primary colours - En Vie fashion magazine
primary colours - En Vie fashion magazine
10 OCTOBER ア ン ヴィ TM w w w. e n - v i e -f a s h i o n . c o m ETHEREAL DARKNESS KELLY LOVE AW 12 LACE ALL OVER THE PLACE AN INTERVIEW WITH MAKEUP ARTIST MARION DE WAARD PRIMARY COLOURS TODD ANTHONY TYLER TOKYO GIRLS COLLECTION RUNWAY REPORT DIAMOND DESIGN BAGS BY LARISSA HADJIO ETERNAL EMBRACE PLUS MANY MORE & ALL THE LATEST AND HOTTEST FASHION NEWS AND INFO! / 2012 Sequinned Plunge Neck & Rosette Dress / A SHLE Y ISHAM Black Struc tured Peplum Gown / VAUGHN TAN ADVE RTISI NG SPAC E IN EN VIE IS AVAI LABL E. Pleas e get in touch for detai ls: sales @en- vie-fa shion .com ate. to ensure all En Vie media is up-to-d Disclaim er: Every effort is made endorse d by the ed herein are not necessarily Please note that opinions express damage or distress loss, any for liable held be publish er. The publish er cannot in this magazin e. or from adheren ce to any advice resulting in errors, omissions of ibility for the quality or content The publish er takes no respons the copyrig ht holder. by d reserve rights All s. advertisement -vie-fas www.en to go please To see the full disclaim er 08 TEAM Direc tor THE COLOURS OF OCTOBER NEWS 08 EDITORIAL ANNA JA SINSKI 14 FASHION Editors 16 PHOTOGRAPHER EDWARD HATFIELD 18 EDITORIAL 22 FASHION CHRIS ROAF HENDRIK FUT TERLIEB International Fashion News Primary Colours What She Said Modern Day Fairy Tale 26 COLLECTION EDITORIAL BR ANDON LINDER 31 FASHION VER A CHAN 32 RUNWAY REPORT Japanese Editors 34 FASHION TOMOKO FUJII 40 FASHION 42 FICTION 44 FASHION MARY SIMCOX SHOKO NAMBA A ssistant AD WESLE Y WANG Aalia Oursbourn Pagan Poetry 28 Sub Editors Kelly Love AW 12 The Enchanted Forest Harvest Tokyo Girls Collection A Calm Exterior Nyx Come Along With Me The Raven 46 FICTION Consultants 48 LINGERIE No Less Sad Than Sweet DARIA MIUR A 52 LINGERIE Underneath It All 58 NEW LABEL Web & PR Managers 60 EDITORIAL Italian Desire LYSTIA PUTR ANTO 62 FASHION 64 NEWCOMER 66 FASHION Voodoo 68 FASHION Innocence 70 INTERVIEW 72 BAGS 76 ILLUSTRATOR YUQI NAK AMUR A BARRET TRICKEY St ylists TOMOKO FUJII E WA FIUTAK JUS T YNA KORUSIE WICZ Nude Chif fon Gown / VAUGHN TAN CONTENTS 07 AD, Design & Illustration BACK COVER Photography / K i i T Designer / TOMMY (asobo design fac tor y / TOMMY GR APHIC S) / w w Ar tist / K ANAKO K ATO / w w Ar tist Produc tion / HARMONYFIELDS 52 06 GERD KR AMER COVER + FOLLOWING St yling / JEROME AWA S THI Model / CHEN LIN @ AveManagement Make Up / LOLENT LEE Hair / A SH LOI All Jeweller y / Cour tesy of CHANC TECLER CAPRI 34 26 A ssistant NAOKO HIGA SHIYAMA The Seasons of Change Fearless Jon Stars Marion de Waard Larissa Hadjio Anna Bours 78 FICTION 80 RECIPE Eternal Embrace 81 ESMOD EVENTS 82 HOROSCOPE 72 En Vie 06 News 07 1 OCTOBER 2012 Tex t / AYA IGAR A SHI Translation & Edit / SAR A AI COE SPEAK AND SHOP sophisticated floral scent of roses. The perfume is both sensual Some people say “fashion is all talk,” but they weren’t and feminine. It embodies the mysterious, singular radiance expecting this … Online shopping website of a woman’s graceful power. The bottle itself plays up to the has created a “Speak and Shop” feature where customers can shop mysteriousness, as it bears no name. But voilà … open the bottle by voice command. That’s right, by simply saying what colour, style and the words “Dahlia Noir” are hidden underneath the cap. and design you want, you’re able to purchase whatever your heart desires. The feature is available in nine languages including, English, Italian, French, Russian, Spanish, German, Japanese and Korean. The function also allows you to shop by trend and occasion. Fashion just got that much more exciting! 2 6 LONDON … THE MOST FASHIONABLE CITY IN THE WORLD For the second year in a row, GLM has named London the world’s most fashionable city. New York came in second, Barcelona was third, four th was Paris and Madrid rounded JAMIE OLIVER’S BIG CHAIR PROJECT out the top five. GLM’s fashion direc tor Bekka Payack said, To celebrate the 10th anniversar y of his restaurant "London's two-year run has been has been propelled by two Fif teen, super mogul chef Jamie Oliver has teamed rather extraordinary circumstances - the emergence of Kate up with some famous fashion designers to launch the Big Chair Middleton as a top fashion icon, and the recent completion Projec t . Top names including Sarah Bur ton, Paul Smith and of what have been hailed as an extremely successful Summer Julien McDonald will customize Ant chairs and sell them in a Olympics." charit y auc tion. Money from the auc tion will be donated to the Better Food Foundation. These chairs are so gorgeous you almost wouldn’t want to sit on them. You can check out these amazing designs online at Oliver’s homepage. 