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clicking here - Saint Leo University
2003 - 2004
Saint LeoUniversity
Table of
Mission and Values Statement .............................................................................................................. 1
Feature Stories
President’s Message................................................................................................................................ 3
Dr. Arthur F. Kirk, Jr.
Susan H. Peirce
Vice President,
University Advancement
Shaping Natural Student Leaders................................................................................................................... 7
Editorial Staff
Doyia Turner
Director of Public Relations
A Dedication of Service
to the Military and to Education.......................................................................................................................... 9
Jacqui Cash
Balancing Athletics, Academics, and Community A Reflection of Benedictine Values....................................................................................................................... 11
School of Business Incorporating Values Into Curriculum ............................................................................................................ 5
Phil Gargiulo
Facts & Figures................................................................................................................................................ 13
Sally Guignon
2003-2004 Year in Review............................................................................................................................. 14
Francis Crociata
Director of Gift Planning
Frank Mezzanini
Vice President
Business Affairs
Lynn Altman
Public Relations Staff Assistant
Design & Printing
Shoestring Graphics, Inc.,
Dade City, Florida
Rinaldi Printing, Tampa, Florida
Andy Clingempeel
Showpig Studio, Tampa, Florida
All correspondence concerning
this publication should be
forwarded to:
Saint Leo University
University Campus
Office of Public Relations
P.O. Box 6665
Saint Leo, Fl 33574-6665
[email protected]
Financial Highlights........................................................................................................................................ 16
Board of Trustees.............................................................................................................................................. 18
Honor Roll of Donors
Highlights......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Campaign Commitments, Students,
Trustees, $10,000 Donors................................................................................................................................ 20
Faculty/Staff..................................................................................................................................................... 21
Alumni............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Parents............................................................................................................................................................. 29
Friends............................................................................................................................................................. 30
Organizations.................................................................................................................................................. 31
Matching Gift Companies, Honorary Gifts,
Memorial Gifts, Gifts In Kind.......................................................................................................................... 32
The James J. Horgan Heritage Society,
Endowments for Scholarship and Other Purposes........................................................................................... 33
Saint Leo University is accredited
by the Commission on Colleges of
the Southern Association of Colleges
and Schools (1866 Southern Lane,
Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097;
telephone number 404-679-4501)
to award associate’s, bachelor’s and
master’s degrees.
Alumni Relations: 1-888-752-2586
Admissions: 1-800-334-5532
Public Relations: 1-352-588-8572
On the Cover
Stained glass from the Saint Leo Abbey Church located on the grounds of Saint Leo University, Saint Leo, Florida.
Saint LeoUniversity
Saint Leo University is a Catholic, liberal artsbased university serving people of all faiths.
Rooted in the 1,500-year-old Benedictine tradition, the University seeks balanced growth in
mind, body, and spirit for all members of its
community. On its home campus, through online,
and many extension centers, Saint Leo University
offers a practical, effective model for life and leadership in a challenging world; a model based on a
steadfast moral consciousness that recognizes the
dignity, value, and gifts of all people.
To accomplish its mission, the University community creates a student-centered environment
in which the love of learning is of prime importance. Members of the community are expected
to examine and express their own values, listen
respectfully to and respond to the opinions of
others, serve the community in which they live,
welcome others into their lives and care for all of
God’s creations.
Saint Leo University is an educational enterprise.
All of us, individually and collectively, work hard
to ensure that our students develop the character,
learn the skills, and assimilate the knowledge
essential to become morally responsible leaders.
The success of our University depends upon a
conscientious commitment to our mission, vision,
and goals.
Saint Leo University develops hospitable Christian
learning communities everywhere we serve. We
foster a spirit of belonging, unity, and interdependence based on mutual trust and respect to
create socially responsible environments that
challenge all of us to listen, to learn, to change,
and to serve.
Animated in the spirit of Jesus Christ, we value
all individuals’ unique talents, respect their dignity, and strive to foster their commitment to
excellence in our work. Our community’s strength
depends on the unity and diversity of our people, on the free exchange of ideas, and on learning, living, and working harmoniously.
and Values
Personal Development
Saint Leo University stresses the development of
every person’s mind, spirit, and body for a balanced life. All members of the Saint Leo University
community must demonstrate their commitment
to personal development to help strengthen the
character of our community.
Responsible Stewardship
Our Creator blesses us with an abundance of
resources. We foster a spirit of service to employ
our resources to university and community development. We must be resourceful. We must optimize and apply all of the resources of our community to fulfill Saint Leo University’s mission and
The commitment of Saint Leo University to
excellence demands that its members live its
mission to deliver on its promise. The faculty,
staff and students pledge to be honest, just, and
consistent in word and deed.
Arthur F. Kirk, Jr., President
Saint LeoUniversity
Since its humble beginnings in 1889, Saint
Leo University has committed itself to nurturing
students’ minds, bodies, and spirits in the Benedictine tradition of its founders. It is doubtful
the monks and sisters who laid the foundation
of what is today a global, Catholic university
with more than 12,000 students envisioned
such a grand and far-reaching mission. With
just 32 students in the pioneer class, Saint Leo
charted a course for academic excellence where
relationships and the value of community are
held in the highest regard.
Saint Leo made the transition from a college
to a preparatory school in 1920, in keeping with
the educational needs of the times. In 1959, it
returned to its collegiate roots and in 1999 the
name was changed to Saint Leo University, validating its growth and strength as an institution.
Along the way, Saint Leo has blazed trails
in higher education. We enrolled an African
American student in 1898, when it was illegal to
do so. We reached out to the military with educational opportunities on military bases during
the height of the Vietnam War. We reached
across oceans through Internet-based degree
programs and international partnerships. While
these advancements are notable, it is our Catholic mission and Benedictine tradition that separates us from other institutions. Those values
and traditions guide our future endeavors with
strength and conviction.
The Saint Leo tradition is alive and well as the
University celebrates many milestones over the
past year. Some of these achievements include:
Development of new academic programs: master of science in criminal justice; master of education with a specialization in exceptional
student education; master of art in psychology;
bachelor of arts in management; and a bachelor of arts in communications management.
$1 million grant to establish video conferencing technology linking the University Campus to several Continuing Education Centers
on military bases in five states.
$300,000 corporate to classroom grant to develop a master of arts in teaching.
$2.5 million in state transportation funds to
improve the entrance to University Campus.
$1 million gift from an anonymous donor.
This is only the third $1 million gift in University history, but the third in 15 months.
$4.6 million in individual and corporate gifts
and pledges raised in 2003-2004.
$8.1 million in official signed pledges for the
first-ever capital campaign.
Growing enrollments that now top 12,600 students.
Starting construction on two new residence
halls to house 323 additional students.
Improving service delivery to students and
staff driven by technological improvements
on every front.
Producing strong financial results.
Growing faculty ranks.
Increasing compensation beyond higher education averages and the consumer price index.
Completing a landscape master plan and making further improvements to our University
Implementing IRoar to build an online community for Center for Online Learning students and developing a web portal to improve
access for all students, staff, and eventually
Improving student satisfaction, employee
morale, and graduation rates.
We have made great progress, yet there is
more to be done. We have the opportunity for
victory every day when we help students reach
their goals. Saint Leo’s values increasingly attract
attention and people to our cause. They make
us distinct and strong. Combined with our mission, vision, and plans we will have the power to
move forward for a vibrant future. While the
University is indeed growing, it never will lose
sight of the founding Benedictine principles that
ensure a bright and prosperous future for Saint
On the following pages, you will see and read
about some of the people, past and present, who
have helped instill the values and traditions that
make Saint Leo University what it is today – a
growing, innovative, and financially strong university.
Dr. Marvin T. Travis (left) 1982-1997 and
Dr. Michael Nastanski
Saint LeoUniversity
Saint Leo’s Benedictine values have proven to
be a solid foundation on which to grow and cultivate a successful School of Business. Dr.
Marvin T. Travis, a business professor from 1982
to 1997, knew the importance of combining
business acumen with ethics. Serving as department chair and as dean of business administration during his tenure, he helped to establish the
direction of the School of Business. “My ideal
vision was to produce the best quality business
students that would go on to graduate school,”
said Travis. “And, we did that.”
Travis spent 20 years in the Air Force, transitioning into higher education when he retired at
45. He holds a doctorate from Nova Southeastern
University, an MBA from Arizona State University,
and a bachelor’s from Emory University. “I embraced the infusion of the Benedictine values into
my teaching methods,” said Travis. The congeniality among the faculty was also a plus, fostering
cooperation and excellence between the different
Travis helped establish other initiatives that
are still vital today, including the first graduate
program, an MBA program in 1995; cultivation
of the non-traditional student population; and
establishing the first computer center. “After I
became chair in 1982, I realized the need for
computers – Saint Leo did not have any computers at the time,” said Travis. His work resulted in
Saint Leo receiving its computer center, donated
by Hugh Culverhouse, former owner of the Tampa
Bay Buccaneers.
The tradition of incorporating the Benedictine
values and a holistic approach to education continues today. Dr. Michael Nastanski, assistant professor of business, is enthusiastic about Saint Leo’s
values-based business education. “We are leveraging our teaching methods with state-of-the-art
technology to connect with students across the
globe,” said Nastanski. “In order to make a difference in students’ lives, Saint Leo professors have to
live the values themselves. Everyday, we are given
opportunities to become great educators and to
develop ethical students,” said Nastanski. “There
is a great entrepreneurial spirit on campus. We
are encouraged to go beyond our comfort zone –
everyone is willing to take risks,” he added.
Nastanski brings 20 years of international
business experience to the classroom. He holds
a bachelor’s degree from Wayne State University,
a master’s from Central Michigan University, and
a doctorate from the University of Sarasota.
“When I walked on University Campus for the
first time, I knew I was in the right place,” said
“I feel an obligation and sacred duty to help
Saint Leo students reach for their dreams,” said
Nastanski. “My life was changed by education. I
grew up in the inner city of Detroit. My parents
did not have much, but they taught us the value
of a good education.”
The School of Business’ programs have grown
and matured over the years, offering classes
to more than 12,000 traditional and non-traditional students at University College, Saint Leo’s
15 Continuing Education Centers, Weekend
and Evening Programs, the Center for Online
Lear ning, Graduate Programs, and the China
MBA Program. The School of Business has also
added two new bachelor’s degrees this year in
management and communications management. “Saint Leo is evolving into one university
with the use of distance learning, video conferencing, online classes, and more,” said Nastanski.
Saint Leo is building a symbol of its commitment to business education by building a stateof-the-art School of Business to be located on
University Campus. Saint Leo has come a long
way in the area of computer technology, since
the one computer lab that Travis brought to
University Campus. Every incoming resident
freshman receives a laptop computer fitted for a
wireless campus.
The initiatives and successes of today would
not be possible without the foresight and commitment of Saint Leo’s founding fathers and the
professors who developed policy along the way.
Saint Leo graduates from the School of
Business are revitalizing trust, excellence, and
values in their business communities. They are
changing the face of the business world, for the
School of
Business Incorporating
Values Into
Janet Levic '04 (left) and
Curt Reilly '80
Saint LeoUniversity
Student leadership is an important way for
students to get involved and make a difference
at Saint Leo University. There are 44 active student groups including the Student Government
Union, sororities, fraternities, the Samaritans,
student clubs, and many other organizations. In
every incoming freshman class, there are young
men and women who posses a natural zest for
life and a desire to help. The ability to lead is
inherent, and Saint Leo recognizes and molds
these natural leaders, instilling the skills needed
to be successful.
Curt Reilly ’80 is a past president of the
Student Government Union Executive Board
who went on to become a leader in politics.
Janet Levic ’05 is the current president of the
Student Government Union Executive Board.
They are two very different people who share
the commonality of their Saint Leo experience as
student leaders.
“When I came to Saint Leo, I fell in love with
the beautiful campus,” said Reilly. “The first
thing you saw when you arrived were the orange
groves, the golf course, and an untouched Lake
Jovita.” Today Reilly is the executive director for
public affairs for BellSouth in Tallahassee, Fla.,
establishing key relationships within the Florida
Legislature. He is a 1980 Saint Leo graduate
with a bachelor’s degree in political science and
history. Reilly attributes his success in politics
to the skills and connections he made while at
Saint Leo. “I can make a direct link between Saint
Leo and my career,” he said.
“I became involved in leadership because there
was nothing else to do,” said Reilly. “Not in a bad
way,” he adds. “I came from a big high school
with a large student population. Saint Leo had an
intimate community of about 1,100 students. I
became involved because it was what you did to
keep busy out in the country.”
During his time at Saint Leo from 1977 to
1980, Reilly was very involved in his fraternity
Sigma Lambda, the Kiwanis’ Circle K, and the
Student Government Union Executive Board.
“Circle K was involved in fund raising and charitable work,” he said. When he was a senior, he
was encouraged by his friends to run for the president of the student body.
“As president of the Student Government
Union Executive Board, I had a seat at the table of
the Saint Leo University Board of Trustees,” said
Reilly. “It was very enlightening. Raleigh W.
Greene, Jr., president of the Board of Trustees at
the time, helped me get my first legislative job
with Gov. Bob Graham’s office,” he added. Prior to
joining BellSouth, Reilly was the chief of staff for
State Senator Charles Williams, coordinating legislative policy, government relations, and constituent contacts for the largest senatorial district
in Florida.
“I made life-long friendships and learned to
network at Saint Leo,” said Reilly. “My career in
politics has been a rollercoaster ride, and Saint
Leo gave me my start. As a lobbyist, I present BellSouth’s communications initiatives to the Florida legislature,” he added.
Levic ’05 and current president of the Student
Government Union Executive Board, shines in her
leadership role at Saint Leo. “I was born with this
enthusiasm and drive,” she said. “Saint Leo cultivated my style of leadership and boosted my confidence. Anyone can be a leader, but it is very different to be a leader of leaders.”
“When I was a freshman, Ed Dadez, vice president for Student Affairs, asked me what I wanted
to be at Saint Leo,” said Levic. “I told him I wanted to be president of the Student Government
Union Executive Board, and here I am three years
later,” she added.
Levic has held four positions in the last three
years on the Student Government Union Executive Board: assistant vice president of activities,
vice president of activities, vice president of operation s, and president. She was a finalist for the
“Florida College Student of the Year Award” sponsored by Florida Magazine and has been active in
her sorority Alpha Sigma Tau. “I love everything
about Saint Leo,” said Levic. I have been shaped
and developed by this University.”
Levic and Reilly both agree that being president
of the student body is very humbling and inspiring. “Each member of the board is amazing and it
is a privilege to bring them together to move forward with projects,” said Levic. “Leadership at
Saint Leo is different,” she added. “You don’t work
with other groups and just say, ‘lets make a deal.’
We care about each other and want to be a
stronger community. It makes working together a pleasure,” added Levic.
Both Levic and Reilly have the natural abilities to become student leaders. Through their
exposure to Saint Leo’s Benedictine values and
leadership training provided by the Student
Government Union, they realized their potential
and put their skills to good use.
Fred Colby '84 (left) and
Master Gunnery Sgt. “Top” Robinson '00, '02
Saint LeoUniversity
All too often the “traditional” college
student is often thought of as an eager 18year-old preparing to head off on his or her
own for the first time to four years of
adventure at a campus filled with ivy-covered halls. But the truth is, many students
today are older. In fact, the national average age of college students is 31 years old.
They are looking to complete that long
sought-after degree. Some are fathers and
mothers hitting the books again after years
away from school. Two of the University’s
distinguished alumni fit this very profile.
Both Fred Colby ’84 and Master Gunnery
Sgt. “Top” Robinson ’00, ’02, are continuing a time honored tradition that started at
the very inception of the University - a
strong tie to our nation’s military.
In the early years of Saint Leo, the
University went though a military phase,
with uniforms and required drilling, to
instill discipline and order in its students.
