Representing Men: hers Proudly - NYC Verrazano 10
Representing Men: hers Proudly - NYC Verrazano 10
Representing Men: hers Proudly The RMP Published Quarterly 'Wernher of the National AT(P1) 10-.13 OrganizationA, Volume 6, Issue 2 March, 2(11111 tit lx SSOCI.VHON Board 0,04rkers President Vice 1 3 reskcut Wells:ad %IolhorLy DerlaiaLe Rei...1Lr411Pig SecrTi1otry 'treasurer Sergeant Ai Arms „.. ...... Corresponding Secretary Presidiair Emeritus ....-.- J lie Ii Anthony Frankl.'Ne lose p h ?time! la J oseph Curnmarmia 'lorry NI i Edward Kust:lierlil Past Presi den —L.— I lea Ith & Anthony 10f NAtatt. etfure Trustee --.—. 11N-9A4-2-1:19 — ... Trustee. Irumee 'trustee -1.1.-.....-1.•-11.4111. TrUSICe I rustee 'trustee ..... 'Trusreo ..1.•••••7-•••1.4.1-11-1.11.11+-1-1.. i Ruipl‘Cidtbitobt Joseph 1• ..rnte Purl LL . Gary Girl% g 1frink ltaparrlu uIir Edward Iteu xM Ruth C. Itletuirdk .1 humus Sullivan Lire) oiti Wu lioldt Ito berl J. Romano M u unel Log.rn ay, M.D. ............ Trustee rustee Trustee Chaplain Medical 1)i rector 1.egml conmul ..... ..... ....„ R11:11161'd 13111'rtati, 71H-iditio-q194 Design & Layout lieth C 'hes:111er The R:1fP I i pubiikhral tluarlarty by ihi2. NYC' Iv'erratarto 10-t AqsaelatIon. Seri d ► Forrevrotidence to: P.O. Rd% 061725 SiAtEn !Nlanilk New Perk 10300 rlei./.1- .usiO 118-9$11-63F-1 T he. Nationiti Alliance meeting, was put off as Albany is dill in hibernation. With the new Governor in office, the legislators are still stepping on eggshells to see where the wind will be blowing. 1 have been constant contact with National President Jim Ferguson anti he is keeping on top of all the movement in Albany. 1 have been receiving checks kir foursomes for our annual golf outing, which will talc place June 11, 2007. l have also been recc.:iving checks for tee and green spomors. If you haven't been to one of" our golf outings, you arc missing a greaL ti e.Asi de from the excellent Food and drink, the meeting ofold friends fantasiie. As you walk by and listen Io od I the old stone-s about bosses, collars and such, you real ize what a great time we actually had. I know 41hout the gripes and fixers and Stleh, but where else itt this world can you get together with a bunch of old comrades and rehash the past? Conainied on next page hirreratiga 10-13 ASSOCiallOSI I am presently setting up a trip to Atlantic City for April 27, 2007. We mill he traveling to iially's Park Place once again. We LI1V making arrangements for 2 buses, which will hold a total.of 90 people. Please let me know your intentions as soon as possible. The IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS cost once again \yin he. S25.00. This will entitle you to round-trip tra nsporitnion, refreshments going and corning, Mid the Virginia city litiffer. also will receive ill1 418.00 vt nche.r. ♦ ipon arrivak. .Iii is is the Hest hargain Ill km ii.. There is nothing new to report on I Ik218. New York NYPD General Informalion „.1-646-610-5909 1-212-693-5100 Pension Section Out of Slate, call Toll Free 1 866 692 7713 I-Z12-349-1560 PHA Health & Welfare 1-877-844-5842 PBA Ton Free 1)1.. k 1-212-587-9120 - City is slill dragging its reel trying lo figure out how SBA IL) make triore moncy the retirees. LBA & CEA Social Seen rit) With the warm weather soon Jtpproaelt nig, it is time for the scant artist to ply Elicit !rode. You will see panel Gill Empire Blue Cros Medicare ".1" Medicare - It" trucks driving through the neighborhoods with their [adders attached looking for elderly homeowners to bilk. They will knool.; on a do w and attempt to give a "free inspect ion to your chimney. ()nee they are on your roof, they will that everything from it roof in need of repair, a bad chimney, and c' ii termites. (If eotirse they will tell you illai They can wave you thousands or alai the repairs rue not male, Osama Bin Laden will he Living in your anie. Be \vary of these allei4cd "workers." - - 1-212-431-6555 1-212-964-7500 1-809-772-1213 I -809-35g-5500 1-809-433-9592 1-809-433-9592 I-809-333-7586 C'oremark 1-877-722-7911 Ret. Health Ben. (Beeler Si.)