The Clydesdale Breeders of the U.S.A. presents:
The Clydesdale Breeders of the U.S.A. presents:
The Clydesdale Breeders of the U.S.A. presents: 2012 Fall Classic All Breed Sale Michiana Event Center Howe, IN. October 26 & 27th, 2012 2012 FALL CLASSIC ALL BREEDS TACK SALE FRIDAY - OCTOBER 26TH, 2012 - 9:00 a.m. Michiana Event Center Tack consignments accepted up to the day of the sale. Please fill out Tack Sale Consignment form found on the website at Tack Sale items will be listed ahead of the sale on the same website! This Tack Sale will have something for everyone! 2S Tack & Equipment being offered at the Tack Sale! See website for listing: AND MORE… 2012 Fall Classic All Breed Sale - October 26th & 27th, 2012 The Clydesdale Breeders of the U.S.A. welcome each of you to the first annual Fall Classic All Breed Sale. For additional information or questions please contact the office at: 17346 Kelley Rd.: Pecatonica, IL. 61063 - Phone: 815-247-8780 - Fax: 815-247-8337. E-mail is: [email protected]. – Web: SALE ORDER: Horses will sell as they appear in this catalog with the following exceptions. UNCATALOGED HORSES: Uncataloged horses will be accepted for the Fall Classic Sale up to two weeks prior to the National Sale. The deadline to consign an uncataloged horse will be Friday, October 12th, 2012. The Rules & Regulations of the Fall Classic Sale will also apply to uncataloged horses. Uncataloged horses will be added to the end of the sale. TERMS: All horses to be paid for in U.S. funds. All animals must be settled for by the end of the sale. Credit card payment (Visa or Mastercard only) will be accepted with the agreement that a 4% service charge will be added. Sellers may take their purchases out of their sale receipt. All prospective bidders who have not estabilshed a satisfactory financial history with the Clydesdale Breeders Association must bring cash, certified check, credit card (Visa or Mastercard with 4% fee), or an IRREVOCABLE letter of credit stating maximum amount from your bank. The Clydesdale Breeders Office can provide you with a sample copy of an IRREVOCABLE letter of credit upon request or a copy can be printed off the website: Online Terms: The Fall Classic All Breed Sale will be streamed online. To view the sale go to To apply to be a phone bidder, please fill out the Telephone Bidding Form on the following websites prior to sale day - or After filling out the Telephone Bidding Form, please email it to [email protected] for pre-approval. Transfers and pedigrees for all animals will be furnished to the buyer, with the exception of Geldings that do not have a pedigree number appearing after their name. These geldings are not registered. Seller will pay the transfer fee. Phone bids are accepted only if pre-arranged through the sale office, provided agent for phone bid, and arrangements made for payment. The Sale office will close one hour after the sale of the final horse. WARRANTIES: Statements regarding soundness, breeding dates, etc. will be made from the auction stand. The buyer assumes full ownership of the animal from the fall of the auctioneer’s gavel and full responsibility for the care & maintenance of said animal from that point on. Horses will be sold by catalog order. All consigned horses present at the sale will go through the sale ring. Once you bid on a horse you are indicating that you have checked it out enough to satisfy yourself and no one else is responsible. GUARANTEE: No guarantees or warranties whatsoever, be they expressed or implied are made by the auctioneer, Clydesdale Breeders of the U.S.A., or the sale committee as to the title, quality, or soundness of the animal. Upon the presentation in writing, guarantees made by the consignor, said guarantees will be announced at the time of sale as through the consignor. Any claims based upon said guarantees shall be made against said consignor only. All bred mares must be vet checked and certified in foal by a veterinarian within 30 days prior to the sale. All mares not vet checked in foal are assumed to be open. Although statements in this catalog and those made by the auctioneer have come from what is thought to be reliable sources, purchaser must understand that he is buying property entirely upon his/her own examination and opinion. Any announcements made sale day take precedence over printed matter, regarding condition of sale animal. LIABILITY: Everyone is cautioned to exercise care while attending this sale. All persons entering on the premises during the time of the sale do so at their own risk. The Clydesdale Breeders of the U.S.A. and all members of the Sale Committee shall not be liable for any injury sustained by anyone attending the sale. The Clydesdale Breeders of the U.S.A. and the Sale Committee shall not be liable for any cause of action of any kind or nature arising from the sale of said horse. NO SALE: Consignors no sale fee is 4% of the last bid on the animal. CONSIGNOR’S MUST DECLARE A NO SALE BEFORE THE HORSE EXITS THE RING, OR HIGHEST BIDDER WILL TAKE OWNERSHIP. HEALTH PAPERS: Every animals must have a negative Coggins test and an Individual Interstate Health paper (not combined with other consigned horses). The Federal Vet will only be available on Sat.-October 27th to do export papers for horses going to Canada. Canadian buyers will be responsible for a fee for each export paper. The highest bidder will be the buyer. The auctioneer reserves the right to reject any and all bids. SALE VETERINARIAN: Dr. Matt Randolph DVM, Equine Veterinary Hospital of Northern, Indiana will be at our sale Friday & Saturday of the Sale. Phone: 574-6332146. For emergencies please phone Dr. Randolph. EXPORT PAPERS: A Federal Veterinarian will be available at the sale on Saturday afternoon to process export papers. There will be a fee for each export paper at the prevailing rate. DEPARTURES: Horses must be departed from the fairgrounds by NOON, SUNDAY, October 27th. Buyers at the sale or online are responsible for their own trucking. CONSIGNORS: A good lead rope & halter must accompany the horse when sold or one will be supplied by the Sale and the cost will be deducted from the sale price. The shoes on the horse when sold are the property of the buyer and must not be changed or removed. In the event of any problem with a horse, medical or otherwise, and the consignor cannot be contacted, the Sale will use its discretion in the treatment or disposition of the horse without recourse from the consignors. THE SALE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY