Executive summary - EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050
Executive summary - EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050
Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts David Wynn (AEA) Nik Hill (AEA) 8th February 2010 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract David Wynn (AEA) ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Nikolas Hill (AEA) Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI - DRAFT 8 February 2010 Suggested citation: Wynn, D and Hill, N. (2010) Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. Task 9 Report VI produced as part of contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 between European Commission DirectorateGeneral Environment and AEA Technology plc; see website www.eutransportghg2050.eu ii EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Table of Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................. 1 1 2 3 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Topic of this paper ............................................................................................................. 2 1.2 The contribution of transport to GHG emissions ............................................................... 2 1.3 Background to project and its objectives ........................................................................... 5 1.4 Background and purpose of the paper .............................................................................. 6 1.5 Structure of the paper ........................................................................................................ 6 Radical concepts and technologies for road vehicles .................................. 8 2.1 Electric trolley-buses and electric trolley-trucks................................................................. 8 2.2 In-Road electric vehicle charging infrastructures ............................................................. 10 2.3 Self-drive vehicles ............................................................................................................ 11 2.4 Dual mode transit ............................................................................................................. 14 2.4.1 Personal dual-mode transit .............................................................................................. 14 2.4.2 Mass dual-mode transit ................................................................................................... 15 2.5 Intelligent roads................................................................................................................ 16 2.6 Road trains....................................................................................................................... 18 2.7 Vehicle Mass Transit System (VMTS) ............................................................................. 19 2.8 Alternative fuels ............................................................................................................... 20 2.8.1 Dimethyl-Ether (DME) ...................................................................................................... 20 2.8.2 2,5-dimethylfuran (DMF) .................................................................................................. 21 2.8.3 Compressed air vehicles ................................................................................................. 22 Radical concepts and technologies for land-based non-road modes ....... 24 3.1 3.1.1 3.2 4 iii Maglev ............................................................................................................................. 24 Underground Maglev Systems ........................................................................................ 26 Personal Rapid Transit (PRT).......................................................................................... 27 3.2.1 ULTra (Urban Light Transport) ........................................................................................ 27 3.2.2 Podcars ............................................................................................................................ 28 3.3 Hybrid tricycle .................................................................................................................. 29 3.4 Hoverboards .................................................................................................................... 30 Radical concepts and technologies for aviation ......................................... 32 4.1 Flying cars ........................................................................................................................ 32 4.2 Hybrid Airships ................................................................................................................. 33 4.3 Wing-In-Ground ............................................................................................................... 35 4.4 New aircraft configuration concepts ................................................................................ 36 4.4.1 Blended Wing Body ......................................................................................................... 36 4.4.2 Joined wing ...................................................................................................................... 37 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 4.4.3 5 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Oblique flying wing ........................................................................................................... 38 4.5 Space travel ..................................................................................................................... 39 4.6 Personal Jetpacks & Rocket Helicopters ......................................................................... 40 4.7 Alternative fuels for aviation ............................................................................................. 41 Radical concepts and technologies for maritime and inland waterway vessels .................................................................................................................... 42 6 7 5.1 Flettner rotors................................................................................................................... 42 5.2 Windmill ships .................................................................................................................. 43 5.3 Solar power ships ............................................................................................................ 44 5.4 Sails and Wind Assisted Towing ...................................................................................... 46 Radical concepts and technologies for replacing travel ............................ 49 6.1 Holographic presence ...................................................................................................... 49 6.2 Virtual tourism .................................................................................................................. 49 6.3 Teleportation .................................................................................................................... 50 Discussion of the possible implications of the for transport GHG emissions ................................................................................................................ 51 7.1 Road transport technologies ............................................................................................ 52 7.2 Land-based non-road transport technologies .................................................................. 53 7.3 Aviation technologies ....................................................................................................... 54 7.4 Marine and inland waterway vessel technologies ........................................................... 56 7.5 Travel replacement technologies ..................................................................................... 57 8 Summary of Key Findings and Conclusions ............................................... 58 9 References for images ................................................................................... 60 iv EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Executive Summary TBC for final version of report 1 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 1 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Introduction 1.1 Topic of this paper This paper is one of a series of papers on GHG reduction options for transport drafted under the EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? project. These papers review the options – technical and nontechnical – that could contribute to reducing transport‟s GHG emissions, both up to 2020 and in the period from 2020 to 2050. This paper focuses on reviewing potential radical future transport technologies. It will review radical concepts and technologies for road vehicles, land-based non road modes, aviation, maritime and inland waterway vessels and radical concepts and technologies for replacing travel. This paper will discuss the possible implications of these various concepts for transport GHG emissions. The papers aim to provide a high-level summary of the evidence based on existing studies. This paper is currently in draft form and will be presented to a Technical Focus Group meeting (at which stakeholders were present) in February 2010 after which it has been updated on the basis of the discussion at the meeting and the comments and further evidence that were received. 1.2 The contribution of transport to GHG emissions The EU-27‟s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transport have been increasing and are projected to continue to do so. The rate of growth of transport‟s GHG emissions has the potential to undermine the EU‟s efforts to meet potential, long-term GHG emission reduction targets if no action is taken to reduce these emissions. This is illustrated in Figure 1 (provided by the EEA), which shows the potential reductions that would be required by the EU if economy-wide emissions reductions targets for 2050 of either 60% or 80% (compared to 1990 levels) were agreed and if GHG emissions from transport continued to increase at their recent rate of growth. The figure is simplistic in that it assumes linear reductions and increases. However it shows that unless action is taken, by 2050 transport GHG emissions alone would exceed an 80% reduction target for all sectors or make up the vast majority of a 60% reduction target. This illustrates the scale of the challenge facing the transport sector given that it is unlikely that GHG emissions from other sectors will be eliminated entirely. 1 Figure 1: EU overall emissions trajectories against transport emissions (indexed) 120 Index (1990=100) 100 Total GHG emissions (EU-27) 80 60 -60 % 40 20 Transport emissions Annual growth rate: +1.4 % / year (avg. 2000-2005) -80 % 0 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Source: European Environment Agency 1 Graph supplied by Peder Jensen, EEA 2 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI The extent of the recent growth in transport emissions is reinforced by Figure 2, which presents a sectoral split of trends in CO2 emissions over recent years. Whilst the CO2 emissions from other sectors have levelled out or have begun to decrease, transport‟s CO2 emissions have risen steadily since 1990. It should be noted that whilst Figure 2 is presented in terms of CO2 emissions, very similar trends are evident for GHG emissions (in terms of CO2 equivalent) since CO2 emissions represent 98% of transport‟s GHG emissions. Figure 2: Carbon dioxide emissions by sector EU-27 (indexed)2 CO2 Emissions * by Sector, EU-27 1990=1 1,40 1,40 1,30 1,30 1,20 1,20 1,10 1,10 1,00 1,00 0,90 0,90 0,80 1990 0,80 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Energy Industries Industry - Households Other **** Total - Services, etc. Transport Notes: i) The figures include international bunker fuels (where relevant), but exclude land use, land use change and forestry. ii) The figures for transport include bunker fuels (international traffic departing from the EU), pipeline activities and ground activities in airports and ports iii) “Other” emissions include solvent use, fugitive emissions, waste and agriculture. The vast majority of European transport‟s GHG emissions are produced by road transport, as illustrated in Figure 3, while international shipping and international aviation are other significant contributors. Recent trends in CO2 emissions from transport are also expected to continue, as can be seen from Table 1 below. Between 2000 and 2050, the JRC (2008) estimates that GHG emissions from domestic transport in the EU-27 will increase by 24%, during which time emissions from road transport are projected to increase by 19% and those from domestic aviation by 45%. It is important to note that these projections do not include emissions from international aviation and maritime transport, which are also expected to increase due to the growth in world trade and tourism. 2 Graph based on figures in DG TREN (2008) EU energy and transport in figures 2007-2008: Statistical Pocketbook Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 3 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Figure 3: Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Greenhouse gases emissions by transport mode (EU-27; 2005)3 Railways 1% Civil aviation 2% Other 1% International aviation 10% Navigation (domestic) 2% International navigation 13% Road 71% Note: The figures include international bunker fuels for aviation and navigation (domestic and international) Table 1: CO2 emissions projection for 2050 by end-users in the EU-27, in Millions tonnes of Carbon 4 Figures from the EEA (2008), illustrate the recent growth in GHG emissions from international aviation, as they estimate that these increased in the EU by 90% (60 Mt CO2e) between 1990 and 2005; international aviation emissions will thus become an ever more significant contributor to transport‟s GHG emissions if current trends continue. Furthermore, the IPCC has estimated that the total impact of aviation on climate change is currently at least twice as high as that from CO 2 emissions alone, notably due to aircrafts‟ emissions of nitrogen oxides (NO x) and water vapour in their condensation trails. However, it should be noted that there is significant scientific uncertainty with regard to these estimates, and research is ongoing in this area. 3 Graph based on figures in EEA (2008) Climate for a transport change – TERM 2007: Indicators tracking transport and environment in the European Union EEA Report 1/2008, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 4 Taken from JRC (2008) Backcasting approach for sustainable mobility Luxembourg, EUR 23387/ISSN 1018-5593, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 4 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Figure 4: Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Final transport energy consumption by liquid fuels in EU-27 (2005), ktoe 5 Motor spirit Gas diesel oil Other liquid biofuels Biodiesel Biogasoline The principal source of transport‟s GHG emissions is the combustion of fossil fuels. Currently, petrol (motor spirit), which is mainly used in road transport (e.g. in passenger cars and some light commercial vehicles in some countries), and diesel, which is used by other modes (e.g. heavy duty road vehicles, some railways, inland waterways and maritime vessels) in various forms, are the most common fuels in the transport sector (see Figure 4). Additionally, liquid petroleum gas (LPG) supplies 6 around 2% of the fuels for the European passenger car fuel market (AEGPL, 2009 ), while the main source of energy for railways in Europe is electricity, neither of which are included in Figure 4. While, alternative fuels are anticipated to play a larger role in providing the transport sector‟s energy in the future, currently they only contribute 1.1% of the sector‟s liquid fuel use. 1.3 Background to project and its objectives The context of the EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050 is the Commission‟s long-term objective for o tackling climate change, which entails limiting global warming to 2 C and includes the definition of a strategic target for 2050. The Commission‟s President Barosso recently underlined the importance of the transport sector in this respect be noting that the next Commission “needs to maintain the momentum towards a low carbon economy, and in particular towards decarbonising our electricity 7 supply and the transport sector” . There are various recent policy measures that are aimed at controlling emissions from the transport sector, but these measures are not part of a broad strategy or overarching goal. Hence, the key objective of this project is to provide guidance and evidence on the broader policy framework for controlling GHG emissions from the transport sector. Hence, the project‟s objectives are defined as to: - 5 Begin to consider the long-term transport policy framework in context of need to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions economy-wide. Deal with medium- to longer-term (post 2020; to 2050), i.e. moving beyond recent focus on shortterm policy measures. Identify what we know about reducing transport‟s GHG emissions; and what we do not. Identify by when we need to take action and what this action should be. Graph based on figures in DG TREN (2008), page 206 European LPG Association (2009) Autogas in Europe, The Sustainable Alternative: An LPG Industry Roadmap, AEGPL, Brussels. See http://www.aegpl.eu/content/default.asp?PageID=78&DocID=994 7 http://ec.europa.eu/commission_barroso/president/pdf/press_20090903_EN.pdf 6 5 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Given the timescales being considered, the project will take a qualitative and, where possible, a quantitative approach. The project has three Parts, as follows: Part I („Review of the available information‟) has collated the relevant evidence for options to reduce transport‟s GHG emissions, which was presented in a series of Papers (1 to 5), and is in the process of developing four policy papers (Papers 6 to 9) that outline the evidence for these instruments to stimulate the application and up take of the options. Part II („In depth assessment and creation of framework for policy making‟) involves bringing the work of Part I together to develop a long-term policy framework for reducing transport‟s GHG emissions. Part III („Ongoing tasks‟) covers the stakeholder engagement and the development of additional papers on subjects not covered elsewhere in the project. As noted under Part III, stakeholder engagement is an important element of the project. The following meetings were held: o o o o A large stakeholder meeting was held in March 2009 at which the project was introduced to stakeholders. A series of stakeholder meetings (or Technical Focus Groups) on the technical and nontechnical options for reducing transport‟s GHG emissions. These were held in July 2009. A series of Technical Focus Groups on the policy instruments that could be used to stimulate the application of the options for reducing transport‟s GHG emissions. These were held in September/October 2009. Two additional large stakeholder meetings at which the findings of the project were discussed. As part of the project a number of papers have been produced, all of which can be found on the project‟s website, as can all of the presentations from the project‟s meetings. 1.4 Background and purpose of the paper This paper “Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts” has been drafted under the Part III of the project, Task 9 “Ad hoc papers”, here the main objective is to provide the Commission with ad hoc written support/briefings and concise analytical/discussion papers on issues related to the project‟s core work. New technologies and concept options have been identified in other Papers under this project, though these have focused on the more mainstream areas. The purpose of this paper is to look at the many out-of-the-box or concepts, or technologies that are being developed but are not yet near market, or not being widely applied as yet. This review includes technologies and concepts across all of the modes of transport, as well as those that might replace transport. 1.5 Structure of the paper Following this introduction this paper is structured according to the following further 8 chapters, plus references: 2. Radical concepts and technologies for road vehicles 3. Radical concepts and technologies for land-based non-road modes 4. Radical concepts and technologies for aviation 5. Radical concepts and technologies for maritime and inland waterway vessels 6. Radical concepts and technologies for replacing travel 7. Discussion of the possible implications of the for transport GHG emissions 8. Summary of Key Findings and Conclusions 9. References 6 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Each of the main chapters from to provides brief summaries of individual concepts or concept areas, with an overview and assessment of the following (depending on the availability of supporting information): Potential impact on GHG emissions; Potential for further development of wider application; Barriers to further development of wider application. 