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Investigador Participante Nombre: Sergio Román Othón Serna Saldivar Nombramiento: Profesor Investigador Titular Institución: Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) Departamento de Biotecnología e Ingenería de Alimentos: • Director de Centro de Investigación en Proteinas (CIDPRO) • Líder de la catedra de investigación de “Alimentos y Fármacos” • Investigación en ciencia y biotecnología de cereales, proteínas vegetales, leguminosas y oleaginosas. Contacto: (81)83284322, E-­‐mail: [email protected] Líneas de Investigación: Compuestos nutracéuticos asociados a alimentos y plantas indígenas mexicanas con potencial para la prevención y el tratamiento del cáncer y enfermedades crónico degenerativas. Investigación en procesamiento de cereales y proteínas vegetales en productos con valor agregado. Infraestructura Disponible: Laboratorio de química analítica (HPLC, HPLC-­‐MS/MS, GC, HPLC Preparativo), laboratorio de cultivo de células de mamífero, bioterio, plantas pilotos de procesamiento de cereales, extracción, purificación y procesamiento de proteínas, cerveza, bioetanol, y extractiva de fitoquímicos. Publicaciones (2012-­‐2013): Libros 1. Rooney, L.W., and Serna Saldivar, S.O. 2013. Wheat and Corn Tortillas. American Association of Cereal
Chemists, St. Paul, MN. (En Prensa).
2. Serna Saldivar, S.R.O. 2013. Química, Almacenamiento e Industrialización de los Cereales. Segunda Edición. AGT Editor, S.A. México, D.F. 703 p. ISBN. 978-­‐607-­‐7551-­‐32-­‐4. 3. Serna Saldivar, S.O. 2012. Cereal Grains: Laboratory Reference and Procedures Manual. CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group). Boca Raton, FL, USA. 368 p. ISBN 9781439855652. Capítulos 1.
Serna Saldivar, S.O. 2013. History of Corn and Wheat Tortillas. Chapter 1 In: Wheat and Corn Tortillas. L.W. Rooney and S.O. Serna Saldivar (eds). American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN. (En Prensa). Serna Saldivar, S.O. 2013. Nutrrition and Fortification of Corn and Wheat Tortillas. Chapter 2 In: Wheat and Corn Tortillas. L.W. Rooney and S.O. Serna Saldivar (eds). American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN. (En Prensa). Serna Saldivar, S.O., Gutierrez Uribe, J., and García Lara, S. 2013. Phytochemical Profiles and Nutraceutical Properties of Corn and Wheat Tortillas. Chapter 3 In: Wheat and Corn Tortillas. L.W. Rooney and S.O. Serna Saldivar (eds). American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN. (En Prensa). Serna-­‐Salivar, S.O. and Rooney, W.L. 2012. Production and Supply Logistics of Sweet Sorghum as an Energy Feedstock. Sustainable Bioenergy Production. L. Wang, (ed). Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, FL, USA. Serna Saldivar, S.O. 2012. Wet Milling and Starch Extraction. Chapter 11 In: Engineering Aspects of Cereal and Cereal-­‐Based Products, R.P. Ferreira Guine and P. M. dos Reis Correia (eds.). CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group). Boca Raton, FL USA. Chuck-­‐Hernadez, C., Perez, Carrillo, E., y Serna Saldivar, S.O. 2012. Tecnologías Viables de Producción de Bioetanol a Partir de Sorgo en México. Capítulo en: Manual de Operación de Biorreactores y Bioprocesos I. M. Elías-­‐Santos, L. Galán Wong, M.G. Maldonado-­‐Blanco, M. G. Lozano-­‐Contreras, I. Quintero-­‐Zapata, K. Arévalo Niño, V.Mojica-­‐Marín, C. Solís Rojas, H. A. Luna-­‐
Olvera, L. L. Palacios-­‐Cortez (eds.) Editorial Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, San Nicolás de los Garza, N.L., México. Garcia Lara, S., Gutierrez Uribe, J. A., and Serna Saldivar, S.O. 2012. Nutracetical properties of blue maize.Chapter 8 (pp 113-­‐135) In: Maize: cultivation, uses and health benefits. J.C. Jimenez-­‐Lopez (ed.). Nova Publishers. New York, USA. ISBN: 978-­‐1-­‐62081-­‐514-­‐4. Serna-­‐Saldivar, S.O., Chuck Hernandez, C., Perez Carrillo, E., and Heredia Olea, E. 2012. Sorghum as a multifunctional crop for the production of fuel ethanol: current status and future trends. Chapter 3 (pp. 51-­‐74) In: Bioethanol, M.A. Pinheiro Lima and A.P. Policastro Natalence (eds.). In Tech., London, England. ISBN 978-­‐953-­‐51-­‐008-­‐9. Articulos Científicos 1. Guajardo-­‐Flores, D., Serna-­‐Saldivar, S.O., and Gutiérrez-­‐Uribe, J.A., 2013. Evaluation of the antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of extracted saponins and flavonols from germinated black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Food. Chem (En Prensa). 2. Lazo-­‐Vélez, M.A., Gutiérrez-­‐Díaz, V.A., Ramirez-­‐Medrano, A., and Serna-­‐Saldívar, S.O. 2013. Effect of sodium selenite addition and sponge dough fermentation on selenomethionine generation during production of yeast-­‐leavened breads. J. Cereal Sci. (En Prensa). 3. Heredia Olea, E., Perez Carrillo, E., and Serna Saldivar, S.O. 2013. Production of ethanol from sweet sorghum bagasse pretreated with different chemical and physical processes and saccharified with fiber degrading enzymes. Bioresource Technology. (En Prensa). 4. Serna-­‐Saldivar, S.O., Gutierrez Uribe, J.A., Mora Rochin, S., and Garcia Lara, S. 2013. Potencial Nutraceutico de los Maices Nativos. Efectos Durante el Procesamiento Tradicional y con Extrusión. Fitotecnia Mexicana. (En Prensa). 5.
