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1 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 TURKEY 2013 2 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Country Overview 3 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Markam / Turkey Presentation/ 2010 Country Formal Name: Republic of Turkey Short Form: Turkey Terms for Citizens : Turk(s) Capital: Ankara 4 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Markam / Turkey Presentation/ 2010 Geography Area Total: 780,580 land: 770,670 sq km water: 9,820 sq km 5 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Markam / Turkey Presentation/ 2010 Borders Land Boundaries: 2627 km Border Countries: Syria (822 km), Iran (499 km), Iraq (331 km), Greece (206 km), Georgia (252 km), Bulgaria (240 km), Azerbaijan (9 km), Armenia 268 (km) Coastline: 7200 km Black Sea in the North The Mediterranean in the south and The Aegean Sea in the west In the northwest the Sea of Marmara (Internal See) 6 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Markam / Turkey Presentation/ 2010 Turkey with Border Countries Source: 7 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Markam / Turkey Presentation/ 2010 Terrain Mostly mountains, narrow coastal plain, high central plateu (Anatolia) Turkey is a land of mountains, streams, lakes, green plains and thick forests. Taurus Mountain Giresun/Garbis Özatay 8 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Climate Markam / Turkey Presentation/ 2010 Periphery of Turkey has Mediterranean climate with cool, rainy winters and hot, moderately dry summers. Interior, shielded from Mediterranean influences by mountains, has continental climate with cold winters and dry, hot summers. Eastern mountainous area has inhospitable climate, with hot, extremely dry summers and bitter winters. Rainfall varies, ranging from annual average of more than 2,500 millimeters on eastern Black Sea coast to less than 250 millimeters in central plateau area. 9 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Natural Resources Antimony Coal Chromium Mercury Copper Borate Sulfur Iron Ore Hydropower Arable land 10 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Markam / Turkey Presentation/ 2010 İstanbul: City at the Crossroads Population :13,5 Million Population: 11 million Source:Turkish Statistical Institute 11 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Demographics 12 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Population 76,481,847 (2013) (19th in the world*) 0-14 years: 24.5% (male 9,621,302/female 9,129,862 ) 15-64 years: 67,8% (male 26,197,862/female 25,654,260) 65-85+ years: 7,7% (male 2,554,448/female 3,324,455) (*) Source:Turkish Statistical Institute 13 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Markam / Turkey Presentation/ 2010 Population Density Map Source: World Trade Place 14 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Population Estimates and Projections Populations (million) 100 Eksen Başlığı 80 60 40 20 1935 1935 1970 1970 2013 2013 2023 2023 2050 2050 2075 2075 16,158,018 35,605,176 76,481,847 84,247,088 93,475,575 89,172,088 Source:Turkish Statistical Institute 15 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Markam / Turkey Presentation/ 2010 Current and Projected Population by Age and Sex (in thousands) Source: 16 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Population Growth Annual Population Growth 16,0 14,0 13,5 13,2 12,8 12,4 12,2 11,9 11,7 2004 2005 2006 2007 12,0 13,4 13,3 13,0 12,8 2008 2009 2010 2011 10,0 8,0 6,0 4,0 2,0 0,0 2001 Country Turkey 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 65,666,680 66,493,970 67,308,930 68,109,470 68,893,920 69,660,560 70,413,960 71,158,650 71,892,810 76,805,520 77,804,120 78,785,550 Source: , Turkish Statistical Institute 17 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Labor participation rate, total (% of total population ages 15+) Source: World Bank 18 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Sectoral