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Consulta la lista completa - Instituto de Biotecnología
LISTADO HISTORICO DE PUBLICACIONES Y PATENTES Biopolímeros -Alginatos y PHB En revistas internacionales 1. "Role of oxygen in the polymerization and de-polymerization of alginate produced by Azotobacter vinelandii". Flores, C. Diaz-Barrera, A. Martinez, F. Galindo, E. Peña,C. (2015). J.Chem.Technol.Biotechnol. 90: 356-365. 2. "Thermo-mechanical properties, microstructure and biocompatibility in poly-beta-hydroxybutyrates (PHB) produced by OP and OPN strains of Azotobacter vinelandii". Domínguez-Díaz, M. Meneses-Acosta, A. Romo-Uribe, A. Peña, C. Segura, D. Espín, G. (2015). European Polymer Journal. 63: 101-112. 3. "Effective shear rates in shake flasks". Giese, H. Klockner, W. Peña, C. Galindo, E. Lotter, S. Wetzel, K. Meissner, L. Peter, C.P. Buchs, J. (2014). Chemical Engineering Science. 118: 102113. 4. "Biotechnological strategies to improve production of microbial poly-(3-hydroxybutyrate): a review of recent research work". Peña, C. Castillo, T. García, A. Millán, M. Segura, D. (2014). Microbial Biotechnology. 7: 278-293. 5. "High production of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) by an Azotobacter vinelandii mutant altered in PHB regulation using a fed-batch fermentation process". García, A. Segura, D. Espín, G. Galindo, E. Castillo, T. Peña, C. (2014). Biochemical Engineering Journal. 82: 117-123. 6. "Biosynthesis of poly-b-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) with a high molecular mass by a mutant strain of Azotobacter vinelandii (OPN)" Peña, C. Lopez, S. Garcia, A. Espín,G. Romo-Uribe, A. Segura, D. (2014). Annals of Microbiology. 64: 39-47. 7. "Expression of alginases and alginate polymerase genes in response to oxygen, and their relationship with the alginate molecular weight in Azotobacter vinelandii". Flores, C. Moreno, S. Espin, G. Pena, C. Galindo, E. (2013). Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 53: 85-91. 8. "Oxygen supply strongly influences metabolic fluxes, the production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and alginate, and the degree of acetylation of alginate in Azotobacter vinelandii". Castillo,T. Heinzle,E. Peifer,S. Schneider, K. Peña, C. (2013). Process Biochemistry. 48: 995-1003. 9. "The acetylation degree of alginates in Azotobacter vinelandii ATCC9046 is determined by dissolved oxygen and specific growth rate: studies in glucose-limited chemostat cultivations". Castillo, T. Galindo, E. Pena, C. (2013). Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology. 40: 715-723. 10. "Alginate synthesis in Azotobacter vinelandii is increased by reducing the intracellular production of ubiquinone". Nunez, C. Pena, C. Kloeckner, W. Hernández-Eligio, A. Bogachev, A.V. Moreno, S. Guzmán, J. Buchs, J. Espín, G. (2013). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 97: 25032512. 11. “Expression of alginases and alginate polymerase genes in response to oxygen, and their relationship with the alginate molecular weight in Azotobacter vinelandii”. Flores, C., Moreno, S., Peña, C. and Galindo, E. (2013). Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 53: 85-91. 12. “The acetylation degree of alginates in Azotobacter vinelandii ATCC9046 is determined by dissolved oxygen and specific growth rate: studies in glucose-limited chemostat cultivations”. Castillo, T., Galindo, E. and Peña, C. (2013). Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. 40: 715-723. 13. “Oxygen supply strongly influences metabolic fluxes, the production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and alginate, and the degree of acetylation of alginate in Azotobacter vinelandii”. Castillo, T., Heinzle, E., Peifer, S., Schneider, K. and Peña, C. (2013). Process Biochemistry. 48, 995-1003. 14. “Biosynthesis of poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) with a high molecular mass by a mutant strain of Azotobacter vinelandii (OPN)”. Peña, C., López, S., García, A., Espín, G., Romo-Uribe, A. and Segura, D. (2013). Annals of Microbiology. DOI: 10.1007/s13213-013-0630-0. 15. “Alginate synthesis in Azotobacter vinelandii is increased by low levels of ubiquinone” Núñez, C., Peña, C., Kloeckner, W., Hernández-Eligio, A., Bogachev, A., Moreno, S., Guzmán, J., Büchs, J. and Espín, G. (2013). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 97: 2503-2512. 16. “Azotobacter vinelandii lacking the Na+NQR activity: a potential source for producing alginates with improved properties and at high yield”. Gaytan, I., Peña, C., Nuñez, C., Córdova, M.S., Espín, G. and Galindo, E. (2012). World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 28: 2731-2740. 17. “Oxygen transfer rate during the production of alginate by Azotobacter vinelandii under oxygenlimited and non oxygen-limited conditions”. Lozano, E., Galindo, E. and Peña, C. (2011). Microbial Cell Factories. 10: 1-13. 18. “The viscosifying power degree of acetylation and molecular mass of the alginate produced by Azotobacter vinelandii in shake flasks are determined by the oxygen transfer rate”. Peña, C. Galindo, E. and Büchs, J. (2010). Process Biochemistry. 46: 290-297. 19. “Two-stage fermentation process for alginate production by Azotobacter vinelandii mutant altered in poly-b-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) synthesis”. Mejía, M.A., Segura, D., Espín, G., Galindo, E. and Peña, C. (2010). Journal of Applied Microbiology. 108: 55-61. 20. “Production of alginate by Azotobacter vinelandii in a stirred fermentor simulating the evolution of power input observed in shake flasks”. Peña, C., Millán, M. and Galindo, E. (2008). Process Biochemistry. 43: 775-778. 