November - December 201
November - December 201
Gifts •Antiques Collectibles •Primitives Quilting •Needlework Home &Garden Treasures · Sp~'clul Attractions •Festivals -· 1 •• The Country Register Story The Country Register began in Arizona in the fall of 1988 to provide effective and affordable advertising for shops, shows and other experiences enjoyed by a kindred of readership. Since then, the paper has spread to many other areas, all of which are listed below. Look for the paper in your travels. To receive a sample paper from another area, mail $3 in the USA or $4 in Canada to that area 's editor. Advertising rates area available upon request. The Country Register is available at the shops that advertise and often at other unique locations. We hope you enjoy this bi-monthly publication and let the advertisers know. For additional information, visit The Country Register Founder: Barbara Floyd, Phoenix, AZ, 602-237-6008 . USA: Hello, Everyone! Thanks for picking up a copy of our Holiday Issue. We're excited to bring it to you! We've included several holiday quick tips, some new recipes, our Secret Shopper's report on her visit to Southern Ohio Craft Mall in Wheelersburg, North Shore Primitives in Washington Court House and Chillicothe Craft Mall in Chillicothe, and several feature articles that are sure to spark your interest. Alabama: Dana Wilburn, 301 -698-2694 Arizona: Barbara Stillman/lolly Konecky, 602-942-8950 Arkansas: Lenda Williams, 405-470-2597 Calif/ N. Nev: Barb Stillman/lolly Konecky, 602-942-8950 Colorado: Jan & John Keller, 7 19-749-9797 Connecticut: Michael Dempsey, 9 19-66 1-1 760 Delaware: Merle and Gail Taylor, 888-616-83 19 Florida: Dave & Arny Carter, 866-825-9217 Georgia: Linda Parish, 706-340-1 049 Idaho (N): Dee Sleep, 605-722-7028 Idaho (S): Barbara Stillman/lolly Konecky, 602-942-8950 Illinois: Lenda Williams, 405-470-2597 Indiana: Gail & Merle Taylor, 888-616-8319 Iowa: Linda Glendy, 641-751-2619, Kansas: Cindy Baldwin, 866-966-9815 Kentucky: Chris & Kelley Kennedy, 443-243-1118 Maine: Gail Hageman, 207-437-2663 Maryland: Dave & Arny Carter, 866-825-9217 Massachusetts-RI: Michael Dempsey, 919-661- 1760 Michigan: Bill and Marlene Howell, 989-793-42 11 Minnesota: Kim and Mickey Keller, 763-754- 166 1 Mis ouri: Lenda William , 405-470-2597 Montana: Dec Sleep, 605-722-7028 Ncbra ka: Barbara Stillman/lolly Konecky, 602-942-8950 Nevada (S): Glcna Dunn, 702-523-1803 We're also featuring some special holiday give-aways this issue. Thanks to the generosity of several of our friends we' re able to offer these drawings. Thanks to Billy Jacobs, Judy Condon and Sherry D. Pees, and Susan Branch - we appreciate your continued support. New Hampshire: Kathleen Graham, 603-463-3703 New Jersey: Merle and Gail Taylor, 888-6 16-83 19 New Mexico: Jan & John Keller, 719-749-9797 New York: Dave & Amy Carter, 866-825-92 17 N. Carolina: Barbara Stillman/lolly Konecky, 602-942-8950 North Dakota: Dee Sleep, 605-722-7028 Ohio: Barb Moore, 937-652-1157 Oklahoma: Lenda Williams, 405-470-2597 Oregon: Barbara Stillman/lolly Konecky, 602-942-8950 Pennsylvan ia: Dave & Amy Carter, 866-825-92 17 Rhode Island: Michael Dempsey, 919-66 1-1 760 S. Carolina: Barbara Stillman/lolly Konecky, 602-942-8950 South Dakota: Dee Sleep, 605-722-7028 Tenne see: Chri & Kelley Kennedy, 443-243-111 8 Texas: Lenda Williams, 405-470-2597 Utah: Daniel & Stacy Tueller, 801 -592-8498 Vermont: Chris & Kelley Kennedy, 443-243-111 8 Virginia: Dave & Amy Caner, 866-825-9217 Washington: Barbara Stillman/lolly Konecky, 602-942-8950 West Virginia: Dave & Amy Carter, 866-825-92 17 Wisconsin: Scott & Jennifer Hughes, 7 15-838-9426 Wyoming: Dee Sleep, 605-722-7028 CANADA: Alberta: Ruth Burke, 780-889-3776, British Columbia: Bryan Stonehill, 800-784-671 1 Manitoba & Saskatchewan: Scott & Marj Kearns, 306-736-244 1 Advertisers: Jan/Feb Deadline is December 1 Don't miss our next issue! Many of our advertisers are again featuring holiday open houses and/or gatherings. Shopkeepers work hard to bring you the latest and greatest merchandise. They put a lot of extra effort into making these events so special. Please stop by your favorite shops and visit a few new ones and show your support this holiday season. Be sure to tell them you saw their ad in The Country Register; without their support this paper wouldn't be possible. We wish you all a wonderful holiday season. Enjoy all the Thanksgiving L·, ( The Cou11+r-y Register- I11 Your- Ma.ilbox? ----~.: and Christmas get-tog&ths 't'5!h your family and friends and all the . We Ca.h Do Tha.t... . vtt:"" season has to offer. ' The Country Regleter le dletrl17uted ae a c;ompllmentary gift from /' . 1 SUBSCRIPTIONS \) / ~=Os~~ ~~esecake 2 Subscription Form Pie 2 National Publishers' List 15 Cookies-n-Cream Fluff 4 Central Ohio Section 20 Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies 7 About the Cover Artist 24 Cheesy Buffalo Dip 7 Shows & Events 32 Peppermint Sugar Scrub 11 Northeast Ohio Section 19 Southwest Ohio Section Photos from above: Covered Bridge Bluegrass Festival in Union County, 26 Northwest Ohio Section 18th green at Woodland Golf Course 30 Southeast Ohio Section in Champaign County, and (in front) 31 Secret Shopper Troyer 's Market in Holmes County. 34 Country Squares, Blog & Web Ads 35 State Map & Ad Listings lte advertleere. and we encourage you to etop l7y your favorite ehop every two monthe to plok up your new oopy. However, for the oonvenlenoe of thoee who may not 17e al71e to get to a ehop. we do offer eul7eorlptlone for $18.00 per year (Continental U.5.) to oover the ooet of poe ge and handlfng. I Name: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · I Address: ......... .. ...... ... .. . . . ······ ······ ······· ····· · . ). ....... ... .... ... .... . Begin With: July/ Aug: __ Sept/Oct: __ Nov/Dec: D .., ThetJ~Country Register Barb Moore, Editor & Publisher P. 0. Box 37 - Cable, OH 43009, 937-652-1157, Fax: 937-484-8963 Email : [email protected], The Ohio Country Register is one of a notional network of Independently owned and published specialty ~~=~=N~:~~~~~;;;:;fi% con1:em m. any manner 1s pnl~"' The paper is distributed FREE through its advertisers and selected tourist information centers, but subscriptions are offered at $18 per year, single copy $3. $18.00 Enclosed P{ease 'Recyc{e!! ublin JUST OFF SR f6f 6 1-270 48 CORBINS Mill DRIVE DUBl/N, OHIO 430f7 614-734-9007 A year with Susan Branch! A hand-written wall calendar to brighten your kitchen - chock full of Susan's charming watercolors with ideas to make very season brighter. Printed on FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified paper with environmentally safe inks. Be sure to enter for your chance to win! r"Registe;7o;;, a°7op7°ofSus; -B; ;cl7s 2ms Cale:i°ar~us;7omple~nd;n;;)thi;"fo;; t;-OI:; 1 Name: 1 Address: 1 City: : Phone No: I I I Country Reigster, PO Box 37, Cable, OH 43009, by December 10, 201 4. MACHINE QUILTING ON PREMISES 1 I JANOME SEWING MACHINES INCLUDING THE NEW MC f5000 NOW IN STOCK! I 1 State:_ Zip: 1 : Entry fo rm must be received by Dec 10, 2014. One winner will be selected from the entries I I received. Winner will be notified by phone and announced in the Jan/Feb issue of the Ohio I ~u~Regi~ r. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I • c . .. ~ ovevv~ 350°. ,~.~~~~ )c - ~~-wc-v6~~ IC- JOtA5oJv(cYv 3 -y'to.~ i:, ( - yt. ~GVt>) 'lA~ea!.>ecL c~eAcr&,. J~ 01r€)v ,6~a1v rev..t d.mtt. /.)Wv _T>~ 35~, 1.>ilrv ~ ~ ~ CO~B - 6oocl1:.ot <Yv col:L s -0:. <:AA~ ., iYV OU1V -\~E NEXT OA"'( . , ~ ~ d\A~ ,{)a,u,ce,~ 4-uo.L rycvd/., . ~e, ~0J\:w1Af.ak c;)o;, ~\test CL l.vv ~ w o~ L D (~ ovft. St..~Ss Russells Point Marysville a QOBBIOS nest - ~~~ antiques ,. own_€u: ~onm€ cathcaut ~ A~ ,· & q1~ts 937 ~:42 2205 ~l<.~l'~, . <-1.:J·---·'"•h ..U<\....~~~ 1 • Holiday Open House - Nov 22 & 23 Christmas Open House -Dec 6 & 7 Refre hments - Door Prize Dra wing ~~~~. ·. 184 W. Main (behind RiteAid Pharmacy) Russells Point, OH 43348 6irlfri{lnd Wi~dom Hours: Mon & Wed 2-6, Thurs-Sat 11-6, Sun 12-5, Closed Tues - - - - Christmas scent for Make your own mbine 1 orange . Simmering ... Co sti·cks (broken in 3 innamon t (sliced), c h cranberries, 1-2 . in 1 c fres · a t nutmeg in ha.u..;, · 2 whole cloves, 1- . non stove top. · g pot or pa · · 1" simmerm to fill to within Add enough water low and enjoy\ - - - of top. Simmer on --- Let there be peace on earth, And let it begin with me; Let there be peace on earth, The peace that was meant to be. With God as our Father, Brothers all are we. Let me walk with my brother In perfect harmony. Let peace begin with me, Let this be the moment now, · . With every step I take, Let this be my solemn vow: To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. IRLFRI ·1 D \ I DOM i 'riucn and illus1ra1cd b Jody I lough1on Rcquc l a color copy file of lhi \\riling al jod hough1on@'m n.c m. Blc sing & J > in Your Da ! 14 I Christmas Open 1fousel Fri, Nov 7, llam-5pm Sat, Nov 8, 1 Oam-4pm Join us for a celebration of Christmas! \Ve have lots of wonderful antiques and unique hand crafted primitives. And of course, refreshment ! Drawing for a wonderful basket of goodies! -f ;:r ..,l"D l"D V\ QI ~ l"D QI VI g ..,, ;:r l"D ~ Vptown }fn_tUpfes ~ ct/, <Primitives ·- 117 S. ~ainSt., ~arysvilfe, OJ{ '~ www.face e ~ Wed11to5,Thur11to6,Fri111o5, Sat10 to4 o The Country Re~ister, Nov-/Dec 2014 - New-ark Pataskala - Alexandria - J ohnstow-n - Cofia C~Wvul Antique, Vintage & Primitive Furniture & Accessories Heisey & other Elegant Glassware Vintage & Contemporary Jewelry including Brooches & Turquoise Clocks & Cupboards Crafted Locally by a Master Cabinet Maker Antique Medical & Scientific Instruments Architectural Artifacts 74 Oak Meadow Drive, Pataskala, OH 43062 740-927-2636 F~ ·13~ ·'P~ • ~ Mon-Sat 10-5, Sun by appointment check our website for classes and upcoming events: 14 N. Park Place, Newark, Ohio Hours: Mon-Wed, 10-5, Thurs, 10-8, Fri-Sat, 10-5 AlEX~mlDIEA 740-349-7448 (8 miles north of 1-70 via State Route 13) 8r JOMimlSTOWml s1ors 6~ A fun area to visit! Makes a great Day Trip! All these business~.s are located within a six mile radius in Central Ohio between olumbus, Mt. Vernon, Lancaster & Newark. All are housed in historic buildings. Johnstown * Granny's OJ' Root Cellar Main Street Diner Specializing in Antiques & Primitives & Homespun Materials, New & Used 12 S. Main, Johnstown - 740-405-0053 Tues-Fri 11-5, Sat 10-3, starting Nov. 1, Sun 12-3 Serving Breakfast All Day! Daily Specials! Best Hamburgers Around! 16 S. Main, Johnstown - 740-967-2710 Mon-Fri 6:30-3, Sat 6-3 - Free WIFI 661 Timber Tunes Gifts & Antiques for Home and Garden, folk-art musical figurines, handcrafted furniture, bowls, cutting boards 9862 Johnstown-Utica Rd (Rt 62), Johnstown 740-967-0421or740-817-0571 Hours: Thurs 10-5, Fri 10-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 12-5 Extended Hours by Appt Alexandria Antiques 37 * Alexandria The Old Horseshoe A locally owned restaurant/tavern catering to the needs of friends in the Johnstown area and central Ohio. Delicious food, drinks, monthly comedy nights and facilities for special events and banquets. Come experience hometown goodness at its best!! 65 S. Main St., Johnstown 740-967-3663 All shops are on facebook 16 An eclectic selection of antiques. Specializing in Indian Artifacts, Fine Furniture, Primitives, Glassware, Pottery, Tools, Paper Ephemera 3 West Main Street, Alexandria 740-924-2012 shop or 614-949-9598 cell Wed-Sat 11-5, some Sundays 12-5 (call ahead) or by appointment Lancaster Canal Winch ester No-Bake Cheesecake Pie 1 cup vanilla or white chips 2 pkg (8oz) each cr eam cheese, cubed 1 (8 oz) fr ozen whipped topping, thawed 1 9 " graham cr acker crust 1/3 cup English toffee bits or almond brickle chips In a saucepan, melt chips over med-low heat : stir until smooth. Remove fr om heat, stir in cream cheese until smooth. Fold in whipped topping. Pour into crust Cover and r efr iger ate over night or until set. Just before serving sprinkle with toffee bits. Ser ves 6-8 Recipe fr om Bonnie in Shelby, Ohio Samplers offer a glimpse into ., history and the everyday life of early needleworkers.The oldest surviving samplers are dated back to the 15th and 16th centuries. T When the needlewoman saw a new stitching pattern, she would quickly sew a small sample of it onto a small, narrow piece of cloth which became her 'sampler.'They were about 6-9 inches wide and were called band samplers. When unrolled they revealed an assortment of drawnwork, cutwork, needlework and embroidery. They were used as a reference or guide for future projects. Another early form of samplers are called spot samplers. They consisted of little vignettes of flowers , butterflies, birds, or other decorative stitches. The most common samplers found today are ones that werecreated by young schoolgirls. They consist of cross-stitched alphabets, numbers, poetry or biblical verses, and little figures, flowers and animals. These samplers were a way to teach young girls the basics of needleworking, and also theiralphabet and numbers. The top half of the sampler was usually devoted to the alphabet, while the bottom was a picture, motto, poem, or biblical verse. Great care should be taken to protect samplers from fading and deterioration. Framing samplers without allowing proper air circulation will cause them to rot. Also, be careful as to not display them in direct sunlight as this will cause them to fade . Today, samplers are highly collectible and are proudly displayed in the primitive/colonial home. For those of you who are not lucky enough to own an antique sampler, reproduction ones are widely available and look very authentic, right down to the colors and imperfect stitching patterns. Kristin e Be1g Doss is the owne1; editor and publisher of A Primitive Place & Count1y Journal magazine. A Primitive Place i the fastest growing primitive, colonial and count1y magazine on the market today. For more info, visit www.aprimitiveplace.01g or email [email protected]. R e g i s ter, N o v /De c 2014 at GktuiJJ~ :~ Professionally Decorated to the Theme of-:~ SIMPLF-L GOODS~~ Nov. I 9AM to ~PM* Adm. $5 "The Twelve Days of Christmas" W ... *2(;R.EAT SHOWS IN MANSFIELD, OHIO!