December 2013 Newsletter - Mary Mother of the Poor
December 2013 Newsletter - Mary Mother of the Poor
THE HEALING MINISTRY AND MMP IN 2013 NEWSLETTER ISSUE 6 – DEC. 2013 MMP starts their Mission to the Poor in Mindoro in Ilin Island under Rev. Bishop Antonio Palang The joy of serving God in His Church is reflected in the words of the psalmist, “The Lord has done great things for us! We are glad!” Psalm 126:3. These are exactly the words that prevail in our hearts as members of the Missionaries of Mary Mother of the Poor (MMMP), a very young Community founded by Fr. Fernando Suarez, MMMP, in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro, Philippines. “We are filled with joy because He is with us; He called us into the mission and ours is a humble response”. MMMP is the main beneficiary of Mary Mother of the Poor Foundation (MMP) and we minister all the Programs for the Poor. Part of MMMP’s birthing process is the on-going discernment on our identity and mission. In relation to this, we had our First General Assembly from April 22 to May 10, 2013 in Semirara Island, Antique, Philippines, where we the priests and brothers have prayed, reflected, discussed and discerned together our identity and missionary calling. True enough, the Lord started to reveal in us the centrality of the Eucharist in our life and mission – we are rooted in our God, the Eucharistic Lord. This is also the reason why we have the monthly 40-Hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in all our communities. As the Lord taught us, we are now rooted in our identity as Eucharistic, Faithful to the Teaching Authority of the Church, Marian in our Spirituality, and Lovers of the Poor for we love Mary the Mother of Jesus, the Lover of the poor. The fruits of our intimacy with God and the dynamic relationship with Him are seen in our growing engagements in the following apostolates: a) The Healing Ministry Outreach that is both national and global has touched thousands and thousands of people who are brought back to our Catholic faith and to a renewal in their Christian identity ; b) The Pastoral Ministries, through which we provide pastoral care of mission communities in isolated, often neglected islands in Occidental Mindoro, have made our brothers and sisters feel they are not neglected by God and that God still cares for them; c) The Feeding Program, through which we sustain some twelve thousand school children in Ilin, has drastically improved the health and nutrition of the young. The parents, barangay officials and teachers are tapped to help facilitate the implementation of the feeding of the children twice a week spearheaded by the MMMP seminarians based in Ilin Island. It involves the following communities and barangays: Ilin proper, Ambulong Island, Labangan, Ansiray, Catayongan, Pawican, Tibago, Pitogo, Natandol and Manga. d) The Solar LED Lights Program, in partnership with Watts of Love Foundation, through which we provide solar LED lights to every poor household in Ilin Island, has given each family the opportunity to improve their livelihood, and has provided their children longer time to study in the evening without fear of being burned by kerosene lamps; e) The Scholarship Program, presently, the MMP Scholarship Program is sending more than fifty (50) students to different colleges in San Jose Mindoro and Manila (Divine Word College of San Jose, Occidental Mindoro State College, Central Colleges of the Philippines, Cavite State University, and National College of Science and Technology). In Batangas area, we have 12 scholars in different levels: two (2) in High School, nine (9) in College, and one (1) Seminarian. The MMP is taking care of their full tuition fees. When invited to say Mass at the National College of Science and Technology (NCST), Fr. Fernando shared about the plight of the people of Ilin. Thence, the institution offered a program to help them get employed. NCST offered exams to around fifty (50) unemployed high school graduates from Ilin with ages ranging between 18 and 24. Thirty five (35) of them passed the preliminary exams, 20 men, 15 women, all of whom are single. From there they are offered an intensive ladderized vocational/technical program for three months. The NCST connects with companies and ask about available jobs. Then the NCST will be the one to train these candidates. After three months of training, they will already be employed by the company if satisfied by their performance during the training program. After their contract with the company ends, they can choose to undergo training. Thus, it is ladderized in this sense. As initial feedback from the NCST trainers, Ilin applicants are excelling and have been exhibiting exemplary performance. One thing is certain, that MMMP has not only taught them to earn a living but also an opportunity to live with dignity. f) The Livelihood Program such