SIDS and Kids Queensland December 2012 Edition
SIDS and Kids Queensland December 2012 Edition
enigma SIDS and Kids Queensland December 2012 Edition We would like to say a huge thank you to Tiina Cook from Strategy and Action who has generously donated her time to design this edition of our magazine. contents Enigma | SIDS and Kids Queensland SIDS and Kids Queensland publishes Enigma twice a year in support of individuals and families who have lost a baby or child regardless of the cause Our Mission Statement To reduce the rate of stillbirths, neonatal deaths and SIDS and to provide ongoing bereavement support to families who have experienced the death of a child, including sudden and unexpected deaths SIDS and Kids Queensland Management Committee President Michael Ward Vice President Michele Freemantle (Inaugural Life Member) Treasurer Mark Jones Secretary Carly Ashwood Member Professor Paul Colditz Member Michelle Pollitt SIDS and Kids Queensland Contact Details SIDS and Kids Queensland The Todd Freemantle Centre 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 PO Box 241 Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 Ph Fax 07 3849 7122 07 3849 7121 After Hours Bereavement Support Line 1800 628 648 Email Web [email protected] Publication Rights | Enigma SIDS and Kids Queensland’s policy is to provide a medium for communication between members and friends of SIDS and Kids Queensland. Opinions and views expressed in Enigma are not necessarily the opinion or view of SIDS and Kids Queensland, unless otherwise stated. Original Articles are welcomed. Editorial rights are reserved. No part of Enigma may be reproduced without appropriate prior permission. Acknowledgement of SIDS and Kids Queensland and/or the author is required. | Letters from Editors International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day Event Feature Article Feature Article Support Groups Precious Memories Your Story Christmas Article Donations in Loving Memory Celebrations Remembrance Dates 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 | After Hours Bereavement Support 1800 628 648 3 6 10 11 15 19 29 35 38 39 40 | enigma DECEMBER 2012 | 3 letters from the editors Welcome to our second 2012 edition of Enigma. To the new families reading this magazine for the first time, I am deeply sorry you have experienced the loss of your precious child and my heart goes out to you all. With the holiday season fast approaching, it may be an especially difficult time for some of you. Thoughtout the chaos and rushing about, may you find moments be still and unwind. I hope the Bereavement Service, along with this edition of Enigma will provide you some comfort and healing in the near future. It is my hope that this magazine will be as special to you all as it is to us. Dear families I cannot express with words just how privileged I feel to be involved in such a wonderful bereavement resource and to be invited into your lives. Myself and Kim are committed to continually improving both the bereavement service and Enigma so we welcome you to send us your feedback at any time. We are here to support you all. You will notice that we have started incorporating more articles and poems into Enigma. As well as being a place to share your stories, we would also like the magazine to be a place in which you can find hope, inspiration and practical advice. If you have any ideas on the type of articles you would like to see in upcoming editions please let us know. There are some other very special people that work tirelessly behind the scenes to assist us in creating Enigma and I would like to say a huge thank you to them all. Tiina Cook, a beautiful soul and our magazine designer along with her team at Strategy and Action Springwood, play a fundamental part. Tiina donates hours of her time and skill to ensure Enigma looks attractive and professional and the Strategy and Action team kindly donated all the lovely images you can see throughout the magazine. Enigma holds a special place in their hearts too. Without their support, Enigma may not exist as we know it today. To Tiina and her team - this magazine is a special part of the Bereavement Service and we cannot say a big enough thank you to you all for assisting us in both safeguarding and enhancing it! As Christmas is obviously a very difficult time for you all, our hope is that you are able to surround yourself in a peaceful, loving environment and to be gentle on yourself. Allow yourself to remember and celebrate your child in whatever way you feel is right for you and your family and to have hope for the future. Thank you to those of you would have joined our many 2012 bereavement events, groups, workshops and the Butterfly Kisses online group. It has been wonderful getting to know those of you in upper and regional Queensland. We look forward to seeing or ‘messaging’ you all in 2013. Remember our 1800 phone line runs over the holidays, so please do not hesitate to contact us anytime you need to you (ph; 1800 628 648). Welcome to our new edition of Enigma. The year is almost over and it has been an extremely busy one here at the SIDS and Kids office. We have been so blessed this year to have gotten to know some wonderful families through our events and support groups which has been very special to us. We have had some wonderful Bereavement events this year which you can read about in this issue and Esther and I are already thinking ahead to events for 2013. We would like to introduce our new Fundraising and Partnerships Manager Bec. Bec has only been with us for six months but her impact on SIDS and Kids has already been huge and she brings so much experience, enthusiasm and dogged determination to her role (as well as her kooky, fun personality). Welcome Bec! Much love Kim xx our team Have a safe and happy holidays. Wishing you peace, love and healing. Esther Elliott EDITORS: Kim Bell and Esther Elliott. DESIGNER: Tiina Cook. Esther Elliott Bec Byrnes Kim Bell COUNSELLOR, BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT SERVICES MANAGER FUNDRAISING AND PARTNERSHIPS MANAGER ADMINISTRATION COORDINATOR, CO-EDITOR OF ENIGMA MAGAZINE BSc (applied), PGradDipMLSc, GradDipGenCouns M.AC.A (2) A Life t oo Short With the birth of My first child A beautiful baby boy It was said that the gods had smiled My life now filled with joy A life that was so innocent A soul that was so pure An unconditional love Was ready to endure A life time of memories Were about to start Now all that is left An empty and crushed heart When my baby died My whole world fell apart For a long time I cried Emptiness still fills my heart. I’ll never see him smile, I’ll never see him walk, I’ll never hear him laugh, I’ll never hear him talk. Two unanswerable questions What if ? And Why ? What if I had done this ? Why did he die ? Sorrow and emptiness In my heart I now keep With no end in sight The pain is still too deep Time is said to heal the pain How much time is yet to be seen My baby boy who I cannot hold I’ll forever wonder what could have been ? Forever in my thoughts Forever in my heart Till we meet again Never again will we be apart Love Dad OO XX In Loving Memory Of My Son Corey William Anthony 26th April 1990 – 9th August 1990 Taken By SIDS 15 Weeks Rest In Peace | 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 | After Hours Bereavement Support 1800 628 648 | enigma DECEMBER 2012 | 5 international pregnancy and infant loss remembrance day REMEMBERING OUR CHILDREN - OCTOBER 15th 2012 In October 1988 US President Ronald Regan proclaimed October as National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month. From there this special day has evolved into an internationally celebrated month, marking the importance of remembering and celebrating the children who have passed too soon. Their goal is to break the silence around child loss to bring families together to support one another to and openly remember their children. October awareness month means a great deal to the Sids and Kids QLD Bereavement Service and we felt privilege to be able to host a special ceremony and to make take home gifts, to mark this day for our families (big thanks to Kim for her crafty work!) It was a beautiful sunny day out in the Memorial garden, the perfect day to remember everyone’s special Angels. Thank you to the families that came on the day or who welcomed us to include their precious child on their behalf. The release was a very beautiful and moving moment. The balloons sparkled in the sun as they travelled into the clouds and as some may say, all the way to heaven. We released a balloon in memory of all our families who couldn’t make it, so please know we were thinking of you all. We know the children felt our love and light that day and we hope to see many of you at next years Remembrance Day. We would like to thank Ally and the Mt Gravatt Spotlight for their generous donation of helium balloons. They looked stunning and meant so much to us and to our families this Remembrance Day - Counsellor Esther prayers for our babies, carried on the wind ROBYNA MAY MOTHER TO XAVIER, BORN INTO THE WORLD ON 24TH JUNE 2012, LEFT IT ON THE 7TH JULY 2012, PROBABLY SIDS. In Tibet, the tradition of hanging flags began more than 2000 years ago. At that time the country was ruled by war lords who carried their banners into battles. The native people, however, made their own flags to honour the nature gods of Bon, their shamanistic religion. They used colors of the five elements: blue for sky or space; white for air or clouds; red for fire; green for water and yellow for earth. They hung the flags over mountain passes and rivers to benefit all who would pass underneath. Today, prayer flags are still stamped with prayers and hung to let the wind carry their messages in Tibetan refugee villages. People around the world have adopted the custom of hanging prayer flags to commemorate special events and to transmit their blessings. The flags are intended to be strung up outside where the wind will disperse their messages. After some time the prayer flags will fade and fray symbolising the natural passing of all things. When that happens, the flags are to be burned to release the last of their prayers and then replaced by new flags that contain renewed wishes. Or new prayer flags are simply placed on to the top. Prayer flags used to be things that I saw outside Tibetan restaurants and never paid much mind to. I wasn’t particularly interested in their history and it was a little “new-age” for me. But like so many things, my perspective shifted about four months ago. Four months ago I didn’t know that babies could die. Not really. I’d heard tragedy on the news, and heard of a friend of a friend of a friend whose baby was born still thirty years ago. It was distant and unreal. I didn’t think it could touch anyone | 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 | I was close to. I certainly didn’t think it could touch me. And then it did. Our darling Xavier was taken from us at 2 weeks old. He fell asleep and did not wake up. My innocence has been shattered and my eyes have been opened. My heart has been broken and yet its capacity to love has increased. I have been introduced to the world of baby loss and been amazed at how many of us live here. How many carry their precious children in their hearts rather than their arms. I learned of Carly Marie Dudley and her amazing projects and I saw that there was a way to channel this immense grief into something of beauty, something that spoke of healing. This October, as part of pregnancy and infant loss awareness month, Carly asked those touched by baby loss to create a prayer flag in their baby’s honour. These flags, from bereaved parents around the world, were strung alongside one another during a ceremony on the 15th October. I made a flag for Xavier. Inspired by his innocence, the white lace I associate with