7 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 2 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Radical concepts and technologies for road vehicles 2.1 Electric trolley-buses and electric trolley-trucks Concept: Electric trolley vehicles Developer: Electric Tbus Group Energy source: Overhead electricity Development stage: Technology developed in the early 1990s.There are currently around 40,000 trolleybuses in service throughout the world. Trolleybuses promote clean and quiet urban transport by drawing their power from overhead electric wires networks. Two spring-loaded poles are mounted to the top of the vehicle to complete the circuit and supply power. Trolleybuses offer the potential to replace bus services on busy urban routes and companies such as Electric Tbus group, have proposed trolleybus routes for cities such as London. More radically, the concept has the potential to be applied to freight transport, establishing a trolleytruck network for cargo transportation. The initial trolleybus concept dates back to the 1880s, however it was not until 1901 that the world‟s first passenger-carrying trolleybus (operated in Bielathal, Germany) was built by Max Schiemann. The first cities to have trolleybus networks were Leeds and Bradford, UK in 1911, both of which are no longer in use. Electric Tbus Group estimates that there are 400,000 trolleybuses in service through the world. This includes trolleybus networks in large European cities, such as Athens, Bucharest, Budapest, Lyon, 8 Milan, Minsk, Moscow and Naples . Trolley-trucks are not currently used as a means of transportation but in the future could be used on popular freight transportation routes as an alternative to traditional heavy-goods vehicles. Potential impact on GHG emissions Trolleybuses rely on a central supply of electricity from power stations through overhead wires, therefore offering several key environmental benefits over a large number of internal combustion engines. Trolleybuses offer the ability to control emissions (CO, NOx, SOx, HCs or particulates) more readily. Monitoring emissions from large fixed plants operating under stable conditions is easier than controlling the emissions from small mobile plants operating under continually varying conditions. In addition, by utilising the national grid, there is a reduced need to build new energy infrastructures and the advantage of being able to use energy resources that are otherwise impractical or impossible in vehicles, such as wind and water power. In Canadian cities Calgary and Vancouver, light rail and trolleybus networks are run off wind power and hydroelectricity respectively through the national grid systems. 8 8 Electric Tbus Group (2010) Available at: http://www.tbus.org.uk/home.htm EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Figure 5 shows the average environmental costs of different transit vehicle modes. Trolleybuses running of the UK grid offer environmental and global warming due to CO 2 costs of below 1 pence per km of operation. By powering trolleybuses on renewable energy through the same system, the environmental costs of operating trolleybus network have the potential to be reduced to zero. Freight transportation vehicles travel further distances in more polluting vehicles, therefore offering a transport sector which this technology could be expanded into in the future to achieve greater GHG emission savings. Figure 5: The cost of trolleybus operation compared with other transport modes (*) ”Calculable” refers to the fact that the figures only include those costs for which figures are 9 available in the research literature . Potential for further development of wider application Trolleybuses offer an alternative to cars and other internal combustion engine vehicles which are a major source of particulate pollution in the street level atmosphere. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that traditional road vehicles produce would be reduced as a result of a shift to trolleybus travel. The electric motors of a trolleybus allow it to climb steep hills more easily than diesel engines. As they draw power from a central plant, trolleybus can be overloaded for several minutes without damaging the vehicle. This advantage over diesel engines has prompted trolleybuses to be used in steep US cities, such as San Francisco and Seattle. Trolleybus and trolley-truck technology can also generate electricity through regenerative breaking. The potential for trolleybuses to become a more prominent transport mode of the future has been 10 analysed by Gilbert and Perl (2008) who have analysed and proposed modal share for trolleybuses by 2025. They propose that in the US, 500 billion tonne-kilometres could be moved by trolley-trucks, drawing power from overhead wires along existing highways without the need for tracks. This mode of 9 Brown, K. (2001) Calculations and references relating to health and environmental costs, in relation to Public Service Vehicles. Used as the basis for East London Transit operational cost calculations by the Electric Tbus Group (2001). Available from: www.tbus.org.uk/calculations.doc 10 Gilbert, R. and A Perl (2008) Transport Revolutions – 2025: Moving People and Freight Without Oil. Earthscan 2008. Available at: http://richardgilbert.ca/transportrevolutions/index.htm 9 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI travel would use less energy than battery trucks because there would be no energy losses due to charging and recharging. A similar estimation is given for China to be able to use trolley-trucks by 2025. Barriers to further development of wider application Although trolleybus overhead wiring and traction can last for many years, the initial cost of infrastructure is a potential barrier. The financial barrier may however be overshadowed by the social barrier of a changing city landscape and an aesthetic objection to overhead wiring. A commitment to high quality provision as necessary for congestion reduction and allowance for high capacity vehicles are additional barriers to a trolley-bus or trolley-truck network. When overhead wiring is not available (due to a breakage or disaster), trolleybus networks have in the past experienced severe delays due to long rerouting along alternative overhead cables. This would be a major concern for a trolley-truck network of the future which might not be able to promise the delivery of cargo. Trolleybuses also cannot easily overtake due to the restriction of being on a wire network. These issues have been addressed in more recent hybrid systems, through an emergency off-wire power alternative or even greater range-extended capability with larger electrical storage. 2.2 In-Road electric vehicle charging infrastructures Concept: In-road vehicle charging Developer: Ingenieurgesellschaft Auto und Verkehr (IAV), DARPA and Korea Advanced Institute of Science Technology Energy source: Electricity via electromagnetic fields Development stage: Being developed. Patent in the US for “Armature induction charging of moving electric vehicle batteries” in place. IAV carried out successful pilot scheme. In-road vehicle charging technology charges electric vehicles through a process of electromagnetic induction. An electromagnetic field extended along a driving lane and a level controlled armature mounted on the underside of the body, allows the vehicle to straddle and traverse over a magnetic field, thus charging an on-board battery. A bar-coding and scanner system would allow vehicles to be appropriately charged for their recharging time. However, a prototype model to test the robustness of such a charging system in adverse weather conditions or if the vehicle becomes dirty needs to be thoroughly tested. The in-road charging concept has been used and developed by a variety of institutions and companies. The US DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) funded the PATH 11 program creating an in-road vehicle charging prototype in Berkeley, California which moves buses 12 along set tracks. Researchers at the Korean Advanced Institute Of Science Technology have been able to achieve 80% efficiency with a 1 cm gap between the power strip and the vehicle charger. 13 The Germany company Ingenieurgesellschaft Auto und Verkehr (IAV ) have developed the 14 technology further and specialise in future vehicle generations . IAV have looked at using the technology on motorways, carrying out a successful pilot scheme to test the technology. IAV has achieved 90% efficient transmission for electric vehicle charging from roads using recessed electrical 11 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) (2009) Available at: http://www.darpa.mil/ Ihlwan, M (2009) “Korea's On-the-Go Electric-Car Experiment”. Businessweek Online. Korea: September 29, 2009. Available at: http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/sep2009/gb20090929_734418.htm 13 IAV (Ingenieurgesellschaft Auto und Verkehr) (2009) Available at: http://www.iav.com/en/index.php 14 IAV (2009) Power from the street: Vision non-contact power supply of electric cars. Available at: http://www.iav.com/de/index.php?we_objectID=15760&pid=227 12 10 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI conductors that generate a magnetic field; activated only when the sensor detects that an electric car 15 is over the induction field . Potential impact on GHG emissions The energy lost through inductive transmission is relatively low, at about 10%, mainly due to the technology‟s sensitivity to the distance between roadway and vehicle floorpan. Other researchers 16 have reached 70-80% efficiency when the gap between the vehicle and the road is widened . An active suspension and opto-electronic measurement techniques could be used to ensure the optimum distance is automatically controlled and the least amount of energy lost as a result. However, even so, the drawback of such systems may be their relative energy inefficiency compared to direct charging points which could potentially reduce the net benefits of electric vehicles. This could be the case at least in the shorter term until sufficient quantities of (affordable) renewable/ essentially carbonneutral electricity is available. Potential for further development of wider application Electric vehicle charging has the advantage over other technology option that it is discreet and can be incorporated into vehicles and roads without aesthetic compromise. In addition, in-road charging would make vehicle batteries cheaper and lighter (potentially counter-acting to an extent the reduction in net efficiency due to the higher energy losses from in-road charging systems). Induction charging is also insensitive to weather conditions, and is free of mechanical wear. The vehicle‟s inductive pickup mechanism is not visible externally, allowing automobile designers to continue to enjoy the styling freedom to which they are accustomed. Barriers to further development of wider application Electrical machines for use in light rail applications (streetcar, tram) or electrical appliances are proven and well developed, but could and should undergo extensive optimisation for use in the automobile. Putting power strips underground is a costly infrastructure change but has been argued to be cheaper than building charging stations in big cities where real estate prices are exorbitantly high. Researchers at KAIST have estimated that Korea would need to place underground charging strips beneath 30% of its roads to make the system work across the country. Charging whilst travelling and when in traffic jams means that smaller roads would not need charging facilities. The University of California-Lawrence Berkeley National Lab developed similar research into this type of in-road charging around 20 years ago but the technology has not had a commercial take-out. With the rising price of oil, the technology potentially offers an alternative to fossil fuel reliance. However, the technology is still being researched and has not been tested on a significant scale with electric vehicles. 2.3 Self-drive vehicles Concept: Autonomous or driverless vehicles Developer: Stanford University, European Commission EUREKA, DARPA (US) Energy source: Electric vehicles Development stage: Technology has been developed since 1980s. Ability to drive and navigate vehicle well tested but algorithms for advanced obstacle navigation still taking place. 15 Christensen, B (2009) In-Road Electric Vehicle Charger. Published by Technovelgy.com. Available at: http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/Science-Fiction-News.asp?NewsNum=2591 16 Ihlwan, M (2009) “Korea's On-the-Go Electric-Car Experiment”. Businessweek Online. Korea: September 29, 2009. Available at: http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/sep2009/gb20090929_734418.htm 11 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Research into driverless technology began in 1977 but it was not until the 1908s that research into the 17 field took off. The EUREKA Prometheus Project was the largest R&D project ever in the field of driverless cars running from 1987 to 1995. In today's money it received more than 1 billion dollars of funding from the European Commission, and defined the state of the art of autonomous vehicles. Numerous universities and car manufacturers participated in this Pan-European project. The DARPA Grand Challenge held in 2004 and 2005 is a prize competition for driverless cars. 18 Sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the US Department of Defense, the event was the first long distance race for driverless vehicles. In 2007, DARPA held an urban challenge, increasing the difficulty of the event by requiring vehicles to obey traffic rules and navigate obstacles. As well as the EUREKA and DARPA projects, driverless passenger car programs include the 19 “2getthere” passenger vehicles (using the FROG-navigation technology) from the Netherlands and 20 the ARGO research project from Italy . Potential impact on GHG emissions Developing technology to allow vehicles to drive themselves has potential positive environmental impacts due to improved overall efficiencies. Driverless technology means that cars on motorways can be pooled together (more in Section 2.6), therefore reducing the environmental impact of several vehicles. The concept is that by slowly decreasing the tasks for humans, vehicles will drive more intelligently, making decisions based on the most efficient options. It is important to note that the fuel type used for driverless vehicles has a key impact on the greenhouse gas savings associated with this technology. Petrol and diesel vehicles have the greatest greenhouse gas saving potential from selfdrive technologies as they are the most effected by driving techniques. Smoother and more efficient driving will reduce tailpipe greenhouse gases for combustion vehicles whereas the emissions reduction potential for electric or hybrid vehicles is likely to be less. Potential for further development of wider application In 2008, GM announced that they will begin testing driverless cars by 2015 with the aim of having them on the road by 2018. Figure 7 shows a similar timescale for the development of this technology. When considering the potential for the development of this technology in the future, the need for enhancements to infrastructures to create a driving environment which is driverless friendly. A possible stage in the evolution of fully autonomous vehicles would be the use of „assistance‟ systems which would gradually remove the driving requirements for drivers. Examples of incremental self-drive aspects could include: 360 degree vehicle sensing; autopilot technologies; intelligent speed adaptation and improvements to cruise control. Types of driverless vehicles are shown in Table 2. 17 EUREKA Prometheus Project (2009) PROgraMme for a European Traffic of Highest Efficiency and Unprecedented Safety,1987-1995. Available at: http://www.eurekanetwork.org/ 18 Hardy, I (2009) “Cutting traffic with driverless cars”. BBC Online. Thursday, 10 September 2009. Available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/click_online/8236921.stm 19 Sustainable Mobility Solutions (2007) Available at: http://www.2getthere.eu/ 20 Broggi, A (1996-2001) ARGO Project. University of Parma. Available at: http://www.argo.ce.unipr.it/ARGO/english/ 12 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Table 2 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Types of driverless vehicles Type of driverless vehicle Fully autonomous vehicle Pre-built infrastructures Driver assistance Use/s Personal vehicles for paved roads which require no human control. Free ranging off-road vehicles with military uses to navigate and reach a target Dual mode transit combining human and autonomous driving (See Section 2.4) Automated highway system (AHS) combining in-road charging (See Section 2.2) and automated driving Free-ranging on grid (FROG) which combines autonomous vehicles and a supervised central system in a defined area. Incremental stepping stones towards an autonomous system including: o Sensorial-informative driving o Visibility aids o Anti-lock braking system o Traction control system o Electronic stability control Barriers to further development of wider application In order to drive a car, an automated system needs the four aspects shown in Figure 6. Currently, navigation technology, based on GPS and actuation technology to drive the vehicle are well developed. Sensor systems vary greatly, from those that imitate the human situation to artificial vision 21 image processing used by Mobileye . Motion planning is the largest obstacle still to overcome to enable the take-up off driverless technology. Motion planning in vehicles is detailing a task into motions through an algorithm for successfully and safely driving to a new location. The technology to create these algorithms and produce the speed and turning commands to send to the vehicle‟s wheels is a technological areas which needs developing before driverless vehicles can be more widely used without fear of crashes. Figure 6: Technology aspects of a driverless vehicle Sensors Understand its immediate environment Navigation Know where it is and where it wants to go Actuation Operate the mechanics of the vehicle Motion planning Find its way in a flow of traffic 21 Mobileye (2010) Mobileye Online. Available at: http://www.mobileye.com/ 13 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI 2.4 Dual mode transit 2.4.1 Personal dual-mode transit Concept: Dual mode transit Developers: TriTrack (US), RUF (Denmark) Megarail (US), JR Hokkaido (Japan) Energy source: Battery and electricity Development stage: Dual mode car system not currently operating. A dual mode transit system consists of personal vehicles which have the ability to travel on a monorail type centralised system. The system combines the flexibility of a private automobile with the efficiency and environmental benefits of a monorail system. Dual mode vehicles have various potential benefits over conventional single mode vehicles, such as an increased system vehicle capacity compared with roads. This is due to the ability to move vehicles in tight formations through a computer system. Electric vehicle technology could be incorporated into a dual mode system, allowing vehicles to be charged during track journeys. In addition, the guidance system of the track is more time and space efficient than conventional road infrastructures. Dual mode vehicles would be expected to use batteries for short distances at low speeds and be provided with power when travelling on a track of guideway. Examples of projects that are researching 22 23 24 the potential for dual-mode vehicle systems include TriTrack (US), RUF (Denmark), Megarail 25 (US) and JR Hokkaido (Japan). Potential impact on GHG emissions As with other potential future modes of transport, dual-mode transit systems rely on a national electricity system instead of internal combustion engines for each vehicle. The environmental advantage of this system is that centralised power station emit fewer greenhouse gases than traditional fossil fuel vehicles. TriTrack dual-mode vehicles reduce NOx emissions by 90% compared 26 with internal combustion vehicles . By using renewables, the environmental impact of transportation through a battery/electric dual-mode system will further decrease emissions from transport. Potential