3 7 ALICIA KEYS AND REEBOK This time around, R&B singer Alicia Keys will touch your “sole” with her customized Reebok sneakers. The limited edition sneakers were launched on S eptember VERA WANG ON WEDDINGS 28th and to celebrate the release, the singer debuted a short These days, getting married in a Vera Wang dress has video promotion at the 2012 MT V music awards . From the become a must if you’re a hotshot celebrity. And now, colour and texture to the design, Alicia oversaw every single Vera Wang has launched an iPad, iPhone and iPod application detail. They are very stylish and so very Alicia Keys. entitled “Vera Wang On Weddings,” making it even more convenient to choose that special dress. The app offers Vera Wang’s p ersonal we dding a dvice , the lates t tren ds an d , of course , collections of Vera’s amazing creations. The app is a must have for any woman planning a wedding or any woman who just wants to fantasize about her big day. THE COLOURS OF OCTOBER Illustration & Concept ANNA BOURS / w w 4 DOM PÉRIGNON BY DAVID LYNCH World famous film direc tor David Lynch has joined forces with world famous champagne label Dom Pérignon to design a limited edition bottle and gif t box. The spectacular Lynch creation, dubbed “the Power of Creation,” will be released on bottles for the Dom Pérignon Blanc 2003 and the Rosé 2000. The gift box is “a little magic theatre,” as described by Dom Pérignon. We can’t wait to see what’s inside! 5 DAHLIA NOIR EAU DE TOILETTE The fashion house of Givenchy will be releasing a new version of the Dahlia Noir Eau de Toilette per fume on the 5th of October. The new fragrance starts with the sweet smell of lemon, mandarin and peaches and is followed by the more +1 P ROJ EC T G LASS As a new concept for e y e w e a r, Project G lass m a de it s de b ut du ri ng N ew Yo rk Fa sh io n W ee k. In co nj un ct io n w it h Google, D ia n e V o n Fu r s te n b erg hosted a fa shion sh ow where m od wore the els tech com p a ny ’s n e au gm ente d w re alit y glas se s do w n th ca tw al k. O e ne cl ic k on G oo gl e an yo u’re ab le d to se e vi de o ca pt ured th es e high by -tec h glas se s. Th is is tr ul fashion of th y e future . En Vie 08 E DITO RIAL Dress & Jacket / JIL SANDER Clutch / DIOR Bracelet / HERMES PRIMARY COLOURS Photography & Creative / TODD ANTHONY T YLER St yling / K ARINA SMITH Makeup / MICHAEL MAC Hair / CL ARKE LEE Model / MARIANNA Top & Skir t / MIU MIU Pumps / ALE X ANDER WANG Handbag / DIOR Bracelet / HERMES Blazer, Shir t & Pants / MOSCHINO Bracelet / CHANEL Wedge Plat form Sandals / GUISEPPE Z ANOT TI Top & Pants / YSL High Heels / DOLCE & GABBANA Dress / MA X MAR A Shir t, Jeans & Belt / BOT TEGA VENE T TA Bracelet / CHANEL Necklace / CHANEL Wedge Plat form Sandals / GUISEPPE Z ANOT TI En Vie 14 FA S HIO N WHAT SHE SAID Photographer / VANESSA POWELL Model / BAILE Y FR AY DEJONG Hair / JESSICA S TEELE Makeup / MEL ANIE CAMARGO Tank Top / WE T SE AL Earrings / CL AIRE’ S En Vie 16 PH OTO G R APH E R BEAUTY IN FRONT OF & BEHIND THE CAMERA Tex t / ANNMARIE KORKEIL A Photography / A ALIA OURSBOURN / w w St yling / ZOE CRENSHAW Model / MISHA E VAN SKELLY Makeup & Hair / ANN DENICOLO A a lia O u r s b o u rn i s a ta l e nte d up -a n d- co min g fashion, commercial and lifestyle photographer, whose work is inspired by family, films and daily life. T h e C alifornia-base d p h otograp h er blen ds f ashion and nature to create a profound beauty and mysticism in her photography. Her st yle varies from simple to extravagant, depending on the location, clothing and intent. Aalia’s clients include international magazines and model agencies. Before becoming a professional photographer, Aalia w o r ke d a s a p a r t-t i m e m o d e l a n d f a s h i o n s t y l i s t , while also studying business in London . Eventually, she star ted to photograph her model friends and gradually got more involved in photography. Aalia has s aid h e r s elf that sh e n eve r p la n n e d o n b e co min g a photographer, “IT SORT OF JUST HAPPENED.” Havin g wo rke d as a p rofe ssio nal p h otog ra p h e r fo r six years, Aalia finds the job rewarding. “I love being behind the camera and now I can control ever y thing that goes into the creative process,” she says. “I find the challenge of creating commercial and advertising work is a ver y exciting one, especially when thinking how far you can push it creatively. I hope to expand my range and I'm excited to work more in the future,” she adds. We are definitely going to keep an eye out for Aalia's pictures. En Vie 18 E DITO RIAL PAGAN POETRY Photography / KRIS TINA YENKO Model / JA SMINE BERNARD from 'The A genc y Models' Makeup / R ABIA ELRICH Hair / VANESSA HENWOOD St yling / REBECCA GL A SER A ssistant / SE AN CHAE FA S HIO N En Vie 22 FA S HIO N MODERN DAY FAIRY TALE St yling / HA ZEL DONEGAN Hair & Makeup / BADRI KERMANI Photography / LISA ORMSBY PHOTOGR APHY Model / BR ANDI ROBINSON at Willow Models & Talent A genc y Designer / ANNALYNN LUU Jeweller y / TATUM LENAHAN at LOVE TATUM Location / SAN DIEGO En Vie 26 CO LLEC TIO N ETHEREAL DARKNESS Tex t / ELEONOR A E VA BONE T TO Pic tures / KELLY LOVE R omanticism is not a forgotten word. Despite the modern trends made up of asymmetric shapes and unconventional cuts, young Australian designer Kelly Love tells us a story of romance that takes place in the dark depths of the Russian woods. Love’s Autumn/ Winter 2012 collection inspired by the colours of the earth is delicate yet strong at the same t i m e , a w a ke n i n g b o t h t h e f e m