Today, thousands of military personnel
take classes at the University’s 15 distance
learning centers in five states - Virginia,
South Carolina, Texas, Florida, and Georgia
and online. Colby didn’t know of Saint Leo
University’s long established roots with the
military when he decided it was time to
head to college. After 28 years of dedication and service to the United States Navy,
Colby had decided that staying close to his
family was a higher calling then moving up
the ranks. So he decided to take on a new
challenge - college. After graduating from
Saint Leo in 1984, Colby was asked by then
University President Dr. Thomas B. Southard to
take over as the Coordinator of the University’s
Evening College. It was just the first of many
times the University would come to rely on
Colby in time of challenge. He would eventually serve his alma mater as Assistant Director at
both the Weekend College and the Center for
Online Learning - the University’s online degree
program. He perhaps made his biggest contribution as the University’s Registrar. There he revolutionized the way the school kept it students’
records. His service was recognized when he
was named Registrar Emeritus. Colby says it’s
because he was never just happy with the status
quo, “I wasn’t satisfied with the ‘this is the way
we do things’ mentality.” He added, “There’s got
to be a better way to do things. You have got to
be innovative. You have got to be creative.”
It is that same attitude of constant improvement that led Master Gunnery Sgt. “Top”
Robinson to constantly challenge himself.
Already a success in the Marines, Robinson
decided he needed to prepare for life after the
armed forces. The opportunity presented itself
when Saint Leo’s Dr. Janet Moore approached
him about persuading some of his Marines to
take classes at the University. Robinson did
more than that, he became a student himself.
Robinson was continuing his service to the
nation while serving at the Marine Corps Reserve Center, 4th Assault Amphibious Battalion
in Tampa, Fla. He was also busy trying to raise
seven children. He soon had more than a passing interest in getting an education, as he puts it,
“the education goal bit me.” He not only succeeded in getting that bachelor’s degree, he went
on to earn a master’s degree in Management.
Now, he is teaching business students at Saint
Leo’s MacDill and St. Petersburg locations.
His enthusiasm is contagious. Seven of his
Marines would eventually follow in his footsteps, earning their associate’s degrees. From
offering tutoring sessions, to babysitting for
their kids, Robinson was there to help them
accomplish their own dreams. “We talked, and
they had times when they wanted to quit. And,
for every reason, when they wanted to quit, I
gave them a reason to continue.”
Today, Colby and Robinson are both proud
members of the ever-growing Saint Leo alumni
community. Colby, now retired, sees that sense
of belonging thriving in his own family to this
day. After the death of his daughter, he and his
wife adopted their two grandchildren. He says
the University community rallied around his
family, eventually offering his two granddaughters staff scholarships to attend Saint Leo. Today,
his granddaughter Kristen is a sophomore at
Saint Leo. The youngest, Jennifer, is expected to
start classes here next year. Colby explained that
without the scholarships, the girls wouldn’t have
had this amazing opportunity. “It’s the personal,
caring contact that makes this place the way it
is.” And, with the help of these two accomplished veterans, that tradition will continue for
years to come.
A Dedication
of Service
to the Military
and to
Karen Piche '82 Ryan (left),
Morgan Mander '05, and
John Semeraro '04
Saint LeoUniversity
For generations, students looking for a balance between athletics and academics have been
attracted to Saint Leo. The Lions’ Division II
athletics program gives student-athletes the
opportunity to compete at the collegiate level,
while still focusing on academics and community service. Maintaining this balance is a reflection of the Benedictine tradition and values on
which Saint Leo is founded and which are shaping students for generations to come.
Less than a decade after Saint Leo University
opened its doors to the Marion Bowman
Activities Center, Karen Piche ’82 Ryan came to
Saint Leo on a basketball scholarship. Although
she was recruited by a large Division I basketball
program, she chose Saint Leo because she wanted more out of college than a winning season on
the court. In her four years as a student-athlete,
Ryan set athletic records while gaining an appreciation for her community.
A standout center, Ryan was the first woman
at Saint Leo to letter in basketball all four years
of her collegiate career. She also walked away
with two letters in volleyball, one letter in softball, was named to the dean’s list, and was
Athlete-of-the-Month three times. But it was the
friendships that she remembers most of her days
at Saint Leo.
“Community support is one of the passions I
took from Saint Leo,” said Ryan. “While in
school I developed an appreciation for community stewardship and a sense of family. I learned
that family isn’t limited to your immediate family.
It’s the people you’re surrounded by every day.”
Today, Ryan is a mother of two girls and is a
public relations manager for a utility in Fort
Myers, Fla. She likens her Saint Leo experience
to that of a family. She treasures the memory of
practical jokes between students, as if they were
feuding siblings.
“There was always a strong sense of family
when I was at Saint Leo. We were always pulling
silly pranks just as you would do to your family,” said Ryan. “It was not unusual for someone’s
entire dorm room to be moved out into the
Circle in the middle of the campus, in the middle of the night. Their bed, dresser, and everything they owned would be set up in the Circle.”
Student-athletes often describe themselves as
a close-knit group like a fraternity or sorority.
Teammates share dorm rooms, eat meals together, and lean on each other for support. However, when Ryan looked to her teammates to
help with her least-favorite conditioning exercise they never offered her help. Which, as she
said, was their way of showing their love.
“I was never a big fan of conditioning. I
never understood why I had to run as much as
the rest of the team during conditioning because
I was the center and didn’t have to run on the
court as much as the rest of the team,” she said.
“We had to run up the hill to the Jiffy store in
San Antonio, Fla. and bring back an orange off
the trees to prove to the coach that we ran all the
way there. I always begged my teammates to
bring an orange for me so I would only have to
run half the distance, but they never gave in. It’s
funny how I was always able to help a fraternity
roll an empty keg to Tampa down the back
roads to raise money for a service project, but I
didn’t want to do conditioning,” said Ryan.
She reflects on the progress her alma mater
has made since her graduation and eagerly
embraces future progress. “Campus life has
changed so much,” she said. “Today, there is
more to offer students, and there is a greater
sense of community. In the four years I was at
Saint Leo, I watched the women’s athletics program become very strong. Saint Leo recruited
talented athletes and developed a positive reputation,” she added.
Today’s student-athletes share many of the
same experiences as Ryan and the athletes of her
days at Saint Leo. The balance between athletics, academics, and community service attracts
them to the University and the family atmosphere nurtures their involvement both on and
off the field or court.
Like Ryan, John Semeraro ’05 selected Saint
Leo because of the University’s balance between
academics and athletics. The accounting major
from Nashville, Tenn. played soccer and golf his
freshman, sophomore, and junior years. This
year, he chose not to play soccer so he could
devote a stronger focus on his golf game and
“When I played both sports, I would work out
with the soccer team in the early morning before
classes and play golf in the afternoon after class,”
Academics, and
Community A Reflection of
Continue page 12
Saint LeoUniversity
said Semeraro. “It was tough, but I enjoyed having the opportunity to play both sports and still
be active in other projects on campus,” he added.
Semeraro’s life mirrors the University’s balance between athletics and academics. His work
in the classroom, on the golf course, and in the
community has inspired him to pursue a graduate degree in business and sport management
with dreams of one day becoming a collegiate
athletics director.
During his college career, he has amassed several impressive credentials. Semeraro is the vicechair of the NCAA Division II Student Athlete
Advisory Committee. Each of the 25 conferences
in Division II has a student on the committee,
and he was chosen to represent the Sunshine
State Conference. In the summer of 2004, Semeraro
was one of four students who created and implemented the Student Outreach Alumni Program
(SOAP) which connects students and alumni
through personal visits by the students. Using
his experience in these activities, Semeraro also
r ecently produced a student-athlete leadership
program to help teach fellow athletes how they
can have a positive influence at the University.
“There is an emphasis on team unity, almost
like a fraternity,” said Semeraro. “You can become better acquainted with your professors,
and the Florida weather helps my golf game.
My hope for Saint Leo is for the University to
continue to increase the quality of students both
in the classroom and on the athletics fields. In
four years, I have witnessed Saint Leo grow in so
many areas. It’s amazing to see what it has
done,” he added.
Semeraro will be passing his torch as vice
president of the NCAA Division II Student
Athlete Advisory Committee to Morgan Mander
’05. Mander is a Biology major and plays volleyball, tennis, and runs Cross Country. Mander
chose Saint Leo University for many of the same
reasons as Ryan and Semeraro. She could have
gone to a Division I school, but decided that
attending Saint Leo would enable her to play
sports and focus on academics. “At some of the
big schools, I may not have had the opportunity
to play tennis or run cross country,” said
Mander. She added, “At some larger schools,
athletics comes first, academics second. I believe
academics should be first, athletics second. You
can’t just rely on your athletic ability.”
“Sports teaches you time management and
self discipline, because you can’t participate in
several sports and do well academically, if you
don’t have these things,” said Mander. Once
Mander graduates, she plans to enroll in veterinary school. She is pleased with the growth of
the University and believes that raising the quality of students who are focused on their academics and want to be involved will help to improve
the University.
Ryan, Semeraro, and Mander are great role
models for their generations. Following their
tradition, tomorrow’s Lion’s will have as much
Lions’ Athletics
Cross Country
Lacrosse (adding 2005-06)
Swimming (adding 2005-06)
Cross Country
Lacrosse (adding 2005-06)
Swimming (adding 2005-06)
Saint LeoUniversity
Faculty and Staff
Total Faculty 933
Total Staff 403
Full-Time Faculty 100
Terminal Degrees 90 percent
Part-Time Faculty 1
Adjunct Faculty 832
Full-Time Staff 355
Part-Time Staff 48
Saint Leo has 197 athletes
participating in the NCAA
Division II and is a member of
the Sunshine State Conference.
Men’s Sports – Basketball,
Cross Country, Golf, Tennis,
Soccer, and Baseball.
Women’s Sports – Basketball,
Cross Country, Golf, Tennis,
Softball, Soccer, and Volleyball.
Fall Enrollment
Total 12,628
Total University Campus 2,139
University College 1,241
Graduate Programs 506
Weekend and Evening
Program 391
Teacher Recertification 1
Regional Centers 7,182
Florida Region 1,552
Virginia Region 3,946
Central Region 1,684
School of Business
l Accounting
l Business Administration
l Communication
l Computer Information
l Health Care Management
l Human Services
l International Hospitality and
Tourism Management
l Management
l Sport Management
University Campus
Saint Leo, Florida
Center for Online Learning
Florida Region
Gainesville Center
NAS Key West Center
Lake City Center
Madison Office
MacDill AFB Center
Ocala Center
Palatka Center
NS Mayport Office
Weekend and Evening Program,
Saint Leo University
School of Education and
Social Services
l Criminal Justice
l Elementary Education (K-6)
l Human Resources
l Social Work
Virginia Region
Fort Eustis Center
Fort Lee Center
Langley AFB Center
South Hampton Roads Center
NAS Oceana Office
NS Norfolk Office
Degree Programs
Associate of Arts
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Social Work
Master of Business
Master of Counseling
Master of Criminal Justice
Master of Education
Center for Online Learning 3,307
Total Minorities 39%
University Campus
Minorities 22%
Student:Teacher Ratio 16:1
University-wide, Saint Leo
enrolls students from 50 states,
46 countries, and four territories.
University College
(per year) $13,650
Schools & Majors
School of Arts and Sciences
l Biology
l English
l Environmental Science
l History
l International Studies
l Medical Technology
l Political Science
l Psychology
School of Continuing
Education (per credit)
Civilian Centers $195
Military Centers $125
Center for Online Learning
Graduate Programs
(per credit) $310
Room & Board
Room $1,430-$3,410
Board $580-$1,720
* rates are per semester
Facts &
Central Region
Fort McPherson/
Atlanta Center, Georgia
NS Ingleside Center, Texas
Savannah Center, Georgia
Shaw AFB Center,
South Carolina
International Programs
Beijing, China
New Zealand
Points of Pride
Sixth largest Catholic college
in the United States
Record enrollment with 71
percent growth since 1997
Seventh largest provider of
higher education to the military
Ranked third nationally for
bachelor’s degrees in business
awarded to African Americans
Third consecutive year with an
operating surplus of more
than $1 million
Saint Leo alumni number more
than 45,000 and live in all 50
states and 31 countries.
95 percent of traditional age stu-
dents receive financial aid.
Saint LeoUniversity
Year in Review
July 1, 2003June 30, 2004
180 students moved into Saint Leo’s two, new residence halls. Residence Halls I and II were dedicated
at a ceremony on Oct. 25, 2003.
The late Gaston R. and Evelyn De Groote bequeathed a $2.5 million trust to establish needs-based
scholarships. It was largest gift ever received by the University.
Saint Leo University named ten Saunders Scholars following the award of a $10,000 grant from The
Saunders Foundation of Tampa, Fla., providing assistance to students from the Tampa Bay region.
Saint Leo University continued the tradition of service as more than 250 students, faculty, and staff
came together for Community Service Day on Nov. 8, 2003. Participants prepared the grounds for
winter at the Saint Leo University Grotto, the Saint Leo Abbey orange groves, and Holy Name
On Nov. 17, 2003, more than 100 Saint Leo University students surveyed the Pasco County’s homeless population for the Coalition for the Homeless.
Saint Leo’s license plate was released, featuring the University’s name and lion mascot in green and
Saint Leo established a partnership with Nova Southeastern University’s School of Osteopathic
Medicine and the College of Dental Medicine to offer two new programs for students interested in
careers in medicine and dentistry.
Saint Leo launches its new web site www.
Saint Leo launches iRoar, a web service for continuing education students.
Saint Leo soccer player, Cassie Poyssick '07 has been named “Sunshine State Conference Offensive
Player-of-the-Week” four times and “SSC Female Athlete-of-the-Month” one time. She holds the
Saint Leo record for the most goals (26) in a single season along with most points (59) in a single
season and career.
Felicitas Morales '06 received a Jessie Ball DuPont Fund Southern Education Foundation summer
internship at the Farm Workers Self Help, Inc., located in her hometown of Dade City, Fla. The
organization seeks to promote self-help and grassroots organizing, while providing cultural preservation and leadership to migrant farm workers.
On Feb. 5, 2004, Father Gregory Traeger, OSB, was presented the Patrick J. Monogue Award by
the Senior Women’s Administrator Christi Wade at the Girls & Women In Sports Banquet held at
Lake Jovita Golf & Country Club on behalf of Saint Leo’s Athletic Department.
On Feb. 5, women athletes were honored at the 11th Annual Saint Leo University Girls & Women in
Sports Banquet. Danielle Fotopoulos received the “Saint Leo University Women in Sports Achievement
Award” for her accomplishments as a professional soccer player. Softball player Mindy Miltner '05
received the “Spirit of Saint Leo Award,” presented annually to a female student-athlete for her contributions
to the community.
On Feb. 27, Saint Leo hosted the annual All-Catholic High School Competition. The first place
winner was Bishop Verot High School, followed by Tampa Catholic, and Melbourne Central
Catholic. Winning team members received a $6,400 Florida All-Catholic Academic Competition
Winner’s Scholarship for each year of a four-year college degree at Saint Leo University.
On Feb. 29, Bishop John Nevins, from the Diocese of Venice, received the “Eternal Light Award”
from the Center for Catholic Jewish Studies (CCJS), a partnership between Saint Leo University
and the American Jewish Committee to foster understanding between Catholic and Jewish faiths,
for outstanding contributions to the cause of interfaith relations and human rights.
Saint LeoUniversity
On March 1, The Saint Leo University Athletic Department honored former freshman women’s
basketball player Elaine Evans, who had passed away unexpectedly in January. The “Spirit of Saint
Leo Award” has been renamed to the “Elaine Evans Spirit of Saint Leo Award.”
On March 4-14, more than 50 Saint Leo students participated in Saint Leo’s alternative spring break
trips to help those in need in the Dominican Republic, the Rio Grande Valley in Mexico, Atlanta, Ga.,
Miami, Fla., and Tampa, Fla.
Year in Review
July 1, 2003June 30, 2004
March 19-21, The Saint Leo Community welcomed alumni back to University Campus for Alumni
Weekend 2004. Many were recognized for their special contributions at the alumni awards presentation.
On April 5, the third annual Spirit of Saint Leo University Golf Tournament was held at Lake Jovita Golf
& Country Club in Dade City, Fla. All proceeds benefited athletic scholarships for student-athletes.