..1-212-513-0470 Police Relief Fund Emergency Medical Sqd. 1-718-626-9320 1-718-626-9321 or NYC Health Line 1-800-521-9574 VA Benefits 1-890-827-1000 NYC' Pension Web Site: http:11wwv‘hiye.gnythi m I /nye pp IA in I At our last meet inst, John l=eis came up with an idea to benefit our organization. We will he silting tip a database with names and nunihers to call should one plus need a ride to the doeior. hospital. dentist and such Vice President Torn' DeNatale will man this database. Should any o•our member.; he in need of this service, please call Tony al 718 984 2539. - When you receive this newIdetter., you will note 4..-nt the rop of the address label a date. If it does not read 2007, it means that you have not paid your dues. Please forward a check fir .S25.00 to update your dues. Remember that it is your dues that keep our organization afloat. Support our fundraisers such as the g4.).1f outing and trip to Atlantic City. Como to our meetings and enjoy old friends and coworkers. We arc 2i5 strong as the meroberOip that supports us. e-- Keep Wormed - Visit. our Website at to find out all the latest information concerning your N YC Verrazano 1 0- 1 Association! "L' NYC 1'o-razor/lei 10-13 ASVOCiiiii011 Vice-President's Lines Assembly numbers. I personally plan to visit the offices of Sheldon Silver and Joseph Bruno to voice my displeasure with their failure to push for an override vote. I am asking our members to please make an eflOrr 10 acoompany us. by Anikony G De Moak So mueli for. the- Groundhog predicting an early spring. The way this last stretch of winter has gone we wot t he seeing our "snowbird friends" un ti t May Don't panic, opening day is right around the corner. If' you're anything like me it would only have taken you rives i]aillutcs into a MCI exhibition to get aggravated. The third event is the annual National Convention at the Friar Tuck Resort in the Catskills. Nor only is it a great way to show your support for the National, but it irtily a chance to have great time and enjoy the company of members from all of our ineitiber 10-13's and their les. The dates are July 27, 2S and 29, Look for the ad in this newsletter, Finally, I would like to thank John Feis Von conning tip with the idea or creating a database of members who are willing to assist fellow members who may be in need of transportation Lo ospi Lal or doctor visits. Anyone who is Willing to help, please give your riaine to Dr, Manuel Lagmay who will be coordinating this effort. Willi 'he advent of Spring comes some very important events that will be upon us shortly. First, on June we'll be hosting our annual go! f'cauti rig at n ke r l LillGol1' Course in New Jersey. As you k now, the sponsor proceeds go to the Police Relief Fund. Mollies that are raised go toward purchasing durable medieal ecrlipment, which is made available to Members of the Service, active or retired, and their families; who reside in the city and surrounding counties. The Fund does an outstanding job in assisting our members. ilyou know of anyone wishing to play or wanting to sponsor a tee or green, please provide them with the forms contained in our newsletter. Anyone wanting to vol o n tee r to help out at the outing, please let any of rlic-• Bc.liard members know. NOTE: Due to a change in the preparation of '[ax Form 1099, some members who cure out on disability pensions may be receiving notice from the [RS that they owe taN on their pensions. If you have this problem please call Fileen Boykin at the NYC Police Pension Fond at 212-693-5100 and follow the prompts. Members residing out of state are to call t6 -(a927733. Ms. Boykin