

In our homeland, on the
Northern part of Békés county – on
the so called Körös-Sárrét – we offer many fascinating programmes for
those who wish to relax and refresh
The clean water of the Körös rivers, their backwaters of breathtaking
beauty and several fish ponds (for
instance the one in Szeghalom) offer ideal opportunities for lovers of
fishing. There are many open beaches
waiting for swimmers along the popular water tour route
on the Körös rivers. The dam of the Berettyó and Körös
rivers is suitable for cycling tours.
In this region rich in medicinal and thermal waters, in
Dévaványa and Füzesgyarmat, medicinal open-air baths
are operated offering medicinal
water therapy. The spa-hotel of
Thermal Hotel Gara Gyógyszálló and the Thermal camping are
located in Füzesgyarmat.
Those who seek riding opportunities can
set off on riding tours in Füzesgyarmat,
Vésztő, Dévaványa and Körösladány and
trail rides are also possible. Those interested in carriage manufacturing
can learn the tricks of the trade in Galambos Hintókészítő Műhely
(Galambos Carriage Manufacturing Unit) in Füzesgyarmat. There are
many huntsman’s associations that offer hunting opportunities in the
field rich in both small and big
The Körös–Maros National Park
was established for the protection of the untouched landscape
of the plains, the picturesque
river valleys, and the unique and
indigenous avifauna and flora.
More nature conser-
vation areas belong to the national park, for instance Mágor-puszta (Mágor
plain) and the cotyledonous lawns of Vésztő. In the bustard reservation
close to Dévaványa besides the bustard, Europe’s heaviest-bodied bird,
there can be seen many other ancient Hungarian species (like the grey cattle, the Hungarian Racka sheep, the buffalo) in their natural environment.
The Sárrét Museum in Szeghalom, the Imre Bereczki Local Collection in
Dévaványa, the ethnographical house in Füzesgyarmat, the Memorial Place
and Statue Park in Vésztő-Mágor and the
House of Local Historical Collections
in Körösladány present the history and
ethnography of the region through local
historical exhibitions.
Our localities are looking forward to
welcome tourists with various and
colourful programmes and events
(like Sárrét picnic in
Vésztő-Mágor, Witch Festival in Szeghalom,
and Equestrian Days in Füzesgyarmat).
Restaurants offering excellent local specialities and accommodations provide for the refreshment of the tired
Those who visit us can enjoy the untouched nature,
lots of sunshine, medicinal waters and distinguished
The traditionalist capital of Körös-Sárrét preserves its material and spiritual worth gained through
its history. It is proud of its former Reformed priest
Zoltán Tildy who later became the president of the
The most important places to see include the
Reformed church, the Kossuth-statue in its vicinity;
the Sárrét Museum in the building of the Simai kindergarten, the D’Orsay castle, the Kárász castle and the Catholic church with the belfry close
to it.
A one-day-trip to the open beach along the Sebes-Körös near Várhely can be a popular
summer programme for the visitors.
The sports hall of the town welcomes training
camps; accommodation can be arranged in the
hostel of the secondary school.
The Vállalkozói Központ és Szálloda, the
Hidi Pension, the camping close to Puszta csárda as well as the Várhelyi Youth Camp offer
accommodation in the town. More restaurants
can be found in the settlement among which
the Alma Mater, the Leonardo ételbár and the Puszta csárda are the most well-known.
Városi Sportcsarnok (Town Sports Hall)
5520 Szeghalom, Szabolcs vezér u. 1−3.
Tel: +36-66-371-543; Tel./fax: +36-66-371-542;
e-mail: [email protected]
Besides hosting sports events the building is suitable for cultural
events, concerts and training camps as well.
Arena: 20x40 m, suitable for hosting international tournaments.
Auditorium: suitable for 500–700 people.
Sárrét Museum
5520 Szeghalom, Tildy Zoltán u. 14. Tel: +36-66-371-561
e-mail: [email protected]; www.szeghalom.hu
Opening hours: from 7:30 am. to 3:30 pm. from Monday to Friday
Other periods are also available for groups who register.
The exhibition consists of four units (Ancient occupations, Folk
lifestyle, Crafts, and the Local History Exhibition featuring 900 years
of Szeghalom).
Associations of huntsmen
More information about accommodations, programmes and restaurants:
5520 Szeghalom, Szabadság tér 4−8. Tel./fax: +36-66-470-395;
e-mail: [email protected]; www.szeghalmikisterseg.hu
Ten captivating reasons for visiting us:
We are the least polluted micro-region of Hungary.
The charming world of untouched nature is waiting for our guests.
Europe’s heaviest bird, the bustard can be seen only in this region.
You can see the history of 6,000 years in Vésztő-Mágor.
The whole family can have fun in our open-air thermal baths.
Success is guaranteed for fishers and hunters in our region.
Our equestrian and gastronomic events are famous all over the country.
The flora and fauna of the Holt-Sebes-Körös river and the cotyledonous
plain are unique.
You can escape from the daily routine in this region.
Forget about burgers, everybody eats betyáros (traditional Hungarian
boiled pasta) here!
Töviskei Vadásztársaság (Töviskesi Association of Huntsmen):
5520 Szeghalom, Kinizsi u. 85.
Tel: +36-66-371-288;
Hunor Vadásztársaság (Hunor Association of Huntsmen):
5520 Szeghalom, Kossuth u. 9/1.
Tel: +36-66-371-941 e-mail: [email protected]
Várhelyi Ifjúsági Tábor (Várhelyi Youth Camp)
Művelődési, Sport- és Szabadidő Központ
5520 Szeghalom, Tildy Zoltán u. 30.
Tel: +36-66-371-543; +36-30-326-1490 Tel./fax: +36-66-371-542
e-mail: [email protected] www.szeghalom.hu
This camp situated on the right bank of the Sebes-Körös river can be an ideal spot for
water tours. The stone building of the camp is suitable for hosting groups of 50 people but
­camping out is also possible.
Complex open-air school programmes
Craftsman programmes
Presentations in the field of environment and
­nature protection
as well as mental hygiene
Baking local delicacies in open-air ovens.
er ma
The most important ­ tourist
­attraction of the town is the
­Visitors’ Centre of the Körös–
Maros National Park in Réhely.
The Imre Bereczki Local Collection is also worth visiting.
Accommodation for families and smaller groups can
be found in the Vadászház (Hunting Lodge) or the Túrér
Vendégház (Túrér Pension), while the Visitors’ Centre offers comfortable lodgings for bigger groups.
Dévaványa Strandfürdő és Gyógyászat
(Open-air Bath and Therapy, Dévaványa)
5510 Dévaványa, Sport u. 5. Tel: +36-66-483-127;
e-mail: [email protected]; www.devavanya.hu
The medicinal unit operates continuously throughout the year. Rheumatological consultation is available twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The medicinal water has salutary effect mainly on the treatment and cure of rheumatic
diseases. Electrical therapy, hydro- and balneotherapy as well as mechanotherapy are available.
Number of pools: 2 indoor and 4 outdoor
swimming pools.
Composition of the water: Sodium-hydrogencarbonate type thermal water containing iodideion. Slightly brownish medicinal water with a
temperature of 53 degrees Celsius.
Medicinal services: rheumatological and
electrical therapy, hydro- and balneotherapy, medicinal
massage, therapeutic gymnastics as well as special types
of massage. Medical care is provided.