In April, Saint Leo University‘s China program celebrated their first commencement with 36 students
at Beijing Normal University.
On April 17, more than 190 Saint Leo students, faculty, and staff built houses, landscaped, painted,
and cleaned up neighborhoods in Dade City, Fla., during Saint Leo’s Community Service Day.
May 8, Saint Leo University held commencement at University Campus for nearly 500 graduates in
two ceremonies for University College, the Center for Online Learning, Weekend and Evening
Programs, and Graduate Programs. The total number of Saint Leo University graduates in 2004 including graduates from University Campus, our 15 Centers in five states, and online was 2,926.
In May, President Arthur Kirk was elected vice-chair of the Division II President’s Council for the
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).
John Semeraro '05 was named to the NCAA Division II Student Athlete Advisory Board.
Saint Leo University’s first comprehensive campaign received a $1 million anonymous leadership gift
from a Saint Leo alumnus and his wife in support of the University’s strategic priorities.
Internationally, in addition to China, Saint Leo has started holding classes in Taiwan, India, and South
Korea which started as a partnership with New Zealand University.
Saint Leo established five new academic programs. The new academic programs include a master of
science in criminal justice, master of arts in psychology, a new specialization in exceptional student
education for the master of education degree, bachelor of arts in communications management, and
bachelor of arts in management.
Janet Levic '05 was named a finalist for the “Florida College Student-of-the-Year Award” sponsored by
Florida Leader Magazine.
Denyve Duncan '05, two-time All American softball player at Saint Leo was named the Presidential
Fellow for the 2004-2005 academic year by the Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida
(ICUF) Also, as a junior, Duncan helped design and implement the Student Outreach Alumni Program (SOAP) that allows students to reach out to alumni.
Saint Leo University recently installed a state-of-the-art video conferencing network, Video Teleconference for Teaching (VTT) technology, to connect University Campus with other locations.
Dr. Ann Riedling, academic advisor and associate professor of education at Saint Leo University’s St.
Petersburg Office, is the recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship for 2004-2005. She is teaching medical
librarianship at Sultan Qaboos University in Oman.
Saint LeoUniversity
Year Ended
June 30, 2004
Cash.............................................$ 6,244,352
Accounts Receivable.......................... 9,796,702
Investments....................................... 7,112,510
Beneficial Interest
in Trusts......................................... 3,368,919
Other Assets...................................... 1,443,961
Land, Buildings
and Equipment............................ 35,503,598
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts Payable......................... $ 1,401,178
Accrued Expenses............................. 3,830,813
Bonds, Notes,
and Capital
Lease Payable............................... 16,751,003
Other Liabilities................................ 2,707,294
Liabilities................................... $ 24,690,288
(in millions)
Net Assets.................................$ 29,265,887
Net Assets...................................... 3,732,337
Net Assets...................................... 5,781,530
$ 63,470,042 Total
Net Assets.................................. $ 38,779,754
$ 63,470,042
Liabilities and Net Assets..........$ 63,470,042
Land, buildings and equipment
Accounts Receivable
Beneficial Interest in Trusts
Other Assets
Saint LeoUniversity
Tuition and Fees...........................$ 64,216,297
Auxiliary Services.............................. 6,003,961
Contributions.................................... 2,542,371
Other Revenue...................................2,859,089
Instructional.................................$ 37,606,510
Academic Support.............................6,399,889
Student Services................................6,442,114
Institutional Support.......................12,652,262
Auxiliary Services..............................5,155,864
Total Income................................$ 75,621,718
Total Uses.....................................$ 68,256,639
Auxiliary Services
Other Revenue
Tuition and Fees
$ 75,621,718
Student Services
Academic Support
Auxiliary Services
Institutional Support
$ 68,256.639
Expenditures from Gifts and Grants
Net assets were released from donor restrictions as follows, during the year ending June 30, 2004, by incurring expenses satisfying the restricted purposes or by occurrence of other events specified by donors.
Purpose restrictions accomplished:
Donor-supported scholarship aid......................................................................................$ 264,071
Student athletic........................................................................................................................41,027
Teagle Foundation
(alumni involvement).................................................................... .....................................113,420
Private grants......................................................................................................................... 168,311
Other........................................................................................................................................ 44,550
$ 631,379
Summerized information as audited by Ernst & Young.
Ernst & Young, LLP, 100 North Tampa Street, Suite 2200, Tampa, FL 33602
Saint LeoUniversity
Board of
Mr. John A. Bermingham '67
Sister Germaine Bevans, O.S.B.
Mrs. Cynthia Brannen '92
Mr. Thomas Buckridge
Mr. Robert Cabot '71
Mr. Richard Catalano '75
Mr. Douglas B. Cohn
Mr. Stephen DeLuca '83
Dr. Janet Denlinger
Mr. Thomas V. Draude
Mr. Anthony J. Gerbino '74
Mr. Glen E. Greenfelder '61/'63
Mr. Dwaine Gullett
Dr. David A. Hernandez '74
Dr. Arthur F. Kirk, Jr.
Mr. James Lumbra '76
Rev.William McConville,O.F.M.
Ms. Sheila McDevitt '60
Mr. Dennis Mullen '76
Mr. Glen E. Greenfelder
Sr. Mary Clare Neuhofer,
O.S.B. '56
Most Rev. John J. Nevins
Mrs. Sherry Plymale '86
Mr. John F. Pohl '69
Mr. Thomas A. Schrader
Mrs. Linda Taggart
Ms. Pat Thompson '87
Rev. James Tingerthal, O.S.B.
Mr. Angelo Tobia '71
Mr. John E. View '72
Rev. Alan Weber
Saint LeoUniversity
A record 2,238 individuals and organizations made gifts between July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2004 to support the University’s annual operating budget and special initiatives. Their gifts total $1,260,685. The
following pages list these generous individuals who made a Saint Leo education possible for so many.
Honor Roll
of Donors
2003 -2004
The campaign total reached $7,947,404 in gifts and commitments.
l An alumnus made a pledge of $1 million anonymously to the campaign, making it the third com-
mitment of $1 million or more in 15 months.
An alumna made a leadership pledge of $500,000 anonymously.
l In support of the campaign, 17 members of the faculty and staff established the Saint Leo
Community Endowment Fund with pledges exceeding $100,000. Endowment earnings will support initiatives in teaching, curriculum development, instructional support, and faculty development.
$1,260,685 was contributed in cash and in kind gifts in 2003-04.
The number of contributors increased 155%.
37% of Saint Leo’s faculty and staff supported the Annual Fund.
Students raised $2,500 toward renovation of the boathouse.
Giving from parents of students and alumni reached $260,322 and participation increased 37%.
We are grateful for your support, belief and investment in Saint Leo University. Please take pride in
our accomplishments that you make possible through your philanthropy.
Saint LeoUniversity
Honor Roll of Donors 2003 - 2004
The University is in the initial stages of its first capital campaign to raise private
dollars from the Saint Leo community for important facility renovation and construction and to increase the endowment. With gifts and pledges reaching
$ 7,947,404, the following individuals have stepped forward to make early commitments to the campaign.
$ 7,947,404
Anonymous (2)
AmSouth Bank
Frank Arnold
Benedictine Sisters
of Florida
Jane & Gary Bracken
Eugenia &
Thomas Buckridge
Maureen & Doug Cohn
Anna & Francis Crociata
Teresa & Edward '02 Dadez
Evelyn &
Gaston R. De Groote
Janet L. Denlinger &
Endre Balazs
Cecilia &
Maxfelonilo Domingo
Marysandra &
Thomas Draude
Maribeth Durst
Charles Fisk, Jr.
Elsie & William Foley
Gail & Glen '61/'63
Patricia & Dwaine Gullett
Camille &
David '84 Hernandez
Beverly & Arthur F. Kirk, Jr.
Marilyn & Henry Mallue
Phyllis & Frank Mezzanini
Catherine (Renz) '77 &
Dennis '76 Mullen
Susan & Don Peirce
Deborah Pendarvis
Mary & David Persky
Betty Quinn
Joan '91 &
Thomas Rothrauff
Patricia '87 &
Parrish Thompson
Karen (Christiansen) '69 &
Angelo '71 Tobia
Donald Trembly '79
Jean & John Weicherding
Autumn Altenburg
Arthur Alvarez
Kimberly Ansell
Denilae Bandari
Lisa Bordage
Joseph Boros
Betsey Brownlee
Jeremy Chambers
Sean P. Cottrell
Christopher Crawford
Keith Crosby
Tashevia Culmer
Luis Currie
Anna Darwin
Jessica Davis
Monique Davis
Michael DeMonarco
Catherine Dineen
Anthony Domingo
Allison Ennis
Katie Etchison
Eddie Gant
Mike Hanafin
John Hathaway
Steve Heineline
Rick Incandela
Erin Jansen
Tyrell Johnson
Gus Kalathakis
Ellie Kalathakis
Jason Kaplan
Peter Kathmeyer
David Kelly
Sean Kennedy
Henry Neil Laxdal
Michael LeHockey
Cheryl &
Bob Lindstrom
Donald Linton
Caron Lumbra
Kate McKenna
John McKenzie
Bobby McLemnan
Lorne McPherson
Nikole Meeker
Susan Mograbi
Sara Morrow
Kevin Munley
Katy M. Nyquist
Robert Oakley
Matthew Pelphrey
Murenne Philistin
Thomas Phillips
Nicole Prack
Alison Prescott
Caroline Rice
Marc Sabracua
Betty Stembridge
Student Donors
Monika Vo
Noah Wenger
Mariah Wolfe
Amanda Yale
David Yepez
Jeff Young
( July1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 )
$10,000+ DONORS
Marie &
John Bermingham '67 L
Cynthia '92 &
George Brannen L
Sheila &
Robert '82 Buckner P
Eugenia &
Robert Buckridge L
Mary (Cannon) '71 &
Robert '71 Cabot P
Richard Catalano '75 P
Maureen & Doug Cohn B
Denise &
Stephen '83 DeLuca L
Janet L. Denlinger &
Endre Balazs L
Anthony Domingo '04 P
Marysandra &
Thomas Draude L
Cynthia (Pew) '76 &
Anthony '74 Gerbino L
Gail & Glen '61/'63
Greenfelder L
Trish & Dwayne Gullett L
Mary Lou &
Charles '84 Henderson L
Camille &
David '84 Hernandez L
Most Reverend James C.
Hoge G
Beverly &
Arthur F. Kirk, Jr. L
Susan '76 &
James '76 Lumbra M
Marilyn & Henry Mallue P
Reverend William E.
McConville M
Sheila McDevitt '60 L
Catherine (Renz) '77 &
Dennis '76 Mullen L
Sister Mary Clare
Neuhofer '56 L
Most Reverend John J.
Nevins L
Sherry (Bolender) '70 &
Thomas Plymale P
Kathleen & John '69 Pohl P
Patty & Thomas Schrader L
Linda & James Taggart S
Patricia '87 &
Parrish Thompson M
Karen (Christiansen) '69 &
Angelo '71 Tobia L
John View '72 M
Apex Construction
Services, LLC
Jane Bell
Benedictine Sisters
Of Florida
Cynthia '92 &
George Brannen
Dade City Fire Rescue Inc.
Evelyn &
Gaston R. De Groote D
Delco Oil, Inc.
Denise &
Stephen '83 DeLuca
Eleanor &
Thomas Dempsey
Janet L. Denlinger &
Endre Balazs
Diocese of Orlando
Diocese of Venice in Florida
Most Reverend
Norbert Dorsey
First National Bank of Pasco
Florida Independent
College Fund
George C. &
Nita S. Roughgarden
Christian Educational
Gail & Glen '61/'63
Trish & Dwaine Gullett
Camille &
David '84 Hernandez
Jessie Ball duPont Fund
Beverly & Arthur F. Kirk, Jr.
Barbara & James Maiolo
Sheila M. McDevitt '60
Joseph A. Molloy '84
Catherine (Renz) '77 &
Dennis '76 Mullen
Sister Mary Clare Neuhofer
Most Reverend
John J. Nevins '86
Mary & David Persky
The Saunders Foundation
Karen (Christiansen) '69 &
Angelo '71 Tobia
USAA Foundation
Saint LeoUniversity
Abarca-Tijerino '98
Tonya Alford G
Lynne Altman G
Stacey Andrews
Sally Marie
(Guignon) Angier G
Marjorie & Charles Arnade
Francis W. Arnold S
Betsy & Douglas Astolfi S
Marcia & Edward Austin G
Beverly Baehr G
Ann Bagley G
Stephen Baglione G
Balbir Bal
K. Denise Bandy '02 G
Ruth & James Barrens M
Susan Barreto M
Irene & Howard Berg G
Pamela '03 & Robert Blair
Divina Blanding
Susan Boyd
Jane & Gary Bracken G
Jacalyn & Richard Bryan G
Mary Bunner
Steven Burrell G
Brian Butterly M
Judith & James Cabbage B
John Cain G
Ada Caraballo
Laura & Norman Carey
Steve Carroll G
Jacqueline &
William Cash M
Laurel & Wayne Cobb G
Richard Conrath G
Jo Ann Cook B
Father Michael Cooper
Robert Criss G
Anna & Francis Crociata S
Carole '93 &
Franklin Croft G
Christopher Cronin B
Maria '69 &
Thomas '67 Crosby G
Jerome Crotty G
David Cuppett M
Teresa &
Edward '02 Dadez S
Donna Denney '97
Ana DiDonato '00 G
Patricia & George Dooris
Marcy Drasner
Eileen Dunbar
Maribeth Durst M
Karen & Glenn Duvall
Linda & Walter Dye
Mark Edmonds
Rufus Elliott G
Peggy & Ernest Everett
Charles Fisk S
William Flanagan '01
Carole & John Flemming G
Elsie & William Foley M
Susan Foster G
Victoria '04 &
Bobby Fredrickson
Penny Freeman G
Sarah & Philip Gargiulo G
Yvette Ghormley B
Kimberley '02 &
Barry '79 Glover
Jane & Leo Govoni G
Frank Graceffo '03
Charles Grimes
Nancy &
Robert '95 Haberman
Karen Hahn '02 G
Charles Hale
Paige Ramsey-Hamacher '04
& Anthony Hamacher G
June & Bruce Hammond G
Joel Harrison M
Karen '94 &
Randall Hatfield
Jerome Helton G
Stephen Hess G
Honor Roll of Donors 2003 - 2004
Stacy Hiles M
Donna & William Hoar
Demetrice Holmes
Julius Hornstein G
Agnes Hutto '97 G
Stacey Johnson '06
Linda & Dale Johnson G
Jon Jones M
Deana King G
Beverly &
Arthur F. Kirk, Jr. L
Anthony Kissel M
Edward Kotchi
Richard Ladwig G
Edward LaFontaine &
Bonnie McKenzie S D
Lori Lavery-Broda &
Frederick Boda
Norma Lewandowski
Marilyn & Rodger Lewis G
Janis Lockhart G
Joanne MacEachran
Diane & Michael Macekura
Marcia Malia G
Kevin Mallory '95 G
Marilyn & Henry Mallue P
Glenn Malone
Mayes Mathews G
Christine Maule '03
Stacy Mays '08
Marguerite McInnis G
Melinda McKendree G
John McTague G
Phyllis &
Francis Mezzanini S
David Mixon
Carol Moon G
Elaine &
Michael Moorman S
James Morgan G
Gloria '96 & John Mouw G
Sheryl '00 &
Joel '95 Murray
Jason Murray
Victoria &
Edward Musielak G
Nora &
Michael Nastanski G
Mary Ann Neuhofer
William O'Hare B
Dia O'Steen
Ioannis Pantzalis G
Maria & Anthony Paris
Dawn & Jack Parisi G
Patricia Parrish G
Susan & Ned Paulson B
Susan & Don Peirce P
Deborah Pendarvis G
Mary & David Persky L
Donald Pharr G
Thomas Phillips S
Wanda Piner G
Patricia Prather
Sarah Purvis
Carol Quanty
Vernon Quarstein
Raymond Quillan G
Edith &
Frederick '96 Ramlow G
Kerri Reaves G
Debbie &
Francis '02 Reidy M
David Richards
Walter Riddle G
Ann Riedling G
Jeanne Roberts
Leonor Rodriguez
Michael Rogich S
Joan '91 &
Thomas Rothrauff L
Cyle Sage
Elizabeth (Scharber) '67 &
Gerald '62 Schambeau
Calvin Scheidt G
Shelia Schofield
Carolyn Schoultz G
Chelsea Schwartz
Debra & Paul '93 Sevigny
Jahmelle Sherman
Laurel Sherry-James G
Susan & John Shoulet G
Constance &
Charles Sliger M
Craig Slone G
Rebecca '01 &
Jerry Smith G
Mary Smith
Benet (Bondi) &
Martin '03 Smith G
Raphael Stephens G
Jahala Stirling G
Barbara '80 &
James '81 Stuchell
Donna & John Swart G
Annie Taylor
Annette '91 &
Sam '95 Tollett G
Virginia Trissell '00 G
Catharine '03 &
Dave Tully G
Doyia & Mark Turner G
Rose '91 & Raphael Ugrin
Tyler Upshaw
Gregory Vallee '99
Doris Van Kampen
Faye '01 &
Stephan Varga-Sinka G
Eric Vaughn
Astrid Vicas
Wendy Villa
Evelyn Vitale G
Monika Vo G
Frances Volking
Linda & Jon Walsh G
Sherry & Richard Ware G
Joyce Warren '91 G
Steven Weaver G
Jean &
John Weicherding M
Jacquelyn & Scott White G
Jerome Williams G
Ernie Williams G
Barbara Wilson G
James Wingate
Nisa & Gary Woodham
Angela Woodham
Valerie Wright G
Peter Wubbenhorst G
Linda &
Thomas Zimmerer M
Saint Leo giving societies recognize donors making gifts of $100 or more to the University’s Annual Fund. We gratefully acknowledge the benefactors
who demonstrate their deep commitment to Saint Leo through their annual financial support to the University.