21. “Evolution of the specific power consumption and oxygen transfer rate in alginate producing cultures of Azotobacter vinelandii conducted in shake flasks”. Peña, C., Peter, C. P., Büchs, J. and Galindo, E. (2007). Biochemical Enginering Journal. 36: 73-80. 22. “The oxygen transfer rate influences the molecular mass of the alginate produced by Azotobacter vinelandii”. Díaz, A., Peña, C. and Galindo, E. (2007). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 76: 903-910. 23. “Molecular and bioengineering strategies to improve alginate and polyhydroxyalkanoate production by Azotobacter vinelandii”. Galindo, E., Peña, C., Núñez, C., Segura, D. and Espín, G. (2007). Microbial Cell Factories. 6 (7): 1-16. 24. “Manipulation of the acetylation degree of Azotobacter vinelandii alginate by supplementing the culture medium with 3-(N-morpholino)-propane-sulfonic acid”. Peña, C., Hernández, L. and Galindo, E. (2006). Letters in Applied Microbiology. 43: 200-204. 25. "Specific growth rate determines the molecular mass of the alginate produced by Azotobacter vinelandii". Priego-Jiménez, R., Peña, C., Ramírez, T. O. and Galindo, E. (2005). Biochemical Engineering Journal. 25:187-193. 26. “The roles of oxygen and alginate-lyase in determining the molecular weight of alginate produced by Azotobacter vinelandii”. Trujillo-Roldán, M.A., Moreno, S., Espín, G. and Galindo, E. (2004). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 63: 742-747. 27. “Reproducing shake flasks performance in stirred fermentors: production of alginates by Azotobacter vinelandii”. Reyes, C., Peña, C. and Galindo, E. (2003). Journal of Biotechnology. 105: 189-198. 28. “Components in the inoculum determine the kinetics of Azotobacter vinelandii cultures and the molecular weight of the alginate”. Trujillo-Roldán, M.A., Peña, C. and Galindo, E. (2003). Biotechnology Letters. 25: 1251-1254. 29. "Alginate production by Azotobacter vinelandii mutant unable to produce alginate lyase". TrujilloRoldán, M., Moreno, M., Segura, D., Galindo, E. and Espín, G. (2003). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 60: 733-737. 30. "Alginate production by Azotobacter vinelandii mutants altered in poly-b-hydroxybutyrate and alginate biosynthesis". Peña, C., Miranda, L. Segura, D., Nuñez, C., Espín, G. and Galindo, E. (2002). Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. 29(5): 209-213. 31. “Characterization of Azotobacter vinelandii aggregation in submerged culture by digital analysis”. Peña, C., Reyes, C., Larralde-Corona, P., Corkidi, G. and Galindo, E. FEMS Microbiology. 207: 173-177. 32. “Efect of oscillating dissolved oxygen tension on the production of alginate by Azotobacter vinelandii”. Trujillo-Roldán, M.A., Peña, C., Ramírez, O.T. and Galindo, E. (2001). Biotechnology Progress. 17: 1042-1048. 33. “High CO2 affects alginate production and prevents polymer degradation in cultures of Azotobacter vinelandii”. Seañez, G., Peña, C. and Galindo, E. (2001). Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 29: 535-540. 34. “Influence of dissolved oxygen tension and agitation speed on alginate production and its molecular weight in cultures of Azotobacter vinelandii”. Peña, C., Trujillo-Roldán, M. A. and Galindo, E. (2000). Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 27: 390-398. 35. “Changes in alginate molecular mass distributions, broth viscosity and morphology of Azotobacter vinelandii cultured in shake flasks”. Peña, C., Campos, N. and Galindo, E. (1997). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 48: 510-515. - Xantanas 26. “Prediction of xanthan fermentation development by a model linking kinetics, power drawn and mixing”. Serrano-Carreón, L., Corona, R. M., Sánchez, A. and Galindo, E. (1998). Process Biochemistry. 33(2): 133-146. 27. “The influence of impeller type in pilot scale xanthan fermentation”. Amanullah, A., SerranoCarreón, L., Castro, B., Galindo, E. and Nienow, A. W. (1998). Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 57(1): 95-108. 28. “Characterization of xanthans from selected Xanthomonas cultivated under constant dissolved oxygen”. Sánchez, A., Ramírez, M.E., Torres, L.G. and Galindo, E. (1997). World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 13: 443-451. 29. “High yield recovery of xanthan by precipitation with isopropanol in a stirred tank”. Galindo, E. and Albiter, V. (1996). Biotechnology Progress. 12: 540-547. 30. “Detergents improve xanthan yield and polymer quality in cultures of Xanthomonas campestris”. Galindo, E. and Salcedo, G. (1996). Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 19: 145-149. 31. “Xanthomonas campestris as a host for the production of recombinant Pseudomonas aeruginosa lipase”. Leza, A., Palmeros, B., García, J.O., Galindo, E. and Soberón-Chávez, G. (1996). Journal of Industrial Microbiology. 16:22-28. 32. “Reproducibility of pilot scale xanthan fermentations”. Amanullah, A., Serrano-Carreón, L., Galindo, E. and Nienow, A.W. (1996). Biotechnology Progress.12: 466-473. 33. “Diffusion behavior of ammonium in xanthan gum solutions”. Brito, E., Torres, L. and Galindo, E. (1995). Biotechnology Progress. 11: 221-223. 34. “Kinetics and broth rheology evolution during xanthan production by Xanthomonas campestris cultured in shake flasks”. Serrano-Carreón, L., Salcedo, G., Ramírez, M.E. and Galindo, E. (1995). Asia Pacific Journal of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. 3(1): 67-73. 35. “Apparent yield stress of xanthan solutions and broths”. Torres, L.G., Flores, F. and Galindo, E. (1995). Bioprocess Engineering. 12:41-46. 36. “Aspects of the process for xanthan production”. Galindo, E. (1994). Food and Bioproducts Processing (Trans. I. Chem. part C). 72:227-237. 