From the Principal`s Desk
From the Principal`s Desk
From the Principal’s Desk Kadina Memorial School has officially launched a key priorty to improve resilience, optimism and the development of a growth mindset for all our students, families and staff. The initiative was launched last Thursday with professional speaker Bill Hansberry working with both staff and parents to develop a better understanding of resilience and practical strategies to build resilience in themselves and students. Our Resilience and Optimism Improvement team has developed two key resources for parents and students to deliver a common message about resilience. Going home this week to all families will be a magnet which has ten phrases to help develop resilience in our children. We encourage you to place this on your fridge and refer to it to provide you and your family common phrases to support your children in developing their own resilience. The second key resource is our R-12 Resilience Indicators (ONION) to support resilience and optimism development. These indicators have been developed by surveying Kadina Memorial School parents and staff. The ‘Onion’ provides parents and students with key indicators/behaviours that show evidence of resilient behaviour and growing up. It has been designed to be placed in a prominent spot in your home, such as the fridge, to help support the development of common behaviours for both students and families which we believe will support resilience in our students. Principal’s Report KMS staff has developed affirmative statements which are now displayed throughout the school and referred to on a regular basis. Some of the messages include: ‘Mistakes are proof that you are TRYING’ ‘If you are tempted to say I CAN’T have the courage to add YET’ ‘I’m not telling you is going to be easy, I’m telling you is going to be WORTH IT’ We are born with capacity for resilience. But resilience is not something we have or don’t have. We work on it throughout our lives, and we need to start as early as possible. Parents are the most important people to help build their childs’ resilience. Children learn a lot by watching their parents. When parents cope well with everyday stress, they are showing their children how to do the same. Resilience makes a big difference in people’s lives. People who respond to hardships with resilience are: healthier and live longer happier in their relationships more successful in school and work less likely to get depressed. Farewell Japanese students It was a sad day when all of our Japanese visitors had to leave after their two week stay. It always amazes me how students from such a different culture to ours, in a short period of time, form such emotional attachments to their host students and families. I am sure many long-standing friendships will form out of this visit. What is resilience? Life can be challenging and may include many stressful situations. Parents and children can feel overwhelmed by different things at different times like: sudden changes serious challenges/ financial hardships discrimination feelings of isolation hectic schedules unsafe neighbourhoods relationship difficulties Resilience is the ability to steer through serious life challenges and find ways to bounce back and thrive. It is a real learning experience, not just for the host students and their families, but also for all the Kadina Memorial students who connected with our Japanese visitors. I already look forward to our next cultural exchange visit in 2016, and encourage students and families to become hosts as it is a truly one-off family experience. Take the chance to talk to one of this year’s host families and gain an insight into the activities and also the positives to opening up your home to a student from another culture. I thank Paula McKay, Luke Davies, Megan Tucker and all the other Kadina Memorial staff for their time, effort, expertise, patience and passion in bringing about this host exchange. I also thank all host families who willingly gave their time and opened their homes to our visitors. We could not have done this without you, thank you very much. Host families volunteered additional experiences, including a bonfire at the Pearce’s farm. Host families volunteered additional out-of-school Principal’s Report Continued: KMSC Poster Winners SSO Week Congratulations to the following students who will receive a $10 Canteen voucher within the next week and have their winning poster displayed to remind students of the KMS rules. This was a KMSC initiative. Thank you to all students who entered. Bianca Hammond 3CP, Molly Munce and Eliza Monger 