Chad Mansfield League Handbook 2015/16
Chad Mansfield League Handbook 2015/16
2015-2016 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 CHAD MANSFIELD FOOTBALL LEAGUE (formed in 1950) Welcome to the 2015-16 edition of the CHAD Mansfield Youth Football League Handbook We have taken every care to ensure that all details contained in the publication are correct at the time of its publication Page 2 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 DETAILS OF LEAGUE OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS President Alan Streather Telephone: - N/A; Mobile: - 07943 849024 E-mail :- [email protected] Chairman: Mick Kozluk 6, Field Place, Kirkby in Ashfield, Nottingham.NG17 8HT Telephone: - N/A Mobile: - 07766 569561 E-mail:- [email protected] Vice Chairman: Jim Holmes 58, Abbey Road, Edwinstowe, Mansfield, Notts.NG21 9LH Mobile: - 07889 587391 E-mail:- [email protected] League Secretary: Graham Hall 3, Clumber Court, Warsop, Mansfield, Notts.NG20 0LP. Telephone: - N/A; Mobile: - 07943 849026 or 07791 155891 E-mail:- [email protected] Treasurer: Tom Knight 29 Nelson Street Retford DN22 6LP Telephone: - N/A; Mobile: - 07921 269433 E-mail:- [email protected] Registration Secretary: David Peake 61,Stamper Crescent,Skegby,Sutton in Ashfield.NG17 3BQ Mobile :- 07532 035053 E-mail :- [email protected] Child Welfare Officer; Kay Brooks 15 Silk Street Sutton in Ashfield Notts NG17 5AA Telephone: - 01623 441921 Mobile 07400 632509 E-mail:- [email protected] Respect Officer: Michael Brooks 15 Silk Street Sutton in Ashfield Notts NG17 5AA Telephone:- 01623 441921 Mobile 07735 235073 E-mail:- [email protected] Page 3 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Referees & Liaison Secretary: Stuart Powell 1 Trent Walk Mansfield Woodhouse Notts NG19 9PA Mobile :- 07943 849056 E-mail:- [email protected] FULL TIME Website coordinator: David Richardson 25,Muirfield Way,Mansfield Woodhouse,Notts.NG19 9EH. Mobile :- 07956 667150 E-mail :- [email protected] Match Controller: Alan Streather 37, Ley Lane, Mansfield Woodhouse,Notts.NG19 8JU. Telephone: - N/A; Mobile: - 07943 849024 E-mail :- [email protected] Match Result forms Beverley Harper 64,Bainbridge Road,Warsop,Mansfield,Notts.NG20 0NE. Telephone :- 01623 844308 ; Mobile :- 07432 766840 E-mail :- [email protected] Events Coordinator: Leisa Cheston 25,Coopers Rise,Rainworth,Mansfield,Notts.NG21 0AN Telephone :- 01623 490474 ; Mobile :- 07551 375473 E-mail :- [email protected] VICE PRESIDENTS LIFE MEMBERS HONORARY COMMITTEE MEMBERS HONORARY LEAGUE MEMBERS Paul Bentham Dennis Banner Graham Hall Peter Haynes Mick Kozluk Tony King Les Sharpe Gren Sherratt Sam Slack Tony Wood John Deller Jim Foster Colin Watson Bill Holland Jayne Norwood Stuart Powell Jim Clarke Jean Coleman John Shepstone Bob Burton Page 4 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 DATES OF OUR GENERAL MEETINGS – 2015/16 All meetings are held at the Forest Town Arena. NG19 0EE. Commencing at 7.00 p.m. ALL CLUBS MUST BE REPRESENTED OTHERWISE FINES WILL BE ISSUED FOR NON ATTENDANCE. 3rd. September 20157th. January 2016 7th April 2016 9th. June 2016 – ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING A induction meeting will be held on 6th August 2015 for all club managers 7pm start. DATES OF YOUTH LEAGUE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETINGS All Thursdays at Forest Town Welfare SC.NG19 0EE, commencing at 7.00 p.m. 18th June 2015 20th August 2015 26th November 2015 18th February 2016 19th May 2016 2nd July 2015 17th September 2015 10th December 2015 18th March 2016 16th July 2015 15th October 2015 21st January 2016 21st April 2016 IMPORTANT NOTICE CONCERNING CORRESPONDENCE No correspondence from Clubs will be dealt with unless it is received by the League Secretary no later than 24 hours prior to the Management Committee Meeting. ALL LETTERS MUST BE SIGNED BY THE CLUB SECRETARY otherwise will not be discussed. DETAILS OF NOTTS FA SHIELD & LEAGUE CUP COMPETITION DATES Round 1 2 3 4 S/F Final County Shield Benevolent Cup Knock Out Cup TBA TBA TBA TBA The League starts on Saturday 5th September 2015 The League finishes on Saturday 21st May 2016 All Play-Off matches will be played by Tuesday 31st . May 2016 REMEMBER – that we are a Saturday Competition and therefore NO FIXTURES will take place on Sundays under any circumstances. Page 5 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 CHAD MANSFIELD YOUTH FOOTBALL LEAGUE STANDARD CODE OF RULES NOMENCLATURE AND CONSTITUITION 1 (A). This Competition shall be designated the CHAD Mansfield Youth Football League and known as the above and shall consist of not more than 200 Clubs approved by the sanctioning authority. The Competition will provide football in accordance with the agreed youth formats published under FA Rule C4(A). This Competition will reproduce the relevant FA Rule in its handbook and on its website to ensure clarity and compliance with Rule 8(B). (B) All such Member Clubs must be affiliated to an affiliated County Football Association and their names and particulars shall be returned annually by the appointed date on the Form ‘D’ to the Nottinghamshire County Football Association. The area covered by the Competition Membership shall be within a 25 mile radius of the Mansfield town Centre. This Competition shall apply annually for sanction to the Nottinghamshire County Football Association and the constituent of Member Clubs may be grouped in divisions. (C) Inclusivity and Non-discrimination (i) This Competition and each Member Club must be committed to promoting inclusivity and to eliminating all forms of discrimination. (ii) This Competition and each Member Club does not and must not [by its rules and regulations or] in any manner whatsoever unlawfully discriminate against any person within the meaning and scope of the Equality Act 2010 or any law, enactment, order or regulation relating to discrimination (whether by age, gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, marital status, race, nationality, ethnic origin, color, religion or belief, ability or disability or otherwise). (iii) This Competition and each Member Club must make every effort to promote equality by treating people fairly and with respect, by recognizing that inequalities may exist, by taking steps to address them and by providing access and opportunities for all members of the community, irrespective of age, gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, marital status, race, nationality, ethnic origin, color, religion or belief, ability or disability or otherwise. (iv) Any alleged breach of the Equality Act 2010 legislation must be referred to the appropriate sanctioning Association for investigation. (D)This Competition wishes to become a designated Charter Standard League. Existing Member Clubs have two years (until the end of the 2015-16 season) to achieve the Charter Standard club award or face expulsion from the League. New Member Clubs have one year to achieve the Charter Standard club award. The League has the right to refuse membership to a Club if it fails to demonstrate commitment to achieving the award. (E) This Competition and its Clubs shall support the FA’s Respect Programme. As such it recognizes that everyone in football has a collective responsibility to create a fair, safe and enjoyable environment in which the game can take place. A Respect League values the contribution of match officials, players and spectators and ensures that they are treated with courtesy and fairness by opposing players, club officials and spectators. The League and its Clubs will seek to play fixtures in a fair, competitive but not antagonistic environment. Page 6 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 (F) At the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting called for the purpose, a majority of the delegates present shall have power to decide or adjust the compilation of the divisions at their discretion. When necessary this Rule shall take precedence over Rule 12. ENTRY FEE, SUBSCRIPTION, and DEPOSIT 2 (A) Applications by Clubs for admission to this Competition must be made in writing to the Secretary and must be accompanied by an Entry Fee of £5.00 per team which shall be returned in the event of non-election. At the discretion of a majority of the accredited voting members present applications, of which due notice has been given, may be received at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting. The Entry Fee shall apply. When Rule 12(B) is applied and a team seeks a transfer or is compulsorily transferred to another division no Entry Fee shall be payable. (B) The Annual Subscription shall be £10.00 per team playing 11 a side football, £10.00 per team playing 9 v 9 football and £10.00 per team playing Mini Soccer. 50% is payable on or before the first Thursday in August in each year and 50% is payable on or before the first Thursday in September, or before the first fixture in each year. (C) Each Club shall, upon election, pay a Deposit of £25.00 which shall be returnable to Clubs on leaving the Competition provided they have fulfilled their fixtures and complied with all orders of the Management Committee. (D) A Club shall not participate in this Competition until the Entry Fee, Annual Subscription and Deposit have been paid. (E) Clubs must advise annually to the Secretary in writing of its own County Football Association affiliation number by 1st. September for the forthcoming season, failing which they will be fined £20. Clubs must advise the Secretary in writing, or on the prescribed form, of details of its Headquarters, Officers and any other information required by the Committee. OFFICERS 3. The Officers of the Competition shall be determined by the Annual General Meeting and elected thereat. (N.B. Auditors / Verifiers are not Officers). MANAGEMENT, NOMINATION, ELECTION 4. (A) The Competition shall be governed in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Football Association by a Management Committee comprised of the Officers and 15 other members and at least 3 Members Clubs who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. All participants shall abide by the Football Association Regulations for Safeguarding Children as determined by the Football Association from time to time. (B) Retiring Officers shall be eligible to become candidates for re-election without nomination. All other candidates for election as Officers or Members of the Management Committee shall be nominated to the Secretary in writing signed by the Secretaries of two Member Clubs, not later than 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting in each year. Names of the candidates for election shall be circulated with the notice of the Annual General Meeting. In the event of there being no nomination in accordance with the foregoing for any Office, nominations may be received at the Annual General Meeting. (C) The Management Committee shall meet at least quarterly. On receiving a requisition signed by two thirds of the Members of the Management Committee the Secretary shall convene a meeting of the Committee. Page 7 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 (D) Except where otherwise mentioned all communications shall be addressed to the Secretary who shall conduct the correspondence of the Competition and keep a record of the proceedings. (E) All communications received from Clubs must be conducted through their nominated officer. POWERS OF MANAGEMENT 5 (A) The Management Committee may appoint sub-committees and delegate such of their power as they deem necessary. The decisions of all sub-committees shall be reported to the Management Committee for ratification. The Management Committee shall have power to deal only with matters within the Competition and not for any matters of misconduct that are under the jurisdiction of the Football Association or affiliated Association. (B) Subject to the permission of the Nottinghamshire County Football Association having been obtained the Management Committee may order a match or matches to be played each season, the proceeds to be devoted to the funds of the Competition and, if necessary, may call upon each Club (including any Club which may have withdrawn during the season) to contribute equally such sums as may be necessary to meet any deficiency at the end of the season. (See Rule 6 (E). (C) Each member of the Management Committee shall have the right to attend and vote at all Management Committee Meetings and have one vote thereat, but no Member shall be allowed to vote on any matters directly appertaining to such Member of to the Club so represented, or where there may be a conflict of interest. (This shall apply to the procedure of any sub Committee). In the event of the voting being equal on any matter, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote. (D) The Management Committee shall have powers to apply, act upon and enforce the Rules of the Competition and shall also have jurisdiction over all matters affecting the competition including any not provided for in these Rules. With the exception of Rules 5(I), 6(H), 10(A), 11 and 19, for all breaches of Rule a formal written charge must be issued. The respondent shall be given seven days from the date of notice to reply to the charge and given the opportunity to: (i) Accept or deny the charge (ii) Submit in writing a case of mitigation, or (iii) Put their case before the Management Committee All breaches of the Laws of the Game, Rules and Regulations of The Football Association shall be dealt with in accordance with F.A. Rules by the appropriate Association. With the exception of Clubs playing at Step 7 of the Football Pyramid and the FA Women’s Premier League, the maximum fine permitted for any breach of a Competition rule is £250 and, when setting any fine, the Competition must ensure that the penalty is proportional to the offence, taking into account any mitigating circumstances. (E) All decisions of the Management Committee shall be binding subject to the right of appeal in accordance with Rule 16. Decisions of the Management Committee must be notified in writing to those concerned within 14 days. (F) 30% of the members of the Management Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business of the Management Committee and 30% of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business by any sub-Committee of the Competition. Page 8 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 (G) The Management Committee, as it deems necessary, shall have power to fill in any acting capacity, any vacancies that may occur amongst their number. (H) A Club having failed to comply with an order or instruction of the Management Committee, or failing to satisfactorily attend to the business and/or correspondence of the Competition shall be liable to be fined or otherwise penalized at the discretion of the Management Committee. (I) All fines and charges shall be paid within 14 days of the date of posting of the written notification. Any Club failing to do so will be fined a maximum of £50. Further failure to pay the fine including the additional sum within 14 days will result in fixtures being withdrawn until such time as the outstanding payments are settled. (J) A member of the Management Committee appointed by the Competition to attend a meeting or match may have any expenses incurred refunded by the Competition. (K) The Management Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy that may occur in the membership of the Competition between the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting called to decide the constitution and the commencement of the Competition season. (L) No participant under the age of 18 can be fined. (M) Leagues who organize Mini Soccer (for teams playing U/7 and U/8 football) may not, with the exception of Rules 6, 11d, 14 and 19 fine Clubs for breaches of League Rules. (N) For those leagues defined under rule 5(M) when a team fails to fulfil either a festival or development fixture and pitch hire costs have been incurred, the Organizing Competition will be empowered to order the defaulting club to pay these costs and charge an administration fee of up to £10. (O) The business of the Competition as determined by the Management Committee may be transacted by electronic mail or facsimile. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 6 (A) The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than the end of June in each year. At this Meeting the following business shall be transacted provided that at least 51% of Members are present and entitled to vote :i. To receive and confirm the Minutes of the preceding Annual General Meeting. ii. To consider any business arising from them. iii. To receive and adopt the Annual Report, Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts. iv. Election of Clubs to fill vacancies (as recommended by the Management Committee). v. Constitution of the Competition for the ensuing season. vi. Election of Officers and Management Committee. vii. Appointment of Auditors. viii. Alteration of Rules, if any (of which notice has been given). Page 9 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 ix. To fix the date for the commencement and conclusion of the season and kick off times applicable to the Competition. x. Other business which due notice shall have been given and accepted as being relevant to the Annual General Meeting. (B) A copy of the duly audited Balance Sheet, Statement of Accounts and Agenda shall be forwarded to each Club at least fourteen days prior to the Meeting, and to the Nottinghamshire County Football Association. (C) A signed copy of the duly audited Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts shall be sent to the Nottinghamshire County Football Association within 14 days of its adoption by the Annual General Meeting. (D) Each Full Member Club shall be empowered to send two delegates to an Annual General Meeting. Each Club shall be entitled to one vote only. Not less than 14 days’ notice shall be given of any Meeting. (E) Clubs who have withdrawn their Membership of the Competition during the season being concluded or who are not continuing Membership shall be entitled to attend but shall vote only on matters relating to the season being concluded. (F) All voting shall be conducted by a show of voting cards unless a ballot be demanded by at least 51% of the delegates qualified to vote or the Chairman so decides. (G) No individual shall be entitled to vote on behalf of more than one Full Member Club. (H) Any continuing Member Club failing to be represented at the Annual General Meeting without satisfactory reason being given may be fined £25. (I) Officers and Management Committee members shall be entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting. AGREEMENT TO BE SIGNED 7. The Chairman and Secretary of each Club shall complete and sign the following agreement which shall be deposited with the Competition together with the Application for Membership for the coming season, or upon indicating that the Club intends to compete. We, A ……………………………………………….. of …………………………………………. (Chairman) and B ………………………................ of …………………………………………. (Secretary) of the ………………………………………………………. Football Club have been provided with a copy of the Rules and Regulations of the CHAD Mansfield Youth Football League and do hereby agree for and on behalf of the said Club, if elected or accepted into Membership, to conform to those Rules and Regulations and to accept, abide by and implement the decisions of the Management Committee of the Competition, subject to the right of appeal in accordance with Rule 16. Page 10 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Any alteration of the Chairman and/or Secretary on the above Agreement must be notified to the Parent County Football Association to which the Club is affiliated and to the Secretary of the Competition. (Note – The spaces above are intended for the inclusion of the signatures and addresses of officers and members). QUALIFICATION OF PLAYERS 8 (A) i. Contract Players, as defined in Football Association Rules, are not permitted in this Competition with the exception of those Players who are registered under Contract with the same Club who have a team operating at Steps 1 to 6 of the National League System. ii. It is the responsibility of each Club to ensure that any player signing a registration form for that Club has, where necessary, the required International Transfer Certificate. Clearance is required for any player aged 10 and over crossing borders including Wales, Scotland and Ireland. iii. No player registered with a F.A. Premier League or Football League Academy under the Elite Player Performance Plan contained within the Youth Development Rules will be permitted to play in this Competition. Details of the Youth Development Rules are published on the FA web site. iv. While serving in any branch of Her Majesty’s Regular Forces, a player must first obtain the consent of his Association Secretary before signing a registration form to play for a Club. (B) A registered youth playing member of a Club is one who, being in all other respects eligible has – (i). Signed a fully and correctly completed Competition Registration Form in ink, countersigned by his/her parent or guardian, and by a designated Officer of the Club, and who has been registered with the Chad Mansfield Youth Football League prior to playing and whose completed registration counterfoil has been received by the Club prior to playing. The registration document must incorporate a current passport-size photograph of the player seeking registration together with proof of the player’s date of birth. If a player’s age is required for registration purposes a Competition must accept an original birth certificate or a photocopy. In cases where the birth certificate is not available a Competition is required to accept a photocopy of the player’s passport or other official document issued by a Government Agency attesting to the player’s date of birth. (C) A child who has not attained the age of six shall not play, and shall not be permitted or encouraged to play, in a match of any kind.The relevant age for each player is determined by his or her age as at midnight on 31 August of the relevant playing season. i.e. Children who are aged 6 as at midnight on 31 August in a playing season together with those who attain the age of 6 during the playing season will be classed as Under 7 players for that playing season. Children who are aged 7 as at midnight on 31 August in a playing season will be classed as Under 8 players for that playing season, and so on. Notwithstanding the above, a child is permitted to play up in the age group above his or her chronological age group, irrespective of any changes of format or competition structure, save that a child who attains the age of 6 after 31 August is permitted to play only in the Under 7 age group, and may not play in the Under 8 age group, for that playing season. Page 11 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 The age groups that children are eligible to play in are set out in the table below, along with the permitted football formats for each of those age groups. Children shall not play, and shall not be permitted or encouraged to play, in a match between sides of more than the stated number of players, according to their age group: Age on 31 August of the relevant playing season 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Eligible Age Groups Maximum Permitted Format Under 7 Under 8 Under 8 Under 9 Under 9 Under 10 Under 10 Under 11 Under 11 Under 12 Under 12 Under 13 Under 13 Under 14 Under 14 Under 15 Under 15 Under 16 Under 16 Under 17 Under 18 Under 17 Under 18 Open Age 5v5 5v5 7v7 7v7 7v7 9v9 9v9 9v9 11v11 11v11 11v11 11v11 11v11 11v11 (D) A player having taken part in matches for any Club affiliated to any County Football Association shall not be allowed to join, be transferred to, or sign for a Club in the Competition without first proving to the officials of the intended Club that the player has discharged all reasonable financial liabilities to the previous Club or Clubs and a Club official may not accept such player’s signature without first ascertaining whether such claims have been discharged to the satisfaction of the Club, or Clubs, for which the player last played. (E) A fee of £2.00 shall be paid for each player registered. Page 12 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 (F) The Management Committee shall decide all registration disputes. In the event of a player signing a registration form or having a registration submitted for more than one Club priority of registration shall decide for which Club the player will be registered. The Registrations Secretary shall notify the Club last applying to register the player of the fact of the previous registration. (G) It shall be deemed misconduct for a player to: (i) play for more than one Club in the Competition in the same season without first being transferred. (ii) Having signed for one Club in the Competition, sign for another Club in the Competition in that season except for the purpose of a transfer. (iii) Submit a signed registration form for registration that the player had wilfully neglected to accurately or fully complete. (H)(i) The Management Committee shall have the power to accept the registration of any player subject to the provisions of clauses (ii) and (iii) below. (ii) The Management Committee shall have the power to refuse, cancel or suspend the registration of any player who has been charged and found guilty of registration irregularities. (Subject to Rule 16). (iii) The Management Committee shall have power to make application to refuse or cancel the registration of any player found guilty of undesirable conduct (Subject to Rule 16), subject to the right of appeal to the FA or the relevant County Football Association. Undesirable conduct shall mean an incident of repeated proven misconduct, which may deter a participant from being involved in this Competition. Application should be made to the parent County of the Club the player is registered or intending to be registered with. (iv) For a player who has previously had a registration removed in accordance with clause (iii) but has a registration accepted at the expiry of exclusion will be considered to be under a probationary period of 12 months. Whilst under a probationary period, should the player commit a further act of proven misconduct under the jurisdiction of the competition, (excluding standard dismissals), the Competition would be empowered to consider a further charge of bringing the Competition into disrepute. (Note – Action under clause (iii) shall not be taken against a player for misconduct until the matter has been dealt with by the appropriate Association, and then only in cases of the player bringing the Competition into disrepute and will in any case be subject to an Appeal to the Football Association).All decisions must include the period of restriction. For the purpose of this Rule, bringing the competition into disrepute can only be considered where the player has received in excess of 112 days’ suspension, or 10 matches in a match based discipline, in a period of two years or less from the date of the first offence for any team playing in this Competition. (I) Subject to FA Rule C2(a) dealing with players without a written contract when a player desires a transfer, the Club the player wishes to transfer to shall submit a transfer form to the nominated Official accompanied by a fee of £5. Such transfer shall be referred by the League to the Club for which the player is registered. Should this Club object to the transfer it should state its objections in writing to the League and to the player concerned within seven days of receipt of the transfer form. Upon receipt of the Club’s consent, or upon its failure to give written objections within seven days, the League may, transfer the player who shall be deemed eligible to play for the new Club from such date or one day after the receipt of such transfer. In the event of an objection to a transfer the matter shall be referred to the Nottinghamshire Football Association for a decision. (J) A player may not be registered for a Club nor transferred to another Club in the Competition after 16th. March in any season, except by special permission of the Management Committee. Page 13 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 (K) A Club shall keep a list of the players it registers and record of the games in which they have played, and shall produce such records upon demand by the Management Committee. In the event a Club has more than one team in an age group, each team must be clearly identifiable but not designated ‘A’. ‘’B’, or 1. Or 2. Etc. In such cases, players will be registered for one team only. A player so registered will be allowed to play for his Club in a younger or older age group within the provisions of Rule 8(B). (L) A register containing the names of all players registered for each Club, with the date of registration shall be kept by the nominated Official and shall be open to inspection of any duly appointed Member Club representative at all management Committee meetings or at other times mutually agreed. Registrations are valid for one season only. (M) A player shall not be eligible to play for a team in any special championship, promotion or relegation deciding match (as specified in Rule 12(A), unless the player has played 3 games for that team in this Competition in the current season. (O) (i) Any team playing an unregistered or otherwise ineligible player or players shall have the points gained in the match deducted from its total and may be fined and/or otherwise dealt with at the discretion of the Management Committee. (NOTE – Please refer to the relevant fine on the printed Schedule.) (ii) In addition the team may, for each offence, have 3 points deducted from its total at the discretion of the Management Committee and may be dealt with in any further manner which is thought to be fit. (iii) The Management Committee may, at its discretion, award any points available in the match in question to the opponents, subject to the match not being ordered to be replayed. (The following clause applies to Competitions involving players in full-time secondary education) (P) (i) Priority must be given at all times to school and school organization’s activities. This is not applicable for Under 17 / 18 football. (ii) The availability of children must be cleared with the Head Teachers (except for Sunday Competitions). (iii) A child under the age of 15 as at midnight on 31 August in a playing season shall not be permitted to play in a match during that playing season where any other player is older or younger than that child by two years or more. CLUB COLOURS, CLUB NAME 9. (A) Every Club must register the colour of its shirts and shorts with the Secretary by 1st. July who shall decide as to their suitability. Goalkeepers must wear colours which distinguish them from other players and the referee. No player, including the goalkeeper, shall be permitted to wear black or very dark shirts. Any team not being able to play in its normal colours as registered with the Competition shall notify the colours in which they play to its opponents at least 5 days before the match. If, in the opinion of the referee, two Clubs have the same or similar colours, the away team shall make the change. Any team not having a change of colours or delaying the kick off by not having a change shall be fined £5. Page 14 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 The Secretary of the Competition may request shirts to be submitted if complaints are received as to lack of distinguishing colours, and the Management Committee may refuse to allow any shirts or shorts as they think fit. Shirts must be numbered. (B) Any Club wishing to change its name and/or colours must obtain permission from its affiliated County Football Association and from the Management Committee. PLAYING SEASON, CONDITIONS OF PLAY, TIMES OF KICK OFF, POSTPONEMENTS, SUBSTITUTES 10. (A) The Annual General Meeting shall determine the commencing and concluding dates of the season in accordance with Football Association Rules. Original fixtures arranged by the Fixtures Secretary, or at a meeting specially convened for that purpose, to be held no later than 31st. August must not be arranged for a date later than seven days preceding the concluding date. (B) All matches shall be played in accordance with the Laws of the Game as determined by the International Football Association Board or, for Mini Soccer and 9 v. 9 football, the Laws as set down by the Football Association. Clubs must take all reasonable precautions to keep their grounds in a playable condition. All matches shall be played on pitches deemed suitable by the Management Committee. If through any fault of the home team in a match has to be replayed, the Management Committee shall have power to order the venue to be changed. The Management Committee shall have power to decide whether a pitch and/or facilities are suitable for matches in the Competition and to order the Club concerned to play its fixtures on another ground. Football Turf Pitches (3G Artificial Pitches) are allowed in this Competition providing they meet the required performance standards and are listed on the FA’s Register of Football Turf Pitches. For clubs playing at Step 7 and below from season 2014/15, all Football Turf Pitches used must be on the FA’s register and must be tested (by an accredited test institute) every three years and the results passed to The FA. The FA will give a decision on the suitability for use and add the pitch to the register. The home Club is also responsible for advising participants of footwear requirements when confirming match arrangements in accordance with Rule 10(D). All matches shall have duration as set out below unless a shorter time (not less than the normal time less 10 minutes), is mutually arranged by the two Clubs in consultation with the referee prior to the commencement of the match, and in any event shall be of equal halves. For Mini Soccer: The maximum duration of play shall be two halves of 20 minutes each way, and for the under 9 and under 10 age groups, two halves of 25 minutes each way. The maximum playing time in any one day for Under 7 and Under 8 age groups is 40 minutes and for Under 9 and Under 10 age groups is 60 minutes in all competitions. For Youth Football: The duration of play shall be as follows, unless it is mutually agreed by all parties to reduce the time. For Under 11’s and Under 12’s: 30 minutes each half For Under 13’s and Under 14’s: 35 minutes each half For Under 15’s and Under 16’s: 40 minutes each half For Under 17’s and Under 18’s: 45 minutes each half The Minimum time for any team will be not less than 20 minutes each half for players in the Under 14’s age group and below and 25 minutes each half for all other age groups. Page 15 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 No player participating in an under 11 or under 12 division as at midnight on 31st August in any season shall be permitted to play more than one game or in the event the competition allows the playing of a double-header, i.e. two separate matches, 80 minutes per day in all competition. For under 13 to under 16 Divisions, no player may play more than 100 minutes per day in all competitions and for under 17 and under 18 divisions, not more than 120 minutes per day in all competitions. The times of kick off shall be fixed by the Annual General Meeting. Any Club failing to commence at the appointed time may be fined a sum not exceeding £20 or be otherwise dealt with as the Management Committee may determine. Referees must order matches to commence at the appointed time and must report all late starts to the Competition. The home team must provide at least 2 footballs fit for play and the referee shall make a report to the Competition if the footballs are unsuitable. A size 3 ball will be used for age groups Under 7’s to Under 9’s A size 4 ball will be used for age groups Under 10’s to Under 14’s A size 5 ball will be used for all other age groups Goal nets must be used. (C) Except by permission of the Management Committee all matches must be played on the dates originally fixed but priority shall be given to the Football Association and parent County Association Cup Competitions. All other matches must be considered secondary. Clubs may mutually agree to bring forward a match with the consent of the Fixtures Secretary. In the case of a revised fixture date, the Clubs must be given by the Competition 5 clear days’ notice of the match (unless otherwise mutually agreed). (D) The Secretary of the home Club must give notice in writing of full particulars of the location of, and access to, the ground and time of kick off to the match officials and the Secretary of the opposing Club at least 5 clear days prior to the playing of the match. The away Club shall seek and acknowledge receipt of such particulars. Any Club failing to comply with this Rule shall be liable to a fine of £10. (E) In the event of a Club playing in any match with less than 8 players for 11 a side, 7 players for 9 v 9 or 5 players for Mini Soccer they may be fined £1 for each missing player. A minimum of 7 players for 11 a side, 6 players for 9 v 9 and 4 players for Mini Soccer shall constitute a team for a Competition match. (F) (i) Home and away matches shall be played. In the event of a Club failing to keep its engagement the Management Committee shall have power to inflict a fine, deduct points from the defaulting Club, order the defaulting Club to pay any expenses incurred by the opponents or otherwise deal with them except the award of goals. Notwithstanding the foregoing home and away provision, the Management Committee shall have power to order a match to be played on a neutral ground or on the opponent’s ground if they are satisfied that such action is warranted by the circumstances. (ii) Any Club with more than one team in the Competition shall always fulfil its fixture, within the Competition, in the following order of precedence, where team precedence is applicable:- First Team, Reserve Team, ‘A’ Team. Clubs in breach of this requirement shall be fined a sum not exceeding £5 or otherwise dealt with by the Management Committee. Page 16 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 (iii) Any club unable to fulfil a fixture or where a fixture has been postponed for any reason must, without delay, give notice to the Fixtures Secretary/Match Controller, the Competition Referees Secretary, the Secretary of the opposing club and match officials. Any Club failing to comply shall be dealt with by the Management Committee who may inflict a fine. (iv) In the event of a match not being played or abandoned owing to causes over which neither Club has control, it shall be played in its entirety on a date to be mutually agreed by the two Clubs and approved by the Management Committee. Failing such agreement and notification to the Fixtures Secretary within 14 days the Management Committee shall have the power to order the match to be played on a named date on or before a given date. (v) The Management Committee shall review all matches abandoned in cases where it is consequent upon the conduct of either or both teams. Where it is to the advantage of the Competition and does no injustice to either Club, the Management Committee shall be empowered to order the score at the time of the abandonment to stand. In all cases where the Management Committee are satisfied that a match was abandoned owing to the conduct of one team or its Club members(s) they shall be empowered to award the points for the match to the opponent. In cases where a match has been abandoned owing to the conduct of both teams or their Club members, the Management Committee shall rule all points for the match as void. No fines can be applied by the Management Committee for an abandoned match. (vi) The Management Committee shall review any match that has taken place where either or both teams were under suspension imposed upon them by the Association or Affiliated Association. In each case the team that was under suspension would be dealt with in the same manner as if they had participated with ineligible players in accordance with Rule 8 (O) above. Where both teams were under suspension the game must be declared null and void. (G) A Club may, at its discretion, and in accordance with the Laws of the Game use 5 substitutes in any match in this Competition who may be selected from 5 players. For Mini Soccer and 9 v 9: any number of substitutions may be used at any time with the permission of the referee. Entry onto the field of play will only be allowed during a stoppage in play. A player who has been replaced may return to the play