37. “Effect of the dissolved oxygen tension during cultivation of X. campestris on the production and quality of xanthan gum". Flores, F. Torres, L. G. and Galindo, E. (1994). Journal of Biotechnology. 34:165-173. 38. "Recovery of xanthan from fermentation broths by precipitation in a stirred tank". Albiter, V., Torres, L.G. and Galindo, E. (1994). Process Biochemistry. 29: 187-196. 39. “Preservation of Xanthomonas campestris con agar slopes: effects on xanthan production". Galindo, E. Salcedo, G. and Ramírez, M.E. (1994). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 40: 634-637. 40. "The characterization of a viscoelasticity parameter and other rheological properties of various xanthan gum fermentation broths and solutions". Torres, L.G., Nienow, A.W., Sánchez, A. and Galindo, E. (1993). Bioprocess Engineering. 9: 231-237. 41. "Performance of the SCABA 6SRGT agitator in mixing of simulated xanthan gum broths". Galindo, E. and Nienow, A.W. (1993). Chemical Engineering and Technology. 16: 102-108. 42. "Viscous behaviour of xanthan aqueous solutions from a variant strain of Xanthomonas campestris. Torres, L.G., Brito, E., Galindo, E. and Choplin, L. (1993). Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering. 75(1): 58-64. 43. "Improved shake-flask test for the screening of xanthan-producing microorganisms". Galindo, E., Salcedo, G., Flores, C. and Ramírez, M.E. (1993). World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 9: 122-124. 44. "Preservation of Xanthomonas campestris in Brassica oleracea seeds". Salcedo, G., Ramírez, M.E., Flores, C. and Galindo, E. (1992). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 37: 723-727 (1992). 45. "Power consumption of three impeller combinations in mixing xanthan fermentation broths". Sánchez, A., Martínez, A.., Torres, L.G. and Galindo, E. (1992). Process Biochemistry. 27: 351365. 46. "Mixing of highly viscous simulated xanthan fermentation broths with the Lightnin A-315 impeller". Galindo, E. and Nienow, A.W. (1992). Biotechnology Progress. 8: 233-239. 47. "In-fermenter power measurement during a xanthan gum fermentation compared with nonfermentative studies". Torrestiana, B., Galindo, E., Xueming, Z. and Nienow, A.W. (1991). Food and Bioprocess Engineering, Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, part C. 69: 149-155. 48. "Apparent yield stress estimation in xanthan gum solutions and fermentation broths using a low-cost viscometer”. Hannote, M., Flores, F., Torres, L. and Galindo, E. (1991). The Chemical Engineering Journal. 45: B49-B56. 49. "Xanthan production by some Xanthomonas isolates”. Torrestiana, B., Fucikovsky, L. Galindo, E. (1990). Letters in Applied Microbiology. 10: 81-83. and 50. “Difussion of sucrose in xanthan gum solutions”. Torrestiana, B., Galindo, E. and Brito, E. (1989). Bioprocess Engineering. 4: 265-273. 51. "Rheological characterization of xanthan fermentation broths and their reconstituted solutions”. Galindo, E., Torrestiana, B. and García-Rejón, A. (1989). Bioprocess Engineering. 4: 113-118. 52. "Xanthan gum production by altered pathogenicity variants of Xanthomonas campestris". Ramírez, M.E., Fucikovsky, L., García-Jiménez, F., Quintero, R. and Galindo, E. (1988). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 29: 5-10. 53. "Cooperative binding of sucrose in xanthan gum solutions". Torrestiana, B., Brito, E. and Galindo, E. (1988). Biotechnology Progress. 4(1): 1-5. En revistas locales - Alginatos “Papel del alginato en la agregación de Azotobacter vinelandii”, Coronado, E., Galindo, E. y Peña, C. (2008). Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología. 10(1): 10-16. “A model predicting the effects of oscillating dissolved oxygen tension on the molecular weight of alginate by Azotobacter vinelandii. Trujillo-Roldán, M., Peña, C., Galindo, E. (2005). Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química. 4:37-45 En Proceedings Internacionales - Xantanas 1. “Engineering and microbiological aspects of the production of microbial polysaccharides: xanthan as a model”. Galindo, E. In: Bioproducts Processing: Technology for the Tropics, I. Chem. E. Symposium Series, Hashim, A.M. (Ed.), 137, pp.169-177. (1994). 2. “Diffusion of phosphate ion in xanthan gum solutions”. Araiza, G., Torres L. G. and Galindo, E. In: Advances in Bioprocess Engineering (Galindo, E. and Ramírez, O.T. Eds.), Kluwer Academic, The Netherlands, pp. 221-225, (1994). 3. "Improving xanthan fermentation performance by changing agitators". Xueming, Z., Nienow, A.W., Kent, C.A., Chatwin, S. and Galindo, E. Procc. 7th European Conference on Mixing, Brugge, Belgium, Vol. I, Koninklijke Vlaamse Ingenieursvereniging vzw, pp. 277-283 (1991). 4. "Mixing of simulated xanthan gum broths". Galindo, E., Nienow, A. and Badham, R. Proc. 2nd. Bioreactor Fluid Dynamics Conference, R. King (Ed.) Cambridge, BHRA, The Fluid Engineering Centre-Elsevier, Cranfield, pp. 65-78 (1988). Artículos de divulgación “Las condiciones de cultivo determinan las características moleculares de los polisacáridos microbianos”. Peña, C. y Galindo, E. (2003). Biotecnología (SMBB). 7 (3): 22-38. ”La goma xantana: un polisacárido microbiano obtenido del azúcar con extraordinarias propiedades y variadas aplicaciones”. Galindo, E. (1988). Boletín GEPLACEA. 