6AS, William McKay 5HG, Joshua Webb 5HG, Natalie Harris and Tahlia Loechel 5/6TH, Ashton Greenslade 6KW, Tayla Chapman 5/6TH, Taya Hosking 4HT, Georgia Spry 5HG, Mackenzie Borg 3/4LD, Tenille Manners 6KW, Cedar Napier 3/4LD and Alana Ellis 6KW. This week we celebrate the wonderful work of our Student Services Officers (SSOs) at Kadina Memorial School. We are fortunate to have over 40 fantastic SSOs who have an amazing variety of roles throughout the school. It is hard now to go into a classroom without finding an SSO supporting students and/or teachers in some manner. From the Front Office to the library, grounds, intervention support, individual student support, administration, our SSOs are always working tirelessly for our students. So, on behalf of the school community we thank our SSOs – together we make a team. Bullying and Harassment It is every child’s right to come to school to learn free of harassment or bullying. It is a right I take very seriously and we have inclusive and affective polices to deal with those involved in the bullying or harassment. However our procedures can only work if we are aware of the problem, and students/parents are willing to report it to us. If your child comes home and says he is being bullied or harassed, we want to know about it. Please speak to your child’s Care Group/Class teacher, or contact the relevant Coordinator, School Counsellor or member of leadership. It is up to all of us to ensure that Kadina Memorial School is as bully and harassment free as we can make it. Regards, Dean Angus KMS Principal BOOK WEEK PJ DAY & SAUSAGE SIZZLE WEDNESDAY 26 AUGUST MONEY RAISED FROM BBQ TO SUPPORT HOMELESSNESS $2 Bread, Sausage, Sauce Soft Drinks $2 (options available on order form) (Pre orders for Primary students will be sent home) Wear pyjamas or onesies but flat soled shoes (as required by OHS) Middle School students will be reading to Primary classes on this day. KMSC Mrs Ritter R-6 Corner: Problem Solving – The Key to Mathematical Success The Australian Curriculum groups mathematics learning into key strands that students study throughout their school career; number and algebra, measurement and geometry and statistics and probability. All these areas are important to mathematical development, but the key to being a successful mathematician is drawing this knowledge together and applying it to solve problems. This is challenging for many learners, understandably so, as they have to understand what a question is asking them, pull out key information and decide what mathematical operation is required of them, all before they get to an answer. At KMS based on analysis of various maths data, problem-solving is our focus this year and we are already seeing more confident, independent mathematicians. We have introduced for Years 3-6 students the ‘pencil’ framework as a structure for learners to use when problem-solving. As students move through the primary years they have a consistent approach to rely on when solving problems. It also links closely with the problemsolving framework used in Years 7-9. Reception to Year 2 classes use a common format to explore a number of the week and the Early Years staff are researching a possible consistent Early Years problem-solving framework. We are also focusing on mathematical vocabulary in problem-solving activities. Mathematical language can be a minefield so it is important students understand words can have different meanings in a mathematical context, for example: operation, product, value and difference. Please talk to your child about how they are using the pencil in class and use it to support homework too; it’s a valuable learning tool. Early Term 4 we will provide a parent workshop around mathematics. Helen Taylor R-6 Numeracy Support Teacher Middle Years Development Instrument Last week all Year 6 and 8 students were sent home information about the Middle Years Development Instrument. This is the third year we have been involved in this survey. Data that is collected is about: Social and emotional development Feelings of connectedness to school, family, friends and communities School experiences Physical health and well-being Time use during the after school hours The purpose of the survey is: To understand how children in the middle childhood years think and feel about their lives both inside and outside of school. The information collected from this survey will help inform educational and community efforts to help improve the lives of children. This survey is via a secure website and information collected from each student is confidential. The school receives a confidential