will provide a letter for the retiree to send to the IRS. The second event is our annual "Lobby Day tri p to Albany on June 13. Beyond letter writing and sending post cards lo the Governor and other state officials, this is our one chance to go up to their respective offices and show our strenzh in numbers. Last year we had a pretty good t1117icatit (Wk)liacl retired firelighters along with us). Phis trip, 1 am asking that we fill our hus with our members. If need he the FD can get their own bus. Last year the Health Protection Rill was passed unanimously in both the Senate and Asembly, only to have Governor Fataki veto it. As you, there was never an attempt to override the veto_ l'his year 1he Bill is being reintroduced and is currently in the process of getting new Senate and A IF YOU MOVE Please notify us as soon as possible with updated infor mation on your change of address. We incur a large expense by the Post Office ir they noii ry us of undeliverable or forwarded mail. Thank you. -3- IsV VC verrazano 10-13 Recording Secrettity!v Notes by Jack vociafion FEBRUARY MEETING The meeting was called to order by Vice President I leliman JANUARY NIEETINC; Tony DeNata le with a sa lute to the flag arid a moment The meeting WEN cttIIcd to order by President Rich of silence for all sick and departed members. Tony reminded the members thi-it June 13, 2007, will be lowed by it moment of silence for all sick and de- Albany Lobby Day. I le ur.:2ecl all those able to make the trip to 5klbany and IviaW our voices heard. Tony parted mcnibeir. Rich ntentioiteLd the passing of Lillian also reminded the members of the upcoming Golf nterio. wiCc of member Pete Anterio..-N prayer was said For 0111- [ Mops oversells. Rich addressed thQ mcrll- ()tiling to be held on June 1 1, 2007 ar the Bunker Hill Gulf Course. 1 Ic urged our members to help in sonic Hership on the concerns anti matters at hand effecting the organ ltatic .in. He covered the upcoming (lolf Out- manner., whether it be pl conking or sponsoring a hole. This is (5411" largest moneymaker and proceeds ing to he held On June I L. 2007 tat the Bunker 11111 From I he sponsor fees go di reedy to the Police Relief Gall - Course and ;hint for a hole in one., Dana Moti -.)vs Fund. .ACter breaking for dinner, which was enjoyed he donating is 2007 Lincoln Mk. X, A special by nil, John Feiss came up with a stiggestinn in start a iharlks went out to .1i m Cogrietta :rind Dave Diorio of service kw oLir members \Otero they can call Lind be given zl ride to the doctors:, dentist and such. These Commesso. The Pledge or Allegiance' was held, fol- I )aita Motors. Rich then iouchcd on the National Con79t17. Tony Franzese then gave the treasurer's report. services are not pmvidcd by the Relief Fund. John was the first to sign up. Others soon followed and we Tony cxplrrined our finance .A and that the meetings now have a good body of rricTi rind women, Ti' yon tver1 our biggest expense. Bill ()'Neill made a m need a ride, please cull yenticin to Se he'd al the Friar luck on Jul]," 27, 28 and 046-752-6 48. 1 will arrange [br someone in your area to pick you Up anti lo lake you where you ;iced to go. We urge our tilombers in the outlying boroughs to volunteer so that we cLin extend ;his service. By ibc time you receive newslencr. mos; o1 the r -suribi Elks" will he back. had 21 healt hy here -s hoping you ion from Ike floor Lo i tic re se the door cost [Voir]. S5.00 to S10.00. This includes food and drink, Frahlc Rnpavizillo seconded the motion.. 