The open-air bath welcomes those who arrive
with trailer and tents as well.
Túrér Vendégház (Túrér Pension)
5510 Dévaványa, Mátyás u. 1.
Tel: 06-66-483-041; 06-30-326-7761 e-mail: [email protected]
Szolgáltatások: 4 db 2 ágyas, valamint 1 db 1 ágyas akadálymentesített szoba. Minden szobához saját
fürdőszoba tartozik. A földszinten közös társalgó és 16 fős konferencia-terem található. Igény szerint
reggeli, félpanzió vagy teljes ellátás kérhető. Lehetőség van üzleti ebédek megszervezésére, kerékpárkölcsönzésre, programajánlatok készítésére.
Imre Bereczki Local Collection
5510 Dévaványa, Széchenyi u. 8.
Tel.: 06-66-485-040
e-mail: [email protected]; www.devavanya.hu
The Imre Bereczki Local Collection
was opened in 2000 and presents to
the visitors the settlement’s rich historical and ethnographical assets as
well as its written and material inheritance through its permanent and
periodical exhibitions.
Réhely Visitors’ Centre of Körös–Maros National Park
5510 Dévaványa, Réhely
e-mail: [email protected];
Tel./Fax.: 06-66-483-083
Situated in the neighbourhood of Dévaványa, the so called “second Hortobágy” is a huge ancient
lawn full of herbs, a nature conservation area of Körös–Maros National Park, and the habitat of
several protected species of animals and plants. The most important natural asset of the area is the
bustard for the protection of which the Bustard Reservation was established here. The Reservation
has become famous all over Europe. Central Europe’s biggest flock of bustards lives in this area.
Visitors can learn about bustards in their natural environment and through the exhibition they can
become familiar with their life and protection.
Accommodation can be required for up to 48 people in the training and accommodation building. The two auditoriums with 50
seating capacity and the two training rooms suitable for 25 people
give further opportunities for
housing professional education, presentations and trainings.
The charming open-air bath, the accommodations and services
nearby make the town attractive for tourists. The area of the
open-air bath has been nicely converted into a park and two
waveless pools and a pool for children are waiting for those
visitors who are seeking refreshment. Next to the bath there
is the only three-starred spa-hotel of the Körös-Sárrét region, the Thermal Hotel Gara Gyógyszálló***, as well as
the Gara Mozgás- és Egészségcentrum (Gara Motion
and Health Centre), and the Thermal camping****. The
town’s sports complex and sports hall offer an excellent
opportunity for organizing training and sports camps.
One of the most frequented places of interest is the
town hall built at the beginning of last century, with its
Saint Barbara statue and the neo-baroque fountain on
the square in front of it. The Unitarian church, which
is uncommon in the Great Plain, the ethnographical
house with one room in memoriam of János Hegyesi,
the Erzsébet Szitás Gallery as well as Galambos
Hintókészítő Műhely (Galambos Carriage Manufacturing Unit) are also worth mentioning.
This region is rich in various feral herbs.
The stretching bed and flood plain of the
Holt-Sebes-Körös river show visitors the
flora and fauna of the ancient water world.
One of the architectural monuments of
the settlement, the late baroque-style Reformed Listed Monument Church is
worth visiting with its slim tower and immense interior space.
The memory of the poet István Sinka, once a shepherd on the fields of the village, who wrote his nice ballads on the fate of the villagers, is preserved in Vésztő
by the museum and the cultural centre.
Accommodation can
be found in Musli-szigeti
Pension, the Reformed
Youth Hostel and the
Vidra Farm located on
the bank of Sebed-Körös
river; and the two diners
offer warm food.
5530 Vésztő-Mágor, Mágori-dombTel/fax: 66/477-148; 66-477-033;
E-mail: [email protected] ; www.veszto.hu Vezető: Komáromi Gábor Tel.:30/422-8944
Open: from 1 April to 31 October.
Kastélypark Fürdő, Üdülőház és Thermálkemping (Kastélypark Bath, Pension
and Thermal Camping)
5525 Füzesgyarmat,
Kossuth u. 88.
Tel: +36-66-491-148
Number of pools: 2 indoor and 5
outdoor swimming pools.
Composition of the water: sodiumhydrogen-carbonate type water containing
tromid, iodide and metaboric acid. Slightly brownish thermal water with a temperature of
60 degrees Celsius. Suitable for healing locomotion organic and gynaecological diseases.
Services: refreshing massage, pedicure, manicure, sauna, facilities for accommodation
and eating, mini golf-course, basketball and volleyball courts.
Number of accommodations in the pension: 36
Number of accommodations in the camping: 110
Thermal Hotel Gara Gyógyszálló ***
(Gara Thermal Spa-hotel)
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Kossuth u. 92.
Tel.: 06-66-590-230; fax.: 06-66-590-239.
Number of rooms: 61 double-bedded, 6 triple-bedded, 3 fourbedded and 16 apartments
Services: restaurant, Jacuzzi, sauna, fitness-room, billiards, rex,
table-tennis, tennis court
Number of pools: 3 (1 for children, 1 for swimming and 1
Conference rooms: 2 (with 220 and 80 seats); Section rooms:
3 (with 20 seats)
A huge variety of medicinal and wellness services is offered in
the Gara Mozgás- és Egészségcentrum (Gara Motion and
Health Centre).
There are two special, 9–10-metre-tall, large mounds standing side by side on the
nature conservation area surrounded by the capricious serpentine of Sebes-Körös’
former river bed. A segment cut in one of the mounds shows the traces and available finds of a six thousand-year-old settlement. The vestiges of the Csolt clan’s (a local
family of great power in the 10th and 13th
centuries) monastery from the era of Árpád have been successfully discovered. The
monastery with three aisles, monastic cells
and a quadrangle was built in the 10th–12th
century by high-level stone works. The permanent exhibition features the history of the
mound from the new stone age until the Turkish conquest. The Mágori mound is
under archaeological and nature reserve protection.
The newest spectacle of the exhibition is the house from the new stone
age, the marsh-dweller farm and
some boats made of mud. A herd of
Racka sheep, a smaller herd of Hungarian grey cattle, a Hungarian Mangalica
(an indigenous pig breed) with its piglets and other indigenous small livestock
are living on the territory.
Services: parking availability, guides,
publications for sale, buffet, open-air
cooking, baking lángos or pogácsa in
open-air oven
Fenyődi Pension&Restaurant***
5527 Bucsa, Kossuth u. 25.
e-mail: [email protected] szfh: 19
Dévaványai Hunting Lodge
5510 Dévaványa, Kossuth u. 36.
szfh: 22
Körös–Maros National Park,
Dévaványa Bustard Reservation
5510 Dévaványa, Réhelyi Látogatóközpont
e-mail: [email protected] szfh: 50
Ramóna Restaurant
Dévaványa, Eötvös u. 56.
e-mail: [email protected]
Túrér Pension***
5510 Dévaványa, Mátyás u. 1.
e-mail: szakiskola@kollegium-dvanya.
szfh: kollégium – 25, vendégház – 9
Schultz Pension
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Kossuth út 90.
Leonardo Cafeteria
Tel./Fax.:06-66-491-523; 06-20-967-6430
5520 Szeghalom, Tildy. u. 7.
e-mail: [email protected]
szfh: 40 ücs Tel.:06-66-470-217
Éva Pension
Gali Istvánné
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Dobó u. 55.
