain a dataset containing the NDVI values for the regions where zebra presence has been tracked. NDVI values of locations with no zebras present will also be determined as this is necessary to make a comparison between the NDVI values of the preferred and other areas. First the vector file containing the tracking data was split into subsets in Arcview, using a script (Toon Westra). For each ten day period within the NDVI time series, a vector file per zebra was created with the location points recorded during that ten day period. So for every zebra, three vectorfiles per month were obtained: the file for day 1–10, the file for day 11–20 and the file from day 21 till the end of the month. All of these vectorfiles were then converted to rasterfiles in Idrisi Andes, with the same pixelsize as the SPOT-Vegetation NDVI images. Every pixels has the value of the amount of GPS location points that it contains. This is done to make the images compatible with the program for the extraction of the NDVI values and amount of zebra location points. Secondly for every zebra a mask was created: per zebra all the pixels were selected where the zebra occurred at least once during the study period. This mask will be used as the zebra’s range. In everey ten day period, the NDVI values of all the pixels of the range are extracted. As a comparison needs to be made between the NDVI values of the pixels where the zebra is present and pixels where the zebra is absent at that time, both values need to be known. When all the NDVI values of the pixels from the range are extracted for every ten day period, many NDVI values are known from pixels that are not being used by zebras at that time. However, all the pixels within the range are accessible to the zebras, so no NDVI values are obtained from pixels that are inaccessible and thus impossible to use by the zebras. For every ten day period, there is a rasterfile containing the location points for the zebra in that period and a SPOT-Vegetation image with the NDVI values. Next, for every 10-day period, the SPOTVegetation NDVI value and the corresponding amount of zebra location points is determined for all pixels within the zebras’ home range. As the mask contains all the pixels where the zebra is present at least once in the entire period, a lot of pixels do not have any zebra location points in a ten day period. This data extraction is done with the program zebra-extract (Toon Westra). As a result, an excel file is obtained per zebra containing the period (year-month-period, for example 49 CHAPTER 6. Data and methods 200662: year 2006, June, from day 11–20), the NDVI and the amount of zebras present per pixel. This file will be reduced for the statistical analysis. All sixteen zebras will be merged together, per period. For every period all the pixels with zebras present will be selected. The amount of zebra location points for each NDVI value will be determined, and this NDVI value will then be listed that amount of times. This is done so that for each NDVI value the preference of use will be accounted. After this is done for all the NDVI values in that ten day period, the total amount of records is determined. Then an equal amount of non-zebra NDVI values will be selected at random. It is better for the statistical analysis that there is an equal amount of data in the two groups that need to be compared. At the end, a dataset is obtained with three columns: the period, the NDVI and a last column indicating if it is a zebra present (1) or zebra absent (0) record. 7.2.2 Statistical analysis The statistical analysis was performed in S-Plus 8. The test variable is always the NDVI and zebra present/absent is the grouping variable. The tests were done for several combinations of periods. First all periods together, this is all the data of the entire study period together. To get some better idea of the preferred NDVI values, the rainy and dry seasons were tested separately. Many statistical tests require that the data are normal. The data are tested for normality with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. In this test the null hypothesis is that the distribution is normal. Attention should be paid to the central limit theorem. This says that a sample of more than 30 observations has an average that approaches quite good the asymptotical normal distribution. Practically this means that a p-value of a parametric test close to the nominal significance level should be handled with caution, in other cases, the small deviation of normality does not affect the result. As the equity of variances is important too, the next test consists of the Levene test. This test is a homogeneity-of-variances test that is not dependent on the assumption that the data need to be from a normal distribution. As the data contain more than 30 observations it is allowed to test parametrically. To compare the averages of the two groups, zebra present and zebra absent, a Student’s t-test was performed. As a control the non-parametric test was also done, namely the Wilcoxon rank test. Almost all the t-tests were done one-sided, there was tested whether the average NDVI of the pixels with zebras present was higher than the average NDVI of the pixels with zebras absent. Only for the first and second rainy seasons other tests were performed. For the first rainy season, there was tested whether the average NDVI of the pixels with zebras present was lower than the average NDVI of the pixels with zebras absent. The test for the second rainy season was done two-sided. 7.3 Correlation between zebra presence and water To search for a correlation between the tracking of the zebras and the availability of water, the distance to water is used. Two shapefiles are used as the sources for water. The shapefile of waterbodies 50 CHAPTER 6. Data and methods contains the lakes and permanent rivers. As water is only limited in the dry season no temporal rivers are included in the analysis, as these are mostly non-existent during the dry season. The other shapefile contains the waterpoints in Northern Kenya. The shapefiles with waterbodies and waterpoints in Northern Kenya are merged together and a raster file is created giving a continuous scale of the distance from water in every pixel. Next, the amount of zebra location points at every distance from water is determined. This output is being redistributed in intervals of half a kilometre and put in a graph together with the area of each distance class. 7.4 Correlation between zebra presence and livestock To search for a correlation between zebra tracking and livestock, the shapefile containing data about livestock density in 1990 is used. The amount of zebra location points in each livestock density class is determined and put out graphically. 7.5 Correlation between zebra presence and towns To search for a correlation between the tracking of the zebras and the presence of towns, the distance to the nearest town is used as indicator. A shapefile containing all the towns in the study area was used to create a map indicating the distance to the nearest town in kilometres. Then the amount of zebra location points at every kilometre from the nearest town was determined. This output was put in a graph together with the area of each distance class within the study area. 7.6 Habitat preference To assess the habitat preference of Grevy’s zebras, the tracking data of all 16 zebras is used together with the habitat classification of the study area and the Africover classification. The method used is based on the article of Aebischer et al. (1993). The comparison of utilized and available habitat is performed on two levels: home range composition versus total study area, and proportional habitat use based on GPS locations versus home range composition. The habitat use of an animal is the proportion of the animal’s path contained within each habitat. The tracking data approximates this path, so the proportion of GPS locations in each habitat estimates the use of each habitat. The home range of an animal is the area in which its path is located during a given period. The area within the home range occupied by each habitat type can be expressed as a proportion of the total home range area. Based on its widespread use, the home range is estimated using the Minimum Convex Polygon (MCP) method. In Arcview the extension ’animal movement’ is used to do this. ’Extract’ in Idrisi Andes was used to calculate the habitat composition of the total study area and of each animal’s home range. It was also used to determine the number of GPS locations from each animal within each 51 CHAPTER 6. Data and methods habitat type. The percentage of each habitat type in the total study area and the MCP’s is calculated, as is the percentage of GPS locations from each animal in each habitat type. In the ideal case, all habitat types are available and all are used by each animal. In practice, not all the habitats may be utilized by the animals according to the tracking data. If the habitat is not present in the MCP, or no GPS data falls within the habitat, a percentage of zero usage for this habitat is obtained. The zero percentage of utilized habitat implies that the use is so low that it was not detected. As a zero numerator or denominator in log-ratio transformation is invalid, a small positive value will be substituted, here 0.01%. First it is checked whether the habitat selection is random or not. The available (total study area) and utilized (MCP home range) habitat compositions are transformed to log-ratios yA and yU using the proportion of woodland (<70% trees) as the denominator. According to the article Aebischer et al. (1993), for any component xj of a composition, the log-ratio transformation y=ln(xi /xj ) renders the yi linearly independent. If there is a random use of the habitat types, yU equals yA or the pair wise differences d=yU -yA between matching log-ratios for utilized and available habitat follows a multivariate normal distribution such that d=0. So after the log-ratio transformation, the difference d= yA -yU is calculated. A residual matrix R2 is created, this is the matrix of raw sums of squares and cross-products calculated from d. R1 a matrix of mean-corrected sums of squares and cross-products is also calculated from d. This is used to calculate Λ=|R2 |/|R1 | and the quantity -N*ln(Λ) is then χ2 distributed. This gives an idea whether the habitat use is random or non-random. When habitat use is non-random, the second step is to rank the habitat types in order of preference. A preferred habitat type is one that is used more than expected from its availability. The concept of preference allows the ranking of habitat types from least preferred to most preferred. This ranking can be achieved by comparisons based on the pair wise differences d. When di >0, habitat i is used more than expected relatively to habitat j, or habitat j is used less than expected relatively to habitat i. When di >0 for all i, habitat j is used less than expected relatively to all other habitat types, it is the relatively least used habitat type. So the habitat types are ranked by calculating the matrix (d1 , . . . ,dD ) as illustrated in table 6.5, for each zebra. The matrix columns are indexed by the habitat type used as denominator in the log-ratio, and the rows by the numerator. This is an antisymmetric matrix, and because of this and the independence property of log-ratios, each element is independent of the others in the same row or column. The number of positive elements in each row ranks the habitats in order of increasing relative use, with 0 the worst and D-1 the best. To combine all 16 zebras, the mean and standard error of the elements at each position is calculated. The ratio mean/standard error gives a t-value. As the non-random use was already checked, the significance level stays 5% rather than for instance Bonferroni levels. It is important to know that the ranking of the sample of the population is subject to error, and the pattern of t-values can be used to asses which ranks give a reliable order and which ones are interchangeable. 52 CHAPTER 6. Data and methods Table 6.5: Matrix used to establish habitat rankings. The number of positive values ranks the habitats in increasing order of preference Habitat types (numerator) 1 2 . . . D 7.7 Habitat 1 ln(xU2/xU1)-ln(xA2/xA1) . . . ln(xUD/xU1)-ln(xAD/xA1) types ... (denominator) D Positive values (total) ... ... . . . ... ln(xU1/xUD)-ln(xA1/xAD) r1 r2 . . . rn ln(xU2/xUD)-ln(xA2/xAD) . . . . Integration of all factors influencing the migration Until now several factors having an influence on the migration of Grevy’s zebra were treated as distinct features. In reality a complex interaction between all these factors and others determines the migration pattern. The aim of this part is to search whether it is possible to predict which areas in the study area are best suitable for Grevy’s zebras. The different factors influencing their movement and occurence will first be investigated separately. These results will then be combined to produce a general suitability map for Grevy’s Zebras for the entire study area. 53 Chapter 7 Results and discussion 1 Habitat classification Several habitat classifications of the study area were performed in order to investigate the relationship between the habitat and the zebra tracking data: which habitats do they prefer, which habitats are being avoided. First a Landsat image from the dry season of 2000 was used as input for the habitat classification. Next, a time series of eighteen 16-day composite MODIS images from the year 2008 were applied, as these might reveal more distinction between the different classes based on the differences in plant behaviour throughout the year. Two classification techniques were tested: the Maximum Likelihood Classifier and Neural Networks (NN). There were six habitat classes distinguished: • Herbaceous: cover of the herbaceous layer is more than 50% with a shrub and tree cover lower than 50% • Low vegetation cover: vegetation cover lower than 20% • Shrubland: cover of shrubs more than 50% • Woodland (<70% trees): cover of trees between 50–70% • Woodland (>70% trees): cover of trees more than 70% • Forests: closed tree cover, could easily be distinguished based on their spectral properties 1.1 Landsat-based habitat classification Nine classifications were based on the Landsat image from february 2000, using the spectral bands 1–5. Six of them were performed with the Maximum Likelihood Classifier (table 7.1). The class 54 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion crops was excluded from the classification as there was no ground truth of cropland present lying within the study area. The intention to include cropland in the classification was based upon the presence of cropland within the study area on the Africover classification. Classification 2–5 were done with the class water included. Water was excluded as the image was from the dry season and not enough trainingdata was available for this class. Only one permanent river could be distinguished. The first classification result revealed that most of the area was classified as woodland. To give a better idea of habitat variability, the woodland class was therefore split into two groups based on the vegetation description in the ground truth data form. This subdivision was based on percentage of tree cover. Woodland 1 indicates the class woodland with more than 70% tree cover (closed woodland) and woodland 2 indicates the class woodland with less than 70% tree cover (open woodland). Classifications 7, 8 and 9 were performed using NN. For classification 7, the same training pixels were used as in classification 6. The training pixels were adjusted between classification 7 and 8 to try to obtain a better classification result. This was done by selecting a bigger region at every ground truth point. In the final trainingset, 2000 pixels per class were selected. Classification 9 was based on the same trainingpixels as classification 8, but only half of the training pixels were used to make the classification. The other half was used as testset. Table 7.1: Classifications made on the Landsat image number classification method classes present 1 6 7 Maximum Likelihood Maximum Likelihood NN 8 9 NN NN herbaceous, low veg. cover, shrubland, woodland, forest idem 5 minus class water and with more training pixels herbaceous, low veg. cover, shrubland, woodland1, forest, woodland2 idem 7 idem 7 Kappa value 39.93% 54.02% 70.51% 70.91% 63.36% As only one image was available from the dry season, no good result was obtained. The result with the best Kappa value, classification 8 can be seen in figure 7.1. The only habitat class that could easily be distinguished from the others using Maximum Likelihood was the forest class. The other classes, all subclasses of savanna, gave no good result. In Stuart et al. (2006) it is also stated that a classification based on Landsat data using conventional Maximum Likelihood Classification is only suitable for extracting the overall boundaries of savannas with associated vegetation types (like forests), but that it is not able to make a reliable map of the distribution of vegetation formations within savanna areas. NN gives better classification results, but there are still quite some misclassifications. The class best mapped is again the forest class. 