Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 2011
Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 2011
Cover_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:01 Page 3 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 2013 Cover_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:01 Page 4 *Nil advance payment applies to select vechicles and orders taken before 31st Dec 2013.Conditions apply. Please ask for details. **Subject to status. Written details on request. 3031010 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:06 Page 1 3031011 3031110 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 1 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:06 Page 2 "The great thing about visiting Derby if you have a disability is that once you arrive, you can totally forget about it. Everywhere is so accessible, it simply slips your mind leaving you to enjoy this fantastic, friendly city." Mik Scarlet Broadcaster, Journalist and Campaigner. Minicom: 01332 255803 3031254 Get free bus travel with Gold Card The national concessionary travel pass known in Derby and Derbyshire as Gold Card gives older and disabled people free off-peak bus travel. Gold Card gives older people or those with certain impairments: • Free local bus travel throughout England from 9.30 am - 11 pm Monday to Friday, and all day on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays. • The card also gives you discounts at over 1,400 local shops and services in Derby and Derbyshire and can be used to borrow books at any Derby and Derbyshire libraries. For more information and to apply for a card call in at the Council House on Corporation Street between 8.30am and 5pm on any weekday. You can also apply for a card by post. For more information telephone 01332 293111, minicom 01332 640666 or email [email protected] 3031012 2 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:06 Page 3 Sight Support Patron: The Duke of Devonshire KCVO, CBE, DL Registered Charity Number: 1080986 Problems with sight? •Do you need help or support? •Are you looking for information? •Could equipment make life easier? Visit us at: 65-69 Nottingham Road, Derby, DE1 3QS Call: 01332 292262 1 St. Margaret’s Drive, Chesterfield, S40 4SY Call: 01246 551727 Website: ww w. s i g htsu p p o r t d e r b y sh i r e . o rg . u k 3031526 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 3 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:06 Page 4 AL ST BER RE T ET High Street Shopping DG BUS STATION E T ET LANE EE RE RD CHYA R ST R CHU ST EAGLE MARKET DERBY T H E AT R E TR S S St Peters Church ER’ ST ’S PETER ST PET GREEN ST EAR LE S N C O LY OR HT O ET M IG BI RE EA ST ST NE RL AL LIN LA VE ST CK BECKET WELL LN MA T REE IA ST REE RNT THO GE AN CH EX VICTOR RI EET R S T WESTFIELD LO N TO NG BI BA R O A D Entertainment RO ST ET AD RE AL ST ER Evening N ON LL EV O ST WE CH D MA SIT SA N THE SPOT OS ST CK LL BA WE LA NE WE SIT Specialist Retail GREEN LANE GO WI LM OT ST Key to colours Key The Spot, Osmaston Road, London Road, Sacheveral Street, Sitwell Street, Wilmot Street Theatre Walk, Victoria Street, Morledge, Eagle Market, Riverlights, Thorntree Lane, Albert Street Green Lane, Babington Lane, Macklin Street, Gower Street, Becket Well Lane, Colyear Street East Street, St Peter’s Churchyard, St Peter’s Street, Exchange Street, Albion Street Parking Designated Disabled Parking Toilets Footpath One Way Streets St Peters Quarter boundary Whether you are here on business or pleasure – the top quality retailers, salons, bars and restaurants, leisure attractions and professional services in St Peters Quarter have something to offer everyone. 3031503 4 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:06 Page 5 DERBY CATHEDRAL QUARTER Specialist shops and boutiques Great places to eat, drink and unwind Historic streets, guided tours, ghost walks INDIVIDUAL : DIVERSE : INSPIRING 3031504 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 5 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:06 Page 6 3031051 6 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:06 Page 7 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 2013 Published by: Burrows Communications Limited Head Office: Publicity House, 106 Stafford Road, Wallington, Surrey SM6 9AY Tel: 020 8773 3000 • Fax: 020 8773 8888 Email: [email protected] • Web: Our Advertisers: We gratefully acknowledge the support of all the firms whose advertisements appear in these pages. Without their help we would not be able to produce this guide. As a reciprocal gesture we have pleasure in drawing the attention of our readers to their announcements, but wish to make it clear that Derby City Council can accept no responsibility for their products or services advertised. 7 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:06 Page 8 3030946 8 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:06 Page 9 Contents • Message from the Council’s Champion of Disabled People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 • Derby Access Guide information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 • How to use the guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 • Useful contact information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 • Car parking in Derby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 • Key to symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 • Advice and information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 • Jewellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 • Bakeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 • Libraries/museums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 • Banks and building societies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 • Local radio stations/newspapers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 • Book shops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 • Markets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 • Charity shops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 • Music/musical instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 • Chemists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 • Newsagents/stationers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 • Clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 • Colleges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 • Computer/software/games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 • Concert halls/theatres/arts and dance centres . . . . . . . . 30 • Department stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 • Dry cleaners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 • Eating out/hot food shops/sandwich bars . . . . . . . . . . . 31 • Estate agents/auctioneers/valuers/surveyors . . . . . . . . . 32 • Florists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 • Parks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 • Phones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 • Photography/photocopying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 • Places of worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 • Post offices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 • Pubs and clubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 • Shoes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 • Solicitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 • Furniture/furnishings/floor coverings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 • Sports equipment and clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 • General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 • Sports facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 • Government and local government buildings. . . . . . . . 35 • Stations/airports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 • Greeting cards/gifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 • Supermarkets/food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 • Haircare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 • Travel agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 • IT/Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 • Westfield Derby Shops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 9 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:06 Page 10 Your Life, Your Choice Self Directed Support is the new way we are providing personalised adult social care in Derby. If you qualify for funded support from the Council, we will give you more choice and control over how your support is provided. If you qualify we will offer you some short-term support first to help you to become more independent. This may be of help to you if you have just had a stay in hospital for example. If you are eligible for longer-term support, we’ll tell you how much the Council will pay towards this support. We would discuss with you the money and benefits you have and tell you if you need to pay towards your own support and how much that will be. We’ll then work with you to create your own support plan, which details how and when you want your support to be provided and by whom. The good news is that there is lots of help available to help you create your support plan. To find out more contact Derby City Council Adult Social Care: Telephone: Minicom: Email: Web: Visit us: 01332 717777 01332 640666 [email protected] The Council House Corporation Street Derby DE1 2FS 3031177 10 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:08 Page 11 Message from the Council’s Champion of Disabled People, Councillor Paul Pegg This is the eighth edition of the Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People, produced in partnership with Burrows Communications Limited. I know how important access to information is in delivering opportunity and choice to disabled people. This guide, like previous editions, provides the information with contact details for many City Centre traders, local organisations and Council services. The Council, in partnership with local organisations of disabled people and the business community, continues the drive towards a barrier-free built environment for all citizens, and visitors to the City. I hope this guide complements the excellent levels of accessibility and customer services provided by many City Centre businesses and organisations. Finally, I’d like to say a big thank you to all the businesses, organisations and Council services that have supported the guide through advertising. They have made this guide possible. I hope you find the guide helpful. Best wishes Councillor Paul Pegg Council Champion of Disabled People Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 11 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:08 Page 12 3031135 Derby Cathedral is a special place of quiet, mystery, and hospitality set at the heart of the city. Visit for one of the regular services, to hear the wonderful choirs, to take in the frequent exhibitions, lectures, and other special events, to see the magnificent building and garden, or just to find some space in the day. Browse in the bookshop, and enjoy the wonderful homemade cakes and variety of teas and coffees in the Cathedral Café. Free WI-FI Wheelchair accessible Hearing loop Some events are signed EVERYONE IS WELCOME Call 01332 341201 or see the website for more details. call: 01773 768240 Age UK Derby and Derbyshire is a trading name of Age Concern Derby and Derbyshire which is a registered charity (no. 1068550) and company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales No. 3510613. Registered Office: 29a Market Place, Heanor, Derbyshire DE75 7EG. VAT Registration No. 5983226 02. 