Ultimate Guide
Ultimate Guide
The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Your guide to the French market, making savings & getting good A must for services everyone with a home, second home or small business in France by Bob Elliott uk your first choice for telecoms © Copyright UK Telecom Limited uk No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means save with the written permission of the publishers or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1956 (as amended). your first choice for telecoms the world is at your fingertips line installation fully managed line installation + line rental + free bilingual support = 40.00€ onebill unlimited calls € = 28.50 pm Enquiries concerning reproduction should be sent to the publishers at the under unlimited broadband with unlimited technical support mentioned address: + 1hr free voip calls including French & UK mobiles € = 18.95 pm*^ onebill special UK Telecom Limited William House 45 Bury Fields Guildford Surrey Freephone 0805 631 632 from France or +44 (0)1483 477 100 from the UK www.uktelecom.net [email protected] *18.95€ pm for the first 3 months when you sign up to a 12 month contract, 29.50€ pm thereafter or, 18.95€ pm for the first 6 months when you sign up to an 18 month contract, 29.50€ pm thereafter ^subject to taking line rental at 16.00 € pm GU2 4AZ t: 00 44 (0) 1483 477100 e: [email protected] www.uktelecom.net f: 00 44 (0) 3306840299 w: www.uktelecom.net 3 Table of contents Foreword 07 Mission statement 11 Searching for information 13 1 Setting the scene 15 2 Getting a new line & choosing the options once installed 23 3 Free services & others that are chargeable 37 4 Alternative providers – getting the best price & service 43 5 What do I do if my telephone stops working? 57 6 Dial-up 63 7 Broadband – finding the right service for you 65 8 Setting up your PC on your new broadband service 81 9 What should I do if my broadband stops working? 87 10 When additional equipment helps & when it causes more problems 93 11 Social networking, making your broadband even more useful 99 12 Changing providers - avoid surprise costs by doing this correctly 101 13 Mobiles 105 14 Useful contacts 111 Appendix – Satellite Broadband frequently asked questions 115 www.uktelecom.net 5 Foreword This book is written for you if English is your first language or if you are more proficient in English than French as a foreign language, and as an individual or small business you buy telephone and broadband services in France. It seeks to take you through the often difficult journey of getting the right services at the right price, and quickly. For many years UKtelecom has been the fastest growing independent provider of these services to the English speaking expat community in France; we have come across most problems that are likely to be encountered, and several very unusual ones that have become part of the industry’s folklore. This has enabled us to provide highly relevant advice in an easily accessible form. The seeds of this book were sown in the booklet ‘Lifting the lid on the French Telephone & Broadband Industry’, a previous UKtelecom publication. The original booklet was written in 2006 to assist the many English speaking people with second homes or relocating to France who either were experiencing difficulties understanding the market or wanting to consider using alternative suppliers to the national carrier, Orange (now including all services previously supplied through France Telecom), as for most it is not the best value for money. Many were struggling with the French language, particularly technical French, and needed honest, simple and straightforward advice and information. The booklet proved to be a runaway success with large numbers of requests for copies being received every day. However with the passage of time in this fast moving industry much of the information it contained needed updating, and in addition more services and choices are now widely available. In a time of rapidly increasing general use of various forms of electronic communication, including the growing use of social networks, the amount of information most people want or need is considerable and growing. The essential information on telephony services still cannot be found in one place so the booklet has www.uktelecom.net 7 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market been replaced with this book which can be used to ensure you get both best value able way with your chosen provider. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the for money and the right services. This book also addresses the difference between information we are providing is correct at the time of publication, it should be verified the French approach to customer service and that of the UK or America for example! if you intend to rely on it at a later date. Nevertheless we cannot take any responsibil- Many of you will have moved to France for the more relaxed way of life which in many ity for it or how it is used. instances is reflected in the approach to customer service and timescales. Response times to faults can take much longer than expected and in particular throughout If you are uncertain which telecoms services would be best for you and cannot July and August because of the generally longer summer holidays many employees find the answers you need on the following pages you can take advantage of our take. many years’ experience of providing good and honest advice by calling either our UK number 01483 477100 or, if already in France, using our freephone number We have set ourselves a goal of producing an easily understood guide to help 0805 631632. you on your journey from the first step of setting up a new line, to deciding on the optional services to be applied, right through to how to change your provider. We also address the occasional particularly difficult installation of a broadband service, advising on the different types and need for caution. The book also contains a wealth of advice on related equipment, how to go about fault finding and how to get repairs undertaken as soon as possible. UKtelecom has a long history of providing a wide range of services to the UK business market, from large oil and gas exploration companies, major law firms, charities and sole traders to small accountancy businesses and schools. All this informs us that the telecoms industry is fast moving with new products and services We hope you find this guide useful but with all such works it is possible that some- becoming available seemingly every few thing has been overlooked. Therefore constructive criticism and suggestions for months, resulting in the possibility that the additional material are welcome and can be addressed to [email protected]. information contained here may become These will be considered when subsequent revisions are made. out of date sooner than in books on other 8 services. However, once armed with this Bob Elliott information you will be in a position to Commercial Director discuss your requirements in a knowledge- UKtelecom Ltd www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net (Winter 2012) 9 Mission statement We focus outwards on our customers making it easy for them to do business with us by listening and responding to their current needs, and in this fast moving industry providing good value new products to meet their future needs. Being the biggest is not our aim, being the best is. www.uktelecom.net 11 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Searching for information You are likely to want to use this book as a tool to give you quick and easy access to particular subjects. Wherever practical we have built in links to enable you to go directly to an item of interest. For example, if you go to the contents page and click on a chapter that is of immediate interest you will be taken straight there. You will find a number of web links contained within the text and we have made these dynamic so by simply clicking on them you will be taken directly to the web page of the link. You may want to know all about a particular subject and most PDF readers have a builtin search facility. Simply click on ‘ctrl’ and ‘F’ (Windows) or ‘cmd’ and ‘F’ (Mac) to access the search dialogue. Simply enter the subject or word you are seeking information on (for instance, ‘line rental’), then hit ‘enter’, and if covered by the content you will be taken to where it first appears in the text and then on to subsequent entries if there are any. You will also find adverts for a number of trusted partners. Where these partners have provided dynamic links to their websites these have been included, so by clicking on their adverts you will be taken directly to their homepages or email contact pages. www.uktelecom.net 13 Chapter 1 Setting the scene How to get a better service & save money When you purchase a new home in France you are faced with a number of decisions before you have had a chance to understand the marketplace. Getting a telephone service up and running quickly to avoid the huge cost of using mobile phones is just one of them. How do you find and then avoid expensive pitfalls? As a new arrival you more than likely come from a more tightly regulated market in your last country of residence and you may be shocked by: ✘ The lighter touch of regulation of the French market ✘ The poor customer support many experience from Orange (now including all services previously supplied through France Telecom) and some other providers ✘ The inadequacy of internet services which do not work because of miss-selling Understanding the way the French market works is the key to saving money on your telecommunications needs. Orange is the national carrier; it is the dominant supplier and not surprisingly the most expensive for most expat needs. Orange owns the telephone line network and most exchanges and sells calls. Some of the larger alternative providers have their own exchang- es or their own equipment located in Orange www.uktelecom.net 15 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market exchanges. They also have agreements with specialist suppliers such as UKtelecom staffing levels. Some have very few English speakers in their customer service and who resell and manage these services. Where these are available in your area you technical support functions totally negating one of the reasons for selecting them in can expect to have lower costs from these competitors. Orange provides broadband the first place. and dial up services and calls made over the broadband service (known as VoIP calls). There are a number of competitors with bilingual staff that offer the same ser- The reason for the higher prices in France is that the deregulation of the French vices bundled into a range of packages tailored to English speaking expats’ needs telecom market is more recent than in many of the countries that most newcomers with lower prices, especially to the UK and other international destinations. have left and new competition has still to make a full impact. This manifests itself in the very large share of the market still being held by the national carriers. However Important legal & related matters several things are similar. Making savings will always be important, but the old saying that cheapest is not Whilst you can now choose to have your new line installation managed by your cho- always best can be true, depending on your requirements. Many competitors to Or- sen alternative provider and have the line rental services managed by them, the line ange can save you 30% or more on a typical bill for telephone calls. However do look remains the property of Orange and is maintained by engineers that have been en- out for those who claim to be specialists in the provision of services to expats but do gaged by them as subcontractors. In some Départements this can be a single con- not provide an English language version of their terms and conditions. If everything tractor but in others there may be as many as four. The subcontractors are required after an English language website and application form is in French you may feel to respond to fault reports in the order of receipt, providing no beneficial advantage to this is an unsatisfactory supplier. If they do not carry the English speaking service Orange or its direct customers. Our experience is that there are marked differences beyond the sale process you may reasonably assume that their commitment to an of performance of these subcontractors with certain regions being of particular con- expat focused service is less than appropriate. They may also send their invoices cern. (Also see Chapter 5.) in French whilst the best make them available in either French or English. Alterna- 16 tively you may have to go to a website and log on with a username and password to Similarly, you can choose to buy your telephone time and broadband from an al- download your latest invoice, rather than receive a monthly invoice via email or post. ternative provider to Orange. There are several to choose from and they all have Others have crude or poor internal systems and procedures, and may have very low different offers with various connection charges and unlimited call packages, with www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 17 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market a small number offering services aimed communication with your provider is at the expat market. It is necessary to likely to be ignored if it is not sent ‘en look at the detail of the terms and con- recommandé’ (by recorded delivery). ditions, and you should satisfy yourself This is essential if you are cancelling that there are no ‘hidden’ charges such a service such as a call package when as high connection charges or maxi- changing companies as otherwise the mum call times after which your call is charges will continue. It is in our view cut off as these can amount to a signifi- unwise to rely exclusively on any tele- cant cost and inconvenience depending phone or personal conversations with on your usage. By shopping around you a supplier on any important point. At can make considerable savings, espe- UKtelecom we regard this as an un- cially if you are making calls outside of necessary cost and inconvenience to any call package or to many internation- our customers so we will act on their al mobile or nongeographic numbers instructions by email, giving a cheaper (see elsewhere for more details), but it and quicker effect to their decisions. is important to ensure that the level of customer care meets reasonable ex- Once you have your new services set pectations and that access to it is easy up do not be surprised if you receive and not via a premium rate number as unsolicited sales calls from Orange, technical queries can take a long time Free, SFR or other companies who to resolve. Look for providers that can will have bought your details from a communicate with you in English unless website used to ascertain the speed of your technical French is good, and also the broadband service applied to your see if they offer a freephone number for line. One of the biggest unexpected your use. problems you may have after receiving such a call is to suddenly find that all 18 Most readers will be aware of the much your services have been transferred more bureaucratic way of doing busi- to that company. The usual reason for ness in France and this applies to most this type of miss-selling is that their telecom service providers. Do expect telesales staff are paid commissions to have to provide more personal de- for each sale and they may not be tails with your application for line rental, there in a few months’ time. They have and remember that all important written little or no interest in your needs and www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 19 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market leave in their wake many dissatisfied customers faced with considerable expense to than similar providers in other countries. It is therefore in your own interests to ensure put matters right. Most frequently a sale is made on the basis of changing the broad- you maintain your account in good order. If you do not and you are pursued for a bad band service from a service applied to your telephone line, known as ‘dégroupage debt a successful claim against you will also involve you paying for court and debt partiel’ to ‘dégroupage total’. The latter ceases the low frequency ‘voice’ range on collector costs. your telephone line and sends all your calls over your broadband service. The benefit of this arrangement is that the line rental charge of 16€ per month is no longer pay- Most people are familiar with the importance of not writing cheques drawn on a able, so the saving is attractive. However your line should usually have a minimum French bank account when there are insufficient funds to meet the cost. What may of 2Mb speed for the quality of the voice service to be satisfactory. In our experience not be so apparent is that if you settle your invoices by direct debit (known in France few telesales staff undertake this simple test before making the sale. There are many as a ‘prélèvement’) you will be charged by your provider for any declined payment. other considerations as well that are dealt with in the chapter on broadband. This is because the bank will charge your provider a significant amount for the transaction failure, and they will pass that on to you. The cost is large and needs to be No contract will have been signed and you only have a seven day cooling off period avoided. Indeed, French bank charges are high in comparison to those in many other that will most likely have been exceeded by the time you become aware of the situ- countries so good financial management is important. ation. Also cancellation fees may have to be paid to your chosen provider. Be aware that simply asking for or agreeing to receive information on the calling company’s UKtelecom has been providing services to the English speaking expat market since products may be regarded by them as sufficient to constitute a new contract, giving 2005. Unique amongst its competitors it is an ISO 9002 accredited company and them the right to take over your account! has fully bilingual staff. Our staff are not paid by commission so you can be sure that if you ask them for advice you will get sound and honest information allowing you to This seems to most people to represent a complete failure by the regulators. The take informed decisions that are best for your needs. general feeling is that the big companies are very well connected and this results in a lack of will by the authorities to address this problem. Operating from its base in the UK it is also the only company able offer you the choice of paying your invoices from either French or alternatively British bank ac- All providers will want to be paid by an automatic payment from your bank account. counts – 25% of customers choose to make payments from a British bank account. They are also much quicker to suspend or cancel services because of unpaid bills 20 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 21 Chapter 2 uk Getting a new line... ... & choosing the options once installed your first choice for telecoms There are two types of lines used for private homes that you can choose from. The first is the standard analogue line that