1970 Year Book part 1
1970 Year Book part 1
1970 Magnolia High School Anaheim, California Volume IX Advisor Editor Asst. Ed . Asst. Ed. Mr. Chamberlain Gayle Raab Paula Riley Valerie Sturges TABLE OF CONTENTS STAFF .. . .. .. . . . . .... . .. . .. . . . 12-31 CLUBS . . . .......... . . . .. .. ... . 32-71 ACTIVITIES .. ...... .. ... . .. .. .72-111 SPORTS ..... . ......... . ..... 112-155 CLASSES ... . ... . . . .... . ... . . 156-217 -'FROM SUNRISE TO SUNSET MAGNOLIA AT ITS BEST and WORSE .. ~---- ", .' - •.• . -- -:-. . .. ~ - ,: ' . ", . . ~. . . . ' '. " .. - . - C~~--I THE Sentinel Marching MAGNOLIA WELCOMES MR.McKIM Mrs. M. Merrill and Mrs. J. Ross- Main Office. STAFF SHOWS SENTINEL SPIRIT V.P.'s- Mr. Jones, Miss Hotchkiss, and Mr. Gaynor. Activities Director-Mr. Errol Allen. SENIOR UNIT OFFICE: Mrs . Farber and Mrs . Sydell . JUNIOR UNIT OFFICE : Mrs. Hull COUNSELORS AND OFFICE PERSONNEL REMEMBERED! TOP ROW; (Senior Counselors) Mrs . Salisbury and Mr. Kominek . BOTTOM a d M rs. Coocus . -WELL Hunsaker. (Soph English Department: STANDING : Samuel Siriani, Edward Chamberlain, Ted Bock, William Heacox, Glenn Axworthy, Ross Billings. SEA TED : Mrs. Mar- School Librarians: Mrs. Sypien jorie Martin, Miss Irene Ho llan d, Miss Hazel Lindquist, Mrs. Janice ntenucci . Mrs. Hildegard Evans instructs class in German. o xness, English and Foreign Language St ress Learning and Interest . English secretaries, Mrs. Schooler and Mrs. Harrington . f o reign Language Department : Mrs . Arminda Zelaya' Mr. Jack Copenhaver, and Mrs. Hilda Fix. MATHEMATICS UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITIES Mr. Franks tries to explain, once again. LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr. Elmore, Mrs . Tippett, and Mr. Franks. Math Instructor - Mr. Sid Shue. STANDING: Mr . Petar, Mr. Fennama, and Mr. Embree. SITTING : Mrs. Bradley, and Mrs. Cochrane. USEFUL SKILLS ACQUIRED FROM BUSINESS ED. This year the Business Education Depart ment offered many new courses, along with the old. Typing, shorthand and business math were taught to prepare students for the world of business. A new merchandising course enabled students to find jobs in fields of their own interest. Miss Donna Brush takes time out from Drivers Ed., in the-car training. Mr. Embree pushes a cart and a yes vote on the January 13 bond issue . Mr. Abella lends an ear and a clean blackboard . SCI ENCE; CAN IT EVER MOVE TOO FAST? LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr . Abella, Mr . Fulford, Mr . Lindow, and Mr . Wallinsky . Time out for lunch. STANDING: Mr. Houghtaling, Mr. Graham, Mrs. Far re ll, Mr. Harper, Mr. Butterfield. KNEELIN G: Mr. Siri an i, Mr. Weston, Mr . Little. SOCIAL STUD IES, A LOOK AT THE PAST, PRESENT, & FUTURE. Industrial Arts Department : INDUSTRIAL ARTS THE Home Economics teacher, Mrs. Carol Olson Home Economics instructor, Mr. John Rush, Mr. Lowell Williams, Mr. William Balser, and Mr Richard Jackson. AND HOMEMAKING PREPARE STUDENTS FOR FUTURE Mrs . Olson and students at Home-Ec lecture . Mrs . Jo Ann Cutshall Health : Mr. Judd Brown. Not Shown: Mr. Cinko. Driver's Ed: Mr. Setterlund, Mr. Setterlund rides again! Sophomores value