NEWSLETTER - Live Export Shame
NEWSLETTER - Live Export Shame
N E W S L E T T E R Speaking up for animal rights A FORTNIGHTLY PUBLICATION Open the cages Three ALV women were assaulted by male workers at the ‘Happy Hens’ Egg farm while trying to expose the neglect of battery hens. Pages 1-3 Media talk by Laurie Levy Laurie is well known in the Australian Animal Rights Movement more Page 4 OPEN THE CAGES! On Thursday 28 July, Three ALV women were assaulted by male workers at the ‘Happy Hens’ Egg farm. Trying to expose the filth and neglect inside the sheds, one of the activists was sexually assaulted then dragged along the floor by her feet. ‘Happy Hens’ has a long history of profiting from defeathered, debeaked, debilitated hens living in tiny crowded cages – as documented by ALV. Now it seems “Happy Hens” is happy to show an attitude of violence towards females, whether hen or human. Patty later said “…It was so dreadful today, especially for dear Deb. She’s such a strong woman and I hated what happened to her. We were both being pushed and shoved so hard when all of a sudden I heard her scream so loud and then I saw her go down to the floor, I didn’t realise she was also sexually assaulted until we were thrown out of the shed. The poor little hens just watched on from their tiny little prisons. No matter what happened though, today, I was very grateful to have the few minutes I did with them…” Please read the Geelong Advertiser Article published on 29 July 2005. (A similar one appeared in The Courier) ALV Writers Group Newsletter #9 ISSUE #9 - July 30, 2005 Aussie Fur Shame Ten years ago Elle MacPherson shunned fur - but now ‘The Body’ has agreed to be the face for Blackglama furs. Australian Masters of Fashion host, Guy Barton, says “Don’t like real fur? get over it.” Page 4 Charlotte the pig Other Letters Lots of issues... Lots of letters... See our writers in action. Pages 7-9 Last Word Dogs that need loving homes. Page 9 Letters of support flooded in... Pages 5-7 Mad scramble at egg farm ‘rescue’ By Peter Begg. ASSAULT CLAIM: A distraught Patty Mark and Deb Tranter leave the Happy Hens Egg Farm after the animal liberation raid. Photo: MIKE DUGDALE AN attempt to “rescue” birds from Happy Hens egg farm at Meredith turned nasty yesterday, with three female Animal Liberation members claiming they were assaulted. Animal Liberation Victoria president Patty Mark claimed the three were manhandled, and someone at the egg farm had grabbed one of the protesters on the breasts. The three activists were dropped off outside the egg farm in Taylor’s Road at 2pm, and were sighted by workers as they ran into sheds on the opposite side of the road. Soon after the activists disappeared into the shed, egg farm workers on foot and in vehicles converged on the building. At one stage Ms Mark telephoned the Advertiser from inside the shed: “You better get over here ‘cause it’s getting ugly.’’ The three protesters emerged from the shed after only a few minutes, but were unable to “rescue” any birds. They were in the process of leaving the property when a police officer arrived from Meredith. A hysterical Ms Mark tried to describe events in shed when she returned to the road. “We were going, we just stopped to get our breath and get some water and all of a sudden poor Deb screamed,” Ms Mark sobbed. “I didn’t know what had happened, but he assaulted her.” Deb Tranter repeated the accusation: “We were leaving and he assaulted me,” she said. “He grabbed both breasts from behind and he just squeezed.” Ms Mark, 56, said she had a “crook knee” and she was repeatedly pushed. The third protester, Ivana Moretti, said that of all the rescues Animal Liberation had done, she had never seen protesters manhandled as they were yesterday. Ms Moretti said later, after being interviewed by police about the incident, that there had been seven men in the shed at the time. Ms Mark, who said she expected to be jailed in September for non payment of fines for similar incidents at the same egg farm, said it was her first raid at Happy Hens for five years. Happy Hens partner Guido Colla said after the raid it was the first time protesters had raided his property in broad daylight. He said previous raids had taken place after dark, but the presence of dogs and an electrified fence appeared to have acted as a deterrent. 1 “We hurried them out of the shed and called the police and let them take care of it,” Mr Colla said. Ms Mark said yesterday’s rescue was necessary because protesters had not been able to get in for an inspection because of the trained guard dogs and a high electrified fence. “We’re just going to get really cheeky and when the coast is clear we’re just going to do a runner with the gates open,” she said before the attempted rescue. The Animal Liberation protesters later attended a meeting of Golden Plains Shire council, which was scheduled to discuss applications for broiler sheds at Lethbridge and Rokewood. Ms Mark said she had never heard of such huge broiler sheds, each of which would hold 320,000 birds. Letter sent to Dr Wirth, RSPCA 29 July 2005, by ALV President Patty Mark Dear Dr Wirth, I am writing to you concerning a couple of matters. First and foremost: 1) Cruelty Complaint regarding Happy Hens in Taylors Road, Meredith Following (in navy-blue)is a brief account of a very stressful incident yesterday at Happy Hens Battery Hen Factory. The most stressful partwas seeing (after an absence of five years inside these sheds) that conditions remain dreadfulfor these birds. The shed was stillfilthy dirty, cobwebs hung from the ceiling and dust covered the floor. The birds were overcrowded, they couldn’tstand at full height, they suffered severe feather-loss and hens were trapped in the manure pits below. My heart brokeseeing them still like this.Words cannot express my disappointment in you for not acting to help these small creatures. You are well aware of the long-standing problems at this hen factory farm, plus you would be aware of thedisease outbreak they had a couple years agowhen the entire flock of 220,000 birdshad to be killed (as well as birds in the surrounding area). And the police informed 2 me yesterday that just two weeks ago they lost a further70,000 birds after a mechanical breakdown in a new shed just builton the property (and a furtherfour more sheds are to be built). Happy Hens has a bad reputation in the area andAnimal Liberation Victoria has given the RSPCArepeated evidence ofserious breaches of the law inside these sheds since 1994, yet the RSPCA does nothing. The women asked the men to please let them go as they were happy to leave the sheds. The violence escalated when one young man approachedrescue team memberDebra Tranter from behind and put his arms around her, grabbing and squeezing her breasts.Ms Tranterscreamed and fell to the ground at which time she was grabbed by both her ankles anddragged along the filthy floor. I feel almost stupid appealing to you to do yet another inspection at this property, but as you are the legal authority under Section 24 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act (POCTAA), and the body referred to as ‘the experts’by the other three authorities listed under Sec 24 who areable to prosecute for cruelty,I have no alternative. So, YES, AGAIN, can I please ask you to conduct an inspection throughout Happy Hens Egg Farmincluding all 14 sheds currently in operation on the property. Can you also let me know whenthe RSPCA last inspected Happy Hens? My concern for these animals cannot be underestimated. I am haunted by what I’ve seen inside those sheds. Canyou please not ignoremy questions and also let me know the outcome of theRSPCA inspection. Thank you. Police were called and took photographs of the injuries sustained by therescue teammembers, and took their statements. Therescue teammembersare pressing for charges of sexual and physical assault, in addition to charges of cruelty to animals, to be laid against the farm and its employees. P.S.: Imust note here, that you advised Happy Hensalmost ten years ago to increase their security to keep us out. In my mind all the trauma and stress so many people suffer and have suffered during their rescues of the sick and dying birds at Happy Hens would not have occurred if the RSPCA was fulfilling it’s legal responsibilities and moral duty to these small birds in great peril. ActivistsAssaulted During Battery Farm Raid Meredith, Victoria- Three Animal Liberation Victoria (ALV) activists today conducted a daring daylight raid at Happy Hens Egg World, in Meredith. ALV have conducted 20 rescues at the property, each time exposing horrific cruelty to animals. After about ten rescues farm management began increasing security, with electrified fences and trained guard dogs patrolling the property, so that the factory farm is now a Dachau style concentration camp for the 220,000 battery hens caged there. The electrified fence gate is open during daylight hours for worker access. Prior to being assaulted, the three ALV investigators observedbattery hens suffering severe feather losscrammed into rusty old cages. A number ofbirds were also observed in the manure pits, without access to food or water. After only five minutes ofdocumenting these conditions, thewomen were set upon by seven farm employees who started physicallyassaulting them and pushing them along the length of the dirty shed covered in dust and cobwebs. Debra Tranter, a trained nurse and supervisorsaid outside the shed: “For eleven years I’ve been coming to these sheds to document the suffering of these birds. I’ve never been treated so violently. I kept pleading to these angry males to please let me go as I was quite happy to leave the sheds. I knew the hens were overcrowded and tormented in their tiny cages. But the aggressive treatment of me today bythose in charge of these captivehenshas only made me more determined to help them.” Patty Mark, ALV President, added: “The bruising and roughing up we received today,highlights the extreme peril these birds are in. Not only are they debeaked, featherless, and dying in tiny cages, but the only ones there for them day to day are theseviolent and abusivemen. We’ve been campaigning against Happy Hens for eleven years and the sheds were worse than ever. Today the police told us that two weeks ago 70,000 birds died after a mechanical breakdown. This property requires urgent attention by legal authorities.” This photo (next page) was taken at Happy Hens in 2000, note the sloping roof which deflects the birds’ droppings from the cage above(the cages are stacked four tiers high) into the manure pit below.The overcrowded debilitated birdscannot even everstand at full height. Animal Liberation Victoria’s rescue team has carried out 20 rescues at Happy Hens (Victoria’s largest batteryegg factory) between 1994-2000 saving the lives of hundreds of hens. ALV President Patty Mark has been ordered by the Magistrates Court to spend 17 days in prison starting September1, 2005 for her refusal to pay fines for trespassing on the property and rescuing the hens. 2) You donotneed bodyguards from ALV, we are absolutely no threat to you I would like to assure you, contrary to your recent outrageous and defamatory allegations of ALV being ‘terrorists’, that we are peaceful and non-violent and under no circumstances would we harm ALV Writers Group Newsletter #9 their plight back on centre stage. The original nine sheds at Happy Hens are nowold anddilapidated but still hold 220,000 birds in thetiny cages. The walls were still hanging in cobwebs, the birds were frail and defeathered and many were trapped in the manure pit below. anyone,especially you. The red paint incident, or anyother similiar type action,will not be repeated. Theveterinary student, an RSPCA volunteer, who tossed the one third cup of water based paint your way,sent you a written apology a day or two after the incident. You know this as you forwarded it to the police. Thisstudent had recently been insidea broiler chickenfactoryshed with our rescue team and saw first hand the crippled young birds slowly dying because they could not reach food or water (the RSPCA ignored their plight), he was also distressed to learn aboutPACE FARM’s (Australia’s largest battery egg producer)business arrangement with RSPCA.I am sincerely very sorry for any fear you may have felt from this incident. We were at theMillion Paws Walk to meet and greet other animal lovers and tooffer them a delicious alternative to eating animals who had suffered greatly at the abattoirs. Your perception of possibleproblems from ALVduring