World of Hope 2014


World of Hope 2014
Evangelical Free Church
of Canada Mission
Welcome to World of Hope!
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His
great mercy He has given us new birth into a LIVING HOPE
through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into
an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.”
1 Peter 1:3-4
For many in our world, life is a daily struggle. We have an obligation to share the
Hope that is ours. The victory won through the resurrection of Christ brings the
hope of restoration to our broken world. One day, all that is wrong will be made
right. In the meantime, we can share the LIVING HOPE we know.
Please partner with our EFCCM missionary family around the world as we all
work together to offer hope and make a difference in the communities we
serve. Thank you for participating in World of Hope in the past. We look forward
to God doing more in us and through us in this year's campaign, as we continue
to “serve in the birth and growth of healthy churches internationally”.
For the Glory of God and the Souls of People,
Dave Penner (EFCCM Director) on behalf of the IMLT
On the Cover
Photo by Graeme Rattray, serving in Thailand:
This is one of my favourite photographs because of who is in
it. I think this photo captures a beautifully humble, kind, and
soft man. He is a farmer and was working on a small sliver of
land that the Willems had allowed him to farm. He is a
Buddhist, and his face shows a long life of uncertainty,
spiritual oppression, and anxiety towards what fate has in store for him. Yet
when you look at him you see this glimmer of hope.
More here:
Children and Youth
Burn Camp (Mexico)
After working with the children from the 2009 daycare fire, they
want to host another Burn camp but this time as a weekend
camp at the beach. The camp will not only provide a fun,
relaxed environment where the children can learn about God,
but it will also provide a time for therapy and learning to deal
with their burns as each year they grow older, their worries and
concerns about body image can change.
$100 per Child | Account 2-2472KA
Hoopster (Mexico)
Annelise Neufeld, daughter of Greg and Shelli Neufeld, plays
basketball and her involvement on the team has provided great
opportunities to witness to the girls and their parents. The Neufelds
would like to put on a Basketball camp, bringing Christian coaches
from Canada and Mexico, where 60 girls could fine-tune their
basketball skills and hear the good news of Jesus Christ.
$50 per Child | Account 2-2472KB
Casa De Gracia Children’s Home (Mexico)
Working weekly with the local Christian children’s home that houses
22 children, Casa de Gracia, can see the incredible need for them
to have a space and the supplies to organize food, clothing and
other donated items. With this project, funds will be raised for
proper shelving custom designed to needs, complete with storage
containers of all sizes, a labeller, and tables for organizing.
$40 per Square Metre | Account 2-5015KC
Bible Safari (Mexico)
Bible Safari would like to recreate the Bible Safari VBS
material they have so they can share it with other groups in
Latin America. Each bin costs about $200 for supplies, then
shipping is another $100 (depending on where it is going).
You can donate to help another missionary or children’s
ministry reach out to many kids.
$300 per Club | Account 2-2472KD
Children and Youth
Awana Club (Bolivia)
Awana continues to be an effective way to reach
families. Many of the rural church partnerships are
experiencing growth using this strategic tool. Help
give a child the opportunity to participate in Awana.
$25 per Child | Account 2-2376KE
Camp Scholarship (Hungary)
Low income families without jobs cannot afford camp
registrations for their children. Help sponsor kids & teens to hear
the Gospel at Summer English Camp.
$75 per Scholarship | Account 2-4230KF
Deaf Camp (Hungary)
It is difficult to get people to commit to camp when prices
are skyrocketing in Hungary and wages do not keep up.
That impacts the deaf children of hearing parents. It's
easier to send them somewhere cheaper, or nowhere at
all. And when it comes to deaf adults, they must get time
off and use holiday time from a job that doesn't pay
much at all. With help from World of Hope, we have
been able to provide bursaries for everyone and also buy
much needed equipment and supplies to make camp
something special. This year we've also been able to help
the Czech contingent with travel costs to Hungary. Every
little bit helps! And we couldn't do this without you!