Distribution of Employment Sector Distribution 26% agriculture 48% industry services 26% Source: World Factbook 19 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Markam / Turkey Presentation/ 2010 Sectoral Employment and Demographic Trends 60 50 40 Agriculture 30 Industry Services 20 10 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Source: World Bank 20 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Socio Economic Class (SEC) 2012 ABC1 Total A B C1 C2 D E 34% Base 4% 9% 22% 29% 28% 9% 39% Urban 5% 10% 24% 31% 22% 8% 14% Rural 1% 2% 11% 22% 52% 12% Source: TUAD SES 2012 Presentation 21 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Religion Muslims: 99.8% (Mostly Sunni) Other: 0.2% (Christian and Jews) Source: World Factbook 22 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Languages Turkish is the official language Almost all educated Turks have command of a foreign language. English is the dominant language for international business. German and French also spoken. Turkish (official) - % 82 Kurdish - %17 Arabic Armenian Greek 23 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Education Primary/Middle School 18% 7% 45% 2% Primary School None 36% 41% Vocational & Technical School High School Higher Education Source:Turkish Statistical Institute 24 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Politics 25 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Government Founder: Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK Capital: Ankara Government type: Democratic Secular Republic President: Abdullah Gül (August 2007) Prime Minister: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (November 2002) Minister of Foreign Affairs: Ahmet Davutoğlu 60th Turkish Government 26 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Government Administrative divisions: 81 provinces Independence: 29 October 1923 Suffrage: 18 years of age Legislative branch: Grand National Assembly of Turkey(TBMM) Judical Branch: Constitutional Court, Court of Appeals 27 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Parliament The Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA ) is a one-chamber parliament composed of 550 deputies. Elections are based on proportional representation subject to a national threshold of 10%. Elections take place every 5 years. The TGNA, as well as the President, can decide to hold new elections before the period of time is completed. Only if 5% of the total number of seats are vacated (death, resignation, etc.) an intermediary election is held. MPs are elected by party list, drawn up by absolute discretionary power of party leaders. Once elected, they gain access to immunity from prosecution, unless TGNA lifts immunity. After two years as MP, they get lifelong privileges. The TGNA works in the form of commissions which prepare legislation etc. The TGNA legislates, supervises the Council of Ministers, adopts the budget. It decides on declaring war, martial law or emergency rule; it approves international agreements, general or special amnesties. The laws passed by the TGNA are promulgated by the President within 15 days. The President may refer the law back to the Assembly for reconsideration. The TGNA elects the President of the Republic. 28 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Distribution of Seats in the Parliament Name Number of Seats AKP 326 CHP 135 MHP 51 BDP 29 Independent 8 Total 549 29 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Military Military branches: Turkish Armed Forces (TSK): Land Forces, Naval Forces Command (includes Naval Air and Naval Infantry), Air Force, Coast Guard Command, Gendarmerie (Jandarma) Military age: 20 years of age Military manpower availability: 21,079,077 Defense Budget: 25 Billion $ Percent of GDP: 5.9 % Source: World Factbook 30 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Economics 31 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 List of Countries by GDP (2011) (millions of Country Ranking Economy US dollars) USA 1 United States 14.991.300 CHN 2 China 7.318.499 JPN 3 Japan 5.867.154 DEU 4 Germany 3.600.833 FRA 5 France 2.773.032 BRA 6 Brazil 2.476.652 GBR 7 United Kingdom 2.445.408 ITA 8 Italy 2.193.971 IND 9 India 1.872.840 RUS 10 Russian Federation 1.857.770 CAN 11 Canada 1.736.051 ESP 12 Spain 1.476.882 AUS 13 Australia 1.379.382 MEX 14 Mexico 1.153.343 KOR 15 Korea, Rep. 1.116.247 IDN 16 Indonesia 846.832 NLD 17 Netherlands 836.074 TUR 18 Turkey 774.983 CHE 19 Sw itzerland 659.308 SAU 20 Saudi Arabia 576.824 Source: World Bank 32 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Main Economic Indicators 2011 2012 GDP (billion $ / in current prices) $773(1) $786(1) GDP Growth Rate (%) 18,1%(1) 9,2%(1) GDP Per Capita ($) 14,600(2) 15,000(2) FDI Inflow (billion $) 102.6(2) 117.6(2) FDI Outflow (billion $) 19.35(2) 21.35(2) Unemployment (%) 9.8%(1) 9.2% Consumer Price Inflation (%) 6.5%(2) 9.1%(2) Export (billion $) $143.4 (2) 154.2 Import (billion $) $232.9 (2) $225.6 External Debt (billion $) $304.2(1) (1) (1) (1) $336.9(1) Source:(1) Turish Statistical Institute (2) (3) 33 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Gross National Product 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 GNP (billion US$) 338 441 515 590 656 650 719 766 GNP per Capita 5039 6478 7468 8438 9262 9058 9892 10410 GNP Per Capita Growth Rate 33% 29% 15% 13% 10% -2% 9% 5% GNP per Capita (US$) 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 34 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 GDP by Main Sectors Billions of (TL) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Agricuture 60 63 64 72 78 92 103 112 Industry 160 188 209 232 218 259 316 335 Services 350 417 480 549 567 628 730 815 FISIM* 9 10 13 14 21 19 17 22 Taxes & Subsidies 86 100 101 110 109 137 164 175 Source: Turkey Statistical Institute (*) Financial intermediation services 35 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Sector Shares of GDP (2012) Agriculture, hunting & forestry 8% Financial intermediation services 2% Tax 12% Others 9% Manufacturing 16% Construction 2% Education 4% Wholesale & retail trade 12% Real estate, renting etc. 5% Electricity, gas & water supply 4% Ownership & dwelling 10% Transport, storage & communication Hotels & Restaurants 2% 14% Source: Turkey Statistical Institute 36 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 GDP Growth Rate by Sectors (2009-2012) 30,0 Agriculture, hunting and forestry 15,0 0,0 30,0 Transport, storage and communication -15,0 Manufacturing Electricity, gas and water supply 30,0 15,0 0,0 -15,0 30,0 15,0 0,0 -15,0 -30,0 Ownership and dwelling -15,0 30,0 15,0 0,0 -15,0 Real estate, renting and business activities 30,0 15,0 0,0 -15,0 30,0 15,0 0,0 0,0 -15,0 30,0 Construction 15,0 Education 15,0 0,0 -15,0 30,0 Wholesale and retail trade 15,0 Health and social work 0,0 -15,0 Hotels and Restaurants 30,0 15,0 0,0 -15,0 Financial intermediation services indirectly measured 30,0 20,0 10,0 0,0 -10,0 45,0 30,0 15,0 0,0 -15,0 Source:Turkish Statistical Institute 37 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 GDP Growth Rate Growth Rate (%) 25,0 20,0 15,0 10,0 5,0 0,0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source:Turkish Statistical Institute 38 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 GDP (Purchasing Power Parity) GDP (2004-2012) 900 $ 800 $ 728,04 700 $ 645,37 Millions 600 $ 482,57 500 $ 400 $ 729,71 772,22 786,68 2011 2012 612,97 526,79 392,89 300 $ 200 $ 100 $ -$ 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Source:Turkish Statistical Institute 39 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Consumer Price Index 2003 Based Consumer Price Index Numbers 3000,00 2500,00 2000,00 1500,00 1000,00 500,00 0,00 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source: Turkey Statistical Institute 40 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Inflation Rate 2013 MAY Source: Turkey