as the Rosary-making, seaweeds development, bamboo sticks development and basket-making are only some of the livelihood activities that give hope to the poor families in the island; g) The Youth Evangelization Services (YES) Movement, through which we are able to reach out to some fifty thousand youth in various public schools in the country through evangelization encounters and prayer sessions, has continually grown in their commitment to their fellow youth; h) The Media Ministries such as TV Masses, “Healing Grace” Program at Radio Veritas, Social Media networks, and Print Media are keeping our brothers and sisters connected to the Word of God and to the healing power of our God and Father. Truly, the vast opportunities to serve God and His Church overwhelm us because we have so many poor in our midst. It is in this context that we continue to pray for more vocations in the Church. Pray that our new community, the MMMP, would grow according to the desire of the Potter, “We are the clay, You are the potter; we are all the work of Your hand” Isaiah 64:8; (see also Jeremiah 18:1-4). With one voice of love and gratitude, we sincerely thank you all our lay associates worldwide who pray with and for us and for the unwavering financial and emotional support that you have been extending to us. We shall know that “It takes the whole community to form a priest.” You are a gift to us! You are a gift to the Church! Br. Polie Lopez Atienza, MMMP Wedding in Ilin : 38 Couples Exchange Vows Thirty eight couples all of them residents of Ilin Island – exchange their vows in a pre-Valentine wedding ceremony held in the chapel of Santisima Trinidad Ilin Proper. Most of them are civilly married but postponed their wedding because of the inconvenience in the church wedding preparations and the cash outflow that goes with the celebration. The wedding dress, barong Tagalog, veil, ring and aras were provided for them by the generous supporters of the Missionaries of Mary Mother of the Poor Community. After the wedding the children of the couples were also baptized. The wedding mass was presided by Fr. Fernando Suarez, MMMP and con-celebrated by Fr. Jeff Shannon, MMMP last February 12, 2013. The celebration was completed with a buffet feast served to the couples together with their families and sponsors. Acknowledgements : Thanks to Gene and Linda Sazon from Toronto, Canada who sponsored the Kasalan ng Bayan February 11, 2013: Ilin Island Becomes a Formation Community of MMMP February 11, 2013 marked a historic day in the life of the Missionaries of Mary Mother of the Poor. On this day Bishop Antonio Palang blessed our first house of formation; the Blessed John Paul II Formation House. It is in this place where the Seminarians begin their training to become priests serving in God’s Church. Communal Prayer, Adoration, the Liturgy of the Hours and the Rosary are practiced daily. As well, the island provides a rich experience of “formation through exposure”, as the Seminarians live together with the poorest of the poor. We started our feeding program for all the malnourished children in the whole island of Ilin, House to house evangelization and solar light distribution for there is no electricity available to the whole island. We are also doing basic catechism, preparing them for the sacraments; we also have Bible study with the poor and house to house praying of the Holy Rosary. Experiencing the life of God’s blessed poor will not only strengthen the Seminarians’ call and mission to be totally selfless, but also to understand the DIVINE PROVIDENCE of God which the poor experienced daily. Most Rev. Antonio Palang, SVD, DD officiates the altar blessing at Santisima Trinidad Chapel Fr. Fernando Suarez, founder of MMMP blesses the church vicinity with Fr. Jeff & MMMP The blessing continued at the Blessed John Paul II Formation House at the back of the chapel Thanks to DMCI, Mr. Vic Consunji, Ms. Lucy Consunji, Mr.& Mrs. Manny Sta. Cruz, Mr. & Mrs. Baby Ignacio Homeland Pilgrimage: An Experience of the MMMP Missionary Life “I never knew that my pilgrimage to our own remote, forgotten island in Ilin was all I needed to change the way I look at the Philippines and my fellow Filipinos!” By Ms. Mercy Eribal This February I went on an unusual pilgrimage with a group of around 30 Filipinos from US and Canada - a Pilgrimage to the Philippines with Fr. Fernando Suarez. We went to different places and the most exciting part was the trip to Ilin Island where Fr. Fernando and the newly-founded MMMP community are doing their mission. We reached San Jose Mindoro by plane and took a 45- minute motor-boat trip to the island. concrete lives. They have regained their dignity and rediscovered the goodness in their hearts. “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.” From the distance the first view that welcomes the eyes is the structure of Santisima