May 2013 Newsletter
May 2013 Newsletter
ADVERTISE in the POWA Community News, Phone 465 8426, P O Box 21, Email: [email protected] POWA Community News Progress of Waikouaiti Area Ma y 2 0 1 3 FREE YOUR FREE MONTHLY COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER Daphne and Eric Scurr MODERN EQUIPMENT, EFFICIENT & RELIABLE B E A C H S T R E E T A N IMOT E L S B o a rding C a tt e ry & K e nne ls L iz E v a ns – P ro prie t o r Reasonable Rates Individual Walk in Accomodation ●Individual Diets Catered For ●Bookings Essential ●Current Vaccination Certificates Essential B e a c h Wa lks fo r yo ur Do g 191 Beach Street, Waikouaiti Ph 027 221 67 74 A/h & Fax 03 465 8189 HOURS 8.30 – 10.30am, 3 – 6pm or by arrangement Inspection welcome by appointment Your pet will thank you for it! ● ● Massage & Beauty Therapy Exclusively for Women Massage: Deep Tissue - Ideal for chronic pain, recovery from injuries, postural problems & repetitive strain injury. Relaxation - calming the nervous system and promoting a sense of well-being. Beauty Therapy Anti -aging Treatment, Facials, Manicures, Pedicures, Eyelash Tinting & Waxing Remedial Massage & Qualified Beauty Therapist Sheryl Popham Indulgence Rural Retreat, 89 Goodwood Road, Palmerston Otago 03 4651430 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. Judith Cullen (Dunedin) POWA is still collecting old car, tractor, motorbike batteries. If you have or know of anyone with dead batteries please phone the POWA Office to arrange delivery/collection. All proceeds from the sale of all batteries go towards the continued upgrade project. Judith Cullen (Dunedin) Thank you for your support Chimney Sweeping, Lawns, Hedges, Section Tidying, Rubbish Removal Phone 021 119 2656 or 465 7484 56 Beach Stteet POWA NEWS is well read as over 1120 are printed, P O Box 21, Waikouaiti. , Ph 465 8426 web: Sonya Billyard phone 027 253 9205 Kellie Simpson phone 465 7777 BATTERIES TRAILER HIRE Three trailers with cages. $15 ½ day 4 hrs $20 full day 8 hrs A standard sized advert in POWA NEWS is only $20. Larger sizes are by arrangement. Progress of Waikouaiti Area Email:[email protected] Community worker/Editor Event Centre Bookings *** WANTED *** Charlie Anderson 465 1755 or 021 1482687 For all enquiries February 2010 EAST OTAGO FOOD FESTIVAL ‘Hooray for Hollywood’ is the 5th Theatre Restaurant from the Waikouaiti Amateur Music and Drama Society and is directed by Gladys Hope who is not only the Society’s Patron, but was the director of the very first theatre restaurant in Waikouaiti. Gladys, along with choreographer Robyn Sinclair, have utilised some of the best of our local talent and put together a magnificent evening of song and dance taken from major shows such as ‘Les Miserables’, ‘The Producers’ and ‘The Phantom of the Opera’. The wardrobe department under the direction of Gwen Pullar has ensured this production will be style all the way and with the addition of live music from Mitchell Henderson on keyboard, Dave Brett on guitar and Mike on drums, plus the first class food catered and served by Victoria Hart, Kelly Simpson and their teams. It all comes together for another truly spectacular Theatre Restaurant not to be missed. East Otago Food Festival results: Fruit Pie Competition - Sue Maxwell Lucky ticket no. - 1090 S. Creighton Karitane Cruise will be drawn at a later date. Thank you to everyone involved for helping to make this such a great day. Special thanks to our sponsors, chefs, stall holders and the public for giving us such great support. The Coastal Heritage Centre raised over $15,000 for the Museum's building project. Thank you from the fundraising committee. Teenager Fashion Tickets are selling fast with three of the five nights completely booked out. So if you don’t want to miss out please contact Les Pullar on 4658138, Kay Black on 4657381 or Victoria Hart on 4657897 Waikouaiti Rodeo Article – Page 5 April 2013 POWA Community News Page 2 April 2013 CLUBS/ORGANISATIONS Eastern Boating and Fishing Club Last Thursday of the month 7.30pm Clubrooms – Karitane. Contact: Leanne McLeod 465 8383 Eastern District Darts Association Tuesday 7.30pm Waikouaiti Racecourse Hall Contact: Amy Cockburn 465 7115 or Andy Faulks 465 7564 East Otago Creative Fibre (Spinners & Weavers) 1st Thursday of the month 10am 2pm RSA Hall, Pratt Street, Waikouaiti. All welcome. Contact: Pam Stilton 465 7028 or Pat Dunn 465 7612 East Otago Art Group East Otago Embroiderers Guild Tënä koutou katoa, On the 1st of April police dealt with two eight year old children who had gone inside a vacant crib at Waikouaiti. The pair used a piece