Big Sandy Independent School District Board of Trustees January
Big Sandy Independent School District Board of Trustees January
Notice of Addendum for the Regular Meeting of Big SandyIndependent SchoolDistrict Boardof Trustees January28,2008 1 . Considerappointmentof a boardsecretary. 2 . Consideroptionsfor fingerprintingof new employees. This noticepostedon January25,2008at 3:30p.m. For Big SandyISD Notice of RegularMeeting of Big SandyIndependentSchoolDistrict Boardof Trustees January28,2008 A regular meeting of the Board of Trusteesof the Big Sandy IndependentSchool District will be held on January28, 2008 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the BSISD Board ConferenceRoom at 9180 FM 1276, Dallardsville, Texas. If during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item of the agendashould be held in a closed meeting, the board ill conduct a closed meeting in accordancewith the Texas Open Meetings Act, Tex. Gov't Code, 551, SubchaptersD and E. The subjects to be discussedor consideredor upon which any formal action may be taken are as follows: (Items do not have to be taken in the same order as shown on the meeting notice.) 1. Declarationof quorum 2. Public Hearing on AEIS report 3. Public Comments 4. Consideration of minutes of previous meeting(s) 5. Review expendituresfor the month of December 6. Consider appointment of textbook committee 7. Considertax refund 8. Considerbudget amendment 9. ConsiderTASB policy Update 82 10. Considerschool board memberresignation,discusselection/appointmentof schoolboard member 11. Principal Reports A. Enrollment B. Attendance C. Activities D. Academics 12. Superintendent'sReport A. Tax Collections B. Transportation C. Facilities D. Lone Star E. Personnel 13.Adjourn to Executive SessionunderSection551.074lat.6252-17,2(g)land Section551.071Attorney Consultation,of the TexasOpen Meeting Act. To deliberate the appointment, employment, reassignment,duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. 14. Return to Open Session 15. Considersuperintendent'scontrhct 16. Adjourn This notice postedon January22,2008 at 3:30 p.m. For Big SandyISD Notice of RegularMeetingof Big SandyIndependent SchoolDistrict Boardof Trustees February25,2008 A regular meeting of the Board of Trusteesof the Big Sandy Independent School District will be held on February25,2008 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the BSISD Board ConferenceRoom at 9180 FM 1276, Dallardsville, Texas. I{ during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item of the agendashould be held in a closed meeting, the board ill conduct a closed meeting in accordancewith the Texas Open MeetingsAct, Tex. Gov't Code, 551, SubchaptersD and E. The subjectsto be discussedor consideredor upon which any formal action may be taken are as follows: (Items do not have to be taken in the same order as shown on the meeting notice.) Declaration of quorum Public Comments Considerationof minutes of previousmeeting(s) Review expendituresfor the month of January Considerappointmentto fill the vacancyon the school board, position #5 Considerbid for the sale of lots in Big Thicket Lake Estates Discuss purchaseof cafeteria software Discussthe 2008-2009schoolbudset Principal Reports A. Enrollment B. Attendance C. Activities D. Academics 10. Superintendent'sReport A. Tax Collections B. Transportation C. Facilities D. Lone Star E. Personnel 11. Adjourn to Executive Sessionunder Section 551.074lat. 6252-17,2(g)l and Section 551.07I Attomey Consultation,of the TexasOpen Meeting Act. To deliberatethe appointment, employment, reassignment,duties, discipline, or dismissalof a public officer or employee;or to hear a complaint or chargeagainst an officer or employee. 12. Return to Open Session 13. ConsiderPrincipalscontract 14. Adjourn This notice postedon February20,2008 at 3:30 p.m. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. For Big SandyISD Notice of Rescheduled RegularMeetingof Big SandyIndependent SchoolDistrict Boardof Trustees Febrnary28,2008 A regular neeting of the Board of Tt'usteesof the Big SandyIndependentSchool Dishict will be heid on February28,2008begirning at 6:30p.m. in theBSISD BoardConference Room at 9180FM 1276, Dallardsville,Texas. If, during the courseof the rneeting,discussionof any item of the agendashouldbe held in a closedmeeting,the board iil conducta closedrneetingin accordancewith the TexasOpen MeetingsAct, Tex. Gov't Code,551,Subchapters D andE. The subjectsto be discussed or considered or upon which auy formal action may be takenare as follows: (Itemsdo not have to be takenin the sameorder as shown on the meetingnotice.) Declarationof quorum Public Comments Considerationof minutesof previousmeeting(s) Review expendituresfor the month of January Considerappointmentto fiIl the vacancyon the schoolboard, position#5 Considerbid for the saleof lots in Big Thicket Lake Estates Discusspurchaseof cafeteriasoftware Discussthe 2008-2009schoolbudget PrincipalReports A. Enrollment B. Attendance C. Activities D. Academics 10. Superintendent'sReport A. Tax Collections B. Transportation C. Facilities D. Lone Star E. Personnel 11.Adjourn to ExecutiveSessionunderSection551.074lat. 6252-17,2(9)land Section551.07I Attomey Consultation,of the TexasOpenMeetingAct. To deliberatethe appointment,employment,reassignment, duties,discipline,or dismissalof a public officer or employee;or to heara complaintor chargeagainst an oflicer or employee. 