Untitled - The Gilded Fork
Untitled - The Gilded Fork
The Gilded Fork: Entertaining at Home A Year of Dinner Parties by Jennifer Iannolo & Mark Tafoya Estimated Shipping Date: Early July 2009 To Purchase: http://bit.ly/GFCookbook or https://shop.gildedfork.com Price: $25.00 For the last 4 years youʼve followed our evolution from articles to recipes, podcasts and videos. Now, at last, we are going past your computer screens and ear buds with something you can actually hold in your hands! Signed copies of our new cookbook are now available for pre-order. With The Gilded Fork: Entertaining at Home - A Year of Dinner Parties, we invite you to throw open your doors to friends and loved ones — and offer them a seat at your table. And donʼt be afraid to ask them to help — that can be half the fun! With a bakerʼs dozen of dinner party menus ranging from casual summer fare to an elegant dinner for two, weʼve compiled colors, flavors and textures from our favorite recipes (along with some new ones!) to indulge your senses with the seasonal tastes that make us happy to be in the kitchen. Weʼve also included beverage pairings for each menu, and lots of helpful tips to help take your cooking to the next level. And in case you havenʼt heard, our friends have gotten in on the fun, too! Our readers and listeners helped us to photograph these recipes (some are right there on the cover) and test them extensively, ensuring that our instructions are clear and the recipes as close to fool-proof as possible. We believe entertaining should be fun and stress-free for all involved, so please feel free to invite us to dinner. We do dishes. Hand-signed copy. Price includes shipping. Order before July 31st and we will include a free download link to the full-color digital version of the book when it becomes available, as well as a discount code to send to your fellow food lovers to purchase a book for themselves! For cookbook orders outside the US, please contact us directly at [email protected] so we can assist you with placing an order. Shipping charges may apply. Table of Contents Introduction 8 Who We Are 8 How to Use This Book 9 A Note on Entertaining 9 A Note from the Chef 10 Ingredients and Methods 10 Special Equipment 11 Chef’s Notes 11 Dinner for Two 13 Shrimp & Avocado Canapés Pear & Prosciutto Salad with Toasted Walnuts 14 15 7UXIÀH/DFHG+HQV Poached Pears with Chocolate Raspberry Sauce Pairing Notes 18 Go Green 20 21 Avocado & Crab Timbales with Tobiko Roe Vinaigrette 22 Asparagus & Spinach Soup with Yuzu Custard 3LVWDFKLR&UXVWHG6DOPRQZLWK6KUHGGHG&DEEDJH%DLOH\¶V,ULVK&UHDP6DXFH 23 Green Tea & Orange Mousse Cake 27 Pairing Notes 30 Mardi Gras 31 Bon Temps Crab Cakes with Rémoulade 32 Mardi Gras Chicken & Andouille Gumbo 34 .LQJ&DNH Cafe Brulot 38 Pairing Notes 39 Spring Feast 41 0LQWHG3HD3XUpHLQ3XII3DVWU\9RODX9HQWV Spring Beet Soup 44 +HUE&UXVWHG5DFNRI/DPEZLWK*DUOLF6PDVKHG3RWDWRHV 5 Milk & Honey Lavender Sorbet 47 Pairing Notes 48 Mother’s Day 49 Fennel, Orange & Zereshk Salad with Fig Vincotto 50 Carrot & Ginger Soup 51 Sautéed Duck Breast with Green Peppercorn & Morel Cream Sauce 52 Lavender Pound Cake with Lemon Glaze 54 Pairing Notes 56 Father’s Day 57 Shrimp Ceviche 58 Salmorejo 59 Steak with Champagne-Braised Cippolini Onions & Sage Butter 60 Grilled Peaches with Cinnamon Sugar 62 Pairing Notes 63 Midsummer Night 65 Lobster, Mango & Jicama Summer Rolls Chilled Cucumber Mint Soup 66 2OLYH2LO3RDFKHG6DEOH¿VKZLWK&LWUXV7K\PH 68 7URSLFDO)UXLW6DODGZLWK7DUUDJRQ&UHDP Pairing Notes 73 Summer Picnic 75 