HORSE DEEMED UNSUITABLE TO GO THROUGH THE SALE RING. NOTICE: It is very important when registering for your bidding number that you register the way you want your name to appear on the registration papers. Do not loose your bidding number as you will be responsible for items bought on that number. TACK SALE: Please be prepared to pay for all Tack Sale purchases on Friday, October 26th, 2012 before or at the close of the Tack Sale. Tentative Schedule of Events - All activities at the Michiana Event Center, Howe, IN. - Updates to this schedule will be posted on the website at Thursday, October 25, 2012: Horses should arrive at the Michiana Event Center. Friday, October 26, 2012: 9:00 a.m. - Tack Sale 2:00 p.m. - Voluntary hitching and riding 4:00 p.m. - Voluntary preview of Sale horses in Sale Arena by horses age 5:30 p.m. - Preview of 2S Dispersal Sale Horses - followed by sale of Semi Trailer, Stall Decorations, and tack. 7:30 p.m. - Barn Party for Sale Consignors and friends. Saturday, October 27, 2012: 9:00 a.m. Sale of 2S Cart, Wagon, Harness, and Big Show Box ~ followed by 2S Dispersal Sale of horse, and then open sale horses. Vendors: For all your horse needs and more, vendors will be available on Friday and Saturday at the Michiana Event Center! 2012 Fall Sale Chairman - Keith Mann - 281-961-2382 - [email protected] #56 Studs 5 & up #36 Studs 3 & 4 yr #28 #70 Studs 2 yr Studs 1 yr/ under #33 #42 #44 #49 #69 #74 #78 #80 #39 #45 #46 #53 #64 #65 #68 #71 #76 #88 Mare 7 & up #30 #32 #43 #60 #75 #82 Mare 4-6 yr #50 #61 #62 #83 Mare 3 yr Mare 2 yr #29 #41 #55 #81 Mare 1 yr/ under #37 #40 #48 #54 #57 #59 #63 #85 #38 #52 #66 #84 #86 Geldings 6 yr & up #34 #51 #58 #67 #77 #87 Gelding 4-5 yr #31 #35 #72 #73 #79 Gelding 3/under Horses will be in the ring in groups in the order above during the preview on Friday at 4:00 p.m. LOT # 1 2S Barnaby’s Royal Leddy 25812 - Mare Foaled 01/11/12 Consigned & Bred by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bay, four white legs, blaze face, white spot right barrel. Sire: Bogton Barnaby 23362 Dam: 2S Maxton’s Royal Floss 22919 1st Sr. Filly & Best Foal - 2012 National Show; 1st Sr. Filly Boone Co Fair & IN; Jr. & Res. Grand Champion Iowa State Fair LOT #2 2S Maxton’s Royal Floss - 22919 ~ Mare Foaled 3/19/06 Consigned & Bred by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bay, four white legs, blaze face. Sire: Maple Stone Stuart Maxton 19515 Dam: Westedge Flicka 17990 Bred to Bogton Barnaby, due April 2013. Floss’s 2012 filly was undefeated at four shows. She also produced the 2011 All-American Filly Foal and is bred back the same way for 2013. LOT # 3 2S Barnaby’s Grand Lucchese 25811 Stallion Foaled 1/21/12 Consigned & Bred by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bay, four white legs, white blaze face. Sire: Bogton Barnaby 23362 ~ Dam: 2S Grandeur’s Lady Katherine 19360 Great bottoms, big front end, strong hind leg. 2012 2nd Sr. Stud Foal National Show, Boone County & IN State Fair. 1st Stud foal & Res. Jr. Champion IA State Fair. LOT # 4 2S Grandeur’s Lady Katherine 19360 Mare Foaled 1/30/00 Consigned & Bred by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Dark bay, four white legs, dark hairs behind left knee, blaze face. Sire: Live Oak Grandeur 16170 Dam: Live Oak Darby 16443 Bred to 2S Explorer’s Intrepid, due February 2013. See her 2012 Stud Foal Lucchese. 1st Broodmare 2007 World Clydesdale Show; 2nd Broodmare National Show; Sr. & Grand Champion IN State Fair, Sr. Ch IA State Fair. LOT #5 2S Shea’s Exclusive Etta 22234 ~ Mare Foaled 3/4/05 Consigned & Bred by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bay, four white legs, white blaze face. Sire: Northwest Glenord’s Shea 14044 Dam: Cocklaw Valleta 19013 Bred to 2S Explorer’s Intrepid, due January 2013. 2012 1st Yeld Mare, Res, Sr. & Grand Champion National Show; Res. Sr. Champion IN State Fair. LOT # 6 2S Explorer’s Intrepid 24529 - Stallion Foaled 2/13/09 Consigned & Bred by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bay, four white legs, white blaze face, white spot right stifle and elbow, white on left barrel. Sire: Millisle Explorer 21765 Dam: Liberty Knolls Isabelle 15558 2012 National Grand Champion Stallion, 2011 1st 2 yr. old National Show & MGLI; Jr. & Res. Grand Champion Boone Co. Fair; Res. Jr Champion IN; Jr. & Grand Champion IA; Jr. & Res. Grand Champion World Clydesdale Show; Jr. & Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair LOT # 7 2S Above All’s Kaptain Kade 25363 ~ Stallion Foaled 4/2/11 Consigned & Bred by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bay, front legs white with dark hairs behind knees, hind legs white, white blaze face, white splash right side and left side of barrel. Sire: Doura Above All 23104 Dam: Liberty Knolls Isabelle 15558 Half brother to the 2012 National Champion Stallion; 4th 2012 National Show; 1st Jr. Stud Foal 2011 World Clydesdale Show; This colt will be big and powerful. LOT #8 2S Omega’s Elegant Encore 22228 ~ Mare Foaled 4/10/05 Consigned & Bred by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bay, four white legs, white blaze face, white spot right side. Sire: Live Oak Omega 16167 Dam: Live Oak Darby 16443 Bred to Bogton Barnaby, due January 2013. 2011 1st Broodmare National Show; 1st Broodmare & Sr. Champion IN State Fair; 1st Broodmare, Res. Sr. Champion, & Champion bred & owned Mare World Clydesdale Show; 1st Broodmare & Res. Sr. Champion MGLI, Royal Winter Fair, & IA State Fair. LOT # 9 2S Omega’s Golden Gem 23459 ~ Mare Foaled 1/5/07 Consigned & Bred by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Light bay, light mane and tail, four white legs, white blaze face. Sire: Live Oak Omega 16167 Dam: Thistle Ridge Eaton Julie 18106 Bred to 2S Above’s Highland Hallmark, due March 2013. 