1k vote from the floor was made LILO i 11(2.11110k i011 pa SNC d Tony N e a e his hc....a.11.11 ;Ind w el care report. Tony has been abreast of all the ell:a-ages being i:iniicipatccI with our health coverage. Rich then introduced our guest speaker., relived Deputy Inspector and 11. -winer ail . the Pension NOTE NEW MEETING LOCATION Section, Joseph M arcane. Joe is eurretirly a pension advisor to the PBA. Inspector Mari:one 4.1 dcl ss the membership on the current stains of the Variable Supplement Fund and how the tiew elTeeis Knights of Columbus Si. Council 22 Hillside Terrace rcgidar retirement,. Pri:ideiki retiree's icvlio are out (..'orriniesso thanhed inspector I'vlarcone mid presented him \Orli Verrazano 10-13 gol 1 - shill.. Rich then ex- Staten Island, New York 10308 (718) 31741343 tended art (veil invitation to the Inspector for all t; ire meeti .-1 frer breaking for dinner, which was weal reeeived by the members, .a 50/50 was held and won by Li. Terry 13ei ;nett, llennett donated S50.00 Call the 10-13 Office for directions (718) 987-6354 back to u Ixc orgailizatioil, 2nd. prize Was won lay 'Tony Frarizese who donated S25,00 to the Joe "131iffalo Be1Ies1ri Scholarship Fund. The meeting WiiS then lichouvried. "IsVi Lita fa -4- 10-f 3 A N Othi fin! t LOBBY DAY TRIP TO ALBANY JUNE 13, 2007 Free to Members! COME AND SUPPORT THE NATIONAL NY PD 10-13 ASSOCIATION AS WE JOIN TOGETHER TO HAVE OUR VOICES HEARD IN SUPPORT OF THE HEALTH PROTECTION BILL. THE BUS WILL BE LEAVING FROM THE STATEN ISLAND MALL AT 8AM AND RETURNING TO STATEN ISLAND AT 6PM. THERE WILL BE REFRESHMENTS AND SANDWICHES SERVED ON THE TRIP UP AND ALSO ON OUR RETURN TRIP. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN GOING PLEASE CONTACT TuE VERRANZANO 10-13 OFFICE AT 718-987-6354. A STRONG SHOWING IS IMPERATIVE! _s_ NY(' hyruzime 10-13 ANNO•PdiniOri Treasurer's SS Report plautoeopy the sponsor ppiiein ion in this newActlei. anal win ke every effort to orner support from the community. Our goal is 40 sponsors and a $4,000 donal bui certainly not leas'. is our annual National by/Jar/lolly .•ranzese Corivenbon at the Friar Tuck Inn, Catskill. NY on winter chill is behind us, i.nid the sunny days of Spring a: apploaching. Now is also the busiest time Friday, July 27 through Sunday, July 29th. Membem, J or our organization's events and panel-raisers. fon, sun and socializing„A hospitality room, located The friends and family arc all invited for a vvreekend of flex' itt the pool, is available to us day and n Beer, wine, !Soda top-shelf liquor, and snacks are eompli ail; of the National I 0-13 Organization. Mark your calendar for our semi-annual bus ride to Bally's Atlantic City, The cost of S25.00 per person ilic Ludes juice and dollish. beer. wine, soda ;old snacks. The flyer for this weekend is also in this newsletter. You will also receive. •I watcher for the Virginia Join i n the fun as we sunbathe. play bocce, cards and Bald (a $23 value) and it I 18,00 coin voucher. Two shuffleboard and bingo. Relax in the hot tub, or buses have been reserved but this is El 1 ' fi est come, exercise in the indoor gym, or pedal boat or golf. The choice,: is yours - so plan on joining us. fusi served" bask - please reserve your scat with your payment _s,..SAP. Our viviee-annual event is always well-reecived and all arc welcome. See flyer in this 200 7 ihies are now pas' due. The mailing label indicate., the year of your last dues payment, .stay 1 11 }I IL J1IOn. uncut your status, please contact our office the closet On Monday, June I I., we Wi ll be or ,Isle Cammarata, our newly appointed Iisrwiilig our 5th•nnutil Golf Outing at Run ker Bill (it fir eourse. This event is also open to alb members, corn...Nll& rig secretary, Please lake a ritornelli lo cheek your status and update your membership if necessary, Fitly members are still remiss: are you Family and friends. The S I 00 entrance fee includes continental breakfast. all green lees with cart, one or sheaf? refreshments, and a barbecue lunch alt the conclusion orplay, For those non-golfurs, please plart on joining Donations, over and above our dues, are alt.vays by volunteering your services in a number