Germany`s Older Clock Factories
Germany`s Older Clock Factories
© 1977 National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission. Germany's Older Clock Factories - Their Trade Marks and Dates of Manufacture - by E. D. Bush ond Chorles Terwilliger with greot ossistonce from E. J. Tyler One of the most frequently asked questions directed to "The Answer Box" during the past several years is how to identify the manufacturer of a clock from a trade mark found on the movement back plate, on a paper Iabel, or baked on an enamel dial. Most of these questions were con- cerned .i.r'ith Gerrnan made clocks. The reason, undoubtedly, is that hundreds of thousands of late 19th Century and early 20th Century socalled Vienna Regulattlrs (1-, 2-, and 3-weight), free su:inger wooden wall clocks, and mantel cloeks, have been imported into the United States by wholesale antique importers, It is not at all uncommon for an entire container of these clocks to be sold to big dealers, particularly in the South sight unseen! Many have ended -up in the collections of our members. Practically aII of these clocks lr-ere made in or near: the Black Forest by many large and small clock factories from Schramberg in the north to -Neustadt in the South including - as Furtwell known clock towns such wangern, Triberg, Lenzkirch, Sch.wen- ningen, etc. Each factory had its in- dividuai tr"ade marks. Today, only the old-timers kno,lv where some of these factories once stood. Several members have helped to compile the list as it now stands, but the bulk of the information came from E. J. Tyler in England who has done extensive research on European clocks including those made in the Black Forest. He has already contributed one illustrated article to. thaBuLLETIN, "The Influence of American Clock Factories or Production in the Black Forest" (October 1970, No. 148). The tables and figures that follow cover over 200 Gerrnan trade marks all rrye have been able to assemble over the past couple of years. The list is obviously not complete. Many trade marks are still not ideatified. If you can help to complete the list or can fill in any of the holes, please send your information to E. D. Bush, 2416 Savannah Avenue, El Paso, Texas 79930. Additions (and any correc- tions) will appear in the at a latcr date. BULLETTN Guide to tJris Article: Pages 157 through LB}:. Illustratiotts of Genmnn brdd,e nle'rlrs Pages 164 through 169: Table of iilentifi,cution anrl inf urmation f or illustrateil trode marks Pages 170 through t7t'- Table of an tt'ode n6mes dnd, iletes of regisitrA (29-10-02 eq:ua,ls Octobe',' 29, 19oP) Page: 171 Table to identifg inform,ation sou.rces © 1977 National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission. 