LinkUp - The Weybourne Group - Weybourne Group of Parishes
LinkUp - The Weybourne Group - Weybourne Group of Parishes
M BODHA E & W AM BECKH WEYBOURNE UPPER SHERINGHAM KELLING Link Up March 2012 SALTHOU SE PAUL R. SMITH CABINET MAKER Bespoke Handmade Fine Furniture. Furniture Repair and Restoration. Quality Individual Kitchens. Fully qualified with 25 years experience We Care We have a genuine desire to look after you. We promise that we will meet and endeavour to exceed your expectations with regard to the funeral service we provide and the care, professionalism and compassion shown to you. We are meticulous in our attention to detail and look for ways to make the funeral a special and memorable occasion. IT’S OUR PRIVILEGE TO HELP Tel: 01263 588570 Email: [email protected] North Norfolk. Fox’s Funeral Services 10 Canada Road, Cromer 01263 512427 Nature’s Haven Health Shop 35 Bull Street, HOLT Vitamins - Minerals Herbal and Homeopathic Remedies Flower Essences and Essential Oils Gluten/Wheat Free Products Dried Fruit, Nuts and Seeds Tel: 01263 711471 for Help and Advice Nei l J Burrel l • • • • • • • • • • F la t R oo f i ng S p ec i al i st Tr a d i t i on a l F e l ts 1 P l y R ub b e r Bo n d Fi br e g l a ss R e si n A l l U PVC Wo r k Un d e r t a ke n Carport s Erect ed and R epaired No J o b T oo S m a l l O v e r 2 0 Ye a r s E x p e r i e n c e Fu lly In su re d Q u alit y W o rkm an sh ip Fr e e No O b lig at io n Q u o te s C o v e r s T h r o ug h o u t No r fo l k T el: 013 62 6 52 836 • 0 77 17 4 415 61 E ma i l : n e i l j bu r r e l l @ s ky . c o m a Sp ce ! E L A S FOR A e dv rt GLAVEN VETERINARY PRACTICE A CARING AND FRIENDLY PRACTICE OAKLAND HOUSE OLD STATION WAY HOLT, NORFOLK NR25 6DH Tel (01263) 713200 SURGERIES MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9.00am - 11.00am - 2.00pm - 3.30pm - 4.00pm - 6.00pm SAT 9.00am - 10.30am 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE How clean is your home? Domestic & Commercial Cleaning Internal & External • Windows • Spring Cleans New Home Cleans • Ironing Sheringham’s answer to “Kim & Aggie” Phone: 01263 824096 Mobile: 07920 080004 Email: [email protected] From Father Phil RUTH – a biblical heroine for all seasons At February’s MESSY CHURCH we explored the story of Ruth which crosses racial boundaries and speaks powerfully of love, loyalty, courage and great compassion. It is a beautifully energetic short story that explores the virtues of unwavering love and devotion that can come from tragedy and grief. Driven from their home in Bethlehem (Israel) because of a severe famine, Naomi, her husband and two sons walk the fifty miles to the land of Moab (today Jordan). They are foreigners in a somewhat hostile environment. They settle for a while and astonishingly the sons marry local Moabite women – one of whom is Ruth. Such inter-racial marriages, particularly with men and women from countries usually hostile to each other, were viewed as an act of treachery against God. Tragedy strikes the family. The three men die. With news of the famine ending in Israel, the widow Naomi, now vulnerable with no man to provide for her, decides to return to Bethlehem. Ruth, now also a widow herself, cannot bear to be parted from her mother-inlaw and so decides to accompany her. Ruth’s loyal determination and her unswerving faith and trust in God despite the tragedy of the past and her uncertain future living in a foreign land underlines God’s generosity, love and care for all his people regardless of their race. God weaves his influence through our lives if we but let him. God teaches us through the story of Ruth that neighbourly love, lasting and trusting friendship are at the centre of the relationship that God would want us to have one to another. Ruth’s trust in God is awe-inspiring. ******************* Talking of good neighbourliness I was truly grateful and somewhat moved by the impressive number of concerned parishioners who attended a village meeting in West Beckham church on Friday 10th February. We had sent out a plea for support for the running of the St Helen & All Saints at the beginning of a new era and to best secure the building for future generations. We were in urgent need of support for the worship and mission through a revitalised Church Council and support for the formation of a ‘Friends of East with West Beckham Church’ – a charity that would raise monies for the fabric of our Victorian building. I am really pleased to say that from this village meeting we now have additional members for the Church Council including offers to be Churchwardens and Fabric Officer. A good number of parishioners want to form a Friends’ group. Essentially all want to support the life of the church as a key facility for worship and for the community. Thank you all so much. With every blessing. 1 CHURCH NEWS March 2012 MESSY CHURCH is here in WEYBOURNE Messy Church meets in March on Wednesday, 14th in Weybourne Village Hall at 3.30 for 4pm. For further details contact: Fr. Phil 01263 588268 BODHAM HOUSE GROUP: Our meetings during March will be in the Lent season and, therefore, as is our practise, on a weekly basis on Thursdays from 2 till 3.30pm. The venues for these meetings are as follows: 1st March: Quietways, Lower Bodham, the home of Elizabeth Martin. 8th March: 4, The Dell, Bodham, Peter & Brenda’s home. 15th March, Yeaver Cottage, West Beckham, Ray & Eve Smith’s home. 22nd March: Quietways, Lower Bodham, the home of Elizabeth Martin. 29th March: The Forge, West Beckham, the home of Wyn Hicks. New members would be very, very welcome to our informal meetings and we will be continuing to look at passages from Scripture or Biblical subjects as selected by members of the House Group as well as considering passages of Scripture particularly relevant to Lent, to Good Friday and to Easter. WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: Our United Service this year for the Women’s World Day of Prayer will take place at 2pm on Friday, 2nd March in Bodham Village Hall. This Service has been prepared by the women of Malaysia and our speaker this year is Father Phil. Everyone, both female and male, is welcome to attend. Light refreshments will be provided after the Service. LINK UP APPEAL. We make our Annual Appeal for Link up this month and an envelope is provided with this issue for this purpose. Please give as generously as you can so that we can continue to provide a copy of Link up to every household in the Weybourne Benefice. As readers know, we make no charge for this magazine throughout the year and only seek contributions through our Annual Appeal. The Appeal is necessary as our costs of production are considerable - £4165.90 in 2011. If you are able to “Gift Aid” your contribution, please complete the details on the envelope. If you wish to make your contribution by cheque, please make this out to “The Weybourne Group of Churches (Link up).” Your contribution should be given to your Churchwarden, or a member of Staff. Alternatively, it may be sent to the Treasurer of Link up, Mrs. Jane Peploe, at Hunters, High Street, Cley-next-the-Sea, NR25 7AP or to me, the Editor, Rev. Peter Alexander at Dell Gate, 4 The Dell, Bodham, NR25 6NG. May I thank you in advance for your contribution. SUNDAY READINGS FOR MARCH – YEAR B. 4th Lent Two. Genesis 17:1 – 7,15 – 16; Romans 4:13 – end; Mark 8:31 – end. 11th Lent Three. Exodus 20: 1 – 17; 1 Corinthians 1: 18 – 25; John 2: 13 – 22. 