babies and a gentler time and the butterflies that hold so much meaning for us as loss parents. As I stitched, a peace settled and I felt that I was doing something real. Something for him, Something for us. I couldn’t stop. I made six more flags. Each with words that speak to me - that remind me of what lies ahead and bring to him closer to my heart. Now those prayer flags are strung up on our verandah. They carry our whispered prayers to the wind, their tails flying. And in the morning, as I open the doors to greet the day, the ribbons gently wave to me and I know its Xavier’s new way to say “good morning”. Other mums within the SIDS & Kids community have made similarly healing flags. After Hours Bereavement Support 1800 628 648 | enigma DECEMBER 2012 | 7 healing through prayer flags MELANIE CALKIN, MOTHER TO ARIELLE I recently had the pleasure of attending the 3rd annual Luminous Light memorial ceremony. I have been trying to find the appropriate words to describe the event. Let me start with overwhelming, breathtaking, inspiring... I could go on. The event is organised and hosted my Carly Dudley and her amazing team of girls from Luminous Light. I feel blessed to have first met Carly at last years ceremony after a friend told me about it. She welcomed me with open arms into this new world of baby loss mummas. It had only been 3 mths since I lost my daughter Arielle and I was still deep in my grief. I found the event incredibly emotional and heartfelt. I knew instantly that I had found a safe place with this group of women. Over the past year I have formed some wonderful friendships with these ladies. They supported me through my grief, and encouraged me through my following pregnancy with my rainbow baby boy. Most of them I had not yet met in person as i had moved from WA to QLD. I was thrilled to be able to attend the 2012 ceremony to honour our babies and to meet my new found friends in person. I was instantly overwhelmed by the love I could feel in that room. The love of all the families present, and from all those who sent in prayer flags from near and far to honour their much loved and missed babies. All 4 walls were lined with the most incredible flags i have ever seen. The time and detail and love in each flag was inspiring. The ceremony began with some beautiful words spoken by Carly, and a stunning slide show she had created with images she had captured on Christian's Beach. We then proceeded outside for a magical balloon release. The next few hours were spent sharing stories of our babies with all the brave mums and dads that attended. Standing in that room it felt so important to take the time to look at every flag and read each babies name. It was hard, and there were lots of tears, but I am so grateful for the opportunity to be there and share the evening with so many incredible people. My heartfelt thanks go to Carly and Sam Dudley, their families and the ladies from Luminous Light for creating such a memorable evening. Thank you for all you do to support families around the world grieving the loss of their precious babies and children. gifts and memories Cherished Children’s Corner The Bereavement Services is very happy to announce our new CHERISHED CHILDRENS CORNER. This tribute has been lovingly created in memory of all our children. Every Friday we will light the candles and remember the precious ones we hold in our heart. Thank you for sharing your children with us, we are truly humbled. Beautiful Carly Marie Dudley and Sue Jordan have sent us sand from Christians Beach for our vial. We believe it brings the corner positive energy and love. Treasured Babies Boxes Our counsellor Esther has the pleasure of delivering donated gifts items to hospitals across Brisbane, Ipswich and the Gold Coast. The Treasured Babies Boxes are filled with beautiful knitted clothing and blankets, washers, naming certificates and teddies, all of which have been lovingly made and donated by our supporters. We also regularly donate knitted items to the coroner and funeral parlours. By offering these items, we hope to bring a little comfort and support to newly bereaved parents. Thank you again for your generous donations. Gift From the Bereavement Service The Bereavement Service is pleased to now be able to send a l gift out to each newly bereaved family. It is only a small gift but it is our way of saying “We are thinking of you”. We hope it brings comfort in some small way. | 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 | After Hours Bereavement Support 1800 628 648 | enigma DECEMBER 2012 | 9 afternoon delight CARLY MARIE DUDLEY AND SUE JORDAN AFTERNOON TEA IN THE GARDEN Two beautiful and amazing ladies came to visit us on the first of November for afternoon tea. What warm, inspirational and special people they are. There was much laugher, a lot of hugs as well as some tears that day but I think everyone came away feeling enriched by meeting Carly and Sue. Many of our SIDS and Kids families will already be familiar with Carly and Sue’s wonderful work but for those of you who aren’t... About 18 months after losing her angel baby Christian, Carly had a dream about Christian playing with his friends on the beach. The next day she went to the beach and drew a butterfly in the sand with Christians name underneath and photographed it. From that first butterfly she decided that she wanted to do the same for other bereaved families and that is exactly what she did and continues to do. From that dream Carly has gone on to do many other amazing things. To learn more about Carly and to see her beautiful photographs go to We consider Carly a special friend and a part of our SIDS and Kids family. Sue is a dear friend of Carly’s and also a very talented (and very funny), lovely lady. She makes amazing, beautiful jewelry for all occasions but is very well know for her bereavement jewelry. Sue has suffered the loss of her own angels and as such is very in tune to what other bereaved parents need. Sue has been a long time friend and supporter and we feel very lucky to also have her as part of our SIDS and Kids family. To see her wonderful work, go to http:// Carly gave a beautiful gift to everyone who attended as well as giving SIDS and Kids a gorgeous framed print. We feel so honored that both ladies took the time out of their busy schedules to come and visit us and have promised to come again. KIM BELL In 2007 our little boy died. He was a baby. Our second child. Our first son. He never took a breath of air from this earth. He lived only inside my womb. On the day of his birth we named him, we held him, we Bathed him, we sang to him, we whispered all our love to him and we said goodbye to him. One week later his little body was burned down to ashes and the hospital chaplain gave him back to his in a tiny box to take home forever. His name is Christian. Living without a piece of your heart is at times almost impossible. I had to find an outlet for my grief. And so I was called to the sea… Carly Marie Dudley the fine art of ‘balancing’ Balance. This is probably a word I use the most when speaking to bereaved families. When you think about it, the whole world revolves around all things being balanced. It is especially important to find balance in your grief and journey through life, after loss. We know it is important to allow yourself to express the emotions you feel inside, because they are all part and parcel of the ‘rollercoaster of grief and loss’ The trick however is identifying when you need to balance all those things with the demands of everyday life. This may include time out from sadness, anger, guilt, anxiety and denial, to name a few. Sometimes there is even a need to balance positive moments with acknowledging the sadness that sits your heart. The art of balancing your emotional and physical needs may sound complicated but it doesn’t have to be. Often it just requires slowing down, having time out and asking your self ‘how am I going right now”? You are the expert when it comes to finding the missing pieces you need to stabilise yourself again….you just need to listen to yourself carefully. Remember you are a person who deserves to have your needs, interests and dreams fulfilled. Expertise can take time to craft, so sharing how you’re going with others who care, can help the process along. Hope Hope is the bright shining light which keeps darkness at the bay Hope is the gentle cold breeze on a hot summer day Hope is to remain positive when it gets tough Hope is seeking more when others think of having enough Hope is dreaming of tomorrow Hope is simmering under sorrow Hope is sparkles when tears in our eyes Hope is a beautiful thing & beautiful things never dies Hope is as light as a feather Hope keeps all of us together Hope is ubiquitous and free of cost Hope is the last thing ever lost... POEM HUNTER.COM COUNSELLOR ESTHER | 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 | After Hours Bereavement Support 1800 628 648 | enigma DECEMBER 2012 | 11 support groups SIDS and Kids Queensland hold groups at our office in Mt Gravatt, and we also have groups at other locations including Gold Coast, Brisbane Northside and Sunshine Coast. For any enquiries please contact our office or the group facilitator listed. Remember everyone is welcome and we hope you can join us at any of our groups. GOLD COAST GROUP IPSWICH SUPPORT GROUP WHEN: WHERE: 1st Friday of the Month 10am-12 noon 12/10 Enterprise St, Molendinar WHEN: WHERE: Feb 1st May 3rd March 1st June 7th RSVP to Jan Bond Ph: 5568 0924 Held in a private room within the library. This group offers a safe and comfortable environment to share your story. Facilitate by a qualified counselor. Please contact us for more information or to RSVP by Tuesday prior. Phone: 3849 7122 NORTHSIDE SUPPORT GROUP Feb 7th May 14th Facilitator Jan Bond Facilitator Esther Elliott April 5th 1st Thursday of the Month 9.30am – 11.30pm Ipswich Library – 40 South Street Ipswich March 7th June 18th April 4th Facilitator Francis Borg 497122 RSVP to Esther Elliott Ph: 38497122 WHEN: WHERE: 3rd Tuesday of the Month 10am-12 noon 2/75 Dunsford Street, ZILLMERE RE Feb 12th May 14th March 12th April 16th June 18th RSVP to Francis Borg Ph: 3263 8586 CHERISHED MEMORIES CRAFT GROUP please keep an eye on facebook and our website for new workshops! Facilitator Esther Elliott & Kylie Darby WHEN: WHERE: 3rd Friday of the Month 10am-12 noon SIDS & Kids Office, 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt All materials provided free of charge and you create a beautiful scrapbooking page which is yours to keep. No experience necessary and children most welcome. Come along and be a part of this therapeutic and supportive group. Feb 15th May 17th March 15th April 19th June 21st For further information or to register your interest in attending, please contact us Please RSVP to Esther Ph: 38497122 butterfly kisses support group Our new online support group Butterfly Kisses has been a huge Success and we now have over 50 members from throughout Queensland. The group has enabled people who live in remote areas or are not in an area that has a support group to engage with other families who have lost their precious children. They are able to share their feelings and experiences as well as to support others in the group. If you would like to be part of this warm, supportive environment, please contact Kim or Esther 3849 7122 or [email protected] Butterf ly KIsses Support Group - bringing Queensland families together. assisting grief Thank you to the following individuals and companies who can offer exclusive services to our parents and families to remember their baby and child, and help them along their journey of grief. close to the heart names in the sand Sue Jordan specialises in personalised memorial jewellery. She helps to create a memory that is both a cathartic and therapeutic experience. A dream inspired me