this event or indeed any other event, thus necessitating a bodyguard, can be laid to rest.Our lovely lettuce lady was simply waiting for you to come out of the ring to offer you some delicious mock chicken. Animal Liberation Victoria will continue to educate the public on animal cruelty andwhat we believe are serious problems with the failure of the RSPCA to uphold the POCTAA (Sec 24), as well as the obvious conflict of interest arising fromthe on-going and increasing business arrangements the RSPCA is entering into with animal based industries where animals, inter alia,meet brutal and terrifying deaths at abattoirs, hatcheries or wherever. Perhaps you will join me in requesting the Chief Commissioner to ALV Writers Group Newsletter #9 set up a special police investigations unit to administer Section 24 of POCTAA, thus relieving the RSPCA,a non-profit community organisationof the enormous task at hand? And, again,please rest assured, you are absolutely in no danger from ALV, you never have been and never will be. We exist to save lives and stop suffering. Sincerely yours, Patty Mark, President, Animal Liberation Victoria Battery hens suffer from severe featherloss from both rubbing on the wire of their cages and also from calcium depletion from all the eggs they lay. Battery hens lay on average 320 eggs a year, whereas their ancestors We were shocked to find one of fiveenormous new sheds planned for the propertyalready built andin full production at Happy Hens (we had been told they were not going ahead, as the ‘historical’ creek in the road wouldn’t take the heavy transport trucks).Police informed us that two weeks ago 70,000 birds died after a mechanical breakdown in the new shed. They already have a high electrified security fence in place at this new compound, located just down the road from the main site. The public must be made aware of the cruelty behind caged eggs and refuse to buy them. The way with which these women were treated is but a symptom of a larger disease – the systematic ill treatment and neglect of the feathered females caged at Happy Hens and elsewhere in the “Assault and Battery” hen business of producing cheap eggs. Open the cages! If the RSPCA can only investigate when there is a complaint – how can a complaint be made if no one but the people who profit from such cruelty are allowed on the property. It is a system set up to fail the animals and protect those who profit. Give ALV $90 million a year instead of the Royal Society for the Protection of Industry. Please write in response to this article The Geelong Advertiser Letters to the Editor [email protected] Or any other newspaper you can write to. Call on the RSPCA to investigate: Email: [email protected] (Gallus Gallus) in the wild laid around 12-20 eggs a year. Countdown to September 1st Patty’s pending imprisonment on September 1 (for her refusal to pay fines associated with prior battery hen rescues) is looming. Things have never been worse in Australiafor battery hens and we are determined to get Call on the new Minister of Agriculture Peter McGauran [email protected] Local Geelong council Email: [email protected]. ong, 3220 (continued next page) 3 Christine Nixon: Police Commissioner Victoria Police Media and Corporate Communications 637 Flinders Street Melbourne VIC 3005 AUSTRALIA To win an issue - change the culture of the public. Media is the most important way to connect with public. The job is to inspire and motivate. Basically it’s a ‘call to arms’ to help the underdog. Aussies support the underdog eg: Ned Kelly, Pharlap, etc. (Polite letters pointing out that the current system of the RSPCA investigating and prosecuting animal cruelty is NOT WORKING when it comes to factory farmed animals (Section 24 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act). It is vital tell her, that the POLICE take a lead in this area and set up a special police cruelty investigation unit, because in reality farmed animals are totally unprotected and the suffering is enormous. (you can add that Patty Mark would not be jail today if the RSPCA was doing it’s job for these animals) “…The Duck Campaign was based on two images. One was the Duck Shooter dressed as a soldier in camouflage gear carrying a semi-automatic and shooting down small defenceless birds. The other image was of a rescuer coming out of the water with a rescued bird. Now that second image was one of kindness and compassion and that will always beat an act of violence every time…” Media by Laurie Levy. (In case you didn’t know, in the picture (left) Laurie is the one with the moustache, and not the one dressed like Rambo and holding a gun.) Last Saturday I was able to attend a talk by Laurie Levy about how to best utilize the media. Laurie is well known in the Australian Animal Rights Movement and is the driving force behind The Coalition Against Duck-Shooting and was a cameraman for channel nine for several years. It was a very inspiring talk, and while it covered television media I noted some points that were applicable to letter writers… You need to capture the imagination of the Australian public and inspire them. Use words to paint an image. Permanent change comes from changing the culture. Otherwise next government can overturn progress made. You don’t need large numbers of people and lots of money to win an issue – because in a media story you and your opponent are 1 to 1. If go to court – you can lose the case but still win public relations. The Sydney Morning Herald takes letters at [email protected] and advises, For more information go to You can write to a politician but you are likely to get a pat on the head and sent on your way. (We all know from the replies we have received.) Perhaps another way is to put your questions in an open letter to the politician and send it to a newspaper. Then the politician then has to take the issue more seriously as your letter now has an audience. It may even inspire a journalist to go and interview the politician.) Get over fur, Guy! Bad news about Elle Mac-Fur-son See this article published in the Sydney Morning Herald 26 July 2005, about Elle MacPherson becoming the face of the US fur label Blackglama after previously shunning fur for PETA. Elle’s about face Once best known for appearing naked or There is a hierarchy of animals