$100 per Camp Scholarship | Account 2-2682KG
$25 for Train Travel | Account 2-2682KH
$20 for Art Supplies | Account 2-2682KI
Scholarship Fund (Liberia)
Donate to help children in need with funds for schooling. Give children of
widows, girls and those with no support, the gift of higher education and
provide mentoring through education to help them prepare for adulthood
with solid Christian principles.
$30 per Month per Child | Account 2-2475KJ
Children and Youth
Talita Cumi Children’s Home (Bolivia)
Talita Cumi Children’s Home houses 30 orphaned, abused or abandoned children
and up to 10 staff at any one time. Partner this year with Talita Cumi and help these
children in a number of ways. By sponsoring a staff member to attend local
Christian counselling courses they will be better equipped to impact the children.
Many of the children there require specialized medication for a variety of health
needs and their 15 passenger van is in its last stages of life. It hauls nearly 30 kids
to and from school plus bulk shopping trips, field trips and more! Talita Cumi would
like to purchase a lightly used, ‘mini’ bus with seating for 20-30 to replace their
aging van and better accommodate their needs.
$300 for Counselling Training for Staff | Account 2-5030KK
$100 Special Needs Medication per Month | Account 2-5030KL
$25,000 for New ‘Mini-Bus’ | Account 2-5030KM
Snacks for Kids (El Salvador)
Kids love to snack on something. Snacks are served during
meetings at church in Tutultepeque about four times a week,
which equals roughly 90 snacks per week. For most kids, this
is a place where they not only come to learn about the Word
of God, but a place where they get to enjoy a snack they
would not normally have at home due to their circumstances.
Thank you for blessing the stomachs of many little ones in
the community of Tutultepeque.
$15 per Event | Account 2-2957KN
$45 per Week | Account 2-2957KO
Plate of Food – Candelero Kids (Bolivia)
A dedicated staff swing the doors open on the drop-in centre to
welcome the economically disadvantaged kids and street kids to the
Candelero Kids’ ministry home. Here they get help with homework,
do a daily bible lesson, learn practical life skills and fill their empty
stomachs with a nutritional meal served in large enough quantities
to fill them up for the day! They leave knowing that the harsh world
they must face cannot take away the fact that God loves them and the
staff at Candelero Kids loves them!
$4.50 per Meal │Account 2-5028KP
Children and Youth
Villa Nueva School Scholarships (Bolivia)
How would you feel if you wanted to attend school but your
parents couldn't afford to send you? The Christian school that
serves the needs of the many families who have left the
Mennonite colonies of Bolivia in search of spiritual truth is
recognized for its excellent education and for its contributions to
the spiritual wellness of the communities it serves.
Unfortunately there are families that are unable to afford to send
their children to the school. The cost of sending a child to Villa
Nueva School is an investment in the spiritual and financial
future of the entire family.
$50 per Month per Student | Account 2-5032KQ
MK Re-entry Camp Scholarships (Canada)
When Missionaries Kids (MKs) return to Canada, they often do not
feel they are coming “home”. The natural struggles of teens relating to
identity, belonging, acceptance, values, and temptation are multiplied
as they attempt to enter college from a different cultural perspective.
One tool proven to greatly enhance their success is a network of
supporting relationships with other MKs who have recently walked
through this difficult transition themselves. MK Re-Entry Camps include
informative seminars, open question and answer times, and fun-filled
events where MKs are encouraged to connect in ways that will help them
carry on in their life of faith. While the cost of travelling to and participating in
these events varies, a scholarship of $250 can go a long way towards helping
make this valuable connection possible.
$250 per Scholarship │ Account 2-4015KR
Send 150 Kids to Summer Camp (Cuba)
In partnership with the Eastern Cuban churches and an EFC
church in Mexico, these summer camps are committed to helping
the Youth & Children’s Ministry make summer camp a possibility.
The children each pay $2 dollars but that does not cover the cost
and so camp has been cancelled in the past. For a small amount of
money we can ensure that 150 kids get to Bible Camp to find out
about Jesus or continue their growing relationship with Him.
$400 per Camp │Account 2-5050KS
$8 per Camper │Account 2-5050KT
Children and Youth
Candelero Kids Boys’ Home (Boliva)
The Boys’ Home in Tarija is always in need of school supplies and shoes! The boys
go through their shoes so quickly, and it’s hard to find used shoes for them!