5(9): 1-8. Artículos de divulgación en libros “Engineering and microbiological aspects of the production of microbial polysaccharides”. Galindo, E. En: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Bioproducts Processing, Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 26-29 (1994). ”Biopolímeros”. Brito, E., López, A. y Galindo, E. En: Biotecnología Alimentaria. Editores: Quintero, R., López, A. y García-Garibay, M. Limusa-Noriega Editores, México, D.F., pp. 423-451 (1993). ”Polisacáridos microbianos”. Galindo, E. En: “Prospectiva de la Biotecnología en México”, Quintero, R. (compilador). CONACyT, Fundación Javier Barros Sierra, A.C., México, D.F. pp. 65-92 (1985). Control biológico En revistas internacionales 1. "Nitrogen Limitation in Neochloris oleoabundans: A Reassessment of Its Effect on Cell Growth and Biochemical Composition". Garibay-Hernandez, A. Vazquez-Duhalt, R. Serrano-Carreon, L. Martinez, A. (2013). Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 171: 1775-1791. 2. “The challenges of introducing a new biofungicide to the market: a case study”. Galindo, E., Serrano-Carreón, L., Gutiérrez, C. R., Allende, R., Balderas, K., Patiño, M., Trejo, M., Wong, M. A., Rayo, E., Isauro, D. and Jurado, C. (2013). Electronic Journal of Biotechnology. 16 (6). 3. “Spray-drying microencapsulation of Trichoderma harzianum in carbohydrate polymer matrices”. (2012). Muñoz-Celaya, A., Ortíz-García, Vernon, E.J., Jáuregui, J., Galindo, E., Serrano-Carreón, L., Carbohydrate Polymers. 88: 1141-1148. 4. “Cellular damage during drying and storage of Trichoderma harzianum spores”. FernándezSandoval, M.T., Ortíz-García, M., Galindo, E. and Serrano-Carreón, L. (2012). Process Biochemistry. 28: 2731-2740. 5. “Assessing mango anthracnose using a new three-dimensional image analysis technique to quantify lesions on fruit”. Corkidi, G., Balderas-Ruíz, K., Taboada, B., Serrano-Carreón, L. and Galindo, E. (2006). Plant Pathology. 55(2): 250-257. 6. “Pilot-scale production and liquid formulation of Rhodotorula minuta, a potential biocontrol agent of mango anthracnose”, Patiño-Vera, M., Jiménez, B., Balderas, K., Ortíz, M., Allende, R., Carrillo, A. and Galindo, E. (2005). Journal of Applied Microbiology. 99: 540-550. En revistas locales “Los microorganismos en el control biológico de insectos y fitopatógenos”. Ibarra, J.E., Del RincónCastro, M.C., Galindo, E., Patiño, M., Serrano, L., García, R., Carrillo, J.A., Pereyra-Alférez, B., Alcázar-Pizaña, A., Luna-Olvera, H., Galán-Wong, L., Pardo, L., Muñoz-Garay, C., Gómez, I., Soberón, M. y Bravo, A. (2006). Revista Latinoamericana de Microbiología. 48(2): 113-120. “Control biológico de antracnosis (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz.) y su efecto en la calidad poscosecha del mango (Mangifera indica L.) en Sinaloa”. Carrillo-Fasio, J.A., García-Estrada, R.S., Muy-Rangel, M.D., Sañudo-Barajas, A., Márquez-Zequera, I. Allende-Molar, R., De la Garza-Ruiz, Z., Patiño-Vera, M. y Galindo-Fentanes, E. (2005). Revista Mexicana de Fitopatología. 23(1): 24-32. Artículos de divulgación “Biofungicidas para el control de la antracnosis del mango: logrando frutos de alta calidad internacional para mercados exigentes”. Serrano, L., Balderas, K., Wong, M.A., Rosas, D.R., Galindo, E. (2010). Claridades Agropecuarias. 208: 28-37. “Una nueva herramienta para la caracterización precisa y cuantitativa de la antracnosis del mango, de utilidad para fitopatólogos, productores y exportadores”, Corkidi, G., Rojas, A., Balderas, K., Sangabriel, J.C., Serrano, L., Galindo. E. (2010). Claridades Agropecuarias. 198: 39-47. “Control biológico de organismos fitopatógenos: un reto multidisciplinario”. Serrano, L. y Galindo, E. (2007). Ciencia. 58(1): 77-88. “¡Que mangos! Mejora en su producción”. Galindo, E. (2006). Hypatia. 19(5): 4-5. “Tecnología para el control biológico de la principal enfermedad del mango (antracnosis) y el efecto en su calidad poscosecha”. Galindo, E., Carrillo-Fasio, A., García-Estrada, R.S., Patiño, M. (2005). Claridades Agropecuarias. 148: 50-59. Producción de lacasas En revistas internacionales 1. "Induction of laccases in Trametes versicolor by aqueous wood extracts". Bertrand, B. MartinezMorales, F. Tinoco, R. Rojas-Trejo, S. Serrano-Carreon, L. Trejo-Hernandez, M.R. (2014). World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology. 30: 135-142. 2. "Toward an understanding of the effects of agitation and aeration on growth and laccases production by Pleurotus ostreatus". Tinoco-Valencia, R. Gomez-Cruz, C. Galindo, E. SerranoCarreon, L. (2014). Journal of Biotechnology. 177: 67-73. 3. “Increasing Pleurotus ostreatus laccase production by culture medium optimization and copper/lignin synergistic induction”. Tinoco, R., Acevedo, A., Galindo, E. and Serrano-Carreón, L. (2011). Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. 38: 531-540. 4. “Production of laccases by Pleurotus ostreatus in submerged fermentation in co-culture with Trichoderma viride”. Flores, C., Casasanero, R., Trejo-Hernández, M.R., Galindo, E. and Serrano-Carreón, L. (2010). Journal of Applied Microbiology. 108: 810-817. 5. “Selection of Trichoderma strains capable of increasing laccase production by Pleorotus ostreatus and Agaricus bisporus in dual cultures”. Flores, C., Vidal, C., Trejo-Hernández, M.R., Galindo, E. and Serrano-Carreón, L. (2009). Journal of Applied Microbiology. 106: 249-257. Producción de aromas En revistas internacionales 1. “From shake flasks to stirred fermentors: scale-up of an extractive fermentation process for 6pentyl-a-pyrone production by Trichoderma harzianum using volumetric power input”. RochaValadez, J.A., Estrada, M., Galindo, E. and Serrano-Carreón, L. (2006). Process Biochemistry. 41(6): 1347-1352. 2. “6 pentyl-a-pyrone production by Trichoderma harzianum: the influence of energy dissipation rate and its implications on fungal physiology”. Rocha-Valadéz, J. A., Hassan, M., Corkidi, G., Flores, C., Galindo, E. and Serrano-Carreón, L. (2005). Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 91(1): 5461. 