22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference


22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
When, Why and How is Technology Reshaping
Management Education?
25-27 September 2014
Budapest, Hungary
Co-organized and hosted by:
Participant’s Handbook
Media sponsors
Welcome from the President of CEEMAN and ESSCA General Director
24 September 2014
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
On behalf of CEEMAN and ESSCA School of Management, we would like to extend our
warmest welcome to the 22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference and wish you an enjoyable
time in Budapest.
We are very pleased and honored that this conference has gathered together over 140
participants from 35 countries.
Our joint interest in the conference general theme When, Why and How is Technology
Reshaping Management Education, and the topic of the Deans and Directors Meeting,
Leveraging Education, Marketing, and Internal Processes with Technology, explore
insights and latest trends of the role of technology in business and management
education and guarantee peer experience sharing and information exchange in a friendly
and open atmosphere.
We are convinced that our great speakers, who will share with us their thoughts and ideas,
will inspire all of us to contribute with our own insights and experiences and generate
important learning lessons to take home.
We wish you a great conference and we hope you enjoy the beautiful surroundings of
Danica Purg
CEEMAN President
Catherine Leblanc
General Director of ESSCA
School of Management
Welcome to Budapest
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Welcome to Budapest
Welcome to Budapest!
Budapest is the capital of Hungary, located at the heart of the country along the banks of the
river Danube. It is also Hungary’s largest city with approximately 1.7 million inhabitants –
counting the entire agglomeration, we arrive at 2.5 million people, which means that 1 in every
4 Hungarian citizens live in Budapest or its suburbs. The character of the city’s two halves, Buda
and Pest, is quite different: on the West bank of the river, Buda is home to the historic castle
district, and with its many green hills, comprises several of the city’s most pleasant residential
neighborhoods. On the East bank, Pest lies at the edge of the Great Hungarian Plain and is the
main centre of the country’s commercial and cultural life.
Budapest looks back on a rich and turbulent history going back to the days of the Roman Empire
when the Roman town of Aquincum was an important regional centre, the ruins of which are
still visible today on the Buda side. Buda and Pest, developing as separate cities until their
unification in 1873, played an important role in the life of the country ever since the Hungarians
arrived from the East and made their home in
the Carpathian Basin in 895 AD. Buda was
frequently used as their royal seat by many
Hungarian kings. The cities were under Turkish
occupation from 1541-1686 – mementos of
that era are the three Turkish baths that are
still used according to their original function
today. The heyday of Budapest arrived in the
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Welcome to Budapest
late 19th century, when the country, which had become a part of the Habsburg Empire after the
ousting of the Turks, regained a large portion of its independence in 1867. The now unified
Budapest became the new capital city with its own parliament and government and experienced
an economic boom that saw its population grow from about a quarter million at the time of the
unification to nearly 1 million at the outbreak of WWI. The way for the unification of the city was
paved by the construction of the first permanent bridge across the Danube, the Chain Bridge, in
1849. Many of the city’s most beautiful monuments, including the Parliament building, Heroes’
Square, the Fisherman’s Bastion, Saint Stephen’s Basilica and the Opera House were also built
during this period. The 20th century left its marks on the city, but neither the heavy damage
from WWII, nor the soulless urban planning of the communist decades was able to alter its
unique charm and beauty.
Today, extensive parts of Budapest, including the
banks of the Danube, the castle district, Andrássy
út and Heroes’ Square are on the UNESCO list of
World Heritage Sites. The city is also known for the
historic and modern thermal baths fed by its 80
geothermal springs, its rich traditional cuisine as
well as its cultural life which ranges from the
classical arts to the ‘ruin pubs’ and music festivals
popular with the young generation. Budapest is also an important economic centre, hosting the
regional headquarters of many multinational companies and financial institutions. The city is
also home to 18 universities and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. Long
considered a bridge between East and West, Budapest today is a thriving metropolis and one of
the economic and cultural capitals of the entire CEE region, attracting over 4 million visitors each
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Conference Venue
and Events
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Venues and Events
Conference Venues and Events
Conference venue:
Danubius Health Spa Resort Margitsziget
Margitsziget, 1077 Budapest
Phone: +36-1-889-4700
Wednesday, 24 September
15:00 – 20:00 Individual Dean-2-Dean Advisory Meetings
18:00 – 19:30 CEEMAN IQA Accreditation Meeting
Thursday, 25 September
09:00 - 15:30 CEEMAN Deans and Directors Meeting
15:45 - 17:00 CEEMAN Annual Meeting
18:00 – 19:00 22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference opening
19:00 - 20:00
Welcome reception at Danubius Health Spa Resort Margitsziget
Friday, 26 September
09:00 - 17:30
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
Departure for the Gala Dinner
19:00 - 23:00 Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony, Marble Room of the Museum of Military
History, Castle District
Saturday, 27 September
10:00 - 14:00 Sightseeing trip, including visit to Heros’ Square and the Castle of Vajdahunyad,
the Castle District, the Citadel, and the Basilica, lunch at ESSCA
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Organizing Team
Olga Veligurska
CEEMAN Coordinator,
Head of Projects
Mob. +386 41 659 499
[email protected]
Zsuzsa Deli-Gray
ESSCA School of Management
Director of site, Professor
[email protected]
Maja Medja Vidic
CEEMAN Head of Operations
Mob. +386 41 768 911
[email protected]
Robert Rahner
ESSCA School of Management
Program Coordinator
Mobile: +36 20 376 82 26
[email protected]
Klara Pegan
CEEMAN Program Manager
Mob. +386 41 683 855
[email protected]
Tamás Matura
ESSCA School of Management
Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Éva Pintér
ESSCA School of Management
Program Coordinator
[email protected]
Ágnes Pável
ESSCA School of Management
Responsible for Finances
[email protected]
Roland Szilas
ESSCA School of Management
Adjunct Professor
[email protected]
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
CEEMAN – International Association for Management Development in
Dynamic Societies
Your Window to Management Development in a World in Transition
CEEMAN is an international association for management development in dynamic societies,
which was established in 1993 with the aim of accelerating the growth and quality of
management development in Central and Eastern Europe. Gradually CEEMAN has become a
global network of management development institutions working mainly in emerging markets
and transition economies. The organization’s interests cover the quality of education, research
and innovation in these economies, as well as the broad range of subjects related to change and
With professional excellence as its aim, CEEMAN fosters the quality of management
development and change processes by developing education, research, consulting, information,
networking support, and other related services for management development institutions and
corporations operating in transitional and dynamically changing environments. Its holistic
approach to the phenomena of change and leadership development celebrates innovation,
creativity and respect for cultural values.
CEEMAN’s objectives are:
 To improve the quality of management and leadership development in general and in
countries undergoing transition and dynamic change in particular
 To provide a network and meeting place for management schools and other
management development institutions in order to promote and facilitate cooperation
and the exchange of experience
 To provide a platform for dialogue, mutual cooperation and learning between
management development institutions and businesses that are operating in the context
of transition and dynamic change
 To promote leadership for change, global competitiveness and social responsibility,
innovation and creativity, and respect for cultural values
 To represent the interests of its members in other constituencies
The main activities of the association include:
 International conferences
 Educational programs to strengthen teaching, research, management, and leadership
capabilities in management schools
 Case writing support
 International research
 Publishing
 International quality accreditation of business schools
CEEMAN has over 215 institutional and individual members from 54 countries in Europe, North
America, Latin America, Africa and Asia.
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
ESSCA School of Management
ESSCA is sound: in its 100 years it has consistently borne the humanistic values which are its
ethical foundation.
Differing from the traditional model of the French grande école, ESSCA has moved closer to
international practices with an integrated five-year curriculum in the spirit of the European
“LMD” structure—three years consecrated to mastering fundamental knowledge, developing
structured critical thinking and discovering the workings of the corporate world—ESSCA
students are guided in their choice of master’s programs to acquire a solid specialization in
business and a genuine international, professional and cultural dimension.
It is our heartfelt desire to pursue the development of ESSCA along the path of excellence that
we have forged over the years, and to foster an atmosphere of active support to young people
who are about to embark on their lives as professionals and citizens.
Governance. Founded by the Catholic University of the West in 1909, ESSCA is now managed
by a non-profit association as per the 1901 association law. Its Board of Directors has been
presided over by Mr. Pascal Leleu, a corporate head and leader, since January 1, 2010.
Its members include the Catholic University of the West (UCO), the Maine-et-Loire Department
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), Alumni Association and Network, the Maine-et-Loire
Departmental Council and Angers Loire Métropole, as well as students, parents and qualified
representatives from the business world.
ESSCA briefly: four Campuses: Angers, Paris, Budapest and Shanghai, 168 partner universities
in 47 countries, 3,000 full- and part-time students, 75 full-time faculty, 570 adjunct and parttime faculty or international experts, five expertise and research centers, two institutes, Institute
Marketing Digital and Institue for Teaching in Higher Education,) 2,500 corporate partners
11,700 alumni worldwide.
ESSCA equips students and managers for a successful and sustainable career while taking fully
into account the human and social dimensions of a globalized world. This is achieved through
high level academic and professional management programs, developed by research-active
faculty, a strong student mentoring system and respect for the traditional humanist values on
which the school was founded.