$20 for School Supplies | Account 2-5028KU
$20 per Pair of Shoes | Account 2-5028KV
VBS on the Mennonite Colonies (Bolivia)
The doors are wide open to use quality children’s programming and parallel
women’s ministry events to share the gospel with the Low German speaking
Mennonite people. Many have only ever heard spiritual things talked about in
the High German language which they do not understand! Our EFCCM
missionary, Susana Reimer, will lead these outreaches in 2015.
$5 per Child for VBS Craft Supplies | Account 2-3274KW
$1,000 to Sponsor a One-Week Event | Account 2-3274KX
Church Planting
Build a Local Church (Bolivia)
The project “Build a Local Church” is excited to partner with numerous
small churches in Bolivia. They want to be able to bless them by matching
their fundraising for the construction of sanctuaries and Sunday school
rooms. They provide the labour; we help with material. This is a great way
for your donation to have a concrete, long lasting impact in a local church.
$250 for Blocks for a Wall | Account 2-5031KY
Purchase the House in “House Church” (Cuba)
This is a critical need! And such a bargain for a whole ‘house
church.’ Some of you are able to help the church in Cuba in the
acquisition of the needed land, small house or apartment as they
must have a property like this in order to open a house church. Yes,
your family or church can fund a whole house church!
$3,000-$5,000 per Project │Account 2-5050KZ
Bibles for Policemen (Bolivia)
God has opened the door for an EFC church in Tarija to have an outreach
directly into the Police Academy. The men and women are hungry for a copy
of the Word of God. Help supplement the costs for this incredible outreach!
$10 per Bible │Account 2-5029LC
Books for Students (Ukraine)
Each summer students eagerly come to improve their English at our Summer English
Institute. One class offered is a study of the Chronicles of Narnia. This summer, the
Magician's Nephew will be taught to 60 students. Through this C.S. Lewis book many
spiritual lessons are opened for discussion. We want to provide each student with
their own copy of the book as a memento and a continued source of spiritual lessons.
$8 per Book | Account 2-7221LA
Bibles for Hungary (Hungary)
Help provide a Hungarian/English New Testament for new
English club students and summer campers, most of whom
have never read God’s Word before.
$12 per Bible | Account 2-4290LB
Missions/Evangelism Conference at CCL (Ukraine)
Taking the Gospel to the nations is not something most Ukrainian
churches feel they can do. By supporting one or more persons to attend a
CCL-sponsored conference on short-term missions, you can help
change this. Empower your Ukrainian brothers and sisters in the Lord
and participate in taking the Good News to those who need the Lord.
$10.00 per Participant | Account 2-4140OS
Recording Studio Equipment (Bolivia)
The Low German Radio program of Radio Trans Mundial (Trans World Radio) has a
huge impact on thousands of Low German speaking Mennonites in Bolivia. The
audience of the Low German radio programs are often people from the colonies who
have very limited access to hearing the Gospel. Through this ministry they are able to
listen to a variety of programs in their own Language. You can help make this process
easier and more efficient by helping TWR set up a recording studio in the Pailon
facilities. It would open the doors to recording locals more conveniently in their area.
$100 per Microphone | Account 2-5044LD
$1,000 per Main Control | Account 2-5044LE
$35 per Cable | Account 2-5044LF
Church Promotion (Canada)
GraceLife EFC is a new church that has moved into the growing community
of Auburn Bay, Alberta – an area with no existing churches. Grace EFC is
looking to do postcard invitations to the community as well as gather
evangelism materials to reach this area efficiently.
$200 for Sandwich Board Church Sign | Account 2-4278LG
$200 for Church Banner | Account 2-4278LH
$5 per 10 Postcard Invitations | Account 2-4278LI
Fundraising and Activity Day (Bolivia)
At Radio Trans Mundial Bolivia, they have seen first-hand the importance of hosting
special events for their listeners. Events such as Children’s day, Mother’s day, etc.
bring the listeners to the studio and give them an opportunity to connect personally
with and show their appreciation to listeners. This year at Radio Trans Mundial Bolivia
they want to get locals involved in funding the radio ministry. This is a new concept for
Bolivians, but they believe with the proper structure and tools, it is possible. The Low
German radio program team has great ideas for fundraising events lined up this year,
but funds are needed to coordinate and make these events happen. Consider
sponsoring a fundraising event and see what you’ve given multiply.