3031178 12 services, information and advice for people aged 50+ and their carers Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 3031052 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:08 Page 13 Derby Access Guide information Derby Shopmobility Disabled people’s toilets What is it? Derby Shopmobility loans powered scooters and wheelchairs, plus manual wheelchairs to mobility-impaired people to assist with travel around the City Centre. The service is part funded by Derby City Council and a daily or hourly charge is made for equipment hire. A joining fee is payable by new members. Council operated disabled people’s toilets can be accessed by a RADAR key, they are located at: How do I become a member? Joining could not be simpler. All you need to do is complete an application form and produce two forms of identification. Shopmobility staff will then give the necessary training and information to ensure you can use the service with confidence and safety. Booking Just drop in, or better still contact the office on: Tel: 01332 200320 Book early as the service is very popular. • Bold Lane car park • Eagle Centre market – market hours • Market Hall balcony • Market Place opposite Tourist Information Centre (8:00 – 17:00) • The Spot, London Road / Osmaston Road (8:00 – 17:00) • Victoria Street (8:00 – 17:00) • The Council House – Monday to Friday 8:30 – 17:00 also includes a Changing Places toilet Many City Centre premises including the Westfield Centre have their own disabled people’s toilet, some on the RADAR scheme. The Westfield Centre also has a Changing Places toilet. When can I use the service? Shopmobility is open Monday to Saturday 09:30 to 16:00. A bookings answerphone is available outside these hours. Hotels / Guest houses Where do I find Derby Shopmobility? Shopmobility is located in the Westfield Centre basement car park, accessed via the Morledge (see City Centre map on page 20). For Shopmobility users free parking is available in the car park. Derby has lots of good quality hotels and guesthouses, too numerous to detail in the guide. The Tourist Information Centre (TIC) has information about accommodation in the City and beyond. Contact TIC for further details (see Useful Contact Information on page 19). Blue Badge holder parking On-street Parking for badge holders is available in designated bays on the edges of the City Centre pedestrianised area. The maximum stay is three hours. Also, free unlimited parking is available in areas covered by on-street charging and residents only parking areas. Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 13 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:08 Page 14 3031111 14 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:08 Page 15 How to use the guide Please tell us if you need this guide in another format. To disabled people information is vital for choice and independent living. This guide’s goal is to provide this information. Please contact us if you need help reading this document or any part of it translating. The guide is laid out by business type. Next to each address and contact details are a series of symbols. These symbols give information about the buildings’ accessibility (see key to symbols on page 23). Some entries may have additional information, which might be helpful. The information in the guide has been researched with care. It gives a selection of premises mainly in the City Centre. It has not been possible due to space constraints to include every shop, or business in the guide. The guide provides information about the access to the premises only. Inclusion in the guide is not a recommendation by the City Council. Every effort has been made to ensure the guide’s information is accurate but the Council cannot accept any liability or responsibility for errors or omissions that may have been made. Polish Punjabi Urdu For comment, feedback or to obtain a guide in a different format contact: Ann Webster Lead on Equality & Diversity Tel: 01332 643722 Minicom: 01332 640666 Email: [email protected] Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 15 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:08 Page 16 Ann Webster, Lead on Equality & Diversity Tel: 01332 643722 Minicom: 01332 640666 Email: [email protected] 16 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:09 Page 17 17 Editorial_308061.qxd 18 31/5/13 17:09 Page 18 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:09 Page 19 Useful contact information Phone Minicom Fax Disability Direct 01332 299449 01332 368585 01332 365055 Derbyshire Centre for Inclusive Living 01773 740246 01773 748452 01773 570185 Sight Support Derbyshire 01332 292262 01332 372207 01332 292262 Derby Shopmobility 01332 200320 CamTad 01332 258143 01332 295653 Derby City Council 01332 293111 01332 640666 01332 294226 01332 643299 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 19 Editorial_308061.qxd 20 31/5/13 17:09 Page 20 31/5/13 17:24 Page 21 Based upon the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of The Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown Copyright 43382U. This map is subject to Copyright and is protected by digital fingerprint. Copying or reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without the prior written consent of Burrows Communications Ltd. All rights reserved Burrows Communications 2013. Editorial_308061.qxd Cathedral Quarter The Cathedral Quarter is a pleasurable environment of historical streets, with arcades and hidden entrances dotted throughout the area, has a myriad of specialist stores and independent retailers. There is a veritable mix of designer and vintage clothes, shoes, gifts and crafts from across the globe. Contemporary art galleries and interior design stores intermingle with specialist retailers, including music, electrical and gadget shops. Premises located in the quarter are denoted in the guide by the Cathedral Quarter logo. For more information phone: 01332 419053 or visit See advertisement on page 5. St. Peter’s Quarter Situated in the heart of Derby’s city centre, The Lanes feature a variety of interesting buildings, which illustrate architectural trends from the mid19th century through to the 1960s. This compact area is home to a wealth of well established independent businesses making it a thriving and pleasant place to visit. For more information phone: 01332 419050 or visit See advertisement on page 4. 21 Editorial_308061.qxd 22 31/5/13 17:24 Page 22 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:24 Page 23 Key to Symbols G At entrance - level entrance G At interior - mainly level access D Number of steps at the entrance I Mainly inaccessible interior L Ramped entrance / interior H Lift available M Accessible restaurant E F Facilities for deaf people N Toilet is level with no special facilities O Disabled person’s toilet J Toilet is inaccessible K Looped telephone Facilities for blind and partially sighted people Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 23 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:24 Page 24 Entrance Interior/Toilet ADVICE AND INFORMATION Age UK Derby & Derbyshire 15 The Morledge, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AW Tel: 01332 343232 Fax: 01332 299318 Web: See advertisement on page 12 CamTad Office London Road Community Hospital, Derby DE1 2NS Tel: 01332 258143 Minicom: 01332 295653 Web: Loop System. Chaddesden and Oakwood Live at Home Scheme East Office C/O Spondon, Derby DE21 7PF Community Action Derby 4 and 5 Charnwood Street, Derby DE1 2GT Tel: 01332 342272 Fax: 01332 205069 L GO G GO K G GO L GO Energy saving Filler A photocopier left on standby overnight wastes enough energy to make 30 cups of tea. Saving energy saves you money, protects your reputation and helps combat climate change. Your organisation could save up to10% through housekeeping actions which cost little or nothing. Source: 24 Derbyshire Coalition for Inclusive Living Park Road, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 3EF Tel: 01773 740246 Minicom: 01773 748452 Fax: 01773 570185 Web: Looped system in meeting room. Cross the counter communication aid in reception. Counselling service available. Derby Community Legal Advice Centre Stuart House, Green Lane, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1RS Tel: 01332 295711 Minicom: 01332 347775 Fax: 01332 228701 Email: [email protected] Derby Drivability Centre Kingsway Hospital, Derby DE22 3LZ Tel: 01332 371929 Fax: 01332 382377 Web: Disability Direct The Enterprise Centre, 20 Royal Scot Road, Pride Park, Derby DE24 8AJ Tel: 01332 299449 Text Relay: 18001 01332 299449 Fax: 01332 365055 Disabled people’s parking spaces, automatic doors and Disabled person’s toilet. Littleover, Normanton and Peartree Live at Home Scheme C/O West Offices, Station Road, Mickleover, Derby DE3 9GH Email: [email protected] Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People L GE OK F G GH O G GO G GO G GO Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:24 Page 25 Mickleover and Mackworth Live at Home Scheme C/O West Offices, Station Road, Mickleover, Derby DE3 9GH Email: [email protected] GGO St James Centre - Fun-abil8y Service St James Centre, Malcolm Street Normanton, Derby DE23 8LU Tel: 01332 604080/604066 Fax: 01332 604061 Email [email protected] Web: Provides a fully accessible building, with the Fun-abil8y Service and the Moving On Project offering a wide range of support and leisure services for young disabled people aged 3-25 years. Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) NHS Derby City, Cardinal Square, 10 Nottingham Road, Derby DE1 3QT Freephone: 08000 323235 Minicom: 01322 369301 Email: [email protected] Provides support and information on all areas of the NHS. For building details, see Central and Greater Derbyshire Health Authority Centre. Sight Support Derbyshire 65/69 Nottingham Road, Derby DE1 3QS Tel: 01332 292262 Fax: 01332 287017 Web: One small step at entrance. See advertisement on page 3 Sinfin and Derby South, Live at Home Scheme Epworth House, Stuart Street, Derby DE1 2EQ Tel: 01332 296200 Fax: 01332 296925 Email: [email protected] Web: Southern Derbyshire Pensioners’ Association Unit 2, The Balcony, Market Hall,Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 2DB Tel: 01332 290174 Disabled toilet on balcony. Home visits available. A variety of services available, including legal advice and meal clubs. A GE G GO Tourist Information Centre Market Place, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3AH Tel: 01332 643411 Minicom: 01332 255803 Fax: 01332 256137 Web: Lower counter. Automatic doors. YMCA London Road, Derby DE24 8UT Tel: 01332 572076 Web: Good range of facilities available for disabled people. Three rooms specifically for disabled people on ground floor. G GH O G GF K L GO BAKERIES G GH O Birds 20 Albert Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2GD Tel: 01332 363770 Doors fixed open. Birds 3-4 Iron Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3GA Tel: 01332 205158 Doors fixed open. L G L Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 25 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:24 Page 26 Greggs 40 Cornmarket, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 2DG Tel: 01332 341713 Doors fixed open. Greggs 4 East Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AU Tel: 01332 367117 Doors fixed open. G G G G BANKS AND BUILDING SOCIETIES Barclays 22-24 St. Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1SH Tel: 0845 6052345 Low level counter. External ATM with audio. Internal ATM with loop. Britannia Building Society 10 St James Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1RL Tel: 01332 346381 Fax: 01332 205853 Blue badge parking in St James Street. Sensor operated automatic doors. Private interview facilities available. Cheltenham and Gloucester Plc 33 East Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AL Tel: 01332 346554 Fax: 01332 385593 Press bell to open security door. 26 L GH K G G G G Co-operative Bank 31 East Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AL Tel: 0845 721212 Derbyshire Building Society 27 East Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AP Tel: 01332 363021 Fax: 01332 29031 Halifax Building Society 39 East Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2BL Tel: 0870 6005000 Automatic doors. HSBC 1 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1BT Tel: 08457 404404 Contact the bank direct for services. Leeds Building Society 8 St James Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1RL Tel: 01332 344644 Leek United 14-16 St James Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1RL Tel: 01332 344708 Fax: 01332 296069 Loop system on till one. Button operated automatic doors. Lloyds TSB Bank 31-33 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AA Tel: 0845 3000000 Contact the bank direct for services. Loop system available throughout the branch. Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People G G G G L G L G G GF G GF G GF Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:24 Page 27 Lloyds TSB Bank 43 Iron Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3FT Tel: 0845 0723333 Automatic doors. Loughborough Building Society 1-2 Babington Lane, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1RL Tel: 01332 344708 Nationwide Building Society 66-68 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1SJ Tel: 0845 266 0530 Natwest 58 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1XL Tel: 0845 600 2803 Royal Bank of Scotland 41 Cornmarket, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 2DH Tel: 01332 348527 Fax: 01332 293485 Contact the bank direct for services, sensor operated automatic doors, loop system available on request on all tills, low level tables. Santander 72 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby Tel: 01332 340371 Fax: 01332 383626 Lowered ATM machine, automatic doors, hearing loop available at counter. L GO G GF G GF L G G GE F Santander 93 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby Tel: 0845 765 4321 Fax: 01332 383626 Blue badge parking available at The Spot. Button operated automatic doors. Santander 5 Market Place, Derby DE1 3PY Tel: 0845 765 4321 Fax: 01332 383626 Virgin Money 25 Cornmarket, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 2DP Tel: 01332 343517 Yorkshire Bank 28 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1SL Tel: 0844 736 8368 Contact the bank direct for services, loop system on till, counter and offices available on request. Sensor operated automatic doors. G G G G G GF L GF BOOK SHOPS L GO Waterstones 78-80 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1SR Tel: 01332 296997 Fax: 01332 296427 WHSmith 5 London Road, Derby DE1 2NS Tel: 01332 364259 Steps at entrance, lift available London Road entrance. Level access through Westfield. L GH O H G Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 27 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:25 Page 28 CHARITY SHOPS Barnardos 62-64 Babington Lane, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1SX Tel & Fax: 01332 341535 British Heart Foundation 27 Cornmarket, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 2DP Tel & Fax: 01332 291153 Cancer Research 7 Albert Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 2DS Tel: 01332 291305 Cancer Research 15 Babington Lane, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1TA Tel: 01332 298699 Lauren’s Link 2 Wilson Street, Derby DE1 1PG Tel: 01332 362744 Restricted access for Wheelchairs users. Lighthouse 6-10 Albert Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 2DS Tel: 01332 989663 Oxfam 67 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AB Tel: 01332 384820 Padley Shop 12 Sadler Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby Tel: 01332 345386 28 G G L G G G G G G G G G G A G Save the Children 2 Osmaston Road, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2HR Tel: 01332 341699 Doorbell. Hearing Loop. Widened changing room. Lowered desk. Scope Osnabruck Square, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 2DS Tel: 01332 205351 Shelter 105 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AD Tel: 01332 380776 L GF G G L G CHEMISTS Boots 15 Victoria Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1ES Tel: 01332 347295 Manor Pharmacy 99-101 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AB Tel: 01332 347926 Private consultation rooms widened for disabled people’s access. L G L G CLOTHING Bonmarché 83-87 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AD Tel: 01332 342017 Ramp also between the two levels. Disabled people’s fitting room available. Ramp inside shop. Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People L GL Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:25 Burtons 35 Victoria Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1ES Tel: 01332 344830 Doors fixed open. Stairs to first floor. Emily Brigden 15-17 Iron Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3FJ Tel: 01332 384665 Level access ground floor. Stairs to first floor. Evans 25-27 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AA Tel: 01332 206049 Interior mainly level. George Brigden 5 Iron Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3QJ Tel: 01332 344612 Doors fixed open. Level access ground floor. Stairs to first floor. Jillian Hart 40-44 Babington Lane, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1SZ Tel: 01332 347647 Two steps inside shop. Toilets up two steps. Laura Ashley 8 Albert Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 2DS The Countryman Unit 15, Prime Enterprise Park, Derby DE1 3QB Tel: 01332 360357 Page 29 L G Wallis 10 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1SH Tel: 01332 292358 G G G G COLLEGES Derby College See advertisement on page 6 The Roundhouse Roundhouse Road, Pride Park, Derby DE24 8JE L G L GM OF K No 2 Roundhouse Round Central Administration, Roundhouse Road, Pride Park, Derby DE24 8JE L G G GO Johnson Building Locomotive Way, Pride Park, Derby DE24 8PU Tel: 0800 028 0289 Email: [email protected] Deaf people’s access – Minicom 387490 Broomfield Hall Morley, Ilkeston, Derby DE7 6DN The Joseph Wright Centre Cathedral Road, Derby DE1 3PA L G G G South East Derbyshire - Field Road Campus Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 5RS South East Derbyshire Mundy Street Campus Heanor, Derbyshire DE75 7DZ Employment World – Derby College St. Peter’s House, Gower Street, Derby DE1 1SB Tel: 01332 387456 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 29 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:25 Page 30 Derby College Learning Centre The Spot, Osmaston Road, Derby DE1 2HR Deda Chapel Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3GU Tel: 01332 370911 Sensor operated automatic doors. Chapel Street car park opposite. The Quantum Centre Victory Road, Derby DE24 9HX The Derby College Shop 20 Market Place, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 5QA COMPUTER / SOFTWARE / GAMES Mobile Genie The Balcony, Market Hall, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 2DP Tel: 01332 205100 Disabled people’s toilet on balcony. Square Group Ltd 21 Iron Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3GP Tel: 01332 224662 G GH O G G CONCERT HALL / THEATRES/ ARTS AND DANCE CENTRES Assembly Rooms Box Office Market Place, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3AH Tel: 01332 255800 Text phone 01332 640666 Parking in Assembly Rooms car park. Inform staff of your seating requirements. Assembly Rooms Market Place, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3AH Tel: 01332 255800 Minicom: 01332 640666 Assembly Rooms and Guildhall Theatre guide available in Braille, audio tape and large print. 30 G GF HO G GH FO K Derby Theatre Theatre Walk, Westfield, Derby DE1 2NF Tel: 01332 363275 Parking in Westfield. Specific performances for deaf people and visually impaired people. Guildhall Theatre Market Place, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3AH Box Office: 01332 255800 Tel: 01332 255447 Minicom: 01332 256666 Assembly Rooms and Guildhall Theatre guide available (alternative formats available). QUAD Market Place, Cathedral Quarter, Derby, DE1 3AS Box Office: 01332 290606 Admin: 01332 285444 Email: [email protected] QUAD is a fully accessible building, with an automatic front door (push button), a lift to the upper floors and accessible toilets on every floor. Access spaces are available in both cinemas that can be used independently or can be situated next to seats for carers or companions. If you require access spaces in the cinema, please ring the Box Office to check the availability for the screening of your choice. You can also download a copy of the Cinema Seating Plans before you visit us.There is a Sound Plus TM Infrared Listening system in the cinemas, and an integrated Loop system in the Box Office, Meeting Room, and QUAD Café Bar. Wherever possible, they show 'Soft Subtitled' screenings (sometimes referred to as Descriptive Subtitles). Audio Description service for partially sighted or blind people. Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People L GH FO K L GH FE O G GH FO G GH ME FO K Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:27 Page 31 DEPARTMENT STORES Bennetts 8 Iron Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3AL Tel: 01332 344261 British Home Stores 59-61 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AB Tel: 01332 342213 Level access from St Peter’s Street. Four steps from Crown Walk. Widened changing room. Primark 28-31 Cornmarket, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 2DP Tel: 01332 348641 Sensor activated automatic doors. Hearing loop on at least one till at each till bank. G GH M G GH D MO G GH OF DRY CLEANERS Ashley Clothing Maintenance Company 55 Wardwick, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1HJ Tel: 01332 347777 Friar Gate Alterations 8 Friar Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1BU Tel: 01332 722367 Small step at entrance. G G A G EATING OUT, HOT FOOD AND SANDWICH SHOPS Acropolis 35-37 Market Place, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3AE Tel: 01332 368906 Ramped first entrance. Two steps at second entrance. L G B Ask Italian Assembly Rooms, Market Place, Derby DE1 3AW Tel: 01332 332550 Level entrance. Outdoor seating. Café Loco 119 Friar Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby Tel: 01332 360724 Limited parking on Friar Gate. Caffè Nero 19-20 Cornmarket, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1QH Tel: 01332 242322 Costa Coffee 45-47 St. Peter’s Street, St. Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AB Tel: 01332 384711 Delish Café 96 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1SR Tel: 01332 292088 Derby Cathedral Coffee Shop 18-19 Iron Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3GP Tel: 01332 341201 Interior mainly level. Jack Rabbits 50 Queen Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3DE Tel: 01332 349966 Level interior and ramp to get in. Jimmy’s Bar and Grill Riverside Walk, St. Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2BB Tel: 01332 383498 G GO G G G G G GO A L GO L GO L GM N G GM Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 31 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:27 Page 32 Le Bistrot Pierre 18 Friar Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1BX Tel: 01332 370470 Limited parking on Friar Gate. Little Frankies 39 Cornmarket, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 2DG Tel: 01332 204857 McDonalds 38 - 42 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1SH Tel: 01332 344686 Relish Café Council House, Corporation Street, Derby DE1 2FS Café inside the Council House – open 8.30am – 4pm. Slug and Lettuce 11 Iron Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3FJ Tel: 01332 341946 Swiss Cottage 89-91 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AB Tel: 01332 344402 Thai Dusit 8 Bold Lane, Cathedral Quarter, Derby Tel: 01332 360207 Public car park opposite. Trenchers 3 Market Place, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3PW Tel: 01332 364289 32 G GO L GO L GO L MG O L GO G G L GO L G Zizzi 16 Friar Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1BX Tel: 01332 208297 L G ESTATE AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS AND SURVEYORS Ashley Adams 37-38 Iron Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3GA Tel: 01332 202040 Mainly inaccessible interior. Bairstow Eves Countrywide 8 Market Place, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3QE Tel: 01332 341200 Castle Homes Gervase House 111-113 Friar Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1EX Tel: 01332 206655 Everington & Ruddle 9-11 St James Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1QT Tel: 01332 297711 Frank Innes 18-22 St James Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1RN Tel: 01332 295974 Gadsby Orridge (Commercial Services) Ltd 6 Victoria Street, Derby DE1 1ES Tel: 01332 296396 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People A G A G L G G G G G L G Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 Graham Penny Auctions 2-4 The Strand, Derby DE1 1BA Tel: 01332 417272 Stepped entrance. Haart 25 St James Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1RF Tel: 01332 361621 Hannells 5 Victoria Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1EQ Tel: 0845 094 3943 Nicholas J Humphries 15 Friar Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1BU Tel: 01332 265662 Professional Properties Old Blacksmith’s Yard, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3PD William Plant 69 Wardwick, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3GP Tel: 01332 343406 17:27 Page 33 A G L G L G FLORISTS Quality Florist Unit 1 Lock Up Yard, Cathedral Quarter, Cornmarket, Derby DE1 2DQ Tel: 01332 292916 Doors fixed open. One small step at entrance. Scenta Flora 55 Sadler Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3NQ Tel: 01332 293155 Doors fixed open. One small step at entrance. A G A G FURNITURE / FURNISHING / FLOOR COVERINGS A G A G L G After Dark Lighting 19-21 Babington Lane, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1TA Tel: 01332 367369 Hunters of Derby Hunters Corner, Babington Lane, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1SY Tel: 01332 349285 Portable ramp available. Interior mainly level. Sleepmaster Unit 4, Bradshaw Way, Derby DE1 2QB Tel: 01332 365696 L G A G G G GENERAL Your Move 24 Iron Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3GP Tel: 01332 343406 G G Ann Summers 21 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AA Tel: 0870 053 4047 Accessible changing room. L G Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 33 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:27 Page 34 Ashgate Framers 142 Ashbourne Road, Derby DE22 3AH Tel: 01332 369750 Moveable ramp can be placed to allow disabled access. Body Shop 19 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AA Tel: 01332 332116 Doors fixed open. Bright House Unit 6, Osnabruck Square, Albert Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 2DS Tel: 01332 299131 Clarke and Partners Mobility and Age Care Centre, 96 Traffic Street, Derby DE1 2NL Tel: 01332 200075 Parking at the rear. Coral Brokers 9 East Street, Derby DE1 2AV Mainly accessible interior. Disney Store 8 Albion Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2PR Tel: 01332 344266 Early Learning Centre 12 East Street, Derby DE1 2AF Tel: 01332 242018 Mainly accessible interior. 34 A G L G L G L G A G L G G G Hook and Eye 2 Corn Exchange, Albert Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2DS Tel: 01332 381744 Double-doors which are fixed open during the day. Lancaster and Thorpe Opticians 14 Sadler Gate, Derby, DE1 3NF Tel: 01332 341186 Lancaster and Thorpe Opticians 100 St. Peter’s Street, St. Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1SR Tel: 01332 348271 Maplin Electronics 2B East Street, Derby DE1 2AF Only Joking 39 Green Lane, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby Tel: 01332 295968 Perfect Home 9 Albion Street, Derby DE1 2PR Tel: 01332 290852 Doors fixed open during the day. Poundland 22 East Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1AF Tel: 01332 205149 Automatic doors. Swinton Insurance Brokers 63 Wardwick, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1HJ Tel: 01332 363563 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People G G A G L G G L G L G L G L G Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:27 Page 35 William Hill 1st Floor, Stuart House, Green Lane, Derby DE1 1RS L G Clinton Cards 26 Cornmarket, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 2DP Tel: 01332 385334 Doors fixed open. GOVERNMENT AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Derby City Council Customer Services Centre Council House, Corporation Street, Derby DE1 2FS Tel: 01332 293111 Minicom: 01332 640666 Streetpride: 0333 200 6981 See advertisement on pages 2, 10 & 14 Children & Young People’s Services Stanley Road, Alvaston Derby, DE24 0EX Tel: 01332 641017 Minicom: 01332 716709 On street parking available. Blue Badge parking in car park. Register Office Royal Oak House, Market Place, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3AR Tel: 01332 256526/256535/256536 Minicom: 01332 640666 Fax: 01332 256525 L GF EO L G HAIRCARE L GH Ben Brown Hairdressers 55 Queen Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby, DE1 3DE Tel: 01332 381588 Bonds Hair 8 Cheapside, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1BR Tel: 01332 342737 G GH F Churchills the Barber Shop 8 St Peter’s Churchyard, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1NN Stepped entrance. Keith Hall 48 Sadler Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3NQ Tel: 01332 349811 One small step at entrance. Inaccessible interior. GREETINGS CARDS / GIFTS Card Factory 35 East Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AL Tel: 01332 299184 House of Cards 36 Green Lane, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1RP Tel: 01332 368884 L G G G Kieran Mullin 58 Babington Lane, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1SX Tel: 01332 369144 G G G A G A I G G Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 35 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:27 Page 36 Kieran Mullin 17 Cheapside, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1BR Tel: 01332 369144 Kieran Mullin 113 St Peter’s Street, Derby DE1 2AD Tel: 01332 369144 Mark Scott 2 The Spot, London Road Derby DE1 2NZ Tel: 01332 331149 Mark Scott 18 Sadler Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3NH Tel: 01332 290902 Mainly inaccessible interior. Toni and Guy 4 Market Place, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3PW Tel: 01332 344444 Inaccessible toilets and hair wash basins. G G G G G G L G L G IT/TRAINING Derby College Learning Centre The Spot, 6-8 Osmaston Road, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE22 2QN Tel: 01332 208374 Quantum Centre Victory Road, Derby DE24 8BJ Tel: 01332 240835 G GE FO L GE FO JEWELLERS Argento Unit 14a, East Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AU Tel: 01332 291300 36 G G Cresta Gems 12 Victoria Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1EQ Tel: 01332 296666 Upstairs showroom inaccessible. Goldsmiths 10 Albion Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2PR Tel: 01332 361751 Optimum 36-40 The Strand, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1BE Tel: 01332 365808 Michael Hall Cheapside, Cathedral Quarter, Derby Tel: 01332 344676 W E Watts 14 Cornmarket, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1QH Tel: 01332 344524 Parking in St James Street. A G L G A G G G G G LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS Libraries Allenton Library Poole Street, Allenton, Derby DE24 9DE Tel: 01332 642310 Minicom: 01332 380712 Email: [email protected] Push button operated automatic doors. Loop system available on counter. Zoomtext and high visibility keyboard for visually impaired people. Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People G GH E Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:27 Page 37 Allestree Library Park Farm Centre, Birchover Way, Allestree, Derby DE22 2QN Tel & Fax: 01332 559761 Minicom: 01332 380712 Email: [email protected] Push button operated automatic doors. Level access to door at side entrance. Loop system available on counter. Zoomtext and high visibility keyboard for visually impaired people. Alvaston Library and Learning Centre 1252-1254 London Road, Derby DE24 8QP Tel: 01332 718140 Minicom: 01332 380712 Email: [email protected] Sensor operated automatic doors. Lift to meeting room on first floor. Toilets for disabled people, ask staff. Loop system available on counter. Zoomtext and high visibility keyboard for visually impaired people. Portable induction loop for meeting room and learning suite. Blagreaves Library Blagreaves Lane, Littleover, Derby DE23 1PT Tel: (01332) 255403 Minicom: 01332 380712 Email: [email protected] Disabled people’s parking next to library entrance. Automatic doors. Lift to first floor. Disabled parking adjacent entrance. Zoomtext and high visibility keyboard for visually impaired people. Induction loop system on counter and in learning suite. Central Library Wardwick, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1HS Tel (Renewals Line): 01332 641700 Tel (Enquiries Line): 01332 641702 Minicom: 01332 308712 G FE G GH FE G FE L OE Email: [email protected] Parking on The Strand. Induction loops at counter and learning suite. Toilet facilities for disabled people are available - please ask staff. Ramped entrance at side of building, customers can ring for assistance if required. Zoomtext and high visibility keyboard for visually impaired people. Chaddesden Library Chaddesden Lane, Derby DE21 6LN Tel: 01332 672352 Minicom: 01332 380712 Email: [email protected] Induction loop at counter. Zoomtext and high visibility keyboard for visually impaired people. Chellaston Library Barley Croft, Chellaston, Derby DE73 