report regarding our school’s findings. Any information that would identify teachers and/or students is removed from the report. If you have any queries please contact me. Regards Tarryn Germein Head of Middle School Cyberbullying – eSafety Social media is accessible 24/7, with young people extremely adept at using the medium. There are many positives with social media, but unfortunately there are also negatives, such as cyberbullying. Important changes were made to the ‘Enhancing Online Safety for Children Act 2015’ from 1st July 2015. The Act allows children suffering from serious cyberbullying to contact the Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner to have content removed if social media companies do not remove the offending content after it has been reported to them. The Children’s eSafety Commissioner Office website can be found at Another valuable cyber safety website for youth can be found at Unit News 7KT Maths Excursion This term the theme for our learning and activities is ‘Our Community’. In Weeks 1 and 2 we focused on ‘Where I Live’. The Junior class made houses out of brown cardboard bags and they looked great. The Senior class learnt about the names of the towns where they live and practised writing/saying these words. On Friday of Week 1, 7KT walked to Woolworths to investigate best buys of everyday supermarket items for their Financial Maths Assignments. While at Woolworths, students located and compared everyday supermarket items to find the best value for money. Students needed to find two prices for each item on their shopping list, and calculate which was the best value for money based on the unit price. The aim was to keep the cost of the shopping list as low as possible. The excursion was a great success, with students gaining a better understanding of value for money. Thank you to Miss Stanton for coming with us and helping us with our Maths! Last week ‘Recreation in the Community’ was our topic and the Junior students painted sandcastle pictures using sand paint. Over the next few weeks we will also be looking at Businesses in the Community, Emergency Services and Production in the Community. I look forward to writing another report later in the term of our activities relating to the remaining topics. Students in 7KT. Meidai Japanese Homestay Judging from the smiles, mixed with tears and hugs, it is clear friendship and gratitude break down all language barriers as KMS farewelled their Japanese students yesterday. This is the 14th year the school, formerly KMHS, has been running the Meidai Japanese Homestay program, where students from Tokyo live with local families, immersing themselves in local culture and country school life. The Program’s teacher Luke Davies said it was an important cultural experience for both exchange and KMS students, with visits to many classrooms from the Early Years, Primary, Middle and Senior School. While at KMS the students have studied intensive English lessons, with specialised classes such as Home Economics with Miss Adele Frost to cook ‘Australian’ food, including sausage rolls, Anzac biscuits and a pavlova. Boomerangs were made with Mr Andrew McDonald in Technical Studies, while Ms Karen George taught indigenous dot art to paint their artefacts. During the stay, the Japanese students and their host buddies joined with Moonta Area School’s equivalent program participants to visit Gorge Wildlife Park in the Adelaide Hills. It was here many experienced their dream to cuddle a koala. The group also toured North Terrace with the State Library’s Mortlock Library a highlight, described by the Japanese students as a scene from a popular ‘Harry Potter’ movie. Both KMS and MAS Japanese students toured Mark and Merridee Schilling’s Copper Gone Farm, as well as enjoying a Mayoral Reception with Copper Coast Council Mayor Paul Thomas. After school and on weekends host families provided many memorable experiences, including a bonfire at Lynton and Nicole Pearce’s Cunliffe farm, tasting kangaroo steaks, four wheel driving, laser skirmish, local football and netball as well as visiting many local tourist destinations. KMS thanks the families who opened their hearts and homes this year. While there may have been a few awkward moments due to limited English, students and their host families overcame the barriers with many vowing to stay connected through social media and reunite in the future. KMS is looking forward to participating in the program again next year and welcomes enquiries from current Year 9 families who may be interested in becoming a host family. A slide show showcasing the two-week program will be presented at the Term 3 Assembly. 