3. “Rhizoctonia solani, an elicitor of 6-pentyl-a-pyrone production by Trichoderma harzianum in a two-liquid phase extractive fermentation system”. Serrano-Carreón, L., Flores, C., Rodríguez, B. and Galindo, E. (2004). Biotechnology Letters. 26: 1403-1406. 4. “Production of 6-pentyl-a-pyrone by Trichoderma harzianum cultured in unbaffled and baffled shake flasks”. Galindo, E., Flores, C., Larralde-Corona, P., Corkidi-Blanco, G., Rocha-Valadéz, J.A. and Serrano-Carreón, L. (2004). Biochemical Engineering Journal. 18: 1-8. 5. “Production and biotransformation of 6-pentyl-a-pyrone by Trichoderma harzianum in two-phase culture systems”. Serrano-Carreón, L., Balderas-Ruíz, K., Galindo, E. and Rito-Palomares, M. (2002). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 58: 170-174. 6. “The potential application of aqueous two-phase systems for in situ recovery of 6-pentyl-a-pyrone produced by Trichoderma harzianum”. Rito- Palomares, M., Negrete, A., Miranda, L., Flores, C., Galindo, E. and Serrano-Carreón, L. (2001). Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 28: 625-631. 7. “Aroma compounds recovery from mycelial cultures in aqueous two-phase processes”. RitoPalomares, M., Negrete, A., Galindo, E. and Serrano-Carreón, L. (2000). Journal of Chromatography. 743: 403-408. 8. “γ-Decalactone production by Trichoderma harzianum in stirred bioreactors”. Serrano-Carreón, L., Flores, C. and Galindo, E. (1997). Biotechnology Progress. 13: 205-208. Hidrodinámica de sistemas multifásicos En revistas internacionales 1. "Foam production and hydrodynamic performance of a traditional Mexican molinillo (beater) in the chocolate beverage preparation process". Holguín-Salas, A., López-López, D., Corkidi, G., Galindo, E. (2015). Food Bioprod. Process. 93:139-147. 2. "Gradient-detection-pattern transform for automated measurement of drops in images of multiphase dispersions". Rojas-Domínguez A, Holguín-Salas A, Galindo E, Corkidi G. (2015). Chemical Engineering and Technology. 38:1-10. 3. "Visualization of compound drops formation in multiphase processes for the identification of factors influencing bubble and water droplet inclusions in oil drops". Corkidi, G. Rojas, A. Pimentel, A. Galindo, E. (2012). Chemical Engineering Research & Design. 90: 1727-1738. 4. “Design and characterization of a one-compartment scale-down system for simulating dissolved oxygen tension gradients”. de León-Rodríguez, Galindo, E. and Ramírez, O. T. (2010). Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 85: 950-956.. 5. “High-speed visualization of multiphase dispersions in a mixing tank”. Guevara-López, E., Sanjuan-Galindo, R., Córdova-Aguilar, M.S., Corkidi, G., Ascanio, G. and Galindo, E. (2008). Chemical Engineering Research and Design (ChERD). 86: 1382-1387. 6. “An optical approach for identifying the nature and the relative 3D spatial position of components of complex structures formed in multiphase dispersions systems”. Córdova-Aguilar, M. S., DíazUribe, R., Escobar, O., Corkidi, G. and Galindo, E. (2008). Chemical Engineering Science. 63 (11): 3047-3056. 7. “Accurate determination of embedded particles within dispersed elements in multiphase dispersions, using a 3D micro-stereoscopic vision system”. Corkidi, G., Voinson, T., Taboada, B. I., Córdova, M. S. and Galindo, E. (2007). Chemical Engineering Science. 63: 317-329. 8. “The influence of circulation frequency on fungal morphology: A case study considering Kolmogorov microescale in constant specific energy dissipation rate cultures of Trichoderma harzianum”. Rocha-Valadez, J. A., Galindo, E. and Serrano-Carreón, L. (2007). Journal of Biotechnology. 130: 394-401. 9. “Semi-automatic image analysis methodology for the segmentation of bubbles and drops in complex dispersions occurring in bioreactors”. Taboada, B., Vega, L., Córdova, M.S., Galindo, E. and Corkidi, G. (2006). Experiments in Fluids. 41: 383-392. 10. “Phases dispersion and oxygen transfer in a simulated fermentation broth containing castor oil and proteins”. Pulido-Mayoral, N. and Galindo, E. (2004). Biotechnology Progress. 20: 16081613. 11. “Quantitative characterization of the morphology of Trichoderma harzianum cultured in shake flasks and containing Tween 40”. Lucatero, S., Galindo, E. and Larralde-Corona, C.P. (2004). Biotechnology Letters. 26: 41-44. 12. "Images acquisition of multiphase dispersion in fermentation processes". Taboada, B., Larralde, C., Brito, T., Vega-Alvarado, L., Díaz, R., Galindo, E. and Corkidi, G. (2003). Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 1(1): 78-84. 13. "Oil and air dispersion in a simulated fermentation broth as a function of mycelial morphology". Lucatero, S., Larralde-Corona, C. P., Corkidi, G. and Galindo, E. (2003). Biotechnology Progress. 19: 285-292. 14. “Distribution of the free and oil-trapped air bubbles in simulated broths containing fungal biomass”. Larralde-Corona, C. P., Córdova-Aguilar, M. S. and Galindo. E. (2002). Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 80: 491-494. 15. “Accurate and rapid viability assesment of Trichoderma harzianum using fluorescence-based digital image analysis”. Hassan, M., Corkidi, G., Flores, C., Galindo, E. and Serrano-Carreón, L. (2002). Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 80(6): 677-684. 16. “Oil and fungal biomass dispersion in a stirred tank containing a simulated fermentation broth”. Córdova-Aguilar, M.S. , Sánchez, A., Serrano-Carreón, L. and Galindo, E. (2001). Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 76: 1101-1106. 17. “Effect of the impeller-sparger configuration over Trichoderma harzianum growth in four-phases cultures under constant dissolved oxygen”, J. A. Rocha-Valadez, E. Galindo and L. SerranoCarreón, Bioprocess Engineering 23: 403-410 (2000). 