1UA Tel: 01332 702614 Minicom: 01332 380712 Email: [email protected] Push button operated automatic doors. Loop system available on counter. Zoomtext and high visibility keyboard for visually impaired people. Derwent Community Library Revive Healthy Living Centre, Roe Farm Lane, Chaddesden, Derby DE21 6ET Tel: 01332 288707 Minicom: 01332 380712 Email: [email protected] Disabled people’s parking at rear of centre. Level access and automatic doors. Induction loop system in library. Zoomtext and high visibility keyboard for visually impaired people. L GF E G GH FE G OF E Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 37 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:27 Page 38 Mackworth Library Prince Charles Avenue, Mackworth, Derby DE22 4BG Tel: 01332 642410 Minicom: 01332 380712 Email: [email protected] Push button operated automatic doors. Loop system available on counter. Zoomtext and high visibility keyboard for visually impaired people. Mickleover Library Holly End Road, Mickleover, Derby DE3 9GJ Tel: 01332 718926 Minicom: 01332 380712 Email: [email protected] Disabled people’s parking. Automatic doors. Induction loops system in library, meeting rooms and learning suite. Zoomtext and high visibility keyboard for visually impaired people. Pear Tree Library Pear Tree Road, Derby DE23 8NQ Tel: 01332 715260 Minicom: 01332 380712 Email: [email protected] Disabled people’s parking in library forecourt. Automatic doors. Zoomtext and high visibility keyboard for visually impaired people. Sinfin Library Sinfin District Centre, Arleston Lane, Sinfin, Derby DE24 3DH Tel: 01332 711302 Minicom: 01332 380712 Email: [email protected] Disabled people’s parking available in Asda car park. Automatic doors. Disabled toilet please ask. Induction loop in library and meeting room. Zoomtext and high visibility keyboard for visually impaired people. 38 G GH G OF E G E Spondon Library Sitwell Street, Spondon, Derby DE21 7FG Tel: 01332 662708 Minicom: 01332 380712 Email: [email protected] Disabled people’s parking in front of library. Automatic door. Induction loop at counter. Zoomtext and high visibility keyboard for visually impaired people. Springwood Library Springwood Leisure Centre, Springwood Drive, Oakwood, Derby DE21 2RQ Tel: 01332 669123 Minicom: 01332 380712 Email: [email protected] Disabled people’s parking. Automatic doors. Toilet for disabled people. Induction loop at counter. Zoomtext and high visibility keyboard for visually impaired people. L FE G OF E General contact information for libraries Tel: 01332 641701 Minicom: 01332 380712 Fax: 01332 715549 Museums G OF E Derby Museums and Art Gallery The Strand, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1BS Tel: 01332 716659 Minicom: 01332 716659 Blue badge parking on the strand. Bold Lane car park 100 m distance. Wheelchair access to all public areas. Portable hearing loops, sensor operated automatic doors, through floor lift to Joseph Wright Gallery. Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People G GH OF Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:27 Page 39 Pickford House Museum 41 Friar Gate, Derby DE1 1DA Tel: 01332 255363 Minicom: 01332 640666 Car park at rear off Agard Street. Ground and lower ground floor only available to wheelchair users. Video available. Level access on ground floor and lower/higher floors inaccessible. L G HMV 51-53 East Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AL Tel: 01332 201902 Doors fixed open. Parking in East Street and Westfield. SuperFi 22-23 Sadler Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3NL Tel: 01332 360303 LOCAL RADIO STATIONS / NEWSPAPERS Derby Evening Telegraph Northcliffe House, Meadow, Derby DE1 2DW Tel: 01332 291111 Customer car park at the side of the building. Level access on ground floor/all public areas. Radio Derby St Helen’s Street, Derby DE1 3HY Tel: 01332 361111 Competition Line: 01332 6161616 Hearing Impaired Line: 01332 362872 Parking outside the building. Accessible studio on ground floor. Button operated automatic doors, handrails along corridors, helpers available. L G L GF O See Westfield Derby Section see page 46 G GH O MUSIC / MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Foulds 40 Iron Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3GA Tel: 01332 344842 Foulds and Guitar Centre are the same shop. Four steps inside shop. First floor inaccessible. G G That’s Entertainment 10 Albion Street, Derby DE1 2PR Fixed open doors during the day. MARKETS The Market Hall Market Place, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 2FE Toilets on balcony. L GH G D NEWSAGENTS / STATIONERS Reams 36-38 St Peter’s Churchyard, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1NN Blue Badge parking in St Peter’s Churchyard. Doors fixed open. Rymans 117 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AD Tel: 01332 293196 Doors fixed open. Spar 1-2 Victoria House, Victoria Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1ES The News Shop 31 Queen Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3DS G G L G G G G G Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 39 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:27 Page 40 PARKS Derby Arboretum Rose Hill Street, Derby Tel: 01332 292612 On-street parking. Park has several entrances. Loop system in Community building. Darley Darley Park Drive, Derby DE22 1DX Tel: 01332 367800 Several car parks and entrances. Markeaton Off Ashbourne Road, Derby Tel: 01332 367800 Several entrances. G GO MF G GO M G LG MO Look out for 16 adaptive bikes including; side by sides, hand crank, recumbents, trikes and so on that will be made available for group, family or individual use. The bikes will be located in a secure container at Markeaton Park. Four existing cycle coaches will be trained to a national British Cycling standard in order to deliver quality activities. Parents, carers and schools will be able to take part in organised lessons or hire the bikes (following operation tuition). Phones 4 U 34 East Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AF Tel: 01332 332493 T Mobile 4 Albion Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2PR Tel: 01332 205620 Firefly Photography 15 Friar Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1BU Tel: 01332 341300 Stepped entrance. London Camera Exchange 17 Sadler Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3NH Tel: 01332 348644 PHONES 40 O2 UK 28 East Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AF Tel: 01332 332999 G G G G L G L G PHOTOGRAPHY / PHOTOCOPYING Also an accessible playground suitable for disabled children at the Mundy Play Centre on the park. Car Phone Warehouse 36 East Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AF Tel: 0870 168 2045 EE 4-6 Albion Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2PR Tel: 01332 369093 G G Venture Photography 5 Queen Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3DL Tel: 01332 227790 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People A G G A G Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:28 Page 41 G GH FO Queens Hall Methodist/Mission, London Road, Derby DE1 2QQ Tel: 01332 348665 Large print books. Chairlift at the rear. Designated parking. G GH F Salvation Army The Spot, Osmaston Road, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2HR Level access at rear. Internal stairlift. Six steps at entrance. Q St Mary’s Church Bridge Street, Derby DE1 3AU Level at south and east doors. Parking in school playground. PLACES OF WORSHIP Central URC Becketwell Lane, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1JW Large print books. Designated parking. Derby Cathedral Queen Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE13GP Level at west doors. Designated parking. Large print books. Derby City Church Curzon Street, Derby DE1 4LH Tel: 01332 341189 Eight steps to main worship area. Overhead projector used for sensory support. Chairlift to lower ground floor. Stewards available to lift wheelchair users to main worship area. Eight steps at entrance, Lower ground floor accessible/ first floor inaccessible. Facilities available for deaf people. Friends Meeting House Bridge Street, Derby Large print information. Mickleover Methodist Church Centre Station Road, Derby DE3 9GH Lift to first floor (Office only). Designated parking. Large print books. Osmaston Road Baptist Osmaston Road, Derby DE1 2GU Large print books. Makaton support available. Designated parking. Q GF O G R G GF POST OFFICES L GF O Post Office Counter Limited Babington Court, Babington Lane, Derby DE1 1SD Helpline: 0845 7223344 Text Phone: 0845 7223355 Automatic doors. Lowered counter. G GF O PUBS AND CLUBS G GH OK Babington Arms 11-13 Babington Lane, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1TA Tel: 01332 383647 Blue badge parking outside. L GF O Blessington Carriage 11-17 Chapel Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3GU Tel: 01332 365988 Chapel street multi-storey car park opposite. L GO L GO Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 41 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:28 Page 42 Coyote Wild Victoria Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1EQ Tel: 01332 349047 Flowerpot 25 Kings Street, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3DZ Tel: 01332 204955 Private car park at the rear. Mosh 110a Friar Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1EX Tel: 01332 372216 Limited parking on Friar Gate. Pitcher and Piano 19-20 Friar Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1BX Tel: 01332 206790 Limited parking on Friar Gate. Revolution 1-5 The Strand, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1BE Tel: 01332 203130 Revolution de Cuba The Strand, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1BJ Tel: 01332 381770 Scream 114 Friar Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1EX Tel: 01332 364435 Limited parking on Friar Gate and at the rear. 42 G GO Standing Order 28-32 Iron Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3GL Tel: 01332 207591 G GO Varsity 21 - 23 Friar Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1BX Tel: 01332 347083 G G Walkabout 9-11 Market Place, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3QE L GO Wardwick Tavern 15 Wardwick, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 1HA Tel: 01332 332677 L GO L GO L GO A G SHOES L GO L GO G GH Canopy 7 & 8 Sadler Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3NF Tel: 01332 298200 Clarks 34 Cornmarket, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 2DG Tel: 01332 382180 Shoe Zone Ltd 107 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AD Tel: 01332 299648 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People G G G GH L G Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:28 Page 43 SOLICITORS Edward Geldard 1 Pride Place, Pride Park, Derby DE1 3HQ Tel: 01332 331631 Disabled people’s parking. Bell on door. Flint Bishop St Michael’s Court, St Michael’s Lane, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3HQ Tel: 01332 340211 Freeth Cartwright 2nd Floor, Westpoint, Cardinal Square, 10 Nottingham Road, Derby DE1 3QT Limited parking available on Friar Gate. Pinders Solicitors 10 St Mary’s Gate, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3JJ Tel: 01332 364751 Step at entrance. Interior largely inaccessible. G GH O Footlocker 36, St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1SH Tel: 01332 381806 A G A GH