as a substitute for another player. A Team must not have a match day squad greater than double the size of its team age group. For Youth Football : for teams in the Under 18 age group and below, a player who has been substituted himself becomes a substitute and may replace another player at any time subject to the substitution being carried out in accordance with Law 3 of the Laws of Association Football. The referee shall be informed of the names of the substitutes not later than 15 minutes before the start of the match. A player who has been selected, appointed or named as a substitute before the start of the match but does not actually play in the game shall not be considered to have been a player in that game within the meaning of Rule 8 of this Competition. (H) The half time interval shall be of 10 minutes duration but it shall not exceed 15 minutes. The half time interval may only be altered with the consent of the referee. (I) The Competition shall require all players and Club officials to have signed the FA’s Respect Codes of Conduct and produce these if so requested by the Management Committee. Prior to each match the participating teams and officials shall conduct the “Respect” handshake and participating teams to offer ‘three cheers’ and handshakes to the opposing team after the match. Page 17 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 The participating Clubs taking part in the fixture shall identify a team captain designated with a captain’s armband who has a responsibility to offer support in the management of the on-field discipline of his/her team mates. If the participating players are considered to be too young to take on this role a member of the team coaching staff should provide this support. Each team shall make arrangements for the provision of designated areas for spectators. This area can be marked by an additional painted line, the use of cones, a roped off area or use of a temporary spectator barrier. The area for spectators should start two meters from the touchline on both sides of the pitch. Each area should run the full length of the pitch. It is recognized however that the alignment of some public pitches does not allow for this arrangement in which case other appropriate arrangements should be made. REPORTING RESULTS 11 (A) The nominated league official must receive within 4 days of the date played, the result of each Competition match in the prescribed manner. This must include the forename(s) and surname of the team players (in block letters) and also the Referee markings required by Law 13, or any other information required by the Competition. Failure to do so will incur a fine of £20 and/or the Club being dealt with as the Management Committee decides. (B) Both Clubs shall SMS the result of each match to the Full Time website by 7.00 p.m. on the day of the match. Clubs in default shall be fined £15. (C) The match result notification, correctly completed, shall be signed by a responsible member of the Club. Failure to do so will result in a fine of £20. (D) Leagues are permitted to collect but not publish results for fixtures they organize for Under 7, Under 8, Under 9 and Under 10 Mini Soccer, and U11. They may require a Club to confirm that a set fixture has been played. A maximum fine of £5 may be imposed for a breach of this Rule. DETERMINING CHAMPIONSHIP 12 (A) Team rankings within the Competition will be decided by points, with 3 points to be awarded for a win and 1 point for a drawn match. The teams gaining the highest number of points in their respective Divisions at the conclusion shall be adjudged the winners. Matches must not be played for double points. In Mini Soccer points can only be awarded for Under 12 Competitions onwards. In the event of two or more teams being equal on points ream rankings may be decided by deciding matches played under conditions determined by the Management Committee. (C) In the event of a team not completing 75% of its fixtures for the season all points obtained by or recorded against such defaulting teams shall be expunged from the Competition table. REFEREES 13 (A) Registered referees (and Assistant Referees where approved by the FA or County FA) for all matches shall be appointed in a manner approved by the Management Committee and by sanctioning Association(s). (B) In the event of the non-appearance of the appointed referee the appointed senior Assistant Referee shall take charge and a substitute Assistant Referee appointed by the competing teams. In cases where there are no officially appointed Assistant Referees, or where the Competition has been unable to appoint a Referee, the Clubs shall agree upon a Referee. A Referee thus agreed upon shall, for that game, have the full powers, status and authority of a registered Referee. Page 18 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 (C) The appointed Referee shall have power to decide as to the fitness of the ground in all matches and the decision shall be the final subject to either in the case of a ground of a Local Authority or the owners of a ground, the Representative of that body is the sole arbiter and whose decision must be accepted unless the ground is declared fit for play. (D) Subject to any limits/provisions laid down by the sanctioning Association, Match Officials appointed under this Rule shall be paid the match fee below which includes travelling expenses. Referee Assistant Referee Mini Soccer 7v7 £ 16.00 8.00 9v9 U11&U12 20.00 10.00 U13-U18 22.00 11.00 The Home Club shall pay the Officials their fees and/or expenses before the match. (E) In the event of a match not being played because of circumstances over which the Clubs have no control, the Match Officials, if present, shall be entitled to half fee. Where a match is not played owing to one Club being in default, that Club shall be ordered to pay the Officials, if they attend the ground, their full fees and expenses. (F) A Referee not keeping his or her engagement, and failing to give a satisfactory explanation as to their nonappearance, may be reported to the County Football Association with which he or she is registered. (G) Each Club shall, in a manner prescribed from time to time by the Football Association, award marks to the Referee for each match and the name of the Referee and the marks awarded shall be submitted to the Competition on the prescribed form provided. Clubs failing to comply with this Rule shall be liable to be fined or dealt with as the Management Committee shall determine. (H)The Competition shall keep a record of markings and, on the Form provided by the prescribed date each season, shall submit a summary to the Football Association / County Football Association. (I) Referees and Assistant Referees shall be supplied, each season, with a copy of the Competition Rules free of charge. (J) Referees and Assistant Referees shall have undertaken a Respect briefing offered by the FA/County Football Association or the League. CONTINUATION OF MEMBERSHIP OR WITHDRAWAL OF A CLUB 14 (A) After 31st. December in the current season a Club intending, or having a provisional intention, to withdraw a team from the Competition on completion of its fixtures and fulfilment of all other obligations to the Competition must notify the Secretary in writing by 31st. March each season or be liable to a fine not to exceed £20. All Clubs wishing to remain in membership of the Competition for the following season must write to the Secretary with their intention to do so, by 1st. July. (B) A Club shall not be allowed to withdraw any or all of its teams from the Competition after the arrangement of fixtures for the following season. Any Club infringing this Rule shall be liable to a fine not exceeding £10 per team and shall also be liable for its share of any call which may be made under Rule 5(B). (C) The Membership for the coming season having been decided at a Special General Meeting held for that purpose, not earlier than 1st. July nor later than 1st. August or at the Annual General Meeting held not later than 30th. June the Competition shall have the right, irrespective of other provisions in this Rule, to refuse to permit a Club to withdraw its team(s) in order to join another Competition and may hold the Club to its engagements. Page 19 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 (D) In the event of a Member Club which is unincorporated association withdrawing and/or disbanding it shall be immediately liable to discharge all its financial and other obligations to the Competition. In the event that any obligation remains un-discharged after a period of 21 days then such obligation shall be met by the then current Club Members, excluding those under the statutory school leaving age. Until a member’s pro rata obligation is discharged in full the Member shall not be allowed to participate in the Competition, which may apply to the Club’s parent County Association for a suspension order. PROTESTS AND APPEALS 15 (A)(i) All questions of eligibility, qualification of players or interpretations of the Rules shall be referred to the Management Committee. (ii) Objections relevant to the dimensions of the pitch, goals, flag posts or other facilities of the venue will not be entertained by the Management Committee unless a protest is lodged with the Referee before the commencement of the match. Any Club lodging such protest and not proceeding with it shall be deemed guilty of a breach of this Rule and shall be dealt with by the Management Committee. (B) Except in cases where the Management Committee decide that there are special circumstances, protests and complaints (which must contain full particulars of the grounds upon which they are founded) must be lodged in duplicate with the Secretary within 2 days (excluding Sundays) of the match or occurrence to which they refer. A protest or complaint shall not be withdrawn except by permission of the Management Committee. A Member of the Management Committee who is a member of any Club involved shall not be present (except as a witness or representative of his/her Club) when such protest or complaint is being determined. (C) Any dispute occurring between Clubs in the Competition shall be referred for determination by the Management Committee whose decision shall be binding upon all parties subject to Rule 16. (D) No protest of whatever kind shall be considered by the Management Committee unless the complaining Club shall have deposited with the Secretary a sum of £10. This may be forfeited in whole or in part in the event of the complaining or protesting Club losing its case. The Competition shall have power to order the defaulting Club or the Club making a losing or frivolous protest or complaint to pay for expenses of the enquiry or to order that the costs to be shared by the parties. (E) All parties to a protest or complaint must receive a copy of the submission and must be afforded an opportunity to make a statement at least 7 days prior to the protest or complaint being heard. (i) All parties must have received 7 days’ notice of the Hearing should they be instructed to attend. (ii) Should a Club elect to state its case in person then they should forward a deposit of £20 and indicate such when forwarding the written response. (F) When dealing with a protest or complaint the Management Committee shall take into consideration the possession by the protesting or complaining Club of any information which, if properly used, might have avoided the protest or complain BOARD OF APPEAL 16. Within 14 days of the posting of written notification of any decision of the Management Committee or the Competition a Club, Official or Player against whom action is taken may appeal against such decision by lodging particulars in duplicate with the Secretary of the County Football Association, including the fee of £25, for adjudication of a Board of Appeal. The grounds of appeal shall be in accordance with FA Rules. The Board of Appeal may order Page 20 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 the appeal fee to be forfeited and shall decide by whom the costs of the appeal shall be borne. The decision of the Board of Appeal is final and binding on all parties concerned. No appeal can be lodged against a decision taken at an Annual or Special Meeting unless this is on the grounds of unconstitutional conduct. EXCLUSION OF CLUBS OR TEAMS, MISCONDUCT BY CLUBS, OFFICIALS. PLAYERS 17 (A) At the Annual General Meeting, or Special General Meeting called for the purpose in accordance with the provisions of Rule 19, Notice of Motion having been duly circulated on the Agenda, the accredited delegates present shall have the power to exclude any Club or Team from further membership which must be supported by (more than) two thirds of those present and voting. Voting on this point shall be conducted by ballot. (B) At the Annual General Meeting, or at a Special General Meeting called for the purpose, in accordance with the provisions of Rule 19, the accredited delegates present shall have the power to exclude from further participation in the Competition any Club or Team of a Club whose conduct has, in their opinion, been undesirable, which must be supported by (more than) two thirds of those present and voting. Voting on this point shall be conducted by ballot. A Club whose conduct is the subject of the vote being taken shall be excluded from voting. (C) Any official or member of a Club proved guilty of either a breach of Rule, other than field offences, or of inducing or attempting to induce a player or players of another Club in the Competition to join them shall be liable to expulsion or such penalty as a General Meeting or Management Committee may decide, and their Club shall also be liable to expulsion in accordance with the provisions of clauses (A) and (B) of this Rule. (D) Any Club or Team failing to complete all of its fixtures in any season shall (unless the conditions are beyond their control), or the accredited delegates present at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting decide otherwise by a majority of more than two thirds of the votes cast) be debarred from the membership the following season. TROPHY – LEGAL OWNERS, CONDITIONS OF TAKING OVER, AGREEMENT TO BE SIGNED, AWARDS 18 (A) The following agreement shall be signed on behalf of the winners of the Cup or Trophy : We, A ………………………………………… and B ……………………………………………, the Chairman and Secretary of ………………………………………………… FC, members of and representing the Club, having been declared winners of …………………………………….. Cup or Trophy and it having been delivered to us by the Competition, do hereby on behalf of the Club jointly and severally agree to return the Cup or Trophy to the Competition Secretary on or before the March General Meeting, failure to do so will incur a fine of £30 per trophy. If the Cup or Trophy is lost or damaged whilst under our care we agree to refund the Competition the amount of its current value or the cost of its thorough repair. (B) At the close of each Competition awards shall be made to the winners and runners up, if the funds of the Competition permit. Page 21 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 SPECIAL GENERAL MEETINGS 19 upon receiving a requisition by two thirds of the Clubs in membership the Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting. The Management Committee may call a Special General Meeting at any time. At least 7 days’ notice shall be given of either Meeting under this Rule, together with an Agenda of the business to be transacted at such Meeting. Each full Member Club shall be empowered to send two delegates to all Special General Meetings. Each Club shall be entitled to one vote only, as will members of the Management Committee. Any continuing Member Club failing to be represented at a Special General Meeting without satisfactory reason being given shall be fined £15. Officers and Management Committee members shall be entitled to attend and vote at all Special General Meetings. ALTERATION TO RULES 20 Alterations, for which consent has been given by the sanctioning Association, shall be made to these Rules only at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting specially convened for the purpose called in accordance with Rule 19. Any alteration made during the playing season to the Rule relating to the qualification of players shall not take effect until the following season. Notice of proposed alterations to be considered at the Annual General Meeting shall be submitted to the Secretary by 1st. January in each year. The proposals, together with any proposals by the Management Committee, shall be circulated to the Clubs by 1st. February and any amendments therefor shall be submitted to the Secretary by 15th. February. The proposals and proposed amendments thereto shall be circulated to Clubs with the notice of the Annual General Meeting. A proposal to change of Rule shall be carried if a majority of those present and entitled to vote and voting are in favor. FINANCE 21 (A) The Management Committee shall determine with which bank or other financial institution the funds of the Competition will be lodged. (B) All expenditure in excess of £500 shall be approved by the Management Committee. Cheques shall be signed by at least two Officers nominated by the Management Committee. (C) The Financial Year of the Competition will end on 15th. May. (D) The books, or a certified balance sheet, of the Competition shall be prepared and shall be audited annually by some suitable persons who shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting. INSURANCE 22 All Clubs must have public liability cover of at least ten million pounds (£10,000,000). DISSOLUTION 23 (A) Dissolution of the Competition shall be by resolution approved at a Special General Meeting by a majority of three quarters or the members present and shall take effect from the date of the relevant Special General Meeting. Page 22 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 (B) In the event of the dissolution of the Competition, the members of the Management Committee are responsible for the winding up of the assets and liabilities of the Competition. (C) The Management Committee shall deal with any surplus assets as follows: (i) Any surplus assets, save for a trophy or any other presentation, remaining after the discharge of the debts and liabilities of the Competition shall be transferred only to another Competition or Affiliated Association or The Football Association Benevolent Fund or to such other charitable or benevolent object in the locality of the Competition as determined by resolution at or before the time of winding up, and approved in writing by the sanctioning Association. (ii) If a Competition is discontinued for any reason a trophy or any other presentation shall be returned to the donor if the conditions attached to it so provide or, if not, dealt with as the sanctioning Association may decide. CUP COMPETITIONS (A) The Entrance Fee will be £15 per team, being League Knock out Cup and Benevolent Cup. For teams playing 7v7 and 9v9 formats the league will run a festival of football. Any other Cup Competitions run at the Management Committee’s discretion will be covered by these Rules. (B) A player who is eligible to play for his/her team in the Championship matches will be eligible to play in Cup Competitions, provided he/she has not played for any other Club or Team in that Competition. (C) No player shall be eligible to play in a Semi Final or Final; unless he/she has played in at least 3 League or Cup matches for his/her team in the CHAD Mansfield Youth Football League (or Nott’s FA Shield) during the current season. (D) Any team proven to have played an ineligible player shall be ruled out of the Competition and fined a maximum of £50. (E)(i) Matches shall be arranged and played in accordance with Youth League Rules. The playing time shall be the same as League games. (ii) In all Cup Rounds, in the event of the scores being level at the end of normal time, 2 equal periods of extra time shall be played – for under 17’s/18’s – 15 minutes each way, for all other 11 a side matches – 10 minutes each way, for Mini Soccer matches – 5 minutes each way. If the tie is still undecided after the period of extra time, the winners will be determined by the taking of kicks from the penalty mark in accordance with the International Board Decision contained in the Laws of the Game. (iii) Teams must fulfil all Cup matches on the dates specified by the League. Teams failing to do so without good and sufficient reason may be removed from the Competition. See also Rule 10(C). (iv) Cup games which are postponed due to bad weather etc., or abandoned through no fault of either team will be rescheduled for the following week and will take precedence over all other games except Nott’s FA Shield games. This date will become the specified date and Cup Rule E (iii) will apply. Semi Finals and Finals: Semi Finals are to be played on the ground of the first team drawn, or alternative ground as determined by the Management Committee. Finals to be played on a neutral ground, the venues and dates will be determined by the Management Committee who shall have direct control over all arrangements. Page 23 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 The Management Committee shall determine all matters connected with Cup Competitions. (F) Referees and Assistant Referees fees in these Competitions shall be: Referee Assistant Referee Mini Soccer 7v7£ 16.00 8.00 9v9 U11 % U12 £ 20.00 10.00 U13-U18 £ 22.00 11.00 In all Finals the League will pay the Referee’s and Assistant Referees’ fees. In Finals Match Officials will receive the fee detailed above. (G) In Finals the League will provide all match balls. (H) All decisions made by the League’s Management Committee are final and binding and not subject to appeal. CHAD MANSFIELD YOUTH FOOTBALL LEAGUE REGULATIONS 1. If all League fees are not paid by the dates specified in Rule 2(B), the Annual Subscription will increase to £15 for 11 a side football, £15 for 9 vs 9 and £15 for Mini Soccer. Any team failing to fulfil its fixtures (through any fault or neglect of its own) shall forfeit the sum deposited and shall not be eligible to receive any awards. Each team in membership shall be required (if not already subscribing) to join the Numbers Club organized by the League and drawn and at each Meeting. The fee per number per month shall be £2. 