Link Up - Weybourne Group of Parishes
Link Up - Weybourne Group of Parishes
M BODHA E & W AM BECKH WEYBOURNE UPPER SHERINGHAM KELLING Link Up October - November 2013 SALTHOU SE PAUL R. SMITH CABINET MAKER Bespoke Handmade Fine Furniture. Furniture Repair and Restoration. Quality Individual Kitchens. Fully qualified with 25 years experience Tel: 01263 588570 Email: [email protected] North Norfolk. We Care We have a genuine desire to look after you. We promise that we will meet and endeavour to exceed your expectations with regard to the funeral service we provide and the care, professionalism and compassion shown to you. We are meticulous in our attention to detail and look for ways to make the funeral a special and memorable occasion. IT’S OUR PRIVILEGE TO HELP Fox’s Funeral Services 10 Canada Road, Cromer 01263 512427 Nature’s Haven Health Shop 35 Bull Street, HOLT Vitamins - Minerals Herbal and Homeopathic Remedies Flower Essences and Essential Oils Gluten/Wheat Free Products Dried Fruit, Nuts and Seeds Tel: 01263 711471 fo r Help and A dvice Wood Burner Installation Servicing and Chimney lining For All Enquires Please Call: Tel: 01263 824665 Mobile: 07919 201665 GLAVEN VETERINARY PRACTICE A CARING AND FRIENDLY PRACTICE OAKLAND HOUSE OLD STATION WAY HOLT, NORFOLK NR25 6DH Tel (01263) 713200 SURGERIES MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9.00am - 11.00am - 2.00pm - 3.30pm - 4.00pm - 6.00pm SAT 9.00am - 10.30am 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE From Father Phil Back in August at the beginning of that lovely summer we have just experienced, I joined our Holt Deanery Blueprint Christian youth group on the Walsingham Youth Pilgrimage. We in turn joined 700 11-18 year olds from all over the country for a tiring but thoroughly enjoyable week. Blueprint was founded by our Children, Youth & Family Missioner (CYFM), Simon Fenn, and meets twice a month. It is growing steadily and enjoys a great sense of what it means to be a young Christian. It is now three years since Simon was appointed as the first Holt Deanery CYFM. It was then and still is an imaginative and creative agreement with the Diocese to fund a full time post that would lead, develop and sustain the work of mission and ministry with young people and their families across this rural deanery of 37 parishes. At the heart of Simon’s work, we continue to believe that every young person matters within God’s Kingdom. Jesus gives us an opportunity to work as a community. We help to build this community by our relationship with all people including the young. Which is where our CYFM comes in. Rural communities as we know have particular challenges especially here on the North Norfolk coast: with small populations and remote villages. It is very different in the towns and the city where sheer volume and numbers make the appointment of youth ministers almost routine. To appoint a rural CYFM is unique and rather radical! So over the past three years Simon has worked extensively in our local schools: Sheringham High; Reepham High; the Primary schools of Sheringham and Holt; the Pilgrim Federation of Kelling, Blakeney, Hindringham and Walsingham. Strong relationships have been established at the youth clubs in Briston, Binham and Holt. Simon supports the Messy Church groups at Weybourne and Blakeney and Living Stones at Holt. One project that has made the greatest impact in the past twelve months has been the growth of Prayer Spaces in our schools – primary as well as secondary. Simon has succeeded in encouraging prayer spaces that invite children and young people to spend a while during their busy break and lunchtimes to pray or leave prayer requests or just sit in quiet surroundings. These wonderful spaces enable children and young people to explore faith and spirituality from a broadly Christian perspective in a safe, creative and interactive way. This project has helped support the excellent pastoral care that the school involved already offer. Feedback from the pupils, the staff and the Headteachers has been universally positive. There is much more besides but this gives us a flavour of what is possible when the Holy Spirit guides our prayers and our actions to support, encourage and enable young people and their families on their journey of faith and in their daily lives. May God continue to bless Simon in his work as our Children Youth & Family Missioner and all our volunteers who support young people so well. Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly in the distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand. Carlyle. 1 CHURCH NEWS October-November 2013 MESSY CHURCH Our meeting of Messy Church in October will be on Wednesday 9th and our meeting in November on Wednesday 13th. On each occasion we will meet at 3.30pm in Weybourne Village Hall as usual. If you have any queries, please telephone Father Phil on 588268. BODHAM HOUSE GROUP: Our meeting in October will take place on Thursday 3rd at 2.15pm at the home of Maisie Mack, Pond Farm, Lower Bodham. Our meeting in November will be on Thursday 7th at 2.15pm at the home of Ray and Eve Smith, Yeaver Cottage, Church Road, West Beckham. We shall continue our studies in the Acts of the Apostles. New members are always welcome. COMMEMORATION SERVICE. We shall be holding our annual Commemoration Services at Bodham and Weybourne on Sunday 3rd November. Both Services will commence at 3pm. Please come and support these Services and if you would like your departed loved one’s names to be read out at these Services please let Father Phil. know. (Tel. 588268). NEW TRAIDCRAFT CATALOGUE AVAILABLE: Traidcraft, the UK’s leading fair trade organisation, has launched its autumn 2013 catalogue, which offers the UK’s widest choice of fair trade products. The new Traidcraft range offers more than 450 ethically-made products, which celebrate indigenous craftsmanship from Africa, Asia and Latin America. Many are handcrafted by artisans using traditional skills. The new catalogue is available at each of our churches and includes a wide range of Christmas cards and goods including Advent calendars with chocolates at only £3.99 each. Order forms are with each copy. You can post or telephone your order to Annette and Frank. The brand new fair trade range features beautifully handcrafted homewares, stylish jewellery and accessories and children’s toys, as well as groceries, gift foods and drinks. Each item is unique – and each has its own story. Please remember that a range of food products – coffee, chocolate, sweets, sugar and biscuits – as well as some gift products, are stocked by Annette and Frank. We intend stocking a few Advent Calendars, and one of each Christmas card to help you choose. SUNDAY READINGS FOR OCTOBER & NOVEMBER: YEAR C. OCTOBER: 6th Trinity 19 Habakkuk 1: 1 – 4, 2: 1 – 4; 2 Timothy 1: 1 – 14; Luke 17: 5 – 10. 