Codes: D deceased
Giving Societies: L Leonine ($5,000 +) / P President's Council ($2,500-$4,999) / S Pride of Saint Leo ($1,000-$2,499)
B Marion Bowman ($500-$999) / M Monarch ($250-$499) / G Green & Gold ($100-$249)
Saint LeoUniversity
Father Gregory Traeger L D
Thomas Quimby G
Rowena (Lee) Stout G
Michael Frassand G
Alice Kelly Burger
Ernest White S
Jose Bolivar S
Vic Desguin
(Bonnabel) Levy
Francis Robarge G
Hugh McLinden
Edward Duffy G
Victor Rosenthal, Jr.
Alfred F. Steiert
Anthony Visconti, Jr.
J. Roy Dee S
Louis Flynt
James Joyner G
Joseph Karabinchak G
Joseph Mason
Charles Pistole
Victor Helton
Paul Moore, Jr. G
Jeb Rosebrook
Charles Touchton S
Honor Roll of Donors 2003 - 2004
Albert B. Carozza, Jr.
Gary Cooper B
James Costello S
Paul Midili
Marvin Mulligan L
Paul Wells B
Frank Sullivan G
Kathleen (Kiefer) Calegari G
Sr. Mary Clare Neuhofer L
Robert Shaw M
Fr. Robert Fucheck M
J. Richard Brown G
Joseph Quinn, Jr. G
Max Ullrich
Mary Kay Calvert
Frances Martin B
Sheila McDevitt L
Gertrude Corrigan
Glen Greenfelder L
Leo Leonardi
John P. O'Connor
Ronald Reid G
Joaquin Davila G
Stephanie (Mauck) Davis
Halley B. Lewis, Jr.
Mary McGrath G
Gerald V. Schambeau, Jr.
Mark Schneider G
Pasquale Elia
Carl Forsberg
Glen Greenfelder L
John Hall
Mark Werner P
Michael Weesner
Stephen J. Anderson
Tom Culliton
Kristina (Krieger) Dougherty
Michael Ellis
Arthur M. Herbert B
John Hughes P
Frank Hurlburt
Matthew McGough
Thomas Sherman
John Bermingham L
James Bree G
Thomas Crosby, Jr. G
William Dooley M
Marianne Kilgore
Nancy McDevitt
John McMahon
Peter Salesses
Elizabeth (Scharber)
Ruth (Seyfried) Williamson P
Rodney Williamson P
Dorothy Wilson
John Bienkowski P
John Biggane M
Marion (Giannini) Dailey M
Stephen Donahue
Thomas Dougherty
Frank Dwyer M
Anthony Flynn
Robert Grubbs S
John Heinlein G
Margaret (O'Shea)
Richard Johnson S
Charles Knudsen M
Peter Lasko
Joseph Mamone G
Donna (Doughney) Mathisen
John McGettigan
John Nicolo G
David Terrar
Peter Vasta
Elizabeth Allison
John Antolino, Jr. S
Craig Bozza G
Timothy Briarton
Jaclynn (Kenney) Clifford G
Maria (Mora) Crosby G
James Dick M
John Donofrio S
Janis (Siergiej) Dooley M
Dennis A. Duffy
Leo Eggleton, Jr.
Gabriel Gallo
James Glynn
Frederick Greene G
John Hanley
John Kenny G
Raymond Korn, Jr. G
Pierre Lafitte
David Lyden
Nora (Breault) Manganelli G
John McCarthy G
Frank Mikusi
Harold Miller
Diane (Malone) Morin G
Edward Murphy, III G
John Pohl L
B. Timothy Riordan
Harold F. Roth
James Segerson G
William Skehan, III G
James Smolka
Karen (Christiansen) Tobia L
Richard Wallace G
Kathleen Williams G
Denise Frick Winter
Rosemary (Anselmo)
John Balch G
Joanne Bebel
Richard Bonazzoli G
Susan Boyle
Michael Caro G
Joan (Kothe) Ciampini G
John Ciampini G
David Clark
Vincent DeRosa G
Pat Dorsey
Terrence Dunigan G
John Ferrari
Robert Fitzpatrick
Michael Galusky G
Albert Gazdalski
Stephen Glavey G
Marifrances Gullo
George Hardman M
D.J. Harrington S
George Hergen G
Mary Hotze G
W. Douglas Hotze G
James Irvin B
Charles Kelly
Marietta Kenny G
Kevin Kilgallin
David Kosinski G
Clarence Lee, III G
Peter Leinenweber G
Mary Luddy
Sarah Maguire
Al Marsico M
John McCarthy G
Brian McGrath
Joseph Mullane G
William Parks G
Mark Plisko
Sherry (Bolender) Plymale P
David Preller B
Michael Puto M
Charles Scanlan M
Peter Stacey
Virginia (Bermel) Vachon G
C. Michael Williams
Saint LeoUniversity
Margaret Hall
Carole (Richards) Howard
Martha Hurley
Glen Kakol S
Ken Kamradt M
John Quigley, Jr.
Robert A. Smalley, Jr. B
Ruth (Brennan) Snow
Gregory Steltner G
Scott Stevenson
John View M
Richard Voorneveld S
William Ante G
Kevin Baumann
Robert Brust G
Mary (Cannon) Cabot P
Robert Cabot P
Salvatore Debiasse G
Edward Deep G
Raymond Donnelly G
James Dwyer G
Homer Ellis
Thomas Filloramo
Stephen Hall
Patricia (Crown) Leary G
Stephen Leary G
Cynthia Martin
Mark Murphy
Jean Myers
William Nielsen
Christine (Decker) Papp G
Richard Shonter B
Jane Snediker
Theodore Stasney
Angelo Tobia L
Fr. Thomas Vigliotta
Wilfred Willett G
Thomas Adamczyk B
Emil Bucci G
William Chatman, Jr.
Colleen (Murphy)
Dunigan G
Charles F. Eason, Jr. G
Jacquelyn (Mason) Ferrari
John Frank G
Kathleen (Capers) Glebatis
Mary Anders
Barbara (Bodor) Binder
Denise Brown
Thomas Brown
David Bruno
Robert Bunn
Adam Cerbone
Angel (Hoffman) Dilts
James Fahey G
George Frye, III G
Doreen Gasman
Janice (Beucher) Griffith
Kathryn E. Mohrmann
Mark Reda G
Roseanne (Stone) Stuart M
Elizabeth Troy
Ricky Boyd
Catherine Brust G
Laurine Bush
John Calicchio, Jr.
Nathaniel Crawford, Jr.
Robert Dillon
Cynthia (Sechrist) Flating G
Gary Franco G
Anthony Gerbino L
Claudia (Waldrep) Green
Dennis Hayes M
Wayne Holleran G
Peter Kennedy S
Kenneth Kozlowski M
Paul Lehner S
Terrence McCarthy
Carol Molnar G
Beth (Dempsey) Moore P
Honor Roll of Donors 2003 - 2004
R. Mumpower, III
Gerald Newton
Barbara (Finkenstadt)
O'Connor M
Francis O'Keefe G
James Perkins S
Joe Ricci
Mary (Walker) VanGuilder G
Richard Witte
James Bare G
Constance (Cherry)
Billings G
Dennis Bogle G
Robert Borgatti, Jr. M
Willie Broner, Jr.
George Brown M
Barbara Buehler
Richard Catalano P
Mark Chuhinko M
Ronald Combs
Gary Comp M
Joseph Dimascio
Mercedes Ehrman
Patrick Geho M
William Jeffries, Jr.
Mildred La Veigne
Alfred Maresca G
David McGilvary
Bruce and Cathy Myers
Matthew O'Hearn, III G
Lynn Penick
Albert Petrie
Julia (Stetler) Versteeg
Esther (LaCanfora) Zoller G
John F. Zoller, Jr. G
Warren Azzara G
James Brevard
Jeffrey Clausen, Sr.
Ines Cruz G
Edward Desmarais, Sr.
Sheila Donovan G
Cynthia (Pew) Gerbino L
Nancy (Snyder) Hardin G
James Hughes G
Michael Lafrancis G
Muffie (Kelley) Le Mieux
Susan Lumbra M
James Lumbra, Sr. M
James Lynch
William Manders G
Glover Manning, Jr. G
Donna Marzuola
William Moore, III P
Dennis Mullen L
Bruce and Cathy Myers
Mary (Kenney) O'Keefe G
Patrick Resop B
Katherine (Dean) Robinson
Ann (McDonough) Romano
Ann Marie (Devine) Shaw
Ronald Stover
Bonnie (Wieboldt) Taylor
John Vogeltanz
Clarence Williams G
Patricia (Corkey)
Helmut Baxter
Virginia Chisholm
Mary (Bauser) Comp M
Thomas Cooke
Clyde Croswell, Jr. M
Jesse Dean
David Devine
Stuart Engstrom G
Mary Free G
Harold Fryar
John Groff
John Hayden G
Jack Healey
Mary Hinson
Herbert Huggins G
Susan Huysman G
Ronald Kruthaupt
Sherry Lang
Gary Lee
Ann Lombardi G
Nicola Luciani
Mary Madigan
Catherine Mullen L
Victoria Newton-Garcia
Ronald Norvell
Patrick F. Phelps
Dennis Quigg G
Ernest Rorrer G
Bonnie Salter
Craig Snyder G
Anthony Staraitis M
Roger Tucker
Christopher Bender B
Mark Blanton
Francis Coleman
Edward Demetzky
V. Roger Dupont, Jr.
John Fitzgerald G
Michael Fitzsimmons
William Gilbert
Julius Green, Jr.
Robert Harrison
Diane (Vargus) Hellickson
Sharon Helsher
Mary Poole (Banks) Hurst M
Kathy Johnson G
William Kegley G
Leeland Kratzer
Neal Lewis M
Denise Maughan
Henry McLaughlin M
Stanley Morrison G
Eileen Peterson
Glenn Redgate G
Roy Redman
Bob Roberts
Margaret Smith
Thomas Tutwiler
Robert Veith G
Don Zetterberg
Edward Andreassen
Kathleen (Burns) Barker G
Robert Blair
Henry Brigstock
Kevin Byrne
Saint Leo giving societies recognize donors making gifts of $100 or more to the University’s Annual Fund. We gratefully acknowledge the benefactors
who demonstrate their deep commitment to Saint Leo through their annual financial support to the University.
Codes: D deceased
Giving Societies: L Leonine ($5,000 +) / P President's Council ($2,500-$4,999) / S Pride of Saint Leo ($1,000-$2,499)
B Marion Bowman ($500-$999) / M Monarch ($250-$499) / G Green & Gold ($100-$249)
Saint LeoUniversity
Douglass Carl M
Jon Chegwidden
Michael Chiappetta
Rupert Cobb
Elizabeth Doxey
Wendell Evans
Emerson Frantz
Maria Garcia G
Barry Glover
Clytie Gore-Dowe
Susan (Chaffee) Herrgott
Thomas Hill
Daniel Hoskins
Carson Hudson
Ezra Jordan
Jimmy Lowther
John F. McGowan
Verona B. Missick G
Brendan O'Brien G
Janet (Rowles) Patterson
Ronald Rollins
John Schramm
Donna M. Shahpazian
Ruth Skeel B
Earl Stevens
Roswell Swanson
Charles Tenney
Maurice Tower G
Donald Trembly
Carole Tripp
Peter Varone
Joan Parker Verret
Erich Wachsmuth
Larry Walker
Marsha Warren
Charles Watson G
Karen Watson
Howard Widden
Honor Roll of Donors 2003 - 2004
Marcia Albanese
Philip Barker G
James Blacksher
James Blackwell
Raymond Blanda, Sr.
William Brady G
Bobbie Brown
Barbara (DeWitt) Byrne
Maurice Carpenter
Deatira Deloatch
Steven Dessingue M
Albert Foster G
John Gibson
Gregory Greiwe
Richard Herndon
Delvin Wayne Howeth
Dolores Incremona B
Louis Johrden
Sara (Seigler) Kreglo G
Tedd McIntyre G
Joseph Monaco G
Charles Pullman G
Margaret Reifsnyder
John Resnick
Karen Rische
Joseph Roberts G
Timothy Shaw G
Lesli (Radu) Slike G
Douglas H. Snell G
Barbara (Cody) Stuchell
Willie Thompson G
Rosemary Weis
Anthony Woods
Howard Armstrong
Matthew Brady, Jr.
Albert Butler
Harriett J. Byrnes
Michael Callan G
Vanessa (Roszkowski)
William Christian, III G
John Conte
Kathryn (Lumbra) Conway
James Cooper
John Curci
Gary Deweerd
Bobby Dunn
Erin McGinn Gibbs
John Gudavich G
Tommie Hatfield
Robert Hendrickson
Marjorie Hoeck
William Hosier
Joyce Hunt-Hendrick
Arthur Hymons
Scott Karaman
Robert Kuzdale
Beverly Logan
Trudye Lyons
Jeanne (Williams) Martin
Freeman McCullers
Erin Mcginn
William McNeely
Lee Merrill
Rosie Moore
Willie Parker
Donald Pekarsky
Lionel Pittman, Sr.
Dwight Pray
Terry Reilly
Elton Rogers
Christopher Slike G
Darryl Smith
Rosalyn (Carr) Stephens
James Stuchell
Jimmy Sturgill
John W. Teasley G
George Thomson, Jr. G
Tracey Vita G
Stephen Ware B
Mary Watson G
James Yarbrough, Jr. G
Dorothy Aldrich M
Jo Applefield
Gabrielle (Puorro) Barrett
Brian Byrne
Martin Conway
Elsie Doster
Rosena Duryee
Diane Enright
Michele (Tighe) Galante
Florita Howard
Donald Joiner
Burnis Kilpatrick, Jr. G
Richard Kilroy
Eileen Kinsella
John Kozak M
Kenneth Kozbiel
Martin D. Leach III
Gilbert Mashburn
Rosemary (Cash) McAlister
Norrene Mclaughlin
William Moulton
Kathy Neumeyer-Gibbon
Jana-Gaye E. Nunes
Lawrence Parham G
Margaret Frawley Penn
Marjorie Rafftery
Debra Robinson G
Nikki Robinson
Richard Ross M
Robert Souders
Buddy Spears
Robert Tewksbury B
Elizabeth (Vendetto) Walters
Cordelia (McMahon) Adam
Juanita Allen
Patrick Barrett
Bert Bishop
Larry Branche
James Bryan
Robert Buckner P
Dennis Cameron
Patricia (Christiansen)
Kenneth Coats G
John C. Cramer
Richard Dellanini G
Stephen DeLuca L
Eileen (McGlinchey)
Fahey G
James Ferguson G
Tyler Finn
Joseph Hagans
Constance Harrell
Richard Hartigan
Larry Henry
Cheryl Hicks
Thomas M. Hoeler S
Tara (Maher) Hubner
Rev. Robert Hutson
Kenny Knight G
Joanne Kuzdale
Charles Lutz G
Deborah Marsh
Jose Matos G
Joseph Mauborgne, Sr.