2 5678 l0 ll l9 t2 © 1977 National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission. Warr.hl!d Tls bod rnd dcapesl Clodr iD fi. l,lartd 2l w 25 = 30 © 1977 National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission. Fln tq \ ,:lJ o\r-.,. u.n^t' 42 4't Burk 6l KI TNZLE 64 © 1977 National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission. 'i#}i.f*i. 73 160 74 © 1977 National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission. 96 98 97 r00 99 101 cofv6REsS ctocrc co/v|? 102 t03 104 t05 161 106 107 © 1977 National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission. Kundo fl0 120 122 123 Aff\Lrf *"*ffilt t25 vHREr.tABRlK tr\. REIHER FURTTA'ANGEH t26 & C0. 127 F,R. V055LE R .96HwEt(t{lfl6EN OgAnrq r,JoSEpH hlEr+cue 128 l29 r30 OERM4NY all s 133 s \p RIS M Pate nt 135 © 1977 National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission. t40 144 152 t4t 142 146 145 153 154 158 163 143 141 © 1977 National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission. oE <DF 6J C _Q tco N. <i !r -<r N al cfj ^mmril co@@<r o) ,ac\t !i rrr ra <i Cri -CYJ l-C - r.1 OCn - - - m^ r_t r.r F.l r-.1 Cl r.l 6.l cO !-l r--l r.l r-.{ r.r m !-l @ cD .? 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Ni 6Ei q E.-!Rs==.F .n.!i +e il:t i f,to tr t" E d *.e Es'E""fr .E: ; pE 3 *ae885;i EEA i EB 8 E, o A € Fstrbo !sF$$! >d'dooc eEEdgg *.E! ..s z-FEriri; .; <ee .d ?=cbfi# o!€ ., Et# :Erft$E ;.,#U*jf=t E;f 'E 2 E t-{=: q) .S = *,v =F{ €t;*r*iEr5E $gHieE E #EE; ar >EsFFE!!eh+-d.{!HEE*E5-ESfl l?E{+#E€EstEEtH;iE E = ii.gEEE T.E R E E:5T XE!S-Ei e E'E.E dtc *; rP fr'9E iE E 3.Eti#.: FiAffErisd &-3gn Fr aj\l aO fr 3=F =€* !r rO r0 C-- @ Ot O Ft r.{ r--t 1,64 c.l Fi f €Sdd3 cti <r rC cO t- @ o.r O;r c|q EO sr r.l rl r-{ Fl r.l Fi Fr 6l N C\ C\ 6t © 1977 National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission. ENNN ca Fr x H'i - d t- ts E :1 io d- i"a 6il"iis d) 6.r o@o o) o ar @ F{ I ro^P !r 5d: dlm - -CO OI r-l r-{ !-l r-{ Fl trD r: Es rin Jr () tF.l m ci! cn a o) (o @ @ Fl .-l ro ancACO6OaO 6r!dJ60m !-l r-l !-l F{ r-l !-l !-l Fl t-l r-r <i o C! .N Cii com^ro-6Y!mcOmar:CO F{ Fl r-.r Ft r-{ r.l Fl F{ !-.r"cDCOir r-.{ ca '-.r E ineEEi6ilEi6i g;6*E EEiq;E s* *g;iEFgAsE!E Ir)oo t.r ..r N o:.-r cO r-.r !-r N Fr Fr t- qroa r-l v: c.l r-r cO Fi crj o F.r =sE!; N r.i cO !-r qO gEEEA l- No(o ri ?-r (O (N e{r oq) c)o a) cE oB tr .iq rrY tr o *L @ 0o F ^qr \J F1 (0@ c'J oo "o co o =A f,A trtr == rna tr F ao I s $ ;$s :SrE; Y6 .i.: .- ., 9 t4 .= 50.: , to.= b 6.E':.E _ .o:dordc.<c tr*ji= lclElb :EE*: .sgiE€ Hf€q#g$EI$s E E;+: !