to visit the beach and write Christian’s name in the sand. Since that day in the winter of 2008 I have written over 10,400 children’s names in the sand. Capture poems, images, flowers, fingerprints or ashes in fine silver lockets, memory balls, keepsakes, or bracelets to keep close to the heart. It is a simple act that recognises a life. Christian’s sunset photograph has brought us much peace. It is framed next to photos of our beautiful girls and reminds anybody that we did have a son and that he is just as loved as our girls are. 5% of sales is donated to SIDS and Kids Queensland to assist in a range of bereavement support services. Visit my online seashore memorial on my website: yasminah’s gift of hope the Natural Candle Shop The Natural candle shop finds peace and fulfilment in delivering luxurious all natural and all made by hand candles & products that enhance the wellbeing and comfort of our customer's lives. All of our candles are hand produced, using only the best natural essential oils for fragrance, natural colours, pure cotton (Australian made) wicks and recycled glass for our container candles. Yasminah’s Journals are a very special keepsake that allows families to keep ultrasound images, photos, cot cards, arm bands, and foot and hand prints as a cherished keepsake of a precious life. We encourage families to write about their journey. Families can write down details and memories about their child to treasure forever. A Gift Of Hope. Brooke Taylor is an amazing, talented artist who has offered to provide a complimentary A4 size drawing for bereaved families of their child. Live butterfly’s for release Weddings and Funeral’s Anniversaries and romantic occasions Birthdays and parties All special occasions and events If you have lost a child (or grandchild etc) and you are interested in having a drawing done or would like to find out about Brookes other artwork, please contact Brooke at brookietaylor@ My wish list I wish that you would not be afraid to speak my loved ones name. They lived and are important and I need to hear their name. If I cry or get emotional when we talk about my loved one, I wish you knew it isn’t because you have hurt me, the fact that they died has caused my tears. If you allow me to cry, I thank you. Crying and emotional outpouring is healthy. I wish you wouldn’t let my loved one die again by removing their pictures, artwork or other remembrances from your home. I will have emotional highs and lows, ups and downs. I wish that you wouldn’t think that if I have a good day my grief is over, or that if I have a bad day that I need psychiatric counselling. I wish you knew that the death of a child is different from other losses and must be viewed differently. It is the ultimate tragedy and I wish you wouldn’t compare it to other losses. Being a bereaved parent isn’t contagious, so I wish you wouldn’t stay away from me. I wish you knew all these ‘crazy ‘grief reactions that I am having are in fact very normal. Depression, anger, frustration, hopelessness and the questioning of values and beliefs are to be expected following a death. I wish you could understand the physical reaction to grief. I may gain weight or loss weight, sleep all the time or not at all, develop a host of illnesses or be accident prone, all of which are related to my grief. Our loved ones birthday, the anniversary of their death and the holidays are terrible times for us. I wish you could tell us that you are thinking of them on these days. And if we get quiet and withdrawn, just know that we are thinking of them and don’t try to coerce us into being cheerful. I wish you wouldn’t offer to take me for out for a drink or to a party, this is just a temporary crutch and the only way I can get through this grief is to experience it. I have hurt before and I can heal. I wish you understood that grief changes people. I am not the same person I was before my loved one died and I never will be that person again. If you are waiting for me to ‘get back to my old self ‘you will stay frustrated. I am a new creature with new thoughts, dreams, aspirations, values and beliefs. Please get to know the new me... maybe you’ll still like me. AUTHOR UNKNOWN support groups work There are many misconceptions about what really goes on in a bereavement support group and given the fact that they may be conducted so differently, it is fair to say no group may be alike. What we do know however, is support groups can be very therapeutic tools for healing after the loss of a child. So why do they work you may ask. Well the truth is they bring people together who have a reciprocal need for acceptance, support and common understanding. It fits with our natural instincts to relate to others and seek knowledge from those more experienced. The key is to find a support group that you feel comfortable in. Coupling a professional Counsellor with open minded and caring peers in a facilitated group, provides the members with a safe and comfortable environment to let down their defenses and explore their grief. hopelessness… you may find the strength and friendship you gain from others and motivate you to press on each day. Sometimes the best way to work through your concerns is to say them out loud-share them with others and gain ideas about approaches that have worked for them. You may even find sharing your emotions and concerns with a group of people is more rewarding and comforting then you imagined. The Bereavement Service holds four groups across South East QLD, so please refer to the support groups time table if you are interested in attending a group. Whatever tools work for you, we hope you find something that brings you healing. COUNSELLOR ESTHER Being in a room with others who share your understanding of tragedy and loss, can combat the feeling of loneness, guilt and OUR PARENTS COMMENTS The grief of losing a child feels so lonely - we don't even have a word to describe our situation - to meet with others, and see your own pain mirrored in their experience, relieves that terrible loneliness. Sometimes a "me too" is the only thing you need to hear. "Being able to remember our precious Child & keep their memory alive & at the same time being in the company of other Mum's that truly understand what we are all going through." "Grief is a terribly lonely thing. Being part of a support group helps the loneliness to ease a bit and enables us to find a small amount of comfort despite our overwhelming grief. Losing a child is something that no one can truly understand unless they have been in the same situation. This can be a big problem when all your friends and family don't really understand your grief or what you are currently going through. That is why support groups are such an invaluable resource for grieving parents. Being able to talk about those awful and little known things that happen to you in grief is so important, it helps you know that you are normal and you aren't actually going crazy." KYLIE DARBEY KIRSTIE SHAW If you don't feel like talking, you still know you are not alone in this journey At a time when nobody can do or say anything to make life seem fair, nobody can turn back the clock and nobody can bring my precious son back to me; the comfort of the company and arms of the bereaved mums and counsellors from the Cherished Memories group have kept me going. Having people who listen with a knowing heart is so powerful. These women; strangers, now friends in grief and life will always have a special place in my heart and my life. I can not do justice with words the benefits that this very special group brings to me. ROBYNA MAY KAREN RIVERS “You may have your good days and you may have your bad days but remember you little Angel is there saying its going to be ok.. That is what keeps me going.” BEC KELEHER JULIANNE ESLER | 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 | After Hours Bereavement Support 1800 628 648 | enigma DECEMBER 2012 | 15 what cherished memories support group means to me... I have attended the cherished memories group almost every month for the past 5 ½ years, after my 1st child, my Beautiful Baby Girl Hayley passed away in hospital at just 13 days. To put into words how much this group has helped me is so incredibly hard. When I lost Hayley it felt like my whole world had ended & in a sense it had. I just wanted to talk to other parents that had been through what we were going through. In coming to the group, I have made some beautiful friends…friends that truly understand what you are going through. Friends that you don’t have to explain to if you’re having a bad day or your burst into tears for no reason. We just get it!!! Each month we alternate our group slightly. The first month we all Scrapbook a beautiful page for our Child’s photo’s & the second month is a therapeutic talking group. For me my favourite part about Scrapbooking is being able to create a beautiful page for her precious photos. It helps me to feel closer to her & keep her memory alive & it will always be my ‘Mother & Daughter’ time with her. This has been without a doubt the best therapy for me, since losing her. I had never been a crafty person before attending this group, but I very soon became addicted to it. If I was having a bad day I could just sit & make her something… sometimes it would take me all day, but it didn’t matter because the feeling that I got at the end, once I put her photos on the finished page was so heart warming. I miss her so very much & wish with all my heart that things had been different. She changed my life forever! This year I have not only attended the group as Hayley’s Mum, but I have also had the honour of helping coordinate the group as a peer supporter, together with Kylie J & Esther. I have loved designing the pages & look forward to many more beautiful pages next year. Remembering all our precious children gone to soon ♥ KYLIE D Cherished Memories Support Group “The group has been bringing comfort and support to its members for around 6 years. Kylie D and Kylie J produce beautiful scrapbooking page designs, which are brought to life over therapeutic discussion and morning tea. The group alternates from scrapbooking one month to morning tea discussions the next. My role is to ensure the environment is relaxed, supportive and safe for all our parents and their children. This is a very special group which is built on common understanding, laughter , tears and friendship. New members are always welcome and the materials are offered free of charge from the generous support from the Lord Mayor’s Fund.” - COUNSELLOR ESTHER PLEASE RSVP ON PH: 3849 7122. support groups and why i go... I have been attending Support Groups at SIDS and Kids since 2006. It was around 15 months after my 1st son Jack passed away that I began coming to the monthly Coffee Morning Support Group. I had read a book over the Christmas break called “Life After Loss” by Bob Deits and it talked about support groups and their benefits. I remember reading it and thinking that it was something I wanted to do when I returned from the break. For me the group was about connecting with other families who had also experienced a loss and just to talk to them, touch them, sit with them, look at them, listen to them, and just be with them. With people like me… I had spent every day of that 15 months feeling like I did not fit with my some of my friends and family anymore, as they did not understand. They did not know what it was like. I knew they were sad too, but not like me… The only person who really understood was my husband… And after around 12 months, the differences between men and women eventually came through and our need to talk about Jack was on different levels. I still wanted, and needed to talk about him daily, but my husband did not. I had relied heavily him to talk about Jack until this time, but it became clear to me I had to get support and ‘air-time’ elsewhere… I will never forget the first group I went to… I drove to the building on Creek Road and my hands were shaking, and my palms sweaty. I did not know what I’d find inside and I was very anxious and nervous. I walked in and was greeted by other Mums who were very friendly and gentle with me. I think I had something written all over my face which told them it was my first time! I found myself sitting beside a Mum who had a premature baby and then he’d passed away (just like me). I couldn’t believe how similar our situations were and I was so very grateful to have sat beside her. The photos of her premature baby were just like mine – confronting, gorgeous, heartbreaking, alarming and precious all at the same time. She did not judge my pictures or even flinch when I showed them to her... She understood and offered me total acceptance - and that was just what I needed! At the time she was around 5 or 6 years down the track in her grief journey and I couldn’t believe how ‘normal’ she was. I sat there in two minds… Feeling like I was still in such a different place to her emotionally, and at the same time, I longed to be in a ‘space’ like she was and be able to conduct myself in a ‘normal’ way again. There were around 10 Mums there that day and they each had a different story, all incredibly sad, but I found great comfort in hearing their stories, and being with them. I think to a non-bereaved parent, it would sound absurd that you’d take comfort in someone else’s loss, but when you are bereaved yourself, you do take comfort and support from each other. Attending Support Groups gives me the ability to remember Jack, talk about him, say his name, acknowledge his existence, and ultimately keep his memory alive. The comfort I get from other Mums is endless, and I’d like to think they get it from me too! Just knowing they have experienced a similar loss enables you to take comfort in them, and them in you… It is reciprocal – they get as much from you as you do from them… In the early days the Support Groups were very emotionally draining for me, but still worth it and many a group continued on the footpath as we had so much to share with each other. The opportunity to talk about Jack was, and still is precious and one I do not pass up easily! - KYLIE JONES (JACKS MUM) memory plaques For families who do not yet know about our wall plaques, we are happy to offer to have a plaque made for your child to put on our Memorial Wall free of charge. If you would like us to order you a plaque please contact Kim at [email protected] or on 3849 7122 You are also able to purchase a plaque for your home for your angel child at a cost of $11.50. They would also be lovely for your other children for their rooms or anywhere you would like to have it. | 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 | After Hours Bereavement Support 1800 628 648 | enigma DECEMBER 2012 | 17 precious memories and your stories SIDS and Kids Queensland welcomes your contributions to be included in our Enigma Publication. This can be in memory of your child’s birthday or anniversary. It can be a poem, your child’s story or any other piece you may like to include. The next Edition of Enigma will be published in April 2013. If you would like to have your Precious Memories or Your Story included in the next issue please complete the details below. Alternatively please email your submission to [email protected]. You can include photos or pictures so please send them with your Precious Memories by no later than 13 March 2013. If contributions are received after the closing date we cannot guarantee your story will be published. IMPORTANT NOTICE - COPYRIGHT We understand the importance of including poems and remembering your children and we wish to continue to include these in our publication. To protect copyright, would you please ensure that any poems submitted to SIDS and Kids Queensland do not infringe on any copyright laws, by please ensuring that any poem submitted, whether an actual poem or an adapted poem, has the permission of the author. The name of the author is to be included at the end of the poem where known, or author’s name and adapted by, or author unknown where the originator of the poem is not known. No stories or images from this magazine are to be copied or reproduced without parental consent. Would you like any donations you have made to be published in ‘Donations in Loving Memory’ in the next Enigma? YES NO Would you like your child remembered in the Birthdates? Would you like your child remembered in the Anniversaries? YES YES NO NO Child’s Name:_____________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth:_____________________________Date of Death:_____________________________________ I hereby give consent to have my child’s Precious Memories or Your Story and/or Donation in Loving Memory published in SIDS and Kids Queensland Engima. I am aware that this magazine is publicly accessible online. Name:______________________________________Signature:_____________________________________ Daytime Contact Number:______________________________________ Please return your contribution via email to [email protected] precious memories The Ment ion of My Child’s Name The mention of my child’s name may bring tears to my eyes, but it never fails to bring music to my ears. If you are really my friend, let me hear the beautiful music of his name. It soothes my broken heart and sings to my soul. AUTHOR UNKNOWN. THE FOLLOWING PAGES ARE DEDICATIONS TO THE PRECIOUS BABIES AND CHILDREN WHO HAVE PASSED AWAY. richard james west & kacee michelle price in memory of 2 precious grandchildren, Richard James West, & Kacee Michelle Price... I didn't have the pleasure of knowing Richard & only had Kacee for a short time, but I will love you both with all of my heart for all of my life... FROM NANNY PRICE ……………………………………………………………………… A butterf ly lights beside us like a sunbeam, and for a brief moment its glory and beauty belong to our world: but then It flies again. And thought we wish it could have stayed, we feel so lucky to have seen it. AUTHOR UNKNOWN hayley alana darbey 19TH MAY 2007 - 1ST JUNE 2007 I can’t believe it has almost been 5 ½ years since we had to say goodbye to you. It breaks my heart when I realise it has been that long since we last held you in our arms & gave you kisses & cuddles. I miss you so much it hurts. I wish that things had been different & that you could have stayed with us. You changed our lives forever baby girl & I am so grateful for the 13 precious days that we had with you. You are about to be a big sister again too!!! Mummy is having your new baby brother on the 5th of November if he doesn’t decide to come earlier. I wish that you were here to meet him, but I know that you will be watching down from heaven. I know that you & your 3 brothers would get up to so much mischief together. We love you so much Hayley & will forever. You will always be my baby girl & I will never forget every precious moment that I shared with you. Love you always, MUMMY, DADDY, HAYDEN, HAMISH & YOUR NEW BABY BROTHER LINCOLN Xoxoxoxoxox | 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 | After Hours Bereavement Support 1800 628 648 | enigma DECEMBER 2012 | 21 keegan rhys hardy 28TH NOVEMBER 2002 - 9TH MARCH 2003 Our precious son, soon you would be ten Ten long years we’ve had you, ten long years we’ve missed you Your brother is a constant reminder of how precious you are And how we miss you so Some days are longer as milestones are met And triggers remind us of events you won’t get Nippers, rugby, school and more Not a day goes by that we don’t wish for more…. I feel, ne. Our precious Keegan Rhys Always in our hearts Loving you always MUMMY, DADDY, LINCOLN, YOUR TWIN BAYDEN AND EMERSEN XOX One can never forget the hearts you touched, One can never forget your beautiful eyes One can never forget your were so different to your twin brother Bayden in every way We can only imagine what you would be like now! Would you strive to do your best then have days where you would be a pest!! Or a torment! Would you be like Lincoln your big brother and be able to fix anything and make it see like a breeze! Where others wouldn’t touch it, just freeze! Would you like Rugby, Nippers, Swimming and School And always play by the rules? Would you adore your little sister Emerson and play with her like Bayden does? None of this we will ever know as you weren’t left here to grow We just imagine what you would be like and think of our beautiful baby grandson whom we could never forget as you are impacted in our hearts for eternity. LOVED AND ADORED NANNY AND GRANDAD MCDONNELL A million times I’ve missed you, a million times I’ve cried. If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died. To some you are forgotten, to others just part of the past; but to me who loved and lost you, your love will always last. It broke my heart to lose you, you didn’t go alone, for my life went with you -sweetheart- the day angels called you home. For things on earth didn’t matter, but now I feel so alone, My heart will always be broken, my life will never be whole. We might be parted for a while, our hearts will always be together for one day soon we will hold hands again forever. UNKNOWN I thought of you and closed my eyes, And prayed to God today. I asked what makes a Mother, And I know I heard him say: A mother has a baby, This we know is true. But, God, can you be a mother, When your baby's not with you? Yes, you can he replied, With confidence in his voice. I give many women babies, When they leave is not their choice. Some I send for a lifetime, And others for a day. And some I send to feel your womb, But there’s no need to stay. I just don't understand this God, I want my baby here. He took a breath and cleared his throat, And then I saw a tear. I wish that I could show you, What your child is doing today, If you could see your child smile, With other children who say: We go to earth and learn our lessons, Of love and life and fear. My mommy loved me oh so much, I got to come straight here. I feel so lucky to have a mom, Who had so much love for me. I learned my lessons very quickly, My mommy set me free. I miss my mommy oh so much, But I visit her each day. When she goes to sleep, On her pillow's where I lay. I stroke her hair and kiss her cheek, And whisper in her ear. "Mommy don't be sad today, I'm your baby and I'm here." So you see my dear sweet one, Your children are Ok. Your babies are here in My home, They'll be at heaven’s gate for you. So now you see what makes a mother. It's the feeling in your heart. It's the love you had so much of, Right from the very start. Though some on earth may not realize you are a mother, until their time is done. They'll be up here with Me one day, And you'll know that you're the best one! AUTHOR UNKNOWN yasminah ann aziz 19TH MAY 2007 - 1ST JUNE 2007 To my dear daughter Yasminah, Today I feel your love all around me. The heavens are even sending their love to earth. It has been pouring with rain for 2 whole days. You know how much I love the rain as it always reminds me of you. It was raining when you were born and when your service begun the day we said goodbye. I like to think its your way of letting me know that you are proud of everything I do in your memory and you are showering us with your love. You always manage to bring a smile to my face, when just the mention of visiting you at the cemetery brings tears from the skies. anything in my life as they are brought us sunshine, happiness and joy after so much heartache. It still pains me that Aisha and Aaliyah don't have their big sister here, but I am glad they have each other and thankful we had twins. Daddy always says that God took you away but gave us back two. Definitely double the love and joy. It is amazing we even conceived another baby after everything daddy and I have