that the semi-clad, Elle Macpherson is now being public care about. To save a species, the job contracted to cover up - as the autumn 2005 is to remove it from the bottom of the face of the US fur label Blackglama. hierarchy and place it at the top. The job is to Macpherson will appear in its “What change public opinion/attitude about that becomes a legend most?” campaign and animal. Get the public on side. Fashion police predicts the animal rights lobby will be taking note. Eg: Duck shooting was seen as a tolerable past time 20 years ago – now our society In 1994 Macpherson joined fellow views it as an antisocial and violent activity. supermodels Cindy Crawford, Christy Duck shooting numbers have reduced Turlington and Naomi Campbell in a nude dramatically since the use of media helped billboard line-up for the animal rights group chance public attitude. Whales were once People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals seen as sources of blubber and oil – now we (PETA), with the tagline “I’d rather go naked rescue them and are against the hunting of than wear fur”. However, things got nasty them. last year when Crawford signed as 4 Blackglama’s autumn 2004 face. When reminded of the 1994 campaign, Crawford denied she had taken an anti-fur stand. PETA then produced its Models of Compassion petition, signed by Crawford, and a 1994 PETA catalogue photograph of Crawford wearing a fake fur Todd Oldham hat and “no fur” badge, which PETA then used to create a “SELL-OUT” poster, (see below.) PETA also threatened to take the protest to functions for Omega watches - for whom Crawford models. It will be interesting to see whether Macpherson and her Elle Macpherson Intimates lingerie line, which is doing well overseas, become similar targets. In 2000 Elle was estimated to be worth about $60 million. 2005 Australian Masters of Fashion presentation (formerly known as the Australian Gown of the Year) was held at the historic Williamstown Town Hall on Friday 22 July. People wined and dined for $40 a head, while watching a parade of designs by Australian fashion designers and students promoting their work and competing for awards. Today I got this email: “I went to the Masters of Fashion show last week ( I go every year with my Mum.) This year, for the very first time, one of the outfits included real fur. Unfortunately I don’t know who the designer was) but the host, Guy Barton, flippantly said, “if you don’t like real fur, get over it!”. I was so annoyed at him and want to send something to him in the mail. What should I send?” Karen While I have forwarded his contact details to ALV so that he can be mailed an anti-fur kit (containing a DVD on the horrific nature of fur farms) we can all send a message to Guy that remarks like his are is not only ignorant and dangerous they have no place in today’s society. We will never ‘get over it.’ Ph: 0408 565 497 or email [email protected] ALV Writers Group Newsletter #9 You may stand tall, Freeman and know in your heart that you had the courage to speak up for these defenceless, charming creatures. Stay true to these ideals. You have done the right thing and you have a mountain of support. Please continue to spread the message that animals have rights, feelings and wonderful souls. To Principal Heather McIntyre “…Pigs can be so valuable as living companions, as you can see from the attached photo of our pet pigs with my daughters. With great admiration and respect…” G Leven (VIC) 25.7.05 To The Age “…I refer to an article in the Age newspaper on the 14th July, 2005 regarding the slaughter of a pig (Charlotte) and a cow raised by 16 students at Daylesford Secondary College. Words fail me, however, I will collect them and express to you, my horror and dismay thatthis practice is sanctioned at theschool. Clearly, the students have become attached to these beings and to subject them to the Our writers have been very active, with some slaughter of these trusting creatures would regularly sending in story ideas. This is great surely be very traumatic for both the children because it is impossible to monitor all and the animals. I could not imagine that the newspapers and happenings – and more school would leave itself exposed to ‘eyes and ears’ make for better coverage of litigation should any of these caring pupils animal issues especially in rural areas. suffer stress, anxiety or post trauma as a result of this occurrence. After reading stories in the last issue, one of I am sure the school could find a fun, creative our writers contacted Today Tonight and A and enjoyable way for the students to take Current Affair to alert them to the article in The Age about Daylesford Secondary College part in “Young Gourmet.” and Charlotte the pig. (Today Tonight did a I hear that a few courageous students are story.) taking a stand against this idea and we would be wise to applaud and support Another writer suggested we contact ABC them…” radio national, apparent sponsors of the G Leven (VIC) 16.7.05 gourmet competition. One writer offered to Go Go writers Go! join in if a protest was to be held outside the cat torture film at the Film festival. To The Advocate Charlottethe pig Letters to Freeman Trebilcock (school vice captain and founder of the ‘save our pig and cow’ petition. “Dear Freeman, Bravo! I know I speak on behalf of a large sector of our community who respect all beings on earth. The positive slant that I can see from this situation is that you now have a magnificent opportunity to join many on the planet in the fight for the rights of our beloved animals. There is no way to lead an animal to slaughter in a humane way. They are highly intelligent beings who feel and smell what is about to happen. You are the hero of many and we applaud you and support you in taking a stand against the unnecessary and ill-conceived decision of your school to slaughter the very animals who grew to depend on you for food, kindness and love. ALV Writers Group Newsletter #9 “…I am both saddened and angered to read of the intention, at Daylesford Secondary College, to slaughter two beautiful animals, a pig and a cow, in order to make sausages for a food competition! Gary Thomas, as president of the school Council, you have an obligation to lead the pupils of the college by example. The barbaric