is permanently active. The second is known as a ‘ligne residence secondaire’ which can be suspended when not in use, and therefore does not incur line rental charges when temporarily disconnected. This second option is not available for your main residence and it is not suitable for most broadband services. If you need a new line ... ... then leave it to us! If you need a new telephone line installed and don’t want the hassle of it, or you simply just want one point of contact, we can manage this for you for a one off fee of 40.00€. New line installation management If you are moving to France you may find it attractive to ask your chosen provider to arrange for your new line to be installed, releasing precious time for other pressing matters. UKtelecom can manage your line installation for you for a small fee, and in doing this we ensure there is no miss-selling and only good advice on what products would be appropriate. We’ll make contact with France Telecom for you, arrange the engineer’s attendance at your property and deal with any queries that arise. Expert advice given on difficult installations. The other advantage for many is that using 40.00€ a provider marketing specifically to the niche English speaking expat market is that communication will be in English, which is a great assistance when dealing with technical matters Click here for more information or if you have questions about your invoice. If you choose a UK based company such as UKtelecom you will also find that the approach to Freephone 0805 631 632 from France or +44 (0)1483 477 100 from the UK www.uktelecom.net [email protected] customer care is of a higher order and is more likely to meet your expectations. www.uktelecom.net 23 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Setting up a new line or taking over an existing line The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The length of time for a line to be activated remotely is about eight working days, but is always subject to local considerations. Taking over an active line If the line cannot be activated remotely You are most likely to need to have an existing line that is currently in use transferred and an appointment has to be made for an engineer to to you. This is reasonably quick and easy to achieve. All you have to do is provide attend (called an RDV [‘rendez-vous’]) it may take up to four or five weeks the name and telephone number of the current subscriber. A standard fee of 55€ will depending on local circumstances. be charged by Orange If you are taking over an existing line the The current user of the line must cease his number will almost certainly be changed, contract before your application will be so don’t give out the previous user’s considered. number or have any stationery printed until your number is confirmed! Installing a brand new line However if the current user of the line is a UKtelecom customer and you, as the new user of the line, intend to use UKtelecom’s services this fee will not be charged. In A simple new line installation will cost about order to benefit from this arrangement UKtelecom would have to receive a contract 130€. from you before the existing customer cancels the line. If there has never been a line at the propTaking over a disconnected line that has been used within the last two years erty a survey will be undertaken and the cost might be high. This is particularly true if a You will need to provide the name or telephone number of the previous subscriber for new pole has to be installed due to the dis- the line to be reactivated remotely and the cost is 55€. However if you do not have tance between the existing service and the this information and Orange cannot identify the details from their own records it is property, or a trench needs to be dug across likely that an engineer will have to come out and the charge will be about 130€. a public path or road. If a trench is needed, authorisation will have to be obtained from Taking over a line that has been disconnected for more than two years the Voirie (the authority responsible for looking after highways). You will be provided with 24 It is always helpful if you can provide the details of the last known subscriber as this an estimate for the additional work, which will help Orange when tracing the services previously used. An engineer will have to will not commence until you have given your come to the property and the connection charge will be about 130€. agreement to meet the costs. www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 25 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The process can also be frustrated if Orange cannot obtain permission to erect a The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market If an engineer needs to come out pole on someone’s land and this is required for the service to be provided. Under these circumstances you will have little choice but to use a combined satellite broad- If an engineer needs to attend they may need to have access to your property and band and calls service. This is dealt with in another chapter. they will phone you in advance to make arrangements. Normally this will be via a call to your mobile, but be aware that they will only call French mobile numbers; if you do not have one it is best to seek the help of a neighbour or buy a French ‘sim card’. If you are moving into a new house or flat If having made arrangements you find you are unable to keep the appointment you you will find that they are often pre-cabled. must give a minimum of 24 hours’ notice of your request for a change or cancellation Help your chosen provider to get your line otherwise charges will apply. Typically these charges start at 25€. installed quickly by providing them with the ‘logo number’ (floor and flat number) which is usually on a metal plate by the front door. If you are going to use your existing mobile One further point to remember is that Orange’s installation requires you as the owner remember to have it unblocked so you can to dig a trench, at your own expense, from your boundary to the outside wall of your use it with a French ‘sim card’. property to run the cable underground, if that is the route, or to ensure that there are no trees or other barriers that would affect the installation of an overhead line. You are also responsible for making a hole in the external wall to allow the cable entry. Orange will only install the first internal telephone socket under the contract. Whilst Buyer beware they will install additional sockets most people choose to employ a local electrician to do this as they are cheaper or alternatively do the work themselves. You can order your new line directly from Orange, or from one of several A new customer wished to have a alternative providers. The local Or- line installed at the property he had ange shop will make the arrange- just purchased. It had never had a ments or you can use their English telephone previously installed and speaking helpline if your French is was in the countryside. This required Orange to undertake a survey which not so good. Orange will ask if you showed that an additional pole would have to be installed to carry the are the owner of the property or if telephone line. However it would need to be located on adjacent land owned you are renting it. They will also re- by the local angling club. quire you to pay by ‘prélèvement’ (French direct debit) from a French 26 When asked for permission the club refused saying it would interfere with bank account, and also let them their use of the land. The customer was left with little option but use a satel- take a copy of the photograph page lite solution for broadband and calls. of your passport. www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 27 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Otherwise, for a small fee, you can ask your lish speaking expat community they can make the arrangements for your new line chosen alternative provider to do all this work for and all other services you may want to run over it. This will almost certainly save you you. (Not all offer this service so check if this is money. For example calls made to international destinations via Orange will be much important to you.) It can be an attractive option if more expensive than many alternative companies, with even bigger differences for you are busy with arrangements for moving etc. calls to mobiles and nongeographic numbers frequently used by banks and insurance companies. Several offer very low cost calls to the UK for example, making the Experience has told us that if you are speaking call cheaper than calling a local French number with Orange. directly with an Orange sales person you need to be prepared to come under some pressure to Keep your expectations realistic buy other services, such as a call package or broadband. If you are happy with this and the Many new arrivals expect their new line (even if it is connecting or transferring an associated charges then it will be convenient to existing one to their name) to be nearly instantaneous. When being told that it usually have all your services on one bill. However the takes ten days some are very disappointed, saying that it never took that long back Orange products are generally more expensive in ‘their’ country. To the best of our knowledge there is very little difference between and are structured to reflect the use made by the the French and other European countries in this respect. If broadband is to be an ad- general French population. Similarly, many of ditional service it can take a further ten days once the new line is active before it will their competitors marketing to the general popu- go live. Again this is typical for the industry, so plan for these lead times rather than lation do not offer the best value. If you wish to allowing yourself to become frustrated! use an alternative provider once your line is set up simply decline any services other than the line installation. Look out for the broadband trick. You are likely to be asked if you want the line for broadband and if you say ‘yes’ they are most likely to interpret this as you wishing to take their broadband service – so simply say ‘no’. This makes no difference to the line’s properties and your preferred supplier will install your broadband service on it in the normal way. If you choose to have all your services from a specialist provider focused on selling to the Eng- 28 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 29 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Multiplexé lines Ligne residence secondaire If you live in an area where there is limited exchange capacity and it is not possible This type of line is provided specifically for second home owners and you must be to provide you with a dedicated line you may be offered a ‘multiplexé’ line. This ser- able to prove that your main residence is at another property to be able to subscribe vice typically groups up to seven customers together by installing a ‘demultiplexer’ at to this, done by producing current utility or insurance bills for another property, or the local exchange and from this it sends a single line to the general location of the through proof of residence abroad – often a tax document. You can only have this customers in the group. Here a ‘multiplexé’ unit shares the access. The device ex- type of line directly from Orange as they do not make it available for other companies tends the capacity of the low frequency (voice) capability of the line, with calls being to resell. digitised between the two devices. The big drawback of this type of line is that there is not enough high frequency bandwidth left on the line for any of the group using it This service is available whether or not your main home is in France. to have a broadband service. You can request the service to be suspended for 1 to 12 months, up to 6 times a If this is an issue it may be best to seek the help of the local Mairie who may make rep- year. Whilst the service is suspended you can have your calls forwarded overseas, resentations to Orange to invest in additional capacity at the exchange concerned. but of course there will be a cost for each call forwarded based on its duration and destination. Alternatively you may wish to consider taking a satellite broadband service. The latest generation using KA technology, launched in June 2011, is capable of carrying your telephone service as well. Please see the section on satellite broadband for ✔ To deactivate or reactivate the service, call giving instructions at least ✔ ✔ For further information (in French): please follow this link 48 hours before departure/arrival: Tel: 1014 or 3000 more information. demultiplexer For information (in French) on call forwarding: please follow this link multiplexé 30 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 31 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market If you have a second home and want to save money with this option you must remember that it is not suitable for use with a normal broadband service. This is be- The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Payment of line rental & associated bills cause every time the line is suspended it will remove the broadband facility, meaning that cancellation fees will be charged by your broadband supplier. In addition on your If you rent your line from Orange they will return new activation charges will be payable also, the total costs being far more invoice you bimonthly in advance for the than the line rental charges that would have been saved. Orange however does sell service. Their competitors usually invoice a slow speed broadband service that is compatible with this type of line. monthly in advance. If you transfer from Orange to another provider you will receive The good news is that you can still use another provider for your calls and save a credit for the balance of any period pre- money. paid that subsequently transfers to your new provider. Choosing the services available on your line It is important to remember that in France There are a range of services you can choose to have active on your line. Some are service providers are much quicker to sus- free and others are charged per month. More information on these services is given pend or cancel services in the event of late in Chapter 3. or non-payment of an outstanding invoice. Reconnection usually involves a reconnecFree options tion charge. If you have a broadband ser- • Number permanently withheld vice it will have been disconnected and you • Register with the French directory will be liable for the cancellation charge • Find out who tried to contact you and also an activation charge if you want • Withhold your number it reinstated. Landline calling features (charged at 1€/month) If you have cancelled your arrangements • No display (the default setting, so free) with Orange some time previously leaving • Display calling number* unpaid bills and subsequently wish to buy • Display caller’s name* services from them again they will require • Call waiting you to pay a deposit before considering • Transfer calls your request. • Message service (answerphone) UKtelecom is the only specialist pro* Only one of these options can be selected. vider giving you the choice of paying for your services via a UK direct debit. 32 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 33 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Getting your directory entry right The telephone preference service When you have your new line installed, or if you are taking over an existing one, you Like most other countries France gives you the option to opt out of receiving unsolic- will be asked by your provider if you want to be in the directory or exdirectory. ited sales and marketing calls. The service is known as ‘liste orange’. This is a free service and can be accessed using this link (in French). France produces two new telephone directories annually: ‘pages jaunes’ (yellow pages) is the directory for businesses whilst ‘pages blanches’ (white pages) is the You simply need to complete the ‘formulaire de souscription’. Use the link to enter directory for private numbers. These are issued by la poste (post office) and in most your telephone number, email address and a contact number. regions they will be delivered to your door. You will see that the directories are organised by town or village names, so you first need to look for the appropriate town Please note this service is only available to Orange subscribers. or village and then look up the service or person you require. There is also an online directory, again arranged using the same colours but within Choosing to be unlisted or exdirectory the same site. This is very helpful if you are a second home owner and want to arrange services whilst out of the country, ready for your return. To access the direc- The service is free and you can register online if you did not do this when first apply- tory, please follow this link. ing for your line. As usual you will have to provide an email address and a contact number. If for any reason you have a business or private number and wish to find out the address associated with it the same website has a ‘reverse directory’. Please follow Known as ‘liste rouge’ this option removes all details of your number from both print- this link. ed and online directories. In addition your number will not be released to telephone number services. Using the tab at the top of the home page ‘à qui est ce numéro’ is another way to For more information on this service please follow this link. access the reverse directory. 34 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 35 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Chapter 3 free services ... Running a small business? ... & others that are chargeable If you are running a small business you may need an entry level digital service with Free services two lines utilising a small telephone system. This is known in the UK as an ISDN2e service, and its equivalent in France is known as ‘numeris’. You can have call pack- When placing your order you can spec- ages associated with this type of service so you are not restricted to a ‘pay as you ify from a number of free features to be go’ service, although if your usage is light this may be the best option. placed on your line. Those used most often are: Larger requirements can be met with a different type of line but because of the minority interest to readers details are not included here. Find out who tried to call you last On dialling 3131 a voice prompt gives you the number of the last person who tried to call you, with the date and time of their call. To call return the call press 5 on your handset. Choose to withhold your number By dialling 3651 in front of the number you wish to call your own number will be withheld on the handset of the person you are calling. Choose to permanently withhold your number This feature will always withhold your name and phone number, ensuring your privacy. If you wish to use this service your provider will activate it for you. Choose exdirectory Please refer to the section “getting your directory entry right” in Chapter 2. 