Horse schedule inners 2016.indd


Horse schedule inners 2016.indd
S A T U R D AY 9 T H J U L Y 2 0 1 6
C H E T W Y N D D E E R PA R K ,
N E W P O R T, S H R O P S H I R E T F 1 0 8 E U
P r o v i s i o n a l T i m e Ta b l e ( m a y b e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e a c c o r d i n g t o e n t r i e s )
Enter online
Saturday 9th JuLy 2016
ChEtWynd dEEr park
Newport - Shropshire
Prize Schedule
available online
CLaSSES FOr hOrSES BSPS Bright Stars Performance Classes
Children’s Pony Fancy Dress
Coloured Horse and Pony
Coloured WH
Ladies Hunter
Mountain & Moorland Ridden/In Hand
Open Cob Including Maxi’s
Retrained Racehorse
Ridden Heavy Horse
Riding Horses
Senior Showing and Dressage Classes
Shetland Ponies
Shire Horse of the Year
Supreme Championship
Welsh A B C & D
Working Hunter
hOrSE EntrIES CLOSE: FrIday 24th JunE 2016
Enter online at
Vice President
Mr M Hall
Mr R Maddocks
Show Manager
Mrs C. Farrell
2 Market Mews, Newport, Shropshire. TF10 7EY
Tel: 01952 810814 CPH No. 35/129/8002
Horse Secretary
Mr F Edwards
2 Market Mews
TF10 7EY
Tel: 07742 531193
The Organisers and Show Committee will take any necessary
precautions to ensure the Health and Safety of persons on the
Showground. It is a condition of entry to the Showground that all
persons will act on any instruction given to them by the Show
Committee, in so far, that it can affect the Health and Safety of
All persons attending have a responsibility under Section 7 of
the Health and Safety Act that they have due regard to others.
EXhIBItOrS MuSt OnLy LEad Or rIdE thEIr
LIVEStOCk In any arEa, Or On any rOad, rInG
Or WaLkWay WhICh IS MarkEd:“StOCk and handLErS OnLy”
anyone on a horse at an affiliated show must wear a
hard hat.
Caps/riding hats that meet current safety standards
MuSt be worn by riders at all times when mounted.
Grooms & handlers entering show rings must be
suitably attired and wearing a hat.
RESPONSiBLE PERSON (Over 16 years) iN
Visiting the animal sections is an enjoyable and educational experience for many people, particularly
children. However, such visits can never be free from all risks. Farm animals, even those that look
clean and healthy, carry infections that can be harmful to people including E.coli 0157.
Some simple rules to help keep you and your children safe from infections:
WaShInG handS thOrOuGhLy WIth SOap and
WaSh handS BEFOrE EatInG Or drInkInG
SupErVISE ChILdrEn CLOSELy tO EnSurE that
thEy WaSh thEIr handS prOpErLy aFtEr
COntaCtS WIth anIMaLS
dO nOt put FInGErS In MOuthS WhILE pEttInG
dO nOt Eat Or drInk WhILE tOuChInG anIMaLS
Or WaLkInG arOund thE anIMaL arEa
Hand washing facilities are provided in each of the toilet blocks.
Further information on E.coli 0157 is available on the health protection agency website
COmmiTTEE 2016
ADAMS, D.R., Newport, Shropshire. (Honorary Life Member)
ASHBEE, Mrs E.F., Shrewsbury, Shropshire. (Honorary Life Member)
ASSON, A.J., Newport, Shropshire.
BELCHER, Mrs C., Newport, Shropshire.
BELCHER, J.G.M., Shifnal, Shropshire. (Honorary Life Member)
BELCHER, S.J., Newport, Shropshire.
BELCHER, T., Newport, Shropshire
BLOOR, P.G., Newport, Shropshire.
BYRD, P.J., Newport, Shropshire.
CLARKSON, A., Market Drayton, Shropshire.
CORK Miss H., Shifnal, Shropshire.
CRADDOCK, A.J., Telford, Shropshire.
DOBSON, W.S., Newport, Shropshire.
DOLPHIN, S. Newport, Shropshire.
FORD, J., Newport, Shropshire. (Hon. Treasurer)
FURNISS, N., Newport Shropshire.
GALBRAITH, N., Shebdon, Staffordshire.
GOUGH, J., Newport, Shropshire.
GUNN-RUSSELL, D.J., Loynton, Staffordshire.
HALL G., Telford, Shropshire.
HALL M.F., Newport, Shropshire. (President)
HEATH, Mrs K., Newport, Shropshire.
HORNBY, J.F., Telford, Shropshire. (Honorary Life Member)
LAWTON, T., Newport, Shropshire.
BAXTER, Mrs C., Newport, Shropshire.
MADDOCKS, D.L., Newport, Shropshire. (Honorary Life Member)
MADDOCKS, P.D, Newport, Shropshire.
MADDOCKS, R.W., Newport, Shropshire. (Vice President)
MALKIN, C., Market Drayton, Shropshire.
OAKES, R., Market Drayton, Shropshire.