practice of animal slaughter is not a good example. In the current climateof increasing war and hatred throughout the world, shouldn’t we be teaching our children kindness, love andcompassion, toward both human and non - human species? Thank you Freeman Trebilcock and the other students opposed to these murderous acts.It is young people like you who give us hope for the future…” L Bristow (VIC) 20.7.05 Please be a compassionate role model and spare Charlotte’s life…” N Houghton (VIC) 22.7.05 “…Dear Principal and Staff I am very saddened and disappointed about the story of the animals that are destined for slaughter, after raising them and gaining their trust and allowing the students to get to know them as individual animals. How sad that the school should be so conservative and narrow in its thinking. Why not think of alternatives? There are more humane ways ofresurrecting historic recipes and demonstrating cultural foods. What values does this teach the students? That a life can be cruelly extinguished to satisfy their culinary tastes? Let them explore ways to promote the animals as living creatures, and let them think laterally to find new ways of creating profits. If this is not possible,keep them as mascots, or school sponsored animals. We live in a planet of finite resources, so let them explore recipes that use grains, legumes, nuts, vegetables and herbs, thus saving the planet’s water and natural resources. What about the food chain? If humans go down lower on the food triangle, more of our growing population can be fed. Please, reconsider and think of alternatives…” V Ortega (VIC) 16.7.05 “…Dear Madam, I read in The Age of July 13 that your school plans to slaughter and subsequently eat a pig and a cow that your students havenurtured. I wish to protest this action. I believe that other individuals have offered to care for the animals, an offer which you appear to have refused. Surely part of every individual’s education is the encouragement of a sense of compassion for sentient beings. I believe that a number of 5 your students have cared for the animals in yourcollege and will be distressed to see them slaughtered. If you proceed with that action the students will no doubt be adversely affected psychologically and will associate the school with cruelty rather than compassion…” R Drew (CANB) 16.7.05 (BA Hons Communication, MA Communication (Canb)) Please, consider what has happened to your students over the course of this program. Notice the growth, as moral human beings, and recognise the maturity they have taken on. It would be unfair, and completely inflexible, if you were to now go against their wishes, only because the program said so…” M Smith 22.7.05 It is hard to live up to high expectations all the time -- never to swear, never to have bad manners, and to always be “en garde.” This is a situation that should never have arisen in an enlightened environment such as a school. Pigs and cows are extremely intelligent, gentle and sensitive creatures and they will bond closely with their carers. It does not surprise me that there are students, Freeman Trebilcock, school vice captain, and others, who have got together to organize the “Save our pig and cow petition”. I find it quite debasing to learn that children are involved in such a project. To carry out the slaughter of two innocent creatures that know not what is in store for them, just to win a competition, appears to me abhorrent and shameful. I understand that approaches have been made to the school with respect to rehousing the animals in a caring environment. I ask that you please give up these animals to go to a good home. They should not be sacrificed for such a trifling and ignoble cause...” M Davies (VIC) 18.7.05 “…I am writing to you about the much publicised issue of Charlotte and the cow being slaughtered as part of your cooking program. I can see the ‘education aspect’ of your program, however, through the course of caring for these animals, I can similarly see that these students have grown to love the animals. It would be careless of you to ignore this very fact. These students have matured and understood that it is not right to slaughter animals just because humans like the taste of them. 6 If you feel they need to know about the reality of produce, especially meat,arrange an excursion to an abattoir or chicken processing plant. That would be a much more courageousand confronting thing to do. The reality of it would bea definite and invaluablelearning experience. Society looks to people like you to make a stance, to set an example of the highest order.I understand this dilemma. We are all flawed, even teachers. “…I have recently been sent details of the intended slaughter of a pig (Charlotte) and a young steer that the students have been raising as part of a competition called “Young Gourmet”. I am very saddened disturbed and concerned about what I have read and I am writing to ask that steps be taken to prevent this from being carried out. To kill these animals is a cruel, heartless and uncaring act and I am somewhat surprised to learn that a project of this nature is a part of the school curriculum. As I have understood, environmental and animal caring projects have been part of school curricula for some time now and school children are instructed in more sensitive perspectives towards the environment and animals than they ever had in the past. do this is confronting and unnecessary,in order to further this learning. Respect for the animals translates to respect for oneself…” L Weiner (VIC) 22.7.05 After receiving the standard email reply from the school… “…Obviously the arguments for humane care and concern are irrelevant in your quest for authenticity. It isspecious to say that the project is endorsed bythe majority of the community... so what! Published Herald Sun 27 July 2005 (above) “…As an educated and responsible individual in power you have the authority with one word to abandon this abhorrent act of killing these animals for the sake of “culture.” Using it as an excuse for an exercise in learningis a facile and fatuous rationale. That means in order to understand the concept ofcruelty one must engage in the torture of ananimal (or person) for the sake of an experiment. That is the only way to learn!? As for thesake of a “local foodicon” based on the good old days and its production, there are other means by which to educate vulnerable and sensitive children. Haven’t we moved on from those days? Is not the art of smocking, where a practical revival of it, might still be useful and interesting. OK, these young adults may have a knowingawareness about them, but they are still young. They are aware of the ways of the world and some may lack experience, but to Have you surveyed every singleperson in the school community or just the vocal powerful ones who supposedly “represent” a group each? If studying the topic of Euthanasia, are you going to escort the children towatch someone being euthanized? For real authenticity are you going to get one of the children to kill the animal and everyone elsewill watch, including allstaff?If not, why not? That is called hands on, inclusive learning. These are learning experiences which do not need actuality. Your decision is based on a flawed aspect of learning and growing. Insteadof a pat political decision to save face by endorsing the exercise -make a brave moral and beneficial choice by eliminating the abhorrent act of violence against a sentient creature. Perhaps this may also set a goodexample to others, especially to young adults about how to make conscientious decisions. Do we need a gram more of this, alreadyin a world of gross barbarity?...” L Weiner (VIC) 23.7.05 ALV Writers Group Newsletter #9 “…Please, I can’t believe you are still seeking a permit to execute these “pets” (which is what they have become to your students). Do you think this is the right thing to do or are you merely digging in your heels in defiance? If you feel that your students need exposure to the realities of animal slaughter, Animal Liberation have some excellent, real life film of these procedures which I am sure they would be very willing to come along and show the school at your request. Having said that, you may find television cameras appear to document the slaughter at your school…” G Leven (VIC) 21.7.05 To Lynne Kosky Minister for Education & Training “…I am sure you are aware of the decision of the Daylesford Secondary College to allow the slaughter of a pig (Charlotte) and a cow as part of a gourmet competition. The media coverage (newspapers and television) brought much attention to the plight of the students who were encouraged to nurture these creatures before their slaughter. I could write much on how this saddens me, but will simply say, please think very carefully before such an idea would ever receive your blessing in the future. Our schools are in desperate need of a curriculum which encompasses compassion, care, the nurturing of all beings and environmental and global responsibility. You may want to take the time to sit quietly for a few moments and imagine an animal in your care - lovingly feeding, stroking and bonding with that animal then having it taken to slaughter. I would suggest that if 100 or so students were against this idea, it would be called off immediately. Should my child be part of such practice, she would be removed from this school immediately…” G Leven (VIC) 25.7.05 Posted on PETA’s website at July 26, 2005 Meet the Kind of Kids This World Sorely Needs School vice captain Freeman Trebilcock led a campaign to save a young steer and Charlotte, a young pig, who were both handraised by students at Daylesford Secondary College in Australia. One hundred students signed Freeman’s petition and won the animals a stay of execution. However, the two friendly animals were lured onto a local farmer’s truck with hay and transported to a commercial slaughterhouse and killed this week, even though the school knew that this issue was causing trauma and distress to many students and the wider community. A school representative apparently watched as the two animals met their bloody deaths. ALV Writers Group Newsletter #9 If you would like to call on Lynne Kosky, the Australian minister for education and training, to change education policy to ensure that no students will ever again have to suffer what Freeman and his friends did, you can e-mail her at [email protected]. Australian schools need humane educators to encourage students to think critically about the plight of animals in the world today and to encourage compassion. As Patty Mark of Animal Liberation Victoria said, “Our world is filled with terrorism and our schools are filled with bullying, making it more important than ever to focus on compassion rather than killing. The students, in this case, are the true teachers.” Ingrid Newkirk (PETA) Cat Film The Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF) are showing a film for one night only “Casuistry –The Art of Killng a Cat” about a group of drug affected young men who torture and then finally decapitate a cat – MIFF’s Mary Delahuntly defends the film by saying it present a “balanced view” about whether this is art or not. Animal rights groups say this subject wouldn’t even be open for discussion had the film been about “The Art of Killing a Child.” They also say it gives a platform to cat killers and inspires copy-cat acts.. To the Herald Sun (Published as lead letter 20 July 2005) “…Civilization is measured by the way it treats its most helplesscreatures - children and animals. I am overwhelmingly sad not only that a group ofCanadian psychopaths could make a film of such cruelty to a cat but that my own countrymen could allow it into Australia and laud it as ‘art’. And what kind of sick, sick people could sit and watch this disgusting stuff? As for our Ken Doll premier’s weak and bloodless response - and the predictable rubbish fromMary Delahunty- have they no compassion at all? H.Kennedy, (VIC) 19.7.05 “The Herald Sun ran (my letter) as lead letter but censored me again - took out the word psychopaths and also a description of Bracks as a Ken doll..” To the Directors of MIFF: I have read articles regarding the above named film, which I believe is to be screened during the Melbourne Film Festival. I ask that the Directors and other persons involved in the selection of films for screening, to reconsider screening this one. I am well read in the area of cruelty to animals and nothing much surprises me but with this, the film society seems to have reached new standards in stupidity