2015 Balaklava Eisteddfod Middle school Rock Band DIARY DATES TERM 3 What? Who? When? Where? Annual Kadina Show Choir & Recorder Group Sunday 16th August Kadina Showground What? Who? When? Where? Magic Millions Rehearsal Year 5/6 Choir Thursday 20th August Festival Theatre What? Who? When? Where? Lorin Nicholson ‘Climb Your Own Mountain’ Years R - 11 + Staff Tuesday 1st September Rec Centre + KMS What? Who? When? Where? Festival Choir Performance Year 5/6 Choir Friday 11th September Festival Theatre What? Who? When? Where? IMS Showcase All Instrumental students Tuesday 15th September Kadina Town Hall st On Friday 31 July, students from Kadina attended the Balaklava Eisteddfod. This year we entered four bands across the rock, stage and open band divisions, with 32 students participating. Students enjoyed a day of music watching many bands perform from across the state. The first group to perform was the Jazz Band in the open division performing ‘Give up the Funk’ and ‘Spooky’. After lunch the senior and middle school rock bands performed in the rock division. Both bands performed well, having to deal with challenging technical difficulties on stage. The final group to perform on the day was the senior large ensemble. They enjoyed their first performance at the Eisteddfod. Big congratulations to the Middle School rock band who got an honorable mention in their division, coming in close behind three other bands comprising of mostly Year 11 and 12 students. Well Done! Josh Cowley Senior school Rock Band Senior Ensemble Jazz Band Kristy Beasly recently competed in a cosplay (costume) competition at AVCON (anime and gaming convention) and was awarded a prize for her efforts. The costume is a 'humanised' version of Skitty, a character from the game/cartoon pokemon. The cosplay was made as part of her Year 12 art product, where students take on long selfdirected projects in a variety of media and purposes. "I got lots of professional photos taken. The photographer asked me a week after Avcon if he could put them in Cosplay Live Magazine, which I’m stoked about". - Kristy MASA Quiz Night On Wednesday 5 August, 68 students from Kadina Memorial School (KMS) and Moonta Area School participated in the MASA Student Quiz night. Students competed in teams of 4 and answered questions on General Knowledge and Mathematics. There were two divisions: Junior Division for Years 7- 10 and Senior Division for Years 11- 12. The winner for Best Overall Junior Team was from Moonta Area School- Adam Scott, Mark Francis, Josh Moss and Calen Buchanan-Sully. The Best Junior Mathematics team was from KMS- Chloe Martin, Georgia Rowntree, Elizabeth Sawley and Brooke Dayman. The Best Junior General Knowledge team was from Moonta Area School- Tahlia Congdon, Skye Watson, Kendra Dall and Gracie Steele. The Best Overall Senior Team was from KMS- Luke Agnew, Lewis Baur, Nigel Dannenberg and James Williamson. Thank you to all teachers who helped on the night and to the students who participated so well. Violet Day It was a sea of violet in the school yard recently with the KMSC encouraging peers to raise awareness and money regarding Meningococcal Disease. Thank you to all students who supported Violet Day. The funds raised go to assist important research into Meningococcal Disease. The school raised $585.05 with Violet Day donations and $1,025 from donut sales! Great job everyone! Violet Day Yr 3/4CS made a big effort for Violet Day. KMS SAPSASA Basketball 6/7 Girls SAPSASA Basketball Report 6/7 Boys SAPSASA Basketball Report On August 7, nine Year 6/7 girls participated in the SAPSASA Qualifying Carnival at the Copper Coast Sport and Leisure Centre. On August 7, Kadina Memorial School hosted the SAPSASA Basketball Qualifying Carnival. Along with Kadina, Moonta Area School and St Mary Mackillop all participated throughout the day with the winner advanced to the NYP SAPSASA Basketball Carnival to be held at the Copper Coast Sport and Leisure Centre on Monday 17 August (Week 5). The team consisted of Olivia Paterson, Lita Nash, Joyce Webb, Amy Ward, Maya Robinson, Emelia Strawbridge, Tenille Manners, Jacinta Hartley and Matilda Jones. We played one game against Moonta Area School, who we knew were going to be a very strong team. Moonta were on fire right from the start of the game and we found ourselves down by quite a bit at half time. All players worked hard in the second half of the game and we were able to restrict and slow Moonta’s scoring. We were then able to start scoring ourselves and tried hard to close the gap. Unfortunately, we were