Summer 2016 - Kaaba Shriners
Summer 2016 - Kaaba Shriners
KAABAGRAM KAABA SHRINERS VOLUME 2, Issue 16 Davenport, Iowa Summer 2016 THE TRADITION OF SHRINERS HELPING KIDS! Saturday, July 23, 2016 University of Northern Iowa / Cedar Falls UNI Dome Cedar Falls Main Street Shrine Parade 9:30 am Player Autographs 10:30 am GAME TIME 4:00 pm $10 Tickets in Advance $15 Tickets at the Gate Children 6 and under FREE KAABAGRAM PAGE 2 Kaaba Elected Officers for 2016 Summer 2016 2016 KAABAGRAM BOOSTERS Potentate — Thomas F. Hodges George E. Axmear PP, Malcom, IA Chief Rabban — Walter E. Hill Lucy Axmear, Malcom, IA Milton C. & Margaret Beck - Davenport, IA Assistant Rabban — Johan A.“Mo” Muller Peter & Carol Bell, Keota, IA High Priest & Prophet — Michael L. Chapman PP Leroy H. Carlson - Viola, IL Oriental Guide — Michael D. Moore Recorder — David G. Klein PP Treasure — William J. Juhl PP APPOINTED DIVAN Chaplain — Robert D. Watkins First Ceremonial Master — Michael D. Reschly Second Ceremonial Master — Dennis M. Peeters Director — William E. Reid Marshal — David E. Robinson Captain of the Guard — Allan L. Kluever Outer Guard — Arlin L. Neumann OTHER OFFICERS Temple Attorney - Michael P. Brice Photographers - Richard J. Larson and Michael J. Welch Insurance Committee - Ronald W. Coleman, Mark A. Steffen and George P. Schermerhorn Board of Governors, Chicago Shriners HospitalDavid G. Klein PP Associate Board Member, Chicago Shriners HospitalGilbert M. Goldensoph Board of Governors, St. Louis Shriners HospitalAllan L. Kluever Associate Board Member, Twin Cities Shriners HospitalMichael G. Zinser Lisa Clark, Clinton, IA Steven C. Clark, Clinton, IA Ronald W. Coleman, Ankeny, IA Mary C . Coleman, Ankeny, IA Hollis Hal Colliver - Keota, IA Donald E. & Patty Courter - Davenport, IA Robert C. & Erma Cummings - O'Fallon, IL Marion & Mildred Fullerlove - Sherrard, IL Reginald & Diana Hughell - Batavia, IA David E. & Carolyn Mason - Bettendorf, IA Arloine McCreery PP - Ottumwa, IA Roland McCreery PP - Ottumwa, IA Michael D. Moore, Washington, IA Elaine Moore, Washington, IA Johan A. “Mo” Muller, Davenport, IA Kathleen S. Muller, Davenport, IA Jack Murphy - Lockridge, IA Janice Murphy - Lockridge, IA J.Riley Padgett - Letts, IA Frank Patterson, West Chester, IA Marsha Patterson, West Chester, IA Mike Patterson, West Chester, IA INDENTIFICATION STATEMENT Publication Title: KAABAGRAM Issue Date: Summer 2016 Statement of Frequency: Periodically Nichole Patterson, West Chester, IA Mark R. Philp - Donnellson, IA Mary Ann Philp - Donnellson, IA Mike Reschly, Olds, IA Cindy Reschly, Olds, IA Authorized Organization’s Name & Address: KAABA Shriners P O Box 3627 Davenport, IA 52808-3627 Telephone Numbers: (563) 386-2526 Fax (563) 386-5694 (800) 670-5222 Email address: [email protected] Kaaba’s Website: KAABAGRAM ARTICLES: [email protected] Terrance M. Riessen - Stockton, IA Pamela Serrano - Bettendorf, IA Arlo Sloan - Osco, IL Mary Ruth Steffen - Moline, IL Phillip T. Steffen - Moline, IL Gerald M. & Nancy Stewart - Ainsworth, IA Thomas & Diane Taylor - Wilton, IL George & Lil Vermillion, Keokuk, IA Dianne C. Watson - Muscatine, IA Donald E. Watson - Muscatine, IA Doris Watson - Letts, IA Nancy West - West Chester, IA PAGE 3 KAABAGRAM Summer 2016 POTENTATE’S MESSAGE Nobles, It is hard to believe that almost half of this year has passed, I have tried to visit as many clubs and units as possible, but I cannot be everywhere at the same time. Many of you have asked about Linda. We thank you for your thought and prayers and God willing I will be bring her home sometime in July, but our travels may be limited. She gets tired easily and has problems walking and must be assisted. We will try whenever possible to visit your activities. Our spring ceremonial turned out to be a fun filled day. With the assistance of Des Moines Za Ga Zig Oriental Band, the Mandarin Degree was put on at the temple and all the attendees had a great time. Kaaba should be doing degree work several times a year, but again it takes involvement from the nobility to make things happen. The Kaaba Shrine Circus has come and gone and if you have not heard we did not do as well as we could have. You are asking why? Only about one third of the nobility supported the circus and even less came to one of the finest circus that we as Kaaba have had in the past five years. Were the dates wrong? Was the weather to hot or too cold? Or you just had other thing to do? Well, whatever your response would have been it has passed and we cannot go back and change the outcome. Maybe next year there will not be a circus, so the board needs ideas for fund raisers that YOU are willing to support. Part of the Divan is scheduled for Imperial in early July 2016. I don’t see anything on the call or voting docket that would be earth shaking or change the way Shriners do business, but there is always something unexpected about any convention that will come up. Thank you for putting your trust in the board member to do the right thing for Kaaba. The Iowa Shrine football game in Waterloo, Iowa is on July 23, 2016. Parade time 9 A.M. and game in the afternoon. Hope the nobility and families will come to all the activities that weekend. You should have received your tickets for the game, if you do not wish to use them yourself, sell them to someone. If you have never seen the game think about taking a trip to Waterloo that weekend. Coming up in August is CSSA in Little Rock, Arkansas. I have talked the Scimitar Potentate about the security and areas we will be in and they have reassured me that all possible security measures will be in place so there should be no major problems. Kaaba has reserved rooms at the Wyndham Hotel Riverfront in Little Rock, Arkansas. Make your reservation and come enjoy. Our sportsman giveaway is just starting, the items or raffle items have been selected, and tickets are being printed. Now is the time to step up