been through, let alone twins! They are our miracle. Thank you beautiful girl for watching over your sisters and keeping them safe despite their early entrance to the world. How I miss you and wish every day that we could have you here with us. I wonder what it would be like for Zach to have his special little baby butterfly. I watched him play with a child your age and they had so much fun! He talks about you and mentions you when he spots a butterfly. He is always getting me to open my locket with your photo, footprints and lock of your beautiful dark curly hair and he likes me to keep it open, he even gets angry with me if I close it. You are very much a part of our family even though you are not physically with us. We speak your name everyday. You will forever be his Minah. I knew right from the start that you were special, but I never knew how much you would change my life and make me grow as a person. I wonder what it is like in heaven. I believe in it, I have to, I have to believe that there is a place where you are happy and that we did not lose you, that we will meet again... one day YASMINAH I LOVE YOU, ALWAYS AND FOREVER MUMMY X X X X X X Your little sisters Aisha and Aaliyah are an amazing gift of love and hope. I often think how they might not be here if we had not lost you. As much as I want you here I wouldn't change | 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 | After Hours Bereavement Support 1800 628 648 | enigma DECEMBER 2012 | 23 lachlan shaw To my dear darling son, Where can I begin to tell you how much I miss you? How can I possibly tell you how much I love you? I am desperately holding on the hope that you know how much I love you and miss you. To think otherwise is just unbearable to me. This past year has been the hardest year of my life. Learning to live without you is one of the hardest things your mummy & daddy have ever done. This is not the life I wanted for us my darling, I would give anything to hold you in my arms again. I try so hard to see you look up at me with eyes filled with love and to see you smile in my head. In my head I have held you so many times, I have lovingly taken off your little suit and given you a bath and cared for you the way I so desperately wish I could. In my dreams I have watched you playing with your friends in Heaven. In my dreams I have seen you grow and do all the milestones I wish I could watch you do here on earth. In my dreams I see you play with your big brother. Sometimes I wonder if you are here, I feel you watching us, I felt you give me a kiss on the cheek the other night. In that place, just before I fall into a slumber, when I am not quite awake but not quite asleep, I see you and feel you. Not a single day has gone by in the last year that I have not thought about you. I think about you all the time my little boy. My little boy who I miss so much. I wonder if you would have been walking by now? I wonder if you would look like your brother? I wonder what you would look like and I wonder what eye colour you would have, would you have brown eyes like your brother? Or would they have stayed blue like mummy's? I know your hands and feet were exactly like mine, you had my nose, my eyes and my chin. You had daddy's little ears. You were the image of your big brother when you were born, but I always wonder if you would have stayed that way or turned out to look more like your daddy? I wonder if you and your brother would have been the best of friends, I know that you hang around him a lot, I can see it when he knows you are there. It gives me great comfort to know that you are such a wonderful little brother who looks out for his big brother, but I still wish that you were here and KJ was looking out for you, that is the way I always wanted it to be my darling. I wanted to look after you, but instead I find myself having to cope with the fact that you will be looking over us and looking after us. I desperately wish you were celebrating your birthday with us. I wish we could have a party full of laughter and fun and presents. I wish we could have a big happy cake and lots of balloons and love. We will still have a cake for you my darling, but it will be an angel cake. Instead of presents, we will send you up some butterflies to play with. I'm sure you will be having a big celebration in Heaven with all of our friends and family who are no longer with us. I really hope that you have found the angels of the friends who I have met here on earth. You have bought me so many wonderful new friends with angel babies, thank you for sending them to me to help me get through this life without you and to help me find my way. It's just another way that I know you are always looking out for me. I still wish that I could look after you though my darling, it is always a mother's wish to look after and care for her children. It is a primal need that is engraved on every mother’s heart. It goes against my whole being to fight that urge of needing to care for you. I try to find other ways to care for you instead, as I can't have you here with me. I spend a lot of time scrapbooking, I am sure you have seen me at my table for many a night after everyone has gone to bed, madly trying to create pages of memories for you. Either that or you have seen me making angel frames for my friend’s angel babies. These are the ways that I spend time with you, for every second I am doing them I am thinking of you. Although a year has passed, the pain hasn't eased; I think I have just learnt to live around it. Although you aren't here with us and your life was so short, you have left a legacy that could never be taught my darling son. You have taught me so much about myself, about others and about life. Some things have been hard to learn but others a pleasure to discover. It’s been lovely to witness the other people whose lives you have touched so deeply, you have left your footprints on this world baby, even though you only had tiny little feet. It’s so hard to believe it's been a year, it seems to have gone by so quickly and yet also seems like a lifetime ago. We will never stop missing you and we will love you to our dying day and beyond. As long as we are alive, your memory will live too, we will never forget you my special little boy. Wishing you a Happy 1st Heavenly Birthday and Angelversary Lachlan, sending you lots of love and kisses. WE WILL NEVER EVER FORGET YOU DARLING BOY XXOO rorrie william forrester bailey To our dear baby bubba, still missing you heaps and holding on to each and every memory. Christmas is coming and it would have been your 3rd. We’ll put up the angel and your special ornaments and wish you were here with us. So much has happened since last Christmas, some things never change and some stay the same and I wish and hope and pray that things were different. I want you here with us and every where we go. I picture you nicely bathed and in your jammies watching cartoons with us and showing you the beach in your little swimmers and the excitement of the water on our feet, the look of happiness and wonderment on your face, to watch you go to sleep at night after reading you a fairy tale. But life isn’t a fairy tale and there aren’t always happy endings – we know. We will still talk and think about you as always and hold you in our hearts. Love you Rorrie always and forever. Xoxoxox Hi Baby boy I guess you know who this is from. It’s coming up to Christmas and we think of you and miss you lots. MEGAN FORRESTER Rorrie was so cute, if you looked at him you knew he would be the only one, his hair was cool and the way he was dressed. Everyone liked and loved him but for some reason he died. It was very said for everyone he loved and he will be dearly missed. Hopefully he will be looked after in the new place he lives. At his funeral everyone had to say goodbye to little Rorrie. I hope you know that Rorrie will be very happy in the new place he lives. Dearly loved xoxoxoxo FROM YOUR COUSIN ZOE Your time on earth was far too short. You arrived the weekend of my birthday, surely the best present I could ever get. I had started to dream of the day we’d meet and future meetings and outings as uncle and nephew, but sadly this will never happen. So much hope and so many expectations on such small shoulders, now gone so tragically! You taught me to make the most of every precious moment as things can change so suddenly. Farewell little man MUCH LOVE, UNCLE JASON XX | 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 | Loving you always and forever YOUR DADDY XXXXXXX Rorrie, our grandson, our nephew, our cousin Rorrie left us too soon, for a reason no one will ever really know. Rorrie holds a special place in our hearts and we talk about him all the time. His three year old triplet cousins can’t really understand why Rorrie is no longer with us bit it is heartwarming listening to them discuss their thoughts about him. From the mouths of babes – “Rorrie lives in the garden with all of his best friends”, “I’m going to take my toys to the garden for Rorrie to play with, he will love my baby puppy toy”, “There are two Rorrie’s, one is Rorrie the racing car and one is our Rorrie”. Rorrie’s flame will forever shine brightly in our hearts and in our home. R– O– R– R– I– is for always remembering you is for our love for you is for the rainbow that appears when we think of you is for the little rascal we know you would have been is for imagining what you would have been like when you were older E – is for embracing everything we love and never letting go! Including you ...RORRIE After Hours Bereavement Support 1800 628 648 | enigma DECEMBER 2012 | 25 maddison suzanne erwin 25TH NOVEMBER 2004 BEAM ME UP - PINK - TRUTH ABOUT LOVE There's a whole 'nother conversation going on In a parallel universe. Where nothing breaks and nothing hurts. There's a waltz playing frozen in time Blades of grass on tiny bare feet I look at you and you're looking at me. Could you beam me up, Give me a minute, I don't know what I'd say in it I'd probably just stare, happy just to be there, holding your face Beam me up, Let me be lighter, I'm tired of being a fighter, I think, a minute's enough, Just beam me up. Some black birds soaring in the sky, Barely a breath I caught one last sight Tell me that was you, saying goodbye, There are times I feel the shiver and cold, It only happens when I'm on my own, That's how you tell me, I'm not alone Could you beam me up, (Chorus) In my head, I see your baby blues I hear your voice and I, I break in two and now there's One of me, with you Only a few weeks till your 8th birthday. The years just keep rolling by seemingly faster and faster, further and further away from the time I held you in my arms. We purchased Pink's new album the other day and on it is this song Beam Me Up. It instantly made me think of you, how I would love to see you one more time, even if it was only for a minute. Another minute of memories would be something to cherish. Happy 8th birthday my forever baby girl. Lots of love MUMMY, DADDY, HAMISH AND MATILDA XOXOX So when I need you can I send you a sign I'll burn a candle and turn off the lights I'll pick a star and watch you shine Just beam me up, Give me a minute, I don't know what I'd say in it (Chorus) Could you beam me up. alexander john turner 18TH OCTOBER 2010 - 16TH FEBRUARY 2011 To Our Darling Boy, Happy 2nd Birthday We can’t believe its already your second birthday. We often wonder what you would look like, sound like and how cheeky you would be running around with you brother, sister and cousins. For your birthday we sent blue and white balloons for you to catch with messages from Mummy, Daddy, Ruby, Poppy, Nanny, and Aunty Holly. I also made you a chocolate cake with Thomas the tank engine on it. It was a quiet day spent mostly thinking about you. Mummy and Daddy also celebrated being married for one year but it was so hard to celebrate