of wood to break a window to get in and once inside made a mess throughout the crib and wrote on the walls, doors and kitchen bench. Their parents were advised and the children made to apologise to the crib owners, clean the mess and carry out a couple of hours of community service at the Waikouaiti Police Station the following day. Hawksbury Village. New members welcome East Otago Events Centre On the 14th of April a domestic dispute occurred at a Warrington address in which a young couple became involved in an argument and one of the parties threatened to self harm. Both parties were spoken to by police, with one being transported to Emergency Psychiatric Services for assessment. Contact: Jill Coughlan 465 7461 or 0212 214 2816 East Otago Social Bridge Club Every Wednesday night at 7.20pm Community Centre, Ronaldsay Street, Palmerston. All welcome. Lessons available. Phone Janet 465 7987 Hydrotherapy @ Aquasize Thursday's 9.30 - 10.30am Hawkesbury Pool. Contact: Cherie Oldham 465 7996 Karitane Bowling Club Thursday from 5.30pm Social bowls followed with a $3.00 BBQ. Newcomers welcome. Bowls and coaching provided. Contact: Bob or Joy 465 7522, Murray 465 7363 Karitane Indoor Bowling Club Inc Winter months only Starting 17th April 2012 Karitane Hall. Come and enjoy bowls with a friendly group of people. Contact Margaret 465 7175 or Frances 465 8063 Kati Huirapa Runaka ki Puketeraki Monday – Friday - 4pm [email protected] or (04) 465 7300 Kyokushin Karate Monday 6-7pm (children and beginners) Hawkesbury Hall Lions Club of Palmerston 2nd Monday of each month Starting at 6pm Waihemo Lodge Contact: Bruce Lee 465 7884 or Ronald Sheat 465 1331. New members very welcome. Starts back Monday 13th February 2012 Contact: Barney Barton 465 1200 or Pat Heckler 465 7332 An insert A4 or A5 is $30.00 with 1100 copies supplied. Wednesday & Sundays 1.15pm Ready to play at 1.30pm Waikouaiti. Contact: Anthony Nally 465 7662 POWA NEWS is well read as over 1120 are printed and distributed. Otago Eastern Districts Camera Club Petanque R.S.A. Friday and Saturday 4pm onwards Contact: John Craig 465 7737 POWAP Rugby Club Bookings – Jill Coughlan 465 7461 Rural Women NZ Waikouaiti Branch New members welcome. Contact: Aileen Winmill 465 7272 Senior Citizens Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 1.30pm R.S.A. Pratt Street, Waikouaiti. New members most welcome. Contact: Lorna 465 7624 Stadium Sports Tuesday evenings Waikouaiti Events Centre. Contact: Jill Coughlan, 465 7461 Swimming Club 1st and 4th school term Hawkesbury Pool. Contact: Cherie Oldham 465 7996 Tai Chi Tuesday evening 7.00pm – 8.00pm Thursdays 1.30pm John Brown function room, Events Centre. Contact: Joy Justice 465 8313 Twilight Tennis Tuesday and Wednesday 6.30pm Want a game? Contact Mary 465 7409 Waikouaiti Amateur Music and Drama Society Inc Waikouaiti Creative Crafts Contact: President – Roz Henderson 465 7127, Secretary – Victoria Hart 465 7897, Treasurer – Les Pullar 465 8138 9.30-2pm every 2nd and 4th Wednesday Waikouaiti Fire Station Meeting Room. Contacts: Cathy Nally 465 7662 or Naomi Clulee 465 7572. New members most welcome. Waikouaiti Golf Club Tuesdays 10am report Saturdays 12.15pm report Contact: Marilyn Stewart 465 7486 Waikouaiti/Karitane Living Along Group 3rd Friday of the month Ploughmans 12.30pm Contact: Lois Tod 465 7492 or Joan Ward 465 7728 All welcome. Waikouaiti Indoor Bowls Monday nights 7pm - 9pm East Otago Events Centre. Contact: Murray Holland 465 7482 or Janice McKenzie 465 7857 Waikouaiti Outdoor Bowls Thursday meet 5.30pm Start 5.45pm Friendly bowls and BBQ, have a go! Contact: Colleen Lee 465 7558 Waikouaiti Rodeo Club Contact for Information: Logan and Shelley Rowland 465 7673. For East Otago Information visit: Waikouaiti Heritage Museum, Website:, POWA Office, East Otago Events Centre. Page 11 COMMUNITY POLICE REPORT Contact: Jill Holland 465 7482 Every 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesday of the month 9.30am POWA Community News On the 15th of April police attended a domestic dispute at Warrington in which a couple who had been separated for sometime became involved in an argument after the male party turned up at the address uninvited. The male had left prior to police arrival, and the female decided to spend the remainder of the evening with family at Dunedin. A standard sized advert in POWA NEWS is only $20.00 Larger sizes are by arrangement. