400+ brands. - International Franchise Expo
400+ brands. - International Franchise Expo
400+ BRANDS. -22, 2013 JUNE 20 THE JAVITS CENTER, NEW YORK CITY ONE EXPO. A WORLD OF OPPORTUNITY. Come meet the world’s most well-known brands, all in one place, at one time. IFE 2013—a truly global opportunity. Register for FREE at IFEinfo.com Use Promo Code: GPGLB Follow us on: Sponsored by: www.facebook.com/InternationalFranchiseExpo www.twitter.com/MFVExpositions International Franchise Expo 2013 THE IFE CONFERENCE PROGRAM IS SPONSORED BY: Table of Contents Page Welcome ....................................................................................... 3 Conference Program The IFE Conference Program is sponsored by: Seminars — A Preview .................................................................. 5 S1: The A to Z’s of Buying a Franchise..................................... 6 - 7 L’acquisition d’une de A á Z Das A und O biem Kauf einer Franchise Explicación detallada de la adquisición de una Franquicia S2: Franchising Your Business ................................................. 8 - 9 Franchisage de votre Entrprise Machen Sie aus lhrem Geschäft Eine Franchise Concesión de Franquicias de Su Propio Negocio S3: Operations Manuals: The Foundation to Consistent Execution...................................................... 10 - 11 Manuels des Opérations: La Base d’une execution conséquente Handbücher des Geschäftsbetriebs: Die Grundlage für eine Konsequente Umsetzung Manuales de Operaciones La Base de una ejecución consecuente S4: Master Franchising, Domestically and Internationally ... 12 - 13 Master Franchisage Master Franchising Franquicias Maestra S5: Global Franchise Expansion: Strategies for Lucrative and Planned Growth ....................................................... 14 - 15 Expansion globale de la franchise Ausweitung der globalen Franchise Ampliación global de la franquicia S7: Web 2.0: Social Networking + Data in Franchising ........ 16 - 17 L’emploi des technologies dans la création de franchises Der Einsatz von Technologie im Franchising El uso de la tecnología en la creación de franquicias BuscaTuFranquicia.com Franchise Opportunities for Hispanics S8: Strategies for Penetrating the U.S. Market for Overseas Franchisors ............................................... 18 - 19 Pénétrer le marché américain Den US-Markt durchdringen Penetración del mercado de EE.UU. Show Information....................................................................... 20 Show Registration and Information ................................. 20 - 21 Advance Registration Form ...................................................... 22 Travel and Hotel Information ............................................. 24 - 25 Current List of Exhibitors.......................................................... 26 For details on showcasing your brand to the world, contact Melissa at 201.881.1666 or [email protected] 2 IFE 2013 Visit www.IFEinfo.com Welcome To Our International Visitors: We thank you for requesting information about the 22nd Annual International Franchise Expo (IFE), June 20-22, 2013. This comprehensive visitor’s kit will help you develop a schedule and plan of action for your trip to New York City. You will have three full days to discover the world of franchising, and with careful preparation, here is what you will be able to accomplish: See hundreds of exhibiting franchise concepts, many of which may be interested in expanding to your country or market. Meet with the corporate executives of these franchise concepts. Learn more about franchising, how it works, and how it relates to your personal interests. Get answers about franchising from the world’s leading experts who exhibit and present at the IFE’s conference program. Visit with franchise trade associations, and collect important collateral material from franchise companies and vendors. Attend free seminars as well as paid symposia. Meet the Exhibitors >OL[OLY`V\WSHU[VTLL[L]LY`L_OPIP[PUNMYHUJOPZLJVTWHU`H[[OL0-,VY`V\PU[LUK[VTLL[HZLSLJ[ML^`V\^PSSÄUK an exhibitor list on page 26 of this brochure. More companies are added to the list daily. For a look at the complete list, visit our website www.IFEinfo.com. Visit the site periodically before the IFE. Review the exhibitor list and make notes of the companies you want to meet. It’s best to arrive in New York City with an agenda to make the best use of your time. Register for Conferences 0UHKKP[PVU[V[OLL_WVÅVVY[OL0-,VMMLYZHJVUMLYLUJLWYVNYHT[OH[PUJS\KLZMYLLHUKMLLIHZLKZLZZPVUZ7HNLZ 6-19 include symposia descriptions that will be of interest to prospective franchise buyers, prospective franchisors and current franchisors. Review these symposia and make plans now to attend the sessions of most interest to you. There are also free seminars, and you may choose from over 70 different topics. Updates on the conference program are always available on www.IFEinfo.com. Important Visa/Passport Information 0U[LYUH[PVUHS]PZP[VYZ[OH[HYLPU[LYLZ[LKPUH[[LUKPUN[OL0U[LYUH[PVUHS-YHUJOPZL,_WVZOV\SKÄYZ[JVU[HJ[[OLPYSVJHS<: ,TIHZZ`<:-VYLPNU*VTTLYJPHS:LY]PJL+LWHY[TLU[[VPUX\PYLHIV\[[OLWVZZPIPSP[`VMQVPUPUNHUVMÄJPHS<: ,TIHZZ`+LSLNH[PVU7SLHZLILZ\YL[VJOLJR[OLJ\YYLU[YLX\PYLTLU[ZHUKYLZ[YPJ[PVUZMVY[YH]LSPUN[V[OL<:MYVT`V\Y JV\U[Y`;OLYLJVTTLUKLKÄYZ[ZV\YJLVMJ\YYLU[]PZHPUMVYTH[PVUPZwww.travel.state.gov. Another useful website is http://travel.state.gov/visa. It may take several months or more for you to receive your visa, so please start the process as soon as possible. Register Now! It’s important to register early so that we can prepare for your arrival at IFE. Register online at www.IFEinfo.com by clicking on International Visitors. Or you may complete the Advance Registration Form on page 22 and mail or fax it to IFE as soon as possible. Next, allow us to help you arrange for your hotel accommodations. While on the IFE website, go to Travel/Hotel Info and reserve your room online. For the best available rates, please submit as early as possible. Once you are registered, please continue to visit www.IFEinfo.com for updates about the IFE. Then, just relax until you HYYP]LPU5L^@VYR*P[`>L»SSSVVRMVY^HYK[VNYLL[PUN`V\HUKZOHYPUNHKKP[PVUHSPUMVYTH[PVU^P[O`V\7SLHZLILHZZ\YLK that we will do all that’s possible to make your trip rewarding. Meanwhile, if you have any questions, please contact Corali Romero at [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you in New York City at the 2013 International Franchise Expo. Sincerely, ;OVTHZ7VY[LZ` ;OVTHZ7VY[LZ` 7YLZPKLU[ MFV Expositions :[LWOLU 1 *HSKLPYH :[LWOLU1*HSKLPYH 7YLZPKLU[*OPLM,_LJ\[P]L6MÄJLY International Franchise Association Register online at www.IFEinfo.com (Use promo code GPGLB) IFE 2013 3 Over a quarter century of franchising, providing solutions to businesses and entrepreneurs around the world. Proven opportunities for entrepreneurs worldwide. Signs & Graphics Business Brokerage & 'SBODIJTF$POTVMUJOH Event Planning & Management &NCSPJEFSZ Promotional Products 0VUEPPS.FEJB Advertising &OFSHZ&ď DJFODZ (SFFO5FDIOPMPHZ 4JY#SBOETt0WFS'SBODIJTFFTt*O0WFS$PVOUSJFT Start Building Your Future *ODPNFt-JGFTUZMFt8FBMUI UNITED FRANCHISE GROUP “The Global Leader for Entrepreneurs” www.UnitedFranchiseGroup.com PREMIER TUTORING & TEST PREPARATION + 60 million K-12 Students 20 million College Students 80 million Test Takers 1 Franchise that serves them all! www.chyten.com 800-HAV-TEST (428-8378) Seminars – A Preview In between visits with franchisors at the International Franchise Expo, schedule time to attend one or more FREE SEMINARS. Seminars are taught by experts including franchisors, lawyers and consultants. The seminars provide an opportunity for you to hear about KPɈLYLU[PKLHZHUKHWWYVHJOLZ[VMYHUJOPZPUN>OPSL some of the seminars are in-depth, they are not as comprehensive as the symposia, which can be found on pages 6-19. Seminars and symposia provide an opportunity to network with the experts who lead the programs and to meet other prospective franchisees and franchisors. Seminars are subject to change without notice, so please visit www.IFEinfo.com for the latest schedule of seminars. Please note that the seminars are presented in English. HERE IS A PREVIEW OF SOME FREE EDUCATIONAL SEMINARS OFFERED AT IFE 2013 For Prospective Franchisees and Franchisors: Navigating the Buying Process Best Practices for Start Up Franchisors /V^[V)\`H/6;-YHUJOPZLHUK5V[.L[)<95,+ /V^[V-PUHUJL@V\Y-YHUJOPZL Secrets to Success for Master Franchising .L[[PUN9LHK`[V-YHUJOPZL@V\Y)\ZPULZZ For Current Franchisors: ;OL/PNOS`:\JJLZZM\S-YHUJOPZVY 4VUL`IHSSMVY-YHUJOPZPUN ;HRPUN@V\Y-YHUJOPZL:`Z[LT[V[OL5L_[3L]LS :VJPHS4LKPHHUK-YHUJOPZL3LHK.LULYH[PVU 6]LY]PL^VM2L`<:;YLUKZHUK9LN\SH[VY`0ZZ\LZ 4HPU[HPUPUN)YHUK:[HUKHYKZ Vous trouverez, ci-dessous, quelques-uns des séminaires éducatifs proposés GRATUITEMENT lors d’IFE 2013. Im Folgenden führen wir einige der KOSTENLOSEN Informations seminare auf, die auf der IFE 2013 angeboten werden. Estos son algunos de los Seminarios educativo GRATUITO ofrecidos en el IFE 2013. À l’intention des futurs franchisés et franchiseurs : Für potenzielle Franchisenehmer und Franchisegeber: Para franquiciatarios y franquiciadores potenciales: 3HUH]PNH[PVUKHUZSL processus d'achat 5H]PNH[PVUKLZ2H\MWYVaLZZLZ 5H]LNHUKVWVYLSWYVJLZVKLJVTWYH )LZ[7YHJ[PJLZM Y-YHUJOPZLNLILY 5L\NY UK\UNLU 4LQVYLZWYmJ[PJHZWHYH MYHUX\PJPHKVYLZX\LZLPUPJPHU >PLTHULPUL/,0::,-YHUJOPZLRH\M[ VOULZPJOKPL-PUNLYa\=,9)9,55,5 §*}TVJVTWYHY\UHMYHUX\PJPH (9+0,5;,`UVYLZ\S[HY8<,4(+6 *VTTLU[ÄUHUJLYZHMYHUJOPZL >PLTHULPUL-YHUJOPZLÄUHUaPLY[ *}TVÄUHUJPHYZ\MYHUX\PJPH 3LZZLJYL[ZK\Z\JJuZKLZ franchises-maîtresses ,YMVSNZNLOLPTUPZZLM Y /H\W[-YHUJOPZPUN :LJYL[VZKLSt_P[VWHYHSHZ MYHUX\PJPHZTHLZ[YHZ :LWYtWHYLYH\MYHUJOPZHNL de son entreprise 4HJOLU:PLZPJOILYLP[0OY <U[LYULOTLUa\RVUaLZZPVUPLYLU 7YLWHYmUKVZLWHYH MYHUX\PJPHYZ\ULNVJPV À l’intention des franchiseurs actuels : Für gegenwärtige Franchisegeber: Para franquiciadores actuales: +LYZLOYLYMVSNYLPJOL-YHUJOPZLNLILY ,SMYHUX\PJPHKVYHS[HTLU[LL_P[VZV É4VUL`IHSS¸:[YH[LNPLUM Y-YHUJOPZPUN ,Z[YH[LNPHZ¸4VUL`IHSS¹ WHYHMYHUX\PJPHZ 3LZWYH[PX\LZL_LTWSLZKLZ MYHUJOPZL\YZX\PKtTHYYLU[ *VTTLU[HJOL[LY\ULMYHUJOPZL brûlante et ne pas se brûler! 3LMYHUJOPZL\YL_[YvTLTLU[WYVZWuYL :[YH[tNPLKLMYHUJOPZHNL4VUL`IHSS® -HPYLWHZZLY]V[YLZ`Z[uTLKL MYHUJOPZLH\UP]LH\Z\WtYPL\Y 3LZTtKPHZZVJPH\_L[SHNtUtYH[PVU de contacts de franchisage (WLYs\KLZ[LUKHUJLZ HTtYPJHPULZL[KLZX\LZ[PVUZ YtNSLTLU[HPYLZWYPUJPWHSLZ 3LYLZWLJ[KLZUVYTLZKL SPTHNLKLTHYX\L /LILU:PL0OY-YHUJOPZLZ`Z[LT auf die nächste Stufe :VaPHSL4LKPLU\UK-YHUJOPZL 2VU[HR[.LULYPLY\UN lILYISPJR ILY^PJO[PNL<: ;YLUKZ\UK9LN\SPLY\UNZMYHNLU (\MYLJO[LYOHS[\UN]VU Marken-Standards 3SL]LZ\ZPZ[LTHKLMYHUX\PJPHZ al siguiente nivel 3VZTLKPVZZVJPHSLZ`SHNLULYHJP}U KLJVU[HJ[VZKLMYHUX\PJPHZ =PZP}UNLULYHSKLSHZ[LUKLUJPHZ claves en los Estados Unidos de (TtYPJH`HZ\U[VZYLN\SH[VYPVZ 4HU[LULYSVZLZ[mUKHYLZKLTHYJH Register online at www.IFEinfo.com (Use promo code GPGLB) IFE 2013 5 Symposium 1 Sponsored by: THE A TO Z’S OF BUYING A FRANCHISE Inside Information From a 30-Year Franchise Veteran DATE: Saturday, June 22 9:00 am - 12:30 pm RATES: Advance: $110* On Site: $160* *Includes exhibit hall admission and seminars REGISTER FOR TWO SYMPOSIA D IS C O U N T SAVE $50 Presented by: John P. Hayes, PhD www.howtobuyafranchise.com Dr. John Hayes is the author of the Franchise Pre-Investment Checklist and Franchising: The Inside Story plus countless articles about franchising that have appeared in publications internationally, including Reader’s Digest Magazine, Wall Street Journal, International Herald Tribune and many more. Dr. Hayes serves as an advisor to franchisors and franchisees. 