John H. Maxey
Donald McDowell G
Frank McKinney, III
Janie (Doherty) Naha
Sean O'Connor
William Pennypacker M
James Phelan M
Odis Phillips
James Pietsch
Jay Repine G
Georgette (Reilly) Romero G
Margaret R. Smith
Debora (Sellitti) Swain
Franklin Tousley
Eddie Turner G
Dale Vosburg G
Raymond Whitacre, Jr.
Paul Adams G
Jesse Bailey G
Carmen Banos
Theodore Bass
Gary Bergsma G
Paul Bitler G
Samuel Brown, Jr.
Alex Buchanan
Vernon Burford, Sr. M
Sandra Combs
Karen (Lochmandy)
Kevin Cunningham
Mark Danhoff G
Charie Leonard
De Floria G
Mary Ann DeMeo G
Dr. Martin Dones G
Linda (Hardy) Fredrick
Norma Geeting
Carol (Savarino) Graham G
Marilyn Guglielmello G
Jerry Hammock
Saint LeoUniversity
Mariann Hanley
Frances Hardin
Michael Harrell
Judson Haynes G
David Hernandez L
Thomas Hughes, Jr. G
Julie (Tobey) Jenkins
Larry Jochum
Alice (Furney) Jones
Thelma (Spangler) Kearns G
Daniel Kelleher G
Laura (Zakaib) Kolo
Janice Kropenick
Sandra Luihn-Argay G
James Lynch, Jr.
Christopher S. Maggio, Jr.
Carmen Martucci G
John McQuilken
Kenneth Middlebrook
Carl Moeller
Joseph Molloy L
Glenn Moore
John Mulligan G
Dell Munger
Eugene Obenreder
Vivienne (Pecau) Phelan M
Anne Phelps
Amy (Dion) Repine G
Rosemary (Hudack) Riley
Benjamin Sablan
Roy Singletary
Marianne Stimson
Ann Towne
John Wimble
Ronald Zarko G
Ralph Zengen
Terry Baker, Sr.
Philip Baker G
Donald Bradford
William Brown
Katie (Beyer) Casale G
J.P. Connellan P
Lois Corwin
Steven Dandreano
Patricia (Mariner) Davis G
Michael De Floria G
Luis Decelis G
Deirdre (O'Dowd) Flowers
Robert Ford
William Friel G
Charmaine Gore
Ronald Jetton, Sr.
Johnny Kay
Willard Kearns G
Robert Keefe
C. Colette Killebrew
Anita (Bailey) Krofssik
Dwight Mcleod
Michael McNulty G
Myrtle Moore
Patricia Parent
Michael Rhodes
Robert Samartin M
James Simmons
Dennis Smith
Elizabeth (Gordon) Tepper
Ernest Thompson
John Truitt
Linda (Harvey) Turosz
Loreen Weiss
Anthony Zelisko G
Darrell Bartels
Booker Bullock
Gregory Cuke M
Michael Duffy G
Patricia Duncan
Mark Etheredge
James Fleming, Jr.
Percy Freeman G
Patrick Fujioka G
Honor Roll of Donors 2003 - 2004
Joseph Goode
Carol Green
Stephen Hassel
Lynn (Freeman)
James Hollingsworth
Dale Johnson
Danielle Maddock
Emanuel Marshall G
Marilyn McCandlish
Jami McLaughlin G
Robert McPherson G
Conrad Mendoza
Thomas Moore G
Wolfgang Mueller
Patricia Olson
Brian Pelski
Rebecca Powers
Kathy Ruble
Antonia (Restaino) Schlichte
Thomas Schoolfield
Richard Sirois
Clifford Smith
Paula Starling
Virginia Thompson
Monica (Rodman) Travez
Willie Walker
Renetta Williams
Scott Woodward
Henry Allen
Carolyn Bentley
Scott Bialy G
Melinda Blanton G
Charles Browne
Brian Burke
Joanne Burton
Mary Ann Buzzetti
Mary (Winchester) Corker G
Michael D'Auria
Karen Dickerson
Sharon Dorr
Patricia Evans
Henry Faircloth
Christine (Freisen)
Gallagher M
Patrick Gallagher M
John Gott
Betty Hayward
Errol Ingram
Stanley J. Janczar
Phyllis Joyner
Robert Kennedy
Jeffrey Krafft
Brett Kreisher
Frederick Krueger
Daryl Landry
Charles Langworth, III
Leora Meacham
Shirley Mead
Virginia Miller G
Johnny Moore G
Kevin Moore
Felix Ortega
Mary (Whitney) Ott
Billie Jean (Wolverton)
Cynthia Russell Park G
Catherine (Carnesi)
Nanette Rader
Richard Rozzell G
Andrew Schaller G
Philip Sobers
Patricia Thompson L
Jonathan Walker
William Weddington
Rebecca (Wiegand) White G
Kenneth M. White G
Diana (Chiappetta) Wolford
John Zurenda
Joan Canfield
Edwin Cooper G
Paul Darrah
Angelito Delacruz
Jeffrey Demers
Doris Dolney
Randall Farmer
Benjamin Ford
Suzanne Githens G
Daniel Graf G
Norma (Brand) Greenberg
Fred Hadley
Verlan Hall
Carman Hartzog
Kim Jannett
Nancy (Williams) Jarrett
Margaret Jennings
William Jones G
Elizabeth Jung-Baber
Kara (O'Brien) Jurist G
Timothy Keiley G
Vera Leforce
Deborah (Cafazzo) McCabe
Joan Mcculloch
Joseph McEntegart
Tracy McMenimon G
Dorothy D. Miller
Eric Myer B
David Nelson
Margaret Powers G
Jeffrey Powers G
Gerald Rademaker
Fred Sayin
Homer Schofield
David Still
Michael Sullivan, III G
Cyndee Thomas S
Vicki Ventura
John Vita
Nancy Ward
Bessie Williams
Dorothy Winecoff
Carole Boyd
Arthur Bussiere G
Brian Connor
Christopher Croghan
Kristin Dailey
Ellen D'Auria
David Davis
Henry Doll
Kathryn Evenson
John Fluck
Robert Hartman, Jr. G
Stephen Havasy, Jr.
Ronnie Hewett
Saint Leo giving societies recognize donors making gifts of $100 or more to the University’s Annual Fund. We gratefully acknowledge the benefactors
who demonstrate their deep commitment to Saint Leo through their annual financial support to the University.
Codes: D deceased
Giving Societies: L Leonine ($5,000 +) / P President's Council ($2,500-$4,999) / S Pride of Saint Leo ($1,000-$2,499)
B Marion Bowman ($500-$999) / M Monarch ($250-$499) / G Green & Gold ($100-$249)
Saint LeoUniversity
Walter Hill
Nevada Hill
Ronald Hinson
Joann Hurst
John Kuhn
Denise Labrie M
Langford-Steegstra G
Carolyn Latham-Shiflett
Timothy Lewis G
Howard D. Mace M
Clifford Manderscheid
Thomas McShane
Mark Murphy
Chris Orfe
Robert Petrick
Juan Ramirez G
Robert Shahpazian
John Simpson
Kelli Skinner
David Smith
Janice Stephens
Henry Stewart
Patricia Sweeney
Jack Weber
Julia Weiher
Janice Wiley
Richard Wilson
Benjamin Burch G
Robert Cathcart
Floyd Dooley, Sr. G
David Eccard
Bruce Evenson
Honor Roll of Donors 2003 - 2004
Marilyn Gilbert
Sonya Gore
Candace Gray
Cynthia Grey
Elizabeth Guglielmo
Robert Hagerman
Jeanne Hardin-Gres
Adrienne Hatten
Anna Hickey G
Curtis Hovey G
Rosemary Hughes
Jorge Ignarra M
Elizabeth Isbell
Cedell Jennings ,Jr.
Marvin Levar
Daniel Maltese G
Cynthia Matthews
Katie McCloud G
Lawrence McCoy
John Merullo
Jeffry Oswald
Eileen (Valdini) Ruppert
William Sadlick
Edna A. Santos
Brian Schooley
Roberta Short
Judith Smith
Martina Surrency
Henry Washburn G
Dean Watson
Gerald Weeks
George H. White, III
Vincent Wiggins
Gwendolyn Wiggins
Sandra Williams
Timothy Yock G
Meridith (Ink) Aiello
Debra Bartley
Royet (Warrington) Bateman
Anne Beckmann G
Anthony Carey
Shaun Chute
Thomas Constable
Steven Finster
Taft Flittner
Jeffrey G. Forsythe
Anthony Fuccione
Kenneth R. Gause
Thomas Gegan
Lisa W. Johnson
Charles Lambert
Deborah Lees
Richard Lieurance
Joan Lochridge
Robert Morris
Ricky Mowell
James Owens
David Resinger
Frann (Kelley) Rodriguez P
Joan Rothrauff L
Annette Tollett G
Rose Walker Ugrin
Joyce Warren G
Julianne (Thomas) Zabrecky
Charles Zawodniak
Charlotte Abbott-Spears
Horace Allen, Jr.
Jean Anderson
John Bennett
Thomas Bowen
Cynthia Brannen L
Paul Briere
Ronald Brown
Columbus Byars G
Michele Camus
Sammy Catledge
Robert Coakley
Debra (Plant) Coniglio
Frank Corradini
Michael D'Aloia S
Ted Dickerson
Michael Edwards G
Charles Grey
Thomas Guarino
Donald Gulick G
Mark Halm
Debra Helle
Charles Herman
Ruth Hickman
Arlene Huber
James Jacques
Lynn Jones
Vera Ladue
William Leggett
Alberto Lugo-Torres
Linda McCormick
Richard McVay
Gail Noble
Mary Oturu G
Blaine Patrick
James Pawlak
Christopher Piscitelli
William Quigley G
Ralph R. Rafuse, Jr. M
Kathryn (Kivett) Rary
Claire Rolfson
R. Scott Root
Jerry Russell
Daisy Sakelson
Richard Schlatterer
Judy (Kalinyak) Schmid
Eugene Simmons
Willie Slaton G
Kurtis Stanton
Renee (Lacerenza) Taormina
Mary Tursellino
Margaret West
Rolan Wooden
John Albertini
John Bayse
Randall Brackett
Robert Brown
James Brown
Charles Byers
Lee Caldwell G
Kathryn (Ragsdale) Casey
James Cash G
Frank Coniglio
Carole Croft G
James L. Dodson
William Dority
Michael Faldowski
Hazel Ferwerda
Sandra Ford
William Ford
(Dibernardo) Graham
James Hall G
Kimberly Heatherly
Paul Hennessey
George Hinckley, Jr.
Shirley Johnson
Ernest Jones
Leroy Jordan
Patricia (Bires) Koehler
John Krill
Russell Lindstedt, II G
Arthur Masoero
Ricardo Merced
Lisa Miller
Billie Minney
Phillip Morgan G
Leah Olsenlewis
Deforrest Petty
Lee Pope
Linda Raper
George Richardson, Jr. G
John Schultz, Jr.
Paul Sevigny
Phillip Smith
Kenneth Stephens
Joseph Terrell
Stacy Voras
Charles Warnock
Robert Watkins G
Richard Akerley
Steven Alvarez
Noelle Andring
Matt Biety
Karen (Whitt) Blommel
Christopher Blommel
Ardrey Brewton
Julianne Brown G
Kenneth Bryant
Richard Buonfigli
James Coats G
Todd Coppinger
Twiman Craddock G
Walter De Selle
Pasquale DeFiore
Douglas Dodd
Joritta Dotson-Hardy
Roy Durham, Jr. M
Tryphenia Ellis-Johnson
William Farmer
Glenn M. Ferber M
Elzie Frazier
Patricia Godwin
Denis Goode
Saint LeoUniversity
Rayford Hall, Jr. G
Dawn Hardin
Karen Hatfield
Charlotte Henderson
Leah Titus Hicks
Holly Slack Hicks
Earl Holston
Brien Hoover
Patricia Hosey
John Hough
James Hudson
William Hunter G
Ronald Johnson M
Thamir Kaddouri, Jr. M
Amy (VanDeWater) LaBarr
Michael LaBarr
Calvin Lawrence, Sr.
Lawrence Lewis G
Judith Ligon
Joan Marvel
Kevin Meehan G
Joseph Moore
Mark Murphy G
Bartholomew Nicolay G
Diane O'Connor
Lisa Owens
Peter Reyes
Kevin Reynolds B
Christopher Robert G
Jeanette Roberts
Lea Rossini
Marybeth Schumann
Steven Sindt
Margaret Taylor
Claudette Vanni M
Richard Vitez
Rebecca Welu G
Cynthia Simms-White
Judith Beda
Virgilio Carter
John Cotthaus
Heather Curry
Barbara Dean
Diana Spann Doan B
Sarah Dodson
Sandra Dominy G
Mitchell Doran
Joni Dowling G
Scottie Dye
Cathy Hunt Fellows
Kevin Flynn
David Garcia B
Mindy Geer
Richard Glosser
Sandra Goodlet
Robert Goodson, Jr.
Robert Haberman
Patricia Hall
Clifford Hall
Cecil Ham
John Hammer
Sherrill Hankins
Pamela Hart
Sara Hawkins G
Linda Hughes
Robbin (Hemann) Joachim
Kathie Johnson
Wendy (Koenitzer) Knack
Sandra Lau
James Lindsey, Jr.
Cheryl Lindstrom
Felicia Long
Honor Roll of Donors 2003 - 2004
Kevin Mallory G
William McCloud G
Pamela McKinney
Gina McNally
Johnny Miller
Philip Moran
Brendan Morgan
Joel Murray
David Pelsor
John Rawls
Michael Raynack
Duane Rodeo
Patricia (Murray) Rodon
Kathleen Roland
Laura L. Rosario
Carmen Small
Willie Smith
Esther Smith
John St. John
Reginald Stamps
Alison Sylvester G
Regina Tippett
Sam Tollett G
Dawn Tripp
Deborah Vinson G
Shawn Wagner
Ernest Walker
Polly Welch
James Welu, Jr. G
Robert Whiteman, Jr.
Denise Woodfin
Ronald Baker G
William Barba G
Bruce Beebe G
Guy Bennett
Opal Bowman
William Brock G
Ralph Brower B
John Byron, III
Nathan Carter
Darryl Carver
Brenda Collins
Nancy Copeland
Brian Crowe
Chris Danielson
Janice (Cordial) DiBelardino
Gretchen Fikes
John H. Frechette G
James Gaglio
Christina Green
William Greengrass
Dwight Griffin
William Gunter G
Barry Haughey
Maxine Henry
Mona Hildrich
Mary Holmes G
Alex Hughes
Kalynn Jacks
Winsome Jacobs
Donna Janczar
Phyllis La Vigne
Michael Lee
Regina Lee
John Little
Troy Mabery
William Maitland
William McKinney
Sandra Mossim-Hutchens
Gloria Mouw G
Kelly Paul
John Prejean
Frederick Ramlow G
William Reid
Petrina (Walden) Revell
Eugene Russell
Natalie Sansom
Craig Sebring
Brenda Simpson
Richard Stanford
Edward Thomas
Richard Viviano
Robert L. Weaver
Doris (Harris) White
Horace Williams
Jason Yager
Mark D. Aimes
Richard Armitage G
Kevin Avery
Nancy Bailey
Carol Boston
Susan Brower B
Audrey Brown
Jerry Calvanese
Judy Clark
Thomas Coffey G
Nancy (McKean) Conner
Robert Cox, Jr. M
Ginger Cruze
Sharon Davis
Donna Denney
Emily (Pickle) Duncan G
John Elifson G
Judith Fletcher
Frederick Forrett
Mr. Ramiro Gallegos G
Miriam Grier
Michelle (Lunger)
Kimberly Hunt G
Agnes Hutto G
Karen Jack
David Johnson
Delia Kradolfer
John Kruczek
Barry Lawson
Terri Lewis
Renee Marshall
Basil McElvain
Lisa (Filomarino) Milano
Rex Miller
Peter Miller G
Willie Patterson
Velma Ponder
Patricia Poole
Sharon Powell
Eugene F. Reuman G
Michelle Schroder G
Arnardo Serrano
Dean Shelton, Jr.