i n i n e a n d m a s c u li n e sides of women today. The lady-like mini dresses and high-wais t cigaret te pant s are vaguely reminiscent of t h e 4 0 ’s , w h il e ju m p s uit s e m b e llis h e d w it h f u r s a n d hat s co m p l ete th e Kell y L ove w inte r l o o k . T h e colour palette, juicy shades interspersed with pastels, emphasises the dark side of glamour. With blood red dresses and classic blouses , French nav y and dusk y blue for pants and blousons, Love confirms the spirit of the label that bears her name — a tribute to femininity. Kelly Love brings to light an old world of glamour and love in its purest form. For more info: En Vie 28 FA S HIO N THE ENCHANTED FOREST Photography / ERICA COBURN / w w or w w St yling / CARMEL DALY / w w Makeup / EMILIA KUCZMA-POREBSK A / w w t-Make-Up/186 4 42324732360 Models / COURTNE Y @ Absolute the A genc y Shawl and Butter flies / Designed by K AREN LOUISE DALY Dress / RIVER ISL AND Red Cape / Designed by CARMEL DALY White Dress / RIVER ISL AND FA S HIO N Blue Dress / FUSSY GALORE VINTAGE HARVEST Photography / SAR AH FOUNTAIN @ Grafiklab Hair & Makeup / LINDA ANAND @ Glamour Dollz Makeup Ar tistr y St yling / ABBE Y-LEIGH HOOD of St ylingbyleigh Model / K AIYA JOHNSON Headpiece & Armband / S T YLIS T'S OWN Dress / En Vie 31 En Vie 32 RU NWAY RE PO RT CECIL MCBEE URBAN RESE ARCH LIZ LISA M . DEUX T he first stunning array of this season's collection UR was resplendent with neutrals, sweater material, wide-shoulder jackets, furs and a variety of gorgeous warm looking things for upcoming fall. Amongst the almost overwhelming blur of colours, which were various shades of burgundy, beige, cream, violet and other winter tones, there were fresh twists on practical fashion, pairing lace dresses with furs. TOKYO GIRLS COLLECTION Tex t / MILLIE K ANA SL ABY Photography / MA SARU A Z AMA PHEBELY While the opening show gave the atmosphere of the evening a low-key and casual feel, chic crowds on the edge of their seat s gave all of their at tention to the n ex t blo ck of m o dels sashaying th eir way down th e r u n w ay ; t h e ir silk y l e a t h e r ja c ke t s , b la c k s c a r ve s , tights and slicked-back hair gave the outfits a hardcore, notice-me attitude. The Matsuzakaya Select stage was pure art displaying itself in a variety of colours, shapes and inspirations; seemingly coming from urban streets, school girls of the 1980's and businesswoman shoulder jackets, which were all at once edg y and elegant , the stage proved that fashion has the potential for innovation here and now. This third standout collection was replete with elegant dresses full of flounces, patterned fabrics and 1920's inspired details, presenting a fresh twist on the wearable and fabulous feel of that glamorous era. T h e S p e cial St a ge was te emin g w ith classic pie ce s; evening gowns, tailored trousers and vests that cinched models waists, in the style of the 1940's. M . d e u x s p a r k l e d d o w n t h e r u n w ay, d a z zli n g w i t h white, snow y clothing reminding you of chillier days to com e , with kn e e -high b o ot s , la ce an d se quinn e d dresses and fur trims on the edges of everything. PRISIL A W ithin th e sh ow ro om , n ot only inn ovative c at walk designs were being shown; classic themes and attitudes from classy elegance to youthful bohemian were also o n disp lay. It was th e variet y an d p otential of ea ch collection that kept everyone animated and expecting the unexpected. There were so many new twists and turns in every block, that everyone couldn't help wondering what was coming next. The event rounded out with a show seemingly themed o n D i s n e y, w i t h f l a g s , g i r l y o v e r s i z e d s w e a t e r s , colour ful tight s and hair ribbons. All gave a unique, Tokyo Girls Collection has become a must-see fashion eve nt f o r a ll Ja p a n -b a s e d f a shio nis t a s . Eve r y ye a r t h e m o d e l s a n d c l o t h e s c o n t i n u e to b l o w u s a w ay, showcasing the best new and established names on the scene. Now, right at start of the fashion show season, en ergetic vib e that p ra c tic all y s crea m e d yo uthf ul , fashionable cuteness. this colle c tion set s th e s tan dard an d get s us in th e mood for more to come. En Vie 34 FA S HIO N A CALM EXTERIOR Photography / EMILY SOTO Model / MAK AEL A MAR AN at L A Models Makeup & Hair/ AMBER SHAMSHOIAN St yling / CHESLE Y TOLENTINO En Vie 40 FA S HIO N NYX Photography / CL AR A COPLE Y St yling / EMMA PULBROOK Makeup / MEGUMI MATSUNO Hair / GIGI HAMMOND using Paul Mitchell Model / KRIS TIN DAHL at MandP Model Photography A ssistant / JOHAN PAUL HION En Vie 42 FIC TIO N COME ALONG WITH ME Tex t / MARY SIMCOX T wo days ago, the firs t chilly air of the coming autumn brought with it that choking, closing-in feeling. Summer had gone. Time to buckle down. Now the warm breeze hints at the summer heat still to come. W hy is no one s wimming in the river? W hy are they wearing sheepskin boots? It's only spring you tell me. Jeez, October, and already hotter than any summer I had known. “Come on the rising wind!” Check into the old hotel. Cool, dark rooms, polished