PAINTER, G., Newport, Shropshire.
POWELL, Miss J., Newport, Shropshire.
TAVERNOR, Mrs J., Shebdon, Staffordshire.
WAGSTAFF N., Newport, Shropshire.
WATSON JONES, B., Newport, Shropshire. (Honorary Life President)
WATSON JONES, D., Newport, Shropshire. (Honorary Life Member)
WATSON JONES, R., Newport, Shropshire.
WILCOX, J., Newport, Shropshire.
WOODHOUSE, S.J., Newport, Shropshire.
Mr F. Edwards, 2 Market Mews, Newport, Shropshire. TF10 7EY
Tel: 07742 531193
hOnOrary FarrIEr
Mr Cyril Hembrow
Tel: 07939 897513
Separate Schedules for dog Show, horticultural Section and Livestock
please send S.a.E. to the contacts listed below:
Mrs J. Tavernor, Shebdon Cottage, Shebdon, Staffordshire.
Tel: (01785) 280339
Mr Dave Shoemark, 16 Maes Y Nant, Penycae, Wrexham. LL14 2RE
or Mrs Fiona Scholes
Tel: (01978) 257377
Tel: (01952) 850318
Mr M.F. Hall, 5 Ploughmans Croft, Newport, Shropshire TF10 7XP
Tel: (01952) 820800 (O)
(01952) 811963 (H)
SItuatIOn and aCCOMMOdatIOn
The Society’s own Showground occupies approximately 200 acres and lies North of the town on the
B5062 Newport to Edgmond road. It has mains water and electricity connected. Details of local stabling
facilities will be provided on request.
Valuable silver cups are open for competition, together with many special prizes and rosettes kindly
donated by Breed Societies and supporters.
The winners of cups shall give to the Show Manager, a written guarantee to return the cup in good
condition to Chadwell Grange, Newport, Shropshire TF10 9BG, not later than 3rd June in the year
following the Show, at the expense of the exhibitor. This is a condition of taking the cup/trophy.
prIZE MOnEy & CupS
For Horse Exhibitors, payment will be made on the day of the Show from the Horse rings in the Horse
as winners, if you wish to collect your Cup they will be issued from the hOrSE COMMEntary
BOX after the Grand parade but BEFOrE 5pm.
please ensure that your prize Money is collected on Show day - any prize Money not collected
will be deemed a donation to the newport & district agricultural Society
Grand paradE
The Grand Parade of Prize Winning Cattle and Horses will be held in the Main Ring commencing at
3.00 pm.
1st and 2nd Prize Winners must join the Grand Parade, failure to parade will cause the exhibitor to
forfeit the respective prize money.
Horse entries close on Friday 24th June, 2016.
To obtain schedules for the Livestock, Dog Show and Horticultural Show, please send S.A.E. to the
section secretaries as printed in the schedule (page 4), or visit where they can
be viewed and downloaded. Horse and Livestock exhibitors can enter online at
It is the responsibility of exhibitors to acquaint themselves with any current Ministry regulations
concerning their entries, and to comply with them.
Please note the names of the entry Secretaries to whom the entry forms should be returned.
ChapS aFFILIatIOn no 16174
BSpS aFFILIatIOn no 154/16
The Society reserves the right to cancel any section, which has less than three exhibitors when the
Entry Fees:
Foal Class:
Foals and Yearlings not eligible for Horse of the Year Show Championships
Class 2
1st: £40
2nd: £30
3rd: £20
4th: £5
Class 3 & 4
1st: £30
2nd: £20
3rd: £15
4th: £5
Classes 1, 5-13
1st: £40
2nd: £30
3rd: £20
4th: £5
Members £10
Members £8
Non Members £12
Non Members £10
additional £12.00 entry fee for horse of the year Show contribution in Class 10 only.
No entry fee but you must send entry form for either Classes 11 or 12. You must enter a full paying class to qualify
to enter either classes 11 or 12.
£25 expenses will be given to each Agricultural Horse entered and exhibited at the Show.
Mr J. peacock, Essex.
Classes 1 - 10. 9.30 prompt Ring 2
Classes 11 - 13. 1.45pm Ring 2
Gelding, 3 years old or over
Class 1
Mare with Foal at Foot, Mare only to be judged
Class 2
Colt Foal
Class 3
Filly Foal
Class 4
Colt, Gelding or Filly yearling
Class 5
Colt, Gelding or Filly, 2 years old
Class 6
Mare, 3 years old or over, not suckling foal
Class 7
Stallion, 3 years old or over
Class 8
young handler, Mare or Gelding. Handler 14yrs or over and must be
Class 9
accompanied by a capable adult. The winner of Class 9 will go forward to the
championship which will be held in Marchington, Uttoxeter in September 2016.
Shire horse of the year supported by the Shire horse Society, Qualifying Class.