36 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 37 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Chargeable services The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Name display - to see the name of your caller on your handset The name of your caller will display on your handset unless withheld or unavailable. There are several additional features that have charges associated with them. The The details shown are those from the phone directory. (This is only available on most popular of these are: compatible phones – though most modern phones have this feature). This service costs 1.00€ / month. Call waiting You will be warned by a beep that someone is trying to call you while you are on You cannot have both the number and name display services on the same line. another call. This service allows you to put the first caller on hold and speak to the Call forwarding second caller. This is a service that allows you to have your calls redirected to another number if Once you have signed up to this service, you can activate or deactivate it at will. you are away. In addition to the 1€ / month charge for the service you will have to pay Press *43# to activate or #43# to deactivate. for the calls being transferred. To use this feature press R followed by 2 to speak to your second caller, then R fol- Message service - automated answerphone service lowed by 1 to return to your first caller. This feature allows you to receive messages if you are already on the phone or away from home. We must point out that this answerphone is in French and might well confuse your friends in the UK. However, it can be programmed to have your own This service costs 1.00€ / month. English personalised message – see below. Number display - to see the number of your caller on your handset You will see the number of your caller on your handset, unless their number is with- It is almost impossible to find information on how to use this Orange service, and as held or unavailable. (This is only accessible on compatible phones – though most the prompts are in French, and rapid, the following may be of assistance: modern phones have this feature). This service costs 1.00€ / month. Step 1: Call the Orange helpline from your landline and say “je voudrais activer ma messagerie vocale”. It is likely to be a small number of days before the service is activated. Step 2: Once the service is activated you will know when messages have been left because you will get a short ring tone on your handset. Simply dial 3103 to access your messages. Press 1 to listen to them, press 2 to save them and press 3 to delete them. Access saved messages by calling 3103 and pressing 1 in the usual way. 38 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 39 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market To get to the part of the service you want call 3103 then between prompts: We always suggest you have your own Press 2 answerphone. This is much more reliable Press 1 and you can see and hear things Press 2 immediately. Press 1 Press 2 Press 1 and then record your personal greeting, and then press # To set the number of rings before the answerphone starts Press 1 to activate your greeting You can set this from 5 to 40 seconds (by multiples of 5 seconds) which means from 1 to 10 rings. From the landline on which this feature is activated dial *610*, then eg If you use a VoIP line for your calls (see under broadband) your broadband service 25# will give 25 seconds (around 5 rings). A message tells you that your request has provider will offer a similar service usually for the same cost but the instructions you been accepted and confirmed. have to use will be different. Personalised greeting message This service costs 1.00€ / month. To personalise your greeting message dial 3103 from your landline, then press 2 and you will be guided through the different steps to change your greeting message while Useful French words & terms you are away or when you are already on the phone. Voicemail messagerie vocale Personalising your service You will probably want to replace the standard greeting with your own personalised You have reached the Adams family. Vous êtes bien chez la famille Adams. one. Most of our customers do this in both English and French – with brief greetings Please leave your message Veuillez laisser votre message working best. Don’t worry about messages left for you in French as you can always after the beep après le beep sonore Save (to save a message) conserver Delete (to delete a message) supprimer To listen to your messages, press 1 Pour consulter vos messages, appuyez sur 1 Hash key # la touche dièse Make a personalised greeting personnaliser votre messagerie replay them as many times as necessary using the steps given above. Personalised Setting: Automating the message service if you are using the phone As we are aware is the case with many of our customers who take unlimited call packages, you are likely to enjoy long calls to friends and family back home. However this blocks the line for incoming calls that you may want to receive. Activating the message service to let a caller know you are there but on the phone and giving them the option to leave a message could not be simpler: 40 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 41 Chapter 4 Alternative providers... ... the best price & service Price & service There are two main reasons why people choose an alternative provider to Orange. It is most often to benefit from considerable savings but frequently also it is a desire for better customer service. There are many things about the French way of life that attract us to this wonderful country, particularly the more relaxed environment. However with the present day emphasis on reliable telephone and broadband services a slow response to problems once a service has been bought from some established companies can often cause considerable dissatisfaction. This situation resulted in many expats looking for a better service and in response many of the larger companies set up ‘English speaking’ subsidiaries and a number of independent companies were formed when the telecoms market was deregulated nearly ten years ago. However since then there has been a raft of mergers between the larger French companies with such firms as Tele2, Neuf, and Cegetel now incorporated within SFR, whilst Alice was purchased by Free, and Club Internet ceased trading as an independent. Of the independents some have ceased advertising such as Teleconnect (part of the Budget organisation) although it is still active in the market and looks after its historical customer base. www.uktelecom.net 43 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market AS24 which used to partner with both UKtelecom and Primus can be added to this specialist English speaking companies have relatively weak technical support. How- list with those customers buying a full range of services including broadband moving ever UKtelecom has a dedicated team with highly experienced staff who can offer to UK Telecom directly; the remainder who were only taking telephone calls moved good advice and identify the source of a problem quickly. from Primus to Afone. Afone is a well established French company that had no previous experience of providing services to expats. Significant savings on calls are available from several providers, and some of these also include a number of free minutes with call packages bundled with broadband Phonexpat continues to trade but has experienced an unbroken decline in the size of its business for many years. UKtelecom is alone in providing a growing range of services and has seen a strong record of growth since it started trading in 2003. There are several areas where all companies competing with Orange find it difficult to reduce costs. For example line rental reductions are not generally available and the broadband market only has four main suppliers so competition is poor, compared 44 offers. When headline prices are not enough You will find many call packages providing unlimited calls to an identified number of destinations. The main French companies concentrate on making offers that reflect to the 30 or so providers in the UK for example. As a consequence there is little to the calling pattern of French nationals who make very few international landline and choose between many providers on these prices but there are very real differences mobile calls and rarely call overseas marketing numbers. As a consequence their in respect of calls to international landline, mobile and premium rate numbers as well apparently good unlimited call package may exclude these types of calls and the ‘pay as better customer support from the best of the alternatives. Orange has an English as you go’ rates for them will be high compared with those of specialist providers. speaking helpline but there is widespread criticism of difficulties in getting through. Add to this the fact that most expat calls to overseas landlines and mobiles tend to The same criticism has been made of Afone. SFR’s technical support line is now be much longer than those made by the French home market and unforeseen costs available in English also but the same difficulties of access remain, and some of the can really mount up. www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 45 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market All providers offer unlimited calls to French, an ‘Anglo’ group of countries (typically purchasing. Businesses always make it easy the UK, Ireland, Australia and USA) and the rest of Europe, as well as packages that for you to give your custom to them by giv- include 100 or more international destinations. These offers are for calls made from ing you a free call telephone number. However your landline or broadband VoIP service to landline numbers. None of them include there are very few examples of these impor- overseas marketing numbers, often known as nongeographic numbers, which are tant service providers giving you a freephone widely used by banks and insurance companies for example. Packages that include number or an ordinary number to enable you mobiles are not generally available because of the high risk of abuse, but this is likely to manage the business you have given them. to change. There are some that offer calls to French mobiles as part of the call pack- In fact they usually insist that you use a non- age and if you make very few calls to overseas mobiles this will be a good service geographic number that is expensive for you to consider. and makes more money for them. Many people choose their provider on the price of an unlimited package alone, not You may also have found that the call centres considering the cost of these other calls. If you have just moved to France or your you call on these numbers are less than ef- French home is not your main place of residence you are likely to make many calls ficient. It is instructive to measure the time it to overseas mobiles and nongeographic numbers so do consider carefully how you takes them to answer a call on a freephone choose your supplier! These less obvious costs can make an apparently good offer number used for new business and compare very unattractive for many. this to the time it takes them to answer a call to their service call centres. Don’t be surprised if these service call centres keep you on hold If you have any doubt about the cost to for long periods as you are paying them for call a UK nongeographic number go to this every minute they keep you waiting because website and check: of the high cost of the call from which they re- www.magsys.co.uk ceive a premium; in addition every minute you Select ‘CodeLook’ and type in the number to get the cost to call if you are being taken through the security process were calling from the UK. To this you must add the cost your French you are increasing their profits. There seems supplier will charge to get your call onto the UK network. little or no justification to treat customers this way. What really stings is if you have to call 46 High cost UK calls to government offices, banks etc will be much higher from these numbers from a mobile phone – often France the case when you are abroad. You will probably have found that more of your contacts with HMRC, DWP, NHS, Whoever you choose do not expect UK 0800 your bank, building society or other similar providers are being done over the phone and similar ‘toll free’ numbers to be free when due to the general trend of centralisation of services, branch closures and internet calling from France. The owners of those www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 47 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market numbers pay for you to call them only when your call originates within the UK. For If you do not have a landline in France and use example, if you are calling from France whichever provider you use they will have a UK mobile there will be very heavy additional to charge you to get your call from France onto the UK network. Similar situations charges because you are making an overseas will apply to other countries national ‘low rate’ and ‘premium rate’ calls. All the main call so roaming charges will apply. However French companies make high charges for these types of calls whilst specialist com- you may be able to reduce these if you can find panies serving the expat market are likely to offer better value. out the actual standard number that the nongeographic number terminates on, as often this If you ever need to call ‘personal follow me numbers’ which in the UK usually start type of call will be included in your package, so with the prefix 09 and you use a French national carrier the cost can be almost eye it may be free from the UK and possibly France watering. These numbers are now starting to be used by UK hospitals providing depending on your call package. If it is not in- telephone services to patients which can add to an already stressful situation. So if cluded in your call package it will be cheaper savings are a priority there is no alternative but to do a little research. from overseas if you are using a specialist provider. If you use a French mobile ‘sim card’ try Shown below is a table of the different types of nongeographic numbers and the cost to find out how much the call tariff is. to call them within the UK: You can find many standard telephone numbers that can be substituted for the expensive Number range Typical cost to call in the UK * (check with your provider) 08 marketing numbers by following the advice in the ‘top tip’ below. The businesses that use 0800 Free marketing numbers simply buy them and use 03 National rate the national telephone network to redirect call- 0845 Lo-call ers to the appropriate office in their organisa- 0844 Between 1ppm & 5ppm** tion, which will of course have a standard num- 0870 National Rate ber. So if you can find out what that number is 0871 10ppm the call may be free if it falls within your call 09 ‘follow me’ numbers, hospitals etc Very high, see ‘top tip’ above package or much less expensive whenever you are making your call outside of it. The first place * Remember to add your French supplier’s cost to these prices. to look is for information given by the company about how to make contact when abroad. This ** The actual cost for you to call these numbers will depend on the profit the is almost always a standard geographic num- owner of the number wants to make from your time on the phone. You will ber and you can simply use this with the appro- need to ask to find the cost of the charge on a particular number. priate international prefix depending on where you are. It will work from within the UK also. 48 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 49 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Second home & low volume telephone users - is an unlimited call package best? Go online and search www.saynoto0870. com putting the marketing number you have been given into it. If you are lucky For homes not permanently occupied or where the number of calls made is low it the search will come back with a normal would be wise to consider one of the many ‘pay as you go’ tariffs. However, it can be telephone number. This very useful site does not restrict itself to just difficult to judge whether you may be better off having a call package and to help with 0870 numbers so do look for 0844, 0845 and other similar prefixes. this UKtelecom offers to activate and deactivate call packages for complete months and only requires an email from you stating when the service is needed. This can be done with as little as 24 hours notice, and sometimes less. The www.saynoto0870.com website grows by visitors adding the normal numbers they have discovered to the database. So if the number you want is not there leave The same considerations around the differences in call profiles for expat customers a message on the marketing number you have asking them to call you back. If they compared to French nationals will obviously also apply to ‘pay as you go’ tariffs com- do their number may be presented on your phone. Take a note of it so you can use pared to unlimited call packages. it in the future. Also, help everyone else with a similar need by adding the details to this website. In countries where the deregulation of the telecoms market is longer established the practice of making a one off charge each time a call is answered has reduced or If you are abroad and have access to a smartphone you can download an app called disappeared. This is known as a connection charge. However in France it remains either 08 Wizard or 0800 Wizard. Once downloaded dial the 08 or 0800 number you common, but the cost varies considerably between providers. It ranges typically from need and the app will simply reroute your call to a normal number instead. There is 0.06€ to 0.12€ per call. Whilst this does not seem to be very much it should be re- a possibility that this will be a type of call that will be included in your package if you membered that calls to mobiles are on average about 1.5 minutes and calls to land- are in the UK, making it a free call if you have not used all your allowance! lines typically 5 minutes, so the cumulative cost each month may be significant but not necessarily noticeable. It will pay you to check these charges before committing yourself to a new provider. At UKtelecom it is our policy to Note... give you a freephone number to contact us on if you are in France and a standard telephone number if you are in the UK. These numbers can be used for any type of call, and are not restricted to sales calls. 