floorboards, iron bedsteads and lace cur tains at the veranda doors. Freedom is the Newell Highway in spring. Cousin’s old V-dub rattles along, knees against the dash, windows down, Creedence in the tape deck and more miles of nothing I had never seen the like of before. “We’re goin’ up around the bend!” “There's a place up ahead and I'm goin’ …’’ Searching for your letter in the bureau, it’s somewhere here amongst all the others. Ah! The frustration! Past the Mulga, the Lantana, the Patterson’s Curse. Another time, another planet. Don’t run through the grass! But why? So I run through the knee-high grass where danger lurks at ever y footfall. You can’t believe ever y thing you’re told. Or was I just lucky? “Just as fast as my feet can fly!” Model / ALEKSANDR A BARTOSIAK Photography, Makeup & Hair, Costume / PAWEL TOTORO ADAMIEC Song / "Up around the bend" by Creedence Clear water Revival En Vie 44 FA S HIO N THE RAVEN Photography / K ACI KENNANN OWENS Model / SUSAN RIGG Makeup / JOSH POSLER En Vie 46 FIC TIO N THE SEASONS OF CHANGE Tex t / JULES SMITH Photography / DIANA NOHELOVA T here is a moment when you feel a chill and you know that change is on its way. The chill makes you wonder once again. The leaves are falling. How did I feel the last time the leaves fell? Was I warm despite the chill? Or was I cold and melancholy? As the seasons pass like milestones, we’re reminded of our feelings. The summer of love, the miserable winter. Each drop of rain tells a story and sparks emotion. Am I satisfied with what I will leave behind with the sun? And looking for ward to what I will embrace with the snow? Did I make history or memories? Will I take them with me into the new, to create a picture of the future, like a puzzle? Or will I try to forget, to close the book or write a new chapter? A s I k i c k u p t h e l e ave s , I w ill re m e m b e r. M y h e a r t may leap or my eyes may roll, my lips may smile or my stomach may lurch. The backdrop to my memories will continue to change and will always b e par t of what makes me remember, the seasons of change. En Vie 48 LIN G E RIE NO LESS SAD THAN SWEET Models / MONIQUE S TORCH & MADDISON BUCHANAN Hair & Makeup / LIZ A @ Porio Hair Spa Photo St yling / CACHELLE DAVISON @ Cachelle Model Management Photography / PE TER BROWN PHOTOGR APHER / w w En Vie 52 LIN G E RIE UNDERNEATH IT ALL Tex t / ABBE Y-LEIGH of St ylingbyleigh / w w Photography / DANIELLE SCHUITEN / w w St yling / NATA SCHA LOUWEN W hen it comes to enhancing the mood, nothing b eat s ta s tef ul lin ge rie . Ch o o sin g th e rig ht lingerie is very personal and it all comes down to your emotions and how you’re feeling on a particular day. Sex y black lace or classic white brief s, a woman’s underwear drawer can open the door to her soul. The only guideline to follow with lingerie is that matching is always better; your pieces must work together. W h e t h e r yo u’r e w e a r i n g yo u r e ve r yd ay b r a a n d underwear or you’re dressed up for a special occasion with the one you desire, what you wear underneath can stream confidence on the outside. Lin gerie is ma de in dif ferent s t yle s to suit all b o d y shapes. The baby doll suits a more curvaceous shape, flowing softly over feminine curves and accentuating the bust. The corset pulls in a leaner figure, accentuating the curves that exist around the bust and hips. Wearing high heels always adds to the mood, adding height and making your figure appear taller and leaner. Some prefer high cut briefs which can be bought in a stylish lacy silk to add sex appeal, whilst others fancy a youthful, sporty look such as bonds boy legs with a bonds branded elastic waist. How confident you feel in your undergarments is all that matters; confidence is the key to looking and feeling sexy. Lingerie is suitable for any body shape and is a great w a y t o g e t y o u r s e l f f e e l i n g c o n f i d e n t a n d s e x y. And even if no one knows or sees what is underneath ... you do. The options are endless, from strapless numbers to susp en der tight s , lace or silk in black , red or white . There are even costumes, if you want to add an element of fantasy. En Vie 58 N E W L AB E L rhapsody |’rapsədē| noun ( pl. -dies) 1 an effusively enthusiastic or ecstatic expression of feeling RHAPSODY Tex t / EDWARD HATFIELD T his single word p er fec tly emb o dies th e designs of textile print-oriented label, where every item is prac tically bursting with emotion. Launched by writer and designer Carrie Chan in 2010, the label is a celebration of the beautiful contrast of East meets We s t . I n s p i r e d b y h e r o w n e x p e r i e n c e s w i t h t h i s contras t during a p erio d sp ent s tudying in Lon don , Carrie’s first collection of printed legwear “Accidental Collage” is a combination of delicate line sketches and stark geometrics in brilliant shades of pink, blue, purple and gold. Sketch concepts include oriental gardens, mythical creatures, Geishas, Tsunamis, and butterflies. T h e c o l l e c t i o n a l s o i n c l u d e s s e r i e s o f t a t t o o - l i ke designs on nude tones and drawings inspired by Japanese culture