Each year ESSCA welcomes 2,800 students and trainees in continuing education. Out of over
5,000 candidates in the competitive entrance examination, 430 have been admitted into the 1st
year. ESSCA has also recruited 50 French and international students directly into the 1st year of
the master’s program. ESSCA’s alumni quickly join the corporate world—95% of them find their
first position in less than their three months following their graduation, and 96% of them state
that they are pleased with this first job.
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Educating students for careers in a globalized world is central to ESSCA’s mission. Thanks to a
mandatory international semester – study or internship – during the 3rd year and the possibility
of further study or internships abroad at master level, all ESSCA students are given the
opportunity to develop their language and intercultural skills, while gaining credits for transfer
to their ESSCA degree.
ESSCA’s 160 plus partner network is crucial to this objective. All student mobility with partner
universities is on an exchange basis and incoming international students in France have the
choice of studying in French or in English. ESSCA also runs programs in Budapest and Shanghai,
both for ESSCA and international students and here teaching is in English. In total, ESSCA
welcomes up to 500 international students each year, creating a multicultural learning
environment on all its locations.
ESSCA’s activities in Europe and China continue to develop with its participation in the creation
of the Alliance of European and Chinese Business Schools (ACE) as a founding member. Under
the patronage of EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development), ACE is a strategic
alliance of 20 leading Business Schools in Europe (10 members) and Greater China (10 in
Mainland China, Hong Kong Macau and Taiwan). The ACE network will be an important platform
to collaborate on student and faculty exchange, executive education, joint research and
corporate projects among others.
The implementation of ESSCA’s international strategy is largely the responsibility of ESSCA’s
International Relations Office, a team of 8 in Angers and 1 in Paris, who work in close
collaboration with the Associate Dean for China and colleagues in Shanghai and Budapest. The
main areas of responsibility are:
Development of the partner university network
Organization of student exchanges within the partner network
Development of double degree agreements
Coordination with colleagues in Budapest and Shanghai for student and faculty mobility
In cooperation with the dean and academic departments, promotion and organization of
faculty and administrative staff mobility and research cooperation
International student recruitment
International student support
Organization of tailored programs for partners
Organization of summer programs
Teaching staff exchanges with partner universities and a growing number of full-time
international Faculty are also important to the development of the international dimension of
the ESSCA programs and its international research. Both short and long-term visiting faculty
positions are offered with, as a result, over 50 foreign lecturers teaching in the programs in
France each year and international and ESSCA permanent faculty teaching in Budapest and
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Conference Agenda
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Conference agenda
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference Events
Pre-conference sessions
Wednesday, 24 September
15:00 – 20:00 Individual Dean-2-Dean Advisory Meetings
18:00 – 19:30 CEEMAN IQA Accreditation Meeting
 Jim Ellert, CEEMAN IQA Director, Emeritus Professor and former Associate Dean of
Faculty, IMD, Switzerland
CEEMAN Deans and Directors Meeting
Leveraging Education, Marketing, and Internal Processes with Technology
Thursday, 25 September 2014
9:00 – 9:10
Welcome and introduction
Danica Purg, CEEMAN President
Catherine Leblanc, ESSCA Director
Introduction by the chairperson
Witold Bielecki, Deans and Directors Meeting chairperson, Rector, Kozminski
University, Poland
Keynote: Is Technology Disrupting Management Education?
Arshad Ahmad, AVP, Teaching & Learning at McMaster University and STLHE
President, 3M National Teaching Fellow, Canada
9:10 – 9:30
9:30 – 11:00
How to use technology to lever teaching and learning – new challenges and
opportunities for management schools
Introductory presentations:
Stéphane Justeau, Professor and Head of the Centre for Pedagogy and Educational
Support, ESSCA School of Management, France
CEEMAN survey results: the use of technology in CEEMAN member institutions –
teaching and learning
Roundtable discussions
Reports from the roundtables
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break
Demonstrations from publishers/technology providers:
11:05 – 11:15 Peregrine Academic Services
11:15 – 11:25 GSE Research and Greenleaf Publishing
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Conference agenda
11:30 – 13:00 How to use technology to lever marketing and operations
Introductory presentations:
 Nikos Mylonopoulos, Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Information
Systems, ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of Greece
 CEEMAN survey results: the use of technology in CEEMAN member institutions –
marketing and operations
Roundtable discussions
Reports from the roundtables
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:00 Panel discussion: financial and other implications of investing in technology versus
the benefits described in the earlier sessions
Moderated by Jorge Talavera, President of Esan University, Chair of PIM, Past
President of CLADEA, Peru
 Antonio Freitas, Vice-Rector, FGV, Brazil
 Franck Thomas, Academic Pépinier Incubator at ESSCA School of Management,
 Sergey Myasoedov, RABE President, Rector of IBS-Moscow, First Vice-President or
RAGS, Russia
15:00 – 15:30 Conclusion by the chairperson
 Witold Bielecki, Rector, Kozminski University, Poland
15:30 – 15:45 Coffee break
Demonstrations from publishers/technology providers:
15:35 – 15:45 The Case Centre
15:45 – 17:00
CEEMAN Annual Meeting
Report on CEEMAN activities in 2013/2014
Presentation of future activities and projects
Inputs from CEEMAN members and partners
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
When, Why and How Is Technology Reshaping Management Education?
Thursday, 25 September 2014
18:00 – 18:10 Welcome and introduction
 Danica Purg, CEEMAN President
 Catherine Leblanc, ESSCA Director
18:00 – 18:20 Keynote: Innovations and Competition in Higher Education
 Ádám Török, Secretary General, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Conference agenda
18:20 – 19:00 Keynote: Global Online Education Meets Global Online Work
 Andrei Villarroel, Assistant Professor at Católica-Lisbon School of Business and
Economics, International Faculty Fellow at MIT Sloan School of Management and
Visiting Scholar at the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence, Portugal
19:00 – 20:00 Welcome reception
Friday, 26 September 2014
9:00 – 9:05
Danica Purg, CEEMAN President
Introduction by the chairperson
Arshad Ahmad, AVP, Teaching & Learning at McMaster University and STLHE
President, 3M National Teaching Fellow, Canada
Keynote: Technology Trends in Education
Christodoulos Papaphotis, Education Industry Director - Public Sector, Microsoft
Central and Eastern Europe Headquarters, Germany
9:05 – 9:10
9:10 – 9:30
9:30 – 10:45
Panel 1: When, why and how is technology reshaping management education –
business and corporate universities viewpoint
Moderated by János Vecsenyi, Executive Director, EFER – European Forum for
Entrepreneurship Research, the Netherlands
Peter Roebben, Senior Managing Director, Member of the Executive Committee,
K&H Bank, Hungary
Alexander Oganov, CEO, Uniweb, Russia
Discussion and Q&A
10:45 – 11:15 Coffee break
Demonstrations from publishers/technology providers:
10:50 – 11:00 Emerald Group Publishing
11:00 – 11:10 Pearson Education
11:15 – 12:30 Panel 2: When, why and how is technology reshaping management education –
management schools viewpoint
Moderated by Danny Szpiro, Dean of Executive Education, Jack Welch Management
Institute, USA
 Andrea Tracogna, Deputy Dean, MIB School of Management, Italy
 Md. Zabid A. Rashid, President & Vice Chancellor, Universiti Tun Abdul Razak,
Discussion and Q&A
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Conference agenda
13:30 – 15:00 Parallel workshops: Challenges and opportunities for technology use in
management education
Workshop 1: Online and blended programs
Moderated by Drikus Kriek, Director of the Leadership Development Centre and
Associate Professor in Human Resource Management at the Wits Business School of
the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Olin Oedekoven, President and CEO of Peregrine Academic Services and the
Peregrine Leadership Institute, USA
Andrea Tracogna, Deputy Dean, MIB School of Management, Italy
Workshop 2: MOOCs
Moderated by Stéphane Justeau, Professor and Head of the Centre for Pedagogy and
Educational Support, ESSCA School of Management, France
Natalia Dmitrievskaya, Director of the Institute for Economics and Statistics, Moscow
University of Statistics and Informatics, Russia
Danny Szpiro, Dean of Executive Education, Jack Welch Management Institute, USA
Workshop 3: Gamification and simulations
Moderated by Natalia Evtikhieva, Director General of RABE – Russian Association of
Business Education, Russia
Marcin Wardaszko, Assistant Professor, Department of Quantitative Methods &
Information Technology, Kozminski University, Poland
Franck Thomas, Academic Pépinier Incubator at ESSCA School of Management,
Workshop 4: Learning Management Systems
Moderated by Ivo Matser, CEO, TSM Business School, the Netherlands
Gorazd Planinc, IT director and Web Marketing Advisor, IEDC-Bled School of
Management, Slovenia
Alec Wersun, Senior Lecturer in International Business Policy, Strategy &
Management, Glasgow School for Business and Society, UK
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
Demonstrations from publishers/technology providers:
15:35 – 15:45 Turning Technologies
15:45 – 15:55 VLN / LectureHub
16:00 – 17:00 Reports from the parallel workshops and Deans&Directors Meeting
17:00 – 17:30 Summary and conclusion by the chairperson
 Arshad Ahmad, AVP, Teaching & Learning at McMaster University and STLHE
President, 3M National Teaching Fellow, Canada
Departure from the hotel for the Gala Dinner
19:00 – 23:00 Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony, Marble Room of the Museum of Military
History, Castle District
Saturday, 27 September 2014
10:00 – 14:00 Sightseeing trip, including visit to Heros’ Square and the Castle of Vajdahunyad, the
Castle District, the Citadel, and the Basilica, lunch at ESSCA
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Conference agenda
Saturday Sightseeing trip, 27 September, 10:00 – 14:00
The three hour city tour of Budapest will take you through the historic areas of the city, offering a
chance to see the most beautiful sights from its 1000-year history. (The tour will take place by bus,
with a few stops allowing a closer look at certain places on foot.)
