The Risk Of Food Wastage in Malaysia - Terengganu
The Risk Of Food Wastage in Malaysia - Terengganu
The Risk Of Food Wastage in Malaysia Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management Jan-April 2014 Oleh : Noramira Roslan, Siti Noor Aishah Mohd Hussain & Noorazlin Ramli Malaysia can be categorized as one of a developing country worldwide. This is because there are many hotels, institutions, commercial, public park and residential developement. Besides, urbanization and population growth in Malaysia has not only increased the standard of living in Malaysia but it also increases the waste condition. Food wastage not only cause economic loss but it also cause environmental and health problem. In economic context, food wastage brings a negative impact since it causes loss in term of money. In Malaysia, one study has been made in Kuala Lumpur concluded that food wastage or organic waste is in highest percentage between 50%-60% compared to other waste category. Other than that, it was substantiated that one of the risks affected from wastage is global warming. In recent years, the concern on global warming is gaining prominence. It is found that disposal of solid waste into landfill produces one of the greenhouse gases such as methane, (CH4) which is 21 times higher than carbon dioxide, (CO2). Hence a proper management of municipal solid waste will not only provide public wellness but it also contributes to reduction of greenhouse gases emission. As our climate changes, the risk of injury, illness, and death from the resulting heat waves, intense storms, and floods rises. HotNewz Bulletin Editorial In addition, uncontrolled waste from agriculture and industries bring bad effect to high wastage thus can create negative effect towards health. This is because the food waste dumped near a water source also causes contamination of the water or the ground water source. As the water source contaminated, it will transfer illness to human since water is primary source for human in living. Water is primary source in human daily activity such as drinking, bath and cooking. Moreover, plants and animals food chain in rivers, seas, and lakes also accumulated with toxic substances because of direct dumping of untreated waste. (United Nations Environment Program Report (UNEP), 2008). Thus, it was believed that the food wastage could harm wealth, people and environment. It was proof that it is very important to identify the factor that affects the food wastage as well as ways on how to overcome this problem. References: United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP).Food Waste Facts. (2011).Available at: http://www.unep. org/wed/quickfacts/(Accessed 2 October 2013). Chief Editor Layout & Graphic Wan Nazriah Wan Nawawi Azahar Adzmy Patrons Ybhg. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdol Samad Nawi Editors Photographer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Baharom Abdul Rahman Azlina Samsudin Nazarudin Derani Advisor Haslina Che Ngah Razman Rahman Malissasahila Abdul Manap Alll articles should be sent to: Rahman Abdullah (Reviewer) [email protected][email protected] 1 An Innovation of Hotel Interior Design By : Nor Safiah Nor Azmi -HM110 4A & Haslina Che Ngah Term ‘hospitality’ refers to the cordial and generous reception and entertainment of guests or strangers, either socially or commercially. There are various definition of hotel for instance hotel may be defined as a place that offers accommodation, food, and beverages at a cost that enables it to make a profit. Other than that, the concise Oxford Dictionary defines hotel as a ‘house for accommodation of paying travelers. According to the Webster’s Dictionary (1978),’ a building or institution providing lodging, meals, and service for the people is termed a hotel. Nowadays, modern hotel provide several services to adapt with the guest needs which are always changing and unpredictable. In order to attract the guest to stay at the hotel, the owner of the hotel always resolute a new way to transform the room configuration and services to meet the guest needs. Apart from the room rate and service, the guest also evaluates the hotel interior design. The interior design of the hotel will illustrate the theme of the hotel itself whether it is a boutique hotel, spas or ecotels. There are few most striking interior design trends that shape up today’s hospitality scene. Firstly, lobbies envisioned as dynamic multi-use spaces. Many hotels believe that striking first impression is very important. Lobbies are the first entrance that plays important role to attract the guest attention. With the new business travelers trends today, hotel lobbies should provide multi use space for formal talks and casual talks, working on laptop, and plugging in several of devices. This means, creative segmentation is necessary, for providing intimate and social zone as well as the furniture is delivering comfort and functionality. Next, rethinking the guest room configuration also need to be considered. It is important to make the guest feel invited when he or she open the room door because there is no longer classic bed-table-locker combo. The guest are willing to pay high price for a room because they are expecting to surprise and have different sleeping experience away from their home. That is why the interior design of modern hotels is different from the other. Creative offices for business travelers, interesting looking TV panels, and practical arrangement of furniture are just some of the ‘key words’ for a trendy hotel room that will make the guest keep coming again to the hotel. Finally, the restaurant interior design is also another factor to be kept in mind. It is not just a restaurant but the destination itself. Restaurant is a placed for people to enjoy their food and socialize among friends or colleague and cooking is an art not fixed as math so, it should be exhibition space. Through the design, the restaurant can turn into a memorable place for the guest. To conclude, the hotel interior design plays a vital role in order to increase the hotel sales revenue. Moreover, it can catch the guest eyes and attracts them to have a great experience and enjoying their moment with their families and loves one by staying at your hotel. References: 1. Raghubalan, G., and Raghubalan, S., 2009, Hotel Housekeeping Operations and Management, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press. 2., “11 fastest growing trends in hotel interior design”, 8th February 2014. 