Trinidad Chapel. The place has been transformed into an avenue of encounter with God. Our stay in Ilin gave us an experience of the MMMP life and mission in the island. We joined their common prayers and participated in their mission activities during Our remaining two days were spent back in Manila. I that short sojourn. We assisted in the heart-melting exchange of vows of 38 couples during the Kasalan ng Bayan organized by the MMMP. Everything was prepared to make the event a foretaste of heaven. All was free of charge - from the wedding gowns, rings, framed photos and the administration of the sacraments. The recipients have their beautiful stories to tell - stories of gratitude, stories of conversion and stories of hope after the event. Thereafter, we joined Father Fernando in the feeding program and gift-giving. At first glance, these are short term assistance and seemingly irrelevant. But, accounts from the recipients reveal how these have transformed their way of seeing things and experiencing God in their witnessed what I should say, “the biggest gathering of people during the weekend!” Saturday evening is the Mass at the Glorietta Activity Center flocked by approximately twelve to fifteen thousand people. The Mass starts at 5:00pm and finishes around 10:30pm. The next morning is the ABS-CBN Mass at 6:00am with millions of viewers worldwide. From there Fr. Fernando rushed to Monte Maria in Tagaytay (a two-hour ride) for the 10:00am Mass attended by approximately ten thousand people from National Capital Region and neighboring areas. From there, Fr. Fernando again hurried back to Quezon City for the Radio Veritas 6:00 to 8:00pm Healing Grace with Fr. Suarez being followed worldwide because it is available via live-streaming in the internet. The day is finally closed with the feeding program of the street families in the vicinity of Radio Veritas in West Avenue. That pilgrimage to my own homeland, more than a mere personal journey, was also a glimpse of God’s action through the missionary life of Fr. Fernando and his newly-founded community of Missionaries of Mary Mother of the Poor both in Ilin island and Manila area. A thank you letter to Fr. Fernando for the gift of healing… Dear Reverend Father Suarez: My name is Theresa Soto and I am writing first of all to express my deepest gratitude to you for sharing your healing gift with the world. Secondly, I am very fortunate to have experienced your gift first hand and am now a living testament to God’s amazing power. My friend Edna shared stories of your ministry with me often, and I wondered what it would be like to go to a healing mass. When I learned that you were coming to Charleston, South Carolina to perform a healing mass, I was very excited. I will never forget that evening in February 2012 when you touched my forehead as this is the night my life was changed forever. Though I was anxious and excited to meet you and experience one of your healing masses, I was skeptical because I felt nothing “special” would happen to me, mainly because I did not feel that I was special. However, more than anything, I wanted and had prayed for a healing of a very frightening condition, so I was determined to go. I am so glad I did. You see, for 12 years prior to meeting you that evening, I had suffered from mysterious nocturnal heart palpitations that occurred in the middle of the night, without warning, always awakening me from a sound sleep in a state of panic. For no apparent reason, while I was asleep, my heart would just “take off running” at 150 plus beats per minute. I almost always had to go to the hospital because I could not get it to slow down and it was terrifying. I cannot begin to tell you how many ambulance rides and middle of the night emergency room visits I had in those 12 years, but it was unbelievable. These frequent episodes took a terrible toll, both financially and emotionally, on my family and I felt awful, but it was out of my control. I was examined by doctor after doctor, was given test after test, spoke with counselor after counselor, but none of them could find anything either physically or mentally wrong with me. I developed sleep anxiety and was literally afraid to go to sleep at night because it might “happen” again. I was afraid to go out of town because I was embarrassed by my “condition” and all the upheaval it caused. I was prescribed tranquilizers to make me fall asleep, but the episodes still occurred. I began to think I was destined for a lifetime of never having “peace” at night or being able to truly “rest” when I laid down to sleep. I felt “doomed”. When I came to your healing service, I thought to myself, “If all of those doctors and specialists haven’t been able to help me, what makes you think attending this mass is going to be any different?” But then again, I asked, “What could it hurt?” I waited a very long time to see you