* GATHERED TREASURES Nov.1, 10AM to tPM *Adm. $2 Richland Co. fairgrounds I ~ Arts &Craft building 750 North Home Rd. ·:: More into:+19-;+7-)726 I OS Cincinnati Ave, Lebanon, OH '4t SI 3-932-1817 ) R&L5an9uet Center The Show n~ d A ......... al November 15, 2014 181 f'fth A f th Q. aAJsr 1 lllll~U food9~~0R~~t~£P_m75 Artisans venue More mto: 7+o-8t8-1005 / I 1 , -....-:ll FREE Admission SEASONS SPLENDOR ARTS S CRAFTS SHOW Over Lunc h Avai labl e 100 l3ooth5/ FRI, OCT 3f, 20f4, 5PM-9PM CNFO 330-345-5962 Sponsored by Wayne County Arts & Crafts Guild & SAT, NOV f, 20f4, 9AM-4PM Greenbriar Conference & Party Centre 50 Riffel Road, Wooster, OH 44691 Thyme For All Seasons 22551 Wafbridge Rd, Curtice, OH 419-304-7381 Open Year-Round Shop Hours: Fri: 12:30-5 Sat: 11 -5 (Closed Fri, Dec 5 for prep) Christmas in the Country Open House Dec 6, 10-5 & Dec 7, 12-4 A Primitive Gathering of Accents, Anti ues & Handmades 0 e. ~e . on ~ For Information call. . · ~ <740)335-1 791 $1 donation Historic Uptown Hillsboro, Ohio Nov 27 - Thanksgiving Night Moonlight Madness Sale, 6-midnight Nov 29 - Hillsboro Uptown Holiday Parade - 2pm Shop Small Saturday - all day See ad on page 22 Dec 5 - First Friday 5-8 pm - "An Uptown Christmas" West Milton Specialty Shoppes 25th Annual Holiday Open House November 20-21-22-23, 2014 ihurs 10-5, Fri 10-7, Sat 10-5, Sun 12-4 Unique Gi~s * Refreshments * Door Prizes 32no p..nnual_eesburg A LITTLE LIKE GRANDAD'S Fayette Co. fairgrounds Only 10 minutes from the Outlet Malls Washington Court House, Ohio Artisan Folk Fair Sat, Nov 1, 2014, 1Oam-5pm 4734 WEA VER ROAD, MT. VERNON 43050 Participating Shops: Angel Heaven Cozy Cottage Frame Mill Gallery & Home Gallery Flooring Hens Nest Really Cool Stuff Wertz Variety Qtore FREE Admission Questions? [email protected] @Fairfield High School, Route 771/S. Fairfield Rd , Leesburg, OH CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE Quality handmade goods from skilled artisans and crafters . Pottery-Crocheting/Needlecrafts-Woodcrafts-Primitives-Jewelry-And Much More! SAT, DEC 6 - fOAM-5PM Historic Downtown Urbana's 6 Annual Santa's Homecoming ~Fri, Nov 28, 5-SPM, now indoors at the Qloria Theatre 'ii ?4'! Visit with Santa, Trolley Rides, Children's activities, food, treats, caroling & more! (~ ~--DOG~ 917.'53..$7'4 1 s16' Visit Urbana for our Hctppy Holiday Open House HolidciY3J .i~ Nov 7-8-9, 2014 Fri 10-8, Sat 10-6, Sun 1-S l.bvnlnt ScJ.ilrt Oisn:a °'91ft'Men 937.653.57641800.873.5764 flllllANA ANDlt_flli 6110W & 61lliJJ MJJllllliW at the Fairgrounds, 384 Park Ave, Urbana, Ohio Show Dates: Nov 1-2, Dec 6-7 & Jan 3-4 $7 Adfh '' 1 Sat 8-4 & Sun 10-3 i@ffii Info: 937-788-2058 ,., 00 \ns'oe "' oO{$ \}en (~Uniquely Ours, 210 9. Main, Mt. Vernon Holi~!~0!?f,2~1~ 1~!!,US0 see ad on page s door prizes, free gift w/purchase over $25, gift registry Small Business Saturday is an American shopping holiday held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving during one of the busiest shopping periods of the year. First observed on November 27, 2010, it is a counterpart to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which feature big box retail and e-commerce stores. By contrast, Small Business Saturday encourages Support Your holiday shoppers to patronize brick and mortar Locally O wned businesses that are small and local. John Rossini has been a professional architect, illustrator and watercolorist for 30 years. His paintings are represented in numerous private and corporate collections. John was educated at the Georgia Institute of Technology where he developed a life long passion for watercolors. He received a degree in Architecture and formal training in architectural illustration. He has been a lecturer in the Fine Arts Department at the University of Massachusetts where he taught architectural illustration. In addition, John has been an adjunct professor at Bay Path College in Massachusetts for the past several years teaching drawing and architectural technology. John's architectural background and attention to detail have been a strong influence in the subject matter and composition of his artwork. John affirms, "The subjects of my art are generally ordinary scenes with strong architectural themes that reflect the New England vernacular. My style is realist in order to present the things around me as they truly exist. The barns, houses and the countryside of New England provide a major source of material for my paintings. My wife, a professional crafter and collector, provides the teddy bears, rag dolls, quilts and "stuff' that often frequent my artwork." To view John's art prints, go to or call Penny Lane Publishing at 800-273-5263 for more information. Businesses [ZJ ~ Danville - Mt. Vernon AF~: J+~uHoliday baking is upon us! I. hope that by this time you are laying in supplies for. all those rounds of cookie baking that you'll be doing soon! Before you add all those new goodies to your Q 8 pantry, take the time to go through and replace staples • such as baking powder, baking soda, and flour. It's ·: ·· . always a good idea to mark the date on an item when · you open it. Although these items haye a pretty substantial shelf life, they don't last forever &nd fresh ingredien.ts can make a world of difference in your ' baking. Baking soda and baking powder are good for ___.; 6 months 9n"ce opened. Flour is good for .one yeat. -- . .- . · .A good rule of thumb? When in doubt, throw it o .- -:·" Happy -baking! · · Susan Tipsord20J4t:l BLACK WALNUT HOLLER Primitives, Vintage, Handmades 10 South Main Street• Mount Vernon, Ohio 740-398-3091 Countr~berrles Designs Wool AP,pli9ue 5elsnickle See us on Facebook at ~ Tues-Sat 1Oam-Spm Sun 12-4pm Other Til!l-eS by Chance This pattern is free for you to use. Please give the artist credit. Not for commercial use. Enlarge this pattern to your desired size. This pattern was designed as a wool applique with embroidered details. It can also be painted, embroidered, needlepunched or hooked. Have fun! Designed b~ Kath~ Graha m Countr~berries LL Whimsies a nd necessaries for ~o ur cou ntr~ home a nd garden 330 North Road Deerfield, NH 0)0)7 60 )-46)-7615 www m e mail us at info@countr berries .com to get o n o u r e mail list [ill The Country Register, Nov/Dec 2014 - Heath - .* .. .* . . . k- . . ~ .·. ~ Regular Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-8pm Sun noon-Spm Holiday hours begin Nov 28 thru Dec 23 Mon-Sat 9-8:30 & Sun 12-6 *-. * ~- .· ~ . -;)(- . ';:#( ·~~ "'*' * CJ :: .;;>t:- :;if'*. * ·.>"lt" . * : ~·{Tl ~deis ~eep enS .· ~< llDllllllElll ·.. ··- ~· -.:~ ~ * CRAFT AND ANTIQUE MALL Handcrafted Gifts, Antiques, Art, Home Decor and much more... WOW! THIS PLACE IS . ·-* -· ~ '''"*- •. * * .· 789 Hebron Road ~ -~ Check OUt OUr Website \ : ~ ~ · INCREDIBLE'~ · · -- Park Plaza Center Heath, Ohio C M. . . . a1or Credit . WWW.finderskeeperSCraftS.COm ards ~ccepre-J -K . Ou-e1t. 2.00 UKique SR.ops . ·. ~ Our customers and crafter/. · · find unique theme booths · -~ such as our... ~- . : '*' ~ - : ,1' 't· ·. ·. l= . Tour Buses Welcome! r---,,.....~-==--+..:;.;;;;;;t-. Area Map to inders Keepers •Vintage & Retro Items •Antiques • Primitives • Furniture and Accents • Baskets & Linens •Jewelry • Willow Tree Angels • Windchimes • Bird Houses • Bath & Body Luxuries • Bridal Gifts • Candles •Ceramics • Cottage Collectibles • Country Crafts • Dolls - Ceramic & Primitive • Florals • Framed Prints • Geese Clothes • Greeting Cards • Longaberger Baskets • Park Imports Linens • Pottery & Ceramics • OSU Items •Wood Crafts • Seasonal and Nautical Items You are cordially invited to our Holiday Open House! Sat & Sun, Nov 8 & 9 Enjoy refreshments! Register to win Vendor Prizes! Register to win a $75 Gift Certificate! You 'll find thousands of one-of-a-kind gifts, and discover numerous holiday interior design ideas! 74·0 -522-3233 or 800-843-9301 * ..!.I. • -~ · . ·* ~- . .. . . )l;. ... - ~ - Columbus e Marke s Scott A ti Oh o...,.....oCe 1,200 r Co hibi Boo s 0 29&30 o s: Ohio EX po Center - Colum bus, OH 20&21 24&25 1-71 Exit 1.1. (17th Ave.) ,o Sat" rday 9am - epm S1Jnday 1oam - 4pm FR ADM SSIO 2014 Show Dates: The Columbus Market Place •••••••••••••••• for gift, fashion, garden and home .. ··~\0s0\0 ·: ... \ot ·.. on~/ Temp. Exhibitors @ Jan Show Show hours 9am-6pm ""0~ .. ·· ..·''·800.686.6278 ... Immediate Delivery Sale: Nov 1-3 Jan 16-20, 2015 1045 S. High Street, Columbus, Ohio 614-443-7858 •@ii - Est. 1979 - Located in the Brewery District and German Village Area Five Floors - 11,000 SF Shopping Area Open 7 Days a Week! Noon-6PM For Christmas, some children get toys for being good little girls and boys. That is why toys are so much a part of the holiday season decorating on Christmas cards and Christmas trees-train sets, teddy bears and hobby horses, toy drums, toy soldiers, sleds, trucks and all sorts of dolls. They represent innocence and fun. They make us feel good, even loved . They make us smile. Because they evoke such nostalgia, old toys are among the most sought-after and are often the most expensive collectibles on the antiques market. It is a lovely idea to decorate for the holidays using old toys, placing them on the mantel or book shelves, in the china closet, even on the dining table or including them among the wrapped packages under the tree. It is not necessary to pay a fortune for them if you shop around. If you check out the advertisers in this publication, you will undoubtedly find some good deals on vintage and antique toys. I particularly like the handmade toys- trucks, boats, rag dolls-many from the 1930s when money was tight or from rural families living far from fancy department stores. Shop at your nearest antique mall or auction house and treat yourself to one classic old toy for your yearly Christmas decorating scheme. Before you know it, you shall have an investment quality collection to pass down to your family. That is, of course, if they've been good little girls and boys. ' !f·Fifr~~C' tnl "~{~ ;L J! "I i,~ ~ :;. _il (~ , Mwy Dessoie cover a variety of topic in the field of antique and collectibles. Sh e founded the Butter Pat Patter Association for beginner and advanced collectors of butter pats, miniature plates that were introduced in the mid-l 800s for individual serving of butte1: A subscription to The Patter ne11< letter i $22 and includes a mintcondition Royal Dou/ton butter pat. Royal Dou/ton, located in the Staffordshire area of England, i kno wn throughout the world as one of the leading mam!facturers o.ffine china. Subscribers will also receive ten is ues ofThe Patter. Sample copies are available by sending $4.00 and a LSSAE (70 cents). Those who would like to start their subscriptions immediately and receive their Royal Dou/ton pat by return mail can send a check or money order payable to Maiy Dessoie, 7950 E. Keat Ave., No. 178, Mesa, AZ 85209-5025. [IO [ The Country Register, Nov/Dec 2014 - Avon - Twinsburg - Boardman - N. Lima Surr - forti:lg~ rni~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _fruit of an oak _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _set of instructions for making or preparing a food di h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ large mainly