and support your shrine. Tom Hodges, Potentate ATTENTION !!!!! ATTENTION !!!!!!!!!!! Our best way to contact the Nobility of events going on is Constant Contact. This is an email service we use in office to send emails to all our Nobility and their Ladies. If you have not been receiving our emails, call us and update your email addresses, or go on On the lower left hand corner of the home page where it says Sign up now for Shriners news click on the Signup now box. We have Less than 50% of the email addresses for our Nobility. Help us keep you informed! KAABAGRAM PAGE 4 Summer 2016 CHIEF RABBAN’S COMMENTS Nobles and all, The summer heat has arrived and that means time for Shrine summer activities. The Shrine circus events are finished and at this moment, not all the figures are in. If each Noble would have bought or sold the tickets they received in the mail and sold an advertisement for the circus coloring book, the Temple would have made more money. Too many Nobles sit back and let a few do the work. So, let's all get busy and support the Temple. Just a reminder, there are no stated meetings during June, July and August. Hope to see you all in September! Most of the Divan will be in Tampa, Florida for the Imperial Session July 2 thru July 7 attending meetings and more meetings. Hope there will some time for fun. July 23 is the Iowa Shrine Bowl Parade and game at Cedar Falls, game in temperature controlled UNIDome. The banquet is the evening before. The interaction between the cheerleaders and football players and the hospital patients is always very special to see. Gets the word out why we are Shriners. This year the Hillbilly Day and Degree is August 6 at JEB Park in Batavia. If you've never been there, you are missing good food (possum tails), and great fun. Please try to attend. August 24th thru August 27th is 2016 CSSA in Little Rock, Arkansas. The Sportsmen Raffle will be held October 22. Tickets will be arriving in your mailbox for you to buy/sell. This is Kaaba's largest fundraiser for the year, so let's support this event. Summer means parades and they have all ready started. Bring your units and join in the fun. Hope to see as many of you as possible there. Proudly wear your Fez, have fun . . . it's for the kids! Yours in the Faith, Walt Hill JOIN THE KAABAGRAM BOOSTERS IN 2016 BOOSTER RATES: One Line (Single name or Mr. and Mrs.) $10.00 (Annually) If you want your name and lady’s name on individual lines $20.00 for both lines. (Annually) YES, I want to be a BOOSTER! Enclosed is my check for $___________ Name or Names: ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Please mail this form and your check to: KAABA SHRINERS P.O. Box 3627 Davenport, IA 52808 PAGE 5 KAABAGRAM Summer 2016 Assistant Rabban Dear Nobles and Ladies Summer is here and the parade season is upon us. Remember to be safe and make sure that you, your club or unit is covered with insurance and your nobles dues are up to date. Our first parade this year was the Fulton Dutch Days parade in Fulton, IL. According to the Dutch Days Face book that Kaaba Shriners took 2nd place. Good job. Kaaba Shriners also participated in a couple Memorial Days parades to remember our families, brothers, friends and neighbors who have served and sacrificed their lives to make our world a better place to live. In July the Divan will be attending the Imperial Session in Tampa, Florida and as usually it will be hot and humid. In August Kaaba Shriners’ will also attend at CSSA in Little Rock, Arkansas. I remember when I became a Shriner, no one really explain to me what Imperial Session or what CSSA was all about except CSSA stands for Central States. The first year my Lady Kathy and I went to CSSA, we did some sightseeing and mostly hang around Kaaba hospitality room for several days. The second time we went to CSSA I have found that the Central States Shrine Association was meant for our members to meet other temple club and unit members. Being a member of the Directors Staff, I attended the CSSA Directors Staff meeting on a Friday morning and being a member of the Legion of Honor I also attended the all day Thursday CSSA Legion of Honor event and banquet that evening with a social the day before starting in the afternoon. This goes for other clubs and units which includes Hillbillies, motorcycles, little cars, clowns and ect. Find your group, meet them, and make friends, compete among your groups, build companionship and exchange information. I believe that having our Kaaba nobles getting more involved with other temple nobles, it will create growth within our temple. I told my Lady Kathy that being involved as I am in the Shrine that I will continue being active in Kaaba Shrine and attending CSSA because I have made many new friends. About Imperial Session, the Kaaba Divan elected officers are representatives to Iowa Cooperation and have voting rights on new or revised decision making or to repeal a decision. Whatever the decision the majority voted on will be our International Shrine Law abide by our USA laws. Some other countries their laws are differ from ours. For example: the display of national flags. On Saturday, July 23, 2016 there will be the Shrine Bowl football game at the UNI-Dome, Cedar Falls, Iowa starting at 4:00 pm and the gate doors will be open at 2:00 pm. Before the game, you will see interactions of the football players and cheerleaders with our shriners kids. I enjoy watching them having fun. The division for North & South teams is Interstate I-80. Any schools North of I-80 is North and of course any schools South of I-80 is South. Before the Shrine Bowl football game there will be a Shriners parade at 9:30 am with the four Shrine temples. The Parade will start at East 7th and 8th Streets to the north and south and Washington and Clay Streets to the east and west and conclude at the Autograph Session at the intersection of E. 4th and Main Street. Za-Ga-Zig