55 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion Figure 7.1: The Landsat classification with the best Kappa value 1.2 MODIS-based habitat classification Habitat classifications were also performed based on MODIS time series using Maximum Likelihood and NN classification techniques. The training set derived from the Landsat image was first used, but was then adjusted and enlarged. This training set was used again as the Landsat image showed a lot more details than the MODIS images and so it was easier to indicate the training sites on the Landsat image. These training sites had to be enlarged on the MODIS images as MODIS images have a coarser spatial resolution and a lot of the training sites from the Landsat image didn’t even cover one MODIS pixel. There were several combinations of input images used for the classification. 1. All spectral bands from all 18 MODIS images 2. All 18 NDVI images 3. First three components from the PCA of NDVI and the PCA of EVI 4. All spectral bands of all images and the first three components from the two PCAs 5. All spectral bands from all images with all NDVI images and all EVI images The Principal Components of the NDVI and EVI of these MODIS images were used to reduce the amount of images for classification. As the first three components of the PCA contain most information and explain the greatest variation between areas, these were used (for loadings see table 7.2). In the PCA of the EVI images, the first component contained 75.93% of the variation, the second 56 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion component 6.90% and the third component 5%. By using the first three components of the PCA of the EVI, 87.83% of all the variation contained in the EVI images is used for classification. In the PCA of the NDVI images, the first component contained 84.69% of the variation, the second component 5% and the third component 3.02%. By using the first three components of the PCA of the NDVI, 92.71% of all the variation contained in the NDVI images is used for classification. From table 7.2 it can be observed that all images contribute highly positive to the first Principal Component (PC1). Each factor has a lot less contribution to PC2 and PC3 and some have positive while others have a negative contribution. Table 7.2: Loadings from the PCA of the EVI and NDVI images EVI Image M1EVI M2EVI M3EVI M4EVI M5EVI M6EVI M7EVI M8EVI M9EVI M10EVI M11EVI M12EVI M13EVI M14EVI M15EVI M16EVI M17EVI M18EVI NDVI PC1 0.883 0.870 0.881 0.862 0.903 0.922 0.928 0.877 0.837 0.816 0.852 0.813 0.848 0.843 0.859 0.845 0.897 0.922 PC2 -0.168 -0.212 -0.195 -0.038 0.052 0.137 0.168 0.348 0.478 0.513 0.461 0.495 0.341 -0.176 -0.186 -0.317 -0.126 -0.022 PC3 -0.229 -0.336 -0.339 -0.370 -0.096 -0.136 -0.133 -0.022 0.084 0.085 0.039 0.125 0.102 0.217 0.316 0.295 0.177 0.002 Image M1NDVI M2NDVI M3NDVI M4NDVI M6NDVI M5NDVI M7NDVI M8NDVI M9NDVI M10NDVI M11NDVI M12NDVI M13NDVI M14NDVI M15NDVI M16NDVI M17NDVI M18NDVI PC1 0.921 0.925 0.915 0.940 0.950 0.941 0.954 0.928 0.894 0.894 0.914 0.894 0.921 0.868 0.913 0.915 0.935 0.959 PC2 -0.152 -0.188 -0.196 -0.015 0.071 -0.015 0.141 0.225 0.403 0.403 0.365 0.392 0.273 -0.238 -0.211 -0.215 -0.064 0.010 PC3 -0.193 -0.254 -0.290 -0.246 -0.125 -0.109 -0.118 -0.017 0.086 0.067 0.014 0.073 0.047 0.205 0.221 0.224 0.148 0.023 The classifications performed on the entire study area, based on MODIS images are listed in table 7.3, as well as the Kappa values obtained with the training set used as test set. From all the classifications conducted on the MODIS images, the first 4 classifications were performed using the original Landsat image training sites. As already mentioned, these contained too little training pixels on the MODIS images to obtain good results. There were high Kappa values obtained for these classifications, but this can be explained by the fact that only a small amount of pixels from the training set were used to test the accuracy. The training pixels were enlarged several times to obtain better classification 57 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion results. This was done by selecting the entire pixel instead of only a small part. The final training set contained 200 pixels per class. From classification 24 onward the entire study area was used instead of a smaller sample to obtain a good classification. Classification 30 was completely the same as classification 28. The NN was ran a second time and a different output was obtained. In the last three classifications (28, 29 and 30) an independent test set too was used to calculate the Kappa value. This resulted in kappa values of 84.41%, 83.45% and 82.34% respectively. Therefore, the best classification result for the study area was classification 28, obtained using NN and all spectral bands from all images, all NDVI images and all EVI images (figure 7.2). In further discussion this classification will be referred to as the ’MODIS classification’. The error matrix using the training data as test data is given in table 7.4. The accuracies are given in table 7.5. The classification based on the PCA did not give a better result compared to when all NDVI and all EVI images were used, due to the fact that NN were able to process all the available information. It was not necessary to reduce the amount of information to speed up the processing as the amount of time needed to make a classification was limited. Table 7.3: Classifications made on the MODIS images Number 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Classification method Used images NN NN NN NN NN NN NN All spectral All spectral + PCA All spectral, NDVI and EVI All spectral, NDVI and EVI All spectral, NDVI and EVI All spectral, NDVI and EVI All spectral, NDVI and EVI Trainingset used Kappa value S1 S1 S1 S2 S3 S4 S3 87.01% 86.59% 87.18% 87.13% 90.39% 90.61% 88.79% Table 7.4: Error matrix of the MODIS classification with all trainingdata used as testdata 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total ErrorC 1 2 3 4 5 6 213 11 10 6 1 12 15 130 6 1 0 2 11 9 115 7 0 1 8 4 4 403 3 4 0 0 0 1 1141 0 4 5 7 14 2 108 251 159 142 432 1147 127 Total ErrorO 253 0.1581 154 0.1558 143 0.1958 426 0.0540 1142 0.0009 140 0.2286 2258 0.1514 0.1824 0.1901 0.0671 0.0052 0.1496 0.0655 58 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion Table 7.5: Accuracies obtained from the error matrix for the MODIS classification Kappa value Overall accuracy producer’s accuracy user’s accuracy 1.3 Class Accuracy herbaceous low veg. cover shrubland woodland1 woodland2 forest herbaceous low veg. cover shrubland woodland1 woodland2 forest 84.41% 93.45% 84.19% 84.41% 80.42% 94.60% 77.14% 99.91% 84.86% 81.76% 80.99% 93.29% 85.04% 99.48% Analysis of the result As already mentioned, the overall Kappa of the MODIS classification obtained after calculation of the Error Matrix using all the training data as input, is 90.39%. The Kappa obtained using an independent test set is 84.41%. However, these Kappa values are not an ultimate indicator of a good classification result. This high value means that the classification strategy employed works well in the training areas. The accuracies based on training data are a bit too optimistic, especially when derived from limited data sets (Lillesand et al., 2004). As the Kappa obtained with the independent test set is also quite good, the classification result may be a good indicator of reality. However, the test set was rather small because the total amount of ground truth data was small. This means that the Kappa value only gives an indication of the classification on a small part of the study area. So an absolute decision whether a good classification result was obtained or not is rather difficult to make as the Kappa values have only a limited value to make a decision of accuracy. The area of the different classes within the study area, extracted from the MODIS classification are listed in table 7.6. The herbaceous class is the largest, followed by woodland (more than 70% trees). Forest covers the smallest area within the study area. 59 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion Figure 7.2: MODIS classification: classification result with the highest accuracy 60 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion Table 7.6: Area of the different classes within the study area class area (km2 ) herbaceous low vegetation cover shrubland woodland1 forest woodland2 6863.38 3387.01 3257.84 5461.98 1586.12 2717.07 When the classification is further investigated it is clear that the result probably shows some differences with reality. This further investigation can be done by comparing the classification with the Africover classification. Africover is only a rough classification of Africa, so there are misclassifications on Africover as well. But it can be used as an indicator to compare with the MODIS classification. The study area was extracted from Africover and reclassed into bigger groups resembling the selected habitat types. Table 7.7 gives the reclassification scheme. The class names and class numbers of the Africover classification can be found in Appendix B. Table 7.7: reclassification scheme to compare Africover with the made classification class in the made classification class numbers of Africover classes not able to match the MODIS classification (0) herbaceous (1) low vegetation cover (2) shrubland (3) woodland1 (4) forest (5) woodland2 (6) 1, 2, 20, 231 and 232 125, 126, 131, 132, 133, 162 and 163 10, 127 and 134 121, 122 and 124 114, 115, 116 and 145 112 and 113 117 and 118 In the comparison matrix (table 7.8), made with Africover and the MODIS classification, it can be seen that a lot of pixels are classified differently. Only the elements on the major diagonal of the error matrix are those that are classified into the same land cover categories. The calculated accuracies can be found in table 7.9. The Africover herbaceous class is a very large class, as it includes all classes with the main vegetation type herbeaceous. So this is probably an overestimation of the class herbaceous, which can explain the huge amount of Africover herbaceous pixels that are classified into other habitat groups in the MODIS classification. However, there are still a lot of pixels classified as herbaceous that do not fall within the herbaceous class of Africover. The shrubland class on the MODIS classification covers only a small amount of the shrubland pixels on Africover, only the low 61 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion vegetation cover class has less Africover shrubland pixels. Only the forest class of Africover falls relatively well within the forest class of the MODIS classification. But here again a lot of forest pixels on the MODIS classification are non-forest on Africover. So in general it can be stated that there is not a good resemblance between the MODIS classification and Africover. Table 7.8: Error matrix of the MODIS classification and Africover. In the columns are the Africover pixels and on the rows the MODIS classification pixels. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total ErrorC 1 2 3 4 5 6 119422 60540 54723 86753 5535 38530 1253 64 1044 314 214 749 2388 456 1405 5167 8374 6230 2385 1145 1500 4857 4358 2158 146 32 47 469 9483 55 944 115 401 1178 429 949 126538 62352 59120 98738 28393 48671 0.0562 0.9990 0.9762 0.9508 0.6660 0.9805 Total ErrorO 365503 0.6733 3638 0.9824 24020 0.9415 16403 0.7039 10232 0.0732 4016 0.7637 423812 0.6787 Table 7.9: Accuracies obtained from the error matrix Kappa value Overall accuracy producer’s accuracy user’s accuracy Class Accuracy herbaceous low veg. cover shrubland woodland1 woodland2 forest herbaceous low veg. cover shrubland woodland1 woodland2 forest 5.95% 32.13% 32.67% 1.76% 5.85% 29.61% 23.63% 92.68% 94.38% 0.10% 2.38% 4.92% 1.95% 33.40% 62 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion 1.4 Discussion There is great uncertainty about the accuracy of the classification and whether a good classification result was obtained or not. There was only a small amount of ground truth data and already a great uncertainty existed about the definition of the classes. The MODIS classification was presented to the Northern Rangelands Trust to check with the reality and no comments were received. Savanna ecosystems are very difficult to classify into subtypes. Even the distinction of these subtypes on the ground can be challenging, and they have quite similar reflectance spectra (Stuart et al., 2006). In savannas there are a lot of subtypes where the vegetation consists of various plant forms, for instance combinations of shrubs and grasses, woodland with a understorey of grasses and forbs, and even a combination of the three main vegetation types: trees, shrubs and herbs. In this study, only six habitat classes were distinguished so these are certainly classes composed of combinations of plant forms. It should be better to make more distinction between all of these combination types, based on different cover percentages, but then a lot more ground truth data should be collected. As there were only 65 data points, there could only be a limited amount of classes, covering distinct vegetation types. There will always be a certain amount of mixture of herbs and shrubs, but with more ground truth data, more distinctions could be made and a better classification result could be obtained. The method of collection is also very important to obtain accurate ground truth