2016 Program Guide - Department of Cultural Affairs


2016 Program Guide - Department of Cultural Affairs
Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender
Heritage Month
Calendar and Cultural Guide
Presented by the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs
City of
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
City Council
Cultural Affairs
Eric Garcetti
Herb J. Wesson, Jr.
Eric Paquette
City of Los Angeles
District 10
Mike Feuer
Gilbert Cedillo
Los Angeles City Attorney
District 1
Ron Galperin
Paul Krekorian
Los Angeles City Controller
District 2
Bob Blumenfeld
Charmaine Jefferson
Vice President
Jill Cohen
Mari Edelman
Josefina Lopez
District 3
Sonia Molina
David Ryu
John Wirfs
District 4
Paul Koretz
District 6
City of Los Angeles
Department of
Cultural Affairs
Felipe Fuentes
Danielle Brazell
District 5
Nury Martinez
District 7
Marqueece Harris-Dawson
General Manager
Daniel Tarica
District 8
Assistant General Manager
Curren D. Price
Will Caperton y Montoya
District 9
Mike Bonin
Director of Marketing
and Development
District 11
Mitchell Englander
Mitch O’Farrell
District 13
Will Caperton y Montoya
Jose Huizar
Editor and Art Director
District 14
Martica Caraballo Stork
Joe Buscaino
Assistant Editor
District 15
Calendar Design
District 12
Cover: Leon Mostovoy, Ms. Lady Mocha and Wyatt Gray, Photograph, 2015
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Dear Friends,
It is my pleasure to lead Los Angeles in celebrating Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Heritage Month.
The contributions of our LGBT residents in the arts, academia,
business, government, and the nonprofit sectors are immense
and deserving of year-round recognition.
I encourage Angelenos to experience our city’s rich LGBT legacy.
This Calendar and Cultural Guide created by our Department of
Cultural Affairs highlights the many activities happening all over
L.A. in celebration of LGBT Heritage Month.
I hope you also enjoy the work of Los Angeles’ emerging and
established LGBT artists showcased throughout this publication.
L.A. is the creative crossroads of the world, and the works of
these artists enhance our city as a global destination for art,
culture, and creativity.
City of Los Angeles
Clifford Pun, His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, Lightjet print, 2010
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Dear Friends,
It gives me great pride to celebrate Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender (LGBT) Heritage Month with you. Los Angeles
has one of the most diverse, exciting LGBT communities in the
country. As a proud Angeleno and a proud member of the LGBT
community, I feel lucky to live here.
Of course, anyone familiar with the history of the LGBT
movement in Los Angeles knows what a long journey it’s been
to get where we are today. From the founding of the city’s
first gay organization, the Mattachine Society, in the 1950s,
to the uprising at Cooper’s Donuts in 1959 (10 years before
the Stonewall Riots), to Angelenos battling AIDS in the 1980s
and fighting for marriage equality today, the stories of LA’s
LGBT movement and the men and women who led it resonate
throughout the nation. This month, we all take the opportunity
to celebrate the legacies of those who broke through the
barriers to make LA a more tolerant and vibrant place to
live and work.
With this calendar and cultural guide, the City’s Department of
Cultural Affairs (DCA) is highlighting the work of LGBT artists,
promoting cultural events, and showcasing the incredible diversity
of experiences that Los Angeles has to offer.
During the month of June, I invite you to participate, engage, and
enjoy. Learn about LGBT history, admire art and culture, and, most
of all, celebrate the great City in which we live!
Los Angeles City Controller
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Dear Friends,
On behalf of the Los Angeles City Council, it is my privilege to
invite you to celebrate Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
Heritage Month in our great City! People from around the world
have made Los Angeles their home, and each culture contributes
to the rich diversity that makes it among the foremost cities
in the world.
This month we continue to honor the achievements of our City’s
LGBT community, and acknowledge their contributions to LA.
With this calendar, our Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA)
highlights the work of our LGBT artists who keep our shared
traditions alive and thriving in our communities. DCA offers a
wide array of arts and cultural events for your enjoyment.
Please refer to this calendar to find the numerous festivals,
musical events, theatrical performances, films, poetry readings,
and cultural activities in your neighborhood.
I encourage you to take part in the special events listed
throughout these pages, and welcome you into our
neighborhoods to celebrate Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender Heritage Month in the City of Angels.
It is sure to be a memorable celebration!
Los Angeles City Council
Councilmember, Tenth District
At left, Jennifer Celio, Hitched to E verything Else (detail-installation view), Charcoal, acrylic, pencil, and house paint on
12” and 16” hexagonal wood panels, 70” x 52”, 2016
Melanie Magenta, detail from Femmes Cartographies, Installation, 2015
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Dear Friends,
It is with great honor that I write to again recognize the month of
June as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Heritage
Month. We have seen tremendous gains in LGBT rights in recent
history. Today, LGBT Americans are free to marry the person they
love, free to serve openly for their country, and freer to be their
true, authentic self.
Despite historic gains and victories for the LGBT community, we
still have far to go. Transgender people still face discrimination far
too frequently in our school systems, in the workplace, and within
our healthcare system.
This year, the City of Los Angeles became the nation’s largest city
to establish a permanent council of transgender community leaders
to advise the City on how to best serve the needs of transgender Angelenos. Working
under the Human Relations Commission, the Transgender Advisory Council will advise the
Office of the Mayor, the Los Angeles City Council, City departments, and other elected
officials on projects and policies that address critical issues facing the trans community —
such as economic development, public safety, accessibility, and public awareness.