against matte blacks and bright colours. The wide range of leggings offers options for a variety of looks from formal to playful and everything in between. C a r r i e’s b a c k g r o u n d i n f a s h i o n b e g a n i n t h e p r i n t design department at Alexander McQueen. She worked with the design team at Boudicca Couture as well as on a number of independent creative projects, including st yling an album cover for British band UNKLE. Carrie’s unique prints combined with her decision to breathe new life into an often ignored and overlooked ar ticle of clothing has led to fast success, with rapid sales grow th in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Singapore and a place in high-end stockists such as Peter Jensen, Henry Holland, and Belle Sauvage. The RI in the label’s name stands for Rhapsody Island, “a place where we are free to improvise and compose without limits.” This is clearly the place where Carrie’s imagination goes when it comes time to create. The name is fitting, as the addition of legwear will bring a burst of individuality to any outfit. For more info and online shopping: En Vie 60 E DITO RIAL ITALIAN DESIRE Photography / EDWIN S FRE YER / w w Model / L AUR A OJEDA @ Pop House St yling / VIRGINIA MEDINA Makeup / L AUR A MAYA Hair / DELIOMA BOVER En Vie 62 FA S HIO N FEARLESS St yling / ABBE Y-LEIGH HOOD of St ylingbyleigh Photography / MILLIE TANG Model / ALINTA KR AUTH Makeup / CYNTHIA BUGEJA Hair / LITA CATHART Parasol / KIT TEN D'AMOUR En Vie 64 N E WCO M E R EVERYTHING BEGINS WITH PASSION Tex t / ERIK A MAIO Photographer / JON S TARS / w w Model / AMANDA T @ MMA Hair & Makeup / LIZ MARTIN / w w Wardrobe / S TACE Y APPEL / w w W hen passion and art mingle together, it gives rise to a promising collection of photographers and amongst these is Jon Stars. At the age of seventeen, Jon realised his true calling, p h otograp hy. A f ter an unfor tunate a ccident on his BMX bike, he quit and continued to follow the races as a photographer. Strongly motivated, Jon turned down a scholarship in order to dedicate all of his time to shooting p h o to g r a p h s . A f te r g r a d ua tin g f ro m t h e H a llm a r k Institute of Photography in Massachusetts in 2009, Stars built a strong portfolio by way of working hard in studios and outside with musicians and BMX racers. In 2011, he began shooting more fashion photography. Working in this field has allowed him to experiment w i t h di f f e re n t k in d s o f s h o t s ; “e ve r y s h o o t c a n b e something completely dif ferent and can pull from so many different emotions,” says Jon. Clearly visible in his work, shooting fashion has enabled J o n to d evel o p his ow n natura l s t y l e . M ov in g f ro m sensual and blurry shots to clean and distinct ones, we can feel the emotions exude from the paper, touching us with their delicacy and depth, whilst giving way to spontaneous gesture and grace. Ever captivating, Jon Stars’ audiences will never be disappointed. Jacket / VINTAGE Shor ts / 28 CR A SH Boots / DKNY T-Shir t / HANES Belt & Bracelet / S T YLIS T'S OWN En Vie 66 FA S HIO N VOODOO Photography & St yling / SER AY NIYA ZI Makeup / NICOLE WITH Model / NATALIE GOSLING En Vie 68 FA S HIO N INNOCENCE Photography / ARRIEN VAN VLIE T Model / CARMEN TEUNIS Makeup / REBECCA NAINGGOL AN En Vie 70 INTE RVIE W LACE ALL OVER THE PLACE AN INTERVIEW WITH MAKEUP ARTIST MARION DE WA ARD Photography / KIT T Y HOUTK AMP Model / YOLINDA Makeup, Hair & Concept / MARION DE WA ARD / w w E n Vie: When creating a new look, do you star t with a clear visual concept or do you work from a particular feeling/emotion? Marion de Waard: It varies. In the case of the series “L ace All Over the Place,” I wanted to do something with lace in the lead. The idea for the sunglasses was there immediately; they were actually the inspiration for the whole series. Then I looked for other items to use an d to ok into a cco unt that ever y asp e c t wo uld b e dis c u s s e d in di f f e re n t c o l o u r s . A f te r I h a d t h a t figured out, I focused on features; in the end, we have a complete series with different accents, an accent on the eyes, on the neck, on the head, on the glasses, etc. On the other hand, in a beauty series, it’s mostly the makeup you want to express. In fashion, makeup is a part of the whole picture. W h a t i s t h e r o l e o f m a k e u p i n f a s h i o n? D o e s i t complement or stand on its own? I would say it’s a complement. Makeup is an important p a r t o f t h e w h o l e l o o k yo u w a n t to c re a te ; it ’s t h e same with hair. You want to say something with the look, so every element has to be right, the model, the hair, the makeup, the clothes, the shoes; they all must complement each other. If you could only keep one item from your personal makeup pouch, what would you keep and why? Oh my G od! I can only pick one? [L aughing] That ’s a difficult one to answer. I would go for the Touche Éclat complexion highlighter pen from YSL, because you can make a huge dif ference with only that one pro duc t . If yo u u s e t h e p ro d u c t co r re c tl y, o n a n d u n d e r t h e eyes, on the sides