12.Return to Open Session 13.ConsiderPrincipalscontract 14.Adjoum 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. For Big SandyISD Noticeof RegularMeetingof Big SandyIndependentSchoolDistrict Boardof Trustees May 19,2008 A regular meeting of the Board of Trusteesof the Big Sandy Independent School District will be held on May 19, 2008 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the BSISD Board ConferenceRoom at 9180 FM 1276, Dallardsville, Texas. If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item of the agendashould be held in a closed meeting, the board ill conduct a closed meeting in accordancewith the Texas Open Meetings Act, Tex. Gov't Code,551, SubchaptersD and E. The subjectsto be discussedor consideredor upon which any formal action may be taken are as follows: (Items do not have to be taken in the same order as shown on the meeting notice.) l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Declarationof quorum Public Comments Consideration of minutesof previousmeeting(s) Reviewexpendituresfor the monthof April Considerpurchaseof computerbasedcurriculum Considerlunch/breakfast pricesfor 2008-2009schoolyear Considerbudgetamendment ConsiderBuy Boardresolution Considertax refundsfor: PatriciaRuth Ray SpenikB R PrimaveraResources Inc. New Ace Ventures SchwabOil & GasLLC Unit PetroleumCompany(7 applications) 10.PrincipalReports A. Enrollment B. Attendance C. Activities D. Academics I l. Superintendent's Report A. Tax Collections B. Transportation C. Facilities D. Lone Star E. Personnel 12.Adjourn to ExecutiveSessionunderSection551.074[at. 6252-17,2(g)land, Section551.071AttorneyConsuitation, of the T'o deliberatethe appointment,employment,reassignment, duties,discipline,or dismissalof a public officer or employee;or to heara complaintor chargeagainst an officer or employee. 13.Return to Open Session 14.Considernew employeecontracts 15.Adjourn Thisnoticepostedon May 15,2008at 3:30p.m. For Big SandyISD Notice of SpecialMeeting of Big SandyIndependentSchoolDistrict Boardof Trustees May 28,2008 A regular meeting of the Board of Trusteesof the Big Sandy Independent School District will be held on May 28,2008 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the BSISD Board ConferenceRoom at 9180 FM 1276, Dallardsville, Texas. If, during the course of the meeting, discussionof any item of the agendashould be held in a closed meeting, the board ill conduct a closed meeting in accordancewith the Texas Open MeetingsAct, Tex. Gov't Code, 551, SubchaptersD and E. The subjectsto be discussedor consideredor upon which any formal action may be taken are as follows: (Items do not have to be taken in the same order as shown on the meeting notice.) 1 . Declaration of quorum 2 . Public Comments 3 . Adjourn to Executive Session 551.074 An executivesessionwill be held for the purposeof discussing personnel or to deliberateharing complaints againstpersonnel,or to deliberate the appointment,employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, desciplinecor dismissalof a public officer or employee. Discussion to determinethat a financial exigency and/or a program changerequires the dischargeof one or more employeesin accordancewith schoolboard policy. 551.071 An executivesessionwill be held for the purposeof having a private consultation with the Board's attorney, Wayne D. Haglund, for the purpose of discussingmatterswhere the duty of council to his client, pursuant to the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the StateBar of Texas, clearly conflicts with this Act. Discussion to determinethat a financial exigency and/or a program changerequires the dischargeof one or more employeesin accordancewith school board policy. 551.129 A governmentalbody may use a telephone conferencecall, video conferencecall, or communications over the internet to conduct a public consultation with its attorney in an open meeting of the governmental body or a private consultation with its attorney in a closed meeting of the governmentalbody. 