data. Stuart et al. (2006) mention that it is also important to locate homogeneuos areas that are larger than the spatial resolution of the satellite images used. Then accurate ground truth data is obtained and complete pixels can be selected as training data. For instance, when Landsat images are used, homogeneous areas of about 30m diameter should be selected. As the MODIS images have a spatial resolution of 250 m, the number of homogeneous pixels reduces considerably. Many pixels will contain several classes (mixed pixels), which make the classification process more difficult. It might be possible to obtain a more accurate classification using Landsat images when more ground truth data are collected in homogeneous areas. The low classification accuracy might also be partially explained by errors during ground data collection. The ground data collection included estimation of ground cover for the herbaceous, shrub and tree layer. Human misjudgements in estimation of ground cover could have induced classification mistakes. If the ground data is collected by several persons, vegetation cover might be estimated differently by each person. The photographs acquired for each sampled point were sometimes misleading, as some were taken in bird perspective, only showing a small piece of the area. There was also only one photograph per GPS location, showing the vegetation in only one direction. It could have been possible that some photos were taken on the edge of vegetation classes inducing location points to be classified as one class while they were on the edge of different classes. On the Landsat image the training pixels were selected at the side of the location point in which the photograph was taken. The Landsat training pixels were enlarged on the MODIS images to cover complete pixels. As the MODIS pixels are already mixed pixels the mistakes of taken a photograph on the edge of a 63 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion vegetation type and classifying the entire pixel as that class is probably neglible. In general, it would have been better that a photograph was taken in each direction with a horizontal angle. It could be possible to obtain better classification results by using other classification techniques. For instance, finer resolution imagery like IKONOS (1m spatial resolution) imagery might be used. However, the cost of acquiring the IKONOS data covering large study areas as in this thesis will be too high. Another possibility is the combination of optical and radar satellite images. By combining these two data types, vegetation classes could be distinguished based on their spectral differences and texture differences (measured by radar). Haack & Bechdol (2000) investigated the use of Shuttle Imaging Radar and optical Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) satellite images for mapping savanna and woodland vegetation in eastern Africa. The results indicated that there is a high potential in combining optical and radar data for mapping the basic land cover patterns. The radar data by itself had good classification accuracies, but the combinations of radar and optical data improved the classification result. As a conclusion it should be mentioned that it is extremely difficult to make a classification based on ground truth data collected by others without the own knowledge of the study area. To obtain a good classification of the study area more data should be collected and other classification techniques could be applied: combination radar and optical imagery, more Landsat images of different dates . . . 2 Analysis of tracking data In this section, some general characteristics of the movement of the Grevy’s zebras are extracted from the tracking data. The proportion of tracking data within protected areas (PAs) is also investigated. First the location of the tracking data within the study area was analysed (Figure 7.3 and 7.4). There are two major hotspots for the tracked zebras within the study area, one in the Nort-Eastern part around Laisamis and the other in the South-West from Wamba over Barsalinga till the South at Archers Post and near Isiolo. In between these two hotspots no zebra location data points were recorded. In figure 7.3, the distribution is shown of the zebras: Hiroya, Kobosa, Dableya, Martha, Johnna, Njeri, Belinda, Lepere, Liz and Silurian2. In figure 7.4, the tracking data are shown of the zebras: Rose, Petra, Jeff, Samburu, Loijuk and Samburu2. The zebras Hiroya, Kobosa and Dableya are located in the North-Eastern part of the study area, near the town Laisamis. Liz, Petra and Lepere have smaller home ranges located in the Western part of the study area, west of the town Wamba and north of the town Barsalinga. North of Barsalinga part of the tracking data of Loijuk is located as well, but she also ranges more south-east, passing East from Barsalinga till the western part of Archers Post. Belinda and Johnna range from Archers Post till Barsalinga. The home ranges of Martha, Jeff and Rose are situated near Archers Post. Njeri has some location point East from Barsalinga but also a smaller amount of location points are located at the West side of the town. Silurian2’s home range is located in the Southern part of the study area, West from Isiolo. Most location data points of Samburu are 64 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion located in the surrounding of Archers Post, with some data extending to the West in the direction of Barsalinga. Samburu2 has location data in the South-Western part and in the North-Eastern part of the study area. It seems that this zebra has two home ranges. It is very unlikely for a zebra to be located on such a large home range without any location data inbetween the two hotspots. It seems that the data of two zebras were accidently merged together into one dataset. For the further investigations Samburu2 will be handled as one zebra with all the given location points. As all location points from all zebras are always merged together for most analysis, this will not have any effect on the result. Only for the analysis of speed and distance Samburu2 is left out. Figure 7.3: The location within the study area of the home ranges of Belinda, Dableya, Hiroya, Johnna, Kobosa, Lepere, Liz, Martha, Njeri and Silurian2. 65 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion Figure 7.4: The location within the study area of the home ranges of Jeff, Loijuk, Petra, Rose, Samburu and Samburu2. Secondly, some general characteristics were determined in Arcview: total distance moved, mean distance moved between fixes, minimum speed per day, the maximum speed per day, the mean daily speed and the Minimum Convex Polygon (MCP) area. In table 7.10 the results are shown for all sixteen zebras. Njeri showed the highest mean movement between fixes (930m). Jeff and Silurian2 show also high mean movement rates between fixes, especially in comparison to their MCP area. This means that these zebras do not undertake large scale movements, but move very extensively within their home range. The average over all zebras of the mean distance between fixes is 500m. Samburu has a negative minimum speed, which is probabely due to the fact that data of some days are missing. Samburu disregarded, the minimum speed ranges from 5.13 m/day for Belinda till 23.09 m/day for Njeri. This low value of 5.13 m/day can be explained by the fact that sometimes measurements of location are limited to two observations per day. If these are recorded on a relatively short interval, the distance travelled that day is very low. The value for Njeri of 92 km/day as maximum speed is completely unrealistic. This is probably caused by some missing values. The maximum speed otherwise ranges from 0.85 km/day for Silurian2 till 13.41 km/day for Samburu. The average mean daily speed for all zebras is about 10 km/day, ranging from 15.22 km/day for Dableya till 7.37 km/day for Loijuk and hiroya. These are realistic values as in literature the average is set between 10 and 15 km/day (Rubenstein, 1986). 66 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion Table 7.10: Analysis of tracking data: the number of bearings per zebra, the distances travelled, the speed analysis and MCP areas ZEBRA Total distance (km) Mean distance (m) Min speed (m/day) Max speed (km/day) Mean daily speed (km/day) MCP Area (km2 ) belinda dableya hiroya jeff johnna kobosa lepere liz loijuk martha njeri petra rose samburu silurian2 5072.45 3881.43 700.00 577.67 1963.87 827.53 1631.03 1483.11 4512.06 3029.20 757.66 1153.35 76.50 2087.19 95.81 475.35 599.54 568.64 651.26 464.71 586.07 360.77 436.46 411.35 309.10 929.64 363.95 382.50 551.87 573.68 5.13 5.76 11.00 8.06 5.96 5.50 7.38 7.02 6.17 5.58 23.09 6.30 21.90 -0.74 8.38 12.67 5.58 3.42 9.26 6.21 7.71 3.19 3.62 6.63 4.80 92.23 5.51 1.05 13.41 0.85 7.47 15.22 7.37 11.54 11.76 15.06 9.27 9.96 7.37 8.16 9.13 9.38 10.93 8.96 13.69 1508.24 2815.41 1256.38 114.34 1340.22 935.24 201.80 319.74 1607.91 297.51 1003.09 159.60 36.13 1370.43 45.53 In table 7.11 the analysis of tracking data within PAs is given. PAs include National Reserves, Forest Reserves and community conservancies. The National Reserves located within the study area are Shaba, Samburu, Losai and Buffalo Springs. The Forest Reserves in the study area are Matthews Range, Ngaia, Ndotos Range and Mukogodo. The community conservancies within the study area are Melako, Sera, Namunyak, Kalama, West Gate, Meibae, Naibunga, Lekurruki, Il Ngwesi and a small part of Lewa (figure 7.5). From table 7.11 it is clear that still half of the time zebras move outside of PAs. The conservancies play an important role in the conservation, as some animals do stay within these protected areas all of the time (Lepere, Liz and Petra). They account for 54% of the total amount of zebra location points within protected areas. Only 4.67% of the location points of all zebras is located within National Reserves or Forest Reserves. Five out of the sixteen collared zebras spent more than 90% of their time within PAs; five spent between 50 and 90% of their time within PAs. The remaining six animals spent less than 30% of their time within PAs. 67 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion Table 7.11: Percentage of bearings in PAs ZEBRA % in reserves % in conservancies % in PAs belinda dableya hiroya jeff johnna kobosa lepere liz loijuk martha njeri petra rose samburu samburu2 silurian2 Total 0.45 3.10 4.63 36.94 5.39 26.82 0 0 6.36 0 0 0 68.66 30.66 4.12 0 4.67 21.58 0.54 2.60 52.48 0.12 2.90 100 100 92.70 82.63 95.45 100 0 37.19 52.36 0 54.01 22.03 3.61 5.28 89.41 5.51 27.25 100 100 99.06 82.63 95.45 100 68.66 67.86 56.37 0 58.57 68 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion Figure 7.5: The location of the protected areas within the study area. 3 Correlation between tracking data and biomass The most important factor influencing zebra migration is probably the biomass distribution. As zebras are herbivores, biomass is directly linked with their food resources. The proxy for biomass used is the NDVI, which is determined from SPOT-Vegetation NDVI ten-day composites. The NDVI values are determined for each pixel within each zebra’s range for every ten day period. The range is the pixels at least once used by the zebra during the study period. All pixels where zebras are absent during a certain period can be reached and used by the zebras as they do this at other times. So there are values obtained for pixels where zebras are present and pixels where zebras are absent during that period. The goal is to determine which areas are being used by zebras on specific times based on NDVI values. The principal idea is to compare the NDVI values of pixels where zebras are present and pixels where zebras are absent. The names of the ten day periods are always year/month/ten-day period of that month, for example 200662 is the second period of June in the year 2006. To form a general idea of the difference in NDVI values between zebra present and zebra absent pixels, the averages for every ten day period for the zebra absent and zebra present data were calculated and put in figure 7.6. The figure clearly shows the difference between the rainy seasons (peaks) and the 69 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion dry seasons. In almost all cases the average NDVI value of the pixels with zebras present is higher than the average NDVI value of the pixels with zebras absent. Only in the first rainy season, from November 2006 till February 2007, the average of zebra present pixels is lower. This rainy season was a very wet one, and the values lie well above the other rainy season values. Figure 7.6: Graph showing the average NDVI value for every image (ten day period) for the data with zebra present and the data with zebra absent The tests were done on several testsets: one global testset, over the entire study period and one testset for every season. For all the testsets, normality was never present, but as the dataset is always much bigger than 30 measurements, it is allowed to use the limit theorem, and the tests can be conducted parametric. To compare the averages between the NDVI values in pixels with zebras present and the NDVI values in pixels with zebras absent, two sample t-tests were conducted. When the variances are equal, this was marked in the t-test. As a control the non-parametric test, the Wilcoxon rank test, was also done but as could be expected this always gave the same result. S-Plus did have some difficulties calculating the exact p-values, probably because of the size of the dataset. Almost all tests gave a p-value of zero. To check whether this was no mistake, some tests were done in SPSS and R as well, but these programs gave a p-value of zero too. So it can be assumed that the output of a p-value of zero in S-Plus means an extremely small p-value and a rejection of the null hypothesis. 