Tina Sherwood
Karen Mealy Smith
Gerard Stone
Todd Summers G
Tracy Swearingen, Sr. B
Lola Synychak G
Carrie (Norman) Tadlock
Mark Thomas
Yvette Urquhart-Spivey
Michael Walbridge
Sharon Walkup
Julian Ward, Jr. G
Alan Wile
Anthony Wright
Christine Young G
Saint Leo giving societies recognize donors making gifts of $100 or more to the University’s Annual Fund. We gratefully acknowledge the benefactors
who demonstrate their deep commitment to Saint Leo through their annual financial support to the University.
Codes: D deceased
Giving Societies: L Leonine ($5,000 +) / P President's Council ($2,500-$4,999) / S Pride of Saint Leo ($1,000-$2,499)
B Marion Bowman ($500-$999) / M Monarch ($250-$499) / G Green & Gold ($100-$249)
Saint LeoUniversity
Alejandra Abarca-Tijerino
Anita Anthony-Grant
Tysha Austin-Durden
Luis Bartolome
Christopher Berding
Dorothy (Lowrey) Britton
Ronnie Bullock
Marie Clark
Jack Copeland
Abraham Curry G
Robert Dagley, III
Sylvia Edwards
Cynthia Feeney
Vivi Fitzgerald
Ramon Garcia
Eugene Gowarty
Elaine Green
David Hardebeck
Nicholas Hartofelis, Jr. G
Margaret Henry
James Hynes
Debbie Jerido
Frederika Jones
Barbara Kidder
Steve Kirby
Richard Lewis
Benjamin Luedke G
John Manix
Joan Martino
Karen Matteson G
Karla Miller
Teddi Mitchell
Joan Nathans
Lonnie Nesbitt
Zan Pender
Laura Reyes
Melanie Schwartz
Phyllis Shaffer
Barbara Stephens
Gerald Stokes
Pamela Strangler
Michele Timmer
Rebecca Washburn G
Toni Wright
Vickie Allen
Maureen Anderson
Trudy Aust
Honor Roll of Donors 2003 - 2004
Alan Baylor
Patrick Bizub G
Kim Borum G
Rebecca Brashears
Marshall Campbell
William Canada
Diane Carroll
Karyn Cauthen
Linda Caviness G
William Clark
Agnes Clute
Steven Crist
Alexia Denton
Charles Edwards, III
Bernadette Gerber
Barry Hardman
Connie Hauk
Leonard Havron
Thomas Headrick G
Brett Hegarty
Willie Holloway G
James Hurd G
Ronald Johnson
Darlene Leonard
Claire Lyonnais
Allan MacKey
Steven McCoy
Deric Miller
Rhonda Minson
Beverly Moore
Robert Murray
Jerome Novak
Robin Olds
James Page
Ricky Payne
Debra Punzirudu
John Rowland
Michael Sheeley
Sharon Stickney
Kathleen Strother
Richard Titus
William Turner
Gregory Vallee
John VanBloom
Judith Yates G
Willie Adams
Ernest Allen
William Baker
Willie Burnett
Melvyn Chang G
Kathleen (Chrisp) Chisholm
Dirk Coleman
Cheryl Crump
Richard Devlin
Ana DiDonato G
Racquel (Howell) French
Annette French
Dawn Guthrie
James Hildreth, Jr.
Marcus James G
Lawrence Keefe
Shirley Kennedy
Terrence Klock
Betty Kuhn
Ozzie Mays
Wayne Mealey
Sally (Pelletier) Moore
Kraig Morris
Stacy Morrison
Sheryl Murray
Adam Myers
Neil Norden
Michael R. O'Connell
Candace Penland G
Linda (Rowland) Pilcher
Susan Price
Gregory Roberts
Michael Ruzza
Randall Shockey M
Lorrie Spadaro
Jeanette Spairana
Timothy Spell M
William Swartz
Jerry Tarrant
Eric Tasso
Desiree Thomas
Cynthia Towner M
Virginia Trissell G
Kathryn Wallace
Charles Wilkerson
Patricia Woolard G
Absalon Auza
Susan Balsamo
Leechele Booker
Leslie Chavez
Jesse D. Collins
Richard Conn
Steven Cyrs
Dawn M. Daniels
Patrick Dewitt
Albert Elgin
William Flanagan
Gene Flavors, Jr.
Reetta Flood G
Katherine Gaulke
Patrice Gwynn
Sarah Hard G
Paul J. Hofstad
Mark Howard
Lyndell Hudson
Julia Jefferson
Richard J. Jelderks G
Marcia Jimenez
Desiree Y. Johnson
Jeffrey Johnson
Robert L. Jones
Nancy L. Jordan
Leah Lively
Paschal Miller M
Ronald Nesbitt
Tammy L. Nessmith
Mrs. James W. Ponzurick
Timothy Powers
Virgil Reames
Ronald Russell, Jr.
Marilyn Sampson
Shawn Shrader
Gordon Skelly
Rebecca Smith G
Dennis Tapp
Sonya Techton
Livingston Tindal G
Robert Trujillo
Faye Varga-Sinka G
Andamo Warfield
Lena West
Jerome Wilkins
Candice Alexander-Smith
Benny K. Anderson
Benildo Baja
Deni Bandy G
Joseph A. Berg
Roland Bernier G
Terry Boissy
Frank Brigati, Sr.
Cathleen Britt
Mary Cabbage
Timothy Cameron
Joni Carnes
Joyce Connolly G
Kenneth Coody
Patrick Cook G
Scott Cooper
Darel Craine
Edward Dadez S
Susan D'Angelo
Karen A. Dawson
Herman Dennis
Douglas Driggers
Amy Edwards G
James Emerson
Randall Fisher G
Freddie Flucker G
Jeff Foley G
Phillip Glover
Kimberley Glover
Kimberly Grafton
Karen Hahn G
Stacy Haynes
Nidsa Hays
Rebecca Henderson
Daniel Hollis
Kathleen Houtsma
Joseph Inge
Douglas Jones
Orthella Joseph
Brock Kartes
Murleece Lewis
Samuel Lynes
Michelle Maggard
Cynthia Massey
Janice Mathews G
Debra May
Mark Miller
Charles Morris
Joyce Nelson
Danny Perry
Francis Reidy M
Robin Robinson
Tina Schaffer
Darren Scott
Eric Seguin
Saint LeoUniversity
Joerg Seifert
David Shinn G
Teri Smith G
Michele Swanson
Sophia Teague
Edward Turner
Wanda White
Cookie Akers
Kathy Barfield
Melissa Belmont-Gruler M
Phillip Bishop
Pamela Blair
Michael Blakey M
Safayaaisha Boscarello
Penny Brown G
Miguel Brown, Sr.
Patrick Cave
Karen Chapman
Chris Clements
Timothy Collins
J. Michael Dailey, Sr.
Makena Davis
Carl Davis
Luis Diaz
Barbara Didjurgis
Suzanna Dillon
Sandra Dornford
William Dupuis
John Ewing
Jamie Felgenhauer
Amber Ferrol G
Jeffery Frazier G
Frank J. Graceffo
Christopher Hessler G
David Hook
Shelly Jackson
Lisa Johnson
Patricia Johnston
Marie Jones
Diane Jones
Sabrina King
Christina Lanham
Daryl Levesque
Daniel McGovern G
Jessica McKenzie
Rachelle Morris
Jeannie Mosier
Jeremiah Niedzwiecki
D. Chad Parrish
Regina Peeples
Patricia Petersen
Linda Pike
Bonnie Pike
Shedrick Roberts
Jennifer Roberts
Alan Robinson
Adam Scholl
Mark Segreto
Martin Smith M
Marie Tanefo
Andrew Tedder G
Lanis Thomas G
Geoffrey Tokajer
Roy Tomey M
Elizabeth Waller
Daniel Warner
Karen White-Hatchett
Vickie Williams
James Wilson
Jeffrey Woodford
Kathy Yarbrough
Wayne Bauer G
Kevin Bremby
Elizabeth Cheuvront
Richard Dadez
Anthony Domingo S
Victoria (Aldrich)
Jonathan Jones M
John Myers
John Ogden
Paige Ramsey-Hamacher G
Charles Reese G
Anthony Sanders
Stephen Schmidt
Stephanie Sidwell
Honor Roll of Donors 2003 - 2004
of current &
former students
James Albright G
Frank Arnold S
Jane Bell L
Irene & Howard Berg G
Judith & Kenneth Bialy G
Elizabeth & Ed Blommel S
Deborah & Paul Bordage
Renee & John Boychuk G
Virginia Bracken G
Mary Ellen &
William '80 Brady G
Cynthia '92 &
George Brannen L
Pauline &
Thomas Brennan G
Jill & Paul Brennan
Eugenia &
Thomas Buckridge L
Judith & James Cabbage B
Lee Caldwell G
Anna &
Robert Cassiliano G
Dorinda &
George Chambers
Carroll '80 &
Willis Chandler
Freda & C. Chapman M
Alice & Williard Cleaver
Dorothy & Bernard Corsi
Lai & Lawrence Craft
Carole '93 &
Franklin Croft G
Maria (Mora) '69 &
Thomas Crosby M
Teresa &
Edward '02 Dadez S
Adele &
Anthony D’Alessandro
Marla & Michael Darwin
Margaret Davis
Carolin & Samuel Davis G
Nancy &
Michael Dawson G
Carol &
Joseph De Monarco
Joanne & Ronald DeAngelis
Bernadette Deis
Barbara & John deRozieres
Janet & David Di Leo
Mary & Francis Dicello G
Helen & Paul DiCicco G
Karen & Lawrence Diehl G
Maryann & Daniel Dineen
Miriam & Brian Disernia G
Cecilia &
Maxfelonilo Domingo S
Patricia &
George Dooris G
Linda & Walter Dye
Judy & David Elkourie
Carol & Grover Ellis
Linda & Antonio Fargnoli
Deborah & Lewis Farwell
James Feeney
Carole &
John Flemming G
Elizabeth &
Matthew Galambos
Lesley & Stanley Gamlin
Claire & Frederick Ganz B
Pamela & Allen Geer G
Louanne &
Charles Gerdes G
Katherine &
Christopher Germano
James Gerrell G
Holly & Patrick Giannini
Connie & Gerald Giddens
Diana & Thomas Gifford
Judy & Robert Gordon M
Linda & Michael Gore
Joann &
Jerlando Graceffo G
Gayle Hampton
Sally & James Hard
Kathleen & David Hawkins
Ann & Leonard
Heckenberger G
Linda & Bruce Heintz G
Princess &
Larry Henderson M
Mary Lou & Charles '84
Henderson L
Kathy & Randall Hendricks
(O’Shea) '68 Hesterberg
Donna &
Raymond Jagielski
Martha Jansen
Linda & Dale Johnson
Barbara &
Wayne Johnson P
LaVerne & Ronald Kalafor
Christine & Arthur Keating
Adamarie &
James Keeton S
Charles Kelly '70
Karen & Ken Kenworthy G
Janet &
Charles '68 Knudsen M
Sharon Koller
Maryann & Authur Koromi
Richard Ladwig G
Jeanne & John Lahey G
Wanda & Ronald Lamar G
Pauletta Langley
Thomas Lavery G
Gail & Niel Laxdal G
Cathy &
Clarence '70 Lee G
Holly & John Lehockey
Darlene Lewis
Christina & Timothy Lewis
Janis Lockhart G
Kathryn &
Dennis Loggie G
Elizabeth &
Leonard Luedke
Susan &
James Lumbra '76 M
Ruth & John Lydon G
Ann Mahoney G
Joan &
William Malatestinic M
Nancy Mann G
Maria Mantle M
Saint Leo giving societies recognize donors making gifts of $100 or more to the University’s Annual Fund. We gratefully acknowledge the benefactors
who demonstrate their deep commitment to Saint Leo through their annual financial support to the University.