6 IFE 2013 If you’re looking for no-nonsense, cut-to-the-quick, show me how to evaluate franchises so that I can buy one that’s right for me information... this is the symposium you need. And it’s the only one you’ll need! It’s taught by a 30year franchise veteran who has been both a franchisee and a franchisor. Dr. Hayes has worked with 100 different franchise systems as a consultant and has written extensively about the topic. He has been teaching this seminar for nearly 20 years to thousands of individuals, many of whom have successfully purchased franchises. If you hope to become a successful franchisee, get started ^P[OJVUÄKLUJLI`WHY[PJPWH[PUNPU[OPZZ`TWVZP\T You will learn the basic information about franchising but glean an in-depth knowledge through the experiences of Dr. Hayes. He will help you understand how to interpret and use the Franchise Disclosure Document to discover reliable information about the performance and viability of any franchise, how to evaluate the franchisor’s operating system and determine if you and your intended market are compatible with the system, the pros and cons of franchising, the fees required by franchisors, the facts about territorial and product restrictions, how to raise money to invest in a franchise, and much, much more. This is the perfect symposium for people who are just getting started with their research as well as those who are close to making a decision to buy a franchise. Questions will be answered throughout the symposium. All course materials are presented in English only. HERE’S WHAT YOU RECEIVE: In addition to the comprehensive information covered in the symposium, you will receive a binder of all the information presented. You will utilize a self-evaluation tool to test your compatibility with franchising. The WYVÄSL]HS\LKH[^PSSOLSW`V\KL[LYTPUL[OL[`WL of franchise that makes sense for you to buy. Also, you ^PSSYLJLP]LHJVW`VM[OL-YHUJOPZL7YL0U]LZ[TLU[ *OLJRSPZ[HWHNLIVVRSL[[OH[Z[LWZ`V\[OYV\NO[OL process of evaluating and buying a franchise. The booklet PZH ]HS\L@V\HSZVNL[+Y/H`LZ»ZL_JS\ZP]LSPZ[ of 92 Questions To Ask Before You Buy A Franchise! – he’s done much of your homework for you! Finally, got a question after the symposium? You get lifetime email access to Dr. Hayes, who will answer your questions at UVHKKP[PVUHSJOHYNL=HS\L!7YPJLSLZZ All attendees receive admission to the exhibits and seminars on all three days. Visit www.IFEinfo.com WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Anyone who’s thinking about buying a franchise will ÄUK[OPZZ`TWVZP\T[VILPU]HS\HISL>OLYLLSZL^PSS `V\OH]L[OLVWWVY[\UP[`[VZWLUKOV\YZ^P[OH seasoned professional who provides honest, accurate, timely information about franchising? The subject matter is intended for people who want to buy a franchise in the United States, although the seminar also attracts many international candidates as well as prospective franchisors. Attend only if you want to be better educated about buying a franchise! THIS SYMPOSIUM WILL LOOK AT: 1. INTRODUCTION TO FRANCHISING >OH[PZMYHUJOPZPUN& 7YVZ*VUZVMMYHUJOPZPUN -YHUJOPZPUN]Z0UKLWLUKLU[:[HY[<WZ 0ZMYHUJOPZPUNMVY`V\&:LSM,]HS\H[PVU 4VYL[OHUKPMMLYLU[PUK\Z[YPLZPUMYHUJOPZPUN :LSLJ[PUNHMYHUJOPZL[OH[»ZYPNO[MVY`V\ WLYZVUHSS`ÄUHUJPHSS` /V^[VYLZLHYJOMYHUJOPZLVWWVY[\UP[PLZ -YHUJOPZLÄUHUJPUN¶^OLYL[VIVYYV^TVUL` 2. HOW TO INVESTIGATE THE “IDEAL” FRANCHISE SYSTEM >OH[[VL_WLJ[MYVTHMYHUJOPZVY >OH[HMYHUJOPZVYL_WLJ[ZMYVTMYHUJOPZLLZ ,]HS\H[PUN[OLMYHUJOPZVY»ZVWLYH[PUNZ`Z[LT <UKLYZ[HUKPUN[OLMLLZPU]VS]LKPUMYHUJOPZPUN 2L`X\LZ[PVUZ[VHZRIV[OMYHUJOPZVY and franchisees :V\YJLZVMPUMVYTH[PVU[OH[JHUOLSW`V\ evaluate opportunities :LLRPUNV\[[OLYPNO[SLNHSHUK accounting advice 3. UNDERSTANDING THE FDD AND FRANCHISE AGREEMENT >OH[PZ[OL-YHUJOPZL+PZJSVZ\YL+VJ\TLU[-++ /V^[VYLHK[OLP[LTZPU[OL-++ /V^[V\ZL[OL-++[V`V\YHK]HU[HNL 4HQVY[VWPJZJV]LYLKI`[OL-++ ,]HS\H[PUN[OLMYHUJOPZVY»ZWLYMVYTHUJL\ZPUN the FDD ,_WSVYPUNVW[PVUZMVYULNV[PH[PUN[OL-++^P[O a franchisor <UKLYZ[HUKPUN[OL-YHUJOPZL(NYLLTLU[ Français / Deutsch / Español Français S1: Deutsch S1: L’acquisition d’une Franchis de A á Z Si vous recherchez une façon raisonnable, qui va doit au but e t montre réellement l’évaluation des franchises pour que je puisse m’en offrir une sur mesure pour moi... C’est le colloque dont vous avez besoin. Et vous n’en aurez plus besoin plus tard ! Si vous espérez devenir un franchiseur réussi, commencez par participer en [V\[LJVUÄHUJLnJLJVSSVX\L=V\Z`HWWYLUKYLa les notions de base sur le franchisage mais vous enrichirez aussi des toutes les connaissances détaillées issues des expériences de M. Hayes X\P]V\ZHPKLYVU[nJVTWYLUKYLJVTTLU[ interpréter et utiliser le document d’octroi de MYHUJOPZLWV\YKtJV\]YPYKLZPUMVYTH[PVUZÄHISLZ sur le rendement et la viabilité de n’importe quelle franchise, comment évaluer le système d’exploitation du franchiseur et déterminer votre compatibilité personnelle et celle de votre marché cible avec le système, le pours et les contres du franchisage, les droits exigés par des franchiseurs, les faits sur les restrictions territoriales et de produit, comment récolter l’argent pour investir dans une franchise, et beaucoup, beaucoup plus. Ces the`mes seront présentés par un groupe d’experts en la matiêre et suivis d’une séance “Questions— Réponses”. 1. Introduction au franchisage 2. Comment se renseigner sur le systême ‘idéal’ de franchise 3. Comprendre l’FDD et le contrat de franchisage A Qui Est Destiné: Tous ceux qui envisagent d’acheter une concession trouveront ce colloque d’une valeur PULZ[PTHISL0SLZ[KLZ[PULn]V\ZPUZ[Y\PYL sur les avantages et les désavantages que YLWYtZLU[LS»HJOH[K»\ULMYHUJOPZLL[n]V\Z HPKLYnJVTWYLUKYLWV\YX\VP]V\ZKL]YPLaV\UL devriez pas en acheter une. Le thème est destine aux gens qui veulent acheter une concession aux États-Unis, bien que le séminaire attire également beaucoup de candidats internationaux aussi bien que les franchiseurs potentiels. Les fournitures et accessoires de cours sont uniquement. Das A und O biem Kauf einer Franchise >LUU:PLUHJOLPULYNLYHKSPUPNLUH\MKLU7\UR[ kommenden, „Zeig mir wie man Franchises bewertet so dass ich die für mich Richtige kaufen kann”... Veranstaltung suchen, dann ist diese Fachtagung die einzig Richtige für Sie. Und sie ist die einzige, die Sie benötigen! Wenn Sie hoffen, ein erfolgreicher Franchisenehmer zu werden, starten Sie mit Zuversicht durch Teilnahme an diesem Symposium. Sie erlernen die Basis-Informationen über Franchising und sammeln gleichzeitig detailliertes Fachwissen durch die Erfahrungen von Dr. Hayes, der Ihnen hilft, zu verstehen, wie man das Franchise Disclosure Document interpretiert und benutzt, um zuverlässige Informationen über die Leistung und Entwicklungsfähigkeit einer jeden Franchise feststellen zu können, wie man das Betriebsverfahren des Franchisegebers auswertet und feststellt, ob Sie und Ihr angestrebter Markt TP[KLT:`Z[LTKLU7YVZ\UK2VU[YHZKLZ Franchising, den vom Franchisegeber geforderten Gebühren, den Fakten bezüglich Gebiets- und 7YVK\R[ILZJOYpUR\UNLU^PLTHUZPJOKPL für ein Franchise-Investment notwendigen Mittel beschafft, übereinstimmt und vieles, vieles mehr. Nach Abschluss der einleitenden )LTLYR\UNLUK\YJOKPL7VKP\TZ[LPSULOTLY MVSN[LPUL-YHNL\UK(U[^VY[7LYPVKL 1. Eine Einleitung zum Franchising: >LNLa\Y7Y M\UNKLZ¸PKLHSLU¹ Franchise-Systems: 3. Verständnishilfen für den FDD und Franchise-Vertrag: Wer Sollte Teilnehmen: - YQLKLUKLYZPJOTP[KLTTNSPJOLU2H\M einer Franchise trägt, wird dieses Symposium von unschätzbarem Wert sein. Diese Fachveranstaltung dient dazu, Sie über das Für \UK>PKLYKLZ2H\MZLPULY-YHUJOPZLH\Ma\RSpYLU und Ihnen helfen zu verstehen, weshalb Sie eine Franchise erwerben sollten, oder weshalb nicht. Die Thematik dieser Fachtagung ist für Teilnehmer bestimmt, die eine Franchise in den Vereinigten Staaten kaufen möchten, obgleich das Seminar auch viele internationale )LZ\JOLY\UK2H\ÄU[LYLZZLU[LUHUaPLO[ Espanol S1: Explicación detallada de la adquisición de una Franquicia Si está buscando practicidad, ir concisa y directamente al punto y aprender a evaluar MYHUX\PJPHZHÄUKLWVKLYJVTWYHYSHMYHUX\PJPH correcta para usted, entonces éste es el simposio que necesita. ¡Y el único que necesitará! Si desea convertirse en un exitoso franquiciado, comience con seguridad, participando de este simposio. Usted conocerá la información básica sobre franquicias, adquiriendo a la vez profundos conocimientos, gracias a la experiencia del Dr. Hayes, quien le ayudará a comprender cómo se debe interpretar y utilizar el Franchise Disclosure Document, para encontrar información ÄHISLZVIYLSHLQLJ\JP}U`]PHIPSPKHKKL[VKH franquicia, cómo evaluar el sistema operativo del franquiciador y determinar si usted y el mercado previsto son compatibles con el sistema, los pros y los contras de la franquicia, los cánones requeridos por el franquiciador, las condiciones sobre restricciones territoriales y de productos, cómo obtener dinero para invertirlo en una franquicia... y muchísima información más.La disertación inicial de los panelistas será seguida de un periodo de preguntas y respuestas. 1. Introducción a las franquicias: 2. Cómo investigar el sistema “ideal” de franquicias: 3. Interpretación de la FDD y del convenio de franquicia: Quiénes Deben Asistir: Quien esté pensando en adquirir una franquicia, encontrará en este simposio un valor incalculable. Este simposio tiene el objetivo de brindarle la formación necesaria respecto de los pros y los contras de adquirir una franquicia, así como ayudarle a entender por qué debería adquirirla o por qué no. Si bien el contenido está destinado a personas que desean adquirir una franquicia en EE.UU., el seminario también atrae a una gran cantidad de candidatos internacionales, así como para futuros franquiciadores. Los materiales del curso se proporcionan en inglés únicamente. Die Kursmaterialien sind ausschließlich in englischer Sprache. Register online at www.IFEinfo.com (Use promo code GPGLB) IFE 2013 7 Symposium 2 Sponsored by: FRANCHISING YOUR BUSINESS DATE: Starts Friday, June 21 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Continues Saturday, June 22 10:00 am - 1:00 pm RATES: Advance: $270* On Site: $320* Since the end of World War II, franchising has become the dominant method for the creation of wealth through small business ownership. Franchising, once known primarily for YLZ[H\YHU[Z[VKH`PZ\ZLKI`V]LYPUK\Z[YPLZPUJS\KPUNH wide range of consumer and business to business services, retail, hospitality, health, recreation and many more. This two day symposium will explain how to turn your business into a successful franchise. All course materials are presented in English only. All symposium attendees receive free admission to the exhibits on all three days. OVER TWO DAYS, THIS SYMPOSIUM WILL LOOK AT: ;OLKPMMLYLUJLIL[^LLUSPJLUZPUNHUKMYHUJOPZPUNHUK when each is appropriate -YHUJOPZL-LHZPIPSP[`¶PZMYHUJOPZPUN[OLJVYYLJ[ expansion strategy for your company ;OLILULÄ[ZHUKYPZRZVMMYHUJOPZPUN`V\YI\ZPULZZ *OHYHJ[LYPZ[PJZVMHZ[YVUNMYHUJOPZVYVYNHUPaH[PVU *Includes exhibit hall admission and seminars REGISTER FOR TWO SYMPOSIA D IS C O U N T SAVE $50 Moderated by: ;HJ[PJHS)\ZPULZZ7SHUUPUN¶[OLKLZPNUKL]LSVWTLU[ and implementation of a franchising strategy j Determining the core drivers of your business and setting standards j Identifying the roles and responsibilities of the franchisor and franchisee j Determining the proper fee structure j Creating a positive relationship with franchisees j Brand development and advertising requirements j,UZ\YPUN[OLSLNHSKVJ\TLU[ZYLÅLJ[[OL business strategy ;OLÄUHUJPHSPTWSPJH[PVUZVMKL]LSVWPUNHMYHUJOPZL system including: j Cost of development and anticipated return on investment for the company j6YNHUPaH[PVUHSYLX\PYLTLU[Z¶OLHKX\HY[LYZHUKÄLSK 4HUHNPUN,_WHUZPVU:[YH[LNPLZ¶<UKLYZ[HUK^OLU and how to use: j Single Unit Franchising j Area Development and Multi-Unit Franchising g j Area Representative Franchising Michael H. Seid Managing Director, MSA Worldwide www.MSAWorldwide.com & Michael H. Seid is the founder and Managing Director of MSA Worldwide, a domestic and international franchise advisory firm. He has over 25 years experience as a Senior Operations and Financial Executive or Consultant for companies within the franchise, retail, restaurant, hospitality and service industries as well as having been a franchisee. Michael serves on the IFA Supplier’s Forum’s (SF) Board of Directors as a Past Chairman. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the IFA, the first and only time a professional services provider has been elected to the board in the association’s history. Michael has earned the designation of CFE - Certified Franchise Executive and is also a non-practicing CPA. Together with the late Dave Thomas, Founder of Wendy’s, Michael is co-author of Franchising For Dummies. Michael lectures and writes frequently in the US and internationally on franchising. 8 IFE 2013 WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Anyone looking to grow their business or seeking information VU[OL\ZLILULÄ[ZHUKYPZRZHZZVJPH[LK^P[OHUPUKPYLJ[ method of distribution such as franchising. This includes business owners looking for information on franchising as a method to grow their businesses; CEOs, COOs and CFOs of companies seeking alternative methods of distribution, reorganization strategies, and additional pull through strategies; lawyers, accountants and business consultants whose clients require them to have a working knowledge of franchise development and management. j Master Franchising j Company Owned and Franchisee Owned locations in the same market 6WLYH[PVUTHU\HSZHUK[YHPUPUNWYVNYHTZ¶^OH[[OL` should contain, how they can be used to manage change, and risky issues you should consider when creating manual and training program content. The use of web based training and operating manuals in franchise systems ;LJOUVSVN`¶[OL\ZLVM[LJOUVSVN`PU[OLZ\WWVY[ and expansion of the franchise system .YV^PUN[OLI\ZPULZZ¶OV^[VKL]LSVWHUKTHUHNL a franchise system growth strategy that meets the system’s expansion goals, earnings expectations and attracts the types of franchisees that are best suited for the franchise system 9L[YVMYHUJOPZPUN¶\ZPUNMYHUJOPZPUNHZHUL^VY replacement method of distribution for established companies and for companies seeking an innovative reorganization, re-capitalization or tactical change strategy -PUHUJPUN`V\YNYV^[OHUKWSHUUPUN`V\YL_P[Z[YH[LN` ;OL3H^¶<UKLYZ[HUKPUN[OL-LKLYHSHUK:[H[L Disclosure requirements, relationship laws, trademarks, service marks and trade dress and other regulations that impact franchise system on a day to day basis Kay Marie Ainsley Managing Director, MSA Worldwide www.MSAWorldwide.com Kay Ainsley is a Managing Director of MSA Worldwide, a management consulting firm specializing in franchising, licensing and distribution. She has over 25 years of experience in franchising as Director of Franchise Development for major franchise systems or as an advisor to companies within the retail, restaurant, services, manufacturing, and business to business industries. Kay has completed the requirements and has earned the designation of Certified Franchise Executive (CFE). She teaches CFE accredited classes for the IFA’s Educational Foundation. Kay currently serves on the Board of the IFA’s Supplier Forum and is a member of the Glomak Committee, the international marketing arm of the IFA. She is also on the Advisory Board of the National Franchise Mediation Program of the Center for Dispute Resolution which promotes mediation in settling disputes in franchising. She is an associate member of the American Bar Association. Visit www.IFEinfo.com Français / Deutsch / Español Français S2: Deutsch S2: Franchisage de Votre Entreprise Espanol S2: Machen Sie aus Ihrem Geschäft Eine Franchise 3HKPMMtYLUJLLU[YLSHJVUJLZZPVU de licences et le franchisage -HPZHIPSP[tK»\ULMYHUJOPZL¶JL[[L Tt[OVKLJVU]PLU[LSSLn]V[YLZVJPt[t& 3LZH]HU[HNLZL[SLZYPZX\LZKtJV\SHU[ du franchisage de votre entreprise *HYHJ[tYPZ[PX\LZK\ULVYNHUPZH[PVU de franchiseur solide 7SHUPÄJH[PVU[HJ[PX\LZ[YH[tNPX\L 3LZPTWSPJH[PVUZÄUHUJPuYLZK\ développement d’un système de franchise .LZ[PVUKLZZ[YH[tNPLZK»L_WHUZPVU 4HU\LSZK»L_WSVP[H[PVUL[ programme de formation ;LJOUVSVNPL¶\[PSPZH[PVUKLSH[LJOUVSVNPLWV\Y le support et l’expansion du système de franchises i[HISPZZLTLU[KLZJVTTPZZPVUZ Concesión de Franquicias de Su Propio Negocio +LY<U[LYZJOPLKa^PZJOLU3PaLUaPLY\UN und Franchising sowie wann welche der beiden Methoden in Frage kommt +PL+\YJOM OYIHYRLP[KLY-YHUJOPZL – d.h. ist das Franchising die richtige Expansionsstrategie für Ihr Unternehmen ,[^HPNL=VY[LPSL\UK9PZPRLUKPL entstehen, wenn Sie aus Ihrem Geschäft eine Franchise machen 9t[YVMYHUJOPZHNL -PUHUJLTLU[KL]V[YLJYVPZZHUJLL[ WSHUPÄJH[PVUKL]V[YLZ[YH[tNPLKLZVY[PL 7\ISPJP[tKL]LU[LH\Kt[HPS A Qui Est Destiné: Toute personne désirant développer son entreprise ou recherchant des informations Z\YS\[PSPZH[PVUSLZH]HU[HNLZL[SLZYPZX\LZ HZZVJPtZn\ULTt[OVKLKLKPZ[YPI\[PVU indirecte telle que le franchisage. Les participants à ce colloque seront aussi admis à tous les stands pendant les trois jours. Les fournitures et accessoires de cours sont uniquement rédigés en anglais. 