training given by Driver's Education Dept. Sophomores Learn About MHS school nurs e : Mrs. Pauline Hirsh Mr. Applebee, Miss Brush, Mr. Walin, and Mr. Sturrock. Drivers Ed Health, And Nurse Hirsh The teachers outlast the students . MU SIC AND P. E., Mr. McFall skillfu ll y conducts the girl's glee. Mr. Shelton an d Mr . Mcfa ll at what they do best. GIRL'S P.E. - Mrs. Fuller, Miss Whitney, BOY'S P.E ., TOP ROW: Mr. Crook, Mr. Noel, Mr. Iver son, BOTTOM ROW: Mr. Hix, Mr. Rowey, Mr. Sturrock . TWO COURSES IN SKILL Mrs. Gregnano. Mrs. Eggertz, Mrs . Gregnano. Cafeteria Staff, TOP ROW: C. Behnke, A. Tally, R. Lad iz, E. Phillips. BOTTOM ROW: M. Veling, W. Gage, D. Heinze, S. McKnight, V. Gardner. SPECIAL HELP STRENGTHENS Mrs . Haden Girls' P.E. with Mrs. Ladiz. MAGNOLIA Parking attendant, Ben Sparks Magnolia's Day Custodian, Joe Tobar Nurse Hirsh helps too! BOB AND TIM, Bob on the move, again. ASB President and VIce President· LEADERS FROM SUNRISE TO SUNSET 1969-1970 Bob and Tim plan school activities . . HI Bob Miske and Tim Krause . SENTI NEL SENATE Tim Krause, ASB Vice-Pres. is also Pres . of the Senate. ROW: Jim Buchanan, Cheryl Loyland, Howard Goldstein, Della Meyer, Kevin Huffer. MIDDLE ROW: Victor Vasquez, Mary Allan, TOP Sally McFadden, Kathy Wachter, John Zuniga. THIRD ROW: Michelle 5oto, Donna Beccia, Teresa Aguilar, Janis Dennis, Vickie Robinson. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TOP ROW: Craig jones, Steve Mabs, john Wabel, Greg Rachunak, jerry Ryan, John Craig, Larry Smer noff. SECOND ROW: Mike Peralta, Raul Vasquez, Howard Golstein, Bill Keswick , Charlie Ball, Charlie Colabella. THIRD ROW: Les Rainey, Dan Corinth, Mark Ward, Linda de Avila, Darrell Harman, Doris Lucas. FOURTH ROW: Michelle Roche, Maureen O'Shea, Becky Henry, Barbara Kuhn, Nancy Ray, Rhea Ziegler. FIFTH ROW: Marla Lentini, Chris Whee ler, Diane Lindenstein, Juanita Brooks, Kitty Thurman , Erlinda de Nunno. BOYS' LEAGUE D I S S o L V E D LEFT TO RIGHT: Les Rainey, Sergeant at Arms; Neil Green, Senior Representative; President Mike Moscow; John Foster, Entertain- ment; John Wabel, Refreshments; Brian Cairney, Vice-President; Dan Corinth, Entertainment. Boys' League bids Magnolia farewell; next year there will be no Boys' League due to the apathy among the students. Although Boys' League is finished, they did put on a good canned food drive in which all the food went to the Spanish-American institute in Gardena, and also that unforgetable dance that they held on March 14. Someday, someone will take Boys' League up again. "I'm busted" GIRLS'LEAGUE Girl's League kept themselves quite busy thi s year. Among their achievements the most re membered were: The Big Little Sister Day for incoming sophomore girls; The Home co mi ng Mum sale; The Valentine Carnation ~ale ; And the biggest and most remembered e ent - The Sweetheart Dance. Magnolia can only hope for another Girl's League as acti e as the girl's in 69-70. "Sou I Incorporated" Scenes from the Sweetheart Dance. Car wash-sponsored by Girls' League. PROMOTES INVOLVEMENT; SPELLS SUCCESS TOP ROW: Abbey Pettus, Linda Herb, Cindy Dunbar, Janice Dennis, Pam Loy, Dianne Lindenstein, Carin Abramovitz, Valeria