ofways. appreciaied and help keep us solvent. Our printing, rnecti I se, amid postal expenses orc eklinstantly on the rise. Lis Plea:SC COIlLni.2 11 Hoard Member fiir inrllier inforrnaiion. Donabons for our College Scholarship Fund are We Wiitild also like alwa), s. cc-opted at mixtingh or by mail On belt alf of it, enlist all members it Iiclp us in our quest for sponwpr, Reach out our entire Board, our sincere 'hanks to all 4.vhci have ILO lbOSIC 11.1$SiFICSSeS, res a u rants. deli's, bakeries, etc.. and cueoti rage i hum io sponsor a tee. 0r green for' I oo. The total proceeds generously supported this endeavor. Close to 50% or of this iivorthwhile and enjoyable outing go directly to their dues. our nwathers have conrri bitted donationt, in add i it in to the NYPD Pol ice Rel ief Fund_ Last year wc raised .;3,500. and we Rope to surpass that goal. Cumulati‘ ely. we have raised S10,500, which was ss used to purchase much-needed medical equipment. I he. Police Relic'• Fund ;.ags.ists all members of the N bolli active and retired, of any rank. Please -6- t.Fnirimocei 011 no:if iJage NYC Verrazano 1Y-13 As.s.ociftrion Thank Fully, these symploms don't always mean the worse case scenario. Thor coitld all be leading in swat k known as [KPH ; or Benign Prostate B PH, is an enlarged prostatet:onclition ii yl !hat effects of men over 50 and is a norimil part or the aging process. This enlargement cause; in of the Urethra, I hus restricting the proper flow of urine. It is not known why S0111C men have more severe syluptonns than [piers. I ['you suffer From number of the following syrrvoins, iL may he time to discuss this issue with your doctor. Is there a delay before you start /0 urinate? Does your now start zJnck stop? When you think you're finished, does more trickle out? Does yorir bladder led that it is not cmptv? Has your stream become thin and weak? Has the number c.).0 times you pkvis urine during the day increased drasliea ly? Do you li -4.Nuenily get up to the night to pass urine? ‘Vlien You pass urine, does it feel again in a relativety short Li EliC? like you have to CL,Ver ininc when you didn't mcm to? if you - ye answered yes to many of these quo;Aicin, you in4y be suffering From RPH. Your doctor may want. to porform a Digi Rectal Exam (DRIi) to physically fee for an enlarged prmtatc. He will probably order a Prostate Sped fic Antigen (PSA) test, to screen for prostate. canecr. Both !hese exams are recommended for ltioe. over 50. Whatever the crises rimy he, early delection seems to he one or the best 1.4..rays to fighi iJtis disease. Don't put off- going to the doctor because you fear t he worst. Get Lo know your hod and become familiar with the se. symptom,;. THE LESS TIME YOU TAKE GOINirr TO THE DOCTOR MAY MAKE ALL 771E DIFFERENCE IN A DDLVG PRECIOUS TIME TO YOUR LIEL Tiro following is a list of dorigu.ions the NYC' hzis illade For 2006. The VC1TitZil1 110 1 0- I 3 Assoc i for donations totalled S6.785. 'filar& you once your Lcncrous support. - deo -sey Show 10-13 .4 N.50 C - Kenecen War' Veto -vas - FPD Anchor Chrb - NYTTJ Columbia Asynciadon - NYC PBA and Orphony - NYPD ReIbtf 1:taid - NiTD Emerald Suciely - National NYCPD 10--1 Asyuciaficne - Po. Thomas Miff ...hull Fund - Refired Police Assacialion NY - Semen Island Zoo - South Show Rolaiy CIHI) - Toys For Tots A-farine Co,irs tact, rec - World qf Wromcn S./. Inc. our next meeting is March 21st. Join u celebrate Si. Ntriek's and St. Joseph's Day. ChcfAl Rui,so will provide us with a traditional tasty dinnerl Here's To Your Health! by ...inthorry Perhaps the mo s t presing health problem facing men today is prostate cancer. As we gel older (50 ) we should Familiarize ourselves with some of the telltale %Yarning signs of possible problems, With age, men may notice a reduction in the strength or their urine stream and even having it start and stop. Others may find themselves goinE., 1m:quell* during the night and still having LI feeling that their bladder is not empty. There may even come the dine when you can't pass urine at all, Get well wishes to Joe Manfra, arid Tony Franzese, Best wNlies kind speedy recovery to SteveAlper. Special prayers are asked for Linda Yagos, wife of member Danny Yaps- Condolences to Pete Ariterio on the pagsing of his wife Lillian. Please let us know if there is anyone you vr'ould like to has e get well wishes go out to. -7.