NEOnews May 2014
NEOnews May 2014
Monthly Meetings Starts at 8p.m. This month’s Speaker is: Ken Walker May’s program will be on care and breeding of Catfish. ©May-14 Northeast Ohio Fish Club. All rights reserved. President’s Message Happy Anniversary, Well we did it. We have been meeting for the past 12 months and each and every month our club has been growing and getting better and better. Last month we had a great talk by Eric Bodrock and this month we have Ken Walker who will provide us with another interesting talk on his pleco’s and other fish he keeps. This meeting we will be having a cookout, hot dogs and fixings along with a sheet cake to commemorate our first year. We also will be giving away to 1 lucky member a 72 gallon bow front complete setup including stand, light, glass tops, filter, heater and fish. Everyone who comes will receive a ticket and a chance to win. All the winning ticket holder will have to do is be there to win and have a little luck. We also will have a large raffle including fish, food and several other items. We want this anniversary to be one to remember. Bring your fish for the BAP and bring a few fish for the end of meeting auction. (Remember to save some fish for the upcoming auction) Hopefully we will have a lot of items and everyone will be able to win or bid on something they want. Bowl Show – Bring your fish to participate. This month with it being cichlids, we should have tons of fish for the bowl shop. It would be great to see a good turnout and more members involved. In 3 weeks after our meeting we will be holding our summer auction. Again this auction we will need everyone’s help in making it a success. Bring your fish and hard goods. We have had 2 great auctions, we didn’t make lots of money, but we had a lot of items and we need to keep that going. People will come, it’s up to us to provide the environment. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the meeting and at our next auction, Saturday, June 7th. Remember the auction starts at 11am and set up will start at 8 with registration beginning at 9am. Lastly, please remember this club, belongs to all of us. The board is always trying to make sure what we do is correct and good for the club. Many of you have come forward with idea’s or things you would like to see. We always try to bring up and talk about your idea’s or wants or complaints. That being said, we are always open to suggestions and ways to make our club better. If you have an idea or input, let the board know. It takes all of us together to make a great club. Dan About NEOfish The Northeast Ohio Fish Club (fish) is an all specie Fish club in Northeast Ohio. We pride ourselves in being a progressive club offering all our members not only the normal fish club programs, but others like individual e-mail addresses, club member websites, spawning con-tests, aquarium decorating contests workshops, road trips and more. Our goal is to make every meeting exciting, educational and leaving you with the feeling that you can’t wait until the next meeting. Look at our website and see if this club isn’t the club you have been looking for. If you already belong to a club, that’s okay, think about making us your second club and come enjoy the fun. Our website is (new) and (old) NEOfish Meetings As always, the Northeast Ohio Fish Club (NEOfish) holds monthly meetings in Independence, Ohio on the 3rd Friday of every month. Meetings are at: Independence United Methodist Church 6615 Brecksville Road Independence, OH 44131 8:00p.m. to 10:00p.m. (Christmas Party starts at 7:00p.m.) Everyone interested is invited to attend. NEOfish is an all species club, such as Betta, Guppies, Tetras, Barbs, Cichlids etc. We will look to the attendees to pick out a name for the new club. Current club members are welcome to join a second club. The Board meets before the general meeting at 7:00p.m. at the church as well. Even though you’re not on the board, your are still welcome to sit in on the meeting. You would not have a vote but you certainly could share some input. Per our Constitution and By-Laws, this is also the appropriate time and place to air any concerns about the club. It would be helpful to first contact a board member to discuss the issue but if you feel that the whole board needs to hear it then feel free to attend. NEOfish Sponsors Please support these great companies who support us. API Hydor USA Seachem Laboratories, Inc. Aquarium Technologies, Inc. Marineland Tetra Aquatic Creations New Life International Inc. TLC Products Blue Ribbon