50 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 51 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Cheapest is not always best The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The role of a good provider is to be able to offer excellent telephone support, to have sufficient knowledge to assist in correctly identifying the cause of any problem As mentioned elsewhere some providers’ service levels are often lower than ex- quickly and knowing how to get it repaired without delay. The technical support staff pected. For example many will demand an instruction from you in writing for the you speak with will have a number of web based diagnostic and repair tools to inves- cancellation of any service and most often ‘en recommandé’ (by recorded delivery) tigate problems on your line or broadband service and this allows quicker repairs to before they will act on your wishes. UKtelecom makes no such demand of its cus- be made. The service is often dependant on you using your provider’s modem as this tomers and is happy to respond to instructions by email saving you both time and is designed to communicate with these diagnostic tools. money. Some provide terms and conditions for services aimed expressly at Today’s technology also allows your the English speaking expat market that provider to use web gateways to com- are written in French – hardly customer municate with the owners of the tele- focused and almost certainly some- com equipment and this allows for the thing that works to your disadvantage. quickest reporting of problems. De- This problem is often compounded pending on the type of problem it may with a poor response to the simplest be rectified by a software intervention things such as the time to answer the making the resolution quick. If the fault phone or respond to an email. It follows is on your telephone line it may need to that the energy such providers put into be investigated physically; this will be addressing customer needs is corre- done by an Orange subcontractor with spondingly slow as well. the speed depending on your Region or Département and the volume of work at UKtelecom has led the way in custom- the time. For example repairs can take er service, offering a freephone num- longer following a storm as the French ber for customers to call irrespective of network has a greater proportion if its the issue they want help with, its terms infrastructure on poles as opposed to and conditions are in plain English and in ducting under the pavement. Also all of its staff are bilingual. UKtelecom there is a longer response during July is also the only company providing and August due to staff holidays. invoices in English or French and ac- 52 cepting payment by a UK direct debit From a practical point of view it is bet- or a French ‘prélèvement’. There is an ter to buy your line rental, calls and option to have paper invoices but gen- broadband from the same provider. erally they are sent by email. This enables them to test and manage www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 53 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market all aspects of your service, avoiding the risk, for example, of Orange being unhelpful The service works by ‘translating’ your French number into a low cost UK number with a fault on the line if calls are not going over their equipment. starting 0844. This has no effect on the way your French number works; you simply give this alternative number to your friends and family in the UK. There is no contract The 0844 number that saves money! - to sign and there are no charges to you or those you give this number to. They will save money for friends and family in the UK when they call you simply be charged by their own provider for a low rate call which will be added to their bill in the normal way. Calls made over a BT line will cost 3 pence per minute at any Whether your property in France is your holiday home or main residence, you may time compared to 18 pence per minute calling a French number in office hours on a have left behind friends, family and others in the UK who will want to call you but domestic line. Other service providers may have different charges, but they certainly who may be reluctant to call an international number. There is a long established and will be a lot less than making an international call. Charges will be more if made free service that you can use that dramatically reduces the costs they would pay. from a mobile unless the call package specifically includes 0844 nongeographic However UKtelecom is thought to be unique in marketing this ‘UKDirect2U’ service numbers. to its customers in France*. (The same service is also offered by UKtelecom for calls made from the UK to most other international destinations.) Callers using your translated number will get UK rather than French ring tones due to the equipment being used. * Even if you are not a UKtelecom customer you can still take advantage of this excellent service by visiting our website and subscribing to it online which will The service needs to be used regularly to keep it live. In practice this means that normally take about 2 minutes. the number has to be called once every three months. The call does not have to be answered. As long as the connection is completed and the calling party gets a ring 54 It could not be simpler to use and for your UK callers it can reduce their costs to one tone it is enough to keep the service operational. The service can be reinstated by sixth of the rate they would be charged on a standard domestic BT service in office following the original procedure but there is a strong possibility that the original 0844 hours. But best of all the service is free to you! number will have been lost and a new one will be provided. www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 55 Chapter 5 INSURANCE IN FRANCE What should I do if ... ... my telephone stops working? Like any service, problems will occur from time to English-speaking, French-based Insurance brokers time. Getting a fault repaired quickly is always a priority and understanding how repairs are made is essential if you are to avoid having unreasonable expectations! Unlike BT in the UK for example where there is a national company – Openreach – that manages all fault repairs, France subcontracts repairs to compa- Property ◆ Vehicles ◆ Health ◆ Life ◆ Commercial nies that have tendered for the work. In practice this means that different companies will be employed depending on the Region or Département. In some Expert advice on all French insurance needs instances there are as many as four subcontractors Dedicated English-speaking division there is a wide range of performance and where it Wide range of competitive covers and policies available working in the same area. The consequence is that is poor in practice there is nothing that can be done about it at customer level. Quotes obtained from major international insurance underwriters The subcontractors are required to repair faults as All claims processed in English erations that can affect the prioritisation of faults eg Comprehensive advice on health insurance in France or if there is a wider problem such as damage they are reported irrespective of the service provider. However, there are some operational considwhere there is a general problem at an exchange caused by a flood or storm. This latter problem is much more frequent than in many other countries For an informed and really friendly no obligation discussion contact Nick Chubb: Tel: 04 68 32 41 20 (From the UK: 00 44 4 68 32 41 20) e-mail: [email protected] www.asttral.com because a much larger proportion of the network is distributed on poles rather than in ducting under the pavement, and is therefore more vulnerable to storm damage, corrosion and damage from overhanging trees for example. www.uktelecom.net 57 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market If you pay line rental to Orange you will need to be able to report the fault in French to the probability will be that much higher. Before you call and ask for an engineer to fix them. The engineers will ask for the symptoms, if there is a dialling tone etc and then it there are some simple things you should do to eliminate the possibility of the fault allocate an engineer. You can also report a fault in French on www.1013.fr. resting within your home and therefore being your responsibility. If you do not do this and an engineer finds that there is no fault on the network you will be charged for Once a fault is allocated to an engineer they will investigate and may call at your their attendance – a not inconsiderable amount. property as part of their work. If you are out and they need to have access they will make another appointment. As mentioned previously you must provide a French First take a few moments to find out if the problem affects only you or if you have contact number (the engineers will not call a UK mobile) and if you fail to keep an neighbours similarly affected. Storm damage to the local network or a problem at appointment you have agreed to charges will apply. your exchange could affect many households and if that is the case the fault is likely to have been reported already. Three Types of Faults If you believe you are the only home to be affected the next thing to do is to check The three main types of problems are: there is no damage to the wiring in your property and that your equipment is connected in the usual way. If you have multiple telephone sockets in your house it is ✘ ✘ ✘ A complete loss of service always best to start by connecting a telephone handset directly in to the first socket Intermittent poor quality for both incoming and outgoing calls entering your house from the telephone line, to identify internal wiring problems. Problems with your wiring are often capable of being repaired by a competent DIY enthusiast, but if you want this to be done by someone else it is far less expensive to Poor quality outgoing calls only use a local electrician than an Orange appointed subcontract engineer. Each is addressed below. Do double check that an electrical storm has not damaged your equipment. Such storms are far more frequent in parts of France than may have been your previous A complete loss of service experience and power surges can travel down the telephone line and damage hand- 58 If you cannot receive or make any calls the problem is most likely to be due to the sets or any other equipment connected to it. So always try another handset if you telephone line being faulty. If you have lost your broadband service at the same time have one or can borrow one from a neighbour. www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 59 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Make the following quick and easy checks: One customer had an infrequent ✔ ✔ ✔ Check there is no obvious fault with your wiring loss of service. All normal line tests showed no fault, but after Check your handset is working much perseverance it was identified that the problem occurred following heavy rain. Eventually the engi- Check you can receive calls by ringing your number using a mobile neer was persuaded to ‘walk the line’ and discovered that for 100m it had phone or call from a neighbour’s phone come off the poles and was in a ditch that occasionally filled with water. If these do not reveal a problem with your equipment call either Orange or your alternative provider if you pay your line rental to them. If calling Orange choose the option Make the following quick and easy checks for poor quality or total line failure. This is a French language automated service and so your service provider can you will be asked to give your number and a description of the fault. address the fault quickly: • service fails or the quality drops If you pay your line rental to another provider call them and they will manage the fault for you in the same way as Orange. They have tools to remotely test your line • helpful if you can provide a mobile number so you can be updated on what is being done, but do remember that Orange will only call a mobile with a French ‘sim card’ whereas most other providers will call you even if you have a mobile with another country’s ‘sim card’. Consider variations in the weather or storm damage and if they are linked to the drop in service whilst you are on the phone to them and these may reveal what the problem is. In any event they will take ownership of the problem and keep you informed. It will be Make a list of the times when the • Be prepared to explain the problem accurately in French if your provider does not offer customer support in English Incoming calls are okay, but outgoing calls are of poor quality The most likely reason for this is that you are using an alternative provider to Orange and that at your particular exchange they have installed their own equipment to offer Calls can be made but are poor quality lower prices. Whilst they use high quality equipment, it is not part of the exchange. In If you find both incoming and outgoing calls are of poor quality the problem will again be with the line. Call your provider in the same way as if there was a loss of service on your line. practice this type of fault hardly happens, and when it does it will affect only a small area, ie that covered by your local exchange, and only its customers, not the whole of the locality. Repairs are usually completed quickly. To get the fault repaired as quickly as possible report it to your provider, giving three detailed examples including the date, time and number called. Also let them know if calls are okay to landlines but not mobiles as there could be a local problem with the mobile service provider. 60 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 61 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Chapter 6 Dial-up Occasionally there can be a problem calling a single overseas destination. In these Taking a few moments out to look back to past times often brings with it warm feel- cases it will be an equipment problem with the international carrier not your provider ings of nostalgia. The now almost discarded dial-up service is unlikely to provoke and this type of problem can equally affect Orange and other providers. It will still be pleasant memories though. It is a service that enables you to have broadband ac- necessary to give three examples of problem calls. cess over the low frequency (voice) side of your telephone line but it comes with many disadvantages. You may have recollections of attempting to download pictures from friends or family, or information from the web, by simply setting the download Make the following quick and easy checks: • process in motion and going away to do other things for a quarter of an hour only to Is call quality poor to both landlines find on your return that the download has failed! and mobiles or just mobiles? • Have you made a list of 3 examples with the date, time of day and number being called ie mobile or landline? • Be prepared to explain the problem accurately in French if your provider does not offer customer support in English The increase in social networking and everyday tasks that we now undertake online such as internet banking mean this once popular service has all but disappeared because it simply cannot support these activities. If your needs are infrequent and are restricted to sending and receiving short emails with no attachments, and you have no requirement to search the web and download information, it may still be a service you want to consider because of its low cost. However it is slow and whilst in use it prevents your normal voice service working, so no incoming or outgoing calls can be handled. 62 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 63 Chapter 7 Broadband ... ... finding the right service for you Setting the scene Recent years have seen a huge change in the way people and businesses communicate with each other. Broadband has altered the way we do our shopping, gather information and keep in touch with family and friends. It may also be how you discovered the property that you have purchased as it is estimated that more than 90% of searches for property in France start on the internet. Access to a reliable broadband service will be a priority if you have left behind family and friends that you are keen to stay in touch with or you have a business need for this service. However there is an extraordinary amount of miss-selling in France, with the worst offenders in our experience being Orange followed by some call centres working for the big competitor companies. This miss-selling is most likely driven by the sales commissions that are paid so it is worth spending some time to make sure you do not buy the wrong service; whilst it has never been easier to set up a broadband service the opportunity to make an expensive mistake remains large! The obvious thing from a purchaser’s point of view is to buy services at the lowest price, but with broadband there is not always a complete understanding of what is being offered and unsuitable services continue to be sold regularly to the unsuspecting. www.uktelecom.net 65 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The problem starts with the way the ‘dégroupage total’ service, described later in this The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Get the customer service you want chapter, is sold. Telesales staff will say you can have a broadband and call package for less than 40€ a month, which is significantly cheaper than some offers which Most telecoms companies have recognised the considerable size of the English cost typically 16€ more. Services sold at these prices will almost certainly route all speaking expat market, resulting in many French companies setting up an English your calls over your broadband service, known as VoIP calls. For these calls to be speaking sales team, with some also providing technical support in English. If this is of an acceptable quality the speed of your broadband needs to be at least 2MB. It is an important consideration for you, do make enquiries about the working language unlikely that the telesales person will make the check for you as they do not want to of the technical support function. A good indicator can be if the company makes lose the sale and the associated commission. So do not expect to be made aware its terms & conditions available in English – if it doesn’t you might find their English that this service will only work on 20% of the lines of prospective customers they speaking services are understaffed and difficult to access, or worse are simply not speak with. available. This may be important for you if you feel your technical French language skills are not particularly strong as the desire to always have access to a working broadband service can be seriously frustrated by language problems. Never agree to change your telecom service provider as a result of a sales call and never agree to receive information on There have been many comments in the media about the plan announced by Orange services from a telesales person as it has in the spring of 2012 to double their investment in fibre for broadband, but because of been known for them to argue this proves you have agreed to move to the cost this will be uneconomic for most areas where expats like to live. The problem them! is made worse because of the way the service is going to be delivered. The fibre is being taken directly into every home on the service. This compares with the UK Our consistent advice is never agree to change your provider in response to a sales solution which brings fibre to the local roadside cabinet and uses the existing copper call – tell the person who has called you that you will do your own research. If you do cables for the last leg of the service. Whilst the Orange solution will deliver the very not you could find yourself with a new provider and the seven day cooling off period highest speeds this is unlikely to be fully utilised by most domestic users. So there may have expired by the time you receive any paperwork from them. Nor should will be a real difference depending on where you live and if the local Mairie can bring you agree to them posting information to you as they may then argue that you have pressure to bear. agreed to change providers. It is disappointing to have to give this advice but so many instances of improper selling have come to our attention as to make the inclusion of the advice desirable. 