for further development of wider application Building guideways and tracks for dual-mode transit which run off electricity means that if new energy sources are used, such as wind and solar power, vehicles will still be able to function. Dual-mode vehicles that run on batteries are small and light-weight fulfilling the demand for a mode of transport which is suitable for short journeys. The concept neatly fulfils the demand for a vehicle which has short and long term journey efficiency. Barriers to further development of wider application Dual-mode vehicles attempt to provide travelers with a solution to their short and long term needs. Unlike other modes, such as motorcycles for short trips and railways for long distances, the dual-mode system tries to combine the driver with options depending on their journey type. However, to successfully give drivers this option, a costly new infrastructure and new vehicles need to be 22 Tritrack http://www.tritrack.net/ RUF http://www.ruf.dk/ 24 MegaRail Transportation Systems Inc. (2008) MicroRail Zero-emission, Dualmode Car. Available at: http://www.megarail.com/MicroRail_Urban_Transit/Dualmode_Automobile/ 25 JR Hokkaido http://www2.jrhokkaido.co.jp/global/index.html 26 http://www.tritrack.net/environment.html 23 14 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI manufactured. It is not easy to retrofit dual-mode technology to current infrastructures and vehicles, with most cases suggesting new versions of both on a small urban scale. Where other technologies use similar electric power sources, they also use existing or adapted infrastructures. Confirming the commitment to a new infrastructure and fleet of vehicles is a social challenge as well as a financial one. In addition, electric motor batteries in dual mode vehicles are suitable for short trips but may not provide drivers with the acceleration performance or load-bearing capacity needed for operations in a city. For this reason, such technology seems unlikely to have potential for widespread adoption until the longer term. 2.4.2 Mass dual-mode transit Concept: Dual-mode variants Developer: Silvertip Design (UK) & JR Hokkaido Railway Company (Japan) Energy source: Electric batteries and electric track Power sources Development stage: Prototypes have been developed but vehicles are not yet available Dual-mode vehicles can run on conventional roads or designated railways. They offer the flexibility of being able to use electric battery power for short distances and track-fed power for longer distances and higher speeds. Japanese corporation JR Hokkaido Railway Company have developed a prototype minibus with retractable train wheels for use on conventional railway tracks. A 28-seat bus with four highway wheels for roads and four steel wheels (plus two rubber tyres for tracks) has been built and it able to reach 60km/h on motorways. After researching problems with slow transition between modes, JR Hokkaido has developed a vehicle that can be switched between rail and road modes in 10 to 15 27 seconds . Silvertip Designs have used this Japanese concept and developed the BladeRunner which uses rubber tyres and retractable steel wheels for dual-mode capabilities. The driving and braking power comes from the road-mode tyres which are still in contact with the rails and are able to automatically 28 vary the weight sharing between rail and road wheels according to the power transmission needs . BladeRunners can carry cargo or passengers and costing indicates that the yearly depreciation charge would typically be €3,800 more than that of a normal articulated truck but that the savings on 29 running costs would be approximately €8,700 . Potential impact on GHG emissions Dual-mode technology offers more control than traditional trains which for example, have long breaking distances. When travelling on rail, the BladeRunner is expected to have a 45% saving in fuel 30 consumption , reducing the emissions from long-distance journey caused by trains. Potential for further development of wider application Dual-mode transport systems which can use one set of wheels on both track and road surfaces has not yet been successfully developed and if designed, could open up the dual-mode market by 31 eliminating the need for drivers to switch between modes . 27 Innovative Transport Technologies (2007) Japanese Dual Mode Vehicles. Available at: http://faculty.washington.edu/jbs/itrans/japanese_dualmode.htm 28 Henderson, C(2004) Blade Runner Dualmode System. Available at: http://faculty.washington.edu/jbs/itrans/bladerunner1.htm 29 Silvertip Design (2008) BladeRunner. Available at: http://www.silvertipdesign.com/ 30 Silvertip Design (2008) BladeRunner. Available at: http://www.silvertipdesign.com/ 15 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Dual-mode vehicles can offer benefits for the freight and commercial sectors in the future by giving them the flexibility of transporting large numbers of good or passengers long distance by train and then being able to transport them to a specific destination by road travel. The dual-functionality of the vehicles would also mean that railway obstructions or delays could be avoided by leaving the track and driving around the problem. In this mode of transport, the routing, speed and fuel economy of rail is combined with the convenience and organisational economy of road. The capital cost of dual-mode vehicles themselves is understandably greater than that of a pure road vehicle; however the overall operating costs are 32 estimated to be much less . Barriers to further development of wider application Design features to ensure the safety of the vehicle in both modes are essential. The cost of building prototype large dual-mode vehicles has been expensive and complicated in the past. The technology of dual-mode vehicles needs to be considered further before dual-mode transport can be adopted a mainstream alternative to purely road or rail vehicles. Ensuring the safety of the vehicles and that the conversion between the two modes is efficient is important to see in a working prototype before dualmode vehicles can evolve. 2.5 Intelligent roads Concept: Intelligent roads Developer: Universal Traffic Management Society of Japan (UTMS), INTRO Project Energy source: IT technology to facilitate more efficient use of roads. Development stage: Concept stage for most technologies. The INTRO Project creates a vision for intelligent roads over the next 30 years. The research into the emerging technologies associated with intelligent roads acknowledges that changes to vehicle design in the next 20 years will not eradicate the need for road infrastructures. With weak and costly opportunities to expand road networks, particularly in urban areas, it is likely that computerised road systems and new „intelligent‟ roads will become essential in managing consumer and business travel needs. Figure 7 shows how, over the next 30 years, intelligent road technologies are expected to develop (self-drive vehicles, as covered in section 2.3, are also a longer-term part of this roadmap). 31 Orcahrd, R (2004) “Innovation: Is this the future?” Bus & Coach Buyer. Page 18. Hanlon, M (2009) Blade Runner Dual-mode vehicle. Gizmag online. Available at: http://www.gizmag.com/go/3077/ 32 16 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Figure 7: Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Intelligent Road Emerging Technologies Source: Scheduled benefits from some main emerging technologies areas (great potential for “intelligent road applications”) (INTRO, 2007) Potential impact on GHG emissions The Universal Traffic Management Society of Japan (UTMS)are planning on using two-way infrared beacons to analyze real-time information about street conditions, hazards, and pedestrians who aren't 33 paying attention . Minimising crashes, unsafe driving and congestion allows for a shorter driving time and a more efficient use of fuel, therefore reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Often the primary advertised benefit of intelligent road systems is safety. The short-term future of road transport is destined to rely on roads and therefore making them a safer place with increased capacity is essential. A longer term vision for intelligent roads recognises that live data can be aggregated and used to manage the environmental impacts of a network. For example, this could be through autonomous speed limits which wireless prevent a driver from speeding by taking control of a vehicle. Potential for further development of wider application A vision for intelligent roads for the next 30 years in Europe has been outlined by the Transport 34 Research Arena . Created in 2007, this vision to 2037 sets out to fit with various road types and conditions encountered in Europe: Urban motorway; Urban Radial road; Interurban motorway; Interurban road and Rural road. Figure 8 shows the clustering of visions per road conditions 33 Murph, D (2006) “Japan planning intelligent road systems” Engadget Online. Available at: http://www.engadget.com/2006/08/18/japan-planning-intelligent-road-systems/ 34 Cocu, X, Winder, A & R Opitz (2008) A Vision of Intelligent Roads (INTRO project) Transport Research Arena Europe 2008, Ljubljana. http://www.ocw.be/pdf/tra/2008_Cocu.pdf 17 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Figure 8: Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Clustering of visions per road conditions for Europe “Req” = Required & “Rec” = Recommended Barriers to further development of wider application The idea of an „intelligent road‟ covers a plethora of short and long-term technologies which can be implemented to improve the way in which vehicles can driven. Some of these technologies are developed (such as access to traffic flow data), whereas others will not reach the market for a long time (automated speed enforcement control). Road networks have different needs and functions prompting the need for a clear understanding of each road technology to be able to decide upon the best technology for a particular network. 2.6 Road trains Concept: Road trains Developer: SATRE Project, Led by Ricardo UK Ltd Energy source: Navigation system, transmitters and receivers used to reduce the amount of fuel used. Development stage: Test tracks could be set up by 2011. Ricardo estimate 10 years until fully available. 18 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Road train technology utilises autonomous driving; as discussed in Section 2.3 and 2.5, this technology means that a vehicles is able to take control over acceleration, braking and steering, and can be joined to other similarly controlled vehicles. In order to connect to a lead vehicle, individual vehicles need to be equipped with a navigation system and a transmitter/receiver unit. A six to eight vehicle road train will then be led by an experienced driver, allowing drivers in the following cars to hand over control of their vehicle until they wish to leave the road train. The technology does not require major investment in new infrastructures as the equipment improvements are to individual vehicles rather than wider infrastructures such as new roads and the technology can be used on existing motorway networks. Potential impact on GHG emissions From an environmental perspective, cars in the train are travelling close to each other, exploiting a resultant lower air drag. In addition, the energy saving as a result of the linked up controls is expected 35 to be in the region of 20% . Road capacity will also be able to be utilised more efficiently as cars can safely travel inches away from each other. Potential for further development of wider application The Ricardo-led consortium that are running the SATRE (Safe Road Trains for the Environment) project have said that the first test cars equipped with this technology could roll on test tracks as early 36 as 2011 . Road trains do not require investment in new road infrastructures or newly designed vehicles but instead can reduce fuel consumption through the installation of a navigation system and transmitter/receiver units in current vehicles. Where other technologies require expensive, long-term options, the prospect of road-trains is comparatively short-term and inexpensive with test trials in the UK, Spain and Sweden expected in 2012 and a potential move to market within the next decade. Barriers to further development of wider application Compared to other options for the future, the barriers for road-trains are fewer and less obstructive. A key barrier is that the technology is primarily for motorway use and functions most successfully on long journey with infrequent exit points. Changing the preconceived notions and habits of drivers to safely use a technology which allows them to hand control of their moving vehicle to an automated system must be introduced with clear guidance and in a manner which does not compromise the safety of uneducated drivers. 2.7 Vehicle Mass Transit System (VMTS) Concept: Vehicle Mass Transit System (VMTS) Also referred to as Carbus or Autobus. Developer: University of California at Davis Energy source: Vehicle fuel (carrying trailers could be electric vehicles) Development stage: Concept stage 35 BBC News (2009) “'Road trains' get ready to roll” BBC News Online article from Monday, 9 November 2009. Available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8349923.stm 36 Ricardo (2009) Cars that drive themselves can become reality within ten years. Press release issued by the Ricardo-led SARTRE (Safe Road Trains for the Environment) consortium. Available at: http://www.ricardo.co.uk/en-gb/News--Media/Press-releases/News-releases1/2009/Cars-that-drive-themselvescan-become-reality-within-ten-years/ 19 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Developed by Professor Andrew A. Frank at the University of California at Davis, a Vehicle Mass 37 Transit System (VMTS) would utilise large trucks that operate on dedicated lanes and carry numerous small vehicles from one point to another. The large trucks would travel at speeds of around 60 mph and carry smaller vehicles on existing infrastructures, therefore presenting a lower cost mass transit option when compared with other systems, such as dual mode transit or driverless vehicles. The trucks would provide the drivers of smaller vehicles with a high speed, stressless journey in the comfort and privacy of their own vehicle. Existing motorway interchanges could be used to build loading stations whilst facilities inside the trailer could include telecommunications and electric vehicle charging points. Potential impact on GHG emissions The environmental potential of this technology lies in of its potential to discourage long personal car journeys whilst giving drivers the flexibility and comfort of travelling in their own vehicle. However, the significant addition mass of the „carrier‟ vehicle adds doubt to how much potential this technology has to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The efficiency gains of not driving several combustion vehicles could be offset by the addition fuel consumption needed to transport these vehicles in the carrier vehicles. Other factors which would impact the environmental credentials of such a technology are the fuel of both the personal and carrier vehicles (as offsetting electric cars with a large combustion vehicle would have a negative impact) and ensuring the carrier capacity is full utilised to realise full emission reducing potential. Potential for further development of wider application The principle behind a road-based Vehicle Mass Transit System could be used to develop a car-train carrier system for those travelling longer distances. The application of this technology for inter-city travel between European cities is an option, giving drivers the flexibility to drive around when they have reached their destination. Barriers to further development of wider application The infrastructure needed to set up this technology would be primarily boarding stations at key points in a road network. Loading palettes to move vehicles on and off the truck would need to be built and could be integrated into current refuelling networks on road motorways. There would potentially also need to be a sophisticated booking / journey matching system in order to optimise vehicle loading to ensure theoretical efficiency improvements are in fact realised. This occupancy factor is similar to those for bus and rail services which influence net environmental benefits. 2.8 Alternative fuels 2.8.1 Dimethyl-Ether (DME) Dimethyl-Ether (DME) is a non-toxic gas with properties resembling LPG that is usually derived from methanol produced during the chemical conversion of coal, natural gas, or biomass. The short carbon chain of the DME compound leads to very low emission of particulate matter, including carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide. DME can be used as fuel in diesel engines, gasoline engines (30% DME/70% LPG), and gas turbines. Potential impact on GHG emissions DME is a low emissions fuel which is sulphur- and metal-free, offering a more environmentally friendly alternative to petrol and diesel fuels. Furthermore, DME has a potential for significantly reduced CO2 emissions in the long-term (if produced via biomass) and diesel engines running on 100% DME have demonstrated smoke free combustion. Potential for further development of wider application Moderate modifications are needed to convert a diesel engine so that it is compatible to burn DME. Coordinated by Volvo and funded under The European 7th Framework Programme (FP7) and The Frank, A. A (2008) “Vehicle Mass Transit System (VMTS) - (aka Carbus or Autobus)” University of California at Davis. Available at: http://faculty.washington.edu/jbs/itrans/vmts.htm 37 20 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Swedish Energy Agency, DME is being developed as a synthetic biofuel (BioDME), which can be 38 manufactured from lignocellulosic biomass . A fuel storage, handling and injection system has also been developed for advanced passenger cars (PNGV) by AVL Powertrain Technologies. Due to the fact that DME Fuel is suitable to be bunt in diesel engines rather then engines meant for gasoline use, it can be used in the heaviest polluting forms of road transport, including heavy goods vehicles, agricultural and industrial engines. Furthermore, preliminary economic calculations show that production processes are simpler than ethanol from cellulose as well as final product costs less then both fossil diesel or biodiesel. 39 Other principal benefits and advantages for DME are cited as including : Low noise potential; Cost competitive with conventional refinery fuels; Similarity with LPG means that the costs and implications of a DME infrastructure are also very similar; High fuel economy High well-to-wheel efficiency Thermal efficiency equivalent to diesel engine performance Ignition characteristics equivalent to diesel engine performance A high cetane rating* of 55 – 60 (compared to about 45 for petroleum-derived diesel) and a boiling point of -25ºC provide fast fuel/air mixing, reduced ignition delay, and excellent cold starting properties. Barriers to further development of wider application DME is relatively unknown as a fuel. It has been used as a organic solvent and and extraction agent in laboratory and particularly for industrial purposes as a aerosol propellant. 2.8.2 2,5-dimethylfuran (DMF) 2,5-dimethylfuran is a potential biofuel which can be derived from cellulose. Fructose can be converted into DMF in a catalytic biomass-to-liquid process. In comparison with ethanol, the energy density of DMF is 40% greater, making it comparable to petrol. Starch and cellulose based feedstocks are widely available in nature and in foods such as fruit and some root vegetables, adding to the attraction of DMF. Potential impact on GHG emissions The environmental implications of DMF are largely unknown due to the lack of use of the material as a fuel. It is known that DMF has a 40% higher energy density than ethanol, similar to the densities of petroleum based fuels. DMF also requires less energy to be produced than ethanol and can be blended with gasoline. Potential for further development of wider application 40 Other benefits cited for DMF include : It provides more energy than ethanol and also requires less energy to be produced; It is also not water soluble so it would be easier to blend with gasoline than ethanol; In the process of producing DMF an important chemical intermediate, hydroxymethylfuran (HMF) is produced, which may be used to produce plastics, drugs, and fuels as an alternative to petroleum derived alternatives. 