Final NSTRA June July 2013 low res
Final NSTRA June July 2013 low res
173rd Edition • Bi-Monthly • June/July 2013 WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 1 i g 1st Runner-up Boomer’s Little Flash Charley Parret Owner/Handler Indiana Region 2nd Runner-up Quail Valley’s Nose Knows Adam Fellers Owner/Handler Mid West Region Windswept Ridge’s Gunsmoke 3rd Runner-up Gary Ramsey-Owner Nolan Huffman-Handler South Carolina Region June/July 2013 i 2 i National Shoot-To-Retrieve Field Trial Association IN THIS ISSUE June/July 2013 2013 Inside this issue: TOC Highlights & Event Photos Page 37-50 CONTENTS: TOC Winner.................................................................................. Cover Runner Ups...................................................................................... IFC Letter from the Officers....................................................................... 5 National Officer Region Assignments................................................. 6 Just A Reminder.................................................................................. 6 Pup Pics.............................................................................................. 7 Offical Dog of the Year Entry Form................................................... 10 In the Know...................................................................................... 11 Kennal Ads........................................................................................ 13 Article: 25x Champion Stephens Bright Copper................................ 14 Scholarship Fund Application ........................................................... 15 Offical NSTRA Clothing..................................................................... 16 Regional Trials..............................................................................18-25 Spring Trials..................................................................................26-33 Article: Gun Dog Series..................................................................... 34 Things to Remember......................................................................... 35 2013 Trial of Champions Championship......................................37-50 Highlights and Event photos....................................................43-50 p8 Article: Kansas Retiree Honored for work getting kids outdoors Article: Purina Feeding a Performance Dog..................................82-83 First Time Placements...................................................................84-85 Champions...................................................................................85-87 Article: Dog Advises Shooter............................................................. 88 2013 NSTRA Region President Dirctory............................................ 90 TOC Runner Ups................................................................................ 91 JOIN THE FUN, JOIN NSTRA WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 3 i g BLUE RIBBON. Stylish on birds is the name of the game. Heads high, tails erect, their intensity shows their desire. FUEL THE CHAMPION WITHIN N® Bird-finding ability relates to genetics; athleticism relates to proper per conditioning combined with excellent excell ® nutrition. The high-quality ingredients in Purina brand foods complement your bird dog’s breeding, training and conditioning with necessary levels of protein, fat and key nutrients. It’s top-caliber nutrition for hardworking dogs. Details at Purina is a proud sponsor of: Trademarks owned by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A., Vevey, Switzerland National Shoot-To-Retrieve Field Trial Association NSTRA Office 203 N. Mill St. Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 839-4059 Fax (317) 839-4197 email: [email protected] NSTRA OFFICERS PRESIDENT Chad Collison 1st VICE PRESIDENT Scott Townsend 2nd VICE PRESIDENT John Holder SECRETARY Marilyn (Frank) Cunningham TREASURER John C. Davis NSTRA Office personnel Julia Herwehe Bev McAdams [email protected] NSTRA: The magazine for NSTRA members CREATIVE Julie A. Carrier National Shoot-to-Retrieve Field Trial Association Magazine (ISSN 1098-4429; USPS 016589) is published bi-monthly by the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Field Trial Association, Inc., 203 N Mill St., Plainfield, IN 46168. Copyright 2003 National Shoot-to-Retrieve Field Trial Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Publisher reserves the right to reject any material submitted for publication and to edit any material at its sole discretion. Publisher is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any article or advertisement appearing herein. News From the Officers Members, Well, all of us new officers made it thru our first set of meetings, and I feel with good success. I feel we have a strong, organized group with an extreme focus for bettering NSTRA, increasing membership, and leaving a strong, continued foundation for those who follow us. We had quite the agenda and discussed many topics: • • • • • • • Restructuring database and online draw Strong sponsorship possibilities Performance award criteria UKC Judging consistency thru video footage Monetary support of our regions Endurance criteria As usual, all of this information was sent to the region presidents. Please reach out to them to find out more detail. If you have any further questions, please ask the national officer in charge of your regional area. As the spring season comes to a close, I want to congratulate all of the regional winners. I would also like to thank all of our committee members who volunteer their time to help the national office make educated decisions. Without their help and support, we couldn’t function as efficiently as we do. Please remember we have two offices open for our upcoming election: secretary and 2nd vice president. Steve Jaspering chairs the nomination committee. We are looking for strong leaders to help our organization prosper. If you, or anyone you know has an interest and is willing to put forth the effort, please contact Steve. If we want to continue progressing, it requires all of us to make a difference. In closing, please always remember, be part of the solution, not the problem. Sincerely, Chad Collison “Don’t accept your dog’s admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.” - Ann Landers Subscription rate is $50.00 Advertising rates are available by contacting NSTRA 203 N. Mill St., Plainfield, IN 46168 phone: (317) 839-4059 Periodical postage paid at Plainfield, IN and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: send address changes and inquiries to National Shoot-to-Retrieve Field Trial Association, Inc. 203 N. Mill St., Plainfield, IN 46168 Deadline for publication information is JULY 3, 2013 WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 5 i g National Officer Re gion A ssi g nm e nt s Chad Collison – president 402-750-1876 [email protected] Mid-West Mid-South Missouri-Kansas 1st Vice President Northern Illinois 734-755-0888 Wisconsin [email protected] Kentucky North West Judging Program Issues J UST A R! E D N I R EM Scott Townsend John Holder 2nd Vice President 608-697-2775 [email protected] John C. Davis Treasurer 423-272-9104 [email protected] Alabama Big Sky Michigan Ohio Illinois Central Canada Virginia Rule Issues Dixie West Texas South Carolina Gulf Coast Florida Georgia Indiana Mid-North July 4, 2013 NSTRA Office closed July 15, 2013 Deadline for Endurance Entries July 26, 2013 Deadline for Submission of By-Law changes before Dog of the Year August 25, 2013 Deadline for Submission of Rule Changes before Dog of the Year September 4 – 7, 2013 Purina Endurance Classic Trial, Lewistown, M September 9, 2013 Marilyn (Frank) Cunningham Secretary 618-729-4485 [email protected] Rocky Mountain Oklahoma No. Calif-Nevada Southern California Arizona Arkansas-Louisiana Missouri Show-Me Utah Lone Star JOIN THE FUN, JOIN NSTRA Deadline for Dog of the Year Entries September 30, 2013 Ballots for election of National Officers must be mailed and postmarked. October 23 – 26, 2013 Dog of the Year Trial, Amo, Indiana November 1, 2013 Spring Trial Schedules due in office. June/July 2013 i 6 i Send in your photos of pups or NSTRA friends and we will print them! JOIN THE FUN NSTRA GOOD PEOPLE SO MUCH Happy 5th birthday Bobby! IT’S PARTY TIME! WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 7 i FUN! WWW.NSTRA.ORG g By Brent Frazee The Kansas City Star (reprinted with permission) Kansas retiree honored for work getting kids outdoors on the prairies EMPORIA, Kan. — When Phil Taunton follows a bird dog through a field or casts a line into his favorite fishing lake, it always brings back fond memories of time spent with his dad. Thanks to his father, Taunton grew up with a deep appreciation for the outdoors. Whether it was walking in his dad's footsteps hunting quail where Milford Reservoir now sits or setting cane poles for catfish on creeks, father and son were immersed in nature. And his father's death in 1995 left a void for more people than just Phil. "My dad was an inspiration," said Taunton, 65, who lives in Emporia, Kan. "And not just to me. There wasn't a kid in the neighborhood who didn't look at my dad as their dad. "He loved the outdoors, and he loved to get kids involved in things he had a passion for." Taunton is continuing that family tradition. A tireless worker for getting children involved in the outdoors, he recently was recognized for his Phil and Lil Mern achievements when he was named the national Volunteer of the Year by the National Wildlife Federation. "I have a picture down at my lake home that shows a ghostly figure of an adult hunter with his bird dog and then a boy with a younger dog on a leash, going through a field," Taunton said. "To me, that picture has always been special. "It reminds me that we have to pass down our love of the outdoors to the younger generation." Taunton has been busy doing that for years. After his father died, he wanted to do something that would honor him. So he became a hunter-education instructor, a volunteer position he still holds. From there, his efforts just mushroomed. Now retired from the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad, Taunton has a hectic schedule that would leave others exhausted. When it comes to recruiting kids into the outdoors, there aren't enough hours in the day for Taunton. He started by helping organize Take a Kid Hunting programs and National Hunting and Fishing Day celebrations in the Emporia area. From there, he became involved with environmental education programs such as Green Schools, ECO-Meets, No Child Left Inside and local Environthon competitions He played a major part in developing an Emporia State booklet titled "Last Child on the Prairie: A Directory for Parents and Teachers for Returning Children to the Outdoors." And he shows youngsters the excitement of working with bird dogs when he puts on The World of Sporting Dogs presentations. When Beau Arndt, a local youth who was an avid outdoorsman, was killed in a hunting accident, Taunton worked with the Arndt family to create 4 Beau Arndt, Love of the Outdoors Appreciation Days and establish a scholarship at Emporia State in Arndt's name. He also has been active in programs for everything from the Kansas Wildlife Federation to 4-H, and he enthusiastically touts young outdoors enthusiasts as "our future." He gets the word out on a weekly radio show, heard from 8:15 to 8:55 a.m. Fridays on KVOE, 1400 AM. "It's the dedication and commitment of people like Phil Taunton that helps ensure a wildlife heritage for our children," said Larry Schweiger, president and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation. Troy Schroeder, president of the federation, added, "Phil is a true inspiration. His love of the outdoors and youth is abundant and never-ending. His energy to assist outdoor groups knows no limits." But to Taunton, the only reward he needs for his hours of volunteer work is seeing children becoming involved in the outdoors. "At one of our bird-dog demonstrations, a dad and his son were there when one of my dogs went on a solid point right in front of them," Taunton said. "I could tell the father hadn't hunted very much, but he was just amazed. "He turned to his son and said 'Everyone should see this at least once in their lifetime.' And the boy said, 'Dad, we WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 8 i g continued from page 8 have to do this.' Letter to a first grader on hunting…“Flat Stanley” presentation: Laura, My name is Phil Taunton and I do want to thank you for your interest in becoming a hunter. I have been involved with hunting and developed an appreciation of wildlife and our natural world when I was about your age---60 years ago! We all know the end result of hunting means a critter of some type will be harvested. Since your teacher introduced me to your “Flat Laura” I have been working on just how I can let you know what hunting and wildlife appreciation means to me. And did you know in order to live, the early settlers of America would have never survived if they didn’t know how to hunt and live off the land? Very few stores existed on the Kansas prairie and the Pioneers had to travel very long distances for food and supplies. Hunters play an important role in conservation and wildlife management. A lot of people don’t realize that. All hunters need to learn respect. They respect their family and the friends they hunt with. Landowners, who trust hunters on their land and the animals hunters seek need to be respected, also. Most of all, hunters must respect themselves. They also need to learn about the safe handling of firearms and how to store all guns safely in the home, locked up and away from little kids. Developing a good code of ethics will play a big part in becoming the hunter you want to be. You will learn you need to obey all hunting regulations and understand you can not be on someone’s land without their permission. That is called trespassing and trespassing is against the law. It is also illegal to be on railroad tracks and even be on the railroad right of way where you don’t have permission; even in town. You will also learn about survival in the wild and to respect the weather. Another thing you will learn is to plan ahead and be responsible for your actions. When you are 11, you will be able to take a Kansas Hunter Education course. I hope I will be your instructor. You can legally hunt until you are 16 years of age under the direct supervision of someone 18 years of age or older without taking the course, but the course has a lot of really useful information for people of all ages and is definitely worth your time. During our short time together this week, I have introduced “Flat Laura” to the animals and birds I enjoy seeing in the wild. Wildlife can also be enjoyed in the City. Their beauty and watching their antics will develop the appreciation of wildlife I hope you gain as you grow older. Reading books about birds and animals is also very rewarding. Just remember, your activity in the Outdoors, whether it is hunting, fishing, exploring or just enjoying Nature will last a lifetime! Flat Laura was a guest on my radio show last week-- KVOE’s What’s in Outdoors. We had fun talking to her in the field with the prairie chickens and I could just see you on the bison hunt with those Old Timers! Hopefully, you will join me on the show when you get older and let all of Emporia know of your outdoor activities and achievements. One thing I ask of you now is to be sure to eat a lot of ice cream, have fun, catch fireflies, feel the soft brush of a butterfly’s wing on your nose and enjoy the Great Outdoors. n June/July 2013 i 9 i 2013 Official Entry Form NSTRA October 23-26, 2013 Amo, Indiana Entry Fee: $150.00 Dog’s Registered Name: Number: Region: Owner: NSTRA # Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: ( ) Handler: NSTRA # CC# _______________________________Exp Date: ___________ Entry Deadline: Postmarked by September 9, 2013 Phone and email entries must be received by the office 5:00 p.m. Eastern on September 9, 2013 No After Hours message will be accepted. Late entries of bye dogs will be accepted in the office up until close of business (5:00 pm Eastern) on Monday, October 21. No e-mails or telephone messages will be accepted. You must call the office and talk to someone. ALL late entries (after the initial entry deadline) will be charged $25 extra per entry. • Please Check: In the event this dog does not make the original field, I would like for it to be drawn as a standby dog: Designate YES _____ or NO _____, if not marked you will not be considered for standby. • Please check Yes ___ if you would like an entrants packet mailed to you, otherwise it will be posted on our website, Send Entry and Fee to: NSTRA 203 N. Mill Plainfield, IN 46168 If paying by check or money order, please submit one per entry. NSTRA AND NSTRA CLUBS ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS DURING TRIALS! June/July 2013 i 10 i The Know! Get yours today!! News that we feel is important to everyone. Endurance Trial – The qualifications for the Endurance Trial have been changed as follows: Entry into this trial is based on all open points earned from June 1 through May 31, except points earned from placements in the final “Top 4” of a National Championship trial or Regional Championship trial (qualifying rounds do count) plus any NSTRA open champion dog. Champion dogs will be accepted first in the case of a tie-breaker in regards to entries. No invitations will be sent. Renew Your Membership: You can now renew you memberships (or start a new one) online on our website. Just click the “Join Now” button in the upper right hand corner and follow the steps. This is much faster than calling the office and you can renew at any time of the day. Soon, you will be able to pay your trial sanction fees the same way! Annual $50 Associate Membership $20 (spouses and childern 18 & under) Hall of Fame: The Board of Directors voted to change the criteria for Hall of Fame nominated dogs. In order to be nominated to the Hall of Fame a dog must accumulate at least 13 points through any combination of the following: 8 points for a National Trial win, 5 points for a National Final Four placement (2nd, 3rd, and 4th places), 6 points for a Top Performance win, 2 points for a Regional Championship and 1 point for every 5 NSTRA championships (for example a 12xCH = 2 points). The new method allows members to qualify using various combinations of accomplishments. Nominations will still be accepted November 1 through March 31 and will not be “carried over” from year to year. Annual Canadian Dues $50 (U.S. Funds) Lifetime Membership $500 Membership forms and other NSTRA forms can be found at our website, log onto.. NSTRA has 31 regions that cover the lower 48 states and Central Canada. Please visit out regions page to determind which region is the nearest for you. Should you need assistance to determind your region or any additional information is needed, feel free to contact the NSTRA office. Addition to ATV Guidelines 9: All rules of safety apply for a handler with an ATV variance as if he/she was a walking handler even though their guns are unloaded. Computer System Upgrade: The Board of Directors recently voted to approve the bid for upgrading our computer system. This will include significant changes and improvements to the online trial drawing utility and the NSTRA database and integration with our new website. These changes should be well on their way to completion by the end of the year. Office 317.839.4059 email: [email protected] NSTRA members receive our bi-monthly magazine. Remember, you must be a member to participate in NSTRA Sanctioned Field Trials. WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 11 i g NSTRA INFO voting Rights for AssociateANDmembers: M a k e y o u r g o o d d o g b e t t e r. A question has come up as to whether “associate members” can vote in regional elections. To clarify any confusion, the answer to said question is “No”. When the associate membership was established, was done in order to allow areitproud to announce families to be able theto participate at aPartners lesser rate.inTothe thatField means,Program to have voting priveleges the National or aimed at bringingatyour hard-earned Regional level, oneinto must be a money back your full member. National Field Trial Organization. Simply use the source code “NSTRA” when placing your order, we take care of the rest! KENNEL ADS Unlimited Possibilities How it works: for every dollar you spend at Unlimited, 5% of your purchase* E & S Kennel FROSTY DOGS MORNING KENNELS Home of Elhew Sidewinder & CH Mr. Elhew goes back to NSTRA HOME OF CH TEKOA MOUNTAIN DAKOTA STUD FEE $500.00 PUPS AVAILABLE For example, if you decided to purchase LOCATED IN BERKSHIRE COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS Excitement and other fine Elhew bred Pointers East KY Kennel West KY Kennel anContact E-collar, Owners Contact Sharon Ross J.W. Collins bird bag, check cord and a custom Dura-LonEddie collar& your Blaine, KY Albany, KY purchase would be estimated at $300. Five606-652-9550 percent of 606-278-3173 [email protected] 606-624-5111 (cell) your $300 purchase would go back to NSTRA! 413-655-8245 E a n d S K en n el s. co m That is $15 and every penny counts! Premier breeder of For more information contact: Black and White German Shorthairs SeTTeR dogS Kennel Ads Now Available: We are now accepting kennel ads—1 column by 1-1/2 inches. Run it all year (6 issues) for only $50 per year. AtNSTRA Stud: NSTRA 2x Champ Rockin Alan G's O. DavisonHome of 4X NSTRA CH and Region Hall of famer Stud “Shades” Training (317) 839-4059 or Dogs Unlimited, LLC Uodibar Rusty DOGS Unlimited quality sporting dog supplies from all pointing and flushing breeds. offers a wide range ofContact the [email protected] 800/338 DOGS for (3647) durable collars and leads to bird bags and holsters. If we don’t have the Rockin g kennel Guided hunts for quail & turkey It’s just another size you want, we can easily Authorized Dealer for color DeerorCreek Dog Now when you make your good dog better, way we strive to make your hunting and training more enjoyable. Boxes & Dogtra E-Collars/Launchers John George – Oklahoma City you make your National Organization better too!Jim Gourley 785-249-4316 Visit [email protected] today for great deals on the custom [email protected] Kansas products you need to make your Some restrictions may apply. Offer not valid with other discounts or on (405) 623-5594 sales items. Shipping charges not included. Offer subject to amendment or cancellation at any time. June/July 2013 i 12 i JUNE/JULy 2009 i i www.NSTRA.oRg NSTRAcustomize. office to place ad your classified or Kennel ad today! good dog even better. 1-800-338-DOGS kennel ads Premier breeder of Black and White German Shorthairs At Stud: NSTRA 6X Champ Rockin G’s Uodibar Rusty Rockin G Kennel John George – Oklahoma City [email protected] Kennel Ads Now Available: We are now accepting kennel ads 1 column by 1-1/2 inches. Run it all year (6 issues) for only $50 per year. Nick Miller Mil Run Farm Owens Dog Box Dealer 419-583-7136 Champion English Setters (405) 623-5594 Anderson Ranch Gundogs 940-626-1586 Decatur, TX • Training • German Shorthairs • English Setters • Training Contact the NSTRA office to place your classified or Kennel ad today! JIM FORK KENNELS.COM Pups available from Jim Fork Jackson X Daughters of Elhew Sinbad. These pups are beginning to win everywhere. All phases of training, specialize in forced retrieve. Deadline for next publication is July 3, 2013 Glenn Cumbie Ft. Smith, AR 479-461-5509 WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 13 i g Lee Stephens texted, Copper died today! The news stung me and I texted back 13 3/4 x 7 = 96.25 in dog years which equals a million great memories and many lessons learned. So many good men train, trade and spend and never own a dog like Lee and Lindsay Stephens were blessed with early in their lives. Copper was born in my barn on June 27, 1999 at Flat Branch Kennels (Texas). Copper was one of five males and two females. His sire was 25 time Champion, Crow's Little Joe and dam 4 time Champion, Total Package Sadie. Sadie is the greatest producing female in NSTRA history. Sadie was near passing Nell's Rambling On and Wine List to become the greatest in American Field records when NSTRA & American Field parted ways. Six of the seven pups in Coppers litter won various NSTRA trials. Two of Coppers litter mates were multiple champions. Sadie produced winners in all five of her litters by three sires. Copper was first trained by Rick Bertinetti. I cannot thank him enough for his efforts and for selling Copper to me. I hunted that winter with Copper in Kansas, and Texas. In the spring of that year I decided to concentrate on just one dog (Ranger) and so I sold Copper to Ed Orms after a fun trial run of 6-6 and back. Ed would later sell Copper to Lee Stephens due (if my memory is correct) to Ed’s blood pressure. Together, Lee and Copper were off. Lee learned fast and could get to Copper fast. Copper was head strong, had the nose and stamina seldom seen in a dog. Scott Boomershine, once said after running Copper, that he had never run a dog that hated birds as much as Copper. Copper could be read. You could see his intensity as he waited for you to kill the bird. Copper was always thinking about next bird. Copper had the dedication, and conviction that all men should seek. He seldom came back for direction, he just needed a gunner. Lee and Copper racked up the points and many miles together. During one year Copper had enough points in three different regions to be the high point dog. Copper & Lee's accomplishments were the result of dedication, perseverance and burning desire to compete. Lee later got sidetracked by a pretty girl, soon married and started a family. As Lee’s focus changed it gave me the opportunity to have Copper back into my barn for the third time. Seeing this opportunity I convinced Lee into letting me take over Copper's handle. It was an honor to have him back with me again. After two and a half years of running, Lee, Lindsay and Trey came to Texas to run Copper his last brace. Our goal of 25 Championships, and passing his sires (Crow's Little Joe) point total (451) was completed. Copper was retired. I loved Copper. He rode up front with me and I told everyone around me, “This is Copper’s truck I just drive.” The uniqueness of Copper is that he was as intense on his last bird as he was on his first. He went all out every time on every run. He was exciting to watch and honor to run. Copper loved everyone but he had a little extra love for those bearing arms! Copper was a true friend and a gentle spirit. In all of my years I never saw him fight. In Copper’s latter years he would sneak down to the soccer fields to see the kids play. Lee would always have to go retrieve him. Lee said, “I had the best tracking dog in the country and now he can't find his way home.” I will attempt to list his accomplishments and express appreciation to all who placed Copper in trials. If there is anyone I have missed, please except my apologies. Without everyone’s help, Copper passing Joe's point’s record could not have been possible. I sent an email to Lee on entry fees after we passed Joe’s record. I remember his response, “$75 entry fee-owning the winningest pointer ever PRICELESS!” Glory to GOD, for all gifts undeserved handlers. Three National Championship Trials back to back to back DOY -QI -QU • Lee Stephens DOY & QI • Scott Boomershine QU 25 Times NSTRA Champion (455 lifetime points) • Scott Townsend • Chad Calicot• Ed Orms • Terrance Bailiff • Jim Harmon • Jodie Reece Regional Championships in Kentucky-Alabama-Texas • Lee Stephens • Don Markham 2004 Top Performance Champion 2004 Kentucky Regional Champion 2005 Dixie Regional Champion 2005 Dog of The Year National Champion 2006 Quail Inv. National Champion 2006 Quail Unlimited National Champion 2006 Top Performance Champion 2007 Dixie Region High Point Dog 2008 Lone Star Regional Champion 2008 2nd RU Top Performance 2009 3rd Lone Star Regional Championship 2010 2nd Lone Star Regional Championship June/July 2013 i 14 i NSTRA A. NATURE OF AWARD: National Shoot to Retrieve is offering an one time scholarship to any son or daughter of a NSTRA member in good standing who is enrolled in their junior or senior year of high school or their freshman or sophomore year of college that meets the selection criteria. Said monetary award shall be 80% of the amount raised at the prior year's fundraising event. B. CRITERIA FOR SELECTION: 1- Any high school junior or senior or any first or 2nd year college student who is the son/ daughter of an eligible NSTRA member can apply for this scholarship. For purposes of this award, “eligible NSTRA member/parent” means any member in good standing for at least 5 consecutive years prior to the submission of this application and who has actively participated in at least 6 trials in each of those years; 2- Applicant must submit evidence of strong academic performance to date, supported by the submission of official documentation indicating class rank, grade point average and ACT or SAT test scores. Official documentation means this information MUST be provided in letterhead from their school and/or national testing office. In the event that this documentation is not available a clear and concise explanation as to the reason must be provided; 3- Applicant must be enrolled or accepted in an accredited academic college and supply appropriate documentation. A letter of admission or grade slip from the college if already enrolled, constitutes adequate documentation; 4- Applicant must provide 3 letters of recommendation from academic advisors or teachers. These letters must specifically address the applicant’s academic achievements and abilities; 5- Applicant must submit evidence of extra curricular activity supporting scholastic achievement, any other school involvement or community activities. Any letters of recommendation from NSTRA members would be in addition to the letters from teachers or academic advisors; 6- Applicant must submit a 3-5 page essay detailing what NSTRA means to him/her, to their family and how the “eligible parent’s” participation in NSTRA has impacted on his/her life. Applicant must also explain how a college education would affect his/her future and what his/ her educational goals are; 7- Essay must not include name of the applicant. A separate cover letter and application form with all pertinent information should accompany the application Each application will be assigned an identification number and each will be read by the scholarship committee without a name attached to it; 8- It is expected that the recipient will provide NSTRA for 3 years with follow up to his/her academic achievements after receipt of the award. C. STIPULATIONS: The recipient will receive a letter of Certification of Award from NSTRA. This letter should be presented, by the recipient, to the university who then may contact NSTRA to secure the monetary award. D. PRESENTATION OF AWARD: The scholarship winner will be announced during the annual Dog of the Year banquet. The current NSTRA President will make said announcement. If recipient is not present, award will be forwarded. NSTRA Youth Scholarship Fund Application Name:____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________________________ State: ______________ Zip:________ Phone: ________________________________________________ NSTRA Region: ______________________________ Parent’s NSTRA Member #: ___________________________________________________________________________ High School and current level (ex. Senior, grad, etc.):___________________________________ GPA: ______________ College and current level: _________________________________________________________ GPA: ______________ Describe any school or community activity you have been involved in over the past three years. Describe specifically your role in each, any offices held, etc. (use additional pages as needed): 1.________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.________________________________________________________________________________________________ References: Please list at least three persons we may contact for a recommendation (i.e., teacher, region president, NSTRA member). This would be in addition to your three school related references that are received: Name Address Phone 1.________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________________________________________________________ Application must be received in the NSTRA Office by June 30, 2013 WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 15 i g OFFICIAL CLOTHING NSTRA clothes exclusively by Red Haw Supply (A) Black Wind Shirt ..............................$45 (B) Orange Logo Hoodie ........................$30 (C) Short Sleeve Polo (Navy)...................$32 (D) Orange Logo Tee............................ $12 (left chest & full back) Also Available: Long Sleeve Polo (black) 100% combined cotton pique' relaxed fit S-4X ......................................................................$39 (A) Black Wind Shirt 100% polyester microfiber jacket. Wind & Water resistant S-4X Orange Race Style Polo 6.5 oz. 100% cotton S-3X ................$32 Orange & Navy Fleece Micro200 Polartec Fleece S-4X ..........$50 (B) Long Sleeve Denim medium stonewash 6.5 oz. 100% cotton S-5X ......................................................................................$25 Orange Logo Hoodie 50/50 cotton/poly S-2X Short Sleeve Denim medium blue 6.5 oz. 100% cotton S-5X...$25 Crew Neck Orange Logo Sweatshirt 50/50 cotton/poly S-2X....$20 2008 Quail Invitational T-Shirt 50/50 cotton/poly S-4X.............$12 Red Haw Supply would like to thank our NSTRA customers for years of continued support and now look forward to serving your apparel needs. Thank you for this opportunity. (C) Short Sleve Polo (Navy) 100% combined cotton pique' relaxed fit S-4X See you next at: The Trial of Champions...... Amo, Indiana (D) Orange Logo Tee 50/50 cotton/poly S-4X Call 419-289-6948 to place orders. Quantity Description Color Size Price $7.00 Shipping/Handling Name: Total Address: City: ❏ Payment enclosed Credit Card # Bill my credit card: ❏ VISA State: ❏ MasterCard Cardholder’s Name Phone Signature FAX TO 419-289-6948 or e-mail to [email protected]. Mail orders to Red Haw Supply, 1175 Township Rd. 1806, Ashland, OH 44805 Allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. June/July 2013 i 16 i Exp. Date Zip: WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 17 i g Regional Trialing ARKANSAS/LOUISIANA On March 2, 2013 the North Arkansas Quail Club held a NSTRA All-Amateur Trial at Feathers & Gunpowder Preserve in Newburg, Arkansas. 