Tel.:06-30-525-6371; 06-30-265-7492
e-mail: [email protected] szfh: 10 ücs
Puszta Csárda Restaurant & Motel
5520 Szeghalom, 47-es főút 74-es km
e-mail: [email protected]
szfh: 52 ücs
Galambos House**
Galambos Sándorné
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Ady u.64.
e-mail: [email protected]
szfh: 10
Vasúti Restaurant
5520 Szeghalom, Kinizsi u. 8.
Tel.: 06-66-473-953
e-mail: [email protected]
Kovács Pension
Kovács Károlyné
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Kossuth u. 75/1.
szfh: 4
Local Government of the Town
Open-air Bath, Therapy and Camping
Tenting is possible on the area of the
5510 Dévaványa, Sport u. 5.
e-mail: [email protected].
Kiskastély Inn and Restaurant
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Kossuth u. 88.
Tel.:06-30-289-6342; 06-30-372-3634
e-mail: [email protected]
szfh: 22 ücs
Kastélypark Bath and Holiday Houses
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Kossuth u. 88.
Tel.:06-66-491-148; 06-30-415-8150
e-mail: [email protected]
szfh: 43 ücs
Thermal Camping
5525, Füzesgyarmat, Csánki Dezső u. 1.
Tel./Fax.:06-66-491-052; 06-30-558-8549
e-mail: [email protected]
www.fuzesgyarmat.hu ücs
szfh: 110 db parcel with partial public
Thermal Hotel Gara Gyógyszálló ***
és étterem (Gara Thermal Spa-hotel)
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Kossuth u. 92.
Tel./Fax.:06-66-590-230; 06-66-590-239
e-mail: [email protected]
szfh: 190 ücs
Hunting Lodge
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Széchenyi u. 6.
Tel.:06-66-491-003; 06-30-907-8933
szfh: 3−5
Park Restaurant
5516 Körösladány, Garibaldi tér 1.
Tel.: 06-30-655-7901
Layer entrepreneur center & Étterem
5520 Szeghalom, Tildy u. 7.
e-mail: [email protected]
szfh: 30 ücs
Vén Márkus Restaurant
5516 Körösladány, Kossuth u.86
Róbert House
Hideg Róbert
5516 Körösladány, Nádor ér 229/2.
Tel./Fax.:06-66-474-036; 06-30-985-5680
e-mail: [email protected]
Károly Pension
Károly Albert
5516 Körösladány, Arany J u. 8.
e-mail: [email protected] szfh: 8
Pusztai Pension
Pusztai Imréné
5516 Körösladány, Kossuth u. 8/1.
Tel.: 06-66-474-390
szfh: 6
Stone Pizzeria
5520 Szeghalom, Tildy u. 37.
e-mail: [email protected]
Hidi Angler Lodge
5520 Szeghalom, Kinizsi u. 85.
Tel.:06-30-218-3081 szfh: 8
Monostor Restaurant
5530 Vésztő, Kossuth u. 57−59.
Tel: 06-66-476-118
e-mail: [email protected]
Musli-szigeti Pension
5530 Vésztő, Musli-sziget
Tel.:06-66-474-340; 06-30-998-8149
e-mail: [email protected]
szfh: 22 ücs
Alma Mater Restaurant
5520 Szeghalom, Kossuth tér 7.
e-mail: [email protected]
Varietas Restaurant
5530 Vésztő, Báthori u. 1/a.
e-mail: [email protected]
Hidi Pension*** & Restaurant
5520 Szeghalom, 47-es főút
e-mail: [email protected]
www.hotels.hu/hidi Eszlári Pension
5530 Vésztő, Rózsa u.2−3.
Imre Bereczki Local Collection
5510 Dévaványa, Széchenyi u. 8.
Tel.: 06-66-485-040
e-mail: [email protected]
Körös–Maros National Park
Réhely Visitors’ Centre
Dévaványa, Réhely
Tel.: 06-66-483-083
e-mail: [email protected]
szfh: 10
szfh: 54
Galambos Carriage Manufacturing Unit
Füzesgyarmat, Baross u. 1/1.
Tel.: 06-30-3835-920
Erzsébet Szitás Gallery
Füzesgyarmat, Kossuth u. 67.
Tel.: 06-66-491-795
[email protected]
Ethnographical house
Füzesgyarmat, Simonyi u. 1.
Tel.: 06-30-363-8431
e-mail: [email protected]
House of Local Historical
Collections in Körösladány
5516 Körösladány, Petőfi tér 4.
[email protected]
Mayor’s Office
5527 Bucsa, Kossuth u. 37.
Tel.: 06-66-585-530
e-mail: [email protected]
Tájház és Kézműves ­ Egyesület
(Ethnographical House and Craftsman’s
5527 Bucsa, Akácos utca 13.
Tel.: 06-30-290-9883
e-mail: [email protected]
Sárrét Museum
Szeghalom, Tildy u. 14.
Tel.: 06-66-371-561
e-mail:[email protected]
History in uniform
Permanent exhibition of private collector
János Túri
5520 Szeghalom, Ady u. 2.
Tel.: 06-66-371-561
Sinka István memory house and
Local Historical Museum
Vésztő, Kossuth u. 39.
Tel.: 06-66-477-148
Vésztő-Mágor Historical memorial place
Tel.: 06-66-477-148
Worth mentioning
as places of interest in
Körösladány are buildings of folk baroque,
classical and eclectic
styles which cast a special spell. The most important of these buildings is the Wenckheim
castle, now functioning
as a school, the chapel and crypt of the family where Baron Béla Weckheim is buried, who was Hungary’s minister and prime minister after the
Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867. Besides
the Reformed church built
in 1776 and the Catholic church consecrated
in 1822 there are some
monuments and statues
worthy of notice. Among
these there is the statue
of Lajos Tüköry, the most
famous person of the settlement; his memory is preserved by one of
the permanent exhibitions of the Helytörténeti Gyűjtemények Háza
(House of Local Historical Collections). There are some restaurants and
accommodations which ensure the visitors’ pleasant relaxation.
We hope that you have become interested in Körösladány and we will have the
pleasure to welcome you as our guest.
Hunting lodges:
5510. Dévaványa, Kossuth u. 36.
Tel.: 06-66-483-091
5515. Ecsegfalva, Jókai u. 1/a.
Tel.: 06-66-487-033
The avifauna of Hortobágy-Berettyó, the mirage-haunted landscape of the
plains, the possibilities of hunting and fishing represent attractive opportunities
for those who like rural hospitality. Peaceful nature offers an opportunity to learn
about the valuable flora and fauna. The crown of this opportunity can be the trip
to the Réhely Visitors’ Centre of the Körös-Maros National Park.