Wallace, Deanna Correa, Barbara Kuhn, Karen Morgan, Monica Davis. BOTTOM ROW: Homecoming mums sold by Girls' League. Joyce Quitigua, Sally McFadden, Donna Disher, Bren da Soto, Connie Paulson, Valerie Soto, Linda Webber, Jan La Turno, Cindy Verdecia, Rewa Walsh, Juanita Brooks. IOC CLUB PRESIDENTS TOP ROW: Vickie Bartlett, Helen Kahn, Earl Smith, Don Kelechenyi, Cheryl Reed , David Keller. MIDDLE ROW: Cindy Verdecia, joan St . Clair, Chris jenson, Dee Dee Osborn, Richard Vodhanel. BOTTOM ROW: Vickie Robinson, joyce Quitugua, jan La Turno, Ruth Veling, joyce Tsuruta, Donna Beccia. JOIN FORCES President Ruth Veling Club Convention Week. AL IFORNIA ,CHOLARSHIP DERATION TOP ROW : JoAnne White head, Chris Larsen. BOTTOM ROW. Nancy Ray, Clarinda jones. TOP ROW. Neil Rubenstein, Bob Good, Steve Mabs, Mike Moscow. SECOND ROW: JoAnne Whitehead, Clarinda jones, Chris Larsen, Richard Vodhanel. THIRD ROW: Char Fouts, joanne Dagen, Nancy Ray, LaVonne Lindsay . BOT TOM ROW: Julie Barnes, Denise Duranso, Debbie Salias, Debbie Smeltzer . MAGNOLIA'S TOP STUDENTS BELONG TO NHS TOP ROW: David Keller, Neil Rubenstein, Richard Vodhanel, Kris Nerison, Steve Mabs, Cheryl Prokop, Jane Wilson, Helen Kahn , Bob Luedtke, Char Fouts, Ed Dorman, Ralph Martinez, John Good, Greg Rachunok , Becky Henry, Craig Jones. MIDDLE ROW: Malora Johnson, Janis Ake, Joanne Dagen, LaVonne Lindsay, Chris Larson, Vicki Bartlet, Terri Kato, JoAnne White head, Debbie Smeltzer, Marie Hatton, Diane Hamilton, Kathy Esmino. BOTTOM ROW: Vickie Robinson, Joanne Klein, Valerie Wallace, Rewa Walsh, Deanna Correa, Karla Harrah. Officers; TOP: Valerie Wallace, LaVonne Lindsay. BOT TOM: Joan St. Clair, Helen Kahn. CREATIVE ABILITIES KINDLED TOP ROW: Jamie Whitten, Steve Brewer, Charmain Henderson, Sara Oliver. BOT TOM ROW: Janice Ake, Sharon Asman, Donna Beccia, Mary Ellen Esler. Richard Vodhanel (Pres), Luedtke, and Ron Freemire. Bob I N CLUB KEY CLUB Crai g Jones, Bob Luedtke, Mike Breitzman , Tom Beza, Ron Freemire, Kipp Phelps, Richard Vodhanel, "ei n, Rodney Mishima, and Steve Deatrrick . PEP CLUB PAINTS SIGNS, PROMOTES SPIRIT. Promoting spirit for Sentinel sports events was the main function of Pep club duri ng the past year at Magnolia. Through ou t the football and basketball seasons members met frequently after school, and sp ent hours painting posters and signs \' h ich were displayed around the campus. Th ey also put on skits during assemblies, an d attended sports events, cheering our tea ms on to victory. Ch ris Jenson, president of Pep club, with mascot. More sign painting. Sign painting. TOP ROW: Mark Ward, Lori johnson, Heidi Hollen beck, Tim Krause, Mary Freel, Linda Noel, Ray john son, Theo DeHoog, Ed Del Hoyo. SECOND ROW : Debbie Bauer, Alan Shumway, Reggie Hodgson, Sonia Miller, Debbie Toman, Sherrie Moffitt. THIRD ROW: Pep club members put on skit at assembly. Andrea Reid, Linda Roush, Nicki Holsinger, jan La Turno, Sandi Lent, Barbara Price, Rewa Walsh, Chris jenson, Kathy Torriani, Kandi Lent, Donna james, Lyn da de Avila. VARSITY 'M' CLUB Varsity 'M' specimen. Selling popcorn at basketball game was a Varsity 'M' project. Varsity 'M' put on a Donkey Basketball game