domesticated game bird native 3. yukter to North America 4. veftor el _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _foodremainingafterthere tha beenu ed or consumed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ large meal , typically one in celebration of 5. efsta omething 6. scnrebreria _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __mall, red, acid berry used in cooking 7. aletchlotb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a cloth pread over a table 8. kmppinu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ large rounded orange-yellow fruit _ _ parent of your parents 9. rran dnpgaet 10. rmkstdicu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _the meaty lower leg of a turkey _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _the process or period of gathering in crops 11. avhsrte 12. iesbwhon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ forked bone in front of the brea tbone in a turkey _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ large plate in an oval or circular in shape, 13 . lartpte used for serving food 14. eenertieccp_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _decorative piece or di play placed in the middle of a dining table 15. ratgitued _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _quality ofbeing thankful _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ seasoned bread crumbs u ed to stuff a 16. tfgfinus turkey 17. eveta bleg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ plant, orpartofaplant, u eda food _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _day of fe tivity or recreation when no work 18. yoldhia is done _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ per on who move to a new place with the 19. t tleer intention to stay there _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _cut (cooked meat) into slices for eating 20. cevacr I. cnoar 2. pecrie ----1 ;.---r-' M<t hunin3 • Full Line/Full Service Bernina Dealer •Largest thread selection in Northeast Ohio • Embroidery designs in most machine formats • Over 2000 bolts of fine quality quilting cottons • Cabinets by Fashion Sewing, Unique, Horn & Koala • Bernina Dealers & Randi Quilter Dealers Order on line at Hours: Mon-Wed 10-6, Thurs 10-7, Fri 10-5, Sat 10-3, Closed Sun 7081 West Blvd, Boardman, OH 44512 330-726-9396 catiott znd LO 8900 Darrow Road Hours: (Rt 91 & 480) Mon-Wed-Thur 10-6, Twinsburg, Ohio 44087 Tues 10-7, Fri 10-5, Sat l 0-3 , Closed Sun 330-487-0460 L.~..-..--..__.,..... .....--._.__....._...~--...................... © ~ 'o"f" ..~~...._-' :>AJeo ·oz 's1:ip1:is· 6 1 ',(ep!lot1 '81 's:i1qe1:iil:>A 'l I 'ilu!.!Jn1s ·91 ':lPl1l!lelil · ~1 ':iO:>!d.J:>JU:>O ·171 '1:iue1d '(I ':iuoqLIS!"' '('.I 'l :>AJe4 ·11 ' lj:ll)SUlrup ·01 ' )U:>Jedpueiii ·6 ' uiljdumd ·8 't1101o:i1qe1 ·l ' :iw:iqueio ·9 '1se:>J · ~ 'sJ:>AOlJ:ll ·17 '1\:ilpn1 ' £ ':id!O:>J ·z ' u1ooe · 1 [IT] - Alliance - N e-w Middleto-wn - Vienna - Cortland - Merca111tile Old Fashioned Christmas Open House Primitive, Antiques and More Fri, ov 7, 3-8 pm Sat, ov 8, 10 am-4 pm Two Floors of Country & Primitive Items Antiques •Candles • Home Accessories Regular Hours: Tues-Sat 10-5 Holiday Open House Fri, Nov 7, 5pm-8pm & Sat, Nov 8, 1 Oam-5pm 104 77 Main Street, Rt. 170, New Middletown *QPS Systems type in 10477 Youngstown Pittsburgh Rd for directions 330-542-9271 - •- · .. _ :w._ . + -· . ... • ... •• ~- ~v ~Ji, P1Mkt-~ by RenZGroom Be sure to check out all the Shows 8e Events listed on page 7! Whether one truly likes fruitcake or not, it has made its way into even the modem Christmas traditions. Here in the United States, the mail order fruitcakes date back to 1913, made by some well-known American bakers of fruit cake such as Collin Street Bakery in Corsicana, Texas, and Claxton Bakery in Claxton, Georgia. The Honey Pot ~~ M "'' ~ 'lk Christmas Open House Fri., November 7 lOam - 4pm Sat. , November 8 10am - 4pm ~ "'1.' M .,p 1 St op out and see all t he wonderful handmades to decorate your home for the holidays. Trees, ornaments , greenery, Arnett's Santa's, wreathes , holiday candles, and so much more! Barn will be open! Our store will be closed Sat ., Nov. 1st and will reopen Fri . Nov., 7th at 10:00am to get ready for our Christmas open house. (Please do not park in the doctor's parking lot on Friday, as he sees patients that day.) Refreshments will be served! The Honey Pot 337 Youngstown-Kingsville Rd. Vienna , Ohio 44473 330-856-3322 ·Credit Cards Accepted ·Gift Certificates Ava ilable Regular Store Hours: Tues - Sat ., 10-4 Find us on Facebook! 124 N. lli.g;h Street. Cortland 866-953-0722 H ours: Mon-Fri, 10-5. Sat 10-3 1200 Bolts of Quality Cotton Quilting Fabric ... Batiks, Novelties, Gold-Etched, Brights, Holiday, Civil Wa/; Reproduction, Stonehenge, Tone-on -Tone Plus Clearance Priced Fabrics Both Collin Street and Claxton are Southern companies with access to inexpensive nuts, for which the expression "nutty as a fruitcake" was derived in 1935.1 t leads one to wonder if the fruitcake has ever gotten the respect here in the US that it demands from other countries. There is a version of the fruitcake in every country in the world. Once believed to be a bread that celebrated harvest and abundance, this European cake would be served at weddings and other special events. Here in America, the fruitcake has fallen on hard times and been ridiculed by such comedians as Johnny Carson, who famously stated,''There really is only one fruitcake in the world, passed from family to family." Insulting the traditional cake even more, since 1995, Manitou Springs, Colorado, has hosted the Great Fruitcake Toss on the first Saturday of every January. They encourage the use ofrecycled fruitcakes . The alltime Great Fruitcake Toss record is 1,420 feet, which was set in January 2007 by a group of eight Boeing engineers who built the "Omega 380,'' a mock artillery piece fueled by compressed air pumped by an exercise bike. If prepared in the traditional way using alcohol, the fruitcake's shelf life is unmatched, as demonstrated in 2003 when comedian Jay Leno sampled a fruitcake held in the Ford family since 1878. The key, they say, is to wrap the cake in a cloth soaked in an alcohol-soaked linen. Still today, commercial fruit cakes are often sold from catalogs by charities as fund raisers. Perhaps this is the year that your family tries to help the fruitcake make a legitimate comeback here in the United States. RentGroom is a freelance writer and public sp eaker who lo ves to share her adventures, misadventures and the amazing people she meets do wn life's dusty trails. She and her husband, Tom, make their home in Prosser, WA . She is the mom offo ur amazing men. Some of her stories can be found at www.adventureswithdusty.blogspot. com. The Country Register, Nov/Dec 2014 Louisville - Canfield -Uniontow-n - Steubenville - Hanoverton THE PINE CONE GIFT SHOPPE 11742 Cleveland Avenue NW, Uniontown, OH 44685 330-497-9840 1408 North Chapel Street, Louisville, OH 44641 I 1\ l Cfiristmas Oyen Early American & Primitives 330-875-5300 Jfouse WHEN YOU'RE READY FOR UAL/TY WE'RE HERE FOR YOU Sat, Dec 6 S ecial Sales - Refreshments!!! Great selection of Specialty Quilting Fabrics and Quilt Kits • Homespuns 100% Wool • Hand-Dyed Woolens • Kits • Rug Hooking Supplies Books • Patterns • Many Classes Offered You will truly be inspired when you visit our Wool Room and Civil War Rooms. Visit our website for more inJormation and directions to our shop www. The Cracked Crock j Hour : ' , : Tues & Thurs I 0-8 ' ' ' Wed & Fri 10-6 ,' Sat I 0-4 *Antiques *Primitives *Decorating Ideas I .inda Matulek 330-720-4730 Christmas Gathering Open House 361 Liabon Street• Cmifiel~ Cillo 44406 WednMday ~ 'Thumday: lOAM - 5 PM Nov 6 - Preview - doors OPEN@ 4pm-8pm Nov 7 - 10am-6pm, Nov 8 -10am-5pm Friday: 10 AM - 4 PM• Smmday: lOAM- 3 PM Bmmded Holiday Hours - Sundays 12 PM -4 PM starting Nowmber Ui to December 14. 2014 Also vim our booth m: Along Memory L8aea Amlquea in Seville, Ohio ote: Only way to get m for O\ 6 Pre 1ew 1ght 1 to bnng a EW T Y for Toy for Tot and give to th Marine at the front door Now selling CUSTOM MADE KITCHENS and FLOORING Four Post Amish-Made Pencil Beds, Primitive Luminaries ~ tore Hours: Tue, Wed Fri 10-6, Thurs 10-7, at 10-5, clo ed un & Mon Featuring ~ American Made Product Sho 24 Hour, www. inecone i t ho & count illow .net Located in Ft. Steuben Mall, Steubenville, Ohio 7 40-264-2996 Ga.r-deh Su Iies ! ! ! erry Wreaths • Florals • Window Treatments W~:.....~-.,.~~""t"""'"-r=Fri"1ibl Country Shower Curtains • Braided Rugs Garlands •Our Jar Candles Tarts & Tart Burners • Country Lamps NEW Country Furniture & Shelves Mailbox Wraps • Decorative Flags Rose of Sharon • Barn Stars • ~mericana •Yard & Porch Crafts [ 13 [ - Millersburg - Walnut Creek ;I COUNTRY ROAD *f ri n1 it ives * . cv1ng 1'>e To Gon BE Tm: GLOHY Hand Painted Pr1mitivt'.s Upholstered Furniture 11004 CR 320, Millersburg, OH 44654 330/674-1677 or 866/558-9739 Historical Period Upholstered Furniture Hand-painted Furniture Windsor Chairs Curly MapleTables Jelly & Corner Cupboards Shelves & So Much More! We carry a full line of fabric! ~chine Service and Repairs on All Makes & ModiiV 7800+ Bolts - Quality Quilting Fabrics Books - P tterns - Notions ~:\ ' , 7044 County Road 201 Hours: Thurs-Fri 9-5, Sat 9-3, closed Sun-Wed thru 3-31 -15 Millersburg, Ohio . ;;.1 ) ~-------~r Authorized dealer : Gust 4 mile from Berlin) 330-674-4014 --------------- 20% savings : COUPON .. . ~ : expires 12-31 -14 : _______ _____, ._--...... -.... --· l•if•tietzl Shop Hours: 9am-5pm, Mon-Sat ...__ Come and be inspired with some great new decorating ideas for your primitive home! *American Made Textiles *Window Treatments *Rugs *Lighting *Unique Primitive Decor *Fairy Garden The country decorating book series publi hed by Judy Condon ha rolled out over 30 books in the la t decade in piring home owner who love country interior . ChristMc.s Open House Sherry D. Pee of Hardin County, Ohio, join Judy a co-author in producing a unique book about improving a country or period home by "authenticating ' a room rather than 'decorating" the room. This book, "Authenticating A Country Dwelling" is the first of its kind in the marketplace. Thurs, Nov b (9-7) Fri tr fiat, ov 7-B (9-o) 20% O FF Thurs, 10% O FF F ri fr5at\ Be sure to enter for your chance to win! ---------------------- .... I Register to win a copy of Authenticating A Country Dwelling. Just complete and mail this fo rm tol· Ohio Country Reig ter, PO Box 37, Cable OH 43009, by December 10, 201 4. I 1 Name: 1 Address: I 1 : City: _ _ _ _ _ _ State:_ Zip:_~: 1 Phone No: ~~~~~~~~~~~~-1l I Entry fo rm must be received by Dec I0, 20 14. One winner will be selected from the entries I rece ived. Winner will be notifi ed by phone and announced in the Jan/Feb issue of the Oh io I I ----------------------Country Regi ter. I ; : 3239 State Rt. 39, Walnut Creek, Ohio (112 mile west of Walnut Creek') - - WWW Mon-Fri 10-5, Sat 9-5 The Country Register, No-v/Dec 2014 ifljJii 330-893-2701 Berlin - Wooster -: ;:;. Christmas Open House Nov. 7 (10-7) & 8 (10-5) 20% off in-stock merchandise! l 00% Wool, Homespuns, Patterns , Orig inal Designs, Free Patterns w{Towel purchase, <its for many samples, Punchneedle, Kid's :'-. '-=abrics & Patterns, Upcycled Finds /r ' Open M-Sat 10-5 Country Craft Cupboard 'o; E. Main St . Berlin, OH (330)893-3163 Visit Berlin , the "Heart of Amish Country"!! Cookies-n-Cream Fluff ------- 2 cups cold milk 1 pkg (3.4 oz) instant vanilla pudding mix 1 carton (8oz) frozen whipped topping, thawed 15 chocolate cream filled sandwich cookies, broken into chunks In a bowl, whisk milk and pudding mix for 2 min. or until slightly thickened. Fold in whipped topping and cookies. Spoon into dessert dishes. Top with additional cookie if desired. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Serves 6 Recipe from Bonnie in Shelby, Ohio Sat No 10-5 Ashland J erornesville Tlhe Parsley Pot Celebrating 40 Years! MATERIALS NEEDED: Styrofoam oranges Cloves, whole and ground Phillips screwdriver or fat screw/nail Spray adhesive glue Visit our barn filled with Chrish11as & Thanksgiving Decor, Gourmet Food, Santas, Snowman & Candles Galore! Ribbon , Bow , Wreath Garland & Lot More! Lot of Surpri es In Store! Al so New Des igns in Silicone Lids! Poke holes in your orange with a screwdriver. You can be creative and make shapes, like stars, and various patterns in it. This step makes it a lot easier to insert the cloves. Lightly spray some adhesive glue onto the orange and sprinkle some ground cloves on, working in small sections at a time. Let dry. Push a clove into each of the holes. If one breaks off in the orange, take your screwdriver and push it farther in and push a new clove in. 697 Co. Rd. 1302, (1 mile off U.S. 42 N), East of Ashland, OH 419-281-7514 Tues-Sat 9-5, Sun t 2-5 Open Mondays from Dec 1-Christmas (This tutorial wa originally featured in the winter/holiday 2011 issue ofA Primitive Place & Country Journal magazine. Submitted by Kri Thomas, Prim Project Coordinator) Kristine Berg Doss is the owner, editor and publisher ofA Primitive Place & Country Journal magazine. A Primitive Place is the fastest growing primitive, colonial and counlly magazine on the market today. For more info, visit or email [email protected]. ()- Clu?