Statistical Institute 41 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Distribution of Total Assets by Groups (percentage) 14% 3% 4% Foreign Banks 49% Develop and Investment Banks 30% Participation Banks State Owned Banks Private Banks Source: 42 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Business & Trade 43 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Turkey and EU • In December 1999, Turkey became the European Union’s (EU) first candidate for full membership with a predominantly Muslim population. • For the first time, Turkey participated as a full member candidate at the EU summit in Nice in December 2000. • Turkey’s EU candidacy will pave the way for a series of additional changes, economic and political as Turkey strives to align its economy and laws with those of the EU • 34 Articles of The Turkish Constitution have been amended and many of these ammendents actually coincide with the provisions of our National Program. • A mid-2006 Eurobarometer survey revealed that 43% of Turkish citizens view the EU positively; just 35% trust the EU, 45% support enlargement and just 29% support an EU constitution • In the summit of 16-17 December 2004 the EU leaders decided to launch the accession negotiations with Turkey on 03 October 2005 • 2005, October - Opening of six chapters of the Acquis: Right of Establishment & Freedom to provide Services, Company Law, Financial Services, Information Society & Media, Statistics and Financial Control 44 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 The Milestones of Turkey’s Integration with Europe • 1949: Membership to the Council of Europe • 1952: Membership to NATO • 1963: Associate membership to the EEC • 1987: Application for full membership to the EC • 1995: Customs Union with the EU • 1999. Recognition as Candidate for EU accession • Laeken Summit held in December 2001 had important implications for the membership process of Turkey. • At the Copenhagen Summit held on December 12, 2002, EU submitted December 2004 as a conditional date for Turkey to begin accession negotiations. • In the summit of 16-17 December 2004 the EU leaders decided to launch the accession negotiations with Turkey on 03 October 2005 Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Secretariat General for the EU Affairs 45 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Exports and Imports by main Sectors (2012) Imports by Sectors (000) $ 1 Mineral fuels, minerals oils and product of their distillation 60 117 407 2 Boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances: parts thereof 26 315 951 3 Iron and steel 19 642 041 4 Electrical machinery and equipment: parts thereof 16 279 680 5 Vehicle other than railway or tramway rolling_stock,parts thereof 14 514 269 6 Plastic and articles thereof 12 505 397 7 Precious stones, precious metals, pearls and articles thereof 8 529 039 8 Organic chemicals 5 064 621 9 Optical,photographic,cinematographic,measuring checking,precision 4 055 512 10 Pharmaceutical products 3 995 651 Total 236 545 045 Exports by Sectors (000) $ 1 Precious stones, precious metals,pearls and articles thereof 16 325 215 2 Vehicle other than railway or tramway rolling_stock,parts thereof 15 148 381 3 Boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances: parts thereof 12 000 279 4 Iron and steel 11 332 518 5 Electrical machinery and equipment: parts thereof 9 373 527 6 Knitted and crocheted goods and articles thereof 8 419 757 7 Mineral fuels, minerals oils and product of their distillation 7 708 177 8 Articles of iron and steel 6 093 301 9 Non knitted and crocheted goods and articles thereof 5 431 872 10 Plastic and articles thereof 5 013 146 Total Source: Turkey Statistical Institute 25% 11% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 2% 2% 2% 100% 152 469 087 11% 10% 8% 7% 6% 6% 5% 4% 4% 3% 100% 46 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Main Industries • • • • • • • • • Textiles Food Processing Automotive Mining (coal, chromite, copper, boron) Steel Petroleum Construction Lumber Paper 47 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Main Agriculture Products • Cotton • Grain • Olives • Tobacco • Sugar beets • Pulse • Citrus • Livestock 48 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 International Trade Top 20 Countries -2012- Imports Exports Country Country Value: 000 $ Value: 000 $ 1 Germany 13 124 912 1 2 Iraq 10 822 503 2 Germany 21 400 576 9 921 666 8 694 238 3 China 21 295 187 4 USA 14 130 546 Italy 13 344 468 11 964 779 3 4 Iran United Kingdom Russia 26 625 286 5 UAE 8 174 613 5 6 Russia 6 681 121 6 Iran France 8 589 894 7 Italy 6 373 721 7 8 France 6 198 666 8 Spain 6 023 618 5 604 421 9 India 5 843 638 10 Spain 3 717 879 10 South Korea 5 660 093 11 Egypt 3 679 214 12 Saudi Arabia 3 676 730 11 United Kingdom 5 629 452 12 Ukraine 4 394 200 13 Netherlands 3 244 807 13 Switzerland 4 304 864 14 China 2 833 255 14 Belgium 3 690 309 15 Azerbaijan 2 584 734 15 Netherlands 3 660 634 16 Romania 2 495 778 16 Japan 3 601 427 17 Belgium 2 359 583 17 UAE 3 596 545 18 Israel 2 329 732 18 Greece 3 539 869 19 Libya 2 139 440 19 Romania 3 236 425 20 Switzerland 2 124 554 20 Poland 3 058 078 Others 45 687 518 Others 9 USA Total Source: Turkey Statistical Institute 152 469 087 Total 62 955 157 236 545 045 49 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Exports- Commodities&Partners • Apparel • Foodstuffs • Textiles • Metal manufactures • Transport equipment • Germany 10.3%, • Iraq 6.2% • UK 6% • Italy 5.8% • France 5% • Russia 4.4% Source: World Fact Book/Turkey 50 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Imports- Commodities&Partners • Machinery • Chemicals • Semi-finished goods • Russia 9.9% • Germany 9.4% • China 9% • US 6.7% • Fuels • Transport equipment • Italy 5.6% • Iran 5.2% • France 4.8% Source: World Fact Book/Turkey 51 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Borsa Istanbul(Formerly Istanbul Stock Exchange) • ISE was established on December 26, 1985 • Only stock exchange in Turkey • Not-for-profit government organisation • National market traded value is 86,6 billion US$ • Number of companies traded on ISE is 400. 52 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Markam / Turkey Presentation/ 2012 Export Amount by Year (000 $) Export 160 000 000 140 000 000 120 000 000 100 000 000 80 000 000 60 000 000 40 000 000 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 20 000 000 Source: Turkey Statistical Institute 53 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Markam / Turkey Presentation/ 2012 Export - Import Comparison (000 $) 250 000 000 200 000 000 150 000 000 100 000 000 50 000 000 Export Source: Turkey Statistical Institute Import 54 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Consumption 55 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Markam / Turkey Presentation/ 2012 Consumption by Region Types of Expenditure İstanbul İzmir Ankara 33% 30% 28% Marmara18% (%) Ege20% (%) Transportation Food 14% 14% 18% Restaurants and hotels 7% 6% 6% Household Furniture, houses appliances and home care services 6% 6% 6% Personal Care Communication 4% 4% 4% Clothing and footwear Paper 4% 5% 5% Various good and services 4% 4% 4% Diaperbeverages, cigarette Alcoholic and tobacco 4% 5% 4% Entertainment and culture 3% 3% 3% Education services 3% 2% 3% Health 2% 2% 2% Housing and rent Food and non-alcoholic beverages Source: Turkey Statistical Institute Anatolia18% (%) 56 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Markam / Turkey Presentation/ 2012 Consumption Consumption Type Ratio of Income (%) Average Cost (YTL) 2004 2004 2005 Types of expenditure 2005 Icrease (%) Distribution of household consumption expenditures (%) Food 2010 2011 Housing and rent Alcohol and Cigarettes 27,1 25,8 Increase -1,3 Food and Clothes-Shoes 21,9 20,7 -1,1 Transportation 15,1 17,2 2,2 Furniture, houses appliances and home care services 6,3 6,4 0,1 Restaurant and hotels 5,4 5,7 0,3 Clothing