As the presenting councilman for this year’s LGBT Heritage Month, it is my distinct honor
to highlight the “T” in the LGBT community. The individuals being honored at our Council
celebration are just some of the many transgender heroes who fight for LGBT equality in
Los Angeles.
This month though, is not only for the honorees, it is for every ally, partner, and activist
who continues to push our city closer towards a true, honest, and complete equality.
Thank you.
We are all in your debt and celebrate you today.
With pride,
Councilmember, Eleventh District
Suzanne Wright, Bundle, Installation, 2016
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
On behalf of my constituents in the great 13th Council District,
I welcome you to the sixth annual Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender (LGBT) Heritage Month kick-off event at Los Angeles
City Hall.
During previous celebrations I shared the significance of
commemorating Pride Month in the City of Los Angeles by
remembering our rich LGBT history and two historic events
that took place in the communities I represent. As you know,
the gay rights movement was born at the Black Cat Tavern in
Silver Lake (two years before New York’s Stonewall Inn), and
the first Gay Pride Parade took place in Hollywood along the
Walk of Fame.
Now, decades later, we continue to witness how the civil rights movements has changed the way policymakers
think about moving our society forward for everyone. Equal rights mean we denounce hate, embrace
inclusiveness, and we extend a hand to the most marginalized in our society. If someone among us does
not have full civil rights, then in a sense, none of us do. As a member of the Los Angeles City Council, I am
proud to be a voice for our LGBT community and I will continue to act on your behalf to protect our rights.
This month, I will join Councilmember Mike Bonin, City Controller Ron Galperin, as well as the entire
Los Angeles City Council to honor leaders and legends in the LGBT community. We will shine the spotlight
on courage, diversity, pride, and progress in our LGBT community.
In addition to the City Council presentation, I am also teaming up with ONE Archives to host a special
exhibition in the Bridge Gallery at City Hall. This first-ever exhibit contains a collection of front page headlines
from major newspapers across the country following each state court ruling in favor of the Freedom to Marry
for LGBT individuals. The Bridge Gallery exhibit is free and open to the public through the end of June.
Wherever you plan to celebrate our Pride, keep in mind where we’ve been and where we still need to go.
Warm regards,
Councilmember, Thirteenth District
Dwora Fried, Uncut, Mixed media assemblage
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Dear Friends,
The Department of Cultural Affairs is pleased to present this
calendar of events celebrating the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender (LGBT) community thriving in our unique City.
In this publication we honor the extraordinary range of LGBT
experiences and cultural traditions transforming our society
into an exciting, creative metropolis.
As a proud member of the LGBT community, I want to express my
appreciation for the work of the members of our LGBT Heritage
Month Committee, the Mayor’s Office, and our City Council
Offices for their assistance in recognizing the many nonprofit
organizations, community groups, arts organizations, artists, and
activists whose efforts helped us create this impressive publication
of fun, educational, and exciting events.
We are also pleased to showcase a selection of contemporary
art produced by our Los Angeles LGBT artists in this publication.
Their vision pays homage to steps taken in the past towards
progress, and looks ahead towards a future assuring equality
for all.
What better place to see fantastic art, experience LGBT
creative culture, and celebrate a City’s great gay heritage than
Los Angeles? We hope you will join in the festivities and enjoy!
General Manager
City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs
Ruben Esparza, Yooth: Loss & Found®, Hand lettering, blood, on archival paper, 2016
Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender
Heritage Month Committee
Committee C0-Chairs
Mike Ai
Tony Arranaga
Dora Nuñez
Council District 11
Council District 13
Office of the City Controller
Committee Members
William Ayala
Edgar Garcia
Paul Neuman
Council District 13
Office of the Mayor
Council District 5
Danielle Brazell
Steve Garcia
Chloe Rodriguez
Department of Cultural Affairs
Council District 10
Council District 10
Kristine Cajulis
David Graham-Caso
Karina Samala
Council District 3
Council District 11
City of L A
Human Relations Commission
Dave Cano
Dan Halden
Council District 13
Council District 13
Will Caperton y Montoya
Wendy Hsu
Department of Cultural Affairs
Department of Cultural Affairs
Martica Caraballo Stork
Kevin James
Department of Cultural Affairs
Board of Public Works
Elizabeth Carlin
Harout Semerdjian
Council District 13
Stephen Simon
Department of Disability
Joe Smoke
Department of Cultural Affairs
Council District 10
Ian Lewis
Daniel Tarica
Leo Daube
Los Angeles
Police Department
Department of Cultural Affairs
Connie Llanos
Council District 10
Mayor’s Office
Gigi Galias
Council District 13
Office of the Mayor
Laura McLennan
Joe Torres
Rob Wilcox
City Attorney
Council District 11
Enrique Castrejon, A Reconstructed Memory of a Past Love, Collage, glue, acid free adhesive tape, pigment ink on ripped paper, 6” round, 2016
Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender
Heritage Month 2016
Opening Ceremony
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month Opening Ceremony
Join Mayor Eric Garcetti; City Controller Ron Galperin; City Attorney Mike Feuer; Council President
Herb J. Wesson, Jr., Council Members Mike Bonin and Mitch O’Farrell, and the Los Angeles City
Council; the Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA); and the 2016 LGBT Heritage Month Committee
to officially commemorate and celebrate the opening of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
(LGBT) Heritage Month in the City of Los Angeles.
At this presentation in City Hall’s Council Chamber, DCA’s 2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender Heritage Month Calendar and Cultural Guide will be officially unveiled, and
Los Angeles elected officials will recognize and honor Leaders and Legends in the
LGBT Community.
June 8, 2016, 10:00 a.m.
