5331. Posted by kataaha Fri Aug 21 9:46am EDT I
5331. Posted by kataaha Fri Aug 21 9:46am EDT I
5331. Posted by kataaha Fri Aug 21 9:46am EDT I support semenya 5330. Posted by kataaha Fri Aug 21 9:46am EDT I support semenya 5329. Posted by kataaha Fri Aug 21 9:46am EDT I support semenya 5328. Posted by lltroutman2002 Fri Aug 21 9:32am EDT I find this so shocking.... Not that She would run faster, or that she doesn't follow "traditional" ideas of femininity, or that the sports community chose to make this a public debate. What I find shocking is that this has become a race issue. I am American and I am so white, I almost glow in the dark. Does that mean I should trash on this poor child? Come on people, stop making assumtions. Yes, there are lots of jerks who will trash on someone just because they are different, but not all white people are against people of color (Maybe not the polically correct way to say it, but trying to encompass all ethnic backgrounds) and vice-versa. Personally, I think she is right. This skill is a gift from God and she is using it. She worked hard to develop this talent, and she made alot of sacrifices. She deserved to win. End of story. 5327. Posted by David Fri Aug 21 7:26am EDT Two words, ' Fatima Whitbread,' in comparison Caster is Naomi Campbell 5326. Posted by Fred Fri Aug 21 7:17am EDT Caster Semenya? What about Carmilita Jeter? And what about the huge humangrowth problem going on at the Worlds? All those outtie bellie buttons and distended abs. It's brutal. A lot of drugs going on in track & field. 5325. Posted by ksnooke Fri Aug 21 6:47am EDT Well now I'm confused. Where I work (small company) we are 9 women and 1 man, or should I say that's what I thought... Now out of the 9 women I have run a quick check and 5 of us have longer ringer fingers that index fingers (including myself) and also amazingly enough of the 5 with longer ring fingers 3 of them are moms. (I actually even lived through the pregnancies of two of them here). So Outhouse & Forestlettelier you now have me doubting myself and nature???? 5324. Posted by Njugz Fri Aug 21 6:31am EDT I am an African and I dont think this whole issue has anything to do with race at all. I had my doubts too when I first saw her running. The fact that she did not address the press after winning the 800m finals only served to add to the speculations. I truly feel sorry for her that she has to undergo all this stuff, but since other people have disguised before and ran as the opposite gender, the IAAF truly has no option than to carry out the gender test. Problem is, If Semenya is truly a girl, the psychological effects of the whole thing to her will be very negative. Even though an apology cant really undo the damage that has already been done, the IAAF and others, I included should be ready to offer one. 5323. Posted by JamesN Fri Aug 21 6:08am EDT My heart goes to the poor child. The South African sports authorities should have seen it coming and done these checks before outing this poor child. I do not expect her rural folks would know what is cooking inside of her. I see many here portending some racism truly its Embarrassingly South African. 5322. Posted by Marquessa Fri Aug 21 5:28am EDT Sooo... if for some reason Caster Semenya finds out she has all guy stuff going on inside of her... what will she do? Will she start living life as a dude or continue to live life as a girl? How sad for her. So young and has to have the whole world in on her personal business. I wish her the best. 5321. Posted by Marquessa Fri Aug 21 5:02am EDT Can't they just pull her running shorts down and check? I don't understand why it would take weeks for someone to figure her sex out. 5320. Posted by ASAPH N Fri Aug 21 2:46am EDT This is total sexual harrassment and an abuse of an African child once again with the interior motives that nothing good can come from Africa. Why should IAAF not subject all the participants to such a test before they qualify for a competition and wait to disorganise an innocent African child. Semenya has made African proud of your victory. This is racism we have lived with but we shall over come it. Congs 5319. Posted by wincate Fri Aug 21 2:32am EDT Remember what a man can do, a woman can do better. 5318. Posted by Mimi Fri Aug 21 2:22am EDT This is going to be such a big slap in the face of the people that are saying she is man when it is proven that she's female! Have you taken a look at Leona Lewis lately?? I though she was a transvestite the first time I saw her. Shows you, don't judge!! Caster - you go girl! Proudly South African 5317. Posted by Lionel Fri Aug 21 1:56am EDT I made the mistake of reading the postings at espn.com and I must say that I am embarrassed for my sex. This is all about her boyish looks and nothing else. If she had longer hair and wore a running outfit that was cut higher on the legs while concealing her "abs of death", I am sure no test would have been requested. Being just 18 let us see what she looks like in a couple years when she grows into her body. And to those there who were chastising her father for playing the race card when he was defending his daughter.... Well, he may actually have been playing the colonialism card, or--more currently--the apartheid card (the latter a system he grew up under). So please excuse poor, old dad for having thought that his daughter would be treated better by the world, better than the one he experienced: where appearance determined too much. 5316. Posted by BoltonD Fri Aug 21 1:37am EDT She is a beautiful South African gal, I love her. The whole world is confused, men want to be women and women want to be men. Same sex gettin marriage in america and around the world, so who care. semenya said she a lady, the South Africans call her " GOLDEN GIRL". leave that little poor african's gal alone she deserve that Gold. take your's Gold with you to africa ya! huh! this gal won. 5315. Posted by George Fri Aug 21 1:33am EDT I agree with posters who believe this has nothing to do with nationality or race. For quite some time I blinked several times with a furrowed brow while watching Amelie Mauresmo play tennis. Gender verification - well, it just seems silly to me. Hopefully this matter will be put to rest soon although its good to read that Semenya is taking this whole issue in stride as she glides past her competitors with ease.... Go girl! 5314. Posted by George Fri Aug 21 1:31am EDT I agree with posters who believe this has nothing to do with nationality or race. For quite some time I blinked several times with a furrowed brow while watching Amelie Mauresmo play tennis. Gender verification - well, it just seems silly to me. Hopefully this matter will be put to rest soon although its good to read that Semenya is taking this whole issue in stride as she glides past her competitors with ease.... Go girl! 5313. Posted by cafeaulait Fri Aug 21 12:04am EDT This is a crying pitiful shame. So what she isn't "feminine looking" that doesn't make her a man. She blew away the competittion fair and square. I agree with Darrien the IAAF and all others could've used more discretion and not let the media nad the whole world know they're going to gender test the young lady. Matter of fact they shouldn't even be testing her at all. Her birth records, and parents says she's a woman; then damn it she's a woman. Everyone is cracking on her because she does not look like a woman. SO! Leave her alone. 5312. Posted by stinda.binda Thu Aug 20 11:30pm EDT To outhouse and comment 5323- I am female (a very feminine one at that) and my ring fingers are longer than my index fingers. Let's try not to be so ignorant, shall we? 5311. Posted by haynnufsaid Thu Aug 20 10:53pm EDT For comments 5319 and 5323, according to the movie Shallow Hal, if a woman has any toes that are longer than her big toe, she could be something from outer space or just plain ugly. 5310. Posted by middletonwilson@... Thu Aug 20 10:26pm EDT What a cold cruel place the sports arena is to treat the sensitivity of this human being in such a sordid and scandalous way. Shame on the IAAF for not being sensitive to this young athlete's feelings. How many of us would like our sensitivity to be so bruised and batterd, If this yoing woman has a biological problem , surely the IAAF could have found a way to treat it more carefully and sensitively. A younfg mind like hers could easily become SCHIZOPHRENIC from this mauling but who except her parent really cares about this GIRKL? 5309. Posted by middletonwilson@... Thu Aug 20 10:26pm EDT What a cold cruel place the sports arena is to treat the sensitivity of this human being in such a sordid and scandalous way. Shame on the IAAF for not being sensitive to this young athlete's feelings. How many of us would like our sensitivity to be so bruised and batterd, If this yoing woman has a biological problem , surely the IAAF could have found a way to treat it more carefully and sensitively. A younfg mind like hers could easily become SCHIZOPHRENIC from this mauling but who except her parent really cares about this GIRKL? 5308. Posted by ashtonspet Thu Aug 20 10:12pm EDT I am utterly shocked and appalled at the things some of you people are saying about a young person. Surely you must be children yourselves to be so completely thoughtless, heartless and hateful to make the comments you have. Personally, regardless of what the gender tests return as the results, I feel very sorry for the girl and for the humiliation she must be feeling. Some of you should wake up and figure out what's so wrong with you that you have to beat down another person in such a way. 5307. Posted by Deodanth Thu Aug 20 9:29pm EDT Nice one Barry :) MNU agents rock on! 5306. Posted by rene_herring Thu Aug 20 9:22pm EDT One way to tell if she is indeed a man, hang out with her see if she acts like a jerk. If so, she is indeed male. 5305. Posted by forestletellier Thu Aug 20 9:20pm EDT I agree with outhouse147... If you look at one of her pictures, the ring finger is longer than the index finger. Its the easiest way to tell between a male and female. If she was female her index finger would be longer. Definately male for sure. So if you're ever in the bar and the chick you're talking to is questionable, look at her hands before bringing her home. 5304. Posted by Peter Joachim Thu Aug 20 9:20pm EDT Doping GONE WILD! Where is Nike? 5303. Posted by Barry Thu Aug 20 9:02pm EDT Fairlie,South Africa..District 9 is being shut down...MNU directive 203.1..Alien Resettlement ..you are being evicted...To District 10...100 k.north of Johannesberg...they have a lab set up..MNU scientists will determine gender and species once they receive lab results...not a problem if a Ehiopian,Nigerian or Kenyan woman wins..at least we will see that the better WOMAN won.... 5302. Posted by carolined Thu Aug 20 7:44pm EDT this is an interesting issue, both biologically and ethically. i'm so glad that there is a very public incident which raises questions about what really determines gender...plus i will be so psyched if a "woman" runs that fast. right on! but i wanna say to this dsmivel person genitalia is one "command" in a series of highly complex commands issued from the amazing organism known as "person" when we are conceived, and as we grow in utero. there are a ton of chemical conversations which happen as our cells divide!! it's freaking miraculous whatever is in your pants is an organized cluster of cells programmed to grow by chemicals and dna, but it is only PART of that directive. there's so much MORE, biologically speaking, that indicates the gender we are born with, and then a host of other chemical, biological combinations which determine how and why we are wired to feel comfortable or terrible bout what's under our fly. and this is before we even get into what we DESIRE.....whoaaaa. dsmizel, you may pray to jesus or to satan or to donald duck, but it doesn't change chromosomes, and it also doesn't change orientation if you'd like to do an experiment, dsmizel, go pray under your orange tree and see if they are replaced with lemons if you pray long enough. and if you really have time to pray to a plant, you are welcome to come wash my car. i'll pay you. 5301. Posted by outhouse147 Thu Aug 20 7:37pm EDT look at the ring finger ver the index finger .if riing finger is longer than index finger it is a male. fingers are the only thing you cant change from cross dressing just like the jeans you and i was born with this thing is a male 5300. Posted by Lance Thu Aug 20 7:31pm EDT Why do some people continue to believe this has anything to do with racism? Back in the 70s Eastern European women were accused of being men. This is nothing new. They want the testing because she appears to have male traits..nothing more. 5299. Posted by latanyab Thu Aug 20 7:03pm EDT if you are classless enough to insult a young person it is really a shame that the first ammendment allows people such as yourself to even voice your opinion. i am a African American woman, and i must say in the pictures this young person does have the look of a Male, that does not mean she was born a Male...lets keep in mind we are all born with X and Y chromosomes, and this young person may have some sort of chromosome defect. Notice in one of the comments the athlete' s mother made, she noted that she raised her child in a way whereas she would not be teased. She also stated that the child was born female. If she was female, she qualifies to compete with Female born Athletes..in the event she was not born female, of course she does not qualify to compete with female born athletes. If this athlete was born with some sort of defect whereas she has both male and female genatalia, then there should be some sort of intervention on the matter of her gender. But certainly, not in the manner it is being done. My belief is that i young athlete was born female with very little feminine ways, and although female, identifies more with her masculinity. I hope she is found to be just what i believe she is and i hope she continues to train hard and run like the wind.. and let all of this confusion roll off her like water on a ducks back.. 5298. Posted by frankv Thu Aug 20 6:56pm EDT to respose of Cynthia H. some points you make are valid about some of the history of the bible. now i'm am no theologian but one thing you are mistaken about is about they are all hypocrites. Religon is man made not from God. actually religon is the governmental system of a paticular church or doctrine. i consider myself christian and think its based on a personal relationship I have with God. You rip yourself off because you hate religon and your statement indicates religon is people. so you r hatred keeps you from getting to know some pretty neat folks and that rips us of from getting to know you because I bet your a pretty neat person yourself. I know this doesn't realyy fit this blog on this athelet but god made this person and he doesn't make junk. These test are brought about by competition rules not judgement of the person. And for those who talk about his persons look ...man you are missing the point. 5297. Posted by Susan T Thu Aug 20 6:25pm EDT I am black, and i have seen many black women with her body like, but still they bore children. Whats the big deal in looking like a man. Go girl, dont give a @#$% about this white lot who grows on chemicals. 5296. Posted by Charetta Thu Aug 20 6:23pm EDT America makes no sense!! If she were white would we still have this problem????? 5295. Posted by Robert G Thu Aug 20 6:14pm EDT We will find out after the test...my bet is she is a woman. A man would have tried to make himself more girlie and also shave the mustache to play the part. 5294. Posted by Mark H Thu Aug 20 5:44pm EDT I hope that is a man, if not then thats one ugly $#@!$!!!!!!!! 5293. Posted by im just me Thu Aug 20 5:24pm EDT it makes no difference if she has female or male organs. the test could show that at a genetic level that she is actually a man. at which point would say that physically she is man in a womans body. 5292. Posted by Digital Thu Aug 20 5:17pm EDT I looked at several pics of this person and I did not see one single camel toe......hummmmmm. 5291. Posted by Cynthia H Thu Aug 20 5:14pm EDT In response to all of Mattias I copyed and pasted an old post of yours. You are just a F@cking dumba$$. I'm as white as they come and I know that we all didn't start out white. Put down your Bible and strat reading some Science books. YOU are so far off from reality it pains me, you are alive to spread your hate by quoting the bible which is supposed to loving and non- judgemental that is why I cant stand religion because they are all just hypocrites. Mattias stop your hate!!!!!!! Whether Jesus was white or not is pretty irrelevant. Salomon and David were light-skinned as can be understood by reading Scripture. Salomon fell in love with a black girl who said she was black because she had worked in the sun so much. The genetical make-up was more diverse back then, today white people have lost their ability to turn black in the sun, and black people have lost their ability to lose their color (although some become paler with age in cold climates, and some can get lighter skin from someone carrying that gene). You can't get a Great Dane from breeding Poodles, but they both came from a wolf-like ancestor. They lost their ability to diversify, just like humans. You can breed a Great Dane and a Poodle and get a mixture, just as a white person can have children with a black person and have a mixture. Was the original man white? One only have to look at the palm of a black man to find that out. But color is barely skin-deep. We are all 100% human and equal in worth, but different in manners and maybe even thought patterns. Furthermore, Jews and Israelites are not the same. The former were called Jews because they followed a religion based on the Torah, the latter were genetically a people of 12 tribes, a race. All of the disciples were Galatians and they were probably light-skinned because statues depict Galatians/Gauls with Nordic features. Jesus was probably light-skinned because he was a descendent of David. None of this matters though. We're all 100% human and we can all receive salvation and redemption. 5290. Posted by Darrien Thu Aug 20 5:11pm EDT Interesting, very interesting. Excellent post Lawrence. Margova you had me rolling in stitches, lol, but good points. I understand the issue of wanting to be sure of gender since the sports are segregated that way, but does it really have to be handled in this manner. Goodness, most human beings have some level of insecurity about their bodies, whether it be their faces, the sizes of their breasts, penises, legs, their abs, how short or tall they are, and so much more. Wouldh any person with such insecurities want their friend to bring it to the fore?? I think not. If we dont even want our friends to be discussing them, how much worst would it feel to have the whole world analyzing us? Unfortunate. I think it is in poor taste for the issue to have been handled by the organizing body in this way. Couldn't they have ordered the test and dealt with the whole issue confidentially? Shouldn't it be done that way for all persond. Its not easy to have your gender, sexuality and a host of other thigns questioned in public domain, not easy at all. Now they have put the young lady in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. She should be making headlines based on her athletic performance! What's the female ideal look? Who determines that? God created us looking a particular way and that's that. Looks are fleeting. Who are we? The talents we posess, the spirit within us, our love for our fellow man, our humanity equals the REAL US. We could step out the door and have an accident that change our appearance in an instant, then we'd understand how it feels when people begin judging us based on appearance only. So she is a female that looks masculine, so what. I wont wanna be on the track with her, she'd kick my ass good and why shouldn't she? She's talented, she's trained hard. Go take on the world girl, and leave you mark on athletics! Unfortunately, sports today is a mess, all the focus on money, contracts, fame, all these things are what truly corrupt sports. What the hell happend to the innocence of "Last one to reach the end of the street is a rotten egg"? Persons should be working hard to be the best while competing in fiendly rivalry; what is that called again? SPORTSMANSHIP??? I wish her well, more victories, more records. Rip up de track girl. 5289. Posted by lady T Thu Aug 20 5:07pm EDT Whomever started this crap about her being a man, you are a damn idiot!!! Just because she isn't as feminie as most women doesn't mean she's a man and should be put on the spot the way that she was treated. Just because she beat out the other athletes doesen't mean she should have to prove her sex to anyone because of her masculine looks. And when she told you she wasn't a man, why couldn't that have been enough for you? Why did she have to go to the extreme of being tested and supplying birth records and so forth? If I were she, I would have told everyone who doubted me, to do their own investigation and leave me the hell alone. The way she was treated was absolutely humiliating and disgusting. Since you are so worried and concern, figure it out on your own, because she's got nothing to prove, knowing she is a female. DAMN FOOLS!!!! 5288. Posted by chester m Thu Aug 20 5:04pm EDT no ONE cares what any of you think!!!!!! get that yet!!!!???????????? probably not! ..............................................its a guy though women, so just stay barefoot and prego like it shoudl be and stay out of sub par sports competition, it makes you disgusting in most guys eyes, get that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! once again, probably not/. 5287. Posted by gigifitness1984 Thu Aug 20 4:21pm EDT I'm with you Margova...100%~ 5286. Posted by Heather M Thu Aug 20 4:10pm EDT There have been questions about Caster's gender since childhood, so why is it a big deal that it is being questioned now? With all the cases of cheating in sports being brought to attention why should this be any different? Why did race even have to be brought up? That is what bothers me in this whole mess. Have you seen the GIRL that took silver? Doesn't look WHITE to me. It seems to me that if Caster could pass then this wouldn't be an issue. In sports people are under examination all the time (more so if they are great) because of cheating. So take the test. Pass it keep the gold. Fail it complete with the Men. It sounds to me like that is what Caster has been doing thoughout childhood anyway. 5285. Posted by b_bal98 Thu Aug 20 3:58pm EDT that is a @#$%in man look her 8 pac 5284. Posted by pirhana_jedi Thu Aug 20 3:55pm EDT oh really This is just another case of answering another person's sucess with intense scrutiny. Certainly, so many of us feel so much better when we can try and figure out what makes the other person insecure. How many of us would love to be embarassed in front of the whole world with questions of sexual identity? But it is okay when that person has achieved greatness at the things they want to do, and they are in a very rare position that 99% of us wouldn't understand; then it is okay to thrust that person into a spotlight that any person on this planet would shun. This all really goes to show that you, the mass public, and any and all scientists, don't truly know what makes a person a man or a woman --that what makes this such a CHEAP SHOT!!! 5283. Posted by LaSonjaS Thu Aug 20 3:51pm EDT OK bigpkoloski blogger #5362...point taken. For the record, no...I am not athletic at all, but I do believe that everyone is different and there is a such thing as diversity. This poor girl should not be scrutinized about her looks and her build...come on. In any case, I like your dignified come back. See...I'm a trooper. 5282. Posted by toasterbats Thu Aug 20 3:45pm EDT I think the test was appropriate. Male bodies are built to be more athletic than female bodies. I wrestled in high school and every time I saw a girl compete against boys she was pinned in the first round. If a male had a sex change so that he could compete against women it simply wouldn't be fair. She looks pretty masculine, so to maintain the credibility of the race a gender test was needed. 5281. Posted by bigpkoloski Thu Aug 20 3:38pm EDT OK LaSonia How did you see it that I was putting women down as a whole, just because I call a person stupid that happens to be a woman that does not mean I think all woman are stupid, just that one individual person is stupid , I might be a little bitter, but thats only because of a growing number people who do stupid things and dont think about the end results of their actions, and by the way I am a strait man that is married to an attractive women with a soft body and nice curves , dont hate me because I dont find butch looking woman atractive, thats just the way God made me, its not like I took pills to become this way !!! Again If your a PERSON that looks just like a MAN and you put yourself right into the spotlight by compeating in a WOMANS SPECTATOR SPORT then this is the way the world will treat you, its not my fault, but thats the way it is.. Nobody is questioning the Jamacian teams woman, why is that , maybe because they look like a physically fit woman ! 5280. Posted by shazzam Thu Aug 20 3:31pm EDT I am offended and feel demoralized by this article. How dare her gender be questioned! There have been people born with tales, does that make them animals or better yet would that give us the right to question their humanity... Hell no! Our society today has this mutilated unrealistic ideal of what women are and or should be physically. I am sick of little girls looking in the mirror and hating what they see because they don‘t fit ‗societies mold of a woman‘. The world will be less fortunate to have this very talented young woman‘s lose confidence in her self and stop running altogether, due to this attack on her personal being. So much for evolution, If she‘s a man then we‘re all new aged monkeys. 5279. Posted by Shereyar Thu Aug 20 3:30pm EDT This is just another classic case of a track & field athlete on steriods. Its obvious...a deep voice and a body that any women and some men would dream of. And lets not forget the fact that she demolished the rest of the competition. All the signs are there and its a part of the track & field culture. Just about half of the sprinters out there are doping or at least the good ones are. Its a part of the sport and its widely known amongst one another out there. 5278. Posted by Lawrence Thu Aug 20 3:29pm EDT Sports in general are so overrated in society, because the true concept of sport should be an attitude of Play to Win, and if you fall short, then give the winner a pat on the back for achieving the goal ! Sports should be about friendly interacton between opponents and void of foolish anger and pride which achieves nothing positive except a lot of childish and uneducated nonsense. Pride and Money rule the Sports arena and this is why corruption creeps in at every point and why there are so many foolish disputes over technicalities which only take away the true enjoyment of interactive sports. As regards the racial issues which always rear their ugly heads, I have to say that Race has nothing to do with a person's value as an individual nor does physique necessarily determine gender ! All races have their respectable souls as well as their tyrants, so if you happen to be a white opinionated and boorish Prig levelling judgement against someone of Black, Asian or Hispanic origins, you are just bringing more condemnation against yourself for being so ignorant ! Intrinsically, there are no super races on this earth, because we have all been created in the Image of Almighty God Himself, and who can judge anyone from anywhere without taking every aspect of his or her attitudes and abilities into account as well as stamina, physique , physical and mental health and to top it all off, their deep spiritual approach to life ? Be very careful, those of you who judge others, because the measure of judgement you level against others will revert right back to you and expose all the dark secrets you try to keep hidden ! Pride always comes before a fall, and the higher you esteem yourself to be , the greater your fall into absolute humility will be ! So try to be tolerant of others and avoid making judgements based soley on one or two shortfalls you see in others ! I tend to agree with the folk here who suggest that abiities in sporting events should be to place opponents together who are evenly matched in the field they are competing in, regardless of whether they be male or female ! .........Consider this, in the National Spelling Bees, they do not segregate the males from the females, because they are all on a level playing field called, "Intelligence" which many people lack these days because they have fried their brains from Alcohol and Drug abuse, not to mention those, who are just plain stupid ! The Sporting Authorities take themselves far too seriously because there are far more meaningful Life and Death Issues to deal with, no matter where you find yourselves in this vast world ! To you, Miss Caster Semenya, I commend you for your intense effort and congratulate you on your Gold 800 Win ! Keep it up and shrug off those fools who display themselves as Loud-mouthed ignorant IDIOTS!...............By the way, I am a caucasian White , a native of Australia living in the USA ! 5277. Posted by Margova Thu Aug 20 3:21pm EDT steveo37ss....... You're an IDIOT! Stop calling her a "he".. you jealous POS!!!! A dis-respectful jerk you are!!!! Hating and dis-respecting this fine lady athlete isn't going to give you "skills"... and certainly isn't going to make your tiny "cods" descend. And Paul... I can tell you have a degree, also... but, basket-weaving isn't going to get you very far. Frankly.. I could have sworn you had a degree in stupidity. You do it so well :-) 5276. Posted by snapp Thu Aug 20 3:15pm EDT I've seen worse cases of femininity. Besides who knows these days girls aren't acting like girls anymore. They wear there pants lower then some boys. Did she at one time have a package or not. If not, congratulations and leave her the heck alone. There is no need for public humiliation for looking, and being different. Hell, if you ask me, some of the guys are suspect in track and field. Look at some of the guys who wear long ponytails, and shoulder length dreds, to me you might want to check there x y chromosomes. 5275. Posted by Dorothy L. Thu Aug 20 3:07pm EDT There should be a gender test done, because ALL!!! the pictures are very questionable. Otherwise, this spectulation fenzy will continue without an end in site. That would be the common sense approach! I appreciate the cameraman's eye from as many non-threatening angles as could be snapped under the circumstances. 5274. Posted by Murial N Thu Aug 20 3:01pm EDT I couldn't believe it when I read it and I still can't!! I am speechless!!!!!! 5273. Posted by Margova Thu Aug 20 3:00pm EDT One can always spot the "MEN" who are so insecure with themselves.. LOL!!!! Some people think they know everything and know nothing. They base everything on presumption and speculation.. and speak with authority like they're some sort of expert. Those types shouldn't even be allowed out of their houses... haha! Get some education.. gain some knowledge.. before even so much as expressing your "opinions" on anything. Wouldn't a person NEED TO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT A GIVEN ISSUE/TOPIC/SUBJECT.. BEFORE EXPRESSING ANYTHING REMOTELY OF SUBSTANCE IN THE REALM OF "OPINIONS?" And so damn what is she appears a little masculine? So what if she can out-run and out perform and probably kick the asses of a lot of you "men" here? Hating and disrespecing her is certainly NOT going to make your testicles drop.. or make your penis any larger than a dried up grub-worm... or make you more of a "man".. or make you talented... so, SHUT-UP!!!!!!! You all know her... and she has no clue who the hell any of you are. There is indeed a reason for that... and a darn good one. She is who she is... and alas, you are who you are. Bummer, I know... but, maybe you're good @ picking your nose and playing booger-darts or something(?).... reading a Playboy singlehandedly... you know.. things you practice daily... when you're not self-loathing for being micro-penised losers and such. If anybody has anything stupid to say about "God's idea of a man/woman.. vs man's ideas about that"... you're very pompously and repugnantly asinine and quite "out of" the know. People are indeed born with incongruency between brain and body.. and it's about SCIENCE.. not God. Hey... for example.. even some are born with either a tiny brain.. or no brain @ all.... look @ yourselves. Can you dig it? Can you dig it? 5272. Posted by Ramani Thu Aug 20 3:00pm EDT Plenty of Gals are out there who look like male. That's God's creation. I believe the IAAF should 've kept it under wraps and conducted this sex-test with out telling aloud to the world about their doubts. Now its attracting the World media attention. If she is proved to be female that she claims to be, IAAF and the South African Athletics Federation are going to be poorer by a few millions as compenstion to her. What baffles me is what is really the point of contention the RACE she ran or the RACE she belongs to ???!! 5271. Posted by LaSonjaS Thu Aug 20 2:58pm EDT To bigpkoloski...blogger #5366 you said freedom of speech...looks more like "butchering" of speech from where I'm standing. You sound like an angry, bitter, lonely old man that hates women. I bet you are offended that women are even allowed to complete in sports. Well, Bigpkoloski, meet the other woman hater on here Mattias. You two girl scouts sound like two peas in a pod. 5270. Posted by Lawrence Thu Aug 20 2:58pm EDT Sports in general are so overrated in society, because the true concept of sport should be an attitude of Play to Win, and if you fall short, then give the winner a pat on the back for achieving the goal ! Sports should be about friendly interacton between opponents and void of foolish anger and pride which achieves nothing positive except a lot of childish and uneducated nonsense. Pride and Money rule the Sports arena and this is why corruption creeps in at every point and why there are so many foolish disputes over technicalities which only take away the true enjoyment of interactive sports. As regards the racial issues which always rear their ugly heads, I have to say that Race has nothing to do with a person's value as an individual nor does physique necessarily determine gender ! All races have their respectable souls as we as their tyrants, so if you happen to be a white opinionated and boorish Prig levelling judgement against someone of Black, Asian or Hispanic origins, you are just bringing more condemnation against yourself for being so ignorant ! Intrinsically, there are no super races on this earth, because we have all been created in the Image of Almighty God Himself, and who can judge anyone from anywhere without taking every aspect of his or her attitudes and abilities into account as well as stamina, physique , physical and mental health and to top it all off, their deep spiritual approach to life ? Be very careful, those of you who judge others, because the measure of judgement you level against others will revert right back to you and expose all the dark secrets you try to keep hidden ! Pride always comes before a fall, and the higher you esteem yourself to be , the greater your fall into absolute humility will be ! So try to be tolerant of others and avoid making judgements based soley on one or two shortfalls you see in others ! I tend to agree with the folk here who suggest that abiities in sporting events should be to to place opponents together who are evenly matched in the field they are competing in, regardless of whether they be male or female ! .........Consider this, in the National Spelling Bees, they do not segregate the males from the females, because they are all on a level playing field called, "Intelligence" which many people lack these days because they have fried their brains from Alcohol and Drug abuse, not to mention those, who are just plain stupid ! The Sporting Authorities take themselves far too seriously because there are far more meaningful Life and Death Issues to deal with, no matter where you find yourselves in this vast world ! To you, Miss Caster Semenya, I commend you for your intense effort and congratulate you on your Gold 800 Win ! Keep it up and shrug off those fools who display themselves as Loud-mouthed ignorant IDIOTS!...............By the way, I am a caucasian White , a native of Australia living in the USA ! 5269. Posted by TammyP Thu Aug 20 2:55pm EDT A gender test takes two weeks to complete? Isnt it as easy as taking a peek? 5268. Posted by tanya.sayyed Thu Aug 20 2:48pm EDT oh and one more thing... female body builders,,, same body, no curve,, they try as hard as poss to avoid curves at the hips... they only curves they (associations like WNBF INBF) do encourage are the implants they have, to distiguis between the two genders 5267. Posted by bigpkoloski Thu Aug 20 2:46pm EDT Oh my God she does not fit the cookie cutter image of what a woman should look like that has been brain washed into my head by the mass media and Hollywood, so that means its got to be a guy!!! geez you people are frickin idiots, and exspecially the person who though her 11 yo kid had the right idea, "why dont they just ask her mommy", Yeah why dont we just let trusting little 11 year olds run our country, FYI just for those of you who live your life with your heads in the clouds and then believe every little thing you hear at the water cooler, this past decade has been all about professional people EVERYWERE lying, cheating, or stealing to get what they want!!! If a woman transforms herself though that much weight training and probablly some other means to where you look that much like a man and then go and compete in a womans spectator sport, well WTF, this is what you get!!!! And it might help a little if she shaved her arm pits, it could cut down on some wind resistance too , LOL you frickin Idiots!!! and blast me all you want, its still a free county for now, so use your free speach while you can!! 5266. Posted by sassy Thu Aug 20 2:45pm EDT I don't care what she look like all i know that she is dam fast and she won. and that's what's up( lof) 5265. Posted by LaSonjaS Thu Aug 20 2:42pm EDT Mattias...blogger #5358...do you really believe that there should be no female athletes??? What...should we just stay barefoot and pregnant? Who is this guy...WTF??? 5264. Posted by lindseymac93 Thu Aug 20 2:41pm EDT you know you people are idiots screw you women can be athletes look at me!! 5263. Posted by tanya.sayyed Thu Aug 20 2:39pm EDT UMMMM,,two things,,, this topic has everyone looking at her crotch area and second,,, have you seen the "females" in the WNBA? 5262. Posted by LaSonjaS Thu Aug 20 2:39pm EDT Well "georgesshadow"...blogger 5347, you said a mouth full. I don't think any other comments are needed. Fantastic! It's nice to know that we still have some decent people in the world. 5261. Posted by LaSonjaS Thu Aug 20 2:34pm EDT You go Margova...blogger #5355!!! 5260. Posted by LaSonjaS Thu Aug 20 2:32pm EDT Well Paul blogger 5334...we can all tell that you have a degree. Although I didn't say it...I feel compelled to defend the blogger that you called out about the word...derogative. Did you look it up first? Clearly not...sweetie...it's a word. Thought I'd snag this for you. /dɪˈrɒgətɪv/ de⋅rog⋅a⋅tive Show Spelled Pronunciation [di-rog-uh-tiv]-adjective:lessening; belittling; derogatory. Einstein...lol, : 0 )! 5259. Posted by Mattias Thu Aug 20 2:31pm EDT women shouldn't be athletes. period 5258. Posted by houston393 Thu Aug 20 2:30pm EDT why are they haveing this women go thru this just because she beat the best time for the year. if thats how they justify that r theu going after the record holder now too. 5257. Posted by Barry Thu Aug 20 2:26pm EDT ....District 9...Call MNU.... 5256. Posted by Margova Thu Aug 20 2:26pm EDT Jamie Lee Curtis is NOT "technically a "man"... as NO ONE is "born a man".. A MAN IS SOMETHING ONE BECOMES... WHICH A LOT OF YOU HERE LEAVE TO QUESTION. Same with 'woman.' We are either born 'male' or 'female' and thats not even close to black/white binary. Jamie Lee Curtis was born INTERSEXED...( pc for 'hermaphrodite")... having been born w/both or partially both male/female genitalia... or something that raised a 'red flag' in order to arouse suspission enough for a chromosome test to have been ordered.. thus, X and Y chromosomes. Not just XY like a "normal" male... but, perhaps XXY.. or XXYX... and/or the like. She was born with nonereceptive male hormone receptors... and I'm not sure of the exact name/type of intersexualism that is called... it would be only 1 of many different kinds. She could not bear children of her own.. thus, adopted children... and her parents named her "Jamie Lee" with would be considered as an "androgenous" name.. meaning it could be used for a boy or girl. 5255. Posted by steveo37ss Thu Aug 20 2:25pm EDT C'mon people! His voice, hips, facial structure and running domination all point to a man. So obvious it is a dude. Sad it got to this level w/out someone stopping before he is thrown under the train. Just look at his hips compared to the rest of the REAL female atheletes and it is a given. 5254. Posted by houston393 Thu Aug 20 2:23pm EDT she didn,t beat the world record.so r they going after the record holder to now? 5253. Posted by bwaryasz Thu Aug 20 2:23pm EDT to the scientist that says it should matter if she is a male or female ... In fact its a matter of opinion... while you believe that it does matter because of the scientific approach I am choosing to believe the legal approach... lets turn the tables a bit here just for haha's ... lets say that John Bob ( for hypathetical character) receives the tissues of a deceased womans breast or other organs from a woman that would be able to be identified by the genes. And he enteres a race that he dominates in should he be forced into defending his gender or is his word good enough, and when he shows traces of the female genes is it fair to publicly humiliate the young man because he received a life saving procedure... and has it oocured to anyone that the questioned young athlete may have infact received life saving treatment when she was younger... that would change her physical appearance and would alter her genetic make up? Are we that regressed into depression that something so public can be stereo-typic as to say that a woman can not participate in a mans sport and a man can not participate in a womans sport. Even outside of hypethical assessments the ruling was made long before men and woman decided to explore roles within the other sex ... havent people heard of diversity. 5252. Posted by Mark-Anthony Thu Aug 20 2:21pm EDT I am subject to correction but I think she is a true champion.She grew up as a tomboy and played soccer alot, this can seriously attribute to her sparkling performance.Soccer players are better runners than crowned track athletes,the fact is most players concentrate on the game alone so they are not seen or heard about. My query is...... if she has all the internal and external body parts of a woman would the world still question the fact she is a female??? We should not take every thing for granted but I think the "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S " are a bit jealous she came from "NO WHERE TO SOME WHERE" in case they did not know, here in Caribbean its the same way BOLT of Jamaica and KYRANY JAMES of Grenada appeared on the scene!!!!! 5251. Posted by smokedsalmoned Thu Aug 20 2:17pm EDT UNDESCENDED TESTICLES COULD BE THE MEDICAL ANSWER HERE. Its not a simple test, such as trouser dropping to see if she is a man, if she has non descended testicles (as did a gal from the phillipines a while back) she could be producing high levels of testosterone which technically could prevent her from competing per international athletic committees (as I believe happened to the filipina gal). Of courrse the greater question is, if she had such a condition why the sudden improvement in speed. It would seem more likely that they need to test for both undescended testicles as well for illegal substance usage. 5250. Posted by emmanuel Thu Aug 20 2:17pm EDT beat them up girl.i'm proud of you,we are strong in God who truly gives us strength.They will always criticise us but thank God he gives us all air. 5249. Posted by mphsadiq Thu Aug 20 2:17pm EDT You can say what you wanna say, she does not care,that girl ! she's been through it for her dear life...like her grandmother said..She is as strong as a giant, we just love her,unique is what she is ! she isnt an ordinary nasty girl ! 5248. Posted by georgesshadow Thu Aug 20 2:16pm EDT Frankly some of you need to get some reading glasses for viewing HER photos. No GAP? Please! Look at the size of her thighs! Of COURSE she has no GAP! There's also no package, no adams apple, she's no more smaller breasted than any of the other runners - meaning most are flat chested, and she's NOT the only one wearing long running shorts! As for not shaving, that's a cultural preference not every woman shaves. She looks in the face like her sister. She's a gifted and talented athlete who's started peaking in her abilities. Test if you must, but I hope when its all said and done there's one big fat public apology to her! You don't hear of this in women's bodybuilding, or weight lifting - they're no different looking in their appearance. And for the record, some of you should have your mouth washed out for the crude and disgusting remarks on here. Freedom of speak or not - all you've managed to do is show how disrespectful and small minded you truly are. I wouldn't insult the mentally challenged by calling you retarded - at least THEY show more respect and frankly more intelligence! 5247. Posted by joseph l Thu Aug 20 2:15pm EDT I must be getting behind the times here-because I am confused about how hard it seems to determined if a person is a man or a woman?God almighty made it simple for us to determine that-but man (being so smart) has to put his own defination of what a MAN is and what a WOMAN is!!!!!People come on!!!!All this is doing is taking everything that the these young people are doing and making it harder for them to do it.They are not out there hitting anyone over the head,or breaking in someone home,or hurting anyone.They are using their God givien talent in a postive way.Like I said in the beginning-I must be missing how they are determining what a WOMAN is and what a Man is,and I am glad I am.When man and woman is determined some other way,I don't want to be a part of that!!! People,let that stuff alone PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5246. Posted by La AfroCubana Thu Aug 20 2:14pm EDT it's a monkey, how ignorant, someone put that jerk in the zoo and beat his a**!!!! black is beautiful!!!! 5245. Posted by Mattias Thu Aug 20 2:14pm EDT #5330. Posted by FAZI, "She is not responsible for what God made her. If you have an issue with her looks go after God not her." I agree completely. But drug addicts were not born drug addicts, girls weren't born with navel piercings, bodybuilders weren't born with an overdose of steroids. If this woman has used steroids or raised her testrosterone levels by acting like a man, she has in fact contributed to her condition. I somehow doubt that she would've looked this way if she hadn't been so heavily involved in athletics. 5244. Posted by Lila Thu Aug 20 2:12pm EDT I agree that this is humiliating and if there were ever suspicions and speculation before her win then the testing should have been done much earlier on......now this is just cruel how she is being embarrassed in front of the entire world. I do think that she looks very masculine and I'm a little curious what the results will be, but it is very unfair for her to have to endure this when she should be celebrating her victory. I sympathize with her because I would be mortified if I ever had to face such accusations, especially when there are many medical reasons why she might look masculine without actually being a male. But since it seems like there have been cases of men passing themselves off as women in women's competitions before then I guess this testing isn't that outrageous. I also think that this is more fueled by the publics shocked reaction..... This is completely off topic and I'm sorry but I just want to reply to what PinkCollar posted: "But why do you think African Americans don't deserve anything back from the ill prejudicies, racism, and sub-human treatment for centuries in this country. What the Jews went through in the Holocaust was terrible, a crime against humanity just like slavery. And they received reparations and apologies." I'm not against reparation payments for victims of a horrible crime, but the thing is there have been many injustices and atrocities committed in the past and there just wouldn't be enough money to pay off everyone in the world for what their ancestors have endured. Your Holocaust comparison doesn't back up your argument because only the victims received reparations and not their relatives.....therefore it is very unlikely and unrealistic that people should and would get reparation payments for unjust treatment that their ancestors went through. It is unfair that people get little justice for such crimes but the human race has a vicious history and all we can do is try and improve and prevent these things from happening again. 5243. Posted by d Thu Aug 20 2:12pm EDT You know whats sad? Is that because the European view of feminine is so different then other cultures such as African..Ive been there and its as many women that look exactly like her...as well as the European view..lets try to deal with individuality and not get so focused on what we see as being th norm...this is just a sign to let us all know that diversity comes in all different looks, sizes and shapes!!! 5242. Posted by Margova Thu Aug 20 2:11pm EDT All this "leave him or her alone" ..."shes a guy".... "she looks like a man"... bullsh*t is for the birds!!!!! I AM SO DISAPPOINTED IN SOCIETY. SOME OF YOU """REAL"""" MEN AND WOMEN (and I do indeed utilize those terms loosely.)...ARE SO DAMNED INSECURE WITH YOURSELVES.. NOT TO MENTION IGNORANT AS HECK... YOU CANNOT SEE STRAIGHT. LEAVE THIS WOMAN SOME DIGNITY FOR GOODNESS SAKES!!!!! IF SHE IS TRANSSEXUAL, SHE'S PROBABLY GOT MORE GIFTS AND TALENTS IN PARTS OF HER BODY SHE'S HAD REMOVED.. THAN ANY OF YOU WILL EVER HAVE IN YOUR WHOLE BEINGS.. YOUR WHOLE LIVES!!!!!!! TRY TREATING OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM TREAT YOU.. FOR ONCE IN YOUR MEELY EXISTANCES!!!!!!!!! 5241. Posted by Nothilltop Thu Aug 20 2:09pm EDT Also.. Why are people talking about "god"?? This issue has absolutely NOTHING to do with god and EVERYTHING to do with science. 5240. Posted by Boo Thu Aug 20 2:09pm EDT 5325. Posted by Mattias Thu Aug 20 2:02pm EDT So you try to write something all profound; then your write back like the idiot you are....makes one question if you know anything. Let's ask it..DOes Mattias now his ass from a hole in the ground? answer No...but the poodle and great dane had fun with the hole. Must be a sad day to live in your skin....even if your palms are white. The sun shines a little more when arrogance falls from its perch. 5239. Posted by DavidH Thu Aug 20 2:09pm EDT If they look "down there" and there's a clit hanging down like the size of Shaq's thumb, and bat wings, then they need to do that test to check if there's some XXY stuff going on.If the junk is ambiguous. Notice how the feminine little Brit girl ,who tries so hard, just to sprint up for second, runs. Even the girly looking Italian lady who is way at the back of the pack is better. Because she's obviously a female. Notice SEMEN-yas large masculine hands and the brow ridges. Forensic scientists can tell gender with just skeletal remains. 5238. Posted by The one and only Thu Aug 20 2:09pm EDT The problem is ignorance of the difference between sex and gender. Gender is the physical expression of Sex, which can be altered. That's why it's now called gender reassignment, not a sex change operation. Runners are seperated based on sex, not gender, as that's a simple test of the chromosomes. If you have XX she's ok. If a Y shows up... Somebody's cheating! 5237. Posted by LaSonjaS Thu Aug 20 2:08pm EDT You know I rarely comment on nonsense like this, but for the "BAFOON" that said black women look like men...WTF??? From under what rock did you crawl? That's the craziest s&*t that I have ever heard. Neither one of you cretins would be questioning her had someone not done so already. I can imagine that the person that started this all, is much like the criticizing audience in this forum...shallow and racist. Now...her gender would be of know concern had she come in second place. I mean...if you are going to question it...question it regardless. There are a lot of things that people can say about a race of people...hell we are all different, but I assure you that we all sh&t, bleed, and fart the same. I really hate ignorance!!! It's frightening knowing that so much of it still exists. By the way...I am white, married white, with white children. Just didn't want you to assume that I was a black person taking offense to the crap on here. For any black women reading this...let me apologize to you for this blatently disrespectul crap written about you. Human is human guys...get serious. Are either of you raising children...spooky...... 5236. Posted by Annalisa h Thu Aug 20 2:07pm EDT every one is created unique, that is Gods plan, oono live the gal alone let she fuljoy her winnings. nufff a oono a bad mind oono got. 5235. Posted by Paul Thu Aug 20 2:07pm EDT DUDE DUDE DUDE DUDE DUDE DUDE DUDE DUDE DUDE DUDE DUDE DUDE !!!!!!!!! Of course it's a man. Some of you people make me laugh. Up to this point nobody knew who this was and now you're jumping on the bandwagon saying how talented he is. It's only 1 race that hardly makes him the greatest runner ever. Also to blogger #4983 comparing him to Bea Arthur. This dude makes Bea Arthur look like Cindy Crawford. Also to blogger #4980 Johanna, there's no such word as "derogative" dummy, the word that your poor tiny little brain is searching for is derogatory. You try to sound intelligent using words that you don't really know and wind up sounding really stupid. Finally it does'nt prove anything to find out if he/she has a penis or vagina. Have you ever heard of a sex change? 5234. Posted by Fitzroy Thu Aug 20 2:05pm EDT breast less she did her best despite of her masculine apperance she is not the one who have created herself. 5233. Posted by SNOG-ME Thu Aug 20 2:04pm EDT Hmm is this really about Gender or RACE!??? 5232. Posted by Edward F Thu Aug 20 2:03pm EDT Why does everyone cry racism when something negative happens to a Black person? It's a shame what is going on here but it isn't racism. Did you read the article? Even Semenya's fellow Africans would tease her for her boyish looks and behavior. No one is picking on her for her skin color. Stop being so paranoid. Most women who win the 800m are Black or Brown. Maria Mutola was the most dominant 800m runner and looked kind of masculine. No one gave her a gender test even though she is Black. Why would anyone suddenly pick on Semenya for being Black and winning? Some of the Kenyan women who usually dominate are mad at her. So it's not a white on black thing here. She didn't win many friends with her immature showboating, flexing, etc. during the prelims but I can understand it is tough to have grown up being teased. I feel sorry for her. 5231. Posted by FAZI Thu Aug 20 2:02pm EDT She is not responsible for what God made her. If you have an issue with her looks go after God not her. 5230. Posted by courtneyjordan21 Thu Aug 20 2:02pm EDT Wow nothing profound to say here this is some shire non - sense. 5229. Posted by chester m Thu Aug 20 2:02pm EDT women stink at atheletics! lets all face it and go homer, if this a man well the good for him! another one for themen over women! hahahahah stupid chicks 5228. Posted by C G Thu Aug 20 2:02pm EDT According to a baby names website: "The boy's name Caster \c(a)-ster, cas-ter\ is a variant of Castor (Greek), and the meaning of Caster is "beaver"." A boy's name that means "beaver"?? Seems the joke is on us. 5227. Posted by SAMANTHA Thu Aug 20 2:02pm EDT it never fails to amaze me how looks obsessed our society is. if everyone is so concerned because of the unfairness factor of a man racing against a woman thats one thing but it sounds to me like people are just more concerned with how pretty she is and that is ridiculous. the girl won the race. let her enjoy that and leave her alone!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5226. Posted by Mattias Thu Aug 20 2:02pm EDT To #5303. Posted by Boo, No I'm saying you're an idiot and a sh!t disturber for trying to raise hell. 5225. Posted by johnjohn121221 Thu Aug 20 2:01pm EDT You are all pathetic. The fact is she may sadly be a male without her parents knowlegde. There are several medical conditions in which the individual appears to be a female but genetically she is a male. This is a horrible situation. All fetuses have the potential to appear as a female. In our mother's uterus, we develop into either a female or male depending on if our gonads secrete testosterone or estrogen. If cases called testicular feminization the fetus is a genetic male but because the hormone receptors have malfunction his body does not respond to testosterone so the external appearance is that of a female. This "female" doesn't have a uterus or the distal two thirds of her vagina. She will never have children nor have menses. She has a normal external female genitalia but no internal organs. She has gonads that are really testicles. Estrogen is need to give her feminine qualities. Also estrogen promotes breast formation. Men get gyencomastia from secretion of estrogen. Gynecomastia is breast on males. Estrogen is converted from "sex hormone/steroids" in our fat. So she may have enough estrogen to give her feminine characteristics. A proper physical examine may not reveal this especially if she has not had a proper gyn-ob exam. Again externally she is a female. She has been raised as a female but her genetics are that of a male. If this young lady has this condition then she is going to have a very difficult time with this news. She will be humilated and confused. I think she and race officials should have done this privately. Again in her mind and her parents mind she is a female but her genetics say other wise. This condition is not uncommon. There are many forms of presentation. There are other conditions that result in ambiguous genitalia. I hope for her sake she is a true female. 5224. Posted by joeysandiego619 Thu Aug 20 2:01pm EDT It is a monkey, and it should be banned from human sports... Put it back in the zoo! 5223. Posted by ing_danielmoya Thu Aug 20 2:00pm EDT 1000% she is a dude. Look her male body and her male expressions. She should contest on the Hermaphrodite World Championships. I guess she wears special panties to hide his package 5222. Posted by Maite Thu Aug 20 1:59pm EDT If she says, she's a she, I believe her. What would a man posing as a women accomplish? other than their own humiliation and loss of credibility..... The truth always comes out in the end. She is not the dainty picture of femininity, I'll agree to that. However, who is to say she is not feminine in her own right. 5221. Posted by eBay Addicted Thu Aug 20 1:59pm EDT Like everything in life, most posters have way way to much time on there hands as well as my self. Who gives a Rats B if this is a Woman or a Man? This person is intitled to be what she or he wants to be. Did anyone require that each runner pull down there pants and have a LOOK SEE? If they would have, they then could have stoped this runner then. There are so many false statements made today without proof. Was GB the past president tested to be a Man or a Woman? was he tested for drugs? Of course not, he is a politation. This person what ever they may be is one outstanding person to be able to run against all the other runners and win. Give this person the credit that they deserve. Bottom line is, no one has room to talk unless they ran in this race. I did not run in the race, did you or all the other posters here run. NO! 5220. Posted by lemoncubed Thu Aug 20 1:59pm EDT i am perplexed to read that many people think that the "gender" issue merely pertains to genitalia. Not only is it ignorant to believe that the only "testing" to determine gender is to drop Semenya's pants, but it is also completely inconclusive. One should assume that the testing being done should determine whether she has two X chromosomes or if she is in fact a man then she'd have an X and a Y chromosome. I do not see why her gender should be relevant except that as a man she'd have a physical advantage. Why separate and discriminate against women by having olympic competitions divided into male and female? Its like determining the world's tallest midget. Anyway, Jamie Lee Curtis is technically a man; she has an X and Y chromosome, but she has all girl parts. Additionally, i feel that the fact that the olympic categories are male and female is extremely offensive. What category would a hermaphrodite be in? Just because someone was born as a combination of both genders that means they cannot compete and then the whole world finds out their secret. 5219. Posted by bwaryasz Thu Aug 20 1:59pm EDT The American Disabilities Act of 1990 says that we can not Discriminate because of race, religion, sex or sexual orientation or other medical issues that would interfer with ones quality of life. With that being said, and with every respect to the young woman in question, I believe that this young woman has not only achieved an amazing feat but she has sat patiently through allegations of her being physically male without so much as a word of disrespect or anger... The Law says discriminating someone because they are one sex or another is a finable offense but is damaging to ones quality of life. IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT HER SEX IS, SHE DID THE RUNNING, the only reason that she is being questioned is because she had a significant lead. I really hope that these clowns that are making such a big deal out of her sex goes know what they are doing because not only does she have a case on the basis of her sexual identity but the fact that she is a young african woman who has kept herself in nothing short of excellent health and she beat her competitors fair and square. Plus lets not forget the ability to sue the s**t out of all accusors for damages caused by public humiliation... 5218. Posted by blu4u37 Thu Aug 20 1:58pm EDT Why would anyone want to make something so public with no proof. She won so why kill the joy of that win for her and everyone who was watching with absolutely no concrete validity that there was deception. I am embarrassed that those convictions would be made so public or that tests were even conducted without establishing fact. Shame, shame on the media and all representives of the event. 5217. Posted by Richard Thu Aug 20 1:58pm EDT I like the comment from the 32 yr. old woman that says: I am applaud by the way this woman is being treated. I know she meant appalled but if you can't spell any better than that you should concentrate on your own battle with illitercy instead of trying to your wee little opinion out there. It makes you sound stupid and your opinion, as little as it matters, isn't given any respect if you can't even spell a simple word or two. Here's a hint: Use spell check or look up a word if you are unsure. That's my @#$% opinion, you know everybody has one right? 5216. Posted by Aragrist Larr Kahn Thu Aug 20 1:58pm EDT It's not about race morons it's about sex and the sexist women out there that don't want this man running along side them. It's because men are stronger and faster that he won and now women all over the world want him to be gender tested. 5215. Posted by Poppa Thu Aug 20 1:57pm EDT If the world track body make her take that test a lawsuit should be waiting for their azz also...the only test you take after winning is for drugs. 5214. Posted by Tim Thu Aug 20 1:57pm EDT first off, it's annoying how people keep calling her a "woman" she's a damn kid. second, that is probably the ugliest and manliest girl i've ever seen. 5213. Posted by bellearnest@... Thu Aug 20 1:57pm EDT Black,white,man,or woman....I think it was a good race....just think of it this way....if it turns out that this person is a man then hell he doesn't need to compete with the men because he didn't win by that much....and when the results come back and they confirm that this person is a female it should open some eyes and show people that we(men,women,black,or white) are equally able to achive anything......THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE....my name is cathrine belle tilman and I'm white..I've lived in Arkansa my whole life and I nor my children judge by color, because the only judge there is-is GOD! 5212. Posted by Marcia H Thu Aug 20 1:57pm EDT Have you looked at the William sisters. Very strong features, and very female. And for those of u who r speaking like u r experts on the Black race I hope u are black. As far as the sports world is concerned Blacks are tops in the field. Male and female. As far as people go every race has females that look more male and males looking female. It all has to do with family genes. Grace Jones for one. Sometimes we do have to look a little closer because of choices people make in changing their gender. And as for Jesus, His mother was jew and His Father Divine. 5211. Posted by Poppa Thu Aug 20 1:57pm EDT If the world track body make her take that test a lawsuit should be waiting for their azz also...the only test you take after winning is for drugs. 5210. Posted by christopher Thu Aug 20 1:57pm EDT if she is a woman then she is female. it doesn't really matter what extra hormones she has as long as they are naturally in her body. what happened to the time when we praised people for being the best in their sport? why should she be ridiculed for her hard work and extraordinary talent? if the is the fastest woman, then congradulate her and try to beat her. records were made to be broken. let her break them. she shouldn't have to run with the men when no other woman has to. that would be more wrong to her than it would be to other female runners if she runs with females. let her have her spotlight and quit trying to rig the competition. that's exactly what you are doing if you stop someone from competing just because they are better than the people that they are competing against. 5209. Posted by padmore Thu Aug 20 1:56pm EDT what did happen? are "they" saying it was a girl before the race who has become a boy during and after? . can some humans ever stop creating excuses for their shortcomings. there is no shame in placing second or last in a race, it is God who is responsible for everything he created,all human shortcomings inclusive. how far are we prepared to go after frivolities? God bless the human race. 5208. Posted by GFM Thu Aug 20 1:56pm EDT Pauletter has to be the dumbest poster on here. Take your head out of your ass. 5207. Posted by cheetohs Thu Aug 20 1:55pm EDT Reminds me of BENDER from FUTURAMA ..He had Prof Farnsworth take out his TESTOSTEROIL and make him a FEMMEBOT,,so he could compete as a CHICKBOT in BENDING from ROBONIA..in the Olympics.. Same basic Idea,Semenya said," I look kind of like a girl, I can pretend and clean up " against weak women.. Also ITS name is a dead give away " SEMEN -YA" = Semen-Yes..case closed.. Actually one last thing,,If Semenya was one of those He/shes at birth and the drs said,hey we have a weenie poking out of a vagina here,,which one do you want,and they said Girl, then Semenya might be in for a surprise if He/She didnt know.. Oh and those that say its cuz shes black,,that America cant accept a black person being successful,you might want to look at the person we elected as our leader and also the leader of the RNC..cmon now stop using the race card for everything.. 5206. Posted by Suriana Thu Aug 20 1:55pm EDT My friend has a daughter whose testosterone level is twice the norm for a female. She has been through MRI's, cat scans and all variety of tests. Conclusion: she is female, has no extra parts inside or out, no abnormalities other than the elevated testosterone. She will be able to have children and all that, but she will probably be more masculine in appearance and her voice may be deeper than normal. It is entirely possible that this runner is all woman. 5205. Posted by Boo Thu Aug 20 1:55pm EDT 5219. Posted by Mattias Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT hate to be the poodle......and to clear something; you are saying black people came from a mix of Great Danes & poodles??? 5204. Posted by Mattias Thu Aug 20 1:54pm EDT Had she been a Russian or a Greek and had all male features (no breasts, no hips, masculine face and demeanor), she would've been questioned too. And it has happened. This is NOT a racial issue. 5203. Posted by candysweets Thu Aug 20 1:54pm EDT Haters get me sick it doesnt pay to be a sore loser thats what they do when they cant win pick at ne thing to raise eyebrows just like when that young man at the olympics smasheed that race where he actually looked back and pumped his fist in celebration of shattering the record everybody had something to say about his sportsmanship all I have to say to all of you that have fowl words for this matter is stop haten 5202. Posted by harley5571 Thu Aug 20 1:54pm EDT The first time I seen the person, I thought that is was a man. I've watched many of track and field events over the years and never once did that thought come to my mind. I would think that if the person has her regular {'woman' cycle} and has all female gentalia , then there should be no problem. She could be just a phenomanal athelete. I think the world is skeptcal because of all and any kinds of cheating because it's all about the almight dollar. But I do think if this person ran in the men's races , NOONE would have questioned her gender. That's wierd to me. But is is also wierd that the school official didn't know it was a woman till the 11th grade. If she is on the up and up, then more power to her and her accomplishments. Plus I would feel bad for her because of all the controversy. I find it hard to believe that she didnt try to look more feminine, because there sure must have questions about her gender before. 5201. Posted by Christina Thu Aug 20 1:54pm EDT Also on another note righting back to defend yourselves of racist comments!! Don't stoop!!!!!! Don't feed the fire!!! Thats what ignorant people want to get you to stoop to their level and it looks like it works!!!! Just say GOD IS WATCHING!!! THE POWERS THAT BE ARE WATCHING!!!!!! 5200. Posted by Nothilltop Thu Aug 20 1:53pm EDT I know a lot of women who look like men. They don't have any physical attributes of a woman except the breasts. So to say that she's a man just because she has muscles is absolutely close minded and frankly, retarded. I can see why the issue is raised because she is competing against women and it would be unfair if she were a male, but some of your guys' comments are close minded. 5199. Posted by SAMANTHA Thu Aug 20 1:53pm EDT it never fails to amaze me how looks obsessed our society is. if everyone is so concerned about her looks due to the unfairness factor of a man racing against a woman, thats one thing. but it seems everyone is more concerned about how pretty she is than anything and that is ridiculous!!! she won the race. let the girl enjoy that and leave her alone!!!!!!!!!! 5198. Posted by pauletter Thu Aug 20 1:53pm EDT I hopes she sues the hell out of the committee. You guys are just angry because she is superior in strength. How dare you animals question her womanhood. Keep your head up my African Daughter, You have displayed Class and grace under stress from these horrible people. May God forgive them. they are a Cruel people. 5197. Posted by tluney04 Thu Aug 20 1:53pm EDT She is what she is. Man or WOMAN she's a hell of a runner.I played sports all my life and yes, like every other female that was good we had to be boys especially if we beat them. Leave her alone. 5196. Posted by sparrow. Thu Aug 20 1:53pm EDT wow. really? most of you on here are so ignorant and immature posting some of the comments that are on here. it's really sad to see. she's an amazing athlete, people should just accept that. &because of her shorts? are you kidding me? everyone is different and has their own unique style AND look, so stop worrying about people who are probably more successful than you will ever be & get a life, b/c she apparently has one. 5195. Posted by Megan Thu Aug 20 1:53pm EDT i think that the press should leave her alone. i think it doesn't matter if she is a male/female sex change/no sex change. People should except people for who they are not from what they heard or what they are told. 5194. Posted by ezekwem g Thu Aug 20 1:53pm EDT don,t blame any one.this is not about racial.am a nigeria/this girl reall look like man 5193. Posted by Mr. Right Thu Aug 20 1:53pm EDT If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it must be a duck. Of course in this case it is one butt ugly duck!!! I mean really...how f'ing drunk would a guy have to get to mount this thing???!! 5192. Posted by rpmbellgardens Thu Aug 20 1:53pm EDT Her b@lls are showing when she wears a skirt!! Cross your legs so ur sac won't show. 5191. Posted by Edward F Thu Aug 20 1:53pm EDT Why does everyone cry racism when something negative happens to a Black person? It's a shame what is going on here but it isn't racism. Did you read the article? Even Semenya's fellow Africans would tease her for her boyish looks and behavior. No one is picking on her for her skin color. Stop being so paranoid. Most women who win the 800m are Black or Brown. Maria Mutola was the most dominant 800m runner and looked kind of masculine. No one gave her a gender test even though she is Black. Why would anyone suddenly pick on Semenya for being Black and winning? Some of the Kenyan women who usually dominate are mad at her. So it's not a white on black thing here. She didn't win many friends with her immature showboating, flexing, etc. during the prelims but I can understand it is tough to have grown up being teased. I feel sorry for her. 5190. Posted by CHILD OF GOD Thu Aug 20 1:52pm EDT Omg! what is this world coming to . where's the love ? only god can judge check yourself out first and leave others to god . 5189. Posted by naiym11 Thu Aug 20 1:52pm EDT Uhmmmm to the woman who said it shouldn't matter..YES IT SHOULD..men cannot compete in women races!!! In many cases trained athletes who are male..are stronger and faster..( i am a scientist by trade so please don't give me the Pro feminist balderdash), that is the geneotype typical of the male species. There is a testing site here in Colorado Springs, where the Atlhletes go to have KAryotype testing. That is a Vagina can be mishappen or a penis not really developed , but the chromosomal map will tell ALL....and the LBGT lady as a scientist of color what are you talking about...Slaves in this western world came from the WESTERN part of Africa...Cote d'ivoire and surrounding areas.....But if there is speculation it MUST BE tested..who cares if she is trangender...who cares if you "FEEL" like you are a male or female your karyotype says that YOU ARE MALE OR FEMALE you can't chosse what sex you want to be , science won't let you. 5188. Posted by Alan N. Thu Aug 20 1:52pm EDT Oh please, just because she runs faster than any man, has more body hair, has an adams apple, a penis and more testosterone than any other man, doesnt necessarily mean that she's a man. 5187. Posted by Sarah R Thu Aug 20 1:52pm EDT respect for each person is all i have to say. what ever happen to trust and integrity 5186. Posted by Foofy Galore Thu Aug 20 1:52pm EDT "One day soon I'm gonna tell the moon about the crying game..." Great sports event, I mean, movie. 5185. Posted by basketball_junkie94 Thu Aug 20 1:52pm EDT people are soooo sexist it drives me insane!!!! just cause she can beat a bunch of people and can run faster than boys....doesn't mean she is a guy!!! and if she says she is a woman than she is a woman!!! 5184. Posted by Sean Thu Aug 20 1:52pm EDT She may be a freak of nature like a lot of special athletes, but look at the neck and you will find no adam's apple. I have some transgender friends and it gives them away every time. We're all different in some ways, and she uses it to her advantage. There's going to be a lot of jealousy flying when they find out she's a natural woman. 5183. Posted by AMY Thu Aug 20 1:52pm EDT sure looks like a package packer to me! Look where it counts in comparison to the other athletes. No gap! 5182. Posted by okc dude Thu Aug 20 1:52pm EDT I don't know about her, but I have a boner! 5181. Posted by Wendwesen Thu Aug 20 1:52pm EDT what a rush to blame, no one rethink of the damage on eighteen years old young lady. this was a time to applause for a of the future 5180. Posted by Laura McCullough-DeLorme Thu Aug 20 1:52pm EDT This makes me sad no matter the outcome...to be a teenager and called out like this must be very humiliating and if she tests in all ways as a woman-devastating publicly hurtful and if she tests anatomically as a woman, but has a chromosomal disorder, it equally humiliating and confusing. As an athlete, how awful would it be if she can't race as either sex. I think called her ugly or "it" is really cruel..it's like the story is just that instead something happening to a real person. 5179. Posted by RONNIE R Thu Aug 20 1:51pm EDT Whats the matter united states jamacia is kicking your ass all over the track and field on the men and women side. face it america your not that good anymore deal with it.lets talk about south africanwho wooped your ass and now she is a man cant win on the field with your fake ass. good job and the next race kick that ass again holla................................. 5178. Posted by Boo Thu Aug 20 1:51pm EDT 5219. Posted by Mattias Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT gooney goo goo 5177. Posted by peg Thu Aug 20 1:51pm EDT I really wish the mean commentators would stop and think how it would feel if someone said things like that about them. Don't be so cruel. This person is a human being. As far as gender, countries have gone to extraordinary lengths to win global competitions and this would not be the first case. Either steroids, hermaphrodism, or she's a he, because the female body is not built so angular. Look closely and the brow bone. Women do not have such a heavy protrusion to the brow bone. Notice the large shoulders and narrow hips. Womens hips are naturally much wider and hip to thigh placement much further apart. If this is a woment she'll be needing a C-section to have those bambinos. Much like any other competition...gymnastics, figure skating, bowling, etc., where men have an advantage over women by virtue of gender, When in doubt, test. They should also test for androgens while they are at it. 5176. Posted by cmuthama2002 Thu Aug 20 1:51pm EDT Can I get her number ummmm sorry his number no no no her/his number. Damn am I messed up or what? Can I get some help out there. Somebody please!! 5175. Posted by jonathan Thu Aug 20 1:51pm EDT 'Her' walk, 'her' look.. Its a DUDE.. 5174. Posted by darrylwesselssa Thu Aug 20 1:51pm EDT All you previously advanced @#$% have always had things your way, now that someone from South Africa is stealing the lime light, you @#$% all get scared and resort to ancient banter, one cant imagine that SOUTH AFRICA is actually better than all you useless , ill Informed people, pre-historic retro mother f*ckers.. catch a wake up, africa is on the up, look at cricket, rugby, etc etc probably even full contact chess... learn to play the game failry, we dont call serina and venus dykes.. because they are not. they are sports personalities, and respect that .. aaaait.. 5173. Posted by FAZI Thu Aug 20 1:51pm EDT I cant understand the Americans making a big thing about her having a male voice. I'm Sri Lankan and we had 2 women Prime Ministers. Both had male voice.Even my sister has a male voice. That doesnt make any of them men. There are some men and women who look like identical twins if both shaved their heads. Its not uncommon. So whats the big fuss? Pure jealousy that someone otherthan an American was the winner. 5172. Posted by abuckrham Thu Aug 20 1:51pm EDT you know, I am kindda confused with society, one minute you want gays rights, marriage, sex change to become whatever, and so on and so forth, women want equal rights to be and do what men do everywhere, but this person wants to run and compete in a sport with females and because she wins and is not looking according to yours standards you have a problem, I wish the whole freakin society would stop being so dam double standard, people are looking different all over the world get over it. 5171. Posted by xusxt Thu Aug 20 1:51pm EDT There is nothing about "her" that is feminine. If "she" is a girl they also need to do a steroids test. 5170. Posted by richard u Thu Aug 20 1:51pm EDT she could be XXY----sometimes the clitoris is so large that it resembles a penis.They could have not tell at birth.Sometimes the penis is so small ,it resembles a clitoris.A chromosome test can tell. 5169. Posted by harold Thu Aug 20 1:51pm EDT to the ignorant person who thinks that women can run just as men. omg you are so STOOPID. Iam for equality in sexes, but cmon. its a PROVEN FACT: MEN CAN RUN FASTER. 5168. Posted by Cindy W Thu Aug 20 1:51pm EDT anyone notice the bulge in her shorts? 5167. Posted by LESTER Thu Aug 20 1:50pm EDT Iam a distance runner and black ,i had to question this myself....As soon as i saw this chick i though of Jarmila Kratochvilova world record holder in the 400 & 800. If any of you people know about running and how Kratochvilova looked when those records were set u have to check this out. 5166. Posted by Cynthia H Thu Aug 20 1:50pm EDT Adam and Eve are you kidding me the bible and jesus are fake they are just made up to control masses because the world is crazy. Where is God not here or the world wouldn't be so F-UP!. Women give brith because they have the uterus and men don't lol. richie2199 "FREE YOUR MIND AND STOP READING THE GOOD BOOK AND GET A REAL LIFE" "CREATION IN 7 DAYS LMAO" 5165. Posted by Darren Thu Aug 20 1:50pm EDT 5130, i agree, a lot of people want those days back. Hile 5164. Posted by Weary Thu Aug 20 1:50pm EDT Does one have to look like a girl to be a girl? 5163. Posted by ricky a Thu Aug 20 1:50pm EDT Hey do you think this could be like that same case in the movie ACE VENTURA THE PET DETECTIVE? when in the end the chief of police was suppose to be a woman but ace then showed it was a man, she had a huge big bulge in his or her pants from behind, this is a case for (ace). Good luck! and so what if it's a man women should not put their nice beautiful\ bodies under such horrible stress! smile people, this is worlds away from most of our own daily lives, after all is said and done would this have changed anything in our own lives. 5162. Posted by Foofy Galore Thu Aug 20 1:50pm EDT I bet his balls he's a woman. 5161. Posted by norman_jones62 Thu Aug 20 1:50pm EDT this is not about the skin color niether,,if white an accuse,,we forgive,,shes lying on him,it has nothing to do with his job,,if brown tone,he is mix ,hes not black,,if black he is guilty,never get out of jail,worst than hitler,shes a man..russia and germany has more women look like men than this young lady..oh,oh,oh,oh she got dark skin,,never about race people just skin color 5160. Posted by S. T Thu Aug 20 1:50pm EDT Lets just hope for "her" sake that this isn't a case of being a Sequential or Simultaneous Hermaphrodite. That might raise eyebrows and a lot of questions. 5159. Posted by Christina Thu Aug 20 1:50pm EDT This is why we need to protect our children from the ignorance of this world. Last time I checked we where all born the same way and procreated the same way. Although you talk the way of the times you have not learned a thing of the present. Racist comments, making fun of people because they dont look like you. I would be embarrassed if you making these comments where one of my children. Hopefully you dont have a child that is born different. Believe me what comes around goes around!!! They want to test let them. But the rude and racist comments please God!!!!!!!!!! 5158. Posted by unbiased Thu Aug 20 1:50pm EDT To Sound Bytes: learn to (too ... as you spelled it) spell before you post comments, this applies to all of those that need a lesson in English. To all that question the gender of the athlete, it is a genuine concern and the question needs to be answered. Race or other issues do not play a part in the question. It only plays a role when the person that raises the question, why is this being done? Has a biased opinion. 5157. Posted by Palmerjack Thu Aug 20 1:50pm EDT If there is nothing to hyde then why the up roar. Remember....transexuals , cross dressers and others are trying to make us co-dependent to their sickness every day. 5156. Posted by Maxine R Thu Aug 20 1:50pm EDT Stand in line to be the smart one and only. Thank you for protect n us SOLDGER . HE'S AND SHE'S . This is only about sister africa. I hope she is a she so that the would can see once again, that Black DON'T CRACK. THEN SHE CAN TURN HER TIGHT BACK TO THE PEOPLE THAT HAS ALWAYS SAID BLACK PEOPLE ARE SOMETHING OTHER THAN A PERSON / BEAUTIFUL .The picture op, right after running . Oh baby by , we all look like wet losers after we win a fight . WHAT ?STILL STANDING ! ! ! # 1..... 5155. Posted by Beth S Thu Aug 20 1:49pm EDT it's ridiculous to live in a world were these things are trivial and inportant, no matter who she is or what she was before should not matter - people should celebrate for the athletic gift she has and leave it at that 5154. Posted by starmom Thu Aug 20 1:49pm EDT what idiots and racist people we have in our world, to bad they can't do idiot/racist testing and send all the positives to an island so they can all kill each other and be done with it all! Stop breeding hate and let the girl embrace her win. SO what if she looks like a man and wears long shorts, who cares. SHes not entering a fashion show shes running for the gold! DOnt you wish you were that talented! 5153. Posted by YeahRIght Thu Aug 20 1:49pm EDT Just drop them drawers- it's either an innie or an outie... My $$'s on the outie! 5152. Posted by J Thu Aug 20 1:49pm EDT drop, squat, and cough.....? any questions? 5151. Posted by Aragrist Larr Kahn Thu Aug 20 1:49pm EDT steroids cause women to look like men and have deep voices. I would be looking at her blood for new types of steroids not her pants to see if she has a penis or a vagina. 5150. Posted by hrpro09 Thu Aug 20 1:49pm EDT If people dont hate then you're doing it all wrong, get over it America, Africa got in that ass! Go black woman! 5149. Posted by tremendouso Thu Aug 20 1:49pm EDT She is definately a woman, she looks liek a woman and i don't think she had her@#$% chopped off so she could win a few medals. Come on. I think racism plays alot into this too shes from a different genetic background that most poeple on here are probably not even used to seeing. Take a look at pure genetic afriacans. she looks african not african american. what shes not a woman cause she looks liek a white woman or a mixed black woman who has white dna in her family history. Shes all woman and I am all gay male. I know how to spot he from he she's or she he's or whatever. 5148. Posted by SarahJ Thu Aug 20 1:49pm EDT Leave her or him alone!!!! i think its just rude to talk about people so rudely for everyone to see!!! if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything!!! what if you were in position?? would you like it if everyone was talking about it and saying mean things about you!! 5147. Posted by Carolyn Thu Aug 20 1:48pm EDT She looks like a dude that I would not do. 5146. Posted by the Crimefighter Thu Aug 20 1:48pm EDT @Dan exactly 5145. Posted by ferrellspring@... Thu Aug 20 1:48pm EDT God loves us all. 5144. Posted by Mr. Green Thu Aug 20 1:48pm EDT Leave her hell alone! That could be our little girl, Are anyone of u. 5143. Posted by Louise Thu Aug 20 1:48pm EDT No matter how this turns out it does'nt make any difference in my life. People need to let it go. 5142. Posted by ooook61 Thu Aug 20 1:48pm EDT The problem with it is she could have any number of diseases. She could have klinefelters (XXY) where she could technicall be a male and female, because the definition of a male is if there is the prescence of a Y chromosome. Also, she could have Turner's syndrome, in which she only has one X chromosome, which then technically she is neither male nor female. In both cases, the parents can choose at birth which sex they want their children to be. If the parents chose her to be a female, she can still exute male traits (deep voice, broad shoulders, etc.) but technically be female. 5141. Posted by cshawcshawcshaw Thu Aug 20 1:48pm EDT keep on run and do your best god wii take 5140. Posted by GFM Thu Aug 20 1:48pm EDT Some of you people are so unrealistic. In this society, athletes cheat all of the time and can't be trusted, so I think she should be tested. If some of you @#$% can't handle that, then tough @#$%. 5139. Posted by robert c Thu Aug 20 1:48pm EDT Here is an excellent situation where equality between the sexes should be instated.... I don't know how many times I've heard someone say we're all equal. Well let's put it to the test. Athletes need to compete against the best in their field, regardless of whether they are male or female..... the best compete against the best, period. 5138. Posted by Matthew M Thu Aug 20 1:48pm EDT 5140. Posted by Sangria Thu Aug 20 1:41pm EDT Report Abuse i am applaud by all the racist in this comment section---i amtalking of you bastards - I like this comment............like you didn't know race was an issue in this country. "Oh my...........I am so appalled..........I had no idea..........." How about stepping into the present day. You are nice looking but apparently not much going on up top. But hey...........you can get away with that in this country so tis all good. 5137. Posted by lashieka Thu Aug 20 1:48pm EDT It doesn‘t surprise me that caucasians would think something so ridicules as they are genetically inferior to all man kind... i guess it‘s hard to believe a woman can out rank even one of their strongest men... pure ignorance 5136. Posted by adejohjohnson Thu Aug 20 1:48pm EDT wow this is just ignorant on some people's part.... they can't just accept that they got OWNED by this GIRL that is probably HALF their age so they try to bring her down after such a GREAT accomplishment... another way of a white man trying to DEGRADE an african cuz they think they are better than them and IF she was a man y not test her before the damn race instead of trying to embarass her AFTER she wins it... this is pure ignorance on the official's part and you other people dissing this poor girl.... GO AFRICA WE OWN!!!!!!! 5135. Posted by IncorrigibleMCE Thu Aug 20 1:48pm EDT She looks like the Lamar character from Revenge of the Nerds. 5134. Posted by TRodgers Thu Aug 20 1:48pm EDT Think about it, it's completely possible for women to resemble men in more ways than we suspect. Our foods and drugs are tainted, even the water we drink. And we question why women are behaving and looking more like men and men like women. When being pushed to extremes, the body is able to morph itself to its ultimate being. Be careful where you place judgement before the truth is unveiled. 5133. Posted by phish2h2o Thu Aug 20 1:47pm EDT S(he)'s got a mega testosterone level and from the looks of it other enhancers as well. 5132. Posted by icemilkcoffee Thu Aug 20 1:47pm EDT The testing should be done in secret. The governing board is completely wrong to make this public. If she was found to be cheating then that is the right time to publicize it. But right now she has done nothing wrong other than looking masculine. She doesn not deserve to be humiliated in public like this. 5131. Posted by Deb Thu Aug 20 1:47pm EDT Well, i looked at many photos, and my guess would be that it is a guy. Different shorts, why is that? Also, the face is very masculine, and the body. I can only go by how it looks to me. It has happened where someone who is poor, or just wants to take advantage of an opportunity will pretend to be another gender. 5130. Posted by clintxanderleo Thu Aug 20 1:47pm EDT its totally a dude 5129. Posted by the Crimefighter Thu Aug 20 1:47pm EDT I'm really confused at people's responses. Not surprised though. The girl just won a gold at the world championships and all folks can do is hate on her because she's not "pretty". I guess hard work is not enough for the Americans who only work hard on expanding their waistline. What a bunch of jokers;) 5128. Posted by hblackii@... Thu Aug 20 1:47pm EDT I think this is just plain stupid! Now when one of those big women from europe come to the games and do something plain unexplainable I want to see a gender test . She is an athlete and as a man I am jealous of the body she has (hell yes I said it and I saw the run where she BLEWOUT the entire field. She should say if you have any doubts about me being a woman, eat this... 5127. Posted by Lisa Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT This is how I feel: If they didn't check Semenya before (due to suspicion as they claim) then they shouldn't have checked her now! It's rude and degrading. We all know the hidden truth here: anytime a black person wins a challenge that you weak crackers can't they call it cheating. Grow a pair of balls people and lick it! 5126. Posted by chris g Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT It's just sad that people like Michelle W, punkoldman, and alex can HIDE behind a computer and type negative comments about someone. Ask yourselves this, if that person was standing in front of you would you have the balls or breast to say those things? I'm pretty sure we all know the answer to that, HELL NO. I would love to meet one of you. If she's all woman or all man so what. 5125. Posted by MichaelaP Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT that sucks hard 5124. Posted by willlikesjava Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT So the test proves she's female and she becomes an even bigger hero for standing up to the accusers. Why not verify? Those of you who are so upset about her being questioned, would you be more upset if you found out she was a male and never tested? If she were really a man, not only would she be a cheat but she could be detroying the careers of many female runners. What would do more damage to female sports, testing an occasssional female and potentially hurting her feelings or not testing her and hurting all of female sports? 5123. Posted by KnikkoyaN Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT he he!!! 5122. Posted by mrstevenconnerjr Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT women are weaker...men are stronger. FACT- i dont see any south african women or any women for that matter breaking any mans athletic records. she is a man for sure. he is a tucker! lol 5121. Posted by Mattias Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT in response to 4966. Posted by Boo, Whether Jesus was white or not is pretty irrelevant. Salomon and David were light-skinned as can be understood by reading Scripture. Salomon fell in love with a black girl who said she was black because she had worked in the sun so much. The genetical make-up was more diverse back then, today white people have lost their ability to turn black in the sun, and black people have lost their ability to lose their color (although some become paler with age in cold climates, and some can get lighter skin from someone carrying that gene). You can't get a Great Dane from breeding Poodles, but they both came from a wolf-like ancestor. They lost their ability to diversify, just like humans. You can breed a Great Dane and a Poodle and get a mixture, just as a white person can have children with a black person and have a mixture. Was the original man white? One only have to look at the palm of a black man to find that out. But color is barely skin-deep. We are all 100% human and equal in worth, but different in manners and maybe even thought patterns. Furthermore, Jews and Israelites are not the same. The former were called Jews because they followed a religion based on the Torah, the latter were genetically a people of 12 tribes, a race. All of the disciples were Galatians and they were probably light-skinned because statues depict Galatians/Gauls with Nordic features. Jesus was probably light-skinned because he was a descendent of David. None of this matters though. We're all 100% human and we can all receive salvation and redemption. 5120. Posted by Neil M Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT Gina, you can't have both XX and XY chromazones, it's one or the other 5119. Posted by Darren Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT racist? 5118. Posted by bigyay5000 Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT To punkoldman1 you said you don't know what that thing is, she is a human being, what about you? And the ape comment what the hell do you look like? Well i guess your name says it all an old punk! 5117. Posted by Tia Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT I feel sorry for her..thats just a shame 5116. Posted by Randy Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT BLOOD TEST HER..............SEE WHAT GENES ARE IN HER JEANS.. No lip service here, when in doubt, whip it out..... ineeee or outeeeeeeeee. 5115. Posted by Cindy Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT some of the comments are so ignorant,,, some people need to go to school and take a tolerance class and get some type of education! 5114. Posted by Cee Cee Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT WOW!!! How did this even become a race issue? Face it, if it is a woman, she certainly does look like a man! No breats, large shoulders, narrow hips. I would swear on my life that is a man! They are testing b/c she/he is questionable and it is only fair to the other competitors. Not because she is african...if she were white, they would do the same so drop the racial issues and let's just call it like it is! Chick looks like and sounds like a dude! 5113. Posted by HariJukoo Barbie Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT why doo ppl even kare lol. every woman that plays sports are part male. check in their pants 5112. Posted by Allan Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT Well, she (he) should be checked out, that's all. There is a reasonable doubt. What's the big issue ??? 5111. Posted by chester m Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT look you idiots, the '"thing" has k o k meat bigger than king dong! hahahahah i kidd, but chances are if it looks like a man then it most likely is. she won by over 2 seconds! hahahahah Imsorry, but that wreaks of testes if you ask well.............ANYONE!!!!!!!!!! and yes men are not only stronger than women, they are smarter. How do I prove this? well just look at chess champions, 99% of CEO's , Mensa Memberships.............the list goes on and on. WOmen were and are here for one thing baby and thats it! PLEASING MEN!@!!!!!!!!!! face this, know this and we will all be in a better place. Remember the 50's? me neither, but it seems when women understood their role the US was in a much better place times 10000X ! ! ! ! ISNT REALITY WOnderful! just accept your submissive roles and move on already. Ever try watching womens sports? Id rather watch a flea circus. 5110. Posted by Cee Cee Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT WOW!!! How did this even become a race issue? Face it, if it is a woman, she certainly does look like a man! No breats, large shoulders, narrow hips. I would swear on my life that is a man! They are testing b/c she/he is questionable and it is only fair to the other competitors. Not because she is african...if she were white, they would do the same so drop the racial issues and let's just call it like it is! Chick looks like and sounds like a dude! 5109. Posted by asscrazy Thu Aug 20 1:46pm EDT look like a man 5108. Posted by Will S Thu Aug 20 1:45pm EDT post 5108....THANK YOU! at least there is another smart human being out there seeing & thinking with all aspects of his brain! Just because a "person" has a vagina, even though she (thus said runner in question) most likely may be going through testosterone & steroid treatments to become a man (this is my guess because i have a female friend going through the same treatments and the results are earily similar!!!)......this does not give her the right to still call herself a female just because she still has a vagina, when every tendon, every bit of her malecular ability now screams MAN after what she most likely is going through! 5107. Posted by Ricardo Thu Aug 20 1:45pm EDT "I'd hit that!.".John Mayer "She's hot!" Eddie Murphy 5106. Posted by sbrown0489 Thu Aug 20 1:45pm EDT omg all of yall need to get a life. this is crazy. test should have been done before the race if there was any doubt what so ever in any ones mind that she really isn't a girl, but the simple fact that she won now every one wants to make a big fuss about the issue. whatever. 5105. Posted by Ken T Thu Aug 20 1:45pm EDT People the reason this has come about is because back in the 70's and 80's the female athletes from Eastern Bloc country's did hormone and testosterone treatments to make them stronger faster and more competitive. So what has happened is due to that the governing body of individual sports has set guide- lines on who and how to test. I think the articles were poorly written and did not include facts that would help you all not to be rude to each other and also help you to make informed posts. In my opinion it was probably testosterone treatments that helped this young person to develop into the athlete that competed and that is opinion not based on facts yet but assumptions made on her rapid growth and progress. Would be nice to include a picture of her say 2 years ago. 5104. Posted by Stace Thu Aug 20 1:45pm EDT The title to this is wrong. They are testing her sex not her gender. They are not the same thing!! 5103. Posted by TresiaW Thu Aug 20 1:45pm EDT I think although she does look masuline we should leave her alone. She has made herself, family and country proud. and thats all that matters now. Innocent until proven guilty. 5102. Posted by Rhoe Jaque Swift Thu Aug 20 1:45pm EDT what ever it is, I wouldnt touch he/she with a 13 foot pole 5101. Posted by robert Thu Aug 20 1:45pm EDT one of the great things about forums like this is that it shows how truly intelligent our society is.....and the INVERSE as well.....some of you are amazingly disrespectful, terribly closeminded, and over all egregious.......it'll be a great day when your Lord finally takes you away and this planet will be rid of your ideas. 5100. Posted by Lady Rainbow Thu Aug 20 1:45pm EDT In the bigger picture of this supposed scandal is that society is INFATUATED with appearances. The sad truth is that beauty is overrated, usually the good looking are the ugliest from within radiating superiority over the less fortunate who are at no fault of their own. Jump on the band wagon and attack this PERSON with your mental midget comments about her gender. If only the tables were turned how would you feel if you wore the shoes she runs in? YOU SUCK AS A HUMAN BEING... 5099. Posted by Buck Thu Aug 20 1:45pm EDT Thought I saw a little cameltoe in a pic...If there's dick, ain't much... 5098. Posted by charlie a Thu Aug 20 1:45pm EDT What is she's a Hermi? Didn't expect Lady Ga Ga to have a d!ck ,but that doesn' t mean its not true. 5097. Posted by Gina Thu Aug 20 1:45pm EDT If this person has both XX and XY chromosomes should she compete as male or female? 5096. Posted by The Guardian Thu Aug 20 1:45pm EDT She is who she is. As an ex semi-pro athelete you just deal with the fact that some people have more talent and were given the body type and WORK-OUT ETHIC that helps them be successful. She has a god given talent for speed. IF this is a hormone or chomosonal issue - so what? How many people ever make it to this level of athleticism? She hasn't been "pretending" to be a girl...it is how she has lived her whole life. And for those who hold the idea that it would give her an "unfair" advantage...let's talk about "fair"...I have met someone who DOES have to deal with congenital adrenal hyperplasia, and it certainly doesn't feel very "fair" to him...he's also not a superior athelete....like most of us...BUT, Caster Semenya, is. Just let the girl run!!!! 5095. Posted by latoniajackson19 Thu Aug 20 1:45pm EDT When people need to hurt others it make them feel good, this is wrong and hurtful. GOD DOES NOT LIKE UGLY. 5094. Posted by lakerman09 Thu Aug 20 1:45pm EDT lmao didnt think it take so long for a test 5093. Posted by Lord BRANTUS Thu Aug 20 1:45pm EDT Wow, it would seem no matter what side of the fence you come down on, it will be a big pile of poop just watiing for ya! #1 if it is found out that "THE RUNNER" is truely a girl, then we owe her and her family one hell of an apology, #2 if it is learned that "THE RUNNER" is truely a Boy, then we should feel bad for the mother because of the mother and he look soo much alike :( as a final thought, I was amazed at how much effort will have to go into proving the sex of "THE RUNNER", if it is now that hard to tell anymore, perhaps there should be a 3rd catagory in sports, Athletic Others, this should covers He shes and Roid Monsters alike :) 5092. Posted by A. Thu Aug 20 1:45pm EDT To hieconnie: Accept defeat about what? Last time I checked they were in Africa and we were in the Western Industrial World....we win by default 5091. Posted by OctaviaH Thu Aug 20 1:44pm EDT I hope you all are very pretty people, ass holes 5090. Posted by intheoubliette Thu Aug 20 1:44pm EDT It's a dude look at his adams apple. Nice try............. 5089. Posted by Stephen S Thu Aug 20 1:44pm EDT Yikes!!!! Predator #5!!!!!!!!!!!! 5088. Posted by PAKY Thu Aug 20 1:44pm EDT seriously guyss!!! all they have to do is see if she has a vagina or not...the test is final 5087. Posted by Dennis Thu Aug 20 1:44pm EDT He/she looks like a very young Ben Johnson.......and he was on steroids.Hey I'll bet she flunks a Testosterone test. 5086. Posted by piff Thu Aug 20 1:44pm EDT dam look @ that persons face and body and say her name... Caster "Semen"ya dam god thats all i gotta say lol 5085. Posted by Boo Thu Aug 20 1:44pm EDT 5024. Posted by young Black Thu Aug 20 1:30pm EDT Once again you are wrong..converting to Judaism is not the same as being of Jewish heritage. You give a very very poor analogy. If I convert to Budism is doesn't make be Asian. Poor poor young Black peron.....it must be sad to be you. By the way is Caster's penis...cause she's a dude ;) 5084. Posted by strahdman21 Thu Aug 20 1:44pm EDT Maybe Semenya is one of Michael Jacksons children? 5083. Posted by xparishilton1981x Thu Aug 20 1:44pm EDT That's hot! 5082. Posted by OctaviaH Thu Aug 20 1:44pm EDT You people are real stupid, and should shut up. 5081. Posted by Sweetcakes Thu Aug 20 1:44pm EDT I am so very sorry, but as an American woman of colour I can honestly say that looking at images of her on the web....she does indeed have all the characteristics of a man....she has no curves....no features that are typical to women...even when you compare her to other very strong female atheletes. There is the absence of the hips, thighs, etc.......i could be wrong, and I am not being racist or unfair but I can see why the issue has been raised.....and i am a former track star myself. 5080. Posted by S F Thu Aug 20 1:44pm EDT Her name is Semenya. See-Men-Yah? Semen-yah? Scary. This guy is fast though. 5079. Posted by Jack rabbit Thu Aug 20 1:44pm EDT well who cares anyways, it's no biggie, it's over now people, no need to be rude. 5078. Posted by FeliciaA Thu Aug 20 1:44pm EDT I would like to direct this to punkoldman1. first of all punkoldman1 I don't think she looks like an ape. if anything this just says that you are either racist or sexist or jealous pwerhaps because she can run faster than you. Wonder if people think you are a punk? 5077. Posted by Neil M Thu Aug 20 1:44pm EDT All DNA tests show if the person has XX (woman) or XY (male) Chromazones (spelling? sorry) 5076. Posted by ciarajhaeda Thu Aug 20 1:44pm EDT i was startled by her appearance but i think we are tooeasy to think bad things about each other 5075. Posted by ? Thu Aug 20 1:44pm EDT She has the word SEMEN in her name so she must be a man 5074. Posted by mandy g Thu Aug 20 1:43pm EDT Gee's to some of you people just listen to yourselves ok, she is an athlete- she can wear whatever type of shorts she wants good lost i swear! if shes a woman so what but if shes a man or maybe she has part male dna and just never knew it(it has happend b4 u k now) then ppl need to get over it- we are not livingher life and ppl need to get a life bc most ppl put way too much into what other ppl think and other ppls lives!! 5073. Posted by Data Deb Thu Aug 20 1:43pm EDT I'm reminded of the East German women swimmers-who were on steroids. But I'm assuming all the contestants were tested for drugs..... 5072. Posted by Brittany Thu Aug 20 1:43pm EDT omg just check for a penis!! lmaoo XD 5071. Posted by Christi Thu Aug 20 1:43pm EDT There are many women - in ALL races that have some masculine attributes. However, to be pointed out and harressed because she is FAST? She kicked their butts, and deserved to win. Be gracious losers, congratulate her win and move on. Her family and her have all been quite gracious. I would have been much more wordy in my approach to defend my little girl! People are made to be different, otherwise the world would be a boring place. Just because someone doesn't have the attributes YOU think they should to be of a certain gender, doesn't mean that they need to behave differently. This girl isn't the one with the problem, it is the sore losers that have the problem!! 5070. Posted by gmarkltd Thu Aug 20 1:43pm EDT anybody ever consider taking a look under the hood? 5069. Posted by zac s Thu Aug 20 1:43pm EDT I'm white and I get a huge kick out of all the racist comments about Obama or anything dealing with black people. To me your just jealous of a black man that has made it further in life then you can ever imagine. Apparently you feel threatened by an educated black man who graduated #1 in his class at Harvard Law. 5068. Posted by satisified costumer Thu Aug 20 1:43pm EDT my dick is bigger than hers 5067. Posted by hoser Thu Aug 20 1:43pm EDT Look at the pics. Why does she wear the long shorts rather than the short ones like every other person on the track? Hiding something? 5066. Posted by turnercraig60 Thu Aug 20 1:43pm EDT That's wack as hell. What happened to being celebrated for your hard work. Yall some haters. 5065. Posted by Cecily Thu Aug 20 1:43pm EDT This is so odd... they have to bring in all these specialists to see if she is a girl? Just ask what's between her legs. Id sue if they tried to question my sexuality. Id be extremely offended and hurt. It doesnt take a genius to figure it out. Even if hormones are off, she is who she is. 5064. Posted by sandy w Thu Aug 20 1:43pm EDT This issue should have been dealt with privately IAAF!!!!!!!!!!!! Must we air everything??? 5063. Posted by Judie Thu Aug 20 1:43pm EDT what the hel is the problem get a life; the way you do her is called a hate crime 5062. Posted by aquarianluv1 Thu Aug 20 1:43pm EDT Hey Israel......I bet your mom looks like a man...and you look like her hah? You dumb ass racist! 5061. Posted by Eileen H Thu Aug 20 1:43pm EDT why wait tillshe had raced why no question before she sure looked male collecting the medal 5060. Posted by ricky a Thu Aug 20 1:43pm EDT Hey do you think this could be like that same case in the movie ACE VENTURA THE PET DETECTIVE when in the end the chief of police was suppose to be a woman but ace then showed it was a man, she had a huge big bulge in his or her pants from behind, this is a case for (ace). Good luck! 5059. Posted by Clint Thu Aug 20 1:42pm EDT ABs, face, shoulders, everything looks like a male on her. The only way she is female is if she took a bunch of testosterone to make her more manly. 5058. Posted by Margaret Thu Aug 20 1:42pm EDT If this is all we have to worry about, then we need to move along and find something else. What a bunch of nonsense! 5057. Posted by karla Thu Aug 20 1:42pm EDT Ok so everyone is wrong haha no but really they have all the reason to test her. i cant remember the name of the "girl" but a mexican runner was proven to be a male playing a female. so you just never know. who cares about her race 5056. Posted by sarah1990lynn Thu Aug 20 1:42pm EDT dna can test for xx or xy chromosomes....which proves if she's a male or female 5055. Posted by Regina-JoyV Thu Aug 20 1:42pm EDT I agree with most people here on the issue of jealousy. Someone is clearly jealous and just outright mad they got beat by this WOMAN. Some of you need f*cking eyes in your heads and common sence if you can muster such a thing. There are men that look very much like women, yes some are gay yet some are not. Hence duh!!! there are women that look very much like men but are still WOMEN!! so all the haters just shut the f*ck up and get over yourselves. She is a woman and thats all there is to it. Not her fault how she looks and not her fault her competition juct can't hang with her talents. 5054. Posted by TCM29 Thu Aug 20 1:42pm EDT All women athletes are part male. Look at most gym teachers. 5053. Posted by charles s Thu Aug 20 1:42pm EDT tell her to drop her pants. that would settle it. and for the record, i will not be the one checking for her equipment. 5052. Posted by fella976 Thu Aug 20 1:42pm EDT I agree with 5014. If she wouldnt have won, no one would have said a word. Get over it......American we are not the best in everything anymore, those days are over! 5051. Posted by tlaedtke Thu Aug 20 1:42pm EDT Athletes from all sports have been caught taking performance enhancing drugs. Maybe this is the new level a person is willing to go to in order to get a medal AND the product endorsements ( = bajillion $$$) that go with it. Certainly would not be the first time someone lied in order to get the cash and become known world-wide. The strength, power, and cmon she does look like a dude ,,, its a fair question. And to those who suggested that if she wore something more feminine that she wouldn't be in this spot... OMG she would just look like a bad drag queen in womens wear. It would just make it worse. 5050. Posted by Mikey Thu Aug 20 1:42pm EDT I will agree that at first glance she looks like a man; however, if you look at all the pictures there are many in which I see the facial expressions of a woman. My response to all you people talking about the fact that she's wearing long shorts rather than short shorts is stop being stupid. I absolutely hate short shorts and wear long shorts all the time. It drives my mom crazy but to me wearing long shorts is more comfortable. I'm a tom boy and proud of it. Congrats on winning the race!!! 5049. Posted by hogfan_09 Thu Aug 20 1:42pm EDT If looks like a duck, and walks like a duck , then it must be a duck. Or one really ugly chick. 5048. Posted by manakristo Thu Aug 20 1:42pm EDT If she's a dude, then definately there should be some serious punishments. Regardless of race,color or whatever. Look at what happened to Marion Jones. They ripped away her medals. if this woman/man is fake, then she deserves what's coming her way. 5047. Posted by locs Thu Aug 20 1:42pm EDT Looks like a Marvel Super Hero, Maybe an X-Men????? 5046. Posted by Malakye O Thu Aug 20 1:41pm EDT She has a voice like Dr Girlfriend 5045. Posted by America Thu Aug 20 1:41pm EDT Thats crazy...im not saying shes not a woman...but wow..she looks like a man seriously. If you also look at other pics of her from the competition. Everyone is wearing tight crotch huggin spandex..where she...isnt. Im not saying that shes a dude just for that..but....hmmmmm 5044. Posted by javalava Thu Aug 20 1:41pm EDT I think its sad that a person has to suffer trhough this type of humiliation because there is a history of fraud in the business. It's amazing what contestants have done in the past to win. Unfortunately when there is a shadow of a doubt the judges etc. have to be fair to all. She does look like a man, but are there other reasons they have to suspect she is one? It's the same with Steroids, if a contestant looks like they are using - then they get tested. Otherwise, how do they keep the competitions fair? 5043. Posted by Sangria Thu Aug 20 1:41pm EDT i am applaud by all the racist in this comment section---i amtalking of you bastards 5042. Posted by 2009 Reloaded!! Thu Aug 20 1:41pm EDT So Sad... This girl will never get a man with this holding over her head.... 5041. Posted by Violeta Thu Aug 20 1:41pm EDT Wow, some of you are so hateful!! 5040. Posted by Vickie Thu Aug 20 1:41pm EDT Just another example of people being cruel. There are many girls that look or dress like guys and are even strong like men. I went to school with a girl for years thinking she was a guy. Her name was Sam. Could be boy's name or girl's name. I didn't know. But I also didn't treat her any different than anyone else I went to school with. That was over 20 years ago and she did grow out of her boyish looks. Don't judge a book by its cover. 5039. Posted by Angelina Thu Aug 20 1:41pm EDT HI EVERYONE THIS IS ANGEL L of The LGBT INFORMER and I here and see allot of this every day in the LGBT community. why are we so focus on her sex. This was a big thing for her family and South Africa, and I am sure it was about race to. Not to many people know that allot of slaves died on those boats. Some whole tribes were wiped out. South Africa is a third world country so, anything good should be commended. And before talk about what happen to black people in the past find out. Before you open your mouth. It is easy to speculate but knowing makes a big difference. Race-ism is still here, and if you test one you better test them all. 5038. Posted by roderick.beale Thu Aug 20 1:41pm EDT Its a man baby!!! 5037. Posted by Ha haa. Thu Aug 20 1:41pm EDT IT's ugly. 5036. Posted by Jacqueline Thu Aug 20 1:41pm EDT It's not a question whether he/she can compete or not. It matters for which gender he/she can compete. there are disorders in which a hormonal problems can lead to formation of the 'wrong' genitals. a DNA test can clarify whether this person is an XX or XY. the hormone test can test for the level of testosterone which is clearly higher in men than in women. if it turns out that this person is a man indeed, then he should clearly not compete with women but rather with men. 5035. Posted by coffinhollow1 Thu Aug 20 1:41pm EDT thats a dude. a manly ugly dude on the other hand, that white chick is hot. 5034. Posted by SaraMichelle Thu Aug 20 1:40pm EDT does it really matter what gender she is? if she won, she won. if shes a man, and wants to be a woman, whats the problem?? 5033. Posted by mrsglennh Thu Aug 20 1:40pm EDT well i feel like they should leave her alone,there is still a whole lot of white people who don't give an flip about blACK PEOPLE.They wish we could go back to slave day's.They don't want a black man in the white house,they down he for everything he do,but bush mess the world up.no the black trying to fix it. 5032. Posted by idodgebullets09 Thu Aug 20 1:40pm EDT that @#$% aint no @#$% dat @#$% gots a dick. id still tap tho 5031. Posted by mattmcdevitt37 Thu Aug 20 1:40pm EDT thats not racist at all? 5030. Posted by Boitchick Thu Aug 20 1:40pm EDT So will this testing be DNA testing or what? If she did take steroids then they can't really do hormone level testing. And what happens if it turns out that she is an undiagnosed hermaphrodite? Is she then disqualified because she should have been in the special Olympics or something? I say give her the medal and move on. She doesn't seem to be hurting anyone (except maybe sore losers?) 5029. Posted by Neil M Thu Aug 20 1:40pm EDT They tested Lance Armstrong for drugs because he was just too fast to believe. Test her/him for steroids and be done with it. 5028. Posted by Peter G Thu Aug 20 1:40pm EDT Sucks to be Semenya. If she really is a woman, can you imagine how messed up she feels? Everyone thinks you look like a man.... My opinion is that she has taken steroids and that explains the build and lower voice. 5027. Posted by Weary Thu Aug 20 1:40pm EDT Oh dear - by Damon's definition unfortunately I am a man - let's stick to science 5026. Posted by Lady Raye Thu Aug 20 1:40pm EDT at spongebobgirl...Caribbean? really? African,methinks. just sayin. and I am familiar with how subtle sex differentiantion is,so no,drop trou wont work. she may not even know if any genetic anomoly even exists. 5025. Posted by Matthew M Thu Aug 20 1:40pm EDT 5058. Posted by kennyw Thu Aug 20 1:35pm EDT Report Abuse Jealous fools everywhere.....get a life! - As he's flashing gang signs in his profile picture. lol!!! I have a life @#$% and make $ 80,000 a year doing it. How about you? Whatchu got? You aspiring to be top dawg of the bloods? Killing and stealing for a liven? 5024. Posted by Peter Thu Aug 20 1:40pm EDT 5024 pages in 48 hrs! Just wanted to give my two penneth! The IAAF where well out of order showing complete weakness in the face of some media scumbags! They could easily have waited till the tests where done in private before breaking this story. But no they folded thinking that the rumours where out anyway. I've had managers in the past like that who are weaklings bowing to pressure! You are the IAAF for gods sake show some courage and protect the reputation of a human being. Even if you get caught doping the IAAF dont make it public till the second sample is tested as positive too! So yes conduct whatever tests that are needed no probs just there was no need to embarrass the girl like this! And to all you f*ck*ng idiots saying just pull down her pants! I am honestly embarrassed to class myself as the same species as you SHE is a human being! So Semenya well done on your performance on wednsday night. 5023. Posted by dameon hudson Thu Aug 20 1:40pm EDT She‘s female. I can tell in her eyes. Mark my word. 5022. Posted by CharinaP Thu Aug 20 1:39pm EDT Come on, look at "her" She looks like a complete male. And if "she" is a female, then that is the manliest woman I've ever seen in my entire life. 5021. Posted by Lisa Thu Aug 20 1:39pm EDT Another way America reveals their ignorance. When a black person accomplishes an achievement that their people can't, they make excuses. Why don't you swallow your pride and shove it where the sun don't shine. Semenya is an amazing athlete and she proved that yesterday. If the team were suspicious of her being a male, a test should have been conducted BEFORE not AFTER she took victory. This is pathetic! When the results are in and she is proclaimed a female, a law suit should go against those who accused her. Shame! 5020. Posted by R.J. Thu Aug 20 1:39pm EDT Who gives a @#$%!!! 5019. Posted by Papi Thu Aug 20 1:39pm EDT This is an outrage. I agree with deavreja, I know females wit facial hair, manly stature and much more. The fact that just because she came from nothing and made something out of herself, this sad ass country we live in want to result in genetic testing like she's some sort of @#$%in animal, get the @#$% outa here. I hope the family sues everybody who open they mouth. We are all made different, it is what sets us apart, but we are all human, male and female, and if the human eye cant tell by the lack of penis in her pants, then she should be able to run in peace. 5018. Posted by Lena R Thu Aug 20 1:39pm EDT i've seen plenty women who look more masculine. some of these comments are juvenile and racist. people we have other things to be more concerned about than whether this athlete pees sitting down or standing up. 5017. Posted by Opinionated Lady Thu Aug 20 1:39pm EDT the idiots that make this about race, make everything they read about race. Their heads are stuck up their dark hole. by looking at this 'girl's' physique it is definetly a mans body. I would not be surprised if this is a boy. And when they find this out, then the punishment should be such that it dissuades others from trying this. This is the same as 'doping' and 'stealing' medals from people who really earned them. 5016. Posted by Muriel M Thu Aug 20 1:39pm EDT I wonder if some people are just naive or stupid that post comments up here. You can't based gender off of her looks their are many woman I've seen that look like men but are all woman. The only reason they are pointing this woman out is because she has the best time yet. It's sad how the media is putting this girl out there like that cause she is just a teen. I feel sorry for the people who wrote the racial slurs and judging this woman off of her features. I'll pray for you. 5015. Posted by Mike Thu Aug 20 1:39pm EDT her name is zira from planet of the apes 5014. Posted by Melissa S Thu Aug 20 1:39pm EDT Guys, come, her upper body and shoulders are waaaay to broad and built to just be a "manly looking woman." I'm telling you, it's those shoulder that give her away, not the voice, the speed, not anything. She just looks like she's BUILT like a man. There's a difference between her, and women who are simply man-ish. Perhaps her family isn't outraged because they know the truth? I don't know, but something is different about her. She does not look like the other girls in the race. 5013. Posted by Will S Thu Aug 20 1:39pm EDT Whats at stake here people, is not just about gender! If you have a woman who may not want to be a woman and is undergoing the needed steps (drug, testosterone, steroids, etc..) to become a man, yet still has a vagina and is allowed to race with the girls because of that said vagina.....HOW IS THAT FAIR?! thats what all the testing is about, geezuz! I'm an avid marathon runner, and I follow track & field with a hungry passion and this SHEMALE came up out of no-where, and no one has ever heard of her before......she is only a teenager (so they say) and that leaves a lot to consider! I'm a male and if that SHEMALE isn't going through testosterone shots & steroid injections then everyone that laid eyes on that SHEMALE is a friggin moron! 5012. Posted by tlaedtke Thu Aug 20 1:39pm EDT Athletes from all sports have been caught taking performance enhancing drugs. Maybe this is the new level a person is willing to go to in order to get a medal AND the product endorsements ( = bajillion $$$) that go with it. Certainly would not be the first time someone lied in order to get the cash and become known world-wide. The strength, power, and cmon she does look like a dude ,,, its a fair question. And to those who suggested that if she wore something more feminine that she wouldn't be in this spot... OMG she would just look like a bad drag queen in womens wear. It would just make it worse. 5011. Posted by Arnold N Thu Aug 20 1:38pm EDT The test that they are doing is a karyotype, which is looking at whether or not she has XY like a male or XX like a female. If does take some time. And get evaluations from multiple people to see whtat to do. There are some disorders where she could be XY but initially look like a female, be questionable as a female, be raised from birth as a female (especially in these countries with poor medical care and understanding), and then all of a sudden develop male characteristics and become male-like when they reach puberty. That seems to be what they are suspecting. Or that she is really female and has a disorder producing way too much male hormones. Either way, you can't just look below the belt. It probably looks very ambiguous there! If it didn't, the mother would have said that it looks normal there. What she said is that she was always her daughter... well, she might be in for a surprise!!!! It has happened many times before, I know as I used to work for an endochronologist. 5010. Posted by Angie Thu Aug 20 1:38pm EDT mmmm well i geuss we'll just have to wait and see 5009. Posted by Solomon Thu Aug 20 1:38pm EDT ride on sister, show them what u are made of. keep up the good work,dedication and commitment, after all it pays if you stick to the basics. 5008. Posted by xcaptainxjackxsparrow Thu Aug 20 1:38pm EDT You know, everyone needs to just grow up a bit. Anyone think of the possibility of transgendered? If she was not born anatomically female and went through a legitimate MTF transition, this whole thing could be so psychologically scarring. I mean, if you were trans and were trying to pass, and you got internationally called out, how would you feel? 5007. Posted by Gina Thu Aug 20 1:38pm EDT @ eddyboy... What DNA test are purposing they should use? What DNA test will determine whether she is male or female? 