Class 10
Additional £12.00 entry fee for Horse of the Year Show contribution in Class 10
Class 11
Class 12
Class 13
at Horse of the Year Show, NEC, Birmingham, 5th-9th October 2016. This class
is open to pure bred fully registered shires of two years old and over that are
entered and exhibited in their appropriate breed classes at Newport & District
Agricultural Society Show.
agricultural Mare or Gelding, any age, to be shown in Shaft Gears,
property of the exhibitor (no vehicles). 60% of points to be given for cleanliness
of horse and gears. Clean, old tackle will be considered equally with new. £25 per
entry will be given to each groom competing, to be paid out on the showground.
agricultural Mare or Gelding, any age, to be shown in decorated Shaft Gears,
property of the exhibitor (no vehicles). 60% of points to be given for cleanliness
of horse and gears. Clean, old tackle will be considered equally with new. £25 per
entry will be given to each groom competing, to be paid out on the showground.
ridden heavy horse, Rider must be 16yrs and over.
The Shire Horse of The Year Championship will be held in ring 2.
SP21. thE n.a.d.a.S. Cup
Presented by Mr & Mrs A.J. Wass and will be awarded to the BEST STALLION in class 8.
Presented by the Honourable Mrs Gerald Clegg-Hill to Gnosall & District Agricultural Society and re-presented to
Newport & District Agricultural Society. To be competed for annually for THE BEST COLT FOAL IN THE SHOW,
SP3. thE aQuaLatE pErpEtuaL ChaLLEnGE Cup
Presented by Mrs C. Juhre, and will be awarded to the BEST MARE OR GELDING in SHAFT GEARS.
SP4. thE arthur MOrrIS MEMOrIaL trOphy
Presented by Mr & Mrs M.J. Whittingham, and will be awarded to the BEST MARE or GELDING in DECORATED
SP5. LLOydS Bank ChaLLEnGE trOphy
Presented by Lloyds Bank plc, and will be awarded to the Exhibitor of the BEST ANIMAL in Classes 1 to 8.
Presented by the Belcher family in memory of the late Mr J. Morris Belcher, J.P., Honorary Life Member and
President of the Society in 1956.
Open to all exhibitors for the highest number of points gained in the Agricultural Horse Section, Classes 1 to 7. The
points to be calculated as follows: Four for a First Prize, Three for a Second Prize, Two for a Third Prize, and One
for a Fourth Prize or Reserve Number not lower than fourth. No specials to count. In the event of a tie the highest
number of First Prizes will determine the winner.
SP22. thE dEan pErpEtuaL trOphy
Presented by Mr & Mrs D. Dean, and will be awarded to the BEST YEARLING in Class 5.
aWard OF SpOOnS and rOSEttES at aFFILIatEd ShOWS FOr MarES, FILLIES and StaLLIOnS
Subject to Shire horse Society Conditions
pLEaSE WEar COrrECt nuMBEr.
rOSEttES WILL BE aWardEd tO 6th pLaCE In aLL CLaSSES.
4th pLaCE prIZE MOnEy WILL BE paId Out In aLL CLaSSES.
1St and 2nd prIZE WInnErS, ChaMpIOnS and rESErVE ChaMpIOnS
MuSt paradE. aLL OthEr prIZE WInnErS arE MOSt WELCOME tO takE
part In thE Grand paradE.
prIZE MOnEy WILL BE paId Out In thE hOrSE rInGS. any prIZE
dOnatIOn tO thE nEWpOrt & dIStrICt aGrICuLturaL SOCIEty.
COMMEntary BOX 3 tO 5pM
Entry Fees:
Classes 14 - 19
Members £10
1st: £25
Non Members £12
Classes 14-19
Mrs J. hall, Warwickshire.
Ms M. Bowling, Lancashire.
Judging time:
Classes 14-19
Class 14
Cradle Stakes, Mare or Gelding, 4yrs and over, not exc. 122cms. Rider not to have
attained 11th birthday before 1st January in the current year. Maximum height of
jumps 55cm.
nursery Stakes, Mare or Gelding, 4 yrs and over, not exc. 133cms. Rider not to
have attained their 13th birthday before 1st January in the current year. Maximum
height of jumps 65cm.
novice Mixed height, Mare or Gelding 4yrs and over, not exc. 158cms
Competitors must jump in their correct height section and be the correct age for
Class 15
Class 16
Class 17
Class 18
Class 19
2nd: £20
3rd: £15
4th: £5
Main Ring
133cms. - 70cm., 143cms - 80cm. 153cms - 85cm. 158cms. - 90cm
Open Whp, Mare or Gelding not exc. 133cms. Rider not to have attained their 14th
birthday before 1st January in the current year. Maximum height of jumps 75cm.
Open Whp, mare or Gelding exc. 143cms and not exc. 153cms. Maximum height
of jumps 90cm.
Open Wh, mare or Gelding exc. 153cms. Rider must have attained 20th birthday
before 1st January in the current year. Maximum height of jumps 1m.