Omega Sea, Ltd. ViaAqua CaribSea Penn-Plax Zoo Med Cobalt Aquatics PetSmart Store Support Group, Inc. Hagen San Francsico Bay Brand If you missed or enjoyed Eric’s great talk last month, here is another opportunity to learn from him. You also will be able to hear from his very accomplished fiancé Regina Spotti. Original PDF flyer is attached to the bulletin email. Labidochromis sp. “SRT" Hongi By Amy and Jim Damm I've been asked to write a small article on these fish, so here goes. Lets start by saying that I'm NOT an expert. I do have these fish and breed them with some success. From research that I've done these fish are line breed and don't occur in the wild, at least not with such brilliant colors. The Labidochromis sp. hongi is the wild breed that live in lake Malawi near and around hongi island. This fish is one of my favorite, with their beautiful lavender body's, reminds me of our lilacs in our back yard, their deep orange/red dorsal fin and face, best described as the burning embers and coals of a night time fire, to the yellow pelvic fins and dark bars that run through their lavender body's. The hongi was one of the first fishes I acquired after getting back into the hobby, I had aquariums for probably 15 years then just got out of the hobby but never bred them until now. Since I got back into the hobby my wife and I have been breeding these and other fish. I guess that I can attribute our success in breeding to the fact that I think that the fish needs to "be happy". I gave them substrate to dig in and rearrange, caves to hide in and plenty of water changes, usually 3040% weakly also cichlid salts to help keep quality of the water to what they like. So far they haven't complained.... The hongi seem to be a skittish fish also so I keep dither fish in with them. I have found that giant danio's seem to be the best for this. Well I guess that is about it for my hongi and thanks you for reading and have a great day. Treasurer’s Report Hi guys, I’ll make this short. Reports are on the following page. At the end of April meeting there was a balance of $2294.03 in the bank account. Don’t forget we now take charge cards at the monthly meeting as well as our big auctions. If you want to run a tab for all areas of the meeting, (auction, raffle, payment of membership, etc.) just get with me at the meeting to run your tab. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please feel free to contact me. I know I get kind of busy at the meetings, but please come up and interrupt me. There are so many members I haven’t met yet and I would like to meet you all. See you at the meeting…. Debbie Treasurer’s Meeting Report COMMITTEE / DESCRIPTION MONEY OUT MONEY IN TOTAL MEMBERSHIP 2 NEW SINGLE 4 SINGLE RENEWAL $ 60.00 BOWL SHOW MONEY USED TO PAY FOR A MEMBERSHIP $ 10.00 $ 50.00 $ 1.00 $ (16.22) $ 41.58 $ 45.00 $ 71.00 $ 3.00 $ 15.00 $ 0.00 BOWL SHOW 2 ENTRIES @ 50 CENTS $ 1.00 REFRESHMENTS DONATIONS $ 8.78 DENIS ROZMUS REFRESHMENTS PURCHASED $ 25.00 RAFFLE COLLECTED $ 118.00 CK #1248 JIM LACO ITEMS FOR RAFFLE $ 54.50 CK #1178 JIM LACO FOR TANK (PD MARCH) $ 21.92 T- SHIRTS COLLECTED FOR 3 SHIRTS $ 45.00 DONATION AUCTION 1 BAG KC JENKINSON $ 6.00 DONATED PROCEEDS FROM AUCTION K WALKER & BRIAN S $ 65.00 $ 53.00 BUCK A BAG AUCTION 11 ITEMS PROCEEDS PAID OUT CASH $ 50.00 BAP AUCTION 33 ITEMS $ 236.00 PROCEEDS PAID OUT CASH $ 221.00 $ 21.00 HAP AUCTION 10 ITEMS $ PROCEEDS PAID OUT CASH 21.00 SPEAKER CK #1250 ERIC BODROCK $ 50.00 $ (50.00) $ 100.00 $ (100.00) $ 60.36 RENT INDEPENDENCE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH GRAND TOTAL Committee Announcements Program Committee This month we will be welcoming Ken Walker one of our members and an active member of a lot of the local clubs. His program will be on Catfish and I am sure it will be interesting since he has bred quite a few of them and a lot of nice plecostomus. Dean and I are working on the second half of the year so if you have any suggestions PLEASE feel free to speak to either of us. May 17 June 19 Ken Walker Breeding Catfish Rich Bierbauer Angelfish John Chapek Raffle Committee Rich Grassnig is preparing a mailing to manufacturers to see if they respond better to a written letter and a paper copy of our bulletin. Membership Committee Greetings fellow fishheads, Our one year anniversary is upon us. We have come a long way as a club and as a hobby. I am sure I can speak for most of our membership when I say this. I have met alot of great people and grown in my experience as much. I am glad to be a part of this unique