2011 1st Yeld Mare & Res. Sr. Champion National Show; 1st Yeld Mare, Sr. & Grand Champion Boone Co. & IA State Fair; 2nd Yeld Mare MGLI. Broke to drive. LOT # 10 2S Barnaby’s Classic Introduction 24527 ~ Mare Foaled 2/10/09 Consigned & Bred by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bay, four white legs, white hairs scattered behind right front leg on barrel, small lightning bolt white shape on right hip, white blaze face. Sire: Bogton Barnaby 23362 Dam: Joseph Lake’s Melissa 20770 2011 3rd - 2 yr. old National Show; 1st, Jr. & Res. Grand Champion Boone Co., IA State Fair, and MGLI. LOT #11 2S Above’s Highland Hallmark 24035 ~ Stallion Foaled 2/15/08 Consigned & Bred by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bay, four white legs, white on belly, white spot left barrel, white blaze face. Sire: Doura Above All 23104 Dam: Cocklaw Valetta 19013 2011 Sr. & Grand Champion Stallion National Show; Boone Co, IN, IA, & MGLI; Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair; Res. Sr. Champion 2011 World Clydesdale Show. LOT # 12 2S Barnaby’s Colossal Latch 25810 Stallion Foaled 5/18/12 Consigned & Bred by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bay, four white legs, wide white blaze face. Sire: Bogton Barnaby 23362 Dam: Cocklaw Valetta 19013 Late embryo foal off of our best mare family. Great color, will make a mark in the show ring or breeding. LOT # 13 2S Shea’s Simply Sophistication 21069 Mare Foaled 5/19/03 Consigned & Bred by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Roan, four white legs, white extending up right hip and white splash on right side, white blaze face. Sire: Northwest Glenord’s Shea 14044 Dam: Cocklaw Valetta 19013 Bred to 2S Explorer’s Intrepid, due April 2013. Sophie’s first foal won 3 of 4 Sr. Stud foal classes in 2012. Broke to drive. LOT #14 2S Barnaby’s Amazing Keepsake 25361 Mare Foaled 3/12/11 Consigned & Bred by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bay, three white legs, right front leg dark hairs scattered behind knee, white hairs in coat, white blaze face. Sire: Bogton Barnaby 23362 Dam: Cocklaw Valetta 19013 2012 2nd Place Yearling National Show & National Futurity; 1st, Jr. & Res. Grand Champion IN State Fair; 1st & Res. Jr. Champion IA State Fair. LOT # 15 2S Above All’s Miss Jazzy 25053 - Mare Foaled 4/10/10 Consigned & Bred by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bay, four white legs, irregular blaze face. Sire: Doura Above All 23104 Dam: 2S Sensations Duchess Juliet 19750 2012 1st 2 year old - Jr. Champion National Show; 1st, Jr. & Res. Grand Champion IN State Fair. Broke to drive and ride. LOT # 16 Baird’s Maitland River Maggie 23941 Mare Foaled4/10/06 Consigned by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bred by Baird Bros., Wingham, Ontario, Canada Bay, face white extending over muzzle and cheeks, legs white, white left side of belly. Sire: Maple Stone Victor Maxton 32882 CN Dam: Maitland River Judy 69035 CN Bred to 2S Explorer’s Intrepid, due January 2013. LOT #17 2S Hallmark’s Supreme Kameo 25367 Mare Foaled 2/25/11 Consigned & Bred by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bay, three white legs, left front leg dark inside cannon bone, white blaze face. Sire: 2S Above’s Highland Hallmark 24035 Dam: Gregghall Sensational Jewel 20594 Good size, great color. Exciting young show prospect! LOT # 18 Gregghall Sensational Jewel 20594 Mare Foaled 2/24/99 Consigned by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bred by Todd & Martin Gregg, Paisley, Ontario, Canada Bay, three white legs, left front leg dark inside, white blaze face. Sire: Doura Sensation 11361 Dam: Greggalee Ramblin Rose 69325 CN Bred to 2S Above’s Highland Hallmare, due February 2013. One of the few Sensation daughters left, big, powerful mare, lots of heel and bone. Consistent producer. Daughter, Kameo, also listed. LOT # 19 Westerdale Rayda Too 25237 - Mare Foaled 6/10/08 Consigned by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bred by Dale Rosenke, Olds, AB, Canada Bay, white hairs in coat, blaze face, four white legs, white patches on sides of belly. Sire: Kenbar Sir Wallace 33827 CN Dam: Westerdale Rayda 71914 CN Broke to drive - Open. LOT #20 Bogton Barnaby 23362 - Stallion Foaled 3/7/05 Consigned by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bred by V Peterkin, Laurencekirk, GB Bay, four white legs, few dark hairs behind left front foot, white blaze face. Sire: Phesdo Noble Scot 25444 GB Dam: Phesdo Heather 96103 GB 2009 All-American Stallion; 3 year old & over Res. Grand Champion National Show; Supreme and Grand Champion IN State Fair; Grand Champion KILE & MGLI. LOT # 21 2S Above All’s Mister Keynote 25364 Stallion Foaled 2/28/11 Consigned & Bred by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bay, four white legs, white blaze face. Sire: Doura Above All 23104 Dam: Liberty Knolls Grandeur’s Melody 17830 2012 2nd yearling Futurity National Show; 3rd yearling National Show; 1st & Jr. Champion Boone Co; 1st, Jr. & Grand Champion IN State Fair; 1st IA State Fair. This colt has a wealth of breeding and hitch potential! LOT # 22 2S Above All’s Miss Jaunty 24996 - Mare Foaled 2/18/10 Consigned & Bred by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bay, white blaze face, front legs dark with white splash on left knee, hind legs white. Sire: Doura Above All 23104 Dam: Joseph Lake’s Melissa 20770 2012 1st 2 year old, Jr. & Res. Grand Champion Boone Co; 2011 1st yearling National Show, IN, and IA. Broke to drive. LOT #23 Joseph Lake’s Melissa 20770 - Mare Foaled 5/23/00 Consigned by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bred by Howard Knull, LeDuc County, AB, Canada Bay, face white, four white legs, white patches on lower belly. Sire: Green Valley Barney 32500 CN Dam: Joseph Lake’s May 69936 CN Foaled late, left open. Consistently raising our show foals. Two daughters sell. Has crossed well on three different stallions. LOT # 24 2S Barnaby’s Imperial Princess 24528 Mare Foaled 3/31/09 Consigned & Bred by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bay, four white legs, white blaze face, white splash on left barrel, some white hairs on right barrell. Sire: Bogton Barnaby 23362 Dam: Double H Queen 17637 Very promising driver as a 2 year old. Hitch prospect! LOT # 25 Westedge Isabel 25609 - Mare Foaled 6/9/99 Consigned by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Bred by Bob Robertson, Listowel, Ontario, Canada. Bay, wide blaze face, light mane and tail, four white legs, white patches on both sides of belly. Sire: Live Oak Omega 16167 Dam: Westedge Bonnie Floss 68299 CN Great front ended Omega daughter, half sister to 2S Omega’s Golden Gem. Open. LOT #26 Luke - Gelding Foaled 2000 Consigned by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Big bay gelding, four white legs. Broke the best. Parade Team - will sell with Cody, Lot 27, as a pair. LOT # 27 Cody - Gelding Foaled 2003 Consigned by 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX. Big bay gelding, four white legs. Broke the best. Parade Team - Will sell with Luke, Lot 26, as a pair. LOT # 28 Irish Thunder’s Celtic Elliott 25687 Stallion Foaled 2/7/11 Consigned & bred by Pat & Tanya Connors, New Lisbon, WI. Bay, white blaze face, four white legs. Sire: Clydesdale Creek’s Jeremiah 24548 Dam: Alamar Kate 20993 This yearling Stallion is sired by Clydesdale Creek’s Jeremiah, 2009 All-American Stallion. Elliott is a grandson of Kellois Model Echo and SBH Phoenix. He qualified for the 2012 AllAmerican Program. He has an excellent disposition and is good to work with. Stands well for the farrier and is easy to clip/wash/haul. Current on all vaccinations and dental. LOT #29 Irish Thunder’s Chelsea 24802 - Clydesdale Mare Foaled 5/5/09 Consigned by Dustin Brooks, Sparta, WI. Bred by Pat or Tanya Connors, New Lisbon, WI. Bay, white blaze, left front leg black, right front leg white, hind legs white. Sire: Solomon’s Beaureguard 18156 Dam: Katie’s Congenial Miss Kenzie 18473 This is a big, tall 3 year old mare. She has shown well for us for the past 2 years. She is broke to drive and will make a BIG wheelmare. We are offering Chelsea for sale because of her dark color and she is just too big for our hitch. Take a look! Any questions call 608-269-3624. LOT # 30 Spirit Duke’s Donna 303908 Percheron Mare Foaled 5/26/07 Consigned by Eldon Lambright, Bloomfield, IA. Bred by Daniel Yoder, Bloomfield, IA. Black, small star Sire: Pleasant View Duke 292077 Sire: Bar Y’s Spirit’s Charlotte 285738 Donna is a big, fancy mare with alot of drive! Bred to YY Extreme for a June 2013 foal. LOT # 31 Irish Thunder’s Crown Royal 24547 Gelding - Foaled 03/10/09 Consigned by Joe & Bonnie Detweiler, Stoughton, WI. Bred by Pat or Tanya Connors, New Lisbon, WI. Bay, full white blaze, four white legs, white spot left hind quarter & underside of girth. Sire: Solomon’s Beaureguard 18156 Dam: Briarwood’s Stardust 19104 Tall gelding that is broke single and double. Could make a great hitch gelding! LOT #32 SBH Mandalay Lady 23736- Mare Foaled 5/28/07 - Consigned by David & Linda Stalhiem, Deer Park, WI. Bred by Ray & Sharon Priebe, Grayling, MI. Bay, four white legs, white blaze face, small white spot right belly and left girth. Sire: Westerdale Drake 22203 Dam: SBH China Rose 19843 Mandy is a well bred mare who took 1st place in the broodmare class at the MN State Fair. We have used her in the lead of the 4 & 6 of our mare hitch. She is broke single also. We acquired Mandy at the World Show Sale & she had a beautiful filly that we are keeping. We did not bred her back because we wanted to use her in our hitch. Because we want to support this new fall sale, we decided to put this wonderful mare through the sale. Phone: 641-487-7626 - Fax: 641-487-7776 WATTS # 1-800-362-8366 email: [email protected] We have been making decoratioins for the top Clydesdale hitches in the country for over 25 years. We will be glad to help your horses look the best they can! “FLOWERS” ERIC & DIANNE BROWN P.O. Box 251 - Zearing, IA. 50278-0251 We have sulphur, plumes, and Eric’s rope halters. We are offering schools in fitting and driving LOT # 33 Mistyland Master Piece 25471 - Stallion Foaled 1/2/11 - Consigned & Bred by Sherri Kundert, Juda, WI. Bay, wide white blaze, four white legs, white splashes on body. Sire: Pinnacle’s Paxton 22653 Dam: SCA Top Gun’s Balarney 23917 Good, growthy yearling. Big foot, wide heel, silky feather & energy to burn. Shown in halter as a foal this year. His pedigree has all the makings to be a hitch horse or stallion. His dam was All-Am. filly foal in 2007 and also Res. All Candian filly in 2007. His Sire was one of the last Greendyke’s Reflection offspring. Dam is a big, hitchy mare that Pinnacle drove for years. Truly a great pedigree with names like Greendykes Lucky Shot, Ayton Perfection, Twin Creek Victor’s Top Gun, Live Oak Commander, Doura Sensation, Hillmoor Fuslier and many more. Master Piece is still entered in the futurity at National Show & could very well win next years 2 yr. old cart. He has as much potential as this years 2012 winner that we have bred at Mistyland Clydesdales. His potential is unlimited. He has color, animation, size, and natural athletic ability. Don’t miss him! LOT # 34 Taylors Milton 23208 - Shire Gelding - Foaled 03/30/08 Consigned & bred by Robert Taylor II, Owego, NY. Black, blaze face, four white legs, white on lower abdomen from girth line to mid-abdomen both sides. Sire: Isle Field Danny Boy 23001-S Dam: West Fen Magic 23831-M Broke for hitch. Road Safe. Great temperment! LOT # 35 Ozark’s Royal High Point 24830 Gelding - Foaled 6/13/09 Consigned & bred by Marisa or Jeff Gower, Springfield, MO. Black, white blaze face, left front leg white to above knee, right front white to below knee, white spot on knee & dark hairs back of ankle, blaze face, white splash left barrel & flank. Sire: Donegal Bentley 21165 Dam: Brunt-Hill Dixie 20081 This 3 year old is developing nicely and should mature out to be big. Green broke double and single. Ready for your hitch. He has bone, foot, and heart to drive. LOT #36 Iron Horse MM Allegro 24660 - Stallion Foaled 6/4/09 Consigned by Kyle Drake, Charleston, IL. Bred by Linda Harmon-Dodge, Lovington, IL. Bay, wide blaze face, front legs white to above knees, left hind white extending into stifle, right hind white extending up onto the right hip. Sire: May’s Marquis of Iron Horse 22928 Dam: Pinnacle’s Melody 22652 Allegro has tremendous potential in halter and hitch! This colt has it all. Size, color, action, bone, hair, great hoof heads, and a wealth of genetics. He is ready to get started in harness & keep you in ribbons in line classes as well. For more information contact: Kyle Drake at [email protected] LOT # 37 Boulder Bluff Buffy 73960 CN - Mare Foaled 5/1/12 Consigned & bred by Blaine & Trinda Martin, Strathclair, MB, Canada. Bay, face white extending along underjaw & throatlatch, front legs white to above knees with speckles on chest, shoulder, & up neck, hind legs white with speckles into stifle and belly. Lots of Chrome Sire: Willow Way Conor 33211 CN Dam: Buffy’s Commander Bianca 71793 CN Very modern type filly! LOT # 38 Cub Creek Bud 299006 Percheron Gelding Foaled 5/15/05 Consigned Joseph Stutzman, Jamesport, MO. Black, large star, white spot right side of upper lip, small white spot on left hind pastern. Sire: Skyview Count On It 283003 Dam: Emma Creek Cathy 277500 Big nice moving gelding - swing or wheel horse. LOT #39 Oakland Lacey 295862 - Percheron Mare Foaled 1/16/04 Consigned by Sierra Covell, Denton, NE. Bred by Lamoine Myers, Eau Claire, WI. Black, small star, left hind hoof & pastern white. Sire: Blue Ribbon Farms Hercules 273164 Dam: King Pin’s Daizzie 286428 Great mare broke to ride and drive; single and double. She has been used for