Vidra Tanya Restaurant & Pension
5520 Szeghalom, Fokközi híd
Tel.:06-66-478-566; 06-30-488-3801
e-mail: [email protected]
szfh: 36 ücs
Museums, places of interest
Ethnographical house
5527 Bucsa, Akácos utca 13.
e-mail: [email protected]
Várhelyi Youth Camp
Művelődési Sport- és Szabadidőközpont
5520 Szeghalom, Tildy u. 30.
e-mail: [email protected]
szfh: 55
Signs and abbreviations used: szfh – accommodation and number of beds; ücs – facility accepting holiday cheques
5530. Vésztő-Kertmegpuszta S
Szeghalom, Szabadság tér 4−8. Tel.: 06-66-470-395
e-mail: [email protected] • www.szeghalmikisterseg.hu
Our sevices:
national tourist information; organizing programmes; free publications, maps; information about national programmes and accommodations; information about holiday cheques; guiding groups.
you need information about Körös-Sárrét or the other parts of the country,
Written by Körös-Sárrét Office of Szeghalom Kistérség Többcélú Társaság Tourinform
5520 Szeghalom, Szabadság tér 4−8; Tel.: +36-60-470-395
e-mail: [email protected] ; www.szeghalmikisterseg.hu.
Published by József Macsári Responsible editor: Mónika Tőkésné Gali
editor: Csaba Pál and Tamás Pál photos: Lajos Pál
printing works: Gyoma Print, Gyomaendrőd – managing director Mihály Varga
This booklet is published with the support of the LEADER+ programme.
The project entitled “Körös-Sárrét waiting for discovery” is realized with the support of the EU and
the Government of the Hungarian Republic within the framework of the National Development Plan.
Beneficiary: Szeghalom Kistérség Többcélú Társulás,
5520 Szeghalom, Szabadság tér 10-12.
Executor: Békés Megyei Vállalkozási Övezet Kht,
5520 Szeghalom, Szabadság tér 4-8.
Mayor’s Office
5515 Ecsegfalva, Fő u. 67.
Tel.: 06-66-487-100
Fax: 06-66-486-060
e-mail: [email protected]
One of the smallest settlements in Békés county with barely 500 inhabitants.
Silence, well-ordered houses, clean air and the hospitality of the local people are the tourist attractions
of the village. The vicinity of the Bustard Reservation in Dévaványa and the pedestrian and cycling
tours connected to it as well as of the bath in Füzesgyarmat help entice the guests here.
Mayor’s Office
5526 Kertészsziget, Kossuth u. 1.
Tel./Fax.: 06-66-494-022
e-mail: [email protected]
The river Sebes-Körös flows alongside the village, which offers – besides fishing – an opportunity for swimming in summertime. The village is renowned for the castle of the former
chapter estate, now the mayor’s office and the more than 100 years old Japanese acacia tree.
The village can be attractive for those who seek silent relaxation and riverside programmes.
Mayor’s Office
5536 Körösújfalu, Fő út 14.
Tel./Fax.: 06-66-479-096
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: 06-20-454-9742
Körösladányi Helytörténeti
­Gyűjtemények Háza
(House of Local Historical
Collections in Körösladány)
5516 Körösladány, Petőfi tér 4.
Tel.: 06-66-475-171
e-mail: [email protected]
Opening hours: from 8 am. to 4
pm. from Monday to Friday
on Saturday and Sunday upon previous registration
rian prog
The majority of the settlement’s vicinity is nature conservation area. The flood plain of the Hortobágy-Berettyó rivers can be found here and it is adjacent to the Réhely Visitors’ Centre of the KörösMaros National Park. In the territory of the village there once stretched the greatest plain of the country;
on its present territory the construction of the village began only in 1920 near the former railway station.
The building of the Catholic church situated in the centre of the village was recently finished. It is
interesting that the altar-piece was painted by a Hungarian living in Canada, Lajos Kay.
Proper accommodation can be found in the local hunting lodge for the trips in nature.
5525. Füzesgyarmat, Széchenyi u. 6. Tel.: 06-66-491-003;
The feast and fair organized on the second Sunday of
October are important events in the settlement situated
beside the Sebes-Körös
river. The neo-roman
style catholic church of
Újiráz was inaugurated in
1912. Those who wish for
silence and the purity of untouched nature should visit us.
Sándor Galambos, a carriage manufacturing blacksmith, lives and works in Füzesgyarmat. The carriages made by him are
well-known in the international and domestic driving world. Besides the Carriage
Manufacturing Unit there is a Carriage
Museum as well. The Equestrian Association of Füzesgyarmat organizes an equestrian camp on Gergely farm each summer.
The Equestrian Days are organized with the participation of carriage driving and
horse races and the stormy show of the horse-herders in Bucsa, Vésztő-Mágor and
Füzesgyarmat in August. Horse-riding and joyriding are possible in these settlements.
Equestrian farms
Fazekas Attila, Jókai u. 4.
Tel.: 06-30-313-5757
e-mail: [email protected]
Gergely Sándor, IV. külterület 36.
Tel.: 06-30-249-0801
e-mail: gergely790221&freemail.hu
Galambos Sándor, Ady u. 64.
Tel.: 06-30-383-5920
e-mail: [email protected]
Németi Judit, Május 1. u. 6.
Tel.: 06-30-465-0703
e-mail: [email protected]
Kézműves Egyesület
Kovácsné Demján Mária
Bucsa, Akácos utca 13.
Tel.: 06-30-290-9883
[email protected]
Füzesgyarmati Népi
­Kismesterségek és Kézművesek
Egyesülete (Association of Folk
and Small Crafts and Craftsmen
of Füzesgyarmat)
Vezető: Kovács Pálné
Füzesgyarmat, Klapka u. 22.
Tel.: 06-30-664-2128
Istvánné Molnár (bulrush,
husks, straw)
Körösladány, Vörösmarty u. 10.
Tel.: 06-66-474-009
Vilma Illés Sántáné (weaver)
Körösladány, Batthyány u. 48/1
Tel.: 06-30-592-3574
e-mail: [email protected]
Komoróczki Gyula
(folk musical instruments)
Körösladány, Kossuth u. 38.
tel: 30-273-79-21; www.
[email protected]
Irén Nagy (pottery, craftsman
and open workshops)
Körösladány, Simai út 14/a.
[email protected]
Körös-Sárréti Kézműves Műhely
Népművészeti Egyesülete (Folk
Art Association of the Craftsman’s
Workshop of Körös-Sárrét)
The manager of the association:
Károly Szűcs
Craftsmen and crafts:
folk leather worker, jewellery maker,
potter, net-knitter, wood carving,
straw, bulrush and husks plaiting,
carpet weaving, baking honey-bread,
folk embroidery, basket weaving.
Tel.: 06-70-339-7818
e-mail: [email protected]
Ildikó Szabóné Ambrus
(fancy-leather goods maker)
Vésztő, Ősz u. 41.
Tel.: 06-70-945-6217
Anikó Molnár
(furniture and ceramics painter)
Vésztő, Wesselényi u.19.
Tel.: 30-676-7454
Gizella Varga (carpet and basket
weaver folk artist)
Vésztő Wesselényi u. 8/1.
Tel.: 06-66-478-198
István Vári-Szalay (wood carver)
Vésztő, Wesselényi u. 31.
Tel.: 06-66-478-134
Szatmári Dániel, Dózsa u. 17.
Tel.: 06-30-582-5757
Sánta István
Tel.: 06-30-488-0289
e-mail.:[email protected]
Touring by bike on Körös-Sárrét
Departing from the Réhely Visitors’ Centre of the Körös-Maros National Park (by bikes rented on the spot) you arrive into Bucsa on unpaved
road where you can relax and eat. Then you return through ­Ecsegfalva
and can enjoy the wonderful sight of the wild water’s flora and fauna while
biking over the Hortobágy-Berettyó dam. If we are lucky you can see deer,
bald eagles, and possibly bustards on your way. (1 day: 37 km)
Water tour on the Holt Sebes-Körös
Departure from the Vidra Farm restaurant and
pension besides the Körös bridge, arrival to the
historical memorial place in Vésztő-Mágor. During the trip visitors can make themselves familiar with the unique avifauna
and flora of the Körös-Sárrét in the tunnel formed by trees.