#Eg.Eg pr&.s&s&-&x Ho.E.E 50 -: 5di#ri#dAAtZ itJd uo <., uo ,i6EAE,5 dAddd e.-6 .i oisi H= _J S€"" E t^ -t s€ Es ;o :A$ t.h ErE -ecro e (s E *.9 3E ugfig gfiuEEn 3E* f'EiEE=FEEEfi lli !9 t-. co or o i-r ot m <r ro<) t-- @ or o ir c.l .o ir ro (o F C\{ c\l C.l Cl 6l ao ca (a co o! crJ cD co cn ao sl <r { !i sl .+ =li !r roo r-.i cq.€ @c! o <t <r Io ro \o ro © 1977 National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission. co @oo r-r cr) d 8:<)N-.or:c r.r.; or "H !E -dE u.l - ca r.{ cs ^ m^. 6t *t ". "icoR i +l -si; -. 1*-1t-i oq - - n i F.r --r r-.r rJ ni "i o o; } i -^ 3s i'i Ri -^ 1--o.,-,, * J*r{ ao Ft r.l !-{ t-l i.t F.t r.t "i 3 : o"l $ R --R d- oi 6^"i-i--i-*. i.t F.t r-l r-l Fl r-l F.t t-.1 s 4s Eil H$ I'4EsEsnEE -: -x bn >. ,A =h ^.-= = sp Es Es **88#E$Sis d ig-:: E:;; : R el He 6R 6 6 (o .- q) c.r !r .dt F^ :A 9^ ti (Do) ii.: it g i dE =s ir sI Ei a oo tr H N H. co ^ r+) 6 $E,;q $ r u* Ft '!=F":=: F'=S iFa= . @00 NCD ai 3 :I tr c q" 'ie q; 6 .! co^ ii. ran 1q uf,fl .E'= *'=""€c tr $€ ig*EEE € lss gi tg**tEgi g tS f;f ;Efingt E Dafr Efi EfiESAEEi = e4 ,r4 ,i { Ei* Ef ' E i ri-t; *#is! ssfi E , sE Efr E.E"d frr t- -EE lt* '#i,*=itr:;le i !$sE# 3EiHE EfrE €EEsgS5EgH*EgE 9-v a!4 (q\oQOa..r ;Je r()Ir! InrOlOrOrO(O c\t cli 31 <O <c) ra(ot--cooro L- (o (c) (O (g (O (g 166 !-.{ t- ot b- L- cO !- L- t- O!O t-oo crr <r rr) (o t- L- L- © 1977 National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission. @61 -mFl-r-lC) H;; dtr rll i I l;o i tn l: -:t- <9 <r - CO . !l r-.r -r-rF * ']: IX st:3 ab I Fi co o o= -: o > a :.;. ti O <r ,-.{ a ?E 9j3iJ +r @ iico : o = Fo,^ HlciH'!* - : . cn ^ Fr @ "r !2 ro co @ L_O @ . -CiC6-t ^ CiicOCimC'l r.{ c\r '-.{ Fr F.r '.r F-i F - Fr i ri r-r o .? fj co X= ;=:=83{83==93 bol g.- - . -s <tr" <*:flrd9.oE cv aS = iD it <r 543{a @ oo(oc n, or N t3 g"e e ; q,/ :-3.o Ca E c.r @ CO @ Oco co o ooo P+ cor-iFrNai NF.r(otr-Oi .o3(e N'JN !:re i 0.6 H-o -d q.:,t ! =ii .9 FrY ts- ror coo) -r rn o) s I Fi m i.r 33 - d; tn 'iF (c)oQoo .-r r.r'-i -i c-1 : " CC ^r 0o + ; .|r9 it I at i d tl q tr r S& e$ & 8o '-tr 'i . EiEP ;EP ry."{{P $;"iE *."i g Ei; Etg *U .q.c!i EEE+ E4i EEE :flr8€ .9H'egE ;E? .=P.cE EF.q < I,c= =F6.H S #"!dZ 33i df,EtE m;A;; da; 3;.4; lt $tori &t L E".) 9i; -fifiE = *x :,: .E rb h i tr .vU ri g E{ .{ F .g r- -O r €{rs ..s gF EsEEE#EfisiE=EHsiEiiE EEE3E,EsEi 6l 6JaO<i lO<gtco0ooo ooOOFI 00000to!o) co6@@ !-.1 167 cO d) Q i'l N o o ot ot oJ o r-.1 LO qO tm.J qr o) o) o) r-.1 :f LOID Ca o ooo F.l r-r r-l r-l Fl © 1977 National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission. 6J 6i Nc6 L- f* t6r c{ 6l cri co@co NC.tN il !.a i:or idlp Ftr + ;jo >i :r q)B oo oo IrJ 16 c\mN coE-otr.l c! @ C{ c6 0l I Lo NN E co cn o X F i i tr .