City Hall Council Chamber
Followed by Reception
City Hall
200 North Spring Street
Los Angeles
SPONSORS: Office of the Mayor; Office of the City Controller; Los Angeles City Council;
Department of Cultural Affairs; and the 2016 LGBT Heritage Month Committee
Daphne Von Rey, Untitled, Blood stained paper and silk flowers from Femo® performance, 2015
Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender
Heritage Month 2016
201 North Figueroa Street, Suite 1400
Los Angeles, California 90012
TEL 213.202.5550
FAX 213.202.5517
WEB culturela.org
Community Events
Dancer We Lost
Dancers We Lost is a comprehensive dance history project honoring performers who died due to
complications of HIV/AIDS.
Through June 18, Tuesdays – Friday 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.,
Saturday 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Highways Performance Space
1651 18th Street
Santa Monica
SPONSOR: Highways Performance Space
At left, Noa Bornstein, Billy Gornel, Please Get Well, Pencil and colored pencil, 23” x 22”, 1984
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Community Events
Dwora Fried, Batman, Mixed media assemblage
A Brief History of Drag
This exhibit at the WeHo Arts library exhibition spaces is an overview of the history of drag in
Los Angeles County, and describes the importance of ‘drag queens’ and others in the early LGBTQ
rights movement. The exhibit consists of photographs drawn from both the ONE Archives and taken
by photographer Austin Young. Curated by Katie Poltz and Jessica Fowler of the LA LGBT Center and
David Attyah of Glendale Community College, the exhibition is a result of collaboration between the
City of West Hollywood, LA LGBT Center, and Center for the Art of Performance at UCLA.
Through June 27
West Hollywood Library
625 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood
SPONSOR: WeHo Arts Library
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Celebrating LA Pride
ONE Archives: C**k, Paper, Scissors
Funded in part by a grant through WeHo Arts, C**k, Paper, Scissors brings together collage works
by fifteen artists who reuse print culture for world making projects ranging from the era of gay
liberation to the present. Artists include Steven Blevins, Enrique Castrejon, Marlene McCarty,
Jonathan Molina-Garcia, Glenn Ligon, Olaf Odegaard, Anita Steckel, Ingo Swann, Jade Yumang,
and a site-specific installation by feminist pioneer Mary Beth Edelson.
Through July 10, Thursdays – Sundays, 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Long Hall
Plummer Park
7377 Santa Monica
West Hollywood
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
Stuart Timmons LGBTQ History Tour
Stuart Timmons, co-author of Gay LA suffered a stroke before his West Hollywood LGBTQ History
Tour was completed. Thanks to a team of helpers and a grant from the City of West Hollywood
through One City One Pride, the tour will be restaged with a cast of colorful characters from
different eras stationed along the route.
June 4, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Tour starts from West Hollywood Park
647 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
Army of Lovers – Art Intervention
An afternoon of interactive creative queer activism. Participants will be led through a series of handson activities including: personal manifesto making, glitter adornment, costume fun, a mini liberation
march and more, all ending in a glamorous outdoor modeling session / photo shoot for all your queer
social media needs. Organized by artist Ian MacKinnon. Come show us what Pride means to you!
June 4, 12:00 noon – 3:00 p.m.
West Hollywood Park
647 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Community Events
Victor Yates (Kevin Robinson), Untitled - Dia de los Muertos, Photograph, 2015
Apt 3F’s Art Out!
Apt 3F takes over West Hollywood Park for an afternoon arts laboratory – Art Out! Discover live
musicians (Mariachi Arconis, Adrian Banuelos, ETM, Coral Lobera, Rebecca Norris), readings (City Poet
Steven Reigns, homo-centric), kids craft tables (JP of Craft Night at Akbar), chalk art (David
Rasmussen), dance (1122 Dance Company), drag appearance (Rubella Sparks), and drag art (Martin
Matamoras) all celebrating pride and art.
June 4, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
West Hollywood Park
647 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Celebrating LA Pride
Joey Terrill, Loss, Acrylic on canvas, 20” x 20”, 1993
Working OUT presented by New Stages
LGBTQ seniors share their experiences of the journey toward equality in an evening of songs and
stories based loosely on the 1970s musical Working by Stephen Schwartz and Nina Faso. New Stages
produces dynamic arts experiences for senior citizens.
June 4 & 5, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Renberg Theatre
The Village at Ed Gould Plaza
LA LGBT Center
1125 N. McCadden Pl.
Los Angeles,
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Community Events
Queer Biennial II International Art Fair, Yooth: Loss and Found
QUEER Biennial Collective is pleased to announce the second installment of the international arts and
performance event: QUEER Biennial II, Yooth: Loss and Found. The program will look closely at how the
AIDS epidemic influenced artists that came of age during the 1980-90s and will explore potential
bridges or connections to how a new generation of artists reflects on or deflect from this lineage
within QUEER history. QUEER Biennial is an international survey focusing on current moments in
OUT/QUEER/LGBTQ art and culture and will showcase emerging, mid-career, and established
artists. Featured work includes installation, film, live performance, and historical documentation.
June 4 through 26, Reception June 4, 6:00 p.m.,
Gallery hours: Thursdays – Saturdays 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Industry Gallery
801E. 7th St., #103
Los Angeles
SPONSOR: Queer Biennial
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Celebrating LA Pride
Vox Femina Rocks!
Rock out with Vox Femina! Featuring music from rock legends to indie rock to top of pop, Vox will
sing and jam to the music of David Bowie, Joni Mitchell, Adele, Lady Gaga, Indigo Girls, and many
other artists, including many gay icons. Come see Vox as you’ve never seen them before!
June 5, 3:00 p.m.
