CDR-SS updated - Schick by Sirona
CDR-SS updated - Schick by Sirona
INTRODUCING CDR P LU S W I R E , T H E I N T R AO R A L S E N S O R W I T H A R E P L AC E A B L E C A B L E . Whenever any sensor cable breaks, you lose valuable chair time. Now there is a revolutionary solution to sensor cable failure --CDR PlusWire, another first from Schick, the leader in digital radiography. Available in sizes 1 and 2 for the majority of your imaging needs, PlusWire offers three different cable lengths to cater to different operatory setups. The effortless 2-phase procedure allows easy sensor cable replacement in less than five minutes, ensuring that no patient is kept waiting. Same CMOS APS technology that was ranked #1 in image quality - ADA Professional Product Review, Issue 1, Summer 2006. 3 feet Cable can be replaced in less than five minutes. 9 feet No waiting for repairs or factory replacement. 6 feet Virtually no lost chair time , no inconvenienced patients. Multiple Cable Lengths: 3, 6 and 9 ft. CDR PLUSWIRE SCHICK CDR PLUSWIRE C O N V E N I E N C E . S I M P L I C I T Y. F L E X I B I L I T Y. CDR PLUSWIRE IS THE SMART CHOICE IN D I G I TA L R A D I O G R A P H Y Each sensor is supplied with an extra cable kit so a spare is always available. CDR PlusWire cables can be replaced easily in less than 5 minutes. In addition to the standard 6’ cable, dentists can select the 3’ cable option, ideal for integration with Schick’s SDX intraoral x-ray generator, or the 9’ cable, the perfect fit for large operatories. SEAMLESS I N T E G R AT I O N . C O M PAT I B L E W I T H CDR PLUSWIRE IS SCHICK’S FULL RANGE OF D I G I TA L R A D I O G R A P H Y S O L U T I O N S : CDR PlusWire is compatible with all existing Schick installations including the SDX intraoral x-ray generator. CDR PlusWire is the ideal complement to your existing Schick intraoral and extraoral equipment. S C H I C K & PAT T E R S O N – PEACE OF MIND IN D I G I TA L R A D I O G R A P H Y G U A R A N T E E D Every Schick CDR System is installed, serviced and supported by Patterson Dental, the most trusted partner for services, supplies, training and technology. Every Schick CDR system is supported by a 100% satisfaction guarantee and the dental industry’s most comprehensive warranty program. C D R P R O D U C T S P E C I F I C AT I O N S : Outer Sensor (mm): 37 x 24; 43 x 30 Sensor Active Area (mm): 30 x 20; 36 x 25.6 Sensor Active Area (mm2): 600; 921 Sensor Thickness (mm): <5 Dynamic Range: 4096:1 Sensor Life (doses) 400,000 Cable Length: 3ft, 6ft, 9ft SCHICK TECHNOLOGIES INC. 30-30 47th Avenue, Suite 500, Long Island City, NY 11101 888-472-4425 B1010072 The future is here. CDR PLUSWIRE CDR PlusWire integrates fully with Schick’s intuitive and easy to use CDR DICOM imaging software.