18th Mothering Sunday. Numbers 21: 4 – 9; Ephesians 2: 1 – 10; John 3: 14 – 21. 25th Passion Sunday. Jeremiah 31: 31 – 34; Hebrews 5: 5 – 10; John 12: 20 – 33. 2 CALENDAR 1st Thursday 2nd Friday 3rd Saturday 11.00am 11.15am 2.00pm 2.00pm 10.00am March 2012 Open Garden at Chestnut Farm, West Beckham. Licensing of the Rev’d Frank at Upper Sheringham. Bodham House Group meets at Quietways, Lower Bodham. Women’s World Day of Prayer Service in Bodham V.H. Faircraft “Big Brew” at Weybourne Church. 4th THE SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT. Sunday Worship round the Group. 11.00am Open Garden at Chestnut Farm, West Beckham. 5th Monday 7.00pm Churchwarden’s Meeting in “The Rectory”. 7th Wednesday 10.30am Coffee/Gossip in Salthouse Village Hall. 8th Thursday 2.00pm Bodham House Group meets at 4 The Dell, Bodham. 10th Saturday 2.00pm Spring Bazaar in Bodham Village Hall. 11th THE THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT. Sunday Worship round the Group. 14th Wednesday 2.30pm The Friendship Club meets in Weybourne Chapel. 3.30pm Messy Church meets in Weybourne Village Hall. 15th Thursday 2.00pm Bodham House Group meets Yeaver Cottage W. Beckham. 7.15pm Deanery Synod in St. Andrews Hall, Holt. 18th THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT (MOTHERING SUNDAY). Sunday Worship round the Group. 21st Wednesday 10.00am Holy Communion at Kelling to remember Thomas Cranmer. 10.30am Julian Meeting in the Old Carpenter’s Shop, Kelling. 22nd Thursday 2.00pm Bodham House Group meets at Quietways, Lower Bodham. 25th THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT (PASSION SUNDAY). Sunday Worship round the Group. 28th Wednesday 10.00am The Prayer Circle meets in the Rectory. 29th Thursday 2.00pm Bodham House Group meets at The Forge, West Beckham. 1st PALM SUNDAY. 6th GOOD FRIDAY. 8th EASTER DAY. – EARLY APRIL. – Sunday Worship round the Group. Several Services round the Group Sunday Worship round the Group. Copy for the April issue of Link up to Peter Alexander by Friday, 9th March please. (4, The Dell, Bodham or by E-mail to: [email protected]) Link up is published by the Weybourne Group of Churches and printed by Cheverton & Son Ltd of Cromer. The views expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publishers or the Editorial Team. 3 CommiƩĞd to you! Hayes + Storr are an established and reliable Įrm of solicitors in Norfolk As we operate in North and West Norfolk our overheads are lower than City Įrms, so that whilst we are able to provide the high level of service and experƟse you expect, we can do so at very compeƟƟve rates. Overlooking the estuary: the perfect place to enjoy a relaxing break, a meal or just a coffee. We have seasonal and permanent employment opportunities. Please contact: Sheringham Holt Fakenham Wells Hunstanton King’s Lynn - 01263 825959 - 01263 712835 - 01328 863231 - 01328 710210 - 01485 524166 - 01553 778900 Winner: Best Hotel (over 35 bedrooms) EDP Tourism in Norfolk 2010 Awards Solicitors & Notaries Tel: 01263 740797 [email protected] Are you creative, have a few hours Are youand creative a week to spare have excellent with excellent listening listening skills? skills Special Offers and interested in dementia? You sound like the perfect Life Story Book Volunteer North Norfolk. You sound like the for perfect Life Story 5 Litre Brilliant White Sandtex Smooth or Textured only £13.69 Book Norfolk. You willVolunteer help createfora North Life Story Book which is a collection of photographs You willmemories spend a couple of hours a life week and of a person’s compiling a collection of photographs and that now has dementia. memories of a person with dementia’s life. Cuprinol Timbercare Various Colours 1 Litre only £8.95 The benefits for a person living with The benefits for athe person living withof dementia being, satisfaction dementia are the satisfaction of producing producing the book and enjoying the the book and enjoying the completed album completed album with others. It is also with others. It is also a very helpful very helpful in care home situations communication tool. helping staff to communicate. Helen Dingle 01603 763517 Helen Dingle 01603 763517 [email protected] [email protected] C T Baker Builders’ Merchant No 1 Choice for Building Materials in North Norfolk Heath Drive Hempstead Road Industrial Estate Holt Tel 01263 710175 Fax 01263 711428 Email: [email protected] • Reg. Charity No. 296645 4 HOW TO RUN YOUR NOTICE BOARD The Rectory, James the Least. My dear Nephew Darren, Your decision to place a notice board outside your Church seems a good one and its design in blue plastic with luminous red detachable letters seems entirely in keeping with the aesthetics of your building. Make sure that it is lockable, however, as an innocent notice saying “all are welcome” may be modified by a devotee of anagrams to say something far less polite by the following day. We recently replaced our notice board which had disappeared shortly before last bonfire night. That the Scout’s bonfire had a board which closely resembled our old one in its centre was, I am sure, complete coincidence. The Venture Scouts’ collective smirk during the following week’s Parade Service did give one pause for thought, and the Cubs’ collapse into helpless laughter at the chorus “So light up the fire and let the flames burn” only increased suspicion. On reflection, you may not have been wise to use your notice board to tell everyone of your holiday dates. Certainly, various local burglars were tripping over each other inside the Vicarage while you were away. However, the note the last one left, saying that next time he broke in, he would bring you something, since you had so little left, was quite touching. Inevitably, now that your Church has a notice board, there will be open warfare over who is allowed to display notices in it. Will the Slimmers’ Club be seen as biblical? Why is the Ladies Guild notice twice as large as all the others? And do remember that while everyone will want space to display their notices, no one will ever remove them once the event is over. Here’s the best way to manage a notice board! Create that panacea for all problems, a subcommittee. Such committees only exist to get we clergy out of tight corners and make sure that matters referred to the sub-committee are discussed at such inordinate length that every issue eventually dies a natural death. And even if that fails, you could have a quiet word with our Scouts before next year’s bonfire night. Your Loving Uncle, Eustace. 