3LPZ[\UNZTLYRTHSLLPULYZ[HYRLU Franchisegeber- Organisation +PL[HR[PZJOL.LZJOpM[ZWSHU\UN¶,U[^\YM Entwicklung und Implementierung einer Franchising-Strategie +PLÄUHUaPLSSLU(\Z^PYR\UNLUKLY Entwicklung eines Franchise-Systems +HZ4HUHNLTLU[]VU,_WHUZPVUZZ[YH[LNPLU )L[YPLIZHUSLP[\UNLU\UK:JO\S\UNZWYVNYHTTL +PL-LZ[SLN\UN]VU.LI OYLU +PL,_WHUZPVUKLZ.LZJOpM[Z¶KLY sich die für Ihr System bestgeeigneten Franchisenehmer anwerben lassen +HZ9L[YVMYHUJOPZPUN +PL-PUHUaPLY\UN0OYLZ>HJOZ[\TZ\UKKPL 7SHU\UN0OYLY=LYp\LY\UNZZ[YH[LNPL ,PUaLSOHUKLSZ^LYI\UN Wer Sollte Teilnehmen: Alle Geschäftsleute, die ihr Geschäft weiter ausbauen wollen oder Informationen über die Anwendung, Vorteile und Risiken, die mit einer indirekten Vertriebsmethode wie dem Franchising einhergehen, erhalten möchten. Teilnehmer des Symposiums erhalten zudem an allen drei Tagen Zutritt zu den Ausstellungen Die Kursmaterialien sind ausschließlich in englischer Sprache. Visit the Supplier Alliance Area -YHUX\PJPHZMHJ[PISL¶LZJVUJLKLYL_WHUZP}U estratégica correcta para su compañía 3VZILULÄJPVZ`YPLZNVZKLJVUJLZP}U de su negocio *HYHJ[LYxZ[PJHZKL\UHM\LY[LVYNHUPaHJP}U de franquicias +PL;LJOUVSVNPL¶KLY,PUZH[aKLY Technologie zur Unterstützung und Ausweitung des Franchise-Systems +t]LSVWWLTLU[KL]V[YLLU[YLWYPZL 3HKPMLYLUJPHZLU[YLJ\HUKVVI[LULY una licencia y una franquicia 7SHU[mJ[PJVKLULNVJPV 3HZPTWSPJHJPVULZÄUHUJPLYHZKL desarrollar un sistema de franquicias (KTPUPZ[YHUKVLZ[YH[LNPHZKLL_WHUZP}U 6WLYHJP}UTHU\HS`WYVNYHTHKL entrenamiento ;LJUVSVNxH¶LS\ZVKL[LJUVSVNxHLULSHWV`V y expansión del sistema de concesión de franquicias ,Z[HISLJPLUKVOVUVYHYPVZ (NYHUKHUKVLSULNVJPV 9L[YVJVUJLZP}UKLMYHUX\PJPH -PUHUJPHUKVZ\JYLJPTPLU[V`WSHULHUKVZ\ estrategia de salida 3H3L`¶*VUVJLYSHZKLJSHYHJPVULZYLX\LYPKHZ Federales y Estatales, marcas registradas, marcas de servicios, vestido de comercio y otras regulaciones que impacten el sistema de franquicias en una base cotidiana. Quiénes Deben Asistir: Cualquiera en busca de aumentar su negocio }I\ZJHUKVPUMVYTHJP}ULULS\ZVILULÄJPVZ` riesgos asociados con un método indirecto de distribución tales como franquicias. Los asistentes al Simposio también recibirán entradas para la exposición que durará tres días. Los materiales del curso se proporcionan en inglés únicamente. Be part of the excitement – visit the Supplier Alliance Area on WKHVKRZñRRU1HZDQGYHWHUDQFRPSDQLHVZLOOEHH[KLELWLQJ in this area, supplying high quality services, products, and information to franchisors and franchisees. Make it a point to meet with them face-to-face. Register online at www.IFEinfo.com (Use promo code GPGLB) IFE 2013 9 Symposium 3 Sponsored by: OPERATIONS MANUALS: THE FOUNDATION TO CONSISTENT EXECUTION DATE: Friday, June 21 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm RATES: Advance: $110* On Site: $160* *Includes exhibit hall admission and seminars REGISTER FOR TWO SYMPOSIA Business owners who are strongly considering franchising and don’t have processes and procedures M\SS`KVJ\TLU[LKUL^MYHUJOPZVYZ^OV^HU[[VJVUÄYT that they have taken the right approach, managers with training accountability in an established chain poised to franchise, existing franchisors needing to update their Operations Manual. Documentation of your business’ processes and procedures is the foundation to consistent execution of your franchise concept. Your Operations Manual becomes the core reference document for how to replicate your business methods for all franchisees and so must be thorough, clear and user-friendly. In addition, it must clearly specify what customer products and services, policies, marketing approaches, etc. are required for compliance with your franchise agreement. Learn key content that should be included as well as how to create a user-friendly Operations Manual in this symposium. All course materials are presented in English only. THIS SYMPOSIUM WILL LOOK AT: All attendees receive admission to the exhibits and seminars on all three days. /V^H:[HY[<W4HU\HSKPMMLYZ from an Operations Manual T SAVE $50 WHO SHOULD ATTEND: /V^[VJHW[\YLRL`I\ZPULZZWYVJLZZLZHUK procedures for the Operations Manual >OH[[`WLZVMTHU\HSZHYLJ\Z[VTHY` to provide to franchisees >OH[[VWPJZHYL\Z\HSS`JV]LYLK in an Operations Manual D IS C O U N /V^[VSHUN\HNLTH[LYPHSZMVY`V\YYLHKLY and ensure that compliance requirements are clear and straightforward /V^[VJYHM[THU\HSJVU[LU[[VH]VPK vicarious liability lawsuits Presented by: Marla Rosner /V^MVYTH[[PUNPTWHJ[ZLHZLVM use and updating manuals Senior Consultant, Training MSA Worldwide www.MSAWorldwide.com Come Meet The Experts! Visit The Professional Center! It’s Free! Marla Rosner has excelled as a training professional for over twenty years including sixteen years leading the training function of a national franchise company. For new franchisors Marla creates Operations Manuals, assists in systemizing operational procedures and structures new franchisee training programs. For established franchisors, Marla assesses the effectiveness of current training, identifies training gaps and designs cost effective programs to train store level personnel, as well as headquarters staff. 10 IFE 2013 7KH352)(66,21$/&(17(5LVDQDUHDRQWKHH[KLELWñRRUZKHUH\RXFDQPHHWZLWK DWWRUQH\VDQGRWKHULQGXVWU\H[SHUWVZKRZLOOSURYLGHOHJDOEXVLQHVVDQGðQDQFLQJ DGYLFHDVZHOODVDQVZHU\RXUTXHVWLRQV,I\RXâUHDðUVWWLPHEX\HUDFXUUHQWEXVLQHVV owner looking to franchise your business or just researching to help make future decisions, the PROFESSIONAL CENTER is a pavilion not to be missed! Registration for one or three days will allow access to this center. Visit www.IFEinfo.com Français / Deutsch / Español Français S3: Deutsch S3: Manuels des Opérations: La Base d’une execution conséquente Handbücher des Geschäftsbetriebs: Die Grundlage für eine Konsequente Umsetzung Ce symposium traite des sujets suivants: *VTTLU[PKLU[PÄLYSLZWYVJLZZ\ZL[ procédures clés de votre négoce pour les documenter dans des Manuels d’Opérations 8\LSZ[`WLZKLTHU\LSZZLMV\YUPZZLU[ habituellement aux franchisés 8\LSZZ\QL[ZZ»L_HTPULU[UVYTHSLTLU[ dans des Manuels d’Opérations Diese Fachtagung fokussiert auf folgende Themen: >PLLYMHZZLPJOKPLLU[ZJOLPKLUKLU Geschäftsprozesse, um sie in Handbücher des Geschäftsbetriebs zu dokumentieren >LSJOL(Y[LU]VU/HUKI JOLYU^LYKLU Franchisenehmern üblicherweise zur Verfügung gestellt >LSJOL0UOHS[L^LYKLUUVYTHSLY^LPZLPU Handbüchern des Geschäftsbetriebs erörtert *VTTLU[\U4HU\LSK»0UP[PH[PVUZL distingue d’un Manuel d’Opérations *VTTLU[MVYT\SLYSLJVU[LU\WV\YX\L]VZ SLJ[L\YZSLJVTWYLUULU[L[JVTTLU[ZWtJPÄLY clairement les requêtes pour son accomplissement *VTTLU[JVUÄN\YLY\UTHU\LSWV\Yt]P[LYKLZ procès pour responsabilité ur les actes des tiers *VTTLU[VW[PTPZLYTV`LUUHU[\ULVTWVZP[PVU parfaite le confort d’usage de vos manuels L[MHJPSP[LYLUTvTL[LTWZZLZTPZLZnQV\Y A Qui Est Destiné: Aux entrepreneurs qui considèrent sérieusement créer une franchise et qui n’ont pas encore documenté entièrement leurs processus et procédures ; aux nouveaux créateurs de franchises qui souhaitent analyser si leur approche est correcte ; aux responsables de formation dans une chaîne commerciale existante qui considère créer une franchise ; aux créateurs de franchises expérimentés qui souhaitent mettre nQV\YSL\YZ4HU\LSZK»6WtYH[PVUZ Les participants à ce colloque seront aussi admis à tous les stands pendant les trois jours. Les fournitures et accessoires de cours sont uniquement rédigés en anglais. >VYPU\U[LYZJOLPKLUZPJO/HUKI JOLY für die Neugründung von Handbüchern des Geschäftsbetriebs >PLMHZZLU:PLKPL0UOHS[LM Y0OYL Leser in Worte und wie formulieren Sie Vorgaben zu ihrer Erfüllung eindeutig >PLRVUÄN\YPLYLU:PL0OYL/HUKI JOLYU \T2SHNLU^LNLU/HM[\UNM Y Erfüllungsgehilfen zu vermeiden >PLVW[PTPLYLU:PLTP[LPULTWLYMLR[LU Layout die Lesbarkeit Ihrer Handbücher und erleichtern gleichzeitig deren Aktualisierung Wer Sollte Teilnehmen: Unternehmer, die intensiv über die Vergabe eigener Franchiselizenzen nachdenken und deren Geschäftsprozesse nicht vollständig dokumentiert sind; neue Franchisegeber, die gewährleisten ^VSSLUKHPOYL=VYNLOLUZ^LPZLYPJO[PNPZ[" Manager mit Ausbildungsverantwortung innerhalb einer etablierten Handelskette, die sich für die Vergabe von Franchiselizenzen interessieren; erfahrene Franchisegeber, die ihre Handbücher des Geschäftsbetriebs aktualisieren wollen. Teilnehmer des Symposiums erhalten zudem an allen drei Tagen Zutritt zu den Ausstellungen Die Kursmaterialien sind ausschließlich in englischer Sprache. Espanol S3: Manuales de Operaciones: La Base de una ejecución consecuente Este simposio examina los temas siguientes: *}TVPKLU[PÄJHYSVZWYVJLZVZ`WYVJLKPTPLU[VZ clave de su negocio para documentarlos en los Manuales de Operaciones 8\t[PWVZKLTHU\HSLZZLMHJPSP[HU habitualmente a los franquiciados 8\t[LTHZZLZ\LSLU[YH[HYLU Manuales de Operaciones *}TV\U4HU\HSKL0UPJPHJP}UZL distingue de un Manual de Operaciones *}TV]LYIHSPaHYLSJVU[LUPKVWHYHX\LZ\Z SLJ[VYLZSVLU[PLUKHU`J}TVLZWLJPÄJHY claramente los requerimientos para su cumplimiento *}TVJVUÄN\YHY\UTHU\HSWHYHL]P[HYWSLP[VZ por responsabilidad para actos de terceros *}TVVW[PTPaHYTLKPHU[L\UHJVTWVZPJP}U perfecta la comodidad de uso de sus manuales y facilitar al mismo tiempo sus actualizaciones Quiénes Deben Asistir: A Empresarios que consideran seriamente crear una franquicia y cuyos procesos y procedimientos no están documentados completamente ; a nuevos creadores de franquicias que quieren analizar si su enfoque es correcto ; a responsables de formación dentro de una cadena comercial existente que considera crear una franquicia ; a creadores de franquicias experimentados que quieren actualizar sus Manuales de Operaciones. Los asistentes al Simposio también recibirán entradas para la exposición que durará tres días. Los materiales del curso se proporcionan en inglés únicamente. Register online at www.IFEinfo.com (Use promo code GPGLB) IFE 2013 11 Symposium 4 Sponsored by: MASTER FRANCHISING, DOMESTICALLY AND INTERNATIONALLY DATE: Friday, June 21 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm RATES: Advance: $200* On Site: $250* What it takes for master franchises to succeed and prosper, at home and abroad, including: >OLUPZTHZ[LYMYHUJOPZPUN[OLILZ[HWWYVHJO& When is it not? REGISTER FOR TWO SYMPOSIA SAVE 50 C O U N T $ IS All attendees receive admission to the exhibits and seminars on all three days. THIS SYMPOSIUM WILL LOOK AT: *Includes exhibit hall admission and seminars D When does master franchising make sense? For the franchisor? For the franchisee? What are the pros and cons for each? How does it operate? What are the rights and responsibilities of each party? How do you analyze the LJVUVTPJZ&/V^KVLZ[OLMYHUJOPZVYÄUKHUKZLSLJ[HTHZ[LYMYHUJOPZLWHY[ULYHUKOV^JHUHJHUKPKH[LZH[PZM` himself as to the franchisor? What are the principal negotiating points? What are the principal pitfalls, and how can they be avoided? Finally, how are all of these issues handled differently in the international context? This symposium will address these challenging issues and draw upon the diverse experience of our panelists, all veterans of franchising. All course materials are presented in English only. /V^[VOHUKSLKPZW\[LZ[OH[HYPZLIL[^LLU the franchisor and master franchisee. >OH[HIV\[[OLZ\IMYHUJOPZLZ& 0KLU[PM`PUN[OLTHYRL[ZILZ[Z\P[LKMVY master franchising. ,_P[Z[YH[LNPLZMVY[OLMYHUJOPZVYHUK master franchisee. 