Dilled Crab Salad on Artichoke Bottoms 76 Grilled Chicken Ciabatta Sandwiches with Roasted Pepper Duo 77 $SSOH%OXH&KHHVH7DUWLQHV Garlic Brittle Cookies 80 Pairing Notes 82 Birthday Celebration 83 $SSOH7XUQLS6RXSZLWK1XWPHJ&KHGGDU%UHDGVWLFNV Garlic-Studded Roast Beef with Rosemary Porcini Rub &KDPSDJQH*OD]HG&DXOLÀRZHU Champagne Sabayon with Roasted Strawberries 89 Pairing Notes 91 Harvest Celebration 93 Red & White Salad with Candied Pecans, Figs & Chèvre 6 86 94 Pumpkin Bisque 95 Seared Duck Breast with Figged Port Demi-Glace 96 Pumpkin Flan with Ancho Chile Brittle Pairing Notes Brunch 98 100 101 Mascarpone Omelets with Asparagus & Champagne Onions 102 Rosemary Corn Financiers 104 Caramelized Apple Bread Pudding 106 Additional Brunch Suggestions 108 Pairing Notes 109 Vegan Menu 111 Kohlrabi Salad 112 Borlotti Bean Soup 113 Asparagus Risotto 114 Blood Orange Granita 116 Pairing Notes 117 Holiday Menu 119 Silky Blue Cheese Soup 120 Bourbon Pork Loin Stuffed with Nuts & Dried Fruit 122 Potato, Mushroom & Fontina Casserole 124 Orange-Glazed Carrots with Madeira 126 Brussels Sprouts with Bacon 127 Fig Tart with Vanilla Pastry Cream 128 Pairing Notes 130 Authors 132 Additional Contributors 132 Photo Credits 133 Acknowledgments 134 About Our Company 137 Our Audio & Video Programs 137 7 Introduction ,Q FUDIWLQJ RXU ¿UVW FRRNERRN ZH ZDQWHG WR ZKROHKHDUWHGO\ H[SUHVV RXU SKLORVRSK\ WR celebrate the sensual pleasures of food while reinforcing that sensual does not have to mean expensive or complicated. After all, there is decadence to be found in the verdant hue of something as seemingly ordinary as a sprig of mint. Most importantly, we wanted the experience to be fun — for us and for you. We like to approach life and cooking with a dash of humor and a pinch of cheekiness, and prefer to think of entertaining as an adventure. For us, love and happiness are the key ingredients to a successful gathering, so we like to leave stress at the door (and perhaps make a cocktail while we’re in the kitchen). A couple of years ago, we created a Mise en Place section on what was then our online PDJD]LQH7KH*LOGHG)RUN7KH¿UVWREMHFWLYHZDVWRSURYLGHDWXWRULDORQFRRNLQJXVLQJ UHFLSHVWKDWKLJKOLJKWHGFRORUÀDYRUDQGWH[WXUHSOXVRIIHUVXJJHVWLRQVRQZLQHSDLULQJV and service to take some of the stress out of the process. Our secondary goal was to teach people how to cook with the “mental mouth” — that OLWWOH YRLFH LQVLGH WKDW JHWV H[FLWHG ZKHQ \RX WKLQN DERXW FHUWDLQ ÀDYRU FRPELQDWLRQV ,Q essence, we wanted people to think like a chef when stepping into the kitchen. In this book, we’ve taken our favorite menus from that section, tested and re-tested them, and added a few new ones. With 13 menus, this baker’s dozen covers a broad range of occasions, from a romantic dinner to Father’s Day and birthday celebrations. Who We Are If you are new to us, and have discovered us via this book, Chef Mark and I are the co-founders of Culinary Media Network®, home of WKH*LOGHG)RUNDVZHOODVDXGLRDQGYLGHRSURJUDPPLQJIURPRXUIRRGDGYHQWXUHVDURXQGWKHJOREH:HFUHDWHGWKHZRUOG¶V¿UVWDOO food podcast channel, and have taken full advantage of the incredible reach of new media and technology to share our explorations. Speaking of new media, this cookbook is an example of the power of online communities. When we were ready to test and photograph our recipes, we reached out via Twitter and Facebook to ask our readers, listeners and friends to help us — and within 24 hours had a team of 40 people ready to head into the kitchen with knives and cameras. Most of the