13th Trinity 20 2 Kings 5: 1 – 3, 7 – 15c; 2 Timothy 2: 8 – 15; Luke 17: 11 – 19. 20th Trinity 21 Genesis 32: 22 – 31; 2 Timothy 3: 14 – 4: 5; Luke 18: 1 – 8. 27th Bible Sunday Isaiah 45: 22 – end; Romans 15: 1 – 6; Luke 4: 16 – 24. NOVEMBER: 3rd All Saints Daniel 7: 1 – 3, 15 – 18; Ephesians 1: 11 – end; Luke 6: 20 – 31. 10th Remembrance Job 19: 23 – 27a; 2 Thessalonians 2: 1 – 5, 13 – end; Luke 20:27 – 38. 17th 2nd Before Advent Malachi 4: 1 – 2a; 2 Thessalonians 3: 6 – 13; Luke 21: 5 – 19. 24th Christ the King Jeremiah 23: 1 – 6; Colossians 1: 11 – 20; Luke 23: 33 – 43. 2 CALENDAR October - November 2013 OCTOBER: 3rd Thursday 10.30am Community Coffee in Salthouse Village Hall. 2.15pm Bodham House Group meets at Quietways, Lower Bodham. 4th Friday 10.00am Holy Communion Service at Kelling – St. Francis of Assissi. 6th THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY: Sunday Worship round the Group. 9th Wednesday 3.30pm Messy Church meets in Weybourne Village Hall. 13th THE TWENTIETH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY: Sunday Worship round the Group. 17th Thursday 10.00am Coffee Morning And Gift Day at Dell Gate, The Dell, Bodham. 20th THE TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Sunday Worship round the Group. 26th Saturday 2.00pm Autumn Bazaar in Bodham Village Hall. 27th THE LAST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY (BIBLE SUNDAY). Sunday Worship round the Group. 29th Tuesday 10.00am Coffee Morning at Weybourne Chapel. NOVEMBER: 1st FRIDAY: ALL SAINTS’ DAY. 2nd SATURDAY: COMMEMORATION OF THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED (ALL SOULS). 3rd THE FOURTH SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT (ALL SAINTS & ALL SOULS). Sunday Worship round the Group 3.00pm Commemoration Services at Bodham & Weybourne. 7th Thursday 10.30am Community Coffee in Salthouse Village Hall. 2.15pm Bodham House Group meets at Pond Farm, Lower Bodham. 8th Friday 10.00am Holy Communion Service at Kelling – English Martyrs. 10th THE THIRD SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT: REMEMBRANCE DAY. 9.15am Said Eucharist at Weybourne. 10.50am Remembrance Day Services round the Group. 3.30pm Mozart Requiem to be sung at Salthouse. 13th Wednesday 3.30pm Messy Church meets in Weybourne Village Hall. 17th THE SECOND SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT. Sunday Worship round the Group. 20th Wednesday 10am-1pm Coffee and Brunch café Pop-Inn at Weybourne Chapel. 21st Thursday 10.30am Coffee Morning at Dell Gate, The Dell, Bodham. 23rd Saturday 11.00am Christmas Fair at Salthouse. 24th THE SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE ADVENT: CHRIST THE KING. Sunday Worship round the Group. EARLY DECEMBER. 1st ADVENT SUNDAY. Sunday Worship round the Group. Copy for the DECEMBER/JANUARY issue of Link up to Peter Alexander by Friday, 8th November, please. EARLY COPY WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED. (4, The Dell, Bodham or by E-mail to: [email protected]) Link up is published by the Weybourne Group of Churches and printed by Cheverton & Son Ltd of Cromer. The views expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publishers or the Editorial Team. 3 Overlooking the estuary: the perfect place to enjoy a relaxing break, a meal or just a coffee. We have seasonal and permanent employment opportunities. Winner: Best Hotel (over 35 bedrooms) EDP Tourism in Norfolk 2010 Awards Tel: 01263 740797 FARMERS MARKET & CRAFT FAIR BLAKENEY VILLAGE HALL 2nd SATURDAY OF MONTH FROM MARCH 10am to 3.30pm FREE ENTRY – LARGE CAR PARK Tel 07775 741752 4 WELLS RNLI LIFEBOAT SERVICE 2013 On Sunday 4th August the Wells Branch of the RNLI held their 53rd Annual Lifeboat Service conducted from the Wells lifeboat by the Rev. Neil Woodruff, the Minister of Wells Congregational Church and also the RNLI Chaplain. The Rev. Andrew Good, Rector of St. Nicholas Church, Wells, gave the blessing. The Churches Together Choir led the singing accompanied by Fakenham Town Band. The service was held to thank God for the often dangerous and selfless work the lifeboat crews undertake between Great Yarmouth and the Humber in order to save lives. The address was given by Rev. John Mills, the RN Association Chaplain who previously served on the aircraft carrier, HMS Victorious. He shared with us some of the many worrying times he personally experienced on board the ship while in stormy waters. He took as his theme the story of Jesus and his disciples on board a boat on the Sea of Galilee. (Mark chapter 4 v 35-41). The disciples did not realise that with Jesus on board their boat they didn’t have to worry or be scared. Rev. John Mills compared this story with the storms of life which everyone has to face. So many things, he said, can make our lives, sad, worrying and scary: loneliness, illness, bereavement, financial problems, hunger, homelessness, family breakdown, divorce, crime, violence……. “Wow!” he exclaimed “I would have Jesus as the coxswain of my boat every day of my life!” All we have to do is to ask Jesus to take control of our lives, and listening to him every moment of each day. With Jesus in control of our boat he will give comfort, help and guidance during the storms and the peaceful times of life. During the singing of the last hymn, Abide with me, it was very moving and poignant watching the lifeboat manoeuvre its way down the channel to the lifeboat station. What dangers lie ahead for the lifeboat crews? What worries, concerns or dangers lie ahead for us…..? The words of one of the hymns we sang were as