70 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion The first statistical test was performed on the entire dataset, including all the rain seasons and all the dry seasons. The t-test was conducted one-sided, in other words it is tested that the average of the pixels with zebra present is larger than the average of the pixels with no zebras. The result was significant, so zebras use areas with on average larger NDVI values within their home range. The average NDVI over the entire study period for pixels with zebras is 0.296; the average NDVI for pixels without zebras is 0.272. The boxplot (figure 7.7) shows that there is a lot of overlap between the two groups and that there are a lot of outliers, especially in the larger NDVI values. The fact that the result is significant although there is only a small difference between the two averages can be explained by the huge amount of data available. The dataset converges to infinite. The characteristics of the two groups are given in the table 7.12. The distribution of the NDVI values used by zebras can be seen in the histogram shown in figure 7.8. Here it can be seen that the zebras select NDVI values between 39 (0.076) and 195 (0.7), with the core amount of date between 52 (0.128) and 143 (0.492). The data do not follow a normal distribution but rather a right-skewed normal distribution, where the right tail is longer and heavier than the left one. Figure 7.7: Boxplot showing the distribution of the NDVI values for pixels with zebras (1) and for pixels without zebras (0) 71 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion Table 7.12: Summary statistics for the entire dataset Zebras absent Zebras present Min: 20 1st Qu.: 66 Mean: 88.38 Median: 80 3rd Qu.: 102 Max: 227 Total N: 117347 Variance: 973 Std Dev.: 31.2 SE Mean: 9.10e-002 Min: 26 1st Qu.: 73 Mean: 93.82 Median: 86 3rd Qu.: 114 Max: 220 Total N: 117444 Variance: 720 Std Dev.: 26.83 SE Mean: 7.83e-002 Figure 7.8: Histogram indicating the amount of NDVI values within each interval, for all the pixels used by zebras over the entire study period. To get some better idea of the use of areas with specific NDVI values, the dry and wet seasons were tested separately. To split the dataset in subsets indicative of the seasons, the figure 7.6 was used to have an idea of when the NDVI values increased or decreased. The seasons chosen here probably do 72 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion not coincide with the actual rainy and dry seasons as the reaction of biomass on the rain or drought can sometimes be a bit delayed. It is however best to use the NDVI as the indicator to choose the seasons rather than the actual rain pattern, as food is delivered by biomass and thus this is the indicator for the zebra migration. Table 7.13 shows the derived periods for the different seasons together with the NDVI averages for the zebra present and zebra absent data. The values between brackets are the rescaled NDVI values. For the dry seasons, all t-tests were performed one-sided, in other words it was tested that the average NDVI of the pixels with zebras present is larger than the average NDVI of the pixels with zebras absent. The first rainy season was tested vice versa, it was tested that the pixels with zebras present have a smaller NDVI average than those with zebras absent. The second rainy season was tested twosided as the figure gave no clear idea about whether larger or smaller NDVI values were preferred. For the other rainy seasons the same test was performed as for the dry seasons. Except for the second rainy season (p-value = 0.8757), all the tests were significant. So in general, zebras choose larger NDVI values than in the surroundings. A possible explanation for the selection of smaller NDVI values in the first rainy season can be that the higher NDVI values after this very wet season are in regions with more woody biomass. As zebras prefer forbs and grasses they still choose these habitats and not the woody vegetation with the higher biomass and NDVI values. In the boxplots (Appendix C) can be seen that the range of values is big and that there is quite some overlap between the NDVI values of areas where zebras are present and NDVI values of areas where zebras are absent. This makes it rather difficult to make a selection of the NDVI values chosen by zebras. Table 7.13: Periods and results for the different seasons Period Starting period Ending period zebra absent average zebra present average dry 1 wet 1 dry 2 wet 2 dry 3 wet 3 dry 4 wet 4 dry 5 200662 2006111 200723 200743 200762 2007112 200823 200841 200861 2006103 200722 200742 200761 2007111 200822 200833 200853 200881 0.188 (67) 0.416 (124) 0.232 (78) 0.32 (100) 0.204 (71) 0.26 (85) 0.196 (69) 0.28 (90) 0.188 (67) 0.208 (72) 0.412 (123) 0.236 (79) 0.32 (100) 0.244 (81) 0.336 (104) 0.232 (78) 0.364 (111) 0.212 (73) Derived from these results it’s difficult to predict zebra presence based on NDVI. The range has too much overlap to select the preference NDVI of Grevy’s zebras. There should also be some knowledge about the habitat type corresponding to the NDVI values as shown for the first rainy season where lower NDVI values were selected by the zebras. 73 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion 4 Correlation between tracking data and water A distance to water map was created to test the relationship between zebra movement and availability of water. As the distance to water is an indicator for the time they have to spent to get to water, zebras will always have to be in areas where they can reach water in time to drink. First a map (figure 7.9) was created indicating the distance in kilometres to the nearest water body. The available water is in waterpoints, permanent rivers or lakes. Figure 7.9: Map showing the distance to water for the study area After the extraction of the distance from water for all the zebra location points the different distances were aggregated into classes of 0.5km. This was done to obtain a more continuous graph instead of location points every meter (figure 7.10). The area present in the different distance classes was also calculated, so that a comparison is possible between the distributaion of the distance to water classes that occur in the study area and the distribution of the distance to water classes preferred by the Grevy’s zebras. 74 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion Figure 7.10: Graph showing the amount of zebra location points in relation to the distance to water and the area covered by each distance class The graph has a peak in the range 0–7km. The amount of zebras increases from the distance 0-3.5km, and then decreases rapidly. At a distance of about 10–18km the amount of zebra location points is almost zero. If the distance is too large, zebras will not occur as they need water to survive. In this study, all zebras are in relative close proximity to water as they can go without water for about 2–5 days and can travel about 10–15km per day. Very close to water, the amount of zebras is lower than in the 2.5–4.5 km distance range, probably because of the high chance of predation near waterpoints or the interference of livestock. In comparison with the available area, the zebras show less usage of the areas closer to water and a faster decline in usage after the peak. The peak shows more usage of these distance classes in comparison to the available amount. 5 Correlation between tracking data and livestock Based on the map of the livestock density in the study area (figure 7.11), the number of zebras present in the different livestock density areas is extracted. The extracted values are aggregated in classes of 5 units per square kilometres. These values are then put in a graph (figure 7.12) using the middle of the classes as x-value. On the map, the livestock density is expressed as Tropical Livestock Units (TLU). This is a common unit used in the tropics, in which different kinds of livestock (cattle, small ruminants etc) can be compared. One TLU is equal to an animal weight of 250kg. For instance one cow equals 0.7 TLU, one camel accounts for 1.8 TLUs, and 14 goats or sheep are needed to make up 75 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion one TLU. Even wildlife species can be expressed as TLU. One elephant for example is equivalent to 7 TLUs, one buffalo to 2.5 TLUs and one wildebeest to 0.9 TLU (World Resources Institute et al., 2007). Figure 7.11: Map of the livestock density in the study area in units livestock per square kilometre 76 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion Figure 7.12: Graph of the amount of zebra GPS data per livestock density In figure 7.12 it is easy to see that the amount of zebras present decreases with an increasing amount of livestock present. This is logical as livestock is a direct competitor of food and water. Sometimes the areas where a lot of livestock are present are sealed off from the surroundings so that zebras and other wildlife cannot enter these areas, so they cannot be present there. An exponential curve is fit through the data but is not a very good indicator for the smaller livestock values, where the amount of zebra location points increases more rapidly. 6 Correlation between tracking data and towns A map was created indicating the distance to the nearest town (figure 7.13). This was used to test the effect of towns on the presence of Grevy’s zebras. The amount of zebra location points per kilometre was extracted and the area covered by the different distance classes within the study area was determined. Both the amount of zebra location points and the area were put in a graph (figure 7.14). In the graph there is a first peak at about 3km from the nearest town, then a second peak at about 8km of the nearest town. After the second peak, the amount of zebras declines to become approximately zero at about 33km from the nearest town. When compared to the amount of area available in the distance classes, the zebra graph shows an earlier peak and a faster decline. Grevy’s zebras do not occur in very close proximity to towns, but have a peak from 3–13km from the nearest 77 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion town. They may stay within relative close proximity of humans as these might be located on the best grazing grounds. A lot of people are dependent upon livestock so they might live near the best pastures. As zebras occupy the same habitat, they can be found in relative close proximity of towns. Towns are also mostly nearby water, which is a possible explanation for the shape of the graph as well. It seems as that other factors have much more influence on the occurence and migration of Grevy’s zebras than the distance to towns. Figure 7.13: Map showing the distance to the nearest town within the study area 78 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion Figure 7.14: Graph showing the amount of zebra location points in relation to the distance to the nearest town and the area covered by each distance class 7 7.1 Habitat preference Introduction In this section the habitat preference of the zebras will be examined. This will be based on two classifications: the MODIS classification and a reclass of Africover. The calculation of the habitat preference is divided in different steps. First it is tested whether there is a non-random use of the available habitats. If this is not the case, zebras use the habitats in the same amount as could be expected from the availability of the habitats. A ranking of preferred habitats can only be made when the habitat use is non-random. Secondly, a comparison will be made between the available habitat and the used habitat. This can be performed on two levels, the first level is the comparison between the amount of each habitat in the study area and the amount of each habitat within each animals’ home range. The second level comparison is that of the amount of each habitat in each animals’ home range and the number of GPS locations recorded within each habitat. Preference ranking is performed for each zebra separately, so for each zebra a different ranking is made. To have a general idea of the preference of habitats for Grevy’s zebras, results from all sixteen zebras were integrated by calculating the mean and standard error of all log-ratio differences between the available and utilised habitat. 79 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion 7.2 Habitat preference tested on the MODIS classification First the habitat compositions in the total study area and in each animal’s MCP were calculated, and the percentage of GPS locations from each zebra in each habitat was determined using extract in Idrisi Andes. The table showing these values can be found in appendix D. The missing habitat types were treated by changing a 0% use of available habitat in a 0.01% use of that habitat. These proportions were then transformed into log-ratios, using the proportion of woodland (<70% trees) as denominator. The choice of the denominator is arbitrarely because it is only used to determine whether there is a non-random use or not. 7.2.1 First level comparison: testing for non-random use The first level comparison between the utilized and available habitat is that of home range composition versus total study area. The difference matrix d, the difference between log-ratios of available habitat and log-ratios of utilized habitat, was calculated. R1 , the matrix of mean-corrected sums of squares and cross-products, and R2 , the matrix of raw sums of squares and cross-products, were extracted from d and used to calculate Λ = |R1 |/|R2 |. 48.728 67.379 35.005 47.168 23.351 67.379 103.496 46.710 66.627 34.049 35.005 46.710 30.208 30.191 19.555 47.168 66.627 30.191 76.713 19.864 23.351 34.049 19.555 19.864 61.633 Λ = 56.247 76.809 40.680 76.809 115.322 53.827 40.680 53.827 34.491 49.507 69.561 31.957 −14.568 −13.507 −9.063 49.507 −14.568 69.561 −13.507 31.957 −9.063 77.440 8.066 8.066 252.869 So -N*ln(Λ) = -16*ln(0.1655) = 28.78 this yields a p-value of 0.00003 < 0.05 when compared to a chi-squared distribution with 5 degrees of freedom. There can be concluded that there is a significant non-random use of the available habitat types. 80 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion 7.2.2 First level comparison: ranking of the habitat types in order of preference The second part is the ranking of the habitat types in order of use, or preference. Per zebra, a matrix was set up like the one in chapter Materials and methods, table 6.5. In table 7.14 the preference ranking is given for the zebra Belinda as an example. This is done in the same way for the other zebras as well. In table 7.15 habitat preference ranking for all zebras is summarized. The habitats are ranked from 0–5, where the habitat with index 0 is the least preferred and the one with index 5 the most preferred. There are some differences in preference amongst the different zebras. This can be explained by the fact that not every zebra is present in the same area of the study area. As this differs, the composition of the habitats can also differ so their preference for other habitats can be due to the fact that other habitats occur more. The habitat forest is always least preferred. The low vegetation cover habitat is most preferred for 7 zebras, the others prefer woodland 2. In figure 7.15 the proportion of each habitat type in each zebra’s MCP is represented graphically. Herbaceous is almost always present for about 20% of the home range. The habitat with low vegetation cover can reach up to 40% of some zebra’s home ranges. For the zebras living in the Northern part of the study area, woodland 2 is absent from their home ranges, in the others it can make up as much as 20%. Table 7.14: Preference ranking of habitat types for Belinda Belinda Herbaceous sparse shrubland woodland1 forest woodland2 herbaceous -0.339 0.162 0.063 -1.910 0.318 low veg. cover shrubland woodland1 forest woodland2 rank 0.339 -0.162 -0.501 -0.063 -0.401 0.100 1.910 1.571 2.072 1.972 -0.318 -0.656 -0.155 -0.255 -2.227 2 1 4 3 0 5 0.501 0.401 -1.571 0.656 -0.100 -2.072 0.155 -1.972 0.255 2.227 81 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion Table 7.15: Preference ranking of habitat types per zebra zebra herbaceous low veg. cover shrubland woodland1 forest woodland2 Belinda Dableya Hiroya Jeff Johnna Kobosa Lepere Liz Loijuk Martha Njeri Petra Rose Samburu Samburu2 Silurian2 2 4 4 2 2 4 4 2 1 5 2 4 4 3 3 3 1 5 5 1 1 5 5 4 4 1 4 5 5 1 5 2 4 2 2 4 3 3 2 1 2 4 3 2 2 4 2 5 3 3 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 3 5 3 1 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 1 5 5 1 1 5 5 2 1 1 3 5 1 4 Figure 7.15: Percentage of habitat use based on MCP for each zebra 82 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion To make a preference ranking of the Grevy’s zebras as a species, all sixteen zebras were integrated. At each position in the matrix, the mean and standard error over all 16 zebras was calculated. The significance of the ratio was evaluated with t-values compared to t-distributions with 15 degrees of freedom. From these t-tests the interchangeability in preference of the habitats could be determined. Only the forest habitat was significantly less preferred in comparison to the others. For the five other habitat types, the ranking was not significant. 