28 dogs and handlers competed in the last of three NSTRA Trials of the season held by NAQC. Competition was intense as all Placements would qualify for Regionals. NAQC members, Larry Cook & Lacey and Deb Meline & Lippy, both first-time placements, secured their positions to go to Stuttgart, Arkansas for the Ark/La Regional Trial. It was extremely cold and windy but judges Robert Tipton and Kevin Scribner dressed for the weather and never missed a lick. Larry Cook & Lacey put on quite a show and warmed up the gallery. Brad Beetch & Kylee’s Secret Element finished 2nd with Deb Meline & Lippy finishing 3rd. Once again, great job by L.D. Moser and the North Arkansas Quail Club for putting on a quality trial. Larry Cook with Lacey Top 3 Plus Judges ARIZONA A-Field 1st Ruby - Brian Rubello 2nd Bella - Mike Kitchens 3rd Abe - Ginger Rogers B-Field 1st Doc - Mike Kitchens 2nd Ruby - Debbie Carnahan 3rd Amos - Darrin Verros June/July 2013 i 18 i BIG SKY SAVAGE CONDITIONS during a weekend trial in Savage, Mt !!!! The Jepsen family put on another great trial regardless of the conditions. As trial chairman Michael runs a great trial with support from his wife Sandy as food coordinator, Hanna as bird planter, and Claire as marshal assistant/ scorekeeper. This shot is of Jason Norton and "Eli" (from the Mid-North region) & Gary Bauer and "Piper" (from the Big Sky Region).going to the start line. Piper got on the track and scored a five bird run for first place. dixie Thunderking Classic, Lisa Russel giving Lil' Sadie last minute instructions. Tellin' dog tales!" Winners 1st Snake Island Navigater & Gary Drinnen and 2nd Appalachial Lilly & Steve Wallace. Thunderking Amateur winners, 1st Ridge Wind Luke, 2nd Appalachial Chug, and 3rd Ripshine Ante Up Kate . Parrottsville Bird Hunters on 1-6-13. 1st West Lakes Windy & Greg Whitager, 2nd Rowdy Time & Nick Davenport, and 3rd Appalachian Chug Davy Crockett Bird Hunters on March 17, 2013 with the winners 1st Slim & Steve Wallace Pickins & Ed Ford, Jr, 2nd Ripshine Mohawk Zax & Steve Wallace, and 3rd Gambels Go-Jo & Jeff Gambel. WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 19 i g West Lakes Windy and Greg Whitager, High Point Dog Dixie Region 2013. MIDSOUTH Pond Field A 2-2-13 1st Place - Jim with Bill Moore 2nd Place - Toby with Mike Grissom 3rd Place - Bill with James Erwin Pond Field B 2-2-13 1st Place - "G" with Chuck Tash 2nd Place - Jack with Steve Jaspering 3rd Place - Waco with Angela Autry Bethel Springs, TN 3-2-13 1st Place -LJ with Chuck Tash 2nd Place- June held by Angela Autry handled by Chuck Tash 3rd Place Macie with Steve Autry Bethel Springs, TN 3-3-13 1st Place - Dick with Bill Moore Jack Mullins 2nd Place - Nelle with Richard Mullins 3rd Place - Hawk held by Chris Mullins handled by Bill Moore Pond Field A 3-16-13 1st Place - Gus with Larry Mize 2nd Place - Packer with Mike Grissom 3rd Place - Angel with Johnny Thompson Pond Field B 3-16-13 1st Place - Kate with Bill Moore 2nd Place - Jeb with Steve Jaspering 3rd Place - June with Chuck Tash June/July 2013 i 20 i Angela and Steve Autry proudly announce Autry's Rowdy "Waco", Llewellin Setter, earned his 2nd NSTRA Championship by placing 1st Runner Up in the MidSouth Regional Elimination Tria on Saturday, April 5 & 6, 2013. midWEST A Field Champ / Eric Bowen, Romeo / Steve Karnes, Snap / Craig Braby B Field Bandit / Shaun Rydl, Smitty / Bryan Camper, Jet / Ian Johnson (owner) NORTHERN CALIF/NEV Green Gulch Ranch - Cinco De Mayo Trial Congratulations, Speedy got 2nd Place! The NCN Region welcomes Speedy and owners Jim and Diane Rienstra Green Gulch Ranch May 3rd trial. - First place Bruce Lyon with Trooper, 2nd Place Dale Ikuta with Gunner, 3rd Frank Rowe with Abby Judges Chris Grossman and Cindy Lyon WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 21 i g Pictured L to R Gus, Spot & Topper NCN Family Affair 2012 - Corning, CA 12/09/12 The December trial was a true family event. The weekend was wet and dry, cold and warm, windy and calm; just normal for all trailers. The old adages “Three’s a charm” or “All for one and one for all” or even “Blood is thicker than water” applied. Maybe even “The Three Stooges win the day.” The placements were controlled by three brothers from the same litter (Crosswind Truckin Chopper X Histep Screamin Eagle Addie 01/08/09) First place was scooped-up by Gus handled by John Hervey, second place was grabbed by Spot handled by Larry DeWebber, and third was captured by Topper also handled by John Hervey. The boys all look quite different on the outside, but on the inside; the brains and noses are the same. The Histep/Crosswind family rules! NORTH WEST Moses Lake – April 2013 Mike Stotts, Nance Ceccarelli, Jack Richardson, Arnie Sullivan, Mike Smith - Greater Seattle Bird Dog Club Saturday placements A and B fields Moses Lake – April 2013 Greater Seattle Birddog Club Saturday placements A and B fields: Nance Ceccarelli, Jack Richardson, Arnie Sullivan, Mike Smith, Mike Stotts June/July 2013 i 22 i OHIO John Bacik and his Vizsla Bailey took a 1st place at the Fundraiser trial at Wayne Coon Hunters in Wooster Ohio on April 21st, 2013. This placement made Bailey a 1x NSTRA Champion. Congratulations Bailey & John! A Field - judges Allan Coil and Matt Clark, bird planter Mike Akey and 1st place dog Duke owned and handled by Roger Lansdell of Michigan and Boss owned and handled by Tom Berry Boss's placement made him a 1 x NSTRA Champion. His picture with Tom is also attached. B Field - judges, Bill Keplar and Crystal Grimm, bird planter Mike Akey and the 1st place dog, Lita owned by Colton Coil and handled by Tyler Robinson and 4th place dog, Dutch owned and handled by Rex Messner. Eric Westerholm and his young wirehair Trigger took 1st place in both fields in the amateur division at Wayne Coon Hunters in Wooster Ohio on 4/21/13. WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 23 i g ROCKY MOUNTAIN Trial chaired by LockNLoad Kennel and held at A-Plus Game Birds in Wiggins, CO on April 6 & 7, 2013 Saturday, April 6th A Field winners: 1st-Mike Weis with Dutch, 2nd-Tom Lefor with Chester, 3rd: Jake Elliott with Jager Sunday, April 7th A Field winners: 1st-Mike Weis with Kimber (held by Melissa Weis), 2nd-Mike Weis with Dutch, 3rd: Steve Lund with Zig Saturday, April 20th A Field Winners: 1st-Gerry Woelfel with Star, 2nd-Mark Pace Sr. with Bart (held by Laura McGilvery), 3rd-Mark Pace Sr. with Jewell Sunday, April 21st A Field Winners: 1st-Gerry Woelfel with Gunner, 2nd-Lance MacLennan with Tui, 3rd-Wayne Baker with Buck Saturday, April 6th B Field winners: 1st-Paul Mawhorter with Nixon, 2nd-Mike Weis with Adde, 3rd: Gerry Woelfel with Gunner Sunday, April 7th B Field winners: 1st-Lance MacLennan with Stash (not pictured), 2nd-Mark Beninga with Casey, 3rd: Gerry Woelfel with Star Saturday, April 20th B Field Winners: 1st-Mark Pace Sr. with Jewell (held by Laura McGilvery, 2nd-Lance MacLennan with Tui, 3rd-Mark Pace Sr. with Bart Sunday, April 21st B Field Winners: 1st-Zane Mowers with Bobby (not pictured), 2nd-Gerry Woelfel with Gunner, 3rd-Don Boswe June/July 2013 i 24 i Saturday, May 4th A Field Winners: 1st-Mark Pace Sr. with Jewell, 2nd-Cheryl Higham with Annie, 3rd-Cory McGilvery with Wyatt Sunday, May 5th A Field Winners: 1st-Charlie Golden with Henry, 2nd-Gary Wood with Heidi, 3rd-Curt Lang with Jett Saturday, May 4th B Field Winners: 1st-Alan Higham with Murray, 2nd-Mark Beninga with Casey, 3rd-Mark Pace Sr. with Bart Sunday, May 5th B Field Winners: 1st-Kevin Creeden with Rosie, 2nd-Zane Mowers with Otis, 3rd-Alan Higham with Murray WEST TEXAS 1st placements on March 9th Amarillo Field Trial A field and B field - Sealed up her 1st time Championship! Owned by Lisa Burnett Handled by Wes Barr. WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 25 i g Entry forms must contain all requested information or entry cannot be accepted. Trial chairman may not accept entries postmarked prior to December1st for the Spring trial season (January 1 to June 30) or postmarked prior to June 1 for the Fall trial season (July 1 to December31). Trials will be advertised in the NSTRA magazine, NSTRA web page, or regional presidents may be contacted. ARIZONA alabama October 19, 2013 Heflin EABH Chairman: Terry Ransone 104 Mattox Rd Newnan, GA 30625 770-253-6162 November 9, 2013 Heflin EABH Chairman: Ray Harper 110 Felton Ct. Fayetteville, GA 30214 404-355-8971 July 20 & 21, 2013 Kendrick Park Summer Series Kendrick Park, AZ Chairman: Todd Zondlo 137 E Sharon Ave Phoenix, AZ 85022 (602)548-2283 Co-Chairman: Mike Kitchens (928)242-4570 Entry Fee: $40 August 24 & 25, 2013 Kendrick Park Summer Series Kendrick Park, AZ Chairman: Ray Rees 1610 E Alameda Tempe, AZ 85282 (480)967-2739 Co-Chairman: Brian Rebello (520)836-5772 Entry Fee: $40 November 16, 2013 Tuskegee Chairman: Mark Lee PO Box 72 Cottonwood, AL 36320 334-691-3455 November 23, 2013 Heflin EABH Chairman: Wesley Downs 9845 Co Rd 51 Ranburn, AL 36273 256-748-3453 November 30, 2013 Tuskegee Chairman: George Gordon 1499 AL Hwy 199 Tuskegee, AL 36083 334-703-7194 December 7, 2013 Heflin EABH Christmas Classic Chairman: Alan Holloman 2600 Rainey Rd. Temple, GA 30179 770-562-8855 September 21 & 22, 2013 Kendrick Park Summer Series Kendrick Park, AZ Randy Dombrowski 5634 W Cholla SGlendale, AZ 85304 (623)237-3442 Co-Chairman: Brad Christensen (928)925-6586 Entry Fee: $40 October 26 & 27, 2013 Kendrick Park Summer Series Kendrick Park, AZ Chairman: Mike Kitchens PO Box 1554 Show Low, AZ 85902 (928)242-4570 Co-Chairman: Darrin Veros (623)760-7070 Entry Fee: $40 AR-LA September 28, 2013 Razorback Club Open/Dbl Monticello, AR Chairman: Eugene Imboden PO Box 962 Monticello, AR 71657 870-723-4797 Entry Fee: $35 October 5 & 6, 2013 West-Ark Open/Amateur Sgl/Sgl Charleston, AR Chairman: Glenn Cumbie 1413 Armistead Rd. Ft. Smith, AR 72916 479-461-5509 Entry Fee: $35 October 12, 2013 Green Acres Open/Amateur/Dbl Marion, LA Chairman: Bobby Green 3510 Highway 828 Farmerville, LA 71241 318-368-1114 Entry Fee: $35 October 12 & 13, 2013 North-Ark Quail Club Open/Amateur Sgl/Sgl Melbourne, AR Chairman: Heath Blankenship PO Box 282 Melbourne, AR 72556 870-373-0212 Entry Fee: $35 October 19, 2013 Razorback Club Open/Dbl Monticello, AR Chairman: Phillip Reed 177 Ashley 470 Road N Hamburg, AR 71646 870-853-5603 Entry Fee: $35 June/July 2013 i 26 i October 26, 2013 Bistineau Birdhunters Open/Sgl Bienville, LA Chairman: James Ferguson PO Box 404 Dubach, LA 71235 318-777-3357 Entry Fee: $35 November 2 & 3, 2013 Razorback Club Open/Dbl/Dbl Charlie Nichols Memorial Stuttgart, AR Chairman: Carroll Evans 1503 Redbud Ln Stuttgart, AR 72160 870-673-6664 Entry Fee: $40 November 16 & 17, 2013 West Ark Open/Amateur Sgl/Sgl Charleston, AR Chairman: Glenn Cumbie 1413 Armistead Rd. Ft. Smith, AR 72916 479-461-5509 Entry Fee: $35 November 23, 2013 Bistineau Birdhunters Open/Sgl Bienville, LA Chairman: James Ferguson PO Box 404 Dubach, LA 71235 318-777-3357 Entry Fee: $35 December 7 & 8, 2013 North-Ark Quail Club Open/Amateur Sgl/Sgl Melbourne, AR Chairman: L.D. Moser PO Box 483 Melbourne, AR 72556 870-291-7554 Entry Fee: $35 December 14, 2013 Razorback Club Open/Dbl Monticello, AR Chairman: Robert Franks 90 Conley Ln Dewitt, AR 72042 870-946-6291 Entry Fee: $35 December 14 & 15, 2013 QUWF Open/Amateur Sgl/Sgl Neosho, MO Chairman: Robert Tipton 13477 Lawrence 1045 Stotts City, MO 65756 417-499-0472 Co-Chairman: Rodney Neece 417-483-9002 Entry Fee: $40 December 21, 2013 Bistineau Birdhunters Open/Sgl Bienville, LA Chairman: James Ferguson PO Box 404 Dubach, LA 71235 318-777-3357 Entry Fee: $35 December 21 & 22, 2013 West Ark Open/Amateur Sgl/Sgl Charleston, AR Chairman: Glenn Cumbie 1413 Armistead Rd. Ft. Smith, AR 72916 479-461-5509 Entry Fee: $35 January 4 & 5, 2013 Razorback Club Open/Dbl/Dbl Richard Murphee Memorial Monticello, AR Chairman: Bo Nut350 S Plum Bearden, AR 71720 870-918-5229 Entry Fee: $35 BIG SKY July 27, 2013 Big Sky Region Judging Seminar/Training Day Location: Great Falls, MFor information please contacDoug Cartwright (406)727-6877 July 28, 2013 Big Sky Region Open/Amateur Double Location: Great Falls, MChairman: Doug Cartwrigh101 24th Street SW Great Falls, MT 59404 (406)727-6877 Entry Fee: $40 Write checks to: Big Sky NSTRA October 27, 2013 Davy Crockett Bird Hunters (1 day Sgl) Open Morristown, TN Chairman: Greg Whitaker 1547 Allen Rd. Talbott, TN 37877 423-581-8789 Entry Fee: $35 August 24-25, 2013 Golden Triangle Fall Chukar Trial, Open/Amateur D/D Location: Great Falls, MChairman: Brent Underdahl 29 Treasure State Drive Great Falls, MT 59404 (406)454-1840 Entry Fee: $40 Write checks to: GTSDC November 2, 2013 Bird Dog Cigar Trial (Dbl) Open Breezy Knoll Farm Belvidere, TN Chairman: Jeff Gamble PO Box 25 Belvidere, TN 37306 931-580-7329 931-967-7329 [email protected] August 31 and September 1, 2013 Endurance Classic Pre-Trial, Open Dbl/Dbl Location: Lewistown, MChairman: Doug Cartwrigh101 24th Street SW Great Falls, MT 59404 (406)727-6877 Entry Fee: $40 Write checks to: Big Sky NSTRA November 10, 2013 Parrottsville Bird Hunters Trial (1 day Sgl) Open Newport, TN Chairman: Larry Sane 2365 Goodhope Rd. Parrottsville, TN 37843 423-623-8975 865-322-0439 423-623-6197 Entry Fee: $35 DIXIE October 12, 2013 Dixie Region Fundraiser Bird Dog Cigar Trial (Dbl) Open Breezy Knoll Farm Belvidere, TN Chairman: Jeff Gamble PO Box 25 Belvidere, TN 37306 931-580-7329 931-967-7329 [email protected] October 13, 2013 Parrottsville Bird Hunters Trial (1 day Sgl) Open Newport, TN Chairman: Larry Sane 2365 Goodhope Rd. Parrottsville, TN 37843 423-623-8975 865-322-0439 423-623-6197 Entry Fee: $35 November 24, 2013 Davy Crockett Bird Hunters (1 day Sgl) Open Morristown, TN Chairman: Greg Whitaker 1547 Allen Rd. Talbott, TN 37877 423-581-8789 Entry Fee: $35 November 29 & 30, 2013 Ed Pearson Memorial Trial (Dbl/Dbl) Open Breezy Knoll Farm Belvidere, TN Chairman: Jeff Gamble PO Box 25 Belvidere, TN 37306 931-580-7329 931-967-7329 [email protected] December 8, 2013 Parrottsville Bird Hunters Trial (1 day Sgl) Open Newport, TN Chairman: Larry Sane WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 27 i g 2365 Goodhope Rd. Parrottsville, TN 37843 423-623-8975 865-322-0439 423-623-6197 Entry Fee: $35 December 14, 2013 Bird Dog Cigar Trial (Dbl) Open Breezy Knoll Farm Belvidere, TN Chairman: Jeff Gamble PO Box 25 Belvidere, TN 37306 931-580-7329 931-967-7329 [email protected] December 22, 2013 Davy Crockett Bird Hunters (1 day Sgl) Open Morristown, TN Chairman: Greg Whitaker 1547 Allen Rd. Talbott, TN 37877 423-581-8789 Entry Fee: $35 December 27 & 28, 2013 Christmas Trial (Dbl/Dbl) Open Breezy Knoll Farm Belvidere, TN Chairman: Jeff Gamble PO Box 25 Belvidere, TN 37306 931-580-7329 931-967-7329 [email protected] FLORIDA June 15 & 16, 2013 CFFT Open/Amateur Sgl/Sgl Chairman: Charlie Standish 2741 Bolder Ln. Orlando, FL 32812 407-484-0453 Co-Chairman: Steve Walker 5025 Lake Buffum Rd. Lake Wales, FL 33859 863-528-0249 July 13 & 14, 2013 CFFT Open/Amateur Sgl/Sgl Chairman: George Sterner IV 2917 Canoe Creek Rd. St Cloud FL, 34772 407-738-6881 December 28 & 29, 2013 CFFT Open/Amateur Sgl/Sgl Chairman: Sam Ashmore 13710 Haynes Rd Dover, FL 33527 813-685-0648 August 3 & 4, 2013 CFFT Open/Amateur Sgl/Sgl Chairman: Charlie Standish 2741 Bolder Ln. Orlando, FL 32812 407-484-0453 Co-Chairman: Steve Walker 5025 Lake Buffum Rd. Lake Wales, FL 33859 863-528-0249 GEORGIA October 5 & 6, 2013 Georgia Fundraiser Trpl/Trpl Millstone Shoot to Retrieve Washington, GA Chairman: Ricky Gunnyon 10 Riverbend Ct. McDonough, GA 30252 770-957-9078 September 7 & 8, 2013 CFFT Open/Amateur Sgl/Sgl Chairman: Bruce VanVlie2003 Capps Rd. Lake Wales, FL 33898 239-289-2589 September 28 & 29, 2013 CFFT Open/Amateur Sgl/Sgl Chairman: Donnie Layton 720 Sundance Trail Wimauma, FL 33598 813-728-1898 October 12 & 13, 2013 CFFT Open/Amateur Sgl/Sgl Chairman: Rick Trezona 2261 NE 37th Terrace Homestead, FL 33033 786-417-1116 November 9 & 10, 2013 Gold and Grass Farms Dbl/Dbl Chairman: Gary Garret737 Yellow Creek Rd. Ball Ground, GA 30107 678-906-6556 November 30 & December 1, 2013 Murdock Farms Dbl/Dbl Lavonia, GA Chairman: Ed Murdock PO Box 599 Lavonia, GA 30553 706-716-0344 Co-Chairman: Johnny Murdock 706-491-1553 November 12 & 13, 2013 CFFT Open/Amateur Sgl/Sgl Chairman: Sam Ashmore 13710 Haynes Rd Dover, FL 33527 813-685-0648 November 16 & 17, 2013 CFFT Open/Amateur Sgl/Sgl Chairman: Bruce VanVlie2003 Capps Rd. Lake Wales, FL 33898 239-289-2589 December 14 & 15, 2013 CFFT Open/Amateur Sgl/Sgl Steve Walker 5025 Lake Buffum Rd Lake Wales, FL 33859 863-528-0249 October 19 & 20, 2013 Gold and Grass Farms Dbl/Dbl Chairman: Gary Garret737 Yellow Creek Rd. Ball Ground, GA 30107 678-906-6556 December 7 & 8, 2013 Wagon View Farms Dbl/Dbl Chairman: Dale Aldridge PO Box 357 Pavo, GA 31778 229-859-2112 229-224-4838 cell GULF COAST September 28, 2013 Barry Farm Sgl/Open Grand Coteau, LA Chairman: Rob Barry Co-Chairman: Bobby Begnaud PO Box 228 Sunset, LA 70584 337-662-5690 Entry fee: $40 brace/ dog October 5 & 6, 2013 Katy, TX D/D Open Chairman: Maggie Parsley 419 Sherman Blvd. Galveston, TX 77551 409-771-9644 Entry fee: $40 brace/dog October 12, 2013 Barry Farm Sgl/Open Grand Coteau, LA Chairman: Rob Barry Co-Chairman: Bobby Begnaud PO Box 228 Sunset, LA 70584 337-662-5690 Entry fee: $40 brace/dog October 19 & 20, 2013 Rosepine, LA D/D Open Chairman: John Blankenbaker PO Box 432 Rosepine, LA 70659 337-348-6750 Entry fee: $40 brace/r dog November 2, 2013 Barry Farm Sgl/Open Chairman: Rob Barry Co-Chairman: Bobby Begnaud PO Box 228 Sunset, LA 70584 337-662-5690 Entry fee: $40 brace/dog November 9 & 10, 2013 Giddings, TX D/D Open Chairman: Doug Neyer 21402 Lakefront Dr. Lago Vista, TX 78645 512-267-1766 Entry Fee: $40 brace/ dog November 23 & 24, 2013 Long River Lodge Dbl/Dbl Open and Novice/Open Melville, LA Chairman: Grant Cannatella PO Box 523 Melville, LA 71353 337-658-7100 Entry fee: $40 brace/dog June/July 2013 i 28 i December 6 & 7, 2013 Floresville, TX D/D Open Chairman: Scott Thomas PO Box 1196 Helotes, TX 78023 512-925-9500 Entry fee: $40 brace/ dog January 18 & 19, 2014 Floresville, TX D/D Open Chairman: Scott Thomas PO Box 1196 Helotes, TX 78023 512-925-9500 $40 brace/dog ILLINOIS September 7 & 8, 2013 Matt Spinner Farm Dbl/Dbl Hillsboro, IL Chairman: Dean Reynolds PO Box 95 St. Jacob, IL 62281-0095 618-972-5574 Entry Fee: $35 September 14 & 15, 2013 Hillsboro, IL Sgl/Sgl Chairman: Dennis McCammack 3 Hilltop Dr. Hillsboro, IL 62049 217-556-1712 Entry Fee: $35 September 21 & 22, 2013 Bunker Hill, IL Dbl/Dbl Chairman: Lloyd Lawson 2060 Ness School Rd. Bunker Hill, IL 62014 618-604-4503 September 28 & 29, 2013 Pyramid State Park Dbl/Dbl Chairman: Bruce Zoller 456 US RT 51 DuQuoin, IL 62832 618-318-2490 Co-Chairman: Al Hall PO Box 92 Marissa, IL 62257 618-713-4378 Entry Fee: $35 October 5 & 6, 2013 Matt Spinner Farm Dbl/Dbl Chairman: Ron Huels 19402 Sand Ridge Rd Carlyle, IL 62231 618-444-3938 Entry Fee: $35 Note: Check must accompany entries. October 11, 2013 IL Region Benefit Dbl/Dbl Dbl/Dbl World Shooting Complex Sparta, IL Chairman: Ron Huels 19402 Sand Ridge Rd. Carlyle, IL 62231 618-444-3938 Entry Fee: $35 All Entries should be sent to: Marilyn Cunningham PO Box 227 Medora, IL 62063 618-729-4485 618-980-1727 Note: Check must accompany entries. October 12 & 13, 2013 Shriner’s Benefit Dbl/Dbl Dbl/Dbl High Point Belt Buckle Will Be Awarded World Shooting Complex Sparta, IL Chairman: Ron Huels 19402 Sand Ridge Rd. Carlyle, IL 62231 618-444-3938 Entry Fee: $35 All Entries should be sent to: Marilyn Cunningham PO Box 227 Medora, IL 62063 618-729-4485 618-980-1727 Note: Check must accompany entries. October 19 & 20, 2013 Bunker Hill, IL Sgl/Sgl Chairman: Herb Ralston 1860 S Dorchester Rd. Bunker Hill, IL 62014 618-972-1990 Entry Fee: $35 October 30, 2013 Count Line Hunting Dbl Macedonia, IL Chairman: Roger Drake Route 1 Box 79 McLeansboro, IL 62859 812-430-5775 Entry Fee: $35 November 2 & 3, 2013 Russ Taylor Farm Dbl/Dbl Chairman: Russ Taylor 1301 W Hickory SMahomet, IL 61853 217-898-7226 Entry Fee: $35 November 9 & 10, 2013 Pana, IL Dbl/Dbl Chairman: Gordon Galloway 709 S Tohill Pl. Decatur, IL 62521 217-855-2632 Entry Fee: $35 November 16 & 17, 2013 Matt Spinner Farm Dbl/Dbl Chairman: Matt Spinner 17348 Deer Trail Hillsboro, IL 62049 217-710-6256 Entry Fee: $35 November 30 & December 1, 2013 Pyramid State Park Dbl/Dbl Chairman: Bruce Zoller 456 US RT 51 DuQuoin, IL 62832 618-318-2490 Co-chairman: Al Hall PO Box 92 Marissa, IL 62257 618-713-4378 Entry Fee: $35 INDIANA June 22 & 23, 2013 Pigeon River D/D Chairman: Harold Smith 1275 S 800 W Angola IN 46747 260-665-6573 Entry Fee $ 35 August 3 & 4, 2013 Conservation Bird Dog Club D/D Chairman: Jr Coke 89 Victory Hill Coatesville In 46121 317-654-8402 [email protected] Entry Fee $35 August 17 & 18, 2013 Conservation Bird Dog Club D/D Chairman Jr Coke 89 Victory Hill Coatesville In 46121 317-654-8402 [email protected] Entry Fee $35 August 27 & 28, 2013 Brookville State Park D/D Chairman: Bob Felix 14108 ST RD 101 Brookville IN 47012 765-647-3638 Entry Fee $ 35 Entry Fee $35 Entry for high point dog $50 Will be giving away a 20 gauge side by side for the high point dog. Please have entries in by Nov 17th December 14 & 15, 2013 Glenns Valley D/D Chairman: Dave Chandler 4449 Tulip Drive N Martinsville IN 46151 317-201-1507 Entry Fee $ 35 KENTUCKY September 21 & 22, 2013 Pigeon River D/D Chairman: Harold Smith 1275 S 800 W Angola IN 46747 260-665-6573 Entry Fee $ 35 August 24-25, 2013 Ohio County Quail Hunters D/D Centertown, KY Chairman: Jim Harmon 30 Hunters Crossing Bowling Green, KY 42104 (270) 792-3957 September 28 & 29, 2013 Conservation Bird Dog Club Open/ Novice Chairman Zack Norman 71 Cherry Dr. Tuscola, ILl 61963 217-493-5384 [email protected] Entry fee $35 September 14-15, 2013 Ohio County Quail Hunters D/D Centertown, KY Chairman: Jim Harmon 30 Hunters Crossing Bowling Green, KY 42104 (270) 792-3957 October 5 & 6, 2013 Glenns Valley D/D Chairman: Dave Chandler 4449 Tulip Drive N Martinsville IN 46151 317-201-1507 Entry Fee $ 35 October 19, 20, 21 & 22, 2013 Conservation Bird Dog Club Triple Chairman: Wayne Fishburn 8319 Country Ridge Dr. Indianapolis IN 46234 317-509-0312 Entry Fee $ 40 November 29, 30, & 31, 2013 Conservation Bird Dog Club Triple Chairman: Jr Coke 89 Victory Hill Coatesville In 46121 317-654-8402 [email protected] Co- Chairman: Butch Jackson 317-710-3068 WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 29 i g September 25-29, 2013 Central KY Birdhunters Club D/D Berry, KY Chairman: Bob McCandless 11090 HWY 330 W Berry, KY 41003 (859) 391-5696 October 12-13, 2013 Ohio County Quail Hunters D/D Centertown, KY Chairman: Jim Harmon 30 Hunters Crossing Bowling Green, KY 42104 (270) 792-3957 November 2-3, 2013 Central KY Birdhunters Club D/D Berry, KY Chairman: Mikeal Mulberry 225 Ragtown Rd Corinth, KY 41010 (859) 242-0643 Co-Chairman: Ashley McCandless (859) 322-7000 December 14-15, 2013 Kentucky/Mid South Region Challenge Lawrenceburg, TN Chairman: Steve Jaspering 25159 Sweet Springs Rd Elkmont, AL 35620 (256) 497-0066 Entries only accepted by mail or email. [email protected]: Charlie Little [email protected] $40 LONE STAR September 28, 2013 Anna Amateur Trial Anna, TX Double Chairman: Dale Heaton 8 North Star Rd Allen, TX 75002 214-543-0907 Entries only accepted by mail or email. [email protected]$25 September 29, 2013 Anna Open/Novice Trial Anna, TX Double Chairman: Dale Heaton 8 North Star Rd Allen, TX 75002 214-543-0907 Entries only accepted by mail or email. [email protected]: David Blanchard [email protected] $40 October 19 & 20, 2013 Sissortail Ranch Lake Richland Chambers Corsicana, TX Open Double/Double Chairman: Barry Godwin 230 Turtle Creek Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 903-440-3548 Entries only accepted by mail or email. [email protected] $40 October 26, 2013 Anna Open/Novice Trial Anna, TX Double Chairman: Dale Heaton 8 North Star Rd Allen, TX 75002 214-543-0907 October 27, 2013 Anna Open/Open Trial Anna, TX Double Chairman: Dale Heaton 8 North Star Rd Allen, TX 75002 214-543-0907 Entries only accepted by mail or email. [email protected]: Charlie Little [email protected]$40 November 16 & 17, 2013 Sissortail Ranch Lake Richland Chambers Corsicana, TX Open Double/Double Chairman: Tom Paullus 5117 Vickery Blvd Dallas, TX 75206 214-499-3007 Entries only accepted by mail or email. [email protected] $40 December 14 & 15, 2013 Sissortail Ranch Lake Richland Chambers Corsicana, TX Open Double/Double Chairman: Jim Selby 1004 Desperado Dr 469-525-0965 Entries only accepted by mail or email. [email protected]$40 MIChIGAN July 13 & 14, 2013 Pigeon River Kennels Dbl/Dbl Trial Chairman: Crystal Nichols 1628 S 445 E LaGrange, IN 46761 260-585-7277 [email protected] August 10 & 11, 2013 Pigeon River Kennels Dbl/Dbl Trial Chairman: Crystal Nichols 1628 S 445 E LaGrange, IN 46761 260-585-7277 [email protected] September 7 & 8, 2013 Cedar Creek Ranch Open/Amateur Gladwin, MI Chairman: Chris Ritter 38395 Tyler Rd Romulus, MI 48174 734-740-7300 [email protected] Entry Fee: $40 September 15 & 16, 2013 Crosswind Kennels Dbl/Dbl Open Chairman: Scott Townsend 11460 Day Rd Maybee, MI 48159 734-755-0888 Entry Fee: $40.00 November 23 & 24, 2013 Crosswind Kennels Dbl/Dbl Open Chairman: Scott Townsend 11460 Day Rd Maybee, MI 48159 734-755-0888 Entry Fee: $40 MIDSOUTH October 2 - 3, 2013 Chester Kiestler Classic Open / Amateur (Sat SGL) Open / Novice (Sun SGL) At: Bethel Springs, TN Chairman: Ed Stackens 280 Sewell Road Selmer, TN 38375 731-645-5133 Co Chairman: Bill Moore 4344 Purdy Road Selmer, TN 38375 Phone: 731-645-5126 October 19, 2013 Bryan Farms Open / Amateur (DBL) At: Arlington, TN Chairman: Brett Bryan 10266 Gratitude Church Road Arlington, TN 38002 Phone: 901-828-2677 Co Chairman: Mike Grissom 7700 Braden Road June/July 2013 i 30 i Arlington, TN 38002 Phone: 901-466-0535 November 9, 2013 Pond Field Open / Amateur (DBL) At: Pond Field Preserve Lawrenceburg, TN Chairman: Steve Autry 255 Charles Smith Loop Henderson, TN 38340 731-983-5813 November 16 - 17, 2013 Richard Neil Moore Memorial Open / Amateur (Sat SGL) Open / Novice (Sun SGL) At: Bethel Springs, TN Chairman: Chris Mullins 1361 E Poplar Ave. Selmer, TN 38375 731-645-6159 Co Chairman: Bill Moore 4344 Purdy Road Selmer, TN 38375 Phone: 731-645-5126 November 23, 2013 Pond Field Mid South Fund Raiser Open / Amateur (DBL) At: Pond Field Preserve Lawrenceburg, TN Chairman: Steve Jaspering 25159 Sweet Springs Road Elkmont, AL 35620 Phone: 256-497-0066 December 7 - 8, 2013 Volunteer Gun Dog Club Open / Amateur (Sat SGL) Open / Novice (Sun SGL) At: Bethel Springs, TN Chairman: Bill Moore 4344 Purdy Road Selmer, TN 38375 Phone: 731-645-5126 December 14 - 15, 2013 Mid South / Kentucky Challenge Open (DBL/DBL) At: Pond Field Preserve Lawrenceburg, TN Chairman: Steve Jaspering 25159 Sweet Springs Road Elkmont, AL 35620 Phone: 256-497-0066 Co Chairman: Jim Harmon 30 Hunters Crossing Bowling Green, KY 42104 270-792-3957 December 21 Pond Field Open / Amateur (DBL) At: Pond Field Preserve Lawrenceburg, TN Chairman: Steve Jaspering 25159 Sweet Springs Road Elkmont, AL 35620 Phone: 256-497-0066 January 4, 2014 Pond Field Open / Amateur (DBL) At: Pond Field Preserve Lawrenceburg, TN Chairman: Steve Jaspering 25159 Sweet Springs Road Elkmont, AL 35620 Phone: 256-497-0066 MIDWEST August 31, September 1 & 2, 2013 IGDA dbl/triple Osceola, IA Chairman: Jim Wells 1074 R Ave Boone, IA 50036 515-290-1762 Entry Fee $41 September 14 & 15, 2013 HLOA dbl/dbl Afton, IA Chairman: Craig Braby 2434 125 Ave Maloy, IA 50836 HM: 641-785-2244 Cell: 641-202-0242 Entry Fee $41 September 28 & 29, 2013 Rock Creek dbl/dbl Waverly, NE Chairman: Leo Hergenroder 22706 Hwy 6 Gretna, NE 68028 402-681-6958 Entry Fee $41 October 5 & 6, 2013 IGDA dbl/dbl Osceola, IA Chairman: Bruce Murphy 4221 159th Urbandale, IA 50323 515-669-4938 Co Chairman: Shaun Rydl 205 Lake St Osceola,Ia 50213 515-208-1742 Entry Fee $41 October 12 & 13, 2013 Rock Creek dbl/dbl Waverly, NE Chairman: Mike Rost 11800 McKelvie Rd Malcolm, NE 68402 402-525-8334 Entry Fee $41 October 19 & 20, 2013 Rock Creek dbl/dbl Waverly, NE Chairman: Bill Dubbs 796 Quail Lane David City, NE 68632 402-367-4244 Entry Fee $41 October 19 & 20, 2013 IGDA dbl/dbl Osceola, IA Shaun Rydl 205 Lake St Osceola,Ia 50213 515-208-1742 Entry Fee $41 MISSOURI SHOW ME September 7-8, 2013 Elk Fork Kennels (Open) Dbl/Dbl Bob (White) Brown Trial Grounds Madison, MO Chairman: Chad Calicot3254 County Rd. 2610 Moberly, MO. 65270 1-660-633-8928 Entry Fee: 35.00 September 21 & 22, 2013 Missouri Gun and Quail (Open/Novice) Single/Single Wright City MO. Chairman: Kevin Sprick 21 Redbud Ln Warrenton, MO 63383 1-636-262-1415 Entry Fee: 35.00 September 28, 2013 Show-Me BDC (Open) 1-day Triple Clarence MO. Chairman: Curt Beckley 4163 Shelby 209 Clarence, MO 63437 1-660-651-7287 Entry Fee: 35.00 September 14 & 15, 2013 Old Fort BDC Dbl/Dbl Prescott, Kansas Chairman: Larry Bailey 15474 E Jayhawker Rd Nevada, Missouri 64772 417-549-9919 October 19-20, 2013 Moniteau Creek BDC (Open) Dbl/ Dbl Bob (White) Brown Trial Grounds Madison, MO Chairman: Lonnie Jones 3358 Highway 124 Fayette, MO 65248 1-573-819-8896 Entry Fee: 35.00 September 21 & 22, 2013 Kansas City Bird Dog Club Dbl/Dbl Braymer, Missouri Chairman: Ken Perdue 7215 Little Platt Rd Edgerton, Missouri 64444 816-728-0315 November 2-3, 2013 Marion County BDC (Open) Dbl/Dbl Clarence, MO Chairman: Jack Glover 6316 Highway 168 Shelbyville, MO 63469 1-573-338-0498 Entry Fee: 35.00 December 7-8, 2013 Moniteau Creek BDC (Open) Dbl/Dbl Bob (White) Brown Trial Grounds Madison, Mo Chairman: Lonnie Jones 3358 Highway 124 Fayette, MO 65248 1-573-819-8896 Entry Fee: 35.00 MOKAN FIELD TRIAL SCHEDULE Please help our trial chairmen by sending in correct entry with payment as early as possible after June 1, 2013. September 28 & 29, 2013 Miami County BDC Dbl/Dbl Prescott, Kansas Chairman: Gary Hampton Sr. 9096 W 311th St. Louisburg, Kansas 66053 913-837-3665 October 5 & 6, 2013 Saline County BDC Sgl/Sgl Salina, Kansas Chairman: Jeff Brooks 1332 Bradshaw Dr. Salina, Kansas 67401 758-452-0859 October 12 & 13, 2013 Salt Plains BDC Sgl/Sgl Salina, Kansas Chairman: Mark Gillespie 8401 Langdon Road Sterling, Kansas 67579 620-278-3359 October 19 & 20, 2013 Top Law BDC Dbl/Dbl Overbrook, Kansas Chairman: Rick Meyer 808 East 100 Road Overbrook, Kansas 66524 785-215-3102 All open entry fees are $40 per run. August 31, 2013 Miami County BDC Amateur Dbl/Dbl Prescott, KS Chairman: Gary Hampton, Sr. 9096 W 311th St. Louisburg, KS 66053 913-837-3665 WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 31 i g October 26 & 27 Northwest Missouri BDC Dbl/Dbl TBA Chairman: Ben Hill 320 West High St. Marshall, Missouri 65340 660-631-1987 November 9 & 10, 2013 Kansas City Bird Dog Club Dbl/Dbl Braymer, Missouri Chairman: Bob Sawyer 26406 Ridge Road Excelsior Springs, Missouri 64024 816-750-4499 NORTHWEST September 7 & 8, 2013 Greater Columbia PDC NSTRA Chukar Limited Open Dbl / Dbl Buckhorn Ranch Mayville, OR Chairman: Mike Ouchida 6339 SE Beverly Milwaukie, OR 97222 503-775-5056 Home 503-320-9164 Cell [email protected] Fee: $50' NORTHERN CALIFORNIA October 5-6, 2013 Green Gulch Ranch Sgl/ Sgl Vinton, CA Chairman: Deric Fletcher 47115 Wingfield Susanville, CA 96130 530-917-5959 Entry fee $45 November 16-17, 2013 Raahauge’s Hunt Club Sgl/ Sgl Dunnigan, CA Chairman: Cindy Hervey 605 N. Lincoln Ave Manteca, CA 95336 209-823-6261 Entry fee $45 December 7-8, 2013 Clear Creek Sports Club Sgl/ Sgl Corning, Ca Chairman: Frank Rowe 22410 Dog Bar Rd Grass Valley, Ca 95949 530-346-7208 Entry Fee $45 NORTHERN ILLINOIS August 24 & 25, 2013 Open D/D Chairman : James W Kisner P. O. Box 110 Armington Il 61721 217-481-0922 Entry Fee: $37 September 7 & 8, 2013 Open D/D Chairman: Stefan Lewandowski 2780 Rhodes Ave Northlake Il 60164 847-791-9203 Co – Chairman: Ricky Hubbard (847)455-0864 Entry Fee: $37 October 19 & 20, 2013 Open D/D Chairman: Bob Webber 1620 East Main St. Griffith IN 48319 (219)922-0429 Entry Fee: $37 November 2 &3, 2013 Open/Novice Saturday and Sunday Chairman: James W Kisner P. O. Box 110 Armington Il 61721 217-481-0922 Entry Fee: $37 November 23 & 24, 2013 Open D/D Chairman: James W Kisner P. O. Box 110 Armington Il 61721 217-481-0922 Entry Fee: $37 OHIO September 7 & 8, 2013 2 day Single, Open/Amateur Wayne Coon Hunters 21334 Foster Road Wellington, OH 44090 Chairman: Derek Plyler 5260 Erhart Rd Medina, OH 44256 [email protected] 330-472-5004 Co-Chairman: Dave Farrell [email protected] Entry Fee: $40 September 14 & 15, 2013 2 day Single, Open Mahoney Farm Chairman: Jim Mahoney 1900 Upper Valley Dr. West Jefferson, OH 43162 614-879-7040 Entry Fee: $40 October 19 & 20, 2013 Region Fundraiser 2 day Single, Open Mahoney Farm 1900 Upper Valley Dr. West Jefferson, OH 43162 Chairman: Derek Plyler 5260 Erhart Rd Medina, OH 44256 [email protected] 330-472-5004 Co-Chairman: Rod Howard 2528 Woodmere Ave. Akron, OH 44312 [email protected] Entry Fee: $50 December 7 & 8, 2013 2 day Single Wayne Coon Hunters Wooster, OH Chairman: Joe Giacomoni 2880 Seville, Rd. Rittman, OH 44270 330-903-1332 [email protected] Co-Chairman: Ann Giacomoni 330-903-1347 Entry Fee: $40 OKLAHOMA September 21 & 22, 2013 Boggy Creek Kennel El Reno, OK Chairman: David Lacy 13201 SW 9th Yukon, OK 73099 Make checks payable to David Lacy Entry Fee $40 October 5 & 6, 2013 C & L Quail Invitational Location TBD Chairman: Chris Preston 10015 Fawn Trace Rd. Mustang, OK 73064 Make checks payable to Chris Preston Entry Fee: $40 June/July 2013 i 32 i November 2 & 3, 2013 Garfield Kennel Club Enid, OK Chairman: Chad Mantz 107 Phillips Rd. Enid, OK 73701 Make checks payable to Chad Mantz Entry Fee: $40 January 18 & 19, 2013 Willie T Kennel Ponca City, OK Chairman: Willie Thorton 1703 Fairway Pl. Ponca City, OK 74604 Make checks payable to William Thorton Entry Fee: $40 ROCKY MOUNTAIN August 17 & 18, 2013 D/D Rocky Mt. Sporting Dog Club & High Plains Laramie, Wyoming George - Chairman Wayne - Co-Chairman 23 Brittany Ln Laramie, Wyoming 82070 307-760-7191 [email protected] Entry Fee: $42 September 14 & 15, 2013 D/D Rocky Mt. Sporting Dog Club & Great West Ventures Strasburg, Colo. Zane Mowers - Chairman Wayne Baker - Co-Chairman 47844 County Road 43 Pierce, Colo., 80650 719-207-3415 [email protected] Entry Fee: $42 September 28 & 29, 2013 D/D Rocky Mt. Sporting Dog Club Strasburg, Colo. Wayne Baker - Chairman Mark Pace Sr. - Co-Chairman 5862 Queen SArvada, Colo., 80004 303-421-1033 [email protected] Entry Fee: $42 October 12, 2013 S/S Prairie Wing Kennels Location TBD Suzanne Freehauf - Chairman Gerry Woelfel - Co-Chairman 14801 CR 100 Nunn, Colo., 80648 970-218-0689 970-556-1153 [email protected] Entry Fee: $42 UTAH August 10, 2013 Utah Regional Vernal, Utah Chairman: Richard “Kip” Bottomley PO Box 1439 Vernal, UT 84078 435-781-2557 [email protected] December 7 & 8, 2013 Double/Double Newton, UChairman: Maureen Goodrich PO Box 153 Newton, UT 84327 435-563-9239 [email protected] VIRGINIA September 14 & 15, 2013 Blue Ridge STR S/S Lynchburg, VA Chairman: Randy Fairfield 2554 Crockett Rd. Forest, VA 24551 434-525-0034 September 28 & 29, 2013 Front Royal Grouse Hunters D/D Front Royal, VA Chairman: Steve Whittington 22 Fieldstone Ct. Front Royal, VA 22630 540-635-7637 October 5 & 6, 2013 Tri-County Birdhunters S/S Kittrell, NC Chairman: Ken Sikes 6112 Old Bailey Hwy. Nashville, NC 