$350 per Kids’ Event | Account 2-5044LJ
$500 per Listener Event | Account 2-5044LK
Santa Cruz International Community Choir (Bolivia)
This new outreach aims to connect the expatriate and Bolivian people with a
quality choral music ministry. The hope is that a "sister" choir in Canada or the
U.S. can come down for some shared concerts, missions work, and choral
workshops! The aim is to connect missions through music. Funds raised for
the choir will go to purchasing choral music folders and music for next year’s
concerts and beyond!
$26 per 25 copies | Account 2-2577LL
Outreach English Club (Hungary)
In a city with no evangelical church, a place is needed where Bible studies and
English clubs can be held. Help cover the fees of a place that can be a lighthouse
where people will find the hope of Christ.
$10 per Room per Evening | Account 2-2072LM
Technology for the Church (Cuba)
Small USB memory sticks carried to Cuba by Partnership Work Teams
are powerful ways to resource the Cuban pastors as they are loaded up
with Bible Study material, Children’s programming, music and videos.
Furthermore, they are sent with every team member to Cuba with a
laptop and a LCD Projector for worship and teaching. What an impact!
$8 per USB Memory Stick│ Account 2-5050LN
$400 per Computer │ Account 2-5050LO
$375 per Projector │ Account 2-5050LP
The Bridge – Hockey Night in Bolivia (Bolivia)
For the Old Colony teenager, sports have been a prohibited world. As they come
to freedom through faith in Jesus, they embrace the healthy interaction around
sports. In response, “The Bridge” ministry holds floor hockey evenings for fun,
fellowship and sharing God’s love with the community. Help them fund the new
“Hockey Night in Bolivia” outreach event through equipment and jersey
$25 per Player for Equipment │Account 2-5025LQ
Bibles for Migrant Workers (Mexico)
In the vineyards near the city of Hermosillo in Northern
Mexico, the EFCCM has a growing ministry with access
to literally thousands of migrant workers who spend
months in the harvest of table grapes. Each week we
show Christian movies, play live Christian music and
preach the Gospel. Help us give the most precious gift
available – the Word of God – to these migrant workers,
many from unreached tribal areas of Southern Mexico.
$5 per Bible | Account 2-2102LR
‘Home Away from Home’ (Germany)
Black Forest Academy in Germany has a boarding program for
missionary kids. Rich and Lynn Peachey, EFCCM misionaries in
Germany, give oversight to this program of creating "homes away
from home" for young people, enabling families to continue to
minister in difficult areas of the world. You can help make these
homes more comfy and attractive by helping them buy refurbished
living room furniture or mattresses.
$700 per Couch | Account 2-2582LS
$150 per Mattress | Account 2-2582LT
New Year’s Gifts for Orphans (Ukraine)
The New Year in Ukraine is celebrated in a very similar way to Christmas in
North America, with New Year's trees and New Year's gifts. Please help Rays
of Love provide gifts to the 150 orphans they work with.
$15 per Child | Account 2-2879LU
Helping Single Moms (Ukraine)
Some young ladies who have graduated from the orphanages and with whom
Rays of Love has worked, have had babies. We would like to help them with food
products, diapers and clothing.
$50-100 per Mother per Month | Account 2-2879LV
Home of Joy (Thailand)
The Willems are supporting a Youth Home in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It’s their vision to
develop some purchased land to be a youth home, local church, and training centre
for more youth. ‘Home of Joy’ will provide a safe environment for teenage girls (age
12-20) to receive good secular and Christian training.
$4,000 to Prepare the Land | Account 2-2777LW
$6,000 to Build the Roof, Floor & 1 Bathroom | Account 2-2777LX
$8,000 to Build Structure and Rooms | Account 2-2777LY
Teenage Girls At Risk (Thailand)
There is a need for supporting teenage girls at risk and giving
them a good, Christian education. These girls are being cared
for in a loving Christian Home, ‘Home of Joy’, and being taught
the Bible. They will be joining in worship and outreach in order
to plant a church in Hang Dong. In addition to living expenses,
the girls are in need of education support as well as
transportation to and from school by bike.