5006. Posted by topcat_20 Thu Aug 20 1:38pm EDT That is a male. It looks like most of the guys do at the age 18. Did anyone notice that she was wearing the same shorts that the guys wear. How about the after race celebration. I have watche4d sports for years, there was nothing female about the way that ran, celebrated after the race or build. In the words of Austin Powers, "Thats a man baby!!!1" 5005. Posted by ccireal Thu Aug 20 1:38pm EDT i just want to know whats truth.after it is found out,find yourself some business! 5004. Posted by brian_p34 Thu Aug 20 1:38pm EDT what ever male female dad should slap the @#$% out of her mother cause he/she is effing ugly 5003. Posted by Gina Thu Aug 20 1:38pm EDT Simple...there's a scientific test to determine; let the science speak. 5002. Posted by charlesegary Thu Aug 20 1:38pm EDT Who gives a damn what it is, Its still ugly to me! 5001. Posted by Sangria Thu Aug 20 1:38pm EDT wat a women--lol i thought it was a he wowow damn she scares me--wat a freek 5000. Posted by jovi-Ann Rose Thu Aug 20 1:38pm EDT I think she is what she said she is...."A WOMAN." If it is in question that she is a male or female, why not test her before the race? She has made a great accomplishment by receiving Gold medals in her races so why make this a big cause? As mentioned above, the thyroid gland has alot to do with it. I have no doubt in my mind that she is a woman....All of us are made differently and we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. She is a wonderful athlete and is no doubt a female...Why is it that the board doent question those other females who look and speak like men as well? What is so different about that? If a man can run 1min.56sec, why cant a woman do the same? Woman can do just as much as a man can do, so i beg of you all to stop discriminating and be of one heart. 4999. Posted by jasononthecape Thu Aug 20 1:38pm EDT It's a man, man 4998. Posted by Rob H Thu Aug 20 1:38pm EDT First, spongebobgirl, since when is South Africa in the Caribbean? Now, I don't really care about what the heck this lady did. She won and until they can prove otherwise she'll always be the winner of that race. One thing I don't get is why black folks are always calling themselves "Playa's." Well, I'm hear-by adopting the term "brother" as a white term of endearment. So my Brothers, stop haten this playa shorty and start worrying about what retard is banging your daughter for the soul purpose of getting back at the brotherly community. 4997. Posted by michael k Thu Aug 20 1:38pm EDT I dont think I would want to meet that DUDE in a dark alley. Thats a MAN BABY! 4996. Posted by Neil M Thu Aug 20 1:38pm EDT If I was a woman running against her then I would want to know if she/he/it was a guy or a girl and if she was all pumped up on steroids or whatever. Instead of making it a gender thing, they should have just said they wanted to test for performance enhancing drugs. As a part of the process it would tell if she has a Y chromo or not. I personally think she's either 'Roided up or a Male Cheetah. 4995. Posted by R Thu Aug 20 1:38pm EDT Racial Profiling! I think this lady should sue! 4994. Posted by Mike Thu Aug 20 1:38pm EDT planet of the apes 4993. Posted by bob w Thu Aug 20 1:38pm EDT If she does not have gender issues, then all will end well. If not, then she'll lose the title. This is no different than testing for 'roids or HGH, really. If she comes by a mother lode of male hormone, even naturally, then she still may be banned for the same reason we don't allow 'roid users. Women pushing male levels of male hormone(s) have an unfair advantage. Relax. 4992. Posted by so cal kid Thu Aug 20 1:37pm EDT and pigs can fly out of my ass 4991. Posted by kevin k Thu Aug 20 1:37pm EDT Sweets ur stupid as shyt!! " u say white people came from chimpanzees then u say jesus was black.. then u say were all made in gods eyes " theres no evidence to say that jesus is who everyone thinks he is just like theres no real evidence to say that we came from monkeys u need to take that darwin.. theory / slash wannabee jewish attitude out of here hoe! 4990. Posted by ginieaston Thu Aug 20 1:37pm EDT Shame on you! I also heard that Julia Childs was a man because of her stature. Are you going to test the men that look like woman? True, many athletic women look masculine....check out the tennis players. 4989. Posted by croww9 Thu Aug 20 1:37pm EDT Sarah Palin has the hots for Caster Semenya! 4988. Posted by nseptember27 Thu Aug 20 1:37pm EDT am from South Africa...........and this just saddens me. If she was a man........do you think we would send somebody that looks like a man to compete with woman.......people please just leave her alone. By the way, We are so proud of her and support her all the way. You go girl. 4987. Posted by StiffOneEye Thu Aug 20 1:37pm EDT It's either a pretty monster or an ugly woman. Get some poor sap to check the "package". 4986. Posted by jeannettes Thu Aug 20 1:37pm EDT I just had to post a comment on this issue about the young African woman, it should not matter what she is so what she has more male features than woman features I see some men and I swear they should have been born a woman. The problem is not race the problem is some people lives are so screwed up that they can't help but find other people to pick on. If she male or female so what she's whipping some but when it comes to this running thing. So with that said I say get a life cause she already got one. 4985. Posted by 3for5spotshooter Thu Aug 20 1:37pm EDT Blah blah ---- look at the photos --- too young to have that much muscle--- junior development---- where was this girl before---- too many questions---- HOW ABOUT SOME FACTS---- investigate do the science and lets all wait for VERIFIED RESULTS---- this is not the first time this has been a problem ---East Germany---Soviet Union---- hey sometimes people are straight----sometimes people cheat ----and sometimes people are just plain freaks of nature---this is going to be fun right---looks and runs like a young collegiate male--- we all know what super trained young female track stars look like----this is not it---- but lets hold off and see the SCIENCE-----COoooolll...... 4984. Posted by jmh494949 Thu Aug 20 1:37pm EDT hey Steven W....idiot...first of all, an American was not even in field; and therefore couldnt complain about it. secondly, the winner was from South Africa, which is not in the Carribean. 4983. Posted by Datgirl Thu Aug 20 1:37pm EDT I would be pissed if someone was saying I was a man when I'm clearly a woman. It is just a bunch of haters mad because she can run faster than them. 4982. Posted by ashleygranger53 Thu Aug 20 1:37pm EDT wow ok,, its simple. i am a 13 year old girl. i am muscular, have a semi deep voice, and im far more advanced in many sports than my classmates. people call me a man and i ignore them because i know im not and it does hurt my feeling alot. some girls produce more testosterone than they should and that leads to having more boy like features than girl. Freakin pay attention to life 4981. Posted by Chizzy Thu Aug 20 1:37pm EDT omg why cant they just get a doctar to look down her or his pants not big deal why is it so hard 4980. Posted by Shereyar Thu Aug 20 1:36pm EDT Sounds like another one of the many classic cases of an track & field athlete on steroids. Its a little obvious, a deep voice and a body that most women let alone men would dream of. I mean c'mon this women blew the rest of her field away. Steroids are a major part of this sport and its acknowledged amongst one another out there. 4979. Posted by eshadikuu Thu Aug 20 1:36pm EDT She is 100% male 4978. Posted by Margova Thu Aug 20 1:36pm EDT Here's the scoop.... Let's say she's older.. and was indeed born male.. yet, only with the brain of or more like a female. Thats called being born Transsexual. So, she completely "transitions", ie. takes female hormones.. has "the surgery", etc. NOW, her body and her brain are concruent, ie. they match. Female brain.. female body. Ok.. when we introduce female hormones to the body of a genetic male, several "things" transpire.. #1) complete loss of "male" testosterone levels.. #2)causes muscle atrophy, ie. loss of muscle mass #3) loss in physical strength... and many other changes. I touched on these 3 simply because of the relevance of these to establish reason(s) as whether she is really a man or a woman.. pertaining to this argument. Even IF she was born male.. that matters NOT. She is NOW FEMALE.. and running in a female event. There is no difference between her and a genetic female in this setting. And furthermore, none really.. in any other setting.. other than the fact that a person like this has never had the ability to menstrate or bear children. Fact : the bodies of the female vs the male... have way more similarities.. than differences. Also.. if you take a person born female in body.. yet, male in brain (Transsexual.. adj.. not noun).. and they should desire to transition into a fully-fledged MAN... they would have surgery to remove their ovaries, uterus and breasts.. therefore shutting down all estrogen (female hormone) production (other than what little the adrenal glands produce... ).. and then start on a testosterone regimen, which will cause them to grow facial hair, lower voice pitch, have oily complection/ have zits... gain muscle mass and strength... male-pattern baldness.. causes the clitoris to grow into a small (or large... they differentiate in size depending on the individual.. just like everything else) penis... so forth and so on. ALSO, if you were to ever meet one of these individuals face to face.. and they were pretty far along in their transition.. and depending on the person, you would NEVER know... and should you ever find out and then challenge this individual... better know your limitations.. haha! I hope this has shed some light on the topic @ hand.. in the hopes of having a better understanding.. w/the hopes of our "prejudice" levels to simmer down a whole whole lot. True.. the "Y" chromosome is indeed the male 'determiner'.. but, there are so many "things" that could cause some sort of "glitch" or whatever in the womb... hence, people who are "different"... but, that doesn't make them any less what they present... and certainly nothing less than HUMAN... therefore the "default setting" of alloted RESPECT is due them.. just as much.. maybe even more than the rest of us. Btw... there is a beautiful actress whom we all know and love... and she is very very much FEMALE... but, she was indeed born with the "Y" chromosome. I shant call names :-) 4977. Posted by ben p Thu Aug 20 1:36pm EDT dude 4976. Posted by ccireal Thu Aug 20 1:36pm EDT i just want to know whats truth. 4975. Posted by bellabebe415 Thu Aug 20 1:36pm EDT I honestly believe she is a woman, she just prefers females as '' partners ''....as I believe she may be just gay, it is possible, just because she's from Africa that doesn't mean anything, I have few lesbian females from Kenya and Nigeria, some are studs and some are femmes. 4974. Posted by bigsaemike81 Thu Aug 20 1:36pm EDT All that talks sh*t needs to go get a life. Stop trying to make yourself part of someones life. 4973. Posted by john Thu Aug 20 1:36pm EDT I'm having visions of the old East German female athletes. 4972. Posted by Matthew M Thu Aug 20 1:36pm EDT Posted by young Black Thu Aug 20 1:30pm EDT 4966 Boo Gooney goo goo? I'm sorry but please remove the penis from your mouth before you a attempt to type you are confusing your self As far as Jesus being Jewish you are correct but Many Jews are Black as night Whoopie Goldberg Sammy Davis Jr, and Jesus That region of the world has always been populated by people of African decent - So Jesus IS Black? I am just trying to get clarification here. Anyone have confirmation on this? Can you talk about something stupider than what race Jesus was when obviously there is no proof on that at all and never will be. Until the second coming at least 4971. Posted by Blaker Thu Aug 20 1:36pm EDT ok sooooo Lamar from Revenge of the nerd.....anyone...? hahahahaha Clap your hands everybody , every body clap your hands we lambda lambda lambda and are gonna bust a move, 4970. Posted by Sundiata V Thu Aug 20 1:36pm EDT What a crock! Their arrogance knows no bounds. 4969. Posted by coltsblue Thu Aug 20 1:36pm EDT She's so HOT! Mmmmmm, luv to crawl with my knees all up in that. I can hear it now. "Hey baby, what's all those clucking, popping sounds you're making?" "I'sa jes be tellin' youz how momma likes it." "I think I just thew up in my mouth a little." 4968. Posted by batshanani Thu Aug 20 1:36pm EDT Oh for God sakes.... LEAVE HER ALONE!!! only because she is African do they require her to do this test.... Imagine your daughter had to go through this.... If everyone says that she is a male... why did they not test the world record holder, since SEMENYA did not break that record???? Just leave HER ALONE! 4967. Posted by stu Thu Aug 20 1:35pm EDT she(he) only realized she? was a girl when he? was in the 11th grade? remember Pat on Saturday Night Live 4966. Posted by michaelj Thu Aug 20 1:35pm EDT that's one proud daddy!! i guess he does not have to worry about anybody taking advantage of her. who would? 4965. Posted by Darlene J Thu Aug 20 1:35pm EDT I feel she won the race fair and square so because she looks like a man there are more black people that look the same way and you don't call them a man. Also there are white people who also look like a man and you don't call them one. Once the test is taken you all will see that she is all woman and will have to ask her for her forgiveness for what was said. 4964. Posted by kennyw Thu Aug 20 1:35pm EDT Jealous fools everywhere.....get a life! 4963. Posted by raven_6685 Thu Aug 20 1:35pm EDT ok it may be female but what about the drug testing. i see hormones all over this... 4962. Posted by frotiger Thu Aug 20 1:35pm EDT that @#$% is shooting testostrone in massive ammounts. thats where the deep voice and the man muscles come from. she'll have a 5inch clit in a year. 4961. Posted by eshadikuu Thu Aug 20 1:35pm EDT R u kiddin me I cant really say who this person is but the DNA will comfirm. To be honest I cant say she a woman. 4960. Posted by sasuke_uchiha_o Thu Aug 20 1:35pm EDT Dude looks like a lady!!!! xd 4959. Posted by cheryl.osterhout Thu Aug 20 1:35pm EDT wtf? who is talking about Jesus? Give her a test and be done with it. 4958. Posted by . Thu Aug 20 1:34pm EDT You guys are such idiots to talk about people like that. Because she doesn't look like a supermodel doesn't mean you can talk about people with such disrespect! GROW UP. & GROW A DAMN HEART. 4957. Posted by vcg0025 Thu Aug 20 1:34pm EDT I agree with Lisa W! Cyborg's gotta be a dude!! either that or she juices! 4956. Posted by young Black Thu Aug 20 1:34pm EDT Mathew M Easy d!ckhead its almost not possible for him to have been white because of were he was born Europeans had not made it that far Now go read the bible it it really does describe in detail what he looked like Peace 4955. Posted by kennyw Thu Aug 20 1:34pm EDT Jealous fools everywhere.....get a life! 4954. Posted by PhantDom Thu Aug 20 1:34pm EDT Hermaphrodites can have both sets of genitals so a simple DNA test will prove it conclusively. 4953. Posted by isladelmarshall Thu Aug 20 1:34pm EDT look alike man 2 me, long shorts too, hiding the testicles, not cool, 4952. Posted by Creek Thu Aug 20 1:34pm EDT do she pee standing up? 4951. Posted by Kenneth A Thu Aug 20 1:33pm EDT Definately a man. Wouldn't be so defensive if he wasn't 4950. Posted by Creek Thu Aug 20 1:33pm EDT Man oh man...she's a guy 4949. Posted by Isa Thu Aug 20 1:32pm EDT the semenya issue is intriguing what about if it will be established she is an hermaphrodite will she be still the champion?some one tells me!!!!!! 4948. Posted by Michelle B Thu Aug 20 1:32pm EDT I like how my 11 year son responded to the story on GMA this morning. He said mom, "Why dont they just ask her if she is a girl or boy. If she says she is a girl that settles it, why are the afriad to just ask? Wow the wisdom of our children and the stupidity of adults, if an 11 YO can figure this out, why can we. 4947. Posted by Jackie Thu Aug 20 1:32pm EDT How appauling is this? Can you imagine how embarassing and humiliating this is for her? I think someone is just pissed off that they did not win. Let the girl have her run. 4946. Posted by Elizabeth B Thu Aug 20 1:32pm EDT I feel bad for this girl. No matter how the test results come out can you imagine being 18 years old and having your gender be a world-wide issue? 4945. Posted by Matthew M Thu Aug 20 1:32pm EDT timcadi : Thu Aug 20 1:25pm EDT: its a shame how some people make comments on this subject and bring up obma which has nothing to do with lady you can't say thats not about race get a life. Say what? Just wanted to give a shout out to the prez is all. Can't do that in this forum? 4944. Posted by Bad MuddaSucka Thu Aug 20 1:32pm EDT The only question mark in my mind is if you look at the attire the other women are wearing, hers don't match. They got on small panty-like shorts and she is wearing them old 1980 biker shorts with some what of a bulge.... Could be Zohan bush but I'm not sure 4943. Posted by Gina Thu Aug 20 1:32pm EDT What does the sports community base gender on? I don't think there is a general consensus amoung the governing bodies. There are ambiguites in many people, in the US we allow a doctor to choose male or female at birth this is usually done by looking at outside genatalia. Should people be allowed to change this determination after birth; and if so, who should be allowed to make the determination; and what criteria should they use? 4942. Posted by Creek Thu Aug 20 1:32pm EDT She's a guy, no doubt. 4941. Posted by Mortiki Thu Aug 20 1:32pm EDT with all the gender issues and sex changes, why would anyone including the people who commented get bent out of shape? that is part of life these day and i am sure there are people out there ready to take advantage of the system. so get off your high horse people! 4940. Posted by shake Thu Aug 20 1:31pm EDT you know,things have really gotten out of hand when this sort of thing happens.Leave her alone! You want to pick a fight come to my house,I am not female and I think I can give you a run for your money!! 4939. Posted by eddyboy Thu Aug 20 1:31pm EDT A quick check will rule out obvious external genetalia... Then, a DNA test will settle it... Opinion is not really relevant... BTW she could technically be a boy and not know it. Happens more than you might think.. 4938. Posted by marlan_15 Thu Aug 20 1:31pm EDT it's name is SEMENya!! it's a guy fo sho! 4937. Posted by killajay_12 Thu Aug 20 1:31pm EDT how come dey just dont leave ha alone and get on with a life buh if dey think she is a man y dont dey check ha pants but other den dat ppl just get a life dey always do sumthing to blog about and make money about so stupid -_-" 4936. Posted by uber_liberal Thu Aug 20 1:31pm EDT Come on, that "girl"looks like terrel owens missing twin brother, and that name? S E M A N YA!!!! Seman, really? "Shes " practically screaming she used to be a dude....just imagine if he had been a girl and changed to a boy he would have called herself Vaginaya...lmao....this post is totally not serious btw so haters keep it zipped!! 4935. Posted by mexijew95 Thu Aug 20 1:31pm EDT i think this isnt racist or sexist at all and anyone that says it is needs to stop trying to make it a race or sex issue! I think the complaint is valid and that she or he should be tested and then continue running. and either if he or she passes or fails the test they can do what is nessisary and drop it after that! Stop trying to make this an issue in which it is not! 4934. Posted by CoolV Thu Aug 20 1:31pm EDT This woman is going to be pissed if she passed her gender test. 4933. Posted by young Black Thu Aug 20 1:30pm EDT 4966 Boo Gooney goo goo? I'm sorry but please remove the penis from your mouth before you a attempt to type you are confusing your self As far as Jesus being Jewish you are correct but Many Jews are Black as night Whoopie Goldberg Sammy Davis Jr, and Jesus That region of the world has always been populated by people of African decent 4932. Posted by ashley :) Thu Aug 20 1:30pm EDT ummmmmm i think she looks like a man....... not to be a whore but i think she might be one to.... and cindy or watever ur name is and whoever is making fun of news reporters my mom AND dad are both news reporters so i wouldnt say that si everyone can look at this. 4931. Posted by croww9 Thu Aug 20 1:29pm EDT Manny Ramirez is a woman. 4930. Posted by wwerewolff Thu Aug 20 1:29pm EDT How come "she's" wearing long shorts when all the real females are wearing short shorts? It will take those politically correct geniuses MONTHS of testing to figure out if "she's" male or female, huh? 4929. Posted by richie2199 Thu Aug 20 1:29pm EDT LMAO! Your kidding right? Sayin God will sort them out is being ALL LOUD MOUTHED CHRISTIAN. YOUR AN IDIOT! DON'T HAVE KIDS! Seriously. Don't. What?, in any of my comments have been bible thumping? LMAO! You maam... are truly an idiot. I never said one time.. not once.. that I was a Christian. Did I? So assumption has left you in a stupid lookin situation. LMAO! IDIOT 4928. Posted by isladelmarshall Thu Aug 20 1:29pm EDT Steroids!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4927. Posted by sushi lover Thu Aug 20 1:29pm EDT In the words of AP, "She's a man, man." 4926. Posted by anna_marie_zz Thu Aug 20 1:29pm EDT deep voice, muscular build. thatss there proof? HA! thats ridiculous. people make up crap so shows get good ratings. For example: That gymnatics girl who was supposidly "not old enough to be in compition" ( she was asian) but of coarse she was old enough. i looked as ratings to see if they had gone up after people started that stupid rumor had gone around. and guess what? IT DID! i feel bad for Semenya. People should leave her alone. shes strong and has a deep voice.....so??? 4925. Posted by stephen w Thu Aug 20 1:29pm EDT "Americans as always! whenever someone from the Caribbean rises on top, they always find a way to prove he/ she is unworthy of the title gained. The girl has talent and I am proud that she handled the accusations well" spongebobgirl, good job, she is not even from the caribbean. did you even read the article? wow, if you are going to insult americans at least try to make yourself not sound so retarded 4924. Posted by skitchrick Thu Aug 20 1:28pm EDT I saw the Youtube video and am washing my eyes out with Clorox!!! Drop trou and look for "twig and berries" . PERIOD. 4923. Posted by zivengwat Thu Aug 20 1:28pm EDT To them its not only gender,race is also included,only because she won,what if she did not win?after she passes the gender tests they will start on drug tests. 4922. Posted by Poolum Thu Aug 20 1:28pm EDT Race, is race is race..... 4921. Posted by David D Thu Aug 20 1:28pm EDT Who cares. 4920. Posted by pixie Thu Aug 20 1:28pm EDT I feel so sorry for the public humiliation! she is suffering, humans can be so cruel :+( just horrible and the press is to blame... 4919. Posted by Sweets Thu Aug 20 1:28pm EDT So what, she looks like a boy. As for the stupid and ignorant remarks, about being sent back to Africa, well I am an American citizen with an African heritage and European ancestory. By that statement, I have white, Indian and Black blood that runs through my veins. Where do these ignorant people come from that make racist remarks They must not have been atheletic persons who are speaking. Most women who are invovled in an atheletic sport are very masculine because of their muscular and extremeneous exercises that are required for that particular sport. As long as she knows that she is female, who are we to dispute it. Its too bad that our world is still full of blatant racism and ignorant and stupid persons. To the one that stated that we must go back to Africa and we are related to the apes, oops, if you keep up with world news and discovery, you should know that the anglo saxons (caucasians) are derived from the ape or chimpazee. It is a geological study and it was discussed on the world news tonight. Oh, maybe its because they don't read or keep up with todays news. Anyway, as far as the black generation, I am a proud woman of my heritage, grandmother is white and one is Cherokee Indian and I am not ashamed of who I am, but ashamed that there are still ignorant fools out here. Let me see, where do you belong, oops nowhere. There are black, asian and white women who are very atheletic and could pass for a boy or possess manish features. So where do you fit it? We are made in the image of God, and she be proud of who she is. I say, Go for it girlfriend and ignore these ignorant people. 4918. Posted by M F Thu Aug 20 1:27pm EDT My wife is tomboy-ish, has a deep voice for a woman, and plays mens sports such as hockey. But believe me, she's 110% woman!! 4917. Posted by sweetbaby Thu Aug 20 1:27pm EDT How could they be that way thats sorry for them to say something like that! Give her the credit she diserves there are special people that come around once in life time and she could be one. 4916. Posted by strahdman21 Thu Aug 20 1:27pm EDT I'm not gonna read all 4k + comments here... but complex gender testing??? When i was young, our cats always had kittens... we would put up "FREE KITTENS" signs all over the neighborhood. When people would come and see them and if they liked the look and gender of the kitten, they took it home. How did they determine the gender of the said kittens?? THEY LIFTED ITS TAIL AND LOOKED FOR SOMETHING DANGLING OR 2 SMALL INDENTS THAT INDICATED IT WAS A FEMALE!!! Come-on it aint that hard to determine if she is a she or if she is a he! Even if she was BORN a he/she, is there rules inplace that if someone was born with both genders, they are not allowed to compete?? 4915. Posted by Matthew M Thu Aug 20 1:27pm EDT AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to young black, may what a tard!! To say that "you probably think Jesus was white" is just out there. That says that you think he was not white. Since, your title is young black, I assume you think he was black. Not all whites think he was white. Not only that, there are many whites that think the velvet painting of Jesus is totally bogus. If I had to pick something for a color for Jesus, my guess would be light brown. I could say like the Jews but that is the controversy. Light brown like the Arabs is my guess. But you know what. Really doesn't matter in the long run. 4914. Posted by obakengmoshane@... Thu Aug 20 1:27pm EDT this shows that women are capable of doing everything that a men can do and even better!so this allegations must end coz u can see a women by just looking at their chests!!!! 4913. Posted by deavreja Thu Aug 20 1:26pm EDT I am so tired of people voicing an opinion when they have no idea what they are talking about. I believe that there are more women than not that have a extra doseor two of hormones. I know women that have facial hair, hairy bodies, deep voices(remember Maude from TV) large statue and everything that sometimes make you wonder. GOD has made us all, individual and wonderful. STOP being so critical, ignorant, and need I say racist. I am so proud that she came from nothing to win a race that she only dreamed about. GIVE HER PRAISE. 4912. Posted by Sound Bytes Thu Aug 20 1:26pm EDT She and her family should be appalled!!! They should be ashamed for testing her. I know many "men and women" who appear to be more masculine or feminine; however, I would never consider questioing it becuase frankly it is just STUPID! Thankfully, this one is easy too clear up and that she did not mind taking the test, althogh I would have been livid at the request! Once the test come back and confirm her womanhood, I do hope they deliver the results with a Nationally televised apology? "Were she not of African descent, would this be an issue?" I have women in my own family who look more masculine than feminine, yet they are some of the most "really feminine women" I've ever encounterd- birthed children and all. Come on people, stop the madness. THAT GIRL IS A WOMAN! Apparantly with a lot of grace and class, otherwise she would be on a rampage with "You foolish people." CONGRATULATIONS AND KEEP ON RUNNING AND WINNING. We know a gift when we see it. Glorious Woman. 4911. Posted by Lisa W Thu Aug 20 1:26pm EDT Could someone do a dna test on Cyborg? She beat the crap out of Gina. She is built like a man, she hits like a man. Her hands and head are huge. 4910. Posted by Mrs Rolfe Thu Aug 20 1:25pm EDT If she looks like a man so does every other women running that race. They all look the same, the difference is the way they are dressed and that is what is throwing opinion of her gender off. If she was wearing something more feminine, this would not even be questioned. 4909. Posted by timcadi Thu Aug 20 1:25pm EDT its a shame how some people make comments on this subject and bring up obma which has nothing to do with lady you can't say thats not about race get a life. 4908. Posted by Matthew M Thu Aug 20 1:24pm EDT Friggin' PLAYA HATERS!!! My Gosh! ?????? Say what??? Playa haters? Holy @#$% someone help this person please. Let's turn it into racism. Like we do everything in this country. OBAMA FOR PREZ !!!!!!! 4907. Posted by Arnold N Thu Aug 20 1:24pm EDT Whether or not she is man or woman, she obviously has some disorder which is producing abnormal amounts of natural steroids and male hormones. Look at her, she looks like a man. It is not "natural." It is akin to taking large amounts of artificial steroids and testosterone and other androgens. She probably has so much "natural" substances in her body that she would fair every drug test in the book. But technically, it is not her fault. So what to do? The problem is that most woman cannot compete in men's events as they do not have the same body build as men, and it is not fair. She should really compete in men's events even if she is a woman. It is like a ringer competing in my B level softball league or 5.5 player competing in my 4.5 tennis league; it is legal for them to do it, but not fair competition. She should consciously put herself in the men's competitions. 4906. Posted by Savannah G Thu Aug 20 1:23pm EDT you know richie2199.. your going off about God and all, yet your doing EXACTLY what God wouldn't approve of. Being a loud mouthed Christian. YES THAT IS A SIN. ITS IN THE BIBLE 4905. Posted by bkthelegend983 Thu Aug 20 1:23pm EDT Just have a female judge have ask her to drop her shorts. That's all the proof I'd need. 4904. Posted by bowwowmcqill Thu Aug 20 1:23pm EDT to young black, may what a tard!! To say that "you probably think Jesus was white" is just out there. That says that you think he was not white. Since, your title is young black, I assume you think he was black. Not all whites think he was white. Not only that, there are many whites that think the velvet painting of Jesus is totally bogus. If I had to pick something for a color for Jesus, my guess would be light brown. I could say like the Jews but that is the controversy. Light brown like the Arabs is my guess. But you know what. Really doesn't matter in the long run. 4903. Posted by spongebobgirl_godoy71 Thu Aug 20 1:22pm EDT Americans as always! whenever someone from the Caribbean rises on top, they always find a way to prove he/ she is unworthy of the title gained. The girl has talent and I am proud that she handled the accusations well. 4902. Posted by lisababe_47 Thu Aug 20 1:22pm EDT To Darth V...... Wow are you racist or what? Have you looked in the mirror lately? What a bigot!!!! The fact that you said mf....says it all. How hypocritical. My parents were not racist however my grandparents were. The cycle can be broken with an education. Reverse discrimination are things like BET, Support your local Black college fund, etc. If there was an all white network Jesse Jackson would have a heart attack. 4901. Posted by J.B Thu Aug 20 1:21pm EDT that's a man it doesn't take a scientist to figure that out 4900. Posted by sunshine_4542 Thu Aug 20 1:21pm EDT They cannot help it. One of the reasons that all other countries on the face of the earth has more education than America. Do your research. Most people here only talk of BS than something of intelligence. 4899. Posted by DeDei Thu Aug 20 1:21pm EDT Who can really tell these days. If you look at some of the photos posted on the Yahoo! Sports site of this race; there is one that may cause questions to be raised for another trackster. Please view the photo of Tatiana Petlyuk, Caster Semenya and Geena Gall. If you blot out faces and look only at the bodies of these individuals; the only one of the three that "looks" female is Gall (only because you can see some cellulite in her legs). If the IAAF wants to start testing athletes, shouldn't they do it BEFORE they allow these "questionable" persons to participate in events? 4898. Posted by Jessica Thu Aug 20 1:20pm EDT So obviously it is proved that she is in fact a woman. Why people would want a gender test and completely leave out the possibility of steroids is beyond me though. Steroids causes that sudden muscle building and the deepened voice. I am not accusing her of using them, but I am saying that claiming she is a man is a little over the top when there are other obvious possibilities. 4897. Posted by pvario2000 Thu Aug 20 1:20pm EDT OMG...Caitlyn...You said the "only" thing that makes her gender questionable is her running time???Seriously have you even LOOKED at her pictures??? Please enlighten me as to ANY other female qualities she has...I was thinking the complete opposite of you....The only female aspect I see is her registering in a woman's race... Pretty much everything else looks more male than female (face, no hips, etc) Not that a woman can't have the look of a man but seriously, don't tell me you can tell from looking at her that she is a woman. 4896. Posted by valarie s Thu Aug 20 1:19pm EDT i think its ridiculus to take her medal away because of that some women unfortunately has more male hormones its not their fault they do she is still one of Gods creations and God dont make no mistakes people always judge and put people in certain categories in life period as fas alook are concerned this world already made a thing out of looks and where people fit everyone is physically beautified the same if she was born with a vagina she is a woman no no doubt unless she had a birth defect of some kind i dont hear much about men dressing as women and tryin to models as women and to me they make an imperfect woman look awfully bad especially if she look alittle masculine but people remember it may not can be helped no matter how much makeup either unfortunately. 4895. Posted by Matthew M Thu Aug 20 1:19pm EDT I love the dumb ass comments when it comes to these open forums. Is this even legal? Gee.........I don't know, why don't you look it up? What is legal? A predefined acceptable set of behaviors? Do you think they have "gender police"? Trained specifically to make sure no women are passed of as men. Is it legal? lol!!!!!!!!! 4894. Posted by Matthew M Thu Aug 20 1:19pm EDT I love the dumb ass comments when it comes to these open forums. Is this even legal? Gee.........I don't know, why don't you look it up? What is legal? A predefined acceptable set of behaviors? Do you think they have "gender police"? Trained specifically to make sure no women are passed of as men. Is it legal? lol!!!!!!!!! 4893. Posted by cindy Thu Aug 20 1:19pm EDT You people can make an issue out of anything 4892. Posted by dthorbourn Thu Aug 20 1:19pm EDT This is just ridiculous!!! Leave this GAL alone! So what if she has a deep voice and looks mannish Lest we forget Bea Arthur...These people are just jealous of this her talent she's an excellent runner!!! Friggin' PLAYA HATERS!!! My Gosh! 4891. Posted by Me Thu Aug 20 1:19pm EDT Poor kid...... to have an accomplishment marred by this public embarrassment. 4890. Posted by olwethu.oscar Thu Aug 20 1:18pm EDT but this shows some discrimination. she should have been tested before the race if they had any complains. 4889. Posted by Johanne S Thu Aug 20 1:18pm EDT I can't believe that I am reading the posts I've seen thus far! Theresa you are very ignorant for the comment you posted as well as anyone else who has posted something derogative!! Are you so insecure with yourself that you have to degrade another human being? Whether she is a woman or a man she is still a person with feelings. God made us all different for a reason. I think Semenya is a remarkable WOMAN with an extraordinary talent. I'm sorry that she is being scrutinized. 4888. Posted by Dr.Johnson Thu Aug 20 1:18pm EDT Cyborg vs. this dude 4887. Posted by jrutmeken Thu Aug 20 1:17pm EDT God knows that the devil is busy. is not it obvious that someone needs to let up, if she has been raised as a female, entered the runners' competition long ago as a female, then why now is there a question!!! if you are judging from appearance, yes, she is a female. did anyone expect a head full of curls instead of braids? this is a runner, not an american model. study the holy word very careful, live by it and give this young lady, another one of god's unique creations, a chance. stop trying to belittle people just because they have been blessed with special talents, especially since you (critics) seem to think one must be beautiful by your specifications to be talented and super winners!!! 4886. Posted by Sound Bytes Thu Aug 20 1:17pm EDT She and her family should be appalled; and, they should be ashamed for testing her. I know many "men and women" who appear to be more masculine or feminine; however, I would never consider questioing it becuase frankly it is just STUPID! Once the test come back, I do hope they deliver the results with a Nationally televised apology. "Were she not of African descent, would this be an issue?" Come on people, stop the madness. THAT GIRL IS A WOMAN! Apparantly with a lot of grace and class, otherwise she would be on a rampage with "You foolish people." CONGRATULATIONS AND KEEP ON RUNNING AND WINNING. We know a gift when we see it. Glorious. 4885. Posted by mopop0724 Thu Aug 20 1:16pm EDT Have any of you evil people thought about the thyroid gland?? ????? it and the other glands in the body determine how big you are or how tall or ho masculine or feminine you look??? grow up steroids are not always the answer. god does have a sense of humor. look at the giraffe, or eels or any other strange looking animal mineral or vegatable here on this great earth. use your heads, my friend looked male, sounded male, and was the most feminine person i ever knew. she was a female thru and thru.!!! that is the reason everyone is different. wake up and leave the girl alone and let her enjoy her victories for what they are. her at her best physically and mentally. 4884. Posted by wny14207 Thu Aug 20 1:16pm EDT I'm being very careful in choosing my words, unlike some of you! I'd like to know why this issiue did't come up until after the race was won? If there was no queastion before the race was won, there shouldn't be a question now. There's something wrong with that , don't you think. 4883. Posted by bowwowmcqill Thu Aug 20 1:15pm EDT hello, there are some of you morons who like to talk about something they know nothing about. Not all of you here. Just the ones who do not know what "ambiguous gender" is all about. Read up on what it is before you comment further. For you others, you must realize the distribution of hormones. Women have more estrogen and me have more testosterone. Test allows men to be stronger. Not smarter. When we have issues like this, it is very difficult. When someone is ambiguous, they may not even know. RTFM, but how should we handle the ambiguous when it comes to things like sports. If the ambiguous are not taking there estrogen, then there masculinity comes out. RTFM. :) 4882. Posted by mi_amor_12345 Thu Aug 20 1:15pm EDT OMG I MUST BE A MAN MY INDEX FINGER IS SHORTER THAT MY RING FINGER! how dare my hands lie to me after all these yrs! 4881. Posted by Matthew M Thu Aug 20 1:14pm EDT EVERYONE - TAKE HEED OF MIZZBBALL'S COMMENT!!!!!!!! i think the majority of us would agree. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? It's only OK to be a racist if you are a minority people. Didn't you know that? Come on..............where you been the past 100 or so years? 4880. Posted by Cynthia H Thu Aug 20 1:14pm EDT Ok, test her find out if she is a women but dont you think if she was a man she would have ran with the men. Her time was under a minute!!!! this is just dumb. 4879. Posted by H P Thu Aug 20 1:14pm EDT i think "it" will show up on the china gymnastics team next to those 8 year olds 4878. Posted by sraab1 Thu Aug 20 1:14pm EDT "The test, which takes weeks to complete, requires a physical medical evaluation, and includes reports from a gynecologist, endocrinologist, psychologist, an internal medicine specialist and an expert on gender." The easy answer, does it/he/she have a penis or a vagina. Why in the world would they need 5 different medical professionals to figure that out. 4877. Posted by Family Thu Aug 20 1:14pm EDT I have no doubt that Semenya was born and raised as a female. The fact that she preferred to dress and behave as a boy proves absolutely nothing. The question here isn't whether she was born with girl parts or boy parts--that's a pretty quick and easy test. Nor is it particularly aimed at proving that she cheated by taking additional drugs or hormones. The problem is the question of the exact definition for "male" and "female' in the sports arena, and at what point it is permitted to be questioned. It is quite possible for a person to be born with external traits of a specific gender, and yet have "hidden" genetic characteristics that suggest otherwise. That may or not be the case here. It sounds like testing may have been initiated prior to the race. If the results were not determined, it certainly would have been unfair to prevent her from competing. But I tend to wonder how the "authorities" will rule if they are faced with any ambiguities? The argument could be made that since Semenya was permitted to compete under the definition of "female", she should be able to keep her title. I sincerely hope the doubters will be proved wrong, but in the end, her family is right: she is a wonderful miracle of creation with amazing talent. 4876. Posted by its a secret Thu Aug 20 1:14pm EDT Is this even legal? They should get sued big time! You should not be allowed to single an individual out based on her looks. This is public humiliation to the max! Every female and male runner should have to undergo a gender test. It is completely unfair that just because she looks masculine( like many women who have kids) she needs a gender test. The feminine looking female runners could just as easily be hermaphrodites but could have taken female hormone pills to cover it up. There should be some rules put in place for these people to follow in order to stop this type of emotional abuse and discrimination. 4875. Posted by Boo Thu Aug 20 1:13pm EDT 4946. Posted by young Black Thu Aug 20 1:08pm EDT Report Abuse 4890 boo i bet you think Jesus was white also, either way your a worthless piece or trailer park trash No young Black person...Jesus was Jewish and the Jewish was lighter skins then the other around the region. So in essence when comparing to other around him..he was lighter thus whitier. Gooney goo goo young black gooney goo goo 4874. Posted by zvinhu zvacho Thu Aug 20 1:13pm EDT that girl has some talent. Its her god given gift what if she finished last was there somebody who was going to doubt her. All the qualifying stages she went through why the subject matter of her gender was not raised just because she has one now its a leading story to deny her right to claim the accolade. Down with Racism. 4873. Posted by mi_amor_12345 Thu Aug 20 1:13pm EDT some people in america dont shave! and some blacks dont have alot of hair it breaks easy. i am white and i know this! and i know alot of ppl who dont shave or cant!u dont know what her problem is and u shouldnt judge and what does that have to do with it? if i dont shave im a man? wtf 4872. Posted by Johanne S Thu Aug 20 1:12pm EDT I can't believe that I am reading the posts I've seen thus far! Theresa you are very ignorant for the comment you posted as well as anyone else who has posted something derogative!! Are you so insecure with yourself that you have to degrade another human being? Whether she is a woman or a man she is still a person with feelings. God made us all different for a reason. I think Semenya is a remarkable WOMAN with an extraordinary talent. I'm sorry that she is being scrutinized. 4871. Posted by Dr.Johnson Thu Aug 20 1:12pm EDT If It Looks Like a Man,Talks like a man,walks like a man.Then chances are it is a MAN.. CYBORG vs. THIS DUDE!!!! 4870. Posted by stagnet04 Thu Aug 20 1:12pm EDT this country is a bunch of PnSSIES!!!! "oh Im offended" "thats disrespectful to women" STFU!!!! She looks like a man, have her prove that shes not and THATS IT!!!! GET OVER IT!!!! 4869. Posted by Matthew M Thu Aug 20 1:12pm EDT Hey Caitlyn............males aren't superior to females when it comes to strength and athleticism? What panet did you just walk here from? That is not a sexist remark..............it is a fact!!! NO, that isn't saying men are superior to women in intellect or anything else. But they ARE when it comes to athleticism. If you don't believe that or want to pass it off as sexist, you are in denial. The records will all show that in every sport. Numbers don't lie and are certainly not sexist. 4868. Posted by Jenny Thu Aug 20 1:12pm EDT EVERYONE - TAKE HEED OF MIZZBBALL'S COMMENT!!!!!!!! i think the majority of us would agree. 4867. Posted by Tanesha Thu Aug 20 1:11pm EDT its sad to know they are questioning such thing- gender. if there was a doubt this should be dealt with in a different way. too often we come to a conclusion without even evidence. I hope all will work well in her favour. God bless u. 4866. Posted by mt_shaggy Thu Aug 20 1:11pm EDT Constance O ...DUMBASS!!! 4865. Posted by Everlena Thu Aug 20 1:11pm EDT let god handle it and leave her alone. 4864. Posted by richie2199 Thu Aug 20 1:11pm EDT Laughing uncontrolably at Pinkcollar. So.. you think.. That I and everyone else in America, should pay for what our ancestors did YEARS ago to YOU because of what happened to your ancestors? That's what is wrong with our generation. You expect hand outs. You feel everyone owes you. Guess what. You didn't endure the pain and suffering that they once did. God will deal with them people that did them horrible and unspeakable things on a individual basis. You are no one to judge. LET ALONE demand that YOU get "paid" for something that never happened in your life time. The things that happened to Jews, to Black people, and everyone else THROUGH OUT HISTORY.. not just recent history.. is horrible. Absolutely. But what in the hell makes you think that you deserve that YOU should reap the benefits of their pain, sorrow and humiliation. Your no one. And you should be ashamed as a tax payer, citizen and human being for being an expecting, thoughtloss, hand out excepting person as yourself. You and the mentality you have IS what is wrong with our nation. I'm sorry for you. And millions of people suffer now because of the behavior you have just shown. 4863. Posted by Joseph P Thu Aug 20 1:10pm EDT Doctor do you concur? Yes Doctor....I concur.....she has a dong! 4862. Posted by tam3117 Thu Aug 20 1:10pm EDT AMEN!! MIZZBBALL! I could not agree more! and it is very sad that people who are born with "both" have to live with all the internal confusion, I feel bad for her I really do. And you are right, she does not have any control over it. Its a shame really 4861. Posted by Patricia S Thu Aug 20 1:10pm EDT I don't know about all you morons. I'm a female but have mostly worked in men dominated jobs and therefore (since a woman can do about anything a man can...and more ;o) ) I do not have that spider look that one mostly sees on females, hence...fat belly and spiderarms. In fact, for never having worked out in my life, I'm very nice build. I love my body ( and my husband loves it too). Also, because of many problems as a child with my throat and vocal cords, I have a deeper voice than other women. That, my husband loves too because he can't stand women that sound like Mickey Mouse. But, to blow all your silly comments in the wind beforehand...I do have 2 children (yes, they are my own...) so, even so I have a rather deep voice and am muscular built, I must be a woman. Also, I didn't play with girls when I was young and to this day can't stand most women because they don't have a single intelligent thing to offer me. I'd rather chat with the guys about cars and trucks, than talking with women about make-up, clothes or other non-important, unintelligent stuff. It's cheaper to know how to fix a car !!! And to top it off, I am a truck driver. So much for women having to be like women. How is a woman suppose to be or look like anyway? I didn't know there were any standards we have to follow. I love my muscular 5'6" - 105 lbs. frame and so does my husband. He is glad that he doesn't have to defend me in a brawl. I can stand up for myself (unlike most helpless, skinny-armed, fat women). Leave the runner alone and stop being jealous of her fame just because you never will reach it. 4860. Posted by Damon I Thu Aug 20 1:09pm EDT Save the money and look at her fingers. A woman's index finger is always longer than her ring finger....well about 98% of the time. A man's index finger is always shorter than his ring finger.....it's simpe and easy. D Wichita 4859. Posted by dbbjonkers Thu Aug 20 1:09pm EDT I am surprised that people are making such a big deal out of this, especially after what happened to Eudy Simelane. For those who don't know, she was a female football player that was raped and murdered in her hometown, KwaTema, Gauteng because she lived openly as a lesbian. We are living in the 21st Century!!! It is time for South Africans to crawl out of the cave. I am an South African and I am ashamed of the ignorance and prejudice that South Africans are showing; to strip her of her gold medal is ridiculous!!!! She worked hard for that achievement and for people to just rip her of her achievements because she is not complying with societal ideals; is crazy. People have a right to live their lives they way they want to and should not let society dictate to them how or as who they should live it. She grew up as a tomboy therefore is should be no surprise that her genders test would most likely lean towards the male gender. 4858. Posted by evaboo12000 Thu Aug 20 1:09pm EDT African and dark people are physical strong they dominate every sports given a chance to do so, if you put them in any sports and train they in any area their physical performance is strong. This lady is just that take any black child off the street you will see the same profromance. If this was a white person she would be honored for her diffrences and performance, please give Africans and african American there promps. they are always dupicated but they are not appricated. Michael jackson said leave me a lone. 4857. Posted by mt_shaggy Thu Aug 20 1:08pm EDT butkus_mike ....DUMBASS!! 4856. Posted by Constance O Thu Aug 20 1:08pm EDT What makes the difference if she is male or female, Black or White, She won, so give her the medal and leave her alone. She or He worked for it. I am White, but I am not a racist and I believe inside we are all the same. Some people are more talented then others. Don't be jealous because your kid didn't win. 4855. Posted by young Black Thu Aug 20 1:08pm EDT 4890 boo i bet you think Jesus was white also, either way your a worthless piece or trailer park trash 4854. Posted by mlssalynn Thu Aug 20 1:08pm EDT This is the first I read about this craziness. Those questioning her gender ARE full of crap. Her gender should have been questioned prior to racing. I to grew up with the boys, never wore a dress, was taller then the boys I knew - So does that make me a boy? Accept her for who she is and be proud of what she has become. Always be Proud to be You! You go girl, Congratulations! 4853. Posted by roehl r Thu Aug 20 1:08pm EDT she doesnt shave her armpits.. is it a southafrican thing? coz some european chicks doesnt shave as well. 4852. Posted by christina g Thu Aug 20 1:08pm EDT from experience i must say the girl has no control of whether she has gender ambiguity or not... she trained hard just like all the others, probably harder.. for a poor girl like herself to reach that far it must be an honor... so y take it away from her... so she is boyish... oviously she has more female qualities to produce a vagina and not a@#$%... she is female... and should be able to keep her goal medal cause she earned it!!!!!!!!!!!! 4851. Posted by Breanna Thu Aug 20 1:07pm EDT I hate this! When people see other people succeeding and acomplishing something in their life, they always find something to bring them down! Instead of starting rumors and false claims we need to encourage them. So Semenya, keep doin' your thing girl and knocking your rivals down like bowling pins, and i hope you have a successful career. 4850. Posted by amy Thu Aug 20 1:07pm EDT These tests can be incredibly inaccurate and unfair to female athletes with rare genetic sexual development disorders. According to the American Medical Association: "gender verification tests are difficult, expensive, and potentially inaccurate. Furthermore, these tests fail to exclude all potential impostors (eg, some 46,XX males), are discriminatory against women with disorders of sexual development, and may have shattering consequences for athletes who 'fail' a test." [3] That last statement is very true. Does anyone remember the Indian woman who failed a sex test during the 2006 Asian Games? She attempted suicide the following year. They believe that poor nutrician when she was a child greatly impacted her development and led to her failing the test. Sad. 4849. Posted by greenbeerd13 Thu Aug 20 1:05pm EDT no one can conclude this until the test results are in 4848. Posted by butkus_mike Thu Aug 20 1:05pm EDT If she was raised as a woman all her life and beleives she is a woman than she is. My sister had a double masectomy. Does her lack of breasts now make her a man? It seems to me that may be a case of sour grapes. 4847. Posted by mizzbball Thu Aug 20 1:05pm EDT This never was about race until some stupid people posted stupid racist things about black people. It's about GENDER hints the man v. women thing. Athletes work hard on their body to allow them to be fit and muscular. Let her have her glory. She won the race. Stop being so close minded, thinking that it's a race and making stupid racist coments. I hope you feel good about yourself cause everyone else thing you're a stupid, ignorant, good for nothing racist piece of crap. Get a life, Get real, Get an education, and maybe you'd be just a tad less idotic than you already are. And you know who you are. 4846. Posted by itsastickup Thu Aug 20 1:05pm EDT OK, I have not read all the comments, but the reason we seperate MALE/FEMALE in competitions, is because of the different body types. A Male (this is a scientific fact) has more muscle content than a female. So that fact alone gives a male an advantage when competing in most sports. So just the fact that the individual thinks he or she is a girl is irrelevent. If the individual is in fact a male, he should not be competeing in a female event. Hey, the individual sure does not fit in with the other individuals. 4845. Posted by tam3117 Thu Aug 20 1:04pm EDT Seriously, I am reading all these comments and the only thing I can keep thinking is how absolutley ignorant people really are. Are we really still bring up the "Race" card? I completely agree that Slavery in this country was one of the most shameful, arogant, horrific things that could have happen to the United states, the other one was what happend to all the Native Amercian Indians who are truly the rightful owners of this land. In Both cases it was pure tragedy, and the very old people who participated in the segregation of the different races back in the day, have to live with it and die with it on thier soul. okay, now LETS MOVE ON.... Lets all start being very big boys and girls and realize that just becuase your Grandma or Grandpa was not allowed to drink out of the same water fountian as the white Grandmas and Grandpas,doesn't mean you need to continue the fight. TIMES HAVE CHANGED AND LIFE IS DIFFERENT STOP LIVING THE LIFE HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO..YOU WERE NOT A SLAVE, YOU WERE NOT FORCED TO LIVE THROUGH ALL THE TRIALS AND HARDSHIPS, YOU ACTUALLY LIVE IN A NATION NOW WHERE YOU GET MORE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEDGES THAN THE MAJORITY..So I say, please lets not chalk this thing up to race, Lets look at this from the stand point of simply, fairness, if she is a woman, then the test will prove it. So, let it be, test her and be done with it. Why does everything have to be made into a racist or sexist issue, just do the test and be done with it. WE HAVE A BLACK PRESIDENT AND A FEMALE SECRETARY OF STATE.. geez, this is ridiculous, we are all grown, we need to act like it. 4844. Posted by Gabriel Thu Aug 20 1:04pm EDT SOME ONE SHOULD PLEASE, HELP ME TO TELL HER TO COUNT IT ALL JOY! i believe most of this women who are mistaken for men are not to be blame, for their looks, voice and behaviors as its begins from birth. when their parents desire a male child but gets a female one the baby tend to act and look like men.i also think this occasion calls for those women who intentionally try to look like men to begin to adjust. 4843. Posted by chicagoblonde Thu Aug 20 1:04pm EDT Before they give her a gender test..........DUH!!! How 'bout hormones?? Females with the balanced amount of estrogen CANNOT develop muscles of that size. Male hormones HAD to have been digested in order to produce such definition. We're not talking about a girl that was 12 last year and has now developed. C'mon people. Just ask ANY female body builder and ASK them what their supplement ritual is. THAT'S what she should be tested for!!! STEROIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4842. Posted by JOANN H Thu Aug 20 1:02pm EDT When will us Black people stop using the race card. folks it's gotten old. The DAMN girl looks like a MAN. I'm as black as they come (AND CUTE TOO) but i've would've questioned rather she was a man or a woman myself. Flat check, very masculain features and even a bulge or two. SHE LOOKS LIKE A MAN AND THAT"S IT. 4841. Posted by mi_amor_12345 Thu Aug 20 1:02pm EDT I am bi and i dont think this has to do with being gay but some gay men are not stronger than women and some gay women well need i say are very manly. if she had to run with men it would be degrading and what would tyhe men to to her. men have narrow minds and most have nasty minds ( going on previous msgs here) and i respect the dead but what about micheal jackson? he was getting surgery to look like a female role model of his.....need i say more on that? i think every one should just leave this alone and so what if she is from africa. what if it was someone in the us or mexico or anywhere else. stop judging people she is trying to do something for herself and people are trying to stop her. and if it was a man why would he want to do that what would be the point. get life straight ppl! 4840. Posted by wy_mom76 Thu Aug 20 1:02pm EDT I also feel it is an insult to women that the whole idea lies upon the fact that she is so incredibly fast, "after winning Wednesday night‘s race by a margin of more than 2 seconds, in 1 minute, 55.45 seconds". Is it not possible for a woman to be so fast as a man, in the eyes of the world?! I am not gender bias, however, if one HUMAN BEING can exceed his/her opponents highest potential then why try to tear down such a great accomplishment, when achieved?! After all, is this not what competition is all about? 4839. Posted by seesuiam Thu Aug 20 1:02pm EDT If her/he's makeup is more male than female it would give an added advantage over the other women running. Let the tests decide and then place her/him in appropriate male or female entry. Please stop the racial junk...today's conversations are becoming so muted because almost any comment made is translanted into a racist put down. If all spoken words continue to be put under scrutiny for p.c. content we will evolve into a society of mindless followers, lacking anything of interest in our lives. We have already started down that road. 4838. Posted by Tamara Thu Aug 20 1:02pm EDT What is the need for all of the testing that takes weeks to perform and conclude? Remember DNA? The Y and X chromosomes? Find out if she has the correct genetic make-up and get on with it. 4837. Posted by caitlyn.brock Thu Aug 20 1:02pm EDT I think this story makes them sexist because, the only thing that backs up their accusation of her being a man is that she can run so fast. Which is implying that males are superior to females. Also her and i quote "muscular build " is questionable. Why? Can't girls be equal to men. Can't women have big muscles like men? I'm also pretty sure that there are such things as female body builders. I don't get why they have to be interested in what gender she is, just because she has large muscles and a deeper voice. This makes no sense at all to me. 4836. Posted by stephen w Thu Aug 20 1:01pm EDT "ok so i don't understand why it makes a difference if she's a man or a woman? why would they take her medal away? i don't know anything about this i just seen this article and was interested but what if she does fail the gender test? she still won right? i dont get why it matters what the gender is. " are you mentally challenged or just kidding? ..just kidding i hope if you really don't understand why women and men do not compete together in physical events. men will always win on a professional level. 4835. Posted by D Gregg Thu Aug 20 1:01pm EDT response to 4912. Posted by terry Thu Aug 20 12:55pm EDT .... has nothing to do with race ... gender is the issue. 4834. Posted by mightymouse Thu Aug 20 1:01pm EDT To all the people here (no disrespect but i bet its mostly women) to say that it thats women can do anything a man do is not true. Well not its true but they just aren't able to do is as well as men. Its just how it is. Men run faster and jump higher. Get a man and women in ANY i repeat ANY sport head to head and i bet more often than not the man would win. NOW that's not to say there aren't some exceptions, but thats just what it would be exception and NOT ,NOT the normal result. As soon as they would put it out there all you people who say it don't make a difference would be crying and bit ching about why its not fair for them to play together. That why there ALMOST ALWAYS separate leagues. (NBA,WNBA, MENS Tennis,WOMENS, tennis etc.... What would say if a woman playing football WR came across the middle and got the head darn near knocked of by the likes of Ray Lewis or Brian Dawkins. If you don't know who they are YOUTUBE them and you will see what i mean. If you say that what the get for playing with men and they knew what they was getting into when they signed up then that's all good and you. But most would be like "how could he hit that poor girl like that. AND NOT to bring up race again but nobody saying white people OWE us anything but 400 years of years slavery and barely 60 years of equal or almost equal treatment don't really add up. 4833. Posted by hoangyne@... Thu Aug 20 1:00pm EDT I do see that there so much abuse with the contestants in the olympics or any other national competition especially in CHINA..but we are talking about a GENDER!!!! Someone who is a MAN competing in a WOMEN sports.. That is a BIG problem...is not about race is all about HIM cheating and taking away from a 100% women the medal !!! whats up with that !!! 4832. Posted by seesuiam Thu Aug 20 1:00pm EDT If her/he's makeup is more male than female it would give an added advantage over the other women running. Let the tests decide and then place her/him in appropriate male or female entry. Please stop the racial junk...today's conversations are becoming so muted because almost any comment made is translanted into a racist put down. If all spoken words continue to be put under scrutiny for p.c. content we will evolve into a society of mindless followers, lacking anything of interest in our lives. We have already started down that road. 4831. Posted by Chris Thu Aug 20 12:59pm EDT Poor girl! I wonder what kind of psychological damage it will cause if the tests do prove that she has an abundance of male hormone and is disqualified! She was raised to let the taunting go, but if ―science‖ proves her beliefs wrong, she loses the gold, loses her dream, and the world laughs at her and calls her a him. I really hope that she is strong enough to make it through. I hope the tests prove that she is 100% female and the officials give her a HUGE apology. (Let's get off the race bashing thing.) 4830. Posted by Jenn Thu Aug 20 12:59pm EDT whatever!! did anyone have micheal jackson do a gender test because of his voice... nooooooo i think this girl is awesome, just keep doing what your doing and yes i am a white person!!! 4829. Posted by Makes you wonder Thu Aug 20 12:59pm EDT As a woman who looks like a man,I feel very sorry for her. 4828. Posted by Balance Thu Aug 20 12:58pm EDT its all about genitics.. 4827. Posted by David P Thu Aug 20 12:58pm EDT The Adams apple is a dead give away! 4826. Posted by Robin S Thu Aug 20 12:58pm EDT i think that she looks like a really butch lesbian. i guess everyone will have to wait and see what tool she is working with huh.. 4825. Posted by Jenny Thu Aug 20 12:58pm EDT Why are people even commenting on race and sexuality? Gender. Gender is the issue here. I'm also surprised how critical everyone is being... give her a break, it's not like she has any control over it. 4824. Posted by jackieg Thu Aug 20 12:58pm EDT There are no "African Americans", Chinese Americans", etc. If you were born in the USA, your are AMERICAN. Boy, this board gets really simple sometimes. 4823. Posted by mt_shaggy Thu Aug 20 12:58pm EDT Met'Deezy a.k.a "A Beast" ...aka dumbass...this testing began weeks ago, READ moron! 4822. Posted by NakedAndLaughing Thu Aug 20 12:58pm EDT Wow, from the picture I just saw....looks like a woman to me. Who gives a EFF, right? Should we start picking on everyone because they don't look exactly like this or that? Men are just jealous because she won, so now they want a test. Boy, will they feel more dumb than ever when they find out the truth. 4821. Posted by S A L Thu Aug 20 12:57pm EDT Let President Obama decide. He somehow figured out that his giant wife was not a man. He has a talent for this, I suspect. 4820. Posted by K-Slap Thu Aug 20 12:57pm EDT Anyone who has some kind of abnormality that gives them an edge should be barred from competing. Imagine now a person who has a third lung or whatever so that they can breathe more air than the other competitors.....and that person begins smashing world records....should their "freakiness" be allowed??? I think not. 4819. Posted by Savannah G Thu Aug 20 12:57pm EDT I hate to say this.. but i think she's a man. she has underarm hair, which shows a man because women's cant get that long. Plus she/he has vains popping. 4818. Posted by pvario2000 Thu Aug 20 12:57pm EDT I'd love to know how many white folk think this is about race...Something tell me, it's about "eyesight"...If you aren't legally blind you could tell this is about what looks like and quite possibly is a man racing and beating women in a woman's race. Flo-Jo was never mistaken for a man and she was black and athletic and damn good...Nobody thought SHE was a man... Quit trying to make this about race...Race has nothing to do with it and only the blind could come to that conclusion. 4817. Posted by devilchyld200789 Thu Aug 20 12:56pm EDT ok so i don't understand why it makes a difference if she's a man or a woman? why would they take her medal away? i don't know anything about this i just seen this article and was interested but what if she does fail the gender test? she still won right? i dont get why it matters what the gender is. 4816. Posted by lildocusn Thu Aug 20 12:56pm EDT If there was a concern about the gender of this runner, it should have been cleared up BEFORE she was allowed to participate in ANY event, not now that she has won. I cannot understand how the gender is only now an issue. Seriously, this is just another example of how backwards and evil minded this world has become. 4815. Posted by wlthll Thu Aug 20 12:55pm EDT Gender equality, yes; however, men's and women's races are separate because men, speaking strictly from a biological standpoint, have longer, bigger and stronger muscles, are endowed with much more testosterone, are generally taller and heavier, and it wouldn't be fair for a man to race with women. This is not to say that the person in question is not female. As far as women's pain in childbirth, again, biology explains that the uterus is a very strong and large muscle, and when it expands and contracts violently to expel the fetus, there is pain. Any other large muscle expanding and contracting in such a manner will cause pain as well. 4814. Posted by Reekila Thu Aug 20 12:55pm EDT omg that is maybe not a girl who knows she is too muscular like really thats not sexy at all 4813. Posted by terry Thu Aug 20 12:55pm EDT why is it, that everytime somebody has anything important to say about people, it all comes down to a race related issue? like get over it already ! half of you idiots don't know anything about people except what you see on television, or that dumb story your grandma and grandpops told you about when they were kids! if the girl has muscle, so what. how many female body builders are there in the world? hello!!! you small brained people need to go and re-educate yourselves to the ways of the world. obama is president so color barriers should no longer be a topic for disscussion. dont be stupid, get off the yellow school bus and appreciate those who are greater than you. 4812. Posted by David P Thu Aug 20 12:54pm EDT The Adams apple is a dead give away! 4811. Posted by Mr. Dark Thu Aug 20 12:54pm EDT Groos, talk about goddamned ugly. 4810. Posted by Sterling Thu Aug 20 12:54pm EDT i feel that this is about the fact that women/black women in the eyes of men/white men shouldnt be able to do certain things physically......they must believe that if a woman/black woman can perform as good or better than a man/white man.....that she must be using steroids or doing something else against the rules such as faking your gender. Basically it all has somthing to do with @#$%ed up mindsets 4809. Posted by Armondo Thu Aug 20 12:53pm EDT dude looks like a lady! uhhuh ~ i went there, oh snap! 4808. Posted by spencer Thu Aug 20 12:53pm EDT anybody ever known a professional runner? They are like heroin addicts. They destroy their bodies. Regardless of her jender, running messed her up!! 4807. Posted by any73 Thu Aug 20 12:53pm EDT jennizle I think you sound stupid than anyone else , let just wait for the results. 4806. Posted by terry Thu Aug 20 12:53pm EDT why is it, that everytime somebody has anything important to say about people, it all comes down to a race related issue? like get over it already ! half of you idiots don't know anything about people except what you see on television, or that dumb story your grandma and grandpops told you about when they were kids! if the girl has muscle, so what. how many female body builders are there in the world? hello!!! you small brained people need to go and re-educate yourselves to the ways of the world. obama is president so color barriers should no longer be a topic for disscussion. dont be stupid, get off the yellow school bus and appreciate those who are greater than you. 4805. Posted by dvaughn88 Thu Aug 20 12:53pm EDT Wow Mia you are an idiot. First men are NATURALLY stronger than woman. Since you know your bicep measurements and how much you can bench press, I think its safe to assume that you work out. Secondly how did you get that he was saying woman are weak? I didnt read that...nor did I catch how you interpreted that he is homophobic. You sound like an angry person, I hope you find love someday and get rid of that anger. Rudeness is uncalled for. If she is a man than He should have the Balls to face other men in competition. If she is a She, then damn that is one ugly woman. But one hell of an athlete either way 4804. Posted by PinkCollar Thu Aug 20 12:52pm EDT Richie2199... Did you just say no one is stupid? Everyone has a brain and all that BS. Then decided to say the most ignorant comments of them all? Unfortunately this has strayed from the issue and you're attacking Affirmative Action and the issue of race/reparations in America. But why do you think African Americans don't deserve anything back from the ill prejudicies, racism, and sub-human treatment for centuries in this country. What the Jews went through in the Holocaust was terrible, a crime against humanity just like slavery. And they received reparations and apologies. But for some reason African Americans should stop crying for the horror that endured for centuries? To be pacified because there is now an African American President? You are foolish. And here ends my history lesson. 4803. Posted by stephen w Thu Aug 20 12:52pm EDT "Hold on, are they testing her gender or her sex? Two very different things! Her gender has nothing to do with her performance, I wouldn't think, but sex could be an issue. Gender is what you mentally, emotionally identify with, it's not physical, at least it wasn't when I took Human Relationships and Sexuality in college and I think most psych classes teach the same thing. Does anyone else feel that there is something really wrong with all of the tests that they are making her undergo? It's really reminiscent of Hitler running tests on people who appear to be an anomaly? Not to be overdramatic, but I just found this really strange, why not just do a blood test? " wow is that really what they are teaching college students? fail. complete fail. if you were applying for a job and checked male for your gender and you are actually a woman, do you think they would hire you? you just lied. stupid. so if i say i'm a woman and then go compete against women in a sport, that should be considered just fine? wow. some smart people are incredibly stupid. and i can't believe you are bringing hitler into this. 4802. Posted by wy_mom76 Thu Aug 20 12:52pm EDT If she has a uterus then she is a woman whether she has male and female genitalia or not. There is one thing that anyone can say and that is, there is no man, that was meant to be a man at birth, that can literally birth a child. End of story. Moving on, 4801. Posted by MonicaP Thu Aug 20 12:52pm EDT if they strip her of her gold medal and she really is a woman what will they give her for the shame and disgrace 4800. Posted by Met'Deezy a.k.a "A Beast" Thu Aug 20 12:52pm EDT ask yourself ,would this fuss hav came about if she had lost?? she got that far wit no problem but it takes her ta win for yall ta question if she's a woman or not...lol 4799. Posted by Brittany Thu Aug 20 12:52pm EDT This is disgusting. I can understand needing to know if someone is a man or a woman for terms of teams, but isn't a physical test (a glance-and-see) enough? Who cares what her chromosomes look like? Who even cares if she has "ambiguous genitalia or other congenital conditions"? This is ridiculous. Are we saying these people will never be able to run a race because they determine she's not actually a woman? Who is "they" anyway? You're not God. If she says she's a woman, leave her alone. If she were to get a license, birth certificate, or any other official document, what gender would it list? I just think this is stupid. Absolutely insane, stupid, and humiliating. I'm so angry for her. 4798. Posted by Reganna Thu Aug 20 12:51pm EDT We already KNOW her gender. If she says she is a woman, then she is a woman. What they supposedly DON'T know is whether she is FEMALE or not. I don't get it. If she psychologically identifies as a woman and has female reproductive organs, than she 'qualifies' as a woman. And most serious athletes have no boobs, so it's stupid for people to be commenting on that. 4797. Posted by dwaynecobb66 Thu Aug 20 12:51pm EDT It's ashame that this has haunted her throughout her entire life. Hopefully, after the results are in and her true gender is made national, she can put this all behind her and focus on winning more races. We'll see what happens. 4796. Posted by Stephannie Angel Thu Aug 20 12:51pm EDT another category falls into sports: if it's a womens division you should have a high pitch voice and very soft features and you have to be wimpy and extremely fragile! this is insane questioning the validity of her greatness just because of her looks 4795. Posted by Kimberly R Thu Aug 20 12:50pm EDT Apparently alot of people in this world are either very rude or very uneducated! To all those that said look, if its a penis its a man, heres a lesson in reproduction, look it up if u like! When a woman first conceives a child, it is neither male or female, it is simply an embryo, as such we are all the same when we are conceived, as we develop in the womb we become male or female which is why some are born with both Vaginas and penises. Also a womans clitoris and a mans penis are one in the same thing as they start out in the same place in the womb and as we develop, if it continues to grow, it then becomes a penis, if it does not continue to grow, it becomes known as a clitoris and a vagina is formed. That is why some children are born with both genitalia, because it continues to grow, but still forms the vagina. I learned this myself last year while doing some research. It is amazing how uneducated some people are on certain topics, but still wish to express an opinion as though they know it all! To randy w, u r an idiot for making the statement to kick a person between the legs and if they puke and pass out, its a man. kicking anyone between the legs, male or female could cause them to puke and pass out, not to mention end their sex life and any chance of having children. I hope u have not reproduced yet and if u have that u don't teach your children that. to matt w and any others who said just look, if theres a penis its a man, re-read above and look it up on the internet, cause when u were conceived, u started out in the womb with no penis, and females started out with no vagina, so think about that, we all started out with the same bodies and our genitalia started out the same, then developed differently. Its quite possible that this happened to her and that the manly features are there due to too much testosterone in her system. yes we all have both testosterone and estrogen in our systems, men normally have more testosterone and women normally have more estrogen, but sometimes, it gets dcrewed up and the body can release too much of one making a man too feminine or a woman too masculine, but it does not mean that u r not your gender, just that u have a disorder that can be corrected with treatment. If she comes from a poor region, then she had no access to treatment and had to grow up that way. do yourselves all a favor and research things before u post on them and make yourself sound stupid. this is only to those that said negative things and mean things. u wouldn't want to be judged, so don't judge others and make statements about others when u have never met them and don't know them personally! You are entitled to your opinion and free speech, but if u can't do it with some sense and respect, then don't do it at all! There are also many on here I commend for speaking with dignity and respect! 4794. Posted by mattjohndwyer Thu Aug 20 12:50pm EDT its a dude there is no way 4793. Posted by sunshine_4542 Thu Aug 20 12:49pm EDT Reply to anonymous: I like to know your address so I can show you how a real black woman look with or without a wig...after I get done placing my foot in your mouth. You won't need to get a sun tan anymore you will have been reconstructed for good. 4792. Posted by Jasmin D Thu Aug 20 12:48pm EDT First of all this has NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE. She kinda does look like a man and to make sure everyone who competed against her got a fair chance to win they have to verify her gender and to lisababe_47: How is BET reverse discrimination when a majority of the people and programs on TV feature white actors? The last black shows I actually remember seeing on regular channels were the Cosby Show and the Fresh Prince of Bel Air....explain that? 4791. Posted by lyzell88 Thu Aug 20 12:48pm EDT All you people scraming racism are idiots. Anyone with half a brain can tell "she" looks like a man. It ain't nice but it's the damn truth. 4790. Posted by Blue Thu Aug 20 12:48pm EDT I like the Semen-inya joke as posted below by another user. Seriously though, if it is a woman she looks like a man. It's many women out here not pretty and @#$%, look just like their father (a man). This has nothing to do with race and they are just calling it like we all see it, a manly looking woman. If she had of lost this would have been nothing but, she won and beat them bad. Lets get the test over and hear about this a few more weeks because she is going to try and sue somebody. 4843. Posted by Art Vandelay Thu Aug 20 12:37pm EDT Report Abuse Is it me, or does her last name give her away? I mean c'mon! "Cast-her Semeninya" 4789. Posted by Tainka Thu Aug 20 12:48pm EDT You know what this is crazy as heck the world is sorry worried about her being a woman but they can care less about our children that are getting scamed online by these perverted men saying they are women that is what we need to be worried about not about a woman because she won a gold medal and now they dont know what her gender is because she was to fast that does not make any sense to me if you look at her she favors a man but you can tell she is a woman if that was the case they should have tested her before she ran insted of destroying her pride on national tv find something else to talk about 4788. Posted by Kim B Thu Aug 20 12:48pm EDT Maybe I don't know enough about DNA testing, but won't that test alone determine Semenya's gender? If so, why all the other tests, and expense? 4787. Posted by janetm Thu Aug 20 12:48pm EDT what does it matter, it was started by someone she stomped, and that someone got jealous, and had too fight back the only way they could, " oh lets try too ruin her life" you and yours got a whoopin', put your big girl panties on and get over it. 4786. Posted by pvario2000 Thu Aug 20 12:47pm EDT And if she was WHITE! Yes the same issue would be happening!!!! If she looked as much like a man as this one. Sorry for all you whining racists out there just looking for a race argument to play in...THIS IS NOT ABOUT RACE. Black, white, purple, it's all the same if it looks like a man running and winning in a woman's competition. 4785. Posted by aojwoknyawella Thu Aug 20 12:47pm EDT I believe in gender equality,what does it if she or he is a man or a woman or bothe! 4784. Posted by richie2199 Thu Aug 20 12:47pm EDT Well thank you Dyshonda. It's just amazing to see how nieve people are and won't do anything about it. OH hold on.. The woman who said woman have child birth because men couldn't bare the pain... OH I LOVE IT! LMAO! No. Woman go through child birth as a form of punishment because EVE did not listen to God. Wow.. It's amazing to see how dilluted peoples minds are. FREE YOUR MIND people! READ! LISTEN! LEARN! 4783. Posted by richie2199 Thu Aug 20 12:47pm EDT Well thank you Dyshonda. It's just amazing to see how nieve people are and won't do anything about it. OH hold on.. The woman who said woman have child birth because men couldn't bare the pain... OH I LOVE IT! LMAO! No. Woman go through child birth as a form of punishment because EVE did not listen to God. Wow.. It's amazing to see how dilluted peoples minds are. FREE YOUR MIND people! READ! LISTEN! LEARN! 4782. Posted by fred_sagala Thu Aug 20 12:47pm EDT her androgenic status is puzzling,what vigor and vitality,the finishing was wow! 4781. Posted by Devi Bhakta Thu Aug 20 12:47pm EDT oohay32408 wrote: "oh we should just trust the africans word? nothing but honesty and integrity coming out that nation, right? ha!" sarah palin alert: africa is not a country, my racist friend. 4780. Posted by mia Thu Aug 20 12:46pm EDT This is for MARC!! Are you secure enough to place your Manhood out for the public to see?? If you are do you have a large penis or a small penis? Those men out there who do not have an athletic bone in their bodies, put yourself out there to the world to see if you have the MAN to do it? If you had a small penis we can all judge you an assume you were once a women who took hormones, as you say. Right? You must be one who has a small penis based on your ignorance and fear there are women our just one of those War oriented idiots who keep our world in caos because of your own fear of being either unsuccessful, or just like the Hitler so crazy that life and reality was just to scary so his fear turned to hate. How sad it must be to be you everyday you wake up. 4779. Posted by Mr Jones Thu Aug 20 12:46pm EDT Why when an african american does something great, the white folks always has to question it? it's very clear that the track star is a female, you all just don't want us to have a damn thang.... smdh ! 4778. Posted by Piyali M Thu Aug 20 12:46pm EDT how does a middlesex person run track? 4777. Posted by First L Thu Aug 20 12:45pm EDT Lmfao, why does everything have to be about race? It's a gender situation, not a racial one. Everyone is so defensive about the most petty things that they end up making themselves look foolish. 4776. Posted by anthony m Thu Aug 20 12:45pm EDT if she is a female then end of conversation she is just genetically gifted and white ppl and black ppl please stop playin the race card thank you 4775. Posted by michellay Thu Aug 20 12:45pm EDT lol 4774. Posted by johnc84@... Thu Aug 20 12:45pm EDT honestly i feel bad for her. she looks more like a man than a women. assuming she is female that must have been hard for her to deal with. i mean i'm guessing she has no romantic life at all. whatever. what bugs me about it is that there are plenty of pretty gay men that could easily pass for female but since they look like females they wont have to get tested. basically if she was pretty this would not be an issue. and have you heard about the professional female bike rider who is actually a former male with a sex change? that totally sucks i mean hey your brain might be female but your body is still male. males will dominate females in athletics almost every time. women are awesome but they aren't as physically strong as men. period. 4773. Posted by Katie DeCraene Thu Aug 20 12:45pm EDT Hold on, are they testing her gender or her sex? Two very different things! Her gender has nothing to do with her performance, I wouldn't think, but sex could be an issue. Gender is what you mentally, emotionally identify with, it's not physical, at least it wasn't when I took Human Relationships and Sexuality in college and I think most psych classes teach the same thing. Does anyone else feel that there is something really wrong with all of the tests that they are making her undergo? It's really reminiscent of Hitler running tests on people who appear to be an anomaly? Not to be overdramatic, but I just found this really strange, why not just do a blood test? 4772. Posted by rita Thu Aug 20 12:44pm EDT this has nothing to do with race it has do do with gender. 4771. Posted by thanewme23 Thu Aug 20 12:44pm EDT People are making to big of a fuss about this. In the words of the Great Respusha (Norbit Movie) "Read tha test Maury, Just read da test.." This has been done before so why not now? When in doubt... Find out.. And when u see that she is a chick.. Those that doubted will feel like Di#ks... 4770. Posted by Brad Thu Aug 20 12:44pm EDT ok yeah she do look a little manly but sriously c'omon!!!! I think this says alot about the world of sports and just people in general and as far as i can see its nothing good 4769. Posted by Brad Thu Aug 20 12:44pm EDT ok yeah she do look a little manly but sriously c'omon!!!! I think this says alot about the world of sports and just people in general and as far as i can see its nothing good 4768. Posted by stephen w Thu Aug 20 12:44pm EDT lol ksmith...it's pat. 4767. Posted by Chuck Thu Aug 20 12:43pm EDT All I want to know is this: How does the gender test work if you're a hermaphrodite? 4766. Posted by cea Thu Aug 20 12:43pm EDT ALOT of women look like men without hair and makeup, tweezing, etc.......i.e. I never knew my grandmother on my father's side in real life cuz she died before I was born........ but as a kid looking at photos, I always thought she looked like a man..... bushy black eyebrows and all. P.S. I think the Williams sister tennis champions look like men too. 4765. Posted by TaaJa B Thu Aug 20 12:42pm EDT IT IS ONLY BEING DONE 2 "HER" BCUZ "SHE" IS A TALENTED BLK "WOMAN"!!!!! 4764. Posted by Marika Thu Aug 20 12:42pm EDT Another person I wondered about was Maria Matola (sp?) I think there are ALOT of women who have those extra hormones. There are several unfair advantages that some women runners have due to the fact that they have those certain male hormones. Marion Jones is another one who I always felt had some extra hormone. Shes shaped like a man. Track is so tainted, thats why I quit after high school. 4763. Posted by ShopingPrincess99785 Thu Aug 20 12:42pm EDT Wow!!.. He....er, uh...I mean she.. whipped their asses. Won by a mile. With enough endorsements maybe she can invest in some store boughts :) 4762. Posted by Javier Thu Aug 20 12:41pm EDT i hate when they make a big deal about stuff like this just pull her pants down and get over with it 4761. Posted by sunshine_4542 Thu Aug 20 12:41pm EDT As a young teenager I was a tomboy and participated in track & field, volleyball, softball, and cheerleading. But at the age of 13 years old I began to like boys and found my identity and started to behave like a female than a boy. Some young girls do not change over until they are 17 or older, and many never change over and choose to be a lesbian. But whatever the case, that does not take away from the fact that this young woman trained, was coached and mentored, deserve her victory than to be condemned and ridiculed and name called. What a shame America? As an ex athlete myself in high school tournaments....I examined Caster's performance and she indeed has physical attributes as a boy, but a woman knows the difference and she is not a boy she won this race as an equal. Caster is still young and is developing through the stages of identity and has goals and is determined to be number 1 and proved she has the most skills in running, strength and desire to be recognized as the best. She should not have to strip to show her gender compartment to get these people to believe she is a young woman. Whether look gay, tomboyish, is gay--get over it and accept she won that race. Put a dent in it and left her opponents in the dust. The problem with the world is that some of us tend to stereotype too much than accept that what you see is not always so. Caster's accomplishment is like no other gender and she definitely is not a cheat. I guess we will want to do a steroid test on her next...She won! Stop Bickering People! Caster, "You Go Girl" !. I Loved the Gorilla illustration at the end. Vee 4760. Posted by foxva1 Thu Aug 20 12:41pm EDT MRS.WELLS-Wrote4824. Posted by MRS.WELLS Thu Aug 20 12:31pm EDT "only to black people if she ws white it wouldnt matter" -oh my gosh, get over yourself. I read this article and not one time did her race come to mind. She looks like a guy to some people. So they want to say something to cause trouble and thats why. If anything they are saying that because people are mad that she could be a woman who is faster then a man. She is a woman and I think she did a great job. I have always had a deep voice that sounded manly, but that doesn't mean I am a guy too. Who cares!! really. She will pass the test, the end. Some people have qualities that are more manly and feminine then others. 4759. Posted by BELLA Thu Aug 20 12:41pm EDT this has nothing to do with race idk why everyone pulls out the race card. this only deals with the runners gender so get off the damn racist card 4758. Posted by Edwina Thu Aug 20 12:40pm EDT I can't believe people these days don't have nothing else to talk about is she is male or female the medical term for this is hermaphrodite meaning being born with both sex there are several famous people whom have this disorder they can have children, live there life normal as well if her dad say she is a girl then let it be what a woman can't break records it's done every dad one lady is about to give birth to 12 babies any day now that is a record. I don't think this has to racism but sexism So with this being said here is the defination of a Hermaphrodite: In biological context, a hermaphrodite is an organism that has both male and female reproductive organs.[1] Many taxonomic groups of animals (mostly invertebrates), do not have separate sexes (genders). In these groups, hermaphroditism is a normal condition, enabling a form of sexual reproduction in which both partners can act as the "male" or "female". For example, the great majority of pulmonate and opisthobranch snails and slugs are hermaphrodites. Hermaphroditism is also found in some fish, and to a lesser degree in other vertebrates. Historically, the term hermaphrodite has also been used to describe ambiguous genitalia and gonadal mosaicism in individuals of gonochoristic species, especially human beings. The term comes from the name of the minor Greek god Hermaphroditus, son of Hermes and Aphrodite Let's just pray for War free and Jobs and Food our Family and Friends 4757. Posted by dyshonda_fowler Thu Aug 20 12:40pm EDT Richie 2199, Thanks so much for your comment. you hit the nail right dead in the center of the head. MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY!!!!! 4756. Posted by oohay32408 Thu Aug 20 12:40pm EDT oh we should just trust the africans word? nothing but honesty and integrity coming out that nation, right? ha! how about china and the underage contestants in the olympics. or any other nation that says their athletes dont use steroids, but oh, someone doubts their word and look a positive test.. its no big deal, give a drop of your blood to be tested if you are a man or a woman, and laugh in all their faces. but i am sure they will probably talk to a lawyer to see if they can get a payday. 4755. Posted by GMan G Thu Aug 20 12:40pm EDT this is embarrassing either way. if (s)he is a woman then the track people look stupid but if (s)he is a man, (s)he is pathetic 4754. Posted by mt_shaggy Thu Aug 20 12:40pm EDT R_groft...what a crock of crap!! God creates genders, not social roles you idiot. 4753. Posted by Ntokozo Thu Aug 20 12:39pm EDT mattias,You think her name "semen ya" suggests a man...What?I am South african...Its her surname a popular surname for that matter you do not seperate it...Its just Semenya...it does not suggest male at all...please know what your talking about before you write silly things.That said Personally I know a lot of girls like her and anyone from south africa knows shes a girl...Its really sad for this girl to be put through tests to prove shes a girl as i assure you now she must have been bullyied like hell growing up and not being like other girls and to be put through this for being the best in what she does is horrid!However i know the south african spirit that runs through her veins....Shell will overcome this and come out great!Halala Ntombazane ubakhombise. 4752. Posted by Dog lover Thu Aug 20 12:39pm EDT you idiots...this testing has nothing to do with being a "racist"...it's about the "race" itself...meaning if the winner is infact a male, then the win is void because it was a race with only women participants!!!!! Geez, get a clue!!! 4751. Posted by T.M. G Thu Aug 20 12:39pm EDT I think it's really sad that we continue to separate sports into men's and women's. We put so much on gender and God forbid that a girl likes to roughhouse and play with the boys. If she runs fast, clearly, she MUST be a man. So let's make sure that we humiliate this person instead of applauding the accomplishment by a PERSON. Why is it so difficult for us to accept each other as we are? Why must we always try and find fault in each other about something - anything? 4750. Posted by chickyluvr Thu Aug 20 12:39pm EDT well yes, as some one has commented, men are proven stronger and faster than women. but then someone else said she or he does not have large breasts or a large bottom. some men who weigh more actually might have a big bottom. but then again she does not have much hair people have been saying. some African American women shave their hair and sometimes it look very nice. some women braid their hair like in the picture on the yahoo homepage. well i hope my comment helps. 4749. Posted by Makes you wonder Thu Aug 20 12:39pm EDT Instead of all these test to know if she's a woman,why not just tell her to drop your panties? makes sense to me.:0) 4748. Posted by Robert S Thu Aug 20 12:39pm EDT Why go through all the testing? Just have her drop her drawers...wouldn't that clear up any issue? 4747. Posted by r_groft Thu Aug 20 12:37pm EDT ap editors, gender is the SOCIAL ROLE one takes based on their physical sex. 4746. Posted by oohay32408 Thu Aug 20 12:37pm EDT oh we should just trust the africans word? nothing but honesty and integrity coming out that nation, right? ha! how about china and the underage contestants in the olympics. or any other nation that says their athletes dont use steroids, but oh, someone doubts their word and look a positive test.. its no big deal, give a drop of your blood to be tested if you are a man or a woman, and laugh in all their faces. but i am sure they will probably talk to a lawyer to see if they can get a payday. 4745. Posted by ksmith_colo Thu Aug 20 12:37pm EDT It's Pat 4744. Posted by Art Vandelay Thu Aug 20 12:37pm EDT Is it me, or does her last name give her away? I mean c'mon! "Cast-her Semeninya" 4743. Posted by Social Observer Thu Aug 20 12:37pm EDT News Flash for poster number 4716: If the N -word, in it's original sense applies to anything black, then in reality it does not apply to most African Americans. Most african Americans are some dgree of brown in colour ;the majority being dark brown or chocolate coloured. And by the way caucasians are not truly white in colour either, they are a variety of the color cream and depending on the amount of exposure to sunlight or the temperature of the day they may have a tan or pale-pink coloration. It was very convenient for some ,and naive of others, to have bought this black and white color label for so many centuries, however it is the most unscientific idea that a certain group tried to sell to the rest of the world. Time to rewrite the incorrect social- geographic labels. 4742. Posted by hoangyne@... Thu Aug 20 12:37pm EDT whatever ...this is a big deal !! and training does not make a girl especially her age to look like that..not even a professional women swimmer have that type of body. What we are seeing is NOT A GIRL...its a BOY alright !!!! and if he wants to compete he needs to stay with its on gender..he can even wear some pink heels.! Is not about running is all about competition with your own gender ...and if you ever played sports that is a BIG thing !! so you can add, cut or paste anything to make yourself look whatever your little heart desires to look like but stay with your own gender whenever your competing..that is call COMPETITION !! ..And the only thing HE has overcome is how to cheat in winning a medal... How far do we need to go for someone to win? Homosexuals need to compete with their own God gifted gender no matter how much they cut,past and add to themselves...!! Play fair !!! 4741. Posted by King Thu Aug 20 12:37pm EDT i think its wrong how the public eye tries to treat black people im not racist or anything but how come the media or white people always try to make it out that the blacks are not good as we come out to be? damn if she breaking records & beating ass on that track then let her do the damn thing u HATERS...bet if she was white none of this would be coming up. you all didnt say nothing when michael phelps was blamed for smoking marijuana in fact all you done was suspend him for three months & let him keep his medals but if usain bolt done that you would take his medals faster than he ran the 100 meter dash 4740. Posted by jennizzle Thu Aug 20 12:36pm EDT Some people are so stupid I hope you all grow some brains soon. Otherwise get the hell off of here, no one wants to hear your stupid remarks. 4739. Posted by pvario2000 Thu Aug 20 12:36pm EDT I wouldn't hit it....That doesn't mean he/she isn't female but if I met him/her in a bar I'd think it was a guy. If I was hosting a race and it wanted to run I would sign it up in the mans class unless I had SOME reason to think it was a woman....Come on! give me some reason...ANYTHING (besides her word) to indicate that we are talking about a woman...What???? Anybody??? Anything???? 4738. Posted by Retired Thu Aug 20 12:35pm EDT Remember the Olympics about 20-30 years ago when the sports announcer said, during a female speed skating race,"her suit was so tight you could see her penis". 4737. Posted by stargazer0228 Thu Aug 20 12:35pm EDT Wow lillyofthevalley, you're quite judgmental to be saying you're on the same side as the big man upstairs. If you really would like to be on God's side try showing some compassion for these people who are full of prejudice and bitterness who don't know how to forgive. Don't damn them to hell, that's not you're call. 4736. Posted by mt_shaggy Thu Aug 20 12:35pm EDT Hey JeanetteP, did you read the freaking artical?!?! "she" just burst on the scene 3 weeks ago at which time she was instructed to undergo testing. she has been being tested for three weeks!!! seems if it was so cut and dry it wouldn't take so long. but it's not 'just because "she" won' it's been going on since anyone heard of "her". 4735. Posted by Jade Thu Aug 20 12:34pm EDT this has nothing to do with racism i saw the race yesterday and she did look very masculine. not even jus the way she looked bt the way she moved when she was running and who ever say that gender doest matter in the race it does men are naturally more muscular then women so they usually tend to move faster. meaning that the race would be like a walk in the park if she turned out to be a he. 4734. Posted by mia Thu Aug 20 12:34pm EDT To that ignorant freddy kruger,, I have 14.5 inch byceps bench 210, you my friend are one of the reasons there is War in the World. Assuming men are (naturally) stronger than women,, the reason women give birth happens to be because God knew men would never be strong enough to handle that pain!!! Any women can do any job that any men have done and some doing it better for having a gental touch. I know this for fact. So before you open your mouth and have the world read how truly ignorant you are, find out the facts of something first before you open that scared ,chauvininistic,and for very obvious reasons you're homophobic, under achieving self loathing behavior and just stop being so jealous of what seems to be an amazing new winning ATHLETE. Which by what it sounds like,she could probably put the hurt on you. How fast can you run the 800? Humm? You probably sit playing games judging others all day with nothing better to do,but be afraid of powerful,strong and very confident WOMEN you could never be able to be with or ever have a chance to date. Don't like, don't look!!! 4732. Posted by Boo Thu Aug 20 12:33pm EDT I think she was peeing in the urinal beside me after the race...she said the water was cold...and deep!! gooney goo goo Caster gooney goo goo 4731. Posted by Rhonda M Thu Aug 20 12:33pm EDT I loked at all the picture and even though she may look like a dude, there is one thing missing that a guy has and girls don't. the adams apple,(bet you thought i was talking about the package dirty minded people lol). But I did not see an adams apple at all in the pictures were you could see the throat real good. 4730. Posted by mommy5907 Thu Aug 20 12:33pm EDT This is pothetic! first what would they catagorize a gay person!? A school in my town is putting females and males in seperate classes because they learn better....how does that work if you like the same sex? if she had a mans dna or whatever so what there are women out there like that if you send her to a gyno and there are ovarys and a uterus its a woman! even if they should have done the test before now... i dont know who she is but the story was interesting and so what if she runs fast that just means the others are slow! it has nothing to do with race! it has to do with the way she looks and so these men that have breast what are they just cuz they look like a woman? get over it! it is a role model for kids that isnt breaking the law let it be! 4729. Posted by richie2199 Thu Aug 20 12:32pm EDT I just wanted to throw this out there... I really don't care about this issue.. At all. But. I read the comments and I see black this, and white this... Ok.. Here is how I see it. Everything always comes back to race. Why? Because white people and black people are both racist. Most older white people are just ignorant. They live by the "old days". Let me tell you something gramps.. Those days are long gone. And black people feel white people owe them something. Both are just as racist as the other. But check this out... This is for the history lesson giver... Your absolutely correct with every word.. but take this into consideration.. If your ancestors hadn't been brought here, your family tree probably wouldn't be so fruitful. I mean Africa is horrible right now, AIDS are running rampid. AND AS FAR AS BEING "AFRICAN AMERICAN". That has to be the most stupid thing I have ever heard. Your either. African. OR American. And most black people haven't even seen an inch of Africa that live here in the UNITED STATES OF WHAT? Oh.. yea... Thats right boys and girls.. AMERICA! UH DUH! So what does that make you? I bet you have it now... AMERICAN!!!! I hate to see intelligent people have such an ignorant arguement. Because guess what? If you are capable of getting on here and typing.. You have a brain. Also, your using it. So no one is stupid I see. Get over the racist BS. Black people.. White people don't owe you anything and it's BS that you get scholarships, housing, and jobs because of it. White people, Black people are here, we brought them here, they're not going anywhere, they think just like we do, quit living in your grand parents and parents up-bringing. Get some balls and step out side of the box. WE HAVE A BLACK PRESIDENT! GET OVER IT! And mexicans... NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE AT ALL! WE DIDN'T INVITE YOU, YOUR OVERFLOWING OUR CITIES ACROSS AMERICA WITH YOUR FILTH. AMERICANS!! WANT OUR JOBS BACK AND I'M SICK OF SEEING SPANISH THINGS EVERY WHERE!!!!!!!!! IF YOU WANT TO BE A CITIZEN... DO IT RIGHT. OTHERWISE, TAKE YOUR A$$ BACK ACROSS THE BORDER. YOU KNOW WHEN ITALIANS CAME ACROSS ON A BOAT.. THEY HAD TO LEARN ENGLISH. THERE WAS NO OPTION TO FORCE THEIR LANGUAGE ON AN ENTIRE NATION. TAKE BACK AMERICA BEFORE WE LOSE IT. PEACE AND LOVE --Richie B. 4727. Posted by Sam Walton Thu Aug 20 12:31pm EDT He's a MAN. Baby....Yeah! 4726. Posted by tchantry07 Thu Aug 20 12:31pm EDT Ok so if she is a man she'll get stripped of her medal....but in any case if she really is a woman then her whole day is ruined for not? I mean that's pretty crappy. 4725. Posted by MRS.WELLS Thu Aug 20 12:31pm EDT only to black people if she ws white it wouldnt matter 4724. Posted by stephen w Thu Aug 20 12:31pm EDT lol what are you talking about. this has nothing to do with females dominating males at anything. she is racing against other women. this only came up because of her physical features and voice are not normal for women. but it doesn't matter. if she is a woman and has always been a woman then she is just really good. sorry, but females just aren't able to dominate males in sports. that's why they separate them. 4723. Posted by erica_krk Thu Aug 20 12:31pm EDT I feel that people are very ignorant in these hard times. Being said, I think that if she has to take the test she should. People understand that we all are different in many ways then one. Her home pretty much speaks for its self "AFRICA" for all yall slow folks she is what you call a bread winner. Nature played its role and there she is, a beautiful black AFRICAN then american.....get it !!!! When was the last time they checked out them big ass white woman lifting @#$% on TV ,with nothing but chest and big ass arms???? ALL im saying is my girl was born this way,they weren't . So she should continue to milk the country for all its worth the legal way......... 4722. Posted by TC Thu Aug 20 12:30pm EDT I agree with Brandy...As soon as a woman goes over and beyond, they assume she can't be a woman...HELLO! We have talent too! 4721. Posted by dyshonda_fowler Thu Aug 20 12:30pm EDT I am so glad that Joyce and bebopaLula made those comments. As a black person I am tired of hearing the race card, too. It has nothing to do with race at all. As a matter of fact, nothing was said about race in the article. I has to do with gender. I have seen men who swing their hips and talk just as soft as a woman and not a one has been questioned about gender. And to the one who made the comment about women being the weaker sex, you have never been with a real woman. I know of women who are much stronger than men mentally and physically because of the world that we live in and because of chauvinistic men like you. I know of women actually beating the hell out of a man. Scratch that. I have seen them whip a man. And they were all woman. But remember this and I quote from James Brown himself, "This is a man's world. But a man would be nothing without a woman or a girl". 4720. Posted by dave r Thu Aug 20 12:30pm EDT monkey see, monkey do, monkey semen-all over-you 4719. Posted by scottmasotti Thu Aug 20 12:30pm EDT either she has a wiener or doesnt its as simples as that ahah 4718. Posted by jvejarano Thu Aug 20 12:29pm EDT For the birlliant person that commented that everytime an African American accomplishes something they are question, just not that she is NOT African American she is African. You and your political correctness is so incorrect. She is black by race and SouthAfrican by nationality. Just wanted to clear that up! As far as the gender issue, people don't know what else to do to start junk. She is fast and she is good! let her be! 4717. Posted by lavonia g Thu Aug 20 12:29pm EDT I don't see what's the hype all about??? she won! yes i said she won! if we want to do something constructive let's take all this energy and focus on putting people to work so unemployment rates can be lowered! 4716. Posted by findwanie Thu Aug 20 12:29pm EDT There are a lot of women who are Black, White, Asian, and many other races who look like they could be men. Generalizing an archaic number without more than conjecture to base it upon indicates a lack of intellect. That said, have you seen the picture? The person in it would be questionable whether on a track or on the Maury Povich show. I'm sure everyone remembers when Maury couldn't get enough of the "Is it a 'he' or a 'she' " episodes which aired every other week. As for wasting more time on whether any Americans were "stolen": please try to remember that simply because persons genuinely from Africa are in your ancestry does not make YOU the person who was "stolen" from Africa; further, it does not make YOU an African any more than having ancestry in France makes me a Frenchman. Move on. Additionally, slaves were given as gifts from Kings in Africa and heads of tribes. Not everyone who was taken and placed into slavery was "stolen". A good investigation will reveal that to anyone interested. Beyond that, you should remember that YOU WERE NOT THERE, so merely asserting that there was rape and sodomy running afoul is conjecture and speculative on the part of anyone making the claim. There are as many foul things in the Black community and White community to cancel each other out. That should tell everyone something: at the end of the day you cancel each other out because you end up the same level of f*ck-ups as you think the other one is. From pedophilia to racist to rapers to homos to drug addicts. It's the same bag of sh*t and it is many hued from the many races therein. Don't take this the wrong way, but THAT "CHICK" LOOKS LIKE A MAN and if I were one of the persons racing against her, with her suddenly deep voice, I would be asking questions as well. 4715. Posted by JeanetteP Thu Aug 20 12:27pm EDT Why did they wait until she won to test her? if it was a true concern they wouldve done it long ago. The whole situation is unfortunate. Her hormones will certainly be affected by the extreme training. i think she should be perhaps tested for steroids if anything is in question. someone suggested looking at the birth certificate. i think thats a great idea. If she is sexually ambiguous it s not her fault . it would be more important to find out if there was intended deceipt if it turns out she is ambiguous. 4714. Posted by johnsonthad86 Thu Aug 20 12:27pm EDT wow thank god this isnt fifty years ago even though some people seem like they really miss those old school values hope we do better in hothe next fifty years with gender race drama, hope so 4713. Posted by meghan Thu Aug 20 12:27pm EDT 4715. Posted by requeblackmon Thu Aug 20 12:02pm EDT Report Abuse you are a total F&$%&#$ IDIOT 4712. Posted by onj6_leon2 Thu Aug 20 12:27pm EDT i wish her the best! i think the committees that want to do all of this testing take things to far, can we see the worlds greatest athletes and just be amazed by their abilities? why is everything questionable? 4711. Posted by Chef Darkwing Thu Aug 20 12:27pm EDT by da looks of things shes tranny 4710. Posted by marc Thu Aug 20 12:26pm EDT i saw the race.if she is not a man,then they must have shot her up with male hormones and steroids.no boobs,no butt,very little hair.she is a man. 4709. Posted by Sup Thu Aug 20 12:26pm EDT lol@ darrin V and his sophmoric comments. When people like Darrin speak of racism like they're an authority it's scary. Darrin you have an opinion about race, that is subjective not objective. Try not to project your opinion to the millions of other people who are apart of the human race. 4708. Posted by Brandey Thu Aug 20 12:25pm EDT it should not matter her race gender or any of that stature. her atheletic ability is what allowed her to achieve this great accomplishment, society is so jaded in having the mass follow what is not important. we are all God's people. Wake up. 4707. Posted by junkheadkp Thu Aug 20 12:25pm EDT Just kill it and we won't have to worry about it. 4706. Posted by Sheena Thu Aug 20 12:25pm EDT this is truly the most retarded thing i have ever seen........its ah african ugh no they dnt regard beauty in ur face or body but by what you achieve what you can do......she is not ah he she jus looks like that..shyt like dis makes americans look stupid and i know its an american sumwhere behind this whole ordeal...ughh this is why our country is broke this situation shouldnt even be in the press! 4705. Posted by marc Thu Aug 20 12:25pm EDT i saw the race.if she is not a man,then they must have shot her up with male hormones and steroids.no boobs,no butt,very little hair.she is a man. 4704. Posted by akeimat Thu Aug 20 12:25pm EDT I don't see what the big fuss is all about. Why does racism have to walk thru the door in and at every instance or chance it gets. What does race have to do with sex. I am a Jamaican who attended my first years of an all girls high school with a girl who had both a penis and a vagina who looked more like a boy and had an above average testosterone level and she had to leave school to go overseas to do a surgery that would make her a boy and it was a most traumatizing experience for all of her peers at school because we could not believe that the next time we would see her she would be a full boy. She returned to Jamaica to then attend an all boys school. There are a lot of females out there who have higher testosterone levels than the norm. Big up all the athletes who have been having a successful season. May God bless them all. 4703. Posted by what-eva Thu Aug 20 12:25pm EDT Wow, guys. This has NOTHING to do with equality. A man is genetically faster and stronger than a woman and therefore shouldn't be allowed to race in an all female race. I agree with who ever said to just lift up her skirt!! haha 4702. Posted by floyd Thu Aug 20 12:25pm EDT .......but, if her mommah is a man !!!??? 4701. Posted by david Thu Aug 20 12:25pm EDT if they test one, they need to test all. regardless of looks. 4700. Posted by mr cleve h Thu Aug 20 12:24pm EDT well they racist she from the tribe seen in national geographic magazine she are sue them after the results come back this is like rape to a woman those doctor feeling on her and doing test most women in usa would sue ,anyway i dont see why folks cant use small doses of steroids cause its can increase your powersalso its used to treat rare illnesses where there no medications also its hard for you to get ill-tired i think with more research it could wipe all illnesses off the planet i think if we all had cells that could become immune to all illnesses and our bodies could fight off any illness-disease we be like superman or wolverine also this would save the world tons of money cause no one would get ill we could smoke dope-smoke cigars and drink it would not hurt us cause i use read wolverine comics he use drink,smoke also he had healing factor nothing can hurt him,we really dont need vaccines for all these illness but a new formation of cell immunity and faster healing factor i think a vaccine that has cells that never age also immune to everything could be created but dumb ass doctors and scientists want folks be ill so they have jobs that dumb,well god said in bible when he begin his heaven on earth he will send angels out to end all weapons-close armies bases down and elite elect ones will become immortals like superman there be nomore illnesses-nomore death we be better than the angels also our wisdom will increase pass human form we be like the transformers when the aliens big head creatures the creators came the autobots and deceptcons transformed to new creations they had devices also the matrix caused them to change like bummerbee had the matrix it work on him also rodmus but not on omega supreme whom wanted to be leader,then optimus came back i heard in japan there was a 3rd season of beast machine or beast wars never shown on usa tv,,well you can post ad on here now and change anytime Fwebtraffic New Wave In Free Traffic Explode your Income! Increase Your Sales By up to 4000%! Drive 1 million Visitors to yoursite Every Month! All Totally Free! http://www.webtrafficjuggernaut.com/vlt/links/89977 http://www.webtrafficjuggernaut.com/vlt/links/91004 join both place in search engines and your blog,website,even in email blasters- place your link and banner you get in your email you get tons of traffic to your site. 4699. Posted by NicoleB Thu Aug 20 12:24pm EDT In the photographs she does seem to have quite a masculine build and the facial features are not especially feminine.Of course masculine physical features don't necessarily mean that she is a man. However, coupled with the fact that she so effortlessly outdistanced all of the other runners, her appearance does raise some questions. I would think that steroids would be suspected first -- they could possibly account for her surprisingly muscular physique and obvious edge over the other women. But so could the discovery that she is in fact a he. It's no secret that men tend to be faster and stronger than women. Clearly this is understood in the world of sports; otherwise we would have co-ed pro-baseball teams, swimming tournaments and track events. When a masculine looking woman leaves the competition in the dust people start to wonder. Men competing as women is not unheard of. As for the gender test, it's nowhere near as simple as just dropping her drawers. Some people have abnormal genitalia, plus there are many other factors involved including hormones and chromosomes. If this girl really is a girl, then having her gender questioned by the world is emabarrassing I'm sure, although I doubt it 's the first time people have doubted whether she's male or female. If this girl is actually a boy, then "she" deserves to be exposed as a fraud. When the test results come back, she'll either be laughing her way to her next victory and making history as the fastest woman, or "he" and his family will be justly humiliated. I really don't think this has anything to do with ethnicity. But as with most forums, people are just looking for an excuse to argue and insult. 4698. Posted by lisababe_47 Thu Aug 20 12:24pm EDT To Darth V...... Wow are you racist or what? Have you looked in the mirror lately? What a bigot!!!! The fact that you said mf....says it all. How hypocritical. My parents were not racist however my grandparents were. The cycle can be broken with an education. Reverse discrimination are things like BET, Support your local Black college fund, etc. If there was an all white network Jesse Jackson would have a heart attack. 4697. Posted by Robnie Thu Aug 20 12:24pm EDT JOHNNY CASH NEVER SAID THAT! It was Johnny Rebel. If Johnny Cash had said that, it would have ended his career. Aside from that, as a person who knows, I can tell you that he certainly NEVER thought that way. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. 4696. Posted by towandajbrown Thu Aug 20 12:24pm EDT Hello Everyone, It is astonishing that after all of these decades things like this is still happening. I am not going to say that it is race, it may be gender. Some gifts are just god given. So, because of her gift, and maybe even her biological make-up (chromosones), should she practice track with men. Too me this test is rediculous. Why could it not be as simple as check her birth certificate. What was she born as. I think when extrodinary and different individuals master a certain sport way beyond belief, something has to be wrong. From my experience, if they can not discredit you in one way or another, they ridicule you; especially if you are of a race other than European. I mean people do not want to talk about it. Even in the initial post above, a women from India was discredited. I wonder if it was a European women, or a man, would this conversation be taken place. As for the comment about Michael Vick, everybody has consequences for their actions, Michael Vick went to jail, lost millions before jail, and still has to pay a heavy fine this season. Pete Rose consequence was being band from baseball for his offense. It is no secrete that each sport club has its own rules and regulations. It is also no secrete that African Americans always have to prove themselve 100% more than their white components; except in arenas where it is deemed exceptable for African Americans to be good (basketball, football), even in those arenas they life is everybodies business. There are many African Americans that do not think that white men keep them down, as a matter of fact, I can not stand that attitude, because anything is possible for anyone who works very hard to achieve. It is when you have achieved or mastered it that you are still rediculed and accused. IT IS ALWAYS SOMETHING. Whether we want to believe it or not RACISM IS ALIVE ON BOTH ENDS. IT HAS TO STOP. 4695. Posted by am_i_still_laggin Thu Aug 20 12:23pm EDT It's sad to see people still fighting in general, but it's mostly sad that EVERYTHING gets turned into a racist issue in this day and age. Yes it's sad what had happened to the African Americans in the PAST...Todays African American generation has nothing to do with that, just because you're black does not mean anything. Be proud and happy you are an american and stop trying to bring up the slavery issue everytime yall turn @. Slavery has nothing to do with this generation so let it go. I mean if people really want to get TECHNICAL about things...African Americans we're treated alot better than the JEWS in the HOLOCAUST...atleast no one was trying to kill off your race ok....Like I said it was a very sad thing with what happened to African Americans years ago(hince YEARS)...But this is 2009 soon to be 2010 people to need to move on and come together and try to make this world a better place, a liveable place, a place where our kids can grow up and not be ashamed of their color, race, or sexuality...SO JUST BECAUSE YOUR SKIN COLOR IS BLACK DOES NOT MEAN YOU NEED TO TREAT PEOPLE DIFFERENTLY CAUSE OF "SLAVERY" YOUR ASS WASN'T AND ISN'T A SLAVE....NEVER HAVE BEEN SO FIND A NEW SUBJECT TO THROW AT AMERICA CAUSE THAT @#$% IS OLD:) And by the way I AM AN AFRICAN AMERICAN FEMALE AND PROUD TO BE....ONLY DIFFERENCE IS I KNOW WHERE MY GENERATION STANDS....WE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH SLAVERY AND EVERYONE ELSE NEEDS TO GET WITH THE PROGRAM!!!!!!! 4694. Posted by mia Thu Aug 20 12:23pm EDT OMG!! Really? I am 49 and very muscular, an athlete all my life and I have been a tomboy as well. During the early 80's when being gay seemed to be almost this (fad). I delt with name calling. I was a cop and very able to do my job with excellent proformance. This is another example of another female kickin butt in a male dominated world I really thought was finally accepting there are women in this world who can physically beat out men who are 100% female no steroids, just all 100% God given talent no different than some of the finest male athletes in our world who would never be under some freakish scutiny of some Gender testing! This is Un Constitutional for sure! How humiliating for her. Go tomboy's of the world!!! 4693. Posted by KarrieK Thu Aug 20 12:23pm EDT Do you guys even realize where the earliest human bones have been found. Do you know where any of us originated? Think on that won't you. And go check your ancient history. For those of you full of hatred, the very ones complaining about "black" people being here and taking welfare, abusing the system, etc. Your ancestors are the dopes that concocted the idea of bringing "black" people to this country and abusing the "black" people as slaves. Now you complain that the "black" people are here. I do believe that qualifies for hypocritical ignorance. Do you realize how uneducated and ridiculous you sound? 4692. Posted by aojwoknyawella Thu Aug 20 12:23pm EDT I believe in gender equlity, so why does it matter if she or he is both. 4691. Posted by LEOTHELION811 Thu Aug 20 12:23pm EDT In the words of Austin Power............ "It's a man!!!!!! BABY!!" 4690. Posted by Brett Favre Thu Aug 20 12:23pm EDT She is a mans man! 4689. Posted by reporter Thu Aug 20 12:23pm EDT ther is nothin to wory abt .do what ever it takes to prove that its ur talent and God created u in a special way.congrats on ur medal get mo for ur nation 4688. Posted by Hockey Dad Thu Aug 20 12:22pm EDT I don't know if she is a man or a woman, but when she raised her arms in victory it looked like she had Buckwheat in a headlock. 4687. Posted by marci Thu Aug 20 12:21pm EDT I agree with "Not Brent"s comment, one test Vagina=yes, penis=no. Growing up you see yourself as a women, have breast, vagina, uterus, can bear a child and one day your are told you are a man because you have high levels of hormones, WTF I DONT THINK SO. Every women goes thru different levels of hormones every month due to the menstrual cycle, so are they going to test her everyday to see how high and low the levels go? How come they dont test everyone then? So if you have high levels you cant participate in professional sports. So what if your IQ is high, you cant get a professional job? If they test hormone levels it should not be to determine if your man or women, it should only to classify you in a specific division. Like boxing and how they do weight, lightweight, heavyweight. but since they dont have divisions in track I guess they have to just say is is over gualified to play. She was born with a gift and she is a women, until they have divisions based on hormone levels then she should be able to play. 4686. Posted by ghost Thu Aug 20 12:21pm EDT 4695. Posted by Alex Thu Aug 20 11:53am EDT there posting it cause 90% of all black girls look like guys period. Come now alex you must never seen any african american women because if you did you'd know that it is very rare to find a african american woman who look like a man but i guess you say because you a guy who looks like a woman right ! !! 4685. Posted by koolkatz60 Thu Aug 20 12:21pm EDT I competed in a track and field nternational competition when I was just 18 and all the females had to take that gender test. In fact I recieved a card that states I am a female. Because of past athletes from other countries who had men run in womens races these tests were brought into play. I don't think there is anything wrong with this. Track and Field is tested more for steroid than any other sport. I am tired of the cheating. This individual is 18 and she needs to take responsibility for what she is doing. Marion Jones tried to pull that crap with "I didn't know my coach did it". Tired of the cheating. If it turns out she is a women then everyone should apologize. However if her family has seen how everyone says she looks like a man then the South African federation should have already prepared her for this and maybe even have done tests before she started running. 