Shrine will be the host temple this year and will be providing the luncheon at the park after the parade. Let’s continue what we do best is having fun and please come to the Shrine Bowl football game and see what we also do - is to support our Kids. (This event please wear your FEZ). Yours in the Faith Johan A. “MO” Muller Assistant Rabban PAGE 6 KAABAGRAM Summer 2016 KAABA SHRINERS PETITION TO THE POTENTATE, OFFICERS & NOBLES, OASIS OF DAVENPORT, IOWA P.O. Box 3627, Davenport, Iowa 52808, Phone (563) 386-2526, FAX (563) 386-5694 I, the undersigned, hereby declare upon my honor that I am a Master Mason in Good and Current Standing in: Lodge_______________________________ No._______ City and State _____________________________ which is recognized by the Conference of Grand Masters of North America. Furthermore, I have resided at my current address for not less than 6 months, as required by the By-Laws of the Imperial Council. In addition, I declare that I hold a Master Mason Proficiency Card or have been a Master Mason for no less than 6 months. I therefore respectfully request to be created a Noble of the Mystic Shrine and become a member of Kaaba Shrine. If I be found worthy and my request granted, I promise to conform to the Articles of incorporation and ByLaws of the Imperial Council and the By-Laws and Ceremonies of Kaaba Shriners. Date of Birth ___________________ Birthplace___________________________________ Were you ever a DeMolay? __________ If so, what Chapter and Location _______________________________ Do you belong to Scottish Rite? _______ If so Where? _______________________________________________ Do you belong to York Rite? ________ If so Where? _______________________________________________ Have you previously applied for admission to any other Shrine Center? ______________ Where ____________When? ________________ Your Residence Address: (street) ________________________________________________________________ (City, State & Zip) _______________________________________________________________________ Your Mailing Address: (Street)______________________________________________ (City, State & Zip)_________________________________________________________ Home Phone (including area code) __________________________ Business Phone________________________ Cell Phone ____________________ E-Mail_____________________________ Fax No. ___________________ Lady’s Name_________________________________________________________ Hat Size________________ Date: _________________ Print Full Name________________________________________________________ Occupation _____________________________ Signature __________________________________ Kaaba Shrine Fall Ceremonial, November 19, 2016 PAGE 7 KAABAGRAM Summer 2016 Oriental Guide Nobles, Quality First is a heroic journey based on a philosophy of Quality and a framework of earning public support. Heroic Service does not come from policy manuals. It comes from people who care like KAABA Shriners. Albert Schweitzer once proclaimed, Example is not the main thing in influencing others, it's the only thing. Fellow Nobles, it’s time to set the Quality First example for all Nobles to follow. All for One and One for all, together we can become a strong positive image for our fraternity and our hospitals. A positive image is not just wearing the Fez but being active in your clubs and in KAABA Temple activities. Remember fun, fellowship and the kids. We owe it to the Shriners Hospitals we are committed to serve now and in the future. Don Juan remarked, "The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge, while an ordinary man takes everything either as a blessing or as a curse." Become a warrior for KAABA, take on Quality First as a Challenge, promote KAABA by participating in activities, by helping recruit and maintain membership, and by supporting our hospitals and our kids. Quality First can be our quality improvement plan. It can be our way to achieve excellence and earn public support. Martin Luther King asserted, "Everybody can be great because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love." I believe all Nobles qualified as great when they first joined and I believe most Nobles have a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love. However, I also believe many Nobles have lost their way on this heroic journey to fun, fellowship and our kids. So, I thank all Nobles that continue to volunteer and support our great fraternity and I challenge all those that have lost their way to take the Quality First challenge and join us again. Remember as a Noble it is all for one and one for all that is our strong positive image. Proud to be a Shriner Michael Moore, Oriental Guide Nobles, Being a Noble for the last 32 years has allowed me to work, play, and meet some of the greatest people in the world. Since 2006 I have worked tirelessly for the good of Kaaba Temple. It is now time to step aside and allow other Nobles in the Fraternity to step forward and do the same. That being said I will not be running for re-election for Treasurer in December. I hope someone will realize the importance of this job and step forward. I will still be around however, doing whatever I can for the Fraternity. Thank you for all of your support and assistance throughout the years. William Juhl PPx2 KAABAGRAM PAGE 8 Summer 2016 T he Chapl ains Cor ner Greeting Nobles, God’s blessing to each of you and your families a sincere prayer that this note soon reaches you and finds you well. The past months have found us all very busy with Shrine meetings, lodge meetings, the Circus, the Air Show and the upcoming North/South football game. With all these activities and more, it’s a wonder we have time to eat, sleep and pray for one another. Now the prayer is the most important thing we can do! Expectantly ask the LORD’S guidance in ALL we do. Pray for all those who need GOD’S help, (that is for all of us), guiding us