Dance in America - Lifelong Learning Academy
Dance in America - Lifelong Learning Academy
't94 t MORt STORITS WL TELL likc to kiss 1]e too, sonletilues. I re'fV' Sophie like to grab rny rucmber that evcry tir-ne I sec a child on on the nosc' I hair, a fistl'ul in each hand, ancl tl-ren kiss mc smack She call grc Meanie, but shc Lorrie Moore r'lever see any othcr child kiss that rvay' 'Ihe satcllite 'I'V has so ll"Iany channcls, more chanuels than I the Mainland and a can count, incluclirrg a Chinese chaunel from the timc I watch of (lhincse channel from Taiwan, but most many' rnany bloopers with lless- Also, I watch the bird feeder---so time' askthe all kincts of bircls comc. The Shca sons hang around ()et lost' ing whert will I go h<>ure' but Bess tell thern' going anywhere' isn't She Shet a perlranctlt resiclcnt, say lless' Then she wink at nte, and switch the channel with the rclnote control. ()fcourse,lshouldn'tsaylrishthis,lrishthat'especiallynowl to LJess' Mcl Whot ar.n becortte h<>norary Irish rnyself, according one lrish? I say, ancl shc laugh' Al1 the sanle, if I could rmerltion to like t of course' them of thing abotrt sonre of the lrish, not all Shea Bess nrcntiort this: Thcir talk just stick' l don't know how say a long shc what hcar I learn to usc hcr wor<ls, but sometinres ()ver and ovcr I tirne later. Perttrancttl rasidtnt' ivo'.goi'( anywlrcre' hc:rr it, the v<'ricc <>f lless' 14 Dance in America I 'rlt.t- 'ttIliM dancc bcgins u,hcn a nr()lllcllt of hurt c<>ntbincs with a lnonlent of bored<tnr. I tell thenr it'.s tlre bocly'.s rcaching, brirreing air to itself. I tell thcrn that it',s thc hcartls trir-rnrph, tl.rc victory specch oF thc fcct, thc refincr-ncnt of aninral lrrnge and flight, the purest nrctaphor of tribc and sclf. It'.s lifc flippinu tlcath the bird. I nrake this stuff up. I}-rt then I Fcel thc stray v<>ltlge of' trry rented charisrrra, hear thc jcrry-rigged authorityil-r rny vt'licc, and I, tocl, lrelieve. I'nt convincecl.'fhe troupc clisrrrantlccl, thc clrorcography comrrissiorrs dwindling, my bocly hardcr to nlakc linrbcr, t<l makc go, I havc contc hcrc for two r,vecks-to l)cnnsylvauit I)utcl-r country, as a "l)arrccr in the Scho<>ls." I visit classes, at collcges and clemcntary schools, sprcacling l)ancc'.s holy worc1. My lrcad fills with my own yack. What inteli<lr lifc' has accruccl in rnc is clepleted [ast, cnrptied out ll-ry mouth, as I stand bctbrc auclicnces, auswcrins their fcarful, furbidding ()erruart cprcsti()ns about :rrt arrcl rtry "whorish dances" (the thrusted hip, the sucldcn burnp ancl grind beforc an attitudc). They ask why cverytlrirrs I rlrakc scenrs so "ltc'rlinistic." "I tlrink thc word is.fumiristicol," I say. I've srowrr tirccl. I burrrccl clown u-ry lifc for a few qr>od picccs. and rrr>w this. 196 / MORL STORIES WE I tI.t Witlr only onc r-right lcft, I've flecl the Quality Inu. (c:nramtltl crIIcKrlN ()N wAl,trr.t: $3.9-5 rcacls the sign out frotlt. l{ow cor,rlcl I leave?) '['he karaokc in the cocktail ]ounsc has kcpt llre trp, all thosc tipsy and bcllorvirrg v<>ices iust back fr<>rn the ntcn'.s rootn ancl urgcd to tl-rc front of thc loungc to sing "Sextral ['lcaling" or "Alfie." I've acccptccl an ilrvitltion to sttly rvith my old fricncl Cal, who te:rches anthropol()gy at Br.rrkwell, one of the nryriad local colleges. I'le lrrcl his wifc ()wn a ftrrmer frlt h<luse thcy'vc nevcr bothereci to rcnovatc. "lt lvas thc orrly way wc cor"rlcl livc in a house this big," he says. "llcsidcs, r,ve're pcrvcrscly fascinated by thc