Stella Hartnett Holder and Co 14 April 2013
Stella Hartnett Holder and Co 14 April 2013
:l,jri..\.i#itiq,*j?.\{** r, , ;ia",irl' '';r ; t1,i:tB: , dauqhters, Couture dresses of which dreams are made The unblushlng beouly blogger One woman's all -too-public descent into drug addiction '::i, ;.; \ iij,.i RrsrAURANrs iFlartnett Holder & Co ' Angela Hartnett's plush but unpretentious new venture wins over ZoeWilliams before she's even set eyes on the food I fell in love with the diningI room atLimeWood Hotel I in ttre slightly ashamed way that you might realise the Beatles are your favourite band - it is so obviously plush, so plainly inviting, just so unambiguously lovely. The stools around a horseshoe bar are orange leather and the size of old-world cinema seats, sat on elegantwooden stems like giantpawns. On the deepest brocade sofa are cushions so comforting and soft it's like lying on alurcher. The look is r98os moneyedintellectual, the menu timeless Harhett ltalian. There's nothing scary on it probablythe biggest challenge it poses to the timid palate is oyster mayonnaise. 3.; The niblets to startwith are original, though - an egg cup of balsamic vinegar as thick andsympyasteacle, and only a bit less sweet; four chalky chunla of parmesan with underlying squidge; an egg cup of silvery anchovies; another of pickled vegetables (ez.5o each). Theywere all simple and transportingly good; itwas like stumbling into a Venetian bar, but much friendlier. I had duck hearts with a duck egg (, mainly so I could pass on my second favourite bird-gender fact: you can't eat the drake's lime Wood Holel, Bequlieu Rood, Lyndhurst, Hompshire (023 @28 71 67) Three courses:135 Food: d ,f, rrrtF 62 stella l!-i-tl l'i -]l rh I t +*T'.s , Atmosphere: ****i I * , **** ..r.. -." i- '- heart, onlythe duck's. The males are too bitter The egg worked wonderft:lly against the hearts, which were t}le size ofwalnuts and the consistenry of kidneys, and had a wonderfirl flavour, the meatiness of a kidney without the uric topnote that puts people off. There were baby hrrnips round the edge, on a tumip ptrr6e. Theywere dainty, buttery and mellow, and I forgot my implacable prejudice against them. T had lobster spaghetti (er+) with chilli, parsley and tomato, and it didn't look a million 1! m dollars - the pasta appeared a bit stidq and solid, and it wasn't obvious where the lobsterwas. Of course, what you couldn't tell bylooking was thatttre balance of chilli and everything else was so perfect that the whole world appeared momentarily in harmony. In an understated way it was a bit spectacular. T carried on with a glorious rose-veal chop with a pannesan crust (ezO) on top of it, like a hat You don't realise what a boon a crunchy hat is to an inch-thick chop until you're eatingit; thenyou think every chop deserves one. Amazingpannesan, again, and a chargrilled artichoke on the side, the simplest and most stylish ! d E E = Drink What to quaffwith quinoa? Susy Athins has a few suggestions for this week's recipes.. accessory. I had pigt cheek (er6) with a braised-celeriac base and baby leeks, which packed a chargrilled punch. The cheeks had that moreish, savoury, with acrisp and braised ham, but a much less salty, subtler fl avour. The table fu miture is profoundly attractive, bytheway, coppery dishes hol.ling professional chocolate pastry. T had banana parfait wittr chocolate sauce (ez); the consistencywas a bit confusing- there was nothing to getyour teeth into, and it all danced onthe borderof solid and liquid - but the taste was clear and powerfirl. This is event-eating; the environs, the eryansive, eryensive c-uts of meat, the Italian languor... It would all conspire to makeyou feel self-indulgent on an average Ti.resday, but acremely special on a special occasion. O o E d E 5 { attractive but unprettifi ed food. I have a weakness for deep-fried courgette (eg.zs), but they didn't really work