$600 per Scholarship | Account 2-2777LZ
$600 for Living Expenses | Account 2-2777MA
$110 per Bike | Account 2-2777MB
Water and Sanitation (Zimbabwe)
Water and proper sanitation are an essential step in re-building a community.
Digging wells gives a community water so they can begin farming and proper
sanitation contributes to the overall health of the community. The Zimbabwe
Gecko Society is dedicated to building wells in communities to take the first
step towards sustainable, long-term wellbeing. The depths of the wells vary
from 20 to 600 feet.
$2,000 per Well | Account 2-3255MC
$1,000 per Toilet | Account 2-3255MD
Ploughing Seeds of Hope (Liberia)
Help New Gate Ministries enable the local church in Liberia to be
more efficient as farmers. The New Gate Ministry Centre is working
towards teaching better methods for planting and harvesting, and
collaborating. Currently, they need a new tractor to achieve quicker
planting time for crops and more time to devote to other tasks.
Total needed for a tractor and for shipping is $10,000.
$50 towards a Tractor | Account 2-2475ME
$100 towards a Tractor | Account 2-2475MF
The Ruth and Noemi Transition House (Bolivia)
The Ruth and Noemi Transition House is a city based, Christian refuge in Santa Cruz,
Bolivia for young women at risk, in situations of abuse, unplanned pregnancy,
prostitution and street living, abandonment or abortion recovery. At Ruth and Noemi,
these women hear about the love and salvation of Christ, receive Biblical counseling
and discipleship and hopefully get back on their feet so they can face life again, but
this time hand in hand with Jesus. Through your help and prayer we can better
empower and equip these women. More capable moms mean less abandoned
$30 per Month of Day Care | Account 2-5033MG
$350 per 6 Month Technical Career Course | Account 2-5033MH
Sponsor a Well with Agua Yaku (Bolivia)
The Guarani people of the Izozog region of southern Bolivia live in the dry Chaco
where water is scarce and life is hard. Hours spent hauling water each day could
be better spent in income-generating activities. Nearby surface water sources
are contaminated and cause endemic gastrointestinal diseases. Drilling a clean
water well in an area like this is life-changing and life-giving.
$1,500 per Well | Account 2-5035MI
$500 per Month Salary for Employee | Account 2-5035MJ
Water Filter with Agua Yaku (Bolivia)
Many people in rural Bolivia live in areas where it is
prohibitively expensive to drill wells. These people rely on
contaminated surface water or scarce rain water to survive.
Help Agua Yaku to provide a family with a SAWYER water
filter for their home that guarantees clean drinking water no
matter what the source. One filter will provide a family with
over ten years of clean drinking water.
$90 per Filter | Account 2-5048MK
“Love Basket” (El Salvador)
The “Love Basket Project” has been running for 3 years in the community of
Tutultepeque and has ministered to many families in many ways. This is an ongoing ministry that seeks to meet basic needs in the area of nutrition, but also to
create opportunities to minister the Word of God. Each basket includes necessities
such as: rice, beans, sugar, milk, and soap. Love Baskets are given out twice a year
to the families of the kids who participate at El Ro-í Ministry Centre, Bible Study
participants, Church attendees, and the elderly of the community. Your support
goes way beyond satisfying hunger pains!
$25 per Basket | Account 2-2957ML
Music in the Cuban “House Church” (Cuba)
Cuba is a land where creativity abounds! Music and poetry, art and drama are a
part of every church service. Help the “House Church” put tools into the hands of
their church planting missionaries. Small keyboards, new skins for the drums,
strings for the guitars, a trumpet, cables for the microphones, a saxophone, a
speaker and a base guitar.