- NYC tilTatanu 10-13 AsNoritilion FRIAR TUCK RESORT 4858 ROUTE 32 CATSKILL, NY 12414 WELCOMES THE NATIONAL NYCPD 10-13 ORGANIZATIONS, INC. 1 8 th ANNUAL CONVENTION FRIDAY, JULY 17 SUNDAY, JULY 29, 2007 - Your Weekend Rates Include: Fine Italian-American Cuisine served in a private 10-13 Dining Room presenting 3 meals daily Complimentary U)-I3 Hospitality Room Friday and Saturday Hero Sandwiches and Refreshments Upon Arrival Friday Prime Rib Dinner with red and white wine Saturday Night Lavish Private Cocktail Party prior to Saturday Dinner Nightly Music and Dancing Top Name Shows Each Night Free Greens Fees at nearby Rip Van Winkle Golf Course Outdoor and Indoor Pools and Jacuzzi Spa Facility offering Massages, Pampering Treatments, Gym areapTennis tVolleybail and More! RATESANDACCOMMODAT1ONS WEEKEND PACKAGE RATES ARE PER PERSON, PER NIGHT Main House Double Occupancy Camelot II $129.00 $134.00 Tha ah.tiVe rates alNsk include gratuities Clkw.liudiriR Pining II% New York Tax is Priorn,Waiter,atishety, Maitre D} NOT included in the above rates A $50.00 deposit per couple is required. Make checks payable to: National NYCPD 10-13 Mail to: National NYCPD 10-13 Orgs., Inc. 391 High Hill Road Catskill, NV 12414 For further information, please contact Chairman Anthony V. Perrone (518) 945-1749 Friends and Relatives Welcome! ph.o,e fin out and detach the form below .11)d scn'i m along with your dcpoiit NATIoNALNYCPD 10-13 ORGANIZATIONS, INC i,ast JULY 27- JUIN 29,2007 . Firsi Name Name Spouse Phone ( ddress_ State City No. Attending ) Arrival Date Zip Departure Daie _ Pct. Worked Number or Players Yes for Golf (Golf InlOrmatkin rust l>c prnvidiNINOW to reserve tee limes) Dinner Selection: Chicken Fish -s. Prime Rib NYC Verma(o 10-13,-IssociatiolA ATLANTIC CITY BUS Friday, April 27 to Bally's Park Place First Come, First Served Meet in Macy's Parking Lot (Si. Mall) at 8:45 AM $25.00 gets you: Round-Trip Transportation Refreshments on board (going and coming) Virginia City Buffet (a $23.00 value!) and an $18.09 voucher upon arrival Ai/ Call now! .Don't be shut out! Bring friends and family! • Call Rich Commesso at 718-979-1411 to make your reservation! JAX 221_f 1 C.) 1.2co _9_ ,VYC Iiirrazano 10-13 A.% unit/Jima NEW YORK CITY VERRAZANO 10-13 AssociAnoN's 5TH ANNUAL GOLF OUTING BUNKER HILL GOLF COURSE MONDAY, JUNE 11 9 2007 SPONSOR A TEE OR GREEN SEND, %OUR BUSINESS CARD OR INEORMAEION ALONCI, WITH $100 SPONSORSHIP FEE 10: NEW YORK CIE% VERRAZANO 10-13 ,kssociATIoN P.O. Box 061725 10396 718-987-6354 S-1 ATEN ISLAND, NEW YORK TEl ALL spoNsoRsuir PRoctsps WILL BE DONATED 1() TIR. NYPD POLICE RELIEF FUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SQUAD TI-1F POLICE REID; I, FL ti11 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SQUAD IS A IIENEErE TOM ALL %Ct 11 L A Nil RI! IRLD %W.MHERS 1W THE SERVICE REM VI.: fi /IN 111-!NII'1'F INCIAJDES SPoi isEs i ( 1111.1.)REN AND PAREN FS OF ACI I1 E ANI) RETIRED MEMBERS 4)1- Till. SEIM( E.). BF:REFITS INCLUDE. BUT %RE NOI LIMO Ell TO: A ► IILLANCE II)/FROM Nrw Yon Cu VP 'to 250 MILES FROM NYC; MEDRAL EQUIPMENT: OXYGEN THERAPY,. PULMONARY All) St PITIES, WHEEL cIIAIR's ILECIRIcAL III)SP••AL OEM, CRIFICUES, c %NES, TENS UNI I THERAPY AND 0111ER DL KAREL :MEDICAL Evutmers, 114,F. NYC YERRAZA NO 10-13 Assixim to s IS A CHAPTER OF 11IE NATIONAL NEW