Congregation Kol Ami
1200 N. La Brea Ave.
West Hollywood
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
Freedom to Marry
Los Angeles City Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell, in collaboration with ONE Archives, will host the
first-ever exhibit containing a collection of front pages of major newspapers across the country
following each state court ruling in favor of the Freedom to Marry for Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, and
Transgender (LGBT) individuals. This unique set of newspaper front pages was first curated and
displayed in the headquarters of the organization Freedom to Marry, one of the groups that
spearheaded the campaign to win same-sex marriage nationwide.
June 6, 5:30 p.m.
Bridge Gallery
Los Angeles City Hall
200 N. Spring St., 3rd Floor
Downtown Los Angeles
SPONSOR: ONE Archives, Office of Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Community Events
Human Rights Speakers Series – LGBT Rights Abroad:
An International Look at Equality
Join the City of West Hollywood for a Human Rights Speakers Series on LGBT Rights around the
June 7, 7:00 p.m.
West Hollywood City Council Chambers
625 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood
Free. RSVP required at [email protected]
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
What Did Robert Mapplethorpe Teach Us? – A Zócalo/Getty Open Art event
hosted by WEHO Arts
How did Mapplethorpe change photography—and the perception of photography as an art? Coinciding
with a major retrospective of his work (www.mapplethorpe.la), join J. Paul Getty Museum curator Paul
Martineau, fine arts photographer Catherine Opie, LACMA curator Britt Salvesen, and painter and Yale
art historian Jonathan Weinberg in a discussion on how Mapplethorpe continues to teach us, even now,
a quarter century after his untimely death at age 42.
June 8, 7:30 p.m.
West Hollywood City Council Chambers
625 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
Hollywood Fringe / One City One Pride
The Hollywood Fringe Festival is an open and uncensored community-derived event. The Fringe’s eastern
border is usually Gardner Street, but through a special collaboration with the City, LGBTQ shows can take
place throughout West Hollywood as part of One City One Pride. Visit hollywoodfringe.org/weho to find
shows taking place in West Hollywood. Shows sponsored through this partnership are: God’s Waiting
Room, Life’s a B**** and So Am I, The Gay Guide to Tinseltown, The #1 Ballsy Woman, Snatched…Stories from
Down There, Reclaimed Freedom: Fact or Fiction, Skin of Honey/Piel de Miel, and The Collection of Harold
Pinter/Anniversary by Rachel Bonds.
June 9 through 26, Times vary
Check website for venues
SPONSOR: Hollywood Fringe Festival, One City One Pride
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Celebrating LA Pride
Chasen Igleheart, Mammal, Installation, 2015
LA Art Association Out There Exhibit
The 9th annual LA Art Association’s Out There group exhibition asks artists to examine West
Hollywood’s commitment to the LGBT community.
June 10 through 17, Opening reception 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.,
Gallery hours 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. every day except Mondays
Gallery 825
825 N. La Cienaga Blvd.
West Hollywood
SPONSORS: Gallery 825, One City One Pride
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Community Events
Jan Wandrag, Our Streets, Installation, 2016
Dyke March
The Dyke March kicks off from the West Hollywood Park with a 6:00 pm program followed by a march
at 7:00 p.m. down Santa Monica Boulevard. The event features Jewel Thais-Williams (Grand Marshall
of LA Pride 2016), Funny Women presented by UnCabaret (featuring Julie Goldman, Selen Luna, and
Marsha Warfield), and the presentation of the Etheridge Award to the June Mazer Lesbian Archives.
June 10, 6:00 p.m.
West Hollywood Park
647 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Celebrating LA Pride
Jennifer Celio, And I Love You All?, Acrylic, watercolor, charcoal, Flashe, pencil, and spray paint on 25 - 12” hexagonal wood, 55” x 79”, 2016
LA Pride Festival
A series of events celebrating the accomplishments of the LGBT community. The LA Pride Festival is
organized by Christopher Street West (CSW) and features performances by Carly Rae Jepsen, Charli
XCX, DJs Krewella, Faith Evans, Big Freedia, and more. Visit lapride.org for a full line-up of
entertainment and to purchase tickets.
June 10 through 12, Friday 8:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m.,
Saturday 2:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m., Sunday 12:00 noon – 11:00 p.m.
West Hollywood Park
647 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood
Check website to purchase tickets
SPONSOR: Christopher Street West, One City One Pride
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Community Events
Leon Mostovoy, Trans America, Photograph, 2012
Got Framed Art Installation at LA Pride
Got Framed is a playful, interactive art piece that encourages people to step up, take a picture, and “be
the art.” Even the City background becomes a character in the picture. This large-scale artwork debuted
at Burning Man 2015, and through a grant from One City One Pride will be on display at the LA Pride
festival in West Hollywood. Ticket purchase is required to enter the LA Pride festival grounds.
June 11 & 12, Times vary
LA Pride Festival Grounds
West Hollywood
Check website to purchase tickets
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Celebrating LA Pride
LA Pride Parade and FATA (From the Archives to the Archives - Queer Signs of the
Times 1965-2016) Artist Ruben Esparza for One City One Pride
The LA Pride Parade comes back to West Hollywood and runs from Crescent Heights Blvd. to
San Vicente Blvd. along Santa Monica Blvd. Queer Signs of the Times 1965-2016 will include 75
re-created protest signs that will be taken to the streets in a mock protest rally, depicting historical
signs dating as far back as 1965 and up to date as part of the Queer Biennial created and organized
by Ruben Esparza. Parade is free to attend and kicks off from Crescent Heights at 11 a.m.
June 12, 11:00 a.m.