photos you see on these pages are from that intrepid group, and we are amazed at what we were able to achieve in a very short period of time. You will see everyone listed in the acknowledgments section at the end of the book. $WWKHFRUHRIRXUJURXSLVDWHDPWKDWKDVVSHQWPDQ\\HDUVWRJHWKHULQMRLQWFHOHEUDWLRQRIRXULQGLYLGXDOSDVVLRQVZKLFKKDYHPHOGHG into what we see as a tasty smörgåsbord of talents. Their full bios appear at the end of the book, but we wanted to salute and thank them here before we get cookin’. Monica Glass, our Pastry Princess, created most of the dessert recipes in the book, Lenn Thompson crafted the beverage pairing sections for each menu, and Kelly Cline has provided us with stunning, inspirational food photos from the beginning, whether for this book or our web site. Unless otherwise noted, the recipes in this book are by Chef Mark, and the layout, overall editing and much of the text is by yours truly. Photo: Kelly Cline 8 How to Use This Book OK, this is important, so highlight and underline it: We’d like you to think of this book as a guideline. Yes, we’ve created menus and recipes with particular combinations in mind, but don’t take our word as gospel. If you think two dishes from different menus will work together, go ahead and put them together. Pull some recipes from one and some from another, substitute beer for wine, riff on our ingredients — and play with your food! (If you plan on having a ridiculous amount of fun, please call us.) Each menu is designed to capture what we think is the best in seasonal offerings, which Chef Mark addresses in his Note from the Chef, but we realize those offerings might be limited in your part of the world. Again, think in terms of guidelines. Beverage pairings are listed with every menu, so we’ve tried to take the guesswork out of that portion of entertaining, which can sometimes be the most stressful. Where applicable, we’ve offered wine pairings by varietal and region, and encourage you to take those suggestions to your local wine store, along with your menu, to get their recommendations. Wine merchants spend their lives tasting, so they are an invaluable resource — don’t be afraid to use them! A Note on Entertaining (QWHUWDLQLQJVHHPVWREHDW¿UVWJODQFHRQHRIWKRVHWKLQJVDWZKLFKSHRSOHUHDOO\H[FHODQGKDQGOHZLWKHDVHRUVRPHWKLQJWRZKLFK they aspire, but then break out in hives when thinking about all the details. I encourage — nay, order — you to leave your stress at the door. We hope you are opening that door to friends and family because you love them, so keep that in mind if something goes awry. If Julia Child can drop an omelet on live television and still handle it with aplomb, then surely you can refrain from a meltdown if you scorch the soup. The world will not implode, and you can always open another bottle of wine. We are good cooks because we’ve made lots of mistakes, and while we’ve tried to make these menus fool-proof, things happen. 5HPHPEHUWRDSSURDFKLWDOOLQDQGSHUKDSVZLWKJRRGVSLULWVDQGWU\WRHQMR\WKHSURFHVV Now, if you are really a planner, thus forever endearing yourself to me, there is a section on our web site that provides printable to-do and shopping lists to help you with the process. Go to http://www.culinarymedianetwork.com/entertaining for suggestions on décor, guest LQYLWDWLRQVSODQQLQJ\RXUZRUNÀRZHWF:HZLOOFRQWLQXHWRXSGDWHWKLVVHFWLRQZLWKYDOXDEOHWLSVDQGLQYLWH\RXWROHDYHFRPPHQWVDQG questions so we can help you. )LQDOO\VLQFHPDQ\SHRSOHDUHZHDWKHULQJWKHSUHVHQWHFRQRP\E\VWD\LQJLQLQVWHDGRIGLQLQJRXWZHUHDOL]HRXUVXEMHFWLVWLPHO\ +RZHYHUIRUXVWKDWZDVPRUHFRLQFLGHQFHWKDQDQ\WKLQJHOVH:HDOZD\VSUHIHUWRLQYLWHIULHQGVLQWKDQWRJRRXWDQG¿QGWKDWMXVW about everyone ends up in the kitchen with us by the end of the night. In those moments, we are sharing nourishment not only for the body, but also for the soul. There is a reason why, before the advent of written language, ancient civilizations broke bread to seal contracts and celebrate the most precious moments in life. By nourishing others we replenish ourselves, and I think we can all use a spoonful of that elixir from time to time. My hat is off to you, fellow cook. Please don’t call me late for dinner. Jennifer Iannolo 9 Sample Menu & Recipes Mother’s Day 7KRXJK0RPXVHGWREHVDWLV¿HGZLWKPXGSLHVQRZWKDW\RX¶UHDOOJURZQXS\RXFDQJLYHKHUVRPHWKLQJPRUH HOHJDQWZLWKWKLVEHDXWLIXO\HWVLPSOHGLQQHUPHQX:LWKYLYLGFRORUVEULJKWÀDYRUVDQGVLPSOHSUHSDUDWLRQWKLV menu is a sure winner. This way, she can relax with a glass of wine while you get supper on the table — and you can spoil her for a change. Photos: Andrea Meyers, Mark Tafoya 49 Fennel, Orange & Zereshk Salad with Fig Vincotto Crispy fennel makes for a great salad. The licorice taste is a great pairing with the sweetness of the oranges and the tangy sourness of ]HUHVKNZKLFKDUHGULHGEHUULHVPXFKOLNHUHGFXUUDQWV7KLVGLVKLVDERXWWH[WXUHDQGWKHLQWHUSOD\RIVZHHWDQGWDQJ\ÀDYRUV 4 servings Ingredients 2 large fennel bulbs, sliced very thin Juice of 1 lemon 1 tablespoon olive oil 3 large oranges, supremed 4 tablespooons zereshk, or dried barberries Salt and pepper Fig Vincotto Parsley sprigs, for garnish Preparation Place the zereshk or barberries in a bowl and pour in a little of the vincotto to reconstitute. Supreme the oranges: 8VLQJ D VKDUS NQLIH FXW RII WKH WRS DQG ERWWRP RI WKH RUDQJHV XQWLO WKH ÀHVK is exposed. Next, run the knife down the sides, removing the peel and pith (the ZKLWHSDUWH[SRVLQJDOORIWKHÀHVK2QFHWKHSHHOKDVEHHQHQWLUHO\UHPRYHGXVH the segments as a guide, cutting the segments out of the orange and leaving the membrane between them. Set the supremed segments aside in a bowl. Prepare the fennel salad: Remove the root end and tops of the fennel bulbs. Using a mandoline or a sharp knife, slice the fennel bulbs as thinly as possible. Place the fennel slices in a bowl DQG WRVV ZLWK WKH OHPRQ MXLFH DQG ROLYH RLO$GG VDOW DQG SHSSHU WR WDVWH DQG WRVV gently. Marinate at room temperature for ½ an hour to several hours. Service When ready to serve, mound ¼ of the fennel in a bowl or salad plate, and arrange the orange segments in a circle around the plate. Use a slotted spoon to remove the barberries from the vincotto, reserving the vincotto. Mound a tablespoon of the barberries in the center of the salad, and drizzle the remaining vincotto over the salad. Garnish with parsley sprigs and serve. Photo: Mark Tafoya 50 Zereshkk is the Persian name for barberries, a tangy, red berry that grows on thorny shrubs (and often the bane of farmers because of their tenacious root structure). They are similar to red currants, which can EHVXEVWLWXWHGEXWLW¶VZRUWK¿QGLQJ the zereshk, since they have a GLVWLQFWLYHVRXUÀDYRU7KH\DUHVROG in dry form in Persian and Middle Eastern stores. Vincotto is a thick syrupy vinegar made from the boiled must of grapes that have been dried on the vine and barrel aged for over IRXU\HDUV$JDLQLW¶VZRUWK¿QGLQJ the real thing, which is now widely sold in specialty gourmet stores, but a suitable substitute would be a GHHSO\ ÀDYRUHG IUXLWHG YLQHJDU WKDW you have reduced on the stove until it becomes syrupy. Carrot & Ginger Soup 