2 FOOD TOURISM: EXPERIENCE OF TRUE CUISINE By: Hazahatul Qhuraisha Hazali & Mohd Aliff Abdul Majid F or the past 30 years, tourism had been linked with travelling for enjoyment and considered it as one unique industry (Kay, 2003). The industry reacts to the activity of people taking expeditions away from their home. Today, people travel away from their home to experience true cuisine crossing states and countries. Discernibly, it was influenced by numbers of food and cooking television shows that stimulate the desire of viewers to experience the flavor of food origin. Taking a closer look at the link between tourism and food, this industry segment is dramatically gaining attention. Henceforth, travelling to enjoy food with current trends of cultural consumption has become the central point of tourism experience. With the emergence of middle-income earners in Malaysia, travelling has become recreational activity and these travelers look forward for a complete experience. As Malaysia is a multiracial country, each race has a different unique dish. Malaysians travel to places for a reason of experiencing authentic cuisine and to try new cuisine from different culture and background. For example, when people talk about satay, they would automatically think of going to Kajang (a district in state of Selangor) as the place provides the most commended satay in Malaysia. Another example, consumers might travel to Port Klang or Umbai in Malacca to have a different seafood experience, as these places are famous in providing seafood dishes. Moreover, travelling to the origin destination such as Nasi Kerabu from Kelantan, Laksa Utara from Kedah, Asam Pedas from Melaka, Beriyani Gam that is well-known in Johor and Nasi Kandar from Penang will offer the consumers a valuable experience of true domestic cuisine (Abu Bakar & Farinda, 2012). If you think what you have dined before were delectable, imagine how these origin destinations could surprise you. Pay a visit and take a journey to experience the true cuisine. One cannot think well, love well and sleep well, if one has not dined well, said Virginia Woolf. Henceforward, hope all is well. References: Abu Bakar, K., & Farinda, A. G. (2012). Consumers’ Attitude Towards “Mamak” Food In Malaysia. 3rd International Conference On Business And Economic Research (3rd Icber 2012) Proceeding, Bandung, Indonesia. Kay, P. (2003). Consumer motivation in a tourism context: continuing the work of Maslow, Rokeach, Vroom, Deci, Haley and others, in ANZMAC 2003 : A celebrations of Ehrenberg and Bass : marketing discoveries, knowledge and contribution : Proceedings of the 2003 Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy conference, ANZMAC. Adelaide, S. Aust., 600-614. 3 SHOPPING MALLS EMERGENCE: IS IT GOOD OR BAD? By: JaziraAnuar Shopping malls are mushrooming in develop town nowadays. This mall culture can be seen obviously in Klang Valley area and has become big business entity. Selling diverse products and services, we have prestige malls such as Pavilion and Solaris that houses branded collection of retail stores and restaurants. MidValley and Paradigm Mall can be considered a moderate type of shopping mall while PKNS Complex in Bangi is a more basic version. It is a current trend for Malaysia’s developers to build a shopping mall in one town or various types of it in one particular town. Every town has its own shopping malls. For instance, you can go to IOI Mall if you are in Puchong, Alamanda if you are in Putrajaya or Bangi Gateway if you are in Bangi. Now let us look at Shah Alam. Being the capital state of Selangor, with 646 890 population as at 2011 Census (Wikipedia, 2013), Shah Alam have three different types of shopping malls located near to one another. They have SACC Mall, Plaza AlamSentral (PAS) and PKNS Complex. The emergence of these shopping malls is very encouraging. In an interview with Professor Dallen, one of the prominent researchers in tourism field, he highlighted that the shopping malls can be perceived as targeting at specific market segments. He viewed SACC as for the upper markets, PAS for medium class market and PKNS Complex for the rest of the population. He claimed that his other ten (10) friends are having the same thoughts. The issue here, is this a positive or negative sign to our country? Developers argued that the rise of these shopping malls are an indicator that Malaysia’s economy is doing well. Of course this mall cultures have its own advantages and disadvantages. Yes, it is agreed that by having all these shopping malls it contribute to more job opportunities. My family is staying in Puchong. And I still remember when Puchong Utama first opened their Carrefour (now changed to AEON) in 2011, lots of vacancies awaits that attracted many neighbors of mine to work there. On top of that, it eases our daily life where we can find everything needed with just one stop. If anyone gets hungry, the food court is right inside (Charnedra, 2010). Other than looking for things to buy, shopping malls act as a place where people can meet. If you are tired of shopping, walking and standing, you can take a break by sitting at the benches nearby. However, if too many shopping malls are being cramped particularly in one area will probably lead to similarity of concept and product offerings. Unless they are unique in their design or have its own value that differs from their competitors, then it will be a good business. Just look at ‘Kaison’ for instance. You can only find it in Paradigm Mall if it is in Klang Valley area. It’s a shop selling all house decorative items. So if anyone would like to buy anything there, they have to travel to PJ whether they like it or not. As a conclusion, I personally believed that this emergence indeed requires a further investigation and empirical evidence on whether businesses will be successful having all this malls within short distance. I leave you guys with some things to ponder. Probably, future research can explore the impacts of these shopping malls to customers buying habits and patterns. What drives developers to build all this malls? What are the consequences of all these malls to small business operators? Go Green Practices in Foodservice Industry By: Ahmad Afif Nor Azmi , Mohd Nory Shafiq Zulkefli & Noorazlin Ramli A strong hospitality industry in Malaysia has result in the increase number of foodservice outlets such as fast food, family restaurant, hawkers and others. “A significant segment of the food industry is the