and degradation. We are here dealing with disturbed and psychopathically deranged individuals who have found an outlet to their frustrations in sadistic killing of a defenceless animal, in this instance a “stray” cat. They should be sent to prison. It serves no good purpose to screen this film; it certainly will not shed any light on the nature of the psychological disturbance. That should be left to another kind of film. In all likelihood it could stir “copy-cat” killers to carry out similar deeds on other cats. Indeed this has happened in this country recently where there have been a number of episodes involving cruelty to cats which have led to convictions and other penalties on the persons involved in the acts. Please do not screen this terrible film…” M Davies (VIC) 25.7.05 “…I am ashamed and appalled regarding the so-called “art” film re: killing the cat!! Would you really support this rubbish? Animal activists are constantly trying to make the public aware of issues relating to cruelty and animal welfare, andour governmentis spending public money on animal welfare organisations such as the RSPCA and animal shelters, while at the same time financially supporting such a film.This type of film, even though not explicit,can potentially give people with twisted, sick minds ideas that torturing and killing an animal can be “art”. How irresponsible can we get? Are we so culturally bereft of ideas, so depraved, so evil in intent, that this subject could possible be labelled as entertaining or art? Please, get real and responsible. This is NOT art, or entertainment. Just animal cruelty on 7 film…” V Ortega (VIC) 24.7.05 I am staggered that Premier Steve Bracks has given his OK to the showing of the film “Casuistry: The Art of Killing a Cat” on Sunday July 24, and that it is part of the MIFF. Decent people around the world condemn this documentary - saying it gives a platform to cat killers, despite MIFF’s defence that it provides insight into human behaviour. Someone else asks would a film called “how to abuse a child” be screened to provide the same insights? It is inexplicable that the Federal Government and the Melbourne City Council have refused to get the screening cancelled. Whilst this documentary doesn’t show the rampage of the three men hanging the cat, slitting its throat, kicking, beating, and disemboweling the animal before skinning it and cutting off its head, that is what these men did. RSPCA president Dr Hugh Wirth said any depiction of animal cruelty encouraged others to commit similar crimes. “It doesn’t matter whether you show the cruelty or just describe it, it is the same thing,” he said. I place on record my disgust at the MIFF, and Premier Bracks. There is still time to take it off…” E Spencer (NSW) 22.7.05 Published Herald Sun 25 July 2005 (above) To Premier Bracks “…I am ashamed and appalled regarding the so-called “art” film re: killing the cat!! Would you really support this rubbish? Animal activists are constantly trying to make the public aware of issues relating to cruelty and animal welfare, andyour governmentis spending public money on animal welfare organisations such as the RSPCA and animal shelters, while at the same time financially supporting such a film.This type of film, even though not explicit,can potentially give people with twisted, sick minds ideas that torturing and killing an animal can be “art”. How irresponsible can we get?? Are we so culturally bereft of ideas, so depraved, so evil in intent that this subject could possible be labelled as entertaining or art? What message are our censorship rules (or lack of them) sending to the public?...” V Ortega (VIC) 24.7.05 Native animals for sale in Springvale pet shop To DSE ”…It has been brought to my attention that there are native animals for sale in a pet shop in Springvale South (The Australian Bird Company, 578 Springvale Road). They have reportedly started buying and selling native animals, such as reptiles, amphibians and Australian native mammals and birds! How does this work that they can trade in these animals? Surely they are not suitable as pets, in suburban gardens! These animals are in cages, and it is so inappropriate for a native species. Please could somebody from your department visit this shop and make sure the animals go back to the bush where they belong, and find out where the source is,so that this can’t happen again…” V Ortega (VIC) 28.7.05 “…I am writing to register my condemnationat the blatant disregard The Australian Bird Company @ 578 Springvale Rd, Springvale South, Vic,is showing toward the welfare of our native wildlife & domesticated animals. “…What are you doing screening this film for? Yes, I can see that you are trying to promote debate and also, perhaps, controversy, but this display of the more disgusting side of human behaviour is NOT art. In another guise, another species, this would not even be considered. For what reason have you let it slip through onto your screening list? Have you weighed up the true benefits at all? Are there any? Furthermore, this so called business has over 500 animalsin cramped conditions and is not able to adequately care for them. I think not…” M Smith 22.7.05 Animals in enclosures without room to move, withouta constant supply of fresh 8 To have reptiles, frogs, wallabies, kookaburras, dogs & cats, housed in cages, for sale is exploitation. It is totallyunacceptable, and must be stopped immediately. water or access to natural / sunlight is inhumane, cruel & abusive treatment of life. An investigation must be carried out by DSE to ensure thatthe welfare of the animalsbe maintained at the highest level especiallyif theyare removed from public display…” L Bristow (VIC) 21.7.05 To Pet Industry Association of Australia “…Eyewitness accounts documenting the cruel and inhumane treatment of native wildlife andcompanion animals, caged at The Australian Bird Company, 578 Springvale Rd, Springvale South, Vic, highlight the continued disdain shown towards non-human species by individuals willing to profit from their vulnerability. The owner of the above company, Andrew Young, a PIAA board member, is one such person. His “specialist skills” focusing on animal welfare, customer satisfaction & best practice leave a lot to be desired. Following numerous complaints to both