through this fast paced life. We know that if we ask for it of God, He will answer our prayers and direct our actions. Our officers put their trust in God and seek his guidance in every undertaking. We know this but there are times (Shame on us), when we overlook or forget such an important detail. Nobles, all Masonic members, and ladies vow or pledge to “PUT THEIR TRUST IN GOD”. When did we last forget to do that? It is very important to remember this before we endeavor to start any undertaking. Did we ask and receive God’s answer before we started? We have the entire Bible before us. The Bible is more than just an ornament sitting on the Alter. It is THE book of instruction for each of us. It holds all the answers and instructions for each of us to employ for each and every problem and occasion.. The Bible is there for us and should be considered for every decision we make. We put our trust in GOD”. Reminder! Three issues back, “THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF GOD” The Ten Commandments were written by God upon two tablets of stone and then given to Moses on Mount Sinai. Most scholars date this event around the 13th or 14th century BC. God gave the Decalogue or 10commandments to the Israelites shortly after they left Egypt. The record of the ten commandments can be found in the Bible, both in Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. Ten Commandments List 1.You shall have no other gods before me. 2.You shall make no idols. 3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. 4. Keep the Sabbath day holy. 5. Honor your father and your mother. 6. You shall not murder. 7. You shall not commit adultery. 8. You shall not steal. 9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 10. You shall not covet. For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh Knowledge and understanding. “ --Proverbs 2:6 Chaplain BOB PAGE 9 KAABAGRAM Summer 2016 Treasure Greetings Nobles, I hope this article finds you deep in the Parade Season. Parading is one of the ways that Shriners can make their presence known. Hopefully when we parade we can get interest from people outside the fraternity and we can educate them on freemasonry and the Shrine. One and thing we all have to remember, when we are out in the public we are closely observed and scrutinized. Recently I was at a parade and a Noble complained to me about another Noble's vocabulary around his wife and other Ladies. When I was but a young lad a long time ago I listened to my dad's vocabulary while working on the farm. It was never around my mother but being young and wanting to emulate my dad, my brother would practice these new words. Well you know it, Mom heard it, and then Dad heard it from Mom. The next night in the barn while doing chores Dad informed us that this kind of language was Barn Talk and to be used in the barn and not around Mom or any other ladies. It worked, even when in the Navy I never talked like that around my Mom or any other Ladies. Nobles lets remember that when around mixed company. Let us all remember that when wearing a fez or even when we remove our fez, we are still Masons and Shriners, our conduct is magnified because of this. I want everyone to have fun but also to be an Ambassador to the Fraternity. Es Salaam Alekum William Juhl PPx2 PAGE 10 KAABAGRAM Summer 2016 Kaaba Shriners announced that their organization is sponsoring the 2nd Kumdo National Championships on Saturday, August 6th 2016. Kumdo is a martial art which highlights Asian sword fencing. The event is scheduled at Black Hawk College (Building #3) in Moline, Illinois from 9 am to 5 pm. Competitors from various parts of the United States, including Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, and local Moline Kumdo students will participate in individual and team competitions. The tournament is open to other martial arts, including Kendo, for participation. There will also be local martial art demonstrations at 1 pm. In conjunction with the martial art tournament, Doric Lodge of Moline is sponsoring an “IL Chip/ Child ID” screening in the same facility at the Black Hawk College campus (Building #3) that same day. This popular child screening is free for participants. The parents of the child will receive an envelope with DNA, fingerprinting, and a “zip drive” video of their child for private personal possession provided by the screening. Each participating child will receive a free ticket to attend the 2 nd Kumdo National Championships that day. Tickets for purchase are available at Birdsell Chiropractic & Acupuncture Clinic-1201- 5th Avenue, Moline, Illinois and OK Discount House-1207 East Locust Street, Davenport, Iowa. For further information, contact Dr. David Birdsell: (309) 235-3132 or [email protected] There will be a “Press Conference” at the Davenport Masonic Center on Thursday, July 28 th at 3:00 pm. All proceeds will be donated to the Shriners Hospitals for Children. PAGE 11 KAABAGRAM Summer 2016 Chris Moore competes on American Ninja Warrior Pledges to donate winnings to Shriners Hospitals for Children Chris Moore is used to helping kids. This father of four creates and fits prosthetic limbs for kids in a thriving practice in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Now, Chris is expanding his influence by using his strength, agility and stamina to benefit Shriners Hospitals for Children. For the second year in a row, Chris is competing on NBC’s American Ninja Warrior, where hundreds of athletes tackle challenging obstacle courses hoping to win the $1 million grand prize. Chris, who works out every day beginning at 4 a.m. to prepare for the course, has pledged to donate all of his winnings to Shriners Hospitals for Children. “Shriners Hospitals for Children is one of those beacons of light for children. They are not profit motivated, and that is unique. I have seen Shriners Hospitals come to the rescue of many kids who otherwise would