4H[JOPUN[OLYPNO[MYHUJOPZVY^P[O[OLYPNO[ master franchisee. Master franchising can be a very effective vehicle for expanding internationally. This symposium will consider the elements of successful master franchising from the perspective of the franchisor and master franchisee, with particular attention to the special advantages this technique may offer in the context of cross-border franchising. :[Y\J[\YPUN[OLTHZ[LYMYHUJOPZLYLSH[PVUZOPW +L[LYTPUPUN[OLMLLZHUKV[OLYJOHYNLZWH`HISL[V the franchisor and master franchisee. ,Z[HISPZOPUNKL]LSVWTLU[ZJOLK\SLZMVY[OL local market. (KTPUPZ[LYPUNHK]LY[PZPUNHUKWYVTV[PVUHS programs in the local market. WHO SHOULD ATTEND: *HWP[HSYLX\PYLTLU[ZMVY[OLTHZ[LYMYHUJOPZLL and other funding considerations. +LHSPUN^P[OSVJHSTHYRL[JVUKP[PVUZHUKJ\S[\YLZ 4HPU[HPUPUNZ`Z[LTZ[HUKHYKZHUKWYV[LJ[PUN the brand. & 4HUHNPUNHUL[^VYRVMTHZ[LYMYHUJOPZLZ Presented by: Philip F. Zeidman Philip F. Zeidman devotes his practice to domestic franchising law and the rapidly growing field of international distribution, licensing and franchising law. He was recently named Global Franchise Lawyer of the Year at the Who’s Who Legal Awards for the seventh consecutive year. Mr. Zeidman is counsel to a number of U.S. and foreign companies and trade associations. Mr. Zeidman has engaged in an international transactional practice, testified on franchising before governmental bodies, participated in judicial and administrative proceedings, and appeared before business and professional groups in over 30 countries. He served as General Counsel to the International Franchise Association throughout his career. Franchisors seeking to understand how master MYHUJOPZLZJHUIL[[LYZLY]L[OLPYULLKZ7YVZWLJ[P]L master franchisees. US franchisors seeking to determine how to go about master franchising in foreign markets. International investors seeking master franchisors to expand into their countries. Richard J. Morey Senior Partner, DLA Piper US LLP www.dlapiper.com 12 IFE 2013 /V^[VH]VPK[OLWP[MHSSZVMTHZ[LYMYHUJOPZPUN Partner, DLA Piper US LLP www.dlapiper.com Richard Morey’s franchise and distribution practice is focused on working with both experienced and startup franchise companies, helping them structure new franchise programs and determine the most appropriate methods of single- and multi-unit franchising. He counsels franchisors on everyday compliance and other franchise-related issues, such as registration and disclosure matters, negotiating agreements, maintaining good franchisee relations and resolving disputes with franchisees. He also works extensively on international franchising and licensing transactions, including master franchise, area development and single-unit licensing deals in Asia, Europe, Central America, the Middle East and the Caribbean, in addition to structuring other methods of international product distribution such as manufacturing and bottling arrangements. Visit www.IFEinfo.com Français / Deutsch / Español Français S4: Deutsch S4: Comment utiliser la « Master Franchise » à l’échelle nationale et internationale La Master Franchise peut se révéler être un moyen [YuZLMÄJHJLWV\YZLKt]LSVWWLYnS»PU[LYUH[PVUHS*L colloque sera l’occasion d’examiner les éléments UtJLZZHPYLZnSHYt\ZZP[LK»\ULTHZ[LYMYHUJOPZL du point de vue du franchiseur et du master franchisé et les moyens d’éviter les pièges qui pourrait empêcher cette relation de répondre aux attentes du franchiseur et du master franchisé. Au cours de ce colloque, nous aborderons la question de savoir ce qu’il faut faire pour que les master franchises soient une réussite et prospèrent sur le territoire national et à l’étranger, y compris : Die Verwendung von Master-Franchising im Inland und international Master-Franchising kann ein sehr effektives Vehikel darstellen zur internationalen Expansion. Dieses Symposium wird die Elemente erfolgreichen 4HZ[LY-YHUJOPZPUNZH\ZKLY7LYZWLR[P]L]VU Franchisegeber und Master-Franchisenehmer prüfen und wie Sie die Fallstricke vermeiden, die zum Scheitern der Beziehung und zur Nichterfüllung der Erwartungen von Franchisegeber und Master-Franchisenehmer führen können. In diesem Symposium Werden Wir Diskutieren, was für die Master-Franchise erforderlich ist, um im In- und Ausland erfolgreich zu sein, einschließlich: 0KLU[PÄLYSLZTHYJOtZSLZTPL\_ HKHW[tZnSHTHZ[LYMYHUJOPZL 0KLU[PÄRH[PVUKLY4pYR[LKPLHTILZ[LU für Master-Franchising geeignet sind. ;YV\]LYSLMYHUJOPZL\YL[SLTHZ[LY franchisé qui seront les mieux assortis +LUYPJO[PNLU-YHUJOPZLNLILYTP[KLTWHZZLUKLU Master-Franchisenehmer zusammenbringen. :[Y\J[\YLYSHYLSH[PVUKLTHZ[LYMYHUJOPZL :[Y\R[\YPLY\UNKLY4HZ[LY-YHUJOPZL)LaPLO\UN +t[LYTPULYSLZYLKL]HUJLZL[H\[YLZMYHPZn payer au franchiseur et master franchisé. -LZ[SLN\UNKLY.LI OYLU\UKZVUZ[PNLUa\ zahlenden Abgaben an den Franchisegeber und Master-Franchisenehmer. i[HISPYKLZJHSLUKYPLYZKLKt]LSVWWLTLU[ pour le marché local. 7YtWHYLYKLZWSHUZK»LU[YLWYPZLL[Kt[LYTPULY la manière dont ils doivent fonctionner dans le cadre d’une relation de master franchise ,[HISPLY\UN]VU,U[^PJRS\UNZ Zeitplänen für den lokalen Markt. =VYILYLP[\UNKLY.LZJOpM[ZWSpUL\UK^PLKPLZLPU einer Master-Franchise-Beziehung wirksam werden. Espanol S4: El uso de la Franquicia Maestra a nivel nacional e internacional La franquicia maestra puede ser un vehículo muy efectivo para expandirse a nivel internacional. Este simposio considerará los elementos de las franquicias maestras exitosas desde la perspectiva del franquiciatario y el titular de la franquicia maestra, y cómo evitar las trampas que pueden hacer que la relación no llegue a cumplir las expectativas del franquiciatario y el titular de la franquicia maestra. En este simposio discutiremos qué se requiere para que los titulares de las franquicias maestras tengan éxito y prosperen en su país y en el extranjero, incluyendo: 0KLU[PÄJHJP}UKLSVZTLYJHKVZTmZ adecuados para las franquicias maestras. *VTIPUHYLSMYHUX\PJPH[HYPVHKLJ\HKVJVULS titular adecuado de una franquicia maestra. ,Z[Y\J[\YHYSHYLSHJP}UKLSHMYHUX\PJPHTHLZ[YH +L[LYTPUHYSHZJ\V[HZ`V[YVZWHNVZX\LKLILUOHJLYZL al franquiciatar io y el titular de la franquicia maestra. ,Z[HISLJLYWYVNYHTHZKLKLZHYYVSSV para el mercado local. 7YLWHYHJP}UKLSVZWSHULZKLULNVJPVZ`J}TVtZ[VZ trabajan en una relación de franquicia maestra. (WYV]PZPVUHTPLU[VKLWYVK\J[VZ`ZLY]PJPVZWHYH las operaciones del titular de la franquicia maestra. -HPYLK\ZV\YJPUNKLWYVK\P[ZL[KLZLY]PJLZ pour les opérations du master franchisé. )LZJOHMM\UN]VU7YVK\R[LU\UK+PLUZ[SLPZ[\UNLUM Y die Geschäftstätigkeit des Master- Franchisenehmers. .tYLYKLZWYVNYHTTLZW\ISPJP[HPYLZL[ promotionnels sur le marché local. /HUKOHI\UN]VU>LYIL\UK Förderprogrammen im lokalen Markt. ,_PNLUJLZLU[LYTLZKLJHWP[HSWV\YSLTHZ[LYMYHUJOPZt L[H\[YLZJVUZPKtYH[PVUZYLSH[P]LZH\ÄUHUJLTLU[ ,PNLURHWP[HS(UMVYKLY\UNLUM Y4HZ[LY Franchisenehmer und andere Finanzierungs- Erwägungen. ,STHULQVKLSHZJVUKPJPVULZKLS mercado local y las culturas locales. <TNHUNTP[SVRHSLU4HYR[ILKPUN\UNLU\UK2\S[\YLU ,STHU[LUPTPLU[VKLSVZLZ[mUKHYLZKL sistema y la protección de la marca. (\MYLJO[LYOHS[\UN]VU:`Z[LTZ[HUKHYKZ und Schutz der Marke. ,STHULQVKL\UHYLKKLMYHUX\PJPHZTHLZ[YHZ =LY^HS[\UNLPULZ4HZ[LY-YHUJOPZL5L[a^LYRZ *}TVKPYPTPYKPZW\[HZX\LZ\YNLULU[YLLS franquiciatario y el titular de la franquicia maestra. *VTWVZLYH]LJSLZJVUKP[PVUZL[ cultures du marché local. 7YtZLY]LYSLZUVYTLZK\Z`Z[uTLL[WYV[tNLYSHTHYX\L .tYLY\UYtZLH\KLTHZ[LYMYHUJOPZLZ *VTTLU[NtYLYSLZKPMMtYLUKZZ\ZJLW[PISLZKL survenir entre le franchiseur et le master franchisé. 3LZZ[YH[tNPLZKLZVY[PLWV\YSL franchiseur et le master franchisé. +LZMYHUJOPZL\YZJOLYJOHU[nJVTWYLUKYLSH manière dont une master franchise peut encore TPL\_YtWVUKYLnSL\YZILZVPUZ4HZ[LYMYHUJOPZtZ potentiels. Des franchiseurs américains cherchant nKt[LYTPULYJVTTLU[Z»`WYLUKYLWV\YSH master franchise sur les marchés étrangers. Des investisseurs internationaux cherchant des master franchiseurs pour se développer dans leurs pays. Les participants à ce colloque seront aussi admis à tous les stands pendant les trois jours. Les fournitures et accessoires de cours sont uniquement rédigés en anglais. )LOHUKS\UN]VUH\M[YL[LUKLU:[YLP[PNRLP[LUa^PZJOLU Franchisegeber und Master-Franchisenehmer. (\ZZ[PLNZ:[YH[LNPLUM Y-YHUJOPZLNLILY und Master-Franchisenehmer. 3HHKTPUPZ[YHJP}UKLSHW\ISPJPKHK`SVZ programas promocionales en el mercado local. 9LX\LYPTPLU[VZKLJHWP[HSWHYHLS[P[\SHYKLSHMYHUX\PJPH THLZ[YH`V[YHZJVUZPKLYHJPVULZKLÄUHUJPHTPLU[V ,Z[YH[LNPHZKLZHSPKHWHYHLSMYHUX\PJPH[HYPV y el titular de la franquicia maestra. Franchisegeber auf der Suche nach einem besseren Verständnis, wie Master-Franchises Ihre Bedürfnisse ILZZLYILKPLULURUULU7V[LU[PLSSL4HZ[LY-YHUJOPZLZ US-Franchisegeber auf der Suche zur Entwicklung eines Master-Franchisings in ausländischen Märkten. Internationale Anleger auf der Suche nach MasterFranchisegebern zur Expansion in ihren Ländern. Franquiciatarios que buscan comprender cómo las franquicias maestras pueden cubrir mejor sus ULJLZPKHKLZ7V[LUJPHSLZ[P[\SHYLZKLMYHUX\PJPHZ maestras. Franquiciatarios de los Estados Unidos de América que busquen determinar cómo proceder con respecto a las franquicias maestras en mercados extranjeros. Inversionistas extranjeros que busquen franquiciatarios maestros para expandirse en sus países. Alle Konferenzunterlagen werden nur in Englisch präsentiert. Alle Konferenzteilnehmer erhalten an allen drei Tagen Zugang zu den Ausstellungen. Todo el material del curso se presenta únicamente en inglés. Todos los asistentes al simposio reciben una admisión para las exhibiciones durante los tres días. Register online at www.IFEinfo.com (Use promo code GPGLB) IFE 2013 13 Symposium 5 Sponsored by: GLOBAL FRANCHISE EXPANSION: STRATEGIES FOR LUCRATIVE AND PLANNED GROWTH DATE: Thursday, June 20 10:00 am - 1:00 pm RATES: Advance: $200* On Site: $250* *Includes exhibit hall admission and seminars REGISTER FOR TWO SYMPOSIA SAVE 50 All attendees receive admission to the exhibits and seminars on all three days. WHO SHOULD ATTEND: D IS C O U N T $ In large measure, the focus on franchising has shifted from the domestic scene to cross-border activities. Franchisors in virtually every country are now devoting an increasing portion of their resources and energies to expanding beyond their base to growing markets abroad. Franchise experts will look at issues ranging from the cultural challenges of international expansion to the practical aspects of doing business across borders. The topics will address the most common business and legal problems affecting international franchising. Franchisors and professionals experienced in international franchising will take part in the panels. A question and answer period will follow each topic. All course materials are presented in English only. U.S. and non-U.S. franchisors, international franchising attorneys and consultants. All those involved and interested in global franchise expansion. The symposium will also be of interest to prospective master licensees wishing to understand international franchising from the franchisors’ perspective. 1. INTERNATIONAL FRANCHISING >OH[»ZOHWWLUPUNHYV\UK[OL^VYSK >OV»ZMYHUJOPZPUN^OLYL >OH[»ZILPUNMYHUJOPZLK *OVVZPUN[HYNL[THYRL[Z 4HRPUNP[^VYR!HYL`V\YLHK`MVY international expansion? /V^^PSSNVPUNPU[LYUH[PVUHSPTWHJ[ domestic operations? (JSVZLYSVVRH[JOVVZPUNHWHY[ULY *VZ[Z!KPYLJ[HUKPUKPYLJ[ 0TWVY[HU[I\ZPULZZJVUZPKLYH[PVUZ 0TWVY[HU[SLNHSJVUZPKLYH[PVUZ 2. STRUCTURAL VARIATIONS IN THE GLOBAL MARKET 1VPU[=LU[\YLJOVVZPUNHWHY[ULY!HK]HU[HNLZHUK disadvantages to the franchisor and franchisee +PYLJ[-YHUJOPZPUN!HK]HU[HNLZHUKKPZHK]HU[HNLZ to the franchisor and franchisee ;OL(YLH+L]LSVWTLU[-YHUJOPZL!HK]HU[HNLZHUK disadvantages to the franchisor and franchisee ;OL4HZ[LY-YHUJOPZLVY:\I-YHUJOPZL! advantages and disadvantages to the franchisor and franchisee -LLHUKYV`HS[`PZZ\LZ ;OL[LYTZVM[OLHNYLLTLU[ ;OLWHJRHNLVMZ\WWVY[ZLY]PJLZMVY[OLMYHUJOPZLL ;OLYPNO[ZHUKVISPNH[PVUZVM[OLMYHUJOPZVY ;OLYPNO[ZHUKVISPNH[PVUZVM[OLMYHUJOPZLL Moderated by: 3. THE INTERNATIONAL EXPANSION EXPERIENCE Philip F. Zeidman .VPUNHIYVHK Senior Partner, DLA Piper US LLP www.dlapaper.com Philip F. Zeidman devotes his practice to domestic franchising law and the rapidly growing field of international distribution, licensing and franchising law. He was recently named global Franchise Lawyer of the Year at the Who’s Who Legal Awards for the seventh consecutive year. Mr. Zeidman is counsel to a number of U.S. and foreign companies and trade associations. Mr. Zeidman has engaged in an international transactional practice, testified on franchising before governmental bodies, participated in judicial and administrative proceedings, taught at universities, and appeared before business and professional groups in over 30 countries, as well as before the Commission of the European Union and numerous U.S. congressional committees. He served as General Counsel to the International Franchise Association throughout his career. 14 IFE 2013 Visit www.IFEinfo.com 7YLZLU[H[PVUZI`PU[LYUH[PVUHSMYHUJOPZPUNL_WLY[Z! looking at the relationship from abroad; the role of the headquarters company; problems facing international franchising today and what leads to success and failure 3VVRPUNMVY^HYK ;OLUL^THYRL[Z ;OLUL^WYVZWLJ[P]LPU]LZ[VY ;YLUKZPUPU[LYUH[PVUHSMYHUJOPZPUN Français / Deutsch / Español Français S5: Deutsch S5: Expansion globale de la franchise Ausweitung der globalen Franchise Espanol S5: Ampliación global de la franquicia 1. La franchise internationale 1. Internationales Franchising 1. Otorgamiento de franquicias internacionales 8\LZLWHZZL[PSKHUZSLTVUKL& 8\PHJJVYKLKLZMYHUJOPZLZL[V& 8\LSZWYVK\P[ZZVU[MYHUJOPZtZ& *OVPZPYZLZTHYJOtZJPISL 9t\ZZPYZHMYHUJOPZL!v[LZ]V\ZWYv[ nSL_WHUZPVUPU[LYUH[PVUHSL& *VTTLU[SPU[LYUH[PVUHSPZH[PVUKL]VZHMMHPYLZ va-t-elle affecter leur fonctionnement au niveau national ? *OVPZPY\UWHY[LUHPYL *V[Z!KPYLJ[ZL[PUKPYLJ[Z *VUZPKtYH[PVUZJVTTLYJPHSLZPTWVY[HU[LZ *VUZPKtYH[PVUZStNHSLZPTWVY[HU[LZ >HZWHZZPLY[Y\UK\TKLU.SVI\Z >LY]LYNPI[^V-YHUJOPZL3PaLUaLU& >HZ^PYKWLY-YHUJOPZLSPaLUaPLY[& (\Z^HOS]VUAPLSTpYR[LU :V^PYK»ZNLTHJO[!:PUK:PLILYLP[M YLPUL internationale Expansion? >LSJOL(\Z^PYR\UNLUOH[PU[LYUH[PVUHSL Expansion auf heimische Geschäftsbereiche? 5pOLYLY,PUISPJR^PLTHULPULU7HY[ULYH\Z^pOS[ 2VZ[LU!