unable to catch Moonta on the scoreboard and lost 21 – 11. Thank you to Mr Smith and Mr Rigby-Meth for organizing the carnival, Meg Elsworthy for coaching and Brodie Webb and Nathan Bruce for umpiring. The team consisted of Trent McCauley, Jacob Harris, Kye McDonald, Alex Elsworthy, Lochie Napier, Brodie Ramsey, Matthew Borlace and Jordan Taylor. Our first game was against St Mary Mackillop who we thought was going to be our toughest opponent. We started strong with some exceptional defence work resulting in an early lead, 12-4. The boys played well as a team and enjoyed a comfortable win, 62-27. Our second and final game was against Moonta and a win would mean we would qualify for the NYP SAPSASA tournament in Week 5. The first half was close but eventually we wore them down and had a good 20-point win. Kristina Toole I would like to thank Nathan Bruce and Brodie Webb for umpiring all four games on the day. Thank you to our parent scorers and the Centre for allowing us to use the venue. Good luck in Week 5 at the NYP SAPSASA Basketball Carnival boys. Aaron Smith Through to the NYP SAPSASA Basketball Carnival. KMS Sport Report Knock Out Netball Report Kadina Memorial School netball teams competed in a Round Robin competition at Trinity College in Gawler on Monday 27 July. The Year 8/9 girls had a tough few games against Faith and Trinity to start the Round Robin, but stepped it up when it came to playing the YP Zone team, going down by only 2 goals. The after lunch lull hit against Glossop, but the girls finished strongly to take the points against St Marks with the winning goal coming via a penalty shot after the final whistle. Thanks to Corinne Bussenschutt for umpiring and Miss Hennell for coaching. Year 8/9 team: Meg Elsworthy, Lily Neumann, Ruby Shaw, Tiarna Smith, Tayla Wenham, Montana Briggs, Caitlin Daniel, Sophie Adams, Sydney Wigzell and Roxy Cooper. The Open girls’ netball team comprised some very talented local netballers. In the first game the girls came out firing and took the opposition by surprise. This set the tone for the day, with the girls winning four out of five games (only losing narrowly to St Marks), and are on their way to the finals in Adelaide. Open Girls’ team: Lauren Elsworthy, Sasha Glasgow, Maddy Zielonka, Teesha Angus, Caitlin Cattuzzo, Emily Boothey, Emma Borlace, Erin Scott, Ella Shaw, Sophie Gregory. SAPSASA Boys’ Soccer Eight Year 6/7 Kadina Memorial School students joined with players from other local YP schools to create the Northern Yorke Peninsula Division 3 Team. We developed teamwork and skills throughout the whole week in the SAPSASA Soccer State Carnival. KMS soccer players include Blair Olsen, Tarran Dunn, Blake Gillich, Luke Armstrong, Josh Pearce, Chad Read, with teacher Luke Atkinson as Coach, assisted by Brandon Patrick. The Year 10 girls came up against some tough opposition for the day. Although we were not successful in any of our games, the girls played hard and to the best of their abilities. In our second to last game against Renmark we went into the break with a one goal advantage. But smart positional changes by the opposition meant a 3 goal loss for the girls. Thanks to Gen Elsworthy for umpiring and Miss Koster for coaching. Year 10 team: Evie Giles, Courtney Larwood, Annabelle Pearce, Kiara Mercer, Karlee Bruce, Georgia Finlay, Brooke Valenti, Georgia Voigt, Darah-Bree Benson-Boakes, Danii Neagle. It was a very busy and hard fought week. Many teams brought their best and so did we. The combination of Kadina, Moonta, Harvest and Saint Mary MacKillop brought a soccer team to rival the others. On the second day we were looking great at third place but the combined skills of many areas made it difficult to maintain that holding. Many students showed remarkable improvement throughout the Carnival. A huge thanks to parents who helped during the week. Your support made for an enjoyable time and pushed your child to develop better soccer skills. DMC Proposals & KMS Notice Board The next Decision Making Committee Meeting will be held on Monday 17 August in the KMS staff room, 5pm. The following DMC Proposals have received Principal Approval. CANTEEN NEWS – Subway Day on Wednesday Proposal: SAPSASA NYP Basketball Carnival Date: Friday 7 August Proposer: Aaron Smith Thank you to Eagle Boys for all their hard work with our Pizza Day last term. We sold 70 large pizzas! That is over 550 pieces of pizza allocated to lunch orders. Thank you also to our team of volunteers and students who helped us on the day. Proposal: Open KO Netball Finals Date: Monday 10 August Proposer: Alix Stanton Proposal: Stage 1 Bushwalking (Yr 10 students) Date: Tuesday 1 September – Thursday 3 September Proposer: Luke Wood The following proposals will be presented at the next meeting. Proposal: Middle School Assembly Date: Tuesday 25 August (Lesson 3) Proposer: Tarryn Germein Proposal: Student Exchange Speaker Date: Monday 31 August Proposer: Tarryn Germein Proposal: Stage 1 Kayaking Practise Date: Term 3, Thursdays L5&6 (10/9, 17/9, 24/9) Term 4, Thursdays (15/10, 22/10, 29/10) Proposer: Luke Wood Proposal: Yr 7 Crossing Monitor BBQ Date: Thursday 24 September Proposer: Tarryn Germein Proposal: Middle School Amazing Literacy & Numeracy Race Date: Thursday 24 September (L5/6) Proposer: Tarryn Germein Proposal: Year 8 Immunisations Date: Tuesday 20 October Proposer: Tarryn Germein Proposal: Stage 1 Kayaking (Yr 10 Students) Date: Tuesday 3 November – Friday 6 November Proposer: Luke Wood Proposal: Casual Day Date: Wednesday 18 November Proposer: Counselling Team Proposal: Battle of the Bands Date: Thursday 24 September Proposer: Josh Cowley 9 September. Ordering bags will be sent home soon. Last day for orders will be Monday 7 September. Pre-orders ONLY. Please remember to notify us if you are unable to volunteer on your rostered day. We process many lunch orders daily and our volunteers enable us to deliver a fast and efficient service to students and staff. Thanks for your understanding. The Canteen can be contacted on 88211254 or 0419866571. Vicki Hartleib Canteen Manager National Self-Detection Program for Scoliosis (NSDP) July/August are the months when it is recommended that all schools with girls in Years 7 and 9 participate in the NSDP by downloading the Self-Detection Brochure for Scoliosis. Access the brochure at Scoliosis (spinal curvature) is an important health problem for adolescent girls and 25 per thousand are at risk of developing a significant curve. Three girls per thousand require active treatment (spinal brace or surgery). In the early stages the condition is the most often asymptomatic, with screening in the age range 11-13 years a sound preventative health measure. The website contains comprehensive information about the symptoms and treatment of scoliosis. Using the forum on our website, girls and their parents can obtain general advice from the certified specialists who manage patients with spinal curvature. You’re Invited to our KMS Book Fair: From Monday 24 August to Thursday 27 August KMS will be holding the annual Scholastic Book Fair. The library will open before school at 8am and after school at 4pm for students and their families to look through all of the goodies on offer. School Dental Clinic – Dental care is FREE for most school children and ALL preschool children at the School Dental Service. All Children aged 0-17 are welcome. To locate your local School Dental Clinic visit or call 8222 8222. Bute Basketball Club – Anyone interested in playing Junior Basketball for Bute this season please contact Julie Schilling on 0438 073 909. Austswim – A course to assist students to gain a Teacher Swimming and Water Safety qualification required for VACSWIM. To be held at the Copper Coast Sport and Leisure Centre, Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th October, 8am to 5:30pm, cost $378. Further enquiries to Austswim TOLL FREE 1300 885 666 or book online at 17th August SAPSASA Carnival 5pm DMC 18th August NYP 24th August Camp Jumbunna - State-wide retreat weekend at Blanchetown’s Roonka Water Activity Centre on October 16-18, supporting women carers who care for a child or a parent with a disability. For further details phone Kath Rutledge on 8285 2960 or email [email protected] Nyrstar Apprenticeships 2016 – Applications are now open for full time and school based Apprenticeships in the following trades: Metal Fabrication; Fitting and Turning; and Electrical. Minimum standard for all positions is completion of Year 11 by the end of 2015. To register or for further information please email [email protected] Application forms provided upon registration of interest. Applications close 28th August 2015 19th August 20th August 21st August Magic Millions – choir 3.30pm Finance Committee SAPSASA District Athletics Yr 3 Zoo Excursion 27th August 28th August Basketball 2.30pm Canteen Mtg 25th August 26th August PJ Day BBQ Fundraiser Homelessness Stage 2 Outdoor Ed self-reliance Book Week Fair Governing Council Dinner Mtg 3.30pm Grounds Mtg 31st August 1st September 2nd September 3rd September Whole School Lorin Nicholson Performance KMS Debate Team Finals 5pm DMC 4th September SCHOOL CLOSURE ADELAIDE SHOW
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