18. “Study of drop and bubble sizes in a simulated mycelial fermentation broth of up to four phases”. Galindo, E., Pacek, A.W. and Nienow, A.W. (2000). Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 69(2): 213-221. En revistas locales “Análisis digital de imágenes para la caracterización microscópica de parámetros críticos en la producción fermentativa de metabolitos secundarios”. Corkidi G., Serrano-Carreón L., Galindo E. (2008). Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología. 10(1): 75-93. En Proceedings Internacionales 1. “On line Sauter diameter measurement of air bubbles and drops in stirred bioreactors by using Hough transform”. Vega, L., Córdova, M.S., Taboada, B., Galindo, E. and Corkidi, G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ICICAR 3212. Campilho, A. & Kamel, M. (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 834-840. (2004). Mezclado, consumo de potencia, transferencia de oxígeno y escalamiento En revistas internacionales 1. “Production of β-galactosidase by Kluyveromyces marxianus under oscillating dissolved oxygen tension”. Cortés, G., Trujillo-Roldán, M. A., Ramírez, O.T. and Galindo, E. Process Biochemistry. 40(2): 773-778 (2005). 2. “Measurement of power consumption in stirred vessels- a review”. Ascanio, G., Castro, B. and Galindo, E. (2004). Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 82(A9): 1282-1290. 3. “Effects of dissolved oxygen tension on the production of recombinant penicillin acylase in Escherichia coli”. De León, A., Hernández, V., Galindo, E. and Ramírez, O. T. (2003). Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 32: 689-697. 4. “Effectiveness factor in biological external convection: study in high viscosity systems”. Peña, C., Galindo, E. and Díaz, M. (2002). Journal of Biotechnology. 95: 1-12. 5. “Two useful dimensionless parameters that combine physiological, operational and bioreactor design parameters for improved control of dissolved oxygen”. De León, A., Barba-de la Rosa, A. P., Mayani, H., Galindo, E. and Ramírez, O.T. (2000). Biotechnology Letters. 23: 1051-1056. 6. “Broth rheology, growth and metabolite production of Beta vulgaris suspension culture: a comparative study between cultures grown in shake flasks and in a stirred tank”. RodríguezMonroy, M. and Galindo, E. (1999). Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 24: 687-693. 7. “β-galactosidase production by Kluyveromyces fragilis cultured in shake flasks”. Topete, M., Casas, L. T. and Galindo, E. (1997). Revista Latinoamericana de Microbiología. 39: 101-107. 8. “A postfermentative stage improves penicillin acylase production by a recombinant E. coli”. De León, A., Galindo, E. and Ramírez, O. T. (1996). Biotechnology Letters. 18 (8): 927-932. 9. “A comparison of cavern development in mixing a yield stress fluid by Rushton and Intermig impellers”. Galindo, E., Argüello, M.A., Velasco, D., Albíter, V. and Martínez, A. (1996). Chemical Engineering and Technology. 19: 315-323. 10. “Products and bioprocess based on genetically modified organisms: review of bioengineering issues and trends in the literature”. Ramírez, O.T., Flores, E. and Galindo, E. (1995). Asia Pacific Journal of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. 3(3):165-197. 11. “Studies of an independently-driven, dual impeller protofermenter with and without a draft tube: power and hold-up”. John, A.H., Nienow, A.W., Sánchez, A., Torres, L. and Galindo, E. (1995). Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (part A). 73: 535-541. 12. "Factors affecting the consumption of 2,3-butanodione by Saccharomyces cerevisiae". OlguinCastillo, C. M., Galindo, E. and Salvador-Figueroa, M. (1994). Letters in Applied Microbiology. 18: 132-134. 13. "A new pneumatic bearing dynamometer for power input measurement in stirred tanks”. Reséndiz, R., Martínez, A., Ascanio, G. and Galindo, E. (1991). Chemical Engineering and Technology. 14: 105-108. 14. “Maximizing the expression of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli by manipulation of culture conditions”. Galindo, E., Bolívar, F. and Quintero, R. (1990). Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering. 69 (3):159-165. 15. “Effects of different impeller combinations and agitation speeds on the culture of a highly oxygensensitive bacteria”. Galindo, E. and Herrera, R. (1989). The Biochemical Engineering Journal. 42: B9-B14. 16. "Interaction of cultural conditions and end-product distribution in Bacillus subtilis grown in shake flasks". Delgado, G., Topete, M. and Galindo, E. (1989). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 31: 288-292. 17. "Sparger position effect over kLa in bench and pilot stirred-tank fermentors". Martínez, A., Galindo, E. and Salvador, M. (1989). Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering. 68 (1): 71-73. En revistas locales “Diseño, caracterización y aplicación de un simulador de gradientes de oxígeno disuelto presentes en fermentadores de gran escala”. De León, A., Ramírez, O.T. y Galindo, E. (1995). Avances en Ingeniería Química. 5(1): 1-6. "Desarrollo de un sistema amigable y versátil para adquisición de datos y control de bioreactores". Aguilar-Aguila, A., Valentinotti, S., Galindo, E. y Ramírez, O.T. (1993). Biotecnología. 3(5/6): S130S139 "Consumo de potencia en fermentadores de 14 litros: implicaciones de uso de turbinas y aspersores de aire no estándar". Martínez, A., Salvador, M. y Galindo, E. (1992). Biotecnología. 2(5/6): 173190. En Proceedings Internacionales 1. "Production of arabinogalactan-proteins in Beta vulgaris cell suspension cultures: a response to hydrodynamic stress". Rodríguez-Monroy, M. and Galindo, E. Cell and Developmental Biology of Arabinogalactan-Proteins. Nothnagel, E.A., Bacic, A. and Clarke, A.E. (Eds.), Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, pp. 290-292. (2000). 