4. Return to Open Session 5. Considerationandboardaction,if any,to determinethat financialexigency and/ora programchangerequiresthe dischargeof oneor moreemployeesin with the schooldistrict'spolicy. accordance 6. Adjourn This noticepostedon May 22,2008at 3:30p.m. For Big SandyISD Notice of SpecialMeetingof Big SandyIndependentSchoolDistrict Boardof Trustees June16.2008 A regular meeting of the Board of Trusteesof the Big Sandy Independent School District will be held on June 16, 2008 beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the BSISD Board ConferenceRoom at 9180 FM 1276, Dallardsville, Texas. If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item of the agendashould be held in a closed meeting, the board ill conduct a closed meeting in accordancewith the Texas Open Meetings Act, Tex. Gov't Code, 551, SubchaptersD and E. The subjects to be discussedor consideredor upon which any formal action may be taken are as follows: (Items do not have to be taken in the same order as shown on the meeting notice.) 1. Declaration of quorum 2. Public Comments 3. Adjourn to Executive Sessionfor Board Training (school finance) 55I.074 An executivesessionwill be held for the purposeof discussing personnel or to deliberateharing complaints againstpersonnel, or to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment,duties, discipline or dismissalof a public officer or employee. 551.071 An executivesessionwill be held for the purposeof having a private consultation with the Board's attorney, Wayne D. Haglund, for the purpose of discussingmatters where the duty of council to his client, pursuant to the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the StateBar of Texas. clearlv conflicts with this Act. 551.129 A governmentalbody may use a telephone conferencecall, video conferencecall, or communications over the internet to conduct a public consultation with its attorney in an open meeting of the governmental body or a private consultation with iG attorney in a closed meeting of the governmental body. 4. Return to Open Session 5. Adjourn This noticepostedon June 11,2008 at 3:30 p.m. For Big SandyISD Notice of RegularMeetingof SchoolDistrict Big SandyIndependent Boardof Trustees June16,2008 A regular meeting of the Board of Trusteesof the Big Sandy Independent School District will be held on June 16, 2008 beginningatT:30 p.m. in the BSISD Board ConferenceRoom at 9180 FM 1276, Dallardsville, Teias. If, during ih" "o.rtr" of the meeting, discussion of any item of the agendashould be held in a closed meeting, the board ill conduct a closed meeting in accordancewith the Texas Open Meetings Act, Tex. Gov't Code, 55 1, SubchaptersD and E. The subjectsto be discussedor consideredor .rpon *hi"h any formal action may be taken are as follows: (Items do not have to be taken in the same order as shown on the meeting notice.) Declarationof quorum Public Comments of minutesof previousmeeting(s) Consideration for the monthof May expenditures Review Considerbudgetamendment Considertax refundfor: TedR. Stadler Consideremployeeresignations PrincipalReports A. Enrollment B. Attendance C. Activities D. Academics RePort 9. Superintendent's A. Tax Collections B. Transportation C. Facilities D. Lone Star E. Personnel 10.Adjourn to ExecutiveSession 55t.074 An executivesessionwill be heldfor thepurposeof discussing personnelor to deliberateharingcomplaintsagainstpersonnel,or to duties, deliberatethe appointment,employment,evaluation,reassignment, or dismissalof a publicoffrceror employee. desciplinec 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Discussion to determine the employment areasto be affected by a reduction in force of current school employees. 551.071 An executivesessionwill be held for the purposeof having a private consultation with the Board's attorney, Wape D. Haglund, for the purpose of discussingmatters where the duty of council to his client, pursuant to the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the StateBar of Texas, clearly conflicts with this Act. Discussion to determine the employment areasto be affected by a reduction in force of current school employees. 551.129A governmentalbody may usea telephoneconferencecall, video overthe internetto conducta public conferencecall, or communications consultationwith its attorneyin an openmeetingof the governmental body or a privateconsultationwith its attorneyin a closedmeetingof the governmentalbody. 