27856 252-459-7859 October 19 & 20, 2013 Cripple Creek Kennels S/S Spring Hope, NC Chairman: Jody Bass 476 Macedonia Rd. Spring Hope, NC 27882 252-478-3180 November 2 & 3, 2013 Shade Tree Kennels S/S Union Hall, VA Chairman: Jeff Holland 8870 Old Franklin Turnpike Union Hall, VA 24176 540-576-2197 November 16 & 17, 2013 Cripple Creek Kennels S/S Spring Hope, NC Chairman: Jody Bass 476 Macedonia Rd. Spring Hope, NC 27882 252-478-3180 December 7 & 8, 2013 Walker Farms S/S Benson, NC Chairman: Ted Purdie 9824 Jordan Rd. Raleigh, NC 27603 919-779-4035 December 14 & 15, 2013 Taylor Farms S/S Erwin, NC Chairman: Kyle Taylor 9167 US Highway 401 South Erwin, NC 28339 910-263-9357 December 21 & 22, 2013 Blue Ridge STR S/S Lynchburg, VA Chairman: Bernie Davis 579 Quail Rd. Lynchburg, VA 24504 434-993-3579 WEST TEXAS September 14-15, 2013 Amarillo Bird Dog Club At: Amarillo Chairman: Phil Bonsal 4212 Harrison Amarillo, TX 79110 806-336-0246 Co-Chairman: Martin Hargesheimer email entries [email protected] Entry Fee $40 per run September 28-29, 2013 Amarillo Bird Dog Club At: Amarillo Chairman: Rick Smith 11870 Indian Hills Amarillo, TX 79124 806-789-4844 ([email protected]) Mail or email entries Entry fee $40 per run October 5-6, 2013 South Plains Pointer Club At: Shallowater, TX Chairman: Randy Jordan 8708 North FM 1264 Lubbock, TX 79415 806-781-5077 [email protected] Co-Chairmanh: Zane Shamburger 806-781-7274 Mail or email entries Entry Fee $40.00 per run October 12-13, 2013 Open/Novice format trial WTX Trial at Winters At: Winters, TX Chairman: Nathan Tekell 206 Penny Ln Winters, TX 79567 325-320-1753 [email protected] or Email Entries Entry Fee $40 per run WISCONSIN September 14 & 15, 2013 West Allis Training Kennel Club Dbl/Dbl Chairperson: Steve Rossman 9100 W. Eden Place Milwaukee, WI 53228 414-530-9430 (Text message preferred) Entry Fee: $35.00 September 21 & 22, 2013 Ottawa State Park S/S Chairperson: Mike Leslie N7249 Skislide Rd. Oconomowoc WI 53066 262-719-2165 Entry Fee: $35.00 October 5 & 6, 2013 The Cheese Head Challenge Dbl/Dbl Rooster Heaven Forest, IL. Chairperson: WI-Steve Rossman Chairperson: N.IL-James Kisner 9100 W. Eden Place Milwaukee, WI 53228 414-526-0991 (text message preferred) Entry Fee: $37.00 WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 33 i g Get yours today!! Annual $50 Associate Membership $20 (spouses and childern 18 & under) Annual Canadian Dues $50 (U.S. Funds) Lifetime Membership $500 Membership forms and other NSTRA forms can be found at our website, log onto.. NSTRA has 31 regions that cover the lower 48 states and Central Canada. Please visit out regions page to determind which region is the nearest for you. Should you need assistance to determind your region or any additional information is needed, feel free to contact the NSTRA office. Office 317.839.4059 email: [email protected] NSTRA members receive our bimonthly magazine. Remember, you must be a member to participate in NSTRA Sanctioned Field Trials. Gun Dog Training: Live Birds are the Key (There never can be a substitute to seeking the professional advice/experience of a professional NAVHDA/VHDF Certified Trainer.) It's no secret that giving your gun dog lots of experience with live birds in the off-season will make them a better hunter when the Fall Chukar Season comes around. NAVHDA Judge/Trainer Breeder Bob Farris (Cedarwood Gun Dogs) showed the use of live birds at the ICFI Gun Dog Training for Chukar Hunting in Meridian, ID in early May 2012. But what types of birds are best? The short answer is, "Any you can get!" But if you have a choice, you'll want to give some thought to your budget and what type of training you're doing. Professional Trainers use all types of birds in their upland bird training programs, both for their own dogs and clients' dogs. Remember, before you acquire any birds, be sure to check your local/state laws regarding possession, transportation and training with live birds. These laws vary widely from state to state, so make sure you know them before you start. Perhaps the most common and economical training birds are pigeons (Idaho has a lot of dairy farms that may allow free trapping of pigeons). Pigeons are strong flyers that are easy to keep and care for over extended periods, pigeons are the staple of most training programs. The most valuable aspect is that they can be used over and over because when release they return to their roost. They also give off lots of scent, a nice advantage when introducing a young dog to birds and their return to home when working on breaking point training. The downside to pigeons is that they are hard to plant with predictability. Many training exercises fall apart when a pigeon takes wing while the dog is still 50 yards away resulting in breaking point. Experiment with different methods of dizzying birds so they stay put most of the time and, unless you’re using electronic release traps (cost can reach into the thousands), just accept the fact that you’re going to lose a bird now and then. Written by: Drew Wahlin, President IDAHO CHUKAR FOUNDATION INC Submitted courtesy of Robin Tomasi, American Brittany Club Facebook Chair Also, if you start your dog on pigeons, it can be a bit of a challenge to transfer them over to upland birds, which give off “less” scent. Keep in mind that Bob Farris educated us at his ICFI Gun Dog Training Clinic for Chukar Hunting is that most of an upland bird’s scent comes from its breath. Most professional gun dog trainers find pigeons to be a great value. Quail tend to cost more than pigeons, but they are still fairly economical for most trainers. Healthy, pen-raised quail closely simulate wild birds. However, unlike pigeons, quail can be difficult to keep healthy and maintain. Unless you have a large chunk of land where you can set up a recall pen and tend to the birds regularly, you might be better off purchasing quail as needed. Insist on quality when you purchase quail. There's nothing worse than flushing a quail in front of a young dog's point, then having the bird flutter several feet and land again while your dog rushes in and tries to catch it. This may be great fun for your young dog, but if that happens too many times you'll find yourself doing a lot of retroactive training to keep him from breaking point. Chukars and pheasants have it all. They give off plenty of scent, and they’re hard to beat for training gun dogs to handle runners. Yes, they’re expensive. But if you plan on hunting chukars/pheasants, you’ll be way ahead by purchasing these larger birds in the off-season and letting your pointing gun dog get used to the boisterous flush and extra size and weight during retrieves. Last, a wonderful resource are the upland bird hunting reserves (pay to hunt on private land with stocked birds), Idaho has a multitude of options that will put gun dogs on live birds that can be pointed, downed and retrieved. Also the use of these upland bird hunting reserves can start your season early and extend it late because of their operating dates usually from early August through late March. Hike High & Far, enjoy the wildlife/wilderness and shoot less! Remember, before you acquire any birds, be sure to check your local/state laws regarding possession, transportation and training with live birds June/July 2013 i 34 i TRIAL SCHEDULES: CHANGE OF HOME REGION: Fall trial schedules are due in the office by May 1. Spring trial schedules are due in the office by Nov. 1. All trials must be published on the website 4 weeks prior to their running. Members requesting a change of Home Region must do so, in writing, through the National Office between the dates of October 1st and January 1st. *Exception: A member who permanently relocates to within the boundaries of a Region, other than their Home Region, may make written application to the NSTRA office at anytime to request a change in their Home Region. SCHEDULING FEES: Trial scheduling fees are due in the NSTRA office 4 weeks prior to your trial date. important things to remember! ENDURANCE CLASSIC: The qualifications for the Endurance Trial have been changed as follows: Entry into this trial is based on all open points earned from June 1 through May 31, except points earned from placements in the final “Top 4” of a National Championship trial or Regional Championship trial (qualifying rounds do count) plus any NSTRA open champion dog. Champion dogs will be accepted first in the case of a tie-breaker in regards to entries. No invitations will be sent. (Change voted on by the Board of Directors April 24, 2013) TOP PERFORMANCE REPORTING: This award is presented to the dog accumulating the most points from June 1 through May 31. During this time frame all points will count except those points earned during qualifying and final rounds of National Championship and Regional Championship Trials. HALL OF FAME NOMINATIONS: Hall of Fame nominations will be accepted November 1 through March 31 of each year. Send these to the office. Nominations of dogs to the NSTRA Hall of Fame are NOT “carried over” to following years should the dog not be elected in the year nominated. Plainly stated, a dog that does not get elected to the Hall of Fame in the year nominated must be re-submitted each year in order to be considered for election. TRIAL REPORTS: RULE CHANGES: Trial reports are due in the NSTRA office 10 days after the trial date. Proposed new rule changes or additions shall be submitted sixty (60) days prior to the first day of the Trial of Champions and/or the Dog of the Year trial. QUAIL INVITATIONAL: This trial is always held the last week in February that includes a Saturday. The qualification period for this trial is Nov. 1 through Oct. 31. This includes all points earned during the time frame, except points earned from placements in the final “Top 4” of a National Championship trial or Regional Championship trial (qualifying rounds do count). Entry into the trial is based on points (dog with most points first to get in and on down the list, etc.). NO INVITATIONS WILL BE SENT. Any dog with a placement during specified time frame will be eligible to enter. Amateur points do not qualify entry into Championship trials. CONSTITUTION/BY-LAW CHANGES: All proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-laws shall be submitted to the National Officers at least ninety (90) days prior to the first day of the Trial of Champions or the Dog of the Year trial. REGION HIGH POINT: Points earned in the qualifying rounds of a Regional Elimination or a Championship trial DO count towards the region’s high point competition. Points earned in the finals of above trials DO NOT count towards the region’s high point. TRIAL OF CHAMPIONS: Ownership Change: The criteria for entry into this trial is that the dog has earned an open championship and is at least a 1X open champion by February 1 of the current year OR the dog can be a paid standby for this trial by achieving their open championship between February 2 and March 31 of the current year. All entries for this trial must be postmarked by March 11. No invitations will be sent. Once a dog takes a NSTRA placement, any subsequent ownership changes must be sent to the NSTRA office. Please send a copy of the papers with the new owners’ names to the office. Transfer copies will not be accepted. The date of transfer will be the date shown on the papers. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIPS: Associate memberships are available to members’ spouses and children 18 years and under, still living at home. There must be a least one regular paid membership in the household to qualify. Associate members have the same rights as regular members EXCEPT they are unable to vote in any regional or national elections including rule or by-law changes, they cannot hold an office, and they do not receive a magazine. UKC PERFORMANCE CLASSIC: This year only, the qualification will be points earned from March 1, 2012 through March 31, 2013. Weekend trials only, no qualification or final rounds of National Championship or Regional Championship trials. DOG OF THE YEAR: This trial will begin on Wednesday of the last full week of October. This trial is based on region elimination placement and/or high point status. All entries must be postmarked 45 days prior to the first day of the Dog of the Year trial. (NO INVITATIONS WILL BE SENT.) WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 35 i g June/July 2013 i 36 i 2013 NSTRA TRIAL OF CHAMPIONS CHAMPIONSHIP As the handlers and Champion dogs make their way to Amo Indiana, the question on many of their minds “Is it going to rain? As we travel to Indiana we notice many of the rivers out of their banks, and think “They have had a lot of rain, surely it is done raining”. No it was not! Weather does not deter the handler who has worked all year to make their dog a Champion and thus giving them the privilege to run in the 2013 NSTRA TRIAL OF CHAMPIONS. A dog must qualify as a champion in order to participate in this trial. Handlers must make their dog a champion by February 1st of the same year in order to be drawn in this trial. The Conservation Bird Club will again be hosting this trial. As the host of this trial, they have opened up their club house, prepared the fields and furnished the meals. Marilyn Cunningham is the chairman for this year’s trial with John Holder and JR Coke as the co-chairs. As the handlers checked in and grabbed their goody bags, each person was given a raffle ticket. These tickets were drawn periodically thought the day on Wednesday and Thursday. This was something that was done a few years ago, and Marilyn decided to try it again. Handlers would win anything from knives, pens, candy, candles, hats and even a shower head. All of the items were donated by various members. I know Cookie Anderson, Ted Cook and Marilyn all brought in a bunch of items. It was well received and we are considering doing it again. Trial officials were: Judges- Scott Beckley from MSM region, Frank Llano from IL region, Lonnie Jones from MSM region and Jim Kroeschel from IL region. Marshals were: Ron Huels from IL region and Rick Hubbard from NI region. The infamous Ron Becker from Illinois was our bird handler. Stacy Holder was the trial coordinator and is from the Wisconsin Region. As the handlers prepared to run their dogs in the rain, the Star Spangled Banner was played, and the Trial of Champions was under way. There were 96 dogs entered in this trial with the top 16 from each field, each day, going on to round 2 on Friday. Friday has one the hardest cuts,with the top 8 qualifying to advance on to round 3 on Saturday. Saturday starts out with 8 dogs on each field with the top 3 advancing on to A field for the the finals. * denotes those advancing Judges for fields A are: Frank Llano and Curt Beckley with Rick Hubbard field marshaling. Round 1-Wednesday-A Field BraceDog Region Owner/Co-Owner Handler 1 1 MIGSH/F ILES/M JOHN GRIFFITHS B.L. CUNNINGHAM/STEVEN CUNNINGHAM JOHN GRIFFITHS-434.5 STEVEN CUNNINGHAM-733.5* 2 KICKAPOO’S LIL CLOWN INGSH/F 2GAMBLE’S HOSSDX BR/M ROGER PARIENT JR RACHEL CROSSLAND ROGER PARIENT JR-695.5* TRAVIS CROSSLAND-366.5 3 3 CHAD CALICOTT MICHAEL ROST CHAD CALICOTT-492* MICHAEL ROST-316 4 TOMOKA’S SMOKIN GUN KYES/MGREG WOOD/JIM KIRKMANGREG WOOD-888.3* 4UTTS RAMBLIN DOLLYOHGSH/F RODNEY HOWARD RODNEY HOWARD-698.5* 5 5 CLASSIC POINT GRETCHEN MOHAWK’S MUDSLINGER BLAZE’S BLACK MAGIC MOONSHINES POISON IVY MSMEP/M MWEP/F COPPER’S HONKY TONK KOBIE KICKAPOOS SASSY CASSY ILEP/M INES/F CINDY BERTINETTI ROGER PARIENT JR RICHARD BERTINETTI-890* ROGER PARIENT JR-480* 6 6 MOONSHINE’S SLATE CREEK JOE MWEP/M BLUE RIDGE MANDYOHES/F MICHAEL ROST RANDY CUNNINGHAM MICHAEL ROST-138 HAROLD SMITH-116 7 7 MOHAWK’S CRUDE DUDE SKIPPER’S DOGWOOD TOBY STEVEN CUNNINGHAM MARK SHOUSE/JUNIOR SHOUSE STEVEN CUNNINGHAM-887* MARK SHOUSE-529.5* 8 8 ACUFF’S HYTEST APOLLO MSES/M ANGIE’S DOGWOOD DOCOHES/M BILL MOORE RANDY CUNNINGHAM BILL MOORE-900.5* JR SHOUSE-373 ILES/M KYES/M 9GRASSY LAKE JAY 9 SOUTHERN PRIDE MO MONEY WIEP/M MSES/M CHARLES HOLDER STEVE JASPERING JOHN HOLDER-399 STEVE JASPERING-726* 10 10 FLIRT’S TUFF LOU NIKKI SUE NIKKI ILES/M MSMES/F KIM TURNER MARK KOHLBERG KIM TURNER-278 MARK KOHLBERG-544* 11 11 KICKAPOO’S JACKPOT ACE HIGH SPADES INES/M SCREP/M ROGER PARIENT JR PAIGE LEE ROGER PARIENT JR-657.5* NOLAN HUFFMAN-605* CURTIS FUTCH SCOTT TOWNSEND BO NUTT-538.5* SCOTT TOWNSEND-549.5* 12 FOUR RIVERS CACHE 12 CROSSWIND MICRO CHIP AREP/M MI GSH/M Winners of field A are: 1st-Jim/Bill Moore ,2nd-Kobie/Rick Bertinetti, 3rd-Jake/Greg Wood Statistics for Wed, A field Find-91 Retrieve-90 Obedience-70 Ground Cover-91 Back-72 Slinger/Steven Cunningham Kobie/Rick Bertinetti Slinger/Steven Cunningham Chip/Scott Townsend Jake/Greg Wood Kobie/Rick Bertinetti Jack/Steve Jasperling Judges for field B are Jim Kroeschel and Lonnie Jones with Ron Huels field marshaling WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 37 i g Round 1-Wednesday-B Field BraceDog Region Owner/Co-Owner 1GREEN ROOF SHINER ILES/M JIM AHRING 1 MOUNTAIN TEKOA SPUDOHES/M LEON LOCKARD Handler KIM TURNER-759.5* LEON LOCKARD-383.5 2 2 NORMAN’S TEKOA STORM MULBERRYS MAJOR PHILMORE INES/M KYES/M JIM NORMAN MIKEAL MULBERRY JIM NORMAN-375.5 MIKEAL MULBERRY-905.3* 3 3 TRICKY DICK NELLE PEACHES RIVER DAN MSES/F KYEP/M BILL MOORE RICHARD MULLINS-124 TED COOKDAVID DEATON-678.5* 4 4 SMOKE CREEK’S OSCAR IV BRIGHT SUNNY FAITH FLGWH/MGEORGE STERNER IVGEORGE STERNER IV-660.5* KYEP/F JEFF HARMON/JIM HARMON JIM HARMON-495.5 5OUTRAGEOUS BEHAVIOR INEP/M 5 QUAIL RIDGE RANGERDX BR/M JAMES BOOMERSHINE RACHEL CROSSLAND JAMES BOOMERSHINE-574.5* JEFF GAMBLE-511.5* 6 6 TOM MCCANDLESS JIM MAHONEY TOM MCCANDLESS-503* JIM MAHONEY-503* MARK KOHLBERG RODGER ROBAK MARK KOHLBERG-752.5* RODGER ROBAK-488.5 M&W’S MILLER TIME DE LACOUR KY BR/M SNAKE’S KING COBRAOHEP/M 7GLOVER’S RECO 7 REBEL ROUSER SPARKS MSMES/M IL VIZ/F 8 8 REYNOLDS DOC HOLLIDAY FLINTLOCK BUCK TRACK ILGSH/M TIM REYNOLDS TIM REYNOLDS-531* VAEP/MDONALD BOWYERDONALD BOWYER-727* 9 9 M&M’S SOUTHFIELD CASH BETS BIER COPPER’S ELHEW BULL ILGSH/M KYEP/M 10 10 M&W’S HIGHER POWER KY QUAIL RIDGE ZACHDX 11 11 TRICKY DICK LOU SPORTS MAGIC KATE 12 12 COOLHAND BLAZEN JILL KY VAUGHN’S L TDX BR/M BR/M MSES/F ILEP/F BR/F BR/M MICHAEL MORTON JIM HARMON MICHAEL MORTON-836.3 JIM HARMON-381 TOM MCCANDLESS/CLYDE WYATT RACHEL CROSSLAND TOM MCCANDLESS-481.5* JEFF GAMBLE-641.5* CHRIS MULLINS RUSS TAYLOR BILL MOORE-570.5* RUSS TAYLOR-554* JOHN DAVIS, SR./JOHN DAVIS, JR. JEFF GAMBLE JOHN DAVIS, SR.-386.5 JEFF GAMBLE-627.5* Winners of field B are: 1st-Philmore/Mikeal Mulberry, 2nd-King/Jim Mahoney, 3rd-Cash/Michael Morton Statistics for Wed. B field Find-92Reco/Mark Kohlberg Retrieve-91Cash/Michael Morton Obedience-69Reco/Mark Kohlberg Lucy/Rodger Robak Ground Cover-90 King/Jim Mahoney Back-71Lou/Chris Mullins-Bill Moore As the trial finished up, people were ready to get the meeting of the Board of Directors underway. This year’s President, Chad Callison started the meeting and a meal of sub-sandwiches, potato salad, chips and Oreo’s was served courtesy of NSTRA. Thursday the judges and field marshals changed fields and the trial got off to a start. Judging A were Lonnie and Jim with Ron marshaling Round 1-Thursday-A Field BraceDog Region Owner/Co-Owner Handler 1 1 SKIPPER’S BANDIT MWES/M SHAUN RYDL SHAUN RYDL-559.5* PRIME TIME COOKIEDXEP/FDANNY SHEPHERD/PHILLIP KINGDANNY SHEPHERD-879.1* 2 2 MACI’S MAGIC KATE MORGAN ALBRIGHT XVI ILEP/F MIGSH/F BOBBIE KROESCHEL MELVIN ALBRIGHT JOHN HOLDER-827.2* MELVIN ALBRIGHT-173 3 3 RUCK’S BROCKWAY MAD DASH BECKLEY’S ELHEW PANIC BUTTON NIGSH/M INEP/F TOM ROTUNDO HAROLD SMITH TOM ROTUNDO-538* SCOTT BECKLEY-685.5* 4ELI’S TRUCKIN LADY 4 LANSDELL’S NORTHWIN RASCAL INGSH/FEMMA COKEELI COKE-817.5* MIES/M SANDRA LANSDELL ROGER LANSDELL-302.5 5 5 KYEP/MDARRELL DAVISDARRELL DAVIS-380.5 MK BR/M STANLEY SNYDER STANLEY SNYDER-627.5* HIGH TOWER BUD LUCY’S RAGTIME SON 6GATOR’S FEATHER CHASER 6 TURNER’S MAGGIE SUE MIGSH/M INGSH/F SHARON GATES BOB TURNER BARRY GATES-642* MIKE CLARK-471.5 7 7 AREP/M ILEP/M ROBERT FRANKS RUSS TAYLOR ROBERT FRANKS-145 RUSS TAYLOR-666* FRANKS SIR SUNSHINE RYAN’S ELHEW TOBY June/July 2013 i 38 i 8 8 SUE MAC MAC’S PREDATOR AREP/FDOUG PIERCE INEP/M JOE JACKSON 9 9 TRICKY DICK TOOMSES/M BEELINE HONKYTONK MK BILL MOORE BR/F BO NUTT-650.5* JOE JACKSON-426 BILL MOORE-652* RICK MANFREDI RICK MANFREDI-479 10 SHOUSE DOGWOOD ABBYOHES/F 10GAMBLE’S LITTLE JOEDX BR/M RANDY CUNNINGHAM SHARON GAMBLE HAROLD SMITH-864.5* JEFF GAMBLE-80 11 11 LEDGEVIEWS FINDING NEMO WIES/M RESA’S MAZIE MSMES/F JOHN RESA JAMES MOSER JOHN RESA-675* JAMES MOSER-728* 12 12 CRACKER JACK TEXOHES/M RUCK’S BROCKWAY REPEAT NIGSH/M TERESA RUDD TOM ROTUNDO JOHN GILLESPIE-611* TOM ROTUNDO-491* Winners of field A are: 1st-Cookie/Danny Shepherd, 2nd-Abby/Randy Cunningham-Harold Smith, 3rd-Kate/Bobbie Kroeschel-John Holder Statistics for Thurs, A field Find-91 Lady/Emma Coke-Eli Coke Lucy/Harold Smith-Scott Beckley Retrieve-90 Chase/Tom Rotundo Obedience-70 Mazie/John Resa Chase/Tom Rotundo Ground Cover-87 Cookie/Danny Shepherd Sue/Doug Pierce-Bo Nut Abby/Randy Cunningham-Harold Smith Back-73 Nemo/Jim Moser Judging B: Frank and Curt with Rick as field marshal Round 1-Thursday-B Field BraceDog Region 1 1 TRICKY DICK SKY HAWK PAY PERVIEW’S JILL MSES/M ARES/F Owner/Co-Owner Handler 2 2 PHIPPS BIRD DESIRE RAGIN CAJUN ZEUS MWES/F RODNEY PHIPPS RODNEY PHIPPS-1016.6* INGSH/MGARY “WAYNE” FISHBURNGARY “WAYNE” FISHBURN-206 BILL MOORE SCOTTY JOHNSON BILL MOORE-642* SCOTTY JOHNSON-608* 3GLOVER’S CHOPPER 3 BOOMER’S LITTLE FLASH MSMES/M INES/M A. JACK GLOVER CHARLEY PARRETT A. JACK GLOVER-400 CHARLEY PARRETT-508* 4 4 JIMMY SPEED WAGON TOMOKA’S SMOKIN RILEY MK BR/M KYES/F RICK MANFREDI JIM DOBSON RICK MANFREDI-123 JIM DOBSON-984.3* 5 5 FOUR RIVERS PATRIOT AREP/M BP’S MAJESTIC JAKEDXES/M CURTIS FUTCH TRAVIS CROSSLAND BO NUTT-463 TRAVIS CROSSLAND-381.5 6 6 LAST DANCE LILY QUAIL VALLEY’S NOSE KNOWS NIGSH/F MWGSH/F TOM ROTUNDO ADAM FELLERS TOM ROTUNDO-715.5* ADAM FELLERS-863* 7 7 RESA’S DIAMOND GIRL WINDSWEPT RIDGE’S GUNSMOKE VAES/F JIM KIRKMAN SCR BR/MGARY RAMSEY 8 8 MCCANDLESS TITLEST DRIVER KY BR/M HI POINTS DIRTY WHITE GIRLOHGS/F JIM KIRKMAN-555.5* NOLAN HUFFMAN-559.5* WM. ASHLEY MCCANDLESS COLTON COIL ASHLEY MCCANDLess-548* TYLER ROBINSON-724* 9 MAC’S SUPER BEAR 9DAZZLIN DIAMOND DOT INEP/M MW BR/F ROBERT FELIX TODD HENDRIX ROBERT FELIX-854.8* MICHAEL ROST-355 10 10 BEELINE BULLET’S OXIDATION RAWLINGS BEDTIME BUGSY SCR BR/M INEP/F NOLAN HUFFMAN HENRY ZELDENRUST NOLAN HUFFMAN-728.5* PETER ZELDENRUST-758.5* 11 11 TINA’S TREAD TRACKER POWER’S MOONSHINE KY BR/M VAES/M BOB HARDIN JIM KIRKMAN BOB HARDIN-dnf JR. SHOUSE-662* 12 12 PRIME TIME CHAMPDXEP/M STONE MATRIX KATE MSES/F PHILLIP KING/DANNY SHEPHERDDANNY SHEPHERD-481.5 BILL MOORE BILL MOORE-562* Winners of field B are: 1st-Desi/Rodney Phipps, 2nd-Jimmy/Rick Manfredi, 3rd-Nose/Adam Fellers Statistics for Thursday B field Find-93 Retrieve-93 Nose/Adam Fellers Nose/Adam Fellers Obedience-70.5 Ty/Ashley McCandless Ground Cover-92.5 Nose/Adam Fellers Back-73 Chopper/Jack Glover Rusty/Nolan Huffman WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 39 i g With only 12 braces today we were able to get the Banquet started while Jug’s Catering prepared the evening meal. As always the food was delicious and plentiful. It consisted of fried fish and chicken, green beans, potatoes, macaroni salad and the wonderful fried biscuits with apple butter. Julia Herwehe from the office provided cupcakes for dessert. Marilyn got the award ceremony started by thanking the Amo Conservation Club for holding this year’s trial. Scott Townsend introduced the sponsors; Todd Kellam-VP UKC events, Sara Chisnell-Voight the UKC legal counsel, Dion Bliss from Red Haw Supply. The past Presidents were introduced and trophies were presented. John Holder presented the 2012 Trial of Champions portrait to David Deaton accepting for Ted Cook from the Kentucky region, owner of Peaches River Dan. Two nice items were auctioned off to help offset the cost of the trial. A Neon Purina sign donated by Purina and a heating floor system donated by Chad Collison. Friday-Round 2-Top 8 dogs returning for Saturday morning’s braces-field A BraceDog Region Owner/Co-Owner Handler 1 1 QUAIL RIDGE RANGERDX BR/M QUAIL VALLEY’S NOSE KNOWS MWGSH/F RACHEL CROSSLAND ADAM FELLERS JEFF GAMBLE-561 ADAM FELLERS-864.5* 2 2 RYAN’S ELHEW TOBY ACUFF’S HYTEST APOLLO ILEP/M MSES/M RUSS TAYLOR/RUSS TAYLOR BILL MOORE RUSS TAYLOR-834* BILL MOORE-317.5 3 3 SKIPPER’S BANDIT LUCY’S RAGTIME SON MWES/M MK BR/M SHAUN RYDL/SHAUN RYDL STANLEY SNYDER SHAUN RYDL-652 STANLEY SNYDER-460 4GATOR’S FEATHER CHASER 4 SKIPPER’S DOGWOOD TOBY MIGSH/M KYES/M SHARON GATES MARK SHOUSE/JUNIOR SHOUSE BARRY GATES-386 MARK SHOUSE-394.5 5 5 REYNOLDS DOC HOLLIDAY CROSSWIND MICRO CHIP ILGSH/M MIGSH/M TIM REYNOLDS SCOTT TOWNSEND TIM REYNOLDS-469 SCOTT TOWNSEND-506 6 6 BOOMER’S LITTLE FLASH SOUTHERN PRIDE MO MONEY INES/M MSES/M CHARLEY PARRETT STEVE JASPERING CHARLEY PARRETT-792.5* STEVE JASPERING-285 7 7 KICKAPOOS SASSY CASSY FLINTLOCK BUCK TRACK INES/F ROGER PARIENT JR ROGER PARIENT JR-465 VAEP/MDONALD BOWYERDONALD BOWYER-643.5 8 8 LAST DANCE LILY SMOKE CREEK’S OSCAR IV NIGSH/F TOM ROTUNDO TOM ROTUNDO-833.5* FLGWH/MGEORGE STERNER IVGEORGE STERNER IV-141 9 9 TRICKY DICK TOO KICKAPOO’S JACKPOT MSES/M INES/M BILL MOORE ROGER PARIENT JR BILL MOORE-667.5 ROGER PARIENT JR-531.5 10 10 MAC’S SUPER BEAR M&W’S MILLER TIME DE LACOUR INEP/M KY BR/M ROBERT FELIX TOM MCCANDLESS ROBERT FELIX-619 TOM MCCANDLESS-314 11 11 WINDSWEPT RIDGE’S GUNSMOKE POWER’S MOONSHINE SCR BR/MGARY RAMSEY VAES/M JIM KIRKMAN NOLAN HUFFMAN-1083* JUNIOR SHOUSE-652.5 12ELI’S TRUCKIN LADY 12 FOUR RIVERS CACHE INGSH/FEMMA COKE AREP/M CURTIS FUTCH JR COKE-636 BO NUTT-193 13 13 INEP/F ILES/M HAROLD SMITH B.L. CUNNINGHAM/STEVEN CUNNINGHAM SCOTT BECKLEY-399 STEVENCUNNINGHAM-1019.7* 14 BEELINE BULLET’S OXIDATION SCR BR/M 14UTTS RAMBLIN DOLLYOHGSH/F NOLAN HUFFMAN RODNEY HOWARD NOLAN HUFFMAN-903* RODNEY HOWARD-509..5 15 15 SHOUSE DOGWOOD ABBYOHES/F MOHAWK’S CRUDE DUDE ILES/M RANDY CUNNINGHAM/RANDY CUNNINGHAM STEVEN CUNNINGHAM/STEVEN CUNNINGHAM HAROLD SMITH-871.5* STEVEN CUNNINGHAM-393 16 16 RUCK’S BROCKWAY REPEAT TRICKY DICK SKY HAWK TOM ROTUNDO BILL MOORE TOM ROTUNDO-454.5 BILL MOORE-553.5 BECKLEY’S ELHEW PANIC BUTTON MOHAWK’S MUDSLINGER NIGSH/M MSES/M Winners 1st-Dillon/Gary Ramsey-Nolan Huffman, 2nd-Slinger/Bob Cunningham-Steven Cunningham, 3rd-Rusty/Nolan Huffman Statistics Find-93 Bear/Robert Felix Retrieve-92 Sonny/Stan Snyder Obedience-71.5 Rusty/Nolan Huffman Ground Cover-93 Nose/Adam Fellers Rusty/Nolan Huffman Back-73 Friday-Round 2-Field B BraceDog 1 1 Region Owner/Co-Owner TOMOKA’S SMOKIN RILEY KYES/F SNAKE’S KING COBRAOHEP/M JIM DOBSON JIM MAHONEY/JIM MAHONEY Handler JIM DOBSON-506 JIM MAHONEY-734.5* 2 CRACKER JACK 2OUTRAGEOUS BEHAVIOR TEXOHES/M TERESA RUDD INEP/M JAMES BOOMERSHINE 3 3 AREP/FDOUG PIERCE BO NUTT-212 KYES/MGREG WOOD/JIM KIRKMANGREG WOOD-218 SUE MAC TOMOKA’S SMOKIN GUN June/July 2013 i 40 i JOHN GILLESPIE-485.5 JAMES BOOMERSHINE-764* 4 4 PHIPPS BIRD DESIRE RUCK’S BROCKWAY MAD DASH MWES/F NIGSH/M RODNEY PHIPPS TOM ROTUNDO RODNEY PHIPPS-673 TOM ROTUNDO-822.5* 5 5 STONE MATRIX KATE RESA’S DIAMOND GIRL MSES/F VAES/F BILL MOORE JIM KIRKMAN/JIM KIRKMAN BILL MOORE-466 JIM KIRKMAN-662 6 6 HI POINTS DIRTY WHITE GIRLOHGSH/F COLTON COIL TYLER ROBINSON-308.5 PRIME TIME COOKIEDXEP/FDANNY SHEPHERD/PHILLIP KINGDANNY SHEPHERD-591.5 7 7 LEDGEVIEWS FINDING NEMO MULBERRYS MAJOR PHILMORE 8 8 9 9 JAMES MOSER MIKEAL MULBERRY JAMES MOSER-387 MIKEAL MULBERRY-897.6* VAUGHN’S L TDX BR/M ACE HIGH SPADES SCREP/M JEFF GAMBLE PAIGE LEE JEFF GAMBLE-475.5 NOLAN HUFFMAN-485 SPORTS MAGIC KATE NIKKI SUE NIKKI ILEP/F MSMES/F RUSS TAYLOR MARK KOHLBERG RUSS TAYLOR-499 MARK KOHLBERG-916* 10 MACI’S MAGIC KATE 10GREEN ROOF SHINER ILEP/F ILES/M BOBBIE KROESCHEL JIM AHRING JOHN HOLDER-628 JIM AHRING-541 11 11 COPPER’S HONKY TONK KOBIE BLAZE’S BLACK MAGIC ILEP/M MSMEP/M CINDY BERTINETTI CHAD CALICOTT RICHARD BERTINETTI-301 CHAD CALICOTT-1017.2* 12 12 TRICKY DICK LOU MSES/F QUAIL RIDGE ZACHDX BR/M CHRIS MULLINS RACHEL CROSSLAND BILL MOORE-668 JEFF GAMBLE-567 13 13 RAWLINGS BEDTIME BUGSY MCCANDLESS TITLEST DRIVER INEP/F KY BR/M HENRY ZELDENRUST WM. ASHLEY MCCANDLESS PETER ZELDENRUST-614.5 ASHLEY MCCANDLES-552.5 14 14 PEACHES RIVER DAN RESA’S MAZIE KYEP/M MSMES/F TED COOKDAVID DEATON-673.5* JOHN RESA JOHN RESA-513 15 M&M’S SOUTHFIELD CASH BETS BIER 15GLOVER’S RECO ILGSH/M MSMES/M MICHAEL MORTON MARK KOHLBERG MICHAEL MORTON-83.6* MARK KOHLBERG-572 16 16 ARES/F INGSH/F SCOTTY JOHNSON ROGER PARIENT JR SCOTTY JOHNSON-470 ROGER PARIENT JR-642 PAY PERVIEW’S JILL KICKAPOO’S LIL CLOWN WIES/M KYES/M Winners 1st-Jo/Chad Calicott, 2nd-Nikki/Mark Kohlberg, 3rd-Philmore/Mikeal Mulberry Statistics Find-91Dan/Ted cook-David Deaton Retrieve-93Desi/Rodney Phipps Obedience-69 Shiner/Jim Ahring Lou/Chris Mullins-Bill Moore Mazie/John Resa Philmore/Mikeal Mulberry Back-73 Immediately following the trophy presentation, the computer draw was held and the braces posted. There was no Friday night meal held at the trial grounds, so everyone was on their own for dinner. Judges for Saturday field A: Lonnie Jones and Jim Kroeschel and Ron marshaling Judges for field B: Curt Beckley and Frank Llano with Rick Hubbard as field marshal Saturday Round 3-Field A BraceDog Region 1 1 BLAZE’S BLACK MAGIC NIKKI SUE NIKKI MSMEP/M MSMES/F Owner/Co-Owner Handler 2 2 LAST DANCE LILY WINDSWEPT RIDGE’S GUNSMOKE NIGSH/F TOM ROTUNDO SCR BR/MGARY RAMSEY TOM ROTUNDO-482 NOLAN HUFFMAN-737* 3 3 M&M’S SOUTHFIELD CASH BETS BIER MULBERRYS MAJOR PHILMORE ILGSH/M KYES/M MICHAEL MORTON MIKEAL MULBERRY MICHAEL MORTON-692 MIKEAL MULBERRY-576 4 4 BEELINE BULLET’S OXIDATION QUAIL VALLEY’S NOSE KNOWS SCR BR/M MWGSH/F NOLAN HUFFMAN ADAM FELLERS NOLAN HUFFMAN-384.5 ADAM FELLERS-733.5* CHAD CALICOTT MARK KOHLBERG CHAD CALICOTT-718.5* MARK KOHLBERG-324.5 Saturday Round 3-Field B BraceDog Region Owner/Co-Owner Handler 1 1 SHOUSE DOGWOOD ABBYOHES/F PEACHES RIVER DAN KYEP/M RANDY CUNNINGHAM/RANDY CUNNINGHAM HAROLD SMITH-540.5 TED COOKDAVID DEATON-677.5* 2 2 SNAKE’S KING COBRAOHEP/M RYAN’S ELHEW TOBY ILEP/M JIM MAHONEY/JIM MAHONEY RUSS TAYLOR/RUSS TAYLOR JIM MAHONEY-541.5 RUSS TAYLOR-736.5* 3 3 MOHAWK’S MUDSLINGER OUTRAGEOUS BEHAVIOR ILES/M INEP/M B.L. CUNNINGHAM/STEVEN CUNNINGHAM JAMES BOOMERSHINE STEVEN CUNNINGHAM-536.5 JAMES BOOMERSHINE-553.5 4 4 RUCK’S BROCKWAY MAD DASH BOOMER’S LITTLE FLASH NIGSH/M INES/M TOM ROTUNDO CHARLEY PARRETT TOM ROTUNDO-363 CHARLEY PARRETT-657* WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 41 i g Saturday Round 4-Field A BraceDog Region Owner/Co-Owner 1 1 BOOMER’S LITTLE FLASH RYAN’S ELHEW TOBY INES/M ILEP/M Handler 2 2 WINDSWEPT RIDGE’S GUNSMOKE PEACHES RIVER DAN SCR BR/MGARY RAMSEY NOLAN HUFFMAN-568 KYEP/M TED COOKDAVID DEATON-545.5 3 3 QUAIL VALLEY’S NOSE KNOWS BLAZE’S BLACK MAGIC MWGSH/F MSMEP/M CHARLEY PARRETT RUSS TAYLOR/RUSS TAYLOR ADAM FELLERS CHAD CALICOTT As we started rounds 3 and 4 this morning, the sky was clear and sunny, but sometimes this can be deceiving. Off in the distance the clouds were rolling, and everyone talked of the incoming rain. So as we finished the morning braces, we were thoughtful in trying to get this trial done without another day of rain. The fifth runner up winner was Ryan’s Elhew Toby, a 3 time champion English Pointer male out of Sadie’s Elhew Jake and Jo Jo’s Magic Maci. Toby is owned by Russ Taylor. Along with the fifth place trophy, Russ got to take home a 37lb bag of Purina Pro Plan Performance dog food. Congrats Russ and Toby. The fourth runner up of this year’s 2013 Trial of Champions was Peaches River Dan. Dan is a 5 1/2 year old English Pointer male owned by Ted Cook and was the winner of last year’s Trial of Champions. Dan is the offspring of: Elhew Sidewinder and Yellow River Peaches and was handled at this trial by David Deaton. Ted, David and Dan are all from the Kentucky Region. Along with the trophy, David also gets the 37lb bag of Purina dog food. Just a side note on this dog, as trial coordinator we use these index cards to write the scores from each brace, and I will say this dog had one of the most consistent scores throughout this trial, 678,673,677,545 pretty darn close. John Holder would make the presentations for the Final Four beginning with the 3rd runner-up, Windswept Ridge’s Gunsmoke, a Brittany male owned by Gary Ramsey and handled by Nolan Huffman from the South Carolina region. Dillon is out of Windswept’s Clay Bullet and Beeline Cinnamon, and is a 1 time Champion. Dillon was the 6th place runner-up this year at the Quail Invitational in Lake Wales, Florida. Get ready to see more color photos of this dog. Gary receives a Purina Winner’s jacket and 112# of Purina Pro Plan dog food. He will also get the 3rd runnerup trophy and belt buckle from NSTRA and gift card from Wal-Mart. The gift certificates awarded were from Tri-Tronics, Foster & Smith, Dogs Unlimited and Red Haw Supply. Second runner-up was Quail Valley’s Nose Knows, a 4 year old German Shorthair Female, from Premier’s Fancy Blazer and dam Pointing Home Major League. Nose, an 8 time Champion is owned and handled by Adam Fellers from the Midwest Region. Blazer was the winner of the Purina Top Performance Award in 2008-2009, and 2009-2010. From the way things are looking Nose is going to be following right behind her daddy’s footsteps. She earned her first placement on 3-12-2011 at Elkhorn Kennel Trial and won her first NSTRA Championship on 3-24-2012 at the Rock Creek Field Club Trial. Her second NSTRA Championship came on 5-19-2012 followed by her third Championship during the Championship Trial week. John presented Adam with the winner’s jacket and 112# Purina Pro Plan dog food. Adam was also presented with the NSTRA trophy and belt buckle and a gift card from Wal-Mart. The gift certificated awards were from Tri-Tronics, Foster and Smith, Dog Unlimited and Red Haw Supply. Congratulations to Adam and Nose. We will be seeing a lot of her in the upcoming years. Receiving the award for the 1st runner-up was Charley Parrett from the Indiana region. This year’s runner-up dog is Boomer’s Little Flash. Flash is from 11 time NSTRA Champion Boomer’s Super X and Pike Co. Girl. He is a 9 year old Tri-colored English Setter and a 5 time NSTRA Champion. He earned his first CHARLEY PARRETT-640* RUSS TAYLOR-396 ADAM FELLERS-604 CHAD CALICOTT-709* Championship 12-10-2006. His first placement came on 12-52004 at Glen’s Valley Trial. Flash has placed in the qualification rounds of the 2007 Trial of Champions, 2008 Trial of Champions, 2010 Dog of the Year and 2011Trial of Champions. Charley’s wife Donna can always be seen with them, and heard that she might be a contender for bird planter. Flash and Charley will receive 225 pounds of Purina Pro Plan dog food along with a winners jacket. NSTRA provided the 1st runner-up with a trophy and the ever popular belt buckle. The gift certificates awarded were from Tri-Tronics, Foster & Smith, Dogs Unlimited and Red Haw Supply. At the next trial, Charley or Donna will be sitting on a new Purina folding chair, also donated by Purina. Charley will also be getting a pair