not have gotten the care they needed to walk or just be a kid,” said Moore. Chris, a former Navy medic, cannot tell us what is in store for him during this year’s show, but his qualifying round was filmed in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and will air June 20. Last year, during season seven of the show, Chris made it all the way to the finals in Las Vegas, Nevada. Chris says whatever happens this year, he wants more people to know about the good work that Shriners Hospitals does. To ensure that Shriners Hospitals – and ultimately kids – benefit, Chris has set up a fundraising page at Please help us support this Ninja hero who is working hard to overcome obstacles, just like our Shriners Hospitals for Children patients. Thank you Chris for putting our No Limits attitude to the test! Pictured: Chris Moore, competing on American Ninja Warrior for $1 million, visited with children at Shriners Hospitals for Children — Greenville last year, following season seven. KAABAGRAM PAGE 12 Summer 2016 CENTRAL STATES SHRINE ASSOCIATION CONVENTION August 24th through August 27th, 2016 Little Rock, Arkansas Make your room Reservations with the Hotel Wyndham Hotel Riverfront 2 Riverfront Place North Little Rock AR 72114 Accommodation Rates: Singles & Doubles: $114.95 & $10.00 each additional person Exclusive of Tax Rollways: Additional charge of $15.00 per night. Limit people 4 per room. Make sure you call 1-800-657-4458 and make your Reservation. Be sure to mention that you will be with the Kaaba Shriners. After 08/03, 2016 The Kaaba Rate will not be available and the rooms will be released to the general inventory. Send CSSA Registration to Kaaba by July 15, 2016 Name of Noble: ______________________________________________________________________ Amount Paid $ ____________________ Ladies Name: _______________________________________________________ Club or Unit: ________________________________________ Date of Arrival: _____________________________ Date of Departure: ______________________________ Ph: ______________________________ Cell:___________________________ Email:________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ City: ____________________________ State: _________ Zip __________________ Registration Fee: $40 per person - Includes CCSA registration fee + Kaaba Hospitality Room Circle one category Single Couple Registration Activities Counterparts Dinner: (Elective & Appointive): Ladies Luncheon Barbecue Dinner & Pub Crawl $40.00 $ 45.00 per person $ 43.00 per person $ 30.00 per person $80.00 # Attending ________ # Attending _________ # Attending _________ Amount: _______ Amount: _______ Amount: _______ Total __________________ (Provide Shirt Sizes for all attending the Pub Crawl.) Shirt Sizes _______________ Please complete & mail the form below with the appropriate Deposit Payment to: Kaaba Shriners P.O. Box 3627 Davenport IA 52808-3627 Make Checks payable to Kaaba Shriners *****Special Dietary Requests: Check all that apply: ___ Vegetarian ___ Vegan ____ Gluten Free ____ Diabetic PAGE 13 KAABAGRAM Summer 2016 Remembering Why I Became A Shriner By Randy Rudge, Membership Development Director, Shriners International If you were asked, “What does your Shriner membership mean to you?” How would you respond? A few years ago, I was asked to do a Shriner membership presentation. I worked for months preparing what I would say and do. But, the night before the presentation I realized that it was nothing like I wanted it to be. So I decided I wasn’t going to do a presentation at all. I was going to listen. At the beginning of each workshop I had each member think about and write down why he became a Shriner. Then, I asked each to write his two proudest moments as a Shriner. I realize that for many it was hard to pick just two, but I wanted the first two memories that came to mind. What the attendees didn’t know was that each of them was going to share what he had written. That became the most inspirational workshop I have ever participated in. What we heard were the true tenants of Freemasonry and the principles of our Shriners Creed. While there were inspiring stories regarding the children we serve in our hospitals, many of the stories dealt with the brotherly love and fellowship that are only achieved by being a member. When I think back about my membership, I think about the incredible friends I have made and how they have become my extended family. How they have lent a hand and listened when I was in need, shared a laugh, dedicated their time and made me their friend. But most of all, I think of my membership as an incredible bond between me and my father. I remember the pride he expressed when I became a Shriner, all the responsibilities I took on, and the endless discussions with our mutual friends. And the fun we had together. My dad passed away four years ago on March 6, after a long illness. During his illness, he had not been out of the house for many months, but he decided to attend a Shriners’ function. At the event, we sat him in a chair and noble after noble came up to him to shake his hand and say hello. Dropping him off at his home later that evening, I gave him a hug and said goodnight. I will always remember him looking back at me with tears in his eyes and thanking me. That was the last time he went out in public. After listening to many stories similar to mine during the workshop, I asked the attendees what they learned from the exercise. What they said was that they experienced a lot of emotion, pride, love and fellowship in that room. My message is simple: As Shriners and leaders, it is our responsibility to guide others so that they achieve the same emotion, pride and fellowship we experience as Shriners. When we do, our organization will prosper. Now, I ask each of you to write down why you became a Shriner and your two proudest moments as a Shriner. If you would like to share your story, please