~ Ttu;, ()- Clu?~ Tue/ by Susan Springer 'Ti the eason for joyous merriment in decorating-or o I am led to believe by all the media marketers. The Chri tmas tree is definitely a priority o the hubby and I hiked up the drop-down stairs in our garage that lead to our attic. We brought down all the accoutrements for decorating the realistic (at the time) artific ial tree I bought at 70% off retail the previou year. Our little heart ornament, with the year of our marriage, wa the first to be placed in the heart of the tree and then the madness began. Every ingle ornament we had omehow landed on a branch in all its glory. It was our magnum opu that year in the tree decorating department and we were uber pleased with ourselves. The ea on passed; Chri tma came and went. We would find our elve parked in our easy chairs, often hoisting an espresso to our lips. Looking in the direction of the decorated tree, r would say, "We hould probably take the tree down today." To which the hubby responded, "Okay," and the word rang like a gong throughout the land, followed by hi "I'll get to it." Winter came and went. Spring oon arrived and till we were looking at the fully decorated tree in our living room. Every Sunday, we wou ld be enjoying it and then giggle, knowing we were derelict in the matter. Still, neither wanted to make the effort to dismantle the prized ornaments and put the thing away for the eason. I would joke about throwing a heet over the tree and having hidden pneumatic lift that wou ld gently rai e the tree into the attic. Ea ter arrived and r had my traditional Ea ter Basket display on our enormous dining room table. A co-worker dropped by the hou e and her head wung immediately to the fully decorated tree in our living room and imply aid an emphatic "Oh wow!" and then burst into laughter. We, too, thought it hilarious at the time. COUNTRY CHARM FABRICS Large selection of Homespuns, Quilting Fabrics, Notions, After he left, I looked in the direction of the 'I'll get to it guy' while picking through my Easter candy and said, "Oh, boy-I think it's time we did something about the tree before ummer gets here." We did not 'get to it' for another few weeks and then, finally, succumbed to the peer pre sure to put the Chri tmas tree to re t in the attic for the next season. Putting up the tree wa never quite the same thereafter. I guess I got enough of the tree to la t a lifetime because I have not put up the Chri tma tree in the last 8 years-may she Rest in Peace. There i freedom in jumping off the bandwagon for easonal decorating. But then again maybe next Christmas 'I'll get to it.' Susan Salisbwy Springer i a freelance home economist who has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Family & Con umer Sciences and i affiliated with several professional organization . Copyright 2014 by Susan S. Springe1: All right reserved. Used by permission. Contact Ms. Springer at [email protected]. Repro. Prints, Stencils, Patterns, Quilting Classes, Plus Much More EveryoneHave a safe & blessed holiday from Cindy & Staff · .. .. ;, . Check our website for a current Cla Schedul e or top by the bop and pick up a copy. NEW FABRICS, PATTERNS AND BOOKS ARRIVING WEEKLY! 11 -~--J--~ Hours: Mon , Tues , Thurs , Fri 10-5, 1~9~~;1 Sat 10-4, Closed Sun & Wed x x ' NOTE: We will be closed Nov 26 & 27 and Dec 24 thru lc" Jan 1, 2015. We will reope n Jan 2 with regular hours. The Country Register, Nov-/Dec 2014 - Lexington - Mansfield --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • I . Antigues & Crafts A Unique Shopping Experience! Grapevine Trees and Lighting Bird Houses and Feeders Barnwood Items Rustic Furniture & Decor Heavy Duty Metal Barn Stars Holiday Decor Jams, Jellies and Syrups Candles & Melts Primitives AND SO MUCH MOREi Hours: Mon-Sat 10-7, Sun 12-6 Contact us via the internet at: [email protected] IJ ~ 2151 ~ Ho! Ho! Ho! Stumbo Road, Mansfield, Ohio 419-529-0504 - Copley Navarre - Bre-w-ster SiVYJpfer TiVYJeS Anti~UeS <toh'Ylerly the Grooory ot Copley & lhe f1Ud$0YJ SOvYJpler) locoted in the new Copley Circle AITTi<JUeS 1Lf51 S. Cleve-MOSS Rd Copley Ohio Mon- sot 10-(i, sun 1;i-s A_:roup oF deolers spec1ol1z.103 ,n _rnerol l1ne oF ontigues 1nclud103 s.115, privYJ.t.ves, V1ctor1on, repurposed Furniture, rondvY)(ldes, collectibles, ~sswore, tools, vYJ1lk bottles, old quilts ond vYJUCn vYJOre. - - - - - - - ke miZ taste To make a boZ~~ ~~e more egg like scratch, ~ eci-pe calls for~ than the boZ st~er instead of o1l, use melted bu or butterwhole m and use d of water. milk instea - - -- - -- Folk artist Billy Jacobs has donated a 2015 calendar for a give-away this issue! Be sure to enter for your chance to win! Thi 2015 Wall Calendar by Legacy "Quilt Barn , feature the erene watercolor artwork of arti t Billy Jacob .' Thi 12-month calendar is printed on high-quality linen-embo ed paper that ha a di tinctive luxuriou feel to it, and come in a protecti e envel.ope. The date pad i hand painted by the arti t to provide the calendar with a di tinctive, unique look all its own. Additional copies may be ordered through The Legacy Publi hing Company or purcha ed at ome of the hop Ii ted in our paper. BIILIL y JAmm1S ·ind the Gift they'll remember ah~ays ...... WILL BE T~ERE , ALL WEEK SI6tJ ~OUR fURCJ-iASES! - Urbana - West Liberty Tata a~ to- , lw-p ... WeAt; li/Jl!/i/!f located in Logan County on State Route 68, (one hour fro m Columbu & Dayton) Highland Country Store Kara Lynn's Gifts \Ve' re n ow carr yin g Olde Cen tury P ain ts, Canus a nd E uro p ean Soap s 9 3 7 -465-8222 Handmade candle s, unique gifts & d e cora tions 937-465-8 711 (closed vVed) The Trumpet Vine & Flowers Furniture, ligh t ing, pictu res & m ore 937-4 65-1 2 70 The Market Place Christmas Open House F1i, Nov 7, 4-7pm, Sat/Sun, Nov 8-9, 10am-5pm, 937-465-8728 Marie's Candies Chocolates & Confections 937-465-3061 Gathering Place Hidden Treasures Home-Style Restaurant 93 7 -465-3081 An Eclectic Collection of Treasures 93 7 -465-0466 Coffee Matters A Needle Pulling Thread Ethically Sourced Coffee. Homemade Bal{ed Goods, Cheesecakes, Quiches, Sandwiches & Soups 465-0607 ' " " ' Specializing in Alterations, Mending & Custom Sewing, 597-1232 11:11 Violet's Attic Enjoy a Visit to My Grandma's Attic in this Quaint Antique Shop 465-7600 Bowman's Ice Crerun 93 7 -465-8435 urban-frprairie 107 cioto t. I Urbana, OH 43078 937-653-4739 Monday - Saturday 10:00 am - 5:30 pm Closed on Sunaay CLO ED ov. 3 thru Nov. 6 ° OPEN HOUSE Friday) ov. 7 110 am - 8 pm aturday, Nov. B I 10 am - 6 pm unday, flllBANA ANflltfliB 6NBW & Ill/IA MARlliBf' ioo \nside Unique Gift I Primitive Women' cce orie I Home Decor Vintage & Antique \/endo{S at the Fairgrounds, 384 Park Ave, Urbana, Ohio Show Dates: Nov 1-2, Dec 6-7, Jan 3-4 Sat 8am-4pm & Sun 1Oam-3pm ,, $7Adrn facebook . f urbanprairie Info: 937-788-2058 ... • 'I. %. ~ "' "' -- - ->- - ~- - - ---- ov. 9 I l pm - 5pm ---·- ---, . * " J< >if .. .,. .,. .. * >I l [IQ] Springfield - Beavercreek - rr W leome Chri tm4 So.l • 10% st· re•,.1 i e, x t s:i... Nov. 28-30 s c. 5-7 or s eet s :l\' n ~:. Santa Bog Sa.L dis ur Dec. 2 4 t·om 5 nt:J.' sack L - Mason Jar Qui{t Sfioyye 2169 N. Fairfield Road Beavercreek OH 45431 937-431-4790 Civil War & 1930's Reproduction Fabrics, Books, Patterns, Notions & Wools, Longarm Machine Quilting, Custom T-Shirt Quilts Hours: Mon-Wed-Fri-Sat 10-4 . . . . . Tues-Thurs 10-5 · fEU /tNR fAvorurE .STol\E - _J you : "~A."' rm.rR AP '~-~~c~~~~t H~~~~:;., ::: ·: ··.·· Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies 1 box cake mix (either white or yellow) 5 T. melted butter 2 c. chocolate chips 2 eggs, beaten 1 c. chopped walnuts, optional Combine all ingredients. Press onto a greased 9xl3" pan. Bake at 350° for 20 min. Cool and cut into squares. Heritage Lace - Downton Abbey Products Naked Bee Products - Willow Tree Park Designs - McCall's Candles & Tarts Swan Creek Candles - Woodwick Candles Picture Frames - Quilts, Throws & Queen Size Reproduction Furniture - Large Line of Ohio State Garden Flags - Legacy Paper Items - Garden Accessories Wooden Plates & Wooden Bowls -Treenware Ginger Snaps Interchangeable Accessories Hours for both shops: Mon-Sat 10-9, Sun 12-6 Rustiques is pleased to announce the opening of our second shop; just across the walkway in the Upper Valley Mall. Featuring light and airy vintage and "on trend" merchandise. Heavens to Betsy brings you charm with sophistication. Count on us for the "countrypolitian" look of today! 1475 l'Jpper Valley Pike, Springfield, Ohio (inside Upper Valley Mall) 937-324-4474 Springfield • • • • • • • • , • • •• '• • • • • ~ ...... • tJDd Ttlt1h~i6S, C)u~ .. eouotey 1<Poo £. Le.ffe.\ Lane. in 45prin9fie.\d, Ohio • • • ~ , . •• ·~. }r6tlrt. ot eoUbt-ey ~Itt ~hop-p6 *Heritage Lace * Willow Tree Angels *Country Curtains *Battery Candles *Mailbox Wraps * Grapevine Trees *Waxed Perfume Bowls *Scarves *Cat's Meow * And Much More! Conve ni e ntl y loca ted l I / 2 mil e off I- 70, 1-\E.A\2'..I OF C.OUNl\2'..Y Mon-'5at 10-4:30 e xit 54. Go to th e fir tinter ection T£P..e>£F-F-1£'5 (Le ffe l Lane ) turn right, Ms.m-'5at 11-3:00 go thru 4 traffic light an w e a re on th e le ft. 0 • ' • • .•, ., • • • * NEW Downton Abbey Merchandise * Candleberry and Village Candles * Braided Rugs *Furniture * Garden Flags * Jewelry - Gingersnap, Baublelulu and Magnabili ties • • • • • Once an old schoolhouse, built in the 1800's, Heart of Country is one of the largest gift shoppes! For the finest selection of unique gifts, home decor and furniture stop in & stroll thru our beautifully decorated shoppe! • • • • • •• Ttltl , • • r:toom • ' Holid~y Open Houses Nov 21-22 tr Dec 12-13 Door Prize5, Drnwing5, Food 5ciMpling fr Lot5 of New iteM5l T£A~£~~t£'5 TE.A ~OM Our C.ountr'f lea ~om inside Heart of C.ountr'f \llith• five beautifu\ rooms in \llhit.h 'fOU ma'f dine. Offering de\ic.ious homemade soups, sand\llit.hes, sa\ads and D£~~£~1~! A\so, c.a\\ 1£A~£~~1£~ to host 'fOUr brida\ f.. • bab'f sho...,ers, birthda'f parties, business meetings and retirement parties! ·'·. •.-;.· ....... ·.. . • • • •• • • • • • • •• •• • •• Folk wisdom tells us that time seems to pass more quickly as one ages, and I'm beginning to think that, like most folk wisdom, there is a kernel of truth in there somewhere. Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that we wrapped our fragile Christmas decorations carefully before putting them away and taking down the tree? Fall has a way of turning all of our attention inward. All the energies that we had been putting into keeping the outside of our homes maintained are now redirected inside to those projects that have taken a back seat to more pressing things in the yard and garden. For some of us, that will include painting projects that we have put off and put off. With many of us putting more thought into providing a healthy environment for our families and ourselves, attention has turned to a simpler time and simpler paint proces -a return to the milk paint. Milk paint has stood the test of time and can be made easily at home by mixing skim milk (room temp) and a water soluble lime available at any hardware or home supply store. Pigment may be added. Milk paint has been around for a long time. It i reported that some monoliths have proven to be colored with milk based paints. It was only after the Civil War in 1868 that commercial oil based paints were mass-produced, changing the paint scheme. While oil paints were used a long time before that, they too were mixed by u ing more unstable oils like olive, etc. , and their drying time and affect were equally unstable, which led most to stick with the traditional milk paint for their painting projects. Yet, it was the green-movement in the mid 1970s that brought the milk paint back into popularity. So if you are looking at doing some painting projects thi fall , go ahead and shake it up a little-literally. Grab your handy mason jar and try your hand at some old fashioned milk paint. Rene Groom is a freelance writer and public speaker who lo ves to share her adventure , misadventures and the amazing people she meets down life du ty trail . She and her husband, Tom, make their home in Prosse1; WA. She i · the mom offo ur amazing men. Som e of her stories can be found at www.adven tureswithdu ty.blogspot. com. s Much of the rush to accomplish the impossible (an immaculate house, to-die-for Christmas baking, and the perfect present for everyone on our list) is pushed on us by commercia l interests, of course. When we lived in the city, the department stores were displaying Halloween and Christmas items simultaneously, while the strains of "holiday music" drifted through the air while shoppers picked up treats for the little ghosts and goblins who wou ld appear at their doors October 3 1. (In fact, I have een fully-decorated trees in store as early a September, along with back-to-school). In our small town commercialism i n't nearly as blatant, but even here we are beginning to plan Christmas events and get-togethers because time is marching on at an increasing rate. If one fee ls obligated to have a stock of hostess, emergency and "small" gifts on hand (who doesn't?) and time is galloping past, there must be ways to lessen the stress, save time and add enjoyment to Chri tmas preparations. Many of us have participated in Christmas cookie exchanges, where each member of a defined group makes enough cookies of one kind to provide a pre-set number --usually a dozen -- to each member of the group, and in return receives the same number of cookies from other members, resulting in a variety of goodies for everybody. Economy of scale app lies here. It i more efficient to make one huge batch of the same kind of cookie than to make several small batches of different kinds. Why shouldn't the ame process be used by quilters and crafterswith hand-made "gifty" items instead of cookies? One person in the group might be a whiz at making a particular type of unique ornament, while others might specialize in such items as fast (" ten-minute") table runners, sewn coasters, Christmas-print kitchen towels or fancy seasonal pot-holders. Fe tive reusable gift bags made by one member could be u ed by all . If a number of group members, ay ten, wanted to book a day to get together, they could spend that day working on their specialty projects, trade at the end of the day, and everyone would go home with nine different projects that someone else had made in addition to their own. Add a pot luck lunch, or perhaps a celebratory grand finale with wine and cheese, and you have the recipe for an enjoyable, productive day spent with friends. How about that? What's more, you can grin to yourself and feel a little smug a you watch other people coping with crowds and cheesy canned Christmas music as they hurriedly search for the elusive one-of-a-kind gifts you already have stashed away at home! Merry Christmas to you and yours! Barbara Conque t writes her column fro m Blue Sky Quilting in Tofield, AB. Barbara Conquest. [a[ - llillsboro - Historic Uptown illsboro, Ohio Schedule of Holiday Events: Nov 27 - Thanksgiving Night - Moonlight Madness Sale - 6 pm- II '• IT Holiday Open House •• II Midnig ht - Partic ipati ng Merchants: Bon Appetit Gourmet Shoppe, 11 7 W. Ma in ; Cundiff Flower & Coun try Gift , 12 1 W. Ma in ; Twenty Four Exchange, 144 W. Ma in; Bi ttersweet Trea ures, 119 W. Main ; Georgia's Bridal & Forma l, 200 N . High; High land House Museum Gi ft Shop, 151 E. Mai n. II Midnight Madness Sale ThanksgMng Night Nov 27 Sat, Nov l ~__;;;,_; SI n up for Drawing! 5pm-mldnlght - everything 10% OFFI Nov 29 - Hillsboro Uptown Holiday Parade - 2 pm and SHOP SMALL Saturday - a ll day Dec 5 - First Friday "An Uptown Christmas " 5 pm-8 pm - A magica l night with the sounds of caroler whi le shopp ing, dining, and enjoying the eason. Enj oy a visit with Santa and hor e-drawn carriage rides. Brought to you by the Hillsboro Uptown Business Association ~ cUJntD~vv~s tf ~\PW StCOiU GI ~ ,Hi \P Primitive & Country Gifts & Home Decor Fu ll Service Florist __Qy_J- Open House Refre hment - Door Prize ov 27 (Thank giving ight) Moonlight Madness, 6pm-m idnight 12 1 W. Ma in St, Hill boro, OH 45 133 937-393-1 4 11 1111 Shabby Moose Home Decor •Antiques Primitives & Gifts For the finest home decor, primitives and unique gifts. Many unique one-of-a-kind items designed and created on site! Christmas Open House ov. 7 & 8 Annual Moonlight Madness Sale Thank giving Midnight Madness Thanksgiving Night, Nov. 27, 6 pm-midnight Come get started on your Christmas shopping and enjoy sampling! Extended hours for December's First Friday to 8 pm we will have samples out! Open Christmas Eve Day - 10 am-2 pm Come and get your last minute gifts and your needs for your Christmas Day dinner! 117 W. Main Street, Hillsboro, Ohio 45133 937 -402-4087 ight 6pm-midnight Shop Hours: Mon-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-4 , C losed Sun 7 44 N High Street, Hillsboro, Ohio 45133 phone 937-393-84 11 22 [ The Country Register, Nov-/Dec 2014 Hours: Tues-Fri 10-6, Sat 10-4 Dec Hours: Mon-Thurs 10-5, Fri 10-8, Sat 10-5, closed Sun Thfl 'Rusty... PrimitiV~3 ~tar 240 N. Main Street, Lynchburg, OH 45142 937-364-9000 The shop is filled to the brim with a wonderful selection of County/ Prim Christmas, home decor and gift items. Come and ee how much we LOVE Christmas at The Rusty Star! Hoping you'll stop in soon! Join u for Lynchburg' 22nd Annual "A Village Chri tma " Fri, Dec 12, 10am-8pm & Sat, Dec 13, lOam-6 m - - i _--- S"'-: - - c- t off eaters\ u . your old foam. -p1lloW Recyc e tuff it with a ave a the bodY' s.t shut and you h nd using f orrn., sew I ff the sleeves a ' \ cut 0 rn.ake a -pillOW · :wn -pattern, . the bottom. a hand-dra tocking, using s the to'P Christrn.das~e of the sleev~:Ch around finishe e . (Zigzag s 1 f the stocking. king before ~our -pillow o~ st~~oid fraYi._n::::.g-) :;....--cuttinj ~ o~t- ~ - - - - ~---= *Vine Trees * Greeting Cards * Jewelry & Scarves * Olde Century Paints * Gooseberry Cookbooks * Braided Rugs & Accessories * Park Designs Curtains & mens * Majesty Bells Wind Chimes *Billy Jacobs Pictures * Wind & Willow Mixes *Candles, Melts & Oils * Donna Sharp & Victorian Heart Handbags Chri5tM~5 Open Hou5e Dec b V-7 Mon-O~t 5und~y 10-5:30 Closed T;~::'.=:~=~=~Si!~;:t (Open 5undtzys TMnl<sglvlng thru ChrtstMa51) 3lb E. 5ug~rtree 5treet WilMington, OH 45177 937-3B3-1B99 by Maranda K. Jones Weary Travelers "Attention all passengers: Flight 1223 from Denver to Seattle has been delayed. We apologize for the inconvenience." This is not what we wanted to hear after riding the hotel shuttle to the Denver International Airport. This was not the best news after we had been standing in line for over an hour at the airline counter, just to check-in. Our flight had been delayed three hours, which meant we would miss our connection from Sea Tac to Eugene. We were all excited to celebrate Christmas with my sister and brother-in-law at their home in Oregon. We were anxious to fly during such a busy time of year, knowing other families would be making the same journeys across the country. We were at the airlines' mercy and had to make the most out of this inconvenient situation. "Inconvenience" is not the best word to describe what my family was feeling however. The look on my avid traveling father's face read, "Expected, but nonetheless annoyed." My mom's face said, "Disappointed and tired." My husband's face showed obvious signs of aggravation. The expression on my face only added to their dismal outlook on the day, for I could not stop smiling. I was smiling because our plans had changed ... out of my control, yet in my favor. Although we were originally headed to Seattle with a short layover, our time there had been extended. My best friend Mel lives near Seattle, and anytime we are in the same time zone, we make an effort to see one another. We loved the idea of meeting at the airport, if only for a quick exchange of words and a hug. With increased airport security, we decided a hello and a high five between flights simply did not make sense. I would just call her when we landed instead. Then a call came over the intercom again, and it was our turn to approach the counter to discuss travel options. The airline could put us on an early flight the next morning or we could fly standby. We decided to take control of the situation, as much as we could, and opted to rent a car in Seattle and drive to Eugene. Finding a rental car was not easy, but we had four cell phones and three hours at our disposal. Several companies had cars, but charged an extremely expensive drop-off fee for not returning it to the pick-up site. Two companies were not available, our roadside assistance service was experiencing a heavy volume of calls, but finally, with much frustration, we located one company that had one car available in downtown Seattle. We would be charged a normal rental rate, we were welcome to drop it off in another location, and we had the reservation .. .if we could get there before closing time. I called Mel and asked her to take us downtown as soon as we landed. One o'clock was our scheduled arrival time, but she worried that I had told her mountain time, so she was there waiting when we touched down. The timing was perfect. I walked out of baggage claim just as she drove by waving at us. We loaded up ourselves and our bags as cheerful chatting drove us through the lines of traffic, unaware of the less than enthused passengers in the backseat. At one point, I turned around to see nothing but foreheads peering over the suitcases in the back of her Chevy Cavalier. This only made us laugh harder as we followed the printed directions to the rental car company. We arrived within minutes of the doors locking for the day, and adrenaline kicked in as we prepared for our drive on the interstate. With a sigh of relief and a key in hand, we were finally moving at our own pace. We told Mel goodbye in the parking lot, after snapping a few pictures, of course, which still make me laugh this many years later. She and I are in our height of glory, five feet tall and on cloud nine, grinning from ear to ear that we shared yet another memorable day together. Before we left, she handed me a printed map, complete with drawings and comments she had added, to help us complete the next leg of our journey. Just like old Scrooge, some people need convinced that every moment is worthy of celebration. "Bah! Humbug!" comes to mind when I see the picture of Mom, Dad, and Chris- the picture that tells the inconvenient side of the story. The story of tired, weary travelers in search of rest, ready to rejoice, reminds me of a much greater account told in the scriptures. Christmas is a wonderful opportunity to praise and glorify God. The birth of our savior, Jesus Christ, is worthy of celebration every moment. Merry Christmas! © 2014 Maranda K. Jones Maranda Jones' new book Random Acts is now available at The book includes her reader-acclaimed articles from the last decade. - Waynesville Cheesy Buffalo Dip 1 (8 oz.) cream cheese 1 /2 cup ranch dressing 1 /2 cup FRANK'S Red Hot Buffalo Wings Sauce 1 cup finely chopped cooked chicken 1 /2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese Mix all ingredients and place in slow cooker. Cover. Cook on low at least 1-1/2 hours. Stir before serving. Great served with celery and carrot sticks. Materials Needed: Container for arrangement Waterproof container for foam such as: foil loaf pans, plastic containers Wet/fresh floral foam Pruning shears/scissors Assorted fresh pines such as: cedar, white pine, silver fir, boxwood, spruce Embellishments such as: candles, berries, glass ornaments Determine what type of container you would like to use for your arrangement. If you choose an old wooden box, foil loaf pans work well to put the foam in. For crocks, large plastic cups work well. r---------------------1 : Maybe Christmas doesn't : : come from a store; : 1 maybe Christmas perhaps 1 : means a little bit more! : G~~ I I I I Place the foam in your waterproof container and thoroughly soak it by running it under the faucet until it is saturated. Starting with the cedar, cut little sprigs off and tuck into the wet foam going all around your container. Try to push them in sideways, not straight up, at this point. Randomly place Silver Fir on top of the cedar. For the next layer, I used white pine. Take apart some pine roping and cut a few sprigs and place randomly. Then add variegated boxwood/orgonia. If adding a candle to the arrangement, put it in a glass container. Never have an open flame around pine greens. Mason canning jars work well. At this point, add your glass container and keep layering until you reach the desired effect. If you choose not to have a candle, just