Crescent Heights Blvd. to San Vicente Blvd. along Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
Human Rights Speakers Series: Exploring LGBT Rights
in China and Abroad
Join the City of West Hollywood for a Human Rights Speakers Series on LGBT Rights in China. This
panel features Mulan Wu, Director of the Shenyang Lesbian Fraternity; Rain Gao, Director of the Anhui
Hefei Youth Health Service Center (HYHSC); Guo Ziyang (Joe), Gay Activist; Damien Lu, Ph.D.,
Interpreter; and J. Bob Alotta, Executive Director of the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice.
June 14, 7:00 p.m.
West Hollywood City Council Chambers
625 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood
Free. RSVP required at [email protected]
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
Stonewall Uprising Film Screening
Join the West Hollywood Library for a free screening of the PBS film, American Experience:
Stonewall Uprising which explores the events of June 28, 1969 which are commemorated annually
with June Pride Month.
June 15, 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
West Hollywood Library Community Meeting Room
625 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Community Events
Felice Picano Talk: Gay Hollywood in the 1930’s
Join author Felice Picano for a talk on how extremely gay the Hollywood film industry was during this
era, despite the strictures of the Hays Commission. The lecture will be followed by a short reading
from the novella Wonder City of the West.
June 15, 7:00 p.m.
West Hollywood City Council Chambers
625 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
The Lavender Effect Presents: Stand By Me: The Forgotten History of
Gay Liberation
Join historian Jim Downs for a book reading and Q & A around his new book Stand By Me: The Forgotten
History of Gay Liberation co-sponsored by the Los Angeles County Public Library.
June 16, 7:30 p.m.
West Hollywood Library Community Room
625 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood
Free. Space is limited, please reserve seats at
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Celebrating LA Pride
Simone Aughterlony, Antonia Livingstone and Hahn Rowe, Ephemera from “Supernatural” performance
Trans Pride
Trans Pride kicks off on June 17 with a Big Queer Convo with trans activist CeCe McDonald followed
by the reception of the art exhibit We Can Be Heroes at 9:00 p.m. (exhibit remains on view until July
23). On June 18, come back for a day of live performances, dancing, trans electronic music festival,
vendors, outreach tables, workshops, complimentary food, and beverages. The event will also include a
name/gender change clinic presented by Transgender Law Center, an interactive community art exhibit,
featuring work by trans artists and an special VarieTy Show, showcasing an amazing away of trans
June 17 & 18, Friday 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.,
Saturday, 12:00 noon – 9:30 p.m.
The Village at Ed Gould Plaza
LA LGBT Center
1125 N. McCadden Pl.
West Hollywood
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Community Events
Duane Paul, Threesome, Hammered and textured monoprint, 30” x 30”, 2010-2012
6th Annual Celebrating All Life and Creation Pow Wow
Join Red Circle Project of AIDS Project LA for a full day of traditional
Native American music, dance, crafts, and food, along with HIV testing and prevention resources.
June 18, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Plummer Park
7377 Santa Monica Blvd.
West Hollywood
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Celebrating LA Pride
Victor Yates (Kevin Robertson), Rhea Litre, Photograph, 2014
A Love Like Blood
Join author Victor Yates as he reads from his new book A Love Like Blood. This is an exciting thriller that
rhythmically explores the unseen. His book is a finalist for the 2016 Lambda Literary Award for LGBT
Debut Fiction.
June 18, 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Playa Vista Branch Library
6400 Playa Vista Dr.
Playa Vista
SPONSOR: Playa Vista Branch Library
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Community Events
Lincoln Heigths Raise Our Pride
The Wall Las Memorias Project and the leadership of the Church of the Epiphany invite community
members to the Lincoln Heights Raise Our Pride event, the first LGBT pride event of its kind in Lincoln
Heights. Join us as on a historic day as we dedicate and raise the first LGBT flag in the church’s history.
This free community event will include various LGBT pride activities, HIV and other health updates,
panel discussions, flag dedication, and reception. Translation services will be provided.
June 18, 5:30 p.m.
Church of the Epiphany
2808 Altura St.
Los Angeles
SPONSOR: The Wall Las Memorias Project
QueerWise “Selfies: Exploring Our Multitudinous Selves”
LGBTQ writers aged 50+ reveal their funny, thoughtful, brave, sexy, proud, and unique selves in a
spoken word performance.
June 21, 7:00 p.m. – 8:00p.m.
The Village at Ed Gould Plaza
Los Angeles LGBT Center
1125 N. McCadden Pl.
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
Celebration Theatre - Chuck Rowland Award / New Works
Celebration Theatre will present their annual Chuck Rowland Award for contributions to LGBTQ
theatre along with a staged reading of Pathetic Fallacy, which tells the story of Julie, a hyper-sensitive
Catholic school girl who discovers she is attracted to girls.
June 21, 7:30 p.m.
West Hollywood City Council Chambers
625 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Celebrating LA Pride
Leon Mostovoy, Dean, Death of My Daughter, Photograph, 2010
Rainbow Key Awards
This year the Lesbian and Gay Advisory Board honors Jay M. Kohorn, Mark Lehman, Carol TaylorDiPietro, the West Hollywood Community Housing Corporation, and Ruth Williams with awards for
their dedication to the Lesbian and Gay community.
June 22, Reception 6:30 p.m., Program 7:00 p.m.
West Hollywood City Council Chambers
625 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
LGBT Pride Month Movie Night
The Office of Councilwoman Nury Martinez will be screening the Spanish language documentary
El Canto del Colibry, along with a resource fair and panel discussion.
June 23, 5:00 p.m.