follows: Will your anchor hold in the storms of life, when the clouds unfold their wings of strife? When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain, will your anchor drift, or firm remain? Will your anchor hold in the straits of fear, when the breakers roar and the reef is near? While the surges rage and the wild wind blow, shall the angry waves then your boat overflow? Will your anchor hold in the flood of death, when the waters cold chill your latest breath? On the rising tide you can never fail, while your anchor holds within the veil. Will your eyes behold through the morning light, the City of Gold and the harbour bright? Will you anchor safe by the heavenly shore, when life’s storms are past for evermore? We have an anchor that keeps the soul steadfast and sure while the billows roll; Fastened to the rock which cannot move, grounded firm and deep in the Saviour’s love. 5 Andrew Wigley. a Sp Craymere Road, Briston Nr. Melton Constable ce Country Cats 01263 861 948 ! E L A S FOR A e dv rt of Briston LUXURY CATTERY We are now a listed Feline Advisory Bureau Cattery Jones the Sweep Set in peaceful surroundings with purpose built individual UPVC chalets, spacious runs and heated sleeping apartment. Premises occupied 24-hours a day. Individual care & attention guaranteed. Certified Member STOVES, OPEN FIRES & SOLID FUEL APPLIANCES • • • • Fully insured Trained by a Guild professional Tidy, clean and efficient All work certificated Fully licenced and insured Inspections welcomed Telephone Harry on 01263 833362 or Mobile 07799 484012 6 Out and about with Fred How things can change! In the last Link Up, I wrote that in May and June “few days reached 70F”, and that “Summer was reluctant to follow Spring”. In July that all changed and we had real Summer weather. A dry June was followed by a dry July with just 0.64 of an inch of rain, but August was better with 1.61 inches, but we are still in need of more. As I write, the grain harvest is almost in, but the sugar beet still has some growing to do. The level of the water at the Kelling water meadow began to fall and by the end of August only a narrow strip of water remained down the centre. We do of course need the level to fall to encourage migrating waders to drop in to feed on their way south, and so it did. A few came in July, but August saw a good selection with up to 54 black-tailed godwits, one avocet, four greenshanks, seven ruffs, redshank and spotted redshank, common sandpiper, knot, snipe, ringed plover and best, two wood sandpipers which brought a lot of birders down to see them. One morning several people were watching them when two of those flying kites with noisy engines swooped low over the meadow to land on the camp. All the birds flew off, and thus two people’s pleasure ruined that of many others. They could easily have flown round the meadow to land. A pair each of coot, moorhen and mallard bred and the pair of Egyptian geese successfully reared their two young and flew off together on the 10th of July. Mediterranean gulls were seen several times, but these newcomers to our British breeding birds are causing problems in some places by nesting in the colonies of terns and are eating their chicks. The beautiful white little egrets now breeding in our area cause no such problems, except to the small fish they catch. I watched one feeding in a ditch at Cley where it caught 20 sticklebacks in 10 minutes; it had some trouble swallowing the larger ones owing to the sharp spines on them. There was a ‘fall’ of migrant birds on the 26th August when there were reports of redstarts, pied flycatchers and wrynecks among other species. I missed the redstarts but did manage to see a wryneck, not a colourful bird but one with intricate patterns of grey, brown and black. A relation of the woodpecker it feeds largely on ants like the green woodpecker. It used to breed in this country but sadly no longer does so. June was a poor month for butterflies and moths but things really livened up in the next two months. Many migrant silver Y moths arrived from the Continent but only a few painted lady butterflies. Peacocks and small tortoishells were more numerous and red admirals made a colourful splash. In August I saw four clouded yellow butterflies at Kelling which I have not seen for years. I went to Holt Lowes to look for my first silver washed fritillaries and was surprised at how large they were. Moth trapping has been very good. I have caught 14 species in my garden for the first time including some not recorded in Weybourne before. One night I caught 90 species of macro moths, and my friend caught 137 species when I joined him. One night he caught a bedstraw hawkmoth, very rare here. It has been an exciting two months, and the cricket has been good too. 7 F.J.L. Natural Surroundings STEPHEN BEAL LANDSCAPES Wildlife Gardens, Café, Shop & Nature Reserve Landscape Gardening Lawn & Grass Care (S.R. Beal, A. Beal, M.P. Lee) Open all year: Tuesday - Sunday, 10 - 4. Tel: 01263 740591 also 01263 511587 Mobile: 07831 102592 Visit our unique Little Café in the Woods 2 The Willows, Chapel Lane Wiveton Norfolk NR25 7TQ for the finest fresh coffee, Belgian hot chocolate, home-made soup, snacks, cakes and teas. Wild bird food for sale in any quantity including economical large sacks call for latest prices. Bird feeders, wildflower seeds, cards, toys and unusual gifts. Find us on Blakeney Road south of Glandford; our brown signs say ‘Wildflower Centre’. Tel 01263 711091 8 Centrefold BODHAM: BODHAM AND BECKHAM VILLAGE HALL FILM CLUB: October/November films have all been recently released and have received great reviews, we hope you enjoy them. Wednesday October 9th – 7.00pm: Hitchcock 2012 (12) starring Anthony Hopkins, Helen Mirren, Scarlett Johansson and Jessica Biel. A love film based on the story of Alfred Hitchcock and his relationship with his wife during the filming of ‘Psycho’ in 1960. It’s 1959 and Hitchcock is becoming increasingly worried about his relevance. Hitchcock decides a change of direction is what is needed. He settles on adapting Robert Bloch’s true crime novel ‘Psycho’, despite the protestations of both his wife, Alma, and Paramount President, Barney Balaban. Reviews