66 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 67 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market If broadband is important to you we advise you not take a property seller’s word that The only test that gives you an accurate speed, or confirms the service is indeed it is available – others have found it not always to be the case. It is simple to test the available, is the one that is undertaken on an active line into your house. line and you or your chosen supplier can do this in minutes. Beware though, the sites that are used to make the tests sell the numbers being tested to broadband suppliers Understanding the contractual relationship who then make cold calls offering their products. In this respect please bear in mind the information given in Chapter 1 under the heading ‘important legal and related If you can get broadband the next thing is to understand the nature of all broadband matters’. contracts. These will almost certainly have a minimum contract duration insisted on by suppliers because they incur considerable frontend costs setting up each new If you do not have a line at your property the next best thing is to test a near neigh- service, and also have to enter into a minimum 12 month contract with their sup- bour’s or business number. Use www.mappy.com and www.pagesjaune.fr to get plier. Just as important is that the contract relates to the line on which the service is suitable numbers for this. Armed with a telephone number go to www.degroupetest. being installed, not a customer’s account. So even if you move before the minimum com to establish the speed of that line. Be aware however this will not automatically contract period has expired and you are staying with the same provider for the same mean the speed available to you will be the same as the speed is a product of the services at another location the cancellation charges will still apply. Therefore if you distance between your property and the local exchange, although in most cases it are moving into temporary or rented accommodation consider this carefully. will give you a reasonable approximation. For example the speed at your property will depend on how adjacent properties are connected to the local exchange. Proper- The contract you enter into will almost certainly have a set up or activation charge ties can be connected either by the phone line route going up one side of the road and there is usually a cancellation charge at the end of the contract. Most also pro- and then down the other, and if that is the case it could mean that your neighbour vide a modem for you to use making the set up ‘plug & play’. This avoids you having opposite can get broadband whilst you cannot. This would not be the case if you to struggle with having to configure a username and password, it also usually allows were the next person on the route, assuming that there is not a significant distance remote testing making any fault finding quicker and repairs more efficient. between the properties. 68 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 69 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market From this you will see that broadband is a service that is meant to be permanently Choosing the right broadband service for you available, so it is not generally suitable for low occupancy second homes. As the typical service cannot be suspended you would have to cancel and then activate Dégroupage total the service on each occasion, resulting in costs that may be more than leaving the service permanently connected. However there is a slow speed option that can be Once you have decided to go ahead you will need to understand the choices you suspended which is described below. have and one thing that is not in abundance is good information – so it is very much ‘buyer beware’. Any combined line rental, call and broadband package being sold In France there are only 4 owners of national networks of broadband services com- for less than 40€ per month will be a ‘dégroupage total’ service. This is significantly pared with over 30 in the UK. Some of these make their service available to special- cheaper than the normal service and it is cheaper for a reason! ist companies like UKtelecom. This means prices are high because there is very little competition. Prices are also higher because the area covered by the network is This service disables the voice or low frequency bandwidth on your telephone line, about twice the size of the UK for approximately the same population. and as a result you no longer have to pay the normal line rental charge. Do not expect this to be drawn to your attention by sales staff in the large companies. They will On the plus side, if you live in a major city or very large town additional equipment simply lead you to believe they have a better offer than your current or prospective might have been installed in your local exchange, alongside the Orange apparatus, provider. by either SFR (including UKtelecom) or Free Telecom giving you access to lower price tariffs with these companies. This is called ‘dégroupage total’ but is only avail- If you can get a service with 2Mb or more speed on your line you may want to take able to about 20% of the population, so for the rest there is only standard broadband advantage of being able to have all your calls carried over your broadband service. or if that is not available – usually in rural areas – customers have to choose between There are a couple of important considerations though. The first is that should the one of the satellite offers or the older WiMax and similar products. If your require- speed fall below 2Mb then the quality of calls will also fall and this may not be ac- ment is low or you only require broadband for short periods then a dongle that uses ceptable to you. Think about the quality of calls made over Skype and how some are your mobile service may be a better option, subject to signal quality. of poor quality, this is the experience you may have from time to time if your local network is busy. 70 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 71 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market In fact only about 20% of homes have access to a 2Mb speed. Ask a close neighbour ready have a traditional broadband service and want to make the line rental savings if they are using the service and if it is acceptable before you commit to it. this option has you will be charged to transfer the service, which is a reflection of the charges that your supplier will incur. Most customers choose to move onto this The second important consideration is that if your broadband fails you will not be service following improvements in the local area that brings the option to them for the able to make calls either. If you have a mobile phone and live in an area where the first time. Do remember that you do not have to move to a new provider under these reception is good this may not be a problem. If not then coping with urgent or emer- circumstances as nearly all companies are able to offer this product to you. gency situations may be difficult. A full range of call packages is available from most providers. Do remember that packages offered by If you have been sold a ‘dégroupage total’ the main French companies are designed to meet service and find it is unsatisfactory the needs of the majority of their customers – the because of poor call quality, do not French. The advantages to expats of buying their expect that by moving to a different provider things will improve. The poor quality will be because the speed of the service on your line is too slow meaning you have no alternative but to transfer to a standard broadband service. services from a specialist are dealt with elsewhere and for most will represent better value than taking services from the four big companies. So if you are tempted by a slightly lower headline monthly Do remember that any sales approach from a call centre on behalf of one of the charge do also consider whether this saving will major companies will be trying to sell on cost. The experience of many is that they be more than offset by the higher cost of calls you do not make the simple and easy line speed tests and are quite happy to sign you up make outside of the call package, or in general if for a service that could be inappropriate – all they are interested in is their commis- you make few calls. sion! So do look for a company that does not pay their sales staff commissions and is genuinely interested in a long term relationship with you. Do remember that most of Standard broadband (dégroupage partiel) these contracts are for a 12 month minimum duration. If the service is unacceptable you will have to pay the balance of the contract and a cancellation fee. Just to rub More people take this service than any other. The salt in your wounds Orange will charge you another installation fee just to reactivate service requires a standard telephone line and the voice side of your telephone line, and once that is live you will have to pay for a utilises the broadband spectrum of the telephone new standard broadband service to be activated! line. It does not affect the function of the call side of the telephone line in the way the now outdated Most companies have a fair usage policy but in practice domestic users find for all dial-up service did so both can be used at the same practical purposes there is unlimited upload and download usage. time. In addition, provided the broadband speed is fast enough, you can in effect have a second tele- 72 If ‘dégroupage total’ is the service you want and you already have a telephone num- phone line on the broadband service, which again ber you will be given the option of retaining it, which you may find helpful. If you al- does not affect the normal telephone service. It www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 73 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market comes with its own telephone number and most providers offer call packages on it. Only Orange is able to offer a service that can be suspended and reactivated to The quality of calls made over it will be dependant on the speed of the service which match your times of residence in France. It is associated with a low speed but this is will fluctuate depending on local conditions prevailing at the time the call is being often satisfactory for most needs. As Orange owns the national network they have made. You will need to connect a phone to your modem to access this service. a monopoly position and do not make this service available for other companies to manage and sell to their customers. Connecting more than one computer with the same broadband It is straightforward to use and if you only need a service for less than 6 months total Most providers’ equipment allows two computers to be connected to the same router in a year savings can be made with little inconvenience if you are willing to accept by wires. If this is not convenient, for example if you wish to use a laptop in another the slower speed. room, or more than two computers need to be connected this can best be done with a wireless router. Several providers supply these as standard. However there is one problem that is likely to increase with time. In many areas, particularly rural ones where many holiday homes are located, local exchanges have Remember to set up your wireless broadband (wifi) security otherwise others can issues with capacity, both for lines (see the advice on ‘multiplexé lines’ elsewhere) access it without your authorisation or knowledge. and broadband services. Orange customers using this service have found that on returning from a period away and wishing to reactivate it they have been prevented Broadband you can suspend from Orange from doing so because of a lack of capacity. This means that Orange has treated the suspension as a cancellation giving them the opportunity to sell the service to 74 France has a significant number of holiday homes and owners who make infrequent someone else, usually on a permanent contract. Whilst it is good business for them use of their property are usually reluctant to pay for a permanent broadband service. it is hardly customer focused! www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 75 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market This is not a problem restricted to small hamlets as quite large villages are caught This simple solution is too expensive for heavy use but it does mean that you can use up in the problem. It is in one way understandable as the Mairie can be under con- your broadband wherever there is a good mobile signal. siderable pressure to meet the increasing demand for internet access. Residents want broadband as without it there is a negative effect on property values, and local Depending on other considerations you may feel that you do not need this due to businesses need it to enable them to meet today’s changing commercial world. So the rapidly increasing number of open wifi hot spots, so get to know these before to give priority to these groups to encourage businesses to stay and others to move subscribing to this service. into these areas is understandable. An excellent worldwide hotspot locator is provided by jiwire.com. You can access it The lesson here then is not to regard your access to this service as guaranteed in directly from this page, using the link above. the long term. Mobile phone dongles for low volume users Satellite broadband In Europe there are 13 million homes that cannot get any broadband and a further If you have a good mobile coverage in your area and only require limited broadband 17 million that only have a very slow service. These under served areas are most access this may be your best alternative. Compare your UK mobile provider’s tariff often rural where it will be uneconomic to bring many onto the normal network. The for using their service in France with offers from Orange and SFR and consider reduced value of homes in these areas and the ability to attract or keep businesses which tariff, including ‘pay as you go’, would be better for you. You can be online very has important implications so some Départements have set up schemes that will quickly. subsidise the installation of satellite broadband; it is worth checking with your Mairie to see if you qualify. Do check the speed of the service offered as some are only three times faster than dial-up. To meet this growing need a new satellite system was launched in 2011 giving all subscribers’ access to 10Mb no matter where they live in France. The latest KaSat 76 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 77 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market satellite is 35 times more powerful than earlier satellite services and uses 82 spot beams to deliver a fast speed everywhere. It is branded as ‘Tooway’ and there are several companies selling it. The older satellite services, where the coverage was via a single beam covering the whole of the serviced area, gave slower speeds the further your property was from the centre of the satellite’s footprint. The alternative Orange ‘Nornet’ service (not to be confused with Tooway which they also sell), claims speeds up to 6Mb but in many cases gives speeds little better than 1Mb. The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Typical packages are: Download & upload speeds Monthly data Typical cost/month 08Mb 2Mb 08Gb 29.95€ 12Mb 4Mb 16Gb 44.99€ 18Mb 6Mb 26Gb 59.99€ 18+Mb 6Mb 50Gb 99.99€ Under normal conditions you can use the table below as a guideline for data usage: However satellite services are different to telephone line based broadband in several important ways. The first is that you have your own link to the satellite so it is not slowed down by other users (it is uncontended), and the second is that the service is not unlimited as is the case with traditional broadband. You chose the speed and amount of data, or usage you want. Do look for special offers (typically Download Gb required 2 music albums 0.10Gb 5 minute video clip 0.10Gb 1 low definition movie 0.75Gb 40 hours of web surfing 1.00Gb 8 hours of internet radio 1.00Gb 1 high definition movie 4.50Gb unlimited data) that are available from time to time. You will need to install a small dish and a modem and this can be self-installed as The satellite service is not vulnerable to line faults there is a video to help, but you should be a competent DIY person (you cannot use and weather conditions and is therefore more reli- an existing Sky dish as that only receives and you will need to transmit data as well). able. There will have to be a clear line of sight to the satellite, so there must be no obstructions from nearby high buildings or trees. The orientation of the dish is 10 degrees It is expensive to watch television, play games or east of south. Professional installation costs start from 199€. download films using broadband satellite, so understanding how it works is important. You get a monthly allowance and this should be used evenly, if not your speed will be slowed down for a time, Please see our appendix, addressing satellite FAQs that you may wish to refer to. WiMax returning to normal later. This is often called a ‘slid- 78 ing window’ of access. The rate at which you use This is like an enormous wireless transmitter, covering several miles (a village or your allowance is halved if you use the service in group of villages) behaving somewhat like a wireless ADSL. You pay to connect to the small hours of the night. Alternatively you can it and receive fast internet. It is not available in all areas or from all companies. Also either choose a faster service with more capacity the service requires a clear line of sight between the transmitter and the end user’s or buy a booster token that will get you over a short dish. There has been very little recent investment in this product and it is unlikely to term peak of use. be the service of choice for many. www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 79 Chapter 8 uk Setting up your PC ... ... on your new broadband service your first choice for telecoms All suppliers of broadband services will provide you with detailed written instructions on how the service must be set up. This usually includes full colour diagrams showing all components and cables. If you have ordered the service together with a new telephone line do remember that the two services will not go live on the same day. Your telephone line will be the first service to go live, with your broadband taking a further two to ten days before it comes into service. Many people believe this is an indication of Great technical support ... ... when you really need it! poor French service but the delay is no longer than UKtelecom’s technical support services are: If you have set up broadband services before it that in the UK, for example, as getting a broadband service on a line does require additional work at your local exchange. will take you very little time to connect everything together. Do remember that when you connect a Free! PCs, MACs, iPads & other devices supported modem to the broadband service for the first time, In English and especially if it programmes the username