wrcckagc." It is I'astnacht, thc lip of l-ent, the night when the locals makc' hot fi-ied clough anc{ cat it in honor of (lhrist. We arc outsidc, befbrc dinner, walkirrg Cali do5;, (Jhappers, in the cold. "J'he lrousc i.s anrazing to look at," I say. "lt'.s bcat-up in sttch au intricatc way. l,ike a l{auschcnbcrg. I-ike <xre of those beautiftrl wind*tattcrcd billboards one sccs in thc (lalifornia dcscrt." I'nr detcrrninecl to bc agrceablc; thc' housc, truth be toid, is a shock. Maple scedlings havc sprontecl up thror-rgh thc clirring rt>ont flr>orboarcls, ficlrn wherc a trcc outsicle has pushcd intcl thc Rrunclation. Squirrcls tl-re size of collies scrabble in thc walls. l)air"rt is chipping cverywhere, in scales ancl blisters and flaps; in thc crackecl phster bcneath are writtct-t the tranres <lf wt>rtten rvho, in rt;72, tg73, and t974, spent the nicht cluring Spring l\uslt r,veekencl. The kitchen ceiling rcirds "sigrna power!" and "Wattk trrc with a spoon." llut I havcn't secn (lal in twelvc ycars, l.lot since he left for llelgium on a lrulbright, so I trrust bc nice. He sccms difFerent to mc: shorter, older, cleaner, clespite the housc. In :r burst ol candor, he has already confessed that those lorre years ago, oLlt of frierlclsliip lor rnc, he'd been cxagllerating his intcrcst in dance. "l didn't get it," he adnrittecl. "l kcpt trytng t<l figurc out thc rfor)/. IU look at the purplc guy wl-r<> lradn't tnovccl in a while, arrcl I'd think, So what's thc issue with fiinr?" Now Chappers tlr{.Is at his lcash. "Ycalr. thc housc." Cal sighs. DANCI IN NN1 TRICN / 197 "Wc clid orrc:e have a paintcr qivc us arr cstitrratc, [:trt wc wcrc, put off by thc rrlnrcs of the paints: Myth, Vcspcr, Snickcrcl<r,r,il". t cliclrr't rvarrt anythinu calletl Snickcrcloocllc irr rtry lrousc.,, "What ls a Snickerdoocllc?,, "l think thcy're hunrccl in Maclagascar." I leap to joirr Itirtr, to play. ..()r catel) ilt Vicnna.,, I say. "()r worshipccl in L.A." I laush again fbr hirtr, arrcl rhcrr rve natch as Chappcrs sniflt at thc ro<>ts <>f an <>ak. "lJLrt a ntyth ()r a vcsper---they'rc always q()ocl.,, I .lclcl. "(lrucial," hc says. '.lJut rvc clidn't neecl pairrr ftlr rhat.,, (lll's son, Eugcrrc, is sevc, a,cr has cystic fibr<>sis. E.gc,crs lifc is a racc rvith r.,cc]ical rcscarch.',rt'.s rr.t tlrat I,rl ,-t ftr, tlrc arts," says oal. "vrrr'r. hcrc; ,roncy ftlr thc urts br.rrsrrt y<>u herc.. '-['hatls rvclnclcrful. Itls w<lnclerful to sce vou aftcr all thcsc It'.s w',clcrF,l to fu,cl the arts. 11 !.wrr:dcrfirl; yrr-ri-c w.rrtlcrfLrl' Thc arts arc s<> r'ricc irncl wonclcrfirr. IJut rcalry: I srrv rct'.s givc illl tlrc rnorrcy, cvcry Iast fitckirrg clir.rrc, to scicncc.', Sr>r'rcthi,g cl.rokcs trp irr hi.r. 'r'rrcrc ca, lrc <>ptir,isrrr in thc irrcrerlrc,ts, thc bits, the chaptcrs; br-rt I hr*,crr't sccrr lrirrr ir', trvclvc years and he h:rs lucl tr> tcll lne thc rvholc story, strrriqht fi-<>nr the bc{:inlrius, arrcl itls thc rvholc st<>ry tlrrrt,,s-just so sl<.I. "wc both <:arricd thc ucnc but .rcvcr k,crv," hc s;rys. ..'r'h.t'.s trrc way it rv<>rks"fhc ockls Are ()rc irr tw'c,ty, ti,rcs .re ill twcrty, .lr(r thc, aftcr that. still .rrly orr. irr fbrr. ()rre iu sirtc*r lru,clrctl, t.tal. llingol We shotrkl ln()vc to Vculs." Whcn I first kncrv Cal, rve rvcrc in Ncrv Vlrk, just ()Llt qracl* of ttatc sch.