On the Pest side (the Eastern bank of the Danube), a drive through the busy downtown area will take
us through Andrássy út, Budapest’s most elegant boulevard with buildings from the 1880s including
the Opera house. During a stop on Heroes’ Square, we will see the Millennium monument erected in
1896 commemorating the 1000-year anniversary of the Hungarians’ arrival in the Carpathian Basin,
and find out about Hungarian history with the help of the heroes’ statues. Also on the Pest side is the
monumental Parliament building, a neo-gothic marvel from the late 19th century.
On the Buda side (the West bank of the Danube), we will stop at the Castle District, the historic seat
of Hungarian kings. The Fisherman’s Bastion allows a beautiful view of the city and nearby Matthias
church. We will stroll through the baroque streets to arrive at the former royal palace and next to it
the residency of the current Hungarian President. Also on the Buda side is Gellért Hill with the statue
of liberty commemorating the end of WWII, and several of the city’s famous thermal baths, some of
which were built by the Ottoman Turks during their occupation of the city 400 years ago.
Driving along the banks of the Danube, we will
enjoy the stunning panorama that is the most
characteristic feature of Budapest, and is included
on UNESCO’s list of World Heritage sites. Also
defining the panorama are the many bridges,
notably the Chain Bridge – the oldest in the city
whose construction paved the way for the
unification of Buda and Pest in the mid-19th
century. Margaret Bridge connects the city to Margaret Island, an island of the Danube named for
Saint Margaret, a Hungarian princess who spent her life in a convent on the island in the 13th
century. Now a large green park, the island is home to the hotel hosting the CEEMAN conference.
During the tour, we will also have lunch organized at 12:00 at ESSCA School of Management in
Budapest. We plan to return to hotel by 14:00.
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Arshad Ahmad
Arshad Ahmad was recently appointed as the Associate Vice President at McMaster University in
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. He is also the Director of McMaster’s Institute for Innovation and
Excellence in Teaching and Learning. His current research interests are in Accelerated Learning
Designs, Conceptual Change, and Teaching (Learning) Philosophies.
Arshad is the President of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (www.stlhe.ca),
and Vice-President of The International Consortium for Educational Development consisting of 23
member organizations worldwide (http://icedonline.net). Both STLHE and ICED strive to improve
educational practice and human learning in post-secondary education.
Arshad received his MBA and PhD in Educational Psychology at McGill University. He is the recipient
of several Teaching and Professor-of-the-Year awards from local and international universities. In
1992, he was recognized for leadership in teaching with a lifetime 3M National Teaching Fellowship
– a program he coordinated for 10 years.
Witold Bielecki
Witold Bielecki, PhD, is Professor of Management and Rector of Kozminski University, as well as
Head of Department of Quantitative Methods and Applications of Computers.
He has taught courses on Decision Support Systems, Business Application of Computers,
Management Information Systems, Operations Research, and Simulation Management Games. As a
visiting professor, he delivered lectures in many universities in USA, UK, Ukraine and Belorussia.
He published textbooks and scientific articles on management in Polish and foreign scholarly
journals. Is co-author of two computer-controlled management games, and co-author and
supervisor of a multimedia package for training managers.
He was consulting projects director in the field of design and implementation of Decision Support
Systems for Polish firms and companies. Member of a few supervisory boards, including PZU S.A. Polish Insurance Company, PAiZ Polish Agency for Foreign Investment, Bank BGZ S.A..
Member of the Board of International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA), Association for
Business Simulation & Experimental Learning (ABSEL).
Member of the Boards of EFMD - The Management Development Network and CEEMAN –
International Association for Management Development in Dynamic Societies.
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Natalia Dmitrievskaia
Natalia Dmitrievskaia is Director of the Economics and Statistics Institute, Moscow State University
of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI).
She holds PhD in Economics from MESI, on the topic of Investment in Human Resources on the
micro-economical level. Her research interests include MOOCs for: University Education, Human
Capital Investments, Marketing Communications; International communications; Human Capital
Investments; Competence-based educational program development for adult learners; Curriculum
design and courses development with use of ICT; Knowledge management, and she has about 40
publications in related subject areas.
Formerly a Director of MESI Institute of Further Professional Education, Natalia has extensive
experience in organizing and coordinating numerous educational business programs for specialists
and unemployed people. She regularly participates in Russian and international research and
educational projects as team leader, researcher and manager, e.g. RUSMECO project within the
Sixth Framework Programme; projects at the request of Russian Ministry of Education and Science.
Natalia also teaches in MESI’s MBA program, International Master of Science Programme “Human
Resources Development” (joint program of MESI and University of Twente, the Netherlands),
several e-learning programs, as well as courses for teaching staff of educational institutions.
Natalia Evtikhieva
Natalia Evtikhieva is Director General of RABE – Russian Association of Business Education (since
1995) and Dean of the International School of Business of the Financial University under the
Government of the Russian Federation since its establishment in 2006. She is also a member of the
Board of Trustees of the Southern Federal University and Director General of the National
Accreditation Council of Business Education in Russia, which was founded in 2013.
Natalia holds a PhD in Economics, an MBA, and degree in Economics (with honors). She is also a
professional coach of the International Coach Federation (ICF) and a management consultant. She
attended a number of advanced and business trainings around the world and spoke at various
international conferences in Russia and abroad. Dr. Evtikhieva teaches in the MBA programs,
including courses on Cross-cultural Management and Corporate Culture of the Organization,
Business Ethics, Russian Business Culture, Organizational Culture and Leadership, and Business
Presentation’ Skills.
Prior to joining RABE and the field of management education, she was Director General of the joint
Russian-Indian company Omega in Moscow (1991-1994), and before that – engineer-economist in
the aircraft industry export company Aviazagranpostavka and at the Department of Automation of
Experimental Researches at the Moscow Aviation Institute, where she also continued her
postgraduate studies.
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Antonio Freitas
Prof. Antonio de Araujo Freitas Junior, PhD, is Provost of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and
past President of CLADEA - Consejo Latinoamericano de Administración of Schools. He is also a
member of the Brazilian Association of Education – ABE and Advisor of Technical Support School
Foundation of Rio de Janeiro - FAETEC. Former member of the Board of Higher Education of the
National Education Council of Ministry of Education. Coordinator and Researcher at FGV's Center
for Studies in Management on Quality and Competitiveness in Higher Education.
Prof. Freitas graduated in Civil Engineering from the Polytechnic School of Pernambuco and holds a
Master in Production Engineering from Federal University from Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), PhD in
Industrial Engineering from Syracuse University, PhD from North Carolina State University and postdoctorate from the University of Michigan.
He participates actively in the educational area of quality, nationally and internationally, and is an
expert in higher education, performing research, opinions, interviews and lectures. His research
interests and publications relate to the Sustainability Management, Quality and Competitiveness in
Higher Education.
Stéphane Justeau
Stéphane Justeau, PhD, is Professor of Economics and Head of Economics section at ESSCA School of
Management in France, where he has been teaching for 14 years. He has taught also at the
Pensacola University (Florida), Wright State University (Ohio), Southern Illinois State (Illinois) and
ESSCA Budapest.e
Conscious of the needs for quality in education, he acquired his teaching skills at the University of
Lausanne (Switzerland), and then at the Open University (UK) where he just received a
Postgraduate certificate in Academic practice in Higher Education. His main areas of research
include Macroeconomics and Educational skills.
In 2010, Stéphane Justeau created the Department of Educational Skills and Support at ESSCA. The
courses offered internally were very successful, so in 2012 the Institute of Pedagogy and
Educational Support was created to train teachers/researchers in different institutions such as: the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), the University of Fez - Faculty
of Sciences (Morocco), Columbia University (New York, USA), but also Grenoble Ecole de
Management, Nantes, Bordeaux and Laval universities.
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Drikus Kriek
Prof. Hendrik Sebastiaan (Drikus) Kriek is Director of the Leadership Development Centre and
Associate Professor in Human Resource Management at the Wits Business School of the
University of the Witwatersrand. Previously he had been Associate Professor in Organizational
Behavior and Leadership at the Graduate School of Business Leadership (SBL) of the University of
South Africa and is former Head of the Strategy and Leadership Area of the school.
He is a registered Clinical Psychologist and received his MA (Clin Psych) and MBA degrees both
cum laude from the Rand Afrikaans University and the University of Stellenbosch respectively.
Prof. Kriek received his Doctorate from the University of Pretoria and is a graduate from Yale
University in the United States.
His research, publications and teaching focus mainly on teambuilding, leadership and change
management and he has published in popular- and accredited academic journals and has
presented his research to local and international forums. He was named Researcher of the Year
for 2006 and 2007 at the SBL and his books are all related to teams and teaming.