lessons as well as breaking colts and stays calm and quiet no matter the situation. Lacey has been handled & driven alone by my 12 year old sister & is not phased by cars, machinery, dogs, etc. She has a nice conformation with good foot, clean hocks, & clean bone. Lacey is good enough to show but quiet & honest enough for a beginner. Motels & Lodging Information: Best Western Plus - Howe, IN - 260-562-2880 Holiday Inn Express - Howe, IN. - 260-562-3660 Super 8 - Howe, IN - 260-562-2828 American Inn - Sturgis, MI (about 5 miles from MEC) - 269-651-2361 Hampton Inn - Sturgis, MI. - 269-651-4210 Knights Inn - Sturgis, MI. - 269-651-8505 Maplecrest - Sturgis, MI. - 269-651-8190 Regency Inn - Sturgis, MI. - 269-651-7881 Wood Motel - Sturgis, MI. - 269-651-2391 Farmstead Inn - Shipshewana, IN - 260-768-4595 Van Buren Hotel - Shipshewana, IN. - 260-768-7780 Der Rhue Blatz Motel - Shipshewana, IN. 260-562-3660 LaGrange County Visitors Bureau website: LOT # 40 Harmony Hill MM Calin 25341 - Mare Foaled 2/16/11 Consigned by Linda Harmon-Dodge, Lovington, IL. Bred by Cathy Clark, Kenney, IL. Red bay, blaze face, legs white, white flecks chest and throat. Sire: May’s Marquis of Iron Horse 22928 Dam: Wild Rose Rainy 22628 The warts are gone! Calin was to be the raffle filly at the 2012 Nat. Clyde Sale but was pulled because of warts. You now have the opportunity to own this great mare & no luck involved. She will take you to the halter ring & hitch classes as proven by her sisters. Greenwood Farms successfully exhibited her maternal sister Nebro’s Hostetler Melissa to All-American Honors and used her successfully in their mare hitches. Goodell Clydesdales has had a great year in 2012 with her paternal sister Iron Horse MM Lady’s Pinnacle(Nicki) in halter and hitch classes as well. Nicki was first place halter and in the Mens Cart at Illinois State Fair. Calin is ready to take you to the top of the class. Her futurity payments are current so she will be eligable for the 2013 National Show Futurity Cart Class. Check out her pedigree. Please call or visit our website for further information. Phone: 217-259-9182 cell or LOT # 41 Ropp’s Glory 306338 - Percheron Mare Foaled 4/23/09 Consigned by Joe Yoder, Bloomfield, IA. Bred by Henry Ropp, Jamesport, MO. Black Sire: Skyview Count On It 283003 Dam: Ropp’s May 289784 Glory is a big mare that is bred and broke to drive. She has alot of action and can really move! Bred to YY Extreme for a March 2013 foal. Thank you for attending the 2012 Fall Classic All Breed Sale! Clydesdale Breeders of the U.S.A. 17346 Kelley Rd.: Pecatonica, IL. 61063 Phone: 815-247-8780 Fax: 815-247-8337 Email: [email protected] LOT # 42 Ebony Lord Lucus 25518 - Stallion Foaled 4/11/11 Consigned & bred by Doug & Tina Miller, Tomah, WI. Black, wide blaze face, four white legs, white spots on hips. Sire: Willishome Lord Gallagher 23704 Dam: Ebony Dillon’s Ribbon Winner 21038 Sharp, heads up stallion or gelding prospect. Has qualified for All-American program 4 times in 2012, being named Grand Champ at one show, Res. Jr. Champ at IL State Fair, and Jr. & Res. Grand at MN State Fair. Lucus is well mannered & easy to work with and has a nice free fluid movement. Lead horse potential. LOT #43 Oracle Beja Flor 23772 - Mare Foaled 4/7/07 Consigned by Big Shoe Stables LLC, Meeker, OK. Bred by Katrina Hoxie, Sandpoint, ID. Black, face white, four white legs, white spots lower left side of body, white spots on right side of body from flank to elbow. Sire: Eel River Victor’s Nootka 18746 Dam: Grandview Tweed’s Molly 21334 Black mare that is in foal to Class E Kazzam’s Bentley for a spring foal. Quiet and very gentle. She will make a great addition to anyones farm. LOT # 44 Lawn Rock Spy 68577 - Belgian Stallion Foaled 4/17/12 Consigned & bred by Joe & Bonnie Detweiler, Stoughton, WI. Red sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail, white stockings. Sire: Thunderbranch Prince 64091 Dam: NeBros Alecia 117309 Fancy stud colt. Heads up with white stockings. LOT #45 N.D.F. Forest’s Gee Gee 21802 - Mare Foaled 5/16/04 Consigned by Monarrch Clydesdales, Bonne Terre, MO. Bred by Darrell & Nanette Forest, Warwick, ND. Dark bay, four white legs, white blaze face, white spots both sides of belly. Sire: Hatfield Hochtaler 16380 Dam: Triple U Dutchess 14816 This mare has been shown at cart and halter. She has been used in weddings and other public events. Nice looking mare with an equally nice disposition. LOT #46 Airgood Acres Spirited Ariel 19585 Mare - Foaled 5/6/00 Consigned by Pat & Tanya Connors, New Lisbon, WI. Bred by Ken & Sonja Airgood, Marshall, WI. Bay, white blaze face, three white legs, left front leg mostly black with some white on knee and feather. Sire: Green Leaf Painted Stone 17488 Dam: CDRIC Spirit 13308 Ariel is in foal to Thistle Ridge Argyll Enhancer. Her foal is due April 16, 2013. She is broke to drive single. Easy breeder, no issues foaling, and is a good mother. She has an excellent disposition & good to work with. Stands well for farrier, easy to clip/shoe/haul. Current on all vaccinations & dental LOT # 47 Armbro Emma 73232 CN - Mare Foaled 5/29/09 Consigned by Bob Butler, Stouffville, Ontario, Canada. Bred by William Armstrong, Fergus, Ontario, Canada Bay, face white, small white spot lower left belly, four white legs. Sire: 2S Shea’s Argyll Hunter 33861 CN Dam: Armbro Lucie 70745 CN LOT # 48 Boulder Bluff Nova 73959 CN - Mare Foaled 4/26/12 Consigned & bred by Blaine & Trinda Martin, Strathclair, MB, Canada. Bay, white blaze face, four white legs, white patch lower left side, small white patch lower right side. Sire: Greenwood Admiral’s Colonel 23892 CN Dam: Boulder Bluff Nicole 71930 CN Pretty filly, lots of eye appeal. Well bred with potential to hitch. LOT #49 Greenwood Thunder’s Harrison 25872 - Clydesdale Stallion Foaled 5/20/12 Consigned & Bred by Greenwood Farms LLC, Richmond, MI. Bay roan, four white legs, blaze face. Sire: Alamar L.S. Thunder 24158 Dam: Cactus Hills Cameo 18685 Sire is the 2010 National Champion. A good, long neck, stretchy colt that will make a good show colt or gelding prospect. LOT # 50 Type High Buddy’s Sweety 130085 Belgian Mare Foaled 3/21/10 Consigned by Wayne Yoder, LaGrange, IN. Bred by Travis Glick, Middlebury, IN. Red sorrel, strip, light mane and tail. Sire: Orndorff’s Captain Buddy 64565 Dam: E.J. Regina 115289 Broke. Hitches with snap! LOT # 51 Hickory Hill Levi 23242 - Shire Gelding Foaled 4/8/08 Consigned & bred by Robert Taylor II, Owego, NY. Black, wide blaze face, front legs white to