<tl; hc si.qlc, arrd, a,c.l st*rck ,,," .r r,r,rr",rr,. r'vl'r. woulcl ,cvcr actually rnarry arcl ha'c u f,rrrrilv, <>r ir. lrc clid, nlarry sorllcorrc dec.rative, s()llrcollc sri,.lrt. rltrt rr<>w; twcrvc 'v.trltl ycars latcr, his silvcr-haired wi[c, Sirrorrc, is ,othiriu rikc that: srrc is big aucl ficrce arrd ori{-rillal, joinccl rvith hinr in sricf arrrl cour-. agc. Shc stortits t>ut <tf I)TA rircetirrqs. S|c gltrcs littlc scrluips t<> her sh<>cs. Englislr is hcr third l:rrrguugc; shc rvrs ()nce u lrrcnr:l.r r'vhr>lc 198 / MORE STORIES WE TILI DANCE IN AMt'RICA is all she'll say "I miss the caviar" diplornat to Belgium and toJapan' Pennsylvania l)utchland' of it. "l rniss thc caviar so much'" Now in "The 1o,i" p.i,l* satirical oils of long-armed handless people'I can't paint f;rench accent' giggling' "l]ut cals,'1 shc explains in her one of the a studio frotn hands-" She and Eugcne have macle wrecked rooms uPstairs' "How is Simone through all this?" I ask' a sister who diecl "She\ better than t am," he says' "She had young. She exPects unhaPPiness'" ' "irr, isn't there hope?" I ask' stuck f<rr words' grown worse' too Already, Cal says, Eugene hm degencrated' i'Stitkin"";' hc calls it' "If he were three' hrs lurn5' much liquid in hope' The researchers are making instead ,rf ,.,r"r,, theret be more some strides; theY reallY are'" thcre arc olcl Colonial "He''s a great kicl," L"y' Attn" the strect' winclolv; it is a Pennsylvania l)utch houses with canclles lit in each frgm l)esert Storrn, dcpending on wl-rorn you custom, or left over ask. clclg comes up and Cal stops and turns towarcl ure' and the Eugencr's great"'he says' "[t's t"totjust nuzzles him. "Ith not just that chilcl I'11 ever have. It's also that the precociry or tl-lat ie'.s the only L{e's very good at unhei .such a good pers()l1' I{e accepts things' derstanding everything'" such sorrow I cannot irnagine anything in rny lifu that contains someone' Cal Falls silent' the as this, sr-rch anticipation of missing hancl lightly in the middle of dog trots before us, and I place nry the colcl, empty streets' up cal,s back as we walk like that through of sickle moon' like a cup in the sky, Venus ancl the thinnest paring havc made the Turkish flag in and saucer, like a nose and rnouth' as we traipse after the dog' the the sky. "Look at that," I say to Cal leash taut as a stick' ".Woui' Cal says' "The Tirrkish flag'" "You'nr sacr, you're backl" Eusene / 199 shouts {rom insidc, dashing toward thc fiont door as wc step up onto thc front porch with Chappers. Eugene is in his pajamas already, his body skinny and hunchecl. [{is glasscs are thick, rnagnifying, and his eyes, puffcd and swimnring, secm not to niss a thing. FIc siides int<l the front entryway, in his stocking feet, and lands on thc floor. He srniies up at me, all charm, like a kid with a crush. He has painted his face with Mcrthiolate and hopes we'llfind that funny. "Eugene, you look beautiful!" I say. "No I don'tl" he says. "[ look witty)' "Whcre'.s your rrotherr?" asks Cai, unleashing thc dog. "In thc kitchen. I)ad, Mom says yoll have to go up to the attic and bring down one of the pans for dinner." F{e gets up and chases after Chappers, to tackle him and bring him back. "W'e have a cou;rlc: pots up thcre to catch leaks," Cal explains, taking off liis coat. "[]ut then u.e end up needing the pots fur cooking, so rve fbtch thcrrr back." "I)o you neecl some hclp?" I don't know lvhether I should be with Sir-nonc in the kitchen, Ca1 in the attic, or Liugere on the floor. "Oh, no. You stay here with L,ugene," he says. "Yeah. Stay here with mc." Eugcnc races back fiom the dog and grabs rny leg. 