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. *** WANTED *** BATTERIES POWA is still collecting old car, tractor, motorbike batteries. If you have or know of anyone with dead batteries please phone the POWA Office to arrange delivery/collection. All proceeds from the sale of all batteries go towards the continued upgrade project. Thank you for your support On the 20th of April police attended a domestic dispute at Karitane where a couple who had recently separated became involved in an argument after the male had gone to his ex partner's address uninvited. Both parties were spoken to and the matter referred to the Dunedin Police Family Violence Coordinator. That's all for this month, take care. If you require information regarding road conditions telephone Transit New Zealand on 0800 44 44 49. If you see anything suspicious or if you wish to speak to the Police regarding any other matter you can contact us on 03 465 9127, or alternatively anonymous information can be passed on by calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. In emergencies dial 111. Until next month, take care. Constable Jon- Paul TREMAIN PEWS NEWS St John’s Anglican Church May 5 Combined service at 10 am at Karitane 12 Service at St John's 10 am combined with Presbyterians 19 St John’s 10am 26 10am at Hui te Rangiora, Karitane Waikouaiti Presbyterian Parish May 5 Parish combined Communion service at 10am at Karitane 12 Combined service at St John's 10am 19 Karitane 10 am followed by Church Council meeting 26 St John’s 10am taken by worship group Hawkesbury Christian Fellowship Service every Sunday 10am at Hawksbury Village St Annes Catholic Church Palmerston-Blessed Sacrament -1st,3rd,and 5th Sundays 12 Noon Waikouaiti-St Anne’s - 2nd and 4th Sundays 12 Noon Main Road, Waikouaiti, East Otago Phone (03) 465 7290 Fax (03) 465 7678 email [email protected] Specialising in ● General Cartage ● Stock haulage ● Bulk Cartage ● Fertiliser Spreading ● Gravel, Sand, Cement ● Firewood and Coal BLUE RIBBON GIRLS POWA OFFICE A Cheque for $1,600.00 has been forwarded to the Neurological Foundation recently from the Waikouaiti Blue Ribbon Girls from the sale of apples. The office is closed until further notice. Well done Sorry for any inconvenience. You can contact Lorna at [email protected] October 2010 April 2013 Welcomes children and their families/whānau from zero to six years for education and care. Our opening hours are 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday. We provide the government funded 20 hours for three and four year olds, WINZ subsidies are also available You and your family/whānau are very welcome to visit our centre to meet the staff and have a look around. 5 McGregor Street, Waikouaiti, Otago 9510 Ph/Fax: (03) 465 7319 POWA Community News POWA Community News Page 10 POWA COMMUNITY WORKER'S MONTHLY REPORT POWA NEWS We are a third of the way through the year already and autumn is definitely here with even a couple of frosts. Is a monthly community newspaper published on the beginning of each month. We welcome all new businesses and residents moving to the area. The Waikouaiti Toy Library has got off to a good start with many happy children sharing their toys. The On Course Food Festival was a big success with the weather being kind to the many families and visitors to the event who enjoyed the food, cooking demonstrations, music and work of local artists and groups. Webfactor, Ken France, has kindly been assisting POWA with their website The website will be undergoing some redesign, with a greater focus on the people of the community. I would welcome any suggestions from community groups, such as sports groups, who would like to update their event diary on the website to contact me at [email protected]. The POWA AGM is to be held on Tuesday 30 April. The new committee will be announced in this newsletter. The aim of the committee is to work for the benefit of the community and visitors to the area. Lorna Mcmulan WAIKOUAITI RSA ANZAC day 2013 was after days of rain blessed with glorious sun, so having the involvement of eleven immaculately dressed and professional Military Personal helped make Thursday a very successful day for all those who attended. A striking display was the Catafalque Party standing guard with the raising of the flags by the three services in the background bathed in the morning’s sun. All who spent time with the young Trainee Medics from Burnham Defence Health School on Wednesday evening and Thursday could not help but be impressed at their sense of responsibility and confidence. Sgnt Marian and Sgnt Mark Anderson are valued members of our RSA with family living here in Waikouaiti and so are familiar faces at our communities ANZAC Remembrance Day. This year their skilled organising of the Parade & Wreath laying ceremony