He consults in the field of Organization Development and had been involved in team
development, management education projects and leadership development programs to a
variety of local and international organizations with projects in Namibia, Botswana, Australia,
Ghana, the DRC and Eritrea. He is director of the Team and Leadership Development Centre that
specializes in a variety of team solutions including unstructured groups, teambuilding initiatives
and psychometric assessment.
He was instrumental in the introduction and advancement of the Adventure Therapy industry in
South Africa and has reported on his work in this industry at international academic conferences
while simultaneously applying benefits of this approach to a variety of industries and
He completed commissioned research on Sizwe Nxasana on his change leadership during his
tenure as CEO of Telkom and completed a National Research Foundation-funded research
project on African Change Leadership (linking life histories of leaders with change processes
(internal and external)) with a colleague, Prof Stella Nkomo. Prior to his appointment at the SBL
he practiced as a clinical psychologist and was CEO of Janus Data, the largest independent
storage media company in South Africa.
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Catherine Leblanc
Catherine Leblanc is Dean and General Deputy Director of ESSCA School of Management since
January 2008.
Titular of a PhD in law. She began her career at the legal Council of the National Federation of
the Mutualité française, from 1980 to 1982.
After having settled the guide of Women’s rights during her mission at the National Centre for
information on women's rights, she worked from 1983 to 2000 at the Chamber of commerce
and industry of Paris as responsible for studies, head of Legal Department, Human Resources
Deputy Director, and finally Director of financial affairs and Human Resources and Development
Director of Development Affairs (CET) centre.
She joined the ESSCA group in 2000 as Professor of European business right and Human
Resources Management. She is promoted Academic and Research Director from 2001, and then
became Dean and Deputy General Director in 2006. She has taught at, ESCP-EAP, and the
University of Paris 11. Catherine Leblanc is a member of the French association of Jurists works
councils (AFJCE).
Ivo Matser
Dr. Ivo Matser is CEO of TSM Business School in the Netherlands.
Before being appointed to TSM in 2003, he worked as general director and business consultant
in business environments and knowledge intensive companies. He managed real estate agents,
law offices, sports institutes and auditing companies. Working in business, he always had ties
with management education. In his role at TSM he stands for continuous development, change
and innovation.
Ivo Matser is also member of supervisory and non-executive boards of several international
institutions and companies. He is chairman of the Dutch Association of University Business
Schools and partner of the European Leadership Platform think tank.
As chief executive he focuses on developing market-oriented business models for organizations
with professionals. Supporting these developments and changes, he believes in talent
development, the “one planet” concept and values, self-responsibility, honesty and respect. In
management education he concentrates on strategy, futuring, entrepreneurship and business
modelling. He lectures at several institutes in Europe and Asia.
Ivo has a doctorate (honoris causa) in entrepreneurship of the European University Barcelona
and is Expert Marketing Professional accredited by the European Marketing Certification
He supports societal entrepreneurship and sustainable innovation in his professional and private
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Sergey Myasoedov
Sergey Myasoedov is Vice-Rector of the Russian Presidential Academy, Dean of the Institute of
Business Studies (IBS-Moscow), and President of RABE – Russian Association of Business
He graduated (1977) and got PhD in Economics (1980) at the Moscow University of International
Relations (MGIMO). He studied at Durham Business School, Great Britain (1991); Wharton
Business School, University of Pennsylvania, USA (1992) and Harvard Business School, USA
(1993). In 2000 he got his second PhD in Sociology at the Moscow State University.
Since 2011 he is Vice-Rector of the Russian Presidential Academy, the biggest Russian University
with 220 thousand students and 68 campuses. He has been Dean of IBS-Moscow since 1996, and
was elected as the President of RABE in 2010. He is also a Member of CEEMAN Board and the
Board of Russian Management Association.
Dr. Myasoedov has published seven books and more than 100 of articles on economic reforms,
cross-cultural management, and leadership. He teaches cross-cultural management and
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Nikolaos A. Mylonopoulos
Nikolaos A. Mylonopoulos, PhD, is Associate Dean of Academic programs and Associate
Professor of Information Systems at ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of
Dr. Mylonopoulos teaches in the broader area of information systems, e-business and strategic
information management. His recent research is focusing on mobile services and knowledge
management. He collaborates with the Center of Advanced Learning Technologies at INSEAD on
the development of advanced simulation-based learning experiences for developing soft
competencies in change management, collaboration, crisis management and others. He teaches
these subjects in executive education programs in Greece and abroad.
Since 2010 he serves as Associate Dean with responsibility for the entire portfolio of graduate
degree programs, as well as marketing and communications. During the Greek crisis, he has led a
successful turnaround, restoring enrollment above pre-crisis levels, tripling the number of
programs, introducing innovative marketing strategies, implementing new technology
infrastructures and organizational processes. Previously he had served as Associate Dean of MBA
Programs, of the Applied Research and Innovation Projects Department and of the IT
He has studied applied informatics at the Athens University of Economics and Business and holds
a Doctorate from Warwick Business School. He has taught at the Athens University of Economics
and Business, Warwick Business School, Birkbeck College (University of London), Loughborough
University Business School and KEDGE Business School (formerly Bordeaux School of
His research has been published in international peer-reviewed journals and has co-edited three
books (Organizations as Knowledge Systems with H. Tsoukas (Palgrave 2004), Social and
Economic Transformation in the Digital Era with G. Doukidis and N. Pouloudi (IGI Global 2003),
and Modern Trends in Management with H. Tsoukas and V. Theoharakis (Kastaniotis 2008, in
He has co-organized two large international conferences with enormous success (The Third
European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities, 2002 and The
First International Conference on Mobile Business, 2002) and has chaired or co-chaired
numerous conferences and conference tracks.
He has led several international research consortia and has participated in more than 20 national
or European research projects in telecoms, e-commerce, mobile business, socioeconomic
sciences, e-learning, and others. He consults large companies in Greece and abroad.
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Olin Oedekoven
Olin Oedekoven, PhD, is the president and CEO of Peregrine Academic Services and the
Peregrine Leadership Institute. The academic services company provides online exam and
learning services to institutions of higher learning to assist learning outcomes evaluation and
programmatic assessment. The leadership institute provides leadership, management, strategic
planning, and human resource consulting services to client throughout the world. Dr. Oedekoven
has over 35 years of experience in higher education, leadership, and organizational
administration with earned degrees in science, business administration, management, and
strategic planning.
Alexander Oganov
Alexander Oganov is founder and CEO of Uniweb.ru – Russia's leading enabler for universities
in rolling out online academic programs. He is a graduate of the Russian Presidential Academy
School of Law (2003) and a holder of an MBA degree from the Rotman School of Management,
University of Toronto (class of 2007). Alexander's work experience includes foreign economic
relations at Transneft – Russia’s oil pipeline monopoly, project management at the PBN
Company’s Moscow office and new product commercialization at Tessonics – a Canadian startup focused on innovation for the automotive industry. In 2004 Alexander co-founded
Mydropbox.com – a leader in plagiarism detection technology, which was later sold to
Backboard in 2007. In 2010 he founded Uniweb.ru, which now manages 16 academic
partnerships across a medium of 30 different academic programs and has a current enrolment
of roughly 5,000 students. Alexander is also an investor in Verold.com, Lifeline.ru and
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Christodoulos Papaphotis
Christodoulos Papaphotis is the Education Director in Microsoft covering Central and Eastern
Europe, covering 33 countries including Russia, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic going
eastward to Kazakhstan and Mongolia and from the Baltics down to Greece and Malta. His 18
years of experience includes several sales and marketing roles, including running OEM Named
Channel Partners for Microsoft across CEE previously as well as working for SAP as country
manager for Cyprus. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering and
an MBA from Old Dominion University, USA, and is an accredited Executive Coach and a
founding member of the Greek chapter of the European Mentoring & Coaching Council EMCC.
Gorazd Planinc
Gorazd Planinc, MBA, is IT director and Web Marketing Advisor at IEDC – Bled School of
Management. He started his career as Microsoft Consultant/Trainer for Microsoft business
solutions, being responsible for educating IT professionals and helping organizations with
implementing Microsoft solutions. In 2004 he joined the IEDC as an IT Director and later also
assumed the role of the Web Marketing Advisor with responsibility of promoting the School
through all online channels. Web and web-related technologies and their business implications
are his passion. He is convinced that performance driven online marketing is the key to online
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Danica Purg
Professor Danica Purg is President of the IEDC-Bled School of Management, Slovenia and
President of CEEMAN, an international association for management development in dynamic
societies, which brings together 215 members from 54 countries. In 2010 prof. Purg received
the 2010 Educator of the Year Award by the Academy of International Business (AIB) for her
outstanding achievements in international business education. In 2013 Prof. Purg became the
Chair of the Un Global Compact PRME (Principles of Responsible Management Education)
Steering Committee.
Prof. Purg is professor of leadership and effective management. Her special field of interest is
looking for inspirations for managers from art and other professions. She authored and coauthored several books and numerous articles. She was the editor of the recently published
book Hidden Champions in CEE and Turkey; Carving out a Global Niche (Springer, 2013). She is
a frequent guest speaker universities and international conferences around the world.