just below knees, hind legs white, white spot on left girth line behind elbow, white spot right girth line behind elbow, white spot just in front of right stifle on lower abdomen. Sire: Isles Field Danny Boy 23001 Dam: Foxoaks Bluebell 23982 Broke for hitch. Road Safe and very willing. LOT #52 Jack - Clydesdale Gelding Foaled 2005 Consigned by John & Darlene Welsh, Pavilion, NY. Bay roan, four white legs. Jack is a tall gelding that has done very well for us in cart class and line class. Jack is an easy driving horse that can be used by ladies or children. Jack has also been used in a pair, unicorn, and tandem as the lead horse. LOT # 53 Shining Meadows Andrea 21272 - Clydesdale Mare Foaled 3/8/03 Consigned by Berkshire Farms, Shipshewana, IN. Bred by Ryan Mullen, Washington, WV. Bay, four white legs, white blaze face. Sire: Thistle Ridge Eaton Jon 18512 Dam: Shining Meadows MV Moriah 16374 Good and Broke. LOT # 54 U Lazy V Rockin Rocksy 25545 - Mare Foaled 4/10/11 Consigned by Sierra Covell, Denton, NE. Bred by John & Katherine Hanson, Marion, MT Bay, four white legs, white blaze face. Sire: H.M.H. Rockin Bentley 23738 Dam: Oakwood Castle Top Isabell 23990 Great filly with loads of potential. Perfect color, long neck, good foot, action, and pedigree including Maplewood Levi, Greendykes Reflection, and Twin Creek Victor’s Top Gun. Rocksy has the pedigree and quality to make a great hitch mare as well. LOT #55 Armageddon’s Mistress Zipporah 24701 - Clydesdsale Mare Foaled 2/14/09 Consigned by by Melissa Brown, Brookston, IN. Bred by Michael & Cheri Moleski, Bronson, MI. Black, blaze face, four white legs to above knees and hocks. Sire: Donegal Danny Boy 23178 Dam: Armageddon’s Mistress Oholibama 22225 Bred 4/9/12 to Blackgate Prince Michael. Animated driver - tremendous hind leg action. Broke to both sides of tongue. LOT # 56 Clydesdale Creek’s Jeremiah 24548 Stallion - Foaled 4/21/07 Consigned by Pat & Tanya Connors, New Lisbon, WI. Bred by Delvin Szumutku, Stockholm, SK, Canada. Dark bay roan, bald face to throat on right side and to underjaw on left side, legs white. Sire: North Country Major 33250 CN Dam: Johnson’s Amy 69493 CN Grand sire on dam side is NDF Buster. Jeremiah was the 2009 All-American 2 year old stallion. Jeremiah is an easy breeder and has 3 foal crops. He is the sire of Irish Thunder’s Celtic Dillon & Irish Thunder’s Elliott also in this sale. He passes a good foot, feather, hock, headset, & prescence to his foals. He has an excellent disposition & good to work with. Stands well for the farrier easy to clip/shoe/haul. Current on all vaccinations & dental. LOT # 57 Big Shoe Mystique 25817 - Mare Foaled 3/14/11 Consigned & bred by Big Shoe Stables LLC, Meeker, OK. Black roan, face white, four legs white. Sire: Donegal King David 22645 Dam: Harvelle Mairin Mist 20564 A King David daughter that has lots of style and class. LOT #58 Ozark’s Royal Squire 23061 - Gelding Foaled 4/1/06 Consigned & Bred by Dr. Jeff Gower, Springfield, MO. Dark bay, four white legs, white blaze face. Sire: Green Leaf Cornerstone 20449 Dam: N.D.F. Forest’s Ava 19892 This orphan colt is ready to come out. Dam and sire are both big horses and pedigree is rich with nobility. Cart, riding, or hitch - its your choice! LOT # 59 Springbottom Count on Hope 309005 Percheron Mare Foaled 4/10/11 Consigned by Joseph Stutzman, Jamesport, MO. Black, irregular star. Sire: Skyview Count On It 283003 Dam: M-C Foley’s Nicole 294180 A nice “Count” filly. LOT # 60 Bell’s Superior Maggie 24191 - Mare Foaled 4/22/08 Consigned & bred by Donald Bell, Sault Ste Marie, MI. Bay roan, legs white, white splotches on both sides of neck, shoulder, girth, and ribs. Sire: Willow Way Darius 22627 Dam: Bell’s Superior Millie 21889 Maggie is a tall, good moving mare. She is broke single and double and is safe with any handler. Maggie is big enough to be a wheel mare. LOT #61 Pennwood’s Jetavana 306671 Percheron Mare Foaled 1/11/10 Consigned by Joe Yoder, Bloomfield, IA. Bred by Pennwoods Percherons, Centre Hall, PA. Black, large frolonged tapering star. Sire: Pleasant View King 275262 Dam: N.C. Jazz 283525 Jetavana is a tall, fancy young mare with lots of quality and motion! She is the real deal! LOT # 62 GlenCoe Northern Glory 25411 - Mare Foaled 4/6/10 Consigned & Bred by Shirley or Don Crawford, & Randy Groves, Winnebago, IL. Bay, white face, right front leg white to above knee, left front leg has some dark hair mixed, hind legs white. Sire: Green Leaf Northern Lighte 19350 Dam: GlenCoe Sweet Mary Ann’s Grace 22964 Her sire is Green Leaf Northern Lighte, a huge stallion. Ready to breed in the spring. Deep bay colored mare with big names in her pedigree! LOT # 63 Greenwood Max’s Hillary 25874 - Clydesdale Mare Foaled 1/17/12 Consigned and bred by Greenwood Farms LLC, Richmond, MI. Red bay with white hairs in coat, four white legs, blaze face. Sire: Solomon’s Maximus 20335 Dam: Carson’s Lady N Lace 20442 Full sister to the 2011 Reserve National Champion. Great show filly with tremendous pedigree. LOT #64 Gypsey Hill Ryleigh 294132 Percheron Mare Foaled 4/26/03 Consigned by Sierra Covell, Denton, NE. Bred by Keith Stainer, Menomonie, WI. Black, small irregular star. Sire: Paramount Cousteau’s Cabot 282977 Dam: Gypsey Hill Rose 280320 Action, action, action! This mare has it all! Take her and show her or breed her and raise some fancy foals. Great foot, clean legs, all around action and drives big with loads of presence. LOT # 65 M-C Foley’s Nicole 294180 Percheron Mare Foaled 6/12/03 Consigned by Joseph Stutzman, Jamesport, MO. Black, star. Sire: L.D. Prince Foley 281969 Dam: Jay-Mars Sarah 280474 Big, long bodied mare. Broke single and double. A very willing worker - a beginners horse. LOT # 66 Hughey - Clydesdale Gelding Foaled 2004 Consigned by Kurt & Mike Jones, Randolph, NY. Bay, four white legs, white blaze face. Hughey has been used in the swing, wheel, and single. He was shown several years ago but has mainly just been used in a team on our farm. For more information and photos contact: [email protected] LOT #67 Specs - Shire/Percheron Gelding Foaled May, 2008 Consigned by Mary Flinn, Lansing, MI. Dapple Gray, black front legs, white up to fetlocks on hind legs. Big, high headed cart prospect. Currently at a trainer. Will be well started in harness. Snappy trot. Shire x Percheron by Methering Ham Isaac LOT # 68 Thread River Norma Jean 20149 - Mare Foaled 4/31/02 Consigned by Kyle Drake, Charleston, IL. Bred by Andrew & Linda Bentley, Goodrich, MI. Bay, blaze face, white legs to