include: “Excellent match between Hopkins and Mirren. They were both very good. The movie is entertaining and the whole family enjoyed it.” “Much more than I expected – I enjoyed it. You really see the connection between him and his wife with heartfelt scenes too.” Wednesday October 23rd – 7.00pm: A Bunch of Amateurs 2008 (15) starring Imelda Staunton, Charles Durning, Samantha Bond, Derek Jacobi and Burt Reynolds. A sleazy Hollywood agent tricks on of his clients, a faded action star, into playing King Lear in an amateur charity production in London. Reviews include: “ superb…………….” “A taste of a lovely mature wine.” “Definitely worth a watch..feet up..and a beverage.” “ English subtle humour and observation. Not bad. A bit uneventful, slow and flat and not particularly funny.” (HOPE THIS REVIEWER GOT IT WRONG) Wednesday November 6th – 7.00pm: Ginger & Rosa 2012 (12) starring Alessandro Nivola, Christina Hendricks, Ellie Fanning, Timothy Spall, Alice Englert, Annette Bening and Oliver Platt. An evocative and beautifully shot portrait of post-war Britain, as seen through the eyes of Elle Fanning’s impressionable young teenager. Ginger and Rosa are 2 inseparable friends growing up in 1960’s London as the Cuban Missile Crisis looms and the pivotal event that comes to redefine their relationship. Reviews include: “Well made and very accessible for Sally Potter (Director). The young girls were great. Hendricks struggled. It’s a great coming of age type tale – recommended.” “This was an elegantly shot film, with care and thought taken to ensure the scene evoked the era and tensions of the time.” (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY WOMAN’S WEEKLY) Wednesday November 20th – 7.00pm: Chalet Girl 2011 (12) starring Bill Nighy, Sophie Bush, Brooke Shields, Ed Westwick, Tamsin Egerton, Felicity Jones, Nicholas Braun, Georgia King and Bill Bailey. Kim Matthews, a pretty and cocky 16 year-old from Essex, has the world at her feet, winning skateboarding competitions with an unrivalled skill and 9 panache. 3 years later, however, she’s working in a burger bar, her skateboarding days a distant dream as she struggles to support herself and her dad, mentally and emotionally, after the tragic death of her mum. Reviews include: “Really love this film and want to buy it. Fun, happy, snowy. Seen it a few times and it always makes me laugh, a good film.” “Great film which we thoroughly enjoyed – made you want to attempt snowboarding regardless as to whether you’re capable or not!” JAZZ RETURNS TO THE RED HART Courtesy of Lee and his team, and by popular demand, the Lumiere Rouge is back. Come and join us for an evening of fun and foot tapping Jazz on Friday October 4th and Friday November 1st Entry 3.50, 8.00pm – 10.30pm. While you’re here why not spoil yourself and indulge in Lee’s exciting new menu. Ring 01263 588270 to make a reservation. BODHAM FIREWORK DISPLAY Sunday November 3rd Firework Display and Bonfire on BODHAM PLAYING FIELD. Gates open at 6.00pm – Bonfire lit at 6.45pm – Firework Display at 7.00pm. Adults £2.00 – Children £1.00. BBQ and Soft Drinks available. FREE PARKING. Fireworks sponsored by the Bonus Ball Competition, Red Hart Inn and Bodham Big Weekend/Rock Bodham. SALTHOUSE: The SCARECROW Competition was judged by Denise of Catriona Court and was a great success as usual and much admired by holiday-makers! First prize was won by Betty Holman’s Fisherman - £25 (prize donated by Paul & Amanda Vesty) 2nd: the man on the toilet by Winnie - £15 (donated by Dan of the Dun Cow) 3rd: the Old lady with the walking frame by July Large - £10 (donated by Richard of Salthouse Hall) 4th: the children playing by Mary-Beth- box of chocs (donated by Val) A Big ‘Thankyou’ to Andrew Gray for supplying the straw to stuff the scarecrows! (see pictures of the scarecrows on the News page of UPPER SHERINGHAM: The Village Hall at Upper Sheringham was opened on the 17th October 1923 and was "built from funds privately raised for the purpose of a Club and place of physical and mental recreation." To celebrate this 90th Anniversary we are holding a "Nostalgia Night" of music from 1920s to 1980s, with a Fish & Chips or Pie & Chips supper. You can of course bring your own drinks as per usual. Tickets for this anniversary event will cost £7.50 and will be on sale on Friday, 4th October, from 10.00 - 12.00noon. When purchasing tickets please let us know your choice of meal for the evening so that it can be pre-ordered from the supplier. 10 WEYBOURNE: Weybourne FunDay – On behalf of the committee of the Weybourne Community Fund, I would like to say a HUGE “Thank You” to all of the dozens of dedicated volunteers who helped us in a variety of different ways during this year’s FunDay. We had help setting things up, help on the day and help with the post event clear up. Without this help, the event, quite simply, could not have taken place. Without this help (and just perfect weather) we could not have achieved the record attendance and record receipts we managed to achieve this year. We know that our friends give their time gladly and enjoy the camaraderie of a ‘team effort’ but we are always so grateful to you folks for what you do and for the true ‘community spirit’ such an event seems to create amongst us all. As always, the proceeds from FunDay will be spent on good causes within the village of Weybourne only, and details of how the money is spent can be seen on our notice board (side wall of bus shelter). GLAVEN CARING: GLAVEN CARING MINI-BUS - CAN YOU HELP? In order to maintain the wonderful service given to many senior citizens in our area by the staff and volunteers at the Glaven Centre we urgently need to recruit more attendants and drivers. The duty consists of taking out our vehicle (a mini-bus with a rear lift to take wheelchairs and less mobile clients) to collect elderly people from Holt, and villages surrounding Blakeney and taking them to the Glaven Centre at Thistleton Court, Blakeney, and returning them home later in the day. We start at 8.45a.m usually finishing before 11a.m; the afternoon session starts at 2.30p.m and finishes about 4.30p.m. The crew consists of a driver and an attendant: The driver needs to be under 70, but