and was growing very tired and hungry. My legs and back hurt so bad from standing so long, I just wanted to give up. Something inside told me to keep the faith. I was so happy that the wait was over that I practically ran up to the front to wait for your blessing. As I watched you walk from person to person and simply touch their forehead, I was still very skeptical and really did not expect anything. Then it hit me….really hit me. As soon as you touched my forehead, I saw the brightest light I have ever seen enter my forehead and I dropped like a ton of bricks. As I lay there, I could hear everyone around me and I felt that I should try to stand up, but I could not move. I was afraid at first, but then I felt very calm and heard a voice, which I felt was God’s, tell me, “Do not be afraid. I am with you.” At that moment, I did not resist any further and fell into the “sleep”. I have never felt such peace and serenity in all my life. It was beautiful. Once I awoke, I felt strangely at peace, almost “intoxicated” with peace and joy. For the next three days, I felt as if I were in a “bubble of light” that could not be penetrated from the outside world. And then it hit me…I was healed! Glory be to God! I was healed! I have never again had my mysterious heart palpitations and now sleep peacefully at night. Twelve years of suffering had vanished by a simple touch. Since my healing, I have witnessed to all of my family, my friends, my co-workers, and even my doctors about this truly amazing experience. I felt the power of God and know that it is real. I have made believers out of my family and am coming before you to ask that you pray over them so that they might experience God’s power in healing as I did. I will be forever grateful to you and your ministry and would like to be able to thank you in person one day. Until then, I will continue to be a messenger for your work through God and wish you many blessings. Thank you again for sharing your gift with the world. You are a blessing. Yours in Faith, Theresa M. Soto Fr. Fernando Suarez: An instrument of Gods Healing in Vienna,Austria This is Beatrix Krenn from Vienna, Austria and she was crying so hard giving her testimony in a foreign language. Fr. Jeff had to ask someone to interpret what she said. She came to the healing mass of Fr. Fernando a year ago and was completely healed of breast cancer. A friend, Sr. Carol Gamperl invited her to attend Fr. Fernando’s healing mass and let us just say that what happened next is nothing short of a miracle. As I write this, I am still in awe. My first encounter with Fr. Fernando was at St. Dennis Church in Lockport, Illinois in August of 2013. I went to Lockport to try to meet Fr. Fernando because my wife and I were going on the pilgrimage to Europe in September with him. At the service, I was a little skeptical about participating in the healing service, so I did not go up for the blessing. We did get the chance to speak briefly with Father and found him to be genuinely warm and caring. He was surprised to hear that we were going to Europe with his group. While in Vienna, Austria, there was a healing service and I felt inspired to participate. I went up and told Father that I wanted to hear the word of the Lord better because my hearing has been failing me for many years. I have been using hearing aids for over 10 years. Father took out my hearing aids and placed his hands on both my ears. I felt a burst of sound in both ears. I was filled with an enormous amount of emotion. Father asked me in a whisper for my name. I heard him loud and clear and I dropped to my knees and started to cry with joy. Since this experience I have not worn my hearing aids. I hear fine. At times, it fades in and out but I truly feel it is a miracle. Praise the power of the Lord! - Leonard Waszkiewicz, Darien, Illinois The Gift the People of Ilin Gave Me – by Rhorie Halili Abalos It was a few months ago when 30 pilgrims from all over the United States and Canada got together to go on a journey to the Philippines. They were all filled with so much excitement that they will be involved in doing something good specifically to help the poor people in the Island of Ilin, Occidental Mindoro. This will involve a feeding program, witnessing a mass wedding of 38 couples, a medical mission and handing out of solar LED lamps, toys and clothes to its inhabitants. They allotted space in their luggage or reserved a “balikbayan box” to give away to help the people of Ilin. For in Matthew 25:37-40 it says “Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’ I was one of those privileged pilgrims and what I took with me to give to the Island of Ilin was nothing in comparison to what they gave me going home. Upon my return to Chicago, there is not a waking moment that I do not think of their faces. Not the face of need, of hunger and of desperation…but a face with a