Documentation Guidelines and Formats for - Webspace


Documentation Guidelines and Formats for - Webspace
Documentation Guidelines
and Formats for Research
Projects, Dissertations and
November 2013
Version 4.0
Authored, Edited, and Compiled by: Syed Rehan
Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology-Sri Lanka
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 General Policies ................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Classified Material ............................................................................................................ 2
FORMAT AND APPEARANCE ............................................................................................. 3
2.1 Paper and Duplication....................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Type .................................................................................................................................. 3
2.3 Spacing ............................................................................................................................. 4
2.4 Margins ............................................................................................................................. 4
2.5 Centring ............................................................................................................................ 4
2.6 Word and Text Divisions .................................................................................................. 4
2.7 Pagination ......................................................................................................................... 5
2.8 Multiple Volumes ............................................................................................................. 5
2.9 Copies of Manuscript and Binding ................................................................................... 6
3.1 Parts of a Dissertation ....................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Preliminary Pages ............................................................................................................. 8
Title page ................................................................................................................... 8
Approval page ........................................................................................................... 8
Abstract...................................................................................................................... 8
Dedication, acknowledgments, and preface............................................................... 9
Table of contents ....................................................................................................... 9
List of tables .............................................................................................................. 9
List of figures or list of illustrations ........................................................................ 10
List of symbols and/or abbreviations ....................................................................... 10
3.3 The Text .......................................................................................................................... 10
Illustrative material .................................................................................................. 11
Formulae .................................................................................................................. 13
Quotations................................................................................................................ 13
Notes, footnotes and endnotes ................................................................................. 13
3.4 The Reference Material .................................................................................................. 14
Bibliography or references ...................................................................................... 14
Appendices .............................................................................................................. 15
CITATION & REFERENCING CONVENTION ................................................................ 16
4.1 Style ................................................................................................................................ 16
The Harvard Referencing ........................................................................................ 16
4.2 General Rules of Referencing ......................................................................................... 19
4.3 Rules for Citation in the Text ......................................................................................... 20
4.4 Rules for Reference List ................................................................................................. 23
4.5 Staffordshire University Harvard Referencing Format. .................................................. 24
Acts of Parliament (UK Statutes) ............................................................................ 24
Archive material/Special collections ....................................................................... 24
Atlas......................................................................................................................... 24
Author: Contribution/Chapter in a Book ................................................................. 25
Blogs (weblogs) ....................................................................................................... 25
Book (1 author)........................................................................................................ 25
Book (2 authors) ...................................................................................................... 26
Book (3 authors) ...................................................................................................... 26
Book (4 or more authors) ......................................................................................... 26
Book (Editor/s) ........................................................................................................ 27
Books (part of a series) ............................................................................................ 27
Book (multiple works by an author in the same year) ............................................. 27
Book (Electronic) .................................................................................................... 28
British Standards...................................................................................................... 28
CD-ROMS (accompanying books) .......................................................................... 28
Command Papers/Official Publications ................................................................... 29
Computer Games/Programs ..................................................................................... 29
Conference Papers ................................................................................................... 29
Conference Proceedings .......................................................................................... 30
Corporate authors (groups, committees, companies) ............................................... 30
Dance (live performance) ........................................................................................ 30
Dance (DVD/ Video) ............................................................................................... 31
Dictionaries.............................................................................................................. 31
Discussion List ........................................................................................................ 32
E- Books .................................................................................................................. 32
Email communication .............................................................................................. 32
Encyclopaedia entry ................................................................................................ 33
Exhibition catalogues .............................................................................................. 33
Film on video/DVD ................................................................................................. 34
Image in a book ....................................................................................................... 34
Interview (you have conducted) .............................................................................. 35
Interview (recorded) ................................................................................................ 35
Journal article (printed journal article) .................................................................... 35
Journal article (online/electronic journal article) ..................................................... 36
Law Reports............................................................................................................. 36
Lecture ..................................................................................................................... 36
Lecture Notes........................................................................................................... 37
Maps ........................................................................................................................ 37
Market Survey report (printed) ................................................................................ 38
Market Survey Report (online /electronic) .............................................................. 38
Microform (microfiche or microfilm) ...................................................................... 38
Music scores ............................................................................................................ 39
Newspaper article (printed article) .......................................................................... 39
Newspaper article (online / electronic article) ......................................................... 40
Newspaper article (no author) ................................................................................. 40
Newspaper Cartoon ................................................................................................. 40
No Author/Anonymous ........................................................................................... 41
No publication date .................................................................................................. 41
Official publications ................................................................................................ 41
Online video ............................................................................................................ 42
Original works of Art .............................................................................................. 42
Plays (published) ..................................................................................................... 43
Plays (performance) ................................................................................................. 43
Podcast..................................................................................................................... 43
Poem (from an anthology) ....................................................................................... 44
Punctuation (when using Harvard) .......................................................................... 44
Radio Broadcast....................................................................................................... 44
Secondary Referencing using Harvard .................................................................... 45
Sound recording – audio CD, Cassette, Vinyl Records ........................................... 45
Statutes (Acts of Parliament) - UK .......................................................................... 46
Television broadcast ................................................................................................ 46
Thesis....................................................................................................................... 47
Unpublished Work ................................................................................................... 47
Website .................................................................................................................... 48
Website – Web document ........................................................................................ 48
Wikis ....................................................................................................................... 48
APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................... 49
5.1 APPENDIX A ................................................................................................................. 50
APPEARANCE OF A BOUND DISSERTATION (SAMPLE) ............................. 50
5.2 APPENDIX B ................................................................................................................. 52
TITLE PAGE (SAMPLE) ....................................................................................... 52
5.3 APPENDIX C ................................................................................................................. 54
APPROVAL PAGES: Degree Years (L2 & L3). (SAMPLES) ............................... 54
5.4 APPENDIX D ................................................................................................................. 56
CHAPTER AND REFERENCES................................................................................... 56
Permissions and Acknowledgements
With the permission of the Graduate School of Social Sciences at the Middle East
Technical University, these thesis format guidelines are adopted and modified from
the Graduate School’s ―Thesis Manual‖ available at the website
The referencing section of the “Documentation Guidelines and Formats for
Research Project Dissertations and Reports” is fully in line with the Harvard
Referencing guidelines of the Staffordshire University.
My deepest regards to my good friend Mr. Gamindu Hemachanrda and Ms. Zeenath
Hidaya for proof reading & critical assessment. To Ms. Aashika Sulaiman for her
consistent motivational speeches & application of ―reverse psychology‖, otherwise
this wouldn’t be reality today.
Lastly, my wife and two little angels, for bringing life back to me,
Please note that this document is not a dissertation.
1 Introduction
1.1 General Policies
A thesis or dissertation acknowledged for an academic award is a serious piece of
original research. It is important that all research must be precise and comprehensive
to meet mandatory standards. That signifies the importance of the presentation of that
research. The presentation/documentation of the research reports must be equally
precise and complete to meet the standards set by the degree awarding body.
Documentation must meet library and archival standards or permanence. Hence, it is
essential to use documentation material of the approved quality and to follow
guidelines for the preparation of descriptive materials precisely.
The purpose of the ―Documentation Guidelines and Formats for Research Project
Dissertations and Reports‖ is to assist our students in the correct preparation of their
dissertations & term papers.
The formatting style prescribed in this document is in conformity with internationally
recognized standards. However, certain uniform preparation standards are required
for all manuscripts. The details of these standards are provided in these guidelines
which also include all amended general guidelines. Every dissertation which will
carry the name of Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology Sri Lanka, must
meet the same high standards of presentation. In addition to the standards set by the
Staffordshire University, these amended standards are APIIT’s standards and are
applied consistently to all undergraduate and graduate programs offered at APIIT Sri
Preparing a dissertation with a word processor offers many advantages. However, the
limitations of your software or hardware, or your limited knowledge of their
capabilities, do not release you from the responsibility of meeting the guidelines.
Therefore, it is important that you read and understand the guidelines before
preparation of your documentations. Any dissertation that does not follow these
guidelines will not be accepted by the administrators for submission.
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Do not use previously approved dissertation formats (available in the library) as a
guide to preparation of your manuscript. The guidelines in this document will be
enforced from 1st of March 2010. It is the responsibility of each student to meet
current guidelines exactly.
For all other cases that are not covered by the guidelines, please refer to the
internationally recognized style manuals as suggested by the Staffordshire
1.2 Classified Material
Because all dissertations are made available to the public, a dissertation containing
classified material cannot be accepted.
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2 Format and Appearance
2.1 Paper and Duplication
In order to guarantee the quality of durability, permanency, and opacity of the
documents submitted for all assessments, copies must be on good quality white bond
paper of at least 80gsm measuring 21 cm by 29.7 cm (A4). All print must be in
permanent black ink and must appear on only one side of each page. You must use a
laser printer to print your original documentations to ensure the quality and
consistency of the printing.
In conditions where you are required to submit more than one copy of your
dissertation, photocopies must be made from the original and all pages must have
high contrast with consistently dark print throughout. The print must be permanent; it
must not smudge. All pages must be copied onto acceptable paper as described
above. Inferior copies will not be accepted. It is recommended that you work with a
reputable copying firm when having your dissertation reproduced.
2.2 Type
The type size should be 12-point. Only ―Times New Roman, or Calibri‖ font is
acceptable. Do not use script, or ornamental fonts. The typeface and size must be
consistent throughout the dissertation. Bold face letters and symbols, and italics
may be used for special emphasis and foreign words.
The language must be consistent throughout the whole dissertation. In other
words, only U.K. English must be used.
In the body of the dissertation, different typefaces and sizes may be used to set
chapter titles, section headings, footnotes, endnotes, examples, quotations, tables,
and charts from the rest of the text, as long as they are easily readable and are in a
hierarchy. No ink corrections, strikeovers, correction fluid or tape, paste-ups,
insertions between lines, and letterset are permitted on the final bound copies. If you
must make corrections, do so on the original manuscript before it is copied (but not
by ink corrections and strikeovers which are never allowed).
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2.3 Spacing
The general text of the manuscript must use 1.5 line spacing. However, tables, long
quotations, footnotes, endnotes, bibliographies, and captions may be single-spaced.
Paragraphs will not be indented and there must be 18pt. spacing after paragraphs.
2.4 Margins
The left margin of the document must be 4cm wide to allow for binding. The top and
bottom margins must be 2.5cm wide.