7KLVUHFLSHLVH[FHHGLQJO\VLPSOH\RXFDQSUHSDUHLWLQDGYDQFHDQGVHUYHLWDVWKH¿UVWFRXUVHRIDGLQQHUSDUW\7KHÀDYRUSUR¿OHZLOOEH perfect for stimulating the appetite for the rest of this late Spring meal. The advantage of this recipe is that it can be served year-round, HLWKHUZDUPLQWKHFROGPRQWKVRUFKLOOHGLQWKH6SULQJRU6XPPHU,WDOVRIUHH]HVZHOOVR\RXFDQNHHSLWIRUWKRVHFROG:LQWHUQLJKWV 4 servings Ingredients 1 medium onion, diced 1 teaspoon olive oil 1 tablespoon maple syrup 1 tablespoon honey 1 tablespoon ginger root, grated 1 cup carrot, peeled and chopped 3 cups vegetable stock 1 small sweet potato, peeled and diced 1 teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon black pepper ¼ teaspoon thyme, dried ¼ teaspoon garlic clove, minced Preparation Heat a deep saucepan or soup pot over medium heat and add the olive oil. Sauté the diced onion until it becomes translucent, about 5-8 minutes. Sweat the onions, being careful not to caramelize them. Add the maple syrup, honey and ginger to the pot, and stir thoroughly until combined. Continue to cook until the onions begin to turn a lovely shade of golden brown, about 10 minutes longer. Add all the remaining ingredients, stir to combine. Cover and simmer for another 10 minutes until the carrots are soft. Cool slightly. Strain off about half the cooking liquid into a separate bowl and reserve. Purée the solids and the remaining liquid with an immersion blender, or in batches in a food processor. Return the purée to the pot, add back the reserved cooking liquid a little at a time until the soup reaches the desired consistency, and heat through. Serve warm or chilled. 3KRWR.HQ6WRHIÀHU 51 Sautéed Duck Breast with Green Peppercorn & Morel Cream Sauce Morilles à la crème is a classic French preparation found in Périgord and Lyon. Here we update the sauce by adding tangy pickled green peppercorns, and pairing the sauce with a simple sautéed magret de canard. The magret is a portion of the breast of the duck with the skin and underlying layer of fat still intact. The Barbary duck is traditionally fattened for foie gras, and the breasts make for an especially rich and tasty dish. Despite the fancy sounding names, this dish is fairly straightforward and will really impress your guests. 4 servings Ingredients 4 6-8 ounce boneless duck breasts, skin intact (or 2 larger duck breasts, 8 ounces per person) 2 tablespoons unsalted butter or goose fat Kosher salt and pepper For the sauce: 8 ounces fresh morels, or 2 ounces dried morels 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided use WDEOHVSRRQOHPRQMXLFH VKDOORW¿QHO\PLQFHG 1 tablespoon green peppercorns plus 1 tablespoon of brine ¼ cup dry white wine ¾ cup heavy cream Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste Preparation Sauté the duck breasts: Lightly season the duck breasts with salt and pepper. In a heavy-bottomed sauté pan, melt the butter or heat the goose fat over medium high heat, and brown the duck breasts with the skin side down. You may want to lightly score the skin to help UHQGHUWKHIDWEHLQJFDUHIXOQRWWRFXWDOOWKHZD\WKURXJKWRWKHÀHVK2QFHWKH\DUH golden brown and the skin has crisped nicely, turn them over and reduce the heat, cooking the other side. Cook for an additional 12-15 minutes, or until done. Tent with foil and keep warm in a 200° F oven while you prepare the sauce. Prepare the sauce: &OHDQ WKH PRUHOV ,I XVLQJ GULHG PRUHOV ¿UVW UHK\GUDWH WKHP LQ ô FXS KRW ZDWHU 6RDN IRU PLQXWHV WKHQ GUDLQ DQG IROORZ WKH instructions for fresh morels. If using fresh morels, wash them under running water and dry