October 21, 2015
October 21, 2015
PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID The Roundup (406) 433-3306 or 1-800-749-3306 Fax (406) 433-4114 e-mail address: [email protected] www.roundupweb.com %XVLQHVV2IÀFH /RFDWHGDW:HVW0DLQ 6LGQH\07 0DLOLQJ$GGUHVV P.O. Box 1207 6LGQH\07 Wednesday, October 21, 2015 Volume 41 • Number 36 Respect Your Community October 27 6WXGHQWV3DUHQWV*UDQGSDUHQWV%XVLQHVV2ZQHUV0DQDJHUVDQG(YHU\RQHLQ5LFKODQG&RXQW\0RUH %\-DQHWWH0F&ROOXP )LQDOO\WKHH[FLWLQJPRPHQWLVQHDU«ZHGLGQ·WTXLWHUHDFK our funding goal but we feel this event is so important to the students and everyone in our community that we do not want to charge anyone to come! The entire day will now be FREE to everyone. The day begins at 1:00pm at Sidney High School Gymnasium with Judge Greg Mohr as the host, introducing Dr. Gary Dale, former State of Montana Medical Examiner and Kat 3HUNLQVD WRS ÀYH ZLQQHU RI6HDVRQ RI´7KH 9RLFHµ WDNLQJ stage to visit with students from grades 6-12 until 3:15pm. A community meal will also be prepared by Judge Greg Mohr and served at 4:30pm at the school cafeteria. For the evening VHVVLRQLWLVÀUVWFRPHÀUVWVHUYHIRUVHDWLQJ6HFXULW\ZLOOEH tight and the doors will open at 5:30pm Tuesday, October 27th IRU'U*DU\'DOH·VPHVVDJHWRWKHFRPPXQLW\DQGDPLQXWH concert by Kat Perkins of Season 6 of “The Voice”. This entire event was created to spread the message about drug usage to not only the students during the National Red Ribbon Week, but to an entire community! Education on drug usage and an empowerment message is the most important thing we can bring to a community. It all started when one of our very astute retired business RZQHUV.D\)XONHUVRQVWHSSHGLQWR&KHFNHUV·RIÀFHZLWKKHU Wall Street Journal in hand and asked if she could see me. I FDPHXSIURQWDQGWKHÀUVWWKLQJVKHVDLGZKHQVKHVDZPH was, “Have you seen this?” I thought maybe she was referring to the latest statistical report put out by Dr. Barry Sample at Quest Diagnostics, but I thought I would ask. And yes…it was all about the new statisWLFV7RUHOLYHWKHTXRWH«,QRQH\HDUWKHVWDWLVWLFVKDYHJRQH IURPWRLQGUXJWHVWVLQWKHZRUNSODFH American workers are increasingly testing positive for workforce drug use across almost all workforce categories. Normally the rise has been in prescription drug positivity rates, but now it VHHPVLOOLFLWGUXJXVHLVRQWKHULVH$QXSVXUJHLQPDULMXDQD cocaine, and methamphetamine drive the second consecutive year of increases in the positivity rate for drug tests, suggesting DSRWHQWLDOUHYHUVDOLQDGHFDGHV·ORQJGHFOLQHLQZRUNIRUFHGUXJ use. I did tell Kay that I was aware of the new statistics. She said to me, “What do you do about this?” I said, “Well, normally all we can do is uphold the integrity of the drug testing process and WU\WREXVWWKHPVRWKHHPSOR\HUVGRQ·WKDYHWRKDYHDSRVLWLYH worker on their workforce”. Kay said, “So, what ARE you going to do about this?” I said, “I am not sure”. Ever since Checkers began testing, 11 years ago this last February, the positives in the workforce have been on the rise. We always review the statistics every year showing the locations of the positives, which drugs are the most prevalent and which workforce trades are being affected the most. I am in constant DZHRIKRZPXFKLWFKDQJHVHYHU\\HDUEXWLWLVGLIÀFXOWWRWU\ DQG ÀJXUH RXW KRZ WR GR VRPHWKLQJ DERXW WKLV HYHU JURZLQJ epidemic. I had always wished that it would be easy to educate a community! If it were, I would have done something long ago. 6R\HVLWLVYHU\GLIÀFXOWZDVDUHFRUG\HDUIRU&KHFNHUV all around. We conducted a total of 33,416 tests where 23,244 ZHUHGUXJWHVWVZHUHDOFRKROWHVWVDQGZHUHKDLU tests. We had 68 people that decided to NO SHOW for their WHVWVSHRSOHUHIXVHGWRWHVWDQGSHRSOHZHQWWKURXJK with a direct observation test for bringing in either a “cold or hot” specimen from someone else or something unusual took place. In June of this year when the Statistical Report was put out by Quest Diagnostics, Checkers was already 275 tests ahead of ODVW\HDU·VUHFRUGVDQGRXWRIGUXJWHVWVZHDOUHDG\KDG 17 NO SHOWS, 24 people had refused to test, and 24 people went through with a direct observation. I knew we needed someone that could be a heavy hitter, someone that could make us all think before we decide to go down that path. I went home, visited with my husband, Michael McCollum from Fulkerson-Stevenson Funeral Home, Funeral Director and Deputy Coroner for Richland County and told him what had taken place. I said, “I really would like to do something EHFDXVH LW LV JHWWLQJ VR EDG LQ DOO RI RXU RIÀFHV DOZD\V ZLWK VRPHVRUWRIDQHSLVRGHWDNLQJSODFHVR,FDQ·WLPDJLQHZKDW is happening in the schools”. I knew that he had taken courses from the State Medical Examiner and those courses have had TXLWHDQLPSDFWRQZKDWKHKDVVHHQZLWKSHRSOHXVLQJGUXJV and death. I asked him if one of his former trainers, Dr. Gary Dale, could make an impact on our kids, parents, grandparents, business owners and everyone in the community. He said, “If anyone can do it, he could!” Then, to follow with Kat Perkins from Season 6 of “The Voice”, who has been sharing her empowerment message to students all over North Dakota and in 0LQQHVRWDKHWKRXJKWLWZRXOGZRUN,ZHQWWRP\RIÀFHDQG proposed it to my staff and they were all on board. My next visit was to Judge Greg Mohr, as I needed to know if our community ZDVIDFLQJWKHVDPHWKLQJVDVZHZHUHDQG\HVKHFRQÀUPHG P\VXVSLFLRQVDQGVDLGOHW·VGRLW So here we are today, giving every bit of energy we can in trying to reach an entire community, teach them about drug XVDJHDQGZKDWZHDUHIDFLQJLIZHGRQ·WGRVRPHWKLQJDERXW this epidemic that is not only hitting our community, but everywhere! The only way we can walk through trouble and not be defeated is by keeping our focus on our good Lord Almighty and His purpose. He has promised to do good work in our lives, but sometimes the only way He can complete it is in valleys of KDUGVKLS 3OHDVH JDWKHU \RXU IDPLO\ WRJHWKHU DQG OHW·V DOO GR something about it right here, right now, in the City of Sidney, in Richland County, and throughout our great State of Montana! &RXQWGRZQWR Respect Your Community Richland County Comes Together 6 Days Dr. Gary Dale 2015 Christmas Story Stroll & Parade Of Lights %\0DULVVD(EHUOLQJ The Sidney area Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture is excited to kick off the Christmas season with the 2015 Christmas Story Stroll & Parade of Lights. Family and friends of all ages are asked to participate in the festivities that we will be putting on in our area. We will start things off on Sat., Nov. 28 on East Main Street from 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. for our Christmas Stroll. We will have food and beverage vendors, and great holiday shopping in our retail stores. Stop in and get out of the cold at the &KLOGUHQ·V&DUQLYDOORFDWHGLQWKH9LOODJH6TXDUH0DOO7KLVLV hosted by the Sidney High School BPA. 7KLVIDPLO\ÀOOHGHYHQWGRHVQ·WMXVWVWDUWDQGHQGRQ(DVW Main but goes down Central Avenue as well. Stroll on down to the Restorx building to taste chilis that are in the Holiday Chili Cook Off. If you have a sweet tooth, you can stop there as well to decorate some holiday cookies. The Centre Theatre will be showing a free matinee of the Christmas Story starting at 1 p.m. After the movie, everyone is encouraged to head on over to the Richland County Public /LEUDU\IRUSLFWXUHVZLWK0U0UV&ODXV'RQ·WIRUJHWWRVWRS on over at the MonDak Heritage Center to view the Boys & Girls Club Parade of Trees. The live auction will take place at 6 p.m. As the night gets dark, the Parade of Lights will take place at 7 p.m. Please conclude your evening with us as we light up WKHVWUHHWVZLWKIHVWLYHÁRDWVDQGZLVKHYHU\RQH+DSS\+ROLGD\V Mr. & Mrs. Claus will end the evening by handing out candy to all the children. If your business is interested in donating candy, SOHDVHFRQWDFWWKH&KDPEHURIÀFHDW Older Adults Encouraged to Attend Stepping On Falls Prevention Program in Watford City %\0DUFLD+HOODQGVDDV Are you an older adult who is perhaps afraid of falling, has fallen or is at risk of falling? If so, you will want to attend “Stepping On,” a community-based seven-week program starting 0RQ 2FW DQG FRQWLQXLQJ RQ 0RQGD\V WR 1RY Each class will kick off with an optional noon meal at Outlaws Bar and Grill in Watford City. Sessions will follow at 12:30 p.m. WRSPDW2XWODZV3UHUHJLVWUDWLRQLVUHTXHVWHGSULRUWR DWWHQGLQJ3OHDVHFRQWDFWWKH0F.HQ]LH&RXQW\([WHQVLRQ2IÀFH at 701-444-3451 or e-mail [email protected] or contact Kathy Skarda at First International Bank at 701-842-2381 at your earliest convenience to express interest in this series. Stepping On is an evidence-based program that empowers older adults to carry out healthy behaviors that reduce the risks of falls. In a small group setting, participants will learn balance H[HUFLVHVDQGGHYHORSVSHFLÀFNQRZOHGJHDQGVNLOOVWRSUHYHQW falls. Classes will be facilitated by McKenzie County Extension Agent Marcia Hellandsaas. Guest speakers will include: McKenzie County Healthcare Systems Physical Therapist Jessica Robinson, Nordby Vision Center Optometrist Dr. Douglas Nordby and Larsen Service Drug Pharmacist Kelsey Linseth. 6XEMHFWV RI FODVVHV LQFOXGH LPSURYLQJ EDODQFH DQG strength, home and environmental safety, community safety, vision and medication review, safe footwear and sleep. Classes will be highly participative and will include discussion, sharing and successes to help participants manage their healthy behaviors to reduce their risks of falls. The program is evidence based and has demonstrated that it has been effective in preventing falls in community-residing older adults. Stepping On is sponsored by the McKenzie County ExWHQVLRQ2IÀFH)LUVW,QWHUQDWLRQDO%DQNDQG7UXVWDQG2XWODZV Bar and Grill. For more information, please contact the McKenzie County ([WHQVLRQ2IÀFH MNAXLP 2A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 REAL ESTATE FINANCING For Home Purchases & Refinancing Stop in today and see Janet Sergent in Sidney OBITUARIES Gordon MacDougal, 81, E. Fairview, MT Janet Sergent Real Estate Loan Officer NMLS ID# 525727 www.richlandfcu.com 201 West Holly St. • Sidney, MT (406) 482-2704 18 East 2nd St. Culbertson, MT (406) 787-5890 VENDORS WELCOME! See Marci in the Barber Shop or Call Her at: 701-770-1904 Nov. 23rd - Dec. 23rd Downtown Sidney Daily, Weekly & Monthly Rates Available 102 N Central Ave • Sidney, MT Open Daily For Your Convenience O C M COOKS ON MAIN for the everyday chef Wusthof Gourmet Sale! Wus A Sample SSa of Great Savings! 12PC Block $ 99 199 8"" Chef’s Chef Knife Ch f fe $ 99 69 Reg. $444 Reg. $100 Open Mon - Sat: 9am - 6pm 224 Main Street • Williston, ND 701-572-COOK (2665) • (F) 701-572-2666 AREA RECOVERY GROUPS MONDAYS: 12 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. – Grief Reovery Support group at Glory of the Lord Family Ministries, Watford City. 6 p.m. – Al-Anon,Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 7 p.m. – Fairview Alive and Kicking at Faith Alliance Church, 704 S. Western Ave. 8 p.m.— AA Group, Northern Pump & Compression, Watford City. Call 770-3603 or 770-2675 for directions or ride. TUESDAYS: 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. WEDNESDAYS: 8 p.m.— Al-Anon, Sanford Room, McKenzie Co. Public Library, Watford City. THURSDAYS: 7 p.m. – 1$PHHWLQJ0RQ'DN7UXFNLQJRIÀFH%OGJ 725 W. Holly, Sidney. 8 p.m.— AA Group, Northern Pump & Compression, Watford City. Call 770-3603 or 770-2675 for directions or ride. FRIDAYS: 12 p.m. – AA,Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. - AA meeting, basement of Wilmington Lutheran Church, Arnegard. 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.- 5 Stones faith based recovery PHHWLQJ6LGQH\1D]DUHQHWK6W6:%DFNGRRU is open. 7 p.m. – Path to recovery at Faith Alliance Church, 704 S. Western Ave. 8 p.m. – $$PHHWLQJV7ULQLW\/XWKHUDQ&KXUFK(G%OGJ Sidney. SATURDAYS: 7 p.m. – AA 24 hour group, Northern Pump & Compression, Watford City. Call 770-3603 or 770-2675 for directions or ride. 9 a.m. & 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Education bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. SUNDAYS: 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 0HPRULDO VHUYLFHV IRU *RUGRQ 0DF'RXJDO RI (DVW )DLUYLHZ07ZHUHDWSP7XHVGD\2FWDW=LRQ /XWKHUDQ&KXUFKLQ)DLUYLHZZLWK3DVWRU5REHUWD3LHUFHRIÀFLDWLQJ&UHPDWLRQKDVWDNHQSODFHXQGHUWKHFDUHRIWKH)XONHUVRQ6WHYHQVRQ )XQHUDO +RPH LQ 6LGQH\ 5HPHPEUDQFHV FRQGROHQFHV DQG SLFWXUHV PD\ EH VKDUHG ZLWK WKH IDPLO\ DW ZZZIXONHUVRQVFRP *RUGRQ GLHG RQ )ULGD\ 2FW DW KLV KRPH LQ ( )DLUYLHZ Sunday’s Harvestfest & Junkapalooza offers Old Fashioned Fun &RPLQJWR*OHQGLYH·V+DUYHVWIHVW-XQNDSDORR]DLVOLNH JRLQJ EDFN LQ WLPH 1RW RQO\ DUH WKHUH KD\ULGHV FLGHU SUHVV \DUGJDPHVDQGYLQWDJHIXUQLWXUHSHRSOHFDQWU\WKHLUKDQGDW PDNLQJEXWWHU7KLV6XQGD\IURPQRRQWR30WKH+DUYHVWIHVW -XQNDSDORR]DDWWKH'DZVRQ&RXQW\)DLUJURXQGVRIIHUVIXQDQG VKRSSLQJIRUDOODJHV,W·VDFHOHEUDWLRQRIORFDODQGWKHODVWIDUPHUVPDUNHWRIWKHVHDVRQZLWKHQWHUWDLQPHQWDQGPXFKPRUH )D\HWWH 0LOOHU &XUDWRU RI WKH )URQWLHU *DWHZD\ 0XVHXP ZLOOWHDFKNLGVKRZWRPDNHEXWWHUIURPFUHDP6KHZLOOKDYHDQ ROGIDVKLRQHGEXWWHUFKXUQDWKHUWDEOHDQGDYDULHW\RIPROGV WRVKRZKRZEXWWHUXVHGWREHPDGH(DFKSHUVRQZLOOKDYHWR GRWKHVKDNLQJWKHPVHOYHVWRWXUQKLVVPDOOMDURIFUHDPLQWR EXWWHU$VLGHEHQHÀWLVEXWWHUPLONWKH\ZLOOSRXURXWRIWKHMDU 7KHFLGHUSUHVVKDVQ·WFKDQJHGRYHUWLPH<RXVWLOOKDYH WRFUDQNWKHZKHHOWRJULQGWKHDSSOHVDQGWKHQFUDQNWKHOLG GRZQRYHUWKHJURXQGDSSOHVWRVTXHH]HRXWWKHMXLFH3HRSOH DUHZHOFRPHWREULQJWKHLUER[HVRIDSSOHVDQGMXJVWRFDWFKWKH MXLFH7KHFLGHUSUHVVZLOOEHORFDWHGQHDUWKHSRXOWU\EDUQDZD\ IURPRWKHUDFWLYLWLHVDVLWZDVDOVRSRSXODUZLWKZDVSVODVW\HDU :DJRQVDQGZKHHOEDUURZVFDQKHOSWUDQVSRUWDSSOHVSXPSNLQV DQGSURGXFHWRDQGIURPYHKLFOHV $V\RXFRPHWRWKHIDLUJURXQGVYRWHIRUWKHGHFRUDWHGKD\ EDOHVOLQLQJWKHHQWU\ZD\2QHYRWHLVDZLWKWKH&KDPEHURI &RPPHUFHXVLQJWKHIXQGVIRUFRPPXQLW\SURMHFWV (QMR\WKHHQWHUWDLQPHQWRQWKHIUHHVWDJHIURPWR30 %HKLQGWKHIUHHVWDJHDUHDFWLYLWLHVJDORUHDSXPSNLQSDWFK IDFHSDLQWLQJKD\EDOHPD]HSXPSNLQERZOLQJDQGSOD\DUHD LQFOXGLQJPLQLDWXUHJROIE\%R\V*LUOV&OXEIRU6WRFNPDQ %DQNHPSOR\HHVZLOOEHWDNLQJIDOOSKRWRVIRUZLWKSURFHHGV WRWKHIRRGEDQN/LYHVFDUHFURZVZLOOEHURDPLQJWKHJURXQGV %ULQJWZRSLQWVIUHVKRUFDQQHGVDOVDVIRUWKHVDOVDFRQWHVW E\&RPHWRWDVWHDQGYRWHIURPRQWKHPLGZD\E\ WKHH[KLELWEXLOGLQJ7KDQNVWR0H[LFR/LQGRIRUGRQDWLQJWKH WRUWLOOD FKLSV IRU WDVWH WHVWLQJ :LQQHUV ZLOO EH DQQRXQFHG RQ WKHIUHHVWDJHDW30(QWUHHVJHWWKHLUMDUVEDFNDQGFDQZLQ LQWKUHHFDWHJRULHV &RPHKXQJU\WRHQMR\WKHZRQGHUIXOIRRGRIIHUHGE\ORFDO YHQGRUVLQFOXGLQJEDNHGJRRGVWUHDWVSXPSNLQVDQGSURGXFH \RXFDQWDNHKRPH0HHW\RXUQHLJKERUVRUPDNHQHZIULHQGV DWWKH+DUYHVWIHVWDQG-XQNDSDORR]D6XQGD\DIWHUQRRQDWWKH 'DZVRQ&RXQW\IDLUJURXQGV Best Western Golden Prairie Inn & Suites Recognized With The Brand’s Highest Honor At Best Western’s 2015 Convention Submitted by Bryce Baker 7KH%HVW:HVWHUQ*ROGHQ3UDLULH,QQ6XLWHVLQ6LGQH\ ZDVUHFRJQL]HGZLWKWKHEUDQG·VKLJKHVWKRQRUWKH0.*XHUWLQ $ZDUGDW%HVW:HVWHUQ+RWHOVDQG5HVRUWV·&RQYHQWLRQ KHOGUHFHQWO\LQ+RQROXOX+DZDLL7KHDZDUGZDVSUHVHQWHGLQ IURQWRIDSSUR[LPDWHO\%HVW:HVWHUQKRWHOLHUV 7KHSUHVWLJLRXV0.*XHUWLQ$ZDUGLVKHOGLQKLJKUHJDUG DVKRWHOVWKDWUHFHLYHWKLVDZDUGEHVWUHSUHVHQWWKHYLVLRQRI %HVW :HVWHUQ·V IRXQGHU DQG GHPRQVWUDWH H[FHSWLRQDO OHYHOV RITXDOLW\JXHVWVDWLVIDFWLRQDQGGHGLFDWLRQWRWKHEUDQG7KH KRWHOVPXVWDOVRPHHWRWKHUEUDQGVWDQGDUGVDQGPHPEHUVKLS UHTXLUHPHQWVWRTXDOLI\IRUWKLVDZDUG 7KH%HVW:HVWHUQ*ROGHQ3UDLULH,QQ6XLWHVLVRQHRIRQO\ KRWHOVRXWRIPRUHWKDQSURSHUWLHVLQ1RUWK$PHULFD WR UHFHLYH WKLV DZDUG ´7KH 0. *XHUWLQ$ZDUG KRQRUV %HVW :HVWHUQKRWHOVWKDWGHPRQVWUDWHH[HPSODU\SHUIRUPDQFHLQNH\ VHUYLFHDUHDVWKDWDUHLPSRUWDQWWRRXUFXVWRPHUVDQGWRRXU EUDQGµVDLG-D\HVK3DWHO&KDLUPDQRI%HVW:HVWHUQ+RWHOV 5HVRUWV·%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUV´:HUHFRJQL]HWKH%HVW:HVWHUQ *ROGHQ3UDLULH,QQ6XLWHVIRUGHOLYHULQJH[WUDRUGLQDU\VHUYLFH WR JXHVWV DQG IRU OHDGLQJ WKH LQGXVWU\ LQ VXSHULRU FXVWRPHU FDUHµ/RFDWHGDW6RXWK&HQWUDO$YHQXH6LGQH\07WKH %HVW:HVWHUQ*ROGHQ3UDLULH,QQ6XLWHVIHDWXUHVURRPV DOORIIHULQJIUHH:L)LÁDWVFUHHQ79VDQGGHVNVPLFURZDYHV PLQLIULGJHVDQGFRIIHHPDNHUV6XLWHVDGGVHSDUDWHOLYLQJDUHDV DQGSXOORXWVRIDV)UHHELHVLQFOXGHDKRWEUHDNIDVWEXIIHWDQG SDUNLQJIRUODUJHYHKLFOHV7KHUH·VDQLQGRRUKHDWHGSRRODQG ZKLUOSRROWXEDQGDÀWQHVVFHQWHU2WKHUDPHQLWLHVDOVRLQFOXGH DEXVLQHVVFHQWHUPHHWLQJURRPVDFRLQRSHUDWHGODXQGU\DQG DFRQYHQLHQFHVWRUH Game Wardens Conduct ANS Compliance Checkpoints LAKE WATER LEVEL REPORT Sakakawea Current Elevation ..........................................................1841.5 /DVW:HHN·V(OHY .........................................................1841.7 One Year Ago ...............................................................1843.7 Release For Day (C.F.S.) ..............................................13000 SIDNEY WEATHER DATA Source: MSU Eastern Agricultural Research Center Date High Low Precip. Oct. 12 ....................... 68 ........................43 .....................0.00 Oct. 13 ....................... 69 ........................37 .....................0.00 Oct. 14 ....................... 69 ........................32 .....................0.00 Oct. 15 ....................... 58 ........................30 .....................0.00 Oct. 16 ....................... 61 ........................27 .....................0.00 Oct. 17 ....................... 64 ........................27 .....................0.00 Oct. 18 ....................... 