Prof. Purg is also member of several international advisory boards. She is also Fellow of
Academy of International Business (AIB), fellow of the International Academy of Management
(IAM), Doctor Honoris Causa at Moscow State University of Management, Estonian Business
School and MESI - Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and IT, and honorary
professor at Moscow International Higher Business School (MIRBIS). President of the Republic
of Slovenia awarded her with the “Honorary Order of Freedom” for her contribution to
management development in Slovenia and CEE.
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Md. Zabid A. Rashid
Md. Zabid A. Rashid is the President & Vice Chancellor of University Tun Abdul Razak (UNIRAZAK)
and Chief Executive Officer, Tun Abdul Razak Education Foundation (Yayasan PINTAR) since
2007. He specializes in Strategic Management, Business Ethics and General Management.
He obtained his BSc (Agribusiness) from University Pertanian Malaysia, MSc from University of
London, DEA from University of Aix-Marseille, France, and Doctor of Science in Management
from University of Aix-Marseille/ESSEC, France.
He has worked in several organizations including Sumitomo Corporation, Malaysian Industrial
Development Authority, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Open University Malaysia (OUM), and
now UNIRAZAK. He was Head of Department of Management Studies, Faculty of Economics &
Management, UPM, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Economics & Management, UPM, and Founding
Dean, Malaysian Graduate School of Management, and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the
Malaysian Graduate School of Management Foundation.
He has written more than 140 articles in various forms including journals in Malaysia, UK, USA,
Australia, Switzerland, Taiwan, and Singapore conference proceedings, seminar papers,
monographs, chapters in book, and a book with more 800 citations, H index: 10.
He has extensive experience in research, consultancy and training. He has also served as
consultant to many corporate and government entities in Malaysia, and also served as Assessor
for the National Accreditation Board, Co-Chair 8th World Marketing Congress 1997 – Academy
of Marketing Science, USA; Vice President Asian Academy of Management, and many others.
He has received many awards and recognitions, including the Pan Pacific Business Association,
USA; World Marketing Congress, Academy of Marketing Science, Perth; and Emerald Literati
Publications, UK, ‘Darjah Mulia Seri Melaka’ (DMSM) with the title ‘Datuk’, Fellow of Certified
Practicing Accountants (FCPA) by CPA Australia in 2010, Fellow of Marketing in Asia Group
(FMAG) from New Zealand in 2011, and Asia Best B-School award for Outstanding Contribution
to Education in 2011 and 2013. Awarded Honorary Member of Golden Key International Honour
Society, USA in 2012, and received S.M.W award from King of Malaysia with the Title ‘Datuk Seri’
in February 2014.
He is also a non-executive director in several corporations and NGOs in Malaysia.
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Peter Roebben
Peter Roebben holds a master degree in law from the University of Leuven in Belgium, and a MBA at
the Vlerick Gent Leuven School of Business. After starting his professional career at Kredietbank,
Belgium in 1991, he went on to hold different positions in the KBC Group in the UK, Spain and France.
In 2005 he joined CSOB Bank in the Czech Republic where he became head of the Corporate Banking
division. Since 2010 Peter Roebben is a member of the Executive Committee of K&H Bank, Hungary,
first supervising Credit Management and Human Resources and, since December 2013, Corporate
Change Management and the Corporate Banking & Markets Division.
Daniel Szpiro
Daniel (Danny) Szpiro is an award-winning teacher and expert on financial management, including the
areas of management accounting, capital budgeting, post-investment review, and the Balanced
Scorecard. He has published on the topic of integrating capital budgeting and corporate strategy, and
he has published teaching material on the use of the case method that has been adopted by
universities around the world. Dr. Szpiro earned a BSc from the University of Waterloo, an MBA from
Queen’s University, an MSc (International Accounting & Finance) from the London School of
Economics, and a PhD from the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario. In
his research and consulting, he has worked with organizations on the use of post-investment reviews
and strategic controls in capital investment systems.
Dr. Szpiro has led sessions and courses with executives in many development and graduate degree
programs, including MBA, Executive MBA, Executive CMA and Aviation MBA specializations, in North
America and overseas. He has delivered in-company executive development courses with leading
organizations such as The Home Depot, Walmart, and FedEx.
Dr. Szpiro is Dean of Executive Education and an academic leader at the Jack Welch Management
Institute at Strayer University. JWMI was founded by the renowned former CEO of General Electric,
Jack Welch, and offers leading-edge technology-facilitated business programming including an
Executive MBA program and certificate programs. From 2004 to 2012 Dr. Szpiro was a faculty member
and administrator at the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University.
He joined Johnson as the founding Director of The Cornell-Queen’s Executive MBA Program and
ultimately advanced to the position of Associate Dean for Executive Education. From 1999 to 2004 he
was an Associate Professor with Queen’s School of Business at Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada,
and, for most of that period, the Director of Queen’s National Executive MBA program. Prior to joining
Queen’s, he was a faculty member with the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University.
Before pursuing an academic career, he spent many years in various international activities in the
consumer electronics industry.
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Jorge Talavera
Jorge Talavera holds a PhD with honors from the Pennsylvania State University (1979); an MBA
from ESAN in Peru (1972); and the professional title of Mechanical Engineer from Universidad
Nacional de Ingenieria (National Engineering University, of Lima, Peru) with a major in Electronics.
He is one of the best representatives of CLADEA, the Latin American parallel of AACSB, and has
been its Executive Director since 1986, and its President twice. He has been one of the most active
and most visible leaders in the effort for internationalization of business schools in Latin America
through all of this time.
At his own university, ESAN, he started a program of inviting foreign professors to teach courses in
the MBA program and in executive education, beginning in the 1980s and continuing today. The
ESAN summer program taught in English receives dozens of foreign professors teaching hundreds
of Peruvian and foreign business students in a wide range of business topics each summer. Long
before the push worldwide for business school accreditation and the related emphasis on faculty
academic writing, Jorge launched an academic research center and a case clearinghouse at ESAN,
where professors obtain incentives to publish in academic journals, and where links to companies
are forged through case writing. He himself is on the editorial boards of five international
academic journals and is the founder of CLADEA’s journal Academia.
He has helped the development of international business throughout Latin America in his efforts
to globalize CLADEA and the member schools, as well as through his direct involvement as Dean at
the Adolfo Ibañez Business School in Chile (1994-1996), and also as President of the Universidad
San Ignacio de Loyola in Peru (1996-2006). He returned to ESAN as President in 2006. He has also
been a visiting professor at Penn State and at Instituto de Empresa in Madrid.
Jorge participates actively in a number of international business school associations, from AIB
where he has spoken at the annual meeting on several occasions, to AACSB, EFMD, AMBA, and
other associations in Latin America, Europe, and Asia. He was elected Chair of the Global
Partnership in International Management, PIM, in 2011. He is also on the steering committee of
the UN Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME). He is a tireless promoter of
international business education (for example, working with several US schools in their CIBER
activities over the years). He also eloquently advocates that we professors and our students need
to maintain a global mindset – emphasizing this key idea long before this approach became
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Franck Thomas
Franck Thomas is a French technology enthusiast and expert in digital marketing. Currently the
founder and CEO at Widdil, a startup offering B2B services, Franck is also a senior consultant
advising large and small companies on their digital marketing strategy. Prior to his work at
Widdil, he was a product specialist for advertising products and internal systems at Google
Ireland Ltd. from 2006 to 2011.
Passionate about technology, he monitored the emergence of MOOCs and recently
implemented a platform for remote and hybrid learning, in cooperation with ESSCA School of
Franck Thomas holds a degree in Management and Commerce from ESSCA (Angers, France).
Ádám Török
Ádám Török is Secretary-General of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Professor of
Economics at University of Pannonia (Veszprém) and Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, and also a recurrent Visiting Professor at the CEU Economics Department,
He holds MA in International Trade and International Economics from Karl Marx University of
Economics (Budapest, 1976); Diplôme d’Études Supérieures Européennes, University of Nancy
II, France (Centre Européen Universitaire, 1981); Candidate of Economics (PhD) in International
Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1986); University habilitation at the Janus
Pannonius University, Pécs (1996).
Prof. Török has been a Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences since 2001, its Board
Member since 2008, and was Head of the Section Economic and Legal Sciences between 2004
and 2011. Since 1999, he has been Vice-President of the Hungarian Economic Association and
was Member of the Fiscal Council of Hungary in 2009-2010. From 2007 to 2014 he led the
MTA-PE Networked Research Group on Regional Innovation and Development Studies, and has
been Chair of the Editorial Board of Acta Oeconomica since 2012 (Editor-in-Chief between 2000
and 2011).
He has published more than 140 studies on Stabilisation Policies, Hungarian and International
Trade, Industrial Policy, Innovation, Research and Development, Fiscal Policy and Competition
Policy (36 written in English, German, Spanish or French), including 31 book chapters, as well as
six books published in Hungarian and four (two with co-authors) in English.
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Andrea Tracogna
Andrea Tracogna is Deputy Dean at MIB School of Management, Trieste (Italy) where he heads
the Full-time Masters Division, and directs the MBA in International Business program and the
Corporate Master in Insurance and Risk Management, a postgraduate program run in
collaboration with Allianz.