7.2.3 Second level comparison: testing for non-random use The second level comparison is that of the habitat use based on GPS locations versus home range composition. This time, the habitat forest is left out, as this is practically absent in all zebra location data points and very low in area in the MCPs. So the further analysis is done for the five remaining habitats. The difference matrix d, difference between log-ratios of home range and log-ratios of tracking data was calculated. R1 and R2 were extracted again from d and used to calculate Λ. 27.714 29.714 16.050 23.045 Λ = 37.373 37.327 23.235 30.563 29.714 16.050 23.045 47.398 19.530 23.038 19.530 15.900 20.025 23.038 20.025 35.046 37.327 23.235 30.563 53.400 25.194 28.964 25.194 21.246 25.618 28.964 25.618 40.897 The calculation of -N*ln(Λ)= -16*ln(0.6317)= 7.35 resulted in a p-value of 0.1186 when compared to a chi-squared distribution with 4 degrees of freedom. As this is larger than 0.05 there is a significant random use of the available habitat types, meaning that the zebras use the habitat in the same amount as would be expected from the habitat availability. The reason for this random use of habitats can be that the classification does not really resemble reality or it can be that Grevy’s zebras show no significant preference for the available habitat types. As there is a random use of habitats, it has no point to rank the habitat types in order of preference. Only the summary of the percentage of location points per zebra in each habitat type is represented graphically in figure 7.16. For each zebra, except Jeff, about 20% of their location point falls within herbaceous (for Njeri up to more than 60%). The habitat class with low vegetation cover can contain more than 60% of some zebras’ location points. Only Jeff has no location points in this class. This could be explained by the fact that Jeff is the only male animal with and can have a territory. Male Grevy’s zebras choose territories wich are attractive 83 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion to females, so territories with higher amount of vegetation. Figure 7.16: Percentage of habitat use based on tracking data for each zebra It is not possible to draw a conclusion from this part. It is not possible to make a preference ranking of the available habitats on the MODIS classification due to the fact that the MODIS classification does not show a good resemblance to reality or due to the fact that the Grevy’s zebras do not show any habitat preference. The habitat preference of the Grevy’s zebras should be further investigated on other classifications, for instance on the Africover classification (See next subsection). 7.3 Habitat preference tested on Africover As no habitat preference was concluded from the MODIS classification, the test was also conducted on the Africover classification. Africover was first reclassed into larger groups so that the amount of classes reduced. The reclassification scheme is given in the table 7.16 and the result in figure 7.17. From this classification, the amount of location points per class and per zebra was determined as was the area of each habitat in the study area and the different MCPs (appendix E). As there were no location points in the classes forest, closed shrubs and crops, these classes were left out. The zero percentages in the remaining classes were changed to 0.01%. 84 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion Table 7.16: Reclassification scheme for the Africover classification class number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7.3.1 class name classes from Africover settlements bare water forest open woody very open woody closed shrubs open-sparse shrubs herbaceous and shrubs herbaceous crops class 1 and 2 class 10 class20 class 112 and 113 class 114,115,116,145 class 117 and 118 class 121 and 122 class 124,125,126, 127 class 131,132,162 class 133, 134, 163 class 231, 232 First level comparison: testing for non-random use The proportions were transformed into log-ratios, using the proportion of class herbaceous as denominator. To compare the utilized (home range) with the available (study area) habitat, the difference matrix d was calculated and R1 and R2 were extracted. The Λ was calculated in the same way as above and -N*ln(Λ) equaled to 36.15 with a p-value of 0.00001 when compared to a chi squared distribution with 7 degrees of freedom. So there is a significant non-random use of the available habitat types. 7.3.2 First level comparison: ranking of the habitat types in order of preference For each zebra a matrix like in chapter Materials and methods, table 6.5, was made and the habitat types were ranked in order of preference. The result for all the zebras can be found in table 7.17. There is again a difference between the different zebras. The least preferred habitat is very open woody (6), as this habitat has 6 rank zero values and 6 rank one values. The most preferred habitat is herbaceous and shrubs (9) with 6 rank seven values and 5 rank six values. In figure 7.18 the percentage of each habitat in the MCP is given per zebra. The habitat classes open-sparse shrubs (8), herbaceous and shrubs (9) and herbacous (10) are most abundant. Especially class 9, which can be found in almost 100% of the MCP of some zebras (Lepere, Petra). 85 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion Figure 7.17: Result from the reclass of the Africover classification into larger groups. 86 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion Table 7.17: Preference ranking of habitat types per zebra zebra 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 10 Belinda dableya hiroya jeff johnna kobosa lepere liz loijuk martha njeri petra rose samburu samburu2 silurian2 4 4 4 5 7 4 6 6 4 5 3 6 7 7 6 6 7 7 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 5 3 3 7 4 3 1 1 1 0 0 5 4 5 2 2 4 2 0 5 3 1 3 3 6 5 3 3 3 3 4 6 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 1 0 1 7 1 1 4 0 2 6 2 5 3 3 5 4 5 6 7 4 3 4 5 3 5 5 5 6 7 6 6 7 7 7 6 5 7 5 6 4 7 2 6 7 4 2 7 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 2 2 0 Figure 7.18: Percentage of habitat use based on MCP for each zebra 87 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion 7.3.3 First level comparison: integration over all sixteen zebras At each position in the matrix, the mean and standard error over all 16 zebras was calculated. The significance of the ratio was evaluated with t-values compared to t-distributions with 15 degrees of freedom. Classes 1 and 9 are the most preferred. The preference between these classes is not significantly different. However, both classes have a significantly higher preference compared to all other classes. The third preferred habitat type is class 8, which is significantly less preferred than 1 and 9 and significantly more preferred than the others. The outcome of the ranking for the other habitat types is 5–2–10–3–6 with habitat type 5 being most preferred. These last habitat types however are interchangeable. The relationships that are not significant according to the t-tests are: 2 versus 3, 2 versus 5, 2 versus 10, 3 versus 6, 3 versus 10, 5 versus 10, and 6 versus 10. 7.3.4 Second level comparison: testing for non-random use Next, a comparison can be made between the GPS locations and the home range composition. Again a difference matrix d was calculated, being the difference between the log-ratios of home range and log-ratios of tracking data. R1 and R2 were extracted and used to calculate Λ= -16*ln|0.2246| = 23.89. This results in a p-value of 0.0012 when compared to a chi squared distribution with 7 degrees of freedom. So there is a significant non-random use within the home range of the different habitat types. It was however not possible to make a ranking of the habitat types per zebra as a lot of habitat types showed an equal proportion in the MCP and in the GPS data, which resulted in a difference value of zero. 7.3.5 Second level comparison: integration over all sixteen zebras However, when the mean and standard error of the log-ratio differences is calculated over all 16 zebras, there were no zero values and a ranking could be made. The ranking made was (from most preferred to least preferred): 1–10–9–6–2–3–8–5. However only a small number of relationships are significant, namely 1 versus 2, 1 versus 5, 1 versus 6, 1 versus 8, 5 versus 9, 5 versus 10, 6 versus 8, 8 versus 9, and 8 versus 10. So it is rather difficult to make a significant ranking of the preferred habitat types. When only the habitats 5 (open woody), 8 (open-sparse shrubs), 9 (herbaceous and shrubs) and 10 (herbaceous) are taken into account, it is possible to make a ranking. These habitats are chosen as they compose most of the areas in the study area and in the MCPs. Habitat 5 and 8 are significantly less preferred than habitat types 9 and 10. Habitat type 5 and 8, and habitat type 9 and 10 are not significantly more or less preferred from each other. In figure 7.19 the percentage of GPS data in each habitat type are shown per zebra. Habitat class 9 is the main habitat type where zebra location points occur for almost all zebras. Only Rose has a dominant use of the class herbaceous (10). Dableya has an almost equal amount of location points in classes 9 and 10. 88 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion Figure 7.19: Percentage of habitat use based on tracking data for each zebra As a conclusion it can be stated that Grevy’s zebras prefer habitat types with herbaceous as main cover type. This can be in mixture with shrubs as well. This outcome could be expected from literature where the Grevy’s zebras diet is said to consist mainly of grasses and forbs, the primary components of herbaceous habitat. 8 Integration of all factors influencing the occurrence In this section, all the factors influencing the Grevy’s zebras’ migration, are being integrated to determine the parts within the study area that are most suitable for Grevy’s zebras. All the areas that are not being used by the Grevy’s zebras were extracted, based upon the obtained results. Then the other areas are divided into several preference classes based upon their distance to the nearest water point and their NDVI value. As could be seen in the section about habitat preference (section 7), Grevy’s zebras avoid forest habitat. So the forest habitat areas are extracted from the MODIS classification and considered as non-suitable Grevy’s zebra area. Based on figure 7.10, the map of the distance to the nearest water point was divided into four classes. A distance more than 20km was indicated as non-suitable area. The edge of 20km is rather low, as zebras can be much further away from water, but in this study, the amount of zebra GPS points drops to zero at a location 18km of the nearest water point. Next, a value of one was assigned to the areas with a distance from water of 11–20km, a value of two was assigned to the distance classes 0–2km and 89 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion 6–11km. The peak of zebra values, the areas between 2–6km of the nearest water point were given a value of 3. So the higher the value, the more suitable for Grevy’s zebras. Water is only a limited factor during the dry seasons, thus the effect of water is only of importance during these seasons. In the rainy seasons, a lot more water is being available and the distribution of water has no longer an influence on the distribution of Grevy’s zebras. However, the dry seasons are the most limited for survival of the zebras, making it therefore important to base the indication of best suitable areas upon these periods. From figure 7.12 can be observed that the amount of zebras reaches an extremely low value at a livestock density of 20TLU/km2 . This livestock density is chosen to select the areas not suitable for the Grevy’s zebras: the areas with a livestock density above 20TLU per square kilometre. For every season (seasons are again defined as the ones in table 7.13), the histogram is made for all NDVI values of the locations where zebras were present during that season. These histograms can be found in appendix F. For each season a lower and upper boundary was selected. These boundaries were not chosen at the absolute edges as some very high or very low NDVI values whith hardly no observations were left out. The cut-off value was different for every season, as it was dependent on the total amount of observations. For all the dry seasons together and for all the rainy seasons together, the average was calculated of the upper and lower boundaries and a range was obtained for the dry and rainy seasons within which almost all observations were found. The boundaries for every season and the overall range can be found in table 7.18. An average SPOT-Vegetation NDVI image was created for the dry seasons. The average NDVI value for each pixel over all the ten day periods within the five dry seasons was therefore calculated. The same was calculated for the rainy seasons with an average SPOT-Vegetation NDVI image for the rainy seasons as a result. On these averaged SPOT-Vegetation NDVI images, the areas are extracted that did not fall within the determined NDVI ranges. The area that is indicated as non-used on both SPOT-Vegetation images was then taken into account as non-suitable for Grevy’s zebras. Table 7.18: The selected upper- and lower NDVI boundaries for each season and the extracted averages as NDVI ranges for the dry and rainy seasons Dry seasons dry 1 dry 2 dry 3 dry 4 dry 5 Average Lower boundary Upper boundary 54 54 43 64 62 55 94 108 133 84 90 102 Rainy seasons Lower boundary Upper boundary wet 1 wet 2 wet 3 wet 4 75 61 59 91 174 145 158 136 Average 72 153 It was also determined in which areas zebras occurred most based on the histograms of the NDVI 90 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion values in all five dry seasons and all four rainy seasons. These histograms can be found in figure 7.20. The NDVI ranges extracted for the dry seasons was 61–88, this is the range where the intervals have more than 10000 observations and for the rainy seasons 91–143, where the intervals have more than 7000 observations. This difference in treshold value is due to the fact that a different distribution is observed between the dry and rainy seasons. These core areas obtained a value of 2, while the other areas were given a value of 1. The two images, of the dry and of the rainy seasons, were multiplied. An image was obtained which had areas with values 1, 2 and 4. This image was reclassified by replacing the value 4 with a value of 3. (a) Histogram of all five dry seasons (b) Histogram of all four rainy seasons Figure 7.20: Histograms of both the dry and rainy seasons, indicating the distribution of the NDVI values of the zebra present pixels 91 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion Then in a final step, all images were merged together. All areas not suitable for the Grevy’s zebras were assembled. These areas were indicated on