knees, left hind leg white to hock, right hind leg mixed hair. Sire: SBH Phoenix 33276 CN Dam: Thread River Peggy Sue 16859 Jeannie is a nice heads up mare with a wealth of feather and clean legs. She is “hitchy” and passes this on to her foals. Her 2008 foal was the top selling gelding at the 2011 National Sale and her 2010 foal did well on the National Show Circuit. Jeannie’s foals have great hocks, large hoof heads and can motor. She is by the famous Phoenix horse and her dam was National Champion and named All-American LOT # 69 Yoder Farm’s Marksman - Percheron Stallion Foaled 4/1/12 Consigned & bred by Joe Yoder, Bloomfield, IA. Black, medium Star Sire: Eastland Marksman’s E.B. Prince 306360 Dam: Yoder Farm’s Farrah 299969 A big colt with foot, bone, and action. Check out his pedigree. A stallion prospect. LOT #70 Irish Thunder’s Celtic Dillon 25353 Stallion Foaled 3/28/10 Consigned & Bred by Pat & Tanya Connors, New Lisbon, WI. Bay roan, white blaze face extending to lower jaw on both sides, four white legs. Sire: Clydesdale Creek’s Jeremiah 24548 Dam: Prairieview Heather Belle 21582 Irish Thunder Celtic Dillon is a 2 year old stallion sired by Clydesdale Creek’s Jeremiah, 2009 All-American Stallion. Dillon is the grandson of Sensational Randy. Dillon qualified for 2012 AllAmerican. He has an excellent disposition, good to work with and is broke to drive single. Stands well for the farrier and is easy to clip/wash/haul. Current on all vaccinations & dental. LOT # 71 Ebony Classic Heidi 18826 - Mare Foaled 4/9/99 Consigned & bred by Corey Clay, Tomah, WI. Black, white blaze face, three white legs, left front leg black with white spot on knee. Sire: Bluie Beau Gabriel 12206 Dam: Rolling Acres Classic Hannah 17414 LOT # 72 Coughlin’s Bud Shadrack Sensational 24539 - Gelding Foaled 1/20/09 Consigned by Gene Coughlin, Watertown, WI. Bred by John Newell, Richmond, Ontario, Canada. Dark bay, white blaze face, four white legs. Lots of feather. Sire: Armageddon’s Lord Shadrach 16504 Dam: Cornerviews Cassie 23936 Bud is a tall, very flashy dark bay gelding. In addition to his four white legs, he has big feet with lots of nice feather. Bud is trained to drive both single and double. LOT #73 Bell’s Superior King 25116 - Gelding Foaled 2/16/10 Consigned & Bred by Donald & Lauretta Bell, Sault Ste Marie, MI. Bay roan, wide white blaze face, front legs white to body, hind legs white to above hocks. Sire: Willow Way Darius 22627 Dam: Meadowview Northern Ocean Spray 20747 King is a tall, good boned, straight moving gelding. He is broke to drive single and double. We have him started in saddle and he is willing to please. Our grandchildren show King at the fairs. Safe for anyone to handle. LOT # 74 Boulder Bluff Zack 35217 CN - Stallion Foaled 4/14/12 Consigned & bred by Calvin Martin, Strathclair, Manitoba, Canada Dark brown, front legs white to below knees, hind legs white to hocks. Sire: Doura Dominator 33920 CN Dam: Boulder Bluff Serena 72975 CN Attractive young prospect with plenty of foot and bone. Paternal brother to Boulder Bluff Trevor, the 2012 World Show Reserve Champion Gelding. His dam has many outstanding horses in her pedigree. This colt will look very good on the show circuit next summer. LOT # 75 GlenCoe Sweet Mary Ann’s Grace Mare Foaled 4/9/06 Consigned by Shirley or Don Crawford & Randy Groves, Winnebago, IL. Bred by Behn Bros., Pecatonica, IL. Bay, four white legs, white splash on left side, small white spot on lower right side and upper thigh, blaze face. Sire: Hughes Liveoak Candy’s Spanky 18298 Dam: GlenCoe Sweet Mary Ann 13580 Hitchy mare. Bred to Cedarlane Duncan for a May 2013 foal. Has had 2 foals before. Loads easy, foals easy. Grandsire is T.H.V. Jasper, a big beautiful stallion. Strong pedigree. LOT #76 Count On Lou 296600 - Percheron Mare Foaled 4/11/2004 Consigned by Joseph Stutzman, Jamesport, MO. Black, few white hairs in forehead. Sire: Skyview Count On It 283003 Dam: Gingerbread Jane 281879 Broke, good footed and a very correct moving mare front and hind. LOT # 77 Westwind King’s Onyx 305337 - Percheron Gelding Foaled 5/25/08 Consigned & Bred by Steve or Karla Werkman, Green Castle, MO. Black, small elongated star. Sire: Pleasant View King 275262 Dam: E.R.’s Joy 284678 Onyx is a big gelding with alot of drive and motion! Lots of potential! LOT # 78 West Edge Vance 25741 - Stallion Foaled 5/18/11 Consigned by John & Darlene Welsh, Pavilion, NY. Bred by Janice McIntosh & Tracey Robertson, Listowel, Ontario, Canada Bay, face white, white patch on left lower belly, white patch on right lower belly, four white legs. Sire: Westedge Supreme 25701 Dam: Westedge Solomon’s Maggie 71865 CN Vance is a colt to take a look at! Has breeding for a stallion and the motion to make a great hitch horse. LOT #79 Hickory Hill Jacob 23320 - Shire Gelding Foaled 4/30/10 Consigned & Bred by Robert Taylor II, Oswego, NY. Black, white on lower lip, three white legs, right foreleg white on outside. Sire: Isles Field Danny Boy 23001 Dam: Northwest Aristocrat’s Abbigail 23938 Halter broke and well mannered. LOT # 80 Ebony Diamond’s Western Star 25873 Stallion Foaled 3/16/12 Consigned & bred by Doug & Tina Miller, Tomah, WI. Black, wide blaze face, four white legs, black on back of left hind leg, speckled chest, white at girth and belly. Sire: Donegal Black Diamond 24445 Dam: Elshmarg Silver Dawn 22760 Wes is the perfect outcross for todays black breeder. Sire and dam both imported from Canada. Sire was 2nd honorable mention in 2011 All-American. Dam has a wealth of Scottish bloodlines. This colt is easy to work with. Is current on shots and worming. He still has a long undocked tail. LOT # 81 Armbro Jessie 73231CN - Mare Foaled 5/12/09 Consigned by Bob Butler, Stouffville, Ontario, Canada. Bred by William Armstrong, Fergus, Ontario, Canada. Bay, face white, large white patch lower right side of belly, small white spot behind left elbow, white patch lower left side, four white legs. Sire: 2S Shea’s Argyl Hunter 33861 CN Dam: Armbro Holly 68808 CN LOT #82 Maple Creek Robin 127376 - Belgian Mare Foaled 2/10/08 Consigned by Bill Gerdes, Burlington, IA. Red Sorrel, small star and connected stripe. Sire: MJM Robins Master 58967 Dam: Le Heidi 104978 LOT # 83 Hickory Hill Eleanor 24528 - Shire Mare Foaled 4/19/10 Consigned and bred by Robert Taylor II, Oswego, NY. Black, blaze face, three white stockings, white spot on outside of knee right front leg. Sire: Isles Field Danny Boy 23001 Dam: Montagues Long Tall Sally 24055 Halter broke and well mannered. LOT # 84 