there is no age restriction for the attendant. Instruction will be given and no special licence is needed to drive the vehicle. If you are available at least once a month, and are interested in this worth-while and interesting activity please contact Bob Norris, who conducts the training, on 01263 741254. Many thanks in anticipation, Helen Norris. (i/c ambulance rota). OPEN DAY AND COFFEE MORNING: The Open Day and Coffee Morning will be held at the Glaven Centre, Thistleton Court, Blakeney, 10.30 – 12noon, on Saturday 5th October. There will be Books, Bric-a-Brac, Cakes, Raffle, Tombola etc. Entrance £1 which includes coffee: All proceeds to Glaven Caring. Registered Charity 270185: Tel. 01263 740762. CLINIC DATES: Please ring for appointments: 01263 740762. Toe-Nail Clinic: 18th October, 1st November, 15th November, 29th November, 13th December. Hearing Aid Service: 30th October, 29th November, 18th December Hairdressing: Every Wednesday from 10am until 12noon. 11 9 CHALK RIVERS PROJECT: Did you know the Norfolk landscape has a stronghold of internationally rare Chalk Rivers? Chalk Rivers are incredibly important for wildlife as the water quality is so healthy. There are about 200 in the world and over 160 of these are in England with a definite stronghold in Norfolk. The Norfolk Rivers Trust, in conjunction with the Norfolk Coast Partnership and the Norfolk County Council, has been awarded £1.3M from the Environment Agency to work on restoring some of Norfolk's internationally rare chalk river habitats. This project is the second biggest catchment restoration project in the country. Over the next couple of years the 9 Chalk Rivers project team will be looking at the Glaven, Stiffkey, Babingley and Gaywood with a long term hope to apply for more funding to work on the Hun, Mun, Heacham, Ingol and Burn. Work will include reinstating the natural bends to allow the rivers to clean themselves, removal of non native species to enable native species to flourish, enable flood plains where possible to develop to store water and provide new habitat for species and work to decrease silt and pollution in the rivers. The project will involve on the ground improvements and the team are working closely with landowners and communities to ensure that their needs are also being met and that they can gain from the work planned by healthier and better functioning rivers. Another major component of the work is to bring local communities together to learn about their rivers, talk about their concerns and in time form self sustaining groups that can ‘manage’ the rivers over the longer term. The project team will be doing that by running a series of walks, talks, workshops and family events. You can find out more about the project on Twitter @9ChalkRivers and on the Norfolk Rivers Trust website at or contact Gemma Clark, the Community Involvement Officer for the 9 Chalk Rivers Project by email at [email protected] or telephone on 01553 778024. NORFOLK COMMUNITY LAW SERVICE: Free Legal Advice at Merchants’ Place, 11 Church Street, Cromer. Any queries or to make an appointment telephone 01603 496623 From 5pm on the dates indicated. Free Legal Advice with a Solicitor. 1st October – Family. 8th October – Employment. 15th October – Employment. 22nd October – Family. 29th October – Wills and Probate. 12 Oh dear ! SOME MUSINGS ON EVERYDAY LIFE: I live in my own little word, but it’s OK, they know me here. Money can’t buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to deal with. I don’t approve of political jokes; I’ve seen too many get elected. Everyday I beat my own previous record for the number of consecutive days I’ve stayed alive. When every things coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane. The e-mail of the species, is more deadly than the mail. The Lord gave us two ends; one to sit on and other to think with. Success depends on which one we use the most. Long ago, when old people cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today it’s called golf. Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today. WHY THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IS SO HARD TO LEARN: The bandage was wound around the wound. The farm was used to produce produce. The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse. We must polish the Polish furniture. The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert. Since there is no time like the present, he thought that it was time to present the present. I did not object to the object. The insurance was invalid for the invalid. There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row. They were too close to the door to close it. The stag does certain things when does are present. 13 St Helen & All Saints WEST BECKHAM CHURCHWARDEN Mr. John Berry The Old Rectory, Church Road, West Beckham. LINK UP CONTACT Mrs. Rose Moreton: SUNDAY SERVICES: OCTOBER. 6th 9.15am Holy Communion. 13th 9.15am Holy Communion. NOVEMBER. 3rd 9.15am 10th 10.50am 20th 9.45am United Service(Bodham V.H). 17th 27th 9.15am Holy Communion at Bodham. 24th 9.45am 9.15am 01263 824095 01263 825146 Holy Communion. Remembrance Day. Service(Bodham). United Service(Bodham V.H). Holy Communion at Bodham. AUGUST FETE: For a number of reasons this event had to be cancelled; the Friends of St. Helen’s hope to organise a similar fund-raiser next year. READERS: We would like to recruit more people to read the lessons at our two services on the first and second Sundays. At present there are around 6 who regularly read, but we welcome anybody who would like to do so to join that select group! There are 3 readings per service – one usually from the Old Testament, one from the New (taken either from Acts of the Apostles or one of the Epistles) and a Gospel reading, which is always read by the Rector or another priest. The Sunday readings for the month can be found at the bottom of p2 in Link-up. ROBIN DIPROSE: I saw Robin at Whitehaven a few weeks ago; he seemed happy and comfortable. SUNDAY NOVEMBER 10th : The joint West Beckham and Bodham service to commemorate Remembrance Day is to be held at Bodham Church this year at 10.50am. There will be no service at St Helen’s. WEST BECKHAM WALKERS: West Beckham Walkers meet at the village sign on Sundays Oct 27th and November 24th at 11.30. Walks to last around 2 hours. All welcome. JESUS Jesus died over 2000 years ago. Nobody has ever referred to HIM as the late Jesus. Not even the heathens; Nowhere in history. Nowhere has HE ever been referred to in the past tense. HE 'is' the Living God! 14 All Saints BODHAM CHURCHWARDENS Mrs. Mary Cubitt Williams Barn, Manor Farm, Bodham. 