2. The Secretary of the Competition will, on 1st. September in each season, obtain a list of Affiliation Numbers from the County Football Associations. Clubs are reminded that they cannot play until properly affiliated with their County Football Association. 3. There will be 3 meetings held for all clubs each season taking place in September, January, and April. The Annual General Meeting shall be in June. Each Club must be represented. Clubs not represented shall be fined £25. Clubs will not be allowed any apologies for non-attendance during the season. Clubs must sign the Attendance Book as proof of representation, failure to sign will be treated as non-attendance. The Committee will check the Attendance Book after each Meeting and WILL impose the fine on Clubs not represented. 4. All correspondence must be received 24 hours prior to a League Meeting. 5. The nominated officer shall be the named Secretary on the Form ‘A’ sent to their County Football Association. 6. Any Committee Member associated with a Club being discussed in a Committee Meeting must leave the room. 7. During the month of August in each year the Management Committee shall organize an ‘Induction Meeting’ which shall be open for any Club Chairman, Club Secretary or Team Manager to attend. There will be no set agenda and this will give those attending the opportunity to direct any questions regarding the administration of their Club to the Management Committee members in attendance. 8. Any Club failing to return the Agreement Form in relation to Rules and Regulations duly completed by 1st. August in any season shall be fined £10. 9. All teams must, by 1st. August in any season have 11 players at 11 a side, 9 players at 9 v 9 or 7 players at Mini Soccer registered to enable fixtures to start on time. Teams failing shall be fined £20. They must have the necessary players signed by 31st. August or they may be expelled from the Competition (Subject to Rule 17). Page 24 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 10. All teams must check their opponents Registration Cards prior to kick off, whether League or Cup. If either team cannot produce its Registration Cards the game must not go ahead. If a player’s card cannot be produced the player must not take part in the match. In either case a fine of £20 will be incurred. The opposing manager who has responsibility to check the cards will also be liable to a £20 fine for failing to check Registration Cards or allowing a player to take part in the game where a Registration Card has not been seen for that player. If a player has played where no card is available that player is deemed to be ineligible and Rule 8 will apply. No appeal will be accepted under this Regulation unless the correct procedure has been adhered to. (a) All Managers have the responsibility to check their opponents Registration cards with the name placed on the Team sheet (b) Any team allowing an opponent to play an un-registered player shall be find £20 11. The teams in their respective divisions at 11 a side football may register an unlimited number of players during the season. The teams in their respective divisions at 9 v 9 cannot have more than 18 players registered and at Mini Soccer cannot have more than 14 players registered. 12. It shall be the responsibility of the desiring Secretary to ensure that all details of the Transfer Form are correct. It shall be the responsibility of the transferring Secretary to release the player’s Registration Card to the desiring Secretary. The Registration Card shall accompany the Transfer Form at all times. 13. In League and Cup games Saturday matches must kick off at the time stated below – except in Finals as circumstances dictate. If an earlier time cannot be mutually agreed the game will be expected to kick off at the latest time. MONTH September October November December January February March April May LEAGUE GAMES 3.00pm 2.30pm 2.15pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 2.15pm 3.00pm 3.00pm CUP GAMES 2.30pm 2.30pm 1.45pm 1.30pm 1.30pm 1.30pm 1.45pm 2.30pm 3.00pm Unless an earlier time is mutually agreed by both teams and the Match Controller informed. For Mini Soccer matches they must all kick off at 10.30 am and 9 v 9 soccer matches they must all kick off at 12.00 noon unless otherwise mutually agreed. Teams failing to adhere to this Regulation will be liable to a Club charge for failing to fulfil a fixture.(Please note the time indicated against the game on the Full time Website is for Admin Purposes only) 14. Teams must give 40 days’ notice in writing of non- availability for any specific date to the Fixtures Secretary if they do not wish to incur an administration fee. Teams giving 28-39 days’ notice in writing of non- availability for a specific date must include a Cheques for £10 administration fee per date. This includes the League Official having the responsibility to notify the opposing team and match official(s) appointed to that match. Any team postponing with less than 28 days’ notice will incur a fine of £30 and a 3 point penalty if the game is a League game or automatic disqualification if the game is a cup-tie. 15. Notice of postponement of any match must be given without delay by the postponing Club (or notice of a Club/Team being unable to fulfil any match must be given 48 hours prior to the match by the Club) to the Fixtures Secretary and Match Controller, the Referees Secretary, the Secretary of the opposing team and the match official(s). Any Club failing to comply shall be dealt with by the Management Committee who may inflict any penalty it may deem suitable. Page 25 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 16. 15 minutes before the match commences each team shall hand a full Team Sheet to the match official in accordance with FA Rules. Shirt numbers should tally with those given on the Team Sheet. 17. If a Match Report Form should contain a Referee’s mark of 50 or less, it MUST be accompanied by a letter of explanation for the low mark, and the letter must be signed by the Club Secretary. Failure to comply will result in a fine of £10. 18. Where deciding matches are required, these shall be played under conditions determined by the Management Committee. In the event of the scores on a special competition match played under these conditions being level at the end of the game, 15 minutes each way extra time for Under 17’s/Under 18’s, 10 minutes each way extra time for all other 11 a side matches or 5 minutes each way extra time for Mini Soccer matches shall be played. If the scores after the period of extra time are still level, the winners will be determined by the taking of kicks from the penalty mark in accordance with the International Board Decision contained in the Laws of Association Football. 19. In matches where the teams have no officially appointed referee and have to mutually agree a referee both teams should complete the mutual agreement form (supplied by the League) and attach it to their Match Report Form. Teams failing to complete a mutual agreement form or attach it to their Match Report Form shall be fined £15. It is the responsibility of the home team to provide the mutual agreement form for completion and their responsibility to send it with their Match Report Form to the League’s designated officer. 20. Failure to appoint a mutually agreed referee will result in the match being deemed to be cancelled by one or both teams. In which case Rule 10 (C) will be applied in League matches and Rule E (iii) will be applied in Cup matches. 21. Each home team shall have a referee’s whistle, a pair of Assistant Referees’ flags, a First Aid Kit and corner flags, readily available at each venue under the League’s jurisdiction. 22. Teams who have been members of the League for 4 consecutive seasons will receive discounted League fees as a loyalty bonus. The loyalty scheme will be for 11 a side teams, and only apply to teams competing at Under 15’s level and beyond. 23. Clubs will be responsible for the return of the official Agreement Form for a League Trophy to the designated official within 21 days of its issue; otherwise a fine of £20 per form will be incurred. 24. Any Club with fines outstanding to the League for more than one calendar month from imposition of such fine shall be suspended from all competitive games under its jurisdiction and shall be reported to the Nottinghamshire Football Association. An administration charge of £10 will be levied by the League. 25. The Management Committee shall have the power to select any player to represent the Youth League for any match or trial. He/she will not be able to play for his/her team on the same date. Any selected player who is unable to play must give 7 days’ notice of inability to play to the designated Representative Squad Team Manager. Any selected player who fails to arrive or notify the Representative Squad Team Manager of his/her inability to play shall be automatically suspended from his/her team’s next CHAD Mansfield Youth Football League Championship or Cup match. This Regulation will be waived in the event of illness or any other reason for non-availability deemed satisfactory by the Committee. Teams may call off League or Cup matches, with the permission of the Fixtures Secretary, if 2 outfield players or a goalkeeper is included in a LEAGUE representative squad playing that day. 26. GENERAL – Should any circumstances arise which is not included for in the League’s Rules it shall be decided as the Management Committee determine by using Standing Orders etc., and, where time permits, in consultation with Youth League members at General Meetings. Page 26 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 27. The Youth League considers that Schools Football is an important part of a young player’s football education. Under no circumstances must players be influenced to give priority to Youth League activities is preference to school commitments. 28. There are 3 defined categories in Junior Football – Category A = Football Academies or Centers of Excellence Category B = Schools Football Category C = Youth League Football Players who are registered to play Category A may not play in Category C, unless the Academy or Centre Director issues a release letter to the player AND a copy is made available to the Youth League’s Management Committee. Where the Academy or Centre can’t provide football at their particular age group, players will normally be loaned back to Category C football, on issue of the appropriate documentation. Where there is any doubt please contact the Youth League as soon as possible for advice. 29. There are regulations governing Shirt and Kit advertising – this including track suits, warm up tops etc. – laid down by the Football Association. Anyone requiring guidance on this issue is recommended to speak to their home County Football Association. It is forbidden for any youth team to be associated with alcoholic or tobacco products and replica shirts must not be worn. 30. Trophies – The Youth League’s Management Committee regrets that it is unable to release League Championship trophies – individual or major – to teams until after the League’s Annual Presentation Nights. Details of the relevant Presentation dates are given elsewhere in the Youth League’s Handbook. 31. Registrations – When submitting Registration Forms to the nominated league official, Club Secretaries must ensure that all sections of the document are completed correctly and that they have been signed by all relevant parties – the player, a parent/guardian and the Club Secretary. All forms must have a copy of either the players Birth Certificate, Passport or Medical Card – no other form of ID will be accepted. Any Forms not completed correctly will be returned for adjustment before the Registration Card can be issued. 32 All registration forms must have a Passport size and quality photo attached no other type of photo will be accepted and the registration form will be returned until the correct photo is provided. 33 All player Re-registration, Registration and transfer forms must be paid for before the player registration card is produced. 34 All Player registration and player transfer forms received by the leagues nominated official by 9pm on Tuesday will enable the registration card to be available for collection on the Friday of the same week. All player Registration cards will be available for collection form the Forest Town Arena between 7.30pm and 9pm unless otherwise stated by the management committee. 35 All re-registration forms must be filled in and returned 15th August any forms sent after this date will not be accepted. All players registering after the 15th August must complete a new player registration form. 36 All players in age group U11, U13, and U15 for the forthcoming season must send new photos with the reregistration form. 37 Any Player that is de-registered will not be able to be registered for any other team until there registration card has been handed back to the league. 38. The duration of the League’s playing season is set each year at its Annual General Meeting. Page 27 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 39. Any team proven to have played more than the stated number of substitutes allowed in Rule 10(G) will be deemed to have played an ineligible player/players and Rule 8(O) and (where appropriate Cup Rule D) will apply. Substitutions allowed are shown below. FORMAT 11 a side 9v9 7v7 5v5 MAX SUBS ALLOWED 5 9 7 5 ROLL ON ROLL OFF Yes Yes Yes Yes LIST OF COMMONLY IMPOSED FINES RULE/REG NO Rule 2(E) Rule 6 (H) Rule 8 (0) i Rule 9 Rule 9 (D) Rule 9 (D) Rule 11 (A) Rule 11 (B) Rule 11 (D) Rule 14 (A) i Rule 14 (A) i Rule 18 (B) Rule 19 Cup Rule D Reg. 3 Reg. 8 Reg. 9 Reg. 10 Reg. 14 Reg. 14 Reg. 18 Reg. 20 Reg.. 24 Rule 5 (H) Rule 5 (l) OFFENCE Failure to notify League Secretary of County Affiliation Number by 1st. September Failure to attend the Annual General Meeting Playing an unregistered or ineligible player Failing to commence the game at the appropriate time Failure to notify opponents and match official at least 5 days prior to the game of match details Not having a change of colours in event of a clash Failure to supply fully completed Match Report Form within 4 days of match Late notification of match result Failure by U/7,U/8 & U/9 to confirm a fixture played Failure to notify Secretary by 31st. December and before 31st. March of intention to withdraw team next season Withdrawal of team from League after arrangement of fixtures Failure to return a trophy by March General Meeting Failure to attend a Special General Meeting Playing an unregistered or ineligible player in a Cup match Non representation at Genral meeting Held in September, January, and April Failure to return Agreement Form re Rules & regs by stipulated date Insufficient players registered by 1st. August Failure to check registration cards Notification of non-availability for a specific date received 28-39 days prior to match Cancellation of match less than 28 days prior to the match Failure to supply letter regarding low mark to referee Failure to complete mutual agreement form Failure to return Official Agreement form re trophy within 21 days Failure to comply with an order or instruction or reply to correspondence Failure to pay fines and charges within 14 days AMOUNT OF FINE £ 20.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 10.00 ADDITIONAL PUNISHMENT Points deduction 5.00 20.00 15.00 5.00 20.00 10.00 30.00 15.00 50.00 Removed from Competition 25.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 30.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 3 point deduction No limit 50.00 max Page 28 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 MANAGERS CHECK LIST Pre Match 1. Home Team – ring away team and match referee to pass on match day arrangements, including – (a) Kick Off Time (b) Location of Ground and any directions needed (c) Match day contact number in case of any problems This is to be completed at least 5 days in advance as per Rule 10 (D). 2. Away team to anticipate contact from your opponents, if you haven’t heard anything by Tuesday evening please notify the Match Controller and they will follow this up on you behalf. Match Day 3. Home Team should ensure that everything is prepared. Nets up, corner flags out and any litter, dog dirt or any other foreign object is removed from the field of play. 4. On days of bad weather the Home Team will make an early pitch inspection to check on the playing conditions, if there is an element of doubt about the pitch being fit alert your opponents and contact the referee to try and arrange an early pitch inspection. 5. Away Team arrive in good time – at least 30 minutes before kick off – and check with your hosts that all is ok. 6. Both Teams should provide the referee with a linesman please don’t wait to be asked. Remember the linesman is there to assist NOT overrule or to conflict with the referee. 7. Both Teams must hand in their Players Team sheets to the referee at least 15 minutes before the kickoff time. 8. Both Teams to exchange Registration Cards prior to the kick off – any player without a Registration Card will not be permitted to play in the game. THIS APPLIES TO ALL LEAGUE.CUP AND NOTTS FA SHIELD GAMES. 9. The RESEPECT hand shake will take place before the game starts by all players involved in the game. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE RESPECT PROGRAMME STARTS AT THE TOP (THE MANAGERS) AND INCLUDES PLAYERS AND SPECTATORS. 10. Home Team don’t forget to pay the referee the appropriate fees please refer to the appropriate fees to be paid, elsewhere in this Handbook. 11. Both Teams are to exchange Team Sheets after the conclusion of the match and before the away team leaves. 12. For the HOME Team it’s time to clean up after the game, say goodbye to your players, supporters and the referee and wish your opponents a safe journey home. 13. Both Teams – respond to the SMS message from the Full Time website and text the result of your game as prompted. 14. Both Teams to complete all parts of the Match Report Form and send or e-mail to Bev Harper to arrive no later than the following Wednesday. Then put your feet up and relax – at least until the follow week’s arrangements have to be attended to! Page 29 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 REFEREES CHECK LIST Pre Match 1. Keep a look out for the fixtures from the Referees Secretary and on THE FA/Full Time website. 