without you there. As you know mummy has a little Rainbow baby growing inside her tummy. We know you are watching over your new little baby brother or sister and we feel you with us often. The day we found out we were expecting was also the day we went and saw Charmaine Wilson and mummy and daddy knew it was a sign. It was so good to hear from you and know you are still as cheeky as the day you left. We miss you with every breath we take and someday still cant believe your not here to spend it with us. FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS ALWAYS ON OUR MINDS He was so very, very special And was so from the start We held you in our arms but mainly in our hearts And like a single drop of rain That on still water falls, His life did ripples make and touched the lives of all. He's gone to play with angels | 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 In Heaven up above So we keep our special memories And treasure them with love Although our darling son, was with us just awhile He'll live on in our hearts with a sweet remembered smile.... LOVE MUMMY AND DADDY XX | After Hours Bereavement Support 1800 628 648 | enigma DECEMBER 2012 | 27 The Ment ion of My Child’s Name The mention of my child’s name may bring tears to my eyes, But it never fails to bring music to my ears. If you are really my friend, let me hear the beautiful music of his name. It soothes my broken heart, and sings to my soul. UNKNOWN your story | 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 | After Hours Bereavement Support 1800 628 648 | enigma DECEMBER 2012 | 29 noah’s story Where to begin... I am 35 and have wanted to be a mum since i can remember. After being in a relationship with Noahs father for 5 years we decided to 'try'. It took about 6 months before Noah was conceived. My pregnancy was great and seemed so very normal! Everyone was so excited and looking forward to his arrival! At 27 weeks I was having a relatively average day - a little tired and swollen feet - but nothing unusual... Then at approx 9pm I developed sudden and severe abdominal pain. I immediately rang the hospital and was told to come in. I was rushed from Caboolture Hospital to RBWH 5 hours later in an ambulance.... Noah Craig was delivered via emergency c-section at 0537hrs weighing 1030grams and 40.3 cm long! His apgar was 0 at birth as my placenta had completely torn away by this stage... very rare (only about o.1% of the world’s population have a complete abruption). I lay on the operating table and watched as the very efficient staff resuscitated my little guy then he was whisked off to NICU. I was on the operating table for another 2 hours as i continued to bleed out and came close to death myself. Noah spent six days in NICU and each and every day was a blessing as he struggled to fight for his life - such a brave and strong little man! And all the time he received the very best of care! His brain damage from the lack of oxygen at birth was so severe that on the 6th day he began to have 'rolling seizures'. It was very hard to sit and watch him suffer. The specialist explained that they were doing everything possible but we were losing the fight... Noah's life support was stopped and his tubes removed as i held him close. His heart continued to beat for 45 minutes! He was still trying... I took him home with me for the night as I wanted him to at least spend a night in his real home. This was the best night of my life... I showed him his nursery and toys. I danced with him and read to him. We cuddled all night in our bed. The next day the funeral home man came and took him away. The numbness set in... Since then I have been through the most difficult year of my life... As any parent who has lost a child would know. The grief journey has been hard but it has also come with a lot of positives. I have learnt a lot about myself thanks to Noah. Now I appreciate each & every day of my life, despite Noah not being here with me physically. And I am more compassionate and understanding. I have and will continue to dedicate much of my time raising funds for the NICU at RBWH as the work they do there is the very best! And the bubs deserve the best chance they can get – and I believe this is the place where miracles can and will happen! ANGELA PERRY (NOAH’S MUMMY) arielle emma calkin 23 JULY 2011 Words from a Dad…. On the 23rd of July 2011 we got to meet our baby girl who was born still, that day will always remain in my memory as a very special day. Though I may not speak of that day or our daughter as much as my wife I still have my own way to honour my daughter. She will always be missed and my love for her will always be strong. Arielle was 36weeks when the realisation set in that she hadn’t moved in some time, this was confirmed by an ultrasound. This moment still remains quite clear even though it was such a mix of emotions and thoughts. I think the shock is such a state that as a male you feel hopeless that something is out of your control. Arielle was born 1 day after my wife’s 31st Birthday and 2 days after we got that life changing news. In some ways we consider ourselves thankful that we had these 2 days to grieve and make some of the harder descisions before we met her. From the beginning we had decided that we owed it to Arielle to give her the best we could in her honour and that is excatly what we did. My wife was amazing and we made sure that as a family we included our children Addison (boy) 6 and Arabella (girl) 5 who were also amazing despite what we had happened. At just over a year, 14 months, since this happened we still talk about Arielle and all deal with our greif in our own way. I found that I tend to think most about her when I have time to myself, driving and listening to music like Coldplay or Adele. Since losing Arielle we have had a liitle Rainbow baby Boy, Blake Riley who was due to be born on Arielles birthday however we brought him into the world on the 16th of July 2012. When he is old enough we will share our story with him and tell him about the precious girl that is now a shining star. We deal with grief and loss in our own way and time, even though as a male I may look ok I haven’t forgotten our Baby girl. In time choose to laugh,enjoy life and family…by no means does this mean that you have forgotten your journey and the precious child that is here in memory. XX IN MEMORY OF ARIELLE EMMA CALKIN | 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 | After Hours Bereavement Support 1800 628 648 | enigma DECEMBER 2012 | 31 nicole’s story Hi my name is Nicole, I'm not sure where to start or even if my story will finish. Baby Marnie was born on the 24th of May and passed away on the 25th May. This is the start of my story, Marnie was due on the 1st of June. My husband was booked in for major back surgery on the 28th of May. As we have no family where we live, I asked my doctor if I would be able to get indued before the Friday so i didn't have to worry about going into labour without my husband. The doctor said because she was a healthy size and I was carring extra fluid their would be no problems. My mother said that she would be here on Sunday the 27th of May and would be able to help me with the baby and my 4 other children. The hospital told my to come in on Thurday the 24th of May to start the induction, I arrive to the hospital about 7.30am the doctor said sorry that the birth suite were all full, so they said they would strip my cervix and to ring again on Friday morning. By midday I started to have regular contractions about 10 minutes apart, I rang them and they start to come in to get checked. My husband and I arrive and by then the pain was pretty painfully felling alot of pain in my hips. A nurse entered in and said would you like anything for the pain I said yes that I would. Next thing 2 nurses walked in and asked me what I was allergic to I said that I was allergic to Morphine and Maxalon (sorry for the spelling). They handed my 2 tablets and said take this and go home(they were called Endone). By the time that we walked down to the car I started to fell unwell and really cold my husband asked me if I wanted to go back up I said no as I felt that they were just trying to get me out of there. My husband took me around to his brothers house so I could have a hot bath. I can remember being so cold like I was in the snow, my sister in-law keept coming in to check on me, she noticed that my face was red and called my husband in. My husband said that my face and upper torso was red and but I was still feeling cold, also that I was having trouble seeing. I managed to get out of the bath and put my pj on and sat on the couch, my sister in-law said that she would time my contractions they started at 7 minutes apart and all of a sudden they were 2 minutes apart. My sister in-law rang the hospital to say that I was on my way in. It took my husband, brother in-law and sister in-law to get me in the car I was in that much pain. We arrived in birth suites and I said to my husband that I was going to pass out and as I said that I fell to the floor, because my husband had a back injury he couldn't pick me up, he was yelling out for help and couldn't find anyone. Finally 2 nurses came running and helped me in to a room I was sceaming out in pain and just wanted pain relief. When they assess me my pulse was 122bpm and a temp of 40, they gave me pethidine for pain relief. I can not remember alot from then on. Marnie was born at 8.35pm on Thursday 24th of May. Marnie had a heart beat but was unable to breath she was transferred to the resus table they placed her on the ventilation machine. The doctors and nurse said that Marnie had no brain function and that she was no going to make it. In the meanwhile I was taken into the OT to remove the placenta not to sure what happened in the OT but in ended up in ICU fighting for my life. On Friday morning after I was stuble my husband said the Marnie was not going to make it and they said that we should take her off the ventilation machine and let her go. The Nurses moved me into a small room so they would be able to bring Marnie into me so I could see her and be able to hold her. When they brought Marnie into me she looked so beautiful I was just waiting for her to open her eyes but that never happened, they removed her tubes and she passed away in my hands. The police said that they have to do a complete inquest into her death. My husband and I are sure that Marnie died because of the medication I was given before her birth. This is just the start of my story. MARNIE’S MUMMY xavier’s story for isaac My name is Isaac. I have a little brother called Xavier. Xavier grew inside my mummy for 8 months and then he was born. He was supposed to inside for 9 months. That’s okay, when I was a baby I came one month early too. When Xavier was born everyone was very happy. We had lots of visitors and Xavier got lots of presents. I got lots of presents too. But the best present was Xavier – my little brother. Xavier didn’t do much – he slept a lot, cried a little and was held by Mummy and Daddy most of the time. But I liked to hold him, and touch his forehead and kiss his soft head. When Xavier was just 13 days old he stopped breathing. Mummy, Daddy and the doctors tried to help Xavier breathe again but they couldn’t. Sometimes very little babies forget to breathe. This is what happened to Xavier. It doesn’t happen to big boys like me. Xavier is in heaven now. Xavier is an angel and he is looking after me, my Mummy and Daddy and all of my family. We have some special things to remember Xavier by. Mummy has some charms on a bracelet and a necklace. I have a special necklace with a puzzle piece – Xavier has the other piece of the puzzle. We have lots of photos of Xavier. I have a family of toy owls – a Mummy one, a Daddy one, an Isaac super-hero one and an Xavier one with wings. When we see the