the image of the distance classes and the image of the NDVI classes as being an area with value zero. These last two images were then summed up. The final result was an image indicating areas with values between 0–5 (figure 7.21). The areas with value 5 are supposed to be most used by the Grevy’s zebras, while the areas with value zero are supposed to be avoided. To test this result, the amount of zebra location points within each class was extracted. The area of the different classes was also calculated. To get an idea of the usage of the areas by the zebras, the percentage of zebra point and the percentage of the study area was calculated for each class and the ratio determined. If the ratio is more than 1, the zebras use this class more than expected from the availability of the class. A ratio below 1 means that the class is less used than expected from the availability. The results can be seen in table 7.19. It can be seen that class 5, being the expected best class is used about 2.4 times more than would be expected from its area. So this class is definitely preferred by the zebras. The other classes are all used less than would be expected from their area. Figure 7.21: Areas suitable for the Grevy’s zebras 92 CHAPTER 7. Results and discussion Table 7.19: Results of the analysis of the integration map class zebra area %zebra %area ratio 0 1 2 3 4 5 Total 7000 4088 4692 7860 23642 71225 118507 5650 1046 1632 3385 5851 5860 23424 5.91 3.45 3.96 6.63 19.95 60.10 24.12 4.47 6.97 14.45 24.98 25.02 0.24 0.77 0.57 0.46 0.80 2.40 The integration of all these factors does not give an exclusive idea of where the Grevy’s zebras would occur. There are besides the factors examined here also other factors influencing the occurence of Grevy’s zebras. For instance predators have a high influence on their prey. When lions are present, Grevy’s zebras will try to avoid these areas, sometimes by departing to other less suitable areas (Fischhoff et al., 2007). Another factor that has a high influence on zebra occurrence is the reproductive state of the females. Lactating females have other nutritive needs than non-lactating females. They also have to be in closer proximity to water, as they have to drink every day (Rubenstein, 1986). Competition with other ungulates can also affect Grevy’s zebras area use. For instance, plains zebras can outnumber the Grevy’s zebras in good grazing areas, forcing the Grevy’s zebras to use less appropriate areas (Rubenstein, 2004). To integrate all the factors influencing Grevy’s zebras occurence and migration, a lot more data should be obtained, not only about the Grevy’s zebra, but also about other ungulates and predator species. 93 Chapter 8 Conclusion As the Grevy’s zebra is a threatened species, it is important to know as much as possible about their habitat use and migration pattern. This thesis had two main objectives: the creation of a habitat classification and the analysis of the Grevy’s zebras migration. The habitat classification was based on Landsat and MODIS images. Both Maximum Likelihood and Neural Networks were used to conduct the classification. To analyse the migration, data obtained from the GPS-tracking of sixteen Grevy’s zebras was used. Several factors with a possible influence on the migration were examined: distribution of biomass, water, livestock and towns. The final step was to make an integration of all these factors to predict the areas within the study area that are most suitable for Grevy’s zebras. The first objective of this thesis was to make a habitat classification of the study area. The use of Landsat satellite images was abandoned as no good result was obtained using these images. Instead time series of MODIS images were used which enhanced the distinction between different classes providing information on the plant phenology. The Maximum Likelihood classification method only made a good separation of the forest class from the other habitat classes. Using the Neural Networks classification technique, a better distinction between the different savanna sub-classes was obtained. The best classification result was obtained with NN using all MODIS spectral images, all NDVI images and all EVI images as input. However, there might still be some distinctions between the classification result and reality. The reason for this is the small amount of ground truth data points and the collection method. The second objective was to model the migration of the Grevy’s zebras. The most important factor influencing the migration of the Grevy’s zebras was the available biomass as food source. NDVI was used as a proxy for available biomass. The Grevy’s zebras almost always used areas with significantly higher NDVI values than in the surroundings. Only during the first rainy season they preferred areas with significantly lower NDVI values and in the second rainy season there was no significant difference between the NDVI values in pixels where zebras were absent or present. The fact that in the first rainy season areas with lower NDVI values were chosen can be explained by the very wet rainy 94 CHAPTER 8. Conclusion season. The other factors influencing Grevy’s zebra migration are proximity to water and livestock density. The zebras mostly prefer areas between 0–15km of water. They are most present within the range of 2.5–4.5km from the nearest water point. Areas very close to water are less preferred as there is more competition in these areas with other wildlife and livestock. In this study, all zebras were always in relatively close proximity to water, as they can go without water for 2–5 days and can travel between 10–15km per day. When comparing the tracking data and livestock density it was found that Grevy’s zebras avoid areas with high livestock density. This can be explained by the direct competition between zebras and livestock for water and food. The relationship of the Grevy’s zebras and the distance to the nearest town resembles the relationship between the zebras and the distance to the nearest water point. Their migration and occurrence is probably not very affected by the towns in the study area. Based on the MODIS and Africover classification, a habitat preference ranking for the Grevy’s zebras was performed. First it was tested whether there was a random use of habitat or not. In the case of a random use, the zebras use the available habitat in proportion to the area of each habitat type. In case of a non-random use of habitats, a ranking was made per zebra of which habitat they preferred. Finally, the result of all sixteen zebras was integrated to obtain an overall habitat preference ranking for all Grevy’s zebras tracked in the study area. From the preference ranking based on the MODIS classification, it could only be concluded that Grevy’s zebras avoid forest habitat. Between the other habitat types no significant distinction in preference could be made. A possible explanation is that the classification does not correspond with reality very well. From the preference ranking based on the Africover classification could be concluded that in the first level comparison, between the composition of the study area and that of the home ranges of each animal, there is a significant preference of the habitats settlements and shrubs & herbaceous, followed by a preference for open-sparse shrubs. All other habitat types could not be ranked in a significant order. For the second level comparison, this is between the home range compositions and the GPS data, there is a significant preference of the habitat types herbaceous & shrubs, and herbaceous. The next habitat types in the preference ranking are open woody and open-sparse shrubs. The other habitat types could be left out as most of the MCPs were composed of these four habitat types. Finally an integration of all the factors influencing the migration was made based on the obtained results. The areas not suitable for Grevy’s zebras were determined. For the other areas the influence of the distance to the nearest water point and of the NDVI was taken into account to divide these areas into different preference classes. The result showed an 2.4 times more usage of the most suitable areas by the Grevy’s zebras than would be expected from the area of this class. However, there are a lot more factors influencing the occurrence and migration of the Grevy’s zebras. For instance, there is an influence of predators, other ungulates and reproductive state of the Grevy’s zebra females. Data about all these influences and maybe even more should be collected and taken into account to get a 95 CHAPTER 8. Conclusion better idea of the areas preferred and used by Grevy’s zebras. 96 Chapter 9 Nederlandse samenvatting 1 Inleiding Deze masterproef handelt over de migratie van Grevy’s zebra’s (Equus grevyi) in functie van habitat type en vegetatie biomassa, gebruik makend van teledetectie. Aangezien de Grevy’s zebra een uiterst bedreigde diersoort is, is het belangrijk om hun bewegingen te kennen en om zoveel mogelijk te weten over hun gedrag. Hoe meer geweten is over hun gebruik van voedsel, water, beschutting . . . , hoe meer inspanning kan geleverd worden om de soort te behouden. Deze masterproef heeft dan ook twee objectieven. Ten eerste zal getracht worden een habitatclassificatie op te stellen van het studiegebied, zodat het habitatgebruik van Grevy’s zebra’s kan onderzocht worden. Het tweede objectief is de modellering van de migratie van Grevy’s zebra’s. Dit laatste wordt onderverdeeld in sub-objectieven. Er worden verschillende factoren onderzocht die mogelijks een invloed hebben op de migratie zoals biomassa, water, vee en de aanwezigheid van dorpen. 2 2.1 Literatuurstudie Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi) De Grevy’s zebra is een uiterst bedreigde diersoort die enkel nog voorkomt in het noorden van Kenia en het oosten van Ethiopië. Het is de grootste zebra soort en kan gemakkelijk onderscheiden worden van de andere soorten door de grote ronde oren, nauwe gelijk verdeelde strepen, een witte buik en een bruine vlek op de neus. De sociale structuur van de Grevy’s zebra is eveneens verschillend van de andere zebra soorten. Ze leven in een veel opener gemeenschap, waarbij zo’n 10% van de mannetjes territoria hebben. Hun leefgebied ligt gelokaliseerd in ariede gebieden met schaars water. Alleen lacterende vrouwtjes dienen 97 CHAPTER 9. Nederlandse samenvatting iedere dag te drinken, de anderen kunnen 2–5 dagen zonder water. Hun verplaatsing bedraagt gemiddeld 10–15km per dag. De kwaliteit en kwantiteit van het voedsel en de openheid van de vegetatie zijn belangrijke kenmerken voor Grevy’s zebra’s. Ze brengen ongeveer twee derden van hun tijd door al etend. Het zijn grazers, die ook wel eens kruiden, struiken en bomen consumeren wanneer gras schaars is. Bladeren kunnen tot 30% van hun dieet uitmaken. Ze mijden meestal erg gesloten vegetatie, omdat de kans op een confrontatie met predatoren zoals bijvoorbeeld leeuwen er groter is. Zebra’s verkiezen ook om overdag te drinken, omdat dan eveneens de kans lager is op een confrontatie. Er zijn echter waterplassen die overdag afgeschermd worden voor het wild, zodat het vee er ongestoord kan grazen. Dan worden de zebra’s gedwongen om ’s nachts te drinken wanneer het predatierisico veel groter is. De overblijvende Grevy’s zebrapopulatie werd in 1970 geschat op 15000 individuen, recente schattingen zijn 2000 resterende individuen in Kenia en ongeveer 120–250 in Ethiopië. De eerste grote bedreiging vormt het vee die voor competitie zorgt voor voedsel en water. Koeien kunnen onder andere zorgen voor een degradatie van het milieu door toegenomen erosie en een fragielere vegetatie. Een andere reden van de afname van de soort zijn stropers, maar dankzij CITES is de handel in Grevy’s zebra producten nu verboden. In reservaten kunnen zebra’s drinken en eten in vee- en wapenvrije zones, maar deze gebieden bedekken slechts 0.5% van hun home ranges volgens het IUCN/SSC actie plan. De steppezebra kan ook voor competitie zorgen. Het ernstigste probleem is het habitatverlies van de reeds gelimiteerde oppervlakte waar de Grevy’s zebra voorkomt. Er zijn gelukkig ook positieve zaken, er zijn reeds kweekprogramma’s opgestart en wetenschappers en locale gemeenschappen werken samen om de achteruitgang van de soort te stoppen en het aantal terug op te krikken. 2.2 Studiegebied De Republiek Kenia is gesitueerd aan de oostkust van Afrika. Kenia bestaat hoofdzakelijk uit savanne en grasland ecosystemen (39%) en bushland en woodland ecosystemen (36%). Landbouw bedekt 19% van het land, bossen 1.7% en stedelijk gebied slechts 0.2%. Het studiegebied ligt centraal in het land tussen 0.3◦ and 2◦ Noord en 36.99◦ en 38.1◦ Oost. Het is gelegen in 6 verschillende districten: Laikipia, Isiolo, Samburu, Marsabit, Meru en Nyambene. Kenia heeft een tropisch klimaat met gemiddelde jaartemperaturen rond de 22°C. De kust is warm en vochtig, het binnenland is gematigd en het noorden en noordoosten van het land is droog. De gemiddelde neerslag is erg laag voor een land op de evenaar, slechts een gemiddelde van 630mm per jaar. Dit is zeer onevenredig verdeeld over het land en varieert sterk tussen de jaren. Er kunnen ook twee regenseizoenen onderscheiden worden: de korte regens van oktober tot december en de lange regens van maart tot juni. Kenia bestaat voor meer dan 80% uit ariede en semi-ariede gebieden. Het studiegebied bestaat grotendeels uit savanne ecosystemen opgebouwd uit een min of meer continue kruidlaag en een discontinue struik- en boomlaag. De meest voorkomende soorten in de struik98 CHAPTER 9. Nederlandse samenvatting en boomlaag zijn Acacia soorten. De afgelopen jaren is er in de semi-ariede rangelands een toegenomen graasdruk waargenomen. Het gevolg van deze overbegrazing is een achteruitgang van de natuurlijke graslanden. Er is een overgang vastgesteld van overblijvende planten naar eenjarigen en een vervanging van de inheemse flora door exoten. Vee kan ook een effect hebben op het vegetatiepatroon, bijvoorbeeld de verstruiking naar struwelen met hoofdzakelijk Acacia soorten. Dit is een veelvoorkomend probleem in alle Afrikaanse savannes. Een groot deel van het studiegebied bestaat uit conservancies, gemeenschapsgeleide initiatieven. Ze kunnen overal voorkomen waar het land beheerd wordt volgens goede milieupraktijken. Ze dragen bij tot de bescherming van specifieke biodiversiteit, ze zorgen voor groene corridors voor de beweging van wild of ze kunnen beschermde gebieden zijn waarin zeldzame en bedreigde diersoorten voorkomen. De conservancies in het studiegebied worden gesteund door een lokale organisatie, de Northern Rangelands Trust. Er wordt gezocht naar oplossingen voor lokale problemen met een langdurige lokale oplossing. Dit leidt tot de ontwikkeling en bescherming van het aanwezige wild. De gemeenschappen hebben reeds enkele acties ondernomen om de Grevy’s zebra’s te beschermen. De Grevy’s zebra’s werden gevaccineerd tijdens een anthrax uitbraak, er is een Grevy’s zebra scout programma opgestart waarin lokale mensen data verzamelen over de distributie en aantallen van de Grevy’s zebra’s en er werd een tracking project opgezet met GPS halsbanden om de Grevy’s zebra’s te volgen. De data hiervan werd ook voor deze masterproef aangewend. 