38 BioDME (2009) Production of DME from Biomass and utilisation as fuel for transport and for industrial use. Available at: http://www.biodme.eu/ 39 Sørensen, J N (2007) DME-Fuel. FLSmidth Roadrunners. Available at: http://www.ecocar.mek.dtu.dk/Dynamo/DME-Engine/DME-Fuel.aspx 40 Markusson, E (2007) “Is DMF a green alternative to ethanol” Available at: http://www.helium.com/items/465807-is-dmf-a-green-alternative-to-ethanol 21 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Barriers to further development of wider application Safety issues of using DMF need to be examined as its impact on the environment and vehicles is not as well understood as bioethanol or biodiesel. 2.8.3 Compressed air vehicles Concept: Compressed air vehicles Developer: Tata Motors & Motor Development International SA (MDI) Energy source: Engine fuelled by air stored in a tank under high pressure (similar compressed air technology used in torpedo propulsion) Development stage: Built and tested Most Compressed Air Technology (CAT) vehicles are in reality electric vehicles which require electricity to compress the air that powers them. By using CAT during start up and acceleration, the compressed air vehicle is able to use less power overall than all-electric cars by only relying on the electrical drivetrain to maintain velocity and cruise. There have been prototype CAT vehicles since the 1920s when torpedo propulsion was used as inspiration for fueling vehicles using air. Compressed air cars use the expansion of compressed air (in a similar way that steam engines use steam) rather than driving engine pistons with an ignited fuel-air mixture. 41 French company Motor Development International (MDI) is designing compressed air car prototypes marketed under the title "the Air car". MDI have five types of compressed air vehicles, ranging from a small three-seater AirPod to a MultiFlowAIR which is designed to replace buses. The Air Car has been in development for the last 20 years. In 2008, it was announced that MDI would be collaborating with 42 India's Tata Motors to produce the Tata/MDI OneCAT (pictured above) . It is unclear whether this project is progressing as planned and currently the MDI designs exist in a proposal stage having not been commissioned by any organisations. Potential impact on GHG emissions Compressed air vehicles are emission-free at the tailpipe and have an environmental footprint that is dependent on the source of the electricity supply. A study by UC Berkley however concluded that even under highly optimistic assumptions, the compressed air car is less efficient than a battery electric vehicle. In addition, it was found that it produced more greenhouse gas emissions than a conventional 43 gas powered car with a coal intensive power mix . This has been questioned by MDI but establishes that the environmental credentials of the air car need to be established before it can be considered as a benefit to reducing greenhouse gases. Potential for further development of wider application An integral part of the development of CAT for wider application is the management of the air compressing and refilling process. The energy required for compressing air less costly and 41 Motor Development International (2009) Compressed air engines. Available at: http://www.mdi.lu/english/produits.php 42 Harrabin, R (2008) “India's Tata backs air-power car” BBC News Online. Available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/7243247.stm 43 Lucas, P (2009) “Air cars under testing but are they efficient?” TheGreenCarWebsite.co.uk. Available at: http://www.thegreencarwebsite.co.uk/blog/index.php/2009/12/14/air-cars-under-testing-but-are-they-efficient/ 22 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI environmentally more effective to manage than individual vehicles as it is produced at centralised plants. Manufacturing the compressed air vehicles is estimated to cost about 20% less than producing fossil fuel vehicles and they are much lighter than non-air cars, including the SmartCar. The reduced manufacturing cost is because there is no need to build a cooling system, fuel tank, ignition systems or silencers. In addition, a compressed air tank has a life of 12,000 discharge cycles (approximately 30 years) compared to a battery lifespan which is only a twelfth as long. Barriers to further development of wider application A potential high cost for the compressed air vehicle is robust carbon-fibre tanks to ensure that air is safely held under pressure. Despite not being flammable, when held under pressure, a tank explosion has the potential to cause a harmful blast-pressure wave. 23 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 3 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Radical concepts and technologies for land-based non-road modes 3.1 Maglev Concept: Maglev (Magnetic Levitation) Developer: Transrapid International Energy source: Magnetic fields Development stage: Systems currently in place in countries including the US, China and Japan. Maglev transportation uses a technology that suspends and propels vehicles, using magnetic levitation. Magnetic levitation is when a vehicle is suspended by magnetic fields without the support of anything else. Maglev trains can therefore offer offering a quieter, smoother and faster alternative to 44 other mass transit systems . Instead of using a conventional train engine powered by fossil fuel, maglev trains use the magnetic field created by electrified coils in guideway walls and the track to propel the train. Maglev trains float on a cushion of air, eliminating friction and therefore allowing them to travel at unmatched ground transportation speeds of up to 310mph (500km/h). There are two types of maglev technologies being developed: Electromagnetic Suspension (EMS) and Electrodynamic Suspension (EDS). German company Transrapid International are the market leaders for EMS technology and have a test track in Emsland, Germany with a total length of 31.5 km (19.6 miles). Electromagnets attached to the undercarriage of a maglev train are directed up toward the guideway, this levitates the train about 1 cm above the guideway. The train is kept levitated when it is not moving by these magnets and it kept stable during travel by guidance magnets embedded in the train's body. EDS is slightly different and is being developed by Japanese engineers using super-cooled, superconducting electromagnets. An EDS electromagnet can conduct electricity without a power supply, unlike standard electromagnets which only conduct electricity when a power supply is present. By chilling the coils at frigid temperatures, Japan's system saves energy, however the cryogenic system needed to cool the coils can be expensive. There are currently maglev train systems in San Diego (USA) and several systems in China and Japan, including the first commercial high-speed maglev line in Shanghai, China built by Transrapid. 45 Inaugurated in 2002, the Shanghai Maglev Train runs 30 km from downtown Shanghai to the Pudong International Airport with a top speed of more than 500km/h. Potential impact on GHG emissions Figure 9 shows the carbon dioxide emissions of a Transpraid maglev train compared with car, air and train travel. ICE refers to the Deutsche Bahn ICE train which currently connects major German cities. The magnetic and electricity energy sources used to power maglev trains means that carbon dioxide emissions are very low, particularly if the electricity is powered by nuclear or renewable sources. The greater energy consumption at higher speeds compared with conventional rail or high-speed rail 44 45 Magplane Technology Group of Companies (2007) Available at: http://www.magplane.com/ Shanghai Maglev Transportation Development Co Ltd (2005) Available at: http://www.smtdc.com/en/ 24 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI services may potentially be offset by greater occupancy factors due to greater modal switch (e.g. from cars or air services). Figure 9: 46 Transrapid CO2 Emissions Potential for further development of wider application Maglev trains experience no rolling resistance due to the lack of physical contact between the track and the vehicle. This improves the power efficiency of the train as it only has air resistance and electromagnetic drag working against it. The primary advantage of maglev trains over other high-speed rail options for the future is their speed. 47 In 2003, the Japanese maglev train MLX01 set a world speed record for a train at 581km/h . When travelling long distance, maglev trains can offer a speed which is comparable with flight travel and therefore is a potentially attractive technology for popular travel routes between cities. As shown in Figure 9, the prospect of a modal shift from air travel to maglev trains offers a considerable reduction in GHG emissions. Barriers to further development of wider application Implementing a maglev system requires a complete introduction of new vehicles and infrastructures as the technology cannot be easily retrofitted or incorporated into to current networks. Conventional high speed trains such as the TGV are able to run at reduced speeds on existing rail infrastructure and therefore offer a significantly cheaper alternative to implementing a new maglev infrastructure. Consequently, a potential future barrier to the use of maglev technology is its high cost compared with traditional rail options. At a price tag of US$1.33 billion, the Shanghai Maglev Train was not the cheapest option but has been argued by some to be viable in the long-term due to the reduced energy consumption in propelling the train. A €1.85 billion project for a maglev system in Bavaria was 46 Transrapid (2009) Energy consumption of Transrapid maglev trains. Available at: http://www.transrapid.de/cgitdb/en/basics.prg?session=9be8fa13451ed8b9&a_no=47 47 JR Central (2004) The Superconducting Maglev Sets a Guinness World Record for Attaining 581km/h in a Manned Test Run. March 1, 2004. Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central). Available at: http://english.jrcentral.co.jp/news/n20040301/index.html 25 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI 48 cancelled in 2008 due to costs almost doubling . In the UK, a feasibility study is being carried out for a maglev system from London to Edinburgh alongside high-speed rail alternatives. 3.1.1 Underground Maglev Systems Concept: Tube Underground Magnetic Levitation Railway Developer: RUMBA (Röhren-Untergrund-Magnetschwebe-Bahn) Energy source: Magnetic levitation Development stage: Concept stage 49 The RUMBA (Röhren-Untergrund-Magnetschwebe-Bahn) system is a concept proposed by Christian Bruch which uses magnetic levitation technology underground. The RUMBA system provides transport for small travel groups via small, electronically controlled cabs. Each small vehicle would be propelled along an underground tube network using magnetic levitation power as outlined in Section 2.1. For long-distance trips, the tubes would have low pressure (about 10 to 20 % of the atmospheric 50 pressure) and a speed of up to 400 km/h would be possible . Private and public stations could be built underground, offering the potential for tunnels to be mixed use between private and public vehicles. Potential impact on GHG emissions The GHG emissions created by a RUMBA system are potentially low as maglev and electric technologies can be used across the system. There are however, environmental issues to be considered regarding the building of a series of underground tunnels and whether the same transport needs could be addressed with an on-land system which would have a smaller impact. There are very significant amounts of embedded energy in producing underground tunnels – in both materials and tunnelling energy consumption. These embedded emissions would significantly reduce the GHG benefits compared to alternative overland options. As the RUMBA system only exists in a concept stage, a greater understanding of the location of a potential system would need to be looked into. Potential for further development of wider application In the outline of the RUMBA concept, it is proposed that the energy required to build a network is far less than that needed for conventional road and railway transport systems. The RUMBA system also offers beneficial uses which are similar to other PRT systems, as outlined in Section 2.2. Barriers to further development of wider application The environmental costs of creating the infrastructure are a barrier for this technology. Where other technologies use existing infrastructures and road networks, this technology is proposing to use a relatively new propulsion technology (maglev), in a vehicle type which is again not widely used (Personal Rapid Transit). Consequently, there will be social obstacles to overcome to ensure travellers that the technology and method of travel is safe as well as technological barriers to ensure that the technology is reliable. 48 Heller, Gernot (2008) "Germany scraps Munich Transrapid as cost spirals". Reuters. Available at: http://www.reuters.com/article/rbssIndustryMaterialsUtilitiesNews/idUSL2777056820080327?sp=true 49 Bruch, C (2005) RUMBA (Röhren-Untergrund-Magnetschwebe-Bahn): A Universal Transport System of the Future. Available at: http://www.cbruch.homepage.t-online.de/Rumba_e.html 50 Bruch, C (2005) RUMBA (Röhren-Untergrund-Magnetschwebe-Bahn): A Universal Transport System of the Future. Available at: http://www.cbruch.homepage.t-online.de/Rumba_e.html 26 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Constructing underground networks is far more complex, dangerous and costly than those above ground and therefore a future shift in concern towards needing to place networks underground or economic, social or environmental reasons would need to come about to warrant placing maglev PRT systems underground. 3.2 Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) In Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2, two forms of Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) are looked at. In the future, the flexibility of a PRT system would make it a feasible transport option for many situations. PRT offers a possible solution in different areas where installing a conventional heavy transit system is not feasible. Potential PRT applications include both urban areas and major activity centres including those outlined in Table 3. Table 3 Future potential uses of PRT systems51 Type of PRT system Local circulator Collector/distributor City-wide rapid transit 3.2.1 Key potential applications Airport Shopping mall University campus Hospital Park and ride Extension of existing transport modes New urban city developments Business parks Tourist attractions ULTra (Urban Light Transport) Concept: ULTra Developer: Advanced Transport Systems (ATS) Energy source: Battery power Development stage: First full system being built at Heathrow Airport in the UK (due to open in 2010). The ULTra (Urban Light Transport) personal rapid transport system is a series of small, lightweight, computer-driven electric vehicles running on slender, special-purpose guideways. The ULTra vehicle is designed to provide passengers with a personal vehicle to take them to their desired destination, without stopping at undesired destinations, dubbed by some as an „autonomous taxi‟. Each vehicle is rubber-tyred, battery-powered and designed to comfortably carry 4 passengers. The small vehicles are virtually silent when running and are lightweight, giving them the ability to navigate complex routes with minimal supporting infrastructure. Batteries are quickly charged up at stations and the vehicles run along simple guideways with barriers which are passively navigated by the vehicle. 51 Vectur (2009) PRT Applications. Available at: http://www.vectusprt.com/prt/application.php 27 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Advanced Transport System Ltd (ATS Ltd) began testing the first prototype in 2001 and is now developing the ULTra system at London Heathrow Airport. The Heathrow ULTra system will comprise of 4 kilometers of guideway and will link one station in Terminal 5 to two remote stations in the Business car park. Expected to open in 2010, ATS reports that the total cost of the Heathrow system 52 (vehicles, infrastructure and control systems) is between £3 million and £5 million per km of track . Potential impact on GHG emissions The environmental credentials of ULTra technology depends on the source of the electricity supplying the vehicle batteries. ATS Ltd state that their system is 50% more energy-efficient than buses or 53 trains, and 70% more energy-efficient than private cars . The average energy use is 0.59 MJ per 54 passenger km which makes it more efficient than a car . However, the application of such systems is limited to shorter trips within a closed designated area. Therefore their total potential for impact on GHG emissions may be limited to certain applications. Potential for further development of wider application BAA have said that the ULTra system “is the only practical solution, providing a 60% improvement in 55 travel time and 40% operating cost savings ”. In 2009, BAA and ATS agreed a 20-year framework contract for use of ULTra for all BAA deployments of PRT. The ULTra PRT system is ideal for airport and similar sites as it can provide an autonomous but personal system over short distances. The short waiting time (ATS estimate that 95% of passengers will wait for less than one minute for their private pod) and personal travel environment are appealing social attributes of this type of travel compared with pre-scheduled mass transit vehicles such as trains. In order to encourage a modal shift away from personal cars, these attributes could be make ULTra a popular options for travelers, at least for shorter defined journeys compared to alternatives. Barriers to further development of wider application The ULTra system is suitable for short trips within a closed designated area and is therefore well suited for airports. The infrastructure costs and barriers for developing the system are also relatively easy overcome due to the low cost of the technological aspects and the fact that the vehicles travel on roads. The limitations of ULTra as a system which transport small numbers of people short distances is the major drawback to this technology. 3.2.2 Podcars Concept: PRT Podcars Developer: Vectus, 2getthere, Taxi2000 Energy source: Electricity Development stage: Test tracks completed in Wales. Planned 5km guideway in Suncheon, Republic of Korea to be completed by 2013. Various proposed sites in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, UAE. Similar to ULTra technology, podcars are a personal rapid transit (PRT) system which offers ondemand, non-stop transportation, using small, automated vehicles on a network of specially-built guideways. Unlike ULTra vehicles that travel on roads, podcar technology uses purpose built tracks to guide personal vehicles. 52 ATS Ltd (2009) ULTra FAQ. Available at: http://www.atsltd.co.uk/prt/faq/ ATS Ltd (2009) ULTra FAQ. Available at: http://www.atsltd.co.uk/prt/faq/ 54 Innovation Watch (2009) “Autonomous taxis” Ingenia. Issue 39. June 2009. Page 56. 55 BAA Conclusion quote on ULTra at London Heathrow. Available at: http://www.atsltd.co.uk/applications/existing-systems/heathrow/ 53 28 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Mechanical guidance is provided through the guide whilst switching is done on-board the podcar vehicle. The vehicle wheels are made of solid, specially-developed polymer which offers very low rolling friction, low curve friction, and very high resistance to wear. The wheels run on a hard surface and combined with the aerodynamic design of the vehicle, this gives the necessary thrust to be able to 56 maintain speeds of about 40 km/h . Potential impact on GHG emissions In order to reduce energy consumption, podcars are aerodynamically designed and use running wheels with very low friction on a steel surface creating a low running resistance for both straight and curved track. SkyWeb Express podcars which are developed by Taxi200 have estimated that when 57 built, their system could save 4,617 pounds (2.1 tonnes) of CO2 per driver per year . Potential for further development of wider application As with other PRT (including ULTra), the short waiting time and personal travel environment are appealing aspects of this type of travel when compared with pre-scheduled mass transit vehicles such as trains. Barriers to further development of wider application When compared with other forms of PRT, such as ULTra, podcars that travel on a steel track require a greater investment in infrastructure. They also offer less flexibility for changing the route of vehicles with evolving travel needs. 3.3 Hybrid tricycle Concept: Hybrid tricycle Developer: Aerorider (Netherlands) Energy source: Human pedalling and battery Development stage: Prototypes have been developed but not currently in production. 