The written text must appear between these margins and not the paper margins, that
is, the written text must be between the 4cm left margin, the 2.5cm top and bottom
margins, and the 2.5cm right margin. Page numbering must also appear within the
2.5cm bottom margin.
There must be at least two spaces between the last line of text on any given page
and the page numbering. Narrower margins are not acceptable and nothing must
appear in the margins.
2.5 Centring
All materials must be centred between the text margins rather than between paper
edges. After the manuscript is bound, centred material will appear to be centred on
the page.
2.6 Word and Text Divisions
Words must be divided correctly at the end of a line and may not be divided one page
to the next. Use a standard dictionary to determine word division. At least two lines
of a paragraph must appear together at the top and bottom of every page. A
subheading must be followed by at least 2 lines of a paragraph.
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2.7 Pagination
All page numbers of the thesis or dissertation must appear at the bottom centre of the
page. Page numbers must be at least two single spaces above or below the nearest
line of text, but within the margin boundaries as stated above. All page numbers must
be in the same font and size as the text (12 points Times New Romans or Arial).
The following pagination plan should be used:
a) Preliminary Pages: Use small Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, etc.). The Title page
and the Approval page do not have numbers but count as pages i and ii,
respectively. Actual page numbering begins with iii on the Abstract page.
b) Body of the Manuscript: Use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3…) beginning with "1" on
the first page of the text and continue throughout the rest of the dissertation,
including bibliography and appendices. All pages must be numbered
consecutively, including pages containing chapter pages, illustrations, such as
tables, figures, plates, and photographs.
Pages which are in “Landscape” (horizontal) form will be counted, but left
2.8 Multiple Volumes
If finished manuscript exceeds 5 cm in thickness it must be bound in two or more
volumes. Volumes are numbered consecutively, using capital Roman numerals. Each
additional volume must contain a title page. Title pages are identical except for the
notation Volume I, Volume II, etc., which is placed just below the title to
differentiate the volumes.
Both the Roman and the Arabic numbering systems used in Volume I continue
through Volume II. As with the title page of Volume I, that of Volume II is counted
among the preliminary pages but does not bear a number. If "iv" is the last Roman
numeral used in Volume I, for example, the title page of the second volume will
count as page "v" and will be followed by preliminary pages "vi," "vii," etc. Each
volume contains the Table of Contents.
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2.9 Copies of Manuscript and Binding
For final year dissertation submissions, ―Two‖ draft (soft bound) copies of the
manuscript, including appropriate forms (i.e. Ethical Clearance, Project Log sheets,
etc) must be submitted to the Administration for distribution to the relevant faculty
members for assessment prior to the oral presentation.
One hard bound copy of the entire manuscript, including signed approval page, must
be submitted to the Administration. Additional bound hard-copies are optional for
advisors, supervisors, etc. It is MUST for a student to adhere to this guideline,
academic administration will not issue official transcripts and original degree
certificate until and unless a hard bound copy is submitted.
All theses and dissertations are to be bound in accordance with the standards set by
the Staffordshire University and APIIT. Level Three and Postgraduate dissertations
must be bound in the regulation Black Cloth. No substitute covers, colours, or fabrics
are acceptable. The author’s name and the title of the thesis/dissertation must be on
the spine of the bound copies to be read from left to right.
Project documents submitted as a part of module assessment for all levels do not
require to be hard bound. A soft bound (comb or spiral) can be used; however all
other conditions are applicable.
A sample appearance of bound theses is provided in Appendix A.
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3 Specific Guidelines For The Parts of the Dissertation
3.1 Parts of a Dissertation
Two general rules of thumb should govern the presentation of any dissertation: keep
the format as simple as possible, and be consistent with the format throughout the
Every dissertation has three main parts or divisions:
Part 1 includes the preliminary pages
Part 2 includes the body of the manuscript
Part 3 includes all reference materials (or back matter)
You must follow the order of items within these parts as listed below. Optional
sections are stated in parentheses. Further instruction about each section follows
this list.
List of Required and Optional Sections (in the order they should appear in the
Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Contents
List of Tables
(if applicable)
List of Figures
(if applicable)
List of Illustrations
(if applicable)
List of Symbols/Abbreviations
(if applicable)
Main Body of Manuscript
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3.2 Preliminary Pages
Title page
The format of the title page, including spacing and capitalization must be exactly as
in the sample title page shown in Appendix B.
Approval page
It is strongly recommended that the approval page of the dissertation be signed in
black ink. The format of the approval page, including spacing and capitalization
must be exactly as in the sample approval page shown in Appendix C.
The abstract gives a concise description of the thesis or dissertation, including a
statement of the problem, procedure and methods, results, and conclusions.
The following list of requirements for abstract is necessary:
The abstract must be on a separate page;
The word ABSTRACT must be centred and must be in bold;
The abstract text must not have underlining, boldface or italics;
The abstract must have the same spacing as the text (i.e., 1.5 line spacing);
The length of the abstract must not exceed 350 words;
The abstract must not have citations, references, diagrams and mathematical
At the end of the abstract, keywords are required.
A sample abstract is provided in Appendix D.
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Dedication, acknowledgments, and preface
If included, each of these items must appear on a separate page. A heading for the
dedication is not required, but it must have a page number. If used, the dedication
must be brief and centred on the page.
Like the dedication, acknowledgments and preface are optional. They must have
headings and should use the same spacing as the text (i.e., 1.5 line spacing). The
heading ACKNOWLEDGMENTS or PREFACE appears centred between the text
margins without punctuation. The text begins at least three single spaces below the
A sample acknowledgment is provided in Appendix D.
Table of contents
The table of contents must list the title of each chapter and its parts and sections,
references or bibliography, appendices, and vita (in case of postgraduate awards).
The wording used for all entries in the table of contents must match exactly with
what is used in the text. Each entry must have leader dots which connect it to its
corresponding page number.
The heading TABLE OF CONTENTS appears without punctuation centred
between the text margins without punctuation. The listing of actual contents begins at
the left margin at least three spaces below the heading.
A sample is provided in Appendix D.
List of tables
A list of tables may be included for the convenience of the reader. If included, it will
immediately follow the table of contents on a new page.
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The heading LIST OF TABLES appears centred between the text margins without
punctuation. The listing begins at the left margin at least three spaces below the
Each entry should have the same number and the same caption or title used for a
table in the text. However, a long caption may be abbreviated to the extent of using
only the first full sentence. As in the table of contents, each entry must have leader
dots (……) which connect it to its page number.
A sample list of tables is provided in Appendix D.
List of figures or list of illustrations
If included, these lists may appear on separate pages depending on the number of
tables, figures or illustrations and are governed by the same rules as the list of tables.
A sample list of figures is provided in Appendix D.
List of symbols and/or abbreviations
If included, you should follow a format consistent with acceptable practice in your
3.3 The Text
The text, or the body of a dissertation, is divided into multiple chapters to help the
reader in understanding the subject matter. Although the detailed organization of the
text varies among academic disciplines, the formatting of the text must be consistent
throughout. All headings and subheadings should be presented in the same way in
each chapter, in terms of capitalization, font and placement on the page. No
headers or footers giving the titles of chapters or other sections are allowed.
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Chapters are numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and typed in capital letters
(CHAPTER 1, CHAPTER 2 …). In addition to the general titles such as
INTRODUCTION and CONCLUSION, the other chapters must have substantially
descriptive titles as well.
Only chapters should begin with a new page. Within a chapter, the presentation of
subsections must be continuous; partially filled pages of text are acceptable only on
non-textual pages, such as those presenting tables and illustrations.
The heading CHAPTER 1 in all capitals is centred between the text margins. The
title goes two single spaces below. The text begins three single spaces below.
A sample chapter is provided in Appendix D.
In many cases, the main body of the dissertation will include certain materials other
than ordinary text such as illustrations, formulas, quotations, footnotes and endnotes.
In such cases, the following guidelines should be observed.
Illustrative material
Illustrations include drawings, charts, figures, tables, diagrams, plates and
photographs. These may be inserted wherever the author feels appropriate, but as a
general rule, should appear as near as possible to the part of the text relating them.
Illustrations of one-half page or less in length may appear on the same page with the
text, separated from the text above and below by triple spacing; illustrations longer
than one-half page are better placed on a separate sheet.
Illustrations that are too large to be placed sideways between the left- and right-hand
margins should be rotated counter clockwise 90 degrees so that the top of the
illustration runs parallel to the left-hand margin of the page. The caption for such an
illustration must also be rotated. When illustrations are presented in this manner, the
usual margin requirements remain in effect. Pages which are in “Landscape”
(horizontal) form will be counted, but left unnumbered.
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Illustrations of same kind must be numbered consecutively. This includes
appendices, if you have them. You may follow a straight sequence (1, 2, 3, etc.) or
use a decimal approach (1.1, 1.2, 1.3...), where the first digit is the chapter or
appendix number, and the digit after the decimal point is the illustration number).
Illustrations may run longer than one page. In such cases, all subsequent pages of the
illustration must include at least the illustration number and the notation that it is
continued, e.g., "Table 1 (cont.)" or "Table 1 (continued)."
All headings and captions must be prepared in the same typeface and point size as all
other headings and captions. Choose a point size that can be read easily, especially
for tables.
Table numbers and captions are placed one space above the top line of the
illustration; figure numbers and captions are placed one space below the last line
or bottom of the illustration.
Colour may be used in figures and photographs only with prior permission from
the supervisor or the module lecturer. Photographic illustrations must be originals
or well-done photographic copies of the originals. Standard photocopies of
photographs are not acceptable. Wherever required, mounting of illustrations should
be done with a technique that ensures durable and good quality result (e.g., dry
mounting). With dry mounting, the paper to which photographs are attached will not
curl. Other methods such as library paste, rubber cement, spray mounting or tape, are
not acceptable: such mounting techniques are not permanent and the adhesives used
will eventually destroy both the paper and the photograph. If audio-visual material
(e.g., videotape, cassette, etc.) is needed to accompany and supplement the text, it
should be adequately described within the continuity of the text. Such material will
be submitted only with the soft bound copy.
Sources of reference for all illustrations must be cited in the following manner:
Source: Department of Statistics, GOSL
A sample is provided in Appendix D.
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Mathematical and chemical formulas, equations and expressions must be typed using
an appropriate equation editor (i.e. Microsoft® Equation Editor or Mathtype™). If
reference is made to them, they must carry numerical identification.