e-mail me through Feztivities. Thank you all for being Shriners. Thomas Hodges David Klein Tom Hodges on the Elephant Trainer, Don Warkins & Walter Hill KAABAGRAM PAGE 14 Summer 2016 7th Annual Kaaba Shriners ”In Memory of our Departed brother Nobles” When Allah calls, then our friends obey and fold their tents and steal away. To the land where the crystal waters flow, where the Beautiful Palms of Allah grow. Life is a story in volumes three, the past, the present, the yet to be. The first we’ve written and laid away, the second we’re reading day by day, The third and last of the volumes three ,is locked from sight - God keepeth the key. Arthur I. Mowat Fredrick L. Fiet Jack D. Wyatt Charles T. Byars Robert Rosencrants Michael D. Craven Myron L. Jennings Lloyd M. Crumly James T. Greenfield Robert R. Callaway Cyrus N. "CY" Fox Davenport, IA 52806 Fulton, IL 61252 Ottumwa, IA 52501 Burlington, IA 52601 Centerville IA 52544 Columbus Junction, IA 52738 Winfield, IA 52659 Oskaloosa, IA 52577 Douds, IA 52551 Belton, MO 64012 Davenport, IA 52804 Sportsman's Giveaway Saturday, October 22, 2016 At the Rodeo Grounds, Conesville, IA Door open at 5:00PM Supper served 6:00 PM KAABAGRAM PAGE 15 Summer 2016 KAABA PARADES 2016 JULY 9 BATAVIA 10:00 AM AUGUST 20 MONTROSE 12:00 NOON JULY 17 WEST LIBERTY (MUSCATINE CO. FAIR) 1:00 AUGUST 20 LONE TREE 11:00 AM 10:00 AM JULY 16 WAPELLO 10:00 AM AUGUST 22 MELROSE 12:00 NOON JULY 16 WALCOTT 10:00 AM AUGUST 27 CSSA-LITTLE ROCK ARK. TBA JULY 16 SOLON 10:00 AM AUGUST 27 WILTON FOUNDERS DAY 1:00 PM *JULY DRAKESVLLE 7:00 PM AUGUST 27 SILVIS MOONLIGHT PARADE TBA AUGUST 6 WEST BRANCH 10:00 AM AUGUST 6 WINFIELD 10:00 AM *AUGUST CONESVILLE TBA SEPTEMBER 4 NAUVOO 2:00 PM SEPTEMBER 5 KEOKUK 10:00 PM SEPTEMBER 10 FORT MADISON (RODEO) 8:30 AM AUGUST 6 SWISHER DAY PARADE 11:00 AM SEPTEMBER 10 MILTON 11:00 AM AUGUST 6 ALBIA 10:00AM SEPTEMBER 17 FAIRFIELD 10:00 AM AUGUST 13 ALBANY IL TBA AUGUST 12 LECLAIR TUG FEST 6:00 PM AUGUST 15 ILLINOIS CITY TBA SEPTEMBER 24 CENTERVILLE 1:00 PM SEPTEMBER 24 KAHOKA MO. 1:00 PM AUGUST 15 MONROE 7:00 PM OCTOBER 1 OTTUMWA 10:00 AM AUGUST 15 KNOXVILLE 10:00 AM OCTOBER 8 COLUMBUS JUNCTION 2:00 PM AUGUST 16 WEST POINT 12:00 NOON OCTOBER 8 KEOSAUQUA 10:00 AM OCTOBER 31 DAVENPORT HALLOWEEN 6:00 PM IF YOU HAVE UPDATES OR CORRECTION CONTACT ME AT RON MILLER 2130 S. 3 RD STREET BURLINGTON IOWA 52601 [email protected] - Email (319) 752-5103 - HOME (319) 750-9134 - CELL Kaaba Shriners—Child ID Program would like to thank the following sponsors and volunteers for helping with the recent Child ID program on June 5 at the Columbus City Masonic Lodge. This program allows valuable information to be stored and used by law enforcement in case of an emergency. The Columbus Gazette / Louisa County Ambulance / Simply Soothing / Lowe Insurance Agency / Ag Junction / Valley Title & Land / Larry’s Body Shop / Special Effects / Main Street Gifts & Antiques / Community Bank and Trust / Wiele Motors / G&W Auto Parts / Juhl Plumbing / Horak Insurance / Mincer Ford / Integrity Dental / Walter Hill / Mary Coffin / Betty Hamilton and Shirley Juhl PAGE 16 KAABAGRAM Summer 2016 Hillbillie Degreezze Dasz August 6, 2016; Batavia IA possum Tails starting at 9:30am Come n Hav Funn, Amongst friends @ Jebs Park, Batavia IA For any Question or Reservations: Contact Dean Watson 641-799-7575 Or Kaaba Temple 563-386-2526 Jack Stamm Memorial Tab Program Totals thru 5/10/2016 Year to Date: 2703 pounds brought in $1177.68 Program to Date: 395,814 pounds brought in $211,444.15 Thank you for your continued support of this wonderful program! PAGE 17 KAABAGRAM Summer 2016 KAABAGRAM PAGE 18 Summer 2016 2016 Kaaba Circus Dads & Moms Juan Alvarado William M. & Joan Anderegg Jeff Andeway Charles F. & Sara Anschutz David L. Arendt George E. & Lucy Axmear Raymond A. & Nancy Aynes In Memory of William Baker David & Jan Batman Milton & Margaret Beck Peter A. & Carol Bell Terry Belzer Albert A. & Susan Bengtson Dr. David R. Birdsell Harold & Dr. Judy Black George A. & Wanda Blackwood Robert & Linda Bonar Merle H. & Mary Bowers David & Cynthia Boyd Richard A. & Becky Brewington Thomas C. & Mary Brooke Richard L. Brown Matthew A. & Shannon Buckley Gary A. & Cathy Burden John L. Burman Samuel Burnett David & Catherine Bush Bill Bushong Leroy H. Carlson & Pamela Serrano David Carrick Eugene & Gerda Chappell Bill Chmelar J. Robert Clark Howard D. & Patricia Coil Ronald W. & Mary Coleman Hal H. Colliver James J. & Marilyn Conrey Ron & Joyce Cornwell James W. & Cathy Crawford Robert & Alice Crawford Larry & Marilyn Culver Robert C. & Erma Cummings Jim Davies Terry M. & Donna Davis Jim B. Decker Robert E. & Lois Dixon Charles Dohrn Jr. Darrell & Carol Downing James E. & MaryAnn Dreibelbeis Delmar & Ann Dudgeon Otis D. & Jean Dunlap William P. Dusenbery Robert W. & Margaret Emmert Robert L. & Mary Ellen Evans Thomas Fagan Henry W. Fields Jerald W. & Mary Fisher Donald & Helen Fogleman Marion M. Fullerlove Robert & Joan Fulton Joey F. Gehrls Fred Gibson James Goetsch Gilbert M.& Carol Goldensoph Jr. Shawn A. & Jennifer Greeley Rick J. & Dena Greenfield Jerry & Judith Griffitt Todd P. & Dora Gullickson Dan & Carol Gullion Richard & Nancy Hacker Jeffrey T. & Krista Hagge James F. Hahn Marvin & Betty Hamilton Kenneth Hamilton Albert W. & Patty Hancock Larry & Jennifer Handling Michael J. & Helen Haney Kenneth L. & Rosemary Hanson Joseph L. & Carol Hardin Monte L. Harris Jack H. & Mary Hayes Allan W & Sara Haytcher John T. & Donna Hedgepeth Lionel & Joann Hersh Darrell & Linda Hewitt Walter Hill & Mary Coffin Robert Hillis Lysle R. & Joanne Hinkhouse David & Elizabeth Hinkle Thomas F. & Linda Hodges Gary L. & Susan Hofmann Reginald L. & Diana Hughell Clyde M. Huston Mark & Chris Huston Allen Huttig Allen & Rita Huttig M Marc Irvin Charles D. Isaacson Mike & Renea Jay Myron & Tana Jennings Duane G. & Sharon Johnson Steven L. & Sandra Johnson James & Barbara Johnson Bruce & Beth Johnson Rodger L. Johnston Dennis & Sally Johnston Howard & Elsie Jones William F. & Dixie Jutte, Jr Dennis E. & Shirley Kelley Job Keltner Jr. James R. Kennedy Keokuk Fez Club Bruce A. & Judy Kinrade Keith P. & Charlotte Kline Allen & Janet Kluever James L. Kluxdal, C.R.N.A. Kendig K. & Carol Kneen Robert J. & Donna Koehler Richard W. Koerner Gregg A. & Louise Kruse Elmer E. & Peggy Lambert Jeffrey J. & Janice Larson Wayne & Patsy Lind Roger & Myrtle Logan James M. Lowe Karl Lowe Jeff Loyd Mitchell & Tiffany Loyd Leslie L. & Katherine Loyd James K. & Barbara Lykam Jay L. & Teresa Mac Eachern Jerry D. & Carol Magdefrau David & Carolyn Mason Evan C. & Marilyn Matthews David & Carol McCall Roland & Arloine McCreery H. Filmore & Marjory Melick Continue on page 19 KAABAGRAM PAGE 19 Summer 2016 2016 Kaaba Circus Dads & Moms Continue Ralph P. & Beverly Mercer Larry D. & Laurel Reiss Robert J. & Judith Temple Gary & Jean Miller Michael D. & Cynthia Reschly Robert Thomas Ronald D. & Amy Miller Terrance M. "Terry" Riessen Glen & Amy Thompson Richard J. & Kay Mommsen Don& Doris Robertson Theodore R. & Alberta Thornton Michael D. & Elaine Moore David & Sharon Robison George R. Thuenen III Walter & Pat Moore Kurt Rossiter Henry Trefz David Van & Peggy Moore Russell P & Janice Kay Moore Jr. Stanley J. Russell Paul & Joann Van Blaricom Thomas R. & Catherine Sands Carl W. & Shirley Van Keuren Oris & Wetona Mullenix Joshua D. & Christi Sands William E. & Joan Van Lue Johan A. & Kathleen Muller George P. Schermerhorn Elwyn L. & Elsa Van Meter Jack L. & Janice Murphy Theodore & Julie Scully II Clayton & Kathy Vermillion Thomas & Judy Murphy Finley & Carol Seibel George L. & Lil Vermillion Jr. Perry T & Lana Murry Charles A. & Irene Selensky Marcus & Shirley Vigen Arthur & Kathleen Nelson Robert & Julie Setterberg Brian "Buzz" & Dolores Walters Roger W. & Patricia Nelson Robert & Bonnie Shaw Donald R & Sena Warkins William R. & Donna Nelson Jason T. Shepherd Robert Watkins Charles North Earl D. & Doris Shields Robert E. & Jean Weddle William B. Norton Don E. & Betty Siegmund George M.& Lois J. Weers Thomas O. & Wynnona Nutt Jr. Lyle W. & Norma Simpson Bill E. & Cindy Wellington Harold W. & Jane Ogilvie Jr. Max L. Smith Bruce & Shirley Wells Ronald L. & Ellen Oostendorp Paul R. Smith & Lou Lemley Dick& Julie Wells Robert M. & Linda Overturf Edwin E. Stater John R. & Lorrie Whitaker Ralph P. & Linda Owen M. Jay Steen Stephen M. & Janie Whitehouse John A. Pagin Robert E. & Barbara Papenhausen Phillip T. Steffen Marvin & Sandra Whittaker Mark Steffen In Memory of Linda Steffen Kenneth V. & Gerry Whyte Melvin L Parker Dennis & Sue Peeters Gerald M. & Nancy Stewart John & Connie Wiemers James T. & Donna Jo Stoltz Larry & Sue Wiersema Daniel G. & Anita Peters Michael A. Stotlar Charles T. & Bonnie Williams Mark R. & MaryAnn Philip Dennis Stout Kirk & Geralyn Williams Harold M. & Nancy Plate Garry M. & Betty Sumpter Leon L. Wilson Jerry & Karen Pleasant Danny L. & Dolores Sweezer Donald E. Wolfskill Bruce A. & Vicki Postel Thomas N. & Diane Taylor Dean Wright Carl H. Rauch Jr. Lawrence & Dorothy Taeger Douglas & Teresa Yegge Thanks to All the Harvey P. & Connie Tageler Kaaba Circus Dads & Moms !!!!! Michael & Patty Zinser Dennis Zornig Nobles, Club & Units that sold ads for the Coloring book Ron Coleman James Goetsch Roger Kadel PP Art Nelson Jim Conrey Gil Goldensoph Ron Miller Terry Riessen Don Courter PP Jack Hayes Johan Muller Perry Murry Dubuque SC Walter Hill Perry Murry Donald Warkins KAABAGRAM PAGE 20 Shrinelines Summer 2016 Volume XII, No 26 | June 24, 2016 Purnendu Gupta, M.D., Named Chief of Staff at SHC – Chicago We are delighted to announce the appointment of Purnendu Gupta, M.D., to Chief of Staff at SHC - Chicago, as of July 2016. A longtime Chicagoan, Dr. Gupta attended Northwestern University Medical School as a member of the Honors Program for Medical Education and received his Doctor of Medicine degree in1990. He then completed his residency in orthopaedic surgery at Northwestern Memorial Hospital and Children’s Memorial Hospital (now Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago). Dr. Gupta completed a fellowship in complex scoliosis and spinal disorders at Washington University Medical School in St. Louis Barnes Jewish Hospital, St. Louis Children’s Hospital, and SHC – St. Louis. Caring for patients with pediatric and adult scoliosis, kyphosis, spondylolisthesis, and complex spinal reconstruction is Dr. Gupta’s specialty. He has over 20 years’ experience in academic medicine, at Ohio State University and University of Chicago, where he served as the Director of the Spine Center at Weiss Memorial Hospital. Currently, Dr. Gupta is Clinical Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Illinois, Chicago. Dr. Gupta has conducted extensive spine research and has presented and published his work internationally. The Spine Journal, Clinical Biomechanics, and the American Journal of Sports Medicine, along with many other publications, have invited him on their editorial boards. Dr. Gupta’s many honors include the prestigious Spine Volvo Award in Biomechanics from the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine for ergonomic research. For many years, he has volunteered as a spine surgeon for the Foundation of Orthopedics and Complex Spine in Ghana and the Scoliosis Research Society Global Outreach Program in Bulgaria. Our new Chief of Staff has been practicing at SHC – Chicago since 2007. “My work at Shriners Hospital has become the most satisfying aspect of my career,” he says. “As Chief of Staff, I would love to see the Chicago Shriners Hospital grow and become a preeminent pediatric hospital in Chicago for orthopaedic surgery, plastic surgery, and spinal rehabilitation.” Dr. Gupta will lead an expert staff of pediatric spine, orthopaedic, and craniofacial surgeons and rehabilitation experts, offering