and footwear 5,1 5,2 0,1 Various good and services 3,7 4,3 0,5 Alcoholic beverages, cigaratte and tobacco 4,5 4,1 -0,4 4,1 4,0 -0,1 2,8 2,7 -0,1 Otel, Restaurant and Caffes Educational services 2,0 2,0 -0,1 Other goods and services Health 2,1 1,9 -0,2 non-alcoholic beverages Housing and Renting House Furniture Health Transportation Telecomunication Culture and Entertainment Communication Education Services and Entertainment culture Total Source: Turkey Statistical Institute 57 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Consumption 30 25 20 15 10 5 2010 2011 0 Source: Turkey Statistical Institute 58 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Distribution Channels in Turkey HYPER, CHAIN AND SUPERSTORES Hypermarket >2500 m2 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2,979 3,640 4,005 4,242 4,809 5,545 6,474 7,221 129 149 151 143 152 160 164 178 Big Sized Supermarket 306 357 368 367 396 968 1,082 454 504 568 1000-2500 m2 Supermarket 400-1000 m2 726 835 909 1,258 1,567 1,712 Small Sized Supermarket 1,818 2,299 2,577 2,764 3,179 3,673 4,239 4,763 13,232 13,210 13,555 14,537 15,197 15,076 14,775 14,875 <400 m2 Medium Sized Supermarket 50-100 m2 Grocery <50 m2 TOTAL OF MARKETS 136,763 128,580 122,342 124,283 122,781 120,397 116,857 115,221 152,974 145,430 139,902 143,062 142,787 141,018 138,106 137,317 59 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Shopping Malls in Turkey Number of Shopping Malls Leasable Retail Area in Shopping Malls 350 300 250 200 150 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 100 3000 50 2000 0 1000 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source: E&Y, AYD, Akademetre 60 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Consumption • Approximately 25% of the consumers are in İstanbul, İzmir and Ankara • Marmara Region has almost half of the purchasing power of Turkey 61 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Markam / Turkey Presentation/ 2012 Transportation Preference Turkish Transportation Sector Statistics 2012 Railway Length of High-speed Line (km) Passenger Traffic in High-speed (passenger Length of Conventional Line (km) 888 914.019 8.324 km)(103) Sea Goods Loaded(2) 80.383 Goods Unloaded(2) 171.405 Passanger Traffic(2) 843 Road Lenght of Provincial and State Roads (km) Lenght of Motorways(km) 65.382 2.127 Number of Vechiles(1) Passanger Traffic (person-km; domestic) Good Carried (tonne-km; domestic) 15.821.787 258.874 216.123 Air Domestic Passangers International Passengers Freight data covers cargo, post and baggage handdled 64.721.316 65.630.304 2.249.133 Source: Turkey Statistical Institute (1) Data is by the end of April, 2013. (2) Data is by the end of 2012. 62 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Airport Distribution 63 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Technology Usage Mobile subscribers 2000-2012 Internet Users 2003-2012 Year Subscribers Year Users Subscribers 2000 16,133,000 2003 6,000,000 2001 20,019,000 2004 10,220,000 2002 24,937,300 2005 16,000,000 2003 29,018,801 2006 18,700,000 2004 34,118,000 2007 21,974,000 2005 45,140,000 2008 26,500,000 2006 51,659,000 2009 29,000,000 2007 60,000,000 2010 32,500,000 2008 65,800,000 2011 38,000,000 2009 62,800,000 2012 50,000,000 2010 61,800,000 2011 65,300,000 2012 65,800,000 Source: 64 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Media 65 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Advertisement Spendings Million TL Ad Spendings Variety 2750 2500 2250 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 Television 1442 2018 2447 2605 Newspape Magazine r 746 856 952 1012 72 86 94 101 Outdoor Radio Cinema Internet 198 252 306 328 88 104 121 129 39 45 53 54 182 252 344 421 Source :Turkish Association of Advertising Agencies 66 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Advertisement Spendings Totals Advertisement Spending 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 Years 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total