14410 Sylvan St.
Council Chambers
Van Nuys
SPONSOR: Office of Councilwoman Nury Martinez
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Community Events
Dwora Fried, Catwoman, Mixed media assemblage
Charles Pierce Biography
Professor and author Chris Freeman interviews the author of the new book on drag artist Charles
Pierce along with a book signing, video clips, and a Q&A.
June 23, 7:30 p.m.
West Hollywood Library Community Meeting Room
625 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Celebrating LA Pride
Duane Paul, Dancing Gets Me Noticed, Diptych, Digital archival pigment prints, both, 30” x 24”, 2010-2012
ALAP Pride Play Reading Festival
The festival includes two programs of rehearsed readings of LGBTQ-themed plays written by members
of The Alliance of Los Angeles Playwrights (ALAP). Saturday’s program will feature 6 short plays,
while Sunday will feature a single full-length play.
June 25 & 26, 1:00 p.m.
Plummer Park Community Center
Rooms 5/6
7377 Santa Monica Blvd.
West Hollywood
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
REACH LA ‘Dancing in the Streets’
REACH LA is a service organization that reaches out to disadvantaged youth of color through the ball
community, and have performed at MOCA and for various One City One Pride events over the years.
Tapping into their talented pool of performers, West Hollywood will come alive with unexpected dance
performances and interventions. For instance, two men at a picnic table playing chess will suddenly
break into a choreographed vogue dance-off. Other performances will take place in various parts of the
park and sidewalk.
June 25, 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
West Hollywood Park
647 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Community Events
Clifford Pun, Flowebomb, No Pun Intended, Lightjet print, 2010
“I Stand Corrected” Film Screening and Summer Sounds
Concert with Jennifer Leitham
In 2001 Leitham transitioned from being known as John Leitham to Jennifer Leitham while on tour
with Doc Severinson, a story that was the subject of an award winning documentary, I Stand Corrected.
Join One City One Pride for a free screening followed by a Q&A with filmmaker Andrea Meyerson.
At 4:00 p.m. Jennifer will perform as part of the City’s free Summer Sounds concerts series in the
City Hall Community Plaza.
June 26, 2:00 p.m.
City Hall Community Plaza
8300 Santa Monica Blvd.
West Hollywood
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Celebrating LA Pride
Lambda Literary Book Club
City Poet Steven Reigns leads a book discussion on What Belongs to You by Garth Greenwell.
June 28, 7:30 p.m.
West Hollywood Library Community Meeting Room
625 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
OutSet Fifth Anniversary Screening
OutSet is a filmmaking workshop for LGBTQ young people between the ages of 16 to 24 through a
collaboration of the LA LGBT Center and Outfest. Join Outfest for a screening.
June 29, 7:30 p.m.
West Hollywood City Council Chambers
625 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood
$10 General, $6 Outfest members
Los Angeles Times Multicultural Business Forum – LGBT Session
These multicultural financial workshops aim to inspire, empower and educate the various communities
on starting, sustaining, and growing their small businesses. Attendees will have the unique opportunity
to have industry professionals answer questions.
June 30, 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Los Angeles Times Building
202 W. First St.
Downtown Angeles
SPONSORS: LA County, Phillips Graduate University
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Community Events
Leon Mostovoy, Leon, Death of My Daughter, Photograph, 2010
Natalie Goldberg in conversation with West Hollywood City Poet Steven Reigns
Join Lesbian Speakers Series/WeHo Reads/One City One Pride for this special conversation on the 30th
anniversary of Natalie Goldberg’s classic Writing Down the Bones - Freeing the Writer Within, and the
release of her new book The Great Spring – Writing, Zen and This Zigzag Life.
June 30, 7:00 p.m.
West Hollywood City Council Chambers
625 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood
SPONSOR: One City One Pride
Victor Yates (Kevin Robertson), Steve Chavarria, Photograph
Enrique Castrejon, Anatomy of a Kiss, Collage, glue, acid free adhesive tape, pigment ink on ripped paper, 6” round, 2016
Enrique Castrejon, The Stars We Are, Collage, glue, acid free adhesive tape, pigment ink on ripped paper, 6” round, 2016
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
in the City of Los Angeles
Literary Artists
The Department of Cultural Affairs is pleased to present the works of two
fine writers in the 2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage
Month Calendar and Cultural Guide. We are honored to showcase the work
of Los Angeles poets Aunt Iya Amethyst Samsara and C. Jerome Woods.
At right, Victor Yates (Kevin Robertson), Untitled - Halloween, Photograph, 2012
By Aunt Iya Amethyst Samsara
there it is…
that ton of feathers lightning strike boldness incomparable
lending illumined autonomy to self-designated indigo spring night sky
hurricane force lavender scented breath blows sweet, paradoxically tender
you armor my exposure
like exponentially handed down, moth eaten 1939, Salvation Army wool overcoat
cover street dweller sins in winter and keep warm against critical wind of opinion
truth thrown over puddles keep my path without judgement and you are my hero
there it is…
I am many people, with multiple imagination, spanning DNA all designed to
culminate in me
& all that I am, all that you are, all that we see, all that we endeavor, all that we endure.
we are the art of living. unfamiliar. original. genuine. we have no set examples.
no legacy handed down, no grandfather to imitate, no grandmother to imitateangels show us which way to go, walk us through this, don’t leave us alonewe’re trying & hoping… but we’re not sure
& yes angels dance around our heads & drop feathers at our feet
set solid brick confidence in front of us, and lay out the plans of mice, kings, & prophets
on magic carpet air for our barefoot rising mornings
move us through days as if every step through portals misted with
the scent of power and good, and substantial fleshed up solid love.