and password automatically for you, you will have to wait a further 10 minutes or so before you can go online. If you have access to free calls or have subscribed If you want to get started quickly and enjoy the unlimited downloads click here! to a call package through your broadband do remember to connect your handset to the telephone point in your modem. If you make calls with it plugged into the normal telephone socket they will Freephone 0805 631 632 from France or +44 (0)1483 477 100 from the UK www.uktelecom.net [email protected] be charged for. www.uktelecom.net 81 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Without some previous experience setting up this type of service you may experi- Lack of IT skills ence a ‘flat pack furniture moment’, where for no apparent reason things do not work. Providers may offer limited support, perhaps 30 free minutes after which you may Here are some of the things we have found our customers have needed help with in be charged for any additional time you require. For example, Orange provides sup- the past – the information may help you avoid frustrating situations. port in French for which it charges a premium rate of 0.38 cents a minute, limited to a maximum of 10 minutes. If your problem is not resolved within this time you have Getting your broadband to work to redial, usually speak to a different person, and go through the basic questions all over again before they can get on to the problem. There are four common obstacles to getting your service live, these are: Problems with your PC ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ Language Support to fix problems with your PC is not something all providers will help you with as they are not selling this service and have no liabilities in this area. Lack of IT skills You may be using a PC that is somewhat aged and may have accumulated viruses Problems with your PC (such as viruses) along the way, and help may be required to get it ready to work with your broadband Incorrect telephone wiring in your house service. Be prepared to have to pay a local computer shop to assist if necessary. Incorrect wiring Language If your command of French, especially technical French, is limited you would be well advised to choose a provider with an English language support service. There are a number to choose from. 82 As you may know, filters have to be used on telephone sockets to ensure the operation of broadband. However, if you are using extension cables as well this will cause difficulties. Make sure you check with your provider what is needed before you try to get the service working. www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 83 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Alarm systems Unlike calls made over an ordinary telephone line where there is exclusive use of the If you have an alarm installed and hard wired to your telephone line it will prevent line whilst it is being used, broadband calls are carried over the internet. When this your broadband service from working. You must ensure it is connected via a master is done voice is converted into small data packages. This can be likened to a call filter, as will be the case for other devices. being made up of a lot of small railway carriages. The quality breaks down when the couplings between the carriages disengage. The result is that syllables and whole Assistance to set up problem computers words may be lost resulting in the listener hearing clipped words, or missing com- may take a long time so cost and ease plete words. If the problem is sufficiently serious the call drops out and the number of communication are considerations. will have to be redialled. Choose a provider with a freephone number for technical support that operates an unlimited service, and There are a number of possible reasons for this loss of call quality. It may be that check that the support is also available in English. the distance between the first entry point in your house and the local telephone At UKtelecom we provide free English language support via a French free- exchange is such that the signal is poor. Alternatively it might be congestion on the phone number which will save you time and money, so long as this is on a broadband service itself as the service is contended, meaning that several users fair usage basis. in the area share your access to the service. This is often more noticeable when @ schools are closed and children return home and go online. There is nothing that can Providing a second telephone line be done to improve this situation at present, so subscribers have to make the choice to continue to use the service or revert to traditional type phone calls. Your broadband service will usually include a virtual second telephone line with a different number, however if your broadband speed is less than 2Mb it may not be of an Email addresses acceptable quality. This comes at no extra cost and means two separate conversations can be held at the same time. This requires a separate phone to be connected If you already have an email address that is not specific to a particular broadband to the back of the modem in the telephone socket. provider, for example Hotmail, Gmail or Yahoo, do think carefully before moving to an email address provided with your new service. You may want to change your There are a couple of quirks with this second line: ● ● broadband provider at some time in the future so using the email address they give Calls can be received on your landline number in the usual way, but incoming you will mean on leaving their service you will lose your email address. It may be far calls will also be able to be answered on the telephone attached to your mo- better to keep using, or to sign up for, a free address so you do not have to get your dem contacts to amend their records for you. Call packages are available for both telephone lines and broadband telephone calls If you opt for a package on your broadband line you need to be aware that to benefit from the package you can only make calls with the phone connected to your modem. 84 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 85 Chapter 9 What should I do if ... ... my broadband stops working? It has taken a relatively small number of years between most people not having broadband to most regarding it as essential to their way of life. As a result when the service under performs or worse still stops working people can get highly agitated and sometimes very quickly. They will put pressure on their supplier to get the problem fixed immediately. There are a couple of things to bear in mind. Firstly, many people use their broadband for some business activity. However the majority do not choose to pay for a business or professional service because of the higher cost which ensures their faults are given priority and repaired more quickly. In any event no broadband provider indemnifies its customers against commercial losses, so no matter what you use the service for it is worth spending a little time finding out how you can get back online with minimum delay. There is also a misapprehension that the fixing of repairs takes longer in France than a person’s country of origin. Our experience is that this is not the case Help your supplier to help you by making some simple checks before calling for assistance. Don’t forget that a fault on your landline can prevent the broadband service operating. There are still a small number of customers who simply cannot accept that this is the case, which is rather like www.uktelecom.net 87 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market complaining to a car manufacturer that a car does not work when you have not put If rebooting your modem does not resolve the problem the next thing is to check that any fuel in it! the telephone line is working. If you can make and receive calls then the probability is that there is a fault with the broadband service. If you cannot make or receive calls Below we look at some of the most frequently experienced problems. this is likely to have affected your broadband service. Look at the section on line faults in Chapter 5 to see how to best overcome this problem. Any good provider Nonspecific problems will be able to check the service on your line remotely and they may also be able to remotely check the serviceability of your modem. (Remember, if you have elected to There are many times when a service fails for no apparent reason. Many of these have a ‘dégroupage total’ service you will not have a normal telephone line service are associated with some work being undertaken at the local exchange, which can to make calls.) temporarily break the service. The solution is quick and simple – just reboot your modem. This is done by simply switching off the power to your modem and after 30 Checklist: seconds switching it back on. The modem will then seek to re-establish its connection with your supplier which may take perhaps 2 minutes. If this does not resolve the problem you can also reset the modem. Most modems • Check the power supply to the modem is live • Check the modem is plugged in • Check the lights on the modem are showing: will have a reset button that you should depress while there is power to the modem. - PWR (power) You should keep the button depressed for no less than 20 seconds and once this is - LAN, ETH (Ethernet) or Access depending on the make of your modem released your modem will re-establish its link to your broadband provider’s service. - DSL or Traffic (the internet connection) again depending on the make of Please be aware that with some services this may delete your username and pass- your modem word, so do be prepared to re-enter these to establish access to your service. • Check the phone is working If these are only partially successful, demonstrated by only some of the indicator If you have not used your broadband service for some time you may find that it works lights on the modem illuminating, the equipment might have been damaged by a as expected but none of the lights on the modem are illuminated. There is nothing power surge. This is dealt with elsewhere. 88 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 89 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market wrong with your equipment – it has simply gone into energy saving mode and your The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market • Unplug the filter from the telephone socket, remove the filter and connect the service provider can tell you how to revert to the normal mode. telephone directly and make a call whilst the broadband is not in use. If the line is clear and the sound quality is good it means the filter is faulty Fluctuation in broadband speed • Remove all filters and phones and repeat the test individually to identify the faulty one Unless you are using a satellite broadband service, or are paying for a premium service, you will be sharing access to the internet with others in your locality. This Replacement filters are inexpensive and can be purchased at many supermarkets is known as contention. The more people in your ‘group’ that are online the slower and electrical outlets the speed of the service, this particularly affects uploading and downloading larger files. A new customer had only been This is not a fault with the service and therefore it cannot be ‘repaired’. using our broadband service for a few weeks when it stopped working for no apparent reason. Noise on telephone calls Your broadband service provider will have advised you to install a filter at each socket where you are using a telephone as part of the process of installing the service. This separates the low frequency voice calls from the high speed data traffic and ensures that voice calls are of good quality. From time to time a filter will fail. If you think a faulty filter may be the cause of poor call quality carry out this simple check: We undertook all the usual remote tests on the line and broadband service which showed no fault on the system. Only after extensive further work were we able to pinpoint the problem. The line carrying the service was on poles running alongside the road up to the property. This stopped working because the neighbour, a farmer, had erected an electrical fence to keep his livestock in the field adjacent to our customer’s house. Its close proximity to the telephone line was stopping the broadband from working. Is the fault with your PC? If you have installed new software or changed any settings on your PC do consider if this could be the cause of any problem. Changes to your settings may disable your broadband and you need to let your provider know if this is the case. If this is the cause you will need to resolve it yourself, having recourse to a computer repair company if necessary. Your broadband provider will not be able to assist you in this area. 90 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 91 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Chapter 10 When additional ... ... equipment helps & when it causes more problems A customer had been using our broadband service success- Extension Cables fully for a number of years. He had two PCs and a laptop connected to the service. It seems that all too often the sockets for your telephone and broadband services are in the wrong place and the usual solution is to use an extension cable to be able to He complained bitterly that the service was not working as his arrange things as you want. laptop could not access the service whilst his PCs could and it took an inordinate amount of time to demonstrate that the fault Unless you have experienced problems with ex- was with his laptop, not the service! tension cables in the past you may simply purchase whatever is most easily available. However Viruses & spyware there are two distinct types of cable, either with a flat profile where the internal cables lie alongside It is a sad fact of life that there are individuals who seek to maliciously cause damage each other or with a round cross section where by infecting PCs with viruses and these can result in your service not working prop- the cables are twisted within the protective outer erly. There are many inexpensive products available that are simple to install and for cover. most threats they provide complete protection. They will also provide protection from malicious information gathering software, so with more of us carrying out financial If the extension cable is to be used in conjunction transactions online there are compelling reasons to get this type of protection. with a broadband modem it is recommended that you purchase an extension cable with a round cross section as this will be less affected by local interference. Sources of interference are typically any electrical component in the vicinity that is switched on and off, causing small power surges. This will include virtually all lights and equipment connected to your power sockets. As they are operated the switch will generate a small spark that you may have seen on occasions and this interferes with the broadband service. However round cross section extension cables are far less prone to being affected by the interference. 92 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 93 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market It is worth adding a simple note of caution here. Most accidents happen in the home you can purchase these adaptors before you leave the UK which will make things a and electrical and other cables are a frequent cause of trips, so do try to avoid using lot easier at a time when you could do without unnecessary distractions. extension cables across doors and try to keep them against walls etc. If you need to have a broadband signal in another room use your modem’s wifi facility. If you want Surge protectors to have the service in another building, consider using a wireless extender as an alternative to a cable. These are discussed below. Most people will have heard about the importance of using surge protectors to prevent damage to PCs and peripheral equipment. Everyday domestic appliances when Using your UK handsets switched on or off can cause power surges – for example fluorescent lights, washing machines, tumble dryers and refrigerators all pose risks. You cannot have failed to notice that the French telecom network uses large flat 94 cream coloured plugs and appropriately shaped sockets to receive them. DIY outlets The use of surge protectors is more important in France than some other countries sell adapters that will allow you to connect a RJ11 plug into the French socket, but as there can be a much higher incidence of storms and other events that are as- you will also need another adaptor to convert a UK/BT plug into a RJ11 plug. By us- sociated with big power surges on the electrical supply network, severe enough to ing the two together you can still use your old handsets. If you are in the process of damage domestic equipment. Often damage is covered by your insurance policy, moving from the UK to France this is just another thing to add to your ‘to do list’ but however if you have a modem supplied by your provider and this is damaged it will www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 95 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market not be replaced free of charge with the cost of replacement being several times more The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market ● than the cost of appropriate protection. If your PC is damaged then the cost will be even more significant. Maximum surge energy – this is measured in joules, the higher the joules rating the higher the protection provided ● Maximum surge current – this is the maximum non-repetitive surge that can be discharged by the surge protector, and is indicated in amperage with the Most surge protectors are incorporated into multiple socket extension cables because of the desirability to have all devices connected to the PC protected, as they higher amperage providing the better protection ● Clamping voltage – this is the level at which the surge protector activates can relay a power surge to the PC as well. If you are using one incorporating an itself to cut off the power surge. Measured in volts, the lower the clamping extension cable do remember to uncoil it before use as otherwise this will generate voltage the better the product heat and with it associated risks. ● Three channel protection – not all products protect all three channels. Make sure you select a device that protects all three, ie live and neutral, neutral and Be aware that even low level energy surges can over time lead to PC hardware failure and they can cause your PC to crash or corrupt software and data. earth and live and earth ● Safety thermal cut out – years of protection or protection against just one high surge can result in internal components of the protector degrading result- The general advice is that in the event of an electrical storm all sensitive equipment ing in a rise in temperature and combustion. The better products will incorpo- should be unplugged from the mains. What is not so widely known is that your tele- rate a safety cut out phone line can also deliver a power surge, so do consider unplugging it if a storm is ● Surge indicator – as with any device of this type it can fail or be damaged particularly bad. This is because surge protectors are not lightening