'fhe dog barks excitedly. "You can shor,v Huscne yoLrr video," Cal suugests as hc leaves thc roonr. "Shorv me your dancc vicleo," he says to rnc in r sings<lng. "Show me, sho'uv me." "l)o we havc tirnc?" "-We havc fiftcen minutes," hc says with great authority. I go trpstairs and dig it out of n-ry bag, thcn come back dorvn."Wc plug it into the V(lt\ and ncstle on the couch togcther. He huddles close, cold in the drafty house, and I cxterrcl nry lorrg su,,c2ltcr ar<>und him like a shawl. I try to explain a Fcr.v thiugs, in a*up r.vay, ho'"v this dance canre to be, how lrlove nr(:l)t, rcpentcd, brcaks through all 2OO / DANCE IN AMERICA MORE STORIES WE TEIL to ccstasy; into a kind of stratosphcrc: flrotlr recalcitrance nratlc earlier in the weck' lt is a frot.n shoe to bird. The tapc is one T.hey each lrad t<l itrvent a demotrstrirtion with ft;t.rth graders' cat' up with various crea* charactcr, thcn ciesign a rnask"l'hey Mr' llicycle Spoke i-Iead' Flvil Suow- resistencc turcs: Miss Ninjr Pc:acock' I nran. Saber-toothed Mour: "Half-girl-half-man-half-cat'"'Ihen on' ancl lecl thcrn' with thcir ulasks arrangccl the kicls in a phalanx ls lt'" dancti to Kenny l-oggins's "'I'his ir, "nin',p..ruised rapt' f {is brown hair hangs in strings in his face' F{e watches, Crowcll"' hc says' l{c knolvs ancl he chcr'vs on it' " fhcrc's Tbrnmy royalty' When it is ovcr' hc looks the fourth sradcrs as if they were I'{is caze behind his glasses is .r*,, ,, nr", snriling, but businesslikc' dance"' hc says' and <lircct. "That r,vas rcally a worrelerlul brilliant Hc souur,ls likc an agcnt' "l )o You re allY thir-rk so?" "Absolutclyi' he says' "lt''s colorful and has lots of fun' irlterest- ing stcps." "Will I ask' You be rrrY agcnt?" ."'"t""]"'l cl<ln't kll<lw' Is thc agerrt the pcrson who clrivcs the car?" , . r-._.-.^, ilway; tl-rc "l)inncr\ ready!" Simone calls fk>nr two roo1lls "'Wank ure witl"r I s1'rtl<;n" rool1l' tl'rc couch.and "Ootlring!" shouts Eugene' aLrcl he leaps off sidew;rys into hcr charit' "Whtto"' slides into the clining tt""'"' falling urake it"' he says, out of brclth' "l alnlost dicirr't He scolvls, "Flcre," s;rys E'ugcnc's place Cal' L{c placcs a goblct of pills at sctting. chair' he gcts tlp on his knces' Eugctte ntakcs a facc, but rn thc hancl' lnd begins thc arduous leans f<>rrvlrcl, glass of water in orre activiry of takirrg all the Pills' nly napkin ir-r nry lap' I sit in the chair opposite hitn ancl placc I 2O1 Stu<;r,rE rrAS MADr a soup rvith hard-boiled eggs ir-r it (a rcgional recipe, she explains), as ,'vell as Peking duck, uirich is ropy antl swcet. Cal kecps passir-rg around thc baskct of bread, anxiously, talking abourt how modcrn man has only been around for 4-5,oocr years and probably thc bread hasn't changed nruch since thcn. "Forty-five thousand years?" says Sirnonc. "'Ihat'.s all? 'I'hat can't be. I feel likc wc've been married for that long." 'flrcre are pcoplc rvho talk with their hands. Then there arc pcople who talk with thcir arms.'fhen therc arc pcople wl-ro trlk rvith thcir arms over their l-read. "fhesc arc the ones I like best. Simonc is one ol thosc. "Nope, that's it," says Cal, cheu,ing. "Forty-five thousand. 