thoroughly with paper towels. If the morels are large, cut them in half. If they are small, leave them whole. Photo: Mark Tafoya 52 Use 1 tablespoon of the rendered cooking fat from the duck breasts, or melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a separate sauté pan over medium heat and add the minced shallots and morels, along with salt and pepper, to taste. Sauté for a few minutes until the shallots DUH WUDQVOXFHQW DQG WKH PRUHOV EHJLQ WR VRIWHQ WKHQ DGG WKH OHPRQ MXLFH ZKLWH ZLQH JUHHQ SHSSHUFRUQV DQG WKHLU EULQH UHSODFH 1 tablespoon of liquid with some soaking liquid, if using reconstituted morels), and braise the morels for about 5 minutes. Add the heavy cream to the pan and reduce until the sauce thickens. Remove from the heat and mount the sauce with additional cold butter, if QHFHVVDU\DQGDGMXVWIRUVHDVRQLQJZLWKVDOWDQGSHSSHUWRWDVWH Service Remove the duck breasts from the oven and place on warmed plates. Spoon the sauce over the duck breasts, being sure to distribute the morels and peppercorns evenly amongst the plates. Serve immediately. Variations The morels in cream can be used to sauce any meat: veal scallopini, pork loin, beef tenderloin, or chicken breast. 7KH VDXFH FDQ DOVR EH FRPELQHG ZLWK PL[HG VDXWpHG YHJHWDEOHV DQG XVHG WR ¿OO D YRODXYHQW VKHOO7KLV LV NQRZQ DV D YHJHWDEOH MDORXVLH6HHRXUUHFLSHIRUMinted Pea Purée (p. 41) for the technique for making a puff pastry shell. Testing for Doneness The duck breasts should register 155-160° F on a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the PHDW%HVXUHWRLQVHUWWKHWKHUPRPHWHUEHWZHHQWKHVNLQDQGÀHVKVRDVQRWWRSLHUFHWKHVNLQ7KHGXFN will continue to cook while resting in the warm oven, so be careful not to overcook. Morels Because of their hollow body and distinctive arched cap, morels are the perfect hiding place for little critters of the forest, who love morels as much as we do. It’s important to clean them thoroughly to avoid adding any unwanted additional “protein” to the meal. If soaking dried morels, do so before preparing the duck EUHDVWVVRDVQRWWRWKURZRIIWKHWLPLQJRIWKHGLVK<RXFDQGUDLQWKHVRDNLQJOLTXLGXVLQJDFRIIHH¿OWHU WRUHPRYHWKHJULWDQGXVHWKLVÀDYRUIXOOLTXLGWRHQULFKDVWRFNRUVDXFH Serving Tip This dish would be lovely with steamed turned baby vegetables. 53 Lavender Pound Cake with Lemon Glaze ,W¶VDPD]LQJKRZDVLQJOHIRRGSRVVHVVHVWKHSRZHUWRWUDQVSRUWDSHUVRQWRHFVWDV\DQGWKLVOX[XULRXVUHFLSHLVRQHVXFKH[DPSOH RIWKLVVZHHWEOLVV7UDGLWLRQDOO\PDGHZLWKRQHSRXQGHDFKRIÀRXUVXJDUEXWWHUDQGHJJVSRXQGFDNHVDUHDPRQJWKHVLPSOHVWRI FDNHVEXWWKH\UHTXLUHSUHFLVLRQDQGFDUHIXOWHFKQLTXHWRDFKLHYHDGHQVHULFKQHVV\HWUHPDLQOLJKWDQGÀXII\%DODQFLQJMXVWWKHULJKW VZHHWQHVVWRWKHSHUIHFWWDUWQHVVODYHQGHUDQGOHPRQWRJHWKHUDUHSXUHKHDYHQ:HORYHWKHEROWRIODYHQGHUWKDWVZHHWO\VXUSULVHV your senses in this refreshing cake. 12 miniature cakes Ingredients For the cake: òFXSVVLIWHGDOOSXUSRVHÀRXU 1½ teaspoons baking powder ½ teaspoon salt 1 cup butter, room temperature 2 cups sugar 4 eggs 2 egg yolks Finely grated zest of 1 lemon WDEOHVSRRQVIUHVKOHPRQMXLFH 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 tablespoons dried lavender, coarsely crushed or ground ¾ cup buttermilk, room temperature For the sugar glaze: 2 cups powdered sugar, sifted 3 tablespoons heavy cream WDEOHVSRRQOHPRQMXLFH Finely grated zest of 1 lemon Special Equipment (6) 2-cup mini Bundt® pans or (1) 12-cup Bundt® pan Preparation Generously grease Bundt® SDQVZLWKEXWWHURUQRQVWLFNFRRNLQJVSUD\DQGGXVWOLJKWO\ZLWKÀRXUNQRFNLQJRXWH[FHVV'RQRWSUHKHDW oven. 6SULQNOHWKHODYHQGHULQWRWKHEXWWHUPLONDQGOHWVLWIRUPLQXWHV6LIWWKHÀRXUEDNLQJSRZGHUDQGVDOWWRJHWKHU6HWDVLGH