2. “Effect of impeller geometry on the production of aroma compounds by Trichoderma harzianum”. Godoy-Silva, R.D., Serrano-Carreón, L., Ascanio, G. and Galindo, E. Proccedings of the 4th International Conference on Bioreactor & Bioprocess Fluid Dynamics. Nienow, A. W. (Ed.), BHR Group, Bedford, England, pp. 61-72. ( 1997). 3. “Studies on cavern development in mixing a yield stress fluid in a pilot-scale proto-fermenter”, Serrano-Carreón, L. and Galindo, E., Récents Progrès en Génie des Procedes, J. Villermaux and J. Bertrand (Eds.), 11 (51): 161-168 (1997). 4. "Hydrodynamics of industrial fermentations: rheology and power drawn in rifamycin production". Velasco, D., Martínez, A. and Galindo, E. In: Industrial Mixing Technology: Chemical and Biological Applications. AIChE Symposium Series, Tatterson, E.B., Calabrese, R.V., Penney, W.R. (Eds.), 299, Vol. 90, pp.157-165, (1994). 5. "Rheology and dual impeller mixing of an industrial fermentation broth containing Micromonospora purpurea". Velasco, D., Martínez, A., Torres, L.G. and Galindo, E. Procc. 3rd International Conference on Bioreactor and Bioprocess Fluid Dynamics, Nienow, A.W. (Ed.), BHR Group Ltd, Cranfield, U.K., pp. 101-116 (1993). 6. "Effect of mechanical agitation on alcoholic fermentation". Galindo, E., Román, B. and Salvador, M. In: Process Mixing: Chemical and Biochemical Applications-part II, AIChE Symposium Series, Tatterson, G., Calabrese, R. Penney, W. (Eds.). New York, 89: pp. 72-75, (1993). 7. "Investigation of bioreactor mixing and mass transfer using an oxygen sensitive microbial culture". Griot, M., Galindo, E., Heinzle, E., Dunn, I.J. and Bourne, J.R. Procc. 6th European Conference on Mixing, Pavia, BHRA, The Fluid Engineering Centre, Cranfield, pp. 435-442 (1988). Artículos de divulgación “Las células vegetales, ¿frágiles para crecer en biorreactores?. Rodríguez, M. y Galindo, E. (2003). Biotecnología (SMBB). 8(2): 6-17. “El estrés hidrodinámico en cultivos celulares”. Trujillo-Roldán, M. y Galindo, E. (2003). Biotecnología (SMBB). 8(1): 7-22. ”Avances en los sistemas de cultivo masivo de células animales”. Galindo, E., Herrera, M., Ramírez, M.E., Topete, M. y Torres, L.G. (1991). Ciencia y Desarrollo. 17(100): 68-80. ”Avances en los sistemas de cultivo masivo de células vegetales”. Topete, M., Torres, L.G., Ramírez, M. E., Herrera, M. y Galindo, E. (1991). Ciencia y Desarrollo. 17(99): 73-85. Artículos de divulgación en libros “Aspectos de Ingeniería en Fermentaciones: cómo mezclar gases, líquidos y sólidos”. Galindo, E. Aportaciones Científicas y Humanísticas Mexicanas en el Siglo XX. Academia Mexicana de Ciencias, Fondo de Cultura Económica. pp. 264-278 (2008). “Operaciones de transferencia”, “Traslación de Escala”, “Polisacáridos Microbianos”, Galindo, E. En: Notas de V Curso Latinoamericano de Biotecnología. Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile, 2-14 de Septiembre de 1996. “Reología y mezclado de fermentaciones de alta viscosidad”. Galindo, E., Velasco, D. y Sánchez, A. En: Fronteras en Biotecnología y Bioingeniería. Editor: Galindo, E. Sociedad Mexicana de Biotecnología y Bioingeniería, A. C., México, p. 167-178 (1996). Biosensores En revistas internacionales 1. “A microbial biosensor for 6-aminopenicillanic acid”. Galindo, E., Lagunas, F., Osuna, J., Soberón, X. and García, J. L. (1998). Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 23: 331-334. 2. “Microbial sensor for new-generation cephalosporins based in a protein-engineered β-lactamase”. García, J. L., Nuñez, C.J., González, E.G., Osuna, J., Soberón, X. and Galindo, E. (1998). Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 73: 243-256. 3. "A note of caution in determining glucose in molasses-based alcoholic fermentation broths by an enzymatic electrode". García, J.L., García-Garibay, M., Salvador, M. and Galindo, E. (1993). Biotechnology Techniques. 7(7): 525-528. 4. "Characterization of microbial membranes used for the estimation of biochemical oxygen demand with a biosensor". Galindo, E., García, J.L., Torres, L.G. and Quintero, R. (1992). Biotechnology Techniques. 6(5): 399-404. 5. "Modeling the non-steady-state response of an enzyme electrode for lactose". García, J.L., LópezMunguía, A. and Galindo, E. (1991). Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 13: 672-675. 6. "An immobilization technique yielding high enzymatic load on Galindo, E. (1990). Biotechnology Techniques. 4(6): 425-428. nylon nets". García, J.L. and 7. "Microbial sensor for penicillins using a recombinant strain of Escherichia coli”. Galindo, E., Bautista, D., García, J.L. and Quintero, R. (1990). Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 12: 642646. En revistas locales “Sistema computarizado para la medición rápida y automatizada de la DBO en plantas de lodos activados mediante un biosensor microbiano”. Zamora, M. E., García, J.L., Méndez, I., AguilarAguila, A., Ramírez, O. T. y Galindo, E. (1998). BioTecnología. 3: 107-117. "Posibilidades de monitoreo y control de la DBO mediante un biosensor acoplado a una microcomputadora". García, J.L., Zambrano, N., Aguilar-Aguila, A., Ramírez, O.T. y Galindo, E. (1993). BioTecnología. 3(5/6): S120-S129. "Response characteristics of a glucose sensor based in an oxygen electrode and glucose oxidase immobilized on nylon nets”. García, J.L. y Galindo, E. (1990). Instrumentación y Desarrollo. 2(10): 18-21. "Caracterización de un analizador electroenzimático de glucosa, desarrollado en la UNAM". Terrés, A., Caloca, F. y Galindo, E. (1987). Revista Mexicana de Patología Clínica. 