of Bird Shooter Boots from W.C. Russell Moccasin Company. Congratulations Charley, Donna and Flash. THE WINNER: The 2013 NSTRA Trial of Champion winner is Blaze’s Black Magic, an 8 year old English Pointer male from the MSM region. Jo is handled and owned by Chad Calicott. He is a 20 time champion from Black Magic Blaze and Cullifer Reno. Jo and Chad have been busy to accumulate this many points and placements. His first placement came on 3-5-2006, a first place at the Shoe Me BDC trial. In April, 2008 he places 3rd during the MSM Regional Finals. On 5-31-08 Jo was 1st runner-up during the Grand National Championship Finals and became the MSM regional Championship Winner on 3-8-2010. On April 2, 2011 Joe won the MSM Championship Regional Finals. He was also 2nd in the Top Performance Award in 2008-2009, 2nd during 2009-2010, and 3rd in 2010-2011. Then in 2012 Jo won the UKC Performance Classic out in Nebraska. WOW what a whirl wind for the last 5 years. John Holder was happy to present the Winners jacket and the 450 pounds of Purina Pro Plan dog food to Chad. He will also be taking home with him a Tri-Tronics Pro-500 collar. Chad was also presented with the NSTRA winner’s trophy and belt buckle. The winner of the Trial of Champions will receive a 2 hole dog box from Owens Products, which was brought in by Eli Coke just for pictures. Thank you Eli. Chad and Jo have a new Purina chair also donated by Purina. The gift certificates Chad will be receiving are from: Dogs Unlimited, Foster and Smith, Red Haw Supply. Last but not even least Chad will be receiving a Portrait of Jo created by Ross B Young out of Springfield MO. Congratulations to Chad and Jo. This year, in each of the entrant’s goody bags was a Championship hat created by Dion Bliss, and if anyone wanted one, they could take a National Champion hat pin. They also received a crying towel and some EMT products. This year at TOC, Todd and Sara from UKC had a table set up, so handlers could register their dogs. Great idea! This year at TOC, we had two male field marshals, a little weird, but I think it quite well and as with any trial, it helps when you have good people helping run it. There is a lot of work involved and any member who has put on a trial can agree with that. So that being said, to all the officers, officials, and members that helped out with this and any other trial, we truly appreciate the hours put in. June/July 2013 i 42 i Meet your TRIAL OFFICIALS Ron Becker, Bird Handler; Frank Llano, Judge; Marilyn Cunningham, Trial Chairman; Curt Beckley, Judge; Ron Huels, Field Marshal; Lonnie Jones, Judge; Rick Hubbard, Field Marshal; Jim Kroeschel, Judge AMO, INDIANA TRIAL OF CHAMPION In the blind: John Griffiths & Steven Cunningham Sonny Hawkins, John Griffiths Ashley McCandless’ son David Deaton accepting the 2012 TOC portrait from John Holder for Ted Cook WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 43 i g John Davis At the banquet: Julie Farmer and Steven Cunningham Wednesday A Field Bill Moore 1st, Rick Bertinetti, 2nd, Greg Wood, 3rd, Judge Curt Beckley Wednesday B Field Mikeal Mulberry 1st, Jim Mahoney 2nd, Michael Morton 3rd (not pictured) Judge Frank Llano Thursday A Field Danny Shepherd 1st, Harold Smith 2nd, Bobbie Kroeschel 3rd, Judge Jim Kroeschel June/July 2013 i 44 i 44 Thursday B Field, Rod Phipps 1st, Rick Manfredi 2nd Jim Dobson accepting for Rick Manfredi, Adam Fellers 3rd, Judge Lonnie Jones Purina sign for auction Jim and Bobbie Kroeschel Rick Hubbard Frank Llano Ron Huels – Hard at work! WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 45 45 i Bill Moore and Scotty Johnson g UKC Representatives Todd Kellam and Sara Chisnell-Voight The Two Ron’s Pat Mahoney ½ of the famous Kibby Bros (Computer Genius Extraordinaire!) Dan Kibby with wifeValerie. Top 16 Handlers Lily and Oscar, 8th Brace, Friday A Field In the blind: Tom Rotundo and George Sterner June/July 2013 i 4646i Friday A Field Rick Hubbard, Judge; Nolan Huffman with 1st place Dillon owned by Gary Ramsey and 3rd place Rusty, Steven Cunningham 2nd place with Slinger. H Friday B Field Friday B Field - Chad Calicott 1st with Jo; Mark Kohlberg 2nd with Nikki and David Deaton accepting for Mikeal Mulberry 3rd with Philmore; Judge – Ron Huels H Somebody’s on point! Dog on Point Saturday 2nd brace – Tom Rotundo and Nolan Huffman Saturday 3rd brace – Mikeal Mulberry and Michael Morton WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 47 i g Final 6 Adam Fellers, Chad Calicott, Charley & Donna Parrett, Russ Taylor, David Deaton, Nolan Huffman Final 6 and officials H Flash on point At the line – Charley Parrett & Russ Taylor June/July i 4848i Saturday 2nd brace – Nolan Huffman and David 2013 Deaton Saturday 3rd brace – Chad Calicott and Adam Fellers Russ Taylor, 5th RU with Toby, David Deaton 4th RU with Dan A meeting of the minds – John Holder and Russ Taylor Final Hour: Jim Kroeschel, Judge; Chad Calicott & Jo; Donna & Charley Parrett with Flash; Lonnie Jones, Judge Final 4 & Gallery Chad and Charley at the line Final 4 – Chad Calicott & Jo, 1st; Charley Parrett & Flash, 2nd; Adam Fellers & Nose, 3rd; Nolan Huffman and Dillon, 4th WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 49 49 i John Holder presenting Nolan Huffman with Trophy & Belt Buckle g John Holder presenting Nolan Huffman with Gift Certificate from Tri-Tronics John Holder presenting Adam Fellers with Trophy & Belt Buckle John Holder presenting Adam Fellers with Dogs Unlimited Gift Certificate John Holder presenting Adam Fellers with chair and jacket from Purina – looks like Nose has already claimed the chair. John Holder presenting certificate from W.C. Russell Moccasin Company to Charley Parrett Donna and Charley Parrett and Flash receive Purina Jacket from John Holder 2013 Trial of Champions Winner Chad Calicott with Blaze’s Black Magic (Jo) receiving trophy, belt buckle, Purina Products and Owens Dog Box from John Holder. June/July 2013 i 50 50 i 2013 Official Entry Form Purina Endurance Classic September 4-7, 2013 Lewistown, MT Entry Fee: $150.00 Dog’s Registered Name: Number: Region: Owner: NSTRA # Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: ( ) Handler: NSTRA # CC# _______________________________Exp Date: ___________ _____ Check here if you want a mailed copy of the entrants’ packet. Otherwise you will find it posted on our website at Entry Deadline: Postmarked by July 15, 2013 Phone and email entries must be received in the office by 5:00 p.m. Eastern on July 15, 2013. No After Hours messaged will be accepted. Late entries of bye dogs will be accepted in the office up until close of business (5:00 pm Eastern) on Friday, August 30. No e-mails or telephone messages will be accepted. You must call the office and talk to someone. ALL late entries (after the initial entry deadline) will be charged $25 extra per entry. Please Check: In the event this dog does not make the original field, I would like for it to be drawn as a standby dog: ___________ (Designate YES or NO) If not marked you will not be considered for standby. Trial Format: Brace Winners Advance Entry Deadline: Postmarked by July 15, 2013 Send Entry and Fee to: NSTRA 203 N. Mill Plainfield, IN 46168 If paying by check or money order, please submit one per entry. Phone and email entries must be received by the office 5:00 p.m, Eastern on 7/16/13. No after hours messages will be accepted. NSTRA AND NSTRA CLUBS ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS DURING TRIALS! WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 51 i g June/July 2013 i 52 i UKC Staff members will be in attendance at the upcoming Trial of Champions in Amo, Indiana, and the UKC Performance Classic in Waverly, Nebraska. We can make it very easy for you to register your dogs with United Kennel Club at these events if you remember to bring the following: 1) Your NAVHDA, AKC, FDSB or CKC Registration Certificate – This certificate serves two purposes. First, it is proof that the dog is purebred. Second, it indicates that the person applying for UKC Single Registration of the dog is the actual owner of the dog. However, in the case of puppies or recently purchased dogs that have not been registered into your name with one of the abovementioned registries, we do accept registration certificates filled out for transfer into your name. 2) A Three-Generation Pedigree For Each Dog – This may be an official pedigree that was purchased from one of the above-mentioned registries, or it may be a handwritten pedigree. It is not necessary to purchase a pedigree from the above- mentioned registries to Single Register your dog with United Kennel Club. Care should be taken in the accuracy of information and spelling in the case of handwritten pedigrees. 3) NSTRA-Issued $5 Off Vouchers – If you have recently received any $5 off UKC registration vouchers for placing at a NSTRA event, bring those with you. Remember, you may use multiple $5 off vouchers in conjunction with one UKC Single Registration Application. Tips For Making The Single Registration Process As Simple As Can Be: • To save time at the event, have a UKC Single Registration Application filled out before you arrive at the event. Single Registration Applications may be downloaded from the NSTRA website by following the link to UKC Registration in the left-hand margin of the home page. Remember, it is not necessary to fill out the pedigree portion of the single registration application if you are bringing a separate copy of your dog’s pedigree. • The UKC staff will have a scanner at the events we attend so that it will not be necessary for you to make photo copies of your registration certificate or pedigrees. Now is the time for all NSTRA members to take advantage of a $10 discount on the UKC Single Registration fee! United Kennel Club • 100 E Kilgore Rd • Kalamazoo, MI 49002 • (269) 343-9020 • WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 53 i g June/July 2013 i 54 i nstra Region: AL BSR/MN CHALLENGE B/F April 13, 2013 - SAVAGE, MT Judges: Mike Liane\Mark Donovan BEST OF THE WEST C/F March 22, 2013 - LEHI, UT Judges: Richard Bottomley\Richard Lowe First Place: 0xCH Deer Creek Port Frances (SR54898707, BR/F, by Rock Solids Wish You Were Here-Deep Creek Captain Morgan) Michael Ryan, Jordan, MN Second Place: 0xCH Gerty Coach’s Fast Breaking Zoe (SR52825401, GSH/F, by Cottonwood Put Me In Coach-Moesgaard’s Ne Gerty) Michael Jepsen, Savage, MT Third Place: 0xCH Pleasant View X Rated (1619134, ES/M, by Boomer’s X Rated-Macy’s High Limit) Leroy Rathbun, Glendive, MT BEST OF THE WEST A/F March 24, 2013 - LEHI, UT Judges: Caleb Stroh\Chad Jones BEST OF THE WEST A/F March 23, 2013 - LEHI, UT Judges: Dan Felter\Richard Bottomley BEST OF THE WEST A/F March 22, 2013 - LEHI, UT Judges: Bradley Jenkins\Zane Mowers First Place: 10xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA Second Place: 0xCH Daisy Mae Heaton (SR67271308, GSH/F, by Tonellis Sun Obi-Daizy Ii) Shaun Heaton, Orem, UT Third Place: 1xCH George’s Fancy Pants (SR56686901, BR/F, by Jumping Jack Flash (br)Gun Powders Spicy Ginger (br)) George Brook, Laramie, WY First Place: 10xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA Second Place: 0xCH Blue Rock Krieghoff (1614602, GSH/M, by Blue Rock BlitzkriegLtgtf’s Rol’n Black Onyx) Randall Bennett, Roosevelt, UT Third Place: 0xCH Blue Collar Diesel First Place: 0xCH Bret’s Tic Tac Chicken Weasel (1619551, ES/M, by Chuckar-Notta Zilch Zero) Bret Wonnacott, Sunset, UT Second Place: 4xCH Footluce Louie Little Pants (SR37183804, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Julry’s Autumn Dream) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT Third Place: 0xCH D’s Crash Of Thunder Mh (SR29203209, GSH/M, by Showtimes Rollin Thunder Fc-Sliderock’s High Elevaton) Brandon Downs, Lehi, UT First Place: 0xCH Wayment’sn Big Pimpin (1626791, EP/M, by Wayments Elhew HootchWayment’s Lucky Penny) Shane Wayment, Roy, UT Second Place: 10xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA Third Place: 1xCH Pal Holiday (1617808, IS/M, by King Cormac-Flushing Whip Flash Edition) Steven Witz, Grangeville, ID Region: ALL BEST OF THE WEST B/F March 22, 2013 - LEHI, UT Judges: Lance Neilson\Troy Anderson BEST OF THE WEST C/F March 23, 2013 - LEHI, UT Judges: Richard Lowe\Micah Shumway (SR63697103, GWH/M, by Heidi Wolf BenelliBlue Collar Asia) John Parker, Plain City, UT First Place: 1xCH Lindsey’s Lil Max (1600536, EP/M, by Angel’s High Moon-Last Chance Ella) David Hackman, Vail, AZ Second Place: 0xCH Henson’s Desert Prince (1642609, ES/M, by Tomoka’s Smokin J.r.-Red Hot Chili Lilly) Bob Henson, Coolidge, AZ Third Place: 0xCH Cherry Bear Holiday (1603956, IS/F, by Breakstone-Applebee) Steven Witz, Grangeville, ID First Place: 10xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA Second Place: 0xCH Mgskeeterswildthing (SR61432102, GSH/M, by Mama’s Clown Bubba Mh-Isabelle Izzy Sisk) Michael Goodrich, Laveen, AZ Third Place: 1xCH Pending (PENDING, OTH/F, by -) No Mbr # For Old Data, , BEST OF THE WEST B/F March 24, 2013 - LEHI, UT Judges: Zane Mowers\Shane Wayment BEST OF THE WEST B/F March 23, 2013 - LEHI, UT Judges: David Hackman\Zane Mowers First Place: 4xCH Buck Billy Buck (1551334, ES/M, by Tekoa Tornado Blue-Sue Liz Sue) Keland Bonine, Cameron, MO Second Place: 0xCH Henson’s Desert Prince (1642609, ES/M, by Tomoka’s Smokin J.r.-Red Hot Chili Lilly) Bob Henson, Coolidge, AZ Third Place: 4xCH Footluce Louie Little Pants (SR37183804, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Julry’s Autumn Dream) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT First Place: 1xCH General Fancy Blue Dax (SR39389402, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Crawford’s Speckled Hannah) Clint Wirick, Monroe, UT Second Place: 0xCH Randlett’s Artwo Turbo (1618050, EP/F, by Stephens Bright CopperYoung’s Issabella Gold) Lance Neilson, Roosevelt, UT Third Place: 10xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 55 i g BEST OF THE WEST C/F March 24, 2013 - LEHI, UT Judges: Mat Blockovich\Richard Bottomley (SR37183804, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Julry’s Autumn Dream) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT First Place: 1xCH Pal Holiday (1617808, IS/M, by King Cormac-Flushing Whip Flash Edition) Steven Witz, Grangeville, ID Second Place: 10xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA Third Place: 1xCH Honky Tonk Cash (1594572, EP/M, by Honky Tonk Attitude-Runn-gun Blue Jazz) Kurt Coburn, Salem, UT 2013 TRIAL OF CHAMPIONS QUAL. A/F April 24, 2013 - AMO, IN Judges: Frank Llano\Curt Beckley BSR/MN CHALLENGE A/F April 13, 2013 - SAVAGE, MT Judges: Jason Norton\Keith Kemmer First Place: 0xCH Deer Creek Port Frances (SR54898707, BR/F, by Rock Solids Wish You Were Here-Deep Creek Captain Morgan) Michael Ryan, Jordan, MN Second Place: 1xCH Ppk’s Coaches Pretty Polly (SM122798, GSH/F, by Cottonwood Put Me In Coach-Ppk’s Dixieland Harvest Moon) James Wiitala, Mcallister, MT Third Place: 4xCH Footluce Louie Little Pants (SR37183804, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Julry’s Autumn Dream) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT BSR/MN CHALLENGE A/F April 14, 2013 - SAVAGE, MT Judges: Dean Goodall\James Wiitala First Place: 0xCH Norton’s Teton Eli (SR61270506, GSH/M, by Tetons Saragosa SlyFancy Feather Growly) Jason Norton, Ellendale, ND Second Place: 3xCH Pend Oreille’s Piper (SR23652101, GS/F, by Stormy Thunder-Stormy Breeze) Gary Bauer, Mcallister, MT Third Place: 6xCH Montana’s Rusty Little Pants (SR00405102, BR/M, by Montana’s Huckleberry Wine-Tru Gritz Cinnamon Ridge) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT BSR/MN CHALLENGE B/F April 14, 2013 - SAVAGE, MT Judges: Keith Kemmer\Bill Ault First Place: 3xCH Pend Oreille’s Piper (SR23652101, GS/F, by Stormy Thunder-Stormy Breeze) Gary Bauer, Mcallister, MT Second Place: 1xCH Madison River Daisymae (R234241, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperTomoka’s Smokin Ripley) Gary Bauer, Mcallister, MT Third Place: 4xCH Footluce Louie Little Pants First Place: 1xCH Acuff’s Hytest Apollo (1622426, ES/M, by Hytest Sky Hawk-Tricky Dick Jill) Bill Moore, Selmer, TN Second Place: 3xCH Copper’s Honky Tonk Kobie (1612584, EP/M, by Swift Rock CopperHonky Tonk Chaz) Cindy Bertinetti, Carlinville, IL Third Place: 6xCH Tomoka’s Smokin Gun (1604893, ES/M, by Tomoka’s Smokin J.r.-Barr’s Smokin Mackenzie) Greg Wood, Shelbyville, KY 2013 TRIAL OF CHAMPIONS QUAL. B/F April 24, 2013 - AMO, IN Judges: James Kroeschel\Lonnie Jones First Place: 3xCH Mulberrys Major Philmore (1615810, ES/M, by Nick’s Major ContenderMulberrys Grace) Mikeal Mulberry, Corinth, KY Second Place: 1xCH Snake’s King Cobra (1617857, EP/M, by Black Magic SnakeGigolo’s Southern Susie) Jim Mahoney, West Jefferson, OH Third Place: 1xCH M&m’s Southfield Cash Bets Bier (SR55713602, GSH/M, by Double Run Cole Bier-Royalrun All Bets Are Off) Michael Morton, Kell, IL Third Place: 10xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA 2013 TRIAL OF CHAMPIONS QUAL. A/F April 26, 2013 - AMO, IN Judges: Frank Llano\Curt Beckley First Place: 2xCH Windswept Ridge’s Gunsmoke (SR31224105, BR/M, by Windswept’s Clay Bullet-Beeline Cinnamon) Gary Ramsey, Marshall, NC Second Place: 7xCH Mohawk’s Mudslinger (R234032, ES/M, by Smokin Mohawk’s ChesterNight Trip) B.l. Cunningham, Medora, IL Third Place: 8xCH Beeline Bullet’s Oxidation (SR33911303, BR/M, by Nolan’s Last BulletLazy K Little Bit) Nolan Huffman, Connelly Springs, NC 2013 TRIAL OF CHAMPIONS QUAL.B/F April 26, 2013 - AMO, IN Judges: James Kroeschel\Lonnie Jones First Place: 21xCH Blaze’s Black Magic (1581240, EP/M, by Black Magic Blaze-Cullifer Reno) Chad Calicott, Moberly, MO Second Place: 2xCH Nikki Sue Nikki (R238103, ES/F, by Boomer’s X Rated-Glover’s Nikki) Mark Kohlberg, St. Louis, MO Third Place: 3xCH Mulberrys Major Philmore (1615810, ES/M, by Nick’s Major ContenderMulberrys Grace) Mikeal Mulberry, Corinth, KY 2013 TRIAL OF CHAMPIONS QUAL. A/F April 25, 2013 - AMO, IN Judges: James Kroeschel\Lonnie Jones 2013 TRIAL OF CHAMPIONS FINAL April 27, 2013 - AMO, IN Judges: James Kroeschel\Lonnie Jones First Place: 4xCH Prime Time Cookie (1599557, EP/F, by Black Magic Snake-Helm’s Damascus Dottie) Danny Shepherd, Kodak, TN Second Place: 1xCH Shouse Dogwood Abby (1622068, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood Skipper-Cumberland Lady) Randy Cunningham, Crosslanes, WV Third Place: 1xCH Maci’s Magic Kate (1602849, EP/F, by Sadie’s Elhew Jake-Jo Jo’s Magic Maci) Bobbie Kroeschel, Chesterfield, IL First Place: 21xCH Blaze’s Black Magic (1581240, EP/M, by Black Magic Blaze-Cullifer Reno) Chad Calicott, Moberly, MO Second Place: 5xCH Boomer’s Little Flash (1563992, ES/M, by Boomer’s Super X-Pike Co. Girl) Charley Parrett, Nineveh, IN Third Place: 10xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA 2013 TRIAL OF CHAMPIONS QUAL. B/F April 25, 2013 - AMO, IN Judges: Frank Llano\Curt Beckley Region: AR First Place: 2xCH Phipps Bird Desire (1617583, ES/F, by Resa’s Trouble Mace-Phipps Bird Demon) Rodney Phipps, Osceola, IA Second Place: 10xCH Tomoka’s Smokin Riley (1570216, ES/F, by Tomoka’s Smokin Pete-Bone Creek Rose) Jim Dobson, Simpsonville, KY June/July 2013 i 56 i BISTINEAU BH March 23, 2013 - BIENVILLE, LA Judges: Jim La Barge\Randy Jacobs First Place: 6xCH Franks Sir Sunshine (1561850, EP/M, by Sir Lancelot-Field’s Redwater Kelly) Robert Franks, Dewitt, AR Second Place: 1xCH Huckleberry Faith (1613493, EP/F, by Tt’s Fiddlin Fibber-Tt’s High Hope) Bill Bracas, Little Rock, AR Third Place: 0xCH Mickey Fancy Gypsy (1608477, EP/F, by Honky Tonk Gigolo-Okaw Gypsy) William Markham, Diana, TX AR REGIONAL QUALIFICATION A/F April 13, 2013 - STUTTGART, AR Judges: Donny Parker\Bill Moore First Place: 6xCH Franks Sir Sunshine (1561850, EP/M, by Sir Lancelot-Field’s Redwater Kelly) Robert Franks, Dewitt, AR Second Place: 0xCH Bella’s Honky Tonk Shadow (1621503, EP/F, by Thousand Dollar Chance-Guardrail Connection) David Hildebrand, Monticello, AR Third Place: 0xCH Kylee’s Secret Element (1626953, ES/F, by Spring River Mac-Diamond L Princess) Bradley Beetch, Farmington, AR AR REGIONAL QUALIFICATION B/F April 13, 2013 - STUTTGART, AR Judges: Ron Huels\Ron Becker First Place: 2xCH Pay Perview’s Jill (1615326, ES/F, by Pay Per View-Nixon’s Dixie Diamond) Scotty Johnson, Magnolia, AR Second Place: 0xCH Potter’s Best Bet (1591462, EP/F, by Big Time Scoop-Powder’s Little Bit) Jimmy Potter, Tillar, AR Third Place: 0xCH Cook Farms Lacey (1626894, EP/F, by Erin’s Bad River-Sweet Briar Sue) Larry Cook, Hartshorn, MO AR REGIONAL FINAL April 14, 2013 - STUTTGARD, AR Judges: Donny Parker\Bill Moore First Place: 0xCH Ds Rail’en Rocker (1643303, EP/F, by Rock Acre Blackhawk-Gauard Rail Aggravation) Deion Sanders, Viola, AR Second Place: 1xCH Huckleberry Faith (1613493, EP/F, by Tt’s Fiddlin Fibber-Tt’s High Hope) Bill Bracas, Little Rock, AR Third Place: 0xCH Bella’s Honky Tonk Shadow (1621503, EP/F, by Thousand Dollar ChanceGuardrail Connection) David Hildebrand, Monticello, AR Region: AZ RED TANK A/F April 27, 2013 - PARKS, AZ Judges: Steven Crabb\Cj Hamilton First Place: 0xCH Cs Bella Mia (1625304, EP/F, by Santan’s Elhew Max-Sage Creek Hannah) Clifton “mike” Kitchens, Show Low, AZ Second Place: 0xCH Daja Vu Von Schroeder (SR40329004, GSH/F, by Walsh Zeke & Yeshall Rimd-Harley Davidson Von Schroeder) James Schroeder, Phoenix, AZ Third Place: 2xCH Rawhide Covey Doctor (SR48253706, GSH/M, by Sweet Money-Kowas Rawhide Darling) Clifton “mike” Kitchens, Show Low, AZ RED TANK B/F April 27, 2013 - PARKS, AZ Judges: Arlette Hennessey\Todd Zondlo First Place: 1xCH Trout’s Elhew Emma (1613694, EP/F, by Santan’s Elhew Max-Trout’s Rose Mary) John Trout, Jr., Globe, AZ Second Place: 0xCH Gracie Vom Desert Dancer (R234249, GWH/F, by Expo Vom Orion (gw)-Auzie Vom Grousehafen) Alan Churchwell, Queen Creek, AZ Third Place: 0xCH Dixons Dirty White Boy Duke (21032, GSH/M, by General Fancy Blue Dax-Black Forest Shooter’s S Jade) Jeff Dixon, Joseph City, AZ RED TANK A/F April 28, 2013 - PARKS, AZ Judges: Steven Crabb\Arlette Hennessey First Place: 0xCH Carolina Star (1612767, ES/M, by Hard Mountain Mack-Blue Tornado Rose) Mary Petrocco, Phoenix, AZ Second Place: 2xCH Rawhide Covey Doctor (SR48253706, GSH/M, by Sweet Money-Kowas Rawhide Darling) Clifton “mike” Kitchens, Show Low, AZ Third Place: 0xCH Up M’ Adams Aria (SR67746607, GSH/F, by Up M’ Adam Ud Sh-Up M’ Adams Suihouette) Wojciech Kolano, Phoenix, AZ Region: BSR MO HEADWATERS A/F March 23, 2013 - ENNIS, MT Judges: John Attard\Gerald Good First Place: 0xCH Goodall’s Cajun Seasoning (SR18971702, GSH/M, by Max’s Creole Seasoning-Daisy Dixieland Lyon) Dean Goodall, Dickinson, ND Second Place: 0xCH Wildriver Spartacus Von Wiese (SR56098401, GSH/M, by Wildriver Gerwitter’s Blitz-Broncos Magnum Meadow) Lisa Gloss-lessmann, Pullman, WA Third Place: 3xCH Pend Oreille’s Piper (SR23652101, GS/F, by Stormy Thunder-Stormy Breeze) Gary Bauer, Mcallister, MT MO HEADWATERS A/F AMATEUR March 23, 2013 - ENNIS, MT WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 57 i Judges: Doug Cartwright\John Attard First Place: 0xCH Hpd’s Pale Rider (SR63821601, GSH/M, by Grouse Tails Wildcard-Ppk’s Dixieland Harvest Moon) Jon Edwards, Lewistown, MT Second Place: 0xCH Kanzakaws Big Sky (1598417, GR/F, by De Jac’s Eres Ty-Wayfarer’s Winter) Therese Good, Ravalli, MT Third Place: 0xCH Montana Snowbird (1611508, EP/F, by Ckki Scout-Fearless Jess) Tom Curtis, Livingston, MT MO HEADWATERS B/F March 23, 2013 - ENNIS, MT Judges: Olaf Netteberg\Leroy Rathbun First Place: 1xCH Madison River Daisymae (R234241, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperTomoka’s Smokin Ripley) Gary Bauer, Mcallister, MT Second Place: 2xCH Treasure State Tiger Woods (1587786, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood Skipper-Glover’s Nikki) Brent Underdahl, Great Falls, MT Third Place: 0xCH Montana’s Gooseberry Wine (SR54746309, BR/M, by Montana’s Huckleberry Wine-Beeline’s Big Sky Breeze) Doug Cartwright, Great Falls, MT MO HEADWATERS B/F AMATUER March 23, 2013 - ENNIS, MT Judges: Olaf Netteberg\Leroy Rathbun First Place: 0xCH Treasure State Johnny Girl (1623897, ES/F, by Boomer’s X Rated-Macy’s High Limit) Kai Underdahl, Great Falls, MT Second Place: 0xCH Ruby Rose Such’s Priden-joy (GL-000134, GLP/F, by Swanso Ud Glide Wj Waard-Ruby Rose’s Sabel Sensational) Michael Sutich, Great Falls, MT Third Place: 0xCH Tru Gritz O’dees Callie Girl (SR12864203, BR/F, by Tru Gritz Bogangles O’dee-Tru Gritz Cinnamon Ridge) Jon Edwards, Lewistown, MT MO HEADWATERS A/F March 24, 2013 - ENNIS, MT Judges: Doug Cartwright\Elden Miller First Place: 0xCH Huenbrink Fancy Boy (SR63383702, GSH/M, by Regency Acres Huenbrinks Tug-Sadie Fancy Lady) Michael Bartholomew, Billings, MT Second Place: 1xCH Beeline’s Big Sky Bullet (SR35125102, BR/M, by Nolan’s Last BulletSquare Butte Sadie) Jon Edwards, Lewistown, MT Third Place: 0xCH Mr Drawdoow Jh (SR56725105, GSH/M, by Bea Traps Tobias-Baily g Ii) Josh Woodward, Epping, ND MO HEADWATERS A/F AMATEUR March 24, 2013 - ENNIS, MT Judges: Doug Cartwright\John Attard (SR06123802, GS/F, by Stormy Thunder-Stormy Breeze) Gary Bauer, Mcallister, MT GLACIER GUN DOG A/F AMATEUR April 6, 2013 - POLSON, MT Judges: John Attard\Mark Donovan Mahoney’s Dandee Dee) Jack Bell, Billings, MT GLACIER GUN DOG A/F AMATEUR April 7, 2013 - POLSON, MT Judges: Daniel Seliger\Olaf Netteberg First Place: 0xCH Ruby Rose Such’s Pride-njoy (GL-000134, GLP/F, by Swanso Ud Glide Wj Waard-Ruby Rose’s Sabel Sensational) Michael Sutich, Great Falls, MT Second Place: 0xCH Montana’s Razzle Dazzle (1644375, EP/F, by Sawyers Flash Point-Margeret’s Peggy Pearl) Clark Brooks, Big Fork, MT Third Place: 0xCH O’h Aodhas Arthur Mcbride (1649323, EP/M, by Sapphire Big Jim-Tweto’s Elhew Holly) Richard Hughes, Bigfork, MT First Place: 0xCH Studly Joe Drawdoow (SR66714012, GSH/M, by Mr Drawdoow JhLittle Miss Priss Iii) Josh Woodward, Epping, ND Second Place: 0xCH Kanzakaws Big Sky (1598417, GR/F, by De Jac’s Eres Ty-Wayfarer’s Winter) Therese Good, Ravalli, MT Third Place: 0xCH Tru Gritz O’dees Callie Girl (SR12864203, BR/F, by Tru Gritz Bogangles O’dee-Tru Gritz Cinnamon Ridge) Jon Edwards, Lewistown, MT First Place: 0xCH Bozemzn’s Ripley (1109957, BQB/M, by Aus Du Mont Caugts-Niccalettes Degrand Ciel) Fred Rauch, Great Falls, MT Second Place: 0xCH Montana’s Razzle Dazzle (1644375, EP/F, by Sawyers Flash Point-Margeret’s Peggy Pearl) Clark Brooks, Big Fork, MT Third Place: 0xCH Jade’s Irp (PT00007, EP/F, by Grappe’s Rambling Rip-Top Knot Sue) Gary Whitman, Whitefish, MT MO HEADWATERS B/F March 24, 2013 - ENNIS, MT Judges: Jon Edwards\Martha Bauer GLACIER GUN DOG B/F April 6, 2013 - POLSON, MT Judges: Olaf Netteberg\Gerald Good First Place: 2xCH Treasure State Tiger Woods (1587786, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperGlover’s Nikki) Brent Underdahl, Great Falls, MT Second Place: 0xCH Wildriver Spartacus Von Wiese (SR56098401, GSH/M, by Wildriver Gerwitter’s Blitz-Broncos Magnum Meadow) Lisa Gloss-lessmann, Pullman, WA Third Place: 0xCH Ennis Lake Lc (SR180302, GSH/F, by Cottonwood Put Me In Coach-Dixieland’s Black Beauty) Anni Shores, Mcallister, MT First Place: 0xCH Zoey’s Pride (1610322, EP/F, by Cassidy Speed Digger-Sunde’s Elhew Baily) Robert Parker, Big Fork, MT Second Place: 0xCH Montana’s Gooseberry Wine (SR54746309, BR/M, by Montana’s Huckleberry Wine-Beeline’s Big Sky Breeze) Doug Cartwright, Great Falls, MT Third Place: 0xCH Pleasantview Ruger (1600826, ES/M, by Ima Magician-Pleasant View Shiner) Doug Cartwright, Great Falls, MT MO HEADWATERS B/F AMATEUR March 24, 2013 - ENNIS, MT Judges: Gary Bauer\Martha Bauer GLACIER GUN DOG B/F AMATEUR April 6, 2013 - POLSON, MT Judges: Doug Cartwright\Leroy Rathbun First Place: 0xCH Hpd’s Pale Rider (SR63821601, GSH/M, by Grouse Tails Wildcard-Ppk’s Dixieland Harvest Moon) Jon Edwards, Lewistown, MT Second Place: 0xCH Kanzakaws Big Sky (1598417, GR/F, by De Jac’s Eres Ty-Wayfarer’s Winter) Therese Good, Ravalli, MT Third Place: 0xCH Studly Joe Drawdoow (SR66714012, GSH/M, by Mr Drawdoow JhLittle Miss Priss Iii) Josh Woodward, Epping, ND First Place: 0xCH Treasure State Johnny Girl (1623897, ES/F, by Boomer’s X Rated-Macy’s High Limit) Kai Underdahl, Great Falls, MT Second Place: 0xCH Montana’s Razzle Dazzle (1644375, EP/F, by Sawyers Flash Point-Margeret’s Peggy Pearl) Clark Brooks, Big Fork, MT Third Place: 0xCH Jade’s Irp (PT00007, EP/F, by Grappe’s Rambling Rip-Top Knot Sue) Gary Whitman, Whitefish, MT First Place: 0xCH Montana’s Razzle Dazzle (1644375, EP/F, by Sawyers Flash Point-Margeret’s Peggy Pearl) Clark Brooks, Big Fork, MT Second Place: 0xCH Coach’s Mojo Working (SR64180301, GSH/M, by Cottonwood Put Me In Coach-Dixieland’s Black Beauty) James Wiitala, Mcallister, MT Third Place: 0xCH O’h Aodhas Arthur Mcbride (1649323, EP/M, by Sapphire Big Jim-Tweto’s Elhew Holly) Richard Hughes, Bigfork, MT GLACIER GUN DOG A/F April 7, 2013 - POLSON, MT Judges: Daniel Seliger\Martha Bauer YELLOWSTONE PDC A/F April 20, 2013 - ACTON, MT Judges: Brent Underdahl\Fred Rauch First Place: 1xCH Mighty Tyke Little Pants (SR50751005, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Montana Shambos Shadow Dancer) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT Second Place: 1xCH Ppk’s Coaches Pretty Polly (SM122798, GSH/F, by Cottonwood Put Me In Coach-Ppk’s Dixieland Harvest Moon) James Wiitala, Mcallister, MT Third Place: 0xCH Julies Latest Edition (1549615, ES/F, by Mahoney’s Magic Dickie- First Place: 0xCH Gerty Coach’s Fast Breaking Zoe (SR52825401, GSH/F, by Cottonwood Put Me In Coach-Moesgaard’s Ne Gerty) Michael Jepsen, Savage, MT Second Place: 4xCH Footluce Louie Little Pants (SR37183804, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Julry’s Autumn Dream) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT Third Place: 1xCH Mighty Tyke Little Pants (SR50751005, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little GLACIER GUN DOG A/F April 6, 2013 - POLSON, MT Judges: James Wiitala\Daniel Seliger First Place: 0xCH Tana’s Little Pants (SR50751001, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Montana Shambos Shadow Dancer) John Attard, Columbia Falls, MT Second Place: 2xCH Wildriver Stormy’s Boy (SR19930504, GSH/M, by Hilltop’s Gewitter Stormy-Wildriver Audabonne Lee) John Attard, Columbia Falls, MT Third Place: 1xCH Good Golly Miss Molly V June/July 2013 i 58 i GLACIER GUN DOG B/F April 7, 2013 - POLSON, MT Judges: Gerald Good\Richard Hughes First Place: 1xCH Mighty Tyke Little Pants (SR50751005, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Montana Shambos Shadow Dancer) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT Second Place: 3xCH Pend Oreille’s Piper (SR23652101, GS/F, by Stormy Thunder-Stormy Breeze) Gary Bauer, Mcallister, MT Third Place: 0xCH Treasure State Johnny Girl (1623897, ES/F, by Boomer’s X Rated-Macy’s High Limit) Kai Underdahl, Great Falls, MT GLACIER GUN DOG B/F AMATEUR April 7, 2013 - POLSON, MT Judges: John Attard\Mark Donovan Pants-Montana Shambos Shadow Dancer) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT YELLOWSTONE PDC A/F AMATEUR April 20, 2013 - ACTON, MT Judges: Mark Donovan\Elden Miller First Place: 0xCH Treasure State Johnny Girl (1623897, ES/F, by Boomer’s X Rated-Macy’s High Limit) Kai Underdahl, Great Falls, MT Second Place: 0xCH Montana’s Razzle Dazzle (1644375, EP/F, by Sawyers Flash Point-Margeret’s Peggy Pearl) Clark Brooks, Big Fork, MT Third Place: 0xCH Ruby Rose Such’s Pride-njoy (GL-000134, GLP/F, by Swanso Ud Glide Wj Waard-Ruby Rose’s Sabel Sensational) Michael Sutich, Great Falls, MT YELLOWSTONE PDC B/F April 20, 2013 - ACTON, MT Judges: John Attard\Leroy Rathbun First Place: 1xCH George’s Fancy Pants (SR56686901, BR/F, by Jumping Jack Flash (br)Gun Powders Spicy Ginger (br)) George Brook, Laramie, WY Second Place: 4xCH Footluce Louie Little Pants (SR37183804, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Julry’s Autumn Dream) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT Third Place: 1xCH George’s Mad Max (R233993, BR/M, by Rainbow’s Mtn Meadow Jack-Mountain Meadow Moxie) George Brook, Laramie, WY YELLOWSTONE PDC B/F AMATEUR April 20, 2013 - ACTON, MT Judges: John Attard\Leroy Rathbun First Place: 0xCH O’h Aodhas Arthur Mcbride (1649323, EP/M, by Sapphire Big Jim-Tweto’s Elhew Holly) Richard Hughes, Bigfork, MT Second Place: 0xCH Montana’s Razzle Dazzle (1644375, EP/F, by Sawyers Flash Point-Margeret’s Peggy Pearl) Clark Brooks, Big Fork, MT Third Place: 0xCH Tru Gritz O’dees Callie Girl (SR12864203, BR/F, by Tru Gritz Bogangles O’dee-Tru Gritz Cinnamon Ridge) Jon Edwards, Lewistown, MT YELLOWSTONE PDC A/F April 21, 2013 - ACTON, MT Judges: Jon Edwards\James Wiitala First Place: 1xCH George’s Fancy Pants (SR56686901, BR/F, by Jumping Jack Flash (br)Gun Powders Spicy Ginger (br)) George Brook, Laramie, WY Second Place: 0xCH Pleasantview Ruger (1600826, ES/M, by Ima Magician-Pleasant View Shiner) Doug Cartwright, Great Falls, MT Third Place: 0xCH Montana’s Gooseberry Wine (SR54746309, BR/M, by Montana’s Huckleberry Wine-Beeline’s Big Sky Breeze) Doug Cartwright, Great Falls, MT YELLOWSTONE PDC A/F AMATEUR April 21, 2013 - ACTON, MT Judges: John Attard\Leroy Rathbun First Place: 0xCH Hpd’s Pale Rider (SR63821601, GSH/M, by Grouse Tails Wildcard-Ppk’s Dixieland Harvest Moon) Jon Edwards, Lewistown, MT Second Place: 0xCH O’h Aodhas Arthur Mcbride (1649323, EP/M, by Sapphire Big JimTweto’s Elhew Holly) Richard Hughes, Bigfork, MT Third Place: 0xCH Sadie Fancy Lady (SR42960202, GSH/F, by Wildriver Jesse’s Lee-Fancy Mountain Shadow) Michael Bartholomew, Billings, MT YELLOWSTONE PDC B/F April 21, 2013 - ACTON, MT Judges: Conrad Kradolfer\Fred Rauch First Place: 3xCH Country Lane Jake (1604358, ES/M, by Ima Magician-Reece’s Rippin Nikki) Carol Miller, Willison, ND Second Place: 0xCH Treasure State Johnny Girl (1623897, ES/F, by Boomer’s X Rated-Macy’s High Limit) Kai Underdahl, Great Falls, MT Third Place: 2xCH Wildriver Stormy’s Boy (SR19930504, GSH/M, by Hilltop’s Gewitter Stormy-Wildriver Audabonne Lee) John Attard, Columbia Falls, MT YELLOWSTONE PDC B/F AMATEUR April 21, 2013 - ACTON, MT Judges: Conrad Kradolfer\Les Pfeifer First Place: 0xCH Ruby Rose Such’s Pride-njoy (GL-000134, GLP/F, by Swanso Ud Glide Wj Waard-Ruby Rose’s Sabel Sensational) Michael Sutich, Great Falls, MT Second Place: 0xCH Hpd’s Pale Rider (SR63821601, GSH/M, by Grouse Tails Wildcard-Ppk’s Dixieland Harvest Moon) Jon Edwards, Lewistown, MT Third Place: 0xCH Prairie Wind Pleasant Music (SR68237411, GSH/M, by Prairie Wind Zip N Lock-Prairie Wind Eat My Mya Dust) Don Luse, Billings, MT GSH/F, by Cottonwood Put Me In Coach-Dixieland’s Black Beauty) Anni Shores, Mcallister, MT Second Place: 1xCH Good Golly Miss Molly V (SR06123802, GS/F, by Stormy Thunder-Stormy Breeze) Gary Bauer, Mcallister, MT Third Place: 2xCH Treasure State Tiger Woods (1587786, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperGlover’s Nikki) Brent Underdahl, Great Falls, MT GOLDEN TRIANGLE A/F AMATEUR May 4, 2013 - GREAT FALLS, MT Judges: John Attard\Leroy Rathbun First Place: 0xCH O’h Aodhas Arthur Mcbride (1649323, EP/M, by Sapphire Big Jim-Tweto’s Elhew