01263 713160 Mrs. Brenda Alexander Dell Gate, 4 The Dell, Bodham. 01263 588126 SUNDAY SERVICES: OCTOBER. NOVEMBER. 6th 9.15am Holy Communion. 3rd 9.15am (West Beckham). 3rd 3.00pm 13th 3.00pm Songs of Praise. 10th 10.50am 20th 9.45am United Service. 17th 9.45am (Bodham Village Hall). 24th 9.15am 27th 9.15am Holy Communion. Holy Communion. (West Beckham). Commemoration Service. Remembrance Day Service. Joint Service (Bodham Village Hall). Holy Communion. HARVEST SERVICES IN SEPTEMBER: Our Harvest Songs of Praise in the Church on the 8th September was well attended. Thank you to all the ladies who decorated the Church so beautifully for this occasion. Thank you, too, to everyone who donated items of grocery instead of the traditional fruit and vegetables. These items were passed on to the local Food Bank. Our offertory was given to Aid Africa. Our United Village Hall Service on the following Sunday, was also well attended and, afterwards, a goodly number of people sat down to a delicious Harvest Lunch. A big thank you to those who donated offerings for the lunch and to those who carried out the earlier preparations. The offering from the Service together with the profit from the lunch was also given to Aid Africa. The total amount amounted to £ . GIFT DAY APPEAL: Our Annual Appeal this year will be on Thursday, 17th October. If you are willing to help us in this way, the Gift Day envelopes can be handed to Rev. Peter Alexander or Father Phil. at the Coffee Morning to be held, by kind invitation, at Peter and Brenda’s home at 4, The Dell in Bodham, opposite the Village Hall between 10am and 12noon. If you are unable to come to the Coffee Morning, the envelopes can be given at any time to Rev. Peter or to Ann Digby, 3 Providence Place which is opposite the Village Stores. AUTUMN BAZAAR ON SATURDAY, 26th OCTOBER: Our Autumn Bazaar will be held in Bodham Village Hall between 2 and 4pm. There will be various stalls – cakes, tombola, bric-a brac, raffle, and, of course, refreshments. We will be pleased to see you. If anyone has any items suitable for the stalls or prizes, please contact Ann Digby (Tel: 588409). SINCEREST THANKS Our sincerest thanks go to Peter Bedell and Podge Baker who are repainting the Church Porch. Many thanks indeed for a job being done really well. COFFEE MORNINGS: Brenda’s Coffee Morning will take place in October on Thursday 17th at 10.00am. On this occasion it will double with the Gift Day. Our meeting in November will take place on Thursday, 21st at 10.30am. All are welcome. There is no charge; it is just an opportunity for us all to come together to chat. REMEMBRANCE DAY: The annual Remembrance Day Service will be held at All Saints, Bodham on Sunday 10th November beginning at 10.50am in Church. We will remember the fallen from both Bodham and East and West Beckham at this Service. BODHAM BIG WEEKEND: We offer a big thank you to members of the Bodham Big Weekend Committee who have very generously donated £500 to the Church from the monies they raised. Their hard work is much appreciated and we thank them for this. 15 St Mary KELLING CHURCHWARDENS Mr. Ron V. Cox 12, Kelling Close, Holt. Mrs. Sarah Walker The Old Coach House, Kelling. SUNDAY SERVICES: OCTOBER. 6th 11.00am Matins. 13th 11.00am Holy Communion. 20th 11.00am Matins. 27th 11.00am Holy Communion. NOVEMBER. 3rd 11.00am 10th 10.50am 17th 11.00am 24th 10.00am 01263 713389 01263 711359 Matins. Remembrance Day Service. Matins. Holy Communion. CHURCH AND CHURCHYARD: Plastering in the Lady Chapel is finished and the lime-wash should be completed soon ready for David Holgate to start on his picture. Our thanks are due to Terry who has laboured in the heat of several days to cut down most of the rough in the Churchyard entirely voluntarily. DATES FOR THE CALENDAR: Mid-week Communion on Friday, the 4th October at 10am to celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assissi. Mid-week Communion on Friday, the 8th November to celebrate the English martyrs, thinking perhaps of Tyndale and Cranmer. Remembrance Day Service on Sunday, 10th November at the War Memorial at 10.50am. BIBLE STUDY: Our Group has re-started having been defeated by Jeremiah, not the most cheerful soul. We are back on the New Testament. Anybody interested in attending the Group, please contact Ron Cox for details (Tel:713389). QUOTES TO NOTE. He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool – shun him; He who knows not and knows that he knows not can be taught – teach him; He who knows and knows not that he knows that he is asleep – wake him; He who knows and knows that he knows is a prophet – follow him. Persian Apophthegm. Liberty means responsibility; that is why most men dread it. G. B. Shaw. My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. He told me to try and be in the first group; there was less competition there. Indira Gandhi. A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it’s in hot water. Eleanor Roosevelt. It’s not true that I had nothing on; I had the radio on. Marilyn Monroe. 16 St Nicholas SALTHOUSE CHURCHWARDENS Dr. Sarah Dawson The Manor House, Cross Street, Salthouse. Mr. Andrew Wigley The Old Chapel, Coast Road, Salthouse. SUNDAY SERVICES: OCTOBER. 6th 9.15am Sunday Celebration 13th 9.15am Holy Communion. 20th 9.15am Holy Communion. 27th No Service Today. 01263 740497 01263 741772 NOVEMBER. 3rd 9.15am Sunday Celebration. 10th 10.50am Remembrance Day Service. 17th 9.15am Holy Communion. 