He is Full Professor of Strategic Management at the University of Trieste, where he was the
Head of the Department of Business administration and a member of the Academic Senate. In
the same university he launched the first Business Plan competition and is currently
coordinating a 6-million euro EU-funded project aimed at promoting innovation and
technology transfer in the Adriatic macro-Region. He is also the director of the Masters in
Economics and Science of Coffee, a program run in collaboration with Illycaffè.
In the last years he has contributed to the establishment of a business accelerator (SeedLab)
and has been a member of the Advisory Board for a major Venture Capital Fund. For several
years he has been a visiting lecturer on New Entrepreneurship and Small Business at Lingnan
(University) College, Guangzhou, China.
His current research interests range from Internationalization Processes and Strategic
Management of SMEs, to Innovation Management, New Ventures Start-up and
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
János Vecsenyi
Janos Vecsenyi is currently Executive Director of EFER – European Forum for Entrepreneurship
Research, the Netherlands.
During his carrier Prof. Vecsenyi has been teaching at Corvinus University since 1978 and at the
Budapest University of Technology and Economics from 2011. His major courses include
Entrepreneurship, Starting and Managing New Ventures, Launching Innovative New Ventures.
He served as program director and professor of the first MBA program in Hungary at the
International Manager Center, now CEU Business School. He was a visiting professor at
University of Tulsa (USA), at INSEAD (France) and lectured among others at Harvard Business
School, UCLA, UT Austin, Dallas, Tulane, University of Melbourne, London School of Economics,
Czech Management Center (Prague), VNIISI, Moscow, Erasmus University (Rotterdam).
He extensively consulted major Hungarian firms. Up to 2010 he was working as Learning and
Development Leader at GE Capital, Budapest Bank, for more than a decade.
Prof. Vecsenyi is a graduate of Budapest Technical University where he earned his degrees in
mechanical and industrial engineering. He also holds a PhD from Budapest University of
Economic Sciences, now Corvinus University. He has published three books on
entrepreneurship: Starting and Managing New Ventures (2009, 2011, 2013); Entrepreneurship.
From an Idea to Restarting (2002); Entrepreneurial Organizations and Strategies (1999), and
developed an online start-up support tool www.startmybusiness123.com.
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Andrei Villarroel
Andrei Villarroel, PhD, is lecturer, author and speaker in the topics of crowdsourcing,
crowdfunding, social media intelligence, big data, open innovation, and strategic management.
Since 2007, he has chaired several symposia at the Academy of Management and co-authored
the book Leading Open Innovation (MIT Press, 2013). In 2011, he was keynote speaker at the
EFMD Deans and Directors Meeting, where he addressed the importance of crowdsourcing for
the future of organization.
In 2014, his work on the “Organizational Aspects of Business Model Innovation” was honored
with publication in the Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management (with Bogers
M. and Sund K.). Also at this year’s meeting, Dr. Villarroel is leading a professional development
workshop (with Reyes A.) entitled “Global Online Education Experiments: from MOOCs to 3D
immersive classrooms”.
Dr. Villarroel holds a PhD in Management of Technology from the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology, Lausanne. He has been on the faculty at Católica-Lisbon School of Business and
Economics, visiting faculty at the University of Pennsylvania, visiting scholar at MIT Center for
Collective Intelligence, and International Faculty Fellow at MIT Sloan School of Management.
Marcin Wardaszko
Marcin Wardaszko, PhD, is Director of Center for Simulation Games and Gamification and
Director of MBA for IT at Kozminski University. Since 2003 he is trainer and developer of
simulation games for business and consulting. Board member at Association for Business
Simulation and Experiential Learning and member at International Simulation and Gaming
Association. He is actively teaching, researching and publishing in the field of using games for
learning, teaching and engaging people. Huge supporter of gamification and member of
gamification experts network, he believes that games and gamification will change the way we
learn and work.
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Alec Wersun
Alec is a Senior Lecturer in International Business and Strategy and Community and Public
Engagement Fellow at the Glasgow School for Business and Society (GSBS), UK.
He holds a BA (Hons) in Slavonic Studies from Nottingham University, MBA from Strathclyde
University and Ed.D from the University of Edinburgh.
Alec is an internationally oriented management professional with over 30 years of experience in
university, government, commercial and management consultancy sectors in Britain, Russia,
Switzerland and Eastern and Central Europe. He loves to work at the nexus of academic theory,
ideas, and practice; enjoys working in cross-cultural teams and environments; and is a great
believer in lifelong learning.
Alec started his career in export sales and marketing with American multinational Johnson &
Johnson in 1979. After ten years with J&J living and working in Yugoslavia, Scotland and
Switzerland, he moved in to academia, and since then has split his time equally between
academia and consulting in both public and private sectors. His areas of interest are knowledge
exchange, the internationalization of business, and more recently the role of business in society.
He is Vice-Chair of the UK Chapter of PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education),
and a Community and Public Engagement Fellow in GSBS, where he is a Co- Chair of PRME
Leadership Team.
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Awards Ceremony
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Awards Ceremony
CEEMAN Awards Ceremony will take place at the Gala Dinner on 26 September at the Marble
Room of the Museum of Military History in Castle District of Budapest. At the ceremony, new
CEEMAN members, and the winners of the CEEMAN 20th Case Writing Competition and
CEEMAN Champion Awards will be announced.
New CEEMAN members
Since September 2013, CEEMAN membership has increased by 12 new members from 10
New institutional members:
College of Commerce and Business Administration, Dhofar University, Oman
University of Limpopo, Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership, South Africa
University of Huddersfield, UK
ISAE – Instituto Superior de Administracao e Economia, Brazil
EMAS Business School, Russia
University Tun Abdul Razak, Malaysia
Geneva Business School, Switzerland
Moscow Academy of Economics and Law, Russia
MCI Management Center Innsbruck - The Entrepreneurial School, Austria
Institute for Complex Strategic Studies, Russia
New corporate members:
 Peregrine Academic Services, USA
New individual members:
 Michael Otieno Nyagol, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology,
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Awards Ceremony
CEEMAN Champion Awards 2014
Each year, starting in 2010, CEEMAN recognizes outstanding achievements of individuals
associated with CEEMAN in the areas of teaching, research, institutional management, and
responsible management education.
The fifth call for nominations for the 2014 CEEMAN Champion Awards received 13 nominations
from 10 institutions and eight countries (Estonia, Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia, South Africa,
Switzerland, Tanzania, and USA).
Management teaching category:
Dr. Olga Gavrilina and Dr. Anna Tsvetkova, Faculty of Real Estate Management, RANEPA,
Moscow, Russia
Dr. Adrian Saville, Gordon Institute of Business Science, South Africa
Dr. Ben Bryant, IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland
Management research category:
Dr. Maritana Sedysheva, Estonian Business School, Estonia
Dr. Gulzhanat Tayauova, Almaty Management University, Kazakhstan
Dr. Dariusz Jemielniak, International Management Department, Kozminski University,
Dr. Albrecht Enders, IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland
Dr. Ruth Rios-Morales, Montreux School of Business, Switzerland
Dr. Pierre Berthon, Bentley University, USA
Institutional management category:
Dr. Assylbek Kozhakhmetov, Almaty Management University, Kazakhstan
Dr. habil Vladimir Morijenkov, State University of Management, Russia
Responsible management education category:
Prof. Wojciech W. Gasparski, Kozminski University, Poland
Dr. Shiv Tripathi, Mzumbe University Dar Es Salaam Campus, Tanzania
20th CEEMAN Annual Conference
26-28 September 2012, Cape Town, South Africa
Awards Ceremony
20th CEEMAN Case Writing Competition
in Cooperation with Emerald
The 20th CEEMAN Case Writing Competition organized in cooperation with Emerald Group
Publishing received a total number of 26 submissions, written by 47 authors and co-authors
from 27 institutions in 13 countries (Albania, Canada, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Latvia,
Malaysia, Romania, Singapore, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).
The following cases were shortlisted for the awards (in alphabetical order by case title):
A Logistics Conundrum: Assistant Professor Sulagna Mukherjee, Assistant Professor M
Durga Prasad and Associate professor Sudeep Kumar S, T A Pai Management Institute
Manipal, India
Albania “Which Way Forward?”: Professor Vasilika Kume, Faculty of Economics, Tirana
University, Albania
Avtar I-WIN: Creating Flexi-Careers: Dr. Srividya Raghavan and Dr. Surajit Ghosh
Dastidar, IMT Hyderabad, India
Coordinating cross-sector partnerships for water provision in Malawi: Jean-François
Soublière and Assistant Professor Charlotte Cloutier, HEC Montreal, Montreal, Quebec,
Cost of Employee Loyalty@Anand Finance: Dr. Nagendra V. Chowdary, Ms. Vandana
Jayakumar and Mr. R. Muthukumar, Times Centre for Learning Ltd., Mumbai, India
Dana Gas: In Search of the Right International Market: Associate Professor Syed Zamberi
Ahmad, Abu Dhabi University, United Arab Emirates and Assistant Professor Abdul
Rahim Abu Bakar, Prince Sultan University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Entering The Middle East Luxury Retail Sector: Prof. Dr. Roger Moser, University of St.