the RSPCA & the council of Greater Dandenong his unethical behaviour continues and includes: * Having over 500 animals in cramped conditions * Staff too busy to adequately care for them * Puppies without access to fresh water * Kookaburra’s and wallabies caged * No natural light/sunlight reaching the animals * Repeated complaints from the public What will it take to put an end to such barbaric, torturous and unnecessary practices?...” L Bristow (VIC) 21.7.05 To the RSPCA “…I am writing to urge the RSPCA to investigate and act on the inhumane treatment perpetrated against both native wildlife & domesticated / companion animals caged at The Australian Bird Company, 578 Springvale Rd, Springvale South. It is inconceivable that such exploitation can be condoned by any animal welfare organisation. If there are no regulations to prohibit substandard and inappropriate treatmentof animals then the RSPCA must call for immediate change and put a stop to this depraved behaviour…” L Bristow (VIC) 21.7.05 ALV Writers Group Newsletter #9 More letters of support for Patty’s Court hearing re: unpaid fines from trespassing to rescue abused battery hens Their publication ‘Kangaroos Myths and Realities is due to be launched 10 October and it needs to be promoted on the website. To The Herald Sun. I urge your Government to join Australia and If you are committed to our native animals those other nations of the world that are and want to help in this way, (even if just to help until a more permanent replacement can committed to the protection of whales. be found) please contact: Signed Maryland Wilson President, Name/Address Australian Wildlife Protection Council “…I was deeply moved by the articleregarding the Patty Mark court case on Tuesday. I hope you can publish my thoughts below: Let’s face it, life is hectic. Very few of us have chickens happily wandering round the yard anymore; or have the time to watch Australia’s marvellous water birds. For some the most regular contact we get with an animal is what is served up for dinner. And so, being detached from these creatures, it is often easier to turn a blind eye to the horrific abuse and suffering they endure in order to make our own lives that little bit simpler. But the truth is, when laws continually fail to protect animals, people should not turn their heads but act on a moral obligation to aid the defenceless. Patty Mark has done this; she is a representative of what we all want deep down inside, justice. Yet, she is being punished for it. Rather than punishing those trying to do what they can to save these defenseless creatures, efforts should be made to find out why such an abuse has occurred in the first place and to prevent it happening again!..” E Bridgens (VIC) 16.7.05 247 Flinders Lane, Melbourne 3000 Victoria tel: 03 5978 8570 fax: 03 5978 8302 [email protected] Year of the Kangaroo 2005 ...and beyond Whaling Letter This is a copy of a letter from the Internet sent in by one of our writers, Vivienne. She just added a sentence so others are welcome to copy and paste it. Thanks Vivienne! Mr Hideaki Ueda Japanese Ambassador to Australia Embassy of Japan 112 Empire Circuit Yarralumla ACT 2600 Your Excellency, “…If there were more people like Patty Mark who were willing to put their freedom on the line in order to help the suffering of nonhuman animals, the world would be a better place for us all. Good on you Patty Mark and shame onour complacency which allows these atrocities towardsthe non-human species to continue…” L Bristow (VIC) 16.7.05 I most strongly protest against Japan’s slaughter of minke whales and the planned annual kill of (any) humpback whales. The ruse of whaling for “scientific purposes” and suborning developing nations to gain support for Japan at the International Whaling Commission dishonour your nation and are ploys unworthy of an ancient and honourable people. There is a high level of public awareness of humpback whales in Australia and hundreds of thousands of Australians and overseas Situation Vacant: Australian Wildlife Protection visitors delight in whale-watching along the Council Australian coastline. Whale watching and Is there anyone who can help or take over the eco-tourism has brought our attention to these delightful creatures, and many tourists AWPC website? It was run by Deb Barnden enjoy their antics and find these massive, in WA for 5 or 6 years but with another intelligent creatures fascinating and grandchild expected soon, she is unable to entertaining. They have brought us millions continue. She uses Dreamweaver and can of tourist dollars, and with it a sense that send a disc. Their situation is dire as it has they are part of our precious environment. not been updated since January 2005 and many important issues have happened since Should Japan begin to take humpback then. whales, it will inevitably alienate the They are committed to protecting not just the goodwill of the Australian people and prejudice the way that Japan is viewed by kangaroo but all of our wild fauna that people all around the world. comes under threat from loss of habitat, commercial farming, drought etc. Here you’ll find articles on dingoes, green turtles, and emus and crocodile farming. ALV Writers Group Newsletter #9 humanely! No whales should be considered as victims of “scientific research” as an industry. Last Word Industry Codes of practice for Animal Welfare: pigs, chickens,rabbits.... Dogs needing homes Socks isa 5 year old male Maltese X whose elderly carer can no longer care for him. He loves attention andis used to having someone at home most of the time. Please contact Debbie at Bendigo Animal Shelteron0417 382 741 or email on [email protected] you think you can offer him a permanent home, or know someone who might. Yes, he is in Bendigo, but helooks worth the trip! Pablo is a very cute one year old male Kelpie (desexed, microchipped, fully vaccinated and well behaved) whose carer has moved and needs a loving, permanent home A large back yard and daily walks would be required. If you can help please contact Erin on [email protected] on0432 628 951 or 9386 0507 (Melbourne based) I personally will not ever be buying any Japanese product ever again if any more whales are killed by Japanese whaling ships. Their size means that they cannot be killed 9