5 Craymere Road, Briston Nr. Melton Constable Country Cats 01263 861 948 of Briston LUXURY CATTERY We are now a listed Feline Advisory Bureau Cattery Jones the Sweep Set in peaceful surroundings with purpose built individual UPVC chalets, spacious runs and heated sleeping apartment. Premises occupied 24-hours a day. Individual care & attention guaranteed. Certified Member STOVES, OPEN FIRES & SOLID FUEL APPLIANCES • • • • Fully insured Trained by a Guild professional Tidy, clean and efficient All work certificated Fully licenced and insured Inspections welcomed Telephone Harry on 01263 833362 or Mobile 07799 484012 JOHN HURST WATERCOLOURS SALTHOUSE ORIGINALS, FINE ART PRINTS AND BOOKS Commission a watercolour for that special occasion 01263 741407 6 Out and about with Fred January was a mild month but windy at times and with a rainfall of 1.11 inches which was not as much as we needed following a very dry 2011. The total rainfall in Weybourne for 2011 was just 16.8 inches instead of 20 plus which is usual. On the 3rd of January I went down to the beach on a windy morning when there was a tremendous downpour with gusts of wind which the weather station said had reached 64mph. I was soaked to the skin and walked back home to change. The only birds I saw for my trouble were a few gulls though I did see a male blackcap in the garden. Most birders begin to make a new-year list of birds seen from the 1st of January. Being a Sunday my list had to begin from the window as there are not many birds to be seen in Church; I managed just 15 species. Many birders having seen the American western sandpiper at Cley in December rushed back on New Year’s Day to get it on their new list. I had tried three times in December and then twice in January before we were in the same place. I had seen one in America some years ago but had better views then. I doubt if this bird will get back home again. Kelling water meadow had a small group of pinkfooted geese for the first week while the flock of wigeon numbered one to two hundred. While watching them one morning, a fox strolled past them along the water’s edge, the ducks a few feet away kept pace with him; they knew they were out of reach, as he did. Other duck numbers were small with up to 20 teal, 10 shoveler, 2 shelduck, 5 gadwall and just one mallard. Waders came in small numbers with snipe, redshank, lapwing, golden plover, ruff, black-tailed godwit, dunlin, and small groups of curlew. A snow bunting by Weybourne beach was the only one I saw; they are scarce this year. On the corner of the camp, a pair of stonechats were perched on a small clump of brambles when a tractor came over and slashed them to the ground. The camp once had a lot of scrub and bramble where stonechats, whitethroats, dunnocks, linnets etc. nested but is now turning into bare grass. The bird event of the month was the large numbers of redpolls which arrived. They have been on my feeders all month, while a friend at Kelling had a large flock in his garden including two of the very white streaked arctic redpolls which attracted a lot of people. He kindly invited a few friends in to watch them from the window where we had excellent views. Later I saw one of them in Kelling school garden with the lesser redpolls in the Italian alder trees, also two siskins and a goldcrest. The Italian alder (alnus cordata) is different from our common alder (alnus glutinosa) in that it has leaves resembling a pear tree and that the seed cones are much larger, but are still good food. The only moths seen this month were three specimens of the chestnut which flew up the window, but there will be more to come. - FJL 7 SUNSHINE CLEANING DOMESTIC~HOLIDAY LETS~OFFICES SPRING CLEANS~END OF TENANCY a Sp ce ! E L SA R FO FULLY INSURED LOCAL COMPANY A REFERENCES AND UP TO DATE CRB CHECKS AVAILABLE CONTACT DEBORAH ON SALTHOUSE e dv rt 01263 741079 or MOBILE 07901 674314 EMAIL: [email protected] STEPHEN BEAL LANDSCAPES (S.R. Beal, A. Beal, M.P. L ee) Landscape Gardening Lawn & Grass Care Tel: 01263 740591 also 01263 511587 Mobile: 07831 102592 2 The Willows, Chapel L ane Wiveton Norfolk NR25 7TQ BUILDER RYAN CARTER Natural Surroundings New Builds, Extensions, Alterations, Patios, Garden Walls, Driveways And Conservatories Wildlife Gardens, Café, Shop & Nature Reserve FREE ESTIMATES Open all year: Tuesday - Sunday, 10 - 4. BODHAM 01263 588057 or 07887 562541 Visit our unique Little Café in the Woods for the finest fresh coffee, Belgian hot chocolate, home-made soup, snacks, cakes and teas. Wild bird food for sale in any quantity including economical large sacks call for latest prices. Bird feeders, wildflower seeds, cards, toys and unusual gifts. Find us on Blakeney Road south of Glandford; our brown signs say ‘Wildflower Centre’. Wood Burner Installation Servicing and Chimney lining For All Enquires Please Call: Tel 01263 711091 Tel: 01263 824665 Mobile: 07919 201665 8 Centrefold WEYBOURNE - HARRY DAWSON PLAYING FIELD FUND We note from the last Link-Up the sad closure of the Bodham Bingo Club and the HDPF committee send our best wishes to all those involved over the past 20 years and praise their efforts raising funds for their local community projects, including the Bodham Playing Field. We are making every effort to keep our monthly bingo sessions alive raising funds for our Playing Field here in Weybourne and if any Bodham bingo enthusiasts wish to join us they would be made most welcome. Our thanks to Peggy Dawson for another donation of £100 to our funds. We have many extra expenses to cover this year and all donations are most appreciated including prizes for our bingo and raffles. Thanks also to residents who regularly donate prizes and purchase raffle tickets even though unable to attend bingo sessions. Our January session was very well attended despite bad weather and we were delighted to see many new first time players. Due to restrictions on grant application this year we will continue maintaining the existing slide and make further safety alterations. The next HDPF Bingo session is on March 30th and future dates for your diary include April 27th. Weybourne Village Hall, doors open 7 pm, prize and cash bingo 7.30 to 9 pm with roll-over jackpot, raffle, lucky draw and refreshments available. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult please. All profits to the HDPF for maintenance of the Playing Field and its equipment to benefit all local families and visitors. Thea Rowling (Chairman) & Jon Rowling (Secretary) WEYBOURNE WI Despite being a bitterly cold afternoon, over 40 Members and two guests turned out for our February meeting. The business included choosing a local charity to support during 2012 with nominations from one member for Admiral Nurses who help sufferers of dementia and their families; and another for the Norfolk & Norwich Association for the Blind. A vote will be taken next month. Certificates and awards were presented to our Competition Winners for 2011; Sylvia Clemow received the Members’ Shield and Sheila Watson won the Judges Trophy. Our Interest Groups are again gathering pace with Scrabble, Walking and Theatre being most popular. Our President reported that a long standing member, having been away from her home in respite care for some time, has been put in touch with a concerned friend from another part of the country through links with the Norfolk Federation Office thus reinforcing the WI’s deserved reputation for help and friendship. We donned our dancing shoes to enjoy Scottish Dancing with our Member Barbara Robson who has a weekly group based at Cley Village Hall. We were led through traditional dances including the aptly named Ceilidh Madness and Fiona’s Wish named after a disabled girl who loved to dance. Barbara ended with a sprightly demonstration of Strathspey and our exertions were rewarded with a welcome cup of tea. Heather Dakin 9 WEYBOURNE FRIENDSHIP CLUB (CHURCHES TOGETHER) On March 14th, the Friendship Club meets at 2.30pm to see an illustrated talk, by Roland Riddell, our local wildlife photographer. Followed by tea & biscuits. £1.00 only. On April 11th, the Friendship Club welcomes Revd Peter Alexander with a talk entitled “Reflections” and then on May 9th welcomes Revd Philip Blamire who will give us insight into the workings of the successful “Messy Church” prior to our visit with them for our June 13th Meet. We do not meet in July and August. September 12th sees a welcome return to the club from The Jubilee Singers a ladies choir enjoyed by us all, providing our membership numbers improve a little by this time. We are a very small friendly group from all denominations, and would welcome more members if we are to continue beyond the summer. Please call 715503 or 588311 for further information. Peter Ball WEYBOURNE HISTORY GROUP On Tuesday April 3rd at 3 pm Weybourne History Group will be holding their AGM at Weybourne Methodist Chapel. This is an open meeting so everyone is welcome to attend. The post of Chairman is up for election. If you are interested please contact Sue Lee by the March 25th on 588045 or via [email protected] Prior to the AGM a business meeting will be held for the members. WEYBOURNE VILLAGE HALL - QUIZ NIGHT Quiz Night on Saturday March 3rd at the Village Hall, Beach Road, Weybourne. The entry fee of £20.00 per table of 4 includes food. Bring your own refreshments and drinking vessels! Doors open 7.30 pm, quiz starts 8 pm. Prize for winning team. Raffle. Booking essential - please call Sandy on 588883. In aid of Weybourne Community Fund. BODHAM VILLAGE HALL FILM CLUB Here we are in March already, where does the time go? Our January and February screenings proved very popular, thanks to all who turn out on these cold winter evenings. March 14th at 7pm: One Day 2011 (12) starring Anne Hathaway, Jim Sturgess and Patricia Clarkson. After spending the night together on the night of their college graduation Dexter and Em are revisited each year on the same date to see where they are with their lives. They are sometimes together, sometimes not, on that day. The film is adapted from the book of the same title and according to one reviewer is definitely worth a watch. March 28th at 7pm: The Phantom of the Opera 2011 at the Royal Albert Hall in celebration of 25 years. Let the Spectacle astound you. In Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The Phantom of the Opera, Cameron Mackintosh produced a unique, spectacular staging of the musical on a scale which had never been seen before. Inspired by the original staging by Hal Prince and Gillian Lynne, this lavish, fully-staged production set in the sumptuous Victorian splendour of London’s legendary Royal Albert Hall features a cast and orchestra of over 200, plus some very special guest appearances. On April 11th we will be showing the recent release Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy – details will follow in next month’s edition. There are a number of events coming up this year which we hope to show, on our BIG SCREEN, including The Olympics, Euro 2012 and our Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Further information will be published when details are available. Peter Bedell 10 BODHAM BIG WEEKEND Preparations are well in hand for the 2012 Bodham Big Weekend which takes place on the 20th, 21st and 22nd July. If you are interested in having a stall, Arts and Crafts etc., on Bodham Playing Field Sunday 22nd July, please contact Jackie Bedell on 588743. This event is now becoming well established on the North Norfolk Calendar so please book early. The Bring your Own Quiz (drinks and nibbles) takes place in the Village Hall on the evening of Friday 20th July following the Lads v Dads Football Match on Bodham Playing Field, Kick Off 6.30pm. The very successful Annual Bodham Horticultural Show will be in full swing in the Village Hall on Saturday 21st July. Details to come nearer the time. BODHAM VILLAGE HALL The Castaways are holding a concert on Saturday March 17th at 7.30pm (St Patrick’s Night). Tickets £3 each, including refreshments, available from Michael Sayer on 588228. On Saturday March 24th there will be a Table Top Sale, 9 -12, in aid of local causes. BODHAM RED HART INN Friday March 2nd 8pm Lumiere Rouge Dixieland Jazz Band. A great evening of Traditional and Dixieland Jazz along with plenty of banter. Come along early and enjoy a meal with the many regulars. Sunday March 18th Mother’s Day, Book Early, Menu available on request. Sunday Evening March 18th 8pm Mike Sayers famous Quiz. Teams of up to four and £1 per person. Proceeds