foodservice sector for examples bars, restaurants, cafeterias, delivery pizzas, college dining halls, and caterers, all the places mentioned are ready-to-eat food for us to consume” (Schmidgall, Hayes and Ninemeier (2002). With the encouragement from the government to expand this sector, it continues to increase from day to day. The dramatically increasing foodservice outlets in Malaysia lead to the alleviated number of Municipal Food Waste (MSW). MSW might give a negative impact towards the environment. Excessive carbon admission, water pollution and landfill pollution is the result of MSW that has been produced by the industry.. According to Tarmudi, Abdullah and Tap (2009), they claim that food wastes contribute up to 45% of the total MSW in Peninsular of Malaysia which mean half of the daily wastes are from food. In 2002, Peninsular Malaysia produce 17 000 tons of waste every day and it will increase to 30 000 tons per day by 2020. For decades, the issue of tons of waste produced by the foodservice industry still has not been brought up. As the result, the total food waste produce by the industry increase each year and the increasing rate is at worrying level (Papargyropoulou, 2010). 4 Due to this problem, Go Green implementation is a part of the solution for the worrying amount of food waste that being produced by the industry. The Go Green implementation should be based not only the method of handling the food or the waste itself, but also consists of the management decision and appropriate thinking of how to minimize and handle the waste wisely. “Green is defined as a product or service that is both environmentally and socially responsible. It is accountable and respectful of the places and people that provide and use them” (Kreidler and Mathews, 2009). The implementation of the “Go Green” concept will surely give benefits to the environment as this policy will ensure that the environment surrounding the tourism industry and also the foodservice industry will be preserved (Papargyropoulou, 2010). Most of the foodservice operators will definitely get benefits from using this kind of system as it will reduce the cost of the operation in long period of time. This system will definitely change the perception of the waste management system among Malaysian people as well as energy worth saving. The implementation of Go Green environment will educate local people on how to manage the waste properly. The implementation in a long run will somehow generates a bright generation of people in handling wastage and in the same time preserve the environment. References: Tarmudi, Z., Abdullah, M.L, MD Tap, A.O. (2009) “An Overview of Municipal Solid Waste Generation in Malaysia” Jurnal Teknologi, 51 (F), pp. 1-15. Schmidgall, R.S., Hayes, D.K., Ninemeier, J.D. (2002), “Restaurant Financial Basics” Available At hAT2kC&printsec=frontcover&source=gb s_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false (accessed 10 October 2013). Papargyropoulou, E. (2010), “Food waste-For the Love of Food”, Journal of CIWM and IWM Business Services pp. 30-32. Available at (accessed 23 September 2013). Kriedler, N.B and Mathews, S.J., “How Green Should You Go? Understanding the Role of Green Atmospheric in Service Environment Evaluations”, International Journal Of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 3 No.3. pp. 228-245. Green Hotel: The Conservation Hospitality Industry Practices In By: Maizatul Hanisah Zulkarnain & Noorazlin Ramli Several hotels around the world have applied creative cost saving initiatives in dealing with energy, water and waste management conservation practices. The following are best practices examples from various green hotels. The first conservation practices can be done by energy saving. It can be made by tracking utility bills which can help properties monitor the effectiveness of their energy conservation initiatives. One of the best practices is by installing energy-efficient technologies such as appliances, lighting and heating or cooling systems. The practices of installing energy-efficient technologies in hotels could produce cost savings on their monthly utilities bills. Besides, the practices to open curtains whenever possible to let sunlight in the rooms during the cleaning work could also support the conservation practices in hotel. It is also an important point of energy conservation for a section in charge of the cleaning work to take the initiatives in documenting these practices in a manual. The second conservation is through the water saving practices. Water conservation is an important practice to adopt with the unbalance economy nowadays as it is a cost control and a way to enhance efficiency for a hotel property. The hotel maintenance crews have to point out the water consumption regularly. If the water consumption is higher than average, it may indicate a problem with plumbing. Routine inspections should be conducted of all the plumbing in hotel to ensure that leaks, faulty valves, and out dated equipment are not costing you unnecessary water loss. Other than that, water use in food preparation and cleaning also can be excessive. Thus, it is important to educate staff on best practices when it comes to water conservation in the kitchen. It includes by installing low-flow fixtures or those with automatic shut which is significant water savings for many dining centers. The other examples of water conservation practices comprise the usage of low flush composting toilets, spring action faucets and showers, rain water catchments and solar heated water . The third conservation in hotel is related with waste management. The hotel industry can reduce the amount of waste produced by implementing and following a waste management system that is modeled around the concepts of reduces, reuse and recycle (Sherman, 2012). It was believe that the large volumes of waste in hotel are produced because the diverse facilities of this property which encompasses guest rooms, kitchens, lounges, restaurants, laundries, offices, and conference rooms. One of the conservation practices that the amount of waste produced can be reduced is by implementing and following a waste management system that is modeled around the concepts of reduce, reuse and recycle. For example, use both sides of the paper when making copies, equip guest rooms with a bulk dispensing system to replace individual plastic soap and shampoo bottles and recycle the aluminum cans, glass bottles as well as plastic containers. All in all, the hotel industry has to realize that it is very important for them to apply conservation practices which offer attractive opportunities for sustainable businesses. References: Sherman, R. (2012). Recycling and Source Reduction for the Lodging Industry. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. 5 Ikan Patin Temerloh- Keunikan Rasa Yang Tiada Bandingan Oleh: Mohd Syaifudin Alias - HM111/6 & Norazlina Rahmat S iapa yang tidak mengenali Bandar Temerloh? Bandar yang menjadi penghubung antara Timur dan Barat Malaysia. Pastinya setiap orang yang melalui jalan ini tidak kira mahu bergerak ke Timur atau ke Barat, pasti menjumpai papan tanda ataupun monument Ikan Patin di Temerloh. Hal ini kerana, Bandar Temerloh mendapat jolokan Bandar Ikan Patin. Ramai diantara rakyat Malaysia menyukai rasa keenakan masakan Gulai Tempoyak Ikan Patin Temerloh kerana kepekatan kuahnya, serta rasa tempoyaknya yang begitu menusuk ke dalam rongga mulut. Ramai tidak menyedari bahawa, antara rahsia keenakan masakan Gulai Tempoyak Ikan Patin Temerloh ini adalah cara masakannya dan siapakah yang memasak gulai ini. Rasa diantara gulai ikan patin Temerloh dan juga Bera, sangat berlainan. Gulai Ikan Patin Temerloh lebih cair namun sangat disukai, manakala rasa Gulai Ikan Patin Bera, begitu pekat dan menonjolkan aroma kepada pemakannya. Antara sebab mengapa ikan patin sangat terkenal di Temerloh ialah, kedudukan Temerloh itu sendiri yang berada berhampiran dengan Sungai Pahang yang menjadi sungai terpanjang di Semenanjung Malaysia dan ketiga terpanjang di Malaysia. Faktor yang menjadikan ikan patin sebagai tarikan di Temerloh ialah, keadaan airnya yang begitu jernih tetapi kini telah sedikit keruh kerana kerja-kerja membina empangan dan penambakan banjir di sepanjang Sungai Pahang. Tetapi ia tidak menjadi masalah kepada habitat air tawar seperti ikan patin untuk terus membiak dengan begitu banyak setiap tahun. Selain daripada itu, penduduk di sepanjang Sungai Pahang menternak ikan patin untuk dijadikan sebagai santapan ataupun perniagaan. Gambar 1: Patin Muncung Ikan patin mempunyai beberapa spesis di sepanjang Sungai Pahang. Antara spesis yang menjadi dambaan setiap pelanggan ialah patin sangkar, patin buah, patin juara, patin emas dan patin muncung. Patin Sangkar merupakan patin peliharaan yang jinak kerana selalu diberikan makanan secara berkala tetapi patin liar seperti patin buah, patin juara, patin emas dan patin muncung adalah spesis liar yang mencari makanan di tebing-tebing sungai. Diet pemakanan patin liar tidak sama dengan patin sangkar kerana patin liar memakan pelbagai jenis tumbuhan di tebing sungai dan juga anak-anak udang. Sebab itulah patin liar lebih mahal harganya daripada patin sangkar. Mengikut harga penjual di sepanjang 6 tebing sungai Pahang di Temerloh, harga sekilogram untuk seekor ikan patin sangkar hanya dalam lingkungan RM15 – RM30 sahaja. Tetapi bagi ikan patin Buah, harganya sekilogram boleh mencecah RM50 – RM100, patin muncung harga sekilogram boleh mencecah daripada RM200 – RM250 dan juga harga patin emas dan juara sekilogram boleh didapati dengan harga RM150 – RM170. Harganya berlainan kerana cara dan tabiat pemakanan ikan patin berlainan antara satu sama lain. Tetapi, ikan patin yang paling digilai peminatnya ialah patin muncung kerana rasa teksturnya yang sangat lembut, tidak berbau dan sangat kenyal. Patin muncung begitu susah untuk didapati kerana ia hanya duduk di lubuk-lubuk yang tertentu jauh daripada kelompok ikan patin yang lain. Patin muncung juga selalunya tinggal di bahagian-bahagian arus deras sungai yang mana menjadi begitu susah untuk menangkapnya oleh kaki pancing ataupun menggunakan jaring. Gambar 2: Patin Sangkar Suatu ketika dalam tahun 2010, Malaysia dikejutkan dengan suatu kisah suatu gerai di sekitar Temerloh memperolehi RM30,000 untuk satu hidangan penuh ikan patin. Ia sangat mengejutkan rakyat Malaysia dan hal ini mendapat liputan meluas seluruh wartawan televisyen serta memaparkan kisah ini di siaran dokumentari hangat iaitu Majalah 3. Manakan tidak, faktor nama ikan patin itu sendiri menjadi suatu tarikan yang sangat hebat kerana kelazatannya dan juga pelbagai jenis ikan patin yang susah untuk dijumpai. Gambar 3:Gulai Tempoyak Ikan Patin Temerloh Kesimpulannya, ikan patin di Temerloh sangat mendapat tumpuan setiap rakyat Malaysia. Ia menjadi suatu daya yang juga mampu menarik ramai pelancong dari luar melancong ke negara Malaysia. Hal ini kerana faktor yang menjadikan Malaysia sebagai destinasi syurga makanan yang boleh diketengahkan dari masa ke semasa. Oleh yang demikian, sokonglah masakan tempatan dan juga jagalah habitat air tawar di Malaysia. 7 ISLAMIK HOTEL DI Dubai Oleh: Amyliana Farhanis Zulkipeli, Nurazira Hasnul, Mohd Amirul Abd Hadi, Mohd Zulhilmi Nordin & Haslina Che Ngah D ewasa ini, industri perhotelan negara semakin berkembang seiring dengan pertumbuhan produktiviti pelancongan negara. Statistik Kementerian Pelancongan mencatatkan peningkatan kemasukan pelancong asing. Malah, jumlah ini sangat ketara di kalangan pelancong negara-negara Islam, terutamanya di Timur Tengah iaitu peningkatan hampir empat kali ganda dalam tempoh enam tahun pada 2010. Namun begitu, penawaran tempat penginapan terutamanya hotel yang mesra pengguna Muslim agak kurang. Isu-isu sensitif umat Islam seperti tanda arah kiblat, makanan halal, minuman keras, aktiviti pelacuran, perjudian, bilik persalinan, kolam renang terbuka dan sebagainya sering tidak dititik berat oleh pihak yang bertanggung jawab. Justeru, sebagai panduan untuk mewujudkan hotel yang lebih mesra pelanggan Muslim, kita seharusnya kembali merujuk kepada Al-Quran dan hadis yang merupakan cahaya panduan dalam setiap aspek kehidupan manusia. Walaupun bukan secara terus, namun suruhan, larangan dan pedoman wahyu menjadikan kita tidak hilang idea dalam perkara ini. Salah satu contoh hotel yang mengamalkan konsep Islam adalah Hotel Lootah yang terletak di Dubai. Hotel Lootah ini merupakan pengurusan hospitaliti Islam eksklusif yang menawarkan khidmat perunding untuk operasi dan pengurusan hotel yang komprehensif kepada para pelabur. bagi setiap pekerja dan tetamu yang datang supaya mudah untuk menunaikan ibadah. Seterusnya, pihak hotel juga mengasingkan kolam renang antara lelaki dan perempuan supaya menjaga batas pergaulan dan terhindar dari maksiat. Kolam renang perempuan ditutup sepenuhnya dan dikawal oleh pekerja wanita hotel. Bukan itu sahaja, malah Hotel Lootah juga turut memberi perhatian yang rapi terhadap ruang dapur kerana salah satu