75 ........................31 .....................0.00 Total YTD Precipitation ...................................................12.45 Submitted by North Dakota Game & Fish 7KH1RUWK'DNRWD*DPHDQG)LVK'HSDUWPHQW·VODZHQIRUFHPHQWGLYLVLRQUHFHQWO\FRQGXFWHGFKHFNVWDWLRQVRQERDWV FRPLQJ LQWR WKH VWDWH LQ DQ HIIRUW WR HQVXUH FRPSOLDQFH ZLWK DTXDWLFQXLVDQFHVSHFLHVODZVDQGUHJXODWLRQV 5REHUW7LPLDQHQIRUFHPHQWFKLHIVDLGFKHFNVWDWLRQVRQ ,QWHUVWDWHDQG86+LJKZD\UHYHDOHGWKHPDMRULW\RIKXQWHUVDQGDQJOHUVDUHNHHSLQJWKHLUHTXLSPHQWIUHHRIXQZDQWHG VSHFLHV ´2XU PDLQ IRFXV ZDV GLUHFWHG WRZDUG GXFN KXQWHUV WUDLOHULQJERDWVµ7LPLDQVDLG´$OOWRWDOWKHUHZHUHOHVVWKDQD KDQGIXORILQGLYLGXDOVZLWKPLQRUYLRODWLRQVµ :DUGHQVQRWRQO\H[DPLQHGERDWVEXWWKRURXJKO\LQVSHFWHG KXQWLQJDQGÀVKLQJJHDU ´,WZDVDJRRGHGXFDWLRQDOUHPLQGHUIRUDQ\RQHWUDLOHULQJ ERDWVWKDWQRWRQO\GR\RXKDYHWRDELGHE\$16UXOHVGXULQJ SHDNÀVKLQJDQGERDWLQJPRQWKVEXWODWHULQWKH\HDUDVZHOOµ 7LPLDQVDLG MNAXLP EVENTS SEND US YOUR EVENTS! THE ROUNDUP: PO Box 1207 :HVW0DLQ6LGQH\07 )D[(PDLOFODVVDGV#HVLGQH\FRP RICHLAND COUNTY Events in Sidney unless otherwise listed. MT Zone. Wed., Oct. 21 SPSP$IWHUVFKRROHQULFKPHQWSURJUDP$JHV XSIRUDOOFODVVHV0RQ'DN+HULWDJH&HQWHU SP$GXOWFKDONSDLQWLQJFODVV0RQ'DN+HULWDJH &HQWHU Thur., Oct. 22 SP:\OLH*XVWDIVRQDQGWKH:LOG:HVW%DQG&RQFHUWZLO EHKHOGDWWKH0RQ'DN+HULWDJH&HQWHU6HDVRQDQGUHJXODU WLFNHWVFDQEHSXUFKDVHGDWWKHGRRUIRUDGXOWVIRU VHQLRUVDQGIRUVWXGHQWV)RUDGGLWLRQDOLQIRFDOO&DQG\DW -LOODWRU.DUHQDW Fri., Oct. 23 DP5HG+DWPHHWLQJDWWKHKRPHRI0HORG\:DPEDFN0HHWD +5%ORFN#WRFDUSRRO)RUTXHVWLRQVFDOO0DUJDUHWDW RU0DULDQQHDW SP2NWREHUIHVW:\OLH*XVWDIVRQDQGWKH:LOG:HVW%DQG7LFNHW FDQEHSXUFKDVHGDWWKH0RQ'DN+HULWDJH&HQWHUIRUPHPEHUV IRUQRQPHPEHUV Mon., Oct. 26 SP6RQVRI1RUZD\LVVSRQVRULQJ6FDQGDQDYLDQ FRRNLQJFODVVHVHDFK0RQGD\QLJKW7KHGLVKHVDQGFRRNV YDU\HDFKZHHNDQGW\SLFDOO\ODVWXQWLOSP(0DLQ)RU PRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFDOO%HFDW Tue., Oct. 27 SP5HG5LEERQ:HHN)UHH&RPPXQLW\)HHGDW WKH6LGQH\+LJK6FKRRO*\PQDVLXP'RQDWLRQVDUHEHLQJ DFFHSWHGDQGDUHWD[GHGXFWLEOH7H[W´'58*µWRWR GRQDWH SP5HG5LEERQ:HHN*XHVWVSHDNHU'U*DU\'DOH ZKRLVDIRUPHU6WDWHRI0RQWDQD0HGLFDO([DPLQHU SP$GXOW:RRG%XUQLQJFODVVDWWKH0RQ'DN+HULWDJH &HQWHU SP5HG5LEERQ(YHQW,Q&RQFHUWDWWKH6LGQH\+LJK 6FKRRO*\PQDVLXP.DW3HUNLQV´7KH9RLFHµVHPLÀQDOLVW Wed., Oct. 28 SP0DFDEUH0RYLHVDWWKH0RQ'DN$IXQDQGIUHHIDPLO\ HYHQW(QMR\DKDOORZHHQPRYLHDQGFUDIWVZ\RXUIDPLO\ 5HIUHVKPHQWVZLOOEHDYDLODEOHWRSXUFKDVH$OOFKLOGUHQPXVW EHDFFRPSDQLHGE\DQDGXOW0RYLHWRSOD\&DVSHU Thur., Oct. 29 SP+DOORZHHQ$QQXDO+DUYHVW3DUW\DW6KRSVDW )R[5XQ)R[7URWRI7UHDWVLVSP7ULFNRUWUHDWHUV YLVLWEXVLQHVVHVIRUFDQG\5H\QROGVZLOOKDYHDFRVWXPH FRQWHVWIRUDJHVXSWRWKJUDGH-XGJLQJDWSP&DVK SUL]HVDZDUGHG SP0DFDEUH0RYLHVDWWKH0RQ'DN0RYLHWRSOD\+RFXV 3RFXV SPSP+DOORZHHQ&RVWXPH'DQFHDW6W0DWWKHZ·V 3DULVKFHQWHUJ\P*UDGHVZFRVWXPHZRXW FRVWXPH&RQFHVVLRQVDYDLODEOH7KRVHLQFRVWXPHPD\VLJQ XSRQFHIRUFKDQFHWRZLQRIGRRUSUL]HV'-LV0LGQLJKW ([SUHVV7KLVLVD/RFNLQGDQFHIRUVDIHW\6WXGHQWVDOORZHGW OHDYHHDUO\RQO\LISLFNHGXSDQGVLJQHGRXWE\SDUHQW Fri., Oct. 30 DP1RRQ6HQLRUFRPPRGLWLHVZLOOEHGLVWULEXWHGDWWKH EDFNGRRURIWKH1XWWHUEXLOGLQJ:0DLQ SPSP7UDLORI7UHDWV SP0DEDEUH0RYLHVDWWKH0RQ'DN0RYLHWRSOD\ %HHWOHMXLFH Sat., Oct. 31 SP+*:HOOV´7KH0DQ:KR6DZ7RPRUURZµ )HDWXULQJ´7KH7LPH0DFKLQH:DURIWKH:RUOGVDQG7KH ,QYLVLEOH0DQµ7LFNHWVDUH0RQ'DN+HULWDJH&HQWHU MCKENZIE COUNTY Events in Watford City unless otherwise listed. CT Zone. Sat., Oct. 24 'XVNSP)W%XIRUG&HPHWHU\:DONIURPGXVNWRSP &7ZLWKWKHODVWWRXUVWDUWLQJDWSP/HDUQKRZWRDSSO\ +DOORZHHQPDNHXSZLWK$UFK(OOZHLQDWDQGSPDQG LQGXOJHLQVRPHKROLGD\WUHDWVSURYLGHGDWWKH,QWHUSUHWLYH FHQWHU'UHVVZDUPDQGEULQJDÁDVKOLJKW Sat., Oct. 30 DPSP6WLFNVDQG6WRQHV4XLOW&ODVV7R UHJLVWHUIRUWKHFODVVDQGUHFHLYHWKHVXSSO\OLVWFDOO 6SDFHLVOLPLWHGWRSHRSOH6QDFNVZLOOEHIXUQLVKHG EXWSDUWLFLSDQWVDUHDVNHGWREULQJDVDFNOXQFK0LVVRXUL <HOORZVWRQH&RQÁXHQFH,QWHUSUHWLYH&HQWHU SPSP7UDLORI7UHDWV2II7KH%HDWHQ3DWK %XVLQHVVHVQRWRQ0DLQ6WDUHLQYLWHGWRSDUWLFLSDWHDWWKH 9HWHUDQV%OGJ:DWIRUG&LW\ Sun., Oct. 31 DPSP6WLFNVDQG6WRQHV4XLOW&ODVV The McKenzie County Food Pantry is open: 1st Tuesday of each month from 5-7 p.m.; 3rd Tuesday of each month from 2-4 p.m., First Lutheran Church. Every Thursday from 12-2 p.m., Food Distribution, First Presbyterian Church. WILLIAMS COUNTY Sat., Oct. 24 SP0LVV1'3UHOLPLQDU\3DJHDQW2OG$UPRU\ 7KHDWUH7LFNHWVDYDLODEOHDWWKHGRRUDGXOWVVWXGHQWV )RUDSSOLFDWLRQLQIRUPDWLRQZLOOLVWRQSDJHDQW#KRWPDLOFRP SPUG$QQXDO5XQ)RU+HOS=RPELH.5XQQHUVUHFHLYHD ÁDJIRRWEDOOEHOWZÁDJVXSRQFKHFNLQWKHQPXVWDYRLG]RPELHV WKURXJKRXWWKHFRXUVH7HUUDLQLVYDULHGIURPDVSKDOWGLUWJUDVV DQGKLOO\DUHDV6SULQJ/DNH3DUN3URFHHGVEHQHÀW8QLWHG:D\RI :LOOLVWRQ)UHHFKLOLIROORZLQJUDFH Sat., Oct. 31 SP)DLU+LOOV$SDUWPHQWVVW$QQXDO+DOORZHHQ2SHQ+RXVH )RRGGULQNVPXVLFFRQWHVWVDQGSUL]HVDORQJZLWKWULFNRUWUHDWLQJ WKURXJKRXWWKHFRPPXQLW\WK6W::LOOLVWRQ1'$GPLVVLRQ LVIUHH DAWSON COUNTY Events in Glendive unless otherwise listed. MT Zone. Wed., Oct. 21 DP,QÁXHQ]DYDFFLQDWLRQFOLQLF7KH'DZVRQ&RXQW\ +HDOWK'HSWZLOOEHDWWKH5LFKH\6HQLRU&HQWHU)OXVKRWFRVW LV0HGLFDUHZLOOFRYHU<RXPXVWSUHVHQWFDUG3OHDVH ZHDUVKRUWVOHHYHV)RUDQ\TXHVWLRQVFDOO7KH FHQWHUZLOOEHRIIHULQJUROOVDQGFRIIHHIRUDIUHHZLOOGRQDWLRQ 0RQH\ZLOOEHXVHGIRUÁRZHUVDWIURQWRIWKH&HQWHU SPSP/XQFK¶Q·/HDUQDWWKH*OHQGLYH3XEOLF /LEUDU\&RPPXQLW\5RRPIRU'DZVRQ&RXQW\'RPHVWLF 9LROHQFH/DF\0F&XOORXJKDQG'HEELH0DKQZLOOVSHDNDERXW ´+HOSLQJ\RXWRSURWHFW\RXUVHOIIDPLO\IULHQGVµ7HDFRIIHH ZLOOEHSURYLGHGEULQJ\RXURZQOXQFK(YHU\RQHZHOFRPH SP7KH5LFKH\6HQLRU&LWL]HQVSDQFDNHVXSSHU WREHKHOGDWWKH5LFKH\6HQLRU&RPPXQLW\&HQWHUSHU SHUVRQ 01$;/3 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 3A West Side Science Fair On Tuesday, October 13th, first grade students at West Side Elementary participated in classroom science fairs. High school students stopped in to show their support. Pictures by Meagan Dotson Come & see our wide range of: New Steel, Wood Posts, Gates, Panels & Our Shear/Break/Plasma Capabilities! Scrap Metal, Aluminum, Copper, Stainless, Batteries & Much More! SERVING THE MONDAK AREA FOR OVER 70 YEARS! Delivery Available! We pay for: 406-433-1301 35023 County Road 123 • Sidney, MT School Spirit Is s y alwa in style! SIDNEY 0UV9LQH·VVWXGHQWV/50LFDK+DUDOVRQ(YDQ(ULFNVRQDQG0DUN%HUJ Sidney Eagle Apparel Is Here! • Hooded Sweatshirts • T-Shirts • Long Sleeved Tees! EAGLES Coming Soon: Fairview Warriors, Savage Warriors, R&L Fusion School Spirit Apparel 214 S CENTRAL AVE • SIDNEY, MT 406-433-1823 | MON-SAT: 8:30AM - 5:30PM -DPLVRQ:KLWHPDQIURP0UV6LPRQVHQ·VFODVV GIFT CARDS they make great and tasty gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, and much more. redeemable at Rodiron Grill or Cattleac 5JNFUPCPPLZPVSIPMJEBZQBSUJFT DBMM+PFM! $ERYH .\OHH 5RGJHUV /DQG%OD\]H:ULWK5 showing their hard work. /HIW $GHVVD 6DLWWD ZLWK K H U ¶ ) O \ L Q J 5 R F N H W µ experiment. Bottom: Joanna Skeens IURP 0UV 6LPRQVHQ·V class. t/$FOUSBM"WFOVFt4JEOFZ.POUBOB XNLV232363 October is.... Breast Cancer Awareness Month If found and detected early, over 95% of women diagnosed with breast cancer will survive. The best way to detect breast cancer at its most treatable stage is a combination of: Celebrate JOIN US SAT., OCT. 24TH For Food, Fun & Fortune! Party Starts At 1pm Brats & Sauerkraut Starting At 4pm Drawings Every Half Hour For Your Chance To Win Money On Our PLINKO Board! The Oasis Casino 414 S Ellery Ave • Fairview, MT 406-742-5324 5HJXODU0DPPRJUDPV&OLQLFDO%UHDVW([DPV%UHDVW6HOI([DPV Your breast health is our top priority. And, as part of our ongoing commitment to you, we are proud to offer the latest in breast cancer screening, 3D mammography - the most exciting advancement in breast cancer detection in more than 30 years. A 3D mammogram consists of multiple breast images taken in just seconds to produce a 3D image. The doctor looks through the tissue one millimeter at a time seeing detail inside the breast in a way never before possible. Introducing... Dr. Leszek Jaszczak, Radiologist Sidney Health Center is pleased to announce that Dr. Leszek Jaszczak, who is American %RDUG&HUWL¿HGLQ5DGLRORJ\UHFHQWO\MRLQHGWKHPHGLFDOVWDIIIXOOWLPH'U-DV]F]DNKDVQHDUO\ 20 years experience in radiology and continues to keep abreast in the latest imaging services including mammographic, magnetic resonance and computed tomography. During October, we recognize his role in promoting women’s breast health through diagnostic radiology exams, mammogram readings and ultrasound biopsies. Sidney Health Center is a certified Pink Ribbon Facility, a distinction awarded only to an elite group of healthcare facilities. By offering women a softer mammogram, we hope to increase the number of area women who follow recommendations for regular screenings. WK$YH6:6LGQH\073KRQH2QOLQHDWZZZVLGQH\KHDOWKRUJ 4A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 Everything Roundup on the web. Sidney Eagle Volleyball Hosts Glendive Jordan Baxter blocks the volleyball against Glendive last Saturday in Sidney. Photo by Kathy Johnson Seventh Annual Oktoberfest October 23 OCTOBER 18-24 Barrett Pharmacy & Variety 145 Main • Watford City, ND • 701-842-3311 Submitted by MonDak Heritage Center The MonDak Heritage Center and Northeastern Arts Network present the Seventh $QQXDO 2NWREHUIHVW )ULGD\ Oct. 23, 7 pm at the MonDak +HULWDJH&HQWHULQ6LGQH\ Proceeds from this event provide funding for the continuing presentation of Live Music at the MonDak Heritage &HQWHU DQG DUHD VFKRROV E\ MDHC and NAN. 7KLV \HDU·V FHOHEUDWLRQ IHDWXUHV PXVLF IURP :\OLH Gustafson and the Wild West %DQG :\OLH *XVWDIVRQ LV D QDWLYH0RQWDQDQVLQJHUVRQJwriter who lives the songs he writes. With three decades of writing, recording and perIRUPLQJ XQGHU KLV EHOW :\OLH KDV PDWXUHG LQWR D G\QDPLF talent, and has become one of the few authentic voices of the West. One critic called KLP ´«WKH FRROHVW FRZSRNH DURXQGµ )RU RYHU \HDUV :\OLHDQGKLVEDQG7KH:LOG West, have performed their UHIUHVKLQJ EOHQG RI FRZER\ VZLQJIRONDQG\RGHOLQJPXVLF worldwide. Ticket price covers admission, souvenir glass, delicious food including sausage and EUDWZXUVWGRQDWHGE\5HGQHFN Meats and an unmatched selection of beverages. Our Oktoberfest sponsors WKLV \HDU LQFOXGH 6WRFNPDQ %DQN %OXH 5RFN 'LVWULEXWLQJ DQG5HGQHFN0HDWV Join the MDHC, NAN and live music lovers at the 0RQ'DN·V SUHPLHUH 2NWREHUfest celebration. This event KLVWRULFDOO\ VHOOV RXW VR GRQ·W hesitate. Tickets are limited, $45 for MDHC Members and Northeastern Arts Network Season Ticket Holders, $55 for Non-Members. Call the MDHC at 406-433-3500 to reserve ZLWK \RXU FUHGLW FDUG RU VWRS E\WRSXUFKDVH Additional information can be found at mondakheritagecenter.org and www. Z\OLHZHEVLWHFRP For further information please contact Leann at the MonDak Heritage Center, [email protected] or 406433-3500. Montana RESPECT YOUR COMMUNITY Farm Bureau Richland County Comes Together Commends RED RIBBON WEEK Fish & Game Commission For Shoulder ing: r u t a fe IN CONCERT Season TH Guidelines Oct 23rd - 31st “The Voice” – season 6 semifinalist OCTOBER 27 SHS GYM • 7:30PM And Guest Speaker Dr. Gary Dale FREE This event will cost approximately UNITY COMM $ 35,000. To help absorb the expense, the Foundation For Community Care is PM accepting donations from anyone who would like to do so. Donations are 501c3 Goal tax deductible. FORMER STATE OF MONTANA MEDICAL EXAMINER SPEAKING TO STUDENTS & THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY AT 6:30PM IN THE SHS GYM FEED! 4:30 $ 35,000 sponsored by: Text “DRUG” to 41444 To Donate & Submitted by Montana Farm Bureau Federation The Montana Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) commends the Fish and Game Commission for their recent adoption of guidelines establishing elk shoulder season hunts in Montana. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) released the proposed guidelines for public comment earlier this summer. The shoulder season comes after efforts to establish a late season, antlerless elk hunt were vetoed in the 2015 legislature. A ¶VKRXOGHUVHDVRQ·LVGHÀQHGDVDQ\ÀUHDUPVHDVRQSULQWHGLQ the hunting regulations that occur outside the 5-week general ÀUHDUPVHDVRQEHWZHHQ$XJXVWDQG)HEUXDU\LQRQHRU more Hunting Districts or portion(s) thereof. Shoulder season FRXOG EH HDUO\ DQGRU ODWH VHDVRQV RFFXU SUHGRPLQDQWO\ RQ SULYDWHODQGDQGPD\LQFOXGHDQWOHUHGDQGRUDQWOHUOHVVRSWLRQV John Youngberg, executive vice president of the Montana )DUP %XUHDX )HGHUDWLRQ VD\V ´:H WKDQN WKH )LVK *DPH Commission for seeing the value of these additional hunts. Elk populations are over objective in Montana. We need to control herd size and shoulder season hunts allow landowners to do that.” (ON KHUGV DFURVV 0RQWDQD DUH RYHUSRSXODWHG DQG PDQ\ IDUPHUVDQGUDQFKHUVDUHIDFHGZLWKLQFUHDVLQJOHYHOVRISURSHUW\ damage and income loss from supporting these large herds. Shoulder seasons would provide an effective mechanism for ODQGRZQHUV WR SURDFWLYHO\ FRQWURO KHUG VL]HV DQG WR LQFUHDVH VXFFHVVIXOKXQWLQJRSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUVSRUWVPHQ´$NH\IUXVWUDWLRQ IRUPDQ\ODQGRZQHUVLVWKDWHONKHUGVDGDSWWRKXQWLQJSUHVVXUH E\PRYLQJRIIWKHLUSURSHUW\GXULQJWKHUHJXODUKXQWLQJVHDVRQ but are present before or soon after hunting season ends. A VKRXOGHUVHDVRQZRXOGGLUHFWO\DGGUHVVWKHLVVXHRIHONEHLQJ SUHVHQWEHIRUHDQGDIWHUWKHUHJXODUVHDVRQDQGFRQVHTXHQWO\ SURYLGHVPRUHKXQWLQJIRUVSRUWVPHQHYHU\ZKHUHµ<RXQJEHUJ concluded. More information on the elk shoulder season is available DW KWWSIZSPWJRYKXQWLQJVHDVRQVHON6KRXOGHUKWPO )RU more information about MFBF, visit www.mfbf.org or call 406587-3153. MNAXLP ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 5A , Sidney s Spook-Tacular Showcase Bridger Coffman with parents Donna & Don Coffman. Tel Hermanson with parents Tammy & Todd Hermanson. Chris Gartner with parents Sue & Collin Gartner. Quinn McGlothlin with parents Pam & Vince McGlothlin. October 24 9am - 4pm -Richland County Event CenterOver 60 Vendors & Crafters! Lunch & Bake Sale Provided By Cutting Edge Dance Studio. Fall Photoshoot By Life {as I SEE it} Photography . For More Info, Contact Julia Lee: 406-478-9220 Hunter Severson with parents Heidi & Bob Severson. Nick Larson with mom Lisa Larson. AUTUMN USED EQUIPMENT SALE! WE SELL EVERYTHING WE RENT! t W Trent Schilling with parents Vickie & Rob Schilling. Skid Steers • Wheel Loaders Backhoes • Light Towers • Pumps Scissorlifts • Boomlifts • Forklifts Portable Generators (3kW-125kW) Lucas Partridge with parents Mel & Matt Lee. r r C e S n . ALL UNITS AT SPECIAL END-OF-THE-YEAR PRICING! WARRANTY & FINANCING AVAILABLE. Matt Dey with mom Kelly Dey & grandma Joyce Dey. Kade Jacobson with mom Cozy Jacobson. n e , - James Haraldson with parents Darci & Rick Haraldson. Casey Christianson with parents Jody & Dave Christianson. SHS Senior Night Larren Foust with parents Whitney & Shawn VanBuren Kyle Mueller with parents Jodi & Chad Mueller. Ken Jacquot, Territory Sales Manager 701-339-0616 • [email protected] 5083 Bennett Industrial Drive • Williston, ND 701-774-8177 • unitedrentals.com Sidney Eagle Football & Cheerleaders held Senior Night last Friday at the home football game against Glendive. Photos by Kathy Johnson Below left: Danielle Steinley with parents Todd Steinley & Jennifer Boyer. Below: Luke Beenken with parents Karen & Eric Beenken. DEER SEASON OPENS OCT 24TH WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED... • Guns & Ammoo • Clothing • Footwear NEW DANNER BOOTS S JUST IN STOCK! Bring in any area competitor’s ad...we’ll match locally advertised prices on identical items! Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm • Sun: 10am - 4pm 440 N Central Ave • Sidney, MT Shops at Fox Run • 406-433-1800 Sidney Health Center Hospice Camp Mend a Heart 10th Annual Wrestling Raffle For kids who have suffered a loss A Bereavement Day Camp for kids ages 6-18 years old Saturday, October 24, 2015 A From 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM Church of Christ WK6W6:6LGQH\07 A Drawing To Be Held Saturday, October 24th At The Ranger Lounge Meal Served At 6:00 pm • Raffle After The Meal Need Not Be Present To Win We have many cash prizes throughout the night with a total of $4,400 given away. Lots of games & fun! A great night to support wrestling. A silent auction will also be held. $ 2,000 The annual Children’s Mend-aHeart Day Camp is set for Saturday, October 24 at the Church of Christ in Sidney. The day camp will focus on bereavement and is intended for children, ages 6-18, who have experienced a loss. There will be crafts, activities, lunch and fun. The camp is free of charge. Please call the Sidney Health Center Social Services at 488-2592 to register by Thursday, October 22. Grand Prize Free dinner for ticket holders (admit 2 for meal) • Only 420 tickets sold at $40 per ticket Contact any AAU member for tickets. Hospice 6A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 SAT, OCT 31ST SHS Senior Night RICHLAND COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS EAST PARKING LOT REGISTRATION AT 9AM • RACE AT 10AM 30 PER RUNNER $ OR $90 FUN RUN OBSTACLE COURSE PER TEAM OR FAMILY OF 4 For more information, contact the Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture: 406-433-1916 The 2015 Zombie Run in Sidney, MT is Sponsored by: SALES EVERY WEDNESDAY Oct. 21 ............................................................................................ Feeder Calf Special - 9:00am Oct. 28 ...............Feeder Special Featuring Angus Influence and Vitt Influence Calves - 9:00am Oct. 31 (Sat.) .............................................................. Bred Stock Weigh-up Special 9:00am Nov. 4 .............................................. Feeder Calf Special Featuring Red Angus Calves - 8:00am Nov. 7 (Sat.) .......................................................................................Weigh-up Special - 9:00am Nov.11 ................................................Feeder Calf Special Featuring Charolais Calves - 8:00am Nov. 14 (Sat.) .....................................................................................Weigh-up Special - 9:00am Nov. 18 ........................................................................................... Feeder Calf Special - 8:00am Nov. 21 (Sat. Plan Ahead) ...................................................................... Weigh-ups - 8:00am Stock Cow & Bred Heifer Special - 11:00am Nov. 25 ........................................................................................ No Sale - Happy Thanksgiving! Sidney Eagle Football & Cheerleaders held Senior Night last Friday at the home football game against Glendive. Photos by Kathy Johnson Main Street and 6th Street intersection in Williston reopened Saturday Saturday, October 17, the 6th Street and Main Street intersection in Williston was UHRSHQHGWRWKURXJKWUDIÀFRQ Main Street. A portion of 6th Street near the intersection will remain temporarily closed and WUDIÀF WUDYHOLQJ RQ WK 6WUHHW may be unable to access Main Street. This is part of the Main Street Reconstruction project, which includes replacement of storm drains, sewer, water, sidewalks, landscaping and signal lights. The NDDOT Williston DisWULFWVHUYHVWKHWUDQVSRUWDWLRQ needs of the communities in northwestern North Dakota, including Williston, Alexander, Watford City, New Town, Stanley, and Berthold. NDDOT KDVEHHQZRUNLQJYHU\KDUGWR build new bypasses, expand URDGZD\V DQG SURYLGH URDGZD\ LPSURYHPHQWV WKDW ZLOO HQKDQFHWUDIÀFPRYHPHQW Starting with the Wednesday Oct 28th Sale we will only be selling Feeders then Starting Saturday October 31st we will sell only Weigh Ups, this will continue through the month of November, Feeders on Wednesdays and Weigh Ups on Saturdays! We believe this will be a win win for both the sellers and the buyers. Everything will sell in a timely manner which will make everyone happy. Tim Larson: 406-480-2666 | Dustin Cymbaluk: 701-220-0813 | Roger Nygaard: 406-650-7410 Hunter Nice with parents Kay & Dennis Nice. Kolton Nevins with parents Heather & Chuck Nevins. Chris Wick with parents Nicole & Doug Wick. Cy Hintz with parents Cathy & Jeff Hintz. Briana Reid with parents Wayne & Jennifer Reid. MNAXLP Taylor Fisher with parents Jayde Fisher and Cathy Fisher. Everything Roundup on the web. Katlyn Winter with parents Deb & John Winter. Exchange student Wei Ni with Salina & Michael Hagwood. To Nancy, Barry & William Van Hook & To Exploration Drilling for donating their 4-H beef! Nancy Van Hook (Middle) and Vonnie Van Hook (R) donate 4-H beef to Barb Mocko, a cook at Crestwood. Crestwood 410 3rd Ave SW • Sidney • 406-433-3721 or TTY 711 • [email protected] INTERESTING AUCTION GUNS COLLECTIBLES AMMO MINOT, N.D.: STATE FAIR CENTER “THEATER AREA” SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2015 • 11:00 A.M. TO VIEW PICTURES GO TO: www.sundsbakauctions.com ALL LOCAL, STATE & FEDERAL GUN LAWS WILL APPLY GUNS 1. STEVENS “22LR” FAVORITE BOYS FALLING BLOCK MOD. 1915 SN-V311 2. UBERTI “38” SPECIAL MOD. 1866 WITH SADDLE RING, CARBINE BRASS SN-4216 3. STEVENS “32” RIM FIRE FAVORITE BOYS MOD. 1894 SN-74.22 4. MOWREY “36” CAL. BLACK POWDER W/MAPLE STOCK 5. STEVENS “22LR” FAVORITE BOYS MOD. 1894 SN-L57 6. COLT “38” SPECIAL OFFICAL POLICE SN-566326 7. COLT “32L” POLICE POSITIVE SN-110438 8. SMITH & WESSON “32” PEARL HANDLE SN-A05457 9. COLT “38” POLICE POSITIVE NICKLE PLATED SN-129688 10. COLT “38” POLICE POSITIVE SN-37618 11. AMERICAN “32” MADE BY H&R ARMS CO. 12. SMITH & WESSON “32” SPUR TRIGGER SN-63473 13. SMITH & WESSON “32” LEMON SQUEEZER SN-16588 14. SMITH & WESSON “32” LEMON SQUEEZER SN-141892 15. COLT “32L” POLICE POSITIVE SN-756745 16. COLT “38” POLICE POSITIVE SN-173116 17. SMITH & WESSON “32” LEMON SQUEEZER SN-163526 18. RUGER “357” SECURITY SIX W/HOLSTER SN-16179562 19. COLT “45” NEW SERVICE W/HOLSTER SN-920627 20. RUGER “45” BLACK HAWK 5 ½ INCH BARREL W/SHOULDER HOLSTER SN-47-21340 21. DERRINGER “32” MAG. W/HOLSTER SN-D053310 22. RUGER “22” SINGLE SIX W/HOLSTER SN-67-15332 23. RUGER “45L” BLACK HAWK W/HOLSTER SN-48-31278 24. DAMASCUS “12 GA.” DBL/BARREL PERCUSSION APPROX. 