Gallen, Switzerland and Mr. Gopalakrishnan Narayanamurthy, Indian Institute of
Management Kozhikode, India
Evans Wadongo: Bridging the Electricity Divide in Kenya: Ms. Hadiya Faheem, Freelance
Consultant, Hyderabad, India
Hyundai Motors India Limited: Positioning Towards Market Leadership: Assistant
Professor Jyoti Kainth and Mr. Tanmay Mathur, Institute of Management Technology,
Ghaziabad, India
Jokowi, The Obama-style of Successful Personal Political Brand in Indonesia: Brand
Extension and Beyond: Dr. Amalia E. Maulana, Bina Nusantara University, Binus Business
School, Jakarta, Indonesia and Mrs. Driana Saraswati, ETNOMARK Consulting, Jakarta,
Marketing Reinvented At Micromax Informatics India: Assistant Professor Soma Arora,
Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad, India and Mr. Andre Augustine,
Micromax Informatics India Ltd
Mastering the art of managing a conglomerate business empire in Myanmar: Dr. Jenson
Chong-Leng Goh, SIM University, School of Business, Singapore; Mr. Manohar Sabnani,
Associate Professor Gee Kwang Randolph Tan and Ms. Siew Peng Tan, SIM University,
Centre for Applied Research, Singapore
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Awards Ceremony
MocDoc.in: Choreographing Online Healthcare Kingdom: Assistant Professor Roma
Chauhan, IILM Graduate School of Management, India
Nuru International: Empowering Farmers to Fight Extreme Poverty: Ms. Hristina
Dzharova and Associate Professor Sudheer Gupta, Beedie School of Business, Canada
Painted Into a Corner: Managing the Virtual Sales Team at ColorPlus Industries: Ms.
Monika Nadj and Dr. Zoltan Buzady, CEU Business School, Budapest, Hungary
Real Sound Lab: Issuing a €300,000 Bond: Mr. Alexander Tarvid, University of Latvia,
Riga, Latvia
Soyuz Foods International: Small Fruit, Big Dreams A Case Study of an Emerging Market
SME: Ms. Lin Fu and Ms. Katherine Grandle, Cornell University, New York, USA
The Love-smitten Director: Workplace Romance or Sexual Harassment? Professor June
M. L. Poon, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Graduate School of Business, Bangi,
20th CEEMAN Annual Conference
26-28 September 2012, Cape Town, South Africa
List of Participants
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Gazmend Haxhia
A.S.G. Group
Natalia Makayeva
Deputy Director
IPM Business School
Antonia Sariyska
Operations Manager
EFER - European Forum for Entrepreneurship Research
Antonio Freitas
Fundação Getulio Vargas
Arshad Ahmad
Associate Vice President, Teaching & Learning
McMaster University
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Czech Republic
Andreas Antonopoulos
University of New York in Prague
Sotiris Foutsis
General Manager
University of New York in Prague
Arno Almann
Estonian Business School
Üllas Ehrlich
Dean, Professor
Tallinn School of Economics and Business Administration of
Tallinn University of Technology
Madis Habakuk
Chairman of the Board
Estonian Business School
Karen Voolaid
Director, Head of International Programmes
Tallinn School of Economics and Business Administration of
Tallinn University of Technology
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Joëlle Isaak
Public Relations
ESSCA School of Management
Stéphane Justeau
ESSCA School of Management
Catherine Leblanc
General Director
ESSCA School of Management
Franck Thomas
Academic Pépinier Incubator
ESSCA School of Management
Boris Lezhava
Caucasus University, Caucasus School of Business
Derek Abell
Professor Emeritus
ESMT-European School of Management and Technology
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Frank Hoffmann
Assoc. Dean, Director International Relations
Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Marcus Scholz
Pforzheim University
Axel Schumacher
Associate Dean International Relations
EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht
Nikolaos Mylonopoulos
Associate Dean; Associate Professor of Information Systems
ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of
Christodoulos Papaphotis
Education Director
Zoltán Buzády
Faculty Director of MBA Programs
Central European University Business School
Erzsebet Csibi
Pearson Central Europe
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Adrienn Fükő
PR director
PResston PR
Ágnes Hofmeister
Professor of Marketing
Corvinus University
Mel Horwitch
Central European University, Business School
Norbert Kis
Vice Rector
National University of Public Service
Lilla Kovacs
Figyelo journal
Gyula Zilahy
Professor of Management
Corvinus University
Zita Zoltayné Paprika
Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration
Corvinus University
Noemi Polli Bárd
PResston PR
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Révész Réka
PR assistant
Presston PR
Adrienne Terdik
General Director
PResston PR
Adam Török
Secretary General
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
János Vecsenyi
Executive Director
EFER-European Forum for Entrepreneurship Research
Vladimir Nanut
Dean at MIB School of Management ,
ASFOR President
Assylbek Kozhakhmetov
NPEI Almaty Management University
Viktoriya Tsay
Vice-Rector for Strategic Development
Kazakh Economic University
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Josiah Aduda
Dean, School of Business
University of Nairobi, School of Business
Inga Lapina
Vice Dean for Academic Affairs
Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management at Riga
Technical University
Tatjana Mavrenko
Director of Dual Degree Study Programmes
BA School of Business and Finance
Claudio Rivera
BBA Director
Riga Business School
Irina Sennikova
RISEBA – Riga International School of Economics and Business
Alexander Tarvid
Academic Advisor
Riga Business School
Virginijus Kundrotas
Dean at Adizes Graduate School (USA), President at Baltic
Management Development Association
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Md. Zabid A. Rashid
Universiti Tun Abdul Razak
the Netherlands
Polina Rukhalenko
Business Development Executive
Turning Technologies
Bert Twaalfhoven
EFER - European Forum for Entrepreneurship Research
Arnold Walravens
Director of Presidents' MBA
IEDC-Bled School of Management
Jorge Talavera
Universidad Esan
Witold Bielecki
Kozminski University
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Zaneta Geryk
Vice Chancellor
Gdansk Management College
Marcin Geryk
Gdansk Management College
Andrzej Popadiuk
Member of the Board
Gdansk Foundation For Management Development (GFKM)
Marcin Wardaszko
Director of Center of Simulation Games and Gamification
Kozminski University
Andrei Villarroel
Assistant Professor at Católica-Lisbon School of Business and
Economics, International Faculty Fellow at MIT Sloan School
of Management and Visiting Scholar at the MIT Center for
Collective Intelligence
Bogdan Rusu
Associate Professor
"Gh. Asachi" Technical University of Iasi
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Vladimir Buyanov
The Moscow Academy of Economics and Law
Leonid Chernoryzh
Director of the International Department
The Moscow Academy of Economics and Law
Natalia Dmitrievskaia
Director of Economics and Statistics Institute
MESI University
Natalia Evtikhieva
Director General
RABE - Russian Association of Business Education
Nadezhda Grosheva
Baikal School of International Business, Irkutsk State
Elena Ivankina
RANEPA - Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy
and Public Administration
Marina Klimovets
Head of Development at the Department of Finance and
The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and
Public Administration
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Aleksei Kluev
Director of IPAE
Ural Federal University
Andrey Kolyada
EMAS Business School
Elena Kosareva
Institute Vice-Director
RANEPA - Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy
and Public Administration
Sergey Mordovin
IMISP-International Management Institute of St.Petersburg
Sergey Myasoedov
RABE President, Rector of IBS-Moscow, First Vice-President or
Seda Nasibyan
Dean of the Department of Finance and Banking
The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and
Public Administration
Alexander Oganov
Elena Pereverzeva
Dean of Business School (MBA & EMBA)
Moscow International Business School MIRBIS
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Olga Samoylova
Deputy Director for Administration
Institute for Complex Strategic Studies
Ashot Seferyan
Associate Dean
Irina Skorobogatykh
Head of the Marketing Department
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Oleg Vikhanskiy
Lomonosov Moscow State University Business School
Milenko Gudić
IMTA Managing Director
Dragica Tomic
Novi Sad Business School
Chin Tiong Tan
Senior Advisor
Singapore Management University
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Sebastjan Mislej
LectureHub.com (VLN d.o.o)
Matjaž Novak
University of Primorska, Faculty of Management
Gorazd Planinc
Head of Marketing
IEDC-Bled School of Management
Matej Potokar
General Manager
Microsoft d.o.o.