1st and 2nd Prize Winners from Classes 14 - 15
1st and 2nd Prize Winners from Classes 16 - 17
1st and 2nd Prize Winners from Classes 18 - 19
1st and 2nd Prize Winners from Classes 20 - 23
1st and 2nd Prize Winners from Classes 24 - 25
to compete for Championship and Reserve Championship.
to compete for Championship and Reserve Championship.
to compete for Championship and Reserve Championship.
to compete for Championship and Reserve Championship.
to compete for Championship and Reserve Championship.
A special rosette will be awarded to any competitors riding an M & M in any Working Hunter class.
Presented by Mr Peter Handley, Moreton Wood Forge. And will be awarded annually to the Exhibitor of
the BEST EXHIBIT in the Hunter Classes 20 & 23.
SP8. thE “BurtOn BOrOuGh” ChaLLEnGE Cup
Presented by the 1975 President, Mrs M.L. Borough, and will be awarded annually for the BEST
EXHIBIT in the NOVICE HUNTER Class. Class 23.
SP9. thE “harrISOn” ChaLLEnGE Cup
Presented by the late Miss R.M. Harrison, O.B.E., Maer Hall, Newcastle, Staffordshire, and will be
awarded annually for the BEST EXHIBIT in the OPEN WORKING HUNTER Classes 14 - 19.
SP10. thE “JOhn MOOrE” ChaLLEnGE Cup
Presented by Mr John Moore in Memory of the late Mr H.J. Robinson of Lea Hall Farm, Albrighton, and
will be awarded annually for the BEST EXHIBIT in the NOVICE WORKING HUNTER Class 16.
Entry Fees:
Classes 20 - 25
Members £10
1st: £25
Non Members £12
Classes 20-23
Classes 24-25
Classes 20-23
Classes 24-25
Mrs V. Smith, Lancashire.
Mrs J. Ward, Warwickshire.
1.00pm Ring 1
To follow classes 20-23 Ring 1
Judging time:
Class 20
Class 21
Class 22
Class 23
Class 24
Class 25
2nd: £20
3rd: £15
4th: £5
Open Cob Class, 4 years old and upwards on showday, riders any age. This class
includes maxi cobs.
Open hunter, Open Hunter, 4 yrs old and upwards. To be ridden exceeding 148cms.
Rider must have attained their 16th birthday before 1st January in
the current year.
Open Small hunter, exceeding 148cm, but not exceeding 158cm. To be ridden.
Rider to have attained their 16th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
novice ridden hunter, not having won a First Prize of £25 or a total of £100 in
Prize Money in any ridden hunter classes before 1st January in the current year.
Rider to have attained their 16th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
Ladies Open hunter, rider to have attained their 16th birthday before 1st January
in the current year. To be ridden exceeding 148cms. This class is open to the S.S.A
members and non members.
Equitation Class,
ChapS aFFILIatIOn no 16174
a member of CHAPS (UK) nor must the horse or pony be registered with CHAPS (UK) to compete, but in
order to qualify they must both be Showing Members and the horse/pony must be Registered with the Society
the ring; the latter being signed by the judge in two places.
The CHAPS (UK) Championship Show will be held on 31st Aug - 3rd Sept 2016. Shows held on or after date of
for rulings.
All stallions entering these classes must be graded with CHAPS (UK). ID Discs must be worn in the ring for
Classes 26 - 29
1st: £20
2nd: £15
Entry Fees:
Judging time:
Members £10
Non Members £12
Mrs V. Smith, Lancashire.
10.00am Ring 1
Class 26
ChapS (uk) non-native Open In hand
any height, age or type. No foals.
3rd: £10
4th: £5
Class 27
any height, any age. No foals.
Class 28
any type, any height.
Class 29
any type.
SP12. anOthEr BrIGht Spark MEMOrIaL Cup
Presented by Miss S Leech 15 Ellesmere Court, Newport, Shropshire and awarded to the winner of the
Non-Native Ridden Class 28.
1st and 2nd prize winners from classes 26-29 to compete for Championship and Reserve Championship.
1st and 2nd prize winners from classes 24 and 25 to compete for championship.
Class 30, 31, 32, 34 1st: £20
Class 33
1st: £10
2nd: £15
2nd: £8
3rd: £10
3rd: £6
Entry Fees:
Foal Class:
Members £10
Members £8
Judging time:
Mr d. Machin, Shropshire.
9.00 am Ring 3
Class 30
Class 31
Class 32
Class 33
Class 34
Colt, Filly or Gelding, yearling
Colt, Filly or Gelding, 2 or 3 years old
Mare, 4 years old and over, with or without foal at foot
Foal, over 3 weeks old. Produce of the mare in Class 31
Stallion, 2 years old and over
4th: £5
4th: £5
Non Members £12
Non Members £10
1st and 2nd Prize Winners from Classes 30 - 34 to compete for Championship.
SP15. BradEnEy ChaLLEnGE Cup
Class 35, 36, 37, 39 1st: £20
Class 38
1st: £10
2nd: £15
2nd: £8
3rd: £10
3rd: £6
Entry Fees:
Foal Class:
Members £10
Members £8
Judging time:
Mr d. Machin, Shropshire.