Short, direct prose quotations of three typewritten lines or less should be
incorporated into the text and enclosed in double quotation marks. Prose quotations
which exceed three lines should be set off from the text in single spacing and
indented in its entirety at least one tab from the left and right margins, with no
quotation marks at beginning or end.
Notes, footnotes and endnotes
Notes may be in the form of footnotes, placed at the bottom of each page.
Footnoting practices differ depending on the referencing convention. The most
common mode of presentation for both footnotes and endnotes is to single-space
within, and double-space between, each listing. If placed at the bottom of each page,
footnotes must be separated from the text by a horizontal line one space above the
first line of the footnote.
Arabic numerals, asterisks or small letters should be used for footnotes and endnotes.
In either case, the label used may appear either above the line or in parentheses even
with the line.
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3.4 The Reference Material
The reference material consists of a bibliography or references, which is required,
and appendices, which are optional.
Bibliography or references
A bibliography is a selected list of all books, articles, and other source material
related to the dissertation research and is always in alphabetical order, with the
author's last name first.
In some disciplines it is customary to list all of the references at the end of the
dissertation in a section headed REFERENCES, LIST OF REFERENCES or
The following list of requirements is necessary:
The references may be given at the end of each chapter instead of at the end of
the dissertation;
The bibliography or references must not be given a chapter number, but it must
have page numbers written in the same typeface and size used for pagination
throughout the dissertation;
The heading BIBLIOGRAPHY or REFERENCES is centred between the text
margins. The list begins three single spaces below;
Each bibliographic entry should be single-spaced with 18pt. spacing (Format
Paragraph Spacing After 18 pt) between entries;
 Only Harvard Referencing System (Author, Date) will be used
throughout the documentation. No other standard is allowed.
A sample REFERENCES is provided in Appendix D.
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Some authors may desire to include certain materials of the dissertation in an
appendix rather than in the main text. For example, an appendix may contain test
forms, detailed apparatus description, extensive tables of raw data, Software codes,
a) If the information to be appended requires more than one appendix, each should
be given a letter (APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, etc.). The heading
APPENDIX A should appear centred between the text margins. The typeface
and size should be those used for chapter titles.
b) Spacing need not be the same for each of the appendices. Documents and case
studies may be single-spaced, whereas spacing for the explanations of methods
and procedures may be similar to that of the text.
c) Each appendix with its title must be listed separately in the table of contents as a
subdivision under the heading APPENDICES.
d) All appendices must have page numbers written in the same typeface and size
used for pagination throughout the dissertation.
e) If an appendix contains photocopied material, the photocopies should be of letter
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4 Citation & Referencing Convention
4.1 Style
A dissertation is a formal research presentation. Hence, it should be written in a
formal style appropriate to the discipline (e.g., active voice, impersonal style). For
example, adopt the past tense throughout ("Results of the experiment demonstrated ")
and avoid slang and colloquialisms. Technical terms should be used where
appropriate, but avoid using words and phrases that are difficult to understand when
a simpler vocabulary will do just as well.
Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology and Staffordshire University
recommend the Harvard System. No other referencing conventions are allowed.
The Harvard Referencing
There are various systems for academic referencing. The purpose is however
common which is accurate provision of the source of information and the
acknowledgement of the literary work. Correct citing is important if readers are to be
able to trace the information for them. Whatever method of citation is used, the
following basic principles apply:
The information given should be sufficiently precise and detailed to allow for no
The style should be consistent throughout
The Harvard System (also called the Author-Date System) is one system among
many include the APA, MLA and Vancouver systems. Please refer to the following
URL for further information;
Page 16 / 72 Understanding, Citation, Reference, and Bibliography:
Citation refers to an immediate recognition of someone else's ideas or work used in a
research paper as the original source. Citations will appear in the body of
documentation. Referencing is the detailed description of the original source, and
will appear in the Reference List at the end of the document. Reference lists specific
works that is used in a particular research paper. A bibliography lists works for
background or for further reading, these may be books which were read as part of
research, but which were not actually used. Importance of Referencing.
The purpose of referencing is to acknowledge the intellectual work and contribution
of another person. The act of using and not referencing another person's work either
accidentally or intentionally is called plagiarism. There are heavy penalties levied by
the Staffordshire University and APIIT for plagiarism. (Please refer to the Student
Administration for more information.)
There are three foremost motives to incorporate citations in your dissertation:
1. To provide recognition to the authors of the source materials used while
developing a dissertation.
2. To facilitate readers to track up on the source materials.
3. To exhibit the depth and accuracy of research. What to Cite
All direct quotations, paraphrased factual statements, and borrowed ideas require
citing. Common knowledge, such as the independence date need no citation.
However, in case where a great deal of information adapted from a single source,
citing that source is required even if the information is common knowledge, since the
source (and its particular way of organizing the information) has made a significant
contribution to the document. Failure to give credit to the words and ideas of an
original author is plagiarism. Most people do not intend to commit plagiarism but
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may do so inadvertently because they are in a hurry or because of sloppy work
habits. For tips on how to avoid plagiarism, see the following resources:
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4.2 General Rules of Referencing
Exact words taken from a source must be placed under quotation marks. Statements
less than 30 words can be integrated into the paragraph by placing within single
quotation marks. For example:
Tucker (1994) points out that DNA profiling is based on the premise that
genetic makeup differs from person to person and that ―each cell in the body
contains a complete set of genes‖.
Statements more than 30 words are not enclosed within quotation marks. They must
be set apart in the text in the following manner:
Decrease the font size of the quote by one size;
Leave a one line space above and below the quote; and
Indent the entire quote on the left hand side (one centimetre, as a rough
Always introduce a long quotation by a colon, as in the following example:
Syed (2005) stated that:
A case study presents an account of what happened to a business or industry
over a number of years. It chronicles the events that managers had to deal
with, such as changes in the competitive environment, and charts the
managers' response, which usually involved changing the business- or
corporate-level strategy. Cases prove valuable in a course for several reasons.
First, cases provide you, the student, with experience of organizational
problems that you probably have not had the opportunity to experience
firsthand. In a relatively short period of time, you will have the chance to
appreciate and analyze the problems faced by many different companies and
to understand how managers tried to deal with them.
His argument was based on…
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Page numbers in the Citations
The corresponding page number(s) should be provided in the citation whenever
quote or paraphrase information found in a print source (e.g. journal article, book,
government publication, or conference proceedings). Page numbers are not required
if you are only referring to a particular work.
Do not include page number information in the citations when referencing an
electronic source, unless this source is an Adobe Acrobat document.
4.2.3 Date variation
 No date on publication—use the abbreviation n.d. for no date.
Date only approximate—precede the approximate date with a lowercase c for
Dubious date—precede a questionable date with a question mark (e.g. Jones?
An unpublished work—give the abbreviation unpub. in place of a date if a
work is unpublished.
4.3 Rules for Citation in the Text
When writing research papers by the name and year system, conform to the
1. If the author’s name occurs naturally in the sentence the year is given in
In a popular study Harvey (1992, p.27) argued that we have to teach
good practices…
As Harvey (1992, p.27) said, ―good practices must be taught‖ and so
2. If the name does not occur naturally in the sentence, both name and year are
given in parentheses:Example:
A more recent study (Stevens 1998, p.468) has shown the way theory
and practical work interact.
Theory rises out of practice, and once validated, returns to direct or
explain the
practice (Stevens 1998, p.468).
Page 20 / 72
3. When an author has published more than one cited document in the same
year, these are distinguished by adding lower case letters (a,b,c, etc.) after the
year and within the parentheses:Example:
Johnson (1994a, p.31) discussed the subject…
4. If there are two authors the surnames of both should be given:Example:
Matthews and Jones (1997, p.121) have proposed that…
5. If there are more than two authors the surname of the first author only should
be given, followed by et al (means and others):Example:
Office costs amount to 20% of total costs in most business (Wilson et al. 1997,p.73) (A
full listing of names should appear in the References.)
6. If the work is anonymous then ―Anon‖ should be used:Example:
In a recent article (Anon 1998, p.269) it was stated that…
If it is a reference to a newspaper article with no author the name of the paper
can be used in place of ―Anon‖:Example:
More people than ever seem to be using retail home delivery (The Times 1996, p.3)
8. If you can't determine the author(s) of a work, include the work's title (in
italics) within the parentheses with the date.
One patient education leaflet states that the disease occurs more frequently in men
(Coronary Heart Disease Facts 1998).
9. If you refer to a source quoted in another source you cite both in the text:Example:
A study by Smith (1960 cited Jones 1994, p.24) showed that… (You should list only the
work you have read, i.e. Jones, in the bibliography.)
10. If you refer to a contributor in a source you cite just the contributor:Example:
Software development has been given as the cornerstone in this industry (Bantz 1995,
Page 21 / 72
11. If you refer to a person who has not produced a work, or contributed to one,
but who is quoted in someone else’s work it is suggested that you should
mention the person’s name and you must cite the source author:Example:
Richard Hammond stressed the part psychology plays in advertising in an interview with
Marshall (1999, p.67).
―Advertising will always play on peoples’ desires‖, Richard Hammond said in a recent
article (Marshall 1999, p.67).
12. A personal communication can be a letter, memo or email, an interview, an
informal conversation or a lecture presentation. When referencing a personal
 give the communicator's surname and initials;
 include the phrase pers. comm. in the citation; and
 give the exact date of the communication.
According to a personal source, discussions about raising the Medicare levy are already
taking place (Trembath, G. J. 1999, pers. comm., 5 March).
A Fully Worked Example
Productivity and work satisfaction are functions of the "person-environment fit".
Person-environment fit represents the congruence between characteristics of
individuals, their needs and abilities, and the "supplies and demands of environment
as expressed in role expectations and prerequisites" (Kahn, 1979, p.78). Motivation
is heightened by conditions that "pull" (Cummings and Schwab, 1973) individuals
toward a particular behavior (extrinsic incentives). In the third case, needs that exist
within a person (intrinsic incentives) "push" him to behave in ways that will satisfy
those needs. Baldwin (1979) has suggested that faculty vitality and institutional wellbeing can be enhanced by moving faculty members to different roles as their
developmental needs (intrinsic incentives) change. Baldwin and Blackburn's model
of faculty career development (1981) assumes people move through initial phases in
Page 22 / 72
4.4 Rules for Reference List
All citations mentioned in the body of text must be followed by the corresponding
References in the ―Reference List‖ except in case of personal communication (not
traceable). A reference list at the end of the document is a must requirement for all
work submitted for assessment.