Renting boats is possible on the spot.
(folding boat, canoe, boat)
(1 day: 12 km)
Körös Sárrét
Károly Szűcs
Tel.: 06-70-339-7818
e-mail: [email protected]
More information:
Tourinform Körös-Sárrét
5520 Szeghalom, Szabadság tér 4−8.
Tel./fax.: 06-66-470-395
e-mail: [email protected]
thermal adventure,
therapy and
Naturally at Körös-Sárrét!
Szeghalom, Szabadság tér 4-8.
Tel/fax: 00-36-66-470-395
e-mail: [email protected]
Price: 4 days/3 nights • HUF 24000/person
partial board, accommodation in private hotel,
admission to spas and museums.
Take a bath at least one hour
each in the spas of Füzesgyarmat and Dévaványa and feel
their fruitful regenerating and
rejuvenating effects. Use the local medical and wellness services then visit the beauty care salons.
Accommodation: in Dévaványa, Füzesgyarmat, Hotels***,
private hotels, or guest-houses.
Catering: On demand. Breakfast, full or partial board.
Some samples from our numberless programmes:
• Sight-seeing in Füzesgyarmat by coach or on foot.
(Galambos Coach Making Workshop, Region House, Statue Saint
Barbara, Mini Animal Park, Glass
Work Making Workshop, Picture
• Excursion to the VésztőMágor Historic Memorial Site
by car or bicycle (Csolt-Monostor,
Dead Sebes-Körös, Statue Park, Demonstrating Path, native animals) and further on to Vésztő where you can visit the Region
House, the Picture Gallery, then study and try the knacks of ceramics painting in the house of
Anikó Molnár.
• Take a visit in the Réhely
Visitors’ Centre of the KörösMaros National Park. Here one can
observe with professional guide
the biggest bird in Europe, the bustard, and other native animals
(grey cattle, wisent, Mangalitsa, long-wooled sheep etc.).
• You can study the region’s past and traditions if you visit the
Sárrét Museum in Szeghalom, the
House of Local Historical Collections in Körösladány, the Bereczki
Imre Collection of Local History
in Dévaványa or the Region House
in Bucsa.
• Take a visit in our small villages and have a talk with the local
people of Ecsegfalva, Kertészsziget
or Körösújfalu. Our librarians are
ready to guide you there.
• Spend an afternoon at one of the
angling lakes near Bucsa, Szeghalom
or Vésztő, but if you prefer rivers, take a
rest on the riverside of the Sebes-Körös, the Berettyó or the Hortobágy- Berettyó.
• Test the local tastes in one of the restaurants or rural guesthouses of the region.
Detailed information on accommodations, restaurants, angling
lakes and hunting companies: www.sarretitura.hu
Craftsmen’s House
5527 Bucsa, Akácos Str. 13
Tel.: +3620/576-9050
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: www.bucsaihagyomany.5mp.eu
Bucsa Museum of Local History
5527 Bucsa, Petőfi Str. 4
Tel.: +3630/382-6336
Homepage: www.bucsa.hu
Bereczki Imre Collection of Local History
5510 Dévaványa, Széchenyi Str. 8
Tel.: 0666/485-040
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: www.bereczkimuzeum.gportal.hu
Réhely Visitors’
Centre of Körös-Maros National Park
5510 Dévaványa, Réhely
Tel.: 0666/483-083
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: www.kmnp.hu
Region House
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Simonyi Str. 1
Tel.: +3620/564-0292
Homepage: www.fuzesgyarmat.hu
Szitás Erzsébet Picture Gallery
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Kossuth Str. 67
Tel.: 0666/491-795
Homepage: www.fuzesgyarmat.hu
More information on accommodation, programmes and catering:
5520 Szeghalom, Szabadság tér 4−8.
Tel/fax: 00-36-66-470-395;
e-mail: [email protected];
Galambos Coach Maker Workshop
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Baross Str. 1/1
Tel.: +3630/383-5920
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: www.galamboshintok.hu
Mini Animal Park, Árpád Csák
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Klapka Str. 41
Tel.: +3670/360-3086
E-mail: [email protected]
House of Local Historical Collections
5516 Körösladány, Petőfi Square 4
Tel.: 0666/475-171
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: www.korosladany.hu
Museum of Sárrét
(opening is due at the beginning of summer)
5520 Szeghalom, Tildy Str. 14; Nagy Miklós Str. 2.
Tel.: 0666/371-561
E-mail: [email protected]
History Dressed in Uniform
Exhibition of private collector János Túri
5520 Szeghalom, Ady E. Str. 2
Tel.: +3670/339-7837
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: www.kiallitasom.tvn.hu
Vésztő-Mágor Historic Memorial Site
5530 Vésztő, Vésztő-Mágor
Tel.: 0666/477-148
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: www.veszto.hu
Exhibition Place and Picture Gallery
5530 Vésztő, Kossuth Str. 39
Tel.: 0666/477-037
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: www.bbnk.hu
Craftsmen’s House and Region House
5530 Vésztő, Kossuth Str. 14
Tel.: 0666/477-037
Bucsa Handwork and Traditionkeeping Association
5527 Bucsa, Akácos Str. 13
Tel.: +3620/576-9050
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Homepage: www.bucsaihagyomany.5mp.eu
Activities: ceramics, carpet weaving,
wood-carving, Straw-plaiting, embroidery, bone-lace making
Ildikó Hajdu
5510 Dévaványa, Deák F. Str. 43/1
Tel: +3630/511-6972
E-mail: [email protected]
Activities: leader of folk play house, instructor of folk small handcrafts.
Margit Dékány
2119 Pécel, Május 1 Str. 6; (Dévaványa,
Hunyadi Str. 147)
Tel.: +3620/547-9654
E-mail: [email protected]
Activities: making ceramics
Boruzs Imréné
5515 Ecsegfalva, Sirály Str. 12
Tel: +3670/612-2758
Activities: weaving, spinning
Füzesgyarmat Association of Folk
Small Handcrafts and Handworkers
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Klapka Str. 22
Vezető: Kovács Pálné
Tel.: +3670/9530-700
E-mail: [email protected]
Activities: making honey-cake, making
typha, straw and husk object, leading folk
play house, instructing folk small handcrafts, embroidery, making leather objects, making belts, making saddle, basketmaking
Glass Working Workshop,
Virág Schamschula
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Széchenyi Str. 71/a
Tel.: +3630/9770-842
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: www.diszuvegezes.hu
Activities: making glass works
Irén Nagy
5525 Körösladány, Simai Str. 14/a
Tel: +3630/434-6081
E-mail: [email protected]
Activities: ceramics, handcrafts activities,
open workshops
Zoltán Nagy
5516 Körösladány, Batthyány Str. 33
Tel: +3630/545-0160
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: www.mukovacsolda.mlap.hu
Activities: ornamented iron smith master
Ágnes Szalóki
5520 Szeghalom, Fáy Str. 1/b
Tel: +3670/342-6300
E-mail: [email protected]
Activities: making typha, straw and husk
objects, leader of folk play house
Ernő Rácz
5520 Szeghalom, Simon F. Str. 10
Tel: +3620/486-3568
E-mail: [email protected]
Activities: wood carving, folk industry artist
Ildikó Nagy
5520 Szeghalom, Szeleskert Str.7
Tel: +3620/553-1880
Activities: making typha, straw and husk
objects, leader of folk play house
Anikó Molnár
5530 Vésztő, Wesselényi Str. 19
Tel: +3630/676-7454
E-mail: [email protected]
Activities: painting furniture, ceramics,
István Vári-Szalay (Életfa díjas)
5530 Vésztő, Wesselényi Str. 31.
Tel: 0666/478-134
E-mail: [email protected]
Activities: wood-carving
More information on artists:
Körös-Sárrét Tourinform Office,
5520 Szeghalom, Szabadság Square
4-8; Tel.: 0666/470-395; e-mail:
[email protected]; homepage: www.sarretitura.hu .