58 The Aerorider is a hybrid tricycle, combining human and electric power to give users a 45km/h cruising speed. The electric technology makes pedalling easier and allows the vehicle to be able to keep up speed on steep inclines. The Aerorider has a battery included (NiMH or Lithium) which is recharged and acts as a hybrid support to the power generated from human pedalling. Battery range depends on how the Aerorider is used and on the terrain but averages between 20 and 80 kilometres. Slopes and frequent acceleration will decrease the range whereas faster pedalling will increase the range of the vehicle. The battery charger can be plugged into a standard mains outlet whereas the more advanced batteries, which are lighter and smaller, can be removed from the vehicle. Potential impact on GHG emissions The technology used to build hybrid tricycles and similar vehicles relies on a renewables electricity supply to make sure it is sustainable. The greenhouse gas emissions from electric vehicles are lower than those of combustion engines in individual vehicles and therefore the hybrid tricycle offers a more 56 Vectus Inteligent Transit (2009) Available at: http://www.vectusprt.com/prt/overview.php Taxi2000 (2009) SkyWeb Express Benefits. Available at: http://www.taxi2000.com/benefits.html 58 AERO Rider (2010) Available at: http://www.aerorider.com/ 57 29 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI environmentally friendly alternative to the fossil fuel passenger car. The small size of the vehicle also reduces the required motive energy. Potential for further development of wider application If the future of transport technology shifts towards an electric based system, whereby personal and mass transit system rely on electricity from a central supply, the Aerorider and other personal hybrid tricycle vehicles could offer travellers with a small and compatible option for short-distance travel. In some European countries, mopeds are a popular form of travel. Hybrid tricycles are a potential future alternative for these travellers. In Denmark (where the Aerorider is registered as a moped), there are currently about 160,000 traditional mopeds that run on fossil fuels and are therefore noisy and polluting. Air pollution from those 160,000 traditional mopeds is estimated to cost around 50 lives 59 a year and could be reduced by using electrical alternatives which are non-polluting at the road . Barriers to further development of wider application Vehicles such as the Aerorider only offer space for one person and therefore are arguably not a direct alternative for the passenger car but instead for the human powered bicycle. Hybrid tricycles could however be used as an alternative mode of travel in the future for those travelling short distances on their own. As with other electric vehicles, the range of hybrid tricycles depends on the battery capacity and terrain, making it suitable for relatively short distances only. The Aerorider is priced at around 9,400€, making it a more expensive option for those wishing to switch from a moped. 3.4 Hoverboards Concept: Hoverboards Developer: Future Horizons Advanced Technology & Arbortech Energy source: Hovercraft air-cushion technology Development stage: Concept stage. Personal hovercraft available from Arbortech Hoverboards are generally considered to be a fictional form of transport, although there are some inventors that have designed prototypes. Resembling a skateboard, the hoverboard as a mode of personal transport first appeared in 1989 film Back to the Future II. The first commercially available 60 personal hovercraft is called the Airboard and is produced by Australian company, Arbortech. An oncraft engine drives a fan which is responsible for lifting the vehicle by forcing high pressure air under the skirt of the craft. Future Horizons Advanced Technology has designed a personal hoverboard system which uses high performance hovercraft technology to lift a 250+lb rider 3 inches above the ground. A 6 horsepower 4stroke gasoline engine spins a 5 bladed propeller to force air under the craft which in turns lifts the 61 craft . Potential impact on GHG emissions If they were to become technologically ready for the market, hoverboards would be used to replace distance would otherwise be either walked or cycled. As a result, hoverboards could have a 59 Stenkjaer, N (2008) “Electrical Mopeds”. Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy. Available at: http://www.folkecenter.net/gb/rd/transport/electrical_moped/ 60 Arbortech (2009) Airboard. Available at: http://www.arbortech.com.au/view/airboard-information 61 Future Horizons Advanced Technology (2009) “Hoverboards” Available at: http://www.futurehorizons.net/hoverboard.htm 30 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI detrimental environmental impact by encouraging a greenhouse gas emitting mode of travel which has previously been zero emissions. Potential for further development of wider application The personal hovercraft primarily offers an alternative to cycling or walking short distances. The technology has been mainly used for military and recreational purposes up until now but over the next 50 years, the same technology could be used to propel commercial vehicles. Barriers to further development of wider application The primary barrier to this technology becoming a feasible option for the future is the advancement of its technological credentials to ensure the safety of users. A lack of systems to manage how users travel safely without the limitations of road and rail networks are another key obstacle to this technology becoming a mainstream option for the future. 31 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 4 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Radical concepts and technologies for aviation 4.1 Flying cars Concept: Microlight flying cars Developer: Includes the Moller International and AirScooter Corporation. Energy source: Gasoline, battery or ethanol Development stage: Prototypes have been built but not rigorously tested. The personal vehicle which can switch between aircraft and automobile is still very much in the concept stage. Flying cars are dual-mode vehicles which are capable of travelling on roads and in the air with a manual or automated process of conversion between the two modes. These vehicles can be classified as both an automobile and an aircraft and differ slightly from small planes which do not have automobile capacities, sometimes referred to as flying cars in fiction. Where past attempts to integrate automobile and aircraft technologies into a single mode of transport have relied on a modular approach of having to change parts of the vehicle, some recent examples are trying to integrate the aspects of each technology into one vehicle. The AirScooter II by AirScooter Corporation is a design concept for a Vertical Take Off and Landing 62 (VTOL) aircraft which offers personal air flight . The vehicle is aerial focused and does however not combine the automobile components of the flying car concept to make it a potential dual-mode option for the future of an amalgamated automobile/aircraft technology. Moller International has developed the Moller Skycar, a prototype personal VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) aircraft which gains power from four ducted fans. In the future, Wankel engines will be used in the vehicles rather than jet engines, lowering the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. These engines use a rotary design to convert pressure into a rotating motion instead of using reciprocating pistons and run on a mixture of 70% (bio)ethanol and 30% water. Potential impact on GHG emissions Moller International have explored different fuel options for their flying cars and looked at the environmental impact of these. The ethanol/water fuel mixture proposed in the Moller Skycar would result in engine pollution lower than the California „Super Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle‟ standard. A different proposed model from Moller is powered by electric Altairnano lithium ion batteries, but again this model has not been tested or proven. Either way it seems very likely that the GHG emissions from using this concept would exceed the alternative of existing high-occupancy dedicated passenger aircraft. Potential for further development of wider application Fictional representations of cars have become emblematic of the gap between ambitious futuristic visions for transport and the actual technological achievements. It is however questionable whether flying cars can offer a useful solution to future travel problems. Using air space in crowded urban areas where space for land based travel modes is scarce is a feasible step in transport planning. However, mass transit options are likely to be more feasible for urban solutions. 62 AirScooter Corporation (2010) Available at: http://www.airscooter.com/index.html 32 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Flying cars do offer an alternative for short distance personal travel problems that would otherwise likely be made by personal road vehicles, such as cars. However, the cost of such a vehicle is likely to mean that if the technology is developed within the coming decades, a vehicle is likely to be a luxury item rather than a competitive alternative to the traditional car. Barriers to further development of wider application The primary carriers facing the development of flying car technology are technology and the management of safety. Despite being around for decades as a landmark of technological achievement, the flying car still poses technical issues. The amalgamation of automobile and aircraft technologies to develop a single dual-mode vehicle is still a major barrier to overcome before this technology can be considered as a feasible transport option for the future. The need for new infrastructures and the enlightenment of drivers to flight safety are other key barriers that face the uptake of this technology. The prospect of individuals being able to drive and fly their own vehicles with VTOL technology posses a management challenge. Controlling where owners can take-off and land and more importantly at what height they can fly is essential for safety. NASA has designed an altitude management computer 63 system to handle this problem if flying car technology does take off called “The Highway in the Sky .” 4.2 Hybrid Airships Concept: Hybrid Airship Developer: Worldwide Aeros Company & World SkyCat Ltd Energy source: Blimp/airplane hybrid. 14 million cubic feet of helium to hoist two thirds of the craft's weight and six turbofan jet engines for Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) Development stage: Prototype expected in 2010 The Aeroscraft ML8XX is a hybrid airship which uses blimp and airplane technology to stay airborne. A scaled-down prototype was made in 2008, and a full scale passenger craft is expected in 2010. At 210 ft and 400-tonnes, the Aeroscraft has a flight ceiling of 12,000 ft. To stay airborne, the Aeroscraft uses a combination of aerodynamic and aerostatic principles; giving it 64 the ability to fly up to 6,000 miles at a maximum of 174mph . Around two-thirds of the craft's lift is provided by helium gas whilst the remaining lift is provided by the forward thrust of the craft's propellers, in combination with its aerodynamic shape, and its canards (forward fins) and empennage 65 (rear fins) . It has been proposed that the aft-powered propellers will be electric, powered by a renewable source such as hydrogen fuel cells. Airship cruises offer a potential radical alternative to cruise ships which have more traditionally dominated the recreational long-distance travel market. With a range of several thousand miles and a cruising altitude of around 8,000 feet, airship cruises could offer passengers the amenities of a traditional cruise liner whilst providing highly marketable aerial views. As well as recreational uses, the 63 Leung, R (2005) “Flying cars ready to take-off” 60 minutes: CBS News. Available at: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/04/15/60minutes/main688454.shtml 64 Tompkins, J (2006) “The Flying Luxury Hotel: Tomorrow's cruise ship will sail through the air, not the water” Popular Science Magazine Online. Available at: http://www.popsci.com/aeros/article/2006-02/flying-luxury-hotel 65 Grabianowski, E (2006) "How the Aeroscraft Will Work". How Stuff Works. Available at: http://science.howstuffworks.com/aeroscraft.htm 33 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI potential to use the vehicle for military and commercial cargo deliver purposes has also been identified. Potential impact on GHG emissions The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research estimates that, when burning fossil fuels, the total 66 climate-changing impact of an airship is 80-90% less than that of ordinary aircraft . With renewable energy sources on board, the airship could have even less of an environmental impact. Another key environmental benefit of an Aeroscraft over airplanes is a significant reduction in noise pollution due to a reliance on helium for lift during flight, as opposed to the burning of fuels. Hydrogen fuel cells and other low emission fuels are proposed to be used to power the electric propellers onboard, making the aircraft fuel efficient and quiet. Potential for further development of wider application The Aeroscraft uses six downward-pointing turbofan jet engines for VTOL. Similar to helicopters, this reduces the overall space needed for take-off and landing, increasing the flexibility of destinations for the craft over other traditional aircrafts. The vehicle also has a technology which controls buoyancy by taking in air from the surrounding atmosphere and holding it in pressurised tanks (Dynamic Buoyancy Management). This technology allows the Aeroscraft to land on rough land, snow or water. These features make the Aeroscraft a future option as: a luxury cruise airship for tourists; a cargo ship for transporting up to 400-500 tonnes of cargo from one location to another via one mode of transport; a military vehicle for transporting goods and troops to remote locations; for delivering water or fertilisers to remote farmers or for delivering relief goods to disaster zones. World SkyCat Ltd offer similar technology to the Aeroscraft and have a range of airships for emergency relief (SkyLift), 67 surveillance and border control (SkyPatrol), cargo haul (SkyFreight) and passenger cars (SkyFerry) . Barriers to further development of wider application A major barrier to the development of airship technology is the capacity of the aircrafts. Most traditional airships carry only a very small crew and are used as a tourist attraction or for advertising purposes. The Aeroscraft intends to offer a 180 passenger luxury cruise version of their design which 68 is a far lower passenger capacity than a Boeing 747 which carries approximately 460 people . In addition, the Aeroscraft travels at about the same speed as a high-speed train and therefore is likely to have to offer luxury additions for passengers instead of trying to compete with much faster airplane travel. Changing public perception of airships and ensuring them of its safety is essential to secure much needed funding for airship projects to become a viable option for the future. 66 Shreeve, J L (2008) “Airships: Colonel Blimp's eco-flight credentials”. Telegraph Paper Online. Available at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/greenerliving/3344952/Airships-Colonel-Blimps-eco-flight-credentials.html 67 World SkyCat Ltd (2010) World SkyCat designs. Available at: http://www.worldskycat.com/ 68 Dodson, S (2008) Floating the idea of an airship comeback. The Age News Online. Available at: http://www.theage.com.au/news/news/a-comeback-for-the-airship/2008/06/09/1212863499259.html 34 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 4.3 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Wing-In-Ground Concept: Wing-in-ground aircrafts Developer: Boeing Energy source: Uses ground effect to stay above water/land Development stage: Concept stage Wing-in-ground (WIG) technology is used to power ground effect vehicles which use a cushion of high-pressure air to stay in flight near the ground. This is made possible by the aerodynamic interaction between the wings of the craft and the surface, known as ground effect. A WIG vehicle differs from a traditional aircraft as it cannot operate without ground effect and therefore its operating height is limited (relative to its wingspan). WIG technology has been in development since the 1960s and was originally developed by the Soviet Union as very high-speed military transports. Germany, Russia and the US starting using the technology in the 1980s for smaller recreational vehicles but it is not widely used today. Potential impact on GHG emissions Lift-induced drag is significantly reduced when WIG vehicles are flying, therefore giving them better fuel efficiency than aircrafts flying at a low level. Research from the Korea Ocean Research and 69 Development Institute (KORDI) shows that flying at extremely low altitudes increases air pressure under the wing of the craft by almost 80 percent, allowing WIG crafts to burn up to 50 percent less fuel than other aircrafts travelling the same distance. However, energy consumption is still much higher than shipping, so would act to increase GHG emissions if such services were replaced. Potential for further development of wider application WIG crafts offer a faster alternative to transporting goods or passengers by ship whilst offering cheaper operational costs than current airplanes. In the future, large WIG crafts could carry out the role of cargo ships if investment in the technology is secured. In 2002, Boeing released designs for the Pelican ULTRA (Ultra Large Transport Aircraft), a proposed 70 ground effect fixed-wing aircraft under study by Boeing Phantom Works . The Pelican is an example of how WIG theory could be incorporated into aircrafts, giving them dual capabilities. Designed for long-range, transoceanic transportation, the Pelican could fly at 20 feet above the sea but could also function as a plane at 20,000 feet. Barriers to further development of wider application A barrier that wing-in-ground crafts have experienced in the past is the classification and legislation needed to recognise them as either ships or aircrafts. Due to the fact that aircraft and maritime rules, procedures and organisation are applicable means that in the future, the management of WIG crafts will need to be administered with caution. Flying WIG vehicles so close to the sea takes specific training and can potentially be dangerous and difficult, even with computer technology guidance. Additionally, take-off must be into the wind which means taking-off towards waves, creating drag and reducing lift. 69 KORDI (2005) “What are the Naval implications of S.Korea's Flying Boats” Available at: http://forum.keypublishing.co.uk/archive/index.php?t-38033.html 70 Cole, W (2002) The Pelican: A Big Bird for the Long Haul. Boeing Frontiers: Phantom Works. Available at: http://www.boeing.com/news/frontiers/archive/2002/september/i_pw.html 35 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI WIG crafts which do not have aircraft capabilities may not be able to travel if seas are rough. Ensuring that WIG technology is a safe and environmentally beneficial option, rather than only mode, is a potential way of ensuring that vehicles can climb to higher altitudes if they need to. 4.4 New aircraft configuration concepts 4.4.1 Blended Wing Body Concept: Blended wing body Developer: NASA & Boeing Energy source: Jet fuel Development stage: Concept has been in development for last few decades but no commercial transport ever made. Blended-wing body is an alternative airframe design for aviation vehicles which has a blended fuselage and flying wing design. This gives the aircraft efficient high-life wings and a wide airfoilshaped body. NASA, Boeing and the U.S. Air force are collaborating on a BWB design, called X-48. A small remote control model was successfully flown and used to test BWB technologies but a full commercially available craft has not yet been created. The thick centre body part of the craft accommodates passengers and cargo without the extra wetted area and weight of a fuselage. Original NASA and Boeing designs for such as aircraft could hold as many as 800 passengers, however versions with as few as 250 passengers and more conventional 71 twin, podded-engines have also been designed using BWB technology Potential impact on GHG emissions The shape of the BWB design improves the airplane efficiency, therefore reducing the amount of fuel consumed and greenhouse gases emitted. This is achieved by the whole body of the aircraft being able to contribute towards providing lift. Boeing engineers estimate that the X-48 is 30% more fuel 72 efficient than an airplane of similar size that carries the same payload . NASA has said that the BWB aircraft would reduce fuel burn and harmful emissions per passenger mile by almost a third in comparison to today‟s aircraft. Increased aerodynamic performance, lower operating cost and reduced community noise levels are also other potential benefits of the BWB aircraft. Potential for further development of wider application NASA said that a blended wing body military aircraft could be in service within 10 to 15 years with 73 expected flight by 2020 . Barriers to further development of wider application A technological barrier to the BWB design is ensuring safe cabin pressurisation. Current airliners have a cylinder- shaped fuselage which is ideal for maintaining cabin pressurisation. Adversely, the unique 71 Kroo, I (2000) “Reinventing the Airplane: New Concepts for Flight in the 21st Century”. Future Technology and Aircraft Types. Available at: http://adg.stanford.edu/aa241/intro/futureac.html 72 Barnstorff, K (2006) The X-48B Blended Wing Body. NASA. Available at: http://www.nasa.gov/vision/earth/improvingflight/x48b.html 73 NASA (1997) The Blended-Wing-Body. NASA Facts: BWB Technology Study. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 36 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI shape of the BWB requires a novel approach to satisfy pressurisation and structural needs. Design control also needs to make sure that the wings do not create drag due to their increased thickness. 4.4.2 Joined wing Concept: Closed or joined wing aircraft Developer: NASA Energy source: Design feature Development stage: Mostly conceptual Joined wing (or closed wing) bodies are aircrafts that do not have any wingtips, instead creating a closed loop design. The purpose of a joined wing structure is to eliminate the influence of wingtip vortices which occur at the tips of conventional wings. These tubes of circulating air which are left behind the wings as it generates lift form a major component of wake turbulence which forms behind a craft as it produces drag. In the 1980s, Dr. Julian Wolkovitch developed the joined wing design as an efficient structural arrangement for aircrafts. In his designs, the horizontal tail was used as a structural support for the 74 main wing as well as a stabilising surface . Potential impact on GHG emissions There is debate about the best type of closed or joined wing for reducing the drag from wingtips. One environmental benefit comes round adding large loops of rigid ribbon material attached to each wingtip, known as Spiroid Winglets. These are estimated to be able to cut fuel consumption by 6% 75 10% in cruise flight . Potential for further development of wider application It is difficult to distinguish between the benefits between different joined wing designs and further challenging to estimate which structures will be the most fuel efficient. Joined wing designs are being considered for application to high altitude long endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Although there is potential in the joined wing designs, different closed wing plans remain mostly confined to the realms of studies and conceptual designs. Barriers to further development of wider application NASA have acknowledged that the engineering challenges of developing a strong, self-supporting closed wing for use in the large airliners which would benefit most from greater efficiency have yet to be overcome. 74 Kroo, I (2000) “Reinventing the Airplane: New Concepts for Flight in the 21st Century”. Future Technology and Aircraft Types. Available at: http://adg.stanford.edu/aa241/intro/futureac.html 75 Aviation Partners Inc (2010) At Aviation Partners, the future is on the wing. Available at: http://www.aviationpartners.com/future.html 37 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 4.4.3 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Oblique flying wing Concept: Oblique flying wing Developer: United States DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) Energy source: Jet fuel Development stage: Models have flown and a full scale research project is being funded. Test craft expected in 2020. The Oblique Flying Wing (OFW) is an aircraft which has a wing and no other auxiliary surfaces (such as tails, carnards or a fuselage). The configuration of a pure flying wing is believed to be able to offer a high speed, long range and long endurance. The OFW is an extension of the „oblique wing‟ concept which is a single pivoting wing attached to the top of a traditional cylindrical fuselage. An oblique wing can rotate so that one tip is swept forward so that drag can be reduced at high speed without sacrificing low speed performance. In 1994, a NASA grant receiver from Stanford University built and flew a 10ft and a 20ft oblique flying 76 wing . The first was powered by a propeller whilst the second flew with two ducted fans. Both models used vertical fins to provide directional stability and control and were the first examples of the oblique flying wing concept successfully taking flight. In 2006, the US DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) awarded Northrop Grumman a US$10.3 million contract for risk reduction and preliminary planning for an X-plane oblique flying 77 wing demonstrator . The first phase of the project will explore conceptual design, followed by a phase to design, manufacture and flight test an OFW aircraft, to be known as Switchblade. Potential impact on GHG emissions The main environmental concern with building aircrafts which are capable of supersonic flight is that they will be releasing nitrogen oxide (NOx) into the stratosphere, causing potential damage to the ozone layer. Flying at higher speeds also uses more fuel, so although this concept is more efficient than other supersonic concepts, it could result in an increase in GHG compared to conventional aircraft travelling at lower speeds. Potential for further development of wider application DARPA and Northrop Grumman plan for the first flight of the Switchblade to be in 2020. The OFW will cruise with its 61-meter long oblique wing perpendicular to its engines like a typical aircraft and if successful, will be the first supersonic flying wing and the first tailless OFW. The OFW is capable of efficient supersonic flight and also has excellent low speed endurance, making it a suitable option for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Barriers to further development of wider application The change in aerodynamics and the general structure of the aircraft makes the OFW very difficult for a human being to control. As a commercial passenger aircraft, the oblique flying wing does not present many advantages beyond speed which make it a worthwhile technology over other aircraft 76 Stanford University News Release (1994) Flying model demonstrates that radical SST design is flyable. Stanford University. Available at: http://www.stanford.edu/dept/news/pr/94/941108Arc4056.html 77 The Oblique Flying Wing Page (2006) Project between DARPA and Northrop Grumman. Available at: http://www.obliqueflyingwing.com/ 38 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI designs, such as BWB. The benefits of the oblique flying wing lie in its supersonic ability and endurance, therefore making it a likely option for UAVs in the future. 4.5 Space travel Concept: Space travel Developer: Virgin Galactic , The Spaceship Company & Russian Space Agency Energy source: Single hybrid rocket motor after being detached from a mother ship at 50,000 ft. Development stage: Deposits can be placed on flights into space but regular commercial flights are not yet available. Space tourism is a recent concept of humans paying to travel into orbit in a spaceship. The Russian Space Agency is the only company that currently provide trips to space through the company Space Adventures, running trips to the International Space Station. Space tourism companies generally propose flights that make suborbital journeys peaking at an altitude of 100-160 kilometres. As one of the potential future market leaders in space tourism, Virgin Galactic seat prices will be US$200,000 with the price expected to eventually fall to $20,000.Flights on Virgin‟s SpaceShipTwo will last just 2.5 hours, taking 6 passengers to a speed of Mach 3 before 78 reentering the Earth‟s atmosphere . Virgin‟s SpaceShipTwo has a single hybrid rocket motor to launch from mid-air after detaching from a mother ship at 50,000 feet. Potential impact on GHG emissions The development of a space tourism industry would command the need for a new, large and resource intensive infrastructure to fulfill the needs of space travelers. Besides the need for very large amounts of energy (and hence resulting GHG) to launch such vessels, rockets themselves can use toxic propellants and can use chemicals, such as perchlorate, which cause temporary holes in the ozone layer. The process of spacecraft reentry also generates nitrates which have a temporary detrimental impact on the ozone layer. Wider environmental concerns about the detrimental impact of space debris on Earth should be considered. Potential for further development of wider application Future spaceflight is an area which has some of the most radical future potential transport technologies. NASA is researching radical options including a 40,000km high elevator into space which could offer cheaper space tourism in the future by propelling passengers into space on maglev trams. Other options include spacecrafts which are powered by antimatter, ion engines, nuclear power 79 and the power of the sun . Commercial flights with Virgin Galactic are expected to start running within the next 5 years whilst 80 Scottish futurologists have predicted a tourist base being available on the moon by 2040 . Barriers to further development of wider application A circumlunar trip on a Russian Soyuz spaceship costs between US$20-35 million and although subsidies can be arranged for carrying out research, the inevitable barrier for the development of 78 Virgin Galactic (2010) Future Spaceflight. Available at: http://www.virgingalactic.com/ BBC News (2008) Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/space/exploration/futurespaceflight/ 80 McGinty, S (2006) Scotland 2040: Spaceships head for Moon with lunar golfers and crater ramblers aboard. Scotsman.com Online. Available at: http://news.scotsman.com/spacescience/Scotland-2040-Spaceships-headfor.2817737.jp 79 39 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI space tourism is the cost. Over the last four decades, Government space funding has been slowly replaced by private investment in an early space tourism industry. 4.6 Personal Jetpacks & Rocket Helicopters Concept: Personal Jetpacks & Rocket Helicopters Developer: Jetpack International & Tecnologia Aeroespacial Mexicana Energy source: Rocket packs typically use either hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or Jet-A fuel with a rocket motor. Turbojet packs use kerosene and a turbojet engine. Development stage: Prototypes have been developed for each but they are not commercially available. Jetpacks use a back-mounted jet device with escaping gases to allow a single person to fly. The oldest known type of jetpack or rocket pack is the Bell Textron Rocket Belt from the early 1960s whilst today there are several companies claiming to be selling jetpacks or rocket packs of some form. Drawing on the ideas of the1960s model, Jetpack International set out to create a jetpack that is 81 lighter, faster, more economical and longer-flying . Although they have developed three different types of jetpacks, only one of them (Jet pack T-73) is for sale. With a price tag of US$200,000, the T73 can offer the user around 9 minutes of flight at 250ft, travelling at up to 83mph. Mexican company Tecnologia Aeroespacial Mexicana (TAM) is one of the only companies in the world that sell a flying and tested rocket belt that runs on hydrogen peroxide. Selling at US$125,000 including a training course, the jetpack offers the user the opportunity for fully-controlled personal 82 flight . TAM have also prototyped a backpack helicopter called Libellula. The craft would have a 2blade rotor driven by a small rocket motor at the end of each rotor blade. Potential impact on GHG emissions Jetpacks and personal rocket helicopters with turbo engines can be powered by traditional kerosene. These models have a higher efficiency, greater flight length and a greater height potential but are extremely expensive and complex to construct. In the 1960s, a test model of a kerosene jetpack was built but no longer flies. Comparing the fuel efficiency of different jetpacks and rocket helicopters is difficult because so few have been successfully built. Both technologies however primarily offer an alternative mode of transport for individuals which would otherwise be carbon neutral (walking or cycling), therefore indicating that a future mainstream use of this technology would result in a greenhouse gas increase. Potential for further development of wider application Advancements in the safety of personal jetpacks and rocket helicopters are needed before these technologies can be considered as future options for travel. Both concepts transport one person to a specific end location, therefore decentralising fuel based travel down to an individual level and discouraging group commuting as a form of fuel efficiency. Barriers to further development of wider application Personal jetpack and rocket helicopter technologies are not modes of transport which are naturally suited to the Earth‟s environment or the human body. The Earth‟s gravity and atmosphere make it 81 JetPack International (2009) Available at: http://www.jetpackinternational.com/ Rocket Belt (2009) Tecnologia Aeroespacial Mexicana. Available at: http://www.tecaeromex.com/ingles/RBi.htm 82 40 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI challenging for exposed transport modes such as these to be able to take flight. In addition, the human body is not well suited to flying without encasement. The exposed nature of jetpack and rocket helicopter technology puts a question about the future safety of such modes if they were to become more popular in the future. In addition, networks to manage the travellers using personal jetpacks and rocket helicopters would have to be established to ensure flight safety. These technologies are unlikely to become mainstream means of personal transport in the future and instead are likely to fulfill a novelty purpose for the media or specific technical roles for reaching otherwise inaccessible locations. 4.7 Alternative fuels for aviation There have been a number of alternative fuels suggested for aviation, summarised briefly below and 83 discussed in greater detail in Paper 2 for this project . Low energy fuels and conventional biofuels Short-haul and commuter aircrafts that travel on routes under 500-millesare the most likely aviation group to use alternative aviation fuels. These fleets are largely powered by turbo-prop or by turbofan engines and may be likely to have sufficient capacity in their fuel tanks to carry a biofuel or a cheaper fuel with lower energy content. However, „drop-in‟ aviation biofuels are also under development (e.g. based on hydro-treating vegetable oil, or biomass-to-liquid processes) that could offer significant alternatives to conventional kerosene fuels for all types of aircraft. Hydrogen fuel A radical long-term departure from kerosene fuels and kerosene-like biofuels would be the use of hydrogen fuel. If it became possible to use super-cooled liquid hydrogen in aviation, this could become an alternative fuel for some types of commercial airline service. The likelihood of this happened by 2050 however is extremely doubtful without radical technological advances. Electrical energy storage It is doubtful whether electrical energy storage is a viable option for even 2050 but it is a potential alternative fuel to consider. A post-peak oil commercial aviation industry could require vast amounts of electric power to recharge superconductive energy storage systems, recharge liquid nitrogen cooling 84 systems as well as to generate, compress and super-cool large amounts of hydrogen . Significant improvements in electrical energy storage are needed in road transport before it is likely to become a mainstream form of energy. In aircrafts there are even more exacting requirements in terms of weight and range which makes this option less plausible within the near future. 83 Hill, Hazeldine, Pridmore, von Einem and Wynn (2009) Alternative Energy Carriers and Powertrains to Reduce GHG from Transport. Available from the project website at: www.eutransportghg2050.eu 84 Valentine, H (2006) Alternatives in Aviation After Peak Oil. Available at: http://www.airliners.net/aviationarticles/read.main?id=98 41 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 5 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Radical concepts and technologies for maritime and inland waterway vessels 5.1 Flettner rotors Concept: Flettner rotors Developer: Anton Flettner Energy source: Wind energy Development stage: Concept tested in the 1920s but the did technology not take off. Being considered for unmanned sea-spraying vessels. Flettner ships are powered by the force created by wind velocity hitting a rotation object, known as the Magnus effect. Rotorsails on the ship are directly connected to a propeller which uses the power from the spinning towers to create an effect similar to the wings of an airplane to propel the ship forward. As the first person to build a ship based on this principle in 1920s, the Flettner ship is named after Anton Flettner who successfully crossed the Atlantic in his Flettner vessel, the Baden-Baden. Original use in the 1920s and 1930s was abandoned after the Flettner rotor system was discovered to be less efficient than conventional engines. Although the tall cylindrical towers produced substantially more power than a conventional sail, they could not compete with motoroised vessels. German wind-energy company Enercon developed the E-Ship 1 in 2008 which has four 25 metre high, 4 metre in diameter, rotating metal sailing rotors. Enercon‟s E-Ship 1 was planned to transport wind 85 turbines to global customers and was designed to be able to cut fuel costs . Potential impact on GHG emissions The Enercon E-Ship 1 was proposed to be able to cut fuel costs by 30-40% demonstrating a saving in both costs and environmental impacts. Flettner technology uses the naturally occurring Magnus effect and therefore offers an opportunity for maritime vessels of any size to be able to reduce their fuel consumption and subsequent environmental impact. Potential for further development of wider application The Flettner rotor concept was successfully tested in the 1920s and as a concept, uses the Magnus effect to effectively cut fuel consumption. The technology came about at a time when fuel prices were low and therefore did not take-off as a viable, cost effective option for ship design. As oil prices and environmental concerns have become issues in the transport sector, regenerating Flettner rotor technology could be a viable option for future ship designs. Flettner technology and environmental concerns have prompted Professors John Latham and Stephen Salter to consider how the Flettner design concept could be combined with climate change 86 mitigation techniques to reduce global warming . Salter and Latham have proposed the building of 1,500 robotic rotor-ships to spray seawater into the air to enhance cloud reflectivity, thus creating a cooling effect on the Earth. 85 Marine Buzz (2008) E-Ship 1 with Sailing Rotors to Reduce Fuel Costs and to Reduce Emissions. Marine Buzz Online. Available at: http://www.marinebuzz.com/2008/08/08/e-ship-1-with-sailing-rotors-to-reduce-fuel-costs-andto-reduce-emissions/ 86 Salter, S. Sortino, G. and Latham J.(2008) Sea-going hardware for the cloud albedo method of reversing global warming. The Royal Society. 13 November 2008 vol. 366 no. 1882 3989-4006. 42 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Figure 10: Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI 87 Proposed ‘cloudseeders’ using Flettner rotor technology Barriers to further development of wider application The major barrier to the use of Flettner rotor technology in the past has been the abundance of cheap fuel. In the coming decades, rising oil prices alongside stricter environmental legislation and targets for the maritime sector have the potential to make this technology a sustainable and viable option for the th future. Although the technology was used in the early part of the 20 Century, testing on large modern ships would need to be carried out. The Flettner design is radically different from conventional maritime vessels, therefore posing a financial barrier for the building of radically different new vessels as well as a psychological barrier in changing the perception of industry and the public about the merits of new types of ships. 