24th No Service Today. Please note there are no services on Sunday 27th October or on Sunday 24th November. REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY: This year's Service of Remembrance will be held in the Church on Sunday 10th November at 10.50 am. Coffee/tea will be served after the service. All are welcome. The Kelling Consort, with organist David Morgan and soloists Chloe Barnett, Vera Cooke, Chris Barnes and Chris Gadd, conducted by Angela Dugdale, will sing the Mozart Requiem on Remembrance Sunday, November 10th at 3.30pm in St Nicholas, Salthouse. Tickets at £8 each from Holt Computers and at the door. All proceeds to the Friends of Salthouse Church. Please come to hear this lovely music and help shore up the fabric of this wonderful church. Parking available in the British Columbia Hall. CHRISTMAS FAIR 2013: The ever popular Christmas Fair will be held in the Church on Saturday 23rd November between 11.00 am and 3.30 pm. There will be stalls selling fashion accessories, special bags etc from ‘Knotcraft’, traditional crafts, ‘Pandora's People’, special nutmeg soaps, and seasonal greeting cards, wrapping paper etc from ‘Phoenix Trading’, also food stalls including homemade food and scrumptious cakes from the ‘Blakeney Baking Company’. New stalls for this year will include different types of glass jewellery from ‘Hotstuff’, soft hand-felted craft creations and soft furnishings, art craft materials, card making etc. and particularly for the ladies: ‘Avon Beauty products’. Children (and adults!) will no doubt be tempted by ‘Beck's Sweets’ which are traditional and affordable. No fair would of course be complete without the Bottle Stall/Tombola, second hand bookstall, Treasure Chest, Where's the wine? the Raffle, a workshop for children.......and, of course, not forgetting Father Christmas! Mulled wine including tea/coffee will be served. Hot food, kindly provided by the Dun Cow, will be available throughout the day. Everyone is welcome. In preparation for this year's Christmas Fair, we would be very grateful for contributions for the following: prizes for the raffle, new gifts for the Bottle stall/Tombola, bottles of wine, boxes of chocolates and interesting items for the bric-a-brac stall, books. If you can help with anything, please call Sarah (740497) or Andrew (741772) or bring any contributions to The Manor House, Cross Street or The Old Chapel, Coast Road. All donations will be gratefully received. COMMUNITY COFFEE: The New COFFEE/GOSSIP (renamed ‘Community Coffee’ and re-situated to the first Thursday of each month!) will be on 3rd October and the 7th November at 10.30am. FROM THE REGISTERS: Weddings: Poppy Lloyd and Martin Forsyth were married in Salthouse on 31st August. 17 All Saints WEYBOURNE The Eucharist is celebrated in the Priory Church every Wednesday at 10am CHURCHWARDENS Mrs. Penny Holt Annie’s Cottage, The Street, Weybourne. Mr. Paul Jolley 68, Avenue South, Sheringham. SUNDAY SERVICES: OCTOBER. 6th 9.15am Sunday Celebration. 13th 20th 27th 9.15am Sung Eucharist. 9.15am Sung Eucharist. 9.15am Sung Eucharist. 01263 588680 01263 820178 NOVEMBER. 3rd 9.15am Sunday Celebration. 3.00pm Commemoration Service. 10th 9.15am Said Eucharist 10.50am Remembrance Day Service. 17th 9.15am Sung Eucharist. 24th 9.15am Sung Eucharist. SUMMER FAIRS: Once again we held two Summer Fairs over the summer. Both events were very well attended and over £1660 was raised for church funds. We were all very pleased that such a fantastic amount was raised over the two days. Thank you to all the helpers and stallholders and of course a very big thanks to our supporters whether they be from the village or holidaymakers. These events can be quite tiring for our helpers so if you would like to lend a hand at any future event, please have a word with one of the Churchwardens. LEPROSY MISSION: Mary Fovargue would like to remind those who support The Leprosy Mission that it’s time for the collecting boxes to be handed in for emptying. All donations however large or small are very welcome. Don’t forget that Mary also collects used postage stamps for The Leprosy Mission and these can be placed in the box at the back of the church. AUTUMN FAIR: Following the success of the Summer Fairs, the Autumn Fair will be held on Saturday 19th October from 10:30am to 2:00pm in the Village Hall. There will be the usual variety of stalls and great refreshments, including bacon rolls, will be available. Your support would be much appreciated. COMMEMORATION SERVICE: As in previous years, there will be a Commemoration Service on Sunday 3rd November at 3:00pm in the Priory Church to commemorate departed loved ones. Please let Father Phil know the name of any loved one you wish to be remembered at this service. There will be a similar service held at Bodham at the same time. REMEMBRANCE SERVICE – 10th NOVEMBER: As in previous years, the Remembrance Service will start at 10:50 am with a wreath laying ceremony at the war memorial in the churchyard. We will then move into the Priory Church for the remainder of the service of Remembrance and Reconciliation. BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: We are pleased to report that work has recently commenced on the construction of the stand for the Book of Remembrance. We look forward to seeing it in church soon. MESSY CHURCH: The October and November meetings will take place on Wednesday 9th and 13th respectively. Meet at Weybourne Village Hall at 3:30pm for a 4:00pm start. The event concludes with a meal in the Village Hall. FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS: 22nd June 2013: Funeral of Phyllis Harrison: 3rd July 2013: Requiem Mass for Dorothy Lee: 12th July 2013: Funeral of Robert Weston. 18 Methodist Church WEYBOURNE SUNDAY SERVICES: October 6th October 13th October 20th October 27th November 1st November 8th November November 15th 22nd 10.45am 10.45am 10.45am 10.45am 10.45am 10.50am Mr. Charles Bensley. Deacon Marian Sharp. Local Arrangement. Rev. Gordon Lemmon (Holy Communion). Local Arrangement. United Service at the Parish Church for Remembrance Day. 10.45am Rev. Maureen Jones. 