$12 for Guitar Strings │ Account 2-5050MM
$300 for Keyboard │ Account 2-5050MN
$25 for Cables │ Account 2-5050MO
$1,000 to Finish the List of Instruments │ Account 2-5050MP
A Stove, a Roof, a Bicycle Or Paint On The Wall (Cuba)
The majority of pastors serving in the far eastern provinces in Cuba live in
houses that are very dilapidated, even to the point of having no running water.
There is a need to improve their living conditions and help with transportation
(for evangelism and pastoral calls) where only bikes or hiking, not cars, are the
best way to make the journey.
$25 for Paint │Account 2-5050MQ
$175 per Bike │Account 2-5050MR
$800 for Roof Repair │Account 2-5050MS
$215 for a Stove │Account 2-5050MT
Babies Without Shoes (Bolivia)
Some of our missionaries are living right next door to a home that cares for
the forgotten and abandoned babies in Santa Cruz. These little ones who
have medical issues need shoes, walkers, playpens, etc. to keep them
safe and nurtured.
$10 per Pair of Shoes │Account 2-5010MU
Pastors’ Retirement Fund (Cuba)
What a privilege to help triple the monthly retirement salary from $5 to $15 dollars per
month for the retired pastors and evangelists who have served Jesus their whole lives!
$15 per Pastor per Month │Account 2-5050MV
Esther Ministries – Low German (Bolivia)
Esther Ministries is our newly expanded ministry to the Low German women,
children and young ladies. It will incorporate the former ministry of Casa
Mariposa and much more! It will be a home employing Mennonite girls serving
Mennonite families. It will be a boarding home for students. It will be a temporary
refuge for the wives and children at risk of abuse in their families, where they can
receive counseling and much-needed help. Help Esther Ministries provide the
food, clothing and medicine these children will need.
$30 per Child per Week │Account 2-5022MW
New Chairs for Bridge Church (Ukraine)
The Bridge Church (Ìîñò) needs chairs for use during
worship services, Bible studies, etc. Many of the chairs
they now use are old and rickety and belong to the landlord.
Plus they just don't have enough!
$15 per Chair | Account 2-4081MX
Micro Loan Business (Creative Access)
After each 3 month tailoring course, we choose four women who have learned well,
have some business sense, and are in difficult circumstances to receive a Small
Business Fund (SBF). The SBF is not money, but sewing equipment, so they can start
up their own business. Over the course of 6 months, we do follow up visits to give
them business training, encourage them and share Christ’s love. Half of the SBF is a
grant and half is paid back by the women in six monthly installments. In this way, these
women can begin to provide for their families while still being home for their kids.
$103 per Sewing Machine SBF Grant | Account 2-2432MY
$51 per Sewing Table SBF Grant | Account 2-2432MZ
$41 per Serger SBF Grant | Account 2-2432NA
Community Development (Zimbabwe)
The Zimbabwe Gecko Society is dedicated to providing support for
communities by enabling them to become self-supporting members of their
society. Their aim is to break the cycle of poverty in Zimbabwe. They provide
relief to those most vulnerable by giving them resources to help themselves,
and by supporting sustainable, long-term solutions.
$150 per “Farming God’s Way” Course | Account 2-3255NB
$500 per Carpentry Course | Account 2-3255NC
$500 per Bee Keeping Course | Account 2-3255ND
$500 per Sewing Course | Account 2-3255NE
$50 per Micro Loan | Account 2-3255NF
$150 per Midwifery Course | Account 2-3255NG
$150 per First Aid Course | Account 2-3255NH
$75 per Bee Hive | Account 2-3255NJ
$100 for Supplies for “Nutrition Gardens” | Account 2-3255NK
$350 per 100 Chickens | Account 2-3255NL
$45 per Goat | Account 2-3255NM
“New Hope” Health Clinic (Zimbabwe)
The Zimbabwe Gecko Society is hosting doctors and nurses from North
America from February to April 2015. The doctors are coming not just to assist
as medical professionals, but also to teach courses on practical medicine and
techniques. The clinic that these doctors and nurses will teach and help in has
not been constructed yet and the need is immediate. The plan is that the clinic
would be an ongoing development that will service the community after the North
American doctors and nurses have left.