Timberline Major 20562 - Gelding Foaled 4/11/02 Consigned by Shelby Zarobinski, LaPorte, IN. Bred by Ted Harris, Princeton, IL. Bay roan, wide white blaze face, four white legs. Sire: Green Leaf Prestige 18122 Dam: L & M Farms Jennifer 13372 Major is broke to ride & drive. He is sound and still has spunk for a 10 yr. old. We have shown him the last 2 years & he has consistantly been in the ribbons 2011. Major was 5th in AllAmerican program out of 11. He once again qualified this year at 2 shows, 2nd & Res. Sr. Ch. Boone Co. Fair, & 1st, Sr. Ch. & Res. Gr. Ch at IL State Fair. He has clean legs and massive amounts of feather. He was pulled from pasture 4 days before Boone Co. Fair. We put shoes on and he looked like a horse that had been stalled and oiled all summer. Major is the sire of the 2011 Top Selling Gelding at the National Sale. There is honestly nothing wrong with this horse, he is a super easy keeper, doesn’t act aggresive, stands to be clipped, loads, etc. For more pictures please visit: or call/text 219-393-0655. LOT # 85 Boulder Bluff Yvonne 73765 CN Mare Foaled 4/22/11 Consigned & bred by Calvin Martin, Strathclair, Manitoba, Canada Bay, face white, dark spot along upper lip, white stripe behind left cheek, small white mark on lower left side of body, four white legs. Sire: Doura Dominator 33920 CN Dam: Boulder Bluff Nadine 71502 CN Heads up, great moving, perfect colored filly. She was successfully shown in halter this summer. Yvonne has the same sire, Doura Dominator, as Boulder Bluff Trevor, the 2012 World Show Reserve Champion Gelding. LOT # 86 Ridgedale Freeman 24768 - Gelding Foaled 5/20/05 Consigned by Kurt & Mike Jones, Randolph, NY. Bred by Wendall Watson, Sarsfield, Ontario, Canada. Bay, white blaze face, front legs white to above knees, hind legs white to above hocks. Sire: Ridgedale Scottie II 34209 CN Dam: Ridgedale Clover Blossom 72337 CN Freedom is broke single and double. Loves to go and has alot of zip!. He is a quiet horse to trim, shoe, bath, and handle. Email: kjones3167@ for photos. LOT #87 Taylor’s Kingston 23155 - Shire Gelding Foaled 03/30/07 Consigned & Bred by Robert Taylor, Owego, NY. Black, large star conjoined with narrow stripe, left foreleg white to mid-knee in front, to just above knee behind. Right front leg white to below knee in front, to above knee behind, left hind leg white to hock behind to stifle in front, right hind leg whte spot on hock in front, white spot just below hock inside. Sire: Isles Field Danny Boy 23001 Dam: West Fen Magic 23831 Broke for hitch, road safe, great temperment. Got several championships at various shows. LOT # 88 Hill Topper Lucille’s Lass 20377 - Mare Foaled 4/30/01 Consigned by Richard Whitney, Winnebago, IL. Bred by Calvin Mason, Saskatoon, SK, Canada. Bay, white blaze face, black muzzle, legs white to knees and hocks. Sire: Westerdale Drake 32466 CN Dam: Hill Topper Lucille 68566 CN Big beautiful broodmare, marked right, deep body, plenty of room for foals. Great mother, foals easily. Very loving disposition, has been line driven. Sells open for your choice of stallions. NAME CONSIGNORS DIRECTORY LOT # 2S Clydesdales, Schulenburg, TX................................................ 1 - 27 Bagley, Greg, Juda, WI.......................................................................33 Bell, Donald & Lauretta, Sault Ste Marie, MI............................ 60, 73 Berkshire Farms, Shipshewana, IN....................................................53 Brauninger, Monarrch Clydes, Bonne Terre, MO..............................45 Brooks, Dustin, Sparta, WI.................................................................29 Brown, Melissa, Brookston, IN..........................................................55 Butler, Bob, Stouffville, Ontario, Canada................................... 47, 81 Clay, Cory, Tomah, WI.......................................................................71 Connors, Pat & Tanya, New Lisbon, WI......................... 28, 46, 56, 70 Coughlin, Gene & Vickie, Watertown, WI.........................................72 Covell, Sierra, Denton, NE.................................................... 39, 54, 64 Detweiler, Joe & Bonnie, Stoughton, WI.................................... 31, 44 Drake, Kyle, Charleston, IL......................................................... 36, 68 Flinn, Mary, Lansing, NY...................................................................67 Gerdes, Bill, Burlington, IA................................................................82 Gower, Jeff, Springfield, MO...................................................... 35, 58 Greenwood Farms LLC, Richmond, MI..................................... 49, 63 Groves, Randy/Shirley & Don Crawford, Winnebago, IL.......... 62, 75 Harmon-Dodge, Linda, Lovington, IL...............................................40 Jones, Kurt & Mike, Randolph, NY............................................ 66, 86 Lambright, Eldon, Bloomfield, IA......................................................30 Langille, Don, Meeker, OK......................................................... 43, 57 Martin, Blaine & Trinda, Strathclair, MB, Canada..................... 37, 48 Martin, Calvin, Strathclair, MB, Canada..................................... 74, 85 Miller, Doug & Tina, Tomah, WI................................................ 42, 80 Stalhiem, David, Deer Park, WI.........................................................32 Stutzman, Joseph, Jamesport, MO................................... 38, 59, 65, 76 Taylor, Robert, Owego, NY....................................... 34, 51, 79, 83, 87 Welsh, John & Darlene, Pavillion, NY........................................ 52, 78 Werkman, Steve or Karla, Green Castle, MO....................................77 Whitney, Richard, Winnebago, IL......................................................88 Yoder, Joe, Bloomfield, IA.................................................... 41, 61, 69 Yoder, Wayne, LaGrange, IN..............................................................50 Zarobinski, Shelby, LaPorte, IN.........................................................84 Notes: Keith Mann has gone to the dark side... Hope Lot #59 Cosigned by Joe Stuzman & Keith Mann 130 S. Forestview St. Wichita, KS 67235 281-961-2382 Nicole Lot #74 Bud Lot #39 Lou Lot #69 Joe Stutzman 24404 320th St. Jamesport, MO 64648 voice mail 660-684-6837 Harmony Hill MM CaLin LOT 40 READY TO FOLLOW IN HER SISTERS FOOTSTEPS!!! Iron Horse Farm 217-259-9182
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