sunshine, we think of Xavier. Xavier is my little brother and he will always be my little brother. I miss him but it helps to kknow he now that h no e is still stitlll here her ee– just in a different way to before. WE ALL LOVE YOU, BABY XAVIER. We had a special celebration to remember Xavier. I let some balloons go up into the sky. I think the balloons went all the way up to heaven for Xavier to play with. Mummy and Daddy say it’s okay to feel sad or angry or happy or upset when I think about Xavier. I can’t touch and play with Xavier but I can talk to him and think about him. When Xavier died at just two weeks old, I found myself struggling with i what to tell my three year old. Isaac was just as excited about meeting Xavier as we were. He is such a proud big brother. People tell you in you grief “at least you have your other son”. But we didnt gain Isaac in this tragedy, and a part of his life has also been ripped away. I wanted to help him understand what happened. I wrote this for him, for our family and to honour Xavier as Isaac’s little brother. Forever. | 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 | After Hours Bereavement Support 1800 628 648 | enigma DECEMBER 2012 | 33 oliver’s story Oliver died at exactly eight weeks old. He was my second born child out of now seven pregnancies. He was an amazing little boy, my dream come true. In eight weeks, he hardly left my chest; he died listening to my heartbeat. He was the only one out of four I successfully breastfed. I always wanted a boy; we were so in love with each other. When he was born, for the first time in my life I finally let myself believe that everything was finally going to be OK. I was wrong. I grew up in a world of poverty, alcohol abuse and violence until the age of 13. I worked very hard to get out of my situation and grow a career for myself so I could stand on my own two feet if I ever had to look after my future children on my own. After years in the fitness industry I went into the corporate world doing Business Development and Account Management. I moved on to selling cars for Mercedes Benz, hoping to fall pregnant. I had Lucy, an amazing little girl that inspires me to be a better person everyday. When Oliver was born, I finally got my little boy. I had a wonderful life, rich in all the ways that should matter. When Oliver died, our world was forever crushed. My heart broke to see my husband so devastated and my daughter so confused. Dave also had to find a way to get up in the morning to keep his professional life together for his family. Dave purged his emotions into exercise. Within months he completed the Noosa Triathlon, something very personal he now does every year in memory of our "Little Buddy". I have a great love and respect for my husband and one of the big things we do for each other is understand how important it is to respect each others grief process and support each others needs, every day forward. My grief process was completely different. I was treated by the police as a murderer the moment Oliver was pronounced. My baby had just passed and they were ripping me to shreds. The interrogation made it very clear I was "going away". Police through my house, crime scene photo's and CPS. I had just lost my son and I was about to loose everything else I had worked so very hard to achieve. My case wasn't closed for nine months, until all autopsy results came through. I spent most of this time with the shakes, often not able to drive and function effectively in society from what the shock had done to my nervous system. Fortunately, I have been able to put one step in front of the other. I have had two more beautiful children Alice and Rosie. Rosie has just turned one. However, there is always someone very special missing during our family time and in photos. I have an amazing family and great circle of friends. Some very, very beautiful friends and sisters who have never judged or wavered in support over these years. These women have travelled this journey with us. We will be forever thankful. I still cry every single day. Everyday with our babies is a blessing and the fact they don't get sick of my constant kisses, cuddles and tickles is pretty cool! KAREN – OLIVER’S MUM thinking of you this christmas We know the holiday season may bring mixed emotions for you and your family. We hope you find moments of peace and happiness this Christmas day. Spending some time to quietly remember and celebrate your child may assist you to feel their closeness. Including your child in the festivities may bring comfort to your family and especially to other siblings. You could hang a decoration out on the tree, get the children to draw a special card or buy a gift for child. Remember if you do shed tears on the day, don’t feel bad for doing so, it’s purely a reflection of how much you love and miss your child. It will not ‘ruin’ Christmas for others. Don’t feel afraid to plan the day your way and to take time out to be alone if you need too. A helpful way to end the day is to reflect on the lovely events that took place that day and to cherish the moments you felt close with your child. THINKING OF YOU ALL - COUNSELLOR ESTHER Please cut out and keep TO OUR PRECIOUS ________________________________________ Merry Christmas little angel You will be in our thoughts and hearts Not a moment goes by that we dont miss you and remember you’re perfect ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ We will place a special decoration out for you and this year it will be a ________________________________________ ________________________________________ We are all sending you our love, hugs and kisses Lot of love from ________________________________________ ________________________________________ | 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 | After Hours Bereavement Support 1800 628 648 | enigma DECEMBER 2012 | 35 christmas decoration ideas! Christmas is almost here and for any of you who like making things, here are some decorations you, your children or grandchildren might like to do... REINDEER ORNAMENTS 1. Trace around hand onto thin cork board or thick cardboard and cut with scissors or Stanley knife for cork board. 2. Put a hole in the top for hanging ribbon 3. Let your creative juices flow and decorate as above or however you like. You could also write your child’s name in puff paint or use a paint pen. HAND SANTA’S 1. Cut Santa-hat shapes (minus the pom-poms and white trim) from the craft paper, then glue one onto each card. Glue a pair of googly eyes a fingertip’s width below each hat. 2. Pour white paint onto one paper plate, and a dollop each of red, black, and pink (mix some red and white) onto another. Stamp white handprint beards, then use fingertips to stamp the trim on the hats, and a nose, mouth, and cheeks on each face. STAR ORNAMENTS 1. Draw a star (or use s template) onto two pieces of felt or other material.. 2. Sew small beads onto the front. In between the two layers add a starshaped piece of card stock for stability. 3. Glue pieces onto card front and back and then do a blanket stich around the shapes BUTTON WREATHS 1. Using pliers, make a small loop at one end of the wire. 2. Thread buttons onto the wire until you have enough to form the size of the wreath you want. Our wreaths are 2 1/2 inches in diameter. 3. Using pliers, bend the plain end of the wire around the looped end. This will form the wreath. 4. Use the satin ribbon to make a loop for hanging the wreath; tie the ribbon in a knot about 3 inches above the wreath. Tie a bow of seam binding to decorate the wreath. To Daddy I’ll always be your angel, And now your shining star, I love you with all my heart, Even from afar. I’ll never forget the way it felt, Snuggling in your arms, I may only have been 31 days, But I knew you’d protect me from harm. I studied you like you studied me, Each and every day, I know your voice, your smell and touch, You’re special in every way. I love you daddy and always will, Forever I’m in your heart, I’ll share each Father’s Day with you, Even though we are apart. FOR ANDY, WITH LOVE, KALI TUNKS | 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 | After Hours Bereavement Support 1800 628 648 | enigma DECEMBER 2012 | 37 donations in loving memory We would like to thank everyone who has chosen SIDS and Kids Queensland to donate to in memory of their loved ones. As many of our donations are anonymous we are unable to list them here but we wish to sincerely thank those who have given so generously. Please let us know at the time of donation if you would like it to appear in our Donations In Loving Memory page. Carrie Woodward Candice Woodward Lesley, Justin and Grace Ingram, Von, John and Luke Barnes and Beth Purton Jack Anthony Ingram Purton Sonya Zettel Maggie Hoover Gladys Fee Janelle Fee Santana Cana Tane Phillips Paula Tredrea Isabella Michelle Tredrea Susan Dewar Erin McMaster Ray Foy Carrie Woodward Sandra Knight Kelly & Simon Ac Lionel William Ac Mrs Pearl Kosh Cameron Feirclough Jann Dagan Maggie Hoover Jackie Dennis Maggie Hoover Robert Taylor Maggie Hoover Anthony Broadrick Maggie Hoover Cat Wilson Maggie Hoover Alex Chapman Maggie Hoover Nicole Matheson Maggie Hoover Dave & Judy Maskell Maggie Hoover Dean Richmond Maggie Hoover Middlemount Bowls Club on behalf of Middlemount Community Maggie Hoover Simon Briggs Luke Simon Briggs Mrs Clark Isabel May Goodman-Jones Judith & Doug Mackenzie Isabel May Goodman-Jones Pat Galland Rachel Stephanie Kemp John Matthews Cameron Feirclough Mary Steele Preston James Steele-Alston Fiona Leben William Foster Glenn & Margaret Howard Micheal Cory & Kenneth Richard Lin Waters Bridie Kate Sippel Edward Siebuhr Tegan Griffiths Karen Maher Richard Lawlor Rockabilly Dance Group Fundraiser Kani Michelle Rose Proctor Tony & Miriam Houweling Noah Manley Houweling Marie Lucy Anna Grace Andrews Carmel McSweeney Nicholas Peter Lee Barry & Alicia Martin Kellie Clarice Martin Brian & Beverley Martin Kellie Clarice Martin Kelly & PJ Marsh & Family Maggie Hoover David & Narelle Foster William Foster Tamara Raine Lucas Michael Walker celebrations join in the conversation online! Remember, there are so many ways we can keep in contact! Butterfly Kisses Online Support Group Zayne Kertesz born 29th October 2012 Baby brother to Jett and Angel Baby Scarlett Butterfly Kisses is an online support group within a closed trusted network. Our aim is to united families across Queensland and give them a place to express their grief and loss while getting support and understanding from other members. If you have suffered loss and would like to join this network, please contact 07 3849 7122 or [email protected] Facebook For Bereavement Services information please visit us at!/esther.sidsandkidsqld or!/kim.bell.3139 Lincoln Jai Darbey born 5th November 2012 Baby brother to Angel Hayley, Hayden and Hamish For all other SIDS and Kids information and events visit!