+PYLR[L\UKPUKPYLR[L >PJO[PNLIL[YPLIZ^PY[ZJOHM[SPJOLlILYSLN\UNLU >PJO[PNLQ\YPZ[PZJOLlILYSLN\UNLU 3VX\LLZ[mZ\JLKPLUKVHSYLKLKVYKLST\UKV ¦8\PtULZ[mV[VYNHUKVMYHUX\PJPHZ`K}UKL& ¦8\tLZ[mZPLUKVMYHUX\PJPHKV& :LSLJJP}UKLSVZTLYJHKVZTL[H /HJPLUKVX\LM\UJPVUL!¦LZ[mSPZ[VWHYH la expansión internacional? ¦*}TVPTWHJ[HYmUSHZVWLYHJPVULZ internacionales a las nacionales? <UTLQVYLUMVX\LHSLSLNPY\UZVJPV *VZ[VZ!KPYLJ[VZLPUKPYLJ[VZ *VUZPKLYHJPVULZPTWVY[HU[LZKLULNVJPVZ *VUZPKLYHJPVULZSLNHSLZPTWVY[HU[LZ 2. Strukturelle Abweichungen im Weltmarkt 2. Variaciones estructurales en el mercado global 1VPU[]LU[\YLJOVPZPY\UWHY[LUHPYL!H]HU[HNLZ et désavantages du franchiseur et du franchisé 3HMYHUJOPZLKPYLJ[L!H]HU[HNLZL[ désavantages pour le franchiseur et le franchisé 3L[LYYP[VPYLNtVNYHWOPX\LKLSHMYHUJOPZL! avantages et désavantages pour le franchiseur et le franchisé 3HTHZ[LYMYHUJOPZLV\SHZV\ZMYHUJOPZL! avantages et désavantages pour le franchiseur et le franchisé 8\LZ[PVUZZ\YSLZYLKL]HUJLZL[SLZYV`HS[PLZ 3LZ[LYTLZKLSHJJVYK 3LUZLTISLKLZZLY]PJLZKLZ\WWVY[HWWVY[tZ nSHMYHUJOPZL 3LZKYVP[ZL[VISPNH[PVUZK\MYHUJOPZL\Y 3LZKYVP[ZL[VISPNH[PVUZK\MYHUJOPZt 1VPU[=LU[\YL¶(\Z^HOSKLZ7HY[ULYZ!=VY\UK Nachteile des Franchisegebers und Franchisenehmers +PYLR[-YHUJOPZPUN!=VY\UK5HJO[LPSLKLZ Franchisegebers und Franchisenehmers +PL.LIPL[ZLU[^PJRS\UNZ-YHUJOPZL!=VY und Nachteile des Franchisegebers und des Franchisenehmers +PL/H\W[VKLY<U[LY-YHUJOPZL!=VY und Nachteile des Franchisegebers und des Franchisenehmers ,U[NLS[\UK3PaLUaNLI OY-YHNLU +PL=LY[YHNZILKPUN\UNLU +HZ7HRL[HU\U[LYZ[ [aLUKLU4HUHOTLUM Y den Franchisegeber +PL9LJO[L\UK7ÅPJO[LUKLZ-YHUJOPZLNLILYZ +PL9LJO[L\UK7ÅPJO[LUKLZ-YHUJOPZLULOTLYZ (ZVJPHJP}UKLLTWYLZHZ1VPU[=LU[\YL¶ elección de un socio: ventajas y desventajas para el franquiciante y el franquiciado 6[VYNHTPLU[VKPYLJ[VKLMYHUX\PJPHZ!]LU[HQHZ` desventajas para el franquiciante y franquiciado ,SKLZHYYVSSVKLSmYLHKLSHMYHUX\PJPH!]LU[HQHZ` desventajas para el franquiciante y franquiciado 3HMYHUX\PJPHWYPUJPWHSVSHZ\IMYHUX\PJPH!]LU[HQHZ y desventajas para el franquiciante y franquiciado (ZWLJ[VZKLJ\V[HZ`YLNHSxHZ 3VZ[tYTPUVZKLSHJ\LYKV ,SWHX\L[LKLSVZZLY]PJPVZKLH`\KHWHYH el franquiciado 3VZKLYLJOVZ`KLILYLZKLSMYHUX\PJPHU[L 3VZKLYLJOVZ`KLILYLZKLSMYHUX\PJPHKV 3. L'expérience de l'expansion internationale 3. Erfahrungen mit internationaler Expansion :LKt]LSVWWLYnSt[YHUNLY 7YtZLU[H[PVUZWHYKLZL_WLY[ZPU[LYUH[PVUH\_KL SHMYHUJOPZL!SHYLSH[PVU]\LKLSt[YHUNLY"SLYSL du siège central ; les problèmes rencontrés H\QV\YKO\PWHYSHMYHUJOPZLPU[LYUH[PVUHSLL[SLZ YHPZVUZK\Z\JJuZV\KLStJOLJ 7LYZWLJ[P]LZKH]LUPY 3LZUV\]LH\_THYJOtZ 3LUV\]LSPU]LZ[PZZL\YWV[LU[PLS ;LUKHUJLZKLSHMYHUJOPZLPU[LYUH[PVUHSL +LY:JOYP[[PUZ(\ZSHUK 7YpZLU[H[PVULUPU[LYUH[PVUHSLY-YHUJOPZL Experten: Blick auf das Geschäftsverhältnis aus KLT(\ZSHUKKPL9VSSLKLY2VUaLYUaLU[YHSL 7YVISLTLKLULUZPJOPU[LYUH[PVUHSLZ-YHUJOPZPUN heute gegenübersieht und was zu Erfolg oder Misserfolg führt (\ZISPJRPUKPLA\R\UM[ +PLUL\LU4pYR[L +LYUL\LWV[LU[PLSSL0U]LZ[VY;YLUKZ im internationalen Franchising :HSPLUKVHSL_[YHUQLYV 7YLZLU[HJPVULZWVYSVZL_WLY[VZPU[LYUHJPVUHSLZ en franquicias: Dando una mirada a las relaciones desde el extranjero; al papel de la JVTWH|xHJVTVVÄJPUHJLU[YHS"HSVZWYVISLTHZ que enfrenta el otorgamiento de franquicias hoy y a lo que conduce al éxito o al fracaso 4PYHKHOHJPHHKLSHU[L 3VZU\L]VZTLYJHKVZ 3VZU\L]VZPU]LYZPVUPZ[HZWV[LUJPHSLZ ;LUKLUJPHZLULSV[VYNHTPLU[VKL franquicias internacionales Wer Sollte Teilnehmen: Franchisegeber aus den USA und anderen Nationen sowie internationale Franchiseanwälteund Berater. Alle, die in der Ausweitung einer globalen Franchise involviert oder an einer ZVSJOLUPU[LYLZZPLY[ZPUK+PL2VUMLYLUaPZ[ ebenso interessant für potentielle Mehrfach2VUaLZZPVUZ[YpNLYa\T=LYZ[pUKUPZKLZ internationalen Franchising aus der Sicht des Franchisegebers. Teilnehmer des Symposiums erhalten zudem an allen drei Tagen Zutritt zu den Ausstellungen Die Kursmaterialien sind ausschließlich in englischer Sprache. Quiénes Deben Asistir: Franquiciantes de dentro y fuera de los EE.UU., abogados internacionales de franquicias y consultores. Todos aquellos involucrados e interesados en la ampliación global de la franquicia. El simposio también será de interés para los concesionarios principales esperados que desean entender el otorgamiento de franquicias internacionales desde la perspectiva de los franquiciantes. Los asistentes al Simposio también recibirán entradas para la exposición que durará tres días. Los materiales del curso se proporcionan en inglés únicamente. 2. Variations structurelles du marché global A Qui Est Destiné: Franchiseurs américains ou non, consultants et avocats spécialisés dans les franchises internationales. Tous ceux qui sont intéressés WHYSL_WHUZPVUNSVIHSLKLSHMYHUJOPZL Ce symposium intéressera aussi les JVUJLZZPVUUHPYLZWV[LU[PLSZK\ULSPJLUJLKL master franchise qui désirent comprendre la franchise internationale du point de vue du franchiseur. Les participants à ce colloque seront aussi admis à tous les stands pendant les trois jours. Les fournitures et accessoires de cours sont uniquement rédigés en anglais. 3. La experiencia de la expansión internacional Register online at www.IFEinfo.com (Use promo code GPGLB) IFE 2013 15 Symposium 7 Sponsored by: WEB 2.0: SOCIAL NETWORKING + DATA IN FRANCHISING DATE: Friday, June 21 9:00 am – 12:00 pm RATES: Advance: $150* On Site : $200* *Includes exhibit hall admission and seminars This session will delve into how franchisors and franchisees can protect their brand while making the best use of social networking sites. Among other things, this session will explore some of the do’s and don’ts of setting up social networking sites for an entire system, addressing rogue franchisees and licensees who set up their own sites, and establish a system-wide strategy and policy for social networking and social media. This session will also explore data collection, use, and protection in franchise companies. Finally, this session will address using online tools to manage and enhance your company’s online franchise development efforts. All course materials are in English only. All symposium attendees receive free admission to the exhibits on all three days. THIS SYMPOSIUM WILL LOOK AT: T )LZ[WYHJ[PJLZYL]PL^!OV^MYHUJOPZLZ`Z[LTZ use social media and social networking sites >OH[[VH]VPKPU\ZPUNZVJPHSTLKPHUL[^VYRPUN sites /V^MYHUJOPZVYZJHUSL[[OLPYMYHUJOPZLLZ\ZL social media and social networking sites and yet still protect their brand <ZPUNZVJPHSTLKPHUL[^VYRPUNZP[LZ[VWYVTW[ customer visits +L]LSVWPUNHZVJPHSTLKPHUL[^VYRPUNWVSPJ`MVY a franchise system REGISTER FOR TWO SYMPOSIA >OH[`V\ZOV\SKPUJS\KLPU`V\YZVJPHSTLKPH networking policy D IS C O U N T SAVE $50 ;YHPUPUNMVYPTWSLTLU[PUNHUKLUMVYJPUNHZVJPHS media/networking policy +LHSPUN^P[OJ\Z[VTLYWOV[VZWVZ[LK[V`V\YZP[L *VVYKPUH[PUNHSSVM[OLZVJPHSTLKPHUL[^VYRPUN sites in your system – vendor solutions, solutions offered by Facebook, Google and Foursquare & 6USPUL[VVSZMVYTHUHNPUN-YHUJOPZLYLJY\P[TLU[ Presented by: Lee Plave Partner, Plave Koch, PLC www.plavekoch.com <ZPUNZVJPHSTLKPHUL[^VYRPUNZP[LZ[VHZZPZ[PU franchise recruitment +H[HJVUZPKLYH[PVUZPU\ZPUNZVJPHSTLKPH networking sites and operating a franchise system 6USPUL[VVSZMVYTHUHNPUNMYHUJOPZLYLJY\P[TLU[ WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Franchisors, master franchisees, prospective franchisors and franchisees, and franchise lawyers HUKJVUZ\S[HU[ZZLLRPUN[VPTWYV]L[OLPYLMÄJPLUJ` and operational capabilities as well as their understanding of new technologies. Theresa Huszka CFE, Managing Partner, Christopher Huszka Consulting ^^^JOYPZ[VWOLYO\ZaRHJVT Lee Plave devotes his practice to counseling franchisors on complex domestic and international transactions and in all aspects of franchise and distribution law. He has been named to the Who's Who in America, Who's Who in American Law, the International Who's Who of Franchise Lawyers, the International Who's Who of Business Lawyers, and The Best Lawyers of America. Theresa’s consultancy is devoted to assisting companies with designing and developing their franchised business model. The company’s services include initial feasibility studies, FDD development, creation of operations manuals, structuring of training programs for franchisors and franchisees, design and development of franchise sales programs including marketing, advertising, and franchise sales process systems. Mr. Plave has had extensive experience counseling clients in connection with the application of technology to franchise and distribution systems, including matters such as the development and implementation of e-commerce strategies, system-wide internet roll-out policies and procedures, cybersquatting and domain name disputes, consumer complaint and "cybergripe" web sites, unauthorized e commerce, software and hardware licensing, and issues relating to online and internet services. His practice involves business, technology, franchise, distribution, and antitrust matters. He also represents clients in matters before the Federal Trade Commission, where he served in the Enforcement Division of the Commission's Bureau of Consumer Protection before entering private practice. Theresa was the Director of Franchise Sales Development for TSS Photography. Prior to TSS, Theresa was Executive VP of Development for Cianci European Eatery, a joint partnership with MFV Expositions and joined MFV Expositions as Director of Development to head up the development and launch of its sales automation software, MyBruno.com Theresa was also VP of Franchise Development for SmallBizPros, Inc., which she joined in 2002 to redevelop their franchise development programs. 16 IFE 2013 Theresa is a graduate of the International Franchise Association’s Certified Franchise Executive (CFE) program and has been a regular speaker for the IFA on the topics of lead generation and technology in franchising. Visit www.IFEinfo.com Français / Deutsch / Español Français S7: Deutsch S7: WEB 2.0 : Réseaux Sociaux Et Données Sociales Dans Le Cadre Des Franchises WEB 2.0: Soziale Netzwerke + Daten Im Franchising Espanol S7: WEB 2.0: Redes Sociales Y Datos En Franquicia Qui devrait participer Wer teilnehmen sollte Quién debe asistir Les franchiseurs, les franchisés-maîtres, les franchiseurs et franchisés potentiels, les avocats spécialisés en droit des franchises et les conseillers LUMYHUJOPZLZX\PJOLYJOLU[nHTtSPVYLYSL\YLMÄJHJP[t et leurs capacités opérationnelles ainsi que leur compréhension des nouvelles technologies. Franchisegeber, Haupt-Franchisenehmer, potenzielle Franchisenehmer, Franchise- Anwälte \UK)LYH[LYKPLPOYL,MÄaPLUa\UKVWLYH[P]LU Fähigkeiten sowie ihr Verständnis für neue Technologien zu verbessern suchen. Franquiciadores, franquiciatarios maestros, franquiciadores potenciales y abogados y consultores en franquicias que deseen mejorar su LÄJPLUJPH`JHWHJPKHKLZVWLYH[P]HZHZxJVTVZ\Z conocimientos de las nuevas tecnologías. Dieses Symposium wird einen Einblick vermitteln auf Este simposio se va a ocupar de: Ce colloque portera sur : SL_HTLUKLZWYH[PX\LZL_LTWSHPYLZ!JVTTLU[SLZ systèmes de franchise utilisent les médias sociaux et les sites de réseautage social; SHMHsVUKVU[SLZMYHUJOPZL\YZWL\]LU[SHPZZLYSL\YZ franchisés utiliser les médias sociaux et les sites de réseautage social tout en protégeant leur marque; StSHIVYH[PVUK\ULWVSP[PX\LYLSH[P]LH\_TtKPHZZVJPH\_L[ au réseautage pour un système de franchise; SHMVYTH[PVU]PZHU[SHTPZLLUµ\]YLK\ULWVSP[PX\LYLSH[P]L aux médias sociaux et au réseautage et son respect; JLX\L]V\ZKL]YPLaPUJS\YLKHUZ]V[YLWVSP[PX\LKLZ médias sociaux et du réseautage; SL[YHP[LTLU[KLZWOV[VZKLJSPLU[ZHMÄJOtLZZ\Y]V[YLZP[L" SHJVVYKPUH[PVUKL[V\ZSLZTtKPHZZVJPH\_L[ZP[LZ de réseautage dans votre système - les solutions de fournisseurs, les solutions offertes par Facebook, Google et Foursquare; JLX\PSMH\[t]P[LYSVYZKLS\[PSPZH[PVUKLZTtKPHZZVJPH\_L[ des sites de réseautage; S\[PSPZH[PVUKLZTtKPHZZVJPH\_L[KLZZP[LZKLYtZLH\[HNL pour stimuler les visites de la clientèle; S\[PSPZH[PVUKLZTtKPHZZVJPH\_L[KLZZP[LZKLYtZLH\[HNL pour faciliter le recrutement des franchisés; SLZJVUZPKtYH[PVUZSPtLZH\_KVUUtLZSVYZKLS\[PSPZH[PVU des médias sociaux et des sites de réseautage ainsi que SL_WSVP[H[PVUK\UZ`Z[uTLKLMYHUJOPZL" SLZV\[PSZLUSPNULWV\YNtYLYSLYLJY\[LTLU[KLZMYHUJOPZtZ )LZ[7YHJ[PJL)L^LY[\UN!>PL-YHUJOPZL:`Z[LTLZVaPHSL Medien und Webseiten sozialer Netzwerke benutzen >PL-YHUJOPZLNLILYPOYLU-YHUJOPZLULOTLYUKPL)LU\[a\UN sozialer Medien und Webseiten sozialer Netzwerke erlauben und dennoch ihre Marke schützen ,U[^PJRS\UNLPULY:VaPHSTLKPH:VaPHSUL[a^LYR7VSP[PR für ein Franchisesystem ;YHPUPUNM YLPUL:VaPHSTLKPH:VaPHSUL[a^LYR7VSP[PR\UK deren Implementierung und Durchsetzung >HZ0OYL:VaPHSTLKPH:VaPHSUL[a^LYR7VSP[PR beinhalten sollte )LOHUKS\UN]VUH\M0OYLY>LIZLP[LLPUNLZ[LSS[LU 2\UKLUMV[VZ 2VVYKPUH[PVUHSSLY:VaPHSTLKPH:VaPHSUL[a^LYR>LIZLP[LU in Ihrem System - Lieferanten-Lösungen, von Facebook, Google und Foursquare angebotene Lösungen Was bei der Benutzung von Sozialmedia-/SozialnetzwerkWebseiten zu vermeiden ist ,PUZH[a]VU:VaPHSTLKPH:VaPHSUL[a^LYR>LIZLP[LUa\Y (UYLN\UN]VU2\UKLUILZ\JOLU ,PUZH[a]VU:VaPHSTLKPH:VaPHSUL[a^LYR>LIZLP[LUa\Y Unterstützung bei der Franchise-Rekrutierung +H[LUlILYSLN\UNLUILPKLY)LU\[a\UN]VU:VaPHSTLKPH Sozialnetzwerk-Webseiten und dem Betrieb eines Franchise-Systems 6USPUL>LYRaL\NLa\Y=LY^HS[\UN]VU-YHUJOPZL Rekrutierung. À l’intention des futurs franchisés et franchiseurs : Für potenzielle Franchisenehmer und Franchisegeber: 3HUH]PNH[PVUKHUZSLWYVJLZZ\ZKHJOH[ 3LZWYH[PX\LZL_LTWSLZKLZMYHUJOPZL\YZX\PKtTHYYLU[ *VTTLU[HJOL[LY\ULMYHUJOPZLIYSHU[LL[ ULWHZZLIYSLY *VTTLU[ÄUHUJLYZHMYHUJOPZL 3LZZLJYL[ZK\Z\JJuZKLZMYHUJOPZLZTHz[YLZZLZ :LWYtWHYLYH\MYHUJOPZHNLKLZVULU[YLWYPZL À l’intention des franchiseurs actuels : 3LMYHUJOPZL\YL_[YvTLTLU[WYVZWuYL 3LZKVJ\TLU[ZKLJVTT\UPJH[PVUKLYLUZLPNULTLU[ZZ\Y SLZMYHUJOPZLZJVUJLYUHU[SLZMYHUJOPZL\YZnSt[YHUNLY (WLYs\KLZ[LUKHUJLZHTtYPJHPULZL[KLZX\LZ[PVUZ réglementaires principales. 