2. When you have received your fixture details check your availability and notify the Referees secretary of any problems within 5 days. 3. Receive a phone call from the home manager regarding your fixture before 9pm on the Tuesday before the relevant game. Things to check that you get from the manager 4. If you haven’t received a phone call from the home team manager by 9pm on the Tuesday of the game that is being played on the Saturday then on the Wednesday contact the Referees Secretary with the information of the game by phone and he will inform you what to do next, you may even be given an alternate game to officiate. 5. After accepting a game please turn up to it. If you have any problems please contact the manager and referees secretary. DO NOT JUST DECIDE NOT TO TURN UP. Match Day 1. Arrive at the game at least 30 minutes prior to kick off and introduce yourself to the home team Manager. 2. Complete a pitch inspection looking for glass, dog dirt and any other foreign objects ensuring they are removed before the game starts, and that the lines have been properly painted. 3. Check that the nets that have been put up are properly pegged out and have no holes in them that should not be there and the corner flags have been placed in the proper places. 4. 15 minutes before kick off the home team manager should provide you with at least 2 match balls and his team sheet; you should also receive a team sheet from the away team manager. 5. Before the kickoff you should be approached by the 2 club assistants that are going to run the line for you. Please give them a brief instruction on how you expect them to assist you during the game. 6. On the completion of the game you should home and complete any caution or sending off offences that you need to report to the County FA. 7. Last but not least complete the League RESPECT/Match Report and send back to the Referees Secretary, that he must receive by the following Wednesday. Enjoy your week and don’t forget to wash your kit ready for the next game!! NB Players’ Registration Cards are to be checked by both Team Managers, the referee is not to get involved other in a query over Registration Cards. ANY PROBLEMS PLEASE SPEAK TO STEWART POWELL – he is there to assist you at all times. Page 30 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 GUIDE TO MARKING REFEREES The mark awarded by a club must be based on the Referee’s overall performance. It is most important that the mark is awarded fairly and not based upon isolated incidents or previous games. The Referee’s performance should be determined by the table below which should act as a guide for the overall mark which should fall within the mark range for each standard of performance. Mark Range Comment 100-81 The Referee demonstrated very accurate decision-making and controlled the game very well using management and communication skills effectively to add value to the game. 80-66 The Referee demonstrated accurate decision-making and controlled the game well using management and communication skills to contribute positively to the game. 65-51 The Referee demonstrated reasonably accurate decision-making and despite some shortcomings generally controlled the game well. 50 and below The Referee demonstrated shortcomings in the accuracy of decision-making and control which affected the game. Notes • Club officials should use the full range of marks within each category to help distinguish between different performance levels, e.g. within the 80-66 category a mark of 74 indicates a better performance than a mark of 67. • While some Referees may have below average performances, there will usually have been some positive aspects of their performance, so extremely low marks should be very rare. • When club officials are marking a Referee, they should always look at the game as whole and not isolated decisions. The result of the match should not influence the mark and disciplinary action should be judged objectively. • When a mark of 50 or lower is awarded, an explanation must be provided to the Competition in a letter returned with the referees marking form. The purpose of this is to assist Referees to improve their performance levels, so the comments should be as helpful as possible. • A good average mark for a referee is between 70-80. Page 31 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Secretary Information 2015/16 ADASC Secretary: Bob Binder 100,Alfreton Road,Selston,Notts.NG16 6DQ Home Phone: Mobile: 07910 138965 Email: [email protected] AFC Mansfield Secretary: Andy Saunders 26,Baysdale Drive,Forest Town,Mansfield.NG19 9QY Home Phone: Mobile: 07973 491739 Email: [email protected] Alfreton Town Juniors Secretary: Paul Francis 36,Brook Avenue.Alfreton.DE55 7GG Home Phone: 01773 831039 Mobile: 07794 643231 Email: [email protected] Ashfield Diamonds Secretary: Debbie Douce 6,Edward Street,Kirkby in Ashfield.NG17 7JP Home Phone: 01623 614909 Mobile: 07855 332008 Email: [email protected] Ashfield FC Secretary: Samantha Greasley 5,Hillview Road,Kirkby in Ashfield.NG17 7NN Home Phone: Mobile: 07970 693225 Email: [email protected] Ashover Juniors Secretary: Tim Watts The Grange,Ashover Road,Kelstedge.S45 0DT Home Phone: Mobile: 07976 357343 Email: [email protected] Babworth Rovers Secretary: Christine Bacon 120,Cambourne Crescent,Retford.DN22 7RF. Home Phone: 01777 860208 Mobile: Email: [email protected] Beaufort United Secretary: Peter Elliott 25,Greenholme Close,Kirkby in Ashfield.NG17 8AE. Home Phone: 01623 459872 Mobile: 07840 730104 Email: [email protected] Bilsthorpe FC Secretary: Stefan Hopewell 6,Meadow Grove,Bilsthorpe.NG22 8TQ. Home Phone: 01623 870194 Mobile: 07967 635379 Email: [email protected] Blidworth Welfare Secretary: Roger Parkes 77,Sheepwalk Lane,Ravenshead.NG15 9FD. Home Phone: 01623 797955 Mobile: 07916 331170 Email: [email protected] Bolsover Town Secretary: Alan Duffy 8,Hillside Drive,Walton,Chesterfield.S40 2DB Home Phone: 01246 278515 Mobile: 07769 711730 Email: [email protected] Brampton Rovers Secretary: Ian Low 17,Bank Wood Close,Newbold,Chesterfield.S41 8XQ Home Phone: 01246 200371 Mobile: 07831 292055 Email: [email protected] Page 32 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Carr Vale Colts Secretary: Lee Moody 60.St.Lawrence Avenue,Bolsover.S44 6HT. Home Phone: 01246 827789 Mobile: 07748 156162 Email: [email protected] Caythorpe & Fulbeck Secretary: Caroline Eversfield Beck House,35 Washdyke Lane,Fulbeck,Grantham.NG32 3LB Home Phone: 01400 273578 Mobile: 07767 778189 Email: [email protected] Chesterfield Junior Blues Secretary: Steve Coe CJBFC.Unit C1,Holmewood Bus. Pk,Holmewood.S42 5US Home Phone: Mobile: 07971 280694 Email: [email protected] Chesterfield Town FC Secretary: Barry Tomlinson 90,Nelson Street,Whittington Mooe Chesterfield.S41 8RT Home Phone: 01246 211700 Mobile: 07748 771770 Email: [email protected] Clipstone Welfare Colts Secretary: Jason Bray 60,Saffron Street,Forest Town.NG19 0RE. Home Phone: 01623 634854 Mobile: 07765 885503 Email: [email protected] Collingham FC Secretary: Sarah Holmes 6,Oaklands,Collingham,Newark.NG23 7RG Home Phone: 01636 893202 Mobile: 07795 576215 Email: [email protected] Derwent Rangers Secretary: Mark Hardman 72,Ling Forest Road,Mansfield.NG18 3NJ. Home Phone: 01623 460648 Mobile: 07958 029359 Email: [email protected] Drezden Colts Secretary: Mark Stevenson 125,Bancroft Lane,Mansfield.NG18 5LY. Home Phone: Mobile: 07811 498539 Email: [email protected] Dukeries FC Secretary: Kevin Machin 9,Thievesdale Lane,Worksop.S81 0NG. Home Phone: 01909 276090 Mobile: 07776 316040 Email: [email protected] Espial FC Secretary: Sarah Pickles Hornbeam House,Mansfield Road,Chesterfield.S41 0JN. Home Phone: Mobile: 07990 527838 Email: [email protected] Farndon Colts Secretary: Stewart Henderson 12,Guildford Lane,Brant Broughton.LN5 0SQ. Home Phone: Mobile: 07971 210986 Email: [email protected] FC Britannia Juniors Secretary: Sarah Brooks 16,Whisperwood Close,Duckmanton.S44 5HL Home Phone: 01246 241979 Mobile: 07585 227494 Email: [email protected] Page 33 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Glapwell Gladiators Secretary: Sue Pilgrim 8,Lilac Grove,Glapwell,Chesterfield.S44 5NG. Home Phone: 01623 810514 Mobile: 07784 311569 Email: [email protected] Juventis FC Secretary: John Bell 42,Bryony Way<mansfield Woodhouse.NG19 9AN Home Phone: 01623 621055 Mobile: 07979 213973 Email: [email protected] Manor FC Secretary: Richard Scott 22,Riverside Way,Mansfield Woodhouse.NG19 8JB Home Phone: 01623 627951 Mobile: 07952 865482 Email: [email protected] Mansfield Athletic Secretary: Gary Bullock 3,Primrose Court,Mansfield Woodhouse.NG19 9DY Home Phone: 01623 635706 Mobile: 07581 423972 Email: [email protected] Mansfield Boys Secretary: Sally Shelton 41,Kingfisher Road,Mansfield.NG19 6EG Home Phone: Mobile: 07867 547371 Email: [email protected] Mansfield Hosiery Mills Secretary: Louise Shaw 14a,Gill Street,Sutton in ashfield.NG17 1FP Home Phone: 01623 454353 Mobile: 07969 541312 Email: [email protected] Maun FC Secretary: Iain Peet 3,Colby Close,Forest Town.NG19 0LS. Home Phone: 01623 406266 Mobile: 07775 444806 Email: [email protected] MDC FC Secretary: Elaine Ashcroft 107,Sough Road,South Normanton.DE55 2LE Home Phone: Mobile: 07999 670149 Email: [email protected] New Tuipton Ivanhoe Secretary: Darrel Widdeson 22,Greenway,Wingerworth,Chesterfield.S42 6NW Home Phone: 01246 236631 Mobile: 07816 075451 Email: [email protected] Newark Flowserve Secretary: Les Bruce 24,Dunholme Avenue,NewarknNotts.NG24 4AR Home Phone: 01636 687293 Mobile: 07914 382216 Email: [email protected] Newark Town Secretary: Chris Wade 19,The Paddocks,Newark.NG24 1SS Home Phone: Mobile: 07768 179894 Email: [email protected] Ordsall Rangers Secretary: Andrew Horton Barbary House,Low Street,Beckingham.DN10 4PW. Home Phone: 01427 848958 Mobile: 07747 768774 Email: [email protected] Page 34 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 QE Rangers Secretary: Lynn Baugh 164.Fairholme Drive,Mansfield.NG19 6DU. Home Phone: 01623 651003 Mobile: 07745 241890 Email: [email protected] Quarrydale United Secretary: Steve Abbott 133,Sutton Road,Kirkby in Ashfield.NG17 8HJ. Home Phone: 01623 756715 Mobile: 07889 356446 Email: [email protected] Rainworth Rangers Secretary: Eddie Olla 23,Beacon View,Ollerton,Newark.NG22 9WE. Home Phone: 01623 611914 Mobile: 07926 326001 Email: [email protected] Real United Secretary: Lesley Morris 222,Rutland Road.West Bridgford.NG2 5EB. Home Phone: 0115 9813421 Mobile: 07735 439700 Email: [email protected] Robin Hood Colts Secretary: Alan Streather 37,Ley Lane,Mansfield Woodhouse.NG19 8JU. Home Phone: 01623 661584 Mobile: 07943 849024 Email: [email protected] Selston FC Secretary: Lynne Shacklock 82,Hornbeam Way,Kirkby in Ashfield.NG17 8RL. Home Phone: 01623 757989 Mobile: 07944 245573 Email: [email protected] Sherwood Colliery Secretary: Craig Sheppard 78,Princes Street,Mansfield.NG18 5SN. Home Phone: 01623 476438 Mobile: 07805 216002 Email: [email protected] Shirebrook Rangers Secretary: Jarrod Smith 37,Brunner Avenue,Shirebrook.NG20 8RR. Home Phone: 01623 747468 Mobile: 07939 271187 Email: [email protected] Skegby Colts Secretary: Mark Bower 1,Luther Avenue,Sutton in Ashfield.NG17 1GA. Home Phone: 01623 552954 Mobile: 07759 324546 Email: [email protected] South Normanton Colts Secretary: Robert Evans 3,Edale Drive,South Normanton.DE55 2LF. Home Phone: 01773 812581 Mobile: 07736 288414 Email: [email protected] Southwell City Secretary: Geoff Ritson 32,Dornoch Avenue,Southwell.NG25 0EU. Home Phone: 01636 813413 Mobile: 07949 061130 Email: [email protected] St. Josephs FC Secretary: Kay Brooks 15,Silk Street,Sutton in Ashfield.NG17 5AA. Home Phone: 01623 441921 Mobile: 07400 632509 Email: [email protected] Page 35 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Sutton Athletic Secretary: Lynton Barkes 66,Collins Avenue,Sutton in Ashfield.NG17 1GT Home Phone: 01623 400676 Mobile: 07771 511891 Email: [email protected] Sutton on Trent YFC Secretary: Peter Saul Willoughby Granary,1,Willouughby Court,Norwell.NG23 6JJ Home Phone: 01636 636312 Mobile: 07966 395777 Email: [email protected] Teversal FC Secretary: Keith Parnill 10,Co-operative Street,Stanton Hill,S-inA.NG17 3HB. Home Phone: 01623 451085 Mobile: 07759 236090 Email: [email protected] Walesby Juniors Secretary: Jo Hughes 24,Main Road,Boughton,Newark.NG22 9HS Home Phone: 01623 361929 Mobile: 07896 842059 Email: [email protected] Welbeck Welfare FC Secretary: Graham Hall 3,Clumber Court,Warsop,Mansfield.NG20 0LP Home Phone: 01623 843108 Mobile: 07791 155891 Email: [email protected] Winthorpe/Coddington Secretary: Trudi 28,Claricoates Drive,Coddington,Newark,NG24 2TF Home Phone: Mobile: 07876 211747 Email: [email protected] Woodhouse Colts Secretary: Richard Weathere 48,Lingforest Rad,Mansfield,Notts.NG18 3NJ Home Phone: Mobile: 0784 6306993 Email: [email protected] Page 36 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Team Information 2015-16 Under 10 ADASC Comets U/10 Manager: Jamie Hillyer 51 Birchwood Lane South Normanton Alfreton DE55 3DB Home Tel: 01773 812089 Mobile: 07850 754864 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Brent Atkinson Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07791 171111 Email: Ground: Sleetmoor Lane Somercotes DE55 1RH Dressing Room: On site Colours: Red & Black shirts,Black shorts Change: Lime Green shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am ADASC Meteors U/10 Manager: Dean Eason 43 Blisworth Way Swanwick Alfreton DE55 1EH Home Tel: 01773 528261 Mobile: 07891 607084 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Mark Turner 24 Buckfast Close Swanwick Alfreton DE55 1HF Home Tel: 01773 609940 Mobile: 07971 295437 Email: Ground: Sleetmoor Lane Somercotes DE55 1RH Dressing Room: On site Colours: Blue shirts,Black shorts Change: Red shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Alfreton Town Juniors U/10 Manager: Andrew Whitehead 11 Honeycroft Court South Normanton Alfreton DE55 3AF Home Tel: 01773 581104 Mobile: 07818 556327 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Tibshelf Community FC Playing Fields DE55 5PP Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Maroon/Sky Blue shirts,Maroon shorts Change: Orange/Black shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 11.00 am Bilsthorpe FC U/10 Manager: Matthew Wilson 11 Hatton Court Mansfield NG18 3QL Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07897 682817 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Bilsthorpe Sports Ground Eakring Road Bilsthorpe Newark NG22 8PY Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Orange shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Clipstone Welfare Colts Inter U/10 Manager: Jason Bray 60 Saffron Street Forest Town Mansfield NG19 0RE Home Tel: 01623 634854 Mobile: 07765 885503 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Paul Griffiths The Bungalow Clipstone Drive Forest Town Mansfield Notts NG19 0JJ Home Tel: 01623 430000 Mobile: 07882 267686 Email: [email protected] Ground: Youth Club Church Road Clipstone Mansfield NG21 9DF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red Shirts Black Shorts Change: All Purple Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Glapwell Gladiators U/10 Manager: Sam Rowan 32 Lilav Grove Glapwell Chesterfield S44 5NG Home Tel: 01623 811593 Mobile: 07979 192994 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Nesbitt Street Off Mansfield Road Hillstown Bolsover S44 6LE Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Black/White shirts,Black shorts Change: Red shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Page 37 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Juventis FC U/10 Manager: Elaine Ashcroft 107 Sough Road South Normanton Alfreton DE55 2LE Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07999 670149 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Dressing Room: Colours: Change: Preferred Home KO time: Manor FC U/10 Manager: Jack Wood 32 Beresford Road Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8QP Home Tel: 01623 469452 Mobile: 07960 297086 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Rob Wood 32 Beresford Road Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8QP Home Tel: 01623 469542 Mobile: 07977 944175 Email: [email protected] Ground: Manor Sport & Recreation Centre off Kingsley Avenue Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8JY Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red/Black shirts,Black shorts Change: Orange shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: am Mansfield Hosiery Mills U/10 Manager: Craig Ford 66 Carnarvon Road Huthwaite Sutton in Ashfield NG17 2JQ Home Tel: 01623 232306 Mobile: 07976 331548 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Mark Smith 20 Turnley Road South Normanton Alfreton DE55 2FB Home Tel: 01773 777007 Mobile: 07889 149315 Email: Ground: Mansfield Hosiery Mills The Fieldings Huthwaite Sutton in Ashfield NG17 2TF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Blue Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Rainworth Rangers U/10 Manager: Danny ? 60 North Avenue Rainworth Mansfield NG21 0JB Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07925 570904 email: Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Joseph Whitaker School Warsop Lane Rainworth NG21 0AG Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Black shirts,White shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: am Robin Hood Colts FC U/10 Manager: Philip Selby-Smith 37 Abbott Crescent Farnsfield Newark NG22 8LL Home Tel: 01623 883562 Mobile: 07921 250583 email: Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Sherwood Fields Sixth Avenue Edwinstowe NG21 9PW Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red/White stripe shirts,Black shorts Change: All Blue Preferred Home KO time: am Selston FC U/10 Manager: Daz Whalin 46 Alfreton Road Selston Notts NG16 6DQ Home Tel: 01773 783105 Mobile: 07946 182556 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Selston FC Mansfield Road Notts NG16 6EG Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Blue/Black shirts,Black shorts Change: Red/White shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: am Page 38 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Shirebrook Rangers U/10 Manager: Tim Everett 5 Acreage Lane Shirebrook Mansfield NG20 8RN Home Tel: 01623 740428 Mobile: 07814 502190 email: Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Shirebrook Academy Common Lane Shirebrook NG20 8QF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Royal Blue shirts,Royal Blue shorts Change: Sky shirts,Navy shorts Preferred Home KO time: 11.00 am Skegby Colts U/10 Manager: Jack Matthews 6 Farndale Road Sutton in Ashfield NG17 4DJ Home Tel: 01623 453060 Mobile: 07454 555217 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Thomas Eves 30a The Twitchell Sutton in Ashfield NG17 5DN Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07926 511290 Email: Ground: Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red/White shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: Teversal FC U/10 Manager: Craig Newton 8,Vere Avenue Sutton in Ashfield NG17 2DS Home Tel: 01623 461145 Mobile: 07964 772509 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Joe Flint 5 Searby Avenue Kirkby in Ashfield Notts NG17 5JQ Home Tel: Mobile: Email: [email protected] Ground: Quarrydale Academy Stoneyford Road Sutton in Ashfield NG17 2DU Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Walesby Juniors Green U/10 Manager: Matthew Hudson 34 Greenwood Crescent Boughton Newark NG22 9HX Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07720 212582 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Walesby Village Sports Association Forest Lane Walesby NG22 9PF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Green shirts,Green shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Walesby Juniors White U/10 Manager: Matthew Hudson 34 Greenwood Crescent Boughton Newark NG22 9HA Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07720 212582 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Walesby Village Sports Association Forest Lane Walesby NG22 9PF Dressing Room: On site Colours: Green shirts,Green shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Woodhouse Colts Black U/10 Manager: Jason Hostler 31 Birch Grove Mansfield NG18 4JH Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07736 035742 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Forest