that won't soon be forgotten. TOP ROW: Ken Panique, Gary Williams, AI Shumway, Frank Revard, Tim Krause, Mike Seibl. SECOND ROW: Gary Devian, Raul Vasquez, Andy Binkerd, Ted Van Ars dale, Bob McGuines. THIRD ROW: John Correa, Ri k Comin, Dennis Sanchez, Neil Green, Keith Kirish ian , Brian Cairney. FOURTH ROW: Wayne Knausse, Eric Arbi so, Dave Harper, Hank Bauer, Rocky McFadden, Brian Crouse. BOTTOM ROW: John Wabel, Marv Owens, Pe te Larson, Stan Longenecker, Art Lopez. LAMPLIGHTER STAFF Editor and chief KEN NAKMURA 1970 Advisor Mr. Chamberlain STANDING : Victor Vazquez, Sandi Lent, Joette Hay ashigawa, Kevin Kiker, Bob Miske . SEA TED : Lois Stau den mayer, Tamie Garrett, Pat Graham, Clarinda Jones, Laura Trammell, Peggy Pivirotto, Donna Disher, Ken Nakamura . FH A PRESERVES O LD FA SH IONED COOKING CLOCKWISE FROM OVEN: Diane Harvey, l inda l I adine Eiser, Debbie Hudson, Toni Allen, Kathy Brusu las , Debbie Harvey. ------. V .P. Betty Moore, Act. Dir. Alvina Brand, Adv. Mrs. Olsen , Pres. Teri Szep, Sec.-Treas . Laurie Dryer. Teri Szep prepares for banquet . TOP ROW: Neil Rubenstein, Linda Herb, Debbie Salais, Kathy Heard. BOTTOM ROW: Tom Beza, Ron Freemire, Sara Oliver. SPEECH AND INTERACT REAL WORKING CLUBS LE CLUB FRANCAIS Bob Good in role with pres. Vicki Bartlett. TOP ROW : Joel Cort, Debbie Smeltzer, Sara Clark, Bob Good, Don Hunter . MIDDLE ROW : JoAnne White head, Craig Schneider, David Hail, Vicki Bartlett. 80T TOM ROW : Sherry Hull, Joanne Dagen, LaVonne Lindsay, Clarinda Jones, and Chris Larsen . TOP ROW: David Good, John Good, David Keller, David Smith, Terry Hicken, Bob Miske, Bob Luedtke. MIDDLE ROW: Debbie Salias, Francoise Esquier, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Debes, Nancy Evans, Bob Good, Kris Neri- son. BOTTOM ROW: Barbara Kiefer, Renee Robinson , Ronda Stanley, Judy Henderson, Walter Curtis, Kath McGuire, Juanita Bednar, Mark Kintz. GERMAN CLUB FILLED WITH MERRYMAKERS German Club members Kris Nerison, Francois Esquire, and Bob Luedtke are singing for the 'German Christ mas Evening.' MAGNOLIA'S FUTURE MOVIE MAKERS TOP TO BOTTOM: Mike Moscoe, Ken Warthen , Chuck Ball , Bill Keswick, Mary Daniels, I ::l rrv H ::lV::l c:hip::lW::l n::ln rnrinth rtnrlrhrtrlip rolrthpll rt TOP ROW: Beverly Amador, Mary Gomez, Rapheal Gonzohuz, Miquel Ignatieuw, Wayne Roush , Bob Luedtke, Steve Mabs , BOTTOM ROW: Debbie Gay, Aurora Tafolla, Sally Avalos, Madiline Hirada, Denise Duranso , Kathy Heard, Clara Amador. SPANISH CLUB-OLE! Spanish club members set up fundamental decora tions for Homecoming. ZENITH AND MEDICAL CAREERS CLUBS Mark Gray and Chris Geraurd shown performing their skills. Zenith Club: TOP ROW: Jean Bernard ; Frances Vin son; Martha Dupin ; Christine Lehman BOTTOM ROW: Orville Myers; Tina Gongloff; Glenn Racine; Barbara Palmer TOP ROW: Mike Brown, John Johnson. BOTTOM ROW: Kim McCully (Pres.) and Dave Sanchez. TOP ROW: Steve Getty, Kim McCully, Stephanie Hesse, Bob MacDonald. MIDDLE ROW: Mike Brown, Judy Kaywood, Peter Wronski. BOTTOM ROW: TOP ROW: S.Hesse, CSaldana, P.Seott, S.Ledesma, D.Hughes, L.Cage, R.Hernandez, G.Yontz, V.Soto . SECOND ROW: J.Aguinaga, T.Delfin, P. Vrolizk, S. Rosa, L.Romero, Y.Acevedo, M.Rodrigues, B.Soto. THIRD