4684. Posted by lillyofthevalley45@... Thu Aug 20 12:20pm EDT why does it matter wether you have a dick or @#$% to play sports. you have gays in the military dont you you dont question them because you need fighters who die for nothing. what the f---. you know we have a very predujust and very crooked system and people who want to be recognized for so called recognizing something. @#$%ed up bastards. I be glad when God intervenes and put a end to all this stupid predujust mess. Than all your a---- will look stupid or die with the devil. 4683. Posted by mia Thu Aug 20 12:20pm EDT OMG!! Really? I am 49 and very muscular, an athlete all my life and I have been a tomboy as well. During the early 80's when being gay seemed to be almost this (fad). I delt with name calling. I was a cop and very able to do my job with excellent proformance. This is another example of another female kickin butt in a male dominated world I really thought was finally accepting there are women in this world who can physically beat out men who are 100% female no steroids, just all 100% God given talent no different than some of the finest male athletes in our world who would never be under some freakish scutiny of some Gender testing! This is Un Constitutional for sure! How humiliating for her. Go tomboy's of the world!!! 4682. Posted by davisnichole76 Thu Aug 20 12:20pm EDT I find it amazing that because she has so much talent and more than likely will eventually dominate the sport that she is being discriminated like she is. There is proven fact showing that some women carry more testosterone in their bodies than other women do which would explain her build and her voice. I wonder if she isn't going to pay for past mistakes others have made. She has God given talent and therefore should be able to use it without being judged, criticized, or discriminated against because she is different. 4681. Posted by kauffman.gregory Thu Aug 20 12:19pm EDT I would like to note that she is being tested for "sex" not for "gender." While common use dictates that the two are synonymous, they actually have very different connotations. The best way I've heard it put was by a psychologist friend: "Sex is between the legs; gender is between the ears." That is to say, gender is mental whereas sex is determined by the hardware you were born with. 4680. Posted by stargazer0228 Thu Aug 20 12:19pm EDT I'm no doctor but here it goes... penis=male, vagina=female. This will save 'em a gazillion bucks of testing and putting a poor kid through trauma that will stay with her the rest of her life. If there was ever a 'surgery' of 'that' sort done on her there would be a medical history in her charts, yes, even in other countries they have medical charts. You're welcome... 4679. Posted by hlehlezie Thu Aug 20 12:18pm EDT Geez people, give the poor woman a break!!! This is woman's month.... IMBOKODO one way, all ladies are meant to be proud of her as our South African strong woman, we should be grateful that we now have a woman to represent us during Olympics!!!! I personally salute her for her hard work... we should acknowlwdge that she worked to be where she is. 4678. Posted by Cary Patrick M Thu Aug 20 12:18pm EDT http://www.sportsscientists.com/2009/08/caster-semenya-male-or-female.html 4677. Posted by Devon Thu Aug 20 12:18pm EDT You that is very sad to do what they are doing to that woman that's the best way to win that's sad 4676. Posted by rajan oc Thu Aug 20 12:17pm EDT It is really a cruel attitude towards a teenage athlete. If the authority is suspicious about gender of any athlete, this kind of test should have been carried out before the competition. Shame!!! 4675. Posted by pvario2000 Thu Aug 20 12:17pm EDT LOL...They aren't testing her because she is black.They are, however, testing her because she looks like a man and has a time that is more what you'd expect a man to run. Put all together, if they didn't test her they would have to be nuts, and soon lots of men would enter female races for an easier gold. (and lucrative book deal) 4674. Posted by krys2j Thu Aug 20 12:17pm EDT #1: WTF on the is she a man issue. That is the most absurd thing that I have ever heard. This is a subject that should be in the Inquierer, not a Yahoo popup. #2: Let's drop the racism thing, because now we are all reaching for something to talk about. Let's face the fact that this is a boring story and have nothing else to talk about. ALSO, for the ignorant SOB that said that Black women look like men, please take notice of how many white women are trying their hardest to resemble your typical Black women. With your lip injections, butt lifts and tans, are you really saying that other women are attempting to look like men? Let's all be happy with how we look and find something more interesting to talk about. 4673. Posted by lashondacooley Thu Aug 20 12:16pm EDT This article leads me to began to think of a greater question.....if there is a possibility of being born with extra hormones, is there also a possibility that an individual can be born g*y? Many of us believers in Christ, are taught to feel like that is a sin. But, scriptures say "we're all born into sin" and we except the fact that people are born with all kinds of things going on in the inside "chemical imbalances ---- think of that time of month ladies", high production of hormone, etc... could it be that we are judging people based on something they can't control? I guess, after reading this article, I came to the conclusion to not judge other's. Please share on this. 4672. Posted by dewey b Thu Aug 20 12:16pm EDT again, someone says " we are all created equal".....not true obviously....seriously people it is ok to be competitive, she is a girl....fine.....whatever........we are not equal, nor will we ever be......there are wars, fights, cheating, lying killing because we are not equal...i have to work harder for something i want, maybe more than somone else who has an edge on me.....so what?????? what a boring pathetic world it would be if we were all equala, no heroes......no ambition, nothing but grey.........im white, your black, treat me as you would have me treat you.......karma, christianity, whatever you want to call it, living right, treating people with respect....all of this hate and racism came from one article.....the ones who think it is funny are the ones making the smartass comments, and they probably dont really care either way........all of YOU PEOPLE( regardless of coplor of skin) are ignorant, uneducated, just plain stupid should go to work ro go do whatever it is that you do and look at your co worker, are you equals? is your boss your boss becasue of a dgree you dont have, or age or experience, are we equal???? no so go be a better people, make AMERICANS a race and wuit letting people run our government into the pround, american people are on here wirried about a Sounth African girl who won a race, but not fixing, our hungry abused raped murdered children, our women who are batterd and starving, our soldiers over seas fighting for other races freedom and wuality of life............sad sad sad.....oh and dont comment about the last remark i did my 20 for my country......and i have read the Koran so if any one out there with those views even thinks about saying anything, dont....it teaches hate of everyone......us infedels who are the enemy.............hahahahaha.........right, see ya standing before GOD........... 4671. Posted by Gracious Sonia Thu Aug 20 12:16pm EDT people the point is gender , i come frm Africa and i used to and till now still play with boy and we call that tom - boy but in this case is nothing to do with that but being born like that. So may i ask a question here where do you put those ppl who are born with that problem of both gential and he/she choose one over the other do we discriminate them. Is that what we call free world think again. One more thing is she comes from one of the remote villages in SA and pls will someone tell me where she will get that money to go for the surgery/ operation pls people be realistic. what ever she is we ought to respect i thought. i might be wrong. 4670. Posted by Mattias Thu Aug 20 12:16pm EDT Cast 'er semen ya 4669. Posted by WinstonK Thu Aug 20 12:16pm EDT There is one thing that is wrong with all of this, is that all of this could have been prevented. I believe that all,,, I repeat ALL,,, athletes in all competitions should under go testing before they are allow to compete to rule out any and all controversy of weather they have a illegal advantage or not and weather they should be allowed to compete this would stop all of this in it's tracks at the starting gate. Well I have said what I wanted to say so STICK A FORK IN ME I AM DONE! 4668. Posted by johnson083091 Thu Aug 20 12:16pm EDT Omg, sarah dow, that may be the dumbest thing that I've ever heard; "gender is how you feel?" Are you serious? No, gender is a fact, not an emotion. 4667. Posted by Brown Thu Aug 20 12:15pm EDT I wish her all the best 4666. Posted by arkimgodfrey Thu Aug 20 12:15pm EDT okay. the problem i see with this is if in fact that is a man then something needs to be done because it would not be fair to all of the real ladies who were in the race. you can't help to admit that she does look very masculine. 4665. Posted by phersayus Thu Aug 20 12:15pm EDT wow! i also think people should stop using the race card. this is sad. look at the entire picture here. a young woman all of 18 is getting accused of being a man. what do you think this is doing to her at this very moment. she's 18. she might have had to deal with this as a young child but nothing to this extent. this is all over the world now. this isnt just happening in her home town. is this what she is going to be remembered by? she achived something that she has set out to do. and she did a damn good job. 4664. Posted by k.b_gaddis Thu Aug 20 12:15pm EDT Does it really matter? I mean at the Olympics China just sat there and clearly had underage girls competing. No one bothered to look into it. God forbid they be challenged. There can be a lot of reasons that this is suspected. There are a lot of possible outcomes. If she is a post-op transgender then she is female and therefore leave her alone. If she was born with more male attributes than female ones, then that is obviously something that she can't help. She's still a woman. Really? This deserves this much attention at this point in time?? Does anyone have any happy news? Anyone? 4663. Posted by Sharon Thu Aug 20 12:15pm EDT First of all, it is an article regarding gender, not race. Second, I work in a mental hospital, and I notice that whenever someone doesn't get what they want, they make it a race issue. Guess what? Slavery is over and has been for YEARS. We have a black president now, so why do people still say, "It's 'cause they're black"? Get over yourselves. No one is that special anymore. We're all more equal now than ever. As for this athlete, it is possible for women to have the build of a man because of exercise. If she really wanted to win this race, as it appears she did, then she probably trained very hard for it. As a biologist, I do not doubt that she may have a different hormone balance than the rest of us, and the added testosterone would help her athletically. 4662. Posted by Freddy Kugar Thu Aug 20 12:14pm EDT dewy b, I agree with you. After reading your comment I really didn't want to read the rest of this. As for gbrow99, you know you can't do that. Men are naturally physically stronger than Women. The way I see it, she ran, but she ran at the speed a man would run,she literally dusted the competition. and just like in sports with the soccer moms, and hockey parents ( I lived this ), you get these snot nosed people who want to throw in the air that this person cheated, this and that... all because their lil boy or girl didn't win or some other odd reason. The way I see it... they are only doing the test to shut them up. When I played hockey, I had to do a similar test. They swore up and down I must be older because I out skated their spoiled brats, and could keep up with the coach without trying when he was really skating. To shut them up, I had to bring in my documents to a panel of judges, perform a series of test, and the last one was ...SKATE....skating at high speeds was nothing but it was a big deal for the damn hockey moms who sons couldn't do it....same thing...just with track and field. 4661. Posted by crevans83 Thu Aug 20 12:14pm EDT Essentially does it REALLY matter? REALLY? I feel so bad that this day for her was ruined. All because people are retarded and are afraid of anything different. She shouldn't be stripped of her medal because of this. Some women are a little more manly than others. Some men are a little more feminine than others. Who cares? Reality check people!!! Let the woman keep her medal!!!! She won, she deserves it!!!! 4660. Posted by Mattias Thu Aug 20 12:14pm EDT Although her name "Semen ya" suggests a male, there's little doubt in my mind that she actually is a woman. Looking at her face in profile is pretty convincing to me. There's some of that feminine softness about her in spite of all that excessive training. I am against female athletes so she still gets my thumbs down, on account of her doing what's against nature and forcing her testosterone levels up. . 4659. Posted by dirty_south_picese Thu Aug 20 12:13pm EDT F*&K the IAAF some females are just born with it and sometimes trained that way... if they wanna find out her gender just raise her skirt up if she got a dang dang baby just can't hang. Plain and simple...... 4658. Posted by ladonna007 Thu Aug 20 12:13pm EDT She won Wednesday nights race by a margin of 2 seconds so your saying if the contender would have one she would be in the running for being accused as being a male as well? How many women have hair on thier chin? How many women are muscular? Because a women have hair on her chin and is muscular she is accused of faking her gender? IAAF has a very immature manner of thinking and should further educate themselves. 4657. Posted by Mellanie Thu Aug 20 12:13pm EDT Quick education tip: White people and all came from Africa get it in your head o.k. 4656. Posted by Gracious Sonia Thu Aug 20 12:13pm EDT people the point is gender , i come frm Africa and i used to and till now still play with boy and we call that tom - boy but in this case is nothing to do with that but being born like that. So may i ask a question here where do you put those ppl who are born with that problem of both gential and he/she choose one over the other do we discriminate them. Is that what we call free world think again. One more thing is she comes from one of the remote villages in SA and pls will someone tell me where she will get that money to go for the surgery/ operation pls people be realistic. what ever she is we ought to respect i thought. i might be wrong. 4655. Posted by ATrapp Thu Aug 20 12:13pm EDT Wow. 4653. Posted by shellypooh Thu Aug 20 12:12pm EDT O.K. Here is the test -if she has a penis she is a MAN!!!! if she has a vagina she is a Woman!!!.......... case closed truth revealed - men can not give birth with a penis!!!! Also if she had a SEX change that can to be revealed as well!!! end of story.... God Bless everyone and let's just get alone and LOVE everyone no matter what, we have enough to deal with on our on plates-AMEN!!! LOL PEACE :) 4652. Posted by Mike B Thu Aug 20 12:11pm EDT sara dow is an idiot. Gender is biological 4651. Posted by Mncedisi Thu Aug 20 12:11pm EDT This sound very weird and is not on line with human rights. Many sports people that I have seen have never underwent such humilation. Navatrilova who looked very mascular and like man was never asked to undergo a gender test. I t is one of those tactics the west is throwing to Africa and especially South Africa for they are a new kid on the block where there have been countries in Africa that were competent for all the past decades. This is sad and quite embarrasing. They just had to regard Semenya's looks as outstanding for to me she is so beautiful that you can mistake her as a gentleman than a woman she is. Makes me remember my first days as an Educator, there was this young girl who went in for every event that comes during school athletics. She was so gifted to an extent that we had to meet and decide on her status but the trick was on which gender in teachers will go and do the test there on the field. Should it be a male teacher or female teacher. We decided to let it go and develop the child's potential rather than sticking to humiliating practices.Really the other gender will be disappointed to find out that its the opposite sex and not his or hers. So please concentrate on the potential of individuals and have the correct approaches for why did you wait this long to come try to prove the gender of a long time running athlete who went up to this magnitute. 4650. Posted by t.townsend84@... Thu Aug 20 12:11pm EDT They're jus mad she kicked their ass in that race!!! so if they do the test and her hormones or something r out of whack that makes her a man??? lol but wtf?? how many of women go 2 our gyno cause we're off balance!! she needs 2 stand on the tallest building pull down her pants and do an eagle spread and that'll confirm it all!!!! u go girl keep on runnin!! 4649. Posted by Jessica Thu Aug 20 12:10pm EDT The only reason there testing her is because if she has excess testosterone she has an unfair advantage over the other women in the race. Think about the people are loosing to her, if she is really a male (hormonally) she should be racing against men. 4648. Posted by BusyB Thu Aug 20 12:10pm EDT I am not sure what the problem is. There is somewhat of a question of her gender and if she is correct she has nothing to worry about. I would prefer for them to test her and not wait 10 years and strip it from her and embarrass all the races that are attaching themselves to her. 4647. Posted by shaylaphai Thu Aug 20 12:10pm EDT This is insulting to any woman! Who cares if she's black, white, hindu. etc...... This is insulting 4646. Posted by Sheree Thu Aug 20 12:10pm EDT I would like to approach an area of discussion that no one has gone into detail about. It seems everyone has many opinions and is very judgmental, be it from race to gender. The word of God says in Matthew Ch.7, vs. 1) Judge not, that ye not be judged. vs. 2) For with what judgment ye judge, we shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. In other words, stop judging others. Stop ridiculing others. Stop proclaiming to be better than each other because of race or stature. Because the same way in which you judge others and treat others is the same measure God will Judge you. Which one of us on these posts is perfect? NOT ONE! We are all imperfect. If you read the article, her family states that she chose to run versus the alternative of wasting her life away in partying and drinking. Matthew Ch.7, vs. 7) Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye: and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote of thy brother's eye. This means before we start criticizing each other on this post or any others, we need to look in the mirror at ourselves and determine what we need to clean up in our own lives before we start determining what needs to be corrected in another. In the end, our eternity will be determined on our salvation (through Jesus Christ alone). Ask yourselves will this matter in eternity? The body of Christ is only who is washed in his blood. God reads our hearts, not our exterior shells. I pray that all of us have a blessed day and not allow the enemy to corrupt our hearts and our minds any longer. 4645. Posted by Gina Thu Aug 20 12:10pm EDT XX and XY Chromosomes do not tell the whole story. Many people have both XX and XY how are you going to choose which category to put them in? This is the problem that occurs when we try to categorize all people according to social constructed roles. 4644. Posted by pryzy03 Thu Aug 20 12:10pm EDT She ran faster than da Eithopian chicken! 4643. Posted by fairehawke Thu Aug 20 12:09pm EDT What does who commissioned the testing have to do with the issue? That doesn't change that fact that this woman is not being tested for performance enhancing drugs, she is being tested on her gender. If an unknown MALE athlete had taken the running world by storm, had broken several records during their first major competition, he may have been drug tested, but would never have been tested to make sure he was a MAN! Whether or not you think I'm an idiot or a 'feminazi', that doesn't change the fact that this woman is being put through this ordeal because she dared to excell at her sport and the 'officials' are certain that it isn't possible for a young girl. 4642. Posted by Tameka Thu Aug 20 12:09pm EDT wow all that's going on in this world, we worring about one's gender. are u serious. i agree with Not Brent. IF IT HAS A VAGINA IT'S A GIRL A PENIS IT'S A GUY. u dont need a test to prove if someone had a sex change. u can look and tell. from her country i highly doubt that they have that much money to have a sex change anyway. 4641. Posted by mightymouse Thu Aug 20 12:09pm EDT why do so many think its sexist? its not about if she is a man or a woman. its about if this person is a man competing as a woman. There is a major. And aging about the race thing JUST GIVE IT A BREAK. I mean not everything is about race. Some times it is but its not always. Oh and the person who say the comment about being pulled over for being black. THATS DOES HAPPEN, more often then you might thing or want to believe. And they said in the article they not sure so thats why they testing. Not cuz she won or anyhting. Now i do agree they had she be in last place this would not be as big or maybe not evenbe a issue. But since it is it has to be dealt with. 4640. Posted by johnson083091 Thu Aug 20 12:09pm EDT Exactly--race has nothing do do with anything in this case. 4639. Posted by Mellanie Thu Aug 20 12:07pm EDT Hey i don't know where you are coming from with that 90% of black women look like guys mess. there are plenty of beautiful dark darkskined women because there is no such thing a race black, why you think so many white women and spanish women want the dark skin men be simply because they want to be like the dark skinned women. 4638. Posted by dw55south Thu Aug 20 12:07pm EDT good call dewey b 4637. Posted by Soyica Thu Aug 20 12:07pm EDT 4482. Posted by youdontknow Thu Aug 20 11:04am EDT Report Abuse Damn ugly transexuals. Its funny how all the black people turn it into a race issue, way to bring the past up. The white people are trying to live their lives and you cant let it go. If u want to get down to the nitty gritty we are the ones who bred you guys YEARS and YEARS ago to be strong workhorses. U can thank us later. 4618. Posted by random3hero9 Thu Aug 20 11:35am EDT Report Abuse in the wise words of johnny cash: AMERICAS FOR WHITES AFRICAS FOR BLACKS SEND THOSE APES BACK TO THEIR TREES SHIP THOSE @#$% BACK! Ok usually I don't post on things like this, but some of your commentshave gotten me so riled up...I feel i have to respond to these two in particular: First off "youdon'tknow": Since the White Folks bred us Black Folks for "YEARS and YEARS" to be stronger workhorses, WHY ALL THE ANIMOSITY? You made us this way so now you're upset that one of your ancestors slaves decendants won a race? or maybe more upset that she or any other BLACK person could be a BLOOD relative of yours since your ancestors liked to dabble in the "dark meat". Make up your mind. Oh yes, I almost forgot...THANK YOU Secondly, random3hero9: you REALLY need to take history lesson. I like Johnny Cash and yes that particular verse in that song is derogatory and stupid, however i still like The Man in BLACK. Anywho, back to your history lesson. African Americans did not CHOOSE to come to America, we were STOLEN from our homeland, shipped here in boats, chained to one another like animals. In our homeland AFRICA we were Kings and Queens and happy with our lives. We did NOT ask to be brought here and yes we were made to work in your ancestors homes, in their plantation fields while being beaten, killed, whipped, and stoned SAVAGELY once again like we were animals. But oh! That didn't stop your WHITE male ancestors from RAPING and SODOMIZING thousands of black female slaves (oh i CAN'T forget the children who were also RAPED and SODOMIZED for your families sick pleasures) who BORE many, many of their children, Look at Thomas Jefferson? Just how many black kids did he have with his slave? while you are checking your history you might want to look THAT one up. Btw I am BLACK and PROUD!! Leave this girl alone. its a GENDER issue not a RACE issue!! 4636. Posted by Rhea D Thu Aug 20 12:07pm EDT seriously, i keep reading all the "its not about color" crap and then one will go on to say im a black female or im a black male and i went to college or i have a career. everyone keeps making about color. its about talent and if you have seen pictures of her you would understand. people in her own town thought she was a he. maybe she is both! either way it should have been dealt with private. 4635. Posted by Rural Women Thu Aug 20 12:07pm EDT I hate the way this lady is being treated. Even if she is found to have ambiguous genitalia,she has chosen to be female and that ambiguity is not of her making. Let us stop discrimination and imposing the feeling of self rejection in this young lady. God has given her the talent for livelihood and inspiration. Let us respect that 4634. Posted by dave r Thu Aug 20 12:06pm EDT totally a dude!! come on......5 o'clock shadow, underarm hair, rock hard jaw, pronounced brow? christ the only thing missing is the junk. And I imagine it was there at some point in the past!!!! 4633. Posted by martza Thu Aug 20 12:06pm EDT i think its sad, just because she has manly features and does really great in her sport does not mean she has to be a man. women can do anything a men can!!!!!!!!!! 4632. Posted by Earl E Thu Aug 20 12:06pm EDT Well, here's the answer to all the confusion. Castor is a very rare boys first name. It is fairly common as a surname. It is Greek and means beaver. "The boy's name Castor is of Greek origin, and its meaning is "beaver". Castor is the genus name of the beaver. Otherwise he/she was named for a Castor bean, despite its name, is not a true bean. ... The toxicity of raw castor beans due to the presence of ricin. Or possibly named for a type of wheel,single, double, or compound mounted on an object to make movement easier. So her/his first name means Beaver, a fake poisonous bean or a wheel. Dang, hard to tell. One could assume that Castor was not born running out of womb, Might have looked like a bean, or had a ?????? Your choice. Heck if Eddie Murphy couldn't tell, how are we. 4631. Posted by Andrew Thu Aug 20 12:06pm EDT Why does everone keep bring up there testing her because shes black??? Who cares, its not the question being asked. It's about weather or not she's a man and not a woman. Now I know this is a sensitive question to ask... but honestly I think its a legit one. I'm not sayin she is a man but she does look like one. Have you seen the other runners??? They all look like women. Anyone who thinks that she look's like a woman has to get there eye's checked. Again, I'm not sayin she is a man, but I don't think that this is a absurd question to ask. The only thing that I can see wrong with this question is that they did'nt ask about it in private. 4630. Posted by Matt Thu Aug 20 12:05pm EDT Leave her alone. If she doesn't have a@#$% and balls then she is not a man. I buy doughnuts every Sunday from a woman with a beard. I don' call her sir. Maybe she has a very strenuous exercise routine. Very low body fat does things to a woman's hormones. 4629. Posted by Kudus G Thu Aug 20 12:05pm EDT White peeps have problem when a black person always rises above the sun. It is a threat to a society Hate the game, not the Playaaaaa! If a gay man competes against men, I dont think you can say ohhh he looks a woman, and get rid of him. esp if it is white and gay/lesbian. sadd 4628. Posted by classof2012lshs@... Thu Aug 20 12:05pm EDT who cares 4627. Posted by Mncedisi Thu Aug 20 12:05pm EDT This sound very weird and is not on line with human rights. Many sports people that I have seen have never underwent such humilation. Navatrilova who looked very mascular and like man was never asked to undergo a gender test. I t is one of those tactics the west is throwing to Africa and especially South Africa for they are a new kid on the block where there have been countries in Africa that were competent for all the past decades. This is sad and quite embarrasing. They just had to regard Semenya's looks as outstanding for to me she is so beautiful that you can mistake her as a gentleman than a woman she is. Makes me remember my first days as an Educator, there was this young girl who went in for every event that comes during school athletics. She was so gifted to an extent that we had to meet and decide on her status but the trick was on which gender in teachers will go and do the test there on the field. Should it be a male teacher or female teacher. We decide to let it go and develop the child's potential rather than sticking to humiliating practices.Really the other gender will be disappointed to find out that its the opposite sex and not his or hers. So please concentrate on the potential of individuals and have the correct approaches for why did you wait this long to come try to prove the gender of a long running athlete who went up to this magnitute. 4626. Posted by Xavier Thu Aug 20 12:04pm EDT I believe the girl below me because just like ursain bolts people think that since they from another country or something they come up with some excuse...... 4625. Posted by justinbbeckstrom Thu Aug 20 12:04pm EDT Why is this racism, thats the stupidest thing i have ever heard. If she where white and from Bosnia what would you say then? Its a simple test to weed out cheaters, just like steroids tests, if shes not a man then she doesnt have anything to worry about. Racism wouldnt be as bad as it is if all you people wouldnt keep saying things are racist when someone is not white. So apparently if your white and you cheat your a cheater, if you are any other race its racism get over it. 4624. Posted by ramiedelaney Thu Aug 20 12:04pm EDT I think this is all so crazy, How the world gets so caught up in the B.S!!! Like Michelle Obama, wearing shorts..... This damn women is a women.. Whats the big deal. it is such a shame.. if the girl says shes a women, leave it alone. this world questions everything.. This whole thing just makes me so saddddd :-(.... 4623. Posted by sarah_dow Thu Aug 20 12:03pm EDT Gender has to do with idenity not biologically based. Her GENDER is most certianly whatever she feels she is. 4622. Posted by Porshalan Thu Aug 20 12:03pm EDT i wanna know who gives alex the right to say that 90% of black women look like man...you dont even have a real picture up...given that this particular one does look like a man...there are plenty of beautiful black women in this world...what planet do you live on!!!! 4621. Posted by Kristina Thu Aug 20 12:03pm EDT I think it is funny how the article is about a talented woman and yet many of you have used it as a way to turn it to a race issue. They want to know if she has a peepee or a hoohoo, not if she is black or white. I am white and I think it is stupid that she got pulled into an ugly mess. 4620. Posted by Isaiah Thu Aug 20 12:02pm EDT Love life live. 4619. Posted by Carlo D Thu Aug 20 12:02pm EDT Perfect. To discard men This exam should carry out it to ANA GUEVARA, the MEXICAN transvesti, she no longer participates in the games olimpiicos, when they wanted to carry out her this study. 4618. Posted by jade Thu Aug 20 12:02pm EDT "Actually, the derogitory "N" word simply means "anything black", in it's original text. Yes, slave owners and non slave owners alike called them that, but not specifically to be mean, just as a descriptive term. Blacks later on, due to having been called that during the slave era, took it as an offensive term. From that point it became derogitory from a "slang" perspective"... Wow this is false information completely. The N Word did not become deragotory recently it is a derivative of Negro, however that is not what the N Word means. No actually black americans have always found the term to be derogatory(why don't you read some slave narratives), the term refered to more than the complexion of one's skin that is for certain. As if I recall in the United States regardless of color of skin "one drop of N Blood made you a N" so how is that not assigning someone to a state of being lesser than. Enough of the history lesson, if you want to continue this off of a blog I would be happy too. And I know my history very well, I studies Slave History in the United States and Latin America and completed my dissertation on this subject so I know more than the average citizen. But the real question here is, do they have the right to complete a gender test on this young woman and they do not. There has been question of age in competitions, and no one has requested for bone density tests to confirm age to be conducted. So why with this young woman? A birth certificate should suffice as it always has when there have been discrepencies with age, so too with gender(sex). 4617. Posted by requeblackmon Thu Aug 20 12:02pm EDT Look people the truth is if they will do it to Mike Vic they will do it to her. What kind of world do we live in that will just take everything a man has worked for and throw it away for a DAMN DOG!!!!!! Ook I don't agree with what happen but its A DAMN DOG people and you cant tell me that race don't play a nice sized part in this. They want to make an example out of him to plainly state that "Hey @#$% don't get to big for your own pants now ,Yea HErre". So please stop acting like this world is all good just we got a Black President its not, you see how many people already want let that man do his job he's got a lot of haters. 4616. Posted by gbrow99 Thu Aug 20 12:01pm EDT What is it with all this "woman vs. man" thing, or "black vs. white" thing; I though we were all equal, no matter what...so let's do away with race and gender and have but one competition to really see who is the fastest or strongest or whatever. 4615. Posted by chimulambe Thu Aug 20 12:01pm EDT Why is it that when its an Africa young woman wins competition like this, IAAF finds something to blame But when its young black america or black british or black chinese woman wins you approud her or him. If Holt was an afican athlete you straight test him for drugs and make un necessary noise. She has won because of her hard working and good preration. 4614. Posted by johnson083091 Thu Aug 20 12:01pm EDT Race is not an issue in this situation, so why does it continue to be rendered???? 4613. Posted by jameslarrybeasley Thu Aug 20 12:00pm EDT Everyone saying that if she has elevated stimulates in her system other than "steroids" is missing several points. I'm 5"5 male and played B' Ball all through highschool with no problems... it's about hard work and dedication. I could have said everyone else is to tall... that's unfair and the could have said he's to fast... that's unfair. If you have a good given talent, use it. Train hard and be rewarded for your achievments... 4612. Posted by charliep Thu Aug 20 12:00pm EDT Human Being: A person who has the power and the heart to outweigh all negativity and fullfill his or her quest in life and love it. God bless he or she "your beautiful to all those you represent in life" Frankie 4611. Posted by Emelia Thu Aug 20 12:00pm EDT dewey b.... As a half black half white person I agree with you 100%. 4610. Posted by marshallparis49 Thu Aug 20 12:00pm EDT Ya'll have lost your mind 4609. Posted by nisadark Thu Aug 20 11:59am EDT I agree it is very simple, not just pants down because anyone could change that visiting the surgeon but to see if she has XX cromosomes and not Y cromosome. I'm disappointed by ppl that try to explain what is a woman with six paragraphs of text. It must be complicated to try to bend the reality to their wishes. I don't know which gender is that athlete, I believe that the tests should be done before and not after the race to all athletes to not discriminate them by their appearance but better to do the test late than never. At the end in case she was a man he would tried to steal a medal to women and this possibility can't be tolerated in defense to women right to compete between them in equalty without men intrussion. 4608. Posted by Charlotte Thu Aug 20 11:59am EDT I tell you what, If it was me I would be a whole lot angrier about it than she seems to be, and there would be no question once all the womanly anger came flying outa me, lol!!! Some idiot has decided to take it upon himself to say that this is a white people whiney fest basically and that there are no black people questioning it at all... somehow I really just doubt that... I don't have a clue either way if any of the questioning is justified or not, But I do know I'm a white girl who prolly knows more about Africa than you do... hmmm, why don't they just check the birth records... well prolly because they said that SHE is from a very poor part of Africa, and I'm sure detailed birth records are not kept. I mean hell I was born right here in the good ol' USA and it's a pain in the butt to get things like birth certificates and SS cards sometimes. This IS NOT a race issue, this is more of a Pat from SNL type situation, lol!!! is it a he or she?? wait for the results. 4607. Posted by Li Thu Aug 20 11:57am EDT It's a man. 4606. Posted by Patricia Thu Aug 20 11:57am EDT As a girl now a women who grew up in the age of women not being treated equally in sports, I am disappointed in the world condoning bulling because she looks different. Who are we to question this young girl because of how she looks?, why cant she just be a great athlete? Good for her that she can just get past it and go on to win. This is a huge problem and shows that we as humans have a long way to go to correct our behavior and to teach our children the proper way to treat all people now matter what they look like! There are lessons to be learned. 4605. Posted by Dave Thu Aug 20 11:57am EDT She may be a hermaphrodite leaning towards more masculine qualities. A man with a vagina-hahahah, a mangina. I watched the race on youtube from start to finish and she definitely has masculine characteristics. Face, mannerisms, hips, body build etc looked manly. She absolutely smoked the competition. Maybe she should compete with men. 4604. Posted by M22 Thu Aug 20 11:57am EDT She's simply on steroids. 4603. Posted by FirstZone Thu Aug 20 11:57am EDT For those who said she may be using substance that have altered her looks. Did you read the paragraph where the head Master or so said he only realized that Caster Semenya is actually a girl when she was in grade 11. The whole time prior to grade 11 he thought she was a girl due to her looks, dressing, and activities. She likes to do what boys do. Was she using substance at grade 11 and bellow apparently her mother started giving her substance at birth that made her look just like a man. Oh please! A lot of young women look like boys when they are very young cos some girls and teenagers their burst line is very small that if they do not tell you that they are girls you won't know. A lot of these girls dress, and prefer hanging with boys until they reach a certain age and their feminine behavior kicks in. Women that are very athletic especially runners most times look just like men not to talk of when someone is already created with the physical looks of men and is an athlete on top. It is possible for some people to look like the opposite sex and even have voices that sounds like the opposite sex. Some of them are hired to act on T.V shows etc just for their voice or physic. I personally know a woman that when she opens her mouth to talk you will think she is a man and another woman said she was argued over the phone when she called her daughter 's school because they won't talk to her because they claimed she is not the mother she is a man because her voice sounds very masculine. I have also worked with a young man that speaks just like a woman. Many people are created just like that and it is nobody's fault that's how God made them and it should not be used against them. 4602. Posted by Mellanie Thu Aug 20 11:56am EDT they need to stop 4601. Posted by TeresaHarper Thu Aug 20 11:55am EDT fact I have been mistaken for a drag queen I am all female born female gave birth to two children some girls are alittle butch, but we are still female. face it the GIRL can run.... 4600. Posted by makoy Thu Aug 20 11:55am EDT it would be more exciting to see her in Playboy 4599. Posted by Stephen Thu Aug 20 11:55am EDT Marie Mutola was also suspected of being a aman when she took over the womens athletics by surprise. Surely imagine if its your daughter being suspected - how would you feel? Does the IAAF want to have the children scrutinized before the meets? What kind of standard are we setting for our kids? So women have to look a certain way to fdetermine whether they are legit!! GROW UP IAAF!!!!! 4598. Posted by Mellanie Thu Aug 20 11:53am EDT I think they are jaelous of this lady because she did win this competition and since she is from a poor area they did not expect her too do good, so they say anything to discourage her. 4597. Posted by Reginald Thu Aug 20 11:53am EDT That looked like a dude from the 1st time I saw the pic! No wonder there's skeptisism over gender here! 4596. Posted by squidoc10 Thu Aug 20 11:53am EDT I think that they will need to check out her hormones more than just gender... If she has way more testostrone in her body she should be considered a malke athlete because of the extremely unfair advantage she has over the other women she competes against. It is the same as if women and men were all in the same race, you would never see a women win because men are more athletically dominant. ya i say they make sure she doesnt have a piece of dangling meat, but also check all her or his hormones to be certain it is the only fair way... 4595. Posted by rwebber47 Thu Aug 20 11:53am EDT We just went through this jealous taunting with Phelps. Instead of the other athletes and trainers tearing this young WOMAN down, they should focus on training themselves harder to keep up. 4594. Posted by johnson083091 Thu Aug 20 11:53am EDT ―'She was always rough and played with the boys. She liked soccer and she wore pants to school. She never wore a dress. It was only in Grade 11 that I realized she‘s a girl,' Eric Modiba, head of the Nthema Secondary School, told the Beeld newspaper." "Her dramatic improvement in the 800 and 1,500...sparked speculation about her gender." These statements all seem to jump out as "sexist" to me. I agree that any one professional athlete who "slaughters" the competition should be tested; however, I do not believe that it is fair for one to be tested just b/c they do not conform w/ the expectations of their sex. 4593. Posted by Diane Thu Aug 20 11:52am EDT must be a slow day in sports....give me a break! 4592. Posted by Not Brent Thu Aug 20 11:52am EDT WHAT TESTS? I got my own test. VAGINA: YES, PENIS: NO! It's the easiest and oldest test in the history of mankind. 4591. Posted by dewey b Thu Aug 20 11:52am EDT its funny, all of the professed black people on this blog or whatever, stilll bring up the race card. all but 3 comments from other than black people are not about race. for you who keep saying racism is alive, yes it is and will be forever. i dont owe any black person out there anything but what anyone else in the world gets. i live in the panhandle of florida and i even have a few black people whom i work with and have beer with that also agree that blacks are the most racist people in america. call it what you will. but it is true. and they dont talk "black" either. thats not a language but laziness on their part. its all about hate and you blacks out there teach it right back to your kids every day. you are destroying yourselves. and yes whomever commented on white slavery is in fact true. the word slaves come form the SLAVIC race, hence blonde hair, blue eyed people were the first labeled slaved, of course look at theBIBLE and the Jews, who are not black, were enslaved by the EGYPTIANS who are....so go read a book you ignorant bastards, not everything in a rap song is true, and that goes for you ignorant redneck KKK @#$%s too who quote the BIBLE and assume GOD is racist, @#$% both of your kind...i will not be prejudice towards either one of you when it comes to real justice......oh and country music sux too!!!!!! Thank you. 4590. Posted by Highthoughts Thu Aug 20 11:52am EDT Semenya is not the only person who needs testing. I guarantee, any man who is racist is a girl inside. It is a kind of 'complication' that science will soon reveal. Notice this for example, women hardly tend to post racist comments, because their hormones are in the perfect vein. 'Half-mens' on the other hand have something to prove. I don't give a hoot - I am a man, and if the other guy is black or white - makes no difference to me. My hormones are not all twisted up and hell...giving me something to prove...no way... 4589. Posted by Felicia Thu Aug 20 11:51am EDT I can understand if she has an extremely high hormone level that allows her to build athletic muscle (like say she has high testosterone) and can build muscle that the majority of women cannot - that would be an athletic advantage similar to taking steroids. Not a deliberate one. Certainly a way for HER to take a disability or at least a disadvantage and use it as an ability, but not fair to the other runners, who could only make do with the norm - no enhancements, no extra doses of hormones. 4588. Posted by H Thu Aug 20 11:51am EDT LOL... she's a man baby! 4587. Posted by BrianS Thu Aug 20 11:51am EDT This is not a race thing, and people that are trying to make it one are ones that will always scream the race card. this young person is having the test done to prove their sex wait until the results come back before you throw stones. AMIABLE you are neither humble or stong yes we have a African American pres. but what makes him better than anyone we had before???? Is he not going to lie to WE THE PEOPLE???? Like every pres before him. I agree as a race African Americans are better in sports, but to go as far as saying your smarter wiser and humble is wrong. And you want to cry rasism look at PETE ROSE all he did was bet on the Reds to win and was band from baseball for life, but look at MIKE VICK he shot ,drown fried, on slammed dogs into walls when they couldn't fight no more, and afew years later he playing football where is the fairness in that.If vick was white he would still be in prison.So join the new world and quit using race to make it look everybodyelse is wrong. Both races have made mistakes and both races have done things to improve the lives of others. And when simple minded people like yourself and others on here learn that there is only one race and that's the human race the world will be better . And to show you how smart you are look at schools how many all white schools are there in the U.S? none.......how many all black schools are there? alot more........ 4586. Posted by mrnellynelson Thu Aug 20 11:51am EDT Wow, is all that testing really necessary? If it has boobs and no balls, it's a girl. How about using all that money to help the economy instead of researching something nobody cares about? It's the same thing with the steroid scandal; nothing but drama, drama, drama... 4585. Posted by Anar Thu Aug 20 11:50am EDT i dnt see the point ... if she can run good then its her talent ... nobody tunes Shelly ann Frasier (100m womans record holder) that she is a man 4584. Posted by fbryant7 Thu Aug 20 11:50am EDT Racism! 4583. Posted by Slowlysensitive Thu Aug 20 11:50am EDT You racists don't see anything good from Africa!!!!!! How could the world be that stupid? Just pull her pants, if she has a dick, rip her off the medal. Isn't that simple enough? Huh!!!!!!!!! Ghana. 4582. Posted by ramiedelaney Thu Aug 20 11:50am EDT I think this is all so crazy, How the world gets so caught up in the B.S!!! Like Michelle Obama, wearing shorts..... This damn women is a women.. Whats the big deal. it is such a shame.. if the girl says shes a women, leave it alone. this world questions everything.. This whole thing just makes me so saddddd :-(.... 4581. Posted by BozoC Thu Aug 20 11:50am EDT Maybe it's the cod sack look she has going in her pants. 4580. Posted by d_henders1 Thu Aug 20 11:50am EDT They are just hating that she is a beast at what she does... and maybe she has an issuse that they were talking abou which will cause her to fail the test se shouldn't be stripped of her tittle... cause clearly she is a women wth that issue....some of us have facial hair some of us are very masculine, and some built... but we are talented women and that no test can take away or say other wise 4579. Posted by emmanuel e Thu Aug 20 11:50am EDT this is too bad i hope she will not be stripeed of her medal in the end 4578. Posted by Amanda Thu Aug 20 11:49am EDT To shannon c, post 4503, you don't have to "see" a package. I have a friend that was called a boy in school, and is now called a girl. She hasn't had the surgery yet, but due to wearing super tight undies and clothes, taking hormones and whatever else, there is no "package" to be seen. So that has nothing to do with it. It looks like an ugly a** dude, whichever way the tests come out. Those of you saying this is only being done because it's black: you must be black and hate "the white man that is keeping you down" Get over it, or shove it up your a**, because were are tired of hearing it. 4577. Posted by Cindy Thu Aug 20 11:49am EDT I feel sorry for her, she has overcome so many things, let her have her glory, she is a true blue marathon runner, Congrats on achieving so much in little time as a woman. 4576. Posted by craigsliststeve89 Thu Aug 20 11:49am EDT TO ALL OF YOU FEME-NAZI'S CRYING ABOUT WHY THERE IS A "DOUBLE STANDARD", AND WHY THEY DON'T CHECK MALES THAT APPEAR TO BE FEMALES: The reason that they are checking a FEMALE runner to see if she is truly a MALE purporting to be a female is that FEMALE athletes are worse than MALE athletes; they compete in their own league, and are only compared to each other. Obviously, males, being physically superior to females in every way, would have an advantage by presenting themselves as women; they would be competing against slower, weaker opponents. Females, however, would gain no such benefit from posing as males - they simply would come in last in every meet. No one needs to test the person that comes in last. And that's why there is the double standard. Flame away; you know I'm right. 4575. Posted by Derek Thu Aug 20 11:48am EDT In the first page about the "kicking balls and the puking" comment, that would be abuse. 4574. Posted by CandiC Thu Aug 20 11:47am EDT Post 4532, You need to get real. You have a post full of generalizations about two races of people, which is quite foolish of you. Many of the other posts are just as ridiculous. Do you know how simple you sound when you generalize and categorize an entire race of people, obviously not. Furthermore, white people can get scholarships to go to college, it has to be an HBCU, just like blacks can get money to go to an HWCU, :-0 , what is this I speak of... HWCU!!! Yes, HWCUs actually exist. What shocks me even more, probably even more than the BET, HBCU harpers are to know that there are HWCUs, is that we act like HWCUs didn't /don't exist. Nevertheless, I find it interesting to read comments about black folks not going to school unless a handout was given... I sure would have like to be in that line for "a handout" for this tuition for post grad school, and I could've stood it for grad school, and undergrad too. Oh, my word, what I actually have to pay to go to school to be a doctor, well, "who'da thunk it"!!!!! What my husband is doubling his loan payments each month because he had to take out a loan to go to school for computer engineering! Wow, so, all of my black friends could've gotten scholarships to go to college just because they are black... wow, I guess they'll be real disappointed to know that some simple mind said that they were giving away scholarships to blacks and hispanics because that's the only way we would go to school. They'll probably wish that they had just hung around doing nothing until the free ride, which we didn't get on, came by!!!! Oh, well, I guess we will just have to continue to work hard and enjoy all of our hard work, and enjoy being a computer engineer, doctors, teachers, lawyers, a psychologist, social workers, a civil engineer, mechanical engineers and the likes. Who knew that so many black folks in one group of friends alone could take simple thoughts and simple opinions of simple people and make them totally meaningless. Well, I for one did. 4573. Posted by MM Thu Aug 20 11:47am EDT This is happening simply because "certain people" can't believe she kicked their asses so good. They are looking for an excuse to disqualify her because she is so much better than them! This is typical behavior of sore loosers and haters who believe they are better than other people. I hope you haters never break her record. Just accept it, "certain people" are better at things than you are and it should not matter what color they are. Give credit where credit is due and stop using your hate to discriminate!!! 4572. Posted by BeBopaLula Thu Aug 20 11:46am EDT Yes, I agree with quite a few of you. Stop playing the race card! She is not getting tested because she is black. That is the most ridiculous statement yet. That's like saying the cops "pulled me over because I am black" - not, "because I was speeding". Come on, get your head out of your hind parts. 4571. Posted by CherriK Thu Aug 20 11:46am EDT Boo, you need to find another forum for your indecent comments. 4570. Posted by matikobonfas Thu Aug 20 11:46am EDT the lady has worked up her body,infact i admire her...bt i wish one of our own was in the track..i mean CHELIMO. 4569. Posted by joyce g Thu Aug 20 11:46am EDT Who cares what she looks like. If she is competing fairly with no help of drugs then let her enjoy her reign. 4568. Posted by Tizian Thu Aug 20 11:45am EDT This whole thing is just pathetic! I've viewed the photos, I've read the reports and I'm sickened that this young woman is being subjected to something this banal in the twentyfirst century. Yes, she does have a few masculine features but even in the photos you can tell she's a girl. Her mannerisms, though taken from a photo, are undeniably feminine. True she's not the most attractive woman in the world, but that's just my opinion based on MY concept of what beauty is, but I still think she's a woman. How many times have the woman of the Eastern Block countrys been accused of the same thing? Calling Russian and Polish woman athletes men was a common joke when I was growing up, so we need to move past this nonsense! I say this woman has an incredible talent and I hope she continues to use it and fufil her potential! 4567. Posted by matikobonfas Thu Aug 20 11:45am EDT the lady has worked up her body,infact i admire her...bt i wish one of our own was in the track..i mean CHELIMO. 4566. Posted by Clifton Thu Aug 20 11:45am EDT In the wise words of me, @#$% U random3hero9!!! SUCK AN AFRICAN DICK!!! 4565. Posted by Highthoughts Thu Aug 20 11:44am EDT Usain Bolt is tested for steroids very often; so if you are using him as reference you should also agree for her to get tested for balls. People love to presume too much but I am not a believer. I either know or I don't. One way to know is to FIND OUT. And oh, that person who keeps picking on my boy's name...Usain Bolt is a NATURAL JAMAICAN GUY. His medicine is the Rasta medicine - no drugs...not even Panadol. I mean it!!! 4564. Posted by ferrellspring@... Thu Aug 20 11:44am EDT Is it really about her Gender?, or just because she's a Black Talented Woman from Africa. 4563. Posted by amgaramms Thu Aug 20 11:44am EDT Everybody has a special gift and its just a matter of finding one, Like as we speak not everybody knows who they really are. the poor girl has found out who she is and what she can do but many people are so jealous of her now you want to use some tests yet those tests are not perfect! She is unleashed her capability and if she's given a chance may be she has more for us, or admit it she's incredible! 4562. Posted by Adrian Thu Aug 20 11:44am EDT I don't see what the big deal is. She, her family, and, it would seem, everybody who knows her says that she is a girl. it would seem to me that someone is jealous because she beat those other girls. If you use the majority of your time training and nothing else, you will be above average in what you train in, and that is exactly what this girl did. 4561. Posted by gzambika Thu Aug 20 11:43am EDT therefore only the people they want to win should win otherwise they will query just like in the song i mentioned. AFRICA GO! 4560. Posted by John Thu Aug 20 11:43am EDT Some men have WIDE HIPS and narrow shoulders, but that does not make them women in any way. Indeed there is a Yahoo Group called MASAIREWORLD for men with wide hips. Masaire is a man with wide hips. 4559. Posted by JuanC Thu Aug 20 11:43am EDT iv notice that over the years,don't know if it have to do some thing with injustice or property yet i am black:blame it on god? there is a huge portion of black that people that birth out masculine looking females more then any other race on this planet and MIND SET as well,exceptionally the MIND SET,so much for god right.damn that sucks! she the only one wearing those weird looking tights lady looks like a dude! 4558. Posted by Mark Thu Aug 20 11:43am EDT I find it hard to understand why people find this to be so difficult to accept. I can see the blur of male and female trates in almost everybody, we are all made of male and female, chroms, memories, and characters. The difference between a man and a woman is almost as thin as paper. So what if a girl looks more boyish that others, she is because that is just how this whole dna thing works. I don't understand all of it just yet, but atleast I can see that this process more clearly. The answer to this riddle is staring you in the face, but its ignored, because your not willing to understand it. Any way congrates to Semenya for the victory. 4557. Posted by Ms. Johnson Thu Aug 20 11:43am EDT This is one of the saddest blogs I have read. This is about gender testing and all of the racist comments are not nessesary from both sides. I feel that this type of media attention is humilitating to the athlete and should have been a private matter. I for one am an educated black woman with a job/carrer and a mother to twin biracial children and it is soo sad to see what the world has come to. All of the negative comments need to cease. Instead of trying to tear each other down (black, white, and others) we need to lift each other up. There is too much mess going on in the world for this type of nonsense. All those racist individuals out there need to be ashamed of yourself and ask God for forgiveness. So, so sad... I thought that the nation had improved, so evident that we still have a ways to go... Terrible. 4556. Posted by sasa Thu Aug 20 11:43am EDT in my opinion i think this kind of test or these type of words is not right to see because we are doubt on our god and what he had created . other ways we will doubt in her country arrangement so is not good to say this 4555. Posted by Curt B Thu Aug 20 11:42am EDT You'd think she'd want to spread them legs in a doctor's office as quickly as possible to kill the media immediately. And I couldn't find any Adam's apple in any photos. :) 4554. Posted by ANGEL Thu Aug 20 11:42am EDT She's just a young woman with an amazing talent, being humiliated, self-esteem crushed and insulted by having her gender questioned in front of the whole world. what if it was your daughter who was a little different and had to go through this? At 18 years old? Already got girls worried about being fat, or being too skinny, acne, or developing to slow,boys, or simply "am i pretty enough?" .This world is a mess. And all these idiotic comments prove that it's not going to get any better. Have a blessed day. 4553. Posted by Mike Thu Aug 20 11:41am EDT Although a hormonal imballance would provide her an advantage, I don't think it should disqualify her. As long as there's no evidence of drug or steroid use, I don't think it should be an issue. 4552. Posted by emmanuel e Thu Aug 20 11:41am EDT there are women who play football and act as men but truely they are women. this is a calculated attempt to tanish her image. she is just a great athlete 4551. Posted by ThomasD Thu Aug 20 11:41am EDT what if she's not a man but was born with those genes being dominate? will she be stripped of her medals then? will she be able to compete with the men if she wants to after that? it's only fair, considering the circumstances 4550. Posted by John Thu Aug 20 11:41am EDT Some men have WIDE HIPS and narrow shoulders, but that does not make them women in any way. Indeed there is a Yahoo Group called MASAIREWORLD for men with wide hips: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/masaireworld/ 4549. Posted by Fast Eddie Thu Aug 20 11:40am EDT I think Y'all need a prescription for Lexapro and chill out. 4548. Posted by JHOLAT Thu Aug 20 11:40am EDT I dont the reason why you have question the the gift and grace of god in her life.is better let her be.let her keep it up 4547. Posted by Cherise Thu Aug 20 11:40am EDT These people need to find something constructive to do and give this young lady a break. We all have our individuality and thats hers. Her looks makes her who she is and she is confident about who she is, so what is the problem? Our God is an awesome God, and He has given each of us something unique about us...so accept who she is and leave her alone. What are they trying to do, play God and make her into who they want her to be? 4546. Posted by brownprof Thu Aug 20 11:40am EDT What happen to being discrete. Congratulations Miss.Caster Semenya! I hope you can get over this. 4545. Posted by bach_ngoc17 Thu Aug 20 11:40am EDT Why is there always something like this at the olympics!! If the participates were wondering about the qualifications of anyone, evidence should be sought after before the competition. Once someone is allow to compete, that should be final. None of this whinning, it's sounds like a bunch of sore losers and that;s just bad sportsmenship. 4544. Posted by romanclement@... Thu Aug 20 11:40am EDT gender is an should be based on when u was born was u a male or female RC 4543. Posted by uneecornballoon Thu Aug 20 11:39am EDT I think "she's" a guy 4542. Posted by matt w Thu Aug 20 11:39am EDT pull its pants down and you will know what it is..... simple. but no thats not pollitically correct we have to do blood hormone test that can show false results if she / it is on steroids.... how stupid this world has become. if it has a penis.... DISQUALIFIED end of story 4541. Posted by uneecornballoon Thu Aug 20 11:38am EDT I think "she's" a guy 4540. Posted by accappser@... Thu Aug 20 11:38am EDT There is a lot of speculation going on here. Let's wait until the test is completed. How it became a racial issue can only be projected by a biggot or idiot. The question is gender. There is no racial rule at question. Why don't we all work a little harder and argue a little less. I already have the test results and can't wait to make them public. THE END 4539. Posted by aplegtbar Thu Aug 20 11:38am EDT there is a chromosomal condition that a girl is born with all women parts but xy chromosomes! I have this condition. I get normal paps and my OBGYN says that I am fine and able to have kids and everything! So what these runners did was probably take a blood test and found out that she had xy chromosomes and now they want more tests. and guess what 1 in 10000 women have this condition! Watch out ladies on what you say.. You might find yourself with facing this fact one day. 4538. Posted by FaithB Thu Aug 20 11:37am EDT *shakes head* this is just sad. I get mistaken for a boy all the time, but I can't imagine having to go through all they're making her go through. 4537. Posted by maggiewolfe@... Thu Aug 20 11:37am EDT some of you are straying far from the main point... If this girl does have an excess of testosterone in her body due to steroid usage or due to hormonal imbalance, that gives her an unfair competitive advantage against female runners who do not have the extra testosterone. Remember the East German female athletes of the 1970's and (I think) 1980's? Women with masculine characteristics won a majority of the events they were entered in. Later, evidence came out that the young women had been given injections of steroids that they were told were vitamin boosters. It's not fair to all of the other runners in a race, or people in any kind of contest, if one has an unfair advantage, an advantage that is not available to or illegal for the others. Play fair. 4536. Posted by Lakota Thu Aug 20 11:37am EDT If you don't let people compete unless they fit an exact genetic/blood workup, where is the spirit of competition. Everyone will be the same. If she has a genetic abnormality, does that make her "disabled" and she gets to compete in Special Olympic games? Are they going to make sports for every "type" of person. This could get expensive,and a little ridiculous, don't you think? 4535. Posted by accappser@... Thu Aug 20 11:37am EDT There is a lot of speculation going on here. Let's wait until the test is completed. How it became a racial issue can only be projected by a biggot or idiot. The question is gender. There is no racial rule at question. Why don't we all work a little harder and argue a little less. I already have the test results and can't wait to make them public. THE END 4534. Posted by jesues child Thu Aug 20 11:36am EDT if you look like a man you look like a man and people are going to treat you in that manner in which you are 4533. Posted by Frances S Thu Aug 20 11:36am EDT That reminds me of that song... 'Dude looks like a lady'... is this case... 'Lady LOOKS like a dude'... LOL 4532. Posted by maurice95460 Thu Aug 20 11:36am EDT From the ridiculous to the sublime---it is a fact that many people display & have more of one than the other even though they don't appear to. i.e--i am a woman-have had 5 children very heteralsexual and know without a doubt that i have more male hormones than female--it would take maore space than is alloted here to explain this but a fact non-the-less. i t appears that the others are suffering from a case of "sour grapes". 4531. Posted by Fa-D Thu Aug 20 11:36am EDT man man man man man man man man man man man man man man man man man man man 4530. Posted by jcabbiness Thu Aug 20 11:36am EDT I think all of this is just stupid why dont you just give that GIRL... a break, just because she looks like a man doesn't mean she is one, ya'lls gots no solid proof of what she is so just drop it Goshhhhhhhhhhhh!!! ps how would u feel if someone said u weren't a girl cuz u didnt look like one or cuz u weren't a boy cuz u didnt look like one this girl can win so she kicks buttt! SO WHAT NOW!:] 4529. Posted by Highthoughts Thu Aug 20 11:36am EDT I do not see this as a question of black or white. I am sure there were tests done before on people who were NOT BLACK. It does not matter to me - and I am black - if some idiot want to make racist comment about blacks, whites or whoever. It only makes me feel more confident about my own perspective. We are all people and if Semenya seems a little bit 'too masculine' (which is a fact) I do not mind someone running a test to find out if something went 'haywire' in her wiring. Of course that would not be her fault; she would have been born that way. However, it would surely be unfair to those poor competing girls to have a 'longseeded' man kicking their butts every time they try so hard. What I think should happen is that these things are NEVER to be PUBLICIZED. That is like murder to thatr poor girl (Question sign) Peace. 4528. Posted by RandyW Thu Aug 20 11:35am EDT Gender tests are a waste of time and money. Just kick her in the balls. If she pukes and passes out, she's a man. 4527. Posted by Trudy Thu Aug 20 11:35am EDT I think it is more odd that there is not one picture of her "smiling" after she won the world title. That to me is just weird. 4526. Posted by Sue Thu Aug 20 11:35am EDT I think the fundamental question is how do you define a sex - what scientific tests prove your gender? Everyone has a unique hormanal and phychological balance (which varies over time) but men and women with higher levels of "male" hormones are at an advantage in many sports. Training is huge, but the genetic material etc. you have to work with can limit how far training can get you. At what point would a woman with a more masculine composition fail to be female and is she therefore a man? What category would those scientifically proved to be borderline compete in? It's time to remove emotion from these debates and start working with the facts to find a solution. 4525. Posted by Dennis Thu Aug 20 11:34am EDT This isn't a rascist question, it's a question of whether or not someone may be "cheating" to gain advantage over other athletes. Whether this is a question of a man posing as a woman , or a woman taking steroids to bulk up, it's a standard practice in sports. All athletes who display outstanding ability seem to be suspected of "cheating" in one way or another until it's proven that it's legitimate talent and athletic ability that they possess. White athletes as well as black regularly come under fire because of their talent. 4524. Posted by jessldana Thu Aug 20 11:34am EDT if the gynecologist says she has a vagina, shouldnt that be the end of it?? lol im just saying... this just isn't fair to the athlete! 4523. Posted by free_thought365 Thu Aug 20 11:34am EDT I only ask that question to point out that we are in no position to judge, that's God's position. If someone hate's or dislikes someone because of the color of their skin, not only is it ignorant but it's disrespectful to God, who created every one of us how we are. Racism and reverse racism is ignorant and we should learn to love and respect each other rather than hate and destroy each other. She won so congratulations to her. If evidence come up later that she is other than a woman then so be it. A party should be innocent until proven guilty, and if proven guilty then pray for them because they are human and have faults just like everybody else! 4522. Posted by apple=bottom Thu Aug 20 11:33am EDT What does Obama have to do with a South Africa runner God given talent? She trained hard for her success. Everybody chemical make is not the same some have more some have less. If some people train thier minds as well as she trained her body to preform they might learn something. I hope because of all the negativity she wins all the golds in her events. Anyway there is no way OUR PRESIDENT MR. OBAMA could screw up any worse then the rest. 4521. Posted by bmase02 Thu Aug 20 11:33am EDT thats just so wrong. would they have tested her if she had lost? as a matter of fact why didnt they test her before the race.. if she is subjected to a gender test i think all the women should be tested too. 4520. Posted by susanne_malloy Thu Aug 20 11:32am EDT Hey, Garin, in effort to sound all gangsta, you sound like a simple, boring retarded child....and you can take your trash talking and indeed kiss my cracker... why would you even mention cracker, you sound ignorant and bigoted as well...typical, yea typical wanna be cowardly fool, that's all YOU 4519. Posted by jigunda13 Thu Aug 20 11:32am EDT to Justadad: you clearly have not played sports to have such a simplistic view. essentially what you're saying is that as long as a man 'says' he's a woman, then he/she should be allowed to compete against other (real) women. are you serious?? how is that fair to the real women who work hard/train to compete with other real women? get a clue man 4518. Posted by gzambika Thu Aug 20 11:31am EDT 'Chiwamila Galu ku luma Mbuzi' goes one on of our local songs.....it simply says that it should only be the Dog that must Bite the goat and anything otherwise is taboo. 4517. Posted by JD Thu Aug 20 11:31am EDT Not one male athlete has ever been judged or questioned about his gender...how many male ice skaters in the world look more feminine than their female counterparts? Yet, none of them has ever been questioned? My point, is not to start questioning those who do not fit what the social masses deem "correct", but my point is that this only happens to female athletes who shine and show true talent. It's depressing, unfair, highly prejudicial and yet another hurdle female athletes must jump over to make the world realize they are here to stay, and to play hard. It's 2009 for crying out loud! When is the world going to catch up to where it should be? 4516. Posted by Teresa Thu Aug 20 11:31am EDT hey jabber, I have an idea, move to africa 4515. Posted by fanprosinc@... Thu Aug 20 11:31am EDT Posted by day-day Thu Aug 20 11:20am EDT Report Abuse This is @#$%ed up!...can you imagine what that does to a young girls self- esteem... yes... it build it up to live in a mans world!!! 4514. Posted by Uhuru Thu Aug 20 11:30am EDT Presenting ...THE SEVEN GENDERS Because gender is more complex than most people realize it is. True gender is NOT BASED ON REPRODUCTIVE TISSUE but rather on brain wave patterning and a combination of other qualifications and characteristics than can only be determined after a series of medical tests have been completed by a Medical Doctor or a team of Medical Doctors. There is a small percentage of men born with feminine reproductive systems and women born with male reproductive systems but with the brain wave patterning and other SYMPTOMS of the "opposite sex". This portion of the population is where we get our TRANS and TRANS-INTERSEXUAL GENDER GROUPS. In addition to having among us a gender population of men with feminine reproductive systems (TM's) and women with masculine reproductive systems (TF's) there are also those born as actual intersexuals (I). Many INTERSEXUALS identify accordingly but some strongly identify female or male and sometimes seek out medical correction adding three additional gender categories (I, IM and IF) to the human population. There are, however, transgender people who have no idea that they are transgender. These individuals and well as their parents often remain in darkness or in denial despite the overwhelming evidence that there is something really unique going on regarding the subject's gender. A series of tests must be performed before true gender identity can be successfully diagnosed. It's not up to us as individuals or to our parents who would like all of their kids to be normal and just like everybody else. This champion runner who was assigned the feminine gender at birth but gifted with very masculine characteristics, which by the way usually does lead to more success in a feminine body type, may very well be a member of our transmasculine gender groups. Many transmasculines and maany non cisgendered individuals are very comfortable, happy and proud of the way that they are the world around us, however, usually gives our TOMBOYS, PRETTY BOYS, BUTCHES, FEM-QUEENS, CAN'T TELLS and TRANSFOLK a very hard time. Perhaps if we educated ourselves enough to realize and accept that there are 360 degrees of gender expression in the human population and several gender groups who have the right to be just as well as our cisgendered males and females we wouldn't have a 50% rate of attempted suicide in our population of transgender individuals prior to age 20. Perhaps once it is realized among the masses of us that there are sevaral genders among us... to love we will also realized that the categories of sexual orientation that truly exists have not yet been named because the categoies of sexual orientation currenly used excludes most of our gender groups. Yes folks, there's more to choose from than just pain old cisgendered males and females, more to life than Barbie and Ken. Masculinity, by the way, is the part of our selves rather masculine or feminine in identity which is responsible for our power and our success. Even in the work place the women who are usually able to keep up with the working pace and therefore earning pace of the males in the same job description are usually the ones with more masculine characteristics. Even among men those who start their day's with higher levels of testosterone out perform and out earn their less masculine counterparts. Among woman the taller and or more masculine identified have breakthroughs in success that defy the ceiling experienced by the more feminine part of the female identified population. The feminine is characterized by slower moving brain wave activity and weaker slower moving estrogen filled bodies. The masculine gender is faster mentally, stronger and faster moving psychically. Testosterone increases muscle, and response time, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and heart rate. Estrogen creates more fat and slows down response time. A person regardless of M (Masculine) or F (Feminine) genitalia and outward appearance may very well be a member of one of our gender sub categories such as TM (Transmasculine), TF(Transfeminine), I (Intersexual), IM (Intersexualmasculine) or IF (Intersexual Feminine). Our star runner who performs like a man...may very well be one. Only the medical tests can tell for sure. 4513. Posted by DeeeSlicious Thu Aug 20 11:30am EDT so not fair i think its because she's black and if i was her and somebody doubted my woman hood it would be on and poppin. leave the damn gurl alone people are always trying to push a certain standard of beauty I say gone gurl keep it poppin you gotta keep givin haters somethin 2 talk about cuz if you don't they dont have a life!!!! 4512. Posted by caravantrader Thu Aug 20 11:30am EDT Whats really sad about all this is that Gender and sex are not the same thing. Gender is a social construct, sex is anatomy. 4511. Posted by anarchy_johnny Thu Aug 20 11:30am EDT this is the most rediculous thing i eva heard. i think that they should have determined whether or not she was a woman BEFORE she kicked everyones @$$ in the race!!! 4510. Posted by Rora, Roro, Ms. Snow Thu Aug 20 11:30am EDT damn, yall haters need to leave this girl alone 4509. Posted by EbonyC Thu Aug 20 11:29am EDT that is so stupid. shee has a deep voice and she's fast whats the big deal about that. 4508. Posted by Gwendolyn Thu Aug 20 11:29am EDT I need you to give me some more infromation, because I know what the lord made. so lets stop making GOD look bad. 4507. Posted by aplegtbar Thu Aug 20 11:29am EDT I know someone who was born a complete woman. Is able to have kids and everything. She has xy chromosomes. about 1 in 10000 women have this particular disorder. Some women never find out about it untill later in life. Also this is what this women here probably has. 4506. Posted by leonard s Thu Aug 20 11:29am EDT You know, if the committee involved had a doubt, they should have delt with it discreetly! What I mean is the news of her gender wouldn't even come out to the media unless she was proved a man! They need to tie out their press leaks by shutting up and not going for drama! They just want to bring women and other groups down by smearing this woman. Lte's not forget that there are a lot of politics with the IAAF, so they are not above smearing any athlete fron any contry/race/gender to get themselves in the news. 4505. Posted by scua2006 Thu Aug 20 11:29am EDT you people make me sick.. this is whats wrong with this messed up world.. why dont you all grow up!! 4504. Posted by Ra Nefer Thu Aug 20 11:29am EDT I agree. Our societ(ies) do an awful job of treating people who don't fit the status quo as oddities/freaks/different etc. But everyone that's talking about the selfesteem issue is missing the point. Sure if it turns out she's really a female, then yes, this whole embarrassing situation would/could affect her self esteem. But according to her Grandmother and mother she's dealt with the ridicule most of her young life. The real issue is that she's relatively a NO-NAME athlete that came from nowhere and broken a record in women's 800M Championship runs in over a decade. She even admitted that month's leading up to Berlin, she just "rested" for 3 months. What??????? This is very odd. It's inhuman. I'm not concerned with the gender discussion but I am concerned if Semenya has been taking 'testosterone' or some performance enhancing stimulant. And for that, she should be stripped of her medal. 4503. Posted by cghamm61 Thu Aug 20 11:28am EDT Hey pin-heads, no one is picking on her and no one gives a damn what color she is other than you morons who keep bringing it up. If you knew how to read you can clearly see that gender testing has been a part of these sports since the early 1900's. And, and take this you racist pigs: They test all athletes including, believe it or not, the white athletes. 4502. Posted by Crystal R Thu Aug 20 11:28am EDT Why must people always talk negatively about someone else. I can truly see some of you don't have a life. I always teach my children to never judge a book by it's cover/looks for that matter. I don't see the problem with this picture. She obviously looks like a woman, but since she is kicking everyone's butt in the race they want to say something about it. Can you believe that? And then some of the comments you guys wrote are so immature and very ignorant. As a mother of 4 beautiful black women I hope they never meet ignorant minded fools ever in their lifetime and I will pray for every last one of you. Hopefully while I am doing that you guys will rethink how you think and become a little more open-minded. As I tell my daughters all the time: You are not the only ones on this earth. I hope to not offend anyone here but to get you to open up your minds. 4501. Posted by Satisfied Developer Thu Aug 20 11:28am EDT Eh - that wears underwear with a dork-hole. Gotta be cheatin. Test away if there is nothing to hide. 4500. Posted by gohger Thu Aug 20 11:27am EDT maybe its time to cut the separate but equal sports stuff and have unisex sports! 4499. Posted by OG Capo Libraredbone Thu Aug 20 11:27am EDT She didn't just turn up today how long have they known she was gonna run, if they were going to do the testing it should have been done long enough ago that the results were back before she ran her first race. Now matter the outcome I feel the world owes her an apology for raining on her first major win. Who are we to judge who is woman and who is a man just by appearance. I wear my hair in what is considered a fade that most black men wear, I am most comfortable in jeans and a jersey, I love sports especially football so does that mean I am a man or maybe it means I am butch? Wrong on both accounts my size 42DD breast probably stop me from being called a man and although I dress for comfort I am all woman and if wearing a dress makes you a woman then Rupaul is a woman. 4498. Posted by Santiago Thu Aug 20 11:26am EDT It's a shame on the sport's committee who always find reasons to humiliate an athlete who can show her/his talent. just let her drop off her clothes and u can see her real sex gender... 4497. Posted by Judy S Thu Aug 20 11:26am EDT I agree with Kate! post 4554 4496. Posted by Meloney Thu Aug 20 11:26am EDT I do not see why this issue of race should be apart of this debate. I am from a country that is over 90% black and have come to see a person as a person. When persons start to bring up welfare and whatever is happening is USA it is just disgusting. The world does not revolve around the US. There are black in every corner of the globe. Get over yourself. I think Semenya looks like a man and should be tested. If there is any that gives her an unfair advantage she should be disqualified. No need for racism in the matter. They test athletes for drugs everyday. 4495. Posted by WTF?!?! Thu Aug 20 11:25am EDT I say do the testing but all you whiners out there about gay rights and ugly women and racism-ists.. SHUT THE HELL UP. There is a reason that competitive sports have a seperation of men and women. Even within MENS BOXING there are weight classes that are seperated... Heavy weight vs. feather weight, not a fair fight!!!! A woman against a woman, not a fair race (not that either is any better, an I am no sexist) but the fact remains that men and women have different shapes and muscles. And YES, it is an advantage if you have a male compete against a female. 4494. Posted by Dsire Thu Aug 20 11:25am EDT To Brandi, The last time I checked there were just as many Caucasians in the line to receive govt services as minorities. Your insults should be based on person to person basis and not on race as a whole. Grow up!! 4493. Posted by CANDY Thu Aug 20 11:24am EDT What do color has to do with this.....all this racism....jealously.....beauty is in the eye of the be-holder. stop letting your ignorance show.....it makes you ugly. give caster her props from her major accomplishments. give credit were credit is due. 4492. Posted by Maniacal Thu Aug 20 11:24am EDT The girl is on "The Juice" in a serious way. That is what happens when women take Testosterone and HGH, the problem is that once you have taken it, trained hard and purged the drug out of your system there is no way to detect it. Mean while she is destroying the competition. 4491. Posted by mtuuzom Thu Aug 20 11:24am EDT Wish I had a body like hers and I am a dude. It's no different than female body biulders. People who are weak sexually or gender phobic don't like her or anyone very different. She could be a man but I do not think so after seeing all the photos. Hopefully she is a masculine women and very handsome too. 4490. Posted by susanne_malloy Thu Aug 20 11:24am EDT Hey, Garin, in effort to sound all gangsta, you sound like a simple, boring retarded child....and you can take your trash talking and indeed kiss my cracker... why would you even mention cracker, you sound ignorant and bigoted as well...typical, yea typical wanna be cowardly fool, that's all YOU 4489. Posted by Ozlem Thu Aug 20 11:24am EDT What a mean way of looking at a woman's success! I am apalled to see what people can do out of jealousy! Leave the athlete and her privacy alone! 4488. Posted by notpoliticallycorrect Thu Aug 20 11:24am EDT Is IT a hermaphrodite !? 4487. Posted by CindyV Thu Aug 20 11:23am EDT Is this about gender or race? Besides, before the Tower of Babble we were all the same color. I am glad God doesn't see color! People are people and y'all are talking to each other like trash! So sad...I'm glad I finally found my Savior and He taught me that people are just that...people. God bless her (or him) and all of you who are being so mean! 4486. Posted by Leslie N Thu Aug 20 11:23am EDT Emmanuel - read the enitre article and tell me what race the other women throughout history where that have had this same situation? Don't comment until you read the entire article. 4485. Posted by Boo Thu Aug 20 11:23am EDT 4559. Posted by fairehawke Thu Aug 20 11:19am EDT Report Abuse I think everyone is missing the most critical point of this story. Everyone's so busy being concerned about the possibility of 'gender confusion' or 'racial undertones' that they're not seeing the very basic gender PROFILING that the judges and others are guilty of. What the officials and others are really saying is: Its not possible for a WOMAN to be THAT good, that fast, that much better than everyone else. No, a woman just couldn't pull that off. The only way she could be THAT good is if she's a MAN! What a horrible example Germany is setting, not to mention the demorilizing effect this will have on any young girl hoping to suceed in any sport. Realizing that the general attitude of the world is that a woman can't excell in sports without some kind of cheating, trickery or enhancment of their natural talents. Fairhawke..you are an idoit. This is standard test can be commissioned by any on the judge committee or fellow athletes. You are a FEMINAZI....maybe with a penis 4484. Posted by cghamm61 Thu Aug 20 11:23am EDT Hey pin-heads, no one is picking on her and no one gives a damn what color she is other than you morons who keep bringing it up. If you knew how to read you can clearly see that gender testing has been a part of these sports since the early 1900's. And, and take this you racist pigs: They test all athletes including, believe it or not, the white athletes. 4483. Posted by row_si_oh3208 Thu Aug 20 11:23am EDT all of these race comments make me sad... ='( 4482. Posted by gordon h Thu Aug 20 11:23am EDT post 4542 i think u need to read history a little better..the first slaves were white.. and the slave master was black..they were west african blacks and this was way before the slave trade..also ...let me think for a sec....didnt blacks sell blacks into slavery..yup i think so i may be wrong but ..... 4481. Posted by jabber Thu Aug 20 11:23am EDT Why is it, that people post negative comments towards people who achieve more than the person posting the comments? Theresa....as far as the whole"black folks" comment goes...I think you are a total IDIOT!!!! Im from Vidor Texas...Home of the KKK...and I am ashamed to be from there because of people like you...get along with the people you are around...if they are black , white , yellow or whichever "color" race that they are.... IF YOU CANT....STAY INSIDE... 4480. Posted by take it or leave it Thu Aug 20 11:23am EDT wow.if she really is a guy, shame on her. however, i may be fooled , but i think she is a girl. just because she is strong, ambitious, and can take out any guy i know, doesnt mean shes a dude. 4479. Posted by Justadad Thu Aug 20 11:22am EDT When it's all said and done I have not heard a word from her or him. And if he or her says she is a women. Sorry. In America we have laws against discrimenation. Congradulations whatever you are! You are protected. If you say you are a women and your a man just sue. Thats what they do in California! 4478. Posted by pee-wee Thu Aug 20 11:22am EDT People who try to seem intelligent just show how ignorant they really are.Cant say a word without bringing-up the President of these United States get over it already the man was elected. Give it a rest we have more important thing too worry about. (has nothing too do with were he was born, its because hes BLACK!!!!!!!. 4477. Posted by xraybevensex Thu Aug 20 11:21am EDT this is coming from a drag queen ooookay.....first off, no matter how good you tape honey, NO duct tape running at the speed that girl can run at is gonna hold! lol ....next, look at the photos all you sillyheads, picture number five out of the series here posted on yahoo clearly shows the women has TWO sets of LIPS!! thats right look closely....mmmmmhmmm..... love will set you free sugar 4476. Posted by MarioB Thu Aug 20 11:21am EDT All i have to say is @#$% her life :p ! 4475. Posted by larosa_mario Thu Aug 20 11:21am EDT It just goes to show how far society, as a hole, is stuck on judging people by their look (physical, ethnic, gender, dress and so forth...). Profiling if you will. We initially look at a person and we may say we do not judge them on external factors, but then they excel in any subject or activity, then we question their success. We do not want to beleive that they trained beter, harder then all the competitors, it is easyer to think it had to be Drugs (performance enhancement) or gender (Male in female competition or vice versa) or any other number of things. Next thing you know we are testing everyone from Drugs to ethenicity simply becuse someone somewhere feels it is an issue. People may moc me but it is true. IF we want to move beyound this we need to stop judging. but society can ot do that since there is always goign to be a sense that "I have to be better then you." 4474. Posted by JamesH Thu Aug 20 11:21am EDT sorry 4473. Posted by row_si_oh3208 Thu Aug 20 11:21am EDT all of these race comments make me sad... ='( 4472. Posted by timmy b Thu Aug 20 11:21am EDT I hate to say this but....all the runners look like men! Test them all........it! 4471. Posted by pjquick@... Thu Aug 20 11:21am EDT I think she knows her own gender. What gender does she say she is? 4470. Posted by pee-wee Thu Aug 20 11:21am EDT People who try to seem intelligent just show how ignorant they really are.Cant say a word without bringing-up the President of these United States get over it already the man was elected. Give it a rest we have more important thing too worry about. (has nothing too do with were he was born, its because hes BLACK!!!!!!!. 4469. Posted by day-day Thu Aug 20 11:20am EDT This is @#$%ed up!...can you imagine what that does to a young girls selfesteem...so what if she looks different than other girls..she's a girl and the fact that the news is all over this must hurt her self-esteem more than anything..its like the world is telling her she looks like a man..thats @#$%ed up..shame on you america! 4468. Posted by Larry L Thu Aug 20 11:20am EDT IT ran a great race with a great result. NOW, for the test, any volunteers? (Don't ask me, I wouldn't touch that with a 10 ft pole). 4467. Posted by fairehawke Thu Aug 20 11:19am EDT I think everyone is missing the most critical point of this story. Everyone's so busy being concerned about the possibility of 'gender confusion' or 'racial undertones' that they're not seeing the very basic gender PROFILING that the judges and others are guilty of. What the officials and others are really saying is: Its not possible for a WOMAN to be THAT good, that fast, that much better than everyone else. No, a woman just couldn't pull that off. The only way she could be THAT good is if she's a MAN! What a horrible example Germany is setting, not to mention the demorilizing effect this will have on any young girl hoping to suceed in any sport. Realizing that the general attitude of the world is that a woman can't excell in sports without some kind of cheating, trickery or enhancment of their natural talents. 4466. Posted by JamesH Thu Aug 20 11:19am EDT When the track officials found her to tell her about gender questions , she was in corner of stadium peeing on a tree 4465. Posted by yumpele Thu Aug 20 11:19am EDT I think this is just insane. She THE female organ! She is a women get ovet it! 4464. Posted by Judy S Thu Aug 20 11:19am EDT Father and Grandmother quotes.... What's the mother saying??? 4463. Posted by David A Thu Aug 20 11:19am EDT I think she is amazing, talented, and hard-working. What's wrong with you idiots? I am a former competitive 800 and 1600 meter runner (just for the record, an average white guy). It's hard work. Get off your butts and attempt to run 800 meters under 2:30 - male or female. It isn't easy. She should be given credit for working her tail off. You complainers are envious. I'd give her a big hug and kiss for her great accomplishment any day! Caster Semenya, you rock! 4462. Posted by Kate Thu Aug 20 11:19am EDT The testing needs to be done. She has the physical features of a man but that alone is not a telling factor. Perhaps she is taking male hormones/steroids to make her stronger and faster, however, that is illegal. If all the testing proves she is a woman and not taking any illegal substances, then after enduring this inquisition she will have the science behind her. This is not about race and I get so tired of that card being played constantly. It's about the legality of the competition for other females runners. Read the article - this is not the first gender issue question. 4461. Posted by Alejandra Thu Aug 20 11:19am EDT Yes I knew it she is a guy she is to build up to be a girl and what's up with the voice all man like and how It walks who would have known !!!!!! 4460. Posted by sexy red Thu Aug 20 11:19am EDT This is nothing but mess!!!! Just because someone voice is deep and is built doesn't mean it's not a women. I know when i wake up in the morning or if i'm mad my voice is a little deep. So, you can't just blame it on the way someone sounds. It's some men out there that sound like a women does that mean he's not man? God didn't make every person to sound alike.... This was started by a hater. And i hope that test comes back that she is woman to shut them up!!!!!! 4459. Posted by Leslie N Thu Aug 20 11:19am EDT What is truly the saddest part of this story - this girl is only 18. She is still a child. The horrible images that we inflict on our young is appauling. Being a teenager is hard enough. Can you think back to your teen years and the pressures that went along with it? Now think about acheiving something great only to have your looks scrutinized by the entire WORLD. 4458. Posted by Sarah Thu Aug 20 11:18am EDT come on, seriously? big deal her voice got deep. what has the world come too? 4457. Posted by me Thu Aug 20 11:18am EDT i like passable trannies :) 4456. Posted by Ra Nefer Thu Aug 20 11:18am EDT Father says he "never doubted her gender.... she's a woman...". Hmmm very odd response if you ask me. The real issue is "What was 'she' born as? a boy or a girl". Even if the gender tests show that she is in fact a woman, I sincerely hope it also picks up whether or not she's using any type of substance(s) that's altering her chromosome makeup (i.e. testosterome). If so, then she's cheating by enhancing her performance, because men's body structure (average) is stronger and faster than a woman's. 4455. Posted by seemeshine06 Thu Aug 20 11:17am EDT Just to add my own little two cent... This is out rightly crazy! I mean..for God's sake, let this young girl be. She is just excersing her God given talent. What the fuss about anyways? We are made in different forms and shapes, regardless of our genders. So, what if she is built with features similar to a guy? Or plays with boys? Or win a race? Does that authomatically question her gender? Life is too short...these people in authority should let this girl be. 4453. Posted by Kittykat Thu Aug 20 11:17am EDT When did this article go from questioning her gender to the color of her skin?? Everyone here that thinks it has to do with the fact that she is african american is down right ignorant. Not once did the article mention that the controversy was about her race and half of the comments on here dont even mention what the article is about. It has nothing to do with "bringing down on black people" it has to do with the fact that she doesnt have many femine traits and they are questioning that. You people need to get a life and realize that the world isnt out to get you. Maybe if you were intelligent enough to actually read the article you would know that! 4452. Posted by Mr. Prince Thu Aug 20 11:17am EDT What if a guy had performed poorly, would it be speculated that he is a woman?.....Na so Africa matter dey be shaa.... 4451. Posted by ejovenreed Thu Aug 20 11:17am EDT well due to the fact that whites were not held in bondage and called "cracker" to demean their race, as blacks, who were held in bondage, N@%%#@ was a term used for inferiority of blacks so that they are constantly seen as an inferior race so that whites can continue to hold the reins of slavery and carry the nation on its back. the definition of cracker is a southern, white male, thats why you hear cracker in the south not the north whereas the use of the N word is derrogative, oppressive, and offensive- do some research next time 4450. Posted by CANDY Thu Aug 20 11:16am EDT Ezra, that is not true about the finger length.....my middle finger is longer than my ring finger and i'm all woman...my husband can vouch for that....but i'm still not saying that this athelete might be a man. i just wanted to point that fact out...have a blessed day 4449. Posted by fanprosinc@... Thu Aug 20 11:16am EDT Let all come to an agreement... S hes just BUTCH 4448. Posted by tanner Thu Aug 20 11:16am EDT After looking at all the pictures I would agree she does look more like a man than a woman. There are other black people in the race and they look female. I really don't understand why everyone is talking about color. When I looked at the pictures she was the only one that had male characteristics. This has nothing to do with racism but from reading the comments it is clear racism is alive. I wonder how many more generations it will take until the racism crap is over. Yes there are white and black people that are racist. Sad that it still exist but eventually that will go away. Fact of the matter is it is evident that this has nothing to do with skin color. As far as Martin Luther King Jr. goes he is loved by both black and white people. I was not a slave or a master to a slave. I share public bathrooms with all races and when I dine out there is no white side or black side. We are all treated as one. If you are not then yes I agree scream out as loud as you can but be certain it is because of your race and not because of behavior. 4447. Posted by Sian T Thu Aug 20 11:16am EDT My opinion is that we all should not worry so much that she is not very feminine. What we should be focused on is how well she did. From coming from such a poor background like she did. She has accomplished so much. I am sure that this is the best thing that has ever happened to her. We should feel lucky to have someone that is capable of this in this horrible world. And not try to take this victory away from her. She is not trying to be something she is not, she is trying to succeed. That should be rewarded. You go girl!!!! And in response to " Da Young Gunna " the attitude that you have is awful, my best friend is black and I am white. He would be ashamed of the way you responded to this. Everyone should be considered equal we are no better then you and you are no better then us. You are sitting here and trying to say that the only reason they are questioning her is because she is black and better then them. It is because she is masculine not black. If anything they are saying that men are better than woman. It doesn't have anything to do with race. And it makes me sad that you blame us for being racist and then you add that black are better at everything except hockey because it is a " craker " sport. You are ridiculous. I am so glad that my best friend is black and he is no different then I am. I love him for who he is not what color he is! 4446. Posted by Daniel M Thu Aug 20 11:15am EDT that thing is man i dont care what the gender test says. it and yes im calling that thing an it has no womenly feature at all.Six pack with hips or boobs. "SHE" is a man. 4445. Posted by A M Thu Aug 20 11:15am EDT I think that with all the comments that we've read thus far, we need to put this negative campaign to rest... Until the actual test results are in. Is there something else for us to make comments on? I hear ya post #4498! 4444. Posted by guelda_g Thu Aug 20 11:15am EDT When I saw the photograph I wondered who he was and as I started to read it became clear about the controversy. Anyhow, we need to leave people alone and allow them to live as they want, that's their choice. This is very humiliating and if it were me, I would not take this matter lightly, asking me to take a test to prove wether I am man, woman or beast. To the authorities, if that individual were of another ethnicity, would you have required such tests? 4443. Posted by Emmanuel Thu Aug 20 11:15am EDT If this was no racism, the likes of Navratilova and Mauresmo would have been tested, too. But no one would dare raise such an issue when it comes to U.S. or European athletes. Everybody should be bound to the same rule, not just one. So, a female-looking man competing with women won't be worried just because he looks woman enough! 4442. Posted by dkiptookipkorir Thu Aug 20 11:14am EDT In my day to day life i hear people refer africa as a " dark " continent . And so why allow those so called europeans continue controlling our lives ,until disaproving semenya as a woman . Did this called Europeans create any human being so that they realy know the all physical characteristics of all sexes ??. BE FORGIVEN AND HAVE A HEARTH OF HUMAN !!!! 4441. Posted by dkiptookipkorir Thu Aug 20 11:14am EDT In my day to day life i hear people refer africa as a " dark " continent . And so why allow those so called europeans continue controlling our lives ,until disaproving semenya as a woman . Did this called Europeans create any human being so that they realy know the all physical characteristics of all sexes ??. BE FORGIVEN AND HAVE A HEARTH OF HUMAN !!!! 4440. Posted by cowboy20jj Thu Aug 20 11:14am EDT I think this is crazy... All becasue she is good at what she does... This is discrimanation.... She is a women and has always been one it shouldnt matter what she looks like or how deep her voice is.... She is good and you are just trying to hold her back it is pathetic what you people will go thru to try and stop someone that is great at what they do................... 4439. Posted by tommy Thu Aug 20 11:14am EDT next we should make sure each competitor has the same size heart valve. We wouldnt wont a cheater to have an unfair advantage. Also to include testing people with small feet. its less weight and mass to carry, giving the same unfair advantage. The real question is does she have a vagina or not. simple We live in a world full of HATERS! 4438. Posted by Nate Thu Aug 20 11:14am EDT HHHHMMMM...... instead of using 5 experts to determine the identity, why not just go ahead an do an autopsy? 4437. Posted by cj Thu Aug 20 11:14am EDT Y'all crazy! She is just an ugly woman. I have seen women who have had CHILDREN look shaped the way this woman is shaped. I have seen the pics, and she looks to be shaped the same as some of the other runners. FYI, the more one runs, the more of their "femininity (sp?)" they lose. Remember, she IS just 18 yrs old. Some blossom a LOT later than others, IF they even blossom. Some women don't obtain "hips" until a pregnancy (i know I didnt). Bottom line, they can perform a gender test if they deem it necessary, but its just another case of money thrown away. 4436. Posted by Saddletramp Thu Aug 20 11:14am EDT My aunt Betty has a mustache. She also has 9 wonderful children. You can't cure stupid! 4435. Posted by Mike s Thu Aug 20 11:13am EDT A recent extensive worldwide DNA screening project (very extensive... all known races plus millions of random screenings worldwide.. this cost millions of dollars to do) was conducted in the last few years. All males of our species can be traced back using mutations on our Y chromosome. Once the mutation occurs it shows up in all of the relations forever down the line. in this way they were able to retrace, and get a genetic dna sequence for the ONE set which would have been our oldest ancestor they could mark. This was in no way old enough to be "Adam" but was the last genetic mutation made millions of years ago which we ALL have in common... black,white, asian (name a race... they covered them all) The genetic makeup of that individual most closeley matches with a tribe of bushmen on the east coast of Africa.... Everything from that one individual on is nothing but slight mutations in pigmentations plus 1000's of other properties. That and limited travel of ancient peoples are what brought about the races we have now. So, bigots of the world.. wake up from your ignorance... 4433. Posted by phil Thu Aug 20 11:13am EDT When ever its a black person and anyone says anything about a black person their racist but a black person can shot hitler propaganda and their not racist wow scalett ohara ohara your a fool and everyone who thinks that .because to to want know someones gender be it a black, white, asian, latina, or whatever is not a racist thing its just not. stop your paranoid racist minds from thinking get a job . 4432. Posted by Gloria Thu Aug 20 11:13am EDT the pix i saw on the net is that of a young man but if his/her father/grandmother chose to cover up then let the DNA test be done to prove them right or wrong. 4431. Posted by Garin Thu Aug 20 11:12am EDT yea gunna dont get all gangsta because you don't look like a giant @#$% at all... I promise says the cracker 4430. Posted by gordon h Thu Aug 20 11:12am EDT post 4431 u know u dont like us "CRACKERS" calling u "@#$%" why do u have to call us crackers..ur a racist. and most of all most blacks are racist even though they say they arent..as well as most white men. the white women arent racist as u can see by looking at the number that have married black, brown, or whatever color that there is..actually the white woman only sees one color..green 4429. Posted by fanprosinc@... Thu Aug 20 11:12am EDT Posted by Michael J Thu Aug 20 10:54am EDT I said #2 already... I agree with LEE G... This person had a 30 meter lead on everyone else at one point. The only other person who pulled that off was Marion Jones. Come to find out Marion Jones was on steroids. This is minor but why is she the only one wearing shorts? Marion Jones did the same thing!!! 4428. Posted by HA! Thu Aug 20 11:12am EDT omg she wins and they can get her for something , so now they say she is not a woman...omg that is too much! let her enjoy her win! gosh what these people will do just to take a win away form someone who wooked hard to get it!!! ha ha i can't beieve the would stoop that low to take someone dream away! SHE WON SO LET IT GO ALREADY...SO SHE DON'T LOOK LIKE A SHE..HOW MANY REALLY DO..THEY LIFT WEIGHTS AND THEY GET THAT MAN LOOK!!! OMG this is so sad to do this to her!!! 4427. Posted by randy Thu Aug 20 11:12am EDT Keoshia W I find your ignorance apalling. Im hispanic as well as caucasian and I also grew up around drugs, abuse, and neglect and yet, through hard work I was able to perservere and become a successful student and man. I came 1st in the region for accounting as well as third in the state I also have won various awards and scholarships for both my merit and dedication as well as an award for my hispanic heritage; however I do not believe that I deserved a handout from the government, no one does not even african americans or caucasions hell not even hispanics. Sure these ethnic groups had to fight for their rights but did you personally stand up and say no or are you simply taking credit for what past generations have done. I make my own path and dont need to rely on the government also who gives a damn about BET or why there isnt any WET (White Entertainment Television) this forum is about a woman or man who is being tested for gender so take your racism and ignorance elsewhere. 4426. Posted by dukebluefootball Thu Aug 20 11:11am EDT she is more man then some of the guys i work with. if the tests don't come back that she had a di*k at one point i would be very surprised. 4425. Posted by Steve J Thu Aug 20 11:10am EDT Wow!! I mean WOW!!!!! There are more pressing issues in the world (such as poverty, crime, the ecomonic woes, etc) to worry about this. Now, with the race card, it could be played because a certain caucasean female wrestler (back in the late '90's/early 2000's) was not "tested" to see if she was a woman and she REALLY did look like a MTF (male turned female). There was no issue, in regards to that. All women don't wear dresses. Ther are some "feminine" women who would rather where a nice pair of slacks and a blouse than wear a dress. Women and men have "Adam's Apples", although men's "Adams Apples" protude more than women, but, there are some women who have a noticable "Adam's Apple". So, why can't we just focus on more pressing topics rather than what this young woman's gender is. GEEZ!!! 4424. Posted by GATOR13 Thu Aug 20 11:10am EDT It's a DUDE, man! It has nothing to do with black or white, it has to do with male or female. If that's a woman, it's the most masculine woman I've seen in sport since the fall of the Iron Curtain. 4423. Posted by Lavonte Thu Aug 20 11:10am EDT if it looks like a duck quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, its a duck... the way i see it is. if he/she looks like a man sounds like one and mainly dresses like one then thats a man not a woman. 4422. Posted by tedbeetem2 Thu Aug 20 11:10am EDT show me the penis! No penis No boy? 4421. Posted by Justadad Thu Aug 20 11:10am EDT Hello! Is everyone out there blind! Gay rights! Let Him run! All the states that legalize same sex marriage say Yeah! He says he is a women he is a women the supreme court even agrees. I seen two men getting married on the news. So which everone is the women let him run. 4420. Posted by steve Thu Aug 20 11:10am EDT Maybe we can do the same test on female sports announcers: Robin Roberts and Mary Carillo come to mind. 4419. Posted by milla_524 Thu Aug 20 11:09am EDT i believe that there is a good reason for performing these tests, but i just can't understaind way people are so mean about it. who gives you right to make fun of the situation? and for you with racial comments-SHAME ON YOU! 4418. Posted by rvss8604 Thu Aug 20 11:09am EDT Truthfully I think it's an invasion of privacy I don't feel all of this in necessary I feel they are really hurting this family and the star with all the media attention. 4417. Posted by Kittykat Thu Aug 20 11:09am EDT I am truely shocked that the world can make such a big deal out of something like this. I can only imagine how that makes her feel being acused of not being a woman. I know plenty of women that dont have a femine look and you dont see the media making a fuss about that. God made everyone different and we shouldnt discriminate against someone just because of how they look or act! 4416. Posted by shannon c Thu Aug 20 11:09am EDT I don't quite see a "package" on this girl. And yes, she does look like a male. But, in the pictures, did you see the blond behind her. Her traps look like my sons. that's what lifting weights does. in some of her pictures, there are female qualities in her facial expressions. 4415. Posted by Arheal C Thu Aug 20 11:08am EDT i think they should just let her b they are raining on her parade! 4414. Posted by Leslie N Thu Aug 20 11:07am EDT bonniec - that is an amazingly high horse you are sitting on. Yes, it makes me sad that people still have such horrible resolutions about race as if there aren't more important issues in this world. However, we don't live in lalaland where everything is all rainbows and unicorns. I was brought up to treat people equally and I do believe that rich, poor, black, white, male, female..we all put our pants on the same way - one leg at a time yet I understand that not everyone will have my same beliefs. 4413. Posted by June Cleaver Thu Aug 20 11:07am EDT This cracker is still laughing after reading Da young gunna comment.. I may piss my pants.. I needed to look some of that up in the urban dictionary.. Didn't know those words existed :) Just messin Gunna don't go pop a cap in my @&^%&6. 4412. Posted by DOOOOOOOSE Thu Aug 20 11:07am EDT Our country is in the toilet. Not because of white, black, asian, or other. For the simple fact that so many of us waste our time arguing with each other on a Yahoo sports post rather than gettting a job. The word of the day is Job- J O B. Those of us that own small businesses, appreicate the entertainment that these post offer. I also appreciate the fact that only a small percentage of the posters on this list will actually get off of their asses and do something positive, meaning my marketshare is safe. With the depth and insight of a few of these posts, there are very intelligent,creative people on here wasting their time...but isn't it fun 4411. Posted by shawna4romdtp Thu Aug 20 11:07am EDT Come on people....juss cuz she won, does not mean she was a man to win it...she is juss really talented and people need to stop trying to make excuses to why she won....it really do seem that everytime a black person perfects something that its a reason behind it....and if they were not acting racist bout this situation then why isnt everyone that was running against her, wasnt tested also....thats something to think bout!!! 4410. Posted by Barry Thu Aug 20 11:07am EDT ....District 9.....Call MNU....... 4409. Posted by gunnsm Thu Aug 20 11:07am EDT Some of you are idiots. They're always trying to pull someone down just because the outcome was not in their favor. and to some of you idiots, she is masculine, not ugly. how bout ya'll leave her alone and if its that serious train better and maybe you can beat her. She wouldn't be going through this if she lost. I hope after this she sue the helll out of everyone a part of this and win. 4408. Posted by Ezra Thu Aug 20 11:06am EDT if you look at the photos her ring finger it is longer than her middle finger. this is a genetic female trait that is generally not changed even in reasignment surgery. in men the middle finger is longer. Also she has the same body shape as the lady from kenya only bigger. ther is a pic of them standing side by side. IMO this is a female and i am sure she is not happy being accused. I do agree that if there is question it should not be a big deal for her to be tested and it should not have been made public untill it was confirmed that she was not female. Race IMO has nothing to do with the issue. If the person truley is acusing just because she is of color they are ignorant and will eventually be found out. Not every issue has to be a Black/White thing. 4407. Posted by jjlacaria13 Thu Aug 20 11:06am EDT How sad. Everyone who brought up race did so because they ARE racists themselves. We as the public need to stop these wild speculations with no real information. It doesn't even make sense that the reason she is tested is because they didn't want a black person to dominate in track and field. Black athletes own almost every record, and are celebrated by the media for it. The person she beat was from Kenya so if she is DQ'ed for gender the winner is still black. Please for all our sakes invest in your education because you are embarassing yourselves and your race, Black and White. 4406. Posted by clubrick Thu Aug 20 11:06am EDT i've honestly been waiting for something like this to happen ammo for my hemaphrodite arguments... 4405. Posted by stephen j Thu Aug 20 11:06am EDT Keoshia W ....................you say blacks and hispanics had to fight for their rights? So did the Jews when they were immagrints you ignorant whore 4404. Posted by Kurt B Thu Aug 20 11:05am EDT What's so difficult about a gender test? Pull his panties down and I'm sure your going to find a pair. 4403. Posted by Eric Thu Aug 20 11:05am EDT why does all this controversy have to surround a young black woman, when there are many white women athletes who look and perform like white men? everybody knows that blacks are "superior in sports." At least that's the misconception anyways, so why are all the questions. is it not enough to say, "that was a helluva run, catch, throw, etc, these days and accept the fact that an athlete has put in the time and effort to become what they have become. or is it simply that we are so caught up in looks and negativity that we are cynical in everything that we do. is a woman not a woman because she doesn't have long hair and fingernails? is a man not a man if he doesn't have ripping veins coming out of his muscles or even if he has long hair? get off da misconceptions and get your heads out of your rear ends, and get some education, because the end of the world would not be finding out whether a man has won an event in a woman's sport or if a woman has won an event in a man's sport. besides, aren't we acceptable to transgender people in today's society anyway? so what's the BIG DEAL? 4402. Posted by Lance D Thu Aug 20 11:05am EDT If someone's sex could not be clearly determined, they should only be allowed to compete with men b/c they may have a genetic advantage over female athletes. 4401. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 11:05am EDT Greetings 4 all d chelsea fans. If that is the case then the should taken her in and naked her 2 see if she is a woman or man.because i have a sister in statur of man.let they give her wart belongs 2 her in Jesus name amen. If Not God who created the world will expose then one day. wart the world is doin 2 the young beautifur girl is every bad.my address is dworldofdongalas wart of chioma ajunwa statur the fact is that d know wart d are doin 4400. Posted by Kitrina Thu Aug 20 11:05am EDT No matter how this turns out, it will be a very sad thing indeed if competative sports exclude everyone who is in the grey of the gender spectrum. 4399. Posted by bonniec Thu Aug 20 11:05am EDT to the persn that said if it smells like a fish there can be only one conclusion that's true,it's called wash your ass ,by the way who have you been with that smells like fish? take a sniff test next time you put your thumb in.unkay. this is no place for me to post it's to stupid, sorry i stopped by. 4398. Posted by Tyana Thu Aug 20 11:04am EDT I think that it shouldn't matter if she was a male before because she's now a woman so it shouldn't matter. 4397. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 11:04am EDT Greetings 4 all d chelsea fans. If that is the case then the should taken her in and naked her 2 see if she is a woman or man.because i have a sister in statur of man.let they give her wart belongs 2 her in Jesus name amen. If Not God who created the world will expose then one day. wart the world is doin 2 the young beautifur girl is every bad.my address is dworldofdongalas wart of chioma ajunwa statur the fact is that d know wart d are doin 4396. Posted by r10gordon90 Thu Aug 20 11:04am EDT shes gifted... www.cashfreedom.741.com 4395. Posted by Efasmcd Thu Aug 20 11:04am EDT Congratulations to the young lady for such an great accomplishment enough said 4394. Posted by Lance D Thu Aug 20 11:03am EDT To all the "Pro-Gay rights" people: Not all people who are born a different sex then they feel are homosexuals. Many do not consider themselves gay and often believe that gays are confused transgendered people. They consider themselves straight. However, this has nothing to do with gay rights. Men shouldn't be allowed to compete with women in physical competitions because of biological advantages that, on average, men have over women. This is not to say that some women cannot compete and beat men in particular situations. But look at how many times that happens. Even in a sport like golf, that revolves around technique much more than athleticism, the best women just can't seem to compete with the best men. 4393. Posted by Frank Thu Aug 20 11:03am EDT I believe she is a female with some characteristics more common in a male. Since she is in a major event, she has to submit to testing. If she was born a female and never doped on testosterone or a similar drug, then she should have no problem with the testing. The post about her gender allegations and test being racist could be true, but probably that author really has no idea, and is instead using skin colors to come to that conclusion, which is racist. To test their logic,consider their comparison against Caucasians Roger Clemens, Jose Canseco, Mark McGwire, the Giambi brothers, and Lance Armstrong's using steroids, George Brett's pine tar, or Mike Scott's sandpaper. In that comparison, like that author suggested, it is not racist, just something top athletes in major events must do. It is more likely a sore loser or legitimate concerns by somebody who feels wronged by losing to a cheater. I think most of us, including me would fall into one of those two categories, hopefully the latter. 4392. Posted by Domino Thu Aug 20 11:03am EDT ......why did this have to turn into a racial thing? Why can't we all just be a part of a unified human race? Racism is what causes war. And for all of you who boast about the superiority of your 'race', that too is racism. So before you begin blaming others that they are racist cods, you are performing the very same act. We all have our crosses to bear, we all have our pros and cons, and life moves on with us. ANYWAY. About this article. What in the world is wrong with people today? Can't they just take her pants off and say "Hey look, a vagina!" and be done with their day? Why must it take WEEKS? Sure, she may have received some sort of surgery; such is possible. But in Africa, I would assume that that particular type of surgery is hard to find, especially since there are numerous other things to worry about. And even despite THAT, she is still a woman by my standards. Even if she be a surgically altered woman. 4391. Posted by BH Macy Thu Aug 20 11:03am EDT So because she holds a world title she has 2 b a guy? 4390. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 11:03am EDT Greetings 4 all d chelsea fans. If that is the case then the should taken her in and naked her 2 see if she is a woman or man.because i have a sister in statur of man.let they give her wart belongs 2 her in Jesus name amen. If Not God who created the world will expose then one day. wart the world is doin 2 the young beautifur girl is every bad.my address is dworldofdongalas wart of chioma ajunwa statur 4389. Posted by Emmanuel Thu Aug 20 11:02am EDT Maria Mutola was humiliated the same way at the start of her career. Both black, from poor African countries. So who cares if their dignity is trampled! 4388. Posted by Myrna PhillipsO Thu Aug 20 11:02am EDT Our prison system is overrun with balcks because of INJUSTICE and lying corrupt cops in MANY instances!!! How many DNA exnerations do you need to see??? Money talks and everyone else WALKS into a prison cell. Go to Louisiana and check it out for you self. Also, many white men are making MONEY off of privately run prisons. There is a FINANCIAL incentive to keep these prisons filled and who better to fill them with than balck males you would prefer see screwing each other behind bars than their lily white daughters who cannot seem to get enough of the Candy Cane!!! 4387. Posted by kevin j Thu Aug 20 11:02am EDT racist. racist, racist. she is black and also from south africa. she won, back off. next time train harder maybe you may get close to her. 4386. Posted by sterling Thu Aug 20 11:02am EDT Every day the world awakes to something new or different, I'm sure you can look back into her history and find that she is a WOMAN! She didn't just get to where she is over night. Runners usually start at an early age. and if she as good as she is embrace her. what does her birth records say? 4385. Posted by JOEKOFI123 Thu Aug 20 11:01am EDT She is actually prettier than the females she competed against so long as the underlying premise remains the simple fact that they all do not have boobs. She is no more a man than say Madonna 4384. Posted by katjazzf Thu Aug 20 11:01am EDT AMIABLE 4310. Posted by AMIABLE Thu Aug 20 10:26am EDT Here we go again...When a white person loses a sport there always have to be a sore looser and find something wrong..First Venus and Serena were just toooo strong and it was not fair...now Caster Semenya is a man..please get over yourselves...We dominate all sports..we are better than you guys and you can't handle it..smarter, wiser, stronger, and humble. So I am not upset never will be ...We have a black president..and unlike Tiger Woods who is to afraid to disclose his most dominate race...Obama's name and African American Family says it all!!! You really shouldn't use Obama to justify your race, seeing as he's screwing up everything. His approval rating is the fastest dropping one of any president. Let me just ask you something "we are better than you guys and you can't handle it..smarter, wiser, stronger, and humble." Saying you're humble just doesn't fit here. At all. Like, in the slightest. This statement contradicts itself very strongly. Before you criticize our race, at least try to speak intelligently so it isn't so easy to make you look like an even bigger idiot than you already do. 4383. Posted by #1Truexfan Thu Aug 20 11:01am EDT People come on now are you kidding me that is a MAN It even has a differant outfit on than the Females,Come on that is one freaky looking person oh yeah. Just wonder why does racist always come up what does peoples comments have to do with anything. People did you forget we live in the USA we do have the freedom of speech so we are speaking our minds. 4382. Posted by phil Thu Aug 20 11:01am EDT This woman is a woman and obama is a donkeys ass they dont look like it but ounce you take a magnified glass to them it all becomes clear 4381. Posted by LI Mom x 5 Thu Aug 20 11:00am EDT Regardless of some hormonal imbalance, if she was born with a vagina then she IS a woman. Case closed. Should she be penalized because she has a hormonal imbalance??? I am a 6ft tall woman and have been since I was 13....Doctors actually had the audacity to test my hormones when I was a child like I was abnormal because I was a tall woman....then so is Linda Carter, Brigette Neilsen and Brooke Shields.....and the deep voice? Hell I know woman who sound like men and arent tall or muscular...my sister is one of them.....People call her Sir on the phone!!!! 4380. Posted by Pink Thu Aug 20 11:00am EDT I don't understand, let's say of an athelete is a hermaphrodite, then he/she cannot participate in either races? 