To follow Class 34 Ring 3
Class 35
Class 36
Class 37
Class 38
Class 39
Colt, Filly or Gelding, yearling
Colt, Filly or Gelding, 2 or 3 years old
Mare, 4 years old and over, with or without foal at foot
Foal, over 3 weeks old. Produce of the mare in Class 37
Stallion, 2 years old or over
4th: £5
4th: £5
Non Members £12
Non Members £10
1st and 2nd Prize Winners from Classes 35 - 39 to compete for Championship.
SP46. WELSh MOuntaIn SECtIOn B ChaLLEnGE Cup
Presented by the Newport & District Agricultural Society and will be awarded annually to the Champion
Exhibit in the Welsh Mountain Ponies Section B.
2nd: £15
3rd: £10
4th: £5
Classes 40, 41, 42, 44 1st: £20 1st: £20
2nd: £15
3rd: £10
1st: £10
4th: £5
Class 43
Entry Fees:
Foal Class:
Members £10
Members £8
Non Members £12
Non Members £10
Mr d. Machin Shropshire.
Judging time:
To follow class 39 Ring 3
Class 40
Colt, Filly or Gelding, yearling
Class 41
Colt, Filly or Gelding, 2 or 3 years old
Class 42
Mare, 4 years old and over, with or without foal at foot
Class 43
Foal, over 3 weeks old. Produce of the mare in Class 42
Class 44
Stallion, 2 years old or over
1st and 2nd Prize Winners from Classes 40 - 44 to compete for Championship
SP16. thE CharLIE CartEr ChaLLEnGE Cup
Presented by Mr & Mrs H. Carter, Copley Farm, Pattingham, and will be awarded annually to the CHAMPION.
Classes 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52 1st: £20 1st:2nd:
£20 £15 2nd:
1st: £10 1st:2nd:
Class 49
£10 £8 2nd:
£8 £6
Entry Fees:
Foal Class:
Members £10
Members £8
Judging time:
Mr J. Blackburn, Cumbria.
1.00pm Ring 3
Class 45
Class 46
Class 47
Class 48
Class 49
Class 50
Class 51
Class 52
Colt, Filly or Gelding, yearling
Colt, Filly or Gelding, 2 or 3 years old
Coloured Mare or Gelding, any age
Mare, 4 years old and over, with or without foal at foot
Foal, over 3 weeks old. Produce of the mare in Classes 45 and 46
Miniature Shetland, 4 yrs and over to mature at 85 cms or under
Miniature Shetland, 3 yrs old and under to mature at 85 cms or under
Stallion, 2 years old and over
Non Members £12
Non Members £10
1st and 2nd Prize Winners from Classes 45 - 52 to compete for Championship.
one is produced. Society rosettes must only be given to ponies registered with the Society or eligible for registration
(i.e. foals)
day of the Show.
3. There must be no colts or entire males in Young Handlers classes. Children under 14 yrs old may not show colts
(excluding foals) or entire males in In-hand classes. Children under 11 yrs old on the day of the show may not show
entire males in ridden classes. In the interests of safety, hard hats must be worn by all handlers aged 14 yrs or under
in In-hand classes. Hard hats must be worn by all exhibitors, irrespective of age, in ridden classes. In ridden Classes,
if a rider falls off at any time whilst in the ring, both pony and rider must leave the ring, rider dismounted, and take no
further part.
A special rosette will be awarded to the Best in Show Shetland.
SP13. VardOn ChaLLEnGE Cup
Presented by Miss J.E. Vardon M.B.E., Meretown Stud, Newport and awarded annually to the Exhibitor of the BEST
SP14. MErEtOWn ChaLLEnGE trOphy
Presented by Miss J.E. Vardon M.B.E., Meretown Stud, Newport and awarded annually to the Exhibitor of the BEST
MARE in the Shetland Pony Classes.
Classes 53 - 54
1st: £20
2nd: £15
3rd: £10
4th: £5
Entry Fees:
Members £10
Non Members £12
Judging time:
12 noon Ring 4
Class 53
Mountain and Moorland Large Breeds. To be registered in the respective Pure
Bred Stud books of the Welsh Section C, D, Connemara, New Forest, Highland,
Fell and Dales. Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 4 years old and over. Rider any age.
Class 54
Mountain and Moorland Small Breeds. To be registered in the respective
Pure Bred Stud Books of the Welsh Section A, B, Shetland, Dartmoor, Exmoor.
Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 4 years old and over. Rider any age.
all Mountain and Moorland ponies must be shown in their natural state.
SP19. thE FrIth ChaLLEnGE Cup
Presented by Mrs & Mrs M.R. Frith,Kinloch House, Strontian, Argyll, and to be awarded annually to the BEST EXHIBIT
Classes 55 - 56
1st: £20
Entry Fees:
Members £10
Non Members £12
Judging time:
To follow class 54, Ring 4
Class 55
Mountain and Moorland Leading rein Class. Mare or Gelding, 4 years
old and over, not exceeding 122 cm. Registered in the Breed Society Stud
Books of the Shetland, Dartmoor, Exmoor, New Forest and Welsh Section A
and B, and must not have competed in Classes 30 - 39. Rider not to have
attained their 9th birthday before 01/01/16, to be shown on a Leading Rein,
Class 56
2nd: £15
3rd: £10
4th: £5
nose band only.