A reference list (or bibliography) will exhibit the sources of material used in the
document in alphabetical order by author name or by title when there is no author. If
a single reference goes on for more than one line, indent all lines except the first.
If there are several references by the same author, list these works in chronological
publication date order (i.e. start with the earliest publication date and end with the
If one author has published several works in the one year, list these works according
to the lowercase letter attached to the date (i.e. 1986a comes before 1986b and so
Page 23 / 72
4.5 Staffordshire University Harvard Referencing Format.
The following examples were adopted under the ―Creative Common License” from
the official referencing website of the Staffordshire University (2010).
Acts of Parliament (UK Statutes)
Country. Name of Act: Name of Sovereign. Chapter Number – in italics or
underlined. (Year of Publication – in brackets). Place of Publication: Publisher.
Bibliography example:
Great Britain. Human Rights Act 1998: Elizabeth ll. Chapter 42. (1998). London:
The Stationery Office
In-text example:
a) The Human Rights Act 1998 indicated that……
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
Archive material/Special collections
Author - Surname, Initials (Year of publication - in brackets). Title-in italics or
underlined [Material type–in square brackets]. Collection, shelfmark.
Archive/Library, City.
Bibliography example:
Turner, P.S. (1906). Image of an Artist [Manuscript]. Holden Collection. 600.
Holden Library. London.
In-text example:
a) (Turner, 1906)
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
Atlases can be referenced in the same format as a book. If no author is available
then the title of the Atlas can be used.
Atlas with Author:
Author/Originator - Surname, Initials. (Year of publication – in brackets). Title of
Atlas in italics or underlined. Series title and volume - if available. Edition - if not
the first. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Atlas- no Author:
Title of Atlas – in italics or underlined. (Year of publication - in brackets). Series
title and/or volume - if available. Edition - if not the first. Place of publication:
Bibliography example:
Wagner, S A. (2004). Color Atlas of the Autopsy. Boca Raton: CRC Press The
Times Concise Atlas of the World. (2000). 8th Ed. London: Times Books
In-text example:
a) (Wagner, 2004)
b) As can be seen in The Times Concise Atlas of the World (2000)
Page 24 / 72
Author: Contribution/Chapter in a Book
Author - Surname, Initials. (Year of publication - in brackets). Title of
chapter/contribution. In: Author or Editor of Publication - Surname, Initials with
(ed.) or (eds.) – in brackets, if relevant. Book Title - in italics or underlined.
Series title and volume - if available. Edition - if not the first. Place of
Publication: Publisher.
Bibliography example:
Marshall, W A. (1975). The Child as a Mirror of his Brain‟s Development. In:
Sants, J & Butcher, H J. (eds). Development Psychology. Aylesbury, Bucks:
Hazell Watson & Viney Ltd.
In-text example:
If you refer to an author who has contributed/produced a chapter in an edited
book you will need to cite their name in the body of your work. The Bibliography
must contain details of both the author providing the contribution and the
author/editor(s) of the book (see above bibliography example for format)
a) (Marshall, 1975)
b) As noted by Marshall (1975)
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
Blogs (weblogs)
References from blogs will need to commence with the name of the blog owner
and include the date and title of the posting (see example):
Named owner of the Blog- Surname, Initials. (Year of posting - in brackets). Title
of blog entry - in italics or underlined. [Online –in square brackets]. Date the
blog entry was written. Available from - URL. [Accessed: followed by date in
square brackets]
Bibliography example:
Batts, Shelly. (2007). Antioxidants in Berries Increased by Ethanol (but are
daiquiris healthy). [Online] April 24th 2007. Available from:
1.php . [Accessed: 2nd May 2008].
In-text example:
a) (Batts, 2007) …
b) As can be seen in Batts (2007) results.
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number - in brackets)
Book (1 author)
Author - Surname, Initials. (ed.) or (eds.)-in brackets for editor(s). (Year of
publication - in brackets). Book Title - in italics or underlined. Series title and
volume - if available. Edition - if not the first. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Bibliography example:
Neville, C. (2007). The Complete Guide to Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism.
Maidenhead: Open University Press.
In-text examples:
a) (Neville, 2007)
b) Neville (2007) commented that…
Page 25 / 72
Book (2 authors)
Author - Surname, Initials. & Author - Surname, Initials. (ed.) or (eds.) - in
brackets for editor(s). (Year of publication - in brackets). Book Title - in italics or
underlined. Series title and volume - if available. Edition - if not the first. Place of
Publication: Publisher.
Bibliography example:
Middleton, V. T. C. & Hawkins, R. (1998). Sustainable Tourism: A Marketing
Perspective. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
In-text examples:
a) (Middleton & Hawkins, 1998)
b) As stated by Middleton & Hawkins (1998)
“Direct quotation are placed in double quotations marks” (First Author‟s Surname
& Second Author‟s Surname. Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number –
in brackets)
Book (3 authors)
Author - Surname, Initials. Author - Surname, Initials & Author - Surname,
Initials. (Year of publication
- in brackets). Book Title - in italics or underlined. Series title and volume - if
available. Edition - if not the first. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Bibliography example:
Bradbury, I., Boyle, J. & Morse, A., (2002). Scientific Principles for Physical
Geographers. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
In-text example:
a) (Bradbury, Boyle & Morse, 2002)
b) As noted by Bradbury, Boyle & Morse (2002)
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (First Author‟s
Surname, Second Author‟s Surname & Third Author's Surname. Year of
Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
Book (4 or more authors)
Author - Surname, Initials. Et al. (Year of publication - in brackets). Book Title in italics or underlined. Series title and volume - if available. Edition - if not the
first. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Bibliography example:
Campbell, N. A. et al (2008). Biology. 8th Ed. London: Pearson.
In-text examples:
a) (Campbell et al, 2008)
b) As concluded by Campbell et al. (2008)…
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname et
al. Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
Page 26 / 72
4.5.10 Book (Editor/s)
If the book has an editor then (ed.) or (eds.) – both in brackets, is added after
the author‟s name.
Author - Surname, Initials. (ed.) or (eds.) - in brackets for editor(s) (Year of
publication - in brackets). Book Title - in italics or underlined. Series title and
volume - if available. Edition - if not the first. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Bibliography example:
Fontana-Giusti, G. (ed.) (2008). Designing Cities for People: Social,
Environmental and Psychological Sustainability. London: Earthscan. Brenner, N.
and Keil, R. (eds.) (2006). The Global Cities Reader. London: Routledge.
In-text examples:
a) (ed. Fontana-Giusti, 2008)
b) (eds. Brenner & Keil, 2006)
4.5.11 Books (part of a series)
Author - Surname, Initials. (ed.) or (eds.) - in brackets for editor(s) (Year of
publication - in brackets). Book Title - in italics or underlined. Series title and
volume - if available. Edition - if not the first. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Bibliography example:
McIlroy, D. (2003). Studying @ University: How to be a Successful Student.
Sage Essential Study Skills. London: Sage.
In-text example:
a) (McIlroy 2003)
b) The evidence supports McIlroy‟s (2003) theory that…..
“direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number)
4.5.12 Book (multiple works by an author in the same year)
If you refer to an author who has produced more than one work in the same
year you will need to add a lower case alphabetical letter after the year of
publication i.e. 2000a, 2000b.
Author - Surname, Initials. (ed.) or (eds.) - in brackets for editor(s) (Year of
publication and alphabetical letter - in brackets). Book Title - in italics or
underlined. Series title and volume - if available. Edition - if not the first. Place of
publication: Publisher.
Bibliography example:
Carlson, N. R. (2007a). Foundations of Physiology and Psychology. 7th Ed.
Boston, Mass: Pearson Allyn & Bacon. Carlson, N. R. (2007b). Physiology of
Behaviour. London: Pearson Allyn & Bacon.
In-text example:
a) (Carlson, N. R. 2007a)
b) (Carlson, N. R. 2007b) Carlson (2007a) commented that…
c) Carlson (2007b) indicated that…….
“direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number)
Page 27 / 72
4.5.13 Book (Electronic)
Author - Surname, Initial(s). (Year of publication - in brackets). Title - in italics
or underlined. [Online – in square brackets] City of publication: Publisher.
Available from - URL. [Accessed: followed by date in square brackets]
Bibliography example:
Sadler, P. (2003). Strategic management. [Online] Sterling. VA Kogan Page.
Available from: [Accessed: 6/5/2008]
In-text example:
a) (Sadler, 2003)
b) As identified by Sadler (2003)
“direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
4.5.14 British Standards
The information you need to reference correctly can be found on the title page of
the standard.
Author of Standard – Surname, Initials. (Year of publication - in brackets).
Standard Number: Year Title of the standard in italics or underlined. Place of
Publication: Name of Publisher.
Bibliography example:
British Standards Institute. (1990). BS5605:1990. Recommendations for citing
and referencing published material. Milton Keynes: BSI
In-text example:
a) (British Standards Institute, 1990)
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
4.5.15 CD-ROMS (accompanying books)
Many books now have a CD-ROM accompanying them. When using material from
this source the following information needs to be included in your reference
Author – Surname, initials or name of originator of item if no author present.
(Year of publication - in brackets). Title of the main publication. [CD-ROM – in
square brackets]. Place of Publication: publisher
Bibliography example:
Barnes, C. (1997). Working with Technology. [CD-ROM] London: TechPress.
Who’s who 1897-1998. (1998) [CD-ROM] London: Oxford University Press.
In-text example:
a) (Who‟s who 1998)
b) (Barnes. 1997)
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
Page 28 / 72
4.5.16 Command Papers/Official Publications
Country. Name of Committee, Department or Royal Commission (Year of
publication – in brackets) Title of publication - in italics or underlined. Place of
Publication: Publisher. (Paper number – if available in brackets).
Bibliography examples:
Great Britain. Healthcare Commission, Audit Commission for Local Authorities in
England and Wales. National Audit Office. (2006). Tackling Child Obesity: First
Steps. London: Stationery Office. Great Britain. Department of Health. (1995).