- il n. -e5\J tt O. a. ol ot F __r + 0)ocJ .dE 3fr8 AP tr tr rr SSS o! q! t-- o. 0 0 0 3 <D tr s S oo r-- N6Ica 0)oo) : i.t --l ca o) g 3*E $ P* #i*i#gE##$ $ g j Egss E 3 ;jj gss .*r$$r$3$3= = E #;;g = Ebt,P E Ai o.a ! 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Fr oE 9?i :, Fr r.l ..1 co,lcncocom ,d ,rt d - 99. cJ '-ao'^oo-.oo -o -r € - -a.-r ,rt ef, c... ci cn I--cO -: -: -:.:.: - - - -. -o F 5.<.c E.c cO cO cO 6r] arj cD -r -F aO cY! -a oo co cn co6 ;* !o9€ tz33 .O rr.r:+ph 99999^ r"r 'Dc)OO aqaa o,OOo I I I :^ -HA/i-i FOOOoo@ !f r5 r= {5 i.r * (o @ 5 ; (o @ bn bo i5o rr |J qo @ n =:,is E ", .r>' >A A XA Fi m'f ii coi 6i 3 -lo li co 6) :5Fl5j3 r-.1 Ci O! ao @ao OOOCLo t5 r) rn Lo ()oco@@cn i.r r'l Fr r'{ r'l -'< E',EEEE b4 tr 6t aO.'l <r .^ rr r.tF- H Ni :>. FJv t- 333.j 33; 'i bi bia rr -^oo € ,e- iorRoo p5 t F3irHooF cs@ 0, .^ r.i i"i1"j1"i 1";ii*"11 r"l cn r"i Fl i.{ -- lD t-i E ii -,: r'1 ctrtrtrll 8 tr!o er ge E tu6obobDtubotu# { # € qgrygryg f f; 5 THE'i'TiilF .EE ft F F E.E::.8.: E.E.3F.SE gE gsgggs EH d: # itEr:fltr €Esi 3 # FiaiflaS; ;3 + -: = f€€€ff€E < .;# ooq)<D<J h #*-E.E.EE.E lll!oOOoo s a=u)aaaa ^-n 'i - a < c H= o 9.S -cd Ei E E bi,ubu$i#EsH :E g € 85;iiii-F s E g € g :IEEEEE:, P S sEsEe#*ll?!E iE - ts -" q.x id r! 3 8,ndd(8.7)| Fi ri :1 !*oq.ueql H = E E $ > ($ !n .i L ! 6obouaaunl h X -X {jiB J.,j.j {r- r-=5Fl F -.: L F -9 ggSSSbPxbH€ u- i; d.H a 5 FE 6 6 -o = .-5g9UO>;;FEEU = (J U O iEJ Pf i+<<<<<U cd o)o,-.{N 60y €t (6 --t-co CO cn C"i C'i m !'ii s Sr.r F F= E rn sr (o <r -*FF'F.rFr-r-r.rF 169 r<r oOo!O''r$lc? d .s. LO ui rli lrJ !!1!LrJ(ot' !i rr) La rO Fl t-,t !-,t r-,t @Or lti lri i.t r-.1 © 1977 National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission. HAMBURG AMERICAN KLING KLANG KRONENWECKER PILOT clowN Maxim PHONOS Spharen PFEIL Colonist Irfant KOSMOS Diadem LUX Schellenkonig Phlox Placet Tirnp Pansy Chloris Bucco Fragor Eclypse FUCHSIA JULTET Fairy Iwa Sen'us Sweetheart Passepartout Nlousrre Dickens Nlirabelle Parsivalgong Courier Nulli-Secundus Prince Grals Amfortas Klingsoe Kundry Titourelle Kiri Arrow 269-rj Pa cl.ocK co. 76-9-It Pi 29.10-02 PO 10-10-11 T&ZT)7 LU 24-10-1' 24-1-1' 44.06 Sagitto 15-6-06 THOS ERNST HALLER The Pearl Baby 17-8'07 17-10-07 Alpha H<rlla Rellah META Morning Glory Hallerenst Salvos Prior Teha 12-8{9 18-8-09 15-9-09 2&9-10 10-1-11 2l-1-11 10-3-11 10-611 l0-Gll 13-1-05 1&12-05 15-G06 8-9-06 9-1_08 17-12-08 t3-l-09 174'lJ 8-7-13 29-10-17 BADISCHE UHRENFABRIK 30-Gll A Kribie t10-0+ 22-8'14 5.10.11 TINION CI,OCK CO WART und HOR WAIT und HEAR WAIT und SEE FRIEDRICH MAUTHE 5-10-11 