4379. Posted by Taleatha Thu Aug 20 11:00am EDT All these negative comments back and forth are not solving anything . These comments are just getting everyone upset pointlessly. I thought this was an interesting article and figured hey, they will have it figured out in a few weeks. It is quite a shame to see everyone take this topic and turn it into a race war! There are professed Christians, teachers and professionals on here commenting. Not to sound like Rodney King but........ CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?????????????????????????????? GOD Bless you all! 4378. Posted by jedadivy Thu Aug 20 11:00am EDT This is just ridiculous. It's sexism at it's most devious. Just because she is fast she has to be a man? That is ludicrous. It is not right and not fair to put her through this media hail storm. In any event, I fully believe no one would know about her or care what her gender is if she was not winning. It comes back to the antiquated idea that women cannot be as good as, or better than, men in athletic events. If she is man then, ok, they are right it is not fair for her to compete in an "all-female" event. But, no matter the outcome, I hope she is proud of who she is and what she can do. 4377. Posted by guitarman69r2 Thu Aug 20 10:59am EDT "Dude -Dude-Dude......Dude look like a lady...." 4376. Posted by Helen Thu Aug 20 10:59am EDT Post #4398 is the only intelligent posting that I read. 4375. Posted by unathidyasi Thu Aug 20 10:59am EDT last charectors "whooooo'u" menya............. for Mzantsi 4374. Posted by Keoshia W Thu Aug 20 10:59am EDT Excuse me Kelly G. & Everyone else who feels this way. The reason there are no White Channels is because a majority of television is White america. White is not a minority. Blacks and hispanics had to fight for rights. It's harder for Blacks and hispanics to get into college,Keep a Job,Have any type of say in this country. Stop looking down on people and maybe they won't need this help.These comments are a fine reminder of why Blacks have the help they do today.Stop attacking us.Who is going to sit forever and let you attack them.No the hell you don't have a WET (white entertainment television)You already have enough!!!!!!! 4373. Posted by imalwaysright Thu Aug 20 10:58am EDT hey healthnutgurl, u r obviously 1 stupid black @#$%! 4372. Posted by Judy S Thu Aug 20 10:58am EDT Just look at the pictures and you can tell why he/she is in question. The first things I noticed were the adams apple (throat) and the hips, or lack there of. Not to mention the crotch area is different from the other women runners in the photos. This is NOT about race, it's a gender issue. 4371. Posted by trevdaddy69 Thu Aug 20 10:57am EDT they should just pants her! 4370. Posted by phil Thu Aug 20 10:57am EDT Kellyg your right 4369. Posted by monamie Thu Aug 20 10:57am EDT let her do what she is good at, haven't you seen men who loks like women in your life? 4368. Posted by jeremyryandelrio Thu Aug 20 10:57am EDT I think that they relly should go back to gender testing everybody...And if the 'scientists' think the athlete is both sexes thenthey should let the athlete choose where thet compete. 4367. Posted by Jade B Thu Aug 20 10:57am EDT I think it‘s crazy what people do to pull other people down. This is so humiliating! Everyone that is making her go through this will burn in the fiery pits. Just because you can‘t out perform her you want to question if she‘s a woman? Wow 4366. Posted by saregeorge Thu Aug 20 10:56am EDT Being ugly is not a sin, its God who created her like that and i see no reason why they asking for gender testing its not fair. Had it been a white peron who won the race and have the similar looks where we going to hear about all those funny tests. Go on Caster show them what you are made of, bring thet gold medals to AFRICA girl. George Harare, Zimbabwe 4365. Posted by smokwetli Thu Aug 20 10:56am EDT As a south african i take feel offended when one of us wins and she has to be subjected to all kinds of tests we had the likes of marion jones of usa and maria mutola of mozambique who where build like her and i never ever not even once heard this iaaf crap questioning their womanhood, semenya is a woman and that is that. this iaaf people can go to hell for all i care. 4364. Posted by Justadad Thu Aug 20 10:56am EDT Once again we are confronted with the gay rights issue America. If he say's he is a women trapped in a mans body and gay rights activist say he is a women and he has the right to be just that. Who are we to complain. Welcome to America baby! We have it all! I know I have a brother who is a women. 4363. Posted by DENISEVIC Thu Aug 20 10:56am EDT Why does it take 5 different "specialists" to determine a persons gender? The gyno alone should be able to determine that for crying out loud! It's really hard to fake the most feminine part of a woman. The very best plastic surgeon can't reproduce what God perfected, I don't care what anyone says. All she needs is a pap and ultrasound. 4362. Posted by hbbguitarist Thu Aug 20 10:56am EDT Well, Barack Obama is only half black, so that's more of a half-assed win for the "smarter, wiser, stronger, and humble" African Americans. Plus...if you're humble, why the hell are you bragging about how you're so much better than us? Hmmm...... 4361. Posted by randy Thu Aug 20 10:56am EDT I agree with jigunda13 Amiable. I'll admit that african americans may have dominated sports, I know I was a wrestler and was soundly beaten on a few occasions by a african american opponent, however as far as smarter, wiser, stronger, and humble go maybe you should check your facts especially about the word humble; just because im nice ill go and look it up for you.... Humble: 1 : not proud or haughty : not arrogant or assertive hmm since you cant use humble correctly in a sentence then you are obviously not smarter and therefore you are not wiser. 4360. Posted by RebekahK Thu Aug 20 10:55am EDT About one in a thousand humans does not meet all of the usual criteria for calsification an either male or female. That's six million people folks. Most of these six million people live their lives as women, both because many of them have external female genitalia and because most modern cultures have high standards for 'manhood' but no simmilar ideas regarding womanhood. It is clear that this runner is not a "man" in the convential sense, nor is she transgendered. The question is two fold. Iis she female per se or intersexed (one of the six million)? If she is intersexed, are her characteristics such that it is more fair for her to compete in the women's division or the men's division of this sport. Several types of intersex people are more or less universily regarded as female for all purposes, such as those with CAIS, condition in which an embryo with XY chomasomes fails to develope male characteristics because of a lack of hormone receptors. One of the most famous such women is Hollywwod fixture and former horror movie screem queen Jamie Lee Curtis. Semenya obviously does not have that condition, because clearly her body does respond to the presence of testosterone. However, she might or might not be an interesexed person of some other type without realizing it. 4359. Posted by CapriCosmeticC Thu Aug 20 10:55am EDT Talent is godgiven (no matter what god you worship)...and this person (no gender required) has it!!! 4358. Posted by phil Thu Aug 20 10:55am EDT My grammar is th focus now not the hitler propaganda that the racist said no no one is being critical about that just my grammar wow are all you people racist i dot care about what you think of me and im not trying to get the ohara ohara report card aplus listen your a racist you understand what i say plan and simple now you want to attack me in someway any way you can find so you saw my grammar wasnt perfect and your critical personality came running all you do is criticize and assume we can ask questions about anyone anywhere like or not and she probably is a girl but no girl i would date lol 4357. Posted by funmom.boys Thu Aug 20 10:55am EDT I think everyone should wait for the test results.... Many women, including myself, have a deep voice or other characteristics said to be of a man. However, God makes us all in the way He meant for us to be. Plus, there are many health reasons (mine included) that can cause non-feminine (as many of you have stated) traits in women. 4356. Posted by lilorchid212 Thu Aug 20 10:55am EDT Unless they are willing to test the "gender" of every single athelete, then these kind of tests are unfair. Singling out someone based on looks and or ability or anything else is discrimination. If they do it for one, they should do it for all. 4355. Posted by kid n Thu Aug 20 10:55am EDT What are they complaining about, that is t.o. minus the jewelry.... 4354. Posted by Bekah Thu Aug 20 10:55am EDT like i dont know what to say.. that is kinda meann.. 4353. Posted by feebabyblue Thu Aug 20 10:55am EDT I really wonder how many of you who are posting actually saw this race, if not go to YouTube. I saw the race and after reading such ridiculous comments I watched it again. People, she just is not the most attractive person about the Face and she doesn't have D Cups, but there are lots of women you have barely A Cups. Take a look at her physique she very femanine around the midsection/abdominal area (this is why I watched the race again) she's got curves like a lady, but since she was not wearing those Booty Cutters you couldn't notice. She's got a very feminie mid-section and her behind rounds out perfectly in the back, and she has a hint of hips which is not uncommon for young athletics girls (for hips to not have fully developed by now). After looking at her body again, if you could allow yourself to imagine breast she would be a very nicely shaped young lady. But, there will always be haters and they will always and forever be skeptical of every successful person! 4352. Posted by Shan Thu Aug 20 10:54am EDT I can understand why some people are confused about her gender. I looked at her pictures, and, as a gay man who has zero attraction to women, I found her sexy. 4351. Posted by Gloria Thu Aug 20 10:54am EDT Personally, I stumbled into the story of Semenya and from the picture, I can say she is caught up in the middle of both sexes but I do not see what the hues is all about. First and foremost, she did not drop from heavens neither did she not attend schools so either the south african authorities are being mischievous or they part of the game plan, chikena. Glodean 4350. Posted by brian_m14 Thu Aug 20 10:54am EDT Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls. It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world, except for Lola. Lo lo lo Lola. Lo lo lo Lola. Well I left home just a week ago, and I never ever kissed a woman before, Lola smiled and took me by the hand, she said, "Little boy, gonna make you a man." Well I'm not the world's most masculine man, but I know what I am and that I'm a man, so is Lola. Lo lo lo Lola. Lo lo lo Lola. 4349. Posted by Da Young Gunna Thu Aug 20 10:54am EDT The industry is f***ed up cause every time black person the crackers always got to talk down about like this women they think shes man them white people need to get life...life is to damn short to be judging folks these day we black people dont go around judging them in what they do specially sports...aww my bad us black people done took over sports...except for that cracker sport hockey they dont talk about that whenever you see alot of white man skating on ice hitting a black puck shidd we could say dats races..but theres alwayz going to be a white that trys to put one of our black people..they should be ashamed of they self. And she ain't cheat its just us black people is really good at what we do. 4348. Posted by Maria W Thu Aug 20 10:54am EDT Ummm, diaz_tourguide, do you realize whom is president. Also, there are hundreds of top paid black athletes out there. 4347. Posted by Iris W Thu Aug 20 10:54am EDT Her dad was quoted as saying Semenya is a woman - and I believe him. 4346. Posted by Michael J Thu Aug 20 10:54am EDT If she is not a man (which she probably isn't but too close to call from just looks) then two things are likely: 1. She is a genetic freak like Michael Phelps who is born to run. To destory times like that without anyone having a clue about you is out of this world insane. 2. She is a huge roid user (this one is probably true). Which would explain everything, from her male looks to her insane speeds. I mean this wouldn't be the first time a person in track and field used roids. They are a pretty big problem in the sport in general. I think she has just had years of roids in her systems. 4345. Posted by unathidyasi Thu Aug 20 10:53am EDT Semenya u ill be an african lady, a mama africa to be loved and breed another african like u who ill be also talented as u are. keep it up beautiful, u r a World STAR for AFRICA 4344. Posted by DOOOOOOOSE Thu Aug 20 10:53am EDT A gender question immediately becomes a race attack. What a wonderful world we live in. 4343. Posted by mariavwill Thu Aug 20 10:53am EDT This is so unfair to her, what if she is really a woman then i will agree with her to make some money off the association. 4342. Posted by lalabrown37 Thu Aug 20 10:52am EDT this is the funniest thing ever just look at her. just because the girl has big muscles doesnt mean she is a boy. this is soo funny. i cant stop laughing 4341. Posted by Lance D Thu Aug 20 10:52am EDT Making sure that only women can race is all about equality. At the end of the day, men and women aren't physically equal. If we do not divide by sex, men will win nearly all physical competitions, such as racing. Letting men compete against only men and women against only women allows for women to win events as well. It's not equal, but we're not either. When both men and women have the same average height, weight and muscle mass, maybe things will be different, but not until then. 4340. Posted by noluthando candy Thu Aug 20 10:52am EDT candycee . guys stop insulting each other for such a simple thing , let the boyfriend come to the fore , what better way to get an answer than from the man who probably knows her inside and out . 4339. Posted by schnorx95 Thu Aug 20 10:52am EDT quote from Lee G: i watched all the female interviews, theyre all on drugs, how else do women get muscle mass and LATS like they have...its ludicrous. i am appalled that anyone can think that just because we are women we can't have muscles. after all this time, so many men see women as inferior for whatever reason. its disgusting. just because we're women DOESN'T MEAN WE CAN'T HAVE MUSCLES. and lee g if that's you're opinion you're a real dumb ass. 4338. Posted by Susan Adamkovics Thu Aug 20 10:52am EDT OMG...OMG...she never wore a dress...that's a tell-tale sign that someone is male...seriously people! 4337. Posted by FAT TURD Thu Aug 20 10:52am EDT its proven males and females both have adams apple get your stuff straight, only way to really check is DNA 4336. Posted by WilliamW Thu Aug 20 10:52am EDT 4020. Posted by Cynthia Thu Aug 20 9:27am EDT Report Abuse You people kill me. Now you want to say that Obama is mixed. Well, it goes back to your ancestors who stated that if anyone had an ounce of black in them, then they are black. If you saw Mr. Obama on the street before he was President, you would have said he is a black man. Im not stating that he is half white because i want to be associated with him, i think he sucks as a president, i dont want to claim no parts of him. Im just stating the truth. Now just because i think he sucks as a president does not mean i am goin to abandon my goverment and hope he fails because that would be un american, i want nothing but the best for my country so i hope is steps up. 4335. Posted by Elijah Thu Aug 20 10:51am EDT Birds of the same feathers flock together. Now what are other birds saying when they are showering? 4334. Posted by imalwaysright Thu Aug 20 10:51am EDT hey amiable, you r one ignorant %(O)&(^$ , if blacks are so much smarter, stronger, better, ??? explain why this nations prison system is overwhelmed with blacks, hmm something like 78%!!!! smarter??? i think not!!!!! 4333. Posted by Keoshia W Thu Aug 20 10:51am EDT Biracial president....Oh now biracial is a race?Well I guess all blacks are biracial now.I have never come across any african american who was fully black,yet all of you consider us black.But because we have a black president now biracial is now a race.Well guess what ..Every black person you look at is mixed with a race other than black..so i guess we are all biracial now. God help you people. 4332. Posted by Gezahegn Thu Aug 20 10:51am EDT It is not a complicaed task to verify gender . 4331. Posted by nii Thu Aug 20 10:51am EDT francis iam now in 4330. Posted by healthnutgurl Thu Aug 20 10:51am EDT I think white people like looking stupid with there tail between there legs. This beautiful WOMEN has already been through the test prior to competing and now that she BLEW past her competion with lightning speed, they are questioning HER again. -News Flash- For all of you idiot men ( of all races) women come in all shapes and sizes. Now I can see why so many men get caught up talking to women because of the hour glass figure only to find I that they are really men. Get a life- stupid people and get ready to apologies. 4329. Posted by fanprosinc@... Thu Aug 20 10:50am EDT I agree with LEE G... This person had a 30 meter lead on everyone else at one point. The only other person who pulled that off was Marion Jones. Come to find out Marion Jones was on steroids. This is minor but why is she the only one wearing shorts? Marion Jones did the same thing!!! 4328. Posted by Rodger Thu Aug 20 10:50am EDT shi luk tuf r face luk ruf shi /he isa she male 4327. Posted by Boo Thu Aug 20 10:50am EDT I think she was peeing beside me in the urinal after the race......she sad the water was cold...and deep! 4326. Posted by paul Thu Aug 20 10:50am EDT Kick Mama-licka-boo-boo-day out! That's not wee-wee in her pants, it's a fried chicken leg she's smuggiling! LOLOLOL 4325. Posted by kellyg Thu Aug 20 10:50am EDT I want to take this opportunity to agreee with cherrik, i have felt that way for years. if they can have bet i want the wet channel (white et.) why can you have african american scholorships or hispanic but not white scholarships. no white ms. america pagent. when you see that stuff then the segregation will have stopped. in a society to become more non racist we are becoming more racist to whites. if you want to stop racism it has to be all the way around. 4324. Posted by JenniferC Thu Aug 20 10:49am EDT she has man parts.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1FIUxSBKRw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ekt3kAB_UvE&NR=1 4323. Posted by mizzbball Thu Aug 20 10:49am EDT Omg! This wasn't about race until some stupid people started posting stupid, ignorant crap about the African American Race. Get real, get a life, and get an education. Maybe then you'll be a tad bit less stupid than you already are. 4322. Posted by Emmanuel Thu Aug 20 10:49am EDT Nobody would have dared raise that issue were she representing the U.S. or an European Union country. But she's from Africa, and a black girl, so they can drag her in the mud anyhow, insult and humiliate her, treat her like a sub -human being.. Of course they'd claim it's no racism, though the likes of Navratilova, Mauresmo, and many other Caucasian athletes never worried and will never worry about hounds of doctors dipping their dirty paws right under their pants, inside their private parts. Did I just said they're Caucasians? 4321. Posted by drummin man Thu Aug 20 10:49am EDT I watched the race, and I thought she was a man.Not because of how she ran, but what she resembled.I would be leaning more towards a steriod test than a gender test. 4320. Posted by Donesia Thu Aug 20 10:49am EDT i think dats sick s*** dont yall 4319. Posted by chelseamoody@... Thu Aug 20 10:49am EDT This is to comment number 4283 (siskenicha)... How can you agree with comment number 4137 (boxer15rds)?? He talks about another comment and how ignorant they are (which I completely agree with) but at the end he makes an extremely ignorant comment himself. I am a white person myself and not a bone in my body is racist. But what I dont understand is how people of other color, excluding white, can say what they want about white people but if a white person makes a comment, all hell breaks loose and they get called racist. I do agree that the comment that person made was completely horrible and wrong, but the comment boxer15rds was very out of line and rude. But to comment on this article.. Every person God creates is unique. She grew up as a girl and has grown into a woman, so who do you think you are to tell her otherwise and want her to take a test to prove it? Why cant you be happy that she won such an amazing award rather than trying to strip it from her. You are just jealous and people should really find a life of their own and stop trying to interfere with other peoples lives. 4318. Posted by bonniec Thu Aug 20 10:49am EDT i see race comments and such ugly things being said i hope your GODS don't judge everyone like some of you people are doing,or we all will be damned,and black people had plenty of reason to run fast because of people like some of you on this post it's CALLED LYNCH MOBS.----it's a shame, still in tha dark huh!!. 4317. Posted by Amanda Thu Aug 20 10:49am EDT First....has anyone seen female body builders? If those women don't look like men dressed up as women in their day to day lives then maybe I need to undergo a psych test. They mainly look that way because of the muscle mass they have and the way that they train to qualify at weigh in time. Just like any woman who puts on high volumes of muscle mass in their chest area, they are going to loose any fatty tissue in their breasts, hence, making them look like they have more of a man's chest than a womans. Most have breast implants just to correct this. Also, the size of their necks and shoulders is unreal so of course they look more like a man. And I haven't heard a lot of them speak who don't have deep voices. Second...there are a ton of women out there who are not feminine looking at all! Just as there are men who can have girlish features. A number of things could factor into what make these people this way. Women atheletes especially. I mean it's very common that women atheletes do not menstrate; therefore, decreasing their hormone levels. Seriously, not all females grow up with really feminine features. Some of those features are manipulated and then the body responds. Like eyebrows. This girl has manish eyebrows. Most women I know have to pluck or wax their eyebrows to get shape to them. I even known some who would have a unabrow if they didn't. Some of these athelet's wear makeup even in competition and some don't. Makeup can drastically alter the appearance of a less atractive female. Regardless, this girl is still a person with feelings. With her young age, this should really have been kept under wraps. Third....I get them testing to make sure all is fair in the world of sport's competition, and yes as an athelete you should be prepared to have to do testing. However, in this day and age there should be enough ways to test without humiliating a young woman. This should never have been leaked to the media. This is a young person who still has a lot of emotional maturing to do. It's one thing to test atheletes, albeit blood work, hornmone panels, drug testing, urine testing, ultrasounds, x-rays, birth certificate, prior medical records, basic athelete's physical exam, etc, but to make her undergo gynecological exams and psych testing? Obviously she doesn't have a problem with who she is so why should she have to undergo pscyh testing. Not to mention, for any male out there who hasn't undergone a GYN exam, it isn't very pleasant. Compare to having to see the doctor for a rectal or prostate exam. Not exactly the most humbling or comforting experience. I think we have better technology to exam her sexual gender than these two things. If she is a woman, my heart goes out to all the critizism and crap she's had to hear and undergo. I mean how embarrasing for her. If it turns out she is really a male posing, then shame of him. He'll get his just dues though. 4316. Posted by lisababe_47 Thu Aug 20 10:48am EDT Hey folks, just because a person is from South Africa does not automatically mean they are black. I have some very close friends born and bred in South Africa that are blondes with blue eyes and are as white as the pure driven snow! Be careful with assumptions. 4315. Posted by t c Thu Aug 20 10:48am EDT lisababe ... don't hate 4314. Posted by nogoballer24 Thu Aug 20 10:48am EDT people in this world is sooooo evil..everyone isn't blessed with the view that society has put in our minds .. I think they should leave HER alone.. I think this is a huge embarrassment for her, calling her a male and the whole world is hearing about it. SAD 4313. Posted by Obamaistheenemy Thu Aug 20 10:48am EDT man ? woman? how about finding out if she's a gorilla or not? 4312. Posted by martina.christie Thu Aug 20 10:48am EDT matt let me tell u some thing abama is helping this country and the woman is a woman so wat she lenth all the americans and the other countries so what she got talent. one thing i know that girl got more talent than u.!!!!!!! 4311. Posted by IMWright Thu Aug 20 10:47am EDT When will the TENNIS ORGS do GENDER TESTING on the WILLIAMS BROTHERS . man talk about some rode hard and put up wet ugly women 4310. Posted by peter Thu Aug 20 10:47am EDT please call her boyfriend please and stop the jokes. 4309. Posted by CM Thu Aug 20 10:47am EDT I have no doubts she's a she. I highly doubt the family said from birth "Let's just pretend our little boy is a girl so he can win track against women" LOL. I think they should be looking into steriod usage however. That's far too much muscle mass built up in too little time & not only is against the rules, but highly dangerous to anyone (heart attack before 30 anyone?) 4308. Posted by Sylvia Thu Aug 20 10:47am EDT I think that It's very wrong what the media is trying is to do this woman who amongst many obstacles she managed to overcome it and become a force to be reckoned with in the world of sports. If she is proven to be a woman I feel she should receive a public apolgy becuase it 's very insulting that the only reason why she's accomplished such high records is due to the fact of her possibly being a man. Woman are strong to maybe even stronger becuase we deal with many sterotypes and double standards everyday. 4307. Posted by Scar Thu Aug 20 10:47am EDT Well how did you guys manage to turn this into a racial thing? FOOLS! All of the track and field and other athletes from all countries have been cheating for over 50 years by doping or using some kind of banned substances. USA track women have looked like men for years and years people. If a woman looks masculine there's a reason peeps.....they're using male hormones. No ifs ands or buts. And they all have to do it because if one country does then they have a huge advantage. Most are just trying to keep up. Testing? Hahahahaha! Testing is a defensive endeavor. (huh?) Testing is always one step behind ingenuity. New variations of banned substances easily defeat any tests. Some of the world's greatest chemists have been at work for years on this quest to keep athletes "clean". So now you are thinking that we have just begun substituting sexes in sports? Give me a break. This is not new. And, no..........Greg Louganis doesn't count. 4306. Posted by Jessica Thu Aug 20 10:47am EDT I see both sides. On the one hand it sucks for this person to have to go through this testing and controversy. Its not fair to her and she should be allowed to be who she is and proud of it. But on the other, if you were the one racing next to her, wouldn't you want to make sure that other athletes were not cheating the sport when the world title is up for grabs and you have been training your whole life for it? With all of the ways to scam sports, it would not be unfathomable for a male athlete to want to compete next to women, b/c he would have the advantage (as much as I hate to admit it, men and women compete in different classes for a reason) and of course win the race. Although I really don't think that is whats going on here, I would want to be sure if I was the one running next to her. I do agree that the testing should be done to every athlete competeing at that level though, before they ever race the big race. 4305. Posted by Delia Thu Aug 20 10:47am EDT All you haters out there, the girl whip real asses. Big up girl 4304. Posted by Anonymous Thu Aug 20 10:46am EDT Looks like a woman to me, just because she stomps the competition doesn't mean she is a man. 4303. Posted by Read a Book Thu Aug 20 10:46am EDT First, I know quite a few white women that could pass for men, so let‘s not go there. Second, for all of you white folks that want to somehow alleviate some irrational guilt you have whenever black folks talk about slavery, please quit spreading that tired excuse that "Africans sold them into slavery" and "Africans had slaves themselves". First, while it is true that almost EVERY national group had some form of slavery, the majority of the time it was based on DEBT, they were PRISONERS of WAR, or they were CRIMINALS. The slavery that existed in the United States was TOTALLY DIFFERENT and for different purposes. It was also followed up with segregation, and continued discrimination. So please don‘t try to lessen whatever burden you think you have by bringing up this "Africans sold other Africans" crap. You can bet that these Africans had no clue as to what was in store for the people they sold. It has been documented that the slaves in Africa were still treated as humans. They were not treated as cattle or less of a man. And as for the current situation over there, you can also trace that back to European involvement. 4302. Posted by Justadad Thu Aug 20 10:46am EDT As I read most of the comments I begin to realize the veiws of some readers. I have a question for all. We legalize same sex marriage so how can you stop the women or man in the relationship from competing in sports if they say they are a man(if there a women) and a women(if there a man)? It's called gay rights. So do we tell her or him to compete in the Gay olympics? 4301. Posted by skatermds1 Thu Aug 20 10:45am EDT my only problem is the rest of the runners who are woman.....competing in a woman only sport should be just that. no problem here with her genda however, let her think about the other runners. what place would he/she have come in if he raced in the proper gender race. 4300. Posted by TimmE Thu Aug 20 10:45am EDT Check for an Adam's apple...only males have them !! 4299. Posted by DayleL Thu Aug 20 10:45am EDT Right on 4365! 4298. Posted by dudu_sam Thu Aug 20 10:45am EDT Semenya.. you go girl show them what you made off... We Love You and keep showing off you'r e God given Talent............who Cares about , who says or think what..... keep it up, bring Them GOLD Back where they Belong,,, South Africa.............. 4297. Posted by ccurry73 Thu Aug 20 10:45am EDT I think to be fair we need to give Caster Semenya a chance to defend herself. I'll ask her. she's standing at the urinal next to me. 4296. Posted by Obamaistheenemy Thu Aug 20 10:45am EDT castrated semen ya? 4295. Posted by IMWright Thu Aug 20 10:45am EDT why does a woman rub her eyes in the morning?? because she doesn't have n.ts to scratch- I bet she doesn't rub her eyes 4294. Posted by Frances S Thu Aug 20 10:45am EDT I saw the pictures of the race and darn, that 'woman' looks like a man!!!!!! All the other runners have the facial features of a woman except for that one. And don't give me that racial crap, please! All the other black and white female runners LOOK like women. If I was her, I would wear some LIPSTICK and shave my armpits so I would LOOK like a woman (if she really is one). A DNA test and a GYN consulation (you know, when they check your inside to see if you have a uterus, because NONE of those women have breasts, as far as I saw on the pictures, or heck, if they had they could be 'fake' boobs if it was a man trying to pretend to be a woman)... will be enough for me to prove she is a female, otherwise it will be unfair for this 'woman' to be in a race with 'real' women. 4293. Posted by ravens1319 Thu Aug 20 10:45am EDT whatever he or she won the race ok some women look like men most blacks donot have the money to make themselves look pretty like the rich folks.So leave him or her alone and enjoy him or her win.win another gold the team 4292. Posted by Leslie N Thu Aug 20 10:45am EDT AMIABLE - you are what is wrong with this country. First of all - I don't see where they say it was the horrible white man that was questioning her gender. I do believe it is a load of crap that this just seems to have come up because of her wins and times when had she been less of a runner nothing would have probably been done. If gender is of such conern to the rules then by all means all of the female atheletes should be required to have been tested before participating. Turning this into some racist bullsh#* is why this country hasn't been able to get passed the racial barrier. Read the article and note the race of other women in history that have had this issue arise due to their athletic talent...one hint - they weren't African (like this lady in question). 4291. Posted by Robert G Thu Aug 20 10:44am EDT Look at photo 21 and tell me that's not an adam's apple? This is a dude, maybe a very effeminate(sp) dude, but still a dude. 4290. Posted by Obamaistheenemy Thu Aug 20 10:44am EDT Ooh, Gross! 4289. Posted by lisababe_47 Thu Aug 20 10:43am EDT .....to the individual boasting that we have a black president..... Actually, he is biracial. Are we forgetting that one of his parents is white????? He is not the first "Black President....he is the first bi-racial president (that we know of). 4288. Posted by Amanda Thu Aug 20 10:43am EDT First....has anyone seen female body builders? If those women don't look like men dressed up as women in their day to day lives then maybe I need to undergo a psych test. They mainly look that way because of the muscle mass they have and the way that they train to qualify at weigh in time. Just like any woman who puts on high volumes of muscle mass in their chest area, they are going to loose any fatty tissue in their breasts, hence, making them look like they have more of a man's chest than a womans. Most have breast implants just to correct this. Also, the size of their necks and shoulders is unreal so of course they look more like a man. And I haven't heard a lot of them speak who don't have deep voices. Second...there are a ton of women out there who are not feminine looking at all! Just as there are men who can have girlish features. A number of things could factor into what make these people this way. Women atheletes especially. I mean it's very common that women atheletes do not menstrate; therefore, decreasing their hormone levels. Seriously, not all females grow up with really feminine features. Some of those features are manipulated and then the body responds. Like eyebrows. This girl has manish eyebrows. Most women I know have to pluck or wax their eyebrows to get shape to them. I even known some who would have a unabrow if they didn't. Some of these athelet's wear makeup even in competition and some don't. Makeup can drastically alter the appearance of a less atractive female. Regardless, this girl is still a person with feelings. With her young age, this should really have been kept under wraps. Third....I get them testing to make sure all is fair in the world of sport's competition, and yes as an athelete you should be prepared to have to do testing. However, in this day and age there should be enough ways to test without humiliating a young woman. This should never have been leaked to the media. This is a young person who still has a lot of emotional maturing to do. It's one thing to test atheletes, albeit blood work, hornmone panels, drug testing, urine testing, ultrasounds, x-rays, birth certificate, prior medical records, basic athelete's physical exam, etc, but to make her undergo gynecological exams and psych testing? Obviously she doesn't have a problem with who she is so why should she have to undergo pscyh testing. Not to mention, for any male out there who hasn't undergone a GYN exam, it isn't very pleasant. Compare to having to see the doctor for a rectal or prostate exam. Not exactly the most humbling or comforting experience. I think we have better technology to exam her sexual gender than these two things. If she is a woman, my heart goes out to all the critizism and crap she's had to hear and undergo. I mean how embarrasing for her. If it turns out she is really a male posing, then shame of him. He'll get his just dues though. 4287. Posted by phil Thu Aug 20 10:43am EDT Dominate in all sports ok you must know all about sports well you dont and your absolutely wrong oh in your book anybody who is not white as snow is black right i mean you prob think that tiger is black right right wow i am so tired of the race card and racist they make this world @#$% and the like it . 4286. Posted by Francis Thu Aug 20 10:43am EDT Guys ppl got to think and give credit to hard work. I know many guys (i.e men) if allowed to partake in the race will not even excel among those ladies, if the work no hard. 4285. Posted by diaz_tourguide Thu Aug 20 10:42am EDT This is just another way of old school colonialism. The white man wants the black to be suppressed look at Marion Jones. They just fear the title going to a person not of standards they set typical and westernized way of thinking "If we cant be on the top lets prevent the others from getting there" Hypocrites!!! 4284. Posted by CapriCosmeticC Thu Aug 20 10:42am EDT This is not about race, its not even about gender. Its just a media play to create contorversy and boost sales and ratings. Everyone needs to relax with the whole race and gender cards...this is a very talented young girl who kicked a whole lotta asses in a race...nothing more. "Thoughts become things...choose the good ones." 4283. Posted by gbrivas1 Thu Aug 20 10:42am EDT It really shouldn't matter. There are many women out there who lack femanine looks. She's not the only one who's been confused for a man.It's typical, but what really matters is that she has talent. Whether she's a man or not, she's gifted. 4282. Posted by marki.hall Thu Aug 20 10:42am EDT Isn't it amazing how we Americans always got something to complain about. 4281. Posted by gcas20@... Thu Aug 20 10:41am EDT The only reason it is an issue it because she or he is black. It would not matter if they were white prolly cause white men and women look like their genders. This is an automatic race issue now just because she is black. Quit crying and for gods sake quit playing the race card on every issue dealing with African Americans......jesus cry babies 4280. Posted by Jason Thu Aug 20 10:41am EDT to AMIAMBLE: your right in the regard that you people are better at sports than us and stronger than us, but that is because white people bred you that way, as for being smarter...well, that i cant really see, you cant even govern yourselves in your own homelane. All you people so proud of africa should jump on a plane and relocate. Any time a white person is racially proud, its a horrible way to be, but yet you folks are allowed to sit up here and bash on us, i am sick of it. You owe everything you have to white people, and if there is any getting over to be done, i think you folks need to get over our country's history....go back to africa!! 4279. Posted by Dotlon Thu Aug 20 10:40am EDT i think this is just stupid!!! 4278. Posted by Donesia Thu Aug 20 10:40am EDT i heard a man stripped serched her and felt her everywhere isnt that sick 4277. Posted by brian_wiest Thu Aug 20 10:39am EDT This is a direct result of cheaters/cheating in the past. In the era of human growth hormones and other performance enhancing substances which generally enhance male physical features. So of course there will always be speculation from here on out on females with male characteristics whether it be facial hair/adams apple, deep voice, ect...This athlete is a product of the steroid hysteria going on all around the world in athletics. It has nothing to do with her personaly or the country personaly. The only way to quell any gender questions is to have every athlete once again subject themselves to gender checks which they did until the 2000 olympics. Basically we can't have our cake and eat it too.. Either we reinstate testing for gender for everyone...or we keep throwing out allegations and ruining peoples images. So I say let it go and shut up, or start doing something productive and lobby for gender testing to once again take place instead of hating on people and topics most of you obviously have no idea or knowledge about. 4276. Posted by travisdanny60 Thu Aug 20 10:39am EDT i would like to make a comment, she is probably a women, i know women who have deep voices look for the adams apple, even a transsexual retains the adams apple. there awomen who have the six pack and the mucles like a man. maybe she works out in the gymn as well. 4275. Posted by Matt Thu Aug 20 10:38am EDT Seriously with the Obama quotes? He's a Chicago politician. By default he's a lying crook. As for the grammar police, save yourselves the indignity of trying to teach ignorant people. As they'll often tell you, they don't care about appearing intelligent, and no one will mistake it about them either. 4274. Posted by phil Thu Aug 20 10:38am EDT Scarlett you an ass and im not trying to get a aplus on my ohara report card i dont care what you think of me or anyone race keep your irnorant hitler propaganda to yourself and @#$% off racist pig i bet you fat like a pig 2a rino go join a hate group youo will fit right in 4273. Posted by chuck44man Thu Aug 20 10:38am EDT After reading a lot of the posts I can see why reality tv is so popular. The world is losing it's collective mind. There are too many ignorant and just plain stupid people out there. 4272. Posted by Lyssie Thu Aug 20 10:38am EDT Sex is biology, but gender is socially constructed. Sounds like the author of the piece needs to do a little more research on terminology. For those who've said to look at her genitalia, not everyone has perfectly formed genitals. Perhaps she is intersexed (ambiguous genitals/gonads) and hormone testing isn't fully accurate because women naturally produce testosterone, just as men naturally produce estradiol, one of the chemicals we refer to collectively as "estrogens." Some womens' bodies produce more that others, and sometimes, particularly high-testosterone-producing women will actually have more natural testosterone than low-producing men. As for genetic testing, you do realize that XX and XY aren't the only options, right? Some people have extra chromosomes and go their whole lives without knowing it. XXX and YYY chromosomes are not unusual, and, in the grand scheme of things, neither are XXY and XYY. XO (Turner's syndrome) is more rare, but those children are raised as females 99% of the time. Oh, and Denise, judging by having a cervix and uterus does not work either. By that definition, I am not a woman, because I had cancer and had those removed. 4271. Posted by young Black Thu Aug 20 10:37am EDT Amiable Naw thats not too humble at all 4270. Posted by Anna W Thu Aug 20 10:37am EDT I ran the 880 yard dash in 2 minutes when I was 14 years old. 3 other girls ran faster than me and qualified for the Olymic time trials. If I knew then what I know now, I would have insisted that they be tested for gender!!! I find this disgraceful that she should be doubted in this manner. The person who believes that genetic testing will reveal if she is a man sounds like an excuse. Was she born with a vagina? In her society that makes her a woman. Only in prosperous countries are people allowed to convince themselves to cut off or sew on their "chunk" because they have "gender confusion" and need reassignment. 4269. Posted by mehu3 Thu Aug 20 10:37am EDT sometimes nature interferes..... and so add some special feature to different people.so do for her .but this should considered as gift not as a fault... 4268. Posted by stephenpen77 Thu Aug 20 10:37am EDT Hi why don't you leave this girl alone . After all she is already a female before she came in to the competition. Stephen from ghana volta region.thankx. I wish her all the best. 4267. Posted by winstonwindvogel Thu Aug 20 10:36am EDT I'm South African and I think all of you are a bunch of idiots. We as South Africans are much too proud to stoop so low. I guess it's true, jealousy does make you nasty. 4266. Posted by ccurry73 Thu Aug 20 10:36am EDT That's a man, baby! 4265. Posted by jigunda13 Thu Aug 20 10:36am EDT Hey AMIABLE: i like your quote "We dominate all sports..we are better than you guys and you can't handle it..smarter, wiser, stronger, and humble." maybe you should first look up the word "humble". you truly sound like a 10-year old. I think its pretty obvious that blacks are dominant in most sports these days...congrats. i'm white, played football in college etc. and i have no problem with that at all. but please tell me how you plan to measure how much smarter, wiser, and stronger you are than the rest of the world. another group used to think just like you....read up on the nazis sometime. 4264. Posted by Random Thu Aug 20 10:36am EDT I feel like they need to leave the woman alone... she talented and they didnt like the fact that she dusted all the other "women" that were in the race. whos to say the woman that came in 2nd wasnt a man... 4263. Posted by CherriK Thu Aug 20 10:35am EDT If she is a woman, then a lot of people will owe her an apology for their suspicions and putting her through this. If she is a not a woman, then "he" should not be allowed to cheat. It has nothing to do with race. However, while we're on that subject, what about all of the reverse discrimination these days? What would happen if White Entertainment Television appeared? I think there would be quite a stir in the black community. Also, what if a caucasian or hispanic woman tried to enter the Miss Black America pageant? Yet, there have been several very lovely and talented young black women crowned Miss America and represented the ENTIRE country, not just one race! So, who is it that is keeping segregation going? I think that is food for thought. Why not just end all the separation? Leave the past behind, and make the future great! 4262. Posted by Tim T Thu Aug 20 10:35am EDT That dude looks like T.O. Save the $$ for all the tests and just take the damn metal away. Imagine the doctor that has to pull down those pants. ACK!!!!!!!! Guess that is why they make the big bucks! 4261. Posted by yemirufai Thu Aug 20 10:35am EDT Too bad. This is after thought. She may have physique of man that does not make her one or because she had won therefore, you look for one excuse to deny her the medal. To me, Gender is none issue in this case. It is also not hidden thing. It is easy to denote human gender without sweat. She had WON. Let us celebrate it with her. Congrats. 4260. Posted by Jim Thu Aug 20 10:34am EDT Tell me why they don't test every athlete before they start there sport career ? Put every athlete to those tests and make sure the field of play starts out even in the beginning. Don't single out one athlete because of male or female featuresafter the fact of her winning. Would they have questioned her if she didn't win ? Just food for thought. 4259. Posted by Michael Thu Aug 20 10:34am EDT OMG! let it rest! I think she is beautiful! Man or Woman! 4258. Posted by Justadad Thu Aug 20 10:33am EDT Equal rights for all Obama even said, "It's time for change". So if this person is a man and is acheiving in their sport. So be it! Im from California and we still are voting for a man to marry a man. Prop. 8. So which ever one is the women in the relationship equal rights! Obama says. So hello! Let him or her run! As strange as it may seem to have a gay man running in the World championships as a women welcome to the new world order. Remember equal rights for all! Our president even agrees. 4257. Posted by siopao, ed, aren, yen Thu Aug 20 10:33am EDT The test had nothing to do with her being black. It's just a STANDARD PROCEDURE. I've seen a similar incident happen once where one of the female athletes had to be disqualified because she failed to pass the test that lets her qualify as a female. It's not about her having a female genitalia nor her being black, it's about her having the muscle development of a man. It would be unfair for the other female athletes to compete with someone who has the characteristics and capability of a man. That would be like putting a Panda against a Grizzly Bear. This is not the first time that this had happened and this does not only happen to africans/african-americans. 4256. Posted by Becky Boop Thu Aug 20 10:33am EDT What?! 4255. Posted by stu Thu Aug 20 10:33am EDT Sirpicater you are a racist. This is the problem in our world. You are saying that the whites are the last and now the blacks are the first? That is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard not to mention IGNORANT. Yes I remember Martin Luther King VERY well. You obviously do not. ALL PEOPLE are created EQUAL. You are not supposed to see gender, color, ethnicity, etc. We are all equal in God's eyes and all held accountable for our actions equally. You need to remove your head from you a** and get educated. People like YOU keep racism alive! 4254. Posted by free_thought365 Thu Aug 20 10:32am EDT In regards to the racial comment made earlier, please answer me this: Who is worse, a criminal who mugs people or Madoff? Who is worse, a drug dealer or Kenneth Lay (Enron)? 4253. Posted by bonniec Thu Aug 20 10:32am EDT how about starting out with --- HUMAN BEING!!!! put a sock in it who cares there is to much more important things to worry about now day's thank's for reading. 4252. Posted by bobthebuilder07@... Thu Aug 20 10:32am EDT if you have a vagina can you be a male and if you have a penis can you be female 4251. Posted by Matt Thu Aug 20 10:32am EDT Spare us the theatrics Melissa... Don't you have a rally to attend? It's a little different situation than eyeliner and a purse.. she clearly does display physical traits of a man.. I'm not saying the test should happen randomly or out of the blue without any evidence, but if that test comes back and says she is more of a man than a woman, or if she's a hermaphrodite, then there are rules and regulations possibly being broken. And we're not going to gloss over that just to appease fanatical social activists. 4250. Posted by moflav2001 Thu Aug 20 10:31am EDT I dont think people should not make a big deal out of the whole thing they should just allow her to enjoy her fame and victory, she couldn,t have gone that far if she was not a women. 4249. Posted by phil Thu Aug 20 10:31am EDT Lol wow i didnt spell al my words and doty my ts this is not a college essay wow your the most critical @#$% in the world lol lol you are gettin defensive what you dont have anymore hitler propaganda to say what what . scarlett ohara says white are genetically inferior 4248. Posted by slaydog103 Thu Aug 20 10:31am EDT She had time to shave her legs but not her armpits? Kinda gross eh? Take a look at the pictures. Shaped like a very feminin man. Kinda gross if she is fully intact a woman. Very awkward shape to a female, even given her athletic abilities. I guess we'll find out in a couple weeks we they pull her pants down to see about any surgeries and/or elevated estrogen levels. 4247. Posted by Todd J Thu Aug 20 10:31am EDT This is not a question of what GENDER she is. Gender has nothing to do with what sexual organs you have, what your chromosomes say, or anything biological. Gender is an identity. This runner is female in gender. It is what she identifies as. Her SEX is in question. I do not see anything wrong with her sex being questioned as long as the underlying reason is to ensure a fair competition and enviroment. In general, biological males do have a greater physical ability than biological females. If the reason for doing the tests is because they want to discredit her talent, then an injustice is being done to this amazing athlete who has logged so many hours training and improving her ability. this article loses credibility by claiming it is a "gender"issue. 4246. Posted by ericbiler Thu Aug 20 10:31am EDT To Amibale, It really doesn't sound like your to humble to me. 4245. Posted by realtorjv Thu Aug 20 10:31am EDT Wait for the porof before you judge 4244. Posted by SimoneF Thu Aug 20 10:30am EDT So, what if African women look very closely like the men? @ Shelly, yeah, the Williams sisters look like guys, but I'm sure they aren't. This is just a race issue. They haven't got enough reasons to attack the male black runners, already...! 4243. Posted by Riverwoods23 Thu Aug 20 10:30am EDT What the hell is every talking about racism or beauty standards! Racism is a reality and impacts everyone. Media beauty standards are an issue and impacts everyone. I am not saying the person is or isn't a woman but clearly there is nothing remotely feminne about this person and no one should be outraged that they question it and want to validate that the person is actually a woman. However it should be based on a sexual thing...if truly born a woman then the amount of chromosomes or any other thing like that shouldn't matter. 4242. Posted by Teresa Thu Aug 20 10:30am EDT yeah I remeber MLK got his ass shot for crying RACISM. 4241. Posted by Club O'Lears Thu Aug 20 10:29am EDT Could it be a Hermaphadite? Oh great ,now Hermaphs are going to want the whole we're equal to thing. I can hear it now, we want to marry , we want the same as heteros. Who ever brought this up in the first place thanks for opening that can of worms up. 4240. Posted by fred b Thu Aug 20 10:29am EDT Gender test? Drop your pants ma'am....pull them back up sir 4239. Posted by Matt Thu Aug 20 10:28am EDT It's pretty obvious that barring surgery she was born a woman, but it's not black and white.. She is obviously at minimum, a female with extremely high levels of testosterone.. Sort of like a man with high levels of estrogen will come out with feminine curves and a high voice. She has the shoulders and hips and voice identical to a 18-19 year old man.. obviously due to genetic abnormalities.. Basically she is a man running against women, but since she is most likely a true female in the literal sense, what can you do? You might as well go test the Williams sisters while you're at it.. I'm pretty sure their deep voices and extreme physiques aren't typical of the average female either. 4238. Posted by Melissa Thu Aug 20 10:28am EDT This is so ridiculous. You know, just because she isn't wearing eye shadow and high heels doesn't mean she is any less of a woman. I am so deeply saddened by this for many reasons. First of all, that she has to go through all of this because South Africa has some really outdated views on what makes a woman. And second, that here in the US it has been the running story for two days because WE obviously stll have VERY outdated views on what makes a woman. This is 2009 people, the women's movement in America actually started in 1848 for god's sake. We have had a combined total of 161 years to absorb this stuff, and yet we still don't get it. Women CAN be great athletes (which is what actually got the question of her gender raised in the first place), and we DON'T have to look like ANYTHING to be a woman. Would everyone feel better if she had pigtails or something? Geez... 4237. Posted by stephen c Thu Aug 20 10:27am EDT As far as I'm concerned , if it smells like @#$%, looks like @#$% , tastes like @#$%,than it's probably @#$%. 4236. Posted by Eva Maria Thu Aug 20 10:27am EDT i agree everyone is different and no one should be penalized for their differences 4235. Posted by Ryce Thu Aug 20 10:27am EDT Wow! Ms. Grammer da teacha had to com on n tlk bout ppl not bein able to spell words properly. Well u c it's not just abt not bein able is jus dat we prefer da shrt way n som ppl do com wit accents missy. So jus chill man, it's hard fo u to read i undastan....tlkin bout can't spell simple sight words...yuh @#$%in bright steph or w/e yuh name. 4234. Posted by young Black Thu Aug 20 10:27am EDT All of you grammar teachers go to hell, not everyone is a teacher nor do we care about the spelling of certain words that can be shortened to our liking, if you can't read a response keep moving it wasn't meant for your type of people in the first place 4233. Posted by Leroy Thu Aug 20 10:27am EDT was there not a female swimmer quite a few years back that lost a gold medal because she was hermaphrodite.... 4232. Posted by kdbaker3 Thu Aug 20 10:27am EDT I just viewed all the pictures and that HAS to be a MAN!! The facial bone structure, the straight box shape the shapre of the arm muscles. I'm just surprised they are just questioning it now 4231. Posted by Ernest Thu Aug 20 10:26am EDT So had she not won the race, there would had been nothing said about her gender right? So since she did win and she does'nt look like what the media or the so called officail's think a womwn should look like. Then there answer is she a man..Then my question is knowing that they had this same question of gender before in the past with other athlete's. WHY DID'NT THEY DO A GENDER TEST ON ALL THE RUNNERS AT THE VERY START OF THE GAMES TO RULE OUT THIS TYPE OF FINGER POINTING!!!!!!!!! And just for the record if her own father say's thats my little girl i raised her from day one. Then it is what it is and i also understand that in her country she comes from a poor area. So you do the math........It doe'nt add up!......... Because sex changes cost money..... 4230. Posted by newyorkpattie Thu Aug 20 10:26am EDT News flash, they are testing her sex (what is she biologically), her gender is how she presents herself to the public. A persons sex can be male with a gender of female, or vice versa. If people are going to question something like this, get your terms right. Other wise mind your own business. 4229. Posted by sipho84 Thu Aug 20 10:26am EDT this issue raises questions of what is a fe/male. we need more explainations. 4228. Posted by Dennis G Thu Aug 20 10:26am EDT If it's a dude it would explain him being at the front of the pack.... he wasn't running with the women, he was running from the women!!! You guys all know what I mean. 4227. Posted by gdbtnot2gd Thu Aug 20 10:26am EDT If she is a guy well then she gets to race with the guys what is so hard to figure out? Nothing wrong with being a guy. 4226. Posted by Linda Thu Aug 20 10:26am EDT Why dont we do what GOD asked us to do to judge not, but instead we try to always play that racist card and blame it on the rules of the game. It is so embrassing for you to put that young lady trough so much shame, just because someone she probably beat decided to throw out a bone and hide her or his hand. SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!! 4225. Posted by Lee G Thu Aug 20 10:25am EDT PUHLEASE, my son and i were watching the race last nite and he (he's 9) said "why is a man running with the women". No question she is NOT A SHE. Did anyone here actually see the race, because i get so sick and tired of arguing sports with people who a) dont know sports, b) didnt see the actual event....she had a 30 meter lead at one point in an 800 meter race!?!? i dont care what IT'S genitalia look like, SHE is a HE....and ill tell u something else...i watched all the female interviews, theyre all on drugs, how else do women get muscle mass and LATS like they have...its ludicrous. 4224. Posted by Sheerkhan Thu Aug 20 10:25am EDT You know what after reading all of the comments on the first page it just shows how messed up the world is. Furthermore just how bad off we are as humans. I would think that testing to figure out the gender of someone BEFORE you allow them to do anything in a gender based sport would be a no brainer! The world is on a downward slope and people like Ken 3911 are leading the charge. I mean really Put a bullet in it's nappy head, problem solved. You first Ken, I really don't think that the gender of this person really matters to you and you know it doesn't or else you would not have said anything about the fact that she has nappy hair. Unlike most people I like to get the facts on the matter before I speak, and I have seen and known women who have more muscle than I do and are in far better shape than I in my life, did that make them a man no. I have known women with mustaches that have had more babies and could out work any man I know, and have no interest in another woman and will whoop your backside if you hinted that they did. Fact of the matter we have 3 folks to blame for all of the misery in the world 1 our parents Adam and Eve if they hadn't listen to the 3rd we'd be happy right now, and as for the 3 one well he's making folks slower by the day and your comments prove me right. Would it not be the smarter thing to let the media know, hey get your facts straight first before reporting something like this? Honestly this would not be an issue if she had not smoked everyone and broke records. But the media just likes to throw chum in the water and see what type of reaction we give them so that they can get your mind off of things that really matter. It's one race and it's gotten 4,086 comments about 1 runner. Now I have 1 last question, once it's been proven that she really is female and not male how many of you will man up and say "Wow I'm really sorry for saying you were a man, please forgive my ignorance." I know 1 that won't so maybe he should just shoot himself in the head and rid the world of one less socio-parasitical sub-human so we wont have to worry about it. Just sayin 4223. Posted by newyorkpattie Thu Aug 20 10:25am EDT News flash, they are testing her sex (what is she biologically), her gender is how she presents herself to the public. A persons sex can be male with a gender of female, or vice versa. If people are going to question something like this, get your terms right. Other wise mind your own business. 4222. Posted by sirpicater Thu Aug 20 10:24am EDT l am not surprise about the situation report, because the Scripture(Bible) has already made it clear as one of the signs for the end time. Notwithstanding, People should learn to appreciate hard work and not to discredit one's effort or achievement. lt is high time our Whites counterparts acknowledge the fact that, things have changed- the last has now become 'the lst ' and the lst before now ' the last'. Do you still remember ' Martin Luther King? Picater Patrick Ekwuruke! 4221. Posted by fanprosinc@... Thu Aug 20 10:24am EDT This is the second time in a week a male competed as a female(Cris Cyborg vs. Gina Carano) 4220. Posted by lil D Thu Aug 20 10:24am EDT I was amazed when I started reading these comments. WOW! Impressed how something like this is turned into a racial issue. Can you guys take a break and feel like what she might really be feeling. Say she is actually a girl...could you imagine how she must feel to to have her gender questioned world wide? That has to be crushing. So stop trying to inflict other imaginary agendas and think about how she must feel. This is not because she is black or south african. I don't know when it was the last time any of you have watched international sports, but people of color are winning titles and breaking records all the time without question to their gender or legitimacy. 4219. Posted by ginger Thu Aug 20 10:24am EDT why have all those doctors? all it would take is one x-ray. the pelvic bones don't lie! 4218. Posted by J.F. Thu Aug 20 10:24am EDT "Thats not your mother, thats a man baby." 4217. Posted by phil Thu Aug 20 10:23am EDT ohara is a racist who speaks hitler propaganda and in all respect hates inferior races and believes in such you must have gone to a racist school or had racist frienda read some racist propaganda and believed it wow your life must be hell haveing to deal with us inferior people @#$% GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE @#$% SMELLS THE SAME TO EVERYONE DOWN HERE! OHARA isnt that a IRISH name lol are you seriously stupid i bet you act black think your black dress like a rasta and preach hitler propaganda WOW YOU ARE STUPID I BET YOU WISH THE jEWS GOT EXTERMINATED. PUNK ASS @#$% 4216. Posted by AbsoluteTeen878 Thu Aug 20 10:23am EDT There should be doping and gender tests for every job of the world. Thats insane! 4215. Posted by AMIABLE Thu Aug 20 10:23am EDT Here we go again...When a white person loses a sport there always have to be a sore looser and find something wrong..First Venus and Serena were just toooo strong and it was not fair...now Caster Semenya is a man..please get over yourselves...We dominate all sports..we are better than you guys and you can't handle it..smarter, wiser, stronger, and humble. So I am not upset never will be ...We have a black president..and unlike Tiger Woods who is to afraid to disclose his most dominate race...Obama's name and African American Family says it all!!! 4214. Posted by Gizzard Thu Aug 20 10:23am EDT Negro's run really fast. 4213. Posted by Dennis G Thu Aug 20 10:23am EDT Does Obama qualify as President.... that dosen't seem to matter why should this? 4212. Posted by junebug Thu Aug 20 10:22am EDT actually for those who dont know, when a person goes through rigorous training like she did so that she could acheive this goal, the bodies physical features begin to change....for example female body builder. thus wh y a lot of them have muscular built to them because the bodies hormones, endocrines and such cant tell the difference 4211. Posted by Shiftcolon Thu Aug 20 10:22am EDT He's a dude and as such he should not be allowed to run against women. It just isn't physically fair, period. 4210. Posted by Jamz Thu Aug 20 10:21am EDT "I don't care how much a person looks like a woman there would be a hour glass figure." As quoted from another user. Not tall women have hour glass figures, lucky you that you do? Some women are born without the ability to have curves and some are just born plain shapeless. It's like saying a fat woman, because she does not have an hour glass figure, is clearly a man. What a poor statement. If there is no doubt in the family's heads, then there should not be a problem taking the test.. Not a big deal. If they some how refuse to take the test then OBVIOUSLY there's something up. Let's not come to conclusions and make fools of ourselves before the truth even surfaces. 4209. Posted by mizzbball Thu Aug 20 10:21am EDT Some of this stuff you all are saying is ridiculous. Just because she won the race by a margin doesn't mean she is a man. Athletes work on their bodies constantly to become fit and muscular. They do not deserve to be critized or have speculation of what gender they are after they blew a person out. Get the gold you deserve. And to another poster... Not all female athletes look like males. Alot of them are very pretty. So just because their breast are'nt as big as some other girls who doesn't play sports, doesn't mean that they are a man. 4208. Posted by Tiz Thu Aug 20 10:21am EDT Rupaul can run yo! 4207. Posted by john L Thu Aug 20 10:20am EDT You want a quick answer. Pull her pants down. Case closed. 4206. Posted by feebabyblue Thu Aug 20 10:20am EDT 4122. Posted by Christopher P Thu Aug 20 9:48am EDT Report Abuse This testing is not because of this race. If you bothered to read this piece you would have seen that the request for testing came before this race and takes weeks to get results from. Someone also asked "What if she is a hermaphrodite?" Well that would mean there are chances that she/he has male hormones running through her/his body which is the whole reason for gender testing. It is unfair to have have men and women compete in the same races because of this. If she/he is found to be male let her/him race against the men. ******************************************************* Hello Christopher P: if she is a hermaphrodite, then that would prove she has both gender harmones. I really hate this for this young lady, because she's a young adult who has a family who loves her, and for you morons to judge her so harshly and say such mean spirited things is just Awful! I take comfort in knowing that all you who judge will be judged 1st on Judgement Day I hope your Closets are squeeky clean. Young lady, do what you love to the Best of your ability with the Gifts God has so graciously given you. Love and Blessings! 4205. Posted by Diane Thu Aug 20 10:19am EDT did you people really i mean REALLY look at the pictures? I don't care how much a person looks like a woman there would be a hour glass figure. this person is straight like a guy. from shoulder to lower hip. Even looking at the pictures and noticing the girls in the background, they all have a slight figure whether flat chested or not. This one doesn't. Let them do the test. It'll all come out in the results. Male or female yeah they do a good job just competing- but men against men and women against women it is competion not deception 4204. Posted by siskenicha Thu Aug 20 10:19am EDT I totally agree with the comment posted by 4137 (boxer15rds). I think it would be a better place if we had a big trailerpark somewhere in Crackerville, AL where all their dumb asses can go. 4203. Posted by tmawila Thu Aug 20 10:18am EDT this is unfair for a her, after all is not for the first time she run and her gender was never questioned. 4202. Posted by tooblk4sho72 Thu Aug 20 10:18am EDT 4093. Posted by eric c Thu Aug 20 9:42am EDT Report Abuse you have got tobe kidding-i participated in track and field all my life, have seen females of all shapes and sizes, their bodies kept their basic, natural qualities, there is nothing female about this man-made freak. look at the shoulder and arm development, the upper and lower torso and that squared-off chin. reminds me of the days with the cccp and east german power athletes, they were all "female" aswell, but they all had the same features as this guy, except she/he doesn't have a beard and moustache. plus look at that package? the only people making this a racist issue seems to be the blacks , as usual, because they know they can't make it any other way than to cheat, it is their way in life. disregard all facts and common sense, be the first and loudest to speak, that way those who disagree with you may keep quiet. I would like to address only the segment in this comment that suggests black athletes have to cheat. First of I agree race has nothing to do with any sporting event including this one. But it sounds very much to me like Eric C is a little disturbed by the fact that blacks always seem to dominate in sports...yes I happen to black as well. Take a look at reality. When you talk about the most dominant players to ever play basketball The names Micheal Jordan, Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul Jabaar, Shaq, Bill Russell, Sam and KC Jones, Kobe Bryant, Oscar Robertson, even LeBron James. Name the incidents of cheating on any of them when it involves the game... The Williams sisters dominate womens tennis- name the instances of cheating for them... To say, "it is their way of life" only exposes Eric C as ignorant as well as uninformed. There are far too many blacks who have succeeded in sports and many other venues to make the blanket statement that cheating is a way of life. And I would add, if it has become a way of life for us we had to learn it somewhere. Look at the news. How many blacks were named in the scandal that led to the collapse of WallStreet, the housing market, and many local banks around the country? The guy Madoff bilked zilliions of americans out of the investments who is doing 120 yrs in prison wasnt a black man. If we have made cheating a way of life we only took the example of the people who stole this country from the natives in the first place. They came in cheating. Probably a direct decendent huh Eric C? 4201. Posted by kappi98 Thu Aug 20 10:18am EDT Phil, Please prove your superiority by using punctuation and correct grammar. That's what educated people do to communicate with others when writing!!! Phil's post: scarlett genetically inferior WOW we have a racist black hitler whats knew your a ass and if wrer so inferior why do wait im not even going to acknowledge that WOW genetically inferior wow how come blacks are pulling out old hitler propaganda you are a FOOL 4175 ohara wow angry whites you are a complete fool no one can criticize a blakc person with out being a angry white oerson you are a fool lol you must be in a world of hell with allthese genetically inferior whites all over the place man for such a genetically advanced person to have to live amaongst whites must be so hard @#$% wake up your the racist 4200. Posted by Linda Thu Aug 20 10:18am EDT Growing up in West Africa, I remember times when adults have made comments like..."hey, that girl looks like a man" or "that girl needs to soften up". In an all girls high school, I was part of the track team and I have no doubt that some of those girls looked and ran like men. But, today they are all married with children. So, looks can be very deceiving. Washington, DC 4199. Posted by Carol A Thu Aug 20 10:18am EDT After looking at most of the pictures, it is hard to tell exactly what sex she/he is. You can almost see both feminine and masculine traits...but they should let her celebrate her victory until medical tests can determine which sex she is. 4198. Posted by Denise Thu Aug 20 10:18am EDT another idea....dummies if she has a cervix and uterus she is a woman...... duh...maybe someone needs a IQ test. 4197. Posted by WillP Thu Aug 20 10:18am EDT The wise one waits for the facts before casting his own opinion as law. The fool thinks his own opinion is law and will insult others about theirs...even when he himself has done no research, has no personal knowledge of said person, or confirmation of any tests. I'm into fitness too, and I've seen plenty muscular women in my life. Most African athletes love endurance sports. They have won many of the NYC maratons (convincingly ) and, always excell in the track and field events. Perhaps some of their lifestyles aids them in their winning edge. 4196. Posted by Gregory Thu Aug 20 10:17am EDT I am a brown skinned Jamaican and I have black relatives, however I don't think that this has anything to do with racism. I admit that maybe if she had come in fourth or fifth we would not be discussing this topic, so blame it on power and not race. Yes everyone want to be the winner and everyone want to be on top but that doesn't say that they are judging her because of her colour, if it was a white African or even a white American I think that it would be the same uproar. Good luck girl! 4195. Posted by Charles Thu Aug 20 10:17am EDT Hey, Barney Frank has had his gender questioned rigorously but has never been required to submit to a test to confirm which way his gate swings - - - and the race he won was a seat in the Congress of The United States . And we are concerned about the gender of a participant in a dinky foot race ? ? Fugeddaboutit ! 4194. Posted by desmarie Thu Aug 20 10:17am EDT How embarrassing this media coverage most be. If she has male chromosomes or some other genetic abnormallity, why should she find out in front of the whole world. 4193. Posted by jigunda13 Thu Aug 20 10:17am EDT to scarlett_ohara : so you can make the claim that white people are genetically inferior?? why- because (in general) we cant run as fast?? with your logic, as a female, you are claiming genetic inferiority to men because you cant run as fast a man....somehow i doubt that. you're a simple joke so keep your pathetic racist comments off the board. who turned this into a race issue anyway? the issue is, if she is a man, then she should be competing with other men. its an issue of fairness for the female athletes; period. it's not rocket science 4192. Posted by frank.adams@... Thu Aug 20 10:16am EDT looks like za dude sound like a dude must be a dude i demand to see the vagine to verifie 4191. Posted by kaylam Thu Aug 20 10:16am EDT ?????? im confused so is she or he a female or male !!! half of the stuff i didnt get n if if says she/he is a guy ppllzzz tell wat paragraph 4190. Posted by janice Thu Aug 20 10:16am EDT Soooo! this is what we have come to......what does a woman have to look like to be considerd a woman, and how slow does a woman have to run to be considered a woman. Looks like we setup more ways to hate ourselves and others....we have become gossip mongers and total jerks Time to get real, the young lady ran like the wind! 4189. Posted by Dan Y Thu Aug 20 10:16am EDT that what you want...you meet this "chick" at a bar, wine her, dine her, you take her home you put your hand up her skirt and you're holding a tree trunk! 4188. Posted by tendy4u Thu Aug 20 10:16am EDT Let them do whatever tests they want to do. If she's a woman, she'll remain a woman no matter what. 4187. Posted by BB Thu Aug 20 10:15am EDT I think men and women should all just compete against each other and who cares what their gender is. Whoever wins is the best/fastest. 4186. Posted by benjamin c Thu Aug 20 10:14am EDT 4024. Posted by steph3131982 Thu Aug 20 9:28am EDT Report Abuse I have no strong feelings on the story for which I'm posting this comment. Rather, I'm writing about the difficulty I had reading some of the posts. I'm a teacher and I'm so very sad that people don't have the ability to express themselves clearly using the appropraiate grammar and spelling, or even by organizing their thoughts in an understandable way. This is awful. Dis is not a word. Cuz is not a word. The list goes on. How can anyone take you or your opinions seriously if you don't care enough to express yourself intelligently? Please don't call people who don't agree with you ignorant when you can't even spell easy sight words like 'this'. first of al u made tha mistake of telling ppls u r a teacher second don get on ppl about grammer just because u r a teacher.... most ppls talk like this on tha net because either they like ta talk in a certain way or it is easier to shorten words or they slip on tha keyboard so chill tha grammer lessons.... by tha way i have keyboard grimlins and i cant spell anyways so harp on that too.... and i defend this country so what now wanna get me out of tha army cause im dumb, good luck ive been in for over 12yrs lets play dumb games an c who wins.... i hope this girl realy gets something good outta this instead of crushed motivation.... 4185. Posted by hoplophobiadoctor Thu Aug 20 10:14am EDT Ancient Greeks were right. Their athletes were naked when they compete. 4184. Posted by robert k Thu Aug 20 10:14am EDT thats really crazy i had respected the journist so much and i had given them my trust but i know who there are , i think the girl just needs to be praised then all those funny stories which are being talked ,i hope one day the light will come out and the girl will be set free i like this quote ' stop seeking storms &enjoy more of the sunlight ' from the president of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints Golden B Hinckley namugera kakeeto robert Uganda 4183. Posted by Osafo Thu Aug 20 10:14am EDT very interesting indeed. My first impression when i watched Semenya was like "why would the authorities allow a man to compete with women?" later i realized that she might be a product of some hormonal imbalances here and there. I think what is important is to wait for the test results and i hope that there will not be any manipulation whichsoever way. In the meantime, i think this young lady makes me proud as an african. she has the poise, power and resilience. Keep it up girl. well done 4182. Posted by Tim Thu Aug 20 10:13am EDT To all of you complaining and turning this into a racial matter is ridiculous. Why is it that everything is about race? Will it ever stop!! We have an African American president!! I do understand that there are people out there whom are raciest. Not everything is about that though................................................ 4181. Posted by Denise Thu Aug 20 10:13am EDT I think also every time a black person achieves something good everyone thinks it is some kind of cheating...why??? so stupid... just admit that we are good at alot of things thats all....as far as tests for hormones which is stupid to make her take because a woman could have more male hormones but it does not man...or a man may have more female hormones it does not make him a woman... such a humiliating test for someone to take to prove if they are male or female.....the world needs to get a life. 4180. Posted by Diane Thu Aug 20 10:13am EDT did you people really i mean REALLY look at the pictures? I don't care how much a person looks like a woman there would be a hour glass figure. this person is straight like a guy. from shoulder to lower hip. Even looking at the pictures and noticing the girls in the background, they all have a slight figure whether flat chested or not. This one doesn't. Let them do the test. It'll all come out in the results. 4179. Posted by LaDiamonds Thu Aug 20 10:13am EDT After reading alot of the comments, how can anyone say racism doesn''t exsist??? it is evident right here in our faces!!!!! comments like nappy head is a true testiment to it's existance! 4178. Posted by dirty_yuppie Thu Aug 20 10:13am EDT The IAF has every right to request this test. If you choose to compete under a sanctioning body, you submit to their rules. If you don't want to comply, you don't have a right to race. There is no worldly right to compete in any athletic competition. 4177. Posted by dixymo Thu Aug 20 10:12am EDT I honestly do agree wih most of the commentors 4176. Posted by Mojofilter Thu Aug 20 10:12am EDT Just watched a video of HIM speaking. He has the outline of a mustache, has the shoulders of a man and speaks with a deep male voice. There is definitely some need to question this person's gender if he is trying to pass himself off as a female... 4175. Posted by lomastout1 Thu Aug 20 10:12am EDT Since we are testing everybody...can someone please test the female body builders! 4174. Posted by AnnS Thu Aug 20 10:12am EDT I just think it's funny that they think she's a man and her name is SEMEN ya. 4173. Posted by Tyler Thu Aug 20 10:12am EDT Shouldn't that test take about two seconds 4172. Posted by pegging_man Thu Aug 20 10:11am EDT If gender is an issue...then how will all of us react if a man with feminine features came last in a men's race? Will he be disqualified? 4171. Posted by kyle k Thu Aug 20 10:11am EDT how is this such an issue? just have her drop her pants, problems solved. 4170. Posted by Janeen Thu Aug 20 10:11am EDT idk i beleive she is a woman cause i have a lesbian friend and she looks and sounds like a dude for the most part. but i know she's a girl. i think we just got some haters here who are mad that they lost a race. 4169. Posted by Teresa Thu Aug 20 10:11am EDT you go Andrea S. I agree with you. Let them do the test and the results will prove if this person is in the right category. Why do black people always have to holler,RACISM . That just shows their stupidity. Like Andrea said, AFRICANS, are just slowly but surely, killing each other off. One day, maybe there won't be ANY. 4168. Posted by leviy_johnson Thu Aug 20 10:11am EDT Paipan... wow I've never posted before and probably never will again but your comments are the most assnine thing I've ever read. Please do remember that blacks sold other blacks into slavery so their anscestors share a large part of the blame. Racism would be considered dead and eradicated if it were still not being used as a source of handouts. Do you realize that in this day and age with as much affirmative action as we have shoved down our throats a minority has a better chance at getting into top colleges, getting money for scholarships, getting a job, and getting promoted. All based on color alone. It's not societies fault that many of these individuals are not willing to act on these opportunities. It's these same individuals too lazy to take advantage of the handout being offered who now want free health care so they don't have to work for it, they want the welfare program extended, and they want loan forgivenss and decreased interest rates on their mortgage for the house they bought that was way out of their price range. But this isn't about race, though it seems like the ignorant like to use it as an excuse every time something isn't handed to them, this is about keeping the field of play even among athletes. I agree that she very well could be a female and for now I'm more than willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. On the other hand she came from a poor area of South Africa where I'm guessing the medical care was lacking and she could have been born with any of a number of chromosomal or physical defects rendering her a male in a females body. Without going into the science of how an embryo develops and what can go wrong along the way I'll say I agree with the gender testing though I think the psychologist is a little much. Run the test in order to keep the field of play even, just make this a precedent so other athletes know it can happen to anyone, just like age verification for the Olympics. If she's proven a women make a formal apology and she should should feel gifted to be at a calibur where people are doubting her abilities. Every truely elite athlete will be questioned on their god given talents in one way or another. 4167. Posted by bobsbigboy39 Thu Aug 20 10:11am EDT Are you kidding me? this is the most rediculos article I've ever read!!! 4166. Posted by Ian Chitu Thu Aug 20 10:11am EDT Well lets put facts straight, God created man in his own image, therefore whether man or woman we come from God's creation as one human creation. So even if she looks like a man, she is still female and human .We should all learn to respect and accept what God has made as his own image in different ways. lets give her more support as she wins more and more medals. 4165. Posted by PattyM Thu Aug 20 10:10am EDT It is so obviously a DUDE! If someone had shown me those photos with no other information I would have asked myself why is that guy wearing a woman's shirt? BTW it looks like another black woman was in 2nd place so I don't see why anyone is saying this is racist. A man cannot run in a women's race so officials have the right to question it. 4164. Posted by SCOTT R Thu Aug 20 10:10am EDT I think it's a shame that they had to wait till she won a race to question her gender. I think she is a female, but would question the use of body and or performance enhancing drugs. As for her ethnicity being an issue, it doesn't come into play in my mind and for those of you who it does, you really should reallize what the issue is that is being raised and not what you perceive it to be. When it's all said and done and they determine that she really is all female, the officials should bow down to her and ask for her forgiveness in the way this issue was handled. 4163. Posted by shea.linda Thu Aug 20 10:10am EDT what is this world coming to, is it so wrong that a Women be good at sports, perhaps the ones who wish to perform the test should be tested themselves MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY!!!. 4162. Posted by Jim R Thu Aug 20 10:10am EDT hey Steph3131982, if you are going to get sanctimonious on folks for poor communication skills, you shouldn't misspell words yourself... Now go look up how to spell "appropraiate" you hypocrite. 4161. Posted by maylin_henderson Thu Aug 20 10:10am EDT I am a Jamaican living in the USA, and it is a sad day when people are questioing if this lady is a man. U guys need to stop this. If she was running for the US this would not even come up- the same way if USAIN was runnung for the US- people would not be saying he must be on steriods. We do not have any steriods in Jamaica. Guess what? there are people that does not ran for the USA that are just better than the US athletes. 4160. Posted by boogieknite Thu Aug 20 10:10am EDT I don't understand why every little thing has to revert back to race, so what we have a black president, so what one of the great hip hop artist is white, so what the new golf champion is asian, why do this mess matters, this is about the potential violation of the sport that all race and gender partake in. The violation that an alleged possible male is posting as a female male and won the race. That's the focus here, if this person is a male, he would have done well going against others males, if not then congrat to her. My question is why go through all the testing, just go the the rest room or something an see, look at birthcertificates, grade school picture, I'm sure that individual had to have a physical at some point. So let's stop all the nonsense about race all the time. I've traveled the world and it seem to me that we are the only ignorant country, as a whole, that cares about race and ethenicity, shame on us and yes I'm black 4159. Posted by Spiritualist Katherine Thu Aug 20 10:10am EDT She probably just takes off her dads side of the family. 4158. Posted by JAMES H Thu Aug 20 10:10am EDT U go Girl! They are just jealous of your talent. Doesn't matter what race you are, those that are raising the issue more than likely had their favorites in the race and you CREAMED them! Good for you!!!! You keep on running and I look forwared to hearing the answers of your test; then we can ALL laugh in their faces and say thanks for the last laugh! 4157. Posted by Kristi M Thu Aug 20 10:10am EDT She does appear to be a guy! 4156. Posted by phil Thu Aug 20 10:09am EDT scarlett genetically inferior WOW we have a racist black hitler whats knew your a ass and if wrer so inferior why do wait im not even going to acknowledge that WOW genetically inferior wow how come blacks are pulling out old hitler propaganda you are a FOOL 4175 ohara wow angry whites you are a complete fool no one can criticize a blakc person with out being a angry white oerson you are a fool lol you must be in a world of hell with allthese genetically inferior whites all over the place man for such a genetically advanced person to have to live amaongst whites must be so hard @#$% wake up your the racist 4155. Posted by MichelleM Thu Aug 20 10:09am EDT This is absolutely undeniably ridiculous. Why is it that when a woman suddenly achieves something wonderful, something truly noteworthy and deserving of praise, she is accused of being a man? Does a woman need to be man-like to succeed? Absolutely not. It makes me furious that this is happening to this fantastic athlete. 4154. Posted by hoplophobiadoctor Thu Aug 20 10:09am EDT Why is there a women and men's division in sports? Both genders and homosexuals should compete without sex classification. It is clear that in sports, physical prowess, stamina, agility and intellect are important. Both genders can achieve superiority in sports. Gender classification or division is prejudicism. Sports is sports, if you can't compete, don't join. I think sports would be more interesting and appealing to everyone if men, women and those in between, compete in sports together. Men, women and those in between have studied, achieved, fought, worked, laughed, managed, cried, partied, enjoyed, loved, hated, etc together. Sports should not be used to segregate physical ability. Most sports are notable for masculinity, should be allowed both genders to compete together. There should be no bias in sports. If they want ot kick each others ass, then..... LET THE NO-GENDER CLASS GAMES BEGINNNNN!!!! Now back to Semenya. This is a no brainer. SEMEN?....... YEAH! There, problem solved. 4153. Posted by Daniel ArmstrongM Thu Aug 20 10:09am EDT Daniel Armstrong M I think that to look someone private part is abig disgrace so i suggest toSemenya to see her lawyer for legal action after testing conferm that she is complete a womam 4152. Posted by sezteekit09 Thu Aug 20 10:08am EDT This is crazy!!! I guess its true when its said that the world is full of surprises and complete dumbasses! correct me if im wrong, but before any major races, don't you have to undergo some sort of "checkup" and get the green light from there to compete? I do hope those tests come back clean and all those who were so quick to point be the first to be stoned. 4151. Posted by Robin A Thu Aug 20 10:08am EDT Show the Freak the door. 4150. Posted by grego Thu Aug 20 10:08am EDT All I'm interested in is the truth...BriannaM thanks for clearing the rib thing up...would you care to comment on picture #45...given his/her other characteristics...which trend toward the arguement the athelete being male? 4149. Posted by lomastout1 Thu Aug 20 10:07am EDT What does the presidents citizenship have to do w/this topic? Nevertheless, his citizenship should have been addressed when he was a Senator or prior to his election and last I checked Hawaii is a part of the US. As for as this athelete, who knows other than God and the family. It's kind of hard to imagine Africans accepting a transgender family member since they are normally an outcast in that country. 4148. Posted by Tim Thu Aug 20 10:07am EDT Man that guy can run!! 4147. Posted by John Thu Aug 20 10:07am EDT you don't have to check the "parts" down there and embarrass yourselves. the absence of a prominent glabella ridge on her forehead clearly indicates to me. leave her alone. people need to get a life/hobby/have some sex/lose their insecurities/jealousy, whatever. oh, and if you don't know what a glabella ridge is, look it up. take this opportunity to LEARN SOMETHING. instead of spewing uniformed BS all over the place. there's enough of that already. 4146. Posted by kappi98 Thu Aug 20 10:07am EDT Though Caster may have more androgens in her blood than most women, she is undoubtedly female. Her masculine bone structure and muscular develpment is a physical sign of overproduction of androgens and is noted in many female bodybuilders. When the atlete is white, they are studied. When the athlete is Black, they are ridiculed and scandalized. Sadly, racism is still alive and well... God - please save us from ourselves! 4145. Posted by Donnajs87 Thu Aug 20 10:07am EDT this is so beyond CRAZY. Just because she does not look like a plastic, botox injected, boob job, faced lifted fake idiot, why is it that she is a man? she is from AFRICA they do not have the same characteristics that other cultures have. I do not pay attention to sports that much, but all women athletes that i have seen look MASCULINE, so maybe they should do a gender check on all existing women athletes. This gender testing is just to humiliate HER and her family because she has an actual talent. unlike many of the celebs we see wich are just plain FAKE. 4144. Posted by mac Thu Aug 20 10:07am EDT Anyone else notice that HE is the only runner not wearing the runninf Speedo that the rest of them are wearing. He is in longer shorts with a lining that is visible. The short shorts wouldn't give any room to hide "things". If any of you have ever seen a woman that has this body structure I would love to know. I'm not talking muscles, but bone structure, facial features. Why a test takes several weeks I dont know. Stick him with a pin, 1 drop of blood and simple microscoope evaluation is all thats needed. 4143. Posted by Barry Thu Aug 20 10:06am EDT .......District 9...Call MNU....... 4142. Posted by Frances S Thu Aug 20 10:06am EDT I am sorry to say this but she LOOKS like a man. She MAY be a woman (let's all way for the test and don't jump to conclusions),. I have met some women that 'look' like men but they are all women. We'll find out soon enough. 4141. Posted by Chauncy Thu Aug 20 10:05am EDT WOW!! So, tell me Ken, how do we put an end to your misery? If one dissects your delineation (description), one finds the musings of a sociopath/psychopath. I guess we can now compare you to the likes of Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer and Charles Manson. Your brilliance, or lack thereof, astounds me. As it's been attributed to Malcom Forbes, the purpose or intent of education is to take an empty mind and make it an open mind. I'm sure most of the non-delusional, intelligent minds are trying desperately to find where you fit in here. It is comments like yours that spark more hatred in this world. But, of course, I perceive any dialogue with you is dialogue with a brick wall - NONPRODUCTIVE. Have a nice day. 3911. Posted by Ken Thu Aug 20 9:14am Put a bullet in it's nappy head. Problem solved and the world has one less socioparasitical sub-human to worry about. 4140. Posted by kjcleary_98 Thu Aug 20 10:05am EDT Seems as though back in the day they thought the same thing about Martina Navratilova !!!! Wake up people 4139. Posted by hughangelacrawford@... Thu Aug 20 10:05am EDT get a life 4138. Posted by Mona M Thu Aug 20 10:05am EDT If you look at a few pictures, you'll find that she has no adams apple. A sure fire way of telling male from female. There is one pic were you can definately tell she has no adams apple. Adams Apples can be shaved down, but it's an expensive and painful procedure. Not sure how many athletes would want to be laid up for that long because of that procedure. Not to mention, the possible side effects. Look at female body builders, can't tell me that some of those women aren't a little manish. One question that I have always wondered was how they wipe their ass with arms that big? Seriously, leave the girl alone. You go girl!! ALWAYS show'em what you got. Never back down. Otherwise, you let them win. Keep up the great work. 4137. Posted by George K Thu Aug 20 10:05am EDT So she/he gave up any hope of being a slight bit attractive to be able to run. All I can say is disgusting!!!! 4136. Posted by Amanda-Lynn Thu Aug 20 10:05am EDT It doesn't matter what's on the outside, so long as she has the goods(Female Reproductive parts) on the inside that's what matters the most. By having that makes her a woman. The rest is just excess baggage! I have known some rather broad shouldered ladies in my life, and I myself am narrow shouldered. While they have a more manly physique that doesn't mean that they are a man. You can't use that Eric C. to say she's a man. Lots of women have squared off chins, let's put it this way....it's called GENES. And some may take after their father more than there mother. My Dad has wider hips than my Mom, it's genetics, he got those from his mother. Whereas his sister and brother don't have that problem, but his baby sister does. I have smaller hands and feet than my Mom but in all other respects we look the same, people often think we're sisters. You can't help genetics, and calling this woman or man a man-made freak is wrong. She/He works out all the time, in doing that you bulk up. No matter what she is she's a tremendous athlete and we should be congratulating her for what she's done rather than tearing her down over something she had no control over. Waiting for the results is a pain in the patella. Patience is a virtue, and until those results come in she's a woman and she won. 4135. Posted by John Thu Aug 20 10:05am EDT What is it with the racism and gender crap. This person is an athelete/competitor first and foremost. It has nothing to do with race, color, creed or gender. It does have everything to do with the natural characteristics of a male. If the test results show that she is a very well conditioned woman, than shame on all you nay sayers. If the test results show something else, than shame on all you racists, feminists and garabage issue raisers. It is not about about a good clean race being won by a good margin, it is about the physical appearance of a female competitor with the traits of the male gender. The results will show the truth in the end and many of you folks can have another serving of humble pie. Look at this issue from an open mind and not your slanted views. It was a good race from a competitior and the race is not over yet 4134. Posted by tluvsadventure Thu Aug 20 10:05am EDT If you look at history there have been several people who although anatomically one gender, genetics reveal a different gender. If everyone in the world was genetically tested for gender I think we would be shocked to see the percentage of people whose genes are not necessarily representing their presenting (physical) appearance of gender. Some of these people in history were disqualified for participating in the Olympics! This is why genetic testing was done away with... In very basic terms a woman (has a vagina) could have a Y chromosome genetically and vice versa for males- it's not as cut & dry as we have been raised to think :) 4133. Posted by fanprosinc@... Thu Aug 20 10:04am EDT Why didnt they test Cris Cyborg before he fought Gina Carono? 4132. Posted by Emmanuelita Thu Aug 20 10:04am EDT It is funny how the sports authorities screen after the fact. isn't screening to be done prior to the games? " Oh, it was okay for her to participate as long as she didn't win". Are you kidding? In 2009 we are still having arguments like this? For Heaven's sake..... she won... I salute her for a job well done ... male or female. Good Job! Don't listen to the haters. Keep being good at what you do. You owe no one an explaination. 4131. Posted by mizzbball Thu Aug 20 10:04am EDT Some of this stuff you all are saying is ridiculous. Just because she won the race by a margin doesn't mean she is a man. Athletes work on their bodies constantly and become muscular. They deserve to not be critized or have speculation of what gender they are after they blew a person out. Get the gold you deserve. And to another poster... not all female athletes look like males. Alot of them are very pretty. So just because their boobs are'nt as big as some other girl who doesn't play sports doesn't mean they are a man. 4130. Posted by KeepMy$IEarnedIt Thu Aug 20 10:04am EDT That is a man!! 4129. Posted by ephedrinediets65 Thu Aug 20 10:04am EDT Ephedra Diets with Ephedrine Alkaloids are scientifically proven to burn fat, suppress appetite and energize. Beware of fake ephedra extracts sold elsewhere without the active ingredient ephedrine alkaloids from years ago. What overweight women and men have learned is that for years virtually every professional bodybuilder, informed fitness expert and successful personal trainer would tell you the same thing. Whether you want to accelerate the burning of excess body fat, boost your metabolic rate, heighten your thermogenic output or increase your energy level, there is nothing stronger or more effective than the "thermogenic@#$%tail" of Ephedra, Caffeine, and Aspirin (The E/C/A- Stack"). Patented formula and scientifically proven to work without diet or exercise. Get the Mini Lean, Heat or RedCutz ECA Stack at: http://www.thatswholesale.com 4128. Posted by archergirl Thu Aug 20 10:04am EDT If Caster is a girl, she is one unattractive female. And, furthermore, "she" has an adam's apple, which only MEN have !! 4127. Posted by ELIZABETH M Thu Aug 20 10:04am EDT They should request child pictures because hormone test are inconclusive Im a female and I have high testostorone because of working out a lot.. It stops the menstrul cycle and you do develope male tendencies.. sure I dont look like a man and I do have a female figure. They need a birthc certificate and other test not just horomones. 4126. Posted by Sandy Thu Aug 20 10:03am EDT if she is a man it would have been unfair for the other athletes, but I agree with some of the posts pp should not say anything out loud if they don't have collete proof for their allegations. And it is wrong to treat someone with disrespect like that just imagine how this poor woman must feel to get downed just because she accomplished something great. 4125. Posted by SusanH Thu Aug 20 10:03am EDT So, in other words. She's so good she must be a man? :[ 4124. Posted by Makhulu Thu Aug 20 10:03am EDT Although, I'm white, I am an African, a South African in true blood, I,m proud of her, I adore her achievements and I wish her well because she represents my Country and therefore represents me............Philip Botha (Snr) 4123. Posted by Phendulwa Thu Aug 20 10:03am EDT Live the poore girl alone, she worked hard as an athlete so give her space. 4122. Posted by brandi.mertens Thu Aug 20 10:02am EDT Just a quick genetic FYI for you. A woman can be a woman and have the Y chromosome which gives her an unfair advantage in competition. It's the XXY chromosome and by having the Y-male chromosome she naturally creates more testosterone. It‘s the almost the natural female equivalent of steroids. If you check the rules for the Olympics I bet you‘ll find women with the XXY chromosome are not allowed to compete. It may not be a matter of her gender but a matter of keeping a level playing field for all who are competing. 4121. Posted by henriwllms Thu Aug 20 10:02am EDT Sad 4120. Posted by betty_goseland Thu Aug 20 10:01am EDT If they had any doubt of her gender, WHY WAS NOT QUESTIONED PRIOR TO THE RACE!!! instead of waiting until she WON, then she would not have to go through this humiliation. And as for a gender test , some women have different hormones. Why don't they just have a doctor with a nurse have her step into a room and be quick about it!!!! I feel for her. 4119. Posted by Joe Rogan Thu Aug 20 10:01am EDT still believe she is Dennis Rodman tho 4118. Posted by Xendara Thu Aug 20 10:01am EDT I understand people are a little slow, but this is getting kind of ridiculous. You can NOT have a "gender" test. They mean a SEX test. Two completely different things! It is IMPOSSIBLE to test for gender, since gender is a mental status. Sex is physical and genetic. When people don't use correct terminology, not only does it make them look/sound stupid, it contributes to false notions, stereotypes, and misinformation. Even so called "experts" are often lose with their tongues dispite that they tend to know better. As for the story, I don't see what the big deal is. She looks female to me. Sounds more like sex discrimination than anything else. 4117. Posted by MphankomoS Thu Aug 20 10:01am EDT Speed is the way to win! probably you train hard & win softly like Semanya did. She looks like her father thats all. Genetics explain why you look like your father & if not why you should. 4116. Posted by Benjiman A Thu Aug 20 10:00am EDT Total nonsense of all nonsense,the IAF should first carry out a gender test on Paula Recliff and that Chez. woman who plays tennis.This is pure racism and attack on all blacks......just because we are dominating the athletics. Big up to you my sister, and haters like the IAF should go to hell............ 4115. Posted by forrest p Thu Aug 20 10:00am EDT that is one fast DUDE!!! 4113. Posted by BriannaM Thu Aug 20 10:00am EDT I don't think race is the problem here. People just naturally distrust someone who is better than them. I happen to have several guy friends who look like girls, so why can't a girl look like a guy. Anyway, grego asked if we could count her ribs; the problem with that is that the whole men and women have a different amount of ribs thing is a total lie. Not to mention, even if it were true, it's not exactly impossible to get a couple of your ribs removed. 4112. Posted by ithoughtiwasspecial Thu Aug 20 10:00am EDT for all that are making this a racial issue SHAME ON U, ur the problem , it is about equality. A man and a women do not compete agaist each other. If she is a man than she/he needs to compete against other men or vice versa. that is why we have women and men in seperate competitions. I believe that people want others to be seen as racist, this way they can demonize anyone who is not african american........u obviously want racial division.......grow up....find something else to complain about..... 4111. Posted by tigernty Thu Aug 20 10:00am EDT What a way to brake a persons spirit.There are alot of women who look like men and even have a figure like one. Look at the women basket ball teams ,majority of them look like a man but when they take off the uniform and put on some clothes ,make up(not all women wear make up),get their hair done and nails ,they look like women. This 18 y/o girl is no different.I saw the pictures ,she is an athlete and has an athlete's body.You don't have to have big balls or boobbies to be a winner!The standard should be all those who are entering sports should be tested in the beginning before any competition or team placement start so things like this would not be an issue later. And what happen to being discrete. Congratulations Miss.Caster Semenya!!! 4110. Posted by Catherine Thu Aug 20 10:00am EDT It does not appear that vocabulary is being correctly used. Gender differentiates the sociologically attributed aspects of individuals' identities from the physiological characteristics of men and women. Gender has to do with how we think, how we feel and what we believe we can and cannot do because of socially defined concepts of masculinity and femininity. Sex describes the characteristics that are biologically determined. 4109. Posted by denielle Thu Aug 20 10:00am EDT here in the philippines we also had a runner who was disqualified because according to the test done there are more male hormones in her body. i think its unfair. 4108. Posted by A-Diddy Thu Aug 20 9:59am EDT Why does it take so long to perform the test. Why can't they just have her pull her pants down and check out her junk? 4107. Posted by HollyS Thu Aug 20 9:59am EDT This is soo retarded either your a man or a woman...if her chromozones or whatever are different who cares..God made her the way he made her...they are just pissed cause she won and want a reason to take it away from her! Some people will stoop soooo low!! 4106. Posted by mei_girl5492 Thu Aug 20 9:58am EDT OKAY, THIS IS STUPID.... what makes a woman a female?? we all know the answer. it doesnt matter what you look like, how strong you are, or even your race, it medical records or tests show that she hasnt had any "surgery" than we all know that she is in fact a woman. if she was born a female, shes still a female. 4105. Posted by anthony Thu Aug 20 9:58am EDT The girl is brilliant and so be it 4104. Posted by Joe Rogan Thu Aug 20 9:58am EDT The nut on her neck looks crazy. Only tyshawn Prince has one that big. I say she is disguised as a woman but he is really Dennis Rodman 4103. Posted by Nautica O Thu Aug 20 9:58am EDT OH PLEASE! If this is a girls sport... that thing should not be allowed in. Oh my gosh. This is pathetic. No. They shouldn't win "fair and square" If it is a girls sport, back off. we all know guys are usually stronger than girls. especially at this age. 4102. Posted by stephstar101@... Thu Aug 20 9:58am EDT OMG~! SEXIST MUCH!!! seriously, just cuz she's super fast and awesome doesn't mean she's a man! this article makes me angry :( 4101. Posted by EstelleE Thu Aug 20 9:58am EDT What's at play here is the old attitudes about the western standard of beauty and/or gender identity. Afro-American women have always been penalized and ridiculed for not fitting in with it, even though genetics go against them. A lof of black women have always had short hair. They can't grow it long like a lot of caucasian women. Even when I was a kid, I had to put up with stupid comments like 'Is that a boy or a girl?' And yes, there is a lot of racism and gender bias going on here. It seems that a woman can't be perceived as excelling in some sport unless she is made out to be a freak: i.e., lesbian, transgender, etc. 4100. Posted by akwalker08 Thu Aug 20 9:57am EDT I would just like to say that every time an African American achieves something in life there a always a doubt about it...... in just about everyones eyes,,,,,,,,, I think they should just let her be and give her chance to prove she really is a winner. 4099. Posted by may171986@... Thu Aug 20 9:57am EDT I don't think it's as much a race issue (except for those racing against her) as it is someone mad because their countrie's representative didn't win, so they raise this issue. Same thing happened with Oklahoma football about a person who may or may not have played semi-pro football after turning age 21. The ones that started crying foul to the NCAA? The Florida State University football team, who Oklahoma played for the national championship last year! Not anyone else cared if this guy was eligible for an extra year of football playing time but he sacked their quarterback six times in that one game, so they want to hedge bets by not having him on the team for sure! This is just like that and I see it in other sports, too. 4098. Posted by jphares321976 Thu Aug 20 9:57am EDT She is definitely a man. Sick pervs unite another one of your followers has gotten "his" sorry butt in the spotlight. 4097. Posted by ailenelumbay Thu Aug 20 9:57am EDT respect what she really wants in her life 4096. Posted by scarlett_ohara Thu Aug 20 9:57am EDT There is a lot of angry whites on here....are you guys just mad because you are genetically inferior....Aww want a damn cookie...of course blacks shout out racism when whites openly (or even subtly) show some disdain for people of color....it must be something to the claims besides pure speculation!!! Im not sure if racism is the case in this situation but obviously there is some hatred involved...this might well just be sexism and jealous at a woman being able to perform in a "mans" field exceptionally!! 4095. Posted by denielle Thu Aug 20 9:57am EDT here in the philippines we also had a runner who was disqualified because according to the test done there are more male hormones in her body. i think its unfair. 4094. Posted by ELIZABETH M Thu Aug 20 9:57am EDT I have gone to many drag shows where the men look like complete women and they still have their man parts... It is a huge possibility to hide those "parts" even in a thong. If she is a man sucks to be caught and if "he" is a real women than it really sucks to look that much like a man. Ive seen the pictures and god help her she looks like a man. Hairy stomach, hairy armpits, very manly facial features. Its also very possible for a man to look like a born female so they should all really get tested. Not fair to test just her/him. 4093. Posted by FM Thu Aug 20 9:56am EDT Proud of you Catser.....Do you people wonder why a boy would like to be called a girl just because of athletics....I am glad that this girl has decided to be who she is despite the controversy...under normal circumstances she would have loved to be calleda man because of her masculine looks....go girl! 4092. Posted by Andrea S Thu Aug 20 9:56am EDT men and women have different titles and compete separate for a reason-if she is a he-the record is false..let women actually have their own achevements to be proud of..now on the subject of slavery-it was the Africans who sold each other to the white slavers- and Africans are still doing it to each other daily and killing and raping -IT IS IN THE NEWS DAILY!!- yes the colonists profited but go back and the Europeans had serfs (slaves ) and the Indians had slaves -heck the Incans in South America burned and sacrificed each other so stop @#$%ing -get a job or go to college and GET OFF YOUR As#!! 4091. Posted by Marija Thu Aug 20 9:56am EDT She is punished enough with the fact that she has to live all her life with that kind of look... I think that she should keep the medal... 4090. Posted by phil Thu Aug 20 9:56am EDT human rights yo tshangisa its our right to know its the law abide by it if anything she should take it as a complement but its al;lways racist when anybody is critical about blacks i bet a riot will be comeing to atown near you lol 4089. Posted by imtoofastforyou2 Thu Aug 20 9:56am EDT It never ceases to amaze me how so many ignorant and uninformed people post such ridiculous remarks online. I can only pity those who at the drop of a hat resort to racist and out right stupid remarks about just about anything,,,,,,but here I sit hoping that one day, reason, tolerance and decency will overcome stupidity and ignorance. Try to remember, racism is steeped in and is a product of IGNORANCE. Don't be ignorant for no reason, turn your back on racism. Try to join a discussion with common sense and reason. If the shoe fits, wear it. 4088. Posted by dshiz52 Thu Aug 20 9:56am EDT she really does look like a man i will be interested in seeing how this turn out 4087. Posted by StevenL Thu Aug 20 9:56am EDT So for the purpose of athletic competition, what determines the gender? Anatomy? Or genetic? 4086. Posted by elizabethkyomugisha Thu Aug 20 9:56am EDT Cowards! It is disgusting to claim one is a man after winning. Well, IAAF should expect more men-looking-like women in the coming years from Africa. For that matter we should ban homosexuals, particularly those who act as 'women' from participating in sports since they are not 'real men'. 4085. Posted by Big Mamma Thu Aug 20 9:56am EDT Will this world ever stop hating? today race is always the root of any problem. I don't know if the person is a man or a woman, this Iam sure they will find out. Right now as bad as our economy is we need to strive for world peace, no matter the what color you are, we are all suffering. I wish this young lady all the luck in the world, and congrats for being a winner. 4084. Posted by mike Thu Aug 20 9:56am EDT If I remember correctly, a few white guys got into some trouble for using steriods. Might be my failing memory, but I think they were white. I certainly don't believe the Negros were racist in those cases. Cheaters are cheaters. 4083. Posted by RAMALINGAM Thu Aug 20 9:56am EDT Well just because she came first the whole question of gender comes out. what if she came third or fourth then the question of test doesn't rise. you register the athelete for a women's 800m race and she can first. she rightly deserves the medal and world honour that she is the champion of the day. 4082. Posted by ELIZABETH M Thu Aug 20 9:55am EDT I have gone to many drag shows where the men look like complete women and they still have their man parts... It is a huge possibility to hide those "parts" even in a thong. If she is a man sucks to be caught and if "he" is a real women than it really sucks to look that much like a man. Ive seen the pictures and god help her she looks like a man. Hairy stomach, hairy armpits, very manly facial features. Its also very possible for a man to look like a born female so they should all really get tested. Not fair to test just her/him. 4081. Posted by vereabibbs Thu Aug 20 9:55am EDT This comment is in response to WilliamW: excuse my rudeness but you sound like an idiot! What the hell does Obama have to do with the issue of if that girl is a man or not? Like stated by so many other comments this is not a race issue, its a gender issue. Lets get the facts straight African Americans are still a minority in this country which means that even if every eligible African American voted for him he still would not have won without the vote of other races!!!!! And further more I would rather have an intelligent Ivy league graduating mixed race man as my President then an idiot from Texas that can barely read off a teleprompter!!! Obama is cleaning up all the mess Bush left behind!! Also its funny how it hasnt even been a year and fools like you are so quick to judge how he is doing, News flash WilliamW change does not happen over night!! And I bet that when you got that extra money after filing your taxes from Obama's stimulus deal he wasnt a bad president!!! You spent every dime of that money! Do me a favor do be so quick to judge! And I partially agree African Americans can be pretty racist, but so is every race that has been oppressed, and for those races that have been oppressed can you really blame them? When its 2009 and racism is still alive!!! 4080. Posted by echgrl Thu Aug 20 9:55am EDT oh my gosh! this poor person! just let them run all they WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4079. Posted by zx686 Thu Aug 20 9:54am EDT Eric, well said. Once again, ignorance prevails in a comment forum. The article has nothing to race and the majority of the people supporting her in the article are her family. Isn't family suppose to do that? Why is there so much hatred in this world? 4078. Posted by Janet B Thu Aug 20 9:54am EDT A person look like a man, talk like a man, has a penis but yet it is a female. Some of you here are so damn nieve, I wonder about your daily lives. Are you blind or something don't you see the man is wearing two layers of tights with padding on the inside? All the other runners have a flat front. What the heck does that tell you? 4077. Posted by Darryl Thu Aug 20 9:54am EDT Hey john from rome georgia what in the hell are you talking about. I hope when you refer to people leaving the country and going some where else your talking about everyone because i hear the dumb ass arguments that blacks get unfair advantages, that color is used because blacks are lazy and want something given to them. So i hope your referring to everyone when you make your statements. Otherwise you would be no better than the ones your complaining about. And although you mention no matter what the skin color most of your comments tend to refer to people of color. And having a black president has only brought out the real racist, you read the blogs like everyone else. What do you post for them. 4076. Posted by nunya Thu Aug 20 9:54am EDT paipan, are you aware that history goes back more than 500 years? 4075. Posted by jhaniah Thu Aug 20 9:54am EDT Wow i wonder how many guys would hit that!!! 4074. Posted by LERATO PORTIA Thu Aug 20 9:54am EDT {LERATO MOKOBANE} Race is the problem here, she is proudly black and a South African, this people have to be sued for deformation of character, they are disrespecting her, unless if they are saying, no athlete from SA can brake records like that, remember only USA according to them can do that, they must question GOD why did HE create Semenya like that with so much talent. Please when they find an answer from God, please call press conference and apologize. 4073. Posted by cutieprisca Thu Aug 20 9:53am EDT 3925 your post made much sense, and truely i dont care if she is male or female and it doesnt hurt to test her. it only means that they have to APOLOGIZE with loads and loads of COMPENSATION if they are wrong......... 4072. Posted by heyamyv Thu Aug 20 9:53am EDT i don't think this is about racism. it's about who he/she is. let it be, all. we'll see when the tests come back. not everything is about racism....in the meantime, good for her/him. what a record! i guess all the training was worth it. 4071. Posted by nickwithgirls Thu Aug 20 9:53am EDT damn 4070. Posted by AJ Thu Aug 20 9:53am EDT Steroids. 4069. Posted by arkimgodfrey Thu Aug 20 9:53am EDT if it is a womans race, then it should be ran with such. 4068. Posted by timtameno Thu Aug 20 9:53am EDT when we first saw her we all concluded she's a he am not suprised that the world is seeing the same thing, but lets wait for the results 4067. Posted by phil Thu Aug 20 9:52am EDT this is funny .put yourself in the public eye and expect scrutiny . simple 4066. Posted by Sibusiso Thu Aug 20 9:52am EDT What i will like to say to this young girl is that she must remember that even if you do good or bad, things is not all the peoples who will appriciete what you are doing.and if you dont know your storry you will end up giveupping,girl you must know that as a country we are proud of you and god is proud of you too,keep the spirit burning keep it up you are the best. 4065. Posted by Mya S Thu Aug 20 9:52am EDT this some ol bs! why cant pple win things fair and square? there are a lot of female athletes who have deep voices and ripped bodies. I would be more thn insulted if somebody thought i was a man cuz i won a race! a lot of Africans can run really fast so this is stupid! ugh! i hate ignorance 4064. Posted by billassin Thu Aug 20 9:51am EDT For living on the Siam plaint we are a Sayre excuse for a human race.We cant see people as just people.And wot we do not understand we Hate.Is it time to just live love and get a long with each Aether. 4063. Posted by BABY SHANN Thu Aug 20 9:51am EDT I have never heard such out right bull****. This is a women whom may have man features.She is clearly a women and some of these comments are sexes and racists. If she was a white person we will not even have this topics. 4062. Posted by bchase1983 Thu Aug 20 9:51am EDT You guys are all so crazy. What EXACTLY qualifies her as a woman in the first place? Should someone with a frame of Hulk Hogan be able to sign up for the womens games unquestioned? No, that would be absurd. 4061. Posted by Sibusiso Thu Aug 20 9:51am EDT What i will like to say to this young girl is that she must remember that even if you do good or bad, things is not all the peoples who will appriciete what you are doing.and if you dont know your storry you will end up giveupping,girl you must know that as a country we are proud of you and god is proud of you too,keep the spirit burning keep it up you are the best. 4060. Posted by billassin Thu Aug 20 9:50am EDT For living on the Siam plaint we are a Sayre excuse for a human race.We cant see people as just people.And wot we do not understand we Hate.Is it time to just live love and get a long with each Aether. 4059. Posted by FATJOEY Thu Aug 20 9:50am EDT Anyone see an adams apple??????? 4058. Posted by boxer15rds Thu Aug 20 9:50am EDT Posted comment from (4061 laniebff) ken. from what i read from this comment i thought your web-site screened comments before being posted??? this is one ignorant racist ass comment. and as far as i'm concerned ,it is ignorant ass clowns like this one who really think this kind of dumb@#$%. the sooner we get ignorant asses like this off of our planet our world can go back to like it was before white people 4057. Posted by TongoMan Thu Aug 20 9:50am EDT allow her to go home with her hard earned medal. she deserves it 4056. Posted by mike Thu Aug 20 9:50am EDT She is a hermaphrodite. I guess you get to pick. 4055. Posted by FATJOEY Thu Aug 20 9:50am EDT IS THERE A "SIDE SHOW OLYMPICS"? I SAY LET "IT" GO! 4054. Posted by Lynwood M Thu Aug 20 9:49am EDT Caster Semenya is oblivious a male. The body structure: Bone, muscular, facial, abdomen, thighs and legs. 4053. Posted by phil Thu Aug 20 9:49am EDT teresa you eound as if you believe your own assuptions well this is about facts and facts alone is she a he or is she a she it is a simple quetion with a simle answer sorry but the question came up now answers are what the peolpe want simple not assumptions made to be facts 4052. Posted by flame-n-heather Thu Aug 20 9:49am EDT Ewww FATJOEY! Lol! 4051. Posted by stinkyknicks Thu Aug 20 9:49am EDT Rediculous - grow up and get educated. There are males, females and a mix of both runnning around all over the world. They used to call the girls tomboys.....boys gay....or worse. Congrats to her and her supportive family. Quit judging! 4050. Posted by Lethal1 Thu Aug 20 9:49am EDT If the people don't beleive then the he/she should be tested. So prove us wrong...if you've got nothing to hide then what's the big deal. You're a public figure. Same with Obama. If you got nothing to hide...why can't we see proof that you were born in Hawaii. 4049. Posted by ernest f Thu Aug 20 9:49am EDT he boo whats your artical got to do with anything shes a african citizen not a american lol. our bill of rights dont affect her. heck african sold there on people into slavery. 4048. Posted by billassin Thu Aug 20 9:49am EDT For living on the Siam plaint we are a Sayre excuse for a human race.We cant see people as just people.And wot we do not understand we Hate.Is it time to just live love and get a long with each Aether. 4047. Posted by Godson Thu Aug 20 9:48am EDT we should do the necessary and leave the unnecessary on touch, big up my black sister, we love you 4046. Posted by Yonette A Thu Aug 20 9:48am EDT We tend to place emphasis on the wrong things? What is wrong with a woman being strong? We have strong women as weight lifters. Do we Question their gender? 4045. Posted by Lynwood M Thu Aug 20 9:48am EDT Caster Semenya is oblivious a male. The body structure: Bone, muscular, facial, abdomen, thighs and legs. 4044. Posted by foodstamps_ondeck Thu Aug 20 9:48am EDT WELL READ THIS LINK BELOW ABOUT THE EAST GERMAN GIRLS. TRUTHFULLY SHE DOES LOOK LIKE A MAN, BUT I REALLY HOPE THAT THIS IS NOT THE CASE. TIME WILL TELL. http://www.steroid-abuse.org/the-wonder-girls-women.htm 4043. Posted by Christopher P Thu Aug 20 9:48am EDT This testing is not because of this race. If you bothered to read this piece you would have seen that the request for testing came before this race and takes weeks to get results from. Someone also asked "What if she is a hermaphrodite?" Well that would mean there are chances that she/he has male hormones running through her/his body which is the whole reason for gender testing. It is unfair to have have men and women compete in the same races because of this. If she/he is found to be male let her/him race against the men. 4042. Posted by FATJOEY Thu Aug 20 9:48am EDT Check for hair on ass! 4041. Posted by zam1958tembi Thu Aug 20 9:48am EDT Tshangisa: Black brothers and sisters, let's not see this testing of Semenya as racist, let's liberate our minds. Her victory has come as a schock to the West-dominated Athletics Federation, a victory from Mzantsi nog-al! Please wake these guys up, it's a new dawn for Azania (Afrika). Let them smell the coffee and leave them wondering where the coffee beans were grown!! They (the West) took Sarah Baartman to the UK and France to make a 'specimen' of her, to check if she was any relation to the homo-sapien. This gender testing, in my opinion, is a gross violation of human rights. Did n't they see her profile during registration? Her fellow female athletes, with her in the change room, did they not notice anything feminine with her, enough for them to undress infront of her? Had she come 3rd or 4th place, would she have been tested? I suggest the members of the Federation should test themselves too, maybe we may discover a lot of genetic anomalities with them. Reality Check: She's just an innocent kid, who happens to be a black successful athlete, ready to take the world by storm. The German and Russian female athletes don't make a pretty sight either. Should n't we test them too? Rise Azania, Rise and shock the world!! 