Ad Spendings (M TL) 2767 3613 4320 4652 Source : Turkish Association of Advertising Agencies 67 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Markam / Turkey Presentation/ 2012 Adults CPM indexed on TV all time cost TV TV Newspaper Mags Radio peak mono colour alltime Radio peak Cinema alltime Outdoor Outdoor small large Germany 100 132 95 74 25 38 506 2,959 4,520 UK 100 130 30 71 34 39 632 3,590 4,437 France 100 121 151 53 43 56 910 2,466 14,903 Italy 100 119 255 144 45 49 661 4,276 9,401 Spain 100 77 67 75 69 65 563 3,977 3,395 Netherlands 100 104 86 47 19 19 455 2,020 10,901 Denmark 100 110 26 53 5 N/A 402 1,966 2,796 Belgium 100 119 81 42 27 28 294 1,306 3,280 Greece 100 103 104 212 13 50 3,076 7,052 2,689 Russia 100 108 131 302 122 111 5,648 19,146 33,859 Poland 100 120 65 149 42 41 1,834 9,252 12,336 Turkey 100 138 359 1.168 15 N/A 4.700 4.500 21.000 Croatia 100 460 590 477 4 5 N/A 20,874 27,601 USA 100 113 276 76 29 36 256 11,870 5,135 Australia 100 168 50 146 88 62 3,415 13,768 44,995 Japan 100 62 35 63 128 64 157 4,610 N/A China 100 54 1,314 240 7 N/A 4,038 1,944 2,436 68 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Top Advertisers 2012 Advertiser Turkcell Vodafone Arçelik İş Bankası Avea Benckiser Boydak Grubu Coca - Cola Denizbank Eti Finansbank Frito Lay Garanti Bankası Halkbank Hayat Kimya Migros P&G TAB Gıda THY TTNET Türk Telekom Unilever Ülker Yapı Kredi Bank Asya Bosch Colgate/Palmolive Dr. Oetker Evyap Ferrero 100 + milyon $ 50 - 75 milyon $ 25 - 50 milyon $ 15 - 25 milyon $ 69 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Television Measurement • Research Company: TNS / Kantar Media •Methodology: Panel & People meter system, based on minute ratings. 5000 Series Modular PeopleMeter is used. Digital TV measurement has started in 2005. •Sample Structure: Total of 3.500 households. Represents 56,2 million people age 5 and above. •Coverage : 40 Cities •Frequency of data : Daily •Content : All viewership data 70 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Channel Profile •Generalist: ATV, Kanal D, Show TV, Star, FOX, Samanyolu TV, Kanal 7, Flash TV, TV8, Kanal 1, Cine 5 •News/Economy: NTV, CNBC-E, CNN Turk, Haber Turk, SkyTurk, Kanalturk, TGRT Haber, 24 TV, Haber 7, STVHaber, •Music: Number 1, Kral, Dream TV, MMC, Powerturk TV •Digital: Digiturk, D-Smart •State: TRT 1, TRT 2, TRT 3, TRT 4, TRT Int •Regional: Doğu TV, Karadeniz TV, Ege TV, Kanal A, Kanal 5, Kon TV, Kordon TV, Marmara TV, Ege Mesaj, KadırgaTV, Kaçkar TV, Showroom TV, Selam TV, Kanal Türk, Vizyon TV, Olay TV •Theme: Discovery Channel, National Geographic, History Channel 71 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Media Consumption (By Year) 2008 19% 2012 23% 2009 18% 2011 20% 2010 20% SOURCE: 72 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Radio Measurement • Research Company : KMG Research • Methodology : Diary method • Sample Structure : Total of 12.900 panel members. Represents 23.5 million people age 12 and above. • Coverage : 24 cities • Frequency of data : Quarterly • Content : All radio listeningship data • Radio adspend is measured by SAM Research. 73 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Station Profile • Top 10 most listened to radio stations broadcasting Turkish music are: Kral FM, Süper FM, Power Türk, Alem FM, Joy Turk, Slow Turk, Radyo D, Istanbul FM, Best FM, TRT FM, Radyo Tatlıses. • Top 10 most listened to radio stations broadcasting foreign music are: Metro FM, Virgin Radio, Power FM, Number One FM, Joy Fm, Radyo Mydonose, Radyo 5, Capital Radio, Radyo Dokuz Eylül, Radyo ODTU, Radyo Nostalji. 