2.3 Wildlife telemetrie Telemetrie is de wetenschap en technologie om automatisch metingen uit te voeren en de data van op een afstand te verzenden met behulp van draad, radio of nog andere manieren, naar ontvangststations voor opslag en analyse. Er zijn drie belangrijke telemetrie methodes: VHF-tracking, satelliet tracking en GPS tracking. De VHF-tracking techniek gebruikt heel hoge frequenties, dit zijn de golflengtes tussen 1 en 10m. De dieren dragen een zender in een halsband en met behulp van een draagbare antenne, een ontvanger en koptelefoon is een onderzoeker in staat het dier te volgen. Uit het signaal kunnen pieken en nullen afgeleid worden en uit deze serie kan de locatie bepaald worden. Dit wordt dan meestal bevestigd door een visuele waarneming, omdat de locatie precisie anders erg laag is. Een ander nadeel is dat een onderzoeker actief moet bezig zijn met het ontvangen van signalen terwijl de zender constant signalen uitzendt. Het resultaat hiervan is een kleine steekproef met slechts een paar locaties per dag. Het gebruik van VHF is meestal gelimiteerd tot soorten met een beperkt oppervlaktegebruik of een beperkte beweging. Bij de satelliet tracking techniek is er momenteel slechts 1 operationeel systeem, namelijk het VS/Frans Argos systeem. De ontvangers bevinden zich aan boord de NOAA series van satellieten. Dit zijn ruimtetuigen in een circulair, polaire orbit op 850km hoogte. De locatie wordt berekend aan de hand 99 CHAPTER 9. Nederlandse samenvatting van een Doppler shift in frequentie. Er kan ook extra informatie geleverd worden naast de locatie van het dier, namelijk een hele reeks van gedrag en fysiologische karakteristieken, bijvoorbeeld de activiteit over korte of langere periodes; aantal, duur en diepte van een duik bij mariene dieren, water temperatuur, luchttemperatuur en barometrische druk, . . . Met deze methode is het makkelijker om dieren te bestuderen die over een grote oppervlakte bewegen en regelmatig internationale grenzen kruisen. Het laatste systeem, de GPS tracking werd toegepast in dit onderzoek om de Grevy’s zebra’s te volgen. De locatie wordt bepaald door het meten van de afstand tussen satelliet en ontvanger. The positie van de satelliet is hierbij gekend en vanuit de tijd die de radiogolven nodig hadden om tot de ontvanger te komen kan de locatie bepaald worden. GPS berekent de meest precieze locatie. Het zou een theoretische precisie hebben van minder dan een meter. Het grote voordeel van GPS is dat het overal kan gebruikt worden, dat er locatie metingen kunnen gebeuren tot een keer per seconde en het werkt 24u per dag. De data bevat informatie over de eigenaar, tijd van de dag, coördinaten, de PDOP waarde en of het signaal 2D (GPS heeft contact met 3 satellieten) of 3D (GPS heeft contact met 4 of meer satellieten) is. Tot mei 2000 werd de accuraatheid van GPS locaties gedegradeerd door het proces van selectieve beschikbaarheid opzettelijk opgelegd door het Amerikaanse Ministerie van Defensie. Voor deze datum konden alleen ongecorrigeerde of nabehandelde differentiële GPS data gebruikt worden. Ongecorrigeerde GPS data hebben een locatie fout van 20–80m, nabehandelde differentiële GPS data een fout van 4–8m. Deze nabehandeling houdt een correctie in gebaseerd op de simultane locatie meting van de ontvanger en een referentie grondstation. Aangezien beiden dezelfde fouten registreren en de locatie van het grondstation gekend is kan de fout worden verbeterd. Obstructies, zoals gesloten kroonlaag kunnen ervoor zorgen dat het GPS toestel niet in staat is een locatie te berekenen. Dit kan zijn omdat er niet genoeg satellieten binnen het bereik liggen. De topografie van het terrein speelt hierin ook een belangrijke rol, heuvels kunnen bijvoorbeeld het signaal blokkeren. Het gedrag van het dier zelf kan ook een invloed uitoefenen. Wanneer de dieren bewegen zal een lagere precisie gehaald worden dan wanneer ze stil staan. De antenna kan ook door de stand van het dier een horizontale positie aannemen met een hogere locatie fout als gevolg in gesloten vegetatie. Er zijn twee soorten fouten die kunnen optreden. Er zijn ten eerste de gemiste metingen, die leiden tot ontbrekende data. Stationaire halsbanden hebben een fix rate van 68–100% met de meeste boven de 85%. Deze gemiste locaties gebeuren echter niet random, waardoor bias hoogstwaarschijnlijk is. De condities die dit beı̈nvloeden zijn kroonlaag type, kroonlaag bedekking, boomdensiteit, boomhoogte en basale oppervlakte. Een heuvelachtig studiegebied kan dit alles nog eens versterken. Dus de data kan gebiased zijn naar meer open habitat. Het tweede type fout is de locatie fout. De PDOP-waarde is een meting van de satelliet geometrie, waarbij lagere PDOP waarden bredere satelliet spatiëring voorstellen die de triangulatie fout kunnen minimaliseren en betere resultaten opleveren. De data kunnen gescreend worden om de ergste fouten te verwijderen alvorens verdere berekeningen worden 100 CHAPTER 9. Nederlandse samenvatting uitgevoerd. 2.4 Tracking van wild en teledetectie Plantendiversiteit gebaseerd op de spectrale karakteristieken van de verschillende plantensoorten of gemeenschappen kan rechtstreeks in kaart worden gebracht. Diersoorten, die meestal mobiel zijn, maken de zaak wat ingewikkelder. Hun diversiteit en verdeling dient meestal in kaart gebracht te worden door gebruik te maken van benaderingen. Landbedekking is de geobserveerde fysische beschrijving van het aardoppervlak en is het attribuut die meestal gekarteerd wordt met behulp van teledetectie. Deze laag wordt dan meestal gecombineerd met additionele informatie zodat habitatkaarten kunnen ontstaan. Habitatgeschiktheid is een veelgebruikte benadering voor de modellering van soortendiversiteit en rijkdom. Dit kan bekomen worden door satellietbeelden of luchtfoto’s, biofysische, geofysische en meteorologische data te combineren met de kennis van habitatpreferentie en eisen van een bepaalde diersoort. Data over de verspreiding van de soort, hun habitatgebruik of karakteristieken kunnen verzameld worden door veldonderzoek of door het analyseren van de bewegingen van individuen die gevolgd worden via wildlife tracking. Dit kan dan geëxtrapoleerd worden naar grotere gebieden. Ruimtelijke heterogeniteit is een sleutelcomponent in het verklaren van soortenrijkdom. Hoe heterogener ecosystemen zijn, hoe meer niches ze bevatten en hoe meer soorten ze dus kunnen onderhouden. De distributie van soorten wordt beı̈nvloed door ruimtelijke en temporele variatie in plantproductiviteit en biomassa van ecosystemen. Er worden verschillende vegetatie indices gebruikt in de teledetectie om de aanwezigheid en toestand van vegetatie te meten. De meest gebruikte is de Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Hoge NDVI waarden duiden op plantrijke gebieden. Wolken, water en sneeuw hebben negatieve waarden terwijl stenen en naakte grond waarden hebben rond de nul. NDVI wordt gebruikt om vegetatie te modelleren, primaire productie te schatten en milieuveranderingen te detecteren. Bij deze benadering wordt het voorkomen van bepaalde diersoorten gerelateerd aan terrestrische features door middel van een ecologische, trofische link. Herbivoren worden gerelateerd aan het voedsel dat ze consumeren. Seizoensgebonden klimaatsveranderingen kunnen verschillen veroorzaken in platensoorten, hun groei en vestiging. Dit leidt tot veranderingen in soortensamenstelling en distributie. Wanneer de landgebruikdata van meerdere jaren wordt geı̈ntegreerd, dan kan een visie gevormd worden over de invloed van klimaat op de variabiliteit binnen ecosystemen. Ook doordat veel soorten mobiel zijn in de tijd, kunnen multitemporele data een completer beeld geven van hun voorkomen en distributie. Er zijn ook veel soorten die hun habitat selecteren op basis van structurele kenmerken in plaats van soortensamenstelling. Structurele kenmerken kunnen ingeschat worden met gebruik van teledetectie. Hiervoor worden actieve sensors gebruikt, namelijk LiDAR en radar. Radar gebruikt microgolf 101 CHAPTER 9. Nederlandse samenvatting energie terwijl LiDAR pulsen van laser licht gebruikt. Habitatheterogeniteit kan tenslotte ook beschreven worden aan de hand van de chemische bestanddelen van de plant. Voedselkwaliteit is een belangrijke factor bij het aantrekken van bepaalde soorten. Beeldvormende spectrometers kunnen biochemische componenten detecteren en kwantificeren door het meten van de plantreflectie in de nauwe en aaneengesloten spectrale banden van een breed golflengten bereik. 3 3.1 Data en methoden Satellietbeelden Er werden drie soorten satellietbeelden gebruikt voor dit onderzoek. Landsat en MODIS beelden werden gebruikt om een habitatclassificatie te maken, terwijl SPOT-Vegetation NDVI beelden gebruikt werden om de migratie van de zebra’s in functie van biomassa te analyseren. Twee Landsat-7 beelden gemaakt met de ETM+ sensor op 21 februari 2000 werden gedownload van de USGS Global Visualisation Viewer (GloVis). Deze beelden hebben een ruimtelijke resolutie van 30m. Voor de classificatie werden ze hoofdzakelijk gebruikt om de trainingdata op aan te duiden. Achttien MODIS beelden van het jaar 2008 werden gedownload van de NASA Warehouse Inventory Search Tool (WIST). Dit zijn 16 dagen composieten met een resolutie van 250m . Naast de spectrale banden rood, NIR, blauw en MIR, zijn ook twee vegetatie indices beschikbaar, namelijk NDVI beelden en EVI beelden. De SPOT-Vegetation NDVI beelden werden bekomen via VITO (Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek). Er zijn 36 beelden beschikbaar voor het jaar 2006 en 2007 en 34 beelden voor het jaar 2008. Dit zijn tien-dagen composieten die bekomen werden door het compileren van dagelijks atmosferisch gecorrigeerde beelden van tien opeenvolgende dagen. De resulterende waarde per pixel is de maximum NDVI voor die pixel gedurende die tien dagen. De NDVI waarden werden lineair getransformeerd naar waarden tussen 0 en 250. 3.2 Tracking data Zestien Grevy’s zebra’s werden gevolgd via GPS-tracking. De data werd geleverd door de Northern Rangelands Trust in Kenia. Data is beschikbaar van de periode juni 2006 tot augustus 2008, met duidelijke verschillen in hoeveelheid data en periode van verzameling tussen de verschillende dieren. De reden waarom een halsband stopt met data verzameling kan een apparatuurbreuk of de dood van het dier zijn. 102 CHAPTER 9. Nederlandse samenvatting 3.3 Classificatie Het Northern Rangelands Trust zorgde eveneens voor ground truth data voor de classificatie, bestaande uit een formulier met specificaties en een foto. Gebaseerd op deze data werden zes klassen onderscheiden: herbaceous, lage vegetatiebedekking, shrubland, woodland met meer en minder dan 70% boombedekking en bos. Artificiële neurale netwerken kunnen gebruikt worden om een classificatie uit te voeren. Het netwerk wordt eerst getraind. Tijdens dit trainen leert het bepaalde input patronen te combineren met de overeenkomstige output. Wanneer dan onbekende informatie aan het netwerk wordt voorgeschoteld, wordt aan de hand van dezelfde regels een output gecreëerd. Aan de inputs kunnen verschillende gewichten toegekend worden, zodat bepaalde factoren een grotere invloed uitoefenen op het uiteindelijke resultaat dan anderen. Voor de classificatie werd gestart met Landsat beelden, waarop de training sites werden aangeduid. Omdat dit Landsat beeld geen goed resultaat gaf, werd overgeschakeld op MODIS beelden. Door de hogere temporele resolutie, werd getracht het onderscheid tussen de verschillende vegetatievormen te maken op hun verschillende fenologie. Er werden classificaties uitgevoerd met de Maximum Likelihood classifier en met neurale netwerken. 3.4 Analyse van de Grevy’s zebra’s tracking data en migratie Eerst werd gekeken naar de locatie van de verschillende zebra’s binnen het studiegebied evenals naar hun gemiddelde snelheden en de oppervlakte van hun home range. Er werd ook gekeken naar de hoeveelheid locaties die binnen beschermde gebieden zoals reservaten of conservancies vielen. Aangezien er verschillende factoren zijn die de migratie van Grevy’s zebra’s beı̈nvloeden, werd gekeken naar de afzonderlijke invloed van deze factoren en getracht deze ook gezamenlijk te integreren zodat een uitspraak kon gedaan worden over de geschikte gebieden. Een eerste belangrijke factor is plantbiomassa. Aangezien zebra’s herbivoren zijn is er een directe link tussen biomassa en voedsel. De NDVI werd hierbij gebruikt als indicator voor biomassa. Per zebra werd een range afgebakend als zijnde elke pixel waarin de zebra minstens eenmaal voorkomt tijdens de studieperiode. Voor elke tien dagen periode werd voor elke pixel binnen deze range de NDVI waarde bepaald en hoeveel zebra locatie punten er in die periode voorkwamen. Er werden dus heel veel NDVI waarden bekomen waar op dat moment geen zebra’s voorkwamen. Dit is noodzakelijk om een vergelijking te maken tussen de NDVI waarden van de verkozen gebieden en de andere NDVI waarden. Aan de hand van t-testen werd gecontroleerd of er een significant verschil was tussen de beide groepen. Deze testen werden uitgevoerd op de volledige dataset die alle regen- en alle droge seizoenen omvat en eveneens op alle seizoenen afzonderlijk. 103 CHAPTER 9. Nederlandse samenvatting Een tweede factor die een belangrijke invloed uitoefent op de zebra migratie is de aanwezigheid van water. Hierbij werd de afstand tot het dichtstbijzijnde waterpunt gebruikt als indicator. Een derde factor is de aanwezigheid van vee, aangezien deze een rechtstreekse concurrent is voor voedsel en water. Er werd ook nagezien of de aanwezigheid van dorpen een invloed heeft op de zebra’s, dit werd uitgevoerd door de afstand tot het dichtstbijzijnde dorp te berekenen. De habitatpreferentie van de Grevy’s zebra’s werd ook bepaald. Eerst werd getest worden of hun habitatgebruik random is of niet. Indien hun habitatgebruik random is, gebruiken ze elke habitat in proportie van de oppervlakte. Bij een non-random gebruik kan een preferentie rangschikking opgesteld worden. Dit werd eerst gedaan voor elke zebra afzonderlijk. Daarna werd geı̈ntegreerd over alle 16 zebra’s. Aan de hand van t-testen werd dan bepaald welke rangschikking significant is of welke habitats verwisseld konden worden. Deze habitat preferentie test werd uitgevoerd op de gemaakte classificatie en op een reclass van Africover. Als allerlaatste werd getracht de verschillende factoren die een invloed hebben op de migratie te integreren. Voor de verschillende factoren werd gekeken welke gebieden geschikt waren voor de zebra’s en welke niet. Al de ongeschikte gebieden werden samengebracht en voor de overgebleven gebieden werd een indeling gemaakt op basis van de afstand tot water en de NDVI waarden. Het resultaat werd gecontroleerd door de hoeveelheid zebra GPS-punten te bepalen in elke geschiktheidsklasse. 