4040. Posted by John Thu Aug 20 9:48am EDT What is it with the racism and gender crap. This person is an athelete/competitor first and foremost. It has nothing to do with race, color, creed or gender. It does have everything to do with the natural characteristics of a male. If the test results show that she is a very well conditioned woman, than shame on all you nay sayers. If the test results show something else, than shame on all you racists, feminists and garabage issue raisers. It is not about about a good clean race being won but a good margin, it is about the physical appearance of a female competitor with the traits of the male gender. The results will show the truth in the end and many of you folks can have another serving of humble pie. Look at this issue from an open mind and not your slanted views. It was a good race from a competitior and the race is not over yet 4039. Posted by KrazyDoll7 Thu Aug 20 9:47am EDT Proud to be African, yes Proud to be african, ain't the racial thing, yet if she was white they will b praising her all the world, from: youtube, twitter, facebook etc. etc, l think the world is so sick that talents are being questioned. There are more talents from the beautiful Continent of Africa, they aint seen nothing yet.- Accra, Ghana 4038. Posted by Rebecca Thu Aug 20 9:47am EDT For all of you sociologists out there..... gender is not assigned, it is a way that our culture has chosen to distinguish men from women; girls from boys. The proper word to use here is "sex," as they are testing her physical characteristics, not a learned behavior. A woman can be classified under the male gender because of the way she acts, dresses, etc... but her SEX will still be entirely female... 4037. Posted by tracy Thu Aug 20 9:47am EDT If she was being tested for enhancement drugs then that is a different issue. They are testing her gender, which is something that God set in place. 4036. Posted by Mr.M Thu Aug 20 9:47am EDT Looking at the pictures, she could be Kobe Bryant's twin brother. 4035. Posted by swx325 Thu Aug 20 9:47am EDT From the pic she's flashing the ol' "two-finger test" sign. 4034. Posted by Joseph K. Thu Aug 20 9:46am EDT She needs her freedom in sporting field whilst she started since, went through all the Africa Games, World Championships and many more of such games, why now? have they forgetten her in past or her records done. The team should stop embarrasing her from such gender testing and ridicoulous things. Ghana. 4033. Posted by sirajboy Thu Aug 20 9:46am EDT yaaa cum guys leave her alone maby its just da way god made her ....everybody is different but she is a bit more different 4032. Posted by nunya Thu Aug 20 9:46am EDT Racism will all ways exist as long as there are balck people. They want it to exist. They use it as a crutch. It`s so much easier to blame a white guy than take responsibility for your own actions. It`s a booming business, even in this economy. Some even make a career out of it. Where would Sharpton and Jackson be if they had to admit a black person has the same chance to succeed or fail as a white one. Nowhere is this more apparent than online. There`s not a forum or comment page on the net that has anything to do with a black person, where the same doesn`t weigh in screaming racism. Usually just out of the blue. White people dont even have to mention race. When officials want to make sure this person is female, it`s in the interest of fair competition, it`s not racism. When people express outrage that Mike Vic got picked up by Philadelphia, it`s because he`s a disturbed individual. Not racism. When I call you a stupid @#$%, that`s racism. 4031. Posted by Di Strelczyk Thu Aug 20 9:46am EDT I think it's sad that society continues to judge athletes on gender. it's an outdates arguement..."if she ran too fast, then she must be some sort of super-human, or a man". Why can't she just be a successful athlete. We also continue to limit people into two boxes on a medical document. Maybe we should flip the tables put men into two different catagories based on the size of their genital? 4030. Posted by Knowledge Thu Aug 20 9:46am EDT keep running sista, keep running! let the world continue to hate. where were these criticisms when the german women were killing the world back in the 70's and 80's... 4029. Posted by WuzUP Thu Aug 20 9:46am EDT who gives a sh*t...she's still one ugly mudd duck! 4028. Posted by flame-n-heather Thu Aug 20 9:46am EDT I dunno. It's hard to tell. When I look at the pics, she looks like a man sometimes, and a woman other times. Maybe she is a little bit of both. What happens if she's a hermaphrodite? 4027. Posted by billassin Thu Aug 20 9:45am EDT For living on the Siam plaint we are a Sayre excuse for a human race.We cant see people as just people.And wot we do not understand we Hate.Is it time to just live love and get a long with each Aether. 4026. Posted by christinek Thu Aug 20 9:45am EDT 4002. Response: The vast "majority" of women in the military lack the physical strength and emotional fortitude to be in the front lines in any military environment. There are always exceptions to any rule, but they are minimal. I have been in the military and been in a gym setting for years, I was lucky as I was very strong, but the vast majority of women....no way! and It is not just strength. Many females try to emulate male behavior to appear rough and tough...it doesn't work. Estrogen and testosterone are vastly different and for very good reasons. Even in gay relationships there is an adoption of gender roles. There is zero way to make gender disappear. Only in someone mind can this happen! People are being spoon fed this garbage and I for one cannot believe this is positive for any society. The entire world should not be altered for a small percentage of people, because they feel different. 4025. Posted by watchvermont Thu Aug 20 9:45am EDT Don't you think it would be more appropriate for authorities to determine what species this thing is? 4024. Posted by jimbo2051 Thu Aug 20 9:44am EDT Before making any judgements let's get all the facts as arb35064 stated. Response to 1cunvnme; I believe most people in the US are NOT racists. Those who are, are; but please stop putting the majority in the race category. 4023. Posted by randyabr@... Thu Aug 20 9:44am EDT I sure hope that she doesn't trip and injure her testicles. 4022. Posted by murphy.brian71 Thu Aug 20 9:44am EDT THIS IS FOR MARY LIN........ I am a 38 y/o male, 6'2, 210lbs with 7% body fat. Work out 3 times a week. Guess what stupid?? My adams apple does not show at all! Not one bit! Does that make me a woman? You people are idiots. That is a man, get over it. 4021. Posted by homie g dawg funk Thu Aug 20 9:44am EDT I don't understand what the deal is about athletes that are not from the US gettn tested for the silliest things. Well if they wana test let them test but i think they find out she really is a woman, then what do you tell the country or the parents?" Oh we are sorry for any mishap we cost." That's a bunch of crap, that doesnt cut it. 4020. Posted by mike Thu Aug 20 9:44am EDT She's a hermi. Only fair to see how she should compete in the future. 4019. Posted by LaDiamonds Thu Aug 20 9:44am EDT Post 3999 David D. I would like to know what medical journal you got your info from!!! I am a woman ALLL WOMAN I have daughter to prove it and my ring fingers are definitely longer than my index finger. I love the comments people make without facts to back them up. Let the test be done and let this young lady get on with her life without any more embarrassment from tyhe media. 4018. Posted by belliott4488@... Thu Aug 20 9:44am EDT You have all clearly missed the point! Didn't you read the first sentence of this article?: BERLIN (AP)—A day after winning her first 800-meter world title amid a gendertest controversy, the father of South African teenager Caster Semenya dismissed speculation his daughter is not a woman. Apparently it was the girl's *father* who won the race!! No wonder there are gender questions! :-O 4017. Posted by ernest f Thu Aug 20 9:44am EDT i dont really care weather she a he or a he she. and i wouldnt put it pass any olmpic team to give hormones treatments to there players. or to buy one a sex change. just like in the 90s when the olmpic commettee was being brive as to were to host the games. only thing that gets me is every goverment funds there teams except for the us half our players are on some type of general welfar program. sad isnt it 4016. Posted by keteraf Thu Aug 20 9:43am EDT I don't think it's fare to mess with people ya'll just mad and hateing and that's not ya'll so ya'll need to back the f##k out and as for the runner girl or boy keep on running 4015. Posted by mad_love1950 Thu Aug 20 9:42am EDT Im really blown away by some of the post comments here. I just dont understand why is it so hard to believe that a yound gifted woman as herself could be judged as uncapable of such a talent. This is a gift that God has given and a talent that she has profected. LET HER BE!!!!!!!!! let no one judge lest they judge themselves FIRST. I say Do you cause cant nobody do you like you do Caster Semenya!!!!!! 4014. Posted by eric c Thu Aug 20 9:42am EDT you have got tobe kidding-i participated in track and field all my life, have seen females of all shapes and sizes, their bodies kept their basic, natural qualities, there is nothing female about this man-made freak. look at the shoulder and arm development, the upper and lower torso and that squared-off chin. reminds me of the days with the cccp and east german power athletes, they were all "female" aswell, but they all had the same features as this guy, except she/he doesn't have a beard and moustache. plus look at that package? the only people making this a racist issue seems to be the blacks , as usual, because they know they can't make it any other way than to cheat, it is their way in life. disregard all facts and common sense, be the first and loudest to speak, that way those who disagree with you may keep quiet. 4013. Posted by chase m Thu Aug 20 9:42am EDT Post the race 4012. Posted by Angela Bolton Thu Aug 20 9:42am EDT WOW! It takes weeks, and an army of specialists to determine gender?! Havent they ever watched CSI? I thought all it took was a blood sample, or an xray of the pelvis, or, I don't know, a little look-see. LOL 4011. Posted by FATJOEY Thu Aug 20 9:41am EDT TAKE A LOOK! IS IT "TUNA TACO" OR "FRANKS AND BEANS"? 4010. Posted by Paipan Thu Aug 20 9:41am EDT OK, OK everyone. Let us do a short history lesson about racism. Slavery based on race was a profitable enterprise created by europeans who created the idea that africans were not human beings. In the US, the government hundreds of years later in defense of slavery defined africans and their descendants who had been forced into bondage as chattel property, like a horse or a cow, which could be bought and sold by europeans and their descendants in the americas. Now even after slavery was abolished in most of the "civilized" world, the stigma of slavery, of being bought and sold as chattel has remained in most of the americas and in european societies that profited from slavery. Unfortunately slavery and it's residue lasted for hundreds of years and resulted in the deaths of countless africans during their transport to the americas, as well as being worked to death while enslaved in the americas. Once freed the former slaves and their descendants, usually known as black people, were subjected to racial segregatiion along with native indigenous peoples. Racism is not an invention of blacks and other people of color. It is the residue of colonialism and slavery that were the mainstays of white european culture for hundreds of years. Imagine a holocaust of several hundred years! Only people like holocause deniers and outright white supremacists would argue that racism is not real, and that our modern societies at their bedrock were built on the blood, suffering and lives of black and native indigenous peoples. Visit any museum, that has antiquities preserved from the 15th through the 19th centuries and read the account of the total destruction and devastatio of these cultures. Then you tell me, if racism really exists. This has nothing to do with all Sharpton and Jackson. These are bogeymen that the right wing nut jobs and white supremacists, and neocons try to foist upon all of us as leaders. Face it guys, you lost and the other guys won. And what is worst, the guy that won, is not a philandering buffoon like sharpton and jackson. So keep deluding yourself abour racism. Detroit has nearly a 30% unemployment rate. Newark has a similar unemployment rate. Unemployment is rampant and it happened under your guys watch. All you neocons can complain all that you want about blacks talking about racism. It is funny, blacks endured hundreds of years of slavery and don't have the right to talk about it, and explain it, but just let a white guy lose his job and he shoots up the place or denies racism exists. Total bull@#$%. 4009. Posted by Wardell H Thu Aug 20 9:41am EDT well, in the picture she definately looks like a man but the test will be the final say 4008. Posted by Mike Thu Aug 20 9:41am EDT That's a man, man!! 4007. Posted by benjamin c Thu Aug 20 9:40am EDT alright this is retarded.... do these ppl have anything else to do than ta f with this youg woman? o by tha way if u think i am afraid to show my pic u are retarded i jus don have one on here right now ty.... there are some females and some males in army that look questionable but tha army dont question we are proud to have ppl serve no matter what they prefer to be or look like as long as they do their duties and whatnots.... but thats a diff. story since we only get a lil better than poverty pay while others that only intertain get millions but there are better things to @#$% about such as a young black woman winning a race might be a man so fing what.... ive been deployed 5 times now and trust me there are more things to discuss that have more importance than this.... im not very smart but i know this is stupid .... haha dumb@#$%s.... 4006. Posted by Siphephelo Thu Aug 20 9:40am EDT this is ridiculous the title is hers. 4005. Posted by grego Thu Aug 20 9:40am EDT Look at her shoulder to hip ratio...look at picture#45 it looks like a man running amongst women...also in same picture there is an african female in green and red for comaprison...there is no doubt she is attempting to hide something...female impersonators in las vegas pull this trick all the time. If she /he is not male...she has the largest pubic bone i've ever seen. Could we count her ribs? 4004. Posted by aliciafrasier@... Thu Aug 20 9:40am EDT once again u have a black person all u guys talk about is race this racer that i am white and my life is not easy and i dont say well its because i am white get over it this story is about gender not color 4003. Posted by eric c Thu Aug 20 9:40am EDT you have got tobe kidding-i participated in track and field all my life, have seen females of all shapes and sizes, their bodies kept their basic, natural qualities, there is nothing female about this man-made freak. look at the shoulder and arm development, the upper and lower torso and that squared-off chin. reminds me of the days with the cccp and east german power athletes, they were all "female" aswell, but they all had the same features as this guy, except she/he doesn't have a beard and moustache. plus look at that package? the only people making this a racist issue seems to be the blacks , as usual, because they know they can't make it any other way than to cheat, it is their way in life. disregard all facts and common sense, be the first and loudest to speak, that way those who disagree with you may keep quiet. 4002. Posted by Teresa Thu Aug 20 9:39am EDT I have looked at the pics of her competeing. She does indeed have a manly body, however, she trains probably non-stop! I wish I had her stomach. Plus there is no way to hide the man parts in those shorts if she were a dude. 4001. Posted by MickiT Thu Aug 20 9:39am EDT By the way, David D, the "trick" about the ring finger longer/shorter being tied to gender, that is total bs, I am a woman, born a woman, have normal woman features just like my mother, and my ring fingers are WAY longer than my index fingers, and only a smidge shorter than my middle finger. I know a male doctor who's ring, middle, and index fingers are all almost the same length, too. You need to really check your research, dude. 4000. Posted by j_bryon Thu Aug 20 9:38am EDT I don't know if anyone has already posted a comment like this as I am not going to go through a read all 3,967 replies but here are a few simple ways to determine if she is a woman or not...ready? 1. Does she have a vagina and ovaries? 2. Does she have a penis and testicles? 3. Did she shoot up with anything performance enhancing? If someone can answer yes to question 1 and no to questions 2 and 3 then she is a woman. If she happens to have high levels of naturally occurring testosterone then GOOD FOR HER! It's a natural advantage to her. It is also likely she has been this way her whole life. It is no different than if a guy has naturally occurring levels of testosterone in his system. He is most likely going to be stronger, faster, and have more endurance than a guy who doesn't have those levels. It's to his benefit in sports and it is to Semenya. Leave her alone! She will probably end up having health problems later in her life due to the possible high levels of testosterone. Let her have this moment! 3999. Posted by iamtheparty Thu Aug 20 9:38am EDT Why is it that every time a woman dominates her chosen sport, speculation arises that she "must be a man"?! Caster Semenya can run faster than you; Cris Cyborg could beat your ass up and down the block ... and I see no reason whatsoever to doubt that they are both women! It's obvious to me that these questions have way more to do with your own tiny genetalia than that of the athletes in question!! A real man would never be threatened by a female athelete! 3998. Posted by Chauncy Thu Aug 20 9:38am EDT I am a proud Black man who is sick and tired of everything being relegated to race. Were she a White woman, I‘d still be outraged over the fact that: 1. She was not asked to skip the competition until the tests results were in; 2. This was not kept an isolated incident; 3. Some idiot at the IAAF thought it not robbery to label this a ―gender test‖. 4. That she now has to prove what the doctors and her parents knew at birth. DAMN!!!!! To you Matthew (Post #3947), you are a complete and utter idiot. This is not something you joke about. And there are many more like you. Stefan H. (Post #3951), thank you for a brilliantly written response. I hope most who read and comment would consider this. What if it were your child, cousin, sibling, friend…? -Chauncy 3997. Posted by cliffordwz Thu Aug 20 9:38am EDT I see this whole fiasco as unfortunate really. I need to ask if there are no preliminary tests taken in sports to determine the biology of a person. Quite frankly the fora at which this issue is being highlighted is now the most cruel, after someone has won a gold medal in a major and highly publicised event. What will this do to the confidence of the young lady? What about her social life. Quite frankly l feel we have destroyed a person here. I think in this era were people have broken racial differences certain things should not be happening. Also l will ask about the so called freedom of the Press. What was the motives of the journalists? As far as l am concerned the media was simply overzealous. So far the debacle was not yet a news item cause the necesssary ingridients for that are not all yet there that is the rareness of an event and perishability of the issue. This story has simply been published way before its climax or conclusion 3996. Posted by laniebff Thu Aug 20 9:37am EDT "Put a bullet in it's nappy head. Problem solved and the world has one less socioparasitical sub-human to worry about." posted by Ken 3911 Seriously? You are such an ignorant SOB! If I were you, I'd watch myself-karma's a b*tch! 3995. Posted by phil Thu Aug 20 9:37am EDT until;l people pull the race card allways its like their favorite pastime activity lets blame the white people for people accusing her of being a man yeah its gotta be the white people yeah their the reason why no one wants to move to our neighborhoods and its the white mans fault for aids and for the crime rate and for crack and for domestic violence and for accuseing someone of being a man i bet if it was a white man/women you would never hear its becaues she is white thats why they think its a man never. why is this? its getting so old 3994. Posted by daleraymadewell Thu Aug 20 9:37am EDT Why did this become a black or white thing, this person is what he or she is. God has made a few mixup, do the test and let the cards lay as they may. For you Black racists, you bread a long line of race horses before you get a champion. 3993. Posted by jonathan Thu Aug 20 9:37am EDT I think it is embarrassing how prejudicial our world is 3992. Posted by Michael Thu Aug 20 9:37am EDT The trouble is that testosterone injections can be used as a performing enhancing drug in women. If she has used testosterone to the point where her hormones are now more male than female, and it is causing her body to work more like a man's than a woman's, then she is "doping" and her medal should be stripped. It falls under gender verification because standard drug tests don't necessarily pick up testosterone (which is present in all of our bodies, male and female). This happened before in the late 80's with east German swimmers, so it's definitely NOT a race thing... 3991. Posted by Boo Thu Aug 20 9:36am EDT By the President of the United States of America: A Proclamation. Whereas, on the twenty-second day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, a proclamation was issued by the President of the United States, containing, among other things, the following, to wit: "That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom. "That the Executive will, on the first day of January aforesaid, by proclamation, designate the States and parts of States, if any, in which the people thereof, respectively, shall then be in rebellion against the United States; and the fact that any State, or the people thereof, shall on that day be, in good faith, represented in the Congress of the United States by members chosen thereto at elections wherein a majority of the qualified voters of such State shall have participated, shall, in the absence of strong countervailing testimony, be deemed conclusive evidence that such State, and the people thereof, are not then in rebellion against the United States." Now, therefore I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, by virtue of the power in me vested as Commander-in-Chief, of the Army and Navy of the United States in time of actual armed rebellion against the authority and government of the United States, and as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said rebellion, do, on this first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and in accordance with my purpose so to do publicly proclaimed for the full period of one hundred days, from the day first above mentioned, order and designate as the States and parts of States wherein the people thereof respectively, are this day in rebellion against the United States, the following, to wit: Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, (except the Parishes of St. Bernard, Plaquemines, Jefferson, St. John, St. Charles, St. James Ascension, Assumption, Terrebonne, Lafourche, St. Mary, St. Martin, and Orleans, including the City of New Orleans) Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia, (except the forty-eight counties designated as West Virginia, and also the counties of Berkley, Accomac, Northampton, Elizabeth City, York, Princess Ann, and Norfolk, including the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth[)], and which excepted parts, are for the present, left precisely as if this proclamation were not issued. And by virtue of the power, and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States, and parts of States, are, and henceforward shall be free; and that the Executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons. And I hereby enjoin upon the people so declared to be free to abstain from all violence, unless in necessary self-defence; and I recommend to them that, in all cases when allowed, they labor faithfully for reasonable wages. And I further declare and make known, that such persons of suitable condition, will be received into the armed service of the United States to garrison forts, positions, stations, and other places, and to man vessels of all sorts in said service. And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind, and the gracious favor of Almighty God. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the eighty-seventh. 3990. Posted by Daisy D Thu Aug 20 9:36am EDT She might look like a man, but she needs to be tested to prove that. If she's confident, she should get tested and prove it to the non believers. Also stop making fun of others who dont shave their armpits, and draw any conclusion based on that. it just shows how ignorant one is. 3989. Posted by bbuck96 Thu Aug 20 9:36am EDT Let's face it if she were playing baseball and hit twice as many homeruns as anyone else, she would be tested for drug enhancements. She is in a highly public sport and opened herself up to the public eye for criticism and opinions. She is up for the same kind of testing as any other sportsman in the world. The ball players (Barry Bonds) that were tested for drugs were not all Black, so this not a racial issue. It is about fair sportsmanship. Plus if we all went back to the bible and read about Adam and Eve, this would eliminate alot of this controversy. Yes, they could have done the testing a little more secretively, that is the sports mistake. But let;s not turn this into a White, black, Asian, African, who cares what race she is or what color she is. If she doesn't like the rules and regulations of the sport, don't get into it. Just be like Forest Gump and Run for the heck of it. If we are not going to enforce the rules and regulations, then we might as well let 18 year olds race against 5 year olds. 3988. Posted by jamest Thu Aug 20 9:36am EDT who cares 3987. Posted by sirajboy Thu Aug 20 9:36am EDT leave da poor girl or boy alone man shame ....this world is soo messed up just rip her pans down and if u see enything bigger da 1cm we got a prob 3986. Posted by REX Thu Aug 20 9:36am EDT The world never gets tired of things that does not matter. She is a woman....... 3985. Posted by Joot Thu Aug 20 9:35am EDT Oh my gosh, reading these posts made me pretty mad. Haven't you people ever heard of manly ladies? Seriously now, this is silly. 3984. Posted by DeJaVu Thu Aug 20 9:35am EDT keep in mind - she wasn't tested AFTER winning, she was tested about 3 weeks before the race. Results just take awhile. 3983. Posted by Kevin Thu Aug 20 9:35am EDT So give her the turn your head and cough test! Seriously though Eleveated levels of testosterone in woman leads to them having male like features. Now are the elevated levels natural??? Make sure shes not taking the same stuff Manny Ramirez was taking (0¿0) 3982. Posted by Crystal R Thu Aug 20 9:34am EDT I'm not commenting about the article. I'm commenting about all the idiots putting their 2 cents in. First, if you are going to say something, make sure you do so clearly. I don't know what half of you are getting at because your 'opinion' is not stated clearly. Secondly, when you decide to say something, make sure that there are enough facts to comment on. This article is so short, and there are no actual facts. How on earth is there enough for you to form an opinion, and if you are taking facts from other, more detailed sources, please, site them. Now, as to the issue. This is the first I've heard of the entire thing, and it's ridiculous. I've competed against some pretty manly women, some women want to be manly, and that's there choice. So her looks don't mean a thing. There are cases out there where a person is a man or woman, but doesn't have the reproductive organs. My neighbors little girl is that way. Are we going to punish them for this? 3981. Posted by AmonPetah Thu Aug 20 9:34am EDT Why, why, why are we all able to read about the doubts surrounding this poor girls' gender makeup? Every update I see plastered as a headline in Yahoo News (and elsewhere) makes my stomach cramp with discomfort at the thought of what this poor girl is feeling. Sure, she does need to be tested! The ideals of fair and open competition need to be respected. We need to consider the 'less physically endowed' women that spend their lives training for these events. But (a question for the press) why is it front page news? Is it worth the five minutes of 'titillation' to each of us readers if it means leaving this girl with a LIFETIME of embarrassment? Please find a polite way of backing off this issue and inject some humanity into the way you deal with peoples lives.. And to bring this matter into perspective ... if 'Superman' were to enter the mens' 100 metres at the Olympics, nobody would doubt his gender ... but nobody would feel it was a fair competition either. In summary: This story has told me less about the state of sporting ethics than it has about the ethics of the press. And anyway, I think we have all read enough now to know that whatever the outcome of the requisite gender tests, this girl has done nothing wrong! She is blameless and yet is being unfairly victimised by 'us'. Go girl, you are FAST! Maybe too fast. But there's nothing wrong with that. 3980. Posted by gravamen83 Thu Aug 20 9:33am EDT GO back up and read the end of the article again. There have been cases just like this where the athelete stated they were a woman and competed then actually failed the Gender/Sex test. Please just wait for the results 1.) she is the winner and kicked ass or 2.) he is disqualified and shown to be an ass. 3979. Posted by tedddyybear Thu Aug 20 9:33am EDT I don't care how good people are at something there will always be haters!! It's so sad. But I will say this to her " Go and brush your shoulders off! Get that dirt off !" Like Jay- Z would say. 3978. Posted by boci83 Thu Aug 20 9:33am EDT Ironic that her name is semen-ya 3977. Posted by Kristoffer P Thu Aug 20 9:32am EDT First of all she's 18 years old. She would have had to start her transition period when she was 15 years old. This claim is just STUPID! She is not the first muscular woman to win a meet. This is just CRAZY! If were her after the results copme back that she is indeed woman I would sue EVERYONE involved! 3976. Posted by Dwayne Thu Aug 20 9:32am EDT I would love for "the assassin "to meet his maker........... 3975. Posted by p_harris87 Thu Aug 20 9:32am EDT This is for "icunvnme": WHATEVER!!! It has nothing to do with race and I, personally, am getting sick and tired of the race card! I couldn't care less what color a person is as long as they are truthful! (that's for your final comment)! If this person is lying then she/he should be disqualified. If not then great for her! I love to see someone dominate an event. No matter what color they are or from what country they come! 3974. Posted by anthonyharrell47 Thu Aug 20 9:32am EDT oh well she is waht she......or he :D 3973. Posted by Patryce Thu Aug 20 9:32am EDT Why didn't they do this testing when the East German 'womens' swim team was kicking everyones azzes in the 70's & 80's?? Now THAT was a motley crew of questionable females. 3972. Posted by Jim R Thu Aug 20 9:32am EDT you're all crazy. she didnt do anything wrong. she's just a woman with "a bit extra" going on. Who are you to judge her and call it a penis?!? Now excuse me, i'm heading down to the local elementary school to compete in their track and field day. Just because I'm not twelve doesnt mean I'm not 12 plus "a bit", so it should be fair, right? I think I'll tell them i'm a girl too, so I can get into all the events... 3971. Posted by pelzertamera Thu Aug 20 9:32am EDT I would like to say that so what if she look like a man.There are alot of females out here that look like men.I am a gay female and I am a femme for the people out there that don't know that is I am a girl that like to wear girl thing and be very sexy and get my hair and nails done all the time.But I love the stud female and what this is is a woman that look and dress like a man so this is not new to me.I am not saying that she is gay what I am saying is so what that she look like a man. Let her do her thing I know that it have some old azz white man with nothing better to do but to play her face like that and yes I said it and for the people that don't like what I have just said so what.Becaues I know that there are alot of my black brothers and sisters out here reading this thinking the same thing we just say it where around each other.Alot of my studs friend have to be femme at work so they can have a job and be themself after work .I love the women out there that love being and dress as they feel if you look like a man and dress like a man and that make you feel good do you. 3970. Posted by yasmeeninc Thu Aug 20 9:32am EDT Does'nt matter how great of a person you are....there will always be haters 3969. Posted by redrumtwo Thu Aug 20 9:32am EDT To all, I'm new at this posting stuff. The way I see it is a female sport is a female sport and the same goes for male sports. If this person is truly a female, so be it. Stay in female sports. If this person is medically considered a male, so be it. Stay in male sports. It doesn't take a whole lot of common sense to figure this one out. It doesn't matter what race we are, what God says or what gender you think you are. What matters are the rules that are in front of us as we exist in this world. Play by the rules or get out. I would think that putting males against females as far as strength and sports go, would be a unfair situation. Men and woman are able to compete fairly on many levels, but sports usually are not one of them. "God " ( as stated so many times in these blogs ) created men and woman different for a reason. Lets keep what little seperation there is left out there for the sports. I enjoy watching female sports. Would I enjoy watching men and woman competing on the same level, probably not. 3968. Posted by Venisa Thu Aug 20 9:31am EDT i mean when i watched the race i was wondering.........can a woman look so much like a man. 3967. Posted by Mary Lyn Riney Thu Aug 20 9:31am EDT BTW: if you look through the pics, several you can see there is no adam's apple! That surgery is so expensive that is very rare for someone to do it. She is a girl! 3966. Posted by igwemagwisa Thu Aug 20 9:31am EDT God created man & woman out of his own image.There are features that seperates the two.So vissible.I don't think we need any sophisticated machinary to tell.Is there anything like artificial man or women?If there is one,That is a very BIG SIN God will never forgive and one is destined for hell together with satan.I happened to watch sport news on SABC2,i saw Simenya leading,about 20-50m away ahead of the crown.That was so good.She was so determined.She new she was in a race and there is a reward (GOLD MEDAL) for just one and she wanted to be.So what's the problem with that!!! AFRICANS!!! We need the renewal of mind.Lets rejoice with those who rejoice.... We shall see....... 3965. Posted by arb35064 Thu Aug 20 9:31am EDT Immediately when I saw her for the first time racing last night, I assumed that she was a man. The issue here is not race, but all needs to be fair. If she is a woman, so be it, but at the same time if she is a man, it would not be fair for her/him to be competing against other women. I hate to be judemental without knowing the facts, but she does indeed look like a man. 3964. Posted by yasmeeninc Thu Aug 20 9:31am EDT Doen'nt matter how great of a person you are....there will always be haters 3963. Posted by Erick Thu Aug 20 9:30am EDT I'm black; I train female athletes. Honestly, I have never seen a female with Caster's body structure or level of muscular development at such a young age. It doesn't matter what race she is; her body displays male characteristics. People need to get over that race s#*t. Remember the East Germans, many of their female athletes where very masculine and people spoke out. No one was resorting to the race card then. I hope she is a female. 3962. Posted by MickiT Thu Aug 20 9:30am EDT This has nothing to do with race, and wonder what the IOC and IAAF need to have an athlete "meet requirements" of a specific gender. A birth certificate? Doctor's exam? Trial in court?! I noticed one comment regarding lack of "boobs" with regard to femininity, that made me laugh considering very few female athletes in any sport have discernable breasts. This runner may be muscular, with less feminine facial features, but in every photo of those runners their bodies from the neck down all look pretty much the same. Flat chests, no hips, 6-pack abs, biceps and quads like iron. Plus, Caster has no obvious Adam's apple, and as thin as she is if she were a man it should stick out like a thumb! Get off the gender thing, accept her winnings and get on with life. To the women who lost to her, you will just have to train a little harder or accept that you are just not as fast. 3961. Posted by Matthew Thu Aug 20 9:30am EDT shes a man, man. just kidding, leave her alone, i know alot of women who could fool you they are so muscular. she is just one of them. let her win if she can win, she isnt a dude unless she can hide it real well, in that case, she deserves it anyway. south africa is a great place. 3960. Posted by Raffro Thu Aug 20 9:30am EDT #3990 - You're real bright. Blame America for something that's being performed in Berlin. It's people like you this world could do without. 3959. Posted by trieshasalmon Thu Aug 20 9:30am EDT yes she(him) is a man because when i saw her (He)on the track i thought it was a man race 3958. Posted by kimberly Thu Aug 20 9:29am EDT I hope this person is a woman cause what this person accomplished is astounding! That would be a great attribute to woman's history. 3957. Posted by Patryce Thu Aug 20 9:29am EDT Why didn't they do this testing when the East German 'womens' swim team was kicking everyone's asses in the 70's and 80's. 3956. Posted by mimi Thu Aug 20 9:29am EDT Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't! What if she is a hermaphrodite? then where does she/he get to compete? jus' sayin' 3955. Posted by coolchic56 B Thu Aug 20 9:29am EDT she doesnt look like a man you @#$%s that is so rude!!!! she really does not look liek a man at all! 3954. Posted by phil Thu Aug 20 9:28am EDT to mthe racist that stated obama on=bama obama your racist yopu voted for a president because of his color your a racist you need to let it go you were never a slave and i was never a master sorry 3953. Posted by Aamir S Thu Aug 20 9:28am EDT this is freaking AWESOME!!!! 3952. Posted by Nella S Thu Aug 20 9:28am EDT Even if they find a genetic difference between she and other women, they need to let the win stand and let her continue to compete. Any genetic difference happened in a natural framework that was not manipulated to make her a better runner. If no other wrong than genetics can be found, let her be. 3951. Posted by Dark Avenue Thu Aug 20 9:28am EDT That. Is. A. Dude! But thats just my opinion. She looks like a dude to me..and I'm black. To me, this isn't about race, because any race could have dude lookin' chicks and vice-versa. This is not about jealousy. Of course, they were runners that weren't happy they lost, but all in all this wouldn't an issue if she looked like a girl. Why is it wrong to investigate suspicion where there's a just cause. It's not even about ugly. She looks like a guy. The black female racers I've seen, some look really good, others aren't so attractive, but that's no different from any other group of ladies in a room. This isn't about anything other than how rough this chick looks..if she really is a "she". I say give "her" the test. What does she have to lose, except for a little dignity, which she obviously isnt worried about if she's willing to walk out of the door looking that rough. 3950. Posted by TomR Thu Aug 20 9:28am EDT Simple... Male@#$% Female: no@#$% Shemale: yuck! 3949. Posted by bri Thu Aug 20 9:28am EDT It is commom knowledge that extreme female athletes often produce less "female" hormones and often do not experience a normal menstral cycle.............. that makes her no less of a woman...... simple blood tests and physical exam and end this ridiculus debate.............. as far as hair and features I seen many many masculine eastern Europe (white) with same features and arm pit hair and leg hair long enough to french braid................. its a matter of choice not gender 3948. Posted by peripheral Thu Aug 20 9:28am EDT its funny that women are trying to say it doesnt matter cause we are equal. thats obviusly not true. My sons high school basketball team could beat any team in the WNBA. look at the world records. men are bigger faster stronger 3947. Posted by DeJaVu Thu Aug 20 9:28am EDT again - keep in mind she was tested BEFORE running the race... the results just aren't in yet. 3946. Posted by steph3131982 Thu Aug 20 9:28am EDT I have no strong feelings on the story for which I'm posting this comment. Rather, I'm writing about the difficulty I had reading some of the posts. I'm a teacher and I'm so very sad that people don't have the ability to express themselves clearly using the appropraiate grammar and spelling, or even by organizing their thoughts in an understandable way. This is awful. Dis is not a word. Cuz is not a word. The list goes on. How can anyone take you or your opinions seriously if you don't care enough to express yourself intelligently? Please don't call people who don't agree with you ignorant when you can't even spell easy sight words like 'this'. 3945. Posted by trieshasalmon Thu Aug 20 9:28am EDT yes she(him) is a man because when i saw her (He)on the track i thought it was a man race 3944. Posted by Mary Lyn Riney Thu Aug 20 9:28am EDT I can't believe that anyone would think that she would be lying about who she is. Even if she is physically a man. It should not matter, she is living her life they way she feels she is on the inside. I do however believe she is a female inside and out. I have a friend that is a female that gets cofused for male all the time. Leave her alone and let her run! 3943. Posted by tiffanyportner Thu Aug 20 9:28am EDT If thats a girl she is one of the ugliest girls Ive ever seen. If you ask me I think its a boy. And I do agree that there should be gender test. I dont care if you lift you can still tell that there ladys. Maybe they shoud test it (her) for steroids. Theres something going on there. 3942. Posted by Cynthia Thu Aug 20 9:27am EDT You people kill me. Now you want to say that Obama is mixed. Well, it goes back to your ancestors who stated that if anyone had an ounce of black in them, then they are black. If you saw Mr. Obama on the street before he was President, you would have said he is a black man. 3941. Posted by italian_cutie_4_ya Thu Aug 20 9:27am EDT i think she is a very strong, talented young lady that obviously has done alot of hard work to be who and where she is today! do not let these obdiant people put you down in any way. keep your head up high and keep doing very well!! your family is all the support you need at all times. dont worry about what the cruel people say about you, they are just jealous! but hey, you still the " RUNNER." keep doing well and that head up high!! goodluck! tiffany 3940. Posted by mina_luna159 Thu Aug 20 9:27am EDT So what she looks very manly for a women. Have you actually SEEN some of the transanvestites, women body builders, and drag qweens out there?! Sometimes you can planly see they are or were guys but that doesn't mean you should take back what was rightfully theirs just because they might have been a guy, looked really manly, or is fast and you're just jelous. When i saw her picture she doesn't really look that feminen but that could just be because she's fit. Some poeple don't realise it but, when girls workout the size of their breasts go down and that's why some really fit looking women have fake boobs. PLUS not having large breasts (or non at all) is a BIG advatage cause breasts can slow you down. Also, people said it looks like she has a penis, but she could have been wearing a pad and of course men wouldn't think of that cause they don't have to wear them only women. 3939. Posted by flame-n-heather Thu Aug 20 9:27am EDT Is she masculine looking because of steroids? Or, what if she happens to be a hermaphrodite - would that disqualify her from the womens team? 3938. Posted by Christopher Thu Aug 20 9:27am EDT It is not a race thing it is a gender thing. Yes, it is stupid but whatever; prove it and get over it. 3937. Posted by rickf Thu Aug 20 9:27am EDT what if your daughter came in second? would it matter then if she were beaten by a man? 3936. Posted by WilliamW Thu Aug 20 9:27am EDT icunvnme let me remind you obama is not black! he is half white and half black so stop acting like your race won a medal or something, and if you havnt noticed he is doing a horrible job as our president, its because of ppl like you who only voted for obama because you think he is a black man and your gonna get some reperations or some crap is why we have this fool as a president. I hear black ppl holler racism all the time but black ppl are the most racist race on the planet. Get over your self, this is a gender issue not a race issue. 3935. Posted by Giuseppe Thu Aug 20 9:27am EDT I think it's a great idea. I've never thought of such testing but I say "on with it!" In fact a few more tests may be in order: Lance Armstrong - come on, he's only got one or do I mean 'she'? Newt Gengrich - why limit the gender test to sports? I think this is actually a lesbian Michael Vick - let's double check and see what prison did to him, or should I say her? Derek Jeter - now that I think about it, he's a little TOO pretty isn't he? Lady Ga Ga - hey! we all want to know - admit it Danica Patrick - quick before she wins! 3934. Posted by Marlina Thu Aug 20 9:27am EDT I want to know what qualifications you have to meet to compete as a woman? Does she not carry a purse, I agree that's just embarassing for anyone. Race has nothing to do with it, the olympic committee does this alot, they did it with the man who used artificial legs to compete because he lost his legs, he won and they disqualified him because his new legs were an "unfair advantage", and he was white, so please stop obsessing about the race aspect of this. She does have masculine features but I think she's a woman. After a certain point of muscle mass, some of the "woman" feature disappear. I hope they just stop it. 3933. Posted by d_ziccardi Thu Aug 20 9:27am EDT I saw the race footage and footage of "her" post-race interview on GMA this morning. Make no mistake. This woman is a man. She may be a woman anatomically, but she has to have some addtional male genes. 3932. Posted by Mike Thu Aug 20 9:27am EDT Ok Guys this is getting rediculous. yank her shorts down and If you find female genitals, done deal leave her alone!!!!!!!!!!! 3931. Posted by Danelle Thu Aug 20 9:27am EDT im hungry 3930. Posted by Boo Thu Aug 20 9:27am EDT I think I saw her peeing behind me in the urninal after the race......she sad the the water was cold. 3929. Posted by Scott M Thu Aug 20 9:26am EDT #3966.....G.B. Great post!!!! 3928. Posted by nareece Thu Aug 20 9:26am EDT It's definitely a man, look at the other pics on the homepage! Surely a FEMALE runner would actually have shaved her armpits???? I know there's a lot of women out there who go 'au naturelle' but has anyone seen a hairy athlete?! 3927. Posted by anne p Thu Aug 20 9:26am EDT obviously this is not her first race......why now, if they had questions they should have ask before this race and why when ever someone of color is questioned do people cry race...because if she we're white you would not cry the the race card..I feel bad that she has to go through that publicly, they could have done it a better way...but to cry race is just stupid maybe they have other reasons besides race.. 3926. Posted by ELLY Thu Aug 20 9:26am EDT What if she is shemale? 3925. Posted by ACZ Thu Aug 20 9:26am EDT I see nothing in here that states anything about race except that she ran a race. This whole article talks about gender.. Someone made a really off the wall comment about white people needing to get over it and then at the end said let me remind you Obama Obama Obama I have no idea what a African women who is fighting to keep a title she deserves has to do with a our President. If you are talking about race let me remind you that Obama is multi racial having had a white mother and a black father just like my child, if racism in this country is ever going to stop then people like you needs to stop Playing the race card on everything that happens to people of color. I totally agree that if it is needed and when needed I wold be the first one to be there. However to use it all the time is like the little boy who cried wolf.. There is a lot of racism in this country but not just by white people but of all colors. It is up to everyone to stop it.. 3924. Posted by DeJaVu Thu Aug 20 9:26am EDT Ok, reading the comments here, lets put some things straight - she did get tested before the race, see it says she dominated the competition even though it came out earlier in the day that she was undergoing genger verification. It didn't say WHY she was undergoing the verification. Judging from the father's comments though, there is reason for speculation. Read it again, he didn't come right back out and say she's a girl, he said he never doubted that she was a woman... tell me that doesn't read wierd if she was born a woman. My guess is there is either gender reassignment (not likely by the age of 15) or gender ambiguity. If it was gender reassignment (she was born a man) then hands down she should compete as a man, because if not then the women's olympics might as well merge with the guys, because every country will be finding the best of the best women to compete... the ones that used to be men! If it is gender ambiguity, then that should have been stated long in advance, and she should have had the test to see where she stands physically. Just because he raised her to be a woman, doesn't mean she is one physically - and that is where it counts in the olympics if they are going to be fair competitions. Secondly, this is not a gender equality issue! There is a reason that women compete separately from men in sports - we are built differently. I don't care how much a particular woman looks like a man, or how much a particular man looks like a woman, in men, as a whole, are stronger and faster than women, as a whole. Don't get upset ladies, it's just the way things are. Yes, there are there some women that could beat the pants off a man in a foot race, even some of the better guys, but even the fastest women in the world has no chance against the fastest man in a flat out footrace - just check the world records on track times. Same would be true of the "average" woman and the "average" man (again not talking specific people here). If you want to get into gender equality, talk to the U.S. Army about women in the infantry (though I think that has more to do with hygene issues than physical ability. Women get MUCH nastier if they don't get to shower for 3 months - like need to see a doctor nasty). 3923. Posted by igwemagwisa Thu Aug 20 9:26am EDT God created man & woman out of his own image.There are features that seperates the two.So vissible.I don't think we need any sophisticated machinary to tell.Is there anything like artificial man or women?If there is one,That is a very BIG SIN God will never forgive and one is destined for hell together with satan.I happened to watch sport news on SABC2,i saw Simenya leading,about 20-50m away ahead of the crown.That was so good.She was so determined.She new she was in a race and there is a reward (GOLD MEDAL) for just one and she wanted to be.So what's the problem with that!!! AFRICANS!!! We need the renewal of mind.Lets rejoice with those who rejoice.... We shall see....... 3922. Posted by rock_ g Thu Aug 20 9:25am EDT if you want to be called african american go to africa if you are a american be an american blacks think just becausae a white does not agree with them then we are being raceist get the blanky blank over it if you if you are black and dont like it start your on country and do what ever but get over it 3921. Posted by David D Thu Aug 20 9:25am EDT Its easy, with your fingers together, palm pressed flat on a table, examine the length of the ring finger. Mens ring fingers are ALWAYS longer than their index fingers, womens ring fingers are shorter. This is scientific fact and one that would not be altered by hormones, surgery or any other illusion. Try it. As for the black/white issue, I dont think Ive ever seen so many ignorant posts from blacks and whites in my life, the race issue keeps going because people on both sides wont let it go away. 3920. Posted by phil Thu Aug 20 9:25am EDT about the racist who said its all because she is black wow if i had a dollar for every time a American African says that id a been rich when i was a teen sorry i think thats racist what we cant say anything about black people cause they pull the race card EVERYTIME IS RIDICULOUS. AND IM TIRED OF HEARING HOW RACIST WE ARE ITS PATHETIC LOOK IN the mirror 3919. Posted by buzzweisergirl06 Thu Aug 20 9:25am EDT This is a man. It is unfair that all of these athletes from other countries think they can falsify their age, gender and all of these other things just to get ahead. It happens all the time. I dont feel sorry for the SHIM. 3918. Posted by christinek Thu Aug 20 9:25am EDT Well, if you folks think there ahould be no gender, then lets get some of these babes in the heavy-weight boxing ring together? This stuff is utterly ridiculous, trying to say there is no difference, so what's the fuss over......PLEASE! There would be absolutely no living beings on this planet if there were no ovaries-sperm....they are there for a reason! Cutting off genetaila does not change one thing. If the runner is a dude...he loses, period! If the runner doesn't like the press, then stay out of the media's focus, very easy. 3917. Posted by nanettegriffin@... Thu Aug 20 9:25am EDT To those who always making racial comments about african americans maybe you should take a look back at your ancestors. Then you should take a look at the history of african americans we have contributed a lot to this country and also invented half of the things you are using in your everyday life.Do your homework you may learn something about african americans. Then maybe you won't be so ignorant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3916. Posted by MEAT Thu Aug 20 9:24am EDT the ugly side of hgh. 3915. Posted by Rebecca Thu Aug 20 9:24am EDT people jst need to worry about their own bussiness..girls can do jst as much as anybody else and she proves tht right! 3914. Posted by magnido45 Thu Aug 20 9:24am EDT it's easy guys...just check the for the adam's apple...duh! 3913. Posted by Mike Thu Aug 20 9:24am EDT OMG, how stupid is this, do they test male gymnist if they are more flexible than the next guy? NO, so why even concern themselves with this. There is always someone that has to complicate someone elses life. People need to start worrying more about themselves than others. 3912. Posted by rakeimawatson Thu Aug 20 9:24am EDT SORE LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!She is a woman and she is going to rip the track to bits and pieces when she wins again. This is why america suffers the way it does because of the injustice lies and greed. They cannot win everything she is better than the best yall have!! Give the lady the credit she deserves she has trained herelf to be better. Haters 3911. Posted by yucantangom Thu Aug 20 9:23am EDT I think she is attractive. However, she is very muscular. I 3910. Posted by kelp Thu Aug 20 9:23am EDT The thing is if you allow men to become women and compete in womens athletics,you drive legitimate women out of sports because of the unfair advantage. There have been cases of this in the past. Just like steroids give athletes an unfair advantage so would a man desguised as a woman. Even with a sex change a man has an unfair advantage. Does anybody remember Dr. Rene Richards? He would have never been good enough to compete in mens professional tennis,but was allowed to compete in womens tennis and did alright. Maybe trans-sexuals should have their own division to compete in. 3909. Posted by jzeis Thu Aug 20 9:23am EDT Who said this had anything to do with race??? They can't tell if she's a male or female, pure and simple. 3908. Posted by benjamin c Thu Aug 20 9:23am EDT first off i wanna say to tha young lady, if you read this hold ur head up and run ur ass off f the ppl trying to down u.... and one other thing.... 3873. Posted by icunvnme Thu Aug 20 9:08am EDT Report Abuse We all know she is a woman!!!! Once again a BLACK WOMEN WON another Tittle and yall the white folks are mad!!!!!GET OVER IT!!!! LIVE IT AND BREATH IT! She is a girl who can run her BUTT off!! You go girl! TO ALL THE HATERS LET ME REMIND YOU..............OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA:) since u want to make this a race thing let me remind u.... OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA is not all black.... keep that in mind when u want to use his name in vain to suite ur needs.... 3907. Posted by Scott M Thu Aug 20 9:23am EDT Why is everyone turning this into a racist issue??? That's completely ridiculous. Is testing Lance Armstrong for performance enhancing drugs a racial issue too. NO!!! And that's why us crackers didn't bring it up. I hate all the race card playing. Get the F-ck over it already. And matthew.....#3882....."Sosa, Bonds, Piazza, Clemens, Reggie Sanders, Big Frank Thomas. Why are they not on a team? The owners black-balled them." They're not on a team because they're all old. What the he!! are you talking about??? 3906. Posted by bobmanlee@... Thu Aug 20 9:23am EDT well, its as simple as this, make her drop "her" pants. Even w/ medical break throughs to this day, you cant fake that. 3905. Posted by Josh Thu Aug 20 9:23am EDT these raises a great issue…. what should be done to those athletics who under go sex change, but still wants to participate in male in female activity. our society has been sit up only for male in female sports. Now the gay community which is more out-spoken in this generation wants equal right for everything… how would it be equal for a man who take hormone pill to compete with other men or women who take the testosterone pills…. personally I don‘t agree with it. how would that be equal? 3904. Posted by Donald Thu Aug 20 9:23am EDT What on earth are you people smoking? Step away from the crack pipe. A vagina does not make someone a woman anymore than a college degree makes somebody smart. It is very possible for a man to have a vagina and for a woman to have a penis. It is well-documented in the medical community, occurring naturally and also by surgery. A DNA-chromosomal analysis is needed to determine gender. Geez, some of the posts here make me ashamed to be human. 3903. Posted by TIP Thu Aug 20 9:23am EDT She is a good athlete and some people do not know how to lose a good race without pointing the finger out of jealousy and hatred. Grow up and learn how to handle it because it is not going to be your first not even your last time to lose. One day someone will come along and beat her so suck it up and deal with it.. 3902. Posted by Jim R Thu Aug 20 9:23am EDT some of you out there are too stupid for words... "if she says she's a woman let her race as one and that's it..." how dumb! So if someone SAYS they are something we just accept that and dont verify? I have a racing horse I'd like to enter into the next olympics then, er - I mean my son who likes to eat hay and runs on all fours... we dont need to test him, just take my word on it... idiots. I could care less what this athlete LOOKS like, find out what they are MADE of. Check the chromosomes, check the hormone levels and be done with it. If she is a female, GREAT JOB! You are an amazing female athlete. If they are something other than female (male, AIS, or one of the other gender non-specific conditions that do exist in the world) then they CANNOT race as a woman. Period. 3901. Posted by ashleee Thu Aug 20 9:22am EDT "concerns she does not meet the requirements to compete as a woman" ??????? excuse me if im wrong but i assume she is undoubtedly a female if she has a vagina? what are these tests? it's penis or vagina... 3900. Posted by tiffanyo Thu Aug 20 9:22am EDT Why are people commenting on the president what does he have to do with this story??? 3899. Posted by v Thu Aug 20 9:22am EDT Not sure why such a big fuss over such a news item. Girl blasts away field of runners. Obviously competitor(s) are suspicious. It is just human nature, especially, if the winner even remotely looks like a man. The demand for a gender check would then be legitimate. It is the same as a drug test. If she passes it, everybody wins. If she fails, well, s(he) would deserve it. Why should one wait until results? Well, would anybody care if she lost? That said, human beings are born with a variety of mutations - you would be surprised! What the sports body needs to do is to decide what qualifies for a woman, publish it and test everybody before accepting entries, to be fair to all. Everybody else can compete in the 'General category'. Now, what I have a beef with is, with all this talk about equality, why is that women athletes are required to work less for the same money? I am talking about our tennis players. This is probably the only glaring thing out there. Everywhere else women and men should get paid the same allowing for popularity of the sports, revenue, etc. I suppose. However in tennis, they do get the same prize money and this is as it should be, but women are required to play only a best of 3 whereas men are required to play a best of 5, especially in the main four tournaments. I have never understood this. Men, Women, equal pay. Equal pay, equal work! Cheers Vinny 3898. Posted by D. Thu Aug 20 9:22am EDT It is not just her physical appearence. Her voice is incredibly deep. She really does seem male. 3897. Posted by kentie Thu Aug 20 9:22am EDT kip it up sister semenya i'll alwayz support you, don't be discouraged by this useless gender issue continue doing wat u gud at. not all pple enjoy when someone perfoms well in this case i'v got no doubt this is a woman my brother will marry her soon just watch the space he he he 3896. Posted by kentie Thu Aug 20 9:22am EDT kip it up sister semenya i'll alwayz support you, don't be discouraged by this useless gender issue continue doing wat u gud at. not all pple enjoy when someone perfoms well in this case i'v got no doubt this is a woman my brother will marry her soon just watch the space he he he 3895. Posted by lemont_38@... Thu Aug 20 9:22am EDT The world so messed up. They're always focusing on stuff that's not important. I think the problem is that she beat some of the best so they had to find a reason to bring her down. 3894. Posted by nanettegriffin@... Thu Aug 20 9:22am EDT To those who always making racial comments about african americans maybe you should take a look back at your ancestors. Then you should take a look at the history of african americans we have contributed a lot to this country and also invented half of the things you are using in your everyday life.Do your homework you may learn something about african americans. Then maybe you won't be so ignorant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3893. Posted by mizzbball Thu Aug 20 9:21am EDT Some of this stuff you all are saying is ridiculous. Just because she won the race by a margin doesn't mean she is a man. Athletes work on their bodies constantly and become muscular. They deserve to not be critized or have speculation of what gender they are after they blew a person out. Get the gold you deserve. And to another poster... not all female athletes look like males. Alot of them are very pretty. So just because their boobs are'nt as big as some other girl who doesn't play sports doesn't mean they are a man. 3892. Posted by romegeorgia30165 Thu Aug 20 9:21am EDT Why has it always got to come down to racism with some people, I guess this is the only way some people can get what they want by say it is nothing more than racism, I would have thought by now with the President we have that it would help people change the way they see things in the U.S.A but i guess it will never change for some untill they are sitting on the butss doing nothing and having someone do everything for them, I can say this to any person out there that can not get over the racism deal not matter where you are from or the color of your Skin you do know that you do not have to stay in this country because there is a lot of other places in this world for you to go see how you would like it there, Maybe this runnuer gave them a reason to think she is not of the Female Gender and now they think maybe at one time she could have ben a Man and just maybe they need to check to see that this person has never had a sex change or maybe this person has the male Gene and if so then she could not perform as a woman in the event and maybe there is other reason we do not know about that has not ben let out to the public but come on people get over it every time someone does somthing to a person and all you have to fall back on is - racism I say this let them run there test and then we will all know and if they are wrong then they will have to deal with it. 3891. Posted by Josh Thu Aug 20 9:21am EDT these raises a great issue…. what should be done to those athletics who under go sex change, but still wants to participate in male in female activity. our society has been sit up only for male in female sports. Now the gay community which is more out-spoken in this generation wants equal right for everything… how would it be equal for a man who take hormone pill to compete with other men or women who take the testosterone pills…. personally I don‘t agree with it. how would that be equal? 3890. Posted by Matthew Thu Aug 20 9:21am EDT I also disagree w the people making racist remarks, I'm white , and if you call africans or an african american names, it just makes you look uneducated and dumb 3889. Posted by tiffanyo Thu Aug 20 9:21am EDT Why does everything have to always be about race? I think it is embarrassing to have to prove your gender regardless of what ethnicity you are. 3888. Posted by G.B. Thu Aug 20 9:21am EDT Some people amaze me....A lot of thought process didnt go into some of these comments...But what kills me is the fact that most if not all of the racist remarks on both sides don't come with a picture. Whats the matter? Don't want anyone to see who is actually saying these horrendous things towards race? There is only once race...the Human Race...People get with the program and stop showing your ignorace! And let the young lady who is obviously really mature for age get on with running her race...Some people mature fast and some do not...Lebron James was a very mature 18 yr old. Because her physical appearance is very muscular doesnt mean that she has to be a man....Maybe she has a gift to be so mature................Stop hiding your faces! cowards! 3887. Posted by Dennis Thu Aug 20 9:21am EDT 2 weeks to get back a gender test? Is this a joke? why cant the girl just show her goods and be done with it 3886. Posted by The Assassin Thu Aug 20 9:20am EDT hey incunvnme...why is it that black people always think they are above the law or any rules when they can possibly inject race into the issue? It's you who are the racist!!!! Admit it you racist! Get an education will you! If the runner was white, you'd be so happy they were testing her or him for that matter. If this "person"? is cheating, then they must pay the price...wheter they are black or white. Once again, you are a racist black pig who hates white people. 3885. Posted by lee b g Thu Aug 20 9:20am EDT Neisha go to school. Please! 3884. Posted by blackbsh1@... Thu Aug 20 9:20am EDT maybe she's simply a gay teenager...they strive to look like that....either way, God bless that human... 3883. Posted by Burt Milhorse E Thu Aug 20 9:20am EDT Caster?! 3882. Posted by Mud Thu Aug 20 9:20am EDT I see an Aerosmith song in her future: "Lady looks like a dude" :-Þ 3881. Posted by phil Thu Aug 20 9:20am EDT sorry but no not all females that are athletes look like men wrong wrong wrong listen we want to keep the boys in the boys bathroom and the girls in the girls bathroom thats all is that not fair should you say im gonna be a man or women this year bll 3880. Posted by jesse g Thu Aug 20 9:20am EDT when the man comes around.................... 3879. Posted by BradenH Thu Aug 20 9:19am EDT Race has nothing to do with it. And everyone that thinks race is the issue here is guilty of reverse racism. Lets look at the statistics. Who does Affirmitive Action help? There is a United Negro College Fund. Why isnt there a white boy college fund? BET network is prevalent. White man's network doesn't exist. Jet magazine is for people of color. If there was a syndicated white periodical it would be shut down as racist. I'm sick of paying for what i never participated in (slavery). Do you folks think Africans are the only people to ever be enslaved? Jews, Gypsies, Norwegians, Asians of all cultures enslaved other Asians. THATS HOW THE WORLD WORKED BACK THEN!!!! YOu may be pissed off at white people for owning slaves, but why aren't you pissed off at the tribal warfare conducted by native Africans that sold other Africans into slavery? You may have a chip on your shoulder, out one on the other shoulder so you at least balance out! 3878. Posted by mizzbball Thu Aug 20 9:19am EDT Some of this stuff you all are saying is ridiculous. Just because she won the race by a margin doesn't mean she is a man. Athletes work on their bodies constantly and become muscular. They deserve to not be critized or have speculation of what gender they are after they blew a person out. Get the gold you deserve. And to another poster... not all female athletes look like males. Alot of them are very pretty. So just because their boobs are'nt as big as some other girl who doesn't play sports doesn't mean they are a man. 3877. Posted by Bonnie Thu Aug 20 9:19am EDT dang thats messed up! it aint hard to do a gender test! lol and im sure she has a cycle! i know its hard to know that people actually think your a mna! and she is only 18. i think these people should back off! and let this girl do what she does best and thats run. 3876. Posted by deezdz03 Thu Aug 20 9:19am EDT wow this is funny 3875. Posted by Entropy Thu Aug 20 9:19am EDT Heck, they need to check Venus and Serena Williams too! Talk about manly women! 3874. Posted by CHARLES P Thu Aug 20 9:19am EDT I read a bunch of these posts and you have a bunch of people who think that whitey is picking on this girl(maybe) or its just people who don't understand that just because you declare yourself a girl, then it is so. That's not how it works. You either are or you aren't, chemistry/biology 101. You all are feeling sorry for this person, what about the 10 or so FEMALES she blew away in this race, don't they deserve to know that they TRULY were smashed by a Female and not somebody posing as a female. That is what the drug and gender testing is for. It is to be sure that the competitors on an EQUAL playing ground! It's not a Black/White Haters question! God is Great, Beer is good, PEOPLE are crazy. 3873. Posted by Stefan H Thu Aug 20 9:19am EDT The IAAF should be ashamed for the recent controversy over Caster Semenya's impressive run. First, the publicity surrounding the issue, that could be nothing short of mortifying for the family and athlete herself, should be grounds enough for someone at this agency to be severely reprimanded. This "gender test" could have been performed without the whole world having to know about it. Second, the idea of it being called a "gender test" is ridiculous, to say the least. Gender refers to someone's perception of being of a certain sex. Obviously this is not the concern of this test, as its first implication is doubt of the parents and trainers who entered a female in the race and of the athlete herself who identifies as a female; Semenya and her team's assessment of her gender is obviously irrelevant in the face of the know-it-all medical authority. The IAAF has no justification for a gender test, not even a sex test for that matter. If a male athlete turned out to have female gonads, chromosomes, secondary characteristics, or a mix, this body would not even have bothered, so there is an issue of (gender and sex) discrimination here, too, as males are not subject to this test. The assumption appears to be that competition amongst males is competition amongst the best, the toughest, the fittest, so that any person competing against males and outperforming them cannot be subject to a gender test -- there is no third superior gender/sex to doubt performance is appropriate in the category of male, as is the case amongst the supposed weaker competition, females. Furthermore, this young adult's time is not even the fastest ever amongst females, but because of a "dramatic" improvement over her own personal best, and over her peers at this moment in time, she is being singled out for gender testing. In fact, compared to male competitors, her performance is not even remarkable; however, there is now an insinuation with this gender test that Semenya may be better suited competing against males. This is similar to Jamaican Bolt's performance that was diminished and denigrated with repeated claims and doubts concerning doping during the Olympics, only more sinister in the case of Semenya because at least no one doubted, or even raised as an issue, his sex or gender. The IAAF has been everything but professional in this matter. Their handling of the case has been absolutely appalling and their justification for their actions has only revealed a discriminatory policy pretending to promote fairness in competition with a veneer of medico-scientific authority. This is not a fairness issue, this is a witch hunt. It is time the IAAF reconsidered its policy on testing. Sincerely, M.A. 3872. Posted by foo Thu Aug 20 9:18am EDT Just went through an entire photo gallery.. um between the adams apple and the hair I would question why a normal person wouldnt think it is a man... This isnt a race thing this a fairness in competition thing, some man shouldn't be allowed to compete with women.. All I have to say is immediately in this country when something comes into question everyone wants to just jump on the race issue and really race relations would be better if everytime something was called into question, race wouldn't be used as the primary argument. Grow up this person looks like a man, and I don't blame any other actual female competitor who would question it... I would. 3871. Posted by mizzbball Thu Aug 20 9:18am EDT Some of this stuff you all are saying is ridiculous. Just because she won the race by a margin doesn't mean she is a man. Athletes work on their bodies constantly and become muscular. They deserve to not be critized or have speculation of what gender they are after they blew a person out. Get the gold you deserve. And to another poster... not all female athletes look like males. Alot of them are very pretty. So just because their boobs are'nt as big as some other girl who doesn't play sports doesn't mean they are a man. 3870. Posted by nestor n Thu Aug 20 9:18am EDT Let's not be ignorant to this. She has strong features. I think the association should have completed whatever test they needed to confirm that she was a female, before she started this competition. It wold have saved some embarrassment to both parties. 3869. Posted by Matthew Thu Aug 20 9:18am EDT yep, i think we are all a little bored. She does favor Kobe Bryant , he does have time off right now, i'm just saying 3868. Posted by dave Thu Aug 20 9:17am EDT Would this ever have come up if she hadn't of won!!!!! 3867. Posted by claystrickland@... Thu Aug 20 9:17am EDT to the lady who said all the white people are mad because a black woman won , get over yourself. noone cares about her being black, it seems your just another black woman who likes to play the race card whenever they can and it gets old. just to let you know before you say anything i am black also so you cant say i am a angry white man, lol. oh and your end post about obama obama obama, lets get this straight the white half of him got elected, not the black half lol and he better enjoy it because this will be his only term, he showed his true colors with his comments about the racial arrest at harvard, we all knew it would happen but damn not so fast 3866. Posted by jamiebell50 Thu Aug 20 9:17am EDT how sad..........had she not won, no one would have given it a second thought!!! now there's going to be controversy over something as ridiculous as this?!?!?!?!? 3865. Posted by Mallick M Thu Aug 20 9:17am EDT Why is the complaint filed now that she has emerged the victor? Its not fair considering she passed the registration process and proceeded to the tracks without anyone complaining. Why now? This is unfair and segregation at its worst. What sort of tests by the way ... checking her panties? This is degrading ... don't you think so? 3864. Posted by Karen H Thu Aug 20 9:17am EDT With this highly competitive field of competition, it is imperative that this competitor's gender be verified. It would be an unfair advantage if this person was anything but a normal, functioning female. 3863. Posted by Scott M Thu Aug 20 9:17am EDT enoch a....#3871..."are those saying those nasty things about the lady trying to tell me that she does not have a virgiana?" What the he!! is a virgiana???? Is it within or against the rules to have one of those? Are you referring to a vagina??? If so, I hope you're not a woman. Otherwise, I'm very suspicious of you. 3862. Posted by Katie C Thu Aug 20 9:17am EDT Neishaw - go back to school and learn to spell correctly! 3861. Posted by nunya Thu Aug 20 9:17am EDT Racism will all ways exist as long as there are balck people. They want it to exist. They use it as a crutch. It`s so much easier to blame a white guy than take responsibility for your own actions. It`s a booming business, even in this economy. Some even make a career out of it. Where would Sharpton and Jackson be if they had to admit a black person has the same chance to succeed or fail as a white one. Nowhere is this more apparent than online. There`s not a forum or comment page on the net that has anything to do with a black person, where the same doesn`t weigh in screaming racism. Usually just out of the blue. White people dont even have to mention race. When officials want to make sure this person is female, it`s in the interest of fair competition, it`s not racism. When people express outrage that Mike Vic got picked up by Philadelphia, it`s because he`s a disturbed individual. Not racism. When I call you a stupid @#$%, that`s racism. 3860. Posted by phil Thu Aug 20 9:17am EDT the good old fashion mick dundee wouldnt work know they chop and fold inside out or the opposite its gonna be impossible soon ,its truly sick and twisted ! 3859. Posted by mtoba Thu Aug 20 9:17am EDT Nothing to prove, she is our young girl, proudly South African. Why her? Why now? 3858. Posted by Jules Thu Aug 20 9:16am EDT Hairy legs......hairy armpits.......no breasts.......visible package underneath the shorts where there shouldn't be a package.........Long shorts instead of the bikini.........thick tank top instead of tiny strap one........facial bone structure indicative of a man..........arms built like a man........C'mon, everything about "her" from her clothing to her bones and muscle looks like a man. Why is "she" the only one not wearing a bikini bottom??? Why does "she" have an area between her legs that bulges out in ALL of the pictures? MAN MAN MAN 3857. Posted by buthelezi.minenhle Thu Aug 20 9:16am EDT lets just wait for the results because talking or nor talking abt it wont make any difference n pls stop associating everything with racism even if its not.let the results speek on our behalf dear peeps 3856. Posted by Angela S Thu Aug 20 9:16am EDT How Ironic is that many people are too scared to recognize the one fundemental thing that makes this wold turn..... PEOPLE COME IN ALL SIZES, SHAPES AND COLORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was once said in the lyrics of a song, "peolpe are people, so why should it be, that you and I should get along so awfully" There are plenty of extreme cases where people fall outside of what someone else thinks is good or normal. What about "The Little People?" Are they not ADULTS because they are vertically challenged? Or the Vikings... Were they not whom they claim, because they were larger than most? Nor Asains because they are generaly small framed?!!???!!! Come on people....... 3855. Posted by Todd Thu Aug 20 9:16am EDT Doesnt help that her last name contains the word Semen does it. 3854. Posted by NeishaW Thu Aug 20 9:16am EDT people r just jealous of the fact that she won n beat evrbdy else, thats why they are tryna start hell.bcuz i can gaurntee if she did not win they wundt have been doin wat they are doin rte now.most female atthlets do tend to look masculne,i kno myself bcuz i am a gymnast nd ppl always say dat i am very built.i evn usta get pikd on n kald a man or kids wud tell me dat im on steroids wen dat waznt da case,i was just very built and tone bcuz i work out a lot as for any otha athlette. 3853. Posted by peter Thu Aug 20 9:16am EDT Anybody see the arm pit hair in the photos? Man or Woman? 3852. Posted by GO Thu Aug 20 9:16am EDT The only Race that's being tested here is the 800 metre Race. If there's nothing to hide, then let the cards fall where they may. Take the blood test, (it's done all the time for drugs anyway), and get the results and if there's nothing wrong -we all move on. I'm more worried about the fact that 90% of the responses and opinions written here are impossible to interpret. A lot of people need to go back to school, never mind the sports. 3851. Posted by Hollyhock Thu Aug 20 9:15am EDT So here we go again, charges of racism and hating, charges by the Black writers, always maintaining that race card. Well comment 3857 speaks volumes. As long as the Black comments continue to charge racism, regardless of the topic, racism will exist and it is prolonged by the Black Americans. If the rules of the game need to be changed, that is a totally different topic. At this point, they are trying to determine if a guy has won a woman's game. You should focus on that. I swear but since our half-white president got elected, no one can have any opinion on any topic without being accused of racism. You need to get over that crap and look at some real issues. Zane, what did you write? how about making your comment a little logical to read. A different issue but prevelant in these posts. 3850. Posted by mizzbball Thu Aug 20 9:15am EDT Some of this stuff you all are saying is ridiculous. Just because she won the race by a margin doesn't mean she is a man. Athletes work on their bodies constantly and become muscular. They deserve to not be critized or have speculation of what gender they are after they blew a person out. Get the gold you deserve. And to another poster... not all female athletes look like males. Alot of them are very pretty. So just because their boobs are'nt as big as some other girl who doesn't play sports doesn't mean they are a man. 3849. Posted by Chris Thu Aug 20 9:15am EDT 3802 - if she were a white woman? Race has nothing to do with it but there will always be those blacks who scream discrimination whenever a black person is questioned. Geez did you have the common sense to see who finished second? She is from Kenya. When you want to see a racist - look in the mirror. 3848. Posted by gravamen83 Thu Aug 20 9:15am EDT The first mention of testing her/him was at the first semifinal heat, well before the actual race was ran. Granted it will take longer to get results because with todays medical advances "Show us your genitals" cannot suffice anylonger. Yes this is an insult to her, however it is almost required because in every country there is always someone trying to cheat the system in one way or another. I honestly dont know if Semenya is female or male. I wish it could have stayed quiet and been done without the media knowing about it, but since when does the media not jump on anything?? The more embarrassing and private the more the media loves it. But to be certain there was a request for a gender test BEFORE she won the race, even when she got hurt during one of the semifinal heats. 3847. Posted by Joe R Thu Aug 20 9:15am EDT Get used to it, Whites have been getting over on Black people for centuries. Don't you think it's time for Black people to get even? 3846. Posted by NeishaW Thu Aug 20 9:15am EDT people r just jealous of the fact that she won n beat evrbdy else, thats why they are tryna start hell.bcuz i can gaurntee if she did not win they wundt have been doin wat they are doin rte now.most female atthlets do tend to look masculne,i kno myself bcuz i am a gymnast nd ppl always say dat i am very built.i evn usta get pikd on n kald a man or kids wud tell me dat im on steroids wen dat waznt da case,i was just very built and tone bcuz i work out a lot as for any otha athlette. 3845. Posted by Laura C Thu Aug 20 9:15am EDT This world is so sad, who the hell cares? She is a great athlete, why is it that people who loose alway have to find a reason to bring down those who defeat them? Just makes them bigger loosers! 3844. Posted by pinkettpanther Thu Aug 20 9:15am EDT the question remains,is she really a woman? 3843. Posted by MatthewB Thu Aug 20 9:15am EDT To all the morons, barack obama isn't even black. you @#$% idiots. he's mixed race, not from africa and is indonesian. he isn't black. michelle obama is black, yes, so you do have a black woman as the first lady but barack is not a black man. 3842. Posted by Stacie J Thu Aug 20 9:14am EDT I am so sick of black people saying all you white haters. I am white I do not hate black people and I am so sick of black people assuming ALL white people dont want black people to prosper and succeed. It ticks me off. I hope they leave this poor woman alone too and I am WHITE! 3841. Posted by Abuchi Thu Aug 20 9:14am EDT To be honest if this westerns are try to corrupt the whole world ,God will never give a power to a bald heads they will crusify the dread only time wil tell,,such things never happen in Africa ,if it does some body brings it inn,., miss Caster beware of hungry liesbians... 3840. Posted by Thomas Thu Aug 20 9:14am EDT she's a dude!! look at that body . . . 3839. Posted by Tiffany Thu Aug 20 9:14am EDT Of course she is going to look somewhat of a man she runs track for god sake!! they lift weights, work out and eat healthy to keep fat off of them. if a girl doesn't have any fat on them what do they look like? unless their face still looks girly!!! after they become muscle and skin..............haters haters their everywhere you go i guess 3838. Posted by nanettegriffin@... Thu Aug 20 9:14am EDT To those who always making racial comments about african americans maybe you should take a look back at your ancestors. Then you should take a look at the history of african americans we have contributed a lot to this country and also invented half of the things you are using in your everyday life.Do your homework you may learn something about african americans. Then maybe you won't be so ignorant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3837. Posted by momsgardenhouse Thu Aug 20 9:14am EDT This is just plain sad. After looking through all of the pictures that were taken it is hard to imagine that her gender would be questioned. There are a couple of other girls as well that in some photos do not look quite so feminine. So what!!! Caster is an amazing athlete and I hope that all who have questioned this young lady apologize. And race? What the heck. Some people. 3836. Posted by chee Thu Aug 20 9:14am EDT I think that this is a very embarrassing thing for her and her family. Think how you would feel if someone accused you of being the sex that you were not born. Sad, sad, sad, when they find out that she is a woman I hope that they make a even bigger deal about how they were wrong to accuse this woman of being born a man. They should apologize to her and her family! That's the humanity thing to do at least. 3835. Posted by elizabethkyomugisha Thu Aug 20 9:14am EDT Cowards! It is disgusting to claim one is a man after winning. Well, IAAF should expect more men-looking-like women in the coming years from Africa. For that matter we should ban homosexuals, particularly those who act as 'women' from participating in sports since they are not 'real men'. 3834. Posted by Renee Thu Aug 20 9:14am EDT Regarding to Post 3896, I think your comment is great!!! 3833. Posted by LegalWordWarrior Thu Aug 20 9:13am EDT Lady Plush - the issue is whether or not she is actually a woman based on genetic testing. If she is a woman who has male chromozomes, then there is an issue of whether or not she can race as a woman. Think about it, most males are superior athletes to women. They are bigger, stronger and faster. If the runner actually has male genes, then that runner should be competing with men, not women. No one is taking away that this is an outstanding athlete, but if you were a woman, would you want to compete with someone who actually had a genetic edge over you? 3832. Posted by justmeandafoghorn Thu Aug 20 9:13am EDT Tranny tranny tranny, I call TRANNY! Seriously tho, People in the comment section are so freakin retarded. 3831. Posted by jayjay Thu Aug 20 9:13am EDT OK, why did these people waste ANY amount of time on testing. Common sense and good eye sight tells us the truth. Looking at this man and trying to confirm he is a woman is like looking at a tree and trying to confirm it is a dog. COME ON NOW. Stop this foolishness. And then his father....WOW. Pull this man from this race and give the trophy to a real woman. This is so not fair. 3830. Posted by Katie C Thu Aug 20 9:13am EDT tarnonee- What a rasist thing to say. That is so NOT true.. I can think of many sports where white people are better, I can also think of many sports that black people are better at, and latino and asian.. so give it a rest. Color does not define a person. It is mearly a part of a person. 3829. Posted by Bwala Thu Aug 20 9:13am EDT It is unfortunate that anything that a black people will do is always bad. That is why people in the far east country are now eating black people. The small girl just win a race then it becomes problem. While she failed it would have not be a topic. Assume she is a white people nobody will talk about it. For the authority who want to test please becareful as God Almighty is watching your busy mind and all will be put in shame. In the first place why did you allow the competition to take place if you dont want any black person to participate. Let we the black organise our own black race and the so called white hair peolpe who has seen nothing good in us do theirs alone. Black must unite and fight this ugly situation now 3828. Posted by Kenneth Thu Aug 20 9:13am EDT I don't have time to read almost 4000 comments. Hey guys and gals, I am a whitey, so ok, this has nothing to do with it in MY book. But some of you do say it is a "race" issue, and maybe it is. Hey, it's a race issue all right, about race, and about a race. Play on words. The poor gal run a race and she won a race. Seems by now that if there was a question about her sex, shouldn't have anything to do with hormones at all, or any other issue except one and some people should have figured it out by now. Come on now, don't tell me no one has looked at her plumbing. In my eyes, and to my understanding, and to God's, if she has the plumbing, she is a girl. This is stupid. Why ddn't this article address the plumbing isse? Are they afraid? Additionally, because of the jungle environment and all, blacks in that part of the world, including their women, have tremendous physical stamina. They have to be good runners for all sorts of reasons, including trying to escape from wild animals, if not from the men! LOL... Should we be jealous because this woman is endowed with such physical strength and stamina, accompanied by unrelentless speed? I say, more power to her!, and for her to go out and do it again! 3827. Posted by David Brewer Thu Aug 20 9:13am EDT Sometines its hard for athletes to admit that they have just been beaten. But I think it real shallow to question this girls gender just because she blew past everyone. Her father should know and I cant believe he would allow her to be humiliated before all the world if she weren't. Hang in there Caster and win, win win. 3826. Posted by Guapo Thu Aug 20 9:13am EDT Dude looks a lady 3825. Posted by mr.beattie Thu Aug 20 9:13am EDT I wonder if they will test all the dudes who didn't beat Bolt to see with they aren't really women. 3824. Posted by MatthewB Thu Aug 20 9:12am EDT If she/he has testicles then she could have an advantage in testosterone levels over her/his fellow competitors. And that should be investigated whether or not she/he was raised as a girl or thought of as a girl. 3823. Posted by tebogom7 Thu Aug 20 9:12am EDT Personaly i say go on to the gym, GAL...... pick up more weights, grow sum more muscles, GO ON AND COMPETE WIT E'M guys if you wish...... let e'm talk sum more and more , its cheap after all..... 3822. Posted by J Thu Aug 20 9:12am EDT Bosso yours and Lisa's comments have to be the dumbest I have read so far. An athlete doesn't get their talent because of their race. I never heard of any criminal charges being brought up against Michael Phelps a pictured surfaced of him smoking week, not even close enough to charge someone. Plus smoking weed is a misdemeanor and in order for him to be charge he would have had to be caught with weed or smoked it in the presence of a police officer. Get off this race card thing already and people wonder why racism doesn't die because it is kept a live by ignorant people. Obviously there is something that has brought about the question of this athletes gender and I doubt it has anything to do with her race. 3821. Posted by irfan M Thu Aug 20 9:12am EDT this is a black / white race issue why dont they get gender test of Williams sisters? 3820. Posted by Joseph Thu Aug 20 9:12am EDT They should just give 'er the good ol' "Mick Dundee" and be done with it. 3819. Posted by Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. Thu Aug 20 9:11am EDT I'm not too sure why so many people seem to think it's wrong that she's getting tested. There were probably 30 million people out there that thought she was a man, if she has nothing to hide then what's the big deal? 3818. Posted by dj1pac@... Thu Aug 20 9:11am EDT They are haters. This is like, the second time I heard they did that. If they had doubts of her gender, why didn't they do the test before the race. Like the other guy who was a runner, lost his legs, got legs made for him to race again, and after he won they disqualified him because he had an unfair advantage, "THE PERSON WITH NO LEGS". But what I'm trying to say is why do they wait until someone starts winning to try and pull them down. Do your test before the race, so stupid stuff like that won't happen. Who in their right mind would do a sex change just to compete and even if she did a sex change legally she's a woman so either way they're wrong. 3817. Posted by Jasmine C Thu Aug 20 9:10am EDT Are you serious???? That's so horrible to make public. Let her be. 3816. Posted by Caramel Thu Aug 20 9:10am EDT Um, she does look like a dude and even her body shape and facial features are that of a man. I have seen female track runners, hell I use to run myself who LOOK LIKE WOMEN (RIP, Flo Jo) and even if they were hideous in the face their BODIES still had some symbolance of being female. THAT DUDE AINT NO WOMAN! 3815. Posted by pyeman1963 Thu Aug 20 9:10am EDT why is it that people are seeing this as a racist thing. i applaud the governing track body for testing "her" (if it really is female). If this is really a man, how terrible would it be then. And maincoon kitty, men and women are not equal physically. Sorry to burst your bubble on that, but it is a fact of nature that men and women are not the same. Some women are more masculine and athletic, but they are not equal. 3814. Posted by kathy Thu Aug 20 9:10am EDT who cares are ya all bored? 3813. Posted by alexmonkeyluva Thu Aug 20 9:10am EDT I think just because she won people are doing this.Of course girls can be stronger than guys AND be better at some sports.And i agree if she would have lost this wouldnt be happening. 3812. Posted by ronsrunning Thu Aug 20 9:10am EDT @3844, apparently 3707 disagrees with you (and me) which is why he posted that men and women should compete against each other, lol. 3811. Posted by Mike L Thu Aug 20 9:10am EDT Hey....here's an idea...why don't we get rolanda1973 to look between her legs. If she starts drooling "it's" a female. If she cries with disappointment.......well, it's a DUDE. 3810. Posted by jenn007lab Thu Aug 20 9:10am EDT There's a real reason they want to know, there are several genetic conditions that could make it difficult to tell the gender and if this person falls into the male catagory as far as testosterone levels and muscle development go , then this person should compete as a man . All you female athletes out there, would you want to compete in any track and field events against a male professional athlete? and if you do would you complain if they beat you? That is the real problem, NOTHING about RACE or Any of the childish BS iI have heard thus far. 3809. Posted by eparkerwhite Thu Aug 20 9:10am EDT It's just racin' 3808. Posted by jason7of9 Thu Aug 20 9:10am EDT its a dude, or the manliest chick ever? 3807. Posted by WyoMonkey Thu Aug 20 9:10am EDT Umm...has this person not had a physical or pelvic exam? I mean, really, I had to "drop my pants" and turn my head and cough to play high school football, so if there is any question about her gender, have it verified by a physician. 3806. Posted by Matthew Thu Aug 20 9:09am EDT im white, im not at all jealous of anyone, iIF she looks too much like a man, let a woman judge walk her in a bathroom and look at her vagina. problem solved. i dont care either way. I think Venus and Serena should also be checked., just kidding. I'm as white as can be and my favorite baseball player is Sammy Sosa, football is Deion Sanders, basketball is Michael Jordan. I love black and white people, you should be able to do a panty check every now and then if it looks too much like a dude. Sammy Sosa is the best and got black-balled out of the league, why does no one ever bring it up, Sosa, Bonds, Piazza, Clemens, Reggie Sanders, Big Frank Thomas. Why are they not on a team? The owners black-balled them. If I made a team of all the players that arent allowed to play right now, they would win the world series. period...... 3805. Posted by Boo Thu Aug 20 9:09am EDT I read the article again; i finally see the racist undertone.....she is man, but does not have a package as suspected in black males. 3804. Posted by mkwanazibelinda Thu Aug 20 9:09am EDT I think she is good. If she was created by God no one can come agaist here . In God eyes we all the same. If you are parent Just look her as your owen child and what if she is your sister, brother, aunt, uncle, nephew? What will you say. We are all the same lets love her as God loves us . 3803. Posted by katies Thu Aug 20 9:09am EDT I hope they dont to a blood test, because if she has AIS, she is female but has XY chromosomes which are male chromosomes, her bloodwork will say she is male, but she is really female just doesnt have ovaries nor testes kinda like a non gender, but female!!not sure how to really explain.look up AIS. jamie lee curtis has it.! 3802. Posted by DeeDee Thu Aug 20 9:08am EDT Lol 3801. Posted by Zane Thu Aug 20 9:08am EDT as soon as sum1 achieve a goal there must be sum1 behind him/her 2 break down that goal........y?i rely hope race isnt 2blame here koz SA had enoiugh of that @#$% 3800. Posted by Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. Thu Aug 20 9:08am EDT I think we should let women compete with the men, Segregation is pooey. Like the UFC, for some reason I don't see ANY women there to step up to brock lesnar. I'd like to see that, it might be funny. And professional football, come on guys, they can be just as big and strong as males. 3799. Posted by zakiah1993 Thu Aug 20 9:08am EDT This is more of a gender issue with racism being interspersed by people who are just plain ignorant. I feel sorry for this young lady; imagine the pain she must be experiencing because of the low-minded, disgusting things that people are saying. I really wish that her parents are shielding her as much as possible from some of this stuff. At the high school where I taught, our girl's basketball team won several state championships. There were several girls, if I did not know them personally, whose sex was probably questionable by the teams that they played. However, in female sports, this is often the case, and with African American females, people are even more critical. I am sorry young lady for what they are doing to your self-esteem, character, and sense of self. It is a testament to the fact that we are a country filled with many people who judge, criticize, and don't really care about others. 3798. Posted by mountain wolf Thu Aug 20 9:08am EDT Let facts tell the truth, not suspicions. I wonder how this has become a breaking news in the first place. Is this even our business???!!! 3797. Posted by icunvnme Thu Aug 20 9:08am EDT We all know she is a woman!!!! Once again a BLACK WOMEN WON another Tittle and yall the white folks are mad!!!!!GET OVER IT!!!! LIVE IT AND BREATH IT! She is a girl who can run her BUTT off!! You go girl! TO ALL THE HATERS LET ME REMIND YOU..............OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA:) 3796. Posted by NeishaW Thu Aug 20 9:08am EDT people r just jealous of the fact that she won n beat evrbdy else, thats why they are tryna start hell.bcuz i can gaurntee if she did not win they wundt have been doin wat they are doin rte now.most female atthlets do tend to look masculne,i kno myself bcuz i am a gymnast nd ppl always say dat i am very built.i evn usta get pikd on n kald a man or kids wud tell me dat im on steroids wen dat waznt da case,i was just very built and tone bcuz i work out a lot as for any otha athlette. 3795. Posted by enoch a Thu Aug 20 9:08am EDT y is it that there is discrimination in anything that has to do with whites. y , y , y? do u think this girl would have recieved any interreaction if she was a white. a big NO! her name would rather be in the dailies, magazines, and anywhere that would make her more porpular. this thing should stop. hw long is this criticism going to exist. are those saying those nasty things about the lady trying to tell me that she does not have a virgiana? yyyy? 3794. Posted by pawsandclaws84 Thu Aug 20 9:08am EDT She may have pseudohermaphroditism, which for females is possessing outer male characteristics, but retaining female reproductive organs. And correct me if I'm wrong but I would think having fully functioning female reproductive organs from birth qualifies as a female. Some photos I've seen of her she looks comparable to say venus or serena williams(who in my opinion are manly as they get). And in others, just looks outright male. I would think this has to be rather hard on her self esteem. But hopefully she just goes along with it, lets them do their silly test, and when its decided she's female, she and her father can laugh at them all. 3793. Posted by Tasha Thu Aug 20 9:08am EDT Thanks for the clarification about the recent sex change. I don't believe this has any thing to do with race but at the same time, if the information is misleading or but sufficient enough to tell the story, it can cause some racial concerns. 3792. Posted by str8 Thu Aug 20 9:08am EDT that is clearly a person born a MAN,look at the photos 3791. Posted by Dirty Thu Aug 20 9:07am EDT Michelle obama hasnt evolved much from her monkey heritage 3790. Posted by Cupkins Thu Aug 20 9:07am EDT Just grab it's crotch,why are they going through all the confusion for? 3789. Posted by pvario2000 Thu Aug 20 9:07am EDT Yeah looks like a man...No insult...just the truth...Aint gonna lie about it just so someones feeling don't get hurt...And yes, DNA is the way to go because a guy with a sex change still has the advantage competing against women in this sport/ 3788. Posted by Eddie Thu Aug 20 9:07am EDT JIM C....... I think that is a horrible thing to say!!!!! You need to be put on an island to rot!!!! Valarie Steadman 3787. Posted by Annette Macaudda Thu Aug 20 9:07am EDT Race should never come into play in these matters, yet it always does. I find it sad. She won, let's leave it alone. 3786. Posted by Dirty Thu Aug 20 9:07am EDT Robyn,,,,,,,,,,here love this,,,,,,,,,,we can abort babies,,,,,kill old people ,,,,,but yet we cant waterboard a terrorist,,,,,,,,,,,love ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you must be a liberal 3785. Posted by javanna1017 Thu Aug 20 9:06am EDT i think shes a man theres like no way she has those abs and did you see pics when she was younger?! she/he has a fro and dressed in a suit...whatever lets mind our own business huh 3784. Posted by Janie M Thu Aug 20 9:06am EDT I think most of us are missing the point here.....there is a reason women and men have separate events. As much of a womens lib person I am ...we all have to admit there are physical differences between men and women. While there are feminine males and masucline females...it simply would not be fair to race a man againt a woman in world wide competition. Especially if Africa is trying to put a man off as a woman. By the way check out the mention that there is suspicion she underwent a sex change recently. 3783. Posted by jesse g Thu Aug 20 9:06am EDT ashley a.......yes....last time i checked if you have a penis your more than likely a MALE. Well i guess your kinda right, now of days there isn't very much clarification in that area 3782. Posted by irfan M Thu Aug 20 9:06am EDT i believe Williams sisters should alos go through with this test 3781. Posted by cartmanjedi Thu Aug 20 9:06am EDT Some of you people are just idiots turning this into a black / white race issue....what if this "woman" was Asian, what would you say then? Would you tell white people they're still stupid? To quote an earlier post, "We are not sow losers"...real nice idiot. 3780. Posted by Zane Thu Aug 20 9:06am EDT as soon as sum1 achieve a goal there must be sum1 behind him/her 2 break down that goal........y?i rely hope race isnt 2blame here koz SA had enoiugh of that @#$% 3779. Posted by dave Thu Aug 20 9:06am EDT I think it is pretty sad for the racist comments coming from both sides of the coin. "You whites" and "Monkeys to the moon", I wonder who hasnt evolved much. The question I had was, what if she was a hermaphrodyte? That would be a fence post...... The picture does look like a guy but I would bet a gender test would be good enough. 3778. Posted by mullinsteri21 Thu Aug 20 9:05am EDT Look at these female body builders you need to test some of them to they stay looking like a man. What is this world coming to they should be ashamed testing her 3777. Posted by Kim Thu Aug 20 9:05am EDT I am sure someone who raced against this awesome runner is the one who is challenging her gender because they came in second, this sucks, let her have the medal and glory that comes along with it and leave her alone. 3776. Posted by lszondi Thu Aug 20 9:05am EDT Well she is a female and the test is unfair...Well also the unfairness of this is such bad just bcos she is African.. There are girls also in jamaica and america who are the same as her This UNFAIR 3775. Posted by Dirty Thu Aug 20 9:05am EDT He/she chose to run with women,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,cuz he would come in last runnin against men 3774. Posted by juni r Thu Aug 20 9:05am EDT how could they doubt the gender?? i mean they could do some test if there is enough evidence...but i believe if its just physical appearance...a lot of the runner having almost men's appreance such as the muscle...but its not enough reason to doubt the gender..... 3773. Posted by Ami H Thu Aug 20 9:05am EDT this is such nonsense... I am sure she would have had other athletes training with her who would have showered, changed etc with her. all that has to be done is ask "did ya see anything sticking out?" and in the first place... what the hell would cause this question to be raised? trying to embarrass the poor girl? geeez 3772. Posted by ideraliberty Thu Aug 20 9:04am EDT Pipol, cut this BABE some slack. SHE runs like the speed of lightning, so what? get a life pipol and let HER enjoy her victory. It's not a race issue, its all about ability that cannot be bought anywhere. Show some respect. 3771. Posted by faaris Thu Aug 20 9:03am EDT no way 3770. Posted by Stephanie R Thu Aug 20 9:03am EDT This is not a race issue!!!!! all you ignorant idiots need to shut up and focus on the story im talking to both black and white both sides need to put thier big girl panties on and deal with the fact crap happens! it doesnt matter what color you are. it is idots like u that keep us from living together peacefully do what ur momma told u to do if u have nothing nice to say...shut up! 3769. Posted by whodey40kp Thu Aug 20 9:03am EDT I heard Usain Bolt is a dude too? 3768. Posted by Jim R Thu Aug 20 9:03am EDT Didnt bother to read down to whatever dimwitted comment was made that this was racially motivated - why bother since anyone who sees this as a racial issue has bigger issues themselves - but on topic: if the athlete does have some chromosonal irregularities, then he/she will be disqualified. there ARE physical differences between men and women that DO affect the outcome of competitions. Men have larger hearts (literal not figurative), lungs and denser muscle tissues. These arent cosmetic or body frame differences, but significant internal organ structural differences. I know there are athletic women who carry more muscle and have more defined frames than some men, but the reality is men are significantly faster and stronger than women (top vs top, median vs median) due to these differences. That's why there are two catagories for these contests, and why the best times are so different between the two groups. If this person is not truly (genetically speaking) a female, it's no different than an a male athlete running against women - which noone would allow, or want to see. 3767. Posted by Lil mz.sunshine Thu Aug 20 9:03am EDT all the people who say to drop her pants are crazy how would u like it if some1 jus comes and drops ur pants to c if your a man or lady that perverted!!!!!!!! 3766. Posted by tom Thu Aug 20 9:03am EDT just a simple test so let's find out. 3765. Posted by tammy w Thu Aug 20 9:03am EDT This is not the first time that gender testing was used after a compention was won. If you can remember a few years ago, there was a female, WHITE female that was tested after she won her race because she looked like a man. This is not a race issue. Get over it. I agree with some of the other comments that she looks like a man. I don‘t know if she uses steroids or if she is really good at training, but this should have been checked out before any compention was started if their was any douts. 3764. Posted by tammy w Thu Aug 20 9:03am EDT This is not the first time that gender testing was used after a compention was won. If you can remember a few years ago, there was a female, WHITE female that was tested after she won her race because she looked like a man. This is not a race issue. Get over it. I agree with some of the other comments that she looks like a man. I don‘t know if she uses steroids or if she is really good at training, but this should have been checked out before any compention was started if their was any douts. 3763. Posted by Alan M Thu Aug 20 9:03am EDT this is a a horrible situation. they was no point to make her situation public they could hve done it secretly. if they enterted her as a lady she is a lady 3762. Posted by pvario2000 Thu Aug 20 9:03am EDT Check the chromosomes...Genitals can be hacked off. 3761. Posted by ln.sarah Thu Aug 20 9:03am EDT JimC: You are obviously an unecducated and backwards individual. Please keep your unenlightened opinions in your small mind and stop bothering everyone else. 3760. Posted by Boo Thu Aug 20 9:02am EDT Must be hard to run with your wanker tucked between your legs....chafing sucks. 3759. Posted by Nasko Thu Aug 20 9:02am EDT In near future, gender or sex will be matter of choice. They said: "this is freedom." There are many gays, and lesbians in this world, and it is hard to guess their really gender. I think who ever blown up that issue after her winning, needs to be sued, and charged. They need to take the tests before competitions, no after. 3758. Posted by Dirty Thu Aug 20 9:02am EDT Yayyyyyyyy she won,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,she's got a@#$% 3757. Posted by Eddie C Thu Aug 20 9:02am EDT I say let the woman be to!! Its a bunch of bull actually to even have this discussion. But I want to apologize for society for being so rude and cruel. And slap the idiots in the mouth that keep making light of the situation. Yes there have been woman of different skin color that may have stronger features. And yes I question why is THIS such a topic when it wasn't then...Racist? Ask yourself that question......Regardless to what her gender is...What kind of system is it, that you can run a race and not do a physical before hand? Who slept on their job and didn't check out the situation before. Now its a bit stupid and embarassing to make such a scandal!! Does anybody have good sense? Are only idiots writing this crap? Racist? Rude? Embarassing? YES! YES! YES! Now...get over it!!! She won...Read my lips.....SHE WON!! Regardless to what....SHE WON!! DAMN!!! 3756. Posted by lamaur Thu Aug 20 9:02am EDT bolt dominated the mens races. they are not he is a deer. 3755. Posted by Mathew C Thu Aug 20 9:02am EDT dude looks like a.... wait, nevermind. 3754. Posted by Ashley A Thu Aug 20 9:02am EDT If she has a dong then shes a guy? seriously people grow the hell up... 3753. Posted by jesse g Thu Aug 20 9:02am EDT wow......MAN for sure....."she" has a package. NASTY 3752. Posted by mainecoon_kitty Thu Aug 20 9:01am EDT oh my god sexist people this is discrimination! im a girl if i cut my hair every one would adress me as a guy why not have me go to be tested too?!so what if she did better than a guy? there are tons of women who could! and im not saying men or women or stronger or smarter they are equal !!!!!!! 3751. Posted by Monica S Thu Aug 20 9:01am EDT It is such a shame. I had a friend that actually was in that same position. She was from one of the Hawaiin Islands and she was born a female, has always been a female but a gender test said that her male hormone levels were too high therefore she was banned from international competitions such as the World Champs and the Olympics. Still yet she was able to go to the more local events, go to college (on scholarship) and is a beautifula and sucessful lawyer with two children ... by the way let me see a man do the latter. I guess theoretically speaking she was a woman after all! I sincerely hope that this does not damage this young lady. If the gender tests comes back and says she is a man I hope others will encourage her to continue running, go to college and explore the world that does not limit her role in society because of some stupis tests. Remember ... people will always find ways to get rid of those who are better than them, start worrying when no one wants to prove anything about you. 3750. Posted by PaulC Thu Aug 20 9:01am EDT The last two comments seem to be missing the point. Overlook your own issues with males. No one is taking credit from women here. If in fact this young lady is now the most dominant female athletic in the world we should celebrate her success. It is however rare to dominate a sport at such a young age. Typically you see new talent beating records by hundredths of seconds not seconds. Trust yet verify, then we will all know. Who knows she could be the next Usain Bolt 3749. Posted by ronsrunning Thu Aug 20 9:01am EDT @#3707 "let women and men compete together" Why in the world would we want this? Men and women are different. That is not a judgement, that is a fact. Look at ANY sport, ANY statistic and it's pretty obvious that men are naturally faster and stronger. That is not to say women aren't great at sports, they are and they deserve the right to be there competing at the highest level, but to have them compete against each other is simply unfair. In this instance if the woman did have a "sex change" I would be upset that "she" could compete against other women basically with all the benefits of being a man. It's like a tiger fighting a housecat, but don't worry the tiger has different color hair so it's a fair fight. I'm not saying anything, I hope she is a woman as is credited as such, but if not, that's pretty messed up and should have to compete against men. 3748. Posted by jlt122804 Thu Aug 20 9:01am EDT Its not the white and black issue, it is the dong no dong issue! 3747. Posted by elizabethkyomugisha Thu Aug 20 9:01am EDT Cowards! It is disgusting to claim one is a man after winning. Well, IAAF should expect more men-looking-like women in the coming years from Africa. For that matter we should ban homosexuals, particularly those who act as 'women' from participating in sports since they are not 'real men'. 3745. Posted by love my country Thu Aug 20 9:00am EDT so tierd of this racist grap, the ones who cry racist are the racist. they want the world to be racist, because if it isn't, then they have to nothing to wine about. stop it and grow up. 3744. Posted by ln.sarah Thu Aug 20 9:00am EDT I truly do not believe that this individual's ethnicity is the issue being addressed in the article listed above. One's skin color has nothing to do with the situation. No one is "tired of seeing 'blacks' dominate track and field." If any person claims that every event involving a "black" individual is solely a result of the person's skin color, then he or she is setting equal rights back many years. That someone has such a low view of other ethnicities is something that I find offensive. The issue in this circumstance is obviously gender. These tests would not be performed if this was not the case. None of us knows why officials have waited, and it is pointless to speculate. No one disagrees that Caster Semenya is an exceptionally gifted athlete. Please stop jumping to conclusions that this is an issue of race. It is not. To say so is simply silly. The only applicable use of "race issue" here is in regards to a test of speed. No one is insisting that Semenya is not fast simply because of skin color. THAT would be racist. Officials simply want to know if Semenya should be in the men's race or the women's race. 3743. Posted by Robyn Thu Aug 20 9:00am EDT So what if she was a transsexual woman? She would still be a woman. It's about time the world stop the hate and separation of it's people. Love everyone! 3742. Posted by jayponj Thu Aug 20 9:00am EDT I think this article fails to mention that there is suspicion she underwent a sex change recently, which is why they are doing the testing. That should answer all your questions. 3741. Posted by vida marie Thu Aug 20 9:00am EDT bottom line is she won! and other people cant take it because she is black and she is great! 3740. Posted by Hope Thu Aug 20 8:59am EDT the austin powers reference is quite amusing. and why is everyone getting so worked up? if she really is a she the medal will stay in her possesion, someone always questions the winner its nothing to do w/ race, the people crying about how this is racial need to OPEN their eyes, they are the ones keeping the world so segregated. The white woman would have been questioned about something too. And as far as the post about men and women should be able to compete together b/c we're equal... youre DUMB we're so far from equal it's not even funny. I am a girl who ran cross country and track for a long time and i know i could not have competed with some of those men no matter how hard i worked. Men gain muscle easier then women. Even the Bible says we are different. IGNORANT people.. 3739. Posted by Sr. Nesio Thu Aug 20 8:59am EDT its a dude come on you can tell 3738. Posted by Dirty Thu Aug 20 8:59am EDT shank it,,,,,,,,,,,,,its a male,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,plain to see in the pics,,,,,,,,,,,ITS A MALE 3737. Posted by Victor Thu Aug 20 8:59am EDT I think God really knows that this is a waman not a man, the organisers should have look at it before the commencement of the tournament , than to wait till the last hour. After all, what men can do, women can also do even better. So Her features should'nt bother the world and we shouldn't forget, we were all created in the image of God. So better give her the medal, she worth it and fought bravely for it. Never consider her origin, we are all one people, whether Black or White. No human being created human being but the Almighty. Afterall we have people who are haemophrodites and what can you say about that. are they not created in the image of God? Better wake up. 3736. Posted by AJ Thu Aug 20 8:58am EDT I'm sorry but before I read the artical I thought it was a dude in the photo... shoulder muscles maybe a little hair over the lip there, facial structure... I can see where there maybe some concern about gender there... but testing her can also open up another can of worms here.. how many female athletes have more male hormones than your average women? 3735. Posted by Laurie Thu Aug 20 8:58am EDT Let her keep the medal. Just like there are girly looking boys, she's just a manly looking girl. 3734. Posted by Stephanie R Thu Aug 20 8:58am EDT i find it offensive that this poor girl has to be violated in every sense of the word to prove her gender. She found a calling and is good at it, and the other runners are haters cause they eat her dust. and jaraw12 ...leave it to u to make race a issue here grow up 3733. Posted by Shadou Thu Aug 20 8:58am EDT The funny thing is that they are saying that "she looka like a man." quite possibly insulting the entire country in the process. For there sakes they better be crossing their fingers. Too bad they are going to go the long route and do a DNA test. 3732. Posted by Lil mz.sunshine Thu Aug 20 8:58am EDT i think this is crazy! how would u feel if u got tested to c if u were a man or women and it was all over the news and internet? and when the results came out u were indeed a women. come on this iss about race they tryed to do the same thing to bolt just cause his time was so fast thay were drug testing him. come on you have to do a drug test be4 u run in the first place it was clear he was not doing drugs. all jamaica is known 4 fast runners and so is south africa she is a women and i hate reporters and how they judge people and there all up in peolz bizzness 3731. Posted by Rolanda Thu Aug 20 8:58am EDT Okay, I know in my lifestyle as a lesbian we have what you call studs, that dress and act like men. If they do it long enough then thats what they become. If her father raised her as her brothers then she takes on many features as her brothers did,but she is still a woman. If she had LOST NO ONE WOULD HAVE CARED. This is so sad. I will admit it did raised my eyebrow. 3730. Posted by AJ Thu Aug 20 8:58am EDT It's definitely not a race issue, as I would most certainly question the testosterone and/or gender of the world record holder in this event, Jarmila Kratochvilova. My Polish coach was in a sauna with it and noticed quite the hairy chest. Jarmila's record of 1:53.28 is currently the oldest world record on the books in track. She/He was certainly more questionable than the South African athlete. If you like word play, these two have something in common - Krotchleftover and Semen-ya???? For anyone interested a world record study can be interesting. USA Track & Field began out-of-competition drug testing in October of 1989 (coincidentally the same year the Bash-Brothers led Oakland to a World Series Championship.) However, look at all of the Eastern Block countries on the list. 3729. Posted by Jasmine J Thu Aug 20 8:58am EDT I don't think it's wrong to give her a gender test just to prove to everyone that she is a woman. If you look at her compared to all the other women that she was running with she is built differently than the rest look at her legs compared to the other woman her hands her muscles....I can't say if she is a woman or man but all jokes aside she really is built and looks like a man.. 3728. Posted by Jasmine J Thu Aug 20 8:58am EDT I don't think it's wrong to give her a gender test just to prove to everyone that she is a woman. If you look at her compared to all the other women that she was running with she is built differently than the rest look at her legs compared to the other woman her hands her muscles....I can't say if she is a woman or man but all jokes aside she really is built and looks like a man.. 3727. Posted by elizabethkyomugisha Thu Aug 20 8:58am EDT Cowards! It is disgusting to claim one is a man after winning. Well, IAAF should expect more men-looking-like women in the coming years from Africa. For that matter we should ban homosexuals, particularly those who act as 'women' from participating in sports since they are not 'real men'. 3726. Posted by Stacey Thu Aug 20 8:58am EDT That's an insult! If it was a white woman they wouldn't be making it an issue. Why can they accept the fact the Africans are physically stronger and of course train under harsh conditions and of course their diets have more nutritional value! 3725. Posted by Mike L Thu Aug 20 8:58am EDT itumza35....What the hell is a SOW loser??? Are pigs racing now? My money is on the BOAR, unless of course the sow is packing sausage like Semenya. 3724. Posted by Susan W Thu Aug 20 8:58am EDT A Woman's fist is slanted and a mans straight? Boy, that's some of the best "science" ever. Maybe you should go read the scientific definition of male and female or go back to biology class. 3723. Posted by barbaramalloy@... Thu Aug 20 8:58am EDT I say if she is a female then she is entitled to the medal. What is her input on this matter? I didn't hear this much flame when the woman who identify herself as a man, became pregnant and presented herself as a man having a baby. This is all absurd to me because if you identify yourself as a certain gender (regardless to any operation, you will always be what you where created man or woman). I will like to here from the young lady. I don't see where she looks so much like a man anymore than female body builders, wrestler. Your body physique doesnt' declare your gender. As far as racism, I believe if she is a female (from birth) then she deserves the medal. But, I can't see where the racism takes place in this matter. When choices are made as to who you want to present yourself as then you have to be willing to take whatever comes with it. As my husband tells our children, "when you say Yes to one thing, then you say NO to something else." But, the proof is in the pudding. Thanks, BJM 3722. Posted by KIMC Thu Aug 20 8:57am EDT this is why we as a people,are messed up because of the things we let into our minds,and our eye gate.with everything going on in the world and in our household,we don't choose to deal with those things that is in our own lives so we look outside of our selves,deal with whats in our own basement and we will be a better person inside and lets dropped the outside issue .its better to focus on outside issue so we don't have to deal with our own.so lets start with our selves and we will see we have a bigger battle brewing inside us.love takes care of its own.take care 3721. Posted by josekariz Thu Aug 20 8:57am EDT I really had doubts from the start. its not a she its a he men !!!!!!! cant you use yours eyes????? 3720. Posted by LadyPLUSH Thu Aug 20 8:57am EDT I'd just like to know what requirements does she not meet in order to qualify as a woman? The only requirement should be that she is a woman. Since both Semenya and her father say she is I don't see what the problem is. That just shows how ignorant and close minded some people are. What will happen if they confirm that she is indeed a woman. Will they give her a public apology? WOW! It's a shame to see this is the kind of people that we live amongst. 