ROW: A.Rois, M.Soto, F.Avila, K.Armoda, J. Tsuruta, S.Vazquez, S.Viramontes, L.Lopez. FOURTH ROW: CLoueks, L.Blanee, E.Munoz, G.Torrez, A. Huitron, L.Shutteiff, A.Delfine, A.Leon . FIFTH ROW: CVasquez, M.Quintanee, O .Quintana, D.Casas, I.Casas, T.Beza, I.Treyillo, J.Limon. YOUNG AMERICANS SERVICE GENTS Well advised by Mrs. Fuller, the Young Americans became a wo rthy service organ ization. During Christmastime, they held a tra ditional Mexican posada. Also, these girls often aided the Service Gents in their func tions. But their best achievement was rais ing money to buy raincoats for young child ren in the colony. To do this, the Young Americans sponsored a faculty luncheon and with a large turnout, it was a great suc cess. Much credit should be given to these girls for their time and effort to help others. This years Service Gents, with help from their advisor Mr. Porter, created a new image for themselves. The club began by helping Porterville Mental Hospital by having a clothes drive, school dance, and a 25 dollar wagered foot ball game with Loara in which all proceeds went to Porterville. Continuing their service, the club pre sented the first annual teacher of the year award to Mr. Ron Butterfield. This organization has indeed showed much advancement compared to last years Service Gents. The Open Wheat played at a dance the Service Gents held, the proceeds of which went to the Porterville Mental Hospital. BACK ROW: E.Morales, L.Beliafane, CMarcino, J. White, D.Parke, P.LaPorto , K.Thomas, T.Gress, A . Pilgrim, D.Larsen, T.Gomez, J.Page. SECOND ,~ "j N: F.Avila, ADVISOR Mr. Porter, D.Dean, D. President; Ed DelHoyo . Sargent of Arms; Albert Lo pez. Treasurer; Doug Crocker. Vice President; Den nis Dean. Crocker, R.Nicholm, C M arcino, D .Tyn dzik, D. Hassen, J.Bennett, T.So a e, F. au, M .Daniels, C Crocker. BOTTOM RO W: A . Lopez, E.DeIHoyo, M .Merreli. DRAMA CLUB SUCH TALENT! Drama Club indeed has feeli ng as was wit n e ssed by all in their fine production of "Blyth Spi rit" and "Strange Bedfellows". Broadway take heed, critics take up your pen . Encore young actors; perform as well again. The Drama Club. Time out from Stra nge Bedfellows. Drama Clu b Pres ident - Ja n LaTurno - in Blyth Spirit. AFS ENCOURAGES UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN AFS, TOP ROW: Sylvia Lindseth, Mary Reando, Gloria Armenta, Bar bara Popovich, joanne Whitehead, Francoise Esquier, Terri Kato, Nancy Ray, Sally Avalos, DeeDee Osborn, Ron Freemire, Loray Ver- don. BOTTOM ROW: jeanette Eberhardy, Debbie Meyer, Stacy Henderson, Debby Barr, jane Holifield, Carol Hamilton, Kitty Thur man, Deanna Correa, Susan Verdon, Terry Brown. Loray Verdon, president of AFS. NATIONS Cheryl's Brazilian family. Cheryl Prokop - Magnolia's Exchange Student. AFS PRESENTS My name is Francoise Esquier and I am from France. My home is near Marseille. I have two sisters and a brother. I was born in Algeria but we moved to France in 1961. Since that time I went to my junior and senior high in Mar tique. I graduated last year and I intend to do a measure in Biology. I like any kind of sport particularly skiing. My favorite