5.2 Windmill ships Concept: Windmill ships Developer: Albert Goudriaan & Aviation Enterprises Ltd Energy source: Wind power Development stage: Prototypes on smaller vessels have been built including Revelation II catamaran by Aviation Enterprise Ltd but the technology has not been tested on larger ships. Vertical-axis wind turbines (as pictured, right) are a more stable option for implementing on larger ships. Windmills ships gain their energy from a windmill attached directly to a propeller. Unlike wind turbines which transfer the rotation of the blades into electricity, the windmill ship uses direct wind power which is mechanically transferred to the ships propeller without conversion losses. The windmill can fully rotate, allowing the ship to move in any direction. The energy from the windmill is generally transferred straight to the ships propeller but other hybrid designs can uses this energy in combination with a Flettner rotor or keep it stored until it is needed. A windmill catamaran has been successfully powered by propellers; however the implementation of this technology on larger ships has not been carried out. The 36 foot catamaran, Revelation II (picture above), is powered by three 20-foot long carbon fiber propellers on a 30 foot rotating mast and can 88 travel in any direction whilst sailing . 87 Latham, J (2007) Futuristic fleet of 'cloudseeders'. BBC News Online. Available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/6354759.stm 88 Lepisto, C (2007) “Windmill Sailboat: Sailing Against the Wind”. Treehugger Online; Science & Technology. Available at: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2007/02/windmill_sailbo.php 43 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Potential impact on GHG emissions The environmental sustainability of using wind energy to power larger ships would have the potential to radically reduce the carbon footprint of shipping. Investments in windmill designs for ships are the next essential step in establishing the scale to which windmills might be able to reduce the levels of greenhouse gas emissions from maritime travel. Potential for further development of wider application Windmill ships can be designed in three main ways: as a windmill coupled to a water propeller; as an autogyro with no propeller coupling or as a water mill driving an air propeller. The first two technologies have reached the test stage with some sources hopeful that windmills coupled with water 89 90 propellers could be launched by 2028 . Windmill technology is environmentally clean and well suited for maritime travel where there are clear open surroundings for wind to travel. Barriers to further development of wider application Ship stability is an issue with windmill propulsion concepts which needs to be addressed when trying to implement the technology on larger vessels. Ensuring the stability of a large vessel might make Flettner rotors or windmills which spin around a vertical axis more suitable for these maritime vessels. Research needs to be carried out to determine the best use of this technology as well as the lifecycle 91 of the windmills to ensure that they are suitably durable in the marine environment . 5.3 Solar power ships Concept: Solar power ships Developer: Solar Sailor & Nippon Yusen K.K. Energy source: Solar power (often combined with wind energy) Development stage: The technology is being used at the moment in Australia and is being developed for other regions globally. Solar vehicles use the Photovoltaic (PV) cells in solar panels to convert the Sun's energy directly into electrical energy. Solar power technology in ships can be implemented in vessels of any size, offering the potential future rollout to everything from cruise ships to 500,000-tonne water transport tankers and small unmanned military vessels. Across Europe, around 150 solar powered passenger ships are currently in use in Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and the UK. In the UK, the Electric Boat Association‟s fleet includes a growing number of solar boats, ranging from small lightweight craft designed to take just one or two crew to a private 68-foot canal barge. The Serpentine Solar Shuttle, which operates in London‟s Hyde Park, is a 48 feet tourist boat powered entirely by 27 solar panels on its roof able of reaching a maximum speed 92 of 5 miles per hour . 93 The Australian company Solar Sailor specialises in noiseless and fumeless boats which use solar sails to harness energy from the sun and wind. Solar panels charge the electric engines to offer better 89 Satchwell, C.J. (1984) “The Evaluation of Wind Power for Commercial Vessels”. Southampton, UK, University of Southampton. (Ship Science Reports, 16) Available at: http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/43274/ 90 Konrad, J (2009) “Skysails – Plus – Top 10 Green Ship Designs” gCaptain Online. Available at: http://gcaptain.com/maritime/blog/ocean-kites-top-10-green-ship-designs/ 91 Masamitsu, I (2001) Overviews of Windmill Ship Research Activities at Toba National College of Maritime Technology. Toba Shosen Koto Senmon Gakko Kiyo (Japanese Journal). Volume no. 23; Page 1-9. (2001). 92 BBC News (2006) “Serpentine solar boat to set sail” BBC News Online. Available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/5189318.stm 93 Solar Sailor (2010) Solar Sailor Online. Available at: http://www.solarsailor.com/solutions_gov.htm#aquatankers 44 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI acceleration, quicker emergency stopping and easier handling of the ship. The sails are active and can be adjusted to also act as traditional cloth sails in the wind. The Sydney Solar Sailor has received 94 orders from Hong Kong and Germany as well as a tourist ferry operator running services in San 95 Francisco Bay to the former prison on Alcatraz Island for a 600-seater vessel . Although small boats have successfully used solar sails, the testing of the technology on larger vessels has been less extensive. In 2008, Japan's biggest shipping line Nippon Yusen KK announced the launch of the world's first cargo ship partly propelled by solar power aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 328 solar panels (at a cost of US$1.68 million) capable of generating 40 kilowatts of electricity were placed on top of a 60,000 tonne, 660-foot car carrier ship to be used by Toyota Motor 96 Corporation . Potential impact on GHG emissions The Solar Sailor is estimated to use 50% less fuel and therefore produce 50% less greenhouse gas emissions. With the renewable elements of the technology, there is the potential to reduce emissions by up to 100% when compared with fossil fueled boats. The greenhouse gas saving potential of using solar power depends on the extent to which the energy used can be used as part of the vessel‟s hybrid electrical propulsion systems, but is unlikely generate a significant proportion of the propulsive power requirements. Potential for further development of wider application/ larger scale Solar and wind equipment are both well-developed renewable technologies which are used globally for various non-travel uses, offering a market ready option for alternative maritime energy. This technology is still being developed within transport modes though and is likely to be only used for providing auxiliary power on larger commercial vessels. The extent to which a particular boat can run on solar energy depends on its technical design, the amount of PV cells carried, the solar climate where it is based, and its pattern of use. A private boat, used infrequently and mainly at weekends, may get all its propulsion energy from the sun; but a commercial passenger boat offering scheduled daily trips is unlikely to do so and would normally be “solar-assisted” only. In much larger freight applications solar energy is only likely to be able to provide enough energy for auxiliary power, though the potential for wind-assisted power is more significant (see sub-sections 5.1, 5.2 and 5.4). Barriers to further development of wider application A major barrier to the use of combined solar and wind technology is the storage of energy. To be able to provide energy in the day and at night (as well as in summer and winter) ships will require an improvement in the storage technology of the solar vessel. Those behind the successful Solar Sailor believe that this hurdle will be overcome by 2020, allowing a greater freedom for long distance travel and potentially eradicating the need to refuel a vessel at land. The cost of photovoltaic systems is a barrier to their use on larger vessel which would require a huge number of fully travel on their energy. The Serpentine Solar Shuttle cost €300,000 to build - 20% more than a diesel boat of a comparable size. The Sydney Solar Sailor cost 50% more than a conventional diesel engine powered ship. However, Solar Sail claims that the total life cost (including the capital cost, the fuel cost, the maintenance cost and downtime costs) of this hybrid ship will be 50% lower compared to a ship run on a conventional diesel engine. 94 CNN (2007) “Green ships for blue highways”. Published on September 13, 2007. CNN News Online. Available at: http://edition.cnn.com/2007/TECH/09/12/solar.ships/ 95 cnet News (2007) “Solar ships coming to San Francisco in 2009”. Published on November 7, 2007. cnet News Online Available at: http://news.cnet.com/8301-11128_3-9813329-54.html 96 Solar Daily (2008) Japan launches first solar cargo ship. Solar Daily Online. Available at: http://www.solardaily.com/reports/Japan_launches_first_solar_cargo_ship_999.html 45 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 5.4 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Sails and Wind Assisted Towing Concept: Sails for towing large ships Developer: KiteShip & SkySails Energy source: Wind Development stage: First cargo ship prototype (MS Beluga SkySails, shown right) launched in December 2007. Wind assisted travel has been used for centuries as a means of travelling across oceans and inland waterways. Sails have traditionally been used on smaller vessels, such as yachts or sailing boats, whereas larger ships, such as tankers have been powered by kerosene. However, wind assisted power has not often been used in a hybrid form with fossil fuel alternatives. Maritime greenhouse gas regulation has historically been permissive compared with land based transport modes, due to the international nature of shipping and the debate over the allocation of responsibility. However, there will be a significant need in the future to consider environmental solutions to meet inevitable greenhouse gas targets. KiteShip and SkySails are two companies that have developed sails/towing kites for maritime vessels. KiteShip have designed and built small flexible fabric sails which can power speed-sailing yachts and 97 small boats . This technology was inspired by kite surfing, where a small wheeled craft is pulled around by a sail. SkySails have developed and tested larger sails which are attached to freight ships, using highaltitude winds to help pull them across the ocean. This type of wind assisted power is designed for large tanker size ships, unlike kiteships which tend to be for smaller vessels such as yachts. The sails have up to 5,000 sq meters (45,000 sq ft) of surface area, and contain giant compressed air compartments that keep them rigid. The sails are computer controlled and use an autopilot system to 98 determine the optimal shipping routes . Figure 11 shows the features of the MS Beluga SkySail, the first commercial container cargo ship which is partially powered by a 160-square-metre (1,700 sq ft), computer-controlled kite. 97 KiteShip (2010) KiteShip Corporation. Available at: http://www.kiteship.com/ SkySails (2009) Sky Sails for Cargo Ships. Available at: http://www.skysails.info/deutsch/produkte/skysails-fuerfrachtschiffe/ 98 46 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Figure 11: Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Features of the MS Beluga SkySails Potential impact on GHG emissions Developer SkySails claim they can realise as much as 50% fuel savings with the installation of their 99 sails , though figures from 10 – 35% are believed to be more typical (as discussed in Paper 3 of this 100 project ). After the installation of a sail, the fuel bill of the MS Beluga SkySails was cut by £800 101 (US$1,560) a day . With stricter regulations for sulphur levels and CO2 emissions coming into force from the International Monetary Fund (IMO) within the next decade, sky sails offer a renewable and practical retrofitting opportunity for large ships to meet tougher targets. Potential for further development of wider application The rising cost of fuel oil has been a catalyst for the resurgence of interest in wind power in shipping. With US$100 a barrel in futures markets for oil, cutting fuel consumption with the use of a sky sail is an attractive move for the shipping industry. Sails similar to those developed by KiteShip and SkySails can be installed on cargo ships, fishing trawlers and super yachts as well as smaller vessels such as yachts. The sail technology is available and ready to be adopted by sailors, companies or ship owners that are willing to invest in a wind 99 Gordon, J (2005) Sky Sails Promise Wind Energy for Fuel Reduction. Cars & Transportation. Available at: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2005/08/sky_sails_promi.php 100 Hazeldine, Pridmore, Nelissen and Hulskotte (2009) Technical Options to reduce GHG for non-Road Transport Modes. Paper 3 produced as part of contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 between European Commission Directorate-General Environment and AEA Technology plc; see website www.eutransportghg2050.eu 101 Rosenberg, S (2008) “Gone with the wind on 'kite ship'” BBC News Online. Available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/7205217.stm 47 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI assisted system. Economic studies have estimated that the investment costs in skysails systems have 102 been recouped in 3 to 5 years . Barriers to further development of wider application KiteShip and SkySail designs are both relatively simple techniques for pulling ships, however modifications would be needed to adapt current ships, or new models would have to be designed to use this technology. Other barriers include designing sails that cope with light as well as heavy winds, training staff in specific skills for piloting, ensuring a system of routing the vessel based on favourable winds and ensuring that equipment does not create drag, causing the ship to heel. 102 AEA (2007) Low Carbon Commercial Shipping. Available at: http://www.dft.gov.uk/pgr/scienceresearch/technology/lctis/reportaeanewcastleunipdf.pdf 48 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 6 6.1 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Radical concepts and technologies for replacing travel Holographic presence 103 Cisco Telepresence and Musion held the first live holographic video feed in 2007 by combining their respective expertise in teleconferencing and 3D holographic video projection. The combination of these technologies meant that individuals in the US could be portrayed on a stage in India to engage in a live conversation, offering the potential for a technological presence anywhere in the world. Potential impact on GHG emissions The easiest way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from travel is to travel at little as possible. Reducing the amount of travel would be made easier if holographic technology was to become more readily available. The scale of holographic take up is an enormous variable in the potential savings which could be gained as a result of reduced travel due to holographic presence technology. Potential for further development of wider application Holographic presence is currently used in the business world for international meetings but in the future could be more commercially available as an alternative to travel. As well as the business sector, holographic projection technologies could also be used in the following sectors to reduce the need for travel: academia (holographic lecturers), legal (witnesses and lawyers), medical (specialist 104 consultation) and politics (conferences and state visits) . Barriers to further development of wider application The primary barrier to this technology becoming a mainstream alternative to travel is cost and availability at all ends of the meeting (with participants most likely at multiple locations). Holographic presence technology would require facilities and equipment in the homes, schools and business of those wishing to use it. As with all technological take-up, the initial cost of the technology will decrease with time, however, for global businesses where the savings are likely to be the highest, the financial savings would make the technology a financial as well as an environmental investment. 6.2 Virtual tourism Virtual tours are currently available on the Internet and are a useful tool for viewing cities or often University campuses. Similar technologies, such as Google Street View give individuals the ability to 105 explore the visual surroundings of a distant location . Merging these facilities with 3D and virtual reality technologies in the future, could give users an experience similar to a vacation, thus replacing the need to travel. Advanced virtual reality technology uses visual, audio and haptic technology. Haptic technology takes advantage of the user's sense of touch by applying forces, vibrations, and motions to the body by using tactile feedback technology. Wired gloves and omnidirectional treadmills can fully involve the user in a virtual environment. Potential impact on GHG emissions As a technology in its relative infancy, it is difficult to estimate how much of an impact virtual tourism, virtual reality experiences and simulated reality could have on transport in the future. 103 Human Productivity Lab (2007) Cisco Experimenting with an On-Stage Telepresence Experience. Human Productivity Lab Online. Available at: http://www.humanproductivitylab.com/archive_blogs/2007/11/15/cisco_experimenting_with_an_on_1.php 104 Winslow, L (2007) Holographic Projection Technologies of the Future "Killer Applications". May 5, 2007. Contributor: Ben Vietoris. Available at: http://www.worldthinktank.net/pdfs/holographictechnologies.pdf 105 Google (2010) Google Street View. Available at: http://www.google.co.uk/help/maps/streetview/ 49 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Potential for further development of wider application Virtual experiences are currently used for pilot and combat training but not to the level that would simulate and replace a holiday. Barriers to further development of wider application Technical limitations on creating a virtual world to rival that of human experiences include adequate processing power, truly realistic image resolution and communication bandwidth. As technology develops and becomes more cost effective with time, these barriers are likely to be overcome. Even with the most advanced developments, whether the experiences of virtual tourism will be comparable with that of a real journey is a substantial human psychological barrier. Virtual reality research is extremely expensive and would need exorbitant amounts of funding before a simulated reality concept could be realised. Unlike virtual reality, simulated reality would be indistinguishable from reality, similar to brain-computer interface technologies portrayed in fiction where a participant's consciousness is taken over by a computer and represented by an avatar in a simulated world. 