$1,000 per Room | Account 2-3255NN
New Gate Furnishing and Finishing (Liberia)
New Gate Ministry Centre located in Liberia is a 13 year long ministry devoted to
serving the needs of the local population by providing resources, literature, fresh
water, playgrounds, training and hosting visitors. A variety of ministries run out of
this Centre and in order to continue filling the needs of the ever expanding
projects, some very important upgrades and finishings need to be completed so
the Centre can continue being a support base. Donate towards furnishing and
finishing the apartment attached to New Hope which includes a kitchen,
counselling room, staff area and office. This apartment is used by the Disabled
Ministry run by Moses who currently lives in the apartment.
$50 towards New Gate Furnishing | Account 2-2475NO
$100 towards New Gate Construction | Account 2-2475NP
$100 towards Apartment Upgrades | Account 2-2475NQ
New Gate Lending Library (Liberia)
New Gate Ministry Centre is undergoing renovations and upgrades to meet
the growing need of their library lending program. The library provides a
conducive environment for study and research in the local area and is
serving a need for literature in the community which also presents
opportunities to reach out to others. Contributions will go towards
construction on the current library and towards purchasing new literature for
the community to encourage literacy in the young and old.
$9,500 for Literature & Construction | Account 2-2475NR
Sponsor an Acre (Nicaragua)
Share the love of Christ in the second poorest country in
the Western Hemisphere by sponsoring half an acre, or
two, or ten! The sustainable agriculture programs of La
Semilla Ministries are financing crop input costs and
connecting struggling subsistence farmers with the
information and resources they need. The results are
increased yields and the empowerment of farmers to
reach better and more stable markets. Best of all, this is a
revolving fund that is returned at each harvest, meaning
your gift will keep giving over and over again, each time a
new crop is planted, two times every year!
$60 per Half Acre | Account 2-5060NS
$120 per Acre | Account 2-5060NT
Affordable Items for Farm Families (Nicaragua)
Share the cost of a barrel, sprayer or farm implement to give one of
La Semilla’s farm families a boost. Food-grade barrels with a good
seal are difficult to find and can make a big difference to a rural family
for protecting food or seed from ever-present insects and humidity,
or for collecting and storing rain water in areas where water is
scarce. Backpack sprayers allow for more precise application of
necessary products, reducing waste. A farm implement such as a 2row planter or a 4' cultivator can greatly increase the production
capacity of a community that does these tasks by hand.
$25 per Barrel | Account 2-5062NU
$60 per Backpack Sprayer | Account 2-5062NV
$500 per Farm Implement | Account 2-5062NW
EFCCM Base Of Operations (Bolivia)
Short-term missionaries, interns, teams and other visitors have a large and lasting
impact on the work of the EFCCM in Bolivia. Our Agua Yaku Water Project required
a shop and office space. A property has been purchased that allows us to host these
valuable people and provides a safe, effective work space for Agua Yaku rent free.
Once this building is paid for, the net income from guests staying there will go totally
toward the operating costs of Agua Yaku.
$4,500 per Bedroom | Account 2-5070NX
$23 per Square Foot of Land Purchased | Account 2-5070NY
Hacienda de los Arboles Retreat centre (Mexico)
What couple would not want to have their wedding in a beautiful retreat
centre, where the flowers are lush and the palm trees are waving? Help
make Hacienda de los Arboles a beautiful place. This can be a beautiful
spiritual retreat and place to hold Weddings, Quinceañeras, (girls 15th
birthday party), as well as all the uses for Christian outreach, like
Marriage Retreats, Women’s & Men’s outreach, and family camps.
Help beautify the Hacienda for ministry!
$25 per Shrub | Account 2-5014NZ
$130 per Palm Tree | Account 2-5014OA
$1,200 to Stucco and Paint 1 Wall | Account 2-5014OB
Hacienda de los Arboles Kitchen (Mexico)
The Hacienda Retreat Centre will be able to host churches,
youth conferences, children’s camps any many more groups.
The centre is used for worship, teaching, Mission Boot Camps,
evangelistic sports outreaches and many more uses. The
kitchen needs to have a stainless steel sink and countertops. All
wood products are subject to being termite food in a short time.
One stainless steel double bin sink with side counter will cost
$2,500 while one stainless steel counter top with bottom shelf
will be $2,000.