keep layering the greens until your container is filled. Go back and fill in nooks and crannies wherever needed. Sprigs of white pine and boxwood are great fillers. Embellish by tucking in sprigs of berries, glass ornaments, etc. <A> Nation Bank V AHO TRUST COMPANY Presents . . tma6 itt tJ: 'l ti'/,,.., eJ 1'i~ W aynesville, Ohio - (Thi tutorial was originallyfeatured in the winter/holiday 2012 is ue ofA Primitive Place & Country Journal magazine. Submitted by Kris Thomas, Prim Project Coordinator) Kristine Berg Doss is the owner. editor and publisher of A Primitive Place & Count1 y Journal magazine. A Primitive Place is the fastest growing primitive, colonial and count1y magazine on the market today. For more info, visit or email [email protected]. -~e December S, I I am - 9pm December 6, Noon - 9pm, December 7, Noon - Spm The Country Register, Nov/Dec 2014 Trenton West Milton b y Jan Keller .. .And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was .. . State Rt. 73, Wayne-Madison Rd in Trenton Visit Our 100 Year Old Barns! No Room Main Barn w /three lofts - over 35 local crafters , florals , candles, framed prints, collectibles, furniture , fabric crafts, antiques 2nd Barn - Ice Cream & Candy Shop. Deli - More Gifts & Crafts, Yankee Candles 1893 Barn - Weekly Sunday Brunch Buffets l lam-3pm Upcoming Event at Barn-n-Bunk Open Daily Thur , Nov 27 - Thank giving Day Buffet, 11-3 .t\priJ _ Sat-Sun, Nov 22-23 - Chri tmas Open House Decernber Sat, Dec 6- Chri tma in Trenton - Li ve Entertainment, Picture with Santa, Face Painting, Cooki e Decorating, Lunch Sun, Dec 21 - L ast Brunch for the Season Tues, Dec 23 - Barn-n-Bunk L ast Day for the Season 513-988-9211 Visit tlie Specialty SFwppes of West Milton © 20 14 Jan Kelle r. No rep rint without permission. Jan shares other pieces of her life in her books Pieces From My Crazy Quilt, and The Tie That Binds. T hese books can be ord ered by callin 7 19-749-9797, or writin : Black Sheep Books, 16755 Oak Bru sh Loo , Pe ton, CO 8083 25th Annual Holiday O~en House * Sunday morning I took a brief detour during the church service to thumb through the hymnal to look at the variety of Christmas songs included in the book. I discovered there were songs about shepherds, angels, cows, sheep, mangers filled with hay, stars, wise men, love, joy, peace and a newborn babe- but not one single solitary reference of note of music dedicated to the fact that, without the aid o a throng of angels to put the fear of God in the shepherds, or a bright star to captur the attention of a trio of wise men, mankind had no room for that first Christmas morn. I was intrigued by the realization that the beloved carols of the season cover ever other aspect of the Holy event, yet leave a gaping omission of inherent oblivion. Mankind chose, and continues to choose, to ignore its self-centered and egotistical callousness rather than face it, or, heaven forbid, correct it. This Christmas is no different, and we're no better. Society gets so tripped up on the trappings and wrappings of Christmas that we continue to have no room. We focus so much attention on the commercial side of Christmas that our plastic money is maxed out. We're shocked, insulted and embarrassed when a store clerk i forced to reject a desired purchase because our credit account has no room. We overindulge in rich gluttony until there's no other choice but to push away from the table and loudly proclaim, "No room." We keep such fast paced and stressful lifestyles our personal schedules allow no room. Will this be the year when we finally clear out some of the unimportant and superficial clutter in our lives and allow ourselves to give and receive the precious gift of love? All it takes is a little bit of room. Luke 2:7 (KJV * Unique Gifts Refreshments Door Prizes November 20-21-22-23, 2014 Thurs 10-5, Fri 10-7, Sat 10-5, Sun 12-4 The Hen's Nest Angel Heaven 50 N. Miami Street, 937_698 _6985 11 N. Miami Street , 937-698-WING (9464) Toll Free 1-866-HEAVEN-1 Angelic Gift5 & Colle ct ilile5 for All Occa5i0!15. Greet ing Card5, Wall Art, MU5ic Boxe5, Throw5, Memorial and l115pirational Gift5, Nat ivitie5. Hour5: Mon 12-5, Tue5-Sat 10 -5, Open Sunday5 1-4 for th eholiday5 Comeenjoy thewarmthof c.;;ndles,thearoma of Chnsimas spices and t he charm of the holidays at t he l-'en's Nest. Theswreis filled w1th uniqueChnstmas gif ts and homedecor. We have many hand craf ted 1rems. Comebrowseand enJOY shopping 1n our qua1ni country atmosphere. 1-'o llday hours starting Nov20-Chrrstmas, Mon-Sat 10-5& Sun 12-4 6 N. Miami Street , 937-698-5212 Olde Fa5hioned Dime Store! Alpine Trees, Brown Cord Lights, Meli55a & Doug Toys, 108· Quilt Backing, Christma5 Florals, Large Variet y of Christmas Decor & Hard-to-Find Items! Hour5: Mon-Fri 9-6,Sat 9-5 Starti Nov21, Open Sundays 12-~ Wertz Variety 11'11Vl"+...J._J Enjoy More of Jan's Columns I·-----------------~ I ORDER HER BOOKS TODAY I I Life is like a quilt, pieced together from a I I I I l I ~ I unique patchwork of memories, friendships, joys, and challenges. In each of these books, syndicated columnist Jan Ke ller is down to earth and refreshingly t ransparent as she opens the door to life's dreams, triumphs and struggles in a heart-warming way that w ill touch you forever. You 'll love t he way she spins 'yarns' that ----------------weave the pieces of a treasured tapestry into a vivid depiction of life and love. • ·~ I·~'1 4~ Please send me __ copy(s) of "Pieces From My Crazy Quilt" __ copy(s) of 'The Tie That Binds" Iru:lude $15 per «Jpy ($12.95 plua $2.05 for tax, postage & handling) Name _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone _ _ _ _ __ Addresa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ City I .. State _ _ Zip _ __ of~~-is enclosed. ----------------- My check or money order, payabl& to Black Sheep Books, in the amount Mail yo ur order to: lllnck Sheep llooks, 16755 Ouk llrush Loop. Pe}ton, CO 8083 1. .I Hrs: -rues-Fri rr-5 ¢ ScJt tt-1 CCJnc//es • flrCJtded f?J,{~s • lfqrdpCJmted Folfcrrt Pri;ritive JJecor ¢Custom M:Jde F1<T!ldxre • Olde C enooy "Pctint "Pctper M:Jche • HCJric/rnqde '];t)0S ¢ M;re.1 · 111 S. .!Jroctdt:itct . ... ~---~ ·· · ·· Creenvtlle... ()fl . ...1:.5331 137-517-oz. [25[ - Van Wert - St. Henry Celina Dunkirk - Forest II 830 US Rt. 127 S, Utm Wru. Okie. 45891 (419)238-2271 Ope.t 'Daify Hou &'Deel Home Accents... Unique Gifts ...Boutique...Gourmet Food Christmas Open House - Nov. 7-8-9 ..CIU<clt - We4-Flti 11-2 m. lb G~ R~· T~ So many shops within a Shoppe... you won 't want to miss shopping DeShia! ! ! Fun Events & Workshops throughout the Year lll:!I~~ Keep up to date on www.deshia .com and twitter. com/deshiadirect IT1he Saltbox Home F urnishings Hardwood & Vpholstered Furniture *Tabletop *Lighting Needful Things * Seasonal *Candles * Treenware Christmas Open House Fri, Nov 7, 10-8 - Sat, Nov 8, 10-2 - Sun, Nov 9, 11-4 Refreshments - Door Prizes - Special Discounts Storewidel Tues-Wed 10-7, Thurs-Fri 10-4, Sat 10-2 419-6 78-86~9. J I JI~ Enchanted Forest, The Chri stma s ou se, "1a son 's "1ercanti le and Nana's lnviie ~ou to join us for our: C~ RI STMA NDV. s GA T~ ERI NG 7, 10-5 AND NDV. 8, 10-4- PR8iRieWOOD PRiMiTiVeS COUNTRY/PRiMiTiVe oecoR Come visit us this season fo r wonderful holiday decor, 6-9ft Alpines, snowmen & santa figures and ornaments, evergreens, berries and snow covered branches, canvas lighted pictures, wood and upholstered furn iture, prim tabletop pieces, treenware, flicker-flame and regular battery-operated candles and fixi n's galore to create one-of-a-kind displays for your primitive country home. Each sior-e has r-e~ hours Wed. - Fr-i . 10 - 5 and Sa iur-da ~ 10- 4 Encha nted Fore st 419-273-2296 * 15126 Twp. Rd. 40 (2 miles East of Dunkirk off 81) * Rugs , curtains, and much more. Find me on Facebook Store closed Jan & Feb. T he Chri st ma s ~ ou se Christmas Open House >-.:..: 727 1 Bogart Road, Celina, Ohio Just off US"Rt. 33 between Neptune & Mercer 419-586- 1173 Extended Hrs thru 12/2 1 Thurs-Fri l 1-5, Sat I 0-3, Sun 1-4 Dpen Mid Da - Dec on/'1 419-273-2296 * 3836 Co. Rd . 159 Dunkirk OH Oust 1 mile from Nov 14-15-1 6 Enchanted Forest Fri 11-5, Sat 10-4, Sun 1-4 · ·.;·· Primiti ve and Co u nf r~ Decor • ~ Ma son 's fvfercani ile 1 Folk, Ar-t , Primiti ve s '- Aniit.tues ~ 419-905-9389 * 353 S. Walnut St. Dunkirk, OH * (1 block East of 68 and 1 block North of 81)Specializing in Hand Stiticheries, Primitive hooked rugs , LARGEST selection of wool in this area, Hand Wovens, Hand spun yarns, Candles, melts, and much more. MANY CLASSES AVAILABLE. Find me on Face book Jan. - Feb store open Saturday hours only Nana 's For- all "lour- home decor-aiin'j and 'lift 'Ji vin'J needs 419-674-6822 • 18093 Twp Rd. 60 Forest, OH * (from Kenton: St. Rt. 53 to first road right past 8 mile marker. From Forest: St. Rt. 53 to 2nd road left past the stone quarry.) Find me on Face book Jan - Feb open Saturday hours only [2 6 [ The Country Register, Nov/Dec 2014 - Findlay - Columbus Grove - Early American Home 11 I 11 I II _!_!fl Primitive and Reproduction Home Furnishings llJll... •-'-~-------------------------------------------- 820 Broad Avenue, Findlay, Ohio ( 419) 425-0522 1-75 to 224 E. Turn Right on Broad Ave. Find us on 91 www.Earl . . Facebook . ... -*". .. : To advertise in our next issue, : ! give us a call at 937-652-1157 by Dec 1st ! '--------------------------------------------' o ec o~/ 1/our Com(1fefe 1-fome ~urnishirJJs &:,(ii ., re;: . . . . omeJ·tea Visit our Village of Shops featuring 1 oo sq.ft. filled with gi£t~ for all ages & home furnishings for home! Don't forget us for your Vera BradteY, Chatnilia o/ Katne1eon accessories for all those peopte on your Christmas list! We can also help you with your bereavement needs. $ Check out our Vintage Treasures for your holiday decorating &gi~ buying needs!! Christmas OPe~ ~~use ?Jtrlilfl NoveVV\ber 7 ) Friclo.y ::t-O-~ so.turclo.y j..O-h sw'\clo.y j..;2.-5 ~.,tore 1.1.300 CouV\.t Watch for Black Friday SALES I ] too! And LiKe us on 1-fours.· Nfon- ~ri 10-6 ~at 10-3 Road qq FiV\.dla _,OH 1-75 Exit 1.01. ~.,un 12-3 41.q 422-8280 I 2 7 I - Gibsonburg - Bettsville - Lirna - Botkins r;;·.~~~:?.::i::-~:~~ ·c ::::-.·'.~·--~~~=~-=--~'.~~ '~ e=.l!.::tiun?c~~~invite ~ .: i : J,···-., ~ 'J. A {\ Mon.· Fri . 10-5 • Sat: 10-4 OPE Mondays till Dec 24th! 120 W. Madison St. Gib onburg 4l9-637-3224 nsttnas pen H ouse Thur. Nov. 13th - Sat. Nov. 15th 10a-5p & Sun. Nov. 16th 12-4p Sat.~°'· · 29 10 only. 1'ot 'a lid on nafter GORRLF: GORRLF: SALE - Fri. 1"o\'. 28 & Pick a turkey! Lt>t a di~count~ S'Yu-50 % on rt>gular ~tore item~ -5 ._A·,·. l --:~.-:-:::. focus at Thanksgiving , you wil_I want your centerpiece } · ;' ·~ Holiday shopping is just aro und . ,. • Enj oy a stress-free atm osphere while the comer and our store is filled-• • - ~ -.. . · you shop for that unique holiday gift & ·with wonderful handmades, • .' home decor. See our new collection primiti ves, Santa's, Angels,. . · · . ... · • : -: of Boot sock. and Scarf.<;. Layaway trees, fl oral s, music eds, . Gift Cert!ficates • Special Order textiles, and of course 111~ 1 sNoWMEN ! Ch . · ·- Q family and friends to your holiday table. Since food 1s a primary ,· ~ . · to reflect that, not overwhelm 1t. I want my . !) centerpiece to look good, but I'm no Martha Stewart ~ \/ ,·~ · . "'.".~ " so I need something simple! A favorite creation of \i l ;. · ,/·~:.:{ . mine is to place pinecones in a shallow wooden bowl, ( \ \' :i •y ~~":.; 1 -;; nestle a glciss bowl in the middle and float a candle ,. 1 [%~· .'. in the glass bowl. You could also put a glass ~ ;= \:~ff-."~'. · hurricane in the middle and put a pillar candle inside . \ ' 1 ~ ~ Here's the best part: after Thanksgiving, /\ " . .· , ~ \ change the color of the candle to red or ·:~ green an~ it's a Christmas centerpiece! 1 ) ·1 · :. ) l - U) -t.:' ·.. . :. ;..:.:: ... ·----_ --../ _j) :,._~ :2~ . ~ - ·-· _ L,,/~~ ..~!!~an_ T!ps?.'.~-~014 ,--=--,. . ·. . ......___,.- ..-. " .. . . .... -r -. . . ....::.;.... -:. .- .- .·-"' . ·-. .:.:_."" . r\ 1 item~. ' ~ ~. . ~~.:.-: ~ ' ,,,;o - · .:.:•• :..,~~- ~-·.' . ~ '~- . ~ • -"/ ~-- -- ~---=- -- - - reindeer.I ,. _..,....- ""}.. ·-": .,,. ~- ·---..~ lY ,) -= - -: ~ke a candY ca~~ndY canes, jig~s eed are .. porn.-pOJ.J..>. All you _n e cleaners, rn.1ru e candY cane' eyes, plP At the toP of ~h. git into the and glu~ · cleaner, t'VVl:~tln eyes on g1ue a p1p=nt1ers. Gl1;1e Jlg~rhead' and .l.V.1. ~::: ~ . . .... .... ~ ~ .. ;~'-Tf.: ...:.L.. ..·-...· ..~:.... ...... ." . ~ ·-.