Q1 2014
Q1 2014
Latin America and the Caribbean M&A report Q1 2014 www.emis.com www.securities.com Latin America Overview 3 Number of Deals 4 Number of Deals vs EBITDA Multiple 5 Deals by Sector 6 Deals by Country 8 Top 20 M&A Deals 9 Top 3 IPOs 11 LeagueBoard 12 DealMonitor 14 Key countries Brazil 15 Mexico 17 Argentina 19 Colombia 21 Chile 23 Notes & Disclaimer Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 M&A volume, value increases y/y in first three months of 2014 › In Q1 2014, the volume of M&A activity in Latin America and the Caribbean was up by 12% y/y, while the total value of negotiated deals rose by 22% to USD 22.9bn. › Brazil was the hottest market, accounting for more than 50% of the total number of deals and of their total value. › The median EV/EBITDA multiple recovered y/y to 10.8x. › The Services and Manufacturing sectors were the busiest in terms of number of deals. › The largest transactions were registered in Transportation & Warehousing and Finance & Insurance. › BTG Pactual and Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga topped our LeagueBoard by deal value for financial and legal advisors, respectively. Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 First quarter sees 12% increase in deal volume › M&A activity in Latin America and the Caribbean 450 90 382 › Deal volume surged in the five major markets, led by 329 295 300 227 reached 329 deals in Q1 2014, a 12% increase y/y. Colombia (71%) and Argentina (50%). 60 › Total transaction value was also up by 22%, mostly due to several large deals in Brazil. 208 43.9 150 38.2 30 › The largest deal was the all-stock reverse takeover between Brazilian railroad operator America Latina 23.4 18.7 22.9 Logistica (ALL) and local logistics company Rumo. The transaction was estimated at around USD 3.0bn. 0 0 Q1 2010 Q1 2011 Number of deals (left hand scale) Q1 2012 Q1 2013 Q1 2014 Total value of deals ($bn, right hand scale) › The largest IPO was of Bermuda-registered oil & gas company GeoPark for USD 100mn. Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 The median multiple recovers y/y 450 13.0x 12.5x 12.0x 300 11.5x 150 › The median EV/EBITDA multiple has increased y/y to 10.8x, in line with the increased deal activity. › The valuation is a bit higher than the one from 11.0x the same period of last year but has moved at a 10.5x slower pace when compared to the increase in 10.0x deals. 9.5x 9.0x 0 8.5x Q1 2012 Q2 2012 Q3 2012 Q4 2012 Number of deals Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 EV/EBITDA Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 Latin America & the Caribbean Q1 2014 Number of Deals Value of Deals Other 89 Finance & Insurance 30 Transportation & Warehousing 23.5% Utilities 10.2% Wholesale & Retail Trade 5.7% Wholesale & Retail Trade 36 Services 59 Manufacturing 51 Mining (incl. oil & gas) 28 Media & Entertainment 36 Services 13.4% Mining (incl. oil & gas) 10.0% Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 Other 13.4% Manufacturing 7.9% Finance & Insurance 16.0% Latin America & the Caribbean Q1 2014 Number of Deals Other Wholesale & Retail Trade Q1 2014 › With 21 deals, Transportation & Q1 2013 Warehousing registered more than a double y/y growth in deal Utilities volume. Transportation & Warehousing Telecom & IT › The most active sectors Services Manufacturing and Services also Mining (incl. oil & gas) saw 50% and 28% jumps in Media & Entertainment activity, respectively. Manufacturing Food & Beverages › Food & Beverages took the most Finance & Insurance 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 significant hit during the first quarter of 2014, as compared to the same period of last year. Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 Q1 2014 deal activity surges across most countries in the region Country/Region Q1 2013 Q1 2014 % change Argentina 22 33 50.0% Bolivia 1 4 300.0% Brazil 150 167 11.3% Chile 29 30 3.4% Colombia 21 36 71.4% Ecuador 5 6 20.0% Mexico 36 46 27.8% Paraguay 1 7 600.0% Peru 16 26 62.5% Uruguay 10 8 -20.0% Venezuela 2 7 250.0% Central America & the Caribbean 21 32 52.4% › Brazil and Mexico, the two largest markets in South America, saw increases in deal activity of 11% and 28%, respectively. › The only country to experience a decline in activity y/y was Uruguay, where deal count fell from 10 to 8 deals. Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 The largest deal in Q1 2014 was the reverse takeover between Brazilian logistics companies ALL and Rumo Target Company Country of Target Industry Deal Type Buyer Country of Buyer Deal Value (USD mn) 1. ALL - America Latina Logistica SA Brazil Transportation & Warehousing Rumo Logistica Operadora Multimodal SA Brazil 2,973.1 (Official data) 2. CorpBanca SA Chile Finance & Insurance Itau Unibanco Holding SA Brazil 2,205.0 (DW estimate) 3. 34 properties in Brazil Brazil Services Global Logistic Properties Ltd Singapore 1,359.1 (Official data) 4. Block BC-10 in Campos Basin Brazil Mining (incl. oil & gas) Qatar Petroleum Co Qatar 1,000.0 (Official data) 5. Grupo Notre Dame Intermedica Brazil Finance & Insurance Bain Capital LLC United States 861.2 (Market estimate) 6. Argentinean operations of Apache Corp Argentina Mining (incl. oil & gas) YPF SA Argentina 800.0 (Official data) 7. Grupo Fermaca SA de CV Mexico Transportation & Warehousing Partners Group AG; private investors Switzerland 750.0 (Official data) 8. Empresa Electrica Guacolda SA Chile Utilities AES Gener SA Chile 728.0 (Official data) 9. Siderurgica del Orinoco CA (Sidor) Venezuela Manufacturing Government of Venezuela Venezuela 668.0 (Market estimate) 10. BRF SA Brazil Food & Beverages Acquisition (100%) Minority stake purchase (33.6%) Acquisition (100%) Minority stake purchase (23%) Acquisition (100%) Acquisition (100%) Acquisition (n.a. %) Acquisition (50%) Minority stake purchase (20%) Minority stake purchase (3.8%) GIC Pvt Ltd Singapore 644.7 (DW estimate) The list does not include the alleged sale to Batista family of the equity interest held by Bertin family in Brazilian meat producer JBS SA, estimated to be worth some USD 2bn. Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 10 of the Top 20 deals involved target companies in Brazil Target Company Country of Target Industry Deal Type Buyer Country of Buyer Deal Value (USD mn) 11. Transportadora de Gas del Peru SA (TgP); Compania Operadora de Gas del Amazonas SAC Peru Transportation & Warehousing Minority stake purchase (n.a. %) Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) Canada 607.0 (Official data) 12. B2W - Companhia Digital Brazil Wholesale & Retail Trade Minority stake Tiger Global Management LLC purchase (18.9%) United States 505.0 (Official data) 13. Transportadora de Gas del Peru SA (TgP) Peru Transportation & Warehousing Minority stake Enagas SA purchase (22.4%) Spain 457.4 (Official data) 14. VTR GlobalCom SA Chile Telecom & IT Minority stake purchase (20%) United Kingdom 422.0 (Official data) 15. Santo Antonio Energia SA Brazil Utilities Minority stake Banco Modal SA purchase (10.3%) Brazil 355.1 (Official data) 16. Convenience store business Extra of Grupo Modelo Mexico Wholesale & Retail Trade Acquisition (100%) Operadora Circulo CCK SA de CV (Circulo K) Mexico 345.0 (Market estimate) 17. Dobreve Energia SA Brazil Utilities Acquisition (100%) CPFL Energias Renovaveis SA Brazil 334.5 (DW estimate) 18. GasAtacama SA Chile Utilities Acquisition (50%) Empresa Nacional de Electricidad SA (Endesa Chile) Chile 309.0 (Official data) 19. Sonae Sierra Brasil SA Brazil Services 20. JK Iguatemi shopping centre Brazil Services Liberty Global Plc Minority stake Alexander Otto - private investor Germany purchase (33.3%) Iguatemi Empresa de Acquisition Brazil; Shopping Centers SA ; (50%) United States TIAA-CREF Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 283.0 (Official data) 267.3 (Official data) The largest IPO during the first three months of 2014 was of Bermudaregistered, Latin America-focused oil & gas company GeoPark Target Company Country of Target Industry Stake Deal Value (USD mn) 1. GeoPark Ltd Bermuda, Argentina Mining (incl. oil & gas) 23.5% 100.1 (Official data) 2. Petrolera Pampa SA Argentina Mining (incl. oil & gas) 50.0% 15.2 (Official data) 3. Margaritaville (Turks) Ltd Turks and Caicos Islands Services 31.3% 2.1 (Official data) Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 Latin America & the Caribbean Q1 2014 Financial Advisors: Value Company Financial Advisors: Volume * Deal Value (USD mn) Number of Deals Company Number of Deals Deal Value (USD mn) 1. BTG Pactual 6,903.6 11 1. BTG Pactual 11 6,903.6 2. Goldman Sachs 4,885.0 5 2. Banco Itau BBA 7 3,894.9 3. Bank of America Merrill Lynch 4,005.0 2 3. Goldman Sachs 5 4,885.0 4. Banco Itau BBA 3,894.9 7 4. Lazard Ltd 4 1,159.2 5. N M Rothschild & Sons Ltd 3,478.1 3 5= N M Rothschild & Sons Ltd 3 3,478.1 6. RBC Capital Markets 3,455.0 2 5= Credit Suisse 3 2,710.8 7= Brasil Plural Banco Multiplo 2,973.1 1 5= Citigroup 3 2,086.3 7= Estater Gestao e Financas 2,973.1 1 5= Morgan Stanley 3 1,239.7 8. Credit Suisse 2,710.8 3 6= Bank of America Merrill Lynch 2 4,005.0 9. Citigroup 2,086.3 3 6= RBC Capital Markets 2 3,455.0 10. Nomura 1,855.2 2 6= Nomura 2 1,855.2 * Includes only advisors with total deal value of USD 1,000mn and above. Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 Latin America & the Caribbean Q1 2014 (cont’d) Legal Advisors: Value Company Legal Advisors: Volume * Deal Value (USD mn) Number of Deals Company Number of Deals Deal Value (USD mn) 1. Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga 6,311.2 12 1. Pinheiro Neto Advogados 17 2,424.0 2. Claro & Cía 4,410.0 1 2. Stocche Forbes Padis Filizzola Clapis Advogados 14 630.2 3. Souza, Cescon, Barrieu & Flesch Advogados 3,973.1 3 3. Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga 12 6,311.2 4. Barbosa, Müssnich & Aragão 3,899.0 6 9 762.9 2,973.1 2 Machado, Meyer, Sendacz e Opice Advogados 5. Vieira, Rezende, Barbosa e Guerreiro Advogados 4. 5. TozziniFreire Advogados 7 349.1 6. Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP 2,963.3 4 6= Barbosa, Müssnich & Aragão 6 3,899.0 7. Demarest Advogados 2,813.7 6 6= Demarest Advogados 6 2,813.7 8. Pinheiro Neto Advogados 2,424.0 17 6= Veirano Advogados 6 243.5 9. Brigard & Urrutia Abogados 2,388.5 3 7= Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP 4 2,963.3 7= Jones Day 4 388.7 10. Posse, Herrera & Ruiz Abogados 2,273.1 2 7= White & Case LLP 4 322.1 * Includes only advisors with four deals and above. Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 Number of new deal intentions in Latin America & the Caribbean 75 › The number of buy side intentions has been declining for four quarters in a row, reaching only 57 20 intentions in Q1 2014. 57 54 50 47 › 47 Compared to the same quarter of last year, the number slumped dramatically by 65%. 34 34 › 27 25 Buy side refers to companies looking to acquire other companies or assets. Sell side refers to 27 companies searching for potential investors. 20 › The number of new deal intentions includes official statements by companies, market rumors as well as exclusive information collected by our 0 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Buy side Q4 2013 Q1 2014 analysts and journalists. Sell side Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 Q1 2014 sees increases in both deal volume, value 210 45 › In Q1 2014, M&A activity in Brazil rose by 11% to 167 deals. 186 167 › 150 140 The total value of negotiated deals jumped almost twofold to USD 12.1bn. 30 33.7 › 91 The Services and Manufacturing sectors were the most active, with 31 and 29 registered 73 70 deals, respectively. 15 15.6 12.1 12.0 › takeover between Brazilian railroad operator 6.8 0 0 Q1 2010 Q1 2011 Number of deals (left hand scale) Q1 2012 Q1 2013 The largest deal was the all-stock reverse Q1 2014 America Latina Logistica (ALL) and local logistics company Rumo. Total value of deals ($bn, right hand scale) Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 Top 10 Deals Q1 2014 Target Company Industry Deal Type Buyer Country of Buyer Deal Value (USD mn) 1. ALL - America Latina Logistica SA Transportation & Warehousing Acquisition (100%) Rumo Logistica Operadora Multimodal SA Brazil 2,973.1 (Official data) 2. 