piawai penilaian hotel ialah pada tahap kebersihannya. Hotel ini juga menjaga kualiti makanan dengan rapi, sumber materialnya 100% halal. Kesimpulannya, operasi hotel perlulah mengorak langkah untuk menuju ke arah pengamalan Islam yang spesifik kerana konsep Islamisasi perlu diperluaskan sedikit demi sedikit. Sebagai umat Islam, kita hendaklah menyokong konsep Islamisasi supaya konsep ini dapat dikomersialkan dan diterima oleh pelbagai lapisan masyarakat. References: Hotel ini mempunyai lesen yang telah disahkan untuk menguruskan asset sehingga ke taraf lima bintang. Pengurusan Hotel Lootah ini memiliki kumpulan Hotel Al Jawhara yang merangkumi tiga aset iaitu Al Jawhara Gardens Hotel, Al Jawhara Hotel Apartment dan Al Jawhara Metro Hotel. Di Al Jawhara Garden Hotel terdapat asset empat bintang, 114 bilik dan suite, tiga restoran dan kafe, pusat perniagaan, kolam renang, tempat berekreasi dan bilik kanak-kanak. Al Jawhara Hotel Apartment pula menawarkan hotel apartment deluxe yang mempunyai 46 apartment mewah, restoran makanan Cina dan kafe inovatif, 2 kolam renang (satu ditutup sepenuhnya untuk wanita sahaja), bilik mesyuarat dan lobi eksekutif. Seterusnya pula ialah Al Jawhara Metro Hotel yang mengandungi asset dua bintang, 32 bilik dan satu restoran yang mempunyai pelbagai menu. Hotel Lootah menitikberatkan rekabentuk kawasan hotel termasuklah bilik yang mesra pelanggan muslim seperti pelan bilik air dan tandas tidak menghadap kiblat sebaliknya menghadap ke arah dinding hingga tiada yang boleh melalui di hadapannya. Di dalam ruang bilik pula disediakan tikar, sejadah, telekung, ketayap, tasbih dan sebagainya bagi menunaikan ibadah. Pihak hotel juga telah menyediakan surau 8 RESTORAN UNIK DI DUNIA Oleh: Nur Alia Wajihah Salleh, Nurafifah Hasni - HM110 4A & Haslina Che Ngah RESTORAN ITHAA R estoran ini terletak di bawah laut. Ithaa juga bermaksud “mutiara ibu’. Restoran ini dibina di pulau Conrad Maldiver Rangali, Republik Maldives di mana ianya dibina sedalam 5 meter di bawah permukaan laut. Restoran ini juga mewujudkan satu suasana yang baru di mana pelanggan boleh melihat pemandangan di bawah laut yang begitu indah dan memukau. Restoran ini hanya mampu menampung 14 orang sahaja. Manakala, menu restoran Ithaa ini adalah berasaskan masakan Eropah dengan citarasa Asia. S ejajar dengan zaman milenium, restoran menjadi pilihan pengusaha untuk memulakan sesuatu perniagaan di mana ianya boleh mendatangkan keuntungan besar kepada pengusaha tersebut. Kebanyakan pelanggan suka mengunjungi restoran yang menyajikan makanan yang lazat serta tertarik dengan konsep restoran tersebut. Konsep restoran yang ada di dunia ini kebanyakannya hampir sama. Jarang sekali kita melihat di mana pengusaha mengusahakan sesuatu konsep yang unik bagi restoran mereka. Pengusaha restoran haruslah bijak memikirkan konsep restoran tersebut untuk menarik perhatian pelanggan supaya mengunjungi restoran mereka. Antara ciri-ciri restoran unik adalah kreatif, mewujudkan suasana yang baru serta membina sesuatu konsep di luar kotak pemikiran manusia. Berikut adalah beberapa buah restoran yang unik di dunia. RESTORAN CANNIBALISTIK R estoran Cannibalistic adalah sebuah restoran yang terletak di Jepun. Konsep restoran ini ialah “Nyotaimori” yang membawa maksud mayat tubuh seorang wanita. Restoran Cannibalistic ini menyajikan sushi dan sashimi di atas tubuh mayat wanita. Tubuh mayat wanita ini diperbuat daripada makanan dan diletakkan di atas meja. Para pelanggan boleh memotong mana-mana bahagian badan untuk dimakan. Apa yang anehnya lagi adalah apabila pelanggan memotong bahagian badan tubuh wanita tersebut, ia akan keluar darah seakan-akan menampakkan ianya benar.. 9 RESTORAN ATAS LANGIT (DINNER IN THE SKY) K epada sesiapa yang tidak takut kepada ketinggian, bolehlah mencuba sesuatu kelainan iaitu makan di atas langit. Restoran Belgium ini mempunyai ketinggian 150 kaki dan mula beroperasi di Paris dan Las Vegas. Menariknya para pelanggan dapat menikmati makanan dengan selesa sambil melihat pemandangan Kota Belgium yang begitu indah. Selain itu, pelanggan tidak dibenarkan untuk menjatuhkan kutleri ke bawah. RESTORAN KUBUR R estoran kubur ini agak aneh dan unik. Restoran ini terletak di Ahmadabad, India. Antara menu yang terkenal di restoran ini ialah roti gulung dan the susu. Pemilik restoran ini mereka konsep di mana terdapat kubur di antara meja makan. Restoran ini dipercayai dibina sejak turun temurun selama 4 dekad oleh keluarga si pemilik tetapi apa yang menjadi rahsia restoran ini di mana sebenarnya terdapat jenazah di bawah setiap kubur di dalam restoran ini. Pemilik restoran ini tidak mengetahui identiti setiap mayat yang berada di bawah kubur tersebut. RESTORAN TANDAS R estoran tandas ini direka oleh seorang pengusaha restoran yang terletak di Taiwan. Konsep restoran ini mungkin bagi sesetengah pihak agak menjijikkan tetapi ada pula sesetengah pihak suka akan konsep ini. Restoran ini bertemakan bilik air dimana kita boleh melihat rekaan lantai yang khas, dinding yang direka dengan pancuran air, kerusi makan yang direka bentuk mangkuk tandas dan yang lain-lain. Restoran tandas ini telah banyak di Asia. Salah satunya,di Malaysia yang terletak di T-Bowl, Sungai Wang Plaza, Kuala Lumpur. 10 RESTORAN A380 KAPAL TERBANG B agi pencinta pesawat, mereka boleh menikmati kelazatan makanan dengan suasana pesawat. Restoran ini menawarkan keunikan suasana seperti berada di kabin pesawat. Restoran ini terletak di Taipei. Selain dengan suasana berada di dalam pesawat, para pelayan juga mengenakan pakaian seperti pramugari dan juga juruterbang. RUJUKAN: 1. 