group and found pleasure in watching it grow. As always feel free to contact myself or any other board members. Doug Poole Committee Announcements (cont.) Breeder Award Program (BAP) Hey we had another banner month there were 33 spawns turned in and a few of them were new to the program. I am still trying to set the HAP program up and we are at kind of a stand still until the New Web site is up or the stuff from the old one gets moved I really don't want to push KC because her plate is already full I am sure it will work out it is just a matter of time. Keep up the good work how about 40 spawns for this month. Member Don Grey Brian Shrimpton Chuck Nowakowski Paul Palisin Dan Ritter Richard Yoder Tony Poth David Lutz KC Jenkinson It's begging and pleading time again, we would Matt Urbin really like some more articles for the bulletin to Steve Olander II add some meat to them other than just club Tom & Carolyn Evers business. I really enjoyed Joe Doyle's article on Ken Walker Bumble Bee Gobies last month and unless some of you begin contributing I will force you to look Amy & Jim Damm at some more of my ramblings. Once again I will Denis Rozmus state that they will not be graded and Brian and I Jeffery Yadlovsky will clean them up and try our best to make you Justin Way look like a genius. They can be about any part of George Anagnostopoulos the hobby like DIY projects with photos, how to Don Youngkin culture live foods or whatever just go for it! Scott Hartness Jr. Dan Watson For all of those that are bringing either BAP or John Chapek Auction fish to the April meeting are asked to Scott Hartness register their fish using the auction site. They Ken Grimmett can be added anytime before they arrive at the George Hollister meeting. Click HERE to get to the auction site. Hilary Lacerda If you have been already signed up your passDan McMonigle word is neofish (unless you have changed it yourself). Unregistered members can register Douglas B. Poole II Stan Jachna on line as well and then add their items. Don Danko Rick Foster John Chapek Dwhite Goffe Anthony Kidd John W. Tesar 2013 150 280 115 140 20 140 30 70 5 30 45 110 20 20 85 60 35 35 35 30 25 20 10 10 10 10 10 2014 110 90 65 60 45 45 40 40 35 30 30 30 25 25 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 Lifetime Points 260 370 180 60 185 65 180 70 35 100 35 30 55 25 65 20 120 30 30 10 10 85 60 35 35 35 30 25 20 10 10 10 10 10 Committee Announcements (cont.) Bowl Show April winner was the Rick Foster (aka Mail Man) with a Texas Chiclid and Cichlasoma Spilurum NEO BOWL SHOW POINTS LIST Through April 2014 Month Name Total Points Bill Bilski 17 KC Jenkinson 8 Rick Foster 6 George Hollister 5 Dan Ritter 5 Brian Shrimpton 3 Richard Yoder Bill King Doug Poole 1 1 1 List of remaining bowls show: May: Haps/Mbuna/Peacocks/Tangs June: 1st place winners from April and May July: Killiefish/Apistos August: Angelfish/ Discus September: 1st place winners from July and August October: All livebearers November: Aspidoras / Corys/ Plecos/ Loaches December: 1st places winners from March, June, September, and December for Best of Bowl Show All Quarterly winners compete in December for Best of Bowl Show Bill Bilski Committee Announcements (cont.) Website/Social Media Hello Fellow NEOfish Members, I hope you've all been able to enjoy the wonderful weather we've been having after such a harsh winter; I know I have when I've had the time. Development on the remainder of the website has been a little slower than I had anticipated due to some personal life issues, travel, and our site host having network issues. Hopefully our hosting has straightened out their issue so I can roll out our forums and classifieds this week. Once those are live I hope to see a lot of activity from our members on there. Email is the best way to reach me if you have questions about the site - especially over the next month since I will be out of town for at least a portion of each week from now until mid June. See you at the meeting Friday! KC Auction Committee Only 3 weeks away until our next auction on June 7th. There were a few people asking at the last auction why we were not using the auction software that we were testing out for our monthly BAP. There are a couple of changes at our auction site that makes it expensive to use. First, they took down internet access. We could provide our own by making a hot spot from a cellphone, but that uses up someone's data plan. We also were hoping for and they did upgrade their AV system. But it’s a very expensive upgrade so they