'I'hough for about two hundrecl thousand ycars bcfore that, carly lnan was going through all kinds of anatornical changcs to gct r,vhcrc wc arc todey. It wa; r ,('r)/ cxcitirrrl tinrc." Ilc pauscs. a littlc breathlcssly. "l wish I could have bccn ttrcrc." "Hal" exclaims Sinrone. "'T'hink of thc parties," I say. "Ilight," says Simone. " Joe. how've you becn? Your hcacl'"s so 6r.q now, ancl, well, what is this crazy thing you'rc doitrg rtitlr your thurnb?' A lot likc the parties in Socla Sprir-rus, Idaho." "Sirrrorre used to bc marriccl to solrlconc in Soda Springs, Iclaho," Oal says to nrc. "V;u're kiddingl" I say "Oh, it w-as vcry briefl' she says. "l-lc was ricliculous. I sot ricl of' irim aftcr about six ntonths. Supposeclly, he u,cnt off and killcd hirnself." Sher srniles at rnc impishly. "Who killed hirnself?" asks Euscrt,--. I{er }ras swallowecl all thc pilis but one. "Mon-rnry'.s first husbancl," says Cai. "Why did he kill himsclf?" Eugene is starins at tlrc rnitldle ol' the table, trying to thirrk about this. "Eugene, you'r,e livecl witl"r your ru<lthcr fi:r seveu years n()w, DANCE IN MORL STORI['"S WL TELL 202 / brightly. --.^,, Lr..,,,n,{r,rsr,rncls ancl vaguc way' L.le understand Hugenc sniiies in an abbreviatcd is bothered hc cloesr-r't like or get it' I{e this is his prrcnts'1nX"' U" I-lc wants laugh' incluiry into a casual they havc tttruccl his serior'rs inf<rrnrationl uut nt'*' instead' i.'t jt"t cliss into the duck' poking rncl looking. nYt-1l:-,T" visits' What l I nlarriccl? Simone asks about thc school nry life likc blck hornc? Arr-r i' Wt-"t n'"i to nicc people "l'ilr uclt narricd"' I s;rY' a aren't you?" Cal says in "Btit yor-r ancl I'atrick aret still togethcr' l r"rP'" "Y<>u br<>ke up?" Cal puts his sighing "Yes," I s"rY. "(lec, I thor'rght ,t"' *t'" fork down' woulcl nevcr brelk trp!" he says ln a tclnc' {enuinelY fl abbersastcd at sonlehow that rny rclaticluship rcassurittg tf'ti' nta "Rcally?" f thc orrtsidc' at least to sonlcollc' least lookccl goocl from "Actually' rcally," aclmits Cal' wottlil l>rc'rk trp lorrq rlgo'" "Wc11, t't<>t t thought you guys "C)h," I saY' to lris fatl-re arriazing Eugenc "Scl yorr coulcl t'narry l-rcr?" says ancl hidc pour nlore winc into glasscs' ar-rd lve all leugh louclly' ther, onr faces irr "'fhey all are likc that." I'm confuscd. I glancc up at thc Iight, an old brass octoplls ol a chandelier. All I can think of is how Patrick said, whcn he lcfi, f'rcl up with rny "selfishness," that if I were lv<trried nbout staying on alone at the lake house, rvith its squirrcls ancl call girl stylc llntps, I should just rent the placc out*-perhaps to a llict: lcsbiarr couple likc rnyself. Ilut cottccrnc,d way. "LJh, ntl' Wc trroke thcnr' "'Ihe thing to retrlcnrbcr ,, abt>ut love lffairs"' says ci--..,.,' 't' Sinorlc' "rs your chirtlrcy'" rlccoolls in that thcy arc all likc having Otl' "()h. r-rot the raccoort stor)"' Eugene' "Ycsl 'I'hc rlccoousl" crics I'tu slwing at rllY cluck' "'We l]lve tttttt""'" sotuctinres itl 1ll()nc. "I-lrrtnrnt," I say' n<lt surprisccl' o'r 2O3 "And once we tried to strroke them out. We lit a fir-c, klrclrvir-rg they were therc, but we h<lpecl tlrat the surokc r,vould cause thetn tcl scurry ottt the top ancl ncvcr con)c back. Insteacl, tltey caught on Iirc and came crashirrg dowr.r into our living roorr"r, :rll charrccl ltncl in flamcs and runninil mac{ly aroutrd until they clroppccl clcad." Simonc swallows sonle w'ine. "Lovc affairs arc likc tirlrt," sltc says. want to kill lr'hy sonrcone closc to her lvould ancl look straight acloss at each other lrirrrsclf?" Sirtlonc tud i:^t ancl you clott't know laugh AMIRICA / chir,rrey"' erplairls Si- Eugene, across from me, nods errthusirrstically, looks pleasccl. FIe's heerd thc raccoon story bi:flclrc and likcs it. Once again, it'.s been told right, with flames ancl g<>re. Now tlrere is salacl, which wc pick and tcar at like o:orvs. Aftcrward, we gaze upon tlre bowl of frurit at the ccntcr of thc tablc, lazily pick a Gw grapcs off their stcrns. We sip hot tca thrt Cal brings in fnrm the kitcl-ren. Wc sip ur-rtil it's cool. and thcn urrtil it'.s gone. Already thc tirue is tcrr o'clock. "l)ance time, dance tinre!" says Hugenc u,hett we're throush. Every night, before bcd, thcy all go out into thc living roon-r end dance until Eugene is tired ancl f;rlls asleep otr thc sofa.'