location guide - Mazovia Warsaw Film Commission


location guide - Mazovia Warsaw Film Commission
Warsaw University of Technology, Biuro ds. promocji i informacji PW
Photo W. Rogut
Masovia, with Warsaw located in its heart, is a region where most domestic films are made and where the
film service market is best developed. Masovia is unique in comparison with the rest of Europe, modern
Polish capital is situated in an area of great ecological potential, very natural and full of picturesque settings.
Thanks to that, a film crew may set a comfortable base in Warsaw, temporary or permanent, and can with
no difficulty travel around the region in distances of less than 2 hours drive. Masovia is packed with urban
architecture from different historical and cultural eras. The capital of the country is most diverse, due to its
size, importance and its past.
Warsaw is the administrational, political and cultural centre of Masovia and Poland.
It is a city of contrast, rebuilt after unbelievable war damages and is at the moment the most popular film
location. Pearls of architecture - the Old Town, Royal Tract, are situated next to urban parks and green areas;
or examples of pure socialist realism from the 1950s, and Polish biggest agglomeration of modern architecture. Offices of majority of domestic film industry businesses are located in Warsaw. It is estimated that
there are 12-15 film crews working in the city everyday, other than regular TV operations.
Photo P. Tyler
Photo R. Trochimiak
Panorama of Warsaw, Photo T. Szejbut
Grzybowska St. Photo M. Kozłowski
Warsaw is a dynamic, vivid and culturally rich city. For the last 20 years the capital has been rapidly growing and changes into modern, European metropolis.
Modern skyscrapers, shopping centers and office buildings, designed by world
acclaimed architects, are raised in the city center.
The infrastructure of the city also gets renovated to match European standards
and to offer transport system of modern thoroughfares.
We can find many modern sport, culture and scientific centers in the city - Warsaw
University Library is a good example of that. Creative potential can be best observed in artistic projects performed in urban space. An artificial15 meter high
palm tree and the “narrowest house” - Keret’s house, may be quite a surprise.
Warsaw University Library, Photo J. Antoniak © Uniwersytet Warszawski
Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Photo Muzeum Żydów Polskich
Copernicus Science Centre, Photo PZ Studio, Urząd m.st Warszawy
Warsaw Skyscrapers, Photo M. Kozłowski
City of Warsaw, Photo K. Bednarski
National Stadium, Warsaw, Photo J. Frydrysiak
Park, Photo M. Najdek
Pułtusk City Area, Photo Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Mazowieckiego
Mazovia, Warsaw
Nature and green areas
Ogród Saski, Photo M. Jabłoński
There are as many as 177 nature reserves, 62 nature parks and over 4000 natural
monuments in the region. Masovia is called “the green heart of Poland”. It is
dominated by mixed forests, very often in grand forest complexes which are the
remains of primeval forests. The finest forest areas are Kampinos National Park
which is situated almost within Warsaw’s city borders or Kozienicka forest.
The variety and charm of meandering rivers is simply amazing. Unregulated Vistula river is the most often filmed Polish river, but wild meanders of Bug, Pilica,
Narew and Bzura also form beautiful film locations.
Warsaw is unique, it has a lot of green space of high quality which covers 25% of
city’s area. Seventy six Warsaw parks and gardens represent various styles and
eras. Sculptures, fountains and ponds can be found next to park alleys. Warsaw
University Library is home of unique and one of the biggest and most beautiful
roof gardens in Europe.
Warsaw is considered to be one of the greenest cities in Europe.
Natural inhalatorium in Konstancin-Jeziorna
Warsaw University Library, Photo PZ Studio, Urząd m.st. Warszawy
Meander of Liviec
Poniatowski Bridge, Photo B. Mydlak
Warsaw beach, Photo S. Wójcik
Panorama of Warsaw, Photo E. Petryka, Urząd m.st. Warszawy
Sala Kongresowa, PKiN Photo P. Jagiełło
Monumentality and socialist realism
Warsaw, as the capital city, combines features of modern European metropolis with a modern downtown, together with monumentality of government and public
utility buildings.
In many parts of the city you may find the remains of the socialistic era. The most
important example of the socialist realism is the Palace of Science and Culture, monumental structure designed to match similar buildings in Moscow. Its
chambers are model interiors for films about the dictator era or United States
in the beginning of the 20th century. Plac Konstytucji and MDM district, built in
the 1950’s was inspired with the same style, including its street arrangement,
squares, monumental sculptures and lanterns.
Examples of monumental buildings from other historic eras in Warsaw are e.g.