London’s Ambulance Service: Government response to the Second Report from
the Health Committee Session 1994-95. London: H.M.S.O. (Cm 3009)
In-text example:
a) (Great Britain. Healthcare Commission, Audit Commission for Local
Authorities in England and Wales. National Audit Office. 2006).
b) Statistics from the Great Britain Healthcare Commission, Audit
Commission for Local Authorities in England and Wales. National Audit
Office. (2006) show that………
c) (Great Britain. Department of Health. 1995).
d) As indicated by the Great Britain Department of Health (1995)
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
4.5.17 Computer Games/Programs
Originator or Author. (year of publication - in brackets). Game or program title in italics or underlined. [Medium of item - in square brackets]. Series information
and any dates or numeric information - if necessary. Place of Publication:
Bibliography example:
Electronic Arts. (2003). The Sims. [DISC] PlayStation2. London: Electronic Arts
In-text example:
If you refer to a game or program in the body of your work, the title will need to
be underlined or placed in italics:
a) can be seen in The Sims (2003)
4.5.18 Conference Papers
Conference Papers are similar to authors who contribute chapters to books, i.e.
the contribution appears as part of a wider publication.
Author / Editor - Surname, Initials or Authoring body or group. (Year of
publication - in brackets). Title of Paper. In - Full Title of Conference - in italics
or underlined. Series title and numbers if available. Location and Date of
Conference. Place of Publication: Publisher. Page numbers of paper.
Bibliography example:
Fish, J. (2008). Managing changes in the workplace. In Professional Managers
Conference. Blackpool, Monday 18th to Wednesday 20th February 2008.
Blackpool: PubM. pp. 42-45.
In-text example:
a) (Fish 2008)
b) Fish (2008) noted that…..
Page 29 / 72
4.5.19 Conference Proceedings
Author / Editor - Surname, Initials or Authoring body or group. (Year of
publication - in brackets). Full Title of Conference Report - in italics or
underlined. Series title and numbers - if available. Location and Date of
Conference. Place of Publication: Publisher
Bibliography examples:
Harris, C. and Murton, J. B. (2005). Cryospheric Systems: Glaciers and Permafrost:
Selected Contributions to a Conference of the same name. Geological Society Special
Publication 242. The Geological Society of London. January 2003. London: The
Geological Society. Management Centre International. (2002). Third European
conference on knowledge management. Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 24-25
September 2002. Reading: MCIL.
In-text examples:
a) (Harris & Murton. 2005)
b) (Management Centre International. 2002)
c) Harris & Murton (2005) support this theory…..
d) As indicated by research from Management Centre International (2005)
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
4.5.20 Corporate authors (groups, committees, companies)
(Includes publications by groups, committees, government departments,
companies, etc.)
Name of issuing body (Year of publication in brackets). Title of publication – in
italics or underlined, Place of publication: Publisher, (Report Number – if
available in brackets)
Bibliography Example:
Great Britain. Department of Energy. (1977). Tidal Power Barrages in the Seven
Trent Estuary: Recent Evidence on their Feasibility. London: H. M.S. O. (Energy
Papers 23) Sport Industry Research Centre. (2005). Sport Market Forecasts
2005-2009. Sheffield: Sport Industry Research Centre.
In-text example:
a) (Great Britain. Department of Energy. 1977)
b) The Great Britain Department of Energy (1977) concluded that…….
c) (Sport Industry Research Centre. 2005)
d) Figures from the Sport Industry Research Centre (2005) show that…….
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
4.5.21 Dance (live performance)
Choreographer – Surname, initials. (Premier date - in brackets). Title – in italics
or underlined. [Venue, place of performance and date seen – in square brackets]
Bibliography example:
Jones, R. (2007). Hungarian Folk Dance. [Victoria Hall, Stoke on Trent. 16th
December 2007]
In-text Example:
a) (Hungarian Folk Dance, 2007)
Page 30 / 72
4.5.22 Dance (DVD/ Video)
Director/producer – Surname, initials. (Year published or first transmission in
brackets). Title of Video or programme – in italics or underlined [Material type
e.g.DVD/video – in square brackets], Production company or publisher [further
details to identify dance works]
Bibliography example:
Jones, L. (2005). Ballet Moves [DVD] Dance Mat Ltd. [clips of various ballets
illustrating professional techniques]
In-text example:
a) (Ballet Moves, 2005)
4.5.23 Dictionaries
In some cases Dictionaries may not have authors so your citation or reference
can use the title of the work.
Formats: Dictionary Author/Editor present:
Author - Surname, Initials. (ed.) or (eds.)-in brackets for editor(s) (Year of
publication - in brackets) Dictionary Title – in italics or underlined. Series title
and/or volume - if available. Edition - if not the first. Place of Publication:
Dictionary- no Author:
Title of Dictionary – in italics or underlined. (Year of publication - in brackets).
Series title and/or volume - if available. Edition - if not the first. Place of
Publication: Publisher.
Bibliography examples:
Hawkins, J. M. (ed.) (1986). The Oxford Reference Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Engineering. (2003). 2nd ed. New
York: McGraw-Hill
In-text examples:
a) (Hawkins 1986)
b) (McGraw-Hill 2003)
c) As noted by Hawkins (1986)
d) McGraw-Hill (2003) indicated that…..
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
Page 31 / 72
4.5.24 Discussion List
References from a discussion list will need to commence with the name of the
author of a posting to the list.
Name/sender of discussion posting - Surname, Initials. (Year of posting - in
brackets). Title of discussion posting - in italics or underlined. [Online –in square
brackets]. Date the entry was written. Name of discussion list. Available from –
discussion list address. [Accessed: followed by date in square brackets]
Bibliography example:
Morgan, K. (2007). Teaching Referencing Skills. [Online] April 24th 2007.
RefZone Discussion List Available from:
[Accessed: 2nd May 2008].
In-text example:
a) (Morgan. 2007)
b) …As can be seen in Morgan (2007) results.
4.5.25 E- Books
Author - Surname, Initials. (Year of publication - in brackets). Title - in italics or
underlined. [Online – in square brackets] Place of publication: Publisher.
Available from - URL. [Accessed: followed by date in square brackets]
Bibliography example:
Sadler, P. (2003). Strategic management. [Online] Sterling. VA Kogan Page.
Available from: [Accessed: 6/5/2008]
In-text example:
a) (Sadler, 2003)
b) As identified by Sadler (2003)
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
4.5.26 Email communication
If you use personal email communication to support your assignment please
ensure that you have the consent of those involved in the email.
Sender of email - Surname, Initials. (Year of communication – in brackets) Title
of communication – in italics or underlined. [Medium of communication – in
square brackets] Receiver of Communication – Surname, initials. Day and month
of communication
Bibliography example:
Morgan, K. (2008). Refzone. [E-mail]. Message to: A.Hatton. 10 April 2008.
In-text example:
a) (Morgan 2008)
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
Page 32 / 72
4.5.27 Encyclopaedia entry
Encyclopaedias often contain entries or articles by a collection of authors. Hence,
when citing and referencing from Encyclopaedias use the same format as you
would when referencing an author‟s contributory chapter or article in a book.
Author - Surname, Initials. (ed.) or (eds.)-in brackets for editor(s) (Year of
publication - in brackets) Title of entry or article. In: Author or Editor of
Publication - Surname, Initials with (ed.) or (eds.) - if relevant. Title of
Encyclopaedia - in italics or underlined. Series title and/or volume - if available.
Edition - if not the first. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Bibliography example:
Ghiselin, M. T. (2001). Darwin, Charles (Darwinism). In: Levin, S. A. (ed)
Encyclopaedia of Biodiversity. Volume 2 D-FI. London: Academic Press
In-text example:
a) (Ghiselin 2001)
b) As suggested by Ghiselin (2001)….
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
4.5.28 Exhibition catalogues
Cite and reference Exhibition Catalogues in the same format as a book. However,
if the exhibition catalogue has no author, use the title of the gallery or museum.
Author - Surname, Initials. or Gallery/Museum name. (ed.) or (eds.)-in brackets
for editor(s) (Year of publication - in brackets). Catalogue Title - in italics or
underlined. Series title and volume - if available. Edition - if not the first. Place of
publication: Publisher.
Bibliography example:
Reed, P. (2005). Groundswell: constructing the contemporary landscape: published
on the occasion of the exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, 25th
February – 16 May 2005. New York: Museum of Modern Art. Museum of Modern Art.
(2006). Edvard Munch: the modern life of the soul: published on the occasion of the
exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, New York 17 February – 8 May 2006 with an
introduction by Kynaston McShine. New York: Museum of Modern Art.
In-text examples:
a) (Reed, 2005)
b) (Museum of Modern Art. 2006)
c) As Reed (2005) suggests…….
d) As the Museum of Modern Art (2006) exhibition highlights……
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
Page 33 / 72
4.5.29 Film on video/DVD
Title - in italics or underlined. (Year of distribution - in brackets). Format type
i.e. film, animated film. Directed by – name of directors. [Material type – in
square brackets]. Place of distribution: Distribution Company.
Bibliography examples:
Requiem for a Dream. (2000). Film. Directed by Darren Aronofsky. [DVD]. UK:
Momentum Pictures
Chicken Run. (2000). Animated Film. Directed by Peter Lord and Nick Park.
[VHS] UK: Pathe Distribution.
In-text example:
If you refer to a film in the body of your work, the title will need to be underlined
or placed in italics:
a) (Chicken Run, 2000)
b) …this is highlighted by Harry‟s character in the film Requiem for a Dream
4.5.30 Image in a book
Images, art work, graphs and charts from books are not referenced in the same
way as book chapters. In-text you need to mention the image or art work and
the page number, but in the Bibliography you will need to reference the source
(book, etc.) where you found the image, art work, etc.
Bibliography format:
Author - Surname, Initials. (ed.) or (eds.)-in brackets for editor(s) (Year of
publication - in brackets) Book Title - in italics or underlined. Series title and
volume - if available. Edition - if not the first. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Bibliography example:
If you refer to an image in your work from a book, for example a photograph
from the following book, you will need to reference the source (book) where the
item can be found: Fish, J. (2004). Photographs and Art. London: Fish and Sons.
In-text references to works of art, images, etc. in a book are highlighted in the
text by italics or underlining the title of the work and following it with the
(surname of the author, Year of Publication, p. followed by page number where
the image can be located – in brackets)
a) The photograph Night time by Bloggs in 2001 (Fish. 2004. p.67)
b) This was highlighted in Blogg‟s Night time (Fish. 2004. p. 67).