1845 25. HOPKINS & ALLEN “12 GA.” W/ENGRAVED LOCK SN-014610 26. CHATEAU CHIERRY “16 GA.” DBL BARREL W/ENGRAVING AND TIGER STRIPE MAPLE STOCK APPROX. 1840’S 27. THOMPSON CENTER “50 CAL.” OCT. BARREL W/CUSTOM ENGRAVING SN-K100009 28. C. BAKER “41GA.” OCT. BARREL HALF STOCK KENTUCKY FULL TIGER STRIPE MAPLE, GOOD RIFLING 29. CUSTOM BUILT “31 GA.” FULL STOCK KENTUCKY W/TIGER STRIPE MAPLE APPROX. 1830’S 30. RUGER “22LR” MOD. 1022 CARBINE W/SCOPE SN-24226973 31. BRITISH “303” MILITARY W/SCOPE & BAYONET #4 NET 32. RUGER “30-06” MOD.77 HAWKEYE W/SCOPE, NEW SN-711-02357 33. H & R ARMS M1 “30-06” SEMI AUTO KOREAN WAR ISSUE SN-5547749 34. NORINCO “22 LR” MOD. JW 14 W/SCOPE SN-9022468 35. BRESCIA “20 GA.” OVER & UNDER 3 INCH CHAMBER, ENGRAVED 36. NEW ENGLAND FIRE ARMS, “243” SINGLE SHOT YOUTH RIFLE W/SCOPE SN-404586 37. OPTIMA “50 CAL.” BLACK POWDER ONLY C.V.A. W/RED DOT SCOPE SN-61-13-17732-03 38. CUSTOM MADE “45” CAL. PERCUSSION MUZZLE LOADER W/FAGEN STOCK, HAND CHECKERED AND ENGRAVED, 18K GOLD INLAID W/SCOPE 39. UBERTI “44-40” MOD. 1860 ENGRAVED SN-13276 40. COLT “38” OFFICIAL POLICE SN-621792 41. RUGER “32” H&R MAG. SN-650-45334 42. TAURUS “45” COLT SN-8982 43. COLT “38” SPECIAL POLICE POSITIVE SN-228295 44. COLT “32-20” POLICE POSITIVE SN-2744944 45. RUGER “45” BLACK POWER OLD ARMY SN-140-11937 46. SMITH & WESSON “38” SPECIAL PEARL HANDLE SN-96445 47. SMITH & WESSON “32” SW SN-144336 48. FLLIPIETTA “45” BLACK POWDER "RARE" SN-H466878 49. SMITH & WESSON “32” SPUR TRIGGER SN-5790 50. COLT “38” SPECIAL OFFICAL POLICE SN-684063 51. H&A “32” RIM FIRE DICTATOR SPUR TRIGGER 52. COLT “357-38” SPECIAL 2 ND GEN. SN-14251SA 53. COLT “36” MOD. 1851 BLACK POWDER NIB COMPLETE SN-5295 54. COLT “36” MOD. 1861 BLACK POWDER, COMPLETE SN-42706 55. COLT “45” SINGLE ACTION ARMY, COMPLETE SN-56365SA 56. COLT “45” BISLEY 1904 ORIGINAL SN-256215 57. COLT “45” BISLEY 1901 REFINISHED SN-207948 58. COLT “45” MOD. 1919 NEW SERVICE SHOOTING MASTER SN-21337 59. ARMI SAN MARCO “45” SAA SN-31018 60. ARMI SAN MARCO “45” SAA SN-31019 61. DOUBLE HOLSTER RIG, DISPLAY BOX, ORIGINAL DESIGNED FOR COWBOY ACTION SHOOTING (NO. 59, 60 & 61 SOLD AS UNIT) 62. 1863 CASED PAIR OF MOD. 1860 COLT ARMY PISTOLS - 1- MILITARY & 1- CIVILIAN MISCELLANEOUS KNIVES, HOLSTERS, NATIVE BEADED HOLSTERS AND CASES, BADGES, KEROSENE LAMPS, PAINTINGS, CANVAS & WOOD DECOY - ORIGINAL, COPPER COOKING POT, SPINNING WHEEL, CHILD'S TRAINING CHAIR, YARN SWIFT, CARRIAGE FOOT WARMER NOTE: MORE ITEMS ADDED DAILY - KEEP CHECKING BACK! THE HALF CENTURY COLLECTION OF STEVE & KATHRYN HOLMES, GARRISON, ND • 701-897-1335 AUCTIONEERS: DARRELL & MIKE SUNDSBAK, LIC. 80 & 394 PH: 701-839-1061 OR 701-725-4345 CLERK: ROB’S CLERKING, BOX 1833, MINOT, ND 58702-1833, LIC. 289 PH: 701-852-6390 TERMS: CASH OR CHECK – U. S. FUNDS DRIVERS LICENSE ID REQUIRED ALL ITEMS MUST BE PAID FOR THE DAY OF SALE UNLESS ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE WITH THE CLERK ALL SALES ARE FINAL NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS OR LOST ITEMS ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 7A Reach Over 21,000 Readers Each Week In Eastern Montana & Western North Dakota And Always On The Internet at roundupweb.com (Paypal required for online purchases) /PX5BLJOH $SFEJU$BSET Add a photo to your classy online! (additional charge) (5% charge added to all transactions) Get Up To 30 Words For Just $t%FBEMJOF.POEBZOPPO HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Dental Receptionist- Watford City. Maisey Dental is looking for motivated, friendly, fulltime Dental Receptionist. Responsibilities including but not limited to: greeting/ dismissing patients, scheduling/verifying patient appointments, maintaining patient records and coordinating insurance information and payment. Experience in an office setting and good communication skills a must. Prior dental experience preferred, but not required. Email your resume to maiseydentalwatford@gmail. com or bring it to our office at 109 5th St SW, Watford City. PT KITCHEN HELP The Eagles Club, Watford City, is looking for part time kitchen help. Stop in 1 mi. south Hwy. 85S for an application. physicians sharing the load, it will allow someone to always be in the office and still give you the sense of retirment. If interested contact Allcheck’s office at 406-480-0512. REAL ESTATE COMMERCIAL/RETAIL PROPERTY FOR SALE OR LEASE Prime commercial retail property for sale or lease. Great parking, exc. location, loading dock w/additional warehouse storage. Call for details. 406-480-4405 or 406478-0000. BARTENDERS WANTED Enjoy a private club atmosphere. Bartenders needed at the Elks Lodge, Sidney. 406-480-9052. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Retired licensed medical doctors wanted. We have an opportunity for at least 3-4 retired ND licensed medical doctors to conduct DOT and employment physicals in our offices in Williston, Watford City and Dickinson. We have offices in all locations and would need the office to be staffed to conduct physicals Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Your insurance and training associated with the physicals will be covered. We certainly respect the idea of being retired and do not want to have just one person working constantly, so with the 3-4 Kilen Backhoe Service • Sewers • Basements • Water Pipelines Marlon: 406-489-1243 Kenny: 406-489-1426 Fairview, Montana Bakken Mobile Veterinary Service Dr. Vince Stenson Complete small animal care 8 am - 4 pm Sidney: Tues, Nov 3, Thurs, Nov 19 Tractor Supply Co. FOR RENT FOR RENT 3 Bdrm/2 bath mobile home. 2013- 16x80, electric, water, sewer, garbage, lot rent included. $1400 w/6 mo lease. SY Clearstone CL2 » New high yielding two-gene herbicide tolerant variety » Later maturity, good protein and excellent winterhardiness SY Wolf » Good yields under 2015 disease pressure » Excels in heavy residue WRITER/EDITOR/ REPORTER The Roundup is looking for a part-time writer/editor/reporter. No experience necessary. Salary DOE. Apply at the Sidney Job Service. CARRIERS NEEDED Need extra cash or want to get some exercise while getting paid? We have carrier routes available in most parts of Sidney. 406-433-3306 or fill out application at The Roundup, 111 W. Main, Sidney. 5 ACRE COMMERCIAL LOTS FOR SALE Conveniently located between Williston & Watford City, right off Hwy. 85. Graded recently. Perfect for a new shop or business! Lots have rural water, power, RTC & electric right at the road. Hwy. 85, S. on 140th Ave.77 NW, 1/4 mile on right. 406-471-4049. » Proven winterhardiness 406-747-5217 | 406-489-0165 Cell Winter Wheat for Montana PVPA 1994—Unauthorized propagation prohibited. Plant variety protection granted or applied for Syngenta varieties. WATFORD CITY -JWF8FMMt8PSL8FMM Prestigious hometCFESPPNT tTRGUBMMBQQMJBODFToGVMMZ GVSOJTIFEo8*'*$"#-&57 tVUJMJUJFTJODMVEFE tHJBOUGJSFQMBDF WATFORD CITY Amazing! TRGPPU0''*$&QFSGFDUGPS PJMDPNQBOZt/FX*OUFSJPST XFUCBSLJUDIFOHJBOUGJSFQMBDF 8*'*$"#-&57VUJMJUJFTBMM JODMVEFE'VMMZGVSOJTIFE3FOU IMPRESS YOUR CLIENTS 1IPOFGPSWJFXJOH Only $17 A Week! If you run it for 2 weeks & it doesn’t sell, we’ll run it for 2 more weeks................... FREE! 2014 Chevy Silverado LT Crew Cab 8500 miles, like new, electric fold-out running boards with lights & back-up camera. Call: 406-765-7993 County Ext. Bldg on Main Street $ 32,700 2007 KW Aero Cab T600, C-15 cat 500HP, 13 speed, air lift, steerable pusher, wet kit, low mileage, good condition STORAGE UNITS AVAILABLE 20X20 • 10X20 10X16 • 8X9 Sidney, MT 482-3799 or 482-2666 RETAIL/OFFICE SPACE Downtown Sidney, in the Yellowstone Marketplace building. In-house restaurant, all utilities pd., free wi-fi, cellphone booster, $750/mo. Call Marci at 701-770-1904 or Linda, 406-489-1945. FOR SALE Wheat straw bales for sale. Large, coveredge, netwrapped. Weed free. Located in northern Richland County. $60/ton, you haul. Call 406489-7777. FARM & RANCH CUSTOM HAY GRINDING Fodder & Sons, Inc. custom hay grinding. Call Steven Vinnedge or Parker Heser, 406-781-1197. SIDNEY FEEDS Sweet Pro Premium feed supplements for cattle & horses, Hefty Seed Co., south of Sidney. 406-488-4338. MINERALS & SUPPLEMENTS Complete line of minerals & supplements, Crystalx protein & mineral tubs for cattle, horses & sheep. All types of liquid feed for livestock. Calving supplies. R&J Ag Supply 406-488-1953, 406480-2006, 1-800-233-2499, Sidney, MT. VERMEER HAYING EQUIPMENT See us today for all your haying & feeding equipment, sweeps & farm oil. Anderson Vermeer Sales & Service. Open Mon.- Check us out weekly with... Call: 7 701-693-2833 $ 39,500 Was $42,500 Want to place an ad in the Auto trader? [email protected] • (406) 433-3306 for details FOR SALE Feiring Cattle Co. 13th Annual Production Sale. Sat. Nov. 14, 2015 @ 2 p.m. MT. Held at the ranch 12 miles N of Beach, ND on Hwy 16, W 2/3 mile on 21st and N 1/4 mile. Selling 30 forage developed 18/mo old Angus bulls that are bred alike for calving ease, fertility and disposition. Also selling 25 FOR RENT Large open retail or office space, 1200 sq. ft. Can rent all for $2000/mo., or may be divided into 400 sq. ft. spaces, $750/mo. In-house restaurant, all utilities pd., cellphone booster, free wi-fi., convenient downtown Sidney location. Call Marci: 701-770-1904 or Linda: 406-489-1945 • Environmental Services • Health Information Management Director • Hospice Volunteer Coordinator • Lodge Resident Assistant • Phlebotomist / Lab Clerk Monthly with... 1IPOFGPSWJFXJOH Wed, Oct 28, Nov 4, 11, 18 Call for Appointment (701) - 609 - 3705 Fri., 8 a.m-5:30 p.m. 701-8283358 or 701-828-3482 (after hrs.). Alexander. RENT NOW Culbertson: Stops Available In Fairview & Bainville By Request Park your unoccupied RV for free. W/D in unit. Fairview, 406-630-2126. Or tak takee advantage of all our publications ever everyy day at... • Ward Clerk 8A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 open heifer calves. Backed by Wye, Shoshone and Diamond D genetics. For more info. or catalog contact Donnie Feiring at 701-872-5888. Check us out on Facebook at Feiring Cattle Company. Get GetYour YourRoundup, Roundup,Ag AgRoundup RoundupororVisitor’s Museum M in Williston liston aat: Guide In FOR SALE ‘95 Diamond D living quarter 2-horse trailer. 21’, shower, toilet, side tack rm. Sleeps 3-4. Dining table folds down to bed. $8500. Would be a great hunting rig too. Call Larry or Chris at 406-489-3249 or 406-489-0983 for more information. • 3 Amigos • 3 Amigos • Cash Wise • ’s • Gramma Gramma Sharon’s Sharon’s • Hedderich’s • Kum Hedderich’s • ‘n Go (2 Locations) • Scenic Sports • Simonson’s Kum ‘n Go (2 Locations) • • Thomas Petroleum C-Store • Simonson’s • Williston Airport SERVICES R&L PAINTING Will paint houses, barns, quonsets, silos, grain bins, Do you have news or photos from Richland County you would like in The Roundup? FOR SALE FOR SALE 40’ Fleetwood trailer w/ slide out, full bath, fridge, microwave, coffee & espresso maker, toaster oven, a/c & heater and milkhouse heater for underneath. Set up in Watford City, ND. $8000 obo. Call Kristi at 406-478-0916. FOR SALE 4 30” modern contemporary, black-brown, stainless steel bar stools. Like new $200 for all. 253-576-8271 Prineville. etc. References available. R&L Painting, 406-488-8244 or 406-480-4055. Contact: Meagan Dotson in Sidney 406-478-0517 $ Plus Cold Weather Bonus During the Winter Months & Periodic Raises! Reaching over 1, Households in Western North Dakota and Eastern Montana Every Week 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 $ $ 9. 32 $ 100 Signing Bonus!* Classifieds 1 $ Routes Available In Many Sidney Neighborhoods! Call us at: (406)433-3306 for details. 9. 9. 339.9. 359. 369. (etc.) 9. for 30 words or less; 10¢ per additional word Payment Must Accompany Ad Number of words Name x Number of Times WILL CLEAN General cleaning. Deep cleaning, organizing, garages, sheds, basements, etc,. Contact Kristi at 406-4780916. Join The Roundup Carrier Team! VEHICLE FOR SALE (Please Print) WELDING Welding & repair work. No job is too small. Portable welder, reasonable rates. 701-4442936. Kids, Earn $$$ FOR SALE ‘03 F-150 Blue Ford Lariat. 67,000/mi, 4wd, elect. shift, pwr steer, auto trans., leather interior, $10,300. 406-7475508. 111 West Main • Sidney, MT 406-433-3306 • 1-800-749-3306 WINDSHIELD REPLACEMENTS Lowest price around. Quick service. Over 300 windshields in stock for cars pickups & semis. Magrum Motors, 1820 2nd St. W., Williston, 701572-0114. = Cost $ Mail To: The Roundup PO Box 1207, Sidney, MT 59270 *Distributed over a 5 month period. Customer Service is Our #1 Priority Farm & Ranch Products & Construction Materials. New Steel, Auminum & Stainless. Office: 406-433-6757 Fax: 406-433-6755 Mon-Fri: 6am - 6pm Closed: Sat & Sun 2221 S. Central Avenue Sidney, MT 59270 Brady Smelser • Tim Mulholland • Kelly Moody • Bret Smelser • Ernie Gawryluk Sidney Glendive 35002 CR 123 2703 W. Towne St. 406-433-7737 1-800-423-5219 1-855-810-2995 Williston 13896 W. Front St. 1-800-820-5493 Plentywood Hwy 16 East 406-765-2624 TRADING POST 111 E. MAIN STREET • SIDNEY, MT. 59270 CONSIGNMENT • ANTIQUES GUNS • TOOLS • PAWN 1-406-433-7676 ASK FOR JERRY OR JOANNA Cody Fulton Agricultural Engineer Toll Free: Office: Cell: Fax: Irrigation Design Well Drilling & Well Service Manager Water Professionals • Underground Contractors 1-877-488-8066 1-406-488-8066 1-701-770-5110 1-406-488-8067 [email protected] WWW.NICKJONESRE.COM 1775 S CENTRAL AVE • SIDNEY, MT 59270 | WWW.AGRIINDUSTRIES.COM Martini Steel & Seamless Rain Handling Serving The Region For 50 Years! • • • • Seamless Rain Gutters Siding & Roofing Soffit & Fascia Maintenance-Free Decks Office: 406-798-3828 • Tom: 406-480-9078 • Dan: 406-291-0437 For all your Farm/Ranch, Recreational, Residential, and Commercial needs. Alan Seigfreid Amanda Seigfreid Jim & Janice Knudsen 120 2nd St. N.E. • Sidney Mt. 59270 (O) 406-433-3010 • (C) 406-489-3010 Broker/Owners email: [email protected] Website: www.missouririverrealty.com 205 2nd Ave NE Caterpillar Announces Restructuring And Cost Reduction Plans By Tie Shank Late September, CaterpilODU,QFDQQRXQFHGVLJQLÀFDQW restructuring and cost reduction actions that are expected to lower operating costs by about $1.5 billion annually once fully implemented. The cost reduction steps will begin in late 2015 and reflect recent, current and expected market conditions. )RUWKHFRPSDQ\·VVDOHV and revenues outlook has weakened, with 2015 sales and revenues now expected to be about $48 billion, or $1 billion lower than the previous outlook of about $49 billion. For 2016, sales and revenues are expected to be about 5 percent below 2015. Key steps planned by the company include: An expected permanent reduction in CatHUSLOODU·V VDODULHG DQG PDQagement workforce, including agency, of 4,000 – 5,000 people between now and the end of 2016, with most occurring in 2015, and with a total possible workforce reduction of more than 10,000 people, including the contemplated consolidation and closures of manufacturing facilities occurring through 2018. The company will offer a voluntary retirement enhancement program for qualifying employees, which will be completed by the end of 2015. Slightly less than half of the $1.5 billion of cost reduction is expected to be from lower Selling, General and Administrative (SG&A) costs. The reduction in SG&A will largely be in place and effective in 2016 and occur across the company. The remaining cost reductions are expected to come from lower period manufacturing costs, including savings from additional contemplated facility consolidations and closures, which could impact more than 20 facilities and slightly more than 10 percent of manufacturing square footage. A portion of these cost reductions are expected to be effective in 2016, with more savings anticipated in 2017 and 2018. “We are facing a convergence of challenging marketplace conditions in key regions and industry sectors – namely in mining and energy,” said Doug Oberhelman, Caterpillar Chairman and CEO. ´:KLOH ZH·YH DOUHDG\ PDGH substantial adjustments as these market conditions have emerged, we are taking even more decisive actions now. We GRQ·W PDNH WKHVH GHFLVLRQV OLJKWO\EXW,·PFRQÀGHQWWKHVH additional steps will better position Caterpillar to deliver solid results when demand improves.” This year is the compaQ\·V WKLUG FRQVHFXWLYH GRZQ year for sales and revenues, DQGZRXOGPDUNWKHÀUVW WLPH LQ &DWHUSLOODU·V \HDU history that sales and revenues have decreased four years in a row. 7RGD\·V DQQRXQFHPHQW is in addition to significant actions already taken. Since 2013, Caterpillar has closed or announced plans to close or consolidate more than 20 facilities, impacting 8 million square feet of manufacturing space. The company has also reduced its total workforce by more than 31,000 since mid-2012. Mining equipment sales are far below the prior peak and are substantially below what Caterpillar considers a reasonable replacement level. Oil and gas has declined substantially as a result of lower oil prices, and construction equipment sales are well below prior peaks in North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, the 0LGGOH(DVWDQG$VLD3DFLÀF Restructuring actions could impact more than 20 facilities across three large segments ; Construction Industries, Resource Industries and Energy & Transportation. (PSOR\HHVZLOOEHQRWLÀHGDV decisions are made for each facility. With 2014 sales and revenues of $55.184 billion, CatHUSLOODU LV WKH ZRUOG·V OHDGLQJ manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial gas turbines and diesel-electric locomotives. The company principally operates through its three product segments - Construction Industries, Resource Industries and Energy & Transportation. For more information, visit www.caterpillar.com. MNAXLP ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 9A FALL SAVINGS • Calf Weaning Vaccines & Pour-ons • Dependable Ritchie Livestock Water Fountains • Sturdy Heavy Duty Bale Feeders • Heavy Duty Panels • Powder River Panels & Gates • Rough Lumber & Windbreak Boards • Flatbed Hay Hauling Trailers HEADQUARTERS FOR STOCKMEN 14096 W Front St • Williston, ND (4½ Miles West on Hwy 2) | 701-572-2267 | Like a Good Horse, We Aim To Please. LOSING DO YOU WANT YOUR ROOF TO LOOK LIKE THIS? VALUABLE COOL & HOT AIR? WINDOWS FOGGING UP? Call Us, We Can Help! WE’LL MAKE YOUR HOME ENERGY EFFICENT! Serving All of Eastern Montana & Western North Dakota! WHAT IF YOUR SIDING COULD LOOK LIKE THIS? Glass WATFORD 701-300-0908 “A Better Community Glass & Door Company!” WWW.WATFORDGLASSANDDOOR.COM ATTENTION AREA COOKS! Pull out your tastiest recipes & enter our "Make It With Sugar" Contest! Friday, October 23rd • Reese & Rays IGA • Sidney, MT Entries Accepted From 9 - 10am ENTER IN ANY OR ALL CATEGORIES! Cake • Cookies • Pies • Candy • Breads & Rolls • Other Prizes Will Be Given Away For 1st Place In All Categories PLUS A $100 People’s Choice Award! ALL Entries Receive a FREE Bag g Of Sugar g Over $500 In Prizes! Sponsored By: Laurel Arndt 2014 1st place winner in “Other” Recipes must contain at leastt ½ cup granulated, l t d brown b or powdered d d sugar & be b servable bll in i tasting portions. Recipe must be included. Winning recipes will be published. Only entries in disposable containers will be accepted. Containers will not be returned. “Make It With Sugar” Registration Blank Name: Address: Phone: Categories: (Check all that apply) Cake Cookies Pies 111 West Main Street • Sidney, MT | 406-433-3306 Candy Breads & Rolls Other Mail To: PO Box 1207 • Sidney, MT 59270 10A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 Lunch Menus Sidney School Thurs., Oct. 22 :DIÁHV VDXVDJH OLQNV KDVK EURZQV DSSOHVDXFH Fri., Oct. 23: &RUQ GRJV RYHQ ZHGJHVSHDFKHVFRRNLH Mon., Oct. 26: %%4SRUNULEOHW RQEXQWDWHUWRWVSHDUV Tues., Oct. 27: 6RIWVKHOOWDFRV EDQDQD Wed., Oct. 28: &KLFNHQDOIUHGR RYHU SDVWD VWHDPHG EURFFROL JDUOLFWRDVWPDQGDULQRUDQJHV 3rd Annual Run for Help Zombie 5K By Tie Shank Escape the Zombies. Help support your local United Way on Oct. 24, 2015 at Spring Lake Park. Registration starts at 4 p.m. and the race starts at 5:30 p.m. 5XQQHUVUHFHLYHDÁDJIRRWEDOOEHOWDQGÁDJVXSRQUDFHFKHFN in, then must avoid zombies throughout the course as they are FKDVHGIRUWKHLUÁDJV7KLVNFRXUVHRIIHUVVRPHYDULHGWHUUDLQ such as asphalt, dirt, grass and hilly areas but does not cross any public roads outside of the park and fairgrounds area. This race is a great way to get some exercise and have some fun while supporting a fabulous organization. 1DWDVKD·V&DQYDVZLOOEHRQVLWHIURPSP²SPIRU DOO=RPELHVZKR·GOLNHWKHLUEDVLF]RPELHPDNHXSGRQHIRUIUHH 3URFHHGVEHQHÀW8QLWHG:D\RI:LOOLVWRQ7KHUHZLOOEHDIUHH chili feed following the race. You can pre-register online at the Williston Chamber of Commerce website or call 701-774-9041. Froid School Thurs., Oct. 22: &KLFNHQ VXSUHPHHJJUROOVIRUWXQHFRRNLHV PDQGDULQ RUDQJHV VDODG EDUPLON Fri., Oct. 23: &KLOL ZFUDFNHUV FDUURWVWLFNVFRUQEUHDGDSSOHVDXFHVDODGEDUPLON Mon., Oct. 26: &KLFNHQDOIUHGR EURFFROL QRUPDQG\ IUHVK UROOV IUXLWVDODGEDUPLON Tues., Oct. 27: +RWSRUNZJUDY\ RQEXQVPL[HGYHJHWDEOHVIUXLW VDODGEDUPLON Wed., Oct. 28: 2YHQIULHGFKLFNHQ PDVKHG SRWDWRHV ZJUDY\ FRUQ UROOV SHUIHFWLRQ VDODG VDODGEDUPLON Bainville School Thurs., Oct. 22:7XUNH\KRWGLVK EURFFROLEUHDGIUXLW Fri., Oct. 23:3L]]DEDJHOVDQG JUHHQEHDQV Mon., Oct. 26: &KLFNHQQXJJHWV JHPVSLQHDSSOH Tues., Oct. 27: *ULOOHGFKHHVH WRPDWRVRXSDSSOHVOLFHV Wed., Oct. 28: 6ZHHW Q VRXU PHDWEDOOV ULFH EHDQ PHGOH\ SHDUV Culbertson School Thurs., Oct. 22: &KLFNHQ OHJV PDVKHG SRWDWRHV JUHHQEHDQVIUXLWPLON Fri., Oct. 23: *ULOOHGFKHHVH VDQGYLFKHV WRPDWR VRXS IUXLWPLON Mon., Oct. 26: 6SDJKHWWL JDUOLFEUHDGIUXLWPLON Tues., Oct. 27: %HHI VRIW WDFRVIUXLWPLON Wed., Oct. 28:&KLFNHQWHQGHUV SRWDWR ZHGJHV IUXLW PLON Richey School Thurs., Oct. 22: &KLFNHQ IULHGVWHDNPDVKHGSRWDWRHV ZJUDY\ EURFFROL SHDFKHV PLON Fri., Oct. 23*RXODVKFDUURWVSHDUVGLQQHUUROOPLON Mon., Oct. 26 (JJ UROOV SRWDWR VPLOHV FDUURW VWLFNV SHDFKHVPLON Tues., Oct. 27 &KLFNHQ QXJJHWVFRUQSHDFKHVPLON Wed., Oct. 28 %HHI VWULSV PDVKHG SRWDWRHV FRXQWU\ JUDY\SHDVSLQHDSSOHPLON Rau School Thurs., Oct. 22: VWJUDGH SLFN Fri., Oct. 23 7RPDWR VRXS EUHDGVWLFNYHJJLHVIUXLW Mon., Oct. 26&KLFNHQFKDOXSDVDODGSHDVSHDFKHV Tues., Oct. 27: 7DFR PH[L ULFHVDODGSLQHDSSOH Wed., Oct. 28: 6KULPSIULHV VDODGFRUQPXIÀQIUXLW Lambert School Thurs., Oct. 22:&KLFNHQ QRRGOHV FKHHVH FUDFNHUV JUDSHVEXQVPLON Fri., Oct. 23 5RDVW EHHI VZLVVFKLSVIUXLWVDODGPLON Mon., Oct. 26 +RER VWHZ FKHHVH FUDFNHUV SXGGLQJ DSSOHVPLON Tues., Oct. 27:,WDOLDQGXQNHUV JUHHQEHDQVSHDUVPLON Wed., Oct. 286ZHHW VRXUFKLFNHQULFHVWLUIU\ YHJJLHVSLQHDSSOHIRUWXQH FRRNLHPLON Fairview School Thurs., Oct. 22: 3L]]D VWLFNV VDODGZGUHVVLQJDSSOHVPLON Mon., Oct. 26:6KHSKHUG·VSLH IUHVKIUXLWPL[HGYHJJLHVZKROH JUDLQEXQPLON Tues., Oct. 27:&KLFNHQEURFFROLULFHFDVVHUROHSHDVDSSOH VDXFHZKROHZKHDWEUHDGPLON Wed., Oct. 28:6SDJKHWWL FDVVHUROHJDUOLFWRDVWVDODGZ UDQFKJUDSHVPLON Celebrating Co-op month is a good time for everyone to join together and extend a helping hand to those less fortunate than ourselves. The entire month of October, Lower Yellowstone Electric will once again be collecting winter gear for the Salvation Army and nonperishable food items along with monetary donations for the Richland County food bank. With the current economy the percent of people looking to food banks for help across this country has increased dramatically. If you would like to donate items, please bring them to /RZHU<HOORZVWRQH(OHFWULF·VRIÀFHDQGZHZLOOGHOLYHUWKHLWHPV to the Salvation Army and the food bank on October 31. LYREC would like to thank you in advance for your help and for caring Together we can make a difference. MNAXLP IT’S TRUCK MONTH! Check out the CLEARANCE prices on these NEW trucks! 2015 GMC Sierra 2500 Double cab 2015 GMC Sierra 3500 Crew cab 2014 Chevy Silverado 1500 Crew cab 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 Crew cab C6108 C6100 C6544 C6563 C6557 C6562 C6543 C6542 C6212 C6516 C6600 C6585 G6057 G6436 G6641 G6643 G6254 G6255 G6476 G6481 G6549 G6525 G6348 G6240 G6612 G6580 C6249 C5971 C6628 C6622 C6603 C6602 C6609 G5834 G6329 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 4WD Crew cab LT, longbed 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 4WD Crew cab LT, longbed 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 4WD Crew cab LT, longbed 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 4WD Crew cab LT, longbed 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 4WD Crew cab LT, longbed 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 4WD Crew cab LT, longbed 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 4WD Crew cab LT, longbed 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 4WD Crew cab LT, longbed 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 4WD Crew cab LT, longbed 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 4WD Crew cab LT, longbed 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 4WD Crew Cab Work Truck Longbed 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 4WD Crew Cab Work Truck Longbed 2015 GMC Sierra 2500 2WD Double Cab SLE Longbed 2015 GMC Sierra 2500 4WD Double Cab SLE 2015 GMC Sierra 2500 4WD Double Cab SLE Longbed 2015 GMC Sierra 2500 4WD Double Cab SLE Longbed 2015 GMC Sierra 3500 4WD Crew Cab Base DRW 2015 GMC Sierra 3500 4WD Crew Cab Base DRW 2015 GMC Sierra 3500 4WD Crew Cab Base SRW 2015 GMC Sierra 3500 4WD Crew Cab Base SRW 2015 GMC Sierra 3500 4WD Crew Cab Base SRW 2015 GMC Sierra 3500 4WD Crew Cab Base SRW 2015 GMC Sierra 3500 4WD Crew Cab Base SRW 2015 GMC Sierra 3500 4WD Crew Cab Base SRW Longbed 2015 GMC Sierra 3500 4WD Crew Cab Base SRW Longbed 2015 GMC Sierra 3500 4WD Crew Cab Base SRW Longbed 2014 Chevy Silverado 1500 4WD Crew Cab LTZ 2014 Chevy Silverado 1500 4WD Crew Cab LTZ Z71 Longbed 2014 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 4WD Double Cab LTZ 2014 2014 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 4WD Reg Cab Work Truck w/1WT 2014 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 4WD Reg Cab Work Truck w/1WT 2014 2016 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 4WD Reg Cab Work Truck w/1WT 2014 2016 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 4WD Reg Cab Work Truck w/1WT Longbed 2014 GMC Sierra 1500 4WD Crew Cab 2014 GMC Sierra 1500 4WD Crew Cab SLE MSRP DISCOUNT REBATE SALE PRICE $47,545 $47,545 $46,695 $46,695 $46,695 $46,695 $46,695 $46,695 $47,510 $46,695 $42,260 $42,260 $57,350 $47,005 $45,725 $47,005 $52,170 $52,170 $43,995 $52,555 $43,625 $43,625 $52,170 $52,170 $43,625 $43,625 $50,600 $50,820 $45,680 $35,710 $35,710 $35,710 $35,710 $39,810 $45,070 -$3,750 -$3,700 -$3,600 -$3,600 -$3,600 -$3,600 -$3,600 -$3,600 -$3,700 -$3,600 -$2,900 -$2,900 -$7,000 -$3,900 -$3,700 -$3,800 -$4,500 -$4,500 -$3,400 -$4,500 -$3,400 -$3,400 -$4,500 -$4,500 -$3,400 -$3,400 -$10,000 -$10,000 -$8,000 -$6,000 -$6,000 -$6,000 -$6,000 -$9,000 -$9,500 -$3,750 -$5,000 -$3,750 -$2,000 -$2,000 -$3,750 -$2,000 -$2,000 -$3,750 -$3,750 -$2,000 -$2,000 -$3,750 -$3,750 -$2,000 -$2,000 -$5,000 -$2,000 -$2,000 -$2,000 -$2,000 -$2,000 -$2,000 -$4,000 -$2,000 -$2,000 $40,045 $38,845 $39,345 $41,095 $41,095 $39,345 $41,095 $41,095 $39,345 $39,355 $40,025 $41,205 $38,595 $38,225 $38,225 $38,225 $38,225 $40,820 $29,710 $29,710 $29,710 $29,710 $30,810 $35,570 MSRP DISCOUNT REBATE SALE PRICE SEE THESE SALES CONSULTANTS FOR QUALITY CAR BUYS! Savage School Thurs., Oct. 22: &KLFNHQ DOIUHGREURFFROLDSULFRWV Fri., Oct. 23: +DPEXUJHUV 3RWDWRHVIUXLWFRFNWDLO Mon., Oct. 26: &KLFNHQIDMLWD JUHHQVDODGSHDFKHVPLON Tue., Oct. 27: &KLFNHQIULHG VWHDNPDVKHGSRWDWRHVZ JUDY\JUHHQEHDQVFXFXPEHU VWLFNVDSSOHVDXFHGHVVHUW Wed., Oct. 28: &KLOLSLQHDSSOHFLQQDPRQUROOVFKHHVH FUDFNHUVPLON In the Spirit of Co-Op Month LYREC is Holding A Coat & Food Drive the Month of October Pat Murphy Dealer BAD CREDIT. NO CREDIT. NO PROBLEM. YOUR JOB IS YOUR CREDIT www.MurphyMotors.com LORI Wayne Rodvold Ben Brewer Kelly Blomberg Anthony Thompson General Manager New Cars Manager Fleet Manager Business Manager CHRISTOPHERSON Sales Colt Treffry Rick Moe Social Media Consultant Sales Manager Dusty Falcon Fleet Sales Greg Bowles Sales A.K. Kabir Sales Miguel Quezada Sales Se Habla Espanol XNLV235233 OE"WF88JMMJTUPO/%$BMMPSt)PVST.0/'3*BNUPQN4"5BNQN w w w. m u r p h y m o t o r s . c o m XNLV236271 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 11A Fall Fish Surveys Completed Submitted by North Dakota Game & Fish 1RUWK'DNRWD*DPH$QG )LVK 'HSDUWPHQW )LVKHULHV %LRORJLVWV +DYH (YDOXDWHG )LVK 6SDZQLQJ$QG 6WRFNLQJ Success Across The State. )LVKHULHV PDQDJHPHQW VHFWLRQ OHDGHU 6FRWW *DQJO said Lake Sakakawea pro GXFHG JRRG FDWFKHV RI :DOO H\H DQG<HDUOLQJ 3HUFK´:H KDGDJRRGKDWFKRQ3HUFKLQ DQGRXUJX\VZHUHVWLOO VHHLQJ D ORW RI WKRVH LQ WKH QHWV WKLV \HDUµ *DQJO VDLG ´2XU:DOOH\HFDWFKZDVDERYH DYHUDJH ZLWK D FRPELQDWLRQ State Approves I-177, the Montana Trap-Free Public Lands Initiative Submitted by Chris Justice Public lands in Montana will become free of commercial and recreational traps, if an initiative approved by the Attorney *HQHUDO·VRIÀFHTXDOLÀHVIRUWKH1RYHPEHUJHQHUDOHOHFWLRQ and is approved by a majority of voters. The Secretary of State DSSURYHGVLJQDWXUHJDWKHULQJ2FW3URSRQHQWVPXVWJHWD PLQLPXPRITXDOLÀHGVLJQDWXUHVIURPKRXVHGLVWULFWV LQWKHVWDWHRI0RQWDQDE\-XQH $FFRUGLQJWRWKHRIÀFLDOVWDWHODQJXDJHWKH0RQWDQD7UDS Free Public Lands Act (MTFPL): Generally prohibits the use of traps and snares for animals on any public lands within Montana and establishes misdemeanor criminal penalties for violations of WKHWUDSSLQJSURKLELWLRQV,DOORZVWKH0RQWDQD'HSDUWPHQW of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks to use certain traps on public land when necessary if nonlethal methods have been tried and found LQHIIHFWLYH,DOORZVWUDSSLQJE\SXEOLFHPSOR\HHVDQGWKHLU DJHQWVWRSURWHFWSXEOLFKHDOWKDQGVDIHW\SURWHFWOLYHVWRFNDQG SURSHUW\RUFRQGXFWVSHFLÀHGVFLHQWLÀFDQGZLOGOLIHPDQDJHPHQW activities. 8QGHUWKHLQLWLDWLYHWUDSSLQJRQSULYDWHODQGVZKLFKFRP SULVHSHUFHQWRIWKHVWDWHZLOOQRWEHDIIHFWHG$FFRUGLQJWR WKH07)3/ZHEVLWHWKHLPSHWXVEHKLQGWKHLQLWLDWLYHLVWKUHH fold: concern for public safety, the inhumane and indiscriminate QDWXUH RI WUDSV DQG WKH XQVXVWDLQDEOH SUHVVXUH WUDSSLQJ IRU FRPPHUFHDQGUHFUHDWLRQSXWVRQGZLQGOLQJDQGHQGDQJHUHG species. Under current law, trappers are able to set an unlimited QXPEHURIWUDSVZDUQLQJVLJQVDUHQRWUHTXLUHGDQGWUDSSHUV DUHDGYLVHGEXWQRWUHTXLUHGWRFKHFNWKHLUWUDSVLQDQ\VSHFLÀF SHULRG RI WLPH ´+LGGHQ WUDSV GLUHFWO\ HQGDQJHU SHRSOH SHWV and wildlife” said Chris Justice, executive director of Footloose Montana and volunteer for MFTPL. “Montanans should not have to compromise peace of mind, welfare of children, and pet safety ZKHQXVLQJWKHLURZQSXEOLFODQGµ 'U 7LP 3URYRZ SUHVLGHQW RI 07)3/ VDLG WKDW WUDSSLQJ FRQÁLFWVZLWKKXQWLQJHWKLFV´7UDSSLQJYLRODWHVWKH¶%H6XUHRI <RXU7DUJHW·UXOHE\LWVLQGLVFULPLQDWHNLOOLQJRIPDQ\VSHFLHV LQFOXGLQJHQGDQJHUHGWKUHDWHQHGDQGVHQVLWLYHVSHFLHVVXFK DV&DQDGDO\Q[DQG$PHULFDQEDOGHDJOHµKHVDLG´7UDSSLQJ KDV DOPRVW ZLSHG RXW RWKHU VSHFLHV LQFOXGLQJ PDUWHQ RWWHU ZROYHULQHÀVKHUDQGVZLIWIR[´7UDSSLQJLVQRW¶)DLU&KDVH·RU TXLFNDQGHIÀFLHQWNLOOµ3URYRZFRQWLQXHG´7HQVRIWKRXVDQGV of untended, unmonitored traps on public lands lure wild and domestic animals with bait. And for every wild furbearer killed, PDQ\PRUHQRQWDUJHWHGZLOGDQGGRPHVWLFDQLPDOVDUHNLOOHG and discarded.” 7R UHDG WKH LQLWLDWLYH GRQDWH RU YROXQWHHU WR KHOS JR WR ZZZPRQWDQDWUDSIUHHRUJRUFDOO Union GatewayAgency ǯ ¢ǯȱ ȱȱȱȱȱ ¢ȱȱ DZȱ RIVWRFNLQJDQGQDWXUDOUHSUR GXFWLRQ6PHOWQXPEHUVDUHQ·W FRPSLOHG\HWEXWRWKHUIRUDJH ÀVKUHPDLQIDLUO\VWDEOHZKHQ compared to prior years.” The Missouri River is be JLQQLQJWRVKRZVORZVLJQVRI UHFRYHU\*DQJOVDLGDVPRUH DGXOW JDPH ÀVK DUH VKRZLQJ XSEHWZHHQ*DUULVRQ'DPDQG %LVPDUFN ´%XW UHSURGXFWLRQ LVVWLOOSRRUDQGZHGLGQ·WVHH PXFK IRU \RXQJRIWKH\HDU ÀVKWKLVIDOOµKHDGGHG´7KH KDELWDW LV VWDUWLQJ WR UHEXLOG but it still lacks the productive FDSDFLW\QHFHVVDU\IRUÀVKWR reproduce and survive.” /DNH 2DKH VPHOW QXP EHUV DFFRUGLQJ WR *DQJO UHPDLQYHU\ORZ´:KLWH%DVV Walleye and Crappie numbers ZHUHIDLUIRU\RXQJRIWKH\HDU ILVK EXW GRZQ IURP D JRRG \HDULQµKHVDLG 7KH 'HYLOV /DNH EDVLQ reported lower numbers of \RXQJRIWKH\HDU :DOOH\H but white bass were plentiful. “Last winter was relatively GU\ DQG JHQHUDOO\ RXU EHVW reproductive years coincide ZLWK JRRG ZDWHU OHYHOV DQG LQÁRZVµ*DQJOVDLG Statewide, smaller lakes showed various levels of VXFFHVV ´2Q PDQ\ RI WKH newer lakes where fish are LQWURGXFHG IRU WKH ÀUVW WLPH RXU FDWFKHV ZHUH JHQHUDOO\ JRRGµ*DQJOVDLG´+RZHYHU in other lakes where we have VWURQJSRSXODWLRQVRIÀVKRXU catches tended to be lower WKDQ DYHUDJH ZKLFK LV QRW unusual when there already is an established population.” At Williston Saddlery Oct 26th - 30th Thank You To Our Many Great Customers! Come Help Us Celebrate! PURINA WIND & RAIN CATTLE MINERAL ON SALE! Purina Impact Horse Feed $ 14 Infinia Grain-Free Dog Food Turkey/Sweet Potato & Bison/Potato Get a $ 25 GIFT CARD 24 With 1 Ton Purchase! Tack & MT Silver 20% per bag $ per 15lb bag off Saddles On Sale! Williston Saddlery 4½ miles west on Hwy 2 • Williston, ND | 701-572-2267 MNAXLP A Non-Profit Countywide Economic Development Corporation 1060 S. Central Ave. Sidney, Montana Phone (406) 482-4679 Fax (406) 482-5552 E-mail: [email protected] www.richlandeconomicdevelopment.com ww Invites you to join us at our Annual Meeting Tuesday, November 10th, 2015 at 6pm at the Sidney Country Club a/LIH a+HDOWK a0HGLFDUH6XSSOHPHQW a0HGLFDUH3DUW' a*URXS+HDOWK a9LVLRQ a'HQWDO a/RQJ7HUP&DUH QG6W1: 6LGQH\07 SKRQH ID[ ©2011 Vision Service Plan. All rights reserved. VSP and Vision care for life are registered trademarks of Vision Service Plan. OPEN HOUSE Please RSVP by November 3rd As a member of an Eastern Montana economic development organization, your attendance and participation will be greatly appreciated. We hope you will join us as we highlight our projects and activities, and that you enjoy the evening with us. A brief business meeting will be part of our agenda. This event is open to the public. From the Board of Richland Economic Development Corp. Many thanks to our investment partners working together for Richland County’s Future NOVEMBER 13th All Times Are Central Time 3pm ................. Equipment Walk-around 4pm ............................ Equipment Demo 5pm ......................................Social Hour 6pm .............................................Supper Pre-Order Net Wrap Specials And Door Prizes! HYDRABEDS BY TRIPLE C, INC. ANDERSON VERMEER SALES ALEXANDER, NORTH DAKOTA 15192 Hwy 68 701-828-3358 or 701-828-3359 Vermeer, the Vermeer logo, Inline and Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. © 2015 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Richland Economic Development Corp. Membership as of September 30th, 2015 Bold indicates 2015 New Members 1st Choice Collision Center 5.19 Oilfield Services Action Auto Advanced Litho Printing Agri-Industries All About Oil field Services, LLC Ameriprise Financial B & B Builders BNSF Railway Beagle Land Company Beagle Properties Bell Ridge Farms Best Western Golden Prairie Inn & Suites Big Sky Siding & Windows Blue Rock Products BOSS Office and Computer Products Boys And Girls Club of Richland County Brenner, Averett, & Co., PC CHMS, PC Castle Rock Consortium Inc. CenturyLink Checkers Con’s Weed Control Service Cross Petroleum Service D & M Water Service Dasinger, Kirby Doorbust’n Portables & Septic Downtown Bistro Eagle Country Ford, Inc Eagles Lodging East-Mont Enterprises Edward Jones (Enid Huotari) Edward Jones (Nick Lonski) ElectricLand, Inc Exdivio Solutions, Inc Fairview Chamber of Commerce Farm & Home Supply Farm Bureau Footers, Inc Frontier Heating Fulkerson Funeral Home Gartner-Denowh Angus Ranch Gaffaneys of Williston Groskinsky, Bud & Anne Gurney Electric H & R Block HUB International Insurance Harmon’s Agate & Silver Hauge, Mark Healthy Smiles Henderson, Bill Interstate Engineering Inc JD Farms Johnson Hardware & Furniture John Stockhill Jewelers KC Transport KFC Kaleb M. Dasinger Oil Properties Kringen Construction Inc Kountry Catering LeRoy’s Catering Lindblom, Stanley Lone Tree Inn Lone Tree Ranch Lower Yellowstone Irrigation Project Lower Yellowstone Rural Electric Cooperative Lucky Buckle M & C Beverage McMillen, Dave Martineau, Dr. Paul Martini Siding & Windows Merchants Bank Microtel Inn & Suites Mid-Rivers Communications Millers’ Corner Miller’s Garbage Service Mitchell’s Oilfield Service, Inc MonDak Heritage Center Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. Mountain Plains Equity Group Netzer Law Office Niehenke Welding, Inc Northwest Farm Credit Services Party Central Picture Perfect Photography Planet Hair Pro Build Quinnell Electric Rambur Charolais, LTD Ranger Lounge Redlin, Beth Rehbein, Mark Restorx of Montana, Inc. Reynolds Market Richland County Commissioners Richland County Title, LLC Richland Farm Mutual Ins Richland Fed Credit Union Richland Inn & Suites Roundup, The S/L Services, INC S & S Properties Security Abstract Company Seigfried Agency Ins and RE Seitz Insurance Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce & Ag Sidney, City of Sidney Country Club & Pro Shop Sidney Elks Lodge Sidney Eye Care Sidney Extended Stay LLC Sidney Health Center Sidney Herald Sidney Job Service Sidney Liquor Agency #50, Inc Sidney Millwork Company Sidney Paint & Glass Sidney Red-E-Mix, Inc Sidney Rental Sidney Sugars, Inc. Smith, Lange & Halley, PC South 40 Steinbeisser & Sons, Inc Steinbeisser, Jim Stockman Bank Taco Johns Territorial Landworks, Inc Thrivent Financial Tri-County Implement Triple S Disposal Uintah Engineering & Land Surveying Union Gateway, Inc Wells Fargo Bank Winner’s Pub XTO Energy Yellowstone Bank Yellowstone Chiropractic Clinic Yellowstone Marketplace 12A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 A Journey With The Yellowstone In Missouri River Territory The Yellowstone and Missouri rivers merge near the Montana-North Dakota border. Photo by the Rick and Susie Graetz 2015 FISHING AND WINTER CAMPING SHOW! 3 Days! Friday – Sunday, October: 23rd ............................. 