6.3 Teleportation The process of teleportation is the dematerialising of an object at one point, and sending the details of that object's precise atomic configuration to another location, where it will then be reconstructed. As a form of travel, teleportation has the potential to eliminate the constraints of time and space, creating „instant travel‟. Up until the mid-1990s, views on teleportation were primarily drawn from the fictional world of 1960s space travel television. In 1990s, the concept of quantum teleportation was realised when a photon was successfully teleported by physicists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). The Caltech group was able to read the atomic structure of a photon, send this information across 1 metre of coaxial cable and create a replica of the photon. As predicted, the original photon no longer existed 106 once the replica was made . Potential impact on GHG emissions The lack of understanding about how the technology could be used for human travel means that analysis of the environmental impacts for teleportation is inescapably speculative, although the amount of energy likely to be needed for such transportation is theorised to be extremely large (i.e. outweighing the energy produced from a physical journey). Potential for further development of wider application Human teleportation would require an exponential advancement in teleportation technology to enable matter to be transferred at the speed of light. In addition, in order to teleport humans, a machine which 28 can pinpoint and analyse the 10 atoms that make up the human body would be required. In order to make teleportation more feasible, a form of biodigital cloning is likely to be necessary where the original body „dies‟ and is cloned in a new location. Consequently, this technology is not a viable option for consideration an alternative to travel, even the medium to long term. Barriers to further development of wider application Teleportation technology is still very much in its infancy and would require significant amounts of research and advancement before becoming a viable mainstream option for future travel. 106 Bonsor, K (2000) "How Teleportation Will Work." 25 October 2000. HowStuffWorks.com. Available at: http://science.howstuffworks.com/teleportation.htm 50 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 7 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Discussion of the possible implications of the for transport GHG emissions In the following sections and tables in this chapter a summary is provided of the following information for each of the transport technologies considered in earlier Sections 2 to 6: 1. The potential impact of the technology on greenhouse gases. Each technology is quantified as having one of the following causes: +++ ++ + ─ ── ─── A large increase in GHG levels A medium increase in GHG levels A small increase in GHG levels A small decrease in GHG levels A medium decrease in GHG levels A large decrease in GHG levels 2. The potential scale of uptake in the short, medium and long term for each technology based on the four stages outlined below: Stage 1 Proof of concept / feasibility study Stage 2 Prototype and pre-product testing Stage 3 Significant design scale-up and production Stage 4 Mainstream commercial availability 3. The potential for each technology to reach widespread deployment. This potential is categorised as either low, medium or high based on the following definitions: Low Medium High 51 There is not much chance of this technology reaching widespread deployment. The technology is likely to be niche or deployed in limited situations. This technology will reach a medium level of deployment. The technology is likely to be used for particular transport needs but not as a widespread solution. This technology is likely to experience widespread deployment. The technology is likely to be an important part of future travel in extensive transportation situations. EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 7.1 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Road transport technologies Table 4 and Figure 12 outline the potential impact on greenhouse gas emissions for each technology as well as the scale of uptake and potential for widespread deployment. The potential for widespread deployment varies greatly between the technologies with some offering solutions for commercial availability of a broad scale, such as intelligent roads, whereas others offer solutions in specific areas, such as dual mode transit and are therefore less likely to become a ubiquitous mode of travel. Vehicle mass transit systems and compressed air technology are in early forms of technological development but potentially could cause an increase in greenhouse gas emissions in the future if they are not implemented in the right way. The wide scale testing of these technologies is needed to be able to say whether they could be made more greenhouse gas efficient compared to alternatives that could be implemented in similar timescales. Intelligent roads, electric vehicle charging systems and road trains would require significant changes to infrastructure by 2050 but could cut greenhouse gas emissions significantly. Similarly, by 2050, trolleybus/trolley truck technology seems the most likely alternative vehicle-level technology to offer the potential for significant savings in the short and long-term but also require significant investment in infrastructure. Table 4: Summary of road transport technologies Concept Potential Impact on GHG emissions Potential stage of development Current 2020 /2030 2050 Beyond 2050 (near-term) Potential for widespread deployment Electric trolley buses ── 4 4 4 4 Medium Electric trolley trucks ── 2 4 4 4 Medium In-road electric vehicle charging infrastructures ── 2 3 4 4 Medium Self-drive vehicles ─ 1 3 4 4 Medium Dual mode transit ── 1 2 3 4 Low Intelligent roads ─ 2 3 4 4 Medium Road trains ─ 2 3 4 4 High Vehicle Mass Transit System (VMTS) Compressed air vehicles ─ 2 3 4 4 Low ─ or + (uncertain) 2 4 4 4 Low ─ 2 4 4 4 Low Other alternative fuels (DME, DMF) 52 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Figure 12: Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Potential scale of uptake for future road transport technologies Potential scale of uptake for future road transport technologies 4 Electric trolley buses Electric trolley trucks In-road electric vehicle charging infrastructures 3 Stage Self-drive vehicles Dual mode transit 2 Intelligent roads Road trains 1 Vehicle Mass Transit System (VMTS) Compressed air vehicles Other alternative fuels (DME, DMF) 0 Current 2020/2030 2050 Beyond 2050 (near-term) Potential stage of development 7.2 Land-based non-road transport technologies Table 5 and Figure 13 outline the potential impact on greenhouse gas emissions for each technology as well as the scale of uptake and potential for widespread deployment. Maglev technology is the most likely to have a potential reduction on greenhouse gas emissions for land-based non-road future alternatives, although it seems unlikely to be taken up at a very high scale due to incompatibility with conventional rail infrastructure. In contrast, hoverboards are likely to cause an increase in greenhouse gases and serve as a niche and novel form of transport, as opposed to a mainstream option.. Table 5: Summary of land-based non-road transport technologies Potential Impact on GHG emissions Concept Potential stage of development Current ─── 3 2020 /2030 4 Underground Maglev Systems ─ 1 3 4 4 Low Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) ─ 2 3 4 4 Medium Hybrid tricycle ─ 3 4 4 4 Low Hoverboards + 2 3 4 4 Low Maglev Figure 13: 53 2050 Potential for widespread deployment 4 Beyond 2050 (near-term) 4 Medium Potential scale of uptake for future non-road land based transport technologies EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Potential scale of uptake for future non-road land transport technologies 4 Maglev 3 Stage Underground Maglev Systems 2 Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) 1 Hybrid tricycle Hoverboards 0 Current 2020/2030 2050 Beyond 2050 (near-term) Potential stage of development 7.3 Aviation technologies By 2050, most aviation technologies discussed will still be being tested or prototyped, or in initial deployment stages. BWB and to a slightly lesser extent wing-in-ground technology, which have both had major investment from US and International organisations, are the most likely technologies to reach commercial availability earlier on due to the fact that they offer reasonably widespread deployment potential as technologies which could significantly contribute to aircraft designs of the future (though the designs are incompatible and would most likely be used in different market applications). Whilst many technologies will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, space travel and personal flying crafts of various sizes have the potential to make air travel a more accessible luxury. As a result, the opportunity to travel at a faster speed to location in a personal flying device would cause an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. In reality, these technologies are likely to be the slowest o reach commercial availability, decreasing the chances of this negative impact. Table 6 and Figure 14 outline the potential impact on greenhouse gas emissions for each technology as well as the scale of uptake and potential for widespread deployment. 54 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Table 6: Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Summary of aviation technologies Concept Potential Impact on GHG emissions Potential stage of development Current ++ 1 2020 /2030 2 ── ─ ─ (vs air) or ++ (vs ship) ─── 2 3 4 4 Medium 1 2 3 4 Medium 2 3 4 4 High Joined wing ─ 1 2 3 4 Medium Oblique flying wing + 1 2 3 4 Medium +++ 1 2 3 4 Low ++ 1 2 3 4 Low ── 2 3 4 4 High ─ 1 1 2 3 Low Flying cars Hybrid Airships Wing-In-Ground Blended Wing Body Space travel Personal Jetpacks & Rocket Helicopters Biofuels for aviation Other alternative fuels for aviation (H2, electricity) Figure 14: 2050 Potential for widespread deployment 3 Beyond 2050 (near-term) 4 Low Potential scale of uptake for future aviation technologies Potential scale of uptake for future aviation technologies 4 Flying cars Hybrid Airships 3 Wing-In-Ground Stage Blended Wing Body Joined wing 2 Oblique flying wing Space travel 1 Personal Jetpacks & Rocket Helicopters Biofuels for aviation 0 Current 2020/2030 2050 Potential stage of development 55 Beyond 2050 (near-term) EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 7.4 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Marine and inland waterway vessel technologies It is important to recognise the benefits of mitigating the emissions of maritime vehicles. In 2006, there were around 35,000 commercial vessels which transported a total of 7.4 billion tons of cargo around 107 the world . Wind assisted power is an ideal solution for reducing the greenhouse gases needed to transport these goods without the need for expensive and time-consuming infrastructures and vessels being built. Four radical future technologies have been discussed offering varying degrees of greenhouse reducing potential and potential for widespread deployment. Wind assisted towing/sails offers the greatest potential savings for greenhouse gases alongside the fastest scale for uptake due to its relative ease of implementation and potential to be retrofitted to existing large scale cargo ships. Table 7 and Figure 15 outline the potential impact on greenhouse gas emissions for each technology as well as the scale of uptake and potential for widespread deployment. Table 7: Summary of marine and inland waterways technologies Concept Potential Impact on GHG emissions Potential stage of development Current Flettner rotors ── 1 2020 /2030 2 Windmill ships ─ 2 3 4 4 Low Solar power ships ─ 2 2 3 4 Low ─── 2 3 4 4 High Wind Assisted Towing Figure 15: 2050 Potential for widespread deployment 3 Beyond 2050 (near-term) 4 Medium Potential scale of uptake for future marine and inland waterways technologies Potential scale of uptake for future maritime and inland waterways technologies 4 3 Stage Flettner rotors Windmill ships 2 Solar power ships 1 Wind Assisted Towing 0 Current 2020/2030 2050 Beyond 2050 (near-term) Potential stage of development 107 56 UNCTAD (2007) UNCTAD‟s Review of Maritime Transport (2007 Edition) Page 5 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 7.5 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Travel replacement technologies Three radical options to replace travel were considered. Teleportation is the least likely of all the technologies considered to become a viable option for travel, even beyond 2050. Even if viable it could represent a significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions due to the extreme energy intensity needed for the process. Holographic presence appears the most likely option for replacing future travel with successful tests having been carried out already. With all of these technologies, the potential greenhouse gas impact, scale of uptake and scale of deployment are summarised in Table 8 and Figure 16, offering insight into the serious advancements needed before these technologies can become viable replacements for travel in the future. Table 8: Summary of travel replacement technologies Concept Potential Impact on GHG emissions Potential stage of development Potential for widespread deployment Current 2020 /2030 2050 Beyond 2050 (near-term) Holographic presence ── 1 2 3 4 Medium Virtual tourism ── 1 3 3 4 Low Teleportation +++ 1 1 1 1 Low Figure 16: Potential scale of uptake for future travel replacement technologies Potential scale of uptake for future travel replacement technologies 4 3 Stage Holographic presence 2 Virtual tourism Teleportation 1 0 Current 2020/2030 2050 Potential stage of development 57 Beyond 2050 (near-term) EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 8 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Summary of Key Findings and Conclusions This section provides a brief summary overview of the main findings and conclusions for each mode of transport. Road Transport There were more options that might be introduced and significantly contribute to overall GHG emissions reductions by 2050 than in other modes; Electric trolley bus/trolley trucks appear to offer the most likely near-term savings potential, but are likely to be limited to relatively niche cases; In-road electric charging infrastructure may be an important enabler of wider take-up of electric vehicles, but is likely to be expensive and difficult to implement and there are concerns over efficiency losses relative to stand-alone battery recharging; Intelligent roads and road trains appear to offer potential for significant long-term efficiency benefits, but it is uncertain whether they could be deployable to a significant extent by 2050. Compressed air is yet to be proven in its benefit in terms of GHG over alternatives and it is unclear whether there is a significant space for DME alongside the alternative options. DMF may yet prove to be a more attractive biofuel substitute for petrol compared to ethanol, but this is still uncertain and GHG benefits will be similarly linked to a sustainable supply of biomass. Land-based non-road transport Maglev appears to be the only technology that offers significant savings and will be deployable at an early stage. However, it is unlikely to be able to make a significant contribution to overall savings (in part because of incompatibility with existing rail infrastructure). Personal rapid transport systems may offer reasonable niche GHG savings in the medium to long term, but it seems unlikely they could be deployable in significantly broad scale to make a large impact on total GHG. Other alternatives, such as underground Maglev, hybrid tricycles and hoverboards appear unlikely to be able to significantly contribute to GHG emissions reductions even in the long-term. Aviation Many of the radical technologies and concepts identified seemed unlikely to be deployable in sufficient time/degree to make a significant contribution to reducing GHG emissions from aviation. Hybrid airships, blended-wing-body (BWB) and wing-in-ground (WIG) airframe concepts could all potentially lead to significant GHG savings in the medium to long-term. However, the WIG concept could actually increase emissions where such aircraft replaced shipping rather than air services (e.g. for rapid freight transportation). Of the alternative fuel options identified, only biofuels offer the potential for significant savings in the 2050 timeline. In the very long term (likely beyond 2050) the flying car, space travel and personal jetpack/helicopter concepts could lead to increases in GHG emissions, but seem likely to be limited to niche applications (at least initially). Maritime Concepts for waterborne transport were limited to mainly wind-based concepts, most of which are likely to be deployable in the medium-term (or potentially near-term) and could offer significant GHG savings. Solar power is only likely to provide a significant contribution to GHG reduction in niche applications or for auxiliary power in larger vessels in the long term. 58 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Travel replacement Holographic presence and virtual tourism may offer significant benefits in the long term, but their widespread deployment is dependent on difficult to predict significant development and cost reduction of holographic or virtual reality technology coupled with a change in attitudes to such alternatives. Teleportation does not seem likely even in the very long term, but would likely require massive amounts of energy in relation to other forms of transport if it were possible. 59 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 9 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI References for images Section 2.1 Friedrichstrasse (2009) Trolleybus. Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Filobus_Genova_XXsett.JPG Section 2.2 Christensen, B (2009) In-Road Electric Vehicle Charger. Published by Technovelgy.com. Available at: http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/Science-Fiction-News.asp?NewsNum=2591 Section 2.3 Steve Jurvetson (2009) Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Handsfree_Driving.jpg Section 2.4.1 Meggar (2005) HiRail wheel. Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:HiRail.jpg Section 2.4.2 Nekosuki600 (2008) JR Hokkaido Dual Mode Vehicle, in Naebo Factory. Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:JRHokkaidoDualModeVehicle.jpg Section 2.5 Mariordo Mario Roberto Duran Ortiz (2008) Automatic speed surveillance and enforcement equipment. Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:BSB_04_2008_412_ETS.JPG Section 2.6 BBC News (2009) “'Road trains' get ready to roll” BBC News Online article from Monday, 9 November 2009. Available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8349923.stm Section 2.7 Arpingstone (2004) Articulated lorry. Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Artic.lorry.arp.750pix.jpg Section 2.8.3 MDI (2009) El monty. MDI Air Pod. Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:MDI_Air_Pod_(1).JPG Section 3.1 & 3.1.1 Maglev train, Pudong Station, Shanghai (2006) Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:A_maglev_train_coming_out,_Pudong_International_Airport,_Shangha i.jpg Section 3.2.1 ULTra PRT (2005) Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:ULTra_001.jpg#metadata Section 3.2.2 Brian M. Powell (2003) Morgantown PRT - Beechurst Station. Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Morgantown_PRT_-_Beechurst_Station.jpg Section 3.3 T-Rex motorized reverse trike (2007) Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:T-rex-deals-gap-dragon-2007.jpg 60 EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050? Contract ENV.C.3/SER/2008/0053 Review of potential radical future transport technologies and concepts. AEA/ED45405/Task 9 Report VI Section 3.4 One man hovercrafts (2008) Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Onemanhovercrafts.JPG Section 4.1 Aero Car (2005) Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Taylor-AerocarIII.jpg Section 4.2 Luftschiff (2003) Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Luftschiff_small.jpg Section 4.3 Sea Eagle Flying (2008) Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wig18.gif Section 4.4.1 NASA BWB (Blended Wing Body) X-48 Aircraft (2006) Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:NASA_BWB.jpg Section 4.4.2 Drawing of a special type of winglets, called spiroids (2007) Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Spiroids.png Section 4.4.3 Adrian Pingstone (2003) Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:USAF_B2_Spirit.jpg Section 4.5 Rokits XPrize gallery (2004) Spaceship One in flight. Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Spaceship_One_in_flight_1.jpg Section 4.6 Anthony Appleyard (2005) Jetpack with wings. Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jetpack_with_wings.jpg Section 5.1 Wessmann (2006) Rotorship Barbara. Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rotorship_Babara.jpg Section 5.2 Toshihiro Oimatsu (2006) Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Savonius_wind_turbine.jpg Section 5.3 Wattewyl (2008) RA 66 Helio on the Untersee, a part of Lake Constance. The solar-powered catamaran is based in Radolfzell. Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Untersee-RA66_Helio.jpg Section 5.4 Department of Defense photo by the Beluga Group (2008) MV Beluga SkySails. Wikimedia Commons. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:MV_Beluga_Skysails.jpg 61