are now charging for it’s use and they want one of their employees present to make sure it’s not damaged. It wouldn’t be out of line if you held a wedding there but for our small auction, it too expensive. We will be testing out a process of printing a single label at the queue table with the seller ID and bag number and placing it on the runners slip. The hope is that it will reduce mistakes when the slip is typed into the computer. This is a test, we think it will work out fine, but if we have issues we can always go back to the old method. Lastly we are looking to have at least NEOfish members that sell at the next auction to supply us with a list of items on our form. We hope that this too will help in accurately paying our sellers along with helping to enforce our auction rules. We may try using two forms. One form if you hand wrote your ID and bag number on the bag. This form would allow us space to print out a label to place on the bag and on the form to ensure we have a match. The other form could be used if the bags are labeled with a computer generated label already. In this case we would not reprint a computer label, just have you supple the list. Again these are just tests to see if we can insure an accurate bag count by each seller and to help us implement ours (and most other clubs) rules on number of bags of each species. Thanks for your help and support, Brian New Website is starting to take shape. Many more features and information to come. If your club’s event is not listed or incorrect or needs updating please contact Brian Shrimpton at [email protected] NEOfish 2014 Auctions Dates Spring, Summer, and Fall 2014 NEOfish is proud to announce their auction dates for 2014. They are: Saturday June 7, 2014 Saturday September 20, 2014 All auctions will be held at the: Pipefitters Union Hall, Local 120, 6305 Halle Drive (off Rockside Road) Valley View, Ohio 44125 Registration opens at 9am and the auction starts at 11am. 2014 Regional Auctions Let’s get out and support our Neighbors! also... Columbus Area Fish Enthusiasts Greater Akron Aquarium Society Greater Pittsburgh Aquarium Society Inc. Lorain County Aquarium Society Medina County Aquarium Society Michigan Cichlid Association Motor City Aquarium Society Ohio Cichlid Association SCALES Youngstown Area Tropical Fish Society If your club’s event is not listed or incorrect or needs updating please contact Brian Shrimpton [email protected] Regional Auctions & Shows 2014 Saturday June 7, 2014 Northeast Ohio Fish Club Our Summer Auction Pipefitters Union Hall, Local 120, 6305 Halle Drive (off Rockside Road) Valley View, Ohio 44125 Registration opens at 9am and the auction starts at 11am. Saturday and Sunday June 21-22, 2014 Greater Akron Aquarium Society’s Annual Ultra-Aqua Greater Akron Aquarium Society’s annual 65 class all species show Ultra-Aqua will be in June on the 21st & 22nd, due to a new conflict with the ACA. We didn’t want a conflicting interest so we’ve moved our date. Sunday, June 29, 2014 S.C.ALES Auction Summer Auction Auction will be held at: The Perry Grange 6300 Richville Drive S.W., Massillon, Ohio. New Start time: Registration: 10AM , Auction: 11AM. If your club’s event is not listed or incorrect or updating please contact Brian Shrimpton [email protected] Regional Auctions & Shows (cont.) 2014 Saturday September 20, 2014 Northeast Ohio Fish Club Our Fall Auction Pipefitters Union Hall, Local 120, 6305 Halle Drive (off Rockside Road) Valley View, Ohio 44125 Registration opens at 9am and the auction starts at 11am. Saturday October 18th Michigan Cichlid Association Fall Auction Saturday October 25th Greater Cincinnati Aquarium Society Fall Auction Saturday, November 8, 2014 Motor City Aquarium Society "Auction of Tropical Fish & Supplies" Please join us at our new auction location Madison Place 876 Horace Brown Dr Madison Heights MI (13 Mile Rd @ I-75, 1 block east of I-75, south on Montpelier to end) If your club’s event is not listed or incorrect or updating please contact Brian Shrimpton [email protected] Regional Auctions & Shows (cont.) 2014 Saturday October 4, 2014 C.A.F. E. Fall Auction Courtyard Columbus West 2350 Westbelt Drive Columbus, Ohio 43228 Friday—Sunday November 21-23, 2014 Ohio Cichlid Association Extravaganza Extravaganza is held at: Holiday Inn 15471 Royalton Road, Strongsville, Ohio 44136 Phone: 440-238-8800 The hotel is conveniently located at I-71 and Route 82 just 10 minutes south of Cleveland Hopkins International Airport.
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