34(4): 195-199. "Electrodo microbiano para la determinación de la DBO". Galindo, E. y Quintero, R. En: "Biotecnología de Enzimas". Editor: Huitrón, C., UNAM, pp. 363-368 (1985). Artículo de divulgación ”Electrodos biológicos”. Galindo, E. (1986). Ciencia y Desarrollo. 71: 37-54. Artículo de divulgación en libro “Biosensors”. Galindo, E. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, UNESCO. Editor: Doelle, H. W. EOLSS Publishing Co. Ltd., Oxford, U.K., (2002). Temas generales Artículos de divulgación ”Ingeniería Bioquímica: un factor clave en la comercialización de biotecnologías”. Galindo, E. y Bárzana, E. (1994). Ciencia y Desarrollo. 20 (116):12-17. ”Nuevos retos para la Ingeniería Bioquímica”. Galindo, E. (1993). Biotecnología. 3(5/6): S37-S47. “Publicaciones internacionales de mexicanos incluidas en una base de datos especializada en biotecnología (1982-1995)”. Galindo, E. y Martínez, L. I. (1997). BioTecnología (Nueva Era, México), 2(1): 37-44. ”Biotecnología: oportunidades y amenazas”. Galindo, E. (1988). Ciencia y Desarrollo. 80: 21-40. Artículos de divulgación en libros “Domesticando microorganismos en un biorreactor: los retos del bioingeniero”. Galindo, E., Peña, C. y Serrano-Carreón, L. En: Una ventana al quehacer científico en el Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM: 25 años de evolución. Editores: Instituto de Biotecnología, UNAM y Dirección General de Divulgación de la Ciencia/UNAM. Compiladores: Rebolledo, F. y López-Munguía, A. pp. 131–143 (2008). “Comunicación social en biotecnología”. Galindo, E. En: Recomendaciones para el desarrollo y consolidación de la biotecnología en México. Bolívar, F. (coordinador), CIBIOGEM/AMC/CONACyT, ISBN 968-7428-18X, pp. 77-90 (2003). “Situación de la Biotecnología en México”. Galindo, E., Larqué, A., Arriaga, E. y Bolívar, F. En: Estado Actual y Prospectiva de la Ciencia en México. Editor: de la Peña, J.A. Academia Mexicana de Ciencias, ISBN 968-7428-15-5, pp. 62-81 (2003). ”Percepción pública de la Biotecnología”. Galindo, E. y Gálvez, A. En: “Biotecnología moderna para el desarrollo de México en el siglo XXI: retos y oportunidades”. Bolívar, F. (coordinador), ISBN 968-823-281-5, CONACyT-México, pp.117-140 (2001). “Dos experiencias en el desarrollo de biotecnologías”. Galindo, E. En: La Tercera Revolución Industrial en México: Marcos Generales y Estudios de Caso. A. Chavero (compilador), Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, UNAM. 16 p. (1998). Libros “EL QUEHACER DE LA CIENCIA EXPERIMENTAL. Una guía práctica para investigar y reportar resultados en las ciencias naturales”. Enrique Galindo Fentanes, Siglo XXI Editores, Academia de Ciencias de Morelos. ISBN: 978-607-03-0459-0. 202 pgs. Marzo de 2013. Libros editados por Dr. Enrique Galindo "La Ciencia, desde Morelos para el Mundo, Tomo III: Química, Física y Matemáticas". publicado por la Academia de Ciencias de Morelos y el periódico "La Unión de Morelos". 180 páginas. (Editores: Galindo, E., Sánchez, J., Calva, E., Cuevas, S., Iturriaga, G., Larralde, H., Davis, O. y Hernández, G.). ISBN: en trámite. Mayo 2013. "La Ciencia, desde Morelos para el Mundo, Tomo II: del ambiente a la genómica". publicado por la Academia de Ciencias de Morelos y el periódico "La Unión de Morelos". 180 páginas. (Editores: Galindo, E., Sánchez, J., Calva, E., Cuevas, S., Iturriaga, G., Larralde, H., Davis, O. y Hernández, G.). ISBN: 978-607-95682-1-4. Septiembre 2012. "La Ciencia, desde Morelos para el Mundo, Tomo I: Ciencia y Sociedad". publicado por la Academia de Ciencias de Morelos y el periódico "La Unión de Morelos". (Editores: Galindo, E., Sánchez, J., Calva, E., Cuevas, S., Iturriaga, G., Larralde, H., Davis, O. y Hernández, G.). ISBN: 978-607-95682-0-7. Septiembre 2011. “Advances in Bioprocess Engineering II”. Kluwer Academic, The Netherlands. (Editores: Galindo, E. and Ramírez, O.T.), ISBN 0-7923-4923-7, 275 pgs. (1998). “Fronteras en Biotecnología y Bioingeniería”. Sociedad Mexicana de Biotecnología y Bioingeniería, A.C., México. (Editor: Galindo, E.), ISBN 968-7735-00-7, 463 pgs. (1996). “Advances in Bioprocess Engineering”. Kluwer Academic, The Netherlands, (Editores: Galindo, E. and Ramírez, O.T.). ISBN 0-7923-3072-2, 541 pgs. (1994). Patentes otorgadas - Control biológico “Método para obtener una composición líquida con Rhodotorula minuta, efectiva para control biológico de antracnosis y la composición obtenida”. E. Galindo, L. Serrano, L. Trujillo, A. Carrillo, R. García, R. Allende, y M. Patiño. Patente Mexicana No. MX 292651 B, otorgada el 19 de Noviembre de 2011. - Xantanas "Procedimiento para la obtención de goma xantana clarificada con bajo contenido de nitrógeno" E. Galindo, M.E. Ramírez, F. Flores, F. García-Jiménez, J. Torres y E. Brito, No. 186,488; 15 de Octubre de 1997. "Reactor y procedimiento para la obtención de goma xantana", E. Galindo, M.E. Ramírez y F. Flores, No. 172,343, 14 de Diciembre de 1993. "Procedimiento para controlar los contenidos de ácido pirúvico y de plomo en la goma xantana", E. Galindo, M.E. Ramírez, F. Flores, y F. García-Jiménez, No. 168,618, 1 de Junio de 1993. - Biosensores "Procedimiento para la inmovilización de enzimas en mallas de nylon en la construcción de electrodos enzimáticos" E. Galindo, J. García. M. Alvarez y J. Pimentel, No. 169,214, 24 de Junio de 1993. - Otras “Proceso en dos etapas para la producción de células conteniendo proteína madurada con actividad biológica”, E. Galindo, T. Ramírez y A. Rodríguez, Patente Mexicana No. 249141, 19 de Septiembre de 2007. "Proceso para producir la enzima penicilino amidasa en células de E. coli", L. Casas, F. Bastarrachea, R. Quintero, D. Carranco, E. Galindo y F. Bolívar, No. 178,107; 23 de Mayo de 1995.
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