against*ris rich and meaty table; we should have had something sprucer and more salady. Nottoworry. There's so much going on in the pud deparmrentthatl had the impression you could erain ingredients, however fashionable and tasty, just don't boss you around when it comes to a wine match; theyleave thatto the otheringredienB on the plate. Rice, couscous, pasta, potatoes - they tend to form the background on to wtrich brighte4 stronger flavours are splashed. So it is with quinoa Diana Henry's right about its subtle nuttiness and distinctive texnrre (page 58), but the wine has to go withthe more powerfirlingredients in her wonderful dishes this week For the quinoa salad with roast chocolate and hazelnut tart (e7), simFle but exceptionat rich and appealing$ sweet- flakingtocure of along- gleaning dramatically i withinreason, havehad anything you wanted. I had DUAL DELIGHTS Willioms & Brown Topos 48 Harbour Stret, Whitstable, Kent (O1 227 273373) lfs almost a decade since two friends opened this busy Spanish bar nearthe seaside. Today diners are still encouraged to share tapas (baked chorizo perhaps,9725, and manchego with membrillo, S5.95) over a sherry or two d r .. llpplg llp tomatoesandchorizgthere's "... limejuiceandcrirmefratche N Pl N K OF PE R FECTIO 1.. to take on. Up to the As we srrving into ros6 seasaa, the exuberantblast be sure lo picktfie youngest :: pinkwinesyoucanfind- i (zotzorz6l1 vintages),and i drink them within two days of j ::il:P.-1:::::Y.P" its fresh aroma and fruity ... taskis of cilusandgooseberry ttratisNewZealand sauvignon blanc. I,ve had .; alotolsuccessmatching saw blanc to zingily flavour, so use up slightly -lfZ flavoured, sometimes lettovers in cooking, p€rLaps for poacfiing salmon steaks, spicy, even creamy dishes or in a sauce for prawns lately and I am convinced that tired '; .; ...' ....." this is a a food wine, rather than qu:fhng, or ap6ritif, white. The quinoa with mango, chicken and an Indian dressing needs something a little lightea with a fresh herbaceousness to marrywith mint and watercress and firm acidityfor the tangy mango. Italian rvhites, especially very slightly off-dry examples, hit the mark; gavi, vemaccia and premium soave are best As for the quinoa pilafr, let's bring on Aesh, spring-like red. A good beaujolais (Beaujolais-Villages or one of the 'crus' such as Brouilly or Moulin ir Vent, please) is lowin tannin, won't clash with the yogurt, and has a stawberry tang for the red pepper. And, best of all, it goes with that nutty bite of the quino4 too. Jem&l lcSchool Lane, Didsbury Manchester (o161 445 3996) Choosing lots of small plates (94.25 each) is the way to go at Jem O'Sullivan's smart bistro, where there's a Mediterranean flavour to the menu. Try courgette fritters drizled with honey, and king-prawn croquettes with tanagon crdme fraiche Jon & Fernondo's TRY THESE l, ltaly (Tesco, €6.99) Not as bone-dry as some ltalian whites, this tastes of ripe pears, with a herby note and lemon-fresh finish. Manies nicely with the minl watercress and mango in the chicken quinoa dish Flnesl Soove Closslco 201 Glesen Souvlgnon Blqnc 2012 Marlborough, New Zealand (Maiestic, 34 High Street, Auchterarder, Perthshire 69.99 orf,6.99 when you buy tvvo until 29 Apri) (O1764 662442)While Jon adds a port and rosemary jus to his signature sevenhour-roasted lamb shank (a staple on the classic British menu), his wife Femanda makes everyone feel at home in their relaxing, romantic dining-room (929.95 for three courses) A more subtle Madborough sauvignon than some, this still has plenty of lime and passion fruit and a grassy hint Delicious wiih cooked tomaloes and citrus dressings Henry Fessy Etouilly 201l, Beaujolais, France UVailrose, €10.99) Aline example from the largest ol the beaujolais crus, tasting ol fresh redcurrants and wild strawbenies. Ripe by beaujolais standards, it is still light enough for Diana's pilaff stella 83