Influence of assistance during hatching on the mortality and growth
Influence of assistance during hatching on the mortality and growth
Arch . Geflügelk. 2000, 64 (1). 40-41, ISSN 0003-9098 . © Verlag Eugen Ulmer GmbH & Co., Stuttgart Influence of assistance during hatching on the mortality and growth rate of ostrich chicks Effekt einer Hilfestellung beim Sch lupf von Straußenküken auf d ie spä tere Mortal ität und W ach stumsrate J. O. Horbaficzuk 1 and J. Sales 2 Manuskript eingegangen am 30. November 1998 Introduction A major problem in the ostrich industry is the poor survival of chicks from hatching till 90 days of age and the lack of knowledge about why the birds died (DEEMING et al., 1993). DEEMTNG and AYRES (1994) found that 25.0 and 90.2% of chicks assisted and unassisted during hatching, respectively, survived under quarantine conditions (up till 35 days after the last bird has hatched). However, these figures were based on sampIe sizes of 8 and 51, respectively. Although it is common practice in the ostrich industry to assist chicks during hatching (HALLAM, 1992), DEEMING and A YRES (1994) stated that this resulted in poor quality birds being maintained and that the problems associated with chicks not hatching are not being investigated. The aim of the present study was to determine the influence of the assistance during hatching on the mortality and growth rate of ostrich chicks up to 60 days of age. Material and methods Two hundred and forty ostrich eggs, from 14 females, a1l in their third year of laying and kept in trios, were incubated in multi-stage PasReform incubators at standard conditions. Eggs were sanitised in paraformaldehyde after collection, stored for a maximum of 9 days at 12-15 °C and sanitised again before setting. On day 39 viable eggs were transferred ioto the hatcher. Chicks were reared in indoor pens on a plastic mesh 15 cm above the floor, at a density of 0.8 m2/chick during 1-30 days of age had 1.2 m2 /chick during 30-60 days. From 4 weeks of age chicks had access to outdoor pens (5 m x 9 m). Room temperature was maintained initially at 32.5 °C for newly hatched chicks and reduced daily by 2 °C until ambient temperature remained between 2324 oe. Feeding and zoohygienic considerations of all chicks were uniform. PeUeti sed food concentrate specially formulated for ostrich chicks was supplied to the chicks ad libitum from hatching to two months of age. Fresh water was continuously available. From the second week after hatching small amounts of finely chopped luceme was provided periodically during the day. The pens were I Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Jastrzebiec, Mrok6w, Poland 2 Department of Animal Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa cleaned at least once a day. Chicks were weighted on day 1,3, 7, 10, 14,2 1,30, 40,50 and 60. Chi square (X 2 ) tests were used to evaluated differences in percentage of chicks died between providing assistance and without providing assistance and time period of death. Growth rate (y) over time (x) was describe by a quadratic equation of the form y = a + bx + cx 2 . Unpaired t-tests were used to evaluate differences in a, band c between chicks assisted and not assisted (SNEDECOR and COCHRAN, 1991). Results and Discussion Although there was no difference (X2 = 0.937) in the percentage of chicks died between the two groups at any time interval (Table 1), the tendency was found that mortality rate was higher at 15-60 days for chicks that have received assistance during hatching, especially after 31 days of age. This implicated that factors other than assistance du ring hatching depressed the influence of assistance on mortality during an early stage. The majority of chicks died within the first 14 days after hatching had unabsorbed yolk sacs. The quadratic regression parameters for assisted and non-assisted chicks is shown in Table 2. Toble 1. Percentoge of chicks (% of total in group) d ied ot certoin intervals Anteil verendeter Küken nach dem Schlupf in verschiedenen Altersabschnitten (in % der Küken in der Gruppe) Doys Without ossistonce (n = 63) Assistonce (n = 36) 0- 7 8- 14 15 - 30 31 - 60 4.8 9.5 7.9 6 .3 5.6 8 .3 11.1 13 .9 Toble 2. Growth constonts (y = 60 doys of oge 0 + bx + cx 2 ) of chicks up to Regressionsgleichungen für den Wachstumsverlauf der Küken bis zum 60. Lebenstag Without assistance Assistance n o b c 63 0.844 ± 0.098 0.011 ± 0.017 0.001 ± O.OOO 36 0.872 ± 0.116 0 .016 ± 0.021 0 .001 ± O.OOO Archiv für Geflügelkunde 1/2000 HORBANCZUK and SAlES, Assistance during hatching of ostrich chicks No differences (P> 0.05) were found in any of the parameters between groups. The form of this equation cIearly illustrated the initial decIine in weight of ostrich chicks after hatching previously reported (DEEMlNG et al., 1993; DEEMING and AYREs, 1994). It should be emphasised that in present investigation the majority of chicks (40-45%) that being assisted were malpositioned (HORBANCZUK et al., 1997), mainly "head in small end" (malposition II, where the embryo was inverted withjn the egg with the head in the end away from the air space (LANDAUER, 1967». In this position external pipping is rarely possible, which means that about 15-18 hours after internal pipping the embryo must be assisted. Apart from thi , egg shell thickness exceeded 2 nun in the present study, in comparison to an average of 1.83 nun reported for ostrich egg shells (SALES et al., 1996). Especially, factors responsible for mortalities up to 14 days of age needs further investigation. However, assistance during hatching has no intluence on the growth rate of ostrich chicks up to 60 days of age. Summary The influence of assistance during incubation on the SUfvivability and growth rate of ostrich chicks up till 60 days of age was investigated in the presented study. Although assistance during incubation has no influence (P > 0.05) on neither mortality rate nor growth rate up tiB 60 days of age, there was a tendency of higher mortality rate from day 15 to 60 for chicks assisted. Keywords 41 Obwohl sich die Hilfestellung beim Schlupf nicht auf die Mortalität oder die Wachstumsrate bis zum 60. LT ausgewirkt hat (P > 0.05), zeigte sich eine Tendenz zu einer etwas größeren Sterblichkeit zwischen dem 15. und 60. Lebenstag für die Küken , denen beim Schlupf Hilfe gegeben wurde. Stichworte Strauß, Brut, Schlupf, Überlebensrate References DEEMI 'G, D. C. and L. AYRES , 1994: Factors affecting the growth rate of ostrich (Struthio camelus) chicks in captiv ity. Vet. Rec. 135, 617-622. DEEMING, D. c., L. AYRES and F. J. AYRES, 1993: Observations on the comrnercial production of ostrich (Struthio camelus) in the United Kingdom: Rearing of chicks. Vet. Rec. 132, 627- 631. HA LLAM , M . G., 1992: The Topaz lntroduction to Practical Ostrich Farming. The Ostrich Producers Association of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe. LANDAUER, W., 1967: The hatchability of chicken eggs as influenced by environment and heredity. Monograph 1 (revised), Stors, The University of Connecticut, USA. HORBANCZUK, J., T. CELEDA and S . ARMATOWSKJ , 1997: Selected abnormalities in late dead embryos and hatchings in ostriches. The Ostrich News (USA) 107, 45-51. SALES, J., D . G. POGGENPOEL and S. C. CILLIERS, 1996: Comparative physical and nutritive characteristics of ostrich eggs. World 's Poultr. Sci. J. 52, 45-52. SNEDECOR, G. W . and W. G. COCHRAN, 1991: Statistical Methods, 8th ed., Iowa State University Press, Ames, USA. ostrich, incubation, hateh, survivability Zusammenfassung Effekt einer Hilfestellung beim Schlupf von Straußen küken auf die spätere Mortalität und Wachstumsrate In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurde der Einfluß einer Hilfestellung beim Schlupf auf die spätere Überlebensrate und das Wachstum von Straußenküken bis zum 60. Lebenstag untersucht. Archiv IVr Geflügelkunde 1/2000 Korres pondenzad resse: J. O. Horbaiiezuk, Ph.D., Polish Aeademy of Seienees, Inst. of Genelies and Animal Breeding, Jastrzebiee, 05·55 1 Mrok6w, Poland. e- mail : o lav@rackelma il .col11