~ Over 14,000 Bolts of Cotton Calico, Quilt Books, Patterns & Supplies Man_y Classes Available - Call for Info Check out our NEW Block of the Month starting in November. Nancy's Fancy is available in two colors and runs for 12 months. Holiday Closings: Dec 24-25-31 & Jan 1 1 8 ~~~~s~~'d}~et,;~~:n ~it;o~~d1~5 email: [email protected] shapeo~deofthere1nddeefthecandY either s1 to the en o add the nose cane. ·:~::.· ~: .:'.~\ ~: ....,. . Heavenly Stitches web: 419-986-5667 1Z~-. '•(:!>". 504!,~~t S.l~.12 • ~ 0. ~.Jo~455i; ,,Be~~~vil~;\,Ohi~}4815 .·._·_ :;_::.·. vrle ,uuurvviUt1se is ,i..,UCflfeu vWU t/viites west u1 ~e1tsvit1e 2696 Greely Chapel Roa d , Lima, OU 45804 419-979-0218 Fine Yarns - Addi Needles - Patterns Quilting Fabrics - Books - Needles - Notions r----------------------------------1 I i::r COUPON i::r I l Mention this a d and receive 1 50/o off I II one cut of fa b ric (3 yard s or less) or ll Do these words surprise you every time they come out of your mouth? If you are one of those people who does not feel like the kitchen is your domain, coming up with something to bring to a holiday dinner or party can be torturous! Never fear - there is always an answer! If you are not a cook, you can buy or order an appetizer tray from your grocery store. You can order a dessert from your local bakery or even a favorite restaurant. My favorite diner sells amazing cheesecakes! Another welcome contribution might be paper products or drinks. A bottle of wine will always be appreciated at a holiday party! And don't forget the best offer for a hostess - cleanup help! Take it from me - I NEVER tum down offers to help clean up after a party! As my friend Carla says, "the cleanup hour is the best time for late night snacking! " Susan Tipsord 2014 L-~-E~E-~...Y~!~_O..!_l....£.~~~E~-0..!_£~~~--J I I *Due to construction we advise you to ca ll for direction Shop Hours: M,W, F 9-5 Tues-Thurs 9-6, Sat 8-1 'h L~ _!'ebs~ he~ lys~hesquil ts.c~ - Crafts s H<>ttte- ace.en.ts :iJeroJt and Sa ~ft,! . Relax and Enjoy a unique shopping experience Holiday Open House Nov. 6·9 17009 REILAND KIES ROAD BOTKINS, OHIO 45306 The Country Register, Nov/Dec 2014 t I I I I I si!£2!P f~our ~s l e~ on.!'.eb~ !l O()lttntty Lo.rte ara~ I Shop Hoare: W ed . & Fri 2-6, Tiffin -Willard - Green-w-ich . (ThQ PickQt J=QncQ f6Park St. Willard. ~ 419-933-7600 Open Wed-Fri 10-4, Sat 10- Primitive Crossroads Craft Barn 56 7-938-8787 ·, Hours : 7 days/week - 9am-6pm We're still featuring all the products that you loved at our old location now we've added so much! 12,700 sq ft showroom! In-house Interior Decorator - Olde Century Paints - Wallpapers - Flooring New Antique & Crafts Vendors !=ille d w ith grnat: one-o f-a-kind painted fo lk art: furniture . pr imitiv e sewn dolls. snow men galorn.w reat:hs. grnener!::J w ith twinkle light s. print s. shelv e s . .,\: grnat: sm ells for t:he holida!::Js and e v er!::Jt:hing for !::JOUr holida!::J de c orat ing needsl .:·-. ~~,,..~ - 11.: ii .. ...---.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---- wr~~·~ ~ Nov 28 - Black Friday Specials - 7am-10am Christmas Open House - Nov 28-29-30 .. . 9'."rJ":' . ..... _ ,..... .- ... ...__ . : ..;._.' _ . a .-· !: '. ' • .> • : .. .. _,: 1 --- • • I ,"' I - - ' - -, .- , . ~ · , -. , THE .. by Lesley R. f'. utta 11 , . "· Have you giwn any thought; or wondered why • - Art angel adorns our Christmas trl'e so high? --;........,.,.... It alf began In t he earty 16th Century The flrst angel sat on top e t~e in GGmnany. ·o· .. ;. . ·-The angel is a symbol of IOie and everlastilng light ·.~-. -· -. A decorated t~ with an aogel is e beautiful!sight! This horlday tradit Ion hes a spl r•tuaf touc:h ...·; . In earlier times_ It was said to ward off evil splrits, and such. ·~ ~· \ Our Christmas t ~s today give off such a my she grow The c:hlldren make decoretioos, whlc:h lN9 never outgrow. We purchase ornaments of porcelaun end fraglie glass ,. ·.i .. And a mather winged 1Jfige/ to giva our t~e more c l~sl ' -. . ·,. · _There are mllrum~nated angel.s, Sante's and the Bethlehem star ,_ Our sparkl~ng tress c:an be ~n from afar. What'avar our r-eason for BID aogel on top .' . . Some of ius wl II newr; anytime stop! the Painted Chair ----~ Anfique1, Flower1 I, Hantlmatle /fem1 \llllJ\'( ,, t1 V) . I' ~,v-T'. Oltt~it'ltsfDR JBi@lflt!s ~1Qlttes ~ Authentic Buckeye Merchandise and More Mathew Molyet, President & Buckologist CornerRt.18&Rt.224 Tiffin, OH 44883 614-325-2447 WHQSNUTS •'COM [email protected] ft ffflf.f~S "The best part of Michigan is under water!" --- ---------' : : Holiday Open House , : N9Y. J.~-. ~ gl _~ 9?.r!1_-_5R!J! ~ 40 Main Street Greenwich, OH 419-752-0405 Hours: 10-5 Tues-Fri , 10-3 Sat ~Made in USA Items ~ Artist On-Site - Chilhcothe - Frankfort Chillicothe Craft Mall 674 N. High Street Chillicothe, Ohio 740-779-3434 Unre crafts & gifts for every occasion! : fin Christmas Open House - Nov 28th \ \ \" '. ~( ( Refreshments & Free Drawings! • showcases over 70 crofters .. , • one-of-a-kind gifts • handcrafted items now accepting new vendors \ ., !\ \ · ours: Mon-Sat 9:30-6 Jlappy 7fo/idays/ Vintage Warehouse fjfvta '~~ Antiques - Primitives - Crafts Representing 62 Vendors! Open 6 Days a week in Nov 8e Dec! (Holiday Hours) Tues-Sun, 10-6 _,,.,,~~;, 213 E. Water Street, Chillicothe, Ohio tPre (}wtdot ~ ~S(),1))-~ M' ~~~·rJWMN.: 9Je£inda ~ l9pen. 5ill . fma6 fu 937-763-5990 ~: gru-.g.;,.sat 10-5 Sun.12-5 8614 St. flll.138 giuuJl./.oltt, CJ:Jt --· _jk_ h• 1""' ""'".. ....._ When I first started quilting, most of my quilts were made for charity or gifts to friends and family. My skills would improve just through the practice of the various types of quilts being made. This season there are several show themes that motivated me to work on multiple projects. A four-block challenge and use of EQ7 software resulted in two entries. "Red Starry Night" got a judges' choice and a 2"d place in the whole show. fter taking my passion for quilting to a new level by creating a business, I find myself with little time to work on my own projects. Although some of my clients are so trusting of my skills that they let me experiment on their quilts, I personally prefer to experiment on my own in case it doesn't work out. Another show theme inspired me to get out a project but I ultimately realized it didn't fit the theme since it was a book title and had a very different meaning than the literal translation of the words. Although I was well on the way to my finished project, I did some research on the book and had an idea that developed into an exciting design. Both of these projects are pushing my skills to new levels. Blog entries discuss these projects in detail, so I hope you'll check them out. Perhaps it's the engineer in me, but to just play on a blank piece of fabric seems like a waste so I try to come up with something--or have an end purpose for a project-that would allow me to be creative, push my envelope of skills and learn something new. This elevates the stress and desire to do it right the first time. It reminds me of when I used to take flute lessons as a young person. I rarely had time for practice sessions, but was taking instruction from a pro and he understood my academic schedule and worked with me anyway. Each lesson was almost a sightreading challenge and often was a duet with him. I loved the pressure and as a result excelled at sight-reading. Maybe it prepared me for my work now. This fall is show season with county fairs and local and regional quilt shows happening nearby. Often, when I hear of the theme of a show, it motivates me to get out a project I may have in my stash and work on it. Do you like visiting National Parks? Did you realize that on August 25, 2016, the National Park Service will be lOOyears old? Let this be an event that inspires you to create a beautiful quilt. You're being given ample time to consider this idea and create something that pushes your skills and may remind you of a trip you took with your family. In future articles I'll be talking more about this initiative, but you're getting the first heads up here to consider creating a special project. Marlene Oddie is an engineer by education, project manager by profession and now a quilter by passion in Grand Coulee, WA. She enjoys long-arm quilting on her Gammill Optimum Plus, but especially enjoys designing quilts and assisting in the creation of a meaningful treasure for the recipient. Follo w Marlene's adventures via her blog at or on http://wwwfa cebook. com/kissedquilts The Country Register, No-v/Dec 2014 Sciotoville - - Wheelersburg Frorn the Journal of the Country Re~ister The Robin's Nest 430 Center St, . Wheelersburg, OH : Secret Shopper! - ---~--;~/ 7 40-574-6565 Dear Country Register Readers, Fall is here and with it the promise of winter with open houses and Christmas shows. Where do I find them? In my Country Register. The landscape is turning those beautiful fall colors and with my paper in hand I headed to Southern Ohio the other day. SNOWMEN ARE HERE! Let us help make your home all warm and cozy this holiday season! We have beautiful trees, ornaments, wreaths, garlands, snowmen, santas, and more snowmen, plus some really unique gift and party ideas! The Ohio River is a beautiful sight especially in Wheelersburg where I visited the Southern Ohio Craft Mall. I so enjoyed my visit there. So many things to see! I've never seen so many different party supplies under one roof. No matter what theme you might have for your party they have whatever you need to make your party special. Candy making supplies made the store smell yummy when I walked in the door. With the holidays coming making candy for people on your list would be so nice. They have crafting supplies for your crafting needs from paints to brushes and wood. There are lots of gift and home decor items to chose from and of course my favorite, antique, collectible and vintage booths to browse. Christmas Open House Nov 7-8, 10-6 & Nov 9, 12-5 9::il Find us on aJ Facebook The staff at the Southern Ohio Craft Mall is so very friendly. They treated me as if they knew me and I had been a customer for years. They will make you feel so welcome when you visit the Southern Ohio Craft Mall during the upcoming holidays. I was interested in seeing North Shore Primitives relaunch in Washington Court House and was so thrilled to see all their great primitive displays. When I pulled up the outside was decorated beautifully with lots and lots of fall. It really set the primitive atmosphere that continued throughout the entire store. I really liked their wonderful displays of handmades including pumpkins, crows, dolls and makedos. I picked up some Olde Colonial paint while there and a few fall florals to decorate my table with back at home. I can't wait to visit North Shore Primitives again this holiday season to see what they will have to offer. Then to finish my day I stopped at the Chillicothe Craft Mall in Chillicothe. I always enjoy my visits there. Their vendors have really well stocked booths of great gift items and home decor including Ohio State, jewelry, country linens, antiques, painted wood shelves and country cupboards just to name a few things of . what they have to offer in every aisle and booth. This would be a great place to do your Christmas shopping. Friendly staff and really well displayed booths make the Chillicothe Craft Mall a favorite destination of mine. I'll definitely be back during the holidays. Happy Holidays from the Country Register's Secret Shopper and wishing you a very healthy New Year to you and your family. See you in 2015 with more visits to the special shops you will find in your Country Register. Be sure to tell them you Closed Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day & New Year's Day Open Christmas Eve & New Year's Eve 10-3 A Backwards Gfance,--Today's Treasures witfi a Primitive Toucfi! / liolJr:.-; I A,.. • I JVJOn-Sat I _fl_. like us on LJ Unique Primitives made on-site / lots of one-of-a-kind items ~ all hand painted! '- _ 9-s ---.1 Facebook 6651 Harding Avenue, Sciotoville, Ohio Vintage Collectibles & Furniture Handcrafted ~ Holiday ~ Gingerbread Unique One-of-a-kind Items saw their ad in the Country ReS~et s~~er Southern Ohio . Craft~[[ Ohio River Road ,..., 1lf99 SR 5ZZ. Wheelersbur9. Ohio lf569lf (1lf0) 57lf-ZZ 18 Hours: Mon-SClt 10Clm-6pm Nov 10 Thru Dec 23 q • 1u11 4 740-776-1810 - Logan - Belpre Peppermint Sugar Scrub 2 c. white sugar c. coconut oil (you may use more for a thinner scrub) food coloring (optional) peppermint essential oil(or any flavor you like) ~ Mix sugar and oil until desired consistency is reached. Add food coloring, if desired, and peppermint oil. Add essential oil a drop or two at a time, until desired scent is reached. One recipe will fill 2 half-pint jars. Place a sticker and a bow on your jar and your gift is ready! Susan Tipsord 2014 - - --- - - - - -QclCk Tip /, Holiday / ,, a ping) (for gift wr ~ ·ent's name Write the rec1p;he bottom. of or initials o~d confusion if gifts to avog1 falls off. the gift ta - - - - - - - - - -- - Necking Hiiis. Crafts 6 lllllore 12801 St. Rt. 664-S., Logan,.Ohio 740.;.385-9039 Over 90 Crafters Specializing In ., · Handcrafted Items - Painted Furniture - Ceramics ' Oak Furniture - Candles - Painted Signs - Jewelry Cornhole{/ames & Bags - Primiti.ves - Tutus Butterfly Wings & Bows - 05V 1te"Jns Solar. Lights - CirapevineTrees -Seasonal Decor ~............ .and much, much mor~..... New Crafters Welcomer Hours: Mon-Thurs 10-6, Fri-Sat f0~ 8 ; Sun 11-6 [32 [ The Country Register, Nov/Dec 2014 Cambridge Visitors are invited to take a trip back in time and experience old world England as historic downtown Cambridge is charmingly transformed into a Dickens Victorian Village. The 9th Annual Dickens Victorian Village kicks-off the weekend of November 1-2, 2014 with the Courthouse Holiday Light & Music Show and much more! Visit Downtown Cambridge this holi ay season and exp erience Victorian England! Great fun for the entire family ! P-~ V~JUC., Va!tf{/ ~W~1114- Dickens Victorian Village takes place From November through Mid-January each year when Historic Downtown Cambridge comes to life with 92 scenes of 166 lifelike figures representing classic scenes from Victorian society. '·.*· ...· Nov 1-2 - Desperate for Downton Weekend Nov 7-9 _Queen Victoria Weekend Nov 15-16 - Decked Out For Dickens This year, themed weekends have been designed to attract people with very . Nov 21-23 -Victorian Arts Fair specific interests (see list to right.) The hope is new visitors will begin making _.~. .~ Nov 28-29 - Home for the Holidays Dickens their family holiday tradition. ·~ W Dec 5-7 - Share the Joy-(Christmas Story) ~ D ec 12-14 - Best Friends Victorian Escape For more information on all Dickens Victorian Village events or to purchase ~· an individual holiday package for you or someone special on your holiday list, Dec 20 - Family Traditions Weekend visit Dickens Victorian or visit the Welcome Center & Curiosity Dec 28-29 -NO THEME THIS WEEKEND To add to the festive atmosphere, each evening from 5:30 to 9pm, the magnificent 1881 Guernsey County Courthouse pulsates to holiday music with synchronized lights. * Shop at 745 Steubenville Avenue in Cambridge. Hours are Mon-Thurs 10-6, Fri-Sat 10-8, Sun- 12-5 from Nov.I to Jan. 4, 2015 . For more information, visit or contact 866-334-6446. Downtown Cambridge A fun Place to Be! "Like" these Downtown Shops on Facebook Tile TDIDne House 738- 1/2 Wheeling Ave Distinctive Selection of Jewelry, Accessories and Home Decor. Mon-Fri 10-6, Sat 10-5 111!1 Renneays Ballery 1025 Wheeling Ave, 740-432-2301 Cambridge's hometown bakery since 1925 Mon-Fri 6am-6 :30pm, Sat 6am-5pm Penny Court 63 7 Wheeling Ave, 740-432-4369 Antiques and collectibles galore with 3 floors to Explore! Mon-Sat 10-6, Sun 12-5 Mliliiiilll LearningJungle 723 Wheeling Avenue 740-435-031 9 Educational & Specialty Toy Store Mon-Sat 10-6 _...... ------ .&. cm Bc ~E Holiday Parade Nov. 29 @ 5pm Small Business Saturday Nov. 29 Tile Nesting Place 727 Wheeling Ave, 740-432-8008 Home Decor & Accessories Mon-Sat 10-8, Sun 11-5 . · · · · Ellies Cottage 643 Wheeling Ave, 740-255-5076 Wheeling Avenue's newest retailer! Mon-Sat 20-8, Sun 12-5 Urban Twigs 5843 Glenn Highway/Rt. 40 West One-of-a-kind farmhouse & primitive styles and more! Wed-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-3 ..._ ByeGone Eras 139 N. 7th Street, 740-435-0400 The costume shoppe of the ages Mon-Sat 10-8, Sun 12-5 [email protected] McRennas Mar/let 705 Wheeling Ave, 740-432-01 23 Specialty food market, deli and our famous subs. Foodies Para · ' Natural Health Center 91 7 Wheeling Ave, 740-432- 1 708 Area's only full line vitamin shoppe Mon-Fri 11 -5, Sat 11 -2 71 5 Wheeling Ave, :/ Alterations, embroi bags Tues-Fr' fi'rancts Family Restaurant 1035 Wheeling Ave, 740-439-3333 Fantastic breakfast spot & much more with reception hall ·· · · 955 Wheeling Specialty Te Mon-Fri 8AM- ---------------------------------------• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CrtM(_,?f S-1~tbr, lrlrf ---~----- I 1 War AM *BUY IT- SELL IT- FIND IT- TELL IT* •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WHITE PINE BOARDS Wholesale Ohio based lumber distributor is currently stocking kiln dried White Pine Boards for the pine furniture and craft industry. *'*'* Unique 'N' Tiques invites you to our 5th Annual Sara·s Herbs & EverlastinE!s 1842 Hillandale Road NE New Philadelphia OH 44663 330-364-3407 Christmas Cash Sale Colonial Christmas Open House Nov 8, 10-5 & 9, 12-5 For '/lWre in/ormatum Dec 17- 18- 19 sarasherbs.blogspot.corn • catt 330-335-5550 a.Great Lakes .lLun1ber Co1npany Bring in your old unwanted items. f!ierioa1-fome :/!JJ°.J peespoorridgefarm. or Google Search: SherryPees 's blog Several buyers on site to offer you cash! *Grand Opening!* GRAND AVE Treasures Antiques-Fine Furnishings Consignments-Jewelry Col/ectib/es-C/othing-Avon Wed-Sun 10-6 1234 W. Grand Ave, Lima Call 937-652-1157 (corner of Cole St. & Grand Ave) for advertising information 419-260-3928 Lunch Served 11 :30-2 Hourly Door Prizes 50% OFF Table This Could have been your ad for less than 60¢ a dayl ~ 110 S. Main Street North Baltimore, Ohio ·t~19-494-2922~ Furniture ~ Antiques & Art · · rimitives & Collectibles Jewelry, Quilts & Country •:· ~ Tues-Sat, 1Oam-6pm -It Affordable, professional web design -/tOn-line shops with Pa.~wal read_y cart -If Web Hostin.~ indudes site maintenance -It Product Eri&_y tor new & existing sites -It Print Design -Ir WWW.PF-IMhOUSCDCSIGNS.COM I I ~~i;i!:ii3ij5iiJi1'~i!ii~~ijij~~~~iii:ji!~iti~~iija;j!i5ij~~~ !~--·~~~~-?~B~-SCB~Y. . . ."'~~·~~~:;J~iiiiiiiiiiiiliifi~iii-Knitters. Quilters. Download un _ry and GO NeedleArtists: 3 our App MOBILE! Find Your Favorite Shops When You Travel! Visit ..,. To find h ps onlin for FREE! 7th dition f ur Trav I .,uid Or rd r th f r only $9.95 or 888-737- 0847 'if' ( / Fac•b~• @ P•n•• • .. V Twltt e f isrer OHIO 1 The Heart of it All! L----t 2 .•.3 4 5 6 L _ _ . r l . . _.... The Country Regi ter i available at our adverti er, ' bu ine The map dot repre ent the town 7 8 Remember to let the shops know .vou saw their ad in The Country Register! 9 .•.to Send any comments and/or questions to: Barb Moore, Editor & Publisher PO Box 3 7 · Cable, OH 43009 937-652-1157 ·FAX 937-484-8963 e-mail [email protected] City/Page/Shop Northeast Map City/Page/Shop Northwest P-5 Alliance 12 Bridgewater Primitives Bettsville 28 Door Mouse Ashland K-5 16 Olivesburg General Store 16 Parsley Pot Avon L-3 11 Prims & Proper Antique Berlin M-6 15 Country Craft Cupboard 15 Country Gatherings 15 Primitive Porch Boardman 11 Bernina Store R-4 Brewster 18 iattered & Worn N-6 Canfield 1:3 Cracked Crock 0-4 R-3 L-5 16 Country Charm Fabrics Kensington 1:3 Days Gone By 0-6 Louisville 0-5 1:3 AnnaLouisa's NeedleArts Mansfield J-5 17 Added iouch 17 17 Crafty Clutter :3 Gathered ireasures Show Medina :34 ihis 'N' ihat M-4 Millersburg M-6 14 Country Road Primitives 4 Somewhere Sewing Navarre N-6 18 Billy Jacobs Art Gallery New Middletown R-5 12 Hampton Hill Mercantile New Philadelphia 0-6 :34 Sara's Herbs & Everlastings North Lima R-5 11 Piney Creek Prim itives Seville M-5 :36 Downtown Historic; Seville Steubenville R-7 1:3 Country Crafts From the Heart Uniontown 0-5 1:3 Pine Cone Gift Shoppe Vienna 12 Honey Pot R-4 13 •14 A6 ' 15 cr2e: ·F,GR · 1·<·Ji K ..Ltv1N()'p'Q R : City/Page/Shop Central : : - Map : - : : : City/Page/Shop Southwest Map Beavercreek D-10 20 Mason Jar Quilt Shoppe D-7 Botkins 28 Country Lane Crafts Canal Winchester 6 Laughing Ewe Greenville Celina B- 6 26 Prairiewood Primitives Columbus H-9 10 Columbus Marketplace 10 Greater Columbus Antique 10 Scott Antique Markets Columbus Grove 27 Viola Farms D-5 Curtice G-2 :3 ihyme For All Seasons Danville Doi a F-5 :34 pees poor ridge farm Dublin Dunkirk F-5 26 Christmas House 26 Enchanted Forest 26 Mason's Mercantile Heath F-4 27 Early American Home 27 Homestead Collection Forest F-5 26 Nana's Jeromesville • Alexandria J-8 5 Alexandria/Johnstown H-4 Findlay Copley N-4 18 Simpler ii mes Antiques Cortland 12 Quilters Fancy Map 11 J2 Gibsonburg G-3 28 Country Cupboard-Ohio Greenwich 29 Painted Chair J-4 Lima D-6 :34 Grand Avenue ireasures 28 Heavenly Stitches North Baltimore F-4 :34 Unique 'N' ilques St. Henry 26 ihe Saltbox B-7 Tiffin H-4 29 Primitive Crossroads Craft 29 Who's Nuts Van Wert B-5 Northeast (cont'd) M-4 Wadsworth :34 Great Lakes Lumber Co. Walnut Creek N-6 14 Homespun ireasures Wooster M-5 15 Olde Crows Homestead :3 Wayne Co. Arts & Crafts 1-9 K-7 8 Peace of the Past H-8 7 Red Rooster Quilts K-8 9 Finder& Keeper& Johnetown J-8 5 Alexandria/Johnstown Lancaster J-10 6 Miller House Antiques Marysville G-8 4 Uptown Antiques Mt. Vernon K-7 :3 A Little Like 8 Black Walnut Holler :3 Simple Goods :3, 8 Uniquely Our& :34 Woolson Company Newark K-8 5 Matilda Charlotte Antiques 5 Old Crow Pataskala 5 Calico Cupboard B-8 25 Country Primitives J-8 Russells Point E-7 4 Signature Antiques/A Robbins Nest Hillsboro F-12 22 Bon Appetit 22 Cundiffs Flowers & Country :3,22 Hillsboro Uptown Business 22 Janie's Closet 22 Merle Norman Cosmetic; 22 Shabby Moose Lebanon D-11 :3 Warren County Historical Leeeburg F-11 :3 Leesburg Artisan Folk Fair Lynchburg 2:3 Rusty Star E-12 Springfield E-9 21 Heart of Country 20 Homespun Blessings 20 Rustiques Trenton C-11 25 Barn 'n' Bunk Farm Market Urbana F-8 19 Urban Pra irie :3. 19 Urbana Antique Show & Flea Mkt :3 Urbana Monument Square Waehlngton C. H. G-10 :36 North Shore Primitives :3 Show of the Season Waynesville D-10 24 Benner's Colonial iraditions 24 Waynesville Area Chamber West Liberty E-8 19 West Liberty Merchants Southeast Belpre N-11 :32 Neffs Country Loft Cambridge N-8 :3:3 Cambridge Main Street Chillicothe 1-11 :30 American Vintage Warehouse :30 Chillicothe Craft Mall Frankfort H -11 :30 ihru the Garden Gate West Milton C-9 :3, 25 West Milton Shoppes Wilmington E-11 2:3 Old Mill Antiques Out of State West Virginia :34 Primitive House Designs Logan K-10 :32 Hocking Hills Crafts & More Sciotoville 1-14 :31 Backwards Glance :31 Berry Patch Wheelersburg 1-14 :31 Robins Nest :31 Southern Ohio Craft Mall 3 s J J SEVILLE ANTIQUE MALL 30 Center Street, 330-769-2000 Antiq es and Collectibles Cottad e Style Furniture, Linens, Vintage Clothing, Jewelry & Accessories Open 7 days, 11-5 1 2014 Holiday Events Seville Christmas Holiday Preview Nov 15, lOam - 7pm-Downtown Seville will be aglow with the holiday spirit. Our stores will be full of wonderful gifts and holiday items. There will be contests, drawings -- and wonderful sales throughout the ten downtown stores. Most stores will offer great refreshments - holiday sweets, appetizers and favorite holiday dishes! Knowlton Natural Decor Studio 5 W. Main Street, 330-812-0227 Wreaths, Lake Erie Driftwood, Custom Orders, Holiday Decorations Tues-Sat 11-5 [email protected] fv1 £ 1'-'10 R;y l ALON'--1 ,.....iTtOVES LA N E A 30 Quality Dealers 3 East Main Street, 330-769-0065 Primitives, Vintage Collectibles, Furniture, Books, Fenton, Shabby Chic & Victorian Open 7 Days [email protected] ~ ~ Vintage Corner 14 Milton Street, 330-769-9400 Primitives, Early American Furniture & Folk Art from the 18th & 19th Century 40 Nationally Recognized Dealers Open daily 10-5 or by appt. 330-465-6007 Seville Last Minute Market Event Dec 20, 10 am - 4 pm - Come share the holiday spirit in our warm, wonderful village. It will be a perfect time to shop for last minute gifts! Selected stores will be having sales. You will fmd wonderful antiques, primitives, vintage collectibles, creations from talented artists, unique framing, dried flower artistry and ladies fashions in our shops! Come visit Seville Soon! Look for these shops and Downtown Seville on Facebook! ~~ ~ V/ntq~e. UpcycZed. [funkyjunk .!!_JI Ii - 'I' !9 U Loeqllj M=Jde I! I.I< 18 West Main, 330-769-4637 Open 7 Days - Retailer for CHALK PAINT ------:-i JjVELVET'S W. MAIN FRAMING I lgWest Main, 330-441-2115 ntique Framing & Collectibles, Antique Frame Restorat on, Vintage Prints - Mon-Fri 2-5:30, Sat 10-3:30 li 3 W. Main Street, 330-975-4043 ,. !M.,, Peace "' Piece Global Fair Trade -~ ' ' z Local Art-Vintage, ~~ ,., ••,.:7' Nature's Sunshine Products Seville Sandstone 39A W. Main, 330 W. Main, 330-769-9020 Creating sandstone home and garden personal works of art. facebook . NORTH SHORE PRIMITIVES 153 S. Hinde Street -Washington, Court House, OH 43160 - (740) 335-6799 Follow us on Facebook NorthShorePrimitives Christmas Open House - Nov 6-9 Thurs 6-9pm, Fri & Sat 1Oam-6pm, Sun 12-4pm Regular Hours Tues-Sat 11 am-Spm Sun 1pm-4pm