2. Foodservice Revolution in Malaysia By: Nur Asyakirin Che Hussin & Norzaidah Ngali F oodservice can be defined as a business, or institution involved in the preparation of food other than at home which includes restaurants, school and hospital canteens or catering services. With the booming of technology, foodservice becomes wellknown increasingly. In fact, the existence of internet is one of the medium that helps in promoting foodservice industry. There are many advantages for those who are brave enough to grab the opportunities from this technology. is an example of company that used the opportunity to highlight their products. They used internet as the medium to market and sell their products. is actually a website owned by a food company that offer and deliver the foods to the customer using the “mangkuk Sia or Mangkuk Tippin” that popular used by Malay community since our grandmother’s time. The usage of “mangkuk sia or tippin” shows the symbol of close relationship and teamwork among people in the communities. schedule. Customers just need to log in into the Mangkuktingkat. com website, choose the best package, then order. It’s as easy as ABC. had chosen the best method how to promote their business by advertising it via online. They do not have to go face-to-face to promote their products and at the same time it tremendously saves many people’s time. For those who are involves in foodservice field especially students who are further their study in foodservice management should know how to grab the opportunities in business and how to market their business. We have learned how to cook, how to manage the business and how to select target market so why not we use the technology like internet to market our business, since the online business have a wide coverage of potential customers. Just like, this website of course can inspire others to make foodservice industry well-known by many people around the world. So, why is so special? This website actually helps people especially working mothers who do not have time to prepare meals for their family by delivering foods that they ordered. It helps them in saving time to cook meals after a busy and tight 11 Oleh: Mohd Khairul Shamsudin, Khairul Akmal Abdul Razak, Nur Fahmadiyana Mahadi, Nur Syakinah Supti (HM1104B)& Haslina Che ngah S ejarah penubuhan hotel pada awalnya disebut sebagai penginapan iaitu berkait rapat dengan penghijrahan manusia dari tempat tinggal yang asal ke tempat yang lain bagi tujuan perniagaan, pertukaran tempat tinggal, dan urusanurusan lain. Sejarah pemodenan hotel dimulai pada abad ke-18 iaitu di kota-kota besar Eropah dan Amerika. Mulai dari abad itu, pemodenan hotel diteruskan sehingga ke abad kini dengan kewujudan hotel-hotel yang canggih dan berteknologi tinggi. Kerancakan penubuhan hotel mula sampai ke klimaks pada abad ke-20 sehingga kini apabila bangunnya infrastruktur hotel yang mempunyai bangunan pencakar langit. Antara senarai 6 hotel pencakar langit tertinggi di dunia pada masa kini ialah The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong, Park Hyatt Shanghai, Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago, Armani Hotel, Dubai, Baiyoke Sky Hotel Bangkok, dan Q1 Resort and Spa Gold Coast (Australia). Di negara maju seperti Amerika dan China, hotel pencakar langit bukan lagi salah satu pemandangan yang memukau. Terdapat pengusaha hotel di negara-negara lain cuba untuk membangunkan hotel pencakar langit bagi melambangkan kekayaan dan peningkatan teknologi negara mereka. Antara tarikan industri perhotelan adalah perkenalan dari segi atau ciri-ciri hotel yang mempunyai infrastruktur yang unik, fasiliti yang canggih, sejarah penubuhan hotel itu sendiri, pengurusan yang cemerlang, landskap, kebudayaan dan sebagainya. The Jailhotel Lowengraben di Switzerland dan The Liberty Hotel di Boston antara contoh hotel yang unik kerana berasal daripada penjara dan diubahsuai menjadi sebuah hotel yang mempunyai ciri-ciri fasiliti serta infrastruktur yang unik. Terdapat juga hotel yang dibina asalnya daripada kapal serta kapal terbang untuk tujuan menarik pelanggan yang menginginkan percutian mereka diisi dengan melawat serta merasai pengalaman yang unik melalui penginapan di hotel sedemikian. Landskap dan tema yang ditonjolkan oleh sesebuah hotel turut menyumbang kepada tarikan pelancong untuk bercuti di hotel berkenaan. Kebanyakan hotel pada masa kini mempunyai identiti serta tema mereka sendiri bagi menampakkan kepelbagaian dan keunikan berbeza dengan hotel yang lain. Sesuai dengan kehendak serta citarasa pelanggan untuk berehat serta lari dari kesibukan bandar, pengenalan hotel yang menghidangkan pemandangan menghijau serta pembentukan landskap semulajadi yang cantik antara perkara yang dinantikan oleh pengunjung. Selain itu, terdapat juga hotel yang ditubuhkan bertaraf sehingga tujuh bintang dan mewah khas untuk memenuhi TARIKAN DAN KEUNIKAN INDUSTRI PERHOTELAN selera pelanggan yang berkemampuan. Contoh hotel yang menawarkan konsep ini ialah Burj Al-Arab di Dubai yang mengenakan bayaran sebanyak A S18 ribu (RM55.8 ribu) semalam. Tarikan hotel juga menarik pelanggan untuk dijadikan penginapan tetap dan bukannya sementara bagi beberapa personaliti yang terkenal dunia. Contohnya adalah pelakon Richard Harris memilih untuk menginap di Savoy Hotel di London untuk sekian lama dan begitu juga dengan Howard Hughes yang menghabiskan sisa usianya di Hotel Las Vegas. Sementara itu, pereka fesyen, Coco Chanel, tinggal di Hotel Ritz Paris selama lebih dari 30 tahun. Ini jelas membuktikan bahawa industri perhotelan merangkumi seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia dan seimbang dari segi keperluan dan kehendak manusia. Dari segi sistem pengurusan pula, terdapat beberapa buah hotel yang dijadikan penanda aras dan model pentadbiran dan pengurusan yang cemerlang seperti Ritz Carlton dan Four Seasons. Pengurusan yang baik bukan sahaja merujuk kepada industri perkhidmatan tetapi untuk industri yang lain serta berkaitan. Antara pengiktirafan seperti hotel Four Seasons yang tersenarai dalam senarai pemeringkatan majalah Fortune, The Best Company to work for, sejak pemeringkatan ini mula diperkenalkan pada tahun 1998. Jadi, bersempena dengan Tahun Melawat Malaysia 2014, Kementerian Pelancongan Malaysia telah merancang dan melaksanakan pelbagai penambahbaikan dari pelbagai sudut seperti fasiliti di tempat-tempat menarik dan meluaskan publisiti Malaysia hingga ke luar negara. Di Malaysia tidak kurang hebatnya dengan adanya pelbagai tempat yang menarik dan bersejarah seperti A Famosa, Muzium Negeri dan tarikan pulau-pulau yang istimewa dari segi geografinya. Antara pulau yang menarik ialah Pulau Kapas, Pulau Langkawi, Pulau Tenggol dan sebagainya. Dengan adanya tempat menarik seperti ini, industri hotel mahupun resort akan tumbuh bagai cendawan selepas hujan sekaligus dapat menarik pelancong di dalam dan luar negara untuk menginap dan menikmati servis serta keindahan geografi yang dihidangkan. Kesimpulannya, Tahun Melawat Malaysia 2014 merupakan ruang dan peluang yang perlu diberi perhatian oleh pelbagai pihak untuk memperkembangkan lagi industri perhotelan khususnya di Malaysia. 