10am - 7pm 24th................................ 9am - 7pm 25th..............................12pm - 5pm Raymond Center • Williston, ND Introducing Our Own Flagstaff Fish-N-Camp! Ice Cabin • Ice Castle • MonDak Sports • Thorne Bros • And More! • FREE Admission And Food! Family Owned Since $21,490 $450 $2500 $500 $3450 TOTAL OFF MSRP $18,040 $28,674 $900 $750 $600 $26,424 #22339 $4055 TOTAL OFF MSRP #23327 $30,204 $37.834 $1.1918 $1,500 $800 $33,616 $37,002 In Stock Now RYAN MOTORS MSRP RYAN DISCOUNT RAM REBATE RYAN OCTOBER SAVINGS #23299 $49,084 $2,926 $2,000 $1,000 $43,158 2015 RAM 3500 ST $7037 TOTAL OFF MSRP (25) 2015 Ram 3500 Cab/Chassis $24,734 $5926 TOTAL OFF MSRP #23106 #22544 $27,334 $500 $1,500 $600 2015 RAM 2500 SLT $4218 TOTAL OFF MSRP $44,039 $3,037 $3,000 $1,000 $43,595 MSRP RYAN DISCOUNT JEEP REBATE RYAN OCTOBER SAVINGS $2600 TOTAL OFF MSRP 2015 RAM 2500 ST MSRP RYAN DISCOUNT RAM REBATE RYAN OCTOBER SAVINGS $47,795 $2,500 $500 $1,200 2015 JEEP PATRIOT SPORT 2015 RAM 1500 ST MSRP RYAN DISCOUNT RAM REBATE RYAN OCTOBER SAVINGS $37,849 MSRP RYAN DISCOUNT JEEP REBATE RYAN OCTOBER SAVINGS $4200 TOTAL OFF MSRP #22978 $1800 TOTAL OFF MSRP $41,324 $1,475 $1,000 $1,000 2015 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LIMITED #22946 $32,004 $600 $500 $700 $24,974 MSRP RYAN DISCOUNT CHRYLSER REBATE RYAN OCTOBER SAVINGS $3475 TOTAL OFF MSRP 2015 JEEP CHEROKEE LATITUDE MSRP RYAN DISCOUNT JEEP REBATE RYAN OCTOBER SAVINGS $26,974 $500 $1000 $500 2015 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LIMITED $2250 TOTAL OFF MSRP $49,184 $1,955 $1,000 $1,100 $45,129 MSRP RYAN DISCOUNT CHRYLSER REBATE RYAN OCTOBER SAVINGS $2000 TOTAL OFF MSRP #23317 2015 DODGE DURANGO LIMITED MSRP RYAN DISCOUNT DODGE REBATE RYAN OCTOBER SAVINGS 2015 CHRYSLER 200 LIMITED #22946 2015 DODGE JOURNEY SXT MSRP RYAN DISCOUNT DODGE REBATE RYAN OCTOBER SAVINGS *APR *APR 2015 DODGE DART SXT MSRP RYAN DISCOUNT DODGE REBATE RYAN OCTOBER SAVINGS 1938 *RYHUQRU 6WHYH %XOORFN issued an executive order declaring a state disaster to exist in Glendive, and authoUL]HGWKHH[SHQGLWXUHRIIXQGV WR DVVLVW LQ WKH FRPPXQLW\·V recovery and repairs to public infrastructure. “A severe storm with damDJLQJZLQGVKDYHVLJQLÀFDQWO\ harmed the infrastructure of *OHQGLYHDQGFDXVHGGLIÀFXOW\ IRU WKHLU UHVLGHQWVµ %XOORFN said of the declaration. “In Montana, when a neighbor is struggling we offer a helping KDQG ,·P SOHDVHG WKDW WKH state is able to provide some much needed assistance to WKLVFRPPXQLW\µ The declaration, which FDPHDWWKHUHTXHVWRI*OHQdive city leaders, is in response to a severe storm on July 27th that brought microburst winds estimated to be in excess of 125 mph. The microburst caused damaged public property, including city water PDLQVDQGFUHDWHGVLJQLÀFDQW debris from fallen or damaged WUHHV 7KH &LW\ RI *OHQGLYH committed and exhausted all available resources to reduce KD]DUGVDQGUHVWRUHVHUYLFHV *APR SINCE 1938 WILLISTON (BUF"WFt8JMMJTUPO/% $BMM6TBU DPBUFTSWOPSUIEBLPUBDPN Governor Bullock Declares State Disaster after Damaging Winds in Glendive MSRP RYAN DISCOUNT RAM REBATE RYAN OCTOBER SAVINGS $6777 TOTAL OFF MSRP #22078 In Stock Now (11) 4500 Cab/Chassis $44,530 $2,777 $3,000 $1,000 $37,753 In Stock Now (6) 5500 Cab/Chassis 1212 W 2nd St, Williston, ND • (701) 577-1111 • 1800-568-5160 www.ryanmotors.net $35IRUTXDOL¿HGEX\HUV7HUPUDWHVYDU\EDVHGRQ&KU\OVHU&DSLWDODSSURYDO-HHS &KHURNHHPR-HHS*UDQG&KHURNHHPR-HHS3DWULRWPR&KU\VOHUPR &KU\VOHU7&PR'RGJH'DUWPR'RGJH'XUDQJRPR-RXUQH\PR5DP PR&&PR0&PR0&PR5DWHVEDVHGRQVWRFNQXPEHUVXVHG LQWKLVDG(DFKYHKLFOHPD\YDU\EDVHGRQUHTXHVWHGWHUPRI¿QDQFLQJDQGDSSURYDO By Rick and Susie Graetz Department of Geography University of Montana Agates are another lower Yellowstone River attraction. Millions of years ago, volcanoes ruled Montana east of the mountains. Powerful eruptions of molten lava and ash covered and destroyed hundreds of miles of forests. After centuries of activity, the climate cooled and rain washed silica and minerals from the surface of the land down into the labyrinths of hardHQHGODYDEHGVÀOOLQJWKHQRRNVDQGFUDQQLHVZLWKZKDWVHYHUDO eons later would become Montana agates. In those unstable geologic times, mountains were being born and layers of buried ODYDEURNHQXS'ULYLQJUDLQVHURGHGWKHGHEULVZDVKLQJLWLQWR the lower country. The Yellowstone River is the recipient of a PDJQLWXGHRIWKHDOOXYLDOJUDYHODQGPL[HGDPRQJWKHURFNV and stones are beautiful agate treasures waiting to be found. The bustling town of Sidney is about a mile west of the Yellowstone and about 14 river miles short of its marriage to the Missouri. Named in 1888 for Sidney Walters, the young son of a ORFDOSLRQHHUIDPLO\ORFDOVOLNHWRFDOOLWWKH6XQULVH&LW\DVWKLV LVZKHUHWKHVXQÀUVWJUHHWV0RQWDQD$SOHDVDQWFRPPXQLW\ GRWWHGZLWKH[SDQVLYHWUHHOLQHGFLW\SDUNVLWLVWKHODUJHVWWRZQ in northeast Montana. Sugar beets, wheat, ranching and oil proYLGHWKHGROODUVDQGWKHH[KLELWVDWWKHKLJKO\DFFODLPHG0RQGDN +HULWDJH&HQWHUSURYLGHUHPLQGHUVRIWKHULFKKLVWRULFDOSDVW Between Sidney and Fairview, the valley of the Yellowstone VSUHDGVRXWLQDGLVSOD\RIDJULFXOWXUDODUWZRUN$WWLPHVORRNLQJ OLNHDELOORZLQJSDWFKZRUNTXLOWJUHHQÀHOGVRIVXJDUEHHWVDUH LQWHUVSHUVHG DPRQJ VTXDUHV RI \HOORZ ZKHDW +D\ EDOHV LQ various shades of gold scattered across the countryside give WKHVFHQHGHÀQLWLRQ A few river miles north of Sidney, the Yellowstone crosses WKH 1RUWK 'DNRWD OLQH WKHQ DEUXSWO\ FKDQJHV KHU PLQG DQG UXVKHVEDFNLQWR0RQWDQD)LQDOO\DERXWWZRPLOHVZHVWRIWKH border, the fabled Yellowstone bids Montana adieu, turns toward 1RUWK'DNRWDDQGVWD\VRQWUDFNIRUWKH0LVVRXUL 6RPHRI0RQWDQD·VHDUOLHVWUHFRUGHGKLVWRU\ZDVSOD\HGRXW LQWKLV´&RQÁXHQFH&RXQWU\µKHUHRQWKHHDVWHUQIULQJHVRIRXU state where the Yellowstone ends its run. On April 27, 1805, the &RUSVRI'LVFRYHU\DIWHUKDYLQJVSHQWDIHZGD\VDWWKHMRLQLQJ RI WKH WZR ULYHUV ÀUVW HQWHUHG ZKDW ZRXOG EHFRPH 0RQWDQD Territory. From about 1828 until 1867, the stately Fort Union held supremacy over the fur trade business of the Upper Missouri. Originally built in 1828 by John Jacob Astor and his AmerLFDQ)XU&RPSDQ\)RUW8QLRQZDVORFDWHGDERXWVL[PLOHVXS the Missouri from the Yellowstone. A handsome – some would say royal – place, it attracted famous men of the day. When the Fur Trade Era ended in 1867, the fort fell into disrepair. Much of the material was moved to aid in the expansion of Fort Buford, a PLOLWDU\SRVWFORVHUWRWKH<HOORZVWRQH·VFRQÁXHQFH6WHDPERDWV churning up the Missouri used what wood was left to feed their hungry boilers. Today, the Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site has been reconstructed into an exact replica as it was in 1851, DQGGXHWRWKHQDWXUDOUHFRQÀJXUDWLRQRIWKHULYHUVLWLVDFWXDOO\ DERXWWKUHHDLUPLOHVXSIURPWKHMRLQLQJRIWKHZDWHUV)RUDQ\one interested in the fabled Missouri and Yellowstone rivers, this historic site should be on your trail. The geographic history of WKH<HOORZVWRQH0LVVRXUL&RQÁXHQFHLVDOVRZRUWK\RIQRWH7KH RULJLQDOVLWHRIWKHXQLWLQJRIWKHULYHUVWKH&RUSVRI'LVFRYHU\ witnessed is about two miles to the southwest of the current MXQFWLRQ$KXJHVÁRRGIRUFLEO\PRYHGLW Three miles from the eastern edge of Montana and Fort Union, the big, wide, silt-laden Yellowstone gives up her independence to the Missouri, together forming one very formidable river. 8QGHUWKHÁDJRIWKH0LVVRXULLWOXQJHVWRZDUGDUHQGH]YRXV with the Mississippi River. MNAXLP Dalrymple, Willistonarea Officials Celebrate Bypass Completion Submitted by Barbara Peterson *RY-DFN'DOU\PSOHWRGD\MRLQHGVWDWHDQGORFDORIÀFLDOV WRFHOHEUDWHWKHFRPSOHWLRQRIWKHWKLUGDQGÀQDOSKDVHRI:LOOLVWRQ·VSHUPDQHQWWUXFNUHOLHYHUURXWH7KHPLOHORQJE\SDVVLV GHVLJQHGWRGLYHUWUHJLRQDOWUXFNWUDIÀFDURXQGWKHZHVWHUQHGJH RIWKHFLW\WRHDVHWUDIÀFFRQJHVWLRQDQGLPSURYHURDGZD\VDIHW\ ´7KLVWUXFNURXWHLVDQRWKHUH[DPSOHRIRXURQJRLQJFRPPLWPHQW to addressing the public infrastructure needs in western North 'DNRWDDQGWKURXJKRXWWKHHQWLUHVWDWHµ'DOU\PSOHVDLG´:LWK PRUHWKDQYHKLFOHVWUDYHOLQJWKURXJKWKLVDUHDHDFKGD\ WKH:LOOLVWRQE\SDVVZLOOSURYLGHDPRUHVDIHDQGHIÀFLHQWURDGZD\IRUERWKUHJLRQDODQGORFDOWUDIÀF:HVWLOOKDYHPXFKZRUN DKHDGEXW1RUWK'DNRWDFRQWLQXHVWRPDNHJUHDWSURJUHVVµ 7KHVWDWHLQYHVWHGDERXWPLOOLRQWREXLOGWKHPLOH IRXUODQH E\SDVV ZKLFK URXWHV WUXFN WUDIÀF ZHVW RI :LOOLVWRQ connecting US Highway 85 and US Highway 2. The state has invested a total of $420 million solely on the construction of WUXFN URXWHV WKDW VHUYH WKH FRPPXQLWLHV RI :LOOLVWRQ :DWIRUG &LW\$OH[DQGHU1HZ7RZQ'LFNLQVRQDQG.LOOGHHU 7KH1RUWK'DNRWD'HSDUWPHQWRI7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ1''27 EHJDQZRUNRQ:LOOLVWRQ·VSHUPDQHQWE\SDVVZLWKFRQVWUXFWLRQ of a new intersection at US Highway 2 and US Highway 85 in HDUO\7KLV\HDUWKHVWDWHFRPSOHWHGWKHÀQDOWZRSKDVHV RIWKHIRXUODQHURDGZD\,QWKHVWDWHÀQLVKHGZRUNRQD temporary bypass that provided alternative routes on both the ZHVWDQGHDVWVLGHVRIWKHFLW\´7KH1''27ZRUNHGFORVHO\ ZLWKWKHFRPPXQLW\WRDOOHYLDWHWUDIÀFFRQJHVWLRQE\SURYLGLQJ WKHWHPSRUDU\WUXFNUHOLHYHUURXWHXQWLOWKLVQHZURXWHFRXOGEH FUHDWHGµ1''27'LUHFWRU*UDQW/HYLVDLG´:LWKRYHUPLOHV of new roadway and a reconstructed intersection of US Highway DQGWKHQHZ:LOOLVWRQ1RUWKZHVW3HUPDQHQW7UXFN5HOLHYHU 5RXWHKDVYDVWO\LPSURYHGWUDYHOLQWKHFLW\RI:LOOLVWRQµ 6LQFH 1RUWK 'DNRWD KDV LQYHVWHG PRUH WKDQ PLOOLRQD\HDURQVWDWHZLGHURDGZD\SURMHFWVWKHODUJHVWURDG LPSURYHPHQWFDPSDLJQLQVWDWHKLVWRU\'DOU\PSOHFRQJUDWXODWHG:LOOLVWRQDQG:LOOLDPV&RXQW\RIÀFLDOVRQFRPSOHWLRQRI WKHE\SDVVDQGWKDQNHGWKHPIRUWKHLUDVVLVWDQFHWR1''27LQ PRYLQJWKHSURMHFWIRUZDUG 7KRVHMRLQLQJ'DOU\PSOHWRFRPPHPRUDWHWKHFRPSOHWLRQ RI:LOOLVWRQ·VSHUPDQHQWE\SDVVLQFOXGHG6HQ'DYLG5XVW5HS *DU\6XNXW5HS%HUW$QGHUVRQ:LOOLVWRQ0D\RU+RZDUG.OXJ :LOOLDPV&RXQW\&RPPLVVLRQHUV'DQ.DOLODQG:D\QH$EHUOH *UDQW/HYL1RUWK'DNRWD(QHUJ\,PSDFW&RRUGLQDWRU5RU\1HOVRQDQG:LOOLVWRQ&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFH3UHVLGHQW6FRWW0HVNH ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 1B Sugar Days 2015 YOUR FULL SERVICE HOTEL GROUP! BEST WESTERN GOLDEN PRAIRIE INN & SUITES RICHLAND INN & SUITES LONE TREE INN APPRECIATES SIDNEY SUGARS AND THE ENTIRE AG COMMUNITY! Stop By For Great Food, Beverages & Fun! Your Headquarters For: ALMOST 60 BEERS! + PLUS A GOOD SELECTION OF WINE! $ 1500 Domestic Buckets $ 00 1 TRY OUR FULL MENU! HOME OF THE “JUICY LUCY” • BURGERS • APPETIZERS • SALADS • SANDWICHES • KID’S MENU off “Beer Marys” & “Beer Tails” POOL TABLE • DART MACHINE Mon-Fri: 4-11pm • Sat & Sun: 10:30am - 11pm • Happy Hour: 4-6pm Nightly | Plenty of Parking in the Best Western Golden Prairie Lot or in the Gravel Lot Behind Super Pumper! 2B ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 Dry Conditions Causes Yields To Be Lower Than Average In MT And ND” By Tie Shank Montana: Due to the heat DQG GURXJKW GXULQJ WKH ÁRZHULQJSHULRGSHD\LHOGLVORZ in some areas of Montana,” states Chengci Chen, Ph.D. of EARC, Montana State University. “Some farmers only received 20-30 bu/ac yields, H[FHSWIRUWKRVHZKRVHHGHG very early and escaped the stress. Lentils did relatively better than peas. There is some Ascochyta disease pressure on chickpea. For a successful Chickpea crop. Fungicides do not control the Ascochyta blight if the varieties GRQ·WKDYHVRPHOHYHORIUHVLVtance to the fungal disease.” North Dakota: Diana Amiot, Dryland Crop Production Research Specialist at the NDSU Williston Research ExWHQVLRQ&HQWHUZULWHV´:HDWKer conditions at the station this \HDU ZHUH GULHU WKDQ QRUPDO so dryland field pea yields Home Design Center FDPHLQDURXQGEXDZKLFK LVORZHUWKDQDYHUDJH/HQWLOV and chickpeas seemed to fare closer to average. For chickSHDVWKHUHZDVSUHVVXUHIURP Ascochyta leaf blight this year like there is in many years.” Amiot adds, “ Soybean harvest is nearly complete. Again because of the drier conditions, GU\ODQG\LHOGZLOOOLNHO\EHOHVV than average.” Hardware Center 111 S. Central Ave • 433-1402 114 w. Main Street • 488-1909 Furniture • Appliances Housewares • Giftware Paint • Toys Artwork • Mattresses Hardware • Plumbing Electrical • Pet Supplies • Tools Firearms • Garden • Sporting Goods Lawn • Cleaning Supplies www.johnsonhardwareandfurniture.com Mon-Fri: 8am - 5:30pm • Sat: 8am - 4pm | 111 S. Central • Sidney, MT | 406-433-1402 We appreciate our Ag Community & Thank You For Your Support! Join In The Harvest Festival Celebration Register to Win $500 in Gift Cards from Area Merchants Another harvest is very close to being completed and everyone is ready to celebrate. Join in our Harvest Festival Celebration this Wednesday, October 21, through Saturday, October 31, and salute the backbone of the MonDak region...Agriculture. We appreciate area growers, Sidney Sugars Incorporated, and anyone and everyone who has anything to do with providing the world with the basic commodity of food. Register at participating merchants to win a bag of Crystal Sugar and the grand prize of $500 in gift cards. Enter or just sample the tasty treats at our Make It With 6XJDU &RQWHVW )ULGD\ PRUQLQJ DW 5HHVH 5D\·V ,*$ $UHD merchants have some fantastic specials this week as well. Please take some time to check out our special tribute to the agriculture industry. We would like to thank Sidney Sugars Incorporated, everyone who agreed to let us do stories about them, and our advertisers, without whom this section would not be possible. We’re Here Whenever You Need Us! We salute the entire farming community and congratulate you on another successful harvest. On The Farm Service! Get Ready For Winter Driving We’ve Got The Tires To Fit Any Vehicle! $ $ 70 160 * Get Up To When You Purchase Four Qualifying New Cooper Tires! * Get Up To When You Purchase Four Qualifying New Goodyear or Dunlop Tires! Team Photo Here You’ve worked hard to achieve success. You deserve financial advisors that work as hard for you. As Ameriprise Private Wealth Advisors, we have the qualifications and experience to help navigate your complex financial needs. Whether it’s investment management, tax strategies or legacy planning, we can work with you to grow and preserve what you’ve worked so hard to achieve. Jane Smith, CFP®, CLTC, ChFC® Smith & Associates Michael M Mohl, CRPC® Financial Advisor Associate Financial Advisor/Business Financial Advisor A private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Consilium Wealth Platinum Group An Ameriprise Financial Servi A private wealth advisory practice of 123 Main St. 123 Main St. Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Minneapolis, MN 209 S 55474 Central AveMN 55474 Minneapolis, Sidney, MT 59270 1 23 456.7890 123.456.7890 *In Visa Prepaid Rebate Card By Mail. See Dealer For Details. Offer Ends October 31. LEE’S TIRE AND SERVICE CENTER *In Visa Prepaid Rebate Card By Mail. See Dealer For Details. Offer Ends December 31. 349 22nd Ave NW • Sidney Sidney, MT 406-488-6636 • 1-800-967-3795 406.433.6752 [email protected] [email protected] ameripriseadvisors.com/jane.x.smith www.ameripriseadvisors.com/michael.m.mohl AmeripriseFinancial Financialcannot cannotguarantee guaranteefuture futurefinancial financialresults. results. Ameriprise Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. © 2014 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. (7/14) © 2015 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. (7/15) ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 3B We Finally Have Room And We’re Agricultural Bringing In NEW STUFF! Manager Russ Fullmer Retires Get Up To After 30 Years In Furniture The Sugar Beet off And Apparel Industry ALL % 50 Now Thru Oct. 31 Russ Fullmer began his career at the Sidney factory in 1985 and after working in California and Wyoming, returned to Sidney in 1999 as the Agricultural Manager. 