arrestors and by a power surge resulting in it no longer offering the protection intended. You therefore will not protect your equipment from lightening strikes. may not be aware of this unless the product has a neon indicator confirming that it is undamaged. These are usually green and are alongside the red neon As with extension cables, not all surge protectors offer the same level of protection. ‘power’ indicators. If you do not have this indicator on your device you cannot Here are some key product features to look for when making your purchase: be certain that it is providing the protection you have felt was important ● Response time – if a power surge occurs then you will want your protector to respond with the minimum of delay. The typical response speed is 10 nanoseconds, fast enough for domestic situations 96 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 97 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Chapter 11 Social networking ... Wifi extenders ... making your broadband even more useful These are simple devices made up of a base unit that is plugged into a power socket Social networks are having an impact on the way families are keeping in touch, es- near your modem and, using the electrical system in the house, take the broadband pecially when they are in different countries. The easy ability to share pictures and signal to anywhere else on the service. They are particularly useful if you have an old videos on small group forums you can set up for your own group has resulted in half stone property with thick walls that prevent the wifi signal’s transmission. Also they the UK’s population using Facebook. Others use MSN and of course there is Twitter are excellent if you need to get the signal to an outbuilding, say a gîte or an office, and some other less powerful ways of keeping in touch for nothing. as providing the outbuilding is connected to the same electrical service the system will work. Social networking was previously thought of as the province of the young, however more and more of the older generation who have moved overseas see this as a Then you simply plug the second component into an electrical socket in the location good way to share news and photos, interesting stories and web links whilst avoiding where you want to use your broadband. This second component has an aerial so you the cost of international calls. Telecom companies have already seen a reduction in will need a wireless card in your PC. Most laptops come with this facility. telephone calls as a result of the growth of the use of social networks and text messaging. You can find several manufacturers with a simple search. First try Amazon’s UK website for a range with all the product information in English, if this helps. However go Setting up your own social network presence is quick, simple and free. These ser- to their French website to order as it will then come with the correct plug pins. There vices are web based and do not require a high are many other websites so it may pay to shop around. internet speed so are likely to be suitable even if your broadband service is slow. Simply visit the Security cameras website of your chosen forum, fill out the online form and get to know your way around it. Much If you spend a lot of time away from your property, or simply want the additional of it is intuitive and the more you use it the more comfort of having additional security the latest generation of cameras linked to your your friends and family will be aware of your broadband service are very affordable and can be installed by competent DIY enthu- presence so you could find that you are more ‘in siasts. They will send you email or mobile alerts in the event that the motion sensors touch’ than ever before. are activated and can store information off site. If you are going to become a regular user of social networks you may find it is cheaper to use a ‘pay as you go’ telephone service, so take your time and get some good advice before you sign up. If you are uncertain leave your call package in place for a number of months as it can always be cancelled later. 98 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 99 Chapter 12 uk Changing providers ... ... avoid surprise costs by doing this correctly your first choice for telecoms It is often said that ‘the customer always has a choice’ but when exercising your choice to move to a different provider you need to do this with some care if the move is to be beneficial and everything is to go smoothly. Here are some things to bear in mind if you are to ensure a transfer with little or no disruption. Transferring your line rental Change to a provider ... ... that looks after you! If you are currently using Orange for your line rental and are paying for this by ‘prélèvement’ you will know that the service is paid for bimonthly in advance. This will almost certainly mean that when the line management is transferred to How can you get a good service? Choose our personal service for a smooth change to a better deal Cheap main French companies can hide big costs! If you call UK mobiles and UK non geographic numbers UKtelecom’s low rates will make a big difference because they are designed for people just like you! your new service provider there will be a credit on your account with Orange representing the unused portion of the line rental. This will be credited back to your account automatically. In the unlikely event that you are paying on invoice an appropriate adjustment will be made. Other providers will usually only charge for line rental one month in advance and will make an appropriate adjustment on your final invoice. As long as you only have a ‘pay as you go’ service on your line from Orange you will not need Freephone 0805 631 632 from France or +44 (0)1483 477 100 from the UK www.uktelecom.net [email protected] to send a letter of cancellation to them as your new provider will take care of those aspects. www.uktelecom.net 101 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Transferring your call package The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market you have a standard package. A number of our customers have timed the transfer of their services around a holiday to avoid disruption. If you decide to change your provider for your call package you will need to send a letter ‘en recommandé’ (by recorded delivery) or else you will continue to be charged by your previous supplier even though you cannot and are not using their service. UKtelecom, we believe, is unique in accepting an email cancelling services which of course is more convenient, saves you money and is quicker. Try to plan your change of provider around a holiday or a quiet time so any temporary loss of service or disruption will be easier to cope with. Transferring your broadband service Many customers have requested that their broadband service is ceased on a specific Do not cancel anything without discussing the arrangements with your new provider. date but have found that this hardly ever happens. Similarly the new provider can- The situation that has to be avoided at all costs is where your new provider installs a not guarantee their service will go live on a particular date as they have to rely on broadband service for you on your line only to find that following installation your old Orange’s subcontractors to undertake work, and they will not commit to doing this provider ceases the line rental service. This is because when a line is cancelled all on a specific date. services on it are also cancelled. Your new provider’s broadband service will have come with an activation charge, a minimum 12 month contract and also a cancella- Services on your line tion charge all of which will become payable in this event. If you have had any of the services mentioned in previous chapters applied to your Your new provider will discuss with you the correct order to transfer your services so line, eg your number permanently withheld, they may be lost as a result of the trans- that this costly situation is avoided. fer. To ensure you have a like for like transfer do let your new provider know what services you have and if you wish to retain them. With any changeover there is a possibility of a loss of access to all services for a number of days if you have a ‘dégroupage total’ product, or the loss of broadband if 102 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 103 Chapter 13 Mobiles ... The market Whilst the international roaming charges are much less than they used to be due to EU caps you may wish to use your UK mobile with a French ‘sim card’ to save money. If this is the case do make sure you have it unlocked before leaving for France. If you spend time in both the UK and France and use your mobile regularly in both countries you may want to consider buying a dual ‘sim card’ handset. These automatically register with your chosen provider’s network in each country so they are a convenient option. Alternatively you can explore the various offers UK mobile companies have for those who want to use their mobiles outside of the UK and where savings could be made on their standard tariffs. As with any country in France there are more offers and, associated with them, more confusion than is generally found in the fixed line market. It seems hardly possible but this sector seems to move more quickly as well, so it is not practical to go into detail in a book. Instead comment is limited to some simple guidance on how you may wish to examine the market when making a decision about a new provider and how to move to them. Do remember that in this highly competitive market any new offer from one of the big providers www.uktelecom.net 105 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market will more than likely be followed by new offers from the others, so you may get an unused credit after a relatively short period but there are others that do not so do improved package without having to move your account. In assessing your needs shop around. you may wish to visit one of the shops your provider has around the country, however some companies, eg Free, do not have the wide coverage of shops that the others You may be aware of the very competitive offer made by Free in early 2012 and the do. You will also find that the strength of the mobile signal provided by different com- huge take-up they had. This was in no small part driven by the fact that the attractive panies varies from area to area, so you may find it helpful to question the experience launch deal was limited to a fixed number of new subscribers with later joiners having of people in your area that use your intended new provider. to pay a higher tariff. Their new customers did experience problems with accessing the service because of congestion and capacity issues that saw large numbers leave If you travel a lot within France you may also find that the level of national coverage of your preferred company may vary depending on where you are and this might affect your ability to use the service, so do check on these things in addition to price before making any purchase. The main mobile companies have details of their coverage on their websites. SFR’s coverage for example can be found on www.couverture.sfr after a very short period of time. The message here is probably that anything that looks too good to be true probably is not the bargain you hoped for. Do remember to check the cost of making calls to international destinations as these will vary. As the majority of customers will be French they will have a different call profile to expats, who will normally make a larger number of international calls, in the same way as their call packages for fixed line services are aimed at a different Some providers include subsidised phones and this may be important to you if you market. The cost of calling overseas mobiles can vary so include this in calculating like to upgrade your handset from time to time; but whoever you use you will be able if you will save money by moving. The headline figures are designed to be attractive to take with you your phone and existing French number if subscribing to another but the likely total cost may be more than you expect! French provider. Contractual considerations Once you have chosen the network you want to use do look carefully at the types of contract available. Many people restrict the use of their mobiles to a minimum be- If you entered into a minimum contract with your current provider this may have cause of the relatively high cost, and the cheapest way to access this type of service already expired, so there will be nothing to stop you moving and there will be no is with a prepaid ‘pay as you go’ call package. A number of these contracts remove cancellation fees. 106 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 107 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market If you are in a minimum one year contract you will have to pay the remaining months Your old company will contact you by text to confirm the date when your number will in full. be transferred. Your new company will also confirm by text when your new service will be live. If you originally signed a two year contract and are already in your second year you will only have to pay a quarter of the remaining monthly payments. If you are in the Replace your old ‘sim card’ with the new one on this date. first year of a two year agreement you will have to pay all of the payments due in the first year together with a quarter of the payments due in the second year. How to unlock your French phone How to keep your number If your phone was purchased from your old operator it is highly likely that you will not be able to use your new ‘sim card’ until the phone has been ‘unlocked’. As long as You need to be proactive if you want to keep you mobile number. Follow these few you have owned the phone for more than 3 months unlocking it is free. If not a charge simple steps and all should be well. of 76€ is made. Call 3179 using your mobile and ask for your RIO number (‘relevé d’identitié opéra- You will need to have the phone’s IMEI code (‘international mobile equipment iden- teur’). The operator should pass this to you together with the end date of any obliga- tity’). Simply type *#06# into your phone. tion period associated with your contract. You should also receive this information by text. Give this number to your provider and ask them to unlock your phone. You can do this by phone or via the internet. They will normally have completed this for you within Give this number to your new provider and arrange to set up a new contract with five working days. them. Your new operator will cancel your contract with your current company, so do not cancel it yourself. 108 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 109 Chapter 14 Useful contacts ... Suppliers Call UKtelecom: France (Freephone): Open Monday to Friday 09:00-18:30 Tel: 0805 631632 For all enquiries, sales and support calls UK: 0044 (0)1483 477100 www.uktelecom.net [email protected] Teleconnect Tel: 0805 817000 Phonexpat Tel: 0805 102000 Orange English-speaking customer service: Tel: 09 69 36 39 00 Open Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00 Call centre open daily, 24 hours a day (24/7) Tel: 3900 Call centre, calling from outside France Tel: +33 800 100 740 Tel: +33 09 69 36 39 00 After sales service Customer services Tel: 1013 Technical assistance (24/7) Tel: 1014 Technical assistance business line (24/7) Tel: 3900 Call return (the last number to call your phone) Tel: 3901 Orange voicemail Tel: 3131 Tel: 3103 To call out of France dial exit code 00 followed by country code and number To call into France dial entry code 00 33 followed by French number excluding 0 www.uktelecom.net 111 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Regulation Authorities/Consumer Protection Emergency Numbers in France ARCEP Tel: +33 1 40 47 70 00 Who to call and what to say in an emergency... (equivalent to OFCOM the UK regulator) Tel: +33 1 40 47 71 98 (Autorité de Régulation des www.art-telecom.fr Service Telephone Communications Electroniques et des Postes) Medical help/SAMU 15 7, Square Max Hymans, Police/Police Nationale 17 75730 Paris Cedex 15 Fire & accident/Sapeurs Pompiers 18 SOS - all services (calling from a mobile) DGCCRF (Direction Génerale de la www.finances.gouv.fr/DGCCRF/ Concurrence, de la Consumation et de la You have to provide: Répression des Fraudes) ● the location where assistance is needed See website for list of addresses of local ● the name and telephone number of the person for whom assistance is required agencies UFC - (Union Fédérale des Consommateurs) 112 www.quechoisir.org Que Choisir ● details of what happened, and if it is still happening ● details of how many people need help ● information of any weapons involved See website for list of addresses of local All emergency numbers can be reached from pay phones, without the use of a phone branches card or money. General Information Sites (in French) European SOS 112 ARCEP click for web site Consumer Information 112 can be dialled to reach emergency services - medical, fire and police - from anywhere in Europe. This pan-European emergency number 112 can be called from any telephone (landline, pay phone or mobile cellular phone). Calls are free. It can Ariase click for web site for general advice on how to manage your be used for any life-threatening situation, including: ● contract with your supplier Serious medical problems (accident, unconscious person, severe injuries, chest pain, seizure) ● Any type of fire (house, car) ● Life-threatening situations (crimes) SOS 112 website: http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/112/index_en.htm 112 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 113 Appendix uk Satellite broadband frequently asked questions your first choice for telecoms Something puzzling you? Then take a look below at our quick FAQs. If you can’t find the answer you want, simply give us a call on France (freephone) 0805 631632 or in the UK + 44 (0) 1483 477100 during office hours. Alternatively, if you’re online, email us at [email protected]. UKtelecom’s satellite broadband service availability record over the past 12 months Too rural for broadband? Not with our satellite service! Professional installation or self install High speed for everyone Available anywhere in France was over 99.99% If you’re a customer experiencing a problem, please do check your equipment first. If something’s still wrong, simply get in touch. ● Broadband and satellite ● UKtelecom’s Tooway service ● (My) Installation ● Technical questions Broadband and satellite ● What is broadband? Broadband means, very simply, a high-speed connection to the Internet that is ‘al- Reliable, uncontended service with no fluctuations and helpful advice so you choose the best package. Now with higher data allowances and a dedicated help line in the UK. ways on’. It is significantly faster than the dial-up (56K) modems enabling you to view web content and download files more quickly. It’s called broadband because it has a much larger capacity to receive (and send) data. ● Can I really get reliable Satellite Broadband anywhere in the UK? Yes – it really is as simple as that. Satellite broadband is available available in France (and the UK as well). As long as there is electricity and you can see the sky, we can Freephone 0805 631 632 from France or +44 (0)1483 477 100 from the UK www.uktelecom.net [email protected] get you connected to Broadband wherever you need it. www.uktelecom.net 115 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market Our Tooway satellite broadband packages are not ideal for: ● How do I choose the service that’s right for me? This will depend on what you will be using broadband for. Most satellite broadband ● Some remote control software packages are based around how much you use it. If you are using it for general ● Certain VPN applications surfing and emailing from home or a small office, our Tooway service could be the ● Online gaming and peer-to-peer networking right, cost effective solution for you. However, if you are downloading lots of videos, sending very large files or you need to connect to a work network (VPN), it may be If you want to do one or more of the above, we recommend, based upon many years better to choose one of our proven business broadband solutions. If you would like of providing high quality satellite broadband solutions, that you take a look at our some free impartial advice please feel free to call us on 0805 631632 (freephone Business Broadband section. These uses can be easily accommodated in our more from France) or + 44 (0) 1483 477100 and we would be happy to help you. specialised products and we are always happy to advise on such matters. ● How much data is required for common uses? UKtelecom’s Tooway service Under normal conditions, you can use the following information as a guideline:● What is ToowayTM? Download Gb required Tooway is UKtelecom’s newest broadband satellite service. A reliable 8Mbps – 2 music albums 0.10Gb 18Mbps broadband connection is available wherever you live. UKtelecom offers a 5 minute video clip 0.10Gb range of four monthly download packages which means that you only need to pay for 1 standard definition movie 0.75Gb the service that is most suitable to your needs. 