smile, a face of gratitude for what they have and what the Lord continues to pour out to them…the face of faith…the face of hope…the face of happiness in the midst of poverty. They do not long for what they do not have, they are thankful for what they have, no matter how little and how simple it is. In Luke 6:20-21 it says “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh.” Never again will I turn on a light switch without thinking of them, for the Island of Ilin does not have electricity. The Missionaries of Mary Mother of the Poor (MMMP) in partnership with Watts of Love (founded by Nancy and John Economou) worked hand-in-hand to be able to bring 1000 Solar LED Lamps to the families of Ilin. I was blessed to join the founders in personally handing out these lamps to three of the families there. To my surprise, the first greeting we receive from Nanay Rosalina was “Sino ba naman ako para pag-aksayahan ninyo ng panahon na bisitahin?” (Who am I that you will waste your time visiting me?) We did not leave any family without first praying for them. The gist of which was “God brought us to you so that you will know how much He cares for you. We do not know you and we do not know where you live, but God does and that is the reason why we are here. He has made us instruments of His undying love for you.” On my last day, I ran into Ofel , Nanay Rosalina’s granddaughter and I put my hands into her face and told her “Physically, you will not see us anymore but I want to let you know, I am leaving my heart here with you and I will carry all of you in mine going back home. I will continue to pray for all of you always!” To this I added, the material things that we have given to you is insignificant, the more important thing for you to remember is that God will never abandon you. He will always provide for your needs as long as you do not forget to pray and talk to Him. “Did not God choose the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him? “ James 2:5 Before we left the Philippines, Fr. Fernando shared the good news that the organization “Feed My Starving Children” has committed to provide the 10,000 malnourished children of Ilin food for the next five years. When we told our friends of this, they informed us that they were at Libertyville, Illinois just a week ago, 100 of them volunteering to pack this food. They chose the Philippines as their country of destination of food. It has come full circle, while they were packing in the US, we were receiving the food in the Philippines. This is how good our God is! I know I speak on behalf of the 30 other pilgrims when I say, “Thank you very much, people of Ilin for teaching us what life is all about.” It is about family, about caring for one another, about simplicity of life. It is about faith, hope and love. Now, we are all very thankful for all the blessings that the Lord has given us, visiting Ilin Island and meeting you. We thought we came to give, instead we were the ones who received. \ MAKING DONATIONS SIMPLE… What is “Online Giving”? “Online Giving” on the Internet is a safe and secure system that allows you to donate to one or more intentions and choose your method of payment (credit/debit/bank card or echeck). You can set it up for one-time or automatic recurring donations and frequency. If you create an account, you will be able to track and print each donation. You can also create a “pledge” and the system will send you email reminders. Refer to the “Donation/Pledge Form” below for instructions. Options for donation to Mary Mother of the Poor (MMP) USA: 1. By credit card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Discover) debit/bank card or check: a. Go to b. Click on the "Donate" tab at the top of the home page or at the bottom left hand page c. On the Online Giving page, click First Time? to create an account or click Quick Give if you do not want an account created. You have options to do a one-time donation or automatic monthly donations. 2. (USA Only): By mailing a check payable to MMP to: Mary Mother of the Poor 5411 East State St. #356 Rockford IL 61108 For Canada and the Philippines, see address below. 3. (USA Only): Wire transfer to Bank of America Account # 291013332956, Routing # 026009593 Donations: Ministry of the Poor: (This includes Health and Nutrition Program, Medical Missions, Education Assistance, Housing Projects and Livelihood Program) _____ Donations: Support a Seminarian: (To help in the Formation and Studies of Missionaries of Mary Mother of the Poor (MMMP) Seminarian _____ $2,500/year (can be paid in monthly installments) I would like to donate $__________________Attached is a check representing the total amount. I pledge to donate $________________________for ___________________________________ I wish to pay this pledge in the following manner: $__________ Monthly for ___________ months starting (Month/year) __________________ $__________ Quarterly for __________ quarters starting (Month/year) __________________ __________ Attached are postdated checks representing payments indicated above. (It would greatly help administratively if you can issue post-dated checks totaling your pledge amount) ________________________________ Signature _______________________________ Date Please make checks payable to: MARY MOTHER OF THE POOR and mail to: Canada: USA: Philippines: Mary Mother of the Poor 1568 Merivale Rd., Suite 103 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2G 5Y7 Chola de Jesus Tel: (613) 225-6212 [email protected] Mary Mother of the Poor 5411 East State St. #356 Rockford, IL USA 61108 Rhorie Abalos Tel: (815) 978-1535 [email protected] Mary Mother of the Poor Unit 302, VVS Bldg. Multinational Village, Access Road Paranaque City, Philippines Hanna Alvarez Contact #: +63 926 634-7457 [email protected] Fr. Suarez Cup Benefits the Clergy and donates 1 Million Pesos for Pablo Victims Friends, family, mission partners and fellow priests celebrated with Fr. Fernando his 46th birthday. One celebration is held on February 7, the date of birth itself, with around 200 priests who participated in the Fr. Suarez Cup: 4th Priests Tennis Tournament. One million pesos was donated to typhoon Pablo victims in the Diocese of Tagum and Mati in Davao. The event was highlighted by the Eucharistic celebration presided by the Most Rev. Precioso Cantillas, SBD, DD of Maasin, concelebrated with Most Rev. Ricardo Baccay, DD of Tuguegarao and Most Rev. Wilfredo Manlapaz, DD of Tagum. After the Mass, Fr. Fernando was enfolded by his family and friends from here and abroad as they crooned a birthday song. Performance from the Angelos highlighted the end of the celebration. (Special thanks to Ms. Beth Tagle for organizing the Birthday celebration and to all those who supported the event.) Message from the Founder: The Power of Prayer With the demands of the mission that God has entrusted to me through the Church, I feel I always need your prayers. Let us pray for one another, intercede for one another. It is a mystery how God answers our prayers. Is it because of our faith? How about the little children who have no idea what faith is? Is it because of other’s faith? How about those who are not healed through the intercessions of holy men and women? One thing is for sure, prayers are answered because God willed it. I am healed because God willed it. God answers prayers. It will change your life! When I met Bishop Antonio Palang, SVD, DD in November 11, 2007 in Lipa, he asked the local community in Ilin Island to pray for me and Fr. Jeff. I did not know that. I discover this. “Bishop told us to pray for Fr. Suarez and Fr. Jeff and we had no idea who they are. Nevertheless, we prayed for them every day especially during the rosary. We had no idea though, who they are since there is no television here in the island. Only some years later when they came here were we able to exclaim, ‘these are who we were praying for each day! These are Fr. Suarez and Fr. Shannon.” In the first appearance to the world after the conclave, Pope Francis asked the people to pray for him. Such gesture is very reassuring that we can indeed pray for one another, that prayer is powerful! Brothers and sisters let us seek to be holier each day and pray for one another. In his message to the priests around the world, Pope Francis said that the reason why some priests grow and lose heart comes from seldom going out of oneself which leads to missing out on the best of our people. I see that the same holds true for everyone as I repeatedly say during the Masses. Too much focus on ourselves can cause us dissatisfaction and even depression. Instead, let us reach out to others, to edify them, pray for them, pray with them! As we strive to live a healed life, a life in the Risen Lord, putting the Lord as the criteria of our judgments, decisions and actions, let us endeavor to be closer to one another. Prayer can unite us more than any other activity that we can have. Let us seek holiness and intercede for one another. Pray for one another and be holy. Rev. Fr. Fernando M. Suarez, MMMP Charismatic Founder, Missionaries of Mary Mother of the Poor Both are concomitant and inseparable. Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Krzeptowki in Zakopane, Poland Fr. Fernando saying mass at the crypt of St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna, Austria Fr. Jeff saying mass at the Sanctuary of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa, Poland Mass being celebrated at The Divine Mercy Basilica in Krakow, Poland Fr. Fernando with con-celebrant Fr. Rey Buenaventura celebrates mass at the Church of our Lady of Victorious the home of Infant Jesus of Prague in the Czech Republic For information on upcoming events: Visit:
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