Espinosa-­‐Ramírez, J., Pérez-­‐Carrillo, E., and Serna-­‐Saldívar, S.O. 2013. Production of brewing worts from different types of sorghum malts and adjuncts supplemented with β-­‐amylase or amyloglucosidase. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. 71(1):49-­‐56. Preciado-­‐Ortiz, R.E., García Lara, S., Ortiz Islas, S., Ortega Corona, A., and Serna-­‐Saldivar, S.O. 2013. Response of recurrent selection on yield, kernel oil content and fatty acid composition of subtropical maize populations. Field Crop Research 142: 26-­‐35 Urias-­‐Peraldí, M., Gutiérrez-­‐Uribe, J.A., Preciado-­‐Ortiz, R.E., Cruz-­‐Morales, A.S., Serna-­‐Saldivar, S.O., and Garcia Lara, S. 2013. Phytochemical and nutraceutical profile of improved blue maize (Zea mays) hybrids for subtropical regions. Field Crop Research 141:69-­‐76. Peralta-­‐Contreras, M., Chuck-­‐Hernandez, C., Perez-­‐Carrillo, E., Bando-­‐Carranza, G., Vera-­‐Garcia, M., Gaxiola-­‐Cuevas, N., Tamayo-­‐Limon, R., Cardenas-­‐Torres, F., and Serna-­‐Saldivar, S.O. 2013. Fate of free amino nitrogen during liquefaction and yeast fermentation of maize and sorghums differing in endosperm texture. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 91 (1):46-­‐53. Heredia-­‐Olea, E., Perez-­‐Carrillo, E., and Serna Saldivar, S.O. 2012. Effects of different acid hydrolyses on the conversion of sweet sorghum bagasse into C5 and C6 sugars and yeast inhibitors using response surface methodology. Bioresource Technology 119:216-­‐223. 10. Aguayo-­‐Rojas, J., Mora-­‐Rochín, S., Cuevas-­‐Rodríguez, E., Serna-­‐Saldivar, S.O., Gutierrez-­‐Uribe, J.A., Reyes-­‐Moreno, C., and Milán-­‐Carrillo, J. 2012. Phytochemicals and antioxidant capacity of tortillas obtained after lime-­‐cooking extrusion process of whole pigmented Mexican maize. Plants Foods & Human Nutr. 67(2):178-­‐185. 11. Perez-­‐Carrillo, E., Serna-­‐Saldivar, S.O., Chuck-­‐Hernandez, C., and Cortes-­‐Callejas, M.L. 2012. Addition of protease during starch liquefaction affects free amino nitrogen, fusel alcohols and ethanol production of fermented maize and whole and decorticated sorghum mashes. Biochemical Engineering Journal 67:1-­‐9. 12. Guajardo-­‐Flores, D., García-­‐Patiño, M.D., Serna-­‐Guerrero, D., Gutiérrez-­‐Uribe, J.A., and Serna-­‐
Saldívar, S.O. 2012. Characterization and quantification of saponins and flavonoids in sprouts, seed coats and cotyledons from germinated black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). Food. Chem. 134(3):1312-­‐1319. 13. Robles, O., Serna-­‐Saldívar, S.O., Gutiérrez-­‐Uribe, J.A., and Romo, D. 2012. Cyclopropanations of olefin-­‐containing natural products for simultaneous arming and structure activity. Organic Letters 14 (6): 1394–1397. 14. Rojas-­‐García, C., García-­‐Lara, S., Serna-­‐Saldivar, S.O. and Gutiérrez-­‐Uribe, J.A. 2012. Chemo-­‐
preventive effects of free and bound phenolics associated to steep waters (Nejayote) obtained after nixtamalization of different maize types. Plant Foods & Human Nutr. 67(1):94-­‐99. 15. González-­‐Montilla, F.M., Chávez-­‐Santoscoy, R.A., Gutiérrez-­‐Uribe, J.A. and Serna-­‐Saldivar, S.O. 2012. Isolation and identification of phase II enzyme inductors obtained from black sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] bran. J. Cereal Science. 55(2):126-­‐131. 16. Chuck-­‐Hernández, C., García-­‐Lara, S. and Serna-­‐Saldívar, S.O. 2012. Conversion into bioethanol of insect (Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky), mold (Aspergillus flavus Link) and sprouted-­‐damaged maize (Zea mays L.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). J. Cereal Sci. 55:285-­‐292. 17. Chuck-­‐Hernandez, C., Peralta-­‐Contreras, M., Bando-­‐Carranza, G., Vera-­‐García, M., Gaxiola-­‐Cuevas, N., Tamayo-­‐Limon, R., Cardenas-­‐Torres, F., Perez-­‐Carrillo, E., and Serna-­‐Saldívar, S.O. 2012. Bioconversion into ethanol of decorticated red sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) supplemented with its phenolic extract or spent bran. Biotechnology Letters 34 (1): 97-­‐102.