& what they think has nothing to do with my inhaling holy & exhaling healing
I am, I am
there it is…
this air was made for me too
come be with me in air of new sunrise
Tibetan monk bowing to eastern sky
be with me in full moon stirrings i need your hand against mine dancing
stay with me in angry rain
i will sing shelter from noise
fold neatly operettas blues & ballads for breast pocket
of white starched and ironed cotton shirt
sleeves rolled-up three quarters to nine… for my coming out party
there it is…
Homage to Mother
by C. Jerome Woods
Thank you for the path paved
For all you gave.
In honor
I burn white candles
I pour libation
Disperse incense and sage
Thought you would outlive me
And I would not have to cry
Wanted you always here
And never have to die.
Could not have imagined bearing witness
To your leave
Dark beauty a mother’s only child
Fixed income senior
Design diva
Carried your opinion, fashioned your own style
Just wanted to love you as you love me
Taking time to invite and embrace
Giving me a point of reference to be me
In time and space.
Credence to my existence
Madonna to my pride
God gave me life; you gave me birth
I’m pissed you had to return to the Mother earth
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
She should not have needed you for her crust.
Your quick wit, darting mind
Crafty humor, one of a kind
Are remembered
When depression set in and visions of you are cloudy
Cerebral crevices become charged
Sinewy synapses align
People, place, you personality
Accepting, loving, doting mother to me.
Devoted, grateful, benevolent son, you see
to you, mother
Knowing eyes, telling tongues
Anchored here, poof ... you’re gone.
Never wanted to write the story
To tell the tale
Never wanted to say goodbye
Only wish you well
Leon Mostovoy, Bean, Death of My Daughter, Photograph, 2010
Leon Mostovoy, Brody, Death of My Daughter, Photograph, 2010
Clifford Pun, Man with a Red Turban, J.V.E., Digital pigment print on canvas, 2011
Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender
Heritage Month 2016
About the
City of Los Angeles
Department of Cultural Affairs
As a leading, progressive arts and cultural agency, DCA empowers Los Angeles’ vibrant communities by
supporting and providing access to quality visual, literary, musical, performing, and educational arts
programming; managing vital cultural centers; preserving historic sites; creating public art; and funding
services provided by arts organizations and individual artists.
Formed in 1925, DCA promotes arts and culture as a way to ignite a powerful dialogue, engage LA’s
residents and visitors, and ensure LA’s varied cultures are recognized, acknowledged, and experienced.
DCA’s mission is to strengthen the quality of life in Los Angeles by stimulating and supporting arts and
cultural activities, ensuring public access to the arts for residents and visitors alike.
DCA advances the social and economic impact of arts and culture through grantmaking, public
art, community arts, and strategic marketing and development. DCA creates and supports arts
programming, maximizing relationships with other city agencies, artists, and arts and cultural
nonprofit organizations to provide excellent service in neighborhoods throughout Los Angeles.
For more information, please visit culturela.org or follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/culturela;
Instagram @culture_la; and Twitter @culture_la.
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
About the Department of Cultural Affairs
DCA Neighborhood Arts and Cultural Centers
DCA’s Neighborhood Arts and Cultural Centers offer high-quality instruction for young people and adults in
the performing, visual, and new media arts. The Centers offer after-school and summer arts programs,
produce solo and group art exhibitions, create outreach programs for under-served populations, and produce
a variety of festivals during the year that celebrate the cultural diversity of the community.
Barnsdall Arts Center and
Barnsdall Junior Arts Center
Barnsdall Park
4800 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90027
323.644.6295 - Barnsdall Arts Center
323.644.6275 - Barnsdall Junior Arts Center
Canoga Park Youth Arts Center
7222 Remmet Avenue
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Lincoln Heights Youth Arts Center
2911 Altura Street
Los Angeles, CA 90031
Manchester Youth Arts Center (at the Vision
3341 West 43rd Place
Los Angeles, CA 90008
Performing Arts Firehouse
438 North Mesa
San Pedro, CA 90731
Sun Valley Youth Arts Center
(The Stone House)
8642 Sunland Boulevard
Sun Valley, CA 91352
Watts Towers Arts Center and Charles Mingus
Youth Arts Center
1727 East 107th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90002
213.847.4646 - Watts Towers Arts Center
323.566.1410 - Charles Mingus Youth Arts Center
William Grant Still Arts Center
2520 South West View Street
Los Angeles, CA 90016
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Celebrating LA Pride
Dwora Fried, Sisters, Mixed media assemblage
Through its professional theater facilities, DCA serves the performing and media arts community by offering
below-market theater rentals. In turn, the arts community presents year-round dance, music, theater, literary,
and multi-disciplinary performances; supports the development of emerging and established Los Angeles-based
performing and media artists; and offers workshops for playwrights and writers of all ages.
Barnsdall Gallery Theatre
Barnsdall Park
4800 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90027
Vision Theatre
3341 West 43rd Place
Los Angeles, CA 90008
Warner Grand Theatre
Madrid Theatre
21622 Sherman Way
Canoga Park, CA 91303
478 West 6th Street
San Pedro, CA 90731
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
About the Department of Cultural Affairs
Jennifer Celio, Hitched to everything else (detail), Acrylic on hexagonal wood panels, 6” each, 2016
DCA provides conservation services and educational programming and tours for two of LA’s most treasured
historic sites, Hollyhock House and the Watts Towers. Conservation efforts are coordinated through DCA’s
Historic Site Preservation Office. DCA’s Museum Education and Tours Program coordinates tours and
interpretive programs for both young people and adults.