Yeomans Outdoors 84-86 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1SR Doors fixed open. Seat available if required. A I SPORTS FACILITIES Derby County Football Club Pride Park, Derby DE24 8XL Main reception: 01332 202202 Keith Marson Disabilty Liason Officer: 01332 667531 Contact club for further details of match day facilities for disabled people. Smith Partnership (Head Office) Celtic House, Heritage Gate, Derby DE1 1LS Tel: 01332 225225 Fax: 01332 225444 Email: [email protected] Step at entrance. Interior largely inaccessible. SPORTS EQUIPMENT AND CLOTHING Blacks Outdoor Leisure 32 East Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AF Tel: 01332 360951 Field & Trek 24-26 East Street, Derby DE1 2AF Tel: 0870 3339477 Level access to ground floor. Flight of stairs first floor/inaccessible. G G Derbyshire County Cricket Club County Ground, Nottingham Road, Derby DE21 6DA Tel: 01332 383211 Parking available in Club car park. Derbyshire Indoor Sports Centre County Ground, Notttingham Road, Derby DE21 6DA Tel: 01332 383211 Parking available in Club car park. G GI G G G G G GF O G GO L GO Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 43 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:28 Page 44 Moorways Sports Centre Moor Lane, Derby DE24 9HY Tel: 01332 363686 Minicom: 01332 294526 Ramped entry into the sports centre. Car park. Equality range of equipment into the gym. Wheelchair access to ground floor facilities. No access to first floor for wheelchair users. Braille and tactile signage. Automatic doors. Disabled people’s changing facilities. Moorways Swimming Pool Moor Lane, Derby Derby DE24 9HY Tel: 01332 341736 Minicom: 01332 294542 Car park. Automatic doors. Wheelchair access from changing rooms to poolside. Unisex showers/ changing room facilities. Chair hoist available for both pools. Low reception desk. Disabled changing rooms and toilets. No access to café or spectator areas. Queen’s Leisure Centre Cathedral Road, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3PA Tel: 01332 716620 Minicom: 01332 256666 Wheelchair access to all areas except squash courts. Low reception desk. Disabled changing areas in the Gala and Teaching pool. Shallow steps into the family and teaching pool, with a handrail. Pool hoist for all three swimming pools. Sensor operated automatic doors. Disabled people’s changing facility. Shaftesbury Sports Centre Shaftesbury Crescent, Derby DE23 8NA Tel: 01332 255603 Minicom: 01332 715171 Wheelchair access to ground floor facilities. Disabled changing rooms and toilets on first floor. Car park. Level access to all areas on the ground floor, including the gym. Ramped access to outdoor courts. 44 L GI EO G GF O L GH OK Springwood Leisure Centre Springwood Drive, Oakwood, Derby DE21 2RQ Tel: 01332 664433 MInicom: 01332 663809 Car park. Disabled toilet/changing room. Induction loop in fitness suite, dance studio and reception. Portable induction loop. Braille and tactile signage. Wheelchair access to all areas. Equality range of gym equipment. L GE OK F STATIONS / AIRPORTS Derby Railway Station Midland Road, Derby DE1 2RU Tel: 08457 125678 Parking is adjacent to station. Further car park 40 metres away. Booking office has an induction loop, for travel assistance. East Midlands International Airport Castle Donington, Derby Tel: 01332 852852 Parking in car park outside. Ambi-lift transfer for disabled passengers to aircraft. Advanced booking essential. G GM FO K G GH ME O SUPERMARKETS / FOOD L GO K EWA 3 Corn Exchange, Albert Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2DS Farmfoods 22-24 Albert Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2DS Tel: 01332 380620 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People A G G G Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:28 Tesco Express 11 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1SH Tel: 01332 348641 Level access from St Peter’s Street. Ramped access from Thorntree Lane. Thorntons 32 Cornmarket, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 2DG Tel: 01332 342774 Page 45 L GF G G TRAVEL AGENTS Co-op Travel 11, Exchange Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2DU Tel: 01332 291900 L G Ilkeston Co-op Travel 26 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1SH Tel: 01332 299000 Senior International Travel Pride Park, 9 Riverside Court, Derby DE24 8JN Tel: 0870 162 4748 Thomson 82 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 1SR Tel: 01332 365858 One step on entrance. Thomas Cook 81 St Peter’s Street, St Peter’s Quarter, Derby DE1 2AB Tel: 0845 3089249 G G L GO A G G G Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 45 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:28 Page 46 Westfield Derby Shops ACCESSORIES Listed in the following pages are the businesses that are located within and part of Westfield Derby shopping centre. You can get the most up to date guide from the Concierge at Westfield Derby. Accessorize North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 293215 (also see Footwear) Westfield Derby offers a range of facilities to support disabled customers including disabled people’s parking spaces, free wheelchair hire, RADAR and non-RADAR disabled people’s toilets and a Changing Places toilet. All Saints North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 851600 (also see Footwear & Fashion) Wheelchair hire is offered from Concierge on Level 1 near Debenhams; simply bring along a form of identification, which includes your address, ideally a driving licence or passport. Wheelchairs are available on a first come, first served basis and hire is free. Argos London Road, Level 1 Tel: 01332 224931 (also see Electrical, Mobile Phones, Fashion, Health & Beauty, Homewares, Jewellery, Major Stores, Sports & Toys) The Changing Places toilet provides the right equipment and space for disabled customers, suited to needs that standard disabled toilets do not provide. This is located on Level 1 between M&S and Debenhams, and is accessible only via a RADAR key. If you do not have a key of your own then you can borrow one from Concierge on Level 1 near Debenhams; you will need to leave one form of photo identity with the team. Ark Level 2 Tel: 01332 332859 (also see Footwear & Fashion) Centre trading hours are 9am until 6pm on Monday to Wednesday, 9am until 8pm on Thursdays and Fridays, 9am until 7pm on Saturdays and 10.30am until 4.30pm on Sundays. For more details on the facilities within the centre contact Concierge direct on 01332 366383 or visit See advertisement on page 1 46 Bags 4 U Level 1 Barratts South Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01274 628390 (also see Footwear) BHS Crown Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 342213 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Cafés & Restaurants, Fashion, Gifts, Art & Crafts, Health & Beauty, Homewares, Major Stores, Jewellery & Toys) Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People Big & Tall London Road, Level 1 Tel: 01332 342293 (also see Fashion) Claire’s Crown Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 205239 Clarks St Peter’s Way, Level 1 Tel: 01332 368831 (also see Footwear) Debenhams All Levels Tel: 0844 5616161 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Cafés & Restaurants, Fashion, Footwear, Health & Beauty, Homewares & Major Stores) Domo North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 348603 Dorothy Perkins South Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 363915 (also see Footwear & Fashion) Glitz Level 1 Tel: 07973 985779 G-Star West Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 242434 (also see Fashion) Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:28 Page 47 H&M North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 250740 (also see Footwear & Fashion) Jack & Jones West Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 292618 (also see Fashion) Lacoste South Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 525333 (also see Fashion) M&S London Road, All Levels Tel: 01332 627000 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Cafés & Restaurants, Fashion, Food, Footwear, Health & Beauty, Homewares & Major Stores) Next North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 0844 844 5656 (also see Fashion, Footwear, Homewares, Jewellery & Major Stores) Optique Vision North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 208880 (also see Fashion & Opticians) Pearl Boutique East Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 369990 (also see Footwear & Fashion) Princess Accessories Level 1 River Island North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 342429 (also see Footwear & Fashion) Tie Rack East Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 202077 Topman North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 369159 (also see Fashion) Topshop North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 369159 (also see Fashion) BOOKS, STATIONERY, CARDS, GIFTS, ARTS & CRAFTS 99p Stores Crown Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 367755 (also see Electrical, Health & Beauty, Homewares, Snacks) Birthdays South Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 343244 BHS Crown Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 342213 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Accessories, Cafés & Restaurants, Fashion, Health & Beauty, Homewares, Major Stores, Jewellery & Toys) Boots Devonshire Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 345886 (also see Electrical, Health & Beauty, Opticians & Major Stores) Card Factory Level 1 Tel: 01332 203554 New Look South Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 253880 (also see Footwear & Fashion) Vero Moda West Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 292618 (also see Fashion) Clinton Cards North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 346816 Oasis North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 205838 (also see Footwear & Fashion) Zara North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 851440 (also see Footwear & Fashion) Identity North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 210269 (also see Jewellery) Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 47 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:28 Mats 4 Mates Level 1 MSR News Crown Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 293780 MSR News London Road, Level 1 Tel: 01332 361680 Red 5 North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 346551 Paperchase South Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 362672 Paper kisses Level 1 Tel: 01332 345190 Pure Party Level 1 Tel: 01332 348837 Ryman the Stationer Level 1 Tel: 01332 293196 The Bookcafé St Peter’s Way, Level 1 Tel: 01332 204402 (also see Cafés & Restaurants) The Gift Company South Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 297253 (also see Jewellery) 48 Page 48 The Original Art Shop Level 2 Tel: 01332 209333 Caffè Grazia London Road Tel: 01332 200507 The Works South Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 341769 Caruso Café Boutique St Peter’s Way, Level 1 Tel: 01332 346486 WHSmith London Road, Level 1 Tel: 01332 364259 Cornish Pasty Shop St Peter’s Way, Level 1 Tel: 01332 349000 CAFÉS, RESTAURANTS & SNACKS Costa Coffee South Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 362867 99p Stores Crown Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 367755 (also