/SIDSandKidsQld or our website SKQ Community Introducing our new online SKQ Community newsletter! This bi-monthly newsletter has all the latest from SIDS and Kids on upcoming events, fundraising news and articles. If you would like to start receiving this fantastic NEW magazine, please email Bec at [email protected]. Nathan Austin Mayo born 6th August 2012 Darling little brother to our angel in the stars, Hamish | 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 | After Hours Bereavement Support 1800 628 648 | enigma DECEMBER 2012 | 39 remembrance dates NAME A Adam Blake Sparksman Adam James Chatten Hewitt Alana Maree Talbot Alexander Charles Lewis Alexander John Coggins Alexander John Turner Alicia Norval Alyssa Kaye Bradford Amber Louise Whitelock Andrew Scott Gaughan Angel Kayser Anja Christie Cook Annalise May Houldsworth Annazina Cassimatis Arielle Emma Calkin Ashleigh Janet Penrose Ashley Rose Patricia Thomas Austin Wayne Smith Ava Mavis Wooster Ava May Corbally Aymie-Leigh Jade Eveans B Belinda Jo-Anne Muller Ben Sebastian Wright Bethanie Kym Crowhurst Bethany Kae Bowden Blake Greame Murphy Blake John Caruana Braydon Reece Oliphant Brendan Terry Garland Brennah Aisling Paterson Brianna Monique Gibson Britney May Brown Brock and Dejay Bowden Brodie James Cowe Brodie Jason Kyle Cheung Brodie Luke Douglas Bryson Hilton Barry Shepard C Caitlin Emma Ryan Caitlyn Bo Kei Yan Callen Patrick John Novotny Callum Luke Ronnfeldt Callum Thomas Danger Eastham-Prest Campbell James Voll Casey Brice Casey Lachlan Price Charli Elise Turnbull Charli-Zeta Hayes Charlie Geering Chelsey Ellen Rowe Chloe Maree Irvine Chloe-Jade Gilligan Christian Dudley Claire Laura Celeste Spencer Clay John Grant Coltyn Michael Driscoll Cooper Herbert Walter Tumeth Cooper Charles Sutton Courtney Lee Ryan D Damien James Lyel Hallewell Darcy Vincent Schroder David Robert Kirkwood David William Allan Koplick Dean Michael Phillips Dexter William Rasmussen Dillian Ryan Walker Dominic John Jackson Dominic Patrick Lyons Drew John Sullivan BIRTHDATE ANNIVERSARY 10th March 1st July 15th May 5th September 26th August 18th October 17 September 12th July 3rd August 23rd September 18 December 20th January 14th March 5th September 23 July 6th March 23rd November 30th October 21st October 23rd November 21st November 7th April 29th April 19th December 5th September 15th October 16th February 12 August 18th August 4th May 27th November 18 December 10th May 7th July 26th January 23 July 26th August 21st April 12th March 21st October 24th November 17th December 8th September 30th June 25th March 8th November 4th December 14th January 24th January 12th March 30th June 27th November 26th July 4th December 8th February 19th February 23rd March 18th February 11th November 30th June 14th September 24th February 4th December 21st April 19th February 9th July 30th June 6th April 20th May 4th December 2nd July 22nd March 6th August 29th March 8th November 5th September 20th June 3rd October 10th May 18th July 19th August 28th January 29th December 18th February 30th January 1st February 16th November 3th December 28 September 8th January 10th June 8th February 26th January 16th June 11th May 28th March 17th October 20th January 11th February 13th February 28th June 3rd February 1st February 3rd March 3rd December 28 September 18th April 9th October 21st August 26th January 6th June 11th May 5th June 17th October 20th January 12th February 18th April 28th August 1st July 30th March 12th April 19th November 29th July 24th December 24th September 24 November 29th June 7th March 13th May 16th September 24th November 18th Aoril 18th February 17th March 14th July 15 February NAME D Dylan James Kearns-Whiting Dylan James Landers Dylan Ray Kevin Murphy Dylan Rex Harvey Dylan Tyrone Cochrane E Edward Thomas Burton Elijah Salvati Eliot Dafydd Adams Elizabeth Ruth Thomson Ella Grace Bourke Ella Louise Longmire Elliot Foster Brown Eloise Jane Chipman Emerson Leece Erin Madeline McMaster Ethan Paul Rehberg-Edgar Evan Riley Davies Evie Grace Ewart G Gage Mana Christensen Georgia Abbott Grace Catherine Brook-McVey H Hamish Isaiah O’Sullivan Hannah Isabelle Dillon Harrison James Boundy Harry Arthur Parker Humphrey Harrison Collins McIntosh Harrison Thomas Daniel Harry Thomas Strickland Hayden Marc Riddell Hayley Alana Darbey Holly Rose Naumann Hunter William Ian Andrew McInnes-Duke I Imogen Grace Freemantle Isabella Michelle Tredrea Iszaac James Taylor Izaak John Bin Barba J Jacinta Gail Melita Orcher Jack Anthony Ingram Purton Jack Richard Jones Jacob Daniel Taylor-Humphries Jacob Mitchell Houweling Jacob Dariusz Wieczorek Jaidann Gordon Lampard Jak Anthony Butler Raleigh James Andrew Donohue James Michael Scott Edwards Jarrod Michael Rayner Hurren Jasmine Robyn Atterwell Jayden Phillip Bell Jayden Zachary Michael Kline Jeremy Glen Dempsey Jeromee Ross Sippel Jesse Norval Jessica Jordon Whitford Jessica Joy Jones Jessica Leigh Megson Jessica Marie Peace Jessica Sarah Wuttke Jobe Michael Henningham Joe Alford-Leeder Johnny Tudor Brewer Jonathon Roy Spencer Joseph Michael Organ Joshua Charles Bradbury Joshua Damian Leigh Haines BIRTHDATE ANNIVERSARY 18th April 9th October 24th March 20th October 18th June 18th May 24th December 12th May 16th November 6th August 2nd February 12th August 25th February 24th April 16th September 23rd January 15th November 6th June 9th April 30th July 13th November 18 June 18th July 23rd July 12th August 9th March 24th April 29th November 13th July 14th January 9th July 9th April 24th August 30th June 22 June 24th December 28th August 28th August 29th October 29th October 24th September 21st September 11th May 28th August 15th July 3rd June 1 November 13th December 28th May 26th August 17th August 1st May 19th May 12th December 24 March 19th December 7th August 30th January 31st January 18th August 1st June 15th February 13th August 2nd December 5th June 11th August 9 October 1st March 5th June 16th October 9 October 15th July 8th October 27th May 9th September 6th December 31st August 6th February 11th March 26th June 9th March 20th February 23rd February 26th August 19th January 17th March 18th July 15th June 26 December 15th July 2nd December 29th December 3rd March 7th November 5th January 15th December 11th October 13th June 2nd December 8th January 16th May 27th December 15th November 14th March 30th December 1st September 9th May 9th August 18th September 1st November 10th February 22nd March 15th March 19th January 19th May 25th October 5th September 12 August 9th August 8th December 18th April 4th May 14th July 10th March 15th December 11th April 30th September 8th November 14th March 4th September NAME BIRTHDATE J Joshua Graehlert 2nd June Joshua Joseph Robert Shay 4th November Joshua Paul Johnston 29th August Julia Rose Davies 24 November K Kacee Michelle Price 1st December Kade Adrian Lovell Fragiacomo 9th September Kash William Delaforce 25th February Katie Gardiner 23rd February Keegan Rhys Hardy 28th November Kobe Reign Whittaker 15th January Kodi John-Thomas Campbell 3rd January Kurt Michael Stewart 7th September Kyla Louise Scells 31st October Kyle Joseph John Shay 5th January Kyle Thomas Weir 7th July Kyra Jane Gibson 17th May L Lachlan Alan Shaw 27 September Lachlan James Workman 27th November Lara Isabel Watterson 4th March Lauren Anne Diefenbach 24th April Lauren Jodie Whitton 23rd January Lauren Kate Dreicer 21st October Leah Hope Golinski 20th February Leighton-Rhys McCoy-Duggan 20th July Leni Tiger Fry 6th October Liam Gabriel Barry 16 May Lindsay Albert Price 21st January Lionel William Ac 6th October Little Mervyn 16th July Luke Allan James Salway 4th May Luke John Lassman 7th December Luke Timothy Wilson 13th January Lindsay Albert Price 21 January M Maddison Suzanne Erwin 25th November Madison Grace Wood 3rd November Madison Paige Taylor 20th June Madison Talanya Lyell 22nd May Maggie Ellen Hoover 9th September Maison Steven David Drummond 15th February Marc Jonathon Young 13th September Marco Kairi Cameron Fujii 10th August Mason Kerr 21st February Mathew Gordon Petty 24th January Matisse Aiyanna Chrzczonowicz 19th May Max Angus Barker 21st February Melanie Jane Bauman 31st March Mia Davies 14th April Michael John Barrett 23rd August Michael Robert Parnaby 26th February Michael Robert Scott Bishop 20th October Michael Thomas Fitzgerald 1st November Mitchell Arthur Sticher 14th January Mitchell James Edwards 3rd September Mitchyl Jaye Harris 11th August Molly-Mae Grace Cooper 21st June N Natasha Louise Hall 23rd February Nathan Carl Schmidt 24th June Nathan Scott Reid “Nay Nay” 3rd May Nicholas Karydis 26th July Nicholas Peter Lee 18th January Nicholas Shane Stehbens 12th June Nicholas Wayne Curtis 24th June Nikita Kaya Pollard 29th October Noah Manley Houweling 30th May Noah Simon Darryl Gillett 25th April | ANNIVERSARY 14th August 5th June 29th August 24 November 27th June 9th September 15th June 1st May 9th March 27th March 9th April 16th March 3rd February 12th February 25th December 17th May 27 September 13th December 17th May 3rd June 2nd June 27th July 21st April 11th June 6th October 16 May 21st January 6th October 17th July 4th May 7th December 20th July 25th November 12th March 23rd June 6th August 19th January 18th February 27th October 2nd December 21st February 2nd June 27th April 25th June 23rd August 8th August 26th July 7th August 19th February 11th July 8th November 22nd September 31st March 26th August 14th April 28th August 8th August 6th October 1st May NAME O Oliver Joseph Jones Oliver Patrick Rivers P Paige Elizabeth Kate Sneddon Peter Adam Clarke Phoenix Leigh Brown R Rachel Stephanie Kemp Randall William Bianchi Raymond James Moyle Renee Ashley Pilgrim Rhiannon Mary Puttee Richard James West Riley Kelly Riley Robert McNeill Rorrie William Forrester-Bailey Ruby Ellen Kowplos Ryan Selwyn Klibbe Rylie Andrea Lapwood S Sabastian David Fisher-Leach Sam William Atala Sara Emily Schneeberg Savannah Lee Barr Scott Robert Young West Sean David Longmire Seth Jordan Mackay Shane Bowen Miller Shania Kayser Shardai Louise McCallum Shiahn Burke Sophia Celeste Langford Sophie Maree Refalo Steven Ross Jagger Summer Rose Marriott T Tahlia Jane Cassidy Tamika Maree Eggmolesse Tane Phillips Tara Carter Tarnia Deborah Louise Morrell Tasmin Christie Miller Tayla Jade Cotgrove Teanne Bishop McDonald Texas Rose Martin Giezendanner Thomas James Hides Todd Matthew Freemantle Tristan Llewellyn Thom Troy Paul Adams Tyrone Gordon Pomeroy Tyson James Frey W William Ashton Heyward Tye William David Foster X Xavier Leece Xavier James May Y Yasmina Nadja Tunks Yasminah Ann Aziz Z Zachary Thomas Cassidy Zahra Ann McMullen Zayne Mervyn Kelly Hile Zayne Thomas- James Elliot Zoe Elizabeth Peters BIRTHDATE ANNIVERSARY 27th September 9th November 30th May 24th July 6th April 7th September 19th February 11th June 20th November 17th July 21st March 14th January 27th February 4th February 19th October 11 November 6th March 22 February 19th April 19th July 14th July 16th April 21st July 19th January 12th January 25th July 21st November 8th February 10th July 13th May 21st May 29th April 15th May 27th August 19th April 25th February 4th September 22nd October 26th March 23th July 10th January 8th February 14th July 16th June 15th August 25th October 15th June 9th September 19th October 19th August 25th March 6th July 29th February 7th July 25th October 10th January 17th June 27th February 5th September 14th February 9th May 3rd July 27th April 28th April 17th June 19th June 15 October 28th March 21st August 18th October 5th July 28th April 18th August 4th December 14th May 7th October 6th January 6th July 28th February 18th August 4th December 29th June 5th December 24th June 22nd October 3rd June 18 December 28th May 21st August 11th August 16th April 23rd September 16th May 10th June 25th September 12th July 24 June 12th July 7th July 31st March 26th March 1st May 26th March 10th October 18th June 25th September 31st December 15 February 15th October 18th June 1st May 1st May 15 February 20th August 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 | After Hours Bereavement Support 1800 628 648 | enigma DECEMBER 2012 | 41 On behalf of the Team at SIDS and Kids Queensland, we would sincerely like to wish you and your family a lovely and hope filled Christmas. May the day be f illed with peace and healing. At SIDS and Kids a compassionate person is always available to offer support and understanding. SIDS and Kids Queensland The Todd Freemantle Centre 68 Creek Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122 ABN: 11 495 594 924 Telephone: 07 3849 7122 Fax: 07 3849 7121 After Hours Bereavement Support Link 1800 628 648
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SIDS and Kids Queensland April 2012 Edition
To reduce the rate of stillbirths, neonatal
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