of the nostrils, and on blemishes in the skin, then that alone can make you look fresh, like you're wide-awake (and, okay, a bit of mascara too). Could you share some tips with our readers on how to create a fresh look and make their everyday makeup really “pop?” Makeup is all ab o ut exp erim enting! From a cer tain age, women start using makeup and they usually keep the same regimen for many years, because they don’t know any other way. Dare to try new things and get out of your comfort zone! For a “poppy” look, you can put focus on the eyes, with eyeliner and mascara. When you use mascara, apply it to the top of the lashes also, first on the top and then the underside. Rotate the mascara as you apply it to the top of your lashes, then brush up from the underside. You will see that this lifts your eyes, because it works to enlarge the lashes! To make it “poppy,” you can use a coloured eyeliner instead of the safe black or navy shades. To complete the look, apply a bright colour lip-gloss, put some highlights on your cheekbones, and you’re ready to pop! I DARE YOU … En Vie 72 BAG S DIAMOND DESIGN Tex t / L AUREN HADLER L a ri s s a H a d ji o’s n ew ra n ge D ia m o n d V i s i o n takes elements from nature and plays with our sentimentalit y. She trans forms the diamon d, one of n atu r e a n d wo m a n’s m o s t p r e c i o u s a n d i co n i c symbols, and generates artful designs that function. Geometr y is the central, structural concept that informs the pieces in the current range. Hadjio focuses on th e refra c tive qualit y an d s tr uc ture of th e gem; using 3D pattern making, she delivers bags that have volume and elegance. They are multifaceted, play ful, and have undeniable personality! Using fine leathers such as nappa, suede, and non-endangered fish skin, Hadjio has accomplished precious, but durable accessories that have an enduring presence. Her approach to wearable ar t is imaginative, and lighthear ted. The sculptural qualities of the objec t s allow them to transcend space. Ranging in size and use, all of the Diamond Vision bags really pack a punch! L ast season's Deep-Sea range took inspiration from Attenborough’s oceanic creatures, resulting in gorgeous aquatic life from crustaceans to sharks. Her work is not bound by the confines of a gallery; it fractures the idea of art as untouchable, and travels with us, providing an accent to our unique styles and desires. H a d j i o s t u d i e d f i n e a r t a t L o n d o n’s C e n t r a l S a i n t Mar tins College of Ar t and Design. Her work has b e e n f e a t u r e d i n Vo g u e , H a r p e r 's B a z a a r, a n d t h e Teleg ra p h , a n d has g ain e d th e at tentio n of f ashio n curator Diane Pernet. The contrast between the two ranges illustrates Hadjio’s connection to the natural world; her exploration of these concepts, along with the bags' execution, defines Hadjio as a genuine artist. The results of her vision and technique have created something truly stunning! For more info or to shop online: En Vie 76 ILLU S TR ATO R THE DOLLHOUSE THAT BOURS BUILT Tex t / ESPER ANZ A URBANEZ N ot many people can say that their passion i s t h e i r c a r e e r, b u t B a r ce l o n a - b a s e d , D u tc h illustrator Anna Bours can, as she gets to play with her fashionable “dolls” every day. Illustration / ANNA BOURS After many years working as a pattern maker, interior s t y lis t a n d g ra p hic d e sig n e r, th e s elf-t a u g ht a r tis t fearlessly quit her job to embark on an inspiring fourmonth journey through South East Asia. Bursting at the seams with inspiration from the region's art, traditions, natural set ting s , archite c ture , fabric s , flowers an d people, and armed with countless sketches and pictures of them, she started her fashion illustration company Dollhouse immediately upon her return. With a keen ability to absorb the world around her and channel it to create a fun and fresh version of reality, she has built a unique portfolio of fabulously feminine, exquisitely edgy and wonderfully whimsical doll illustrations. A n n a c a n r e c a l l d o o d l i n g a n d s ke t c h i n g s i n c e s h e was a girl and was strongly influenced by the work of t h e l e ge n da r y A nto nio L o p e z . H is sim p l e lin e s a n d elegant colours in particular inspired Anna’s vivid line work an d sof t palet te of de ep mauve s , co ol creams and flir t y blushes that meld together per fec tly. Her "dolls," which are first intricately drawn by hand before b ein g digit ally colo ure d , s e em to float ef fo r tle ssly with an air of cool confidence and graceful elegance. Whether they don pouty pink lips, rosy cheeks sprinkled with charming freckles or oversized round rea ding glasse s , th ey are all imp e cc ably s t yle d an d accessorised from the exotic flowers in their hair to the beautifully constructed shoes on their feet. A n n a’s u n i q u e l y s t y lis e d d e si g n s w it h t h e ir e xoti c floral pattern trademarks are easily recognisable as Dollhouse illustrations. A s her work continues to be featured in exhibitions and magazines, including En Vie's monthly page 6 illustrations, we