3719. Posted by Jonathan Thu Aug 20 8:57am EDT So does this mean she's never had a physical???? 3718. Posted by www.liquid13 Thu Aug 20 8:57am EDT these have got to be some of the stupidist responses i have ever heard. first off weed is not an enhancement drug. if anything it makes u slower. second, a boy is a boy and a girl is a girl is not accurate. its not like we can just have a look and there we go she is a girl. have we ever heard of gender reassignment surgery? i guess not. and as far as michael vick is concerned...well i disrespect the man as a man, but as a ball player he was pretty damn good. i am from philly, and hope he does great things for the eagles. as far as all u hating africans are concerned...well get the hell over it. none of this happened to you. you are not being held back from anything. it is great that you want to hold on to your past. history is really important, but it is just that history! let it go! 3717. Posted by cartmanjedi Thu Aug 20 8:57am EDT Ya, it's a "woman" who happens to have a penis. 3716. Posted by Mindy Thu Aug 20 8:56am EDT you white people???????????? that irritates me, get over yourself. 3715. Posted by D Thu Aug 20 8:56am EDT if she has a dong .. then its a dude.... 3714. Posted by freshp10 Thu Aug 20 8:55am EDT I won't play the race game here, but in the past, I have seen women of other skin color performed and won and not be subjected to a gender test. The picture does look like a guy but I have a co-worker that looks like a man, speaks like a man, acts like a man, even when she wears skirts to work freaks me out cause she looks like a man in woman clothing. She has a monthly period and I think that is proof enough to assure me of her gender, have you ever met a transvestite who bleeds from the vagina monthly??? So let the girl bask in her glory, but if it's a man, shame on South Africa. 3713. Posted by jennifer p Thu Aug 20 8:54am EDT Honestly other women in the race boobs were invisible to me, hell i wouldn't mind being flat chested again... glory days ahhh! anyway in todays day and age some women just don't have any boobs(lucky them). if it does turn out that the person in question is a man... then... what is (america) going to do... get over it! strange things have been known to happen! 3712. Posted by Min Pin Mom Thu Aug 20 8:54am EDT It looks like a dude to me, I think "her' gender should be questioned. We test for steriods and other performance enhancing drugs. Also, this is not the first gender test that the OC has done.... no one balked when it was done to Russian swimmers. 3711. Posted by Jules Thu Aug 20 8:54am EDT That's a man, baby! 3710. Posted by Sitiso M Thu Aug 20 8:54am EDT Don dude...african scammer se voet. foetsek man. Grace Jones is American, and is accepted as a woman, and she looks worse than Caster. Good luck Caster and I hope you win that Gold medal, and break as many records as possible. Marion Jones and her likes were American scammers. 3709. Posted by tarnonee Thu Aug 20 8:54am EDT A simple test to see if she is a woman is to see are fist. Try this at home. A womans fist is slanted, am mans fist is straight. I just saw a picture of her fist.. she is a woman. 3708. Posted by Marina Thu Aug 20 8:54am EDT i dont get any of this 3707. Posted by Carlos S Thu Aug 20 8:53am EDT if you look it kinda seems like she might be packin some heat if you konw what i mean. 3706. Posted by dog eater Thu Aug 20 8:53am EDT Her appearance should not matter.The drive and hard work she has put into being such a dominant competitor should be what everyone should applaud. 3705. Posted by Jordan Thu Aug 20 8:53am EDT yall gay 3704. Posted by Kiera Thu Aug 20 8:53am EDT Dang If shes says shes a girl and her dad says shes a girl, shes a girl. Just because she blew past everyone doesnt mean shes not a girl. She won let her have the medal 3703. Posted by vickiem Thu Aug 20 8:53am EDT How come everything always turn into a racial issue? The only people that I hear say anything about racism are the ones with the issue. The real problem that people are TRYING to address is a young girl who has to go through testing to prove she IS a girl. If you do some research on biological psychology and actually read about gender issues and see what you find you might see how it could be possible she has high levels of testosterone that cause her to look the way she does. We all need to support her and be positive. Remember, for those of you that have a daughter, think about how this could make this young girl feel. 3702. Posted by k in cali Thu Aug 20 8:53am EDT Thats terrible! Shes a woman! 3701. Posted by maskdr2 Thu Aug 20 8:53am EDT Current society (american anyway) tells us that men and women are equals. "A woman can handle a man's job, and should get equal pay." Why are there even men's and women's sports? Women should be held to the same qualifications and records as men. Only fair, right? This would be a non-issue. 3700. Posted by Dana D Thu Aug 20 8:53am EDT HORRIBLE!!! JUST HORRIBLE!!! I am disgusted!!! That poor girl, just 18 years old, she accomplishes something SO amazing, and instead of being able to celebrate & hold her head high, some ignorant @#$% comes along & starts this "gender" crap, are you kidding me?! Are we still this "small" as people?! I am thoroughly disgusted, and my heart goes out to her & her family... To do something like this to an 18 year old girl is downright CRUEL & uncalled for!!! SHE IS A WOMAN!!! I personally have friends who are female who are also body builders, and yes their mass-index might be a little larger than say one of those sleeker smaller females, but hey they're still women & you don't see anyone questioning their gender do you?! I have to agree with some of the remarks on here, I think the race-card has been played, and it's absolutely pathetic!!! My heart goes out to her & I wish her nothing but the very best & I say CONGRATULATIONS MS. SEMENYA, GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!! 3699. Posted by tomeka28 Thu Aug 20 8:53am EDT First of all, all they should need to prove she is a woman is to check her genital area and forget everything else, so what she is built like a dude.... We were all born different and that's not her problem.... 3698. Posted by WVUJDUB Thu Aug 20 8:53am EDT If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck... 3697. Posted by Keyoshi Thu Aug 20 8:53am EDT Seems alot of people think that race and sex should have nothing to do with event? Simple solution, race her against the men. If she wins. She owns all. 3696. Posted by Jordan Thu Aug 20 8:53am EDT yall gay 3695. Posted by alyssagibson82 Thu Aug 20 8:53am EDT The other competitors are just scared because she is gonna blow them all out of the water. It's pretty sad when people aren't amazed or impressed by great talent anymore, they just want to figure out how to bring that person down so they feel better about themselves. I have 2 young daughters and I can't imagine anyone ever disputing their gender, it just seems silly. Hopefully she leaves 'em all in the dust!!! 3694. Posted by Karen Thu Aug 20 8:52am EDT Wow!!!! 3693. Posted by Richard A Thu Aug 20 8:52am EDT WOW.....That is one ugly female. If you look closely at some of the pictures she has more hair on her legs and armpits then alot of males do. 3692. Posted by Benjamin Thu Aug 20 8:52am EDT I'd laugh if she turns out to be hermaphrodite...what then? 3691. Posted by Daphne Thu Aug 20 8:52am EDT Most women athletes do look very masculine. Look at the female body builders, I haven't seen one yet that doesn't look like a man! As far as the Williams sisters go, yeah, they started out not looking very pretty. They are very masculine looking, but look at how they train. It all has to do with muscle tone. Women weren't built for all that muscle. That's why they look like men. That type of build was made for a man. But you have to admit...the Williams sisters have come a long way! I don't think they are drop dead gorgeous, but they do look so much prettier now! 3690. Posted by tince rd Thu Aug 20 8:52am EDT Not really surprised about this story. Another attempt to destroy the white race. They've now found someone that can date both a white guy and a white girl at that same time. 3689. Posted by Mr.Xavier Thu Aug 20 8:51am EDT man o man no matter what people will always try to say that some is cheating someone is doing drugs and now a sex gender i mean come on man let the girl be why would someone fake that damn you people have nothing better to do with your life. Its a problem now that she won a title there was no problem before......i wonder why is that man....made we should test those people to see if they are who they say they are man damn get off her back. 3688. Posted by sam Thu Aug 20 8:51am EDT WHEN will you people get an education? White and Black are NOT COLOURs, they are shades WITHOUT COLOUR! Where on the light spectrum does white fall? Not there?? Ok can you find where black falls in it? If I was seen with that 'girl' the guys would think I wuz queer. Seriously, is it beyond someone out there to take an unwanted baby and alter them with the idea of pushing them into being a professional athlete? Don't tell us no 'father' could do that, they've done worse. Maybe the child was born half/half and the doc made the choice, and the child is an innocent competitor, if the gender test comes back with higher testosterone levels than she should have. It could all be one just unlucky in the attraction gene. 3687. Posted by Angie Thu Aug 20 8:51am EDT Why is it that when a woman does just as good, and or even better then a man, all of a sudden she too must be a man? There are good competitive people out there in both genders..wake up and smell the coffee or get the "H" out of the kitchen. 3686. Posted by AnndelisseR Thu Aug 20 8:51am EDT Who says that women can't have muscles or be as much capable as men? Women are just as strong and there shouldn't be a reason to doubt her gender if anywhere on the streets you can find bigger and more built women. How about them? Are they to be doubted about their gender as well? I think it's just someone's jealousy in action. If she won, let her enjoy her well-deseved victory. 3685. Posted by Don Thu Aug 20 8:51am EDT This is Africa. Needless to say, their medical advancements aren't as advanced as American advancements, nor are they as economically viable. She was born a female because her family couldn't afford to change the gender of their son. 3684. Posted by rsashton05 Thu Aug 20 8:50am EDT this is ridicules....this is a woman that has strong features....when you are an athlete you will have a muscle build. I think this is an insult to the woman from South Africa. There are some white women that look like men. Just accept the fact she is a woman and she won the race fare and square. They wanna say she may not qualify to compete as a woman, what the hell is she suppose to run with the men because she is built different and looks different.....PEOPLE GET OVER YOURSELF. We as African American women have a different but UNIQUE look. 3683. Posted by Christina Thu Aug 20 8:50am EDT this shouldnt be a racist issue at all grow up and take responsibility for yourselfs. also just because the women is fast she has to be a man? how offensive to her. 3682. Posted by Christina Thu Aug 20 8:50am EDT this shouldnt be a racist issue at all grow up and take responsibility for yourselfs. also just because the women is fast she has to be a man? how offensive to her. 3681. Posted by Snyder Thu Aug 20 8:50am EDT I heard the results of the test wouldn't be ready for weeks. How does it take weeks to verify gender??? 3680. Posted by PatriciaM Thu Aug 20 8:49am EDT You know I am a die heart Olympic fan and I have never heard anything like this before and if you look at the German or even the Russian women have they had test to see if they are women. Leave it alone..... 3679. Posted by darrinuhlig Thu Aug 20 8:49am EDT Just give her the "Crocodile Dundee" Maybe he is a "sheila" 3678. Posted by Daisha Thu Aug 20 8:49am EDT look she may look like a man but you never know she could be a girl 3677. Posted by colemanjd0803 Thu Aug 20 8:49am EDT At first I said def a guy but after looking at past photos very likely is a girl. When her hair wasn't plaited looked more like girl and face wasnt as defined from working out. funny how people get so worked up about things on here. hahahaha.... 3676. Posted by senecao Thu Aug 20 8:49am EDT dont you think her dad would know if she was a women or not hello he probally changed her pamper as a baby 3675. Posted by Ciara Thu Aug 20 8:49am EDT This is absolutely absurd appearance should not matter whether she looks manly are not do i hear a lawsuit? hum discrimination i'll say 3674. Posted by Daisha Thu Aug 20 8:48am EDT look she may look like a man but you never know she could be a girl 3673. Posted by itumza35 Thu Aug 20 8:48am EDT I never thought white people are such sow losers............................................................................................ she won get over it go and practice may be you white people can ran a bit fast and stop been sow losers........... 3672. Posted by tarnonee Thu Aug 20 8:48am EDT Black people both men and women are just physically superior when it comes to sport. So these haters should just get over this fact. First of all, undergoing a sex change is something that is taboo and unheard of among Africans. Homosexuality/transgender @#$% does not fly in Africa. you can get stoned for that. Trust me i know. I grew up there. 3671. Posted by Frank D Thu Aug 20 8:48am EDT To tkake a line from Seinfeld, "She had man hands!" 3670. Posted by elukut Thu Aug 20 8:48am EDT just to consult her boyfriend in case she had one !!!!!!! [if she has one, and that is if she does not claim to be a virgin] It is possible to have a male figure yet the person is a female. I hard of a true story at our village court where a boy with a female structure impregnated a girl and his secrets were revealed when the parents of the girl pressurelised her to mention the one respondsible, the confusion and disbelief was later cleared when the acused was inspected. hope she is not the case good luck for her 3669. Posted by Brat Thu Aug 20 8:48am EDT Oh my gosh why are we talking about race. It's the talking about it that makes it prevelant in our world. If we would just live like human beings instead of black or white then there would be nothing to discuss. We all bleed red and all of us came from our maker...the same maker. As far as slavery goes, get over it. My gosh, the Jews were persecuted more than anyone except for the Indians. If you beleive in the Bible, whites were enslaved by blacks. Eveyone knows Cleopatra and Aphrodite were black. I am white. I am young and I did not make slaves out of any race, neither did my parents or my grandparents. I get sick and tired of hearing ignorant people like the white supremists saying that the blacks need to go back to Africa. Please we all need to go away and give the Indians back their land...DUH. I also have an issue with black people calling themselves African American when majority of them were born right here in America. I don't call myself English American...I'm just American just like everyone else who was born in America. Plus, who is black or white. Sure i'm white but I also have Indian, Irish and French in me. My skin is white but if I had favored the Indian color more what would I be then. If we all go back far enough we would probably find white and black in our ancestry. God people, this i why we are so vulnerable to other countries. Let's just unite and live peaceful and love each other as equals. 3668. Posted by AdrianM Thu Aug 20 8:48am EDT Well, there were some concerns because she looks like a man, but the problem isn't so new. If we look back at Maria Mutola for example, we'll see. :-D I think she had a very clean and relaxed run...which is great to see in the feminine side. I wish her good luck in the future of her races, and I hope she becomes the Olympic winner at 800m. 3667. Posted by jerico 19yrs old Thu Aug 20 8:48am EDT Damn let her be if she says she is a woman and her father says she a woman then leave it alone.they just mad that she is dominating at the moments. 3666. Posted by Brown S Thu Aug 20 8:47am EDT May be the officials have a conflicting interest. May be a competetor -an athletee(someone) had been promised a small token after the game haaaahaa ui ! Semenya go a head baby and have more Golds for SA.Africa juu Juu juu Kabisa!!! 3665. Posted by GoodG Thu Aug 20 8:47am EDT I just want to say that I am no expert. Although, there is a possibility that anyone can be born with both sets of reproductive organs either internal, external or both. An hermaphrodite would be the correct term for this. It is quite rare but it happens. If it is the case she may not even be aware of it if they are internal as is the case with many. It could be possible in a routine physical, that something suspicious was seen likely in an ultrasound and further testing is necessary. It's all biology. 3664. Posted by Billy Thu Aug 20 8:47am EDT I think peopl whine too much about such trivial things. Who care if a woman can be built like a man an via versa. In order to be an olympian, you have proven yoursef time and again, and that really should be all that matters. Period. 3663. Posted by CherylB Thu Aug 20 8:47am EDT For those who are genuinely interested in how the confusion could come about, there are people who are born "intersex" who have either a combination of male and female chromosomes, a combination of male and female hormones, and/or a combination of male and female sex characteristics (penis, vagina, breasts, etc.) They could determine her actual sex by testing her chomosomes, hormone levels and looking at her genetalia, though it is possible that will still not solve the issue if she is in fact intersex. 3662. Posted by Bill Y Thu Aug 20 8:47am EDT Sorry folks but that ain't no lady. That is a man trying to set records as a woman. 3661. Posted by Christina Thu Aug 20 8:47am EDT this shouldnt be a racist issue at all grow up and take responsibility for yourselfs. also just because the women is fast she has to be a man? how offensive to her. 3660. Posted by Kevin B Thu Aug 20 8:47am EDT What...did most of you have Sex Ed. with Mr. Rodgers? Gender is not always a black-and-white issue (no, I'm not playing the race card!). There are any number of variables and shades of grey between male and female and I think it's got to be difficult for officials to draw the line in some cases. 3659. Posted by Sitiso M Thu Aug 20 8:47am EDT She is only 18, comes from a rural village, and definitly will not afford a sex change. Just leave her alone. There are dozens of women who look manly. And as for the ignorant Sandra, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, and we dont choose how we look. To hear another woman calling another ugly is plain unwomanly, so I guess that makes you a dude. 3658. Posted by George L Thu Aug 20 8:47am EDT I have friends of all "races" in my life. I speak and interact with all I come in contact with, regardless of education level, skin color, or accent in their voice. I hold no prejudices. My children witness this and because of it have no judement of others and are open minded to everyone as well. Love is the answer; love of our planet, love of our children, and love of our fellow man. Make the world your friend, and you will lead a happier life. 3657. Posted by townj55 Thu Aug 20 8:47am EDT Gender ambiguity is rather common. There is a certain criteria that IOC abides by and it has nothing to do with having a penis or vagina because that is obviously something that can be altered with surgery. There were Chinese swimmers who failed the gender test several years back. I am sure the IOC has a purely scientific criteria and it will be implemented with the utmost scientific rigor. It not that big of a deal, it is possible that this athlete may not even know their true scientific gender. The girls who are real females deserve to be playing on a level playing field. 3656. Posted by kincaidwanda Thu Aug 20 8:46am EDT Oh my gosh people, get some lives! It's a dude. 3655. Posted by G Thu Aug 20 8:46am EDT My problem is that the IAAF should have done all this prior and not wait until the games to verify. I guarantee she had been running way before this. 3654. Posted by jaraw12 Thu Aug 20 8:45am EDT You people are full of racist despite you advertised it everywhere and still keep on doing it with styles. Does Marian Jones also looks like Real LADY OR WOMAN?.............................. @#$% YOU WHITE 3653. Posted by Trace Thu Aug 20 8:45am EDT Racist? All the people that are saying its racist are most likely African american. This is no matter of race. Either she has a penis are she doesn't . If my aunt had two more balls she be my uncle. Simple 3652. Posted by starseed2009@... Thu Aug 20 8:45am EDT If, after a serious of psychiatric testing, a psychiatrist states in a document that Caster is a woman, psychologically, then so be it. She is what is referred to in the USA an and "M to F" (Male to Female). 3651. Posted by Katie C Thu Aug 20 8:44am EDT blove870 - No where in the article does it state her race. Get off your high horse and realize that not everything has to do with race. On topic: Sure she looks a little manly but honestly what female athlete doesn't? Some female volleyball players I saw on TV last week didn't even have boobs! Just a very flat chest. Some people are just born to look like the opposite gender. I've seen this in every race. 3650. Posted by Mike L Thu Aug 20 8:44am EDT BLOVE...are you blind, bored, or just plain stupid??? Race issue? Obviously you're talking about "foot race" because even Al Sharpton couldn't find a racial connection in this one. 3649. Posted by Xuno G Thu Aug 20 8:44am EDT Some of these comments are ridiculous! It‘s a race issue??? Why can't they just accept her as a good athlete?? Why isn't there this controversy with Blot???? Man either some of you know absolutely nothing about sports or absolutely nothing about the differences in men and women and why it is important to differentiate in competitive sports. After reading some of these I'm kind of embarrassed to be a human lol, I didn't know that was possible. 3648. Posted by Chris V Thu Aug 20 8:44am EDT I'll tell you what the problem is here, some spoiled, upset competitor raised some stink cause they didn't win and she did. I don't remember reading or hearing anywhere that you have to be Miss Universe to be qualified as a woman, and I agree with many of you, leave her be, she's good at was she does and that's all need be said. 3647. Posted by MichaelD Thu Aug 20 8:43am EDT this reminds me of one of the funniest scenes from the Austin Powers movies. it would be hilarious if one of her opponenets, after a race, grabbed her by the hair and yelled "That's not a woman, that's a MAN, man!" and they tussled like in the move right there on the medal stand. 3646. Posted by concerned Thu Aug 20 8:43am EDT Come on folks, read the story, she blew away the field. When ever that happens, the athlete is going to be checked. After EVERY Olympic event, they drug screen. Knock off the victim crap and see what the test reveals. If she is a woman, it will be like the reincarnation of Flo-JO, and the world LOVED her. 3645. Posted by Ann Marie Thu Aug 20 8:43am EDT 3685. Posted by D H Thu Aug 20 8:33am EDT - HOOAH!!!! 3644. Posted by paulszaniszlo Thu Aug 20 8:42am EDT szaniszlo56 Who out there is sick of atkiu already? Atiku go to a like minded site and quit wasting this sites space and our time. If you think it.s cute (read complety stupid and mindless) it's not. With a doctors help and grace from above you may still have a chance at living a somewhat subhuman life. Orionsbow2 It's you and people like you,white and black with tiny little minds who fuel the very thing all of you *^&%$ about. It must be hell living in your tiny little hate filled mind. Give it up already and join us humans. Thank You And Goodnight..... 3643. Posted by B!GGBo0tyJudy Thu Aug 20 8:41am EDT damn let the woman be 3642. Posted by fishkins10 Thu Aug 20 8:41am EDT men are bigger, stronger, faster than females, if she was ever a man, that's why she won!!! 3641. Posted by darlenem Thu Aug 20 8:41am EDT I would say why wasn't the gender questioned int the begging why wait until the service is perform and the person is declared the winner that we must find reason and in looking for reason not only does it hurt the individual but it destroys a family and thats what people should factor in when there making any type of accusations wheather there right or wrong how would you feel if it was one of your children or your family members 3640. Posted by Alyssa Thu Aug 20 8:41am EDT Im a lady. I have sexual female organs! but Im built like a man. I have broad shoulders,big hands,tall,and big feet but Im a female and I am livign prove that Females can also be built like males 3639. Posted by chimdi87 Thu Aug 20 8:41am EDT by the way america is not the world it is jus a small part of the greater world! the day started long ago in other parts of the world like berlin where all this is happening! i think she is a woman, i haven seen SA women they all big and for those of you who be luck for world cup yo will concur she is ok woman camel toe anyone? 3638. Posted by mekesur Thu Aug 20 8:41am EDT wish u the best and i hope they will give u the medal that u deserve and i hope they will let it go. 3637. Posted by Brown S Thu Aug 20 8:40am EDT May be the officials have a conflict of interest. May be a competetor -an atletee(someone) had promised a small token after the game haaaahaa ui ! Semenya go a head baby and have more golds for SA.Africa juu Juu juu Kabisa!!! 3636. Posted by babypat_joy Thu Aug 20 8:40am EDT This person need to be tested she look like a man not like woman 3635. Posted by Bob Thu Aug 20 8:40am EDT How hard can it be? Just look in her shorts, DUH! 3634. Posted by don Thu Aug 20 8:40am EDT Another african scammer 3633. Posted by Ravi Tetambe Thu Aug 20 8:39am EDT World needs to grow up and have men and women compete together. It is silly to have sepearted events based on gender. Those who loose ... loose. We are equal everywhere else then why not in sports. It is stupid. Let everyone compete against each other and let the best person win. Why are men afraid that they will loose against women? 3632. Posted by concerned Thu Aug 20 8:39am EDT I had to search to find Bosso. I don't believe I have ever read a more poorly constructed submittal. Did this guy/girl go to school or is this how english looks learned from television cartoons? It took a couple minutes to figure he was talking about Michael Phelps and Michael Vick. What a dimwit! Mother land huh, I would bet if the mother land had a consciousness she would hate every having spawned you! No one here bagged on black people. Renee Richards went through the same stuff when he became a she and tried to play womens professional tennis. If this is a guy running in womens events, he will be banned, simple. No racism involved. 3631. Posted by ansadupreez Thu Aug 20 8:39am EDT @elle: You tell 'em - I'm with you! :-D 3630. Posted by The Real Truth Is Thu Aug 20 8:39am EDT There is a such thing as ambiguous genitalia, & in that case IT doesn't qualify as a woman. Race aside (it happens to all races) then take the medal from IT. Also all those who said it was about her being black ARE THE REAL RACISTS. We will never get over "RACISM" until EVERYONE just takes the worlds CRITICISM as just that CRITICISM. Stop crying foul & letting your foolish "PRIDE" cloud your emotions. That's THE REAL TRUTH FROM HERE!!!! 3629. Posted by TC Thu Aug 20 8:38am EDT 3685. Posted by D H Thu Aug 20 8:33am EDT - - - Well said! 3628. Posted by Jim Thu Aug 20 8:38am EDT The most interesting thing I've read about this is a comment from an individual who stated he/she had read around 3000 comments. Whew......................... 3627. Posted by bradleyplains Thu Aug 20 8:38am EDT You stupid people throwing around your race card. This is racist that is racist. Give it up already !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3626. Posted by 0u812 Thu Aug 20 8:38am EDT if the person has a@#$% it means his male and if she has a real @#$% she's female how hard could it be. And if he had a sex change its not real so it makes him still male 3625. Posted by Joes M Thu Aug 20 8:37am EDT Well shedoes look like a dude, but then again so do a few members of my family. how are they going to test her? aske her to pull down her panties? what a weird story.... 3624. Posted by boraborasanford Thu Aug 20 8:37am EDT Does everything have to be about racism? I'm really sick of hearing that word!!! 3623. Posted by Sandra Thu Aug 20 8:36am EDT I also questioned the gender. I asked my husband if it was a mans race. He said it was the womens. I told him that it was a man. There is no way thats a women. The hands are telling and the build. I can,t believe its come down to this. countries want to win so badly, they are willing to lie about the gender of their people. Its just not worth it. I hope for S Africa that she is just an unattractive woman. when its all over, you will see its a man. Sandy in Ill. 3622. Posted by misslatashadcooper021209 Thu Aug 20 8:36am EDT Why should they care last time i check they are there to race not a doctors appointment. If that is such an issue all that should be done before the races that way the is no reason to put people out like that. THey are hating becasue a black young female won it, if they mad that bad they need to get up an freaking run. 3621. Posted by ansadupreez Thu Aug 20 8:36am EDT @ MrSandman: beauty is in the eye of the beholder - ugly too. I don't think she's ugly at all - I just think she chooses to not only look, but also behave, well, er ... manly. And yes, she's allowed to do so - but so are we then allowed to speculate. 3620. Posted by tmartin7261988 Thu Aug 20 8:35am EDT It seems very ridiculous to me that they are raising this contraversy now. Why can't people just be happy for the winner?? There are people out there who are amazing athletes. Simple as that. Jealousy is no reason to keep putting others down. Just let the poor girl be. 3619. Posted by blove870 Thu Aug 20 8:35am EDT See that's what I hate about the world today....we play like we are so naive and don't know what's going on but clearly this is a race issue not a gender issue. If it wasn't look at all the "manly" looking Russians and Germans that play in sports and simply dominate gymnastics.... we never said nothing about them looking manly then... now here comes this 18 year old girl - her skin is just too dark and prejudice people are tired of seeing "blacks" dominate track and field....somethings are just going to happen...cars are made to roll, planes are bulit to fly, trains are made to pull and blacks are made to be fast..... leave her alone 3618. Posted by ♔ღAutiepoohღ♔ Thu Aug 20 8:35am EDT to shelly: haha? is that supposed to be funny? 3617. Posted by i have none Thu Aug 20 8:35am EDT Shut the hell up with the racist bullsh*t! She looks like a dude, built like a dude, and runs like a dude, there are things such as sex changes. 3616. Posted by Jo Thu Aug 20 8:35am EDT Why in the world would this young lady not have been examined or whatever the powers that be do before competing? Why now? Oh, I know. SHE WON. 3615. Posted by Dellawben Thu Aug 20 8:34am EDT wtF 3614. Posted by FredM Thu Aug 20 8:33am EDT Come on guyz this is getin boring y wud a man race among women,its a gal we are talking abt.. 3613. Posted by Mike L Thu Aug 20 8:33am EDT Too easy.......drop the trousers....package or no package......mystery solved !!!! 3612. Posted by D H Thu Aug 20 8:33am EDT I have read as many of the 3000+ comments that I could have on here. I have seen race discrimination, and I have seen some logical, and illogical points. But what I haven't seen is 1 person state that when a women works out, and trains it increases her TESTOSTERONE, and suppresses her estrogen. Her jaw may widen, she may have hair in places that typically men only have hair (on chest, or chin). This does not mean that she is on "performance enhancing drugs" or anything of the sort. How this became a race issue I have no idea. How some of you guys can comment, and spell as horrifically as you have while putting down someone else is beyond my comprehension. Ladies, and gentleman this woman is a woman. She is an athlete, and is good at what she does. It has nothing to do about race, it has nothing to do about genetics. She is just doing what she was taught/trained to do, and excelled at it. Let's leave her be to enjoy her accomplishments. It's bad enough that she is being questioned by the authoritative figures from her athletic governing body, but now we are all judging her too, and making it personal between our own 50 states. How ignorant are we ALL as a society. Let's just wish her luck, and empathize with what she is going through. Good luck Caster, enjoy your glory, and I hope it all works out for you in the end. :-) 3611. Posted by mobildetroit Thu Aug 20 8:32am EDT I think this story is interesting....for like two seconds....who cares.....I don't care about this crap. 3610. Posted by Michelle S Thu Aug 20 8:32am EDT @DavidMac...good point! 3609. Posted by elle_24@... Thu Aug 20 8:31am EDT really? are you all that ignorant???? It is NOT about RACE (black vs white)! She is getting tested because she looks like a MAN! And checking for genitals or ovaries is NOT the answer either. There are several different disorders that could prevent her from having proper and normal looking reproductive organs! And really? It is what she feels like inside??? are you serious? So...if some jacked man playing basketball FEELS like a woman he can play on the womens team?...I DONT think so. And Elise...you dont understand why they are testing her?? Do you need glasses to see the computer this morning?? It looks like a man! No matter what nationality/country she came from hands down she looks like a man. No need to get all worked up about it, if she is really a woman she will just take the test without a problem and prove everyone wrong...if not...well...guess we will see. 3608. Posted by lindenb Thu Aug 20 8:31am EDT she looks no different fr marion jones..less manly than flo jo and is as ugly as carol lewis once in a while we get one so get over it 3607. Posted by shanehuffman@... Thu Aug 20 8:31am EDT Easiest way to tell if she's female... Tug the pants down. If there's no penis, she meets the qualifications. 3606. Posted by lisa Thu Aug 20 8:31am EDT Why can't she be just a good damn competitionist that can not be beat. You guys need to get over the fact that we r good at track and other sports we also dominate in because of the fact that we are not given very many choices in the past. This is the now and now you have it, she won give her her medals, her respect, and her apologizes, and move on. 3605. Posted by Coreycj73 Thu Aug 20 8:31am EDT I can't believe this. So, they test her and she's a woman (which she will be). Then what? The article says that she may not "meet the requirements" to compete as a woman. What's that? My ponytail isn't long enough, so I can't be a girl? Women come in all shapes and sizes. Some of us look like our mothers. Some of us look like our fathers. It makes us no less woman. I feel very sorry for her; that she has to endure this...I don't even know what to call it. 3604. Posted by TheGreatDame Thu Aug 20 8:30am EDT You gotta be one ugly lady to be speculated as one of the homies! I want know if bigfoot really exist or was it a really a harry camper. I want to know if religion is man made. I want to know why is it OK for Cheney to hunt gigantic moose and dear in their natural habitat but Michael Vick can't watch fido fight for his life in the family basement....I use to wonder why mountain men exist, now I know why. 3603. Posted by ansadupreez Thu Aug 20 8:30am EDT If all this controversy is merely because of race and/or jealousy... why aren't there any similar discussions regarding BOLT?????? Phuleeeeeeeze! This racesubject is sooooooo dated... infact it seriously exposes your intelligence. 3602. Posted by Marcias Thu Aug 20 8:29am EDT If the race officials were concerned about teenager Caster Semenya's gender, they should have tested her before the race. Since the race officials have already stated that her speed rank is only 21st in the world, why are they now raising the question of gender? When Amazonian-like woman stands out from the other athletes--- why can't everyone cheer for the winner, instead of creating disputes? 3601. Posted by Jeanne Thu Aug 20 8:29am EDT Gender is not all that simple. Some kids are born intersexed. They are not quite male or female. Many kids born with a condition called Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome have female looking parts but have xy chromosomes. Dr's encourage the parents to raise the child as female although they will always have xy chromosomes. Gender is a lot more grey than black and white. There are really several similar conditions. 3600. Posted by MrSandman Thu Aug 20 8:29am EDT Forget being a race issue... Why is this even a gender issue?! There are plenty of women in the world that look like men and vice versa so why was this even brought up...? Because she dusted some ladies in the 800m? Does anybody on here know how she trains or her work-out regiment....NO!. All you saw was an ugly woman run pretty damn fast... It can happen fellas. 3599. Posted by DavidMac Thu Aug 20 8:29am EDT It's SEX, not gender. Gender is grammar, sex is biological. You f-ing idiots! 3598. Posted by Kathy Thu Aug 20 8:29am EDT to mooncrab ,you only think your athletic in your own mind. 3597. Posted by SimoneF Thu Aug 20 8:29am EDT Racist!!! Enough said... 3596. Posted by edsmug Thu Aug 20 8:28am EDT I am African , balck and I don't think this is racism, I honestly had my doubts, she apperas too scary, even in schools young adolescent girls harly have the look., its quite rare i must say. So all those saying the allegations smarks of racism are dead wrong and there is a validity in the argument , however I wish the runner all the best, the truth sets us all free, let her be tested 3595. Posted by itumza35 Thu Aug 20 8:27am EDT this is jst jelousy at its best 4 once us south africans have a class athlete and now this stuff cums up. ya gal jst do the them test. and after that set a new record. and again been honest this hole setuation is because of RACE, if she was white none of this would have occured. guese racism will never rest. 3594. Posted by Brent Thu Aug 20 8:27am EDT When people say "It doesn't matter what color they are to me." White and Black are always followed by Purple and Green? Can't you come up with better colors? Maybe try some Burnt Sienna or Cornflower Blue. My favorite crayons were always Copper and Silver. That being said, she looks mannish to me..but then again, most top sprinters do. 3593. Posted by shelly Thu Aug 20 8:27am EDT A gender test needs to be performed on the tennis players known as the Williams sisters or as some call them the Williams brothers!!!! 3592. Posted by funnstudly Thu Aug 20 8:27am EDT Hey bosso, really nice, when you want to make a valid or at least an intelegent comment or argument, make sure you have names right and facts correct... other wise its just ignorance! who is mark vick, marcus vick was the younger brother of michael vick who played for the dolphins practice squad for a short time and was an issue with the hokies for giving minors alcohol and drugs... is that who you were referring to??? because that‘s the only mar"c" vick i know of... oh, you were probably defending the more popular vick, so you meant michael, who has never done any wrong, other than bringing marijuana through airport security, killed, tortured and beat on helpless animals...that guy? and about making it a racial issue, you make it worse, when a caucasian athlete or celebrity is questioned or becomes a negative issue, no one says "it‘s because they are white, huh!" and bosso, what have you done for africa? hmmm? nothing, you are just a phillie using your american right to express your opinion, which is fine, just make sure it is legate, correct and with validity... have a nice day! 3591. Posted by Jessica A Thu Aug 20 8:27am EDT Some of these comments are worse than the medias. I cannot believe how shallow some of us still are. Just because she is an outstanding athlete does not mean she is male nor does she do steroids. why cant she be just a women who has been training for this her whole life and trains everyday? I hate to see what some of you have to say when a women decides to make herself eligible for the nfl draft, it will happen someday, colleges are taking more and more women for college football, and more girls are playing youth and high school football. I have a 12 year old daughter who is a defensive end, and she trains for all the sports that she plays 365, she enjoys being a athlete and will do whatever she can to excel, the fair way I would like to think that i am raising honest children that will work hard for what they want, because when you cheat those medals and reconigition do not mean anything. 3590. Posted by Shawn H Thu Aug 20 8:26am EDT bosso, first off it is Mike not Mark Vick...And most people "hating on black people" are black people. You can't watch a black comedian, rapper, or affirmative action job stealer without one perpetuating myths that elevate and degrade African Americans at the same time. I am not for elevating someone just to make me look bad. We need to stand on equal ground. And saying black people are natural born athletes is probably the most ignorant and racist remark I heard today, even though the day just started. WTF ever "@#$%" (reference black supremacist group) And no one is trying to be liek you anymore, you had a run in the late 80's and most of the 90's, that's over homeboy. People of all races are just trying to better themselves. Only the ignornat continue to bring race around every chance they can. Learn some history...As for Vick, he broke the law, did his time and have been given a second chance and I can't wait to see him do his thing. I don't see the "hating" on him. BTW smoking weed is totally different that what Vick was in to so your comparison makes no sense. As for this particular story, it is sad that people would say someone is a man when they are not. Unless she was born as a man and a woman (it is documented that has happened before). Or She is like those gay men that say they always felt and dressed like a woman so they are a woman now. I don't know but the coment in the story "she is my little girl. … I raised her and I have never doubted her gender. She is a woman and I can repeat that a million times" sounds a little suspect. Maybe he is tolerant. IDK. But, the question was asked and it must be answered. When she is found out to be a girl, I hope whoever brought this up gets sued. God bless the world, not just Africa Bosso Bozo 3589. Posted by dun55can Thu Aug 20 8:26am EDT Bosso, you are the reason people are racist. You are a complete idiot. You can't spell nor can you carry on complete sentences. What you need to do, is take your ghetto 3rd grade education and learn what you are talking about. And when it comes to VICK, his name is not Mark. Its Michael. Nobody is holding him back, he is going to play. I hope he gets his neck broke, but he will play. So grow up, learn your facts and then post comments on here. 3588. Posted by Rachella Thu Aug 20 8:26am EDT What does not meet the requirements to compete as a woman mean exactly? You're either a woman or not. What other requirements are there? 3587. Posted by m aima Thu Aug 20 8:26am EDT Semenya issue is just complete racism because they do not think that a black female will went so far in rack race and won of the World Gold metal. What will Her only father gain about lieing to the world that His daughter is a Female? Her family know the punishment that will be raise if the world find out that she is a Man. As they said she is from a poor family so I do not think she will lie about her gender. Semenya work very hard just to gain what she have today. Did anyone ever asked themselve what will a poor girl gain by lieing to the public? I means she put herself into work, she exerises a lot due to her exerises, she develop a mascular body. When will racism stop? The world would have consider orders racis if they were going to won this world gold metal without question about their gender. Now that they knew that a black female had won the gold metal so they are asking for a gender. I hope one day the world will abolished racism. To you semenya, continue to do whatever you are doing and do not think about what Man say about your gender. Man are here in this world just to see the down fall of one another. I am very proud of you and keep on making Africa proud. l know that God almighty will guide you through. 3586. Posted by Tonya P Thu Aug 20 8:25am EDT home girl looks like a man if they wanna test her (him) so what its only fair then next year hell whip the guys azzez!!!! lmao 3585. Posted by okuabor Thu Aug 20 8:25am EDT I hope my brothers in S.A Aithletics will get very involved in the testing process. Otherwise u and Africa may be about to lose a world beater who obviously will reign for many years. There is politics in sports definitely. Please follow up. Don't let them cheat us. Will they be testing her if she was American or European? I doubt it.Remember the lady who ran the 100m in 10.84? As far as am concerned, she spiked her system but who checked? 3584. Posted by joeyg05 Thu Aug 20 8:25am EDT I think why would it matter about the gender, because the system is not always fair. Trying to took something back after mostly every event but after the race is finish a couple days go then they bring up a stupid comments about maybe she a guy.. LOLLOL .. the system its not fair know matter what... 3583. Posted by Grits Thu Aug 20 8:25am EDT Somebody always has to trample on someone elses sucess. So she is fast. She beat the crap out of everyone. So she is a little manish. They can't play the race card so they pick the gender card because they can. 3582. Posted by Craigles Thu Aug 20 8:25am EDT I don't understand "gender verification"... penis = man. It's that simple. What test are they doing exactly? Regarding chimdi87's post about race. Yes, it is important, but it should be noted that black people in the western hemisphere tend to had exagerated athleticism because they were BRED LIKE HORSES for 400 years. Africans proved to be better laborers and less prone to disease than the natives - because Africa is where humans first evolved, they have all of our basic immunities - and were thus "artificially selected." A lot of people hear this argument and think that I'm a "racist", I'm not. My grandfather is black, many of my friends are as well, but the truth is, blacks in the Western hemisphere have phenotypes which are not seen anywhere else. Think of the NBA, Hakeem Olajuwon is probably the best athlete to ever come out of Africa and play basketball, but Shaq has 100 pounds on him, is twice as strong, just as fast, and probably able to jump higher (before he got out of shape at least). The reason you don't see black swimmers is because pool memberships are expensive and Europe pretty much made sure that blacks everywhere were @#$%ed over economically... however, Cullen Jones - another American, aka western hemisphere - is one of the best freestylers in the world and was on the USA 4x100m gold medal team in Beijing 3581. Posted by sujjdah Thu Aug 20 8:24am EDT Y all this happning?? i ll must say feel it once for u??? 3580. Posted by Likando Thu Aug 20 8:23am EDT Let us get civilised, she is atheletic and she won. she is south african. and ajamaican won the male race we are watching. there is no black or white thing in sport. beat up the topic give semenya her medal and wahtever she deserves. 3579. Posted by shawn l Thu Aug 20 8:21am EDT A chemically enhanced person is a violation regardless of gender. 3578. Posted by wachira Thu Aug 20 8:21am EDT Peter, Let those thinking about the gender just go to hell. Lets have white women confused with men, then we can check on our black. Silly idiots. 3577. Posted by amony Thu Aug 20 8:20am EDT I believe what the world is saying about semenya is really too much. am sori to say it could be jealousy because for all this while she has been practicing and her female mates could have realised that she was male. she could be from a poor background like izukuru who did not take care of himself and almost looked like a man. please they have over made it public which is embarrashing for the family. the parents know best and if they say that she is a female then people should let her rest. the fact remains that if its out of jealous then no truth will come out. but they will only lie and later deny her the chance. be sincere you africans!!!!! 3576. Posted by moonchyldcrab82 Thu Aug 20 8:20am EDT To BOSSO...It's MICHAEL PHELPS and MICHAEL VICK! Furthermore, stop perpetuating the stereotype that all black people are good at sports. While I am black and naturally athletic I have plenty of black friends who are not. And the whole Michael Phelps smoking weed thing didn't come out until AFTER the Olympics. I'm quick to call a spade a spade but I don't know enough about this story to say whether it was race related or not but if you're going to cry racism at least get your facts straight BOSSO. 3575. Posted by margiestn Thu Aug 20 8:20am EDT This seems be such a hot subject and I do believe that the only way to solve this inquiry is to either have a gender test done or to merely ask the parents if the runner was born with male or female genitalia. This would solve the whole mystery and everyone can live happily ever after. 3574. Posted by holofelo Thu Aug 20 8:19am EDT Congrats!!!!!! to our girl, she should just hang in there because all of this will end and she'll enjoy her win in peace and happy. CONGRATS MS SEMENYA 3573. Posted by Tony Thu Aug 20 8:18am EDT wether she's a man or not she sure does look like one. I can understand thinking that. If there wrong they will look and feel like a fool. Its kinda like asking a chubby chick if shes pregnant. 3572. Posted by ansadupreez Thu Aug 20 8:18am EDT All this speculation is her own fault - her behaviour is, to say the least, boyish... not to mention her appearance! 3571. Posted by Bamagirl Thu Aug 20 8:18am EDT wah wah wah. I wish I could claim all of my issues were because I am white. Nice scape goat to have. GET OVER BLAMING RACE FOR EVERYTHING. The whining is getting seriously old, and NO ONE buys it. Find another excuse. 3570. Posted by Gary Thu Aug 20 8:18am EDT Gender is not male or female. Have a female official take a look! 3569. Posted by Melis Thu Aug 20 8:17am EDT Not everything is based on race..White people, Jews, German , Indians, women in general: everyone gets racsim; not just African / Black folks. Get off the race blame game, thats not the issue at hand. How many Jews are still talking about the hollicost? They had white slaves too ya know. And there are just as many hate crimes where the race is being attacked by blacks. Move on. 3568. Posted by Theo Thu Aug 20 8:17am EDT I am a tru believer in 1 and 2 and no in betweens. Man are He and Women are She so there are no heshe's therefore I support that a test should be done to make it clear that sports should be fair by all means even by gender. If drugs and other performance improvement substances are tested against participants to determine whether that individual participated naturally, than this test is just as legal. Man against man and vise versa. I end by saying: If Cats, Doggs, Piggs and other animals know their mates. Why can't we be the same. 4ward with the testing...... 3567. Posted by Debra L Thu Aug 20 8:17am EDT Chuck your thinking is completely wrong!!!! I am fully woman, born that way and raised that way. My index finger is shorter then my ring finger. 3566. Posted by anelejan Thu Aug 20 8:16am EDT classic i tell you. This is just classic. 3565. Posted by mekesur Thu Aug 20 8:15am EDT i hope u 3564. Posted by R Thu Aug 20 8:14am EDT Austin Powers said it best, "she's a man, man just check the package" 3563. Posted by chimdi87 Thu Aug 20 8:14am EDT lets face it race does play its part. there is what id term as white sports and black sports.. how many blacks do you see in the pool? pole vault? in my opinion to be honest the genes that go with that race matter and where running is concerned blacks are superior and it shows. bolt is black, tyson gay is black, check all other faster sprinters they black. mutola was black and very manly if u ask me so no doubt this new 800 sensation is black and so fast. my opinion! other sports other human races are dominant.. asians anyone.. cricket not runing. michael phelps swimming, caught snorting big deal.. so even her if she/he caught then tough luck this is just blown out of proportio 3562. Posted by Marcus Thu Aug 20 8:14am EDT Just do a damn ultra sound and check for ovaries. 3561. Posted by leedaman85 Thu Aug 20 8:13am EDT Bosso, I'll tell you what. Learn how to speak English, and form coherent sentences when you are carrying on with your racist dribble, and maybe someone will take you seriously. White, black, purple, whatever, she looks like a dude to me. It doesn't seem to be too much to ask to confirm your gender to me. 3560. Posted by PaulM Thu Aug 20 8:13am EDT I like that comment from Bosso. What an idiot. 3559. Posted by mutie Thu Aug 20 8:12am EDT It is very humiliating to this girl.Do this office people know how painful it is going through training to get that shape? Lets wait the test results. 3558. Posted by cards252001 Thu Aug 20 8:12am EDT Too much Progesterone = Woman Too much Testosterone = Man Too much Progesterone in a man = Manny Ramirez 3557. Posted by fishkins10 Thu Aug 20 8:12am EDT if she has ever had a PECKER it's a MAN!!! 3556. Posted by Lucius Thu Aug 20 8:11am EDT For the love of GOD. . . why is everything a race issue????? This is NOT a race issue, it's a gender issue. Get over it! 3555. Posted by Phil Thu Aug 20 8:11am EDT It probably is a hormone problem...like she takes too much testosterone. I think this is ridiculous, haven't we learned to just blindly trust athletes, next you''ll tell me that Roger Clemens is a cheater. 3554. Posted by frezerburn1966 Thu Aug 20 8:11am EDT Hey, look everybody its pat.................. 3553. Posted by fishkins10 Thu Aug 20 8:10am EDT one word for MOSSO (MORON) 3552. Posted by fishkins10 Thu Aug 20 8:10am EDT one word for MOSSO (MORON) 3551. Posted by Roxanne Thu Aug 20 8:10am EDT With success comes alot of hate, regardless of your color. I know the prevalence is there more for Blacks and it's because of the whole who was on the Earth first thing and screwed it up for all mankind. I just cannot think of any other reason! I hurt for her and will be praying that she doesn't harm herself because of the nastiness of man. I don't think (definitely don't hope) a father and grandmother would lie about someone's gender. So many women regardless of color take more after their fathers or have lesser female genes than some, doesn't make them a man. My prayers are with her and her family! 3550. Posted by Elise Thu Aug 20 8:08am EDT I don't understand....what made the officials think she wasn't a woman in the first place? 3549. Posted by John & Ekundayo Thu Aug 20 8:08am EDT People need to go outside the country to see how other athletes that dont have the opportunity of a gym train.I think after this, she should get an interview to tell us how she got to look soo fit.That is if she is not on 'roids. 3548. Posted by lynnc Thu Aug 20 8:08am EDT I'm so sick of "RACE" being thrown up every time something is brought up or questioned regarding black people. If you want to be treated "equal" quit complaining and just act and be an American. Tell me a white woman who looks like a man wouldn't also be questioned. PLEEEASE!!!!!!! 3547. Posted by jennieamorino Thu Aug 20 8:07am EDT LOL that guy said Mark Vick! 3546. Posted by fishkins10 Thu Aug 20 8:07am EDT One word for BOSSO ( MORON) 3545. Posted by TeraK Thu Aug 20 8:06am EDT She won @#$%es!!! Leave it 3544. Posted by dnkosie Thu Aug 20 8:06am EDT u go GIRL! show them what u capable of, we are very proud of u. 3543. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 8:05am EDT Hi all my chelsea fans am galas from nigeria as 4 d test that semenye caster received. i jost call it way of treating.if i way thie i would have ask than 2 go and ask God why her startu is in dat way.because i know dat i have a sister wit disen startu wit her.wart d world is doing 2 dat young beautiful lady is very bad.if soo den the should remove all d girls in amy camp.because dos one's are men yes. I will advise her 2 gallant.mail dworldofdongalas 3542. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 8:05am EDT Hi all my chelsea fans am galas from nigeria as 4 d test that semenye caster received. i jost call it way of treating.if i way thie i would have ask than 2 go and ask God why her startu is in dat way.because i know dat i have a sister wit disen startu wit her.wart d world is doing 2 dat young beautiful lady is very bad.if soo den the should remove all d girls in amy camp.because dos one's are men yes. I will advise her 2 gallant.mail dworldofdongalas 3541. Posted by j t Thu Aug 20 8:05am EDT I think the "media" needs to quit finding unimportant things to stir up trouble for people. Who cares if she's a man ? In a year, is it really going to have been a world altering event? if not, then let's concentrate our energies on the truely important stuff. 3540. Posted by MindStorm Thu Aug 20 8:04am EDT Poor girl. How embarrassing. Sex and Gender are different things. Your sex is what you have between your legs, but your gender is socially constructed by your background, personal perception, and society. It is insane to question this woman because of her looks and the fact that she is good at running. Everybody looks different. There is no right way for a female to look. It is horrible that they are putting her through this. 3539. Posted by BarclayTx Thu Aug 20 8:04am EDT Why is this such an issue? All she has to do is to show the doctor her genitals. I have not seen a picture of her. If she does have both genitals than it can get complicated, but it all boils down to what she/he feels like inside, a man or a woman and go with that. 3538. Posted by GREG K Thu Aug 20 8:03am EDT Abbeye Duguma- nice comment!!!! I feel she does need to be test, for authenticity of the sport as far as making it fair, but it is to bad and sad that this couldn't have been done quietly. this athlete must be going threw some difficult times right now with this all up in the news! 3537. Posted by Divine Miss M Thu Aug 20 8:03am EDT How does this turn into an issue of race......this is sexism pure and simple! When a woman or girl (or man for that matter) doesn't fit into the stereo typical gender rules....we consider them less then what they are!! Fear of homosexuality and gender bias are not new.....but they are far more prevalent and ancient then racism!!!!!! 3536. Posted by ngoarinze80 Thu Aug 20 8:03am EDT orionsbow2 Numbskull, stop disturbing us with the story of your life. Post any document were you read that she did that your white witchcraft/vodoo thing of changing your gender through hormone therapy and surgery stuff cos it is not African, this girl is too young for all this stuff you are talking about. How is your butt and mouth have you also tried enlarging it to the african size? tell me more about yourself, what %tage of plastic have you become, can you stand the African Sun and not Melt? Tell me I need to know you better. relax and tell me do get too upset, i discern you allow little things to bother you much. dubass racist. 3535. Posted by Robert Thu Aug 20 8:01am EDT If the speculations prove to be wrong this poor girl must be heavily compensated. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. 3534. Posted by BOSSO Thu Aug 20 7:58am EDT when will you guys stop hating on black people?whenever it come to our's success the media enjoy spreading the worst and dirtiest image one will ever imagine.but when it is the other it just goes down the drain and never resurface.retrospect on the issue of MARCUS FILL the world best swimmer and that of MARK VICK of the philadelphia eagles.both was convicted of criminal charges.FILL was a heavy weed smoker how far did that go. rather it went down the drain. it didnot even affected his participation in the olympics.i bet if he was a negro it would have haunted him/her to the very last end. just like what they are doing to VICK right now, here in philly.but GOD is a just GOD. your talent is your's, nobody can take it from you. inshort we are natural born athelete and that's the fact. so you guys can continue learning to be like us.its ok.it all started in the mother land and it's going to end in the mother's land. God bless u AFRICA peace out. 3533. Posted by monique b Thu Aug 20 7:58am EDT This is very embarassing...how could you do this to someone.So when it comes out to be that she is a woman, how is she supposed to feel? this is rediculous. I wish HER all the best. 3532. Posted by gracey Thu Aug 20 7:58am EDT I find interesting about these issue, but what i have seen to Ms Semenya is really a woman and great lady. Congrats! from the Province of LOVE DINAGAT ISLANDS PHILIPPINES 3531. Posted by gracey Thu Aug 20 7:58am EDT I find interesting about these issue, but what i have seen to Ms Semenya is really a woman and great lady. Congrats! from the Province of LOVE DINAGAT ISLANDS PHILIPPINES 3530. Posted by young Black Thu Aug 20 7:56am EDT Why is it that every woman athlete who dominates her field is accused of either being on roids or being a man? not every person is built the same way, maybe she trained hard to get that fast. If she is not on roids i say leave her alone 3529. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 7:55am EDT Hi all my chelsea fans am galas from................as 4 d test that semenye received. i jost call it way of treating.if i way thie i would have ask than 2 go and ask God why her startu is in dat way.because i know dat i have a sister wit disen startu wit her.wart d world is doing 2 dat young beautiful lady is very bad.if soo den thie should remove all d girls in amy camp.because dos one's are men yes. I will advise her 2 gallant.mail dworldofdongalas 3528. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 7:54am EDT Hi all my chelsea fans am galas from................as 4 d test that semenye received. i jost call it way of treating.if i way thie i would have ask than 2 go and ask God why her startu is in dat way.because i know dat i have a sister wit disen startu wit her.wart d world is doing 2 dat young beautiful lady is very bad.if soo den thie should remove all d girls in amy camp.because dos one's are men yes. I will advise her 2 gallant.mail dworldofdongalas 3527. Posted by abazsistamngu Thu Aug 20 7:54am EDT if she's not a male then she must be on some type of enhancers. 3526. Posted by GREG K Thu Aug 20 7:54am EDT Joel.dami - wow, you ever hear of "spell check" anyway men are different physically then women.so it should matter in a race marked just for women or men! there have been plenty of cases men born as women and women born as men, their dna, genes or what ever it is that make us up, lacking at birth! just because a person is born with all his or her parts, doesn't mean they are what they are. if all the test indicate she's a man, based on a medical exam, testosterone levels ect. then she, he should be eliminated. 3525. Posted by chuck Thu Aug 20 7:53am EDT Easy way to settle this is look at the hands. On men, the index finger is shorter than the ring finger and vice versa on womens hands. 3524. Posted by trish-n-indy@... Thu Aug 20 7:53am EDT What a buzz-kill..I think that it would be so wonderful to be actually able to run so fast and it is a shame that this gender issue came about : ((( I hope that she can find her Joy in spite of this BIG QUESTION!! Good Luck, Sistah!! 3523. Posted by fossettk98 Thu Aug 20 7:53am EDT Hey Cyborg..looks like a man too! 3522. Posted by Barbara Thu Aug 20 7:53am EDT Just leave the lady alone!!! She come to our country to be something and i'm sure it wasn't to be part of our Media!!! Go see what Brittney & nicole Richie are up to are find Paris Hilton!! Just let this woman RUN!!!!!!!! 3521. Posted by AnikaEden Thu Aug 20 7:52am EDT Let HER win !!!! Does she have a menstrual cycle !!!! Let her work be her reward. In comparing her to other female atheletes, her mammary glands are not as pronounced, but so what. She's earned the win, SO LET THE WIN BE "HERS". Caster Semenya congratulations, don't let anyone steal your thunder. Inhale your exceptional win and keep your stamina about your forward motion to blow smoke in the faces of those who oppose you. You Go Girl !!! You Rock a Million !!! Hard work does pay off. Keep your head up !! 3520. Posted by Abbeye Duguma Thu Aug 20 7:52am EDT Everyone should reserve all comments until this case has been resolved. We cannot be 100% certain of anything but if such rubbish comments continue then it can seriously cause further damage to this athelet's reputaion. I can't imagine the pain that this young teenager is going through right now. 3519. Posted by A Loving Black Man Thu Aug 20 7:51am EDT If you don't understand the "Racism"... Read this... If she's born this way, yet it proves shes given advantages, but she is still a female... Wait... Just think about this... What does it remind you of.... Well, the idea that comes to my mind is the "fact" that from birth, shes denied rights! Just like who? Just see it in that light. I admit myself, that she some features that may resemble that of a male, but some woman just do. Some woman have hair in guy places, and things of that nature. I'm not saying, that your only doing this because shes black. I'm just saying, GET THE FACTS BEFORE YOU ACT!!! Trust me where I live, Racism is very much alive!!! Just the other day, a friend of mine was almost hit by a blue pick up truck, and out of the window yells two ignore white guys, "PUNK @#$%R"... More than you know, it scares emotionally... 3518. Posted by junkheadkp Thu Aug 20 7:50am EDT It takes weeks to see if someone has a pecker or a twat? Maybe nobody wants to look it is an ugly mofo 3517. Posted by nurul safida Thu Aug 20 7:49am EDT why people today always blaming something thats is fate by God? 3516. Posted by confused Thu Aug 20 7:48am EDT Poor thing...I can understand the speculation however, she looks just like a man! 3515. Posted by Portia M Thu Aug 20 7:46am EDT I cant wait for the stupid test results, this is ridiculous though! I think Athletic SA has to do some serious suing cos i know the world will be proven wrong. For a moment i was naive about how the world thinks, but now i am reminded. It has nothing to do with race though, just undermining a person bcos of maybe where they happen to come from! 3514. Posted by muslima_usa Thu Aug 20 7:46am EDT I am not from South Africa but I will say this. Here in American I see people everyday whom have an ambigious look about themselves. I am not sure if this is racial but I am kind of thinking it maybe. People black, white, yellow, and red are scared of what they know not. I feel really sorry for this sister, when or if she is proven to be a woman what will all the doughtful say then? You go girl! Give them hell and run your heart out! Please don't let fear and intolerance ruin your wonderful accomplishment! 3513. Posted by Mrbluesays Thu Aug 20 7:46am EDT can wig head Karen Brown of Yeadon participate in the race if she was castrated??? 3512. Posted by doris c Thu Aug 20 7:46am EDT That is a man or something very close to it. 3511. Posted by CayeH Thu Aug 20 7:46am EDT Its rather amazing when a female makes a mark in the sports world, someone has to make 'balls' of it. So what, if she looks a tad male? Does anyone consider she might have a hormone problem? I am sure there are tons of women that look like guys and guys that look like girls (Rupaul for example). The woman can freaking run!!! I am sure if it was a man setting these ground breaking records and he looked female, not a d**n word would of been spoken. This is just another way to keep the gender gap torn open and the male dominated oppression toward female athletes. So, Semenya set fire to the track girl, I am behind you 100%!!! 3510. Posted by rudy Thu Aug 20 7:46am EDT To post 3554. You sound as racist as the comment that you decided to respond to. Just because you have better grammar doesn't mean you are more intelligent. Racism is the offspring of intolerance and ignorance. You both sound like complete fools to me. I am tired of reading posts that have nothing to do with the article. Thanks for making me hypocrite. I do feel bad for that teenage girl though. It must be humiliating to go through a gender test. I don't think anybody believes she is trying to cheat. It is just an unfortunate circumstance for a teenager that has been raised as a girl. I hope they conclude she is a female. (Emma) Please don't claim that anybody is butchering YOUR language? It's not yours, and I don't like that we even share the same language. 3509. Posted by young Black Thu Aug 20 7:44am EDT Emma No this isn't 1800 but Its hard to forget 400 years of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK and in general self serving Caucasians with a superiority complex like yourself who try to make themselves feel smarter by reading every comment to find spelling errors Please save your judgmental comments for yourself 3508. Posted by Mrbluesays Thu Aug 20 7:44am EDT lets have a dike run with cw and wig head Karen Brown of Yeadon 3507. Posted by Auset Thu Aug 20 7:43am EDT That is no female, they need to stop lying. you can tell in the full body pictures that physic is all male, I don't give a flying lacefronts how much hormone replacements that man has been taking. frisk his ass. that dude looks, like no lady!!! 3506. Posted by GIDEON Thu Aug 20 7:43am EDT Time will tell it always does what is in the darkness always come to light. I tip my hat off to the young lady, go girl you got what it takes. 3505. Posted by Olusegun B Thu Aug 20 7:43am EDT I hope someone will tell those who think that she is a man that here in Africa, looks can be deceptive. That sister according to her school is from a background where she has been unable to develop her full potential. If you ask me, I doubt if she had a trainer before she was discovered. Please don't distract her. She is an African she is just like her 'sister' Serena Williams. Go on Girl... the world is at your feet. 3504. Posted by e.shepard50@... Thu Aug 20 7:41am EDT Also this world-weary senior citizen is really troubled by how every issue becomes a problem of race. WE ARE ALL OF THE HUMAN RACE! 3503. Posted by memyselfandi Thu Aug 20 7:40am EDT Okay people...I just looked at the pictures of Caster and others in the race. I have got to say that she is no more Manly looking than some of the other runners, including some of the white girls. There is one in particular that I would question...As far as muscle tone and build...I think she fits in with runners that she raced against. Oh...and in regards to the middle finger test...that is not a good indicator...my husband, who definitely is a man...has a longer middle finger than index finger...Let the DNA speak. It is the only true way to tell. 3502. Posted by Baller Thu Aug 20 7:40am EDT mx_6 , I some what agree with you sometimes the race card is unecessarry. But also what you said is BS because racism will never end for black people when we want it to. We've been wanting racism to end for years. If you're white you'll never understand racism, but its not your fault. You can't help what race you are. As long as you're not contributing to racial conflicts then it's all good. 3501. Posted by Mrbluesays Thu Aug 20 7:39am EDT how small does cw and wig head Karen Brown of Yeadon s wewe have to be to pass for a girl... lets just have a dike run 3500. Posted by cotter2@... Thu Aug 20 7:38am EDT I just want to dispute the middle finger theory of an above comment....my middle finger is longer then my index finger...index being the pointer finger?? The elsesomeone40 said if your middle finger is longer then your index finger you are a woman...HELLO but I am not a woman...I think you have it backwards. I say one simple blood test should prove the gender of the runner. 3499. Posted by Skot Thu Aug 20 7:37am EDT Now we all know that african people both men and women have very strong facial features, and bone structure . but maybe the reason she is introverted is a defense from already having to be defensive and insecure about her stature and voice all her life . This is actually something that she flourishes at and no one can take that from her .and she adds that aire of mystery ,and intrigue now be honest most of those europeon women look like men ,and let.s not forget that 70's steroid testosterone scandal where they were building men out of the female atheletes let's be kind she may be ahermorpidite now who's team would you put her on then ? Regardless she is a winner , but most of all she is GODS child a HUMAN BEING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SKOT CHICAGO2NASHVILLE 3498. Posted by andrew d Thu Aug 20 7:36am EDT First time I ever responeded to one of these. I looked at all 58 pictures. Read a few of the comments. I have been in the Army 18 yeears spent time in Africa and have see my share of strange things over there. I am also a life long athlete, avid cyclists who races and I do Tris as well. I have seen women of all shapes and sizes do some great things. Two questions for the group, do any of you know what red twich muscle fiber is or white twitch? African or blacks have more than white people, thus giveing them the ability to run faster. Look at all college track teams/ running backs in college/NFL, most of the fast people are black. There are execptions but it all has to do with what muscle fiber you have. As poor as 90% of Africa is, do we think she had the money to have IT removed? She sure did not have it tucked between her leggs. But maybe she was born with both male and female parts? A few of the photos she looks like a girl when running. She is remarkablely cut for a woman. Again so was Jackie Jointer. Let's wait as see what the doc has to say when the test come back. 3497. Posted by S.A gal Thu Aug 20 7:36am EDT Mokgadi 'Caster' Semenya is a national hero after her stellar performance in the 800m at the World Athletics Championships in Berlin last night. By Nkosana Lekotjolo and Sally Evans Mokgadi "Caster" Semenya is a national hero after her stellar performance in the 800m at the World Athletics Championships in Berlin last night. The 18-year-old running sensation from a rural Limpopo village showed her mettle, despite an international controversy raging about her gender. Local sports officials came out in defence of Semenya's femininity yesterday after it emerged that the International Association of Athletics Federations about three weeks ago asked for gender-verification tests to determine whether she is a woman. The complicated tests could take months to be completed. Semenya burst onto the scene this year, slicing her personal bests in the 800m and 1 500m by huge margins and winning the 800m African Junior Championships, in Mauritius. But Semenya's proud paternal grandmother, Maphuthi Sekgala, 80, said the girl had always been teased about her boyish looks and about being the only girl in the soccer team in Fairlie village, about 60km west of Polokwane. "[The controversy] doesn‘t bother me that much because I know she's a woman, I raised her myself," Sekgala told The Times. Despite reports that Semenya was shielded from global media speculation about her gender ahead of last night's race, Sekgala said her granddaughter phoned her on Monday night to tell her that many people in Berlin believe that she isn't a woman. "She called me after [the heats] and told me that they think she's a man," Sekgala said. "What can I do when they call her a man, when she's really not a man? It is God who made her look that way." Sekgala said her granddaughter had brushed off the taunts of other pupils at her school. "If the teasing hurt her, she kept the hurt to herself and didn't show what she was feeling," she said. Semenya's sister, Nkele, 16, said yesterday: "People must stop calling her a man because we are proud of her." Semenya's best friend from Nthema High School, Deborah Morolong, 22 said: "I think they are saying that out of jealousy. It really hurts me when they say that about her." Morolong added: "But she never had a boyfriend. She doesn't like boys." The drama started when Australian newspapers yesterday reported that questions were being asked at the championships about Semenya's sex. "Is she a he?" said a headline in the Melbourne HeraldSun. Semenya's physique and powerful style have sparked the speculation. IAAF rules state that competitors must be entirely female to compete in women's races. Gender verification is not a new issue in sport. At the 1932 Olympics, in Los Angeles, Polish-born Stella Walsh's gender was questioned after she won gold in the women's 100m sprint with her "man-like strides". After Walsh died it was discovered that she had male genitals and both male and female chromosomes, a condition known as "mosaicism". But Molatelo Malehopo, general manager of Athletics SA, dismissed the rumours as "ridiculous". "We are not confused. [Semenya] is a female and we would not have entered her into the female race if we were confused." South Africa's Olympic boss, Gideon Sam, said: "If the IAAF feel they need to give her a gender test, then they must also release the results to allow her to continue her development and put any malicious comment to bed". Semenya is a first-year sports science student at Pretoria University. One of the university's track coaches, Hennie Kriel, told The Times he found the reports "strange". "It could just be athletes trying to unsettle her." Kriel said there have been "speculations [about Semenya's gender] for a while" but that he was sure ASA "have done their homework". Last night, Wilfred Daniels, the South African team manager in Berlin, said he had tried to shield Semenya from the media furore. "She had been preparing and was focused," Daniels said. 3496. Posted by Kevall1 Thu Aug 20 7:36am EDT This isn't about race or gender discrimination. If you read it that way then you are nothing more than a drama queen who gets your thrills from playing the victim. There is more than enough reason to investigate this matter. She does appear very masculine, and with no disrespect to women, the truth is men are generally stronger and faster, notice I said generally. I think it would be a great injustice to the runners who have dedicated their lives to this sport to not investigate possible cheating. If they are wrong than that's even better. 3495. Posted by MagqazaZ Thu Aug 20 7:35am EDT This whole thing is unfair to Semenya, for goodness sake it's woman's month why should a woman be treated like thise? If her jeans looks like a man what must she do change her self to be a gay or something. It is possible that she have mixed cells on her Body. 3494. Posted by Barb Thu Aug 20 7:34am EDT Posted by mabamidje: "The only point all the commentators have not touched is wether Semenya is an amaphrodite." LMAO What the heck is an amaphrodite????!!!! I believe the correct word you are looking for is HERMAPHRODITE. 3493. Posted by ricksracers Thu Aug 20 7:33am EDT She does look a little manly but hey I won't speculate until the test results are in.. 3492. Posted by Greg N Thu Aug 20 7:33am EDT not another 4...it seem you have already made up your mind about her sex....i have seen russian runners that look more like men than she does...however i unlike you will wait for the test to come back! 3491. Posted by julio p Thu Aug 20 7:33am EDT she sleeps, eats, and shower with womens all the time in the dorms.canot fool other ladies, they will report to the ruling body if it is a something wrong.envy has kill more people than wars.blacks are 10 per cent of the populacion and are 90 per cent of winers at many sports, they are superior phisicly and this gyrl may be one and a million. 3490. Posted by lamarnestlehutt@... Thu Aug 20 7:31am EDT whats up will all this "dat" "dey" dropping the letter S. Get educated before you blog nimrod 3489. Posted by ricksracers Thu Aug 20 7:30am EDT She does look a little manly but hey I won't speculate until the test results are in.. 3488. Posted by Mrbluesays Thu Aug 20 7:30am EDT Yep check the plumbing on wig head Karen Brown of Yeadon before racing 3487. Posted by e.shepard50@... Thu Aug 20 7:29am EDT Yes! She does resemble a male in body structure. Over the years, I have seen many women built like this. Its not her build thats causing the uproar, but the fact she is crushing fields on the track. I'm definitely old school on this gender issue. Here is my gender test. When nude is there a functional penis or vagina? Bottom line. 3486. Posted by Goddess Thu Aug 20 7:29am EDT I feel this is a ploy. She's a women and if she is not then we really need to look at the state of our Mother land. Although when it turns out to be a women they will have to make up for the mockery they have caused for this young lady! 3485. Posted by Fondall Thu Aug 20 7:28am EDT To post 3537: My money's on Obama thinking she's a dude too. 3484. Posted by suzette Thu Aug 20 7:28am EDT In all honesty it looks to me like Semenya is a man but, if she is not im very sorry and appologize for that but and on the same hand I congratulate Semenya on the win. I used to run the 800m dash and it is a hell of a race. Wether male or female the 800 is one of the hardest races that is run. I feel that everyone should just give semenya a break and stop taking dirty about things until you know the facts, because in the end everyone who was wrong is going to look like an ass. If the race was cheated oh well you cant go back in time to change it, she will lose her medal and who was rightfully the winner will recieve it. If this race was 100% honest good for her. 3483. Posted by ajslim12 Thu Aug 20 7:27am EDT this is completely ridiculous. first of all, gender is an expression of sex so these people need to check their facts because they're wording it all wrong. and it's absurd that the olympics went from an athletic event that brings the world together into a he said, she said competition for money and status. this is disgraceful, let the athletes show their talent. 3482. Posted by Emma Thu Aug 20 7:27am EDT I would like to know why every situation must become a race issue? The very people who cry "RACE" are more often than not the ones who have issue with race. I notice someone made the comment about white crackers, and yet I have not seen one indignant white person retaliate with accusations of racism.. However, had another word been used, this message board would be lit up like a christmas tree .. Racism will NEVER be over in America until people realize that it's not the 1800's anymore. Whats done is done, cant take it back. None of us on Earth today had anything to do with it, so move on. This world has bigger and more pressing issues than whether or not she is male or female.. Just look at this post I copied from Joel.dami Helo pple,orionsbow2 pr wat do u cal urself,dont u eva in ur life dere talk about blacks lik dat.if u kno ure tired of we neggros then u can go on and commit sucide since dats wat u stupid whites do wen u cant accept defeats.am sure if she was a white girl, u wuldnt hav sent in any comment.just learn to appreciate us cos were miles better than u and we dont even need racists like u in this world.to all Africans thumbs up especially my 9jirian people,kip dong wat dey caneva tink of doin cos we make them.ffangel Now I ask you... is that intelligent? How is that not racist? Am I to judge YOU as a stupid person because you obviously are unable to compose a statement in English? Buy a dictionary, or post in your native language so I don't have to be offended by the butchering of my language. 3481. Posted by nubian queen Thu Aug 20 7:26am EDT im not one for comments, blogs, or anythin like that but this issue caught my eye. i have been runnin track for years includin junior olympics, and i have to say ive seen my share of he/she"s. First congrats to this athlete if everythin turns out ligit. judgin by the way she looks, yes as a female u have that instinct that makes u wonder, but i have no idea why they decided to make this public. if anythin i think they should test her for any enhancements, and if enough probably cause maybe a gender test, cant be too sure nowadays and lets be honest looks can be deciving.... black people let it go on the race card, im tired of it and im black. she's from africa,some racist runners maybe mad thats she is black with this record fast time, others may really think like me that a hormorne balance enhancement might be the "explaination" we"re looking for or maybe pure talent? i"ll let science tell me, and keep an open mind til then, i think we all should cause if everythin is ligit we'll be the ones looking like donkeys...... 3480. Posted by Richard C Thu Aug 20 7:26am EDT mx-6... Maybe people want "play the race card" if it wasn'tn't dealt. Take the racist card out of your deck, and play another card game. 3479. Posted by mike Thu Aug 20 7:26am EDT It just sounds like jelousy....maybe started by lesser athetes!!! You go GIRL! CHAMPIONS ARE THOSE WHO OVERCOME!!!! 3478. Posted by Tapiwa Thu Aug 20 7:24am EDT The sista is good and the fact that she looks like a man does not make her one. Micheal Jackson loked like a whiteman but was a blackman. Let her enjoy her glory. 3477. Posted by Portia M Thu Aug 20 7:23am EDT Guys, you are talking about a very rural girl who cant even afford a fee to a Generel Practictioner. What is this nonsense about her being a male who surgically transformed to a Male. Come-on this is an African little girl girl from the countries, where the hell will she do all that crazy expensive staff u r suggesting. Get real and get alife. Her poor dad was talking to one of the SA local papers, sitting under a tree in some village, so heartbroken, all he could say was "leave my little girl alone, why are you doing this to her". This is affecting her family badly. But i guess the world does not care. Its up to South Africans to show compassion to her an her family. Its amazing how things are done in this world, i have seen so many manly-looking athletes. But anyway who said we wanted the world to celebrate her........ 3476. Posted by Mrbluesays Thu Aug 20 7:23am EDT your secret is out cw you and wig head Karen Brown of yeadon and gay boys 3475. Posted by mt_shaggy Thu Aug 20 7:22am EDT Jay Laurino, you can have female horemone replacement for years and then for your test report some female. 3474. Posted by Mrbluesays Thu Aug 20 7:22am EDT lets put wig head Karen Brown of Yeadon and cw in a cage and mate them 3473. Posted by mabamidje Thu Aug 20 7:22am EDT The only point all the commentators have not touched is wether Semenya is an amaphrodite. If she is, it only means the masculine trait might be more predominant in her build. If on the other hand she is a complete female in her physical form she should simply and rationally be left alone. No such tests as medical, psychological, gaenechological or whatever should be performed on her. Subjecting her to such tests would amount to oppression, humiliation and abuse of her womanhood. Sam. T. -Nigeria 3472. Posted by BEAKAL Thu Aug 20 7:21am EDT Hey,she is good enough,she did it so u have to accept it 3471. Posted by Nene33 Thu Aug 20 7:21am EDT God made man stronger(with greater strength potential, to be completely correct) than women, that's a simple fact, it's in the Testosterone, and if the DNA test says XX, it's all good, if it says XY, dude was trying to pass as a lady, it's as simple as that. No need to pull all kinds of things into it. 3470. Posted by aahmedgus Thu Aug 20 7:20am EDT she could be a female, shemale, or a man, let them carry out the test in order to avoid doubt 3469. Posted by mt_shaggy Thu Aug 20 7:19am EDT Kuluba, if Caster was created by the almighty as a female, then this will go away. This is not a new test, it has been done for years. The only issue this time is that the media got ahold of the story. If Caster was created as a "she", then we will all look for records to crumble, and if not, then the other competitors should be justly rewarded for their efforts and not be forced to compete with something man made. 3468. Posted by elsesomeone40 Thu Aug 20 7:17am EDT I can garuntee she's a woman just by looking at the picture. And can prove it.... look at your middle finger. If it is longer than your index finger, you are a woman. If it is shorter, you are a man. True fact! The next time you are somewhere and you think someone is a transvestite...just look at the middle finger and you'll know! 3467. Posted by miss_experience Thu Aug 20 7:17am EDT now i can see that some whites are more stupid,why on earth will you turn this to racism issues,some of you ought to have been tied and beaten to death and i don't blame what the middle east are doing to your country,you always think you are the best people,thank God there is OBAMA. PUNK ASS @#$%ES 3466. Posted by Bashar Ibrahim Thu Aug 20 7:17am EDT Honestly i don't think that this issue has to do anything with racism , one look at this athlete is enough to raise suspicion. by the way I am not white. 3465. Posted by jay laurino Thu Aug 20 7:16am EDT the question i have is what if she was born with a lot more male hormones than the average female? will they say sorry you cant compete? it is one thing if she was born male and she was altered to become a female or if she was born with both male and females organs and at birth the doctors chose to make her appear as female(this happens a lot more than you think) . even then is it really fair to say you cant compete? i belive if she has any female chromosones she should be allowed to compete(even if it is 50/50) if it is proven that she is a 100% male that is another issue. 3464. Posted by not another 4 Thu Aug 20 7:16am EDT It's difficult for me to see this as an issue of race. Looking at the photos of this person there are some very distinct physicalogical differences here that would lead the average person to wonder and speculate. If this person is a trangender or a man, it clearly puts (him/her) at a major advantage over naturally born women, which in itself is not right. If you choose to be a transgender or whatever you maybe is a mind set and you born as a man do not have the right to compete athleticly as a woman. it is simply wrong and unfair. So, all of you who are claiming racsim tone it down a notch and wait to see what this person is gender wise. Ther are just some venuse where your sexuality shoud not be force fed. 3463. Posted by Efelo Margaret Thu Aug 20 7:16am EDT why cant people jst let cascer semenya be, why do people always look 4 negative aspects in individuals. stop trying 2 ruin her lyf and jst let her be. if she knows that she is a girl then she is a girl. who questions you about ur sex , or is someone out there just feeling threatened? 3462. Posted by emmabj2000 Thu Aug 20 7:15am EDT i think people should keep their curiosity in check, lets stop making such a fuzz about this athlete and allow the appropriate authority do their job. 3461. Posted by bernard Thu Aug 20 7:15am EDT this has nothing to with racism, but with gender. to claim otherwise is simply ludicrous. i hope for the sport's sake SHE is what SHE says she is. 3460. Posted by kagordjor Thu Aug 20 7:14am EDT I don't see the point. Why doesn't Semenya just call a few of the IAAF people who are women aside and show them she doesn't carry a 'rod'. 3459. Posted by Richard C Thu Aug 20 7:14am EDT I recall when i was an athlete in a small country town in Mississippi. When i qualified for the state track meet. The track meet was held in a beautiful stadium and it was filled to capacity and standing room only. I was so excited and hyped i ran over 2 seconds faster then i had ever run a 400 meters before. They should have kept this quiet, at least until the results came back. But this young person looks like a woman to me. I have seen women of all races with a similar look. 3458. Posted by johnny f Thu Aug 20 7:13am EDT east germany had issues like this in the olympics. (when they were east germany) the womens team did look like a bunch of guys, but they wouldnt let any one but soviet or east german doctors around them. the olympic commishion should do the obvious. look down the pants. 3457. Posted by Kulaba Thu Aug 20 7:13am EDT From whats going on, if anyone of the committe who have decided to call themselves God Almighty, going to do the testing bussiness to determine the girl's gender basing on techinology,has read comments written by various people, they should actually be sorry about their level of understanding. They have allowed their integrity to be put on a weighing scale and am really sad those we put in responsible posts to represent us , truly are letting us down and make us feel like idiots. If it was a genuine concern,and its not a matter of not accepting defeat, why didnt they put laws describing the shapes of females and males which are allowed to compete. there are men with big bums and breasts why are they not tested to see whether they are really men not women. Why is it that extraodinally/ talented people, the so called prodigys are accepted and not tested to see whether they are human or not and Caster's performance is becoming a Problem to the extend of humiliating her and making her feel inferior in the body she was born to without choice. Good for you judges of gender and physique- for u paid more money and you were offered perfect bodies and maybe u think for her she paid less and given the kind of body she has. Pride and Prejudice is really wrong to be practiced on such a vulnerable teen girl who has Found something for once to be proud of about her body and still u ungreatful people want to take it away from her by humiliating and Cozing her public embarrasment!. You think if she had a choice she wouldnt opt for a Jlo or model female body? Am really sorry for u have put human race in your hands and it has gone too far this time!!! 3456. Posted by cw Thu Aug 20 7:13am EDT mrblue there is no place for you here 3455. Posted by Mrbluesays Thu Aug 20 7:13am EDT Lets let SUPER DUPER wig head Karen Brown of Yeadon play football as a running back then a full back then in the locker room pull her pants down and make her a wide reciever... send her for a long one ;oD 3454. Posted by mx_6 Thu Aug 20 7:09am EDT Once again blacks have to pull out the race card. What part of this article was racist? The only racist I see in this post are all you blacks that who won't let it go and think the world owes you something...it will never stop until you want it to..its up to you. You might want to listen to Bill Cosby when he tells everyone to take responsibility for themselves and quit pointing the finger!!! 3453. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 7:08am EDT Hi all my chelsea fans am galas from................as 4 d test that semenye received. i jost call it way of treating.if i way thie i would have ask than 2 go and ask God why her startu is in dat way.because i know dat i have a sister wit disen startu wit her.wart d world is doing 2 dat young beautiful lady is very bad.if soo den thie should remove all d girls in amy camp.because dos one's are men yes. I will advise her 2 gallant.mail dworldofdongalas 3452. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 7:08am EDT Hi all my chelsea fans am galas from................as 4 d test that semenye received. i jost call it way of treating.if i way thie i would have ask than 2 go and ask God why her startu is in dat way.because i know dat i have a sister wit disen startu wit her.wart d world is doing 2 dat young beautiful lady is very bad.if soo den thie should remove all d girls in amy camp.because dos one's are men yes. I will advise her 2 gallant.mail dworldofdongalas 3451. Posted by nomntu viola Thu Aug 20 7:07am EDT Why would she participate in an all female race if she was a male? c`mon guys, give a sister a break. 3450. Posted by weimully.waka Thu Aug 20 7:06am EDT .........hey pple, before she wnt to the track, u dint bother testing her because u probably dint EVEN notice her, how come u now want to practice this tastes I hear after she's won???, u r not God to determine male and female's strengths. Get real people!!!!!!!ARE U GOD OOOOOh!!!!!!!!, as a Nigerian wd ask 3449. Posted by leo Thu Aug 20 7:05am EDT If he was born a man i don't think we should ever consider him as a girl. If he was born with a penis, man will never be able to give her eggs with a fake ????. I man can't give birth or get pregnant , can he/she? I respect him and those who support the fact that "He wants to be a female and he is working on it" but the competition was for females (real females that God created) not a "DRAG QUEEN pegant. To cut it short, They shouldn't let him get away with it. 3448. Posted by Bonnie F Thu Aug 20 7:05am EDT male. definitely male running as a female. Adams apple and hair trail on the abdomen are male traits not female. Might have the genetic make up of both male and female so mostly phyiscally she's female. Women don't get muscles like that either unless they take male hormones and steriods. 3447. Posted by Ronald Thu Aug 20 7:04am EDT Hi I'm A Blackman and I must agree with the statement #3456 made. we must look at this thing with an opened mind,but remember looks is deceiving can't beleive everything you see. thanks for letting me comment Ronald51 3446. Posted by Mrbluesays Thu Aug 20 7:04am EDT hey whats that smell? wig head Ksren Brown of Yeadon has a manly musky stench 3445. Posted by paulszaniszlo Thu Aug 20 7:03am EDT szaniszlo 56 Amen daniel m,just cut and paste his comment at the end of this one. P.S Ware did aol u peeple goe too skool at? geze leern hou two spel alrede. du yu speek thu wae rite. PSS Stop with the white man putting you down,get that chip off your shoulder. Get a life or a hobby and stop being so bitter. Instead of wasting time *&^%$#@! about it do something to change it in a peaceful way. Thank You And...Good Night. 3444. Posted by brian Thu Aug 20 7:02am EDT as long as black we dont knw wat these other skins think of us.if it was somebody of "that race"every mouth wud be quiet YES totally,may u please let the super runner alone.black is just beautiful.lets put the discrimination away.we all breath the same oxygen.no one has spacial oxygen.let her be and get the medals.its just a game. 3443. Posted by brian Thu Aug 20 7:02am EDT as long as black we dont knw wat these other skins think of us.if it was somebody of "that race"every mouth wud be quiet YES totally,may u please let the super runner alone.black is just beautiful.lets put the discrimination away.we all breath the same oxygen.no one has spacial oxygen.let her be and get the medals.its just a game. 3442. Posted by mt_shaggy Thu Aug 20 7:02am EDT Edmore you're an idiot. In your world Michael Jordan could cut his wanker off and compete in WNBA. No problems with fairness there. Or maybe not even cut it off, as long as he SAYS he's a woman, well then heck, he competes as a woman so that's good enough for your dumbass. 3441. Posted by joel.dami Thu Aug 20 7:02am EDT Helo pple,orionsbow2 pr wat do u cal urself,dont u eva in ur life dere talk about blacks lik dat.if u kno ure tired of we neggros then u can go on and commit sucide since dats wat u stupid whites do wen u cant accept defeats.am sure if she was a white girl, u wuldnt hav sent in any comment.just learn to appreciate us cos were miles better than u and we dont even need racists like u in this world.to all Africans thumbs up especially my 9jirian people,kip dong wat dey caneva tink of doin cos we make them.ffangel 3440. Posted by jcardoc Thu Aug 20 7:01am EDT Why doe it take a couple weeks for the results of a 'gender test'? They should be able to tell at first glance 3439. Posted by masiv Thu Aug 20 7:00am EDT africa has talent lets pliz those pple who have big mouth dont say notinn 3438. Posted by Fondall Thu Aug 20 6:59am EDT Stepping aside from racism and sexism and whatever other "ism" people want to use on this subject. She look's like a freak'n dude. And not in the body building, manly ways but like a dude. Whatever happened to women and men looking different physically? When someone like this comes along, who wouldn't question it? And if there are a lot more folks out there who share this same studly appearence then I know where I'm not going for vacation. :D 3437. Posted by Amy Thu Aug 20 6:59am EDT ok yeah she does look a lil manish to me but there are several people who look manly. The only reason that they stated in the article that their making her do all of this is b/c she's faster than anyone has ever been and that she has a muscular build. So let me ask this, just b/c she is fast probably faster than any competing men she can't possibly be a true woman in gender. That's crap people and any women that are backing this theory based on the evidence provided is a sorry excuse for a woman anyway. I dn't think they are true women in gender b/c as hard as our ancestors had to work to get us to where we are today and we are going to doubt a woman just b/c she's better than men. I just can not believe it. This article makes me sick...I'm cheering for the teenager and I hope she kicks those tests butts just like she did all those trifling women she competed against! 3436. Posted by MiaD Thu Aug 20 6:59am EDT I believe that if no one in this argument/ deabte or whatever you want to call specialize in identifying genders then you can't was what she is. She might even be trans-gendered. I mean people are allowed their own opinions but don't attack her/him the way your doing if you have no proff of scientific evidence. 3435. Posted by lisa Thu Aug 20 6:58am EDT hey guys lest just keep our fingers crossed so that immidiately the results come out........they should be negeative...just to see how there faces will drop...its so unfair.....they are depriving her liberty as a human being.... 3434. Posted by bmwisweet Thu Aug 20 6:56am EDT People need to realize we as women are all the same ... our bodies are just created in different shapes and sizes..if she is a woman i applaud her for being in physical shape that she is..all I can say is, 'don't hate, learn to appreciate!' 3433. Posted by Con Thu Aug 20 6:56am EDT Where are her breasts? If she was even a hint of female, she'd some bumps small or not...she's doesn't have any....so if she looks like man, is built like man, talks like a man...........It's a man 3432. Posted by Edmore Thu Aug 20 6:55am EDT She has won as a woman so she is & if she has lost no one would have bothered-she deserves the medal ok! 3431. Posted by stefanA Thu Aug 20 6:53am EDT Iaaf,racist bastards 3430. Posted by Bonnger Thu Aug 20 6:53am EDT She run her best to achieve what she wanted.leave her alone.she is a she 3429. Posted by Richard C Thu Aug 20 6:53am EDT The officials should not have released the story until they were sure. As far as any of us know, this young person is female. How far will people go, just to get a sensationalized story out, with no regards to the well being of This athlete. She looks female to me. 3428. Posted by pgongar@... Thu Aug 20 6:52am EDT this is so sick these white crackers jus don't like to see african win anything 3427. Posted by roof954 Thu Aug 20 6:50am EDT I'm so freaking sick of you people and your all your "racist" this and "racist" that I could puke. There are REAL DIFFERENCES between black people and other people and differences between males and females and there always will be. That's just the way nature made us. You can't make them go away, nor should anybody want them to, by simply pretending they don't exist. If this woman is a former male, she (it) should compete with males that possess the same strength capabilities. Get over it you numbskulls. Orionsbow2 Ummmm REAL DIFFERENCES between blacks and whites? Skin color nothing more, you are obviously an ignorant moron and I'm really surprised you can even use a computer. Everything that you have spewed out of your redneck mouth could be considered rasicist, so unfortunately it does exist still because of idiots like you. 3426. Posted by Harre Thu Aug 20 6:48am EDT to orionsbow ( obviously is a closet racist = coward ) it's not an issue of black and white. it's clear you are intelligent but your ignorance over shadows that. if she was a male then you are right she should not compete with women. by the way why don't you tell us how you really feel! get a hobby dork! 3425. Posted by FoxyChikCutie Thu Aug 20 6:47am EDT Thats not a woman. thats a dude. You ignorant jackasses who insist thats a woman need to get your eyes checked eeeeeeeeeerr maybe you have have bad taste in women hehehe 3424. Posted by Christopher B Thu Aug 20 6:46am EDT BLACK?! Now its a black thing?! You're rediculous. It's a gender thing not a race thing. 3423. Posted by Mrbluesays Thu Aug 20 6:45am EDT then why is it that when wig head Karen Brown of Yeadon sees some butts she appears to grow a lumpy bulge? 3422. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 6:44am EDT Hi all my chelsea fans am galas from................as 4 d test that semenye received. i jost call it way of treating.if i way thie i would have ask than 2 go and ask God why her startu is in dat way.because i know dat i have a sister wit disen startu wit her.wart d world is doing 2 dat young beautiful lady is very bad.if soo den thie should remove all d girls in amy camp.because dos one's are men yes. I will advise her 2 gallant.mail dworldofdongalas 3421. Posted by orionsbow2 Thu Aug 20 6:44am EDT daniel m, 3404, Read my original post. YOU ARE THE STUPID OAF HERE. You are just the sort of arrogant person who blindly throws around those words of ridicule and incredulity before even bothering to figure out exactly what's going on. SHE IS NOT A WOMAN IF SHE WAS FORMERLY A MALE and is now a surgically altered female. Read the original post. Just because she lacks a penis does not mean she lacks all the strength, all the physical prowess, of a man and therefore can not fairly compete with females. That would give her (it) a distinct strength advantage. Are you so incredibly ignorant that you can't understand that simple fact? Apparently. Yet you arrogantly accuse everyone else of the same stupidity that you possess yourself. Why don't you just shut up, you're embarrrassing yourself. 3420. Posted by marsh Thu Aug 20 6:44am EDT if they want to know the truth just send aman to her and you will hear the sceaming she will give out in that deep voice.how many women do have mens stature and yet we say nothig............ 3419. Posted by jeremiah h Thu Aug 20 6:44am EDT if it looks like a dude sounds like a dude it must be a dude. DUDE!!!!!! 3418. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 6:44am EDT Hi all my chelsea fans am galas from................as 4 d test that semenye received. i jost call it way of treating.if i way thie i would have ask than 2 go and ask God why her startu is in dat way.because i know dat i have a sister wit disen startu wit her.wart d world is doing 2 dat young beautiful lady is very bad.if soo den thie should remove all d girls in amy camp.because dos one's are men yes. I will advise her 2 gallant.mail dworldofdongalas 3417. Posted by chrisy2k_za Thu Aug 20 6:44am EDT "She is my little girl. I raised her and I have never doubted her gender. She is a woman and I can repeat that a million times," father Jacob Semenya told the popular tabloid Sowetan which dubbed the champion "Our Golden Girl". Semenya's 80-year-old grandmother Maphuthi Sekgala told The Times that the first year sports science student had long been teased about her boyish looks and for being the only girl in her local soccer team. "(The controversy) doesn't bother me that much because I know she's a woman I raised her myself," she said in her rural village in northern Limpopo province. 3416. Posted by David Thu Aug 20 6:42am EDT I find it to be so sad whether black or white to always be questioned once you've accomplished something that thousands of people could never do. On one hand people want to see greatness but when you give them that then they want to assume the worst in order for you to have attained those goals. Lance Armstrong, Michael Phelps, and many others that are not black are always penalized for greatness. If this is a woman, it will be very hurtful I would imagine to go through this stereo type. If not then the test should of been done when she first started running. Last thing just because our president is black it doesn't mean racism is over, it's just covered better" like drugs being imported into the country and distributed through the hood". When's the last time Junebug made a AK 47 from his home? Things have not changed that much. Where's my mule and acre? 3415. Posted by Mrbluesays Thu Aug 20 6:41am EDT wig head Karen Brown of Yeadon is a greyhound with lipstick 3414. Posted by Mkhonzeni Thu Aug 20 6:40am EDT Halala ntombi yase mzansi african princess keep collecting doz medals, dont allow pathetic haters idoits racist pigs 2 kill ur spirit viva africa viva 3413. Posted by Florence Thu Aug 20 6:39am EDT Why are some people worried. Lets wait for for the test. 3412. Posted by JENNIFER Thu Aug 20 6:39am EDT I don't think people are trying to be unfair. Remember...there are rare but still occurs....people that are born "both"...So if a they lean more towards their male genetics...is it really fair to allow the person to enter the opposite category. If the person has more testosterone, etc. 3411. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 6:38am EDT Hi all my chelsea fans am galas from nigeria.as 4 d test that semenye received. i jost call it way of treating.if i way thie i would have ask than 2 go and ask God why her startu is in dat way.because i know dat i have a sister wit disen startu wit her.wart d world is doing 2 dat young beautiful lady is very bad.if soo den thie should remove all d girls in amy camp.because dos one's are men yes. I will advise her 2 gallant 3410. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 6:38am EDT Hi all my chelsea fans am galas from nigeria.as 4 d test that semenye received. i jost call it way of treating.if i way thie i would have ask than 2 go and ask God why her startu is in dat way.because i know dat i have a sister wit disen startu wit her.wart d world is doing 2 dat young beautiful lady is very bad.if soo den thie should remove all d girls in amy camp.because dos one's are men yes. I will advise her 2 gallant 3409. Posted by Mrbluesays Thu Aug 20 6:38am EDT wig head Karen Brown of Yeadon was a girl till her father who wanted a son squeezed her nose and blew into her mouth real hard and POP now she has new tools 3408. Posted by Thomas M Thu Aug 20 6:37am EDT I have only one question what will they do if she is proved female? 3407. Posted by kelv-d Thu Aug 20 6:37am EDT This is a trick to disballance the young beutiful african before she set a new record of 50 seconds. shame to you whites monkeys 3406. Posted by hoffman_emlyn Thu Aug 20 6:37am EDT I am South African, I do beliee that an element of racism exists in this situation, howvever do not wish discuss the merits of same at this time. I do want remind eveyone that Semenya is an 18 year old girl who despite obataining a gold medal by overcoming disadvantages most people espicially in the so called developed copuntries know nothing about, has been embarrassed on an international platform overshadowing her achievement. The question of her gender is based on what European persons deem masculine features, facial hair which most women have but have removed, as an Afircan I had no doubt that she was female , I was extremely proud at her success. How can adults embaress and publicly humiliate a young girl to this extent , how can the public treat this as a joke , boo her as she wins the gold, discuss her as if she is an object( just like they did with pigmies, Saartjies Bartman, and Africa as a WHOLE. Germany , Europe , still the same, I guess now there is no point in discussing racism its obvious that its inherent, and most people commenting are going to rant and rave and expose that inherent racism further which is pointless. Would this have been carried out on an American, if so would it has been internationally discussed. But Semenya is a strong girl and like our beautiful country and continent will overcome the ignorance of the European society. oh I am white!!!!!! 3405. Posted by kelechiihenacho Thu Aug 20 6:36am EDT Dont mind them semenya, is just b,cos you have done what they think no black african can do, if to say you became the last on that race, i dont think any of these question would came out. carry on girl...... 3404. Posted by shella Thu Aug 20 6:36am EDT I am not happy the way they she is being treated , how could they say that she has risen from an unknown teenage runner to the favorite 800, what i know is that there are no two equal human been, so it dose not mean that if other runners were known in their teenage stages, she must also be know in her teenage stage. so please let them allow her to perform what God has prepared her for long ago . 3403. Posted by Mrbluesays Thu Aug 20 6:34am EDT wig head Karen Brown of Yeadon pees on fire hydrants she smells it first 3402. Posted by Jackie Thu Aug 20 6:34am EDT lets the tests be done to clear all doubt! As long as they are done fairy. Good luck caster! 3401. Posted by Jimbo Thu Aug 20 6:34am EDT turd ferguson, m sure u r a man, right? how many man do u know that have a body as her's, if you do know them or if you have her kind of body send a pic of yourself . she worked hard to have what you call attributes of men, who r u to say how women should look anyway. 3400. Posted by valereyt Thu Aug 20 6:34am EDT that is so unfair if she was white everthing would be alright. look what they doing to Bolt GIVE BLACK A CHANCE 3399. Posted by theola.essack Thu Aug 20 6:34am EDT "gorc666" you are by far the biggest idiot to grace this sitein a long time! Your ignorance astounds me! The sad thing is that there are still so many people out there whos knowledge of african countries and culture leaves much to be desired... The cultural or religious practice of male/ female circumcision is not only practised in african countries, but in many european and asian countries as well. As far as genital mutilation goes, you'd find this happens in many communities that practice and believe in witchcraft... google "voodoo beliefs" and you'll find that this sick behaviour has been reported in many states in the USA... and newsflash, white people have been involved as well! Yes, many people are starving and there is famine and heartbreak in african countries, but don't make them out to seem as if they have half a brain... when in fact it is you who has half a brain... educate yourself... use the internet to improve your shallow existance!!! Semenya just proves that one can rise above their humble beginnings! 3398. Posted by motseoamolupe.alinah@... Thu Aug 20 6:33am EDT geez, thiz is rediculous,why do this to her?is it becoz shes an African? and after all i dont think its fair on her to quetion about her gende aftershe won the race... Pls treat the gul wit sm respect..... 3397. Posted by moztour Thu Aug 20 6:33am EDT The fact is, be it She's a man or a woman - She will still kick butt! Honestly, I think She is really a She. Infact Maria Matola was also man-like..... 3396. Posted by ramat r Thu Aug 20 6:33am EDT People are getting so crazy! 3395. Posted by shella Thu Aug 20 6:32am EDT I am not happy the way they she is being treated , how could they say that she has risen from an unknown teenage runner to the favorite 800, what i know is that there are no two equal human been, so it dose not mean that if other runners were known in their teenage stages, she must also be know in her teenage stage. so please let them allow her to perform what God has prepared her for long ago . 3394. Posted by Mrbluesays Thu Aug 20 6:32am EDT wig head Karen Brown of Yeadon was castrated thats why she runs so fast 3393. Posted by Mrbluesays Thu Aug 20 6:30am EDT if she is a girl then why was wig head Karen Brown of Yeadon trying to hump the girls in the locker room? 3392. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 6:30am EDT Hi all my chelsea fans am galas from nigeria.as 4 d test that semenye received. i jost call it way of treating.if i way thie i would have ask than 2 go and ask God why her startu is in dat way.because i know dat i have a sister wit disen startu wit her.wart d world is doing 2 dat young beautiful lady is very bad.if soo den thie should remove all d girls in amy camp.because dos one's are men yes 3391. Posted by ramat r Thu Aug 20 6:29am EDT People are getting so crazy! 3390. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 6:29am EDT Hi all my chelsea fans am galas from nigeria.as 4 d test that semenye received. i jost call it way of treating.if i way thie i would have ask than 2 go and ask God why her startu is in dat way.because i know dat i have a sister wit disen startu wit her.wart d world is doing 2 dat young beautiful lady is very bad.if soo den thie should remove all d girls in amy camp.because dos one's are men yes 3389. Posted by billthecomputech Thu Aug 20 6:29am EDT 666 As the Universe spins along with our South and North Poles melting, Humankind's mental state determine by unprovoked moments in time use any means available to self destruct the soul, the spirit and the human form singularly or en mass. We the people of earth approve of our behaviors en mass wherever we are standing or sitting in the infinite time line to 2012. It is a shameful act to place such microscopic abrupt questions in the news before sitting down with the athlete. The ignorant mind.is allowed to cast evil upon another because it has allowed a chemical reaction in the brain spark therefore obtaining pleasure from evil actions in private and public.....beyond reproach.666 silently truthfully winds it way into our presence but alas.....we are too late to stop ourselves for such a evil pleasure. But...One Person can change Things forever as have happen here and before. 3388. Posted by orionsbow2 Thu Aug 20 6:28am EDT I am sick to freaking death of all you goddamn black people (and black people wannabees) constantly yelling and screaming about racism. This has NOTHING to do with racism. Don't you stupid creatins understand that a transgendered person who is biologically a male can become a female through hormone therapy and surgery? Afterward, what appears to be a female will still retain much of the musculature and strength of the original male human while taking on the appearance of a female. If this person competes in athletic events, the mere fact that they possess most or even SOME of the strength of a male may disqualify them from the event because it would then become unfair. The former male would have a distinct strength advantage over the true female competitors. Men have greater upper body strength and are generally faster than women. It's just a medical and geneological FACT. God, some of you creatinous, backward dolts talk like you've never seen a TV or read a newspaper. For god's sake, do a little reading or, at the very least, listen to one of your intelligent neighbors talk about stuff for a while. Maybe you'll learn a little something. And don't any of you pansy assed liberal @#$%heads give me a hard time either. I'm so freaking sick of you people and your all your "racist" this and "racist" that I could puke. There are REAL DIFFERENCES between black people and other people and differences between males and females and there always will be. That's just the way nature made us. You can't make them go away, nor should anybody want them to, by simply pretending they don't exist. If this woman is a former male, she (it) should compete with males that possess the same strength capabilities. Get over it you numbskulls. 3387. Posted by polonyanampinane Thu Aug 20 6:28am EDT discrimination agains blacks who r making it BIG..... i honestly dont suport such... im disgustd...sure she aingt got appealing facial looks but so what...? 3386. Posted by intergro1 Thu Aug 20 6:27am EDT Why is that the world is always question good products from Africa? She has made it, and there is no two ways about it. they should be careful who check on her before they inject toxic materials into her God given body. 3385. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 6:27am EDT Hi all my chelsea fans am galas from nigeria.as 4 d test that semenye received. i jost call it way of treating.if i way thie i would have ask than 2 go and ask God why her startu is in dat way.because i know dat i have a sister wit disen startu wit her.wart d world is doing 2 dat young beautiful lady is very bad.if soo den thie should remove all d girls in amy camp.because dos one's are men yes 3384. Posted by floodgate10 Thu Aug 20 6:26am EDT why dont we all shut up and wait for the TEST 3383. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 6:26am EDT Hi all my chelsea fans am galas from nigeria.as 4 d test that semenye received. i jost call it way of treating.if i way thie i would have ask than 2 go and ask God why her startu is in dat way.because i know dat i have a sister wit disen startu wit her.wart d world is doing 2 dat young beautiful lady is very bad.if soo den thie should remove all d girls in amy camp.because dos one's are men yes 3382. Posted by Mrbluesays Thu Aug 20 6:26am EDT wig head Karen Brown has 3 legs and no a** 3381. Posted by polonyanampinane Thu Aug 20 6:26am EDT discrimination agains blacks who r making it BIG..... i honestly dont suport such... im disgustd...sure she aingt got appealing facial looks but so what...? 3380. Posted by Florence Thu Aug 20 6:26am EDT why are u people worried. Lets wait for the test. 3379. Posted by Elizabeth M Thu Aug 20 6:25am EDT The world surely have crazy people in their midst .How can we judge individual based on their Gender and be the very first tones of people to criticize those persons who go for surgery with fear that people wont accept them for who they are. If Caster were a child now , dont you think all this discussions could have affected her growing up ?????????????? People should learn to embrace the difference in others and also know that they have limitations of their own. Am very sure the panel of doctors working on her case if put closely to the test for the world to determine their genders ?? Funny things will come up such as Aliens for example because of their long Noses or wide mouths .....................So think about it before judging what God has beautifully created. Namenya Kenya 3378. Posted by Vice Thu Aug 20 6:24am EDT What if she had a sex change...and it's not there. 3377. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 6:24am EDT Hi all my chelsea fans am galas from nigeria.as 4 d test that semenye received. i jost call it way of treating.if i way thie i would have ask than 2 go and ask God why her startu is in dat way.because i know dat i have a sister wit disen startu wit her.wart d world is doing 2 dat young beautiful lady is very bad.if soo den thie should remove all d girls in amy camp.because dos one's are men yes 3376. Posted by Mrbluesays Thu Aug 20 6:24am EDT check the plumbing on wig head Karen Brown of Yeadon you might find a hardy 3375. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 6:24am EDT Hi all my chelsea fans am galas from nigeria.as 4 d test that semenye received. i jost call it way of treating.if i way thie i would have ask than 2 go and ask God why her startu is in dat way.because i know dat i have a sister wit disen startu wit her.wart d world is doing 2 dat young beautiful lady is very bad.if soo den thie should remove all d girls in amy camp.because dos one's are men yes 3374. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 6:24am EDT Hi all my chelsea fans am galas from nigeria.as 4 d test that semenye received. i jost call it way of treating.if i way thie i would have ask than 2 go and ask God why her startu is in dat way.because i know dat i have a sister wit disen startu wit her.wart d world is doing 2 dat young beautiful lady is very bad.if soo den thie should remove all d girls in amy camp.because dos one's are men yes 3373. Posted by kelv-d Thu Aug 20 6:24am EDT why should an African teen who "looks" just like man come out of the shadow to keep such a record at a sudden pace? surely she can't be a woman of which she is. of course only the white and the most tech advanced can do that. God dey kelvin Nigeria 3372. Posted by Atiku Thu Aug 20 6:23am EDT Hi all my chelsea fans am galas from nigeria.as 4 d test that semenye received. i jost call it way of treating.if i way thie i would have ask than 2 go and ask God why her startu is in dat way.because i know dat i have a sister wit disen startu wit her.wart d world is doing 2 dat young beautiful lady is very bad.if soo den thie should remove all d girls in amy camp.because dos one's are men yes 3371. Posted by chbuzo m Thu Aug 20 6:22am EDT this talented sprinter does not deserve the psychological insult melted upon her by athletics authorities. will it had being this way if she represented USA or Canada? 3370. Posted by FATJOEY Thu Aug 20 6:22am EDT Its johnny knoxville in drag 3369. Posted by javill Thu Aug 20 6:22am EDT Being a person we are able to respect of one another.... 3368. Posted by Snead Thu Aug 20 6:21am EDT I dont know about this one....she is ripped but she looks like a girl in the face a lil bit....a lilllllll bit but if she is a girl then i feel bad for her but she look like a dude right now. 3367. Posted by Thabo Thu Aug 20 6:21am EDT To tell the truth this is an insult to the South african country and South African Women especially this Women month. From us the Africans that is a woman that we areproud of, and by that i think you are just simply saying that we dont have women in Africa since to us that was o woman who the 800m sprint not a Man. To Our Lady Semenya We Love you Girl infact the whole Africa loves you. Show them what you are made of they are just a board of HATERS dont mind them chew them and spit them. We are Proud of you. PROUDLY SOUTH AFRICAN 3366. Posted by FATJOEY Thu Aug 20 6:21am EDT well? is it TUNA TACO orrrrr FRANKS AND BEANS? 3365. Posted by FUCKTHECUBBIES Thu Aug 20 6:20am EDT P.s.... olayinka.... shut up!! i love how people such as yourself always pull the race card right away!! we have elected a black president so shut your mouth and stop blaming everything in your life on white people!! 3364. Posted by FATJOEY Thu Aug 20 6:20am EDT I love shemales...i still have sulka's wedding on video! 3363. Posted by mdj7127 Thu Aug 20 6:20am EDT I'm trying to read some of your posts but they are unreadable. Did any of you go to school? 3362. Posted by arc.kelly olughu (mnia) Thu Aug 20 6:18am EDT The laboratory and sex experts would settle all that. Its just a matter of having patience. 3361. Posted by FATJOEY Thu Aug 20 6:18am EDT "SPREAD YOUR LEGS"...thats the test! 3360. Posted by nonkululekosibanyoni@... Thu Aug 20 6:18am EDT As always South Africans are not good enough ,get over your self she is a woman and who ever say she is ugly have you taken a look at your self you are not good looking either.The only thing that make the other runners feminine is that they wore ear rings VIVA CASTER we love you 3359. Posted by Becky Thu Aug 20 6:18am EDT i think the world should just accept that this is the era for blacks to excel all over the world and leave the girl alone to enjoy the dividends of hard work 3358. Posted by gambitcrawfish Thu Aug 20 6:18am EDT Genetic testing? Can't they just ask her to drop her shorts? Solve a whole lot real quick. Holy crap people are stupid. 3357. Posted by Jimbo Thu Aug 20 6:18am EDT this all must be really painfull not to say embarrassing for this lovely beutifull talented runner. I don't doubt it for a moment that she is a woman. this has nothing to do with her being a woman or not, but just the disbelieve or refusal to accept that an AFRICAN black at that, could achiev wnders don't let this discourage you caster you are awesome! totally out of this world keep up the good work, after all the test are done i want you to do me just one favour; dissappoint those hypocrtes by setting another universal record. amndlaness caster 100% behind you 3356. Posted by tebogosomo Thu Aug 20 6:17am EDT This is ridiculous, if she was to be the last on the list of all the runners, no one would have made such utterances.So let us wait and see.Caster You go girl 3355. Posted by FUCKTHECUBBIES Thu Aug 20 6:17am EDT question....?? If women are "equally" as good at everything as men why does it matter what sex she/he is??? 3354. Posted by Nadia Thu Aug 20 6:15am EDT It's not discrimination. Don't you remember the dutch runner; Foekje Dillema.... Look her up; same story. 3353. Posted by BaseRequest Thu Aug 20 6:15am EDT I think emotion should be put aside on this matter and let the TEST justify it all. Thanks. 