Poster Front Panels Purell-14.indd


Poster Front Panels Purell-14.indd
Grades K–2 Math Prompts
One PURELL® Refreshing Gel JELLY WRAP™ Carrier holds 1 ounce of hand
sanitizer. How many would you need if you wanted 10 ounces of hand sanitizer?
Show how you know.
Use these writing and math prompts to help students understand
the importance of hand hygiene and familiarize them with
products that can help them achieve it. Choose one prompt to use
each day of the challenge.
Grades 3–5 Writing Prompts
Write to tell different ways germs can be transmitted. Then write
to explain how using PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer can help
to reduce the number of germs on peoples’ hands.
A PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer Pump Bottle holds 8 ounces. How many
ounces of PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer would you have if you had two
8-ounce bottles?
Why is it important to keep your hands clean and germ-free?
Make a poster encouraging classmates to use good hand
hygiene, including using PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer.
A PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer Personal Pump Bottle holds 2 ounces of hand
sanitizer. How many ounces would there be in 3 PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer
Personal Pump Bottles? Draw and write to show how you got your answer.
Noah asked each of his classmates how many times
they had used hand sanitizer that day. Look at the
chart. How many times did most students use hand
sanitizer? How do you know?
Write a story about a germ that ended up on your hand.
Write a letter to the principal persuading her to provide PURELL®
Advanced Hand Sanitizer in different areas of the school. Be sure
to explain where those areas are and how you think it would help
improve your school.
Number of Times
Sanitizer was used
Ava’s mom gives 6 bottles of PURELL® Advanced Hand
Sanitizer to the classroom. Isabella’s mom gives 3
more bottles. How many bottles did they donate in all?
Show how you know.
Number of
Your class began the year with 15 bottles of PURELL®
Advanced Hand Sanitizer. Your class now has 8 bottles left. How many bottles has
your class used so far? Show how you know.
Can you count germs? Write to explain why you can or cannot.
Ms. Hansen has 6 bottles of PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer, and Ms. Smith has
4 bottles. Who has more? Write or draw to show how you got your answer.
There are 18 kids in your class. 12 use PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer
regularly. How many kids do not use PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer regularly?
Your teacher gives you some PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer at 9:00. She tells
you to get some more in one hour. What time will it be when you get more? Show
how you know.
The principal has 18 bottles of PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer. She gives 11 to
teachers. Write a number sentence to show how many bottles she has left. How did
you know whether to add or subtract?
What are some ways germs can be transmitted from person
to person? Choose one way and write to explain how the
transmission of germs could be lessened.
Write and draw to show proper hand washing technique. Write
and draw to show the proper technique for using PURELL®
Advanced Hand Sanitizer.
Imagine that you decide to stop washing your hands for a week. Write a story
to tell what happens during your experience.
Write a letter to a friend explaining how PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer can
help improve your hand hygiene.
Do you like being sick? Most doctors agree that one of the best ways to avoid
getting sick and spreading germs is to wash your hands regularly. Why do you
think this is? Write to explain your thinking.
Write about a time you used PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer. Give reasons
why using the hand sanitizer helped you.
Write a list of the germiest places in your school. Beside each location, jot down
a way you could avoid germs there.
Think of a smell that would be a good scent for PURELL® Advanced Hand
Sanitizer. Write to tell about your scent and give reasons why this scent might
help to encourage good hand hygiene.
Jake makes one group of ten bottles of PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer and has
9 bottles left over. How many bottles does he have in all? Show how you know.
Write a dialogue between yourself and a younger child. Explain to the child
why it is important to have good hand hygiene and what that means.
Mr. Rooney’s class has 15 bottles of PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer. The
students want to know if 15 is an odd or an even number. Explain how they could
use the bottles to figure it out.
Imagine that your best friend is sick. Most doctors agree that one of the
best ways to avoid getting sick and spreading germs is to wash your hands
regularly. Write a letter to your friend giving him or her tips so he or she can
avoid getting sick again.
Your teacher started the year with 13 bottles of PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer.
She has 4 bottles left. How many bottles has your class used so far? Show how you
Write to explain how washing your hands and using PURELL® Advanced Hand
Sanitizer are alike and different.
Which is larger: an 8-ounce bottle of PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer or a
2-ounce bottle of PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer? How do you know? Write or
draw to explain your thinking.
©2014 GOJO Industries, Inc. All rights reserved. Text and design by The Education Center, LLC
©2014 GOJO Industries, Inc. All rights reserved. Text and design by The Education Center, LLC
• Clean and sanitize hands after playing outside
student tr
ackers, d ,
ideas, an
• Clean and sanitize hands after touching animals/pets
• Wash hands for a full 20 seconds with soap and water
• Clean and sanitize hands after coughing or sneezing
• Clean and sanitize hands before lunch
To learn more, visit
• Clean and sanitize hands after using the restroom
Teach students to…
©2014 GOJO Industries, Inc. All rights reserved. Text and design by The Education Center, LLC
• You should wash your hands with soap and water for 20
seconds, or apple PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer.
• The best way to prevent illness is by using
PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer and regular hand washing.
Wet your hands with warm water.
Add a dab of soap.
Scrub your hands, wrists, and
between your fingers.
Rinse the soap off.
Dry your hands with a paper towel.
Use hand sanitizer after washing
and drying your hands.
Steps to Good Hand Hygiene!
• The use of PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer at school can
reduce absenteeism by up to 20%.
Week 4
Week 3
• 15% of people don’t wash their hands or use
PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer after using the restroom.
Week 2
Week 1
Join the
Help you
r students
make go
od hand
a habit
30-Day Classroom Challenge!
ents the step
• teach stud
iene each w
’ hand hyg
• track
Need some
Getting there!
Doing well!
Need some
Getting there!
Doing well!
Need some
Getting there!
Doing well!
Need some
Getting there!
Doing well!
Tear the poste
r out
NOW and lo
inside for fun
Our Class’ Hand Hygiene Progress
ssroom to
r in your cla
hand hygie
s for good
Join the PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer
30-Day Classroom Challenge TODAY!