see Cards, Electrical, Gifts, Arts & Crafts, Health & Beauty, Homewares) Costa Coffee North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 341095 BHS Crown Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 342213 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Accessories, Fashion, Gifts, Art & Crafts, Health & Beauty, Homewares, Major Stores, Jewellery & Toys) Debenhams All Levels Tel: 0844 5616161 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Accessories, Fashion, Footwear, Health & Beauty, Homewares & Major Stores) Birds London Road, Level 1 Tel: 01332 347699 Gloria Jean’s Coffees South Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 202056 Birds Expresso Crown Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 332384 Grand Café Caruso Burrows Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 207630 Café Thorntons North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 295767 Greggs South Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 207651 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:28 Page 49 Love Coffee North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 369025 Sugarcane Level 1 Tel: 01332 344866 M&S London Road, All Levels Tel: 01332 627000 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Accessories, Food, Footwear, Fashion, Health & Beauty, Homewares & Major Stores) TGI Fridays Level 2 Millie’s Cookies South Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 203793 Zumo Juice Bar North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 205328 Mr Pretzel Snacks Level 1 CHARITY SHOPS Muffin Break South Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 363786 Nando’s West Mall, Level 3 Tel: 01332 203263 Patisserie Valerie 2 Crown Walk Tel: 01332 332793 Shakin’ It East Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 368020 Starbucks North Mall, Level 1 & 2 Tel: 01332 368241 The Bookcafé St Peter’s Way, Level 1 Tel: 01332 204402 (also see Books & Stationery) Oxfam St Peter’s Street, Level 1 Tel: 01332 384820 Hey Potato! Eat Central Tel: 01332 346842 KFC Eat Central, Level 2 Tel: 01332 294848 Pasta 4 U Eat Central, Level 2 Tel: 01332 360001 Pizza Express Eat Central, Level 3 Tel: 01332 366406 Studio One Eat Central Tel: 01332 258555 CINEMA Cinema de Lux Level 3 Tel: 0871 220 1000 EAT CENTRAL Burger King Eat Central, Level 2 Tel: 01332 209631 Hana Puri Eat Central Tel: 07817 987441 Harpers Eat Central Tel: 01332 371058 Yangtze Thai Noodle Bar Eat Central, Level 2 Tel: 07786 708773 ELECTRICAL, MOBILE PHONES, SERVICES 3 Store Level 1 Tel: 01332 200859 99p Stores Crown Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 367755 (also see Cards, Gifts, Arts & Crafts, Health & Beauty, Homewares, Snacks) Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 49 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:28 Page 50 Argos London Road, Level 1 Tel: 01332 224931 (also see Accessories, Fashion, Health & Beauty, Homewares, Jewellery, Major Stores, Sports & Toys) Boots Devonshire Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 345886 (also see Gifts, Health & Beauty, Major Stores & Opticians) CeX Entertainment Exchange London Road, Level 1 CeX Mobile Exchange Crown Walk, Level 1 KRCS Computer Store Level 2 Tel: 01332 369333 O2 North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 344022 Orange South Mall, Level 1 Tel: 0870 3763402 Phones 4 U South Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 341109 Phones Express Level 1 Tel: 01332 202032 50 Poundworld Level 1 Tel: 01332 340188 (also see Health & Beauty, Homewares, Major Stores & Toys) The Carphone Warehouse North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 294950 T-Mobile East Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 340680 Virgin Media North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 345618 Vodafone North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 07717 763974 FASHION All Saints North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 851600 (also see Accessories & Footwear) Argos London Road, Level 1 Tel: 01332 224931 (also see Accessories, Electrical, Health & Beauty, Homewares, Jewellery, Major Stores, Mobile Phones, Sports & Toys) Ark Level 2 Tel: 01332 332859 (also see Accessories & Footwear) Asylum Level 1 Tel: 01332 988083 Bank Level 2 Tel: 01332 360173 (also see Footwear) Bershka North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 223900 (also see Footwear) Angel Level 1 Tel: 01332 367333 BHS Crown Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 342213 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Accessories, Cafés & Restaurants, Gifts, Art & Crafts, Health & Beauty, Homewares, Major Stores, Jewellery & Toys) Apricot South Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 299395 Big & Tall London Road, Level 1 Tel: 01332 342293 (also see Accessories) Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:29 Page 51 Blue Inc North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 348748 French Connection Albion Street, Level 1 Tel: 01332 207160 Lucci Leatherwear St Peter’s Way, Level 1 Tel: 01332 203654 Cc Level 2 Tel: 01332 380639 (also see Footwear) G-Star West Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 242434 (also see Accessories) M&S London Road, All Levels Tel: 01332 627000 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Accessories, Cafés & Restaurants Food, Footwear, Health & Beauty, Homewares & Major Stores) Charlie Browns Level 1 Tel: 01332 380873 (also see Footwear) Debenhams All Levels Tel: 0844 5616161 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Accessories, Cafés & Restaurants, Footwear, Health & Beauty, Homewares & Major Stores) Diffusion Level 2 Dorothy Perkins South Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 363915 (also see Accessories & Footwear) Duck & Cover Level 2 Tel: 01332 331180 H&M North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 250740 (also see Accessories & Footwear) H&M Kids Level 1 Tel: 01332 378920 Infinities Level 2 Jack & Jones West Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 292618 (also see Accessories) La Senza North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 299539 Eclipse Level 1 Tel: 07920 098898 Lacoste South Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 525333 (also see Accessories) Fashion Direct Level 2 Lipsy Level 2 Monsoon North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 210244 Moss South Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 340209 New Look South Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 253880 (also see Accessories & Footwear) Next North Mall, Level 2 0844 844 5656 (also see Accessories, Footwear, Homewares, Jewellery & Major Stores) Oasis North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 205838 (also see Accessories & Footwear) Optique Vision North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 208880 (also see Accessories & Opticians) Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 51 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:29 Pearl Boutique East Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 369990 (also see Accessories & Footwear) Polarn O. Pyret South Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 200796 Quiz Albion Street, Level 1 Tel: 01332 348398 Republic South Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 363912 River Island North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 342429 (also see Accessories & Footwear) Superdry Level 2 Tel: 01332 332851 Topman North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 369159 (also see Accessories) Page 52 Warehouse North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 370686 West One South Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 344866 Whittard of Chelsea Level 1 Tel: 01332 295178 West Coast Level 1 Tel: 01332 209359 Yangtze Express Level 2 07515667499 Xplicit Italia Crown Walk, Level 1 & 2 Tel: 01332 204107 / 01332 202747 FOOTWEAR Yours Level 1 Tel: 01332 341091 Zara North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 851440 (also see Accessories & Footwear) Zube Level 1 07738 662261 FOOD STORE Topshop North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 369159 (also see Accessories) Vero Moda West Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 292618 (also see Accessories) 52 Sainsbury’s Copecastle Square, Level 1 Tel: 01332 294481 (also see Major Stores) Crawshaws Level 1 Ditsch Level 1 Iceland Level 1 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People Accessorize North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 293215 (also see Accessories) All Saints North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 851600 (also see Accessories & Fashion) Ark Level 2 Tel: 01332 332859 (also see Accessories & Fashion) Bank Level 2 Tel: 01332 360173 (also see Fashion) Barratts South Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01274 628390 (also see Accessories) Bershka North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 223900 (also see Fashion) Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:29 Page 53 Cc Level 2 Tel: 01332 380639 (also see Fashion) H&M North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 250740 (also see Accessories & Fashion) Charlie Browns Level 1 Tel: 01332 380873 (also see Fashion) Jeff Bains North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 362007 River Island North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 342429 (also see Accessories & Fashion) Jones Bootmaker North Mall, Level 2 0845 602 8735 Schuh South Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 295740 M&S London Road, All Levels Tel: 01332 627000 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Accessories, Cafés & Restaurants, Fashion, Food, Health & Beauty, Homewares & Major Stores) Soletrader South Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 361902 Clarks St Peter’s Way, Level 1 Tel: 01332 368831 (also see Accessories) Cushion Flex Level 1 Tel: 01332 361255 Debenhams All Levels Tel: 0844 5616161 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Accessories, Cafés & Restaurants, Fashion, Health & Beauty, Homewares & Major Stores) Next North Mall, Level 2 0844 844 5656 (also see Accessories, Fashion, Footwear, Homewares & Jewellery) Deichmann Shoes South Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 242709 New Look South Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 253880 (also see Accessories & Fashion) Dorothy Perkins South Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 363915 (also see Accessories & Fashion) Oasis North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 205838 (also see Accessories & Fashion) Henleys Level 2 Tel: 01332 298839 (also see Fashion) Pearl Boutique East Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 369990 (also see Accessories & Fashion) Priceless Shoes Burrows Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 296501 Zara North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 851440 (also see Accessories & Fashion) HAIRDRESSERS Aveda Urban Therapy North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 344711 (also see Health & Beauty) Bloke North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 07876 069014 Keith Hall St Peter’s Way, Level 1 Tel: 01332 372237 Located up a flight of stairs and no lift Kieran Mullin Burrows Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 369144 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 