Page 34 / 72
4.5.31 Interview (you have conducted)
Name of person interviewed - Surname, Initials. (Year of interview – in
brackets). Title of interview – in italics or underlined. [Interview – medium of
source]. Date the interview was conducted.
Bibliography example:
Hatton, A. (2008). Development of library support for early years students.
[Interview] 24th April 2008.
In-text example:
a) (Hatton, 2008)
b) indicated by Hatton (2008)
4.5.32 Interview (recorded)
Name of person interviewed - Surname, Initials. (Year of interview – in
brackets). Interview with Author and Date – in italics of underlined.. Place of
interview. [Cassette recording in possession of author]
Bibliography example:
Hatton, A. (2008). Interview with A.Hatton on 15th April 2008. Stoke on Trent.
[Cassette recording in possession of author]
In-text example:
a) (Hatton, 2008)
b) ….as noted by Hatton (2008)
4.5.33 Journal article (printed journal article)
Printed article format:
Author(s) -Surname, Initials. (Year of publication – in brackets). Title of article.
Title of journal - in italics or underlined. Volume number. (Part number/month –
in brackets). P. followed by page numbers.
Bibliography examples:
Trefts, K. & Blaksee, S. (2000). Did you hear the one about Boolean operators?
Incorporating comedy into library instruction. Reference Services Review. 28 (4)
p. 369-378.
In-text example:
a) (Trefts & Blaksee 2000)
b) This supports Trefts & Blaksee‟s (2000) evidence that……
“direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
Page 35 / 72
4.5.34 Journal article (online/electronic journal article)
Online article format:
Author(s) -Surname, Initials. (Year of publication – in brackets). Title of article.
Title of journal - in italics or underlined. [Online – in square brackets] Volume
number. (Part number/month – n brackets). P followed by page numbers.
Available from - URL. [Accessed: followed by date in square brackets]
Bibliography example:
Wilson, J. (1995). Enter the cyberpunk librarian: future directions in cyberspace.
Library Review [Online] 44 (8) p.63-72. Available from: [Accessed 30/01/2008]
In-text example:
a) (Wilson, J. 1995)
b) According to Wilson (1995)….
“direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname.
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
4.5.35 Law Reports
When referencing Law Reports, square brackets are used for the year of
publication when the date is essential for finding the report. Round brackets are
used when the date is an assistance to when a case was reported in law reports
which also have continuous volume numbers.
Names of parties – in italics. [Year – in square brackets or round brackets – see
above]. Date and/or volume – if available and abbreviated name of the report
and number of first page.
Bibliography example:
Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech AHA. [1986]. A.C. 112 Parkinson v Axon.
(1951). 2 K.B. 678
In-text example:
a) As highlighted in Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech AHA [1986]
b) Parkinson v Axon [1951] indicated that….
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
4.5.36 Lecture
Name of Lecturer – Surname, Initials. (Year of lecture – in brackets). Title of
lecture – in italics or underlined. [Lecture]. Title of Module. Name of teaching
organisation, Department, the location and date.
Bibliography example:
Fish, J. (2007). Future of Information, [Lecture] Academic Futures. Information
Management Module. Staffordshire University, Library, Room OX33, 18th July.
In-text examples
a) (Fish, J. 2007)
b) As indicated by Fish (2007)
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
Page 36 / 72
4.5.37 Lecture Notes
Provide as much detail as possible if you are referencing from Lecture notes
and/or handouts.
Name of Lecturer - Surname, Initials. (Year of Lecture – in brackets). Title of
Lecture, Module Code - capitalised, [Lecture notes or handouts in square
brackets] Title of Lecture notes distributed – in italics or underlined. Title of
Module. Name of teaching organisation, Department, the location, date.
Bibliography example:
Fish, J. (2007). Future of Information, CC-FOINFOY2. [Lecture notes] Academic
Futures. Information Management Module. Staffordshire University, Library,
Room OX33, 18th July.
In-text examples
a) (Fish, J. 2007)
b) As indicated by Fish (2007)
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
4.5.38 Maps
Author/Originator/cartographer of map - Surname, Initials. (Year of publication –
in brackets). Title of map in italics or underlined. Sheet number – if available.
Scale details. Series – if available. Place of Publication: Publisher. Series – if
Bibliography example:
Ordnance Survey. (1956). Map of Roman Britain, Scale sixteen miles to one
inch. Southampton: Ordnance Survey.
In-text example:
a) (Ordnance Survey, 1956)
b) As can be seen in the Map of Roman Britain (Ordnance Survey, 1956)
Page 37 / 72
4.5.39 Market Survey report (printed)
Author - Surname, Initials. or corporate author/research group. (Year of
publication - in brackets) Report Title including dates and series if available - in
italics or underlined. Edition - if not the first. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Bibliography example:
Mintel (2008). Pizza and Pasta Restaurants - UK. London: Mintel
In-text example:
a) (Mintel 2002)
b) The trends highlighted by Mintel (2002)
“direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname. Year of
Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
4.5.40 Market Survey Report (online /electronic)
Online format:
Author - Surname, Initials. or corporate author/research group. (Year of
publication - in brackets) Report Title including dates and series if available - in
italics or underlined [Online – in square brackets]. Edition - if not the first. Place
of Publication: Publisher. Available from - URL. [Accessed: followed by the date –
in square brackets]
Bibliography format:
Mintel (2007). Leisure Venue Catering UK March 2007 [online]. London: Mintel.
Available from [Accessed: 25/04/2008]
In-text format:
a) (Mintel 2007)
b) As highlighted by Mintel (2007)
“direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname.
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
4.5.41 Microform (microfiche or microfilm)
Books, journals and newspapers are sometime stored in a microform format i.e.
microfilm or microfiche. If you are referencing from a microform you should
reference the item as per the original,
i.e. as a book, journal or newspaper, but indicate that the medium is microfilm
or microfiche after the title of the item.
Format: Book on microfilm/microfiche:
Author - Surname, Initials. (ed.) or (eds.)-in brackets for editor(s). (Year of
publication - in brackets) Book Title - in italics or underlined. [Microfiche or
Microfilm – in square brackets]. Series title and volume - if available. Edition - if
not the first. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Journal of microfilm/microfiche:
Author(s) -Surname, Initials. (Year of publication – in brackets). Title of article.
Title of journal - in italics or underlined.
Obnli[Microfiche or Microfilm – in square brackets] Volume number. (Part
number/month – in brackets). Page numbers.
Page 38 / 72
Newspaper on microfilm/microfiche:
Author (Surname, Initials). (Year of publication - in brackets). Title of Article.
Title of Newspaper (in italics or underlined). [Microfilm or Microfiche – in square
brackets] Day and month of article. Page number – if available.
Fictional Bibliography examples:
Chanel, G. B. (1967). Coco Chanel designs. [Microfilm]. Paris: Chanel Fred, B.
(1967). The Designs of Coco Chanel. Journal of Design. [Microfiche]. Vol.1. (2).
pp. 24-29. Jones, G. (1967). The Designs of Coco Chanel. The Paris Daily.
[Microfilm] 26th May. p. 10.
In-text example:
a) (Chanel 1967)
b) (Fred 1967)
c) (Jones 1967)
d) As indicated by Chanel (1967)
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname.
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
4.5.42 Music scores
Musical scores are treated the same as referencing a book.
Originator of score – Surname, Initials. (Year of publication - in brackets). Title
of score – in italics or underlined. Series title and volume - if available. Edition if not the first. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Bibliography example:
Nyman, M. (2003). Pieces from the Piano (Pocket Manual) (Sheet Music). UK:
Music Sales Ltd
In-text example:
a) (Nyman 2003)
4.5.43 Newspaper article (printed article)
Author of the article - Surname, Initials. (Year of publication - in brackets). Title
of Article. Title of Newspaper - in italics or underlined. Day and month of article.
Page number of article - if available.
Bibliography example:
Randerson, J. (2008). Researchers find fish that can count up to four. The
Guardian. 26th February.
In-text Example:
a) (Randerson, 2008)
b) Randerson‟s (2008) article indicates that….
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname.
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
Page 39 / 72
4.5.44 Newspaper article (online / electronic article)
Author of the article - Surname, Initials. (Year of publication - in brackets). Title
of Article. Title of Newspaper - in italics or underlined. [Online]. Day and month
of article. Page number of article - if available. Available from - URL. [Accessed:
followed by date in square brackets]
Bibliography example:
Randerson, J. (2008). Researchers find fish that can count up to four. The
Guardian. 26th February.
p.14. Available from: [Accessed: 22nd May 2008]
In-text example:
a) (Randerson, 2008)
b) Randerson‟s (2008) article indicates that….
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname.
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
4.5.45 Newspaper article (no author)
If there is no author present, use the title of the newspaper – in italics of
underlined to start your reference.
Title of Newspaper – in italics of underlined. (Year of publication - in brackets).
Title of Article. Day and month of article. Page number of article - if available.
Bibliography example:
The Guardian. (1987). Exploration of the Coast. Nov 24th.
In-text example:
a) (The Guardian, 1987)
b) The Guardian (1987) article indicates that….
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname.
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
4.5.46 Newspaper Cartoon
Name of Cartoonist. (Year of publication -in brackets). Title of Cartoon.
[Cartoon] Title of Newspaper - in italics or underlined. Day and month of
cartoon. Page number of cartoon - if available.
Bibliography example:
Bateman, A. (2008). What a Political battle. [Cartoon] East Coast Independent.
14th April 2008. p6
In-text example:
a) (Bateman 2008)
b) …as depicted in Bateman‟s (2008) cartoon.
Page 40 / 72
4.5.47 No Author/Anonymous
For publications without individual authors use Anon instead of the author‟s
name. However, if you are referring to a newspaper article without an author,
replace anon with the title of the Newspaper.
Anon. (Year of publication - in brackets). Book Title - in italics or underlined.
Series title and volume - if available. Edition - if not the first. Place of
Publication: Publisher.
Bibliography example:
Anon. (2002). Atlas of Anatomy. Cobham, Surrey: Taj Books.
In-text example:
a) Human anatomy can be seen in this way (Anon 2002)
4.5.48 No publication date
If the item you are referencing has no publication date or only an approximate or
dubious date, use the following information to best describe the item:
If there is no date available use the abbreviation (n.d.) in brackets
If there is only an approximate date available precede the approximate
date with a lowercase c. (for circa). in brackets, for example (c.1903).