can expect more beautiful scenes from the Dollhouse. For more info: En Vie 78 FIC TIO N ETERNAL EMBRACE Tex t / JUNL AH MADALINSKI St yling / ABBE Y-LEIGH of St ylingbyleigh Photography / AMELIA SATOOR Model / CL ARISSA MORGAN Makeup / JESSICA PENNISI Hair / TANS&TIAR A S I knew my destiny was to travel the world, discovering t h e i n n e r m o s t p a r t s o f l ove m a n i f e s t e d . M y journeying took me to the dusted roads east of Allahabad, walking the path of the pilgrims, only to baptise myself in the waters of the Ganges, which reflected pink, gold, purple, and red from the morning dawn. I n C a m b o d ia , I f o u n d m y s e l f e n t e r i n g t h e a n c i e n t t e m p l e s o f Ta P r o h m . T h e r e , I d i s c o v e r e d e c h o chambers that resounded to the heavens each time I pounded against my chest. Eventually, I found myself in a local teashop outside o f M o r o n d a v a , M a d a g a s c a r. T h e r e I s a t i n t e n t l y listening to the teashop owner recount the stor y of the Baobab Amoureux. Once there was a man and a woman. They were pledged to marr y others, but they couldn’t imagine a lifetime of being separated from the love they shared. So they secretly petitioned the Gods to be together. Havin g m erc y o n th eir love , th e G o ds tra n s fo rm e d them into two Adansonia Za trees, which continue to grow today, intertwined towards the heavens. The old man finished the story, wiping away the tears that fell from his eyes. The legend was a sweet reminder of the love he once had with his wife. He urged me to go, insisting that if I was in search of love, I must see the Baobab Amoureux. I took his vintage car and drove down the dusted alley lined with Baobab trees. A f t e r w h a t s e e m e d l i k e e t e r n i t y, I s t o p p e d t h e c ar. I lean e d over th e s te ering w h e el in b reathle ss wonderment. There in the midst of a barren landscape, stood t wo trees inter t wined in an eternal embrace. Thank you, world, for the most beautiful example of a love that transcends all. En Vie 80 O C TO B E R' S RECIPE E S M O D E VE NTS MISA'S HAPPY SWEETS OCTOBER RECIPE: CHESTNUT ROLL CAKE This moist roll cake uses chestnuts, a seasonal favorite, to give it a rich, delicious flavor. Sprinkle with roasted walnuts to give it a look and flavor packed with autumn charm. Tex t / MARI NEGISHI / nyami-nyami.cocolog-nif t Photography / K i i T / w w Misa Ohashi, Pâtissière, has been crafting sweets for fine restaurants and popular cafes for ten years and also works as a food coordinator. Her delicious, easy-to-prepare original recipes are created to make the most of seasonal ingredients and occasions and have garnered praise in many magazines. She will be delivering one year's worth of carefully selected recipes that can easily be made at home to En Vie readers. INGREDIENTS Sponge dough 2 eggs 2 tablespoons milk (30cc) 2 tablespoons salad oil (30cc) 50g flour 40g brown sugar (granulated sugar also OK) 30g walnuts RECIPE Cream 2 egg yolks 40g brown sugar (granulated sugar also OK) 25g cake flour 1 cup milk (200 cc) 1 cup heavy cream (200 cc) 40g chestnut paste (optional) 70g chestnuts ESMOD JAPON 10/6 (SAT) 14:00 TALK EVENT Talk about designer, pattern maker and fashion merchandiser by ESMOD graduates (Admission free. Reservation required) Preparation - Roast chestnuts in oven at 150° for 10 minutes, chop coarsely - Chop the chestnuts to a size so that they retain a crunchy texture 10/16 (TUE) 19:00 - 20:00 THE FASHION INDUSTRY (Admission free. Reservation required) Roll dough 1) Separate the egg whites and yolks. Add egg yolks, then milk, then salad oil while mixing, then add flour through a sieve and mix thoroughly. 2) Whip the egg whites. Add the brown sugar in 2 - 3 helpings and whip into a meringue. 3) Combine the egg yolks and whites from steps 1 and 2, pour into a pan lined with baking paper, then sprinkle the chopped walnuts. 4) Preheat oven to 200°, bake for 11 minutes. 10/20 (SAT) 10:30 - 11:30 TALK EVENT Buyer from Hankyu department store (Admission free. Reservation required) Cream 1) Mix the egg yolks and sugar, then sift in flower, avoiding lumps. 2) Pour in warm milk, mix well and strain. 3) Pour into a pot and simmer on low heat, stirring regularly with a wooden spoon. Remove from heat when it starts to thicken. 4) Cover with plastic wrap to keep the surface from hardening and cool by placing the pot in ice. 5) Whip the cream until it becomes slightly frothy. 6) Once the pot cools completely, add about 1/3 of the cream and mix gently. 