YORK On' Pout r 10-13 ORGANIZATIONS, INC. 111 IS IrqcoutroKATED AS A NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION DEPAR I NIL N T UNDER TUE LAW'S IW TIM STATE OE NEW YORK. TIIE ORJECI IVES OF THE Ass4w1A1•10‘ IS 10 FUR" IIIR IDE WELFARE OF ALL DOSORARLY RETIRFII •NI) ACTIVE OFFICERS OF AlL RANKS OF •11I1' IS By YORK CITY POLICE' 1)EPARTMENI H• ENCOURAGING SOCIAL CHARITARLE, EIRWATIONAL AND ERNI IERNAL %UT P.TESES AMONC. tIE SIEMBERSIIIP Iw -mint RESPECTIVE CON1MINITICS. FOLD AND TEAR 11IRE KEEP A (OP/ 1 )1 1 ill_ FLYER FOR YOUR TAX RECORDS. TEAR off THIS 5 .11A1 AND R1, 1•Ii1(N Tri THE NYC VERRALANO 10-13 Ascxocl tr1ON. ALL sPoSsoBs WILE Br ACKNoWilm;ED 0\ Till AssOCIATIWS WED PAGE Al. \MM... rs vow. (1 oNI TOT SPONSOR NAME ADDRESS CHECK PHONE -10- # AMT NYC Verrazano 149-13 Association NEW YORK CITY VERRAZANO 10-13 ASSOCIATION'S 5TH ANNUAL GOLF OUTING BUNKER HILL GOLF COURSE 2007 "RAIN OR SHINE" MONDAY, JUNE 11, • CONTINENTAL BREA KFANT • HOT DOGS E TURN • EE •m BA Risiccu E THE: I 9•1•Fl HOLE • BEER, WINE AN 1.) of • nuir.s; volt Low se:01(Es; FoR .411F:\ & w0A1 EN • 50/50 • RA Hui, • Plums MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE NYC VERRAzAN0 10-13 ASSOCIATION Mail checks for S1011 per golfer with this registration form 10: NYC VE it RAZAN 0 10-13 As soci Al I oN PO Box 061725 STA TEN ISLA\ D. NY 10306 PlioNi./FA 5, 718-987-6354 email: erems(ti REGISTRATION FORM GOLFER PHONE GOLFER PHONE GOLFER PHONE GOLFER__ PHONE IF Y. DON'T HAVE A FOURSOME, WE WILL PLACE YOU INTO VOURSONIL AND COYFACI" YOU ABOUT YOUR FOURSONIE AND . 1-ER TO SPONSOR 'TEE BOX OR GREEN, CALI. '1111..! N EMBER ABOVE Olt (OKI (.0)..rkin TEL MEMBERS IR!1.0W. SPONSORSHIPS ARE MOO vr.k l' 41ZELN OR I I.:I.:. GOLF C OMMITTEF RICHARD CONDARSSO, CH.A1101.AN 71H-919-1411 JACK HELL MAN, GO-CHAIWIAAN 711i-356-9286 EDWARD D. REUSS, CO-CHAIRMAN 917-273-8651 NYC ViTracano 1O-13 Associadon Sink a "HOLE IN ONE" at our 5th Annual Golf Outing to be held on Monday June 11th, 2007 at Bunker Hill Golf Course and you can drive away with this beautiful 2007 Lincoln MX, generously donated by Dana Lincoln Mercury Jim Cognetta, Owner /Principal David Diorio Official Sales Rep for the New York City Verrazano 10-13 -12- NYC Verrazano 10 13 Association - Corresponding Secretary's Corner s many of you might know I have had experience. in running ilor public office in itAiL Staten IstaliLl and realize what the power of numbers and tillity can make in most elections_ Once we get this program completed we should have an eNcelleni r ielurc of !low much support or, non-supporl we can offer a candidate that would help us in Entenpl for better hcne fits, no loss 01- medical coverage and a true cost Of living in oar pensions, by jrie ( .ef 171 Manila Dear Fellow Members, future niai I ings 'I'll probably he as.king fbr ilirlher information about your voter registralion, party OM i o lion. if any, and family members who are of voting age, I ho r c at least they - re all regisleredr I should have a good many voter reiaistration ear& at our next meeting Cu get us. and fainily members who are not registered to join the family of politieal power. 11 / don't know how, but it seetris I have had the extreme pleasure of being dralled ink) [he family of the Board of Officers whir the Verrazano 1013 Association. I guess Rich C'ounnesso and Tony Franzet,.e thought I had too much tune on my hands since retiring from theAnnv Reserves in July 012006 1.11.ter 34 years; and making myself seen at the mectinits taking photos and helping with the setting up of the room, Or it [...mid have been a lip o ' ilie lip to mention that 1 had some knowledge about computers and that it might he 41 1111 eLisier for us to retrieve, collect, collate and get our mailings oul if we computerized. Well, licre I urn with the title of Corresponding Secretary and a load n paper