was deeply appreciated by all attending our districts remembrance day for the deceased, missing, wounded & serving Military Personal past and present. We had two speakers, firstly Micheal Lister from EOHS spoke from the heart reminding everyone just how young those who gave their lives for the freedom we all enjoy today. Secondly was Sgnt Tyrone Rapana from Waiouru who is searching for family medals & bagpipes that once belonged to a relation called Thomas Wilson from Flag Swamp who died in the Somme during WW1. EAST OTAGO RELIEF NETWORK The East Otago Relief Network administers a foodbank and distributes food parcels for those in need. Contacts: Palmerston 465 1356 Waikouaiti 465 7420 Or 021 1346 845 Donations: Any non-perishable items are gratelfully received throughout the year. Thank you April 2013 RSA Housie is starting again! When…The 23rd May there after the 2nd & 4th Thursday. Time…..2.00pm Come along for an enjoyable afternoon in the warmth with a cuppa. Everyone most welcome. 1120 copies issued ADVERTISING Sonya Billyard [email protected] Page 3 POWA Community News Page 3 Then and Now. This month’s article features 219 Main Road, Waikouaiti. Like many homes in Waikouaiti, 219 Main Road has a long history, initially the area the house is on began as a much larger section of farm land, and has been subdivided repeatedly. In 1871, the land was bought by Thomas Calcutt; in 1877 he leased it to Henry Driver, stock-agent. In 1878, it was sold to Alfred McCallum. In 1882, it was transferred to James Townsend, Farmer; it was Townsend, who subdivided it for a number of tenants in common, initially into 4 ¼ acre plots, 219 takes up 2 of those plots. DEADLINES Editorial and advertising: last sunday of the month POWA Phone: (03) 465 7 P O Box 21 Waikouaiti 9510 Email: [email protected] Left. Old main road, showing picket fence of 219 together with Shop originally run by the Dunbar sisters as a dressmakers shop. Note; Museum opposite. In 1903 the house was transferred to a Lillian May Townsend who held the property for many years. In 1954 a lady Maurie Brocket purchased and she gave elocution lessons. In 1974 it once again changed hands and 4 purchases later in 2005 it was bought by the current owners Nathan and Sue Hill. After the recent earthquake the front of the shop window was dislodged and to avoid any further damage the complete façade and fittings were dismantled and donated to the Waikouaiti District Heritage Centre who now stores it in readiness for a future display feature. Even the original counter has been kept. The photo shown below was taken in 1893 and shows the shop and beside it a group of glamorous tennis players. The Dunbar sisters included in this group. An aerial photo taken by V C Brown around 1947 gives an idea of the structures around the area. Dame Street in particular is bare. The Methodist church which sat on the block beside the house is in situ. (Now Demolished) Many of you will know the paddock next door which is home to Yeti and Sunday (Pet Pig and Sheep of the Hills.) This of course is the block on which the church once stood. Pictured below as it is today, behind the treed frontage and gravel drive. KILDARE STREET GARAGE SALE Should you wish to join/ re-join our community’s RSA please don’t hesitate to meet with us on Fridays after 4.00pm for some good company and cheer. More from the Trench’s next time! Many thanks to all that assist with my preparation of these “Now and Then” articles and in this case to Sue Hill for providing such great historical notes and photos. 26th & 27th APRIL 2013 The Presbyterian Church wishes to thank all those who donated their " treasures " for the above sale. Thanks also to those who called, in some cases on a number of occasions, to view the wide variety of articles, which were in many cases priced on an 'make an offer basis '. Sales reached a total of nearly $1,400.00. Any goods not sold, were donated to the Dunedin City Restore, which is a not for profit charity store. *** LOST *** TAKEN From outside the Golden Fleece Restaurant/Takeaways on Saturday 30th March 2013 our son's die cast toy tractor. Josh's tractor is a silver Valtra toy tractor without the cab attached. He would love to have his tractor back. Could you please phone Rochelle on 465 8254 if you have it or return it to the Golden Fleece Takesaways. Thank you. April 2013 POWA Community News Page 4 MOERAKI SERVICES LTD WAIKOUAITI COAST COMMUNITY BOARD McGregor Street The Board have received a letter of concern regarding the current maintenance levels and some safety issues relating to McGregor Street, Waikouaiti. Staff