Hollyhock House is Frank Lloyd Wright’s first
Los Angeles project. Built between 1919 and
1921, it represents his earliest efforts to develop
a regionally appropriate style of architecture for
Southern California. Barnsdall Park, including
Frank Lloyd Wright’s iconic Hollyhock House,
was awarded landmark status in 2007 and listed
on the National Register of Historic Places. As the
nation’s highest historic landmark designation, the
site has been formally recognized for its role in
interpreting the heritage and history of the
United States.
Hollyhock House
Barnsdall Park
4800 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90027
The Watts Towers, built over 34 years by Simon
Rodia, are a Los Angeles icon. Built from found
objects, including broken glass, sea shells, pottery,
and tile, the Towers stand as a monument to the
human spirit and the persistence of a singular vision.
The Watts Towers, listed on the National Register of
Historic Places, are a National Historic Landmark, a
State of California Historic Park, and HistoricCultural Monument No. 15 as previously designated
by the City of Los Angeles Cultural Heritage
Watts Towers
1765 East 107th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90002
At right, Miguel Angel Reyes, Remember Me, Interactive installation, 1998-2016
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
About the Department of Cultural Affairs
Leon Mostovoy, Manning-Up, Photograph, 2013
DCA’s Galleries serve to promote the visual arts and artists of the culturally diverse Los Angeles region.
The Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery (LAMAG) at
Barnsdall Park is the City’s primary exhibition venue
and is devoted to showcasing the work of local
emerging, mid-career, and established artists in
group and individual presentation formats.
Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery
Barnsdall Park
4800 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90027
The Barnsdall Junior Arts Center Gallery supports
smaller exhibitions, many displaying works created in
classes at Barnsdall Park.
Barnsdall Junior Arts Center Gallery
Barnsdall Park
4800 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90027
DCA’s Bridge Gallery at City Hall showcases the
work of young people, adults, and seniors enrolled
in City art programs, as well as themed exhibitions
celebrating the City’s Heritage Month Celebrations.
DCA’s Bridge Gallery at City Hall
200 North Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
The galleries at the Watts Towers Campus include the
Noah Purifoy Gallery, the Charles Mingus Gallery, and
the Dr. Joseph and Bootsie Howard Gallery.
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Celebrating LA Pride
Liss LaFleur, Beware of Domestic Objects, Embroidered leather punching bags and plastic chain, Various dimensions, 2016
DCA Public/Private Partnership Arts Facilities
Art in the Park
5568 Via Marisol
Los Angeles, CA 90042
Bannings Landing Community Arts Center
100 East Water Street
Wilmington, CA 90744
Croatian Cultural Center of Greater LA
510 West 7th Street
San Pedro, CA 90731
Eagle Rock Community Cultural Center / Center
for the Arts Eagle Rock
2225 Colorado Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90041
Encino Art and Cultural Center
(Previously the Center for Folk Music)
16953 Ventura Boulevard
Encino, CA 91316
Lankershim Arts Center
5108 Lankershim Boulevard
North Hollywood, CA 91602
McGroarty Arts Center
7570 McGroarty Terrace
Tujunga, CA 91042
William Reagh - LA Photography Center
2332 West Fourth Street
Los Angeles, CA 90057
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
About the Department of Cultural Affairs
Duane Paul, Shadow of Myth, Digital archival pigment print, 30” x 24”, 2010-2012
DCA Public/Private Partnership Arts Facilities
Los Angeles Theatre Center
Through an agreement with Los Angeles World
Airports, DCA also administers curated exhibitions
at both LAX and Ontario World Airports, and
promotes Los Angeles as a creative and vibrant
destination to over 40 million national and
international visitors annually.
514 South Spring Street, 2nd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Nate Holden Performing Arts Center
4718 West Washington Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90016
Los Angeles World Airport (LAX)
1 World Way
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Ontario World Airport – Inland Empire
2500 Terminal Way
Ontario, CA 91761
Leon Mostovoy, Ian Harvie, Growing Up Trans, Photograph, 2012
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Celebrating LA Pride
Pansy Ass Ceramics, Yass K ween, Vintage china, 2015-2016
For more information, please visit or contact:
Downtown Youth Arts Center
(Fire Station # 23)
225 East 5th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Highland Park Youth Arts Center
111 North Bridewell Street
Los Angeles, CA 90042
Oakwood Junior Youth Arts Center
(Vera Davis McLendon Youth Arts Center)
610 California Avenue
Venice, CA 90291
201 North Figueroa Street, Suite 1400
Los Angeles, California 90012
TEL 213.202.5550
FAX 213.202.5517
WEB culturela.org
Enrique Castrejon, Last Embrace of a Lost Love, Collage, glue, acid free adhesive tape, pigment ink on ripped paper, 6” round, 2016
Duane Paul, detail from Glare of Myth, Digital archival pigment print, 30” x 24”, 2010-2012
2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Heritage Month
Celebrating LA Pride
Artists Credits
The City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs gives special
thanks to our calendar artists for generously allowing us to showcase
their work in this publication.
Noa Bornstein
Enrique Castrejon
[email protected]
Jennifer Celio
Dwora Fried-Dreilinger
Leon Mostovoy
Duane Paul
Clifford Pun
[email protected]
Aunt Iya Amethyst Samsara
[email protected]
Victor Yates (Kevin Robertson)
[email protected]
C. Jerome Woods
[email protected]
Courtesy of Queer Biennial II
Simone Aughterlony
Enrique Castrejon
Ruben Esparza
Chasen Igleheart
Liss LaFleur
Melanie Magenta
Pansy Ass Ceramics: Andy Walker
and Kris Aaron
Hahn Rowe
Joey Terrill
Daphne Von Rey
Miguel Angel Reyes
Jan Wandrag
Suzanne Wright
201 North Figueroa Street, Suite 1400
Los Angeles, California 90012