support Bodham Playing Field. Please note the pub is closed all day on Mondays until further notice. Food served 12 noon – 2.00pm and 6.00 – 9.00pm in the evening. Try our new £5 meal deal menu served Tuesday to Saturday 12 – 2 pm and Tuesday to Thursday 6 -9 pm. Reservations: 588270 UPPER SHERINGHAM The busy month of March starts with the first Car Boot Sale of 2012 at Upper Sheringham Village Hall on Sunday March 11th, from 9.00am until 12.30pm. The usual Bacon Rolls and Refreshments will be available, together with Homemade Cakes. Tables/pitches are bookable on 824905. On Friday March 16th at 7.00pm for 7.30pm start, there will be a Fun Quiz Night with teams of four at £2 per person. If you can’t make a full team, come anyway and have a go yourself or make up a team on the night. Tea or Coffee will be available, but bring your own drinks and nibbles to share if you wish. Prize for the winning team. On Sunday March 25th, a Coffee Morning & ‘Mardle’ will take place between 10.00 and 12.00noon. Save yourself from cooking breakfast and come and enjoy a Bacon Roll and have a chat with your friends and neighbours. Refreshments and cakes will also be for sale. Proceeds from all the above events will go to the Village Hall Maintenance Fund. UPPER SHERINGHAM – MUSIC AT ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH The Upper Octave presents ‘Bizet to Broadway‘. A sparkling evening of opera and musical classics sung by one of Norfolk’s most popular vocal ensembles. Saturday March 17th, 7.30 pm, All Saints Church, Upper Sheringham. Tickets: £10 (includes interval refreshments). Available in advance from Alan Boardman 01263 824237, Lin Wright 01263 822312 or at the door. See for more information. 11 UPPER SHERINGHAM – LADIES’ DAY Ladies - treat yourself as Ladies’ Day comes to Upper Sheringham on Saturday March 24th from 10 am until mid afternoon, with Artichoke Clothing and Accessories for the discerning woman, a flower arranging talk/demonstration (in the morning) and other stalls and treats for ladies plus an afternoon talk/demonstration to be confirmed. Coffee on arrival, light lunch, tea and cakes. Tickets £10.00 in advance from Lin Wright 822312 or Moya Myerscough 588859 or (if any still available) at the door. Afternoon only tickets £3.00 at the door from 1.30pm Proceeds to the Upper Sheringham Flower Festival which takes place September 1st -3rd. NORFOLK WILDLIFE TRUST EVENT On Thursday March 15th at 7.30 pm NWT will welcome Edward Stubbings the National Trust’s Warden of Blakeney Point who will present an illustrated talk on 100 Years of Wildlife on Blakeney Point as part of the Centenary celebrations of the reserve. Sponsored by Cley Windmill. A short group AGM will precede the talk. All welcome. Cley Village Hall, NWT members £1.50, £2 others, including refreshments. WEYBOURNE ‘MEET THE PRODUCERS’ MARKET Sunday March 11th in the functions barn at The Maltings. 10am - 4pm. Free admission. Offering a wide range of high quality local arts, crafts, drinks and food. Refreshments, parking, toilets and bar available. Well behaved dogs and kids welcome! AYLSHAM MUSIC SOCIETY Presents a lunchtime concert on Thursday March 15th at St Michael’s Church. Felicity Devonshire (mezzo-contralto), Meg Starling (soprano) and David Morgan (piano). Purcell, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Benger. 1 – 2 pm, entrance £7, children free. Refreshments available 12.15 – 12.40 for £4. LOCAL POET’S BOOK LAUNCH Bob Ward’s new collection of poems Trusting at the Last, recently published by Hawthorn Press, will be launched on Saturday March 3rd at The New Cottage, Overy Road, Burnham Market, 3 – 5 pm with music, readings, pictures and light refreshments. Deadline for the March issue: Friday March 9th, 6 pm. Copy to the compiler: Andrew Cannon, 8 Weynor Gardens, Kelling, NR25 7EQ or via [email protected]. Please check with event organisers before travelling any distance. Phone numbers 01263 unless stated. 12 Oh dear ! QUOTATIONS FROM HOSPITAL CHARTS: The patient refused autopsy. The patient had no previous history of suicides. The patient has left white blood cells at another hospital. The patient has been depressed since she began to see me in 1993. On the second day, the knee was better, and on the third day it disappeared. Discharge status: Alive but without permission. She is numb from her toes down. Occasional, constant, infrequent headaches. THE TOUR GUIDE: On a cruise to Alaska, I saw my very first glacier in the magnificent Inside Passage. Excitedly, I asked a ship’s officer what the glacier was called. “It’s some dumb glacier,” he replied. Disappointed by his apparent attitude, I bought a map to figure it out by myself and found the name of the ice mass. It was called, just as the officer had said, “Sumdum Glacier.” SHOPPING FOR TURKEYS: It was Christmas Eve in the market place and a woman was anxiously picking over the last few remaining turkeys in the hope of finding a larger one. In desperation, she called over a market trader and said, “Excuse me, do these turkeys get any bigger?” He replied, “No madam, they’re all dead.” HOW ARE YOU COPING?: My friend’s wife left him last Thursday; she said she was going out for a pint of milk, but didn’t come back. I asked him how he was coping and he replied, “Not bad, I’ve been using that powdered stuff.” A BREAKDOWN: I was driving to work this morning when I saw an AA van parked in a lay bye. The driver was sobbing uncontrollably and I thought to myself, “That guy is heading for a breakdown,” THE MUMMY TEST: I was out walking with my four-year old daughter. She picked up something from the ground and was about to put it in her mouth when I took it away from her and asked her not to do it. “Why?” my daughter asked. “Because its been on the ground, you don’t know where its been, its dirty and probably is covered with germs,” I replied. At this point, my daughter looked at me in total admiration and asked “Mummy, how do you know all this stuff? You are so smart.” I replied, “All mums know these things; its part of the Mummy Test. You have to know these things or they won’t let you be a Mummy.” We walked along in silence for two or three minutes as she pondered these pearls of wisdom. Eventually she said, ”Oh, I get it. If you don’t pass the test, you have to be a Daddy.” “Exactly” I replied with a bid smile on my face. 13 St Helen & All Saints WEST BECKHAM CHURCHWARDEN Post unfilled at present. CHURCHWARDEN: Post Unfilled at present. LINK UP CONTACT: Mrs. Rose Moreton: 01263 825146. SUNDAY SERVICES: March 4th 9.15am Holy Communion. March 11th 9.15am Holy Communion. March 18th 9.45am United