3352. Posted by OLAYINKA Thu Aug 20 6:15am EDT These white people have started again. Is it because she is black? This is real racism. I thing A.U should be interested in the test. 3351. Posted by tgle7 Thu Aug 20 6:13am EDT She pees standing up. It has been confirmed. 3350. Posted by Will Thu Aug 20 6:12am EDT I think the word use of "gender is here is incorrect. Gender is much more of a social construct issue. I think the article is talking about "sex" which deals with the physical characteristics. 3349. Posted by Turd Ferguson Thu Aug 20 6:12am EDT Clearly she has manly attributes. If you can't see that you're blind. 3348. Posted by Peter H Thu Aug 20 6:11am EDT Look at her name... "Semen-ya" . Man-lady for sure....been clipped to escape her home and get out in the world. Any male runners missing from competitions lately? What about health care? cap and trade? 3347. Posted by gail k Thu Aug 20 6:09am EDT Without doubt, stranger things have happened........but C'MON! 2 years competing as a female and all of the sudden it's "Hey, are you a girl?" Puleeeeeeeeze. Sad about the people who instigated this; but to be scrutized when u are in the public eye, it nothing new. 3346. Posted by Munda Thu Aug 20 6:09am EDT Semenya, your performance post a question, it was extra ordinary for a woman to put up such an performance, this is a world record. This should not distrub your mentor tension or your ability to do more. I t is just to clarify the doubts from the minds of the unbelivers. I understanding how futrating it is, but it is just a matter of time. I equally share this with you. I want us to understand that question can be raise, when we do extra ordinary things, so let be cool and wait for the outcome. All the best and good luck. Munda bill cuput Monrovia, Liberia. 3345. Posted by Eric Thu Aug 20 6:08am EDT It's crazy thinkin abt!...if she has basics that would universally define a woman, i don't think anybody not crazy would wanna challenge that using anything...it might feel so unfair because ibet if she were asked how to created am sure she woudn't have gone for adoubtful female physique. 3344. Posted by drew.schankin Thu Aug 20 6:08am EDT way to make it a race issue (shubielechesa and smg224ever) that really shows how far people look into things before they throw the racist card. very original 3343. Posted by nalianyacatherine Thu Aug 20 6:07am EDT according to athletics law there's no judgement or prejudice on someones gender whatsoever.....stop this blind belief in national superiority and glory(kenyans* ) cate,kEnya. 3342. Posted by Gam P Thu Aug 20 6:07am EDT the test is the only thing to tell whether she is male or female,but for now we say she is female.good look to her 3341. Posted by flora6jonson Thu Aug 20 6:05am EDT Did'nt she has a @#$% or bobs? anyway,if she do not have Adam apple in her neck as a man,then check her womb also if they can trace when last she saw her period that will help more,also let them check her social life dose she has a boy friend? maybe the boy will tell more,is she a lesbian or straight?,in fact that is amazzing for a woman,i hope she is a woman,she deserve the medal. 3340. Posted by doc_scrumpy Thu Aug 20 6:05am EDT Easy to prove... Drop shorts, count what dangles. 3339. Posted by shubielechesa@... Thu Aug 20 6:02am EDT nations have a tendency of being on SA's case when it does good in sport. i'm sure they're also investigating on how SA won the rugby world cup in 2007. is it because africa isn't expected to do any good in sport against the richer countries? sore loosers that's what yall americans and australians and british are. get over it, and used to the fact that SA is on the rise in sports. 3338. Posted by Bafana Robert Thu Aug 20 6:00am EDT There is gray line in this situation i don't understand why she would be treated like an object. She must go all this genetic testing and if result comes out negetive she has to sue the whole organization for humalition they course in her life. 3337. Posted by Olupot R Thu Aug 20 6:00am EDT Looks like there is little expected out of blacks en yet the reverse is very true, it's just that we are not exposed and don't have the opportunity, but for sure there are many blacks at large with unbelievable talents that can be a threat to these whites. They will find out that she is actually a she but will still fake a report saying the homorns of her mucsles are for a man so she does not deserve to participate with female athletes, something like that..... lets wait and read their finding. 3336. Posted by daniel m Thu Aug 20 6:00am EDT It is truly an intellectual treat to observe cultural, racial and international divides show up on the world stage for anyone's viewing. The public ridicule of this woman is a perfect example of what I see almost everyday as an American in my country, in my state, in my locale and in my specific environments. That being, the outlandish public ridicule of another for reasons of personal pleasure. It is almost a relief, sad to say, that in this instance it has nothing to do with America but just another insensitive act by another insensitive group of ignorant slobs that have not and will never grasp the Golden Rule or other rules of simple action-reaction. People are stupid and will always be stupid in ALL corners of this planet. There is a young alien on planet Celerion looking thru this incredible futuristic telescope down at the planet Earth with his father at his side. And out of the young alien's mouth utters the words, "F$%# dad, were not going there for our summer vacation, are we !!???" This is a screwed up planet, this planet Earth and was doomed from the get-go. If I was God, I would plant my right foot down and twist it about like a cigarette smoker littering the street with a butt and making sure the butt is no longer lit. Sort of has a symbolic meaning, eh ?? That's "Yes?" from down-under. I'm not God, but any one with the ability to reason can see that this world will never give up destroying people and their credibility simply because they own the freedom to do that. And that is what we Americans fight to preserve,,,,The freedoms to ridicule and spit on others every chance we get because somewhere in our evil hearts and minds it gives us a fleeting grasp of power. Once again, thanks for proving it isn't just America, though I truly believe us guys over here promote this disgusting trait more than anyone. LEAVE THE WOMAN ALONE. God Almighty Already !! 3335. Posted by sipho Thu Aug 20 5:59am EDT Oh my...!! this is insane. It is very surprising to learn that there are people who will rely on technology and medical personnel to determine gender. To hell with the mordern definition, we are talking of real stuff here. Even my grandmother can tell who is a man or woman. I just dont think that there could be any one stupid enough to regard Serena Williams for example as a man. Then why Caster?? Is it because she performs better than the so called first world countries? Oh because of racism. Was Penny H tested, or Maria Matola for that matter. I think she should sue the federation. CS 3334. Posted by JP Thu Aug 20 5:58am EDT If that is a woman it is one of the ugliest damn woman I have seen in my life. Lol. 3333. Posted by shubielechesa@... Thu Aug 20 5:56am EDT why not test all the athletes that competed in the race? is it coz she south african? did they ever test meadows ? is it coz she british that's why she didn't get tested? 3332. Posted by thabo2711 Thu Aug 20 5:55am EDT As a proud black S African; i'm really dissappointed by the timing of these revelations by the IAAF. I say to you Caster - you've done the Nation proud and you can be sure of a rousing welcome when you land back home at the airport. PS. Will the IAAF now extend their investigation to verify whether Usain Bolt is human or an E.T? 3331. Posted by elsa.mhlanga Thu Aug 20 5:55am EDT For everyones peace of mind, let her be tested. 3330. Posted by smg224ever Thu Aug 20 5:54am EDT This is pure discrimination ive been in different countries and ive seen white people trash talk black people but this is above the line, what if she didn't won will they still test them, why didn't they started the gender test before the games... im sure if a white woman won that theres no question... BTW im white and im defending them 3329. Posted by Holly Havoc Thu Aug 20 5:53am EDT She appears to have a rather masculine build, so that may be aiding in her success whether she is truly a woman or not. I, as a former runner, have hips, and those slow you down! 3328. Posted by loftnett Thu Aug 20 5:53am EDT Why burg the lady she did her best. Congrats. its not her doing . where were the authorities before the race. 3327. Posted by Waweru Thu Aug 20 5:53am EDT she really look every inch AMAN!,I have been keenly observing her in action in Berlin. I strongly believe the test will prove just that.That gold belong our Janet(defending world champion) J waweru, Nairobi Kenya. 3326. Posted by gabysta Thu Aug 20 5:52am EDT pls give her break,she is really a female 3325. Posted by ojkhattab Thu Aug 20 5:52am EDT if all the doctors think she ain't a woman somebody put her in the darned mens race but i think it isn't fair just cos someone looks like the opposite gender everyone treats her like an animal 3324. Posted by Munda Thu Aug 20 5:50am EDT Caster Semenya, your performance post a question, it was extra ordinary and unbelivable for a woman to put up such an performance.This should not distrub your mentor tension or your ability to more. It is just to clarify the doubts from the minds of the unbelivers. I understand how futrating is it, but it is just for a matter of time. I must admit that I'm proud of you and I equally share this with you. All the best and good luck. Munda Bill Cuput Monrovia, Liberia. 3323. Posted by leopawaz Thu Aug 20 5:50am EDT how is the case resolved if Caster went through a surgery to become a lady ? 3322. Posted by edsfloris Thu Aug 20 5:50am EDT Amasing that after 2 years in athletics, they now want to know if she is male or female. Just sour losers out there. Well done Caster. You made South Africa proud indeed!!!!!! 3321. Posted by Joseph Thu Aug 20 5:49am EDT Hey! The test should not be that difficult. "She" should be invited to a room, stripped naked and its easy to determine a man from a woman. 3320. Posted by J Thu Aug 20 5:49am EDT this is so so sad... this is discouraging as well as disrespectful. As soon as all those test are said and done I hope to God she sue s them for slander any any other personal damages that can possibly be trumped up... 3319. Posted by LINDA C Thu Aug 20 5:49am EDT I think it's wrong to judge a person based solely on what they look like. I bet if she hadn't been South African there would not be any question. People need to deal with the fact that the girl is just good at what she does GET OVER YOURSELF!!!!!!!!! 3318. Posted by dlmrn1960 Thu Aug 20 5:48am EDT exerciseathome.com 3317. Posted by emy4global Thu Aug 20 5:48am EDT WONDERS SHALL NEVER SEIZE!!! I agree with Elaine and Danwise!! Though we are living in a Wonderful World, full of incredible,unglaublich ,amazing surprises.....Things of this kind should be treated with some Respects and polite etiquets.!!! How can the whole World Organising Body of Athlete embarrass themselves globally by treating this simple matter publicly. Anyway im entitled to my opinion but this is simple if d Athletes Management acts in mature way...bcoz i believe South-Africa Athletic Body must have conducted such test earlier!!! Whatever the whole Global Medical Experts say now....I WILL NEVER CARE ABOUT IT !!! BUT I WARN ALL THE PARTIES INVOLVED IN THIS MATTER....NOT TO ENGINNEER AND SUSTAIN AN EVERLASTING NEGATIVE IMPACT ON THIS WORLD CLASS ATHLETE!!! IF YOU DO, GOD MUST PUNISH ANYONE AND YOUR GENERATION FOR SUCH ACT!!!! To my semeyuna...YOU ARE BLESSED!!! GOD WANNA MAKE YOU MOST GLOBAL FIGURE!!! SO NEVER WORRY...!!! YOU ARE IN THE PRISON OF ALLEGATION ONLY TO FIND YOURSELF IN PALACE OF GLOBAL CELEBRATION SOON!!! CHEER UP!!! DISCUSS LESS!!!! 3316. Posted by Henry Thu Aug 20 5:48am EDT Resism again, its not a new story especial when athletics is in German and just because she is from Africa. 3315. Posted by Steve Thu Aug 20 5:47am EDT Dude Looks Like a Lady!!!!! 3314. Posted by Taleng Thu Aug 20 5:46am EDT It's unture to say "Semenya‘s stunning rise from unknown teenage runner to the favorite in the 800 happened almost overnight." She has been a permanent feature in South African and African junior athletics circuits, having been running since primary school!\ IAAF should also provide prooof that they asked SA athletics federation to test her gender; SA officials claim that her gender has never been an issue until now. why only now?? 3313. Posted by SoL Thu Aug 20 5:46am EDT She Won fair and square...and If there are problems checking her "nature" let me know ill show u how easy that can be...besides...who has time for such a stunt??Come on now...stop sweating the lady. 3312. Posted by vans2010@... Thu Aug 20 5:46am EDT Louis Vuitton is synonymous with luxury. Now that world-class luxury can be all yours.Shopping with us, you get the high quality you deserve! 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Posted by BarbaraV Thu Aug 20 5:45am EDT Why aren't those tests run as a matter of course PRIOR to racing the first time? They do that with drugs, why not with DNA? Anymore there are just too many people about whom you can't tell, even looking at their genitals, they are too ambiguous. Or even have dual genitalia. Just do the tests on EVERYONE, whether they think they need to or not,,, expensive, but it would certainly reduce the humiliation factor for the ones they test now,,, announcing it to the world of course. And as for cost, the whole thing is a huge funnel for cash anyway. Personally, I just don't get sports. 3310. Posted by Bafana Robert Thu Aug 20 5:45am EDT I angry about this issue no matter what they can say or do she is a woman. I don't understand International countries because its a black woman and from Africa in Southern Africa and made a record noone has set she is a man now. If it was a woman from their country all this genetic testing was not going to happend. Apartheid its still vital and it won't end now.. 3309. Posted by sarahgardner47 Thu Aug 20 5:45am EDT Whose fault about all of these??? when transexualism is the other of the day. How can a man become a woman or woman turning into a man? is there any sense in any of these? let be realistic about it. Let them examine her ifshe is suppose to be a man. Who knows? 3308. Posted by NANGAMSO Thu Aug 20 5:44am EDT This is pure discrimination,, HOW DO YOU THINK THIS WOMAN FEELS RIGHT NOW! 3307. Posted by curtis_uwuigbe Thu Aug 20 5:44am EDT Let her be! They should as well question Bolt for his previously unimaginable time. Why can't a woman run that fast? 3306. Posted by ngonghapatrick Thu Aug 20 5:43am EDT i think this is more of racism. if she had a white colour there wouldn!t have been any dispute on her gender this is not fair. she is good let the world accept it. Africa will but the rest of the world will not because they will never want the Africa continent to pop out in such outstanding result. Shame to you people who will accept such blasphem . 3305. Posted by olayinkabakiri07 Thu Aug 20 5:41am EDT Why can't someone be praised for her hardwork. hasn't she gone through enough examination before leaving her country or even before starting the race. this is not fair. she becoming the first, all sorts of tests are beginning to show up isn't it? pls, lets forget about black or white"". but everybody be reasonable and see urselves as in her position. how would u have felt? how? 3304. Posted by John O Thu Aug 20 5:40am EDT The authorities should very circumspect in this case as this allegation has a way of undermining the dignity of atletes. The lady must be helped psychologically to continue her career. 3303. Posted by Nurul Thu Aug 20 5:40am EDT OMG! stop discriminate other people..she's just got the talent more than other people, she's amazing 3302. Posted by Maria Thu Aug 20 5:40am EDT They must live her alone, because birth certificate and clinic card already explain that she is a Girl. If They worrie about that why do they ask her parrent about it first,before they go to the puplic.How is going to fee the public doubt about her gender. Khomotjo 3301. Posted by Astrid Thu Aug 20 5:39am EDT Maybe they want to check and see if she's been taking any kind of hormones, her muscles are huge and that kind of definition is hard for a woman to achieve. I'm not saying that just because she's muscular, she's not a girl, but if steroids or testosterone is involved, she should be disqualified. Or she may have a pituitary problem, which may give her an unfair advantage and could be medicated. Just looking at that picture, I would have thought it was a pic of a boy, but it's probably just a bad picture. 3300. Posted by ghrelin2005 Thu Aug 20 5:39am EDT look, i'm a medical doctor and one can certainly tell whether someone is male or female with genetic testing+ physical exam. She doesn't need a psychologist for anything. Some women think like men and some men think like women. The psychologists themselves may not be thinking right. 3299. Posted by zazadian Thu Aug 20 5:39am EDT she could have some messed up chromosomes e.g.:xxy or xxx 3298. Posted by cx Thu Aug 20 5:39am EDT lets call a spade a spade imagine phelps competing in the womens category. 3297. Posted by James Thu Aug 20 5:38am EDT It's quite simple, kids. If she can get pregnant, she is a woman. If she can get someone else pregnant, she is a man. If she can do neither (or both), then the doctors must decide. Race has nothing to do with it. As other people have rightly mentioned, a lot of East German women also had@#$%s. 3296. Posted by nkululekosakhele Thu Aug 20 5:38am EDT Semenya has done it, so let the authorities do their test and come back with proof if they believe she is not a woman. :-) Good luck Semenya you've made South Africa Proud :-) 3295. Posted by vaporfoxx87 Thu Aug 20 5:38am EDT F**K that how embarrassing! i really want her to SUE everybody, STUPID HATERS. 3294. Posted by lisa Thu Aug 20 5:38am EDT hey guys lest just keep our fingers crossed so that immidiately the results come out........they should be negeative...just to see how there faces will drop...its so unfair.....they are depriving her liberty as a human being.... 3293. Posted by B. J. J Thu Aug 20 5:37am EDT I remember a blond female athlete some years back who was soooo muscular than looking other than female raised a lot or ire when attempting to use a public ladies room. And to JW who posted the following: I feel sorry for her or it. If it tests positive for female then let it compete as a female. If not, disqualifiy it and go on. Or, let it compete as a male. End of story. How dare you - this YOUNG LADY IS NOT AN "IT". Tody's society doesn't even refer to a hermaphrodite as an "IT". Ms Semanya is a HUMAN BEING!!!!! What primeval sludge did you slink out of? 3292. Posted by cx Thu Aug 20 5:37am EDT lets call a spade a spade imagine phelps competing in the womens category. 3291. Posted by James Thu Aug 20 5:35am EDT It's quite simple, kids. If she can get pregnant, she is a woman. If she can get someone else pregnant, she is a man. If she can do neither (or both), then the doctors must decide. Race has nothing to do with it. As other people have rightly mentioned, a lot of East German women also had@#$%s. 3290. Posted by nenestarshine Thu Aug 20 5:35am EDT I believe she is a woman and if finally confirmed so, the organization has to be ready to pay dearly for the embarrassment, and run the risk of losing patronage in sports and that will be shame on the organizers- for they clean their @#$% before they pooh. 3289. Posted by Nurul Thu Aug 20 5:32am EDT OMG! stop discriminate other people..she's just got the talent more than other people, she's amazing 3288. Posted by Sacky Thu Aug 20 5:32am EDT Shame,,IAAF really need to appologise for this,, how can they put something like this on public, what if she turn out to be female and not wat is suspected to be..will they clear her name??will they appologise or wat's gonna happen.. Did they really think about her feelings? 3287. Posted by mike h Thu Aug 20 5:32am EDT If running doesn't pan out, could always be a shrimpin boat captain. Theres shrimp sandwich, fried shrimp, shrimp@#$%tail, boiled shrimp, Shrimp cabob, shrimp salad, shrimp burger...... 3286. Posted by alvin_bugia Thu Aug 20 5:31am EDT test her if she is really a male to sort things out. if it turns out she is not a she, then strip her gold medal. This will end all speculations! 3285. Posted by proudblackman Thu Aug 20 5:31am EDT I personally think she's a man from what I can tell, body structure, facial features, hips and muscle tone all tend to be very masculine. No femininity what so ever, but we'll see when the test results come back. 3284. Posted by Linda Thu Aug 20 5:30am EDT I see her as a female though she looks like a male. if she has breast and a vagina and she menstruates as any normal female, then she is a female. i would like to know if she has all these features. from her picture on the net, i see she has a flat chest (breast). she just have masculine features but i think she is a female. 3283. Posted by emmabj2000 Thu Aug 20 5:30am EDT i think people should keep their curiosity in check, lets stop making such a fuzz about this athlete and allow the appropriate authority do their job. 3282. Posted by PaballoR Thu Aug 20 5:30am EDT I find it absolutely pathetic that she has to go through this. Castor is a woman through and through! And I have to agree with the guy who commented that if she had come out last in the race, none of these stupid speculations and tests would have been happening. To Juliet Agho, you're ignorant. Day to day living in Africa would not make one look like that. Castor looks the way she does because of the fact that she trains and her genetic make-up. On the positive side, there's no such thing as bad publicity. This is only giving Castor more exposure, which is a great thing!So to more sponsorships! 3281. Posted by amisizech Thu Aug 20 5:29am EDT give her a break. She deserves the medal 3280. Posted by Adriana Thu Aug 20 5:29am EDT she is amazinq! & i dont think its right for them to judge her on her looks!...what if she would have came in last place?..i bet they wouldnt have suggested a gender test then...they're the ones with the issues not her their just jealous!...i know for a fact that the test will come bak negative because she i know that shesz not a man...GOOD JOB Semenya ! me my family and friends will be rooting for you!!!! 3279. Posted by vaporfoxx87 Thu Aug 20 5:27am EDT some of you are cold! even though she does look like a man its most "def" is a women, google her, and view her pictures and videos. she has female real features in her face. some women out their arent blessed with looks. dont hate and give this young lady her gold metal 3278. Posted by tinny tomi Thu Aug 20 5:27am EDT there is no 2 ways about it. she has won and that's it. u ought to have carried ur investigation out before the race.is it because a black African won the race that's call for a gender test? In Nigeria, a 3 year old child can tell if an individual is a female or a male. physical examination alone can reveal this.prior to any competition if the gender of competitors are controvercial, disqualify such from taking part not winning and stripping her of her medal. i dont just understand how u people do things. If she's done anything extraordinary, put her in the Guiness book of records and that settles it all....that's my verdict. 3277. Posted by gigio Thu Aug 20 5:26am EDT i tink shes born 2 race nodi shd run her dwn. 3276. Posted by peter Thu Aug 20 5:26am EDT feeling sorry for going thro this tests,and I dont think i could be so cool n run so fast with my gender in question. 3275. Posted by TakuJ Thu Aug 20 5:26am EDT I think what has to be done is just to get the athlete take off her/his clothes and see what she/he really looks like in the Adam dress. It's just as simple as that. No need looking for gynaecologists or any specialist to do this. Short of this, the girl, I mean girl, should be left in peace. 3274. Posted by Abdul Thu Aug 20 5:26am EDT Oh the organisers should see prior to race. Now it i snothing but crying...... 3273. Posted by Holy Man Thu Aug 20 5:25am EDT I think Caster Semenya is a women! I would marry her if am not already married and have lots of athletes babies with her!!! She is a 101% pure women!!!! 3272. Posted by ken_paschal Thu Aug 20 5:25am EDT this is ridiculuos.i advise Semenya too sue them if after investigation is found to be untrue.This is a big embarrasment.At same time i adivise Semeenya to bow out if she is a man. 3271. Posted by Gloria Thu Aug 20 5:23am EDT Personally, I stumbled into the story of Semenya and from the picture, I can say she is caught up in the middle of both sexes but I do not see what the hues is all about. First and foremost, she did not drop from heavens neither did she not attend schools so either the south african authorities are being mischievous or they part of the game plan, chikena. Gloria 3270. Posted by ntancu Thu Aug 20 5:23am EDT yet this is all confusion man and female now needs test to prove it what on hell is the earth getting to , l juss cant believe it that these day birth of a female child or male child have to be confirmed by test from psychologist and all sort of stuff but we can all see that this child is female or male .Its fun what technology has done we thought it was a blessing but now it has done more harm than good, 3269. Posted by hrndakalako Thu Aug 20 5:21am EDT all i can say - jealousy is a dangerous thing..... I'm sure if she hadn't won...they wouldnt have kicked up so much of a fuss. Now even if the results come back as female, there's always gonna be a cloud of doubt floating around her every time she runs. i thinks its absolute B.S! 3268. Posted by C S Thu Aug 20 5:21am EDT This seems slightly racist. 3267. Posted by JW Thu Aug 20 5:20am EDT I feel sorry for her or it. If it tests positive for female then let it compete as a female. If not, disqualifiy it and go on. Or, let it compete as a male. End of story. 3266. Posted by khosi_g Thu Aug 20 5:20am EDT people i grew up with this lady. she has all the female private parts,if she has the XX chromosoms then thats not her problem, cause she does not know anything about those things, she simply knows how to run fair and square, she should be consulting her lawyers and open the defarmation case. 3265. Posted by juliet.agho Thu Aug 20 5:18am EDT Africans are strong people. If she has lived her life in Africa, she have every right to look the way she is because day to day living in Africa will make a female certainly look like a male. Juliet Agho 3264. Posted by bontledick Thu Aug 20 5:18am EDT this is even great because these tests are going to me her popular. keep it up girl. 3263. Posted by Lizanda Meintjies Thu Aug 20 5:18am EDT There is no doubt in my mind that Caster is a women!! You should see that girl train. If you come from nothng, wouldn't you also do everything you can if an opportunity lies infront of you??? 3262. Posted by Rita Thu Aug 20 5:17am EDT If she came out the last, would they quistion her gender??? so gv her a break please!! 3261. Posted by sekanah Thu Aug 20 5:14am EDT Well well well ! Where did the story originate from? Australia, of course! They are always on our case as South Africans and I was not surprised! We moored (kicked ass) them in Rugby, Cricket and now they come with all sorts of nonsense. I know the girl personally. We are from the same rural area in the northern Limpopo province of South Africa. They can go and do whatever nonsense test they want, she will remain the world champion and believe you me, she will break that record! She sustained a minor foot injury last week and hasn't fully recovered. MORE IS STILL YET TO COME! SHE IS GOING TO DOMINATE 800M FOR THE NEXT TWO DECADES! You go girl !!!!!!!!!!!! 3260. Posted by Dzigido Thu Aug 20 5:13am EDT I 100% agree with Bothwell, what kind of proof do people want that will be simple look and see with your eyes i belive some one can not stick those appearence on their bodies. 3259. Posted by chaijermain Thu Aug 20 5:13am EDT hahaha Go girl Go girl Go girl Go girl Go Semenya ! If she had come out last,no one would have questioned her Gender. But because human nature is so Jealousy, they are now questioning. Question is..Have all the female atheletes been tested in the past?. You may find that there are many who have been passing as Female. looks do not determine sex. She looks like her father period! Whover is bothered about her gender go hung on a tomato tree! 3258. Posted by mightymouse Thu Aug 20 5:11am EDT Ok first to all the racists blacks and white give it a break gees. Low life no job having S. o. b's. Now there is no way to just pull down the drawers and say oh he mr. winkle lol. So yeah there should be tests. To all who say its a man just by looking your just as lame. To all those who say the testing is wrong, well that the nature of the beast no pun intended. So in order to be fair that what you have to go through so deal with it. Now if she really is a she the some serious apologizes are in order. And i do understand about the psychologist because is been proven that men and women think differently. like really diffent. If you dont know that the please read a book or do some research. And it more than just asking "hey are you a women? do you like men?" you be surprised by the simplest questions they could ask and go through all the data and figure out what you associate more with. And for the ones who say it don't matter (mostly the TG's) and that if she a woman now it counts? lol lame stupid. This is where it matters most. No matter if you hack some off or add something you still are what you are on the. Men and women are built differently and not just because of the vagina or penis. Read some the post where they speei it out why i wont repeat it. But just do some research. Oh by they way i Do think its a guy. 3257. Posted by proudblackman Thu Aug 20 5:11am EDT @JohnO 3201. if you think Bridgette Foster-Hylton looks like a man, then maybe you need to get your eyes check by an optometrist. You're probably jealous because she has more muscle development than you and no beer gut. 3256. Posted by emma Thu Aug 20 5:09am EDT Gender and genitals are not the same thing. The Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe has been very clear about this subject: https://wcd.coe.int/ViewDoc.jsp?Ref=PR604(2009)&Language=lanEnglish&Ver= original&Site=DC&BackColorInternet=F5CA75&BackColorIntranet=F5CA75&Bac kColorLogged=A9BACE There are many people out there that we define as women, yet who have penises, just as there are men who we cross every day, who have vaginas. We do not know, as we rarely check such facts when we meet people socially. "Man" and "woman" are socio-cultural concepts, not directly linked to genitals, genetic sex (which goes way beyond XX and XY), and above all, gender, which is how we perceive and express our sexed-identity. There is no definition of a "man" and "a woman" which is globally accepted, and yet takes into account all of humanity without discrimination, as these ideas discriminate all people who do not fit in either through their genetic makeup or beliefs in this cultural concept. Society, let alone sport, is only just starting to realize the diversity of humanity‘s sexual identity. 3255. Posted by emma Thu Aug 20 5:07am EDT Gender and genitals are not the same thing. The Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe has been very clear about this subject: https://wcd.coe.int/ViewDoc.jsp?Ref=PR604(2009)&Language=lanEnglish&Ver= original&Site=DC&BackColorInternet=F5CA75&BackColorIntranet=F5CA75&Bac kColorLogged=A9BACE There are many people out there that we define as women, yet who have penises, just as there are men who we cross every day, who have vaginas. We do not know, as we rarely check such facts when we meet people socially. "Man" and "woman" are socio-cultural concepts, not directly linked to genitals, genetic sex (which goes way beyond XX and XY), and above all, gender, which is how we perceive and express our sexed-identity. There is no definition of a "man" and "a woman" which is globally accepted, and yet takes into account all of humanity without discrimination, as these ideas discriminate all people who do not fit in either through their genetic makeup or beliefs in this cultural concept. Society, let alone sport, is only just starting to realize the diversity of humanity‘s sexual identity. 3254. Posted by SURESH Thu Aug 20 5:07am EDT her Biceps seem like of male. But c is without any doubt a gul.. 3253. Posted by Boob Thu Aug 20 5:06am EDT Weeks for test results? They could find out in seconds by just pulling her shorts down. 3252. Posted by joelshirley4000 Thu Aug 20 5:06am EDT baaaaahahahahahah 3251. Posted by milkyally Thu Aug 20 5:06am EDT if she were american no 1 would ask such question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3250. Posted by Mari Thu Aug 20 5:06am EDT chromo this, chromo that.... what other bizarre combobulations can you-all come up with??? Admit it. Your belief, SHATTERED... cause she's amaaaaaaa-zing!!! 3249. Posted by zander Thu Aug 20 5:05am EDT Congratulations to the The top three runners. But I am much concerned with Ryan Lucas' the Associated Press writer BIAS in highlighting Jennifer Meadows of Britain the thirn runner up and not the actual Champion or the Silver medallist. This is not good for Sports. Is it because she is British??? 3248. Posted by Richard W Smith Thu Aug 20 5:02am EDT poor girl 3247. Posted by Andrea Thu Aug 20 5:02am EDT People this is very nasty. Should we think twice about sending our daughters to these events? Or be more careful? Are there not rules for interfering with an athlete's mental preparation before an event.? Which has happened in this case. 3246. Posted by Puseletso Emily Thu Aug 20 5:01am EDT what did this poor child do 2 deserve such betryal. she's gud no doubt abt that... u go girl!!! 3245. Posted by Nneoma Pearl Thu Aug 20 4:59am EDT This is not an issue of racism, genderism , jealosyism (I beg your pardon) or any -ism at all. Where there are doubts they should be cleared, so that we would be sure of what we are celebrating as Africans; c'mon, her feat is unbelievable. Even after she is cleared, calling for lawsuits or more medal is not proper, this is just to proove beyond every reasonable doubt, that she is a girl. 3244. Posted by Filip Thu Aug 20 4:58am EDT I do not understand what is up?! Gender is rather cultural and social concept of sexula difference between male - female. I am sure such sport diversification must be done via sex (from biological point of view), but not via gender. Or I can feel and behave as woman and be gender woman will I have a right to compete with women in any sport? Remember Futurama's Bender wining all golds in bending as fembot and cheating...but he was able to change to female oil. At least that was good parody. 3243. Posted by Elaine d Thu Aug 20 4:57am EDT Oh my gosh. Can't believe some of the stuff people are saying! And the pathetic spelling and use of words of some of my fellow South Africans.... Anyways, that's beside the point.... Semenya has done something extraordinary!! She won in an unbelievable time in a major race, despite her not coming from a wealthy background. Talent costs nothing. Only determination and heaps of ! And now everyone has some or other opinion to air on the gender-issue? It must be so embarrassing for her! I can't imagine being mistaken for a man! I like being a woman! But Semenya trains very hard. She probably follows a very high protein diet. She could, for all we know, build muscle much easier that the average woman. I know I have a hard time getting some muscle on me! It is not very fair of the IAAF to make such a public circus of this very sensitive issue. They have to correct their mistakes, regardless of the outcome of Semenya's test results. Shame man, give the girl the benifit of the doubt. Everyone deserves at least that. Strongs to Semenya from South Africa! 3242. Posted by esihle Thu Aug 20 4:57am EDT i agree with drmudavanhu dont see any need for tests really just findout on her birth certificate and ask her mum ,and how Semanya identifies herself is really important it doesnt matter about what gynaecologists and endocrinologists says i think that will bring trauma to her she entered a female race so shes a female! 3241. Posted by bavrdugo Thu Aug 20 4:57am EDT All the racing officials have to do to determine whether or not the runner is male or female, is to tell the runner to drop trou. and see what if anything falls out. 3240. Posted by danwise2000 Thu Aug 20 4:57am EDT posted by danwise I am not happy about this test,I mean how do you what her to feel?Why not check the sex of competitors before the event.?Please give her a break. 3239. Posted by Amos Onkgopotse Thu Aug 20 4:57am EDT let's wait and see what results reveal but for sure this will psychologically affect the athlete in a negative way. i think its not fair to her. 3238. Posted by Bothwell Thu Aug 20 4:56am EDT I think she is a girl. If people think that she is not a girl it does not need some kind of testing except to open up her inner garments and see for themselves. 3235. Posted by drjgazide Thu Aug 20 4:55am EDT despite all the talks , i salute our beatiful girl for the gold medal. 3234. Posted by JOHNNY Thu Aug 20 4:55am EDT This could be a lady. i speak from experience. there is a lady in the liberia female league known ''lady okocha'' who looks the same as this female athlete. anyway the investigation will show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3233. Posted by echoserial Thu Aug 20 4:54am EDT I believe she is a female. While the scientific result is been awaited,let them undressed her. Let them also traced her village where she was born, meet her parents and other relatives for confirmation of her gender. But I tell you, Caster Semenya is a FEMALE. You know, we Africans eat solid food. Thanks, from ECHO SERIAL, Awka, Nigeria. 3232. Posted by drjgazide Thu Aug 20 4:53am EDT despite all the talks , i salute our beatiful girl for the gold medal. 3231. Posted by servant Thu Aug 20 4:51am EDT Honestly,b y looking at the picture - she does look like a man. However, I'm sure she was looking that way before the race. This should have been investigated then. However, maybe she wasn't really "noticed" untlil she won the race with such ease. 3230. Posted by talk2olajolo_g Thu Aug 20 4:51am EDT Usain BOOOOOOLT is a Genius...He did it again, set another World Record, it ws 9.69 metr. thn n nw 9.58 Metr. i kwn he'll set anoder Wrld recrd in d nxt competition.... 3229. Posted by Egbor O Thu Aug 20 4:49am EDT Why is her gender being questioned now? I guess athletes are screened before the commencement of competitions of this magnitude. I feel proper investigation should be conducted before placing her in such an embarrassing situation. We should not cry wolf when we are not sure there is one. 3228. Posted by Robert Thu Aug 20 4:49am EDT What a shame that we live in such a world as this. With sex changes and the like, who knows who is what??? Anyway, they should do all that testing stuff previously, not after the win. It starts to seem a bit like sore loosers when it is done after the fact. Let this be a lesson to us all. For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. (1 Corinthians 14:33) 3227. Posted by seife Thu Aug 20 4:46am EDT What does that supose to mean? i what ever the case is admire her, as we are coming to the world of equality!!! but let us not obstacle of other success. 3226. Posted by obsessiong Thu Aug 20 4:46am EDT dont know why some people will take their time and post @#$% or coment on sites. some one or should i say a beast just said blacks are good in sport thats why the white takes them as their slaves. whaaat dis aint right u know. lets try to be positive in whatever we doing 3225. Posted by Lulu Thu Aug 20 4:46am EDT Dude looks like a lady...I hope it isn't so! 3224. Posted by anomalinge Thu Aug 20 4:45am EDT Andy!!! I think people are just jelous because she won. If there were concerns they should have been address long time ago when she qualified during the trials. You go gal we are behind you on every step of the way. Thatha Mzansi :-) 3223. Posted by NoksN Thu Aug 20 4:44am EDT I think there is a very obvious explanation for all the symptoms that have lead to the questions about her gender:Her body simply has higher levels of tostesterone in her body and they should have come up with scientific proof about her gender before publicly enbarassing her.It was just a blatant attempt to distract her from her running. 3222. Posted by dj1 Thu Aug 20 4:44am EDT First off, although i have not read all the comments, if there have been racist comments left here, they shouldnt even be allowed to make a comment one way or another, it wont be until we can all see each other as a people will we be able to move on and live life the best we can, after all, life is hard enough we dont need to be making it harder for anyone. 3rd, just because someone brings up the question of someones sex in racing doesnt mean they are doing it cause she is black. As I recall, back in the day, many questioned the sex of athletes from east germany, cccp, and later in the us, and as i recall most of them were white, the reason they were accused seems to be the same, a female athlete appearing to have male attributes. . The fact is, a male will run faster then a female, and its been done in the past (and no they wont have a package). Unfortunately alot of people will do anything to win. Now that its been brought out, do the right thing, give her the medal she deserves, finish the testing in a private and discreet manor. And for the time being, she is the champion until proven otherwise, as it should be. 3221. Posted by Theo Thu Aug 20 4:43am EDT WOW what a win now lets look at the other female athelets a WOMAN OR MAN won the javlin the germans went mad when she won take a close look at her plenty male hormones there should she not be tested too the shot put all those woman are bigger then any man running the 400m race i also saw WOMAN in 200m race with more male hormonse then our own FEMALE 800m athlete it has always been a issue when African sport performers WOMAN or MEN black or white have beaten european athelets or American darlings it is taken that they cheat or now we are sex changes wake up little people of the WORLD AFRICA is becoming the leaders in SPORT and are fast breaking away from inferior WORLD rule and minupilation of so called first WORLD COUNTRYS so please leave her alone admire her GOD given talent . 3220. Posted by Mekonnen Thu Aug 20 4:43am EDT It is very amazing to hear this issue. For me, the gender test must be taken before the race if necessary. On the other side, remember EQUALITY OF FEMALE AND MALE,So, some times they must take the same race unless it contradicts equality of both male and female. On my view s/he must be free from this doubt. 3219. Posted by p Thu Aug 20 4:43am EDT just do a nut check and go on about it. IT ran a great race LOL 3218. Posted by baloyimzamani Thu Aug 20 4:42am EDT This is an insult to our country, why did they allow her to run in the first place , pls stop swearing at this star , thina as South Africans are proud of this girl. Mzamani Soweto 3217. Posted by TeenageChickGurl Thu Aug 20 4:42am EDT hmmm.........na wa oh!!! i can hardly wait for the results!!!!!!!!!!!! 3216. Posted by First L Thu Aug 20 4:42am EDT she could be potentially a man internally, not externally...which is what they are looking for....if she is a man internally, it would mean she produces more testosterone than a normal girl, giving her better strength and stamina...as well as speed... 3215. Posted by dragoths Thu Aug 20 4:42am EDT It's simple--if she has no adam's apple, and she has a vagina, she is, by definition, a woman. In other words, these officials give a new definition to the term, "stupidity." 3214. Posted by elton Thu Aug 20 4:42am EDT Well I also hope that the SHE that these international guys thinks is a SHE instead of a HE. Some of the feature look like male but only she/he will know. Maybe the men were to fast so he neede a transformation,I hoping it sounds like a joke, right! As I said I hope that she/he will be innocent because it is always someone from South Africa like our spin bowler, Johan Botha! 3213. Posted by Brady Thu Aug 20 4:42am EDT U can definately see a weiner....its a man, man 3212. Posted by First L Thu Aug 20 4:42am EDT she could be potentially a man internally, not externally...which is what they are looking for....if she is a man internally, it would mean she produces more testosterone than a normal girl, giving her better strength and stamina...as well as speed... 3211. Posted by Andrea Thu Aug 20 4:41am EDT I agree that this is very disturbing. She is only 18 and people on this site are speaking so direspectfully of her. We should support her as she is far from home. She won. She is an athlete. 3210. Posted by gorc666 Thu Aug 20 4:39am EDT Come on... I look more woman, and I have a beard. This is no doubt dickless african guy. they would eat and/or cut whatever is neccesary to get out of 3rd world misery. in most parts of africa they still mutilate female genital organs at young age. google FGM if they are capable of that, than they are capable of cutting young guys weener, no problem at all. africans that practice FGM should be executed without trial. sick. 3209. Posted by awegaja Thu Aug 20 4:39am EDT This saga passed my mind the day our kenyan lady was brought down.But I brushed it out for the Trust I have in the world athletic body,IAAF. This kind of should not have come had been a case of the "white" world. Our African boxers are normally given a raw deal at the Olympics, and we have resorted to "Win by knock out only" Awega James_Kenya 3208. Posted by tainhema Thu Aug 20 4:39am EDT I'm just curious whether they would have questioned her gender if she had come last? I doubt it! Did they not see that she looked like a man before the races began????? So wrong! 3207. Posted by Annie Thu Aug 20 4:37am EDT When I was a teen I was built a lot like this girl. I looked a lot like my father and had very little body fat. If it weren‘t for my breasts, which were small, I could have been mistaken for a boy. When I started weight lifting with my boyfriend I lost even more body fat. We broke up because he was teased about me and my body. I did not get my curves until I had my son and my entire body changed overnight. I think it is really unfair to this girl what the world is doing to her. I know from personal experience how it feels to be judged because of your body type. It‘s painful. The only bright spot was going to my high school reunion and rubbing my God given, non Botoxed, God given body in their faces 3206. Posted by Moniek Thu Aug 20 4:37am EDT I really dont think its pleasant for the poor girl! Is it just because men have to be faster, huh? Cant a woman be proud now a days to be uniquely fast, indepedant and strong? THIS CRAP is truely unbelievabe. Why test her? Just check the passport and birthcertificate. FEMALE=FEMALE!!! Totally agree with Samuel O. and Smart Blond. It may be that she had swymer syndrome ( a very rare case) or she is just FEMALE FACE IT!!! 3205. Posted by lucky.mthembu Thu Aug 20 4:37am EDT im soo angry at this because i am a south african and this says somerthing about the authorities......they just cant get over the fact that we south africans can be good eat your hearts out 3204. Posted by tisiarahildson16 Thu Aug 20 4:36am EDT a strong women with strong gentiles.they must be afraid to face women can be just strong as aman.look out world she will come back asstronger. some please tell me how to get apicture of her. 3203. Posted by kuda Thu Aug 20 4:36am EDT pleae leave this poor kid alone!So what if she is male.This is where we are all going,You cry for gender equality.Go ahead and compete together.WELL done dear Caster!! 3202. Posted by Asiphezi Thu Aug 20 4:36am EDT Shame Caster,you'll be ok girl don't worry.You know ur status 3201. Posted by Wendy Thu Aug 20 4:35am EDT hey i got no words. lets see what the outcome will be. if he is a man then, shame on all southafricans 3200. Posted by meghanrocks0606 Thu Aug 20 4:34am EDT just because she is a terific runner people say shes a man! what @#$%s and insecure low lives! 3199. Posted by kavindrasahadeo Thu Aug 20 4:34am EDT she is MAKHULU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! baaie nja!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3198. Posted by drmudavanhu Thu Aug 20 4:34am EDT Lest we forget. Two GIRLS from two of South Africa's neighbours were once subjected to the same kind of humiliation on different occasions. Remember Samkheliso and Amantle? The world sure has BALLS! 3197. Posted by ezeoma Thu Aug 20 4:33am EDT Some Africans are just like that, but the test should be carried out to determine her true gender. To me, despite her physique, i strongly believe she is a woman. 3196. Posted by tumelorm Thu Aug 20 4:32am EDT I`m very much disturbed by some of the people`s comments,semenya is a lady so you people must stop insulting her.i cant wait for the test results. 3195. Posted by Andrea Thu Aug 20 4:32am EDT Congratulations Caster! You have done us proud in South Africa. Well done! Many young girl athletics will be inspired by your success. 3194. Posted by husseni Thu Aug 20 4:32am EDT why was she not tested before the tournament? why now that she is the world champion? People of the first world have a way pulling down celebrities most especially Africans. all this bruhaha about gender test should be stopped and if at the end it confirmed that shemenya is a she, i will advise her and the South African authority to sue the IAAF 3193. Posted by swordofthespirit888 Thu Aug 20 4:32am EDT It would definately make a difference, because male testosterone would give her more strength and more stamina and quickness. So if she becoming a man, then her time would be faster if she is going to change to be a man and it wouldn't be fair to the female runners, her time should be with the men's team, whether she looks like a man or not, if she is going to change to a man, the shots and stuff that she is getting to change, can definitely make a difference in her time. 3192. Posted by ace2f Thu Aug 20 4:30am EDT for me we can't concloude cuz test are not yet over but she could also be a gurl or a boy we all don't know.But if u ask me i will say she is a Boy in the phycial but in tha inner she could be a gurl hmmm hopin so we are still waitin for the results of the test 3191. Posted by Jeanie Thu Aug 20 4:30am EDT Chronzetti - You sound like you are on crack, just rambling on and on. Chill out. Does everything have to pertain to race? You are a racist. 3190. Posted by Mama 2 Thu Aug 20 4:30am EDT shes an athlete, muscles and tone is part of the job. Leave her alone and watch as she "runs" away with all the competitions!!! Why does everyone have to doubt it? shes fast and in shape? Has to be a man. That is so bias. Good for her let her compete w the men she will show them a thing or two as well. it doesnt matter jusge her on talent not sex!!!! 3189. Posted by bavrdugo Thu Aug 20 4:29am EDT All that needs to be done in order to identify whether or not this runner is a he or she, is to tell it to drop trou to see what if anything falls out. 3188. Posted by Samuel O Thu Aug 20 4:29am EDT If Simenya is tested and results reveal that she is really a waman as is the case now ,then she should be awarded two Gold medals and the Doubting Thomases ashamed :To my fellow Africans, let us keep KEEPING UP: 3187. Posted by angel Thu Aug 20 4:28am EDT take a good look at Caster's muscle definition..in particular the triceps and biceps, observe the rounded shoulders , and the area of the top jaw....if this is indeed a woman complete with turkey neck.... then steroids are most definitely involved... 3186. Posted by D Hoyt Thu Aug 20 4:28am EDT Come on people, many women athletes lose estrigen from the extreme exercise. It doesn't make them a man. 3185. Posted by bkymichael Thu Aug 20 4:27am EDT Is this envy or greed? I wander!!!!!!!!!!! 3184. Posted by george d Thu Aug 20 4:27am EDT A number of people mentioned racism, give us a break it's genderism if it any ism. From the picture I can see why there is some doubt, but whats with all the testing, there is one sure way to tell a man from a woman, no not that, that can be changed and often is. It's not the adams apple either but take a close look at the lenght of the fingers, a man's index finger is shorter than his ring finger, it is that simple. WHAT'S ALL THE FUSS? 3183. Posted by Saci Pererê Thu Aug 20 4:27am EDT ... ... ... Po lil 'Tink Tink'!!! 3182. Posted by Mari Thu Aug 20 4:27am EDT Woooo... some of the comments, UNbelieveable! Well, everyone's entitled to their opinion, but... Ouch! those horns hurt! (green eyes glaring, too). Come-on... don't you-all have any humanity?? So what if "you think" she looks masculine? She's made a wonnnnnnn-derful accomplishment! Caster Semenya! Beautiful muscular young woman! GREAT job! You make ALL "humanity" Proud!! Your demonstrations are an inspiration!!! God Bless You.. 3181. Posted by Mr. psingh Thu Aug 20 4:27am EDT awesome! http://www.frequestionbank.com/ 3180. Posted by Santiago Thu Aug 20 4:27am EDT all the women i know always say they are equal to men,until they think they were beat by one.i hope this person is a woman just to prove first,women are very sore losers and will use any excuse and second that there not as equal as they thought.there is no crying in track.lol 3179. Posted by angenoir20fr Thu Aug 20 4:25am EDT I can't believe how people in this miserable world can go so far...I have absolutely no comments. All i would eventually do is spit in the face of each employee of the international federation and say: i'm a man...no need to test me. Well done girl!!!!!!!!!! 3178. Posted by manny Thu Aug 20 4:25am EDT whats that bulge between her legs? 3177. Posted by pnongogo Thu Aug 20 4:25am EDT Not withstandin all the racial crap that is coming through here, I sicnerely think that the IAAF has treated Semenya very unfairly here. Eric you are very correct, just as if this was a drug suspect, the athlete is generally tested, an A smaple and the B samaple - and mind you, the finer details of this are all done behind scences. We as the public just know that its standard practice that athletes will be randomly tested, and of course where there are great achievements like these. The standard practice is that, an A sample is checked, irrespective of whether is was positive or negative, the either the authorities or the athlete concern, will appeal for a look at the B sample. During this period, there is not media hype created, for the sake of the intergrity of the process, protection of the athletes and lest the A sample, for one reason of another, is not congruent with the B sample. Then it will be only after all this process has been done, then the information is fed to the medai and public! So, lets look at Semenya case objectively and ask the basic questions: that pertain to athletes rights (especially a young athlete like Semenya); the basis right of being taken as innocent until proven giulty, lets pre-empting the very test that we are told that the IAAF is yet to conduct, albeit Mick Davis, coming out telling the world that there are gender tests eminent; the issue of leaking such sensitive and delicate information on the day the young lady (I refer to her as such, and I will always to such time that some credible information that proves otherwise comes forth) is to run her major event, thus exposing her to media crucification, and lastly a closer look on the very basis for the tests themselves? My conclusion here is simple, people like Gary and Gayla, are not ever cynical but very racist too! There is no way where one would should be allowed to perpertuate a razy idea that: only a white race that can be defined as human and sacrad, with black population (or sometimes called coloureds), being mere cry babies and of course living in the mercy of the whites as this crazy Gayla sees it (could this be because this atghletic meeting is held in Berlin, now the old Nazi menatlity and idealogy is evoked in some folks like these?)! I believe that there is no race and or ethnic groug nor tribe, or gender for that matter, that have monopoloty to things like beauty, cognitive acumen, etc. Secondly, i have seem more muscular, deep-voiced and with due respect, even quite ugly, females in the sports world - of with this we know that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder! Thirdly, I still say, IAAF was unfair, becaus why it did not call for test for Micheal Phelps (whether indeed he is human, considering his athletics feats, his body, physical outlook and the amount of foods he is said to be taking) when he achieved unbelievable feats in Beijing? The IAAF has not come out clearly as to what is the basis for these test, but only the compaint fromt he Australians. Somebody here has asked why do we need to talk about race in this matter, and I say there is always a possibility, especialy when one is dealing with the South African society . You just have to look at the comments here. You will be suprised that this question and idea actually came from the South Africans who migrated to that country. I have many decent Autralian friends, and i am aware how comopetitive these can be, but this? This is my take, thank you! 3176. Posted by MisterD Thu Aug 20 4:24am EDT Semen-Ya 3175. Posted by Violet W Thu Aug 20 4:24am EDT http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swyer_syndrome "A baby who is externally a girl is born and is normal in all anatomic respects except that the child has nonfunctional streak gonads instead of ovaries or testes. As girls' ovaries normally produce no important body changes before puberty, a defect of the reproductive system typically remains unsuspected until puberty fails to occur in people with Swyer syndrome. They appear to be normal girls and are generally considered so. "Because of the inability of the streak gonads to produce sex hormones (both estrogens and androgens), most of the secondary sex characteristics do not develop. This is especially true of estrogenic changes such as breast development, widening of the pelvis and hips, and menstrual periods. Because the adrenal glands can make limited amounts of androgens and are not affected by this syndrome, most of these persons will develop pubic hair, though it often remains sparse." 3174. Posted by zandilepayi Thu Aug 20 4:24am EDT Bcz she won now its a problem,what if she did'nt would the test be done she's fit thats all .Zandile 3173. Posted by tania b Thu Aug 20 4:24am EDT Does it mean that board will check her vagina and others ? How they will determine that she is a man ??? I am also ignorant about this matter. Anybody knows the process, please port your comment. Thanks/Tania 3172. Posted by Desiree` Thu Aug 20 4:21am EDT Who cares if she's a woman or man? Such 'tests' should be done prior the competitions if the outcome would affect the results. Surely the were prerequisites and rules or some definite form of qualifying criteria before she enter, was her gender not ascertained then, At that time was the face value and home affairs stat all that was utilised? If so, same should apply now. She won the race bcause she qualified to enter and like expected of anyone confident to enter sucha big race won!!! Critics, Deal with It! 3171. Posted by sheila Thu Aug 20 4:20am EDT Austin k should be careful about his comment the 'why they took African as slaves.'Him and who those slaves are why Obama is ruling USA.We are here on a different issue Am a Kenyan am beautiful and proud to be black.About Semenye thats a man you need no test may be for evidence. 3170. Posted by robertcartee@... Thu Aug 20 4:20am EDT To the Morons who wish to comment without reading the above, please do so before putting in your 2 cents. Because of her recent times and bursting onto the seen with no prior track experence, she WAS TESTED BEFORE SHE RAN AND WON the race. The article said the tests took 2 weeks and thus prevented getting the results before the race was run. Therefore the fact she won this race has nothing to do with the testing being done. 3169. Posted by tmokitimi Thu Aug 20 4:20am EDT yes she does look like a man, like many other females do. but do you think any one could go that far! please...! lets wait and see the results and i can't wait. i hope men who look like women will follow in the tests. 3168. Posted by starrlette Thu Aug 20 4:20am EDT i dont understand why they are doing all these rediculous tests anyhow.. its really easy.. go to the gyno, get a sonigram.. does she have ovaries?.. cervix?.. costs about 40 bucks for this... why all these thousand dollar tests ,especially in todays economy?and who's paying for them? 3167. Posted by ugochukwu Thu Aug 20 4:19am EDT Wait and see the out of the text. 3166. Posted by Smart Blond Thu Aug 20 4:19am EDT Who cares? Really? Just let her run. Fricken "federation" is making a spectacle for nothing. It's like a bunch of 12 year old boys making fun of the unpopular girl. Just horrible. 3165. Posted by Chronzetti Thu Aug 20 4:19am EDT David D, I had no problem listing some of the Bush/Cheney issues on this post (there are far too many to list them all). Can you list the Obama lies that you refer to? You and your ilk are simply upset because there is a Black president with a Jewish chief of staff, and he just sat a Latina on the Supreme Court. The United States of Rich White Men is falling apart and you (and Boss Hogg Limbaugh) can't deal with progress. Obama the liar, the hypocrite, the racist, the socialist, the antichrist!! What else is Barack Hussein Obama's fault? We know he gave himself his middle name in 1961 just to referrence a despot dictator who would not come to power for another twenty years because it would piss off Americans when he ran for president in 2008. We know that the state of Hawaii regularly works with Kenya to provide fake U.S. birth certificates to Kenyan nationals in order to steal elections decades in the future, enabling Kenya to take over the United States one president at a time. Come on, people. THINK!! Obama is the liar and Bush and Cheney are the pillars of truth and honesty in America? THEY FOUND SADDAM IN A HOLE IN THE GROUND IN LESS THAN A MONTH AND THEY CAN'T FIND BIN LADEN IN SOME MOUNTAINS (allegedly) AFTER EIGHT YEARS?!! I may have been born at night but damn sure not last night! So David D., why not just check YouTube to see when I post the video of Boss Hogg Limbaugh buying oxycontin from the momma of Sarah Palin's daughter's baby daddy. Then you, me, Boss Hogg Limbaugh, Palin, Bristol, the baby, Levi Strauss (or whatever the hell his name is), and Momma dope dealer can all go on the Steve Wilcos show and be screamed at by a bald, sweaty, fat guy who will tell us all how much we suck. Just a big ole slice of Americana Pie. Independent my ass. You are a conservative. A Republican. You belong to the party of No and We Don't Know. And yes I am a progressive, a liberal (oooh, the bogeyman word!), a Democrat. And damned proud of it. In the immortal words of the great Sam Cooke: "It's been a long, long time coming, but I know a change is gonna come!" Yes We Can, David D. Yes We Can. 3164. Posted by Swiss Miss Thu Aug 20 4:19am EDT Hi Swiss Miss again, There was a study done that tried to predict the winners of several 'foot races' of varying distances. The racer who had the longest ring finger in comparison with the length of the index finger WON the race!!! at least 98% of the time!!! the other 2% of the time the racer came in second!! So you can also use this information in determining odds of what position a racer will finish in a particular race!!! This is REAL science. 3163. Posted by Ransford Thu Aug 20 4:17am EDT This is not fair to Semenya, Que sera sera - what will be will be. Peraphs somebody is behind this 3162. Posted by Bongani K Thu Aug 20 4:16am EDT i think they must live him alone.viva mzanzi. 3161. Posted by drmudavanhu Thu Aug 20 4:16am EDT Back to basics. Just ask her MUM! 3160. Posted by dj1 Thu Aug 20 4:15am EDT First off, race has absolutely nothing to do with this. 2nd, although i have not read all the comments, if there have been racist comments left here, they shouldnt even be allowed to make a comment one way or another, it wont be until we can all see each other as a people will we be able to move on and live life the best we can, after all, life is hard enough we dont need to be making it harder for anyone. 3rd, just because someone brings up the question of someones sex in racing doesnt mean they are doing it cause she is black. As I recall, back in the day, many questioned the sex of athletes from east germany and some from the cccp, and as i recall they were all white, the reason they were accused seems to be the same, a female athlete appearing to have male attributes. . The fact is, a male will run faster then a female, and its been done in the past (and no they wont have a package). Unfortunately alot of people will do anything to win. Now that its been brought out, do the right thing, give her the medal she deserves, and do the testing in a private and discreet manor. And for the time being, she is the champion until proven otherwise, as it should be. 3159. Posted by Solomon B Thu Aug 20 4:14am EDT If the world is not sure about her/he gender It is good to do all scientific test , it is known fact their are people born in between gender and if that is the case it is no fear for the 100% woman's. from africa. 3158. Posted by mqondisimhlanzi Thu Aug 20 4:14am EDT I cant believe how ignorant some of you sound? Caster comes from a rural village of Limpopo in the Northern part of the country. She came from an impoverished background and is only 18 years old. Do you guys honestly think that she hasnt had to deal with this issue all her life, growing up and acting like a tomboy is one thing, but when you will make unsubtantiated claims and accussations is another? Worst case scenerio, she probably has two sets of chromosomes and female genetalia, thus enabling her body to produce more testestorone than normal women but that doesnt make her a man. Maria Mutola from Mozambique had the problem, because of her muscular physique and er outstanding athletic achievements. Do you guys honestly think that she hasnt had to get tested when she was still coming up the junior ranks, high school, regional athletic meetings, privincial, national, international...bear in mind this was not her first international competition? When would she have done a sex change???...at 12 years in a remote rural hospital of Limpopo...some of yall are just ridiculous. The IAAF is to blame for this saga in my opinion, they did the same thing with our blade runner Osca Pistorias who had his medals revoked and penalised after he won, because they then decided he had an unfair advantage...wtf? 3157. Posted by mqondisimhlanzi Thu Aug 20 4:14am EDT I cant believe how ignorant some of you sound? Caster comes from a rural village of Limpopo in the Northern part of the country. She came from an impoverished background and is only 18 years old. Do you guys honestly think that she hasnt had to deal with this issue all her life, growing up and acting like a tomboy is one thing, but when you will make unsubtantiated claims and accussations is another? Worst case scenerio, she probably has two sets of chromosomes and female genetalia, thus enabling her body to produce more testestorone than normal women but that doesnt make her a man. Maria Mutola from Mozambique had the problem, because of her muscular physique and er outstanding athletic achievements. Do you guys honestly think that she hasnt had to get tested when she was still coming up the junior ranks, high school, regional athletic meetings, privincial, national, international...bear in mind this was not her first international competition? When would she have done a sex change???...at 12 years in a remote rural hospital of Limpopo...some of yall are just ridiculous. The IAAF is to blame for this saga in my opinion, they did the same thing with our blade runner Osca Pistorias who had his medals revoked and penalised after he won, because they then decided he had an unfair advantage...wtf? 3156. Posted by slendar Thu Aug 20 4:14am EDT I think they should just live her alone. If it was someone from the 1st world they would have said nothing. Are we as South Africans not capable of being world champions without being questioned, come on now this has to stop. 3155. Posted by esi Thu Aug 20 4:12am EDT ب احاله خ ي لي 3154. Posted by falc Thu Aug 20 4:12am EDT They are saying that it is very complicated to do these tests to see if she is a he. Well, I am no doctor, but I do have a couple of suggestions for them. 1. Check and see if she has a weenie. 2. Dudes have Adams apples too and you don't even have to take her/his clothes off. 3. Parts of her body that can actually grow a human being inside her. They have this devices that can really take a picture of the inside of you!!! Let's see... they are called x-rays, MRI's, Cat scans, or something like that? 4. Oh yeah, check and see if she has balls, too. 3153. Posted by bensleysara Thu Aug 20 4:11am EDT There should be no reason for a pre-race gender test. The runner is not from the U.S. so we do not know or understand his values. There would be no question to his/her gender if there was not a problem here. Bolt clearly dominates men's, but there is a large difference between men dominating sports and women dominating. Marion Jones was the first to have totally dominated, but even she was on steriods. Bolt was tested, and he was clean. Discusting 3152. Posted by carrollredd@... Thu Aug 20 4:11am EDT Who really cares whether she is a woman? the only ones who does is the losers and all losers go out of thier way to make excuses 3151. Posted by Sipokazi Thu Aug 20 4:11am EDT After all the test are done and proven that you are woman Caster,i say SUE! Them for all they are worth. FROM SIPOKAZI 3150. Posted by Charlie Thu Aug 20 4:10am EDT dont u need a vagina to be considered a woman ? 3149. Posted by Dwaine H Thu Aug 20 4:10am EDT When test confirms what most suspect, i think they ought to mercilessly punish this dude and make an example of him to deter any other man from contemplating taking the "back door" towards getting a gold medal. 3148. Posted by Zee Thu Aug 20 4:10am EDT You can't just look at her private parts and determine if she is male or female. What the track governing body is after is her chromosome makeup. Normal fully functioning female (ie, functioning uterus, the ability to give give birth, milk, etc.) would have XX chromosomes. Normal fully functioning males would have XY chromosomes. A person can have all the physical characteristics of the female gender with a different chromosome structure (ie, xxy...which scientifically would be classified as both male and female, with all the physical characteristics of the female gender....Actress Jamie Lee Curtis is a perfect example, she carries both male and female chromosomes and would not qualify to compete as a female contestant using this case as an example.) So the question is not whether Semenya has a vagina, its just not that simple. I believe she is definitely a "female" by all means, whether she is genetically both female and male is what I believe they are trying to determine. It does suck for her that this issue has been so public because she is just a teenager and I'm sure we all went through our growing pains, but this for her is on another level. I mean if Semanya actually has a penis, then that a whole other matter, but I don't believe that is the case and I hope everything comes out good for her. Plus, you just can't tell when your born, I'm sure the hospitals don't conduct such a test at birth because for one it seems wholly unnecessary to test everyone as it is a very rare case and testing is obviously laboratory intensive which mean money and time. So stop with the "just check her privates" comment, it is just ignorant. Why track would even consider the test I guess is because of her incredible time. I don't know much about track, but I'm assuming that is the reason...and I doubt its because of her physical appearance, because when I see women track, they are all pretty much muscular and lack the "hour-glass" figure most associated with the female gender. 3147. Posted by Stefany Thu Aug 20 4:09am EDT This must be so embarrassing for her. :( I feel so sorry that she has to go through this humiliation. Imagine, you work hard to be the best at what you love and no doubt she trains 365 days with that body and once you succeed youre questioned about it. I dont think its because shes african but definitely because shes a woman. My god, what a shame. 3146. Posted by sistergeetee@... Thu Aug 20 4:09am EDT Austin I pray for our sake you do not have children.... black people not only built nations but we civilized them, gave them culture,wealth and substance. These are somethings that no matter how ignorantly you try you can't take from us. We have already overcome and will continue to do so untill the end of this earth age... I hope you grow up and become half the man they claim Semenya is supposed to be....evil, haters God bless 3145. Posted by dfebs@... Thu Aug 20 4:08am EDT According to a TV report in SA, sections of the Berlin crown booed the athlete after the race - is it true? What's going to happen at the medal ceremony? If you are attending the games - be fair to ALL athletes. The jury is still out on this athlete! Who decide when an athlete must be tested - I can see lot's more that should be sited! Good job girl. from Cape Town 3144. Posted by scottdrexler@... Thu Aug 20 4:08am EDT Some of you people are so ignorant. It is not about the fact she is black!!! It is a question of gender and only gender. I hope she is really a women because it is great to see a new name come from nowhere and be so successful. If any white, purple, yellow or green female runner looked that much like a man they would be tested too. By pointing out the ethnicity of a person and how they are supposedly being "held back" you are only segregating yourselves and creating problems that should not even be addressed because in this case do not exist. 3143. Posted by bongilemtolo Thu Aug 20 4:08am EDT Thr has never been such a big violation of a person human right. This happening right in the middle of the woman month. This is a the biggest insult that any sports woman has had to face in the history of sports. Its apoling the fact that they have a problem with our country's athelete just because she is too fast for them. this is not only undermining her but the whole south africa. I am so angry I cant even say what i feel like. 3142. Posted by edwin Thu Aug 20 4:07am EDT I think this now proofs that women and men are NOT EQUAL.So for those who have been figting for gender EQUALITY they should go ahead and stop the medical test........................... 3141. Posted by johnhinda Thu Aug 20 4:07am EDT The issue at hand is very interesting.I would want to know the outcome of the test,though it will be a pity to be strip of the medals if it is the other way around. 3140. Posted by Swiss Miss Thu Aug 20 4:07am EDT Hi Swiss Miss Here again. OK There are ALWAYS exceptions to the rule. Let me put it like this: 99% of men have longer ring fingers than index fingers and 99% of women have longer index fingers than ring fingers. I will stand by this PROOF that this is a MAN!!!! 3139. Posted by Amusan O Thu Aug 20 4:07am EDT If she's a MAN would you give her your daughter in marriage? 3138. Posted by killbill Thu Aug 20 4:07am EDT If she was a white woman would they have made these outrageous claims?...To jump the gun on this story before the results is also ridiculous and careless. Now, it doesn't matter if the results are negative cause her image is already tarnished. Unbelievable. 3137. Posted by David L Thu Aug 20 4:06am EDT This article makes it seem like a 'gender' test is some extravagant thing like putting a man on Mars (or Venus for that matter). What other tests could there possibly be other than a simple DNA test to check for a Y chromosome or just pulling down Its shorts and seeing if Its parts are an inny or an outie?! 3136. Posted by Courtney Thu Aug 20 4:06am EDT you can be a girl and have ring fingers slightly longer than your index fingers; I am an example of this. 3135. Posted by JohnO Thu Aug 20 4:06am EDT In my opinion its a man. However, we all know we can not judge a book by its cover. However, if we are going by appearances, Jamaica's Brigitte FosterHylton also should be investigated. I think if we are going to call out these girls/guys we need to also get the others. Some of the females in other events are also suspect. 3134. Posted by AlisaW Thu Aug 20 4:06am EDT The problem isn't that it's a man disguised as a woman. She might have a testosterone imbalance that causes her to be able to race the way she does, she could be a hermaphrodite, etc. There's plenty of reasons that she might not qualify as a woman while stile not having what a man does down there. 3133. Posted by the14u2nv360 Thu Aug 20 4:06am EDT I personally couldn't care less about his dude winning a race for women.. And yes it's obviously a dude.. I just want to comment on Marvin a few posts below this calling people stupid, while at the same time spelling the word stupid as stupit.. what a stupid retard. 3132. Posted by Demon Riku Thu Aug 20 4:06am EDT Lol@ Austin K. xD Don't hate the player, just hate the game. :P 3131. Posted by robertcartee@... Thu Aug 20 4:06am EDT After reading some of these posts, I'm starting to understand things better. If your black, the rules of the game don't matter. I have a daughter that is a high school track athelete, and this 45 year old male 3 pack a day smoker can blow her away in a race. That's why we have rules, to make things fare. If it dosen't truely matter, why not just eliminate female sports and make all sports multi-racial. 3130. Posted by slendar Thu Aug 20 4:06am EDT I think they should live her alone, if it was someone from america they would have said nothing. Are we South Africans not capable of being champions without being quetioned 3129. Posted by brandt d Thu Aug 20 4:04am EDT This dude should fight that dude that fought Gina Carano. 3128. Posted by vincent Thu Aug 20 4:04am EDT She is a woman and there is no need to comment on that. 3127. Posted by falc Thu Aug 20 4:04am EDT Wow, what is amazing is the stupid comments on here that if it turns out the she is a HE, that somehow is ok. HUH???? Are you on crack? You are telling me that it is ok for a man to pose as a woman to win a sporting event??? What dark hole have you people just crawled out from? Did any of yo idiots think that it might not be fair to the REAL women who tried their best, but were at a disadvantage? Wake up. 3126. Posted by Nompumelelo Thu Aug 20 4:04am EDT Why waiste your time run in a woman's race knowing that you are man,come on guys Semenya she's a woman. 3125. Posted by jacintofern Thu Aug 20 4:04am EDT I think, they would not accept fact that an African won the race by a great margin. They should have done the test prior to the race. She won the race , period. Go girl, make us proud! Jacinto, Pretoria 3124. Posted by Courtney Thu Aug 20 4:04am EDT um Swiss, I am definitely a heterosexual girl, I am built small with small hands, and my ring finger is slightly longer than my index finger. There is no way that I am a man, or that anyone would ever question whether I was ever a man. So that is not an accurate way to determine gender; sorry. 3123. Posted by cpmalaila Thu Aug 20 4:03am EDT We knew it!According to them nothing good can come out of Africa.Caster develop a thick skin and enjoy your amazing victory for all right thinking human beings are behind you. 3122. Posted by kniniveh Thu Aug 20 4:02am EDT I really wish 2know 1thing,is Caster's triumph disputed because she is black or because she did what was unexpected?Why her gender issue was never an item before she won this competition?If she didn't win,was it going to be an issue or what?Are we disputing the manner or the way in which her body masculine is made or what?It sometimess doesn't matter what the answer may be,nevertheless she is an image of God nobody needs to discriminate her on basis of gender vis avis her tremendous God given talent(super sonic speed).This was supposed to be an issue before the competition not now, and if now; we should ask ourselves as to why now? 3121. Posted by baby bose Thu Aug 20 4:01am EDT racer X is not only a lonely racist, he's also an idiot with little or no taste in women. if so how can u explain his comments about michelle who is a very attractive and elegant woman. racer X or watever you call urself, take my advice and get a life. people, pls just ignore him, he's not worth wasting attention on. 3120. Posted by drmudavanhu Thu Aug 20 4:01am EDT Usain feeds his rivals dust. Guess that makes them all WOMEN?! If u cant race Caster jus pack em bags n go home, black or white! After the Bolt, T GAY did dint HE? And all u armchair crits...get the hell off that couch (or bed?) and get runnin, boy or girl, man or woman, lazing around is contaminating ur idle brain, come back when u thinking STRAIGHT! 3119. Posted by one4theroad Thu Aug 20 4:00am EDT I wish someone would of tested that thing that fought Gina Carano the other night. Man. That was not a woman. She had zero body fat. Zero!!! Now, I'm not one to spread rumors so you didn't hear it from me but I noticed a bulge in her pants. 3118. Posted by Cant Always Eat a Burrito Thu Aug 20 3:58am EDT What's her phone number? 3117. Posted by Sean Thu Aug 20 3:57am EDT thats a dude 3116. Posted by s.swain80 Thu Aug 20 3:56am EDT Well, she could just be an unatractive women. Everyone is noit born with blonde hair and blue eyes. Even the one's how are, aren't that athletic. So let her just be whom ever she feels comfortable being. As for some men, your only angry because u may have looked at a man an thought it was s women..And angry women your just mad because her belly looks better than ours!!! So people can you just wait for the answer........... 3115. Posted by sistergeetee@... Thu Aug 20 3:56am EDT Umm sorry swiss your theory is at least flawed. I am all woman and tested your claim it's about as valid as a claim that a woman could only win a race if she is a man, or that a runner can only compete and win if he has legs.... makes me think and shake my head....once again beware the evil,haters God bless 3114. Posted by JS Thu Aug 20 3:55am EDT Look this is just hate on a grander scale! Here's the fact: an athlete OWNED the competition. So the haters come out of the woodwork and complain about it. Instead of accepting and celebrating athleticism and hard work. The world calls you a liar. Hopefully these test will make everyone who doubts look ignorant. Accept superior skills that some people are born with and move on. 3113. Posted by Alome Thu Aug 20 3:55am EDT Stop the Race Issue, color is not important in this case, people just want to know if Semenya won the Gold honestly. I have my own reservations, why would the SA team manager say that they "entered her as a woman" this sounds suspect. 3112. Posted by kathleen Thu Aug 20 3:55am EDT I think this is MEAN! This young woman is working hard at a sport she obviously loves! The lack of body fat of a constant athlete accounts for her physique not having cures. In addition, perhaps she comes from a family of tall, lean women. She is beautiful as she IS, and just because she isn't curvy with makeup on doesn't mean she's not a girl! 3111. Posted by Steven Thu Aug 20 3:55am EDT Sure indeed if didnt win nobody would be making this noise about her gender. Why didnt they do a DNA test to see if she's got the Y-Chromosome or not and then shut up. 3110. Posted by Chichi Thu Aug 20 3:54am EDT Thato point of correction; Maria Motola was not and is not from Kenya. She is Mozambican. Then the whole drama of testing whether someone is female is purely rubbish and so western. With us, if someone is born female then they are female. All those tests are just a wate of time and some job creation scam for westerners. 3109. Posted by Florina Thu Aug 20 3:52am EDT This out of control! It is racism in a real way...Please stop this ASAP 3108. Posted by Bernard Thu Aug 20 3:51am EDT there is more to it than just female xx and male xy. there is such thing as xxy chromosomes making a female with some small amount of testosterone. no this does not make homo or trans sexuals or even hemaphrodite. ive learned this in gender studies. there are many combonations of chromosomes xx xy xxy xyx xyy xxx. Caster just has an advantage thats all. 3107. Posted by jwinnie16 Thu Aug 20 3:51am EDT Craig, get your facts right and stop confusing people, before posting anything here,Maria Mutola is from Mozambique, and not Kenya. 3106. Posted by Jahangeer S Thu Aug 20 3:50am EDT hi h r ugood 3105. Posted by Swiss Miss Thu Aug 20 3:50am EDT This is a man who has taken something to make it appear as though he has small female breast. I can prove to you that this is a man, just by having you look at the photos. Photos that show him from a frontal view from the waist up show that he has NO female pelvic area as do women, he is built just like a man. NOW for the REAL PROOF: Look at photo # 11. It shows, for a fact, that his ring finger on both hands are LONGER than his index finger on each hand. Now look at photo # 26. You can see here the same thing. Now look at YOUR hands and what do You see???? Testosterone determines the length of the ring finger in comparison to the index finger, the MORE testosterone, the longer the ringer finger. The LESS testosterone, the longer the index finger. Men have LONGER ring fingers than they do index fingers, Womens index fingers are longer than their ring fingers. Go look at ANY man or women. If you know of any queers look at their fingers !!!! 3104. Posted by bensleysara Thu Aug 20 3:50am EDT I believe that "cheating" in sports has gotten out of hand. The disregard that some people have for sportsmanship and athleticism has knocked the professional sports down a notch or two. Steroids in baseball, the "gangster" athletes who think they need a gun on them at a club (without a lisence) and end up shooting themselves (Burress), the carefree "thugz" who drive drunk and run over an unsuspecting passerbye and only get charged with 29 days in jail (not prison) (Stallworth), or the uncivolized dog fight ringleaders (Vick). And when it comes to professional running, women can't learn from the men who are caught taking anebolic steroids (Marion Jones). And now new crisis is arrizing, women runners who are not really women. This is discussing, and although she(he) has not been convicted, where is the birth certificate? If it is that difficult to find one then there is a problem. Little league baseball players take certificates to every tournament so that questions are avoided. He should be ashamed and should be made an example of. 3103. Posted by rjcjmjmj Thu Aug 20 3:50am EDT Craig, Maria Mutola was from Mozambiique....doos 3102. Posted by Marvin Thu Aug 20 3:49am EDT I Think I miss the race, but she looks like a women to me... I don;t get it ... and not bad looking... we have seen many africans run well in past world events... this is stupit, great run lady....and keep up the good work... 3101. Posted by sistergeetee@... Thu Aug 20 3:49am EDT What is being questioned? Ability,gender,endurance, perseverance? Why would all of a sudden a person change their sex to decieve officials? If it is a man he would be just as impressive in duration of race.... doesn't make sense a winner is a winner male or female Africans have always been winners look at the abuse and degredation they have had to endure. Just another attempt to deny us the human right to excell ...shake off the hatered God knows and skill is what should be questioned not hormone levels..... there are bigger fish to fry people but I do hope that when they find that they were wrong and that sister was a sister she getts the biggest and baddest lawyer and sues the "pants" off everyone involved in this act of total disrespect! P.S. Has anyone heard anything from the racer who was disqualified after winning a race for not having legs? Remember what we are dealing with ya'll evil, haters........ God Bless 3100. Posted by sighola Thu Aug 20 3:49am EDT You go Semenya (Mokgalaka WEEE) 3099. Posted by ty p Thu Aug 20 3:49am EDT Well let me say this to those who were complaining of racist comments i didn't see one racist thing on here about black people or winning. One person commented that we were all mad b-c a black lady one the race. UMM, no. Everyone is mad b-c they can't be sure it was even a LADY who won.This was the WOMENS race if she is a man no doubt he or she is awesome and a very good athlete but obvioulsy couldn't hang w/ the men and was entered in as a woman for some reason. And in all fairness to everyone in the sport the truth should be known. ANd by the way she does look like a man and one person commented that all female athletes look like that no and let me tell you why..have they EVER had this problem before?.... think about it geniuses 3098. Posted by lunguln@... Thu Aug 20 3:48am EDT Its a pity that an african lady be exposed like this but surely all africans are behind her, when is the world going to accept that we as Africans have the potencial to make big name in world events ha! My fellow african big ups to to you. 3097. Posted by Pica Thu Aug 20 3:47am EDT Wow..It's come to this. You know it should be mandatory to test all athletes or competitors for gender at events like this or any event that is set in gender divisions and especially the Olympics. Truthfully it wouldn't be fair to have a man running a womens race. This day in age you really can't tell gender based on physical appearance or a name etc. If it turns out she is a female then congrats to her and an apology should be made seeing how this gender test was not requested of the other girls. And some changes should be made to prevent this from happening again. I can't wait to find out what happens!!! 3096. Posted by bedroksdrr Thu Aug 20 3:47am EDT If She lost the damm race no one would care Thats the Truth 3095. Posted by Nahibangwa Thu Aug 20 3:46am EDT Is it the speed at which she finished the race or the colour of the person that is bringing a problem? I had never had of one being tested weather is male or female but what i know too much sport makes a female to have appearence of a male. 3094. Posted by noelenenc Thu Aug 20 3:46am EDT I agree 100% with Craig Viva Rainbow Nation. For those of us who competed at schools with talented african FEMALES like her know that South Africa has plenty more 'Semenya's' out there that still need to be discovered. Just because she is from a 3rd world country and unknown does not mean she is a cheat. I would back her all the way and I am very confident that the test will come out as her being a woman!! For those of you who still think africa has lions roaming free and elephants as pets and who still struggle to spell Giraffe here is a fare warning Semenya is just the tip of the ice berg and there will be plenty more talent bursting out of the South African and African borders, hope you ready to have your western world rocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3093. Posted by Rebecca Thu Aug 20 3:46am EDT "2742. Posted by nike44x Thu Aug 20 12:45am EDT Let's say she is a man, well what I don't understand is how some of of you think that it should be okay for this person to switch genders and compete amongst women. If every man were allowed to do that then the women athletes of this world would have no joy in competition, because males that were not good enough to compete with other males would switch over and dominate women. This investigation is not a case of racism it is simply a case of being fair to the other athletes" Men having sex changes in the name of sports??? REALLY??? 3092. Posted by Robert C Thu Aug 20 3:46am EDT Like the Aerosmith song" Dude looks like a lady "it probably is a dude. Just not fast enough to compete with the guys. Freak of nature has nothing to do with racism in this article. The guy from Africa whining about everyone making this a racial deal is an idiot. Good luck to all the athletes that wish to make sports their life. It's nice that god gave them talent to do this but life is about living together and working at other things not running around a circle as fast as possible. 3091. Posted by tshieman Thu Aug 20 3:46am EDT This issue is going to be very much fun. This person is phisically a woman but the above argument contents that she might not be a woman enough to compete with women. This meaning that their hormons contracdicts with their physical aspects. But for the same person not being a man physicaly disqualifies them to compete with men either. So as far as the above arguement is concerned this person is a disabled and for that reason they qualify to run on the paralympics for etheir genders. This is very much insulting and I'm always telling people that too much understanding is complecating things on this planet. Mother nature tought us that for any creature with women private parts its a female and for any creature with men private parts its a male. Whats the issue at the international federation, I do not think there is, they are just building it up. 3090. Posted by Labeekah Thu Aug 20 3:45am EDT Great job Smenya!!!! Cant believe they are dicriminating against her like that.....There are sooo many female athletes that are built the same or worse, I dont see them getting tested....If you test Semenya you should test all the masculine looking female athletes from all over the world....You are awsome Semenya...KEP UP THE GOOD WORK...SA IS PROUD OF YOU.... 3089. Posted by johnsec2006 Thu Aug 20 3:45am EDT Hey, kellyeric28. Two words: Caps Lock. Look into it. 3088. Posted by Andrew Thu Aug 20 3:45am EDT Should this really be turned into a racial issue?I see no reason for the much-ado! naturally there is the tendency to feel sympathetic towards Semanya because of the hell she might be going through but lets obey the rules and wait for the outcome of the test and if she is vindicated,She could then sing a song of VICTORY to shame us all! 3087. Posted by moya4sure Thu Aug 20 3:44am EDT What is wrong with caster winning her race by breaking/setting new a record?this whole mess will certainly demoralize her when its all over, to caster i say "go girl, do Africa proud.We love you.Test or no test. 3086. Posted by Andrew Thu Aug 20 3:42am EDT Should this really be turned into a racial issue?I see no reason for the much-ado! naturally there is the tendency to feel sympathetic towards Semanya because of the hell she might be going through but lets obey the rules and wait for the outcome of the test and if she is vindicated,She could then sing a song of VICTORY to shame us all! 3085. Posted by bedroksdrr Thu Aug 20 3:42am EDT Y in our day an Age Everytime a black person breaks records or accomplishes amazing feets we have to be tested for Drugs, Steroids.....and now gender Female Track and field atheletes are always muscular more so than the average male as well as the male atheletes This poor women probably accomplish her dream at the world championships and the press as well as the governing body of the events turned it into a nightmare Whats Next.... should we test the female basketball player, boxers, etc etc Where does it end 3084. Posted by Rebecca Thu Aug 20 3:42am EDT How could she not meet the requirements to compete as a woman? If she's a woman, what other requirements does she need to meet? I don't understand why something that could be medical issue be the basis for stripping someone of their hard earned medals. It's possible she could have androgen insensitivity syndrome where she has developed physically as a female, but her chromosomes are that of a male. NO, it would not mean she's transgendered and NO it would not make her any less of a woman. Whether or not that is her diagnosis, there are going to be a lot of people feeling very stupid when she's proven to be a woman and they have to apologize. 3083. Posted by Ana Thu Aug 20 3:41am EDT shouldn't they wait for the test result before judging? it's her honour at stake. plus doesn't she deserve the benefit of the doubt...because at this point that's just what it is: a doubt. if it turns out ok what will they say? sorry? don't think it will help. if it doesn't turn out ok, then probably she'll be punished. still, I really don't find this something to laugh about...I feel sorry for her either way. 3082. Posted by papa7132001 Thu Aug 20 3:41am EDT she is probably a woman and on roids 3081. Posted by ar.be91 Thu Aug 20 3:41am EDT Its a shame to the world organising body to have pronounced such a humilating comment during the championship era. I want to believe there is a proceedure prior to the commencement of the championship. Is like you want to questioned IQ of the South African Athletics organisation. Why so take so long to determine the actual gender. Do not forget, the west is preaching about 50/50 so if a woman runs like a man, is like the dream of the west is coming to light. 3080. Posted by Joseph Thu Aug 20 3:41am EDT Why not test the athlet before this event, this is racism her outstanding quality should not be a means of despute 3079. Posted by Wetanjel Thu Aug 20 3:40am EDT Ppl it has nothing to do with race it has to do with if shes a women then DAMN she can run and if shes not a women and really a man then he needs to be running with the men...and in that case he would have known he wasnt a she and thats CHEATING! All u females think about it if this is really a man hes running a scam on us women thinking he can be selfish and take away a gold medal from a hard working women that should have won the race... If she really is a women then good for her! But its the same thing that happend with the olympics and those asian kids,other countries try to take advantage of ppl and other countries and cheat we just have to make sure ppl r being honest and playing fairly. 3078. Posted by nelsono Thu Aug 20 3:40am EDT The lady has done her best and there is no need of questioning her gender identity after her outstanding performance.Bravo Semenya and continue showing them that you are an iron lady. If I were there I would have kissed you 3077. Posted by petersen6262 Thu Aug 20 3:40am EDT This is clearly a dude... if he wants to become a woman, that is fine - freedom of choice is AWESOME! The ethical issue is the problem. Genetically, men have an athletic advantage. Therefore, if she has the genetic advantage of being born a man, she should compete (and lose) like one! (Not cheat to win as a "woman"). Furthermore, she needs a new plastic surgeon. Her fake lips are awful! And, what woman bulges her muscles when she wins?! How many men don't?! 3076. Posted by kmasokoane79 Thu Aug 20 3:40am EDT In South Africa names are unisex. So just because her parents named her Caster doesn't make her a man. I am a girl and have a name that is unisex. Strangely enough some people like to comment how strange they find it that i have a boy's name. A name does not equal gender here. She is a great athlete and don't hate just because she probably takes after her dad and not her mother. In my 30 years, i have come across a lot of women who looked a lot like men-but this did not make them less of a woman. GO CASTER!!!! Mzanzi is proud of you. O kganye jwalo ka naledi. Halala!!! 3075. Posted by Chronzetti Thu Aug 20 3:40am EDT Okay, Enochs, so that means that Usain Bolt is what? A really fast man who sets world records like I set my DVR? A machine? Hopped up on steroids? An alien from outer space? Just because something has never been done before by a woman does not make it impossible. Same thing with Usain Bolt. Not impossible, just impressive. Jackie Joyner-Kersey looked more mannish than this girl does, and no one ever questioned her gender. I guess if Caster had hair extensions and long fake fingernails like Gayle Deavers this would not be an issue. 3074. Posted by d_malungane Thu Aug 20 3:39am EDT so far is the only one who knows her gender, all i can say , lets focus on good things!Good luck 3073. Posted by georgexavier28 Thu Aug 20 3:39am EDT Wateva shez cald Semenya z definatly a bisexual en it seemz az though the male organ z the mst effective..,.wat a shame 3072. Posted by ryan carl Thu Aug 20 3:37am EDT i dont care about it 3071. Posted by props4jinx Thu Aug 20 3:37am EDT i think its a shame what the international federation is going about this issue,why take tests?this woman is what she says she is.... 3070. Posted by musyanibina Thu Aug 20 3:37am EDT Shame no you who are doubting that she is a woman. Put yourselves in her shoes and just imagine how she is feeling right now. God created her that way and you have no right to question. Am black but even if i was any other colour, i would still support her because i cannot question what God has created. 3069. Posted by yvonneabotsi@... Thu Aug 20 3:37am EDT She doesn't really look different from my grand mother i bet you guys. So dont be the Judge but be surportive. Let her go for it and put them to shame if she rreally is a GAL. Vonjones Nigeria 3068. Posted by kittykat Thu Aug 20 3:36am EDT Can't they just do the pull-down-your-draws test and be done with it. It's cheaper and quicker! 3067. Posted by Hunter Thu Aug 20 3:36am EDT She does kinda look like a dude 3066. Posted by HawtAngel2k4 Thu Aug 20 3:35am EDT How did it get this far, why were these tests not completed before? 3065. Posted by kefilwe k Thu Aug 20 3:35am EDT Why some people get fuss about little things. Most of the comments are so judgemental and negative. Why are we human beings so full of hatred towards each other? Not being an African or hating African people doesn‘t mean you are holier than thou... I am sick and tired of people who post @#$% about Africa. You have been fed nonsense by media, and you believe that everything that you see and hear in the news is true? Travel around and start to learn now, so that you understand that we are created by one God, no matter which part of the world you coming from!!! Morons... I am proudly South African and believe that Semenya is not guilty of any wrong doing until judged otherwise. Again, I don‘t believe that she will do anything of this kind. 3064. Posted by Thato Thu Aug 20 3:34am EDT as a South African woman. i'd like to add my little viewpoint to this whole drama. firstly that I am so proud of Caster and she should be proud of herself as well... in athletics- i have yet to see a female competitor that looks in anyway 'femine' to be an elite athlete one's body fat percentage is so low that it is virtually impossible to have any of the softer femine traits such as hips and breasts ( Curves) remember FloJo from the US or Maria Mutomba of Kenya? there are many more but i can't recall their names currently. i think that the commentators were very rude during the race and I support Casters decision not hold conference as it would have detracted from her AMAZING achievement and focused solely on her 'disputed' gender. Viva Caster. Keep up the good work! 3063. Posted by lipvixen Thu Aug 20 3:34am EDT Sour graping much? If she did not win the issue of her gender would not be brought up. Check her pelvis. Does she have something there? is she even hermaphrodite? How was she admitted in the race for women in the first place? If she has hidden male parts then call doctor House to give his diagnosis. I think (only she and her parents can be sure) she is a woman. 3062. Posted by Zaheer Thu Aug 20 3:34am EDT just take her in room and check her @#$% 3061. Posted by Eric Thu Aug 20 3:33am EDT Check it out, TO ALL YOU RACIST @#$%S that decided to leave slurs and insults towards BLACK PEOPLE CONCERNING THIS SITUATION, GUESS WHAT, I'M BLACK, AND IM CURRENTLY SERVING OUR COUNTRY SO @#$%S LIKE YOU CAN GET THE CHANCE TO LEAVE BULL@#$% COMMENTS LIKE IM SEEING RIGHT NOW, I normally don't do this but I could not believe what I was reading, first of all Gary, u are probably the same dumb ass that has black friends and walks around tryin' to act hard or some @#$%, then goes home and gets off by leavin' dumb ass comments like that, and GALYA, OH GALYA, bet you thought that was a really good comment right??? Wrong, try this, There is a protocol towards this type of situation, so lets examine it, IT'S CALLED A PRIVACY ACT @#$%, WHAT HAPPENS OR WHAT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN IF THEY THOUGHT SHE MIGHT HAVE BEEN A MAN, WAS THEY KEEP IT BETWEEN THE RUNNER AND WHOEVER IS TESTING THE SITUATION UNTIL THE RESULTS COME OUT, THEN IT GOES PUBLIC... SO, DO YOU HAVE AN ANSWER FOR WHY THE TEST HASN'T EVEN BEEN TAKEN YET, BUT THE 18 YEAR OLD GIRL IS ALL OVER THE @#$%IN NEWS??? DIDNT THINK SO. AND YEA, I'M BLACK, I'M NOT SAYIN' IT DOES OR DOESN'T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH RACE AT ALL, AND ALL WOMEN AND MEN ARE NOT EQUAL, IM SURE THERE ARE PLENTY OF WOMEN OUT THERE THAT WOULD SMOKE HALF THE PEOPLE ON THIS PAGE IN A RACE OR ANY OTHER EVENT, WERE MADE EQUAL, DOESN'T MEAN WE ALL PERFORM THE SAME. aND IF BLACK PEOPLE OR ANY OTHER MINORITY DEALT WITH THE WORLD THE WAY WHITE PEOPLE DO, WHITE PEOPLE WOULD BE @#$%ED (according to whe white person right here with me reading this) 3060. Posted by robertcartee@... Thu Aug 20 3:33am EDT Fanele - Everyone is just jeleous an African female won a race. What !!!!! I can't remember the last time a white won the 800. If she looses the medal for being a man, second place gets the medal. I would bet second place was Black as well. Don't accuse racism when it dosen't exist. It no only shows you as a racist but moronic, as well. 3059. Posted by Nobuhle Thu Aug 20 3:33am EDT The woman is doing very well and what we do is question her sexuality? People, we are built differently and we should accept that. She is built like a man obviously and she's definitely not the only one. Just because she is doing well now we are judging and questioning her when we should be supporting her and rejoicing with her. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt! She is the girl and I enclose this comment with a salute!!!!!! Nobuhle. 3058. Posted by Jennifer Thu Aug 20 3:33am EDT This is just so strange to me. In times where there are more important things we could be worried about, someone is freaking out over the fact that the person in question (male or female) is an amazing athelete. There are so many other concerns in the world today to be hung up on some one's sex organs. Who really cares? I feel sorry for this person (male or female) because of the critisism they will face their entire life now. If they are a woman she will always have to prove her abilities as a woman. If he's a man, then he's going to have to pick up his game to race with the men and hear all the negititve stuff people have to say about him. So just let the person run, and let them enjoy their ability. 3057. Posted by Sean Thu Aug 20 3:33am EDT I'm going to be "Captain Obvious" here. Have a doctor check "the plumbing" and that will answer it. This almost feels like the whole Obama birth certificate deal Just show the birth certificate and all the controversy goes away. 3056. Posted by david d Thu Aug 20 3:32am EDT Chronzetti, You're a brainwashed moron. Get over yourself. My God, if you think Bush/Cheney were worse at being politicians and lying to the American people than Obama, then you are just a Democrat, period. Not an even minded Independent like myself. It's morons like you that keep this country so divided... 3055. Posted by kefilwe k Thu Aug 20 3:32am EDT Why some people get fuss about little things. Most of the comments are so judgemental and negative. Why are we human beings so full of hatred towards each other? Not being an African or hating African people doesn‘t mean you are holier than thou... I am sick and tired of people who post @#$% about Africa. You have been fed nonsense by media, and you believe that everything that you see and hear in the news is true? Travel around and start to learn now, so that you understand that we are created by one God, no matter which part of the world you coming from!!! Morons... I am proudly South African and believe that Semenya is not guilty of any wrong doing until judged otherwise. Again, I don‘t believe that she will do anything of this kind. 3054. Posted by fmwaweru Thu Aug 20 3:32am EDT SA's diet is hormonal driven esp in breeding of broilers. To me, it's a medical thing and imbalance of hormones. I guess the He's turn to She's and v.v is true.Else, we've She-males. Lets wait for results 3053. Posted by Zaheer Thu Aug 20 3:32am EDT just take her in the room and check her @#$% thats it 3052. Posted by oscar Thu Aug 20 3:31am EDT Thats true Ricky people should stop that. Racism does not take us anyway. Lets concentrate on who is "Semenya". 3051. Posted by franciscam Thu Aug 20 3:31am EDT Simenye you are a star. DON'T LET ANYONE STOP YOU FROM DANCING OVER THE MOON. Keep on going our golden girl. Racer X its not your fault you are BLIND. 3050. Posted by Mark Thu Aug 20 3:31am EDT Guys, this is a true reflection of what the Ozzies think of South Africa. They dont want to be beaten by a South African, look at what happened in the 2006 FIFA World Cup Bid, an Ozzie decided not to vote for South Africa even thou he was to to do so. Now they are saying she is a man, come on stop this cr*p and let us as South African also be proud that we have world class athletes. It makes the matter worse because she is black, if you know the history of black South Africans then you will wonder if is this not a racial attack. If she was white would any one complain or want to check her sex change........let me leave you to think about it, all in all we as Black South African are proud of her and is she proves the critics right then I guess she would have dissappointed US all. 3049. Posted by jamminglive Thu Aug 20 3:30am EDT i am very surprised this thing keep on happening,was the person not tested before she came in to the competetion? if so those who tested her should be banned from all activities of that sort beacuase they have thrown dust in to the public eyes. thank you. evans acquah 3048. Posted by weldun Thu Aug 20 3:30am EDT i'll do her !!!!!!! 3047. Posted by tumusiimes Thu Aug 20 3:29am EDT please caster keep high so is the world but i would like to call upon all those sports lovers not to emotionaly react to best partispants like that the federation of world games need to set rules and regulations that will workuot in all games. if semanya is female thats the way God liked it and desingned her for his joy in that championship late her be Golden leave her alone. UGANDA. 3046. Posted by gordon Thu Aug 20 3:29am EDT To lou Hey dude your not an idiot . Your just like most of us in here , we just can pass up a good argument. We argue over everything. The only thing we can all agree on is to disagree 3045. Posted by cogophantman Thu Aug 20 3:27am EDT kinda sad that a girl who was basically just a normal teenager who happens to be good at running is now having her gender questioned on one of the most visited sites on the internet. Jesus I know people who'd kill themselves for less embarassing things 3044. Posted by daniel j Thu Aug 20 3:27am EDT Guys i don't know why we are tripping. this lady's gender is what she says it is we all know that in the society today. If we accept her name as what it is now , therefore we accept her gender as she says it is. That's the windfall of legalizing gay marriage or accepting people who insult God's intelligence in our society. I recommend her trophy be given to her/him without getting too much saliva dry. That's only one of the wake up calls. Word to a wise man 3043. Posted by muzkays Thu Aug 20 3:27am EDT Albert, ya suggestion will work wonders. Let there be a re-run wid all contestants naked this tym, that will cast away the doubt en save us from all the hate on here. We shall call the race "The Naked mile" lol. God bless humanity. 3042. Posted by ruthmsefate Thu Aug 20 3:26am EDT Is it wrong to be a muscular woman? To Caster, keep doing the good work all South Africans are behind you all the way.This is women's month and we are not going to allow any negativity from the media to destroy our souls.Collect those medals. 3041. Posted by isisp Thu Aug 20 3:26am EDT I think the past people made it harder for the future people .. Johnson etc ... 3040. Posted by ambrose.ogutu Thu Aug 20 3:25am EDT Semenya may be a man or a woman. Does she have a boyfriend? If so why waste all that resource rather than just going to the boyfriend to confess the truth. Best of luck Semenya. 3039. Posted by freakmangobucs55 Thu Aug 20 3:25am EDT also our genetic defects should never be praised thats how stupider species win out is when a smarrter one fails at being able to reproduce because something else f'd up takes its place 3038. Posted by Chronzetti Thu Aug 20 3:24am EDT Racer X, you should be ashamed of yourself, but seeing as that you're a dumb birther who believes in death panels, your comment does not suprise me. It seems that people seem to have issues with Michelle Obama's body. She is a good looking woman. She is in incredible shape, she works hard to keep fit, and she should be allowed to show what she worked so hard for just as Britney Spears can go on David Letterman in a bikini to show off the results of her hard work (and Brit looked good, too, although you probably think she's fat). And Hawaii is in the United States, you dolt, so President Obama is American, not Kenyan or even Austrailian, like that horribly fake birth certificate that said he was born in Kenya, a place where the document did not even come from! (Every credible news organization and Fox News all confirmed that it came from Austrailia, so eat nuts Glenn Beck!) And where was all this uproar over the past administrations actions? Bush/Cheney stole an election, got caught sleeping on the terrorists who commited atrocious acts on 9/11, invaded a soverign nation, let Bin Laden elude them time and again, invaded the privacy of American citizens, tortured people, lied to Congress about it, imprisoned people (both guilty and not guilty) for YEARS with no charges or access to counsel, allowed big oil to rape the American wallet for years with gas prices that were double what they are right now (and yet the oil companies still seem to be able to turn a profit), and gave $500 billion subsides to big pharmacutical companies. Oh, yeah. And they sat back and watched for three days while poor people died on rooftops and suffered in the Superdome after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. Now THAT is rationalization, Republican style. Even still, no one showed up at Bush events with loaded weapons. Hell, I was personally turned away from a Bush speech in Michigan for wearing a shirt that read Bush Stinks! Loaded AR-15 or a tee shirt...which can do the most damage to a sitting president? You be the judge. 3037. Posted by MARC Thu Aug 20 3:24am EDT if anyone belittles the mystery of her gender identity, you need to study child development. i DO NOT claim to be an expert, but i DID listen in class. something on the lines like this: if an xy fetus (BOY) is developing and the testes DO NOT begin (this is in the womb, during pregnancy) to produce testerone, a girl develops. XY? a girl??!? YES! sometimes a more masculine girl, but a real girl. this is fuzzy, but an xyy "super-girl" also can develop (muscular as a man, taller than average girls) sometimes almost appearing male. it isn't as easy as a look-see. i hope she prevails as a girl; but i am disinterested in my information delivery. 3036. Posted by goozerfails Thu Aug 20 3:24am EDT Oh My God.... I CANT BELIEVE That you would make fun of a handicap person like that! 3035. Posted by Ty Thu Aug 20 3:24am EDT I just feel pity for Racer-X, i think he must be a very lonely and miserable person. With so much hate in u surely nobody wud want to be around u, except a lonely and miserable loser like u. Big ups to u Caster gal. ... I hope u come out of this humiliation stronger than ever. 3034. Posted by robertcartee@... Thu Aug 20 3:23am EDT "the upper portion of Caster's face is relatively feminine as well as Caster's hands and feet." Take a look at it's hands in the above picture, that is one long index finger. Looks as if it would have no problem palming a basket ball. 3033. Posted by Megan B Thu Aug 20 3:23am EDT ATT RYAN LUCAS: Update the article with corrected spelling: Mauritius not Maruitius. Just thought I'd help.... 3032. Posted by Linda Thu Aug 20 3:23am EDT @Galya-why do you have to write so many nonesnce.thatss enough to prove your intelligence isnt high.a mature reasonable person woundnt do that.instead will let the coloured(as u put it) to understand the whole situation not by using aggressive terms but by using respectfull terms and elaborating to them. just what you wrote is enough to prove that you are more than a racist. P.S people learn from others but not thru´ ugly rude words and names. black or white we are all Gods creatures and equal before Him 3031. Posted by freakmangobucs55 Thu Aug 20 3:22am EDT its a tranny!!!! so hmm geneticly speaking the woman usually tends to have a lot more fat content on her because of the needs for child birth which include breasts being included in the total body fat index of a person and this thing has NO TITS what so ever but if it is a woman more power to you but you got a dudes face and body where your tits? freaks man wtf you going to do with them 3030. Posted by Katie Thu Aug 20 3:21am EDT Is it possible she was born as both? A hermaphrodite? It is rare but it happens. 3029. Posted by Fanele Thu Aug 20 3:21am EDT She is a champion, STOP GENDER DISCRIMINATION! or maybe I should be saying STOP RACE DISCRIMINATION. This has nothing to do with her physique but just jealousy that that an AFRICAN FEMALE WON! 3028. Posted by Johan M Thu Aug 20 3:21am EDT I think we should do a test to see if Usain Bolt is human! They are out there! 3027. Posted by Craig Thu Aug 20 3:20am EDT Stop dissing the girl. In case you haven't heard yet, South Africans (for you ignorant people that's the country at the bottom-most tip of the continent known as Africa) have won, invented and dominated a LOT of things in the past 15 years since being "allowed" back into the international arena (for the other half, yes we were boycotted for racism until 1994, as we just couldn't didn't hide it as well as the rest of you racist nations, there's always gotta be a scapegoat doesn't there). If the girl turns out to be a boy, hey we'll all say WOW CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!! What DOES amaze me most though, is how this has never been done before, I cast my mind back to Maria Mutola (Kenya) who looked and was built more like a man than any other person I have ever seen, funny how they never tested her. I don't know how many german athletes in the 80's should have been tested according to the way the world is thinking right now, NEVER DONE. So I'll tell you what, put your ignorant heads back in the ground, or go back to bed or whatever it is you do to come up with such stupidity. I am a proud South African and if she IS INDEED a girl, I would love to see your comments again. If she isn't, wow, i guess we'll be the first example of the only nation to be pointed out for something ONCE AGAIN. So go ahead, throw your stones, light your fires, this nation is stronger than you can ever imagine, special cannot even come close to describe our people. I'll tell you this much, any other nation who went through (and still is going through) this transformation as we have been, would not have survived. Problem is, are you going to admit that...or not? Take a look around, there is a world of wonder outside your shores. Peace people. Power to the Rainbow Nation. 3026. Posted by ItsMyTurn00 Thu Aug 20 3:20am EDT It never ceases to amaze me, the cruel idiocy of some of the people posting their ―thoughts‖ on here. This is a young person with an impressive talent. How many of you, male or female could do what she has done? Either way…If this is or is not the case of a young person with a medical anomaly, this young lady should be commended for her courage in coming onto an international stage, facing the scrutiny of those who would question, of all things her gender and still showing the rest of us what it takes to win! All of you who say these cruel things…Aren‘t you glad that you were born perfect. That you can run faster than the rest, that you are smarter than everyone else and that there is no one out there more beautiful than you? If you are, then I must say…You have a much bigger problem than this amazing young lady will ever know. We are all perfect…Just the way we are! 3025. Posted by Lual Thu Aug 20 3:19am EDT Who will be blameworthy for Semenya's losses of face if s/he is found to be an Hermaphrodite ?????????? 3024. Posted by Ty Thu Aug 20 3:19am EDT I just feel pity for Racer-X, i think he must be a very lonely and sad person. With so much hate in u surely nobody wud want to be around u, except a lonely and sad loser like u. Big ups to u Caster gal. ... I hope u come out of this humiliation stronger than ever. 3023. Posted by The Legend Thu Aug 20 3:19am EDT Well, one thing is for sure: there is no doubt about the nuts on this message board. 3022. Posted by Enocks Thu Aug 20 3:18am EDT Am confused by the happenings, she really has desplayed outstanding performance that can cause any right minded person to doubt her gender composition coz no woman has ever done what she's doing, meanwhile, lets wait for the results of the tests and hope the specialists carrying on the tests will be true....otherwise, I give her and also Janeth Jepkosgei a standing ovation for doing Africa proud Chisengo Enocks, kenya 3021. Posted by khan_shadab@... Thu Aug 20 3:17am EDT Does anyone here knows the basis of gender test? Of course anyone can have a look at the wee-wee and determine whether its a male or a female. But in athletics, the athletes do take in steroid hormones. These are the ones that cause a female athlete to perform much much better than others who haven't taken. And steroid usage over a long period of time causes bodily changes that makes a female almost a male. In such circumstances it is unfair for such doped athlete to compete with the nondoped ones. This test is just to verify that. And a female athlete losing this test means that either it was a guy all along, fooling everyone, or it was a girl who took steroids for such a long period, that athletically it would be more appropriate to classify her as a male. 3020. Posted by muzkays Thu Aug 20 3:16am EDT People, let there be nothin racial abt the person in question. Let him/her as the tests will soon reveal be tested. Lets not take sides at all, be it for or against. For sure it will be such a disgrace to sports en his country if it turns out that the person in question is male. I dont think the call 4 the test is coz he/s black, its 4 the good of the game. F**k all the racist Green, white, black name it. 3019. Posted by DennisD Thu Aug 20 3:16am EDT What one does is sometimes more powerful, than what one always explicitly says. I admire your courage to attempt to embarass me, but you embarass yourself by bringing up a good defense against Obama, then make yourself look ignorant by insulting his wife, and mocking his name, implied by capital letters. It's quite interesting how you don't try to take your passion and work towards improving the country, but instead make fun of those who do what they can. This Racer X, makes you a traitor. Any comments after this will be ignored. 3018. Posted by thoyahakim Thu Aug 20 3:16am EDT if she is a woman well done and i also suggest if she/he is found to be a man i think she should keep the medal because women have always complained about gender equality i think its about time when we realise that there is a big difference between aman and a woman. well done simenya but you are too strong to be a woman. 3017. Posted by RAMINB Thu Aug 20 3:15am EDT you cant just ask a women about her gender, its f****d up , have some decency people . 3016. Posted by Juice Thu Aug 20 3:15am EDT First of all, the world hates bigots like Galya and Gary and all they do is spew ignorant, racist rants because they can on the internet. People just want her tested because she stomped the favorites and somebody complained cause they got beat. Everybody knows there are "manly looking" women out there just like there's "feminine looking" men in the world. They need to suck it up and know that they just got beat but if by chance she was really a he, don't you think that would've been noticed in the locker room or that it would've come out sooner than right after the race? 3015. Posted by Segopotso Thu Aug 20 3:13am EDT trully speaking there is no a woman feature on her, but lets hope the test proves her as a woman so that SA can have good champions. we are proud of u semenya, keep it up. 3014. Posted by Badrudin Thu Aug 20 3:12am EDT That's nice.Keep up your Good work. We are very proud of you. 3013. Posted by S.A gal Thu Aug 20 3:12am EDT People this has nothing to do with race but everything to do with undermining Semenya and why waste so much money? what's with all these tests? why would she lie about her gender? and soyeb_muhammad go to hell 3012. Posted by Shaygun Thu Aug 20 3:09am EDT I well try to refrain from using gender specific pronouns until Caster's gender is confirmed. For those claiming sexism, I do not feel the motivation behind the allegations are due to the idea that women are weaker than men. There are simply olympic events in which males time better in, and events in which females time better in. It is not gender bias but what the scores have shown us times and time again, there are also events were the performances are practically identical as well. For those claiming racism, I also do not believe this is the case. Similar tests have be conducted on all races, however since this is an olympic scale competition it will get more press than the other issues. Even me as an African American can see this not a racially motivated accusation. As for her physical features, well I believe it is very likely Caster is a female with rather masculine features. However, I can understand there is still room for doubt. Caster has the bodily proportions similar to some African males, Caster's chest is relatively flat especially in comparison to Caster's fellow competitors. Also Caster has a relatively square jawline similar to many men. However the upper portion of Caster's face is relatively feminine as well as Caster's hands and feet. The problem is that in a world where gender reassignment is readily available, governments legally recognize the gender reassignment, and much of the world is sympathetic to people who go through gender reassignment, it is hard to truely be sure about certain people's genders. A female who underwent gender reassignment was categorized as a pregnant male when she conceived, so we definitely live in a world where doubts about an individuals genetic gender can be considered reasonable doubts. So lets just alow them to take the test, if Caster is female Caster can throw the middle finger at all the bastards that Doubted Caster, and if Caster is male Caster will need to compete with the males the way the rules are set. 3011. Posted by kagalic Thu Aug 20 3:09am EDT Hey Guys what is wrong! The truth lies under the pants and would take minutes to determine. Why waste resources,time and causing traumatize to Semenya and the south Africa People. Be fair, I believe she is beautiful muscular woman. 3010. Posted by ensertati Thu Aug 20 3:08am EDT ambiti hi this is my personal e-mail adress ([email protected]) 3009. Posted by RovingMike Thu Aug 20 3:07am EDT That face is male and that pelvis even more so! 3008. Posted by millicent Thu Aug 20 3:07am EDT If he is a male why did he not run in the mens race instead?. Why put your self through this. If you got what it takes to win why not be real? why put your self in this type of situation to be challenged like this. Why? If she is a she then ok ! but I don't think that who ever coached her would have sacraficed her talent this way with out being sure of who she is before putting her in this race. 3007. Posted by Racer-X Thu Aug 20 3:07am EDT you're claiming that I'm a traitor simply because I said michelle obama looks manly which is the topic of this discussion? 3006. Posted by The Legend Thu Aug 20 3:07am EDT Victoria, Surely it's not that important to you to write 400 words on it. And I must say, your eloquence is so very inspiring...a late-night internet message board masterpeice! Semana will be touched when he gets the transcript. I know, I know - I can kiss your ass, right? LOL!!! 3005. Posted by Racer-X Thu Aug 20 3:06am EDT Dennis you still haven't clarified yourself in backing up what makes me a traitor. 3004. Posted by Albert Thu Aug 20 3:06am EDT the 800m final race should be allowed to re-run naked by all participants so that Samenya can show to the world that she is a woman. 3003. Posted by ntemakhoboso Thu Aug 20 3:05am EDT oh SOUTH AFRICA how can you send maricon there!!!!!!!!coño asede!