Mountain and Moorland First ridden Class. Mare or Gelding, 4 years
old and over, not exceeding 128 cm. Registered in the Breed Society Stud
Books of the Shetland, Dartmoor, Exmoor, New Forest and Welsh Section
A and B, and must not have competed in Classes 30 - 39. Rider not to have
attained their 12th Birthday before 01/01/16. Any suitable bridle acceptable.
all Mountain and Moorland ponies must be shown in their natural state.
1st and 2nd Prize Winners from Classes 53 - 56 to compete for Championship.
mOuNTaiN & mOORLaND PONiES – in Hand
Classes 57 - 60
1st: £20
2nd: £15
Entry Fees:
Members £10
Non Members £12
Judging time:
Mr d. Machin, Shropshire.
10.30am Ring 3
Class 57
Mountain and Moorland Large Breeds. To be registered in the respective
Stud Books of the Welsh Section C, D, Connemara, New Forest, Highland,
Fell and Dales. Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 4 years old and over.
Class 58
Mountain and Moorland Large Breeds - young Stock.
in Class 57. 1, 2, 3 year old Colt, Filly or Gelding.
Class 59
Mountain and Moorland Small Breeds. To be registered in the respective
Stud Books of the Dartmoor, Exmoor, Welsh Section A, B, & Shetland. Stallion,
Mare or Gelding, 4 years old and over.
Class 60
Mountain and Moorland
3rd: £10
4th: £5
Breeds - young Stock. Small Breeds as
all Mountain and Moorland ponies must be shown in their natural state.
Classes 61 - 65
1st: £20
2nd: £15
Entry Fees:
Members £10
Non Members £12
Judging time:
Ms B. Caldersbank, Lancashire.
8.30am Ring 1
3rd: £10
Class 61
pre Senior In hand pony or horse 15-18 years Old.
Class 62
Senior In hand pony or horse 19 years and Over
Class 63
pre-Senior ridden pony or horse 15-18 years Old.
Class 64
Senior ridden pony or horse 19 years and Over.
4th: £5
no Spurs, no Galloping, no Wearing Of Face/Body Jewellery
Foals are not permitted In Ssadl Classes
In hand Classes Minimum age Of handler =9yrs
Stallions- Either In hand Or ridden, Competitors Must Be Over the age Of 16 years.
Competitors Cannot Enter the ring Once the Command Of trot has Been Given.the Same rider/handler/
Dressage Ltd. SSADL Rulebook can be found at
1St tO 3rd In EaCh CLaSS WILL rECEIVE a£10 VOuChEr kIndLy SpOnSOrEd By anthOny EVanS InSuranCE
prIZE CardS WILL BE aWardEd tO 1St tO 6th In EaCh CLaSS
will be handed out in the ring at the time of presentation.
nEXt StaGE SECOnd rOund QuaLIFIErS
acceptance card, only then may you compete in the
Champions will go on to compete at the Olympia Anthony Evans
SSADL Supreme Final at the London International Horse Show in December 2016.
Showing Information
Suncrest 119 high Lane, Brown Edge, Stoke on trent, Staffordshire. St6 8rt
tel 01782 503526
New e-mail [email protected]
Sponsored by adE Insurance please go to
Judging time:
Class 65
Mrs V. Smith, Lancashire.
11.30am Ring 1
BESt rEtraInEd raCEhOrSE - to be Judged on Ride Only
4yrs & over any height. Stallion, mare or gelding, to be shown under saddle.
All horses MUST be registered at Wetherbys in the General Stud book. Copy of
the horses passport will be required. All horses must be sound but any previous
SP70. hErBaL hEaLErS trOphy
To be awarded annually to the highest placed competitor, in Class 65.
BSpS aFFILIatIOn nO 154/16
Classes 66 - 70
1st: £20
Entry Fees:
Members £10
Non Members £12
Judging time:
Mrs L. Windsor, Shropshire.
2.00pm Ring 4
Class 66
Class 67
Class 68
Class 69
Class 70
2nd: £15
3rd: £10
4th: £5
Best turned Out horse or pony
Mare or Gelding. For riders any age
Bright Stars Lead rein
Ponies 4 years old or over not exceeding 128cms to be shown on the Lead Rein.
Riders not to have attained their 8th birthday before 1st January in the current
Bright Stars First pony
pony off the Lead Rein. Riders not to have attained their 10th birthday before
1st January in the current year.
Bright Stars riding pony
Ponies 4 years old or over not exceeding 148cms.
Riders not to have attained their 17th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
Bright Stars hunter pony
Ponies 4 years old or over not exceeding 153cms. Riders not to have attained their
20th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
Sp23. thE JanLyn ShIELd
Presented by Mrs A.W. Bennett, Malt Shovel Farm, Church Eaton, and will be awarded annually to the highest
placed Exhibit in Class 66.