Kayak, Canoe and Bicycle Lending:
Norbert Murányi
5510 Dévaványa, Sirály Str. 15
Tel.: +3630/956-8155
E-mail: [email protected]
Kayaking – cycling:
Built cycling route
Between Szeghalom-Füzesgyarmat 7,4 km;
Between Vésztő-Vésztő-Mágor 5 km;
Vidratanya [Otter Farm] Restaurant
and Guest-house
5520 Szeghalom-Fokköz
Tel.: +3630/488-3801; +3630/998-8149
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: www.vidratanya.hu
Touring instruments:
Sándor Galambos
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Ady Str. 64
Tel.: +3630/383-5920
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: www.galamboshintok.hu
Sándor Gergely
5525 Füzesgyarmat, IV. Külterület 36
Tel.: +3630/249-0801
E-mail: [email protected]
István Németi
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Május 1 Str. 6
Tel.: +3630/465-0703
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: www.gyarmatilovastorna.hu
István Sánta
5530 Vésztő, Vésztő-Mágor
Tel.: +3630/488-0289
E-mail: [email protected]
Várhely Youth Camp and
Leisure Time Centre,
Maróthy Györgyné
5520 Szeghalom, Várhely (Tildy Str. 30)
Tel.: 0666/371-543, +3630/694-2827
E-mail: [email protected]
Touring instruments: 4 pcs of kayaks
HUNTERS Körösladány Paintball
Károly Földi
5516 Körösladány, Petőfi Square 11
Tel.:+3620/387-8123; +3630/357-1098
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: www.hunterspaintball.gportal.hu
Körös-Sárrét Tradition-keeping Archery
Contact Person: Attila Potecz
5520 Szeghalom, Ady E. Str. 2-4
Tel.: +3620/474-3105
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: www.gportal.hu/portal/korossarretiijaszok
This brochure was published by the European Union and the Government of the Republic of Hungary from the NHRDP grant. • Publisher: Szeghalom Small Region Multi Task Association - 5520
Szeghalom, Szabadság tér 10-12 , Tel :06-66-470-380; • Responsible Publisher: Károly Bere - President of the association; • Editor: Tourinform Körös-Sárrét, 5520 Szeghalom, Szabadság tér 4 - 8; Tel:
470-395 e-mail: [email protected]; • Editor: Tőkésné Gali Mónika. • Nyomda: Gyomapress Kft. • Design: www.powerdesign.hu • Photos: Pál Foto Video
Körös-Sárrét this year?
Ten strong arguments in favour of our region:
• We are the least polluted small region in Hungary.
• Nowhere but here can be seen bustards, the biggest birt species in
• The history of six thousand years looks backwards in VésztőMágor.
• The whole family can enjoy our thermal spas.
• Anglers and hunters “cannot escape from success” in our region.
• Our horse-riding and gastronomic events have got countrywide fame.
• The living world of the Dead Sebes-Körös and the saliferous
waste land is unique in the world.
• You can get away here from every-day rush.
• The local speciality is not hamburger but “betyáros” (“scamp’s
And one more argument:
Körös-Sárrét keeps well and
welcomes back all of its guests!
Welcome In Our Region!
Our homeland, the north part of Békés County, Körös-Sárrét
offers numberless attractive programmes for tourists seeking relaxation and refreshment.
The clean water of the Rivers
Körös, their dead channels with
unique beauties and the numerous angling lakes (e.g. in Bucsa,
Füzesgyarmat, Szeghalom and
Vésztő) give ideal opportunities for the lovers of angling. A
number of free beaches are waiting for the bathers along the
popular water-tour route in the
Körös. The dams of the Berettyó
and Körös are optimal for taking
bicycle rides.
In the region overflowing with medical and thermal waters
a spa and therapy centre is operating in Dévaványa and Füzesgyarmat. In Füzesgyarmat the
Thermal Hotel Gara Hydro-Hotel and the Thermal Camping
can be found.
Those who love riding horse can take a horse tour or a joyride in Füzesgyarmat, Vésztő, Dévaványa or Körösladány. The
knack of making coach can be studied in the Galambos Coach-Making Workshop in Füzesgyarmat.
A number of Hunting Company
offer hunting occasions in the
area rich in small and big games.
The Körös-Maros National
Park was established for protecting the undisturbed waste-land
area, the picturesque river-valleys,
the unique native bird and plant
world, to which belong more nature protection areas (e.g. the saliferous lawns in Mágor Puszta and
Vésztő). In the Visitors’ Centre next to Dévaványa one can observe more native Hungarian animal species in their natural living
place, e.g. the biggest bird of Europe, the bustard, or the grey cattle, the long-wooled sheep and the
The history, ethnography of
the region can be studied in the exhibitions dedicated to local history
in the Sárrét Museum in Szeghalom, the Bereczki Imre Col-
Our communities welcome the
visitors with various colourful
programmes and events (e.g. the
Sárrét Picnic in Vésztő-Mágor, the
Witches’ Festival in Szeghalom, the
Horse Riding Days in Füzesgyarmat, the Drum Festival or the Village Days in Dévaványa).
The tired wanderer can get refreshment in the restaurants and
lodgings offering better and better
local specialities.
Those visiting us will find undisturbed nature, much sunlight, medical
water and generous hospitality.
lection of Local History in Dévaványa, the Region House in
Füzesgyarmat, the Historic Memorial Site and Statue Park in
Vésztő-Mágor, the House of Local
Historical Collections in Körösladány, or the Craftsmen’s
House and the Museum of Local History in Bucsa.
More information on accommodation,
programmes and catering:
5520 Szeghalom, Szabadság tér 4−8.
Tel/fax: 00-36-66-470-395;
e-mail: [email protected];
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Széchenyi u. 2.
Tel./fax: 06-66-491-769
5525. Füzesgyarmat, Csánki Dezső u. 1.
Tel: 06-66-491-052 • e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 06-30-303-3729
The artist Erzsébet Szitás, born in Füzesgyarmat, had many exhibitions in the country and abroad. The works of art of 60 fruitful years
The sports complex is locathave found their places in the gallery named after her. People, life
ed in the close vicinity of the
stories and landscapes appear on her touching drawings, engravings
open-air bath.
and oil-paintings beginning with the portrait of her shoemaker father.
One of the two grass courts has lighting as well. The facility is The Gallery preserved more than 100 of her paintings for the future
excellent for housing summer sports camps.
Schultz Pension
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Kossuth u. 90.