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3002. Posted by Galya Thu Aug 20 3:05am EDT OMG, seriously - half of these xomments are either written by coloured people or by people, who have been so brainwashed by the whole 'equlity' propaganda that they feel they must ass lick all the time... what the f*** is wrong with you? why do you feel the need to stand up and shout that your rights have been violated every @#$% single time there are rules to abide by and what's more - these rules apply to white people as well? You turned a routine procedure amongst ahtletes ino a racial slur. What gives? That just proves my point that no matter how much sympathy and slack we give you homosexuals, coloured people, arabs and indiands will always want more and scream like @#$%es every time thye don't approve of something...pathetic... Doesn't it cross your narrow-minded brain that maybe, just maybe the reason they want to test 'her' is because the results are beyond outstanding. As far as women and men are believed equal - we do have different abilities and there's nothing wrong or discriminating about that. It is clearly said in the article that this is the reason, but maybe some of you haven't practised reading comprehension at school..or been to school for that matter, but whatever... Also, for those of you who don't read (I am guessing the lot :)) there was in fact such a case not so long ago in the distant past when a man posed as a woman and he was a major success in the women's athletetics. However that was discovered years after he had won numerous medals...This is not a question about categorizing/shunning/labeling ourselves - it's a clear sham...point blank.. so grow up, open your eyes and ears already and start dealing with the world like white people do. If you get fired or turned down from a job - it's not your skin, probably you just plain suck....But you will never do thta, it'a little harder to live without being able to blaim all your losses and misfortune on other people ;) 3001. Posted by Gary Thu Aug 20 3:05am EDT She's a spook dude, you all know it!!!! 3000. Posted by Mike J Thu Aug 20 3:05am EDT jeez cant they just look below the belt i mean its just a waist of time doing a test and that test they could even cheat in it and say she isnt cuz they don want her to win in gender testing there should be a doctor and a closed private room where the doctor takes a peek its so simple without having to waist time. 2999. Posted by daniel j Thu Aug 20 3:04am EDT Guys i don't know why we are tripping. this lady's gender is what she says it is we all know that in the society today. If we accept her name as what it is now , therefore we accept her gender as she says it is. That's the windfall of legalizing gay marriage or accepting people who insult God's intelligence in our society. I recommend her trophy be given to her/him without getting too much saliva dry. That's only one of the wake up calls. Word to a wise man 2998. Posted by sithulisiwe Thu Aug 20 3:04am EDT haah all rubish has been said about Semenya,why worry much,a u going to gain something w that.Semenya l think its time you sue all those who a blaming you for your gender otherwise you can not change what God made you to be.Keep up the flag flying,some people are just very jealous of who you are. 2997. Posted by kagalic Thu Aug 20 3:04am EDT Hey Guys what is wrong! The truth lies under the pants and would take minutes to determine. Why waste resources,time and causing traumatize to Semenya and the south Africa People. Be fair, I believe she is beautiful muscular woman. 2996. Posted by BARILE N Thu Aug 20 3:04am EDT Let's wait 4 there test result. I could b funnier guys. 2995. Posted by CrossWise Thu Aug 20 3:03am EDT He's no more a woman than Michael Jackson was Donner Summers! lol What a mad, mad, world this has become! 2994. Posted by june Thu Aug 20 3:03am EDT hope to GOD she is a woman how terrible will it be if otherwise,if she deserves it as awoman she did great if acheat then let her be punished and jepkosgei gets her gold 2993. Posted by soyeb_muhammad Thu Aug 20 3:02am EDT I don't think South Africa will do this wrong thing. 2992. Posted by S.A gal Thu Aug 20 3:02am EDT The newsreader refered to her as a her when reading her story and so the insert about her ran and after the insert the newsreader apologised for referring to her as her instead of him, I think her appearance is really, really confusing, I will continue to celebrate her victory until proven otherwise, well done Semenya. 2991. Posted by robertcartee@... Thu Aug 20 3:01am EDT To it's supporters. If it is a female great, but if it is a man, it should not compete against women. What would the it dosen't matter folks say, if Mike Tyson had his johnson removed and started boxing against Layla Ali and the like. Fare, I think not! 2990. Posted by LauraC Thu Aug 20 3:00am EDT now there are plenty of women in the world that has deep voices and alot of then are exercise nuts this is a kid teenager they are ready have peer pressure and then pms, now you want to start messing with her about her body and gender. you will have a confused peroson that will wind up needing therapy. for a long time.. don't you guy's have any one else to harass besides kids come on would you want then to do this to your kid ?? 2989. Posted by Fanele Thu Aug 20 2:59am EDT She may look like a man which she is but it is her genitals that count. 2988. Posted by muzkays Thu Aug 20 2:59am EDT Aupchurch69, I suppose u go 2 church as ya tag suggests, u said it walks, talks etc like a man, umm sorry maybe someone not u used ya account 2 post a comment earlier. The world needs more peeps wid minds like DennisD's. No man is an Isle. F**k all that pull the race card en those that hurt others in the name of race. F**k the racist, blue,black,white, red etc, let them find a planet that can take their S**T 2987. Posted by princess Thu Aug 20 2:59am EDT u know, really i think this whole issue is messed up. she's a great athletic and she should be commended on her performance. In my country, women look like men alot, they even have alot of hair in places men usually do and no one contests their gender. They get married and they have kids. Its how it's always been. No one is created the same way. Thats why we look different, we come from different races. Well done girl, you are a world champ!!! 2986. Posted by DennisD Thu Aug 20 2:57am EDT The fact that you continue a political debate on a page that doesn't have anything to do with this country. And yes, insulting the first lady is pathetic, she has nothing to do with political policy. 2985. Posted by smurfphatt Thu Aug 20 2:57am EDT Well I think the race and her performance was magical, unbelievable. I mean wow, good job. Now about the fact they don't think she is a woman, now thats crazy. I know she look hard, and she do look like a man, but that don't mean nothing. To me almost all those women athlete look manish. They look hard in the face, and the muscles and broad, wide shoulders don't help. Some of them look like a man with a wig on, so I was not abit alarm when I saw her. For her outstanding performance, and all the hard work, I hope all this fuss over her gender is a Big misunderstanding. And if they are wrong, they owe her an apology for the embarassment, and putting her through all that un-necessary drama. 2984. Posted by Lou Thu Aug 20 2:56am EDT I think after reading through the the various comments listed; most of you should take a good look in the mirrior, or find a planet where you can live your insecure, empty lives with others like yourselves. Why does the gender of some athlete from the other side of the world envok such passionate debate among people. For me, ensuring that my kid completed her home work and was prepared for school the next day, would rank so high above that issue; that it really makes me wonder if man will even exist in 100 years.............. But you can count me into the group as a new member; because I took the time to entertain the subject.... I feel like an idiot already. 2983. Posted by LD Thu Aug 20 2:56am EDT Sorry.......the truth will soon be told. I think the name of the movie was called "The Crying Game" 2982. Posted by gordon Thu Aug 20 2:55am EDT OK for those of you who thinks if she is actualy a male and it was her own ideal. Are not looking at the big picture. Her coach and team manger had to know about it. As far as her coming out of nowhere is not quite true. She has been running at the junior level for a few yrs now. you do not think someone would have noticed in the locker room. After all this is not the thing you can hide in the shower room. If I'm wrong and I might be. I'll be the 1st to say oops!! my bag. Their are plenty of busty chicks in track and field but i remind you that not porn stars so your not going to get 44 double d's and their some pretty women that run track . the one that did her little texes dance for her victory dance after winninng the 400 is hot .Not to mention the Jamaican that won the100 meter has a great smile, she is realy kind of cute 2981. Posted by ricardo marquez Thu Aug 20 2:55am EDT i dont think S.A. will do this.... 2980. Posted by Victoria Thu Aug 20 2:54am EDT I think it is inconciderate of people to Test for Gender. First of all it is rude to think that a young women is a male or over come to think she is a male. Personally i would be pissed if some one came to me and said i need a Gender Test. I would tell that person to Kiss my ass and grow up rude motherf***er. Secondly I think people need to realize that other human on this planet have feelings to and others shouldn't have the right to descriminate others by what they look like its rediculas! Last you dont need a gender test to see if someone is a man or women just look down and if something pops up or jiggles that is a man.But if it is at the upper part of the body it is a female. Stop being rude and stop be emotionally harmful. Just because you can't run skip or hop don't ruin the other person track career. YOU are a D***ful person who wish to not have one so grow up be mature and stop hating. maybe she looks better than the person who said she needed a gender test and she is jealous. you never know!! In conclusion, people are just rude, igornate and selfish f***er if they make that girl take a Gender test. P.S. If any one gets offended by it KISS MY ASS. 2979. Posted by Are Thu Aug 20 2:54am EDT hai you are so good...............i like you bcoZ. you so fastr..... 2978. Posted by BeauBlack Thu Aug 20 2:54am EDT Again, I say it's simple, show them your _ and if it's that of a woman, then....hooray!!...you're a Woman:).....and all that money that was going to be used on the tests can be put to good use(given to me of course) :) But on a serious note, does she have to agree to all this?Being tested????She doesn't have to prove herself ,right? 2977. Posted by Racer-X Thu Aug 20 2:52am EDT Right, DennisD, anyone who has not drunk the koolaid or disagrees with Obama & the whitehouse are now traitors, unpatriotic and nazis and fringe wingnuts right? My stating the facts is traitorous huh? What was it that I stated is insulting to Obama & thus "traitorous"? that Michelle seems more manly than him? the mere mention of his middle name? that he has yet to procure the long-form Hawaii birth certificate? What DennisD? If you are going to accuse me as a "traitor" you better make sure you are clear with such a significant accusation. So you tell me, what makes me a traitor? 2976. Posted by Racer-X Thu Aug 20 2:52am EDT Right, DennisD, anyone who has not drunk the koolaid or disagrees with Obama & the whitehouse are now traitors, unpatriotic and nazis and fringe wingnuts right? My stating the facts is traitorous huh? What was it that I stated is insulting to Obama & thus "traitorous"? that Michelle seems more manly than him? the mere mention of his middle name? that he has yet to procure the long-form Hawaii birth certificate? What DennisD? If you are going to accuse me as a "traitor" you better make sure you are clear with such a significant accusation. So you tell me, what makes me a traitor? 2975. Posted by Ricky P Thu Aug 20 2:52am EDT you know i figured it out all those who yell racism are the racist ,i didnt read anything in this story that indicated a race issue. so stop the f@#@#ng hate 2974. Posted by joyce Thu Aug 20 2:52am EDT Those who laughs... laughs da best...This is taking us back on the same case about "Maria Motola"i am not so sure about da last name and i think is was from Zambia or something and what they thought was never there... So let us accept what we have, God creats out of Love but we as human we judge...but this has 2b done... Let us not shine unpulished...but join hands and Pray for her... Not only US as South Africans but ALL as suppoters...as she is our sister or brother from another mother....I am a Proudly South African and i am saying u have my supports on both side.... Rea egantsa ka yena.......Siya zichenya ngawe... 2973. Posted by chaukedmsn Thu Aug 20 2:49am EDT hmmm....Im a tall, dark and athletic young adult lady with a deep voice and a guy's name...should i be worried that if i ever get to the olympics i might have to go through a gender test??? How disgracing is that? What kind of message are these people sending to the rest of the world about this girl that has worked hard to get to where she is? Guess africans can't do anything worthwhile without being questioned by the world... SEMENYA KEEP YOUR HEAD UP AND DON"T ENTERTAIN THESE FOOLS, YOUR HARD WORK IS PAYING OFF...You ROCK HARD!!! 2972. Posted by iggy9088 Thu Aug 20 2:48am EDT She a man baby! 2971. Posted by mitchelleduarte Thu Aug 20 2:48am EDT gender testing is actually pretty common, just not spoken about. They have been doing this for awhile because many countries will try to get men in women sports in order to win. This clears any questions. but by law, they are a man if they have have male genes because sex changes don't change everything, just genitalia and increase in hormones. 2970. Posted by eric.chavarria Thu Aug 20 2:48am EDT Why make it public? If the results are still pending...You be the judge! 2969. Posted by muzkays Thu Aug 20 2:48am EDT Racer-X , go 4 a mental test dude if Michelle Obama looks like a guy 2 u!!!! Grow up, don try impose ya will en wish onto others. The best person be4 God is one that fears him the most. I maintain F**k all the racisit Black, blue white name it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2968. Posted by The Legend Thu Aug 20 2:47am EDT mxosili, You may want to use better examples than Tyson and O.J. for your argument, both of whom are convicted felons. Tyson was sent to prison after he raped a girl - who happened to be black and pressed charges - and O.J. admitted to armed robbery years after he was found guilty in civil court of causing his wife's death. Before this, both were icons among black and white people. There is no one trying to question her success, they are simply trying to find out if "she" is instead a "he". God help them if they are wrong. 2967. Posted by Brad_Prater Thu Aug 20 2:46am EDT i dont think tis is aboutrace...or like i just read about him being from a third orld country i think its because he looks like a man he has more facial hair than most teenage boys and he has the name castor as well as the word semen in his last names....i have bigger boobs than him not that i am out of shape but damn thats as flat as a board...i dont care if he wins or loses but since hes a guy he should run with guys...maybe he knows he cant beat bolt....either way...if he is proven to be a woman all the more power to him...but until i here otherwise i call em like i see em...and i see a very ugly dude racing girls...and seeing as how guys race times are better i am thinking its to win and not lose...reminds me of a few movies...ladybugs had a boy dressed as a girl on a soccer team or the one with amanda bynes where she pretends to be a guy....if that is a woman i'll eat my words with no problem but i dont think its a girl...i see some comments that say they can clearly tell hes a girl...wow scares me to see what your boyfriends and girlfriends look like....i am almost sure i see this guy on maury and its a man 2966. Posted by yeoldeshotgun Thu Aug 20 2:46am EDT Why do they need a report from a psychologist? Why can't they just see if she has a Y chromosome through karyotyping? 2965. Posted by jorgensen.1977 Thu Aug 20 2:45am EDT just peek in those panties man!!!COME ON!!! WASTE SOME MORE FLIPPIN MONEY?? 2964. Posted by InnoD Thu Aug 20 2:45am EDT ya.a big one which only needs people to understand that even gals can be stronger and muscular leave the gal alone. viva semenya,chao chao afro semenya 2963. Posted by Jessica Thu Aug 20 2:44am EDT Europe is just mad they got dusted by an African... Anybody who works out knows your boobs are the first thing to go.. Since they are just fatty tissue. And these women bodybuilders dont get questioned about their gender. And the boobs they have are fake, nobody's is perfectly round. Remember Chyna from WWE... She had a build just like a man... 2962. Posted by smiple@tas Thu Aug 20 2:44am EDT i think its a gl but to save tax money , and ppl time drop her pan and lets see 2961. Posted by Tammy N Thu Aug 20 2:44am EDT What if she was a hamaphrodite? What gender would someone qualify under if they had both male and female genitalia? 2960. Posted by David V Thu Aug 20 2:43am EDT Personally, I don't think it should matter what sex "she" is. Possibly, one of the biggest problems with this world is we expend far too much energy, time and money just to separate, catagorize, segregate, isolate, affirmatize, shunn, and label ourselves. Its no wonder no-one can get along--we're all such individuals and so different. I'm proud of this person's accomplishment regardless of her sex, age, color, religion, national orgin, height, weight, hair color, number of toes on either foot, or any other rediculous reason we'll come up with to discredit her. I know I certainly couldn't run a race that fast and I admire her for that reason alone. Great job!! :) 2959. Posted by kolopokganyago Thu Aug 20 2:43am EDT this shows how the world looks at South African athletes! They dont want to see an S.A athlete toping others,as a ex-athlete,i dont regret quiting. I would like to see their faces after the results come back stating that she is a female............. So what they saying is that she doesnt look woman enough???????????????? CASTER,DONT STOP ROCKING THEM(THE WORLD),KEEP ON MAKING S.A PROUD 2958. Posted by aupchurch69 Thu Aug 20 2:43am EDT muzkays, i wasnt calling a person "it" I was refering to the fact that "it" (the judgement call) was made by a black person, next time read the whole statement before jumping to conclusions. 2957. Posted by maore lilian Thu Aug 20 2:43am EDT Damn,Semenya must be a man hidding in Jepkosgei victory.and should be banned from taking part in the world championships. 2956. Posted by Susan O Thu Aug 20 2:42am EDT Hey its caster!!! 2955. Posted by newhmin3 Thu Aug 20 2:42am EDT Hi all, Thanks for all comments, so time we act like racist, pls dont act like that, as a human try to understand his or her mental condition. 2954. Posted by DennisD Thu Aug 20 2:42am EDT To my friend "Racer-X", I understand you have political differences with others on the site, but try to state your opinion without calling those whom disagree with you, out of their names, that makes you look ignorant. And please don't insult your president anymore, yes this includes the long comments on this page, that makes you look like a traiter. If you disagree, go to a town hall meeting. Let's try to be a mature opposed American. After all, we did it when W.Bush was in office. God bless America, and i'll try for the young South African. 2953. Posted by gtgirlblue Thu Aug 20 2:42am EDT wow, maybe they should test everyone before the race... I mean omw what an insult if it isn't true, then I hope there is an apology broadcast. Caster keep your chin up and well done. And if by chance you turn out to be a boy and you didn't know well done still. S.A. needs talent my friend :) 2952. Posted by maryw Thu Aug 20 2:41am EDT You morans who think she is a man simply because she has a flat chest are total idiots! How many white girls in athletics do you see with small, medium or large busts(that is with the exception of those who have augumentation. And about her being ugly? Beauty is in the beholder. I would love to know how some of you look. From what I've read and seen she is a great person....Stop being haters. The girls got it going on. What have you done lately? 2951. Posted by Jay Thu Aug 20 2:41am EDT Morphadite!! are you serious southern pretty? did you perhaps read the book to kill a mocking bird? But i'm sure an intellectual being such as yourself only made a mistake and was actually referring to a hermaphrodite. Anyway, she, i re-itterate, SHE is a south african and everybody thought she would be out performed and thought they did not have to worry about her. But when she blew away the compatition, oops she must be a man. The IAAF admitted her into the category in which she is competting, it is to late to blame it on overnight succes. For pete sake will an organisation for once stand up and say: " we messed up, we failed to check her out before we put her into the race". When this is over and it is confirmed that she is a woman I hope the IAAF stands up and says, we are sorry that we accused a woman of being a man, which is probably in the top 5 of most demeaning insults. 2950. Posted by BeauBlack Thu Aug 20 2:41am EDT Ok this is simple, take off your pants and show them your _ Semenya......and if it's a _ that you have , then case closed, you're a woman....LOL!!!! 2949. Posted by JR Thu Aug 20 2:40am EDT Can't they just peek, I mean why does it take weeks to tell if she is a male or female? 2948. Posted by THAMSANQA N Thu Aug 20 2:40am EDT we all know that Africans are strong and shame on u people who are trying to put us down.go Semenya go. 2947. Posted by T Thu Aug 20 2:39am EDT Is this JEALOUSY? that an unknown South African teenage athlete got her head above the buried apartheid regime & surfaced into the international platform with huge success, but then her success led to accusations, doubts & finger wagging..APPALLING, DISGUSTING! can't South Africans sportsmen prove their talents and abilities in their international field? THINK BETTER & FURTHER THAN YOUR GUNSHOTS! SHAME ON YOU!!! 2946. Posted by quincbird Thu Aug 20 2:39am EDT Looking closely at the female atheletes competing with Caster, THEY ALL LOOK LIKE MEN! 2945. Posted by THAMSANQA N Thu Aug 20 2:39am EDT we all know that Africans are strong and shame on u people who are trying to put us down.go Semenya go. 2944. Posted by Racer-X Thu Aug 20 2:38am EDT Why do I bring the Obama into this mix you ask? Because I think Michelle Obama should be gender tested to make sure she is a NATURAL BORN WOMAN just as BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA should prove that he is a NATURAL BORN US CITIZEN. Even you cannot deny the NOTION that Michelle is more manly than Barack. 2943. Posted by Sandra B Thu Aug 20 2:38am EDT the problem with people is...if they lose..they wont accept it, instead find fault with others..and blame their defeat to other..they better not join if they cant accept that there are really great people and greater people than them...bull@#$%! 2942. Posted by aqwebb47 Thu Aug 20 2:38am EDT Looks like a man to me but like someone said the truth in the pants 2941. Posted by Gert Thu Aug 20 2:38am EDT Why are you blacks such racists.Can't you argue the point in question.Enter politics if you hate whites that much.There is a lot of unfairness toward innocent whites that never supported the apartheid past.But now that everybody is free, you seem to be the racists.She looks like a man, regardless of het skincolour you dummie!. 2940. Posted by Angelina T Thu Aug 20 2:38am EDT Has anyone even addressed that there is a difference between "gender" and "biological sex"? The article should report that the runner's "biological sex" is being tested. Gender can't be tested, as it is a socially defined identity. 2939. Posted by vallee_2 Thu Aug 20 2:37am EDT This story sounds like a lame attempt at humor by the ONION News Network. 2938. Posted by aisharishi Thu Aug 20 2:37am EDT "How embarrassing if she is in fact a woman." Yeah, and how embarrassing/traumatic for her either way. Most of the time parents/doctors don't tell children if they were born intersexed (hermaphroditic). They just do the operation without the newborn's knowledge or consent and hope they can lead a normal life. Usually they assign them as female because it's more successful to create a functional vagina from ambiguous genitalia than it is to make a functional penis. If she does indeed have some sort of abnomality with her gender be it, intersex, excess testosterone or a chromosomal defect, this is one heck of a way to find out about it. And it is sure to have negative ramifications as she would likely be seen as a freak by everyone - the sports world, her culture, her family and friends. I hope she can afford a good therapist after all this is over. 2937. Posted by Aprilluvv Thu Aug 20 2:37am EDT maybe she was born a man and had a sex change. By the law, she would be a woman ...... right? I mean, I know she isn't a "natural" woman but, the law would still consider her a woman. Or am I wrong? 2936. Posted by nanahuckster Thu Aug 20 2:37am EDT She is woman! Hear her roar! 2935. Posted by DanelsiaO Thu Aug 20 2:36am EDT i cannot believe their doing this...Caster is an awsome athelete and finaly south africa is getting a medal to... why cat we ever shine without someone telling us were cheating? did they have a look at some of the other woman competing in the championships... do al those BIG woman also have to undergo this test??? and southern pretty... ,most of the woman there dont have boobs... what do youthink happens when you excersise all thos muscles all the time? boobs are just fat afterall... 2934. Posted by shi Thu Aug 20 2:35am EDT I feel sorry for Semanya......but on the first round she pulled down the defending champion with her hands and stepped on her, I didn't take that kindly! Luckily Jepkosgei was returned to the race and Won Silver. Semenya tell us are you male or female? 2933. Posted by T Thu Aug 20 2:35am EDT What's all the fuss about to you all hypocrites? Complex?LOL! 2932. Posted by LW Thu Aug 20 2:34am EDT After watching her on TV, she looks like a woman to me. Look at her face. Her face looks no more masculine than Serena Williams'. The only difference between the two is that Serena has unnaturally big boobs and butt. 2931. Posted by Nthunya Thu Aug 20 2:33am EDT Actually I cant understand why these people have to doubt the gal. Its normal I think for some gals to be like that. 2930. Posted by aupchurch69 Thu Aug 20 2:33am EDT Mxolisi why does it have to be racist??? from what i understand it was a black judge that made the call for the gender testing. before you cry wolf check your own opinion against the facts just because someone is white does not meen they are racist. thinking everyone is a racist is infact u being racist. 2929. Posted by cwali04 Thu Aug 20 2:31am EDT she is who she is, let her scoop more and more gold, semenya real african 2928. Posted by mahomedfarhaad Thu Aug 20 2:31am EDT its a guy in a girl suite 2927. Posted by pr_92 Thu Aug 20 2:31am EDT Aaa... the good, old ENVY... The moving force of History. All the "athletes" participating in the IAAF event are mobile chemical laboratories. Their bodies are the field of testing every new steroid. But when these laboratories are beaten, with 30 m distance in a course of 800 m, they all shout : "cheating-cheating". They forget the past, "glorious" East German "super athletes". They forget the gigantic East European heavy lifters. They forget the American "super sprinters". Carl Lewis is 50 yrs old and he needs a stick. His bones are rotten from the steroids. Due to the HYPOCRISY I' m with Semenya. No matter female or male. 2926. Posted by T Thu Aug 20 2:31am EDT Disgusting!!! Is this another racist, sexism, fascit attack??? horrifying that someone cos SHE comes from a 3rd world country & deemed to not win a major athletic competition, has to be put through all this.. it's all humiliating... the IAAF should see beyond their eyes & face up to the truth.... i've seen a lot of women who look like truck drivers.. deep voices, walking like men, very muscular, as a matter of fact some of them were my friends.. and to share something, until i was 16 years old.. everybody thought I was girl, i was to be taken for tests even if i had male genitals but still people believed i was female till i started to grow a full beared, my voice stayed soft, it never broke to being a deep "manly" voice, so what's this nuisance? who are YOU to point a finger at someone who's innocent? God created us all differently. is the IAAF going to accuse God? are we back to "women are the weakest sex'" syndrome? use your brains & stop the attack.. it's an insult from you all, if one looks like a man that doesn't mean she's a man .. how men & boys look like women? SHAME ON YOU ALL & SWALLOW IT ALL DEEP! I am appalled by all this! BE REALISTIC and drop your political nuisance. FILL UP THE REST FOR YOURSELVES! 2925. Posted by lawparwa Thu Aug 20 2:31am EDT nice job done. www.topbreaking.com www.pakjeet.com 2924. Posted by tphatlane Thu Aug 20 2:30am EDT What on earth is happenning!!how obvious could this be..she is indeed a girl with talent!!! 2923. Posted by tertius_phetla Thu Aug 20 2:30am EDT WHAT IF SHE WAS AN AMERICAN??? were they gonna test her?? This is sick people.. F@CK them.. viva SA viva....................... 2922. Posted by steve f Thu Aug 20 2:30am EDT Since when do we have to go through many different test , and wait a long period of time, to find out if this athlete is male or female? Send her to a fraternity party at one of our institutions for higher learning, and I'm sure we will have the results back the next morning. 2921. Posted by Benissa Thu Aug 20 2:29am EDT well now i see no bulge...............maybe its a he/she? 2920. Posted by Sexi80 Thu Aug 20 2:29am EDT The results of this test will certainly be interesting. Majority, if not all of the persons I have spoken to have doubts about her identity. This gender testing is definitely needed to remove all doubts and preserve the integrity of competition. 2919. Posted by BORIS Thu Aug 20 2:28am EDT Well, the solution appears to be that in the future, all athletic competitions to be open regardless of gender, color, religion, taxa, etc. That is evolution, ask Darwin 2918. Posted by gordon Thu Aug 20 2:28am EDT Hey for those you of that are calling this a race issue I think you should take a long look in the mirror. This is not the 1st gender testing issue in women sports. It has happenned in boxing as well. Muhammad Ali's daughter had a german woman tested and as a result the fight never went through. Nobody said i thing about race. I belive the young lady is female and feel sorry for her. No coach on this level would try this because the whole world would come down on them and their country. At the off chance your correct that this is a race issue then it would be realy bad for the sport. I like to belive that most people think like myself and just enjoy the sport . This women put their self through hell to get to this level and if their black, white or purple they deserve our respect. If some one dose not agree with you and your 1st thought is he or she is a racist then you my friend are the redneck. When we as country attacked those Chinese gymnast for being to young or the Russian water polo team for being on steroids there was no outcry of racism. rember that 90 % of our athletes are black as well and if she is male they where cheated as well. Personely I'm more upset that their was no Americans in that finale. 2917. Posted by ben2patrick Thu Aug 20 2:27am EDT she is awoman you peoples shut your mouth,if she was last could you have doubted? 2916. Posted by Stumpie Thu Aug 20 2:26am EDT What would make people just up and decide to a test after the race was won???? if her looks were an issue, the test should've have been given before the race; meaning they should have all athletes checked out weeks prior to the races. This is stupid. 2915. Posted by thabo_scheepers Thu Aug 20 2:26am EDT Majority of American athletes are muscular and well build, why should it be questionenable if an African women has a natural talent given by God. 2914. Posted by Tlaleng Esther Thu Aug 20 2:26am EDT Knw dat an african young lady won , here comes de question on whr da is she or he.. bt if she was white non of this nonsense would have occured. So pls dis is women month's lets embrace nt discriminate, let her enjoy her victory as de world champion ok. Go South African Go!!!!!! 2913. Posted by Nonhlahla Thu Aug 20 2:26am EDT @Racer-X and jean it seems as if u r not familiar 2 guy-looking girls.............just tell me is Whoopi looking like a girl? what about Oprah? i cannot name all of them since others r in executive positions in the world...........even in south africa we have people in ministry level who are guy-looking. let Semenya enjoy n celebrate HER golds with or without HER muscular legs and ugly face and a man-built body. 2912. Posted by chitwanomphelo Thu Aug 20 2:26am EDT Excuse me, why isn't anybody questioning Venus or Serena William's gender!!!!!!!!! To me they all look the same, just please leave the poor gal alone....... You are all jealous pricks!!!!!! 2911. Posted by Eng.R Thu Aug 20 2:26am EDT Even that the winner still s/he. I think when women participate in champion and at that level absolotly she will looks man. 2910. Posted by Thereasak Thu Aug 20 2:26am EDT SOUTHERN BEAUTY.... many athletic women are flat chested. why do you think famale body builders have implants. also.. she's not even a women yet... she's a teenager. 2909. Posted by greatiam9999 Thu Aug 20 2:25am EDT Racer X - So what if Obama is a "race concious" - who isn't particular about their own race. That does not mean he is a Bigot - this country has been run by Bigots and hypocrites since Presidential elections have existed. What happens down here is irrelevant- there will be no segregation or color, class or status acknowlegement in heaven. glad I'm a foreigner. People like you make death quite appelaing. As far as Shem goes - it is what it is - God Made!!! 2908. Posted by jeandarc Thu Aug 20 2:25am EDT Now, who calleld Racer-X a "douche"? STOP that, silly! He's just another wing nut like that do do on cable who says Obama hates white people. D'oh! 2907. Posted by BeauBlack Thu Aug 20 2:25am EDT OK,come now people.......look at the William sisters(tennis).....,just because Caster does not have boobs and is built like a man, doesn't mean she's a man.....some people are just so thick,it's not even funny.....work on Facts man and leave the girl alone.........JEEPAZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well done Caster:)don't let these idiots get the Best of you. 2906. Posted by king_ld79 Thu Aug 20 2:24am EDT This is silly that lady blew them away I was impressesed now I feel bad for her because they think shes a man are you serious she comes from a third-world country i doubt its capable of such a feat...and besides HOW many manly looking women are in sports check out the WNBA ...SO what she was unknown, some of the greats never made it to the pro's or just walked on an blew folks away,,shes no different I believe this test is unfair, and it proves how winey sports is becoming Oh she to fast she has to be a man, or he jumps to high hes on steroids.. SAD 2905. Posted by muzkays Thu Aug 20 2:23am EDT upchurch69, u such an @#$% 4 callin a person it, I wonder from which planet u are from. Racer x, I didnt know Obama was an athlete 4 him 2 be here, I thought the discussion was abt sports not race or somethin u monkey ass. I don think u gonna tell people to live their lives the way they want 2. If they are librals, let them be en f***k off!!!! Its their choice. If u want 2 practice ya racism, find another planet of urs. For those 4 en against whether the sports person in question is male or female, let those that have the knowledge to prove do so, it has no @#$% 2 do wid race!!! F***k all racists, black, red, white name it!!!!!!!!F**k!!!! 2904. Posted by jojo Thu Aug 20 2:23am EDT people get reall, can't you just accept others as they are. it's actually non of you'll business that she looks like a man & her deep voice has nothing to do with her God given talent. at the end of the day there should be a winner and she is a winner and she is a woman- Caster you rock girl-keep them talking & do yo thing. 2903. Posted by jojo Thu Aug 20 2:22am EDT people get reall, can't you just accept others as they are. it's actually non of you'll business that she looks like a man & her deep voice has nothing to do with her God given talent. at the end of the day there should be a winner and she is a winner and she is a woman- Caster you rock girl-keep them talking & do yo thing. 2902. Posted by Thethi Thu Aug 20 2:22am EDT Wow... Semenya Wow keep-up the Good work girl.. 2901. Posted by gtfoUHoe Thu Aug 20 2:22am EDT no way in hell is that @#$% a woman. no boobs. gender test takes several weeks? wtf? just have someone look at the penis. nasty ass @#$%. stop calling it a she cuz its not 2900. Posted by dwb_mc Thu Aug 20 2:21am EDT its a young woman. I'm telling you that for what ever reason may it be all the crap that is in our food today from the preservatives that we use in our can foods all over the world things i can not spell or pronounce in 100 years. 50 years ago it took 6 months to grow a lean healthy beef now it takes less then 90 days, i don't know what they put in the chicken but 50 years ago a full grown chicken looks like a little chick up next to a full grown chicken ready to eat today. 50 years ago it took 81 to 90 days to grow a full grown ready to eat chicken now they do it in 30 days or less. I'm not making it up look it up your self on-line. not to mention all the crap that is dumped into the ocean the fish eat the green glowing crap and the bottom feeding shrimp eat the brown and black muck on the sea floor we eat the fish and the shrimp an the fish that eat the shrimp. girls are getting fully developed tits at 8,9,10,11 and 12 there having periods at 10 years old and younger. there sex drive is surpassing young boys 13 year old girls wearing there mothers sexy black dresses and filling the dress with a full grown young womans curves. women athlete's mainly black athlete's are running faster jumping higher able to think 5 times faster in a sports situation..all of this in black woe around the world they are dong things 5 times more or even 10 times more then what they were able to do in the 40's 50's 60's it all starts changing after Richard Nixon made president and made a very smart man by the name of Earl Lauer Butz he was made the new Secretary of Agriculture. He turned the cost of food around. Food use to be 30% to 45% of the monthly income of an American Family Home. by the time he was finished and quit public life and went back to Teaching at Purdue University- he had reversed those numbers to where food was now 9% to 13% of an American Family's ,monthly home income. Where as at one time corn was not worth growing for farmers in USA because it was considered to expensive to pull out all the stuff that was hidden in the corn. oil sugars preservatives etc etc. By the time he retired from public life he had broke the con code and made it cheaper to use the syrup *aka* sugars from corn then it was to get it from sugar cane. Then in those days America was feeding most of the world and feeding all of the 3rd word poverty countries and all of this crap was not healthy at all beef was 5% beef the rest was fat burned to taste like beef *aka* the burger or ground beef (so called) this crap and all other crap went around the world and what you have to day is young womens bodies going through changes that they should not even be thinking about for at-least 5 more years on average, and in America you have almost 80% of adults fat or over weight or with all kinds of medical problems. As far Earl? he feels good about it he feels that he contributed to a huge profit for America and all Americans. in short what he did was make it where presidents from 1971 to 2006 can say how well Americans are living compared to the rest of the world. He made a trend where instead of paychecks going up he made a trend of making things such as food and worthless electronics made in china by slave labor at less then $1.00 dollar a day. So a American construction worker starts out at $10.00 an hour and what they do is try to get the job done under 3 years so they don't have to pay more then $13.00 an hour in the year 2009 when a man in 1970 was making the very same money and was able to raise 3 kinds and send them all to a good school and collage. 2899. Posted by anita Thu Aug 20 2:20am EDT The test is necessary to rule out any suspicion. If it is not done, then he/she will have it hanging over his/her head through out her career and I am sure that would be no fun at all. 2898. Posted by Enocks Thu Aug 20 2:20am EDT Am confused by the happenings, she really has desplayed outstanding performance that can cause any right minded person doubts about her gender composition coz no woman has ever done what she's doing, meanwhile, lets waits for the results of the tests and hope the specialists carrying on the tests will be true....otherwise, I give her and also Janeth Jepkosgei a standing ovation for doing Africa proud Chisengo Enocks, kenya 2897. Posted by vallee_2 Thu Aug 20 2:20am EDT If this was not 'for real' it would be a lame attempt at humor by the ONION NEWS NETWORK. 2896. Posted by Ryde T Thu Aug 20 2:19am EDT I can see it already. they are going to say she is a man and that she will be banned from racing at all!! I think if she competed as a man.. they would have done the same thing. ... vise versa!! .. it will be a -lose-lose .. But in the end I see something BIG in the futre with this controversy!!! 2895. Posted by Mxolisi Thu Aug 20 2:19am EDT Aint nothing new about all this fussin, they had done it be4 still do and always will, success for any black always questionably and stained, ask OJ, Tyson, Ntini, Vilakazi. Too hard some people still feel that somethings are for choosen few to achieve. Viva caster!!! so Caiphus did b4 2894. Posted by Eve Thu Aug 20 2:18am EDT it's all ridiculous,look at the muscles,the chest,they all bring about this doubts and accusations!lets all shut up and wait for the results to prove us wrong or to verify our doubts.in the mean time we shall celebrate this x-tra ordinary lady.i wish she didn't have this broad shoulders maybe i wouldn't be in doubt.i just hope she's honest for her own sake. 2893. Posted by MatthewH Thu Aug 20 2:17am EDT What on earth are they doing, wasting time ona "gender test that takes several weeks." It can be done in 30 seconds. It's called-Drop your drawers and have the MD check to see what kind of parts Caster has. 2892. Posted by Dawnie Thu Aug 20 2:16am EDT This response if for JUSTNATHI. You haven't seen many African women in sports much huh?! She's flat because breast are made of what? Fat and muscle so if she is conditioning and training 24/7 her BMI is hella low and any fat( which would make her busty) turns into muscle!!! What big busted African sprinter do you see? None! Or a big busted sprinter period?! None! Please get a clue! As for Cater...I hope she is who she says she is! 2891. Posted by Katie Lovering Thu Aug 20 2:14am EDT Sometimes a woman has a voice that sounds like a man, as was shown on Oprah the other day, and they went to a voice therapist to fix that. She can do the same thing, hint hint. 2890. Posted by jeandarc Thu Aug 20 2:14am EDT Racer-X, you are the only honest person in this room. You are the only honest person in the whole WORLD. You've not one iota of "ism" in you. We all bow to you. You are second only to the One known as Dog, I mean, God! How great thou art. We who toil beneath the burden of ourd dim-witted idiocy, are not worthy to lick your diaper, I mean you slacks. We are amazed at your "fuhkin" omnipotence (not to mention your great facility with words!). Please, boy. Get a GRIP. Your anger is the type that explodes buildings full of children and minorities in places like Oklahoma! 2889. Posted by santos_luis50 Thu Aug 20 2:13am EDT If all the tests are performed and she is found a woman ...... who is going to pay for all the psycologial expenses .... what the poor woman must go through to proof she is a woman..... all I can say is go girl !!!!!!!!! 2888. Posted by trdego Thu Aug 20 2:13am EDT الخ ير ص باح 2887. Posted by southern pretty Thu Aug 20 2:12am EDT i'm think that is really a guy instead of a girl. come on...women have boobs...or at least a small amount...it has none... could s/he be a morphadite...??? 2886. Posted by TylerB Thu Aug 20 2:12am EDT Its a dude. 2885. Posted by areejbanat Thu Aug 20 2:12am EDT Well, to tell the truth...she really looks like a man...doesn't she?? Physically speaking, a man's got more muscles in his body than a woman..this is of course does not mean a man is better than a woman,...it's simply the way God created us..but honestly, I REALLY FEEL SHE IS A MAN!!!IT'S JUST BECAUSE OF THE WAY SHE LOOKS... 2884. Posted by areejbanat Thu Aug 20 2:12am EDT Well, to tell the truth...she really looks like a man...doesn't she?? Physically speaking, a man's got more muscles in his body than a woman..this is of course does not mean a man is better than a woman,...it's simply the way God created us..but honestly, I REALLY FEEL SHE IS A MAN!!!IT'S JUST BECAUSE OF THE WAY SHE LOOKS... 2883. Posted by DennisD Thu Aug 20 2:12am EDT Let me remind everyone that the topic at hand should be about the South African athelete, not the U.S. President. Since the poor man won the election, SORE LOSERS have been kicking and screaming like little children because they didn't get their way. GET OVER IT! Making inappropriate comments about President Obama makes you nothing more than a traiter to your country. Let's be BIG BOYS and GIRLS and grow up. 2882. Posted by Mxolisi Thu Aug 20 2:12am EDT Aint nothing new about all this fussin, they had done it be4 still do and always will, success for any black always questionably and stained, ask OJ, Tyson, Ntini, Vilakazi. Too hard some people still feel that somethings are for choosen few to achieve. Viva caster!!! so Caiphus did b4 2881. Posted by albrecht_lance Thu Aug 20 2:11am EDT What happened to the days where you either have a penis or you dont? Oh, Im sorry, I better clarify, I should say your either born with or without. 2880. Posted by vuzi Thu Aug 20 2:11am EDT Im not a gender difinition guru...but the fact remains men should not compete in women championship events, period. if this lady is a victim of prejudice, then shame on those who judge, flip side if this is just one big scam, then shame on the South African athlete board. going back a few years, i wonder if Martina Narvatilova recieved the same attention or this is just one fat racial onslought. 2879. Posted by ValentinE Thu Aug 20 2:10am EDT sorry i hit the wrong button !!!!!!! 2878. Posted by nate Thu Aug 20 2:10am EDT .. i thought a gender test would just consist of an "equipment" check. I mean its pretty easy to tell, isnt it? 2877. Posted by rachelet25 Thu Aug 20 2:10am EDT Poor girl, she must be mortified!! Imagine how she feels, people accusing her of not being a female. If you ask me, it's pretty simple. Either you've got a vag or you don't. If her hormones are screwed up - not as a result of steroids - then so be it. Everyone's are differently balanced, and yeah it can change your physical performance, but in this case it's just resulting her in being amazing, so people are noticing. WHATEVER. 2876. Posted by SM Thu Aug 20 2:09am EDT why is it that we can comment on all these sports, and michael phelphs, and all those stuff but we can't comment on anything with health care systems and economical issues? LOL?? 2875. Posted by Nonhlahla Thu Aug 20 2:09am EDT yah this sexist really...........this is because semenya is a woman, who this people thought will win that race?......since this was a women race......if this is just innocent as they claim it is, why publicising the tests?. this is just humilation.............u r such a disgrace..........is it because this girl is black, a woman, from poor country or u just hate the coach? am really disapointed on u guys, if this tests proves that semenya is a girl............who will be accountable for her humilations.......? 2874. Posted by Melikhaya Thu Aug 20 2:09am EDT I can't wait for the outcome. 2873. Posted by Bryan Thu Aug 20 2:09am EDT raise your hand if you think racer -x is a douche 2872. Posted by First L Thu Aug 20 2:08am EDT WOW - Racer-X is another right-wing idiot with the brains of a coffee table! So much Hate - and you know he proclaims christian morals along with his hate. Thank God I"m not like this hate-loving hypocrite. 2871. Posted by stevejanss.meetup Thu Aug 20 2:08am EDT First, it has nothing to do with the color of her skin. It has to do with her deep voice, her masculine facial features, her tall stature, and the narrowness of her hips. Second, enforcing gender requirements for competition is a good thing as it prevents unfair competitive advantages. As such, it does not "set us back a thousand years." Third, the gun-toters were not near enough to the president to do him harm. Fourth, it's legal to carry loaded weapons in all 50 states (2nd Amendment, remember?) Fifth, I'm glad you're not running our country! 2870. Posted by Joconia M Thu Aug 20 2:08am EDT That there is a guy!!!my wife picked it and asked, isnt that a guy or he /she has both organs probably?i think the world must be ready for a shock!!! 2869. Posted by albrecht_lance Thu Aug 20 2:04am EDT What happened to the days where you either have a penis or you dont? Oh, Im sorry, I better clarify, I should say your either born with or without. 2868. Posted by BRIDGET Thu Aug 20 2:03am EDT Let us not underestimate the power of God PERIOD! she is blessed with a super talent and let us acknowledge... Keep going girl! You r the head not the tail... Hurray!!! for the womenkind! 2867. Posted by Jim Thu Aug 20 2:01am EDT LOL, what a joke! 2866. Posted by ermehndi Thu Aug 20 2:01am EDT And years ago, they all badmouthed FloJo ! So what if the kid had muscles? Is it illegal or something? 2865. Posted by Kirtis Thu Aug 20 2:00am EDT PLEASE...PLEASe.. Please... People! If it is a man they will find out when they test. If it turns out to be a woman, then she has great athletic ability and we apologize for any inconvenience. If it turn out he is cheating then he got caught and will deal with the consequences. Either way its part of the job. As for everyone calling each other a racist. Get an education! If the remarks bother you then they must be true... Right??? Lets all try to be the bigger person and move past the infantile remarks please. 2864. Posted by voiceslikemine Thu Aug 20 2:00am EDT wow. i feel really sorry for her. even if she really isn't a she, this must be very embarassing. i really hope she has someone there for her. it must be hard. she is still an amazing runner though, no matter what gender she really is. 2863. Posted by playball Thu Aug 20 2:00am EDT oh my my my, baseball part two if you are good but the wrong kind you are doing something ilegal, they give you a 10000 test and 1000000 question, over 100 baseball players got tested but only a few number came public, like barry, rodriguez, sosa, ortiz so on but what happen to the other in the list. if you are not the right one you can't be a champion of one of the best in your field. 2862. Posted by pauliedaniel27 Thu Aug 20 1:59am EDT you people are all retarded 2861. Posted by caroline Thu Aug 20 1:58am EDT the actual fact is she is the best, whelter she is a She or He ,she still remain the best, she cannot claim 2 b she y she is not and sometimes God created us in a way 2 bring glory 2 Him and also suprise alot of pple 2860. Posted by aupchurch69 Thu Aug 20 1:57am EDT Everyone has a right to an opinion but pulling the race card... come on. Not everything needs to be about race, it is the 21st century. Try to focus on the facts, it walks, talks, and sounds like a man... enough said! 2859. Posted by Racer-X Thu Aug 20 1:57am EDT Take for example, Obama's derogatory comments made in san francisco to hobnobbing elite SF liberals about the gun toting church going white pennsylvanians. Is that not racism? Is that not sexism? But like all other times, oh, his comment was taken out of context and that the NOTION that Obama is a racist and sexist is completely outrageous right? And I suppose you all believe that for the 20 years Obama had been going to the Chicago church, he had no friggin idea that reverend wright was such a black bigot right? YOU HIGH FALLUTING LIBERALS ARE ALL FUHKIN HYPOCRITES! 2858. Posted by kolby.klinkel Thu Aug 20 1:57am EDT As Austin Powers would say ―It‘s a man baby!! ‖ 2857. Posted by AMU Thu Aug 20 1:56am EDT This is just crazy...so we back to stone age where a white man thinks he is superior !!! what do these people think they are calling this girl IT... This is very upsetting, A third country can't produce a fast runner, shame on u aussies 2856. Posted by Racer-X Thu Aug 20 1:56am EDT Take for example, Obama's derogatory comments made in san francisco to hobnobbing elite SF liberals about the gun toting church going white pennsylvanians. Is that not racism? Is that not sexism? But like all other times, oh, his comment was taken out of context and that the NOTION that Obama is a racist and sexist is completely outrageous right? And I suppose you all believe that for the 20 years Obama had been going to the Chicago church, he had no friggin idea that reverend wright was such a black bigot right? YOU HIGH FALLUTING LIBERALS ARE ALL FUHKIN HYPOCRITES! 2855. Posted by Kate Thu Aug 20 1:55am EDT That's bull@#$% just because a girl has endurance and ability suddenly she's a guy bull@#$% a girl could do a mans job anyday. 2854. Posted by Tamieca M Thu Aug 20 1:54am EDT I don't see racism in this act. From my understading all of these people involved are african. They are doing this test just to make sure she is not a jawanna man. SHe has nothing to hide, let them do their tests and in the end, all the haters will have to bow to her greatness. I know plenty of girls who where bashed as teenagers because of their lack of feminine qualities which they sacrificed to get scholarships by playing sports. all I know i that they were good at what they did and they eventually filled out after they finished fighting off the haters. They're laughing now 2853. Posted by CA$H Thu Aug 20 1:54am EDT He's a @#$%. 2852. Posted by Getch Thu Aug 20 1:53am EDT Ahhhhh you see Gender is something that need to be dealt with but not in Athletics where this lady is known to be female for three years and more. It's just a try not to accept failure. 2851. Posted by Getch Thu Aug 20 1:53am EDT Ahhhhh you see Gender is something that ned to be dealt with but not in Athletics where this lady is known to be female for three years and more. It's just a try not to accept failure. 2850. Posted by atheletsane Thu Aug 20 1:53am EDT What happened to innocent till proven guilty???? I know alot of girls in the sport world that looks and sound like her... But their gender were never questioned. And now that Caster wins a world race, she's to be questioned. 2849. Posted by yaseenn Thu Aug 20 1:52am EDT If the test proves that she can not compete as a female, does that mean that she will have to compete as a man????? and what if she is not a man???? 2848. Posted by scmutunga Thu Aug 20 1:50am EDT Sports has produced unknown sensational athletees who demolish previous records and title holders. Janeth Jepkosgei demolished Mariah Mutola and less than a year later Janeth was show a clean pair of heels by Jelimo. It's unfair to test gender identity of an athletee simply because they do not fit the template of femaleness. I am a man, and consider myself sportish and competitive but I assure you I cannot hold my own against lasses from my hamlet. Not only in Africa but also all over the world we have ladies who can beat men in competitive sports. Caster Semenya's case shows that the world of sport is still frozen in the woman as the weaker sex time capsule. I have seen ladies who are more mascular and have deeper voices than Semenya yet no doubts have been raised about their gender identity. Is Semenya the lass with the most male characteristics in the Berlin? 2847. Posted by justnathi Thu Aug 20 1:50am EDT when i first saw her a month ago on one of South African news channels i didnt belive she was a woman.i still believe she is not a woman.this has nothing to do with race, i am an african that has doubts.anyone can have doubts, i see no problem with that.even my grandmother was surprised but her voice and her looks.african woman have big breast but she's flat. 2846. Posted by Mary Thu Aug 20 1:50am EDT It looks like a new case of either steriods or some type of design drug. She could have been given ultra-high doses of testosterone(which would account for all the symptoms). 2845. Posted by Lucy Thu Aug 20 1:49am EDT Again, can you all SHUT THE HELL UP with the racial fighting?! Proof that we as a country are pathetic!!! 2844. Posted by tek s Thu Aug 20 1:49am EDT If found out she's a MALE...then her name would probably changed to Caster Semen...lol! Seriously....Her unbelievable skill is God's gift...nothing is impossible in this world. 2843. Posted by Northy Thu Aug 20 1:49am EDT Look @ (her, his) other pictures , it is impossible to say that it is not a he.... 2842. Posted by John Thu Aug 20 1:49am EDT I'm curious what the decision will be if it comes down to that (s)he is considered BOTH male and female. A hermaphrodite basically decides what their gender will be and classifies themselves as that gender. So it both organs are present and the chromosome defect is there, the manly build could be there, but they decide to classify themselves as a female for personal reasons. Can they strip the gold because of that? That would be wrong in my opinion. 2841. Posted by Dalinda Thu Aug 20 1:49am EDT It is obvious from looking at all the photos. This person is not a woman. Definitely a man and the truth will come out after the tests have been run. What a CHEAT!!! And how desperate of South Africa to enter a man in a woman's race. 2840. Posted by ItsMyTurn00 Thu Aug 20 1:49am EDT It never ceases to amaze me, the cruel idiocy of some of the people posting their ―thoughts‖ on here. This is a young person with an impressive talent. How many of you, male or female could do what she has done? Either way…If this is or is not the case of a young person with a medical anomaly, this young lady should be commended for her courage in coming onto an international stage, facing the scrutiny of those who would question, of all things her gender and still showing the rest of us what it takes to win! All of you who say these cruel things…Aren‘t you glad that you were born perfect. That you can run faster than the rest, that you are smarter than everyone else and that there is no one out there more beautiful than you? If you are, then I must say…You have a much bigger problem than this amazing young lady will ever know. We are all perfect…Just the way we are! 2839. Posted by deacmont Thu Aug 20 1:47am EDT Matte B can't seem to focus on the actual topic at hand so he is reduced to nonsensical jabbering about a fictional President!, Try to annoy someone dumb... that way you will get the in-your-face, you-hurt-my- feelings reactions that you admire... I mean require! 2838. Posted by Racer-X Thu Aug 20 1:47am EDT I think I am the only honest person in this room. Let me break it to you all. You all are hypocrites in that you all, each and every one of you, are racist AND sexist. We are all racists and sexists because simply, we are all humans. We all make first perceptions/impressions through our eyes. Visual perception is the main human sensory perception. RACE and SEX GENDER is a main factor in a person's initial judgment or impression. If you deny that fact, you are simply denying your self the truth about yourSELF. You stupid liberals like to consider yourselves above this base human psychological and conditioned process, but you are the worst racist and sexist of the human RACE. That's mainly because you are HYPOCRITES! Where are all the Iraq war protesters now? Cindy Sheehan is all alone in her protest now right when we still have 130,000 troops in Iraq (same as when @#$% Bush was POTUS) and increasing the troops in Afghanistan? Where's all the war protesters now? Fuhkin HYPOCRITES! 2837. Posted by Nonhlahla Thu Aug 20 1:45am EDT let the hell them continue with their tests,,,,,,,,,its ok...........and am watching their next step to humilate this young lady of Mzatsi..................long live Semeya. We from SA knows that u ARE a pure lady. 2836. Posted by aigtcatering Thu Aug 20 1:45am EDT Stop kidding yourself. Go on youtube and watch the video of "her" interview and the race. Its not just a couple things "she" does Is like a guy, It's everything "she" does is like a guy. So If after you watch those videos and still think It's a girl then your just blinding yourself with your own ignorance. And everyone with the racist bullsh*t, just shut up already, If you didn't notice we have a black president. 2835. Posted by Eddy Thu Aug 20 1:45am EDT I am black and I dont see this as racist at all and it saddens me to think that there are so many black people out there that try to throw the race card out for everything. I am a runner and this is not the first time they tested gender in a woman track runner, and she was white. there has also been russin body builder a few years ago that was tested. As I heard it, it was a black track offical that asked for her to be tested to begain with. As a black man I know first hand what is like to be judged on color, but I have learned to look both way, before I do the samething. Not everything is racist, the way too many black people today try to make it.. I would hope to think as a race, we have come futher then that. ( HUMANE RACE ) 2834. Posted by Racer-X Thu Aug 20 1:45am EDT I think I am the only honest person in this room. Let me break it to you all. You all are hypocrites in that you all, each and every one of you, are racist AND sexist. We are all racists and sexists because simply, we are all humans. We all make first perceptions/impressions through our eyes. Visual perception is the main human sensory perception. RACE and SEX GENDER is a main factor in a person's initial judgment or impression. If you deny that fact, you are simply denying your self the truth about yourSELF. You stupid liberals like to consider yourselves above this base human psychological and conditioned process, but you are the worst racist and sexist of the human RACE. That's mainly because you are HYPOCRITES! Where are all the Iraq war protesters now? Cindy Sheehan is all alone in her protest now right when we still have 130,000 troops in Iraq (same as when @#$% Bush was POTUS) and increasing the troops in Afghanistan? Where's all the war protesters now? Fuhkin HYPOCRITES! 2833. Posted by Beautiful Lovely Thu Aug 20 1:43am EDT Stevie Wonder could see that this is not a woman. The lack of any type of breast tissue is one. He/She doesn't wear the same running bottoms as the other women, and in one photo I swear I can see a slight bulge in his/her pants. Caster is not a female's name. Mr Semenya might feel like a woman, but biological she's a man and should be fined for making a mockery out of the Track and Field Organization! It is evident that he/she has no femine features at all. 2832. Posted by robert arvin r Thu Aug 20 1:43am EDT why can't they all get a gender test simultaneously??? this is racism 2831. Posted by kekuda.kamara Thu Aug 20 1:43am EDT Omg, the white man has done it again. are some of these white ifficials still dwelling to the pre-modern era? is it because she is black, and only the white man can succeed? pls give me a break. this shows the mental stupidity of some of these offivials. this is how they always do to distroy people. 2830. Posted by Katrina Thu Aug 20 1:43am EDT There is a great possibility this is a woman. I have seen women with more muscles than this young lady posses. 2829. Posted by ValerieD Thu Aug 20 1:41am EDT Look at the facts folks. it takes an athelete several years to get in shape and train for 800 or any other event. This person hasnt been running hardly at all and suddenly "IT" becomes a world class runner within a few months. Wake up folks...IT is either a man or doing some real heavy "ROIDS". 2828. Posted by princess Thu Aug 20 1:41am EDT Mmmmmmmmmm........... This is very serious, let Black be Black and let White be White. i strongly believe in transperency 2827. Posted by rpayenicol101 Thu Aug 20 1:41am EDT Is this where the world has reach? Can these testers test everyone that does not seems to be of their God given genders? If so, then let them go ahead. But if not, why humiliate one person for doing the best they can do? To all who spoke about race, cant you see that race is not the issue here? It's all about self-centerness. They expected someone to win but this girl came from out of the blue sky and won. Now they must change it, and the only way is to say she's a man. If they are right or not, humiliation is a sin; no sin goes unpunish!!!!!! God is watching. 2826. Posted by Sheyrane Thu Aug 20 1:40am EDT she is simply a very fast runner that people are intimidated by and so they feel the need to belittle her somehow.. so wut if she is muscular, and "un-feminine-like" with a deep voice and non exsistant boobs.. ok that last line didnt help but let the girl run!! 2825. Posted by Matt N Thu Aug 20 1:40am EDT omg! racist, sexist, hacks wtf 2824. Posted by Terry Thu Aug 20 1:40am EDT ......Well ive looked at the pic ....and in my conclusion ....I think we should take a semen sample 2823. Posted by Jeff Thu Aug 20 1:39am EDT Common all ... keep those divisions alive. Let's keep battling the race issue, even in articles devoid of any indicators of race. If we keep is up long enough maybe we can force an irreperable separation of each different race. There's a great idea, eh? 2822. Posted by C G Thu Aug 20 1:39am EDT I was 95% sure this was a guy from looking at the pictures. Then I found a youtube video of "her" talking to a reporter, and it's just about at 100% now. It's not only a male voice, it's a fairly deep male voice. 2821. Posted by Matte B Thu Aug 20 1:39am EDT Deacmont probably thinks Balack Osama should get to be president even if he's an Indonesian felon and epic fraud. 2820. Posted by Anjelika J Thu Aug 20 1:39am EDT Sheer foolishness this is! She won a race; why the haloobaloo abt her qualifying to compete as a woman? To imagine they would think a respectable nation would enter a man to run as a woman in this age of hi-tech is just what it is: sheer foolishness! 2819. Posted by Chihuahualove2 Thu Aug 20 1:38am EDT Think how sad this all will be for her if everyone is wrong. 2818. Posted by tracie Thu Aug 20 1:38am EDT its not that hard to figure out it has either an innie or an outie maybe the girls in her PE class could tell them or the guys that she dates 2817. Posted by gloriaL Thu Aug 20 1:35am EDT Racial pride must be kept and fought for. Caster, i believe, did it. Dominance in sport is an offshoot of training and genetic predisposition. When i was a young girl, MONA SOLAIMAN, was a track star in the PHILIPPINES. She like CASTER was thought of more as masculine than the opposite. On the otherhand, a lot of FILIPINOS, accepted her for what she was and were all proud of her as one of them. So is CASTER to be admired like our own MONA, then. 2816. Posted by careezy3 Thu Aug 20 1:34am EDT I agree if you let them in to run in the first place then all is fair... Regardless of the test if they questioned it in the first place they should've let him or her run with the guys who cares... it sucks to take a gender test just because you really are that good. @#$% the judgement, I hope she kicks ass! 2815. Posted by Rey Thu Aug 20 1:33am EDT We could settle this problem by having all of the athletes perform naked; but, lots of the men would become pole vaulters! 2814. Posted by deacmont Thu Aug 20 1:33am EDT nteresting! In my first comment, I never said that all white people did anything! I never even mentioned white people! But clearly, [email protected] got offened and called me a racist! I guess that proves my second comment! If you can't handle the exposure that YOU put out there please don't even bother commenting on my blogs. I am not offended by people who basically tells me that they are wrong! Peace, Deacmont 2813. Posted by Kyla Thu Aug 20 1:33am EDT ummm... well.. look at the lack of boobs, manly face, manly muscles, manly armpit hair, and little bit of a "bulge' 2812. Posted by oleo Thu Aug 20 1:33am EDT i don't believe comments i read here... this has got nothing to do with racism!!! she looks like a boy!!! open your eyes. 2811. Posted by koda.kleb Thu Aug 20 1:33am EDT It's quite simple really, make gender teting part of the standard required testing performed prior to any of these competitive sporting events, the same they do with drug testing. Why single any one person out. If everyone has to undergo it who's gonna complain? Who knows might find out a few football players are chicks ;) 2810. Posted by Racer-X Thu Aug 20 1:31am EDT I would like to let all the ladies in here know that I have extra long digits. My middle finger is long and strong. 2809. Posted by Jen Thu Aug 20 1:31am EDT They are so sexist. I don't care whether Caster is a man or woman. What offends me is that they think a woman can't achieve Caster's accomplishments. 2808. Posted by Cecil Thu Aug 20 1:30am EDT The issue is one of failure by the governing body to perform a task in a timely manner. Let's not forget what it's all about.... it's simply a race to find the fastest runner. If IAAF is their - almost a kind of support service. Here they have taken front stage because they failed to do their job and as a result brings controversy to the sport. If they can't do the job, they should be sacked and replaced with people who can get the job done without fuss. 2807. Posted by MEKA Thu Aug 20 1:30am EDT yeah she look like a man but im sayin it aint like she won it by a 1:00 r 0:30 @#$% let her won her medal and leave her alone... i think she jus a fast ass women... 2.54 sec. dats bull@#$% did she break the mens record...??? Man let her b 2806. Posted by MEKA Thu Aug 20 1:30am EDT yeah she look like a man but im sayin it aint like she won it by a 1:00 r 0:30 @#$% let her won her medal and leave her alone... i think she jus a fast ass women... 2.54 sec. dats bull@#$% did she break the mens record...??? Man let her b 2805. Posted by hunting_the_nation Thu Aug 20 1:29am EDT if you think this is a racist issue you guys are idiots. many female athletes (especially amatuer women) are subjected to gender tests. This became an issue when the germans continuesly used yound men as female athletes to beat the free world. It has nothing to do with what color she is or what country she is from.... this is an approved testing system just like testing fror performance enhancing drugs, but noone would complain if they tested her for steroid use. so anyone that brings up racism in this topic are probably a racist themselves 2804. Posted by Matthew R Thu Aug 20 1:28am EDT how has this turned into a racist issue. She looks like a dude! Get over it! She needs to be tested. Or, let me guess he is gay and so he takes the part of a woman? Either way, if it is a dude, then the medal needs to be taken away! 2803. Posted by i G Thu Aug 20 1:28am EDT 2756. Posted by tamika Thu Aug 20 12:50am EDT Report Abuse why as a nation do we feel the need to question a black female gender because she is fast. if this does not set as back a 1000 year i dont know what does. this just goes to show us that racism is still very much around. would we have question another race like that? the answer is No! Just last week people get to bring guns in the vicintity of the BLack president. Now since when is that allowed. Heck they tackle a man just for throwing a shoe at president bush. What is wrong with are nation??????????? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Oh ssshhhh! They have every right to question someone, especially a person that looks male. She (he) won the money anyway. Racism is still around? really? don't say that to the millions of stupid white folks who voted for that fool. 2802. Posted by sephiroth@... Thu Aug 20 1:28am EDT People, people, people, please, everyone calm down and just blaze some weed up, it'll all just fade away.... :D 2801. Posted by fdwaer g Thu Aug 20 1:27am EDT Right now all i see is the fact that she/he ran 2.45 faster than the world record. Now for those of you who are not a fan of running, i would say that is way a heck of a lot faster than second place. Most of the times its what more like .4, .5 okay okay at least 1.5 seconds difference. You know 2.45 makes me think that was a horse race, not a foot race. By that reason only I also think "she" is a male. 2800. Posted by makenyatalley Thu Aug 20 1:26am EDT this is a child why people just cant leave her alone she sholdnt have to prove herself to nobody she know what she is do you people know the damage that they are putting this young girl is going through im going to give her her props runn her a** off sh cant help it they wasnt as fast as her 2799. Posted by alvincent@... Thu Aug 20 1:23am EDT Looks like a man to me!!! 2798. Posted by Kingpin Thu Aug 20 1:23am EDT Real Simple have her drop trough & if she's packing a Bat, that should settle everything. 2797. Posted by ben Thu Aug 20 1:23am EDT The doubts here are not baseless. lets do the test and clear the clouds. 2796. Posted by deacmont Thu Aug 20 1:23am EDT You can always tell an idiot, racist, sexist, or bigot by the immediate hostile tone and verbage of their comments... Accusing people of having not read the article just because they don't agree with you clearly puts you in one of these unfortunate categories! If she must get tested, then in all fairness, every athlete must undergo a rigorous 125 point test to prove that they are just as diverse, imperfect, and wonderefully human as everyone else! By the way, is this not similar to the guy with leg implants being allowed to run and win only to be questioned later about fairness? If you let them run, let them win! 2795. Posted by james o Thu Aug 20 1:23am EDT As the IAAF say.....its not a question of Cheating but purly a Medical test.....she may be a Woman but she may NOT qualify to run as a Woman. 2794. Posted by pirate_swordtrix Thu Aug 20 1:22am EDT i never leave comments...but i feel it necessary this time. its my right as an American to bear arms...my 2nd amendment if you will...and i believe my 2nd amendment has 1st amendment rights! tameka, please dont speak unless you have knowledge of what you are talking about. the incident in which you are mentioning happened in a state where it is LEGAL to carry exposed weapons without a permit...thats why people were carrying those weapons to the town hall meeting!!! 1st amendment rights! they werent ALLOWED near our president for safety reasons, of course, but for you, OR ANYONE ELSE, to link this to racism is proof of stupidity, not racism in its pure form. your comments mirror that of the professor who cried wolf on a highly trained police officer, whose partner was african-american by the way. shame on you! 2793. Posted by crw_90two Thu Aug 20 1:22am EDT wtf, so ckuhs she hella fast that mean she gotta be a boy ? jst ckuhs she can run her ass offf. thats a bunch of buuullllllll@#$%. she works out, so what ? 2792. Posted by Jeff Thu Aug 20 1:22am EDT apparently there are a few people in this set of posts who have a few issues welling up inside. Find any issue you can as a launching pad for your platform. Well, I hate to break it to you, but you need to pick a better forum. this one is full of a bunch of silly kids and angry adults with opened mouths and closed ears. 2791. Posted by catbell713 Thu Aug 20 1:20am EDT What the heck does it matter if her ring finger is longer than her pointy finger. I am a 52 yr old mother of three and my ring finger is longer than my pointy finger. Some women are more muscular than some men that I know and some women happen to have facial hair, it is not because of anything that they have done, it is genetic. I have a friend of mine that started developing facial hair as a teenager. Thank God for laser hair removal... Different people have different genetic makeup. Viva la difference!!! Wait for the test to come back and if she is actually a female then she should receive a big I'm sorry from everyone. We have too many preconceived ideas of what is female and male, some women just happen to have deep voices and other "male" traits. Welcome to the world of processed foods and animals that are given steriods so that they can grow bigger and fatter to be sold faster and have more money made.... Do you really think that these things have no effect on the development of people as they grow up. Studies have been done about this and reports have been published about this since back in the 1970's. Get over you selves!!! 2790. Posted by Racer-X Thu Aug 20 1:20am EDT Ok, for reals, I'm taking a yahoo poll: Who thinks Michelle Obama is a Manly First Lady? Seriously, be honest. 2789. Posted by misszydeco21 Thu Aug 20 1:19am EDT I feel that they didn't have to broadcast it the way they did. If they feel that then fine; but if the test comes back negative then she will have to live with this for the rest of her life. i just feel that they should have just respected her privacy as a human weather it may be true or not! 2788. Posted by aigtcatering Thu Aug 20 1:19am EDT There Is no way In hell this Is a woman. The voice, the build , the face, and why Is "she" the only one wearing spandex shorts when the rest of them are wearing speedo's? "Her" legs and ass are built just like a guy, and "she" has absolutely no boobs lol. The world today Is messed up and there Is no doubt In my mind that this person got a sex change so they could win It all. Its the perfect scam, but they might have had a better chance not getting noticed if he didn't blow everyone else out of the water, and a little plastic surgery might have helped. People will do anything these days to win. 2787. Posted by T O Thu Aug 20 1:19am EDT If she has had a sex change from a man to a woman, that is cheating, but if she was born with both organs ( that function ) then that is her choice to chose which sex she will represent! period in any case that this matter is brought foward, she or he can fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my best wishes... 2786. Posted by Racer-X Thu Aug 20 1:17am EDT I am a certified racial profiler. Hey, Tamika baby, is you a black ghetto booty? 2785. Posted by hsadiki1 Thu Aug 20 1:17am EDT Caster did beat all the other girls in the race but she wasn't even close to a world record. She definitely improved her time alot but so what. Next we are going to call to test if Bolt is human? Where will the Racist garbage end. Leave Caster alone and be proud of her abilities. What person would want to expose themselves to this ridicule. This treatment of Caster will deter many future athletes who do not fit the mold or the Euro model of what a male or female is from ever competing. This will kill many future World Champion's dreams. 2784. Posted by Paul Harvy Thu Aug 20 1:16am EDT 2783. Posted by deacmont Thu Aug 20 12:59am EDT Report Abuse Truly, I believe that this test is racist and sexist! Why is it deemed so unbelievable that a black woman can quickly rise to first place in running? If she passes the gender test, what's next? a test to see if she is really African and not part this or that? Why would a man join a woman's competition? If she can prove that she is indeed a woman and from South Africa, what's next? another test against the probability that, even with a black President and other minorities rising up the ranks, bigots and other old-school racists and sexists can't handle Success in all colors, genders, and ages.... Next, they will convince themselves that people who live over one hundred are actually younger with Alzheimers! Since I am a black male, some of you may even check and double check my writing because you can't fathom the idea of one writing or speaking well! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2756. Posted by tamika Thu Aug 20 12:50am EDT Report Abuse why as a nation do we feel the need to question a black female gender because she is fast. if this does not set as back a 1000 year i dont know what does. this just goes to show us that racism is still very much around. would we have question another race like that? the answer is No! Just last week people get to bring guns in the vicintity of the BLack president. Now since when is that allowed. Heck they tackle a man just for throwing a shoe at president bush. What is wrong with are nation??????????? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------first off it was the international federation that ask for the test not the USA,second they all are flat chested so that isn't the reason,I think its because they think she is on stoirods,but noone made a big deal when they wanted to test armstrong.the only people making tis about race are the people making comments.I fell sorry for the girl,I can't imagin what she is going through with the whole world knowing her gender is in question.I think if they want to test for gender then it should be done quietly and not so everyone knows unless she or he fails the test.I think she is a girl who may be on steroids or not we will see. 2783. Posted by [email protected] Thu Aug 20 1:16am EDT Deacmont, I am not good at writing, but the word success should not be capitalized The debate is not that a "black" woman rose to the top so quickly, it was that someone rose to the top so quickly. If she was a runner of this caliber you would have been hearing about her for several years at this point. The reason a man would join a woman's competition is because they are fast but not as fast as a man. If they run in the womens category they only have to be faster than a woman. It would give the "man" an unfair advantage because men are faster than women. And by the way, you thinking that every white person saying she should be tested is racist is a racist thought in itself. You automatically assume that a white person cannot think that she needs to be tested only for the fact that she is running 2 seconds faster than the fastest women in the world. You feel that all the white people are saying because of her race. Nice job racist!!! 2782. Posted by Brian T Thu Aug 20 1:15am EDT And here we have ANOTHER example as to why the ability to add comments is unnecessary.. Whenever there's a black person in a news story, racial subjects (often ridiculously offensive) are always posted. 2781. Posted by Kim Thu Aug 20 1:14am EDT Hey ok, knock the racial BS off!! I'm sick of ppl ALWAYS crying that tune! This has NOTHING to do with or without the fact that she/he is black. If I were an official, I would have her/him checked out also. Maybe they will also find she/he is also not a teen, but in mid twenties. I agree with the quick testing of just lifting the skirt. If she is a true woman, then she has nothing to worry about, right? 2780. Posted by belinda_smith0163@... Thu Aug 20 1:14am EDT I can't believe this. This is nothing but a race issue, not gender. Bless this young lady!! 2779. Posted by Adrian L Thu Aug 20 1:14am EDT Haha! Yeah, just saw some interviews with this athlete. ...THAT"S A MAN BABY!!! YEEAAH!!! It will be interesting to see how this issue turns out. 2778. Posted by Kris N Thu Aug 20 1:14am EDT Heh, this would be so much easier if they'd just kerotype athletes. Ychromosome? They compete as a guy. No Y-chromosome? They compete as a woman. 2777. Posted by ocinteeni Thu Aug 20 1:13am EDT she is pretty 2776. Posted by Cameron Thu Aug 20 1:13am EDT this is so stupid. this is why I dont run i swim. its so much easier. 2775. Posted by yuckyuck Thu Aug 20 1:13am EDT If they are going to test this athletic to confirm her gender then i demand they do the same to ann coulter or should i say andy coulter! This whole thing is hilarious especially when it has been turned into a racial issue as well! If we are going to question gender, what do we do about all those huge "man-hooters" out there? If the tests should prove she's not a natural born female and basically cheated, why should we really care? We live in a world where athletes cheat all the time! Its become the norm for many and they are still heralded as heroes! A lot of people cheat period!!!! 2774. Posted by branden m Thu Aug 20 1:13am EDT Racism is still alive, they just reconciling it 2773. Posted by aigtcatering Thu Aug 20 1:13am EDT There Is no way In hell this Is a woman. The voice, the build , the face, and why Is "she" the only one wearing spandex shorts when the rest of them are wearing speedo's? "Her" legs and ass are built just like a guy, and "she" has absolutely no boobs lol. The world today Is messed up and there Is no doubt In my mind that this person got a sex change so they could win It all. Its the perfect scam, but they might have had a better chance not getting noticed if he didn't blow everyone else out of the water, and a little plastic surgery might have helped. People will do anything these days to win. 2772. Posted by Jessi Thu Aug 20 1:12am EDT it's not that uncommon to test women, but actually a few women athletes are genetically xxy, which means they are women, i believe they can't have kids, but they are also better athletes. so it's possible she's different, but she'd still be a woman, just like xyy guys are still men 2771. Posted by Chin Thu Aug 20 1:12am EDT If it does turn out to be a man, is it still racism? That whole act of you can't question my past beliefs, religion, politics, associates because I'm black worked to help get Obama elected, doesn't work in this case. Wouldn't have worked for Obama if we were a little more efucated as a nation. 2770. Posted by Charlie Brown Thu Aug 20 1:12am EDT wow i love reading all these african americans getting into this and pulling the race card! its amazing to me that the white man is still looked at as the face of racism and hate when obviously you retards on here hate yourselves enough for everone. tamika Thu Aug 20 12:54am EDT Report Abuse unless you are a black or have live as a black person then you will not understand or even acknowledge what im talking about. but i can respect everyones opinion because thats just what they are your opinions. god bless all !!!!!!!!! stop crying to yourself and having such a big pitty party because youre black! the only thing racist about this on this page are dumbasses like tamika raising hell JUST BECAUSE SHES BLACK! and in closing i would like to say that this last presidential election was such a disply of racism it made me sick! this nation voted against mccain because he is white oh poor pittifull white folks....sad sad sad... NOT but that is a good example of how you idiot look when you say @#$% like that! done 2769. Posted by jon m Thu Aug 20 1:12am EDT Thats a man. How to find out? Tell Caster to pull those shorts down, problem solved. 2768. Posted by Racer-X Thu Aug 20 1:12am EDT @2800. Posted by Ria Hey Ria baby, are those boobs real? lemme just get a nibble of your nipple. 2767. Posted by Serafina H Thu Aug 20 1:12am EDT That's a man. Look at the pics. "She" is not as flat between her legs as women are 2766. Posted by ericdovigi Thu Aug 20 1:12am EDT in response to all the people pulling the race card: the president of the IAAF, who is doing the investigation, is a black dude. something to think about before making uninformed comments 2765. Posted by marshall Thu Aug 20 1:11am EDT Cant we just talk about the runner and leave the obama's out of this....having a mans voice would make think, that this chicks on steroids before i think she is a man. to be honist i thought that ugly azz billie jean king was a man. but my words fell on deaf ears 2764. Posted by marshall Thu Aug 20 1:11am EDT Cant we just talk about the runner and leave the obama's out of this....having a mans voice would make think, that this chicks on steroids before i think she is a man. to be honist i thought that ugly azz billie jean king was a man. but my words fell on deaf ears 2763. Posted by tuffgrrrrl Thu Aug 20 1:11am EDT ok the reason that they have to do all of those tests is becasue they have to be sure on all levels that this in in fact a woman. A person who appears to be female physically can in fact be a man. It can be a man who has had an operation to remove his male sex organs. ( he may or may not have had a complete sex change). There are also women who genetically test as men because of very rare genetic defects. The gyno would have to testify that physically inside as well as out that this is a woman. There are also men who have underdeveloped male sex organs who appear to be female. They have to check all possible tests to make a sound decision. They have to look for the unexpected just in case. The endocrinologist would be testing for the proper male or female hormones. And when its all said and done each medical professional will have to get together and give their vote on if she is male or female. Because if the rule the wrong way they will be in deep trouble. 2762. Posted by 3for5spotshooter Thu Aug 20 1:10am EDT Ria definitely girl///word/// 2761. Posted by C G Thu Aug 20 1:10am EDT "This is a blatant exposure of our society's underlying sexism in assuming that a female athlete cannot possibly be as good or as fast as a male athlete!" -amy It may be "society's underlying sexism," or perhaps it's the fact that male athletes actually run faster than female athletes in every category, according to the time keepers. Perhaps the clocks are sexist, too? Anyways, this is not about a woman beating a GUY'S time, it's about the sport making sure the interests of women athletes are protected from opportunistic men. It's exactly the opposite of what you suggest. 2760. Posted by Racer-X Thu Aug 20 1:10am EDT @2626. Posted by Bob J Wed Aug 19 11:54pm EDT Report Abuse "Racer X: Michelle Obama holds no job where the requirement is to be a man or a woman" - what are you a frickin moron? Being a First "Lady" is a job you dufus. Hell it's a very important job of national stature. Her job as a First "Lady" is of a public servant. her responsibilities are kind of like the vp, mostly PR work for the govt. She represents the US of A dikwad. To fulfill her responsibilities, she can't go around looking and acting more manly than her hubby now can she? So, to be the First "Lady", she needs to prove that she indeed is a NATURAL BORN WOMAN just as Barack Hussein Obama needs to prove that he is a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN! 2759. Posted by Kris N Thu Aug 20 1:10am EDT Tamika, you're argument doesn't even make sense. If there -is- some sort of bias, it's sexism, not racism. And I don't believe there is any sexism either. A woman with massive musculature and a deep voice won a race with a time common to top male athletes, but rare among female athletes. It's a reason to make a standard check (which would be made anyway as it's done for almost all professional runners, just to be 100% sure). As for why would a man join a woman's competition? Um, because men tend to be faster than women, so it would give an unfair edge. It would be much the same if a woman entered a men's gymnastics competition (though harder to get away with). 2758. Posted by Mike Miller Thu Aug 20 1:10am EDT Okay #2783. Don`t say you`re not a profiling racist with a closing statement like you have. 2758. Posted by Mike Miller Thu Aug 20 1:10am EDT Okay #2783. Don`t say you`re not a profiling racist with a closing statement like you have. 2757. Posted by ultimatehellhound Thu Aug 20 1:09am EDT 2756. Posted by tamika Thu Aug 20 12:50am EDT Report Abuse why as a nation do we feel the need to question a black female gender because she is fast. if this does not set as back a 1000 year i dont know what does. this just goes to show us that racism is still very much around. would we have question another race like that? the answer is No! Just last week people get to bring guns in the vicintity of the BLack president. Now since when is that allowed. Heck they tackle a man just for throwing a shoe at president bush. What is wrong with are nation??????????? So obviously Tomika, you couldn't pass math or history since the United States didn't even exist 1000 years ago. Not to mention that the race was held in Germany. Who stated her being tested was in any way because of her race? You should also pay closer attention to current events since the whole shoe throwing incodent you speak of didn't even involve an American other then President Bush and the Secret Service. If you want to know what is actually tearing this country apart you should take a look in a mirror. Now go read a book and finish your education so you can get off the gubment cheese sometime in the near future. 2756. Posted by 3for5spotshooter Thu Aug 20 1:09am EDT i reconsidered - dude - definitely.... word... 2755. Posted by ragnarok Thu Aug 20 1:09am EDT omg that is such a dude...no black woman has hair in her pits like that...either she/he is a hermaphrodite or he had a sex change 2754. Posted by perdu en mer Thu Aug 20 1:09am EDT The question of gender IS valid. I don't have the time to read everyone's comments however, how many of you can even tell the difference between a male skeleton and a female skeleton? I have a degree in psychology; do a search for Guevedoces Syndrome or Turner's Syndrome and keep in mind it's the Y chromosome that is develops the testes! We are ALL born Female embryos! We become male as we develop but we are all inherently female. Those of you that claim racism or sexism are idiots! This is an important physiological and psychological question so stop undermining it with your ignorance. 2753. Posted by Hennie Thu Aug 20 1:08am EDT Jennyc420.......are your comments based on experience 2752. Posted by Cameran Thu Aug 20 1:08am EDT sorry to say that the mustache and adams apple arent always a dead give away. XD 2751. Posted by j Thu Aug 20 1:08am EDT Gender???? If she has a viginia shes a woman , damn haters 2750. Posted by talent2@... Thu Aug 20 1:06am EDT I don't think its wrong to test her because in all honesty Im not sure myself, whats wrong is writing about it, this should have been something that noone knew about, atless untill they find what there looking for. 2749. Posted by Racer-X Thu Aug 20 1:06am EDT @2626. Posted by Bob J Wed Aug 19 11:54pm EDT Report Abuse "Racer X: Michelle Obama holds no job where the requirement is to be a man or a woman" - what are you a frickin moron? Being a First "Lady" is a job you dufus. Hell it's a very important job of national stature. Her job as a First "Lady" is of a public servant. her responsibilities are kind of like the vp, mostly PR work for the govt. She represents the US of A dikwad. To fulfill her responsibilities, she can't go around looking and acting more manly than her hubby now can she? So, to be the First "Lady", she needs to prove that she indeed is a NATURAL BORN WOMAN just as Barack Hussein Obama needs to prove that he is a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN! 2748. Posted by Hennie Thu Aug 20 1:06am EDT All of you rabbits making this a racial issue......you dumb SOB's. 2747. Posted by Racer-X Thu Aug 20 1:06am EDT @2626. Posted by Bob J Wed Aug 19 11:54pm EDT Report Abuse "Racer X: Michelle Obama holds no job where the requirement is to be a man or a woman" - what are you a frickin moron? Being a First "Lady" is a job you dufus. Hell it's a very important job of national stature. Her job as a First "Lady" is of a public servant. her responsibilities are kind of like the vp, mostly PR work for the govt. She represents the US of A dikwad. To fulfill her responsibilities, she can't go around looking and acting more manly than her hubby now can she? So, to be the First "Lady", she needs to prove that she indeed is a NATURAL BORN WOMAN just as Barack Hussein Obama needs to prove that he is a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN! 2746. Posted by Al M Thu Aug 20 1:06am EDT What if she turns out to be a woman?. The psychological damage .. .. 2745. Posted by Ria Thu Aug 20 1:05am EDT Seriously?? Wow. Seems more like someone didn't want her to win if you're gonna have the poor girl tested to see if she is really a female. How low can people go these days???? LEAVE HER ALONE!!! In my opinion most females that run look like men anyways, flat everywhere, hardly any curves, boob..yeah right, and the voice thing...who cares I know many girls with manly voices..even Barbra Walters has a manly voice and we all know she's a woman 100%! 2744. Posted by hsadiki1 Thu Aug 20 1:05am EDT This is such garbage. So what she looks like a boy. Aren't "butchy" lesbians girls? I can take you to Grenwich Village in NYC and show you many girls who look more boyish than Caster. This is just another form of discrimination. Leave Caster alone! Can you imagine the hurt and heartache that this must cause this young teenage girl. Why don't we just have her pull her pants down before and after each race. LEAVE CASTER ALONE. 2743. Posted by Mike Miller Thu Aug 20 1:05am EDT Tamika, Don`t know where you live, but the story came from Germany, and was scheduled by an INTERNATIONAL association. The shoe throwing you you refer of was in IRAQ and was tackled local IRAQIS. We have a CONSTITIONAL LAW to Right to Bear Arms in America, just like Abolition of Slavery, Women's Right to Vote, and your rights to Religion and free Speech. Why is it that some black people these days seem to think anything that goes against them for whatever reason is racist. This incident has NOTHING to do with race, only fairness in competition. 2742. Posted by xxstrubesxx Thu Aug 20 1:05am EDT this has nothing to do with race sexism or any other of that bull$#!% it is the fact that he/she improved her times and muscular build in such a short amount of time that her/his gender is being called into question. if all you uneducated people would read the articles then you would see that it says and i quote "Her dramatic improvement in times, muscular build and deep voice sparked speculation about her gender." and that is why she is being tested. so if you would like to comment on the article, THEN READ IT!!!!! 2741. Posted by Cameran Thu Aug 20 1:04am EDT sorry to say that the mustache and adams apple arent always a dead give away. XD 2740. Posted by puppy Thu Aug 20 1:04am EDT deacmont, how many times are you going to post the exact same comment? 2739. Posted by Hennie Thu Aug 20 1:03am EDT Castor. You go girl. SA rule. 2738. Posted by Abiel Thu Aug 20 1:03am EDT the euros are just getting mad there getting dusted by an African, you know damn well if it was a white no one would be saying anything, just like steroids was being givin to the euros in the Olympics along time ago to beat the highly skilled Africans 2737. Posted by Donna V Thu Aug 20 1:03am EDT You can't lift a skirt to find out dummies.Have you not heard of gender reassignment?Whats fair is fair black or white.If she was questioned about her sex and she was white I'm sure you would want to know.Women of any color should not have to race against men.I hope she is a girl and is just darn good.We will see or I should say be told. 2736. Posted by madi Thu Aug 20 1:02am EDT You clearly have no idea what this is all about... What about a little respect... Dont comment on things you dont know anything about... 2735. Posted by DennisC Thu Aug 20 1:02am EDT Seriously, what makes a man a man, and a woman a woman! This has happened before in the Olympics. Women who are extremely good in their sports get accused of being men! How come a man who loses a race doesn't get accused of being a woman, do men have to take gender tests? My only concern is that people are using gender norms to judge this athlete! Let her be, what if the tests come back saying she was born a hermaprodite--what will that do? Will she not be a woman or a man, will she be stripped off all medals! The gender test is sexist and bias! Again do any of us know what makes us, us! We are all the same, about .01% of us makes us different from the rest of the world. Race is not the issue here, it is sex and gender. Women look at yourself--do you not have hair on your body, is there not a range of voices for women from high to low, have you seen female body builders--they are huge compared to some men! How can her physical appearance make her any less of a woman! She is not from America, you cannot judge her by our standards! If she says she is a woman, than that is all the proof I need! If she was a born a man, then did a sex change to be a woman to win a race, well then she is ulitmately a woman now--no take backs--she can't go back to being a man to claim the prizes or maybe she can. The test should not be the deciding factor in this, she won--get over it and stop judging! BTW 1 in 2000 people are born intersexed (aka ambiguous to the degree you can't tell if you are a boy or girl). If everyone got the Gender/Sex test, many people will be surprised! The dichotomy of male and female needs to end, the sexism in men's favor needs to end, and people's hate, ignorance, and intolerance needs to end! So everyone, let it go! 2734. Posted by Al M Thu Aug 20 1:02am EDT KERRON STEWART doesn't sound like a man and wears a bra. 2733. Posted by colee Thu Aug 20 1:01am EDT Holy crap Tamika, ggeeeezzz, East European women get questioned for their sexuality all the time because they put most American men to shame and make them look like wussies. Most of them have facial hair too. are they calling people that want to test them racist?????? Ever watch Pat on Saturday Night Live eons ago??? Was Pat black??? Come on, I think I make my case. This is not a racist issue. ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2732. Posted by AnnaMae Thu Aug 20 1:01am EDT This has to be the biggest insult of her life both as a woman and an athlete. Whiny sore losers should just kill themselves. 2731. Posted by jwk81092 Thu Aug 20 1:01am EDT wtf this is retarded of they have a question about the gender then @#$% ball tap her and see if she is affected. problem solved 2730. Posted by jennyc420 Thu Aug 20 1:00am EDT that is such a dude 2729. Posted by HolgerS Thu Aug 20 1:00am EDT If I would need to judge by the picture.......it's's a dude. 2728. Posted by deacmont Thu Aug 20 12:59am EDT Truly, I believe that this test is racist and sexist! Why is it deemed so unbelievable that a black woman can quickly rise to first place in running? If she passes the gender test, what's next? a test to see if she is really African and not part this or that? Why would a man join a woman's competition? If she can prove that she is indeed a woman and from South Africa, what's next? another test against the probability that, even with a black President and other minorities rising up the ranks, bigots and other old-school racists and sexists can't handle Success in all colors, genders, and ages.... Next, they will convince themselves that people who live over one hundred are actually younger with Alzheimers! Since I am a black male, some of you may even check and double check my writing because you can't fathom the idea of one writing or speaking well! 2727. Posted by nike44x Thu Aug 20 12:59am EDT 2753-atleast those women bodybuilders still look like women that's why ppl don't question them 2726. Posted by 5dice26@... Thu Aug 20 12:59am EDT has no one thought that she may have been born a chimera which is a child born with two sets of dna due to twins being present in the womb and during gestation they combine and merge into one person. she may have the sex of a female but she may have male dna in her as well. which i think we should respect her wishes to compete as a woman. if that is what she chooses to be and this is what the case is 2725. Posted by puppy Thu Aug 20 12:59am EDT Well said 2762! 2724. Posted by sorter6434 Thu Aug 20 12:59am EDT why does it take so long for test results.give me a look see behind the barn and I'll tell you if she happens to have a hole or a stem in about 10 seconds! 2723. Posted by Michael F Thu Aug 20 12:58am EDT right. it's cause of her race, and not the fact that she ran more than two seconds faster than the best female sprinters in the world. Hmm. An issue of race or that of many different factors pointing to a conclusion which they have not assumed to be correct yet. Yep Tamika, you must be right. . . 2722. Posted by bleuroze22 Thu Aug 20 12:57am EDT some of you are really twisted. for the last post obama has nuttin to do with this. i have seen plenty of woman with manly features but yet they are still a woman with facial hair and all, so you can not determine gender offf of looks or what finger is longer than the other. hell my grandmother who adopted my mother had a full mustache on her lip and she is all women with a period and the whole shabang. I think it is rediculous for this person to go threw this test because they beat a record a woman so called cant beat. You all need to stp under estimating a woman. you would be surprised what we can do a man cant out do a woman in every thing. SORRY FELLAS!!! 2721. Posted by deacmont Thu Aug 20 12:57am EDT Truly, I believe that this test is racist and sexist! Why is it deemed so unbelievable that a black woman can quickly rise to first place in running? If she passes the gender test, what's next? a test to see if she is really African and not part this or that? Why would a man join a woman's competition? If she can prove that she is indeed a woman and from South Africa, what's next? another test against the probability that, even with a black President and other minorities rising up the ranks, bigots and other old-school racists and sexists can't handle Success in all colors, genders, and ages.... Next, they will convince themselves that people who live over one hundred are actually younger with Alzheimers! Since I am a black male, some of you may even check and double check my writing because you can't fathom the idea of one writing or speaking well! 2720. Posted by cdel99-8@... Thu Aug 20 12:57am EDT Why is everyone pulling the race card. First of all there is only one race. Its call Homo Sapiens. This is the right biological term for the use of the word race. Why does everyone want to use the socially consturcted definition of race by the color of the our skin. The reason why we have different skin color is because of clines. And theres not one group of people that have different genetic DNA that someone from another group has. We are all the same. I see no race. We are all Human Beings. 2719. Posted by Betancourt Thu Aug 20 12:57am EDT Tamika, boy are you stupid!! The people with guns were never near Obama, they brought the guns outside the venue he was speaking at. Obama was never in danger. They would never be allowed to bring guns near the President of the United States. I realize that you are ignorant but at least try to come across somewhat intelligent. As far as the runner, all I can say is the dude is fast!! 2718. Posted by puppy Thu Aug 20 12:57am EDT This is ridiculous. It has absolutely nothing to do with her race. If it were a white woman they would ask the same exact thing. The fact remains that she is muscular and has a low voice....point made. The fact that she is black has nothing at all to do with this so get over it people. We all elected a black president I don't think we are going to be stupid enough to take racism out on one athlete because some people may be mad about Obama. Give it a rest! 2717. Posted by mm Thu Aug 20 12:56am EDT I agree with you Phil e... and to all of you that say it's because of race, I'm sure they didn't JUST decide to single him/her out just because he's/she's black. Grow up and start focusing your anger on our government that continues to let "illegals" take all that we "legal " Americans have worked so hard to obtain..black & white. 2716. Posted by Tara D Thu Aug 20 12:56am EDT Yes Tamika, your comment proves that you are racist. Since you are racist, racisim must still exist. Thanks alot. 2715. Posted by 49erz4Life Thu Aug 20 12:55am EDT You're all idiots...RASTA..WHITE RACIST..etc..put your differences and pride aside people..and like I give a crap where life began. Just because your the first to walk this earth it doesn't make you anymore special than the rest that follows. We can all learn from the great Michael Johnson. Don't comment until the speculations are proven. Those that scream racist are idiots cause that excuse is getting old. And psychic doctors you're all idiots cause there are women out there with male features but are still women. In this day in age people will do the most vile and disgraceful thing for fame and fortune. This test is being enforced to protect all professional athletes from these things. So Caster, if you have nothing to hide then this should be as easy as the race you just won. And to everyone here who posted their opinions...I respect your voice...but some of y'all just sound...hmmm well let's just say some of you should check yourself before you post on here. Just plain Carlos Mencia (dee dee dee) 2714. Posted by timmy b Thu Aug 20 12:55am EDT Let's give Lisa a test! Cause I think she's a man...at least she types like a man! Tee He he! 2713. Posted by tamika Thu Aug 20 12:54am EDT unless you are a black or have live as a black person then you will not understand or even acknowledge what im talking about. but i can respect everyones opinion because thats just what they are your opinions. god bless all !!!!!!!!! 2712. Posted by [email protected] Thu Aug 20 12:54am EDT I do not want to hear any feminist bull$#^! about this being a sexist act. The woman obviously looks like a man. I am not sure but it appears that she may have some facial hair. She is not running against men so it is not the men making her do this. It is the other female runners that want this test done not men. Besides it is a scientific fact that men are stronger, faster, and generally more athletic than women are. I am not saying that since I am a man I am a better athlete than all women I am just saying that if you take the top man and put him against the top woman it is not even a contest. Testing this athlete is not sexist it is for the benefit of the sport. What if "she" turns out to be a man, would you still think the test was a bad idea??? 2711. Posted by [email protected] Thu Aug 20 12:54am EDT I do not want to hear any feminist bull$#^! about this being a sexist act. The woman obviously looks like a man. I am not sure but it appears that she may have some facial hair. She is not running against men so it is not the men making her do this. It is the other female runners that want this test done not men. Besides it is a scientific fact that men are stronger, faster, and generally more athletic than women are. I am not saying that since I am a man I am a better athlete than all women I am just saying that if you take the top man and put him against the top woman it is not even a contest. Testing this athlete is not sexist it is for the benefit of the sport. What if "she" turns out to be a man, would you still think the test was a bad idea??? 2710. Posted by john Thu Aug 20 12:54am EDT I dont know the truth really.Lets wait for expert advice 2709. Posted by Fred B Thu Aug 20 12:54am EDT In todays world of drugs, cheating, etc. Let her get tested. If she passes the test then the cloud is gone forever. If not then those who called for her tobe tested did the proper thing. 2708. Posted by JOEL B Thu Aug 20 12:54am EDT Let the experts decide. god and the athlete knows where she belongs and who she can be called. her mother too can give the rest of the story. time will tell 2707. Posted by ray Thu Aug 20 12:53am EDT its not really to the point or issue that its a medical condition or cheating factor because honestly it is a cheating factor no matter how you look at it and in this world today it will be accepted and the record wont with stand when this goes to the preliminary trials. yes its a medical condition if this person was indeed a man and had a sex change thats his choice. and his only. if he did it to shatter the records in the womens column then yes that would be cheating they are just looking at it in the stand point to put it in the media and exploit it about the sex change if indeed it happened. im not biased or saying sex changes are bad or terrible and they should be shunned. im just saying for a man to get a sex change to excel in a sport because he cant do it in the mens bracket thats pathetic and he should be put to trial for abusing the medical practices and wasting the time for the other women who devoted themselves to accel and be great in what they love and love to do. so he is basically demeaning the women in this case. so no matter what way you look at it he or she how ever you want to approach this fact until proven is goin to have to be brought up to the council of the athletics directors and then taken to the preliminary trials before anything occurs and by that time the record will be set and nothing will be done because it will be months maybe even a full year. just like the use of steroids in baseball. nothing will be done and if it was a guy who had a sex change to beat women in a sport because he couldnt do it in the mens bracket then shame on him and he should be ashamed of himself for doing so. if not and she is a she born through and through the the hell with the public for trying to say different because of the muscle tone and that she is unknown until now and also the deep voice. so let it be.. when you go diggin in the past of this persons life you might just dig up some things that they might not want ppl to know about their past let it be 2706. Posted by xxstrubesxx Thu Aug 20 12:53am EDT yes i agree with 2745 and also to reinforce more it is the short amount of time it took for her to build the muscle that made them really question his/her gender 2705. Posted by mandarin_gossip Thu Aug 20 12:53am EDT i have a muscular build and im a female does that mean if i was famous they would question my gender? 2704. Posted by Racer-X Thu Aug 20 12:52am EDT Looks like Semenya has a one-sided cameltoe. Or, Cameltoes missing a toe, OH! 2703. Posted by LoniF Thu Aug 20 12:51am EDT here is an easy test...look between the legs... 2702. Posted by betatesterwood Thu Aug 20 12:51am EDT I haven't read many comments - but she could be a man. She would have to go through a genetic test - There are lots of genetic mutations that would cause a male to think they are a female. Just a thought. 2701. Posted by tamika Thu Aug 20 12:50am EDT why as a nation do we feel the need to question a black female gender because she is fast. if this does not set as back a 1000 year i dont know what does. this just goes to show us that racism is still very much around. would we have question another race like that? the answer is No! Just last week people get to bring guns in the vicintity of the BLack president. Now since when is that allowed. Heck they tackle a man just for throwing a shoe at president bush. What is wrong with are nation??????????? 2700. Posted by Ricky Thu Aug 20 12:50am EDT you can run but you cant hide. 2699. Posted by Racer-X Thu Aug 20 12:50am EDT @2626. Posted by Bob J Wed Aug 19 11:54pm EDT Report Abuse "Racer X: Michelle Obama holds no job where the requirement is to be a man or a woman" - what are you a frickin moron? Being a First "Lady" is a job you dufus. Hell it's a very important job of national stature. Her job as a First "Lady" is of a public servant. her responsibilities are kind of like the vp, mostly PR work for the govt. She represents the US of A dikwad. To fulfill her responsibilities, she can't go around looking and acting more manly than her hubby now can she? So, to be the First "Lady", she needs to prove that she indeed is a NATURAL BORN WOMAN just as Barack Hussein Obama needs to prove that he is a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN! 2698. Posted by azhaneeb Thu Aug 20 12:49am EDT i think thats it really wrong how they are questioning her womanhood..... i mean this is humiliating and wrong and so what if if she has a deep voice and a muscular build. uhm thats like saying that female bodybuilders arent women. jus beacause she if fast and unknown doesnt mean that shes a man!!!!! 2697. Posted by Racer-X Thu Aug 20 12:49am EDT @2626. Posted by Bob J Wed Aug 19 11:54pm EDT Report Abuse "Racer X: Michelle Obama holds no job where the requirement is to be a man or a woman" - what are you a frickin moron? Being a First "Lady" is a job you dufus. Hell it's a very important job of national stature. Her job as a First "Lady" is of a public servant. her responsibilities are kind of like the vp, mostly PR work for the govt. She represents the US of A dikwad. To fulfill her responsibilities, she can't go around looking and acting more manly than her hubby now can she? So, to be the First "Lady", she needs to prove that she indeed is a NATURAL BORN WOMAN just as Barack Hussein Obama needs to prove that he is a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN! 2696. Posted by DamianAzrael Thu Aug 20 12:49am EDT Caster is a boy's name of Greek or English Origin i can find no African Origin for the name it means "from the Roman camp". 2695. Posted by Masacheez Thu Aug 20 12:49am EDT I have a very easy fix for this... lift up her skirt and see if she's an inny or an outie. Geez, really?? Exams, doctors, phychologists, sever weeks worth of testing. Have we gotten so bat@#$% crazy about things that we really need to do SEVERAL WEEKS of testing to determine if someone is male or female. Wow, I never cease to be amazed. 2694. Posted by Brandon Thu Aug 20 12:48am EDT ITS A DUDE!!!! rotflmao 2693. Posted by Samuel G Thu Aug 20 12:48am EDT It's a trap!!! 2692. Posted by PhilS Thu Aug 20 12:48am EDT I think that is a Man....Finger waves or not... 2691. Posted by Mestre Thu Aug 20 12:47am EDT Someone please take a pick when she she goes peeing and we will know! 2690. Posted by Karl M Thu Aug 20 12:47am EDT oh course some one has to make it a racial or sexist issue on this blog, hey I wonder if shes a Liberal? or I bet she/he loves Obama, she/he has a really deep voice and has manly features, thats why she/he has to be tested, end of story. 2689. Posted by tamika Thu Aug 20 12:46am EDT why as a nation do we feel the need to question a black female gender because she is fast. if this does not set as back a 1000 year i dont know what does. this just goes to show us that racism is still very much around. would we have question another race like that? the answer is No! Just last week people get to bring guns in the vicintity of the BLack president. Now since when is that allowed. Heck they tackle a man just for throwing a shoe at president bush. What is wrong with are nation??????????? 2688. Posted by lfe4lvn Thu Aug 20 12:46am EDT All of the women in this race are buffed and have masculine traits. We need to join in on the celebration and ignore the rumors until they are proven to be factual. Unfortunately, she is not an attractive woman but, that alone should not lead to her being rumored as being a male. 2687. Posted by nike44x Thu Aug 20 12:45am EDT Let's say she is a man, well what I don't understand is how some of of you think that it should be okay for this person to switch genders and compete amongst women. If every man were allowed to do that then the women athletes of this world would have no joy in competition, because males that were not good enough to compete with other males would switch over and dominate women. This investigation is not a case of racism it is simply a case of being fair to the other athletes. 2686. Posted by FFFL Thu Aug 20 12:44am EDT Then again, I could be wrong, on the other side of the "coin" so to speak. I know plenty of women who are built big, bulky, and look "manish". Doesn't mean they are any less female than the barbies of the world either. What about all the female body builders? Some of those women look worse for the "wear".....lol . If she has a chromosone issue, it will be up to the professionals to determine if she/he is eligible to race or not. And look into her family background too, her family may have characteristics that have been passed down. Maybe she belongs to a tribe from a small village in Africa, they do not have beauty shops, make up, gyms etc.......out there for the women from villages to go get "dolled up" all the time either. And finally, she is an athelete, and just doesn't give a crap what she looks like to others, she is there to run, and if indeed the tests come back, I say law suit, and public apologies are in order ....BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!! If not, then oops egg on her/his face, and public humiliation for the country she represents, and the country will have to explain, so lets all just wait and see beforepeople start throwing stones for sure. 2685. Posted by sarah Thu Aug 20 12:44am EDT haha...thats sad! 2684. Posted by Sam Thu Aug 20 12:44am EDT What country are we in if we have to make sure if someone is a boy or a girl! 2683. Posted by agoul7 Thu Aug 20 12:43am EDT I'm going to have to agree with the other women saying that their ring finger is longer than their index finger. MY ring finger is longer and if you saw the size of my boobs you that would give it away that I'm female. Plus, just like almost any other girl out their, I get my period every month. I'm pretty sure that means I'm a female. If it doesn't then I've been living out my gender role the wrong way. 2682. Posted by krazykatbissell Thu Aug 20 12:43am EDT Awww bless her heart! You know I think this is a VERY talented young lady who just happens to have more masculine features. I actually feel very sorry for her that she's having to go through all of those tests. I mean can you imagine if you're a female and you have to have someone dig around in your areas just so you are considered qualified to run a race?!?! Couldn't they just test her blood or something? Or a better question why don't they make all competitors go through this BEFORE the race? I mean it seams to me they are only doing this because of her looks. What happens if a man who has had an operation tries to compete and looks 100% female?? I've seen men in drag before that could seriously fool anyone so why do they wait? Anyway that's just my two cents about the matter. 2681. Posted by ainsworth Thu Aug 20 12:42am EDT Leave the girl alone. look at the jamaican girl KERRON STEWART she is muscular and runs like a man but she's all woman. you go CASTER girl go dominate the world 2680. Posted by Amy Thu Aug 20 12:42am EDT How terrible that if a woman excels at an athletic effort, her womanhood is questioned! This is bigger than a few races and a few victories. This is a blatant exposure of our society's underlying sexism in assuming that a female athlete cannot possibly be as good or as fast as a male athlete! Why must our society make such a big issue of gender? 2679. Posted by cdel99-8@... Thu Aug 20 12:41am EDT First of all who cares what gender she may protray more. Just because she may have "masculine" qualities does not make her a man. Also if we did not have these gender norms of what consittutes of what looks like a female or male or how one should behave, we would not have these blurred lines between the biology of male/female and culture gender of masculinity and femininity. Now if she is taking steriods, then yes, she should be kicked out, but, if she is a women but happens to have these "masculine" qualities then she should ought to stay and compete. But then one must wonder if she is a hermaphrodite. If she is, then what are the rules allowing someone to compete? What happens she is a female but happens to have biological qualities that look simialr to a man? Would she still be able to compete or banned just because she may have ovaries and testisies. 2678. Posted by BIZ Thu Aug 20 12:41am EDT That is a man! 2677. Posted by dawg! Thu Aug 20 12:40am EDT The world is ruled and governed by morons! 2676. Posted by Vernon P Thu Aug 20 12:40am EDT Let's get back to the question at hand, and away from all the other miscellaneous stuff being thrown around. This is not a Race issue. This is not even a "Sexist" issue. The authorities have some questions that need to be answered, which they started looking into before the race began. Instead of delaying the race until the results were recieved, they decided to let everyone compete. If this racer had not placed, then this headline would not be so big. However, this racer did win. Now it's more important than ever for the commitee's concerns to be addressed. until then, the racer has the benefit of the doubt. Unless you are a qualified medical professional conducting the tests on this individual, you should not be spouting any uneducated guesses, especially in the manner they are getting thrown around here. This has turned into a hotbed of racial and sexist slurs. That needs to stop. Post your opinion, do it amicably, then step away. You want to hate? Then go join your brothers and sisters in whatever organization you belong to that allows that sort of thing, but leave the unintelligent comments out of here. Share your opinion, and move on. There's no reason for us to fight each other on this issue. Not even if you're only being brave because nobody can pull you through your computer and hold you accountable for the things you say. Grow up, and be responsible. After all, that's what the commitee performing this investigation is trying to do. This isn't a perfect world, and not every human is solely male or female. Sometimes this is because of genetic issues at birth, and sometimes it is by choice and medically acheived. Either way, the properly experienced individuals performing the tests will make that determination. Until that happens..... You ran a very good race, regardless of whatever the outcome of this investigation is. Oh, and by the way, the pictures show no definitive proof of any identifying bulges on the racer's body. No Adam's Apple can be identified readily. Same with the racer's pelvis. the pictures do not show definitive enough proof to say what physical attributes the racer may, or may not, have between the legs. Leave this to the medical professionals performing the exams. And before you start to "hate" on me....... remember that I never said what color I am, I never said what gender I am, I never said what country I'm from, and I never said what I thought the sex of the racer was. All anyone needs to know is.... I'm just one more person, posting my opinion. And I did it without "hating" on anyone. 2675. Posted by Alyssa Thu Aug 20 12:39am EDT Well, I have to say that this could really go either way. AND LMAO some of her features resemble my boyfriends feature right down to the hairy armpits. I am of mixed race, half black and half white, so any people that would say this is racist lol its not. But I have always dated black males and the features that this woman has clearly resembles a fit black male. But in some of the pictures she does look like a she. AND for all the ring size people out there, my ring finger is longer than my pointer finger. And I had a baby so I am pretty sure I am not male. haha unless you want to debate that also. If you looked at the other women out there with her, they were fit as hell too. And many of them have no chest also. I just really hope she was honest. Because if she wasn't it is just going to seem like she wasn't good enough to race with her own gender. And it would be terribly embarrassing and insulting to her country. That would be how I felt anyway. And if she is a girl then more power to her. Because she just made everyone who doubted her look like fools WHILE she was kicking your ass lol 2674. Posted by mofolorusho Thu Aug 20 12:38am EDT hey this guy completely look like male so let tht cary on we ga to know the truth. 2673. Posted by momof3 Thu Aug 20 12:37am EDT To all the people that is trying to base her sex by her finger lengths. When you look at her fingers. Make sure her whole hand is straight and not bent, because that will cause her to have the shorter finger. Try it out for yourselves females, Look at your hand while it's flat and you will see that the index and the ring is even or longer. But if you bend you hand like your waving. You will notice the index finger shortens and then someone will mistaken you for a male too. 2672. Posted by BENJAMIN IV Thu Aug 20 12:37am EDT Uhh...That's as dude as dude gets. Or at least it was at one time. 2671. Posted by ChikwadoK Thu Aug 20 12:37am EDT If she was white, I'm sure they would have ignored it. There have been some Eastern Europeans in the past that have been questionable. Simple gender test, pull down the pants, if she has a dick, it's a man. If not, it's a woman. Everything else is bs. White man's world eh? 2670. Posted by phil e Thu Aug 20 12:37am EDT why the @#$% is people making this about race? hmmmmm lets think, oh yeah its the blacks doin that. wow, racism is strong in america. listen she is a dude, thats what this is about, not @#$% race. but hey lets play the race card. if she is a dude, then the white chick gets the medal? hahaha that would be poetic justice. just another @#$% tryin to get something for nothing, rooking the system. yeah i said