12 BANDUNG CUISINE EXPERIENCE By: Noralisa Ismail & Suhaila Mohd Isa On 27 Feb - 02 March 2014, part 5 students of Tourism Management programme has organized a 4D3N visit to Bandung. This trip carried out as a requirement for Tour Planning and Design (HTT350) subject. One of the interesting elements of the tour is cuisine services arranged by local tour operator, Jacktour Bandung. All participants really enjoy their meal time as the chosen restaurants become the attraction on it’s own. Visiting Kampung Daun leave a beautiful experience to all group members. This restaurant located at the small valley in the northern city of Bandung, West Java, Indonesia within the neighborhood of Villa Trinity. Kampung Daun present something different and unique from the form of art and the value of cultural diversity. As we arrive at the restaurant, the excitement goes to the atmosphere of the place. The surroundings of traditional and romantic village blend well that makes the visitors forgot the main reason of being there! The restaurant provide calm and far away from noise. The villagers shown warm welcome and friendliness to visitors while presenting meals that provided by expert in taste and quality. Rumah Makan Alas Daun is located on Jalan Citarum 34 Bandung Jawa Barat with its unique concept : Eating Sensation Without the Plate. Appropriate to its name which Alas Daun, every visitor will be fed with a banana leaf that has been paved presented in each table . For guests who prefer to use plates , Alas Daun will still provide special dishes on request. This restaurant serve approximately 200 meals come with a banana leaf menu available every day such as Vegetable Lalapan complete with a wide selection of Sambal , Sauteed Vegetables , Assorted Meat and Fish . Another uniqueness of the menu in Rumah Makan Alas Daun is Nasi Kohkol. The menu for Nasi Kohkol is timbel rice, grilled barracuda fish, chicken, stir fry, tofu, chili, and lalab. It served in the bamboo. It also provide delicious desserts such as Cau Canhegar, Colenak Nyi Iteung and Colenak Sierra Café is a big restaurant located in Dago Pakar. This restaurant provide a nice view over the hills of Bandung. Located in areas where the air is cool and then cool down at night, the cafe also provide a romantic view dining experience. Guest can choose from two dining area which is indoor and outdoor. As for those who prefer to enjoy the cool evening breeze and a beautiful view of Bandung, they can have an outdoor meals. Guest that love to enjoy band performance, they can have it while having their indoor meal time. The Praoe sea food Restaurant is located in Jalan Sumatra. Looks like a mansion that believes was turned into a restaurant, this eating outlet have several spacious rooms which served as dining chambers. Wood furnitures and dimmed lights bring about the homey feels of an old house. Small boat is situated in the inner garden reflects the name of the restaurant. This seafood restaurant originally comes from Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. As we know that Bandung have no beach, so seafood restaurant is like unfamiliar places in Bandung. This fact give an idea to it’s owner to offer beach concept restaurant that will perfectly fit in Bandung. Having a delicious dinner after a full day tour makes visitors forgot their tiredness. Kartika Sari is well known as a bakery shop that is very popular among the local people and tourist that visit Bandung and other parts of Indonesia. The main product that they produce and sell to the customer is bakery items. Due to time constrain, the trip not manage to visit the outlet. However, the tour participants are not frustrated because they can place their order and our local tour operator make a special delivery to the hotel. Kartika Sari is a big name in Indonesia’s tourism industry. They do not have any other branches outside Indonesia. However, they provide a product delivery that can be delivered throughout Indonesia , Singapore and Malaysia. In addition, they also provide online product purchase through their website. Among the famous product categories such as Pastry and Bollen, Brownies, Bagelen & Toast Bread, Cakes, Butter Cookies, Snacks, Candies and Special Gift. 13 FOOD PORN: a misleading hype! By: Izhar Hafifi Zainal Abidin, Samsul Bahri Usman & Arma Mohd Faizal Abu Bakar Most people may relate this term to the aphrodisiac food participation in servicing others. Food pornography exactly sustains these meanings relating to the preparation of food. The kinds of picture used always repress the process of production of a meal. They are always beautifully lit, often touched up.” (p. 103) You! I mean you who snap those food images and post them on your FB wall; you certainly have embraced this term tightly without knowing the engagement you’ve made. And you too! Those crazy delicious-looking Instagram food photos you’ve posted have ‘granted’ you the opportunity to don the I’ma-food-porn-addict jacket. But don’t be ashamed, it doesn’t make you one of the crews in the world of Hugh Hefner. Nor Maria Ozawa is the subject of your passion. It is only foods. And if you nurture this food photography passion you have, you can earn as little as $18,000 a year or up to $500,000 annually in US. So, keep calm and food porn-ing! in which some got excites after consume such food like Tongkat Ali, Ginseng, and Kacip Fatimah. In a layman term, they are something that relates to ‘ubat kuat’. No, they are not. And what was even worse is that some might fit this term into the ‘vulgar-cum-erotica’ stereotype, where they have no literary or artistic value in the creative activities like movies and writings, other than to stimulate sexual desire. Reference: Coward, Rosalind (1984). Female Desire: Women’s Truth be told, it does and will stimulate you. But, in a positive Sexuality Today. Paladin. ISBN 0-586-08447-9. manner and certainly has that literacy and artistic value! After all, this term is just a hype; exaggeratedly blatant and sensational promotion of creative photography of delicate food presentation. And that’s why it is often misled people. The term is initially popularized in the 1984 book Female Desire by the feminist critic Rosalind Coward in which she wrote: “Cooking food and presenting it beautifully is an act of servitude. It is a way of expressing affection through a gift... That we should aspire to produce perfectly finished and presented food is a symbol of a willing and enjoyable HEALTH TOURISM by: SULAIHA MOHD ISA & ZATUL IFFAH MOHD FUZA Health Tourism, a niche tourism product, is becoming a great importance to attract tourists’ arrivals nowadays. It is described as people making health choices and accessing health treatments by embracing all facets from seeking treatment, health improvement