74 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Press Measurement Turkish National Readership Survey • Research Company • Methodology • Sample Structure : TNS Piar : Face-to-face interviews : 48,000 interviews per year Represents 47,3 million people age 15 and above. • Coverage • Frequency of data • Content : 26 cities, 24 provinces : Quarterly : Readership profiles and reach figures of daily newspapers with circulation 10,000+, newspaper supplements, weekly and monthly magazines with circulation 5,000+ 75 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Newspapers Newspaper Name ZAMAN Avarage Daily Circulations Average Daily 1.074.836,88 POSTA 438.396,13 HURRIYET 391.750,60 SÖZCÜ . 334.365,50 SABAH 315.272,88 FOTOMAÇ 207.173,88 HABERTÜRK 201.581,75 FANATİK 192.332,67 TÜRKİYE 181.130,13 MİLLİYET 174.150,71 VATAN 133.457,40 STAR 130.939,88 YENİ MESAJ 75.912,67 AMK 64.481,00 *Source: Yay-Sat/Medyatava Period : May-June 2013 76 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Title Profile • General News: Posta, Hürriyet, Sabah, Sözcü, Zaman, Milliyet, Haberturk, Akşam, Takvim, Türkiye, Vatan, Güneş, Cumhuriyet, Radikal, Star, Yeni Şafak, Bugün • Economy: Dünya, Yeni Radikal • Sport: Fanatik, Fotomaç, Efsane Fotospor • Regional : Yeni Asır 77 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Magazine Summary • Main magazine groups: Doğan Egmond, Doğuş Group, GD, Merkez Group, Nova Medya, Türk Medya, Vatan Group, Vogel. • Magazine readership and magazine subscriptions are very low in Turkey. 78 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Outdoor Summary • Outdoor has been a fast growing medium in Turkey with new approaches (mega posters, 3D posters, renovated bus stops & billboards, home boards, bus coverings) • The major contractors are : Ströer Kentvizyon, Era, Clear Channel, Wall, News Outdoor, Media Pano, Şehir Işıkları Reklam • Due to extreme demand, early reservations are a must • AÇIAK - Technical committee for outdoor measurement has been formed to launch an outdoor research 79 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Cinema Measurement • TGI Turkey provides the following topics on cinema : • audience profile • frequency • recency • type of movie preferred • origin of movie preferred • Fida Film provides ad-hoc cinema viewers profile surveys • Number of tickets sold in cinema is measured through box office receipts by Warner Bros. • Adspend is reported by Bileşim from the figures of Fida Film 80 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Culture & Tourism 81 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Regions Black Sea Marmara Eastern Anatolia Aegean Central Anatolia Mediterranean Southeastern Anatolia 82 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Sightseeing • İstanbul(the biggest city) • Ankara (the capital) • İzmir (typically Aegean) • Aegean coast (Çeşme, Foça, Bodrum, Marmaris,Efes,..) • Mediterreanian coast (Antalya, Alanya, Fethiye,..) • Safranbolu in Black Sea • GAP (largest development project)... 83 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Activities • Yachting • Mountaineering • Underwater diving • Golf • Conventional Facilities • Hot Springs&Spas 84 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Transportation • Railways: 8699 km • Highways: 426,906 km • Waterways: 1200 km • Ports and harbors: Gemlik, Hopa, İskenderun, İstanbul, İzmir, Kocaeli, İçel, Samsun, Trabzon • Airports: 98 • Heliports: 20 Source: World Fact Book/Turkey(2012) 85 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Holidays • National Public Holidays: January 1: New Year's Day. April 23: National Sovereignty and Children's Day May 19: Ataturk Commemoration and Youth and Sports Day August 30: Victory Day October 29: Republic Day • Religious Public Holidays: Kurban Bayram (Eid al Adha) Ramazan Bayram or Seker Bayram (Eid al Fitr) 86 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013 Working Hours • Government Offices Monday-Friday (8:30-12:30) , (13:30-17:30) Saturday-Sunday (closed) • Banks Monday-Friday (8:30-12-00) , (13:30-17:00) Saturday-Sunday (closed) • Shops Monday-Saturday (9:30-13:00) , (14:00-19:00) Sunday (closed) • İstanbul Covered Market Monday-Saturday (8:00-19:00) Sunday (closed) 87 Turkey Country Overview / July 2013
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