Service in Bodham Village Hall. March 25th 9.15am Holy Communion in Bodham. SPECIAL MEETING: It was great to see such a good turnout for our meeting in church. The Rector set out his idea for forming a group to help with the administration and running of St Helens; as a result, a number of people have said they are willing to undertake various responsibilities in support of the PCC. It’s a huge relief to know there is this good will and interest in the continuation of a church to serve the needs of the people of East and West Beckham. I write this on the evening of our meeting (10th Feb - deadline for March Link-up copy) so more detail next month. GARDEN OPEN: Chestnut Farm will be open on two occasions this month - Thursday 1st and Sunday 4th. The proceeds from the sale of refreshments come to the Church; all donations of cakes gratefully received. MANY THANKS: Many thanks to Simon Wakeford who has made such a grand job of replacing the wooden window-sill destroyed by the fire; he has even “distressed” it, so it looks as good as old! A specialist fire damage repair firm has started on the work of cleaning the flints, which we expect to be completed soon. WIND DAMAGE: High winds over the Christmas period caused damage to the roof on the north side and so repairs on that are due to begin shortly. Trevor Watkins of Thompson/Watkins is to undertake the work. THE WHEATSHEAF: The Wheatsheaf is now under new management. Locally born Matt Lock has taken over and we wish him well for the future. ELECTIONS: Electoral Services have requested the use of the church as a polling station and we have agreed to this. MESSY CHURCH: Messy Church is on Wednesday 14th from 3.30-6pm at Weybourne Village Hall. Children of all ages with parents/carers welcome for activities and a hot meal. WEST BECKHAM WALKERS: West Beckham Walkers now meet on the last Sunday of the month – 25th on this occasion. Walkers leave from the village sign at 11.30am. 14 All Saints BODHAM CHURCHWARDENS Mrs. Mary Cubitt Williams Barn, Manor Farm,Bodham. 01263 713160 Mrs. Brenda Alexander Dell Gate, 4 The Dell, Bodham. 01263 588126 SUNDAY SERVICES: March 4th 9.15am March 11th 3.00pm March 18th 9.45am March 25th 9.15am Holy Communion at West Beckham. Songs of Praise. United Service in Bodham Village Hall. Holy Communion. OUT REACH GIVING: At the PCC Meeting held on the 6th February, our Treasurer reported that the total giving for 2011 from special collections and disaster appeals amounted to £753. This is a tremendous amount and we sincerely thank all who gave so generously at the various times. LENT APPEAL: This year’s collection will unite with the Diocesan Appeal for help to women in Papua New Guinea. If you would consider supporting this worthwhile cause, a Lent Box is available from Mrs. Ann Digby (588409). WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: Our United Service will take place at 2pm on Friday, 2nd March in Bodham Village Hall. This Service has been prepared by the women of Malaysia, and our speaker will be Father Phil. Everyone, male or female, is welcome to attend. Light refreshments will be provided at the end of the Service. SPRING BAZAAR ON SATURDAY 10th MARCH AT 2pm: The Spring Bazaar will be held in Bodham Village Hall. There will be a variety of stalls – cakes, Tombola, raffle, bric-a- brac etc. If you are able to help in any way or donate an item for the stalls, please contact Ann Digby (588409). Good bric-a-brac items are being collected by Jean Brown (588565). Your support will be very much appreciated, even if it’s only to pop in for a “cuppa and a chat”. MOTHERING SUNDAY SERVICE: This year, the Service will be held in Bodham Village Hall at 9.45am on Sunday 18th March. This is a United Service and everyone is welcome. It would be nice if children can attend to help with giving a “posy” to their and other Mums. There will be light refreshments at the end of the Service. BODHAM HOUSE GROUP: See Church News on Page 2 for the Group’s Lenten meetings in March. THE HIGHS AND THE LOWS OF BODHAM CHURCH: The year began with the Church looking really good especially with the new changes at the back of the building. However, two serious incidents have now overtaken us. Over the weekend of the 21st and 22nd of January, thieves broke in and removed much of the brass metal in the Church. In doing so, they did considerable damage to the West Door. Needless to say, this caused us considerable heartache. Parishioners were very supportive and a collection was made in the Village Shop and another parishioner gave us a substantial sum. Our thanks to all who contributed to our funds and, also, to those who supported us in this difficult period. To add to our problems, the snows at the beginning of February when melting caused difficulties with the Church roof and, at the time of writing, a great deal of water has leaked into the Church on its south side. It is not clear how this will turn out but we shall comment further about this in our next issue. 15 St Mary KELLING CHURCHWARDENS Mr. Ron V. Cox 12, Kelling Close, Holt. Mrs. Sarah Walker The Old Coach House, Kelling. SUNDAY SERVICES: March 4th 11.00am March 11th 11.00am March 18th 11.00am March 25th 11.00am 01263 713389 01263 711359 Matins. Holy Communion. Matins. Holy Communion. EASTER LILIES: Would those who wish to commemorate a loved one with a lily at Easter, April 8th , please give their donation to Sarah in good time with, of course, the name(s) to be added to the list in Church. MEMORIAL BOOK: Alan Boardman made us a fine cabinet and it has been duly dedicated with a list of the departed, a list because it is in loose-leaf form, (two pages for each month), being designed (after much discussion) so that names can be easily added. We are also grateful to Rodney at Photographers Gallery for his endless efforts (at no cost) to get the right result. All the initial costs have been met by a gift from Frances Chenevix Trench in memory of her parents who did so much for the Church. In future, we would hope for a small donation for each additional name to defray the cost. MID-WEEK COMMUNION: We have a mid-week Holy Communion on Wednesday 21st March at 10am to remember Thomas Cranmer who was martyred for his Anglican faith and who was the Father of our Book of Common Prayer which we use almost exclusively at Kelling for our Services. TRAIDCRAFT NEWS. Traidcraft have still to issue their annual report for 2011 but we are delighted to inform you of another good trading year in the Weybourne Group with sales in excess of £1,268, although this is down on the 2010 figure. Christmas cards again sold very well. Traidcraft like any