or change through medical practices (MHTC, 2013). Some may refer it as Medical Tourism, Medical Travel or Wellness Tourism (Munro, 2012) in which all are relevant since it is a subset category of Health Tourism. In Malaysia, Medical Tourism or Health Tourism is managed by the Ministry of Health (MOH) and can be offered only by private hospitals. With the vision to develop Malaysia into the preferred destination of world class health services, the number of Malaysia’s private hospitals enrolling Medical Tourism program are increasing almost day by day. Medical expertise are offered in various fields such as cardiology, oncology, aesthetic surgery, robotic surgery, fertility treatment, bariatric surgery, orthopedics, dental implants, ophthalmology, neurology and aesthetics procedures that includes minimally invasive surgeries for various health problems and wide choice of treatments. In order to enroll Medical Tourism program, any Malaysia’s private hospital needs to be regulated by the Ministry of Health and posses internationally recognized accreditations (eg. Joint Commission International, US). With a growing number of firstclass medical services that provides reliable, safe and effective treatments, comfortable surroundings with ease of access, as well as affordable prices, Malaysia has certainly become a leading choice of foreign patients that are seeking healthcare treatment abroad. Our healthcare industry has certainly taken a leap forward and the tourism industry is certainly boosting our economy high! 14 HOSPITAL ADDRESS KPJ Ipoh Specialist Hospital 26, Jalan Raja Dihilir, 30350 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan. KPJ Penang Specialist Hospital No 570, Jalan Perda Utama, Bandar Perda, 14000 Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang. Prince Court Medical Centre 39, Jalan Kia Peng, 50450 Kuala Lumpur. SMC Healthcare Sdn Bhd (Known As Sabah Medical Centre) Lorong Bersatu, Off Jalan Damai, Luyang 88838 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Timberland Medical Centre Lot 5164-5165, Block 16, KCLD 2, 1/2 Mile Rock Road, Taman Timberland, 93250 Kuching, Sarawak. Mawar Renal Medical Centre No. 71, Jalan Rasah, 70300 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus Mahkota Medical Centre 3, Mahkota Melaka, Jalan Merdeka, 75000 Melaka, Melaka. Puteri Specialist Hospital 33, Jalan Tun Abdul Razak (Susur 5), 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor Darul Takzim. Columbia Asia Hospital, Bukit Rimau 3, Persiaran Anggerik Eria, Bukit Rimau, Seksyen 32, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan. FOODSERVICE EXQUISITE DAY Oleh: Sulaiha Mohd Isa & Zatul Iffah Mohd Fuza Projek pengacaraan majlis anjuran pelajar Diploma Pengurusan Perkhidmatan Makanan (Semester 5) yang berlangsung pada 5 Mac 2014 bertempat di Dewan Aspirasi, UiTM Terengganu meriah dengan kehadiran tetamu utama jemputan iaitu Prof. Madya Dr. Abdol Samad Nawi (Rektor UiTM Terengganu), Prof. Madya Dr. Baharom Ab Rahman (Timbalan Rektor Hal Ehwal Akademik), Prof. Madya Dr. Mazidah Puteh (Timbalan Rektor Penyelidikan, Jaringan Industri dan Alumni) dan En. Azahari Abdul Aziz (Timbalan Rektor Hal Ehwal Pelajar). Bertemakan Foodservice Exquisite Day, Objektif utama program ini adalah mempertontonkan kehalusan dan keindahan seni ukiran hiasan pada kek dan turut diselangi dengan pelbagai aktiviti berkaitan makanan dengan suasana ala perkahwinan. Ternyata, program kali ini telah berjaya menarik perhatian ramai warga UiTM Terengganu serta pelajar Kolej Inforana untuk turut serta memeriahkan program. Diantara aktiviti-aktiviti yang telah direncanakan adalah pameran seperti pastry showcase oleh pelajar Diploma Seni Kulinari Semester 5 dibawah seliaan beberapa orang pensyarah Fakulti Pengurusan Hotel dan Pelancongan (FPHP) iaitu En. Arma Mohd Faizal Abu Bakar, En. Mohd Izwan Mohd Zaki dan Puan Aniza Arifin. Pameran fotografi oleh Kelab Fotografi UiTM Terengganu, butik perkahwinan oleh Butik Anjung Seri Pengantin, ukiran buah-buahan oleh pensyarah FPHP dan hiasan makanan kreatif oleh penganjur. Demonstrasi Milano Coffee pula diadakan oleh Saudara Mohd Suhaimi Bin Yusoff, pelajar Diploma Pengurusan Hotel Semester 5 / Pemenang tempat ketiga di Milano Coffee Competition 2014 di bawah seliaan pensyarah FPHP iaitu En. Mohd Fazli Musa. Manakala, demonstrasi masakan oleh Chef Mohd Izwan Mohd Noor, Chef Adabi dan saudara Mohd Ikhwan Qistan Bin Kamarulzaman, pelajar Diploma Seni Kulinari Semester 5. Selain itu, diadakan demonstrasi ukiran buah-buahan oleh pensyarah FPHP iaitu En. Mohd Izwan Mohd Zaki dan Cik Nur Farrah Yasmin Binti Abdul Latib. Antara pertandingan yang dijalankan sempena program ini adalah pertandingan membalut hadiah, mengubah hantaran, makan aiskrim terpantas, teka berat kek dan undian kek tercantik. Pelbagai gerai niaga dibuka oleh pelajar daripada Institut Pemimpin Muda, pelajar Fakulti Pengurusan Hotel dan Pelancongan dan peniaga luar bagi memeriahkan lagi program ini. 15 KEHADIRANMU DINANTI KELAHIRANMU DISYUKURI... Oleh : Amanina Mat ghani Benar! Dalam perhubungan perlu ada serasinya..Dalam perkahwinan perlu ada serinya. Terkadang serinya itu muncul selang sebulan usia perkahwinan.Ada juga hampir bertahun.Dan pasti ada yang terus menanti..Entah bila akan tiba serinya. A.N.A.K adalah seri bagi setiap perkahwinan. Bersyukurlah pada mereka yang dipilih Allah untuk menerima anugerah dariNya. Saat mendapat berita ada nyawa yang berkongsi segalanya dengan kita adalah satu saat yang tak tergambar dengan kata-kata. gembira, teruja, bersyukur, terharu bercampur dalam satu rasa yang hanya dapat dizahirkan dengan ucapan alhamdulillah. Begitu hebat kuasa Maha Pencipta. Bagi mereka yang ingin berkunjung, dikongsikan beberapa amalan yang boleh dipraktikkan semasa melawat bayi. Mengucap tahniah dan melafaz: “Semoga keberkatan terlimpahkan kepadamu atas kelahiran ini. Bertambah syukur kepada Allah Yang Maha Pemberi Kurnia. Dapat melihatnya sehingga dewasa. Dan dikurniakan kebaikan serta kebaktiannya.” Lalu jawablah oleh si bapa : “Semoga Allah memberkatimu, memberikan kebaikan kepadamu, memberimu balasan yang baik, memberi kurnia seperti ini juga, dan menggandakan pahalamu.” Akhir kalam, diucapkan jutaan tahniah kepada rakan-rakan yang akan dan baru sahaja menimang cahaya mata. Moga Allah SWT sentiasa merahmati kalian dalam membesarkan dan mendidik amanah yang suci ini. Amin. Tahniah kepada Malina Hanum Mohd Kamal, Rohayu Ayob, Wan Nor Bayah Wan Kamarudin, Zatul Iffah Mohd Fuza & Sharbana Adnan 16