34 properties in Brazil Services Acquisition (100%) Global Logistic Properties Ltd Singapore 1,359.1 (Official data) 3. Block BC-10 in Campos Basin Mining (incl. oil & gas) Minority stake purchase (23%) Qatar Petroleum Co Qatar 1,000.0 (Official data) 4. Grupo Notre Dame Intermedica Finance & Insurance Acquisition (100%) Bain Capital LLC United States 861.2 (Market estimate) 5. BRF SA Food & Beverages Minority stake purchase (3.8%) GIC Pvt Ltd Singapore 644.7 (DW estimate) 6. B2W - Companhia Digital Wholesale & Retail Trade Minority stake purchase (18.9%) Tiger Global Management LLC United States 505.0 (Official data) 7. Santo Antonio Energia SA Utilities Minority stake purchase (10.3%) Banco Modal SA Brazil 355.1 (Official data) 8. Dobreve Energia SA Utilities Acquisition (100%) CPFL Energias Renovaveis SA Brazil 334.5 (DW estimate) 9. Sonae Sierra Brasil SA Services Minority stake purchase (33.3%) Alexander Otto - private investor Germany 283.0 (Official data) 10. JK Iguatemi shopping centre Services Acquisition (50%) Iguatemi Empresa de Shopping Centers SA ; TIAA-CREF Brazil; United States 267.3 (Official data) The list does not include the alleged sale to Batista family of the equity interest held by Bertin family in Brazilian meat producer JBS SA, estimated to be worth some USD 2bn. Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 Value of negotiated deals drops three times in Q1 2014 54 15 › saw a 28% increase in deal flow but the total 46 36 34 34 36 During the first three months, M&A in Mexico transaction value slumped to USD 1.6bn. 10 › The most active sector was Services, followed by Manufacturing and Wholesale & Retail Trade. 8.0 18 15 5 5.5 Q1 2011 1.6 Number of deals (left hand scale) Q1 2012 majority stake in local gas infrastructure company Grupo Fermaca by a 1.1 Q1 2010 The largest deal was the purchase of an undisclosed 0.7 0 › Q1 2013 Swiss private equity fund for USD 750mn. 0 Q1 2014 Total value of deals ($bn, right hand scale) Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 Top 10 Deals Q1 2014 Target Company Industry Deal Type Buyer Country of Buyer 1. Grupo Fermaca SA de CV Transportation & Warehousing Acquisition (n.a. %) Partners Group AG; private investors Switzerland 2. Convenience store business Extra of Grupo Modelo Wholesale & Retail Trade Acquisition (100%) Operadora Circulo CCK SA de CV (Circulo K) Mexico 3. Sonora federal penitentiary concession; Services Jalisco federal penitentiary concession Acquisition (70%) Hunt Companies Inc United States 4. Impulsora del Deportivo Necaxa SA de CV (Club Necaxa) Media & Entertainment Acquisition (100%) Ernesto Tinajero - private investor; Guillermo Cantu - private investor Mexico 5. Credito Real SAB de CV SOFOM ENR Finance & Insurance Minority stake purchase (9.7%) Private Investors 6. Grupo Comercial e Industrial Marzam SA de CV (Grupo Marzam) Wholesale & Retail Trade Acquisition (50%) Genomma Lab Internacional SAB de CV Mexico 45.5 (Official data) 7. Compania de Energia Mexicana SA de CV (CEM) Utilities Acquisition (29.7%) * Compania Minera Autlan SAB de CV Mexico 27.8 (Official data) 8. Fiesta Americana Aguascalientes hotel Services Acquisition (100%) FibraHotel Mexico 17.4 (Official data) 9. Hotel Aloft Guadalajara Las Amaricas Services Acquisition (100%) Fibra Inn Mexico 16.4 (Official data) 10. Fiesta Inn Xalapa hotel; One Xalapa hotel Services Acquisition (100%) FibraHotel Mexico 16.2 (Official data) * Through the deal, the buyer will increase its stake in CEM to over 51%. Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 Deal Value (USD mn) 750.0 (Official data) 345.0 (Market estimate) 116.0 (Official data) 60.0 (Market estimate) 58.2 (DW estimate) Deal volume, value surges in first three months › 45 With 33 deals, Argentina registered a 50% increase in deal activity y/y. 6 41 › 33 34 rose dramatically y/y to USD 1.1bn, a record 33 30 The total value of negotiated transactions also high for the period in the past 3 years. 4 4.0 › 22 sector and also saw the most expensive deals 2.7 15 overall. 