11.Return to Open Session 12.Considerboardaction,if any,to determinethe employmentareasto be affected by a reductionin force of currentschoolemployees. contracts 13.Considernew employeeandreassignment 14.Adjourn Thisnoticepostedon June11,2008at 3:30p.m. For Big SandyISD Notice of RegularMeeting of Big SandyIndependentSchoolDistrict Boardof Trustees Septemb er L7, 2007 A regular meeting of the Board of Trusteesof the Big Sandy Independent School District will be held on September17,2007 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the BSISD Board ConferenceRoom at 9180 FM 1276, Dallardsville, Texas. If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item of the agendashould be held in a closed meeting, the board ill conduct a closed meeting in accordancewith the Texas Open Meetings Act, Tex. Gov't Code, 551, SubchaptersD and E. The subjectsto be discussedor consideredor upon which any formal action may be taken are as follows: ( Items do not have to be taken in the same order as shown on the meeting notice.) Declarationof quorum Conducta public hearingon the FIRST rating Conducta publichearingon the goods-in-transit resolution PublicComments Consideration of minutesof previousmeeting(s) Reviewexpendituresfor the monthof August ConsiderRVAA policy ConsiderResolutionto nominatea candidateto the Polk CountyCentral AppraisalDistrict boardof directors 9. Consider"Goodsin Transit"taxingresolution 10.PrincipalReports A. Enrollment B. Attendance C. Activities D. Academics Report 11. Superintendent's A. Tax Collections B. Transportation C. Facilities D. Lone Star E. Personnel 12.Adjourn to ExecutiveSession underSection551.074lat. 6252-17,2(g)l and of the TexasOpenMeetingAct. To Section551.071AttorneyConsultation, deliberatethe appointment,employment,reassignment, duties,discipline,or public dismissalof a officer or employee;or to heara complaintor chargeagainst an officer or employee. 13.Return to Open Session 14.Adjourn l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Thisnoticepostedon September 12,2007at 3:30p.m. For Big SandyISD Notice of RegularMeeting of Big SandyIndependent SchoolDistrict Boardof Trustees October15.2007 A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Big Sandy Independent School District will be held on October 15,2007 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the BSISD Board ConferenceRoom at 9180 FI|d1276, Dallardsville, Texas. If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item of the agendashould be held in a closed meeting, the board ill conduct a closed meeting in accordancewith the Texas Open Meetings Act, Tex. Gov't Code, 551, SubchaptersD and E. The subjectsto be discussedor consideredor upon which any formal action may be taken are as follows: (Items do not have to be taken in the same order as shown on the meeting notice.) 1. Declarationof quorum 2. Public Comments 3. Considerationof minutes of previousmeeting(s) 4. Review expendituresfor the month of September 5. Considerpolicy update81 6. ConsiderTASB risk managementcontract 7. ConsiderRegionalDays school agreement 8. Considerclasssize waver application 9. ConsiderIndian Policies and Procedures "Highly 10. Review the Qualified TeacherReport" 11.PrincipalReports A. Enrollment B. Attendance C. Activities D. Academics I 2. Superintendent'sReport A. Tax Collections B. Transportation C. Facilities D. Lone Star E. Personnel 13.Adjourn to Executive SessionunderSection551.074lat.6252-17,2(g)land Section551.071Attorney Consultation,of the Texas Open Meeting Act. To deliberate the appointment, employment, reassignment,duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. 14. Return to Open Session 15.Adjourn This noticepostedon OctoberI0,2007 at 3:30 p.m. For Big SandyISD Notice of RegularMeeting of Big SandyIndependentSchoolDistrict Boardof Trustees November 19,2007 A regular meeting of the Board of Trusteesof the Big Sandy IndependentSchool District will be held on 19,2007 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the BSISD Blard Gnference Room at 9180 FM 1276, \oyem!e| Dallardsville, Texas. If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item of the agendashould be held in a closed meeting, the board ill conduct a closed meeting in accordancewith the TJxas open Meetings Act, Tex' Gov't Code,551, SubchaptersD and E. The subjectsto be discussed or consideredor upon which any formal action may be taken are as follows: (Items do not have to be taken in the same order as shown on the meeting notice.) 1. Declarationof quorum 2. PublicComments 3. Recognizethe CrossCountryteams 4. Consideration of minutesof previousmeeting(s) 5. Reviewexpenditures for the monthof October 6. ConsiderFinancialAudit Report 7. Considerbussafetyproject 8. considerPolk county AppraisalDistrictBoardof DirectorsBallot 9. ConsiderAdjunct FacultyAgreementwith the Polk CountyExtensionOffice 10.Discusswaterwell solutions I 1.PrincipalReports A. Enrollment B. Attendance C. Activities D. Academics I 2. Superintendent's Report A. Tax Collections B. Transportation C. Facilities D. Lone Star E. Personnel 13.Adjourn to ExecutiveSession underSection551.074}at.6252-17,2(g)land, Section55I.07I AttorneyConsultation, of the TexasOpenMeetingeli. 1.o deliberatethe appointment,employment,reassignment, duties,disc--ipline, or dismissalof a publicofficeror employee;or to against an officer or employee. 14.Return to Open Session 15.Adjourn Thisnoticepostedon November14,2007at3:30p.m. For Big SandyISD