4 Resultaten en discussie 4.1 Classificatie Het doel van deze habitatclassificatie was een link te onderzoeken tussen habitat en zebra-voorkomen. Eerst werden classificaties uitgevoerd op een Landsat beeld uit het droge seizoen van 2000. Op het Landsat beeld werden de training-data gedigitaliseerd. De klasse water werd uitgesloten omdat het beeld van het droge seizoen was en er niet genoeg training pixels konden aangeduid worden. Er werden classificaties uitgevoerd gebruik makende van de Maximum Likelihood classifier en met Neurale Netwerken. Het Landsat beeld alleen gaf echter geen goed resultaat. Enkel de klasse bos kon gemakkelijk onderscheiden worden van de rest. Er werd overgeschakeld op het gebruik van achttien MODIS 16-dagen composiet beelden uit het jaar 2008. Het gebruik van een tijdserie maakt het mogelijk verschillende habitats te onderscheiden op basis van hun fenologie. De meeste classificaties werden uitgevoerd met Neurale Netwerken, omdat dit betere resultaten opleverde dan Maximum Likelihood. Er werd gebruik gemaakt van verschillende combinaties van input beelden: 1. Alle spectrale banden van alle 18 MODIS beelden 104 CHAPTER 9. Nederlandse samenvatting 2. Alle 18 NDVI beelden 3. Eerste drie componenten van de Principale componenten analyse van de NDVI en van de EVI 4. Alle spectrale banden van alle beelden en de eerste drie componenten van de twee PCAs 5. Alle spectrale banden van alle beelden met alle NDVI en alle EVI beelden Het beste resultaat werd bekomen met NN en als input alle spectrale banden van alle beelden met alle NDVI en alle EVI beelden. De kappa-waarde van dit resultaat bedroeg 90.39% wanneer de volledige trainingset als testset werd gebruikt en 84.41% bij gebruik van een onafhankelijke testset. Aan de hand van deze waarden kan geen eenduidige conclusie getrokken worden omtrent het resultaat. Door het beperkt aantal referentiepunten geeft de kappa-waarde slechts een indicatie van het classificatieresultaat over een kleine oppervlakte van het studiegebied. Het bekomen resultaat, de MODIS classificatie genaamd, werd ook vergeleken met Africover. Hieruit blijkt dat er heel wat verschillen zijn tussen beide. Africover is echter slechts een grove classificatie, gemaakt op het niveau van Afrika, zodat hier waarschijnlijk ook misclassificaties aanwezig zijn. Het is dus heel moeilijk een uitspraak te doen over de kwaliteit van het resultaat. Een betere classificatie zou eventueel bekomen kunnen worden door het gebruik van meer referentiedata. Eigen terreinkennis zou hierbij zeker een pluspunt zijn. Fouten kunnen ook zijn opgetreden doordat de data hier door verschillende personen werd verzameld. De inschatting van de kruid-, struik- en boombedekking kan verschillend zijn voor verschillende personen. Zo kan het gebeuren dat gebieden met eenzelfde bedekking toch als verschillende habitats geclassificeerd werden. 4.2 4.2.1 Analyse van de Grevy’s zebras tracking data en migratie Correlatie tussen tracking data en biomassa Eerst werd de relatie onderzocht tussen de Grevy’s zebra tracking en de aanwezige biomassa aan de hand van SPOT-Vegetation NDVI beelden. Er werd een dataset opgesteld met per datum NDVI waarden voor alle punten waar zebra’s aanwezig zijn op dat moment en een gelijk aantal ad random bepaalde NDVI waarden uit de overvloed aan waarden vanuit de range waar op dat moment geen zebra GPS punt gelokaliseerd was. Er was een dataset bestaande uit alle data, dus voor alle regen- en alle droge seizoenen en er was een dataset per seizoen. Op deze datasets werden t-testen uitgevoerd. Er werd telkens, behalve voor de dataset van het eerste en tweede regenseizoen, getest of de gemiddelde NDVI van pixels met zebra’s aanwezig hoger was dan de gemiddelde NDVI van pixels zonder zebra’s. Voor het eerste regenseizoen werd net het omgekeerde getest, namelijk of de gemiddelde NDVI van pixels met zebra’s aanwezig lager was dan de gemiddelde NDVI van pixels zonder zebra’s. Voor het tweede regenseizoen werd tweezijdig getest. De manier van testen en de afbakening van 105 CHAPTER 9. Nederlandse samenvatting de seizoenen werd bepaald uit de grafiek waarop alle gemiddeldes per tien dagen periode staan voor alle pixels met zebra’s aanwezig en voor alle pixels zonder zebra’s. Alle testen, behalve deze voor het tweede regenseizoen, waren significant. Dus algemeen gesteld verkiezen Grevy’s zebra’s hogere NDVI waarden. Wanneer de boxplots bekeken werden, werd vastgesteld dat er een grote overlap is in waarden tussen beide groepen. Dat de testen toch significant zijn kan verklaard worden door het feit dat de dataset convergeert naar oneindig. Het is dus heel moeilijk om te beslissen welke waarden de Grevy’s zebra’s nu juist zullen gebruiken. Het feit dat het eerste regenseizoen omgekeerd significant is kan verklaard worden door het erg natte regenseizoen. Hierdoor komen de hogere NDVI waarden waarschijnlijk overeen met houtige gewassen die minder verkozen worden als voedselbron. 4.2.2 Correlatie tussen tracking data en aanwezigheid van water, vee en dorpen Wanneer de afstand tot water werd vergeleken met de aanwezigheid van de Grevy’s zebra’s, kon besloten worden dat de zebra’s zich hoofdzakelijk bevinden tussen 0–10km afstand van het dichtstbijzijnde waterpunt. Vanaf een afstand van 18km valt het aantal aanwezige zebra’s bijna op nul. Het aantal zebra’s neemt toe tussen 0 en 3.5km om daarna snel af te nemen. In deze studie bevonden de Grevy’s zebra’s zich relatief dicht bij water aangezien ze gemakkelijk 2–5 dagen zonder water kunnen en gemiddeld 10–15km per dag kunnen afleggen. Bij een toename van de vee dichtheid neemt de hoeveelheid zebra’s sterk af. Dit kan verklaard worden door het feit dat vee rechtstreeks in competitie treedt met de zebra’s voor voedsel en water. De relatie tussen de aanwezigheid van Grevy’s zebra’s en dorpen was gelijkaardig aan de relatie met water. Er is dus geen uitgesproken effect van de dorpen op de zebra’s, andere factoren zullen waarschijnlijk belangrijker zijn in het bepalen van de migratie. 4.2.3 Habitatpreferentie Er werd ook getest of de Grevy’s zebra’s een uitgesproken habitatpreferentie vertonen. Dit werd getest op de MODIS classificatie en op Africover. Er werd een preferentie volgorde opgesteld van de verschillende habitats per zebra wanneer het habitatgebruik non-random was. Er werd ook geı̈ntegreerd over de verschillende zebra’s zodat een algemeen besluit kon getrokken worden voor alle Grevy’s zebra’s in het studie gebied. Indien er een random habitatgebruik is, gebruiken de zebra’s de habitats in proportie tot hun oppervlakte. De habitatpreferentie werd getest op twee verschillende niveaus. De vergelijking op het eerste niveau gebeurde tussen de samenstelling van het studiegebied en de samenstelling van de verschillende home ranges. De vergelijking op het tweede niveau was dan tussen de samenstelling van de home ranges en de verdeling van de GPS metingen over de verschillende habitats. Uit de MODIS classificatie kon geen significante habitat preferentie besloten worden. Er werd alleen aangetoond dat de Grevy’s zebra’s boshabitat significant minder gebruiken dan de andere habitat106 CHAPTER 9. Nederlandse samenvatting vormen. Uit de Africover classificatie kon na integratie over alle zebra’s op het eerste niveau besloten worden dat de klassen dorpen en kruiden met struiken significant meest geprefereerd werden in de home ranges. Daarna werd de klasse open-schaarse struiken verkozen. Tussen de andere habitats kon geen significante volgorde opgesteld worden. Wanneer naar het tweede niveau werd gekeken bleven er vier habitats over, degene die het grootste deel van de home ranges uitmaakten. Er kon besloten worden dat de Grevy’s zebra’s de klassen kruiden met struiken en kruiden meest prefereerden, boven de klassen open houtig en open-schaarse struiken. Onderling zijn deze twee klasses telkens uitwisselbaar. 4.2.4 Integratie van alle factoren Door de verschillende factoren te combineren werd een kaartje gecreëerd waarop alle gebieden aangeduid staan die volgens de bekomen resultaten minder geschikt zijn voor de Grevy’s zebra’s en welke gebieden juist heel geschikt zijn. Wanneer dit resultaat werd vergeleken met de locatie van de GPS punten bleek dat de beste klasse 2.4 keer meer data punten bevatte dan van de oppervlakte zou verwacht worden. Dit gebied wordt dus wel degelijk geprefereerd. De andere gebieden werden allemaal minder gebruikt dan van de oppervlakte zou verwacht worden. Om echter een volledige uitspraak te kunnen doen over de geschikte gebieden voor de Grevy’s zebra’s dienen veel meer factoren gekend te zijn. De aanwezigheid van predatoren heeft eveneens een invloed op het voorkomen van de zebra’s. Andere factoren die mogelijks een invloed hebben zijn competitie met andere grote grazers zoals bijvoorbeeld de steppezebra en ook de voorplantingstoestand van de vrouwelijke Grevy’s zebra’s speelt een belangrijke rol. Lacterende vrouwtjes hebben andere voedselbehoeftes dan niet-lacterende wijfjes en ze gebruiken dan ook andere gebieden. Er dient dus nog heel wat onderzoek te gebeuren om een echte voorspelling te maken van het voorkomen en de migratie van de Grevy’s zebra’s. 107 Reference Adrados, C., Girard, I., Gendner, J.-P. & Janeau, G. (2002). Global positioning system (GPS) location accuracy improvement due to Selective Availability removal. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 325(2):165–170. Aebischer, N. J., Robertson, P. A. & Kenward, R. E. (1993). 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Ground truth collection form GPS point # Direction in which picture is taken Date: Vegetation description (circle the estimated cover/ height/ composition using guidelines below) % cover % cover of % cover of TREES SHURBS + HERBACEOUS average height + composition C O C A C S A >0.5 m <0.5 m F C O C A C S A >0.5 m <0.5 m F C O C S A C O S A C O S A O O S A C >0.5 m <0.5 m F C O S A C >0.5 m <0.5 m F C O S O S A C >0.5 m <0.5 m F Guidelines % Cover C = Closed (70% - 100% cover, crowns overlapping, touching, or very slightly separated) O = Open (20% - 70% cover, crowns not touching, distance between crowns up to twice the average crown diameter) S = Sparse (2 % - 20 % cover distance between crowns more than twice the average crown diameter) A = Absent S O S G O G G G A M S G A M S O A M S O A M S O Specify cover if no natural vegetation is present (for example settlement, rock, bare soil, …) A M Herbaceous composition F = Forbs (> 75 % cover of forbs) G = Grasses (> 75 % cover of grasses) M = Mixed (forbs cover less than 75% and grasses cover less than 75 %) 116 Appendix B Classes of the Africover classification of the study area 117 built up refugee/rural settlement bare water bodies closed woody+trees closed woody + shrubs open woody + shrubs open woody + herbaceaous open trees + herbaceaous + shrubs very open trees + shrubs very open trees + shrubs + herbaceous closed shrubs + trees closed shrubs 1 2 10 20 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 121 122 124 125 126 127 131 132 133 134 145 162 163 231 232 class number class name open shrubs + herbaceous very open shrubs + herbaceous + sparse trees very open shrubs + herbaceous sparse shrubs + herbaceous herbaceous + trees + shrubs herbaceous + shrubs closed to open herbaceous sparse herbaceous open woody - flooded herbaceous + shrubs - flooded herbaceous - flooded herbaceous crops - RF maize - RF Table B.1: Africover classification classes class name class number CHAPTER B. Classes of the Africover classification of the study area 118 Appendix C Boxplots for the different seasons (a) Boxplot of first dry season (b) Boxplot of first wet season (c) Boxplot of second dry season 119 CHAPTER C. Boxplots for the different seasons (d) Boxplot of second wet season (e) Boxplot of third dry season (f) Boxplot of third wet season (g) Boxplot of fourth dry season (h) Boxplot of fourth wet season (i) Boxplot of fifth dry season 120 Appendix D Habitatpreference based on made classification Table D.1: Percentage of each habitat type in the MCP of each zebra zebra % MCP herbaceous sparse veg shrubland woodland1 forest woodland2 belinda dableya hiroya jeff johnna kobosa lepere liz loijuk martha njeri petra rose samburu samburu2 silurian2 29.98 25.22 23.74 19.88 21.04 24.13 34.77 20.71 24.07 48.54 26.50 35.19 46.52 27.05 26.86 24.61 10.55 52.70 50.57 0.94 6.32 51.65 46.33 21.67 19.19 5.05 16.59 42.12 32.30 9.40 19.04 7.02 16.74 5.43 8.29 20.58 11.89 9.28 3.79 8.77 12.49 17.09 14.41 4.21 6.67 16.18 12.71 52.68 25.40 16.07 16.87 26.36 36.75 14.53 14.84 18.86 23.26 23.57 32.75 16.36 2.96 21.38 26.65 0.12 1.03 0.18 0.01 0.01 0.09 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.20 0.25 0.93 0.01 0.15 0.60 5.19 0.36 16.30 0.39 0.53 32.24 23.89 0.40 0.27 29.97 20.79 5.49 8.82 2.12 11.41 25.38 9.54 15.22 121 CHAPTER D. Habitatpreference based on made classification Table D.2: Percentage of tracking data in each habitat type per zebra zebra % tracking data herbaceous sparse veg shrubland woodland1 forest woodland2 belinda dableya hiroya jeff johnna kobosa lepere liz loijuk martha njeri petra rose samburu samburu2 silurian2 33.75 23.83 33.77 14.53 13.98 25.83 28.57 27.48 33.97 19.12 69.41 29.43 25.87 45.02 27.15 19.05 5.71 64.43 42.53 0.11 26.07 52.30 50.02 36.48 26.16 0.17 13.76 42.43 52.74 15.60 25.08 5.36 17.40 4.37 3.41 19.48 6.20 6.65 7.83 6.94 7.71 12.75 4.91 8.86 10.45 6.56 12.06 41.67 40.25 7.12 20.29 37.27 48.36 15.07 13.40 18.36 22.61 58.57 9.71 18.17 2.99 9.41 30.16 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.11 0.01 2.90 0.25 0.01 28.60 5.39 0.14 0.18 10.74 9.55 9.39 2.21 1.10 7.96 23.39 5.44 33.93 122 Appendix E Habitatpreference based on the Africover reclass classification Table E.1: Percentage of each habitat type in the MCP of each zebra Belinda dableya hiroya jeff johnna kobosa lepere liz loijuk martha njeri petra rose samburu samburu2 silurian2 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 10 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.30 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 10.67 0.31 0.03 0.01 0.29 1.05 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.20 0.30 0.01 0.18 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.11 0.22 0.48 0.01 0.28 0.03 0.01 0.05 1.08 0.01 0.43 1.73 0.79 3.52 5.89 0.78 0.21 0.74 0.91 1.28 13.32 0.10 0.01 1.14 2.83 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 1.44 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 3.46 0.01 0.01 0.96 0.45 0.01 55.34 19.24 23.72 10.90 31.93 42.01 2.96 14.74 31.73 60.63 24.45 1.35 9.48 47.60 46.55 8.92 41.77 42.12 47.09 81.81 56.49 40.62 96.72 84.30 66.70 38.09 58.50 98.52 34.37 43.77 36.38 91.08 1.63 35.86 28.41 3.76 3.95 16.58 0.01 0.01 0.17 0.01 0.01 0.01 45.48 5.78 9.94 0.01 123 CHAPTER E. Habitatpreference based on the Africover reclass classification Table E.2: Percentage of tracking data in each habitat type per zebra Belinda dableya hiroya jeff johnna kobosa lepere liz loijuk martha njeri petra rose samburu samburu2 silurian2 1 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 1.89 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 9.95 2.25 0.16 0.01 2 0.01 1.39 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.14 0.01 3 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.04 0.09 0.05 0.01 0.25 0.09 0.01 0.08 0.02 0.01 5 0.21 0.08 0.06 1.35 11.59 0.01 0.13 0.18 0.55 0.57 2.83 0.09 0.01 0.45 1.70 0.01 6 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.43 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.74 0.01 0.01 0.24 0.05 0.01 8 41.63 15.95 10.31 8.90 11.95 42.96 0.29 1.03 25.68 7.07 26.29 0.28 4.48 9.70 21.94 3.57 9 47.72 37.10 61.91 87.61 61.84 35.03 99.54 98.71 73.72 92.36 69.90 99.53 1.49 69.05 67.42 96.43 10 10.43 45.48 27.72 2.14 12.30 21.94 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 84.08 18.24 8.58 0.01 124 Appendix F Histograms for the different seasons (j) Histogram of first dry season (k) Histogram of first wet season (l) Histogram of second dry season 125 CHAPTER F. Histograms for the different seasons (m) Histogram of second wet season (n) Histogram of third dry season (o) Histogram of third wet season (p) Histogram of fourth dry season (q) Histogram of fourth wet season (r) Histogram of fifth dry season 126