53 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:29 Page 54 Supercuts Copecastle Square, Level 1 Tel: 01332 208130 Trade Secret East Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 295310 Bodycare Crown Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 349068 Lush West Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 295624 Boots Devonshire Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 345886 (also see Electrical, Gifts, Major Stores & Opticians) M&S London Road, All Levels Tel: 01332 627000 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Accessories, Cafés & Restaurants, Fashion, Food, Footwear, Homewares & Major Stores) HEALTH & BEAUTY 99p Stores Crown Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 367755 (also see Cards, Electrical, Gifts, Arts & Crafts, Homewares, Snacks) Argos London Road, Level 1 Tel: 01332 224931 (also see Accessories, Electrical, Fashion, Homewares, Jewellery, Major Stores, Mobile Phones, Sports & Toys) Aveda Urban Therapy North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 344711 Benito Brow Bar Level 2 Tel: 01332 209600 BHS Crown Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 342213 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Accessories, Cafés & Restaurants, Fashion, Gifts, Art & Crafts, Homewares, Major Stores, Jewellery & Toys) 54 Dazzle Level 1 Tel: 01332 242754 Debenhams All Levels Tel: 0844 5616161 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Accessories, Cafés & Restaurants, Fashion, Footwear, Homewares & Major Stores) Divine Hair & Beauty Level 1 Tel: 01332 208720 GNC Level 1 Tel: 01332 344044 Grazia Hair Salon Level 1 Tel: 01332 242807 Holland & Barrett North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 349414 In Health Hearing Care Level 1 Tel: 01332 298559 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People Poundworld Level 1 Tel: 01332 340188 (also see Electronics, Mobile Phones, Homewares, Toys & Major Stores) Regis Hair Salon Level 1 Tel: 01332 292566 Soap & Co North Mall, Level 1 Superdrug Albion Street, Level 1 Tel: 01332 205768 The Body Shop South Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 364632 The Fragrance Shop Level 1 Tel: 01332 361279 The Perfume Shop Copecastle Square, Level 1 & 2 Tel: 01332 370846 / 01332 341682 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:29 Page 55 HOMEWARE, FURNITURE & GIFTS 99p Stores Crown Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 367755 (also see Cards, Electrical, Gifts, Arts & Crafts, Health & Beauty, Snacks) Argos London Road, Level 1 Tel: 01332 224931 (also see Accessories, Electrical, Fashion, Health & Beauty, Jewellery, Major Stores, Mobile Phones, Sports & Toys) Aroma Level 1 Tel: 01332 293887 BHS Crown Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 342213 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Accessories, Cafés & Restaurants, Fashion, Gifts, Art & Crafts, Health & Beauty, Major Stores, Jewellery & Toys) Brighthouse Level 1 Tel: 01332 299131 Debenhams All Levels Tel: 0844 5616161 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Accessories, Cafés & Restaurants, Fashion, Footwear, Health & Beauty & Major Stores) Evolution Level 1 Tel: 01332 290883 Sleepmasters Bradshaw Way Tel: 01332 365696 Home Bargains Level 1 JEWELLERY Lakeland Level 1 Tel: 01332 367377 Linens Direct Level 1 Tel: 01332 204721 Livsstil Level 1 Tel: 01332 988933 M&S London Road, All Levels Tel: 01332 627000 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Accessories, Cafés & Restaurants, Fashion, Food, Footwear, Health & Beauty & Major Stores) Mostyns Crown Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 205891 Next North Mall, Level 2 0844 844 5656 (also see Accessories, Fashion, Footwear, Jewellery & Major Stores) Poundworld Level 1 Tel: 01332 340188 (also see Health & Beauty, Electrical, Mobile Phones, Major Stores & Toys) Argos London Road, Level 1 Tel: 01332 224931 (also see Accessories, Electrical, Fashion, Health & Beauty, Homewares, Major Stores, Mobile Phones, Sports & Toys) Beaverbrooks East Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 341327 BHS Crown Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 342213 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Accessories, Cafés & Restaurants, Fashion, Gifts, Art & Crafts, Health & Beauty, Homewares, Major Stores & Toys) Eatons West Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 344884 Envy London Level 1 Tel: 01332 366776 Ernest Jones North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 364335 F. Hinds North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 293928 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 55 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:29 Page 56 H Samuel Albion Street, Level 1 Tel: 01332 363260 The Watch Hospital South Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 367555 Glitzed to Bitz Level 1 Warren James Copecastle Square, Level 1 Tel: 01332 205612 Ice Watch Level 1 Tel: 01332 210269 Identity North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 210269 (also see Gifts, Arts & Crafts) Judith Hart East Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 381926 Next North Mall, Level 2 0844 844 5656 (also see Accessories, Fashion, Footwear, Homewares & Major Stores) Pandora Level 1 Tel: 01332 224426 Swarovski East Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 345229 Swatch Level 2 Tel: 01332 203694 The Gift Company South Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 297253 (also see Gifts, Arts & Crafts) 56 MAJOR STORES Argos London Road, Level 1 Tel: 01332 224931 (also see Accessories, Electrical, Fashion, Health & Beauty, Homewares, Jewellery, Mobile Phones, Sports & Toys) BHS Crown Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 342213 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Accessories, Cafés & Restaurants, Fashion, Gifts, Art & Crafts, Health & Beauty, Homewares, Jewellery & Toys) Boots Devonshire Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 345886 (also see Electrical, Gifts, Health & Beauty, Opticians) Debenhams All Levels Tel: 0844 5616161 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Accessories, Cafés & Restaurants, Fashion, Footwear, Health & Beauty & Homewares) Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People M&S London Road, All Levels Tel: 01332 627000 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Accessories, Cafés & Restaurants, Fashion, Food, Footwear & Health & Beauty) Matalan Bradshaw Way, London Road, Level 1 Tel: 01332 223850 Next North Mall, Level 2 0844 844 5656 (also see Accessories, Fashion, Footwear, Homewares & Jewellery) Poundworld Level 1 Tel: 01332 340188 (also see Health & Beauty, Electronics, Mobile phones, Homewares & Toys) Sainsbury’s Copecastle Square, Level 1 Tel: 01332 294481 (also see Food Stores) Wilkinson London Road, Level 1 Tel: 01332 372188 OPTICIANS Boots Devonshire Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 345886 (also see Electrical, Gifts, Health & Beauty & Major Stores) D&A North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 342688 / 204296 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:29 Optical Express St Peter’s Way, Level 1 Tel: 01332 380106 Specsavers Crown Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 294939 Optique Vision North Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 208880 (also see Accessories & Fashion) Specs 4 U Level 1 Tel: 01332 348990 Vision Express North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 295411 PHOTOGRAPHY, ARTS & GIFTS Max Spielmann Level 1 Transform Your Images South Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 295442 Whitewall Galleries Level 2 Tel: 01332 342656 SERVICES Eurochange Crown Walk, Level 1 Page 57 H20 car valeting (Car wash and valeting) Level 3 Tel: 0870 005 4550 Herbert Brown (Pawn broker and jewellery) Level 1 Kanoo Foreign Exchange Level 1 Tel: 01332 342941 Needles (Tailoring and dry cleaning) Level 1 Tel: 01332 614329 Orchis (Florist) Level 1 Tel: 01332 209311 RAC (Motoring services) North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 07903 984476 Sky (TV) West Mall, Level 1 Tel: 07984 199102 The Merry Cobbler (Shoe repairs etc) Copecastle Square, Level 1 Tel: 07548 561192 Thomas Cook (Travel Agents) St Peter’s Street, Level 1 Tel: 0845 3089249 SPORTS Argos London Road, Level 1 Tel: 01332 224931 (also see Accessories, Electrical, Fashion, Health & Beauty, Jewellery, Major Stores, Mobile Phones & Toys) JD Sports South Mall, Level 2 Tel: 01332 346518 Mountain Warehouse North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 348627 North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 0870 838 7187 Trespass North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 205292 Two Seasons North Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 343284 TOYS, GAMES & HOBBIES Argos London Road, Level 1 Tel: 01332 224931 (also see Accessories, Electrical, Fashion, Health & Beauty, Jewellery, Major Stores, Mobile Phones & Sports) Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People 57 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:29 Page 58 BHS Crown Walk, Level 1 Tel: 01332 342213 Disabled people’s toilet (also see Accessories, Cafés & Restaurants, Fashion, Gifts, Art & Crafts, Health & Beauty, Homewares, Major Stores & Jewellery) Build-A-Bear Workshop South Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 205247 Game Level 1 Tel: 01332 346698 The Discovery Store Level 1 Tel: 01723 861040 Modelzone (Toys, games & hobbies) Level 1 Tel: 01332 209637 The Entertainer South Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 343322 Poundworld Level 1 Tel: 01332 340188 (also see Electrical, Mobile Phones, Health & Beauty, Homewares & Major Stores) Toy Planet South Mall, Level 1 Tel: 01332 347734 Pulp fact. Recycle this paper and in just 7 days it could come back as a new cardboard box. 58 Derby Access and Information Guide for Disabled People Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:29 Page 59 Editorial_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:29 Page 60 Energy saving A chiller door left open for 30 minutes a day wastes enough energy in a year to power a lighthouse for nearly 4 days. Saving energy saves you money, protects your reputation and helps combat climate change. Your organisation could save up to 10% through housekeeping actions which cost little or nothing. Source: Cover_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:02 Page 5 Help us to help you... Do you become confused during stressful circumstances? Do you have a disability or illness which stops you from using the telephone for a prolonged period of time? If so our Care Card service may help you. Register your details with us and we will send you a Care Card which you can carry with you at all times. The card includes a special non-emergency telephone number and code which helps us to identify you as a priority caller when you ring. Your call will be answered quickly. This card can be shown to a police officer, or someone you trust if you find yourself in a situation where you need help, or if you cannot easily explain your condition. For more information visit: or call 101 and an application form will be sent to you. 3030945 Recycle your publications. It’s good news for everyone. Recycle your publication and in seven days it could be a newspaper. B/308061/13 Cover_308061.qxd 31/5/13 17:03 Page 2