Codes: D deceased
Giving Societies: L Leonine ($5,000 +) / P President's Council ($2,500-$4,999) / S Pride of Saint Leo ($1,000-$2,499)
B Marion Bowman ($500-$999) / M Monarch ($250-$499) / G Green & Gold ($100-$249)
Saint LeoUniversity
Sadie & James Mather G
Ann-Marie Matthias
Christine Maule '03
Ruth McBath B
Thomas McGough
Deborah &
Frank '69 Mikusi
Alice & Jack Miltner G
Susan Mingione
AnnMarie &
Andrew Miska G
Jacque & Luther Moon
Walter Moore
Beth (Dempsey) '74 &
William '74 Moore P
Bonnie & James Morgan
Gloria '96 &
John Mouw G
John Mulkerin M
Sheryl Quinn '00 &
Joel Murray
Suzanne & Gary Musillo
Joan & Carl Nordin
Karin & Peter O’Brien
Janine Ortega
Sheila & Richard Ortiz B
Gail & Joseph Owen
Mary & Ronald Paldino
Maria & Anthony Paris
Lucille & Rene Pepin
Rose & Robert Picard G
Barbara Pollock-Poneson
Edward Popoli
Marilyn &
Allan '87 Powers G
Catherine &
David '70 Preller B
Honor Roll of Donors 2003 - 2004
Connie &
William Prescott G
John Read
Joan &
Glenn '78 Redgate G
Lorie & Paul Reynolds G
Ruth & Larry Rissanen M
Isabel & Angel Rivera
Leonor Rodriguez
Joan '91 &
Thomas Rothrauff L
Susan & Peter '67 Salesses
Linda Salzberg
Donna & Robert Samson
Claudia & Don Sanders G
Mary Sarginger-Silber
Elizabeth (Scharber) '67 &
Gerald '62 Schambeau
Cynthia &
Thomas Schumaker
Karen &
Joseph Semeraro G
Patricia Slader
Constance &
Charles Sliger B
Sharon & Joseph Smith
Cathleen &
Randolph Spencer M
Amy St. Laurent G
Ariel Starr
Donna &
Edward Strickland
Barbara (Cody) '80 &
James '81 Stuchell
Donna & John Swart G
Kathleen & Jack Taylor G
Sonya '01 &
Samuel Techton
Ann & Stephen Titus B
Mary (Walker) '74 &
Gerald VanGuilder G
Faye '01 &
Stephen Varga-Sinka G
Mignonne-Volterre &
L. R. Volterre
Robert Waibel
Jean &
John Weicherding B
James Welu
Barbara & Steven Wenger
Elizabeth &
William West G
Nisa & Gary Woodham
Ann & James Young
Barbara &
Robert Ackerman B
Braulio Alons G
James Altman G
Beth Amundsen
Linda & Kevin Bacon G
Mara & Jerry Bailis
Patricia & Mark Baize
Barbara &
Peter Bambakidou
Susan Barnett
Sandra Bauer
Barbara Bedell
Jess A. Bell P
Merryl Bender
Elaine Benke
Gail Bernuccan G
Juan Berrios G
Oliver Bigelow
Sherry & Jacob Blecher
Marilyn &
Michael Borowsky
Donald Boslett
James Boychuk G
Renee & John Boychuk G
Gloria Bragdon
Theresa &
Eugene Breetveld G
John Brogan G
Mary Lou Broomhall
Peg & Richard Brow B
Pat Burns
Douglas Carlson
Stuart Carrier
Cathy & Danny Cason
Art Cassidy M
Susan & Joe Chance
Naina Chernoff B
Richard Chinn
Margaret &
Stephen Christie G
Claudia &
Charles Chritton G
Jack Clay G
Timothy Clayton
James Clemans G
Lisa &
Thomas Cleveland G
Mary Ann Coffey
Milagros Conception
Christopher Connors S
Steven Conti
Laura Cooper
Donald Crespy M
Rebecca Curry
Cynthia &
Thomas De Lessio
Patricia & David Delp
Sara & William Demetree S
Josie Diaz
Denise & David Donelson
Thomas Edrington G
Alexandra &
David Erickson G
Ann & William Ferrante
Edna Fiedorowicz
Brian Fluck
Roberta Forschner
James Frederick G
Wendy Freeman
Giancarlo Fumei
Tom Gambrell G
Alice Germano G
Louise & Charles Germano
Gina Germano
Joyce & Keith Getts
Joanne Giovenco
Candace & Harold Glover
Rose Marie Godlewski
Ellen & Eric Goldin
Allen Goodall G
Daniel Gordon
Michael Grappone
Phylis Greenwald
Lois & William Gregg
Patricia & Edward Griffin
Linda & Leroy Hafer M
Patricia & Lowell Harris
Norma & Albert Hayden
Jeffrey Heim G
Elaine (Mandela) &
Bernard Hemker S
Elizabeth Hill
James Hillmeyer
Terri & Jeffrey Hinds
Precious & John Hobbs
Marie Horton
Allison &
Harold Howard G
Timothy Hubbell G
Peyton Hyslop
James Jackson
Lorie Jewell G
Mary & Michael Johnson
Christine Kandefer
Harry Kelsey
Mary Susan Kessel G
Dallas Kirn
Janis & Francis Klingle
Kristine & Dale Koceja
Anthony Koutsos
Carol Lax
Rosemary & Al Leathers
Karen & Darrell Lee
Sherry & David Leffers S
Michele Birkley-Lewis &
Richard Lewis
Corinne &
Michael Locicero
John Machowski G
Barbara & James Maiolo L
Robert Manry G
Lynda Marchese
Norma & Harris Marmor S
Anges & Jerold Mason
Susan & Kenneth McAleer
Jack McAuliffe
Michelle & Kevin McCray
Mary McCullough
Jane & Michael McIver
William Meyer
Brian Mezrah G
Christopher Millard
Karen & Timothy Monath
Maureen &
Thomas Morrow
Kathy & James Murphy
Scott Nelson G
Tan Nguyen
Saint LeoUniversity
Ellen & Lawrence Nist G
Kimberley Orlando
Alida Ortiz
Angelina Pacheco-Welsh &
Raymond Welsh
Anna Marie Parker
Glenn Pelt G
Patricia Pennington
Beverly & Henry Perez G
Joyce & Mario Portillo G
Edna Powell G
Jaye & Douglas Prowant G
Joyce &
Melvin Rabinowitz G
Brenda & Keith Rangel G
Gary Reed
Roya Refei G
Grace & John Reidy
David Rheingold M
Kerry & David Rice
Jeanette Richard
Joyce & Edward Ricks G
William Romack
Nicole Rubenstein
Victoria & Cecil Satterfield
Paul Seifert M
Neva & Terrell Sessums G
Suzanne & James Sewell
Michael Signora
John Sikoryak
Alice & T R Simerl
George Skena
Marguerite &
Lindy Smith S
Martha & Jack Smith
Susan & Gary Sprott G
Chase Squires
Marguerite &
Howard Stapf G
Doris & William Stephens
James Stepp
Jane & Joel Strom
Neil & Denise Swidey
Joyce Sypher
Judith & Ida Tarentino G
Elizabeth & David Taylor B
Blanche & Jack Taylor
Susan & Robert Taylor
Susanna Thomas
Marsha Titus M
Richard Turner
Catherine &
Henry Van Guilder G
Jima Van Guilder
Sean Vanguilder
Violet Wade G
Patricia & Joseph Wamser
Cynthia & William Ware S
Jacquelyn & Mark Ware G
Eve Ware-Lennox
Carla Weber
Christine Welstead M
Claire Wershil
Paula & Randy White
Joan White
Elliot Whitman
Jerry Williams G
Jean Winsor
Lorna & David Wise
Christa Wolansky
Joan Woods
Pamela & Robert Yeske
Linda & Frank Zak
Alliance Printing &
Graphics, Inc.
Alpha Omega Dsp, Inc.
AMC, Inc.
American Campus
Communities, L.L.C.
AmSouth Bank
Apex Construction Services,
LLC / Contracting, Inc.
Batson-Cook Company
Bauer & Associates
Benedictine Sisters
of Florida
Honor Roll of Donors 2003 - 2004
BK Cypress Log Homes
Bob Knight
Photomarketing, Inc.
Bright House Networks
Carrier Living Trust
Cherry Marketing
Complete Game, Inc.
Congregation Beth Am of
Tampa, Inc.
Curtis H. Wild
Real Estate School
D. J. Harrington Companies
Dade City Chamber
of Commerce
Daly & Mills, PA
Delco Oil, Inc.
Denbigh Military
Retirees Club
Dismat Corp.
First American
Mortgage Group Inc.
First Georgia Telecom, Inc.
First National Bank
of Pasco
Follett High
Education Group
Fujitsu Consulting Inc.
G & G South
Country Plumbing
and Heating, Inc.
Gasparilla Distance Classic
Association, Inc.
Gembecki Mechanical
Services, Inc.
George C. & Nita S.
Roughgarden Christian
Educational Trust
Grass Fetish
Greenfelder, Mander,
Murphy, Dwyer
and Morris
Hair Affair, Inc.
Harold Roth, D.O.
Hellickson & Associates
Hendricks Enterprises
Heritage Ford
Hibbard Properties
Hooters on Location
Imagineering Partners, Inc.
J.G. Bell Foundation
James H. Dick, CPA
Jarrett Ford,
Lincoln, Mercury
Jerry Bowman, Inc. /DBA
Dunedin Refrigeration
Jessie Ball duPont Fund
John J. Kirlin, Inc.
Kakol Insurance
Agency, Inc.
Land Title
Search Associates Inc
Larry K. Laxdal
Construction Co.
Lynnfield Psychological
Associates, PC.
Marauder Soccer Camp
McBath Medical Center, P.A.
Minnick's, Inc.
Moon Carpet Cleaning
Music Modes, Inc.
Paskill & Stapleton Graphic
Communications, Inc.
Postal Options, Inc.
Powers Burger, Inc.
Preller & Preller
Premier Orthopedics, Inc.
Profitabilty Plus Inc.
Publix Super Markets, Inc.
Radiation Protection
Rare Earth Sciences, Inc.
Ravens Baseball Club, Inc.
Realty Managment Group
Ricci Insurance Agency, Inc.
Rinaldi Printing
Robert A. Buckner &
Associates, Inc.
Roche Bail Bonds, Inc.
Rotary Club of Zephyrhills Daybreak
Rotary of Dade City
Saint Leo Abbey
Saint Paul's
Discretionary Fund
Sally's Heavenly Fudge, Inc.
Salon Du Soleux
Schellenberg Real Estate
School Unique, Inc.
Seifert, Miller &
Slusher, LLC
Sergios Italian Restaurant
Silver Ring Cafe
Sodexho Marriott
Education Services
St. Francis of Assisi Friary
St. Petersburg Times
Suncoast Compensation &
Benefits Foundation
Sunrise Rotary Club Dade City
Sunshine Dental
of Leesburg, Inc /
DBA Morningside Dental
Sunshine State Conference
SunTrust Nature Coast
Switch & Data Facilities
Tampa Bay Trane
TC Saladino
Enterprises, Inc.
TECO Energy, Inc.
The Tampa Tribune
The Cadwalader Group
The Coca-Cola Company
The Endre A Balazs
The Focardi-Great Bay
The Joseph J. and
Rose A. Herrmann
Charitable Foundation
The Julia E. Car Trust
The Monterey Fund, Inc.
The NCAA News &
The Saunders Foundation
The School Board of
Volusia County
The Spartanburg County
Saint Leo giving societies recognize donors making gifts of $100 or more to the University’s Annual Fund. We gratefully acknowledge the benefactors
who demonstrate their deep commitment to Saint Leo through their annual financial support to the University.
Codes: D deceased
Giving Societies: L Leonine ($5,000 +) / P President's Council ($2,500-$4,999) / S Pride of Saint Leo ($1,000-$2,499)
B Marion Bowman ($500-$999) / M Monarch ($250-$499) / G Green & Gold ($100-$249)
Saint LeoUniversity
Tracey Vita's
School of Dance
USAA Foundation
Valic Financial
Advisors, Inc.
Veith and Company
Ware Construction
Services Inc.
Watch-Us, Inc.
William C. Demetree, Jr.
Foundation, Inc.
River Electric
Word for Word, Inc.
3M/Community Affairs
Aetna Foundation
Anheuser-Busch Companies
The Ashland Foundation
AT&T Foundation
Automatic Data
Processing Inc.
Bank of America
The Coca-Cola Company
The Dana Foundation
ExxonMobil Foundation
Gartner Inc.
Georgia-Pacific Corporation
IBM International
J. P. Morgan & Company
The May Department Stores
Company Foundation
SAFECO - Your Gift Plus
State Farm Companies
UBS Matching Gift Program
Unilever Corporation
USAA Foundation
Verizon Matching
Contributions to
Education Program
Honor Roll of Donors 2003 - 2004
Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority
Edna Santos '90
Christl Dimmel
Claire & Frederick Ganz
Dr. John F. Callan D
Maureen & Donald '83
Edith Calvin D
Pege & Richard Brow
Ramon L. Echevarria D
Claire & Frederick Ganz
Elaine Evans D
Father Gregory Traeger '34
Jeffrey F. Ganz D
Claire & Frederick Ganz
John Sikoryak
Marguerite &
Howard Stapf
Patricia & Joseph Wamser
Juliet Greer D
Mara & Jerry Bailis
Wayne Bauer '04
Barbara Bedell
Elaine Benke
Sherry & Jacob Blecher
Douglas Carlson
Jacqueline & William Cash
Naina Chernoff
Timothy Clayton
Congregation Beth Am of
Tampa, Inc.
Cynthia &
Thomas De Lessio
Ann & William Ferrante
Giancarlo Fumei
Joanne Giovenco
Allen Goodall
Daniel Gordon
Gail & Glen '61/ '63
Jeffrey Heim
James Hillmeyer
Terri & Jeffrey Hinds
Lorie Jewell
Carol Lax
Robert Manry
Tan Nguyen
Ellen & Lawrence Nist
Anna Marie Parker
Patricia Pennington
Power Burger, Inc.
Charles Reese '04
Roya Refei
David Rheingold
Nicole Rubenstein
Cheryl & Stephen Schmidt
Michael Signora
Susan & Gary Sprott
Chase Squires
Sunrise Rotary Club Dade City
Denise & Neil Swidey
The Tampa Tribune
Elizabeth & David Taylor
The Dana Foundation
Town of St. Leo
Claire Wershil
Lorna & David Wise
Charles “Bo” Harrison D
Melissa Belmont '03 &
Adam Gruler
Mary Cannon '71 &
Robert Cabot
Rotary of Dade City
Sunrise Rotary Club Dade City
Patricia '87 &
Parrish Thompson
Elaine & Otto Weitzenkorn
Joan White
Stephen Herrmann D
Marilyn &
Allan '87 Powers
Fred Joslyn D
Pege & Richard Brow
Gene Lewis D
B. Thomas Morrow
Dr. Bonnie J. McKenzie D
A. Paul Bradley
Pege & Richard Brow
Anna & Francis Crociata
Beverly & Arthur F. Kirk, Jr.
Robert Merkle D
George C. & Nita S.
Roughgarden Christian
Educational Trust
George H. Mero D
Mary McCullough
Robert E. Quinn D
Betty Quinn D
John Rector D
Pege & Richard Brow
Maura Snyder D
JoAnn Cook
Patricia Mariner '85 &
Preston Davis
Mary Anne '84 &
Anthony DeMeo
Justine &
Anthony '91 Fuccione
Julie Tobey '84 &
Dan Jenkins
Amy VanDeWater '94 &
Michael '94 LaBarr
Frances Martin '60
Rosemarie (Cash) '82 &
Stephen McAlister
Tracy McMenimon '88
Julia &
Robert '85 Samartin
Ruth Skeel
Elizabeth Gordon '85 &
Charles Tepper
Tracey Vita
Helen Treml D
Barbara &
Robert Ackerman
William A. Underhill D
Marsha Titus
Father Robert Velten D
James Costello '54
Arthur Herbert '63
Patricia &
John '64 Hughes
Marvin Mulligan '54
Thomas A. Welstead D
Christine Welstead
Robert Cabot '71
Cheval Golf &
Country Club
Coca-Cola Foundation Inc.
Anna & Francis Crociata
Follett High
Education Group
John Frank '72
Green Iguana
Gail & Glen '61/'63
Hernando Oaks Golf &
Country Club
John Hughes '64
Dolores Incremona '80
Julie Tobey '84 &
Dan Jenkins
Kafe Kokopelli
Kelley Consulting
Group, Inc.
Lake Jovita Joint Venture
The Lark Inn
Al Marsico '70
Miami Dolphins
Mizell's Home Field
Beth Dempsey '74 &
William '76 Moore
Museum of
Science & Industry
Kevin Reynolds '94
Ritz Camera Center
Frann Kelley Rodriguez '91
Sheraton Sand Key Resort
Sodexho Marriott
Education Services
Tracy Swearingen '97
Tampa Bay Performing
Arts Center
Laura &
Robert '82 Tewksbury
Richard Voorneveld '72
Linda & Jon Walsh
Liza West
Wilson Sporting Goods
Wingate Inn
Zephyrhills Spring Water
Code: D deceased
Saint LeoUniversity
Honor Roll of Donors 2003 - 2004
By naming Saint Leo as a beneficiary of retirement funds, life insurance
policies, charitable remainder trusts, or other planned giving vehicles, or
through their will, individuals in the James J. Horgan Heritage Society create a living legacy for Saint Leo. If you have already done so, or would like
information on doing so, please contact Francis Crociata, Director of Gift
Planning, at 888-752-8359 or e-mail him at [email protected].
Endowment gifts provide Saint Leo with a source of permanent funds, generating earnings to be distributed each year providing general support to
the mission of the University or for restricted purposes such as scholarships. Through the generosity of donors the following endowments have
been established at Saint Leo University. If you would like to contribute to
any of these endowments, or establish a new one, please contact Francis
Crociata, 352-588-8250 or francis.crociata@
Dr. James J. Horgan (1940-1997) was a professor of history at Saint Leo from 1965 to
1997, and author of “Pioneer College: The
Centennial History of Saint Leo College,
Saint Leo Abbey and Holy Name Monastery.” In recognition of his special talents as
a teacher, scholar, and advisor, and in appreciation of his bequest to his beloved college,
Saint Leo is honored to pay tribute to him
and all others who include the University in
their estate plans.
Anonymous (2)
Cynthia L. Bakish '95
John '68 and
Donna Bienkowski
Constance Blum
Ann J. Bulovas*
Evelyn Burns*
Julia Carr*
Mark E. Celmer '74
Armando Cutino
Gaston and Evelyn
Vanecek De Groote*
Gertrude DeLaney*
Frank Dwyer '68
June Kaste Furfey*
Frederick and Claire Ganz
Jeffrey F. Ganz '92*
Glen'61/ '63 and
Gail Greenfelder
Frank A. Hosticka*
Michael Kersch '60
Alfred O. '35* and
Margaret Kiefer '37
Shirley Longo
Charles McIntosh, Jr. '35*
Bonnie Jean McKenzie*
Betty G. Quinn*
Robert E. Quinn '70*
Judith C. Rochelle
James and Linda Taggart
Cyndee I. Thomas '88
Richard Burke Voorneveld '72
James and Constance Walter*
Mark Werner '63
Lillian Yakich*
Nathan Altschular Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established in memory of the education services chief
at Langley Air Force Base, Virginia, where Saint Leo has a Regional Center.
