Consonant and Vowel Digraphs


Consonant and Vowel Digraphs
Consonant and Vowel Digraphs Reference Cards Reproducible
Sound Correspondence Cards - Consonant and Vowel Digraphs
Congratulations on your purchase of this Really
Good Stuff® Sound Correspondence Cards Consonant and Vowel Digraphs—an interactive
and visual way to reinforce consonant and vowel
digraphs for beginning readers.
This Really Good Stuff® product includes:
• 36 Sound Correspondence Cards Consonant and Vowel Digraphs, laminated
• This Really Good Stuff® Activity Guide
Introducing the Sound Correspondence Cards Consonant and Vowel Digraphs
Before introducing the Sound Correspondence
Cards - Consonant and Vowel Digraphs, make
copies of this Really Good Stuff® Activity
Guide and file the pages for future use. Or,
download another copy of it from our Web site
the digraphs. As students become used to the
routine, show them the Cards, and encourage
them to tell you the digraph, keyword, and sound
without your prompting. Once a student is able to
tell you the digraph and its sound, the keyword is
no longer necessary.
After going through the Cards once, tell
students that you are going to time them to
see how fast they can go through the Cards. Mix
up the Cards, and time students; then mix up
the Cards again, and time them again. Keep
track of each student’s times on the Consonant
and Vowel Digraphs Assessment Recording
Sheet Reproducible, and praise each student as
his or her times improve.
Consonant and Vowel Digraphs Assessment
Copy the Consonant and Vowel Digraph
Assessment Student Sheet and the Consonant
Show students the Cards, and explain to them
and Vowel Digraphs Assessment Recording Sheet
Reproducibles for each student. Periodically
that they will help them to remember the
sounds that digraphs make. Remind students
assess each student to determine his or her
that digraphs are two letters that come
areas of strength and weakness: Place the
together to make one speech sound. Review that Consonant and Vowel Digraphs Assessment
some digraphs are made with consonants and
Student Sheet Reproducible in front of each
that some digraphs are made with vowels. Also
student, and show him or her only one row at a
point out that some digraphs make more than
time. Instruct students to say the name and
one sound. Starting with the sh digraph Card,
sound(s) of each digraph. As students give
remind students that it is the digraph sh, as in answers, record each response on the Consonant
and Vowel Digraphs Assessment Recording Sheet
shovel, and that it makes the /sh/ sound.
Reproducible. For letters that have more than one
Repeat with the other digraphs.
sound, prompt students to give all of the sounds
with questions, such as does this digraph make
Small Group Consonant and Vowel Digraphs
any other sounds? or can you think of another
sound this digraph makes?
Place students in small groups of four to six.
Show a student the front of the first Card, read
the script on the back, and have that student
Consonant and Vowel Digraph Reference Cards
repeat the script. For example, if the Card is the Copy and cut out the Consonant and Vowel
wh digraph Card, show it to the student; say wh, Digraph Reference Cards Reproducible to make
wheel, /w/; and have the student repeat wh,
a set for each student who needs one.
Encourage students to review the reference
wheel, /w/. Show the next Card to the next
student and repeat. Go through the deck a couple cards for extra practice.
of times so that students get more exposure to
All activity guides can be found online:
Helping Teachers Make A Difference®
© 2011 Really Good Stuff® 1-800-366-1920 Made in Guangzhou, China #159845
Helping Teachers Make A Difference®
© 2011 Really Good Stuff® 1-800-366-1920 Made in Guangzhou, China #159845
Consonant and Vowel Digraphs Reference Cards Reproducible
Sound Correspondence Cards - Consonant and Vowel Digraphs
Congratulations on your purchase of this Really
Good Stuff® Sound Correspondence Cards Consonant and Vowel Digraphs—an interactive
and visual way to reinforce consonant and vowel
digraphs for beginning readers.
This Really Good Stuff® product includes:
• 36 Sound Correspondence Cards Consonant and Vowel Digraphs, laminated
• This Really Good Stuff® Activity Guide
Introducing the Sound Correspondence Cards Consonant and Vowel Digraphs
Before introducing the Sound Correspondence
Cards - Consonant and Vowel Digraphs, make
copies of this Really Good Stuff® Activity
Guide and file the pages for future use. Or,
download another copy of it from our Web site
the digraphs. As students become used to the
routine, show them the Cards, and encourage
them to tell you the digraph, keyword, and sound
without your prompting. Once a student is able to
tell you the digraph and its sound, the keyword is
no longer necessary.
After going through the Cards once, tell
students that you are going to time them to
see how fast they can go through the Cards. Mix
up the Cards, and time students; then mix up
the Cards again, and time them again. Keep
track of each student’s times on the Consonant
and Vowel Digraphs Assessment Recording
Sheet Reproducible, and praise each student as
his or her times improve.
Consonant and Vowel Digraphs Assessment
Copy the Consonant and Vowel Digraph
Assessment Student Sheet and the Consonant
Show students the Cards, and explain to them
and Vowel Digraphs Assessment Recording Sheet
Reproducibles for each student. Periodically
that they will help them to remember the
sounds that digraphs make. Remind students
assess each student to determine his or her
that digraphs are two letters that come
areas of strength and weakness: Place the
together to make one speech sound. Review that Consonant and Vowel Digraphs Assessment
some digraphs are made with consonants and
Student Sheet Reproducible in front of each
that some digraphs are made with vowels. Also
student, and show him or her only one row at a
point out that some digraphs make more than
time. Instruct students to say the name and
one sound. Starting with the sh digraph Card,
sound(s) of each digraph. As students give
remind students that it is the digraph sh, as in answers, record each response on the Consonant
and Vowel Digraphs Assessment Recording Sheet
shovel, and that it makes the /sh/ sound.
Reproducible. For letters that have more than one
Repeat with the other digraphs.
sound, prompt students to give all of the sounds
with questions, such as does this digraph make
Small Group Consonant and Vowel Digraphs
any other sounds? or can you think of another
sound this digraph makes?
Place students in small groups of four to six.
Show a student the front of the first Card, read
the script on the back, and have that student
Consonant and Vowel Digraph Reference Cards
repeat the script. For example, if the Card is the Copy and cut out the Consonant and Vowel
wh digraph Card, show it to the student; say wh, Digraph Reference Cards Reproducible to make
wheel, /w/; and have the student repeat wh,
a set for each student who needs one.
Encourage students to review the reference
wheel, /w/. Show the next Card to the next
student and repeat. Go through the deck a couple cards for extra practice.
of times so that students get more exposure to
All activity guides can be found online:
Helping Teachers Make A Difference®
© 2011 Really Good Stuff® 1-800-366-1920 Made in Guangzhou, China #159845
Helping Teachers Make A Difference®
© 2011 Really Good Stuff® 1-800-366-1920 Made in Guangzhou, China #159845
Consonant and Vowel Digraphs Assessment Student Sheet Reproducible
Consonant and Vowel Digraphs Assessment Recording Sheet Reproducible
Helping Teachers Make A Difference®
Helping Teachers Make A Difference®
© 2011 Really Good Stuff® 1-800-366-1920 Made in Guangzhou, China #159845
© 2011 Really Good Stuff® 1-800-366-1920 Made in Guangzhou, China #159845
Consonant and Vowel Digraphs Assessment Student Sheet Reproducible
Consonant and Vowel Digraphs Assessment Recording Sheet Reproducible
Helping Teachers Make A Difference®
Helping Teachers Make A Difference®
© 2011 Really Good Stuff® 1-800-366-1920 Made in Guangzhou, China #159845
© 2011 Really Good Stuff® 1-800-366-1920 Made in Guangzhou, China #159845