have been asked to look into the matters raised and will report back to the Board accordingly. Staff are also investigating issues in Nairn St and Dame St. Members of the community are asked to report maintenance issues to the DCC at 4774000, or by email [email protected]. This allows all maintenance issues to be tracked through Council's systems. The Board are more than happy to hear from residents where they feel the matter raised has not been followed up. Matanaka Drive Forestry Plantation Staff are still to complete the necessary work required to answer the concerns raised by members of the community regarding the forestry plantation along Matanaka drive. While the time this is taking is disappointing, it is imperative that all the relevant information is available prior to the Board holding a further community meeting, and forming a final position on the long term management of the area. SATELLITE DIGITAL FREEVIEW TELEVISION Dave Brown from Moeraki Services travels to Waikouaiti on demand to provide Freeview Satellite Television services to the Waikouaiti and Karitane district. For experience and prompt service during the week or weekend please call me at 03 4394259 or 027 6637378 State Highway 1 Waikouaiti and Kilmog We have raised concerns with NZTA over the level of Maintenance and state of repair of State Highway One, in both Waikouaiti Township and the Kilmog. A meeting has been arranged with NZTA staff for the week commencing 29 April to better understand the issues. WAIKOUAITI TOY LIBRARY OPENING HOURS Wednesday 11.30am – 12.30pm Saturday 10am - 12noon 1. A backyard fire to Main Road, Waikouaiti which was extinguished because of the fire ban. 2. A medical call to Beach Street to provide medical support and assistance until the Ambulance arrived and took the man to hospital. 3. A rubbish fire which was extinguished because the fire ban was still active. Also, even if there was no fire ban, it was after dark and was not far enough away from a burnable structure. Training this month has been mainly around medicals and knots. Aimee Taylor completed her three month training course to become a career firefighter in Rotorua at the beginning of April. Cathy and I along with several others of Amy’s friends and family travelled to her graduation which was very enjoyable. The Fire- fighters put on a demonstration of various skills and a graduation dinner was held at night. Unfortunately with Aimee joining the career forces she may live in Dunedin and we will lose her as a Volunteer Fire fighter. We may be able to hold a set of her PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) on station so that she can turn out if she is in the town when the siren goes. As usual if you want any more information (not relating to current emergencies) feel free to call in at the Fire Station any Wednesday night between 7.30 pm and 8.30 pm, ring 465 7386 during that time . Cheers Anthony Nally District Chief Fire Officer POWA (Progress of Waikouaiti Area) 16 Taieri Peak Road, Palmerston ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING UPDATE Lovely quite and peaceful rural surroundings. Andy Barrat (Chairperson) thanked past and present committee members and all the volunteers who fold and distribute the Community Newsletter. Andy gave a special thank you to Thelma Hoskin for all her work as Treasurer on POWA and all the work Thelma does in our community. Enquire to: Lyn 0274 376 946 Email: [email protected] The Board’s next meeting is 5.30pm 29 May at the Warrington Surf Club. Gerard Collings, Chairperson Calls for the month of April Thyme Lodge B&B Copies of DCC documents out for consultation are available from Council and through Council’s website Board Contacts The Board Gerard Collings (Chairperson), Alasdair Morrison (Deputy), Andy Barratt, Andrew Noone Geraldine Tait, Les Pullar, Mark Brown, Hi everyone, We will install smoke alarms ($20 for a normal opto-electric type, $40 for a 10 year type), change batteries (if you supply them) for those who have difficulties getting to the alarm and offer free Fire Safety advice. We looked at local supplies of Fire Safety products and we also can supply small fire extinguishers and fire blankets. Funding Application The Board were pleased to contribute $1000 from our discretionary fund to Stage 1 of the Blueskin Youth Centre Association’s walkway project. Members of the public are welcome to speak at the Board’s public forum, however those wishing to do so need to advise Wendy Collard our Governance Support Officer (Phone 4743374) before 12 noon on the day prior to the meeting Page 9 The Brigade provided