and pmgrams on my desk_ Aetually I'm honolvd and hope that I can live up to their expeoai ionii. i Thank you again tIor your trust and respect. Joe Cammarala ilimminummummaimmummema The Executive Board of the New York City Verrazano 10-13 Association would like to take this opportunity to wish W hat well he doing from now on is trying to collect and update all the information that was on your original application and to expand on that information Ili give its a clearer picture of how we can better help our membership arid hone in on the political repre$entation that we ni.- id to get out. voices heard in New York Lind Albany. We have already cornracied Neparal illg our member; into Mellon Districts and AStjell Ibly Districts in Swell Islamd and have gone through a good portion ill Brooklyn, If you know your ED and AD in other boroughs please comae i me at 7 1:i-815-2014 with the information to save us time and energy. Liz Chevalier our Layout anti Design person and very good friend) the very best of everything on her 50th birthday! Happy Birthday Liz, and many more! -13- NYC Verrazatio 10-13 Association Jantiaor , Meeting ;- Sgt. At Arms Joe Ma ssella Kee Mt) Order . Snilivan (left) taiTy Morse(eenter) congratulates TOM ,Fc and Joy. Canintarata (right) oti joining me Executi Errol Ogden.. Funds rvionager, Ed Mullins, Pres., SRA arid mm Ferguson, Pres., Nal ioual 10-13 Board of mm \L 10-13 Pension Vice-President Tony Dershrtale ..ivith Joe Marenne, Pension Section Advisor tip the PBA and former CO The twk new E.x.ecutive Brkardinenther.ei. mm Sullivan, Trustee Oat) and Corresponding Secre.tar:k (right) inarata., Joe Can] . -1 4- NYC Verrazatto 1043 Association Rid] COT11111E'SMP, PrESidezit, VI. 10-13, Presents golf shiri to Joe larcane., Pension .A.tivisor to the PEA Lind roma : 1 11;41-ry MorAm s Jr, and Joe Marcone Pension Section CONDO FOR SALE MARCO ISLAND, FLORIDA 2 Bedroom, 2 112 baths for sale at the Marco Villas II. Cont ract the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from I to 4 inciusii c. Good luck! DitTieulty Rating: Intermediatv 2 9 4 , 7 3 1 N. L 1st Floor: Living room, eat-in kitchen with new microwave, refrigerator and stove, 1/2 bath, enclosed Lanai to private yard. SUDOKU 6, 3 2nd Floor: 2 Bedrooms, 2 full baths, new A/C, washeridryer, hot water heater, garbage disposal. New tile 1st floor, new carpet 2nd floor. 2 1 mile to private beach and shopping. Walk to park, YMCA, library, tennis courts and 24-hour health care facility. Fully furnished. S324,900.00 For further information, call Tony Franzese at 4917) 748-9552 -I 4 1 , ., WWW,VISUALTOUR.COM Tour # 508137 6 9 4 6 2 5 7 3 SOLUTION ON ,ATEXT PAGE 1 NYC iiirrazatto SOLUTION TO SODUKO ON PACE 15 9 4 5 6 2 7 3 1 8 nu 811139 5 4 6 8111 6 2E1 6 72 1 8 9 3 4 3 904 5013 0 Emma 6 g en 09 1 8 5 2 3 4 9 6 8 5 7139 3 2 806 2 64E13 11 0 me 1 Association IF YOU MOVE ' I; SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS Mention that you are a member of the NYC *rrazano 1043 Association NYC Verrazano 10-13 Association P.O. Box 061725 Staten Island, NY 10306 Tel. I Fax (718) 987-6354 PONSOFI$BIP 13,41-E$41VD APPLICATION Business Card Ad Quarter Page AdHalf Page Ad Full Page Ad I Please notify us as soon as possible with updated i n le rrnat ion on your change of address_ We incur a large expense by the • Post Office it . they notify us of undeliverable or forwarded mai!. Thank you. $125.00* _ $225.00* $35,0.00* $500.00* BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME / TELEPHONE# PLEASE INCLUDE BUSINESS CARD OFI PHOTO-READY COPY *Rates include one (1 j year membership in the NYC Verrazano 10-13 Association. If you are a current member. please deduct $25.00 from sponsorship rate. Please include remittance with this application and forward to above address. -16-
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