['hcn the:y carry him upstairs and tr-rck him in. Hc conrcs over to nry chnir and takes n'ry harrcl, lcads rne out into the livinu room. "What nrusic sha,ll we clance to?" I ask. "You choose," he says, and leads nrc to the shclf r,vherc thcy kcep their compact discs. l)crlraps tlrcrc is sontc Stravinskv. l)erlraps Petrouchka, with its ronsirrg salute to Slrrovctidc. "Will you conle sce nlc tollrorr()w rvlren yotr visit thc lirulth graders?" he asks as I'm looking thr<lush thc sclccti<>r.r. 'liro nruch Jr:an llaez."Ibcl much Mahler. "l'nr irr r()()nl or)e t>lr lirtrr." hc says. 204 / MORE STORIES W[ TTIT "'When you visit the fourth sraders, you can just stop by rrry classroom and wavc to me fronr the door. I sit betrveen thc bulletin boarcl and the window." "Sure!" I say, not knowing that, in a msh, I will forget, and that I'll be on the plane home already, leafing thlough some inarrc airline rr-ragazine, bcfore I remember that I forgot to do it. "Look," I say, finding a Kcnny Loggins disc. lt has the song he heard earlier, the one from thc video. "Let'.s play this." "(ioody," he says. "Mom! Dad! Conre on!" "A11 right, Eugenie-boy," says Cal, coming in fiom the dining roolrr. Simone is behind hirn. "l'nt Mercurry, I'm Neptune, now I'm Pluto so far awayi' says Eugene, dashing around the room, making up his or,vn dance. "They're doing the planets in school," says Sinrone. "Yes," says Eusene. "We'rc doinq the planets!" "Anci which planet," I ask him, "do you think is the r:rost irrteresting?" Mars, with its canals? Suturn, with its rings? H,ugene stands still, looks at me thoughtfully, soleurnly. "liartlr, of course," he says. Cal laughs. "Wcll, that'.s the right answer!" "This is itl" sings Kenny t,oggins. "This is it!" Wc make a phaIanx and march, strrrt, slide to the nrusic. !7e crouch, n-rove backward, then burst fonvard again. Wete ainring to crcatc the milclelvy, resinous sweat snrell of dancc, the parscd, repeatecl lnovcment. (lal and Simone are into it.'fhey jigglc and link arnls. "Tltis is it!" In the nriddlc of the song, Eugene suddenly sits dor,,n r.r to rest on the sofa, watc;l'ring thc grorvn-ups. l,ike the best dtncers and audicnces in the 'uvorlcl, he is determined not t<t cousl.r until thc end. "(lome here, honey," I say, going to him. I arr thinking not or"rly of rny owrl body hcrc, that unbeguilable, broken basket, that stiff nrerinque. I anr not, I)atrick, thinking only <lf nryself, r.ny l<>st troupe, rny ernpty bed. I arn thinking of thc dancins body'.s nraunificent ancl ostentatious scorn. This is how 'uve offer ourselvcs. enter hcaver), enter spcaking: we say r,vith rn<;tion, in space, "l'his is DANCF IN AMERICA I 2O5 what life''s cronc so far down hcre; this is all and rvhat and everythi,g it''s nranaged-this b,di1 these bories, rhat body-so what do you think, Heaven? What do you fucking think? "Stand next to nrc.,', I say, and E.rg",L docs, looking up ar rne with his orange warrior fhc-e. We stc.p in place: knces up, knees down. Krrees trp, knecs clorvn. Dip_glide_slide. Dip_glide_slide, "This is it!" "This is itr" 'r'rrcrr *" go i"ira ,rra fling our Iirnbs to the sky.