claim translation service brochure MK16O
claim translation service brochure MK16O
Asia – continued Burmese Hmong Indonesian Japanese Khmer (Cambodian) Europe Albanian Armenian Basque Bosnian Bulgarian Croatian Korean Czech Laotian Danish Malay Dutch Mien Estonian Mongolian Finnish Thai French Europe – continued Pacific Islands Icelandic Fijian Italian Ilocano Lithuanian Indonesian Macedonian Malay Norwegian Marshallese Polish Samoan Portuguese Tagalog Romanian Tongan Russian Serbian North America, South America, and Caribbean Slovak French Spanish Haitian Creole Swedish Portuguese Ukranian Spanish Vietnamese German Greek Hungarian Yiddish claim translation service no matter what language you speak, we speak it too Involved in a claim and English isn’t your first language? We now offer over-the-phone translation services to help you explain the details of your claim. This service is free for ICBC claims customers and is available in over 170 languages. Here’s how it works: Meet with your adjuster at the claim centre or over the phone through Dial-a-Claim. If you’re unable to communicate clearly in English, we • will call an interpreter, • within a few minutes, someone will be able to translate for you in your own language. India, Pakistan, and Southwest Asia Africa – continued Middle East Bengali Dinka Arabic French Armenian Gujarati Hindi Hausa Azerbaijani Italian Dari Nuer Farsi Punjabi Oromo Hebrew Sinhalese Portuguese Kurdish Tamil Portuguese Creole Pashto Somali Turkish Malayalam Nepali more information Talk to your adjuster or visit our website: ICBC 24/7 Dial-a-Claim service: Vancouver and Lower Mainland: 604-520-8222 Anywhere in Canada or the U.S.: toll-free 1-800-910-4222 Telugu Swahili Urdu Tigrinya Asia China Africa Wolof Cantonese Acholi Yoruba Amharic Chaochow Fukienese Mandarin Arabic Shanghai Taiwanese Statement of Limitation The information in this publication is intended to provide general information only and is not intended to provide legal or professional advice. We have used plain language to summarize some of the terms of the policy that is the topic of this publication or help readers understand some of the laws affecting the topic of this publication at the date it was written. You should follow the more detailed wording and requirements of current applicable statutes and regulations or policy, even if they contradict the wording and requirements set out in this publication. Toishanese MK160 (062010)