Recipe: Monica Glass, Photo: Andrea Meyers 54 %HDWWKHEXWWHULQWKHERZORIDQHOHFWULFPL[HU¿WWHGZLWKWKHSDGGOHDWWDFKPHQWRQPHGLXPVSHHGXQWLOFUHDP\DERXWVHFRQGV *UDGXDOO\ DGG WKH JUDQXODWHG VXJDU DQG FRQWLQXH EHDWLQJ XQWLO OLJKW DQG ÀXII\ DERXW PLQXWHV VWRSSLQJ WKH PL[HU RFFDVLRQDOO\ WR scrape down the sides of the bowl using a rubber spatula. Then beat in the eggs one at a time, beating only until incorporated after each DGGLWLRQ0L[LQWKH]HVWOHPRQMXLFHDQGYDQLOOD 0L[LQWKHÀRXUPL[WXUHDQGEXWWHUPLONDOWHUQDWHO\VWDUWLQJDQGHQGLQJZLWKWKHÀRXU%HDWWKH¿QDODGGLWLRQRQO\XQWLOVPRRWK'RQRW over-mix. 6SRRQWKHEDWWHULQWRHDFKFXS¿OOLQJLWRQO\ôIXOODQGGLVWULEXWLQJLWHYHQO\EHWZHHQWKH%XQGW® cups. Tap each pan several times on the counter to eliminate air bubbles and level the tops. Place both pans in the cold oven and turn the oven to 325° F. Bake for 30-35 minutes until the tops (which will eventually become the cake bottoms) are risen and golden. Let the cakes cool in the pans for about 30 minutes, then run a thin knife around outer edge of each cake to loosen and unmold by inverting the pan over onto a wire rack. The cakes will be right-side-up at this point. Prepare the glaze: &RPELQHWKHSRZGHUHGVXJDUKHDY\FUHDPDQGOHPRQMXLFHLQDVPDOOERZO6WLUZLWKDUXEEHUVSDWXODXQWLOWKHJOD]HLVVPRRWKDQGRI drizzling consistency. Spoon the glaze over the top of each slightly cooled cake, letting some run down unevenly on the sides. Zest the lemon over the tops of the glaze and serve. When preparing the Bundt® pan for baking, thoroughly JUHDVH DQG ÀRXU WKH PROGV WR HQVXUH WKH FDNH ZLOO release easily from the pan. :KHQDUHFLSHFDOOVIRUVLIWHGÀRXULWPHDQVVLIWWKHÀRXU then measure for accurate results. This recipe calls for six 2-cup mini Bundt® pans to make lovely Spring gifts, but feel free to use whatever size pan you desire, as this cake bakes well in a variety of pans – two 8½ x 4½ x 2½-inch loaf pans or one larger 10 x 3½- inch Bundt® SDQ -XVW EH VXUH WR DGMXVW WKH baking time to suit, as the larger pans will take a bit longer. Do not open the oven until at least 30 minutes into baking so your cakes will not fall. Wrapped in plastic or aluminum foil, the cakes will keep for 3-5 days at room temperature and for up to 3 months in the freezer. Photo: Mary Jane Curry 55 Pairing Notes Fennel, Orange & Zheresk Salad with Fig Vincotto Varietal: Sauvignon Blanc Reasoning: 6DXYLJQRQ%ODQFLVDOZD\VDSDLUIRUFLWUXV\KHUEDOVDODGVEHFDXVHWKHLUÀDYRUSUR¿OHVDUHRIWHQVLPLODUDQGWKHLUFULVSQHVV FDQVWDQGXSWRWKHDFLGLW\LQFLWUXVIUXLW$6DXYLJQRQ%ODQFZLWKOLJKWRDNQRWHVZLOOVKRZDGXVWLQJRIVZHHWVSLFHWRWKH¿QLVKHGZLQH ²WKHLGHDOFRPSOHPHQWWRWKH¿JYLQFRWWR Carrot & Ginger Soup Varietal: Gewurtztraminer Reasoning: Any time a recipe calls for ginger, we reach for a bottle of Gewurtz, which literally means “spicy” in German. Rich and ripe ZLWKVWRQHIUXLWDQGSLQHDSSOHÀDYRUVEXWUDF\ÀRUDODQGPLQHUDOO\FULVSDWWKHVDPHWLPHLWFRPSOHPHQWVDQGHQKDQFHVWKLVÀDYRUIXO spicy-sweet soup. Duck Breast with a Green Peppercorn and Morel Cream Sauce Varietal: Cool Climate Merlot Reasoning: Pinot Noir might seem the more classic pairing, but a medium-bodied, cool-climate Merlot, with its smooth, well-integrated tannins, red plum and cherry fruit character and subtle earthiness will take this hearty dish to new heights. /DYHQGHU3RXQG&DNHZLWK/HPRQ*OD]H 9DULHWDO/DWH+DUYHVWRU,FH6W\OH:LQH Reasoning:7U\WR¿QGDGHVVHUWZLQHWKDWLVULFKXQFWXRXVDQGFRPSOH[²DOOZLWKD]LQJRISDODWHFOHDQVLQJDFLGLW\7KDWDFLGLW\LVWKH key here — so we’d reach for a late harvest Riesling or Ice Wine made with Riesling. 56