Town Arena Clipstone Road Forest Town NG19 0EE Dressing Room: On site Colours: Yellow shirts,Blue shorts Change: Blue shirts,Blue shorts Preferred Home KO time: Page 39 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Woodhouse Colts Blue U/10 Manager: Dale Gibson 154 Church Road Clipstone Mansfield NG21 9DL Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07810 793107 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Forest Town Arena Clipstone Road Forest Town NG19 0EE Dressing Room: On site Colours: Yellow shirts,Blue shorts Change: Blue shirts,Blue shorts Preferred Home KO time: Woodhouse Colts Bayern U/10 Manager: Jamie Hague 5 Gisburn Grove Forest Town Mansfield NG19 0GZ Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07808 854957 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Forest Town Arena Clipstone Road Forest Town NG19 0EE Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Yellow shirts,Blue shorts Change: Blue shirts,Blue shorts Preferred Home KO time: Page 40 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Under 11 ADASC Raiders U/11 Manager: Simon Oakley 7 Emmerson Road Riddings Alfreton DE55 4DJ Home Tel: 01773 609992 Mobile: 07890 606008 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Glynn Eminson 317 Somercotes Hill Somercotes Alfreton DE55 4JX Home Tel: 01773 607413 Mobile: 07730 425026 Email: Ground: Sleetmoor Lane Somercotes DE55 1RH Dressing Room: On site Colours: Blue shirts,Black shorts Change: Red shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Espial FC U/11 Manager: Louise Bedford 7 Bloomery Way Clay Cross Chesterfield S45 9FD Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07976 042586 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Chesterfield Pathers Rugby Club Dunston Road Chesterfield S41 9BF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Purple Change: All Green Preferred Home KO time: 12.00 noon Mansfield Boys U/11 Manager: Paul Shelton 41 Kingfisher Road Mansfield NG19 6RG Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07769 945072 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Berry Hill Park Lichfield Lane Mansfield NG18 4JR Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red shirts,White shorts Change: Black shirts,White shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Mansfield Hosiery Mills U/11 Manager: David Brown 19 Meadowlark Close Sutton in Ashfield NG17 1NN Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07521 941032 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Anthony Budd 18 Oakland Avenue Huthwaite Sutton in Ashfield NG17 2JE Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07557 977467 Email: [email protected] Ground: Mansfield Hosiery Mills The Fieldings Huthwaite Sutton in Ashfield NG17 2TF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Blue Change: Preferred Home KO time: 12.15 pm Robin Hood Colts U/11 Manager: William Appleton 39 Cedar Lane Ollerton Newark NG22 9SQ Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07712 668054 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: John Robinson Debdale Cottages Debdale Lane Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 7EZ Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Sherwood Fields Sixth Avenue Edwinstowe NG21 9PW Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red/White shirts,Black shorts Change: All Blue Preferred Home KO time: am Walesby Juniors U/11 Manager: Shaun Adams Ashby House Central Avenue Walesby Newark NG22 9NR Home Tel: 01623 869486 Mobile: 07970 271222 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Walesby Village Sports Association Forest Lane Walesby NG22 9PF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Green/White hoop shirts,Green shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Page 41 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Under 12 ADASC Eagles U/12 Manager: Jermaine Judson 12 Ashton Close Swanwick Alfreton DE55 1HG Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07864 575268 email: Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Sleetmoor Lane Somercotes DE55 1RH Dressing Room: On site Colours: Blue shirts,Black shorts Change: Red shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am ADASC Hawks U/12 Manager: Dan Brookes 193 Sleetmoor Lane Swanwick Alfreton DE55 1RH Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07891 833902 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Robin Thompson Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Sleetmoor Lane Somercotes DE55 1RH Dressing Room: On site Colours: Blue shirts,Black shorts Change: Red shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am AC Manor U/12 Manager: Paul Squires 117a Unwin Road Sutton in Ashfield NG17 4HT Home Tel: 01623 478034 Mobile: 07947 977135 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Mac Everington 34 Herne Street Sutton in Ashfield NG17 4GX Home Tel: 01623 464873 Mobile: 07856 892831 Email: [email protected] Ground: Manor Sports & Recreation Centre off Kingsley Avenue Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8JY Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red/Black shirts,Black shorts Change: Orange/Black shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: Ashover Juniors U/12 Manager: Robin Preston 37a Coupe Lane Clay Cross Chesterfield S45 9QL Home Tel: 01246 866210 Mobile: 07719 636038 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Ian Pearson Four Oaks Keslstedge Lane Brockhurst Ashover S45 0HP Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07769 628923 Email: Ground: Tibshelf Community Fields DE55 5PP Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Yellow shirts,Green shorts Change: Blue bibs Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Babworth Rovers U/12 Manager: Nathan Phillips 10 Burns Road Worksop S81 0QQ Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07450 866714 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Home Farm Sutton Lane Babworth Retford DN22 8ER Dressing Room: On site Colours: Blue/Black shirts,Blue/Black shorts Change: Yellow/Black shirts,Yellow/Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: Bilsthorpe FC U/12 Manager: Samatha Dunning 83 Savile Road Bilsthorpe Newark NG22 8QD Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07980 104376 email: sammydunning23 Assistant Manager: David Warren Crifton Lodge Farm Forest Lane Bilsthorpe Newark NG22 8TR Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07909 524388 Email: [email protected] Ground: Bilsthorpe Sports Ground Eakring Road Bilsthorpe Newark NG22 8PY Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Orange Shirts Black Shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.30am Page 42 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Bolsover Town U/12 Manager: Martin Jackson 8 Clarendon Road Inkersall Chesterfield S43 3EH Home Tel: 01246 474615 Mobile: 07443 221916 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Chris Foden 10 Hardwick Court Staveley Chesterfield S43 3UY Home Tel: 01246 462084 Mobile: 07984 679321 Email: [email protected] Ground: Bolsover Sports & Social Club Moor Lane Bolsover S44 6EB Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Red Change: All Blue Preferred Home KO time: 11.00 am Carr Vale Colts U/12 Manager: Daron McGwyre 36a Stratton Road Bolsover Chesterfield S44 6DS Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07971 151147 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: North View Street Carr Vale Chesterfield S44 6JE Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Black/Yellow shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10 am/11 am Chesterfield Town U/12 Manager: Malc Siddall 7 Pennine Way Grassmoor Chesterfield S42 5BN Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07890 651066 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Stand Park Road Whittington Moor Chesterfield S41 8SW. Dressing Room: On Site Colours: White shirts,Black shorts Change: All Blue Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Clipstone Welfare Colts U/12 Manager: Phil Francis 3 Sixth Avenue Clipstone Mansfield NG21 9DN Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07971 878080 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Youth Club Church Road Clipstone Mansfield NG21 9DF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red shirts,Black shorts Change: All Purple Preferred Home KO time: Espial FC U/12 Manager: Tim Reece 13 Southfield Avenue Hasland Chesterfield S41 0LX Home Tel: 01246 232072 Mobile: 07786 278812 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Adrian Bent 80 Hunloke Avenue Chesterfield S40 2PD Home Tel: 01246 769172 Mobile: 07415 441573 Email: Ground: Chesterfield Panthers Rugby Club Dunston Road Chesterfield S41 9BF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Purple Change: All Green Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Espial Community FC U/12 Manager: Mark Baines 16 Southfield Avenue Hasland Chesterfield S41 0LX Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07971 566778 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Chesterfield Panthers Rugby Club Dunston Road Chesterfield S41 9BF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Purple Change: All Green Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Page 43 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 FC Britannia Juniors U/12 Manager: Greg Allen 16 Whisperwood Close Duckmanton Chesterfield S44 5HL Home Tel: 01246 241979 Mobile: 07753 750496 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Walton Dam Chesterfield S40 3DN Dressing Room: none Colours: Blue/Navy shirts,Blue/Navy shorts Change: Light Blue shirts,White shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Glapwell Gladiators U/12 Manager: Martin Rowan 32 Lilac Grove Glapwell Chesterfield S44 5NG Home Tel: 01623 811593 Mobile: 07837 929418 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Nesbitt Street Off Mansfield Road Hillstown Bolsover S44 6LE Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Black & White Shirts Black Shorts Change: Red shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am JFC Young Boys of MDC U/12 Manager: Lee Kynaston 24 Redcliffe Street Sutton in Ashfield NG17 4ET Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07579 033272 email: Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Dilver shirts,Black shorts Change: All Pink Preferred Home KO time: Manor FC Blue U/12 Manager: Kenny Nelson 19 Studland Close Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8UG Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07748 072016 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Ben Tomlinson 56 The Fairways Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 9EW Home Tel: 01623 661661 Mobile: 07956 042806 Email: [email protected] Ground: Manor Sports & Recreation Centre off Kingsley Avenue Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8JY Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red/Black shirts,Black shorts Change: Orange shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: am Manor Orange U/12 Manager: Richard Thomas Brigante Main Street Kirklington Newark NG22 8ND Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07971 490752 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Tim Oxley 78 Leadale Crescent Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 9LR Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07534 908408 Email: [email protected] Ground: Manor Sports & Recreation Centre off Kingsley Avenue Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8JY Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Orange shirts,Black shorts Change: Red/Black shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: am Mansfield Boys U/12 Manager: Andy Shelton 63 Barnes Crescent Sutton in Ashfield NG17 5DN Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07533 700855 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Berry Hill Park Lichfield Lane Mansfield NG18 4JR Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red shirts,White shorts Change: Black shirts,White shorts Preferred Home KO time: 11.30 am Page 44 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Robin Hood Colts U/12 Manager: Carl Moore 61 First Avenue Edwinstowe Mansfield NG21 9PJ Home Tel: 01623 823342 Mobile: 07921 788160 email: Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Sherwood Fields Sixth Avenue Edwinstowe NG21 9PW Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red/White shirts,Black shorts Change: All Blue Preferred Home KO time: pm Sherwood Colliery U/12 Manager: Tim Oxley 78 Leadale Crescent Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 9HL Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07534 908408 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Wayne Taylor 1 Mount Crescent Warsop Mansfield NG20 0HE Home Tel: 01623 844992 Mobile: 07534 436165 Email: [email protected] Ground: Debdale Park Sports & Social Club Debdale Lane Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 7NS Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Blue/Black shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: am Shirebrook Rangers U/12 Manager: Andrew Frisby Riverside Farm Queens Walk Langwith Mansfield NG20 9EW Home Tel: 01623 743324 Mobile: 07825 616360 email: Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Shirebrook Academy Common Lane Shirebrook NG20 8QF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Royal Blue Change: Sky Blue shirts,Navy shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Skegby Colts U/12 Manager: Marc Platts 1 Astrid Gardens Nottingham NG5 5LW Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07724 670219 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Adrian Reynolds 44a Mill Lane Codnor Ripley DE5 9QG Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07969 471088 Email: [email protected] Ground: Hill Crescent Sutton in Ashfield NG17 4JA Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red/White shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: am Teversal FC U/12 Manager: David Hughes 100 Forest Road Skegby Sutton in Ashfield NG17 3BB Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07734 401972 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Quarrydale Academy Stoneyford Road Sutton in Ashfield NG17 2DU Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Walesby Juniors U/12 Manager: Wayne Banham 1 Kennedy Lane Walesby Newark NG22 9NN Home Tel: 01623 862676 Mobile: 07716 265344 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Walesby Village Sports Association Forest Lane Walesby NG22 9DF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Green & White hoop shirts, Green shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Page 45 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Woodhouse Colts U/12 Manager: Jeremy Koekemoer 5 Lucknow Drive Mansfield NG18 5HN Home Tel: 01623 482268 Mobile: 07817 534442 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Steven Henshaw 43 Botany Avenue Mansfield NG18 5NE Home Tel: 01623 403692 Mobile: 07828 609162 Email: [email protected] Ground: Forest Town Arena Clipstone Road Forest Town NG19 0EE Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Yellow shirts,Blue shorts Change: All Blue Preferred Home KO time: am Page 46 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Under 13 AFC Mansfield U/13 Manager: Lee Walker 4 Birchen Walk Mansfield NG18 4XU Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07415 858352 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Queensway Second Avenue Forest Town NG19 0BX Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red shirts,Black shorts Change: Yellow/Blue shirts,Blue shorts Preferred Home KO time: Ashfield Diamonds U/13 Manager: Wesley Douce 6 Edward Street Kirkby in Ashfield NG17 7JP Home Tel: 01623 614909 Mobile: 07876 235654 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Brendon Hardy 80 Oakenhall Avenue Hucknall NG15 7TE Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07805 900183 Email: Ground: Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Black/White shirts,Black shorts Change: Red/White shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Bilsthorpe FC U/13 Manager: Stefan Hopwell 6 Meadow Grove Bilsthorpe Newark NG22 8TQ Home Tel: 01623 870194 Mobile: 07967 635379 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Ian Spalding 1 Rufford Close Bilsthorpe Newark NG22 8SW Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07766 698317 Email: [email protected] Ground: Bilsthorpe Sports Ground Eakring Road Bilsthorpe Newark NG22 8PY Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Orange shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Bolsover Town U/13 Manager: Christopher Nicholls 59 McMahon Avenue Inkersall Chesterfield S43 3HL Home Tel: 01246 477607 Mobile: 07969 226470 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Grenville Bromfield 42 Manor Road Brimington Common Chesterfield S43 1NN Home Tel: 01246 238534 Mobile: 07792 598008 Email: [email protected] Ground: Bolsover Sports & Social Club Moor Lane Bolsover S44 6EB Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Red Change: All Blue Preferred Home KO time: Brampton Rovers U/13 Manager: Sean Newton 14 Halesworth Close Walton Chesterfield S40 3LW Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07814 225155 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Newbold Back Lane Chesterfield S40 4HF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Blue Change: White shirts,Blue shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Carr Vale Colts U/13 Manager: Michael Hole 18 Whitecotes Park Walton Chesterfield S40 3RT Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07712 398768 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Paul Bowler 22 Bloomerry Way Clay Cross Chesterfield S45 9FD Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07967 604865 Email: [email protected] Ground: North View Street Carr Vale Chesterfield S44 6JE Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Yellow & Red shirts,Red shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.15 am Page 47 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Chesterfield Town U/13 Manager: Mark Timmons 43 Selhurst Road Newbold Chesterfield S41 7HR Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07837 844452 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Martin Aldread 1 Overdale Matlock DE4 3ES Home Tel: 01629 581732 Mobile: 07912 661499 Email: [email protected] Ground: Highfield Park Gloucester Avenue Newbold Chesterfield S41 7DF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: White Shirts Black Shorts Change: All Blue Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Chesterfield Town Whites U/13 Manager: Craig Shaw 29 Green Lane New Tupton Chesterfield S42 6XW Home Tel: 01246 251608 Mobile: 07534 096538 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Stand Road Park Whittington Moor Chesterfield S41 8SW. Dressing Room: On Site Colours: White Shirts Black Shorts Change: All Blue Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Derwent Rangers U/13 Manager: Mark Hardman 72 Ling Forest Road Mansfield NG18 3NJ Home Tel: 01623 460648 Mobile: 07958 029359 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Mark Slinn 2 Tennyson Street Stretton Alfreton DE55 6JE Home Tel: 01773 520670 Mobile: 07817 836932 Email: [email protected] Ground: King George V Playing Fields Black Scotch Lane Mansfield NG18 4JW Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Black/Yellow shirts,Black/Yellow shorts Change: Black & White shirts Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Espial FC U/13 Manager: Andy Morris Unit 2 Synergy Sports Academy Millenium Way Chesterfield S41 8ND Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07450 343520 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Chesterfield Panthers Rugby Club Dunston Road Chesterfield S41 9BF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Purple Change: All Green Preferred Home KO time: 12,00 noon Glapwell Gladiators U/13 Manager: Liam Harrison 52 Cavendish Road Bolsover Chesterfield S44 6HN Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07522 682382 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Hall Corner Bolsover Road Glapwell S44 6PZ Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Black/White shirts,Black shorts Change: Red shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: Rotational Manor FC U/13 Manager: Jamie Wakelin 55 Primrose Court Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 9DY Home Tel: 01623 658476 Mobile: 07990 713095 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Dean Crew 66 Kingsley Avenue Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8JG Home Tel: 01623 626999 Mobile: 07950 809950 Email: [email protected] Ground: Manor Sports & Recreation Centre off Kingsley Avenue Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8JY Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red/Black stripe shirts,Black shorts Change: White/Red shirts,Red shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Page 48 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 New Tupton Ivanhoe U/13 Manager: Warren Wheatcrooft 94 Station New Road Old Tupton Chesterfield S42 6DE Home Tel: 01246 865335 Mobile: 07740 280638 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Liam Smith 10 Acacia Drive Lower Pilsley Chesterfield S45 8DY Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07788 371374 Email: [email protected] Ground: Tupton Recreation Ground Tupton Chesterfield Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Black/Gold shirts,Black shorts Change: Blue/Red shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Quarrydale United U/13 Manager: Neil Brown 10 Whilton Close Sutton in Ashfield NG17 3BF Home Tel: 01623 555560 Mobile: 07969 014370 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Rhyce Hallsworth Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07854 009969 Email: Ground: Bentinck Miners Welfare Sutton Road Kirkby in Ashfield NG17 8GS Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red shirts,Blue shorts Change: Yellow shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Robin Hood Colts U/13 Manager: Richard Walker 114,Fourth Avenue Edwinstowe Mansfield NG21 9NS Home Tel: 01623 822406 Mobile: 07812 143768 email: Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Sherwood Fields Sixth Avenue Edwinstowe NG21 9PW Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red/White shirts,Black shorts Change: All Blue Preferred Home KO time: pm St.Josephs FC U/13 Manager: Michael Brooks 15 Silk Street Sutton in Ashfield NG17 5AA Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07735 235073 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Mark Shipman 3 Lime Street Sutton in Ashfield NG17 4GB Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07957 393692 Email: [email protected] Ground: Hill Crescent Sutton in Ashfield NG17 4JA Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Blue Change: All Red Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Selsrton FC U/13 Manager: Ben Griffiths 30 Pennyroyal Way Kirkby in Ashfield NG17 8SE Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07500 833893 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Selston FC Mansfield Road Selston NG16 6GF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Blue/Black shirts,Black shorts Change: Red/White shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: am Sherwood Colliery U/13 Manager: Jordan Bailey 23 Long Meadow Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 9QW Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07912 677288 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Nick Donson 51 Sandringham Road Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 9UN Home Tel: 01623 752114 Mobile: 07739 535130 Email: nick@mathewsand Ground: Debdale Park Sports & Social Club Debdale Lane Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 7NS Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Blue/Black stripe shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: flexible Page 49 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Sherwood Colliery Blue U/13 Manager: Scott O'Hare 7 Greenwood Avenue Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8DU Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07776 375199 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Dave Jeffs 24 Churchill Avenue Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 9JU Home Tel: 01623 453975 Mobile: 07800 622527 Email: [email protected] Ground: Debdale Park Sports & Social Club Debdale Lane Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 7NS Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Blue/Black stripe shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: am Shirebrook Rangers U/13 Manager: Gerrard Wales 18 Hazel Crescent Shirebrook Mansfield NG20 8NE Home Tel: 01623 741018 Mobile: 07711 571143 email: Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Shirebrook Academy Common Lane Shirebrook NG20 8QF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Royal Shirts Royal Shorts Change: Sky Blue shirts,Navy shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Teversal FC U/13 Manager: Antony Coleman 28 Herne Street Sutton in Ashfield NG17 4GX Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07968 992835 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: David Foster Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Quarrydale Academy Stoneyford Road Sutton in Ashfield NG17 2DU Dressing Room: ON Site Colours: Red shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Walesby Juniors U/13 Manager: Stuart Beard 27 Maid Marion Way Boughton Newark NG22 9TP Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07955 455375 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Simon Jackson 21 Thornhill Drive Boughton Newark NG22 9JG Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07769 701999 Email: [email protected] Ground: Laxton Recreation Ground Bar Road Laxton NG22 0NT Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Green & White hoop shirts,Green shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Page 50 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Under 14 ADASC U/14 Manager: Stephen Morris 67 High Street Riddings Alfreton DE55 4BJ Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07955 132431 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: David Sanderlands 52 Main Road Morton Alfreton DE55 6ES Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07741 204107 Email: Ground: Sleetmoor Lane Somercotes DE55 1RH Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Blue shirts,Black shorts Change: Red shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Ashfield FC U/14 Manager: Andrew Ferenc 23 Beechdale Avenue Sutton in Ashfield NG17 4DP Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07968 224340 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Rickie Brunt 21 Beech Hill Avenue Mansfield NG19 7EN Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07738 178815 Email: [email protected] Ground: Samworth Church Academy Sherwood Hall Road Mansfield NG18 2DY Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Green/Black striped shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Bolsover Town U/14 Manager: Ben Holmes 66 Avondale Road Inkersall Chesterfield S43 3EQ Home Tel: 01246 475827 Mobile: 07792 393753 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Tom Smedley 70 Avondale Road Inkersall Chesterfield S43 3EQ Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07882 279642 Email: Ground: Bolsover Sports & Social Club Moor Lane Bolsover S44 6EB Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Red Change: All Light Blue Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Chesterfield Junior Blues U/14 Manager: Steve Coe 1 Rock House Close Tibshelf Alfreton DE55 5LE Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07971 280694 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Springwell Community College Calver Crescent Staveley Chesterfield S43 3NQ Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Blue Shirts White Shorts Change: All White Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Chesterfield Town U/14 Manager: Chris Topham 38 Westhill Lane Grassmoor Chesterfield S43 5BG Home Tel: 01246 662864 Mobile: 07769 933722 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Holmebrook Valley Park Off Water Meadows Lane Newbold Chesterfield S41 8XP Dressing Room: On Site Colours: White shirts,Black shorts Change: All Blue Preferred Home KO time: 1.00 pm Chesterfield Town Juniors U/14 Manager: Darren Cotterill 10 Tapton Vale Tapton Chesterfield S41 0SY Home Tel: 01246 204776 Mobile: 07775 458137 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Dave Cottrell 2 Priestfield Garedens Upper Newbold Chesterfield S41 8XH Home Tel: 01246 220610 Mobile: 07973 129727 Email: [email protected] Ground: Stand Road Park Whittington Moor Chesterfield S41 8SW. Dressing Room: On Site Colours: White shirts,Black shorts Change: All Blue Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Page 51 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Collingham FC U/14 Manager: Graham Howard 29 Peterborough Road Collingham Newark NG23 7SP Home Tel: 01636 892248 Mobile: 07729 860634 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Station Road Collingham Newark NG23 7RA Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Black/Amber shirts,Black/Amber shorts Change: Navy/Lime shirts,Navy/Lime shorts Preferred Home KO time: 9.30 am Espial FC U/14 Manager: Richard Hunter 2 Shakespeare Street Chesterfield S42 5TX Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07588 774813 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Philip Rodgers 48 West View Tibshelf Alfreton DE55 5LB Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07578 211796 Email: [email protected] Ground: Chesterfield Panthers Rugby Club Dunston Road Chesterfield S41 9BF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Purple Change: All Green Preferred Home KO time: 12.00 noon Glapwell Gladiators U/14 Manager: John Pilgrim 8 Lilac Grove Glapwell Chesterfield S44 5NG Home Tel: 01623 810514 Mobile: 07746 230568 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Daniel Jones 3 Meadowlands Bolsover Chesterfield S44 6XR Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07889 917825 Email: [email protected] Ground: Hall Corner Bolsover Road Glapwell S44 5PZ Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Black/White stripe shirts,Black shorts Change: Red shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: Rotational Manor FC Red U/14 Manager: Kelvyn Stephens 21 Woodland Drive Mansfield NG18 4JJ Home Tel: 01623 662107 Mobile: 07753 760240 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Dave Elms 3 Studland Close Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8UG Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07901 986669 Email: Ground: Manor Sports & Recreation Centre off Kingsley Avenue Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8JY Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red/Black shirts,Black shorts Change: Orange shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Mansfield Boys U/14 Manager: Paul Shelton 41 Kingfisher Road Mansfield NG19 6EG Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07769 945072 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Berry Hill Park Lichfield Lane Mansfield NG18 4JR Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red shirts,White shorts Change: Black shirts,White shorts Preferred Home KO time: 12.30 pm Maun FC U/14 Manager: Dale Peet 3 Colby Close Forest Town Mansfield NG19 0LS Home Tel: 01623 406266 Mobile: 07885 999096 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Iain Peet 3 Colby Close Forest Town Mansfield NG19 0LS Home Tel: 01623 406266 Mobile: 07775 444806 Email: [email protected] Ground: Garibaldi College Forest Town NG19 0JX Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Purple/White shirts,Purple shorts Change: White/Red shirts,Red shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Page 52 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Newark Town U/14 Manager: Craig Mountney 25 Wolsey Road Newark NG24 2AH Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07811 370413 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Devon Park off Valley Prospect Newark NG24 4QN Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Sky Blue shirts,Navy shorts Change: Yellow shirts,Navy shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Rainworth Rangers U/14 Manager: Phil Colledge 8 Kirklington Road Rainworth Mansfield NG21 0JR Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07513 954786 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Joseph Whitaker School Warsop Lane Rainworth NG21 0JR Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: am Real United Red U/14 Manager: Wesleigh Barke c/o 222 Rutland Road West Bridgford Nottingham NG2 5EB Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07868 843805 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Martin Morris 222 Rutland Road West Bridgford Nottingham NG2 5EB Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07735 439700 Email: [email protected] Ground: Stoke Lane Stoke Bardolph Nottingham NG14 5HX Dressing Room: on site Colours: Red shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: Robin Hood Colts U/14 Manager: Ken Dockerill 2 Hanover Close Forest Town Mansfield NG19 0AF Home Tel: 01623 611714 Mobile: 07512 685842 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Sherwood Fields Sixth Avenue Edwinstowe NG21 9PW Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red/White shirts,Black shorts Change: All Blue Preferred Home KO time: pm Sherwood Colliery U/14 Manager: Ryan Bain 5 Norfolk Court Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 9HW Home Tel: 01623 464832 Mobile: 07572 549939 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Gavin Bull 1 Sunnydale Northfield Park Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8NX Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07989 193121 Email: [email protected] Ground: Debdale Park Sports & Social Club Debdale Lane Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 7NS Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Blue/Black shirts,Black shorts Change: Blue/White shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 12.00 noon Shirebrook Rangers U/14 Manager: Jarrod Smith 17 Bruuner Avenue Shirebrook Mansfield NG20 8RR Home Tel: 01623 747468 Mobile: 07939 271187 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Shirebrook Academy Common Lane Shirebrook NG20 8QF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Royal shirts,Royal shorts Change: Sky Blue shirts,Navy shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Page 53 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Skegby Colts U/14 Manager: Kevin Langton 36 Woodland Drive Huthwaite Sutton in Ashfield NG17 2QH Home Tel: 01623 472349 Mobile: 07563 865785 email: Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Brierley Forest Park Huthwaite Sutton in Ashfield NG17 2PL Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red/White shirts,Red shorts Change: Black/White shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am South Normanton Colts U/14 Manager: Brett Gibb 4 Mickley Close Stretton Alfreton DE55 6FW Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07517 156166 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: South Street Recreation Ground South Normanton DE55 2DA Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Blue Change: All White Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Sutton on Trent YFC U/14 Manager: Jon Hope Mid Winter Barns Town Street Grassthorpe Newark NG23 6QZ Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07971 222220 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Paul Machin 15 Meadow Lane Weston Newark NG23 6SU Home Tel: 01636 821678 Mobile: n/a Email: [email protected] Ground: Sutton on Trent Sports Club Grassthorpe Road Sutton on Trent NG23 6QX Dressing Room: On site Colours: Maroon shirts,Sky Blue shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 1.00 pm Teversal FC U/14 Manager: John Lee 8 Westdale Avenue Skegby Sutton in Ashfield NG17 3AD Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07985 527751 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Rob Gee Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Quarrydale Academy Stoneyford Road Sutton in Ashfield NG17 2DU Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Walesby Juniors U/14 Manager: Dave Frearson 88 The Markhams New Ollerton Newark NG22 9QY Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07749 265390 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Laxton Recreation Ground Bar Road Laxton NG22 9HU Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Green/White shoop shirts,Green shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Winthorpe/Codd. Tigers Amber U/14 Manager: Steve Tur 16,Lime Grove,Newark NG24 4AH Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07841 537238 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Stapleford Lane,Coddington NG24 2QZ Dressing Room: On site Colours: Orange shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: Page 54 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Winthorpe/Codd. Tigers Black U/14 Manager: Ian Hurst 116,Middleton Road,Newark NG24 2DN Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07714 711673 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Stapleford Lane,Coddington NG24 2QZ Dressing Room: On site Colours: Orange shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: Woodhouse Colts U/14 Manager: Wayne King 24 Brookhill Lane Pinxton Notts NG16 6JX Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07920 108014 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Steven Worboys 37 Primrose Court Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 9DY Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07525 678866 Email: [email protected] Ground: Forest Town Arena Clipstone Road Forest Town NG19 0EE Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Yellow shirts,Blue shorts Change: All Blue Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Page 55 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Under 15 Babworth Rovers U/15 Manager: Mark Carey 10 Camborne Close Retford DN22 7JW Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07974 698213 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Home Farm Sutton Lane Babworth Retford DN22 8ER Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Blue/Black shirts,Blue/Black shorts Change: Yellow/Black shirts,Yellow/Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Brampton Rovers U/15 Manager: Garry Smith 43a Station Road North Wingfield Chesterfield S42 5HX Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07855 861665 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Newbold Back Lane Chesterfield S40 4RW Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Blue Change: Red shirts,Blue shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Chesterfield Junior Blues U/15 Manager: Mark Kneller 12 Brooke Drive Brimington Chesterfield S43 1PD Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07801 559339 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Lee Fletcher 15 Lawn Villas Calow Chesterfield S44 5SZ Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07791 258039 Email: [email protected] Ground: Springwell Community College Calver Crescent Staveley Chesterfield S43 3NQ Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Blue shirts,White shorts Change: All white Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Chesterfield Town U/15 Manager: Barry Tomlinson 90 Nelson Street Whittington Moor Chesterfield S41 8RT Home Tel: 01246 211700 Mobile: 07748 771770 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Jason Carr 62 Malia Way Tapton Chesterfield S41 0UF Home Tel: 01246 555324 Mobile: 07976 933936 Email: [email protected] Ground: Poolsbrook Football Ground Cottage Close Poolsbrook Chesterfield S43 3LF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: White shirts,Black shorts Change: All Blue Preferred Home KO time: 11.00 am Collingham FC U/15 Manager: Ian Holmes 6 Oaklands Collingham Newark NG23 7RG Home Tel: 01636 893202 Mobile: 07584 439097 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Mike Goodwin 15 Station Road Collingham Newark NG23 7RA Home Tel: 01636 893917 Mobile: 07771 534055 Email: [email protected] Ground: Station Road Collingham Newark NG23 7RA Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Black/Amber shirts,Black/Amber shorts Change: Navy/Lime shirts,Navy/Lime shorts Preferred Home KO time: 11.00 am Drezden Colts U/15 Manager: Mark Stevenson 125 Bancroft Lane Mansfield NG18 5LY Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07811 498539 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Queen Elizabeths Academy 150 Chesterfield Road South Mansfield NG19 7AP Dressing Room: On site Colours: All Sky Blue Change: Preferred Home KO time: >> 12.00 noon Page 56 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Espial FC U/15 Manager: David Ohare 49 Storforth Lane Hasland Chesterfield S41 0PP Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07823 774382 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Chesterfield Panthers Rugby Club Dunston Road Chesterfield S41 9BF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Purple Change: All Green Preferred Home KO time: 12.00 noon Farndon Colts U/15 Manager: Matt Walls 15 Rubys Avenue Fernwood Newark NG24 3RS Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07944 050065 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Magnus Community Sports Centre Earp Avenue Newark NG24 4AB Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Green/White shirts,Green shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Glapwell Gladiators U/15 Manager: Marc Revell-Wright 70 Langwith Road Bolsover Chesterfield S44 6HW Home Tel: 01246 241931 Mobile: 07902 876604 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Liam Jones 43 Shuttlewood Road Bolsover Chesterfield S44 6NU Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07717 571130 Email: Ground: Hall Corner Bolsover Road Glapwell S44 5PZ Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Black/White shirts,Black shorts Change: Red shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: Rotational Manor FC Black U/15 Manager: Jason Dickenson 10 Aspen Court Forest Town Mansfield NG19 0ND Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07545 598115 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: James Plant 15 Goldsmith Strret Mansfield NG18 5PF Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07447 443943 Email: [email protected] Ground: Manor Sports & Recreation Centre off Kingsley Avenue Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8JY Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red/Black shirts,Black shorts Change: Orange shirts/Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am New Tupton Ivanhoe U/15 Manager: Dean Booker 44 Greenway Wingerworth Chesterfield S44 6NW Home Tel: 01246 229303 Mobile: 07832 304636 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Langer Lane Recreation Ground Tupton S40 2JG Dressing Room: On site Colours: Black/Gold shirts,Black shorts Change: Red/Blue shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Sherwood Colliery U/15 Manager: Mark Anstee 9 Sandringham Drive Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8PN Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07477 597387 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Anthony Bailey 1 Ley Croft Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8JE Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07702 391673 Email: [email protected] Ground: Debdale Park Sports & Social Club Debdale Lane Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 7NS Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Blue/Black shirts,Black shorts Change: Black/Pink shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Page 57 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Teversal FC U/15 Manager: Shaun Waudby 30 Lawn Road Sutton in Ashfield NG17 4LG Home Tel: 01623 438491 Mobile: 07817 659070 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: John Boden 9 Bridle Close Stanton Hill Sutton in Ashfield NG17 3NG Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07990 850566 Email: [email protected] Ground: Pear Tree Lane Teversal Village Sutton in Ashfield NG17 3JN Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Walesby Juniors U/15 Manager: Dave Bracegirdle 60 Tuxford Road Boughton Newark NG22 9HU Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07795 627327 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Walesby Village Sports Association Forest Lane Walesby NG22 9PF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Green/White hoop shirts,Green shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Page 58 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Under 16 Caythorpe & Fulbeck U/16 Manager: Brian Pilkington 16 Waterloo Paddock Leadenham Lincoln LN5 0QW Home Tel: 01400 272710 Mobile: 07970 774576 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Fulbeck Playing Field Lincoln Road Fulbeck NG32 3JL Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Blue/Black shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Clipstone Welfare Colts U/16 Manager: Jamie Hardwick 4,Winchester Drive,Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8JW Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07837 187713 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Youth Club Church Road Clipstone Mansfield NG21 9DF Dressing Room: On site Colours: Red shirts,Black shorts Change: All Purple Preferred Home KO time: pm Dukeries FC U/16 Manager: Paul Marriott 30 Blackbird Avenue Worksop S81 8WB Home Tel: 01909 482214 Mobile: 07818 517188 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Steve Padley 25 Windsor Road Carlton in Lindrick Worksop S81 9BN Home Tel: 01909 732081 Mobile: n/a Email: Ground: Manton Athletic and Social Club Retford Road Worksop S80 2PU Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Orange shirts,White shorts Change: All Blue Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Espial FC U/16 Manager: Roger Wainwright 68 Dale Bank Crescent New Whittington Chesterfield S43 2DN Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07981 454652 email: Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Chesterfield Panthers Rugby Club Dunston Road Chesterfield S41 9BF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Purple Change: All Green Preferred Home KO time: 12.00 noon Manor FC Black U/16 Manager: Lee Proctor 55 Worcester Avenue Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8QY Home Tel: 01623 487780 Mobile: 07851 001878 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Manor Sports & Recreation Centre off Kingsley Avenue Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8JY Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red shirts,Black shorts Change: Orange shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Mansfield Athletic U/16 Manager: Gary Bullock 3 Primrose Court Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 9DY Home Tel: 01623 635706 Mobile: 07581 432972 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Kevan Simpson 35 Robin Down Lane Mansfield NG18 8AD Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07841 114303 Email: [email protected] Ground: Unwin Road Sports Ground Sutton in Ashfield NG17 4HT Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Sky/Navy shirts,Navy shorts Change: Red/Navy shirts,Navy shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Page 59 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 New Tupton Ivanhoe U/16 Manager: Dave Martin 52 Wingfield Road New Tupton Chesterfield S42 6XX Home Tel: 01246 464882 Mobile: 07591 955836 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Martin Cantrill 7 Lings Crescent North Wingfield Chesterfield S42 5GD Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07506 294152 Email: [email protected] Ground: Langer Lane Recreation Ground Tupton S40 2JG Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Black/Gold shirts,Black shorts Change: Blue/Red shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Newark Flowserve Lions U/16 Manager: Les Bruce 24 Dunholme Avenue Newark NG24 4AR Home Tel: 01636 687293 Mobile: 07914 382216 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Flowserve Sports Ground Hawton Lane Balderton Newark NG24 3BJ Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Orange shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 11.00 am Ordsall Rangers U/16 Manager: Wayne Spooner 31 Northumbria Drive Ordsall Retford DN22 7PR Home Tel: 01777 707744 Mobile: 07967 116005 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Ordsall Road Retford DN22 7PN Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Orange shirts,Black shorts Change: White shirts,Orange shorts Preferred Home KO time: am Robin Hood Colts U/16 Manager: Rob Coleman 146 Fourth Avenue Edwinstowe Mansfield NG21 9NS Home Tel: 01623 824122 Mobile: 07825 325497 email: Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Sherwood Fields Sixth Avenue Edwinstowe NG21 9PW Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red/White shirts,Black shorts Change: All Blue Preferred Home KO time: pm Shirebrook Rangers U/16 Manager: Simon Bullars 1 Station View Shirebrook Mansfield NG20 8BY Home Tel: 01623 743014 Mobile: 07538 714867 email: Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Shirebrook Model Sports Ground Recreation Drive Shirebrook NG20 8RG Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Royal Blue Change: Sky Blue shirts,Navy shorts Preferred Home KO time: 11.00 am South Normanton Colts U/16 Manager: Robert Evans 3 Edale Drive South Normanton Alfreton DE55 2LF Home Tel: 01773 812581 Mobile: 07736 288414 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Stewart Fox 89 Carter Lane East South Normanton Alfreton DE55 2DZ Home Tel: 01773 811230 Mobile: 07587 155626 Email: [email protected] Ground: South Street Recreation Ground South Normanton DE55 2DA Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Maroon/Blue shirts,Maroon shorts Change: All Red Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Page 60 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Sutton Athletic U/16 Manager: Lynton Barkes 66 Collins Avenue Sutton in Ashfield NG17 1GT Home Tel: 01623 400676 Mobile: 07771 511891 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Sutton Lawn Lawn Avenue Sutton in Ashfield NG17 5FU Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Blue/White hoop shirts,White shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 11.00 am Sutton on Trent YFC U/16 Manager: Noel Staveley 2 Poplar Close Sutton on Trent Newark NG23 6PB Home Tel: 01636 822489 Mobile: 07535 325208 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Sutton on Trent Sports Club Grassthorpe Road Sutton on Trent NG23 6QX Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Maroon/Sky shirts,Maroon/Sky shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Page 61 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Under 17/18 AFC Mansfield U/18 Manager: Bret Wooley 60 Bailey Crescent Mansfield NG19 6JF Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07743 816284 email: Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Queensway Second Avenue Forest Town NG19 0BX Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red shirts,Black shorts Change: Yellow shirts,Blue shorts Preferred Home KO time: AFC Mansfield Red U/18 Manager: Graham Caller 33 Ruby Way Mansfield NG18 4XQ Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07980 661927 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Queensway Park Second Avenue Forest Town NG19 0DX Dressing Room: On site Colours: Red shirts,Black shorts Change: Yellow shirts,Blue shorts Preferred Home KO time: Chesterfield Town U/18 Manager: Simon Dixon 4 Ashlodge Court Brampton Chesterfield S40 2QY Home Tel: 01246 557047 Mobile: 07973 553841 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Barry Aldridge 24 Somersby Avenue Walton Chesterfield S42 7LY Home Tel: 01246 567718 Mobile: 07999 939380 Email: [email protected] Ground: Chesterfield College Langer Lane Chesterfield S40 2JJ Dressing Room: On site Colours: White shirts,Black shorts Change: Blue shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Espial FC U/18 Manager: Matthew Chatfield Hornbeam House Mansfield Road Chesterfield S41 0JN Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07917 733532 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Paul Bradshaw Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07756 656680 Email: [email protected] Ground: Chesterfield Panthers Rugby Club Dunston Road Chesterfield S41 9BF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Purple Change: All Green Preferred Home KO time: 12.00 noon Espial Community FC U/18 Manager: David Bentley Unit 2 Synergy Sports Academy Millenium Way Chesterfield S41 8NB Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07867 422921 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Chesterfield Panthers Rugby Club Dunston Road Chesterfield S41 9BF Dressing Room: On site Colours: All Purple Change: All Green Preferred Home KO time: 12.00 noon Glapwell Gladiators U/18 Manager: Terry Robinson 48 Guildford Lane Danesmoor Chesterfield S45 9BP Home Tel: 01246 250545 Mobile: 07989 174612 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Hall Corner Bolsover Road Glapwell S44 5PZ Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Black/White shirts,Black shorts Change: Red shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: Rotational Page 62 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 MDC FC U/18 Manager: David Corah 33 Garnon Street Mansfield NG18 5QT Home Tel: 01623 403175 Mobile: 07767 877441 email: Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Change: Preferred Home KO time: Manor FC U/18 Manager: Nathan Conroy 28 Sandringham Road Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 9HN Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07949 359239 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Rebecca Benner 12 Brisbane Close Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8QZ Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07725 953556 Email: [email protected] Ground: Manor Sports & Recreation Centre off Kingsley Avenue Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8JY Dressing Room: On site Colours: Red & White shirts & shorts Change: Orange/White shirts & shorts Preferred Home KO time: Mansfield Athletic U/18 Manager: Rob Draycott 7 Ely Close Mansfield Woodhouse NG19 8JT Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07811 332468 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Unwin Road Sports Ground Sutton in Ashfield NG17 4HT Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Sky/Navy shirts,Navy shorts Change: Yellow shirts,Blue shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Mansfield Hosiery Mills U/18 Manager: Paul Sheridan 43 Lynton Drive Oaklands Sutton in Ashfield NG17 1NB Home Tel: 01623 442088 Mobile: 07974 444018 email: Assistant Manager: Shaun Batty 302 Alfreton Road Sutton in Ashfield NG17 1JE Home Tel: 01623 510762 Mobile: 07515 992584 Email: [email protected] Ground: Mansfield Hosiery Mills The Fieldings Huthwaite Sutton in Ashfield NG17 2TF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Blue Change: Preferred Home KO time: 2.30 pm Market Warsop U/18 Manager: Simon Harper 64 Bainbridge Road Warsop Mansfield NG20 0NE Home Tel: 01623 844308 Mobile: 07432 767017 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Fretwell Centre Sookholme Road Sookholme NG19 8LL Dressing Room: On site Colours: Blue/White stripe shirts,Black shorts Change: Red shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 11.00 am Newark Flowserve United U/18 Manager: Mark James 124 Main Street Balderton Newark NG24 3PA Home Tel: 01636 701213 Mobile: 07931 712157 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Flowserve Sports Ground Hawton Lane Balderton Newark NG24 3BU Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Orange shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 12.30 pm Page 63 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 QE Rangers U/18 Manager: Stuart Baugh 164 Fairholme Drive Mansfield NG19 6DU Home Tel: 01623 651003 Mobile: 07745 855663 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: QE Academy 150 Chesterfield Road South Mansfield NG19 7AP Dressing Room: On site Colours: Blue shirts,Black shorts Change: Red shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: 10/10.30 am Robin Hood Colts U/18 Manager: Philip Selby-Smith 37 Abbotts Crescent Farnsfield Newark NG22 8LL Home Tel: 01623 883562 Mobile: 07921 250583 email: Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Sherwood Fields Sixth Avenue Edwinstowe NG21 9PW Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red/White shirts,Black shorts Change: All Blue Preferred Home KO time: pm Robin Hood Colts Red U/18 Manager: Michael Milner 200,Fourth Avenue Edwinstowe Mansfield NG21 9NS Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07525 488624 email: Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Sherwood Fields Sixth Avenue Edwinstowe NG21 9PW Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Red/White shirts,Black shorts Change: Yellow/Blue shirts,Blue shorts Preferred Home KO time: pm Selston FC U/18 Manager: Jason Clifford 12 St Michaels View Selston NG16 6BP Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07973 364188 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Ant Shacklock 82 Hornbeam Way Kirkby in Ashfield NG17 8RL Home Tel: 01623 757989 Mobile: 07890 503448 Email: [email protected] Ground: Selston FC Mansfield Road Selston NG16 6GF Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Blue/Black shirts,Black shorts Change: Red/White shirts,Black shorts Preferred Home KO time: am Shirebrook Rangers U/18 Manager: Gary Bryant 19 The Leaway Shirebrook NG20 8EB Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07975 637875 email: Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Park Road Sports Ground Shirebrook NG20 8JR Dressing Room: On Site Colours: All Royal Blue Change: Sky shirts,Navy shorts Preferred Home KO time: 11.00 am Skegby Colts U/18 Manager: Dave Gradon 18 Welford Close Skegby Sutton in Ashfield NG17 3LD Home Tel: 01623 557363 Mobile: 07850 284736 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Pear Tree Lane Teversal Village Sutton in Ashfield NG17 3LH Dressing Room: on site Colours: All Blue Change: Preferred Home KO time: am Page 64 of 65 Chad Mansfield Youth League Handbook Season 2015/16 Southwell City Falcons U/18 Manager: Chris Allen 5 Keates Avenue Sutton in Ashfield NG17 2GH Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07866 632362 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Kevin Walker Black Rock Barn Greaves Lane Edingley Newark NG22 8BL Home Tel: 01623 882970 Mobile: 07976 717005 Email: [email protected] Ground: Centenary Sports Ground Brinkley NG25 0TU Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Black/White stripe shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.30 am Sutton on Trent YFC U/18 Manager: Roger Thompson Ivy House South Street Normanton on Trent NG23 6RQ Home Tel: 01636 821568 Mobile: 07944 317399 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Neil Gaskin 8 Palmer Road Sutton on Trent Newark NG23 6PP Home Tel: 01636 821256 Mobile: 07463 453045 Email: Ground: Sutton on Trent Sports Club Grassthorpe Road Sutton on Trent NG23 6QX Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Maroon shirts,Sky Blue shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Tuxford YFC U/18 Manager: Andrew Wilson 23 Eldon Street Tuxford NG22 0LG Home Tel: 01777 872040 Mobile: 07920 888943 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Anthony Brice 16 Briar Lea Worksop S80 3QL Home Tel: 01909 473361 Mobile: 07805 381760 Email: [email protected] Ground: Gilbert Avenue Tuxford NG22 0JB Dressing Room: On site Colours: Red shirts,Red shorts Change: Yellow shirts,Blue shorts Preferred Home KO time: 12.00 noon Walesby Juniors U/18 Manager: Geoff Barrett 109 Dovecroft New Ollerton Newark NG22 9BQ Home Tel: n/a Mobile: 07949 253301 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Laxton Recreation Ground Bar Road Laxton NG22 0NT Dressing Room: On Site Colours: Green/White hoop shirts,Green shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: 10.00 am Winthorpe/Coddington Tigers U/18 Manager: Neil Bilton 57,Robert Dukeson Avenue,Newark NG24 2FF Home Tel: 01636 706094 Mobile: 07773 382986 email: [email protected] Assistant Manager: Home Tel: Mobile: Email: Ground: Stapleford Lane,Coddington NG24 2QZ Dressing Room: On site Colours: Orange shirts,Black shorts Change: Preferred Home KO time: Page 65 of 65