National Theatre and Warsaw University of Technology Assembly Hall.
Plac Konstytucji Photo K. Wiech
PKiN, Sala Rudniewa, Photo P. Jagiełło
PKiN, Sala Marmurowa, Photo P. Jagiełło
Opera House in Warsaw, Photo J. Kośnik
Warsaw School of Economics Library, Photo J. Sokołowski
Warsaw University of Technology Photo Biuro ds. Promocji i Informacji PW
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Świętokrzyski Bridge, Photo D. Dobrosz
Warsaw by Night, Photo J. Drygała
Mazovia, Warsaw
Masovia provides film crews with diverse transport possibilities. Modern highways, road junctions, flyovers and bridges mix with roads winding between trees,
cobbled tracts and forest routes. You can also find here modern airport and rail
terminals as well as small charming train stations.
Old bus, Photo J. Frydrysiak
Region offers the most modern transportation system and fine selection of antique vehicles. We can organize shootings in old, authentic engine-houses, with
passenger, military and goods carriages, which could stop at stations built during
World War I and II.
Cars from different times and of different brands are available at Museum of
Automotive and Technology in Otrębusy and in many private collections which
also include many horse carriages - coaches and sleighs.
On the other hand, Warsaw offers possibility of shooting in the underground, old
and modern trams and buses, stylized hackney carriages and water trams.
Thanks to EU funds the region constantly has its routes renovated, which makes
travelling in the area quick and easy.
Modern train, Photo PZ Studio, Urząd m.st. Warszawy
Sochaczew, Photo Muzeum Kolejnictwa
Museum of Automotive and Technology, Photo Muzeum Pojazdów Otrębusy
Old Town hackney, Photo M. Kozłowski
Trasa Toruńska, Photo W. Bryniak
Modern communication, Warsaw, Photo T. Jasiński
Old gas storage, Photo P. Bucharowski
Praga, Photo G. Nowak
Alternative and contrasts
Warsaw has a lot to offer to film makers whose cameras seem to like contrasts
on the verge of modern buildings and old, neglected tenant houses. Beautifully
designed new public spaces and communication solutions often neighbor with
dark yards, staircases, walls full of graffiti, or forgotten cobbled streets.
Warsaw’s alternative also means post-industrial spaces of old factories and
military installations with mysterious and bleak interiors often used as venues for
cultural events.
Marmermaid in Praga, Photo A. Stańska
Kościół Środowisk Twórczych, Photo W. Hansen
Barbakan, Photo PZ Studio, Urząd m.st. Warszawy
Belweder, Photo W. Hansen
Stairs Warsaw Old Town, Photo A. Rębecka
Pałac na wodzie, Photo W. Wroński
Warsaw Old Town Photo A. Kraśnicki
Royal Castle Photo R. Sypek
Pałac Krasińskich Photo P. Wierzbowski
Wilanow Palace Museum, Photo Z. Myczkowski
Royal Castle, Sala Rycerska, Photo A. Ring
Mazovia, Warsaw
royal and aristocratic traditions
(castles and palaces)
Masovia and Warsaw are an area of palaces, palaces with parks, former royal and
aristocracy residences build in different architectural styles.
Majority of them are public spaces, museums or commercial sites which are glad
to host film crews. Best known example of such architecture is Wilanów Palace,
a baroque, summer royal residence surrounded by beautiful gardens.
Opinogóra, Photo Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Mazowieckiego
Ciechanów Castle, Photo Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Mazowieckiego
Czersk Castle, Photo Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Mazowieckiego
Guzów, Sobański Palace, Photo Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Mazowieckiego
Royal Castle, Sala Wielka, Photo M. Bronarski
Jablonna Dwór, Photo Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Mazowieckiego
Otwock Wielki Palace
Cathedral in Radom, Photo E. Jasińska
Fortified church in Brochów
Mazovia, Warsaw
Sacred and religious objects
Masovia is a unique phenomenon in Europe due to number of sacred objects
than can be found in the region - new and historical, rich and simple, modern and
wooden. There are many of them next to main roads, or dirt and forest tracks; but
you can also find them in city centers and backyards of old tenant houses, where
they bear testimony of residents’ faith.
In particular, road chapels have a film, documentary character, which combined
with little old wooden churches and sanctuaries, and numerous religious symbols
create a unique, mystical picture of the Masovia region.