It provides scholarship support for students enrolled through the military.
Alumni Association Scholarship
Established by the Saint Leo University Alumni Association. The endowment provides both encouragement and support for future generations of
students enrolled through University College and the School of Continuing
Bank of America Endowed Scholarship
Designated for students majoring in Business Administration, with preference given to first time freshmen minority students, more than 30 students
have already benefited from this generosity.
Adrian Bell, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established by Mrs. Jane Bell in memory of her son Adrian Bell, Jr., a member of the Class of 1972 and former member of the Board of Trustees of
Saint Leo University, the fund provides scholarships for Florida students in
Saint Leo’s School of Business.
Aloysius Bolark Scholarship
Established by Genevieve Horgan, mother of our late, beloved Professor
James Horgan, to honor the memory of her brother and encourage students in the field of history, Dr. Horgan's area of specialization.
Benefactor Endowed Scholarships
This fund provides need based scholarships to students at University
College and is funded by a long list of contributors, who throughout the
years, have helped us assure that students of talent and promise are not
denied admission on the basis of economics.
Birds Eye Foundation
Endowed Scholarship
This endowment was created
by the Birds Eye Foundation of
Rochester, NY to provide a
fund for students who reside in
the western New York region
who wish to pursue their personal dreams and professional
goals by attending Saint Leo
Saint LeoUniversity
Honor Roll of Donors 2003 - 2004
ENDOWMENTS continued
Donna Sumner Cox Memorial Scholarship
Blessed Frederick Ozanam Scholarship
Established by long-time benefactors to the University, Robert and Marlene
Sumner'52, to honor the memory of their daughter.
Created by the St. Vincent DePaul Society of Holiday, FL, this Fund awards
an annual scholarship honoring the memory of the Society’s founder
directed to a student with demonstrated financial need enrolled in programs related to the improvement of community and society such as social
work and religion. Preference for the scholarship is given to students from
St. Vincent DePaul Church, Holiday, followed by students from any
Catholic parish in Pasco County, FL
and then the entire Diocese of St.
Captain Charles “Bo”
Harrison Scholarship Fund
Established to honor the memory
of a beloved officer of the Pasco
County Sheriff’s Department who
died while on duty, this Fund will
award an annual scholarship to
minority student residing in Pasco
County enrolled in Saint Leo’s
criminal justice program, with
preference given to fulltime traditional University Campus students.
Father Marion Bowman Scholarship
Established by Saint Leo College Preparatory School and College alumni to
honor this special man. This scholarship provides support for students who
are deemed to best represent the core values and the spirit of Saint Leo.
Bertha Brown Endowed Fund
This endowment fund was a gift to Saint Leo designating its use for landscaping and beautification.
Jack Callan Memorial Scholarship
Charles Richard Cueto Scholarship
Created by Renee Cueto, a local resident, college benefactor and supporter of the fine arts, to honor her late son and provide support for students
in the writing track.
The Dade City Rotary Club
This scholarship was established by the Rotary Club to encourage local students to attend their local university. The award is based on financial need.
Gaston and Evelyn De Groote Scholarship Trust
Established by bequest from Gaston and Evelyn De Groote to provide
scholarships for promising American and foreign Saint Leo University students with first preference given to students from Captain De Groote’s
birthplace, Nazareth, Belgium.
Fahey Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship, for students from Pasco County, Florida with demonstrated financial need, was established with a gift from the estate of Eileen
Fahey, who wanted to create something of permanence in her memory and
that of her husband, Raymond.
Edward L. Flemming Memorial Scholarship
A college benefactor, Frances M. Flemming, established this scholarship in
memory of her husband, Edward, and to honor their 35 years of marriage.
It provides support for students majoring in psychology and who are of
good character.
Herman and Marie Fontaine Scholarship
Established by the owner of Discount Auto Parts and his wife to affirm
their belief in the mission and values of Saint Leo University.
Jeffrey Ganz "Lefty 21" Memorial Scholarship
Established by the students, faculty and staff at the South Hampton Roads
Center in Virginia, to honor Dr. Jack Callan, director of the center for 20
years, on the occasion of his retirement. It is awarded to the wife of an
active duty enlisted man, with junior standing and a minimum GPA of 3.0,
with a minimum of 9 hours at Saint Leo.
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ganz in loving memory of their
only child, Jeff (member of the 1994 baseball team), a left-handed pitcher
and star on Saint Leo's baseball team, whose life was cut short by a vicious
assault. Family and friends support this scholarship, awarded to left-handed pitchers, to keep the memory of Jeff alive and to show their support for
the Ganzes and this institution.
Ann Cleary Endowed Scholarship
Gil-Mar Garcia Scholarship
Established by a gift from Ann Cleary to provide general scholarship funds
to assist deserving students.
Herbert K. Collier Endowed Scholarship
This was established through a gift from the estate of Mr. Collier. It was his
desire to assist in the scholarship needs of students deemed worthy individuals by the institution.
Dade City Fire Rescue Scholarship Fund
Established by the Dade City Fire Rescue, Inc. to provide a scholarship for
students domiciled in the eastern region of Pasco County, Florida with
financial needs enrolled in programs related to public safety professions.
Established by Trustee Emeritus Gilberto Garcia, a 1934 graduate of Saint
Leo Prep School and long-time benefactor to Saint Leo. A native of Havana,
Cuba, Mr. Garcia wanted to provide scholarship funds for students of
Cuban and Spanish background to attend the institution that has meant so
much to him.
Goddard Endowed Medical Scholarship
Created through a gift from Jack and Annette Goddard to provide support
for students whose goal is a career in medicine. Mr. Goddard was a former
assistant to the president of the college.
Saint LeoUniversity
Honor Roll of Donors 2003 - 2004
Genevieve A. Horgan Scholarship
The mother of our beloved, late Dr. James Horgan created this scholarship.
Through her son she provided support in many forms for Saint Leo, and
offered encouragement to students, particularly those majoring in history.
This scholarship is awarded on the basis of financial need to a history
major who is a junior or senior.
James J. Horgan Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Horgan loved the institution so much he chose to leave a bequest,
which established this scholarship. His students were of primary importance to him, and they, in turn, returned his friendship and respect. This
scholarship, which honors an outstanding individual, is awarded annually to a history major.
The Goizueta Foundation Scholars Fund
William S. Horgan Memorial Scholarship
Established by The Goizueta Foundation, Atlanta Georgia, to provide
need-based scholarship assistance annually for Hispanic/Latino students at
Saint Leo.
Dr. James Horgan and his mother, Genevieve Horgan, to honor the memory of his father, created this scholarship. The Horgan family were longtime benefactors to Saint Leo and the scholarships they established continue to provide support for outstanding students.
William M. Gray '70 Endowment Fund
Established by William M. and Diane Gray to honor the memory of
Winifred H. O'Donnell, a schoolteacher and mentor of over forty years in
Mahoney City, PA. First preference is given to applicants from Mahoney
City, after which other out-of-Florida students will be considered.
President Arthur F. Kirk, Jr. Scholarship Fund
Raleigh Greene Jr. Endowed Scholarship
Established by Arthur F. Kirk, Jr., President of Saint Leo University, to provide funds for library acquisitions in memory of his father, Arthur F. Kirk, Sr.
A 1945 graduate of Saint Leo College Preparatory School, Raleigh Greene
served both as a trustee and as chairman of the Board of Trustees. He and
his wife, Nancy, have made a continuing commitment to Saint Leo throughout their relationship with the institution. At his passing, this scholarship
was established to perpetuate his memory, and was made possible by the
legion of friends who recognized the great contributions he had made.
James J. Heagerty Memorial MBA Scholarship
A 1948 Saint Leo College Preparatory School graduate and a member of
the Board of Trustees, James Heagerty funded the creation of the suite of
classrooms for the MBA program, which was so important to him. His family established this scholarship to perpetuate his memory and honor his
long-time commitment to Saint Leo. It is awarded to a graduate student in
the MBA program with demonstrated financial need.
John Peter Heatherton Family Scholarship
Established by Margaret Heatherton Kertis to honor the John Peter
Heatherton Family and provide scholarship support to students with
demonstrated financial need.
Charles F. Henderson III Scholarship
A Trustee Emeritus, affiliated with the Board of Trustees since 1971, and a
1984 honorary degree recipient, Charles Henderson Jr. created this scholarship to honor the memory of his beloved son and designated the funds for
students who show qualities of leadership, loyalty and service to Saint Leo.
Established by gifts from members of the Saint Leo University Board of
Trustees to award an annual scholarship in honor of Dr. Kirk.
Arthur F. Kirk, Sr. Library Fund
James Maiolo Scholarship Fund
Established by James R. Maiolo to award a scholarship to a full-time, first
time college, student attending Saint Leo University at University Campus
who is majoring in Environmental Science and has unmet financial need.
Frances Martin Endowed Scholarship
Established to honor an outstanding faculty member and director of the
Social Work program for her years of dedication to the institution upon her
retirement. The endowment
provides scholarships for Social
Work students.
Fr. Ed Martineau, OSB
Scholarship Fund
Established with the surviving
proceeds of Operation Love, a
South Korean charity founded
by the late Fr. Ed Martineau, a
member of Saint Leo Abbey. The
Fund has been designated to
award scholarships to students
from East Pasco County in Fr.
Martineau's memory.
Saint LeoUniversity
Honor Roll of Donors 2003 - 2004
Father George Paulson Theology Institute Scholarship
This scholarship was established with a gift from Alexander Kotarides, a
leader in the Norfolk, VA business community, to honor his good friend,
Father Paulson, an orthodox priest teaching theology at Saint Leo's center
on the Naval Amphibious Base in Norfolk.
James Peer Endowed Scholarship
Friends of James Peer, long-time faculty member at the Ocala Center and
chair of the education department established this scholarship to provide
support to students at the Ocala Center.
Robert H. Peterson Scholarship
Dr. Peterson was a longtime member of the Saint Leo faculty and served as
chair of the chemistry department prior to his death. On his passing in
1991, his family established this scholarship in his memory.
Presidential Discretionary Fund Endowment
ENDOWMENTS continued
Dr. Donald L. McBath Scholarship Fund
Established by three Saint Leo Trustees, Glen Greenfelder '61/'63, Janet
Denlinger, and President Kirk to honor the memory of Dr. Don McBath, a
beloved Pasco County physician who served the Saint Leo Board of
Trustees from 1980 to 1991. The endowment provides scholarships for University College students with financial need.
C.P. McCabe Memorial Scholarship
Created by Effie McCabe, a longtime neighbor of Saint Leo, to honor her
husband, Cornelius Patrick and their 48 years of marriage. Because the field
of education was so important to her, and she supported local education,
recipients must be juniors or seniors from Pasco County, Florida majoring
in education, who are of good character and demonstrate financial need,
and who, hopefully, would put their skills to work for local students.
Cardinal Mooney High School Scholarship
The donors who established this scholarship are the late Neil LeFevre, the
late James Heagerty, Jerome Cocciardi and Robert Carr, all former trustees.
It is awarded annually to a graduate of Cardinal Mooney High School in
Sarasota, FL, who achieves a minimum GPA of 3.0.
New York Yankees Scholarship for Athletes
Facilitated through the generosity of Joseph A. Molloy '84, former managing partner of the Yankees, and George Steinbrenner, Yankees owner and a
major benefactor of education, this scholarship has assisted many outstanding and deserving athletes.
Bill Nye Realty, Inc. Scholarship Fund
Established by Bill and Andrea Nye to provide scholarships to students
from Pasco County and adjoining communities.
This endowment fund was established by trustees Constance Blum,
William B. Connollon'70, Thomas Dempsey, Dwaine Gullett, Glen Greenfelder '61/'63, Dr. Arthur F. Kirk Jr., Mark Mahaffey, Sheila McDevitt, and
Michael Jerry Williams '75 in the spring of 2000. Its purpose is to provide
Saint Leo University Presidents a perpetual source of funds with which to
invest in new initiatives.
Judith Rochelle Scholarship Fund
Established on the occasion of her retirement by colleagues and friends of
Judith Rochelle, Saint Leo associate vice president and a much beloved
community volunteer, the Judith Rochelle Fund provides scholarships to
Pasco County Fl students in Saint Leo’s School of Business.
Saint Leo University Community Endowment Fund
Established by Saint Leo faculty and staff members in the early days of the
University’s first comprehensive fundraising campaign “Building Greatness,”
earnings of the Fund will be used to support strategic initiatives in curriculum development, instructional support and faculty development to positively affect the work of Saint Leo’s teachers in all aspects and locations.
Saint Leo Prep Scholarship Fund
Father Raphael Schooff, OSB Memorial Scholarship
Father Robert Velten, OSB Scholarship
The Saint Leo Prep Scholarship Fund was
founded in 2001 as the Fr, Rafael Scholarship
Fund by members of the Class of 1954 to
honor the memory of Fr. Rafael Schooff,
headmaster of Saint Leo College Preparatory
School, a dedicated teacher who had greatly
influenced the career and lives of students.
In 2004, the Class of 1964 established the
Fund’s second scholarship honoring Fr.
Raphael’s successor as headmaster, Fr. Robert
Velten, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Fr. Robert’s ordination to the
Saint LeoUniversity
Honor Roll of Donors 2003 - 2004
St. Joan of Arc Endowed Scholarship
Established by a friend of Saint Leo, this scholarship was created to provide
tuition support for a qualified student from the St. Joan of Arc parish.
Saint Leo University Endowed Golf Scholarship
Established with proceeds from a celebrity golf tournament at Lake Jovita
Golf & Country Club conducted by the Club and designated for Saint Leo.
Sister Mary Grace Riddles, O.S.B. Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was founded in 1984 in honor of Sister Mary Grace of the
Order of Saint Benedict. She was a founding faculty member and Doctor
Emeritus of Saint Leo. It was established to benefit worthy students who
demonstrate the high standards of academic achievement and good character that were her hallmarks.
George Coventry and Nina
Schmidt Roughgarden Fund
Created through a trust established by George and Nita
Roughgarden, the scholarship
was established by their niece and
trustee, Rita Patton, who continued to support Saint Leo through
the trust after their deaths.
S.G.U. Endowed
Established by members of the
Class of 1984, it is awarded annually to University Campus students who it is deemed best represent the spirit and mission of Saint Leo
through personal action, campus life involvement and personal ideals.
Anthony H.N. Schnelling and Bettina M.Whyte Scholarship Fund
Established by Tony ’74 and Cindy ’76 Gerbino to honor the occasion of
the wedding of their friends Anthony H.N. Schnelling and Bettina M.
Whyte, this Fund provides an annual scholarship to a full-time student
enrolled in the School of Business.
Maura Snyder Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established by the many Saint Leo students, faculty and staff colleagues
and friends of Maura Snyder on the occasion of her retirement as a fulltime faculty member, the Maura Snyder Fund provides scholarship funds
for students with demonstrated financial need enrolled at Saint Leo’s
University Campus.
Raymond and Mary C. Spangler Scholarship
Created through a bequest from Mary Spangler to fund a scholarship
named for herself and her late husband to provide the means for students
with need to achieve their educational goals.
Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union Endowment
Established by the Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union to provide scholarships to business majors with a preference given to the Credit Union's
members and their dependents.
West Pasco Chamber of Commerce Ambassador's Endowment
Established by the West Pasco Chamber of Commerce to provide scholarship assistance for students from Pasco County.
Evelyn Smith Endowed Scholarship
Established with a bequest from Leslie Smith in memory of his wife,
Evelyn, to be used as a general scholarship award.
All names have been carefully reviewed. Nevertheless, errors and omissions may occur. If your name has been misprinted or omitted, please accept
our apologies. Questions and corrections should be sent to Francis Crociata, 352-588-8483 or [email protected].
University Campus / P.O. Box 6665 / Saint Leo, FL 33574-6665 /
University Advancement
University Campus — MC2227
P.O. Box 6665
Saint Leo, FL 33574-6665