a Safety role at the On Course Food Festival at the Race Course and we took the opportunity to remind people of the change your clocks/change your smoke alarm battery promotion. We are advised that Construction and single lane traffic restrictions will last for 4 to 5 months (i.e. to late July or August). The Board still has a small amount left in its discretionary fund available for this financial year. Community groups considering applying for funds this financial year are asked to ensure that you have your applications submitted to our Governance Support Officer no later than 20 May. POWA Community News David McLeod completed a four day Executive Officers Course in Rotorua this month as well. This is to enable to him to step up to Deputy or Chief Fire Officer if the need arises. Blueskin Bay Library An official opening for the Blueskin Bay Library extension is to be held on 4 May. This project has only become a reality by the hard work and commitment of the community. A special thanks to the fundraising committee, Stuart Strachan (Chairman), Alasdair Morrison, Andrew Noone, Marshall Seifert, and Des Smith. Raising in excess of $300,000 for a community of our size was an outstanding effort. Carey’s Creek Bridge Remedial Work I am pleased to advise that the necessary remedial and strengthening work is scheduled to recommence on the Bridge this month. The work which was scheduled to commence in August last year was initially delayed due to necessary redesign work, was subsequently rescheduled due to budget constraints and the need to reprioritise funding to emergency repairs on a bridge in Hyde. April 2013 Home Work Mobile email [email protected] 4657604 4707494 0274848800 [email protected] 4822505 4822505 0274354384 [email protected] 021890048 021890048 [email protected] 4657157 0274301727 [email protected] 4822517 0212175492 [email protected] 4658138 0274358020 [email protected] 4822833 Andrew Noone, your local Ward Councillor, DCC. Phone MB 027 430 17 27 or Email: [email protected] Always ready to listen and help. POWA sincerely thanks Gerard Collings for chairing the Annual General Meeting. New Committee Members as follows: Lynda Crawford – Chairperson Janet Crowe – Treasurer Lorna McMullan – Secretary/Community Worker Sonya Billyard – Editor Thelma Hoskin Lois Tod Lyn Roberts Andy Barratt Barbara Sloan Need a Plumber? We have a Plumber available and living in Waikouaiti. For any Plumbing requirements please call 0800 30 35 30. Call Foleys today for fast efficient service, no job too big or too small. Covering the East Otago area from Oamaru to Dunedin April 2013 POWA Community News EVENTS CALENDAR Here's your guide to what's happening around Waikouaiti/Karitane over the next month: Waikouaiti Senior Citizens May 8th Quiz May 22nd Speaker from the Hospice. Plate please. Golden Fleece Hotel May 18th Band 8.30pm Horray for Hollywood 21st - 25th May (article on Front Page) East Otago Art and Crafts Group 6th May AGM at 2.00pm in the Events Centre. All welcome. Enquiries 465 7790 Upcoming Events East Otago Relief Network Trust Page 8 APRIL WINNER Winner of the FREE Asian Meal is: Eleanor Ritchie Is this the 1st Mobile Web App In New Zealand!? Enter a chance to Win $50 free food now on your mobile! Smartphone or not we give you all an opportunity to Save Big & Win Big! By joining our VIP Customers in 2013! Scan QR code on your smart device view our free mobile web app to become a VIP Customer. Today view our Smartphone App! Try our free mobile rub screen scratchy competitions, vouchers, coupons & new tasty Asian meals added on our menu! Scan the QR Code now on any smart device to enter, nonsmartphones text: FISH INN to 8808 to join 50c fee once. Receive free Alerts & Promotions. VIP Customers in May are receiving a Free Fizzy Drink with their food on Mon and Tues! Coming Soon Free Wifi Powered by: APP-DOG 0800 353 276 May 23rd The Annual General Meeting 10am in the McDougall Room, Presbyterian Church, Waikouaiti All welcome Cancer Support Group June (date to be confirmed) Meeting Karitane Community Book Sale Collecting books now Leave at Karitane Store or phone Karitane School for collection. Proceeds to Karitane School Sale is Labour Weekend Saturday (26th October) Patricia Sivertsen 021 857 159 April 2013 POWA Community News Genealogy/Family Tree Support Support available for growing your family tree. - Research assistance. - Computerising the tree. - Scanning documents and photos. - Printing trees in book or chart form to A3. - Printing ancestor and descendant charts to A3. - Wide range of printing on laser or inkjet printers. - Photocopying