Veni 30-6-ll l-7-ll I-7-ll 17-1I 7-8-11 5-10-11 Vidi Zeppelin Sirene Mauthe Divira-Gong Nonida 5-10-ll 5-10-11 Gl0-ll 610-11 610-11 6-10-ll JI.INGHANS ll-10-ll & Haller Junghans Veto Gold Ring Ergo Ego Bravo 16-10-11 28-10-ll 30-10-11 14-ll-11 2Z-lZ-11 l9-l-l? 5-2-12 FIOI{PPAHC 5-2-lZ stella 5-2-12 14-12-07 22-7-0& i-6'09 10-4-11 24-10-12 4-1-1J HALLER 19-5-08 +Z-05 l&2-05 28-2-05 15-9-10 28-10-09 29-3-0, 75 I().5-05 7-7-05 CARL WERNER 5-2-12 12-2-12 Galilei 26-11-08 t5-8-tz Verna zGlt-lJ 170 © 1977 National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission. GEBR JI-INGHANS Crescendo Atlantic Le Roia Paris fonium Drummer Alarm CYMBAL AUTOSUN 3r-3-r3 17-t2-r3 9-5-r4 Securitas Picea Von lora 29-11-13 / -)-r't l5-11-13 r6l-09 25-9-09 6-l -10 27-3-rl 20-6-lI Walhalla-Gong SCHLENKER & KIENZLE Wach auf 29,2-08 Good Morning t2,8,08 Tromler 'Wecker 6-t-10 Midget lt-4-10 ESKA t?,4-tl foung England f oung Australia 2+10-rz 8-11-I2 jung Baden 19-5-r3 22-5-r3 Neckarwerk '.fom-Tonr Walkuregong r5-t-12 Tiefland 24-5-r2 17-9-12 Cclerina Wchrkraft Bov Scout Jung Bayem Waidmann's Heil Isoldegolg Drirmmer bov r'{-'l2 Bardengong Bismarck Pangong Pfadfinder 3-5'12 2-r1-12 30-r2-12 r5-7-r3 30-10-ll 9-5-r4 3-r,r7 VER FREIBURG IN SCHL 20-5-lJ Silesia 6-613 Harfen Quartett Gong Trio Gong 29_9_r3 31-10-13 l-10-04 t8-7-07 r9-7-07 24.10-07 NUMBERS ASSIGNED TO SOURCE OF INFORMATION 1. 3. E. D. Bush (TX) Merlin W. Bartels (MO) G. H. Baillie W atchmakers & Clockmakers- 4. Publications Of 13. mitted by E. J. TYIer (England) E. Osborn Prescott (TX) 15. Harold Baynes (PA) 16. Turner W. Gilman (MA) 17. Louis Auerbach (NY) 18. H. de Oliveira Marques Th,e lVorld. 14. : 4a. NAWCC BULLETIN, No. .79, p. b31 4b. NAWCC BuLLErrN, No. 126, p. 703-707 4c. NAWCC BULLETIN, No. 124, p. 522 4e. NAWCC BULLETIN, No. 77, p. 404 4f. NAWCC BULLETIN, No. 138, p. 806 4}a. Horologist & Jeusele,]. ( L. Michael 7. Karl K. Kappel (WI) Jane Yarkaris ( Canada ) 8. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 12. Lawrence James P. Brown (TX) Melvin K. Hands ( IL) A. Fletcher ( Canada) Helene Barber (TX) John K. Ritchley (TX) 25. James Haddock (TX) 26. Richard Pickard (TX) 2?. Kieninger & Obergfcll Kundo ( Couchot (OH) 9. Gene McCoy (NY) 10. Bernard N. Gitlin 11. Willard I'ox (OII) Portugal) 19. Rodman Dowell (TX) Sep. 1975, p. 46 Ilerbert B. Carll (FL) 6. Official German Books in the Patent Office of London, sub- Gerrnany) 28. Kerll & Sohne (Germany) 29. Konrad }lauch Koma (Germany) 30. Charles Schatz, Pres. (MI) Aug Schatz & Sohne (GermanY) 31. Vicente Sfc Ramirez (TX) 32. John Darrow (PA) I. Ruby (MI) 17L
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