Holly) Richard Hughes, Bigfork, MT Second Place: 0xCH Ruby Rose Such’s Priden-joy (GL-000134, GLP/F, by Swanso Ud Glide Wj Waard-Ruby Rose’s Sabel Sensational) Michael Sutich, Great Falls, MT Third Place: 0xCH Hpd’s Pale Rider (SR63821601, GSH/M, by Grouse Tails Wildcard-Ppk’s Dixieland Harvest Moon) Jon Edwards, Lewistown, MT GOLDEN TRIANGLE B/F May 4, 2013 - GREAT FALLS, MT Judges: Daniel Seliger\Michael Bartholomew First Place: 0xCH O’h Aodhas Hardwired Led Head (SR57656001, GWH/M, by Vankoch’s Freezeout Jake-Echo Ridges Bitterroot Babe) Richard Hughes, Bigfork, MT Second Place: 1xCH Madison River Daisymae (R234241, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperTomoka’s Smokin Ripley) Gary Bauer, Mcallister, MT Third Place: 1xCH Mighty Tyke Little Pants (SR50751005, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Montana Shambos Shadow Dancer) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT GOLDEN TRIANGLE A/F May 5, 2013 - GREAT FALLS, MT Judges: Daniel Seliger\Les Pfeifer GOLDEN TRIANGLE A/F May 4, 2013 - GREAT FALLS, MT Judges: Gerald Good\Leroy Rathbun First Place: 2xCH Wildriver Stormy’s Boy (SR19930504, GSH/M, by Hilltop’s Gewitter Stormy-Wildriver Audabonne Lee) John Attard, Columbia Falls, MT Second Place: 1xCH Madison River Daisymae (R234241, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperTomoka’s Smokin Ripley) Gary Bauer, Mcallister, MT Third Place: 0xCH O’h Aodhas Hardwired Led Head (SR57656001, GWH/M, by Vankoch’s Freezeout Jake-Echo Ridges Bitterroot Babe) Richard Hughes, Bigfork, MT First Place: 0xCH Ennis Lake Lc (SR180302, GOLDEN TRIANGLE A/F WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 59 i g May 5, 2013 - GREAT FALLS, MT Judges: Daniel Seliger\Les Pfeifer (1596735, ES/M, by Ima Magician-Pleasant View Shiner) W.p. Stegmeier, Great Falls, MT First Place: 0xCH Ruby Rose Such’s Pride-njoy (GL-000134, GLP/F, by Swanso Ud Glide Wj Waard-Ruby Rose’s Sabel Sensational) Michael Sutich, Great Falls, MT Second Place: 0xCH Mcnally’s Scotian Skippy (TW192363, GWH/M, by Mcnally’s Super Harley-Scotians Sureshot’s Delight) Scott Schissler, Great Falls, MT Third Place: 0xCH Tru Gritz O’dees Callie Girl (SR12864203, BR/F, by Tru Gritz Bogangles O’dee-Tru Gritz Cinnamon Ridge) Jon Edwards, Lewistown, MT Region: CC GOLDEN TRIANGLE B/F May 5, 2013 - GREAT FALLS, MT Judges: Gerald Good\W.p. Stegmeier First Place: 1xCH Madison River Daisymae (R234241, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperTomoka’s Smokin Ripley) Gary Bauer, Mcallister, MT Second Place: 2xCH Treasure State Tiger Woods (1587786, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood Skipper-Glover’s Nikki) Brent Underdahl, Great Falls, MT Third Place: 1xCH Mighty Tyke Little Pants (SR50751005, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Montana Shambos Shadow Dancer) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT GOLDEN TRIANGLE B/F AMATEUR May 5, 2013 - GREAT FALLS, MT Judges: Daniel Seliger\Michael Bartholomew First Place: 0xCH Ruby Rose Such’s Pride-njoy (GL-000134, GLP/F, by Swanso Ud Glide Wj Waard-Ruby Rose’s Sabel Sensational) Michael Sutich, Great Falls, MT Second Place: 0xCH Montana’s Razzle Dazzle (1644375, EP/F, by Sawyers Flash Point-Margeret’s Peggy Pearl) Clark Brooks, Big Fork, MT Third Place: 0xCH Hpd’s Pale Rider (SR63821601, GSH/M, by Grouse Tails Wildcard-Ppk’s Dixieland Harvest Moon) Jon Edwards, Lewistown, MT GOLDEN TRIANGLE B/F AMATEUR May 5, 2013 - GREAT FALLS, MT Judges: Doug Cartwright\John Attard First Place: 0xCH O’h Aodhas Arthur Mcbride (1649323, EP/M, by Sapphire Big Jim-Tweto’s Elhew Holly) Richard Hughes, Bigfork, MT Second Place: 0xCH Tru Gritz O’dees Callie Girl (SR12864203, BR/F, by Tru Gritz Bogangles O’dee-Tru Gritz Cinnamon Ridge) Jon Edwards, Lewistown, MT Third Place: 0xCH Waymore Majik’s Mixer ONPOINTS KENNEL May 4, 2013 - MALLORYTOWN, ON Judges: Domenico D’angelo\William (sandy) Gunn First Place: 0xCH Onpoint’s Brutus Beefcake (1563435, VIZ/M, by Onpoint’s NewmanOnpoint’s Tuff Stuff) Barry Bassingthwaight, Gloucester, ON Second Place: 0xCH Lady Lex Bondhu (R234129, LS/F, by Lynnhill Wind’em BaronGrousewing Lady Eloise) Shawn Mcguire, Warsaw, NY Third Place: 0xCH Lynn’s Little Hunter (SR36513404, BR/F, by Beeline Bullet’s Proof-True Magnolia Blossom) Robert Pytel, Vanklweek Hill, ON ONPOINTS KENNEL May 5, 2013 - MALLORYTOWN, ON Judges: Domenico D’angelo\Donald Thom First Place: 0xCH Onpoint’s Hitman (SR11734401, VIZ/M, by Onpoint’s NewmanOnpoint’s X-rayted) John Reid, Mallory Town, ON Second Place: 1xCH Silver Valley Onyx (1581671, ES/M, by Long Gone George-Garby Togata Ace) Claude Perreault, Valleyfield, QC Third Place: 0xCH Blanche De Beauteron (1583472, ES/F, by Long Gone George-Garby Togata Ace) Paul Major, Ste-marthe, QC Region: DX DAVY CROKETT BIRD HUNT March 17, 2013 - MORRISTOWN, TN Judges: Jerry Trent\Anthony Sluder First Place: 0xCH Slim Pickins (SR53144204, BR/M, by Billy Boy-Bud Man Beauty) Ed Ford,jr., Lenoir City, TN Second Place: 0xCH Ripshine Mohawks Zax (1620558, ES/M, by Mohawks Smokin MikeKentucky Meadow Libby) Jake Rowe, Tazewell, TN Third Place: 4xCH Quail Ridge Zach (SR35536401, BR/M, by Danny’s Tennessee Archie-Willis’ Brandy) Rachel Crossland, Belvidere, TN DX REGIONAL QUALIFICATION April 6, 2013 - PARROTSVILLE, TN Judges: Jeffrey Keck\Lamar “bodie” Ray June/July 2013 i 60 i First Place: 0xCH Slim Pickins (SR53144204, BR/M, by Billy Boy-Bud Man Beauty) Ed Ford,jr., Lenoir City, TN Second Place: 4xCH Gamble’s Hoss (SN90925205, BR/M, by Nolan’s Last BulletBabe’s Cindy Rae) Rachel Crossland, Belvidere, TN Third Place: 0xCH Appalachian Chug (1643318, ES/M, by Bright Point’s Jeb-Appalachian Lilly) Steve Wallace, Mooresburg, TN DX REGIONAL FINAL April 7, 2013 - PARROTTSVILLE, TN Judges: Jeffrey Keck\Lamar “bodie” Ray First Place: 8xCH Gamble’s Little Joe (SM90925204, BR/M, by Nolan’s Last BulletBabe’s Cindy Rae) Sharon Gamble, Belvidere, TN Second Place: 2xCH Snake Island Navigater (R234818, ES/M, by Goose Creek’s BreezeTash’s Alice) Gary Drinnen, Knoxville, TN Third Place: 4xCH Quail Ridge Zach (SR35536401, BR/M, by Danny’s Tennessee Archie-Willis’ Brandy) Rachel Crossland, Belvidere, TN Region: FL CFFT March 23, 2013 - LAKE WALES, FL Judges: Marilyn Cunningham\Will Heddon First Place: 0xCH Victoria’s Mia (1610190, ES/F, by Max’s Brown Bomber-Wilma Jean) Robert Gammella, Sunrise, FL Second Place: 1xCH Smoke Creek’s Oscar Iv (SR49552601, GWH/M, by St. Croix’s Easy Money-Smoke Creek’s Luschi) George Sterner Iv, St Cloud, FL Third Place: 0xCH Tash’s South Hospitality (1645216, EP/M, by Southern Junior GigoloTash’s Salley) Dana Walker, Lake Wales, FL CFFT March 24, 2013 - LAKE WALES, FL Judges: Will Heddon\Rick Trezona First Place: 2xCH Trouble Doc Walker’s Jax (1618007, EP/M, by Florabama Buck-Pinehill Jill) Dana Walker, Lake Wales, FL Second Place: 0xCH Rail’s Rambling Annie (1613292, EP/F, by Damascus Big Hoss-Chaparral’s Miss Kitty) Dana Walker, Lake Wales, FL Third Place: 1xCH Moniteaus Ozark Rebel (1614744, EP/M, by Ozark Rebel Rex-Moniteaus Calico Callie) Sam Ashmore, Dover, FL FL REGIONAL QUALIFICATION April 6, 2013 - LAKE WALES, FL Judges: Will Heddon\Jim Mahoney First Place: 0xCH Willis Elhew Tuxedo (1618888, EP/M, by Nymark-Nymark Elhew Gold) Neal Willis, Daytona Beach, FL Second Place: 0xCH In George’s Honor (1629037, EP/F, by Ace’s The Man-George’s Elhew Sadie) Sam Ashmore, Dover, FL Third Place: 5xCH Clayton’s Whiskey Shot (1614567, EP/M, by Kyle’s Tater-Clayton’s Miss Tater) Sam Ashmore, Dover, FL (1614567, EP/M, by Kyle’s Tater-Clayton’s Miss Tater) Sam Ashmore, Dover, FL Second Place: 0xCH Kyle’s Miss Bell (1603880, EP/F, by Stephens Bright Copper-Flat Branch Nellie) Ariel Alvarez, Naples, FL Third Place: 6xCH Buddy’s Mini-cooper (R235764, BR/M, by Nolan’s Last Bullet-Tj’s Microbeans Ginger Snap) Sam Ashmore, Dover, FL Region: GA First Place: 0xCH Skipper’s Precious Girl (R237239, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperBeach’s Bad Girl) Robert Clark, Mckinney, TX Second Place: 0xCH Griffs Quasie Nick (SR43382301, GWH/M, by Vc Southpaw Quasie-Giffs Greta) T.c. Morrow, Rosharon, TX Third Place: 0xCH Texas Gambles Rosario (SR57845903, GSH/M, by Dc Snips Midwest Maverick-Gamble’s Texas Rose) Doug Neyer, Lago Vista, TX FL REGIONAL FINAL April 7, 2013 - LAKE WALES, FL Judges: Will Heddon\Jim Mahoney GA REGIONAL QUALIFICATION March 16, 2013 - BALL GROUND, GA Judges: Wesley Downs\Gary Drinnen First Place: 5xCH Clayton’s Whiskey Shot (1614567, EP/M, by Kyle’s Tater-Clayton’s Miss Tater) Sam Ashmore, Dover, FL Second Place: 2xCH Bran’s Rowdy Boy (1614641, ES/M, by Quail Valley Trooper-Pennstar Annie) Sam Ashmore, Dover, FL Third Place: 1xCH Double R Miles (1606973, EP/M, by Cole’s Jonathan-Shawnee Hills Pepper) Neal Willis, Daytona Beach, FL First Place: 1xCH She’s Skeeter George (1630080, EP/F, by Ace’s The Man-George’s Elhew Sadie) Keith Koon, Waverly Hall, GA Second Place: 0xCH Clark’s Skip Sugar (R234285, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperBeach’s Bad Girl) Ed Murdock, Lavonia, GA Third Place: 3xCH Snip’s Snicker Doodle Dandy (SR19096009, GSH/M, by Snip’s Leber Blitz Sh-Dellinger’s Kansas Jill) Brandon Pritchett, Jesup, GA First Place: 4xCH Nikki’s Skippin Newt (R234162, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperGlover’s Nikki) Robert Clark, Mckinney, TX Second Place: 5xCH Impressive Mallory (R234104, GSH/F, by Odyssey’s Perfection-Miss Impressive Benelli) Scott Thomas, Helotes, TX Third Place: 0xCH Griffs Quasie Nick (SR43382301, GWH/M, by Vc Southpaw Quasie-Giffs Greta) T.c. Morrow, Rosharon, TX GA REGIONAL FINAL March 17, 2013 - BALL GROUND, GA Judges: Wesley Downs\Gary Drinnen GC REGION A/F March 17, 2013 - KATY, TX Judges: William Riddle\Don Strange First Place: 2xCH Big Sky Bo (R234167, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood Cash-Wilson’s Miss Abbey) Johnny Murdock, Lavonia, GA Second Place: 0xCH Clark’s Skip Sugar (R234285, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperBeach’s Bad Girl) Ed Murdock, Lavonia, GA Third Place: 3xCH Trooper’s Boy Tripp (1605717, ES/M, by Quail Valley Trooper-Reroy’s Frances Maggie) Jeffrey Keck, Jackson, GA First Place: 3xCH Nikki’s Skippin Rox (1588742, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperGlover’s Nikki) Robert Clark, Mckinney, TX Second Place: 0xCH Griffs Quasie Nick (SR43382301, GWH/M, by Vc Southpaw Quasie-Giffs Greta) T.c. Morrow, Rosharon, TX Third Place: 3xCH City Slick Leo (SR43101108, GSH/M, by Grappe’s Little Rex-Ayla Big City Slicker) Jason Hyler, Brookshire, TX Region: GCT GC REGION B/F March 17, 2013 - KATY, TX Judges: Brian English\Rob Martin CFFT April 27, 2013 - LAKE WALES, FL Judges: Will Heddon\Ralph Harrell First Place: 1xCH High Finances Shadow (1599953, EP/M, by Attitude’s High Finance-My Angel Reba) Linda Tindale, Tampa, FL Second Place: 0xCH Sterndogs Kookus Nikki (R232755, GSH/F, by Duke Von Hilfire-Abbylakes Annie Get Your Gun) Tina Sterner, Palm City, FL Third Place: 0xCH Kyle’s Miss Bell (1603880, EP/F, by Stephens Bright Copper-Flat Branch Nellie) Ariel Alvarez, Naples, FL CFFT April 28, 2013 - LAKE WALES, FL Judges: Phillip (butch) Butler\Charles Standish First Place: 0xCH Willis Elhew Tuxedo (1618888, EP/M, by Nymark-Nymark Elhew Gold) Neal Willis, Daytona Beach, FL Second Place: 1xCH Smoke Creek’s Oscar Iv (SR49552601, GWH/M, by St. Croix’s Easy Money-Smoke Creek’s Luschi) George Sterner Iv, St Cloud, FL Third Place: 0xCH Clayton’s Tj Micro-teqila Watson (SR69625702, BR/M, by Shale Valleys Miocro Bullet-Mel’s Ginger) Sam Ashmore, Dover, FL CFFT May 11, 2013 - LAKE WALES, FL Judges: Will Heddon\Ralph Harrell First Place: 5xCH Clayton’s Whiskey Shot BARRY FARMS March 9, 2013 - GRAND COTEAU, LA Judges: Bobby Begnaud\Philip Manuel First Place: 0xCH Lucys Four Of A Kind (SR71209305, GSH/F, by Scott’s Hot Dixieland Spike Pete-Cajun Rawhide Clown Magg) Michael Shannon, Pineville, LA Second Place: 3xCH Honky Tonk Cadillac (R234038, EP/F, by Flatcreek Roy-Rusty’s White Shadow) John Blankenbaker, Rosepine, LA Third Place: 2xCH Louisiana Cajun Star (R233788, EP/M, by Louisiana Bayou RexWilsher Nickel Katie) Brian English, Sulphur, LA GC REGION March 16, 2013 - KATY, TX Judges: William Riddle\Don Strange WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 61 i GC REGION B/F March 16, 2013 - KATY, TX Judges: Brian English\William Riddle First Place: 0xCH Wildrose Dixielands Shinning Starr (SR54695401, GSH/F, by Fc Rockyhill Duke Wood-Mert’s Touch Of Dixie) Orin Ozias, Austin, TX Second Place: 4xCH Nikki’s Skippin Newt (R234162, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperGlover’s Nikki) Robert Clark, Mckinney, TX Third Place: 0xCH Texas Gambles Rosario (SR57845903, GSH/M, by Dc Snips Midwest Maverick-Gamble’s Texas Rose) Doug Neyer, Lago Vista, TX LONG RIVER LODGE A/F March 23, 2013 - MELVILLE, LA Judges: Philip Manuel\Brian English g First Place: 2xCH Johnsons Sadie (1607956, ES/F, by Hightest Palladine-Hytest Stars Chaser) Scotty Johnson, Magnolia, AR Second Place: 0xCH Monlezun’s Perfect Fit (1612467, EP/F, by Yellow Rose Sarge-Yellow Rose Smoke) Lee Monlezun, Iii, Lark Charles, LA Third Place: 2xCH Stone Matrix Kate (1613414, ES/F, by Stone Tavern Matrix-Brookside Dot Com) Bill Moore, Selmer, TN LONG RIVER LODGE B/F March 23, 2013 - MELVILLE, LA Judges: Bobby Begnaud\Robert Barry, Iii First Place: 0xCH Monlezun’s Perfect Fit (1612467, EP/F, by Yellow Rose Sarge-Yellow Rose Smoke) Lee Monlezun, Iii, Lark Charles, LA Second Place: 2xCH Louisiana Cajun Star (R233788, EP/M, by Louisiana Bayou RexWilsher Nickel Katie) Brian English, Sulphur, LA Third Place: 0xCH Texas Gambles Rosario (SR57845903, GSH/M, by Dc Snips Midwest Maverick-Gamble’s Texas Rose) Doug Neyer, Lago Vista, TX LONG RIVER LODGE A/F March 24, 2013 - MELVILLE, LA Judges: Philip Manuel\Brian English First Place: 0xCH Texas Gambles Rosario (SR57845903, GSH/M, by Dc Snips Midwest Maverick-Gamble’s Texas Rose) Doug Neyer, Lago Vista, TX Second Place: 1xCH Zach’s Shadow Queen (1601637, EP/F, by Zach’s Dancer ShadowZack’s Silver Jenny) Doug Pierce, Fordyce, AR Third Place: 2xCH Tricky Dick Sky Hawk (1610143, ES/M, by Hi Test Sky Hawk-Tricky Dick Jill) Bill Moore, Selmer, TN LONG RIVER LODGE B/F March 24, 2013 - MELVILLE, LA Judges: Bobby Begnaud\Robert Barry, Iii First Place: 2xCH Johnsons Sadie (1607956, ES/F, by Hightest Palladine-Hytest Stars Chaser) Scotty Johnson, Magnolia, AR Second Place: 0xCH Griffs Saltyfoote Mack Morrow (SR67535101, GWH/M, by Fancy Feather Saltyfoote-Giffs Greta) T.c. Morrow, Rosharon, TX Third Place: 0xCH Texas Gambles Rosario (SR57845903, GSH/M, by Dc Snips Midwest Maverick-Gamble’s Texas Rose) Doug Neyer, Lago Vista, TX GC REGIONAL QUALIFICATION April 6, 2013 - GIDDINGS,TX Judges: Rob Martin\Martin Ueltschey Judges: Robert Daniels\Brandon Ralston First Place: 1xCH Tomoka Pete’s Dixie (1602978, ES/F, by Bailey’s Tomoka PeteDrake’s Daisy Sunshine) Peter Saineghi, Austin, TX Second Place: 2xCH Conn’s Ginger Snap (R233901, BR/F, by Nolan’s Last Bullet-Conn’s Foxy Lady) Pat Conn, Sugar Land, TX Third Place: 3xCH Rebel Rouser Smokin Bandieta (SR18129503, VIZ/F, by Rebel Rouser Smokey-Rebel Rouser Rose) Kris Sparks, Early, TX First Place: 6xCH Bees Copper Storm (SR51722006, BR/F, by Buddy’s Mini-cooperEarley’s Bb) Robert Brockmeier, Carlinville, IL Second Place: 0xCH Beavers Rude Moxie (FR66485902, GSH/F, by Kerwins Briar WalkerKerwins Smokin Remington) Mark Porter, Aviston, IL Third Place: 3xCH Copper’s Honky Tonk Kobie (1612584, EP/M, by Swift Rock Copper-Honky Tonk Chaz) Cindy Bertinetti, Carlinville, IL GC REGIONAL FINAL April 7, 2013 - GIDDINGS, TX Judges: Rob Martin\Martin Ueltschey IL REGION B/F March 10, 2013 - HILLSBORO, IL Judges: Ron Huels\Jack Morton First Place: 1xCH Southpaw Socks Morrow (R233297, GWH/F, by Griffs Xplosive Bishop-Vc Ljc’s Gem) T.c. Morrow, Rosharon, TX Second Place: 1xCH Tomoka Pete’s Dixie (1602978, ES/F, by Bailey’s Tomoka PeteDrake’s Daisy Sunshine) Peter Saineghi, Austin, TX Third Place: 5xCH Impressive Mallory (R234104, GSH/F, by Odyssey’s Perfection-Miss Impressive Benelli) Scott Thomas, Helotes, TX First Place: 0xCH Beavers Rude Moxie (FR66485902, GSH/F, by Kerwins Briar WalkerKerwins Smokin Remington) Mark Porter, Aviston, IL Second Place: 1xCH Resa’s Nic (1620348, ES/M, by Resa’s Trouble Mace-Ludy’s Terrific Tammy) Ben Huels, Carlyle, IL Third Place: 3xCH Ryan’s Elhew Toby (1610678, EP/M, by Sadie’s Elhew Jake-Jo Jo’s Magic Maci) Russ Taylor, Mahomet, IL Region: IL IL REGION A/F March 16, 2013 - PANA, IL Judges: Robert Daniels\Ron Huels IL REGION A/F March 9, 2013 - HILLSBORO, IL Judges: John Verling\Lyle Dean Reynolds First Place: 0xCH Simons Forks All Bets Or Off (SR66128706, GSH/M, by Dankar’s Ready And Able Blitz-Sasamanhausen Ruby) William Sheppard, St Libory, IL Second Place: 0xCH Al’s Little Magic (1609488, EP/F, by Moniteaus Jessie James-Al’s Honkey Gypsy) Allen Greeling, Bunker Hill, IL Third Place: 0xCH Black Magic Popeye (1606969, EP/M, by Black Magic Snake-Helm’s Damascus Dottie) Charles Bowlin, Benton, IL IL REGION B/F March 9, 2013 - HILLSBORO, IL Judges: Jack Morton\Steven Cunningham First Place: 0xCH Al’s Little Magic (1609488, EP/F, by Moniteaus Jessie James-Al’s Honkey Gypsy) Allen Greeling, Bunker Hill, IL Second Place: 0xCH Illini Elhew Jacksonville (R234295, EP/M, by Smokin Joe Mattes-Jill Suzanne Mattes) Frank Llano, Petersburg, IL Third Place: 0xCH Cole’s Jj (1606317, EP/M, by Cole’s Jonathan-Shawnee Hills Peper) Sally Hall, Marissa, IL IL REGION A/F March 10, 2013 - HILLSBORO, IL June/July 2013 i 62 i First Place: 3xCH Double R Grace (1621655, EP/F, by Jake Keota’s Sport-Shady Meadow Little Jo Penny) Kathy Ralston, Bunker Hill, IL Second Place: 0xCH Scott’s Zeus (1642398, EP/M, by El Lancelot-Zupanci’s Ragin Zip) Jeffrey Scott, Bunker Hill, IL Third Place: 0xCH Maci’s Magic Carter (1629023, EP/M, by Pat’s Coupe Deville-Jo Jo’s Magic Maci) Cindy Bertinetti, Carlinville, IL IL REGION B/F March 16, 2013 - PANA, IL Judges: John Verling\Jack Morton First Place: 1xCH Taylor’s Copper Molly (1586306, EP/F, by Stephens Bright CopperIllini’s Magic Attitude) Russ Taylor, Mahomet, IL Second Place: 0xCH Hickory’s Mr Lee (1624031, EP/M, by Shady Meadows Elhew Snakebit-Shady Meadow Elhew Kitty) Roger Hickman, Taylorville, IL Third Place: 0xCH Scott’s Zeus (1642398, EP/M, by El Lancelot-Zupanci’s Ragin Zip) Jeffrey Scott, Bunker Hill, IL IL REGION A/F March 17, 2013 - PANA, IL Judges: Henry Hurst\Albert Hall First Place: 1xCH M&m’s Southfield Cash Bets Bier (SR55713602, GSH/M, by Double Run Cole Bier-Royalrun All Bets Are Off) Michael Morton, Kell, IL Second Place: 0xCH Jo’s Magic Spade (1642536, EP/M, by Blaze’s Black Magic-Black Magic Lizzie) Marilyn Zoller, Duquoin, IL Third Place: 3xCH Double R Streak (1628921, EP/F, by Blaze’s Black Magic-Kate’s Shining Star) Kathy Ralston, Bunker Hill, IL IL REGIONAL FINAL March 23, 2013 - PANA, IL Judges: Donny Parker\Bo Nutt First Place: 4xCH Flirt’s Tuff Lou (1604370, ES/M, by Mohawk’s Tuff Stuff-She’s A Flirt) Kim Turner, Grafton, IL Second Place: 0xCH High Voltage Chub (1648480, EP/M, by High Voltage King-Sally’s County Line) Roger Drake, Mcleansboro, IL Third Place: 0xCH Maci’s Magic Carter (1629023, EP/M, by Pat’s Coupe Deville-Jo Jo’s Magic Maci) Cindy Bertinetti, Carlinville, IL IL REGIONAL QUALIFICATION A/F March 23, 2013 - PANA, IL Judges: J.b. Kunza\Mary Kay Kunza First Place: 8xCH Bull’s Copper Tip (SR40739502, BR/M, by Beeline Bullet’s ProofM & W’s Wink Time Tipper) Robert Brockmeier, Carlinville, IL Second Place: 3xCH Double R Streak (1628921, EP/F, by Blaze’s Black Magic-Kate’s Shining Star) Kathy Ralston, Bunker Hill, IL Third Place: 0xCH Maci’s Magic Carter (1629023, EP/M, by Pat’s Coupe Deville-Jo Jo’s Magic Maci) Cindy Bertinetti, Carlinville, IL IL REGIONAL QUALIFICATION B/F March 23, 2013 - PANA, IL Judges: Donny Parker\Bo Nutt First Place: 1xCH Taylor’s Copper Molly (1586306, EP/F, by Stephens Bright CopperIllini’s Magic Attitude) Russ Taylor, Mahomet, IL Second Place: 7xCH Mohawk’s Crude Dude (R234171, ES/M, by Mohawk’s Tuff StuffSmokin Mohawk’s Amy) Steven Cunningham, Medora, IL Third Place: 1xCH Reynolds Doc Holliday (SR66128702, GSH/M, by Dankar’s Ready And Able Blitz-Sasamanhausen Ruby) Tim Reynolds, Alhambra, IL IL REGION April 6, 2013 - HILLSBORO, IL Judges: Albert Hall\Henry Hurst First Place: 0xCH M & M’s Southfield Truckin Sparky (SR50581101, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Lightening Libby Mkm) Chris Morton, Kell, IL Second Place: 6xCH Bees Copper Storm (SR51722006, BR/F, by Buddy’s Mini-cooperEarley’s Bb) Robert Brockmeier, Carlinville, IL Third Place: 8xCH Bull’s Copper Tip (SR40739502, BR/M, by Beeline Bullet’s ProofM & W’s Wink Time Tipper) Robert Brockmeier, Carlinville, IL Judges: Brian Mcconnell\David Chandler First Place: 0xCH Arrowhead’s Carly (1624770, EP/F, by Run-n-gun Tommy HawkRun-n-gun Bingo) David Abney, Oxford, OH Second Place: 7xCH Quail Ridge Ranger (SR22978403, BR/M, by Danny’s Tennessee Archie-Willis’ Brandy) Rachel Crossland, Belvidere, TN Third Place: 1xCH Blue Ridge Mandy (1629215, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperCumberland Lady) Randy Cunningham, Crosslanes, WV IL REGION April 7, 2013 - HILLSBORO, IL Judges: Jack Morton\Henry Hurst PIKE CO B/F March 24, 2013 - PETERSBURG, IN Judges: Jr Coke\Jim Mcadams First Place: 4xCH Flirt’s Tuff Lou (1604370, ES/M, by Mohawk’s Tuff Stuff-She’s A Flirt) Kim Turner, Grafton, IL Second Place: 1xCH Resa’s Nic (1620348, ES/M, by Resa’s Trouble Mace-Ludy’s Terrific Tammy) Ben Huels, Carlyle, IL Third Place: 6xCH Bees Copper Storm (SR51722006, BR/F, by Buddy’s Mini-cooperEarley’s Bb) Robert Brockmeier, Carlinville, IL First Place: 8xCH Ragin Cajun Zeus (SR58558406, GSH/M, by Ruck’s Brockway Mad Dash-Last Dance Lily) Gary “wayne” Fishburn, Indianapolis, IN Second Place: 3xCH Mac’s Super Bear (1612714, EP/M, by Mac’s Super Fly-Mac’s Silhouette) Robert Felix, Brookville, IN Third Place: 0xCH Gamble’s Go Jo (SR56790301, BR/M, by Gamble’s Little JoeWillis’ Brandy) Jeff Gamble, Belvidere, TN Region: IN PIKE CO A/F March 23, 2013 - PETERSBURG, IN Judges: Jr Coke\Jim Mcadams IN REGIONAL QUALIFICATION April 6, 2013 - PETERSBURG, IN Judges: Richard Bertinetti\Ed Dooley First Place: 4xCH Norman’s Tekoa Storm (R234093, ES/M, by Tekoa Mountain PatriotTekoa Mountain Belluka) Jim Norman, Tuscola, IL Second Place: 0xCH Smith’s Shadow Oak Dot (1648801, ES/F, by Shadow Oak Bo-Bohannon’s Elizabeth) Charles Smith, Elberfeld, IN Third Place: 0xCH Arrowhead’s Carly (1624770, EP/F, by Run-n-gun Tommy HawkRun-n-gun Bingo) David Abney, Oxford, OH First Place: 5xCH Boomer’s Little Flash (1563992, ES/M, by Boomer’s Super X-Pike Co. Girl) Charley Parrett, Nineveh, IN Second Place: 0xCH Mohawk’s Ally (1612070, ES/F, by Mohawk’s Shorty-Master Mohawk Kate) Brian Mcconnell, Noblesville, IN Third Place: 0xCH Master Mohawk Kate (R234152, ES/F, by Master Mohawk Mike-Norman’s Annie Oakley Jh) Jim Norman, Tuscola, IL PIKE CO B/F March 23, 2013 - PETERSBURG, IN Judges: Brian Mcconnell\Sam Chandler IN REGIONAL FINAL April 7, 2013 - PETERSBURG, IN Judges: Richard Bertinetti\Ed Dooley First Place: 8xCH Ragin Cajun Zeus (SR58558406, GSH/M, by Ruck’s Brockway Mad Dash-Last Dance Lily) Gary “wayne” Fishburn, Indianapolis, IN Second Place: 0xCH Arrowhead’s Carly (1624770, EP/F, by Run-n-gun Tommy HawkRun-n-gun Bingo) David Abney, Oxford, OH Third Place: 3xCH Mac’s Super Bear (1612714, EP/M, by Mac’s Super Fly-Mac’s Silhouette) Robert Felix, Brookville, IN First Place: 4xCH Boone County Brandy (SR17191107, BR/F, by Nolan’s Last BulletEarley’s Bb) Jeff Moore, Whitestown, IN Second Place: 0xCH Kickapoo Jack’s Ranger (1646542, ES/M, by Kickapoo’s Jackpot-Kickapoo’s Little Sis) Roger Parient Jr, Lizton, IN Third Place: 8xCH Ragin Cajun Zeus (SR58558406, GSH/M, by Ruck’s Brockway Mad Dash-Last Dance Lily) Gary “wayne” Fishburn, Indianapolis, IN PIKE CO A/F March 24, 2013 - PETERSBURG, IN PIGEON RIVER A/F April 13, 2013 - HUDSON, IN WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 63 i g Judges: Sam Chandler\David Chandler First Place: 0xCH Tommy Hawk’s Second Chance (1628793, EP/M, by Run-n-gun Tommy Hawk-Tall Grass Fay) David Abney, Oxford, OH Second Place: 1xCH Shouse Dogwood Abby (1622068, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood Skipper-Cumberland Lady) Randy Cunningham, Crosslanes, WV Third Place: 0xCH Black Magic Hitch Hiker (1647927, EP/M, by Blaze’s Black Magic-Black Magic Lizzie) Eric Griffiths, Jonesville, MI PIGEON RIVER B/F April 13, 2013 - HUDSON, IN Judges: Sarah Ellen Story\Brian Mcconnell First Place: 0xCH Black Magic Hitch Hiker (1647927, EP/M, by Blaze’s Black Magic-Black Magic Lizzie) Eric Griffiths, Jonesville, MI Second Place: 0xCH Crosswind Springloaded (SR63462705, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Ric-a-dea Reba’s Mac) Eric Griffiths, Jonesville, MI Third Place: 9xCH Beckley’s Elhew Panic Button (1608861, EP/F, by Yellow Rose TexYellow Rose Buda) Harold Smith, Hudson, IN PIGEON RIVER A/F April 14, 2013 - HUDSON, IN Judges: Ken Loveday\Sam Chandler First Place: 1xCH Blue Ridge Mandy (1629215, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperCumberland Lady) Randy Cunningham, Crosslanes, WV Second Place: 0xCH Beckley’s Little Bit Moody (1648546, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood Doc-Kanawha’s Running Kate) Scott Beckley, Lagrange, IN Third Place: 9xCH Beckley’s Elhew Panic Button (1608861, EP/F, by Yellow Rose TexYellow Rose Buda) Harold Smith, Hudson, IN PIGEON RIVER B/F April 14, 2013 - HUDSON, IN Judges: David Chandler\Tim Rhoades First Place: 3xCH Crosswind Micro Chip (SR59257607, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Ricadea Reba’s Mack) Scott Townsend, Maybee, MI Second Place: 8xCH Ragin Cajun Zeus (SR58558406, GSH/M, by Ruck’s Brockway Mad Dash-Last Dance Lily) Gary “wayne” Fishburn, Indianapolis, IN Third Place: 9xCH Beckley’s Elhew Panic Button (1608861, EP/F, by Yellow Rose TexYellow Rose Buda) Harold Smith, Hudson, IN CBDC A/F May 11, 2013 - AMO, IN Judges: Jim Mcadams\Jim Marks First Place: 1xCH Mac’s Predator (R238124, EP/M, by Mac’s Super Fly-Mac’s Silhouette) Joe Jackson, Brownsburg, IN Second Place: 1xCH Outrageous Behavior (R233991, EP/M, by Stephens Bright CopperVance’s Elhew Bee) James Boomershine, Indianapolis, IN Third Place: 3xCH Mulberrys Major Philmore (1615810, ES/M, by Nick’s Major ContenderMulberrys Grace) Mikeal Mulberry, Corinth, KY CBDC B/F May 11, 2013 - AMO, IN Judges: Zachery Moore\Chad Moore First Place: 18xCH Ruck’s Brockway Mad Dash (SR34909102, GSH/M, by Brockways Ruck Runner-Shooting Starr’s Sassy Sami) Tom Rotundo, Orient, OH Second Place: 10xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA Third Place: 1xCH M&w’s Miller Time De Lacour (SR6378903, BR/M, by M&w’s Higher Power-Mccandless Cajon Snapper) Tom Mccandless, Berry, KY (1579618, ES/F, by Trail’s End Bad Boy-I’m Gabbie) Steve Autry, Henderson, TN OHIO QUAIL B/F March 9, 2013 - CENTERTOWN, KY Judges: Keith Geary\Teresa Geary First Place: 0xCH Ridge Wind Luke (1643528, ES/M, by Sage Wind Sam-Smokin Ridge Jenny) Jackie Steele, Corbin, KY Second Place: 5xCH Copper’s Elhew Bull (R234156, EP/M, by Stephens Bright CopperVance’s Elhew Bee) Jim Harmon, Bowling Green, KY Third Place: 0xCH Hard Hitting Winchester (R221-441, GSH/M, by Bj’s Rockin Ruger-Bj’s Savage Sara) Chris Sanders, Alvaton, KY OHIO QUAIL A/F March 10, 2013 - CENTERTOWN, KY Judges: James Sanders\Shelley Dunn First Place: 0xCH Quail Trails Packer (1626444, ES/M, by Southern Pride Mo MoneyTash’s Alice) Mike Grissom, Arlington, TN Second Place: 0xCH Clark’s Two Shoes (R232-171, EP/F, by Swami’s Brute-Little Gunner’s Lacy) Ted Cook, London, KY Third Place: 3xCH Mulberrys Major Philmore (1615810, ES/M, by Nick’s Major ContenderMulberrys Grace) Mikeal Mulberry, Corinth, KY CBDC C/F May 11, 2013 - AMO, IN Judges: Jr Coke\Tom Terhune OHIO QUAIL B/F March 10, 2013 - CENTERTOWN, KY Judges: Keith Geary\Teresa Geary First Place: 8xCH Ragin Cajun Zeus (SR58558406, GSH/M, by Ruck’s Brockway Mad Dash-Last Dance Lily) Gary “wayne” Fishburn, Indianapolis, IN Second Place: 3xCH Double R Streak (1628921, EP/F, by Blaze’s Black Magic-Kate’s Shining Star) Kathy Ralston, Bunker Hill, IL Third Place: 3xCH Double R Grace (1621655, EP/F, by Jake Keota’s Sport-Shady Meadow Little Jo Penny) Kathy Ralston, Bunker Hill, IL First Place: 0xCH Beckley’s Little Bit Moody (1648546, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood DocKanawha’s Running Kate) Scott Beckley, Lagrange, IN Second Place: 0xCH Little Bobby Mac (SR52683507, BR/M, by M&w’s Higher PowerMccandless Cajon Snapper) Bob Mccandless, Berry, KY Third Place: 1xCH Southern Pride Mo Money (1616285, ES/M, by Diamond’s Tricky DickTricky Dick Jill) Steve Jaspering, Elkmont, AL Region: KY OHIO QUAIL A/F March 9, 2013 - CENTERTOWN, KY Judges: James Sanders\Shelley Dunn First Place: 0xCH Smoking Smoky (1621551, ES/M, by Mohawk’s Smokin Mike-Kentucky Meadow’s Libby) Roger Varney, Flat Gap, KY Second Place: 0xCH Cedar City Hytest Bill (1598692, ES/M, by Hytest Silverado-Hytest Yankee Bell) James Erwin, Pulaski, TN Third Place: 1xCH Autry’s Racie Macie June/July 2013 i 64 i CENT KY BHC A/F March 23, 2013 - BERRY, KY Judges: James Sanders\Randy Cunningham First Place: 0xCH Penmark’s Clover (R234293, ES/F, by Merritt’s Blaze-Merritt’s Pearl) Mark Rudd, W. Carrollton, OH Second Place: 3xCH Mulberrys Major Philmore (1615810, ES/M, by Nick’s Major Contender-Mulberrys Grace) Mikeal Mulberry, Corinth, KY Third Place: 0xCH Little Bobby Mac (SR52683507, BR/M, by M&w’s Higher PowerMccandless Cajon Snapper) Bob Mccandless, Berry, KY CENT KY BHC B/F March 23, 2013 - BERRY, KY Judges: Keith Geary\Teresa Geary First Place: 2xCH Skipper’s Dogwood Toby (1623744, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperCumberland Lady) Mark Shouse, Paint Lick, KY Second Place: 1xCH M&w’s Miller Time De Lacour (SR6378903, BR/M, by M&w’s Higher Power-Mccandless Cajon Snapper) Tom Mccandless, Berry, KY Third Place: 0xCH Little Bobby Mac (SR52683507, BR/M, by M&w’s Higher PowerMccandless Cajon Snapper) Bob Mccandless, Berry, KY CENT KY BHC A/F March 24, 2013 - BERRY, KY Judges: James Sanders\Mark Rudd First Place: 0xCH Hard Hitting Winchester (R221-441, GSH/M, by Bj’s Rockin Ruger-Bj’s Savage Sara) Chris Sanders, Alvaton, KY Second Place: 13xCH Mccandless Titlest Driver (R233734, BR/M, by Mc Candless Cajun Sniffer-Cindy Lou Xxix) Wm. Ashley Mccandless, Berry, KY Third Place: 0xCH Willis Pennstar Jill (1601153, ES/F, by Pennstar-Ohio Buckeye Junie) Randy Cunningham, Crosslanes, WV CENT KY BHC B/F March 24, 2013 - BERRY, KY Judges: Keith Geary\Teresa Geary EP/M, by Westfall’s Black Ice-Powder Day) Ted Cook, London, KY fire Grizzly-Roustabout’s Patriotic Abby) Dale Heaton, Allen, TX KY REGIONAL FINAL April 21, 2013 - CENTERTOWN, KY Judges: Stan Perdue\Cory Perdue LST REGIONAL QUALIFICATION March 24, 2013 - CORSICANA, TX Judges: Gary (buzz) Taylor\William Riddle First Place: 13xCH Mccandless Titlest Driver (R233734, BR/M, by Mc Candless Cajun SnifferCindy Lou Xxix) Wm. Ashley Mccandless, Berry, KY Second Place: 2xCH Cool Hand’s Pistol Pete (SR36434302, BR/M, by Clay’s Cool Hand Luke-Blaze’s Noble Kate) John Davis, Sr., Rogersville, TN Third Place: 1xCH Hightower Bud (1627478, EP/M, by Helms Boss Man-Spicer’s Canoe Tillie) Darrell Davis, London, KY First Place: 4xCH Toebee Montana To Texas (SR34920205, GSH/M, by Montana’s Wildfire Grizzly-Roustabout’s Patriotic Abby) Dale Heaton, Allen, TX Second Place: 0xCH Llano’s Lelani (SR56315202, GSH/F, by Llano’s Big WheelLlano’s Tails Aflame) Thomas Paullus, Dallas, TX Third Place: 0xCH Skipper’s Precious Girl (R237239, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperBeach’s Bad Girl) Robert Clark, Mckinney, TX LST A/F April 13, 2013 - CORSICANA, TX Judges: Rob Martin\B.j. Thompson Region: LST LST AMATEUR A/F March 9, 2013 - ANNA, TX Judges: Josh Martin\David Blanchard First Place: 4xCH Toebee Montana To Texas (SR34920205, GSH/M, by Montana’s Wildfire Grizzly-Roustabout’s Patriotic Abby) Dale Heaton, Allen, TX Second Place: 0xCH Ella Du Perfectpoint (SR57756602, BR/F, by Augustus Du PurepointCate Du Perfectpoint) Cathleen Godwin, Sulphur Springs, TX Third Place: 0xCH Heaton’s Electric Macy (1630859, ES/F, by Resa’s Trouble Mace-Bum’s Crystalized Carbon) Dale Heaton, Allen, TX First Place: 0xCH Skipper’s Precious Girl (R237239, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperBeach’s Bad Girl) Robert Clark, Mckinney, TX Second Place: 0xCH Cobern’s Remnant’s Wizard (SR53005103, GSH/M, by Remnant’s Legacy-Cobern’s Missle) James Cobern, Kemp, TX Third Place: 0xCH Petite Fille De Folmar (R224-080, BR/F, by Bellerbeau De La Savane Rouge-Flying O Fifi) Dale Folmar, Corsicana, TX LST B/F April 13, 2013 - CORSICANA, TX Judges: Bill Kinder\Greg Carnley LST AMATEUR B/F March 9, 2013 - ANNA, TX Judges: Jimmy Selby\Zacery Deits First Place: 0xCH Runnin J Sunny (1624439, EP/M, by Copper’s Big Mac-Sunny’s Free Sue) Jim Harmon, Bowling Green, KY Second Place: 2xCH Skipper’s Dogwood Toby (1623744, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperCumberland Lady) Mark Shouse, Paint Lick, KY Third Place: 0xCH Willis Pennstar Jill (1601153, ES/F, by Pennstar-Ohio Buckeye Junie) Randy Cunningham, Crosslanes, WV First Place: 0xCH Pike Creek’s Sweetheart (R232-172, EP/F, by Pike Creek Mikie-Honky Tonk Sweetheart) Robert Clark, Mckinney, TX Second Place: 1xCH Pending (PENDING, OTH/F, by -) No Mbr # For Old Data, , Third Place: 0xCH Lone Stone Ellie Mae (1648741, EP/F, by Just Plain Jim-Texoma Kate) Philip Webster, Dallas, TX First Place: 0xCH Barr’s Red Hot White Boy (1648192, ES/M, by Trijilon Runner-Don Jose’s Star) Ken Copeland, Dallas, TX Second Place: 2xCH Ritz Rockin Roller (1575594, EP/F, by Black Magic Snake-Honky Tonk Hooker) Rob Ritzel, Sanger, TX Third Place: 7xCH Iron Wills Impressive Emma Paullus (SR38313905, GSH/F, by Tgr’s Impressive Iron Will-Tgf’s Impressive Maggie) Thomas Paullus, Dallas, TX KY REGIONAL QUALIFICATION April 20, 2013 - CENTERTOWN, KY Judges: Stan Perdue\Cory Perdue LST REGIONAL FINAL March 24, 2013 - CORSICANA, TX Judges: Gary (buzz) Taylor\William Riddle LST A/F April 14, 2013 - CORSICANA, TX Judges: William Riddle\B.j. Thompson First Place: 6xCH Tomoka’s Smokin Gun (1604893, ES/M, by Tomoka’s Smokin J.r.-Barr’s Smokin Mackenzie) Greg Wood, Shelbyville, KY Second Place: 13xCH Mccandless Titlest Driver (R233734, BR/M, by Mc Candless Cajun Sniffer-Cindy Lou Xxix) Wm. Ashley Mccandless, Berry, KY Third Place: 0xCH Bart’s Black Ice (1625110, First Place: 0xCH Heaton’s Electric Macy (1630859, ES/F, by Resa’s Trouble Mace-Bum’s Crystalized Carbon) Dale Heaton, Allen, TX Second Place: 0xCH Llano’s Lelani (SR56315202, GSH/F, by Llano’s Big WheelLlano’s Tails Aflame) Thomas Paullus, Dallas, TX Third Place: 4xCH Toebee Montana To Texas (SR34920205, GSH/M, by Montana’s Wild- First Place: 0xCH Morgan’s Big Nose Kate (1597577, ES/F, by Tomoka’s Smokin J.r.