hobby is draw ing. I am also very interested in speaking for eign languages and that is one of the main reasons which pushed me to come to the u.S. Than ks to the AFS, devoted to encouraging understanding between peoples of the u.S. and other nations, I am living an experience which I will always remember. It is really a great thing to walk together and talk togeth er; "0 ye people of the earth; then and only then shall ye have peace," (-Sanskrit). I think Magnolia is the greatest. I never expected to meet so many friends. As I see the end of June coming very fast, I hope to come back in a few years. Sincerely, Francoise Francoise ex eriences Ma nolias s irit. FRANCOISE ESQUI ER Judy Henderson, (American Sister) to Francoise . Mon nom est Francoise Esquier et je suis de France. Ma maison est pres de Marseille. J'ai deux soeurs et un frere. Je suis nee en Algerie mais nous habitons en France depuis 1961. C'est depuis ce temps que je suis alleeau Iy cee a Martigues. J'ai passe Ie baccalaureat 1' annee derniere et j'ai I'intention de faire mes etudes en biologie . J'aime toutes sortes de sport, particulierement Ie ski. Mon passe temps favori est Ie dessin. Je suis aussi tres i n teresse par les langues etrangeres et c'est 1' une des principales raisons qui m'a poussee a venir aux Etats Unis. Grace a I' A.F.S ., devoue a encourager L'entente entre les peuples des Etats Unis et des autres nations je suis en train de faire une experience que je n'oublierai jamais. C'est formidable de "marcher ensem ble et parler ensemble; 0 oui peuple de la terre; alors et seu lement nous vivrons en paix" (Sanskrit) Je pense que Magnolia est la meilleure des ecoles . Je ne croyais pas y rencontrer tant d'amis. Lorsque je vois la fin de I'annee ap procher si vite, j'espere revenir dans quelques annees Tres Amicalement Francoise UNITY, Is this Spirit? You bet it is! Pep squad presented THE KE Y TO SENTI NEl SPIRI T Fro m Sunrise to Sunset emerged a year of traditions, with many triumphs, and many c h allenges. It began durin g the summer as we traveled to Pep Cli nics gath ering new ideas and routin es whic h we r e to aid us throu gh out the year in our efforts to promote school s pi rit and the true Sentinel Pri de. No w , as we look back at the empty st an ds, where o nc e screami ng crowds c hee re d, we rec al l many fond memories of 1970. Eve r-locked in our minds are those hecti c days of tot "Sen ti nel brew " to tea m. ing apples, bake sales, wash ing cars, and other fund rais in g activities. There were track meets, cross-country meets, baseball ga mes, basketball games, and foo tball games, all provid in g memorable days and nigh ts of Sentinel Unity. Now these are just a few cherished memories. Our tha nk s to a student body who ha ve made our long hours of practice worth it al l. And to each and every me mbe r on the teams, a spe ci al thank-you. 69-70 Song & Yell Leaders SONG AND YELL LEADERS OF 1970 STANDING: Rewa Walsh, Lori Johnson, Lynda deAvila. KNEEL ING: Kandi Lent, Linda Noel, Sandi Lent. Homecoming, a time to unite as alumni return for the annual Homecoming assembly and game. Sentinels stop to say Howdy! YEll lEADERS : Mary Ellen Buckley, Heidi Hollenbeck, Debi Bauer, Nicki Holsinger, !