1051 S. Central Ave • Sidney, MT | Mon-Sat: 10am - 6:30pm 406-433-9898 • Fax: 406-433-9896 [email protected] Dana D ana Jonsson Jonsson By Meagan Dotson Russ Fullmer, who has worked as the Agricultural Manager for Sidney Sugars since 1999, is retiring after 30 years in the sugar beet industry. Fullmer began working at the Sidney factory in 1985 as an Agriculturalist and after four years was transferred to California. In 1993, he was promoted to Agricultural Manager and moved to Wyoming where he worked for six years before returning to Sidney. Space planting has been one of two impactful changes in growing sugar beets; for many years sugar beets were planted very thickly and workers were hired to thin them. This was hard manual labor that took hours, but in the mid 1980s Plant to Stand was introduced which is a coating around each seed that makes planting easier, allowing more space between plants with less need to thin. The introduction of GMO Roundup Ready Beets in 1999 was the second big change for beet farmers as they cut down on weed growth LQWKHÀHOGV´5RXQGXS5HDG\ Beets allowed growers to KDYHZHHGIUHHÀHOGVDQGWKH yield increased tremendously. There was a seven to eight ton increase per acre,” said )XOOPHU´)LJKWLQJZHHGVZDV becoming a losing battle so when they introduced Roundup Ready Beets it saved the industry.” He notes that one of WKH WKLQJV KH·VHQMR\HG PRVW about his career has been the friendly competitive nature of WKHLQGXVWU\´,·YHDOZD\VEHHQ impressed with this factory and the growing area. Because of the growing conditions, this area is capable of producing the best sugar beets in the nation in terms of tons and sugar quality. The industry watches what we do here because of that,” Fullmer commented. Fullmer is ready for his ÀQDO KDUYHVW QRWLQJ WKDW WKH growing season was a good one despite some hail and that the Quality Lab has shown good sugar content so far. After retirement he and his wife plan on eventually moving EDFNWR:\RPLQJZKHUHKH·V RULJLQDOO\IURP´,·OOPLVVLWEXW LW·VWLPHWRUHWLUH,DPWKHODVW one of the original staff I started with back in 1985 to retire. ,W·VJRRGWRKDYH\RXQJHUSHRple with new ideas take over.” December 18, 2015 will EH )XOOPHU·V ODVW GD\ DW WKH factory with Agriculturalist Duane Peters taking over as Agricultural Manager. Wade W ad de Whiteman Whi hitteman Proudly Serving THE MONDAK AREA Call today for all your Ag lending needs! Sidney, Montana: 433-8600 W W W. S T O C K M A N B A N K . C O M © 2015 Stockman Bank | Member FDIC GET READY FOR WINTER WITH HELP FROM THE PROS! VALLEY®Offers These Services: Pivot Sales Installation Services & Parts • Floating Irrigation Pumps Installation & Repair • Pipeline Maximize productivity with genuine Case IH parts and performance kits. 1775 S Central Ave • Sidney, MT: 406-488-8066 3105 - 2nd St W • Williston, ND: 701-572-0767 2106 S Haynes Ave • Miles City, MT: 406-234-2309 A productive harvest is a profitable one. Genuine Case IH parts and performance kits, the only parts specifically engineered for Case IH combines, are designed to exacting standards and built from premium components to deliver undeniable performance, unrivaled reliability, and an unbeatable fit. Because in the end, it’s about keeping your equipment, and your operation, running smoothly all season long. Be Ready. A high-performance harvest starts here. Visit us today! Offering These Services: • Valley Pivot Sales • Installation Services & Parts • Floating Irrigation Pumps • Installation & Repair • Electrical • Pipelines • Water Well Drilling & Well Maintainence • Plumbing • Trenching • Boring • Directional Drilling • Heating & Cooling • Full Parts Counter www.agriindustries.com | Licensed in MT & ND “WE CAN DO IT ALL! NO SUBS NEEDED.” Sidney, MT Williston, ND Miles City, MT 1775 S. Central Ave. 3105 - 2nd St. W 2106 S. Haynes Ave. 406-488-8066 701-572-0767 406-234-2309 WEST PLAINS INC BEACH, BOWMAN, DICKINSON HETTINGER BORDER PLAINS EQUIPMENT, WILLISTON, STANLEY, GLASGOW MT WWW.PLAINSAG.COM Case IH is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates. MRC 4B ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 2015 Roundup Harvest Festival Beet Decorating Contest 2QFH DJDLQ WKH NLGV ZKR HQWHUHG 7KH 5RXQGXS·V %HHW Decorating contest showed great originality and skill. Judging WRRNSODFH2FWREHUDW1HX·V6XSHU9DOXLQ)DLUYLHZ 7KDQN\RXYHU\PXFKWR1HX·V6XSHU9DOXIRUKRVWLQJWKH HYHQWDQG3RZGHU.HJIRUSURYLGLQJJUHDWSUL]HV6SHFLDOWKDQNV to all the kids who entered – you all did a great job! Allison Thiel, 8, took 1st place with her “Minion”. Bristol Micheletti, 5, stands by her 2nd place winner, “Caterpillar”. STOP IN AFTER HARVEST! Broady Eustice, 4, with his 1st place entry, “Owl”. Connor Woldstad, 7, shows his 3rd place entry, “Michael Beeto”. Cooper Thiel, 4, with his 2nd place winner, “Farmer”. 703 E Main St • Sidney, MT | Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm 406-433-2629 • www.saddleupwesternwear.com Isabelle Klein, 3, with her 3rd place entry, “Frozen”. WHAT EVERY WANTS TO BE WHEN IT GROWS UP. Jake Rau, 7, shows his 1st place winning Hot Air Balloon. Jerron Rau, 9, took 3rd place with his “Farmer”. When it comes to Crystal brand beet seed, it’s all about the sugar because there’s no other seed that promises more. Thanks to a deep collaboration between growers and Crystal, record-breaking yields and sugar is an achievable goal. From the moment you open a box of Crystal seed you’re set up to do what you do best — produce maximum sugar. Visit ACHSeeds.com to learn more. Good things come from common ground Crystal brand sugarbeet seed is distributed by: ACH Seeds. 877-224-7333 © 2015 ACH Seeds. All rights reserved. Rylee Dean, 9, won 2nd place with her “Deer”. Consider Reconditioning Too-dry Soybeans and Other Grain The potential for damage during handling increases when soybeans are too dry. Warm, dry weather can result in soybeans being too dry at harvest. “The soybeans lose weight and become brittle, increasing the potential for handling damage when they are too dry,” North Dakota State University Extension Service agricultural engineer Ken Hellevang says. “Also, producers lose money at lower moisture contents.” Producers may want to recondition soybeans that were harvested at lower moisture contents to bring the moisture content up to the market standard of 13 percent. On a 40-bushel-per-acre yield, harvesting soybeans at 9 percent moisture content, rather than 13 percent, is equal to 1.8 bushels of lost weight per acre. At $9 per bushel, that is $16.20 per acre. Just as grain is dried with bin fans, soybeans can be reconditioned by operating fans during periods with the desired air temperature and relative humidity. Reconditioning reTXLUHV KLJK DLUÁRZ UDWHV IRU several weeks with air at the appropriate temperature and relative humidity. Hellevang recommends producers operate aeration fans during weather with an average relative humidity of about 70 percent if they want to recondition soybeans to 13 percent during normal fall temperatures of 30 to 60 F. If a fan runs continuously, the beans will lose moisture during periods of low humidity and gain moisture in high humidity. Be aware that the air will be heated 3 to 5 degrees as it goes through the fan, which reduces the air relative humidity slightly. A reconditioning zone develops and moves slowly through the bin in the direction of the airflow, which is similar to a drying zone in natural-air drying. Depending on geographic location, not enough hours of appropriate temperature and humidity air may be available to move the reconditioning zone through the entire bin during the fall. Reconditioning occurs the IDVWHVWZKHQWKHDLUÁRZUDWH FXELFIHHWRIDLUÁRZSHUPLQXWH per bushel (cfm/bu), is high and the air is warm and humid. It will be the most successful in a drying bin with a fully perfo- UDWHGÁRRUDQGDIDQWKDWFDQ deliver at least 0.75 cfm/bu. (YHQZLWKWKLVDLUÁRZPRYLQJ a reconditioning front all the way through the bin probably would take at least a month of fan operation. Producers need to compare the cost of fan operation ZLWK WKH EHQHÀW RI PDUNHWLQJ at the desired moisture content. To estimate the cost of operating the fan, assume a 1 horsepower fan motor will use 1 kilowatt of electricity for each hour of operation. For example, if reconditioning the soybeans takes 30 days of fan operation, that is 7,200 hours. Achieving an DLUÁRZUDWHRIFIPEXRQ DIRRWGLDPHWHUELQÀOOHG feet deep with soybeans would require a 15 horsepower fan. The cost to operate the fan, assuming an electricity cost of 10 cents per kilowatt-hour, is $10,800. Increasing the moisture content from 9 to 13 percent would increase the quantity of soybeans by 1,019 bushels. At a price of $9 per bushel, this is worth $9,171, which is less than the cost of operating the fan in this example. You would need only a 3 hp fan to provide DQDLUÁRZUDWHRIDERXW but reconditioning the beans would take about 90 days. If you ran the fan just in periods of very high humidity, such as during fog or when the relative humidity is near 100 percent, the soybeans in part of the bin would be too wet to be stored safely. Mixing the wet layers with dry layers would reduce the spoilage risk and discounts for marketing wet beans. However, stirring increases the bean damage. Emptying the bin and moving the beans through a grain-handling system will provide only limited mixing because the majority of the grain comes from the top of the bin in a funnel shape with a center-unloading sump. A humidistat can operate the fan when the relative humidity will average about 70 percent. Even though the humidity level varies considerably during the day, it will average about 70 percent if the fan is operated for a time when the humidity is 90 percent and for a time when it is 50 percent. Setting the humidistat to operate the fan when the humidity exceeds about 55 percent would be a reasonable starting point. However, the humidity setting would need to be adjusted based on measured soybean moisture content. Hellevang recommends that to avoid wetting the beans to moisture levels unsafe for storage, add a second humidistat to stop the fan when the relative humidity reaches very high levels or use a microprocessor-based fan controller that monitors temperature and humidity, and runs the fan only when air conditions will bring the crop to the desired moisture content. A disadvantage of these options is that the fan does not run as many hours. Controlling the fan manually and operating it during the night and early portion of the day, based on the measured humidity, is another option, but fan and moisture control is not as accurate. Soybeans expand when they absorb moisture, so a moisture content increase of more than a point or two can be problematic. It could create enough pressure to damage WKHJUDLQELQ·VEROWHGFRQQHFtions or even cause the bin to rupture. The bin warranty may be voided if damage occurs while reconditioning grain. “One way to reduce the pressure is to unload some beans from the bin periodically,” Hellevang says. “Another way to reduce the damage potential is to use a negative pressure system to pull humid air down through the soybeans and remove the soybeans from the top of the bin as they are reconditioned.” Another option for reducing the pressure is to use a vertical-stirring auger to mix the beans periodically, but stirring may damage the beans. However, these methods of reducing pressure have not been well-researched and DUHEDVHGRQÀHOGH[SHULHQFH primarily with smaller bins. For more information about reconditioning, drying, handling and storing soybeans, visit the NDSU ExtenVLRQ 6HUYLFH·V VR\EHDQ SURduction guide at http://tinyurl. com/ndsusoybeanproduction DQG1'68·VJUDLQGU\LQJDQG storage website at https:// www.ag.ndsu.edu/graindrying. ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 5B Don’t be the house that gives out apples. Browse our HUGE selection of candy bars & penny candy We’re open Mon-Thurs: 8-12, 1-5 Fri: 8-12, 1-4 East-Mont Enterprises Inc. 608 E. Main • Sidney, MT | Wholesale Distributors | 406-433-2910 Candy • Paper Goods • Cleaning Supplies • More! HARVEST THE SAVINGS! Gala & Fuji ¢ Apples lb 89 October 21st – 27th www.reeseandraysiga.com 203 2nd St. NW • Sidney, MT | 406-482-3737 | Open 6am - 10pm Daily We’re Proud to Support the SUGAR INDUSTRY 809 EAST MAIN • SIDNEY, MT 406-433-3400 We Salute The Sugarbeet Growers and ALL Our Farm & Ranch Customers During HARVEST DAYS Stop On By And Register To Win Prizes! 6B ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 We are proud of our sugarbeet producers in the MonDak area. They are a great asset to our community. L oyal Or der of Moose Order Williston Lodge No. 239 101 W. 2nd St., Williston, ND • 701-572-2342 We appreciate all our farm & ranch friends & customers! Congratulations on another successful harvest! Toll Free: 1-888-482-1572 • Phone: 406-433-1572 After Hours: 406-488-5093 | 206 10th Ave SE • Sidney, MT We Appreciate All The Area Farmers & Ranchers! See Us For Clothing & Footwear Mon-Fri: 6am am - 6pm 2221 S. Central, Sidney • 406-433-6757 www.sondassolutions.com We Still Do Business The O l d - Fa s h i o n e d Way. . . . . . W e L o o k Yo u I n T h e E y e A n d S h a k e Y o u r H a n d . We also pay attention to details & market your cattle to their very best ability. Your product is produced with integrity, let us market it that way. PREWITT & COMPANY, LLC 756 10TH AVE SE • SIDNEY 406-482-5251 • Fax: 406-482-6644 Rod Prewitt.............480 Prewitt.............480-2777 2777 Tim Larson...............480-2666 Larson...............480-2666 Mike Yore Yore................480-2888 ................480-2888 Late Season Soybean Stem Diseases By Tie Shank As a result of seeing several late-season stem diseases, Sam Markell, Extension Plant Pathologist has republished the following article in the Sept. issue of the NDSU Extension Service Crop and Pest Report. We are seeing several late-season stem diseases show up in North Dakota; notably, brown stem rot and charcoal rot. Now is a great time to examine your soybeans for diseases; particularly stem disease whose symptoms appear late in the season; brown stem rot, charcoal rot and sudden death syndrome which is not yet found in North Dakota. To maximize your ability to check for soybean diseases bring a knife, and if needed, a magnifying glass. Brown Stem Rot (BSR) BSR has been found in multiple locations in ND. Symptoms and signs begin to occur in mid-August. Leaf symptoms may or may not occur, and are not particularly diagnostic. Leaf symptoms of BSR rot include a yellowing (chlorotic) and browning (necrotic) between the leaf veins Stem symptoms are much more important. To check plants for brown stem rot take a knife and slice the lower stem longitudinally. Brown stem rot will cause a browning of the center of the stem. 3ODQWVZLWK%65KDYH¶OHDGLQ DSHQFLOORRN·RQO\WKHFHQWHU of the stem is dark. Charcoal Rot Charcoal rot is caused by a pathogen that can infect VR\EHDQVFRUQDQGVXQÁRZers. Symptoms of the disease GRQ·WJHQHUDOO\DSSHDUXQWLOWKH reproductive stages of growth, and the disease is more common when the latter half of summer is dry. Field-wide symptoms appear as patches of plants that matured quicker than healthy plants, resulting in prematurely dead soybeans. The top leaves may turn brown and premature leaf drop will occur. Stem symptoms. The roots and lower stem of plants with charcoal rot may appear gray. Scrape or shave off the outer tissue of the lower stem with a knife. Infected plants will be covered with black microsclerotia, giving the appearance of being dipped in charcoal dust. Microsclerotia can be observed with a magnifying glass, but they are very small. Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) SDS has not yet been confirmed in ND, but it has Diana Amiot - Dryland Crop Production Research Specialist at the NDSU Williston Research Extension Center been found in Ottertail County, MN. SDS is not usually observed until early August, it is typically associated with soybean cyst nematode, and when the two act together VLJQLÀFDQW\LHOGORVVFDQRFFXU Foliar symptoms of the SDS include chlorosis and necrosis between the leaf veins. Unlike BSR, these foliar symptoms consistently occur when plants are infected with SDS. Stem symptoms. Take a knife and longitudinally slice open the lower stem and root ball. With SDS, the center of the stem remains white, but a light brown discoloration may occur on the outer stem tissue. For more information please visit www.soybeanresearchinfo.com or www.extension.umn.edu/agriculture/ crop-diseases/soybean. MT Dept. of Agriculture & Pulse Advisory Committee to Host Montana Pulse Day The Montana Department of Agriculture and Pulse Advisory Committee will host Montana Pulse Day as scheduled on December 9th in Great Falls at the Best Western Heritage Inn. The annual event will feature a panel of pulse producers, industry represenWDWLYHVUHVHDUFKHUVRIÀFLDOV and pulse manufacturers. The event will also highlight activities associated with the 2016 International Year of Pulses to market and promote Montana pulses. “Montana has seen tre- mendous growth in pulse acres, leading the nation in dry pea and lentil production. We want to offer an event for producers that provides helpful and timely information and education. The Montana Pulse Advisory Committee will serve as hosts for this important conference,” said Kim Falcon, deputy director for the department. :LWK 0RQWDQD·V JURZWK in pulse production, Montana Pulse Day is an opportunity for the industry to come together to discuss research, processing, transportation, marketing, and continued growth of this state industry. Interested pulse producers and industry representatives should contact Jana Mertens at (406) 444-2402 or via email at [email protected] to register for the event. The Montana 'HSDUWPHQW RI $JULFXOWXUH·V mission is to protect producers and consumers, and to enhance and develop agriculture and allied industries. For more information on the Montana Department of Agriculture, visit www.agr.mt.gov. ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 7B Pictured is the top Sr. 4H judging team. They are (L-R) John Helmuth, Riley Kostelecky, Jenna Baxter, and Jordan Baxter. Jaylen Baxter won 1st place in the Jr. 4H division. y Kyle Topp was the top placing individual in the FFA division. First place Novice Team, (L-R) Liam Steinbeisser, Corbin Steinbeisser, Maddie Schieber, and Jori Horserburgh. Keith Steinbeisser Memorial Livestock h Judging r By Meagan Dotson The Keith Steinbeisser e -Memorial Livestock Judging was held Sunday, October -4th at the Richland County Fairgrounds. Sponsors for this \HDU·V DZDUGV LQFOXGHG -RH aSteinbeisser and R&J Ag Supeply who awarded belt buckles tto the first place winners, f0XUGRFK·V3UHZLWW&RPSDQ\ aSidney Livestock Market Cenyter, Gary and Laura Schieber, and Tim and Molly Fine. Winning first place and top reasons in the FFA divi-sion was Kyle Topp. The top /FFA team was Kyle Topp, Liz Hill, Kelton Lefores, and John %H\HU7DNLQJÀUVWSODFHLQWKH Senior Division and Senior Top Reasons was John Helmuth, DQGÀUVWSODFHZLQQHUVLQ6Hnior Team were John Helmuth, Riley Kostelecky, Jenna Baxter, and Jordan Baxter. Jaylen %D[WHU WRRN ÀUVW SODFH LQ WKH Junior Division and CJ Nevins won Junior Top Reasons; Junior Team winners were Cooper McNally, Terry Reese, and Garrett Larson, and Jaylen Baxter. In the Novice Division /D\QH 0HHN SODFHG ÀUVW DQG Novice Team winners were Liam Steinbeisser, Corbin Steinbeisser, Maddie Schieber, and Jori Horserburgh. The Keith Steinbeisser Memorial Livestock Judging gives 4H-ers an opportunity to practice their skills before the Northern International Livestock Expo held in Billings. Joe Steinbeisser and Russel Johnson were present to hand out awards and take pictures with the winners. Top team in the Jr. 4H division were (L-R) Cooper McNally, Terry Reese, and Garrett Larson (not pictured is Jaylen Baxter). Kyle Topp scored the highest in the FFA division in reasons. •Auto Auto tune tune up up • Automotive air air conditioning Automotive conditioning • Alternator & & starter starter repair Alternator repair • Smallpump enginerepair & dieselExhaust pump repair Diesel Work • Snapper lawn equipment dealer Brakes Transmission & Clutches John Helmuth received 1st place in the Senior Division and Top Reasons. Sidney Carburetor Sidney Carburetor & & Electric Electric 303303 N.N. Central Sidney, MT MT• •406-482-3302 406-482-3302 CentralAve. Ave.•• Sidney, The top FFA team was Kyle Topp, Liz Hill, Kelton Lefores, and John Beyer. Wishing You A Safe & Profitable Harvest! CJ Nevins won 1st place reasons in the Jr 4H division. Beets Layne Meek was the top individual in the novice division. Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm • Sun: 10am - 4pm 440 N Central Ave • Sidney, MT Shops at Fox Run • 406-433-1800 Wheat Mon-Sat: 8:30am - 5:30pm 214 S Central Ave • Sidney, MT 406-433-1823 We salute all our growers for delivering another sugarbeet crop this season. Thanks to the growers and the entire MonDak area for your support! 8B ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 Don’t Miss Out on this Sweet Event, Friday, Oct. 23rd We Appreciate All Our Growers in the MonDak Area! Radio Solutions Channel Partner XNLV53478 We specialize in fast, quality customer service Radio Solutions Channel Partner MOTOROLA, MOTO, MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS and the Stylized M Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC and are used under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2015 Motorola Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 14012 W. Front St. • Hwy 2 & 85 W. • Williston, ND 701-774-8596 • 1-800-735-4932 By Meagan Dotson Area cooks and bakers will be sweetening the season GXULQJWKLV\HDU·V0DNH,WZLWK Sugar contest, which will be held Friday Oct. 23 at Reese 5D\·V,*$LQ6LGQH\)RUPHU 0DNH,WZLWK6XJDUMXGJH5DQdy Jones is looking forward to KLVÀUVW\HDUDVDSDUWLFLSDQW -RQHV IRUPHU $J )LQDQFH 6XSHULQWHQGHQW DW 6LGQH\ Sugars, had been a contest MXGJHHYHU\\HDUVLQFH0DNH,W ZLWK6XJDUJRWLWVVWDUWDOPRVW ÀIWHHQ\HDUVDJR7KHFRQWHVW ZDVVWDUWHGE\WKH5RXQGXSDV SDUWRI6XJDU'D\VQRZ+DUYHVW )HVWLYDO DV D IXQ HYHQW WKDWZRXOGPHVKZHOOZLWKWKH VXJDUEHHWKDUYHVW 'XULQJ KLV GD\V DW WKH IDFWRU\-RQHVVD\VVDPSOLQJ DOOWKHHQWULHVZDVVRPHWKLQJ he always looked forward to. 1RZWKDWKH·VQRORQJHUMXGJLQJ -RQHV SODQV RQ HQWHULQJ VRPHVZHHWWUHDWVRIKLVRZQ SRVVLEO\LQWKHFDQG\FDWHJRU\ ´0RVW RI P\ EDNLQJ LV GXULQJ WKHZLQWHUZLWKP\JUDQGNLGV ,W·V VRPHWKLQJ IXQ IRU WKHP to do,” said Jones and adds WKDWKHKRSHVWKHUH·VDORWRI LQWHUHVWWKLV\HDU´,ZLVKPRUH SHRSOH ZRXOG SDUWLFLSDWH LQ 0DNH ,W ZLWK 6XJDU EHFDXVH LW·VVXFKDQHDV\DQGIXQWKLQJ WRGRDQGWKHZLQQLQJUHFLSHV JHWSXEOLVKHGVRLI\RXUHDOO\ OLNHVRPHWKLQJ\RX·OOKDYHWKH UHFLSHWRPDNHLW\RXUVHOIµ (QWULHV ZLOO EH DFFHSWHG IURP DP XQWLO DP Categories are cakes, cookLHV SLHV FDQG\ EUHDGV DQG UROOVDQGRWKHU7KHUHLVRYHU LQ SUL]HV GRQDWHG E\ local businesses including a SDVWD DQG VDXFH PDNHU µ stainless steel electric skillet ZLWK VSDWXOD FXSFDNH VHW DQG %DNH 6WDFN RUJDQL]HU UROOLQJEDFNSDFNDQGPDJQHWLF ÁDVKOLJKW JLIW FHUWLÀFDWHV D 3HRSOH·V&KRLFH$ZDUG DQGHYHU\RQHZKRHQWHUVZLOO UHFHLYHDIUHHEDJRIVXJDUIRU each entry. 5HFLSHVPXVWEHLQFOXGHG ZLWK HDFK HQWU\ DQG UHFLSHV PXVWFDOOIRUDWOHDVWDKDOID FXSRIJUDQXODWHGSRZGHUHG or brown sugar. All entries PXVWEHDEOHWREHVHUYHGLQ LQGLYLGXDOVDPSOHVDQGGLVSRVable containers are best since they will not be returned. (QWU\IRUPVZLOOEHDYDLODEOHDW5HHVH5D\·V,*$WKH GD\RIRUFDQEHÀOOHGRXWLQ DGYDQFHDQGEURXJKWLQIURP DPWRDPRQWKHUG (QWU\IRUPVDUHDYDLODEOHLQWKH 5RXQGXS1HZVSDSHUDQGFDQ EHEURXJKWLQWRWKH5RXQGXS RIÀFH SULRU WR WKH FRQWHVW DW :HVW0DLQ6WUHHW6LGQH\ 07 %OLQG MXGJLQJ ZLOO EHJLQ DWDPDQGWKHQVDPSOLQJ ZLOO EH RSHQ WR WKH SXEOLF WR GHWHUPLQH WKH ZLQQHU RI WKH 3HRSOH·V &KRLFH $ZDUG VR PDNHVXUHWRJHWLQYROYHGDV a contestant for a chance to ZLQVRPHJUHDWSUL]HVRUVWRS in and satisfy your sweet tooth! ATTENTION AREA COOKS! Pull out your tastiest recipes & enter our "Make It With Sugar" Contest! Friday, October 23rd • Reese & Rays IGA • Sidney, MT Entries Accepted From 9 - 10am ENTER IN ANY OR ALL CATEGORIES! Cake • Cookies • Pies • Candy • Breads & Rolls • Other Prizes Will Be Given Away For 1st Place In All Categories PLUS A $100 People’s Choice Award! ALL Entries Receive a FREE Bag g Of Sugar g Over $500 In Prizes! Sponsored By: Laurel Arndt 2014 1st place winner in “Other” Recipes must contain at leastt ½ cup granulated, l t d brown b or powdered d d sugar & be b servable bll in i tasting portions. Recipe must be included. Winning recipes will be published. Only entries in disposable containers will be accepted. Containers will not be returned. “Make It With Sugar” Registration Blank Name: Address: Phone: Categories: (Check all that apply) Cake Cookies Pies 111 West Main Street • Sidney, MT | 406-433-3306 Candy Breads & Rolls Other Mail To: PO Box 1207 • Sidney, MT 59270 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 9B NRCS to Hold We Salute the Sugar Growers! Soil Health Workshop Series COME CHECK OUT OUR NEW FACILITY & PRESCHOOL! Mon-Fri: 6 am - 5:30 pm Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Montana, in partnership with the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, will be holding a series of soil health workshops throughout Montana next month. The workshop series will feature regional and local producers who have incorporated various practices into their farming and ranching operations that have improved their soil resources, management, and bottom-line. Included among the speakers is Gabe Brown, a farmer and rancher from Bismarck, North Dakota. Brown and his family operate a 5,000acre farm, integrating grazing and a no-till cropping system, which has helped to regenerate natural resources without the use of synthetic fertilizers, fungicides, or pesticides. Also included is Neil Dennis, a Saskatchewan farmer. Dennis will share his experiences using rotational mob grazing, lessons learned, and observations on how his grazing systems have improved pasture productivity, as well as animal and soil health. Workshops will be held on the following dates: Missoula – November QGDW5XE\·V,QQ Bozeman – November 3rd at Best Western Grantree Inn Great Falls – November 3rd at Holiday Inn Billings – November 4th at Billings Hotel and Convention Center Plentywood – November 5th at Civic Center Registration is open at $15 per person through October 26th, and $20 after October 26th to the day of the workshop. Sponsorship opportunities are also available. For more information, or to register, visit www.swcdmi.org/ programs/soil-health-workshops/ or call (406) 443-5711. About Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Montana Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Montana is DFQRQSURÀWRUJDQL]DWLRQWKDWVHUYHV0RQWDQD·V conservation districts with programs and services to promote local commonsense conservation across the state. SWCDM provides conservation districts ZLWK WKH WHFKQLFDO DQG ÀQDQcial resources to maximize their ability to protect MonWDQD·VQDWXUDOUHVRXUFHVRSHQ land, and agricultural lifestyle. Learn more at www.swcdmi. org. USCA Conducts Annual Membership Meeting Submitted by the CattlePHQ·V$VVRFLDWLRQ The United States CatWOHPHQ·V$VVRFLDWLRQ 86&$ concluded its annual membership meeting Oct. 3 in Bismarck, North Dakota. The meeting, held in conjunction ZLWK 86&$ VWDWH DIÀOLDWH ,Qdependent Beef Association of North Dakota (I-BAND), brought producers from across the country, including California, Indiana, Virginia, South Dakota, Nevada and Montana. The meeting consisted of a full-day ranch tour of local SURGXFHUV·RSHUDWLRQVIROORZHG by a second day of policy discussions and speaker presentations. Presenting were Jerry Hagstrom, The Hagstrom Report; Terry Stewart, Managing Partner, Stewart & Stewart /DZ 86&$·V OHJDO FRXQVHO on COOL at the World Trade Organization (WTO); Senator John Hoeven (R-ND); Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND); South Dakota State University Professor and Extension Risk/ Business Management Specialist Matt Diersen; North Dakota Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring; North Dakota State Veterinarian Susan Keller, DVM. Speaker topics and presentations focused on: COOL, TPP, proposed trade agreements with Brazil and Argentina, Mandatory Price Reporting, EPA Waters of the U.S. rule, Greater-Sage Grouse listing decision and industry trends. USCA President Danni Beer commented on the meetLQJ´7KLV\HDU·VDQQXDOPHHWing highlighted a number of issues in which USCA remains engaged in D.C. Of particular note, several speakers included updates regarding the (3$·V:DWHUVRIWKH86UXOH implementation and served as a precursor to the eventual stay ordered across the nation this past week. USCA will continue to be active on this issue and others as the year draws to a close. Action on COOL, trade with Argentina and Brazil and listing decisions under the ESA remain of utmost concern to the USCA membership and our team in D.C. will continue to represent the best interests of producers as they unfold.” Beer concluded, “USCA appreciates all of our members who made the trip out to North Dakota this year. As we continue to build on policy successes in DC, the need for a strong and active membership base is as important as ever. The meeting also served as a platform for elections to the USCA Officers team and nominations to the Board of Directors. The slate of Directors to be voted on by the membership in the coming months will serve our members and the U.S. cattle industry well.” USCA members will receive a mail-in ballot to vote on regional Director nominations, and policy statements and revisions that were introduced and addressed in Bismarck. 7KH VODWH RI ([HFXWLYH 2IÀcers, as voted on by the membership at the annual meeting, for 2016 is as follows: President: Danni Beer, Vice-President: Kenny Graner, Secretary: Whitney Klasna, Treasurer: Jane Wooster, Parliamentarian: Chuck Kiker. Call or Stop By For More Information Connie Sturgis 320 23rd Ave NW Sidney, MT 406-488-7337 Thank you Sidney Sugars & growers for your support of local businesses! Radio prices you can’t refuse! Call Larry today at.... Ride on down for a cup of coffee and see our Kenwood line of 2-way radios! Just North of McDonald’s • Sidney, MT 406-433-1659 or Toll Free • 1-866-433-1659 Congratulations Area Farmers & Ranchers on another good harvest! We appreciate your support! Gas | Oil | Beer | Pop | Snacks FR Clothing • Hardware Carhartt & Wrangler • C-Store Major Credit Cards Welcome! Stock & Flatbed Trailers Sales & Repair Montana Silversmiths Jewelry 1281 S. Central • Sidney, MT | 406-433-1401 | www.cenex.com Open 7 days a week • Mon - Sat: 5am - 9:30pm • Sun: 8am - 7pm WE SALUTE ALL OUR AREA FARMERS & RANCHERS! 2016 FORD SUPER DUTY LAPTOPS STARTING AT: $ 99 379 STK#3362 NOW IN STOCK! PLUS Printers & ALL The Accessories! “Experience the Eagle Country Difference!” 215 East Main • Sidney, MT 433-1810 • 1-800-482-1810 | eaglecountryfordsales.com Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm • Sat: 9am - 5pm 410 N. Central, Shops at Fox Run • Sidney, Montana | 406-433-4370 10B ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 We Salute Harvest Days For All Area Growers! Special thanks to Russ Fullmer for his dedicated service to our community for over 30 years. 1060 S. Central Ave • Suite 3 • Sidney, Montana 59270 Phone: (406) 482-4679 • Fax: (406) 482-5552 • e-mail: [email protected] Leslie Messer, Executive Director A NONPROFIT COUNTY-WIDE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Congratulations Area Farmers & Ranchers On Another Successful Harvest! 2265 S Central Ave • Sidney, MT 59270 406-433-6754 • Fax: 406-433-6755 • [email protected] We Salute The Sugar Industry In The MonDak Area! It’s All About Saying Goodbye FULKERSON – STEVENSON F U N E R A L H O M E Sidney: 406-488-2805 | Watford City: 701-842-2490 | Williston: 701-572-6329 | Tioga: 701-664-2122 Remembrances & condolences may be shared with family at: www.fulkersons.com County Agent Update By Danielle Steinhoff Educational Opportunities There will be a Winter Grazing forum Nov. 4-5 in Streeter, ND. This will be held at the North Dakota State University Central Grasslands Research Extension Center with a hotel available at the Quality Inn in Jamestown. This forum will include topics on; winter grazing of cover crops, soil health, swath and bale grazing, livestock nutrition, case studies, integrated systems, manure distribution and water quality. There will be NDSU staff there to provide information and to answer any questions farmers and ranchers have. On Nov. 4, the program will begin at 9 a.m. There will be a sponsored banquet dinner on Nov. 4 with keynote speaker, Bart Lardner, Western Beef Development Centre Saskatchewan. The next opportunity is here in Williston, the 25th Annual Income Tax Management for Ag Producers. This will be an interactive video program to assist farmers with year-end farm business decisions and retirement planning. This will be Nov. 18, 2015 from 9 a.m. - noon. The location will be at Broadway Commons, 302 E Broadway in Williston. Program topics include; federal income tax update, Affordable Care Act (ACA) Reporting, ACA and the Small Employer, Identity theft and Scams of Tax Information, Proper Handling of CCC Loans, Repair Regulation Update, Succession and Estate Planning, Proper Entities for USDA Payments, Farm Income Averaging, and Tax planning ideas for 2015 and beyond. Seating is limited, the cost of the program and • Plastic & Steel Culvert • Perforated Pipe • Metal Siding & Roofing • Railroad Ties • Rough Cut Lumber • Used Pipe, Rod, Grate, Guardrail & Tanks With the cold nights among us, now is the time to remove all winter squash and apples. Killing frost is at 28 degrees Fahrenheit. When dealing with winter squash, light frosts will not harm the fruit. Removing before the killing frost is desired, when harvesting leave a few inches of the stem attached. Except for acorns, cure in a warm (80 degree F) spot for 10 days for long term storage. Apples can tolerate temps approaching 25 degrees Fahrenheit before freeze damage occurs. If your apples do freeze, wait for them to thaw before picking and use promptly. Submitted by Michael Dann Agriculture Under Secretary Lisa Mensah has awarded 30 grants totaling $5.8 million to help rural cooperatives create jobs and support business expansion. The funds are being provided through the Rural Cooperative Development Grant program, which KHOSV IXQG QRQSURÀW JURXSV such as rural cooperative development centers and higher education institutions. “The cooperative business model has been very successful in improving the economies of our rural communities,” Mensah said. “As we celebrate October as National Cooperative Month, we are pleased to bring a spotlight to these worthy groups.” Development Centers can use RCDG funds for feasibility studies, strategic planning, leadership and operations training, and business plan development. As part of this grant program, recipients are required to contribute matching funds that equal 25 percent of total project costs. Projects in 22 states are receiving RCDG funding. For example, the Montana Cooperative Development Center (MCDC) in Great Falls, Montana, received $200,000 in grant funds to provide technical assistance and training to 25 cooperatives. MCDC works with groups throughout the state to develop innovative cooperative business models LQ UHWDLO ÀWQHVV PDQXIDFWXUing, agriculture, marketing, housing, transportation, tourism and GEO tourism. USDA has funded 230 cooperative grants for $44.4 million to support projects in 39 states since 2009. This fundLQJ KDV EHQHÀWHG PRUH WKDQ 2,600 businesses. Through this announcement, USDA is providing grants for 30 projects in 22 states. Funding is contingent upon the recipients meeting the terms of their grant agreement. Since the start of the Obama Administration, US'$·V5XUDO%XVLQHVV&RRSHUDtive Service has helped 85,000 rural businesses create jobs and economic opportunity. 3UHVLGHQW2EDPD·VKLVWRUic investments in rural America have made our rural communities stronger. Under his leadership, these investments in housing, community facilities, businesses and infrastructure have empowered rural America to continue leading the way DQG VWUHQJWKHQLQJ$PHULFD·V economy, small towns and rural communities. We Also Do: • Brakes • Mufflers • Tailpipes • Shocks • Struts • Alignments We Salute All Area Farmers & Ranchers! • Continuous Fence • Metal Gates • Wire Fencing • Panels • And More! It’s Fall Clean-up Time! Tom Baxter Manager Mark Carlson Alignment Specialist Kris Baxter 2IÀFH0DQDJHU Customer Service is Our #1 Priority RDER O B Farm & Ranch, Oil Field, & Construction Materials. New Steel, Pipe, Aluminum & Stainless. GOT SCRAP? Sidney: Glendive: Plentywood: Williston: Miles City: 35002 CR 123 | 406-433-7737 • 1-855-810-2995 2703 W. Towne St. | 406-377-4398 • 1-800-423-5219 Brady & Bret Smelser Hwy 16 East | 406-765-2624 13896 W. Front St. | 701-572-5493 Ernie Gawryluk • Tim Mulholland Kelly Moody • Kent Syme 12 Peggy Lane | 406-874-7428 Rob Bergerson Tire Technician Jerrold Baxter Shop Manager ZStraight Talk ZHonest Service ZFair Prices We’ll Buy Your Hides & Scrap! Local Delivery On Steel Orders & Fabrication Services STEEL AND RECYCLING, INC. Killing Frost USDA Announces $5.8 Million to Support Rural Cooperatives Coral Panels & Gates! Construction, Fencing & Structural Steel Products! materials is $15 per person. If you are interested, please call the NDSU Extension Service in Williams County. We will send you a registration form that will get mailed into Fargo. 1601 S. Central • Sidney • 433-3858 • Open 7-5:30 M-F & 7-Noon Sat. Satt. ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 11B Sidney Sugars Welcomes Agriculturalist Kathryn Cayko By Meagan Dotson Sidney Sugars is pleased to welcome Kathryn Cayko to WKHWHDP&D\NR·VÀUVWGD\DVWKHQHZ$JULFXOWXUDOLVWIRU6LGQH\ Sugars was Mon., Sept. 28. Cayko is managing the Fairview SLOHJURXQGVWDNLQJRYHUIRU'XDQH3HWHUVZKRZDVUHFHQWO\ SURPRWHGWR$JULFXOWXUDO0DQDJHU´,·PYHU\H[FLWHGDERXWWKH SRVLWLRQ,·PMXPSLQJLQDWWKHEXVLHVWWLPHRIWKH\HDU7KHSLOH JURXQGVDUHEXV\DQGWKHUHLVDORWJRLQJRQEXWLW·VQHZDQG H[FLWLQJIRUPHµVDLG&D\NR 7KH0DLQHQDWLYHJUDGXDWHGIURP0RQWDQD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ %R]HPDQZLWKD%DFKHORU·V'HJUHHLQ+RUWLFXOWXUHLQDQG JUDGXDWHGIURPWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI0DLQHZLWKD0DVWHU·V'HJUHH LQ3ODQW6FLHQFHDQG)RRG&KHPLVWU\LQ6KHLVIDPLOLDU ZLWKURRWFURSVKDYLQJZRUNHGH[WHQVLYHO\ZLWKSRWDWRFURSV DQGZRUNHGDVDFKHPLVWIRU6\QJHQWD&URS3URWHFWLRQLQ1RUWK &DUROLQDIRUD\HDUDQGDKDOIEHIRUHPRYLQJWRWKHDUHD 6KH KDV DOZD\V HQMR\HG SODQW VFLHQFH DQG XOWLPDWHO\ RXWUHDFKWRJURZHUVDQGKHULQWHUHVWKDVEHHQFXOWLYDWHGLQWR D FDUHHU ´7KHUH DUHQ·W D ORW RI SHRSOH ZKR GRQ·W JURZ XS RQ D IDUP DQG GHFLGH WR JR LQWRDJULFXOWXUHEXW,DPYHU\ SDVVLRQDWHDERXWLWDQG,DP H[FLWHGWRZRUNZLWKWKHDUHD JURZHUV,KRSHWKDWP\NQRZOHGJHFDQEHDEHQHÀWWRWKHP DQGEHQHÀWWKHFRPPXQLW\DVZHOOµVKHFRPPHQWHG ,QDGGLWLRQWRKHUH[FLWHPHQWDERXWKHUQHZSRVLWLRQ&D\NR LVDOVRYHU\KDSS\WREHFDOOLQJ(DVWHUQ0RQWDQDKRPH´,ORYH LWKHUHµVKHDGGHG´,WIHHOVOLNHFRPLQJKRPHµ MAKE LIFE WORK FOR YOU Life insurance can help protect your family, your dreams and your lifestyle today. As your needs change, it can also offer tax advantages and a source of potential income for you in retirement. Contact us about an insurance checkup today! Kathryn Cayko moved to the area with her husband Kyle Cayko and oversees the Fairview pile grounds. Harvey Senn CLTC®, LUTCF, FIC Financial Associate 406-433-6143 Ron Gebhardt CLTC®, FIC Financial Associate 406-433-5287 1050 S. Central Avenue Sidney, MT 59270 Toll-free: 877-433-6143 Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial, the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. Thrivent Financial representatives are licensed insurance agents/producers of Thrivent. For additional important information, visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. Thrivent Financial and its representatives and employees cannot provide legal, accounting, or tax advice or services. Work with your Thrivent Financial representative and, as appropriate, your attorney and tax professional for additional information. INSURANCE CHECKUP Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-847-4836 28145F N4-14 y t r a P t s e v r a H l a u n n n e e w o l l Ha A QN t U D 5IVSTEBZ0 Fox Trot of Treats 3:30-4:30 p.m. Trick or treaters visit businesses at Shops at Fox Run and receive a treat. Reynolds Market Costume Contest (Ages up to 5th grade). Judging at 4:30 p.m. at Reynolds Market. t$BTIQSJ[FT Frankenstein’s Free Samples $PNFUSZB4QPPLZ4OBDL Halloween Coloring Contest 1JDLVQB)BMMPXFFODPMPSJOHQBHFBU3FZOPMET.BSLFU4FSWJDF$FOUFS 3FUVSOUPTUPSFCZ0DU.VTUJODMVEFOBNFBOEQIPOFOVNCFS t1SJ[FT"XBSEFE Great Pumpkin Giveaway 'SFF8J'JJOUIF%FMJ tShops at Fox Run (404 N. Central Ave., Sidney, MT) www.ReynoldsMarket.com .FBUt%FMJt#BLFSZt'MPSBM Agriculture... The Business That Feeds Richland County “Your” cooperative salutes area farmers, ranchers, agribusinesses and ag researchers during Harvest Festival. Your efforts are the lifeblood of our communities. Congratulations to all our area farmers on another successful harvest. We lend our strength to agriculture See Nancy today! AG Operating Loans • AG Machinery Loans • AG Livestock Loans • AG Real Estate Loans • Richland County Commissioners Loren Young, Shane Gorder, Duane Mitchell www.richlandfcu.com 201 West Holly St. • Sidney, MT (406) 482-2704 18 East 2nd St. • Culbertson, MT (406) 787-5890 XNLV235531 3FHJTUFSGPSBDIBODFUPXJOBHJBOUQVNQLJOUPCFHJWFOBXBZ0DU 12B ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 Prairie Fare: 4-H Foods Projects Teach Lifelong Lessons Food-related programs have been popular topics for children enrolled in 4-H. Helping you grow. As you spray, fence or put up hay, we’re here to help you get the equipment, facilities and operating cash you need to grow. Visit with our ag lending professionals to help you build your operation. Give us a call: we’ll provide peace of mind to keep you growing in today’s farm and ranch economy. KURT NIELSON NEILSON KURT DUSTY BERWICK BOB RUDE AARON GRANLEY 774-4100 • www.asbt.com 223 Main Street • Williston, North Dakota By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist NDSU Extension Service “I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my health to better living, for my club, my community, my country and my world.” If you recognize this pledge, chances are you have been in 4-H, or perhaps your child and/or other relative has been in 4-H. Maybe you are or have been a 4-H volunteer leader. Growing up as a “town kid,” I was not in a 4-H club. Typically, kids who lived on farms were in 4-H. However, I liked doing all the sorts of things that my friends in 4-H did, including gardening, baking and sewing. I certainly liked looking at all my cousLQ·V SXUSOH ´JUDQG FKDPSLRQµ ribbons earned at the county fair for her 4-H projects. Two of my own “city kids” are 4-H members and my third child was enrolled through his senior year of high school. My children have gathered bountiful lifelong skills in everything from public speaking to health, gardening, sewing, baking, science and technology, outdoor skills, dog training, art and photography. :LWKP\NLGV·LQYROYHPHQW in 4-H clubs, I became a club leader many years ago. I have learned new skills too. I learned how to train our three dogs, as much as dachshunds allow “training.” I also learned how to take decent photos with my digital camera. As part of my job at NDSU, I also help create 4-H food and health-related materials. ,DGPLUHP\FKLOGUHQ·VEXOletin boards with their collections of blue, pink and purple Member FDIC Enjoy a ton of research in this tiny blue package. At first glance, a Betaseed sugarbeet seed may not seem too formidable. It is, after all, only 3 millimeters tall. But contained within each blue pellet is the accumulation of 160 years of sugarbeet know-how. Each seed variety is the result of 10 years of research and three years of testing. It’s this intense pursuit of science that develops MultiSource® varieties and gives growers confidence. Especially after talking to their sales representative about what Betaseed variety is right for them. © 2015 Betaseed, Inc. MultiSource is a registered trademark of Betaseed, Inc. Research Breeds Confidence betaseed.com 4-H teaches youth lifelong skills in everything from public speaking to health, gardening, sewing, baking, science and technology, outdoor skills, dog training, art and photography. ribbons earned at the local and VWDWHIDLUV%XWUHDOO\FRXOGQ·W my kids give their old mom a purple grand champion ribbon in appreciation of my being their long-term helper? 4-H club-based programs were launched in 1902 by A.B. Graham, an Ohio school principal. Now the 4-H youth development program reaches more than 6 million youth in urban, suburban and rural areas throughout the U.S. and beyond. Food-related programs have been popular topics for children enrolled in 4-H. The other day, our state 4-H program leader lent me two 4-H food curriculum member manuals dated 1947. He knows I enjoy looking at historical food- and cooking-related information. I carefully examined the fragile sheets of paper that probably were typed using a manual typewriter and copied with carbon paper. As I paged through the curriculum for “4-H girls,” I became a little nostalgic reading the recipes. By the way, presently, food projects are not only for girls; boys enjoy food projects too. In the years right after World War II, girls engaged in this food curriculum were advised to drink six glasses of water, wash their hands before meals, and eat three meals a day with no sweets between meals “except at a party.” They were to strive to miss no days from school because of illness. 7KDW·VVWLOOJRRGDGYLFH I was a little amused by hygiene recommendations, considering the vast array of shampoos and soaps available today. 1940s-era young girls were advised to take a warm sponge bath or tub bath twice a week and shampoo their hair twice a month. After viewing this document, I can see why women who took part in these programs as children were VHOIVXIÀFLHQW DV DGXOWV 7KH curriculum taught them how to butcher and pluck chickens and cut them up for dinner. They learned how to cook, bake and preserve foods. Interestingly, the 4-H food guide stated that during World War II, $1.5 million worth of vegetables were spoiled due to improper canning. When , UDQ WKH ÀJXUH LQ DQ RQOLQH LQÁDWLRQ FDOFXODWRU WKH YDOXH of the wasted food would be more than $25 million in toGD\·VGROODUV Yes, proper food preservation can save money and your life, too. Much of the canning research was done during the 1940s. Participants in the 1947 4-H food curriculum were taught the principles of pressure canning, which allows the temperature in the center of jars to reach 240 F. This temperature inactivates the deadly bacteria that can produce the botulism toxin in the right environment. Botulism is potentially fatal. I was happy to note that even in 1947, oven canning was not considered safe. By the way, if anyone shares guidelines to can food in the oven with you today, let them know the National Center for Home Food Preservation considers this a dangerous practice. Dry heat from your oven does not penetrate jars VXIÀFLHQWO\WRKHDWWKHIRRGWR safe temperatures. Further, the 4-H guide cautioned that oven canning might result in “jars exploding, WKHRYHQGRRUPD\Á\RIIRUD person may be injured from flying glass.” Yes, in 1947, they had a good handle on the dangers of oven canning. A couple of the 4-H recipes included eggs that were not fully cooked. Now we would recommend using pasteurized (heat-treated) eggs in their place. Lard was used in the pie crusts instead of other types of IDW/DUGVWLOOPDNHVWKHÁDNLHVW pie crusts, by the way. ,QWKHVUHÀQHGÁRXU was used in nearly all the EUHDGFRRNLHDQGPXIÀQUHFLpes. As we have learned more DERXW WKH KHDOWK EHQHÀWV RI whole-grain ingredients, such DVZKROHZKHDWÁRXUDQGRDWmeal, our emphasis in nutrition has been to make at least half of your grains whole grains. My step back in food history was an interesting one. +HUH·VDUHFLSHIURPWKH “Foods the 4-H Way” member manual. This reminds me of a recipe that my mother used to make. See https://www. ag.ndsu.edu/food for more information about food preservation and nutrition. Contact \RXUORFDORIÀFHRIWKH1'68 Extension Service for more information about 4-H. Bread Pudding 3 c. soft bread pieces 1 quart scalded milk 2 Tbsp. butter 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1/2 c. sugar 1/2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. vanilla 1 c. raisins Heat oven to 325 F. Heat milk in a saucepan to scaled (bubbles will form around side; do not boil). Break bread into pieces about 1 inch in size. Place bread in hot milk, then add butter and let stand 20 minutes. Beat eggs slightly. Add sugar, salt and vanilla to eggs. Add to bread and milk mixture and mix thoroughly. Add raisins. Pour into a buttered baking dish and bake for 60 minutes. Test with a knife. If it comes out clean, the bread pudding is done. Makes six servings. Each serving has 320 calories, 6 grams (g) fat, 11 g protein, 55 g carbohydrate, J ÀEHU DQG PLOOLJUDPV sodium. ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 13 Congratulations On Another Successful Harvest! 415 9th Ave NE • Sidney, MT 59270 | 406-433-3014 Sweley Location: 1123 10th Ave SE • Sidney, MT PO Box 177 • Lambert, MT 59243 | 406-774-3331 406-433-2508 Local Offices Issue Receipts for Services Provided Submitted by Farm Service Agency 86 'HSDUWPHQW RI $JULFXOWXUH 86'$ )DUP 6HUYLFH $JHQF\)6$6WDWH([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU$DURQ.UDXWHUUHPLQGV DJULFXOWXUDOSURGXFHUVWKDW)6$SURYLGHVDUHFHLSWWRFXVWRPHUV ZKRUHTXHVWRUUHFHLYHDVVLVWDQFHRULQIRUPDWLRQRQ)6$SURJUDPV´,I\RXYLVLWRXURIÀFH\RX·OOUHFHLYHGRFXPHQWDWLRQRI VHUYLFHVUHTXHVWHGDQGSURYLGHGµVDLG.UDXWHU´,W·VSDUWRIRXU PLVVLRQWRSURYLGHHQKDQFHGFXVWRPHUVHUYLFHIRUSURGXFHUV )URP'HFHPEHUWKURXJK-XQH)6$LVVXHGPRUHWKDQ HOHFWURQLFUHFHLSWVµ 7KH )DUP %LOO UHTXLUHV D UHFHLSW WR EH LVVXHG IRU DQ\DJULFXOWXUDOSURJUDPDVVLVWDQFHUHTXHVWHGIURP)6$WKH 1DWLRQDO5HVRXUFHV&RQVHUYDWLRQ6HUYLFH15&6DQG5XUDO 'HYHORSPHQW 5' 5HFHLSWV LQFOXGH WKH GDWH VXPPDU\ RI WKHYLVLWDQGDQ\DJULFXOWXUDOLQIRUPDWLRQSURJUDPDQGRUORDQ DVVLVWDQFHSURYLGHGWRDQLQGLYLGXDORUHQWLW\ In some cases, a form or document – such as a completed DQGVLJQHGSURJUDPHQUROOPHQWIRUP²VHUYHDVWKHFXVWRPHU UHFHLSW LQVWHDG RI D SULQWHG RU HOHFWURQLF UHFHLSW$ VHUYLFH LV DQ\LQIRUPDWLRQSURJUDPRUORDQDVVLVWDQFHSURYLGHGZKHWKHU WKURXJKDYLVLWHPDLOID[RUOHWWHU 7RGD\·V DQQRXQFHPHQW ZDV PDGH SRVVLEOH WKURXJK WKH )DUP%LOO7KH)DUP%LOOEXLOGVRQKLVWRULFHFRQRPLFJDLQVLQ UXUDO$PHULFDRYHUWKHSDVWVL[\HDUVZKLOHDFKLHYLQJPHDQLQJIXO UHIRUPDQGELOOLRQVRIGROODUVLQVDYLQJVIRUWKHWD[SD\HU6LQFH HQDFWPHQW86'$KDVPDGHVLJQLÀFDQWSURJUHVVWRLPSOHPHQW HDFK SURYLVLRQ RI WKLV FULWLFDO OHJLVODWLRQ LQFOXGLQJ SURYLGLQJ GLVDVWHUUHOLHIWRIDUPHUVDQGUDQFKHUVVWUHQJWKHQLQJULVNPDQagement tools; expanding access to rural credit; funding critical UHVHDUFK HVWDEOLVKLQJ LQQRYDWLYH SXEOLFSULYDWH FRQVHUYDWLRQ SDUWQHUVKLSVGHYHORSLQJQHZPDUNHWVIRUUXUDOPDGHSURGXFWV DQGLQYHVWLQJLQLQIUDVWUXFWXUHKRXVLQJDQGFRPPXQLW\IDFLOLWLHV WRKHOSLPSURYHTXDOLW\RIOLIHLQUXUDO$PHULFD)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQYLVLWZZZXVGDJRYIDUPELOO7ROHDUQPRUHDERXW)6$ YLVLWZZZIVDXVGDJRYRUWRÀQG\RXUORFDO86'$RIÀFHYLVLW KWWSRIÀFHVXVGDJRY USCA Applauds Statement by Cabinet Members on 2015 Dietary Guidelines Submitted by the U.S. CatWOHPHQ·V$VVRFLDWLRQ The United States CattlePHQ·V$VVRFLDWLRQ86&$DSSODXGVWRGD\·VUHPDUNVPDGH by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) SecreWDU\ 7RP 9LOVDFN DQG +HDOWK DQG +XPDQ 6HUYLFHV ++6 6HFUHWDU\ 6\OYLD %XUZHOO UHJDUGLQJ WKH 'LHWDU\ Guidelines. Both Secretaries WHVWLÀHG WRGD\ LQ IURQW RI WKH +RXVH$JULFXOWXUH&RPPLWWHH UHJDUGLQJWKHSURSRVHG Dietary Guidelines. USCA Dietary and NutriWLRQ&KDLU/LQGD&KH]HPFRPmented, “USCA appreciates Chairman Conaway (R-TX) DQG 5DQNLQJ 0HPEHU &ROOLQ Peterson (D-MN) in holding WRGD\·V KHDULQJ WR UHYLHZ WKHGHYHORSPHQWRIWKH Dietary Guidelines. USCA is pleased that both Secretary 9LOVDFN DQG 6HFUHWDU\ %XUZHOO KDYH DFNQRZOHGJHG WKH YDVW RYHUUHDFK WDNHQ E\ WKH committee in drafting their proposed guidelines. The inclusion of sustainability and HQYLURQPHQWDO FRQFHUQV LQ WKHSURSRVHGJXLGHOLQHV was far outside the commitWHH·V H[SHUWLVH DQG VWDWHG goal. The comments made by both Secretaries that these sections will not be included in WKHÀQDOJXLGHOLQHVLVZHOFRPH news to all of those in agriculWXUHµ ´6HFUHWDU\ 9LOVDFN KDV SUHYLRXVO\FRPPHQWHGRQWKH RYHUUHDFKRIWKHVHDGGLWLRQDO sections and we once again applaud his stance on this LVVXHµ´86&$LVDOVRSOHDVHG with the blog post issued this Local Efforts Protect Species and Respect Landowners Submitted by AgWire News We recently sponsored a poll concerning the Endangered Species Act, and it opened our eyes. As it turns out, farmers DQGUDQFKHUVDUHQ·WDORQHLQWKLQNLQJWKHUH·VVRPHWKLQJQRWTXLWH right with the Endangered Species Act. More than 60 percent RI$PHULFDQVWROGSROOVWHUVWKH\WRRWKLQNLWQHHGVDQRYHUKDXO $QGWKH\·UHULJKW:LWKDUHFRYHU\UDWHRIOHVVWKDQSHUFHQW WKH (6$ KDV IDLOHG WR DFKLHYH LWV SULPDU\ JRDO RI UHFRYHULQJ DWULVNVSHFLHV 7KHUHDUHPDQ\WKLQJVZHFDQGRWRPDNHHQYLURQPHQWDO policy better, but local control is near the top of the list. Americans WUXVWORFDODQGVWDWHJRYHUQPHQWWRSURWHFWWKHHQYLURQPHQWIDU more than they trust Washington to get the job done. Right now, farmers and ranchers across the country are ZRUNLQJZLWKORFDOJURXSVDQGRIÀFLDOVWRSURYHLWLVSRVVLEOHWR protect species and respect property owners at the same time. And here again, most people agree with us. In the poll, conducted for AFBF by Morning Consult, only 31 percent of those surYH\HGDFWXDOO\WKLQNWKHIHGHUDOJRYHUQPHQWVKRXOGEHWDNLQJWKH OHDGLQUHFRYHU\HIIRUWV:K\"%HFDXVHVWDWHDQGORFDOZLOGOLIH PDQDJHPHQWSURJUDPVDUHJHWWLQJUHVXOWVWKDWWKHIHGVKDYHQ·W Most recently, the greater sage grouse and the Sonoran desert WRUWRLVHZHUHVSDUHGIURP(6$OLVWLQJVWKDQNVWRWKHHIIRUWVRI farmers and ranchers, landowners, and state wildlife agencies DFURVVWKH:HVW7KH\VDYHGWKHVHDWULVNDQLPDOVDQGWKH\GLG LWZLWKRXWVDFULÀFLQJWKHLUORFDOEXVLQHVVHVDQGHFRQRPLHV6R instead of stepping in where others are getting the job done, 69 SHUFHQWRI$PHULFDQVWKLQNWKHIHGHUDOJRYHUQPHQWVKRXOGRIIHU resources to third parties to boost these efforts. ,W·VWLPHIRUWKHIHGHUDOJRYHUQPHQWWRJLYHFUHGLWZKHUHLW·V GXHDQGUHZDUGWKHKDUGZRUNSULYDWHEXVLQHVVHVDQGODQGRZQHUVDUHSXWWLQJLQWRFRQVHUYDWLRQHIIRUWV 7KHVHVWDWHSODQVZRUNEHFDXVHWKH\DUHFUHDWHGE\RIÀFLDOVDQGEXVLQHVVRZQHUVZKRNQRZWKHORFDOODQGVFDSHIDU better than any federal agency does. And while federal plans and listings burden landowners with costly permits and red WDSHVWDWHOHGSODQVDFWXDOO\FUHDWHLQFHQWLYHVIRUODQGRZQHUV to enhance habitats on their land. The outdated ESA stands in the way of greater success. FixLQJLWPHDQVIRFXVLQJRQZKDWDFWXDOO\ZRUNVLQVWHDGRISLOLQJRQ PRUHSHUPLWWLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVWKDWKXUWEXVLQHVVEXWGRQRWKLQJ to protect wildlife. Today, landowners face wrong-headed restrictions that actually discourage creating habitat for endangered species lest the simple presence of protected wildlife means they can no longer use part or all of their own land. Neither farmers, ranchers, businesses nor anyone else should face extinction WKHPVHOYHVIRUVWHSSLQJXSWRSURWHFWORFDOZLOGOLIH 5HDOUHFRYHU\LVSRVVLEOHEXWQRWZLWKRXWDFRPPRQVHQVH VFLHQFHEDVHG DSSURDFK WRSUHVHUYLQJ ZLOGOLIH DQGSURWHFWLQJ SULYDWH SURSHUW\ ULJKWV 7KH (6$ VKRXOG EH PRGHUQL]HG DQG &RQJUHVVPXVWWDNHWKHOHDG ZHHNE\6HFUHWDU\9LOVDFNDQG Secretary Burwell in which they describe the next steps in the process of producing D ILQDO 'LHWDU\ *XLGHOLQHV GRFXPHQWµ $V VWDWHG within the post: “…though WKHJXLGHOLQHVKDYH\HWWREH ÀQDOL]HGZHNQRZWKH\ZLOOEH VLPLODU LQ PDQ\ NH\ UHVSHFWV to those of past years. Fruits DQGYHJHWDEOHVORZIDWGDLU\ whole grains and lean meats and other proteins, and limited amounts of saturated fats, added sugars and sodium UHPDLQWKHEXLOGLQJEORFNVRI D KHDOWK\ OLIHVW\OHµ &KH]HP continued, “USCA and producHUV DFURVV WKH FRXQWU\ NQRZ WKH LQKHUHQW QXWULWLRQDO YDOXH of red meat in a balanced diet. The ongoing attempts E\WKHSDQHOWRVODQWWKH guidelines in a direction pandering to special interests and VSHFLÀFOLIHVW\OHFKRLFHVFOHDUly shows the bias behind the proposed guidelines. USCA and the U.S. cattle industry are SURXGRIWKHQXWULWLRQDOYDOXHRI red meat and the inclusion of OHDQPHDWVLQDKHDOWK\GLHWµ ´:H ORRN IRUZDUG WR UHYLHZLQJWKHÀQDO'LHWDU\ Guidelines and encourage ERWK ++6 DQG 86'$ WR XVH EHVWVFLHQFH PRYLQJ IRUZDUG ZKLFK DFFXUDWHO\ WDNHV LQWR DFFRXQWDOOQXWULWLRQDOTXDOLWLHV needed in a healthy, compreKHQVLYHGLHWµ 2015 RAM 2500 TRADESMAN TRUCK CREW CAB, 4WD stock #4700 MSRP $41,885 Discounts & Rebates $5,558 Sales Price* $36,327 327 4 wheel drive, 4-door, 5.7 v8 Hemi, automatic, air-conditioning, tilt, cruise, power windows & power locks. plus 5 year/100,000mi 00,000mi limited powerr train warranty ty *Sales tax, license & doc fee not included. Congratulations Area Farmers & Ranchers On Another Successful Harvest! 2014 Top Ten Growers You’re All “Tops” On Our List! 3200 W. Holly • Sidney, MT | 406-488-1602 • www.lyrec.com 14B ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 HUGE Incentives On ALL Remaining New 2015 Inventory! 2015 Chevy 2015 Chevy 1-Ton Dually Flat Bed w/Tool Box 2500 High Country Diesel “Loaded” MSRP: $48,089 MSRP: $65,330 STK # 537496 39,987 $ * 58,957 $ * 2016 GMC Denali Diesel MSRP: $65,470 59,987 2016 Chevy MSRP: $43,100 59,996 $ * 36,957 $ * 2016 GMC Terrain AWD STK # 6108108 STK # 261196 49,997 $ STK # 549772 MSRP: $66,850 Canyon “All Terrain” Heated Seats & Nav STK # 109539 * 2500 Crew Cab STK # 744789 2015 GMC Acadia Denali “Loaded” STK # 619984 2015 Chevy Suburban Z71 STK # 656587 2015 GMC $ 2015 Chevy * 2016 GMC Equinox Yukon Denali & Yukon Denali XL 5 In Stock To Choose From! 4 In Stock To Choose From! 36,699 $ * 31,928 $ * 2015 Chevy 1500s & 2015 GMC 1500s Incentives Up To $9,000! 17 In Stock To Choose From! Gem City MOTORS 70 703 70 03 3S S. C Central Cent Ce ntra nt tra rall • Sid Sidney Sidney, ey y, MT | www. ww www.gemcitymotors.com ww.g ww gemcit ittty ym ymoto ymot otttors ors rs.c com | 406-433-3120 com 40 406 06-4 -433 -43 433433 333-312 3120 20 We Are Professional Grade *See Dealer For Details