10.45am Mrs. Linda Ling. STRAWBERRY TEA: Many thanks to everyone who contributed to our very successful Strawberry Tea on the 17th July. We were blessed with a glorious day so were able to use the Chapel and garden. £212 was raised for Chapel Funds. FAREWELL and HALLO! Some of us went to the farewell celebrations of our Minister, Rev. Colin Sherwood on 30th July. It was good to see several of our Churches Together members there. We welcomed our new Minister, Rev. David Philo in early September. NOTICE BOARD: Have you noticed our lovely new Notice Board? Grateful thanks to one of our members, (He won’t want to be named!), who erected it. Where would we be without willing helpers in Chapel and Church? We salute you all. POP-INNS: After three happy years, Jane and Dick will not be able to continue our weekly Pop-Inns during the coming Winter. How will people survive without their weekly bacon butty? Jane and Dick wish to give a huge thank you to everyone who supported them so regularly. Over the three years, more than £3,500 was raised for good causes. The Chapel is very, very grateful for all their efforts. The last tea-time pop-inn for the Summer months was held on the 18th September. COFFEE MORNINGS: On Tuesday 29th October, we shall have a Coffee Morning including stalls, Tombola etc starting from 10am. On Wednesday 20th November from 10am until 1pm we shall have a Coffee and Brunch Café Pop-Inn. FOOD BANK: Unfortunately there is still a great need for the Food Bank. Please leave your contributions in the box at the back of the Chapel. AND FINALLY: Do please come and join us on a Sunday or at any of our events. “Come ye thankful people, come.” 19 All Saints UPPER SHERINGHAM CHURCHWARDEN Mrs. Lin Wright Mill House, Upper Sheringham. SUNDAY SERVICES: OCTOBER. 6th 11.00am Sung Eucharist. 13th 11.00am Sung Eucharist. 20th 11.00am Sung Eucharist. 27th 11.00am Sung Eucharist. 01263 822312 The Eucharist is celebrated in the Church every Thursday at 10am NOVEMBER. 3rd 11.00am Sung Eucharist 10th 10.50am Remembrance Day Service. 17th 11.00am Sung Eucharist. 24th 11.00am Sung Eucharist. CATCH-UP - WEDNESDAY 17TH JULY, 2013: It was with sadness that Sheringham Little Theatre felt unable to proceed with the performance of ‘Teechers’ due to be held at All Saints Church Upper Sheringham. A lot of hard work and effort goes into the Summer Rep performances and as there had been no ticket sales or enquiries, the Little Theatre management felt it expedient to withdraw. The Upper Sheringham Churchwarden and members of the PCC thank everyone at Sheringham Little Theatre for their very kind offer. ‘MORE CATCH UP’ - “PAPER WINGS” BY RHUBARB THEATRE GROUP: Upper Sheringham Church on Friday July 19th was host to a cast of three and one technician who worked non-stop for one and a half hours to produce a magical and very emotive entertainment. The masked players used simple props and shadow cut outs to convey the concept of movement and storyline. Dance, mime, music and a strange but descriptive language connected with a sadly small audience of all ages. This creative group from Lincolnshire deserved more support and will hopefully return to the area with their next production which will be well worth attending. My five year old grand daughter and I loved this unusual show which entertained and intrigued us in turn. M. Cubitt HARVEST FESTIVAL SERVICE OF THANKSGIVING: Our Harvest Service on Sunday 1st of September was a joyous occasion. All tinned and dried food has been sent to the Food Bank at St. Joseph’s Sheringham. The collection at this service was in support of Water Aid. REMEMBRANCE DAY: Our Remembrance Day Service is at 10.50am on Sunday 10th November. All are welcome. NOTES FOR YOUR DIARY: 8th December 2013: 9 Lessons and Carols with the Sheringham and Cromer Brass Band. Mincepies tea/coffee will be served after the service. FROM THE REGISTERS: Holy Matrimony: 3rd August 2013 between Lewis Gotts and Eliza Miller. Our prayers and best wishes are with Lewis and Eliza in their life together. Holy Baptism: 25th August 2013 Ruby and Tilly-Mae Stearman. Our prayers are with Ruby and Tilly-Mae, their parents Timothy and Suzanne, and the godparents. FOOD BANK The Cromer and District Food Bank has recently indicated a particular need for the following: Fruit Juice(UHT) Cream Crackers Snack Bars/Chocolate Fruit Squash Tinned Potatoes Instant Cup Soup Full Cream UHT Milk Tinned Carrots Children’s Treats Shampoo Instant Coffee(100g) Men’s Disposable Razors. 20 LLOYD DURHAM Telephone: HOLT 713113 Funeral Services Mrs HELEN WICKES Qualified Funeral Directors 24 HOUR SERVICE Office and Chapel of Rest 11a AVENUE ROAD, HIGH KELLING, HOLT [email protected] John Olsen Tiling Wall and Floor Tiling Bathrooms, Kitchens and Conservatories Ceramic Porcelain Natural Stone Free estimates Tel. 07967162651/01263588215 Bodham Post Office & Stores Your local convenience store Easy parking Shop open: 7am-7pm Monday - Saturday 9am - 12 noon Sunday Swipe/Mobile top ups Free to use ATM Lottery Fresh local suppliers Off Sales inc. local beers 01263 588209 CLERGY The Rev’d Philip Blamire Rector The Rectory, Weybourne, NR25 7SY Telephone: (01263) 588268 The Rev’d Frank Clarke Assistant Priest 7 Alexandra Road, Sheringham, NR26 8HU Telephone: (01263) 825677 The Rev’d Peter Alexander (Editor) Honorary Assistant Priest Dell Gate, 4 The Dell, Bodham, NR25 6NG Telephone: (01263) 588126 The Rev’d Angela Dugdale MBE Honorary Assistant Priest The Old Carpenters' Shop, Kelling, NR25 7EL Telephone: (01263) 588389 The Rev’d Richard Sutton Honorary Assistant Priest 1 Old School Court, Upper Sheringham, NR26 8UA Telephone: (01263) 821918 READER Mr John Arkell Licensed Reader Church House Farm, Lower Bodham, NR25 6PS Telephone: (01263) 715582 PASTORAL ASSISTANTS Mr Geoff. and Mrs Brenda Worton GROUP ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 25 Ainsworth Court, Holt Telephone: (01263) 715503 Mrs Margaret Boardman 4 Sheringham Road, Upper Sheringham, NR26 8TG Telephone: (01263) 824237 Mrs Jane Peploe Hunters, High Street, Cley-next-the-Sea, NR25 7AP Telephone: (01263) 741471 LINK UP TREASURER BENEFICE WEBSITE & EMAIL THE METHODIST CHURCH The Rev’d David Philo The Manse, 65 Holway Road, Sheringham, NR26 8HP Telephone: (01263) 822485 WEYBOURNE METHODIST CHURCH Church Steward: Mrs Barbara Young Flinthill House, Reading Room Loke, Kelling, NR25 7HA Tel: (01263) 588568 THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Father Denys Lloyd The Presbytery, 58 Cromer Road, Sheringham Telephone: (01263) 822036 Printed by Cheverton Printers of Cromer - 01263 513039
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