other organisation is subject to increases in commodity prices and this is reflected in a slight rise in the cost of both coffee and sugar, two of our more popular lines, but we hope you will bear with us and will continue to enjoy these alongside our other best-sellers - chocolate, sweets, and biscuits. The new catalogue will soon be available in each church. We are always happy to obtain goods from the catalogue bearing in mind that free delivery applies only to a minimum order value (usually £100) but do still ask.You will remember that last year we sold ‘Real’ Easter eggs. We have again taken delivery of a dozen which we are pleased to offer at £3.75 each instead of £3.99. Please contact us with your requirements. Please continue to support Traidcraft and do please come along to our ‘Big Brew’ at Weybourne Church on March 3rd, which is our event celebrating ‘Fairtrade Fortnight’. Traidcraft supports overseas growers, producers and their families and our sales benefit our churches. Many thanks for your support. Annette and Frank. 16 St Nicholas SALTHOUSE CHURCHWARDEN Dr. Sarah Dawson The Manor House, Cross Street, Salthouse. SUNDAY SERVICES: March 4th 9.15am March 11th 9.15am March 18th 9.15am March 25th 9.15am 01263 740497 Sunday Celebration. Holy Communion. Holy Communion. Holy Communion. GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 6th: On Good Friday, April 6th, the Kelling Consort, Orchestra and Soloists will perform Bach’s St. Matthew Passion in St. Nicholas Church, Salthouse from 7pm till 9pm. Tickets cost £12, all proceeds going to the Friends of Salthouse Church for preserving the fabric of this beautiful Church. Tickets are available (personal callers only and before Good Friday) from Holt Computers or from The Old Post Office, Salthouse, and at the door (if still available). Friends who are fine musicians travel from far and wide to sing the solos and play in the orchestra. Please come – I don’t know a better way to spend Good Friday evening. The Rev’d Angela Dugdale. COFFEE/GOSSIP: Wednesday 7th – Our Monthly Coffee/Gossip morning as usual at 10.30am on Wednesday 7th March. Do come and join us! MOTHERING SUNDAY: The Mothering Sunday Holy Communion service will be held on Sunday 18th March in the Church at 9.15am during which small posies of flowers will be handed out. Coffee/tea will be served after the service. All are welcome. PASSION SUNDAY: The Passion Sunday Holy Communion service on March 25th will be held in the Church at 9.15 am. Coffee/tea will be served after the service. ADVANCE NOTICE: On Friday 20th April there will be a special concert in the Church performed by DirkJan Ranzijn from Holland. This will be a rare opportunity to see this international keyboard performer as he brings his own eclectic mix of fabulous electronic organ wizardry to Salthouse as part of his UK tour. He will be performing well known tunes, pop songs, music from the West End shows and some of his own compositions. Look out for full details in April Link Up. PAULINE EVANS: Pauline Evans died at her home in Bloomstiles, Salthouse on 3 February. She was 88. Pauline and her husband, Christopher (who died last October), moved to Salthouse in the late 1970s. Over the years, Pauline participated in many village activities including those linked to the Church and ‘the Friends of Salthouse Church’. She was also involved with Glaven Caring and, of late, had been an enthusiastic supporter of the monthly "Coffee and Gossip" meetings in the Village Hall. She was a loyal and supportive lady with an excellent sense of humour, and she will be greatly missed by all in the village who knew her and by her friends in North Norfolk and beyond. 17 All Saints WEYBOURNE CHURCHWARDENS Mrs. Penny Holt Annie’s Cottage, The Street, Weybourne. Mr. Paul Jolley 68, Avenue South, Sheringham. SUNDAY SERVICES: March 4th 9.15am March 11th 9.15am March 18th 9.15am March 25th 9.15am Sunday Celebration. Sung Eucharist. Sung Eucharist. Sung Eucharist. 01263 588680 01263 820178 The Eucharist is celebrated in the Priory Church every Wednesday at 10am SUNDAY 5th FEBRUARY: The forecasted snow duly arrived late on Saturday/early Sunday and 13 brave souls attended a Sung Eucharist Service at Weybourne Church conducted by Father Phil. Well done to one and all and especially to Peter and Brenda Alexander who walked from Bodham to attend! BIG BREW COFFEE MORNING – 3rd MARCH: Come and join us in Weybourne Church on Saturday 5th March anytime between 10:00 am and 12:00 noon for the Big Brew Coffee Morning. There will be a raffle and various stalls and of course the opportunity to buy Traidcraft goods. EASTER FLOWERS: If you would like to make a donation towards the cost of Easter flowers, please contact Lois at the Rectory on 01263 588268. USED POSTAGE STAMPS: Please save your used postage stamps and bring them to church to be collected by Mary Fovargue on behalf of the Leprosy Mission. FUTURE FUNDRAISING EVENTS: As well as the Big Brew Coffee Morning, we are planning to hold more fundraising events this year. The next one is a coffee morning and plant sale to be held in church on Saturday April 21st from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. Please make a note in your diary and come and support us. MESSY CHURCH: March’s meeting takes place on Wednesday 14th. Meet at Weybourne Village Hall at 3:30 pm for a 4:00 pm start. Traidcraft ‘Big Brew’ Coffee Morning Saturday 3rd March 10am – 12noon Weybourne Church Traidcraft Fairtrade Fortnight 27th February – 11th March Cakes, preserves, sale goods and raffle prizes will be most welcome. Proceeds for Weybourne Church. 18 Methodist Church WEYBOURNE SUNDAY SERVICES: March 4th 10.45am March 11th 10.45am March 18th 9.15am March 25th 10.45am Mr. Kevin Willimot. Rev. Judith Stevens: Holy Communion. Joint Service in the Parish Church. Mr. Vic Vickery. MOTHERING SUNDAY: Our Mothering Sunday Service this year on the 18th March will be All Saints Parish Church at 9.15am and not 10.45am as is usual at the Chapel. Please come and join us; you are assured of a very warm welcome and as many children as possible at this special service would be wonderful. JOYCE’S QUOTATION: One of my favourite birthday cards I received in December had a beautiful view of Findhorn Bay in Scotland at sunset. But the words on the front I thought should be shared. They make you think. Life…. Is not measured by the breaths we take But by the moments that take our breath away. Joyce Rowe. CHURCHES’ TOGETHER - THE FRIENDSHIP CLUB: Despite very inclement weather, intrepid members gathered at Rose Jerome’s home to enjoy a beetle drive, tea and a good chat! Our