40 hours of web surfing 1.00Gb 8 hours of internet radio 1.00Gb ● Why should I get UKtelecom ToowayTM? 1 full HD quality movie 4.50Gb UKtelecom Ltd supplies and installs Tooway satellite services throughout France. Established in 2003, using experienced highly trained installers that work throughout ● Am I charged for the time my broadband modem or computer is online? France, we install broadband and other digital services to hundreds of customers No. With our broadband packages you pay a fixed amount each month for a fixed each year. We are accredited by the British Standards Institute (BSI) to ISO 9002 volume of data no matter how often you use it. If you wish, if you have used up all of (Quality). your monthly data (like a pay as you go mobile) you can pay to top up with more data We believe that any company that you invite into your home or business must be able until the next month. to demonstrate this standard as a minimum to give you the peace of mind that your ● Does satellite broadband have any limitations I should be aware of? investment is the right one. There are a few specialised uses that it is important to select the correct system for but other than that, there is not much difference between satellite and other broad- ● What equipment do I need? band services. Unlike some of our competitors, our packages accept direct connec- You supply the computer; our trained installation engineer will install the satellite dish tion to Apple, Linux, Unix or Windows operating systems. (outside) and connect it to a modem (inside) and also set-up your wireless router if you have purchased one from us. 116 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 117 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market ● How fast is UKtelecom ToowayTM? ● Are there any minimum requirements for computers? We offer four standard Tooway packages – you choose which one suits your needs No, most computers these days come with a network card or wireless option which - 8Mbps, 12Mbps 18Mbps and 18MbpsMax. Satellite broadband works in a different will allow you to connect to the internet. way to a normal (ADSL) connection in that you don’t “share” your connection with your neighbours. ● Can I integrate UKtelecom ToowayTM into a network? Yes, it’s possible to connect the modem directly to a router, or other network LAN You may have read in the press that many people that use ADSL pay for a system device, to share the connection with other users. We can supply you with a suitable that consistently fails to deliver the speed that they are paying for. For example, a router with wireless capability. recent UK Ofcom study reported that the average speed achieved by rural ADSL customers paying for a 20-24Mbps service was in fact 3.3Mbps. Even our entry level ● Can I use a wireless router with UKtelecom ToowayTM? Tooway 8 will provide a better download experience anywhere in France. Yes. With a wireless router, anyone at your location can access the broadband connection without needing to physically connect to the modem (hence “wireless”). We ● Can I install it myself? are happy to help you set this up properly (without any extra charges) when we in- We recommend a professional installation by one of our trained installers or via our stall your system to make sure it is both secure and working properly. The wireless installer network. Nevertheless, self-installation is possible following careful antenna router box may say “plug and play” but in our experience, it’s nice to let someone assembly and pointing instructions. Particular attention is given to the pointing phase who knows what they’re doing do the “plugging” and leave you to enjoy the “playing”. which has to be much more precise than for television reception. There are free We’re happy to recommend a wireless router if you need our help. smartphone applications (“apps”) which you can also use to assist your DIY installation. ● Can I connect more than one user to the service? Yes. Unlike some of our competitors, it is possible to connect the equipment directly ● Are email and other services included? to a router, or other network LAN devices, to share the connection with other users. UKtelecom Tooway supports the usual webmail applications like Hotmail, Gmail, See the answer above about using a wireless router that will enable you to share MSN and Yahoo but if you use an email client (E.g. Microsoft Outlook) you will re- your connection with multiple users. quire the use of an SMTP server to send your mail, as many ISP’s allow you to receive email but block you from sending. If that sounds like technical mumbo jumbo, ● Can I play online games with UKtelecom ToowayTM? yes you will get an email address and yes, we’re happy to show you exactly how it We do not recommend Tooway for certain types of online gaming due to latency (ie. works. If you need email sending services we would be happy to recommend a third the time it takes the signal to get up and down from a satellite 22,000 miles high). If party provider. your current broadband is appalling and you are desperate to do online gaming in a remote location, our advice is to talk to our team about the options that we offer. ● Do I need a phone line? No you do not. ● Can I use this equipment with my Apple Mac or Linux computer? Yes. With all our services connection via non Microsoft Windows platforms is simple. 118 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 119 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market ● Are there limits to how much data I can transfer? ● What is my protected traffic usage? Yes, each service is subject to a Fair Access/Fair Use Policy (FAP or FUP). The FAP This depends on the monthly service option. Please use the table to check the ser- has been designed to be as open and flexible as possible, while ensuring fair use for vices. all users. Unlike other services, where hard transfer limits apply over which you are charged per additional MB, UKtelecom employ a Fair Access Policy. ● What happens if I exceed my traffic usage, will I be cut off? No, you will not be cut off but your bandwidth will be severely reduced until you start In summary this means that during peak usage times, heavier users (ie. those us- the next monthly cycle. This is to help maintain a quality of service for all users. ers already into the second half of their monthly data limits may experience some reduction in their connection speed (a best endeavours basis), ensuring an equitable ● Can I buy more data if this happens ? access for all users throughout the day. There are no hidden changes. Yes – you have two choices. If you think that you would be better suited with the speeds of data on the next package, we can upgrade you quickly, usually on the ● What is a Fair Access Policy? same day that you ask us to. You will then start the new package with a full month’s The Fair Access Policy has been defined by our satellite provider to enable each data allowance. Alternatively, if you have just used a lot of data for a one off reason, user to receiver a high quality internet access service via satellite. The FAP is imple- you can purchase 1GB tokens which can be added to you account at anytime. mented to prevent unfair use and an unacceptable use of the network. ● Is the Fair Access Policy applied 24 hours a day? ● Does the Fair Access Policy apply to both upload and download? Yes. Yes, traffic volume is measured on both the inbound and outbound connection and is measured over five time periods, as shown in the table below. ● Can I check how much traffic I am using? Yes, you can request a copy of your FAP graph from our support team or visit Volume Monthly Service Options http://checkportal.skylogicnet.com. Status Tooway 8 Tooway 12 Tooway 18 Tooway18 Max “Protected” 4,000 MB 8,000 MB 13,000 MB 25,000 MB ● How can I check what download or upload performance I am getting? “Best Endeavours” 4,000 MB 8,000 MB 13,000 MB 25,000 MB We recommend using: http://speedprobe.skylogicnet.com this will show both the up- Total (monthly) 8,000 MB 16,000 MB 26,000 MB 50,000 MB load and download speed of your service. ● What is Protected traffic? ● Can I get more advice on the Fair Access Policy if I’m still uncertain? Protected traffic is the amount of traffic that can be used (upload and download) Yes, a member of our support team will be happy to discuss any questions you may before the Best Endeavours restrictions could apply. It is half (50%) of your total have. monthly allowance. ● Is the equipment/service mobile - can I use it at different locations? The standard equipment is mobile in the sense that it can be used virtually anywhere in Europe. All you have to do is arrange for it to be de-installed and re-installed. 120 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 121 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market If you are looking for a transportable system that can be fixed to a vehicle/trailer for ● Do I need my landlord’s permission? mobile use at events, working sites etc please contact a member of sales team on If you do not own the building where the equipment is to be installed, you must get 0800 130 3131 and we will be happy to help. written authorisation from the landlord approving the installation. UKtelecom will normally require a copy of this prior to installation. ● Will I need to buy any extra software? As your broadband connection is ‘always on’, it is a good idea to install firewall soft- ● What happens if/when I move? ware to protect you from any attempts by hackers to access the files on your com- We are happy to advise on de-installation and re-installation charges. When plan- puter. UKtelecom strongly recommends that you install suitable firewall and antivirus ning your first installation, please give careful consideration to the location of your software to protect your computer from unauthorised access from the internet. For dish to minimise the likelihood of requiring a move. example, ZoneAlarm is a handy personal firewall application, free for personal use (see www.zonelabs.com). You will also need software as for any other service such ● Must I purchase the equipment? as your internet browser and email client software. Commercial and free packages That’s your choice. To receive the broadband service it is necessary to have the are available and suitable and we’re happy to advise you on this subject. satellite dish and relevant modem. UKtelecom provides the option of purchasing the equipment outright at the time of order or having the hardware included as a part of (My) Installation the monthly charge. In this way, we are always responsible for making sure that your system is working. If it breaks at any time, it is our responsibility to repair or replace Please see our “How It Works” page for more information on the hardware and the it for you. installation. ● How long will it take to get installed and operational? ● Do I require planning permission or other permits? We usually get customers installed within two to three working weeks. We do need Though conditions may vary slightly from Département to Département, normally to get all of your order paperwork correctly completed before we can start. This in- planning permission is not required for your satellite dish provided you do not have cludes your service agreement, direct debit or prélèvement mandate and initial pay- other dishes on your building. If your building is a protected historical building or it is ment for the hardware and/or installation. Our team will telephone you to carry-out a in an area affected due to its proximity to one official permits will be required. Also, quick and easy pre-Installation survey and to arrange a convenient installation date if your location is within a short distance of an airfield, or similar, special conditions if you have asked us to install your system. may apply. It is your responsibility to understand and comply with the rules and regulations re- ● What does a standard installation consist of? garding the placement of equipment on the building you occupy. However, since it The standard installation allowed for in the initial fee is as follows: mounting on a is what we do for a living, we’re always pleased to offer you advice based upon our standard brick or block wall at a height reachable on a standard double extension knowledge and experience but any final decisions & responsibility do remain with ladder, and not more than 30m from the proposed location of the modem. you. ● What equipment do I need for broadband? Put simply, a satellite dish (outdoors) and a small modem (indoors). Generally we 122 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 123 The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market The English Speaker’s Ultimate Guide to the French Telecom Market provide a 74cm dish, however in some locations a larger dish may be required to ● Do I need additional software? ensure strong signal strength. You will be advised in advance if a larger dish is nec- No, as Avonline’s Tooway service is designed to be plug n’ play. We do however ad- essary and if any additional costs apply. vise you to use a hardware or software firewall and an anti-virus program. If you are using a router then this will mask your ports and act as a basic firewall. If you don’t Technical questions have a router and/or you want a second line of defence, try downloading Zone Alarm for a free firewall. ● I’ve heard of latency issues with satellite - what does this mean? Due to the distance travelled by the signal to/from your computer and the internet In addition to a firewall you must run some form of anti-virus software on any system hub, via the satellite, all satellite technologies exhibit a small lag between commu- that is connected to the internet. nications. This delay is approximately 3⁄4 second (700 milliseconds). For many applications, it is barely noticeable but where the programme that you are running is For example, AVG is a handy personal firewall application, free for personal use, and frequently sending or receiving multiple smaller data files (eg online gaming) the there are many others from Norton, McAfee etc. effect can be more pronounced. PLEASE NOTE: The above download links are offered for information only. UKtele● Why does a ping not work/give very slow response? com is not responsible for any software you choose to download and install and can Due to latency, when a network tool like ping typically sends small data packets, therefore not offer any support for the above products. this accentuates this issue. Try using the “ping -t -w 2000” address to get round this problem. In our experience, there are much better and more reliable ways of testing ● Does the satellite service get affected by weather? for this type of network. The standard dish installation is designed to withstand 60mph winds. However torrential rain may cause a degraded service as signals can be somewhat reflected by ● How can I check what download/upload performance I am getting? rain. Our systems automatically increase power levels to compensate for losses. Go to www.degrouptest.com. This will give a good idea of your system’s performance. You can also use UKtelecom’s FTP server to accurately check upload and download performance. Please contact our technical support team to arrange a test. 124 www.uktelecom.net www.uktelecom.net 125 About us UKtelecom has provided a full range of services to homes and small businesses in France for many years and has established an industry standard of customer service significantly better than the typical French experience. We also provide services to UK businesses from the smallest companies to multi-site international businesses. Our directors have many years experience in the telecoms industry and have ensured that good practice has been enshrined into all we do through our ISO 9002 accreditation, held since 2003. The telecoms industry is a fast moving one, with most years seeing one or more new products added to our long list of established value for money services. Our customers’ desire to use a single provider for their communication needs continues to drive us to provide a comprehensive choice of services. Candice Chemaly has worked in the telecommunications industry since 1997 and has held various senior positions and directorships. These have enabled her to acquire valuable experience of the market allowing us to offer the best prices and customer service to the niche English speaking expat market in France. As Managing Director she has overseen the continuous development of systems to bring speed and efficiency to all that we do. Under her leadership the company has typically grown by 40% each year demonstrating the success we have had in delivering services in a way not available from our competitors. Bob Elliott has held directorships in several industries and has worked in the telecommunications industry since 2000. As Commercial Director he has secured agreements with the largest suppliers in France to ensure countrywide availability of services and with Candice has worked tirelessly to introduce systems and procedures that give customers some of the best and quickest response times in the industry. UK Telecom Limited William House, 45 Bury Fields, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 4AZ t: 00 44 (0) 1483 477100 e: [email protected] www.uktelecom.net f: 00 44 (0) 3306840299 w: www.uktelecom.net 127