9tÅL_PVUZWV\YSLZMYHUJOPZL\YZX\PJOLYJOLU[n ZPTWSHU[LYH\_i[H[Z<UPZ 3LYLZWLJ[KLZUVYTLZKLSPTHNLKLTHYX\L 3HYLK`UHTPZH[PVUK\WYVJLZZ\ZKL]LU[LKLSHMYHUJOPZL 5H]PNH[PVUKLZ2H\MWYVaLZZLZ )LZ[7YHJ[PJLZM Y-YHUJOPZLNLILY5L\NY UK\UNLU >PLTHULPUL/,0::,-YHUJOPZLRH\M[VOULZPJOKPL-PUNLY zu VERBRENNEN! >PLTHULPUL-YHUJOPZLÄUHUaPLY[ ,YMVSNZNLOLPTUPZZLM Y/H\W[-YHUJOPZPUN 4HJOLU:PLZPJOILYLP[0OY<U[LYULOTLU zu konzessionieren <UHYL]PZP}UKLSHZTLQVYLZWYmJ[PJHZ!J}TVSVZZPZ[LTHZ de franquicias usan los medios sociales y los sitios de redes sociales *}TVW\LKLUSVZMYHUX\PJPHKVYLZOHJLYX\LZ\Z franquiciatarios usen los medios sociales y los sitios de redes sociales, y sin embargo seguir protegiendo su marca +LZHYYVSSVKL\UHWVSx[PJHKLTLKPVZZVJPHSLZYLKLZ sociales para un sistema de franquicias ,U[YLUHTPLU[VPTWSHU[HJP}U`W\LZ[HLUWYmJ[PJHKL\UH política de medios sociales/redes sociales 8\tKLILPUJS\PY\Z[LKLUZ\WVSx[PJHKLTLKPVZZVJPHSLZ redes sociales ;YH[HYJVUSHZMV[VNYHMxHZKLSVZJSPLU[LZW\LZ[HZLUZ\ZP[PV de Internet *VVYKPUHJP}UKLSVZZP[PVZKLTLKPVZZVJPHSLZVZP[PVZKL redes sociales en su sistema: soluciones para vendedores, soluciones ofrecidas por Facebook, Google y Foursquare 8\tZLKLILL]P[HYHS\ZHYSVZZP[PVZKLTLKPVZZVJPHSLZV redes sociales <ZHYSVZZP[PVZKLTLKPVZVYLKLZZVJPHSLZWHYHTV[P]HYSHZ visitas de los clientes <ZHYSVZZP[PVZKLTLKPVZVYLKLZZVJPHSLZWHYHH\_PSPHYLU reclutamiento de franquicias *VUZPKLYHJPVULZYLSH[P]HZHSVZKH[VZLULS\ZVKLSVZ sitios de medios sociales o redes sociales y operación de un sistema de franquicias /LYYHTPLU[HZLUSxULHWHYHTHULQHYLSYLJS\[HTPLU[VKL franquicias Para franquiciatarios y franquiciadores potenciales: 5H]LNHUKVWVYLSWYVJLZVKLJVTWYH 4LQVYLZWYmJ[PJHZWHYHMYHUX\PJPHKVYLZX\LZLPUPJPHU §*}TVJVTWYHY\UHMYHUX\PJPH(9+0,5;,`UVYLZ\S[HY QUEMADO! *}TVÄUHUJPHYZ\MYHUX\PJPH :LJYL[VZKLSt_P[VWHYHSHZMYHUX\PJPHZTHLZ[YHZ 7YLWHYmUKVZLWHYHMYHUX\PJPHYZ\ULNVJPV Für gegenwärtige Franchisegeber: Para franquiciadores actuales: +LYZLOYLYMVSNYLPJOL-YHUJOPZLNLILY +HZ-++M YlILYZLL-YHUJOPZLNLILY lILYISPJR ILY^PJO[PNL<:;YLUKZ und Regulierungsfragen lILYSLN\UNLUM Y-YHUJOPZLNLILYKPLLPUL,_WHUZPVU in die USA erwägen (\MYLJO[LYOHS[\UN]VU4HYRLU:[HUKHYKZ 0OYLU-YHUJOPZL=LY[YPLIZWYVaLZZTP[UL\LY Energie versehen ,SMYHUX\PJPHKVYHS[HTLU[LL_P[VZV ,S-++WHYHSVZMYHUX\PJPHKVYLZKL<S[YHTHY =PZP}UNLULYHSKLSHZ[LUKLUJPHZJSH]LZLUSVZ,Z[HKVZ Unidos de América, y asuntos regulatorios *VUZPKLYHJPVULZWHYHMYHUX\PJPHKVYLZX\LLZ[tU planeando expandirse hacia los Estados Unidos 4HU[LULYSVZLZ[mUKHYLZKLTHYJH 9LLULYNPaHYZ\WYVJLZVKL]LU[HZKLMYHUX\PJPH Register online at www.IFEinfo.com (Use promo code GPGLB) IFE 2013 17 Symposium 8 Sponsored by: STRATEGIES FOR PENETRATING THE U.S. MARKET FOR OVERSEAS FRANCHISORS DATE: Thursday, June 20 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm RATES: Advance: $200* On Site: $250* *Includes exhibit hall admission and seminars REGISTER FOR TWO SYMPOSIA All attendees receive admission to the exhibits and seminars on all three days. U N T SAVE $50 In order to properly and successfully enter a vast and complicated market like the United States, you need [VKL]LSVWH)\ZPULZZ7SHU^OPJO^PSSHKKYLZZ[VWPJZ such as: What region(s) will you initially target and ^O`&>OH[PZHWYVÄSLVM`V\Y[`WPJHSMYHUJOPZLLHUKH typical consumer? What structures (master, multi-unit, single-unit, hybrids, joint ventures, etc.) will you pursue as a legal and strategic means for entering the U.S. THYRL[LKHUK^O`&/H]L`V\Z\MÄJPLU[S`L]HS\H[LK[OL alternatives? This symposium will explore these business planning topics, featuring a panel of franchising experts, professionals and executives of overseas franchisors who have successfully developed franchising programs in the United States. Our focus will be on pragmatic and truly useful information with an emphasis on war stories and case studies. All course materials are presented in English only. <UKLYZ[HUKPUN`V\YYLHZVUZMVYLU[LYPUN the U.S. Market <UKLYZ[HUKPUNYLNPVUHS[YLUKZHUK demographics within the U. S market (KHW[PUN`V\YWYVK\J[ZHUKZLY]PJLZ[V meet the needs of the U.S. market +L[LYTPUPUNHWYVÄSLVM[OL[HYNL[LKMYHUJOPZLL 2. LEGAL REGULATION AND STRUCTURAL ISSUES +L]LSVWPUN\UKLYZ[HUKPUNHUKIYLHRPUNZVTL myths about the requirements of the FDD ,]HS\H[PUN[OLHK]HU[HNLZHUKKPZHK]HU[HNLZVM each method/structure for entering the U.S. market: j Avoiding legal disputes in the United States and what to do about them when they cannot be avoided j Master franchising j Multi-unit area development j Area/regional/directors j U.S. single unit franchising j Joint venture j Mergers and acquisitions 3. FINANCIAL AND BUDGET ISSUES D IS C O )\KNL[PUNI\ZPULZZWSHUUPUNHUKJHWP[HS formation issues WHO SHOULD ATTEND: (S[LYUH[P]LZMVYKL]LSVWPUN`V\YMYHUJOPZPUN program in the U.S. market (K]PZVYZVMÄJLYZHUKKPYLJ[VYZVMV]LYZLHZ companies interested in expanding their business into the United States. 7YV[LJ[PUN`V\Y[YHKLTHYRZHUKPU[LSSLJ[\HSWYVWLY[` in the U.S. market Presented by: 5VU[YHKP[PVUHS]LU\LZZP[LZHUKHS[LYUH[P]L distribution structures in the U.S. market +L]LSVWPUNHUPU[LYUHSHUKL_[LYUHSMYHUJOPZL management advisory team Andrew J. Sherman Senior Partner, Jones Day www.jonesday.com Andrew Sherman is a senior partner with Jones Day law firm. Sherman is a recognized international authority on the legal and strategic issues affecting business growth and serves as a chairman of the Franchising, Licensing and Distribution Group. He is an international corporate lawyer as well as a business growth strategist with a focus on both external growth strategies (franchising, licensing, joint ventures, and strategic alliances) and internal growth strategies (capital formation, technology development and mergers and acquisitions). Andrew is also the author of eleven books on franchising as well as the legal and strategic aspects of business growth and capital formation, including the bestselling Franchise and Licensing: Two Ways to Brand Your Business. 18 IFE 2013 1. PLANNING AND STRATEGIC ISSUES Visit www.IFEinfo.com Français / Deutsch / Español Français S8: Deutsch S8: Pénétrer le marché américain Den US-Markt durchdringen 3ODQLðFDWLRQHWTXHVWLRQVVWUDWÒJLTXHV 1. Planungs- und Strategiefragen *VTWYLUKYLSLZYHPZVUZX\P]V\ZWV\ZZLU[n pénétrer le marché américain ;LUKHUJLZYtNPVUHSLZL[KtTVNYHWOPX\LZK\ marché américain (KHW[LY]V[YLWYVK\P[L[]VZZLY]PJLZ aux besoins du marché américain +t[LYTPULYSLWYVÄSK\MYHUJOPZtJPISL =LYZ[pUKUPZM Y0OYL.Y UKLa\T,PU[YP[[PU den USMarkt =LYZ[pUKUPZYLNPVUHSLY;YLUKZ\UK+LTVNYHWOPL innerhalb des US-Marktes (UWHZZ\UN0OYLY7YVK\R[L\UK+PLUZ[SLPZ[\UNLU an die Bedürfnisse des US-Marktes -LZ[SLN\UNKLZ7YVÄSZKLZPUZ(\NL gefassten Franchisenehmers 2. Règles légales et questions structurelles +t]LSVWWLYJVTWYLUKYLL[Kt[Y\PYLJLY[HPUZ mythes concernant les exigences de l’FDD i]HS\LYSLZH]HU[HNLZL[KtZH]HU[HNLZKL chaque méthode ou structure permettant de pénétrer le marché américain : j Éviter les problèmes juridiques aux ÉtatsUnis et que faire lorsqu’ils ne peuvent être évités j Master franchise j+t]LSVWWLTLU[KLaVULZn\UP[tZ multiples directeurs de zone/de région j La franchise américaine unique j Joint venture j Fusions et acquisitions 3. Finances et budget )\KNt[PZLYWSHUPÄJH[PVUI\KNt[HPYLL[MVYTH[PVU du capital (S[LYUH[P]LZKLKt]LSVWWLTLU[KL]V[YL programme de franchise sur le marché américain 7YV[LJ[PVUKL]VZTHYX\LZKtWVZtLZL[KLSH propriété intellectuelle sur le marché américain 3PL\_L[ZP[LZUVU[YHKP[PVUULSZL[Z[Y\J[\YLZKL distribution alternatives sur le marché américain 4PZLH\WVPU[K»\ULtX\PWLJVUZ\S[H[P]L interne et externe de gestion de la franchise A Qui Est Destiné: Conseillers, membres du bureau directeurs et responsables de sociétés étrangères désirant s’étendre aux États-Unis. Les participants à ce colloque seront aussi admis à tous les stands pendant les trois jours. Les fournitures et accessoires de cours sont uniquement rédigés en anglais. 2. Rechtliche Vorschriften und strukturelle Fragen ,U[^PJRS\UN\UK=LYZ[pUKUPZILa NSPJOKLY (UMVYKLY\UNLUZLP[LUZKLY-++\UK2SHYZ[LSS\UN von Mythen (\Z^LY[\UNKLY=VY\UK5HJO[LPSLQLKLY einzelnen Methode/Struktur zum Eintritt in den US-Markt: j Vermeidung juristischer Auseinandersetzungen in den Vereinigten Staaten und was zu tun ist, wenn sie unvermeidbar sindHaupt-Franchising j Multi Franchise Gebiets- und Regionalentwicklung, Geschäftsführer j Einzel-Franchising in den USA j Gemeinschaftsunternehmen (Joint venture) j Firmen-Zusammenschlüsse- und lILYUHOTLU4LYNLYZHUKHJX\PZP[PVUZ 3. Finanz- und Budget-Fragen )\KNL[7SHU\UN<U[LYULOTLUZ7SHU\UN\UK 2HWP[HSIPSK\UNZ-YHNLU (S[LYUH[P]LUa\Y,U[^PJRS\UN0OYLZ-YHUJOPZL 7YVNYHTTZPT<:4HYR[ :JO\[a0OYLY4HYRLUaLPJOLU\UK<YOLILYYLJO[L im US-Markt <U ISPJOL6Y[L:[p[[LU\UKHS[LYUH[P]L Absatzstrukturen im US-Markt ,U[^PJRS\UNLPULZPU[LYULU\UKL_[LYULU Franchise-Management Beratungsteams Wer Sollte Teilnehmen: Berater, Leitende Angestellte und Geschäftsführer ausländischer Unternehmen die an einer Ausweitung ihrer Geschäftsaktivitäten in den Vereinigten Staaten interessiert sind. Teilnehmer des Symposiums erhalten zudem an allen drei Tagen Zutritt zu den Ausstellungen Die Kursmaterialien sind ausschließlich in englischer Sprache. Espanol S8: Penetración del mercado de EE.UU. 3ODQLðFDFLʼnQ\DVXQWRVHVWUDWÒJLFRV ,U[LUKPLUKVZ\ZYHaVULZWHYHLU[YHYLU mercado de EE.UU. ,U[LUKPLUKVSHZ[LUKLUJPHZYLNPVUHSLZ`SH demografía dentro del mercado de EE.UU. (KHW[HUKVZ\ZWYVK\J[VZ`ZLY]PJPVZWHYH satisfacer las necesidades del mercado de EE.UU. +L[LYTPUHUKV\UWLYÄSKLSMYHUX\PJPHKVTL[H 2. Regulaciones legales y asuntos estructurales +LZHYYVSSVLU[LUKPTPLU[V`Y\W[\YHKLHSN\UVZ mitos sobre los requisitos del FDD ,]HS\HJP}UKLSHZ]LU[HQHZ`KLZ]LU[HQHZKL cada método o estructura para incorporarse al mercado de EE.UU. j 7YL]LUJP}UKLJVUÅPJ[VZSLNHSLZLUSVZ Estados Unidos y qué hacer al respecto cuando no pueden ser evitados j Franquicia principal: Área, región y directores del desarrollo de áreas multi-unitarias j Otorgamiento de franquicias de unidad única en EE.UU. j Asociación de empresas (Joint Venture) j Fusiones y adquisiciones $VXQWRVðQDQFLHURV\SUHVXSXHVWDULRV 7YLZ\W\LZ[VWSHUPÄJHJP}UKLULNVJPVZ` asuntos de formación de capital (S[LYUH[P]HZWHYHKLZHYYVSSHYZ\WYVNYHTHKL otorgamiento de franquicias en el mercado de EE.UU. 7YV[LJJP}UKLZ\ZTHYJHZYLNPZ[YHKHZ` propiedad intelectual en el mercado de EE.UU. <IPJHJPVULZUV[YHKPJPVUHSLZZP[PVZ` estructuras alternativas de distribución en el mercado de EE.UU. +LZHYYVSSVKL\ULX\PWVJVUZ\S[VYNLYLUJPHS interno y externo de la franquicia Quiénes Deben Asistir: Consultores, funcionarios y directores de las compañías extranjeras interesadas en ampliar su negocio hacia los Estados Unidos. Los asistentes al Simposio también recibirán entradas para la exposición que durará tres días. Los materiales del curso se proporcionan en inglés únicamente Register online at www.IFEinfo.com (Use promo code GPGLB) IFE 2013 19 Show Information SHOW DAYS ;O\YZKH`1\UL -YPKH`1\UL :H[\YKH`1\UL SHOW HOURS CONFERENCE HOURS !HT!WT !HT!WT !HT!WT !HT!WT !HT!WT !HT!WT SHOW ADMISSION A. Exhibit and Free Seminar Rates LOCATION: THE JAVITS CENTER NEW YORK CITY 36th Street & 11th Avenue, New York, NY 10001 PHONE: 212-216-2000 STRONGLY RECOMMENDED Advance registration is strongly recommended to afford you valuable savings and to avoid onsite lines. You are welcome to register at the show, but onsite prices will prevail. (See onsite fees listed above). Deadline for all advance processing is June 19, 2013. Registration charges are non-refundable. REGISTER FOR TWO SYMPOSIA D IS C O U N T SAVE $50 ONSITE (Until June 19, 2013) 1 - 3 Days – $ 5 (After June 19, 2013) 1 Day – $10 B. Symposia Rates ADVANCE ONSITE (includes admission to exhibits and seminars for all 3 days) (Until June 19, 2013) (Until June 19, 2013) S1 The A to Z’s of Buying a Franchise $110 $160 S2 Franchising Your Business $270 $320 S3 Operations Manuals $110 $160 S4 Selecting and Negotiating a Master Franchise $200 $250 S5 Global Franchise Expansion $200 $250 S7 WEB 2.0: Social Networking + Data in Franchising $150 $200 S8 Strategies for Penetrating the U.S. Market $200 $250 ONSITE REGISTRATION: REGISTRATION FOR SYMPOSIA: (Onsite Rates Apply) If you wish to enroll in any of the Symposia, we strongly recommend that you do so by utilizing the online registration form at www.IFEinfo.com or the advance registration form on page 22, as seating is limited. Registration for these Symposia is also available onsite (at onsite rates) subject to seating availability. >LKULZKH`1\UL ;O\YZKH`1\UL -YPKH`1\UL :H[\YKH`1\UL !WT!WT !HT!WT !HT!WT !HT!WT Show Registration Information TO REGISTER ONLINE, BY MAIL OR FAX All registrations must be paid in full and received by June 19, 2013 in order to receive discounted rates. 1. On-Line: Visit www.IFEInfo.com/registration.cfm and use Promo Code GPGLB 2. By Mail: Complete the form on page 22 in its entirety HUKTHPS^P[OWH`TLU[ZLL7H`TLU[6W[PVUZ[V! /()Y\UV33*,HZ[9V\[L:\P[L 7HYHT\Z51<:(([[U!9LNPZ[YH[PVU+LW[ 3. By Fax: Complete the form on page 22 in its entirety, including the credit authorization portion, and fax to ZLL7H`TLU[6W[PVUZMVYHJJLW[LK credit cards). CONFERENCE PROGRAM REGISTRATION: 1. Seminars are free with paid admission to Exhibits. 2. Symposia fees include admission to Exhibits and Seminars. If you wish to enroll in any of the Symposia, we strongly recommend you do so in advance as seating is limited. 