advanced, multidisciplinary care to children in the greater Chicago area, throughout the Midwest, and across the country. He succeeds Drs. Kim Hammerberg and Lawrence Vogel, who have been serving as Interim Chiefs of Staff since January 2016. All of us at Chicago Shriners Hospital welcome Dr. Purnendu Gupta as our new Chief of Staff, for we know his great gifts and wide-ranging experience will contribute significantly to advance our mission of caring for kids in a family-centered environment, regardless of the family’s ability to pay. Kaaba Shrine Child ID Program Kaaba Shrine Child ID Program was held on Sunday June 5th, 2016 from 2-5 at Columbus City Lodge in Columbus City Iowa. This program allows valuable information to be collected and used by law enforcement in the case of an emergency ie lost or missing children. This program was started by Noble Chris Stechman and Brian Kelley. Not only can this program be used by parents of small children but also Senior Citizens families in case they become lost or disorientated. This is not only a valuable tool but a way for Kaaba Shriners to get their name out in the public. We would hope that this information never has to be used but in the event that it does the peace of mind to the family is invaluable. I would like to thank the following people for their assistance, Chris and his team, Walt Hill, Mary Coffin, Betty Hamilton, and the local EMT's from Columbus Jct. I would also like to thank the local sponsors for their contributions. Remember "it’s for the kids" Shirley Juhl KAABAGRAM PAGE 21 Summer 2016 July 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday NOTES: Friday 1 Saturday 2 IMPERIAL SESSIONS 3 4 Independence Day 5 IMPERIAL SESSIONS IMPERIAL SESSIONS IMPERIAL SESSIONS 6 7 IMPERIAL SESSIONS IMPERIAL SESSIONS 10 13 17 11 12 MAHASKA S.C. (Ladies) Edmundson Park, Oskaloosa FAIRFIELD S. C. (Ladies Jeb’s Park, 198 E. Broadway, Batavia 18 19 LOUISA COUNTY S.C Family Picnic @ Pugh's Cabin 24 31 8 9 14 15 16 SCOTT COUNTY DEMOLAY Ritual Practice BLACKHAWK S.C. OF Q.C. OTTUMWA S.C. (Ladies) Corn & Boloney Feed Charley Bairds Lake LEGION OF HONOR Hickory Gardens, Davenport 20 21 22 23 FORT MADISON S.C.,6:00 pm Parthenon DUBUQUE S.C. Holiday Inn BOARD OF GOVERNORS MEETING: St. Louis SOUTHEAST IOWA S.C. (Ladies ) 6:00 pm Big Muddy's, Burlington 28 25 26 27 SCOTTISH RITE Executive Meeting, Masonic Center, Davenport BOARD OF GOVERNORS MEETING Chicago KEOKUK FEZ CLUB Ewarts Party if rain at K of C Hall YORK RITE, Masonic Center, Davenport NOTES: IOWA SHRINE BOWL PARADE 9:30 AM Cedar Falls IOWA SHRINE BOWL GAME-UNI Dome Cedar Falls 4:00 PM SCOTT COUNTY DEMOLAY Meeting 29 30 KAABAGRAM PAGE 22 Summer 2016 August 2016 Sunday Monday 1 DIVAN MEETING Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3 Thursday 4 Friday 5 Saturday 6 HILLBILLY DEGREE Kaaba sponsoring the 2nd Kumdo National Championships 9 16 21 8 9 MAHASKA S.C. (Stag) Holliman Estates Cedar, IA FAIRFIELD S. C. (Stag) Walton Club, 2265 Walton Lake Rd, Fairfield 15 16 22 LOUISA COUNTY S.C. SCOTTISH RITE Stated Meeting (Stag) Pugh's Cabin 10 11 12 13 19 20 BLACKHAWK S.C. of QC SCOTT COUNTY DEMOLAY Ritual Practice 17 18 BOARD OF GOVERNORS MEETING: St. Louis FORT MADISON S.C.,6:00 pm Fort Colony DUBUQUE S.C. Holiday Inn SOUTHEAST IOWA S.C. (Ladies) SCOTT COUNTY DEMOLAY Meeting 23 24 25 26 27 BOARD OF GOVENORS MEETING Chicago YORK RITE, MASONIC Center, Davenport KEOKUK FEZ CLUB American Legion SCOTT COUNTY DEMOLAY Fun Night SCIMITAR BALL LEGION OF HONOR Hickory Gardens, Davenport OTTUMWA S.C. (Ladies) Jeb's Place / Batavia 30 29 30 CSSA - LITTLE ROCK, AR CSSA - LITTLE ROCK, AR 31 NOTES: CSSA - LITTLE ROCK, CSSA - LITTLE ROCK, AR AR KAABAGRAM PAGE 23 Summer 2016 September 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday NOTES: 4 5 Labor Day 6 Dubuque Memorial Day Parade 7DIVAN MEETING 4:00 pm STATED MEETING (Ladies) Meal by : The Scott County DeMolay Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 8 9 10 BLACKHAWK S.C. of QC LOUISA COUNTY S.C. Trap Shoot at Riverside VFW SCOTT COUNTY DEMOLAY Ritual Practice DIRECTORS STAFF Meeting 6:30 before Kaaba stated meeting 1 18 12 13 MAHASKA S.C. (Ladies) Lake Keomah, Oskaloosa FAIRFIELD S. C. (Ladies) Elk Lodge, West side of Square, Fairfield 19 20 14 15 16 KAABA HOSPITAL DADS APPRECIATION DINNER 5:00- 8:00 SOUTHEAST IOWA S.C. (Ladies) 6:00 Jerry’s Pizza, Mt. Pleasant, IA SCOTT COUNTY DEMOLAY Meeting 17 LEGION OF HONOR Hickory Gardens, Davenport 21 22 23 24 MAHASKA S.C. Golf Tournament Oskaloosa Golf Club BOARD OF GOVERNORS MEETING St. Louis MUSCATINE S.C. (Ladies) KEOKUK FEZ CLUB, Dr. Get Wells OTTUMWA S.C. (Ladies) Agency Community Center OTTUMWA S.C. Golf Fundraiser, Ottumwa Municipal Golf Course FORT MADISON S.C.,6:00 pm Choung Garden JOINT MEETING: LOUISA COUNTY, WASHINGTON, IOWA CITY S.C. (Ladies) Hal Colliver’s ABU BEKR BALL 29 30 DUBUQUE S.C. Holiday Inn 25 26 27 28 SCOTTISH RITE Executive Meeting, Masonic Center, Davenport BOARD OF GOVERNORS MEETING Chicago YORK RITE, Masonic Center, Davenport Membership Development Seminar Tampa , FL Kaaba Shrine Non-Profit Org. PO Box 3627 U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No 42 Calendar of Events Saturday –Thursday, July 2nd—July 7th Imperial Sessions, Tampa, FL Saturday, July 23rd Iowa Shrine Bowl Cedar Falls, IA 9:30 am Parade - 4:00 pm Game Saturday, August 6th Hillbilly Degree Saturday, August 6th Second National Kumdo Championship Wednesday-Saturday, August 24th - 27th CSSA - Little Rock, AR Wednesday, September 7th 4:00 pm Divan Meeting / Stated Meeting (Ladies) 6:00 pm Meal by: Scott County DeMolay Thursday, September 15th Hospital Dad Drivers Appreciation Dinner 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Dates to Remember for the Reminder of 2016 10/22/2016 — 7th Annual Kaaba Shriners Sportsman Giveaway 5:00 PM 11/19/2016 — Fall Ceremonial Davenport Masonic Center 12/3/2016 — Patient Christmas Party 1:00 PM—3:00 PM