-Blu’s Smokin Rose) David Morgan, Dallas, TX Second Place: 0xCH Ritz Busy Bee (1646078, EP/F, by Ritz Mountain Ranger-Carnley’s Proud Mary) Rob Ritzel, Sanger, TX Third Place: 7xCH Iron Wills Impressive Emma Paullus (SR38313905, GSH/F, by Tgr’s Impres- WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 65 i g sive Iron Will-Tgf’s Impressive Maggie) Thomas Paullus, Dallas, TX LST B/F April 14, 2013 - CORSICANA, TX Judges: Rob Martin\Bill Kinder First Place: 7xCH Iron Wills Impressive Emma Paullus (SR38313905, GSH/F, by Tgr’s Impressive Iron Will-Tgf’s Impressive Maggie) Thomas Paullus, Dallas, TX Second Place: 0xCH Ritz Busy Bee (1646078, EP/F, by Ritz Mountain Ranger-Carnley’s Proud Mary) Rob Ritzel, Sanger, TX Third Place: 0xCH Skipper’s Precious Girl (R237239, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperBeach’s Bad Girl) Robert Clark, Mckinney, TX Region: MA CEDAR CREEK A/F May 4, 2013 - GLADWIN, MI Judges: Roger Lansdell\Dale Sinclair First Place: 1xCH Lansdell’s Northwin Duke (1606236, ES/M, by Davis Jim Bob-Davis Hightail Dixie) Sandra Lansdell, Troy, MI Second Place: 0xCH Crosswind Springloaded (SR63462705, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Ric-a-dea Reba’s Mac) Eric Griffiths, Jonesville, MI Third Place: 0xCH Crosswinds Semi Auto Hank (R232691, GSH/M, by Crosswinds Auto Roy-Crosswinds Schatzie Roy) Pat Carlson, Canton, MI Region: MI CROSSWIND KENNEL A/F March 23, 2013 - MAYBEE, MI Judges: Corey Clark\Tim Rhoades First Place: 3xCH Crosswind Micro Chip (SR59257607, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Ricadea Reba’s Mack) Scott Townsend, Maybee, MI Second Place: 2xCH Trapper’s Ruff Tom (1579051, ES/M, by Chip’s Super Chunk-Rough Woods Zena) Inez Cherry, Midland, MI Third Place: 0xCH Shotgun Sadie (SR58608907, GSH/F, by Rb Crosswinds Ramrod-Harrington Richarson Cocoa) Peggy Hathaway, Kalkaska, MI CROSSWIND KENNEL B/F March 23, 2013 - MAYBEE, MI Judges: Louis Choffin\Robert Vermeesch Nolan Chamberlain, Bowling Green, OH Second Place: 3xCH Crosswind Micro Chip (SR59257607, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Ricadea Reba’s Mack) Scott Townsend, Maybee, MI Third Place: 2xCH Trapper’s Ruff Tom (1579051, ES/M, by Chip’s Super Chunk-Rough Woods Zena) Inez Cherry, Midland, MI CROSSWIND KENNEL A/F March 24, 2013 - MAYBEE, MI Judges: Ken Loveday\Dale Sinclair First Place: 0xCH Bables Just Simply Simon (SR42832204, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-High Rolller Ii) Kari Diane Fox, Jonesville, MI Second Place: 3xCH Crosswind Micro Chip (SR59257607, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Ricadea Reba’s Mack) Scott Townsend, Maybee, MI Third Place: 0xCH Flying Under The Radar (1648709, EP/M, by Killbuck Bolt Action-Bailey Jo Diamond) Christopher Ritter, Romulus, MI CROSSWIND KENNEL B/F March 24, 2013 - MAYBEE, MI Judges: Richard Chamberlain\Matthew Hoffman First Place: 3xCH Crosswind Micro Chip (SR59257607, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Ricadea Reba’s Mack) Scott Townsend, Maybee, MI Second Place: 0xCH Crosswind’s Gunpowder And Lead (SR58033102, GSH/M, by Crosswinds Otto Roy-Crosswinds Schatzie Roy) Ryan Potter, Commerce Twp, MI Third Place: 0xCH Rhoades Woods Loki (SR57015106, BR/M, by Maxwell’s Blew By You Ii-K Nine’s Peek-a-boo) Tim Rhoades, Montpelier, OH CROSSWIND KENNEL A/F April 6, 2013 - MAYBEE, MI Judges: Roger Lansdell\Barry Gates First Place: 1xCH Lansdell’s Northwin Duke (1606236, ES/M, by Davis Jim Bob-Davis Hightail Dixie) Sandra Lansdell, Troy, MI Second Place: 1xCH Blue Ridge Mandy (1629215, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperCumberland Lady) Randy Cunningham, Crosslanes, WV Third Place: 0xCH Isla Avalon (1622545, EP/M, by Elhew Sinbad-Elhew Mayflower) Nolan Chamberlain, Bowling Green, OH First Place: 0xCH Isla Avalon (1622545, EP/M, by Elhew Sinbad-Elhew Mayflower) June/July 2013 i 66 i CROSSWIND KENNEL B/F April 6, 2013 - MAYBEE, MI Judges: Dale Sinclair\Corey Clark First Place: 2xCH Genuine Quality Jake (SR23572507, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Chopper-Shameless Quality Kaycee) Robert Vermeesch, Emmett, MI Second Place: 0xCH Crosswind’s Gunpowder And Lead (SR58033102, GSH/M, by Crosswinds Otto Roy-Crosswinds Schatzie Roy) Ryan Potter, Commerce Twp, MI Third Place: 1xCH Lansdell’s Northwin Duke (1606236, ES/M, by Davis Jim Bob-Davis Hightail Dixie) Sandra Lansdell, Troy, MI CROSSWIND KENNEL A/F April 7, 2013 - MAYBEE, MI Judges: Scott Townsend\Melvin Albright First Place: 1xCH Shouse Dogwood Abby (1622068, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperCumberland Lady) Randy Cunningham, Crosslanes, WV Second Place: 0xCH Black Magic Hitch Hiker (1647927, EP/M, by Blaze’s Black Magic-Black Magic Lizzie) Eric Griffiths, Jonesville, MI Third Place: 0xCH Crosswinds Miller Time (SR58033108, GSH/M, by Crosswinds Auto Roy-Crosswinds Schatzie Roy) Tim Compau, Milan, MI CROSSWIND KENNEL B/F April 7, 2013 - MAYBEE, MI Judges: Ken Loveday\Richard Chamberlain First Place: 0xCH Bables Just Simply Simon (SR42832204, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-High Rolller Ii) Kari Diane Fox, Jonesville, MI Second Place: 0xCH Black Magic Hitch Hiker (1647927, EP/M, by Blaze’s Black Magic-Black Magic Lizzie) Eric Griffiths, Jonesville, MI Third Place: 0xCH Crosswind Springloaded (SR63462705, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Ric-a-dea Reba’s Mac) Eric Griffiths, Jonesville, MI CEDAR CREEK B/F May 4, 2013 - GLADWIN, MI Judges: Corey Clark\Dean Gilbert Jr First Place: 0xCH Black Magic Hitch Hiker (1647927, EP/M, by Blaze’s Black Magic-Black Magic Lizzie) Eric Griffiths, Jonesville, MI Second Place: 0xCH Blue Briar Johnny Cash (SR44645307, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Crosswind Crusin Katie Lynn) Christopher Ritter, Romulus, MI Third Place: 3xCH Crosswind Micro Chip (SR59257607, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Ricadea Reba’s Mack) Scott Townsend, Maybee, MI CEDAR CREEK A/F May 5, 2013 - GLADWIN, MI Judges: Roger Lansdell\Ryan Potter First Place: 3xCH Crosswind Micro Chip (SR59257607, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Ricadea Reba’s Mack) Scott Townsend, Maybee, MI Second Place: 0xCH Leaping Lucy Lou (1599612, ES/F, by Second Chance Scooby-Harvest Meadow Lady) Gary Rhein, Columbus, MI Third Place: 0xCH Crosswind Razor (SR60748905, GSH/M, by Crosswinds Otto Roy-Crosswinds Schatzie Roy) Scott Townsend, Maybee, MI CEDAR CREEK B/F May 5, 2013 - GLADWIN, MI Judges: Dean Gilbert Jr\Mike Kibby First Place: 0xCH Crosswinds Semi Auto Hank (R232691, GSH/M, by Crosswinds Auto RoyCrosswinds Schatzie Roy) Pat Carlson, Canton, MI Second Place: 1xCH Gator’s Feather Chaser (R234163, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin FritzCrosswind Dee Dee) Sharon Gates, Farmington Hills, MI Third Place: 2xCH Lansdell’s Northwin Rascal (1614979, ES/M, by Lansdell’s Northwin DukeTeeka Hightail Wilson) Sandra Lansdell, Troy, MI Region: MK SALT PLAINS BDC A/F March 23, 2013 - STERLING, KS Judges: Gary Hampton, Jr.\Stanley Snyder First Place: 1xCH That Ole Voodoo Dog (1622361, EP/M, by Diamond In The Raw-Gambling Elhew Jill) Frank Downs, M.d., Boone, IA Second Place: 5xCH Chipp’s Southern Alibi (1573934, ES/M, by Willis Alibi Sam-Tekoa’s Swan Song) Mark Gillespie, Sterling, KS Third Place: 1xCH Cresenthills Cj (1613085, EP/M, by Swift Rock Copper-Honky Tonk Chaz) Donald Truelove, Paola, KS SALT PLAINS BDC B/F March 23, 2013 - STERLING, KS Judges: Ken Perdue\Gary Hampton First Place: 1xCH That Ole Voodoo Dog (1622361, EP/M, by Diamond In The Raw-Gambling Elhew Jill) Frank Downs, M.d., Boone, IA Second Place: 0xCH Prenosil’s Crash (1623483, ES/M, by Horton’s Boomer Skip- Prenosils Jesse) Terry Prenosil, Indianola, IA Third Place: 0xCH Godfathers Pepper Guns Jett (20440, BR/M, by Bbb’s Lucky Strike-Cast A Britt Annie) Kurt Lang, Parker, CO EP/F, by Jake’s Keota Sport-Nemaha Pepper) Don Wells, Lindsborg, KS SALT PLAINS BDC A/F March 24, 2013 - STERLING, KS Judges: Brian Dusin\Jeff Brooks MN REGION A/F April 6, 2013 - GARY, SD Judges: Jean Steiner\Rod Dobey First Place: 0xCH Swift Rock Molly (1614157, EP/F, by Swift Rock Copper-Honky Tonk Chaz) Chad Griffith, Hamilton, MO Second Place: 1xCH That Ole Voodoo Dog (1622361, EP/M, by Diamond In The Raw-Gambling Elhew Jill) Frank Downs, M.d., Boone, IA Third Place: 0xCH Wolf Creek Shelby (1624218, EP/F, by Honky Tonk Lone RangerYukon Lucy) Ed Holland, Bucyrus, KS First Place: 0xCH Jbd’s Sadies Clowning Around (SR38849807, GSH/F, by Robert’s Royal Wrangler-Bird’s Jill The Thrill) Michael Ryan, Jordan, MN Second Place: 0xCH Havelock’s Prairie Oasis (1621406, ES/M, by Havelock Blackjack-Havelock Marmatude) Cam Young, Estavan, SK Third Place: 0xCH Gerty Coach’s Fast Breaking Zoe (SR52825401, GSH/F, by Cottonwood Put Me In Coach-Moesgaard’s Ne Gerty) Michael Jepsen, Savage, MT Region: MN SALT PLAINS BDC B/F March 24, 2013 - STERLING, KS Judges: Robert Power\James Klucas MN REGION B/F April 6, 2013 - GARY, SD Judges: Jason Norton\Travis Tointon First Place: 0xCH White Smoke’s Scout (1629134, EP/M, by Captain Mccrae-White Smoke Rockin Reba) Cliff Clinton, Fontana, KS Second Place: 5xCH Chipp’s Southern Alibi (1573934, ES/M, by Willis Alibi Sam-Tekoa’s Swan Song) Mark Gillespie, Sterling, KS Third Place: 0xCH Tough Tank Hank (1617517, EP/M, by Little Bud’s Repeat-South Fork Stinger) Kyle Kopfmann, Alden, KS First Place: 4xCH Tricky Dick Duke (1598366, ES/M, by Tricky Dick Luke-Bright Star Freckles) Chuck Ludolph, Slayton, MN Second Place: 1xCH Sinfad’s Bright Opal (1591995, EP/F, by Stephens Bright CopperSinfad’s Jewel) Thomas Dafnis, Mobridge, SD Third Place: 0xCH Godfather’s Dakota Elle (SR53637006, BR/F, by Bbb’s Lucky Strike-Cast A Britt Annie) George Eberle, Watertown, SD SALINE CO BDC April 6, 2013 - SALINA, KS Judges: Stanley Snyder\James Klucas MN REGION A/F April 7, 2013 - GARY, SD Judges: Jean Steiner\Rickey Renegar First Place: 0xCH Power’s Gun Slinger (1611534, ES/M, by Resa’s Trouble Mace-Resa’s Tekoa Kate) Robert Power, Salina, KS Second Place: 0xCH Gator’s Gingerbread (SR51910410, GSH/F, by Julie’s ThunderWendel’s Annie Oakley) William Burkhart, Silver Lake, KS Third Place: 0xCH Rocking G’s Dazzlin Diamond (SR67120508, GSH/F, by Rockin G’s Uodibar Rusty-Wck Rusty Running Page) Norm Kermmoade, Alma, NE First Place: 1xCH Sinfad’s Bright Opal (1591995, EP/F, by Stephens Bright CopperSinfad’s Jewel) Thomas Dafnis, Mobridge, SD Second Place: 0xCH Gerty Coach’s Fast Breaking Zoe (SR52825401, GSH/F, by Cottonwood Put Me In Coach-Moesgaard’s Ne Gerty) Michael Jepsen, Savage, MT Third Place: 1xCH Gerty Lee’s Fast Breaking Bea (R234034, GSH/F, by Wildriver Jesse’s Lee-Moesgaard’s Ne Gerty) Michael Jepsen, Savage, MT SALINE CO BDC April 7, 2013 - SALINA, KS Judges: James Klucas\Jeff Brooks MN REGION B/F April 7, 2013 - GARY, SD Judges: Michael Ryan\Travis Tointon First Place: 1xCH Southern Rep’s Wilamena (1544967, EP/F, by Southern Rep’s BingoWink’s Sadie) Perry Smith, Munden, KS Second Place: 1xCH Lucy’s Ragtime Son (SR38482604, BR/M, by Ragtime Cowboy JoeSky With Diamonds) Stanley Snyder, Atchison, KS Third Place: 0xCH Paint Creek Lilly (1598133, WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 67 i First Place: 0xCH Norton’s Teton Eli (SR61270506, GSH/M, by Tetons Saragosa SlyFancy Feather Growly) Jason Norton, Ellendale, ND Second Place: 0xCH Godfather’s Dakota Elle (SR53637006, BR/F, by Bbb’s Lucky Strike-Cast g A Britt Annie) George Eberle, Watertown, SD Third Place: 3xCH Country Lane Jake (1604358, ES/M, by Ima Magician-Reece’s Rippin Nikki) Carol Miller, Willison, ND MN REGION A/F April 27, 2013 - GRANITE FALLS, MN Judges: Thomas Dafnis\Dean Goodall First Place: 0xCH Little Bitty Rebella Bullet (SR4333201, BR/F, by Nolan’s Last Bullet-Lazy K Little Bit) Mary Tyson, Minneapolis, MN Second Place: 0xCH Wired Haus Boomin Prospect Of Vospe (SR66552403, GWH/M, by Hedberg’s Place Your Bets-Hardpoint Willow) Dave Northamer, Chaska, MN Third Place: 0xCH Country Lane Hank (1628706, ES/M, by Second Chance ScoobyMilrun Gabby) Elden Miller, Willison, ND MN REGION B/F April 27, 2013 - GRANITE FALLS, MN Judges: Jean Steiner\Michael Ryan First Place: 4xCH Tricky Dick Duke (1598366, ES/M, by Tricky Dick Luke-Bright Star Freckles) Chuck Ludolph, Slayton, MN Second Place: 0xCH Top Gun Steamin Hot Mocha (SR46916308, GSH/F, by Jaegerhofs Sir Henry Higgins-Top Gun Gotta Have Faith) Mark Donahoe, Hamel, MN Third Place: 0xCH Ringneck’s Honky Tonk Pete (1626103, EP/M, by Honky Tonk Cash-Honky Tonk Heartbreak) Brian Rick, Stewart, MN MN REGION A/F April 28, 2013 - GRANITE FALLS, MN Judges: Jean Steiner\Rickey Renegar Milrun Gabby) Elden Miller, Willison, ND Third Place: 0xCH Deer Creek Port Frances (SR54898707, BR/F, by Rock Solids Wish You Were Here-Deep Creek Captain Morgan) Michael Ryan, Jordan, MN (1598366, ES/M, by Tricky Dick Luke-Bright Star Freckles) Chuck Ludolph, Slayton, MN Third Place: 0xCH Ludy’s Wild Willy (1643519, ES/M, by Tomoka’s Smokin Gun-Barely Legal) Chuck Ludolph, Slayton, MN MN REGION A/F May 4, 2013 - DONNELLY, MN Judges: Rod Dobey\Kay Quaintance MN REGION A/F May 11, 2013 - WILLISTON, ND Judges: Dean Goodall\Rickey Renegar First Place: 0xCH Ringneck’s Honky Tonk Pete (1626103, EP/M, by Honky Tonk Cash-Honky Tonk Heartbreak) Brian Rick, Stewart, MN Second Place: 1xCH Vande Hei’s Ritzi’s Bouncin Back (SR57318205, BR/F, by Beeline Bullet’s Proof-Vande Hei’s Put’n On The Ritz) Chuck Vande Hei, De Pere, WI Third Place: 0xCH Ludy’s Wild Willy (1643519, ES/M, by Tomoka’s Smokin Gun-Barely Legal) Chuck Ludolph, Slayton, MN First Place: 0xCH Mohawk’s Prodigy (1617098, ES/M, by Mohawk’s Tuff Stuff-B’s Midnight Roven) Kevin Hampleman, Gillette, WY Second Place: 3xCH Pend Oreille’s Piper (SR23652101, GS/F, by Stormy Thunder-Stormy Breeze) Gary Bauer, Mcallister, MT Third Place: 0xCH Gerty Coach’s Fast Breaking Zoe (SR52825401, GSH/F, by Cottonwood Put Me In Coach-Moesgaard’s Ne Gerty) Michael Jepsen, Savage, MT MN REGION B/F May 4, 2013 - DONNELLY, MN Judges: Jason Norton\Scott Pfeifer First Place: 1xCH Vinn’s Honky Magic (1567249, EP/M, by Black Magic Snake-Honky Tonk Hooker) Shane Tointon, Oronoco, MN Second Place: 0xCH Godfather’s Dakota Elle (SR53637006, BR/F, by Bbb’s Lucky Strike-Cast A Britt Annie) George Eberle, Watertown, SD Third Place: 0xCH Wired Haus Boomin Prospect Of Vospe (SR66552403, GWH/M, by Hedberg’s Place Your Bets-Hardpoint Willow) Dave Northamer, Chaska, MN MN REGION A/F May 5, 2013 - DONNELLEY, MN Judges: Robert Dalager\Kay Quaintance First Place: 0xCH Godfather’s Dakota Elle (SR53637006, BR/F, by Bbb’s Lucky Strike-Cast A Britt Annie) George Eberle, Watertown, SD Second Place: 0xCH Goodall’s Rio Spitfire (SR64829401, GSH/F, by Bdk Spitfires Flashback-Anderson’s Ranch Rio Grande) Dean Goodall, Dickinson, ND Third Place: 0xCH Jbd’s Sadies Clowning Around (SR38849807, GSH/F, by Robert’s Royal Wrangler-Bird’s Jill The Thrill) Michael Ryan, Jordan, MN First Place: 1xCH Sinfad’s Bright Opal (1591995, EP/F, by Stephens Bright CopperSinfad’s Jewel) Thomas Dafnis, Mobridge, SD Second Place: 1xCH Vande Hei’s Ritzi’s Bouncin Back (SR57318205, BR/F, by Beeline Bullet’s Proof-Vande Hei’s Put’n On The Ritz) Chuck Vande Hei, De Pere, WI Third Place: 0xCH Godfather’s Dakota Elle (SR53637006, BR/F, by Bbb’s Lucky Strike-Cast A Britt Annie) George Eberle, Watertown, SD MN REGION B/F April 28, 2013 - GRANITE FALLS, MN Judges: Travis Tointon\Robert Dalager MN REGION B/F May 5, 2013 - DONNELLY, MN Judges: Michael Ryan\Rickey Renegar First Place: 3xCH Country Lane Jake (1604358, ES/M, by Ima Magician-Reece’s Rippin Nikki) Carol Miller, Willison, ND Second Place: 0xCH Country Lane Hank (1628706, ES/M, by Second Chance Scooby- First Place: 1xCH Burr Oaks Stoli (SR17206702, GSH/M, by Autumns Tall BrutRock Dell’s Pretty Little Devil) Travis Tointon, Belle Plaine, MN Second Place: 4xCH Tricky Dick Duke June/July 2013 i 68 i MN REGION B/F May 11, 2013 - WILLISTON, ND Judges: Martha Bauer\Mike Liane First Place: 1xCH Mohawk’s Brandy Girl (R233897, ES/F, by Smokin Mohawk’s ChesterSpice Girl) Randall Evans, Upton, WY Second Place: 0xCH Huenenbrink’s Sequel (R234039, GSH/F, by Huenenbrink Ken’s LeftyHuenenbrink’s Hearty Rt) Christopher Eckhoff, Savage, MT Third Place: 2xCH Treasure State Tiger Woods (1587786, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperGlover’s Nikki) Brent Underdahl, Great Falls, MT MN REGION A/F May 12, 2013 - WILLISTON, ND Judges: Joe Busch\Bill Ault First Place: 0xCH Goodall’s Cajun Seasoning (SR18971702, GSH/M, by Max’s Creole Seasoning-Daisy Dixieland Lyon) Dean Goodall, Dickinson, ND Second Place: 0xCH Gerty Coach’s Fast Breaking Zoe (SR52825401, GSH/F, by Cottonwood Put Me In Coach-Moesgaard’s Ne Gerty) Michael Jepsen, Savage, MT Third Place: 0xCH Ram Rod’s Oakridge Beau (SR50376704, GSH/M, by Rb Crosswinds Ramrod-Crosswind Cannonball) Mike Liane, Devils Lake, ND MN REGION B/F May 12, 2013 - WILLISTON, ND Judges: Brent Underdahl\Josh Woodward First Place: 3xCH Pend Oreille’s Piper (SR23652101, GS/F, by Stormy Thunder-Stormy Breeze) Gary Bauer, Mcallister, MT Second Place: 0xCH Ridgeday’s Maybee Truckin (SR52183201, GSH/F, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Ridgeday’s Elegance) Jo Ridgeway, Miles City, MT Third Place: 0xCH Ram Rod’s Oakridge Beau (SR50376704, GSH/M, by Rb Crosswinds Ramrod-Crosswind Cannonball) Mike Liane, Devils Lake, ND Region: MS MS REGIONAL QUALIFICATION April 5, 2013 - LAWRENCEBURG, TN Judges: Ron Huels\Ron Becker First Place: 0xCH Tash’s One Eyed Jack (1628726, ES/M, by Southern Pride Mo MoneyTash’s Alice) Chuck Tash, Jr., Florence, AL Second Place: 2xCH Stone Matrix Kate (1613414, ES/F, by Stone Tavern Matrix-Brookside Dot Com) Bill Moore, Selmer, TN Third Place: 1xCH Southern Pride Mo Money (1616285, ES/M, by Diamond’s Tricky Dick-Tricky Dick Jill) Steve Jaspering, Elkmont, AL MS REGIOANL FINAL April 6, 2013 - LAWRENCEBURG, TN Judges: Ron Huels\Ron Becker First Place: 2xCH Tash’s Southern June (1620545, EP/F, by Southern Junior GigoloTash’s Salley) Chuck Tash, Jr., Florence, AL Second Place: 2xCH Autry’s Rowdy Waco (1599523, LS/M, by Autry’s Rowdy Cash-White Rock Rhodesia) Angela Autry, Henderson, TN Third Place: 0xCH Tash’s One Eyed Jack (1628726, ES/M, by Southern Pride Mo MoneyTash’s Alice) Chuck Tash, Jr., Florence, AL Region: MSM SHOW ME BDC A/F March 16, 2013 - CLARENCE, MO Judges: Todd Hendrix\Mary Kay Kunza First Place: 2xCH Moonshine’s Slate Creek Joe (1624168, EP/M, by Moonshines Bayou PonceBig Country Snap) Michael Rost, Malcolm, NE Second Place: 4xCH Glover’s Reco (R238102, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood Skipper-Glover’s Nikki) Mark Kohlberg, St. Louis, MO Third Place: 1xCH Resa’s Mazie (R238217, ES/F, by Resa’s Trouble Mace-Bum’s Crystalized Carbon) John Resa, Shelbyville, MO First Place: 1xCH Double R Jack (1628887, EP/M, by Blaze’s Black Magic-Kate’s Shining Star) Curt Beckley, Clarence, MO Second Place: 1xCH Pierpont Speck (1610241, EP/M, by Pierpont Jug-Koester’s True Button) Jeff Mitchell, Columbia, MO Third Place: 1xCH Moonshine’s Prairie Daisy (1624205, EP/F, by Nemaha Freestyle-Moonshines Poison Ivy) Michael Rost, Malcolm, NE MSM A/F March 30, 2013 - BOB WHITE BROWN TRIAL GROUNDS Judges: Ron Huels\Ron Becker SHOW ME BDC C/F March 16, 2013 - CLARENCE, MO Judges: David Hackman\Scott Schwimley First Place: 0xCH Blackacre Rail Hawk (1623092, EP/M, by Guard Rail Spirit-Blackhawk’s Hanna Lou) Frank Downs, M.d., Boone, IA Second Place: 1xCH Resa’s Mazie (R238217, ES/F, by Resa’s Trouble Mace-Bum’s Crystalized Carbon) John Resa, Shelbyville, MO Third Place: 1xCH Vinn’s Sofa King (SR42035905, GSH/M, by Vinn’s Buck NakedVinn’s Fancy Possie) Bruce Murphy, Urbandale, IA First Place: 10xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA Second Place: 21xCH Blaze’s Black Magic (1581240, EP/M, by Black Magic Blaze-Cullifer Reno) Chad Calicott, Moberly, MO Third Place: 0xCH Blackjacks Super Nova (1648994, EP/F, by Blaze’s Magic Jack-Moniteaus Calico Callie) Shon Stark, La Grange, MO MSM B/F March 30, 2013 - BOBWHITE BROWN TRIAL GROUNDS Judges: Joe Stevenson\Scott Schwimley SHOW ME BDC A/F March 17, 2013 - CLARENCE, MO Judges: Kevin Sprick\A. Jack Glover First Place: 1xCH Resa’s Mazie (R238217, ES/F, by Resa’s Trouble Mace-Bum’s Crystalized Carbon) John Resa, Shelbyville, MO Second Place: 10xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA Third Place: 1xCH Vinn’s Sofa King (SR42035905, GSH/M, by Vinn’s Buck NakedVinn’s Fancy Possie) Bruce Murphy, Urbandale, IA First Place: 1xCH Resa’s Mazie (R238217, ES/F, by Resa’s Trouble Mace-Bum’s Crystalized Carbon) John Resa, Shelbyville, MO Second Place: 0xCH Kohlberg’s Bossman (R232812, ES/M, by Glover’s Chopper-Bum’s Crystalized Carbon) A. Jack Glover, Shelbyville, MO Third Place: 3xCH Double R Grace (1621655, EP/F, by Jake Keota’s Sport-Shady Meadow Little Jo Penny) Kathy Ralston, Bunker Hill, IL MSM REGIONAL QUALIFICATION April 6, 2013 - MADISON, MO Judges: Donny Parker\Bo Nutt SHOW ME BDC B/F March 17, 2013 - CLARENCE, MO Judges: Shon Stark\Mary Kay Kunza First Place: 1xCH That Ole Voodoo Dog (1622361, EP/M, by Diamond In The Raw-Gambling Elhew Jill) Frank Downs, M.d., Boone, IA Second Place: 10xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA Third Place: 4xCH Glover’s Reco (R238102, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood Skipper-Glover’s Nikki) Mark Kohlberg, St. Louis, MO First Place: 6xCH Skipper’s Bandit (R234160, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood Skipper-Glover’s Nikki) Shaun Rydl, Osceola, IA Second Place: 0xCH Mace’s One Eyed Jack (1620342, ES/M, by Resa’s Trouble Mace-Lady’s Terrific Tammy) J.b. Kunza, Silex, MO Third Place: 21xCH Blaze’s Black Magic (1581240, EP/M, by Black Magic Blaze-Cullifer Reno) Chad Calicott, Moberly, MO First Place: 1xCH Resa’s Mazie (R238217, ES/F, by Resa’s Trouble Mace-Bum’s Crystalized Carbon) John Resa, Shelbyville, MO Second Place: 21xCH Blaze’s Black Magic (1581240, EP/M, by Black Magic Blaze-Cullifer Reno) Chad Calicott, Moberly, MO Third Place: 0xCH Kohlberg’s Bossman (R232812, ES/M, by Glover’s Chopper-Bum’s Crystalized Carbon) A. Jack Glover, Shelbyville, MO SHOW ME BDC B/F March 16, 2013 - CLARENCE, MO Judges: Kevin Sprick\Lori Sprick SHOW ME BDC C/F March 17, 2013 - CLARENCE, MO Judges: David Hackman\Lori Sprick MSM REGIONAL FINAL April 7, 2013 - MADISON, MO Judges: Donny Parker\Bo Nutt WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 69 i g First Place: 1xCH Resa’s Mazie (R238217, ES/F, by Resa’s Trouble Mace-Bum’s Crystalized Carbon) John Resa, Shelbyville, MO Second Place: 0xCH Kohlberg’s Bossman (R232812, ES/M, by Glover’s Chopper-Bum’s Crystalized Carbon) A. Jack Glover, Shelbyville, MO Third Place: 1xCH Double R Jack (1628887, EP/M, by Blaze’s Black Magic-Kate’s Shining Star) Curt Beckley, Clarence, MO Region: MW ROCK CREEK A/F March 23, 2013 - WAVERLY, NE Judges: Gene Frye\Kurt Eberspacher First Place: 0xCH Fort Raz Ma Taz (SR58179802, BR/M, by Clyde’s Double TroubleShambo’s Dark Jess) Bill Sumpter, Prole, IA Second Place: 0xCH Aries Elhew Snakefoot (1624590, EP/M, by Upland Elhew SandstoneLady Pinehill Miss Molly) Brian Ahern, Raymore, MO Third Place: 0xCH Hackberrys Bassie (1624776, EP/F, by Flash Pan-Bakers Elhew Angle) Bob Konz, Shelby, IA ROCK CREEK B/F March 23, 2013 - WAVERLY, NE Judges: Tom Tambke\Brent Livingston First Place: 1xCH Black Forest Five Oclock Miller Tym (SR47572805, GSH/M, by Black Forest Brodie-Black Forest Clowns Reo) Wade Hanson, Waverly, NE Second Place: 0xCH Gator’s Gingerbread (SR51910410, GSH/F, by Julie’s ThunderWendel’s Annie Oakley) William Burkhart, Silver Lake, KS Third Place: 0xCH Nemaha Bright Sadie (1625030, EP/F, by Stephens Bright CopperNemaha Pepper) Dellyn Feighner, Gretna, NE ROCK CREEK A/F March 24, 2013 - WAVERLY, NE Judges: Todd Hendrix\David Paitz First Place: 4xCH Tricky Dick Duke (1598366, ES/M, by Tricky Dick Luke-Bright Star Freckles) Chuck Ludolph, Slayton, MN Second Place: 0xCH Moonshine’s Ponces Thunder (1613209, EP/M, by Moonshines Bayou Ponce-Big Country Snap) Michael Rost, Malcolm, NE Third Place: 6xCH Skipper’s Bandit (R234160, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood Skipper-Glover’s Nikki) Shaun Rydl, Osceola, IA ROCK CREEK B/F March 24, 2013 - WAVERLY, NE Judges: Ted Dewey\Gene Frye IGDA B/F April 7, 2013 - OSCEOLA, IA Judges: Shaun Rydl\Michael Morris First Place: 0xCH Murph’s Smokin Tink (1644262, ES/M, by Tomoka’s Smokin J.r.-Barr’s Smokin Kadee) Bruce Murphy, Urbandale, IA Second Place: 0xCH Skipper’s Freckles Beach (1623768, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperBeach’s Bad Girl) Cindy Eberspacher, Lincoln, NE Third Place: 1xCH Black Forest Five Oclock Miller Tym (SR47572805, GSH/M, by Black Forest Brodie-Black Forest Clowns Reo) Wade Hanson, Waverly, NE First Place: 10xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA Second Place: 4xCH Shawnee Hills Gypsy (1609007, EP/F, by Cole’s Jonathan-F A Flirt) Chad Collison, Pierce, NE Third Place: 1xCH Cresenthills Cj (1613085, EP/M, by Swift Rock Copper-Honky Tonk Chaz) Donald Truelove, Paola, KS IGDA A/F April 6, 2013 - OSCEOLA, IA Judges: William Brown\Chad Collison RCFTA A/F April 13, 2013 - WAVERLEY, NE Judges: Tom Tambke\Zane Mowers First Place: 0xCH Carter’s Little Hunter (1602987, BR/M, by Rickochey Magic JacPhipps Sureshot Shelly) Eric Bowen, Dallas Center, IA Second Place: 0xCH Karnes Frozen Nickle (1642057, EP/M, by Bransum’s Doc HolidayBrabe’s Zeetime Tyra) Steve Karnes, Des Moines, IA Third Place: 0xCH Brabe’s Snap Boogie (1629429, EP/M, by Bransum’s Doc HolidayBrabe’s Zeetime Tyra) Craig Braby, Maloy, IA First Place: 2xCH Moonshine’s Slate Creek Joe (1624168, EP/M, by Moonshines Bayou PonceBig Country Snap) Michael Rost, Malcolm, NE Second Place: 10xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA Third Place: 1xCH Moonshine’s Prairie Daisy (1624205, EP/F, by Nemaha Freestyle-Moonshines Poison Ivy) Michael Rost, Malcolm, NE IGDA B/F April 6, 2013 - OSCEOLA, IA Judges: Doug Embray\Kahl Sesker RCFTA B/F April 13, 2013 - WAVERLEY, NE Judges: Todd Hendrix\Brent Livingston First Place: 6xCH Skipper’s Bandit (R234160, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood Skipper-Glover’s Nikki) Shaun Rydl, Osceola, IA Second Place: 0xCH Swift Rock Smitty (1626585, ES/M, by Hard Mountain MackSouthern Grace) Bryan Camper, Walnut, IL Third Place: 0xCH Johnson’s Midnight Runner (1644008, EP/F, by Go Boys Gus-Brabe’s Boomerang Belle) Ian Johnson, Des Moines, IA First Place: 1xCH Moonshine’s Prairie Daisy (1624205, EP/F, by Nemaha Freestyle-Moonshines Poison Ivy) Michael Rost, Malcolm, NE Second Place: 0xCH Findacovey’s Magic Ace (1647006, EP/M, by Blaze’s Black Magic-Canyon Ridge Daisy) Dan Dismang, Liberty, MO Third Place: 0xCH Blackacre Rail Hawk (1623092, EP/M, by Guard Rail Spirit-Blackhawk’s Hanna Lou) Frank Downs, M.d., Boone, IA IGDA A/F April 7, 2013 - OSCEOLA, IA Judges: Terry Prenosil\Rodney Phipps RCFTA A/F April 14, 2013 - WAVERLEY, NE Judges: Dellyn Feighner\Leon Lenneman First Place: 0xCH Buck Eye Sadie (SR4918102, GSH/F, by Fc Mrt’s Bingo Buck-Bdk’s Texas Tornado Ii) Terry Ward, Cumming, IA Second Place: 0xCH Blackacre Rail Hawk (1623092, EP/M, by Guard Rail Spirit-Blackhawk’s Hanna Lou) Frank Downs, M.d., Boone, IA Third Place: 10xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA First Place: 4xCH Shawnee Hills Gypsy (1609007, EP/F, by Cole’s Jonathan-F A Flirt) Chad Collison, Pierce, NE Second Place: 0xCH Tall Tail Tara (1586305, EP/F, by Huntsman High Society-Round’s About Claire) Brent Livingston, Bellevue, NE Third Place: 0xCH Duncan Creeks Nebb (SR57470703, GSH/F, by Turbo Thunder GozzWindwalker Tenderfoot Gozz) James Sims, Lenoir, NC June/July 2013 i 70 i RCFTA B/F April 14, 2013 - WAVERLY, NE Judges: Gene Frye\David Paitz IGDA B/F April 21, 2013 - OSCEOLA, IA Judges: Bill Sumpter\Mark Guynn First Place: 1xCH Pending (PENDING, OTH/F, by -) No Mbr # For Old Data, , Second Place: 1xCH Tildi’s Ozark Addition (1594767, EP/M, by Captain Mccrae-Tattle Tale Tildi) Jeff Jones, Lincoln, NE Third Place: 0xCH Skipper’s Freckles Beach (1623768, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperBeach’s Bad Girl) Cindy Eberspacher, Lincoln, NE First Place: 3xCH Double R Streak (1628921, EP/F, by Blaze’s Black Magic-Kate’s Shining Star) Kathy Ralston, Bunker Hill, IL Second Place: 1xCH Black Forest Five Oclock Miller Tym (SR47572805, GSH/M, by Black Forest Brodie-Black Forest Clowns Reo) Wade Hanson, Waverly, NE Third Place: 1xCH Vinn’s Sofa King (SR42035905, GSH/M, by Vinn’s Buck NakedVinn’s Fancy Possie) Bruce Murphy, Urbandale, IA IGDA A/F April 20, 2013 - OSCEOLA, IA Judges: Curt Beckley\John Resa First Place: 3xCH Double R Streak (1628921, EP/F, by Blaze’s Black Magic-Kate’s Shining Star) Kathy Ralston, Bunker Hill, IL Second Place: 21xCH Blaze’s Black Magic (1581240, EP/M, by Black Magic Blaze-Cullifer Reno) Chad Calicott, Moberly, MO Third Place: 0xCH Carter’s Little Hunter (1602987, BR/M, by Rickochey Magic JacPhipps Sureshot Shelly) Eric Bowen, Dallas Center, IA IGDA B/F April 20, 2013 - OSCEOLA, IA Judges: Steve Card\Kahl Sesker First Place: 3xCH Glover’s Chopper (R232811, ES/M, by Boomer’s X Rated-Glover’s Nikki) A. Jack Glover, Shelbyville, MO Second Place: 0xCH Fort Raz Ma Taz (SR58179802, BR/M, by Clyde’s Double Trouble-Shambo’s Dark Jess) Bill Sumpter, Prole, IA Third Place: 2xCH Buckville’s Holdem Hank (1619336, EP/M, by Dominator’s GamblerHunting Creek Elhew Destiny) Jacqulin Schlarbaum, Mount Auburn, IA IGDA A/F April 21, 2013 - OSCEOLA, IA Judges: Tim Buckner\Michael Morris First Place: 0xCH Phipp’s Boy Can Boogie (1641177, EP/M, by Coals Hansum HarleyGambling Elhew Jill) Paul Phipps, New Virginia, IA Second Place: 0xCH Phipps’ Rusty Junk (1601137, ES/M, by High Hopes Dude-Phipps’ Jamin Hannah) Paul Phipps, New Virginia, IA Third Place: 0xCH Karnes Frozen Nickle (1642057, EP/M, by Bransum’s Doc HolidayBrabe’s Zeetime Tyra) Steve Karnes, Des Moines, IA IA HIGH LAKES B/F April 28, 2013 - AFTON, IA Judges: Michael Morris\John Johnson First Place: 1xCH Vinn’s Sofa King (SR42035905, GSH/M, by Vinn’s Buck NakedVinn’s Fancy Possie) Bruce Murphy, Urbandale, IA Second Place: 0xCH White Smoke’s Scout (1629134, EP/M, by Captain Mccrae-White Smoke Rockin Reba) Cliff Clinton, Fontana, KS Third Place: 0xCH Murph’s Smokin Tink (1644262, ES/M, by Tomoka’s Smokin J.r.-Barr’s Smokin Kadee) Bruce Murphy, Urbandale, IA HIGH LAKES A/F April 27, 2013 - AFTON, IA Judges: Joe Stevenson\William Burkhart Region: N/A GREEN GULCH RANCH May 3, 2013 - VINTON, CA Judges: Chris Grossman\Cindy Lyon First Place: 0xCH Phipp’s Boy Can Boogie (1641177, EP/M, by Coals Hansum HarleyGambling Elhew Jill) Paul Phipps, New Virginia, IA Second Place: 1xCH That Ole Voodoo Dog (1622361, EP/M, by Diamond In The Raw-Gambling Elhew Jill) Frank Downs, M.d., Boone, IA Third Place: 0xCH Woody’s Thunder Babe (SR50075301, GSH/F, by Rawhide Blazin Thunder-Phipps Tick Off Tish) Gary Wood, Corydon, IA First Place: 1xCH Lyon’s Intrepid Trooper (SR56341602, GWH/M, by Fc Wilson’s Famous Amos Sh-Zippin Calahoo) R. Bruce Lyon, Fairfield, CA Second Place: 0xCH Histep Crosswind Gunner (R234248, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Chopper-Histep Screamin Eagle Addie) Dale Ikuta, San Jose, CA Third Place: 0xCH Sundaddle Abby (1624571, ES/F, by Joe’s Cottontail-Skedaddle Lucy) Frank Rowe, Grass Valley, CA HIGH LAKES B/F April 27, 2013 - AFTON, IA Judges: Michael Morris\John Johnson Region: NCN First Place: 0xCH Fort Raz Ma Taz (SR58179802, BR/M, by Clyde’s Double Trouble-Shambo’s Dark Jess) Bill Sumpter, Prole, IA Second Place: 1xCH Pierpont Speck (1610241, EP/M, by Pierpont Jug-Koester’s True Button) Jeff Mitchell, Columbia, MO Third Place: 2xCH Buckville’s Holdem Hank (1619336, EP/M, by Dominator’s GamblerHunting Creek Elhew Destiny) Jacqulin Schlarbaum, Mount Auburn, IA GREEN GULCH RANCH March 16, 2013 - VINTON, CA Judges: Cindy Lyon\Willie Stevens, Jr. First Place: 4xCH Lyon’s Copper Topspin (R233981, EP/M, by Stephens Bright CopperHonky Tonk Twist) R. Bruce Lyon, Fairfield, CA Second Place: 0xCH Rogers Undercover Madison (SR1121204, GSH/F, by Dixieland’s Big Oaks Koko-Quest’s Leila Shooting Star) Michael Rogers, Hayward, CA Third Place: 1xCH Histep Crosswind Manteca August Von (SR54377004, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Chopper-Histep Screamin Eagle Addie) Anne Wulff, Oakland, CA HIGH LAKES A/F April 28, 2013 - AFTON, IA Judges: Joe Stevenson\Bill Sumpter First Place: 0xCH Phipps’ Rusty Junk (1601137, ES/M, by High Hopes Dude-Phipps’ Jamin Hannah) Paul Phipps, New Virginia, IA Second Place: 1xCH Pending (PENDING, OTH/F, by -) No Mbr # For Old Data, , Third Place: 0xCH Buck Eye Sadie (SR4918102, GSH/F, by Fc Mrt’s Bingo BuckBdk’s Texas Tornado Ii) Terry Ward, Cumming, WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 71 i GREEN GULCH RANCH March 17, 2013 - VINTON, CA Judges: Willie Stevens, Jr.