20 IFE 2013 ADVANCE Visit www.IFEinfo.com CONFIRMATION AND ACCESS: Only registrations containing an email address will ILZLU[H8\PJR:JHU)HYJVKL7SLHZLIYPUN[OPZ JVUÄYTH[PVU[V[OL7YL9LNPZ[YH[PVU:JHUULY:[H[PVUZ in the Lobby of the Convention Center to obtain your Visitor Badge, which will gain you access to the show ÅVVYHUKVYJVUMLYLUJLWYVNYHT PAYMENT OPTIONS: 1. Money Order or company/personal check drawn on a U.S. Bank and payable in U.S. dollars to: H. A. Bruno LLC 2. Credit Card – include credit card number, cardholder’s name, address, expiration date, signature and the correct amount. MasterCard, Visa or American Express only. Signature required for processing. Français / Deutsch / Español Français: Deutsch: Espanol: Pour le enregistrement en ligne par la poste ou le fax : Tous les enregistrement doivent être payés entièrement et reçus pour le 19 juin 2013 pour ItUtÄJPLYKLYLTPZLZ Zur Registrierung On-Line, per Post oder Telefax: Para efectuar una inscripción on line, por correo o por fax: Alle Registrierungen müssen vollständig bezahlt und bis zum 19. Juni 2013 eingegangen sein, um in den Genuss diskontierter Gebühren zu gelangen. Todas las inscripciones deberán abonarse completamente y recibirse antes del 19 de junio de HÄUKLVI[LULY[HYPMHZKLKLZJ\LU[V 1. On-Line: Für Hinweise dazu besuchen Sie www. IFEInfo.com/registration.cfm. 1. On line: para obtener las instrucciones, visite www.IFEInfo.com/registration.cfm. 2. Per Post: Füllen Sie das Formular auf Seite 22 vollständig aus und schicken Sie es, zusammen mit Ihrer Zahlung, (Zahlungsmöglichkeiten siehe unten) an: H. A. Bruno LLC, ,HZ[9V\[L:\P[L 7HYHT\Z51 USA. Attn: Registration Dept. 2. Por correo: complete la totalidad del formulario de la página 22 y envíelo con el pago (véanse las opciones de pago abajo enunciadas) a: H. A. Bruno LLC, ,HZ[9V\[L:\P[L 7HYHT\Z51 EE.UU. A la atención de: Registration Dept. 3. Per Fax: Füllen Sie das Formular auf Seite 22 ]VSSZ[pUKPNH\ZLPUZJOSPLSPJOKLZ Einzugsermächtigungs-Teils und faxen Sie dieses an +001-201-226-1131 (siehe unten für HRaLW[PLY[L2YLKP[RHY[LU(\Z^HOS 3. Por fax: complete la totalidad del formulario de la página 22, incluyendo la parte de la autorización de pago con tarjeta de crédito, y envíelo por fax al +001-201-226-1131 (véanse abajo las tarjetas de crédito que se aceptan). Konferenzprogramm-Anmeldung Inscripción para el programa de conferencias: 1. Seminare sind kostenlos mit bezahltem Eintritt zu den Ausstellungen. 1. Los seminarios son libres, una vez abonada la entrada para las exhibiciones. :`TWVZP\TZNLI OYLUZJOSPLLUKLU,PU[YP[[a\ den Ausstellungen und Seminaren mit ein. Sofern Sie sich in einem der Symposien einschreiben möchten, empfehlen wir dringend dies rechtzeitig im Voraus zu tun, um in den Genuss diskontierter Gebühren zu gelangen und weil die (UaHOSKLY7Sp[aLILNYLUa[PZ[ 2. Los derechos de los simposios incluyen la entrada a las exhibiciones y seminarios. Si desea anotarse para algún simposio, le recomendamos encarecidamente que lo haga por adelantado, ya que las plazas son limitadas, pudiendo además aprovechar los descuentos de la preinscripción. Bestätigung und Eintritt: *VUÄYTHJP}U`HJJLZV! Nur den Anmeldungen, die eine E-mail Adresse enthalten, wird ein Quick-Scan Barcode zugesandt. Bringen Sie diese Bestätigung zu einer der Voranmeldungs-Stationen in der Vorhalle des Messegeländes zum Empfang Ihrer Besucherplakette, die Ihnen Zugang zur Ausstellungshalle und/oder dem 2VUMLYLUaWYVNYHTTNL^pOY[ Sólo enviaremos un código de barras QuickScan a aquellas inscripciones, que contengan una KPYLJJP}UKLLTHPS7VYMH]VYLU]xLUVZLZ[H JVUÄYTHJP}UHSVZW\LZ[VZKLLZJHULVKL preinscripción, en el lobby del Convention Center, HÄUKLVI[LULYZ\JYLKLUJPHSKL]PZP[HU[LX\L le brindará acceso a la sala de exposición y/o al programa de conferencias. Zahlungsmöglichkeiten: Opciones de pago: 1. Zahlungsanweisung oder Firmenscheck bzw. persönlicher Scheck, auf eine U.S. Bank bezogen und zahlbar in U.S.-Dollar: H. A. Bruno LLC. 1. Orden de pago o cheque personal/comercial, extendido por un banco de EE.UU. y pagadero en dólares, a la orden de: H. A. Bruno LLC. 2YLKP[RHY[LLPUZJOSPLSPJO2YLKP[RHY[LU5Y5HTL KLZ2HY[LUILZP[aLYZ(KYLZZL=LYMHSSZKH[\T Unterschrift und den korrekten Betrag. Nur MasterCard, Visa oder American Express. Unterschrift erforderlich für die Bearbeitung. 2. Tarjeta de crédito. Incluir número de tarjeta de crédito, nombre del titular, dirección, MLJOHKL]LUJPTPLU[VÄYTH`Z\THHHIVUHY Únicamente MasterCard, Visa o American Express. :LYLX\PYLSHÄYTHWHYHZ\ procesamiento. 1. En ligne :7V\YKLZKPYLJ[P]LZ]PZP[La^^^ IFEInfo.com/registration.cfm. 2. Par la poste:9LTWSPZZLaSLMVYT\SHPYLnSH page 22 en sa totalité et l’envoyez par mail avec le paiement (voir des possibilités de paiement JPKLZZV\Zn! H. A. Bruno LLC, ,HZ[9V\[L:\P[L 7HYHT\Z51 USA. Attn: Registration Dept. 3. Par fax:9LTWSPZZLaSLMVYT\SHPYLnSH page 22 en sa totalité, y compris la partie d’autorisation KLJYtKP[L[S»LU]V`LaWHY[tStJVWPL\Yn 201-226-1131 (voir ci-dessous pour des options de carte de crédit acceptées). Enregistrement au programme des conférences: 1. Les séminaires sont compris avec l’entrée payante aux exhibitions. 2. Les frais de colloques comprennent l’admission aux exhibitions et aux séminaires. Si vous ZV\OHP[La]V\ZPUZJYPYLnS»\UKLZJVSSVX\LZ nous vous recommandons vivement de le faire nS»H]HUJL]\SLUVTIYLKLZPuNLZSPTP[tZL[ pour tirer le meilleur partir des remises de préenregistrement. *VUÄYTH[PVUL[(JJLZZ! Seulement les inscriptions contenant une adresse e-mail recevront un code-barres de balayage YHWPKL=L\PSSLaHWWVY[LYJL[[LJVUÄYTH[PVUH\_ Z[H[PVUZKLWYtLUYLNPZ[YLTLU[nS»LU[YtLK\ centre de congrès pour obtenir votre badge de ]PZP[L\Y]V\ZWLYTL[[HU[K»HJJtKLYnS»L_WVZP[PVU au sol et/ou au programme des conférences. Possibilités de paiement: 1. Mandat ou chèque d’entreprise/personnel tiré sur un banque des États-Unis et payable en des KVSSHYZ<:n!/()Y\UV33* 2. Carte de crédit - inclure le numéro de carte de crédit, le nom du détenteur de carte, l’adresse, les dates d’expiration, la signature et la quantité correcte. Mastercard, visa ou American Express seulement. Signature requise pour le traitement. Register online at www.IFEinfo.com (Use promo code GPGLB) IFE 2013 21 Advance Registration Form Register online at www.IFEinfo.com/International (Use promo code GPGLB) Incomplete or improperly comleted forms will not be processed. Use one form per person; photocopy if neccessary. This form may only be used in advnace of the show and is not valid for onsite registration. Advance registration and payment must be received by June 19, 2013. Onsite registration fees are higher than advance fees. All registrations are non-refundable. International Franchise Expo reserves the right to use photographs taken of you at the show for promotional purposes. (INT’L) 1. PRINT ALL INFORMATION CLEARLY AS YOU WISH IT TO APPEAR ON YOUR BADGE. NAME ______________________________________________________________________ FIRST LAST COMPANY (IF APPLICABLE) ____________________________________________________ 1. IN WHAT CAPACITY ARE YOU VISITING THE EXPOSITION? (Check one only) I am Interested in Buying a Franchise I Want to Learn More About Franchising My Current Business I am a Prospective Master Licensee/Area Developer I am a Prospective Multi-Unit Owner I am a Master Licensee/Area Developer I am a Franchisor I am a Franchise Attorney I am a Franchisee I am a Franchise Consultant I am a Multi-Unit Owner I am Allied To The Field 2. WHAT IS YOUR AGE? 30 or under 51 – 60 31 – 40 over 60 41 – 50 TITLE ________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________ CITY___________________________STATE/PROVINCE_______________ZIP____________ 3. WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM CAPITAL YOU COULD INVEST IN A FRANCHISE? (Check one only) under $10,000 $10,000 – $24,999 $25,000 – $49,999 $50,000 – $99,999 $100,000 – $499,999 $500,000 – $999,999 $1,000,000 + COUNTRY ___________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE ________________________________________FAX ______________________ 4. HAVE YOU EVER OWNED A BUSINESS? Yes No CELL/MOBILE NUMBER__________________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS______________________________________________________________ 2. REGISTRATION FEES FOR EXHIBITS AND SYMPOSIA (For onsite rates, see page 20) Exhibits (Includes FREE Seminars) ADVANCE (Until June, 19, 2013) 1-3 Days $5 Symposia Includes 3 full-days admission to the exhibits and seminars. Register for two Symposia and deduct $50 from the total S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S7 S8 The A to Z’s of Buying a Franchise Franchising Your Business Operations Manuals Selecting and Negotiating a Master Franchise Global Franchise Expansion Web 2.0: Social Networking + Data in Franchising Strategies for Penetrating the U.S. Market $110 $270 $110 $200 $200 $150 $200 3. METHOD OF PAYMENT Check or money order enclosed (payable in U.S. funds to H.A. Bruno, LLC) MasterCard VISA American Express 5. WHAT CATEGORY BEST DESCRIBES YOUR JOB? (Check one only) Self Employed Sales and Marketing Training/Recruitment Financial Technical Education Administration Legal Management Medical Military Unemployed 6. WHAT TYPE OF BUSINESS INTERESTS YOU? (Check more than one if necessary) Advertising/Marketing Home Retail, Services & Inspection Automotive Products and Services Hotels/Motels Business Products and Services Internet/Online Business Services Beverages Laundry/Dry Cleaning/Cleaners Children’s Products and Services Maintenance, Cleaning and Sanitation Computer/Electronics Products & Services Package Preparation/Mail Services Construction: Materials and Services Pet Supplies and Services Educational Products and Services Printing/Photography/Signs Employment Services Real Estate Services Fast Food Recreation Facilities/Equip. & Services Financial Services Restaurants/Catering General Interest in Franchising Retail/Specialty Stores Health/Beauty/Nutrition/Fitness Senior Care Home Improvement/Landscaping Travel and Leisure Services (PLEASE INCLUDE CREDIT CARD NUMBER, EXPIRATION DATE AND SIGNATURE WITH CHARGE ORDERS) CARDHOLDER NAME _________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________ CARD NO.___________________________________________________________________ EXPIRE DATE__________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE __________________________________________________________________ (As shown on credit card) TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED/AMOUNT TO CHARGE $ __________________________ PLEASE ADVISE AT THE TIME OF REGISTERING IF YOU HAVE A I prefer NOT to receive information or advertising from companies not affiliated with MFV Expositions Please note: all registrations are non-refundable MAIL COMPLETED REGISTRATION FORM WITH PAYMENT TO: H. A. Bruno, LLC, 210 Route 4 East, Suite 304, Paramus, NJ 07652 USA Tel: +001- 201- 226 -1130 OR YOU MAY FAX IT TO: +001- 201-226 -1131 (Credit card orders only) Att: IFE Registration Department DISABILITY AND MAY REQUIRE SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS 22 IFE 2013 Visit www.IFEinfo.com SOLICITING IS PROHIBITED r y Bus ce Fi3 es s Ap s Cou nt in pe al Ind i Fluent in F reign Fi3F Fi3I Fi3E Helping to grow your franchise abroad™ About Fluent in Foreign™ Fluent In Foreign™ is a unique platform designed to help franchisors enter and succeed in foreign markets by overcoming international cultural divides and successfully developing or expanding their operations abroad. In order to achieve this goal, we have developed the proprietary Fi3F Franchising Index™, which measures the attractiveness of 180 countries to franchisors seeking to expand internationally. Utilizing our integrated approach, we are able to provide top-level professional services to help franchisors: t Identify and mitigate risks t Deal with complex cross-border legal and compliance issues t Successfully finance franchise expansion abroad Call Or Visit Us Online To Find Out What Fluent In Foreign™ Can Do For You! at uring T s Cou nt r y Bus i Fi3 i The Fi180 Global Business Atlas™ and Fluent in Foreign Business™ BUSINESS al Ind The Fi180 pe Publications Ap ce Fluent in F reign Academy Publication he ness Webinars, seminars and customized corporate training programs Fe Academy GLOBAL ATLAS The unique & practical all-in-one reference guide to doing business in 180 countries Events Networking, education and business development 140 Broadway, 46th Floor New York, NY 10005 USA P: +1.212.490.4323 F: +1.212.490.4324 www.FluentInForeign.com Travel & Hotel Information 400+ BRANDS. ONE EXPO. JUNE 20-22, 2013 THE JAVITS CENTER, NEW YORK CITY NEAREST AIRPORTS OFFICIAL HOTELS LaGuardia Airport is 9.8 miles and approximately 21 minutes from the Center. Newark Airport is 16.8 miles or HWWYV_PTH[LS`TPU\[LZKYP]L[V[OL*LU[LY(UK1-2 Airport is 17.8 miles or approximately 28 minutes from the Center. Hotel Standard Rates: Single / Double Crowne Plaza Time Square Manhattan )YVHK^H` [O:[YLL[ $ Millenium Broadway Hotel )YVHK^H`[O:[YLL[ 249/ $249 ISVJRZ New York Marriott Marquis )YVHK^H`[O:[YLL[ $ PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION New Yorker Hotel [O(]LU\L:[YLL[ 215/ $215 ISVJRZ There are bus stops right in front of the Javits Center and trains/subways will bring you within a few blocks. Renaissance Time Square [O(]LU\L[O:[YLL[ 289/ $289 ISVJRZ PARKING Yotel UK:[YLL[[O(]LU\L 189/ $189 ISVJRZ FERRY SERVICE The NY Waterway operates a ferry from Weehawken, NJ to just one block from the Javits Center. Just park at the convenient lot adjacent to the ferry terminal in Weehawken HUK[HRLHMLYY`^OPJOSLH]LZL]LY`TPU\[LZK\YPUN peak hours. There is no parking at the Javits Center. However, there are a variety of lots open nearby. For further information on airports, ferry service, public transportation and parking, visit www.ifeinfo.com/travel.cfm. OFFICIAL HOTEL AGENT ,?76;9(=,305* ;PSSTHU:[YLL[ >LZ[^VVK51<:( Tel: +001-201-722-9731 -H_! www.expotravel.com /V\YZ! !HT[V!WT,:;4VUKH`-YPKH` DISCOUNTED HOTEL RATES Special discounted hotel rates are available for IFE visitors through Expo Travel, Inc. Reservations should be made as early as possible. Reservations can be made online at www. expotravel.com; then click to reserve hotel for IFE. If you wish to speak to a representative you may call between 9am and WT,;H[ ;OLZLKPZJV\U[LKYH[LZHYL only available through Expo Travel Inc. and are in effect until approximately May 20, 2013, based on availability. Please provide the following information when making a reservation: 1. Mention the International Franchise Expo. 2. Names of persons in party/ arrival and departure dates, type of room sgl/dd. 1st 2nd 3rd choice of hotel. 