up to A3 size. - Very reasonable rates. Please phone Allan Steel – 465 8246. Waikouaiti Bowling Club Season 2012/2013 President Colleen Lee presided over a fine Closing Day when the Men played the Women and members of the Pétanque Club joined us for afternoon tea. The Men were victorious yet again! Trophie's for this Season's bowls were presented by President Colleen as follow: Mens Singles - A Morrish. Womens Singles - J McKenzie Mens Junior Singles A Gabites who also was successful in Eastern District Champion of Champions. Ladies Junior Singles - Liz Stein. Veteran Singles - A Morrish Mens Pairs- A Morrish & M Holland. Ladies Pairs - J McKenzie & J Allcock Mens Triples- A Morrish, K Lee, T Lester. Womens Triples - C. Lee, J Allcock , J Morrish Mens Fours - T Lee, R Hall, K Lee, J Morrish (sub). Ladies Fours J McKenzie, F Casey, M Pavitt, J Ward. This team also celebrated by winning the Eastern Districts Champion of Champion Fours, Mixed Pairs - J McKenzie, K Lee. Drawing Button - A Morrish The Club were successful in winning the Eastern Districts Interclub Wednesday Fours - J McKenzie, A Morrish, K Lee, J Allcock. The Club AGM will be held on Sunday 9th June @ 10.00am. WAIKOUAITI FOOD FEST The Waikouaiti Food Fest was held at the Waikouaiti Racecourse on Saturday 6th April 2013. There was delicious cooking displays by a range of chefs: Fleur Sullivan, Bevan Smith and Judith Cullen. As well as celebrity chefs, thirty two food stalls came to the Food Fest and 12 other stalls. It was estimated that 1,500 people, including children attended the day. Well done – we look forward to the next one. This season will see the departure of our Greenkeeper one of the most important roles in the Club and we are looking for a replacement for the coming Season commencing in September. Anyone interested ? Contact President Colleen (4657558) or Secretary Alan (4658168). If you wish to know what is involved please contact Alan Grubb our current Greenkeeper (4657559) LIBRARY NEWS May is NZ Music Month at Dunedin Libraries. Borrow Music DVDs and enjoy some NZ music CDs. NZ Music CDs are free to hire during May. Plus enjoy some live music……. Live Music Night The Bedfords – Easy listening covers band Friday 17 May, 6.30pm – 7.30pm Waikouaiti Library FREE Page 5 Waikouaiti Coast Heritage Centre News The past month has been busy for volunteers on a number of levels. The “On Course Food Fest” has found our dedicated Fund Raising Team efforts being successful on the day in spectacular fashion. The feedback response has been grand both from exhibitors and the public who attended. Yes Jan & Judy had also organised the fine day on queue. Due to the efforts cataloguing and continuing efforts to enter data on the computer any requests for the tracing of family information has been made more efficient and concise. This helped in an enquiry approx. six weeks ago from a TV company researcher looking for some family effects. As part of a two part story our Curator last Friday found herself being a participant in filming within the bank chamber and hallway. As one hanging around watching (as cobwebs do) there was much mirth with different camera angles, fumbled words and filming repeats galore. Even the cheeky cameraman was the subject of some quick research to find he indeed had relations in the collection data base being part of districts history also. (No bodie's safe when researchers get a bee in their bonnets). The series is called “Family Secrets” with the search for a bible & bagpipes for an Otago regimental Piper called Thomas Wilson from Flag Swamp (property currently owned by the Foote family). Such has been the success and information to date the item is expected to extend over two half hour segments. The filming team have been as far as France to his grave in Cite Banjean, Armentieres at the Commonwealth War graves cemetery. Also his descendent attended & spoke at the local RSA ANZAC Day. Another local research information sought was for a Seacliff patient during the fire tragedy period subject of another search subject. Keep an eye out for series “Family Secrets in June / July on Ch 3. There has been a response to subject of resident “Benign Ghost Position” required for the Museum/ BNZ building. A volunteer (who shall remain nameless) is sure that sometimes when she (oops) is going up stairs to the landing the old pram near window gently rocks with a low contented baby sound being heard… The other interesting comment (from another thinnish nameless male) is that sometimes when he’s walking down the hall to the kitchen, the soft sound of a cork being place back in a