Bibliography example:
Dundee City Art Gallery and Museum. (n.d.) Dundee Tiles 1880-1930. Dundee:
Dundee City Art Gallery and Museum. Roosevelt, T. (c.1886). Thomas Hart
Benton. Boston and New York: Houghton-Mifflin and Company.
In-text example:
a) (Dundee City Art Gallery and Museum. n.d.)
b) This was shown at the exhibition hosted at the Dundee City Art Gallery
and Museum (n.d.)
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
4.5.49 Official publications
Country. Name of Committee, Department or Royal Commission (Year of
publication – in brackets) Title of publication - in italics or underlined. Place of
Publication: Publisher. (Paper number – if available in brackets).
Bibliography examples:
Great Britain. Healthcare Commission, Audit Commission for Local Authorities in
England and Wales. National Audit Office. (2006). Tackling Child Obesity: First
Steps. London: Stationery Office. Great Britain. Department of Health. (1995).
London’s Ambulance Service: Government response to the Second Report from
the Health Committee Session 1994-95. London: H.M.S.O (Cm 3009)
Page 41 / 72
In-text example:
a) (Great Britain. Healthcare Commission, Audit Commission for Local
Authorities in England and Wales. National Audit Office. 2006).
b) Statistics from the Great Britain Healthcare Commission, Audit
Commission for Local Authorities in England and Wales. National Audit
Office. (2006) show that………
c) (Great Britain. Department of Health. 1995).
d) As indicated by the Great Britain Department of Health (1995)
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
4.5.50 Online video
Online video citation should commence with the name of the originator (screen
name) or organisation which produced the online video.
Originator or Screen name of the online video. – Surname, initials or
organisation if no named person is available. (Year of distribution - in brackets).
Title of Online Video – in italics or underlined. If available indicate the Number
and/ or title if part of a series. [Online video –in square brackets]. Date of the
online video. Available from - URL. [Accessed: followed by date in square
Bibliography example:
Berkeley University of California Events, Ucberkeleyevents. (2007). Building
Academic Library 2.0. [Online Video]. November 19th. Available from: [Accessed: May 19th 2008]
If you refer to an online video in the body of your work, the title will need to be
underlined or placed in italics:
a) …as can be seen in Berkeley‟s presentation Building Academic Library 2.0
4.5.51 Original works of Art
Material types can include: paintings, photographs, illustrations, ceramics,
cartoons, drawing, etchings, sculptures, woodcut, etc. Your reference should
state the artist‟s name, its title and where the item can be located or viewed. If
no name is available, use the title of the piece – in italics or underlined as the
first element of the reference.
Artist – surname, initials. (Year – in brackets). Title of artwork – in italics or
underlined, [Material type
– in square brackets]. Title of Art Gallery, Museum etc, Location or City
Bibliography example:
Broom, S. (2002). Daylight. [Photograph]. Manor Art Gallery, Manchester.
Cedar, M. (1938). Mars at Night. [Sculpture]. Manor Art Gallery, Manchester.
In-text example:
a) (Broom. 2002)
b) …highlighted by Cedar‟s Mars at Night (1938)
Page 42 / 72
4.5.52 Plays (published)
If you are referring to the printed publication/script of a play, emphasis is given
to the author first and the play is referenced as a book (see example):
Author - Surname, Initials. (Year of publication - in brackets). Title of Play- in
italics or underlined. [Play – in square brackets]. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Bibliography example:
Osborne, J. (1957). Look Back in Anger. [Play]. London: Faber and Faber
In-text example:
a) (Osborne, 1957)
b) …supported by Osborne‟s (1957) play Look Back in Anger…
“Direct quotations from a play are placed in double quotations marks”
(playwrights‟ Surname, followed by Year of Publication, Act, Scene and/or page
number – in brackets)
4.5.53 Plays (performance)
If you refer to production and performance elements of a play that you have
viewed within your assignment, your reference will need to give emphasis to the
title of the play first (see examples)
Title of Play- in italics or underlined. By Author. (Year of publication - in
brackets). [Play – in square brackets]. Production date, Theatre and Place of
performance: Performers names. Director.
Bibliography example:
A Round of Applause. By Harry Green. (2006). [Play]. First Produced 18th June.
Round Theatre, Burns Wood. Performers: I. Bloggs & S. Jones. Director: Harry
4.5.54 Podcast
Podcast citations should commence with the name of the originator or
organisation which produced the podcast.
Originator of podcast – Surname, initials or organisation if no named person is
available. (Year of distribution - in brackets). Title of Podcast – in italics or
underlined. Number and/or title of the episode
– if needed. [Online – in square brackets]. Date of the Podcast. Available from URL. [Accessed: followed by date in square brackets]
Bibliography examples:
BBC Radio 4. (2008). Material World: Severn Barrage & Palaeopathology
introduced by Quentin Cooper. [Online]. Thursday 15th May. Available from: [Accessed: 19th
May 2008]
In-text example:
If you refer to a podcast in the body of your work, the title will need to be
underlined or placed in italics:
a) …examined in BBC Radio 4‟s podcast Material World: Severn Barrage &
Palaeopathology (2008)
Page 43 / 72
4.5.55 Poem (from an anthology)
Poems are not referenced in the same way as book chapters. In-text you need to
mention the poem and poet and page number, but in the Bibliography you will
need to reference the source (book, etc.) where you found the poem.
Author - Surname, Initials. (ed.) or (eds.)-in brackets for editor(s) (Year of
publication - in brackets) Book Title - in italics or underlined. Series title and
volume - if available. Edition - if not the first. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Fictitious Bibliography example:
If you refer to a poem in your work from a book, for example a poem from the
following book, you will need to reference the source (book) where the poem can
be found: Fish, J. (2004). The Art of Poetry. London: Fish and Sons.
a) The poem Spring Time by Bloggs (Fish. 2004. p.67) shows.....
b) This was highlighted in Bloggs‟ Spring Time (Fish. 2004. p.67).
4.5.56 Punctuation (when using Harvard)
Punctuation can vary when using Harvard. Hence you might find that some
Harvard references will have complete full stops after each part of the reference
and some may not. The generally accepted rule when using Harvard is to be
consistent with your style and use of punctuation throughout your assignment.
For further information or assistance, please refer to:
British Standards Institute. (1990). BS5605:1990. Recommendations for
citing and referencing published material. Milton Keynes: BSI
British Standards Institute. (2000). BS5261-1:2000. Copy Preparation
and Proof Correction. Design and Layout of Documents. Milton Keynes:
Neville, C. (2007). The Complete Guide to Referencing and Avoiding
Plagiarism. Open UP Study Skills. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Pears, R & Shields, G. (2006). Cite Them Right: The Essential Guide to
Referencing and Plagiarism. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Northumbria
University Press.
4.5.57 Radio Broadcast
As Radio broadcasts are the production of a collection of individuals, they should
be cited using the title of the broadcast first. For programmes within a series,
the episode should also be indicated after the series title.
Title - in italics or underlined. Number and/or title of the episode – if needed.
(Year of distribution - in brackets). Name of broadcaster. Broadcast or
transmission date
Bibliography example:
It’s Not Just about the Music. 1968 Season. (2008). BBC Radio 4. Thursday 10th
In-text example:
If you refer to a radio broadcast in the body of your work, the title will need to
be underlined or placed in italics:
a) …highlighted in It’s Not Just about the Music (2008)…
Page 44 / 72
4.5.58 Secondary Referencing using Harvard
What is Secondary Referencing?
Secondary referencing occurs when you are reading a book or journal article
whose author uses facts or information from research done by someone else,
and you want to use this to support your own assignment.
How to Secondary Reference
There are 2 ways that you can approach a secondary reference:
You locate the original research so that you can read, use and cite
directly from this original source. This is often the preferred method as this
shows that you have exercised and increased your own research for your
In some instances this may not be possible as the original research may
be difficult to find or gain access to. If you are confident that this secondary
source is reliable and accurate you can refer to it in your own work using the
Harvard rules for secondary referencing (see below for examples)
In-text example:
If you have read the book „Modern Organisations‟ by Bill Jones (2007) and he refers
to another author, Jean Smith and her ideas of „organisational devolution‟ (1987) and
you want to include Smith‟s ideas, using the Harvard system your citation must
indicate that you have used a secondary source and not the original work undertaken
by Smith.
a) Jean Smith (1987), as summarized by Jones (2007) highlights the application
of „organisational devolution‟ to result in………. Or
b) Smith‟s (1987) „organisational devolution‟ indicates this possibility (in Jones
2007, p. 45)
Bibliography example:
When using the Harvard system in terms of secondary referencing your
Bibliography only needs to give the details of the source that you have read for
the assignment. Using the example above, you would refer to the main text
(Jones 2007) Jones, B (2007). Modern Organisations. London: Routledge
4.5.59 Sound recording – audio CD, Cassette, Vinyl Records
Artist/Originator of recording – Surname, initials. (Year of publication - in
brackets). Title-in italics or underlined [Material type–in square brackets]. Place
of Distribution: Distribution Company.
Bibliography example:
Dylan, Bob. (2001). Love and Theft [CD] UK. Columbia Recordings.
In-text example:
If you refer to the title of a recording in the body of your work, the title will need
to be underlined or placed in italics:
a) (Dylan, 2001)
b) …as influenced by Dylan‟s Love and Theft (2001)…
Page 45 / 72
4.5.60 Statutes (Acts of Parliament) - UK
Country. Name of Act: Name of Sovereign. Chapter Number – in italics or
underlined. (Year of Publication – in brackets). Place of Publication: Publisher.
Bibliography example:
Great Britain. Human Rights Act 1998: Elizabeth ll. Chapter 42. (1998). London:
The Stationery Office
In-text example:
The Human Rights Act 1998 indicated that…… “Direct quotations are placed in
double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname, Year of Publication, p. – followed
by page number – in brackets)
Statutory Instruments - UK Format:
Name and date of Statutory Instrument – in italics or underlined. (SI number –
in brackets)
Bibliography example:
The Rural Development (Enforcement) (England) Regulations 2007. (SI
2007/75) The Air Quality Standards Regulations 2007. (SI 2007/64)
In-text example:
a) The Air Quality Standards Regulations 2007 indicated that……
b) (The Rural Development (Enforcement) (England) Regulations 2007)
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
4.5.61 Television broadcast
As Television broadcasts are the production of a collection of individuals, they
should be cited using the title of the broadcast first. For programmes within a
series, the episode should also be indicated after the series title.