Szobafoglalás: 06-20-339-3096
10 4-bedded rooms with TV-set
and shower, shared kitchen and
(in the Kastélypark Bath)
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Kossuth u. 88.
•Nyitva tartás: keddtől vasárnapig 11−18:30-ig
•Bejelentkezés: 06-30-682-7695
Services: refreshing Swedish massage, refreshing
sole massage, honey massage, head massage for
migraine, lymph massage, cellulites treatment
slimming, body massage with chocolate.
Pedicure-manicure-artificial nails
(in the Kastélypark Bath)
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Kossuth u. 88.
Kissné Ibrányi Ilona
Tel.: 06-70-379-6529
Services: SPA detoxification, paraffin hand
and feet treatment, depilation, trendy nail
polishing, refreshing sole massage.
Szeghalom, Szabadság tér 4-8. Tel.: 06-66-470-395
[email protected] • www.szeghalmikisterseg.hu
Ha a Körös-Sárrétről és az országról bármilyen idegenforgalmi
információra van szüksége,
Forduljon hozzánk!
5525. Füzesgyarmat, Kossuth u. 67.
Tel.: 06-66- 491-401
e-mail: [email protected]
We wait for our guests with 2 doublebedded guest houses, equipped kitchen,
showers and an enclosed court 300 metres
from the medicinal bath.
Number of accommodations:
110 parcels with partial
public utilities (electricity,
water, sewage water)
shared bathroom, cooking facility, laundry, passage to the openair bath.
5525 Füzesgyarmat Kossuth u. 87.
Füzesgyarmat, Szabadság tér 1.
Tel: 06-66-491-401
fax: 06-66-491-361
e-mail: [email protected];
Situated on the corner of Széchenyi and Simonyi street, the typical Füzesgyarmat cottage shows the year it was made on its the façade: 1880. The
ethnographical house has a pantry and a black-smith shop as well. The thatched
house was built of sun-dried unburnt brick and the
thickness of the walls is 50-55 cm. Besides the rural
cleanroom the visitors can see a periodical exhibition in the other room. There was raised a monument
in the memory of János Hegyesi, a folk poet born
in Füzesgyarmat and of Benjámin Bonyhai peasant
The house is operated by the Dezső Csánki
Local History Association. They cook local food
and bake fried dough in the open-air oven upon
the request of organised groups.
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Dobó u. 55.
Tel.: 06-66-491-502
In the camping a
green hedge separates the numbered
parcels which have
electricity, partially
potable water and
sewer conduit. Underfloor heating makes it possible that the
modern building is open
throughout the year.
The sports hall is suitable for housing handball,
five-man football, tennis,
basketball and volleyball
matches or trainings and training camps as well as any other
branches of sports that can be done in a sports hall like
combat sports and mass sports events or housing cultural
5525. Füzesgyarmat, Simonyi u. 1.
Tel.: 06-66-491-401
e-mail: [email protected]
Szabó Imre: 06-20-564-0292
Fekete János: 06-30-363-8431
Éva Guest House
We wait for our guests with 5 comfortable rooms throughout the year.
Our services: organization of
ACCOMMODATION-RESTAURANTprogrammes and camps, catering
services, organization of collective
at one place!
programmes, swimming instruction
We offer 30% of discount for groups.
e-mail: [email protected] www.fuzesgyarmat.hu
The “Sárrét Gyöngye” (The Pearl of Sárrét) medicinal water
is recommended for the treatment of the following diseases
and health problems: chronic inflammatory and motor diseases,
rheumatic diseases, follow-up care after accidents, post-operative
bone and articular treatment, chronic neuritis, neuralgia, chronic
backache, follow-up care of Heine-Medin disease, chronic inflammatory gynaecological diseases, infertility, general mental
and physical exhaustion.
Swimming-pools: a 33m
swimming-pool (27ºC),
a 25m swimming-pool
for swimming instruction (28−30°C), a pool
for children, 2 pools with
medicinal water (40°C
and 37°C) and an indoor
adventure pool (36°C)
Composition of the water:
Sodium-hydrogen-carbonate thermal water containing tromid,
iodide and metaboric acid. Slightly brownish thermal water with
a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius.
Pension: accommodation for 35 people,
rooms with 2-4 beds,
shower and TV-set
Shared kitchenette and
Wood house: 2 houses with 4 beds each
(without comfort)
Other services: eating
possibilities, sauna with
hot tub, refreshing massage, manicure, pedicure,
applying artificial nails,
mini golf-course, basketball and volleyball courts,
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Kossuth u. 92.
Tel.: 06-66-590-230; Fax: 06-66-590-239.
e-mail: [email protected];
Number of rooms: 61 double-bedded, 6 three-bedded, 3 four-bedded, 16 apartments, 4 accessible rooms 20
rooms with superior classification
Services: restaurant, Beetle Bar, Jacuzzi, sauna, fitness
room, billiards, rex, table-tennis, tennis court, solarium,
pedicure, manicure, reflexology massage, beauty parlour
Number of pools: 7 (for children, for swimming,
thermal and medicinal pools, hot tub, Jacuzzi, underwater
Conference rooms: 2 (for 220 and 81 people)
Section room: 3 (for 20 people)
A huge variety of medicinal and wellness services – financed by social security - is offered in
the Gara Mozgás- és Egészségcentrum (Gara
Motion and Health Centre).
(medical examination, check-up, different
packs, electrical treatment, hydroxeur, whirlpool
bath, pelotherapy, volatile oil bath, bioresonance therapy)
Treatments financed by social security:
mud pack, medicinal massage, medicinal swimming in groups for children under 18, weight
bath, underwater collective gymnastics, underwater water-jet massage, effervescent bath
Holistic medicine treatments: ¬general
health control, check-up, sole massage, treatment of motion difficulties, magneotherapy,
lifestyle guidance
Kinesitherapies: pilates gymnastics (attenuating), intimate gymnastics, thai-chi-kung
gymnastics, aqua fitness, stretching, spine gymnastics, invigorating gymnastics
Types of massage: refreshing massage, detoxicating massage, sports massage, lymph massage, massage with volatile oil and underwater,
relaxing massage, honey massage
Kiskastély Inn and Restaurant
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Kossuth u. 88./a
Tel: 30-372-36-34; 30-289-63-42
e-mail: [email protected];
iwiw: Kiskastély Fogadó, Füzesgyarmat
5525 Füzesgyarmat, Kossuth u. 88.
Tel./Fax: 06-66-491-148
Thermal Hotel Gara
Gyógyszálló ***
Kastélypark Bath
The project entitled “In the Wake of our Ancestors – Development Programme for Tourism in Füzesgyarmat” is realized with the support
of the EU and the Government of the Hungarian Republic within the framework of the National Development Plan.
Beneficiary: Local Government of Füzesgyarmat, 5525 Füzesgyarmat, Szabadság tér 1.
Executor: Lajos Pál, photo-video
Written by Körös-Sárrét Office of Szeghalom Kistérség Többcélú Társaság Tourinform
5520 Szeghalom, Szabadság tér 4−8; Tel.: 06-60-470-395
e-mail: [email protected] ; www.szeghalmikisterseg.hu.
Published by Mayor’s Office of Füzesgyarmat • responsible editor: Mónika Tőkésné Gali
editor: Csaba Pál and Tamás Pál photos: Lajos Pál
printing works: Gyoma Print, Gyomaendrőd
managing director Mihály Varga
This booklet is published with the support of the
LEADER+ programme.