$100 towards Sink | Account 2-5014OC
$100 towards Counter Top | Account 2-5014OD
Leadership and Training
Tailoring Course (Creative Access)
War has set this country back 20 years. There are many widows, the divorce rate
is high, and due to unemployment, over 1 million men have left the country to seek
work. Many female heads of households are left to provide for and raise the
children. We offer a 3 month tailoring course for widows, divorced, separated and
poor women. With caring trainers, we have seen self-esteem raised, jobs found,
and small sewing businesses started up. Every three months we accept 20
students for this course.
$45 per Month per Woman | Account 2-2432OE
$135 per 3 Month Course | Account 2-2432OF
Computer Training (Creative Access)
As a consequence of the war, much of the skilled labour has left
the country. A computer course was started to provide training
for disadvantaged people, greatly helping their chances of
finding employment.
$40 per Month per Person | Account 2-2432OG
$80 for Full Course | Account 2-2432OH
Online Bible College (Ukraine)
The EFC Association of churches in Ukraine has begun a creative way to
bring Bible college classes to the people in their churches via the
internet. Pastor Vova Zolotov is the gifted teacher of this program.
$10 per Person per Class | Account 2-4160OI
Summer English Institute Scholarships (Ukraine & Russia)
One of the ways we reach people is through teaching English. Each
summer we conduct SEI in a number of cities in Ukraine & Russia. Many
people over the years have come to Christ through these programs. We
never want to turn someone away because of money. You can sponsor
one student with each gift of $10. Please designate the SEI location (DN=
Dnepropetrovsk, KR= Krivoy Rog, SP= St. Petersburg).
$10 per Student DN | Account 2-4081OJ
$10 per Student KR | Account 2-4081OK
$10 per Student SP | Account 2-4081OL
Grassroots Pastor Scholarship (Liberia)
Contribute to provide monthly assistance to help pastors cover
their ministry expenses for transport, communication, critical
needs and to carry God’s word out to the people of Liberia.
$100 per Month | Account 2-2475OO
Leadership and Training
Back To School (Zimbabwe)
After the Zimbabwe Dollar crashed in 2008, education was the first
“luxury” to disappear. Zimbabwe Gecko Society builds schools, supplies
educational materials and sponsors school fees.
$40 per Student per Term | Account 2-3255OM
$2,000 per Classroom Built | Account 2-3255ON
The Teacher Project (El Salvador)
The Teacher Project has become an essential part of the community and it serves as
a prevention for school dropouts and as a tutoring program for those who are
already in school but are struggling. The teacher has classes planned all day, but
kids are free to use the facilities as a drop-in centre for homework, tutoring, etc. This
has been a great help for kids who have not been able to learn well in traditional
school settings and have fallen behind.
$300 for 1 Month Salary | Account 2-2957OT
Post Secondary Scholarships (Bolivia)
Many Christian youth finish high-school and have a desire for further education
and a brighter future. Help bless these students by coming along side their family
and local church by matching funding to help them receive a better education.
$100 per Scholarship | Account 2-2376OP
Education Scholarships for Young Ladies (Latin America)
The girls in the family in Latin America get forgotten, the money runs out.
We have met so many talented, intelligent young ladies who are not able
to dream about finishing High School or excelling in University simply
because the family has no money to cover the basic tuition, transportation
and daily lunch costs. Your gift will change the lives of these girls!
$85 for 1 Month per Girl │Account 2-5010OQ
Missionary Training by Involvement (Latin Amcerica)
God is raising up a new generation of men and women who are keen to serve Him.
We find there is huge impact when one of our pastors from Bolivia is able to serve
a short-term mission trip in Cuba, or from Mexico to Bolivia. Help us provide funds
for helping with the costs for these ministry trips.
$1,100 per Pastor per Mission Trip │Account 2-5010OR
Last Year, the EFCCM’s
World of Hope
3,320 meals
for Bolivian
street kids
325 mammograms
for Cuban women
78 microloans in
$5,300 to Talita Cumi
Childrens’s Home
41 kids attending
day camp
in Ukraine
And much,
much more!