\Cindy Lyon First Place: 0xCH Battleborn Ready Riley (1621995, EP/F, by Battleborn High MountainRoy’s Miss Silver) Milo Smith, Susanville, CA g Second Place: 1xCH Histep Crosswind Manteca August Von (SR54377004, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Chopper-Histep Screamin Eagle Addie) Anne Wulff, Oakland, CA Third Place: 0xCH Diehard Icon (1616040, EP/M, by Duke Castle Peak-Nevada Mountain Gypsie) Haley Fletcher, Susanville, CA Second Place: 0xCH Rj’s Speedy Tiberius Of Walnut Cree (SR55248902, BR/M, by Rj’s Dickson Double Delight Mh-Rj’s Kiss Me Kate Jh) Jim Rienstra, Susanville, CA Third Place: 0xCH Battleborn Poker Brown (1606182, EP/F, by Uplands Flow-Angel’s High Moon) Samantha Hight, Reno, NV GREEN GULCH RANCH April 20, 2013 - VINTON, CA Judges: Cindy Lyon\Frank Rowe NCN REGIONAL FINAL May 5, 2013 - VINTON, CA Judges: Robert Thompson\Jim Wall First Place: 0xCH Battleborn Ready Riley (1621995, EP/F, by Battleborn High MountainRoy’s Miss Silver) Milo Smith, Susanville, CA Second Place: 1xCH Diehard Ten Mile Cash (1602377, EP/M, by Tenmile Elhew Farm HandBirds Lucky Kate) Haley Fletcher, Susanville, CA Third Place: 1xCH Lyon’s Intrepid Trooper (SR56341602, GWH/M, by Fc Wilson’s Famous Amos Sh-Zippin Calahoo) R. Bruce Lyon, Fairfield, CA First Place: 0xCH Battleborn Ready Riley (1621995, EP/F, by Battleborn High MountainRoy’s Miss Silver) Milo Smith, Susanville, CA Second Place: 0xCH Sundaddle Abby (1624571, ES/F, by Joe’s Cottontail-Skedaddle Lucy) Frank Rowe, Grass Valley, CA Third Place: 0xCH Diehard Icon (1616040, EP/M, by Duke Castle Peak-Nevada Mountain Gypsie) Haley Fletcher, Susanville, CA GREEN GULCH RANCH April 21, 2013 - VINTON, CA Judges: Cindy Lyon\R. Bruce Lyon First Place: 0xCH Battleborn Ready Riley (1621995, EP/F, by Battleborn High MountainRoy’s Miss Silver) Milo Smith, Susanville, CA Second Place: 0xCH Sundaddle Abby (1624571, ES/F, by Joe’s Cottontail-Skedaddle Lucy) Frank Rowe, Grass Valley, CA Third Place: 1xCH Skedaddle Lucy (1555959, ES/F, by Windy Ridge Dan-Skidrow Molly Sumac) Frank Rowe, Grass Valley, CA NCN REGIONAL QUALIFICATION May 4, 2013 - VINTON, CA Judges: Robert Thompson\Jim Wall First Place: 1xCH Diehard Ten Mile Cash (1602377, EP/M, by Tenmile Elhew Farm HandBirds Lucky Kate) Haley Fletcher, Susanville, CA Second Place: 0xCH Traveler Sage (1591190, EP/M, by Epp’s Buckshot-High Sierra Sass) Bryan Matthews, Reno, NV Third Place: 0xCH Histep Crosswind Gunner (R234248, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Chopper-Histep Screamin Eagle Addie) Dale Ikuta, San Jose, CA CINCO DE MAYO TRIAL May 5, 2013 - VINTON, CA Judges: Cindy Lyon\Frank Rowe First Place: 0xCH Diehard Icon (1616040, EP/M, by Duke Castle Peak-Nevada Mountain Gypsie) Haley Fletcher, Susanville, CA Region: NI NI REGION A/F March 16, 2013 - ROOSTER HEAVEN, IL Judges: Holly Kisner\James Kroeschel First Place: 4xCH Norman’s Tekoa Storm (R234093, ES/M, by Tekoa Mountain PatriotTekoa Mountain Belluka) Jim Norman, Tuscola, IL Second Place: 0xCH Buddy M (1629846, ES/M, by Lilleyhill’s Secret Stash-Call Me Kate) Neil Resuli, Chicago, IL Third Place: 0xCH Swift Rock Dozer (1630984, ES/M, by Houston Black Jack-Carpenter’s Misty Storm) Bryan Camper, Walnut, IL NI REGION B/F March 16, 2013 - ROOSTER HEAVEN, IL Judges: Ricky Hubbard\Stefan Lewandowski First Place: 0xCH Kickapoo Jack’s Ranger (1646542, ES/M, by Kickapoo’s Jackpot-Kickapoo’s Little Sis) Roger Parient Jr, Lizton, IN Second Place: 8xCH Ragin Cajun Zeus (SR58558406, GSH/M, by Ruck’s Brockway Mad Dash-Last Dance Lily) Gary “wayne” Fishburn, Indianapolis, IN Third Place: 0xCH Gone Long Lefty (1623061, ES/M, by Tosh’s Granite RangerCounty Line Bell) Dino Mila, Orland Park, IL NI REGION A/F March 17, 2013 - ROOSTER HEAVEN, IL Judges: Ronald Van Allen\Stefan Lewandowski First Place: 0xCH Swift Rock Smitty June/July 2013 i 72 i (1626585, ES/M, by Hard Mountain MackSouthern Grace) Bryan Camper, Walnut, IL Second Place: 8xCH Ragin Cajun Zeus (SR58558406, GSH/M, by Ruck’s Brockway Mad Dash-Last Dance Lily) Gary “wayne” Fishburn, Indianapolis, IN Third Place: 1xCH Vande Hei’s Ritzi’s Bouncin Back (SR57318205, BR/F, by Beeline Bullet’s Proof-Vande Hei’s Put’n On The Ritz) Chuck Vande Hei, De Pere, WI NI REGION B/F March 17, 2013 - ROOSTER HEAVEN, IL Judges: Bob Rezzardi\James Kisner First Place: 4xCH Norman’s Tekoa Storm (R234093, ES/M, by Tekoa Mountain PatriotTekoa Mountain Belluka) Jim Norman, Tuscola, IL Second Place: 8xCH Ragin Cajun Zeus (SR58558406, GSH/M, by Ruck’s Brockway Mad Dash-Last Dance Lily) Gary “wayne” Fishburn, Indianapolis, IN Third Place: 0xCH Buddy M (1629846, ES/M, by Lilleyhill’s Secret Stash-Call Me Kate) Neil Resuli, Chicago, IL NI REGION A/F April 13, 2013 - ROOSTER HEAVEN, IL Judges: James Kroeschel\Bob Rezzardi First Place: 1xCH Rebel Rouser Sparks (SR64993401, VIZ/F, by Rebel Rouser WimpetRebel Rouser Smokin Bandieta) Rodger Robak, Orland Park, IL Second Place: 0xCH Maci’s Magic Vegas (162940, EP/F, by Jojo’s Magic Maci-Deville Copper) Richard Resuli, Oak Lawn, IL Third Place: 0xCH Bob’s Great Expectations (1589538, EP/M, by Bob’s Golden Boy-Marlow’s Jody) Robert Webber, Griffith, IN NI REGION B/F April 13, 2013 - ROOSTER HEAVEN, IL Judges: Dewey Lemmenes\Kay Quaintance First Place: 0xCH Norman’s Stormin Ringo (R238014, ES/M, by Norman’s Tekoa StormMaster Mohawk Kate) Jim Norman, Tuscola, IL Second Place: 1xCH Dewey’s Buddy (R234029, EP/M, by Big Whiskey-Sawyers Little Jewel) Dewey Lemmenes, Waupun, WI Third Place: 3xCH Double R Streak (1628921, EP/F, by Blaze’s Black Magic-Kate’s Shining Star) Kathy Ralston, Bunker Hill, IL NI REGION A/F April 14, 2013 - ROOSTER HEAVEN, IL Judges: Ricky Hubbard\Stefan Lewandowski First Place: 0xCH Rossman Airborne Gunner (SR65819401, GSH/M, by Tall Oak’s Bull-Sundance Jen Sfr) Steve Rossman, Milwaukee, WI Second Place: 1xCH Ruck’s Brockway Repeat (SR58558404, GSH/M, by Ruck’s Brockway Mad Dash-Last Dance Lily) Tom Rotundo, Orient, OH Third Place: 0xCH Attitude’s Highstyle (1624186, EP/F, by Thousand Dollar ChanceSugar Shot) Romeo Ramushi, Niles, IL First Place: 0xCH Swift Rock Smitty (1626585, ES/M, by Hard Mountain Mack-Southern Grace) Bryan Camper, Walnut, IL Second Place: 2xCH Gigolo’s Southern Susie (1568833, EP/F, by Southern Spots GigoloSouthern Dotty’s Gigolo) Jeff Hubbard, Columbia, TN Third Place: 0xCH Honky Tonk R Time (1617845, EP/M, by Honky Tonk Attitude-Just A Peach) Romeo Ramushi, Niles, IL NI REGIONAL FINAL May 5, 2013 - ROOSTER HEAVEN, IL Judges: John Holder\Michael Leslie First Place: 18xCH Ruck’s Brockway Mad Dash (SR34909102, GSH/M, by Brockways Ruck Runner-Shooting Starr’s Sassy Sami) Tom Rotundo, Orient, OH Second Place: 0xCH Swift Rock Smitty (1626585, ES/M, by Hard Mountain MackSouthern Grace) Bryan Camper, Walnut, IL Third Place: 0xCH Attitude’s Highstyle (1624186, EP/F, by Thousand Dollar ChanceSugar Shot) Romeo Ramushi, Niles, IL NI REGIONAL QUALIFICATION May 5, 2013 - ROOSTER HEAVEN, IL Judges: John Holder\Michael Leslie First Place: 0xCH Princess Piper Of Kennewick (R234297, GSH/F, by Rocky’s Brodie Drakemeister-Hilltop’s Rocky Kaiah) Charlie Hingston, Kennewick, WA Second Place: 0xCH Lone Star Bit-o-honey (SR67270402, BR/M, by Jalo’s Big Wheels MhLone Star Babe Ruth) Tom Medley, Irrigon, OR Third Place: 2xCH M H Mcgee’s Dramatude (1613461, EP/M, by Jm Elhew Mcgee-Ch Drama Queen) Matthew Huston, Hermiston, OR Region: NW NI REGION A/F May 4, 2013 - ROOSTER HEAVEN , IL Judges: Bob Rezzardi\Rodger Robak NI REGION B/F May 4, 2013 - ROOSTER HEAVEN, IL Judges: Harold Wright\Ronald Van Allen GSP CLUB B/F April 7, 2013 - JUMP CREEK, ID Judges: Mike Ouchida\Jerry Youmans (SR42067904, GSH/M, by Vodlbar Montana Mitch-Sundance Dixie) Michael Roach, Manteno, IL Second Place: 0xCH Attitude’s Highstyle (1624186, EP/F, by Thousand Dollar ChanceSugar Shot) Romeo Ramushi, Niles, IL Third Place: 18xCH Ruck’s Brockway Mad Dash (SR34909102, GSH/M, by Brockways Ruck Runner-Shooting Starr’s Sassy Sami) Tom Rotundo, Orient, OH First Place: 3xCH Double R Streak (1628921, EP/F, by Blaze’s Black Magic-Kate’s Shining Star) Kathy Ralston, Bunker Hill, IL Second Place: 4xCH Norman’s Tekoa Storm (R234093, ES/M, by Tekoa Mountain PatriotTekoa Mountain Belluka) Jim Norman, Tuscola, IL Third Place: 0xCH Honky Tonk R Time (1617845, EP/M, by Honky Tonk Attitude-Just A Peach) Romeo Ramushi, Niles, IL GSP CLUB A/F April 6, 2013 - JUMP CREEK, ID Judges: George Clark, Jr.\Ed Westbrook G & L FARMS A/F April 20, 2013 - BENGE, WA Judges: Steve Skipworth\Rob Proctor First Place: 1xCH Purdey’s Mountain Sage (1575653, ES/F, by Echo’s Magic Buddy-Zach’s Purdey Girl) Jane Burgess, Bend, OR Second Place: 0xCH Princess Piper Of Kennewick (R234297, GSH/F, by Rocky’s Brodie Drakemeister-Hilltop’s Rocky Kaiah) Charlie Hingston, Kennewick, WA Third Place: 0xCH Horse Heaven Hills Chukar Jack (SR54154805, GSH/M, by Rockin Louie Louie-Ladies Princess Sasha) Rickey Hamilton, Dayton, WA First Place: 1xCH Bonne’s Shadey Run (1585962, ES/F, by Tomoka’s Mendy Shades-Pirates Bonne Run) Nance Ceccarelli, Moscow, ID Second Place: 1xCH Moniteaus Chasing Dreams (1608001, EP/M, by Moniteaus Jessie James-Izzy’s Lucky) Ed Westbrook, Genesee, ID Third Place: 3xCH Magnum Max Power (SR27607106, BR/M, by Guntrader Choclit Demon-Magnum Mark Kaycee) Mike Smith, Mccleary, WA GSP CLUB B/F April 6, 2013 - JUMP CREEK, ID Judges: Nance Ceccarelli\Mike Smith G & L FARMS B/F April 20, 2013 - BENGE, WA Judges: Arnie Sullivan\Nance Ceccarelli First Place: 0xCH Palouse Prairie Jack Flash (SR61981401, GSH/M, by Palouse Praire B52-Flack’s Prancing Pepper) Jerry Youmans, Lewiston, ID Second Place: 0xCH Run Mygh Tygh Roan (1607464, ES/M, by Thunderhills Tropper-Tomoka’s Rainey) Paul Mccawley, Moscow, ID Third Place: 1xCH Pal Holiday (1617808, IS/M, by King Cormac-Flushing Whip Flash Edition) Steven Witz, Grangeville, ID First Place: 0xCH Run Mygh Tygh Roan (1607464, ES/M, by Thunderhills Tropper-Tomoka’s Rainey) Paul Mccawley, Moscow, ID Second Place: 2xCH M H Mcgee’s Dramatude (1613461, EP/M, by Jm Elhew Mcgee-Ch Drama Queen) Matthew Huston, Hermiston, OR Third Place: 0xCH Stott’s Silly Cici (1626961, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood Cash-Wilson’s Miss Abbey) Eden Stotts, Nine Mile Falls, WA GSP CLUB A/F April 7, 2013 - JUMP CREEK, ID Judges: Steve Skipworth\Davy Caven G & L FARMS A/F April 21, 2013 - BENGE, WA Judges: L. Paul Schneider\Mike Ouchida First Place: 0xCH Bill Von Comstock (SR57282303, GSH/M, by Kc Moen’s Hans SoloGuys Rockin Lil Kate) Donie Comstock, Boise, ID Second Place: 3xCH Magnum Max Power (SR27607106, BR/M, by Guntrader Choclit Demon-Magnum Mark Kaycee) Mike Smith, Mccleary, WA Third Place: 0xCH Berg Brothers Seelie (1645036, ES/F, by Outcast Housyon’s VisionBerg Brothers Hyklass) Sharon Skipworth, Bend, OR First Place: 2xCH M H Mcgee’s Dramatude (1613461, EP/M, by Jm Elhew Mcgee-Ch Drama Queen) Matthew Huston, Hermiston, OR Second Place: 0xCH Straight Creek Kalico (1623351, LS/F, by Dash Count Otho-Straight Creek Daisy) Arnie Sullivan, Kennewick, WA Third Place: 0xCH Hubb’s Elhew Dan (1603483, EP/M, by Prairieland Squire-Elhew Happy) Ed Westbrook, Genesee, ID G & L FARMS B/F April 21, 2013 - BENGE, WA Judges: John Peacock\Mike Stotts, Jr First Place: 0xCH Sundance Vader WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 73 i g First Place: 2xCH M H Mcgee’s Dramatude (1613461, EP/M, by Jm Elhew Mcgee-Ch Drama Queen) Matthew Huston, Hermiston, OR Second Place: 0xCH Palouse Prairie Jack Flash (SR61981401, GSH/M, by Palouse Praire B52-Flack’s Prancing Pepper) Jerry Youmans, Lewiston, ID Third Place: 0xCH Straight Creek Kalico (1623351, LS/F, by Dash Count Otho-Straight Creek Daisy) Arnie Sullivan, Kennewick, WA NW REGION A/F April 27, 2013 - MOSES LAKE, WA Judges: Ron Park\John Peacock First Place: 0xCH Pearl Mountain Sunrise (1628617, ES/F, by Arrow’s Jagged EdgeSmokin’ Sadie’s Fire) Mike Smith, Mccleary, WA Second Place: 9xCH Stotts Royal Diamond (1563619, ES/F, by Rising Sun Mike-Max’s Pride) Mike Stotts, Jr, Nine Mile Falls, WA Third Place: 0xCH Straight Creek Kalico (1623351, LS/F, by Dash Count Otho-Straight Creek Daisy) Arnie Sullivan, Kennewick, WA NW REGION B/F April 27, 2013 - MOSES LAKE, WA Judges: Paul Mccawley\Charles Warren First Place: 0xCH Pearl Mountain Sunrise (1628617, ES/F, by Arrow’s Jagged EdgeSmokin’ Sadie’s Fire) Mike Smith, Mccleary, WA Second Place: 1xCH Pepper Point Casper (1621705, ES/M, by Long Hollow’s Luke-Long Hollow Suzie) Billy Richardson, Goldendale, WA Third Place: 1xCH Bonne’s Shadey Run (1585962, ES/F, by Tomoka’s Mendy Shades-Pirates Bonne Run) Nance Ceccarelli, Moscow, ID NW REGION A/F April 28, 2013 - MOSES LAKE, WA Judges: Arnie Sullivan\Jerry Youmans First Place: 0xCH Midnight Tess (1620842, ES/F, by Rough’s Midnight-Carley Ridge Miner) John Glenewinkel, Spokane, WA Second Place: 9xCH Stotts Royal Diamond (1563619, ES/F, by Rising Sun Mike-Max’s Pride) Mike Stotts, Jr, Nine Mile Falls, WA Third Place: 1xCH Pal Holiday (1617808, IS/M, by King Cormac-Flushing Whip Flash Edition) Steven Witz, Grangeville, ID NW REGION B/F April 28, 2013 - MOSES LAKE, WA Judges: Mike Smith\Charles Warren First Place: 9xCH Stotts Royal Diamond (1563619, ES/F, by Rising Sun Mike-Max’s Pride) Mike Stotts, Jr, Nine Mile Falls, WA Second Place: 0xCH Hilltop’s Rollin Stone (SR7039010, GSH/M, by Hilltop’s Buckeye Brick-High Desert Smark Chick) Jim Shank, Junction City, OR Third Place: 1xCH Moniteaus Chasing Dreams (1608001, EP/M, by Moniteaus Jessie JamesIzzy’s Lucky) Ed Westbrook, Genesee, ID (SR27607106, BR/M, by Guntrader Choclit Demon-Magnum Mark Kaycee) Mike Smith, Mccleary, WA Third Place: 0xCH Elvis Sexy Roxanne (1600846, ES/F, by Ima Magician-Pleasant View Shiner) Mike Ouchida, Milwaukie, OR BECKLEY FARMS A/F May 4, 2013 - BENGE, WA Judges: Mike Ouchida\Bud Folk WAYNE COON HUNTER A/F March 30, 2013 - WOOSTER, OH Judges: Matthew Clark\Allan Coil First Place: 0xCH Palouse Prairie Jack Flash (SR61981401, GSH/M, by Palouse Praire B52-Flack’s Prancing Pepper) Jerry Youmans, Lewiston, ID Second Place: 1xCH Berg Brothers Stoli (1608282, ES/M, by Barbaro-Berg’s Head Turner) Steve Skipworth, Bend, OR Third Place: 1xCH Purdey’s Mountain Sage (1575653, ES/F, by Echo’s Magic Buddy-Zach’s Purdey Girl) Jane Burgess, Bend, OR First Place: 1xCH Lansdell’s Northwin Duke (1606236, ES/M, by Davis Jim Bob-Davis Hightail Dixie) Sandra Lansdell, Troy, MI Second Place: 1xCH Turtlecreek Boss (1593075, ES/M, by Turtlecreek Tucker-Turtle Creek Dixi) Thomas Berry, Jr., New Lebanon, OH Third Place: 8xCH Ragin Cajun Zeus (SR58558406, GSH/M, by Ruck’s Brockway Mad Dash-Last Dance Lily) Gary “wayne” Fishburn, Indianapolis, IN BECKLEY FARMS B/F May 4, 2013 - BENGE, WA Judges: George Clark, Jr.\Arnie Sullivan WAYNE COON HUNTER B/F March 30, 2013 - WOOSTER, OH Judges: James Keplar\Crystal Grimm First Place: 6xCH Run True Sunrise (1565541, ES/M, by Flashy Southern Arrow-Maggie’s Bend) Paul Mccawley, Moscow, ID Second Place: 0xCH Cherry Bear Holiday (1603956, IS/F, by Breakstone-Applebee) Steven Witz, Grangeville, ID Third Place: 0xCH Pearl Mountain Sunrise (1628617, ES/F, by Arrow’s Jagged EdgeSmokin’ Sadie’s Fire) Mike Smith, Mccleary, WA First Place: 1xCH Hi Points Dirty White Girl (SR50214306, GSH/F, by Dirty White Boy-Pepper Ann Vonbuch) Colton Coil, Cable, OH Second Place: 0xCH Creek’s Island Trader (1621949, EP/M, by Sinbad’s Southern BudIsland Grove Rose) Joseph Giacomoni, Rittman, OH Third Place: 1xCH Bailey’s Rooster Dreamin (SR34552304, VIZ/M, by Si Cisco Jh-Langenfeld’s Little Lucy Jh) John Bacik, Strongsville, OH BECKLEY FARMS A/F May 5, 2013 - BENGE, WA Judges: John Peacock\Ron Park First Place: 9xCH Stotts Royal Diamond (1563619, ES/F, by Rising Sun Mike-Max’s Pride) Mike Stotts, Jr, Nine Mile Falls, WA Second Place: 0xCH Cherry Bear Holiday (1603956, IS/F, by Breakstone-Applebee) Steven Witz, Grangeville, ID Third Place: 0xCH Stott’s Silly Cici (1626961, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood Cash-Wilson’s Miss Abbey) Eden Stotts, Nine Mile Falls, WA BECKLEY FARMS B/F May 5, 2013 - BENGE, WA Judges: Nance Ceccarelli\Steve Skipworth First Place: 0xCH Rough’s Vicky (1619304, ES/F, by Rough Grouse Miner-Coneflower Bonne) John Glenewinkel, Spokane, WA Second Place: 3xCH Magnum Max Power June/July 2013 i 74 i Region: OH WAYNE COON HUNTER April 6, 2013 - WOOSTER, OH Judges: Allan Coil\Shawn Farrell First Place: 5xCH Utts Ramblin Dolly (R233765, GSH/F, by Gamble’s Rip ‘n LoganDaniel’s Crying Babe) Rodney Howard, Akron, OH Second Place: 0xCH Hexmark’s Jagergeist (R234112, ES/M, by Shady Hills Billy-Starlite Jessy) Bert Scali, Brunswick, OH Third Place: 0xCH Killbuck Marcy (1605685, EP/F, by Killbuck Elhew Kansas-Mercy Roy’s Attitude) Deborah Hronek, Valley City, OH WAYNE COON HUNTER AMATEUR April 6, 2013 - WOOSTER, OH Judges: Allan Coil\Shawn Farrell First Place: 0xCH Ramblin Zeke The Streak (SR69274907, GSH/M, by Premier’s Kid Brock N Brody-Crosswinds Mya) Rodney Howard, Akron, OH Second Place: 0xCH Mr. Elhew’s Sandie (1629720, EP/F, by Ikaros Mickey-Okie’s Elhew Katie) Dave Farrell, Clinton, OH Third Place: 0xCH Killbuck Elhew Kobe (1629022, EP/M, by Killbuck Elhew KansasMercy Roy’s Attitude) Michael Akey, Wooster, OH WAYNE COON HUNTER April 7, 2013 - WOOSTER, OH Judges: Allan Coil\Eric Westerholm First Place: 1xCH Motz’s Samson (1607938, ES/M, by Pennstar-Motz’s Rare Gem) Dick Motz, Akron, OH Second Place: 0xCH Killbuck Elhew Jane (1619915, EP/F, by Killbuck Elhew Kansas-Mercy Roy’s Attitude) Dale Berthold, Medina, OH Third Place: 2xCH Hexmark’s Marshal Dillon (SR36438801, GSH/M, by Vibonese Jagermeister-Alex’s Fancy Pants) Bob Vibonese, Sr., Columbia Station, OH WAYNE COON HUNTER AMATEUR April 7, 2013 - WOOSTER, OH Judges: Derek Plyler\Shawn Farrell First Place: 0xCH Killbuck Elhew Kobe (1629022, EP/M, by Killbuck Elhew KansasMercy Roy’s Attitude) Michael Akey, Wooster, OH Second Place: 0xCH Westwinds Macy (SR74504205, GSH/F, by Westwinds Mighty Moe-Dixie Highway’s Boozer) Bob Vibonese, Sr., Columbia Station, OH Third Place: 0xCH Nancy’s Trigger Finger (SR75291001, GWH/M, by Eric’s Roving GradyHot Foot Greta Jane) Eric Westerholm, Akron, OH BUCKEYE PHEASANT PRESERVE April 13, 2013 - NEW LEBANON, OH Judges: Terry Walters\Crystal Grimm First Place: 1xCH Cracker Jack Tex (1586801, ES/M, by Rudd’s Running Tex-Penmark’s Ace’s And Angels) Teresa Rudd, Franklin, OH Second Place: 0xCH Rlt’s Leroy (1626937, ES/M, by Tomoka’s Smokin Gun-Barely Legal) Rich Thornton, Cambridge, IA Third Place: 0xCH Rhodus Mavric Bo (1617649, EP/M, by Woolum Mavric AttitudeJoy With Attitude) Randy Woolum, College Corner, OH BUCKEYE PHEASANT PRESERVE April 14, 2013 - NEW LEBANON, OH Judges: Terry Walters\Crystal Grimm First Place: 0xCH Rudd’s Running Dandy (1609742, ES/M, by Texas Dan-White Rose) Tytuss Rudd, Franklin, OH Second Place: 1xCH Hi Points Dirty White Girl (SR50214306, GSH/F, by Dirty White Boy-Pepper Ann Vonbuch) Colton Coil, Cable, OH Third Place: 0xCH Po Boys Snakes Attitude (164924, EP/M, by Hogans Black Snake Shadow-Hogan’s Little Chula) Edith Hogan, Morrow, OH WAYNE COON HUNTER A/F April 20, 2013 - WOOSTER, OH Judges: Donivan Stir\Matthew Clark First Place: 0xCH Motzs Abby Road (1613398, ES/F, by Pennstar-Motz’s Rare Gem) Dick Motz, Akron, OH Second Place: 18xCH Ruck’s Brockway Mad Dash (SR34909102, GSH/M, by Brockways Ruck Runner-Shooting Starr’s Sassy Sami) Tom Rotundo, Orient, OH Third Place: 2xCH Mountain Tekoa Spud (1617264, ES/M, by Tecumseh Medicine ManRudd’s Running Mable) Leon Lockard, Trenton, OH WAYNE COON HUNTER A/F AMATEUR April 20, 2013 - WOOSTER, OH Judges: Donivan Stir\Matthew Clark First Place: 0xCH Killbuck Tuf Enuf Jules (1624324, EP/F, by Killbuck Elhew KansasMercy Roy’s Attitude) Deborah Hronek, Valley City, OH Second Place: 0xCH Nancy’s Trigger Finger (SR75291001, GWH/M, by Eric’s Roving GradyHot Foot Greta Jane) Eric Westerholm, Akron, OH Third Place: 0xCH Killbuck Elhew Kobe (1629022, EP/M, by Killbuck Elhew KansasMercy Roy’s Attitude) Michael Akey, Wooster, OH WAYNE COON HUNTER B/F April 20, 2013 - WOOSTER, OH Judges: Allan Coil\Eric Westerholm First Place: 1xCH Motz’s Samson (1607938, ES/M, by Pennstar-Motz’s Rare Gem) Dick Motz, Akron, OH Second Place: 7xCH Westwinds Mighty Moe (SR26106504, GSH/M, by Zeus King Of The Gods-Moses Blue Streek) Bob Vibonese, Litchfield, OH Third Place: 18xCH Ruck’s Brockway Mad Dash (SR34909102, GSH/M, by Brockways Ruck Runner-Shooting Starr’s Sassy Sami) Tom Rotundo, Orient, OH WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 75 i WAYNE COON HUNTER B/F AMATEUR April 20, 2013 - WOOSTER, OH Judges: Allan Coil\Dave Farrell First Place: 0xCH Killbuck Elhew Kobe (1629022, EP/M, by Killbuck Elhew KansasMercy Roy’s Attitude) Michael Akey, Wooster, OH Second Place: 0xCH Ramblin Zeke The Streak (SR69274907, GSH/M, by Premier’s Kid Brock N Brody-Crosswinds Mya) Rodney Howard, Akron, OH Third Place: 0xCH Killbuck Tuf Enuf Jules (1624324, EP/F, by Killbuck Elhew KansasMercy Roy’s Attitude) Deborah Hronek, Valley City, OH WAYNE COON HUNTER A/F April 21, 2013 - WOOSTER, OH Judges: Rodney Howard\Matthew Clark First Place: 1xCH Bailey’s Rooster Dreamin (SR34552304, VIZ/M, by Si Cisco Jh-Langenfeld’s Little Lucy Jh) John Bacik, Strongsville, OH Second Place: 7xCH Westwinds Mighty Moe (SR26106504, GSH/M, by Zeus King Of The Gods-Moses Blue Streek) Bob Vibonese, Litchfield, OH Third Place: 1xCH Shouse Dogwood Abby (1622068, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperCumberland Lady) Randy Cunningham, Crosslanes, WV WAYNE COON HUNTER A/F AMATEUR April 21, 2013 - WOOSTER, OH Judges: Derek Plyler\Bob Vibonese First Place: 0xCH Nancy’s Trigger Finger (SR75291001, GWH/M, by Eric’s Roving GradyHot Foot Greta Jane) Eric Westerholm, Akron, OH Second Place: 0xCH Ramblin Zeke The Streak (SR69274907, GSH/M, by Premier’s Kid Brock N Brody-Crosswinds Mya) Rodney Howard, Akron, OH Third Place: 0xCH Killbuck Elhew Kobe (1629022, EP/M, by Killbuck Elhew KansasMercy Roy’s Attitude) Michael Akey, Wooster, OH WAYNE COON HUNTER B/F April 21, 2013 - WOOSTER, OH Judges: Larry Rouch\Dave Farrell First Place: 0xCH Creek’s Island Trader (1621949, EP/M, by Sinbad’s Southern BudIsland Grove Rose) Joseph Giacomoni, Rittman, OH Second Place: 1xCH Blue Ridge Mandy g (1629215, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperCumberland Lady) Randy Cunningham, Crosslanes, WV Third Place: 8xCH Last Dance Lily (SR51235702, GSH/F, by Harrisons Sun Blue Tungsten-Suiters Lady Bella) Tom Rotundo, Orient, OH WAYNE COON HUNTER B/F AMATEUR April 21, 2013 - WOOSTER, OH Judges: Larry Rouch\Shawn Farrell First Place: 0xCH Nancy’s Trigger Finger (SR75291001, GWH/M, by Eric’s Roving GradyHot Foot Greta Jane) Eric Westerholm, Akron, OH Second Place: 0xCH Killbuck Tuff Ted (1605651, EP/M, by Killbuck Elhew KansasMercy Roy’s Attitude) Deborah Hronek, Valley City, OH Third Place: 0xCH Mr. Elhew’s Sandie (1629720, EP/F, by Ikaros Mickey-Okie’s Elhew Katie) Dave Farrell, Clinton, OH Region: OK GARFIELD KENNEL A/F March 16, 2013 - ENID, OK Judges: Kenneth Wohl\Barry Godwin First Place: 1xCH Willie’s Silly Sally (1592623, EP/F, by Sarah’s Unigue Zeke-Sacjaweia) William Thornton, Panco City, OK Second Place: 1xCH Ridge Run’s Dixieland Princess (SR57130607, GSH/F, by Rockin G’s Uodibar Rusty-Rockin G’s Dixieland Fritzie) Roman Carothers, Blanchard, OK Third Place: 3xCH Rockin G’s Dixieland Fritzie (R234187, GSH/F, by Crosswind Truckin FritzDixieland’s Black Magic) John George, Newalla, OK GARFIELD KENNEL B/F March 16, 2013 - ENID, OK Judges: Sammy Davison\Kari Davison First Place: 3xCH Rockin G’s Dixieland Fritzie (R234187, GSH/F, by Crosswind Truckin FritzDixieland’s Black Magic) John George, Newalla, OK Second Place: 0xCH Whizbang Black Pearl (1629070, EP/F, by Bo’ Darc C W Pat-Whizbang Lil Speckles) David Mcpeak, Shidler, OK Third Place: 0xCH Bc’s Snakefoot Jade (1617223, EP/F, by Elite Elhew Snakefoot-Great Basin’s Sin Nombre) Chris Preston, Mustang, OK GARFIELD KENNEL A/F March 17, 2013 - ENID, OK Judges: William Thornton\Chris Preston First Place: 0xCH Hazardous (1566174, ES/F, by Smarty Smith-Gridette) Barry Godwin, Sulphur Springs, TX Second Place: 6xCH Rockin G’s Uodibar Rusty (R234095, GSH/M, by Gunsmokes ClownPottorff’s Rockin Rollin Maggie) John George, Newalla, OK Third Place: 6xCH Barr’s Smokin Sassy (R234226, ES/F, by Tomoka’s Smokin J.r.-Duchess Penny Paloma) Jamisen Hancock, Canyon, TX GARFIELD KENNEL B/F March 17, 2013 - ENID, OK Judges: Kari Davison\Sammy Davison First Place: 0xCH Rockin G’s Warhead (SR69014803, GSH/M, by Gk’s Nuke It-Om’s Rockin Rusty Black Lace) John George, Newalla, OK Second Place: 0xCH C W Rita (1643823, EP/F, by C W Roy-Ragweed Elhew Carrie) Kenny Crosswhite, Enid, OK Third Place: 1xCH Boggy Creek’s Dixieland Ace (SR41317903, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Dixieland’s Black Magic) David Lacy, Yukon, OK OK REGIONAL QUALIFICATION April 6, 2013 - EL RENO, OK Judges: Louis Kirkendall\Randy Jacobs First Place: 2xCH Rawhides Blazin Lucy Lu (1576574, GSH/F, by Tt Roller Thunder-Rawhides Blazin Josie) Jerimy Pence, Olustee, OK Second Place: 1xCH Pence’s Hook Line And Sinker (SR42825501, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Babe’s Running Wild) Jerimy Pence, Olustee, OK Third Place: 0xCH Boggy Creek’s Babe (1615584, EP/F, by Lacy’s Elhew Bkue-Crossfyre Katie) David Lacy, Yukon, OK OK REGIONAL FINAL April 7, 2013 - EL RIO, OK Judges: Louis Kirkendall\Randy Jacobs First Place: 2xCH Rawhides Blazin Lucy Lu (1576574, GSH/F, by Tt Roller Thunder-Rawhides Blazin Josie) Jerimy Pence, Olustee, OK Second Place: 1xCH Ridge Run’s Dixieland Princess (SR57130607, GSH/F, by Rockin G’s Uodibar Rusty-Rockin G’s Dixieland Fritzie) Roman Carothers, Blanchard, OK Third Place: 0xCH Rockin G’s Warhead (SR69014803, GSH/M, by Gk’s Nuke It-Om’s Rockin Rusty Black Lace) John George, Newalla, OK June/July 2013 i 76 i Region: RM A PLUS GAMEBIRDS A/F April 6, 2013 - WIGGINS, CO Judges: Joshua Loring\Rob Warne First Place: 3xCH Lock N Load Mc Badlands Dutch (SR26295603, GSH/M, by Windwalker’s Distant Dreams-Wrenegade’s Faithful One) Mike Weis, Pierce, CO Second Place: 0xCH Lock N Load Impressive Jim Dandy (SR60380807, GSH/M, by Tgr’s Impressive Duke-Tgr’s Impressive Hannah) Tom Lefor, Greeley, CO Third Place: 0xCH Baron Von Jagerbegleter (SR51645807, GSH/M, by Ponderosa’s Fancy Hank-Lock N Load Fancy Ticked Cash) Bret Elliott, Greeley, CO A PLUS GAMEBIRDS B/F April 6, 2013 - WIGGINGS, CO Judges: Rachel Baker\Glenn Wall First Place: 0xCH Godfathers Destined To Be A Crook (SR62012707, BR/M, by Southplatt Gangster-Godfathers Obsession) Paul Mawhorter, Littleton, CO Second Place: 0xCH Lock N Load Sweet Adelaide (SR63880501, GSH/F, by Scatterguns Rolling Rock-Scatterguns Tgr Pearl) Mike Weis, Pierce, CO Third Place: 1xCH Prairie Wing Smokin Gun (1597542, ES/M, by Tomoka’s Smokin J.r.-Blu’s Smokin Rose) Gerald Woelfel, Nunn, CO A PLUS GAMEBIRDS A/F April 7, 2013 - WIGGINS, CO Judges: Charles Golden\Suzanne Freehauf First Place: 0xCH Lock N Load Impressive Kimber (SR60380808, GSH/F, by Tgr’s Impressive Duke-Tgr’s Impressive Hannah) Mike Weis, Pierce, CO Second Place: 3xCH Lock N Load Mc Badlands Dutch (SR26295603, GSH/M, by Windwalker’s Distant Dreams-Wrenegade’s Faithful One) Mike Weis, Pierce, CO Third Place: 0xCH Bj’s Zig Zag (SR43310902, BR/M, by Lord Charles Of Pine Hill-Sonny’s Ginger Snap) Steve Lund, Windsor, CO A PLUS GAMEBIRDS B/F April 7, 2013 - WIGGINS, CO Judges: Joshua Loring\Glenn Wall First Place: 0xCH Valhalla’s Money On Ice (SR69128305, GSH/F, by Gauge’s Kraken Up At Valhalla-Faith’s Money Of Valhalla) Lance Maclennan, Byers, CO Second Place: 0xCH Sparky’s Blazin Casey (SR58214006, BR/M, by Bbb’s Lucky StrikeCast-a-britt Sd Coraleigh) Mark Beninga, Eaton, CO Third Place: 0xCH Prairie Wing Rising Star (1607310, ES/M, by Trail’s End Bad Boy-I’m Gabbie) Gerald Woelfel, Nunn, CO RM REGION A/F April 20, 2013 - STRASBURG, CO Judges: Dan Sedam\Joshua Loring First Place: 0xCH Prairie Wing Rising Star (1607310, ES/M, by Trail’s End Bad Boy-I’m Gabbie) Gerald Woelfel, Nunn, CO Second Place: 2xCH Black Forest Bart (SR43297007, GSH/M, by Black Forest Brodie-Black Forest Kate) Mark Pace, Colorado Springs., CO Third Place: 3xCH Black Forest Jewel (SN91818507, GSH/F, by Slick’s Country Clown-Black Forrest Sage) Mark Pace, Colorado Springs., CO RM REGION B/F April 20, 2013 - STRASBURG, CO Judges: Charles Golden\Kevin Creeden First Place: 3xCH Black Forest Jewel (SN91818507, GSH/F, by Slick’s Country Clown-Black Forrest Sage) Mark Pace, Colorado Springs., CO Second Place: 0xCH Buds Last But Not Least At Valhalla (SR57541107, GSH/M, by Bud’s In Business At Valhalla-Fritz Getten Tipsy) Lance Maclennan, Byers, CO Third Place: 2xCH Black Forest Bart (SR43297007, GSH/M, by Black Forest Brodie-Black Forest Kate) Mark Pace, Colorado Springs., CO RM REGION A/F April 21, 2013 - STRASBURG, CO Judges: Suzanne Freehauf\Glenn Wall First Place: 1xCH Prairie Wing Smokin Gun (1597542, ES/M, by Tomoka’s Smokin J.r.-Blu’s Smokin Rose) Gerald Woelfel, Nunn, CO Second Place: 0xCH Buds Last But Not Least At Valhalla (SR57541107, GSH/M, by Bud’s In Business At Valhalla-Fritz Getten Tipsy) Lance Maclennan, Byers, CO Third Place: 0xCH Buck On Point (1585778, EP/M, by Smart Rail Jack-Black Canyons Pistol) Wayne Baker, Arvada, CO RM REGION B/F April 21, 2013 - STRASBURG, CO Judges: Dan Sedam\Joshua Loring First Place: 0xCH Great West Dog Soldier (SR63538502, GSH/M, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Cold Case) Zane Mowers, Pierce, CO Second Place: 1xCH Prairie Wing Smokin Gun (1597542, ES/M, by Tomoka’s Smokin J.r.-Blu’s Smokin Rose) Gerald Woelfel, Nunn, CO Third Place: 0xCH Beeline Bullet Miss Daisy (SR65299507, BR/F, by Flying J’s Bullet BuddyFlying J’s Brave Pocahontas) Donald Boswell, Centennial, CO START TO FINISH A/F May 4, 2013 - RUSH, CO Judges: Charles Golden\Joshua Loring First Place: 3xCH Black Forest Jewel (SN91818507, GSH/F, by Slick’s Country Clown-Black Forrest Sage) Mark Pace, Colorado Springs., CO Second Place: 2xCH Weathered Stone’s Sure Shot (SR29728109, GSH/F, by Otis Of ValhallaBuy Back Joy Of Valhalla) Alan Higham, Boulder, CO Third Place: 0xCH Black Forest Wyatte (SR39991405, GSH/M, by Black Forest ShooterBlack Forest Jewel) Mark Pace, Colorado Springs., CO START TO FINISH B/F May 4, 2013 - RUSH, CO Judges: Rob Warne\Kevin Creeden First Place: 2xCH Weathered Stones Murray (SR49755706, GSH/M, by Otis Of Valhalla-Buy Back Joey Of Valhalla) Cheryl Higham, Boulder, CO Second Place: 0xCH Sparky’s Blazin Casey (SR58214006, BR/M, by Bbb’s Lucky StrikeCast-a-britt Sd Coraleigh) Mark Beninga, Eaton, CO Third Place: 2xCH Black Forest Bart (SR43297007, GSH/M, by Black Forest Brodie-Black Forest Kate) Mark Pace, Colorado Springs., CO START TO FINISH A/F May 5, 2013 - RUSH, CO Judges: Joshua Loring\Suzanne Freehauf First Place: 0xCH Jd’s Henry (1642875, ES/M, by Reroy’s Jack Daniels-Prairie Wing Desert Rose) Charles Golden, Bellvue, CO Second Place: 1xCH Black Forest Lady Heidi (SR12619907, GSH/F, by Slick’s Country ClownFort Hill Sadie) Gary Wood, Colorado Springs, CO Third Place: 0xCH Godfathers Pepper Guns Jett (20440, BR/M, by Bbb’s Lucky Strike-Cast A Britt Annie) Kurt Lang, Parker, CO START TO FINISH B/F May 5, 2013 - RUSH, CO WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 77 i Judges: Glenn Wall\Rachel Baker First Place: 0xCH Prairie Wing Desert Rose (1607648, ES/F, by Trails End Bad Boy-I’m Gabbie) Marie Brown, Fort Collins, CO Second Place: 4xCH Premier’s Outstanding Otis (SR15254302, GSH/M, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-By Amazing Grace) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA Third Place: 2xCH Weathered Stones Murray (SR49755706, GSH/M, by Otis Of Valhalla-Buy Back Joey Of Valhalla) Cheryl Higham, Boulder, CO Region: SC LOCKWOOD VALLEY A/F March 23, 2013 - LOCKWOOD VALLEY, CA Judges: Ronald Knesal\Curtis Heintzman First Place: 1xCH Bronco Springs Baylee (1610155, ES/F, by Barkers Blue Jett-Bitter Creek’s Roxie) Bill James, Agua Dulce, CA Second Place: 0xCH Lcm’s Gustel (R233931, PUD/F, by Falko Von Der Huvener MuhleWinterhelle’s Echo) Lisa Mcnamee, Huntington Beach, CA Third Place: 0xCH Histep Crosswind Gunner (R234248, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Chopper-Histep Screamin Eagle Addie) Dale Ikuta, San Jose, CA LOCKWWOOD VALLEY B/F March 23, 2013 - LOCKWOOD VALLEY, CA Judges: Michael Porter\Mike Eisen First Place: 0xCH Lcm’s Gustel (R233931, PUD/F, by Falko Von Der Huvener MuhleWinterhelle’s Echo) Lisa Mcnamee, Huntington Beach, CA Second Place: 1xCH Bronco Springs Baylee (1610155, ES/F, by Barkers Blue Jett-Bitter Creek’s Roxie) Bill James, Agua Dulce, CA Third Place: 0xCH Histep Crosswind Gunner (R234248, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Chopper-Histep Screamin Eagle Addie) Dale Ikuta, San Jose, CA LOCKWOOD VALLEY A/F March 24, 2013 - LOCKWOOD VALLY, CA Judges: Michael Porter\Don Alfano First Place: 0xCH K Nine’s Dust Devil (SR66646303, BR/M, by Maxwell’s Blew By You Ii-K Nine’s Guns And Roses) Dan Dale, Lake Forest, CA Second Place: 0xCH Lazy Heart Walle (SR63282411, GSH/M, by Jagermeister RockyJagermeister Maggie Mae) Timm Cleaver, Paso Robles, CA Third Place: 0xCH Lcm’s Gustel (R233931, g PUD/F, by Falko Von Der Huvener MuhleWinterhelle’s Echo) Lisa Mcnamee, Huntington Beach, CA LOCKWOOD VALLEY B/F March 24, 2013 - LOCKWOOD VALLEY, CA Judges: Ronald Knesal\Tyler Mitchell First Place: 0xCH Lcm’s Gustel (R233931, PUD/F, by Falko Von Der Huvener MuhleWinterhelle’s Echo) Lisa Mcnamee, Huntington Beach, CA Second Place: 2xCH Marsden’s Southern Belle (SR44318710, GSH/F, by Dc Gambles Odyssey Fritz-Snips Snappin Sally) Glenn Marsden, Castaic, CA Third Place: 1xCH Bronco Springs Baylee (1610155, ES/F, by Barkers Blue Jett-Bitter Creek’s Roxie) Bill James, Agua Dulce, CA SC REGION A/F April 27, 2013 - LOCKWOOD VALLEY, CA Judges: Michael Porter\Ronald Knesal First Place: 2xCH Marsden’s Southern Belle (SR44318710, GSH/F, by Dc Gambles Odyssey Fritz-Snips Snappin Sally) Glenn Marsden, Castaic, CA Second Place: 0xCH K Nines Rinky Dink (SR65254201, BR/F, by Maxwell’s Blew By You Ii-K Nine’s Coyote Ugly) Gerald Gresham, Fresno, CA Third Place: 0xCH Histep Crosswind Gunner (R234248, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Chopper-Histep Screamin Eagle Addie) Dale Ikuta, San Jose, CA SC REGION B/F April 27, 2013 - LOCKWOOD VALLEY, CA Judges: Mike Eisen\Don Alfano First Place: 1xCH Bronco Springs Baylee (1610155, ES/F, by Barkers Blue Jett-Bitter Creek’s Roxie) Bill James, Agua Dulce, CA Second Place: 2xCH Tuscanola’s Bear (1578605, ES/M, by Tuscanola’s Jack-Lulu’s Jill) Karla Weber, Palmdale, CA Third Place: 2xCH Marsden’s Southern Belle (SR44318710, GSH/F, by Dc Gambles Odyssey Fritz-Snips Snappin Sally) Glenn Marsden, Castaic, CA SC REGION A/F April 28, 2013 - LOCKWOOD VALLEY, CA Judges: Bill James\Ronald Knesal sey Fritz-Snips Snappin Sally) Glenn Marsden, Castaic, CA Third Place: 0xCH Sequoia’s Cowboy Hustler (SR43838011, GSH/M, by Sequoia’s King Reign-Sequoia’s Snow White Storm) Don Alfano, Torrance, CA SC REGION B/F April 28, 2013 - LOCKWOOD VALLEY, CA Judges: Michael Porter\Patrick Mccrory First Place: 1xCH Pending (PENDING, OTH/F, by -) No Mbr # For Old Data, , Second Place: 1xCH Pending (PENDING, OTH/F, by -) No Mbr # For Old Data, , Third Place: 0xCH K Nine’s Dust Devil (SR66646303, BR/M, by Maxwell’s Blew By You Ii-K Nine’s Guns And Roses) Dan Dale, Lake Forest, CA Region: SCR SCR REGION A/F March 22, 2013 - SENECA, SC Judges: Glenn Blackwell\Edward Purdie First Place: 3xCH Redclay’s Absolutely Justified (R234242, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperTomoka’s Smokin Ripley) Kevin Johnston, Watkinsville, GA Second Place: 0xCH Duncan Creeks Nebb (SR57470703, GSH/F, by Turbo Thunder GozzWindwalker Tenderfoot Gozz) James Sims, Lenoir, NC Third Place: 0xCH Gunsmokes Miss Kitty (SR59944704, BR/F, by Windswept Ridge’s Gunsmoke-Courtwrights Solution) Gene Frye, Taylorsville, NC SCR REGION B/F March 22, 2013 - SENECA, SC Judges: Stan Perdue\Bill Johnson First Place: 2xCH Weathered Stones Murray (SR49755706, GSH/M, by Otis Of Valhalla-Buy Back Joey Of Valhalla) Cheryl Higham, Boulder, CO Second Place: 2xCH Windswept Ridge’s Gunsmoke (SR31224105, BR/M, by Windswept’s Clay Bullet-Beeline Cinnamon) Gary Ramsey, Marshall, NC Third Place: 0xCH Split Creek’s Night Owl (R234296, BR/M, by Split Creek’s Medicine Man-Windswept Ridge’s Southern Bell) Gary Thompson, Marietta, SC First Place: 0xCH Lcm’s Hope (R234182, PUD/F, by Lcm’s Fire-Lcm’s Gustel) Lisa Mcnamee, Huntington Beach, CA Second Place: 2xCH Marsden’s Southern Belle (SR44318710, GSH/F, by Dc Gambles OdysJune/July 2013 i 78 i SCR REGIONAL QUALIFICATION March 23, 2013 - SENECA, SC Judges: Edward Purdie\Glenn Blackwell First Place: 2xCH Weathered Stones Murray (SR49755706, GSH/M, by Otis Of Valhalla-Buy Back Joey Of Valhalla) Cheryl Higham, Boulder, CO Second Place: 0xCH Snow Creek Black Smoke (1588248, EP/M, by Phil’s Holy Smoke-Snow Creek Bess) Gene Frye, Taylorsville, NC Third Place: 1xCH Split Creek’s Dream Weaver (R234230, BR/F, by Split Creek’s Medicine ManReyna’s Caracara) Gary Thompson, Marietta, SC SCR REGIONAL FINAL March 24, 2013 - SENECA, SC Judges: Edward Purdie\Glenn Blackwell First Place: 8xCH Beeline Bullet’s Oxidation (SR33911303, BR/M, by Nolan’s Last BulletLazy K Little Bit) Nolan Huffman, Connelly Springs, NC Second Place: 1xCH Ace High Spades (1588216, EP/M, by Big Time Attitude-Johnson’s Sweet Pickle) Paige Lee, Clemson, SC Third Place: 1xCH Split Creek’s Dream Weaver (R234230, BR/F, by Split Creek’s Medicine ManReyna’s Caracara) Gary Thompson, Marietta, SC Region: VA VA REGION March 16, 2013 - SPRING HOPE, NC