bottle is heard followed by a mumbled “cheers” then the light clink of small glasses. Keep warm & dry, Cobweb SOLID PLASTERING Free Quotes, No job to small GIB STOPPING Monumental head stone restoration Spouting cleaning before winter arrives Towable concrete mixer for hire in Waikouaiti and Karitane area, free pick up and delivery Trailer for hire 7x4, full weekend rate $40 Phone: Alan 465 7892 or 027 487 2370 April 2013 POWA Community News Golden Fleece Hotel Presents Page 6 April 2013 POWA Community News Page 7 HAWKSBURY LAGOON Another important influence on water quality within the lagoon is that of temperature. Last year’s study of the lagoon water was limited with sampling only being carried out in winter and early spring (although further sampling is being done this year by a Masters student). However even from this limited information we can still learn a lot. The problem of increasing water temperature is that it can increase the solubility of many chemical compounds and consequently enhance the effect that pollutants have on aquatic life. Playing live Increased temperatures also increase the metabolic demand for oxygen which in the presence of low levels of dissolved oxygen exacerbates the situation. Water temperatures in the HL were consistently higher on the estuary side and were clearly influenced by the extent to which the outlet was open to the sea or by rainfall/runoff events. When either of these events occurred the water temperature dropped by 5°C in three days. At the beginning of November the highest temperature in the estuary was 24.5°C and the daily maximum temperature exceeded 20°C in all areas of the lagoon. Of course summer water temperatures would be significantly higher. Short fin eel prefer a temperature just above 25°C while the long finned eel prefers just below 25°C. Trout and Galaxid species prefer a temperature just below 20 °C. Therefore to create an environment that is acceptable to a range of fish species the water temperature will need to be kept consistently lower. Greater connectivity to fresh water or to the ocean will obviously assist in this process as will shade created by trees planted along the water’s edge. Next month: Salinity. (Reference: Water Management options for ecosystem restoration HL 2012) Shirley McKewen, Chair THANK YOU Charlie Anderson wishes to thank all his valued customers for their loyal support over the past 11 years. He has recently sold part of his lawn run. Graeme Offen has bought over the run and will continue the usual lawnmowing and property maintenance work. Individual customers have received their letters advising them of this. Hedge Season will be starting early this year, please contact Charlie or Graham for further queries. GO THE EASTCOAST Cell: 021 367 186 PASSENGER SERVICES LTD Fax: 03 455 1127 KARITANE Email: [email protected] Mike Chittock Locally owned and operated. Managing Director 11 to 50 seater Coaches 11-seater mini-bus available for hire. NURSES’ NOTES Tetanus Routine immunisation against tetanus was not introduced in NZ until 1960. If you were born before then you may not be fully protected – unless you were in the armed forces. These days, tetanus is very rare but it is serious if you get it. To be protected you need to have had a primary course and a booster at age 45 and 65 or at the time of any susceptible injury. If you are in your 50's or older and think you may not have received enough doses, ask to have your records checked. The primary course consists of 3 injections one month apart – since the 1990s these injections also provide protection against diphtheria to maintain adult immunity levels. Tetanus spores are found in soil and in animal faeces and can easily contaminate a wound where they produce toxins which attack the nervous system. The most susceptible wounds are open fractures, crush injuries, bites, burns and puncture wounds but even minor looking injuries, such as a rose thorn scratch can be contaminated. Always thoroughly wash wounds as soon as possible then check to see if a tetanus booster is indicated. Well done to Big Steps Educare (Waikouaiti) who gained their Healthy Heart Award receiving a Pa-Harakeke (gold) award. Big Steps has also received an active movement award. JIM JAMES HAWKSBURY MOWERS Firewood for sale Free Delivery Personal Service 31 Collins Street, Waikouaiti Des Wallace Phone: 465 7624 027 619 5777 Phone: 465 7230 Repairs and Servicing to all walk behind Lawn Mowers Chainsaws, Line Trimmers etc Chainsaw sharpening, new chains, part and accessories Fast, friendly service
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