Sp24. JaCkIE MarShaLLSay ChaLLEnGE trOphy
Presented in Memory of Jackie Marshallsay, and will be awarded annually to the highest placed competitor, in Class 68.
Classes 67 - 70
Championship Show, to be held on 24th - 27th August at Arena UK, Grantham.
Class 71
1st: £20
Entry Fees:
Members £10
Non Members £12
Judging time:
Mrs V. Smith, Lancashire.
12 noon Ring 1
Class 71
2nd: £15
3rd: £10
4th: £5
riding horse.
Mare or Gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 148cm.
Riders any age.
SP47. JOnathOn nunn ChaLLEnGE Cup
1st Prize Winner to receive the Jonathon Nunn Challenge Cup, awarded annually in Class 71
Class 72
1st: £20
Entry Fees:
Members £10
Non Members £12
Judging time:
Miss C.a. Whittles, Shropshire.
11.00am Ring 4
Class 72
2nd: £15
3rd: £10
4th: £5
Best turned Out
This class is open to both registered and unregistered horses and ponies.
Competitors will be judged on the presentation of both horse/pony and rider.
Lead rein ponies included.
Class 73
1st: £20
2nd: £15
Entry Fees:
Members £10
Non Members £12
Judging time:
Mrs S. hall, Shropshire.
Mrs J. Maddocks, Shropshire.
Not before 3pm Ring 1
Class 73
Best Fancy dress Exhibitor
3rd: £10
4th: £5
If the pony is not led by a responsible person, in the interests of safety, the rider must wear a hard hat. This will,
in no way, affect the judging.
P20. thE “nEWpOrt” LOCaL ChaLLEnGE Cup
Presented by Mr & Mrs P.C. Ward, and will be awarded annually to the 1st Prize Winner of the Fancy Dress Class.
Sponsored by Barringtons
1st: £300
2nd: £150
Judging time:
Ring 1 at the completion of all classes.
3rd: £50
The 1st prize winner from every class will be eligible to enter the Supreme Championship.
Sponsored by kare plus
Inter hunt team relay - rules and regulations
prizes:(payable to the Hunt)
1st £150
2nd £75.00
3rd £50
4th £50
Rosettes will be awarded to all teams, plus Sashes to the winning team.
Teams must comprise of four subscribing members of their hunt.
The team must comprise of mixed gender. All team members must be 16 years old or over and
horses must exceed 15hh.
Entry Fee will be £40 per team.
Teams will jump in the drawn order.
No team or competitors will be allowed to inspect the course. There will be a practice jump in
the collecting ring. Once competitors have completed the course they will leave the ring in an
orderly manner and no exhibition jumping will be tolerated. Only the two competing teams drawn
against each other and their Chef d’Equipe to be allowed in the ring at one time, one jumping in
the Members’ Enclosure side and the other in the Trade Stand side as allocated. The two teams
Start will be by the hunting horn.
from one member to the next.
It is permissible for both incoming and outgoing members of a team to jump fence one together.
10. In the event of the incoming competitor dropping the whip during the changeover he/she must
dismount, but is allowed to hand the whip to the outgoing member from the ground.
11. In the event of a fall the member can only be assisted to remount by their Chef d’Equipe.
13. In the case of dead heat, the team with the least number of fences down will qualify.
14. If a team member fails to complete the course through retirement or horse having three refusals,
the following team member must jump the course from the start, then take the whip from the
a member to jump twice, in the case of a lame horse.
15. Any team member considered by the judges to be riding in a dangerous manner, ie deliberately
taking the opposing competitors line/ground at a jump or unruly behaviour, the team will be dis16.
17. In the event of any accident the veterinary surgeon and paramedics will be in attendance and we
ask that all competitors abide by their instructions. Neither the organisers nor any person acting
on their behalf accept any liability for any loss, damage, accident, injury or illness to competitors,
spectators or any other persons whatsoever.
18. Following the Inter Hunt Relay will be a parade of the Albrighton and Woodland Foxhounds.
All competitors must remain in the Main Arena to join the parade.
Competition for the Best turned Out team - rules and regulations
prizes: (payable to the Hunt)
1st £50
Each team of four will be judged under the following categories:
Correct hunting attire for a days hunting.
Judges of the turnout will not penalise horses wearing boots. It is strongly recommended that
horses should be shod with studs.
All tack to be correct and in best order, having in mind at all times the safety factor.
Horses to be well turned out and shod, with the rider a compatible weight for the horse etc.
This competition will be judged in the Main Arena at 11.45am prompt.
Times and locations will be forwarded to the Chef d’Equipe, who will assist in the administration in
running this event on the day.
prize Giving
Teams will be drawn up in winning order. Prizes will be presented by the Sponsor.
Prize money will be awarded as follows:
Best turned Out Competition:
1st £50
Inter hunt relay Competition:
1st £150 2nd £75 3rd £50 4th £50
Rosettes will be awarded to all teams, plus Sashes to the winning team.