next meeting will be at the Chapel on Wednesday, March 14th, commencing at 2.30pm. Roland Riddell will present an illustrated talk about his remarkable nature photographs. LETS FACE IT - ENGLISH IS A CRAZY LANGUAGE. English is indeed an interesting language, and some would say crazy. For instance, there is no egg in an egg-plant, nor ham in a hamburger; nor is there apple or pine in a pineapple. English muffins weren’t invented in England and nor were French fries in France. Sweetmeats are sweets whilst sweetbreads, which aren’t sweet, are meat. We take our language for granted, but if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square, and a guinea pig comes neither from Guinea nor is it a pig. If teachers taught, why don’t preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? In what language do people recite at a play, play at a recital or ship by truck and send cargo by ship or have noses that run and feet that smell? How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? You have to marvel at the uniqueness of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which an alarm goes off after its been switched on. English was invented by people, not computers and it reflects the creativity of the human race which, of course, is not a race at all. That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible but when the lights are out, they are invisible. 19 All Saints UPPER SHERINGHAM CHURCHWARDENS Mr. Alan Boardman 4, Sheringham Road, Upper Sheringham. Mrs. Lin Wright Mill House, Upper Sheringham. SUNDAY SERVICES: March 4th 11.00am March 11th 11.00am March 18th 11.00am March 25th 11.00am 01263 824237 01263 822312 The Eucharist is celebrated in the Church every Thursday at 10am Sung Eucharist. Sung Eucharist. Sung Eucharist. Sung Eucharist. CANDLEMAS: Once again the Kelling Consort led us in this beautiful, reflective service which brings to a close the seasons of Christmas and Epiphany. It is a time to remember with joy the coming of the Christ Child as a babe at Bethlehem, and the arrival of the Magi to worship at his crib in the stable. With music, hymns, songs and readings, the Choir set the atmosphere for a peaceful and reflective time in which to leave the Babe with his parents and look forward to the Man, his Ministry and the Promise of Easter as we move into Lent and contemplate the Cross and Resurrection. Our grateful thanks go to – Rev’d Angela, The Kelling Consort of Singers and Organist Richard Peaver for another memorable service. EASTER FLOWERS: We will be decorating the Church on Saturday April 7th. Anyone wishing to help or donate flowers or lilies in memory of a loved one, please contact Lin Wright telephone: 01263 822312 before March 24th. FLOWER FESTIVAL 2012: We are now starting to plan our Flower Festival 2012 which will take place AUGUST 31st, SEPTEMBER 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. If you would like to take part in anyway we would love to have you on board. Please let me know. Lin Wright. BISHOP JONATHAN’S LENTEN JOURNEY AROUND THE LYNN AREA: On a bicycling journey across 9 days and 9 deaneries, the Bishop of Lynn hopes to pass through most of the 69 benefices in the Lynn Archdeaconry and stop at many of them to meet people and share in an event in each deanery. He hopes to boost giving to this year’s Diocesan Lent Project – The Strongim Meri Appeal in Papua New Guinea. On Thursday 1st March he will Preside at the mid week Eucharist at Upper Sheringham at 11.15 am (note the later time) and will license the Reverend Frank as Assistant Priest in the Weybourne Group of Parishes. Afterwards a light lunch will be served before the Bishop moves on to his next port of call. Please join us for this important occasion. OBSERVATIONS: With her marriage, the bride got a new name and a dress. When a clock is hungry, it goes back four seconds. When she saw her first strands of grey hair, she thought she’d dye. Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead to know basis. No matter how much you push the envelope, it will still be stationery. 20 LLOYD DURHAM Telephone: HOLT 713113 Funeral Services Mr s HELEN WICKES Qualified Funeral Directors 24 HOUR SERVICE Office and Chapel of Rest 11a AVENUE ROAD, HIGH KELLING, HOLT [email protected] Bodham Post Office & Stores Your local convenience store Easy parking Shop open: 7am-7pm Monday - Saturday 9am - 12 noon Sunday Swipe/Mobile top ups Free to use ATM Lottery Fresh local suppliers Off Sales inc. local beers 01263 588209 John Olsen Tiling Wall and Floor Tiling Bathrooms, Kitchens and Conservatories Ceramic Porcelain Natural Stone Free estimates Tel. 07967162651/01263588215 FULMODESTON’S LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET There is a brand new market launching in the beautiful village of Fulmodeston. Purchase quality, local food from local producers. Join us on Sat 17th March from 10am until 2pm at the Old School Hall. List of producers can be found on: S c pa e ! E L A S FOR Ad rt ve CLERGY The Rectory, Weybourne, NR25 7SY Telephone: (01263) 588268 The Rev’d Philip Blamire Rector 7 Alexandra Road, Sheringham, NR26 8HU Telephone: (01263) 825677 The Rev’d Frank Clarke Assistant Priest Dell Gate, 4 The Dell, Bodham, NR25 6NG Telephone: (01263) 588126 The Rev’d Peter Alexander Honorary Assistant Priest The Old Carpenters' Shop, Kelling, NR25 7EL Telephone: (01263) 588389 The Rev’d Angela Dugdale MBE Honorary Assistant Priest 31 Pine Walk, Weybourne, NR25 7HJ Telephone: (01263) 588146 The Rev’d Roy Palin Honorary Assistant Priest 1 Old School Court, Upper Sheringham, NR26 8UA Telephone: (01263) 821918 The Rev’d Richard Sutton Honorary Assistant Priest READER Church House Farm, Lower Bodham, NR25 6PS Telephone: (01263) 715582 Mr John Arkell Licensed Reader PASTORAL ASSISTANTS 25 Ainsworth Court, Holt Telephone: (01263) 715503 Mr Geoff. and Mrs Brenda Worton GROUP ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 4 Sheringham Road, Upper Sheringham, NR26 8TG Telephone: (01263) 824237 Mrs Margaret Boardman LINK UP TREASURER Hunters, High Street, Cley-next-the-Sea, NR25 7AP Telephone: (01263) 741471 Mrs Jane Peploe BENEFICE WEBSITE & EMAIL THE METHODIST CHURCH The Rev’d Colin Sherwood The Manse, 65 Holway Road, Sheringham, NR26 8HP Telephone: (01263) 822485 WEYBOURNE METHODIST CHURCH Church Steward: Mrs Joyce Rowe 12 Springfield Close, Weybourne Telephone: (01263) 588343 THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Father Denys Lloyd The Presbytery, 58 Cromer Road, Sheringham Telephone: (01263) 822036 Printed by Cheverton Printers of Cromer - 01263 513039
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