Series title – in italics or underlined. Number and/or title of the episode – if
needed. (Year of distribution - in brackets). Transmitting organisation and
channel, full date and time of transmission.
Bibliography examples:
Panorama. The Challenge of the Sixties. (2008). BBC4. Thursday 15th May.
In-text example:
If you refer to a television broadcast in the body of your work, the title will need
to be underlined or placed in italics:
a) (Panorama. The Challenge of the Sixties 2008)
b) …examined in Panorama’s The Challenge of the Sixties (2008)
Page 46 / 72
4.5.62 Thesis
Author - Surname, Initials. (Year of submission - in brackets) Title of Thesis - in
italics or underlined. Degree statement. Degree Awarding Body. Location: Name
of University.
Bibliography example:
Barnes, D. L. (2000). An Investigation into the Process of Formation of
Operations Strategy in Small Manufacturing Companies. A Thesis Submitted in
partial fulfilment of the Requirements of Staffordshire University for the Degree
of Doctor of Philosophy. Stoke-on-Trent: Staffordshire University.
In-text example:
a) (Barnes 2000)
b) …indicated by Barnes (2000)
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
4.5.63 Unpublished Work
Author - Surname, Initials. (Year of publication - in brackets). Item title – in
italics or underlined. Unpublished.
Bibliography example:
Brick, C. (2002). The Local. Unpublished.
In-text example:
(Brick, C. 2002) This was the conclusion supported by Brick (2002) “Direct
quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname, Year of
Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
UK Bills (House of Commons or House of Lords)
Name and year of Bill. House of Parliament from which the bill originated in
abbreviation format i.e. House of Lords = HL or House of Commons = HC, any
relevant section numbers, if available, (number of the Bill – in brackets)
Bibliography example:
Climate Change Bill 2007-08. HL Bill (9)
In-text example:
a) As can be seen in the Climate Change Bill 2007-08….
“Direct quotations are placed in double quotations marks” (Author‟s Surname,
Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets)
Page 47 / 72
4.5.64 Website
Author – Surname, initials or name of website if no author is available. (Year - in
brackets). Title of website – in italics or underlined. Any numbers if website is
part of a series – if needed. [Online –in square brackets]. Available from - URL.
[Accessed: followed by date in square brackets]
Bibliography format:
BBC News (2008) Factory Gloom worst since 1980 [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 21 October 2008]
In-text example:
a) (BBC News 2008)
b) …as reported on BBC News (2008)
4.5.65 Website – Web document
Author of web document – Surname, initials or name of website if no author is
available. (Year - in brackets). Title of web document – in italics or underlined.
Any numbers as indicated on the web document, i.e. if part of a series - if
needed. [Online –in square brackets]. Date of document – if specified. Available
from - URL. [Accessed: followed by date in square brackets]
Bibliography format:
English Heritage. (2005). Wind Energy and the Historic Environment. [Online].
October 2005. Available from: [Accessed: 20th May 2008
In-text example:
a) (English Heritage. 2008)
b) …as indicated by English Heritage in their report Wind Energy and the
Historic Environment (2005)
4.5.66 Wikis
Name of Wiki. (Year - in brackets). Title of Wiki – in italics or underlined. [Online
–in square brackets]. Available from - URL. [Accessed: followed by date in
square brackets]
Bibliography format:
Subject Wiki for Geography Library Resources - Staffordshire University. (2007).
[Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 19th
May 2008]
In-text example:
If you refer to a Wiki in the body of your work, the title will need to be
underlined or placed in italics:
a) (Subject Wiki for Geography Library Resources – Staffordshire University.
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N. De Silva
Page 51 / 72
Page 52 / 72
An Investigation of the Factors Influencing Customer
Trust in E-Commerce in Sri Lanka
18 pt, Times New Roman,
Bold, Centered
Nadushi De Silva
16 pt, Times New
Roman, Bold, Centered
4 cm
2.5 cm
Submitted to the
Business School
in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of
14 pt, Times New Roman, Centred
Bachelor’s of Arts in
Business Administration (Hons)
Supervised By:
Syed Rehan
Staffordshire University
January 2007, Colombo
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APPROVAL PAGES: Degree Years (L2 & L3). (SAMPLES)
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Approval Page for Level 2 & L3 Thesis
Approval of the Project Manager
Project Manager (Name, Surname)
I certify that this dissertation satisfies the requirements for the degree of
4 cm
(Name )
I certify that I have read this dissertation and that in my opinion it is fully adequate
in scope and quality for the degree of
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Privatization is the process of transferring government properties (public utilities)
from the public sector to the private sector. There should be rules and regulations
which privatizations have to follow to get those resources. There are both positive
and negative externalities from the privatization of water systems. Provision of the
basic water services is a government’s responsibility in many developing countries
around the world. Whether government is unable to supply the water or it lacks the
necessary authority over the natural sources of water, the government has to make
arrangements for a reliable water provision.
Format Paragraph Spacing After 18 pt
This thesis deals with the privatization of water system and its impacts on the
stakeholders. How does privatization affect the poor people? What will happen to the
stakeholders when government starts to privatize the water systems? The secondary
data used for this study is derived from three cases: Metro Manila Waterworks and
Sewerage System, Philippines, Espirito Santo Water System, Brazil and Water and
Sewerage Utility, Panama. A key priority in designing urban water policy and
institutional reforms with the appropriate structure of water charges is to ensure longterm sustainability of supply. The findings from this study also showed that the
positive effect of privatization on lower income people is higher if the number of
new water connections is increased. The recommendations which are developed in
this thesis are that the governments have to be very precise in the specification of the
terms and conditions of the privatization, if it is going to achieve its goals.
Keywords: Stakeholder analysis, poor, economic analysis, financial analysis.
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I would like to thank (Supervisor’s name) for his continuous support and guidance in
the preparation of this study. Without his invaluable supervision, all my efforts could
have been short-sighted.
(name of advisor/assessor, any other individuals) , Asia Pacific Institute of
Information Technology, (School…), helped me with various issues during the
dissertation and I am grateful to him. I am also obliged to (name other important
people) for his/her/their help during my dissertation. Besides, a number of friends
had always been around to support me morally. I would like to thank them as well.
I owe quit a lot to my family who provided me the chance to fulfil my career
objectives and for the support throughout my studies. I would like to dedicate this
study to them as an indication of their significance in this study as well as in my life.
Finally, I am responsible for any errors that remain in this dissertation.
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Table of Contents…………………………………………………………..…
1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………….
2.1 Background of a Contrast……………………………………………….
2.2 The Contrast and Its Causes……………………………………………..
2.3 Traditional Studies and the Failure to Provide a Plausible
3. METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………………
3.1 Rational for the Research Method……………………............................
3.2 Empirical Data and Their Collection……………………........................
3.3 Data Analysis…………………………………………………………....
3.3.1 Curve fitting by regression analysis……………………………….
4. CONLUSIONS……………………………………………………………..
A. DATA RELATED TO CHAPTER 1……………………………………….
B. DATA RELATEDTO CHAPTER 3………………………………………..
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Double spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman
Table 3.1 Average Cost of Water by Income Class in Bhutan, 1995……
Table 3.2 Allocation of Stakeholders Impacts of Project (Bhutan, South Water
Distribution Project)…………………………………………………. 67
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Figure 2.1
Consumer Surplus of an Individual Water Consumer…………….
Figure 2.2
Coping Costs for Users Who Have to Travel and Queue to Obtain
Water Service……………………………………………………...
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Espirito Santo State
Net present value
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Much theoretical and experimental effort has been devoted recently to study the
dynamics of energy flow, following the initial excitation of a surface molecule. Most
of these studies deal with the processes of dissociative adsorption and disproportion
of small molecules chemisorbed on metal surfaces; these processes are governed by
formation and rupture of covalent absorbate-metal chemical bonds. The processes of
physical adsorption and desorption on non-metallic surfaces have received less
Format Paragraph Spacing After 18 pt
The essential feature of the physisoprtion systems is that the attractive forces
between the adsorbate and the surface are relatively nonspecific Van Waals forces.
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Sample Table
Table 1: Teledensity.
Source: Information Communication & Technology Agency, GOSL (2010)
Sample Image
Figure 1: Name of the Figure/Picture
Source & Permissions: Provide the source the image was taken from
Addition Information
All physical material which is required for module assessment
(CD ROMS, Floppies, Questionnaires, Interviews, Audio
Tapes, Quotations, Permission Letters, etc) must be attached in
an appropriate manner with the document.
Page 64 / 72
Ahamet B. 2003, Angels with attitude: Changes in Software Development Culture,
1945-1990, PhD thesis, Staffordshire University. UK.
Grbich, C. (ed.) 1999a, Health in Australia: Sociological Concepts and Issues, 2nd
edn, Longman, Sydney.
Grbich, C. 1999b, Qualitative Research in Health: An Introduction, Allen & Unwin,
St. Leonards, NSW.
Jarvis, T. J., Tebbutt, J. & Mattick, R. P. 1995, Treatment Approaches for Alcohol
and Drug Dependence: An Introductory Guide, John Wiley, Chichester, UK.
King, M. & Wilson, K. 1999, 'The teaching and learning principles of metropolitan
Aborigines with diabetes', Contemporary Nurse, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 152-158.
Lawnham, P. 2000, 'Program aims to attract nurses to aged care', Australian, 21 June,
p. 47. Nicholson, S. M. 1999, Angels with attitude: Changes in South Australian
hospital nursing culture, 1945-1990, PhD thesis, Flinders University of South
'Patient latex allergy and its implications for surgery' 1992, Journal of
Perianaesthesia Nursing, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 34-36.
Rudge, T. 2000, Health and illness, lecture notes distributed in the topic Foundations
of Nursing (NURS 1404) at Flinders University of South Australia, Bedford Park on
17 April.
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References & Bibliography
Lester, J. D. 1991. Writing research papers: A complete guide, 5th ed. Glenview
Scott, Foresman and Company.
Hacker, D. 1997. A pocket style manual, 2nd ed. Bedford Books, Boston.
Damarell. R. 2001. Harvard Referencing Guide, Revised Ed. Flinders University,
Information Services. (2010). Harvard Reference Examples. [Online]. March
2010. Available from:
harvard_referencing_examples.pdf [Accessed: 10 March, 2010]
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