<athy Tor rianni, Valerie Wallace. I-IJ:An VJ:II I J:AnJ:R - I-Ioirl i 1-I .... llonhor L J.V. CHEERLEADERS Susie Sentinel surveys the Sentinel scene. J.Y. Cheerleaders: Juanita Brooks, on her back Jan LaTurno, Mary Freel, Sherrie Mofitt, Patty Kintz on her back, Theresa Wolfe. The 1969 school year started off with that dynamic duo, "Susie and Sammy Sentinel," leading Magnolia school spirit to new heights. At one time during the year it looked as though the dynamic duo was fizzling out. Theo De Hoog put down his position as Sammy Sentinel because of heavy harrasment aimed at his performance. But, Andrea Reid continued to carryon the Sentinel spirit and stepped into the seventies with the newly acclaimed JV Cheerleaders bolting Magnolia pride to sights unseen. AND SUSIE SENTINEL PUSH SPIRIT Magnolis's 1969-70 Susie Sentinel Andrea Reid . THE PRIDE OF SENTINEL BAND DIRECTOR - Mr. Mike Shelton. Dru m Major Rick Lopez led the Sen tinel Band rhroughout the year. TOP ROW: Jay Spaulding, Rick Armstrong, Tim Tucker, Dan Haskins, Nina Jefferson, Keith Means, John Wilson, Les Anderson. SECOND ROW: Keith Nakamura, Craig Colewell, Dennis Brownlie, Charlie White, Mike Minier, Jim Casey, Betty Brusuelas, Bob THE BLACK & GOLD Ogden. THIRD ROW: Tim Betteridge, Don Puzin, Dave Keller, Theo DeHoog, Mike Gaskins, Doug Bur gess, Mary Jo Shook, Sam Coen. FOURTH ROW : Sue Noack, Steve Keller, Ben Rodriguez, Nancy Rowland, Rhonda White, Cathy Raliegh, Mike Con nelly. FIFTH ROW: Harry Adams, Linda Herb, Joyce Tsuruta, Deb bie Bass, Paula Rathbun, John Lockwood, Loretta White, Julie Barnes. SIXTH ROW: Rick Lopez, Kevin Kroner, Rocky Rogers, Larry Faulkner, Larry Wersky , Wayne Nakamura, Jan~~ Olsen, Becky Nerison . 1969-70 Filling the Main Office with tro phy after trophy became a habit of the 1969-1970 Continental Drill Team . They returned home after each parade with something new to add to their collection. The Conti nentals received a third place from the Cypress parade, placed first at Azuza, and won first place at Haw thorn e. At the Chaffey Tournament, the most important event of the LEA DERS: Jan LaTurno, Terry Grace, Joan St. Clair, Mary Bates, Jan Mc Kin ley, Diana Scott. Miss L. Whitney acts as the drill team advisor. TOP ROW: J. Watson, E. Barrett, S. Widstrom, S. O' Neill, D. Disher, C. Eggleston. FIRST ROW: P. Loy , D. Knickers, drill team mascot. Osborn, P. Collins, L. Johnson , F. Mauceri, M. Daniels, CONTI NENTALS MARCH TO VICTORY. year, the girls marched off with practically every honor possible for a drill team to receive. These awards in cluded a first place with the band for their half-time show, a sweepstakes trophy from the parade, and a special trophy from the Chamber of Commerce for being the best drill team at Chaffey this year . This success can be attributed to the pride, spirit, and confidence that the drill team leaders and Miss Whit ney instilled into the group, and the hard work and effort of the girls themselves . The spirit of friendship and cooperation among the drill team this year also accounts for their success. All of these things have co n tributed toward making the 