7) Add chestnut paste, then the remaining 2/3 of the cream, then mix. 8) Once the sponge dough cools, flip it over so that the browned side is facing up, then spread the cream from step 7 evenly, stopping a few centimetres from the edge. 9) Sprinkle the chopped chestnuts in a striped fashion, roll it up, and VOILÀ! More info: Call or email ESMOD JAPON Osaka for reservations and details. En Vie 81 October 2012 HOROSCOPE BY HEPZIBAH Illustration / ANNA JA SINSKI w w CAPRICORN 12/22 – 1/19 ou want to broaden your horizons and will be looking for new an d n ovel thing s to s tim ulate yo u intellectually this coming month. It is a good time to re-evaluate your personal possessions and clear out some clutter from your life. Remember we are not what we own; we only keep things for their usefulness. After the 16th be careful about revealing secret s regarding your financial position. Someone older has a message for you; listen carefully. Y ARIES 3/21 – 4/19 Y ou need to slow down this m o n t h a n d d o t h i n g s o n e - a ta -tim e . G e t yo u r a f f a ir s in o rd e r, b ut do n ot b e afraid to ask oth ers for h elp if yo u fe el over w h elm e d . Yo u m u s t ke e p y o u r s e l f f o c u s e d , especially around the 11th when a new romantic interest could enter your life and there will be a tendency to daydream. Monday is your lucky d a y, e s p e c i a l l y w h e r e m o n e y i s concerned. TAURUS 4/20 – 5/20 W ork-life balance will blossom and you may be given new responsibilities and a chance to bring a sense of creativity to your regular duties. It is important that you spend some special time with your loved one this month, especially after the 11th when something from the past arises that needs resolving. Pay attention to what you eat. Thursday is your lucky day. GEMINI 5/21 – 6/21 C reativity will flow through you in a ll t h at yo u d o t h is m o nt h . Our possessions define us and it is time to clear out your damaged and unwanted items, keeping only those of real value or replacing them with something that you really want. Postpone any big decisions until n e x t m o nt h w h e n yo u a re a b l e to think more clearly. Saturdays will be lucky for you this month. LIBRA 9/23 – 10/22 he Sun in your chart lights up an o p p o r t u n i t y f o r ro m a n c e a n d life will take on a new flavour, a new way of seeing. Clear communication is impor tant , af ter the 16th you need to be careful with your words as they could get you into trouble, esp ecially at work where you may feel the need to express your opinions. Be careful not to eat too many sweet foods this month. T CANCER 6/22 – 7/22 M ercury has a hold on your mind this month and if you are not careful you will be tempted to take on more than you can do. This could lea d to min or h ealth p roblems , so make sure you sp end some time in p eaceful surrounding s . You will feel the need for more beaut y and harmony in your life. Finances will improve after the 16th. Wednesday will be your lucky day. LEO 7/23 – 8/22 T he past will resurface this month, old pat terns may b e rep eated, but this is good as you can learn from it all. Romantic thoughts are on your min d b ut rem emb er to sh ow yo ur s e n siti ve si d e to th o s e yo u m e et . Be careful with overindulgence as your digestion is also sensitive and you need healthy food and regular exercise to keep your system clean. VIRGO 8/23 – 9/22 Y ou may have some kind of c h a ll e n g e at w o r k in t h e f ir s t hal f of this m o nth . A te n d e n c y to overwork could lead to some health p ro b l e m s , s o sl ow d ow n a n d t a ke things easy as Virgos are vulnerable to stress. A confusing time emotionally, you may find yourself in some unusual situations that could lea d to tears an d sorrow. Avoid gossip in the workplace! Fridays will be especially lucky for you. SCORPIO 10/23 – 11/21 ou may feel a little out of sorts and unable to relax, because changes are occurring at very subtle l e ve l s n o w. Yo u f e e l a t t r a c te d to the spiritual, but whatever you do, you should p ut your relationships to the forefront. Harmony and unity will result. Keep a close eye on your finances; a major financial setback could come your way after the 16th, so don’t overspend in the early part of the month. Y AQUARIUS 1/20 – 2/18 h i s m o n t h , y o u w ill s h i n e a n d you will be drawn to be with friends or groups that reflect your sameness of mind. Now is the time to make dreams come true and whatever you do will be successful. Freedom is essential to Aquarians and you will discover new ways of working with others so you can truly be yourself. A round the 12th , you could encounter someone older o r w is e r w h o m yo u a re at t r a c te d to romantically. T PISCES 2/19 – 3/20 SAGITTARIUS 11/22 – 12/21 verything seems to be moving so fast around you, and yet all you want to do is sp en d time at home, beautif ying your surroundings and c re atin g a ha r m o nio u s sp a ce t his m onth . Give in to w hat your b o dy needs; if you need sleep, then sleep. Past joys from your childhood will make a return. Listen to what your other half has to say as you have a tendency to stop listening at times. Mondays will be lucky for you. E D emands at work will keep you busier than you would like to be, but af ter the 20 th energ y b e g in s to f l ow b a c k into yo ur li f e an d it ’s tim e to get a hair cut , b uy some new sho es an d make some important changes in your life. Be wary of indulging too much w h e n s o c ia li si n g a s i t c o u l d h av e a profoundly negative ef fect on yo u t his m o nt h , e sp e cia ll y w h e re communications are concerned. L uck will com e to yo u on S un days this month.
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