Judges: Tim Parker\Jeff Holland First Place: 1xCH Simmons Hard Knocks (1623010, EP/M, by Honky Tonk Icon-Shadow’s Fiddlin Belle) Kyle Taylor, Erwin, NC Second Place: 0xCH Quail Roost’s Rawhide Stampede (SR55518402, GSH/M, by Bailey’s Ramblin Rex-Gk’s Ramblin Juice) Glenn Blackwell, Sims, NC Third Place: 2xCH Long Mountain Lady (1594687, ES/F, by Tomoka’s Smokin Pete-Fox Hollow Breeze) Bernie Davis, Lynchburg, VA VA REGION March 17, 2013 - SPRING HOPE, NC Judges: Whitley Stephenson\Dave Jackson First Place: 0xCH Taylor’s Loose Cannon (1607909, EP/F, by Elhew Bobby Mcgee-Strikes Elhew Ramona) Kyle Taylor, Erwin, NC Second Place: 1xCH Cripple Creek No Fear (SR26345606, GSH/M, by Wrights Porters Points-Cripple Creeks Lilly) Jody Bass, Spring Hope, NC Third Place: 3xCH Carolina Pirate’s Esther (1572274, ES/F, by East Carolina Pirate-Freckles Last Hope) Ken Sikes, Nashville, NC VA REGION March 23, 2013 - FOREST, VA Judges: John Cogar\Ken Sikes First Place: 1xCH Jeff’s Dixieland Delight (1581699, ES/F, by Chestnut’s Gentle SamHobb’s Fancy Lady) Jeff Holland, Union Hall, VA Second Place: 0xCH Man A War’s Easy Money Maker (SR57677101, BR/M, by Abel’s Famous Amos-Hannah’s Maggie Mae) Daniel Seliger, Columbia Falls, MT Third Place: 0xCH Jackie Runnin Loose (SR53842601, BR/F, by Cross Creek Southern General-Danmans Robins Delite) James Holland, Glade Hill, VA VA REGION March 24, 2013 - FOREST, VA Judges: Donald Bowyer\Bill Berkley First Place: 2xCH Resa’s Diamond Girl (1608765, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperBluecreek Amazin Grace) Jim Kirkman, Angier, NC Second Place: 0xCH Fox Hollow Shooter (1589150, ES/F, by Tomoka’s Smokin Pete-Fox Hollow Breeze) Bernie Davis, Lynchburg, VA Third Place: 1xCH Souse Dogwood Molly (1621861, EP/F, by Copper’s Big Mac-Sunny’s Free Sue) Chase Cogar, Beckley, WV VA REGION April 5, 2013 - ERWIN, NC Judges: Stan Perdue\James Eddie Green First Place: 1xCH Flintlock Pinkie (1613665, EP/F, by Bill’s Elhew Rip-Dora Bop) Dave Jackson, Lynch Station, VA Second Place: 4xCH Grouselands Long Haul (SR26012202, BR/M, by M&w’s Higher PowerGrouseland’s Little Wonder) Vicki Whittington, Front Royal, VA Third Place: 2xCH Resa’s Diamond Girl (1608765, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperBluecreek Amazin Grace) Jim Kirkman, Angier, NC VA REGIONAL QUALIFICATION April 6, 2013 - ERWIN, NC Judges: Stan Perdue\James Eddie Green First Place: 2xCH Fox Hollow Whiskey (1589031, ES/M, by Tomoka’s Smokin Pete-Fox Hollow Breeze) Randy Fairfield, Forest, VA Second Place: 4xCH Grouselands Long Haul (SR26012202, BR/M, by M&w’s Higher PowerGrouseland’s Little Wonder) Vicki Whittington, Front Royal, VA Third Place: 1xCH Cripple Creek No Fear (SR26345606, GSH/M, by Wrights Porters Points-Cripple Creeks Lilly) Jody Bass, Spring Hope, NC Steve Garsow, Shiocton, WI Third Place: 1xCH Burr Oaks Stoli (SR17206702, GSH/M, by Autumns Tall BrutRock Dell’s Pretty Little Devil) Travis Tointon, Belle Plaine, MN VA REGIONAL FINAL April 7, 2013 - ERWIN, NC Judges: Stan Perdue\James Eddie Green First Place: 1xCH Souse Dogwood Molly (1621861, EP/F, by Copper’s Big Mac-Sunny’s Free Sue) Chase Cogar, Beckley, WV Second Place: 2xCH Resa’s Diamond Girl (1608765, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperBluecreek Amazin Grace) Jim Kirkman, Angier, NC Third Place: 3xCH Flintlock Buck Track (1582856, EP/M, by Shots Flintlock ShadowFlintlock Elhew Joy) Donald Bowyer, Moneta, VA CENT WI B/F March 24, 2013 - BRILLION, WI Judges: Kay Quaintance\Michael Leslie First Place: 0xCH Burr Oaks Ziggy (1619553, ES/M, by Ledgeview Smokin Zeke-Ledgeview Smokin Joy) Shane Tointon, Oronoco, MN Second Place: 0xCH Getting 2 The Points Clio (SR63384604, GSH/F, by Sure Shot’s Cutting Edge Mh-Getting 2 The Point’s Jacky) Daniel Meulemans, Kaukauna, WI Third Place: 1xCH Dreiffe Nikita Constellation (SR01805703, GSH/F, by Dreiffe’s Lancer Big D-Dreiffe’s Nikita) Paul Femling, Pulaski, WI Region: WI CENT WI A/F March 23, 2013 - BRILLION, WI Judges: Holly Kisner\James Kisner WI REGION A/F April 6, 2013 - WOLF RIVER, WI Judges: James Kisner\Dennis Sibley First Place: 2xCH Vandehei’s Rimarda Jack (SR41821904, BR/M, by J.w.’s Bet’n On A Chance-Vande Hei’s Put’n On The Ritz) Kevin Brienen, Depere, WI Second Place: 0xCH Dreiffe’s Natasha (SR51280308, GSH/F, by Caden’s Ruger Weltmeister-Foxview’s Sasha) Arthur Femling, Pulaski, WI Third Place: 0xCH Willow Creek White Girl (SR51247804, GWH/F, by Badgers Runaway Mac-Blu Sands Samantha) Michael Leslie, Oconomowoc, WI First Place: 0xCH Getting 2 The Points Clio (SR63384604, GSH/F, by Sure Shot’s Cutting Edge Mh-Getting 2 The Point’s Jacky) Daniel Meulemans, Kaukauna, WI Second Place: 1xCH Vinn’s Honky Magic (1567249, EP/M, by Black Magic Snake-Honky Tonk Hooker) Shane Tointon, Oronoco, MN Third Place: 0xCH Ginger’s Ty Can Fly (1560013, BR/M, by Nolan’s Last Bullet-Keith’s Renegade Ginger) Keith Gierl, Hartford, WI CENT WI B/F March 23, 2013 - BRILLION, WI Judges: Kevin Brienen\Dennis Sibley WI REGION B/F April 6, 2013 - WOLF RIVER, WI Judges: Ricky Hubbard\Stefan Lewandowski First Place: 0xCH Burr Oak Astro (SR34651301, GSH/M, by Autumns Tall BrutRock Dell’s Pretty Little Devil) Travis Tointon, Belle Plaine, MN Second Place: 0xCH Dreiffe’s Natasha (SR51280308, GSH/F, by Caden’s Ruger Weltmeister-Foxview’s Sasha) Arthur Femling, Pulaski, WI Third Place: 1xCH Dreiffe Nikita Constellation (SR01805703, GSH/F, by Dreiffe’s Lancer Big D-Dreiffe’s Nikita) Paul Femling, Pulaski, WI First Place: 2xCH Ledgeviews Finding Nemo (1600436, ES/M, by Ledgeview-smokin ZekeLedgeview-smokin Joy) James Moser, Bonduel, WI Second Place: 1xCH Dreiffe’s Magic Powder (1589312, EP/F, by Frank’s Tear Drop-Vinn’s Honky Music) Paul Femling, Pulaski, WI Third Place: 0xCH Grassy Lake Jiggs (1642052, EP/M, by Grassy Lake Amos-Baumann’s Elhew Emma) John Holder, Rio, WI CENT WI A/F March 24, 2013 - BRILLION, WI Judges: Chuck Vande Hei\Steve Rossman First Place: 1xCH Dreiffe’s Magic Powder (1589312, EP/F, by Frank’s Tear Drop-Vinn’s Honky Music) Paul Femling, Pulaski, WI Second Place: 0xCH Stugs Just By Chance (1627020, EP/M, by Ol Ruff-Four Rivers Misty) WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 79 i g WI REGION A/F April 7, 2013 - WOLF RIVER, WI Judges: Kevin Brienen\Kay Quaintance First Place: 1xCH Vande Hei’s Ritzi’s Bouncin Back (SR57318205, BR/F, by Beeline Bullet’s Proof-Vande Hei’s Put’n On The Ritz) Chuck Vande Hei, De Pere, WI Second Place: 0xCH Q’s Just Crusin For Birds (SR58818702, GSH/M, by Fc High Roll’n5 Propositin-Cookie Lynn Meyer) Kay Quaintance, Appleton, WI Third Place: 0xCH Dreiffe’s Natasha (SR51280308, GSH/F, by Caden’s Ruger Weltmeister-Foxview’s Sasha) Arthur Femling, Pulaski, WI Windsor) Ginger Lemmenes, Waupun, WI WI REGION A/F April 28, 2013 - WOLF RIVER, WI Judges: Kay Quaintance\Kevin Brienen First Place: 1xCH Dreiffe Nikita Constellation (SR01805703, GSH/F, by Dreiffe’s Lancer Big D-Dreiffe’s Nikita) Paul Femling, Pulaski, WI Second Place: 1xCH Vande Hei’s Ritzi’s Bouncin Back (SR57318205, BR/F, by Beeline Bullet’s Proof-Vande Hei’s Put’n On The Ritz) Chuck Vande Hei, De Pere, WI Third Place: 1xCH Dreiffe’s Magic Powder (1589312, EP/F, by Frank’s Tear Drop-Vinn’s Honky Music) Paul Femling, Pulaski, WI WI REGION B/F April 7, 2013 - WOLF RIVER, WI Judges: Charles Holder\Steve Rossman WI REGION B/F April 28, 2013 - WOLF RIVER, WI Judges: Keith Gierl\Stefan Lewandowski First Place: 0xCH Gin’s Island Breeze (R234233, ES/F, by Boomer’s X Rated-Tall Oaks Windsor) Ginger Lemmenes, Waupun, WI Second Place: 0xCH Q’s Just Crusin For Birds (SR58818702, GSH/M, by Fc High Roll’n5 Propositin-Cookie Lynn Meyer) Kay Quaintance, Appleton, WI Third Place: 0xCH Southern Brothers Gigolo (1642238, EP/M, by Southern Junior GigoloBlack Magic Jill) Ricky Hubbard, Melrose Park, IL First Place: 1xCH Vande Hei’s Ritzi’s Bouncin Back (SR57318205, BR/F, by Beeline Bullet’s Proof-Vande Hei’s Put’n On The Ritz) Chuck Vande Hei, De Pere, WI Second Place: 1xCH Vinn’s Honky Magic (1567249, EP/M, by Black Magic Snake-Honky Tonk Hooker) Shane Tointon, Oronoco, MN Third Place: 0xCH Burr Oaks Ziggy (1619553, ES/M, by Ledgeview Smokin Zeke-Ledgeview Smokin Joy) Shane Tointon, Oronoco, MN WI REGION A/F April 27, 2013 - WOLF RIVER, WI Judges: Stefan Lewandowski\Kay Quaintance Region: WTX First Place: 1xCH Vande Hei’s Ritzi’s Bouncin Back (SR57318205, BR/F, by Beeline Bullet’s Proof-Vande Hei’s Put’n On The Ritz) Chuck Vande Hei, De Pere, WI Second Place: 0xCH Stugs Just By Chance (1627020, EP/M, by Ol Ruff-Four Rivers Misty) Steve Garsow, Shiocton, WI Third Place: 1xCH Dreiffe Nikita Constellation (SR01805703, GSH/F, by Dreiffe’s Lancer Big D-Dreiffe’s Nikita) Paul Femling, Pulaski, WI WI REGION B/F April 27, 2013 - WOLF RIVER, WI Judges: Michael Leslie\Harold Wright First Place: 1xCH Vinn’s Honky Magic (1567249, EP/M, by Black Magic Snake-Honky Tonk Hooker) Shane Tointon, Oronoco, MN Second Place: 0xCH Dreiffe’s Natasha (SR51280308, GSH/F, by Caden’s Ruger Weltmeister-Foxview’s Sasha) Arthur Femling, Pulaski, WI Third Place: 0xCH Gin’s Island Breeze (R234233, ES/F, by Boomer’s X Rated-Tall Oaks WTX REGION A/F March 23, 2013 - SHALLOWATER, TX Judges: Donnie Horton\Dick Wilber First Place: 0xCH Boggy Creek’s Babe (1615584, EP/F, by Lacy’s Elhew Bkue-Crossfyre Katie) David Lacy, Yukon, OK Second Place: 1xCH Tek’s Bitsy Boo (SR42950001, GSH/F, by Grandslam Ramblin Rex-Teks Molly Brown) Nathan Tekell, Winters, TX Third Place: 0xCH Fre “e” Rics Jasper Dulegacy (SR62985105, BR/M, by Le Cric Noir Du Legs-Topper Lyn Imprssive) Steve Beakley, Odessa, TX WYX REGION B/F March 23, 2013 - SHALLOWATER, TX Judges: Chris Preston\Kari Davison First Place: 18xCH Tomoka’s Smokin J.r. (R234080, ES/M, by Pay Per View-Bewitched Samantha) Wesley Barr, Abilene, TX Second Place: 1xCH Smokin Hot Fannie (1617457, ES/F, by Tomoka’s Smokin J.r.-Barr’s Smokin Mackenzie) Lisa Burnett, Midland, TX June/July 2013 i 80 i Third Place: 1xCH Tek’s Bitsy Boo (SR42950001, GSH/F, by Grandslam Ramblin Rex-Teks Molly Brown) Nathan Tekell, Winters, TX WTX REGION B/F March 24, 2013 - SHALLOWATER, TX Judges: Phil Bonsal\Sammy Davison First Place: 1xCH King’s Panhandle Ace (1586818, ES/M, by King’s Smokin TomokaHookers Panhandle Rose) Rick Smith, Amarillo, TX Second Place: 0xCH Boggy Creek’s Babe (1615584, EP/F, by Lacy’s Elhew Bkue-Crossfyre Katie) David Lacy, Yukon, OK Third Place: 0xCH Barr’s Smokin Moonshine R’miley (1642312, ES/F, by Tomoka’s Smokin J.r.-Chipper’s Little Belle) Ronnie Burnett, Midland, TX WTX REGION A/F March 24, 2013 - SHALLOWATER, TX Judges: Donnie Horton\Dick Wilber First Place: 6xCH Barr’s Smokin Sassy (R234226, ES/F, by Tomoka’s Smokin J.r.-Duchess Penny Paloma) Jamisen Hancock, Canyon, TX Second Place: 1xCH Smokin Hot Fannie (1617457, ES/F, by Tomoka’s Smokin J.r.-Barr’s Smokin Mackenzie) Lisa Burnett, Midland, TX Third Place: 1xCH Duke De Red De Hannahatchee (SR49392805, BR/M, by Anat Cheval De Pataula-Alaska Des Bretons Chanteurs) Mike Shepherd, Amarillo, TX WTX REGION A/F April 20, 2013 - WINTERS, TX Judges: Donnie Horton\Daniel Autry First Place: 0xCH Ella Du Perfectpoint (SR57756602, BR/F, by Augustus Du PurepointCate Du Perfectpoint) Cathleen Godwin, Sulphur Springs, TX Second Place: 1xCH Tenacious Amphibious Assault (SR57432105, BR/F, by Smoke Alarms Torpedo-High Point Freightliner) Dustin Nelson, Ft. Worth, TX Third Place: 7xCH Iron Wills Impressive Emma Paullus (SR38313905, GSH/F, by Tgr’s Impressive Iron Will-Tgf’s Impressive Maggie) Thomas Paullus, Dallas, TX Proud Sponsor of the NSTRA Endurance Trial FIRST AID Kit in a Tube First Place: 0xCH Monlezun’s Perfect Fit (1612467, EP/F, by Yellow Rose Sarge-Yellow Rose Smoke) Lee Monlezun, Iii, Lark Charles, LA Second Place: 0xCH Bluestem’s Maggie Girl (1648340, EP/F, by Caladen’s Storm Trooper-Caladen’s Guard Rail Girl) Donnie Jacobs, Weatherford, TX Third Place: 0xCH Fayre Femme De Les Bois (SR63099804, BR/F, by Trefle De Plumcreek-Barre Blanc De Les Bois) Mike Shepherd, Amarillo, TX EMT Gel ® patented collagen gel for wounds • Speeds healing, reduces pain, itching & bleeding • Protects wound bed • Provides moist healing environment TROPHY ANIMAL HEALTH CARE 1217 W. 12th Street Kansas City, MO 64101 1-800-236-5414 EMT ad.indd 1 WTX REGION B/F April 20, 2013 - WINTERS, TX Judges: Jimmy Selby\B.j. Thompson W. C. RUSSELL MOCCASIN COMPANY 9/5/08 ONE PAIR SOUTH 40 BIRDSHOOTER BOOTS TO THE 1ST RUNNER-UP AT ALL NSTRA CHAMPIONSHIPS Contact W. C. Russell Moccasin Company for all your hunting boot needs. P.O. Box 309 • 285 S.W. Franklin Berlin, WI 54923-0309 920-361-2252 WTX REGION A/F April 21, 2013 - WINTERS, TX Judges: B.j. Thompson\Barry Godwin First Place: 1xCH Tek’s Bitsy Boo (SR42950001, GSH/F, by Grandslam Ramblin Rex-Teks Molly Brown) Nathan Tekell, Winters, TX Second Place: 1xCH Selby’s Fancy Lace (1618319, EP/F, by Texoma Ace Ball-Texoma Sammy) Jimmy Selby, Murphy, TX Third Place: 0xCH Griffs Quasie Nick (SR43382301, GWH/M, by Vc Southpaw Quasie-Giffs Greta) T.c. Morrow, Rosharon, TX WTX REGION B/F April 21, 2013 - WINTERS, TX Judges: Donnie Horton\Daniel Autry First Place: 1xCH Tomoka’s Smokin Tuck (1588549, ES/M, by Tomoka Blu’s Scout-Henson’s Molly Lou) Ronnie Burnett, Midland, TX Second Place: 0xCH Barr’s Smokin Lumenok (1649355, ES/M, by Tomoka’s Smokin J.r.-Chipper’s Little Belle) Jamisen Hancock, Canyon, TX Third Place: 0xCH Selby’s Bullet Proof Daisy Duke (1619990, BR/F, by 10:29:04 AM Proof Smokin Jack-Katie’s Ginger Snap) Katie Selby, Murphy, TX Bullet WTX REGIONAL QUALIFICATION May 4, 2013 - WINTERS, TX Judges: Gary (buzz) Taylor\Rob Martin First Place: 0xCH Barr’s Smokin Lumenok (1649355, ES/M, by Tomoka’s Smokin J.r.-Chipper’s Little Belle) Jamisen Hancock, Canyon, TX Second Place: 18xCH Tomoka’s Smokin J.r. (R234080, ES/M, by Pay Per View-Bewitched Samantha) Wesley Barr, Abilene, TX Third Place: 1xCH Tek’s Bitsy Boo (SR42950001, GSH/F, by Grandslam Ramblin Rex-Teks Molly Brown) Nathan Tekell, Winters, TX WTX REGIONAL FINAL May 5, 2013 - WINTERS, TX Judges: Gary (buzz) Taylor\Rob Martin First Place: 18xCH Tomoka’s Smokin J.r. (R234080, ES/M, by Pay Per View-Bewitched Samantha) Wesley Barr, Abilene, TX Second Place: 0xCH Barr’s Red Hot White Boy (1648192, ES/M, by Trijilon Runner-Don Jose’s Star) Ken Copeland, Dallas, TX Third Place: 1xCH King’s Panhandle Ace (1586818, ES/M, by King’s Smokin Tomoka-Hookers Panhandle Rose) Rick Smith, Amarillo, TX [email protected] WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 81 i g WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 82 i g June/July 2013 i 83 i FIRST TIME PLACEMENTS Registered Name Placement Breed Sex Owner Name City and State TRIAL FORMAT: AMATEUR TIM'S TENNESSEE BLUE BAYOU KILLBUCK ELHEW KOBE WESTWINDS MACY RAMBLIN ZEKE THE STREAK FRIEDELSHEIM'S BELLEAV WOOD MH SKIPPER'S AMOS HIGH TAILIN LUKE BENNETT'S MISS JODI ANN RUBY ROSE SUCH'S PRIDE-N-JOY SCOOTER BUSH FLASH'S BEN KANZAKAWS BIG SKY RAWHIDES DIXIE BROWN TRU GRITZ O'DEES CALLIE GIRL COACH'S MOJO WORKING STUDLY JOE DRAWDOOW MONTANA SNOWBIRD 2/16/2013English Setter 2/17/2013English Pointer 2/17/2013German Shorthair 2/16/2013German Shorthair 2/16/2013German Shorthair 2/2/2013English Setter 2/2/2013English Pointer 2/9/2013German Shorthair 3/23/2013German Lhair Pointer 3/17/2013 Brittany 3/9/2013English Pointer 3/23/2013Griffon 3/23/2013German Shorthair 3/23/2013 Brittany 3/23/2013German Shorthair 3/24/2013German Shorthair 3/23/2013English Pointer M STRING, TIMOTHY AUSTIN, AR M AKEY, MICHAEL WOOSTER, OH F VIBONESE, SR., BOB COLUMBIA STATION, M HOWARD, RODNEY AKRON, OH FGABELMAN, FLINT COLUMBUS, OH MDOWNS, WESLEY RANBURNE, AL M MARKHAM, MIKE TALLASSEE, AL F BENNETT, CHARLIE AUBRN, AL F SUTICH, MICHAELGREAT FALLS, M M LAWRENCE, ROB POTEAU, OK MGREEN, BOBBY FARMERVILLE, LA FGOOD, THERESE RAVALLI, M F BUKIET, JOHN NORTHFORK, ID FEDWARDS, JON LEWISTOWN, M M WIITALA, JAMES MCALLISTER, M M WOODWARD, JOSHEPPING, ND F CURTIS, TOM LIVINGSTON, M LINDSEY'S LIL BUCK BELL'S BEZ ATTITUDE RAWHIDE'S AMAZING GRACE TROUT'S ELHEW SIS CC'S MORGAN ELK VIEW DOLLY FRITZ'S DIXIE HAWK DOTTIE RAMBO TASH'S SOUTH HOSPITALITY ARKANSAS DREAM GOODALL'S RIO SPITFIRE SKIPPER'S GOT YOU QUAIL VALLEY BRITT BAILEY'S DRYWOOD MADDY SASSY ATTITUDE LUCYS FOUR OF A KIND SASOUCI VERMILION QUINCY SPLIT CREEK'S NIGHT OWL PHANTOM'S RANGER HIGH VOLTAGE CHUB CLINK'S ANNIE BEAVERS RUDE MOXIE SIMONS FORKS ALL BETS OR OFF HAZARDOUS C W RITA MAISON'S MIGHTY SLICK THUNDER VALHALLA'S MONEY ON ICE RACHEL'S FRECKLES BABY DOLL KWK WINDSWEPT WINDELL CRIMSON NITRO'S ELHEW TIDE TOMOKA'S SMOKIN SPOOK RUCK'S BROCKWAY MICK HICKORY'S MR LEE RAGIN CAJUN ATHENA HENDERSON'S PROMIS LAND MOSES JAKES HAMMERING REBEL 2/2/2013English Pointer 2/2/2013English Pointer 2/3/2013German Wirehair 2/3/2013English Pointer 2/9/2013English Pointer 2/10/2013German Shorthair 2/10/2013German Shorthair 2/16/2013English Pointer 2/2/2013English Pointer 2/17/2013English Pointer 2/28/2013German Shorthair 2/16/2013English Setter 2/16/2013English Setter 2/16/2013English Pointer 2/23/2013English Pointer 2/23/2013German Shorthair 2/23/2013 Vizsla 2/9/2013 Brittany 2/9/2013English Pointer 3/2/2013English Pointer 3/10/2013English Pointer 3/10/2013German Shorthair 3/9/2013German Shorthair 3/17/2013English Setter 3/16/2013English Pointer 3/9/2013German Shorthair 3/9/2013German Shorthair 3/2/2013English Pointer 3/9/2013 Brittany 3/9/2013English Pointer 3/3/2013English Setter 3/2/2013German Shorthair 3/16/2013English Pointer 3/3/2013German Shorthair 3/9/2013German Shorthair 3/2/2013 Brittany M HACKMAN, DAVID VAIL, AZ F MCNIEL, CODY LAS CRUCES, NM F KITCHENS, STACY SHOW LOW, AZ F TROUT, JR., JOHNGLOBE, AZ F MCPIKE, E.L. (ACE) QUINCY, IL F LOFTUS, DONALD SPRINGFIELD, IL M PRITCHETT, CHARLES JESUP, GA FDOOLEY, ED CHAFFEE, MO M WALKER, DANA LAKE WALES, FL F MILLER, RONNIE VAN BUREN, AR FGOODALL, DEANDICKINSON, ND M MURDOCK, ED LAVONIA, GA F KECK, JEFFREY JACKSON, GA F BAILEY, LARRY NEVADA, MO F BEGNAUD, COBY CARENCRO, LA F SHANNON, MICHAEL PINEVILLE, LA M NEUPERT, ADELE LAFAYETTE, LA M THOMPSON, GARY MARIETTA, SC M SMALL, MIKE ST FRANCISVILLE, LA MDRAKE, ROGER MCLEANSBORO, IL F CLINARD, NATHAN HILLSBORO, IL F PORTER, MARK AVISTON, IL M SHEPPARD, WILLIAM ST LIBORY, IL FGODWIN, BARRY SULPHUR SPRINGS, F CROSSWHITE, KENNYENID, OK M FONTENOT, MASON LAKE CHARLES, LA F MACLENNAN, LANCE BYERS, CO F HALL, SALLY MARISSA, IL M MEDLEY, TOM IRRIGON, OR M SULLIVAN, ARNIE KENNEWICK, WA M REES, RAY TEMPE, AZ M ROTUNDO, TOMORIENT, OH M HICKMAN, ROGER TAYLORVILLE, IL F FISHBURN, ANGIE INDIANAPOLIS, IN M HENDERSON, WILLIAM VAN ALSTYNE, TX M MELINE, ROGER JORDAN, AR TRIAL FORMAT: OPEN June/July 2013 i 84 i DS RAIL'EN ROCKER FOX HOLLOW TIPSY GRASSY LAKE JIGGS SHADOW'S FOOTLOOSE LUCY SWIFT ROCK SMITTY HORSE HEAVEN HILLS CHUKAR JACK GONE LONG LEFTY BLUE COLLAR DIESEL ROCK KRIEGHOFF SKIPPER'S FRECKLES BEACH ARIES ELHEW SNAKEFOOT FRE "E" RICS JASPER DULEGACY JACKIE RUNNIN LOOSE PHANTAM ELHEW DAN THUNDERHILLS SHADOW STUGS JUST BY CHANCE MICKEY FANCY GYPSY PETITE FILLE DE FOLMAR COUNTRY LANE HANK SKIPPER'S PRECIOUS GIRL BECKLEY'S LITTLE BIT MOODY GRIFFS VIKING CHEWBACCA 2 FLYING UNDER THE RADAR SMITH'S SHADOW OAK DOT LONE STONE ELLIE MAE PIKE CREEK'S SWEETHEART BLACKJACKS SUPER NOVA DE JAC'S WAKE UP LITTLE SUZIE CASH'S HIGH KNOB MAGIC TRAILRIDER COBERN'S REMNANT'S WIZARD K NINE'S DUST DEVIL 3/2/2013English Pointer 3/2/2013English Setter 3/10/2013English Pointer 3/10/2013English Pointer 3/3/2013English Setter 3/9/2013German Shorthair 3/16/2013English Setter 3/22/2013German Wirehair 3/22/2013German Shorthair 3/24/2013English Setter 3/23/2013English Pointer 3/23/2013 Brittany 3/23/2013 Brittany 3/24/2013English Pointer 3/24/2013German Wirehair 3/24/2013English Pointer 3/23/2013English Pointer 3/9/2013 Brittany 3/23/2013English Setter 3/9/2013English Setter 3/10/2013English Setter 3/24/2013German Wirehair 3/24/2013English Pointer 3/23/2013English Setter 3/9/2013English Pointer 3/9/2013English Pointer 3/30/2013English Pointer 3/9/2013Griffon 3/3/2013 Brittany 3/9/2013German Shorthair 3/24/2013 Brittany F SANDERS, DEION VIOLA, AR F FAIRFIELD, RANDY FOREST, VA M HOLDER, JOHN RIO, WI F TINDALE, LINDA TAMPA, FL M CAMPER, BRYAN WALNUT, IL M HAMILTON, RICKEYDAYTON, WA M MILA, DINOORLAND PARK, IL M PARKER, JOHN PLAIN CITY, U BLUE M BENNETT, RANDALL ROOSEVELT, U FEBERSPACHER, CINDY LINCOLN, NE M AHERN, BRIAN RAYMORE, MO M BEAKLEY, STEVEODESSA, TX F HOLLAND, JAMESGLADE HILL, VA M PRENOSIL, TERRY INDIANOLA, IA MDAEBLER, DEAN SHIOCTON, WI MGARSOW, STEVE SHIOCTON, WI F MARKHAM, WILLIAMDIANA, TX F FOLMAR, DALE CORSICANA, TX M MILLER, ELDEN WILLISON, ND F CLARK, ROBERT MCKINNEY, TX F BECKLEY, SCOTT LAGRANGE, IN M MORROW, T.C. ROSHARON, TX M RITTER, CHRISTOPHER ROMULUS, MI F SMITH, CHARLESELBERFELD, IN F WEBSTER, PHILIPDALLAS, TX F CLARK, ROBERT MCKINNEY, TX F STARK, SHON LA GRANGE, MO F RAMAGE, MYRON PROSPER, TX M VERLING, JOHN COLLINSVILLE, IL M COBERN, JAMES KEMP, TX MDALE, DAN LAKE FOREST, CA 2012-13 Reg Name Format Trial Date Breed Sex Owner City, State 1 time COOPER'S SHOOTING STAR 09-Feb-13 AMATEUR Brittany DASHES PRINCESSOF PAUSE 02-Feb-13 MOSER'S BAD RIVER NELL M FREEMAN, LARRY DADEVILLE, AL AMATEUR Llewellin Setter F DAVIDSON, BRADLEY LAGRANGE, GA 23-Feb-13 AMATEUR English Pointer F MOSER, L.D. MELBOURNE, AR RILEY JO BLACK RAVEN 03-Feb-13 OPEN German Shorthair F CASEY, F. JACK TUCSON, AZ HI POINTS DIRTY WHITE GIRL 09-Feb-13 OPEN German Shorthair F COIL, COLTON CABLE, OH SHOUSE DOGWOOD ABBY 09-Feb-13 OPEN English Setter F CUNNINGHAM, RANDY CROSSLANES, WV HIGHTOWER BUD 10-Feb-13 OPEN English Pointer M DAVIS, DARRELL LONDON, KY GREEN ROOF SHINER 17-Feb-13 OPEN English Setter M AHRING, JIM STAUNTON, IL HIGH FINANCES SHADOW 17-Feb-13 OPEN English Pointer M TINDALE, LINDA TAMPA, FL DOC'S TUFF ENUFF 23-Feb-13 OPEN English Pointer M JACOBS, RANDY HACKETT, AR WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 85 i g TINA'S TREAD TRACKER 23-Feb-13 OPEN Brittany LINDSEY'S LIL MAX 02-Mar-13 OPEN English Pointer TENACIOUS AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT 02-Mar-13 OPEN Brittany FLATLAND'S WILD THING TAZ 03-Mar-13 OPEN REBEL'S RAMBLIN RUBY 03-Mar-13 GEORGE'S MAD MAX M HARDIN, BOB MT WASHINGTON, KY M HACKMAN, DAVID VAIL, AZ F NELSON, DUSTIN FT. WORTH, TX German Shorthair M PRITCHETT, BRANDON JESUP, GA OPEN English Pointer F REBELLO, BRIAN CASA GRANDE, AZ 09-Mar-13 OPEN Brittany M BROOK, GEORGE LARAMIE, WY RESA'S MAZIE 09-Mar-13 OPEN English Setter F RESA, JOHN SHELBYVILLE, MO SMOKIN HOT FANNIE 09-Mar-13 OPEN English Setter F BURNETT, LISA MIDLAND, TX HUCKLEBERRY FAITH 10-Mar-13 OPEN English Pointer F BRACAS, BILL LITTLE ROCK, AR KICKAPOO'S LIL CLOWN 10-Mar-13 OPEN German Shorthair F PARIENT JR, ROGER LIZTON, IN SELBY'S FANCY LACE 10-Mar-13 OPEN English Pointer F SELBY, JIMMY MURPHY, TX DOUBLE R JACK 16-Mar-13 OPEN English Pointer M BECKLEY, CURT CLARENCE, MO SHE'S SKEETER GEORGE 16-Mar-13 OPEN English Pointer F KOON, KEITH WAVERLY HALL, GA TOMOKA'S SMOKIN GUS 16-Mar-13 OPEN English Setter M MIZE, LARRY PULASKI, TN WILLIE'S SILLY SALLY 16-Mar-13 OPEN English Pointer F THORNTON, WILLIAM PANCO CITY, OK M&M'S SOUTHFIELD CASH BETS BIER17-Mar-13 OPEN German Shorthair M MORTON, MICHAEL KELL, IL VANDE HEI'S RITZI'S BOUNCIN BACK 17-Mar-13 OPEN Brittany F VANDE HEI, CHUCK DE PERE, WI JEFF'S DIXIELAND DELIGHT 23-Mar-13 OPEN English Setter F HOLLAND, JEFF UNION HALL, VA REYNOLDS DOC HOLLIDAY 23-Mar-13 OPEN German Shorthair M REYNOLDS, TIM ALHAMBRA, IL TAYLOR'S COPPER MOLLY 23-Mar-13 OPEN English Pointer F TAYLOR, RUSS MAHOMET, IL THAT OLE VOODOO DOG 23-Mar-13 OPEN English Pointer M DOWNS, M.D., FRANK BOONE, IA TURTLECREEK BOSS 30-Mar-13 OPEN English Setter M BERRY, JR., THOMAS NEW LEBANON, OH TROUBLE DOC WALKER'S JAX 02-Feb-13 OPEN English Pointer M WALKER, DANA LAKE WALES, FL BRAN'S ROWDY BOY 03-Feb-13 OPEN English Setter M ASHMORE, SAM DOVER, FL TIMBERVIEW ELHEW BUTTON 09-Feb-13 OPEN English Pointer GODWIN, BARRY SULPHUR SPRINGS, TX WEATHERED STONE'S SURE SHOT 09-Feb-13 OPEN German Shorthair F HIGHAM, ALAN BOULDER, CO MOUNTAIN TEKOA SPUD 10-Feb-13 OPEN English Setter M LOCKARD, LEON TRENTON, OH VETELYTARS HISNAMEISEARL TO GO 17-Feb-13 OPEN Vizsla M EISEN, MARTY ALHAMBRA, CA CROSSWIND MICRO CHIP 23-Feb-13 OPEN German Shorthair M TOWNSEND, SCOTT MAYBEE, MI ROCK'S GRIMM REAPER 02-Mar-13 OPEN English Setter PETROCCO, MARY PHOENIX, AZ BAILEY'S RAMBLIN REX 03-Mar-13 OPEN German Shorthair M BAILEY, ALVIN MECHANICSVILLE, VA PHIPPS BIRD DESIRE 03-Mar-13 OPEN English Setter PHIPPS, RODNEY OSCEOLA, IA RAWHIDE COVEY DOCTOR 03-Mar-13 OPEN German Shorthair M KITCHENS, CLIFTON "MIKE"SHOW LOW, AZ SKIPPER'S DOGWOOD TOBY 24-Mar-13 OPEN English Setter M SHOUSE, MARK PAINT LICK, KY TREASURE STATE TIGER WOODS 24-Mar-13 OPEN English Setter M UNDERDAHL, BRENT GREAT FALLS, M DOUBLE R GRACE 03-Feb-13 OPEN English Pointer F RALSTON, KATHY BUNKER HILL, IL HONKY TONK CADILLAC 09-Feb-13 OPEN English Pointer F BLANKENBAKER, JOHN ROSEPINE, LA MAC'S SUPER BEAR 09-Feb-13 OPEN English Pointer M FELIX, ROBERT BROOKVILLE, IN DOUBLE R STREAK 02-Mar-13 OPEN English Pointer F RALSTON, KATHY BUNKER HILL, IL JUGHEAD ATTITUDE 09-Mar-13 OPEN English Pointer M KLOSTER, RICHARD MENOMONEE FALLS, WI 2 time F M F 3 time June/July 2013 i 86 i ROCKIN G'S DIXIELAND FRITZIE 16-Mar-13 OPEN German Shorthair F GEORGE, JOHN NEWALLA, OK CITY SLICK LEO 17-Mar-13 OPEN German Shorthair MHYLER, JASON BROOKSHIRE, TX MULBERRYS MAJOR PHILMORE 23-Mar-13 OPEN English Setter MULBERRY, MIKEAL CORINTH, KY PEND OREILLE'S PIPER 23-Mar-13 OPEN Gordon Setter BAUER, GARY MCALLISTER, MT CROSSWIND MICRO CHIP 24-Mar-13 OPEN German Shorthair M TOWNSEND, SCOTT MAYBEE, MI TT'S FIDDLIN FIBBER 10-Feb-13 English Pointer M GARRETT III, R.B. BALL GROUND, GA BUCK BILLY BUCK 24-Mar-13 OPEN English Setter M BONINE, KELAND CAMERON, MO 02-Mar-13 OPEN English Setter M HEATON, DALE ALLEN, TX BUDDY'S MINI-COOPER 03-Feb-13 OPEN Brittany M ASHMORE, SAM DOVER, FL ROCKIN G'S UODIBAR RUSTY 09-Feb-13 OPEN German Shorthair M GEORGE, JOHN NEWALLA, OK SKIPPER'S BANDIT 17-Mar-13 OPEN English Setter RYDL, SHAUN OSCEOLA, IA FRANKS SIR SUNSHINE 23-Mar-13 OPEN English Pointer FRANKS, ROBERT DEWITT, AR 02-Feb-13 OPEN German Shorthair M FISHBURN, GARY "WAYNE"INDIANAPOLIS, IN BULL'S COPPER TIP 03-Feb-13 OPEN Brittany M BROCKMEIER, ROBERT CARLINVILLE, IL QUAIL VALLEY'S NOSE KNOWS 16-Feb-13 OPEN German Shorthair F FELLERS, ADAM IOWA CITY, IA BEELINE BULLET'S OXIDATION 17-Feb-13 OPEN Brittany M HUFFMAN, NOLAN CONNELLY SPRINGS, NC LAST DANCE LILY 10-Mar-13 OPEN German Shorthair F ROTUNDO, TOM ORIENT, OH RAGIN CAJUN ZEUS 16-Mar-13 OPEN German Shorthair M FISHBURN, GARY "WAYNE"INDIANAPOLIS, IN 22-Mar-13 OPEN German Shorthair F FELLERS, ADAM IOWA CITY, IA 02-Mar-13 OPEN German Shorthair M ROTUNDO, TOM ORIENT, OH M F 4 time OPEN 5 time HEATON'S DAKOTA TREK 6 time M M 7 time RAGIN CAJUN ZEUS 8 time 9 time QUAIL VALLEY'S NOSE KNOWS 10 time RUCK'S BROCKWAY MAD DASH ARTICLES, PICTURES, TRIALS AND MORE! Deadline for the next publication is July 3, 2013 Send all info you would like published to the home office, Email: [email protected] Remember to send high resolution photos in jpg format WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 87 i g Dog Advises Shooter Wild V’s Trap Boomer is a registered German Wirehaired Pointer owned by Glenn Savage of Litchfield, IL. Boomer takes the Savage family hunting and advises them on all subjects related to dogs, hunting and hunting safety. In 2007 Boomer began writing in order to share a dog’s view point on the world. Since his induction into authorship, Boomer has been published in Adventure, Sports, and Outdoors and in the locally published Journal News. Boomer’s favorite quote is by Mark Twain who wrote “Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in”. Boomer loves to have young people as part of his audience. Dear Boomer, When Dad and I go hunting, he almost always gets a quail on the flush and I almost always miss. I’m a good shot at the trap range and at sporting clays. I break more than 80% at trap and around 70% at sporting clays. I beat my Dad all the time. When we flush quail, I miss about 75% of the time. Why can’t I shoot birds like Dad? Signed, It Just Isn’t Fair Dear It, Congratulations on getting to hunt with your Dad and getting to go trap shooting and to the sporting clays field. I wish I could hunt with my Dad and my Mom but that isn’t going to happen since they are both in different states. I’ve observed many hunters of all sizes and breeds and I think I can help you with your question. First and most important, relax and enjoy your time hunting with your Dad. Use the time together to get to know him better. I bet you tell your Dad what is going on at school and about the sports you are in and about your friends and what they are doing. Now is a good time to ask your Dad about his work, friends and what he is interested in. I know this doesn’t sound like it is about quail hunting, but trust me, it is. So, the first tip is to relax, talk, enjoy, and take the pressure of making the shot off of your self. Look at how you’re carrying your firearm. If you’re using any carry other than “two-handed ready”, you’re handicapping yourself. Good bass fishermen are always ready to set the hook. They never rest the rod on their shoulder or put it under their arm. So now you’re relaxed and carrying the firearm and are ready. Quail and clay birds have different flight characteristics. The moment a clay bird leaves the thrower, it slows down and it starts to fall. A quail or a pheasant accelerates for the first 10 to fifteen yards, attains a steady speed and continues gaining altitude. In trap and sporting clays you often have a sight picture with the target on top of your front sight. In wild bird hunting the front sight should “cover” a rising bird or be very close under the bird with the muzzle still rising. On the rise, make sure you direct your central vision to the head of the bird. Covey rises are meant to disrupt predator’s reaction by overloading the predator’s senses with noise, fluttering, and surprise. All those distractions work on humans. Train yourself to track one bird to shoot. Never shoot into a covey rise hoping to get a bird by luck. Ask your Dad to help you practice by taking a walk with you carrying the shotgun. Your Dad carries the hand clay bird thrower and a few clay birds. Have him stay close at your side so he’s inside the arc of your muzzle and let him throw the bird when he feels like it. You will then have to “sort out your feet” (which you never have to do at the trap range), shoulder your shotgun, acquire the sight picture, and fire. You won’t make up for your Dad’s years of experience over night, but you will see a difference next time you hunt wild birds. More important, while you and your Dad have some time together, learn to know him better. That is what hunting is all about. Signed, Boomer June/July 2013 i 88 i “With our training format, there’s no room for dehydration. Dogs come to us with all sorts of challenges. The last thing they need is the added trouble of diarrhea. Our veterinarians suggested FortiFlora to support intestinal health, ® and we like what we see. Because when the dog feels good, it makes us look good.” The Smith family has raised and trained quality bird dogs for over 50 years. Ronnie Smith and his cousin Rick continue in the tradition of Rick’s father Delmar— a Field Trial Hall of Fame inductee. Top dress your dogs' regular food with FortiFlora® Nutritional Supplement. It contains live, active cultures to restore intestinal balance, helping manage the risk of diarrhea and dehydration. Because great performance comes from healthy dogs. For more information, visit Available only through your veterinarian. Trademarks owned by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A., Vevey, Switzerland. Printed in U.S.A. NSTRA REGION PRESIDENT DIRECTORY ALABAMA Alan Holloman 2600 Rainey Rd. Temple, GA 30179 770-562-8855 [email protected] ARKANSAS/LOUISIANA Bo Nut350 S. Plum Bearden, AR 71720 870-918-5229 ARIZONA Clifton “Mike” Kitchens PO Box 1554 Show Low, AZ 85902 928-242-4570 [email protected] BIG SKY Jon Edwards 1078 Lime Kiln Rd. Lewistown, MT 59457 406-366-0523 [email protected] DIXIE Jerry Daniel 1135 Hwy 99 Russellville, AL 35654 256-332-8294 [email protected] FLORIDA Steve Walker 5025 Lake Buffum Rd. Lake Wales, FL 33859 863-528-0249 [email protected] GEORGIA R.B. Garret 2535 Upper Bethany Rd. Ball Ground, GA 30107 404-803-3496 [email protected] Scott Thomas PO Box 1196 Helotes, TX 78023 512-925-9500 [email protected] ILLINOIS Rick Bertinetti PO Box 293 Carlinville, IL 62626 217-825-3738 [email protected] NORTHERN ILLINOIS James Kisner 202 W Griffin S Armington, IL 61721 217-481-0922 [email protected] INDIANA CENTRAL CANADA Salvatore Sicondolfo 202 St Raphael Ile Bizard, QC H9E 1R9 514-572-7969 Gulf Coast Region Wayne Fishburn 8319 Country Ridge Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46234 317-509-0312 [email protected] KENTUCKY Mikeal Mulberry 225 Ragtown Rd Corinth, KY 41010 859-242-0643 [email protected] LONE STAR TEXAS Jim Selby 1004 Desperado Dr Murphy, TX 75094 469-525-0965 [email protected] MICHIGAN Chris Ritter 38395 Tyler Rd. Romulus, MI 48174 734-740-7300 [email protected] MISSOURI/KANSAS Rick Manfredi 23719 S. Green Ridge Rd. Peculiar, MO 64078 816-695-5070 [email protected] MID NORTH Chuck Ludolph 2643 Oak Ave. Slayton, MN 56172 501-220-4902 [email protected] MID SOUTH Steve Jaspering 25159 Sweet Springs Rd Elkmont, AL 35620 256-497-0066 [email protected] MISSOURI SHOW-ME Lonnie Jones 3358 Highway 124 Fayette, MO 65248 573-819-8896 [email protected] MID WEST Bill Sumpter 5316 Kennedy SProle, IA 50229 515-490-5904 [email protected] NORTHERN CALIF/NEV Deric Fletcher 471125 Wingfield Susanville, CA 96130 530-917-5959 [email protected] NORTH WEST Arnie Sullivan 3222 S Garfield St. Kennewick, WA 99337 509-582-5891 home 509-521-1832 cell [email protected] OHIO Derek Plyler 5620 Erhart Rd Medina, OH 44256 330-472-5004 [email protected] OKLAHOMA David Lacy 13201 Sw 9th Yukon, OK 73099 405-409-7526 [email protected] June/July 2013 i 90 i ROCKY MOUNTAIN Rachel Baker 5862 Queen St. Arvada, CO 80004 303-421-3918 [email protected] SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Bob Thompson 15141 Cayuse Ct. Riverside, CA 92506 951-780-3989 [email protected] SOUTH CAROLINA Gene Frye 3550 Church Rd Taylorsville, NC 28681 828-632-3205 [email protected] UTAH Richard “Kip” Bottomley PO Box 1439 Vernal, UT 84078 435-781-2557 [email protected] VIRGINIA Bernie Davis 579 Quail Rd Lynchburg, VA 24504 434-994-3385 [email protected] WISCONSIN Steve Rossman 9100 W Eden Place Milwaukee, WI 53228 414-526-0991 [email protected] WEST TEXAS Wes Barr 12133 CR 100 Abilene, TX 79601 325-725-6504 [email protected] 4th Runner-up Peaches River Dan Ted Cook-Owner David Deaton-Handler Kentucky Region Ryan’s Elhew Toby 5th Runner-up Watch for the UKC Performance Classic results in the next issue! Russ Taylor Owner/Handler Illinois Region National Shoot-To-Retrieve Field Trial Association 203 N. Mill St. Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 839-4059 Become a Member Today! Please visit our website regions page to determine which region is nearest for you! June/July 2013 i 92 i