1969-1970 Continentals the very best in the history of Magnolia High School. Brooks, D. Lundquist, R. Veling, D . Harper, D. Yeager , K. Kidwell, S. Miller, H. Cox, G. Iverson. THIRD ROW: C. Paulson, R. Fletcher, H. DeHoog, B. Lucas, M . Major, ROW: S. Armstrong , V. Robinson, T. Kelly, A . Pettus, S. Avalos, C.Hamilton, L. Stetson, P. Hayashigawa, C. Verdecia. DRILL TEAM Mary Bates holds flag for National Anthem . Drill Team knights football players at Homecoming assembly. Sentinels exhibit their fine talents at a halftime show. SENT HALFTIME SPECTACULAR From Sunrise to Sunset the Sentinel Band participated in halftime shows with such pre cision that they thoroughly amazed the crowds. Never before have the Senti nel Band and Dri II Team brought such recognition to them selves and Magnolia High School as a whole. Honor after Honor, and Trophy after Tro phy proved that this years pand had a little somethi ng extra to offer. . Some call it skill, some call it luck, but what ever it was, it certainly brought results. BANNERS Banners: Chris Bellafaire, Cathy Jones, Becky Henry, Performing during a halftime show are banner carriers . Head Banner Chris Faris FLAGS Janis Graul, Claudia Brown, Heidi Hewey, Kim Sligar, and Monica Davis. Barbara Price, Kay Baker, Dana Fisher, Sue Laverty, Candi Cain, Karin Gaetjens, Cathy Holstius. Majorette - Debbie Onken ACAPELLA AND MADRIGALS The year 69-70 proved to be both exciti ng an d rewarding for Madrigal and A Capella partici pates. Thei r performa nces included many appearances during the holiday season at various places, and the Christmas Concert. Later in the year they appeared again in the annual Spring Concert. These Sentinels are hard workers and fine quality was displayed in performances throughout the year. TOP ROW: Irene Hanson, Mike Adams, Wendell Clark, Judy Conway, Kris Nerison, La Dona Peterson, Tim Better ige, Bob Luedtke, Bob Johns, Mike Halliburton, Steve Mabs, Bruce Enos. SECOND ROW: John Higgins, Cathy Duerks, Judy Henderson, Linda Pittman, Cheryl Prokop, Helen Kahn, Francoise Esquier, Theo DeHoog, Rick Lo pez, Wayne Roush. THIRD ROW: Nancy Ray, Jeff Manos, Teresa Wolfe, Debby Yeager, Heidi Hollenbeck, Jane Wil- Mr. McFall leads choral groups to success. Caroling Madrigals spread Christmas Cheer . son, Doug Holly, Pat Kintz, Tim Fear, Tim Farris. FOURTH ROW: Terry Grace, Karen Fox, Barbara Hunt, Jamie Whit ten, Stacey Henderson, Sue Martin, Clark Rogers, Linda Harriman, Cindy Verdecia, Carla Harrah. FIFTH ROW: Barbara Price, Nina Jefferson, Vicki Robinson, Jacquie Lively, Terry Kelly, Alene Johnson, Holly DeHoog, Janice Jahnke, Kathy Heard, Teresa Aguilar . TOP ROW: Clark Rogers, Theo DeHoog, Rick Lopez, Bob Luedtke, Bob Johns, Bruce Enos, Steve Mabs, Wayne Roush, Wendell Clark, Doug Holly. BOTTOM ROW: Terry Kelly, Terry Grace, Stacey Henderson, Cindy Verdecia, Linda Pittman, Helen Kahn, Cheryl Prokop, Jane Wilson, Nancy Ray, Jamie Whitten, Sylvia Avavlos, Barbara Price . -~~~-----------------~------ ..-- - - 1969 Homecoming Court: STANDING A T LEFT Homecoming Queen Nicki Holsinger _ HOMECOMING COURT - Linda Simons, Nicki Holsinger, Andrea Reid. SITTING - Nanette Evans, Rewa Wal sh .