Danica Purg
CEEMAN and IEDC - Bled School of Management
South Africa
Drikus Kriek
Director of Leadership Development Centre
University of the Witwatersrand, Wits Business School
Adrian Saville
Visting Professor
Gordon Institute of Business Science
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Christine Clarke
European University
Jim Ellert
CEEMAN IQA Director, IMTA Academic Director, Emeritus
Professor and former Associate Dean of Faculty, IMD
Albrecht Enders
Professor of Strategy and Innovation
Jeffrey Henderson
Dean of the Faculty
UGSM-Monarch Business School Switzerland
Robert Hooijberg
Professor and Dean
Amyn Lalani
Montreux University, MSB Montreux School of Business
Stefan Leuenberger
HSO Business School Switzerland
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Alya Ogus
Head of Economics
Izmir University of Economics
Fusun Ulengin
Sabanci University School of Management
Fran Baylis
Publishing and Rights Manager
The Case Centre
Kester Eddy
Financial Times
Alec Egan
VP / Regional Manager – Southern and Eastern Europe
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Gordon Fletcher
Associate Head
Salford Business School, University of Salford
Andrew Main Wilson
Chief Executive
Association of MBAs
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
John Peters
GSE Research Ltd
Alec Wersun
Senior Lecturer, CPE Fellow
Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow School for Business
and Society
Yaryna Boychuk
Key Executive MBA Program Director
Lviv Business School of the Ukranian Catholic University
Bogdan Budzan
Management Consulting Center
Roksolana Kravchuk
Cooperation Projects Manager
Lviv Business School of the Ukranian Catholic University
Sophia Opatska
Lviv Business School of the Ukranian Catholic University
Oleksandr Savruk
Kyiv Mohyla Business School (kmbs)
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Iryna Tykhomyrova
International Management Institute (MIM-Kyiv)
Lucienne Mochel
Vice President, Accreditation Services
AACSB international
Olin Oedekoven
President & CEO
Peregrine Academic Services
Markus Roth
Director of European Operations
Peregrine Academic Services
Daniel Szpiro
Dean of Executive Education
Jack Welch Management Institute
Laurel Vicklund
Vice President
Peregrine Academic Services
Douglas Viehland
Executive Director/CEO
Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Joseph Bemani
Great Zimbabwe University
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
EXIM – Hungarian exports on the rise
Underseen by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the objective of the Hungarian ExportImport Bank Plc. (Eximbank) and the Hungarian Export Credit Insurance Plc. (MEHIB) is to serve
Hungarian exporters through the provision of effective financing and insurance facilities. The
Bank and the Insurer, which operate within an integrated framework, carry out their duties with
a shared organization and corporate identity, under the name of EXIM.
Eximbank and MEHIB perform the tasks of Hungary’s export credit agency, which are regulated
by the legislative frameworks of the OECD and the EU, with the basic objective of facilitating the
sale of Hungarian goods and services in foreign markets.
Acting as a tool for providing economic-policy incentive, the mission of Eximbank and MEHIB is
to support Hungarian exporting enterprises in facilitating the retention of jobs, growth in
employment and an expansion of Hungary’s export capacities:
support of Hungarian content, domestic products and services,
undertaking of financial and trade risks,
promoting of the Hungarian export through loans with favorable sources,
cooperation with domestic credit institutions within the framework of Export Promoting
Credit Program,
support of small and medium sized enterprises.
EXIM’s objective is – while assessing and channeling the needs of exporters – to provide a
coherent range of lending, guarantee and insurance products that cover the entire spectrum of
export activity, from production through manufacturing to the support of the sales process.
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
K&H Group
K&H Group Hungary is a leading financial service provider in Hungary. It offers both banking and
insurance solutions to serve the financial needs of customers, enabling them to select smart
solutions best suited to their specific requirements. K&H Group’s product range includes
conventional retail and corporate banking products (account management, investments,
savings, credits, bank guarantees, bank card services, custody management, treasury, project
finance, etc), as well as premium banking services, investment fund management, leasing, life,
property and liability insurance, health and pension fund management, and securities trading.
As one of the leading financial institutions in this country and employing over 4 000 employees
nationwide, the goal of K&H is to serve the needs of its customers at a high standard of quality
at all times and to offer them the most comprehensive product range possible. K&H operates
210 retail branches throughout the country and offers financial services to around a million
retail, sme and corporate customers. It supports the Hungarian economy with more than 1 700
bln in credit and credit commitments granted, financing households, small businesses, large
corporations and municipalities. Across its operations, the Group relies around 4000 Hungarian
suppliers and around 700 banking and insurance agents, guaranteeing them regular business.
K&H Bank is wholly owned by the Belgian KBC Bank N.V.
The KBC group is an integrated bank assurance group which operates across Europe and to a
lesser extent in the USA and South East Asia. Headquartered in Brussels, KBC Group NV is one of
the top three financial institutions in Belgium and has had a presence in Ireland since 1978.
The KBC group focuses on providing the widest possible range of bank, insurance and wealth
management products and services to retail customers, private banking clients and mid-cap
SMEs. The group also provides services to corporate customers and engages in market activities.
KBC group's products are developed to meet the needs of its customers who can choose the
banking or insurance product that best suits their individual needs. The KBC group responds
flexibly and with innovative products and solutions to new market circumstances and to
changing customer requirements.
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014 Budapest Hungary
Peregrine Academic Services is a globally recognized leader in providing online services for
institutions of higher education related to program-level assessment exams, education modules
used for academic leveling and learning assurance, and APA writing style competency
development. We have assessment exams available for global business and business related
academic programs. The exam services are available in English, Spanish, French, German,
Portuguese, Russian, and Mongolian. The services are used by more than 200 universities
located throughout the world for quality assurance, learning outcomes measurement, and
accreditation. Peregrine Academic Services solves accreditation challenges with customized
academic solutions to improve the quality of higher education in the US and throughout the
The Hungarian Product Non-Profit Ltd.'s registrated trademarks (Hungarian Product, Domestic
Product, and Domestically Processed Product) are the most well-known certificates of origin in
Hungary. The logos were introduced ten years ago; their popularity stems from their
independence, authentic certification process, and their multiple applications. The main aim of
this NGO is to urge Hungarians to buy locally produced goods, hence contributing to the longterm development of the domestic economy.
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Zwack Unicum
Zwack Unicum is a Hungarian company that makes among other liqueurs and spirits an 80 proof
(40% alcohol) herbal liqueur known as Unicum with a secret blend of more than forty different
herbs and spices. It is known as the National Shot of Hungary, is produced by Zwack, plc, in
Budapest, Hungary. Zwack is also famous for its kosher fruit brandy, especially Zwack kosher
plum brandy.
Unicum was created by Dr. József Zwack, the Royal Physician to the HabsburgCourt, for Emperor
Joseph II in 1790. It was not until 1840 that his 20-year-old son, József Zwack founded J. Zwack &
Co., the first Hungarian liqueur manufacturer. By the early 1900s, the Zwack company had
become one of the leading distilleries in central Europe, producing over 200 liqueurs and spirits,
exported all over the world.
During the past 200 years and more, Zwack Unicum has been producing and marketing an
extensive range of products alongside their flagship brand, Unicum. Theirs are the top brands on
the Hungarian spirits market, often market leaders in their category.
Unicum is a legendary liqueur—the national drink of Hungary. This unique herb liqueur, based
on a secret family recipe and distilled from over forty different herbs and spices, was originally
conceived as an aid to digestion at the royal court of Austria Hungary in 1790 but over the
centuries it has become a drink for any time of day, either as a shot or warmed by the hand in a
cognac glass or enjoyed chilled. In the Zwack family distillery in Budapest, Unicum is aged in
large oak casks before being bottled in the distinctive round bottle that has been a hallmark of
this historic brand for nearly two hundred years. Still in family hands after six generations,
Unicum in Hungary is not just a drink but a national treasure.
Unicum Szilva
They have combined two Hungarian specialties: an ancient Hungarian fruit, plum and the
national shot of Hungary, Unicum. Unicum Plum, just like Unicum, is made from the distillation
and maceration of over 40 carefully selected herbs and spices. During the making of Unicum
Szilva the dried plums and Unicum are rested together and aged in oak barrels. Its special taste is
reached by the excellent quality dried plums. To reach maximum quality, fresh plum is carefully
dried to keep the taste of the fruit.
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014 Budapest Hungary
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Publishers represented in the 22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
22nd CEEMAN Annual Conference
25-27 September 2014, Budapest Hungary
Previous CEEMAN Annual Conferences
Business Schools as Responsible Change Agents: From Transition to Transformation,
Bled, Slovenia
Pre-Conference Seminar for Leaders of Management Development Institutions,
Johannesburg, South Africa and Annual Conference on Business and Educational
in Dynamically Changing Environments, Bellville, Cape Town, South Africa
Management Education in a Changing World: Are We Ready for the Challenge?
Tbilisi, Georgia
New Global Performance Challenges and Implications for Management Development,
Caserta/Naples, Italy
Local Responses to Global Crisis, Riga, Latvia
Management Education for the Realities of Emerging Markets, Tirana, Albania
Globalization and Its Implications for Management Development, Istanbul, Turkey
Creating Synergy between Business Schools and Business, Berlin, Germany
Innovations in Management Development and New Challenges of Faculty Development
(proceedings of the Deans and Directors Meeting), Kiev, Ukraine
Enlargement of the EU and Its Impact on Management Development, St Petersburg,
Business Co-operation and Business Schools Co-operation: New Opportunities within
CEEMAN, Sofia, Bulgaria
Leadership and our Future Society, Bled, Slovenia
Going International from an Emerging Economy: Corporate Experience and the Business
School Challenge, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Entrepreneurship on the Wave of Change: Implications for Management Development,
Trieste, Italy
European Diversity and Integration: Implications for Management Development,
Budapest, Hungary
Transformational Leadership - The Challenge for Management Development in Central
and Eastern Europe, Riga, Latvia
Developing and Mobilizing East and Central Europe's Human Potential for Management,
Sinaia, Romania
Managing in Transition in Central and Eastern Europe: Stage II, Prague, Czech Republic
From Restructuring to Continuous Improvement - Lessons from the Best-Run Companies,
St Petersburg, Russia
East-West Business Partnerships, Warsaw, Poland
Management Development in Central and Eastern Europe, Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia
Proceedings are available upon request from CEEMAN Office, while the latest editions can be
downloaded (pdf) from www.ceeman.org.