Public institutions, services:
Polgármesteri Hivatal
Szabadság tér 1. 06-66-491-058
Rendőrség Kossuth u. 24.
Tűzoltó Egyesület
Szabadság tér 1. 06-66-491-810
Vízművek Rt.
Szabadság tér 1. 06-66-491-365
Széchenyi u. 85. 06-66-491-347
Posta Szabadság tér 6. 06-66-491-974
OTP Bank NyRt.
Szabadság tér 1. 06-66-491-833
Szeghalom és Vidéke
Mátyás u. 2.
Művelődési Ház
Mátyás u. 10.
Hegyesi János
Városi Könyvtár
Mátyás u. 10.
Főnix Mozi Mátyás u. 3.
Egészségügyi Központ
Széchenyi u. 1.
Kossuth u. 12.
Borostyánkert Otthon
Kossuth u. 86.
Kastélypark Fürdő
Kossuth u. 88.
Sportpálya Sport u.
Széchenyi u. 6.
Pál Fotó-Video
Petőfi tér 5.
Orvosi ügyelet
Városi Sportcsarnok
Széchenyi u.2.
Üzemanyagtöltő állomás
a karcagi út mellett
Füzesgyarmati Népi Kismesterségek és Kézművesek Egyesülete
Vezető: Kovács Pálné
Klapka u. 22.
Entertaining, accommodations:
Kiskastély Fogadó – Étterem
Kossuth u. 88./a Tel.: 30-372-3634; 30-289-6342
e-mail: [email protected]
Füzesgyarmati Strandfürdő motel
Kossuth u. 88. Tel.: 06-66-491-148
e-mail: [email protected]
Füzesgyarmati Termálkemping ****
Csánky u. 1. Tel.:06-66-491-052
e-mail: [email protected]
Thermal Hotel Gara Gyógyszálló *** és Étterem
Kossuth u. 92. Tel.: 06-66-590-230
e-mail: [email protected];
Schultz Panzió
Kossuth u. 88. Tel.: 06-66-491-523; 06-20-967-6430
e-mail: [email protected]
Nimród Étterem
Kossuth u.3-7
Anikó Vendégház
Rákóczi u. 6.
Galambos Sándorné
Ady E. u. 64.
Éva vendégház
Dobó u. 55. 06-30-525-6371; 06-30-265-7492
Kovács Károlyné
Kossuth u. 75/a
Hati Cukrászat
Szabadság tér 5. We can offer several exciting programmes for the
visitors of Füzesgyarmat in Körös-Sárrét.
I. Visiting Vésztő-Mágor
There are two special, 9–10-metre-tall, large mounds standing side by side in
the nature conservation area. A segment cut in one of the mounds shows the
traces and available finds of a six thousand-year-old settlement. Here you can find
the vestiges of the Csolt clan’s monastery from the era of Árpád. The newest
spectacle of the exhibition is the house from the new stone age, the marsh-dweller
farm and some boats made of mud. Visitors can see a grazing Racka herd besides
the other indigenous breed. There are the statues of those writers, poets and
scientists who were fighting for the rise of the Hungarian nation and the Great
Plain the Statue Park of Peasant Writers.
Services: parking, guides, publications
for sale, buffet, open-air cooking, baking
lángos or pogácsa in open-air oven
Information: 5530 Vésztő–Mágor, Mágori-domb
Tel./fax: 06-66-477-148; 06-66-477-033
e-mail: [email protected]
Leader: Gábor Komáromi Tel.: 06-30-422-8944
Opening hours: from 1 April to 31 October
II. Réhely Visitors’ Centre of
Körös–Maros National Park
Visitors can learn about the activities of
the National Park in protection of the bustard as well as the natural and ethnographical assets of the region. In
the open-air exhibition places our guests can see some species of the ancient Hungarian domestic animals. There
is a path helping to discover individually the flora and fauna of the habitat and there is a possibility to start your
journey to discover the world of the Dévaványa-Ecseg plain on foot or by bike.
Information: 5510 Dévaványa, Réhely
Tel./Fax: 06-66-483-083
e-mail: [email protected]
Opening hours: from 1 April to 31 October
Simonyi u. 1.
Jókai u. 5.
Kossuth u. 67.
Bethlen u. 1.
Baross u. 1.
Szabadság tér
Szabadság tér
Téglagyári bányagödrök
The town of Füzesgyarmat is situated on
the Great Sárrét, besides the main road no. 47, in
the West of Szeghalom. Located in the Northern
part of Békés county the town is accessible by train
and it is on the border of Hajdú-Bihar and JászNagykun-Szolnok counties. There are 20 smaller
settlements belonging to its region.
The majority of Füzesgyarmat’s population
is Reformed but there are smaller Unitarian and
Catholic congregations as well. The churches of
these three congregations are of listed monument
Situated in the park opposite the town hall,
the statue of Saint Barbara (the patron saint of miners and fire-fighters) and the neo-baroque fountain
are inspiring sights. Those who like the rural life
of the past can visit the Ethnographic house in
Simonyi Street. The house was built around 1880
and there is an exhibition featuring local history.
Visitors can also see the memorial room of János
Hegyesi, the peasant poet of the town. A memorial plaque shows the birthplace of Dezső Csánki, a
famous historian and archivist in Bethlen Street.
You can spend your holiday with pleasant recreation in our town. The Kastélypark Bath is situated
in the former castle park in an area of 12 ha. Its
medicinal water, the “Sárrét Gyöngye” is suitable
for the treatment of locomotion organic, neurotic
and gynaecological diseases. It waits for its guests
desiring refreshment, relaxation and healing with
two pools having smooth water-surface, a pool for
children and more indoor and outdoor swimmingpools with medicinal water for winter and summer
Besides the accommodations owned by the
local government and situated inside the area of the
medicinal bath there are several pensions waiting
for the guests fond of domestic hospitality in the
town. Our guests who prefer the exclusive atmosphere can enjoy the top-class services of the hotel
adjoining the bath. The four-star Thermalcamping
built in 2004 welcomes those who arrive with trailer
and tents. There is direct access to the Kastélypark
Bath from the camping. The town’s sports complex
and sports hall offer an excellent opportunity for organizing training and sports camps.
The Equestrian Days of Füzesgyarmat are organized
with the participation of carriage driving and horse races
and the stormy show of the horse-herders in August every
year. The freshest thing to see in the town are the world-famous carriages manufactured in the unit of Sándor Galambos.
The members of the local hunters’ and fishers’ associations provide for high quality activities for those guests who
enjoy hunting and fishing. The beauties of the untouched
nature and the undisturbed flora and fauna can be discovered by the tourists on the plains around the town and in
the shrubbery forests on the riverbank.
Heal and relax with
the help of “Sárrét
Welcome to our
beloved town!
Make a trip in our
town and be our
Népi Gazdaház
Szitás Erzsébet Képtár
Csánki Dezső szülőháza
Galambos Hintókészítő Műhely
Szt. Borbála-szobor, díszkút
Világháborús emlékművek
Horgászati lehetőségek:
Széchenyi u. 1.
Széchenyi u. 9.
Kossuth u. 85.
Szabadság tér 1.
Places of interest and sights:
Református templom Unitárius templom
Római katolikus templom

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