3. Company name, address and phone, e-mail, and credit card number including expiration date. Please advise if you will need any special requirements at time of booking. 289/ $289 ISVJRZ $ 289/ $289 ISVJRZ $ $ $ Note: 9H[LZZOV^UKVUV[YLÅLJ[[H_LZJ\YYLU[S` Special rates shown are per room, per night, and are in effect until approximately May 20, 2013 (providing rooms are available). Rates subject to change after May 20, 2013, check with Expo Travel at time of booking. Credit Card information is necessary to guarantee reservations. SPECIAL AIRLINE SAVINGS Special arrangements have been made with United Airlines;YH]LSMYVT1\UL HUK`V\^PSSYLJLP]L HKPZJV\U[VMMW\ISPZOLKMHYLZVM[VVYaVUL MHYLZ;VH]VPKHZLY]PJLMLLHUKYLJLP]LHUHKKP[PVUHS discount* book your own reservations on line at www. united.com. Enter both your Z-code and Agreement code (without a space) in the Offer Code Box - ZNZM260775. Or you can call your professional travel agency or United 4LL[PUNZH[MVYYLZLY]H[PVUZ9LMLY[VA*VKL ZNZM and Agreement Code: 260775;OLYL^PSSILH service fee collected, per ticket, for all tickets issued through United Meetings reservations or any United Airlines ticketing facility. The service fee is non refundable and applies to all itineraries, one-way or roundtrip. Travel agencies must list the Z Code in the Tour Code Box on the ticket. *Additional 3% discount applies to published fares only. SPECIAL CAR RENTAL SAVINGS Special arrangements have been made with Hertz RentA-Car. Rent any size vehicle from June 13 - 29, 2013. See the attached document to review more details about the special meeting rates. To reserve your special meeting rates, you can book online at www.hertz.com, call Hertz H[VYJHSS`V\YJVYWVYH[L[YH]LSKLWHY[TLU[ or travel agent. To receive your special show rates provide the CV# 03B70010, along with the name and date of the event. At the time of reservation, the meeting rates will be automatically compared to other Hertz rates and you’ll be quoted the best comparable rate available. Deadline for Hotel Discounted Rate: May 20, 2013 24 IFE 2013 Visit www.IFEinfo.com Français / Deutsch / Español Français: Deutsch: Espanol: Tarifs hôteliers réduits Billig-Hoteltarife Tarifas de hotel con descuento Note: Les prix donnés ne tiennent pas compte KLZ[H_LZZ»tSL]HU[HJ[\LSSLTLU[n Les prix spéciaux donnés sont valables par chambre, par nuit et le sont jusqu’au 20 mai 2013 environ (aussi longtemps que des chambres ZVU[KPZWVUPISLZ3LZWYP_WL\]LU[v[YLTVKPÄtZ HWYuZSLTHP]L\PSSLa]tYPÄLYH\WYuZ de Expo Travel au moment de la réservation. Des informations de carte de crédit ou un chèque couvrant le prix de la première nuit sont nécessaires pour garantir la réservation. Hinweis:+PLHUNLNLILULU7YLPZL]LYZ[LOLU ZPJOa\a NSPJO:[L\LYUNLNLU^pY[PN Angegebene Sonderpreise beziehen sich auf das Zimmer pro Nacht und sind gültig bis ca. 20. Mai, 2013 (vorausgesetzt, dass Zimmer ]LYM NIHYZPUK+HUHJORUULUZPJOKPL7YLPZL pUKLYU)P[[LLYMYHNLU:PLHR[\LSSL7YLPZLILP Expo Travel zum Zeitpunkt der Buchung. Die (UNHIL]VU2YLKP[RHY[LU0UMVYTH[PVULUVKLY die Bezahlung der ersten Nacht per Scheck ist Voraussetzung für eine bestätigte Reservierung. Nota:3HZ[HYPMHZTVZ[YHKHZUVYLÅLQHUSVZ PTW\LZ[VZHJ[\HSTLU[LKLS3HZ tarifas especiales que se presentan son por habitación cada noche, y son efectivas hasta aproximadamente el 20 de mayo de 2013 (siempre que haya habitaciones disponibles). Las tarifas pueden cambiar después del 20 de Mayo de 2013, verifíquelas con Expo Travel al momento de hacer SHYLZLY]HJP}U7HYHNHYHU[PaHYSHZYLZLY]HJPVULZ es necesaria la información de la tarjeta de crédito o el depósito por cheque de la primera noche. 6ɈYLZZWtJPHSLZWV\Y]V[YLIPSSL[K»H]PVU! Einsparmöglichkeiten bei der Flugbuchung: Ahorros especiales con la línea aérea: Nous avons un accord spécial avec United (PYSPULZ=V`HNLaLU[YLSL Q\PUL[ vous recevrez de United Airlines une remise sur SLZWYP_KLZ]VSZW\ISPtZKLnV\Z\YSLZ prix zone. Appelez votre agence de voyage ou <UP[LK4LL[PUNZH\U\TtYV pour toute réservation. Donnez le code Z ZNZM et le code d’accord: 260775. Vous pouvez aussi recevoir une remise supplémentaire de LUMHPZHU[]V\ZTvTLZ]VZYtZLY]H[PVUZ sur www.united.com. Choisissez vos heures de vol et obtenez les remises prévues pour cette réunion en inscrivant ZNZM260775 dans la zone Code de l’offre (Offer Code). Wir haben spezielle Vereinbarungen mit United (PYSPULZNL[YVMMLU:VMLYU:PLa^PZJOLUKLT juni 2013. Fliegen, offeriert Ihnen United Airlines 9HIH[[L]VUIPZKLY]LYMMLU[SPJO[LU Flug- oder Zonenpreise. Für Reservierungen rufen Sie Ihr Reisebüro an oder United Meetings H[=LY^LPZLU:PLH\MA*VKL ZNZM und Agreement Code 260775. Oder sparen :PLa\Zp[aSPJOLPUKLT:PL0OYL9LZLY]PLY\UN selbst bei www.united.com vornehmen. Wählen Sie Ihre Flugzeiten und rufen Sie Ihre Meetingrabatte ab, indem Sie ZNZM260775 PUKHZ(UNLIV[Z*VKL2pZ[JOLULPU[YHNLU Se han hecho arreglos especiales con United (PYSPULZ7HYH]PHQLZLU[YLLSKLQ\UPVKL <UP[LK(PYSPULZVMYLJLKLZJ\LU[VZKLS HSJVUYLZWLJ[VHSVZWYLJPVZW\ISPJHKVZ o a los precios de la zona. Llame a su agencia KL]PHQLZVH<UP[LK4LL[PUNZHS WHYHSHZYLZLY]HJPVULZ9LÄLYHHSJ}KPNV Z ZNZM y al Código de Acuerdo: 260775. (KLTmZW\LKLHOVYYHY\UHKPJPVUHS haciendo sus propias reservaciones en www. united.com. Elija sus horarios de vuelo y aceda a sus descuentos por la reunión insertando ZNZM260775 en la caja Código de la Oferta. Einsparmöglichkeiten bei der Autovermietung: Ahorros especiales en el alquiler de automóviles: 6ɈYLZZWtJPHSLZWV\YSLZ locations de voiture: Nous avons un accord spécial avec Hertz pour ]V\ZYLUKYLn0-,=V`HNLaLU[YLSL Q\PU 7V\YSLZYtZLY]H[PVUZPU[LYUH[PVUHSLZ appelez le centre de réservation Hertz le plus WYVJOLV\SL 3VYZKL la réservation chez Hertz, veuillez donner la référence du numéro de réunion (Meeting Number) CV#03B70010 ou donnez le nom de votre groupe nSHWLYZVUULYLZWVUZHISLKLSHYtZLY]H[PVU3LZ remises sont garanties d’une semaine avant la Yt\UPVUQ\ZX\»n\ULZLTHPULHWYuZSHYt\UPVUL[ dépendent de la disponibilité des véhicules. Wir haben spezielle Vereinbarungen getroffen mit Hertz sofern Sie zwischen dem 13. - 29. Juni 2013. zur IFE fahren. Im internationalen Ausland rufen Sie Ihr nächstliegendes Hertz 9LZLY]PLY\UNZaLU[Y\THUVKLY :VMLYU:PL ILY/LY[a9LZLY]PLY\UN buchen, erwähnen Sie bitte die Meeting Nummer CV#03B70010 oder den Namen Ihrer Gruppe bei unserer Buchungsstelle. Die Rabatte sind während der Dauer von jeweils einer Woche vor und nach dem Veranstaltungsdatum garantiert, vorbehaltlich der Verfügbarkeit von Mietwagen. Se han hecho arreglos especiales con Hertz para viajar a IFE. Viaje entre el 13 - 29 de junio de 2013. En localidades internacionales, llame a su centro de reservaciones Hertz más cercano o al (SOHJLYSHZYLZLY]HJPVULZ a través de reservaciones Hertz por favor YLÄLYHLS5TLYVKLYL\UP}UCV#03B70010 VPKLU[PÄX\LZ\NY\WVWVYUVTIYLHU\LZ[YVZ agentes de reservaciones. Los descuentos están garantizados desde una semana antes o hasta una semana después de las fechas de la reunión y están sujetos a la disponibilidad del vehículo. Deadline for Hotel Discounted Rate: May 20, 2013 Register online at www.IFEinfo.com (Use promo code GPGLB) IFE 2013 25 International Franchise Expo 2013 – Exhibitors List* 1800Fix.com 5th Avenue Leads, LLC 7camicie 7-Eleven, Inc. ()\`LYZ*OVPJL/VTL0UZWLJ[PVUZ Aaron's ADP Financial Services America's Taco Shop (YI`Z9LZ[H\YHU[.YV\W Archadeck The Athlete's Foot Batteries Plus BCM Business Cost Management BedBug Chasers Beef Jerky Outlet Beef O'Brady's Family Sports Pubs BeneTrends, Inc. Bennigan's BLIMPIE BodyBrite BoeFly, LLC BonChon Chicken Brain Balance Centers British Swim School The BrassTap Burger 21 The Business Exchange Carl's Jr Cartridge World Carvel Cellairis *OLJRLYZ+YP]L0U9LZ[H\YHU[Z0UJ Cheeseboy® Grilled Cheese to Go *OVPJL/V[LSZ Chyten Educational Services Cinnabon Closets By Design Club Metro USA Franchising *VɈLL*\S[\YL Colorglo International Colors on Parade ColorTyme Complete Nutrition Cool-de-Sac Cooperstown Connection Cral Franchise Development Crestcom Cruise Planners / American Express CruiseOne Crunch Fitness *\WZ-YVaLU@VN\Y[ +LU[HS-P_9_33* Diamond Financial Services Donper America Doodle Bugs! Children's Centers Dr. G's Franchising East Coast Wings & Grill Einbinder & Dunn, LLP EmbroidMe Entrepreneur Media Inc. Expedia CruiseShipCenters Express Employment Professionals Eye Level Learning Center F.C. Dadson, Inc. Faegre Baker Daniels Famous Dave's of America Fannie May Franchise, LLC -HU[HZ[PJ:HTZ/HPY:HSVUZ 26 IFE 2013 -HZ[-P_1L^LSY`HUK>H[JO9LWHPYZ -HZ;YHJ2PKZ FASTSIGNS International, Inc. Firehouse Subs Fisher Zucker, LLC -P_9PT Floor Coverings International Foot Solutions Forever Yogurt -YHUJOPZL)\ZPULZZ9L]PL^ Franchise Development Services Ltd Franchise Gator Franchise Marketing Systems ;OL-YHUJOPZL/HUKIVVR Franchise Solutions Corp. Franchise Times Franchise Update Media Group FranchiseExpo.com Franchiselawsource.com FranchiseWorks.com Franchlink International Francorp, Inc. -966;:-YLZO:TVV[OPLZ Salads & Wraps Gallet Dreyer & Berkey LLP Garcia & Milas Gelateria Italia Global Mobile Diagnostics .SVYPH1LHUZ*VɈLLZ Go Mini's Portable Storage & Moving Goddard Systems .VSKLU*VYYHS)\ɈL[.YPSS .VYKVU9LLZ337 Grade Power Granite Transformations Graphic Detail, Inc. Gray Plant Mooty The Greene Turtle Great American Cookies .YV\UK9V\UK.YPSS)HY Guidant Financial /HWW`/LHS[O`7YVK\J[Z0UJ /HYKLLZ /@76?0(TLYPJH iFranchise Group 0-?6USPUL Ilovekickboxing.com Instant Imprints 0U[LYUH[PVUHS+HPY`8\LLU International Franchise Association It's a Grind Jake's Wayback Burgers 1HUP2PUN0U[LYUH[PVUHS JEI Self Learning Systems Inc. 1PU`H9HTLU)HY 1VOUU`9VJRL[Z.YV\W Joshua's Shoarma Grill 2 9LZVY[Z 2PLRLUHWW(ZZVJPH[LZ 2PS^PUZ*OVJVSH[LZ 2PTJV9LHS[` 2\TVU4H[OHUK9LHKPUN*LU[LYZ Lapels Dry Cleaning 3H^6ɉJLZVM3PZH()PHZL 3LHYUPUN9_ Lenny's Sub Shop Let's Yo Yogurt Liberty Tax Service 305,?-YHUJOPZL+L]LSVWTLU[ Corporation 3P[[SL*HLZHYZ7PaaH The Maids International Marble Slab Creamery 4HYPS`U4VUYVL*HMt 4H\P>V^P/H^HPPU*VɈLLZ:TVV[OPLZ McAlister's Deli Merry Maids Minuteman Press International Monkey Joe's Parties and Play 466@(/)\YNLYZ-YPLZ:OHRLZ 4VZX\P[V:X\HK Nothing Bundt Franchising, LLC 6WWVY[\UP[`>VYSK4HNHaPUL Outdoor Lighting Perspectives 7OPSS`7YL[aLS-HJ[VY` Pinnacle Payroll Solutions Pinot's Palette Pita Pit Inc. Planet Beach Pollo Tropical PostalAnnex+ PostNet Praise International Premier Garage 7YL[aLSTHRLY 7YPTV/VHNPLZ Primrose Schools Process Peak 9HPUIV^(JHKLT`,HYS`3LHYUPUN Centers 9LHK`+LJRZ-YHUJOPZL:`Z[LTZ0UJ 9LSH_;OL)HJR 9VZH[PZ7PaaH 9\ZZVZ5L^@VYR7PaaLYPH9\ZZVZ *VHS-PYLK0[HSPHU2P[JOLU Sarku Japan Teriyaki & Sushi Express :JOSV[aZR`Z SDCooper Company :LUPVYZ/LSWPUN:LUPVYZ ServiceMaster Clean Shelton & Power, LLC :PNU(9HTH Sky Zone Franchise Group SMB Franchise Advisors :TVV[OPL2PUN-YHUJOPZLZ0UJ :UPɈ2 Z Soccer Shots Franchising Spadea, Lanard & Lignana SportClips Stark & Stark Steak 'n' Shake Tailored Living ;OL-S`PUN)PZJ\P[*HMt Tide Dry Cleaners TruFoods, LLC Two Men and A Truck International, Inc. Union Burger The UPS Store USA TODAY =LZ[LK)\ZPULZZ)YVRLYZ =PSSH-YLZO0[HSPHU2P[JOLU =PU[ULYZ*PYJSL-YHUJOPZPUN0UJ Wing Zone Franchise Corporation Wireless Zone Yodle Yogurt Mountain (ZVM7YLZZ;PTL*OLJR^^^0-,PUMVJVTMVY[OLTVZ[J\YYLU[L_OPIP[VYSPZ[ Own Your City not just a corner You are here...with other franchise opportunities. As a Jani-King Master Franchise Owner, you’ll have exclusive rights to a designated metropolitan area, not just a corner of the block, and an opportunity to sell unit franchises. In fact, you will have multiple revenue streams including franchise sales, monthly service contract royalties, equipment leasing and more. Imagine the possibilities and experience the opportunities that come with being selected for Jani-King’s newest exclusive master franchise. Jani-King is the world’s largest commercial cleaning franchise company with regional support offices in 15 countries. The commercial cleaning industry is one of the most stable and fastest growing businesses in which to invest. From offices to hotels, from hospitals to stadiums, buildings will always need to be cleaned. Contact Jani-King today to see if you qualify to be our next Master Franchisee. International and United States territories available. For more information on the Jani-King Master Franchise opportunity, use your Smartphone to scan the QR code to the left. 1.800.JANIKING | www.janiking.com © 2012 Jani-King International, Inc. CD0212-0022 International Franchise Expo 2013 Register Online at www.IFEinfo.com (Use Promo Code GPGLB) Sponsored by MFV Expositions ,HZ[9V\[L:\P[L Paramus, NJ 07652 Tel: 201-226-1130 | Fax: 201-226-1131 www.IFEinfo.com