Carmelite Church, Photo B. Tekieli, Stoleczne Biuro Turystyki
Photo M. Piłat
Photo Skarbiec Mazowiecki
Jewish cemetery, Powązki, Photo A. Grabowska
Photo P. Dobrzyński
Cathedral in Praga, Photo M. Banaszkiewicz
Photo Skarbiec Mazowiecki
Chapel, Photo Urząd Marszalkowski Województwa Mazowieckiego
Old Town in Płock
Towns and cities of the region
Film crews will find more historical urban architecture in Masovia because almost
all small towns kept its old character.
Płock is one of the oldest towns in Poland. It is happily situated on high banks of
Vistula river. Historical monuments and museums here are neighbors of the biggest refinery in Central Europe. Radom, on the other hand, is the biggest city of
the region next to Warsaw, and it is known for its industry and for its stylish, art
nouveau, bourgeois buildings. Significantly smaller Pułtusk shows other qualities
with its rectangular market of almost 400 meters length and considered to be the
longest in Europe.
Apart from valuable monuments and modern architecture, you can also find here
in Masovia the atmosphere of a quiet cul-de-sac, provincial behaviors and lifestyle
which form ready-made film sets.
Radom, Photo M. Strudziński, Urząd Miasta Radomia
Dom Gąsi i Esterki Radom, fot. Ewa Jasińska
Radom, Photo M. Strudziński, Urząd Miasta Radomia
Petrochemia Płock, Photo Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Mazowieckiego
Radom Village Museum, Photo Urząd Marszalkowski Województwa Mazowieckiego
Radom, Photo M. Strudziński, Urząd Miasta Radomia
Manor houses and cottages
You can come across many cottages (rustic houses) in Masovia.
Typical country architecture remained preserved mostly in heritage parks, where
farmers’ houses with thatched roofs stand next to working windmills and watermills. These ready-to-use decorations are used in film productions focused on
detail and authenticity.
Nevertheless manor houses of Polish nobility are the biggest pearl of the region.
They are of typical structure, authentic or rebuilt, mostly wooden, beautifully
situated, surrounded with gardens and orchards. Manor houses are also a symbol
of film adaptations of the romantic era.
Museum of the Countryside, Sierpc
Random Village Museum, Photo Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Mazowieckiego
Borkowy Dom
Skansen Nowa Sucha
Modrzewiowy manor house
Żelazna Wola
Skansen Sierpc, Photo Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Mazowieckiego
Modlin Fortress, Photo K. Wiech
Polish Army Museum in Warsaw
Mazovia, Warsaw
Military structures
Dramatic past of the Masovia left its footprint of military structures.
Masovia also hosts two grand, monumental military buildings, both raised in 19th
century - Cytadela in Warsaw, important tsarist prison and Modlin fortress, located 30km away from Warsaw. Modlin Fortress is one of the biggest and best
preserved Polish fortresses, European phenomena, composed of e.g. the longest
building in Europe of 2,8 km length. Modlin Fortress has been used as a film set
in over 50 domestic productions, and also, on many occasions, by reconstruction groups during battle staging. In Masovia you can also find many fortifications,
forts, bunkers, military training grounds and well equipped museums.
Film set in Modlin, Photo K. Wiech
Photo K. Wiech
Modlin Fortress, Photo K. Wiech
Staged battle
Modlin Fortress granary, Photo K. Wiech
Armored train, Photo Muzeum Kolejnictwa
Cathedral in Płock, Photo K. Kaliński
Capital City: Warsaw
Official language:
/English language is widely spoken/
UNESCO Word Heritage site:
The Old Town in Warsaw
Warsaw Chopin Airport
Warsaw Modlin Mazovia Airport
PLN/Polish zloty
Panorama of Warsaw, Photo E. Petryka, Urząd m.st. Warszawy
1,7 million in Warsaw
3,0 million in the metropolitan area
5,2 million in the Mazovia Region
35.598 km2 Mazovia Region
519 km2 City of Warsaw
Another cities:
Radom, Płock, Siedlce,
Ciechanów, Ostrołęka
© 2014 Mazowieckie Centrum Kultury i Sztuki
Mazovia Region Centre of Culture and Arts
Director: Aleksandra Kielan
Project coordination: Anna Spisz, Michał Kosmala
Editorial consultant: Krzysztof Wiech
Graphic design, typesetting: Adam Dymek
English translation: Marta Kuczewska
ISBN: 978-83-63427-37-5
Printing: Drukarnia Braci Grodzickich
Mazovia Warsaw Film Commission
Mazovia Region Centre of Culture and Arts
12 Elektoralna Street, 00-139 Warsaw, Poland
phone: 48 22 586 42 58, fax: 48 22 624 70 01
e-mail: [email protected]
Photo M. Sułek
PKiN, Photo P. Jagiełło