Conditions under which entries are accepted
Entries close as follows: Horses - Friday 24th June 2016. The Society reserves the right to extend
any closing date.
Exhibitors shall be responsible for the accuracy and eligibility of their entries, which must be lodged
with the appropriate Section Secretary on or before the dates published. Entries should be made
on the forms provided and an entry will not be accepted unless accompanied by the correct entry
fees and, if not already paid, subscriptions.
previous to the date of entry.
The Society reserves the right to refuse any entry and also to accept entries provisionally.
All entries must be on the showground at least one hour before their judging time. Exhibitors’
admission tickets must be produced at the entrance to the showground to gain entry to the show.
All exhibitors must bring their stock into the rings and not allow exhibits to remain in their lorries.
Exhibitors not conforming to this rule may forfeit the prize money.
Attendants in charge of exhibits will be required to remain with the same and exhibits shall not be
left unattended.
themselves liable to expulsion from the showground.
Water will be available for stock but exhibitors must provide any food or litter required.
The Society reserves the right to cancel or amalgamate classes unless there is a minimum of three
entries in the class. The Society reserves the right to amend the judging times of classes but the
order and timing published will be adhered to as far as possible. The Society will not accept
responsibility for any exhibitor missing their class(es) and under no circumstances will fees be
The Society reserves the right to sanction a judge to withhold any of the prizes offered if in the
A veterinary inspector will be appointed and if required, will examine each exhibit selected by the
judges for a prize to ascertain that such exhibit is practically sound for the purpose for which it is
2 and 3 year old Colts and Stallions must be handled by a capable adult and bitted at all times
The Society’s veterinary surgeons may on their own authority give to an animal such emergency
treatment, as they may consider appropriate in the event that the owner or his representative
cannot be found immediately. Exhibitors are required to meet the full cost of this treatment and
any other costs involved in connection with any veterinary treatment given on the showground.
the removal from the showground of any animal which, in their opinion, is suffering from, of affected
with, a contagious or infectious disease, and all entry fees for such animals shall be forfeited.
Any person who wishes to lodge an objection against any exhibitor must do so in writing and
hand it in to the Show Manager’s marquee on the showground before 3pm on show day or, if
later, within half an hour of completion of the judging of the class involved. A deposit of £50 must
accompany each objection, which sum will be forfeited to the Society in cases where the objector
does not sustain the objection. The Society’s Main Committee shall consider the objection at its next
A Grand Parade of cattle, sheep and horses, as placed 1st and 2nd, will take place in the Main
Ring at 3pm. Prize winners are responsible for their exhibits being paraded. Failure to do so will
render them liable to forfeit the respective prize. The Chief Steward of each section has discretionary powers to excuse the parading of an animal where it is unruly and likely to upset or cause
damage to other animals, attendants, the general public or property. No stock shall be removed
from the showground until after the Grand Parade.
Payment of prize money and the issuing of trophies will be made on show day. Prize money will be
available from the following locations; Horses: Horse Rings. Trophies will be available for collection
from the following locations; Horses: Horse Secretary’s Commentary box. The Society reserves
the right to deem any prize money not collected on show day as a donation to the Society. Each
winner of a trophy shall give the Society a written guarantee to return the cup in good condition to
Chadwell Grange, Newport, Shropshire, not later than 2nd June in the year following the show. The
cost of returning trophies shall be borne by the exhibitor.
The Society takes all reasonable measures to ensure the health and safety of everyone
present on the showground. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable
precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instruction of the
responsible for any loss, injury or damage however caused to the exhibitor and the exhibitor agrees
to indemnify the Society in respect of any costs in connection with any claims made upon the Society
as a result of action or omission of the exhibitor or any employee of the exhibitor. Each exhibitor shall
be solely responsible for any loss, injury or damage that may be done to, or occasioned by, or arising
from, any animal, article or property exhibited or brought on to the showground by him and he shall
indemnify and hold harmless the Society from and against all actions, suits, expenses and claims
on account of or in respect of any such damage or injury which may be so caused or occasioned.
If it is proved to the reasonable satisfaction of the Main Committee that any person has attempted
therefrom and forfeit all prizes he would have been entitled to.
In the case of any differences of opinion as to the meaning or construction of the by-laws,
By completing the entry form or entering online, you warrant to Newport & District Agricultural
Society that on or from the date of application up to and including the end of Newport Show the
applicant will hold valid insurance to insure against loss or damage caused to any person or
property to a minimum value of £2million.
Hire Chetwynd Deer Park
For more details visit:
Shropshire shows 2016
Great Shropshire Days Out throughout the Summer
Shropshire Show 28th May 2016 Tel: 01743 289831
Oswestry Show 6th August 2016 Tel: 01691 654875
Burwarton Show 4th August 2016 Tel: 01746 787535
Minsterley Show 20th August 2016 Tel: 07815 129416
Shrewsbury Flower Show 12th & 13th August 2016 Tel: 01743 234050
Book these dates in your diary and enjoy the Shropshire Show experience.