2 › 1.1 0.7 0 Q1 2010 Q1 2011 Number of deals (left hand scale) Mining (incl. oil & gas) was the most active Q1 2012 0.5 Q1 2013 The largest deal was the acquisition by Argentinean oil & gas company YPF of the local 0 Q1 2014 Total value of deals ($bn, right hand scale) operations of U.S. peer Apache Corp for USD 800mn. Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 Top 5 Deals Q1 2014 Target Company Industry Deal Type Buyer Country of Buyer Deal Value (USD mn) 1. Argentinean operations of Apache Corp Mining (incl. oil & gas) Acquisition (100%) YPF SA Argentina 800.0 (Official data) 2. Three concessions and five JV contracts of YPF Mining (incl. oil & gas) Acquisition (100%) Pluspetrol SA Argentina 217.0 (Official data) 3. Puesto Hernandez oil concession Mining (incl. oil & gas) Minority stake purchase (38.5%) YPF SA Argentina 40.7 (Official data) 4. Laboratorios Biagro SA Manufacturing Acquisition (100%) Bayer AG United States 35.0 (Market estimate) 5. Trilenium SA Media & Entertainment Acquisition (50%) Cristobal Lopez – private investor Argentina 15.8 (Official data) Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 Q1 M&A activity in Colombia rebounds to previous levels 45 6 › After a slump in the first quarter of last year, Colombian deal flow bounced back to 36 deals in 35 36 35 30 Q1 2014, a 64% increase y/y. 4 4.0 26 › In the first three months, the total value of negotiated deals also doubled y/y to USD 0.6bn. 21 › 15 sector in terms of both deal count and total 2 1.8 value. 1.5 0.3 0.6 0 Q1 2010 Q1 2011 Number of deals (left hand scale) Q1 2012 Mining (incl. oil & gas) was the most active Q1 2013 › 0 Q1 2014 Total value of deals ($bn, right hand scale) The largest deal was the sale of the Colombian coal assets of CCX to Turkish holding company Yildirim for USD 125mn. Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 Top 10 Deals Q1 2014 Target Company Industry Deal Type 1. CCX Colombia SA Mining (incl. oil & gas) 2. .CO Internet SAS Telecom & IT Wholesale & Retail Trade Acquisition (100%) Acquisition (100%) Acquisition (100%) Food & Beverages Acquisition (100%) 19 food & beverages stores of Comercializadora Giraldo Gomez y Cia SA Industria Colombiana de Lacteos Ltda; Conservas California SA; 4. Pasterizadora Santandereana De Leches SA; Erwis Asociados Ltda; Enfriadora Vallenata Ltda Compania de Desarrollo Aeropuerto 5. Eldorado SA (Codad) Tintas SA; 6. Sinclair SA Wacolda SA Corredores de Seguros; 7= Proseguros Corredores de Seguros SA COR 4 oil block; 7= COR 12 oil block 3. 8. Skynet de Colombia SA ESP 9. Tinigua oil block 10. Bolivar oil block Construction Manufacturing Finance & Insurance Mining (incl. oil & gas) Telecom & IT Mining (incl. oil & gas) Mining (incl. oil & gas) Acquisition (100%) Acquisition (50%) Acquisition (n.a. %) Acquisition (80%) Acquisition (75%) Acquisition (50%) Acquisition (50%) Buyer Country of Buyer Yildirim Holding AS Turkey Neustar Inc United States Almacenes Exito SA Colombia Gloria SA Peru Ashmore Group Plc United Kingdom DIC Corp Japan Hyperion Insurance Group Ltd United Kingdom Canacol Energy Ltd Canada Empresa de Telecomunicaciones Colombia de Bogota SA (ETB) Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp Canada Everest Hill Energy Group Ltd United States Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 Deal Value (USD mn) 125.0 (Official data) 100.0 (Official data) 97.5 (Official data) 86.0 (Official data) 68.1 (Official data) 22.5 (Official data) 15.0 (Market estimate) 15.0 (Official data) 14.6 (Market estimate) 12.5 (Official data) 5.0 (Official data) Deal volume remains flat y/y 60 9 › With 30 registered deals, M&A activity in Chile remained flat y/y in Q1 2014. 51 › 40 6 31 29 The total value of negotiated transactions, however, surged more than three times to USD 4bn due to a couple of very large deals. 30 4.7 22 4.0 20 2.7 › 3 registered the most expensive deals on average. 2.8 › 0 0 Q1 2011 Number of deals (left hand scale) Q1 2012 Q1 2013 The largest deal was the purchase of 33.6% in local bank CorpBanka by Brazil’s Itau Unibanco. 1.2 Q1 2010 Utilities was the most active sector and also Q1 2014 Total value of deals ($bn, right hand scale) The all-equity transaction was estimated by DealWatch at USD 2.2bn. Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 Top 10 Deals Q1 2014 Target Company Industry Deal Type 1. CorpBanca SA Finance & Insurance 2. Empresa Electrica Guacolda SA Utilities 3. VTR GlobalCom SA Telecom & IT 4. GasAtacama SA Utilities 5. Undisclosed forestry company Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting Minority stake purchase (33.6%) Acquisition (50%) Minority stake purchase (20%) Acquisition (50%) Acquisition (80%) Acquisition (100%) Acquisition (100%) Acquisition (51%) Acquisition (51%) Acquisition (100%) 6. 7. 8. 9. Power transmission line Maitencillo-Cardones Agricola El Monte SA; Agricola y Ganadera Chillan Viejo SA Prefabricados Andinos SA (Preansa) Chile Botanics SA 10. Coasin Instalaciones Ltda Utilities Food & Beverages Manufacturing Manufacturing Telecom & IT Buyer Country of Buyer Itau Unibanco Holding SA Brazil AES Gener SA Chile Liberty Global Plc United Kingdom Empresa Nacional de Chile Electricidad SA (Endesa Chile) Hancock Natural Resource United States Group Inc Transelec SA Chile MaxAgro SA Chile Union Andina de Cementos SAA Peru Naturex SA France Grana y Montero SAA Peru Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014 Deal Value (USD mn) 2,205.0 (DW estimate) 728.0 (Official data) 422.0 (Official data) 309.0 (Official data) 203.6 (Official data) 54.7 (Official data) 17.5 (Official data) 7.1 (Official data) 3.0 (Official data) 2.3 (Official data) This document covers the transactions recorded in the EMIS Professional M&A database that are fitting the following criteria: • • • • • • Geography: We have listed transactions with target companies located in the following countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela and Central America & the Caribbean Deal Status: Announced or Closed Market: only M&A transaction are included; IPO deals are listed separately Excluded Deal Types: Restructurings within one holding (no change in ownership), joint ventures, IPOs, SPOs, buy-backs of shares and debt-to-equity swaps Deal Size: USD 1 million and above. In cases where not clearly indicated, it is assumed that the reported deal value does not include debt. Announcement Date: 01 January 2014 – 31 March 2014 If the deal value is not reported or estimated, it is considered to be zero in calculations. Top deals are selected by announced or estimated deal values. For deals that involve targets operating in more than one country, the deal value is broken down and allocated across all countries involved. The allocation is done based on each country’s contributions to the overall revenues of the target company. The resulting allocated value is included in the volume of deals and the sector breakdowns for each profiled country and for Latin America. The list of top deals for each country includes only deals where the target’s operations are restricted to the respective country. The list of top deals for Latin America may include deals where the target operates in multiple countries in the region. LeagueBoard data is based on DealWatch intelligence and information provided by advisors. In the LeagueBoard we have taken into consideration the deals subject to the criteria described above, however geography was extended for deals with either a buyer, seller or a target located in Latin America. Data collection was closed on 04 April 2014. Contacts: Web: www.emis.com E-mail: [email protected] Disclaimer: The material is based on sources which we believe are reliable, but no warranty, either expressed or implied, is provided in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the information. The views expressed are our best judgment as of the date of issue and are subject to change without notice. EMIS and Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC take no responsibility for decisions made on the basis of these opinions. Any redistribution of this information is strictly prohibited. Copyright © 2014 EMIS, all rights reserved. A Euromoney Institutional Investor company. Latin America and the Caribbean: Q1 2014